Instrument & agency MissionsStatus Type Measurements & Technical characteristics (& any partners) applications

AATSR EnvisatOperational Imaging Measurements of sea surface Waveband: VIS - NIR: 0.555, 0.659, Advanced Along-Track multi-spectral , land surface 0.865µm,SWIR: 1.6µm, Scanning Radiometer radiometers temperature, cloud top MWIR: 3.7µm, TIR: 10.85, (vis/IR) & temperature, cloud cover, BNSC 12µm Multiple direction/ aerosols, vegetation, Spatial resolution: IR channels: 1km x polarisation atmospheric vapour and 1km, Visible land channels: radiometers liquid water content 1km x 1km Swath width: 500 km Accuracy: Sea surface temperature: <0.5K over 0.5 deg x 0.5 deg (lat/long) area with 80% cloud cover Land surface temperature: 0.1K (relative)

ABI GOES-RApproved Imaging multi- Measures cloud cover, The GOES-R Project is in the formulation phase. Advanced Baseline spectral atmospheric radiance, winds, The will comprise improved spacecraft Imager radiometers atmospheric stability, rainfall and instrument technologies, which will result in (vis/IR) estimates. Used to provide more timely and accurate forecasts, and NOAA severe storm warnings/ improve support for the detection and monitoring day and night observations of meteorological phenomena that (type, amount, storm features) directly affect public safety, protection of property, and ultimately, economic health and development.

ACC SwarmOperational Gravity & Measures the non-gravitational Waveband: N/A Accelerometer Space accelerations, caused for Spatial resolution: 0.1nm/s2 environment example by air-drag, winds, Swath width: N/A ESA albedo and solar Accuracy: 0.1nm/s2 radiation pressure acting on the . In-situ air density measurements together with magnetic data can be used to obtain new insights on the geomagnetic forcing of the upper .

ACE-FTS SCISAT-1 OperationalAtmospheric Objective is to measure and Waveband: SWIR - TIR: 2 - 5.5 µm, Atmospheric Chemistry chemistry understand the chemical 5.5 - 13 µm Experiment (ACE) processes that control the (0.02cm-1 resolution) mission distribution of in the Spatial resolution: Earth's atmosphere, especially Swath width: CSA at high altitudes. Accuracy:

ACRIM II UARSNot Earth radiation Measurements of solar Waveband: UV-FIR:1nm-50µm Active Cavity operational budget luminosity and solar constant. Spatial resolution: Not applicable Radiometer Irradiance radiometer Data used as record of ime Swath width: Not applicable Monitor variation of total solar Accuracy: Measures integrated flux of irradiance, from extreme UV solar radiation to <0.1% NASA through to infra-red

ACRIM III ACRIMSATOperational Earth radiation Measurements of solar Waveband: UV - MWIR: 0.15 - 5 µm Active Cavity budget luminosity and solar constant. Spatial resolution: 5 deg FOV Radiometer Irradiance radiometer Data used as record of time Swath width: 55 mins per orbit of full solar Monitor variation of total solar disk data irradiance, from extreme UV Accuracy: 0.1% of full scale NASA through to infra-red

A-DCS NPOESS-1, Being Data collection Data collection and The Argos DCS is a data collection relay system ARGOS-Data Collection NPOESS-2, developed communication system for and not an Earth observing instrument. System NPOESS-3, receiving and retransmitting NPOESS-4, data from ocean and land- NOAA NPOESS-5, based remote observing NPOESS-6 platforms/transponders

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AIRS AquaOperational Atmospheric High spectral resolution Waveband: VIS - TIR: 0.4 - 1.7µm, 3.4 - Atmospheric Infra-red temperature and measurement of temperature 15.4µm, Has approximately Sounder and humidty profiles in the 2382 bands from VIS to TIR sounders atmosphere. Long-wave Earth Spatial resolution: 1.1 degree (13X13 Km at NASA surface emissivity. Cloud nadir) diagnostics. Trace gas profiles. Swath width: +/-48.95 degrees Surface . Accuracy: Humidity: 20%, Temperature: 1K

ALADIN ADM-AeolusPrototype Primary objective is to provide Waveband: UV: 355nm Atmospheric Laser wind profile measurements for Spatial resolution: 50km (footprint: 70m) Doppler Instrument an improved analysis of global Swath width: 3-D wind . Measures Accuracy: 0.5ms-1(0 to 2km), ESA Doppler shift information from 1ms-1(2 to 16km), 2ms-1 molecules and particles (above 16km) advected by the wind

ALI NMP EO-1Operational High resolution Measurement of Earth surface Waveband: 10 bands: VIS&NIR: 0.480- Advanced Land Imager optical imagers reflectance. Will validate new 0.690µm, 0.433-0.453µm, technologies contributing to 0.450-0.515µm, NASA cost reduction and increased 0.525-0.605µm, capabilities for future 0.630-0.690µm, missions. ALI comprises a 0.775-0.805µm, wide field telescope and 0.845-0.890µm, multispectral and 1.200-1.300µm, panchromatic instrument SWIR: 1.550-1.750µm, 2.080-2.350µm Spatial resolution: PAN: 10m, VNIR&SWIR: 30m Swath width: 37km Accuracy: SNR @ 5% surf refl Pan:220, Multi 1: 215, Multi 2: 280, Multi 3: 290, Multi 4:240, Multi 4':190, Multi 5':130, Multi 5:175, Multi 7:170 (prototype instrument exceeds ETM+ SNR by a factor of 4 - 8)

ALT NPOESS-3, Being altimeters Obtains precise altimeter Waveband: 13.6 and 5.3 GHZ Altimeter NPOESS-6 developed height measurements over Spatial resolution: Along track 15km world's Swath width: 15km NOAA Accuracy: SST height 4cm

AMI/SAR/Image ERS-2Operational Imaging All-weather images of ocean, Waveband: : 5.3 GHz, C band, Active Microwave microwave and land surfaces. VV polarisation, bandwidth Instrumentation. Image Monitoring of coastal zones, 15.5 ± 0.06 MHz Mode polar ice, sea state, geological Spatial resolution: 30m features, vegetation (including Swath width: 100km ESA forests), land surface Accuracy: Landscape topography: 3m, processes, hydrology. Bathymetry: 0.3m, Sea ice type: 3 classes

AMI/SAR/wave ERS-2Operational Imaging Provides measurements of Waveband: Microwave: 5.3GHz (C-band), Active Microwave microwave radars ocean wave spectra VV polarisation Instrumentation. Wave Spatial resolution: 30m mode Swath width: Accuracy: Sea surface wind speed: 3m/s, ESA Significant wave height: 0.2m

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AMI/scatterometer ERS-2Operational Scatterometers Provides measurements of Waveband: Microwave: 5.3GHz (C-band), Active Microwave wind fields at the ocean VV polarisation Instrumentation. Wind surface, wind direction (range Spatial resolution: Cells of 50km x 50km at 25km mode 0-360 deg), wind speed intervals (range 1m/s - 30m/s) Swath width: 500km ESA Accuracy: Sea surface wind speed: 3m/s, Sea ice type: 2 classes

AMSR follow-on GCOM-WPrototype Imaging Provides measurements of Waveband: Microwave: 6.925, 10.65, Advanced Microwave multi-spectral water vapour, cloud liquid 18.7, 23.8, 36.5, 50.3, 52.8, Scanning Radiometer radiometers water, , winds, 89.0 GHz follow-on (passive sea surface temperature, sea Spatial resolution: 5-50km (dependent on microwave) ice concentration, cover, frequency) JAXA soil moisture Swath width: 1600km Accuracy: Sea surface temparature: 0.5K, Sea ice cover: 10%, Cloud liquid water: 0.05kg/m2, Precipitation rate: 10%, Water vapour: 3.5kg/m2 through total column, Sea surface wind speed 1.5m/s

AMSR-E AquaPrototype Imaging Provides measurements of Waveband: Microwave: 6.925, 10.65, Advanced Microwave multi-spectral water vapour, cloud liquid 18.7, 23.8, 36.5, 89.0 GHz Scanning Radiometer- radiometers water, precipitation, winds, Spatial resolution: 5-50km (dependent on EOS (passive sea surface temperature, sea frequency) microwave) ice concentration, snow cover Swath width: 1445km JAXA (NASA) and soil moisture Accuracy: Sea surface temparature: 0.5K, Sea ice cover: 10%, Cloud liquid water: 0.05kg/m2, Precipitation rate: 10%, Water vapour: 3.5kg/m2 through total column, Sea surface wind speed 1.5m/s

AMSU-A , OperationalAtmospheric Provides all weather night-day Waveband: Microwave: 15 channels, Advanced Microwave METOP-1, temperature and temperature sounding to an 23.8-89.0GHz Sounding Unit-A METOP-2, humidity altitude of 45km Spatial resolution: 48km METOP-3, sounders Swath width: 2054km NOAA (BNSC) NOAA-15, Accuracy: Temperature profile: 2K, NOAA-16, Humidity: 3kg/m2, NOAA-17, Ice & snow cover: 10% NOAA-N, NOAA-N'

AMSU-B NOAA-15, OperationalAtmospheric Provides all weather night-day Waveband: Microwave: 89GHz, 150GHz, Advanced Microwave NOAA-16, temperature and humidity sounding 183.3± 1.0 GHz (2bands), Sounding Unit-B NOAA-17 humidity 183.3± 3.0 GHz (2bands), sounders 183.3± 7.0 GHz (2bands) NOAA (BNSC) Spatial resolution: 16km Swath width: 2200km Accuracy: Humidity profile: 1kg/m2,

APS Glory, ProposedAtmospheric Global distribution of natural Waveband: Microwave: 89GHz, 150GHz, Aerosol Polarimetry NPOESS-1, chemistry and anthropogenic aerosols 183.3± 1.0 GHz (2bands), Sensor NPOESS-4 for quantification of the 183.3± 3.0 GHz (2bands), aerosol effect on , the 183.3± 7.0 GHz (2bands) NOAA anthropogenic component Spatial resolution: 16km of this effect, and the Swath width: 2200km long-term change of this effect Accuracy: Humidity profile: 1kg/m2, caused by natural and anthropogenic factors

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Aquarius SAC-D/ ProposedImaging multi- The Aquarius mission will Waveband: L Band (1.413-1.260 GHz NASA (CONAE) Aquarius spectral measure global sea surface Spatial resolution: 100km radiometers with unprecedented Swath width: 300km (passive resolution. The instruments Accuracy: . 2 psu microwave) & include a set of three Scatterometers radiometers that are sensitive to salinity (1.413 GHz; L- band). The scatterometer corrects for the ocean's surface roughness.

ARGOS METOP-1, OperationalData collection & Provides location data by The Argos DCS is a data collection relay system CNES (NASA) METOP-2, Precision orbit Doppler measurements and not an Earth observing instrument. NOAA-12, NOAA-14, NOAA-15, NOAA-16, NOAA-17, NOAA-N, NOAA-N'

Arina Resurs DK Space Space particle detection Arina is an instrument for observation of solar ROSKOSMOS Environment experiment magnetosphere variations of charged particle fluxes.

ASAR EnvisatOperational Imaging Provides all weather images of Waveband: Microwave: C-band, with Advanced Synthetic- microwave radars ocean, land and ice for choice of 5 polarisation modes Aperture Radar monitoring of land surface (VV, HH, VV/HH, HV/HH, or processes, sea and polar ice, VH/VV) ESA sea state, and geological and Spatial resolution: Image, wave and alternating hydrological applications. Has 2 polarisation modes: approx stripmap modes (Image and 30m x 30m, Wave (for ocean wave spectra)) Wide swath mode: 150m x 150m, and 3 ScanSAR modes Global monitoring mode: 950mm x 950m Swath width: Image and alternating polarisation modes: up to 100km, Wave mode: 5km, Wide swath and global monitoring modes: 400km or more Accuracy: Radiometric resolution in range: 1.5-3.5 dB, Radiometric accuracy: 0.65 dB

ASAR (image mode) EnvisatOperational Imaging Provides all weather images See above. Advanced Synthetic microwave radars of ocean, land and ice for Aperture Radar (Image monitoring of land surface mode) processes, sea and polar ice, sea state, and geological and ESA hydrological applications

ASAR (wave mode) EnvisatOperational ASAR (wave Provides measurements of See above. Advanced Synthetic mode) ocean wave spectra Aperture Radar (Wave Advanced mode) Synthetic Aperture Radar ESA (Wave mode) ESA

161 Instrument & agency MissionsStatus Type Measurements & Technical characteristics (& any partners) applications

ASCAT METOP-1, Being Scatterometers Provides sea ice cover, sea ice Waveband: Microwave: C Band, Advanced METOP-2, developed type and wind speed over sea 5.256Ghz Scatterometer METOP-3 surface measurements. Air Spatial resolution: Hi-res mode: 25-37km, pressure over ocean, Polar ice Nominal mode: 50km EUMETSAT (ESA) contours, Ice/snow imagery, Swath width: Continuous Soil moisture Accuracy: Wind speeds in range 4-24m/s: 2m/s and direction accuracy of 20deg

ASM SwarmBeing Magnetic field The objective of the Absolute Waveband: N/A Absolute Scalar developed Scalar (ASM) Spatial resolution: 0.016pT Magnetometer is to calibrate the vector field Swath width: N/A magnetometer (VFM) to Accuracy: 0.3nT ESA (CNES) maintain the absolute accuracy in the multi-year geomagnetic field mission

ASTER TerraOperational High resolution Surface and cloud imaging Waveband: VIS&NIR: 3 bands in 0.52- Advanced Spaceborne optical imagers with high spatial resolution, 0.86µm, SWIR: 6 bands in Thermal Emission and stereoscopic observation of 1.6-2.43µm, TIR: 5 bands in Reflection Radiometer local topography, cloud 8.125-11.65µm heights, volcanic plumes, and Spatial resolution: VNIR: 15m, stereo: 15m METI (Japan) (NASA) generation of local surface horizontally and 25m vertical, digital elevation maps. SWIR: 30m, TIR: 90m Surface temperature and Swath width: 60km emissivity Accuracy: VNIR and SWIR: 4% (absolute), TIR: 4K, Geolocation: 7m

ATLID ESA Future PrototypeLidars Provides measurements of Waveband: UV: 355nm ATmospheric Missions cloud top heights, aerosol Spatial resolution: footprint: 30m properties, troposphere Swath width: Nadir ESA height, vertical distribution of Accuracy: Detection of cirrus cloud with cloud, boundary layer height optical thickness 1 with 15% error

ATMS NPOESS-2, ApprovedAtmospheric Collects microwave radiance Waveband: Microwave: 22 bands, 23- Advanced Technology NPOESS-5, temperature and data that when combined with 184 GHz Microwave Sounder NPP humidity the CrIS data will permit Spatial resolution: 5.2 deg - 1.1 deg sounders calculation of atmospheric Swath width: 2300 km NOAA (NASA) temperature and Accuracy: 0.75 K - 3.60 K profiles

ATSR/M ERS-2Operational Imaging multi- Part of the ATSR payload on See ATSR-2. spectral board ERS1 and ERS2 CNES radiometers (passive microwave)

ATSR-2 ERS-2Operational Imaging Provides measurements of Waveband: VIS-SWIR: 0.65, 0.85, 1.27, Along Track Scanning multi-spectral sea surface temperature, land and 1.6µm, SWIR-TIR: 1.6, Radiometer - 2 radiometers surface temperature, cloud 3.7, 11 and 12µm, Microwave: (vis/IR) & top temperature and cloud 23.8, 36.5GHz (bandwidth of BNSC (CSIRO) Multiple cover, aerosols, vegetation, 400MHz) direction/ atmospheric water vapour and Spatial resolution: IR ocean channels: 1km x polarisation liquid water content 1km, Microwave near-nadir radiometers viewing: 20km instantaneous field of view Swath width: 500km Accuracy: Sea surface temperature to <0.5K over 0.5 deg x 0.5 deg (lat/long) area with 80% cloud cover, Land surface temperature: 0.1K

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AVHRR/2 NOAA-12, OperationalImaging Provides measurements of Waveband: VIS: 0.58-0.68µm, Advanced Very High NOAA-14 multi-spectral land and sea surface NIR: 0.725-1.1µm, Resolution radiometers temperature, cloud cover, MWIR: 3.55-3.93µm, Radiometer/2 (vis/IR) snow and ice cover, soil TIR: 10.3-11.3µm, 11.5-12.5µm moisture and vegetation Spatial resolution: 1.1km NOAA indices. Data also used for Swath width: 3000km approx volcanic eruption monitoring Accuracy:

AVHRR/3 METOP-1, OperationalImaging Provides measurements of Waveband: VIS: 0.58-0.68µm, NIR: 0.725- Advanced Very High METOP-2, multi-spectral land and sea surface 1.1µm, SWIR: 1.58-1.64µm, Resolution METOP-3, radiometers temperature, cloud cover, MWIR: 3.55-3.93µm, TIR: Radiometer/3 NOAA-15, (vis/IR) snow and ice cover, soil 10.3-11.3µm, 11.5-12.5µm NOAA-16, moisture and vegetation Spatial resolution: 1.1km NOAA NOAA-17, indices. Data also used for Swath width: 3000km approx, Ensures full NOAA-N, volcanic eruption monitoring global coverage twice daily NOAA-N' Accuracy:

AVNIR-2 ALOSBeing High resolution High resolution multi-spectral Waveband: VIS: 0.42-0.50µm, 0.52- Advanced Visible and developed optical imagers imager for land applications 0.60µm, 0.61-0.69µm, Near Infra-red which include environmental NIR: 0.76-0.89µm Radiometer type 2 monitoring, agriculture and Spatial resolution: 10m forestry, disaster monitoring Swath width: 70km JAXA Accuracy:

AWiFS RESOURCE- OperationalHigh resolution Vegetation and crop Waveband: VIS: 0.52-0.59 & 0.62- Advanced Wide Field SAT-1, optical imagers monitoring, resource 0.68µm, NIR:0.77-0.86µm, Sensor RESOURCE- assessment (regional scale), SWIR: 1.55-1.7µm SAT-2 forest mapping, land cover/ Spatial resolution: 55m ISRO land use mapping, and Swath width: 730km change detection Accuracy: 10 bit data

