Return-Path: <
[email protected]> Date: Fri, 17 Jul 1998 10:00:12 -1000 From: Richard Salvador <
[email protected]> Sender:
[email protected] Subject: Re: Annual General Meeting Minutes + More To: wilpf <
[email protected]> X-Sender: salvador@uhunix5 cc:
[email protected] To the whole network: Thank you Felicity for putting out the Minutes of the Annual Meeting. The only IMPORTANT correction is that I am no longer with the AFSC Pacific Program and all identifying references should be immediately deleted. My address/contact information still remain the same. I most certainly will be affiliated with the Pacific Islands Association of NGOs. I will know this by the end of August. Thank you very kindly. Richard Salvador 8020.01.txt[5/3/2017 1:32:06 PM] Return-Path: <
[email protected]> Comments: Authenticated sender is <
[email protected]> From:
[email protected] Organization: Religious Society of Friends To: "Howard W. Hallman" <
[email protected]> Date: Thu, 25 Jun 1998 09:46:31 +0000 Subject: Re: Ecumenical lobby of UK government X-Confirm-Reading-To:
[email protected] X-pmrqc: 1 Return-receipt-to:
[email protected] Priority: normal Dear Howard, Sorry about the file atachment. It was a letter of invitation to those who may form a planning and working group for the lobby - as follows: To: Representatives of Christian Peace Organisations working on nuclear disarmament: APF, BPF, CANA, CCND, DPA, FoRE, MPF, NFPB, Pax Christi 24 June 1998 Dear friend, Ecumenical Lobby of Parliament for Nuclear Disarmament At its meeting in Oxford on 11-12 June, the Churches Peace Forum of the Council of Churches of Britain & Ireland unanimously endorsed the suggestion brought to it by QPS for an ecumenical lobby of parliament in October on the issue of nuclear disarmament.