Department of the Environment Stormwater Best Management Practices Inspection Manual

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Department of the Environment Stormwater Best Management Practices Inspection Manual Prince George’s County Government Department of Environmental Resources Stormwater Best Management Practices Inspection Manual July 2009 PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES – NPDES PROGRAM Tables of Contents 1. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................ 1 2. PREPARATION .............................................................................................................................. 1 2.1 PRE-FIELD INVESTIGATION ............................................................................................................. 1 2.2 FIELD INSPECTION TEAMS............................................................................................................... 1 3. FIELD OPERATIONS.................................................................................................................... 2 3.1 FIELD EQUIPMENT .......................................................................................................................... 2 3.2 LOG BOOK ...................................................................................................................................... 2 3.3 SAFETY AND SECURITY................................................................................................................... 3 3.4 INSPECTION FORMS......................................................................................................................... 3 3.4.1 BMP Inspection Form............................................................................................................... 5 3.5 BMP DATA COLLECTION................................................................................................................ 7 3.5.1 BMP Ownership........................................................................................................................ 7 3.5.2 BMP Inspection Report............................................................................................................. 9 3.5.3 BMP Fact Sheets..................................................................................................................... 10 Dry Swale..................................................................................................................................... 11 Bio-Retention............................................................................................................................... 13 Filter Strip .................................................................................................................................... 16 Landscape – Rain Garden ............................................................................................................ 18 Sand Filter.................................................................................................................................... 20 Grass Swale.................................................................................................................................. 23 Vegetated Buffer.......................................................................................................................... 25 Porous Pavement.......................................................................................................................... 27 Bay SaversTM ............................................................................................................................... 29 Oil-Grit Separator ........................................................................................................................ 31 StormceptorTM.............................................................................................................................. 33 Underground Storage................................................................................................................... 35 Dry Well....................................................................................................................................... 37 Infiltration Basin .......................................................................................................................... 39 Infiltration Trench........................................................................................................................ 42 i PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES – NPDES PROGRAM Dry Pond ...................................................................................................................................... 45 Extended Detention Structure Dry............................................................................................... 48 Extended Detention Structure Wet .............................................................................................. 50 Wet Pond...................................................................................................................................... 53 Artificial Wetland ........................................................................................................................ 55 Shallow Marsh ............................................................................................................................. 57 Check Dam................................................................................................................................... 59 Gabion.......................................................................................................................................... 61 Level Spreader ............................................................................................................................. 62 Flow Splitter................................................................................................................................. 64 3.6 BMP PHOTOGRAPHS NAMING ...................................................................................................... 66 4. REFERENCES............................................................................................................................... 67 APPENDIX A INSPECTION RATING CRITERIA AND INSPECTION RATING FORM APPENDIX B EXAMPLES OF FIELD MAPS APPENDIX C PICTURES OF STANDARD BMP FEATURES ii PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES – NPDES PROGRAM List of Tables Table 1 Category and Sub-categories of Best Management Practices (BMP) ......................................... 10 Table 2 Standard Photograph Naming Convention .................................................................................. 66 List of Figures Figure 1 BMP Inspection Work Flow......................................................................................................... 8 Figure 2 Dry Swale ................................................................................................................................... 11 Figure 3 Schematic of Dry Swale Components........................................................................................ 12 Figure 4 Bioretention ................................................................................................................................ 13 Figure 5 Schematic of Bioretention .......................................................................................................... 15 Figure 6 Filter Strip................................................................................................................................... 16 Figure 7 Schematic of Filter Strip Components ....................................................................................... 17 Figure 8 Rain Garden................................................................................................................................ 18 Figure 9 Schematic of Rain Garden.......................................................................................................... 19 Figure 10 Sand Filters............................................................................................................................... 20 Figure 11Schematic of Sand Filter Components ...................................................................................... 22 Figure 12 Grass Swale .............................................................................................................................. 23 Figure 13 Schematic of Grass Swale Components................................................................................... 24 Figure 14 Vegetated Buffer ...................................................................................................................... 25 Figure 15 Schematic of Vegetated Buffer ................................................................................................ 26 Figure 17 Schematic of Porous Pavement Components........................................................................... 28 Figure 18 Bay Savers................................................................................................................................ 29 Figure 19 Schematic of Bay Saver Components ...................................................................................... 30 Figure 20 Oil-Grit Separators ................................................................................................................... 31 Figure 21 Schematic of Oil-Grit Separator Components.......................................................................... 32 Figure 22 Stormceptor .............................................................................................................................
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