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Published by the Department of Archaeology, University of Pennsylvania 1908 q/ The Editor determines the material to constitute a volume and reports to the Committee of Publication on the general merits of the manuscript and autograph plates submitted for publication ; but the Editor is not responsible for the views expressed by the writer. DATED IN THE ASSYRIAN, NEO-BABYLONIAN AND PERSIAN PERIODS


Seventy-two Plr~tesof Autograph Texts. Nine Plates of IIaljlone Reproductions


Published by the Department of Archaeology, University of Pennsylvania

1908 Xacc.&~l.i& co. 1t2e.. Printem C. H. JAMBS.Lithogragher. WEEKSFHOTO-EN(~~.AYIX~; CO.. millflollel Zhe Rev. Archibald benry Sayce I>.D., LL.D., LITT.D.,D.C.L. Fellow of Queen's College, and Professor of Assyriology, Oxford Tn recognition of his important labors in many fields of linguistic and archaeological research Chis volume is dedicated In t,his volume the seals which appear upon t,he documents are reproduced in connection with the tcxts. In copying some of thc s~rl:aller :md c:losely \vl.ittrcll tablets of this volnme, pr:tctic:rlly :all of which arc ur11):rlted and ~r~nrlyin :L poor stst'e of prese~.vation,I have enlarged somcwhnt the rcprotluct~ions,prcscrri~i~, how- ever, t,he relative position of tEle characters anil nll t,l~:~tthe,:iins, so t'h~rt. t,hose who use t,he tests ~villnot ncctl to enc:ount,er t,I~es:Lnlo tlifficulties (:or)- fronted the copyist. In t,hc "Desc:riptior~ of l'al~lei,~"the r:xact. rrie:lsu~en~c~~it~sof lhe documents are giut:~~,:LS well as \\.hat is kno\vrl of th(: prove~lierrc'eof the in:tt.~:ri:~l. This has been gnt,hcreti from the Expcditio~l:r,rchivcs, for \vhic.ll I :itn indel)t~rdt'o t,he cdit,or, Prof. Hilprecht, who also ki~ltllylonlictl Irlc: srvcr:il l~oolisf~.oni his 1)riv:ltt: 1iI)r:~rj~. I :~nlindel~tetl :rlso t,o R. Fr:rnlcliri l'cppcr, l{~sq.>tllc ('11:iirm:~11of t,l~cR:dly- lonitin Sec:t,iori, for his lti~idnessill irnproring rliy efforts to givc ill 1rg:tl phr:rscology the contents of t.1~tr:tnsl:atetl t,exts. Rly t,h:tnlis :II~tluct :tlso to t'i,of. ,lastrow for his kintl :assist:i~lc:cin connttc.t,io~~with the proof-reading, :ls ~~7t:ll:IS for Iris n1:ui-y nct,s of kintl~iessas T,iI~r:irian;1.0 l'rof. Itogers, of T)rc\v Scnlin:~ry,Eor sornc rc,fr,r- cl~c.~sfrom works which I (lo not possess, :~nd:llso to Ih. :\rt.h~lr ITngn:ltl I'or sq- gcst,iol~sin corirlec:tior~with one of the eloit,ics of tl-~osctc.xt,s. I tlcsirtr to cxprcss my th:~nks:11so to i)c:111 Ilol~l)irls,of the (:cncr:ll '1'hr~ologic:ll Serniu:r,ry, New Yol'li (:it,y, as well :la t,o the Iil>r:iri:an of t.h:~tinstit,utioll, Mr. Ii>tlw:trtl I<. Virgin, for their cont,inrlctl c~ourtcsiesin ronl~ec~tionwith nly work on thc HoSfm:ln ('ollcc~tion;:l~l(l :LISO t,o Sir (.:. 1'11rdon (llarkct :111d \Ir. I!:dw:rrtl Ilol~inson,of' 1.11~hleiropolit:r~l All~scwn of i\rt, for allowillg me t,o cwpy t,hc only ~II~\\~IItest, of ~SI~I~,-S/I~~IIT~-~~-~S/I~I~I_.'~l~ri)t~gI~ t,lle lri~rtlnessof I)I.. Wrn. I3:lycs \V:lrtl, who prc:sc~~t,ctlt,lic: t,:ll)lct. to t~,ht:RIusc~un, I 1e:trrr t,h:it he purc.h:~scilit, ill the or spri~~gof' IS84 5, :~t.or ne:~~.1S:~ghtl:rd (see p. 2). In ~~011e~111sionI desire t,n cxp1.0~~rny gr:~tituelct,o t,lie l'rovost', nntl t,hc other mcml)ns of t,lle Plll)li(::~tion(:ornrnitt,t~c, rspec:i:ally to hlr. 1,;cklcy R. ('osc, .IT.., t,he generous folu~dcrof illc FIIII~~11ic:h m:ilics possiI)Ic t:hc ptll)licntinl~oS l>hcset,c:xt,s. CONTENTS.

...... - Ilrr~~onrr~.~rro~: ~'AGE r1 7 llc liiscorory 1~11d l'~~o\~e~iie~~ceof' the Tablets ...... 1-2 Pecolit~riticsof' tl~rNipl~nr Tablets ...... 2 Convention;~lrlIl~~illil~tiail Rlarks ...... t3 12:rrlicst ant1 1') atest ilates of tlie 1)iiTerclit Reigns ...... 3-6 Is Kaiidalatir~to he Idclltitied with Bsliurha11il)al P ...... 6-11 Late hssyri:~nRulers ...... 11-13 U;~trsfro111 Colltr:lcts coi~ll~aretl~ritli tlie Bellistun Inscription ...... 13 . . Ruigi1.j of Art;rscrxcs I ;111(1 1)arins 11 ...... 13-14 i\ralllaic E~ldorsetiienl.;...... 14-16 Tra~lslatiotisof' Gclcctecl Tests ...... 17-38

Cosco~~nscrsOF PR~PERNAAIES: I . N:rmc.s of' Persolls : 1. Jlasculinr N.ttnes ...... 33-68 . . 2 . FCIIIIII~I~~NRII~~S...... (i8 3 . Nal~lesof' 6c.ribes ...... (iB-(i!) 1 I . Satllcs of' Gates ...... 70 I11. Satrics of C;~n:~ls...... 70 IV. Nallies of Pl;lces ...... 70 V . Nalnes of Deities contilined in the Texts ...... 71 INDEXov ~LRAJI~~ICTVORDS AXD PROPERNanrcs ...... 71-72

UESCRIPTIOKOF TART.ETS : I. Autograph Reprocluctiolis ...... 73-84 11 . Pllotographic Rcl~rocli~ctions...... 85

ADDITIOKSAXD COR~~EC~IOK~...... 251 Cuh-EIFORA~r1 1ems ...... Plates 1-72 IIALFTOKET~EI~ROUUCTIOKS ...... Plates I-IX The t'exts from Nippnr of those here puhlishccl were excavated on the first, second and third expeditions which were sent out l~ythe IJnivcrsit,y of Pennsylvania, Professor John P. Peters I~eingt,hc llirector of the first two, arid Doctor John El. Haynes the llirector of the third. The t:~l)letsfound during the first expedition were 1~:~rtinllyclassified t.)y Professor Harper. These have come chiefly from along the Shntt ril-Xi1 at t.he north\vestern corrier of the triangular mound, south of the Temple, known as IIill V, or :LS "Tablet Hill."' Toward t,he close of this campaign some tablets mere found in Hill IV. During the second campaign "Tal~letHill" was skirted on 311 sides with trenches, when adtiitional t:tl~letsof this period were found. Also some inscriptions were discorercd in the extreme southern pmt of the mounds on thc west side of the Shatt en-Yil, known as Hill I;. During his operations on the third expedition, Doctor Hzrynes found addit,ional tablet,s of t,his period. His reports shorn t,l~:rthe excal-at,cd in nearly all the mounds, but the records do not, give the provel~ienceof the tnl~lcts. Besides t,he documents from Sippur which are colitairied in this volume, about fifty others l~elongingto the s:tn~e period have thus far been classified, l~utn~llich are fragmentary, effaceti, or of c:omparatively little value. Tliese I did not tliink it adrisal~leto include. Th:rt this volume should contain the same number of plates of texts as my other volumcs, namely sevent)y-two, I ha\-e added i~dditiorial text,s from J.S., Kh.', Kll.5 ,ilrid J. 11. P. Collections of t'he University, also from tlle E. A. H. (ro1lec:tion of the General Theo1ogic;xl Seminary, arid one from the Rlct~ropolita~ihluseum of Art,, Ke\v York City.Yhe Int,ter text (So. 141), which is the only orie of the reign of Sit~.-sIzum-14shi~that is known, mas published some

' ln tlm cl,:tpt,:r c<,nt:iini~>g111,; " Il~~scri~~tior~oi T:~l>lc!t3 " rcicscr~??,to ?he ca~npnig~~~tint1 llx 11lace of ~Iis?ov?r!- arc mt~cleon tl~1n.i~ o[ tl~c.cIi:~gr~trn gi\-w in P,:t,:rs, .Yippu~:Tul. I, f:tcin&! lpxg~24'2, ~vl~i~l~sl~~~~~stl~el~illq:xr~cl the trer~cl~csof 111e lirst ~xl~~~~lili~~~~,:tiso in'T.ol, 11, f:winp page! 172, for tlh lrc~~cln~soi tlw sccor~l<'xpcclitior~. t'i, tllc "l)r-;criPtioll oi Tai,lcts" for n 1ilii.i st:~trl!lrnt ci,r~ci.~.niitgthc ol.igin oi tllvsi. co1lo~:tior~s.Tllis ~oliil~e tisI 1 llli:I f I I I.. 'tiI I.I'r.i~ii,.;si,r ilnrton of 131.?11 \li~i~r IlilI ttf I.i I .II1 1: I. I.I. 0. 2 Till: J. S, and Iih.' C,>ll,~cticn~scont:%iu ~n:tn!- :x,l,lilicnt:~lir:~grt~,nts :%IKI p:~rti:tIly vff:tcuI t:d~l<,?s~vl~icl~~ witl~out a close cxn~lli~~:~ti~n~,;tpp?ar to I>

liish S ISIB 11 i\ I(S/,.LL [ siiul-lrtm-sh 11-ti L! zctli-ru nisl~'nICt~r-~u-(~~h shnr itlaticti slictr sl/c~rici~ib?li-s1i:ii-/iu XI/;-rtl. "That they 1vo111tinot nltcr the tnblet 1,othe entl of days, they swore by Ellil and. NIN-T,IL the gods of their city; they swore by SIX113 :~ntlSuslcu the grr:rrdinn(s) of their pe:rcte; thry swore by C'yrrls king of couiitries, king of Icings, their lortl." ('f. :rlso text So. 2.5, Iila Mil ti ,\-IS-IB it-lc-tile, "Ry 1,:llil :lncl KIXIB they swore." On the use of tlie narrles fi'llil, A\I;YIB and LYuslc~~in the o:rt,h formul:~sof Nippur documents, cf. nly K. E., T-01. S\',p. 2.

1 Ci. Cii,iei/ori,i Tc.i.ts ii~!hc .lIeti~opulitii,~.lIiineii,ii oj .Ir.t, Port 11, Xi,. 1 ?The rc,storatior>s:ire in:& 011 tlw Ixisir of tcit So. 1.

4 I,ECAT, AND COMX1;ILCIIL TRAIiS.LCTLOSS ohjeet in view I 1i:~ve constructed the follo~virig tnljle,' mhiclr gives the earliest dated tablet of each reign that has I~eenpul~lishctl up to the present, as ~rellas the latest. From this list it will be ohservcd .that t,he dated t,exts of this volurr~r,as well as those reecntly published by Doct,or Arthur Ungnad of The ltoynl XIuseum in Berlin, give the historiographer or ehronologer additional d:rta o11 the subject.

Sa\ri: or l

YER. >IOS'ili. I>

Shnt,insli-sli~~~~~-~,l~i~~., . . , O 8 1 Pc,is~r,11. I-,, I. 15 8 X I'i~~cl~~~s,C.T.,Iv,p.4l. Ki~nili~liir~ii...... 5 IjlI 14 (,'lay, I!. E., YII1, :3, 14 1 15 ll0l~l~~r~1~~~,(~.7'.~~.3~.,11,0~ .I si~iir-eIil-ilii?~i.,...... 2 20 C:lxy, ll. E., \-Ill, 4. -I X 1 ('lc~y,ll. E,, 1.111, 5.

Sin-sItn7~=ishi.i~,,.. . . , . . . 2 2 1 I'<,ist,r, I<. I!,, IY, 1,. 17.1. 7 10 12 Iiing, Z. .I., IS, p.3!llirf. .Sir~-shu~~~-li~/~i~...... \cc. ? I3 (~'lxy,I!, E., \-Ill, 141. .?luhi(-<~i(ss.,Z. -1 ., I\,p. 13ii. 21 2 (1 Stvass., Z. .I., I\-, 11. 136. ,VobiL-Giidiirri-i~~r,~.II.. . . Aec. 4 14 Stsass., .Yi>/;,, I. 43 5 0 T~ng~~~~~l~I-. S., Ill, :Xi, d,nEl-dlui.iluk...... 8cr. 0 21i C\ctti, ELI.,T. 2 5 I7 CI:I~,~!.F.'.,YIII,:~~. iVe~(iul-shor-ii~i17...... \cc. 3 20 L-lrgn:ul, 1;. S., IV, 32. 1 1 2 15~-etls,.\-e~,, 69. L(l1,dsbi-lInrdi~1:...... l\cc. 2 I2 Evatts, I,iib., 2. .ic,c, 2 27 Evetts, I.,,/,., 5. 11'il...... A. 2 I5 (:l~ij-,11. vIll>39. 17 !1 '! Slt.:is~.,,\-hi,., 1055. Runrsh ...... Arc. 8 24 Stl~iss.,Cy., I. 111 12 21 Stciici., Leido Cotig., 17. I"1i...... ;\cc. (ilI 7 l;,,g,,:,cl, 1'. ,?,, 111, (i9. 8 11 27 str.iss., C. 152.

.b/lIllJ.\ 7 17 Sll.itss., Sbl;., 3. , 1 7 l(i Stl.nur., Xhk., li. isI...... \CP. 11 20 Striiss., I),!r., I, 103. 30 li 22 l'cistw, :IC/.~111.

Shni,insib-el-ha'. , ...... icr. (i 5 I 1.3. I, I. .\vc. 7 20 1-llguiid, 1-..I. T., l!1?11? Bil-alii,i~~m,iiY...... \cc. 5 15 IilsIl.g.,p.S. \ li 8 l'ng!nttcl, 1.. .I. 7:.411:3. zl~sl~inish,i...... :\cc. 10 7 Oppirt. Ili G 2 I~igcind,1.. S.,111, 182. B~~O~SII~I~SILI...... 1 7 5 (,'l:~l-, 11./5., vI11, 121, -11 11 17 llil~~.~~~~l:~y,l<.l~.,l1,lll!l. D~L~~~~I~~YIL11...... _ire. 11 4 (,'lny, ll,?;,,1, 1. 13 2? 29 ('la)-, 1I.I.. 1,132. rli./,r0shn/ai~II...... 1 7 2S llilpt., nnd ('l:iy, B.E., 11, 1.

' r'or this pttrl,i,ar I 1i;~reean1riinr.1 the ,Tc.r/s ,itt t1,e .lIelr,,~~olit~,!~.lI!tse,t)h of

Art, Scio Torlr Cii!,; SL~.nsi~uaiiir,llrth!/liiniailic 7?.r/i., n~irlUii. Rii!~!/io,~isi,heI,in~.l~~i,f!iii irii IIILSPIOII zu Iiii.d~l~o~il. O~ienlolCoriy~ess, 1888; I'itlvllr.r, Inscrib<,il I1rib!lliii~ii~,iTiibicls in the piissrssion o/ Sir lJei~r!lPwh; \\-viiJ,ncl-, lliibg- lurrische ili.sceilen; Evctti, I, Ihe Ileigrz oj Eril .Uerodoi.h. .\rii!qli,ssiir. ~ri~dI,iiboi.oson~ciii,d; \\'ir,<:l

E.r[wditio,z, 11;Clay, l~IPUS t1113c iwe tile texts refcrrcii to by Oppert. Tllr datos girun are 0-0-4; 10-12-17; 12-12-4; 10-5-8; 16-6-13; 10 0~23;19-12-13; 21-3-13. it is i,,~possiWeto iletr:r,nine iillicil li~lo,lglo 111 (= lidi?1fii-1161):md ~vliirllto Xebuchadvezzrrr. I\' (= Bi(iht~),~f. I:rlgllnd, 0. L. Z., So. 9, p. 465. ' CI. l4:dunrd ilcyer, I'.o'ur,schit,~ge,~zur Allen Geschicltte, 11, p. 474f. '011 Shnrnash-erhu, cf. hluyer, Forschungen zur Allen Ceschiehle, Tol. 11, p. 476, and Ungnnd, 0. L. Z.,Sept., 1907, p. 466. Cf. Ullgntrd, Oi~iontniisticlicLitlcinlirr-Zeiiang, Sept., 1907, Cul. 40M. In sorrie instances it may l)c irilportarit to know the next to the 1:rst tnblet dated in the respective r~igns. JYith this iri view lct me atid the iollowing: The next to the last d:~teof the tablets belonging to the reign of Slicrlnc~sh-shtm-zt1ci.t~is 15-1-14, cf. Peiser, U. T7., 11; of Kanrlctlil/a~iis 13-7-15, cf. ZIolderllce, C. T. 31. :\I., Part 11, So. 5; of Nnhli-apcll-7~suris 19-6-30, ibitl., Xo. 15; of A\rtrbil-k~~tlr~rri-r~~iiris 43427, cf. Strassmaier, A7bli., So. 415; of Ainil-;llnrtlt~h:is 12-5 4, cf. Eretts, Eo., Ko. 24; of ~\ 2 5-3, cf. IJngri;~cl,17. S., No. 43 ; of Sabil-/tA'id is 17-8-10, cf. Strassm:tier, Sbiz., Ko. 1054; of ICuras!~ is 9-5-13, cf. ('lay, B. E., TrIII, 74; of Knn~b~~ziuis 7 7-1, cf. 171ignad, V. S., So. 86; ol Bc~r2Tn is 1-6-20, cf. Strnssmaicr, 2. ;I., IV, p. 152; of Dnrium~~s!~I is 36-6-13, cf. 17ngnat1, I'.S., KO. 165; of ill,slliar- sl~uis 5-4-2, cf. li;ret,ts, Xer., Ko. 5; of Artcrbs!ic~tsu I is .119-12, cf. IIilprecht-('lay, B. E., IS, No. 108, :tnd of Darinnzusl~I1 is 11-6-21, cf. ('lay, B. E., S,No. 131. It will he oljserved that the date of the last t,:~bletof a reign is no indictation necessarily that the Icing wns at t,h:tt time ruling. lior example, ~\7ubil-i~il'idm7as det'hroried and imprisollcd short,ly after the 16th of T:trnmuz.' On the 3cl of ,lI:~r- chesvari Cyrus entered Hi~bylon,and on the 11 tll Ilelshazzar \\.as ltilled.' And yet a tnblet has been found datcd in the reigri of LVahic-nh'itl on the d:~ybcfore the death of Belshnzsnr, and even in the folIo\ving montl~. The first t,al)lct that has I~eenfound dated in the reign of Cyrus was written on the 24th d:ry of 1\I~rc:liesvan, that is thirteen days after Belsi~nzzar'sdcath.\lnother i~istar~cethat might be cited is the reigri of Artnze~xrsI. The first tablet of his successor, 1)trr~us11, was dated on the 4th day of Shcbet, which is six days prcl ious to tlie 1:rst dated tirblct of the former ruler, namely ilrtnxc~xcsI. It is not unreason:tble to c~xplainsuch discrepancies as mistakes on the part of the scrilje, who cor~tir~uetlto date t:ll)lets in the old reign, forgetting for the moment thr :idrent of the ilelv reign. It is not impossible also that the coronation ceremonies had something to do wit11 this orer- lapping of reigns. In t,liis volunle of texts, So. 127 is dated on the 20th day of Adar of the "forty-first year (i.e., of Artnzerres I), the :tccession year of 11czriu.s."' This implies that although a new king sat on the throne ant1 it vns regardeti as his accession year, there was no hesitancy in continuing to date tal~letsalso according to the year of the previous reign. 1l7hile this is true with reference to the latest dated tnl>lets, it is scarcely possi- ble that a single ruler did not occupy the throne on or before the earliest date

' Cf. Hagen, Cyrus Teztc, B. A,, 11, pp. 232, 323. lbid. Cf. Clay, Light on the Old Testament jroin ljubel, p. 378. ' Cf. also Clay, B. E., 7'01. I;, No. 4.

Ashurb&napal proclaimed himself king under t'he name Kanclalitnu. In opposition to this view, Oppert, in the first ~~rticleof IZev7~e cl';lssyriologie, T'ol. I, pp. 1-11, 1886, followed Sayce in maintaining that t'hese two rulers were not identical. Cf. also Srriith-Sayce, Historg of Bnbylo~~icc,p. 0 1895.' The view of Smith nnd Schrader has bee11 generally accepted by Assyriologists and historians; cf. Jliirtlter and i)elit,zsch, Geschichte Babylonieizs uncl Assyriens, p. 230; Lehmmn, Slinnzasl~shum7akt~~,p. 6; ITi~~cltler,Ceschichte Rubylonie7~su~zcl Assyriens, pp. 135 :lnd 289, and Iicilillschri/tetl 'li~icldns rlllc 'I'estanze~zt,pp. 50, $18; Tiele, Uabylonische-Assyrische Geschichte, pp. 368, 369, 412-14; Rogers, History of Habylor~iaaiztl Ass?/ria, 11, pp. 268, 297f.; I\I:lspcl.o, I'assinq oj the 13vzl~ires,p. 423; King, article "Bal~ylonia" i11 E~~c~c~o~I(c~~~LBi:blico, I, (lol. 451, and Chro~zicles,I, p. 208; Bezold, Ni1ze7:e anrl Rnbylon, p. 61; i,indl, Cy~l~s,p. 85, etc. The proof atiduced in favor of the identification depends solely upon Herosus- Polyhistor-Eusel~i~~s,who say lhnt after Sa?izrtiuges, his brother reigrieti. Eusebius reports in his Chro7ticort~mCn7zoii.~~?n ( I.ehmann, Xhnma,shslt,umuk?~a,I, p. 2, quoting from Schoerie, lib., I, pp. 27, 33 sq.) : "Etenim sub Exelcia reynavit Sz'r~achcrim, tit Polyhistor ezl~onitcrr~~~is XV'III et post eltm eiusc/em filius annis VlII. Postea vero Samrnuges nni~isXXI et eius /rater a~inisXXI." "Post Snrnnzugem ve1.o Sar- rlanapallus Clzclltleais regnarzt cznnis SXI." (Ilaudius Ptol~nlnus,in his Canon, makes I<~~?.u8&1~o~(KaizrlulTc'r~7i) Lollow 2t~on1~ou~ivo;(Shamash-sht~r~z-ulctn). Lehmann, Shnmashshumuktiz, I, p. 6, ill the followi~~gwords, seems to represent the position generally taken by scholars: Shcr~~nnshshtcmulct,l'sNachifolyei. ciem be~,bylonzsche~~Throne ist Asurba7zapal. Dieser verhdngte zlc,a~.,~cie Sn?zherib, eitz Stra/gericht iiber , aber er hat nicht 7,oie seiir Gl,ossvater, die Selbstuntli(/keit des 1,n~irlesvollstundl'q ver~~ichten~collen, soizdern hat, rlas id& sich clen Canones tintl Dntiruitgen scl~liesse7z,?r~ recht~rzussiger T$'eise die Herrscha/t uber Babylonien a~zqetreteiz. illit seiliein Bestreben, statt cler fa,ctisch bestehentle?~U~~ter.orcl7 unter Assyrien, tlas Verhnltniss moylichst als eiize Personal- t~?Lionerscheinen Z~Llasscn, rcird es auch zusammenhiingen, dass er als Babylonischer Xonig seilzen Namcn (inclerte uncl sich Kanclal(n?~u)lznnnte (Konigsliste u~zclCon- tracttciifelchen), ebenso tcie friiher ~:ermtt,thlickaus den gleichc7z Griii~denTiglatpileser II sich in Babylonie~~Pul~c, Xhalinanassnr IV siclz Clulni ~zannten. The supposition that Ashurb~napul,in order to palliate the feelings of the Babylonians, assumed the name I

' his mticle ''Asiyria'' in Hilitillgs' Bible Dirtio,ulry, I, p. 189E., say it cannot be definitely deter- niincd ivllcthcr Ku~idulil~zuis dshi~rhdnapalor a. rival king. 8 I,CGAI, AND COBIXERCIAL TIIAKSZ~CTIONS the government offers difficulties. In the first place it seems reasonable to suppose that such an art would be highly obnoxious to the people of Bsl)ylon, who for decades had been striving for an autonomolls government, and especially after their leaders and warriors, who had fought for independence, had met such cruel deaths as a punishment at the hands of t,he Assyrian king on the termination of the insurrection. After relating in his annals his fearful at'rocities, he says: "I restored and re- established, as it was in former days, their cult,, which had been diminishcd. I showed mercy to the remaining inhabitants of Babylon, Cuth:~:~nd sip par:^, who had escaped sl:~ughter,massacre :1nd famine; and I ortlered that they sho~ildbe allowed to live, and permitted them to dwell in Ra!,ylonU (X.B., IT, pp. 192, 193). To have taken from them at that time t,heir self-go\-crnment surely would not have plaratcd them, hut ~~ouldhare increased tenfold their hatred for ,lssyria. The ahserice of any reference in his annals or in any other inscription to his taking unto himself the title "King of Babylon," whether u~idcrone name or another, is snrely significant. rlnd why should he assume the name Iylonian nor an Assyrian name.' It occurs in Johns, Assyriun Deeds and Docriments (cf. Tol. 111, p. 49), twice as the name of slaves (Sos. 58 and 230), once as the name of a witness in 683 B.C. (No. 51), and oS a seller (No. 500). As a slave in No. 58, llundalhnu is sold with Klcrds-Aclacl, another foreign name, together with their families. The earliest occurrence of this name is in the tcxts of the Cassite period, cf. my B. E., Vol. SV, 176 : 11, ~vhereTian-da-la-7zi is written. Here it may be a Cassite name, or even a name from the land Khannigalbat. What significance could the adoption of such a name by AshrtrbLinupnl have, especially as he had been the actual sovereign of Babylon for twenty years, arid doubtless was ~vellltno~vn by the name Ash~trbirnapnlfrom the day of his birth? True, Tzglath- pileser I11 mas known as 116pos (Pulu) in Babylon, nrid Shalma~zeser IV as 'Il.ou%ulo; (Uliilai). Rut these are not parallel cases. It is evident that bot,h the ]lames TLylathl,lleser and Shc~,lnzui~eserhad been assumed by these rulers, arid that perhaps PILLanti l,Tlitlaz were thrir original namrs. I'tcl, as is rerognized, was a usurper. He was first called by the Biblical writer "Pul, king of ," 2 Kings 15 : 19, and wfterxvards in verse 29, "Tiglathpileser, king of Assyria." This niay or may not be significant. It is quite reasonable to infer that his son and successor had been born before he had been able to establish himself upon the throne of Assyria; and if so, it is more likely that his plebeian name was Ulliluz. On the

'1 s:iy this aitll st lcast some reserve. The only trace of a root kird~ilr~seems to 1,r in the pl~rnsra-nn ku-ud-dul be-lz~-ti-skz~-li2i,I<. B., 111, pt. 2, p. 6, 2 : 15, mliich I\-inclrler translates "U~ILihve Ilewscbn)l zit eitre,i(?)." other hand, it is scarcely possible that anyone ~vouldsuggest that Kandalllnz~was the original name of AshurbBnapal. A more plausible conclusion, it seems to me, in the light of ltnown facts and those which th~sctexts offer, is that Iianrlal&nu, who may have been a brother, is not to be identified with Asl~urb&nnpal;and that in accordance with the Canon of Ptolemy, which gives the names of tht. rulers or viceroys of Babylon after the time of , they mere Shamash-shum-ukin, Iianilalllnri and .