BISSAT BISSAT TBDImaging Evaluation of bistatic radar Waveband: Microwave: X-band Bissat Passive Radar microwave radars cross section of natural and (passive) man-made targets, image Spatial resolution: ASI classification, land surface. Swath width: Passive instrument flown with Accuracy: main SAR mission

CALIOP CALIPSOApproved Lidars Two-wavelength, polarization Waveband: 532 nm (polarization- Cloud-Aerosol Lidar lidar capable of providing sensitive), 1064 nm, VIS - NIR with Orthogonal aerosol and cloud profiles and Spatial resolution: Vertical sampling: 30 m, Polarization properties 0 – 40 km Swath width: 333 m along-track NASA Accuracy: 5% (532 nm)

CCD (CBERS) CBERS-2, OperationalHigh resolution Provides measurements of Waveband: VIS: 0.45-0.52µm, 0.52- High Resolution CCD CBERS-2B optical imagers cloud type and extent and 0.59µm, 0.63-0.69µm, Camera land surface reflectance, and NIR: 0.77-0.89µm, used for global land surface PAN: 0.51-0.71µm CAST (INPE) applications Spatial resolution: 20m Swath width: 113km Accuracy:

CCD (HJ, HY) HJ-1A, High resolution Land surface applications Waveband: 0.43-0.90µm CCD camera HJ-1B optical imagers Spatial resolution: 30m Swath width: 360km (per set)700km CAST (two sets) Accuracy:

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CCD camera INSAT-2E, OperationalImaging Cloud and Vegetation Waveband: VIS: 0.62-0.68µm, INSAT-3A multi-spectral monitoring NIR: 0.77-0.86µm, ISRO radiometers SWIR: 1.55-1.69µm (vis/IR) Spatial resolution: 1X1km Swath width: Normal: 6000km (N-S) X 6000km (E-W) anywhere on earth disc, Program: 6000km (N-S) X (n X 300) km (E-W) : n and number of frames programmable Accuracy:

CERES Aqua, OperationalEarth radiation Long term measurement of Waveband: 3 channels: 0.3-5 µm, 0.3 - Cloud and the Earth's NPOESS-2, budget the Earth's radiation budget 100 µm, 8-12 µm, UV-FIR Radiant Energy System NPOESS-5, radiometer and atmospheric radiation Spatial resolution: 20km Terra from the top of the Swath width: NASA atmosphere to the surface; Accuracy: 0.5%, 1%, 1% (respectively provision of an accurate and for the 3 channels) self-consistent cloud and radiation database

CHAMP GPS Sounder CHAMPOperational Atmospheric Temperature and water vapour Uses GPS frequencies for sounding of GPS TurboRogue temperature and profiles temperature and water profiles of the Space Receiver (TRSR) humidity atmosphere. CHAMP provides temperature sounders & profiles in the troposphere up to the middle NASA (DLR) Precision orbit stratosphere, and water vapour profiles in the troposphere only.

CHAMP CHAMPOperational Gravity Earth gravity field Since the advent of CHAMP, the first in a series of gravity package measurements low-altitude satellites being almost continuously (Accelerometer+GPS) and precisely tracked by GPS, a new generation of STAR Accelerometer long-wavelength gravitational geopotential models have been derived. CNES (DLR)

CHAMP CHAMPOperational Magnetic field Earth gravity field A high performance Fluxgate magnetometer set magnetometry measurements measuring the three components of the ambient package (1 Scalar + 2 magnetic field in the instrument frame combined Vector with a star camera determining the attitude of the Magnetometer) assembly with respect to a stellar frame and a Overhauser Overhauser scalar magnetometer serving as Magnetometer and magnetic reference. Fluxgate Magnetometer DLR

CIA Hyperspectral Imaging Pancromatic and Waveband: HYC spectral range + MIR Advanced Mission multi-spectral Hyperspectral data for and TIR channels Hyperspectral camera radiometers complex land ecosystem Spatial resolution: Improved (wrt HYC) (vis/IR) studies resolution PAN 2-3m ASI Swath width: Greater swath Accuracy:

CLAES UARSNot Earth radiation Measures many of the Waveband: SWIR: 3.5µm, 6µm, Cryogenic Limb Array operational budget chemical species which are TIR: 8µm, 12.7µm Etalon Spectrometer radiometer involved in stratospheric Spatial resolution: Vert 2.8km, Horiz 480km instrument chemistry as well as global Swath width: 50.7km vert limb distribution of statospheric Accuracy: 20%, 3K NASA aerosols

Cloud Sensor GOSAT Cloud profile and Will contribute to GOSAT main No data yet available. Cloud and aerosol radars mission of CO2 profile sensor measurement - which requires detection and removal of JAXA contaminating signals from clouds and aerosols

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CMIS NPOESS-1, Being Imaging multi- Collects microwave Waveband: Microwave: 190Ghz Conical-scanning NPOESS-2, developed spectral and sounding data. Data types Spatial resolution: 15-50km depending on Microwave NPOESS-3, radiometers include atmospheric frequency Imager/Sounder NPOESS-4, (passive temperature and moisture Swath width: 1700km NPOESS-5, microwave) & profiles, clouds, sea surface Accuracy: Temperature Profiles to 1.6K, NOAA NPOESS-6 Atmospheric winds, and all-weather water vapor 20% temperature and land/water surfaces. humidity sounders

COCTS HY-1BBeing Ocean colour Ocean chlorophyll, Ocean Waveband: B1: 0.402-0.422, B2: 0.433- Ocean colour scanner developed instruments yellow substance absorbance, 0.453, B3: 0.480-0.500, B4: Sea-ice surface temperature 0.510-0.530, B5: 0.555-0.575, CAST B6: 0.660-0.680, B7: 0.740- 0.760, B8: 0.845-0.885, B9: 10.30-11.40, B10: 11.40- 12.50µm Spatial resolution: 1.1km Swath width: 3083km Accuracy:

Communications FedSatOperational Communications Waveband: up 313.55MHz, payload (Ka and UHF down 400.4MHz band) CSIRO

CPR ESA Future PrototypeCloud profile and Measures cloud Waveband: Microwave: 94GHz Cloud Profiling Radar Missions rain radars characteristics including base Spatial resolution: 750m height Swath width: nadir only ESA Accuracy: 98% detection of radiatively significant ice cloud

CPR (Cloudsat) CloudSatApproved Cloud profile and Primary goal is to provided Waveband: Microwave: 94Ghz Cloud Profiling Radar rain radars data needed to evaluate and Spatial resolution: Vertical: 500m, Cross-track: improve the way clouds are 1.4km, Along-track: 2.5km NASA represented in global climate Swath width: Instantaneous Footprint < 2km models. Measures vertical Accuracy: Cloud liquid water profile of clouds content<=50%; ice water content within +100%, -50%; detect all single layer clouds with optical depth>=1.0

CrIS NPOESS-2, PrototypeAtmospheric Daily measurements of vertical Waveband: MWIR-TIR: 3.92-4.4µm, 5.7- Cross-track Infrared NPOESS-5 temperature and atmospheric distribution of 8.62µm, 9.1-14.7µm, 1300 Sounder NPP humidity temperature, moisture, and spectral channels sounders pressure Spatial resolution: IFOV 14km diameter, NOAA (NASA) 1km vertical layer resolution Swath width: 2200km Accuracy: Temperature profiles: to 0.9K, Moisture profiles: 20-35%, Pressure profiles: 1%

CZI HY-1BBeing Imaging multi- Coastal Zone monitoring and Waveband: B1: 0.433-0.453, B2: 0.555- Coast region imager developed spectral environmental applications 0.575, B3: 0.655-0.675, B4: radiometers 0.675-0.695_m CAST (vis/IR) Spatial resolution: 250m Swath width: 500km Accuracy:

DCP (SCD) SCD-1, OperationalData collection Environmental data collection Data collection and relay system. Data Collecting SCD-2 from ground based data Platform Transponder collecting platforms INPE

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DCS (CAST) SCD-1, OperationalData collection Data collection and Data collection and relay system. Data Collecting System SCCBERS-2, communication Transponder (CAST) CBERS-2B, CBERS-3, CAST CBERS-4D-2

DCS (JAXA) GMS-5Prototype Data collection Data Collection System, Data collection and relay system. Data Collection System Receives in-situ data from (JAXA) data collection platforms worldwide and transmits to JAXA ground station

DCS (NOAA) GOES-9, OperationalData collection Collects data on temperature Data collection and relay system. Data Collection System GOES-10, (air/water), atmospheric (NOAA) GOES-11, pressure, humidity and wind GOES-12, speed/direction, speed and NOAA GOES-N, direction of ocean and river GOES-O, currents GOES-P, GOES-R

DCS Elektro-L, OperationalData collection Collects data on temperature Data collection and relay system. (ROSHYDROMET) METEOR-3M (air/water), atmospheric N2 pressure, humidity and wind Data Collection System speed/direction, speed and ROSHYDROMET direction of ocean and river (ROSKOSMOS) currents

DMC Imager UK-DMCOperational High resolution Visible and NIR imagery in Waveband: VIS and NIR Disaster Management optical imagers support of disaster Spatial resolution: 32m Constellation Imager management Swath width: 2 beams of 300km Accuracy: BNSC

DORIS SPOT-2, OperationalPrecision orbit Orbit determination Waveband: Doppler Orbitography SPOT-4, Spatial resolution: and -positioning Topex- Swath width: Integrated by Satellite Poseidon Accuracy: Orbit error ~2.5cm CNES

DORIS-NG CRYOSAT, OperationalPrecision orbit Precise orbit determination Waveband: 401.25MHz, 2036.25MHz Doppler Orbitography Envisat, Real time onboard orbit Spatial resolution: and Radio-positioning Jason, Jason- determination (navigation) Swath width: FOV :130 degrees Integrated by Satellite- 2 (also known Accuracy: Orbit error ~1cm NG as OSTM), SPOT-5 CNES

DPR GPM CoreTBD Cloud profile and Measures rain rate classified Waveband: Microwave: 13.6 GHz (Ku band) Dual-frequency rain radars by rain and snow, in latitudes and 35.5 GHz (Ka band) Precipitation Radar up to 70 degrees Spatial resolution: Range resolution: 4-5 km Horizontal JAXA (NASA) Swath width: 245 km (Ku-band), 100km (Ka band) Accuracy: rainfall rate 0.2mm/h

DRF Vulkan- Space Space radiation and ultraviolet Waveband: UV: 0.2-0.35µm, Ee>30keV, Kompas-2 Environment measurements Ep>7keV ROSKOSMOS Spatial resolution: Swath width: Accuracy:

ECHO-V Kanopus- Space Space particle detection Waveband: Ee 3-30MeV, Ee 30-100MeV Vulkan Environment experiment Spatial resolution: ROSKOSMOS Swath width: Accuracy:

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EFI SwarmBeing Gravity & Measures ion density, drift Waveband: N/A Electric Field developed Space velocity and electric field Spatial resolution: 0.3mV/m Instrument environment Swath width: N/A Accuracy: <3mV/m ESA (CSA)

EGG GOCEBeing Gravity & The main objective of EGG is Designed specifically for determining the 3-Axis Electrostatic developed Precision orbit to measure the 3 components stationary gravity field. The measured signal is Gravity Gradiometer of the gravity-gradient tensor the difference in gravitational acceleration at (ie gradiometer data) the test-mass location inside the spacecraft ESA caused by gravity anomalies from attracting masses of the Earth.

EHIS GOES-RApproved Space Space particle detection The GOES-R Project is in the formulation phase. Energetic Heavy Ion Environment The satellite will comprise improved spacecraft Sensor and instrument technologies, which will result in more timely and accurate weather forecasts, and NOAA improve support for the detection and observations of meteorological phenomena that directly affect public safety, protection of property, and ultimately, economic health and development.

ENVISAT Comms EnvisatOperational Communications Communication package Data communication only. Communications onboard ENVISAT series package on ENVISAT satellites ESA

EOC KOMPSAT-1 OperationalHigh resolution High resolution stereo imager Waveband: Panchromatic VIS: 0.51- Electro-Optical Camera optical imagers for land applications of 0.73µm cartography and disaster Spatial resolution: 6.6m KARI monitoring Swath width: 17km Accuracy:

EPIC DSCOVRProposed Atmospheric Measures ozone amounts, Waveband: UV-NIR: 0.317-0.905µm Earth PolyChromatic chemistry aerosol amounts, cloud height 10 bands Imaging Camera and phase, hotspot land Spatial resolution: 8km properties, and UV radiation Swath width: NASA estimates at the Earth's surface Accuracy:

ERBE ERBSOperational Earth radiation Radiation budget Waveband: UV-FIR Earth Radiation Budget budget measurements - Total energy Spatial resolution: Narrow: 250km; Experiment (non- radiometer of Sun's radiant heat and light, Wide: 1000km scanner) Reflected solar radiation, Earth Swath width: Medium and wide emitted radiation earth views NASA Accuracy: Shortwave- 15%, Longwave- 5%

ERBS NPOESS-3, TBDEarth radiation Measures Earth radiation gains Waveband: 0.3-50µm Earth Radiation Budget NPOESS-6 budget and losses on regional, zonal Spatial resolution: 25km Sensor radiometer and global scales Swath width: 2200Km Accuracy: DLR/DSR10 watts/m2 NOAA net solar 3w/m2OLR 5w/m2

ERS Comms ERS-2Operational Communications Communication package Data communication only. Communication onboard ERS series satellites package for ERS ESA

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ETM+ Landsat-7Operational Imaging Measures surface radiance Waveband: VIS-TIR: 8 channels: Enhanced Thematic multi-spectral and emittance, land cover 0.45-12.5µm, Mapper Plus radiometers state and change (eg Panchromatic channel: (vis/IR) vegetation type). Used as VIS 0.5-0.9µm USGS multi-purpose imagery for Spatial resolution: Pan: 15m, Vis-SWIR: 30m, land applications TIR: 60m Swath width: 185km Accuracy: 50-250m systematically corrected geodetic accuracy

EUVS GOES-RApproved Other Solar EUV radiation is a The GOES-R Project is in the formulation phase. Extreme Ultraviolet dominant energy source for The satellite will comprise improved spacecraft Sensor the upper atmosphere and the and instrument technologies, which will result in ionizing radiation produces more timely and accurate weather forecasts, and NOAA the ionosphere. Solar improve support for the detection and variability at these observations of meteorological phenomena that wavelengths is one of the directly affect public safety, protection of primary drivers of property, and ultimately, economic health and thermospheric/ ionospheric development. variability. EUVS will measure this radiation

Fluxgate FedSatApproved Magnetic field Measures electrical currents A high precision instrument designed to measure magnetometer and perturbations in the magnetic fields at all latitudes at an 800 km Earth's magnetic field in the altitude over a range of ±65,000 nT. CRCSS range 0.1Hz to 1kHz

GALS-M Meteor-M TBDSpace Space environment Waveband: protons fluxes density > Galactic space rays No1, Environment monitoring 600 MeV detector Meteor-M Spatial resolution: No2 Swath width: ROSHYDROMET Accuracy:

Geomicrowave GOES-RApproved Atmospheric For geo oribit, will provides The GOES-R Project is in the formulation phase. sounder temperature and atmospheric soundings and The satellite will comprise improved spacecraft humidity data on atmospheric stability and instrument technologies, which will result in NOAA sounders and thermal gradient winds more timely and accurate weather forecasts, and improve support for the detection and observations of meteorological phenomena that directly affect public safety, protection of property, and ultimately, economic health and development.

Geoton-L1 Resurs DK Imaging Natural resource surveying, Waveband: 0.5-0.8µm multi-spectral environmental monitoring Spatial resolution: 1-3m ROSKOSMOS radiometers Swath width: 28.3-42km (vis/IR) Accuracy:

GERB METEOSAT-8, OperationalEarth radiation Measures long and short Waveband: UV-MWIR: 0.32-4.0µm, Geostationary Earth METEOSAT-9, budget wave radiation emitted and UV-FIR: 0.32-30µm Radiation Budget METEOSAT-10, radiometer reflected from the Earth's Spatial resolution: 44.6km x 39.3km METEOSAT-11 surface, clouds and top of Swath width: Full Earth disk EUMETSAT (ASI) atmosphere. Full Earth disk, Accuracy: Emitted radiation: all channels in 5 mins 0.12-1.3 W/m2, Reflectance: 1%

GGAK-E Elektro-L Magnetic field & Electromagnetic field Electro-L carries an array of solar and magnetic Heliogeophysical Space measurements sensors providing data on solar activity and hardware complex environment radiation levels needed for near-earth environment forecasts. ROSKOSMOS

GGAK-M Meteor-M No1, Magnetic field & Electromagnetic field A complex of heliogeophysical instruments Heliogeophysical Meteor-M No2 Space measurements hardware complex environment ROSKOSMOS

168 Instrument & agency MissionsStatus Type Measurements & Technical characteristics (& any partners) applications

GHG Sensor GOSATTBD Atmospheric This mission is in response to No data yet available. Greenhouse gases chemistry the Kyoto Protocol - and aims observing sensor to observe Green House Gases (GHGs) including CO2 JAXA with 1% relative accuracy in sub-continental spatial resolution and to identify the GHGs sources and sinks in conjunction with data from ground instruments

GID-12T Kanopus- Magnetic field & Electromagnetic field Waveband: 1200MHz, 1600MHz Vulkan, Space measurements Spatial resolution: ROSKOSMOS Vulkan- environment Swath width: Kompas-2 Accuracy:

GIFTS NMP EO-3 ProposedAtmospheric Measures temperature, water Waveband: MWIR-TIR: 1724 channels Geosynchronous GIFTS temperature and vapour, tracer winds, chemical in the bands 4.45-6.06µm Imaging Fourier humidity composition with high spatial and 8.85-14.6µm Transform sounders and temporal resolution for Spatial resolution: Visible: 1km x 1km, Spectrometer considerable improvements in IR: 4km x 4km weather observations and air Swath width: Full Earth disk NASA quality monitoring. Tests Accuracy: next-generation met observing systems.

