Bayshore Outfall Authority Elects Officers SEE STORY watm• ;:f Sunny, Pleasant Sunny and pleasant today. ' FINAL Clear and cool tonight. Sunny Red Bank, Freehold and warmer tomorrow. Long Branch EDITION U» PetaUi, p*» 3). Monmouth County's Home Newspaper for 90 Years VOL. 91, NO. 235 RED BANK, N. J., TUESDAY, MAY 27, 1969 22 PAGES 10 CENTS Moon Flight Date in Balance Apollo Crew Reports SPACE CENTER, Houston determine when the Apol- chuted into the Pacific yester- Apollo 10 landed less than The astronauts, 'who be- '(AP) — The Apollo 10 astro- lo 11 astronauts leave on a day, climaxing eight days in three miles from the main re- came the first men to shave nauts fly back to this space moon-landing mission. The space that one space agency covery ship, the carrier • in . space the day before, command post today for re- blastoff for that voyage is official said had "given us the Princeton. Television cam- seemed , elated as they unions with their families and scheduled at Cape Kennedy confidence to make the next eras relayed 'he scene live to stepped onto a red carpet reports to experts on all as- July 16, but space agency of- bold step." the United States and Eu- rolled across the deck. They pects of their flight around ficials said Apollo 10 raised a Dr. Thomas 0. Paine, ad- rope. danced exuberant little jigs as the moon. few questions that could delay ministrator of the National Splashdown was at 12:52 they headed for sick bay and They took off by plane it a month or two. Aeronautics and Space Ad- p.m. EDT. In one of the fast- medical examination. from Pago Pago In the Pa- The cone-shaped command ministration, said, "The real est recoveries in the U.S. Doctors reported they were cific last night for the 12-hour capsule carrying Air Force goal of the space program is space program, a helicop- in excellent physical condi- flight to Houston's Ellington Col. Thomas P. Stafford and to develop and demonstrate ter deposited the astronauts tion. Air Force Base, Navy Cmdrs. John W. Young tiie capability for inter- on the deck of the carrier 39 President Nixon, by radio- THEY ALSO SERVE .. . The wives of Apollo 10 astronauts ara all smifos dftar *h» and Eugene A. Cernan para- planetary travel. minutes later. What the astronauts report telephone from Washington, successful completion of the fantastic moon mission. Shown at their homes nasr told them, "This is a proud moment for the country." He the Manned Spacecraft Center in Houston, Tex., are, left to right:,Mrs. John W. invited the trio and their fam- Young, Mrs. Eugen» Csrnan and Mrs. Thomas P. Stafford. (AP Wire-photo.) £• ilies to the White House for dinner at a date to be set later. Vice President Spiro T. Hoops Asks Teachers Agnew also telephoned con- gratulations. After nearly six hours, on Blacks' Goals Seen? the carrier they flew by heli- copter to. a warm welcome at Pago Pago on American Sa- To Document Charges moa. Municipal Solution^ Then the astronauts board- By DORIS KULMAN the "make-up" of the student the board's. attention," he Dr. Hoops' statement took ed a C141 Starlifter for the By HALLIE SCHRAEGER have been no Incidents and John Davis, president of RED BANK - The teach- body, staff participation in said. notice of allegations that flight back to the United ; curriculum development, and , Asked if he intends to ask some high school teach- States. FREEHOLD — Solutions no arrests. the Concerned Citizens of ers who spoke at last Sun- Greater Freehold (CC), noted day's public rally on tte expenditures in each of the the NJEA to look into the al- ers are harassed by the ad- Specialists were ready to to municipal problems sought Jtarial turmoE broke out schools, so that "the public leged disregard of grievance ministration. It said, "Al- start debriefings almost im- by black resjdents "will di- here eight rights ago)r when some progress is being made, school controversy "will be but warned: "We're not tak- invited -to document their may draw its own conclu- procedures. Dr. Hoops said though it may now be regard- mediately., They want Staf- rectly benefit the entire com- two black t&enagers were sions." "nothing as formal as that." ed as harassment by some," ford, Young and Cernan to re- munity," Mayor John I- shot and wounded by a white ing any more promises. We publicly stated charges," Su- want action now. "• perintendent of Schools Robert That data, Dr. Hoops said Noting that the language of the teachers "will be invited call in detail everything about Daves said' yesterday. youfn and 140 black teenagers to document their publicly went on a window-smashing C. Hoops said yesterday. later "probably would come the board's contract with the 1 the mission—the liftoff May Mayor. Pawes. said such "What happened Mot About seven teachers spoke from the superintendent's teachers association is still stated charges.' 1?, the 76-hpur coast out to things as public housing, spree in the downtown busi- day night (May 19) was nothr at the rally, where it was dis- files. being negotiated, Dr. Hoops Most of the seven teachers trje moon, the 2J4 days in, hi; small business loans and ness district. ing. It was a prelude to.whaji closed IOT the first time that "I plan to get the data to- said "we're still in dose who spoke at the rally on nar orbit and the 54-hour re-, stricter code'. enforcement Buildup Expected could happen. In a riot, pefr the Red Bank Teachers As- gether and will give it to touch with the NJEA." (See INVITE, Fg. 3, Col. 3) turn trip.. • . , • "will help «lear tjie slums, Chief Lefkowich said, pa- pie get killed. Buildings get sociation two days before had help rid the downtown area trol's are still "slightly ljeefed burned." .',. voted "no confidence" in Dr. of blight and. attract new up, and we will probably have )Mr. Davis again urged • the Hoops. business. Rezonuig will help a buildup towards the week- formation of a Ooacern.ed Dr. Hoops' statement too." end, then taper off." (BENEFITS, Pg. 2, Cot 8), makes no reference to the Mayor Dawessaid the bor- association action. Middletown Man Is Head ough has been working for In the sharply worded state- some time on the problems. ment, Dr. Hoops declared "These, are not newt. that established grievance Ideas; tiiey-'are not ideas to Charge 5,000 procedures have been "total- favor one group over another ly ignored" by the teachers Of Bayshore Outfall Board just because one certain who publicly criticized the school system's administra- group proposed them. All are tion. He suggested the possi- By WILLIAM J. ZAORSKI The authority met with the March. It obtained special being considered as a benefit bility of a New jersey Edu- FREEHOLD — The sev- other members to become fa- legislation to do this. to the entire; community," DMZ Violations cation Association review of en-member Bayshore Outfall miliar with the ocean outfall The authority consists of said the mayor jn a telephone that. Authority held its first meet- plan, It will meet again June the 12 municipalities that are interview. , • , ,. •'" SAIGON (AP) -The U.S. mortar fire," headquarter* Asked whether the teachers Ing last night as it prepared 9. in a natural drainage area in Meetings Planned Command charged North said, but there was no report will be invited to pre- to begin work on a more than Mr. Irwin pledged the coop- Mayor' Dawes said there Vietnam with more than 5,- of any enemy casualties. the northern part of the coun 000 violations of the Demili- sent their documentation to $10 million ocean outfall line eration of the Board of Free- ty. will he various meetings this The same Marine position the superintendent or to the to serve the bayshore com- holders, the county Planning week as the borough contin- tarized Zone between had been hit by about 10 mor- The municipalities are North and South Vietnam tar rounds earlier Sunday board, Dr. Hoops replied, munities. Board and of the Sewerage Highlands, Atlantic High- ues to seek solutions to racial "That's a detail we're not Elected as president of the Advisory Authority to the unrest. since the bombing halt last and one man was wounded. lands, Middletown, Holmdel, Nov. 1. prepared to discuss at this authority was Peter F. Beil seven • man authority. Marlboro, Union Beach, Haz Meanwhile, a limited 9 p.m. "They're trying to increase point." of 167 Her Drive, Middletown. "From this moment," he let, Keansburg, Keyport, Mat to 6 a.m. curfew will con- The American Command our casualties to get the pep; Any Who Spoke Joseph N. Ehret, director of said to the members, "the awan " Borough, Matawan tinue here through the next said U.S. forces were shelled pie back home up in arms to He said "anyone who spoke the Monmouth County Sew- authority is responsible Township and Colts'Neck weekend, said Police Chief four times Sunday from the hurry up our withdrawal," erage Advisory Committee, the proposed outfall system." Henry T. Lefkowich. buffer zone. In one attack said one spokesman for me publicly" will be asked in to The authority will be re ".discuss what they're saying, will serve as temporary sec- Mr. Irwin said he thought The curfew, aimed against eight Marines were killed and U.S. Command. "It's part of so all the facts are on the retary until the authority gets that this authority was one sponsible for the construction large gatherings on the 24 wounded, the largest num- their overall strategy. > table." under way. of the most important that of an outfall sewer line in t'ne streets, prohibits groups of ber of Americans killed by "They've been stockpiling Dr. Hoops slapped at the The newly created authori- the Board of Freeholders ap- Atlantic Ocean, including all more than three persons. a rocket and mortar attack supplies right across the DMZ motivations for some teach- ty met last night in the pointed. "It was something trunk intercepting and other Chief Lefkowich said that along the northern frontier like mad since the bombing ers' criticisms of the school American Hotel here with the we looked forward to for some connections to the outfall sew- although "we are getting con- since American bombing of halt. They've never honored system. county Board of Freeholders, time," he said. er. Once this is completed, stant threats and rumors that North Vietnam was halted al- the agreement. They've used! "Any attempt by some members of the Monmouth The freeholders had formed the authority will be respon- there is going to be another most seven months ago. the DMZ as a sanctuary and teachers to cover up profes- County Sewerage Advisory the outfall authority last, (AUTHORITY, Pg. 2, Col. 2) Peter F. Bell bustup or burning," there The Marines were about 400 continue to buOd up fortifica- sional weaknesses through in- Committee and with Peter yards south of the DMZ when tions there." nuendoes, distortions and un- Homack of the Elson T. Kill- their position was hit by five American officials claim supported statements regard- am Associates, Inc. of Mill- mortar rounds. A U.S. spokes- that North Vietnam agreed to ing children, the community, burn, consulting engineers, man said the mortars set off keep the DMZ free of mill- the Board' of Education and which recommended the ocean JCPL Says Towers Can Be some of the Marines' am- tary action in return for the the administrative and super- outfall plan. munition, and this apparently bombing halt. Hanoi said it visory staff should be publicly Importance Cited caused some of the casualties. made no agreement and; that aired and volidated," the "This was a very important Marine artillery fired back the bombing halt was uncon- statement declares. meeting," said Freeholder into the DMZ "silencing toe ditional. The statement calls for Director Joseph C. Irwin, add- Erected Without Easement making public data gathered ing that this was a step in over the last 10 years in such the right direction concerning By PAUL KERN more "normal" and although mistakenly included a 34,500- prohibitively expensive, Mr. areas as academic progress sanitation and pollution in the NEWARK - A vice presi- it would prefer an easement, volt line twice. He told the Aslaksen, when confronted Of the students, changes in county. dent of Jersey Central Power the power company will pro- PUC he had; found his error with an article from the Council Sets Up Its & Light Co. yesterday told ceed on a rental basis if the while going over the figures August, 1968 issue of "Elec- the Public Utilities Commis- easement request is turned since the earlier hearing tric World," agreed DC un- 9 sion the power company in- down. when he was on the stand derground cables were feas- tends to proceed with its tow- Mr. Sims told the PUC that from 10 a.m. until 4:30 p.m., ible and could cost less then 'Shop in West Side ers, with or without PUC ap- William T. Osborne, JCP&L's excluding a short period for the AC circuits planned." The Inside Story proval of its easement re- attorney, had advised him statements by interested According to the article, KED BANK - The Bor- forcement officer part-time, ough Council moved its work- ana in response to an audi- Profile on a wife of an author _ Page 8 quest. variances were not needed in parties. which was entered into the Later in the day, Carroll any of the towns along the He also corrected his testi- record and which Mr. Aslak- shop meeting out into public ence question, explained that Engagements-Weddings _ — Page 9 Aslaksen, JCP&L head trans- right of way. mony concerning the location sen said he had read and and over to the west side last the most likely candidate for BBHS' Fanone no-Mts BBC _ , Page 14 missions and distributions On April 28, JCP&L was of faults in underground cable agreed with;; a high voltage night, and a fair-sized group the job would be someone Roses' Marzulla authors gem Page 14 systems engineer, corrected fined in Shrewsbury Munici- and testified his statement DC system is in use in En- of adults and teenagers came with fire-fighting experience. Hazlet lad Soap Box Derby king _ Page 15 downwards his underground pal Court for proceeding that'a lead sheath is required gland for distances as short to the Community Center to In response to another as 12 miles. listen and question. question, the mayor said ex- Ocean eliminated from state tourney _.., Page 15 transmission cost figures of without either applying to around underground cables is the May 6 hearing by over the borough building inspec- incorrect. One of the first items on terior staircases aren't re- Bed Bank annexes 'B' track crown Page is However, Mr. Aslaksen the agenda was the proposed ?2.7f million. tor for a. building permit or When Mr. Osborne request- stated that although the cost quired for buildings Jess.than Allen-Goldsmith 6 Sports - M, 15 Robert H. Sims, a vice pres- applying for a variance to ed tfiat the company's witness ordinance creating the post ol three stories high. of the cable and installation code enforcement officer, Amusements SI Stock Market _ 5 ident since 1965, explained erect a tower more than 30 be allowed to correct his for DC is only one-third the The council heard com- Successful Investing 5 JCP&L proceeded building feet tall. The Shrewsbury previous testimony before which was referred to the fir« plaints that Bridge and Astro Guide :..~20 cost of a Comparable AC and the public grounds com- Births - 2 Surf, Field, Stream 15 its towers before getting PUC case is pending on appeal in cross-examination, M ilton circuit, he felt the costs of Leighton Aves. "are race- Television 21 permission because he Monmouth County Court and Mausner, a Red Bank attor- mittees for study. tracks." Councilman Theo- Bridge 20 the special terminal equip- The Fire Prevention Bu- The Chuck Wagon 15 Women's News ...8, 9 thought it "remote" that the judgment is' awaited on a ney representing the nine- ment required could out- dore J. Labrecque Jr., police commission would turn down similar case in New Shrews- town Municipal Public Ser- weigh the savings. He added reau, which is studying the or- committee chairman, said he Classified 16-19 DAILY REGISTER dinance, too, is expected to will investigate the lack of Comics 20 its request to buy a right of bury Municipal Court vice Coordinating Committee he had not conducted any PHONE NUMBERS way from the Central Rail- Cut SZ Million objected strongly. report before the council's speed limit signs on Bridge Crossword Puzzle 26 Main Office 741-0918 studies of underground DC road of New Jersey. Mr. Aslaksen testified his Seen Feasible and did not know of any in June 2 public meeting, Mayor Ave. and inquire into the pos- Editorials 6 Classified Ads .741-6900 $21 million plus figure for Although he had said the Daniel J. O'Hern explained. sibility of setting up the po* Hertlock 6 Home Delivery 741-0010 He added that a rental use in this country although agreement, which does not the installation of under- cost of running DC current there are overhead DC He said the ordinance (See COUNCIL, Pg. 2, Col. 1) James KUpatrick 6 Middletown Bureau ..671-2250 ground cables had been re- underground for distances would provide for a code en- Movie Timetable 21 Freehold Bureau 462-2121 Tcqulre PUC approval,is cables in California. Windjammer ' ^ Final Clearance. All merchan- vised to $19,066,000 since the less then 300 miles would be Alfred Magyar, JCP&L Just arrived — New line of At the Shore Hills Motel, Obituaries ._ 2 k 4 Long Branch Bureau 222-0010 May 6 hearing when he had Sylvia Porter 6 Sports Department ..741-01)17 dise half price or better. Clos- Learn To Dance planning engineer, and the Wicker Furniture. The Wicker Ocean Ave., Sea bright. Sur- ing May 31. The Passport, Tennis Clinic, 5 weeks $15. Be- Latin, American, Discotheque. last witness on the stand yes- Barn, Kt. 34, Colts Neck. Tues- prise every Wed. Pool, bar Shrewsbury. (Adv.) ginning ladies, 531-9874 ,(Adv.). 741-1820. (Adv.) ,(See TOWERS, Pg. 2, Col. 1) Sat. 10 to 5 462-8855. . (Adv.) opens this Fri. (AdvJ -THE DAILY REGISTER, RED BANK • MIDDLETOWN, N. J.: TUESDAY, MAY 27, 1969-

a. Sandman Says He'll Carry 16 Counties By BOB DUBILL from the best information blank deed and that, his at- lie was majority leader for that," he said daring a lun- "I worked my heart out for Sandman once bitterly r 5WARK (AP. — Charlie available to me the week be- torney, now deceased, had in- two years and served two cheon interview. "My cam- him." he said. feuded with Sen. Frank S. Jdman confidently predicts fore the election." serted the restrictions after- years as president of the Sen- paign is built on meeting peo- Four yedrs later, when the ,"Hap" Farley, dean of the {twill carry 16 of Nevr jer- No Income Tax ward. ate. He is in his second term ple. They believe in me and State GOP Screening Com- state Senate and powerful 'jj's 21 counties in next The stocky, black - haired Negroes' Protection in the U.S. House of Repre- work'for me. No one can with' mittee met to choose a can- Atlantic County leader. But sday's election tot the Re- congressman is considered "The Negro truthfully needs sentatives. a few handshakes overcome didate Sandman counted he says he has a "very pleas- * publican gubernatorial riom- the one "conservative" in the more protection than anyone Lost in 1965 what I've done in four years. Jones in his corner. ant relationship" with Hap i lnation. five-man field. else as far as law enforce- He tried for the Republican When I announced in Atlantic "Two nights before the com- and "it's probable "my plu- * "I've got a pretty good rec- "The largest issue by far ment is concerned. Because gubernatorial nomination in City last November that I mittee met he told me I'd be rality in Atlantic County will i ord on predictions," the 48- is the economy of the state the people who have been 1965 but was defeated by Sen. was running for governor 3,- happy with Bergen County's be the highest of any county 000 people from all over the ; year-old congressman from and the threat that the peo- hurt the most have been the Wayne Dumont by a whisker. vote. But 'ne knew he had in the whole state for any can- Negroes. The kind of law en- state came to hear me." made a deal and convenient- . Cape May County asserted. ple will be getting an Income Sandman.ran on a "no tax" didate." . ~* He pointed oat ttat ha pre- tax," Sandman said. "And forcement I intend to give pledge while Dumont, the or- He hopes to carry heavily ly left the country. He was rrrlicted disaster for the 1965 I'm going to be elected be- does not discriminate. This ganization candidate, advocat- Republican Bergen County trying to deadlock the com- Sandman, who was a boxer ""•; Republican gubernatorial cause the people know I'm is all the Negro or anybody ed a sales tax. Republicans even though the county orga- mittee because he thought in the early 1940s, fought in •"r^ndidate, that the-state sales their best bet for defeating else wants." charged that Sandman ran in nization there is backing Ca- he would be the compromise the Golden Gloves tournament would send the Demo- an income tax." On college disturbances, he the primary after pledging to hill. against me hi the screening and for the Diamond Belt in te overwhelming defeat He listed law and order as vows, "No classroom any- abide by the choice of a party Score to Settle committee. If they voted for Philadelphia. He was defeat- • legislature in 1967 and the other major issue. where is going to be closed screening committee. Sand- "I have as much ambition me I would have been select- ed by a fighter who went on Richard Nixon would "The people buy my ap- or barricaded while I am gov- man retorted that Dumont to win there as anywhere. I ed on the third ballot. I. don't to become amateur middle- ' New Jersey and the na- proach which is a hard line ernor." agreed to back off his sales have an old score to settle like to be laughed at." weight champion. Charles W. Sandman in 1968 because people approach," Vie said emphati- To hear his opponents tell tax pledge and that only af- with a guy up there," he said fed up with the Jdinn- cally. it, "Charlie started running ter he didn't did he enter the with a touch of sarcasm., son Administration's fiscal Sandman shrugged off sug- for governor the day he was race himself. The Bergan County Repuh- policies. gestions that he is unpopular born." , The organization he put to- lican chairman is Nelson Benefits Seen in Black Goals •"'•; "Cahill will win Camden with Negroes. A charge that Sandman chuckles at this. gether for the 1965 primary- Gross, but Sandman insists '• "9fid Burlington Counties by surfaced down the home- But he concedes, "I wanted built around C-W-S groups, that Gross is Walter Jones' (Continued) face, without self-pity and Community Action Program ' "& whisker," he said of U.S. stretch of the campaign ac- to be governor of New Jersey Citizens With Sandman — man. White Parents group, which without prejudice . . . (MCAP), 25 Broad St. ^; Bep. William T. Cahill, a ri- cused him of placing racial for a long time. I've got a forms the nucleus of his orga- Sandman was campaign black residents have been ad- "Whether one considers Tomorrow at 7 p.m., the )" va] for the nomination. "And restrictions in deeds on land lot of experience in govern- nization this year. , . manager for Jones, a former vocating since the formation housing, job opportunities, CC and some youthful resi- .'. .(he three other 'favorite sons' he sold 20 years ago. Sand- ment and I can make some "They're mostly volunteers. primary for governor. Sand- of a Concerned Black Parents education or relative income, dents who are interested in * will each win their own coun- man calls this "rotten poli- improvements in the state." I don't spend a lot of money man claimed he delivered all group last week. the main issue is that black receiving training as junior .. tyv That's the way I see it tics." He said he signed a While in the state Senate, on billboards and things like of South Jersey to Jones. Mr. Davis said the proposed people come out second best. nurses or nurses' aides will Youth Center to be operated These seeds of discontent meet at the Masonic Temple, at the site of the Hullabaloo, have been sown too deep and, Ave. A, with a representative Broad St., will "probably be cultivated too long for any of the Job Corps at Camp Little Silver Conservation open Friday night." temporary palliative to ar- Kilmer and two junior nurses The Weather ' The mayor and council rest. We want something con- he is bringing with him. have tentatively approved a crete and we must act now. Black residents have request- •;;- Mostly sunny and pleasant TIDES 'Must Be Flexible' ed that the borough provide :•.•:;. today, high 70-75 except in the Sandy Hook dance hall license for the Unit Would Save Open Space proposed Youth Center, sub- ". . . Can we find a mean- special funds for such train- ' •• v 60s along the immediate TODAY - High 5:24 p.m. ingful solution to our prob- ing for high school dropouts. coast. Clear, not as cool to- and low 11:42 p.m. LITTLE SILVER. - May- ject to a certificate of insur- be reserved for each 1,000 the future the Conservation lem or do we take to the Tomorrow night is also night, low in the 40s inland- or Gordon Litwin last night ance and an outline of regu- TOMORROW - High 5:42 population." Commission plans to contact streets in despair? Let us Candidates' Night. Candi- to "mid 50s along the immedi- announced recipt of the rec- individual land owners and lations. The list of members a.m. and 6:12 p.m. and low The commission also stated come' to realize that these dates for borough offices will ate coast. Tomorrow mostly ommendations of the borough make known the advantages who will form the non- 11:48 a.m. and ... p.m. "with a predicted population are changing times and we address the CC at 8:30 p.m., sunny and warmer, high in Conservation Commission in of 7,000 people in the near fu- of donating their property for profit cooperative is not yet the 70s to low 80s inland but For Red Bank and Rumson must be flexible and bend Mr. Davis said. bridge, add two hours; Sea eluding its recommendations ture, it is apparent that civic ownership, and to con- available, Mr. Davis said. lojfer along the immediate duct an educational campaign Squad Commended with the wind or we will Mrs. Theressa Elliott, as-. . Bright, deduct 10 minutes; for the upcoming master prompt action is needed to re- break. Our teenagers are coijst. Thursday's outlook, serve and acquire an ad- which will point out to the sistant director of the MCAP Long Branch, deduct 15 min- plan. Mr. Davis commended the groping for. some measure of sajjny and quite warm. ditional 40 or more acres taxpayer that the acqui- center, said t'nat in addition utes; Highlands bridge, add - In a letter to the mayor, First Aid Squad, which met change; a change that will IngElberon, yesterday's high Dirk W. VanNest, commis- now." sition of open space will result to 1^0 jobs available through wjjg 69 degrees and the low 40 minutes. again privately with the CC make them better men and sion chairman, recommended -As part of its survey, the in a lower cost to the town the Neighborhood Youth wig 52. It was 61 at 6 p.m. last night. women of tomorrow. And commission listed all the land than if the land were devel- Corps there are 43 federal £3886 overnight low was 48 and "10 acres of open space "They are making a hu- they realize in this day and the borough owns and all the oped with houses. jobs open under the Youth '^the' temperature at 7 this man change," Mr. Davis, said in thjs town of Freehold that Authority "• Mrs. Frances Cabot • privately owned undeveloped "In addition... This Com- Opportunity Campaign at morning was 50. of the aidmen, "so we can only through cooperative ef- Fort Monmouth and Earle (Continued) KEANSBURG-Mrs. Fran- property. It recommended to mission makes the recom- really feel we are accom- fee mayor that the borough mendation that legislation be forts can we move on to bet- Naval Ammunition Depot. ;.::,'.;,::•. MARINE sible for the operation and ces Cabot, 76, of 1 Church St., plishing something. ter things. died Sunday in Riverview acquire the additional 40 enacted to preserve the na- The federal jobs pay $1.60 an May to Block Island: maintenance of the system. "If the Fire Department is hour, 40 'flours a week, for rtherly winds about ten • Hospital, Red Bank. acres as its "minimal recom- tural state of the stream "Black people have been The Consulting engineering mendation." banks and shore line by pro- forced to change, it still won't permitted to acquire almost nine weeks between June 23 becoming onshore 10-15 •• Mrs. Cabot was born in accomplish t'ne same thing as firm had recommended the Mayor Litwin commented hibition of bulkheading, land- none of the requisites for sur- and Aug. 29 and MCAP will i knots this afternoon, variable New York City, daughter of the First Aid Squad. Sooner provide free bus transporta- *%ut, 10 knots tonight, be- development of a comprehen- the late . Patrick and Mol- that as much as the borough fill and building within cer- vival in a turbulent, fiercely tain distances of the stream or later they are going tion, Mrs. Elliott said. To be k southwesterly 10-20 , sive outfall sewer line to ly Nolan, and was a commu- would like the additional land, competitive society, which unless some large areas are bank" to preserve "the-na- to have to meet with us to hasn't changed muc'n since eligible, one must be a high > tomorrow. Fair weather discharge about VA miles nicant of St.. Ann's Catholic work out a human, working i'possibility five miles or donated, the commission's tural beauty of the waterfront they were freed from the school or college student who Church here. She was the wid-. areas ... and the ecology of relationship. will go back to school in the er, except briefly lower in out into* file Atlantic Ocean.. ow of Edward Cabot. recommendations' would have bondage of physical slavery. early morning haze tomor- The construction of the pipe to be "thinned out" before the the estuarine zone which has (Public hearings on an or- "I say physical slavery be- fall, must meet poverty cri- Surviving are a son, Ed- been proven necessary for the teria and must not have par- row. line will be done in stages, ward Cabot of New York City, council acts. dinance governing member- cause the black man still is- survival of fish and wildlife." ship policies in the Freehold ents who are federally em- with the first to be m use by and several nieces and nep'n- However, in its letter, the n't free. commission stated, "In Fire Department have been "This is what we are about, ployed. next year or 1971. The sec- ews. Maw Saved by Wife A Requiem Mass for Mrs. scheduled here June 4 and 5 about being free — free to , More jobs a»"" -"»ded,' and Towers ond stage which, includes Cabot will be offered Thurs- vFelix Villamayor In Navesink River by the New Jersey Division work for a decent and living the borough Y . ?n asked on Civil Rights.) (Continued) ...;•.. Union Beach, is expected to day jit 8 -4-m. in St. Ann's , KEANSBURG - Felix vu- RED BANK - A local man wage, free to live in decent to help supply thc;:i. terday testified'if the power combine fyiflgthe third ipitt§ ChUB^-fiBHcSavwill $j in St. lamaybr, 70, of 21 Locust St., was hospitalized!"lastinight Mr. Davis said of the First housing, and free to get a A fund-raising campaign to company added two 34,500- includes Matawan Borough, " Raymond's Cemetery, Bronx, died Saturday at his home. after he was saved from Aid Squad meetings, "Tem- good education equal to that help defray medical and hos- drowning by his wife while he pers flared and everything, of our white counterparts, pital .expenses for the two volt lines on existing towers, Matawan Township and Key- N. Y., under the direction of Mr. Villamayor was born in . northeastern M o n m o u t h the John J. Ryan Home for the Philippine Islands and was diving for a set of keys but we ended up making hu- and free to be a good citizen wounded black youths contin- County would be within 18 port. Funerals, Keansburg. was a retired cook. He was a in the Nave'sink River at the man agreements." There was in t'ne community in which" ues. kilowatts o fthe 390,000 kilo- Mr. Homack said that con- member of the U.S. Maritime : Coast Yacht Works, Bodman no report' after last night's" we live . . ? Contributions for Dean Lew- •*;• watts the power company struction costs have gone up John Holly Union, New York City. Place. night's meeting and no report "If our borough is to reach is, 8 Monmouth Ave., who re- George Baisley, 25 of 233 ..sejftimates will be needed in and that the outfall line" KEANSBURG — John Hol- There are no survivors. is expected until after a final its potential, it must get its mains in fair condition to- ;•'* area by 1975 without the A High Requiem Mass for Spring St. was diving for lost agreement is reached. priorities straight and decide day at Jersey Shore Medical might be 10 to 15 per cent . ly, 57, of 340 Main St., died -i:2JO,000-yolt circuits in ques- yesterday at his home after a Mr. vniamayor will be of- keys when he failed to sur- A call to action came from what is important, and do Center, Neptune, after losing tion. His objection to adding higher than the estimated short illness. fered tomorrow at 10 a.m. in face, according to police. His another black resident, John that . . ." an eye and for Leroy Klnsey, the two additional circuits to $10.2 million. Costs for pipe He was born in New York St. Ann's Catholic Church wife and an unidentified per- D. Jackson, 12 Bond St., who Meeting Is Tonight Factory St., home recovering the existing towers is that line have not increased as City, son of the late Thomas here. Interment will be in Mt. son pulled him to safety. The yesterday urged t'ne black Mr. Davis said there will from neck wounds, may be if the power company has- Red Bank First Aid Squad that for treatment plants, he and Margaret Brandon Holly, Olivet Cemetery, Middletown, and white communities here be a special CC meeting to- i sent to the MCAP center in , problems with one of the ex- and had resided here, for five under the direction of the transported him to Riverview to "come .to grips with our- night at 8:30 at the Western care of Mrs. Elliott or Rich- said. isting transmission systems, years. He was a communi- John J. Ryan Home for Fu- Hospital where he was ad- selves, put away all pretense Monmouth Neighborhood Ser- ard W. Kelley, center direc- the additional lines would The consulting, engineer cant of St? Ann's Catholic nerals, Keansburg. mitted. and meet each other face to vice Center of t'ne Monmouth tor. likely go out with whichever told the authority that the Church and a veteran of system they were attached state requires a 200 to 1 dilu- World War II. He had been - to, tion and that this makes pol- employed as a truck driver ' However, he also-testified lution practically non-ex- by Dora's Transport Co., if the Taylors Mills substa- istent and_wiUJiave no^ effect North Bergen^ and w tion is-built in Middletown, on the Beaches. inembenjnocaruniSir 560, it would increase the capac- Brotherhood of Teamsters, ity of existing circuits and He said that the county Jersey City. could make a difference. formed the authority after the Mr. Holly is survived by his Councilman Robert C. Neff municipalities involved sug- widow, Mrs. Theresa O'Brien of. Shrewsbury was present gested that the county should Holly; three sons, John, Rob- :af"the hearing, representing handle the job instead of the- • eft and. Joseph Holly, all at the borough. municipalities. home; three daughters, Sister The hearing was continued Others on the authority are John Theresa of Peekskill, to Thursday. Geroge H. Leddy of 104 E. N. Y., Mrs. Patricia Kitson, Washington Ave., Atlantic here, and Miss Kathleen Hol- Highlands; John T. Donohue lv, at home: two brothers, Council of 22 Ayrmont Lane, Mata- Maurice Holly of New York wan; George H. Weis of 18 City and Daniel Holly of Rich- (Continued) Wigwam Road, Middletown; mond Hill, N. Y., and two sis- ters, Mrs. Ella 'Hogan of lice radar on those two Warren E. Baumgartner of Ozone Park, N. Y. and Mrs. streets. 2 Knollwood Road, Holmdel; The center's executive di- Elizabeth McKeon of Brook- Fred M. MacGregor Jr. of. rector, Aaron Knight, re- lyn,'N. Y. 511 Palmer Ave., Hazlet and quested permission for a pa- A Solemn High Reouiem rade from Marine Park to the James M. Fernandez of 52 Shrewsbury Ave., Highlands. Mass will be offered Friday Center on Saturday after- at St. Ann's Church. Inter- noon, July 12, as part of its Mr. Irwin said that the ment will be in Mt. Olivet first anniversary celebration. freeholders were very appre- Cemetery, Middletown Town- ;• "I know the merchants pre- ciative and grateful that the ship, under the direction of fer Sunday, but I'm sure men agreed to become mem- the John J. Ryan Home for something can be worked bers of fne authority. Funerals, Keansburg. out," Mayor O'llern said. The success of the center and (he improvement of its physical facilities "is gratify- ing jo us," the mayor told County Births the audience, which included members of the i center's board of directors. RIVERVIEW MONMOUTH MEDICAL Red Bank "thus is a tremendous re- Long Branch payment of the confidence Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Sobin. you shewed in the council 7neT MadeliiieToifflKowski) Mr. and Mrs. Johnathan and the confidence the tax- 57 Campbell Ave., Port Mon- mouth, daughter, Saturday. Otis (nee Victoria Adams), payers showed in the com- 390 Ocean Ave., Long Branch, munily center," Mayor Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Har- O'Hern said. "You arc mak- rigan (nee Jayne Hallahan) son, Friday. ing a genuine contribution to 48 Matawan Ter., Matawan, Mr. and Mrs. Alfonso Zobbi son, yesterday. the welfare of the whole com- (nee Rachel Hines), 69 Cot- munity and 1 wish to,thank Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Da- Ten years ago this man's heart would have stopped cold. you for that." vidson (nee Joyce Williams), tage Place, Long Branch, 41 Farm Road, Middletown, daughter, yesterday. There was no "Pacemaker" a invention of the transistor miniature TVs, small computers son, yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Eagle* Kiles Tonight JERSEY SHORE MEDICAL decade ago. But there is now. helped make the Pacemaker and, of course, the ever-present LONG BRANCH - Me- Neptune Szemzenstein (nee Mary Andthis small electrical device possible. In fact, the transistor transistor radio. morial services will be held Mr.1 and Mrs. Edward Ben- Huha), 35 Bradley Ave^, in the Long Branch Lodge of nett (nee Barbara Boscko), Oceanporl, son, yesterday. keeps this man's hearfbeating opened up the entire field At the telephone company, [iagles headquarters, 191 Freehold, daughter, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph John- regularly. of microelectronics, space we do more than just help Broadway at 8 o'clock to- Mr. and Mrs. Steve Lamar night. (nee Mable Brown), 426 Cor- spn (nee Katherine New- Bell Telephone Laboratories* exploration equipment, people talk. New Jersey Bell/ Harold Kchaaff will conduct lies Ave., Neptune, daughter, man), 261 Ocean Ave., West Put if thi NatiomMi Bill Spun \ Wie memorial rites. yesterday. • • End, son, yesterday. | -THE DAILY REGISTER, RED BANK • MTDDLETOWN, K I: TUESDAY, MAY 27, 1969. 3 Top of the News A Manalapan Resident