Esarhaddon Ashurbanllpal Xhamash-shum-uktn Iia?zdalAnu Ashur-etzl-zlllnz Nabopolassar Szn-shunt-lishzr Sz~t-shar-zshlcun Fall of Nineveh.

We know that Esarhaddon great'ly sympathized with the people of Babylon, who were desirous of self-government, and that he assigned that principality to his oldest son, Shamash-shum-rti;i;n,' the son of his Babylonian wife,2 as viceroy, with the understanding that he was to pay I-iomage to his brother, Ashtcrbinapccl, as suzerain. The title, "King of Babylon," included jurisdiction over the cities , Cutha and Sippara; in other words, it was synonymous wit'h the title "King of Accad." Ilowever, Ashurbllnapal in all his references to the titles of Shamash-shum-uktn distinctly says he appointed him to the "kingship of Babylon" (sharrdt BAbili or sharrat Rarduniash). It is interesting to not'e in this conrlection that whereas Ashurbllnapal always designates him "King" or "Viceroy of Babylon," or "l

Cf. $Icissncr, ifilleilungen der l7o~derasintisc1~mCesellscl~n/l, 1901, 3; also Jollnson, Jorirnal .,leiel-icon Orietilui Society, Vul. XSV, p. 80, wllo reached the same conclusions shout the same time. ' CI. Ifinehler, Fo~schunyen,I, p. 417, notc 1. 2 10 LEGAL AXD CODIJII?RCIAI, TItAXSACTIONS period that have come from Accad, or the kingdom of Bal~ylon,are the two of Sin- shar-ishlcun from Sippara, ment,ioned ahare. That the cities to the south of Babylon were not assigned to him is further established by the fact that a contract is datetl at Uruk iri the twentict'h year of AshurbBnnpnl, cf. S. A. Smith, ,Uiscel. Texts, No. SSYVIII, and, as is stated al~ove, also one in the reign of S~IL-shar-ishlzun. Nippur was also retairicd under the direct control of Assyria. In this connection me recilll the builtling operations of Ashz~r- bdnctpal at Sippur,' where he restored and enlarged the ancicnt sanctuary of Ellil, embellisllirig it in a manner scarcely known in its long Ilistory. No other king since t,hc days of Ur-E~~gurdid so much for Nippur as ilshurbknapal. The evidence of his work is everywhere perceptible in the shape of bricks that are well burnt, containing his name, AshurbBnnpul, with his titles, in which he calls himself "king of the four clu:~l.tersof the earth." This seems clear also from f,hc fact t,liat t:~t~let,s have I~cenfount1 1~11ic:h 11:rtl i)c>endatetl in tl1:rt cit,y in tlie reigns of Aslzurbhuy~ctl, Aslrur-etil-ilAni, Sin-skar-islzlcut~ and S~TL-shum-ltshir.'l'llese rulers are not called kings of Baijylon, but kings of the country Assyria. These facts lead us to conclude that the country to the south of Babylon, i.e., the country Sumer, remained under the direct control of Assyria, at least until Nabopolassar hecame the supreme potentate of the land. The significant fact in this connection is t,hat tablet No. 1 of this volume is dated at Nippur in tlie twenty-sixth year of the reign of dshurbhnapal. If it were true that he had assumed the name Iiantlnl&~auin Babylon, and in every instance, as far as we know up t'o the present, the ruler \~-nsltno~vn by this name in that neigh- borhooti, it seems unressonable to suppose that at Sippur, not more than fifty miles distant, he should be known by his real name six years after the death of Shamask-sln~m-ukinand his own enthronement in that city. The viceroy of Babylon follo~vingKai~ilalRnu, by t,he grace of Assyria, doubtless nndcr Asl~ur-etil-ilani,was Nabopolussar. Contracts datetl in the reign from the second t,o the twenty-first year shoxv that the Ptolenlaic (?anon in making him the successor of KanilalBnu is correct. That he, under the name Bussalossoros, should be a general of Saracos (Sin-shar-ishlzun),as told by Berosus-Ahydenus (cf. AIiiller- Didot, Prag. Ifist. Gmc., IV, p. 282), is not diffioult to untierstarid if we take into account that he was a vassal king. If Shamush-shum-~~lcin,who ruled before Kan- daldnu, and Nubopolassar, who ruled after him, were viceroys of Babylon who owed their titles to Assyria, is it not rcasonal~leto suppose t,hnt Kandal&nls, who

' It is rvdl known tlmt Ire paid conddor:iblc attention also io tllc resturntiou ui Esagila in Uiibylun. SIN-1L01.A I I'lii PERIODS. 11 reigned between them, should also h:~~-ebeeli a viceroy, i11ste:id of regartling him as the Assyrian king himself? And is it not 1lnreasor1:il)le to suppose that the policy inaugurated by Escirhaddo~~to give the Babylonians an autonomous government was for .twenty-one years set aside, :rnd then for no nppirrent rensori was again resuirled'! That the reign of Ka~zclalOnuand Ash~~rbririaplshould (tome to a close about the sarrie t,ime is significant, hut th:rt may be duo to thc fact t11:lt the term of office expired with t)he closc of t,l~ereign, or it is the possible iinie of his death. Ot,her plausiljle reasons conld lje suggestecl to explziiu this coincidcl~ce. 1l'h:~tseems to lje noteworthy evidence in this connection is to he follnd ill the annals of A.slzurDhrlapu1, where, :,fter he records the pwlishment of the insmrcc- tionaries, he says: "The people of Accad, together \Tit11 those of K:rldu, Ar:rmu ant1 the country of the se:t-coast ~vhornSllamash-s/i.~~riz-zi/ii'n h:ad :illicd to himself t~ndhad ~nxdeof one rni~lrl,i~ecame hostile to me 1)y their ox~~rtiec:ision. By t,he order of ;2shur and 13Clit and the great gods, my :aids, I colnpletely subjugiitetl them. The yoke of Ashur, which they had t,l~ro~vnOK, I in~posedIIIIO~ them. Chvernors irnd prefects, appointed 11y me, I placed over thern." In these :rnnals, ~vliic~liurerr written six years later, 1z.e find no reference, :is rnentionerl above, to the eSSect that Aslturbhnapcrl ever assumed the title "King of Bal)ylon" ; I~llton the other hand he tlistirlctly says that he set over -2ccati governors (SFIA-IICXp")and prefects

(11-I1' after subjugating the land (('01. IT, 07--104). The situation seems to me to l~etliat after t,lie death of Shnmnsll-sl~um-~~llii.~~~, Aslaz~rhCtnc~~.nlillstirlled as ~iceroyI

' liing (cf. Z. ;I., IS, p. 397) is of llro opinion tl>atillosc \r-llirl~are dated in Babylon belung lo tile 0th imd 10tli and 14th years; in Sippnr to tlrc 15th and 18tll yesri, wl~ileut1lr1.s iound :xt Aba Ilnl,l~s,and t1iel.efot.e pl.obnl,ly also referring to tmmisartions in Sippara, Taro ciatail ill his :!

1 Poior tile correspundirrg l%zil,ylot,iannii,~itlis ci. Gii~sc,l,Iln~tilbiicli der .If~itlie~~t~rtiscllnritiriil ?'ecli!tischeii Clirii?iol- ogie, p. 276, and Oppcrt, SloeMoln~Conyrcss, rol. 11, 11. 2511. ' Cf, also Eilu;rrd Bteycr, Fo~.scliri,tgar~zi~r dlleli Cescliichfe, T'ol. 11, p. 4851. 14 I,ICGAT, AND C0>1\I I:l;(!I,lI, TRz\SS.~C1'IOSS after Durius 1I becnme king, we c:~no1i1y s:iy illat liis reign c:rlne to a close on or before the fourth tiiy of Sllebct, which is the c:~rliestt1:it.c given ill tlie latter's reign. Diodon~s((:hap. VII) s:~ysrll'fllxe)..~~~ I reigned forty yc:irs nild TV:E sl~ccertlcd Ily Xerxcs 11, mlio rcigried orily one yr:lr; 11ut;he :~tltls,"sonic say only two nrorrths." Plut,arch ii~fornls us tl~atXerzcs I1 ruled forty-five tl:tys. Diotlorus tells us that Solltlialzc~s,who murderetl Xe~.~es11, rllletl seven months, "wllo, I~eingltilled, Durius (Arotl~7~s)crijoyrd the ltingclom niirctceu ye:rrs." It will be diflicult to detcrminc ~vlii(~1lof tlir t:lI)l~isI~III)I~S~~C(I in (.his volume, and i~iotllers, th:~ta1.e tlatetl in the rci;;n of the lirst i\vcaty yc:i~,sof 1)trril~s1)elong to Darius I or Ilurirrs It, uritil morc tloc~irr~cnt.~of the pcriotl s~~l)sc~tli:entto Tltrri?ts 11 have 11ceii found. al B:djylo~i,Borsipl~:~ :uitl S'ip~):lr:r,fro111 whicll cities t,he 1ji111c of those pul~lisl~etl!lave come. Conctrrliili:; tlic ~llzc~~irsh12tlocunlrnts frorn Nippur, there can ljc iio cluestion :rs to xvhich L)ilrl'i~sis rr~c:lnt, iuas~iiuch:ls tlitr archive is confined lo tlie reigr~sof Artnzcrzcs I, Uurl'~rs11, :llul Avtctxer:~.esIt.' I rcgnvtl Kos. 127 and 128 of the prcserlt volr~rrieas I)elo~~gi!igto I1trri1r.s II, :is sonic of the n:inlcs occur also in the documents of LIFur.nsliGSoils, cl:~t,ctlin the rc,i=rl of Dicrius II. The ;llurashit cloctunicnts, hovever, (lo sho~r.IIS, as al~ove,tli:rt 11rg;lil to reign on or before the fol~rtliof S1icti)ct in tlre forty-lirst yc:rr of Artnxerxes I. This malies it impossil)le to rcconcilo t.lie st.trtc:mcnts of 1)iotlorlis I Plut:~r~'h with the dat,es gathered frorn these l.aljlets. For., :IS st:it.ctl aljove, t:~l)letsare d:rted in the reign of Arlaxerzes I evcn after 1)nrilts II IYas knol\-ii as king, \\-I~ic.llwould seem to imply tli:~t 110 rule intervenctl; ant1 yet 1)iotlorus inserts Swxrs II :11it1 Soyodializ~s,the former lraviilg ruled one yc:rr, or t.~~omonll~s :IS :~noihcrwriter s:~ys; arid the 1:rtter seven mor~ths,or, :ls :rnotlier says, six mo~rtlls:inti fiftcc~iclays l~efore Durius wus srlected lting. For an exli:rustive discussion of tl~r:c.11ronology of the Persian period, as based or1 a stutly of the (;rcci:lri histot.i:~ns;III(~ the tlntes gathered from contract inblets urltil witliin :L tlecatlrj see AIeyer, I~70i~sc1t~ci~yenzclr ctlten Cescl~ichte,Vol. 11.

Tlie documents of this volume contain, 1)esides ;t few traces of otlier inscriptions, the following errdorscnients writtcn in the Aramaic langn:\ge and script. 111 my volume of l~Iurash?2texts, B. E., T'-ol. S,p. iiff., the purpose and value of these brief legends is discussed, as well as in Old Tcsltrmrn~t ailrl Semitic Stcctlies in

1 Tlie tablet publisl~edau tlie earliest in thc ivign of .lrlit.rerxcs I in unr H.I:., Yol. IS,i.e., So. 1, lieloilg~to tlie

reign of Arlazcrzes 11; see my B. E., 7'01. X, 12. 2f. On this reign ci. nlso Meyer, Fot.sciiungmi nw rlliezi Gesciiiiiilc, Tol. 2, p. 466. Memory of Wzll~an~Rtrzncy Haq~~r,Vol. I, p. 2SGff., where the writer has published fifty erldorsements from the ;J~ILT(LS~I~texts.' No. 14. l>J>lS "ltltli~~u-Nnhir." This is the r1:rrnr: of the irltlividunl ng:lirist ~vhornthe debt is recortled ill t,he doct~ment,. 'I'lie tr:li~sliiercrtiori of the riarrle as it is written in the cuneiform text is given, inste:rtl. of a tra~~sliterationof the nirrnc from the Aramaic. No. 17. 11111 ttf ?[D>l ilj.I7.?'i (Lhive 1 slic~kolsof silror of :\io~~jnl-irlrli1t~(1."The documerit, is :r rerorti of a debt of five sl~ekels:~g:ti~~st ~Yo.clctl-itltlitrn. '1'11e ;ir:~m:~ic,writ,ing oE Xewjnl is the same :LS ill the Old 'l'estamalt. For a tl.anslaiioll of the docunlerlt cf. Yo. 13 on p. 27. No. 27. jnjn3 jyl iii~S>N j~nj "To utr?tt~in,lbd, Slt1,i~nnzntlzl ag:li~istNe~qal-itltbl'na." I<"or a tr:l,nslation of the tablet see Xo. 23, p. 32. No. 28. il~inj LiN~~~lnl-itltlit~a"is t,lie rinmc oC tlie intlivitluill against wllom the debt is recorded. 0,33. ilnSttflV The tablet registrrs a debt ag:tinst S1tnmcish-u~-iddil~ct. No. 50. 1393 'i "Of Iialbd." The name I

Cf. also Stcvcnson, Asspian ntid Babylonian Conlrecls, and Clay, Ligiil on ihc Old Tesiorn~nljr.otn Babel, p. 3948 Kc 53. 'PI'iSK i iIIL-%a-'-lt-tn." The name is menliorietl iri the co11tr:rct.

No. 68.

"Of Shnmash-tl,bnllit, son of Shnmnsh-nb-Yrldinn, 21. kors of t~arley." The docunient records a tlel,t of 21 1co1.s of SITE-BAI2 ag:lir~stSliilincish-uhczlli~. On 13, "kor," bcirrg cquiralcrlt to the B:~l)yloriianyur, cf. my article in the IIarper lllemorzul Voluines, I, p. 300.

KO. 89. KC'l0 "Shamusl~a" is the name of the debtor.

No. 116. '9 D "Sz~~-pa-a"is the name of a Tvorritlri against whom tiir tlel~tis recorded.

No. 120.

The tablet records a debt resting against Shdzubu

No. 121. IX13'3 73 (')lhK 7I30 The llanie of the debtor is "ilk-~-~cc-l~-eson of BL-~CL-a,"

No. 126. (?)(900il~l3N

"Doc~~mentof t,hc wifr of , . . . . ." The following thirty-one translations of text,s will il1ustr:atc the general ch:tmcter of the docun~entspublished in this 1-olume. I h:~veselected thosr which are more or less complet,e, :rnd which offel. :t variety of c:ontelits, let~viligthe balance for future discussion in Series i?of this publication. 1.

so. 12. s:,l><,,,i,l,,s,20 yc:,r, :301,1, of Iy3,:,r. Contents: Action of ejectment to recover the possession of a house. An individual is ordered to vacate. Transliteration: I. '7bNabit-;.i.r-ib,.li "zclli-za-a-leu 2. 7n*Slzctr~z~sl~-irzi,~ktn-nl.tu "SHAK-I,IJGAI, "lab Ica-a-ri 3. "'AII~~-slac-?il~-SnhiL"SIIhK-I,C(;AL "rcrb tcm- ma?z.-nu 4. ""Ba-ni-in ccl~lt~-sI~tesltn ""PILO-hit-"En-liit-tic 5. an-nlc-tu "mu-1ci.n-rti-e sha ilia pitni-slz~c-nu G. "'Gli-((1-s1~1o.n-lis/iir"slLn-at~-dn-,rnct,-niz 7. "'-1Icrrtluli-shar- upur apl~~-shzeslla *"JI?i-she-zibcr]ilrc "'Siia-shn-ilti-i1u S. 11, 71iAl-ir~c7~t-shnr-ii.i't~r"qi-pi sha Nil~p?cru'~". ,z'Shzrl-lu-,izu- aptia-sk~~shn "'Tteb-ni-c-u 10. il-fi "'Bci-it-iqtsha (-sha) 11. a1111c-slire slirc n"lJ-sn-tcc n-?la pcc-~li 12. n'llli-fi'llil-h(tlii~~~aplu-shu slza 0-sa-tu 13. ish-shu-'-7em-?,ztr b?t shn '"Bn-~,-iqis//u14. sl~tr. Ltitr. lib-hi ash-ba-ta te-TI-ma 15. a-iicc r~'13n-i~-iq?shai-tli-in 16. til-tzc lib-bi e-pz~ 17. """Ulziku 6mu 30x0" shattu 2""'lti. z*Subzi-?zR'id slmr Uitbili"'. Translation: Nahzi-zir-ibni, the zali:zril~u officer, Shaniash-7?zttlct1a-~,the chief royal lab khri, ~lIt~shCzib-Nubfi!the chief royal rnb ?inzrna~u~zc,Briizia, son of Ina-btti-Ea-kittu; these are the witnesses before whoni Gttln-sliuln-lislcir, the shan- darnak officer, ,lIarctrtli-sliar-u~cr, son of ,lIt~sl~&zih,son of S~~-shncltinrc,:rnd dnuin- shar-ustir, t,lie keeper of Sippur, I~roughtSlrlrlliinzu, son of l'abrlia, with Bnu-iqisha, son of CJsiltu, I~eforeItti-Ellil-baliltu, son of CTsRtu. The house of Uat1-iqtsha, in which thou art dwelling, return and givr t,o BULL-iqtsha. Out of it go! 011 the 30th day of Elul of the 2d year of iliabil-izh'itl, king of Ba11ylon.

Contents: A document drawn by :LI~ inclivitlual with a~iotlit~rwho pays a certain sum for his possessions, including the service of :L slave, with the under- 3 standing thi~t.h~, the scller, is to recteive certain amounts nriliually anti mont,hly as long as he lives. The tlocunlcllt requires that the slave, who is tleclnrcd free, must shepherd the herd :IS long as his oltl mast'er livos, ant1 for whom he rnust have respect.

Transliteration: 1 I slia isItq~?ti"' shn "i~Ycibil-??t~ih.l*I~-zirap1tl,-shu s11.n "Aplct-n alil.t~ "rt'k ~1112 2. ik-tit&-lrli-/in-r,~ncc-7zn ""~YrtOil-sittctri-tiki~zupl~~-shti shu ,. &rr-~~nrtlltk,., 3. a11116 "r6'ir t11p2 it/-(If-7111 "'LYnbil-sl~~it~~-~~l~?~ii-,ttt~ k11-1~d lib-bi-sl~i~ 4. 6 ~~zti-nnknsp71 qislilzc 1;tc-?irn ixhqiti: sli~t-n-t11i1 5. n- in '"Snhti-1n1tlil*~t1-zPrCI~I~IL- shu sha ilp-ltr-n nlpc "rt'il all18 it-ttr-th 6. I-11ci slirttli' ii (12". SIJE-BAJI GO qn slin- rnushsl~trni~~cubt~ 6 Z~~IZ-SII~I~7. r-In1 "'"Ntrhii-shzanz-~il;i,L n-tli icnnc(-mu) 11nlir;i sha n'A'nl~Tc-ri~~tl;1"i~-~6rn-,izn 8. nz~Vnb~i-t~z~~,kitl-~Pri-~rn~ii-tiin "'A-mat-"TC711-E-~~sttr artl~~9. sha ""Nnbic-mt~h:it~-t&r[slii~] "'~Vtrbri-nzrt1;iti-ze*rrtinr-ru ti-/in-ni~t/u1)-pi 10. k7ta] cli rft-ti-slz,ic, shcr-(It-it it n-7ln nurb-hi 11. C~~711-1,1117'f~i~-z~~lc-i;i-~~-slr~~ "'N~bil- 11-12. inr~b~c-utl lih-bi-sit~t Ln-tin 1.1'-'-i-ttinc siin G ~.,71)-LIl)l'1 1:3, u-7~~ n~i\rclljfi-siiz~tn-~it,Iit~~it-tci-tlin. liro~ttitilrc""'ii 'itill-~ib-ltol~ 14. ,Lr~rht~-sI~~i~rn-~ilct~t~U-nu mA-~nzcit-'lTUR-E-'ltsttri-~~mitz-tj?~~ 15. fslitfii(-eib) Trl-il-;l.V yn0-,i shn-ni-e II-te- qu-(1. 24. -A-~t1~ttt-~~T7~-1!'-?(,~ura-tli litiau(-/~i?1) bn-lu-6u 25. slccz '"~\Tnl~ic-nizrh.i?~-~~ru-nu "nNnliic-~~u~,k2~i-z2ri-bnl-ii.

Translation: The tlocume~itconcerr~ing the possessions \vhicli iVnbii-~?, son of ApL?, son of Kt'il cilp6, sez~letiand gave to Akl~~i-s/i~im-~t(lii~~,son of @ir-,lltlrdulc, son of R&'finlpi. Ntrb,i-slr~~nz-~tclci?1of his own free will g:~\.e to ;Vubil-?nukin-22, S311 of Aplir, son of R6'fictrlpi, (i rnin:~sof silver, :I prrsr~~till consitieration of those possessions. Yearly G kors of l~nrley,GO qn of sesame, :trltl in :rdclit)ion, monthly 5 CTI<-SII?I~,Snbic-slit~m-ukiti, :IS long as ~Vcrhli-niul;i~iiI-zirli~.c,s, shnll pay to iVnDzi- mukin-zir. Atiint-2'Z'I1-E-tts1tr, the slxre of Snbil-n711kiii-zir, whosr rtlrirr~i SubiL- m~ilztiz-z8restal~lishcs, tlic tiocurnellt upon whose hand he r:risrs, ant1 in the irlterest of the herti he dectlnres him free, N(~hic-rn~~,liZn-ztrof his 01~11Srce \dl turned over to Nnbzi-shtim-~ekiizfor the shephertli~lgof the herds. Food allti clothing Ntrb6-slzum- uktri shall give to Amnt-TC'It-fi-t~~~to..One docun~eni,l~oth i;ike. Followir~gthe n:Lmes of five \vitnesscs and the sc:ril)e, l~csitlcsthe ti:lte, is writ,ten: A~t,mt-?'UIL'-,3-~u~t~ras long as Sabic-n2ttl;En-zdr lives shall llavc respect for ATabzi- mtcktt~-zt?r.

Annotations: L. 10. shn-rli~-,i. hluss-.\mold, 0. .1. L., p. l01111, r:iisch tiw qi~r.s(ioli\vlictlzcr tlirre is n ~erlj *!,,add. Tho nljovc 1>a%agc~"CHL' to 31101~tll;it tllwrc: is. 3.

So. 2. ~SI~~~~~~~~.~l~-.~l~~t~~~-~~l~i~~~l:3tl> ~,~:LY,1:311> <); 'Ti-I~ri,

Contents: A document recording ihe s:~t.isfac!tionof 11oliioi for \r-hirh eight slaves had 1)cen held as security.' Transliteration: 1. "'iB$l-ubc~llitmirr "'Sit~-sha-tiu-~~rih7'17 [)?ti L~I(er~il~lc2. ""Nnb?i-u-snl-li mhi-shi~shu TI--11a 3. "'Szir-Pni~sriliirl 71 3r'kS/~ci7ii(c.~!~- nci~ir(-ir)mar ""Sills-ai 4 /--ti i-tI I--1 5. 71 "liin-?Li-shli i~isl~e*"'bit-iu itla IICI-~LL-SIL~~-?IIL6. 'J,lV(; 11 "'~Sl~~~tti,(c.s/~-~~fi~s~ir(-ir) tr-tia vLf3tl- tchublit 7. ki-a-unz iq-blc-16 urn-rn(~U-?LO linxl~i 8. ni-ili-gn-tl'rn 11-l~n-~tiesliil-tirn-'i71~~- ma 9. 5 ~tzn-nul;i~s[tu slii?tzi '1,i-'-i- ti^ 10. ''11'1 m,cl-Sunci 7"AVo~qtrl-~t~icsiriS11:ec-{pr-ti 11. idlic~slc-ti7~-narn-tub-,r~i'ICic-tlci-tri-i-tzi 12. IL 2 mare* s11.u iS/iku-!jiel.-tt 13. "'IZcl- ubullit i-hi-it-mu a-izn "A~i~bfi-u-snl-li14. u "'Shrmusll-7~icsi;r'i(/-dit~ "'i\7(~bic-ti-,~al-li 15. u n'Slzarttash-~r~rintc hte-~~illib-bi-sl~le-11?.~ 16. (111j)l)i~la tcl-a-ri ic In tl~i-bn-h?c 17. sha iI,i-'-l-tu %L "Icin-li-shu 1 i-I-I-uI 1-a111--ti 19. Iun i?m.u(-mu) "rrh-shu-ii ti di-i-7zi 20. sh(~rli ""TCIZ-l<-c1i~jir~r~7"L\7cth~*L-,tc-sal-II 21. ,t~ n\ cli /l,i-'-i1-lu 22. 7 I-i-s it-lab-shn-ti 23. "",\Tabil-ic- snl-li u 7r'Shnmush-nilsir 24. utl-da-i~,i~-~i~im-itzua-nil. '"Kel-tlballit i-tlntn-di-tuc, 25. Ina ku-nnk duppi shucitlc. Translation: B?l-~~~bnllit,son of S?h-sl~ntltil~tr,the TL7-E officrr of AVfl/lurtlt~lc, announced a decision (in connrctiori with) I\-uhii-,~~~ulli,son of TCIZ-E-tl~~jnn,~V-cir- Papsukul and Shamash-rlil,~ir,sons of bS'illai, :IS folloxr-s: (('oncerning) I,il?lu ilnd her (his) family, people of my llouse \vho were at their dispos:il, i\'ttbii-?lstrlli arid Shtzmnsh- ndsir spoke :IS follows to Bil-l~ballit: For silver me dlr.elc:~se(?). Tliry l~eard one anot.her, anti RiL-ubnllit examined 5 rriirlas uf sil\-ert the 11ric:e of I,,ilitlc, Am&l- Nand, Nergnl-,t~Bsi;r,Sh~cq~~i,ti;, Ipti(.t~l.." 'CI. I:R~:L,I, I?. 11. I/., p. 330. Contents: An individual contructs to turn over the custody of the temple Ezida to another for one day, after ~vhicllhe resigns perrrla~lrntlyi11 favor of the man's soli. Transliteration: 1. Ish8n(-el~) ilmv(-mu) ziinic 27"" slia "'"'Ultllu ishyu "r&'t~-u-lu2. E-zi-cla btt Nabd "bLVi-rlitt-t~ci~z-&7al~iln~~ltc-sIi,ic slltr. 3. "'Ri-nzlct- Gula alilu ~6%czlpt: i-nu ishyi-slcic 4. i-nn ~IL-utllib-bi-shli iq-?XI[-uli-lcu-maa-?la ,&mu(-mu) 5. pu-ni wWah-nzti~-nplu-sht~ slzcc "'11 i1-1n-rr npl!~~6'12 alp& 6.

[p&ni?]-shuti-shad-gi:-il. E-lnt il~r~ti26'"" sliu I,( ;,tik~ A 7. 'nSi-tiiti-t~~i,z-Nab6 a-""i-nut-Nabzi 8. ccpku-shu slu lVnb!~-mulcii~-z&r(L-I~(L ilr,au(-nu) ?a-a-tu

Translation: One day, the 27th dny of Elul, the possessio~iof the lordship of Ezitla, the temple of Nabii, A7iclii~ttim-A\7c~bil,son of Ximlil-Gttln, son of IZ%'tlayili?, in whose custody (it was), of his own free will ~trrariged(lit. sralrd), and entrusted for one day to Nubli-nr~iki;.n-z6r,son of Aplfi,, sori of ll6'ii nlpk In addition, (from) the 28th day of Elul, Nidintunz-Xnbil entrusted t,o IZtn~fit-Snbil,t,lrc so^^ of ,Vabk- mulctn-z&r, for future days, and . . . . . The names of three witnesses, of the scril~earid the t1at.c follo~v.