GLAS ICESatOperational Lidars Provision of data on ice sheet Waveband: VIS-NIR: Laser emits at Geoscience Laser height/thickness, land altitude, 1064nm (for altimetry) and Altimeter System aerosol height distributions, 532nm (for atmospheric cloud height and boundary measurements) NASA layer height Spatial resolution: 66m spots separated by 170m Swath width: N/A Accuracy: Aerosol profile: 20%, Ice elevation: 20cm, Cloud top height: 75m, Land elevation: 20cm, geoid: 5m

GLI follow-on GCOM-CPrototype Imaging Measures water vapour, Waveband: VIS&NIR: 23 bands (380- Global Imager multi-spectral aerosols, cloud cover, cloud 830nm), follow-on radiometers top height/temp, ocean colour, NIR-SWIR: 6 bands (1050- (vis/IR) & sea surface temperature, land 2215nm), JAXA Ocean colour surface temparature, MWIR-TIR: 7 bands (3.75- instruments extent, icebergs, sea ice and 11.95µm) snow cover, photosynthetically Spatial resolution: 1km for 28 bands, active radiation, vegetation 250m for 6 bands type and land cover Swath width: 1600km Accuracy: Specific humidity profile: 0.5g/m2 through total column, Surface temp 0.4-0.5K, Cloud top temp: 0.5K, Cloud cover: 3%, Cloud top height: 0.5km, Ice and snow cover: 5%

GLM GOES-RApproved Lightning imager The GOES-R Project is in the formulation phase. GEO Lightning Mapper The satellite will comprise improved spacecraft and instrument technologies, which will result in NOAA more timely and accurate weather forecasts, and improve support for the detection and observations of meteorological phenomena that directly affect public safety, protection of property, and ultimately, economic health and development.

169 Instrument & agency MissionsStatus Type Measurements & Technical characteristics (& any partners) applications

GMI GPM ProposedImaging Measures rainfall rates over Waveband: Microwave: 10.65, 19.4, 21.3, GPM Microwave Constellation, multi-spectral oceans and land, combined 37, and 85.5 GHz Imager GPM Core radiometers rainfall structure and surface Spatial resolution: Horizontal: 36 km cross-track (passive rainfall rates with associated at 10.65 GHz (required - NASA microwave) latent heating. Used to Primary Spacecraft, goal - produce three hour, daily, and Constellation Spacecraft); monthly total rainfall maps 10 km along-track and cross- over oceans and land track (goal - Primary Spacecraft) Swath width: 800km (Primary Spacecraft) 1300 km (Constellation Spacecraft) Accuracy: NEDT 0.5 K - 1.0 K

GMS Comms GMS-5Prototype Communications Communication package Data communication only. Communications onboard GMS series satellites package on GMS JAXA (JMA)

GOES Comms GOES-9, PrototypeCommunications Data communication only. Communications GOES-10, package on GOES GOES-11, GOES-12, NOAA GOES-N, GOES-O, GOES-P, GOES-R

GOLPE SAC-COperational Precision orbit & Measurements of atmospheric Waveband: Uses GPS frequencies. GPS Occultation and Atmospheric effects on GPS signals, and Spatial resolution: Passive reflection temperature and precise positioning Swath width: Experiment humidity information to assist Accuracy: 0.05 K or better appears sounders gravitational measurements attainable NASA

GOME ERS-2Prototype Atmospheric Measures concentration of Waveband: UV-NIR: 0.24-0.79µm Global Ozone chemistry O3, NO, NO2, BrO, H2O, (resolution 0.2-0.4nm) Monitoring Experiment O2/O4, plus aerosols and Spatial resolution: Vertical: 5km (for O3), polar stratospheric clouds, Horizontal: 40 x 40 km to ESA and other gases in special 40 x 320 km conditions Swath width: 120-960km Accuracy:

GOME-2 METOP-1, PrototypeAtmospheric Measurement of total column Waveband: UV-NIR: 0.24-0.79µm Global Ozone METOP-2, chemistry amounts and stratospheric (resolution 0.2-0.4nm) Monitoring Experiment METOP-3 and tropospheric profiles of Spatial resolution: Horizontal: 40 x 40 km - 2 ozone. Also amounts of H20, (960km swath) to 40 x 5 km NO2, OClO, BrO, SO2 and (for polarization monitoring) EUMETSAT (ESA) HCHO Swath width: 120-960km Accuracy: Cloud top height: 1km (rms), Outgoing short wave radiation and solar irradiance: 5W/m2, Trace gas profile: 10-20%, Specific humidity profile: 10- 50g/kg

GOMOS EnvisatOperational Atmospheric Provides stratospheric profiles Waveband: Spectrometers: UV-Vis: 248- Global Ozone chemistry of temparature and of ozone, 371nm & 387-693nm,NIR: Monitoring by NO2, H20, aerosols and other 750-776nm & 915-956nm, Occultation of Stars trace species Photometers: 644-705nm & 466-528nm ESA (CNES) Spatial resolution: 1.7km vertical Swath width: Not applicable Accuracy:

170 Instrument & agency MissionsStatus Type Measurements & Technical characteristics (& any partners) applications

GPS (ESA) GOCE, TBDPrecision orbit Satellite positioning Used for precision satellite positioning only – GPS receiver Swarm not an Earth observing instrument. ESA

GPS (GRACE) GRACE Microwave: 1227.60MHz, Used for precision satellite positioning only – Global Positioning 1575.42MHz not an Earth observing instrument. System Receiver NASA

GPS receiver FedSatOperational Precision orbit & Sounding data for study of Waveband: Atmospheric physics of upper atmosphere, Spatial resolution: 1 sample every 30 secs CRCSS temperature and and water vapour, temparature Swath width: humidity and refractivity profiles Accuracy: sounders

GPSDR Topex- OperationalPrecision orbit & Provides precise continuous Used for precision satellite positioning only – GPS Demonstration Poseidon Atmospheric tracking data of satellite to not an Earth observing instrument. Receiver temperature and decimeter accuracy humidity CONAE (NASA) sounders

GRAS METOP-1, PrototypeAtmospheric GNSS receiver for Waveband: GNSS Receiver for METOP-2, temperature and atmospheric temperature and Spatial resolution: Vertical: 150m METOP-3 humidity humidty profile sounding (trophosphere) and 1.5km sounders & (stratosphere), EUMETSAT (ESA) Precision orbit Horizontal: 100km approx (troposphere), 300km approx (stratosphere) Swath width: Altitude range of 5-30km Accuracy: Temperature sounding to 1K rms

HAIRS GRACEOperational Gravity Ranging instrument between Waveband: Microwave: K Band, Ka Band High Accuracy Inter- the 2 GRACE spacecraft - to Spatial resolution: satellite Ranging derive Earth gravity field Swath width: System measurements Accuracy: 10 microns total at twice per revolution NASA

HALOE UARSOperational Atmospheric Provides data on vertical Waveband: channels between 2.4µm - Halogen Occultation chemistry distributions of hydrofluoric 10µm, SWIR - TIR Experiment and hydrochloric acids, Spatial resolution: 2km-4km methane, water vapour and Swath width: NASA members of the nitrogen Accuracy: HCL: 12-24%, HF: 15-27%, family. It also provides CH4: 6-27%, NO: 14-30%, atmospheric temperature H2O: 14-30%, O3: 9-25%, versus pressure profiles from NO2: 9-21%: observations of carbon dioxide Temperature: 3-5K, Aerosol Extinction: < 30%

HES GOES-RApproved Imaging Will sense emitted thermal The GOES-R Project is in the formulation phase. Hyperspectral multi-spectral energy and reflected solar The satellite will comprise improved spacecraft Environmental Suite radiometers energy from sampled areas of and instrument technologies, which will result in (vis/IR) the Earth's surface and more timely and accurate weather forecasts, and NOAA atmosphere. These data are improve support for the detection and used to compute vertical observations of meteorological phenomena that profiles of temperature and directly affect public safety, protection of moisture, surface and cloud- property, and ultimately, economic health and top temperatures, and winds, development. and provide information about the Earth surface and oceans

171 Instrument & agency MissionsStatus Type Measurements & Technical characteristics (& any partners) applications

HiRDLS AuraApproved Atmospheric Measures atmospheric Waveband: TIR: 6.12-17.76µm High Resolution chemistry temperature, concentrations (21 channels) Dynamics Limb of ozone, water vapour, Spatial resolution: Vertical: 1km, Sounder methane, NOx, N2O, CFCs and Horizontal: 10km other minor species, aerosol Swath width: NASA (BNSC) concentration, location of Accuracy: Trace gas: 10%, polar stratospheric clouds and Temparature: 1K, cloud tops Ozone: 10%

HIRS/2 NOAA-12, OperationalAtmospheric Measures atmospheric Waveband: VIS-TIR: 0.69-14.95µm High Resolution NOAA-14 temperature and temperature, concentrations (20 channels) Infra-red Sounder/2 humidity of ozone, water vapour, Spatial resolution: 20.3km sounders methane, NOx, N2O, CFCs and Swath width: 2240km NOAA other minor species, aerosol Accuracy: concentration, location of polar stratospheric clouds and cloud tops

HIRS/3 NOAA-15, OperationalAtmospheric Provides atmospheric Waveband: VIS-TIR: 0.69-14.95µm High Resolution NOAA-16, temperature and temperature profiles and data (20 channels) Infra-red Sounder/3 NOAA-17 humidity on cloud parameters, Spatial resolution: 20.3km sounders humidity soundings, water Swath width: 2240km NOAA vapour, total ozone content, Accuracy: and surface temperatures

HIRS/4 METOP-1, OperationalAtmospheric Provides atmospheric Waveband: VIS-TIR: 0.69-14.95µm High Resolution METOP-2, temperature and temperature profiles and data (20 channels) Infra-red Sounder/4 METOP-3, humidity on cloud parameters, humidity Spatial resolution: 20.3km NOAA-N, sounders soundings, water vapour, total Swath width: 2240km NOAA NOAA-N' ozone content, and surface Accuracy: temperatures. Same as HIRS/3, with 10km IFOV

HRDI UARSOperational Atmospheric Daytime wind measurements Waveband: 0.557-0.776µm High Resolution chemistry below 50km from Doppler Spatial resolution: Vertical (limb): 4km, Doppler Imager shifts of molecular Horizontal (limb): 80km absorption lines. Day and night Swath width: 5 to 100km (vertical coverage) NASA wind measurements above Accuracy: Vector winds in the stratosphere, about 60km from Doppler mesosphere and lower shifts of neutral and ionised thermosphere during the day, atomic oxygen emission lines. and the lower thermosphere at Also measures temperature night to an accuracy of 5 m/s

HRG SPOT-5Operational High resolution High resolution multispectral Waveband: VIS: B1:0.50-0.59µm, High Resolution optical imagers mapper. 2 HRG instruments on B2: 0.61-0.68µm, Geometry this mission can be processed NIR: B3: 0.79-0.89µm, SWIR: to produce simulated imagery 1.50-1.75µm, CNES of 2.5m. Images are 60km x Panchromatic: 0.49-0.69µm 60km in size Spatial resolution: Panchromatic: 2, 5m, Multispectral: 10m Swath width: 60km (1 instrument), 117km (2 instruments). Same as SPOT 4 with off-track steering capability (±27 deg) Accuracy:

HRMS SAC-FApproved Imaging Waveband: High Resolution Multi- multi-spectral Spatial resolution: spectral Scanner radiometers Swath width: (vis/IR) Accuracy: CONAE

172 Instrument & agency MissionsStatus Type Measurements & Technical characteristics (& any partners) applications

HR-PAN CARTOSAT-2Prototype High resolution High resolution stereo images Waveband: VIS: 0.5-0.75µm High Resolution optical imagers for large scale (better than Spatial resolution: 1 m Panchromatic Camera 1:0000) mapping applications, Swath width: 12 km urban applications, GIS ingest Accuracy: ISRO

HRS SPOT-5Operational High resolution High resolution stereo Waveband: Panchromatic: VIS 0.49-0.69µm High Resolution optical imagers instrument Spatial resolution: Panchromatic: 10m, Stereoscopy Altitude: 15m Swath width: 120km CNES Accuracy:

HRTC SAC-COperational High resolution High resolution eath imagery Waveband: VIS-NIR: 400-900nm High Resolution optical imagers to complement MMRS on the Spatial resolution: 35m Panchromatic Camera same mission Swath width: 90km Accuracy: CONAE

HRV SPOT-2 Operational High resolution 2 HRV instruments on this Waveband: VIS: B1:0.5-0.59µm, High Resolution Visible optical imagers mission provide 60km x 60km B2:0.61-0.68µm, images for a range of land NIR: B3:0.79-0.89µm, CNES and coastal applications Panchromatic: VIS 0.51-0.73µm Spatial resolution: 10m (panchromatic) or 20m Swath width: 117km (ie 60km + 60km with 3km overlap) - steerable up to ±27 deg off-track Accuracy:

HRVIR SPOT-4Operational High resolution 2 HRVIR instruments on this Waveband: VIS: B1: 0.50-0.59µm, B2: High Resolution Visible optical imagers mission provide 60km x 60km 0.61-0.68µm, and Infra-red images for a range of land NIR: 0.79-0.89µm, and coastal applications SWIR: 1.58-1.75µm, CNES Panchromatic:(B2) 0.61-0.68µm Spatial resolution: 10m (0.64µm) or 20m Swath width: 117km (ie 60km + 60km with 3km overlap). Steerable up to ±27 deg off-track Accuracy:

HSB AquaNot Atmospheric Humidity soundings for Waveband: Microwave: 5 discreet Humidity operational temperature and climatological and channels in the range of Sounder/Brazil humidity atmospheric dynamics 150-183 MHz sounders applications Spatial resolution: 13.5km INPE (NASA) Swath width: 1650km Accuracy: Temperature: 1.0-1.2k coverage of land and ocean surfaces, Humidity: 20%

HSC SAC-D/ Approved Imaging Waveband: PAN: VIR-NIR: 450-900 nm High Sensitivity Aquarius multi-spectral Spatial resolution: 200-300m Camera radiometers Swath width: > 700 km (vis/IR) Accuracy: CONAE

HSI (HJ-1A) HJ-1ABeing Imaging Hyperspectral imaging Waveband: 0.45-0.95µm Hyper Spectrum developed multi-spectral Spatial resolution: 100m Imager radiometers Swath width: 50km (vis/IR) Accuracy: CAST

HSMS SAC-F ApprovedImaging Waveband: High Swath Multi- multi-spectral Spatial resolution: spectral Scanner radiometers Swath width: (vis/IR) Accuracy: CONAE

173 Instrument & agency MissionsStatus Type Measurements & Technical characteristics (& any partners) applications

HSRS BIRD OperationalImaging Hot spot Detection (vegetation Waveband: MWIR: 3.4-4.2µm, Hot Spot Recognition multi-spectral fires, volcanic activities, TIR: 8.4-9.3µm System radiometers burning oil wells or coal seams Spatial resolution: 370m (vis/IR) Swath width: 190km DLR Accuracy:

HSS SAC-F ApprovedImaging Hyperspectral imaging Waveband: Hyper-spectral Scanner multi-spectral Spatial resolution: radiometers Swath width: CONAE (vis/IR) Accuracy:

HSTC SAC-C OperationalImaging Provides data to Monitor Waveband: PAN: VIS-NIR: 450-850nm High Sensitivity multi-spectral forest fires, electrical storms Spatial resolution: 250m Technological Camera radiometers and geophysical studies of Swath width: 900km (vis/IR) aurora borealis Accuracy: CONAE

HYC Hyperspectral TBDImaging Pancromatic and Waveband: VIS-NIR:400-900 nm, 400- HYperspectral Camera Mission multi-spectral Hyperspectral data for complex 1000nm; radiometers land ecosystem studies SWIR: 900-2500nm; ASI (vis/IR) Spectral resolution 10 nm, 220 bands Spatial resolution: PAN: 5m ; VNIR-SWIR:20m; Swath width: 20 Km Accuracy:

HYDROS HYDROS ProposedMultiple Microwave measurement of Waveband: 1.26 GHz for the radar and direction/ soil moisture and freeze/thaw 1.41 GHz for the radiometer NASA polarisation timeline and will be capable of both radiometers horizontal and vertical polarizations Spatial resolution: Radar 3km&10km, Radiometer 40km Swath width: 1000km Accuracy:

Hyperion NMP EO-1 OperationalImaging Hyperspectral imaging of land Waveband: VIS-NIR: 400-1000nm; Hyperspectral Imager multi-spectral surfaces NIR-SWIR: 900-2500nm; radiometers 10nm spectral resolution for NASA (vis/IR) 220 bands Spatial resolution: 30m Swath width: 7.5km Accuracy: SNR @ 10% refl target: vis 10-40 swir 10-20

IAP DEMETER OperationalSpace Density, temperatures, speeds Waveband: Instrument for plasma Environment of major ions Spatial resolution: analysis Swath width: Accuracy: Ion density: +5%, CNES Temperature +5%, Speed +5%

IASI METOP-1, Being Atmospheric Measures tropospheric Waveband: MWIR-TIR: 3.4-15.5µm with Infra-red Atmospheric METOP-2, developed temperature and moisture and temperature, gaps at 5µm and 9µm Sounding METOP-3 humidity column integrated contents of Spatial resolution: Vertical: 1-30km, Interferometer sounders & ozone, carbon monoxide, Horizontal: 25km Atmospheric methane, dinitrogen oxide and Swath width: 2052km CNES (EUMETSAT) chemistry other minor gases which Accuracy: Temperature: 0.5-2K, instruments affect tropospheric chemistry. Specific humidity: 0.1-0.3g/kg, Also measures sea surface Ozone, trace gas profile: 10% and land temperature

174 Instrument & agency MissionsStatus Type Measurements & Technical characteristics (& any partners) applications

ICARE SAC-C, Operational Space Improvement of risk Will measure high energy radiation environment, Influence of Space SAC-D/ Environment estimation models on latest trapped particle intensities and energy Radiation on Advanced Aquarius generation of integrated distribution and correlate them with advanced Components circuits technology electronic components degradation. ICARE will be able to conduct regular environment CNES characterization campaigns for ten days every six months and exceptional ones during solar events.