WASHINGTON — Any de-escalation of the Vietnam war short of actual troop withdrawals from the battlefields Is Bell's'Good Citizen' I would be so complicated as to be impossible to carry out, NEWARK - New Jersey Mercy Catholic Church in En- j according to While House sources. Bell has named E. Michael glishtown. J So, the sources indicated, there appears little prospect Gall of Manalapan as its Mr. Gall is serving his sec- •for reducing the war's scale as long as Hanoi refuses a mu- "Good Citizen" for May. ond year as. vice chairman xiual troop pullout and enemy attacks continue. Mr. Gall, who is sales man- of the Manalapan Township The sources pointed to the heavy fighting over Dong ager in the company's cen- Industrial Commission. Un- Ap Bia Hill as an indication of the difficulty in any attempt tral area headquarters in der his direction, a brochure , to cut down the American battle efforts. And they posed a Trenton, joined New Jersey on Manalapan was complet- series of questions to illustrate the dilemma President Nixon Bell in 1955 and has been ac- ed last November for distri- would face if he decided to reduce the fighting level unilat- tive in numerous community bution to industrial realtors erally. , and church organizations. and businessmen in New Jer- sey and New York. If the United States made a policy decision not to at- Joseph J. Riley, general tack the hill or any other piece of terrain, how would we manager of the telephone In 1967, he represented communicate this to the other side? Would we tell them company's central area, will Gov. Richard J. Hughes and we have;issued orders not to attack certain hills? What present Mr. Gall a certificate Commissioner Roe as a mem- would,, we do when they took advantage of areas made off and desk set following a lun- ber of the New Jersey Trade lmiits to American forces? cheon in Battleground Coun- Mission to .Mexico and Cen- r try Club, Freehold, tonight. tral America. ' ,',-••""' Withdrawal of units, the sources said, is the best route Among the guests will be toward reduction of violence. "We have offered a mecha- He is president of the Free- MUSIC MAKERS SCHOLARSHIP — Mrs. Bruce Whitenack, president of fta Mon- Robert A. Roe, State Com- hold Kiwanis, a member of . nism which is immediate, automatic and can be guaranteed moufh Regional Music Makers, presents group's $250 scholarships to two Mon- missioner of Conservation the Freehold American Le- to de-escalate," they added. and Economic Development; mouth Regional High School students, David Stern, 17, center, of 111 Glenwood gion Post and baseball coach Mayor Thomas Whalen of of the Clifton American Le- No Evidence of Murder Found Drive, Naw Shrewsbury, and William Eggers, 17, of 21 Sossolin Ave., Ft. Mon- Manalapan; John Wetten, gion Post. E. Michael Gall governor of Kiwanis Interna- NEWAHK .— An Essex County grand jury investigating mouth, at banquet last night in the Rsd Sank Methodist Church. A graduate of Clifton High tional, and the Rev. John social committee, and a mem- r the fatal arsenic poisoning of Louis B. Saperstein has said (Register Staff Photo) School, Mr. Gall was elected Petri, pastor of Our Lady of ber of its Holy Name Society it found "no evidence" the insurance broker was murdered. a charter member of the The jury made its announcement Monday in Superior and Ecumenism Board. As a Clifton Hall of Fame in 1967 member of the hujjding Court. The panel also announced that its investigation un- for his athletic feats in the 1 covered schemes of loansharking and cheek-kiting, a system fund committee for the new Invite Teachers' Statements mid-and late 1940's. He is the St. Thomas More Churcl in of withdrawing funds from one bank to cover overdrafts in only Clifton High alumnus to another. (Continued) Manalapan, he has helped izing and strengthening the terns and teaching load. and administration. The pres- make All-State in football, raise $228,000 in pledges., Sunday are River Street educational offerings, and im- "7. Expenditures in each ent difficulty may well pro- baseball and basketball, and Mr. Ga)l lives with his wife, Ponder Nixon's Election Call School teachers who have al- proving educational facilities. served as captain of all three ready resigned or plan to. building for instructional sup- vide tine new starting point Connie, and their foun, chil- SAIGON — Growing concern was evident in South Viet- That was the Sard's pri- teams. They recited recommenda- plies, textbooks, furniture and for, the entire community to dren, Coleen, Kevin, Michael nam's parliament and the Saigon press today about Presi- mary oDjective in hiring Dr. He is a charter member and Kelly, at 33 Tamarook tions they said faculty com- join in an effort to build a dent Nixon's call for elections as part of his eight-point Viet- Hoops "and subsequently oth- equipment, etc. , and first president of the Drive; mittees made to Dr. Hoops school program that puts the nam peace proposal. er school administrators," My study of the history of Clifton "C" sports club, and New Jersey Bell established for improvement of curricu- Mr. Canzona said. interests of our young people In his May 14 Vietnam policy speech, Nixon proposed the Red Bank schools indi- has served on the Clifton the "Good Citizen" award in lum, discipline and commu- Dr. Hoops statement fol- cates that there has been a first. To this end, I solicit Mental Health Board. 1967 to recognize active and elections "as soon as possible" after an international body nity relations, and alleged the constructive cooperation was functioning to supervise a mutual withdrawal of U.S., lows: long pattern of tension be- Active in Our Lady of Mer- retired employes who-Make that t'fle superintendent hasn't tween certain staff members, of all members of the com- outstanding contributions to North Vietnamese and other foreign troops from the South. done anything about them. "The opportunity to put be- cy Church in Ertglishtown, lie fore the public all the, facts and the Board of Education munity. is chairman of the church's their communities. <• The elections would be held under "agreed procedures" Reportedly, the teachers relating to matters in the lo and under supervision of the international body. Nixon said decided to speak at the public cal schools is welcomed b the United States is "prepared to accept any government in rally after reading newspa- Soiith Vietnam that results from the free choice of the South . me. The community is inter- per stories quoting school Vietnamese people themselves." ested, first and foremost, board member Clarence S. good teaching. Any attempi Gale as saying the board had- by some teachers to cover u College Group Pleads Innocent n't any plan to meet with professional weaknessei teachers Wao are quitting the HAOKBNSACK - A St. Peter's College student and through innuendoes, distor- system. faculty group pleaded innocent yesterday to contempt of tions, and unsupported state- court charges issued against them during a sit-in at the Mr. Gale heads the board's ments regarding children, th college last week. personnel committee which is community, t'ne Board i The 42 persons, including nine teachers, said they will conducting an inquiry into Education and the admini call more than 40 witnesses during the Superior Court teacher resignations and trative and supervisory stafi hearings in an attempt to prove their innocence. The hear- charges of faculty - adminis- should be publicly aired ani BILL CAHIL ings will continue Tuesday. tration strife. validated. Although it ma; The committee has metnow be regarded as harass- Girl's Kidnaper Gets life with a group of students, six ment by some, staff member: teachers representing the as- will be invited to documeni DECATUR, Ga. — A praying jury has convicted Gary sociation, and with the ad- Steven Krist of the $500,000 ransom kidnaping of coed Bar- their publicly stated charg- ministrative supervisory unit. es. bara Jane Mackle, but spared his life because of elaborate But it hasn't scheduled a steps taken to keep the victim alive in a buried box. meeting with teachers who "With regard to specific Krist, 24, who had predicted the death penalty which the are leaving this year. charges and concerns, thi state asked, was given a life sentence Monday night on the , Teachers Association presi- board has me right to knov jury's recommendation for mercy. Normally a life term dent Richard Mundrane said If they are not being proper- may be reviewed for parole in seven years in Georgia. ly dealt with. However, th S AN 8 TIME last nignt that grievance pro- cedures "haven't been ig- most singular fact in thi Detectives Cleared In Slaying nored, they've not been suc- matter is the relative ab NEW BRUNSWICK — Three Middlesex County Sher- cessful." sence of specifics from staf members. Further, proce iff's detectives have been cleared in connection with the He said the lack of success dures jointly developed by thi fatal shooting of a young Hillside insurance agent. is due to two factors: the Red Bank Teachers Associa- Middlesex County Sheriff John J. Flanagan said yester- procedures haven't worked tion and the Board of Educa- day it was clear the actions of the three detectives were too well and the teach- tion have been totaUy ig' "compatible with the performance of their duties." ers haven't turned to them. nored. Tiiis disregard of pro The three, Rudolph Johnson, Chester Zarnowski and Mr. Mundrane noted that Robert Belluscio had a 10-mile auto chase with 22-year-old fessional procedure place; "the teachers who spoke Sun- the board in a very awkwari Kevin Brennan on May 17. day are''leaving the system." WINNER! position and makes an objec "At the present time, I tive study of the probiem Los Angles Vote Seen Big don't think people who are most difficult. This action LOS ANGELES — The biggest turnout of city voters in leaving the system now would would also seem to compro- AND HE KNOWS HOW TO FIGHT CRIME history was predicted for the runoff election today between be around long enough to ex- mise the professional integri Mayor Sam Yorty, seeking a third term, and his Negro ercise a grievance pro- ty of the vast majority of the challenger, Thomas Bradley. cedure," he said. staff. I would be happy to City Clerk Bex Layton estimated that 70 to 75 per cent Mr. Mundrane said he have the leadership of the Of the registered voters in the nation's third largest muni- thinks published statements New Jersey Education Asso- cipality would cast ballots in the nonpartisan electio'n. mat the board hadn't any ciation review this matter. Bill Cahill is a former FBI Agent. He's served As Camden County Both Yorty, 59, and Bradley, 50, are Democrats, but plans to consult with teachers "The end result of all staff Bradley, a city councilman and former police lieutenant, leaving the system.1 "proba- efforts should be . measured Prosecutor and Deputy Attorney General of New Jersey. As a six- won the strong backing of Democratic leaders. : bly affected the decision" of by the progress of our young the teachers who spoke at the people in the schools. To this term member of Congress he's sponsored and fought for tough anti- Weber's Defender Calls More rally. end, the following kinds of ^NEWARK — A defense attorney at the extortion trial "I think some felt they had data, gathered over the las' of union leader Peter W. Weber says he expects to call to take a direct action," 'ne 10 years, should be publicly crime laws. _ #.: ^_^.-__~. "seven or eight more witnesses" before concluding the case. said. aired so that t'ne public may Joseph Hayden, one of Weber's two attorneys, made the The school controversy draw its own conclusions: statement to U.S. District Court Judge Reynier J. Worten- erupted at the May 13 school board meeting when 17 teach- "1. Academic progress ol dyke when the trial resumed yesterday. Hayden also ex- students in each school and pressed hope that the case will go to the jury late next ers resigned and more than 50 high school students at- at each grade level. Bill Cahill doesn't just talk about fighting crime. He fights it. And week. "2. Changes in the 'make- tended to urge a board in- "•"I! vestigation of teacher turn- up' of the student body. he has recently pledged an all-out attack on organized crime. Case Wants Judges' Tally over and t'ne faculty - admin- "3. Specific program WASHINGTON - Senate advocates of a strict new istration tensions allegedly changes introduced at indi- ethics law are proposing now that judges — along with prompting instructors to quit. vidual schools and grade lev- every other federal official making more than % 18,000 year- At least two more River els. ly — publicly disclose how they make extra money and Street School teachers have "4. Individual staff partici- how much. resigned since, citing condi- pation in curriculum develop- He will wipe out the mobsters who with the h e 1 p of corrupt public Sen. Clifford P. Case, R-N.J., already sponsor of a tions at that school. The ment! textbook selection and broad disclosure measure covering Congress and the ex- teachers have sent a copy of in-service training programs. officials, are now milking $500 million a year from our urban poor. ecutive branch of government, proposed today an amend- their letters of resignation to "5 Professional upgrading ment applying the same rules to the federal judiciary. each board member. efforts by staff members The sweeping financial disclosure plan has the support of through particination in Sunday's rally was attend- Senate Majority Leader Mike Mansfield, D-Mont. worktops, graduate lev- ed by more than 300 persons el studies, etc. wiio voted overwhelmingly Pro Football Makes TV Pact for an investigation of the . "6. Analysis of staffing pat- He will end a situation that has become so serious that the Deputy NEW YORK - For a "realistic price" the world of pro- school system by an outside fessional football entered prime time television with the an- professional agency. J>irector of the President's Crime Commission recently testified; "Of- nouncement that the American Broadcasting Co. had agreed The board and the Teach- ^ to view 13 regular season games for three years beginning ers Association have agreed Be wise... open a In 1970. on calling in an outside agen- ficial corruption in New Jersey is so bad that The joint announcement was made last night by pro cy, but there is some dispute Checkmaster football Commissioner Pete Rozelle and Roone Arledge, as to whether or not they set- organized crime can get anything it wants." president of ABC sports at the commissioner's plush Park tled on the National Educa- Avenue office. tion Association. account today The weekly series, set for Monday nights, will begin on That undoubtedly will be the first Monday of the regular season in 1970. discussed tonight at the board's workshop meeting. Bill Cahill offers the kind of tough new Officers Victims in Disorder Board President Edmund J. Three policemen were shot and nine other officers in- Canzona, in a press release a clash with black youths in Seattle, Wash. In earlier this week, said the leadership we need to end 16 years of one party Denlon, Tex., nine persons, including six women, were shot board and the teachers in a melee stemming from an automobile collision. agreed to call in the NEA, control in Trenton — and end "Mob Rule" in Seattle police used te;ir gas and nightsticks Monday a statement disputed by Mr. night to quell a daylong outbreak of violence in the predom- Mundrane and board mem- inantly Negro central area. Thirty-five persons were ar- ber Dr. Ivan P. Polonsky. New Jersey. V • rested. Mr. Canzona, who Sunday Bill Cahill declared himself "100 per Ray Returns to His Cell cent" in support of Dr. No minimum balance required NASHVILLE, Tenn. - James Earl Ray was returned to Hoops, put that into a formal statement yesterday He said Can we help you? his maximum-seuurity prison cell after losing a bid for a Service Is our biggest asset. new trial in the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. t'nat he is "satisfieduhat the "This hearing was only the beginning," said Richard facts clearly demonstrate VOTE A WINNING REPUBLICAN FOR GOVERNOR - JUNE 3 J. Ryan of Memphis, one of Ray's three new lawyers. that substantial progress has CENTRAL JERSEY BANK THLWT COMHWY Ryan said he will take the case to the Tennessee Court of been made" jn upgrading the uuiBuorr.D.1.0. Piid (or by: W, G. Rohrtr, Tmnur.r, Hiddon TownjhipJ.N. J. •Irinunal Appeals. quality of teaching, modern- has thank bet to roster Conservation Life Insur LINCEOFT - David F. of Conservation and Econom- B. Pearce of the Sandy Hook Moore, executive director of ic Development, to accept Marine .Laboratories. Dr; the North Jersey Conserva- his. new post, will stress the Pearce's disclosures of the tion Foundation, will address part the private citizen and extent and rate of resource an open meeting on envir- local groups can play in the destruction so disturbed his onment preservation in the increasingly vital conserva- audience that a number of Unitarian Church, West tion effort. its members decided, to do. Front St., here, tomorrow Tomorrow's meeting is an something about it. M at 8 p.m. outgrowth of a talk on en- A consultation meeting Mr. Moore, who resigned vironment deterioration was called with Dr. Pearce as chief of the Natural Areas given at the Unitarian and other local conservation Section, state Department Church recently by Dr. Jack workers, at which tomor- row's meeting was set to ex- pand the effort with a view River Rats Club Poses to organizing a local private citizens' conservation group. FR Arrangements for the meet- ing were made by Frederick Fair Haven Problems Forrest of New Shrewsbury. FAIR HAVEN — Charles their lots are in violation of The meeting is open, Mr. I C. Nickerson is troubled by an ordinance which prohibits Forrest said, to all inter- RED River Rats. In a letter to the debris and noxious growths ested in actively aiding the | Borough Council, Mr. Nicker- from vacant lots. conservation cause. son complained that the Riv- An ordinance creating a er Rats, a sailing club here, Conservation Commission has failed to comply With re- passed its second reading last auirements of the Zoning nieht. The seven - member -THE DAILY REGISTER, RED BANK • MIDDLETOWN, N. J.: TUE&AY, MAY 27,1969 Insurance Men To Hear Nader Vim Insurance Coon« Certifwate Local Securities SPRING LAKE - Ealph ciation; George Nord- RED BANK - The Roger The award is presented mjlf EepresenUtlvpnUtlvee iinter-dealee rqu quotationo s at approriraatSly 33M Dm' Hollander Agency Of The, upon conaptetion of»(Ope^ear yesterday from NASD. Prices Nader, outspoken advocate of haus, president of Insurors yesterday from NASD Prices doo not includinclud e retailretail made- stricter highway safety mea- Peon Mutual Life Insurance intensive training program up, markdown or commission. Successful Press of Indianapolis, and Company announced that Wil- designed V> mater Penn Mu- BANKS sures, will be keynote speaker Guenther A. Dnallis, assis-' at the 1969 convention of the liam H. Revman of Neptune tual representative! highly ef. Div. Bid Asked tant systems manager of City has been awarded The ficient In providingWe insur- Belmar-Wall National ' 3.50 Independent Mutual Insur- 200 Investing ance Agents Association Pennsylvania Manufacturers Penn Mutual Certificate of ance counseling ,3«ftvjces to CentralJersey Bank (x) (xx) 24 25 Individuals and families. Eatontown National Bank • (IMA) of New Jersey. Association, Philadelphia. Achievement. 21 25 By ROGER £. SPEAR Farmers & Merchants (x) (xx) 08 1014 11 Spear Plans for the program, First Merch. Nafl Bank (xx) 40 16 17 By ROGER E. SPEAR Q — My husband, age 79, which will be staged at the First Nat'l Bank of Spring Lake (xx) 2.25 Essex and Sussex Hotel,'were 1st Nat'l Bk of Toms River (x) (xx) .76 60 Q — My wife and I have and I (under .65) own ?5,000 44 48 $10,000 to $12,000 to invest for of E bonds, some being 20 announced by Wesley T. Buck 1st State Ocean Cty.(x) 10% Stock Divi. of Holmdel, IMA president. Keansburg-Middletown 1,20 28 retirement in nine to 10years old. Do you advise Middletown Banking Co. 42 years. What would be the changing these to H bonds, Other key speakers and Monmouth County Nat'l (xxx) .20 25 best investments for us?and how is this done? What panelists will be Horace J. I2V4 -R.L. are the denominations of H N. J. National Bank (xx) 24 17 Bryant Jr., New Jersey's Ocean County National 1.70 16 A — In recent weeks sev- bonds?-H.S. commissioner of banking and 48 eral studies on an old theme insurance; Henry Root Stern, Peoples Nat'l BankDf Monmouth 40 IS A — The exchange to H (x) Plus 4%; Stock Div. have appeared in the finan- bonds can be made by your lawyer and former New York Peoples Nati Bank of Lakewood 6.00 cial press — stocks with con- insurance commissioner; T. 140 sistently rising dividends. bank without charge. Their Trust Co. of Ocean County .25 plus 7% 56 denominations are $500, $1,- Lawrence Jones, president of (x) Dividend (xx) Plus Stock While these are not be be 000, $5,000 and $10,000.1 don't the American Insurance Asso- (xxx) Declared or Paid confused with the high-yield- ing income issues, they make recommend switching be- INDUSTRIAL very satisfactory holdings cause your oldest bonds are Aerological Research 12 KV4 over a period. As dividend accruing interest at the maxi- BrocKway 78 79 increases usually follow earn- mum rate of 4.25 per cent. Egg Market Buck Engineering IWi ings gains, share price levels The changeover would force Electronic Associates 21% you back to the lower end NEW YORK (AP)-(USDA) Electronic Assistance are likely to advance. of the Interest range for a — Wholesale egg offerings 16 Five companies which have Foodarama 25 25% year and a half. If you need 1 increased dividends annually ample. Demand slow yester- International Computer Sciences ' 5 5% income, you could redeem day. Laird 10 12 for at least a decade are: one or more of the oldest Metallurgical International 23 25 Avon Products, Gulf Oil, Heu- bonds, put the cash in a 5 Wholesale selling prices Monmouth Capital • 13 blein, Magnavox and Warner- per cent savings account and based on exchange and other Monmouth Electric . m Lambert. Their current yields pay federal Income tax on ••« volume sales. Monmouth Park / are not impressive — they the interest- which the E M average just over 2 per cent New York spot quotations N. J. Natural Gas ' 26»4 bonds have - accrued to re- Rowan Controller — but over a period of years demption. Since this column follow: Servomation w* when applied to the purchase does not include tax advice, Standards 31'/r33>/£. Spedcor price, the yield appears I urge you first to discuss more generous. For instance, Whites Spiral Metal . 25*4 •w, with a bank officer or tax Fancy large (47 lbs. min;) U.S. Homes 32 26 Avon shares bought 10 years specialist the best way to United Telecontrol Electronics ago would yield 26 per cent arrange the proposed re- 3414-36; Fancy medium (41 33'/i on a cost tiasis. By investing Walter Reade-Sterling • 11% lift demptions, lbs. average) 25-27; Fancy Window Tel. - equal • dollar amounts in the smalls (36 lbs. average) 19- above - named five stocks, § Prison stripe, bells on the loose in the Square • third floor (Mr. Spear cannot answer 21. you should, in 10 years, real- all mail personally, but will "s Natelsons J. Kridel. White with brown or blue stripes or blue Browns 4 Candidates Due at Rally ize a sizable boost to your answer all questions possible with white stripes, 16.00. White leather belt, 5.00. MIDDLETOWN - Four of dent Frank X. McDermott, retirement security. in bis column.) Fancy large (47'lbs. min.) the five GOP contenders and and' Assistant • Senate Major- 35-36. tiie wife of the fifth will make ity Leader Harry Sears. their last major appeal for Standing In for Public UtiU- NlfltflllllllUlllMJIIIIW^^ votes before what Is expected ties Commissioner William E. Cautious Investors to be a capacity crowd of Ozzard will he his wife, Mrs. more than 1,000 in the Mid-Janet Ozzard, formerly of dletown Township High Rumson. Nunn Bush Imports School auditorium Thursday, The candidates, zeroing in Keep Trading Light at 8 p.m. on Monmouth's estimated 25,- went to Italy -•» On hand for personal ap- 000 Republican primary votes NEW YORK (AP) - With Brokers said some investors peals will be Congressmen will be arriving in Middle- many investors reported cau- apparently were waiting for tious and on the sidelines, new developments in the do- Charles W. Sandman and Wil- town by car, bus and heli- mestic, economic or interna- to bring you these liam T. Cahill, Senate Presi- copter. the stock market turned in an undistinguished performance tional scenes. They added yesterday in whioh volume that investor enthusiasm also was the lowest in over a was being dampened to some twinging slip-bns with the new month. extent by continuing fear' of FREE INVESTMENT FORUM: another hike in the prime Turnover on the New York rate. stub toe and Stock Exchange totaled 9.03 Merrill Lynch million shares, the lightest An early ttiin edge that since 8.99 million shares were gains held over losses evap- snaffle-chained tongue. traded April 14. Volume Fri- orated as trading wore on. Of takes a new look at day was 10.00 million shares. 1,590 issues traded, 563 ad- "It was a pretty quiet ses- vanced, and 752 declined. Black or brown leather. j GROWTH STOCKS sion," an analyst said, "and New highs for the year to- it moved in a fairly narrow taled 44 and new lows 66. range." Among other market indi- Sizes 7 to 12, C and D, $31.95 A program about companies with sales Dow Jones at 946.94 ' cators* : of less than $100 million The Dow Jones industrial The1 Associated Press av- average moved higher in ear- erage of 60 stocks was off Step in through the Arche*. ly trading, gaining 1.75 at 1.7 at 336.6, with industrials Make your forum reservations today '11:30 a.m., but it began to off 1.7, rails off 2.0, and util- slip later, and at the close it ities off .2. Pay Vi monthly Merrill Lynch has just published a was oif 0.51 at 946.94. The The New York exchange in- Research booklet called "A New Look Dow industrial was off 2.59 dex of some 1,200 common . with no service charge. Friday and lost a total of 19 stocks was off 0.12 at 58.36. at Growth" covering selected compa- .85 points last week. Standard & Poor's 500-stock nies with sales of less than $100 million "A lot of investors ap- index dipped .23 to 104.36. —companies that we feel offer excep- parently didn't want to get Oil issues continued to draw involved to any great degree investor attention, with Nato- tional potential for growth. And you are and took to the sidelines," mas, fifth most-active on the invited to a free investment seminar on an analyst said. Big Board, jumping 6% to the subject— "There was no real selling HB'/i. Natomas collected a to- pressure. It was more of a tal of 14% in trading last BWW> AND FRONT STREETS case of tlie buyers' deciding week. Analysts said much of REb BANK, NEW JERSEV 07701 Tuesday evening, June 3 to step aside at this point." its strength apparently TIL 201-741-5300 at the Molly Pitcher Inn stemmed from interest in its Yesterday's closing stocks: Indonesian oil venture. i I 88 Riverside Ave., Red Bank AOF tod. «2!4 I Int TO* Tel 55 Adumt Es »K I I-T-E Im? 334(4 4 AiAi r PProda <3SS JrJdiit u MM«n iwiniinnRM starting at 8:00 P.M. sharp Air Rtduo Mli | Jontu A L Alltf Op Al'.fi Lud K&liet Al Allci Pow KennecoU Allied Ch Hoppers Alili Chal Kraft co s You'll learn the attributes that Merrill Alcoa Kie*|e. GS Natelsons J. Kridel -Am-Alrlln Kroger —fcyneh looks for in selecting growth — Am c»n Leh Foil C Am Cyan Leh Val Ind 12!4 stocks-—how management, marketing Am M Fdy U)F Co initials father's favorite Am Motori 11 Lib McN ability, and specialization are taken into Am Smelt 3TV4 Lljg & My Am 8td 421, Lliton lnd Am T«1*T«1 M Luketn stl account as well as technological Am lob 33 AMP Inc 46V. Murruivox Manhattan shirt skills and research-and-development Aiuconda V. MoraUi Oil Armco Stl JMrtln M Armour Mtsonlta achievements. Merck Amat Ck MOM FREE for Father's Day. Ashl Oil 4874 Minn MAM You'll get an analysis of the poten- AU RlcMld 127y127y. Moblloll Avco Corn 32 Marcor tial risks and rewards of investing in Bafccock W 32U On*, mor* raason to >•* ut for coal .; :. : Bayuk Cl( Mfi Nal Else B«U *. Htm W.4 N CaBl Bes 12814 Manhattan permanently pressed summer " " •• • smaller growth companies. And you'll Beudlx 45», Nit Distill 20 Beth BKel 3S>> NM nypj 31 % find out which stocks Merrill Lynch Boelnc Nat Steel 54 ihirh. They never need ironing, wash tiiily §•' J . Borden 32»i Nil M Pow 20 considers most promising. 3111 No Am Book 34!; and dry quickly. Batista weight : • Bnjntwk Nor Psic % Bucy Krle 37 >.; Nvrst Alrlln 6214 Today the whole approach to finding Butova Outb Mar 42«k 65"/. kodel® polyester 35% fine eoHon fabric../ ^ Burl Ind owena 111 7314 growth stocks is undergoing change. Cue. JI Pan Am Wld 2Oli in medium spread cellar, half sleevei. C*ter Trio Peimey, JC 5H4 Cel&neie Pi P 8V 66V4 Perkln Elm 48»i sizes 14/2 to I7'/J. Col* Cola Pfizer 84'i Colg P»im B0« sure to attend this valuable forum. Oolum aa« 20 Phil El 28% Choose them now for free initialing Coral 8olv 21U rum pet Tin There will be a time for questions and a Con Edl» 33, Pub Sv B4Q 33 in time for Father's Day, June IS. Con Can 6fl)« Pullman 62«i free copy of the booklet "A New Look at CPC InU i ROA 45 Oomlns C 39 M Reading Co • Growth" for everyone who wants one. Ctn Zell Remib Stl CurtlM Wr 68% Eevlon Deere Reyn Met Order by mail: w Dennply 46>i Reyn Tob 39 Reserve your seats today. There's no Dim Chem »314 Rob Controls 37 NAME. Dre«i Ind St Jos LOd charge or obligation, of course. Simply rtuPont 35',i Bt Reilj Pap 49 Duq U l«0 Scars Roeb 71 I ADDRESS . call or mail in the coupon below. Eiurt Kod 28>.i Shell Oil 7 End John Smith. AO Firestone MVK I Sou Pac FMC Cp ai'i I flou Ry Ford Mot 30Vj I Sperry Rd ( ) CHARGE ( ) CHECK ENCLOSED (SOKRY, NO COD'tl I C1AC Cr> 51*(, 1 But Brand Phut rawrvt ttati for your Growth Stock forum(i t B2»i I Sin Oil Cal COLOR 8UANTITY SIZE INITIALS Gfn Clj 2i\i I 8M Oil NJ Tutsday, JUM 3, In R«d lank. Oen Dynam 32't I Slud WorUi BLUE FIRST MIDDLE LAST Oen Elcc KS't | Tejcaco GREEN Htn Frincipal witnesses will be Dr. At the most,, 900 young people A few hours earlier, It was a highly deliberate choice. Ev- ery President works differently, Mr. Nixon Campership Fund MaJiDn W. Gross, Rutgers University would be helped. It might even be as Mr. Nixon had announced 21 Brook Terr. his choice of Warren E. . remarked; as for himself, Vie kind of likes president. few as 500. to be detached and stand back from such Fair Haven Burger to succeed Earl To the Editor: §Je is expected to explain the The project should help determine Warren as chief justice of a nomination, and decide it as coolly and In a county the size and affluence of Monmouth, it board of governors' so-called open if it is possible, with special help and KILPATRICK the United states- NOW he objectively as possible. admissions policy promised economi- a longer period of time, to enable a The governing question in the Presi- seems a poor commentary on public awareness that so lit- wanted to talk about the appointment, why tle money has been raised for the 1969 Campership Fund, cally and educationally disadvahtaged poor high school graduate with edu- dent's mind, whenever he considers a ju- he made it, what he would seek in o&er dicial nomination, will be to ask how a A little over $700 has been raised, yet over 300 applications "hiA-school graduates from Newark, cational deficiencies to earn a college nominations to the court, how he views prosj)e,9tive judge regards his role as an are being processed by the Community Services Council. NefpBrunswick and Camden. degree. the role of the executive and judicial interpreter of the Constitution. The Presi- Someone will have to lose. •fje'll also request the $3.5 million The policy was announced after branches. For conservatives at least, the dent happens to believe that the Consti- Wdth so much attention being focused on poverty and President could not have made a better tution should be strictly construed. And its associated social problems, something as .simple yet as needed to get the program rolling this the Rutgers' budget had been pre- presentation. he knows that in making nominations to, effective as sending a child to camp for two weeks should falllV ./•:. "*• pared by the legislature, and funds Mr. Nixon spoke at some length of ftie the court, a President can affect the direc- evoke the interest of every concerned citizen. Besides pro- ©nly the three cities where Rut- from private foundations have not differences, in his mind, that ought to sep- tion of the supreme law of the land. viding a, period of healthy recreation and fun for most * * * children, it could mean the difference between staying in \ !• has campuses are affected, only materialized. This is the reason a arate a. chief justice from his eight asso- ciate justices. There has to be a leader- or out of trouble for some. thojfti students who cannot gain ad- special appropriation is required. It THESE SEVERAL lines of reasoning ship quality, he said, for the