Contents: The perform:~~lceof a corlt,ract for t,he ~~rotcc~tionof a storehouse gate is transferred to another 11y t,he origi~l:rl promissor. Transliteration: A-nu ?iin,!c 10k"'~/~u"'""'ebttz~ 2. "'l-ri-lin~,-~VI~VIBU~~IL- shu shn "A~JIL-it-tab-shi3. bdhi sllu e-ti;~slla sl~crr~zctsli.sI~cc~ri~~4. shn '"Shamash- erba upku-shu shn "'Shi-riy-tu L?La ~Vi~~p~~rri'~~5. a-im "Tliu-?LC-iae-iktli 6. pa-kid-si h i- la I---ma 7. la ulc-tnl-li-rri7~ 8. a-lci-i u-il-timn-shu 9. sl~ccmusl~shcimucr-nu "Bu-ne-izc-ibi~i 10. i-nam-din. Translation: Uiito the 10th tlny of Tel~etis the gate for the protect,ion of sesame (entrust,ed to) Isilirn-NI'VIB, son of Ah~i-lttabsl~i,which Shamash-erba, so11 of Shiriytu, in Nippur, had er~trusterlto Bmcne-i6iri. If he tioes not protect, and does not oversee according to his agreement, the sesame lie shall rnake good to Buiiene-ihni. The narrles of two witnesses. of the scribe and the date follow'. Annotations: L. 6. it-~i-i-n~n.Ilii I I:1 1 c. 1/111. 1. It is 1nol.i: LiheLy a dv,ri\-:,ti\-e iwni 3717, ri. llw Ar:tmaic fi,r "%:iti~," "~nlr;o,i-i~." 111 Illis ~I~,i~r~,ru~ni,it i.i,ii,rs tu tiii! pl.Oti'ction uf tl~cgnlr, in olliar n-i,'.ov<,rst,,c,'' ''gt~:tr,I,''

Contents: A commission for the gu:rrtling of a temple or shrine, tlic rrsponsi- bility of which rested upon atiotl~er:rnd his sl:~vc. Transliteration: I n"as/~lltL1in1.l~~ ma-say-ti shn 1)il 'lY"~l~-liL-slii~ 2. sha n'll/ri-she-zib-B$l nsd~c 'l'Sill-ttab-~ii 3. 1-"~ll?~-shc-zil~-l~~l "ycil-In-sk?i 4. u-sha-az-in-z?~ slice shntti 5. 1; s/~iyluknspu shu nirc-str~li 0. "lAIIi~-,~/~e-zit)- B&la-ILU ""Nub11-shunz-ishlcu~~ 7. ci1111~s/ui .s/h '>'AVribk-'~~il?ii,ciplit "si?-(~i;-l)i8. i-~~una- din arbu mu-sar-11; 9. sl~a7nLlI,~~-s/~(;-~ib-13?l ,it1(1 11fit~i '3'AY(cbi?-sliio~~-i.~/~l;~iti, Translation: The gunrtling for tllc month lInrc~liesv:~~~of I;'it-T~LiL'-lii-sh2'.I. which Jh~sl~E~ib-B,?i,son of S%?~-t(zbl~i,togrt,hcr \vit,ll JI~~s/i&iO-llii,his sl:~~-e,ha\-e assigned. At the yearly rnte of 1: sllckels of silvrr for tllc gunrtli~ig,,\ Bil shall p:~y to 1\Tc~bO-sl1uln-ishk1ij~,son of iVcibil-~~il~i~,son of &!/il)i. A ~nnntliof gu~lrtiingfor ilf,ushL:zib-B&lis given to 12'nbd-,s/ntm-ishlii~1~. The rlnrries of two witnessrs, l,ho scril~earlti the tl:~l:rfollo~t~.

Contents: An intliritlunl ljecomcs suret.y for thc npponr:i[ic:t: of thrctr nien at a specified time to fulfill cert:li~lol)ligntions.

Transliteration: 1. A-di ~iv~ijkni' sha "'."Tlisli;nzu. "'AI.~~I~-SI.YIU2. ~~ZLL- shu sha nlAplil "LVa-bi-lCllil riljbi-shr~ shu 3. '"Shnmns1i-s/~~tm-1Ts/~ir'"i)' LL "Shamash-ab&-idtli~m 4. apli~" slla "'Apld a-?la btti "Scrgtrl-iiltli?~a 5. clplu-shu sha "nAb-lu-n~urib-ba-liam-ina ci-cli 6. ,ii-2'l-l1nzsku m~Ver~jnl-it/tlitinitin cli n'Sa-hi- Ellil 7. n~l~~im-t~lcttzti, ' i-'-i-lu 8. kni.i,knlL n-nit sl~i.pi(?GlK) sha mNer.qal-itldi~~ai-sllak-ka-nm 9. 1-fibn Eli1 I I 10. 2'1-le-me ki.i a-di-i cmi 5""" 11. sl~u"'@'"Ilislim~c 12. xi-il-la-htrrrz-mn harril?lu a-na shd,i(Y GIK 2) 13. sha "Nerqal-iddinci '!ti-shalc-ka-~ZIL 21. ICi-i in i-tab-ku mim-ma 22. inn ic-il-tim shn i11t1, eli "'Sa-hi-Ellil 23. "Shurrz-ulctn u '"Shanznsh-uh;&-irlili.r~aim-me-riq 24. "' Anlzc-XILVIB it-!ir 25. "11fu- she-zib-Nabli aplu-sl~usha 26. " d-bar. 22 1,l:G AT, AND (!O\l\l l:I'ICI Al, TII.\SSz\('TIOSS

Translation: On the 5th of Kislev Artlt~-iYI~YlU,soil of 24,1116, s11:~Il I~ring Nicbi-Ellil, son of Sh~~~~us/~-shuiri-liskii~,S/tuiiz-ril,.ilz. :~iitl Sitn~izrtsI~-n~~-it/tliiin,sons of Aljlil, to the house of Xe~gnl-it/tliiin,sori of A~-Zfi~i/iii~,togctl~or witli thr tioc:llmerit which Ncryul-iilrl2'na tooli out :~g:ii~lst..Virlji-I$llil, Slin~~i-ulii~i:rlitI Si~c~,itiisI~-cr~e*- iddina. Thcy shall perform the t~~:rns:rctio~ifor the l)c:~lefit,of .Vo;~jctl-irltli~i(i.A~tlu- NIIVIB by (the name of) Ellil and SII\r/lj Ii:~ih swo111 ih:rt, :tccortling to the agreement, wc will corne on thr 5th of Iiislc\, niitl tlicx trnlis:~c.tioilfor tllc Ijeriefit of Nergal-~tltllirtr\vr \\rill perform. (Followir~gthe n:Lmcs of three n-itncsscs :111il tlir tl:lt.c tlirrc is written:) If hc does liot bring (thcnl), everytl~i~ix:;~ccortling to the tloc~~rrrentn-liicli (has been taken out) against ,\;fibi-Ellil, SIIII~L-~LIG~!~,:tiit1 S/inr!/nsli-trhi-ititli~ici lic sll:~ll make good; Ardt,~-!\~I.Vli? slinll p:ay iri Erlll. .Iltts/ie*2ih-.\:trriii> son of Vhnr (is the riizrrie of :111 :rdditionnl witriess).

Annotations: L. 23 i!!z-wc-rir/, :IS I slt,,n,:cl is> nly IIi~\c8./u/ir,~~(IS!l:?, ~~~~l~~~l~li~l~t~,ll,CO:>IWS ivm; )v!,~zr#8iu,, ,w8!kki ""z~r8~ s!ti~'(,ti il/,,l,sl~i("'/)it-!q(i',i~iri ""'zirii .sh,i',trily. cI1.:11.." 111 I.I: it yi: 1 I:I I. ('i.i1110 tllr ~>:i--:i:c, !:, !C, [I,li I : S. lii i

~~Lo/:L ,>[*ilvcr l,,~hl~;all p:ty."

Contents: Sale of n portio~iof :L tl:ttr-p:dm plnrltntioli.

Transliteration: 1. 1 pi s!'ezerr~i~"/ci~,ci "" ~ji,sliirnnict~~tc ~nc~-lici 2. IL ktt-rii- bu-ic ii~aGAI1IJf bn-mar iilu ,\'l.lTS71-13 3. sltn r'~StrOti-z~t~-iD~~icrl~lu-sh~t slia mNab0-apul-idtli?tcr. "r2'ri all12 4. s1~i:iltIi~elti imillii cqli lib-1)i cyli 5. s/~iclc11~ shaplu imittu 17zi-sir sha shar1.u 6. pCt.11 eliit~?rnitt?c "'.lfrrrtitil;.-iin-?if, 7. ~[iktb-sh?~ sha "$Ap-la-a apal "shanyci Sl~nlritish 8. lltitu sittrjiliiic i~i~ittticy111 li;6-b! eqlu 9. lei-i I ma-7i.a sl~i-bir-L?~m10. It-ti "';\~'abiL-i~sIinhsl~iccl)l1c-sli7i sl~tc"',I/c~i~tltili-shn-lii~i-s/~~~~m~ npal "r6'd all12 11. fl,li-?k-t~~mmcirtrt-su shn "'Sctbfi-shti~~i-,tt-lij)ltrj~lti "'13(~-[y(ir]-ti~m 12. mabt,.u ta-am-bi-e-ma 1 -1ia11 I 1-rn/ I-it 14. itnl)i?cir 1 ma-na I shiql~ckaspu ~T~~IL-TL15. [a]-cli 1 sltiqlti liit~l~t~slln 1;i-i lii-i crlri(D1lZ) 7dcjlr1,u (-%a) 16. shtnzu 1 pi ""'z&r?e ""kirII '"'{jf.s/l~fir~rnn~u ztrc!-1iii, 17. ,ti /

22. ul i-tu-~IL-tncca-nn a-hn-?nes/~ul i-rn(/-gu-r~zu 23. pn-c/rr-rn-~~,iicqlu slh-ma-a- turn lccl-sul) irn-bur-ric 24. cc-di I,? TA-A-ilAT i-tci(writte11 ttr11)-,lnl)-l~nl 25. I-nn Ica-i~nkclul~l~i slzti-ilza-a-turrs. 33. "AVc~hC-rtshnhsl~iu11lu-shti shn "4111(~~tl~ak-sha-l~iiz-sIit~~iitsl~lu"ri'il czlpi 34. i'ti~~i~htzrsltn shnrri rlt~ppzcti-slie-cslt-sl1c-iI,l 35. I;us/~tcshn a-nn e-ti~-r,ushn vi~crkkilrlc. Nab0 shnrri-slilc 36. shn eli ,^Srtbic-z?r-ili,ii All-BI slla "'~.~b-t111tin-nn mNabri- ahi-~tsl~~llinzccl~ltc-shti ,shn ~"Strhti-siiitr~~-~i~tcrnl1l11 "rt't? ctll~@ iilrlit~n(-)la). Translation: 1 pi scrd filed, :r t1:rte pl:tnt:itior~ p:tlrris pl:~ntctl and unplallted in the ricinity of tlie hill in the SIL1'i\'C-I:' district of Nnliil-z?r-ih~~i',son of LYabli- ccl~til-itltlinn,son of Ri'ic ~LI~II?. l'lrc upper side i~ortlerson the ficltl, ihc originill tr:~c!t. Ttlt: lower side ijortlcrs on t,he royal tlistrict. The upper front sitlc I)ortlers on (the field of) :lI(lr.tiul;-?iilsir,son of 11plic, son of t,he Sltnrrinsll priest. The lower front side li~ortlerson tlic field, the origin:il t~.:rc:t. For 1 minn the price with Sahli-ushabshi, so11 of A\lnrtl~cll-shitl;ii~-sl~~im,son of iji'il nlpi. ffl/;ttc.rr~,tla~lghter of Sob&-shum-~~ki'i~, son of N(lcjcci~trtnl,h:~ rlnnled tlic pric:r, ant1 lltis iiought for its full price. Total 1 m:lli:l :n~l1 shcliel of nhit,e sil~er,incll~tling 1 shekel of silver 1~11icliwas thrown in as hncl,:csl~isl~the price of the 1 pi seetl-ficltl, a tl:~iepl:~litation, plant etl nnd uilplanted, in the ricinity of thr: llill of ,l'cthic-~tslial~shi,son of illurtluk-shdkc'll-sh/im, son of RifZi alp$, t,he pricc of t,h:~t,fielti 1h:it is tl~efull :nnonnt lie rec:civcd from u~'l;tn,d:ll~gllter of ~Vrihil-shu?n-~~lifrc.,son of Unqtr~~t~ci,~.'I'hc i)uyer is free, there stl:rll not i~c:t recla- mation. They sh:rll not retllrn :~nd~ompl:lili to oric :tnother. 'I'lie pl:lint,iff of that field slinll restore twesity-foltl tlic moliey nrliich he rcctcircd. ;it tlie senling of that, tablet were : (The n:imes of four tvitlicsses of the :rntl date follow; after mliich is written:) LIJnljti-~~.s/~ciDslti,son of lllni~tii~l;-sltdlii~~-,~/~t~~m,so11 of 12t'il nlpt, recortletl tllc tablet. The nloney n.1ric.h is for tlie p:rymrnt of the property of Xnht?, his king, wl~ichrest,s ilg,.:iinst:\:cebii-z?~i'hiai, the f:~tlrerof .\~~tljii-ttsl~nhs/ai,he h:ls p:~itlto A1'~~lj~l-ni,e*-uslicilli~n, son of :\:(tljic-s/i~tm-zi~ur,so11 of I<(:'i(1111(:. 9. 1,).:3. Ii~t,,d~tl,!?!,~,),,:tr 51l,> 14th 01 S,T,~I,IElul. Contents: S:de of n slorchouse which 1,)elorrged to the ternplc in Borsippa. Transliteration: 1. 12 ycl,i.dti hitti slui-trirr~-rr~ubit11 1'?1-sii11 2. sip-/ju rali-su biti rug-qu-11i~'"'(lczth ""si;k-Ict~r 3. /~1112-i171 l?ta hiti si-tin ('111~shu E-ZI-Dk 4. el6 islztAizu itl~h?t shu-turn-~nn 5. slla "'B8l-I?p~,shmilru-slh shcc, "'A-ll~liliricin~ "'Mu- bw-ni-i 6. shnlrfi shiltu it21 btti shu-tu~n-~na'7. slln "E-til-lib n~humJlarduk- ah-sl~u 8. el?tlc av~urrli it11 Ten-rub-slru rncl-la-kzc 9. skayjlitu shaelli itu biti sh,u-ttinz-i~zu 10. slm "iNabic-it/tlina i1tir1.11 m~lr-l~~t-"llan~~11. i~n,l~h(~r 19 qandtz mi-shk-ti s/u1-t71m-ma shunti 12. Ilti "9Re*uballi~(-lt)r1aio.11 "zAm61-n~:1-iyq11 ",Vard~~k 1 "'Iiil~l-kutli~~-r~~rI nIr-ti-t~-Iilk ' T tiAir 14. Ki-i 3 ma-mi 10 sI~iq11~lias1~7i sha nirslili sllrl, eqli 15. 15 sl~iqlil3 ri-hnt ,? gi-i.,i-e licispu u LT gur 16. snlllpl~ushn lii-i a-tcir nacitzic(-izlr) I-stla7n aim sltiti~i-shuqicin~.irtl"~ 17. Nup~ur 3 mn-izcr 10 slifqlu l;acspu 5 g1r.r sulupp~b 18. 7Irr,a qirt "Illtrrtiiiii-k11~1~irri-~~~~~raplu fnlr-a-ni-JIa~~tlrtI;" 7'C lii-ti ~Iartlrtlz 19. B@l-i~l~tillf~(-,i~~)aplrt "'ilp16, lg~~Iqip~i1fn,rd7~k 20. slifmzr biti slrr~-fun~-~~lc-shl(-sIi~kasplr gclrtlirfri(-lic) mtr-hi-ir 21. a-bil za-1ci ru-gum- rizn-n 111 i-shi 2.iir(GI-1SI)-rt1 i a-~-tisII i-t~u23. mci-ti-ma incc nrkirti ilt11; itlit ah(: 24 1ri41.EIcimt~c(iJl-El-A) izi-s~i-in ti su-lat 25. sku btt ""B~l-ubnlli~(-7()crplii "'rl inil-ai 26. slic~ i~rristsl~irti(KU-C;[,7R-N.A ) itla cli bft sliii-t7cii~-nia slztirtti 27. i-tlih-hu-b7i 7r-slicltl-ba-bi,i inili( (HA1,- 1:) 28. u-paq-qa-TU- urn-mc~ OEt sim-tirrn-ma s1111crti 29. 711 tzczt1i1~-ntnliaspr~ 'rrl nlta-hi-ir i-qab-b7,~-~30. "pn-qii,-a-/u~lzaspu, i~n-hlr-r~r31. a-c11: 1.2 Til-A-AS i-ta-,i~t.ll~-l~ctl32. I-na lza-nak duppi, shr-a-f i. Translation: ii 12 reed st,oreliol~se, :L finished iiollse (having) a built-in thresliold, n c:ovcwxl house (xvit,li) n door (havini: :I) firm l~olt,of tlie bright store- house of Ezitln; on tlie upper north side atljoining the st~orcliouscof B?l-epr~sh,son of Aplic, son of Jl~~htl?i~~ij011 the 1oxve1.sout'll side adjoining the storehouse of Etillu, son of ~1lnrtliili.-nbishu;on the upper xvost side :rlong the 7'(ai.t.t1b.s117r road; 011 ihe lo~ver eastern side :ltijoining tlie storcliouse of Sabi?-iilt1~1lcc,son of diitt-Uanzqu. Total 12 reetls is the rrle:~surerrient of that storehouse. it1-1ba1 so of lrt~lci~,the l'lqqu of Al/ar.thtk, AII~trrl~tlc-liii~lt~rri-us~~~, son of IririliJIai.dtik, the TI! officer of the house of ~lIard?~lc,:~c:c.orrling lo 3 minas, 10 shclicis of silrc!r for t'he half of tlie fieltl, 152 sheltels, :11id % gcr:t11s of silver :rnd 5 kors of ti:lt,es mliicli were '(tlirown in" lie fixed as his full p~ic:e. Tot,al 3 rriirias, 10 shekels of silver and 5 ltors of dates, the full price of his st.oirhouse, I3!1-7ibnllit, son of Aplic, t,lic riqqii officer of AIclr.tllt/i, rcc:eivctl fi'orn A~~nrr/ick-~iiit~!~?lf-li-l~~r~~,son of Imr~i-.lI(,the 7'U officer of the 11o11scof Jlnrtt~~k.The l~l~ye~.hns a fee simple, there shall l)e no recourse. Thcy shall not retl~rn:~ntl cornplili~l to one another. \Vhenevcr in futtlre rl:iys :rmong the l)rothers, chiltll.err, f:~mily, people ant1 relatives of the house of I,'&l-uhalli(, son of L1tt~Flni,t,liey sli:rll coniplairi (or) cause x dispute concerning tlint storchousc, :md say tlut {'hat storehouse xvas riot sold, and that the money was not. received, tlie cornplniria~its11;~ll restore t~velve-fold the money which he 11:~s received. At tlie sealing of that tablet mere: (The rlarrles of nine witnesses and the scribe which follow.) ASSYRIAN, NEO-I3AIIYI.OP(IAPT Axn I'l.:I~SIAN I'EllloDS. 25

Annotations: L. 2. / ' tsllst I itit I . is,I. I. I, 1. lil, "nrit iesten Scli\vollc!ri." Cf. tl~iixpr<:ssion siji-l~i~u-xi rok-sn-a!, Z. I., IS, 11s. 41;. "Tiic ll~rrsli~,ldston<, is i>onndintu the \rv.ll." L. 2. ri~g-qi<-bu. In I<. B., lV, 170, riiird S1.Y ~ny-b~,;see Snlitl>,dliscell. tt,xt 3s; drnsczi, Z..I, Ill', p. -Il!J, perllt. :I.I,., 1,. 405!,, L. 12. On iriyyii ns on<:uf tllc olfiri,rs of tlt~iclnjilc: btc,rcl~r,nsc,ui. iriy I(. L'.,T-oI. Ill'. In tmt Xi,. 104 of this volut~~<::t \votn:~n, ~l~~~'il,t, is :iriqqu ~Hicer. L. 15. gi-pi-e. If tllr girt? is tire san~cas lllr ;I!;, n-llicli nccording to 1.r~.27 : 23, i.ic is illc i\vrnticllr part of a sl~cl~rl,Llx: :mt~ountin tlm trxt is 15 ~It<,lwl~:LFICI li g<:r:il~s. L. 16 l

Contents: 1,ease of house containing the requirement that the lessor shall keep the house in repair. Transliteration: 1. Bitu tn-bi-h(?) slzn 2. mNergal-alzi"'-itldilz,a c~plu-shusha 3. "Pa-at-ta-zu a-na i-cli bEti 4. it-nu shntti + ma-nn 6 sI~i(11~iknsp~i 5. shn gi-in-nu a-lza "Icllina-Bil aplu-shu slta 6. ""Sh(~mczsh-sh7crr~-lishil-npil "11Tcs-zu-a 7. u "Pa-at-tn-zu abi-shu- . . . . wbNer.qnl-trh_u(perh,.rpsnlz4)-itltlina 8. id-/li?z CT-TU i-sha-wr-izu bat-qa 0. i-pab-bnt "'"?Ni~ni~lni"'"'DUilzu tl 'L'~"[lii~ll'ir~~i]10. nu-ub- turn 2-nc~rn-elm-' 11. ul-tu fimu 15h"" sha """AraJIshnn~l~u12. bEt pa-122-shu arha-a-ta i-di biti 13. i-nam-din-' A-ki clu11-pi rlup . . . . 14. inn pAi~i-shu-nu. Ishtin-a-ta il-la- 15. qu-ti. Translation: A coated(?) house, owned by Nergal-c~h_6-zcLc11i1a,son of Pattazu, is given for house rent for a year at 36 shekels of ginnu silver to Idclina-B61, son of Shamash-shurn-ltshir, son of NCLZ~~CL,and Pattazti, the father of Ne~~yal-rih;&-iddina. The bareness (of the walls) he shall alter, t'he cracks he sh:tll remove. In Nisnn, Tamniuz and Kislev he shall pltlster the roof (?). l'rom the 15th of R1:lrchesvan the house is at his disposal. RIonthly the liouse rent he shall pay. According to the document . . . . at their disposal. One document they t:rke. The names of five witnesses, of the scril~cand the date follow.

Annotations: L. 10. Tllc root of nO,i/zit,~ :itid i,i,ipi, :IS 11;~s1,ccn st~ggi.stv,I1,)- ,,tliim. src~rnilo 11,: 311 or 111, cf. tllc wriant i-nia-iib-bil-', 1)nr. 163 : 1% .\~iil,ltot~ it,,$/,i is mc oi 1,Itc; USI~$LIoI>lig:ili,>t~s vl~irl> :am pl:icecl IIIIOII

till! il~ilivi~idil~ ,:itllc,i. tit<. tv:~lls or the roof, tlirce times :i~,,:LI., in Xi~i~il,Tiinnnoz :ind liisl,,\-. It ligorcb: l~~~~~~~~~~r,!to1 $0 fr<~pt~ntl?in the lcascs 01' tile Xco-l<:thylu~lianperiod, ns in tlic :\cll;i.lllclli;nl. I~~cl~t~li~~gtl~cvariant p11r:isc nObl,!nz i~z,~~,

228 : 9; Cctmb. I I7 : S; I82 : 6; 18 I : $1; IS7 : l(l;Ij<,r. Y.5 : 7;l6:i : l:3; 1!1l : 7; 226 : $1; AS,? : $1; ,l:l!) : 10; z~lsoPcis~r, lj. F., 41 : 7; 44 : 7; l;3L : 7; 1:i.j : 8. Tl~crcz,li~q ''Xi<:i>~, .\I> (or .\iroj, Isi hi: in ervl-y cnse " Tis;,o, 'l':im!lrnz nnrl liisl,,~.'' 111 :dl tlw p:tsss~g<~vu~niucxl tl,csr at? lltv tl~rrvt~?c>tltIv n~~~ntion~!~I.

.\Th,~, 2:39 : 13f. IIPI.~~:L~S tll~.o~v50111:: Ligllt 011 L~IP 1111:iinilig oi 111,: pllwit-ir; it rc:~

:j ~"'~~s~-~l-l~~slu, Io-bi-lt< i-,~u~,i-d;,~-tt!,, ljt,~~~ttlt, Ij. ;I,, 111, 1). P24, sttgg~st~tl):tt, I,ibi!u L~C:LIIS ''1~:t~l~sI~isl~I'ur LII,!

IIIILS~C~ O[ LIX ILULS~C," ~,i.:IISO ~~~~SS-.~~~~~~~~~~,11. :I. I,., 11. cr., I,{,,YWV~, ~G,IIIC~, x..! ., YI> I>. I I:], ,VI,O sa>-s ~IIP 1 litr 1:t1. Tllr 1,:lssitga p~.ol,;,l,l? mcnns. "11, \~S:III, Tii~>~n~u:LIIirl>rr:t,ls: imt sl~~~l!;2 (;[.I1 , . . .s/kt 1 ,jo .I,..\- l<~-bi-lbt i-rinni-rlili. L-t~[ort~~n;~:?lyin tl~is p:iss:tg,, 111~\vorcl il,:tl n,n,I,l IIILO\Vligl~l im lltc, st~l,j,,c~ia ~~~~c~cl:~i~~, 'Tlw SZ~I~Vis truo oi C,,r 23 : 12, ;inri Tbr~.1) :!). $33 (a :~icI~L,XILS ~ltix.'' I I,,:trn fr,nn

111..'l'ttlroit l\'illi:rliis tint it, Syl.i:t llil, R:it ~.r>r,l; :a1 111,. p~.c,uit~lli~cic, c~lltiiinit l:i.,ct. oi ,,:aril> ~II)III 10 t\tclv<, inrlt,.i ill tlli(.kll(~w, \vliil.ll is plnsti!1.?d wit11 :t I:l?.vl. lii ~IIII,~,ilti\v ~n:tltr~>vtion tl,c rlmi llllrillg lllr dry SrasOil. It is not inqx~5-i~~~~~tl>:ll ll~~~vl2il~st~ 7!~?/,t!l!r1 ii#fij>i r,,i'c,rs to tl~:~pl,lic:~tic>~~ oi a ~nixt,~r,: ui soil*: lhiral, prcsiiliinl,l?- ol i.l:i?-2111d oil, or (.l:ij ix~l~ll)it~tttli,li (OIC IiiLt,,~.I)vill/: iwrd cxtv~~-iv~~l~ici COI~IICCI~,>I~ ~~itl,Imitt.: ~L~UIvrs~clsin 13:~l~y1,>~1it~),iu ovclrr lu prvvc,~~LtIwo> irc)~tt 1~:tI~ing. cravlg :LIXI lwi~~g ~Ic~sIv~?,~~ I,?. LIWVICIIWIL~, ~~TICIl)y

11s:121.. 1:1.,,111 LI>v~tiiil~y li!ti<~st~nc: 1.1)011.011?1.s l1)111111 11y I'l:irc,, cl. .\'itwi.c/i, I,I)!1:3. it ciin I,,, ic~/,.~.~.i.dtll:ct ilic .\iiyliitll

Iiin>rrsl#:\d flat 1.00fs ill :n~~(.ic,ntlil!lcls, :is ill tllc, ~ll.<-(,~ltill.(, [o!tncI ill S>l.ii~:111,1 (111:v1. lii~lds. 'Yl,i~c~~~l:~~t:~ti~~~ II);!~

I iti I xiI i! i i 1, i., it i : IsI it: ti ti Il;lt~llihil,~

CIS1 I I : 2. T11:it ~(~cllli11101.~ ~~l:ilisil~h: tllilll to L~ittl~liitr''(:~\vii~.z,'' nit11 I~~litzsc11,II~n<1ii~rI~ibi~(./i, p. itI I-I,I. I. I,., 1,. 1 I I I.


To. lo&. l)xius, Is: y<,:tr,2,l of .\cInv.