ICE DEMETEROperational Space Electric field Waveband: DC to 3MHz Instrument for Electric Environment Spatial resolution: Field Swath width: Accuracy: DC field +3mV/m CNES

IDP DEMETEROperational Space Energy spectrum of electrons Waveband: Instrument For Plasma Environment Spatial resolution: Detection Swath width: Accuracy: CNES

IGPM radiometer IGPMTBD Imaging Global water and energy cycle No data available yet. IGPM microwave multi-spectral radiometer radiometers (passive ASI microwave)

IGPM rain radar IGPMTBD Cloud profile and Global water and energy cycle No data available yet. rain radars ASI

IIR CALIPSOTBD Imaging Radiometer optimized for Waveband: TIR: 8.7, 10.5, and 12.0 µm Imaging infrared multi-spectral combined IIR/lidar retrievals (08.µm resolution) radiometer radiometers of cirrus particle size Spatial resolution: 1km (vis/IR) Swath width: 64km CNES Accuracy: 1K

IKFS-2 METEOR-3M TBD Atmospheric Atmospheric temperature and Waveband: 5-15µm, 1300 spectral channels Fourier spectrometer N2, temperature and humidity sounding and Spatial resolution: Meteor-M No1, humidity radiation budget assessment Swath width: 2500km ROSHYDROMET Meteor-M No2 sounders Accuracy: 1K

IKOR-M Meteor-M No1, Earth radiation Waveband: The modernized Meteor-M No2 budget Spatial resolution: measuring instrument radiometer Swath width: of short-wave reflected Accuracy: radiation ROSKOSMOS

Imager GOES-9, Operational Imaging Measures cloud cover, Waveband: GOES 8-12; N,O,P: VIS: 1 GOES-10, multi-spectral atmospheric radiance, winds, channel (8 detectors), IR: 4 NOAA GOES-11, radiometers atmospheric stability, rainfall channels: 3.9, 6.7, 10.7 and GOES-12, (vis/IR) estimates. Used to provide 12µm, GOES 12-Q: VIS: 1 GOES-N, severe storm warnings/ channel (8 detectors), IR: 4 GOES-O, monitoring day and night channels: 3.9, 6.7, 10.7 and GOES-P, (type, amount, storm features) 13.3µm GOES-R Spatial resolution: 1km in visible 4km in IR (8km for 13.3µm band (water vapour)) Swath width: Full Earth disk Accuracy:

175 Instrument & agency MissionsStatus Type Measurements & Technical characteristics (& any partners) applications

Imager (INSAT) INSAT-3D TBDImaging Cloud cover, severe storm Waveband: VIS: 0.55-0.75µm, multi-spectral warnings/monitoring day and SWIR: 1.55-1.7µm, ISRO radiometers night (type, amount, storm MWIR: 3.80-4.00µm, (vis/IR) features), atmospheric 6.50-7.00µm, radiance winds, atmospheric TIR: 10.2-11.3µm, 11.5-12.5µm stability rainfall Spatial resolution: 1x1km (VIS & SWIR), 4x4km (MWIR, TIR), 8x8km (in 6.50- 7.00µm) Swath width: Full Earth disc and space around, Normal Frame (50 deg. N to 40 deg. S and full E- W coverage), Program Frame (Programmable, E-W Full coverage) Accuracy:

IMAGER/MTSAT-1R MTSAT-1R PrototypeImaging Measures cloud cover, cloud Waveband: VIS-SWIR: 0.55-0.90µm, Imager/MTSAT multi-spectral motion, cloud height, water MWIR-TIR: 3.5-4µm, 6.5-7µm, radiometers vapour, rainfall, sea surface 10.5-11.3µm, 11.5-12.5µm JMA (vis/IR) temparature and Earth radiation Spatial resolution: Visible: 1km, TIR: 4km Swath width: Full Earth disk every hour Accuracy:

IMAGER/MTSAT-2 MTSAT-2 PrototypeImaging Measures cloud cover, cloud Waveband: VIS-SWIR: 0.55-0.90µm, Imager/MTSAT multi-spectral motion, cloud height, water MWIR-TIR: 3.5-4µm, radiometers vapour, rainfall, sea surface 6.5-7µm, 10.5-11.3µm, 11.5- JMA (vis/IR) temparature and Earth radiation 12.5µm Spatial resolution: Visible: 1km, TIR: 4km Swath width: Full Earth disk every hour Accuracy:

IMSC DEMETER OperationalMagnetic field Magnetic field Waveband: 10Hz - 17.4kHz Instrument Search Coil Spatial resolution: Magnetometer Swath width: Accuracy: CNES

IMWTS FY-3C, ApprovedAtmospheric Atmospheric temperature Waveband: Microwave: 50-57GHz Improved MicroWave FY-3D, temperature and soundings for meteorological (4channels) Temperature Sounder FY-3E, humidity applications Spatial resolution: 50km FY-3F, sounders Swath width: ±48º NRSCC (CAST) FY-3G Accuracy:

INES SAC-C OperationalPrecision orbit Composed of GPS Tensor and Precision positioning only – not an Earth Italian Navigation GNSS Lagrange Receiver to observing instrument. Experiment perform navigation experiment on precise orbit determination ASI

IR (HJ-1B) HJ-1B Being Imaging Global environmental Waveband: 0.75~1.10, 1.55~1.75, 3.50 Infrared Camera developed multi-spectral applications ~3.90, 10.5 ~12.5µm radiometers Spatial resolution: 300m (10.5~12.5_m), CAST (vis/IR) 150m (the other bands) Swath width: 720km Accuracy:

IR Camera (SAOCOM) SAOCOM 1A, Being Imaging Fires monitoring Waveband: NIR-TIR SAOCOM 1B, developed multi-spectral Spatial resolution: 200m CONAE SAOCOM-2B radiometers Swath width: (1), (vis/IR) Accuracy: SAOCOM-2B (2)

176 Instrument & agency MissionsStatus Type Measurements & Technical characteristics (& any partners) applications

IRAS FY-3A, Approved Atmospheric Atmospheric sounding for Waveband: VIS-TIR: 0.65-14.95µm InfraRed Atmospheric FY-3B, temperature and (26 channels) Sounder FY-3C, humidity Spatial resolution: 1.254km FY-3D, sounders Swath width: ±49.5º NRSCC (CAST) FY-3E, Accuracy: FY-3F, FY-3G

IR-MSS CBERS-2, Operational High resolution Used for fire detection, fire Waveband: VIS-NIR: 0.5-1.1µm, Infrared Multispectral CBERS-2B optical imagers extent and temperature NIR-SWIR: 1.55-1.75µm, Scanner measurement 2.08-2.35µm, TIR: 10.4-12.5µm CAST (INPE) Spatial resolution: Visible, NIR, SWIR: 78m, TIR: 156m Swath width: 120km Accuracy:

IRS CBERS-3, Operational High resolution Used for fire detection, fire Waveband: VIS-NIR: 0.5-1.1µm, CBERS-4 optical imagers extent and temperature NIR-SWIR: 1.55-1.75µm, CAST (INPE) measurement 2.08-2.35µm, TIR: 10.4-12.5µm Spatial resolution: Visible, NIR, SWIR: 78m, TIR: 156m Swath width: 120km Accuracy:

ISAMS UARSNot Earth radiation Concentrations of nitrogen Waveband: SWIR-TIR: 4.6-16.6µm Improved Stratospheric operational budget chemical species, ozone, Spatial resolution: vert 2.6km, horiz: 18km and Mesospheric radiometer water vapour, methane, and Swath width: 65km Sounder instrument carbon monoxide. Aerosols. Accuracy: Atmospheric temperature NASA

ISL DEMETEROperational Space Density of the plasma and Waveband: Langmuir probes Environment electron temperature Spatial resolution: Swath width: CNES Accuracy: Relative ion and electron density <5%, Absolute temperature <5%, Potential 10mV Ion direction +15°

IST SAC-COperational Precision orbit Test of a fully autonomous Precision positioning only – not an Earth Italian Star Tracker system for attitude and observing instrument. orbit determination using a ASI star tracker

IVISSR (FY-2) FY-2C, Approved Imaging Meteorological Waveband: VIS-TIR: 0.55-0.9, 10.3-11.3, Improved Multispectral FY-2D, multi-spectral 11.5-12.5, 6.5-7.0, 3.5-4.0µm Visible and Infra-red FY-2E radiometers (5 channels) Spin Radiometer (5 (vis/IR) Spatial resolution: 1.4km, 5km channels) Swath width: Accuracy: NRSCC (CAST)

JMR Jason, Operational Imaging Provides altimeter data to Waveband: Microwave: 18.7GHz, JASON Microwave Jason-2 (also multi-spectral correct for errors caused by 23.8GHz, 34GHz Radiometer known as radiometers water vapour and cloud-cover. Spatial resolution: 41.6km at 18.7GHz, 36.1km at OSTM) (passive Also measures total water 23.8GHz, 22.9km at 34GHz NASA microwave)) vapour and brightness Swath width: 120 deg cone centred on nadir temperature Accuracy: Total water vapour: 0.2g/sq cm, Brightness temperature: 0.15 K

177 Instrument & agency MissionsStatus Type Measurements & Technical characteristics (& any partners) applications

KGI-4C METEOR-3M PrototypeEarth radiation Measures particle flux and Waveband: Electron flux density range: Module for N1 budget electromagnetic emissions 0.15-3.2MeV, proton flux Geophysical radiometer density range: 5- 90MeV, Measurements Protons density of energy more that 600 MeV (5-10 ROSHYDROMET channels) Spatial resolution: 8-12km Swath width: 3100km Accuracy: 1.6K

Klimat METEOR-3M OperationalImaging Provides images of cloud, ice Waveband: TIR: 10.5-12.5µm Scanning IR N1 multi-spectral and snow. Measures sea Spatial resolution: 0.45km x 0.9km radiometer radiometers surface temperature Swath width: 1300km (vis/IR) Accuracy: ROSHYDROMET

KMSS METEOR-3M OperationalImaging multi- Moderate resolution imaging Waveband: Microwave:0.45-0.50, 0.535- N2, spectral applications 0.575, 0.63-0.68, 0.76-0.9µm Medium range multi- Meteor-M No1, radiometers Spatial resolution: 70m spectral scanner Meteor-M No2 (passive Swath width: 1000-1200km ROSHYDROMET microwave) Accuracy: (ROSKOSMOS)

LAC NMP EO-1 OperationalImaging Corrects high spatial resolution Waveband: 256 bands, NIR-SWIR: Laser Atmospheric multi-spectral multispectral imager data for 0.89-1.58µm Corrector radiometers atmospheric effects Spatial resolution: 250m (vis/IR) Swath width: 185km NASA Accuracy:

Landsat Comms Landsat-5, OperationalCommunications Data communications only. Communications Landsat-7 package for Landsat USGS

Laser reflectors STARLETTE, OperationalPrecision orbit Measures distance between 24cm sphere covered in 60 retro-reflectors STELLA the satellite and the laser CNES tracking stations

Laser reflectors (ESA) CRYOSAT, TBDPrecision orbit Measures distance between Cluster of 9 laser reflectors provide orbit Laser reflectors GOCE the satellite and the laser determination with cm accuracy using laser tracking stations ground stations. ESA

L-band SAR SSR-2 ProposedImaging Microwave imaging of land Waveband: microwave radars and ice for use in Spatial resolution: INPE environmental monitoring, Swath width: agriculture and forestry, Accuracy: disaster monitoring, Earth resource management and interferometry

LISS-III RESOURCE- OperationalHigh resolution Data used for vegetation type Waveband: VIS: Band 2: 0.52-0.59µm, Linear Imaging Self SAT-1, optical imagers assessment, resource Band 3: 0.62-0.68µm, Scanner - III RESOURCE- assessment, crop stress NIR: Band 4: 0.77-0.86µm, SAT-2 detection, crop production SWIR: Band 5: 1.55-1.75µm ISRO forecasting, forestry, land use Spatial resolution: Bands 2, 3 & 4: 23.5m, and land cover change Band 5: 70.5m Swath width: 140km Accuracy:

LISS-IV RESOURCE- OperationalHigh resolution Vegetation monitoring, Waveband: VIS: 0.52-0.59µm, 0.62-0.68µm, Linear Imaging Self SAT-1, optical imagers improved crop discrimination, NIR: 0.77-0.86µm, Scanner - IV RESOURCE- crop yield, disaster monitoring Spatial resolution: 5.8m SAT-2 and rapid assessment of Swath width: 70km ISRO natural resources Accuracy:

178 Instrument & agency MissionsStatus Type Measurements & Technical characteristics (& any partners) applications

LRA Jason, Operational Precision orbit Provides baseline tracking The LRA is an array of mirrors that provide a Laser Retroreflector Jason-2 (also data for precision orbit target for laser tracking measurements from the Array known as determination and/or geodesy. ground. By analyzing the round-trip time of the OSTM), Also for calibration of radar laser beam, we can locate very precisely where NASA (ASI) Topex- altimeter bias. Several types the satellite is on its orbit. Poseidon used on various missions. (ASI involved in LAGEOS 2 development)

LRA (LAGEOS) LAGEOS-1, Being Precision orbit Provides baseline tracking The LAGEOS satellites are passive vehicles Laser Retroreflector LAGEOS-2, developed data for precision geodesy. covered with retro-reflectors designed to reflect Array LAGEOS-3 Also for calibration of radar laser beams transmitted from ground stations. altimeter bias. Several types Accuracy: 2cm overhead ranging NASA (ASI) used on various missions. (ASI involved in LAGEOS 2 development)

L-SAR TerraSAR-LPrototype Imaging L-Band Sar for agriculture and Waveband: Microwave: L-band (2GHz) L-Band SAR microwave radars forestry Spatial resolution: 5m Swath width: 10-200km depending on mode BNSC Accuracy:

MADRAS MEGHA- Operational Imaging multi- Studies precipitation and Data not yet available. TROPIQUES spectral clouds properties CNES radiometers (passive microwave)

MAESTRO SCISAT-1Operational Atmospheric Will aid in the SCISAT-1 overall Waveband: UV-NIR: 0.285 to 1.03um Measurements of chemistry mission of increasing our (1-2nm spectral resolution) Aerosol Extinction in understanding of the chemical Spatial resolution: Approx 1km vertical the Stratosphere and processes involved in the Swath width: Troposphere Retrieved depletion of the ozone layer Accuracy: by Occultation CSA

Magnetometer GOES-RApproved Magnetic field Measures magnitude and The GOES-R Project is in the formulation phase. (NOAA) direction of Earth's ambient The satellite will comprise improved spacecraft magnetic field in three and instrument technologies, which will result in NOAA orthogonal directions in an more timely and accurate weather forecasts, and Earth referenced coordinate improve support for the detection and system. Will provide a map of observations of meteorological phenomena that the space environment that directly affect public safety, protection of property, controls charged particle and ultimately, economic health and development. dynamics in the outer region of the magnetosphere

MASTER ESA Future TBD Atmospheric Data for study of exchange Waveband: Microwave: 199-207, 296-306, Missions temperature and mechanisms between 318-326, 342-348GHz ESA humidity stratosphere/troposphere, and Spatial resolution: 3km sounders & information for studies on Swath width: Atmospheric global change. Measures Accuracy: 199-207GHz channel: 1K, chemistry upper troposphere/ lower Other channels: 1.5K, 50MHz instruments stratosphere profiles of O3, resolution, 0.3 secs integration H2O, CO, HNO3, SO2, N2O, time pressure and temperature

MBEI SICH-2Approved High resolution Multispectral scanner images Waveband: VIS-NIR: 0.50-0.885µm, Multi-band Earth optical imagers of land surface VIS: 0.50-0.59, 0.605-0.68µm, Imager NIR: 0.785-0.885µm Spatial resolution: 7.8m NSAU Swath width: 46.6km pointable ±35° from nadir Accuracy:

179 Instrument & agency MissionsStatus Type Measurements & Technical characteristics (& any partners) applications

MCP METOP-1, TBDCommunications Meteorological Data communication only. Meteorological METOP-2, Communications Package Communications METOP-3 (MCP) onboard METOP series Package (MCP) satellites EUMETSAT MERIS Envisat OperationalImaging Main objective is monitoring Waveband: VIS-NIR: 15 bands selectable Medium-Resolution multi-spectral marine biophysical and across range: 0.4-1.05µm radiometers biochemical parameters. (bandwidth programmable (vis/IR) Secondary objectives are between 0.0025 and 0.03µm) ESA related to atmospheric Spatial resolution: Ocean: 1040m x 1200 m, properties such as cloud and Land & coast: 260m x 300m water vapour and to vegetation Swath width: 1150km, global coverage conditions on land surfaces every 3 days Accuracy: Ocean colour bands typical S:N = 1700

MERSI FY-3A, ApprovedImaging Measures surface temperature Waveband: VIS-TIR: 0.47-12.5µm (20 Moderate Resolution FY-3B, multi-spectral and cloud and ice cover. Used channels) Spectral Imager FY-3C, radiometers for snow and flood Spatial resolution: 250m-1.1km FY-3D, (vis/IR) monitoring and surface Swath width: 3200km NRSCC (CAST) FY-3E, temperature Accuracy: FY-3F, FY-3G

METEOSAT Comms METEOSAT-5, PrototypeCommunications Communication package Data communication only. Communications METEOSAT-6, onboard METEOSAT series package for METEOSAT-7 satellites METEOSAT EUMETSAT

MHS METOP-1, PrototypeAtmospheric Provides atmospheric Waveband: Microwave: 89, 166GHz and 3 Microwave Humidity METOP-2, temperature and humidity profiles, cloud cover, channels near 183Ghz Sounder METOP-3, humidity cloud liquid, water content, Spatial resolution: Vertical: 3-7km, NOAA-N, sounders ice boundaries and Horizontal: 30-50km EUMETSAT NOAA-N' precipitation data Swath width: 1650km Accuracy: Cloud water profile: 10g/m2, Specific humidity profile: 10-20%