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Installs Mrs. Samuel Stelle Smith Officers MIDDLETOWN - Mrs. David Fream of Middletown was Installed president of the Mrs. Chamberlain Is Cited North Jersey Shore Alumnae of Kappa Kappa Gamma For Service to Local Club sorority. RIVER PLAZA - Mrs. Mrs. Harold Rogers, retir- Chamberlain's name was treasurer, the Biver ing president, also installed Harry S, Chamberlain, 44 placed on the State Honor Woman's Club honors Mrs. Mrs. Allen Rose, vice presi- Sycamore Ave., Little Sil- Boll by her club. Chamberlain." ,. ver, will receive special Executives' Choice dent; Mrs. William Barrett, The State Honor Roll pays Miss Mary C. Wheaton, secretary, and Mrs. Roger recognition- from the River SHREWSBURY - Mrs. The four-year-old club is tribute to outstanding club- federation secretary, pre- Lillian M. Schwartz, execu- a service organization and Deary, treasurer. Plaza Woman's Club at its women for club and com- sented the citation certificate tive secretary of the New is one of the newest clubs in The sorority will celebrate meeting June 5 for the honor munity service. The citation . Jersey Turnpike, installed Zonta International. its centennial in 1970. Centen- given her at the New Jer- for Mrs. Chamberlain states: With the following fitatemenk,. the newly elected officers of Five members of the Mon- nial- chairman for this area sey ' State Federation of "For unselfish devotion' to of> appreciations MTW JBver % • the Zonta Club of Monmouth mouth Club" attended a day- is Mrs. Kenneth Saleski, Women's Clubs' convention in the work of the club and 17 Plaza Woman's Club proudly 1 Mrs. David Fream County.- .••<.- •-.,•: long-workshop' last week at North Point Road, Lincroft. Atlantic City last week. Mrs. years of faithful service as adds the name of Mrs. Harry The new officers of the Haddon Hall, Atlantic City. The next function of the S. Chamberlain to the Honor club, an organization of ex- They are Miss Schmidt, Miss club will be a family picnic ecutive women in business Riley, Miss Irene O'Crowley,, June, J4 at the residence of Roll. She has been a de- v and the professions, sare Mrs. Marjorie Black and' Mrs: Maleolm Ware, Rum- Juniors Elect New Slate voted and enthusiastic .mem- Miss Janet Schmidt, Little Mrs. Barbara Cokolette. son ber for 29 years,xnnt^l^i Silver, president; Miss Olive FREEHOLD - Delegates co-chairman of the Fresh Air year book,. Mrs. Joel Stern; Riley, Red.Banlj, vice presi- to the 42nd annual spring con- Fund, recording secretary, ways, and means, Mrs. John and untiring in herworttaw dent; Miss F., Lucille Davis, vention of the Junior Mem- and fifth district drama chair- Downes; Fresh Atf Fund, the club and serving as trea- Ft. Hancock, treasurer for bership Department of the man. Mrs. William Mills and Mrs. surer for 17 years." ' ,f v' New Jersey State Federation New members welcomed a second term, and Mrs SCENE AROUND Vincent Gagliardi; state proj- 1 Rosemary Shields, High- of Women's Clubs this week- are Mrs. Elliot Altman, Mrs. Club members, also atteiid - ect, Mrs. Donald Wall and lands, secretary, Mrs, Irene R. O'Crowley, 90 Portland Eoad, Highlands; in Atlantic City from the Benjamin Cinoa and" Mrs. ing the convention were^Irs. ' Members of the Zonta Club ' celebrated her birthday at a dinner party at Bahrs' Land- Freehold Club were Mrs. John Robert Little. Mrs. Thomas C. Barkalow; Frederick L. Ayers,' Mrs. of the'New Brunswick Area, ing, given by Mrs. Ruth Lindman, 3 Beach St., Sea Bright. Downes and Mrs. Thomas Chairman appointed are southern vice chairman, Mrs. Arthur H. Cadman, Mrs.* sponsors ' of the Monmouth Waage. Also attending were Mrs. Joseph Hollnberger, 1 Beach St., Sea Bright, also America home, Mrs. Edward Robert Brass; and club ad- Victor L. Fox, Mrs. Harold Club, attended the installa- attended. . . Mrs. Lee Gusler, Mrs. Wal- Jamison; literature and edu- viser, Mrs. William McGov- Miss Janet Schmidt B. Perry and Mrs. William tion. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence M. O'Connor, and Mr. and Mrs. ter Kearn, Mrs. C. Thomas cation, Mrs. Richard O'Con- ern. Charles Gilchrest, all of New Monmouth; Mr. and Mrs. Barkalow, Mrs. Edward Jam- nor; membership, , Mrs. A. Peters. ison, Mrs. Robert MacMillan, A pewter plate was present. Mitchell Reno, Holmdel, and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Perron, Charles Stubbs; music and ed to Mrs. Herman • Struve Serving as delegate was Shrewsbury.'Mass., were in a party of vacationers on a nine- Mrs. Robert L. Brass and drama^, Mrs. Elliot Altman; the newly elected president, Mrs. William Mills. for her direction of "Mistress day cruise to the West Indies, aboard the SS Homeric. publicity, Mrs. Robert Cusic; Minx," the club's entry which Miss Helen C. Pryor with The clubs new officers are public welfare, Mrs. William was selected as best play in Mrs. Thomas Waage, presi. Mills; program, Mrs. John the statewide drama tourna- ternate delegate. dent; Mrs. Lee Gusler, vice Downes; ... parliamentarian, ment, and will be presented president; Mrs. Robert Sher- Mrs. Robert Brass; scrap- at the spring convention. • The River Plaza Woman's DAY CAMP man, recording secretary; book, Mrs. Henry Corson; Other guests were Mrs. Lou- Club will hold its final meet- Mrs. Stewart Rqhr, cor- is W. Kinzer, Mrs. Frank ing of the year June 5 at responding secretary and B'nai B'rith Tea Niemtzow, Mrs. Ernest West- 8:15 p.m;, when In addition Mrs. Walter Kern, treasurer. field and Mrs. McGovern, all to honoring Mrs. Chamber- Mrs. Waage, Fairfield Road, Is Set for June 10 members of the Freehold lain, the club will accept new attended St. Bernard College, Woman's Club. members. . ! 43rd YEAR Cullman, Ala. and was grad- MATAWAN,— A member- UNDER SAME OWNER! uated from St. Vincent School ship tea will be held June of Nursing in Birmingham. 10 at 8:30 p.m. in the home Shore's Original Day She was an officer in the of Mrs. Lawrence Spivak, 94 Taste for Prunes Camp . . . Country's Army Nurse Corps and while Foremost In Experience stationed in the Republic of Fordham Drive, by the Aye- Nutritious prunes fill the into bits and add to the waf- American Camping Asi'n let Chapter of B'nai Brith bill when it comes to good fle batter; Approved Member. Korea taught English to nurs- ing degree candidates at Pu- Women. eating and good health, says As a special treat stir Mrs. Sylvia Meehan, county Nationally son University. Detailed information may plumped pitted chopped She is an active member home economist. Prunes are prunes into your favorite cof- be obtained from Mrs. Arnold Recognized Pioneer of the Charity Ball Commit- rich in natural fruit sugar. fee cake batter and pour into Directly ((m the tee and in her Junior Wom- Kaplan or Mrs. Robert They contain calcium, iron, a well greased pan. Sprln- Cool Ocean. en's Club activities she was Karp. vitamin A, thiamine and ribo- kle with a cinnamon-blown flavin. sugar mixture. 643 Ocean Venue WEST END Prunes are packaged ac- Try this recipe for Prune • SPECIALISTS IN SWIMMING INSTRUCTIONS • cording to size aiid quite nat- Honey Quick Bread: An Exciting and Rewarding urally the smaller they are 1 egg, beaten The "Swimming Camp" with 4 SALT WATER POOLS the more in a pound package. 1 tsp. baking soda 2 Instructional Pools • Olympic Site Pool • Children's Pool Career Can Be Yours Size has nothing to do with 1 cup boiling water fool. CHLORINATED for Assured GEBM-FREE Protection quality. Each year the prune 2M cups sifted flour Private Beach on Premises Approved by State of N. J. crop varies in abundance of 1 cup chopped walnuts particular sizes, but little or 1 tsp. vanilla Baseball — Basketball Department of Education big they are the same fine l'/2 cups chopped prunes Football - Track & Oilier for Women of All Ages fruit and have the same nutri- '/2 cup liquid honey Sports Instructed by tive value. Pound for pound, % cup sugar EXPERT COACHES. • MEDICAL there is practically no-differ- To prepare: Combine egg, ence in the amoiintof edible vanilla, baking soda, prunes • Unsurpassed Facilities ASSISTANTS fruit. and boiling water. Cover, let • Best Program • Best Staff Put prunes on the platter stand 20 minutes; add honey. Superior In Every Reipect • DENTAL as an attractive and nourish- Soften together flour aijd We Invite Companion ing accompaniment for pork, sugar; add prune mixture ASSISTANTS beef, lamb, poultry ana fish. and walnuts; mix wells Pour Or for a tasty breakfast serve BOYS AND GIRLS 4Va TO 12 YEARS into greased, floured loaf pan • MEDICAL prune filled waffle batter, 13 x 4 x 2." Bake in 325 de- TEEN AGE GROUP 13 TO 16 YEARS FOR THAT EXTRA TOUCH OF ELEGANCE RECEPTIONIST/ served with hot maple syrup grees F. oven for one hour. I ALL DAY—S weeks from June 23 to Aug. 15 and melted butter. Cut prunes Cool and remove from pan. — (all inclusive ratel 5275 SECRETARY 5 weeds (mln. enrollment—all-Inclusive rare) $l?0 MINI-PAINTINGS * Low tuition payment! FREE Original oil paintings in beautiful wooden Full Color Brochure upon Nursery Camp 3 to 4Va Years — Special Low Rate 1 MAPLE BUNK BEDS * Day or night classes request. . . . All Age Croups Limited Renaissance Frames . . . ready to 'Writs or phone: Complete with mattresses, hang in groupings or on mini easels. • Convenient to transportation 249-9383 Hot Lunch Available — Transportation Provided • Modem, attractive facilities guard rail and ladder. May also be used as twin beds. 00 s Write or Phone Fpr Brochure ENTIRE SET John F. Cirtadino, Director-Owner 159 15 Vion Physical Director at Aioury Park High scnool United School Tel. 222-6464 ->- Visiting Ojjicc Open Daily, OF MEDICAL and DENTAL ASSISTANTS Huffman & Boyle • rf Saturdays and Sundays Branco Estates Center, Rente 18, East Brunswick, N. J. JL -THE DAILY REGiSTEB. RED BANK - MIDDLETOWN, N. J.l TUESDAY, MAY 27,1969- 9 ANN LANDERS TEEN FORUM Engagements | Wait jn Patience Two-Family Problems By JEAN ADAMS They're inside. She's outride/ PRISONER OF LOVE: Believe her, not them. It is Bear Ana Landers: It's (Q.) I'm in Uie County Jail. entirely possible that she will I wonder what these wom- While I was scouring the garbage home two or three I made a mistake. It was my obvious that you are on the en would do if their former crock it suddenly dawned on times she'll get the message. wait for you. Girls have a tat marriage and so is your first. But that's not what I'm husbands were dead, or liv- me that she brings her left- writing about. great capacity to wait for husband. Otherwise you ing in a foreign country? overs so I will clean her pots Drinking may be "in" to would not have given that I'm 17 and I'm very much boys they really iove. They'd manage, wouldn't and pans. the kids you run with — but in love with stupid answer to the woman they? Please cfoange your ad- This woman Is lovely in it can put you "out" for The best thing you can do who asked, a girl. I was is believe her and enjoy her vice. Life is rough enough other ways but I am sick of keeps. You can cool it and going steady "How much for a second wife without a slaving over her containers stay popular. Head "Booze visits and letters. If you start time does a with her accusing her or trying to get sock in the jaw from Ann in exchange for garbage our. And You — For Teen-Agers when I was man owe his Landers. — S.T.A. dog won't eat. Any sugges- Only." Send 35 cents in com her to promise impossible ex - wife?" picked up. things, she may quit writing Dear S.T.A.: You missed tions? — Skullery Maid and a long, self-addressed, (Your re- Since. I've and visiting you. Then you'd the point, dearie — as did Dear Skull: The next time stamped envelope with your been In jail ply: "As request. Miss Thaler Miss Messineo Miss Clampet be worse off than you are much time hundreds of other second Gertrude Goodhart arrives she's writ- wives who wrote to complain. with her offerings tell her you Ann Landers will be glad to ten me more now. as he wants Schneider-Thaler « • « to give her" I still say it's up to the hus- are loaded with leftovers of help you with your problems. than once your own and to please give RUMSON — Announcement of the engagement of Miss was terri- band to decide how much _Send them to her-In care of' to' tell me Want personal answers to time he wants to devote to hers to someone else. Under Eleanor Thaler to Bartholomew Paul Schneider has been ADAMS ble.) "this newspaper, enclosing a how much LANDERS his first family. If Number no circumstances should you made by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thaler, 94 Rum- she still loves me. She also your questions? Write to Jean 0 n 1 y. a Two Wife is wise she'll accept allow the lady to leave any- self-addressed, stamped en- son Road. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. comes to see me pretty Adams, Box 2402, Houston, second 'wife Schneider of Easthampton, N.Y. The wedding is planned can know how his decision because in the thing, After she carries her velope. regularly. Tex. 77001. Be sure to enclose conniving a first wife can be. for Sept. 13. final analysis he's going to a stamped, self-addressed en- My husband's ex is an au- do what Jie wants, regard- Miss Thaler, a graduate of Rumson-Fair Haven Re- But the other fellows here thentic genius at keeping him less. Any show of resentment gional High School, attended MonmoutJi College, West Long say she's found another guy. velope. involved in her life. The chil- on her part will be interpret- Branch. She is secretary to the chief engineer of WNEW Not because I'm in jail but dren are the perfect foils and ed as jealousy and she winds Weddings Radio, iNew York City. because a girl needs love BErVEFIT DANCE she uses them most effective- up looking like a shrew. Her fiance is a graduate of Rice High School, New more than a boy and she ly by playing on his guilt. York City and is a junior at Columbia University. He is a can't wait for me. Is this FAIR HAVEN - A country A man may be able to di- dance, with round and square Here's how it works: Wife Lovett'Bernstein veteran of the Marine Corps and Merchant Marines. true? — L. J. in Florida. vorce himself from a wife but dancing called by Hart Web- One subtly suggests that it (A.) How do the men there most men cannot divorce RED BANK-Mr. and Mrs. ber, will be held Friday at would be "nice" if Daddy saw Dr. and Mrs. Lovett will re- Knuelle-Messineo know what your girl is doing? themselves from their chil- Barry S. Bernstein, 28 River- 8 p.m. in the Knights of Co- Lucy in the school pageant. side in Philadelphia, where he HAZLET — Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Messineo, 1 Hem- dren — if they're decent, that lumbus Hall, to benefit the And, of course, Johnny •would side Ave., announce the mar- Is associated with the Jeffer- ingway Drive, announce the engagement of their daughter, is. John H. Daniels Jr. Memorial just love it If Daddy watched riage of their daughter, Miss Miss Carol Ruth Messineo, to Navy Fireman Harry Knuelle. Club Names son Medical College, and she Scholarship Fund. A late buf- him play Little League base- Dear Ann Landers: I have Carol Bernstein, to Dr. How- He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Karl Knuelle, 19 Leonardville will "continue in her position fet will be served. Mrs. bill. Naturally Mary would never seen my problem in ard A. Lovett. The couple Road, Leonardo. Student as a social worker for the George W. Conner is ticket be thrilled if Daddy came to your column yet I can't be- were married May 15, by the The bride-elect is a graduate of Raritan High School chairman. her piano recital. The ex- lieve I'm the only one in the Rev. John Buery in Wilming- Penn State Community Men- and is a dental assistant with Dr. Harvey Rein, Matawan. Delegate wife goes to every one of world who has it. ton, Del. tal Health Center. Her fiance is a graduate of Middletown Township High FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP - these events, you can be sure. I have a neighbor who School and is a machinery repairman fireman aboard the Miss Gail Marie Ahrens has Bobby Banker says, My husband is expected to can't bear to waste anything. U.S.S. Wright, based at Norfolk, Va. been selected as delegate to "Let your money At least once a week she runs be present at birthday parties, Haid'Kowalczyk the Citizenship Institute at earn money!" over here with her leftover FREEHOLD — Miss Lois O'Neil-Clampet Douglass College by the Eve- confirmations, _ graduations, roast, leftover puddings and Miss Nancy Kowalczyk" was Ellen Kowalczyk, daughter of her sister's maid of honor. HIGHLANDS — The engagement of Miss Barbara Ann ning Membership Depart- tonsilectomies," appendecto- almost always it is half ment of the Molly Pitcher mies, bone-settings and tooth Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Kowal- Miss Elaine Kowalczyk, also Clampet to Edward Marton O'Neil, son of Mr. and Mrs. burned and three days old. Edward O'Neil, Shrewsbury Ave., Atlantic Highlands, has Woman's Club. Miss Bron- extractions. He is notified im- czyk, 11 A Hampton Drive a sister of the bride, was Yesterday she presented me became the bride of James bridesmaid. been announced by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph wyn VanDuzer is alternate. mediately of any and all ac- with six skinny crabs in a Clampet, 56 Valley St. cidents. (Falling off a bike Arthur Haid, son of Mr. and Six members of the club 15-gallon crock. I threw the David Haid was best man The bride-elect is a senior at Henry Hudson Regional attended the state conven- is an accident.) crabs out the minute she left. Mrs. E. E. Haid, Charles- ton, W. Va., Sunday, May 18, for his brother. School. tion in Atlantic City. In St, Rose of Lima Catholic Robert Hand was usher. Her fiance is a graduate of the same school, and re- New officers will be in- Church. cently completed a tour of duty with the U.S. Army. He is stalled at a dinner June 10 co The bride graduated from employed at Earle Ammunition Naval Depot. Y¥7T? CT* FURNrruRE - % The Rev. Joseph G. Ford Southern Freehold Regional in Van's Freehold Inn. officiated. High School and attended Se- A party will be held for W JLJJ3 J. Keyport 264-0181 J A reception was held in the ton Hill College, Greensburg, residents of the John L. Pa. NJ Symphony Committee Montgomery Home tomor- features . • . ^* American Hotel. row. To Air Contract Terms Mrs. Floyd Perry, newly "LEES * Van NortwickMcCarty elected chairman of the ESSEX FELLS — The will be present to clarify the EMD, announced chairmen. Welcome CARPET" % SAN ANTONIO, Tex. - State Council of the Wom- current position of the or- They are Mrs. Peter Coffey, McCarty to Army Sgt. Thom- en's Committee for the New chestra in regard to differ- Open your savings Mr. and Mrs. Wayne J. Me- as W. Van Nortwick, son of American home and art; EST. 1869 * Jersey Symphony will hold ences with Local 16 of the Mrs. Robert Bennett, con- account today. Carty of San Antonio, an- Mr. and Mrs. Walter T. Van its annual meeting and lun- American Federation of Musi- Open Mon. and Fri. evenings 'til 9 4* nounce the marriage of their servation and garden; Mrs. Nortwick Jr., 147 Middletown cheon at the Essex Fells cians. Also present will be Charles Mathais, education daughter, Miss Sharon Louise Road, New Monmouth, NJ. Country £lub, 219 Devon Henry Lewis, the orchestra's and youth conservation; Mrs. The wedding took place Sat- Road, tomorrow at 10 a.m. music director. Robert Durget, membership; urday, May 3, here in Mrs. James McAlister Jr. An election of officers for Mrs. Dale Mayrose, pro- Bellaire Baptist Church. The of Maplewood, state council the State Council will be gram; Mrs. Henry Schaible, Rev. James E. Brown officiat- president, announced the publicity; Mrs. Robert Per- ed. A reception was held in program for the meeting. held, and all past presidents ry, welfare; Mrs. Joseph the Non-Commissioned Offi- Henry P. Becton, president and officers will be honored Barbieri, music, and Mrs. FOR FABULOUS FASHION FINDS! cer's Club, Kelly Air Force of the board of trustees of for their service to the or- Charles Farrellv bridge There's an office near Base. the New Jersey Symphony, ganization. IT'S WORTH A TRIP FROM ANYWHERE The bride was given in mar- riage by her brother, Wayne To Host"35 Children FOR THE TERRIFIC SAVINGS IN OUR McCarty. MATAWAN - Mrs. Francis than 2,000 other Friendl; Mrs. Karen Fortner was Firth of the Matawan Junior T o w n communities from matron of honor. Bridesmaids Woman's Club, local Fresh Maine to Virginia will open were the Misses Pamela Air Fund Friendly Town rep- their homes to the youngsters JackelandMarylinYell. resentative, announced that a for two weeks or more. They month-end Airman 1. C. Allan Slimak goal of 35 children has been come from families who can was best man. Ushers were set for this area. not afford even a brief vaca S. Sgt. Thomas Mullins, Sgt. The first group of young- tion for them from the city Jerry Fortner and Airman sters, due to arrive July 23, streets. —\ clearance! 1. C. Robert Roff. will be among 14,000 under- This local project is being The bride was graduated privileged children from New conducted in conjunction with from McCollum High School, York City selected this year the Freehold Junior Woman's COATS • SUITS • DRESSES • KNITS • COSTUMES San Antonio. She is employed to participate in the Fresh Air Club, and Mrs. Firth, Oxford 85 BROAD ST. as a secretary at Kelly Air Fund's Friendly Town pro- Lane, Matawan, is the chair FINAL FASHION CLEARANCE . . . MOSTLY V2 OFF! Force Base. gram. Host families in more man for the Matawan club RED BANK 535 BANGS AVE. ASBURV PARK VALUES TO 19.95 Spring Clmie and MjMiiMon wool Fabulous Summer ceati in 'round color. GIGANTIC aftd navy. Sim 4 to 18. ONE DAY ONLY COATS Town, Dtiigmr-loolc luiti... btau. MOSTLY Travel tiful fashions, luxury fabrics, suptrb wcrkmamhip, sixes Early Bird Sale SUITS 9 TO IB. 0FF WED., MAY 28 — 10 A.M. to 9 P.M. ALL OUR FAMOUS BRANDS Famous MOSTLY Briathtalcingly lovaly faih* Maker loni in lilki. itlk-and-wooli, Cotton Shorts wooli, rtyeni, lixti I to 20. Values to $14 COSTUMES % & DRESSES Cotton T-Shirts2ifi99 VALUES TO 89.95 Famou.-n.m. J.s!8n.ri. ona, OF Values to $9 each KNIT two, thrta-piac* modeli, DRESSES beautiful pa.tels, sizes 6 to DRESSES • SPORTSWEAR Special Group COCKTAIL VALUES TO 110.00 Exciting faihioni, designer COATS and SUITS 99 FORMAL fabrics, marvalous colors, Items DRESSES ,i». 4 to 18. at SAVINGS of 1 RACK ONLY"! COME EARLY! Couture Coats MOSTLY , Bfi,(iful aJvanc, faihiolVli Cotton Dresses fabrics, exceptional X./f\ I 1 h eT workmanship. Values to $25

MILLINERY MOSTLY Cotton Skirts JB_ Boutiquo fashion from Values to $10 moui designers. ACCESSORIES " !/2OFF

VALUES TO 125.00 SAMPLE Exceptional group of long Q _ AI»wci^< formals priced for quick "/5-f J\T -C>C DRESSES* at an am.iing MO* iX OO* fbf I Rendezvous ALL SALES FINAL MONTCLAIR and SPRING LAKE in "* the MALL Charge Accounts 500 bloomfield ave. 1113 third ave. Invited 64 BROAD RED BANK BROAD & MONMOUTH STS., RED BANK Beth Store! Open Saturday, May 3lit 523 BANGS AVE., ASBURY PARK "—y .•'<&,-.„.!>! M 10 -THE DAILY REGISTER, RED BA.VK-MIDDLETOWN, N. J.f TUESDAY, MAY 27,1969 r Sewer Links Fee Sought In Law Suit FREEHOLD - Nautilus Developers Inc., Willingboro, has filed a Superior Court suit to collect $29,875 it claims the Matawan Town- ship Sewerage Authority owes PRICE-MINDING it for sewer connections. MEAT VALUES m Mihom PRICES ... YOU oir m SAVIHGSI The company sail that it received payment for 1,921 connections but it Is entitled to payment for 2,000 as stated COOK in the contract. The complaint said the com • OUT pany connected a 77-unit gar- den apartment complex on BUYS South Atlantic Avc, Mata- wan Township, May 8, 1965 and is entitled to payment. RANCHER'S PRIDE TURKEYS It said that the authority • PIUMP, BROAD-BREASTED contended that, the apart- ments were a commercial Beef Patties establishment and, therefore, MADE WITH • 10 to 14 Ib. Aver. Weight 100% USDA MOST STORES OPEN MEMORML DAT it was not obligated to pay CHOICE BEEF for the sewer connections. FINAST III IOCAL STORE WINDOW 5ION5 FOR IXACT HOURI The firm is seeking $28,875 Pan-Read/ • 12 Individ. Burgers REGULAR STORE HOURS MONDAY & TUESDAY for these hookups. ' SAU5AGE MEAT OPEN LATE FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE WED. I THURS. TO 9 PJH. It also wants J375 for a hook DON'T FORGET THE REGULAR STORE HOURS SATURDAY up for John Smjth on Jan 3, HOT DOG & HAMBURGER ROLLS PRICE-MINDING 1967 and $625 for connections BREAST w/RIB or THIGHS SHOULDER nnsr 4V89 CENTER S END CUT CHOPS to appear at the church this year, all addressing them- mmmmmmmm fUSSY DELI SAVINGS selves to current racial prob- lems, at the invitation of St. finast PfffCf-MINDfNG HOLIDAY MAVIH6S George's social ' concerns HAM & SWISS COMBO committee. Dr. Parker will REFRESHING ^Bt •••- focus on racial questions at hlb. IMP. SWISS the local level during an in- V, Ib. BOILED HAM Ib. formal discussion, starting at 95 8:15 p.m. LEMON JUICE GENOA SALAMI REAl TASIY Other speakers in the se- Realemon - 35 ries have been former Gov. CHICKEN ROLL Alfred E. Driscoll, Rutgers FINAST Vice President Malcolm Tal- White, AsMrtsd OLIVE LOAF SANDWICH TREAT bott and Willie Smith, direc- tor of New York City's Youth IMskMtrtil POTATO SALAD HOMESTYll Corps. A native of Red Bank, Dr. Jumbo Parker is vice president of r Concerned Citizens of the Red HOLIDAY SPECIAL (UMIT PLEASE) Bank Area. He also serves on the Monmouth County Wel- I- fare Board and is a di- rector of the Community Cen- MAYONNAISE ter in Red Bank. Hellmann's Two Red Bank FINAST fROFKAL TREAT Homes Entered OLtiffl RED BANK - Police Chief Leroy McKnight reports that Juice Drinks two local homes were broken into over the weekend. SOLID WHITI Ml AT IN OIL 4tk flf% flflklV The chief said the home of Mrs. Matilda Prown, Pinck- ney Road, was entered Fri- FINAST HARDWOOD day afternoon. He said that $1,133 worth of assorted Charcoal Briquets Star-Kist Tuna 3 ™ 89 FINAST - WHITE, ASSORTED jewelry was taken. Entry was gained through a- rear door WITH PORK or WITH TOMATO SAUCE Table Napkins I- and rooms in the house were 1 ransacked. lib.1 FINAST -REG, or LO CAL On Saturday, the home of Canned Soda Franz Moller, ,148 Newman can HOT DOG, INDIA, SWEET Springs Rd., was entered dur- ing the afternoon, the chief Heinz Baked Beans Heinz Relish said. About $260 in cash was FINAST FUSTIC LINED . 9 INCH taken, as well as 100 shares FINAST IS INCH WHITf of negotiable American Tele- Marshmallows Paper Plates 100 0 59* phone and Telegraph stock, Aluminum Foil RICHMOND PLASTIC LINED-7 OUNCE Chief McKnight said. Entry 100 Cold Cups also was gained through a PRICE-MINLWNG Grape Jelly 4^89' rINAST FINAST . JUMBLE PACK rear door. ltb.8ol.HJe>, QUEEN Mayonnaise«•* Peanut Butter |or w9 Jumbo Olives SIZE Middletown KRAfT - REG. or 8MOKEY WHITE ROSE RediTea quart b«t. 59* Couple Cleared Barbeque Sauce CUT RITE FREEHOLD - Joseph A. HOLIDAY SPECIAL M^ Wax Paper 2T53* THIS COUPON _ _ _ and Marilyn French of 6 GREENWOOD WORTH | %0 C Hialeah Ave., Middletown, Finast Ketchup O 10 were acquitted by a jury on TOWARD PURCHASE OF SCOTTIES (200) PICNIC SPECIAL , „ Red Cabbage charges of theft of four bottles MIRACLC WMOT of Scotch valued at $28.81 from Buck .Smith's Liquor Finast Mustard *' Super Cleaner FACIAL TISSUES ADULTS ONLY-LIMIT 1 PII FAMILY Store, Palmer Ave., Middle- FINAST town, July 31. FINAST IN OIL 0% - GOOD AT SUPIR FINAST RBR The five-day trial was be- Sweet Relish MV4«-F»31« Sat., Ma/ 31 it IWtil fore County Court Judge Al- Solid White Tuna 3~ ton V. Evans. Mf^ Assistant County Prose- FUSSY FROZEN SAVINGS FUSSY BAKERY SAVINGS cutor Elliot Katz presented Rogers "Spring Wheat" THIS COUPON _ _ _C the slate's case. James Car- WORTH IV ton 3d of Asbury Park repre- STRAWBERRIES HOT DOG ROLLS 10 sented Marilyn French, Ross Stainless Tableware Toward Purchase of 1 qt. 14 oz. Can Liquid BrowiLof Spring Lakerepre= OR PINAST 81 gented Joseph French. DUNDEE SLICED HAMBURGER ROLLS pkj AERO WAX FUSSY DAIRY SAVINGS fUSSY HEALTH & BEAUTY AIDS ADULTS ONLY - LIMIT 1 PIR FAMILY Froehlich Didn't Get aoao AT SUPIR FINAST • News From Howard SHRIMP or CLAM BUFFERIN 223ESESB3|!Good thru Sat., Moy Slftjggg MATAWAN TOWNSHIP - SAU SEA Star* Your 100 ^ft«li^ Mayor Hans II. Froehlich was S«t Today I COCKTAIL TABLETS not notified by Rep. James J. 3 89< Build a complete set of Stainless Tableware. 99c THIS COUPON _ Howard, D-N. J,, that a new Completing uniti on salt at all times fer We. WORTH OC post office will be built in the A product ef Inttrnotlencri IllrarC*. Cliffwood section. JOIN THE PRICE-MINDERS SAVE HARD CASH I TOWARD PURCHASE OF 1 LB. PKG. A Daily Register news slory yesterday incorrectly carried LONG BRANCH the information that Mayor ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS MARGARINE J'roehlich said lie was notified 320 THIRD AVE., ADULTS ONLY - LIMIT 1 PER FAMILY "of the contract awarding by ROUTE 36 and FIRST AVE., GOOD AT fUPIR FINAST the office of Sen. Clifford P. Prices effective ot oil stores thru Saturday, May 31,1969. We mew it» rl$jht •• Kmlt BJMOTHHBI. Not rtspomiblafor typographica l errort. •?itBWflWfflfi15B3Good thru Sat., May 31st Case, H-N. J., and Rep. How- ard. The 'congressman noti- fied The 'Register, not the itiayor. , J" . THE DAILY EEGISTER, HED BANK - MIDDLETGWN, N. J.: TUESDAY, MAY 27,1969 11 Rjnnson-Fair Haven Regional Assembly and Dinner Far KBCH Athletes Summer Programs Approved RED. BANK - Senior ath- Bob Kennedy, vaisity bas- "&IIMSON - The Rumson- school reserves the right to ty, remedial school, various letes at Red Bank Catholic ketball coach at St. Peter's A Fair Hayen Regional sum- add or discontinue courses, subjects, $60; stenoscript, High School were honored, at College, Jersey City, gave the mer program, as well as work dependent upon enrollment. ABC Shorthand, and water a special dinner and an as- principal address at the din- sembly program. fellowships and study grants, Courses include auto me- color painting. Tutorials for ner. Honored were the senior were approved by the Rum- chanics, College Board re- individual Instruction can be The dinner, sponsored by athletes who participated in son - Fair Haven Regional view, mathematics and En- arranged, and there will be the Red Bank Catholic High football, cross-country, bas- FAMILY BARGAIN WORLD High School Board of Educa- various remedial programs. School Boosters Association, ketball, wrestling, baseball, glish, conversational Spanish, Rf. 35 at Patterson Ave., Shrewsbury tion last night. development reading, and Fellowships Given was held in Old Orchard Golf golf, track, as well as the eighth grade program English Club, Eatontown. The assem- band, color guard, twirlers, 100 Ft. North of Shop-Rite—741-5019 Open 4 Days Only On the recommendation of Work fellowships approved and cheerleaders. Superintendent Dr. John Kin- and mathematics. were: Donald Beidler, ?500 in bly' program, for the entire student body, was held in the Awards presented in the ney, the board unanimously Also, leadership training, art, to develop a program on approved the employment of commercial art; Carolyn Hill auditorium-gymnasium. various sports for .the most WED., THURS., FRMO-9; SAT. 10-6 music workshop, oil painting valuable performer were: these teachers: and sketching, personal typ- and Alan Lyster, ?500 and $250 respectively to prepare football, junior Larry Walling, Joseph T. Cierj, business; ing, psychology of personali- Six Penalized defensive tackle; cross-coun- Robert H. Berberich, En- for large group presentations for team teaching; Robert try, sophomore Fran Sullivan, glish; Patrick Bugni, mathe- By Kirkpatrick distance runner; basketball, matics; Arthur W. Harman Stuart, $1,000 in graphic arts, 1 Acquitted, to prepare print school ma- • RUMSON - A total fine junior Pat Kennedy, play- Jr., physical education; Au- making guard; wrestling, se- dry M. Uban, special educa- terials; Barbara Peak and of $70 was imposed by Judge Catherine Stockham, $500 and nior Brian Hill, heavyweight SELLS-OUT tion; Edward T. Ryscavage, 1 Convicted William P. Kirkpatrick, last $250 respectively for guid- division; baseball, senior Bri- remedial reading; Margaret night, on Kenneth Murphy, an Vandermark, pitcher; The entire stack of CURTAIN PARADISE, Trenton, N. J. Wilson, mathematics. ance, to conduct a study of In Drug Case high school graduates and Cedar Ave., Long Branch, on boys track, senior John Bran- OVER 1500 TO CHOOSE JUST BROUGHT IN FRESH The summer school, which don, sprinter; girls track, ju- will include 14 courses, begins FREEHOLD - A jury write a course of study for ' charges of motor vehicle In- acquitted a Howell Town- group guidance classes. spection violation and failing nior Debbie Kerner, field on July 7 and will continue events; and golf, senior Jer- ship man but found a Free- These study grants were ap- through Aug. 8. Registrations to make repairs. ry Kaminski. •VALANCES will be accepted at the hold man guilty to charges proved: Robert Culp, $800; For improperly entering a .The winner of the John school's curriculum office of possession and sale of hash- Vincent Esposito, and Susan highway, Michael Cox Jr., from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. from ish March 30 in Howell Graziano, $1,000 each; Elva of South Orange, was fined Copperthwaite , Memorial .June 23 to July 3. Township. Fischette, librarian $650; and Award to the athlete showing •CURTAINS* $25. Gary Gifford of 113 E. Class Sizes Limited Acquitted in the two-day Irma McGovney, $100. River Road, Rumson, was the most leadership and de- trial was Julius Russo of 520 v As class sizes are limited, John Mason, William Fra- fined $15 for an inspection termination will be announced " applicants are urged to regis- Middle Lane, Howell Town- zee and Robert Carter were violation. at graduation. Senior football DRAPES- ter as soon as possible. Theship. hired by the board for sum- W. F. Reardon, Ridge MARQUISETTE • YOUNG ROMANTICS player Emmett Hennes- ' —ADVERTISEMENT— Found guilty was Edward mer maintenance work, in the Road, here, was fined ?25 HINDENBERG • KUTRON • TRU-LON Keyes of 59 Broadway, Free- school. for allowing a dog to run sey won the John Ciallella 100% FIBERGLASS • FORTREL POLYESTER Helps You Overcome hold. Approved with regret was at large, Peter Reidermesis- Memorial Award. RAYON • ACETATE* COTTON • METALLIC County Court Judge Pat- the resignation of John Koe- ter of Hartshorne, and Ray POLYESTER NINON >• CHROMESPUN rick J. McGann Jr. set July sel, guidance counselor, who Sanborn of Park Ave., here, FALSE TEETH Lecture Tomorrow POLISH COTTON • NYLON • LINEN 10 for sentencing for Keyes. lias accepted a position in Se- were both fined $10 for fail- CHENILLE >• DACRON • PINCH PLEAT Looseness and Worry Ing to obtain a 1969 dog li- NEW MONMOUTH - The Assistant County Prosecu- attle, Wash., to work for his TAILORED • RUFFLED >• PINCH PLEAT No longer be annoyed or feel 111-at- tor Arnold Levin presented doctorate. cense. New Jersey Bell Telephone Mse becauM of loose, wobbly false DRAW STRING • PERMA PRESS teeth. FA8TEETH. an Improved the state's case. Thomas She- Tabled for further study by Jesse Largen, Dwight Road, Co. tomorrow will.present an alkaline powder, Holds plates firmer LINED • ANIMAL PRINTS • FLOWERS •o they feel more comfortable. Avoid bell Jr. of Asbury Park rep- the appropriate board com- here, was fined a total of Illustrated lecture on the his- embsrruanumt caused hy loose false tory and development of com- POLK-A-DOT • SOLIDS • WHITE • ETC. ! teeth, "tnturea that at are essential resented Russo. Martin Rud- mittee was a proposal for stu- $20 for having no boat num- *• " j&th.36B your flentlat regularly, nick ot Red Bank represented dent athletic coverage Insur- bers displayed and for hav- munications " for students at wot MSXBSCH at aU drug counters. Keyes. ance. ing no boat registration. New Monmouth School. *SrNGLE* DOUBLE* TRIPLE NONE HIGHER NATIONALLY ADVERTISED UP TO $39.95 OVER 750 JUST BROUGHT IN FRESH • DOILIES • CURTAIN BED • SHOWER • TRAVIS CURTAINS • RUGS • DRAPERY SPREADS • APPLIANCE COVERS i* Quilted • Etc. • Etc. • Skirts • Flowers • Asst. Colors RODS • Dacron Po'yester SELF ADJUSTABLE • Solids* Etc. • Asst. Sizes IRASS ENAMRLED • Double • Single 50'*'3 25^WHITE — ETC5. NONE HIGHER Nat. Adv. to $40.00 NONE HIGHER NONE HIGHER Nat. Adv. $7.95 Nat. Adv. $19.95 OVER 800 JUST BROUGHT IN FRESH THIS WEEK LADIES1 BETTER BRANDED DRESSES • SHIFTS JUMPSUITS • SETS • VOILES • BRA SHIFTS • FLAIRS PEEK-A-BOOS • TERRY CLOTH POINTY COLLARS • CUT-OUTS MINIS • FLOWERS • PRINTS ZIPPER FRONT CULOTTES SLEEVELESS • SLEEVES • ETC. SIZES 3-15 — 6-18 NONE HIGHER NATIONALLY ADVERTISED UP TQ $28.00

OVER 600 ALL NEW—JUST BROUGHT INFRESH THIS WEEK C L E AR LADIES' BETTER BRANDED Our Enormous Collection jaf^Eabulous Lamps • BLOUSES • MIDRIFFS • TOPS • BELL BOTTOMS 50 • VOILES • PEEK-A-BOO • POINTY COLLARS • FLAIR • LACE •• RUFFLES • COTTON TO $ Save • LONG SLEEVES • MOCK-TURTLE NECKS • PRINTS • SOLIDS • ETC. ETC. 10 • SIZES S-M-L 32-38 5-15 NONE HIGHER NATIONALLY ADVERTISED UP TO $29.00 Over 1,400 Over 500 Just in Fresh Just in Fresh to Just in Fresh MEN'S — BOYS' GIRLS' GIRLS' ACRYLIC SHORTS-TOPS PRE-TEENS' SHIRT o SLACKS RIOT! • Stretch SLACKS on outstanding « BELL MOCK TURTLE <• Perma-Pleat BOTTOMS STRIPES • Check • Solids • PRINTS • Bell-Bottom • Etc. SOLIDS • ETT C floor samples • SOLIDS $ • SIZES S-M-L • Sizes 3-6x 7-14 • SAILOR TYPE • WALL LAMPS • FLOWERS SIZES 2 • CHANDELIERS NONE 3-6X HIGHER 7-14 • TABLE & FLOOR LAMPS NONE HIGHER NONE HIGHER Nat. Adv. $3.95 Nat. Adv. to $6.95 Nat. Adv. to $4.95 .:-: • GLASS • METAL • WOOD • PORCELAIN Over 1OO just in jresh to choose Over 2,000 Just in Fresh MEN'S to Choose • CARVED BASES MEN'S BETTER _ — • MEDITERRANEAN SWEATERS • TRADITIONAL • V-Neck AnkletSOCKS-s • Mid-Length * • PROVINCIAL » Cardigans Silk-Stretch Nylon g% ••« $ Texturalized Nylon • Mohair • Wool • DIRECTOIRE Spcmdex Leg IIJ • ORIENTAL 140 Broad St., Red Bank — 747-4000 • Atst. Colors . Orion '• Cotton w 5 Hi-Rise NONE Open Wednesday hnd Friday Evenings to 9 p.m. i •CONTEMPORARY • Sizes S-M-L NONE HIGHER One Sin Fits All HIGHER Other Storei at Eatt Orange and the Short Hills Mall Manufacturer! 8. D«!gmri Nationally Advertised to $17.95 Nationally Advertised • hiitwiBiniu • CiUMIbr « »>li1mt> lh> « Irygf Iiitim • liiu>| Siiiiiaut • lilil Slip • («pl •utiia * Mn FEMALE HELP WANTED!