Contents: House lease for two years, wit'h part p:xy~nent ill :~clunnce. Transliteration: 1. Bitu sku n'Sl'llu-l-zi-rlu nplrc-shu 2. shtz "SabLi-shu-zu- bu-a~~-niaplu "Shi-fa(. . ) 3. ?L iBn-'-i-trou "riq-qi 4. n-na i-tli ?)?ti zna phni '"Ni- cli~z-tum 5. nplu-shzi sha mBta-zu-ru apltc "mb-enzzl 6. sha sllalti [%I-tu 4: slzlqlu kaspu pi@(-ri) 7. i-di hiti "Ni-din-turn 7;-nam-din 8. Ii~n177-hi 2 sliiqll~kaspu pig$(-'i) 9. fBu-'-i-turn inn qht 10. "'iVi-tlin-tum mn-6ir-ttcn~ 11. IshtSn(-ex) il-te- qu-ri. 22. IJl-trr, ci~nu1[""] 23. shn "'~"Xisnrlr~u 2-1. a-di sllcz?~c^rti2"""92. btl ina p6n "'Ni-dilz-turn 26. shattu(?) . . . shiqlu kaspu. Translation: The house of tSillu-b'zirln, son of Nabfi-slrc^rzuhuc~ni~i,son of Sh,iCa . . and Bu'itwn, t,he n'qqn officer, for rent is at the disposal of Nidir~tum, son of Bnzfiztc, son of Rab-er~ru. For two years Nidirltltrr~shall pay 4; sheliels of pure silvcr as house rent. Out of it) 2 shelcels of pure silver Bu'itl~rnhas received from Nidintum. One (document) they take. Following t,he names of witnesses, the scribe and the date is written: "From tlie first day of Kisan for two years the house is at the disposal of Nidiw turn; yearly(?)~- '. . . . shekels of silver." Annotation: L. 23. Tila text coilt:~ins :ilso tlie n-ordr: bili~m\:i-ili,i-liiiii, \\llicll :ijq:ir

Contents: Five years' hire of a flock of sheep and goats. Transliteration: 1. id(-ttc) la~ruCo1ra-bi-ti . . 2. 6 i"'"'rr"P&a- 1u-mu 1 (-it) lab-rut-ti 3. 2(-tu) e~zzzcra-hi-ti 1 (-el!,) u?I?~?c 4. stla "'NIKIB-~?z~~-tir-~~,~:-(ljn~.ilap11~ shu 'nZEr-lcit-ti-ll,~/zir 5. a-izn zitti a-nu 4 ma-an 2 shiql?~/; 6. wia 'nSi71,-~di apku-shu sha ""21-shum-itldin 7. cl-cli-i 5(-ta,) shn7~6ti"' ll'd-(/ll~ 8. 1 tam-kt-ti IL yi-iz-za-tu ishlu kaspi-sliu 9. shattlc-us-SZLi-slzal-lim. /?la i~ . . . . 10. a-hi-ta- shu-~IL.RU-ud sti-~~cl-dt~-(~u11 itI t~m 12. sha lnhr~~""""Sin-ili nu-shi 13. sib-bum it-ti a-ha-mesh i-'~zczin-di~~14. e-lnt (1-il-tim shn im2r6j'"ha zitti sha CLTL . . ?L~L-'. Translation: 14 large sheep, 6 young, 1 bearing sheep, 2 large goats, 1 itid, which NINIB-iizt~tii.ri-yimil,son of 261.-kitti-lishir,as a part-owriership for 4 miria and 2 shekels of silver gave to Sin-ili, sori of B6l-shum-itlclina, for fivc years. Yearly, 1 young and the shearing, besides his nioriey hc shall pap. Of the . . . . is theirs in common. The responsibility for the folding, the sheptierclirig (:~ritl)the watching of the shcep Sztl-zlz, hears. The iricrease with each other he shall m:ke right. In addition the docurrient concerning asses of the part which The names of three witnesses, of the scril~rand ttie date follow.

Annotations: L. 7. shottit-ii.g-sit, rqui~;ilcnti,i.l.l>:ip. to shi~llishu. Suclr,;~~l>,,:il>ing \v

So. 17. Scl~~~cl~:~dr,~z~.:~r,3l:,rc~lhcs~:~r~ of tlw 34tll y,wr Contents: A record of an obligation which mas drawn up to take the place of one which had disappeared from the creditor's house. Transliteration: 1. 5 shiylz~ Icaspu sha n'lZ~i-hi-a-~7:u 2. a~~lt~-shuslza mBa-ba-a irla mub-[hi] 3. "ATeryal-icltli~~anplu-sliu sha mAbt~. . . . 4. Ina nra'%h,abictu i-?lam-din. Ri-i 5. la itl-tlu?~-?in-a a-lii-i 6. mahl'?i(Iil-I,AilI) sha "'"'AAu SHE-UAE i-nam-tlin 7. U-fl-t,irn lu-i~shn Kaspi 8. SHE-BAR sha "Neryal-iddina inn blti 9. "12n-~i-a-nushn til-la-' 10. bi-pa-&a. 28 LEGAL AXD ~OllnIlilil'T\I) TR"LXSAl"~1ONS

Translation: 5 shekels of silver due to Rahiunzi, son of ilnbii, by Nergal- icldina, son of ~I~IL-.. . . . In Shebet he shall pay. If he docs not pay (at that time) accordins to the price of the 111011th Iyyar l~eshall p:~ythe barley. The contract, whether of silver (or) barley, against Nergal-itltlirlcc, which was taken from the house of Rtrh,itcnu, is caricelled. This is followed by the narries of three wit.nesscs, the date and the endorsement ]73.113'1 11111 tY OID31, "Five sheyels of silrcr against Nergctl-idtlii~ta."

No. 13. S~!l~~~rl~:~~lr~~z~:~r,2Sfh y,,:~r, 15tIt Si>:~n Contents: A statement referring to an obligation which rests upon two individuals ill connection with c:ertain lands. Transliteration: 1. I-nzit-li shn. SHE-BAR slia iznk-k-an-rla-,-21 2. 1:mittu niiru sha "pa~aru(?)3. u mi-sir slzcz ma-hi-si-e 4. ma-la ba-shzi-'k sha "bl\rergal- iddi~m 5. a-r~a &li mNINIB-nn-din-s/~uz6. u "SILVI13-rla?b7~z~a&-slru i-mid-dtc 7. a-ki-i i-mit-ti sha "ATeryal-idili?~a 8. i-mid-du-shzc-~ZL-tuills nza-shi-hi 9. sha sharri a-na "Neryal-iddzrza 10. i-tir-ru. Translation: The impost of barley of the dist,rict adjoining tthe canal of t'he potter (pah_ar~~?),and the district of the mnhls6, as much a,s it is, ~vhichNer~jal-irldina fixed upon NINIB-ncidin-shum and lFTINIB-clc~nr~u,his i~rother. A(tcorcling to t,he impost which Nergal-iil&~nc~has placed upon thcm, as por royal measure, they shall return to Nergal-idcli~za. The names of three witnesses, of the scribe and the date follow.

Annotations: L. 1. nal~-/~o~~ili~-r~~is :rn i~ltc~riling inl.ln:~tion i~.otrl llw n,ol i

Contents: Record of a debt, half of which is to i)e p:tid at a fixed timc; the balance being charged against the debtor without interest. Transliteration: 1. ,$ ma-na kaspu sha shiqlu bit-la qaqqaclu 2. sha "Itti-Il1ardu.l~-baI&tumicru-slzu sha "'~Vab-iL-slaum-iddina 3. initru "dEa-am&l i-na eli mNabci-mztlctn-z&r 4. mciru-shzc sha "Ap-la-a micru "r&'zl alp87j". i-nu lib-bi 2 ma-na liaspu ina "'b"Adaru 6. ina qayyatli-shtc i-nam-tlil~ 7. Ri-&-it 2 ma-nu kaspu ina dup-pi-shu 8. sha la h~~,bullui-na-ad-din. Translation: 4 minas of silver in h:dE shekel piecrs is the f1111 :ilyiount dllc to Itti-Marclulc-bal6ju, so11 of Nabzi-shu~n-,itltli~~tl,son of Ea-ctlnil, Crorr~i\'r~hJ-~,zt[l;ti~-z6~~ son of Apl6, son of R&'


So. lill. Il,rrzi<,, y<,:tr lqi, l>tI~uf El(11

Contents: A doc~~mcnt1.ecortling :L drbi which st,ip~il:itcstllr ti~ncit shall ile paid. In thr event of failure, t,he guar:\nt.or sliall r~r:Lkegootl tlrr :lnrolint. Transliteration: 1. [A-iza] li~i!~15k"" shn "''"[L\'I.YII~-nh6-idtli~zcr] aplu-shu shn nllil-bl-a-~i"nIdtlina-lVc~hic 3. nlilu-slu shil "'~lsl~i~r-~tu-tli?~-n~u a-na Nippu~[~~]4. ib-bet-ka~~-ma a-,itn "'-Artlc~-G'uln 5. trl~hl-sh~tsha iqbha inamtli?~(-Cn) Ici-i a-ta2thi-sln~ 6. In i-tctb-bctk-kn?~-nlnrtr-tic! "'ilrdz~-(hlu 7. aplu-shu sha 7'iSha?~ansl~-2qishilin it-tntl-~lc~-itsh 8. a,-Iii-,i '/~-il-Li~riS/IU, r,'A4~i-tl~;ti-t~c~n sha muh-hi 9. "A~lNIB-a~~-~icltli~~~tc""As/~t~r-~~n-ilit~-cc~u 10. 71 I)a?~-nu-nhi-ibci kuspu "NIA'IB-ah&-irlilinu 11. a-ria "Vlrc(ri-Guln i-r~ctm-tliri. Translation: On the 15th day of Tisliri, SILVIR-(ill&-icltlit~n,son of I3Llil- b&ldni, shall bring Idilina-Nabli, son of Asiz1ir-nirtlia-'ii1(, to Yi:~pul., and sh:rll pay to Artlu-Gula, son of Sharnush-iilislin. If at that liirie tie does not come, and to Ardu-Gtila, son of Shamash-iyOslin, lie does not pay hirri, :rccortlilrg to the documrnt of Nidintum which rests agairist NIA'IB-nbbitldi,?n, Asirur-nritliic-(rh~i:ntl I)tarranu- ah$-ibni shall Nl1VlB-ah_&-idt1.i~zapay 1.h~rrloney t,o Artltc-Gliln. The names of tliree witnesses, of tlic :tnd 1.1~tlatc follow.


SO.15, S:%IIO~I~CILS,;+,I yv:tr, 17~11 oi 1yy:tr.

Contents: Rlemorandum of :t debt, stipulating the t,irrie for payment and that the del)t,or shall pay the feudal tax. Transliteration: 1. 2 shiqlu lcasl~t~shir "lZtr-tiliin apl~,~-shv2. ,sl~(i7n11i~-1 iria eli "~Vabd-ztr-ibwi aplii-shu shi~ "'Am-nte-?~i-ilu(Y) 3. 11 'n12i-trri~l nplu-sh~r. shu mKudwrru 4. ornu 15'."" sha "'~SSi!ubh~u 5. i-nam-tlin-?wr 6. Is/~~~IL(-P~L)lru-ud sha-?xi-i %a-shu-u 7. ICaspu shu iL-hi shu bu-url '"Ziri-ia 8. ncl-shu-71. Translation: 2 shelrels of silver due to Z&~-ux.i.r~,son of I'ir' from iVubzi-z4r- ibni, son of Ammcni-ilu(?), and REmzit, son of Rnctur~l. On thr 15tll of Shebet they s11:lll pay. They bear thc rcsponsil)ilit,y onc for th(: oihrr. The money for the feutial t':tx, an olrj1ig:rtiori of ZPricr, they :~ssu~nc. The nnmcs of two witnesses, of tlie sitrii)c :xlltl ilie (late follon.


Xo, 10;. ll:tri~~~,111, year, 23tI ,oc Si~;ir~, Contents: Promissory note, 11e:~ringint.rrrst at, 202, n-l~irlrrrfcrs also th an additio~lillpledge. Transliteration: 1. I ?rLa-i?ccd shl'cilli /;aspi "L~\~~~O~t-~t~ttliitz-iir(lj~lit-~llt~ 2. sl~n 'nIrlthzil 01711~ wzGa-~~ilinn ti-3. n'AVnl~il-t(~h-tiii~t~~~t~trl~lii-shii shn 7nA11-la-u aplu "'Gn-bnl 4. shn at.l~~inn cli I inn-1zi1-c I sltiqlu litrsl,ii itici ttiiibi,i-sIt,~i 5. 1:-mb-bi e-lat j~-il-titt~'nitd-rf-e-ti 6. s'"'zr I rrt Iislt 1-i-I 7. shc~ it-tz ah$"" nznslz-lzn-t~u 8. in 1-1t11i-zti i-ti 0. ILCIS~~L~ncr-la illu mub-hi-shz~ 10. i-shnl-li-nzu. Translation: 1 miria 5 sheltels of silver (tlue to) L~7nb~-~tz~t7~it~-Gr,son of IrltlinR,son of Gcd~ul,to br paitl I)yLVnbri-tnht~i-itsl~r,son of :l]tlic, sor~of G'cti,crl. \lonthly upon 1 nlina, 1 shekel of sil~crsh:lll irlc1.ease. In :rtltiitioli lllc for~r~cl.tlocumclit' of a srtrtl field wliirh is on the I

Contents: The transfer of a rrrclit \\it11 c:tncellntion of thr original tlocnmellt. Transliteration: I. Ul itfir-nza "'~Vnljfi-@ti,nph-slru slici "'12(~-sliil-i11c2. n-nu 6li ra-shu-ut-ti-S~IL3. ma-la ha-sIrt~-ic sltu "'A~thl-G~la4. nplu-slrtc slicl "nDu-?~i-ia u '"Bdni-ia 5. uplu-shu slza "Btl-ipusl~cctzn 011-it-rct 6. "r'Shntnash-iqlsliunplzi-shu sha ~~NcL~C-~~I~LS~L7 a t '-it s-si I?-ti 8. 7'iLlrck~l-G~~l(~u lnIla- ni-ia 9. Nuhit-&tir ul i-dib-bzi-ti11 10. C-il-tim shil "'Sahil-6!i'r. tr~icl iii,ubki 11. mShamnsh-iqlsli~ail-la-' hi-pa-tunz. Translation: ~Vnl~il-tk't.,son of Isl-1, s11:rll riot return to his credit, as much as it is, an obligation resting upon SIiui~1ns1~-iqishn,son of Snhii-Tlizrsk, 'vhich Ardu-Guln, sori of Bitnia, and BRnin, son of Ktl-&liush,have receiveti froin the hands of Nahd-@ir. With Ardu-Guln and Rirt~icl, ~Vctbil-itirs1i:~ll not ('oniplain. The document ~vhichNabzi-6tir took out :~gailistSlzumnsh-iqisllcl is ca~icclletl. dSSYI(.IAN, NEO-I%AI3YI.OXIAN AND PEllSIAN 1'~;lLloIlS. 31

Contents: ltecortl of :I debt, with thr stipulation that it does not include the obligations of two forrnrr clocu1r1cilts. Transliteration: 1. 15 g~tr AS11E-Ilr112 sha '"Nn-tlin a~~lrc-.sli~~eshc~ ni13c,l&~-su 2. iila eli "'8A~-dii-d[. . . (z~~lti-sl~r~sliri] niShu-ln-~3. Ir idBnli?-sr~n~lu-shu sha ...... '1~ctsir 4. i.,m "'~''1)Tczcc illn Xl:pp~~r~i"iiltn linl~kodi-shu 5. i-nam- ~~IL-II~.Isht@t~(-en) kc-11il sha-~ii-i 6. ~m-slarc-ic shn lii-rib SITIS-BAfi i-izctnz-tlin 7. B-lot it-7'1-ti~iz slrcr. 2(?) iiici-1ici-l;ns11li 8. shn (1-tlcc 7i.u-uh-ti shn ...... P" 9. El-SL-1-61G-%-4 10. "'Sn-clii~cz-IKL in~ak-~i-slrrc-i~,~i11. L'-din-~LU. 1 i-i-r' 12. ~nnh-~i-tislta iizcc ,~cii,iJ-ki""BalAf-su. Translation: 15 kors of l.)arlcy due to ,\'ritii,~, son of Bnl&!su, to be paid by Ai,tlu . . ., sol1 of Sl~~tlil,:~~i(i Bc~lil?sie, son of . . . . ~lil~ir.I11 Tz~~nmt~zin Aippur in its full amount thry sll:rll pziy. The one i)rcon~csrcspo~lsil~le for the other that he \\.ill pay tl~cloan. In :~ilditionthe clel.)t of 2 niinns of silver \vhicli Na(liiz gnre to them for thc nzthtl of . . . . Ellil-sl~dl)ih:-z?rthe Gzie,znn. In additiorl the former debt wliiclh rests upon Bnlirtsie. Thr nnrnrs of three \vitnrssc~sand the scril~e,l~rsides the ti:ttr, Sollow.

Annotations: L. 9. TI>,: (CI..-k;.Y-.Y.l ~~~c~nsto I),: !I!c rl~i,,iolT~<,i:~l it, wn~~~vcli~~~~jvillt tl~c:tvi.llii,i ~~xi,r~ilircill' tlli, r,ii?. (;(,' !!w:~nsl,~i.vI~~i~l~,, ''nt!~I<,'' :LLKIE.Y-.\.I, "l~~r~l,''Tl~is olli~it~l m:~y I>:LYV IXTI> <>Wi~i\l:dIytl~, ",~~~~citli~~~~vr." It:~,l:ttt !r:l~~sl:~l,,s "sl:~~iti-i~~-~l~i~~l',"

vl~ivlt:iplx:trs on :$ l:~lx,l,,f :L t:~l>lclilt 111~['~~i\-vj*ily lIu-<,\~~ti, (;C,. ;\Is<, JCIK~IIS ?8it!iqzt, in >vl:i<,l!c:t~,; c1, I,;-?/ r-u~,t-~!,

I 111i.11 I li1liIll1. I. (;i' z~1-0 li:is 1111, \:ihw ,isliiii.iilii :tllil ii&liii,:;nil 11101.~111(~1,;11,1y

tnc:ins ll~''I,,rtv~i<,st I<~rvcl~il~lr,~~~ tl~,, lg, !It(, (;C'-I,,'.\L.\-.l tu~l

oll~,ritnpol.t:~nt ~,ccs,,n:ig,,rit1 (::~I~I/)IIII>iirc iiiirii,~l i11!,, (.:ijlli\ity 10 _\ssyi:t (vi. I<. I],,11, p 1S2) Ti,i- i~~~pli(,~tl,:~t, t \-Ias itI Hi. 11)~~(~IIII-IIs, .I~.v!/~~i.~clie Ii~~hi/lo~iisch~ Riiij iivltiirhe~iliiliit/is itlis i1i.r I,1. 1, t 2, I I I :II I i I lI.Y..l. 111 text !I4 : 10 oi lliis vr>lnn~v,~~;iyni,,~lt is t<, I)

irnpol.l:illt olli(.i:~lil:~x~l,~d .I iuiil-.lliii.ilitl~; ~liois r.;~lli,,l (;I.'-KI-\.I \i,ii,,,ii.i,contl~~ctr~il 111~ iifl':til.- ,,/ tlii: l'v111p1,. slor,,. IK>LISPin tlw r<,ig~a~~~l A-,t>i-(/,,Iz!8. 118 135 I),,!n!;tI\v* :\!I :~~s~~~~~~~~~IILt<>:~-S,I~I!C: :c t I'ur ~rl,iclt:L

itI: iil. I is1x1 I is I t ts 'III.' In l!i : I li,: 11111.(19 l)ityi~l(-~~tLO :ii~otll,,r ~~f/ici:iI.

111 1:41; : 1 lw ;,,t,li!s ll~,~~<,co~n>ts or ll~<, ~~vit~~lc~~~,~-. 11)I:;? : 2s his sr:tI V~~IO~A~~~I~~~~Lis lixccl :L lc,:tn p<~t?. 11 nl,pv:tr. :tlao ,,n 12:jo : 15. 11, ('. 11. .>I. I?!J"!), tl~c(;L--l<.V-.Y.l :tcl~~~~~~v1~~~lg~~tl~rt,ccipts

of t<1111pIvirirtlii~,,, ili :I iniitiii,.r. .>i~liilitl.11) /i~,i(zi,ii,i :111<1.Iltz,.li~!ti, 1(.110 prior to tllr iitnc: 01 .I )iii/-.lI~~idi,i, \j-<:~ci tlii: ~l~ivf oltcials, ~r.,,,y 1;. P,'.> XI\:, )I. !I, :~lt!)c,t<~jtIIV~!!!C,S ~,il!~,:.,: Ih::~r t!~ till<, u ~oc~~~~~iccl tl~is011icc~ ~~an~~lj. cu-i<.v--:\-.l.",i/,/~,tri.


x,,. lii. r~~rw,Gtlt y,!:~r, St11 oi S~S:LIL. Contents: A11 individual becomes surety for the payment of another's indebt- edness to his own father. 32 I,C(:AL BXD CO~I.UI:I'ICIII, 'PRANSBCTIOKS

Transliteration: 1. lnBa-la-ku apl~i-ck~~slia '"Ellil-shtt~~z-itl( lJlLa man- zazu(-zu) shn. 'nArili-ia al121~"'ICrti1rii.r~ 3. "'Itti-/


39, S:tIx~ni,l~~*,:tc?c-siort yv:,?, IAIl, or 1yy:tr. Contents: Itecord of a clebt of, for the pi~yrrielitalld delivery of which another becomes responsil~le.

Transliteration: 1. :3 (J71I' slil?ipl~ti,,sliTmi 2 sl~iqlu 2. hcr.~l~tcsha 'riShamash- ah-itltlina (vpki~-shiishn 3. "'7'nh-ni-e-a i~ic~cli mlb-?li 4. nplu-sli,~~sha "Ri-mut. 7Jmzi I'Yk"'\.5. slia """'Tcrslirit~csrrlzal~pu, 6. ilan ha-in-la ""61-ah~i-ityur 7. i-nam- &iz. "'Z61'-vlcit~ 8. aplri-shzt ska '"l'ir-' hic-tatl 9. e-!&,I, /in-slli 10. sz~luppunLZ&r- ulcin il~a qAt 11. n'ShL-).7q-liit~li-nu-slln-nnt-ma 12. CI-,IICL "'Shamash-ah-iddina L-nnnz-rli~z. Translation: 3 1ror.s of d:~tes, the eqr~ivnlcntof 2 sheltels of silver due to Shamusl~,-n~-itldIi~(i~,so11 of Tahrtetr, l~yIht~i, son of 12imilt. On the sevent,h day of Tishri, in the fircznttr, of BGl-chit-ttsriv, hr shall pay the dates. Z3rtiki71, son of Pir', hears the rcsponsi1)ilit.yfor p:~ying. Tlie dates Z&r-7rliit~shall carry from Shiriqtum and give to Shn~~rtrsi~-ci~-itlcIitzc~. The names of three milllesses, of the scril~e:~nd t,he tlate follow.

Contents: ltecord of a royal tithe which is due from arl cst:~lr

Transliteration: 1. . . . shiqlli Icasln~ ishtt~~(-en),immclz~ cluit-nu-~ic.endorsement rrads.) For uannzn, IbA, Sul?~lnmadu,against Arrrqcel-~tltl~~tri,

Annotations: L. 1. !~i-cfitt-l,,~c~:ipp:~r~~ntl~- i+ "~:trifI" <,r ra~tl~vr"grtttuity" \vI>ivlt is tu I,? giv,,n tlte St:~tv. At Ltwt tlutt sc!alils to I,? tl~cinr:v~iilg ill 1111,_I[io~i~.s/iii l,,\ts. Tlw (ivllents tlw ~I~t?:~sl~itSOLIS,'' II

Contents: A slave girl given as sccr~rityfor the payment of :L debt. Transliteration: 1. 15 linslnr shn sl1itll7r bit[-qct] shn 7nlz-.zi-na-i~a 2. aplu- sku sku "'Abtc-rilbzc ins m7th;1,1 3. 7"Set~ynl-itlclitm nplu-sku slin '"Ah-ltt-mur 4. fShi-win-ni-"Hn?c ;a-hir-ta-shtc ?nnsh-l,:n-izt~ 5. lcnsp~c slla -Iz-zi-an-nn 6. Umu "Nergul-itltlincc ~US~~'-S/LTL7. ti-- nn~6lt~r(-tu) ih-bn-nk-ku 9. I-di nmZllu(-lu) in-a-xu 10. 71 ;11tb1,i1/1~kce~111 ia-a-nu. Translation: 15 (shekels) of silver, of the + shekel piece, drlr lo Izxiunna, son of A~IL-~&TLby ~Vergul-itltli~~tr,son of Ah-lfimur. Sliiriituii:-Btcu, his young fernnlc slave, is a plctlge of t,l~esilver due to Izzinl~~acc.\Vlien ~\~ery~~l-iclctinashall pay his money Ile sball take his fcm:~lcsl:l\-c. There shall i)r no rent for the sl~~ve, and there sh:d i)e no interest. Thc names of two witllesses l~esitlestllat of t)he scriljc follow, :rlso the endorse- ment ilN',173, 'LNerqnl-icltlina." 5 LEGJI, AND CO~IX~ILCIALl'RAPiSA(T1OPTS

Contents: ;In agreement to pay for the wmoullt of grain t11:~tis gatlieretl. Transliteration: lii-i n'U-~a-hn-an.-~zt~2. ri-hi-' i-bit-qtc 3. 40 gur SIIE- * BdlZ shtrni 30 4. SI((~LJ)~>~La-71~~ "'3i:llll-iddill(C(i!) 5. i-?~~(?n-(li?i."' U-bu-bn-a?%-nn 6. inn Dtl sltnrri it-tc-vrc 7. ki-i si-hi;-' 8. at/-r/cm-)tn. Translation: If Uhnh(z?ittc~s1i:~ll cut oft' n for~~th,40 lrors of ljarlcy, tlie price of 30 kors of ti:~tos,llr sli:~11p:iy to l


XI,. 127. lj:tri\~<,a,.c<,s-i,~n yr;tr, ?lJtlt oC .L

Contents: Receipt for taxes paiti by one person for :inother. Transliteration: 1. 3 sl~iqll~I;CLS~ZL %I-ki slia slinlli~ I""". "'Br(r-zi-la shnr 13ilbilLki u nltltilti''i 3. ~liaILZ-tu "'~"Ulill~~slta shattu I"'"4. 0-tli "'"'Ulti11,~sha shallu k""9. il-lti slia "~lfz'l('l)-inn11l1a-shu slin mAtl'ii-shc-zib 6. n'S/~czniash-erba aplu-shu sltn 'r2NINIR-n~-itltli~i.a7. itm (yB1 '11-Iu~~lzi-shi~ slia 8. "'Sltanzash-iqisha mct-hii.. Translation: 3 shrltrls of silver, the feudal tenure for the first year of Rarzta, Ling of Bnljylon ant1 cou~itrics,~11ic.h fro111 I<;lul of yc:11. first llrito Elul of second year (arc the) taxes of ;lIit(?)-in, son of ilfit~llbih,Sl~nmilsic-erbn, son of SISIU- ah-.ultlinci, has received frorn the I1:111(1 of :I ~.t!,ll-Giiln,so11 of ~S/I~III~~IS/I-~(IE~/L~. Tlrr namrs of two \vitnessc,s, of the srril~e:1nd the (late follow.


So. 77. (':in~l,~,i.s, nr,,vshi,,ri yi,:~., 2I)tll of liiili,i-. Contents: Receipt for the part p:iymr.rit, on an order from the owlier, of a fixed reveriue upon a field. Transliteration: 1. I-mit-ha shic shntti(-6) rtsh shcr~.rc?t~r2. 'ltIC(im-l~ti-'u-zz-,itz 3. shar Bribilik*~c mateti 4. shcc i?/a 7141ri '"i\/IA71U-+'?crp11~ "'Se~~~ltrl-i;t!tlf~ra 5. iun qi-hi 20 gur SUIU~I~I~L6. 'nltti-SI~ama.~li-b(~lic~~~aplu ""iihi:-riq-f~i 7. i~ltrqirt '"ATIiVIU- eti? nplu-shu shc~, 8. "'iVerqul-idtlin t?~cr-kl'r. Translation: Out of the impost for t,he acc:rssion year of (':~nll~yscs,king of Babylon nrlcl countries, on n field ~~hichis at the dispos:ll of ,\'l.YlB-ttir, so11 of Ncrgnl-itldincz, Ilti-Shu?t~ush-hnl6!1~,so11 of Slziriqtu, i~yordcr (fronl tlir ohvner) has received 20 kors of dates from the 11nnd of ;l'ISIU-6tir, son of L\Tei.~jnl-itlt/il~n. Besitles the date, the namrs of three witrlesses nut1 the scrilx follow.