MIPAS Envisat OperationalAtmospheric Provides data on stratosphere Waveband: MWIR-TIR: between 4.15 and Michelson chemistry chemistry (global/polar 14.6µm Interferometric Passive instruments & ozone), climate research Spatial resolution: Vertical resolution: 3km, Atmosphere Sounder Atmospheric (trace gases/clouds), vertical scan range 5-150km, temperature and transport dynamics, Horizontal: 3km x 30km, ESA humidity tropospheric chemistry. Spectral resolution: sounders Primary/secondary species: 0.035 lines/cm O3, NO, NO2, HNO3, N2O5, Swath width: ClONO2, CH4 Accuracy: Radiometric precision: 685- 970cm-1: 1%, 2410 cm-1: 3%

MIRAS FY-3C, PrototypeImaging multi- Atmospheric sounding for No data available Multichannel Infrared FY-3D, spectral weather forecasting Atmospheric Sounder FY-3E, radiometers FY-3F, (passive NRSCC (CAST) FY-3G microwave)

MIRAS (SMOS) SMOS ProposedMultiple Objective is to demonstrate Waveband: Microwave: L-Band 1.41GHz 2-D Passive L-Band direction/polarisat observations of sea surface (based on MIRAS concept) Microwave ion radiometers & salinity and soil moisture in Spatial resolution: Requirements: Soil moisture: Interferometer Imaging multi- suport of climate, 30km (desired), Sea surface spectral meteorology, hydrology, and salinity: 200km (desired) ESA radiometers oceanography applications. Swath width: 934km (at 756km altitude), (passive allowing a 3 day revisit time at microwave) the equator Accuracy: Radiometric accuracy: 3.5K for land, 2.5K for sea

180 Instrument & agency MissionsStatus Type Measurements & Technical characteristics (& any partners) applications

MIREI SICH-2Approved High resolution Scanner images of land surface Waveband: NIR: 1.55-1.7µm Middle IR Earth Imager optical imagers Spatial resolution: 39.5m Swath width: 55.3 km pointable ±35° from NSAU nadir Accuracy:

MISR TerraOperational Multiple Provides measurements of Waveband: VIS: 0.44, 0.56, 0.67µm, Multi-angle Imaging direction/ global surface albedo, aerosol NIR: 0.86µm SpectroRadiometer polarisation and vegetation properties. Also Spatial resolution: 275m, 550m or 1.1km, radiometers provides multi-angle Summation modes available NASA bidirectional data (1% angle-to- on selected cameras/bands: angle accuracy) for cloud cover 1x1, 2x2, 4x4, 1x4. 1 pixel = and reflectances at the surface 275m x 275m and aerosol opacities. Global Swath width: 360km common overlap of all and local modes 9 cameras Accuracy: 0.03% hemispherical albedo, 10% aerosol opacity, 1-2% angle to angle accuracy in bidirectional reflectance

MIVZA METEOR-3M Prototype Atmospheric Microwave radiometer for Waveband: Microwave:22-94 GHz, Microwave scanning N1 temperature and humidity sounding of 5 channels radiometer humidity atmosphere Spatial resolution: 25-100km sounders Swath width: 1500m ROSHYDROMET Accuracy:

MLS AuraOperational Atmospheric Provides data on emissions of Waveband: 118GHz, 190GHz, 240GHz, Microwave Limb temperature and chlorine monoxide, water 640GHz, 2.5THz Sounder humidity vapour and ozone. Data also Spatial resolution: Measurements are performed sounders & used for determination of along the sub-orbital track, NASA Atmospheric atmospheric pressure and and resolution varies for chemistry temperatures as a function of different parameters; 5 km instruments altitude from observations of cross-track x 500 km along- molecular oxygen emissions track x 3 km vertical are typical values. Swath width: 1.5 km vertical x 3 km cross- track x 300 km along-track at the limb tangent point Accuracy: Depends on measurement

MMP SAC-COperational Magnetic field Measurement of the Earth’s Waveband: Scalar (SHM) 1nTeslaVectorial Magnetic Mapping magnetic field with a vector 3-5 nT Payload and a scalar magnetometer Spatial resolution: Res angular 20 sec arc Swath width: Vector 0.5 nT CONAE (DSRI Accuracy: (Denmark))

MMRS SAC-COperational Imaging Applications related to Waveband: VIS-NIR: 480 - 500nm, Multispectral Medium multi-spectral agriculture, environment, 540-560nm, 630-690nm, Resolution Scanner radiometers forestry, hydrology, 795-835nm, (vis/IR) oceanography, mineralogy and SWIR: 1550-1700nm CONAE geology, desertification, Spatial resolution: 175m contamination and protection Swath width: 360kmAccuracy: of ecosystems.

MOC SAC-E/SABIAApproved Imaging Waveband: Multi-spectral Optical multi-spectral Spatial resolution: Camera radiometers Swath width: (vis/IR) Accuracy: CONAE

181 Instrument & agency MissionsStatus Type Measurements & Technical characteristics (& any partners) applications

MODerate-Resolution Aqua, Terra OperationalImaging multi- Data on biological and Waveband: VIS-TIR: 36 bands in range Imaging spectral physical processes on the 0.4-14.4µm Spectroradiometer radiometers surface of the Earth and in the Spatial resolution: Cloud cover: 250m (day) and (vis/IR) & lower atmosphere, and on 1000m (night), Surface NASA Ocean colour global dynamics. Surface temperature: 1000m instruments temperatures of land and Swath width: 2330km ocean, chlorophyll Accuracy: Long wave radiance: fluorescence, land cover 100nW/m2, Short wave measurements, cloud cover radiance: 5%, Surface (day and night) temperature of land: <1K, Surface temperature of ocean: <0.2K, Snow and ice cover: 10%

MOPITT Terra PrototypeAtmospheric Measurements of greenhouse Waveband: SWIR-MWIR: 2.3, 2.4 and 4.7µm Measurements Of chemistry gases (CO, methane) in the Spatial resolution: CO profile: 4km vertical, 22 x Pollution In The troposhere 22km horizontal, CO, Troposphere CH4 column: 22x22km horizontal CSA Swath width: 616km Accuracy: Carbon monoxide (4km layers): 10%, Methane column: 1%

MPS GOES-R ApprovedSpace Studies of natural radiation The GOES-R Project is in the formulation phase. Magnetospheric Environment hazard to humans at high The satellite will comprise improved spacecraft Particle Sensor altitudes and in space, as well and instrument technologies, which will result in as risk assessment and more timely and accurate weather forecasts, and NOAA warning of episodes of surface improve support for the detection and charging, deep dielectric observations of meteorological phenomena that charging, and single event directly affect public safety, protection of property, upset of satellite systems and ultimately, economic health and development.

MR-2000M1 METEOR-3M PrototypeImaging TV camera images of cloud, Waveband: VIS-NIR: 0.5-0.8µm Scanning visible N1 multi-spectral snow and ice Spatial resolution: 1.5km radiometer radiometers Swath width: 3100km (vis/IR) Accuracy: ROSHYDROMET

MS (GISTDA) THEOS ApprovedImaging Land surface applications Waveband: 0.45-0.52, 0.53-0.60, 0.62-0.69, Multi spectral imager multi-spectral 0.77-0.90µm radiometers Spatial resolution: 15m GISTDA (vis/IR) Swath width: 90km Accuracy:

MSC KOMPSAT-2 Being High resolution High resolution imager for Waveband: VIS-NIR: 0.50-0.92µm, Multi-Spectral Camera developed optical imagers land applications of VIS: 0.45-0.52µm, 0.52- cartography and disaster 0.60µm, 0.63-0.69µm, KARI monitoring NIR: 0.76-0.90µm Spatial resolution: Pan: 1m, VNIR: 4m Swath width: 15km Accuracy:

MSG Comms METEOSAT-8, Being Communications Communication package Data communication only. Communications METEOSAT-9, developed onboard MSG series satellites package for MSG METEOSAT-10, METEOSAT-11 EUMETSAT

MSGI-MKA METEOR-3M TBDOther Geoactive corpuscular The MSGI-MKA instrument features four channels Spectrometer N2, emissions measurements for the measurement of the following parameters: Meteor-M No1, Electron fluxes in the energy range of 0.1-15 keV ROSHYDROMET Meteor-M No2 (high-sensitivity channel); Ion (proton) fluxes in the energy range of 0.1-15 keV (high-sensitivity channel); Electron fluxes in the energy range of 0.1- 15 keV (low-sensitivity channel); Monitoring of integral electron fluxes with a threshold energy of 40 keV. The Field of View is 10º x 10º for each channel (3) and 20º x 20º for the integral electron flux.

182 Instrument & agency MissionsStatus Type Measurements & Technical characteristics (& any partners) applications

MSI RapidEyeApproved High resolution High resolution images with Waveband: 4 VIS + 1 NIR band: 440-510nm, Multi Spectral Imager optical imagers short observing cycle for 520-590nm, 630-685nm, commercial and scientific 690-730nm, 760-850nm DLR applications Spatial resolution: 6.5m Swath width: 78km Accuracy: 2-3%

MSMR IRS-P4Operational Imaging multi- Sea state and meteorological Waveband: Microwave: 6.6, 10.6, 18 and Multifrequency spectral parameter monitoring (sea 21GHz Scanning Microwave radiometers surface temperature, surface Spatial resolution: 40m at 21GHz to 120m at Radiometer (passive wind speed, water vapour 6.6GHz, microwave) over ocean and liquid water Wind speed: 75 x 75km, ISRO content of the cloud) Sea surface temperature: 146 x 150km Swath width: 1360km Accuracy: Sea surface temparature: 1.5K, Sea surface wind speed: 1.5 m/s

MSS Landsat-5Operational Imaging Measures surface radiance. Waveband: 0.5-1.1µm Multispectral Scanner multi-spectral Data mostly used for land Spatial resolution: 82m radiometers applications Swath width: 185km USGS (vis/IR) Accuracy:

MSS (Roskosmos) BelKA Imaging Land surface applications Waveband: VIS-NIR: 0.54-0.6, 0.63-0.69, Multispectral film- multi-spectral 0.69-0.72, 0.75-0.86µm making system radiometers Spatial resolution: 12m (vis/IR) Swath width: 20km ROSKOSMOS Accuracy:

MSS-BIO Meteor-M No1, Ocean colour Ocean biology applications Waveband: 0.43-0.48, 0.5-0.58, 0.6-0.68, Polyzonal scanning Meteor-M No2 instruments 0.7-0.9, 2.0-2.3µm system of bioefficiency Spatial resolution: 60-100m of sea water areas Swath width: 520km Accuracy: ROSKOSMOS

MSTE-5E METEOR-3M TBD Other Geoactive Emission Waveband: Ions energetic spectrum: Multichannel system of N1 Measurements 0.1 – 15 keV, 3 channels, geoactive Energy of electrons: 0.05 – 20 measurements keV and more than 40 keV, 4 channels ROSHYDROMET Spatial resolution: Swath width: Accuracy:

MSU NOAA-12, Operational Atmospheric Provides temperature Waveband: 4 channels: 50.3 to 57.95 GHz Microwave Sounding NOAA-14 temperature and sounding through cloud up to Spatial resolution: 109.3 km Unit humidity 20km in altitude Swath width: 2348 km sounders Accuracy: NOAA

MSU-E METEOR-3M Operational Imaging Multispectral scanner images Waveband: VIS: 0.5-0.6, 0.6-0.7µm, Multispectral high N1 multi-spectral of land surface and ice cover NIR: 0.8-0.9µm resolution electronic radiometers Spatial resolution: 35-45m scanner (vis/IR) Swath width: 45km for one scanner, 80km for two scanners (pointable ROSHYDROMET ±30 deg from nadir) Accuracy:

183 Instrument & agency MissionsStatus Type Measurements & Technical characteristics (& any partners) applications

MSU-EU SICH-1MBeing High resolution Multispectral scanner images Waveband: VIS: 0.5-0.6, 0.6-0.7µm, Multi-Spectral developed optical imagers of land surface NIR: 0.8-0.9µm Radiometer with High Spatial resolution: Visible: 24x34m Resolution Swath width: 48km or 105km; pointable ±30° from nadir NSAU Accuracy:

MSU-GS Elektro-L TBDImaging Measurements of cloud cover, Waveband: VIS: 0.5-0.65, 0.65-0.8µm, Multispectral scanning multi-spectral cloud top height, precipitation, NIR: 0.9µm, SWIR: 1.5µm, imager-radiometer radiometers cloud motion, vegetation, MWIR: 3.5-4.01µm, TIR: 5.7- (vis/IR) radiation fluxes, convection, 7.0, 8-8.7, 9.7, 10.2-11.2, ROSHYDROMET air mass analysis, cirrus cloud 11.2-12.5µm discrimination, tropopause Spatial resolution: 1km (at SSP) for visible and 4 monitoring, stability km for IR channels monitoring, total ozone and Swath width: Full Earth disk sea surface temparature Accuracy:

MSU-M SICH-1M PrototypeImaging Provide images of ocean Waveband: VIS: 0.5-0.6, 0.6-0.7µm, Multi-Spectral Low multi-spectral surface and ice sheets NIR: 0.7-0.8, 0.8-1.1µm Resolution Scanning radiometers Spatial resolution: 1.7km x 1.8km System (vis/IR) Swath width: 1930km Accuracy: NSAU

MSU-MR METEOR-3M TBDImaging Images of clouds, snow, ice Waveband: Visible: 0.5-0.7µm, Images of clouds, N2, multi-spectral and land cover NIR: 0.7-1.1µm, snow, ice and land Meteor-M No1, radiometers SWIR: 1.6-1.8µm, MWIR: 3.5- cover Meteor-M No2 (vis/IR) 4.1µm, TIR: 10.5-11.5µm, 11.5-12.5µm ROSHYDROMET Spatial resolution: 1km Swath width: 3000km Accuracy: VIS: 0.5%, IR: 0.1K

MSU-SM METEOR-3M TBDImaging Images of clouds, snow, ice Waveband: VIS: 0.5-0.7µm, NIR: 0.7-1.1µm Multi-Spectral Medium N1 multi-spectral and land cover Spatial resolution: 225m Resolution Scanning radiometers Swath width: 2250km System (vis/IR) Accuracy: ROSHYDROMET

MTSAT Comms MTSAT-1R, PrototypeCommunications Data communication only Communications MTSAT-2 package for MTSAT JMA (JAXA)

MTVZA METEOR-3M PrototypeAtmospheric Provision of atmospheric Waveband: Microwave:18.7-183 GHz, Scanning microwave N1, temperature and temparature and humidity 52-55 GHz, 19 channels radiometer METEOR-3M humidity profiles Spatial resolution: 12x22km to 75x136km N2, sounders Swath width: 2200km ROSHYDROMET Meteor-M No1, Accuracy: Meteor-M No2

MTVZA-OK Kanopus- ApprovedAtmospheric Multi-Spectral Scanner Waveband: MW: 6.9, 10.6, 18.7, 23.8, Scanning microwave Vulkan, temperature and Images of Earth Surface 31.5, 36.7, 42, 48, 52.3-57.0, radiometer SICH-1M humidity 89, 183.32 GHz, sounders VIS: 0.37-0.45, 0.45-0.51, ROSHYDROMET 0.58-0.68, 0.68-0.78µm, MWIR:3.55-3.93µm Spatial resolution: MW: 12-260km, VIS: 0.96km, MWIR:1.1km Swath width: MW: 2000km VIS: 1280km, MWIR: 1850km Accuracy:

184 Instrument & agency MissionsStatus Type Measurements & Technical characteristics (& any partners) applications

MUX CBERS-3, Being Imaging Earth resources, Waveband: Multispectral CCD CBERS-4 developed multi-spectral environmental monitoring, Spatial resolution: 20m Camera radiometers land use Swath width: (vis/IR) Accuracy: CAST (INPE)

MVIRI METEOSAT-5, Operational Imaging Measures cloud cover, Waveband: VIS-NIR: 0.5-0.9µm, METEOSAT Visible and METEOSAT-6, multi-spectral motion, height, upper TIR: 5.7-7.1µm (water Infra-Red Imager METEOSAT-7 radiometers tropospheric humidity and sea vapour), 10.5-12.5µm (vis/IR) surface temperature Spatial resolution: Visible: 2.5km, Water vapour: EUMETSAT (ESA) 5km (after processing), TIR: 5 km Swath width: Full Earth disk in all three channels, every 30 minutes Accuracy: Cloud top height: 0.5km, Cloud top/ sea surface temperature: 0.7K, Cloud cover 15%

MWHS FY-3C, Approved Atmospheric Meteorological applications Waveband: Microwave: 150-183GHz MicroWave Humidity FY-3D, temperature and (5channels) Sounder FY-3E, humidity Spatial resolution: 15km FY-3F, sounders Swath width: ±48º NRSCC (CAST) FY-3G Accuracy:

MWR (BNSC) Envisat, Operational Imaging multi- To provide multispectral Waveband: Microwave: 23.8 and 36.5GHz Microwave Radiometer ERS-2 spectral analysis of hydrological, Spatial resolution: 20km radiometers oceanographic, land use Swath width: 20km BNSC (passive and meteorological Accuracy: Temparature: 2.6K microwave) & parameters. Global imager & Atmospheric SST. Ocean colour temperature and humidity sounders

MWR (CONAE) SAC-D/ Approved Imaging multi- The Aquarius mission will Waveband: Ka Band (23.8 and 36.56 GHz) Microwave radiometer Aquarius spectral measure global sea surface Spatial resolution: 400km radiometers salinity with unprecedented Swath width: 300km CONAE (passive resolution. The instruments Accuracy: 5K microwave) include a set of three radiometers that are sensitive to salinity (1.413 GHz; L- band). The scatterometer corrects for the ocean's surface roughness