l : l r; : h >la. i.,k,K<,i*,ii.iV»-:--'V^ ^"* ^ ^" "' -'"" - '"" "" •••'"' >'"' '?••• - v wi\ -•"^-i,----;?.:/-:-?>!£:W-S-'. W.liJIi'J^11'- 12 -THE DAILY REGISTER, EED BANK • MTODLETOWN, N. I i TUESDAY, MAY 27,1969- Attendance Is Urged At 9 Lives Session Wants Social Security OtyjSU- TOWNSHIP - to express then* views on the isn't attending although we highway safety and highway •Enrta Bernstein, chairman of proposed dualization because really didn't expect him to ac- ^tte Nine Lives Committee, Jack .Freidenricfl, assistant cept our Invitation in person," "We have" tried to inctade Payments Upped % ;haa urged aD township resi- state highway engineer, will Mr. Bernstein said. "After all speakers who will be able to WASHINGTON - Rep. In the House, both Democrats dents to attend tomorrow be on hand to represent the he doesn't have too many answer whatever questions -night's public meeting on Department of Transporta- friends down this way." James J. Howard, D-N.J., and Republicans, who have : highway dualization. that may be posed by How- charging that President Nix- sponsored legislation to pro- tion. The public meeting, which ell Township residents regard- is scheduled for 8 p.m. in on is turning his back on the vide for a 15 per cent across Mr. Bernstein said it is im- "It is a shame that Com- ing this project," Mr. Bern- needs of Social Security re- the board increase in month- •'•; perattve that residents attend missioner David Goldberg the Aldrich Road School, was stein said. called by the committee af- cipients, said he would push ly benefits, with subsequent These include Daniel Spis- for a 15 per cent across the cost of living increases in ter Mr. Goldberg wrote sev- so, police director of East eral letters stating that the board increase in monthly such benefits, and a minimum Brunswick Township; Ellis benefits. primary benefit of P month- The Place to Go-- For Brands You Know! problem of community sup- Vieser, chairman of the Mid- port for dualization is a ly," Mr. Howard said, dletown Township Safety "President Nixon has re- "more pressing problem" vealed that he plans to cut Under the terms of the leg- REUSSILLES' than funding. Council; Freeholder Harry Larrison, director of county back on the proposed Social islation Mr. Howard is co- U MtOAO ST. A Royal treat Security benefit increases re- sponsoring, minimum ben- Want to 'Prove This' highways, and Henry Ney, HD IANK "We know that the vast county traffic engineer. commended by President efits will be raised from $55 Johnson,'and I don't think to $80 a month and maximum majority of Howell Township All property owners along Palm Beach residents are 100 per cent in the U.S. Congress should per- benefits will be raised from Kt. 0 through Howell Town- Robert M. Morris mit this to be done. $218 to $250.70. favor of dualization, and du- ship, all municipal governing alization now," Mr. Bernstein "I felt President Johnson's bodies along the highway recommendation for a 10 per We've a royal treat in store said. "The meeting has been from Madison Township to Morris Agency called to prove this to Mr. cent increase was a step in Toms River, and the entire the right direction, although for you thii lummer: Colorful Goldberg." Monmouth County state and Is Ranked High The agenda for the meet- insufficient, but now Presi- Royal Palm faech* a 65% Da- federal delegations have WEST LONG BRANCH - dent Nixon is attempting to ing includes experts in the been invited to attend the BORROW % The Lafayette Life Insurance cron® polyeiter/35% breery fields of the effect of dual- slash this back even further, meeting. Co. has announced the Rob- to 7 per cent," Mr. Howard wonted wool. It loops Itself ization on highway business, The Nine Lives Committee en M. Morris Agency is cur- said. CONSOLIDATE YOUR DEBTS and you impeccable when fhe was appointed in January rently in 10th place in sales "There are a number of us Get after six fatalities had oc- in the United States and West- weather becomes impossible. curred on the 7.4 mile-stretch ern Europe. New Store Opened additional jaoo Became of modern precision through Howell Township in Mr. Morris personally In Englishtown cash! tailoring techniques, a Palm just over two weeks. ranks second hi the company W. LONG BRANCH TOMSmVOt $7500 Mr. Goldberg has said that with more than $1 million sold ENGLISHTOWN - Walter UP TO 7 YIAM TO f»J Beech suit it fop quality, top 542-7300 2444400 LIU minrencmiprance AvrtUHe « All Mi it will be at least five years as of the end of April. Goodman, LtaCroft, recently E. BRUNSWICK CLARK value. And — priced so mod- before the highway Is dual- opened a Western Auto Asso- 2574000 - 312-7400 ciate store at the corner of estly — perhaps leit than you'd ized, although it was a top priority item in the $6^0 mil- Rt. 9 and Tennent Road. ACdPTANCi CORP* planned to spend — It's easy to 3 Injured lion transportation bond is- The store features auto ac- MACtARKNJ heve more then one! in plaidi, sue approved by New Jersey cessories, home appliances, voters in the November gen- In Collision televisions, radios, garden •tripes, windowpanet or solid eral elections. supplies anpd similar items. MIDDLETOWN — Three i mixtur* ehades. persons were injured, one re- quiring fiospltalization, when Boy on Bicycle (wo cars collided on Leon- Struck by Auto ardville Road near Main St. 65.00 ALUMINUM AWNINGS Saturday morning. LEONARDO - Eight-year- Reported in good con- FLEXALUM awnings protect old Ronald Bailey of 64 Cha- your fine furnishings and win- dition in Riverview Hospital, dow frames from the destruc- mone Ave. escaped serious Red Bank, is Mrs. Stella tion of summer sun; make your injury Sunday when he Herbert, 46, of 75 Hamilon hompcooler, more comfortable. Ave., Leonardo. She was a •Re». T.M. Goodoll Sonford Choose from 5 styles and over was struck by a car while Incorporated. passenger in a car driven 100 color combina- riding a bike at Concord and tions. by her son, Vincent H. Take advantage of Bay Avenues here, police Herbert, 19, same address, I,, our low,low prices. said. which was in collision with a OPEN WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY EVENINGS TILL 9 P.M. 'ALCAN1'. Call us today. World'. Foremost The driver of the car was vehicle driven by Robert E. Producer of Aluminum Identified as Andrew Muel- Murphy, 56, of 89 Broadway, Charge It: 30-60-90 Days! Belford. ler, 63, of Elizabeth, who told police the boy rode in Bofli drivers were treated JOHN DANIELS front of his vehicle. and released after being Al Howell's transported to the hospital by Aluminum Sales Ronald was treated for mi- the Port Monmouth First Aid RED BANK, N. J. nor injuries at Rlverview Squad. 50 BROAD STREET RED BANK CALL 741-568S Hospital, and released. Pa- Mr. Herbert was issued a FREE ESTIMATES trolman Ernest Volkland in- summons by Patrolman Har- vestigated. ry Sage for careless driving. Join Us — "FLY THE AMERI^N The following schools, businesses, industries, service clubs, Scouts, state and load ojficials, municipalities, newspapers and individuals ore participating in Steinbach't American Flag Program 1969: ,

Endorisment by: - • Norman Taninvsn, Senator, MidVtlasax County '• Regimental Stripes Matthew J. Rinalcfo, Senator, Urrion Count/ Joseph J. Maraiiti, Sairator, Morr'n Count/ _ ' Alfrad N. Beadletton, Senator, Monmouth County Hugh F. Foster, Brig. General USACSA . " • go sailing RlclrardC. Home, III, Brig. Gan.USASCS W. B. Latta, Mai. Sen. > Department of the Army, Ft. Monmeutfi, N. J. ' over pants The Hon. Joseph C. Irwin The Hon. Robert Miller Pater Moraitos, Assemblyman, Bergen County . Knitique's ntw kind of shwthaiwj dress- Webster B. Todd Jr., Assemblyman, Someriat County ing ... «otton knits to wear solo or Joseph Aiiolina, Assemblyman, Monmoutih Count/ ' \' Peter P. Garibaldi, AsserrVblyman, Middlesex County ' over pants. Ohoose dross length or Frank J. Dodd, Assemblyman, Essex County " shorter version (for petites or tunic William E. Schluter, Assemblyman, Mercer Count/ wear). Navy, red, khaki and wfrita Herbert H. Kiehn, Asserrvb'lyman, Union County . • ' combinations. Sites 5-13. Col. R. R. Tourtillott > George T. Carr Long ilaava version ..-.16.00 Mrs. H. H. Freedman Veterans of WWI, Ocean City Barracks Short sltava version .,..14.00 Brick Lodge 2 IS I B.P.O.E. Wida-lag pant. CethoNc War Vatepans, Dept. of New Jersey Nat'l. Soiournert, Pt. Monmoutli Ohaptar ' Navy or whita 9.00 Girl Scouts of America Township of Long Beach Boy Scouts of America Townthip of Stafford itetnbech't |unlor drenei —• Cub Pack Scout #43 Middletown Township all itorei Brick Town Recreation Committee Borough of Fair Haven Brick Town Rotary Club _>r Borough of Farmingdale Holiday City Men's Club ^ Borough of Interlakan Elizabeth Kiwanit Club Borough of Little Silver City of Asbury Park Borough of Spring Laka City of Plainfield Borough of Spring Lika Htighfe- City of Elizabeth Borough of Barnegat Light Borough of Red Bank Borough of Harvey Cedars Brick Township Borough of Surf City Ocaan Township Borough of Shipbottom Township of Mat a wan Borough of Beach Haven Township of Manalapan Borough of Rumson Elmora Presbyterian Church, Ellz. First United Methodist Church, Plainfield Jersey Central Power & Light Co. Mills Crane Service & Const. Co. Loizeaiix Lumber Co. PJainfievId Fischer Casting Co., Dunellen Allied Chemical Corp., Elizabeth Works i j:4#ii»'lM:S^ General Anilin Co., Linden International Flavors ft Fragrances Boise Cascade Building Co. Walwor+h Aloyeo, Linden Simmons & Co., Elizabeth Lanvin-Charles of the Rltz Wing Company, Linden , Garden State Parkway Authority New Jersey Bell Telephone, Plainfiefd Rahway Hospital 3-M Company, Freehold Plainfield Savings Bank Amerace-Esna, Union Keystone Savings & Loan Ann. Ocean Federal Savings and Loan Assn. B.T. and Pt.PI. Monmouth College Bradley Beach School Ocean County Collega Frashold Township School Tinton Falls School East Kaansburg School Union County Vocational & Techn. School Oakhurst Country Day School East Davar School Freehold Regional H.S. District Rahway Middle School Bay Head School Raritan Valley School Sprinpg g Lake Public School Toms River Schools Tho Daily Register Village School, Holmdol Fhs Daily Record Public Schools, Red Bank Perth Amboy News Tribune ihop iteinbich'i • preu plaie, aibur/ pailc • broad jtroof, red bank 10 fo 5:30 p.m., wed. and W. till 9 p.nVi J\ Public Schools, Middle+own Asbury Park Prase -THE tiAILY REGISTER, RED BAM. MIDDLETOWN. N. J.s TUESDAY, MAY 27,1969- 13


The front runners for the Glen Ridge • Hillside School DemocratiGainc and Republicasn i n HeaMontclalr. t gubernatorial nominations • .were the targets yesterday of U.S. Rep. Charles W. Sand- •' racial charges as the candi- man of Cape May County date's' girded themselves for came in for more criticism REACHING OUT FOR FRIENDS — State Senate President Frank X. McDermott of MAYORAL HOSPITALITY — Reaching for a tasty snack at a reception in the from his opponents on the Union County/ left, pauses to greet a group of Monmouth Regional High School home of Mayor and Mrs. John O. Teeter, 36 Belleville Ave., Rumson, 'is State Sen. iae {Dial week of battle before recent charges that 20 years president Frank X. McDermott, R-Unlon, left. Sen. and Mrs. McDermott stand be- the primary election June 3. ago he sold property under students at'Monmouth Shopping Center, bids on the new YMCA have (Register Staff Photo) -Sow of Little Silver, he said tion's schools only if both acquainted. , cial back to half-acre resi- been opened, Xhey. show that •.>-••• " -••ft- • -• * . r : " "" •-* : 14 -THE DAILY REGISTER, RED BANK • MIDDLETOVX, N. J.: TUESDAY, MAY 27, 1969- Red Bank's Fazzone Fires NoHits No-Hitter at Caseys, 9-0 Culls, POINT PLEASANT RED BANK — Strong- centerfielder Al Iaderosa Brian VanderMark (5-3), who derosa then slugged a run- BEACH — St. Boss pitching armed Dave Fazzone picked made a shoestring catch o£ had pitched his team to a 4-1 producing double. ace John Marzulla hurled all up Red Bank High School by a sinking liner off the bat of victory in the first meeting Fazzorie walked to load the but a perfect game against holding rival Red Bank Cath- Pat D'Onofrio. between the neighboring liases, and Vic Rizzo followed Point Pleasant Beach yester- olic in the palm of his hand schools. Fazzone (6-5) was the suit to force home the second While Fazzone weaved his day, as he no-hit the Gulls, for a satisfying 9-0 no-hit vic- magic spell, Buc batters losing pitcher in that one, run of the game, tory here yesterday. rapped out seven hits off a so yesterday brought sweet Casey Exits 8-0, and fanned 17 Beach The Red Bank right-hander trio of Red Bank Catholic revenge. VanderMark was lifted in Boys. struck out 13, walked three hurlers and benefitted from The victory lifted Red Bank favor of John Dancey, who Marzulla whiffed five Gar- and permitted only one Casey bases on balls and errors to above toe .500 mark at 9-8, retired the next three bat- net Gulls in the first inning, to go as far as second base. score four runs in each of the while RBC slipped to 12-9 on ters. However, groundouts but the Purple Rose catcher Only one other RBC player second and fifth innings. campaign. off the bats of John Gaddis had trouble handling two of reached base—on an error. Revenge Verdict John Giannell opened toe and Kevin Costello accounted the pitches, allowing two The no-hitter was preserved The second inning outburst Bucs' second with a single, for two more runs batted Gulls to reach first base af- in the fifth inning, when Buc came against Casey starter and Tom Rossi walked. la- in. ter the third strike was called. Singles by Bill Maguire and Rizzuto highlighted the No other Beach batter four-run fifth, as four Casey reached first base. errors aided greatly. Red St. Rose's scoring was high- Nino Breaks Hand Bank added an insurance run BUC BEATS BALL — Red Bank's Tom Rossi takes a giant stride to the safety of lighted by a three-run homer in the seventh, but with Faz- by Tom Marino in the" fifth zone mowing down the oppo- first bata yesterday, outrunning ttia ball (behind him, under left arml. Red Bank sition, it really wasn't need- Catholic first baseman John Dancey gives it the stretch to no avail. Rossi, the inning. ••'*''* ed. Bucs1 catcher, caught the serves for hurler Dave Fazzone's 9-0 no-hitter over the The Roses posted' three In Loss to Tiger runs in the fourth and five Ed Hennessey was the only rival Cajeys. I Register Staff Photo) in the fifth. . • , NEW YORK (AP) - Nino Red Bank Catholic runner . Benvenuti's venture into the to reach second base. He Mark Metzger took the loss for Point Beach. He worked light heavyweight division walked to open the fifth in- ning and moved up a notch five and two-thirds innings ended in disaster last night on a groundout. There he giving up eight runs on five when he suffered a broken Manasquan Ousts Neptune died. hits. He walked two and right hand and lost a unan- whiffed five. Dick Sprague Red Bunk <9> It. B. C«Ui. (O) imous decision to Dick Tiger sbrh nbrb took over in the sixth and in a lfl-round non-title bout Rlzzuto.Zb 2 0 1 Guarlno.U-as 2 0 0 fanned five Rose batters. Josey,2b 10 0 Coyne.c-p 2 0 0 In Monmouth Opener, 3-1 at Madison Square Garden.> 5 01 Vestel.lf 10 0 Taytor,3b 4 0 0| M't'ccl,lb-2t> 200 St, Rose Is now 10-9 this The world middleweight Costcllo.rf 5 01 n'Onfrio.vf 3 0 0 By RICH NICOLETTI of the Monmouth College In- Miller was the winning 5 11 KaelUb 30 0 season,, while Point Beach champion said he hurt his aiannell.u 2 11 Dancey,p-3b 10 0 WEST LONG BEANCH - vitational Baseball Tourna- moundsman, going all the Morse.H 110 Kateer.c 10 0 Dan Miller hurled a three-hit- ment here yesterday. has dropped to a 6-11. hand with a high punch to Rossl.c 3 2 0 Henn'asey.rf 2 0 0 way for Manasquan. He the head in the first round. Iaderosa.of 3 21 SeverLnl,2b-p 2 0 0 ter for Manasquan, and Nick The Warriors posted single walked four and fanned three. St. Rose (8) rolnt Beach (0) Fazzone, p 3 21 Kenoy.ab 0 0 0 Jib r II •i>rh "It was a terrible pain," he •V'ffra'k.psi 2 0 0 Aronis doubled and scored runs in the second, third and His record is 4-2. 4 0 0 McD'n'ufti.o 3 0 0 two runs, enabling the Big 2 2 1 MltdielUb 3 0 0 said. "From then on I was 31 9 7 £100 sixth innings, wnile the Fli- Dick Becker took the loss, Maxwell.o 3 2 3 sntrtoy.cj 3 0 0 Red Bank 040 1—9 Blue Warriors to trim Nep- ers' only tally came in the his third against three vic- MaTiulla.p 5 10 3 0 0 practically a one-handed R. B, CaUi. _.000 000 »-0 Freeman.rf 2 0 0 Bricclb 3 O 0 tune 3-1 in an opening round fourth. tories. He also chucked a Graham,cf 10 0 Bceden.Tf 2 0 0 fighter." WMU>,3t> 10 0 B?t«,irue,«i-r, 2 0 0 three-hitter. T' 2 0 0 Cirpcnter,3b 3 0 0 Complete Break 110 MeligM.P 10 0 The Warriors' second MMlrc>,2b 111 OoU!«on,r{ 0 0 0 Dr. Edwin Campbell of the Ingram,lb 10 0 Fwroe,20 10 0 New York State Athletic frame scoring got under way Gregg, us 10 0 Rocket-Launcher Battaglia when Bill McKelvey hit a Cleavor.d 2 11 Commission said Nino suf- M'Q'ViUb 10 0 Texas-league single to right Rusltullo.a 10 0 fered a complete break of Klto 10 0 the metacarpal bone behind center. He took second on a passed ball. Aronis followed 29 J 5 the right index finger and Bt. Rout _ Catches Seraphs Asleep, 5-0 with a walk. Ft. Bench __j000 000 0-0 would not be able to train HB—iMajrtno. for at least eight weeks. NEW MONMOUTH — The strength of a single by Barry ond and third. Battaglia then Bill Martin then hit a slow Benvenuti went to the Poly- Baritan baseball squad McBride. singled home two, and Burst roller down the first base clinic Hospital after appear- caught the Mater Dei dia- The Rockets got to Lenahan erupted for a single for the line which stayed fair. The Bucs, Colts ing at a news conference, MENACING TIGER WAITS — In third round action mond nine sleeping at home again in the third on a walk final tally. Flier flrst-sacker picked the displaying his swollen hand. yesterday as Rocket launcher ball up and t'nrew McKelvey that appears to be a knockdown, but isn't. Ninq. to Rich DeGenaro and singles Battaglia went the distance Tiger, a 39->ear-old pap- Tom Battaglia blanked the by Battaglia and Tom Burst. out at the plate. Martin was Net Winners py guy from Biafra, fought Benvenuti, right, slips to canvas after pissing punch to record the win. He allowed called out on the play for ' Seraphs, 5-0, on five hits. Bruce Tucker opened the Red Bank High School and with the desperation of man thrown at Dick Tiger. Tiger took a unanimous decision only five hits against toe slug- interference, while Aronis • The Raritan boys went Rocket fifth with a walk, fol- Christian Brothers Academy groping for a last chance. in the 10-round non-title, light heavyweight bout at right to work on losing pitch- lowed by an error on De- ging Seraphs, walked four and took third. After Marty The victory reinstated Tiger registered shut-out tennis vic- Madison Square Garden. (AP Wiraphoto) er Tom Lenahan by posting Genaro's grounder and a struck out seven. Fletcher walked, the catcher tories yesterday. as a leading contender for . a run in the first on the wild pitch putting men on sec- attempted to catch Fletcher the light heavy crown he lost Raritan (S) I Mater Del (0) The Buccaneer netmen fin- abrh| nbrb stealing second. On the throw, last year to Bob Foster. EeGen' 3 2 0] 301 Aronis scored. Fletcher was ished the regular season at BatMglla,? 4 2 3 1 4 0 1 9-3 overall and 6;1 In the Tiger cut Benvenuti around MoBrlde.lf 4 0 1 Collfru.lf 10 0 tagged out after fne play. Burst,2b 4 0 2 ( 3 0 0 Shore Conference "B" Divi- the left eye in a dose quar- Manentlx 3 0 0 O'Brlcn,3b 2 0 0 The Warriors added a run cere,3b 3 0 1 o o o sion by blanking Marlboro. ters in the seventh round Betfiel.ri : 2 0 0 I Itellly.rf • 2 0 1* in the third without a hit. Admirals Face Big Tests Bicca.ct 10 1| Bolgcr,2b 2 0 0 They lost only 12 games in and referee Tony Perez cau- Rlatalnodb 3 0 0 1 Hiarrlngton,c 3 0 0 John Irvin was safe on a er- the five matches played. tioned them as they broke. Tucker,** 2 10 10 1 ror, stole second and Steve In the last round Tiger was HIGHLANDS — Henry Hud- up a run in the first on Ken ;runs in the bottom of the Henry Hudson is 12-5-1 en Lenahan.p 0 0 0 CBA, which concludes Us O'Connor.rf 2 0 0 Sylvester reached safely on warned to keep his punches son Regional, down 5-0, ral- Blana's double and an error fifth. Len Whitley and Wal- dual campaign this afternoon the season, while Hoffman, Palasano,3b 10 1 another error. Skip Whitman up. lied for two runs in the fifth and added another marker in ter Mewes stroked back-to- against St. Joseph's of Me- which defeated the Admirals 2309 and George Clark followed inning and three more in the the third on Larfy Kurzawa's back singles. Pete Turner in their previous meeting in Raritan ... J01 030 0—5 tuchen, spanked Long Branch Referee Perez scored it 7- Hater Del 000 000 0—0 with walks for the tally. for its 15th victory against on- 2-1, Judge Joe Armstrong 6-4 seventh, to gain a tie with run-producing single. reached on a fielder's choice South Amboy, Is 10-5-1. Group I rival Hoffman of Two walks, a single by and he and Whitley came Neptune got on the board ly two setbacks - and Judge Al Bert 6-3-1, all Hoffman (5) I Henry Hudion (!) for Tjger. The Associated South Amboy here yesterday. Jim Groddick and a two^bag- around on Ron Luddy's two- lib r h 1 ab r h Jinls' Dess Injured when John Dundas hit a sac- CD A (5) — Ions; Branch (») A.blla'llo,et 2 2 0 | MCT/ce.Jb 5 12 rifice fly to left field with Press card was 7-3 for Ti- The contest was called at ger by Kurzawa, who collect- base hit. Blo'dg' 4 0 0 10 0 In Auto Accident Brent snearer (QBA) d. Ken'ses. ger who went into the ring the end of nine innings by ed half of the Govs' total of The tying three in the sev- Ktuz'wa,3b 3 0 8 Turner.rf l 2 0 the bases loaded. nick, 8-2, 6-4 - Lyom.M 4 0 0 4 0 1 NEW CASTLE, Pa. (AP) Aronis' smashed a double Bill Koch ICBA) d. Jot Catalans-, a 12-5 underdog. mutual agreement, but the four hits, highlighted a three- enth sent the game into over- Buuta,c 3 11 Krzan,c 4 11 to, 6-3 R.Or'd'k,2b.4 0 0 Balley.lf 5 03 — Darrell Dess, a member to right in the sixth and he John Borrut (OBA) d. Cralf Poole, No Knockdowns next time the teams play a run Hoffman fi aided by time, Mewes doubled and Plone.rl 4 0 0 Kornek,3h 3 0 1' 6-2, 6-1 winner must be determined. J.Crod'k,U 3 11 Miller,c(-p 3 0 0 of the New York Giants foot- scored on a Single to right Doublet There were' ha knockdowns crucial Admiral irs for a Turner and Len Krzan both I/ange,p 110 Levy.rt 4 0 0 John Correa and, Shawn Kelly The Admirals and Governors Tlnjle.p 110 Whttley.p 4 11 ball team, suffered knee In- by Martin. (CBA) d. Dim Nonhropa and steva In the overweight" -match in 5-0 advantage.; walked to load the bases. Blaveran, 6*4, 0-2 which the fighters had. to are semi-final opponents in juries in a headon collision : Trip Money and Dave GalUKin Henry Hudsoi which ' Jim Bailey's single drove 29 S 4 | 34 IS 9 Neptune 11) | Manasquan (3) (OBA) d- Qreg. B&rlison and left make at least 168 pounds. the Central Jersey Group I HtXtman , ftll 030 000—5 abrhl ahrh Burkmtn, 6-0, T-6 rapped out nine Its, three home two runs and Kevin Henry Hudson 000 O20300-3 on rain-slick U. S. 224 about LePolls.o 3 0 0|Mll!er.p 300 Tiger came in at 166 and bracket of the state tourna- 3B—Ballw. 2B—Mewes, Luddy, Bourne.M 100 BylvruleMb 2 0 0 Rod Bank <5> — Marlboro (0) for extra bases, two Kornek singled in foe knotter. Bl&aa, Kurxaw*. five miles west of here. 10 0 Whltrmn,o 10 0 Benvenuti 164. four pounds ment. The game will, be 3 11 SlSlnill M Authorities said Dess' Clark.K) 2 0 0 Bob Haynor (R) d, Ray BosworUi, over his middleweight title played next week, a date and Beckcr.p 3 0 1 McKelvey.U 2 0 1 wife, Carol, 29, and a 14- 2 00 Aronla,c( 2 2 1 Glenn Mawbs (A) d. lack Kelchel, limit. site still to be decided. year-old niece, Kathleen She- Dundafi,lb 2 0 0 ManUn,3b 3 0 1 6-2, 8-2 Vrx!ola,rt 1 0 0 Fletoher.rf 2 0 0 Qorrett Swing (R) d. Larry Blink, A crowd of 14,305 paying vitz, were hospitalized Sun- Ma.urer.3b 10 1 IrvlruSJ 110 6*1, 6*1 The state tourney contest ManclnorU 10 0 $147,431 alternated between Chief ]^ok-A-Homa Joins day In serious condition. D'm' 10 0 Double! is only one of several impor- Dave Nitolson and Rich OUm- early chants of "Neeno, Dess was listed in good con- brone (Ri A. Jamie Klelman tr4 tant games which Henry Hud- 19 13 13 3 3 Jim K«lw«, 8-3. 6-3 Neeno" to, deep-throated.._.. dition at Jamison Memorial Neptune OOOflOO J nected in the third inning. counting Principals and the related Finan- Atlanta XI 13 .675 Chicago 17 IS .485 4',, Liu AAngeleg i 23 177 .575 Seattle 19 21 .475 5 idden Persuaders. cial Statements. Ban Francisco .23.-. 10 .W8 5 CallTornla .11 28 .282 1214 CincinnatB Fi i 2230 19 .543 6't Yesterday's Result B.S. in Accounting preferred, although we Houtton 21 24 .467 8V4 Minnesota 7, Washington 1 Shore Firemen's %= A secret blending of rare, imported botanicals gives Ean Dlcgo ...17 29 .370 13 Tonlfht'i Gomes will consider an advanced night student. Yesterday'! HCBUU Detroit (Ullch 6-1) at Oakland Atlanta 3, St. Louis 0 (Dobaon 3-4) Softball League Walker's Gin it» magnificent flavor. Juniper These positions offer a challenge and an Tonlcbt'n (iames • Cleveland (McDowell M) at Cali- STANDINGS excellent opportunity to enter THE industry Ban Diego (Santorlnt 1-2) at New fornia- (MoOlolhlln 3-2) W Ii York (McAndrew 0-1) Batlmore (Hwebus B-0) at Seattle I.lhertv inetl Dank) 6 1 sngepijgf from Spain. Coriander of tha future — computers! Los Anefiles (Strahler O-O) at Mon- (Brnbender 1-3) Eatonloml 4 2 treal fjaster l-2> Bost/in (Slohprt 4-3) at KanBas flcranport -1 ; ....4 3 For immediate contidereiion pleaia St. „ Louis (WaHlibum 2-4) at At> City iDrngo 2-1) Tnlr llnvcn . _ 4 2 Inmr Asia. Far-an obviously superior call or wrife: JanU (Jnrvlfl 3-2) New York iStntnemyr© 7-3) at I,ltlle Silver 3 3 TOM MURDOCK rhlhrtrlpliU 'Fryman 4-1) at Hous- ClilcaE" iNymnn 1-0P Oceanic (Hiinurin) .3 3 ton i\Vii™n 3-4) Mlnnrmita Ulall !-2l at Wsahlnf- VI. Long- Itranra. 1 a if^lker's gin-with ±h«s hidden persu&d Employment Representative ChltMp', (Jc-niilnfl 5-2) at Sin Fran- ton (Moore 2-fll Shrewsbury ...,,\ _...o 6 229-1100, Ext. 683 clflcn iH"lin :•-,•]! Tomnrnm'H Night's Games Niindns> llrsults DISHLED IONDON D«Y GIN • 90 MOO' • DISII11ED FKOM O«»IM • HIHAM WAIKEI 1 SONS INC. KOIIA IUINO» Tiiiiiiirrnn-s 5 • SI. LoiiH nt Atlanta, nlRlit Hrmton at Kansas City Ealontown 1(1, IV. inns llranch 1 90 proof $499 ritbuiurifli at Cincinnati, nlslit New York vs. Ohlcaffo at Mil- Next Sunday's Vhedulo */2 Gal. Electronic Associates, Inc. Fhlllarielplila at Houston, night waukee 21innesotia at Washington EalontDwn al Ooeanpwt Ill Manmautl1 M l ftrk Hwy., Wait Long Branch, N. J. Chicago at Ban Fr&ncleco tV. Loot Branch at U«tla SUter '" " "™'.'; :L':.l." ~n..,,&TijN|TY EMPLOYER Khramburr at Bonisoo . Ubartjr %\ tut Haven \ V -THE DAILY BEGISTE& BED BANK • MDDLETOWN, N. J.i TUESDAY, MAY 27.1969- 15 THi! dHUtk WAGON Ocean Township Falls Garden State In State Tournament Clinic at CBA HIGHTSTOWN - Ocean North Hunterdon opened the catcher threw to second to cut Township High School's game with a base hit by Jack down a runner. By CHUCK TRIBLEHORN hopes of a Central Jersey Ziray. He stole second and Craig Baylor was the win- Group IV baseball champion- came across on Joe Scheier's ning hurler. He went the dis- Register Sports Editor ship fell by the wayside yes- single. Snare then forced out tance allowing five hits, three 'Round 'n' 'bout the sports beat terday as the Spartans were Scheier and scored on two walks, and he fanned six. The fourth annual Garden State Basketball School will clipped by North Hunterdon, wild pitches. Joe Villapiano was charged be staged June 16-20. The clinic, which has been held at 3-2 here. The Spartan runs came on with the loss. He gave up six Red Bank Catholic for the previous three years, has been The game a rescheduled a walk to Ken Gmber and sin- hits, fanned 13 batters and switched to Christian Brothers Academy. Boys from the event of last week's scoreless, gles by Bruce Battjer and Joe walked only one. sixth grade to eighth grade graduates are eligible to tie that was washed out after Falco.' Batjer stole home for Ocean now has a 12-10 rec- participate. • eight innings, saw both teams the second run when the ord. score two runs in the opening Joe DeClerk, 673 W. Front St., Red Bank, former frame. basketball coach at St. James' Grammar School, is tourney The Lions won the game in director. Coach Vinnie Cox, who has the fourth frame when George guided CBA's varsity teams to a 125-34 Buccaneers Clinch Snare walked, stole second record in seven years, will instruct the and tallied on a single by youngsters in all phases of the game. John Bouldy. EAGLES BISCAYNE-BOUND THE WINNER — Todd Tremain*, winner of Sunday's Ocean County Soap Box V. Hunterdon (3) I Ocean (2) W Track Crown A solid backcourt combination which «r>rh| ohrh gave Shore independents fits last winter Derby Sunday, it congratulated by his partnfa, Mr. and Mrs. Trtnaina, 54 Annap- Zlray,3b 4 12| 4 0 0 MoQ'h'n.Zb 3 0 0 | aruber,3b 111 MATAWAN - Red Bank and Bill Cholewa (shot) reg- is headed for Biscayne College. Jim Mc- olii DriVt, Hillet. 3 0 1 Battjer.rt istering the Matawan victo- Bnare.c 2 2 0 in High School's talented track- Cloud and Bark Bratus of St. Mary's of PoHVm'i.of 3 0 0 Yamello.Db 2 0 0 ries. South Amboy (24-4) will join Hazlet's Bouldy.rf 3 0 2 100 men made it official here yes- Ghalfoux.lf 2 0 1 Beutell.c 201 The Huskies, 2-5 in con- Steve Sahli, former Raritan eager, on die BohmMt.lf 10 0 8cavron,2b 30 0 terday. The Buccaneers Yaguez,ai 3 0 0 201 ference and 2-6 overall, net- Miami campus. Ryder.K 301 Baylor.p -3 0 0 Vlllapiano.p 2 0 0 clinched the Shore Confer- ted a sweep in the mile, led TR1BLEHORN Both All-Middlesex County selections, National Soap Box Derby 2738| 31 2 8 ence "B" Division champion- by Dellaney's winning 4:51.0. McCloud averaged 20 points a game and Bratus pumped in North Huntardon . 200 loo 0—3 14.9 per. McCloud also established a new single game rec- Ocean , 200 000 0-2 ship with a convincing 86-40 Keil Bunk (SO) — Matawan MO) 100-yard daih — 1. Pote Rod! ord of 36 points, erasing Bratus' old mark by one. victory over Matawan Region- (RB). 2. Moore (RB). 3. Huuey (M). Beckons Hazlet Speedster Time— :10.3 BOOSTERS AID PAIR MM. Miller Wins al. 220-yoKl di»h — 1. RIcJi Schondc (RBI, 2. Rode (RS), 3. Moome (RB). POINT PLEASANT BEACH-The 1968 Ocean County representative in the finals Beacon Hill Golf The victory closed out a Time—:22.5 The Monmouth Regional High School Booster Club 440-yatd dash — 1. Run SOiaMer came up with two outstanding recipients for its $230 Ocean County Soap Box Derby was won by for the world title against 250 other derby LEONARDO-Mrs. Ira Mil- perfect 70 conference record (RBi, 2. Peter«on (RB). 3. Manzo Todd Tremaine, 13-year-old veteran driver, champions in Akron, Ohio, in August. (M). Time—:52.8 scholarship grants at its banquet last week. Glenn Clark, ler's 58 won last Thursday's for the champs. The Bucs 880-yard run — 1. Bruce Gardner here Sunday. The new champion is the son of Mr. have won 10 of their 11 meets, (M), 2. Credlc (RB), 3. ParlHan Lehigh-bound, and Bob Ashton, headed for Holy Cross, are Ladies' Day Alibi Tourna- (Mi. Time—2:02.5 two of the finest athletes and gentlemen in Monmouth Todd finished first against a field of 31 and Mrs. Robert N. Tremaine of 54 Anna- ment at the Beacon Hill losing only to Long Branch, One-mile run — l.ADdy Dellany polis Drive, Hazlet. This is the third der- (Ml, 2. Klein (M), 3. Hesa (Ml. County. other young boys entered in the fourth Country Club. , "A" Division king-pins. Time—4:51 annual classic race sponsored by Surf by for Todd. In 1967, he finished second. 180-yard low hurdlea — 1. Bob The winner was detcrr Rch Schenck and Bob Hud- KUflrow (RB). 2. Hill (RB), 3. RU8- Clark has participated in cross-country, track and foot- Chevrolet and the Greater Point Pleasant Last year, he was eliminated early in the «ell (M). Time— :20.« ball, serving as co-captain of the track team and is the competition, but his repeated attempts mined by gross score, minus row paced Red Bank to its Shot — 1 BUI Cholewa (M), 2. Area Chamber of Commerce. clinching victory. Each won 1. Lea (RS)', 3. Johnson (RB). Dis- Shore Conference's 220-yard dash champion. He established paid off Sunday. the five worst holes. tance—51'9" a new school record for points scored in single season. A native of Hazlet, Todd defeated the Mrs. Walter Gillette was two events. Dlsou» — 1. Gary Diiil (RB). • 2. local favorite, Chris Gagnon of Point Pleas- The 32 entries in Sunday's derby made Tobias (RB), 3. Herb (M). Dlitance Ashton, a football, basketball and baseball performer, it the greatest total in local Soap Box runner-up with her 59. Schenck led his team to —132'1" ant Beach, in a /thrilling finale to an Mrs. Austin Cushman won sweeps in the 220 with a'time High lump — 1. Bob Rudrow (RB), earned three letters in each of his junior and senior years. afternoon of "grand prix" racing from history. The races were postponed from 2. Russell (51), 3. oredle (RB). Saturday, because of rain. More than 1,500 low putting honors on a draw of :22.5 and 120-yard high Helght-«'2" He is captain of the Golden Falcons' 'baseball team. Derby Hill on Jenkinson's lot, north of the Pole vault — 1. Mark Baitell persons witnessed the action near the At- over Mrs. Robert Lehman. hurdles in :15.8. (RBI, 2 1 Kith (M). 3. Kwln (RB). LOEFFLER SPARTAN SPEAKER boardwalk. Todd beat 11-year-cld Chris by lantic Ocean beach. Both ladies tapped 29 putts Rudrow won the 180 lows Helgh^-5 a car length to win the title. Javelin — 1. John Hoffman (RS). Ken Loeffler, associate professor of business ad- By winning the title, Todd won an all- over tie 18 holes of play. in :20.€ and the high jump 2. Cholewa III). 3. Fields (RB). Dll- Young Tremaine is the fourth Ocean tance—152'5" ministration at Monmouth College and a member of the expense paid trip with his parents to Akron This Thursday Is Don Lux •with a leap of 6-2. Long Jump — 1. Larry Lea (RB), County champion and the first to come 2. Russell IM), 3. SdiaHer (RB). Basketball Hall of Fame for his coaching success at Yale, for the derby finals, as well as $500 sav- Day. A best ball tournament The Bucs took 11 of the Distance—20'V from outside the county. Youths from Mon- ings bond and a large trophy. Edwin Car- with the club pro will be 14 firsts, with Bruce Gardner Two-mile run — 1. Bob Hamlln and.La Salle, will be guest speaker at the annual Ocean mouth County were eligible to compete, (RB), 2. Watttson (II). 