So, lo'. l);i~ia~q,:tccc~~i<,~> ?<,:w. Contents: Recortl of income tax in (':lssi:~ for the ternplc, ~vhic.11is sirriply calleti "the holisc."

Transliteration: 1, Iia-si-?;a sha intr qict g'vBu-la-fi~,IL "'E-fil.-sl~~l2. 7'LSh,u- zu-hu a-ntc biti ,iIsh-sha-' 3. 2 gur ziimt /;Yk"" shn "'i"Arlnr.7~ sh~tllr~6"" & 4. y~tr imtl,2ty~xc~c shcc 'gr""'l'~bituslic~ttzc Gh'"'\5. 4 yur ilnzzc 201<""siicc "'"'Shtzbilfze ina htti nu-du-' 6. 4 yrc? ila yht "'It/-tli-ia 71 "';VI1VIB-611irsh 111 li.atli~tci(-r~cc.)bttcc 7. 2 yu~ dmu 13"'"'"sha nr~'Tebitt~8. 4. gur cit~m. ,?Uk'"' shn "r~"TelAtu 9. AVc~l~ktc~.IC ~UT ka-si-in inu qit 10. ""a-la-tu u '"fi-!i?.-sku ul-111 11. sliattu 6'~'"'""'l(an~~-bu-zi-a a-di-i rbh shnrrzitu 12 "'Da-CLT-).a-kzeshari,~~ ma-hir 13. LIL n-l~o]hi1 izcc-shu-ii-ni. Translation: Cassia which Sl~ilauhui)rought from Bolirk~inrld Etirshu for the house. 2 kors on the 17th of Adar, year 6th; 2 kors on t,he 25th of 'l'el~et,year 6th; 4 kors on the 20th of Sllehet, which were cast from the house. 4 kors (for the) house, which h:~tl not been rec:eivcd, from itith'a and SISIB-~IJ~L~II; 2 kors on the 13th of Tebet, 2 kors on the 20th of Tel~et,. Tot:il, 16 kors of c:rssia from IZu1icp.t :~nd7?ifi.slilr, from the 6th year of ('i~rnl~yscs111lt,il the accession ye:w of I):u.i~~s,the lting, were received, :~ndto tlie house \17ere ljrougl~t.


Y,>.1:jfi. l~,,,l:,t<,,l. Contents: A mernolandl~mof p:lymcnts 1n:~tle1)y tlic cliief of the Temple tithes at Nippur.

Transliteration: I. skiqlu ~USIIIL111a "'~"Tcishi~?tie2. ?IZ~ manzc~,~~i(-z~i) sha "zI~u-r~-la3. sha "'!Vcrbfi-~hbcillit(-lt). . ribiti~(-t~c)kas1111 4. liin inrr~~znz~i(-zzi) sha *LAJabci-r~balli~(-+)5. 3 st~iqli~I~~s/I[L im YIIII,ILZ(I'~~L(-?I() 6. "\YISlB-erbtl. 2 shic~lrc 1;asl~u. 7. a-~tcc "z'ilrtl~r-(1'7i-la8. ilcci inn~lzrrz~c(-s~~)shn "'Tn-qislr. $1. nplu ""nur~~~aru.u nzNIArlB-e~,bn 10. 9 gur SHE-BdIt 2'1ttr ([fit 11. ""Jlz~-i.(~-?,,u"rab esh-r?u-ic. 12. slla Ellil '"Ril-~Pr-~iidcl2'1~13. [inn] qcit "'.lli,i-i~n-~ti~14. ~ilci-b,ir tf~b- sis-trim 15. In ma-slze-e 16. i~npijn,16 shiqlrt ~ilXtlc(-lu)licts~~u. Translation: 4 shekels of silver in tl~cmonth Tisllri, :lt ihe rcsiclr~lceof Xtl~ila of hrnhfi-uhnllif ; a fourth of (it slleltcl) of silver :it the resit1enc.r ol ~Vctbti-uballit;3 shekels of sil\.cr at t.he residence of i\:,'~iib-erhcc; 2 shcltels of sill-1.r to llrtlu-Gultr, at the residence of TaqEsh, son of Nai~garrcant1 r\'l.\71B-t:rhcr; 9 ltors of 1):~rlcyfrom the hand of ilfurci~nc,the chief of the taxes of Ellil, ljbl-zi?r-ititli~i(~,rereived fro111 the hand of :llurdilu, :L memorandum which is not forgotteri. Tot,:rl, IS$ shelrels of silver.

Annotations: L. 14. liih-sis-trim lo ijin-slip-c doril, ri+crs to tile i;xt tll;it tlri, iti,l>t U! $1 k01.s ui I~:il.l~)-,~vl~icli ducs not alqx,;ir ill the tot:tl oi pnynlcnis, is i.rrol.dvr1 ,~l\ci\-llcrc.

So. 1.I);trius, lit yi,nl.. Contents: Statenlent for the first year of D:~rius of the wsset,s of the Temple of Bllil, which had been depositeti in Bft-Znalcliu, tlollbtlcss of the ei~rironsof Kippur. Transliteration: 1. SIIE-BAIZ naa,likrir ELli1 661 lnrltirli sha qcit n'Rcl-shu-tau aplu sha 7nAlfartluk-nu-sir 2. sl~aina s/zallu I""""'(~-ri-ia-a-m~~sh s/iurru a-na nish-pak il~aA1 Btt "Za-za-uk-leu 3. ?zatlt~at(-rita-at)10 glrr SfIE-BAR 2 gur SIIE- ASH-A-AN 6 Icarpatu dmn-?~u 4. shi-lcar ma-lcc-i~fhbu i7la mlc&h~ "SILLTIB-~~I~~- iddi~zaaplu sha 7'zBAni-ahu 5. 3 glrr SIIE-B4R ina i~z~c,J-bi"'A-qnr-a nplu "'IBfi7~i- abu 6. 12 gur 1 pi SHE-BAR 6 karpatr~ clan-nu shi-/car mcz-I1~-i thbu 7. ilia mtib-hi "B6l-uballit-su aplu sha mldclii~u-B&l11 "'Nabri-uball~:f(-,if)8. aplu sku mB&l- uballit-su 3 yur 12 qa SHE-BAa mi-i-nur Icaspu ~IL~Lrirtik-hi 9. "'Ah-da-' cry~lusha "Br'rba-a 1 gur SHE-BAR ina muk-hi 10. "nZa-bn-cla-n a[ilrc. sha "~1tldinc~-Nabs bu-ud c-@mi 'nAb-da-' 11. alil~i,sl~n Er11n-a icn-shi '7 l;crrpnl7i tln~r-~erisiei-licir nzn-let-it 1 gur 24 (la. SHE-BAR 12, ?;ie(~ ?II~I~-IJ~nz13Llil-,it-tn~~~-~r7i r0111i .s/rci "'I

BAR ishte*n(-eiz)ka~patu dtri~-,tlrr slci-ilar ,i~a-lu-ii . , 15. 2 qcir 1 ?I( s7ilrupp1~ina mub-hi . . . . . SILILI-. . . , . . 16. nplr~ shn 111it1-I ei "LB?l-u]~ril- iddina up111 sha . . . . . , . 17. 1 pi SHE-UA IZ illn tnetb-bi: '"l'i~.' ...... 18. 120 qn SHI<-l3,';lR?.,an ir~etb-bi "'Ba-'-tli-/ti-' ',':In . . . . . 19. mArdP1 shu viAri!u-Gull)l:1 ~ILTSIfE-NrlI2 fun nnab-IJi 20. '~'Bit-~~-t~ri-I~lliln,r117~ shtc.NIArIU ...... 21. Isht!~~(-el~)Iic~rl~ntn tlrrii~lri slif-licir tnn-ler-i~ 22. inc~nmk-bi "'A4rtlu-Elliltij1/7~ slrn "'I

Translation: Grain, tlre property of Ellil, lord of lands l)y ordor of Btlsiizulu, son of 1Vfn~tlr~li-nirsir,which was tlelivcred at 111-Htl-znzcilcl;?~in t,hc first yc:rr of King Darius, for stor:tge. 10 kors l~arley,2 kors of bzdtzctnria, 6 1:irgr j:rrs of good old wine to be paitl by NINIB-n~~al-idrli:~~a~son of Ih?tli-ublc; 3 lrors of 1j:lrlcy to be psiti by Aqar&, son of B&,L~-~L&L~;12 liors 1 1,i of Ixrrley, G l;irgc jars of gooti old wine, to be paid hy R?l-~lbnllitsu,son of Itldit~a-1361,anti Nnhlj-~ihnlllt,son of B?l-ttballitstt ; 3 kors and 12 ila of barley, n~ltrl)l:kaspu, to be paid I)y Ahtlii', so11 of Ei.htr; 1 lior of barley to be paid hy ZabutlA, son of i~lrl?na-~\'abii. The responsil~ilityfor paying dbdh', son of Erbn, bears; 7 large jars of fully mature wine, 1 lror 21 ijn of L):rrley to 11e paid by Ellil-illannzi, son of Ellil-11A'id; 2 kors . . . . to be p:iitl by Bi7~i'-Esagila ...... 2 kors of i):~rley,1 large jar of good wine, 2 kors 1 pi of tl:~testo he pilid by . . . Sku1 . . , son of Itltlina-Bil, :~ndBtl-n~~cll-irlrli~~n, so11 of . . . . . 1 pz of barley to i~epaid by I'ir' ...... 120 qn, of b:wley to be p:titl 1)y Ra'riilaJ and -Ila ...... , sons of rlrdu-(:tila; 1 kor of I~arleyto I,? $mid 11y Biir!i~-Ellil, son of NINIH- ...... 1 large jztr of fully developetl wine to lie paid by Ardu- E'llil, son of I<~?L&;90 cla of barley to he paid 1,y Ellil-ittnniztl, son of fr'irsl~u-ildni,arrd Taddannu, son of Elti-itldi;?~n;90 qa of I~arlcy,the price of 1 sl~ekelof silver which for fish was given, to he paid by 7'a(l(laru?1~~,son of Ellil-ziballit, :mtl Shtillu?nci, son of Itldir~a-B&l,Ellil-ittunnu, son of Rnshil. 25 large jars, 1 1:lrge jar of good fully developed wine resting upon l,c'rhci.shi, son of Sllamask-idcttria. 06 qn barley to l)e paid by Ellil-sl~?~rn-.~ddina,son of NI1VIIZ-lyishn. 2,800 l~ricksto i)c paid \,y Mil- shu?rz-icltlina, sori of RnlG?t~. 3 sllelcels of silver at the tlisposnl of B@lshzi7~~,son of Tabtcinh. 144 qa of barley to he paid by SI~U~L-I~SLLT,son of .Il~ilii~t~-aplu. 90 qn to be paid by Aq-ilbu, son of T~~lcvnu-eshshu, AI.~LIII.,,ir~u~sgpag<,; fl., ioll<~xi~~gp:tgc<; gd., gr;i~~~l,l:~t~glttcr;;I.(.., loco i.iliilo; Illas., illaitvr (c~nl~loy,,r); IIIO., n~otlt,~;,I., ~l~~~~l~c~v;Na., Nab:~tean; Xp., N~~o-I',~t~ic;I)., p:tgc; l'tb., l'aln?) rvn?; PC.,l'crsinx ; l'h., l'lrienici:~~~;pp., lx,g,:s; Pu., Punic; cl.r., ijiioil vide; s., soti; si., sister. I)etat.~liiri;~tirc:s:d., deitn, dm; f., /eii~i,~ri;I,., IIOIILO((L~IL~~,L);111.) rnasculinc; gl., pl,ll.:~I. IVo~~icn'sI~ZLIILCS iu tlu: list ul ili;~si.t~li~ri:ll~~tncs arc: l~rccl:dodby tile d~tcr~ni~li~tiv~f. IaIell's I~:LLIICSin illc ~OLLIZIL'Slist :II.,: l>rcccd~dby lllc dotcrltlit>;tli\.c 111. [ ] -= ivrts I.P~~o~.cII_:* Iirfor~ niiill~il~dici~tcs 11~~: l'or~igr~ urigiu of lltc S:LIIIC; in cit'ivs \vllc~.ctll(ir.(. sc:ruted 10 bc

A-U1-l?liil-dri-ri .5. i. .V

3. Yl : i. I-ilrr. . ., 6. uf r,'b

*.Ib-~~I~~o,117 : 11. Al~i-i~~-I~:l,s. uf Iltt-e~d,$,,87 : 7. *.I di1,~-,,ti/-ki-,,it!, a. of Zii.iilii, SO : 5. 21 l~-L5'l,7.11-.lIll rl~li/ii("l~%l)-nn-sir,I. of .I~

Maserlline N;iulc.s ~lh?-i~l

1. s.ufI,slz&

~1b~-s/t~~l-li~~t(,~lz~~lli~~~,(;I), I"-t : 2, 1:3, 1. 3. of .\-iibii-Iilqhi-iirhii-, ?!I : i, LO, 21, 23. ~l&-~ti~(I<.lI?), f, of I<,iui,r, 1:i I : 2. 2. 15Ii : !I. ilbi(Y)-iii, 3. ui /C//il-iih-iililirlii, l,ipa/tiir, IS : li. I... . , i.ilf Iililiii, 59 : I.

.lhi-i~r-~i-l~t,I.,)I ,Slf ,~i~~~,,i,mi : [I!. 2. I. Ira-,,i,,diii, :I : 12, ($1, zi. ~lb-i!?t-me-',151 :lil. .lniil('.')-it-,ti, f, id .\l.YIIl-iiliitllit, 12 : I I Ah-it-tiili-ahi .I~iiil-Ii'llil,I : 21 ; I l(i : (i, 1. f, oi I.viIi~~t-.\~I.\~Il~,:ili : 2, ,l?t8Cl-f;l~-lC.Y-.Y.l (l>t~l~:ipstl~: ht. "' is a u~isl:%l~cui tlx 2. f. or .Yl.Ylll-g&. . ., 19 : II. scrilw), !Jl:2 : S. :InzCl-.\~c,b,i, s, c>f i;,tzou!!, I01 : 13. .l&Itt-~ur,r il ,iil-dAY,r-,,,t-i.\~crg~~/-i~/~lii!~~, 25 : 5 1 2S : :I 1 5U : !I 1 17 : :i('.!). Ill.

;i. f, Xlilll-,,iiiliz~-sh,ii,i, 152 : i. .I !~~-?JZ~L-IL,<,i. oi l

'~.l~-.vl~i-'-~~~-[,~/~~~~-',I211 : 23. .loi~~~r~~~'l,,rrtt~lIil~/?-(?.!I.). . .,t-ti, "dil<~i,(iG : :i. 21-htt-i~t-,t-1i-~2(.\r~,ll,:,i~ ~,,cI~~~~~~I~~c~~I,(ni+nx), s. 01 1ji11,i, .I>I,-~<,-c!, (, ~i.SI~~,~~,~,,XI~.-~~/~I;J,,~, I I I : 12. 121 : 3, I-ILPIIIL-A~

.,l-htt-n,t, !I : 13. 2, '*q71ji .s/80 Yip1,cwki, 12 : S,

.l-htt(.lb,,)-.~l~t~-,,,tt 3. IS : l,,l';.

1, 5. of /

2. s, oi 7'l~/?-P;-ii/i/iriii, 1111: i. I, %. ,,i 11~,1,i!,,, ,,f ~.IcII,.,,,z, 1r2 12. :i.I. of ~~,~b~?-rt~/t-,v/~,,mt~,27 : 0. 2. 7, 01 li'/l~/-~~~-i~l~li~~~~,:37 : 22. 4. f. i,ii~liiliii. 100 : 11. :i.s. of (:,8/~,,1, f. ni .\~,~l,~i-/~tl~,#;-ct.~~,r,10.5 : 3,

? <>.-(8 : 12. 4. s, of I,rii,,,riiir., i.ili 1ii!ii/iil~-s/ii~t,~-~tg,tr,ill : 15. .Ih~~-lto/t(?) .5. s. oi ,i,iil,iriiiii, f, of llil-ii,,irh, 3 : 3. f. of l/t~sl~,,-~/~~~~~il,?!I : 20. li. .;. ~,r.Ynbii-,iiiiiIitriiiiiiy, gi. ili /lo,,;-slirr-iliri, liil,rhol.,

.4h~~-t4l~t~(Z)l'(;-~;.l),i.Oi z~~iUtttt(t,23 : 2. IOX : zn.

~lbt,-'-~,,lil : 5. 7. 8. of ~\.ii$ir, 86 : J. Ah[<-ti-no-ii, i,rlf 7'iiliii,, 37 :!I, 4. s, ,,i iYI,Ylli-iilriilli~, 81 : S , 8'2 ::IJ 98 : 1, 13, 15.


Mascolio#I: N;tmes 12. I. 01 Sl~ulir,125 : 12. 2. s. of XIS1U-i,!i!i,~o, 120 : 17. 13. 78 : 3 1135 : 11. 3. s. oi Tobrtiii, gs. of ishpi~rii,5(i : 13 167 : 5 173 : 8. Ad-Sin, s, of .\'/SIB-abi-abnlli!, 74 : 3. 4. s. 1. . lii. . ., 131 : 4. Arda.. . 5. s. uf . . . .?~ii$ir,31 : 3, 12. 1. s. of Shi~lii,31 : 2. G. f. of Gittii/l?t, 55 : 2. 2. i. ol Kidin- sir^, 62 : 1-1. 7. f. of Elilla, 31 : 16. 4~-ka1(.1r/;41~L)-i1~i~~i~~1 8. i. of lVdditt, 31 : I 1. s. oi .Y,tb,i-b;l.~l,,,v~,t,gs. oi Il~?~i~-,s/~~~l~~~sl~~~,ltt~,,-lt,tr, (1. lto. of fIll~rlilii,ri,!?f 11;!-~sI~~t~~1- 11. G,i, !I : !I. lishir, 13 : 1. llii-i~~-t~~,llirldli~ 1. f. ol .\itbii-,,iiil,iii-ii,ilii, gi. of .Vrrhi?-rilii-iilr/i,tri, 1, s. of Il?l-shtir, '43 : 0, 2. f. oi .Yitbii-fiih,~i-iiqur, gf. ,if S1~iriqli~-.lIiirditk,119 : I~uiii(Z<.lli-llESII)-s/~n-ili-i~,f. of SU!,I~-~ILIL~U,IL,,~~~,gl. 7, 12, 10, 22. of .Ipin, iox :?ti. *Ra-di-ilu (cl. Po. $l9ll13), s. of ,Si(iibnri, f, of Sir&-ihrii, R~L-ni-ia,Biii~i-in 113 : 4. 1. s. of ilh-@ti,.,13 1 : 2. *~ja->-

Mascali~hcNamcs 17. f. uf .Yfi!,1114 : 5. 211. f. ol I

119 : 17. Ilil-oh<-iddiuii, s, 01 .Yiihi;-iii,iahnl/iiii. lii!,s/ir8r, 33 : 11. 2 f 1-/,f.f /i1 : I, 2, ~il&~bi-i~f~l,~~,5, (,[ si,,iriyii s~,~,,,,,,sI,,i. ,,l .yiil,ii. . . . ., 3, f, of Sabii-shtrr,i-iiI~tim, gi. oi .Yiib,i-ahirni-iiiii., lli : 11. 61 :23. iJil-u0i. . . , 1. oi . . . .iliiirii~,vl,ii/i, I7 : 1% Il,i-m~-ri~~,tiipsl~n~ Uil-ah-iililiiin I. S. of /2tnzt?1-(:tdn, 40 : 13. I. S, "ilf :Ii~~t,r~tt-t~/~fr~,97 : 14. Bn-qor-/~t~~>,,F. of S~~l,~i-sltto~~-~,kfn,gf. of 1~iIl-!o,Cqut~lrt!')-~re,s/& /ftl-uh-il-l

4. i.of lnCi,9U : 2, 6. I. 3, ,,f I-,ts,tr, I01 : 12. 6. I. 01 S/~~lrinsI~-zil~-i~.yto.,40 : 2. l~;l-ij~~~,vli(l<.lI<, 1c.l /<-t,s/,) 7. 48 : 8. I. s, of .Ip/,i, gs. of n$zthl-sh~-l~~~i~-sI~ti-lrt,n,123 : 3, I, i. 1. s, of Icidin-Sin, i. ui .lrdi~-.lIordi~k93 : 13. Ut1-shi~rri-iddina 2. s, of II~oliihall~i~n,f. of .lI~~si~i~ib-dl~i~rlt~/~:,119 : 3. 1. s. of .\'ergill-iie(Y). . , gs. oi .\~l-f;.tIl, 1151 : 2 I. 3, s. oi Shii,<1,37 : 25. 2. s. of .ViyUiiii, gs. of 1lifll~i1-ta.. . . iil,!i,in, 103 : 10. 1. f. of .\',ti?,?-iir-ibni, 131 : 2. 3. f. of ,Silz-;/ti, 63 : 6. Bi.1-i-da-a7~-ni, 151 : 47. Ilil-sbi~i,i-ishki~,~ Bil-iddina(-nn), Ariun, inri. ilh. I. 8. of .ljtitpsi.i olnittcd), 112 : 21. I--i/-I,1 : 2 113 : 13. BEl-~s~~r-shu */la-n-vi-in-jnlish, 11 L : !li. 1. s. of U6l-izbit1li$,1" : 1-1. *I)

DIilsc~tli~~cNaIIIes d~-n-a,nll,f, 01 Srchii-sb~,,i-iddiiLn, gf. of Illi-;lI~~v~lt~k- 2. 1, of ~\~erg,~l-i~lEI,i,~iib-Ii1,hi-/C!iii, !)I : li. ~a(~~E)-lciic, Ellil-h(l-,L,?,,r, (, ,;!l;l-rLb -i,l( L,t,,: 12,, :3, 111 : 11. 1311i!(?)-,ll : :35. *E-qi-bi, f. of S~z-ib!~i,lupsikt~, 4lj : 10. 1. s. oi Ellil-i. . . ., 20 : 2. Ellil-n~~~hi~~-zli~,s. of Ui-iilclitin, 80 : 2 ; 82 : 10. I3lli/-iz~~-~/it~-.sI~t~,i.oi . . . .m!tIir. . . , I?> : 14, 5. f. uf ~YI.YIil-~~k-i~l~lii,~~,101 : I I. Elli~-~~c?~li~z-.~l~~~o~~,or .~l,,t,~~~-i~l~li~~~t,s. cd ~Vl.VIlj('!)-l~tli-,si~ tt, 6. 19 : 15. 71 :2.,~?ia-l?s1,ir Xllil-i~n-din-~wi,s, oi Siiiii,ri~sit-~ihi!lii!, 11 L : 12. 1. s,of .!l],l,i, 18 : 3. l~lli1-~~4'~~1 2. s. of Erba-Sitt, f. of Iiiri1,li-Ellil, 11'1 : 11. I. s. oi Ijtii~i,i,iil : 3, 21. 3. s. of Rin~tll-SISI1j li~~dtar,7 : 13. 2. s. of Shulii, G!l : 5. 4. 20 : 15. 3. f. or flllil-ill<,~zn?~,158 : I?,. ?:llil-shuni-ukln ~llil-.Yi~~~~~~~'-~~si~ri-~i~~~-l~~~(E.\'-~,IL-l~Z-IiZ-ilI-[f~I]),1~18: 1. S. r II~, . OE .III-SC.U-JIC, f. 12. ~VZ~\~lR-~~l,~,I-i,sltk,~~~,58 : 3!3 Ellil-~IU.. ., 151 : 21. 2. s. of qillir, gs. oi .I 11-S['.iI-.]I(', 58 : 42. Ellil-~i-,r~a7~-7&I l(i : 8. 3. f. of Gi~nil-?JZXZI~,OS : 7. Ellil-shn-hi8~-siia-li~~1,,s. uf /,ishi?, 71 : 11 1 I : I 1 118 : 6, 4. f. of Si~aiansi~-zer-ibni,37 : IF. 9, 11. 5. 7G : IF. Ellil-sha-Iriri-shiii,~,s. of .VI.\'IU-piGir1si~-r~u, 88 : 9. Ellil-sip. . . . ., 78 : 2. Ellil-si~bpik-zir Ellil-~~~-l~~-lc~ 1. s. uf ~zi.saic/ci~ifllil, f. of 1~llil-bil~Ai~i~i~.58 : 36. 1. s. of Shnrr~nsi~-phhidsi~m,ti~1,~hnr, 49 : 9. 2. GU-E.Y-.Y.l, 31 : 9. 2. 22 : 4 1 140 : 7. Ellil-shn~~=~t~i~i. ~~llil(.b'~~V~V~\vitllor~t'I)-i~bullit(B;I-TZL-Irrl), s. of A pic?, 1. s. of X~611a-/d~~i-~8%~i,140 : I?. LIL~S~OT,G7 : 11. 2. 78 : 5. Ellil-ttbczlli&(-i&) Ellil-shi~!~c-ibni 1. s, of B,~llayt,125 : 1.1. 1. S. of pin, 12 : 1 I : 3 2s: 25. 2. i. of Tattor~ni~,158 : 21, 26. 2. s. oi U

BIascnline Sanlos ES.. . . . , i,ipsi~iw,s, of L7si~ni>sl,i,1 : 20. :I. f. of E!ill,<,gf. uf .Vcti>ti-~z4<1i!t-~fb!~,7Q : lii. fipcsl~-ilc~ 4, f. "i .Vai,t?-n,lgir, g/.<,I ,?i~~,~r~~,,~lt-~ti~-i~i~ii~~a, 79 : 15. 1. f. 01 Ci,niiit~,g1. of .I rdiVd?, (:l:~y, B.E., X), 2. f. of I,Ohijshi, gf, of Bil-shol-. . . . , 144 : 17. f. of liidi,~ii,gf. of .\~obG-~>tiii;i~~-zTr,105 : 2. 3. i, of Snhii-shi~r,r-idili~~<~,gi. 01 Jloniuk-misir, 113 : 3. f~i-~~zil-lt~ 4. i. uf Sohii-~rsliohshi,141 : 10. 1, s, of Ijul,i(v~,53 : 2. <5. f. 01 LS'/telii>i,gf. of .Ar~lt,-~f~zvdtd,I ICI : 7. 2, . f il.1. i i : 3. Er-bo-o, 116 : 5. :3. 8. of .Y

1. s, of 7-B'ii itlpi, i.oi .VnhO-shi~ii~-ukiji,106 : 2. 2. "shnr~dribrrk,42 6. 2. ~~ilii-hiiliilii, ps. oi Llnrthii, 58 : 37 71 : 12. IS-tir-.Ydiii, 1-11) : I1 2. 67 : -13 98 : 18. E-tir-ri, f. of ~lwlii-\-1.V18, 15 : 2. (:it-jil-tic-,nz~(insi) db-d~a-b,x-~,~,,,f. oi Slt~i~t~~ish-ahw-its~~~,Si : 10. I. foiRuppnl-i, 73 : 2 184 :?. d~-d~~!(?),s. of Sbiqn, 87 : 10. 2. E. of Sippuri, 6.5 : 2. 13-zi-dn.. , s. of sliiingir SI.WB, 1. of Ldhiishi, 101 : 18. Cc~-zn-nw,f. uf .l~~ziLS.;i~.nncl .\ram, ind. .'S'>n, Clay, Ga-ha/,f, of llplh, gf, of .Y,tl~ii-i

Mas(-uli~reNames Ha-ojn-!an (cf. I)rlitzsill, IIicD., 1,. 375n), I. of ~Yergnl- 5. f. of L~~~~t~~.s.~,,-i~f~li~t~~,I20 : 10. ?,bctllit51 : 11, 16. 6. f. of Sl~iizithii,I.2-I : 7. 1 L. 21 Hnii,c-ro-nii, i. of Iqishir, 132 : 3. 7. 1 : 2; 1 lin : x. *Hit-nniilil (cf. TI,!, l??nz~nc1 go,riniio', Jlil~iri~ehtalirl Iililinn-Ril