MWRI FY-3A, Approved Imaging multi- Meteorological applications Waveband: 10.65-89GHz (10channels) MicroWave Radiation FY-3B, spectral Spatial resolution: 15-80km Imager FY-3C, radiometers Swath width: 1400km FY-3D, (passive Accuracy: NRSCC (CAST) FY-3E, microwave) FY-3F, FY-3G

MWTS FY-3A, Approved Atmospheric Meteorological applications Waveband: Microwave: 50-57GHz MicroWave FY-3B temperature and (4channels) Temperature Sounder humidity Spatial resolution: 50km sounders Swath width: ±48º NRSCC (CAST) Accuracy:

185 Instrument & agency MissionsStatus Type Measurements & Technical characteristics (& any partners) applications

NIRST SAC-D/ Approved Imaging Fire area, Fire Temperature, Waveband: 3.5-4.5µm, 10.5-11.5µ, New Infrared Sensor Aquarius multi-spectral Volcanic ash 11.5-12.5µm Technology radiometers Spatial resolution: 150m (vis/IR) Swath width: Normal mode: 75km, CONAE Accessible swath width: 700km Accuracy:

NISTAR DSCOVR ApprovedEarth radiation Measures radiance output Waveband: UV-FIR: 0.2-100µm, 0.2-4µm, NIST Advanced budget from the sunlit Earth over a 0.7-4µm, 0.3-1µm Radiometer radiometer broad spectrum (UV and VIS Spatial resolution: reflected and IR emitted) to Swath width: Full Earth disk NASA detect energy balance changes Accuracy: Total Earth reflected and in support of climate studies emitted power to within 0.1%

NOAA Comms NOAA-12, PrototypeCommunications Data communication only. Communications NOAA-14, package for NOAA NOAA-15, NOAA-16, NOAA NOAA-17, NOAA-N, NOAA-N'

NVK Kanopus- Other Geomagnetic applications Waveband: 1Hz - 25kHz Low-frequency wave Vulkan, related to volcanoes and Spatial resolution: complex Vulkan- earthquakes Swath width: Kompas-2 Accuracy: ROSKOSMOS

OBA SSR-1, ApprovedImaging Used for fire extent detection Waveband: VIS: 0.45-0.50µm, 0.52-0.57µm, Observador Brasileiro SSR-2 multi-spectral and temperature 0.63-0.69µm, da Amazonia radiometers measurement, coastal and NIR: 0.76-0.90µm, (vis/IR) vegetation monitoring, land MWIR: 3.4-4.2µm INPE cover and land use mapping Spatial resolution: VIS-NIR: 100m, MIR: 300m Swath width: 2200km (equatorial belt from latitude 5N to 15S) Accuracy:

OCM IRS-P4, OperationalOcean colour Ocean colour information, Waveband: VIS-NIR: 0.40-0.88µm Ocean Colour Monitor OCEANSAT-2 instruments coastal zone monitoring, land (8 channels) resources monitoring Spatial resolution: 236m x 360m ISRO Swath width: 1440km Accuracy:

OCO OCO Atmospheric Precise global maps of carbon The Orbiting Carbon Observatory (OCO) is a Orbiting Carbon chemistry dioxide (CO2) in the Earth's single instrument consisting of three high Observatory atmosphere. Scientists will resolution grating spectrometers that flies on a analyse OCO data to improve dedicated spacecraft. Each spectrometer detects NASA our understanding of the natural the intensity of radiation within a very specific processes and human activities narrow band at Near Infrared (NIR) wavelengths. that regulate the distribution of CO2 in the atmosphere

OEA Baumanets Imaging Waveband: 0.5-0.9µm Optical-electronic multi-spectral Spatial resolution: 50m equipment radiometers Swath width: 100km (vis/IR) Accuracy: ROSKOSMOS

186 Instrument & agency MissionsStatus Type Measurements & Technical characteristics (& any partners) applications

OLS DMSP F-13, OperationalImaging Day and night cloud cover Waveband: VIS-NIR: 0.4-1.1µm, Operational Linescan DMSP F-15, multi-spectral imagery TIR: 10.0-13.4µm, and System DMSP F-16, radiometers 0.47-0.95µm DMSP F-17, (vis/IR) Spatial resolution: 0.56km (fine), 5.4km NOAA (US DoD) DMSP F-18, (stereo products) DMSP F-19 Swath width: 3000km Accuracy:

OMI Aura OperationalAtmospheric Mapping of ozone columns, Waveband: UV: 270-314nm & 306-380nm, Ozone Measuring chemistry key air quality components VIS: 350-500nm Instrument (NO2, SO2, BrO, OClO and Spatial resolution: 13km x 24km or 36km x 48km aerosols), measurements of depending on the product. NASA (NIVR cloud pressure and coverage, Also has zoom modes (13km (Netherland)) global distribution and trends x 13km) for example for urban in UV-B radiation pollution detection Swath width: 2600km Accuracy:

OMPS NPOESS-2, Being Atmospheric Measures total amount of Waveband: Nadir Mapper: UV 0.3-0.38µm, Ozone Mapping and NPOESS-5, developed chemistry ozone in the atmosphere and Nadir profiler: UV 0.25-0.31µm, Profiler Suite NPP the ozone concentration Limb soundings: variation with altitude UV-TIR 0.29-10µm NOAA Spatial resolution: Mapper: 50km, Profiler: 250km, Limb: 1km vertical Swath width: Mapper: 2800km, Profiler: 250km, Limb: 3 vertical slits along track +/- 250km Accuracy: Total Ozone: 15 Dobson units. Profile Ozone: 10% between 15 and 60km, 20% between Tropopause and 15km

OP FY-3A, Being Atmospheric Ozone chemistry Waveband: UV Ozone Profiler FY-3B, developed chemistry measurements Spatial resolution: 200km FY-3C, Swath width: NRSCC (CAST) FY-3D, Accuracy: FY-3E, FY-3F, FY-3G

OSIRIS Odin PrototypeAtmospheric Detects aerosol layers and Waveband: Spectrograph: UV-NIR: Optical Spectrograph chemistry abundance of species such as 0.28-0.80µm, IR Imager, NIR: and Infra-Red Imaging O3, NO2, OClO, and NO. 1.26µm, 1.27µm, 1.52µm System Consists of spectrograph and Spatial resolution: Spectrograph 1km at limb, IR imager. Measures Imager 1km in vertical CSA temperature for altitudes Swath width: N/A, but measures in the above 30km altitude range 5-100 km Accuracy: Depends on species

OSMI KOMPSAT-1 OperationalImaging multi- Ocean color measurements Waveband: VIS: 0.412µm, 0.443µm, Ocean Scanning spectral for biological oceanography 0.490µm, 0.555µm, Multispectral Imager radiometers NIR: 0.765µm, 0.865µm (vis/IR) & Spatial resolution: 1km KARI Ocean colour Swath width: 800km instruments Accuracy:

PALSAR ALOS Being Imaging High resolution microwave Waveband: Microwave: L-Band 1270MHz Phased Array type developed microwave radars imaging of land and ice for Spatial resolution: Hi-res: 7-44m or 14-88m L-band Synthetic use in environmental (depends on polarisation and Aperture Radar monitoring, agriculture and looks), ScanSAR mode: forestry, disaster monitoring, <100m, Polarimetry 24-88m JAXA (METI (Japan)) Earth resource management Swath width: High resolution mode: 70km, and interferometry Scan SAR mode: 250-360km, Polarimetry: 30km Accuracy: Radiometric: ±1dB

187 Instrument & agency MissionsStatus Type Measurements & Technical characteristics (& any partners) applications

Pamela Resurs DK Space Measures the energy spectrum PAMELA consists of a time-of-flight / trigger Environment of antiprotons and positrons in system, transition radiation detector, a magnetic ROSKOSMOS the cosmic radiation. Will allow spectrometer with silicon tracking, an significant comparisons anticoincidence system, a silicon-tungsten between competing models of imaging electromagnetic calorimeter, a shower- antimatter production in our tail catcher and a neutron counter. galaxy

PAN CBERS-3, Being High resolution Provides measurements of Waveband: VIS: 0.52-0.59µm, 0.63-0.69µm, Panchromatic and CBERS-4 developed optical imagers cloud type and extent and NIR: 0.77-0.89µm, multispectral imager land surface reflectance, and PAN: 0.51-0.85µm used for global land surface Spatial resolution: 5m panchromatic and 10m CAST applications multispectral Swath width: 60 km Accuracy:

PAN (Cartosat-1) CARTOSAT-1 OperationalHigh resolution High resolution stereo images Waveband: Panchromatic VIS: 0.5-0.75µm Panchromatic sensor optical imagers for study of topography, urban Spatial resolution: 2.5m areas, development of DTM, Swath width: ISRO run-off models etc. Urban Accuracy: sprawl, forest cover/timber volume, land use change

PAN (GISTDA) THEOS ApprovedHigh resolution Land surface applications Waveband: 0.45-0.90µm Panchromatic imager optical imagers Spatial resolution: 2m Swath width: 22km GISTDA Accuracy:

PEM UARS OperationalMagnetic field PEM measures UV and There are four PEM ‘instruments’, AXIS, HEPS, Particle Environment charged particle energy inputs: MEPS, and VMAG. Their purpose is to provide Monitor determines type, amount, quantitative measurements of both local and energy and distribution of global energy inputs into the Earth's atmosphere NASA charged particles injected into by charged particles and Joule dissipation – via Earth's thermosphere, measurements of x-rays, charged particles, and mesosphere and stratosphere the magnetic field.

Plasma-Mag DSCOVR ProposedMagnetic field & Sun-viewing instrument to Plasma-Mag contains a triaxal fluxgate Space measure the solar wind and magnetometer that will investigate solar- wind NASA environment magnetic field parameters. magnetic fields with a sensitivity level of better Also serves as early-warning than 0.1nT. for solar-event storms that could damage satellites and equipment on Earth

Pleiades HR Pleiades 1, High resolution Cartography, land use, Waveband: 4 bands:Near IR, Red, Green, High Resolution Optical Pleiades 2 optical imagers risk,agriculture and forestry, Blue Imaging civil planning and mapping, Spatial resolution: <1m digital terrain models, defense Swath width: in vertical: 20km CNES Accuracy:

POLDER-P PARASOL ApprovedMultiple Measures polarization, and Waveband: VIS-NIR: 0.490, 0.670 and POLarization and direction/polarisat directional and spectral 0.865µm at 3 polarisations, Directionality of the ion radiometers characteristics of the solar light and 0.49, 0.565, 0.763, 0.765, Earth's Reflectances reflected by aerosols, clouds, 0.91µm, and 1.02µm with no (PARASOL version) oceans and land surfaces polarisation Spatial resolution: 5.5km x 5.5km CNES Swath width: 1600km Accuracy: Radiation budget, land surface, Reflectance: 2%

188 Instrument & agency MissionsStatus Type Measurements & Technical characteristics (& any partners) applications

POSEIDON-1 (SSALT-1) Topex- OperationalRadar altimeters Nadir viewing sounding radar Waveband: Microwave: Ku-band (13.575GHz) Positioning Ocean Poseidon for provision of real-time high Spatial resolution: Solid Earth Ice precision sea surface Swath width: Dynamics Orbiting topography, ocean circulation Accuracy: Navigator (Single and wave height data frequency solid state radar altimeter) CNES

POSEIDON-2 (SSALT-2) JasonOperational Radar altimeters Nadir viewing sounding radar Waveband: Microwave: Ku-band Positioning Ocean for provision of real-time high (13.575GHz), C-band (5.3GHz) Solid Earth Ice precision sea surface Spatial resolution: Basic measurement: 1/sec Dynamics Orbiting topography, ocean circulation (6km along track), Raw Navigator (Single and wave height data measurement: 10/sec (600m frequency solid state along track) radar altimeter) Swath width: On baseline TOPEX/POSEIDON orbit (10 CNES day cycle): 300km between tracks at equator Accuracy: Sea level: 3.9cm, Significant waveheight: 0.5m, Horizontal sea surface wind speed: 2m/s

POSEIDON-3 Jason-2 (also Operational Radar altimeters Nadir viewing sounding radar Waveband: Microwave: Ku-band Positioning Ocean Solid known as for provision of real-time high (13.575GHz), C-band (5.3GHz) Earth Ice Dynamics OSTM) precision sea surface Spatial resolution: Basic measurement: 1/sec Orbiting Navigator topography, ocean circulation (6km along track), Raw (Single frequency solid and wave height data measurement: 10/sec (600m state radar altimeter) along track) Swath width: On baseline CNES TOPEX/POSEIDON orbit (10 day cycle): 300km between tracks at equator Accuracy: Sea level: 3.9cm, Significant waveheight: 0.5m, Horizontal sea surface wind speed: 2m/s

PREMOS PICARDTBD Earth radiation Solar UV and visible flux in Waveband: UV: 230nm, 311nm, 402nm; PREcision Monitoring budget selected wavelength bands VIS: 548 nm of Solar variability radiometer Spatial resolution: Swath width: CNES Accuracy:

PRISM ALOSBeing High resolution High resolution panchromatic Waveband: VIS-NIR: 0.52-0.77µm Panchromatic Remote- developed optical imagers stereo imager for land (panchromatic) sensing Instrument for applications which include Spatial resolution: 2.5m Stereo Mapping cartography, digital terrain Swath width: 35km (triplet stereo models, civil planning, observations), JAXA agriculture and forestry 70km (nadir observations) Accuracy:

PSA Monitor-E Imaging High resolution thematic Waveband: VIS-NIR: 0.51-0.85µm Panchromatic film- multi-spectral mapping, agriculture and Spatial resolution: 8m making equipment radiometers forestry Swath width: 90/730km (vis/IR) Accuracy: ROSKOSMOS

PSS BelKA Imaging High resolution mapping, Waveband: VIS-NIR: 0.52-0.85µm Panchromatic film- multi-spectral environmental, and resource Spatial resolution: 3.2m making system radiometers survey applications Swath width: 23km (vis/IR) Accuracy: ROSKOSMOS

189 Instrument & agency MissionsStatus Type Measurements & Technical characteristics (& any partners) applications

RA ERS-2Operational Radar altimeters Measures wind speed, Waveband: Microwave: Ku-band: 13.8GHz Radar Altimeter significant wave height, sea Spatial resolution: Footprint is 16-20km surface elevation, ice profile, Swath width: ESA land and ice topography, and Accuracy: Wave height: 0.5m or 10% sea ice boundaries (whichever is smaller) Sea surface elevation: better than 10cm

RA-2 ERS-2Operational Radar altimeters Measures wind speed, Waveband: Microwave: 13.575Ghz Radar Altimeter - 2 significant wave height, sea (Ku-Band) & 3.2GHz (S-Band) surface elevation, ice profile, Spatial resolution: ESA land and ice topography, and Swath width: sea ice boundaries Accuracy: Altitude: better than 4.5cm, Wave height: better than 5% or 0.25m

RADARSAT DTT RADARSAT-1Operational Communications Data communication only. X band (downlink of payload) CSA

RADARSAT TTC RADARSAT-1Operational Communications Data communication only. S band (Tracking, Telemetry and Command) CSA

Radiomet Meteor-M No1, Atmospheric Atmospheric sounding for Waveband: 3cm, 32cm Meteor-M No2 temperature and weather forecasting Spatial resolution: ROSKOSMOS humidity Swath width: sounders Accuracy:

RBE Kanopus- Magnetic field & Geomagnetic applications Waveband: 150MHz, 400MHz Vulkan, Space related to volcanoes and Spatial resolution: ROSKOSMOS Vulkan- environment earthquakes Swath width: Kompas-2 Accuracy:

RCHA Kanopus- Other Geomagnetic applications Waveband: 50kHz -15MHz Vulkan, related to volcanoes and Spatial resolution: ROSKOSMOS Vulkan- earthquakes Swath width: Kompas-2 Accuracy:

RDSA Monitor-E Imaging Thematic mapping, agriculture Waveband: VIS-NIR: 0.54-0.59, multi-spectral and forestry 0.63-0.68, 0.79-0.9µm ROSKOSMOS radiometers Spatial resolution: 20/40m (vis/IR) Swath width: 160/890km Accuracy:

RIMS-M Meteor-M No1, TBD Other Ion composition in upper Waveband: 1-4 a.e.m., 5-20 a.e.m Mass-spectrometer Meteor-M No2 atmosphere Spatial resolution: Swath width: ROSHYDROMET Accuracy:

RLSBO SICH-1MPrototype Imaging Provides images of ocean Waveband: Microwave: 0.8cm Side looking microwave microwave radars surface and ice sheets Spatial resolution: 25x25km radar Swath width: 550km Accuracy: 3K temperature sensitivity" ROSKOSMOS (NIIRI)

190 Instrument & agency MissionsStatus Type Measurements & Technical characteristics (& any partners) applications

RM-08 SICH-1MPrototype Imaging multi- Passive microwave images of Waveband: Microwave: 0.8cm Scanning Microwave spectral ocean surface and ice sheets Spatial resolution: 25x25km Radiometer radiometers Swath width: 550km (passive Accuracy: 3K temperature sensitivity ROSHYDROMET microwave) (NSAU)

ROSA SAC-D/ TBD Precision orbit & GPS Receiver. Including Uses observations of GPS satellite occultations formerly called Aquarius Atmospheric specialized version equipped in order to supply information about the Lagrange temperature and with limb sounding antenna atmosphere temperature, pressure and water humidity and dedicated signal tracking vapour content. ASI sounders capability for metereological, climate and space weather applications

RRA Diademe 1&2 Precision orbit Satellite laser ranging for The RRA consist of 2 flattened truncated cones Retroreflector Array geodynamic measurements with 77 cube corners per cone for a total of 144 cube corners. CNES

S&R (GOES) GOES-9, Prototype Other Satellite and ground based Communications payload. Search and Rescue GOES-10, system to detect and locate GOES-11, aviators, mariners, and land- NOAA GOES-12, based users in distress GOES-N, GOES-O, GOES-P, GOES-R