3. Stark (II). bin, merchandise manager of the Chevrolet staged. (880), Andy Dellany (mile) Time—10:14.8 Township High School Booster Association sports awards according to Surf Chevrolet, because no dinner tomorrow in the school cafeteria. Division of General Motors, which gave dealers In that area conduct the Soap Box the prizes, made the presentation, together SPEED BOAT SPECTACULAR Derby event annually. with William 0. Corbta, Surf Chevrolet Lake Carasaljo in Lakewood will be the setting for The new champion will race as the president. Lakewood's annual Memorial Day power boat spectacular. Outboard racing drivers from the Northeast and Mid- SAVE UP TO $53 ON A SET NOW! Atlantic will compete in the two-day (Friday and Saturday) event. The competition, co-sponsored by the Lakewood Roselle Catholic Beats CBA Recreation Commission and the Central Jersey Racing Asso- ciation, annually draws in excess of 100 participants from a ROSELLE — Roselle Catho- first and third, and Wally hits, fanned three 12-state area. lic blasted five runs in the Grigo loaded the bases when passed three, fifth inning here yesterday DOWN ON THE FARM he walked. Tom Sayer scored Grimm was the loser. He to overcome a two-run defi- the final two on a double. worked three complete Farmingdale's Herman Hill is stroking the ball at an cit and whip Christian Broth- Bassiere was credited with rounds and allowed three of even .300 clip for the Minnesota Twins' Denver farm club ers Academy, 5-2. the win. He gave up nine the Lion runs. In the Triple-A American Association. In 16 games, Hill, The Colts took the lead in had 21 hits and seven runs batted in 70 trips to the plate. the fourth frame when Larry Teammate Dick Estelle of Lakewood isn't faring as Smith singled and stole sec- well. In five games the veteran minor leaguer shows a 1-2 ond. Vinnie Whltehead then record and a 4.50 earned run average. He has struck out 18 doubled scoring Smith. After Red Bank Catholic batters in 20 innings of pitching. Ray Kelly walked, Bill Grimm singled home White- PREP ALL-AMERICAN head. Rides Ocean, 93-33 Bob Nagle, son of Robert E. Nagle, 15 Sailer's Way, Jim Burke opened the OCEAN TOWNSHIP - The record of 6-2. Ocean Is 3-6 Rumson, has won a place on the 1069 Prep School Ail-Ameri- Lion fifth with a walk. Tom tracksters of Red Bank Cath- thus far. can swimming team. A student at the Lawrenceville Weber Mowed with a single, olic proved to be too much but Barry Bassiere's B. B. Catnollo (»3) — Oceaa (33) School, Nagle was on the winning 200-yard medley relay for Ocean Township here yes- lrjOyand dash — 1. .Tom Hie* team, the second place 400-yard freestyle relay foursome, grounder forced Burke at terday. The Caseys romped, (Ri. 2. Kelaey (R). 3. Revara (R). third. Time-:10.1 seventh in the 200-yard Individual freestyle, third in the 93-33. 220-ytrd dash — 1. Shea (R), 2. Kevin Leary cleared the Riviera (R). 3. Fink (O) Time— 100-yard butterfly and tied for fourth in the 100-yard :23.7 freestyle. bases with a triple and Hick Casey Tom Shea was a tri- 440-yard dash — 1. Ktn Wlcgond Harmon added another with ple winner, racking up vic- (R), 2. Kelsey (R), 3. Fink (O). MEN OF LETTERS a base hit. George Peutseh Time— «2.3 tories In the 100-yard dash, MO-yand run — 1. Rtdi Fain (O), Dirk Wlttenborn, 115 Lincoln Ave., Highlands, and Peter then singled putting men on the 220 and the long jump, 2. Brandon (R), 1. Belaa (R). Time Arbes, 63 Hathaway Ave., Deal, have earned varsity —2:03.1 CBA (I) | Roielle Cath. («) and teammate Carl Merli One-mile run — 1 John Freeman lacrosse letters at Pingry School. David Poppick, 83 Maple «b r h tbrh took firsts in the 180 low hur- (R), 2. Mlknon (R), 3. O'DonneU (0). Tlbbltl.c 3 0 1 Leary.u 2 11 Time—4:42.2 Place, Keyport, received a freshman lacrosse award. John D' 101 Harmon,rf 4 12 dles, the 120 highs and the imltli.eJ 3 11 3 11 120-yard hltfi hurdles — 1. Calr Van Wagner, 22 River Ave., Monmouth Beach, picked up a 4 0 1 Abnruiltll.o 4 0 0 high jump. Merll (R), 2. Brandon (R), 3. Wesel junior varsity baseball award, while John Poppick, 83 Maple Whllta'd.ab 111 2 0 0 (Ri. Time—:18.« 1OO Sayer.lf 201 180-yard low hurdlei — 01. Merll Place, Keyport, is a jayvee track award recipient. Jarden.rf 3 0 1 Biirice,2b 101 Spartan Jamie Heneberry (R). 2. Brandon (R), 3. Wesel (R). Br'dlov«,p J 0 0 W«D«r,3S 1 1 1 made the day a little bright- Tlme-:21.5 William "Butch" Carson Jr., 102 Jackson St., Fair Gimm,p-Tf 3 0 2 Ba*lilen,p 3 10 Shot — 1. RunU (It), 2. Henna- ai'kl'luab 1 0 0 er for Ocean when he set a barry (0), 3. Rejiter (R). Distance Haven, has received his freshman track numerals at school record in the javelin Wesleyan (Conn.) University, while sophomore Jim Nevius, 30 3 9 21 I T Discus — 1. TV>ny Redlgar (R). 2. CBA „ .. 000 200 0—2 throw at 187-10. Duyer (R), 3. Borltz (O). Distance 7 Conover Lane, Red Bank, and Ron Reisner, 83 Poplar Roaelle Cifli ooo oso i-s 3B—Tlbtdtl. LeaflT. JB—Whitehetd. —mm" Ave., West Long Branch, earned letters in varsity lacrosse. Bayer. The Caseys have a season Hlth jump — 1. Merll (R), Wlfrand (R), 3. Buan (0). Heltht— Pole vault — J, Ed Bush (O), a. O'DonniU (O). 3. Barron (O). Helcbt Javelin — 1. Jamie Heneberry (0), 1. Bush (0). 3. Redlier (R). Dla- Surf, Field and Stream tance—187'1O" Long Jump — 1. .Tom Shea (R), 2, Wlexand (R>, 3. Brandon (R). Bis- lance—U'UK." Two-mile run — 1. Frank Sullivan (R), 2. Rosa (O), 3. Nelson (R). Angling Along the Delaware Time—10:04.5 By DICK RIKER seclusion. They also give you a chance at much bigger Bulldogs Split, 1 We, came upon the river at the Stroudsburg bridge. Far trout than you are likely to find in Shadow Lake or the Shore Falters ftrt$tottt below us she coursed her way to the sea. The Delaware Manasquan River. Sure they charge for it. Who is giving River lay basking in the spring sunshine. The Delaware, three-pound trout away these days? But for the fee you In Golf Wars CHAMPION or that part of it above the Water Gap, la one of the most will get a day of fishing that will live forever. And it does beautiful rivers in the east and with luck shall remain beat the cost of a flying visit to the far north. Rumson • Fair Haven Be- FULL4-PLY beautiful. I like fishing trout ponds. You are fishing blind. There glonal's golf team earned a NYLON CORD Above Port Jervis the river consists of a series of are no pools, stretches or riffles to read. Besides, trout split in yesterday's triangu- pools and riffles. In season you can take trout, smallmouth grow bigger in ponds and lakes than they generally do in lar match at the Rumson bass and shad. You find tension draining streams. Country Club. from your body as you walk to the edge Pond trout can sometimes drive you right out of your The Purple Bulldogs of the muttering river. Fifteen minutes on mind. They can be finicky eaters one instant and for no slapped Mater Del, 5-0, but THIS COUPON ^^ WWITH THIS the river bank and you are at peace with apparent reason be chasing the fly right up the bank the dropped a 3-2 verdict to Long the world. next cast. But pond trout can be taken with flies even if Branch. RIVER HAS MOODS there is no hatch on. Rumson's Lou WarsViau- BRAKE and FRONT END FAMOUS BRAND The river has its. moods. Furious in CHOOSE MUDDLER MINNOWS er fired a 37 to lead scorers the spring, carrying the melted snows of If I were limited to just a few flies to take to the from the three teams. SERVICE the hills down to the sea. Placid in sum- , Eldred Preserve, I would make the first half a dozen all In other action yester- SHOCK mer, with quiet pools tied together like Muddler Minnows. The rest would be weighted nymphs. , day, Shore Regional dropped Here's what you get: ALL FOR pearls in the necklace by white-topped Big trout generally like a big meal and the Muddler Min- a VA-2V, decision to St. Rose riffles. Serene in fall, the water low, the now is the streamer most enjoyed by the big trout of the ONLY RIKER at Spring Meadow, Allaire. 1. Align front and pools almost9stlll, the riffles now rivulets. Eldred Preserve. The loss left the Blue Devils ABSORBERS We went to the river with shad on our minds. But Fished slow and deep, the Muddler Minnow accounted with an 8-11-1 record on the 2. Ad|uii bralus toe river was the color of strong tea. The rains of the for most of the trout caught that day. Rainbows, Browns, season. previous two days had discolored the normally gin-clear Brook and Tiger trout, all went for the Muddler. Retrieved 00 waters. No anglers graced Long Eddy. Pond Eddy was de- in slow short strips, the Muddler would be nailed hard l-niu Branch (3) — Homion-HI <» 9 Lou Warshsurr (R) 37 d. Rich • Meit Amarlccm can serted. Just above the Hawk's Nest a lone boatman sat within three feet of touching the water. Olagory fLB) 40 Terilon lar and 4 \ *40 •on. 44 Air Cend. Cars Extra motionless in the sunlight. Something different can appeal to trout. I found a Tim Welch (U3) <3 d. Bob Kill- • Portt extra If Madid Brucr Waralauer 41 (R) At Chris PluS' Installation We headed north from Barryvilie on Rt. 55. Our target weighted quill-bodied nymph In my box that those trout' Welch 41 1 now the ponds and streams of the Eldred Preserve where really wanted. Fished very slowly and right on the bottom, Btsve Aoerra (13) t. Eon Lanes outdoor writers were congregating for a day of trout fish- it accounted for a brown trout close to three pounds. The Joe Cilm d. Chrla In our heavily populated metropolitan area, the day of trout and enough trout in the Hackettstown hatchery to OonnolKr, a the secluded brook filled with wild trout is long past. We make all our anglers happy. But it is a rare combination of Don Lawes (ID d. Cral| stratum, "Where Your Safety Is Our Business" fish for stocked trout. We may delude ourselves as to the atmosphere, fish and people really,,Interested in providing John aerweck (n) d. Fred Boioder, secluded stream, but the friendly anglers to your left and a grand day of fishing, that makes the Eldred Preserve right are there for the same reason as yourself; namely a such a pleasure to fish. Shore IUr. <3H> — SI. Roia M2-K26. a Shrew* 1S61 OLDSMOBILB 88 — Four-door BUICK SKYLARK 1982 — Two-door water now. 741-<555 or 747-1228. bury. hardtop. Power steering and power hardtop. Power steering Very clean. brakes. S225 or best offer. Call 254- $595 or best offer. 787-0385. TRUCKS FOR SALE 13' INDIAN SCOUT — Dacron sails EMPLOYMENT WAITRESSES — A.M. — P.M. Oooj M! 5815. $175. Call 747-3129 after tlpB, Apply In person aiter 3 p.m. BEST BUICK — OPEL BUYS 1M5 FORD VAN TRUCK — Fullj 7:30 p.m. Straub Motora equipped. Low mileage. Kadlo. Eirel- HELP WANTED-FEMALE Betsy ROBS Rentaurant, Kt, 35 (nttt ON EVERY CAR IN STOCK BUICK 1S62 LaSABRE — Two-door Hwy. 35 Keyport 264-4000 10.3" GRACY WHITE — 75 h.p. elec- Bhop-nite) Shrewsbury. 40 sport coupe. Sharp car $375, 261- lent condition. Good bur. 264-2459 after HEAD nUHSK NEEDED TOR 1544. CADILLAC 15167 — FDUr-door hard- e p.m, tric start Johnson. New navy top, side top, Arctic Blue, black leather roof, curtains Rnd back cover. Compass. SMALL NURSING HOME — Day • NEW CARS TO CHOOSE FROM WRECKER - 1958 P500 Ford. Fire extinguisher, cushions and equip- shift. Salary open. Living on premises, 3940 FORD Tilt-a-«cope wheel, AM-FM radio. light, heavy duty boom and winch. LIKE NEW Hear window de-fogger. Leather in- ment. Winter cover. All In excellent If needed. Call alter 5 p.m., 9168893. GIRLS CALL 946-4285 terior. Full power, factory air. Must Call 56S-0188. condition, 11150 firm. 741-2162. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY •ell. Will accept trade. 229-22U. 19M FfAT MODEL 124 STATION 1950 FORD pickup truck, customized. O'DAY SAILBOATS LPN'PI - 3 to 11, 11 to 7. King Jaaui IMMEDIATE OPENINGS WAGON — 2,500 miles. Take over VOLKSWAGEN 1965 BUKROOP _ Best Offer. Must nil. Good condition. Nursing Home. 747-3912. ___ The Yacht Shop, Dealers S01-3(OO ——*• ir Here's a Sample ir —— payments. 542-6783 after 6 p.m. Snow tires. Excellent condition. $S75. 1184 Ocean Ave., Sea Bright. 842-1913 •SOLDERING 1967 FIAT — Modal 124, four-door Call 946-4299. PERMANENT AND TEMPORARY •WIRING sedan, low mileage. Excellent condl- MOTORCYCLES SACRIFICE — 20' CRUISERS INC. ACE EMPLOYMENT AOENCY •ASSEMBLT tlon. JJ150. CaJl 747-2B62. BIO SAVINGS — On 19S8 Checker with 75 h.p. Evlnrude. Excellent 20 Thomaa Avo. 747-3491 Bhrewjnury leftovers. RAKITAN GARAGE, 8. condition. Many extras. Very iiea- Siturtty Interview! m»y t>» unuil. * 1969 PLYMOUTH FURY 1967 FORD — Two-door hardtop Gal- Main St., Keyportj 254-0361. 111115 — 15Occ, electric start. worthy and Ideal lor all on-water SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR — 311 axle 500. 29,000 miles. Must sell. New battery, fiberglass bag. 5225. activities. Sea at WESTON'S MA- Bhlft. Part - time. Steady work. An- AIR CONDITIONED Call 568-0445. 1965 BUICK SPECIAL — Convertible. Call Mike. 264-5917, after 6 p.m. RINA — Monmouth Beach, or call swering Service. 711-4700. Automatic transmission. Good condi- 747-1050. 4-Door, V-8 engina, automatic transmission, STATION CAR — 1957 VoUcswagen tion. ?950. 671-5275. 305 YAMAHA — •Excellent condition. PHYSICAL THERAPIST — Full or INTERDATA Karmann Ghla. Just passed Inspec- V«ry low mileage. Best offer. Call 23' PARABISE SKIFF — Two bunlui, part-time. Flexible hours. Call 3 Crescent n. Oceuport power steering, radio, tinted windshield etc. tion. $275. 787-5300. ask for George. 1965 FORD QALAXIE — Convertible. 741-0071 after 6 p.m. head, outriggers, radio, Can be seen 531-2531 223-4O40 White, blaclt top, red Interior. Good 1951 HAKUCY - Full drew. Piloted at Nauvoo Marina, Sea. Bright. An 1 Opportunity Employer FULLY EQUIPPED. 1062 HILLMAN HUSKY — Wagon. condition. 741-2061. NURSES' AIDES — 7 to 3, experi- Very clean, very low mileage. $395. blue metal flake. Call after «, 671- LUXURY, COMFORT, UTILITY — DENTAL AB3ISTANT — Experience' 1960 CHEVROLET STATION WAG- 52 ID. 27' Grndy White Sport Fisherman, enced only. %1 per hour plus benefits. In l-.andllnff telephone, Boms typing. Call 747-059S. two years old, 210 Chrysler with 916-4200, HOLMDEL CONVALES- DELIVERED PRICE ON — Six cylinder. Three-speed stick. 1958 HARLEY DAVIDSON 71-blj, (a»t CENT CENTER, Holmdel. Red Bank are*. Write Qualifications JAGUAR 1965-3.SS, four-door sedan. Call 787-8778. and loud. In good condition. J700. 1.5-1 reduction. 60 gallons fuel. Fly- to Ha* O-101, The Dally R«»l«t»r, Red Fully equipped. Call 741-673T after 1 74V2125. ing bridge, dual controls. Stand up WOMEN PART-TIME Bank. p.m. 1966 ©RAND SPORT head, galley, 20 sal. water. Sleeps ORIGINAL Two-door hardtop, fully equipped In- 1067 HONDA 305 DREAM. 2J0O miles. four. Excellent condition. Call 741 Nights 8 p.m. to 11:39 p.m. Permanent DENTAL ASSISTANT — Experience CHRYSLER — 413 cu. In., 360 H.P.. cluding automatic console and power Call after S p.m. 37«. ortlcft cleaning work in Mlddletown preferred. Ked Bank area. Write PRICE Beautiful "Limited production" 300 K. building. Good pay, No experience fltathK qualifications to Box O*102. 3045 Sacrifice. $1050. 776-5478. Mteerlng. Excoptloa&Dy sharp. 7«7-916J LUB JAY — No. 2512, /nil Nails necessary. Our repreaentatlva will ba The Dally neirlJiter, Hed Bank. RASSAS PONTIAC 1M8 —HONDA — 350 cb. Excellent *nd equipment with tnaller. Call eve- Int&rvlewfng Wednesday. May 28, 5:30 1967 MALIBU -- Sport Coupe. Gold condition. I69S. nlng« 711-3946. p.m. to 7 p.m. at tihe Hormtny Bowl, EXPERIENCED black vinyl roof. J1550. or best offer. 393 Broad 81. 741-5180 Red Bank S71-0M1. HAIR STYLIST m,, Call 747-2379 after 6 p.m. 26' LUHR8 Sea Skiff — 185 h.p. Bt. 35, Middlelown. Call Accurarj, \ 63 Blver Rd., Fair 1965 BUICK SKYLARK — V-6. J685. HONDA — 50 bored io «5 trail bllw, Interceptor, Head. Fully equipped. Ilavtn, 741-U7B. 196!) — 98 OLD8MOBILE — Fully Call Price, best olfer. 671-3876. TRAVEL AGENT Our Best Trade Deals equipped with air conditioning. 1964 222-6972 C" LAUNDRESS — 4 hours a day. 5 CHEVROLET Impila, two-door. 671- SAILBOAT — olsen made Jet. com- EXPERIENCED days a week. Apply In person fropi DODGE — 1967 Dart, blue, two-door. 1988 HONDA 160 Scrambler. Very 2B1-3434 1145. pletely reflnlshed, with trailer. Call 10 to 2. Rlvercrest Nuralng Home, •„. Economical. Standard transmission, good condition. 5185. Call 787-1661 6711144. 31 Chapln Ave., Eed Bank. VOLKSWAGEN) M6S — Sunroof. radio, heater. $1200. 531-8137 after 5 REAL ESTATE '68 IMPERIAL $3995 '66 IMPERIAL $2895 and weekends. after 7 p.m. _^ IS' CENTERBOARD SLOOP — Hood NUHSEB' AIDE AND PIIACTICAL Priced to sell qulclc. NURSE — Apply In person from 10 Crown, 4-ow«ir4 Agency. NEBD FOUR WAITREWSBB — Fot, ., 842-2224 New snow tires. One owner. Best HOLLY HILL Craft. fih!p-to-ahore radio, dfpUi find- 7U-8700. Full warranty. SPECIAL PRICE. radio, etc. For th» luxury minded. ffer. 566-6605 before 11 «.m. or- a/ter MOBILE HOME SALES er. Fully equipped. 284-4B4O. private club. Must be 3t and experl'iQ 1963 OLDSMOBILE — Holiday 88. 7 p.m. NEW and USED «nced. Neat and reliable. Good wages,, Mint condition. Power steering. Ons JERSEY SPEED SKIFF — With guar&nteeii and benefits. Meala In- owner. Sacrifice, S485. 495-0879. 1865 CONVERTIBLE MUSTANQ see the newest concept In mobile home trailer. Mint condition. «2MO. Call NCR OPERATOR cluded. Oood hour.*. Apply between Call living. The elegant Delta for 19S9 ex- 7479614. • 10:30 And b p.m. Call Mr. Leonard, '66 PLYMOUTH $1795 '65 CHRYSLER $1595 1968 VOLKSWAGEN — Sedan. Opod 7U-M09 after 5:30 clusively on display at Ho ly Hill. We Tws yeari experience required. Apply 291-0533. i condition. AM-FM radio. $1250. 787- earry a. complete Una of IT wldea WOODEN aUNFISH — Excellent Personnel Ottlce. Mon through Frl., Fury, 4-door, V-8, automatic "300," convertible with bucket 7958 1984 COHVAIR — Spyder converti- priced t» fit your budget. Drive out condition. (130. 9 a.m. to 12 noon. BARMAID WANTED — Mu»t apply ble. Turbo-charge engine. WlUl anow today and let u» etiow you how easy transmission, air conditioned, 741-8273. In person, Bayslde Tavern, A Broatfcs seats, power windows, power 1963 FORD FALCON — Futura con- tires. (600.. 741-5234. It Is to buy a quality mobile home. at., Keyport. No e»pf rlence necwaary, tinted a!ass, power steering, vinyl steering, radio and rear speaker, - vertible, VS automatic. (399. Call af- Open 9 «.m. to S ».m. dally, to « p.m. LILY-TULIP ter 6, 774-3953. 1966 LeMANS pontlac — 6-cyUnder p interior, whit two 11 tires. whltewall tires, etc. BUSINESS NOTICES DIVISION OF OWENa-ILUNOIB REGISTERED NURSE. — 3 or 4 1982 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL With overhead cam. Buckets, console. Real IS 3J 8. Amboy, N. I. Hwy. 35 Koimaoi, N. J. hours a day. Apply In person from vinyl roof. Power steering, power clean. SMrlMcn. Beat offer. 512-7357. Phone 721-5858 FURNITURE MOVING — Atttoe and An Equal Opportunity Employer 10 to 2, Rlvercrost NursInK Home, brakes. New rubber. Best otfer. 2P1* 1985 COUNTRY SQUIRE — 10 cellar, oleaned. Frea eatbnatea. Cell 31 Chapln Ave., Red Bank, 3800. lenger. Qreen. Immaculate. , T17-30O. REGISTERED NURSES '66 CHRYSLER $1895 '65 BUICK Kennedy'! Service Station. Kumson. WANTED AUTOMOTIVE Fer Charge Nurso duties. All shlfta WAITRESSES — All shifts open. Ton $1395 1981 CHEVROLET —Impala, four, 812-9821. Full time preferred. Excellent work- wages. Apply Dog House, Kt. i£,j Newport convertible, automatic door hardtop. Very good condition. SHEET METAL WORK WANTED - town. *' LeSobre, 4-door. A ont owner OUT CASH FOR YOUR FOREIGN — Small or large. Red Bank Sheet ing conditions In new extended cure transmission, power steering, Call 842-3052. OWNER OVERSEAS — 1968 Vollta- AND WORTS CARS AT MONMOUTH facilities. J7280 plus liberal benefits. beauty. Full power Including, Metal Co., 1 Leonard St., Red Bank. COUNTER GIRL — For nlghtl. Ap- rodle, whltewall tires, vinyl seals wagen. Blue. Radio, heater. White- MOTORsi INC.. HWJ. 3». Bitontown. 741-3434. Call lor appointment, 9(6-4200. HOLM- seats and windows* radio and wall tires.' <8ea to appreciate). 787* M2-24H. . . DEL CONVALESCENT CENTER, ply In person, Petdrson'j Restaurant, and many other extras. A steal. AUTOS FOR SALE Holmdel. 183 Riverside Ave., Red Bank. wheel covers, etc. 6595, JUNK CARS SUMMER PAINTING! 1965 CHRSYLBR — Newport. Excel- Call now for tree estimate. Top Quali- SECRETARIES-Many open- lent condition. Low mileage. Slust be YidKua in* ty Work. Reasonablo Frlcea, Fully In- Ings to 1100 — MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE PROM — sold to settle estate. Call 7<7-O6!l. STBNO OLERKS—«eveml to J DO CLERK Twinbrook Auto Wrecking STENO OLERK-JDIotanllons $ 8J 1964 COMET OALIENTE — Four-door Eatontown 542-2235 '""' MY THREE SONS TYPIST—Diversified dirties to * 90 V-S automatic. Power ateerlng. Ex- Painting Contractors RAL PfllDAY—One girl office to » 90 TYPIST C. Douglas Alan cellent condition, M2-1W1. TYPI3T-OLBRKS—Many to to »» 880 583-9706 264-7449 BURROUGHS SBNSIMATIC— t o f 99S To wwk In production area. Muit hive 1061 CHEVROLET IMPALA — Air- AUTO PARTS-REPAIRS POLICY WRITER— MERCEDES-BENZ conditioned. $130. Open mature attitude, AsalajmntatI are POWER OLIDB TRANSMISSION — LIOBT HAirLING—CLEAN CELLAR* RAL FRIDAY—Bookkeeping lo J100 varied and Interesting. 787-231J. YARDS OARAOE8 - ITeo Mtlmatea, KEYPUNCH OPERATORS— t 80 Sales & Service Taken from 1958 Chevrolet Impala. PILE CLERK-TYPIST— 1982 VOLKSWAGEN — Oood conrlt. $50. Call 741-B«». Call after 3 p.m. 741-2149. S 85 APPLY IN PERSON tlon. (IM. Call EXPEniTOR—rrtnluotlon S 990 Foreign OF Domeitic RECEPTIONIST— H»urs 1 to 5 «.775 hhr. 741,5107. .. HAVING A PARTY? SALKSU1UL3— t 80 M. Schwartz Delivery 1065 MUSTANO — Btx-eyXn&tr, mulo- AUTO RENTALS RELIGIOUSLY PREPARED FOODS PARTIAL LISMNO ' matin. Must sell. $1050. CALL MERRI MAKINGS INTERDATA 291-2131 DJULr • WBBKLY • MOBTMLif 741-8933 Mon. thru Frl. 9 a.m. -12 ACB Employment Agency 2 cniscont PI. Ocemport One block from prlcea lUrt at *«»» Md up. Bcono. Two days advance netlca a "MUST" (Building behind Holiday Irm) Little Silver R.R. Station 1963 PONTIAC Le M«na convertible. Car of Red Bank. 510 *• Kewmta 20 Thomas Ave. 747-341)4 Shrewsbury n Equal Opportunity Employer Oarage kept. New tires, V-B, floor Bprlngs Rd. WJMTl ALL TYPES' OF HOME REPAIRS ATI shifts. $5460 plus liberal 100 Ouonport Ave. Little Silver unld, tucket seats. LI«M blue with Alterations, remodeling, and painting benefits. CflU for appointment. 946- WOMEN — No experlenoe necessary. OPEN EVENINGS EXCEPT SATURDAY light blue top. Best offer. Call SSI. TOM'S FORD Reasonably priced. Free entlmatea. 420O. HOLMDEL CONVALESCANT Paid vacation. fre» hospllsllzatlon. 842.5353 H97. Hlghnst wnge snnle In countv. Apply Prompt icrvlce. Call 741-30IO CENTER, Hwy. SI. Holmdol. STAR CLEANERS, 133 Myrtle AVe,, 141 W. FRONT ST. 747-0787 RED BANK 1063 FORD FAIRLANB — Two-door RENT A CAR SUSPENDED CEIL1NOB — Paneling. Long Branch. automatic. Radio, heater. fS35. BOB Kanort Finish recreation rooms and attlca. RECEPTIONIST WHITE BUICK, 741-6200. Sheet-rocking, taping. BI2-42B8. At A growing manuraoliirfng concern. COUNTER GIRLS — Three needed. , Duties Include operating nwitchboard Apply in parson, Pres-Rlta Cleaners, 1S59 PONTIAC — Automatic Good IOATS AND ACCESSORIES SMALL JOB SPECIALIST and typing unleii leads. Permanent po- 166 East Newman springs Rd., Red mechanically. $75, Horns repairs, alterations, addltlonl. sition, excellent working conditions Bank. Inslda and outside. 291-3200. 671-21U WANTED and fringe teneflts. Apply in person, COCKTAIL WAITRESSES — Bit., and 1958 CHEVROLET — Four*door PRAM In good condition, with oarl. fl to 4 p.m. Sun. ffixpnrlencprt. Fort Monmouth with overdrive. J125. Call after 3 p.m. 747-4082. WELDING Officers Club. Call for appointment. 542-1699 T 4 M WELDING SBRVICB Mr. Duffy. M2-7332. THE BOATMAN'S SHOP GAS and ELECTRIC STEPHENSON 1068 CYCLONE — Lime gold, 390, ALL TOUR SPRINfl 291-2638 and 291-1457 WAITRESSES — Part-time and fin 4-speed. Must sell. PIITIHCl OUT NEEDS 55 White lid, Shrewsbury time. Over 31. Call T41-5S88 Maw Jenar's I^rcort Uarlae *mfr PAINTING & DECORATING HOUSEKEEPERS - 52 rer hour plus 204-1164 HonH. M Whart A»e.. Bed Bant til- benefits. !>46.«2M. HOLMDEL CON- 1S63 KARMANN OHIA — ConvtrUble. S. N. GARGUILO VALESCENT CENTER, Holmdel. MAID — Part-time. Radio, Excellent condition. Best o[- B780. Open Bun. and Holidays, 0 «.ra. Leonardo Mote! tcr. 44B-3476. to 1 p.m. Free estlmatca. Cull 229-4752 or 542-1369 EXPERIENCED SINGLE NEBDLB 1963 UNIVERSAL JEEP — HANB PEDERBON CUSTOM BUILT HOME IMPROVEMENT CO. — Com- OFSVlATORe — 3-1 hrs. week. snowplow. Best offer. SKIFF—2V — With cuddy cabin. Pow- plete home Improvements, alterations, 741-9025. 741-3055 ered by 240 h.p. Marine Interceptor arlilltlrins, all kinds flf mason work. (More Classified Ads engine. Planing chairs, navy top, rod WAITRESSES — Day shift. Must bo 1985 MU8TAN0 — Hardtop. Automat- holders, adjustable outrigger mounts, Reasonable rales. Free estimates. £72- 21. Call 74MI4S for On The Next Page) ic. Asking {950. Call head. Very' fast. Perfect family or 0122. appointment. 747-4843. fishing boat. Painted and ready for MOWING launching. Make an orfer. Call 542-1974 OVERGItOWN LAWN8 AND FIELDS HELP WANTED—FEMALE 1985 CHRYSLER 300 — Full power. after 5 p.m. ^^ CALL 741-5101. HELP WANTED-FEMALE All vinyl Interior «nd clean. J1195. Call 948-888(1. NEW AND USED SAILBOATS MASONRY WORK • All typesypen.. Pl«« CAMARO 1987 — Blue wllh white MONMOUTH SAILING CENTER terlnjf, brick, blocks, concrete, ASSEMBLERS. TESTERS Inlerlnr. Power steering, console. Ex- West St.. Monmouth Beach 223-3492 clsllze In patios. 747-3035. LEGAL STENOGRAPHER eellp.nt condition. Osll (luring day. 24' SILVERTON cabin skiff. Two PAINTINO AND PAPERHANGINO — Minimum of three years, ex- I Opportunity openlnpi ore now avail- 532-2364. After 5 p.m.. 842-3142. bunkfl, head, lea box, automatic bilge, CALL ' able with 787-0780 perience. MUSTANG 1967 — Hardtop Eight- fOM. 21)1-08112. cylinder, automatic. Oood condition. 15' RUNABOUT — Electrlo starter, TYP'N'COPY SALARY ATLANTIC Asking 51800. Call after S p.m. 642- 1958 Johnson motor. Very good con- IBM Executive Typing D4S-4303 Mlmco 7721. dition, with trailer »5O0. 787-4518, 53.75 stencil cut 4 1st run (100) $120 per week SEMI CONDUCTOR CHRYSLER 1988 — Three-seat wag- JSD PAINTINO CONTRACTORS — Call 747-3730 I Apply In person ol 90S Mortlion Ave.. on Full power, low mile*, like new. Quality painting. Interior, exterior. Aibufy Pork, from p o.m. to 4 p.m. Owner will sell this 55200 car for AUTO RENTALS Free estimates. Call 495-0641. firm J2O5O. Elberon, 222-3973, 1957 T-BIRD — Engine and trans- mission rebuilt. New tires, two tops. RENT A CAR Best otter, 229-JH84. DAY • WEEK • MONTH MOBILE HOMES WALL CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY LINCOLN-MERCURY A HANDY GUIDE OF BUSINESS SERVICES TO SUIT YOUR MANY NEEDS! SCHIFFMAN Ihrtwibury Ave., ol Sycamore CAMPERS ft TRAILED! 747-5400 TRAILERS - CAMPERS MOTOR HOMES N. J.'s largest dealer, over 100 units BOATS and ACCESSORIES Adding Machines-Typewriters Movlng and Storage on display. Painting and Decorating Norrls Gold Seal. Monitor, Avion. Del/Rey. Volunteer. Swinger. IBDDra UACrmNH! — Trpawrltera ROBERT a PAMWBU," Wlnnebogo. Giles. Aristocrat. Smnkey. •old, rented, repaired. Berpleo'a 101 Pilntlng $t Decorating • Monmoutl) St., Red Bark, 7I7-O48J. ANDERSON BROS. _Torjriaa Esllmatti Call 81J.11M You con see them oil at INC. SCHIFFMANS {' "SEA-DOO" L.B. PAINT1NQ CONTRACTOR - Reasonable price. Pren estimates. In- CORONA at the Collinowood Circle, Rt. 33 & U PACKING — MOVINft rlor a Farmlngdan, N. J. 93IM25O. Diamonds Bought or Restyled 8284° ""* ' »noral repairs. 187- cunnut iBombardier Ltd., Canada* STORAGE Let us buy the diamond! you don't Pearl and Bead Restrlnglng WANTED AUTOMOTIVE t SEE THE FUN BOAT — wear or let ui reetrle ihetn for rou personally. Reuuiuet'. X Broad BL * AS PLAYFUL ». «luw (ram n«- Rnus M BreM «l,, Red Summer Is Just aanlc, AS A DOLPHIN General Contractors AGENT/AUJEOVANIINES Around the Corner... NOW AT Mechmlcst. 741-0030 RsdSonk Plumbing and Heating and we need 100 Ui.d Can CARPENTRY - Additions, paaellnc. Odd Jobs Wa will trad* or buy out RED BANK steps, aldawaUcs, patios, odd Jobi. right — Call or Com* In * Reaaoubie latts. 1043(0. T4I-233J. UOHT HAUUNO-Oellare, raral's AUTO IMPORTS cleaned op. Have truck, CORRISAN'S TOM'S FORD K matte, Til-im after 1 p.m. Oakland Bt,. R.d Bask TlT-JfTM ALL TYPES OF HOME KKPAIR8 K NEWMAN SPRINGS RD. Painting and Decorating ASK FOR ED SIGIER J Attentions, remodellnr, and palnUnr. Rooting, Siding & Insulation CAW, B. JRED BANK 741-5886? I neaionably priced. Free osUmatea. .Jtwy..3Si.JM,lMQ Ktypo/t z 8 • THE DAILY REGISTER, RED BANK - M1DDLET0WN, N. J.-. TUESDAY, MAY 27, 1969 17 HELP WANTED-FEMALE HELP WANTE&-FEMALE HELP WANTED-FEMALE HELP WANTED—FEMALE HELP WANTED—MALE HELP WANTED—MALE HELP WANTED-MALE HELP WANTED-MA1E BOSTBW—CASHIER _ Excellent fOHEN — PvMlK N, ronafl' position. - Uo«t~ tpply to teuaix, Afplr STAB SALESWOMAN - Btiwiy Job. El- SECEETABY - Mi- No phone calle. HOWAED 22 Hyrtle Are., Lei ptnencii prererrea, tot win train. tare, mr «U>Je person vrlth skiu& IMMEDIATE OPENINGS Apply in person, or Mil 741-2085. Aik to fcandle 4lT*'r«lfled potttton with re- l"t Mr«. Pcrkini. FREEDMAN'S ll taanaser of a. milor electrc QUALITY CONTROL MAINTENANCE BAKEBY, 803 V. Street Stt GorporaAlon. Telephone 747-B333. —"rat IntdiMi prac-fj^j!1*.? -, „,,.-;- »» PrCTlotij txptrt «P*rl«n<*- Cul 7t7-tS32. WAITRESSES WANTED — 21 ye»r« MANAGER TRAINEE TRAINEES tfce> is tetowa. Previoaw tx *fia over. XxptrUact not. atceMBtry, Oreer oriented (?) A M«reB«ll FteM e&eo preferred, fiend resume uul WAITRESSES WANTEU _ App,y ^ wilt train. Apply tn person, FI*AHr Funlly-owned Enterprise needs worn, INSPECTOR, trenM" to Box 0-133. Ttit Dni! person [or nljht shlltTp.m. - J1 . m ING PIT, Itonmoulli ShOpptnr Center, en to lie trained* for those manage- Beii»ler, Ken-punk. and 10 p.m. • I a.m. Town & surf Eatontown. ment jobs tradltlonall/ open only to If you are mechanically inclined we will train you. Good ptner, Rt. 35, Mlddletown, between men. Good Income, all fringe bene- OIBL FRIDAY — To work lull tlm 1 and 4 p.m. GIRtiJ AND WOMEN — Glamoroua ftta, umiBual opportunity. Benil res- SECOND SHIFT pay, vacation, hotpitalization. Apply in person, 9 to 11 In r~. An Equal Opportunity Employer Call 747-5880 for typing test. Frl., 9-3 p.m., Pleasant working con- WHEELOCK SIGNALS, INC. JOB OPPORTUNITIES ditions, convenient location. Excel- (JAL FRIDAY — To aaalat controller. COOK — Full time, for small Nurs. lent fringe benefits. State salary de- Must enioy worklw wlSi figures. 273 Branchport Ave. , Long Branch at JENSEN MARINE ing Home. Shrewsbury Manor, 741. slrea. Write C/O P.O. Box 217 Allen- Holmdel area. To «100. MANPOW- Rapidly1 expanding East const pli 2059. hurst. N.J. ER INC, 1 W. Front St, Bed Bank. 222-6880 of largest sailboat producer In Uj 842-43(3. W» trs an equal opportunity employer needs steady, year round help. Bo EFFICIENT-NBAT-WELt. GROOMED MATURE rellible woman to learn LAB TECHNICIAN experience not necessary. We vtll HELP WANTED-MALE MATURE WOMAN — TO assist lull baking procedures In now bakery train ASSEMBLERS — CARPENTHS UmB • In doctor's office. Experience oponlng in Atlantic HlgWands in EXPERIENCED OR TRAINEE _ PAINTERS - FIBERGbfSS preferred, but not necessary, send June. Not heavy work. Prefer local MOLDERS — WOODWORKERS. Fjbld typed resume to Box B-189, The Dally retldent. Good pay. Call 201-0S17 af- We seek a bright individual as Lab Technician In our Chemical Research hospital'' and medical benefits, nld MEN Register, Red Bank. ter 3:30 p.m. Lab. Must be good with figures and have an aptitude for science. Prefer MAINTENANCE Cleoners for grandstand. holidays and vacation, bonuses and BARMAID - For family tavern. WOMAN — To do retail selling and Bomeone with at leaat High School chemistry. : overtime, . / Part-time 6 p.m.-9 p.m. Nights. Good salary. Will train right office work. Permanent position. .3% Wo offer splendid working conditions and liberal benefits combined ••: ;'. EXPERIENCED '•.-.. „• .3 1 apply party. 222-9733, JENSEN MARINE, Dlv. ol Binoo days. 585 week. Matawan area. Write to Box O-105, Th« Dally Reg- with a congenial atmosphere in our modern air conditioned labs. Punta Corp., p. 0. Box 113, Botndry Raceway Cleaning Corp. MATURE WOMAN — Companion to INTERVIEWS TUESDAYS AND THURSDAYS 9 A.M.-10 AM. 4 2 P.M.-3 P.M. GOOD PAY Rd., Mprlboro, N. J. Write or 'hone C/O Monmouth Park Race Track. older lady In wonderful home. Live in,. ister, Red Bank. 4314100 between 9 am. and 4 p.m. 291-1469. STENO TYPIBT — Small congenial OR BY APPOINTMENT. . .PLEASE CALL 264-9000 : : (An equal opportunity ompltver) 222-6848 LPM — 3 to 11 p.m. Pull . or part- insurance office. Red Bank. Salary MULTIPLE BENEFITS time. SHREWSBURY MANOR, 741- commensurate with experience. MAN- 2059. POWER INC, 4 West Front St., Red Bank. 842-4343. LANVIN-OHARLES OF THE RITZ . - '.APPLY IN PERSON V Pleasant working conditions. Conve- REGISTERED NURSE — For morn- ROOTE 35 HDLMDEL. N. X ': PRODUCTION EMPLOYEES nient location: Mon through Frl. 0-5 Ing hours. 4 hours or more depend- 9 to 11 a.m. I to 4 p.m. p.m. Excellent fringe benefits, state ing on convenience of person. Paid We need people to work rotating shifts. salary desired. C/O P.O. Box 247, Al- on an hourly basis. Bayylew Nursing lenhurst, N.J. Home, 291-0440. ESTEY METAL PRODUCTS \Ve ars willing to supply the following: LAY-OUT MAN • Steady employment close to homi HELP WANTED-Male-FemaleHELP WANTED-Male-Female INC. . • Excillery wpgci Including mm dlflerentlol payment! Wayiirit & Shafto, Rds. New Shrewsbury < -• • Hospltofligtlon ' • FOR rABEI(lA.TION OP CUSTOM BUILT MACHINES. • ; • Life jliuronce - • DlioMlly and sick beneflti HELP WANTED-MALE • • • Rtiirtnwit plan COLLEGE GRADS—TRAINEES EXPERIENCED ONLY • " " HELP WANTED-MAI^E Apply at CARPENTERS — Experienced. Ba MUM — p«rt-l!m«. No txptrlmct • PERMANENT POSITION . ' port on Job. Country Woods, Holm- neceuaiy Apply STAR CLEANERJ, :/<•. ! KERR del. See John. 132 . Myrjle Ave., Long Branch. PUT "U" ; i • / euw uuiwACTUwiMa ce EXCELLENT STARTINO RATE: , MEN WANTED — For movlnj tnickt MACHINE Loaders and drivers. .PACKAQINO PRODUCTS DIVKION FRINGE BENEFITS ASSEMBLERS 204-7468 Betrj end Francis Sti. Ktyperl IN v JANITOR — General (actory work. ; An tqual opportunity •mployer AND License to drive. Please call 1M2-M00. INDUSTRIAL WASHING MACHINE CORP. Mr. Carter. 