(!lay, II.E., Tid. II),i. ,,I .\-iidi,~8i, 150 : 11. I. 5. of I36ir,i-ztrs 116 :!I. *En-ntji-niic-njn (cf,iv;T), i. oi liil-iqishlr, i : 35. 2. s. oi I,ii.ii~-n,~n-ii,ir,gs. oi Siiyiio, 103 : I I. Hn-a,~-bi~ 3. s. oi Yahii-z;r-iililiiiii. 11 7. 1. I. of of .Clinniosh-oh-iildi~io,56 : 10, 4. s. oi .SiIli-,~gttr, i. oi .\.I.I 1~-~sr3I-.lfl;, I),oi .YI.Y113- *H,~-a~b-'-il,i(


.Jnsti, .Y<~uzcribt,cl,,17, li:jl,), ,yIh,rr~,, 120 : 24, 3. i. oi E/li/-i,~-iil~/ir~,~,1x1 : ;,L). Hi ....., 3i :5. Idhi?z,t-.Vabti, .Lr:m~,incl. 131 JlX, l~l Bib-gab, f. of \ihii-ii!,li,iii, gi. oi Ellil-nhi-iildii~ii,21 : 3. I. s. oi .l.~ll!t?-t~~;~lit!,-

144 : 19, 7. f. oi lI?l-~~l~lin~,8. oi ~?,fc,??urt~ ~~I~~~lLi, 44 : 41 Ib-bt~-tt~ S, f. of LS.lI~(?)-/k~~l-l,i,14 : Ill. 1, f. uf .\'e~g~~l-i~l~li~to,gi. of I,iis,c-~~r~<~-nfiir,58 : 10. 9. f. of Znbitilii, lZS : 10. 2, f. of CLOloi, 5 : 3. 10. I~,L~~)JL~,CCL,ll :I;. d~ll(?)-iildi,~n,i. of Shii,,~-iddb~n,124 : 5. 11. sipi~i,107 : 21 Ib-nn-a, f. of . . . .,sl~z~,,~-iililiiin,137 : 22. 14. 139 : 3, 7. Ib-?zi, s. Rt!,~!?l,3!J : 3, Irl'lir~n-.V~:r-yitl,I : 2:. I-1-i-I (ll'f)(i 1-lil E. Iddit~ii-Pi~l,saki~/, i. of Siihii-ili'. 2 : ?i. Thl. IS), 153 : 36. Idilii~i~-S/~itn~!tsit,137 : 20. Id-di-ia I~~'(II>-(?.LI,)-~-~L,f, 01 Z!r-!,l~lj~, 3 : 41 1. I. oi .Ak.. . ., 59 : 2. Ili(.\'l-Vl)-c-(6, s. of Shigiin, 2 : 2!1. 2. 1. of SILB~L-~,I~~,LLI,37 : 4. Ili-in(in) 3. f. of Y'addannn, 113 : 12. 1. i. of b-i,gf, of 2V

2 2, s. 01 MG... ., 117 : 16, I06 : 16. 3. s. oi .Virjiidu, 115 : 7. 3. f. of SI~uld, f.of .Ifardi~ii-shu,)i-ibni,70 :2( 4. s. of . .hi, gs. uf .llusirib, 115 : 34. 111:41115:38. 7 Dlibsc~ili~r I-lik.,?,' 1. s, uf lqishii, 151 : 3.5. 2. f. of I,iblu$, 151 : Y2, 3. i. oi SLlin!t~,n-Ellil,151 : 3li. Ilfini-la-ul-le-lu, 139 : 10. 11ani~'1-81~~-b~~-~l!tL,i. of .V~~b~i-l~~l~lc~ot~~, gf. of ;l~l~~t-il~:i~i, 117 :?O. zl-l,,-<& 1. f. of I~llil-~~~-i~l~li~~~~,130 : 42. 2. i. of .YI.YIl~-t~li~~/lil;t!t

*I~IL-~-Rc-/IIc(cf.l'i~. $K 37%))S. of i)lllll-~liititi,25 : 14. Ili~-dn-!t~,,~,i. oi Sqgqiim, gf. of Pir', 29 : 3. Il,<-~-?~~-,,,,,,f. "i .ll~i~~-I~;l,87 : 8, /lt6-?r-.d~i,f. oi Iq,il,,t, 51 : 10. IIIS. i I~I, . f ISI I:< : 2,;. Iltu(or AZL)-~L~-~Z<,,~L-IL~~,lr.l.lI-I<.! I<, 78 : 4. IIzL-sht~-ga-inii,s, of ilitirti~or(?),t,il,ahor., 2!1 : 21). Zlt~-sl~~~~i~-i.~l~k~~~~(-~~~z),lc~~di~t~t~z~c,11 : I. /It&-la-ibizi(lC.LR),f. oi Si~t~l4,gi. of Ci,ztil-Sid~Q,l(lli : 19.

Ili~-Iu/-liiiii-i~~j-~~i,"(k1~1,give in?,'' S. of Ellit. . . . ., 9s : 16. I,n-bn-ii(?), f. oi Kidit,, 130 : 48. I,~n-bili-~lS-n4i!-fi(also al-ittrlr ivitltout li~a),f. of Ijfiwiu, 42 : 11 48 : 15 1 RO : 1. Inichi!i('.'). . . . ., i. of .Vi~!,ri-rl~~~,niis,ir,r,gf. of .\'ithii-nki- shiillirz,, In8 : 21. Inc~-cshi-itir(STTR, KII R-i~) 1, s. of I)i(?)i~sl~sl~ibsii(?),130 : 19. 2, s. of Ritn,i!, 130 : 1.5. 3, s. of sh,t?~:lii I-I-I,i. of IISII-.lI1)-,91~~~~rt,,i. of .\'~~l>ti-~t~-i~l~l~,z,!, 1.3 : I?. *In-a-pi-hi I. s. of Id,>ibi, r2 : .&. 2. f. of Igpibi (fatlier :and sou IL>I\-c. ~IKII:LL~LC), 52 :4. lqishii(-shn)-n 1. s. of Di~yiirt-riiiin,11. of Sddivi, 120 : lG. 2. s. of U,L/<~?LZ(I?L,L,132 : 3. 3, s. oi \rii(Ii~~i~,gs. of U~IICL~,115 : 31. 4. s, of \$rgnl-tiballi$, gs. of Eil-i$ir, 2&: 10. 5 s. of LVdiriq-.Vrtb,l, f. oi ,Ir~~b~?-ob-i~t~tt~~~i,,I I : ,5. 6, f, 01 I~l!~l-~slz~~~~~-i~~~li~~r~,2!1 : 26, ASSYILIAS, SEO-U.~UYLOSlAN AND PERS1,IS I'ICI~IODS,

Mi~sc~~li~leNan~es 2. s, of .Y<z-i,l

3. s. c)f .\'~~-,!Si,z, i.~,f ~.IN?I,,-.YuT~~, 107 : 3. I. 3. ~)i~I~~r~lt~/~-~l~~~~~i~~i, t,tl>.sih!r, 1; : 16. Ilti-.\-iibir-hnliik, I. 01 Ilil-iililizin, s. oiSipl,i, 115 : 13, PI 2. I. 01 .\'ISIH-,~i,iaiiiliy-t~~~.~.~,!lii : 12. Itti-.Yubii-110-&hi-i-i, 153 : 3. 1'2, 20, 2.5 ifi-itt,zi!itu,11.5 : T2. ltti(I<1]-.Y~~l~fi-L~l~-~I-l~SIi,s. of .Y~~i,t?-,t~ti~,rt,~,gs. of tii-dirb-iz,,, "

2. 8,oi S1>ii.iqIi,,ii : 6. I. s,, 153 : 22, 1, s, oi.\hbfi-shi.,rie, I. of S,ihii-,ibr81ii!, 108 : 25. 4. f. of .YI.Vll~-~~kt-er/~~~,5 :'2. 2. s, 01 Shiurtiii, .I : I:<. 5. i.l isiiI . 5 , 73 : 4 , S I : 3. I<!I<~~-lsi>t, 4.L : 29, Iii-rib-li-l$ilii, riijiji~siiic iillil, s. iiliil-sl~~~~ri-li,~l~i~,gs. O/ 4. s. of .Yl.YlI~-,,~i~li~~,1-LS : 4 lc-ifi', KI. ~,fICC,II>C, I<,i-dt~-ra-n~t.i. 01 T',,hu&r, gf. ~)i/,ii.slt<~-.lItt~~/~tl<, 7!1 : 17, 44 : 29. I<~t~l,~rra,(.?II.l-ljl~) ~<,~l/,~~(l,~i?)-~~.. .G.II,, s. ~>i mriie, 141 : 11. I, s. ui SlSIIl-erbn, 152 : 6. l~, 1, s. 01 lnib(i, 130 : -18. 109 : ll.!. 2. i. or ~ilxil,126 : 11, *liiir-m-nsh, shol-rii. 57 : I? : 58 : :31, 4.5 : 60 : 17('!) 1 65 : 3, KI-din 15 1 ti : 3 5 ti: 160: 16 70: I2 1 73 : 12 1 1. ?rrisI~tt,I51 : 37. --.,a . 14. 2. 134 : 0. *JCit-iir-ash, 61 : 10 64 : 30 1 10!) : 23. I


Masclrlit~eNames 2. s. of Ziil-ab-iddina, 15 : 2. Aluhin-zir 3. s. of Sabii-7~iidi7~-sl~u?~~,gs. UI l

2. s. of l?~~es/~-iltt,i, of ilil-tthallit, 113 : 2. IIit-alirrl-lijii-J/,(,r,s. c)L .I,>/,?, ittI,s/t~,r, 115 : 37. 1,. E, :>n,l 1%. I<;. Xi : 12 1% : 14. ilfnrduk-,shzi,zi-z~sztr .lIu-slic-iih, .lI,i-s1ii.-ri-hi, 1. s. gs. oi 111 : of .lplii, L

Tallqvist, .V~~?,teul,,~cl~,11. 303b), I 17 : IS. 1. s1:tvc of .lrr,,I,i. 91 : 1:j. .\'~~b~?iz~i-bal-lit,s. of 2i161~i,~,6s. 01 7E.d olpi, 35 : IS. 2. !I0 : I(?).

., . , ...... , ,, , , - . ., , , , 3. s, oi ~lIo~iIiih-iJir,gs. of abi~bili, li? : 21. 4. 1. of .Yl.\II~-i,Ii,,,,~,, !I> : 5 4. s. iii .Y/>!ur lt6l~ili~~, 3 : :3:. 8. E. ol Biiit-ii.esh, 1 : 21. 0. f. of iI,ishizil,, 130 : 3i. .\hbii-!,;I-aliii-,it< 10. f. of \I.Ylll-iilili,irr, 130 :ill. 1. s. of I!i-ahiil>,isli,i, i. oi .Irl,iil-ilii,,i, lii : I!). 11. f. uf Tciqiah, 130 : -1!J. 2. 3, r,i Siiil'ii~,rril,r~l,i. cii .Sitliii-iildiiiil. l Ill : 11. 12. 130 : 2. S,t!>ii-l,cl. . . . . , 1511 : 18. Aruhk-obi-shul-liji~ .\~<~bti-bt,l-liJ-s~t 1. s. of .\-nbii-sbiiiii-iiiili~ic,, gs. of Rnksii, 110 : 12. 1, s. of .\-obi;-nbi. I17 : 1s. 2 s. i .Ybsi'-t, 8,f 7,-i. ., 10s :!?I 2. s, f Y'I . 111. .\'ohd-abi-i~bullil 3. fa,,>,s18,,,., 112 : ?2.

Xccbd-ah-it-kin-ni~ 1. s. of Iqishii, gs. of Siiii-iq-Scrbii, 111 : 5. 2, 3. of Icidiuii, 15G : 1. Yabd-ab-iisi~~ 1. I. of Rnlhir, 50 : 13. 2. f. of Sbtild, 21 : 8. A'ubd-abu. . . . . , f, of .Yi~1-gnl-~~hiillit,1 :-I iVab0-a-!ik-ski, "shisliki slia Bil, 24 : 2. Sabii-npal-idrlinn 1, s. of jle-&ir, gs, ui bd'irti, 44 : 40. 2. s. of ~Vab,l-evbn,gs, of isliporst, tii~isho~,-11 PI;tsv~~li~~oSiinles Nnb,i-;$i~-~~~i~,.vlt,ili~~~ ~\-o.bti-ki-d~lr

1. s. i,f nbi~hili, f. of /i)nl,o!,ia-l:'sngiln-rishal nrid 1. s. of!Y? : S. i:tnit,~-.\-I.Y-I,li,, 01 : .t 2. f, of Shamash-zir. ., 1G : 10. 2. s. of .Vabii-rir-iriia/in, gs. of .lJorditi., l5 t, 9-.i : 13 12s : 1G : 29 : 31 ; 30 : 3. 111 5. gs. of Od'i~ti,21 : 0. 12 : 13 hiii/iiii-i is \ir.ittrrt I- n 6. 1.K : 12, nlist;,i,c for S1I:l-DC.

.\'i~l,d-nn-mil. f, of 1-hii-ioisita, 150 : 12. 2V

RIaselllille Namcs

.YobO-mushi,llitii(GI) 2. s. of Ra!csii, i. ilf .\i~l,,i-it~6-.shiiliim. 110 : 12.

I. s. oi sl~~~n~~~.YI.\-llj /,it Sbt, 1. oi ijii-Ur,.,t, /t,),.

3. $, ~,i.Y~,I~~~-~~~I~-~~I~I~,L~,, gs, 11i(,, 93 : 11. 1. s. of .ll

2. shri~iii.3!1 : 20 Ill : IS !I : I2 I? : IS 1 13 : :33 I, 3, oi /,iin,?,i. (ui .Y~~o~i-s/,6~1: 23. 4 i : 82. 45 : li I I : 12 ! 17 : 20 ! IS :I!) I!) : 12 2. s. <,E @ir-.lliil-iiiik,gc. of $6 nipi, 106 : 2,3, 7, 12, 14. 51i:l7!.5l :11i~~2:l!~'5:i:1~~54:11!:5:l:jl 3. S. oi /!0qn~i8~!?z,f, oi iHiIdttnz, '$1 : 11,20. ,515 : 17. 4, 108 : 7. ,V~rl~,i-,i,r,,iaiiliit,(-i~,i)-ii.;,ir .\-ohd-shii),i-,~-s~~-~,~-(t~~ttr) I. s. 01 .Sl,u,nti,zs. of l~fi'irt,,10.5 : I:$. 1. s. of .\liidii~~-(iiiz,.gs. 01 i,iw$ni.i~(ibidli, 41 : 27. 2. d,tjh,t, IOi : 20. 2. s, oi dJi~iil,i!<-ahiit,i-ib,,i, pi.. of ichi~biti, 110 : ;i, 1U. X~~/I,~-~~~-~~~(JZ~I~~I) 3. s. of .Yiiliii-shit,ii-,i!

I. S. of .L,ii,rlsii, 27 : i. .l. s. of r6'~i ul/u,,f. of .\~<,l~d-

3. s. of .\iiliii-iqisiiii. c-5. of i'i'fl,i : I:(. 1!1. 6. f. 01 .Yi~bii-r~lri-aliii/li,,i, s. oi Init-bili . . , 108 : 2-1. -I. f. ,,I.Ynhii-.viiii~ri-isiikii,,. s. of Egihi. S : i, I I. .vn~,o-~iii~-.. . . , f. ~,i s!~~~~~~~~~I~-~~,~~~. . . . xo : 2. ,5. 1. of .\I.\ IH-ilir,3 : 12. ~V,~l,Q-sl~~,-~il~,!J : 12.

1. 0 : ti I 1.5F : 10. SniiiL-shi~-rit-hit-a,~-~~i,h, iii S!ii~ii.., f, of 8illi-Ihida, '\-<,bfl-,~<,-l~r-~2~~ 101 : 2. I s. i .iiilY,I. cui Illi-.~~~b~?-~'Il-~~-ILSIi,iV

Sobii-,tn-lnt-/,i-shili,si, f. ni i('rf;i-rhnrrai, ilr8. oi lliijiib,iln, 22. .4i : I, .5, I:<,?2; 2.5, \'oh&-lity-bl-lisitii..i.oi .lii.i, 29 : 7,11. 18. .V

Xni~ii-al~e-,ric.1. oi Iii~lilin,i. r,i .\~irlifl-~ii~ii/lit, 10s : 2%. 5 f. of .lfiisiiizil>-.Yii!>!i,3!1 : 1.7. .b.ii,'SIl. . . , i,of \rrb~i-liaiiil?t~-ivl~i,121 : I ti. ti. 52 : 8 1:jIT : 3, 4 1 IS: 3. Sabii-.vhiim-iIiiii .\~c~bd-?~natn~~zi~(L.l~-iv],f, 01 I~~l-z~r-L~ldir~u, 68 : 2. 1, 8. of li,z-i,~zl~i, f, of .Ir,lzt-f;u!a, 44 : 28. ,Ya-bt~-i~n-7~

Mascrllillc Na~nes ~Vabti-usiirrbslv',-shi) .l. Itu. uf ~,lI~~~~;.~l~ilt~~~~,l:3 : :3;, :3li I. s. oi PI)PS~-~/CL,Ill : 10. 5. gs. ,,i ?~~~~l~,b!,,lli : 6. 2. s. oi Jli~rdrtk-shlrkin-sha,,,,, gs, of ri'ii ,lip?, 35 : 1, .y,cl),j-z;T,, , , , f, o[ ,c,,,,L k, 4 : 17(,!). 4, 9 1 ?4 : 10, 18, 33, 37, 30. .YobO-. . . ., laul~il,s/!iprioi .l~,~tt~r,~-,s/,,tr-~,~1~7,66 : 4. 3. i. of i?il,si~,~ni~,150 : 10. .\'ubtl. . . . , s. of I3i!-i&i-iqi.shn, gs, of dl~angaShamash, NabO-ushallivi(GZ) 10 : 11. 1. f. of Ad-ba.. ., 159 : 36. .\-,~-~~-~ ::]I. NabQ-u-shum(toii)-si, 70 : 3. 5. s, of Ilniji~n-riis,cri,I,. of Iyishii, 120 : 10. Nabii-usim-shu li. s. oi uriuidn, 150 : 11 1. s. of .Vnbii-nb8-idrlinn, gs. oi . . . ilin, 115 : 30. 7. s. oi i.ilii allii, f. of li1ditir~-.\.ilthii, 33 : 20. 2. s. of SOdin, 112 : 18. 8, s, oi S,i~t8tt,f. of 'l',~qislt-C~,!~~,:35 : 1,i. gs. 3. s. of ilin~iit,1-11 : 20. 9. s. of Sh?ilh, of Shuginim,i, -I:( : 27. 10. s, oi silli-.Yl.YIll, lttl1.d~8r,126 : 15. Xahii-ztr-ibni 11. s. ~,r~~,b~t<,, IZ,~,,~I~O~, 1:i : .I. 1. s, of ;I!,inteni'-iln, 15 : 3. 12. i. of I~~l-~~i~~tIli~~,:i7 : 10. 2. 8. of Ril-ihrii, 131 : I. 1:3. f, of :\-<,i,i-t,*ttr. f. (01 ~'~~I,:~'-~~Iz~~~~~,~~~/z,25 : 17. 1. s. af .W~~shPzib-NiibiL,87 : 5 Sii'id-:liordi~li, 111 : 8. 2. f. oi Iddinn-Bil, I4 : 8. .Y~L-'-~~-.\~I.YZB,s. of .Y~zI,t?-~t.s,,l!i,I .jCl : Xi. 3. 52:51i9:41. .Y~~ZZ~~-~T~.~IZ,s, "i .~~dhfi~,,(,85 : I I, Nabr2-zZr-iqisl~a(-sba) Siittii-iildirin : 1. s. of Jlnriliik(?)-ichishii, f, of Srrbfi-tlir-,~ol,shriti, 1. 1. of .ldiba-.Yni,ii, 121 21. 111 : 10. 2. i, <,f I,CL!~L'-SI,,~I~~~,~~~,151 : 40, 41 2. .56 : 12. 'i.V~~-~~a-u-.s~~l-li,f. <>, I I1 : !I. Nahd-za-kir, f, oi llshi-k'llil, 1 : 47. "A'angcri~ Nobli-zir-uktn I. f. oi iil-nbi, gi. of I,iiliii,shi, 79 : 4. 1. s, of Kund, gs, of dfnrdtik-ii?, 21 : 9. 2. 136 : 9. 2. s. oi .%fii$ii?li, f, of Il(l-Ctir, 106 : 20. 'L.Ynl,pcOt~ 3. s, of Si7~-sbndii?ii~,3 : 37. 1. f. oi Ilnlirtia, 3 : 3X. Nnbd-iEr-ushabshi(-shi) 2. i. of Zirir. gi. oi Xnhii-shiirri-islibrin. 64 : 25. 1. s. oi Ae-ah&-iddim, gs. of Shngi,ri,n,r, 13 : 10, 17. 3. i. of Zir-BObili, gf. of .VnhO-t,iziliin-air 106 : 7 1 2. s. of ilia, f. of .\;iibii-nbi-iddim, 106 : l(i. 108 : 23. 3. s. of I

Dktscnline Na~r~es Xu-sir. .\'erg~l-r2't~-~i-~c,f. oi ~V~~l~~i-l~z~lli(s~~,104 : 17. 1. f,olzIphi,St3 : I. .Vergi~l-,shi~r-a-r~i,i. of B(LIOJIL,85 : 10. 2. i. i,iShi8,i,i8sh-zir-ih,ii, 37 : 7. .\,,si~~.. S/IILI.I.I<, :I5 : ZL 1 Rli : 1': i 37 : 1 .\it-zi-in, s. of .lh-evbu, 130 : 14. ~Vel.gnl-shi~,zz-it~t~r ~\~'~~-zi-Ellil 1. i. of 1~,~16Js?~,31 : 17. 1. f. of illiilni, gf, of IStil-pi-Ellil, 1,10 : 11, 17. 2. i. of flllil-,slt~~~n-id~lit~~~,31 : 11, 2. f. r,f . . . .?mi('?),gf. of l?liil-sI~~~~t~-i~~zl~i,20 : 20. iVerg~~l-ub~8lli!(-ib) .Y~tt, I : 11, 16, 31. 1. s. of :Ililii, tupahoi., 27 : 10. 4. 5. ui \'niiil-ubi~. . . , I : 21 2. s. ol .Vi~s/ci~-i~(i?i~,I!) : 3. 5. s. of ,SI~ur~r-ibt~i,131 : 2. 3, s. of ~'ULI,,ti, I : ?2. 3. i. of Gi,rzilL\7.Vll3, 2!) : 28. h'evyol-zir-ihni, -17 : 14. 1. f. of .\'ogirl-iisl~olii,,i, I : 11. ~\Ti-ilin-ti~,,~ !Yerq<~l-id,liru,,.\rt~tr~. irtcl. ilhl>l,23, il$lV: 17. 1. s. i,f fluz,izt,, g.;. r,l iiib ei~zi,104 : 4, 7, 10. I. s.of .lb-lflnt!,r, 17 : 3. X(V) 125 :4, I;, 8, 13: 28 : 3, 2. s. ol liii-ili', 1 I :!I, I l(i : 111. ti 1 50 : 9. :I, ?. of &?<,l>,#il,143 : 17. \Ti-din-li~,,~-.\;,~l,ti,6. of ili)l~8il-Ctd,1.g~. of r6'd nlpE, 103 : 'J. f. of l(i,r,il!, 120 : 18. 2, 7. SI.\'IUich-t~siil. 1. s. of Riisliii,~ii,127 : II 2. 1.10 : 4. XIXI B-obt-erbn 1, 8. ,,i I

Illasctllil~eSallles 2. /ii/,shnr., 1'2'2 : IS. 2. a. ui lliini-iibo. 15s :-I. 3. 55 : 10 / IiO : 7 : 101 .!I, Ill. 3. i.oi ijllil-Cilahiiii,i, iO : 10. ~YI~VIIl-~~~~-iqls/~~~(-~l~~~) .YI.YII~-~~~~I~~-~.~I~~~~~L(~~.II?) I. S. ~i~jfi)ti,z, 8:1 : 2. I. s. 1 IVIII~,g, f I.I-I,i. 01 2. s. i,f Shni,insl~-iib-iilili,in.82 : S. I~llil-sl~~~~~~-~~ki~z,/,O>A/~,,T.,LS : 39 3. 138 : 1, i 1 I lli : 7. 2. s, of Z,!l,tml~,t,l~~),,sl~,,r, I : 27. ~Yl~\~lH-nhi-iihnIlit :i. /tq>.v/~,r,I : I!. I. S. "i s~~~,,~~~~I~...... , I IS : 2, .YI.III~,. i SISI-Z-~~~,II I : 12. 2. f. oi .Iri/ii-Si,i, i4 : J. ~VI~\~Il~('~)-l~ili-~/tt~,*, of l?//il-~~~?~l~~~t-,~l~~~~i8, 72 : 2. IYII-8.. . , f. uf U,ihnsivi, 71 : -I. .Y~.Y-II~(.YI.YII~)-~~~~~~~~~L l~~3~~~j-,tbi-.. . , i. ,,I .\'I.YII~-~~~~I~, I34 : 15. 1. i.oi S!~~~~IZ~L.~I~-.~/~~~~~~I~~I~~~,IS : 2. .Vl.Ylllirh-iwsl~ 2. 1. of .YI.YIB-r~~i~li,,1:i : Ii. 1, s. <)i.Yl.Yllj-ikni, 1;~: li, II .Vl.\'lIl-erl~~~ 2. 130 : fin. 1. s, of Rni~-iqishi!.54 : S. ~\'I.\'IB-,~b-i,l~ltnr.,12'1 : IS.

1. s, ni iillil-biijii-zir, 35) : 1I. :i.i. i,i Tiiqiah, 11s : 7. 2. s. of Ellil-sIiii,,,-ii,ihi, 101 : 13. 1. s. oi ?'

