You are responsible for the KJAR on-air time. This includes , commercials, and editorials. The radio station equipment is very valuable. Please handle it in a responsible and careful manner.


1. Remain in your business until the Opening Town Meeting to help with business start-up. Your business needs everyone’s help before it opens.

2. A JA BizTown staff member will train you on how to use the sound equipment. DO NOT touch any equipment until you have been trained.

3. Read the KJAR DJ Directions in this folder.

4. Review the KJAR Request List and select the first two to play so you will be ready with selected music. Customers will have a song list from which they call in requests.

5. Rehearse the Start-of-the-Day Script with your adult volunteer. Have the National Anthem ready to play.


1. As you receive KJAR Song Request Forms from KJAR employees, schedule them into your broadcast. Use “chatter” any time that music is not playing to avoid “dead-air.”

Note: Chatter includes talking about KJAR, yourself, your school, exciting activities at JA BizTown, your job, special promotions, KJAR activities, sports, etc. Dead air is when there is silence on the radio. Real-world radio stations avoid dead air because it gives listeners an opportunity to change the channel. Planning and preparation can help you avoid dead air.

2. Remember: Businesses, including Junior Achievement, pay KJAR for a radio ad, so be sure to read one for each business.



1. Read news items and business commercials. The Ad Executive and Reporter will bring these items to you during the day. You should read 3-4 ads each break rotation. Remember that each business is paying for its commercial. Be interesting and read these with enthusiasm! Try to mix up ads, music and news items to make listening more interesting.

2. Be sure to watch the TV in KJAR to see if KPLR 11 is airing an interview. Do NOT begin to read business commercials when KPLR 11 is airing an interview. Turn the music “OFF” during the interview. Begin playing music when the interview is over.

3. When it is time for JA BizTown to close for a Town Meeting or Staff Meeting, you should stop .

4. The CEO will substitute for you when you are on break, if needed.

5. Assist with business clean-up at the end of the day. Recycle all used paper into the blue recycle bin.

IMPORTANT: Keep talking or read a written commercial any time that music is not playing. There should be very little silent time during the day.

Congratulations on a job well done!


KJAR DJ Directions

Read and follow the directions below during the “set-up” time at the beginning of the day.

1. Study the “On-Air” Time Schedule. (Be prepared to play the National Anthem when directed by a JA BizTown staff member.)

Practice Finding Songs

2. Next, you will practice finding songs. You will not actually play songs, but will practice finding them.

Example 1: Find the song “Uptown

a. Click on the first letter of the song title (example: “U” for “Uptown Funk”) at the bottom of the screen.

b. Find the song titled, “Uptown Funk” from the menu on the right side. DO NOT CLICK ON THE SONG … simply locate the song with your eyes.

c. Next click (to locate another song) on the large, blue rectangle found below the word “FORWARD.”

d. Repeat steps a, b, and c for the following songs: Electric Slide Respect Ghost Busters Star Spangled Banner


To Play Songs

1. From the KJAR Song Request List, write down the first few songs you would to play when you begin your “On-Air” time schedule.

2. After the National Anthem (after reading your script), introduce yourself and the KJAR radio station.

3. Following the directions to find a song, begin playing your first song following the “On-Air” time schedule.

a. Click 1 time on the title of the song you want to play.

b. (DO NOT click on another title until the song playing is completely finished.)

4. While the song is playing, please determine your next song. Play the song from a “Song Request Form” or select another song if no one has called in a song request.

To Stop Songs

Click once inside the box of the title which is currently playing.

Turning On

Flip the “MIC” button up to turn on the microphone. This switch is located on the left side of the black box with dials.

Song Timer

The song timer is located on the computer screen to the right of the current time. The timer tells the DJ how much song time is left in the current song.


DJ Start-of-the Day Script

Read the script below one time to yourself, before you speak into the microphone.

1. Turn on the microphone.

SAY THE FOLLOWING BELOW . . . . . (Speak up into the microphone, but talk slowly and clearly.)

“Good Morning JA BizTown!”

“We are looking forward to a great day at JA BizTown!”

“We are now going to play the National Anthem. Please join us in singing the National Anthem when the music begins.”

Play National Anthem (Star Spangled Banner). (There is a 10 second at the beginning of the song, so don’t panic!)

Begin with your “On-Air” Schedule and the first song that you selected earlier.