33 Main fit. Stilini. N. X WELDERS OVERHEAD DOOR INSTALLER — PRUDENTIAL (201) 566-4660 Experienced only. Work trom blue- Year round employment. Call 787-103J' prints, . aaserribllng custom built daytime or 671-1032 after 6 p.m. •• KOUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER machines Art you i really successful The Pru wants "U"—the college graduate ... for ASSISTANT MANAGER — For «wim HELP WANTED-FEMALE HELP WANTED - MALE SHOP HELPERS clu'j, Marlboro. Experienced dealred. interesting and challenging trainee positions lead- MECHANICALLY INCLINED Call 9M-BSW] aftally Register, Red Bank. ' FINE FRINGE BENEFITS Permanent position In growing manu* If •xpirianci thowi that you can soil new cars In volumt, • Good Starting Salaries household goods. Apply in facturing concern. Excellent working BOOKKEEPINQ MACHINE OPBRA. INDUSTRIAL WASHING conditions. Good fringe benefits. Salary '""•••. ARE YOU WELL PAID? • Periodic Salary Reviews TOR — Mature. Experienced or well person, ANDERSON BROS., commeMuraie with experience. Apply • Excellent Benefits trained. EBSCO BUILDING, Shrews- MACHINE CORP. \ln person 8 to 3 p.m. bury Ave., opposite Airpor^ INC., 51-53 Mechanic St., 32 Main St. MaUwan, N. J. ARE YOU STYMIED ON YOUR JOB? • Tuition Refund Plan BOOKKEEPER — Burroughs Mi Red Bank. (201) 50M660 chine. Looking Tor career minded An equal opportunity employer STEPHENSON mature pcraon. Excellent Btartlng sal- Hart's o rori opportunity. Tht profa»l«iol Mlasman chosen for this Corns in any weekday before 2:30 P.M. ary. MANPOWER INC., i W. Fron PRESSER/CLEANER WANTED — 55 White IM. Bhrew«Durjf,.N. J. Bt, Red Bank. ' • DRAFTING For one hour dry cleaning plant. Ex- YOUNQ MAN — Draft exempt, me- op«n*g will hava Idacl working condition! and his aornlngs will b* cellent pay and working conditions. .WAITRESSES — All shifts open chanically Inclined, to operate fmall limited only by nil own obillly. Coll at TRAINEE Percentage banlc with a fulure. Ap- rarm type tractor and combine. Ex- THE PRUDENTIAL Must be over 21. Apply In person ply DUKE KEYPORT CLEANERS. 13 cellent opportunity to advance to ;-• INSURANCE COMPANY OF'AMERICA no phone cam. Howard Johnson Res- Excellent opportunity with rapid Division St., Keyport. 2D4-I0O0. Balen and management. Call Mr. Cole* McFADDIN CADILLAC-OLDSMOBILE taurant, Rt. 35,' Mlddlctown. growth Glass Manufacturer. Require man, 946-9700. Employment Bureau THREE SALESGIRLS — For new High School Graduate with drafting MANASER-TRAINEE CLERK FOR SHIPPING DEPART- bakery opening In Atlantic Highland* training having 0-1 year experience In 25I^BroaiJway at 4th 222-1234 Long Branch 213 Washington St. mechanical drafting. THIS IS A BE- CLOTHING DBPT. MENT — Capable of handling; fork •Must be over 18. Prefer local real Htt truck preferred. Full time, per- rjerits. Call 291-0817 after 3:30 p.m. GINNING POSITION! Apply In person Newark N.J. to Personnel Department with samples Permanent, full time position avail manent. Paid holidays and other com- EMBROIDERY WATCHER - E» of-yffljf dialling. able. Experience preferred Dut will pany bene/Jtfl. Please Apply in pet- An Equal Opportunity Employer perlenced or will train, EBSCO train qualified person. Excellent work- «on, RALPH FRIEDLAND A BROS., BUILDING, opposite Airport, Bhrewfl Ing conditions. Good starting salary Locust St., Keyport. MIDLAND GLASS plus full company benefits. Apply to CLIFFWOOD AVENUE Clothing Dept. Manager. BOYS — Applications for part-time PATROLMAN I FULL TIME DAYS — Part-time CLIFFWOOD. N.J. work now being accepted for sum- daya. Apply JTlddletown Burger AN EqUAL OPPORTUNITY Cher. Hwy. 35. TWO GUYS mer and fail employrrr- --.t havs OPEN TO MALE CITIZENS 21 to 35 YEARS OF AGE EMPLOYEE Ht. 35 and Twin Brook Rd., Mldrlbtown driver's license. C" HOLI- L FRIDAY — No steno. small An Equal Opportunity Employer DAY, 185 E. Newma.i i Rd., , WHO ARE RESIDENTS OF HAZLET TOWNSHIP ordce In Holmdel. Salary commen- EXPERIENCED AUTO MECHANIC Shrewsbury. 741-OJ61. SEMICONDUCTOR »urate with ability. MANPOWER —Chrysler products. Good pay. hos- pltallzatlon, vacation and retirement, NIGHT WATCHMAN WANTED — ] INC » W. Front St., Itcn Bank. Weekends and Mondays. Fort Mon SALESMAN — Part-time, Sat, only. Good working conditions. Call Mr. Hardware. OALB'S HARDWARE CO.. PATROLMAN B42-4343. Frank at FAH DODGE, 542-1117. mouth Officers Club. Year round po»l tlon. Please phono tot appointment, 26 West Front St.. KeyporL 2M-2000. OPEN TO MALE CITIZENS 21 to 35 YEARS OF AGE PROFESSIONALS ... HOUSEKEEPER — Dependable worn Mr. Duffy. 542-7331 an, Mon. Wed. and Prl. Located or NIGHT MANAOKR WANTED — Aim bus line. References. Call 741-5166. WAREHOUSE MAN WHO ARE RESIDENTS OF HAZLET TOWNSHIP. BOROUGH For household goods, moving and LAB ASSISTANT TRAINER - Down night cashier. Experienced. Apply In OF KCANSBURS OR BOROUGH OF KEYPORT NURSES' AIDES — Part-time for Btoragre company. Apply In person at town Red Bank. Pull time employ- person, RED OAK DINER, Hwy 3J, a.m. to 4 p.m. and evenings 4 p.m. ANDERSON BROS., INC, 51-53 Me ment for & willing: worker. Excellent Hazlct. BECOME A NATIONAL HERO OVERNIGHT! working conditions and liberal bene- For Application and Further Information Contact to 12 p.m. $2 per hour. Holmdel- chanlc St.', Red Banfc. •' FACTORY WORK - Summer em- Hazlot vlclnlly. Call 264-3548 tor ap- fits. Only a conclentlous person need ployment and permanent positions pointment. RESTAURANT DRIVE-IN apply at 28 Linden PL; Red Bank. open. 18 years minimum age. Call NEW JERSEY DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL SERVICE for Interview appointment. 462-7111. National Samiconefuefor ii tha f«»if#it gWvjng jemtcenJucl-or SALESLADY — Full lime permancnl MANAGEMENT TRAINEES CARPET MECHANICS AND HELP- . STATE HOUSE, TRENTON, N. J. 08625 position. Must be over 18, Pleaie ap- Ambitious men needed. Over 21. Start- ERS wanted with tools. Phono 291- Btudehla may apply tor appointment manufacturer in >h« industry. This growth Ii a ckalUnga for ply In perron. CARROLL'S STATIO- ing flalary to $7,200 per year. 10 to 14 9132 or 787-5537. by mall. EOONOPAL INC., P.O. Box ~ (or Phone Your Local Police Department) NERY, 28 Broad SI., Red Bank. months extensive training program. 103, Marlboro. 1 ' us and in opportunity for you. Excellent employment benefits. No ex- COMPETENT WAREHOUSE MAN — ' Hailet Township 264-0304 EXPERIENCED WAITRESS WANT- perience necessary. INVESTIGATOR — SECURITY — ED — 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Apply In Steady employment. Apply In peraon, Union Beach 264-0313 Wa h*v« immtdiaf* cptningi in our Eaifarn Division for FOR PERSONAL INTERVIEW CALL LITTLE SILVER MIKE'S, 1 Syca- TRAINEE — Full time. Good start- person The Burger Bowl, I* Willie more Ave, Little Silver. ing salary. Age 21 • 35. (mM54UI •ngirrasri who can do and will do tomstMn? of thair own in St.. Red Bank. 671-0925 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Applications Must Be Filed Before Junt 9, 1969 OENEBAL OFFICE WORK — Ex- PORTER — Morning hourn, 8:30 to this crackling growth •nvlronmsnt. McDONALD'S DRIVE-IN 1:30. Steady employment, 5-day week- MASON HELPERS WANTEJ}—Call perienced IBM typewriter. Salary 925 Hwy. 35 Petnlck Construction •>• NO HI FOR FILING APPLICATIONS «ommen»urate with ability. 542-1882. Mlddletown Apply Manager, Lerner Shops, Mon- mouth Shopping Center, E.atontown. 671-1B0O MATURE WOMAN — Clerical and ORDERLIES — 7 to 3 and 3 to 11 Coif of AdV. — $(4.00 Girl Friday to asslfll Construction BhlftB, Top pay. Full fringe benefits. BRAKE AND MUFFLER INSTALL- EXPERIENCED PAINTER WANTED Superintendent. Afternoons, 12-4:30 DO NOT PHONE. Apply In person ER — Clean-cut young man. Atito Call • TRANSISTOR PRODUCT AND PROCESS weekdays, 10 a.m. to 3 P.m. ATLAN- : 747-381? ENGINEERS—-Product Enginein attend product! from p.m. Call Mr. Tnomnon, 671-M00 TIC HIGHLANDS NURSING HOME, motive and torch experience helpful. "RELIABLE 'CLEANING LADY — in 8 Mlddletown Ave., Atlantic HighlandH Excellent future. Apply In pereon on- MEN PART-TIME wafer fab through final fair and apply proem imfghf into Fair Haven lor permanent job. One ly. full day or two halt-days. References MIDAS MUFFLER BI1OP Niphtj 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. Permanent n»w product devatepmenr while achieving and sustaining 450 Hwy. 35 Mlddletown office cleaning work in Mlddletown required. Call 741-3571. AUTOMOBILE 1919 Corlies Ave. Neptune building. Good pay, steady, hospitall- high yields in volume production. MATURE WOMAN BOOKKEEPER zation. No experience necessary Our —To work In Cost Ledgers, Holmdel SALESMAN BHORT ORDER COOKS — Btcady, reprcnentiLtive will be intervlcwlnr area. 8 to 4:30 p.m. Call Mr, Tliom year-round positions. MUBI apply In Wednesday, May 28, 5:30 to 7 p.m. ENGINEERS person. No phone call*. - HOWARD at Hie Harmony 3ow\ Rt. 35, Middle- son, 671-2800. Excellent opportunity far aggres- sive, Be If-starter to Join the sales JOHNSON'S RESTAURANT, Hwy 35, towa • QUALITY ASSURANCE—Tr.n.Mor Engln.T. with LAUNDRESS - Two days weekly, Mlddletown. close to transportation. Call after 6 force of established and well re- PHOTOGRAPHER — Experienced. To uncompromiiino ifanc* «nd tntlyiii depth. Then peiHiom •pected OldsmobUe-CttdiUao agen- p.m. 741-6498. ^ cy. Experience preferred. Full time PROOF HEADERS - To work at photograph wedding* on weeSieiidi, home. Submit resume to University Call DuPrce Studio, 254-8855. eommdnd rsipsct. CLERK-TYPIST — Permanent. lull position. Graphics Inc., 21 B. Front at., Red JOIN THE LEADER in time, -for typing of addresses and Bank. Please flpcciry amount of time CAPRENTEH HELPKHS WANTED— light clerical In fund ralalnf de- We offer > liberal (ringe benefits available per week. Call Pelnlck Construction. partment ol heallh agency. Call 747- Including pension plan and pleaaant 671-I8O0 1204. ext 28. working the op- PANTRY MAN — Experienced. Year- • RELIABILITY—-Trantiirer En»in.ers • PRODUCT MARKETING—En,;r.,ri w;th v;.;- EXPERIENCED BUICK MECHANIC 100 Newman Springs R » willing; To be trained In «ale§ and service. CLIFFWOOD, N.J. worker. Apply In person. ELECTRO OT devlco and process engineering. Live In a winter-summer plenty of room on the way to the top. Become a Salary and commission. Company car An Equal Opportunity Employer taurant and banquet caterers, picas- ant working COTKIHIOHS. Call 741-8341. IMPULHB, 116 Chestnut St, Ited Bank recreation area In the Poconos on one hand, and also en|oy thi furnished. All company benefits. Only YOUNG MARRIED MAN-For work- National Hero Overnight by calling A. R. Cursio those Interested in steady position odvontages of a ma|or metropolitan area of 300/000 people* ng assistant manager. Salary ffuar- RES5ER — On children's raincoats. SHORT ORDER COOK - For family need apply. Apply In person, no phone. anteed. $150. Apply In pernon, Ben'i Union nhop, top wages. Apply WALL tavern. Nights. No Sunday a. Good with A college) for continuing education. Collect (203) 744-0060. THE SINGER C01IPAW. 69 Broad Car Wash, Rt. 35, Mlddletown. STREET FASHION'S, 3T St.. Red salary. Vear round. Also part-tfm* BL, Red Bank. Bank. BULLDOZER OPERATOR — Good nights. 222-0T33. - CAREER OPPORTUNITY — Join on» Immediate openings exist now In: wageH. Must be experienced In grad- HEN* -- No experience ncceiisary. or Monmouth and Ocean Counties ing with Allls Chalmers. Call affer 5 Paid vacation, free hospltallzatlon. If you'd rather become a National Hero in a week, futejt trowing real estate agencies. . 229-1M3. We will train and prepare for lieeni- HlKhcnt WHRC *ra!e In county. Apply COK/POUNDER Ing. through our special company ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT WIRE MAN STAR CLEANERS. 132 ilyrtle Ave., SEMICONDUCTOR AND tend your resume. We -tra an equal opportunity •chool, qualified young men lor po- —Experience required In infitatllng g lirandi. Experienced or Trainee •Itlona In one of today's most lucra- nd wiring electrical controls. Must VVp neck an Inrfu.ilrlnu* Individual PROCESS ENGINEERING employer. tive professions. If you are interested e proricieiit in soldering »nd "Je able MEN nit Hied In the measuring and mixing In first year earnings of $12,000, with o wire from ochemalice Apply In •"til! limr iitRlita fl jun. to 2:30 a.m. "' ".teittiifl am! lotinna. We also hava unlimited future income potential, call 'Cr.ion at ELECTRO IMPULSE, 118 l'fir waxing and general cleaning opening for a bright tmlnee, rt- To work on enrjlnenrlno ol silicon power tromliton. rectlflirl Mr. Steam. TB7-CG0O. Chestnut 81., Ited Bank. vrnrk in Mlddletown building. Steady. qulrlng someone wllh an aptitude for and Irlacs. Work Involves such areas al technology as paid vacation, paid tioppltalizatlon. Our figures. LABORERS — To drive and opprato epresentative will X>e Intprv lowing prioto-chemlstry. dlffi;»lon, deposition! materials and •eptlc - tank trucks. Firewood work. We offer n[>tervtid working condl- Call 741-1846. Wednesday, May 28, 5:S» in 7 p.m. at tlnrj anil liberal benefits comhlned packagln. Applicants should hovi o degrie In Chemistry, the Harmony Howl, Ht. 35, Middle- wllh a congenlal atmosphere in our EXECUTIVE TYPE MAN town. Physic) or Engineering. Salary $800 month lncreaFlng tu JS60 iTKHiern, air conditioned plant. MECHANIC end of six months. J1O00 end of first Ni"; 31 AN — To lea"rn lumber INTERVIEWS ear if ability warrant*. Excellent ness. Exi client opportunity. All TTESDAY3 AND THURSDAYS To arronm a local Interview, coll colled, Mr. L. E. Gorman, Must be experienced and :hree yrar training program with op- flts. Permanent position. Send 0 a.m. • 10 a.m. - p.m.-3 p.m. (717) «4-o74l, RCA, Eliclronlc Component!, Cristwood have own tools. Good bono- portunity in management. Resume or resume to flux L-118, The Dally Reg- LANVIN- :all cfllleot, Robert W Kuntz, &9 John >tcr, Red Bank. Road, tylountolntop, Pennsylvonlo. Wt ara an aqual fifs. Must apply in parson: It., N'.Y.C. 212-227-3211'. 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. JXPEIUENCEn MAINTENANCE CHARLES OF THE RITZ opportunity employer. MAN — Plumbing, etc. for modern Rt. J5 Holmdel 2S4-8O0O BILL LANZARO'S SALESMAN—Full time. Experienced. nur.Hlng hume. Good working condl- AUTO MECHANIC-EXPERIENCED desired. Salary plus commission, lonfi, excellent pay. Write Box L-119, Apply penonnlly to Dick Matthewi, Squire's Men's Shop. 1300 Hwy. 35, The Dally Register. P.ed Bank. Red Bank Auto Imports, 110 E. New AUTO SALES man Springs Rdi, Red B»nk. 334 Main St., Matawan, N.J. iIkId 1 etown. g7i-fl292. THREE PACKERS — Full time, 8 Rf-TiME^lmLP WANTED^ScrV •,m. to 4:») p.m. Some high school. EXPERIENCED iervlce nation al- Station. Newman Springs Rn\. and Paid holidays and vacation. Apply at ttndant, (u!l time. Apply In person, Waterfwrd mass, 636 State Hwy 36, Red Bank Eno. 1crft~ce. BUTCHER"^ Experienced! RetalT RT-TIME GARDENER WANTED No night work, ifolmrtel Meat pack- 'OJlTEItS ~ Two-ror general clean- xj.prJented. PleaHe call IIGil reliable, S2 per hour pliii overtime. ig and full care of floor.i. Noal and Ing, Holmdel. 5M SIMfKH Apply In person. Ren'i Car Wash. Rt. Mber. Top salary and fringe benefit*. ACTOR35, MlddletownS NEEDED. . - For local EXPERIENCED PAINTKR8 WANT- DO NOT PHONE. Apply In person Commerce Park, Danbury, Connecticut movie production. If lntereited, call ED — Apply la penon between 5:30 weekday! only. 10 to 2. ATLANTIC (More ClassIIIed Adi 222-2274 during morning hours week* snd 6:30 p.m. 15 HendilctUoa PL, KIOH LANDS NURSING HOME 8 dayj. be/ora June ISUi. Fair Haven. Hiddlti Ave., AtUntlo HJjbJands. Oa The Next Page) 18 THE DAILY REGISTER, RED BA.NK • MJDDLETOWN, N. J.: TUESDAY, MAY 27, 1969- HOUSES FOR RENT HELP WASTED -MALE HELP WANTED — MALE INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION Family Circus PETS AOT LIVESTOCK EXPERIENCED MA2J -. Mow lawn. AKC . K-» CUTE" cut beds* a&d trim Own equJpm*fit WE HAVE OUR OWN COMPUTER SCHEDULER Red Bank. Monthly basis 741-744] SiZZUN© HOT-DOG SA£ Th. Fsbuloui IBM 360 For You To Train On! _ Inawila&urer SERVICE ATTENDANT — Full time INSTANT CREDIT i MJ-3W0. No experience neceseery. Phooe 264- Step us Inrto o hign-poying action-pocked career! Day and evening classes PUP GOES HOME WITH TOtf Avmpotin requires tittritncti TWO AXD ' THREE • dular and Planner. f>9M forming . . , approves (or veterans . , . Tulll&n loom ovellabit. FabulTU' j GreaGreat T>aae*I>fcae*, wv*M»tu«, OM ln«mb iheep dmm,, skyye terrlen HOMES — For rest or sale. &2B u Oood Electrical Eacigrwaj ENROLL IN lkjt COMPUTER SCHOOL WITH IBM COMPUTER Wtlmiraaeri, ItIrtihh mtltrmtltrii Baari ""a month. THE KIRWAM CO. hound.., wire loii terriers, Soottiei HBALTOKS, Belforo, 7B7-6OT. W. HELP WANTED—Male-Female ON PREMISES FOR STUDENTS USE Submit r«e*ldK«>ra PITAL — Kite and female. Full B»to» Tarrttra. Cairni. Siberian^gy APPLY IN PERSON -time, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Applicants North.ait Bouse. Available May 3i«t • ••* please write Box B-195, The Dally For Fr« Booklet Mall This Coupon or T«l. 747-4M7 HEALTH GUJuSSraEED. Fermwenti SutT Call~ Wl-MH, after 8 Computer •Sotj, wormed Lowest Frlce>. Best — Register, Red Bank. THREE ROOROMM — PrivatPri e Sous* on Institute, NAME _ '. Quality. COOKS — Experienced. Part tid !uH 3 I. Front St. Sank deadendd d atreettt . QiQuiet t nelljWwnMwj l INTERDATA time. Holiday Inn, Hazlet. Apply In H7-3834 (95 month plua utilities. 281-3OM. ^ 1 Crescent PI. Oceann, person. Ask for Mr. Mario. 40 English Plaza J ADDRESS . (Building behind Holiday Jim) TWO SMALL MINIATURE AKC HBD BANK — Three 'bedroomi. An Equal Opportunity Employer RED BANK, N. J. J C|TY STATE ZIP REOISTE.RED POODLES — Silver. Ireplace. VA bathj. *17B p«r month. One male, one female. 2&S-2310. CHANCK AQENCY, Reallor", I Lin- AUTO MECHANIC — Chrysler e C.II 747-4647 en PL, Bed Bank. 747-0397.' perlenee preferred. Top pay • ex? TELETYPES ETTER AKC REGISTERED BEAQLK — Two lent fringe faeaefJLs. Apply in perse months old Male Beautifully marked M. Brhvmrlz & Sons, HI W. Fioi *2S. Call 20M055 after 6:30 pm St., Red Bank. PERFORATOR WANTED TO RENT HELP WANTED—Male-Female MERCHANDISE CHERIBOB KENNELS — Offers fine PART-TIME BUBHELMAN OPERATOR collie, chihuahua, wire IDX terrier >r» NEED — Flva or all, 3-3 »•»• For pints alterations in men'a clolh- FOB SALE puppleil. Wormed, Inoculated. 671-1862. rcm Rental Homaa. furnished or un- Ing store. Must be able to pre ASSEMBLER futlshed from (86 to «M per month Wiring and soldering. Some experience MINIATURE POODLE — Silver gray, NATELSON'S J. KRIDEU 2 Broa HAY FOR BALE male. 1 month* old. Call art«r 6 p.m. lo? Incoming penonneL THB B»HO Bt., Bed Bark, or call Mr. Eastwi For local growijig news- he.pful. 291-D310. AQUNCt. Rt. 35.. Mlddletown. tU-1000 lor appointment. 741-5200. '• 95c a. bale and up. Also stlu paper. Hours 11 p.m. to 462-9273 US0ENT — Two-bedropM-urKur- ELECTRONIC TECHNICIAN OERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS—AKC, MANAGERIAL ASSISTANT TYPEWRITERS. AJDDIHO machines. nlslud apartment, lltt lo Sift per 7 a.m. Excellent work- Opening for electronic technician in with all shots. Champion bloodline. month. Call 787-3787 anytime! Ambitious man of unqucsticmabli All makes new 01 used, Guaranteed. Large dogn. Females $1!), males 57fi. character to develope as Managcrla ing conditions. Liberal our solid state power supply engineer- Low aj $23. Be.rplco'1 101 Kfo&moutb Assistant for Internationally kmn ing departiripnt. 3 tn s years experi- at. Nelt to theater. 147-0485. Three moutha old. SONNY'S RES- TWO-BBDROOM unfurnlsMe'd' house. company. Above average salar fringe benefits. ence plus technical scViooiing as a TAURANT, Belford. 787-8618. Sim to fI40 a month. Urgent. Call technician required Top wages to 1W-3787 anytime. Group Insurance and retirement pi qualified applicants.' DESKS $15 up FIT.TCfl, tablaf. chain, ELEVEN YEAR OLD APPALOOSA baeed on profit sharing. Ready to &t Write to Box L-117, The Technician- Electronic tester. Mini- adding machine*, typwriters, office STUD-Sound and well brnkc (200. 1XECUTIVB DB3IIIBB TQ'RENT — cept position by mid June. For loci mum of three months to two years ex- equipment, etc., at bargain prices. Call 7S7-0J65, Michael Ferrara^ wo-bedroom apartment or house' (or Interview write fully to Mr. T. Drei Daily Register, Red New or used AAC DESK OUTLET, to three months. Please contact 1 perience as a tester and thorough EL 35, Oakburst &1-3990. GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS— bach. P.O. Box 'C . Cherry Hill. N\. Bank knowledge of standard tesUng Instru- Large boned. Will be enormouH dogfl. DlOlscomo, EAI, 22S-110D, *Xt. 08034. ments. WEDDING GOWN — Of Chantllly 1 Beautllully marked. See both parents. lace, Alencon and Feau de Sole. (39. 291-3140. Ask for Miss Korma Jankouskas "Does this say *Dear Grandma, how-are you ?" RLINE PILOT — Needs)'1 or 1- •ALBS Detachable Watte an train. Spray of ADORABLE BLACK AND WHITB b droom houae to rent. Oall FLORAL DEEIONER — Must be ex- appliques on gown and train. Head KITTENS — Free. Call 747-2260 perienced. To work In shore area. piece of crystal *nd pearL No velL 264-4296. OpporiunBy Unlimited 477-M52. ROWAN INDUSTRIES Size 12. Used only once. JIOO. 291-105B, RESPONSIBLE, mature couple with Let's talk tt over ASSISTANT SHORT ORDER — Dally 2 Crescent PI. Oceanport after 6 p.m. FOR SALE WIRE HAIR TE11RIER PUPS-AKC. ori child dealro to rent Jbedroom 10 «.m. - 2 p.m. Apply In person (Building behind Holiday Inn) FOR SALE Now available. Excellent family pets. unbrnlshed apartment or housa in Prestige International Electronic Cor] Betsy Ross Restaurant. KL 35 (near SINGER Zie ZAG 452-7745. Lfcst-Naveilnk area beglnnlni Julie Non-technlcaJ productB, Mature mai BhDp-Rlte) Shrewsbury. DIRECTOR OF Ono of the latest models. Does every- WEBER 8URFBOARD — Feither BOSTONS — Cnlms, ChlhuahuaB, M.lPlease write J. Ryser, »13 N. W. ITEMS YOU NO LONGER Pin Tall model, g'4". Oool condition. Vt., Miami, Fla. , ' fled men. Must have car; Ko ovei HELP WANTED PART-TIME thing without aUa-climenta. Slightly Dachshunds, Mlnl-SchnaUBers, Pekes, night trivel. Excellent company trait ACCOUNTING used. $55.20 or $7 morphiy. Guaranteed. Call irt-OlOb, afler 3 p.m. Poodles, Pugs, Sheltfes. Toy and Wire HOllsE-3-4 bedrooms, to lease «r Ing program. CREDIT DEPT. 251-5553 812-1250 NEED OR USE WILL .., ...NOW Of a new Community Collegfi In Mon* INVALID COMPORT HOVER LIFT Fox Terrier*. rent! with option. Couple with •««• mouth County. Person should have a OALE-VIN PET 8H0PPE child. Call 899-1027. or 8B9-74M. S200 weekly minimum $2.50 per hour. Call 7U-40H GO KART-STEL.LAR — Almost new. —$75. Chrome wheel chair, (35. Oall TRAVEL AGENT WANTED — Travel degree in Accounting, end at least Vh h.p. Four cycle. Erlgga and Strat- 291-9367. Monmouth Shopping Center 2-3 years experience in Fund Account- ton. Cushioned seat, scrub brake. Re- 542-1213 Plus liberal commissions, benus pro Agency Manager, Matawan area. Ing In public schools or equivalent SELL grams ind fringe benefit*. Protects Should be familiar with domestic and inforced axle, Helmet and goggles. HAY — For mulching. Fred D. Wd- HORSE SHOEING — H»nd made URNISHED BOOMS International sales and ticketing. Gen- Duslneas management experience, Will $195. 222-1237, 4-9 p.m. Ask for Jack. koK Co. 234 Maple Ave., Red Sank. territory. supervise all Accounting Department 741-05M. correcllTB and keg shoes. Call 462- RED \BANK ~ Furnished rodme, erous salary, plus possibility for agen- personnel, will be responsible for es- INTRODUCTORY SALE — Gerani- 2485. with frivato entrance. , Sitting room For personal Interview cy participation. Call RE. Dlckstetn, tablishing and maintaining a complete ums three for $1. 3)1 Shore Blvd., and FAST (201) 566-0700. 13 DOUBLE BOLLS OP THIEAULT with ktchen privilege. FemaU onlr. CALL. MR. TAYLOR Byatcm or financial data flow utilizing Morningslde Ave-, Kennsburg 7B7-M34 WALLPAPE1R — Blue. $56. Oall be- FEEB — To good home, three ador- Inqulre\« reters PI. 9:30 a.m. to l p.m. EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES OR modern office practice techniques, and WITH A QUICK ACTION tween 5 and 7. 741-8298. able kittens. Six w.eeks old. Weaned WAITERS — Part or full time. Oall •will be responsible for the develop- DECORATOR VELVETS — Remnants and pan trained. Call 2641207. FREEHOLD—Private entrance. Cen- 531-5159 River Housa Inn, 842-2200. ment and maintenance of General $4.95, $5.95, Value (15-J45. Little Stiver LOW-COST orflCE EQUIPMENT — Wilnut trally Incited. Comfortable, cheerful. Ledger, Ar.ftnunts Receivable, Accounts Upholstery & Drapery. 747-2590. desk, chair, file cabinets, plus small PERSIAN KITTENS — CPA regls. Kitchen »rlvllcge» optional. JMrtr- Payable, Payroll and oilier General Items. All (or 5315. Call 642-5779. tered, six weeks old. ences. Call 462-1231. MECHANICAL ENGINEER 516,000 Accounting and Budgeting functions. TOMATO STICKS DAILY REGISTER 363-3137 ELECTRONIC ENGINEER 513,000 Excellent salary and fringe benefits Tie up your tomato plantn, V Bticlts OARAGE SAU5 — Relrl«erat6r CDP- LAHQE RCjpM WITH SHOWER — GERMAN SHE.PHERD PUPPIES — First rloor, Private entrance. Call T47- FACTORY SIANAGEK $15,000 program. Call or write Brookdale So each, &* suck, 10c each. peptone one month old. $175. House- ; FOREMAN-Model Shop S10.000 Community College, Attention: Per- FAMILY AD hold furniture and Items. 220 Hill AKC. 8 weeks old. Black and silver. 1041, 12-4 p.m,, 4-8 p.m., 848-8441. ACCOUNTANT—Degree $12,000 MEN and WOMEN sonnel Department, 765 tjewmaii RED BANK LUMBER Crest Ave., Laurence Harbor. 883- Females $70 Males $80. Call 284- NICE CLEAN COMFORTABLE 1 CHEMIST —Degree-Food 512.000 Springs Rd., Llncroft, N. J. 07738. Pearl ana Wall, lea Bank. 741-5500 3 LINES - 5 DAYS 2477. 5862 or 2S4-0303. ROOM — Convenient location. Reason- COST ACCOUNTANT— S 0,000 Full Time And Moonlighters Telephone: (201) 842-1900. TOY POODLE TOPS — able. Gentleman only. Apply 1Q7 Ma- ASSEMBLY FORBMAN- t 7,500 FUHN1TURB AND APPLIANCES - MARBLE TOP WASH STAND — $«5 Turret Lathe Operators An Equal Opportunity Employer WELFARE AND PEOPLE WITH FOR %J Art mangle '$25, ttecordlon $26, Weather- Call ple Ave., Red Bank. BALES REPRESENTATIVE- * 7,500 872-1801 OFFICE MANAGER— S 8,0011 Metal Polishers CRIHOT PROBLEMS. IMMEDIATE JUST £.UU bee coat $15. cine chairs 320. 671- BOOM — Private entrance, «o(id CLAIMS ADJUSTER-Tr&lnes S 7.2O0 SEAFOOD COOK — Weekends year BEUVEEY. INSTANT CREDIT. 0293. BOXER PUPS — Adorable, seven neighborhood. NIMly furnished. JUt> CAFE MANAGER— t 8,500 Foundry Sand' Molders round. Write Box L-123, The T>al]y CALL MR. ORAN, 373-6838. Available tot Uenftudiae For Btle weeks old. Excellent pedigree. AKC sonable. S42-37M. , !. 1 Regiflter, Red Bank. LIVING ROOM — Dining room, MECHANIC DRAFTSMAN— , J 7,1 Foundry Core Makers MANUFACTURERS CLOSEOTJT — only. Artiole must originate Iran a kitchen seta and outdoor furniture. registered. Lovable and excellent SALES TRAINEES— S 6,500 Table with extension leaf and four household and may not excead & tale Best offer. 971-2030, after 6 p.m. with children. Two iemales, one FURNISHED ROOK — N«r Bto4* HAIRDRESSER Experienced. Top male. (77-4137. St., N. Y. bus stop. Female only. RALES CORRESPONDENT- S 7.200 Sheetmetal Workers •SlBlT. Call chairs. Special S39.95. Limited quanti- price of (50.00 per article. Call 741-5073 FOOD MANAGER— S 7,500 ty. BAKON DINETTES, 1874 Hwy. Frlce MUST be advertised. Eicb ad- 12" PORTABLE RCA TV — With Locksmiths 787-7098 stand, $23. 50-KII. well pump, $50. AKC MINIATURE POODLES - MANAGEMENT TRAINEE— 5 5,200 35, Mlddletown, (Opposite Klnncy ditional line (1.00. No cow chirnei Black female, silver males. Priced T1NTON PALLS — sniall clean room. CUSTODIAN—Black SfaJ 3 7.000 COUPLE or Individual. Room and Shoe Jughandle). 671-0004. Both excellenl. Call 2-3 p.m. 0I6H5!) For gentleman. Car essential,' Call *•• CHEMICAL TECHNICIAN— 3 4,800 Tool Makers mar ba m&4e ana* no duoounU or to sell. 965 male. $50 female. Stan INVENTORY CLDRK— % 5,500 board In exchange for oompanlon- returns will be made U ad U nui. CLORIX GAS STOVE — 3 years old. Lerner. Dog Trainer. Call 531-8854 fore 2 or after 8 p:m. 542.Bg, General- Help ahtp to elderly jgentleman. Write Box UNCLAIMED LAYAWAY oded b*for« expin.Uo&. 150. Fool table, fairly new, $60. 2S4- alter 2:30. RED BANK—Large, ittreittvt Wont TELETYPB MECHANIC- S HO L-122, Ths Dally Register. Red Bank. 1969 Zig zag flowing machine, never B631. STOCK CLERK- i 90 Maintenance Men- To Plata Your Daily RaoiH.r MIXED COCKER SPANIEL — Hale room. Own TV allowed. 'Convenient used. No attachments needed to mak« FAMILY AD. CALL . .. 1 location. Parking. 741-2575. ' ' DRIVER— ( 100 We need good all round FLORAL DBS1QNER buttonholes, sew buttons on, Wind hem ONE SET • OF MAGS — On rime, All shots. Free to good home. Call FACTORY OPERATORS- S CALL dresses, make fancy stitches. New not chrome, $15. 10 more used snow 747-4071 aftor 6 p.m. BANK COLLECTOR— * men. Will train persons 7414020 tires. Also regular tires. •«. <05-O823. PARTIAL LISTING guarantee. 741-6900 GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIK GARAGES FOR BENT All positions* are in local area. Most with good steady work his- RIDINO MOWHR — Jacobson 26" AKC reglslered, 8 weeks old, 5W. are fee paid or negotiable. For in- BALANCE ON $31.80 24-Hour Sarvle* reel. Good condition. First $00 takes Call 291-0154. GAUAGE FOR RENT Wash- tory if not experienced. SITUATIONS WANTED-Female Taxes Included, or assume six pay- It. Call 747-3103 alter 7 p.m. formation call or send resume to Ed ments of $5.30 per month. Call 0&j>itaI DACHSHUNDS — Mini-breeding. Ington Bt. Call Wright Steady year round employ- Credit Manager until 9 p.m. It toll, TRIPLE A-1 BHOP BALB — Antique sldohoarda. AKC. Females. Black and , tan, or , 741-1607. 20-YEAR-OLD college junior wishes call collect one oak. one mahogany. Electric red. Call 747-113S. Ace Employment Agency ment. All company benefits employment as tutor, governess, etc.- range, clocks, lamps, pictures. Arti- Write K.E., 347 drove St., Upper 561-2400 SEWING FREE PUP — Four months old SO Thomas Ave. 747-3494 Shrewsbury and advancement opportu- Montclalr, N.J., 07013.' cles of all kinds. Reasonable prices. REAL ESTATE FOR^jA Serving your area daily. Decoration Day and Sat., May JO. female, part Shepherd. Call atler 4 SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT— nities. p.m. 542-1623. HOUSES FORSAKE Full time daya. Married and frame SPEED TYPIST — 85 wpm, steno 120 SPECIAL LOT — Ladles one-piece MACHINES 31. Oeo. Bmltll, 15 E. River St., Red experience. Good pay for* right man. wpm. Summer work. Getting mar- awlm-sultl, slzea 32 to 36. (2.99 each, 1969 Zlf Z&gg, brand new, never used. Bank. HAVE. 3-year old hunting Brittany Apply In person. Lincroft Easo, new- APPLY IN PERSON ried In Septemoer. Call 741-3403. 2 for $5. SAM SILBERBLATT, 120 Theie machines darn, monogram, GARDEN TRACTOR — 5 h.p., with Spaniel lor «tu««- WILL CARE FOR CHILDREN IN PIANOS — OR&ANS — Ne» and In running condition. As Is, $100. SIAMESE KITTENS Seaipoint, rooms, 2i, ha.Hn. central «Jr-cor*tfon- PART-TIME NIGHTS, - 18 or over. MY HOME For working mother. 452-7075. trained, $20. lng. Built-in vacuum cleaning iyiten?. KLE-FORGE CORP. Fair Haven area. Call 74HI346. Used Spinets, Uprights, Grands, Play- Full price five weeks old, litter Apply Mlddletown Burger Chef, Hwy ers. AH organs will be Bold before 787-13B4. Many other features. Must p»r**>n to it-34 & Garden State Parkway, we move in June. FREEHOLD KIM- ZENITH BLACK AND WHITE TV appreciate. ISl.BOO. Xvea. and gun. WILL CARE FOR CHILDREN IN EALb PIANO t ORGAN WARE- $32.50 . OONSOLB — Singer sewing machine, SHELTIB PUPPIES — (miniature MM. Odoin, 228-0003. ,._,, OIL BUHNER MECHANIC — Ex- Exit 96 MY HOME — For working jnolherj. HOUSE. 431-11W. Or 51.75 wtakly small two-chair dinette set, baby car- Collie) Male, female. Wormed, In- perienced. Fred D. Wlkoff Co., 234 CaH S64SO46. - riage. Miscellaneous Items. Call 264- oculated. AKC registered. 866-7520. Maple Ave., Red Bank. 747-0552. Allenwood, N. J. 1988 Singer Zlg Zag, ciblnet mode], 6938, alter S p.m. NEAR BELL LABS CHILDREN BOARDED BY DAY or •lightly mod. This machine doei all THREE beautiful psrt angora, kit- to- 1969 ZIG ZAG COLONIAL wing chair, large, like This Home Is truly b«auUful>Mh WORKER — To operate abraBlve week. Shrewsbury Ave., & Catherine your embroldtry and button sewing tens, two white, one gray. 7 weeks doors and out. Central alr'MWltion- at. Qualified mature mother. 741-5856 Sewing rnachfnes - floor model* ft.nd ttltbout any attachment*. new. Paid $300, sell 5150. Whltewlll old, paper trained. 787-4797. wheel. Steady employment. Company MEN ... WOMEN ... STUDENTS .,. demotiatratora. These machines mono- snow tires 175-14 on wheels, itts Ing. Four bedrooms, three ttatht. benefits. ENGINEERED PRECI- BOOKKEEPER — For small iujl- gram, make buttonholes, fancy stitch- Chevy or Skylark, 535. 842-2D88. screened-ln porch and two-cststrait. SION CASTING CO., Rt. 78, Morgan- ness firms. Red Bank area or work es, new buttons on, all wlUimit at- $46.80 $(1,730. Eve«. and Sun, Mr*. • Cdom, vllle. 591-1122. Earn $125 + Week at home. Experienced full set books tachments. Original guarantee. Re- LIVING ROOM CHAIR AND MATCH- REAL ESTATE FOR RENT 228-0903. .. ,,, KITCHEN MAN — Apply In person, •NOW THRU SEPT. 30Ui Including payroll, tax reports, gen- duced to $35.20, including taxes. Terms Or $1.90 per week ING OTTOMAN. Excellent condition. NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY eral lelger. Call 741-4892. available. Call floor manager until 9 Must sell. Call after 4:30. 405-OOW. APARTMENTS HARBOR RESTAURANT, Atlantic p.m., 561-2600. Ext 602. It toll, call ENGLISH TUDOR Highlands Yacht Basin. NO BONDING—INVESTMENT Straight stitch machines-Fron* 519.95 1963' NIMROD—Tent camper. Sleeps • UNION SCALE! + BONUS collect. four. $280. Cull EATONTOWN, BATON CRIBT-Qold Charming English Tudor wlln'jWI con- AUTO BODY MAN — Full time. • RESORT AREA ROUTES FINANCIAL Zlg ZftKS—From $32,65 Medallion Club and Apartments. 1 venience of a modern horhfeu Three Good working conditions. Apply • ALL EXPENSES PAID ANTIQUES — Bric-a-brac, J/3 off Ueed Consoles—From $14.50 568-3341 and i bedrooms. 512-1105, dally »-i. bedrooms, 1H baths. S3r.9fM Bvil. WOODY'S AUTO BODY SHOP, 193 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FREE BOOK EVERY $ PURCHASE! ATLANTIC SEWING FLOWERING SHRUBS — 3' to 81 and Sun. Mrs. Odom, 229-O9O3? E. Newman Springs Rd., Shrews- COLLEGE STUDENTS Moving to Florida. CURIOSITY SHOP Weigela, mock orange, honeysuckle RED BANK — Furnished apartment. bury. 741-2332. SECURE YOUR SUMMER JOB NOW 11 Third Ave., Long Branch. 12-5 p.m, CENTER bush, to tor IS.. Me. Dig your own. Throe rooms ana bath. Includes all .OPEN 7 DAYS 9 A.M. TO, 7 P.M. • (TOLP SERVICE STATIONS FOR utilities. Adults only, no pets. 747-5320 CAMASSA A«ENCY NIGHT PORTER — Part-time nlgrtta. LEASE — Modern 2-bay,' good petgh- LIKE NEW EQUIPMENT — BelsttW T23 Cookman Ave, Anbury P»rk 8(6-4733. borhoddi and transit trade.' Paid Sharp-All, reel mower eharpener, LITTLE SILVER'; Apply Mlddletown Burger, chef, Hwy Gtagid Humor . handfiaw filer, belt Binder, chatn lav ' . , ' 775-4775 HUTCH — Corner cabinet and serv- GARDEN APARTMENTS — 3!1 35. 15 Shrewsbury Ave., Shrewsbury, N.J, IrMnlni. One In Matawan and one In er. Excellent condition. Call 747-1683 rooms unfurnished $125 3% rooms 741-6336;,",: (Opp, Red Bank Airport) Cliec.tquikc Call days, HE 6-6M& sharpener, saw setter. Cost $1000, will DANELECTRO ^ Single pick-up jul- after 5 p.m. furnished $140. 