5. s. of .Y

6, s. of, ,,,?/,101 : 11. 148 : 3. ~\'I-G.lB, f, of .\~e~~,~~/-i/i(?),gi. ,,I /(;I-.shii,ii-ililinii, 110 : 21. .YISIII-~~ZL-.. . , s. of Sl~ct,iirish-eshi-itir,11, of L)n,i~i~i-ilii, .YI.Y11~-g~~-~?ziL 1-17 : :1. 1. s. i,i .Ah-illi~hshi, 10 : 10. SI.\~B-~~_,L-.. ., s. oi Shlit,i-iildin~i,20 : 17. 2. S. oi Iijisl~ii,137 : IS. .\'IAJlll-oh,<. . . (or %&sir) 3. s. of .\-ergal-iddii~o, 1 IY : 17. 1. s. oi SISlB-~ihP-ehri,10 : 2. 4. 1.50 : 12. 2. i. oi I<~l~~~-~l/il,5 : 10. 51\'Ill-ibni (or ili,isl,) .VI,VIB-ui, s. of Rit,iii!, 152 : lo. I. s. ~ii.l~~l!~-i;~~l~~, gs. <,i .I 1l-,~l'.l~-.l~ll, i, l,l

Masct~lilreXanros 2. s. oi S~~bii-,ihi-irldina,130 : 50. 4. i.of Itli-Ell;/-b~t!~j$t~,128 : 13. 3, s. of Vabii-hnlritsu-iqbi, 95 : 5. 5. f. oi .Yergo-/I~JS : l!J. 16. f. of ,sl~t~!i~-i


~I;rsa~~lil~c:Nallles tli-vmn-ai, "sk,~shnni,(i2 : 1. 3. 3. of ~\~c,b,i-z~~,tki,,-z;r,gs. <,iT,',',: ulpi, i. of .Yti-t~~fit~itt-z6~, gs. c>f 2. s, .~,izi,i<~>~~,:<:I : 1, 6. \iihii-~iiii/~ii~-i~~,!ii.ggi. 01 nti(Ot~,i>~ii,108 : :<. 3. s. oi linbri, 20 : 17. 5. s. oi Sl,iirrnhi, i, ili /,iibfII,I;~;~L-IJ;/-,~.~~,~, I I I : (i. 1:3. s, of .Vo~!],,!-i,!(?)-1;rrl-bi, s. ii!,iiitii- \.,zCittsl~,123 : 7. 5. 8. of Z&r,ilu,f. of ~1I~~slttzib-iitl,93 : 15. 3. 156 : $1. Hi-mut-il,~,s, of S/,I I~i: 9. Sin-lisl~ir(SI-DI),s, id .llr,~iI,~i~zir-i!irii,gs. rt'd

Rrascr~lirreNan~es Sin-,~4air Sl~amash-nbe-iildi,in,8. of Apiii, I,, of Shunt-tikfno, 25 : 3, 1. s. of En-piil/,r,S. 01 .ll<,i.di~lc-zir-ihlzi,lupii~o~, 5 : 1-1. (ii: 9. Sin-shn-dt(-~iti 2. s. of Xl'abd-nA8ii-, gs. of qnilnhii, 7'3 : 14. 1. f. lit/-ilii., 7 : S. 3. s, of ~Vevgol-idilizln,33 : 2 j 50 : 3, 8. 2, f. of U~i-~~l~~~lii[,2 : I I. 9. of .Yi.YIi~-!t~~~/i!z-s/t~~~~~,ft,i~,$/t<,r,TI : 12, 3. f. ui Bil-zii-, 7 : 10. S. s. uf .~1~~8-t~~?.~I!is/tlt,f. .\~

Mascnlir~eNanles 5. s. oi .\'lSIH-eIMnshi, 1-18 : 0. 3. f, of .lb-i,ldi?m,, lil1 : I I 6. 8. of llin~,?I,(J : 14. 4. . i ti-111tI : I 1 20 : I. 7. s. of Angfi, Ill :I?. 5, f, of Xiibi-l~llil,25 : 3. 4. f. of ~l$iiIrlina, 124 : 16. G. s. ,of ...... , l,~psl!(,sl,~,i~t,!.~l~-~/,!o~,-~l,!~i, :32 : :I. ~Slt~~~tz~~si~-i~~~~-~s/~t-i~ir 5, s. oi Shir,,insh-ziv-ii~t~i,S8 : 3. 1. s, of Iiitiri, 57 : S. 6. i. i,i .IT,~~~-G,~I~,,61 :In. 2. s. of ~Sl~~o~~~~~~l~-i~l~li~~~t,ltt~~.s/uw,I57 : 1 I. 7. i'. uf Ellil-~~~?~ii~~-~trri,1 I4 : 13. :I. I. "r ~Y1.YIli-i,l~li,t,,,139 : 11 : 9~l: 5. 8. 37 : I7 1 I : 5 I 1 138 : 2. &. 76 :]I. S/~at~tns/~-~~b-t~.?~,~,53 : 13. Siioit,asit-ipish,~(-slii~) 1. s. of S,!/,~i-iptt,sl~,I0 : 1;. Shi~itinsh-zh.-ilmi 2. s. of .\'1.\~Il~-~t~l~~~lli~1~,6 : 13, 1, s. of zlrdii-.\-el-ijiil, 29 : 2. 2. 8. of Ellil-sl~u~~~-~~/~i~~,37 : lli, 3. f f I,5 : 3 0 : 7 : 1 1 S8 : 3 1 S9 . 3 1 !1!1 : o 1 100 : s 1 101 : s, 7. 3. S. of Y,:.?ir, 37 : 7. I. f. 01 .I r,lv(-.\ /.\'Ill, 52 : 14, 4. f. of -1?~r~lti-sl,ri~-!,$tt1.,85 : 2, 7. 5. i.of 19iI~hi~i~i(,21 : 2. 5. f, oi D?lG~zi,13 : 1.5.

*SI~n,,iash-ir-brw,i-', s. ili Sl~~ileriii,53 : 12. (3. i. of l

Shnt~insl~-~i~i~li~~-uhi~,30 : 8. Shnmnsh-rir-iisliiibsiLi, 8. of...... iqisitn, 1G : 1. ~S/~~ci~~,~,~l~-~~fi.~i~~(~SI~S-ir) Si~otniish-zir-?i.?iw,s. oi Bnii-iyisiiri. 49 : 1. 1. s. of Sillai, 2 : 3, I!, $1, 11, 15, 21, 23. SCtnias1~-zir.. ., s, of .\~nhGii.sliii.,10 : 0. 2. 72'0, !) : 6. ,Shnn~nsl~-rFr.. ., 83 : 11 Siioniasi~.. . .i(l(.i~r,85 : 2. Sho,rinsh-[in-i,i,l-sii-liii Shr~,,irrsh.. ., s. oi lillil-l~~~iii~~,10 : 12. 1. I, of Riiii,it-ilii, I14 : 9. S/~nr,iiisii...... 2. i'. oi iillil-i;tilitlii, 10 :!I. 1. f. oi ii~zztizct,ili : 17. 3. i. of ~Sl~~~l~i~Ii~~iO~~~~,11 1 : :i. 2, i. ~~i.Y1.Ylli-~~~~-~~l~~~i/it,I48 : 2. 4. 82 : 2. *S/ii~,1~esl~(-,,icsh)-7~u-inn-,,ii.s. ~,i Hil,sliii,,ii, 151 : 38, 39. Shn,riiici~:-fl~f~,b,~t,,r,r, si : !I, 52 :3. 2. 5, uf Id,/8t/>.sIt,,r, 07 : 1(i. .Shn,neah(-,,icsl~)-,l~tjiitiii, s. of Ycbrrbii-iililinn, 52 : 6. Shar~cnsh-shic,rz-ihlii, f. ni S/triririi,139 : $1. Sitn,i~ns/~-shiii~i-iisliii. Shn-nn-shi-sl~it 1. 3. oi .\-,rz!tn, f. 01 I~l,li~t~~-Il~l,112 : 6. 1. i.oi,gf. 01 .YoI>82-6,li~,1115 : 11, 2. s. of .\'l:Vlli-~l~in~~ir,1s : I. 2, f, oi ~\~iihii-qf~i-iliirri:gf. 01 UFlal~iinii,7 : 38. ASSYRIAN, NEO-I~IIUYLOXTAN hYD P*:KSIAN I'ERIODS.

illasc~~lineNalnes 3. 1. <,i,S/inrtiasl~iib-,i,ifl,gf, of Liihiishi, 108 : I I 8. s. of isl~purra,f, ai .?'abll-shiini-isi~iiun, 24 : 12. Shnr-i~kinrr(CI)-,L, 120 : 0. 9. 8. of 1\~abd-ab-tt~u1;21 : 7. She-li-bi 10. 8. of Neryni-.i~balli,i,09 : 9. I, s. of .81,e~l~-il~t,f. oi .lr~lc~.~TI~~r~it~l~,119 : G. 11, s. of Shayirion~~,f. of Siidifi, 43 : 27. 2. s, of pabar, li~pshor,3 : 42. 12. f. of A~du... ., 31 : 2. h-B?),f of I,g, f l1-s-s/, 13. f. a£Ellil-,&&'id, 60 : 6. 109 : 19, 14. f, of Sbamashai, 69 : 5. Sl~i-yu-u-a,Shi-yi6-in 15. f. of Silt-Etir, 61 : 13. 1. f, of Bii-ab-t!$~~v,gf. uf lj~bmqu,119 : 15. Iti. 76 : 8 1 144 : 11. 2. i.of Iddinii-Jlnr~ltli~lc,16 : 13. Sl~zil-lum,Shu-11'-mu 3. f. of Il'ca, 2 : 20. 1. in dlu sha mShzillurn, 13 : 16. SlLi-ni-io, li2 : 13. 2. s. of Tabnta, 42 : 9. Shi-p% f. uf "E-~UJJ(?),57 : 11. 3. 37 : 8 1 137 : 24. Shi-riy, or Shir-yi Shul-lum-a, Shu-lu-ma 1. s. of Marduk-ah-iddina, 61 : 15. 1. s. of Ardu-filpal, Nidinfum-BEl, 110 : 16. 2. f. of Ellil. . . . , 75 : 2. 2. s. of Iddina-Btl, 158 : 27. Shi-riq-Nabli 3. f. of Gula-dresh, 130 : 39. 1. f. of Zyishd, gf. of Nabti-ah-iflannu, 111 : 0. 4. f. of NINIB-uhallit, 130 : 53. 2. f, of ArabG-natann~i,gf. of Itli-~\~abil-UI)-BI-I1S11, 5. 130 : 59. 111 : 13. Sht6-lu?n-Bdbili(Eki) Shi-riq-ti(tu, tum) 1. f. of Baz~-8resl~,91 : 2. I. s. of ltli-Eilil-balJtu, 70 : 8. 2. f. of B81-8resI~,123 : 27. 2. f. uf A&-NIlVIB, 126 : 14. Shu-ma-a, Shuma-a 3, f. oi Ifti-Shatnnsh-bold& 77 : 8. 1. s. of Addini, 117 : 10. 4. f. of Liblz~t,GI : 2. 2. s. of bd'iri, f. of hhbzl-napisl~fim-wur,105 : 14. 5. i.uf NINIB.. . . ., 156 : 3. 3. f. of Kabfia, 4 : 13. 6. I. of Sl~nmush-erba,BG : 4. '1. f, of ~Vobzl-a&i-uOalli1.130 : 20. $1 66 LEGAI, AXD COIU>IERCIAL TRASSAUTIONS

Mnsculi~~r.Names ~~illi((~lSI~-~>fl)-.\~lSI1j 1. f. ui .\'Chin,, l2!i : 15. 2. f. of Sl~~~m-klili,m.I21i : S. Silli<((;'lSM-.UI)-s/t~~rri,83 : S 1:L" : 7. $il/i(CI,3N-Jlli-icsiir, f. of Iilili,in-Uil, gf. of ~Yuhil-iibi!lli$, 115 : 33. Sic-bi-ii-ic, 150 : 10. llL~~l~-sl~~~-~~l-li~1. <>f //~~-~~~~~~~~~,25 : 15. TitO-ni-~-,~ 1. s. oi.lp/ii, ti: I, ll.

2, h. 01 .l~~l~~-.\~cr~g~~l,f, I~?l-i~/~li,~, 111% : 12, :3. s. uf .lrd8,-.Y~:r!l~,l, f, of l?itt,tit-Ilil, 21 : 12, 4. s. of Oi,iiillii, pi. of .Yii. . . ., 20 : l(i. .5. s. 01 lll<~li,2 : 2s. 6. 5. of i,9l(p,w,,. 1. of IIUI~(.$U,.Xi : 13. 7, s. i,i' I<,irltirii,iii, l. of Iqiahrr-.lIi~riliiI~,in : 17. S. 5. of .lI~~r~l~~l~-crl~~~,gs, of sl~,,ugt''~uri~z,. I!,/J.~~<,T, (i I : 28, [I. s. of r('8i ,cll,i, f. oi .Y~~i~~i-~~b~-l~z~Lli$,35 : 18. 10. f. uf Iloliitsii, ti7 : 3 ! i3 : 9. 11. f. of SIiii.iliil~-s/iiil~i~i-r/~,,i~i,s. of Slin-rtdshishu, 59 : (1. 12. f. of .Y,i,li!t, 1: : I, 13. i. of .Y~~~~~tl-i~z~t-~.~li!-~~ir,?!I : 5. 11. f. 01 Sl~ir~~iiixli-ir~-iiiiii~,ii,1'3 : 8 1 3:) : 3. 15. f. oi S/iul/ti,tiii, 11' : !I.

Trtit~t<, (or gcni~is)'',cf. .\r:%n~. 2. s. oi .\l.YIIl-iddina, I,, of .Ytisku-iddirin, 94 : 6. kll;PI,, Xli; l~:~,K.ll;Ilill; nild Shn~neah-gadi. 3. s, of '7~16hiinl, f. oi .ll~~sl~i~ib-Ril,10 : 15 29 : 1. : Cf. nls,, T;illri\-ist, .\-iii,ioihiti.l~,p. 311, i. of Snhd- 4. f. of Ihldt~~,41 : 8. m~~hii~-(sb,!,SO : 2. 5. I.of Sbumnrh-niigir, 2 : 3. l'a-al(!ni)-fiin-nu 6. rob bi!i '"Ciiborri, 80 : 11. 1. s. oi 8llil-z~hallit,1.58 : 24, 26. ~yilli(GIS1I-.I{/)-E-zi-i,2 ::XI, I. s. of /~~I.s!L,L~LIL,4 : 12. 2. f. of \iibil-a!i,ii,i-ial~!i,~,,, i : lj. 2. f. oi Gi,,~i!Iii, 137 : I!). Z~~-!l~l~fli(/ll.Y-~'l~i~~~),s, uf ~,~O~~,,~~J,,i, (>i.Y,zl,u!ii-i!ii,iitj~ai,iili, :3i : (i. d-i,i~r-.~anii,i. i,i .~riii.. . . . 12 : S. 3. f. ,)[ .YI.\~i!~-t~z,,ti~,~i-gi,~~il,>I : lj ' 37 : 2 5s : i, 20 1 i?-l>i-eic. 1 : 23. 50:4,II~li:j:~i~ti>:ll *l:-~,t.l,,t.8-il2,, 5fi : 2. @,t'zcl~il~~) 5, i.dl.tii,,i,v!,i, 61 : 17 1 S:i : -1, li[!i" : 2. 1, i. of Iiittt-iiiisho, -L2 : I I. ci. Y2 : 3 1 29 : 22, 2:t 1:IO : lj 1 13 1 : I I 2. I.of Itli-E!1il-t,<,i< .\,,bti-~ts/>,~lli~r~,!:I0 :I?, U. . . ili-in, TL' : 11 :i.s. oi .\~I.\'Ilt-i~li.~l~~r,132 : :i. [,~.?-I,i-l. 11. . . ., i.(>i I~~II,-~~,~.SIL,~, 21) : ti. ci. i. "f 1i.lim/~~zil,-/tCl, 0:i : 15. *Ziiii-di-in; Zn-id-ili-iu ~kZt<-p,~-/.;l(.l.\LJlli.S!I), cf. 13i. '?lS, f. ,,f ll>,i;27 : 3. I. s, of ,lI8,/i/,~i,t, lJ

Z f.I. 3, i. \I.YII-i,// I : 2. . . . .

Z(L-Z~-U~-!O~(ci. "~~,/;z~i!~tt, V2 : I), 133 : 2. . . , , . -El!il, i, of Iit~,!,it,20 : 2s. 68 fil:(+AI, AND D(:OM~II'iK('IhT'I'ILrlNS.~('TIOAS

RIasculil~cNames . . .i,118 : S...... sho(f)-ni,s, of Shic,nnsi~-iildinn, S0 : 3. . . . ili-ia, f. of Si'bd-nhi-iildittit, gr. of .Y~l~iL-~~liii~ihii,. . . .shi~i,z-iddini~,8. ,,i Il,,~~i,137 : 22. I15 : 30. . . . .ukin, s. of I'il-', 23 : 1. . . . .ishkuh, s, oi Si~z-7tiisii.,17 : 15. . . . . ushnbsltl, s. of liiiiiaii-Gicllr, 41 : 9. . . . .ma-a, s. of Sazi-lillil, i. 01 Elill-shi~,,~-b,ibi,20 : 20. . . . .U~IL~-SILLL,37 : 17. . . . .ma-sbl, 137 : 27. . . .r+-iqisho(-sl~u),00 : 5. . . . .,nu-tir. . ., 8. 01 Ellil-niidln-&A, 122 : 13...... s, oi Zddii~n-.lliil.diih,gs. 01 Shiyiiir, liipsha~~,16 : 12.

*Ad-Icun, slax oi dplfi,122 : 3. Zl-/i(I//i)-.\r<~t~d-g~t-zi,64 : G, I I Bmlr~-SaniL,d. oi "Vlli-.1I1~niiik-b~~l~i(~~,gcl. of "'St??-Sin, [Ifi~l-la-bu-ut-li~ira(perlt:~ps s;utlr: trs iol.),

Ad-ba. . . . ., s. or Nnbd-?cshallim, 159 : 35. ilr-hat-ilhni, s. of .\'nba-bilshz~nu, gs. of llbni-shabusi~u, A&(?)-ia, s. of Ellil-nh-iddina, 45 : 17. 117 : 19. AplO, s. of Naba-n~~d~~rnrni~,gs, of Bani-sbn-ilin, 108 : 20. AZAO-SIIG-zifisir, s. oi .VZNlB-ubnlii$, 55 : 11 171 : 14. ASSYRIAX, XEO-llbBYLORT1."

AalCl-su,s, oi Scrgnl-ahu,,~-urur,31 : 16. diu-sl~e-zib-JInrdiLk,s. 01 ljii,iin, gs. of Dabibi, GY : 10 I I3n-nu-~~a,s. of lli,niit-Gulu,40 : 13. 72 : 10. Bil-abi-iddinn,s. of ~\~ahii-,,~ushalli,n,33 : 11. Sal~0-opal-iddim,s, of .Y

BBl-apal-iildina,s, oi .\-ergal-ndsil.,gs. oi ~i'lisisi, 47 : 17. .Vahii-bul-lit-si~,112 : 22. Bil-e-le-ru,s. of Liihiisi~i, 119 : 19. .Vobii-erhu,s. oi .\-ubii-a~,~l;in-zi~,$F 01 rj'ii,zlpi,103 : 12. Ilil-iddina,s. oi Si~bii-apol-iddiarr,14 : 11 1 110 : 12. .\obi-hi&-sir,s, of .\.obiin,uti, 107 : '?2. Bel-nhdin-aplli,s. 01 Lijhijsl~i,50 : 11. .V<~bii-n~i~kio-nplt~,s. oi llii-li0i-ei-brl, gs. ui Sippi,13 : 31 Bil(BY)-zi~.,s. of Sin-shadiir~u,7 : 40. Sabii-mu1cir~-nihr,s. of Ifi.fd,gs. of Be1 . . ., s. oi iasiii, 1 : 29. kz(dirn,nu, I09 : 40. E-rc(En)-iddina, s. of /ll.abturn,10i : 23. Xuhii-aii~hin-zir,s. 01 .\r~bii-ithi-iibitilit,gs. of Snggiiio, Elill-bil-a-nu,s. of Ellil-ubi-erbn,120 : 20. 25 : 17. Ellil-bil-shu-nu,s. of .VISIB-apal-iddi~&uut,s.oi.Lulii,C,7 : 11. .\~Z.\~IB-ap,~l-isl~kz,n, s. oi Zahashu, 1 : 27. Ellil-zir-lishir,s. of G~J?~~~-~VIVI~VIB,83 : 11. .\-I.\TZIl-erba,s, oi Ellil-oh-iddinn,128 : 18. IClliL.. . . ., s. of Shiriqti, 90 : 11, YI2\IB-e~bn,s. oi T~~~islt-G~~l~t,91 : 115. s. .li-ilii-Giiia,S5 lii. Gi-mil(Git,~il SIfL7)-.Vl.\~lB,riyq,~, s, of .lililii- . . . sl~i, .VI.ViIl-nn-dir~-r/~,~m;oi : 58 : -1-1. Ili-vzul,s, oi Dinin,74 : 10. Ri-mul,s. oi SI~u,t,osi~-zii.-ib,<73 : 10. C>i-m,il-&~i:VlB,19 : 17. Xi-n~z~t-Bil,s. of Tobnia,gs. of .lrilic-Sergi~l,21 : 11. Zdi-Ill,9 : 1.5 1 101 : 15. lrdni,0 : lli. Shnmns1~-nbi-iddir~n,s. oi .Yl.YIB-,~iiilir~-~liii,,i,22 : I?. IC-din-nu-"itu-bt~l,s. oi Bil-erbo, gs, of Sin-biiri,129 : Shamasb-ah-i<,b

dlu.i&i-ia (del " olnittt,d), IS : 17. iXIi'I3I sho .Yihii-iirii>i-iiu.111 : 15. iilu siia "'.ibu-".ljic, vi. dIuSho /'iib-bir-ojci, 50 :5;IiS : 5, ~l~f~~r(~isi~~-~i-l~~i~~~"~I : 2. 12 17'2 : 12. ~jl~'(;t<-/i-~,113 : I:<. dlu s1~ahlld-l~i(iEi'!)-cln-ni, (is : I!!. ,;l?'<;,,-z<,-~,,,,?2 : 17. ,117~ shu ''.Ir-l,<~-<~i,!!ti : 1:i. ,!1~~~7~r~-l~i-~,2:{ : $1. _ill& shlt 0-shnr...... Iil! : IF. I-1-I.., l lli : Ili. Alu shi~""~~-(i~i-z-,,',<-/~,,r,17 : 14, dii~s1~a LU-S~-(~-,LIL-I.U, 12 : 11. I~;~L(I,.I-,YIII;]~~,71 : ~i,I I dlu, si~a'"Sabii-?nudnmniiy, 21 : 13. li(Pl-Ii "iilll,1 I YO. dlz~shi~ "Sipl~or~(E.Y-LIL-l<1-.1iI:'SfI), 69 7, 1.1. <:184I

21% sha *rob ii iq-bi, 53 : 16. 1i.1105 : 7 1 113 : 11 Alu sits "Sb~zl-Ian&,13 : Ili. I<~,lI~nfi;C-~~.lll-.l)ki, I?!) : I I, Blz~rhn "Ch-lio-nju (ci. Alu si~n'~.lbii-''.ljo), 51) : 15. ~~I~~r,~t-,~sl,-l~~-,~,,,27 : 11 dli~.g11;~mr), 50 : 15 132 "T,~R-IG~-~IL~T,8 : 1. Bit "Za-za-ah-/it& 158 : 2. dl~~~~~b-li-ni-~~~il~ti~~z,I56 : 5. "c;lI,-~ixki, 9 : .I. ASSYI:IAN, KEO-BABYI.OKIAN ASD PERSIAK PERIODS.


'~.~Id~lu("~.lf),cr. nz~ncs t~~~~l,:r'i.l~lrltt :LILCI'n.\'d~liri-'i.l~l~l~~. E/(.I .V-.llI~SIl), cf. "'ZO/~,t-fll. d,l-e(<~l-l~),same as dfi;a, lircssit~i. "E!~~~(".V-LIL, NIYsT?), l"irs;,~i. d.4ja(d,l-.L), ci,,t~-'1.1j,~ '!i;~t/,t(%[~-L.i, ',WB-.lII3), passit!$ ":l~~z~~rr~~('~i~~l-~-ll~),lmsbitii. (;o/-r,i, in "'/ii~ri-Gnlzic. ';L-WL~IL,cf. '~iti.l~~t~~iz-.sho~~-~~g~~r. 'Iilj(?), <~rl?~,lslr('!), in I/3('?)-iddi~z

B,L-!,,L,PC. ill Dngct'i~t.

'i 17, 50, 51, G2, (is. 'In Ha-rt,~-~ti-iu,27. '1>3 l<-pc&o,1lG. X21W Slio,,S!J. +Y :*gainst, 27, 51. . . 511 . . . 113. W (nblireviation for ip),shcl(?)3 . . (2 DESCRIP'L'TON OF TABI,Xrl'S

C. R. M., Cat:rlogne of tlir 1~nhyloni:mand Guner:tl Semitic Scrtion oi tlre Arc1taeologic;~l1\1,1sei,m of thc Uni\-cr- sity oi L'rnnsy1~ntii:i (prvp;rreill:~ry, Srxv YY0c City; CXP., cx1iediti011; Srag.,;11.) Iheiglri; ilrl~)r.,i~tlpn,ssiolr(s); i~~scr., inscription; t by I'roK, Hilprrcl~t,.1:1nct:iry 27, l8S9, :~nclprcsvnt,c~l I)? l'rol'. .J. I>.I'rincc, of Colnnlbi;~T'nirrrsity; .T. S., Josrplt Sla.lntol, L(<~IIIII.I.~~:LSP~ in 1.011d011 l)y 1'1.o/. .\. 1,. IAII~:LUI 1)". lt. 1:. HIL~PCT,JuI>- El, 1888; IZh.I, First lv(~se;PI., I'lntv(s); R ,Iligltt; Rcv., 11i.vel.s~;U., I:l>p~t.. Tllc na,:tsr~r.rmplrtsn1.s given in rnltin,atc:l-i, lclrptli (Ili,igl~t)X nidtll X tltichncis. IVII~~~~~T~~tl~ct:~l,lct (or frngrnc:ntj v:irics in sin?, tllc lmgrsl ~llc~;isurcmrillis given. 'I'llc tnhli:ts a-Ilicll :ire not rcrordod :~s111,1011gi1lg to E. A. It., J. 1). ID., J. S , ICII.~, or 1111.~(~oll~cli~~~~s ltnw I,ct,n c~xcav>~tedat Xilq~ur, cxc<.pt Xo. 1.412~vl~icl~ Ins l>ccr~ copiiid in tlic \ietn,politan bluscutn i,S Art, Xrw Yorlr (!it)..

T~x.r. P~.ira. I1~iax. Yaaa. Alurrit. Il.1~. ('. l3 11. I)ESCI~I~~TLOX, 1 1 ilsiiur-bil,ii-opnl 2Ii 10 I1 12801 rtibnlieil. I.". E. li~.ol\~naaay. Tllnmb- n:{il nl:~rl:LI

('. 13. U. ~>I.:SCIIII,TIOK.

ll(i33 I.I 1 ti.11181.1.. 011 01, cfl:icril. Tlt~~11~1~n:iiI~~iarlcs 01, l.,I.E,.. S.9X7X2.V. I 2 (I)I. Xi V?). First alp. 2152 'l:Il Lo. 1%or. :ti2,')s X 1.1x 1.9. JIISC~.7 (o.) + 2 (1.0. E.) + 8 (I. = I l. Xi. T(?). First mp. 2163 T,~~~l~:~l~ed.Cr:trl-ed arid dci:rrrd. 3.6 X 5 x 1.8, Iriscr. 7 (0.) + 2 (In I.;.) + I (I) = 18 li. i.() First ?XI'.

Ih1rtrupulit:m Tlnl~t~I~~d,6.7 X 4.l; X 1.9. 11 (0.) T 3 hlusculn (11.) = If1 lli. 12812 I:l. 1 3 X I.!) X 2.7. Inwr. S (0)+ 3 (1.0 E.) + G (It.) = 17 li. Tl>i~.d(?)~np. J. I). 1'. 178s Vnl~:tl

? . , 1 : Iil:ig. 0.8 X 1.5 X 2.7. Ili8<:r. 17 (11.) + 1 (It.) = 18 li. Ili 3.5~L1 I.nrc:n prcs~r\-f

('. 13. 11. I JF;SCRII,.J ICS. 3. ?- Tl:Il. U. 11. ~or.n-:iiiting. .\r:n~m:~ic

ill1 I 1 ?.!I5 X 1.3 X I.S.5. I,,*er. ii (0.)~t 1 (rm la;.) -1 7 (It.) ! ? [I-, I<.) lti li. 'Yl~i~clc,xp.

12Sl(i ll:,Il. I.Ill I il.llllllll>- I I 1.. 1 3.1 X ,I3 X 1.8. Il!srr. Ci (0.) -i- 7 (It) - 13 li. Tl~ird('.!)np. 3ilS : 1 1 I.Ilight hid<, ol 11. I.4.G X 5.95 X 2.25. I~~scr,11 (0,) + 1 (1.0 JG.) + 7 (It.) = 1s) li. Xi. T'('.'). I:irat cxp. :Xi3 T-nlji~lr,,scr~c:tlf or t~~l>l,,tI~r<,lwn an-:~y. 2.73 X zi.8 X 2. liiscr. G (0) + i (I. 1 I Tl~inl('!) ~xp. I 2 1l:Il. I.I ti.3.1 X 5.55 X 2.1. Inicl., 7 (0.) + S (It.) = 15 li. I Ilill. 1 I 4.35 X 5.4 X 2.1. I.ll(0.) : I (1.0. E.) + 13 (I.i 2 (I)=\p. 12x25 1!I.It, tor. \~ntiling. 3.8 X 4!1 X 2.1. Insrr. (i (0.)+ 1 (1,<>.E.) + 7 (11.) -k 1 (I,'. I,:.) -1. 2 (1,. E.) = 17 li. Tl~iril(Y) cxp. 54TiiI,;il,i,d. li. I,. cot.. !,l.r,l

ti.:ircs oi \L.:IIII:~~Citld0l.sn11~1it 011 11. E. nlxl I>.F:. :305 X 5.1 X 1.85. Insrr.