S&R (NOAA) METOP-1, Operational Other Satellite and ground based Communications payload. Search and Rescue METOP-2, system to detect and locate Satellite Aided Tracking NOAA-14, aviators, mariners, and land- NOAA-15, based users in distress NOAA NOAA-16, NOAA-17, NOAA-N, NOAA-N'

SABER TIMEDOperational Atmospheric SABER provides Waveband: NIR-FIR: 1.27µm - 17µm Sounding of the temperature and measurements of the (10 channels) Atmosphere humidity mesosphere and lower Spatial resolution: 2km vertical resolution usingBroadband sounders & thermosphere globally to Swath width: Emission Radiometry Atmospheric support investigations into the Accuracy: chemistry fundamental processes NASA instruments governing the energetics, chemistry, dynamics, and transport of the atmospheric region extending from 60 km to 180 km

SAGE II ERBSOperational Atmospheric Profiles of ozone, aerosols, Waveband: 7 channels, UV-NIR: Stratospheric Aerosol chemistry NO2, and water vapor. Data 0.385 - 1.02 µm and Gas Experiment-II suitable for atmospheric Spatial resolution: 0.75 km chemistry, ozone trend, and Swath width: N/A NASA climate studies Accuracy: O3- 4%, Aerosol – 1%, NO2 – 15%, H2O- 20% in lower stratosphere

191 Instrument & agency MissionsStatus Type Measurements & Technical characteristics (& any partners) applications

SAGE III METEOR-3M Operational Atmospheric Profiles of ozone, water vapor, Waveband: UV-NIR: 0.29-1.55µm Stratospheric Aerosol N1 chemistry NO2, NO3, OCIO, aerosols, Spatial resolution: 1-2km vertical resolution and Gas Experiment-III temperature and pressure for Swath width: N/A atmospheric chemistry and Accuracy: Temperature: 2K, Ozone: 6%, NASA (ROSKOSMOS) climate studies using a 809 Humidity: 3-10%, Aerosol and element CCD-based grating trace gases: 5-10% spectrometer and discrete photodiode channel at 1550 nm

SAPHIR MEGHA- Approved Atmospheric Cross-track sounder with the Waveband: Microwave: 183.3GHz TROPIQUES temperature and objective of measuring water (6 channels) CNES (ISRO) humidity vapour profiles in the Spatial resolution: 10km sounders troposphere in six layers from Swath width: 2-12km altitudes Accuracy:

SAR (RADARSAT) RADARSAT-1 OperationalImaging Provides all-weather images Waveband: Microwave: C band: 5.3GHz, Synthetic Aperture microwave radars of ocean, ice and land HH polarisation Radar (CSA) C band surfaces. Used for monitoring Spatial resolution: Standard: 25 x28 m (4 looks), of coastal zones, polar ice, Wide beam (1/2):48-30 x CSA sea ice, sea state, geological 28m/ 32-25 x 28m (4 looks), features, vegetation and land Fine resolution: 11-9 x 9m (1 surface processes look), ScanSAR (N/W): 50 x 50m/ 100 x 100m (2-4/4-8 looks), Extended (H/L): 22- 19x28m/ 63-28 x 28m (4 looks) Swath width: Standard: 100km Wide: 150km Fine: 45km ScanSAR Narrow: 300km ScanSAR Wide: 500km Extended (H): 75km Extended (L): 170kmWide: 150km Fine: 45km ScanSAR Narrow: 300km ScanSAR Wide: 500km Extended (H): 75km Extended (L): 170km Accuracy: Geometric distortion: < 40m, Radiometric: 1.0dB

SAR (RADARSAT-2) RADARSAT-2 Being Imaging Provides all-weather images Waveband: Microwave: C band 5.405 Synthetic Aperture developed microwave radars of ocean, ice and land GHz: HH, VV, HV, VH Radar (CSA) C band surfaces. Used for monitoring polarisation - includes fully of coastal zones, polar ice, polarimetric imaging modes, CSA sea ice, sea state, geological and left- and right-looking features, vegetation and land capability surface processes Spatial resolution: Standard: 25 x28 m (4 looks), Wide beam (1/2):48-30 x 28m/ 32-25 x 28m (4 looks), Fine resolution: 11-9 x 9m (1 look), ScanSAR (N/W): 50 x 50m/ 100 x 100m (2-4/4-8 looks), Extended (H/L): 22- 19x28m/ 63-28 x 28m (4 looks), Ultrafine: 3m Swath width: Standard: 100km (20-49deg), Wide beam (1/2): 165km/ 150km (20-31/ 31-39deg), Fine resolution: 45km (37- 48deg), ScanSAR (W): 510km (20-49deg), Extended (H/L): 75km/170km (50-60/ 10- 23deg), Ultrafine: 10-20km Accuracy: Geometric distortion: < 40m, Radiometric: 1.0dB

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SAR (RISAT) RISAT-1Proposed Imaging Radar backscatter Waveband: C-Band (5.350 Ghz) microwave radars measurements of land, water Spatial resolution: 3-6m (FRS-1), 9-12m ISRO and ocean surfaces for (FRS-2), 25/50m (MRS/CRS) applications in soil moisture, Swath width: 10km (HRS), 30km crop applications (under cloud (FRS-1/FRS-2), 120/240km cover), terrain mapping etc (MRS/CRS) Accuracy:

SAR METEOR-3M Operational Imaging Provides all-weather images No data available. (ROSHYDROMET) N2 microwave radars of ocean, ice and land Synthetic Aperture surfaces. Used for monitoring Radar of coastal zones, polar ice, sea ice, sea state, geological ROSHYDROMET features, vegetation and land (ROSKOSMOS) surface processes

SAR (SAOCOM) SAOCOM 1A, Being Imaging Land and Ocean Emergencies Waveband: Microwave: L-Band SAR Synthetic Aperture SAOCOM 1B, developed microwave radars 1.275 GHz Radar (CONAE) SAOCOM-2B Spatial resolution: 10x10m - 100x100m (1), Swath width: CONAE SAOCOM-2B Accuracy: 70m (2)

SAR 2000 COSMO - TBD Imaging All weather images of ocean, Waveband: Microwave: X-band, with Multi-Mode Synthetic SkyMed microwave radars land and ice for monitoring of choice of 4 polarisation modes Aperture Radar land surface processes, ice, (VV, HH, VV/HH, HV/HH). environmental monitoring, Spatial resolution: Single polarisation mode; ASI risk management, Stripmap: few metres, environmental resources, ScanSAR: from few tens to maritime management, earth several tens of metres; Frame: topographic mapping resolution: order of the m

Two polarisation mode·PING PONG: few metres Swath width: Single polarisation modes: Stripmap (tens of km), ScanSAR (hundreds of km), Frame (spot width several tens km2)

Two polarisation modes: PING PONG (several tens of km) Accuracy:

SARSAT NPOESS-1, TBD Data collection Satellite and ground based Waveband: UHF 406.0 MHZ Search and Rescue NPOESS-2, system to detect and locate Satellite Aided Tracking NPOESS-3, aviators, mariners, and land- NPOESS-4, based users in distress NOAA NPOESS-5, NPOESS-6

S-band SAR HJ-1CBeing Imaging All weather microwave 3-D Waveband: S-band Synthetic developed microwave radars images Spatial resolution: 20m (4looks) Aperture Radar Swath width: 100km Accuracy: 3dB CAST

SBUV/2 NOAA-14, Operational Atmospheric Provides data on trace gases Waveband: UV: 0.16-0.4µm (12 channels) Solar Backscattter NOAA-15, chemistry including vertical profile Spatial resolution: 170km Ultra-Violet NOAA-16, ozone, and solar irradiance Swath width: Instrument/2 NOAA-17, and total ozone concentration Accuracy: Absolute accuracy: 1% NOAA-N, measurements NOAA NOAA-N'

193 Instrument & agency MissionsStatus Type Measurements & Technical characteristics (& any partners) applications

ScaRaB MEGHA- Operational Earth radiation Measures top-of-atmosphere Waveband: VIS window channel: 0.5-0.7µm, Scanner for Earth's TROPIQUES budget shortwave radiation (0.2- Solar channel UV-SWIR: 0.2- Radiation Budget radiometer 4.0µm) and total radiation 4µm, Total channel UV-FIR: (0.2-50µm). Two additional 0.2-50µm, Thermal window CNES (NPO narrow-band channels (0.5- channel: 10.5-12.5µm "PLANETA") 0.7µm and 11-12µm) allow Spatial resolution: 60km cloud detection and scene Swath width: 2200km identification Accuracy: Absolute: ± 2.5W/m2/sr, Relative: ± 0.7W/m2/sr

Scatterometer (ISRO) OCEANSAT-2TBD Scatterometers Mainly for wind Under definition. measurements ISRO

Scatterometer (JAXA) GCOM-WTBD Scatterometers Ocean surface wind Under definition. Scatterometer measurements JAXA

SCIAMACHY Envisat OperationalAtmospheric Measures middle atmosphere Waveband: UV-SWIR: 240-314, 309-3405, Scanning Imaging chemistry temperature. Provides 394-620, 604-805, 785-1050, Absorption tropospheric and 1000-1750, 1940-2040 and Spectrometer for stratospheric profiles of O2, 2265-2380nm Atmospheric O3, O4, CO, N2O, NO2, CO2, Spatial resolution: Limb vertical 3 x 132km, Chartography CH4, H2O, and tropospheric Nadir horizontal 32 x 215km and stratospheric profiles of Swath width: Limb and nadir mode: ESA aerosols and cloud altitude 1000km (max) Accuracy: Radiometric: <4%

SeaWinds QuikSCAT OperationalScatterometers Measurement of surface wind Waveband: Microwave: 13.402 GHz speed and direction; lost Spatial resolution: 25 km NASA (JAXA) power on-orbit in October 2003 Swath width: 1600 km Accuracy: Speed: 2-3.5 m/s Direction: 20 deg

SEM (GOES) GOES-9, OperationalSpace Used for equipment failure The SEM System consists of a three-axis vector Space Environment GOES-10, Environment analysis, solar flux magnetometer, an Energetic Particle Sensor Monitor GOES-11, measurement, solar storm (EPS) and associated High-Energy Proton and GOES-12, warning, and magnetic and Alpha Detector (HEPAD), and an X-Ray Sensor NOAA GOES-N, electric field measurement at (XRS). This set of instruments is designed to GOES-O, satellite provide real-time measurement of solar activity, GOES-P, the charged particle environment, and the Earth's GOES-R magnetic field at synchronous orbit.

SEM (POES) METOP-2, OperationalSpace Used for equipment failure The SEM consists of two separate sensor units: Space Environment NOAA-12, Environment analysis, solar flux the Total Energy Detector (TED) and the Medium Monitor NOAA-14, measurement, solar storm Energy Proton and Electron Detector (MEPED). NOAA-15, warning, and magnetic and The TED senses and quantifies the intensity in NOAA NOAA-16, electric field measurement at the sequentially selected energy bands. The NOAA-17, satellite particles of interest have energies ranging from NOAA-N, 0.05 keV to 20 keV. The MEPED senses protons, NOAA-N' electrons, and ions with energies from 30 keV to levels exceeding 6.9 MeV.

SESS NPOESS-2, Being Space Measures characteristics of Multiple sensors to measure auroral Space Environmental NPOESS-3, developed environment & auroral boundary, auroral characteristics, geomagnetic field, electron Sensor Suite NPOESS-4, Magnetic field energy deposition, auroral density profile, and total electron content, 10-km NPOESS-5, imagery, electric field, electron vertical resolution from 60 km to 3000 km. NOAA NPOESS-6 density profile, geomagnetic field, in-situ plasma fluctuations, ionosphere scintillation. Data aids future space system design

194 Instrument & agency MissionsStatus Type Measurements & Technical characteristics (& any partners) applications

SEVIRI METEOSAT-8, PrototypeImaging Measurements of cloud cover, Waveband: VIS: 0.56-0.71µm, 0.5-0.9µm Spinning Enhanced METEOSAT-9, multi-spectral cloud top height, precipitation, (broadband),NIR: 0.74- Visible and Infra-Red METEOSAT-10, radiometers cloud motion, vegetation, 0.88µm,SWIR 1.5-1.78µm, Imager METEOSAT-11 (vis/IR) radiation fluxes, convection, SWIR: 3.48-4.36µm, TIR: air mass analysis, cirrus cloud 5.35-7.15µm, 6.85-7.85µm, EUMETSAT (ESA) discrimination, tropopause 8.3-9.1µm, 9.38-9.94µm, 9.8- monitoring, stability 11.8µm, 11-13µm, 12.4- monitoring, total ozone and 14.46µm sea surface temparature Spatial resolution: 1km (at SSP) for one broadband visible channel HRV, 5km (at SSP) for all other channels Swath width: Full Earth disk Accuracy: Cloud cover: 10%, Cloud top height: 1km, Cloud top temparature: 1K, Cloud type: 8 classes, Surface temparature: 0.7-2.0K, Specific humidity profile: 10%, Wind profile (horizontal component): 2- 10m/s, Long wave Earth surface radiation: 5W/m2

SFM-2 METEOR-3M Operational Atmospheric Global ozone monitoring Waveband: UV-VIS: 0.2-0.51µm (4 channels) UV limb spectrometer N1 chemistry Spatial resolution: Swath width: ROSHYDROMET Accuracy:

SGPS GOES-RApproved Space Studies natural radiation The GOES-R Project is in the formulation phase. Solar and Galactic Environment hazard to humans at high The satellite will comprise improved spacecraft Proton Sensor altitudes and in space, as well and instrument technologies, which will result in as risk assessment and more timely and accurate weather forecasts, and NOAA warning of episodes of surface improve support for the detection and charging, deep dielectric observations of meteorological phenomena that charging, and single event directly affect public safety, protection of property, upset of satellite systems and ultimately, economic health and development.

SIM SORCEOperational Earth radiation Measures solar spectral Waveband: UV-SWIR: 200-2000nm Spectral Irradiance budget irradiance in the 200-2000nm Spatial resolution: Monitor radiometer range Swath width: Accuracy: NASA

SIRAL CRYOSATBeing Radar altimeters Objective is to observe ice Waveband: Microwave: 13.575GHz SAR Interferometer developed sheet interiors, the ice sheet (Ku-Band) Radar Altimeter margins, for sea ice and other Spatial resolution: Range resolution 45cm, along- topography track resolution 250m ESA Swath width: Footprint 15km Accuracy: Arctic sea-ice: 1.6cm/year for 300kmx300km cells, Land ice (small scale): 3.3cm/year for 100km x 100km cells, Land ice (large scale): 0.17cm/year for Antarctica size area

SKL-M Meteor-M No1, TBD Proton flux density Waveband: 2, 4, 6 and > 6 MeV, 30, 50, Solar ray spectrometer Meteor-M No2 100, 300 and > 300 MeV Spatial resolution: ROSHYDROMET Swath width: Accuracy:

195 Instrument & agency MissionsStatus Type Measurements & Technical characteristics (& any partners) applications

SMR OdinOperational Atmospheric Measures global distributions Waveband: Microwave: 118.7GHz + 4 Submillimetre chemistry of ozone and species of bands in the region 480- Radiometer instruments & importance for ozone 580GHz: Tunable measures 2-3 Atmospheric chemisty, ClO, HNO3, H2O, x 1GHz regions at a time SNSB temperature and N2O, (HO2, H2O2). Measures Spatial resolution: Vertical resolution 1.5-3km, humidity temperature in the height along track 600km sounders range 15-100km Swath width: Altitudes of 5-100km Accuracy: 2-40% depending on species and altitude

SODAD SAC-D/ Approved TBD Space Debris Instrument for the measurement of the properties Orbital System for an Aquarius of micrometeorites and space debris. Active Detection of Debris CNES

SODISM PICARDTBD Earth radiation Measures diameter and Waveband: UV: 230nm, VIS: 548nm, SOlar Diameter Imager budget differential rotation of the sun Active regions: 160nm plus and Surface Mapper radiometer - a whole Sun imager Lyman alpha detector Spatial resolution: CNES Swath width: Accuracy:

SOLSTICE SORCE, OperationalEarth radiation Provides data on UV and Waveband: UV: 115-180nm & 170-320nm SOLar STellar UARS budget charged particle energy inputs, Spatial resolution: Irradiance Comparison radiometer and on time variation of full- Swath width: Experiment disk solar UV spectrum. Accuracy: 1% Measures solar UV radiation NASA (115 to 430nm) with resolution of 0.12nm. Compares solar UV output with UV radiation of stable bright blue stars

Sounder GOES-9, OperationalAtmospheric Provides atmospheric Waveband: GOES 8-12; N,O,P: VIS-TIR: GOES-10, temperature and soundings and data on 19 channels NOAA GOES-11, humidity atmospheric stability and Spatial resolution: 10km GOES-12, sounders thermal gradient winds Swath width: Horizon to horizon GOES-N, Accuracy: GOES-O, GOES-P, GOES-R

Sounder (INSAT) INSAT-3D TBDAtmospheric Atmospheric soundings, Waveband: SWIR: 3.74-4.74µm, temperature and atmospheric stability, thermal MWIR: 6.51-11.03µm, ISRO humidity gradient winds TIR: 12.02-14.71µm, sounders VIS: 0.55-0.75µm Spatial resolution: 10x10 km Swath width: Full (Full Earth disc sounding), Program (Options provided for for Sector Scans) Accuracy:

SOVAP PICARD Being Earth radiation Total solar irradiance Waveband: Total irradiance SOlar Variability Picard developed budget measurements Spatial resolution: radiometer radiometer Swath width: Accuracy: CNES

196 Instrument & agency MissionsStatus Type Measurements & Technical characteristics (& any partners) applications

SSB/X-2 DMSP F-13, OperationalSpace Detects the location, intensity, Array-based system. Special Sensor Gamma DMSP F-15, Environment and spectrum of X-rays Ray Particle Detector DMSP F-16 emitted from the Earth's atmosphere NOAA (US DoD)

SSIES-2 DMSP F-13, OperationalSpace Measurement of the ambient Consists of an electron sensor (Langmuir probe) Special Sensor DMSP F-15, Environment electron density and and an ion sensor mounted on a 2.5 meter Ionospheric Plasma DMSP F-16 temperatures, the ambient ion boom. The ion sensor is a planar aperture, planar Drift/Scintillation Meter density, and ion temperature collector sensor oriented to face the spacecraft and molecular weight velocity vector at all times. In addition to the NOAA (US DoD) Langmuir probe and planar collector, has a plasma drift meter and a scintillation meter.