414 rooms unfur- PAINTERS WANTED — Good pay. After S call 727-1547. cell for ?500. 787-5681 or 749-0648. Will Excellent conditions. Phone bu must be IB years or older & hav« not itell separately. *ar and amplifier New strings. S50. SEARS KBNMORB 30" EL.BCTRIC nished $150. Call H7-42I3'niter 1 p.m. Realtor 4 ftlwr Av». a valid N.J. driver's license. Call Mike, 254-5917, alter S p.m RANGE — Copper color. Like new. MIDDLKTOWN ' , "',, 671-0432 BE A BALES ENTREPRENE.UR — CUP AND SAUCER AND PLATE ATTRACTIVE nicely furnished two WANTED — Drummer, organist and [JIITED CLEANING — Cooklns and In Insurance. Salary during training. *>5. Call 671-0088 between 6-8 p.m. rooms. Beti-llving room. kitchen. rvlng for a couple. Summer months Call Peter Belmont, 741-3112. HOLDERS — to show off your Trea- Utilities. For one. 741-8394. , AD0RAB1E -o lead singer for beginning group. i. thru Sun. evenings. Call Sat sured. EAST HOUSE ANTIQUES. Hwy.. BEDROOM BET — Five plecis. THREE-BEDROOM RANCH it Pan- Must be at least 14 years old and itiveen 10 and 1. 531-2122 (Deal) TAVERN BUSINESS FOB BALR- 36 at Sears, Atlantic Highlands. French Provincial. Including twin HIGHLANDS — 2!4 room, furnished eled living room. River right*. Buuti* have own equipment. 542-4928. HAMMOND beds. Must sell. Call 56fl-46!»>. CALL apartment. River and ocean view. lul grounds Only OOK. — Pull or part-time. Large , 64H656 OUT BUILDINGS - Wool frames, Business couple or single. 872-1210. GARDENER AND LAWN MAINTE- urging home. Modern kitchen. Good four various sizes. Good condition. RCA WHIRLPOOL - Washer and ' $26,500 NANCE. One day. 8 hours. Call af- MAJOR OIL COMPANY — Has three- Call D46-9581. dryer S10O each or both for SUO- LUXURY APARTMENTS AVAIL- irking conditions. 566-6(00. Matawan, FHA »2,300 down. Qualified bursr. ter 6 p.m. 264-6312 bay service station In Red Bank avail- PEONIES — 30,000 "finest Urge ORGAN Like new. 872-0731. ABLE — Monmouth County's finest MAN — Part day. Mature or college able. Going business for right man. clumps. PInK, white, $1.50, red, $2. MOVINO — Must sell gardtn equip- centrally air conditioned building. 1, student or soldier. AM or PM, Handy OOKKEEPER — Familiar with Ac- Paid training and retirement plan You dig. Bring shovel. A. ILER, 2164 2 and 3 bedrooms from 5240. nlvKR- BEACH AGENCY, Realtor aunts Payable. Payroll, etc. Man. available. Minimum Investment. ment, boys' toys, two maple drftssers VIEW TOWERS, 2! Riverside Ave., 194 Rt. 31 MMdlstown, N. J. wortt In •West End. R.15 hr. 229-0300. :rough Frl. 9-5 p.m. Pleasant worK- Mlddletown Llncroft Rd., MMdleiown, two Louis XVI chairs, dining room Phone fiiys, 687-7300. Atter T p.m. STUDIO table, etc. Oall 842-4822, 10 to «• Red Bank. Phone 741-1732. nental of- 8t2-2«2J Open T days YOUNG MEN WANTED — To install ig conditions. Convenient • location. 387-17)8. ANTIQUES — Balling out, two more fice open 10 a.m. to B p.m. dally. Evei: B3M7M . ' above-ground swimming pools. Full Excellent fringe benefits.. State sal- SMALL LUNCHEONETTE - Down- weeki to go- All stock at cost- Bar- OF ASBURY PARK TWO PAIR — Baige satin drapes BANK — Unfurnished, 414 and part-time. Branch Brook Co.. 320 ry desired. Write C/O P.O. Boi 2(7.. gains for everyone. ATTIC DOOR and valancei. Very reasonable. 787- RED DEAL-PRESTIBE AR|A Rt. 35. Mlddlcfoivn. 741-8282. enhuret, N. J. town easiness area. Long Branch. ANTIQUES, Rte. 35, Wlddletown, NEW HAMMOND roomi Riverfront. Charming apart. Reasonable. 229-1889 or 222-6168 alter across from Cobblestones Restaurant. 0462. ' ment residence, near snopping and FIve-toedroom custom rancli. Jpaniltd 6 p.m. CARRIAGE AND BABY TENDEB- transportation. Call Supt. 741-3681. library, panflled family nxnnh]0tUw* CADETTE ORGAN dral ceilings In living M.d.!d!nlnj HELP WANTED-Male-Female HELP WANTED-Male-Female BARBER SHOP — For sale or rent. CAN'T BEAT Baorlflce for quick sale. Call 2f4- OOBAN BREEZES — Or air condi- roomt, game room and laundry lo dry Fully equllpped. Building and property. $555 tioning. You can have both at Harbor basement. Two-car |»rtfe, hobtoy Call 566-9580 during day. Our BEAMLES3 GUTTER SYSTEM, Includes bench, delivery, instant-play only .032 heavy gauge white uiea. boon (lets you play songs on your own OAS DBYER — *95; double bed, View. Brand new one-bedroom gar- shop. 188' front, professionally l»nd- ITALIAN AMERICAN RESTAURANT Oill lor Free EBtlraalc. but otter. Oall den sBattmimts. Total electric. Two soa.ped lor privacy. Flv» ynt» old. from the st&tt) and 6 weeks of lessons 842-5511. block* to beacn. New York bus at Many extras. Fireplace, eentnJIy.tlf —Fully equipped. Must sell due to 1 BIN RAF conditioned, electronic air riltwr, un- Illness. No reasonable offer refused. PROWN'S £ S»S ™ FURNITURE — Living and bedroom door. Only six lert. Rental agent on Call 787-1583. - 32 Broad St. Red Bank 741-7500 premises. Dally Bat. and Sun. 10 to derftrourid sprinkler, to rntmUon only PRODUCTION WORKERS PR 5-9300 pieces. Must «ell by Thursday. 431 5 p.m. Highway 36, Highlands. Csll a few. Low (7O'i. &31-O047. frit DISTRIBUTING BUSINESS WITH- MORSE PORTABLE SEWING MA- Spring Bt.. Rail Bank. owner. : MALE FEMALE CHINE — 1H years old. All attach- 300 Main a. Anbury Pirlc 671-S2S2, OUT INVESTMENT: National man- Open dally 'Ul C; Bat. 'Ul 5:30 PRIOlDiMRIl — Imperial tefrltera. EATONTOWN — Lakevlew Terrace, ufacturer will provide complete pro- ments, Used once. Excellent condition tor. 14 ft. S«pamt« freezer comrlaTt- gram distributing candy, drug and (90. 7B7-8170. 76 Pacific Ave., E. Keans- Tinton Ave. flpacioua two-'aedroom, IMMEDIATE POSSESSION burg. FIRESTONE DELUXE CHAMPION ment. Working condition, 150. 842. unfurnished garden apartment. Air- Three-bedroom split, v den, tform*. 60 AND GROW WITH MIDLAND! novelty specialties, snack foods, etc., —wide oval tires. Four for $109. Lim- 1057. conditioned- Color coordinated kitch- dining rnom, haaement, pool- Wall-to- to taverns, restaurants, all type ited sizes and quantities First come. wall cflrretlrifs. Excellenl "fcoftdltlon. II storei Direct factory connection ALUMINUM AWNINGS JLraLureBd,_,at-FIRBgTONE,—Red COMMERCIAL! BIZB HOOVER en, Free swimming pool and gfts On _, NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED By -Al-Howel! £69.95. Call site parkin*. S190. 642-0705, See Man- Annumable FHA mortganl. J2T.&Q0, earning Ugh dally ca«h commtsafons •H1-W88 Bank. 747-5W. ager, Apt. 29K. QROWELL AGENCT, 7fl W. t'ttnt It. HIGH WAGES STEADY WORK and monthly overwrite. No age lim- 741-8183 741-4030. .„ it but must be bondable. Part or SURFBOARD — De»ey Weber, S'2" ANNIVERSARY SALE MONMOUTH BEACH — Your own OVERTIME full time. Write CHEX, INC., 2810 N. Good condition. Best offer takes. Call lovely four-room apartment in prlvato 16th St., Phlla., Pa. 19132. Seductions up to 80% for 2 weeks MACHINERY FOR SAIE house. One block from ocean-river. AN IDEA: SAVE TIMEr OPPORTUNITIES FOR ADVANCEMENT 747-4590. only on Jewelry, furniture, glass, Season, yearly. Ask for Home Buyers' QuIMi Bro- ANTIQUES ANB GIFT SHOP — Es- on'"*' «*lver, clocks, picture frames ALUS CHALMERS BULLDOZBBB - chure, photos; Greater KM - Bank. tarjllBheo over three sears. Excellent COMPLETE BET - Used kitchen and gift Items. Lovely Tiffaiiy shade, 1 H.D. 6E. 1 H.D. 5 Loader, 1 H.D. Outstanding Benefits cabinets and appliances. G.E. dish- UB. 229-1563 alter 5 p.m. Also small, cozy, privata apartment, Rumson, other areas. Homes. Istatas, location Exceptionally charming set- washer. Best offer. 747-5227 after < J?*. VlotarUn and wicker pieces, name location Rlvtr-Oceanfront Prop»rtl«i. MUIUDU MUST BE ABLE TO WORK ALL SHIFTS ting. Unusual stock. On Main Kd. to "A^ANO HALF ANTIQUES, at The Llstlngi. open 7 days; .-" ™ Monmouth and Freehold Racetracks. p.m. Old Mill, 1213 Sycamore Ave., New Oall 229-rJ579 or (212) BB2-8544 Apply In Person To Personnel Department Call 542-5063, 12 to 5 dally. Shrewsbury. MERCHANDISE WANTED THREE-ROOM APARTMENT—Hwy. ELLA WILTSHIRE ASENCY LARGE UPRIGHT FREEZER — Uied 35, Beltord area. All utlltttei supplied. Rtalton POWER KDC-BK — $25 AIlTIQinEI — Tlffaw ltemi. tor* fur- $100. Call 671-2002. 1480 Ocean Av«. MONEY TO LOAN all months, all guarantees. Cost $400. Call nltnr»7i*lr*. painting*", itaniarr. ooto". (42-OOM 747-38M lighting futures. Carved oak clnlnl THREE HOOMS — With utilities, MIDLAND GLASS CO. REAL EBTATE OWNERS Sacrifice 5275. Call 747-2706. room ileeM. Copper Kettle Antiques, furnished or unfurnished. By appoint- I FINANCIAL PROBLEMS? Avail SPEED QUEEN WASHING MA~ OsAhuWt 531-1889 or 228-0992. ment only. 74T-1813. 741-0331. Can he LITTLE SILVER GEM seen after 6 p.m. at 53 Wallace St., Lovely smaller home. Pertect luiuy. yourself of cash equity In your home Call COLLECTOR — Warns olj tor trtfm CLIFFWOOD AVE. as the result ol -present day Increase Red Bank. moon cottage or retirement ar«m DRIVEWAY COATING any condition. Par oast or will tr«4«. home. Huj« sunken living rooin. for- In Real Estate values. We will free CRIB — With mattress $15. Bllt-Rlte H.O., 087, O, standard gauge. 774-3710. 7Vk ROOMS FURNISHED — fltudlo- CLIFFWOOD, N. J. this cash equity by recasting your Coat your blacktop driveway your- mal dining room. EaMn kllcheS. Pan- *elf and you'll know lt'a done right coach carriage, white and gold. *20. bedroom, kitchen.' bith. 505 per present mortgage. THE KIRWAN CO. Chest ot drawers $5. 787-0584. WANTED month, utilities included. 264-83W. eled lalomled den poroh. Lara« pri- AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Realtors. Mlddletown. 787-5500, W. 5 gal, pall Durex Blacktop Sealer. Used Oriental Hugs vate patio. Many added features Larn Keanatmrg 787-9600, Hazlet. 264-7200 W.S9 pail. Handy applicators, $1.79 ea. SINGER portaWs sewlni machine, Chinese and Persian HIGHLANDS — Three and four-bed- mortgaje lo qualified buyer. Only US,- and Red Bank 842-4350. RED BANK LUMBER BB er C Efler Also Wall Tapestries room apartments for rent, Call 872- eS?17«J*" *' °" ' *" "' FRIEDMAN GALLERIES 774-3148 ltCM) after 2 p.m. REFINANCE yOUR MORTGAGE Pearl and Wall, Red Bank. 741-550O To consolidate all your bills or any !OD—Merlon Blue Orass, delivered ANTIQUE JEWELRY — Top caah FOUR-BEDROOM apartment, RED BANK-RUM8ON AND UUI!» other purpose. Up to 30 years to re- DON'T WAIT ind Installed. Call 'paid. LES DEUX, 7W River Bd.. Fair nlshcd or unfurnished, Went End. AROUND - Multiple Liitinn.- salMter pay. Confidential, Immediate service. weeks for your window shades. BrltiB 741-7777 Haven, Kant. Tuen.-Hat. 11-S. 741-1584. Phone 222-5349. '"• eatalof o[ modest houiM. I(«BS, FACTORY HELP Call ' for appointment BUY-RITE In your rollers nr nlzes. V/B stock win- REFRIGERATOR - Double door, au- ABSOLUTELY NO ONE TAY8 TWO Bin ROOMS AND BATH — palatial Rumson estates, wiurtroBts. REALTY, 787-1010. (Broker). dow shades to 72" wide. tomatic defrost, $50. Window air con- MORE THAN US. We want clean, Two blocks from Brond St.. Red acreage, lots, bualneat oppsnunlUai. PROWN'S ditioner, 8000 BTU, like new, 1968, used furniture, antiques, wicker fur- flnnlt. Furnished. No petfl. Call 7*7- 560. 493-8017. niture, or articles made before WOO. 48(13. RAY STILLMAN,TuX ALL SHIFTS INSTRUCTION 32 Broad St. Bed Bank 741-750O Quick service. OUR ATTIC, 143 Broad- "Our 50th Jear" ,.« REOENCY LOVESEAT — AntlqUB IRON SAFE — 26x27x45 - Approved way,, 229-7781 or 222-7357, 2 or 3-ROOM BF'FIOBNCY APART- M8 Hwy. 38 Shrewsbury . T t-MOO PAINTINQ—All Media. Private lei- rose velvet, JOS. Solid maple Blanket North American Sale ABHDC. Best of- Elven 1 nga call 531-8854. MENT — All utilities. 66 Mlln St., OP THE WEEK Z sona or organized groups only. Lonia fer. Call 842-4414. Keansburg. BUY ~" '- NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED Efthyvoulou. Studio 21, 21 Broad St., cheat, footed, with drawer, 545. Both LEO BUYS EVERYTHING — Used Four-hedroom, three full bi Red Bank. 741-6351. excellent condition. 989-0560. THEJRMOFAX — Model 47, rnfra-red furniture, gas sloven, gas mowers, level, orf Hope Road. Beaul statement machine, 3M duplicating bicycled, TV'B, etc. for resell. 7B7-6180 scaping on hair acre j UNCLAIMED _ Heavy duty portable product. Reasonable. 671-0118. COMMERCIAL RENTALS a^ovD-the grounil pool with WE WILL TRAIN COMPUTER CAREERS complete. Guaranteed, Yours for re- WANTED — Swimming pool. 22 patio, 12x20 screened !a buauieu, Industry and lovernmeol pair bill. ALLSEW BHOPPES, 48 OARAGE—Large oil on canvas, $45. WAREHOUSE BTORAOE BPACB — maculate Inside and out Church St., Keanaburg. 495-0177. Pewter, oil-lamp, jug. colored glass, Call Approximately 1300 iq. rt. Oall start witli ECP1 training. D&T tod 671-5837 iftar 4. mothcr-ln-law house. i%% SOME MECHANICAL •veolnrs. Oall KCPI at 643-2800 m GIBSON — Hummingbird acoustical planters, frames, tin *nd wooden- 7*7-1100 asaumable. King size fairu^' visit ECPl 269 Monmouth Park Hwr.. warc, 10c to $10. Frl., Sat., Mon, SLANT NEEDLE ZIQ ZAG 6EWIN0 with built-in bar. Two-car West Lone Briach. guitar wltii case and strap. Three Tuen. 11 to 6. 55 Peters PI., Red MACHINE — Reaaonable. Call 747- OFFICE SUITE — 7M> sq. ft. In ex- oll-flrcd hot water bsalttit APTITUDE LIGHT MACHINE months aid. $375. Call 261-5917 after Bank. 2581, 'after 5 P.m. cellent location, Desirable for any pro- Wall-to-wall carpetlni in llv[ FREE BIBLE CORRESPONDENCE 6 p.m. fession Oa.ll 74T-3T3O betTreen 9 and D. dining room and hall remaifc COURSE presented In an Interesting 1 H.P. ELECTRIC MOTOR — Per- LENNOX OAS FURNACE! — 84,000 HAIIl CLIPPERS — For shearing OFFICES - (Prlvatt) In larci suite. transferred. Must sell. Oall and challenging manner by a church fect condition. $25. IVevcr used hoi- -BTU. '150. Perfect condition. Call 264- Urge animals. Call after I p.m. As small as 70 sq. ft All services appointment. THffi EXPERIENCE HELPFUL whose only creed Is Christ. Bend law core door, coat {11.50, will sell 1687. 776-7283 as desired. Executive Center, 1 Klaln AfiBNCY, 741-6888. name and address to church of (4. Call anytime 872-1995. St. Batontown. 512-3391. ~ Christ, 10 Riverside Ave., Red Bank. WALNUT BEDROOM SET — Box PIANO WANTED — Old Btelnway JOIN A GROWING REFRIGERATOR — Phllco deluxe spring and mattress for double bed. preferred. Others considered. Pleane MODKnN OFFICES — Blnglea o BEAUTIFUL OAK HlLlT TUTORING — By college professor model, top freezer. $35. Call 671- Antique love neat and mirror. For- phone 222-*ri2n. ^^^^^ suites, own parking, Colonial styl, On a heautllul comer lot, th In modern languages and mathemat- 3754. mica lop kilchen ta'Jle. Best offer. building. Heat, full maintenance, air three-bedroom Ranch, la |n »| ics Inslltut Yves-Rohert. Call 542- 741-4736 alter 7 p.m. conditioning optional. Reasonable ren- thanncw condition. Th,e homi COMPANY IN A DINING ROOM SET — Table, i 1398 Frl- to Mon. OOLP CLUBS — Eight Irons, three PETS AND LIVESTOCK tals. 10 Boring St., Rod Bank. Call tures a largo living room wlu chairs. Buffet hutch. $40. Picture win- 741-950O. place, formal dining room, larl CERAMICS — Evening classes. dow drapes, liner, rod, 535. 747-&.'>6B. woods, putter, leather baft, J40- 29 PROFESSIONAL DOO QROOMIKO- m kitchen with windows ovet GROWTH INDUSTRY Oreenware, firing and Klfta. Call 787- VrcelEitul PI.. Oecanport. Br appointment oaly. AKO poodh 39D0 SQ. FT. — Ugtl nanutrnturlnc the lovely yard, two full f 8047. , THREE! SPEED 16^ PORTABLE We are a leading manufacturer of wire, cable and ELEJCTftlC FAN — Ti^ ntand, Hoov- GUITAR — Chfit Atkins Tenneimean and schnanrer puppies. 871-PTO. loft (or leaie. overslicd two-car garage, fu]),- ail ACCORDION INSTRUCTION for be- er five speed electric waxer and pol- model with case. One year old. $170. OaH T4T-11O) ment, and many exlra features* Own. Call 671-2230. PROFESSIONAL POODLE GHO0M- er transrorrtd—J48.0O0. WALK] B i TV system products offering ... ginners and advanced. Uwe Zehme, isher. All In flrflt-clasa condition.. Call INO — We groom to please. Call OFFICE AND YARD - Fenced In WALKER, Realtors Hwy 35 I Atlantic Highland!. Tel. 291-2917. for appointment. 842-1621- 61 MODERN FOAM RUBBER COUCH 512-5350. area. Csll 201-2EAL — 200O to 8000 sq. ft. ofllce ing room, huge kllchen wllli HANDMADE CHIP BOARD TOP 8' ipace. Building to be built on Nor- • Keypunch 8PE1NO - SUMMER MATERNITY MOBILE DOO GROOMINO POOL TABLE — A-l. Bet of balls, WAItPROBE — Slse 7-8, gowns, cock- wood Ave. Prestige location. Builder. STEADY YEAR - • Office Automation five cue fitlck.i. 5150. Call weekdays WE COME TO YOU tall, etc. J01-3U0. EDEN ACHE M2.<039 531-0505. Pay OT evening classes 871-2823, weekends 477-1625. REFRESHMENT BMND—On ocean corner Benen PI., Red Bank 7* Slffl." Free placement afd FOUR-PIECE BEDROOM SET —Best MILK GOAT-3AANEN 1969 WALNUT PHILCO — 23" color offer. Call anytime site. Call TWO FAMILY ROUND WORK Approved for veteram console TV. Rpgulorly $.179.90. re- REASONABLE 812-1703 HOME - NORTHEAST rluceil to ?47D.9i) Only st FIRE- 872-162T CALL 770-7283 alter 6 p.m. for STONE, Red Bank. White ind Maple TWO extension speaker canlnets nlth DALMATIAN PUPS — AKC, cham- Apply in person all week Computer Institute 815. 747-5700. 15" heavy duty buns speakers, nev- pion sired. Wormed, permanent shots. HOUSES FOR RENT » Ertlish Plaza Red Bank used, JI2S ea. 2D1-26M. Rained with children. Good home RANCH - SMALL REFRIGERATOR — !2", 119 to I3SO Per Month rooms, fireplace Inrgfl nne Mf). Lawn and garden more Important than price. 542-62(0. CALL 747-4647 HOSPITAL BED — Without maltrem, THE BERO AOENCT VIKOA CABLE CO. RUMMER SCHOOL — Grades 7-1?. wheelbarrow W. 741-151'J. J55. Call 747-1B39 after FEMALE OERMAK SHEPHERD — Conducted at Eikn Lodge. Freehold. ASBESTOS SIDINO — J2 ptr bundle. ri p.m. Black and silver, six months old. Rt. S3 MMdlstim AKC re lstered. EI2-.1H4. Halli Mill Road Freehold, N. J. All subjects, rte medial and Enrich- Wash hand basins JS, st-all shower IT'S HERE — KIbber McGe.'i closet t vEItMONT VACATIOan-iooo N HOME ment. For brochure, write ilortmouth $15. woodburnlng slove 520, window sale. Lots of everything. M Third ONLY TWO AKC MINIATURE! Kitchen, modern shower bsth, PrlPrl- An Equal Opportunity Employer Tutorial lnitltute, P.O. Btx 18, shullers. various slzea IS pair. 717- Ave., Atlantic Highlands. Tltes. and POODLES — HaleH s left. One aprlcctlt , vatst j lake, sasd bbeac h 40** away, boat, (More Classified Adii Holmdel. 336<. Wed., May 27 and 21, 10-i pm. on* chunpitni. JU-3120 avenlms. ' H5O a waek. M3-I38B. On The Ntat Pige) f

••3*:?! (7T- -THE DAILY REGISTER, RED BANK - MIDDLETOWN, N. J.: TUESDAY, MAY 27,1969- 19 HOUSES FOE SAME HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE —LEGAL NOTICE- -b LEGAL NOTICE Hi 31 NOTICE Hl&H ON A* HILL TaJu notice that Frank Peterson Middfotawn to Seek Fraud Intent WiUi rwtepint awn»,',btiuOruJ plant- and Chris Ba-tsls trading as Peter- Tike notice that Nicholas Sid HIM ingn, &n>d bordetloc w *- Ic-rest. su- son's Restaurant has applied to thj trading ultB Marmt Hu applied THE BERe AGENCY perbly maiabairiea inMf'^nd wet. Cen-, Hayor and CounetJ of the Borough at to th« Mayor and CouacH of JBi% Bor- plea Given ter hUl floor -p]u,' U*t£ room with Bed Bank for .a Plenary Retail Con- ough of Red Bank for a pleaary re- REAtTORS bey willow; and Hrep1i«SeT lontMl din- sumption License C-2 for premUwt tall olitrProtlon D-B license for prem- Ing room, eai'lu kHUfatn,* ptaelwl fajn- SeptkWaMe Dumps FREEHOLD - William H. situated at 183 Riverside Avenus, 1MS situated at 7J LelgDlMl AM., lly room, three bedrooms, two tiled Ked Bank. Ken Bank, N. J. Jenkins, 16 Middlesex Drive, buhi.' Double s&rage. Basement. A "Our biggest problem is to $19,900 one-acre yard. Located witbln & five Objections, If any, should be made Objections, if any, should be made Cliffwood Beach, pleaded minute walk to Middletown train sta- Immediately In writing to John Bry- Immediately In wrltlag to John Bryan, find an agreeable site for Stately Older Home tion. Asking H5,000. Call rtgiit a,way, an, Clerk ot the Borough ' of Red Clerk of the Borough of Red Bank. MIDDLETOWN - Commit- everyone concerned," the for- guilty yesterday tocharge s of Bank, • (Sfgnedl renting a car from Avis Mint Condition PRANK PETERSON, Partner NICHOLAS 8ICU4ANO teeman Ernest G. Kavalek mer mayor said. HALL BROS., Roal+ors CHRIS' BATSIS, Partner 75 Lelghton Ave., Rent - A - Car in Matawan Opportunity for the sharp buyer. One of oar nicest USIUverRd. 7«-7686 Fair Haven May 27, June 3 . (7.50 Red Bank, N. J. will call upon the Township "Lets face it," Ve contin- Township with intent to de- ;jpas. Three master sized bedrooms. Huge kitchen .with plenty Member Multiple Listing ServTca ItUMSON PUBLIC NOTICE May 27, June 3 17.10 Committee tonight to seek a ued, "the person whose back- Open 7 Day» "^__ Notice la hereby given that sealed fraud. »f; cabinets. 26' living room. Tiled bath. Dining area. En- bids will be received by the Mayo NOTICE meeting with the county free- yard Is near the site isn't go- closed front porch ideal for TV room. See this one today. LITTLE SILVER . and Council of the Borough of Rum- Take notice that the Molly Pitcher holders and the Planning Ing to be satisfied. So in view Jenkins is charged with Charming four-bedrooih Oape Ood TOson at a regular meeting* to be held Inn, Inc., trading as Molly Pitcher failing to return a rented car TETS NO DOWN NON.VETS $1,000 DOWN wlde-bt with privacy. Close to schools on Thursday, June 12,' 1969 at 8:30 Inn has applied to the Mayor and Board to discuss possi- of this urgent situation we and transportation, .faking 132,700. P.M. at Memorial Borough Hall, from Shore Rentals, Inc., Rt. •Rumiwn. N. J. and opened and read Council o( the Borough of Red Bank ble sites for the dumping of have got to settle with all ur- STERLING THOMPSON AsaOC, In pu'ille for the furnishing, of 20,000 for a Plenary Retail. Consumption C-l 34, Matawan Township, May r: $33,900 BEAL.TQH gallon* more or leas of regular gMo- license for premises located at 80 septic waste. gency on an agreeable site." CAIiLIRY OP HOMES line and 10.000 gallons more' or leas Riverside Av>., Red Bank, New jer 19, 1M8. 45 W. River Rd. 7<7O900 Bumson OT high test gasoline. Mr. Kavalek does not ap- :," Brand New Colonial Molly Pitcher Inn, Inc. "Both the freeholdersan d County Court Judge Pat- Specifications may be obtained a' OFFICERS Planning Board have conduct- prove of the current site but \r.A Vi of An Acre Plot SHREWSBURY AREA — Thli lovely the Borough Clerk'* oillee, .Memorial Sydney Claman, Miami Beach, FIs., admits the Board of Health rick J. McGann Jr. accepted 11-rcom bouee, rustic, spacious, well Borough Hall. Rumson. N. J. "luring President ed studies on fne necessity the plea and set July 10 for ^Introductory offer- — Choice lots available. Four bedrooms, built, beautifully landscapes with over business hours. Edith Claman, Ularal Beach, Fla. is faced with a problem in 140 apruces and shrubs, has separate . Each proposal muat be accompa- and feasibility of regionalized sentencing. formal dining room, eat-in kitchen with ALL appliances in- nied by a bid bond In the sum olVice President, Treasurer finding a substitute. modern two-bedroom guest apart* 100 per cent or a certified oheok In Objections, if any, should bt made waste disposal," Mr. Kava- Assistant County Prosecu- cluded. Paneled family room, 2'/2 baths, two-car garage. Wall- ment. $75,000. Phone afte^ « or week- the aum of not less than 10 per tent Immediately In writing to John Bryan,' "I leel we should start dis- : ends .741-0041. or «he amount bid, drawn to the or- Clerk of the Borough of Red Bank. lek said. "And I feel we tor John A. Petillo presented to wall carpeting at no extra cost, 10-year guarantee on sid- der of the Borough of Rumeon, N. J. (Signed) should be apprised of the con- cussions as early as possi- ing. All city utilities. Other Models to choose from. THRDB-BKbBOOM RAKCH — With as a guarantee that If Uie proposal MOLLY PlTCHBSIl INN, INC. the state's case. Benedict Ni- ; rull" rinlslied cellar. All fenced In. In accepted a contract will be en' May 27, June 3 ' 110.00 clusions of these studies that ble," the .committeeman said, cosia of Red Bank represent- « " ALL BUYERS $6,800 DOWN With sewers and • everything. Call al- tercd Into and performance bond fur- "and include in our discus- ter 3 p.m. 787-7360. nished aa security lor the parlor will possibly solve our prob-. ed Jenkins. mance of Uie contract. NOTICE sions representatives from *'"" Daily 9-9 Saturday and.Sunday 10-7 HIGHLANDS - Pour-family apart- Take notice that the Downsea lem." ment, three presently occupied. Belling Ilia Borough Council reserves thi Beach Hotel, Inc. t/» The Oownsea ot'ner municipalities who care tJEddletown 671-1000 price 512,500. 13.000 dowrn 6% Interest right to reject any or all bids. _ Beach Hotel. Inc. haa applied to the Mr. Kavalek was referring on balance. Owner will assume mort- ALBERT A. KERIt, JR.. Mayor and Council of the Borough to the dumping of sep-to take part. I add other mu- Project Sites gage. 56B8219 trier 5 p.m. Borough Clerk. or Sea Bright for a Plenary Retail nicipalities because I feel May 27 W-7S Club License lor premises situated tic wastes at a Rt. 36 site HOMES — FARMS — ACREAGE at ISO Ocean Avenue, Sea Bright, LOCUST New list man; good bujs-GUl LAM- NOTICE OF INTENTION they may be faced with the Are Approved Take notice that Gene Bulmer Br New Jersey. In the hills between Atlantic Navesink Riverfront. Breath- BON, INC, REALTORS, FREEHOLD. Objections, If any, should be madL same situation now or in the 4S2.MM. terprtsea. Inc. trading sJ Hl-Ha( Ba Highlands and Highlands. ha« annlled to the. Municipal Counc! immediately In writing to Mrs, Mary near future. OCEAN TOWNSHIP - Two taking view, Just under three o! the Borough oC Keansburg. tor. ; Larson, Clerk of. the. Borough, of sea. RED BANK — House for aa\e. Avair- Bright, N. J. Area septic tank cleaners site plans received approval acres of magnificent trees that able Immediately. Herbert St Call Plenary Retail Consumption C-5 1 "Already, I am told, the I J«i 741-5042. cense for premises situated at 20 Mai (Signed) have been barred from a by the township Planning •'J:-' lend complete privacy. Four St., Keanaburg, N. J. ANDREW L. ZURICH, President cost of dumping at the site •fv>J bedrooms, three baths. Screened LINOROFT — Three-bedroom, IV, Objections, if any, should be mad Locust Point, Locust, N. J. long-used Colts Neck dump- is higher in cost to the tank Board last night at a special bath split iBvel. 23' recreation room. Immediately in writing to Harvey JOAN B. ZURICH, Secretary ing site since the site was porch overlooking the water. Quiet street. -CHMMO. 741-2777. Marlon. Municipal Clerk ol the Bor Locust Point, Locu«t, N. 3. cleaner than it was at the session. ouBh of Keansburg, N. 3 NORMA TEARFOCK I closed almost two weeks ago, $150,000 NBW SHREWSBURY-ThreB-bedroom OFFICER^ Iselln. N. J. Colts Neck site," he stated. Approval went to the Little ranch on 3^ acres, prime location. John E. Buhner-President May 27. June 3 WM "In preliminary discussions Land Corp., 2000 Oakhurst EU.6N S. $34,900. Call 747-5180 or 747-1880. 19 Sea Breeze Ave., East Keanl LEGAL NOTICE burg, N. J. with Mr. Irwin (Freeholder Pkwy., for its plan to build a Ana Bulmeir-Vlco President BCMBON PflBlIO NOTICE LOTS AND ACREAGE 19 Sea Breeze Ave., East Kcins An Ordinance entitled "OBDI. NOTICE Director Joseph C. Irwin) I 10,000-square-foot structure burg, N. J. NANCE) AUTHOItlZINO A CON- Take notlct that Frank I. Parry -IT, HAZELTON John F. Bulmer-Secretajry, Treasurer TRACT BETWEEN THE BOR- has applied, to the Mayor ami Coun- bave been assured of com- on a Lawrence Ave. tract in FIIOU OMB LOT TO 109 ACRES - OUGH OF SEA BRIGHT AND Slther commercial or residential OaU 110 Cedar St., Nutley, N. 3. cil ''•> HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE 11 ACRE; LOTS — Ready to go. Objections, If any. should be madl the Mayor. May 27. June I ti.W and they couldn't agree more square-foot commercial build- Builder's terms. Call Charles Van Immediately In writing to Jerome B ALBERT A. KBRR, JR., Over. THE BERG AOENCY, Real- Re«d, clerk of $ie Borough of New Borough Cleric NOTICE on the sugestion," Mr. Kav- ing on a Roller Road tract, al- 'NEW RANOH HOME tors, Mlddlctown. 671-1000. PleasB call Shrewsbury, N. J. . -FHA HOMES FOR SALE collect. John O. Tetter, Take notice that a pubtte hearing alek indicated. so in the Industrial Park. ONLY $ 19,900 J I, OFFICERS Mayor will be held by the running Board U EAST KEANSBURC — 1O0H10 lot. May 27 *5.» the Township of M&riboro at 8:30 p.n>. Jping Counseling Servic Peter Delamos—President on Thursday, June 5,19G9 at the Town. This beautiful custom-built ranch Shoreland Terrace. Quiet desd^nd 121 Fair Haven Rfl., Fair Haven, ship Hall, Highway It, Marlboro te home Is now nearlng completion lor street. A.iklng «:,500. SMOLKO AQKN- t>a.vie law of prop- Springs Road. Red Bank, N. J. fully occupied. It includes 11 89 Ocean Avo., EastKeans, REAL ESTATE WANTED Objections, If any, should ba made ers, a 150-unit, high-rise, with home, or Investment property. In Dissolution, to the corporation a Immediately In writing to John Bry- efficiencies, 90 one-bedroom, turg. SXO Down —tll.OOC LISTINGS OF BETTER HOMES — Crystal Brook Professional Building, BEINO Uis westerly portion of block floating dock on the Navesink .12 Mlllor St., Highlands. Koute 35, Eatontown, New Jersey, an, Clerk of the Borough of Red IN Keans'iurK • Ulddletcwn - Hazlet- 14, lot 18, Tax Map ol the Borough Bank. 45 two • bedroom, and four JIOO Down — 511,800 Call 842-1492 Holmdel. The Smolko Agency. 767-0123 07724, c;o John W. O'Mara, Esquire of Shrewsbury, and measuring 470 River, Riverside Ave., Red Ot ' Washington PI., Keans- THE SWEENEY AOENCY. Realtor on or before November 30, 1969. feet, more or less, on Patterson Ave- (Signed) three • bedroom apartments burg. $400 Down — *12,50O 1034 Ocean. Ave. Boa Bright OFFICERS Bank, N.J. . W Fulton St., Keyport. $450 COLTS NECK-HOLMDEL Said claims or demands shall b< nue, and having a depth of 336 feet, Murray Rosen, President, SO Tower renting from $164 to $645 per , Down - $13,400 prosentcd In writing specifying the more or less"; ror the purpose of rec- The $3,435,300 mortgage is We have ready qualified buyers, to, reation and municipal buildings, all Hill Ave., Red Bank, N. J. month. The rent includes all .JM-B57MIM1O 12 Michigan Ave'., Port PRICE JUST REDUCED for fast efflolent service, call J. D. amount claimed and the particular! Marie Rosen, Vlce-Pres., 60 Towtr. 'MontaouUl. WOO Down — A fins five-bedroom, center hall Co- of the claim and ahall be verified un together with other purposes neces- Hill Avenue, Red Bank, N. J. payable at 5!4 per cent in- ' , ": . S11.90O ROCHE, Realtor, V.:. 34, Colts Neck. sary, Incidental or appurtenant there- utilities, ranges, refrigera- lonlal ieajturlns * pa.neted den, lull 4S2-27U. Member Multiple LliUnl Ber- 1 Stanley Kaufelt, Secty.-Treas., S43 terest over 39 years and is '• 1EM»I4 110 Oxonta Ave., Neptune dining room and a paneled basement ries. ^TAKE* ' FURTHER NOTICE Iha to, and all lubetantlally in accord- North 4th Ave.. Highland Park, N.J. tors, washers, dryers and a ^"- WW Down - $13,400 recreation room. Three full "baths. upon the flllnB o( proof of publlca ance with plans and specifications May 27, June 3 110.00 insured by the Federal Hous- 47 Bralnairri Ave., POLAcross the street from a large water- WE CAN MULTIPLE LIST tlon and mailing of this notice with therefor heretofore prepared by the ing Administration under sec- central air conditioning sys- Monrnouth. $450 Down — front estate. 4 Owrwrr transferred to the Secretary of State or the State Townshtp Engineer and (lied with thle NOTICE J1MM Chicago, asking S58,"O00. WM. H. YOUR HOME of New Jersey an required by N.J.S. Council. Take notice that Plners Inc., trad- tion 207 of the National Hous- tem. Also available are ca- ,ptete .listings, may he obtaine HINTEUltANN, Realtor, 23 RIAge Rd., Call today and rive details aad ^aih i4AU2-12 and upon ttve expiration ol SECTION H. Ing as Plnera Lounga hava applied banas, dock space and ga- t Federal Housing Administrate Rum son. 842-0600. Member Multiple price. STERLING THOMPSON A AS- the time herein limited, to wit. No That the sum of $45,000.00, Includ to tti* Mayor and Council of tha Bor- ing Act, according to Peter WOoBroad Street, Newark, New Jorse Listings. SOC. 7475000. vembcr 30, 1963, all creditors or otn Ing the down payment, hereinafter ough of New Shrewsbury for a Ple- J. Longarzo, director of the rages. ",i Telephone No. 615-3168. er« having claims or demands again! referred to, be and the same la here- nary Retail Consumption License for corporation who have not Menby appropriated for the purposes aa premises situated at 43S Squankum HHiSIDE COLONIAL NEED VACANT LAND sjll nii\> **is.» »> »»*••. •••«. - tn'elr" claims or demands within the stated in Section I hereof. Road, New Shrewsbury. Excellent LHUo Silver location featur- Small lot or large tracts, call MUL- 3M :.,RUMSON,.. ing IB' IWIng Toon, with wood burning time no limited, and all those claim- SECTION III. Objections, It any, eSmiM t>i made Nerer have we leen a house BO spot- fireplace. Formal dining room, bright LEY'RBLTY. «71-515L ing through or under them, anall Be It la hereby found, determined ana linmec'f&tely ln:.wrtunc to(jejrotmt s. lefts Irtilde and (tut. This centrally alt kltolien. . IS' den, lovely eoreened IN HURRY TO BELL? WE BUYforever barred Trnm suing on sucl Declared .toy this Council, as follows: Heed, Clerk of tha Borough of New conditioned ham« •wlUi five bedrooms por&i. Three bedrooms, full baaement, HOMES OR LOTS FOR CASH. CALL. clalmB or demands or otherwise real* (a) That an appropriation wll con- Shrewsbury, N.J. . . RBCH Seniors Have Is sUuAted on a beautirul wooded lot. iloUiL.-lii.-l gURLge, $32,000. MoGQWAN 7B7-741S. iEltig upon or enforcing Iflem, a* tained In the budget or budgets of BAUUHL.HARPXR—President and Di- 'TTO^only" thing you could object to Is AOENCV Reak.ors, 25S Newmtun provided by N.J.S. 14A:12-%' the Borough heretofore adopted un- rector TRE""cGlor oc the waH-tc-wail carpeting Spring* Hd., Red BarK, 147-300O. LIST WITH CONFIDENCE Dated: M»y 18, M69 ,, der the caption "Down Payment SO W. Weslslde Avenue, that goes with It. Certainly not ih Our H professional salespeople art Arthur C. Evans, President Fund" and/or "Capital Improvement Red Bank, N. J. price at W7,WQ. Call today, we're nlc RffiD BANK — Half brick Colonial ready and able to market your prop- JACK NOLAN'S, INC, Fund" and that there Is now avail- DOROTHY lURPDR-aacratary, Trea- Lectures on Marriage to talk to. on pretty tree-lined street. Ideat for erty successfully. a corporation or the State able in said appropriation the sum surer and Director commuters. Living room, fireplace, Trade-ins — Exchange! or New Jersey In Dissolution of $3,000.00 which said sum Is here- 80 W. Westside Avmue, Red Bank, N. J. RED BANK - Various as- Other priests who partici- a dining room, den1 , modern kitchen, Member Uultiple Listing Service* John W. O'Mara, Enquire by appropriated as a down payment " "' HASSINGER & screened porch, Three bedrooms and WALKER ft WALKER, Realtors Attorney tor Jack Nolan's, for the purposes described In Section May 27, June 3 HO.00 pects of marriage were heated sunporch. Two full baths. De- Inc., In Dissolution pated were the Rev. Henry GLAZEBROOK Shrewsbury Holmdel r tached two-car garage, Principals on' 741-53U 571-3311 Crystal Brook'Pror. Bldg. (b) °That the estimated maximum NOTICE treated in a series of guest Murphy of St. Anthony's, Red n V -- RALAR ly. (32,000. 