8 (0.)-I- li (It.) = 1-1li. 'Yl~irdcxp. :i5Sii Ill.1 I.Fain1 tmreu oi an .lrslr,:tic i~l

I Ill. I I U.L. CVI.. 111~01~~~11 :.'I X 5.2 X 1.9. IIISCL..S (0.) + 1 (J. 1.) + (1)= I! 1 I'irsL ""1'. ls~r.1U (0.)+ 12 (It.) = 2"li. 3330 ~~ILI,:LI~~~~I.Sliglctl!- ~f[:~cc,I011 ltc\-. 3.1 X .l.OS X 1.i. Inacr. 7 (0.) l~ 2 (1.0 E.) + 7 (It.) + 1 (l,'. E.) .i 2 (1,. I,;.) 19 li. IlillS. Sarullil cay. ll'i9.5 I.I. . I . 5. I X 8.5 X 5 luscr. 10 (0.)i 2 (I,,,. H.) + 10 (I{.) + 3 (IJ. E,) -1 I (r,. I<;.) = 26 li. Third(?) cxp. 1G .Y~l>d-7tfi'i

~1:x.r. I'L.~I.~. I:~,:Ic:K. I-EAL~. I.1.. c:. 13. h~. I)KSV,UV~IC,X. 11 3 17 :\< 2.7. 111scr. 21 (0.)+ I9 (it,) == 39 li.

4 L 18 Sobil-r~iL'iil 4 5 7 E. I. 13. 20i Tlut~til~~litilillitt.Iis 011 1:. E. S.3 X ii.4X 2.o. 1,)~~~.19 ((1.) ~:20 (I{.) + 2 (0. I,:.) = 41 li. 45 19 S~ibii-nii'iil 3 2 li (ill10 1:nI>:~l<,,ircl(?) <:AII, 46 I!) .\,tl,d-~~4'i,l 4 11 211 3 I I'i~orly pt~~~s~:r\-~~il.3.5 X 5.05 x 1.9. Inscr. li (0.)+ 6 (It.) = 12 li. 'Tl~irdC,X~I. 47 19 .\-aha-nii'id 5 6 2s 1<1t. 327 i:nl~;~l\ed. 1.0. I.. cot.. iiroherl nnxy. I:. 1:. r i I!.I. 4:i X li X 4.5. Is1 (0) : 2 (I.<,,E.) + 10 (It.) I 3 (1,. K.) - 21: li. 3.557 Ill1. E 1 a.4.8 X (i.35 X 2.5 Illscr. S (0.) I. 2 (In. E,) + 9 (It.) + 1 (1,. I<.) = 20 li. 'l7ir~l,,XI>. 3560 1':I:l. \Vcll jrrri<~l.ved. 2.05 X 3.05 x 1.6:. I,,SC~.5 (0.) :~ 1; (11.) + I (LT. E.) i.Tliil.ii imp. 3553 lI,l. I !I._\I.:IIII:,~c "1,- do~.s,,~tl,,~ltincised OII 1,. E. :1 x 4 X 1.1i. I.7 (0) + 8 (I) I. 2 (11, 1,) = 1 I. Tlhii.,l cxp. ;35:39 1;nl,:~I<<:- cisccl or, I:. I.:, I.,,. C. :,,,,I I.. 1,:. :3.!): X ,5.i X 2.3. I~lscr.S ((~j.) 7 (I?.) + I (L-. I,;,) = lii 1:. TI~ird<,XI>. :35;35 :I11.. I.. nlld 1.0. It. ri,r. wanting. 3.0 X .5.i X 2. I~tbrr.7 ((I.) + 2 (Lo. P;.) -I~7 (It.) .l~2 (1;. E.) + 1 (I,, I<;,) = 151 li. 331!1 TJlll,nl-ecl. U. It. ancl U. 1,. tor, \>-auting. Obv. injw.,:il. .lr;lin:tic inil<,rse~ncnt inrisrd on I,. E., ariil inint traces of :in indurscmcltt in l~lncl, colr,r on 1'. 1';. 4.1 X 5.4 X 2. Inscr. 9 (0.) -1- 1 (1.0. E.) 1. S (It.) - 1S li. Third exp. 3613 Unbnkcd. Oljv. I

I.JInu. C. 1%.11. l)k;7<'lt~crr~<~~. X 1S :

5.2 X 1.8. Insrr. (i (0.)~i ti (IS.) = 12 li. 'Y'l~ircl ,'XI>. 2 S :WiS l~tii,aI~i~~1.I I::. TIIIII~LI>II:I~I lit:irhs on ;all cllgi.t. I08 X 6.6 X 2.5. Is.7 (0. i 20 (11.) = 47 li. Tliircl cxp. 12 10 l.iIi3 1l:ll lSi,~-,pnrti:illy cff~tceil. Faint trnci,s iii :ot .\ iiidorswni,l~t on IJ. E, :<.5 x 5.2 X 1.7. Inscr. ti (0.) + 1 (I.I) 7 (I)= Ili. ,,1p. '1 ? 3620 1.11 IT.,t.. >!-nnting. 3.1 X '1.1 X 1.0. Ir~wr,i (

1 9 (0)- 7 (1%)= I 1 Fint crp. 0 G 3555 7:nl~ukail. Ohr, poorly prescrrcd. U. 1:.

?or. l~~.ok,,na\T-:ly. Seal impr. 011 I,. I;:. 4.5 X 5.8 X 2.3. lt~ser.10 (0.)+ 1 (1.". P:.) -I- S (K.)+ 2 (C. J3.) = 21 1i. Third exp. ti 1.1 J. D. P. liS9 l't~rtinlly b;~ll,nIicd. 1:. I.. cor. l>rul:cn ir~my. Sc:il it. I.3.65 X 6 X 1.8. IIISCT. 0 (0.) 7 (I.) = 6 I. Tliircl(?) cxp. 0 2 36114 T,'nb:~ll.c,seri-rd. 2.0 x 4.2 x 1.G. Inser. 7 (0.).I- 6 (R.)+ 1 (1:. E.) = 14 Ii. Xi. (?I'irst cxp. 1 8 395 Urlb:il~tid. TVell l,rcscrvcd. 3.4 X 4.85 x 1.7. I~iscr.7 (0.)+ 2 (Lo. E;.) I- 5 (1) = Ili '1'liit.d csp. 4 24 3GOi T;nl~al

Il~scnn~~r~olu. Inscr. s (0.) + !I (1%)+ 3 (1, E.) = 17 li. l.' ex,,. 4.5X5.7X2. It~scr.9(0.)+2(1,0.1~~.) + 15 (It.) = 20 li. Unbaked. 1.0, J,. car. hrohrn away. 3.7 X 4.C.7 X 1.75. Inscr. 8 (0.) + 8 (R.) = 16 li. Hi. (7). First cxp. Inbnlrc,l. I,. F:, and 1.0. R. car. hral<~x. x 5.2 x IS. Is.(0) i I (I>,>. E,)+ 7 (It,) = Iili. 'rl,irLLI~

01 1 I' L I. 3.95 X 4.2 X 1.6. Inscr. S (0.)t 10 (11.) + IRli. 1 10 1140:3 ~t~l~~~l~~~~l.1.0. I,, ~lg,!I,r,>lI>\-.

nnll llvr injizl.vd. S<,:tlimpr. "11 11~~. 4 X 5,lj X 1.'. 11~cr.8 (11.) + 1; (Il.) = 11 li.

5 11 25 :I582 I.1.o. 11, tor. Ijrokrn an-:by. 1.2 X s.9 X 2.2. 11>scr.s (0.) + 1 (I,", C.) +8(11.) + 3(TT.F;.) -k l (l,.E.) =21 li. TIli1.d i,xp. 5 11 26 GI06 TJnbnl~eil. U. I,. rot.. n-:ii~ting. Tlmnnli- tuiil nlntl

7 ti ti 3010 Lnl~:~li~d.I. Il-ititit lri~ces O[ nrl .,isslll:iic irlciulsvlllmt n-].ittc,ilin l~larl~ I I E. 4.2 X 53 X 2. Tllirtl(?) ell'. IIIS?~.10 (0.)+ $) (11.) = I$] li, Xi. ()First c,sp. 7 ti 18 I Unl~alred. TI. I,. ror. l,rol

TEXI.. I'I..\I.I.:. lt~,;~<;s, I:. I I)\\. i,.I<. kl. ll~:w~tr~~~rLCIK, !)7 :ill I<~~o~/,zt~i~~ 7 I2 11 5'J(i!l ll.I I I.4.S X 7.2 X 2.. Inwr. 7 (0.) t 2 (1.o. E:.) X 10 (It.) l!)li. 7 1 :ill i

S (I) = I I i I?). First ~~xp. 98 4U lia,,ihuzia '! 11 14 :is79 L'~tlx~!~<~l.I{. 1';. l,r,)l\<,t~:~v:~y. ;<.95 X 5.55 X I.!). Iusrr. !I (0.) 9 (1?.)+3 (I. . i 2 (II) = 23 I T1lil.d ,'K,'. !I!) ,iO Ii(i,~ih,~~iu 0 I1 L T, 2. ?<. I.Oll~ illl,l It. ?

~\i:i>tti~ici111l1116(,1111.11t it~cis<,d,111 I,. X. 'I x 5 x I !I. IIISC~.s (0.) 4 5) (I<,) - I7 li. Iht,<'\[>. 1011 .!I Brrrriri 1 li I:i ;Itiilli Ill. li.l,:,il~j~~n~il. :<.5X .1.7 X I.!.

I S (I.) i ii (It.) = 11 li. Xi. \.('!I.lcirst n11, 101 .I I Llm?iri L li I5 31i12 [:~#b~~l,

103 .I:$ lI(~~i,~~tl~(,sl~I 4 :I 23 I.5 'l:l I s I 4.3 X 5. l X ?3. lnbvr. 9 (0.) t !I (11.) = 1s li. 10li I I I)

108 45 i)wiii)>ti<*/~1 ti 1'2 2s 1,:. A. 11. 217 7.7 X (i X 2.15. 111srr.11 (0.) i 1(I,". E.) + lil (I?.) - 2s li. 110 47 Il,~ri,!~,!~tsl~Z 0 ti 2 1:. 1. H. 213 2.8 X 5:l X 2.2. Itlsvt.. 8 (0.)i 1 (Lo. E.) + 11 (I.) - 20 li. 111 17 l),~~os. 3. x 1 x 2.2, Is.7 (0.1 t 7 (I:,) lili. :1504 l~~~l~~tl~c~l.01,~.p,,orly prc,s<:rwd. .I.!lX

li.3 X 2.4. I.7 (I i 10 (1:) = I7 li. First np.

E. .\. 11. ZP7 lliI I L. 1 0.7 X fi X 2.3. lt~scr.1s (0.)+ Y2 (It.) -I '1 (1J. I<.) = 4.1 li. I.7 Iil,. Ftdrly \vrll ~rrscr\.ed. .\muraic i~~101.s~trlcrliillcisvd 01, Itcv. 2.9 X 3.7 x I.I. 7 (I.) I 1 (I>,>. ~i

7 (It.) = 1.5 li. 1':. \ I.I ;l X li.7 X 2.2. l~>~rr,I0 (0,) + 2 (I.

I Ill (It.) = ?2 li. ,I. s. 132 l~,,l,>,l\,,:,l\,~<,<,VI~~~~cs~~vv,~. It. I<;., I . I 1. . l,,l. .I6 x iili x 2.5. 11iar1.. 10 (0.) i2 (!.

J. S. 21 :i.\\~clll pl.csi,~.vcd. 4.0 X GI X 2.1. I,~svv.$1 (0.) + 2 (1,". I+:.) + I0 (It.) 2 (1'. P:.) i~:I (I,. E.) = Y(il1, 5 I I I I.Tii~iut, t~tws<,I ;m .\r:ut~:,ic indorsr~~wntir>-

visc,,i i~tl1.. 1';. '1.7 X (i.1 X 2 Inscr. [(I (0.1 ! 2 (I.<,. I?.) + lil (I:.) : I (L'. 1) 1 I. Xi, ()I'irsi cxp. .I. S, 211 l'~~l~:tl~~~~l.I'oor!y ~~r~~s~~rv~~~l. 1::~il~Ltracts lli .\r:~n~:\ivi~t~Iorsct,~vr~L iurisml on I!,

11;. 5.~~5x (i.6 x 3.1. II~SC~.~((I.) .k 2((1.,1. I.;) t 7 (11.) = ISli. I I1r1I,:~I\c~~I.ti. I,., 1.0. It. :itid It. 1.1. I,r~kr.~l . 5.i )I (i.5 X 2.7. ILLSCT.11 (0.)+ I (I,<>.E.) ~l s (It.) + 1 (I,. I,:.) = ?I li, Tl~irclnl>. J. 11. 1'. l7Sti l'r~lxtl~r~l.('r;tcl%cd :u~loLlt<,r~viw ~:~TII- :tci~l. S.:X X (i.1 X 2.5, Tt~srr.211 (0.)i~ I5 (It.) = 35 li. 3-. ?-,, lril,:~l\,,d. 1.0. 13. bri,lren :r\vay. 5.2 x ti x 2. JIIX~.I1 (0.)+ 1 (1,~).I+;,) + 8 (13) I 2 (1.. E.) = 221i. Tllinl c.yp. 354G Ul~l,alml. I.3. or. ti.Obv. II.,l.:3.5 X i.!)X 2. IIISCT.9 0.i I (I,,,. I,:,) + I>(It.) = 16 lj. Tllinl i,xp. ASSYRIAN, NEO-BADYLONIAN AND I'I~;RSIAN PERIODS. 8:;

TEXT. LATE. ~?EIUS. ~IC‘II!. ~IoSTH. ~)AY. (~:.1%. I)I~:SC~~I~~~I~~X, 1211 57 .,I rl,~~.~lz~~ls,~:37 12 li 5liil 1inl~:~l~e~l.Portion un It. E. \v;~nting, tlI I.-4rnrnaio itI 17. E. I'cI.- l,:,[ls <>,I<, <>rII,,, .ll,,r,8.s/',; <,,,,L,C,,~,S. ,L,(i / .;.:I X 2.05. T~>bcr.7 (0,) + 2 (I. I s (I. I I (I.. I?.) + l(11.

12.) - I!) li, 'rl,icr. l>r,,lt,~c :~\v:ty, otIt<~r- xis? ncll,~i.<~d.Sc,:~l i~tqw. I.,>. I-:. '1.3 X 5.2 X 2. lnsw. S (0.)t~ S

(It.) + I (1.0. Is.) = 17 li. 1% 5s 1lmioi1~~~.~1t11 1 I? 1 :15S:3 1111~:il,, L'. E. 5.1 X Ii.1 x 2.1. Itxcr. 10 (0.) i~ I (I.I t 7 (I.) I 1 (1:. 1.:) = 20 li. 'l'ltivd CXII, 7 '! ? 1%;. H. 1!!9 5 X S X 2. Ic>scr.li1 (0.) + 4 (It.)= 1,Ili. 11ii31 1't11,:~l.1,. tor. I~JI~CIL :~\v:\y, cr:~cl~~~~l:LIXI~~il~,~r~visc injurrd. 1.X 1.X 2.7. I~lscr.2!1 (0.)+ 2 (1.0. k;.) ; :%I! (It,) + 5 (1.. E.) t 2

(I. I)= IS I. I'irsL <,xp. l2SiIl 1',,l,:,i\,'~,II\<~,, :,,v:b>-. 5,s x :3,(i x 1.8. I,,sc,~.7 (0.1 + 2 (r,~],E,) - 51 li. 12i!)l ILI.I. . 1 7.8 / 9.8 X :3,(i. TLISCY. 13 (0.)+ ,I (I.", E,j + 1

(It.) = 211 li, l:or mrw IY,:LS<~I11~. irmcril>tiot~xts tmt c~nt~~~l~~t~~~l. IC.i\.II. 250 3.5 X.I.5X 1.5. I~~sw,ii(O.)+ s(1t.j = I I li. IL'i(i1X ~;,ll,:,l\,',l. 11, 1c. :,,,,I I ,,,. I<. I,~c,I.E,) t 5 I.) I I. is.Sootl, c,,,l <,f 1, UlilI 1'1tl~:il~ccl.t':iilly ~v<,llpt<,s,,~v<',l, 3.2 X .I x l.(i5. IZIS,,~,i ((1,) t 7 (It,) + I . 1)+ I (I. . - Iiili. 'l'l~ird('!j CXI,.

11305 1'Li:ll Ill 'rllt~n~/lt>:iili~t:~i.I\s 011 11. I<:. l:r:tg. ,l.S X 2.1 x '4. 11wcr. 15 (0.+ 13 I.) - 23 li. I'irst pxp. 6109 IIII 1.0. 1:. cot.. lir,,licn nwny. 5.0 X 4.2 X 1,s. l,>ser.13 (0.) + 2 (1.0. 1C.j + ti (It.) = 21 li. 'll,i,cl(?),xp. 84 LEGAL AND C'OX>IER('IAL TRA~~S.LC'TIOXS

l)k:sC,!,,~r,rol.c~~:i\v:ty. 5./ 1 x I.I. s (I) ! 5 (It.) - 1'3 li. l,'l,l,:,l\ ::3.7 / I ; IS 11,scr. 7 (0.) ! 2 (l.,~. I,;.) !k:3 (It.) -12 li. 'Vlhir

l1t~l~:ili~~~l.I::. I:ici- I i I I. 1.7 X 7.!1.5

x :3.:, IIIS,.~.I2 (11.) 1 S (I:.) = 2llli. Y,,l[,,,r. :I.I. II,. I li x 5 x IS.

1,,>rr.!I (0.) t 2 (I.<>.I<,) : 7 (It,) ~- IS li. i;,ll,;,l\tYl. 1'. 1,;.

(I,. I:..) - li; li. Xi. V('!). I~iuhL?\I). l~,,l,:,l\*~,,<>r t:,l>l,:l I>v,,I\~,z~ ;in;ly. :(.I >< I X I.. Itlhcl.. 7

(I) ! I I.I. I li (It.) - I I li. I.'il\l,.\I,. I~,ll,:,l%<~,l, l~,~~li,l,,<#(l:,l,l<~t I,~,,I<,.,Ia,v:,>..

$t,:,l il,,],r, ,,#I l?? x 5.5 >: 2.7. I~>scr.I \(\I,) .'I [It.) -~l!)li. lI:,l,. I':,11 <11 ;,I1 <.,1-,.5 ;illii If<.,..

I : 'l-lh8oil>11:~ili>li~l.ks 031 I!.I<;., I,,,. I,:.:LII

2.5. I.2 (1 l j ! I (I. - lii li. I :Ill:~. Tl~i~~~ll~iitil 11lt~~1.s ,,,I I,. p:, :t,,,l Id,. I<..i I >< 1i.I x 2.1. I,,>VT. 7 (0.)L 12 (I:,) -:1\lIi. l:irsl,~,\),. l',,l,;,l<,~,l, 11. 1:. :,,,,II,,,. I,. r<,r, l,V,>l< 8.1; X :3 2. Ic~sc~.2S(ll,) I :i(I:.l,;,) I 2s (If,) i ?(I,. I,:.)= lil 1;. I l:,l,l. \I' :{.-I i: li x I IsS 0. i 1 (l,rl. E.) ! 2

I = I I I. llill I. S~COI>< 1.5. I,,>v~, I! ((1,) + 1 (I,!). 15.) 1 I2 (1;) i I (I!. I*;.) ~: I (I,. I.:,) - 2:) li. 7.1 Y :Xi X 1.7:. I~~hcr.I5 (11.) t 1 (I.o.

E.) I I (I- 2!) li. I~"l~,l<<,,l,l~,:,q,,t~.,,l:,ry, 1i.x x .4.8 s 2. 1nsi.r. (0.) 17 Ii. 'Thircl ,,sp. Ill.11. I. I Ilev. ci;nnagcd.

Il-i~illtt,ni<.,,s id nli A~.nmnic indorse t i I:I I.. 38 X 53 x 2, (0.) I O (11.) = 12 I. Xi. (!First (~xp. ASSYRIAN, XRO-IIAIIYLONIAN AXD PERSIAN PERIODS.


PI,.\.I-I:. ~~EI<;S. . . I).\Y. l~.l3.Al, ~)~~s,:~~II~TI~,x. I li~~~~~l~t~~i~~S I l r) ('!) 31ilJl Ci. ~lescripti<~ltof Li:xI No. il. I l<,~~,t.s/!, 8 :3 :llill 1,'f. dc~s,~ripli<~~t01' tnt N

1 \rel/- 1 !I IS :i:1:4lJ ('I. d?scri[>ti,m .<;I;, I Ilia-ii~ I li I5 :Xi12 Ci. cIvs?ripli<~~t,,Itwl, S,,, llll. I S,ii~ti-/,io~/;!,,,3 ('f. ~lcscri~~l,i~~~~,,I lr\L So. 20. 1 I\'rii>ii-/,iir/iirj.i-?,$ttii,li(,Itvit XU. 58, \'IIht~i~i~o~s/t I ii I I IS 10 IX. cIcs?~ipli<,t>01' l,,!xt Kc,, 107. VII lirr,riliirriir \vr. y 21 1 35!Jl 1'1'. ,l~~scri~,li,~r~of t,,\l, 5,).77, I Ii t~st,So. 17. YII /<,o,~l~~~zi~, :{ I I2 :i5S7 ('r ~I<,s~vil?li~n~<~iI?YI Kc,, s5. \'IT fJ,~ri~r~~~t,m/,I1 1 li I :358:i 1.1' ~l~s~~ril~ti~~l~<,II<,YI, Kc 12s. YII I<,,r,<.v/#, 5 $1 Lil :1iSl ('$,*rril'tii%o ol int So. (is. 1.1 I I<<,r,!lmz;,t I I0 l 1103 1'1. ,l~~scri~~l,i~~t~01' lv\l, 30. 90. \'I11 l)uri~~~~t,~sItI :$I) !J !J 1i11. 1 IS7 ('l. Ii<,!~ l,vxl, .So. 1;s. VIII /i,~r,!~/!. ,I I ii :iiiOi ('1'. ,lcwri]>l,if lvxt, St,. S$l. IS Iii,~~of l<,il,No. :3:1. II 1\',tli~~-/~~~~l,~rri-1,~8~~,I2 I I I I :35-I3 ('f. dvscripti~,rtof l<,xlSo. 27. II .V,tl,2-k,<li,n~01' Iv\L S<>.17, IX !\'rtbsi->tfi'id II .I I5 :i5I'J (:I,. dc,s<,.riptioo ol t,,xt, So. 53. IS "Ii.lrrbi./irrlsir 1 i .I.S. 20 ('f. dvsvripli,>~>of tt,~l,No 121.

i Obverse scribe omitted

Lo. E. Lo. E.

R. 10 R. I0

10 Lo. E. 3. e - Erasure. 6

Lo. E. R. 16

li. E. a Misirlake fur 15 Lo. E. 13

Lo. E. Lo. E. R. 10

Lo. E.

19 17 0.


Lo. E.


16 6

10 Lo. E. Lo. E. R.

Lo. E. I0 R.

Lo. E.

Lo. E. R.



*h.+=R*Tb. - . g+$?f Lo. E. J 5, 1 re.R, jji :s::~+*,$&* + - ** 10 kg,l%i-m$*&&b*- "~qqPq:& =*~,m. c.*%ln+q$%q $:%- b~;p.y F.q.y ' ' ;:*q .Q qf,& t.k qg*b' % Tk*>\ E%#px#,i:

Lo. E. I1.

Lo. 6.



Lo. E. erasure. 4 rest erasure

R, E. &$ Lo. E. Eq*T-@.,qgLpq%,....,*I i"., I ,i:/!!, L. E. -~ -- Lo. E.

R. 10

Lo. E. 10 R.

59 0. k$,Bm:fl@~wy!-~&l

WVp% & m&%RA#F>,4$ 7% @$+qT,~G,;+,, .., ,, hyq~ F$~$M vest erasure. TT hkk~yy* b,*@ -...? - "14@ ,4XEW TTR- %M$X rest eraslare. Lo. E. E.q@q4

rest erasure.

Lo. E. Lo. E. R.10 10 Lo. E. R. 16 Lo. E. Lo. E.

R. 10 PI. so


Lo. E. R. 10

Pl. 3z

Omit, nristalce of scribe.

Lo. E. R. I0

C&$ rest er-re

Lo. E.

PI. sq 83 Lo. E. R.

Lo. E.

R. 10


6 "Erasure. " Brasure. R.


Lo. E.

R. 10

Lo. E. 10

R. Lo. E. R.

Lo. E. R.

*..- Omit

Lo. E. 10

R. 110


Continued R.

" omit






15 Omit, mistake of scribe. PI. 50 Lo. E. R.

10 Lo. E.

Omit, mistake oj scribe. Lo. E. 10

R. 10 Lo. E.

d, rest erasure.

rest emstme. Lo. E. 10


rest mislake of scribe. Lo. E. R. I%. 5

7 rest wasure.

Lo. E. R.

Lo. E.10 R. Lo. E.

R. I0

737 Obverse.

5 Lo. E. R.


rest emsure. Lo. E.


YZ. 64 Reverse.

Lo. E. 10 R. Lo. E. a. 10


152 0. ~yp.'t$b$q& 37#4*~ yThq%w&~pTi~&&& T TY*T+-R 7 f?@~H3~Rl%- -fy* JTW * VTPPW~ q JT-~R3% k $3 yyl%qI@*~'~#bfi * Lo. E. 4('j '@fE*43~743$9J?& 3 yu % FA Lo. E. 15 15 R. Lo. E. R. Lo. E. R. 10





l'nge 4 : Hefl Y of Ungn;td, Vo?.da?asintiscl~cScli~iflclenl~v~61r,., I rccei~eil in time to add at this placc nn r;trlier date of Iin7~diilhnn,namcly, 1-0-6 (No. 3); and n later, 18-9-28 (KO.4). Page 12, li. 1, read : "in his fonrtli year," instead of "of his fourth yea].." Page 14, li. 83, rcatl: "Sogdionus." Page 15, No. 50, read: ,151 '1 Pegc 19, li. 10, rend: Amhl, instcnrl afils~rl; ant1 li. 11, read: Bhl, instead of Bei. THE BABYLONIAN EXPEDITION THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA

P). V. Rilprecht.

~ ~-~~-~--p

2'hc follo~ui~,i/7;oloiites 7iuse haan j~iililislte

NOTE: verised C;c~.lni:li~it~lil I<'I.CIICII (:Oiiiolls i~1.cin tll,: COLIIIC (if l)~.ej)i~saLi~n.Tile tlrst p:trL of the Gaslni~ncclition (his ziiiii diifl~etei~Ua Samecs) :ipl~e;~l.r:rliu Decenlbel., 190 (d. C. J~linl.icll~,Leillzig; 12. J, llullirau 8 Co., Pl~iI;~~lclphi;r,l':~., solc :~gcntsfol. il~nrricn), 4 lli~vlrili\-crs, 5 illark ill clolli. Tirc sccr,n~li,:il.L is ill 11rcsS. I I: Early Babylonian Personal Names front the published Tablets of the so-called Ha~nmurabiDynasty, by El. lXnnlrc, 1905, b?.OO. Vol. IV: A New Boundary Stone of Nebuchadrezzar I from Nippur (with 16 halftoneiilustrstions and 36 drawings), hy Ii'illiam J. Hinlrc, 1907, $3.50.

(OT~IKI~ioi,r:ilii >?-ILL nc INKOUKCED LIT611.) All orders for Lllese books 1.0 Irc ~~ilclsesecdto THE MUSEUM OF ARCHAEOLOGY, University of Pennsylvania, PHILA'DELPHIA, PA. SOLE A<:ENT FOIL EUItOI'l:: Rudolf Merkel, Erlangen, Germany.

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