SSIES-3 DMSP F-16, TBDSpace Measurement of the ambient Consists of an electron sensor (Langmuir probe) Special Sensor DMSP F-17, Environment electron density and and an ion sensor mounted on a 2.5 meter Ionospheric Plasma DMSP F-18, temperatures, the ambient ion boom. The ion sensor is a planar aperture, planar Drift/Scintillation Meter DMSP F-19, density, and ion temperature collector sensor oriented to face the spacecraft DMSP F-20 and molecular weight velocity vector at all times. In addition to the NOAA (US DoD) Langmuir probe and planar collector, has a plasma drift meter and a scintillation meter.

SPECTRA ESA Future PrototypeImaging multi- Data for study of land surface Waveband: VIS-SWIR: 450-2350 nm and Surface Processes and Missions spectral processes TIR: 10.3-12.3 micron Ecosystem Changes radiometers Spatial resolution: Spatial sampling interval Through Response (vis/IR) & approx 50m, along track Analysis Multiple pointing ±30 deg direction/ Swath width: 50km ESA polarisation Accuracy: radiometers

SSJ/4 DMSP F-13, Operational Magnetic field Measurement of transfer Consists of four electrostatic analyzers that record Special Sensor DMSP F-15, energy, mass, and momentum electrons and ions between 30 eV and 30 KeV as Precipitating Plasma DMSP F-16 of charged particles through they flow past the spacecraft toward the Earth. Monitor the magnetosphere- The instruments "look" toward the satellite zenith. ionosphere in the Earth's NOAA (US DoD) magnetic field

SSJ/5 DMSP F-16, TBD Magnetic field Measurement of transfer Consists of four electrostatic analyzers that record Special Sensor DMSP F-17, energy, mass, and momentum electrons and ions between 30 eV and 30 KeV as Precipitating Plasma DMSP F-18, of charged particles through they flow past the spacecraft toward the Earth. Monitor DMSP F-19, the magnetosphere- The instruments "look" toward the satellite zenith. DMSP F-20 ionosphere in the Earth's NOAA (US DoD) magnetic field

SSM DMSP F-13, Operational Magnetic field Measures geomagnetic A triaxial fluxgate magnetometer Special Sensor DMSP F-15, fluctuations associated Magnetometer DMSP F-16, withMeasures geomagnetic DMSP F-17, fluctuations associated with NOAA (US DoD) DMSP F-18, solar geophysical phenomena. DMSP F-19, With SSIES and SSJ provides DMSP F-20 heating and electron density profiles in the ionosphere

SSM/I DMSP F-13, Operational Imaging multi- Measures atmospheric, ocean Waveband: Microwave: 19.35, 22.235, 37, Special Sensor DMSP F-15, spectral and terrain microwave 85 GHz Microwave Imager DMSP F-16 radiometers brightness temperatures to Spatial resolution: 15.7km x 13.9km to 68.9 x (passive provide: sea surface winds, 44.3km (depends on NOAA (US DoD) microwave) rain rates, cloud water, frequency) precipitation, soil moisture, Swath width: 1400km ice edge, ice age Accuracy:

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SSM/T-1 DMSP F-13, Operational Atmospheric Measures Earth's surface and Waveband: Microwave: 7 channels in the Special Sensor DMSP F-15, temperature and atmospheric emission in the 50-60GHz range Microwave DMSP F-16, humidity 50-60GHz oxygen band Spatial resolution: 174km diameter beam Temperature Sounder DMSP F-18, sounders Swath width: 1500km DMSP F-19, Accuracy: NOAA (US DoD) DMSP F-20

SSM/T-2 DMSP F-13, Operational Atmospheric Water Vapour profiler Waveband: Microwave: 91.6, 150, 183.31 Special Sensor DMSP F-15, temperature and (3 channels) (Total 5 channels) Microwave Water DMSP F-16 humidity Spatial resolution: approx 48km Vapor Sounder sounders Swath width: 1500km Accuracy: NOAA (US DoD)

SSMIS DMSP F-16, Operational Atmospheric Measures thermal microwave Waveband: Microwave: 19 - 183GHz Special Sensor DMSP F-17, temperature and radiation. Global (24 frequencies) Microwave Imager DMSP F-18, humidity measurements of air temp Spatial resolution: Varies with frequency: Sounder DMSP F-19, sounders profile, humidity profile, ocean 25x17km to 70X42km DMSP F-20 surface winds, rain Swath width: 1700km NOAA (US DoD) overland/ocean, ice Accuracy: concentration/age, ice/snow edge, water vapour/clouds over ocean, snow water content, land surface temperature

SSU NOAA-12, Operational Atmospheric Provides temperature profiles Waveband: 669.99, 669.63 and 669.36/cm Stratospheric Sounding NOAA-14 temperature and in stratosphere, top-of- (carbon dioxide) Unit humidity atmosphere radiation from Spatial resolution: 147.3km at nadir sounders 25km to 50km altitude Swath width: ±40 deg scan NOAA Accuracy:

SSULI DMSP F-16, TBDSpace Measures vertical profiles of SSULI makes measurements from the extreme Special Sensor DMSP F-17, Environment the natural airglow radiation ultraviolet (EUV) to the far ultraviolet (FUV) Ultraviolet Limb Imager DMSP F-18, from atoms, molecules and (80nm-170nm with 1.5 nm resolution). Uses a DMSP F-19, ions in the upper atmosphere spectrograph fed by a mirror capable of scanning NOAA DMSP F-20 and ionosphere below the satellite horizon from 10-27 deg, every 90 seconds (which gives a vertical slice of Earth's atmosphere from 750-50km in altitude).

SSUSI DMSP F-16, TBDSpace Monitors the composition and A scanning imaging spectrograph whose field-of- Special Sensor DMSP F-17, Environment structure of the upper view is scanned from horizon to horizon and a Ultraviolet DMSP F-18, atmosphere and ionosphere, nadir-looking photometer system. The SIS Spectrographic Imager DMSP F-19, as well as auroral energetic produces simultaneous multispectral images DMSP F-20 particle inputs, with over the spectral range 115-180nm. NOAA spectrographic imaging and photometry

SSZ DMSP F-13, OperationalSpace Laser threat detector The SSZ is a static Earth viewing sensor, DMSP F-15, Environment monitoring electro magnetic radiation. NOAA (US DoD) DMSP F-16

STR Swarm OperationalPrecision orbit Precise satellite orbit and Waveband: N/A Star Tracker attitude determination Spatial resolution: <1arcsec Swath width: N/A ESA Accuracy: <0.7arcsec

SUSIM (UARS) UARS OperationalEarth radiation Provides data on UV and Waveband: UV: 0.12-0.4µm Solar Ultraviolet budget charged particle energy Spatial resolution: Not applicable Irradiance Monitor radiometer inputs, and on time variation Spectral resolution: 0.15nm of full-disk solar UV spectrum Accuracy: 1% NASA Swath width: Looks at sun

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SXI GOES-12, PrototypeSpace Obtains data on structure of Waveband: GOES 12,N,P: X-Ray Solar X-ray Imager GOES-N, Environment solar corona. Full disk 0.6-6.0nm bandpass GOES-P, imagery also provides Spatial resolution: NOAA (USAF) GOES-R warnings of geomagnetic Swath width: FWHM of ~10 arcsec storms, solar flares, and Accuracy: information on active regions of sun and filaments

SXS GOES-R ApprovedSpace Studies of natural radiation The GOES-R Project is in the formulation phase. Solar X-Ray Sensor Environment hazard to humans at high The satellite will comprise improved spacecraft altitudes and in space, as well and instrument technologies, which will result in NOAA as risk assessment and more timely and accurate weather forecasts, and warning of episodes of surface improve support for the detection and charging, deep dielectric observations of meteorological phenomena that charging, and single event directly affect public safety, protection of property, upset of satellite systems. and ultimately, economic health and development.

TerraSAR-X TerraSAR-X ApprovedImaging High resolution images for Waveband: 9.65GHz, 300MHz bandwidth, X-Band Synthetic microwave radars monitoring of land surface and all 4 polarisation modes Aperture Radar coastal processes and for Spatial resolution: Spotlight: 1,2m x 1-4m agricultural, geological and Stripmap: 3m x 3-6m DLR hydrological applications ScanSAR: 16m x 16m Swath width: Spotlight: 5-10km x 10 km, Stripmap: 30 km, ScanSAR: 100 km Accuracy:

TES AuraOperational Atmospheric 3-D profiles on a global scale Waveband: SWIR-TIR: 3.2-15.4µm Tropospheric Emission chemistry of all infra-red active species Spatial resolution: In limb mode: 2.3km vertical Spectrometer from surface to lower resolution. In down-looking stratosphere. Measures mode: 50km x 5km (global), NASA greenhouse gas 5km x 0.5km (local) concentrations, tropospheric Swath width: Limb mode: global: 50km x ozone, acid rain precursors, 180km, local: 5km x 18km gas exchange leading to Accuracy: Ozone: 20ppb, Trace gases: stratospheric ozone depletion 3-500ppb

TIM Glory, Operational Earth radiation Measurement of total solar Waveband: Total Irradiance SORCE budget irradiance directly traceable to Spatial resolution: Monitor radiometer SI units with an absolute Swath width: Looks at the sun every orbit, accuracy of 0.03% abd providing 15 measurements NASA relative accuracy of 0.001% per day per year Accuracy:

TIS (CONAE) SAC-FApproved Imaging Data not available Thermal IR Scanner multi-spectral radiometers CONAE (vis/IR)

TM Landsat-5Operational Imaging Measures surface radiance Waveband: 0.45-12.50µm Thematic Mapper multi-spectral and emittance, lands cover Spatial resolution: VIS-SWIR, 30m; TIR: 120m radiometers state and change (eg Swath width: 185km USGS (vis/IR) vegetation type). Used as Accuracy: multipurpose imagery for land applications

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TMR Topex- Operational Imaging Provides altimeter data to Waveband: Microwave: 18GHz, 21GHz, TOPEX Microwave Poseidon multi-spectral correct for errors caused by 37GHz Radiometer radiometers water vapour and cloud-cover. Spatial resolution: 44.7km at 18GHz, 37.4km at (vis/IR) Also measures total water 21GHz, 23.6km at 37GHz NASA vapour and brightness Swath width: 120 deg cone centred on nadir temperature Accuracy: Total water vapour: 0.2g/sq cm, Brightness temperature: 0.3 K

TOM FY-3A, Being Atmospheric Ozone chemistry Waveband: UV Total Ozone Mapper FY-3B, developed chemistry measurements Spatial resolution: 50km FY-3C, Swath width: NRSCC (CAST) FY-3D, Accuracy: FY-3E, FY-3F, FY-3G

TOPEX Topex- Operational Radar altimeters Measurement of global ocean Waveband: Microwave: 126 GHz and TOPEX NASA Radar Poseidon surface topography 5.3 GHz Altimeter Spatial resolution: Swath width: 6km NASA Accuracy: 2.4cm

TOPSAT telescope TopSatPrototype High resolution Experimental medium- Waveband: Panchromatic VIS: 0.5-0.75µm. optical imagers resolution imaging satellite 3-band multi-spectral. BNSC supporting a range of possible Spatial resolution: 2.5m pan. 5m multi-spectral. land applications Swath width: 10km-MS, 15km-Pan Accuracy:

TRSR Jason, TBD Precision orbit & Provides precise continuous Waveband: L-band:1228 and 1575MHz Turbo-Rogue Space Jason-2 (also Atmospheric tracking data of satellite to Spatial resolution: Not applicable Receiver known as temperature and decimeter accuracy Swath width: Not applicable OSTM) humidity Accuracy: NASA sounders

TSIS NPOESS-3, Being Earth radiation 0.2- 2 micron solar spectral Waveband: UV-SWIR: 0.2-2µm Total Solar Irradiance NPOESS-6 developed budget irradiance monitor Spatial resolution: Sensor radiometer Swath width: Accuracy: 1.5w/m2 NOAA

Variant SICH-1M Magnetic field Studies of the ionosphere Payload package which includes: an electric probe, a wave probe, a Rogovsky coil, a Faraday ROSKOSMOS cup, a fluxgate magnetometer, and a data acquisition unit.

VEGETATION SPOT-4, OperationalImaging Data of use for crop forecast Waveband: Operational mode: VIS: SPOT-5 multi-spectral and monitoring, vegetation 0.61-0.68µm, NIR: 0.78- CNES (EEC) radiometers monitoring, and biosphere/ 0.89µm, SWIR: 1.58-1.75µm, (vis/IR) geosphere interaction studies Experimental mode: VIS: 0.43- 0.47µm Spatial resolution: 1.15km at nadir - minimal variation for off-nadir viewing Swath width: 2200km Accuracy:

VFM Swarm OperationalMagnetic field The VFM is the prime Waveband: N/A Vector Magnetometer instrument of the Swarm Spatial resolution: <0.1nT mission. It will provide ultra Swath width: N/A ESA linear and low-noise Accuracy: <0.5nT/15days measurements of the Earth's magnetic field vector components

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VHRR INSAT-2E, OperationalImaging Cloud cover, rainfall, wind Waveband: VIS: 0.55-0.75µm, Very High Resolution INSAT-3A, multi-spectral velocity, sea surface NIR: 5.7-7.1µm, Radiometer KALAPANA radiometers temperature, outgoing TIR: 10.5-12.5µm (vis/IR) longwave radiation, reflected Spatial resolution: 2km in visible, 8km in IR ISRO solar radiation in spectral band Swath width: Full Earth disk every 30 minutes 0.55-0.75µm, emitted radiation Accuracy: in 10.5-12.5µm range

VIIRS NPOESS-1, ApprovedImaging Global observations of land, Waveband: VIS - TIR: 0.4-12.5µm Visible/Infrared Imager NPOESS-2, multi-spectral ocean, and atmosphere (22 channels) Radiometer Suite NPOESS-3, radiometers parameters: cloud/weather Spatial resolution: 400m-1.6km NPOESS-4, (vis/IR) imagery, sea-surface Swath width: 3000km NOAA (NASA) NPOESS-5, temperature, ocean colour, Accuracy: SST 0.35K NPOESS-6, land surface vegetation indices NPP

VIRR FY-3A, Being Imaging Multispectral Visible and Infra- Waveband: Multispectral Visible FY-3B, developed multi-spectral red Scan Radiometer Spatial resolution: 1.1km and Infra-red Scan FY-3C, radiometers Swath width: 3200km Radiometer (10 FY-3D, (vis/IR) Accuracy: channels) FY-3E, FY-3F, NRSCC (CAST) FY-3G

VISSR (GMS-5) GMS-5 OperationalImaging Data used for cloud type and Waveband: VIS: 0.55-0.9µm, TIR: 6.5-7, Visible and Infra-red multi-spectral motion detection wind. Also 10.5-11.5, 11.5-12.5µm Spin Scan Radiometer radiometers measures sea surface Spatial resolution: Visible: 1.25km, TIR: 5km (GMS-5) (vis/IR) temperature and atmospheric Swath width: Full Earth disk in all channels, water vapour every 1 hour JAXA (JMA) Accuracy:

WAOSS-B BIRDOperational Imaging Vegetation and Cloud coverage Waveband: VIS: 600-670nm, Wide-Angle multi-spectral NIR: 840-900nm Optoelectronic Stereo radiometers Spatial resolution: 185m Scanner (vis/IR) Swath width: 533km Accuracy: DLR

WEFAX GOES-9, Operational Communications Weather Facsimile Data communications Weather Facsimile GOES-10, GOES-11, NOAA GOES-12, GOES-N, GOES-O, GOES-P, GOES-R

WFC CALIPSOApproved Imaging Acquires high spatial Waveband: VIS: 620 to 670 nm Wide Field Camera multi-spectral resolution imagery for Spatial resolution: 125m radiometers meteorological context Swath width: 60km NASA (vis/IR) Accuracy:

WFI CBERS-2, Operational Imaging Earth resources, environmental Waveband: VIS: 0.63-0.69µm, Wide Field Imager CBERS-2B multi-spectral monitoring, land use NIR: 0.77-0.89µm radiometers Spatial resolution: 258m CAST (INPE) (vis/IR) Swath width: 890km Accuracy: 0.3pixels

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WFI-2 CBERS-3, Operational Imaging Earth resources, environmental Waveband: VIS: 0.45-0.52, 0.52-0.59, Wide Field Imager 2 CBERS-4 multi-spectral monitoring, land use 0.63-0.69, 0.77-0.89µm radiometers Spatial resolution: 73m CAST (INPE) (vis/IR) Swath width: Accuracy:

WiFS IRS-P4Operational Imaging Vegetation monitoring, Waveband: VIS: 0.62-0.68µm Wide Field Sensor multi-spectral environmental monitoring, NIR: 0.77-0.86µm radiometers drought monitoring, snow melt SWIR: 1.55-1.7µm (IRS P3 only) ISRO (vis/IR) run-off forecasting, global Spatial resolution: 188m green cover assessment, agro- Swath width: 810km climatic regional planning Accuracy:

WINDII UARSNot Atmospheric Day and night wind Waveband: Visible-NIR:0.55-0.78µm operational chemistry measurements between 80km Spatial resolution: Vertical: 2km Horizontal: 25km CNES (NASA) and 300km altitude. Measures Swath width: 70-310km atmospheric temperature and Accuracy: Wind speed: 10m/s concentration of emitting species. WINDII is no longer operational on UARS

WTE SAC-CTBD Data collection Environmental data collection Data communication Whale Tracker system Experiment CONAE

XPS SORCEOperational Other Objective is to measure the Waveband: UV: 1-35nm XUV Photometer extreme UV solar irradiance Spatial resolution: System from 1-35nm Swath width: Accuracy: NASA