747-5395. Highway 33 amount of Bonds or Notes lo It Is- Take notice that Clearvlew Liquor 106 Elver Rd. Rumion Eatontown, N. J. 07724 sued by the Borough lor the afore- Inc., trading aa Clearvlaw Liquor hsta lectures and panel presenta- Bank, and the Rev. William f 842-5880 BETJFOUD CAPE—"Steal of 1969", COLTS NECK AREA May 20, 27, June 3 539.75 said purposes described In Seotlon I applied to tha Mayor *Ad Council of tions to conclude the mar- Carton, Holy Cross, Rumson. Four bedrooms,' family alee kitchen, We. have customers waiting for 4 &nd hereor Is (42.000.00. the Borough of New Shrewsbury, N.J. 18' living room, full basement, S-bedroom Colonials and 3 and 4- (or a Plewy Retail Distribution Li- riage course for seniors at INVITATION TO BID (c) That the estimated maximum cense ror preaties alt'jeted at 9(0 Among the lecturers were '' •"•••"• RUMSON breezeway and over-sized two-car ga- bedroom ranohers, priced between The Highlands Bosrd of Education amount to be raised from an sources rage. 6W % mortgage available or J45.OOO and JKS.OOO. Members of 3 Shrewsbury Ave., In Uia Borough of Red Bank Catholic High Superior Court Judge Theo- Multiple Listings. nj.MENSEE ADEN- will receive scaled bids for furnish by Uie Borough for tha Purposes New Shrewsbury, N. J. «•/.• $27,500 FHA only $1000 down. $10,900. ' THE (ng the following supplies: stated In Section I hereof Is fav School. This Colonial W a new Hating. Living KIRVVAN CO., Realtors, Campbells CY, Realtor, Rt. 34, Colts Neck. 482- OFFICuuKS AND STOCKHOLDER! dore J. Labrecque of Little 3172. Oldest Agency In Colts Neck. One-half - Pints Homogenized Vita- 000.00. John F. Sharps, President, .Norn with brlok fireplace, formal din- Junction, DcKord. Call teat, T87-W0O. rain ». Milk In cartons delivered to Buttermilk Bridge Rd, The program was coordi- Silver and Dr. Carmen J. |nr room, den, plus three bedrooms the Highlands Public School. The That there Is hereby authorized the Asbury, N. j. Scarpellino of Red Bank. -tn^full banment. Sea II today. MIDDLBTOWN — Completely remod- PLANNING TO SELL prices In this bid shall be at theIssuance of negotiable Bonds of tha Delia 8harpe, Secretary, nated by the Rev. Richard A. eled two-bedroom cottage with mod- margin a bidder will require above Borough of Shrewsbury In an aggre- Buttermilk Bridge Rd. Behl, assistant pastor at St. Judge Labrecque presented ''.-;•- PAUL BRASAR ern Kitchen, dining room and pan- YOUR HOME? the Class I price announced monthly gate principal amount of not exceed- Asbury, N. J. eled living room, Quiet residential Why not let one of our trained pro- a talk on law and marriage, >-•" REALTOR by the Federal ' Market Administra- ing W.000.00 for the purpose ot fi- Charles sharpe, vice President, James parish, and Sister area. Near Hwy. 3S. Asking $15,600. fessionals explain our proven sales tor for the area In which Uie milk nancing the cost of the Improvement •m Broad M. Bhrewnbury 7(7-022 Call 7B7-0B41 or 797-7009, evenings or agreement plan with you? is to be delivered. The margin must Juniper Lane. Mary Vincent, moderator of while Dr. Scarpellino spoke weekends. described In Bection I hereof, exclu- Eatontown, N. J. - Member of MulUplB.Listing cover the bidder's costs above the sive or «ald down payment, pursuant Objeotlons, if any, should ba made seniors. on the conjugal aspects of r r COLTS NECK PAUL BRAOAR, REALTOR Class I milk price. Bids shall bi to tie Local Bond Law, consUmHng FIVE-MONTH-OLD CUSTOM COLO- Shrewsbury • 747-0221 Immediately In writing te Jerome S. matrimony. Feurtefaoom. 2i4-baUi Colonial In ex- NIAL — Four large bedrooms, 2'^ plainly marked "MILK BIDS". Chapter 2 of Title 40A of tha Re- Reed, Clerk of the Berough ef Naw -fel|l, Agency In Colia Neck. bury. Bus to all schools, 552,000. M2- LEGAL NOTICE BECTION V. , New Shrewsbury discussed 6(02. The outside of tha bid shall be plain, That pending «IB Issuance ot O» NOTICE TO SlIPFLBRS Is Heard ly marked with the type of bid en' serial bonds authorized In Section IV The Red Bank Board of Education topics pertaining to Christian AND HAKD8OHB — Excep- RIVERSIDE HEIGHTS MIDDLE- NOTICE uiree'bedroom, two-oatli Ranch. Notice Is hereby given of a special hereof there is hereby auUlorlied Uia il rwalva sealed BIDS for tha fur- NEW SHREWSBURY - family living. TOWN — River rights, •mree-bed- meeting of UIB Planning Board of the All bids shall be received prior to Issuance or bond anticipation notes of nishing, of fuel oil #2. only for tha darn. Bxcellent condition. L&r«e room Colonial split. Two baths, fam- TOO P.M. prevailing time on or be- skihool year 1093-70 until 1:00 P.M. Municipal Court Judge Law- ^flUfully tandisftpcd plot. Living Borough of New Shrewsbury, to be the Borough of Shrewsbury in an ag- Mrs. Joseph Hall, Mrs. Wal- ily room, basement. Freshly decor- hell on Wednesday, June 4, at 8:30 fore June 4, 19S9 In the office of the gregate principal amount oJ not ex- on Juna t. 1M9. and will Immediately ' rqwn. dlnlnf room, kltchen-tamlly ated, Wall-to-walt carpeting. Large, aecretary at the Highlands Public proceed to unaeal 4i> aunt In ln« rence A. Carton 3d has fined ter D. Bauer, Mrs. Thomas in^n-tomlilnatton. Thioe-car Barage. p.m. sharp. ceeding $42,000.00, puwusnt to «la Lo- secluded, fenced back yard. Bxtras. KENNETH HILTBT.UNNER School anrj will be publicly opened cal Bond Law, constituting Chapter 2 presence nf Uia partial bidding; or Ernest Jenkins of 72 Pear St., JOTopleta prlv&cy. One of OUT bettor 741-3078. and read thereafter In the presence tueir agrau, if such pintle, cboaaa Hintelmann, Mrs. Anthony oHerlnci at $50,900. ffi. A. ARM- Chairmsn of Till. 40A of the Revised SUtatej to be then and there present, In tha HAZLBT—IVj rooms air conditioned. Stay 27 52.00 or tha parties bidding or their agents or New Jersey. The form, maturttlei here, $70 on a charge of LaBanca and Mn. Charles i«3SOt<(} AOENCV, Roaltor, 555 I'roi If such parties desire to be there and Office of tha Secretary, 78 Branch 9EH Ava., Little Bllver. 7ti-4B0O. Thr.oe-four bedrooms, living room and other details of said notes snail Avenue, Red Bank, Nsw Jersey. threatened assault. The com- wltti fireplace. eat-In kitchen, play then present. he determined by aubsequent resolu- Moore talked on the Christian •1FO1-TH1S SCARLET O'HARA OF room, l1^ baths. Attached garage. The board reserves the right to re- tion adopted pursuant to law. Bids must be accompanied by a plaint was signed by Vivian mother-educator. Ore block to school, one block to ject any or all bids In whole or In SECTION VI. certified cheek drawn to the order of TODAY View of the famous Shrews- part and to waive any Informalities the Board of Education for Two Hun- Davis of New Shrewsbury. ' Blver, Beamed celling in living bun. Loaded wlUi extras. $25,000. Call It Is hereby determined and de- dred Dollars (1200.00). The marriage course is giv- s larte bedrooms, and [orma 787-9480. concerning same where such Inlormal- clared by this Council aa follows: In traffic violations, Judge Itles are not detrimental to the best (») That the bonds or not«« Issued The Board reserves the right to re- en to seniors each year in g, room, toads of storage apace FAIR HAVEN — Under construotlon Interest of the board. ject any and all bids, award »l«s In xvrlouN atrium house, and with pursuant to this Ordinance ahall bear whole or ps.rt and waive Immaterial Carton imposed the following the spring as a concluding [place, Full price »2B,ooo. WALK two story houfle. Four bedrooms, 2>& By order of the Board of Educa- Interest at the rate or rates not ex- baths, paneled den with fireplace. tion of the Borough of Highlands. ceeding 6% per annum. InfermaHtlei If deemed to tha Board'! fines: segment of the entire religion ;* WALKER, Realtors. Holradel- Hot air heat and air conditioning. (Mrs.) EMILY A. JOHNSON, advantage to da so. Jlt. en-3311. Multiple Llatl (b) That the period or usefulness DATED: May 27, lMt Lewis Farro of Cedar 741-051(1.' Secretsrv or the Improvements described '"Sec- program at Red Bank Cath- lns. Send for Catalog. May 27 $11.00 SALVATOM! F. OIOVXNCO REDUCED J2OO0 TO SETTLE ES- tion I hereof for which tha obliga- Secretary Grove; $50 on three charges: olic. /Wfl-BBDKOOM RANCK - Uvlns TATE — Fully furnished two-bedroom tions authorised In tills Ordinance are May ZT i|.u> room, olnlng room, kitchen, two-car home on beautiful corner lot. A real NOTICE to be Issued is 40 yean. unregistered vehicle, fic- dream. $12,000. THE KIRWAN CO., Take notice that First Nstlonal -glHfa. 100x100 lot. Pull basement, Stores Inc. has applied to the Mayor (cl That the supplemental debt NOTICE titious plates and driving un- MUttlty. atorato tulldlm. .Aluminum Realtors, Hwy. 36, West ICeansburg. statement required by Section 40A:2- TaVe notice that Trie Liquor Clos- Man Arrested v*d|M. Excellent . condition. SlT.eoo 187-0600. and Council of the Borough of Red10 ot the Revised Statutes w*s, prior et, Inc. trading aa The Liquor Clesat der an expired driver's li- >«0M»Bllonal. Prlnclpila only. 78T-2487 Bank lor a Plenary Retail Distribu- to the passage of this Ordinance on haa applied to Iha Mayor and Council cense. MIDDLETOWN — APPLEBROOK— tion license D-3 for premises situated first, reading, duly made and (Ued In ol the Borough of Red Bank for a Three bedrooms, i'£ baUis, Jaloocle at 362 Broad St., Bel Bank. N. J. the Orflce or the Borough Clerk, and Plenary Retail Dlstrtoutlon D-ll li- Kenneth K. Kelly of Atlan- On Drug Count HOUSES SALE porch. Dead-end street. Landacapert Objections, If any, should be made said supplemental debt stMernent cense for premises situated at •tl«a: lot with privacy. Assume f>\i% mort- Immediately In writing to John Bry- 143 Broad St., Red Bank, N. J. tic Highlands, $25 fine and re- UNION BEACH-Troopers gagc. $34,500. 671-0528. snows Uiait the gross debt of "aid an, Clerk of the Borough of RedBorough as defined in Section 40A.2- Objections, If any, should ba made vocation of his driving license from the Keyport State Police TREB BHADED COLONIAL HOME— 43 of the Revised Statutes Is in-Immediately In writing to John Jsry- FOR REAL SERVICE Overfllred badrooms, full baaement, OFFlTEIlS OF FIR8T NATIONAL creased by ttila Ordinance In the aum an, clerk ot the Borough ot Red for six months, for operating Barracks yesterday arrested formal dining room. FHA, VA financ- STORES INC. or $42 000JM, and that the Issuance Bank, N. J, a motor vehicle while im- George Dugdale, 23, of Ber- IN REAL ESTATE ing available. Only (22,090. KIRWAN S Middlesex Avo., BomervlUe, Mast. ef the obligation auHlorlied by thla orpiCERs] Chairman of Board. Adrian O'Keeffe, Ordinance will be within all debt lim- paired. genfield for possession of nar- Consult a 20., Realtor*, 842-4350, "Everything went wrong todayy,. 1415 Commonwealth Ave., W. New- Harold r. Mangar«lll. Jr.—President OAKHURST — six rooms, 114 baths, ton, Mass. itations contained In Iha Local Bond 1M Wast Bids Avenue. Ited Bank, Paul M. Cuntala of Port cotics. Member of cellar, garage. Attractive wooded Al"l th: -e bargain—» s ,I taw in Tha Da,.,,•ily". President. Hllllsrd J. Coan, 1O1I) Me- Law. N. J. plot. Extras. Mid fan's. 222-8333. IRaghtar want adi — war» tolol morial Drive, Cambridge, Mass. BECTION VII. Jeremiah J. Wltterechaln—Vice Pres- Redding, $25 fine and 40 days Trooper Morris Vitulano ,'Hed Bank Area Exec. Vice Pren-. Alan L. Haberman, That the total amount or the pro- ident, Trauurar revocation of his license for stopped the man for a motor MLS 12 Oarland ltd.. Conoord, Mass. ceeds ot the obligations authorUea by 1M Wist Lav. (bora Drive, Middle- HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE Vice Pres. ft Sec. William A. Ryan, this Ordinance which may ba expand- town. N. J. speeding 80 miles per hour vehicle violation On Rt. 36, 88 Cary Ave., Milton. Mass. ed for Interest on luch obligations, Joseph J. HoPadden-gicretary Vice Prcj., John W. MacNUl, 42 Hill engineering, and Inspection costs, 248 River Road, Rtd Bank. N. J. in a 60 m.p.h. zone. and subsequently charged him Top ltd.. Weston, Mass. and legal expense*, In the manntr BOARD OF DfltatCTOgU when a packet of marijuana Vice Pres., Richard M. O'Keeffe, 128 provided In Section 4OA:2-20 or the Harold r. Uangarelli. Ir. Clarence E. Camp of As- Revised Slatutes la not exceeding $4,- US Wwt (Ida Avenue. Red Bank, was found in the car. Cherry Brook Rd.. Weston, Mast. 500.00. N. J. bury Park, $25 fine and 30 5'/*% PROUD OWNERS — have ktpl thli home Immaculate. Vice Pros., William R. Powers, n, SECTION VIII. Jeremiah J. Wlttirscheln Mr. Dugdale is being held "rj Three bedrooms, Vh baths, separate paneled den, bose- 2 Fuller Brook Bd., Wellesley, dayt revocation of his driv- J $26,900 The full rallh and crldlt of Uia Bor- l(H Lake Shore Drive, Mlddlttovn. ment, garage. 5 .i% mortgage Is assumablt. Mass. ough of Shrewsbury Is hareby N. J. ing license for speeding SO in lieu of $1,000 bail in the Vice Pres., Peter C. Qulnn, 28 Dover pledged (or the paymtnt or the prin- Joseph J. UcFadden Monmouth County jail. A Terrsce. Westwood, Miss. cipal and interest on all of the bond, 268 River Road. Red Bank, N. J- miles per hour in a 60 m.p.h. Treasurer. William A. Ferrara. 80 or notes l«suM pursuant l» thU Ordi- May 27, June 1 $18 50 zone. hearing was set for tomor- Mnnv DRAPPERIES — carpeting — clolhes drvir — oil In- Meredith circle, MIILon. Mass. nance and the sum required ror such row in Municipal Court here. "'""» eluded In this impecoble 3 bedroom, I'/i bain ranch Controller. Robert D. McCann, 15 payment shall In each year while any NOTICE OF INTENTION Richard N. Wenger of Brad- Extras home. PtrMct location, excellent caramon. $31,900 Locke Bl., Andover. Mass. ol said bonds or notes are outstand- Notice Is hereby given that tht May- DIBKCTORS OK FIRST NATIONAL ing bo included in the annual budget or and Council of tha Borough of New ley Beach, a total of (24 in STOBES INC. ind raised by tax -without limitation Shrewsbury in Uia County of Men- fines on two charges: driving Drug Possession II Middlesex Ave., Somervllle, Hals. «s to rate or amount upon all tha moutr. and State apply to the Legislature of an uninspected vehicle and EKDand- R°°M EVERYONE - In IhH expandobl« ] bed- 1010 Memorial Drive, taxable property within tha Borough. the sun at New jersey for Die In- ,[^ room, IVi bold home. Wall to woll carpellng. Evtrylhlno Cambridge, Mass. SECTION IX. troduction and pasiag* of i special having no license or registra- Guilt Admitted able Is In excellent condlllwi. aoiimenl old flarom. $29,000 Maurice T. Freeman This Ordinance ahall take affect 20 law relating to Uie Internal affaire of 11 Lorena Road. days a»er the first publication therf said Borough pursuant to Artlcll IV, tion in his possession. FREEHOLD - Alexander Winchester. Mass. ot after final passage pursuant to law. Section VII. Paragraph 10 of tftt Con- Ellen A. Cranston of Brick 'John E. Lawrence PDBIIO NOTICE ititution of New Jersey, and the Frank, Freehold, pleaded Wlnthrop St., PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY itatutea In luch case made and pro- Township, $20 fine for not guilty yesterday to charges NEW AND RESALE—OVER 400 HOMES $20,000 TO $125,000 Boutn Hamilton. Matt. OIVEN that the above «ai vided. A bill lor that purpose will be John F. Lebor duly adopted on first reading by the Introduced aa soon aa possible, but keeping to the right. of having demerol in his pos- 10S West Fourth Strait, Borough Council of the Borough of not earlier than one weak lollewlng Roger F. Segelini of 239session April 3, IMS in Free- Cincinnati, Ohio Shrewsbury, County of Monmouth, the publication nt this notice. John L. MacNell and BUM ot Naw Jtrslv. on Uie 13th The general object er tha bill to be Spring St., Red Bank, (15 fine hold. 79 Water street, day ot Mly. 1»M, and that said Ordi- Introduced Is to authorise ttie govern- Marlon, Massachusetts nance will be considered for Unal ing l>ody of me Bdrough el Z4ew and revocation ot his license County Court Judge Pat- Edward A. Merkle adoption at a rnettlnt of said Bor- Shrewsbury to mala permanent tht for 30 days for speeding 60 rick J. McGann Jr. ac- 495 Hammer Ave., ough Council to be held at the Brad appointment of William Brown to tht Haworth. New Jersey Street Bchool, Shrewsbury, New Jer- Police Department of said Serous*. miles per hour in a 50 m.p.h. cepted the plea and set July Adrian O'Keeffe sey, on Uie 10th day or June, ltes, notwithstanding his age wu greater zone. 1415 Commonwealth Ave., at 8:1.1 P.M.. at which time and place at the time of hla employment than 10 for sentencing. W. Newton, Mass. a public hearing will be held prior the maximum age limit let forth la Deborah M. Oricchio of Assistant County Prosecu- Bernard M. O'Keeffe to the final passage of said Ordi- Section 40:17-4 of the revised statutes. 770 Boylston fitraat, nance, and all parsons will be given BOROUGH OF NEW UOUOWBRURT Little Falls and James F. tor John A. Petillo presented Boston, trass. an opportunity to be heard concern- By FRANOII L. OOonqt. Mayor McDermolt of Spring Lake, the itate's case. Salvatore 8 TINDALL RD. A71-5151 MIDDLETOWN William A. rtyin ing tht same ATTMT: 9 M Cary Avenul, JEAN w. Jaroma 1. Reed USAL $10 fine each for careless Semtone of East Orange UOURIS IUILDIHG) V V™ } WIWM1.BI WWII Mm™. Mass. Boraum Clam driving. represented Frank. May 27, June a W 00 nun Hay 21 HOD -THE DAILY REGISTER RED BA.VK • MIDDLZTOVN, N. 7.: TUESDAY, MAY 27,1969. poker writer 12 Set; comb 3? Indian Children's Letters to God 39 Sea eagle PUZZLE form 44 Not so fresh By Ernst T. Thelmer 13 Not his • 45 Warbler • 18 Gem By H. Hastings Reddall 46 Send forth 19 Verb 48 Italian poet 43 Assaults ACROSS 49 Barrister: 1 Kind of 45 Feeler qualifier abbr. 1 rubber 47Very:Fr. 23 Assemble 50 "Of-I 5 Predatory 43 Often thin 24 Harris sing" incursions 49 Box score specialties 51 Greek letter 10 Strike statistic 25 Russian 52 Loud sound heavily 52 Hindu mountain range 53 Venerates 14 Woe is me queen 26 Girl's name dread 15 Girl's name 53 High in 27Ad- 54 For fear 15 Grafted: her. pitch 28 Braids that 17 One of 56 Famed 29 Isolated 55 Woody QUICK, DEAR- Hercules' campanile hills: dial. perennial COLLECT PACKAGE 1U. NEED THAT F=O« MY pillars 6BHead:Fr. SHOPPING TRIP 30 Upholstery 57 Doctors' FOR MRS. BUMSTEAO 20 Golf gadget 61 Three-card -, ELEVEN galloon group 21 Legumes /{ DOLLARS 31 —voce 58 Negative 22 Weight 62 — majeste 33 Cartels prefix reducers 63 Time period 35 English poet 59 Chemical 23 Dam 64 Ire 37 Argentine suffix 24 Mecadamize 65 Italian city 28 Coat parts DOWN Solution to Saturday's Puzzle 29 Famous 1 Separate Spanish 2 Drug plant swords 3 Contest 32 Man or 4 Question Wight 5 Alludes 33 Diametri- 6 Seaweeds cally 7 Wife of opposite Osiris 34 8 Let bait bob My FATHER CAKE HERE NnA WORKED HER 36 Bartholdi's 9 Indian K A- A "WETBAOCMRS. urn weight WAV 7HR0O6H IKE FINCASTLE!HEDID<'5K3OP masterpiece EWEPT FOR VOOR. GXCRING, UNIVERSITY, MOTHER fentfeat* fac, 196% 40 Skill 10 Misrep- OME WOULD NEVER. SUSPECT TWW — BEfORE 5IIE ASMAU.7RUCKFARM-. 41 Caverns resented VOO WERE-OF MEXICAN AUOSTIV, A BECAME AN A1RUNE VfflCH HE NOW OPERATE.' 42 Ceremony 11 Put up in Miss 6OMEZ!-VOUREN<;USH K CCMPLETLV UNACCENTED! > 2 * I1 "ASTRO-GUIDE" By Ceean 14 Wednesday, May 28 17 Present—For You and Yours •.. Family ao- tivities are stressed by present favorable influences. Radiations emphasize sincerity, energy, loyalty and good health. Gain through speculation, investment and hard work is accented. Configurations indicate sound reasoning and good judgment where decision Andy Capp making is necessary. Trie Day Under Your Sign AriM.SomMai.2lfoApr.l9 Libra. Sipt. 23 to Oct. 22 Good day for household chores Purchase necessitiet but don't -BE BACK A3, V at weekend may bring Kucsts— splurge on extnvigint whim KJ9 +Q10 you ruff since there Is no ad- SOUTH vantage in discarding. Now 4 None your first idea is to draw V QJ1098 trumps and cash the good . OQJ109 Snuffy Smith diamonds safely. " • . + 8432 Before you do so, take the EatJ South Weal North MVMBN HOW IN THUNDER HEONLVHADTHUTTy precaution of playing the 1 • Past- pass WHAT ARE VOU SNUFFV'S DOVE KNOW CENTS TO HIS NflME hand mentally. You will have Pass 2 0 Pass 2 NT THAT? SO TICKLED WINNIW'AT WHEN HE LEFT to play dummy's top hearts Pass 3 <> Pass 3 © flBOUT, TH'CARD HERETWODAVS and top diamonds. This will Pan 4 <9 All Pass " LOWEEZV? SAME AGO AN'THEY leave you with two trumps. Opening lead - • 8 5 WONT TAKE You will have to ruff a spade HIS I.6.U. , to return to your hand, and now you will have one trump Now ruff a spade in your left, with two trumps still hand, ruff a good dia- out. mond in dummy, ruff another This means that you will be spade In your hand and ruff unable to draw trumps if your last good diamond! in either opponent started with dummy. By this line of j)lay four trumps. It is even possi- you win tricks with dummy's ble that one opponent started five top cards and also with with five trumps. your own five trumps for a The Phantom Since you arc not happy total of 10 tricks. t - about being on the short end THOSE MEM ARE Mi. COURAGE/HEIP DAILY QUESTION * of 2 to 1 odds, you must look Dealer, at your right, opens AROUND THE HOUSE/YOU WIUCOJWE.HEIP for a plan that offers a better CAN ALMOST HEAR THEM MUST COKE I the bidding with one spade. BREATHINS.' chance; and, fortunately for you, such a plan exists. (If You are next; holding si — there were no better chance AKQ10 7. H-764 2. D- 7 4. C - Q 10. What do you you would have to settle for r your original line of play and say? hope for the best.) Answer: Pass. You would Employe* HonoredBy Keyport Firm After ruffing the first spade, have bid the spades yourself cash dummy's top diamonds if the dealer had opened with KEYPORT - Employes of the company were Leo and the ace of clubs. This is one of, any suit, but there is Ken Glass Manufactur- Mania, 45,years; Helen Ely, not very risky because with no advantage in bidding them ing Corp., Packaging Prod- Mabel Emmons, Eleanor Bur- seven diamonds missing the when you know that the suit ucts Division, were feted dak, Leola Major and Booker odds are about 12 to 1 that will"' break horribly. Y


S-47 £-27 :l Hi and Lois

SIXTEEN... VOV'BE RIGHT \ Pogo BET VOU CAN'T QUESS SEVENTEEN... THERE ARE EXACTLY ) EIGHTEEN/ ,TVv£LVE COOKIES / I RUN INTO / [ THIS U3X9U1KB mtt MANY COOKIES ARE OC.XWCONT oU«*M1DB6 WANNA BB IN iOUH IN THIS GOOkJE \y HAVIN'TROUSkg 9 " ID EEN CHRONICLE Within a ety — Liza Minelli sang one 7:00; »:3o7 song. NEPTUNE CITY One Hun&Ted BlflM 7:10; 8:30. ' O "S»v«n Thievei" , ' ' : : • "listen To Me" : few minutes RT. 35 DRIVE-IN- • 9:30 O THE DORIS DAY SHOW 8 . — on time, Most Interesting parts NEPTUNE crry- Onc Hundred Rinei 8:30; 13:30; EVENING Even though he can't sing, Toby pretends he's In ontarget mnkensteln conquen th» Worn Von Ryaos Exprei* 10:30. came when Liza and Candice •:<• , the school choir to Impress nls mother. (R) and on cam- 7:30; Night of the Living Deal KEYPORT 6:00 O O NEWS O ' • • Bergen spoke frankly, about COO. STRAND- © McHALE'S NAVY . •. : ON.Y.P.D. © era — the BRICKTOWN 'The Night Watch". The detectives track down a growing up as children of Shortj 7:00: 0:13; Joinna 7:28; O GILLIGAN'S ISUND O three astro- rich and famous people in l .BRICK-PLAZA- ; health food addict, suspected of killing a man in "Angel en the Island" . ' nauts were an exclusive section of Los Ono Hundred H 1 ei 7 10 0 35 ttie park because he was seating "contaminated the moon. OF TROOP •..-.'. • ; food". (R) home from Angeles. Truman Capote The three networks, with "The West Goes Ghort" , ' J 10:00 0 CBS REPORTS: GENERATIONS APART © unexpectedly launched into IB TV HI6H SCHOOL ' ' "A Profile of Dissent". Emphasis on determining skills sharpened by earlier a discussion of the appoint- why this "generation gap" is difierent from those space flights, covered the ment of Warren Burger as 6:30 0 MY FAVORITE MARTIAN In the past. windup with the same de- O EYEWITNESS NEWS-6;30 REPORT O •; chief justice of the United 0 10 O'CLOCK NEWS & ceptive ease noted during State — he approved. 0 I SPY S O THE DICK CAVETT SHOW © the rest of the mission. "The Lotus Eater", Alexander Scott Is sent on a. week long search for his partner Kelly, when he Guests; Joe Naraath, Jane Fonda, Tom Jones. Viewers were able to see the Cavett kept the conversa- mysteriously disappears'in the Greek island!. © NEWSFRONT . capsule bobbing in the water tional ball rolling nicely, al- ID VOYAGE TO THE BOTTOM OF THE SEA © 10:45 O KINER'S CORNER « almost from the moment it tfipiigh he had his troubles "Attack". With the help or a peace-loving alien, 11:00 0 O O (D NEWS, WEATHER, SPORTS 8 splashed down, and could with movie actor James Co- Nelson and Crane prevent a calamitous assault np-- w^tch the crew being hauled on Earth. . 0 DONALD O'CONNOR SHOW © burn, who wanted to talk ON OX3LOCK MOVIE ' • into the hovering helicopter. IB THE FRENCH CHEF - : about the South after four "Madame" starring Sophia Loren. A beautiful laun- It Was a great finish for fine weeks there on location for 7:00 O CBS EVENING NEWS WITH dress finds there is a bright side to revolution even coverage. a movie. • <' WALTER CRONKITE 0 : when it spills into the streets of Paris. (1963) DACRON'ANDAVRIL* O HUNTLEY-BRINKLEY REPORT 0 11:30 OTHE LATE SHOW Cavctt, a Delight Cavett, without bitting one O I LOVE LUCY O , "Behind the High Wall" starring Tom Tully, Sylvia "The Dick Cavett Show" over the bead with hi in- telligence, is literate, widely O ABC EVENING NEWS WITH Sidney. Prison warden, finds and buries escaped tad its prime-time premiere , prisoner's fortune and almost causes the death of on ABC last night. While read and, above all, has l WORSTED LOOK SLACKS FRANK REYNOLDS 9 • an innocent man. (1D56) Cavett's understated style bright way of turning l © NEW JERSEY SPEAKS FOR ITSELF O THE TONIGHT SHOW 8 and thipw-away attitude to- bright phrase. The program 7:30 0 LANCER Q . • ' 0 THE JOEY BISHOP SHOW © ward, humor may not fit surely will help brighten the , Scott's attempt to befriend a recently widowed girl everyone's taste, the three- summer nights. backfires when the girl's Irate In-laws charge th« 11:35 ID TONIGHT AT THE MOVIES Lancers with abducting her and lay siege to the "The Dynamiters" starring Wayne Morris, Junes ranch. (R) . •.. Kenney. Gang of safebreakers stop at nothing, not O THE JERRY LEWIS SHOW 9 even murder, to achieve their evil ends. (1958) Guests: Connie Stevens, The Osmond Brothers. (B) 12:30 0 AMERICAN WEST 9 0 TRUTH OR CONSEQUENCES © 1:00 O TONIGHT'S NEWS 9 ALTER II EADE THEATRES 0 THE MOD SQUAD 8 0 THE CHEATERS "Find Tara Chapman". Yvonne Craig play* a, dying O JOE FRANKLIN SHOW © girl on the run, who may set off-a meningitis epi- 1:05 O THE BEST OF BROADWAY demic. (R) • • • "Fog for a Killer" (1960) starring David Stunner, I KDIANK 0 DIVORCE COURT © . Susan Travers. Drama about a young policewoman MODUTOWN "Jensen vs Jensen". A husband and wife find each who is used as bait to trap a homicidal maniac. OWN other after 3% years of separation but only for tha ID .LATE NEWS FINAL 9 ARLTON f purpose of suing for divorce. 1:15 O THE LATE NIGHT NEWS I num 01 THE HONEYMOONERS O THE GREAT GREAT SHOW «S WORLD PRESS © "Smilin' Through" (1941) starring Jeanette Mac- I ASWRYrAU lot Day «t Carton* M«vfatr 8:00 e PAY CARDS 8 Donald. A man whose bride-to-be was killed by a "WHEW ITS AT' Flayers test their memories and luck to pair up disappointed suitor has adopted her niece and helps AYFAIR Urt Day at Tlw Taws cards for money. Art James Is host to bring her romance to a happy conclusion. 77MMI "JOANNA" 0 BASEBALL© , 1:20 0 THE LATE LATE SHOW I New York Mets vs San Diego Padres "The Lawless Breed" starring Rock HudKMj Julie STARTS TOMORROW ID THE PATTY DUKE SHOW Adams. Man pursues lawless career ending a long "Take lie Out to the Bali Game" - prison term, and upon his release, find) Ms son fol- I 3 lowing in his footsteps. (1953) 8:30 B THE RED SKELTON HOUR 8 1:30 O NEWS HEADLINES © Guett: Lana Cantrell TH-Lobal 2:00 O NEWS AND WEATHER I'm Europe/ baby. O JULIA © 3:00 Q THE LATE LATE SHOW II Dacton poly- "How Sharper Than A Baby's Tooth". Julia «u«- 1 pects that'Corey's fear of having a tooth pulled is "City of Fear" starring Vince Edwards, John IsentyMDutdiEbPiKiK, ester gives Archer. Prison officials attempt to track down an exaggerated and asks Dr. Chegley to get to the root escapee who believes he is carrying a canister of this rayon of the problem. (R) O THE MERV GRIFFIN SHOW 8 heroin. (195B) , RtBOM Roulette. blend a rich- 4:30 0 THE LATE LATE SHOW III O IT, TAKES A THIEF 8 VM« *MM* Ma* IJtwIll WMMI ness of texture "The Packager". A. Washington socialite blackmails "The Leechi Woman" starring Coleen Gray, Grant Alexander Hundy into stealing samples of a secret Williams. Scientists wife discovers the seem of Vaatk*To«r*225, and color U.S. atomic fuel to be turned over to foreign agents. perpetual youth and begins to capture unsuspecting r i shading that males for their hormones. (1980) ... ', , How weVe even. resembles fine whole ensemble produced wool worsted, STARTS TOMORROW Friday night. The concert yet it's wrinkle- was a true work of art. 6OX OFFICE OPCN5 /:O0 proof and machine- Chorale Should The Chorale produced this art without displaying the \DTE3S washable for perfect IffDRIVM• DRIVMN 2642200 permanent press] means whereby they achieved such a magniiicent result or 'Tailored with these ex- the difficulties, if any, of the pensive-Iooldng details: Repeat Concert undertaking. SU&aESTED FOR OEMERAL By ALICIA ROWE the forms of religion but not AUDIENCES • pleated inner waistband RUMSON — The Shrews- the content. a space bury Chorale, under the di- The fact that the verses {ATLANTIC 2 • deep pocket facingi rection of Paul Grammer Jr., are in Latin compliments the I Atlantic Highlands 291-0148 j odyssey gave its spring concert Fri- driving rhythmic style of 1 Free Smoking Section 8 • lined Inner fly day night in the auditorium composer Carl Orff. AND — For example, the English NOW • 2 BIG FEATURES • underpraisedMamt of Rumson-Fair Haven Re- phrase of five syllables "the *.i gional High School. Glna Lollobrlgldla IILD, WILD PLAN! wheel of fortune" is rather Peter Lawferd — Color , 1 • full crotch lining What dry words these are. GIANT FREt PUUGHOUNC The concert was superb; one soft-sounding, but the Latin "Buona Serra Mrs. Campbell" • double besom beck pockets phrase of five syllables "For- Plui — James Garner of the best I have ever heard ENDS TODAY "100 RIFLES" under any circumstances. tuna rota' sounds much more "Support Your Local Sheriff" -VON RYAN'S EXPRESS" abrupt and rhythmic. The AITIRID TO EXACT INSIAMIINOTH AT NO CHUM At its conclusion, the audi- ence gave the Chorale and the meaning is the same, but for accompanists a standing ova- the purpose of this style of NAUS\C SHOWS tion which lasted until the music Latin is ideal. Many last performer had left the more words rhyme and more TONIGHT room. words have two syllables. FROM 7:00! It is difficult to separate Orff's music is simple in harmony but complex in the excellence of the two UNLIMITED FREC PARKINS! FREE SMOKING SCCT1ON3! compositions performed' from rhythm. The Chorale per- the excellent performance by formed this music perfectly in WALK the Chorale. every respect. Special com- The performance was so mendation must go to soloists STARTS TOMORROW! Susannah York SHORTS smooth, In such good taste, Miriam Koenig, Lois Came- AT THREE THEATRES! that one never had to think ron, Robert Spencer, and Coral Browne Europe sent us Dutch Elm Disease, about how they were doing Darrell Peter. REIMMIM IN PLAIDS. it but only of the result. Also, the five percussionists German Measles and Russian Roulette. The first work was "Frosti- imported from the Juilliard We sent them NO ONE UNDER 18 ADMITTED SOLIDS ana" by Randall Thompson. School in New York did their World-Wind Vacation Tour #225. He has set to music seven work admirably. Two pianos Now we'rt even. 1\ familiar poems by Robert substituted for the orchestra Frost. The music is perfectly required in the original ver- rATONTOWN 95 suited to the poems and never sion. Herbert Burtis and Lee BWCKPIAZA detracts or distracts from Johnson played their parts so JHOrrUHKHUMHTEnW-Mt • DRIVE-IN them. Also, the diction of the well that the full orchestra i vum Chorale is so good that the was never missed. However, these details can- •tfO Lots of value, lots of listener can understand every word easily. not paint an accurate picture JL appeal in these perma- of the powerful effect the H nent press combed cotton Frost's poetry is poetry of WINNER S joy in the small beauties of and polyester walk shorts daily work, play, meditation, Pandemonium a wide choice reminiscence or aspiration. It ACADEMY STARTS of bright plaids and moves from the particular Books Cotton TOMORROW neat solids. Belt observation to the general loop model, 29-42. OCEAN TOWNSHIP - The AWARDS it conclusion. James Cotton Blues Band, The ^tnood was heightened straight from FiUmore East by the projection of suitable m Itsr Aetress in New York, is coming to New England scenes on a Pandemonium, and will hold wide screen behind the sing- COLOR by DeLuxe a special "under 21" show to- SUZANNE PLESHETTE ers. morrow. The "Frostiana" suite of IftNMcSHANE The special s*now gets un- ANMKOCMUSSYRLM songs formed a perfect con- der way at 7 p.m. at the club, trast to the second half of located next to the Shore Mo- the program which was Carl tel, Rt. 35. There will be no STARTS TOMORROW! KATHARINE H6PBURN OrfPs "Carmina Burana." alcoholic beverages sold dur- .MAJTWPOU*"-. The title means songs of ing this show. the Beuren, which is a region TH6LIONINWINT6R Last Day at Tit Driva-la Regular adult shows will be "SUrFORT YOUR LOCAL of Bavaria. Thewords are in •junto Hit llduti •*•»• Latin,.but high school Latin held at 10:30 p.m. and 12:30 SHERIFF" t "PLAY DIRTY" was never like this! a.m. Keeping things moving •iL/ISAN U>» Day at N**t«M City I Thaw. ^ "NIGHT OF THI UYIN* The verses were selected between shows will be "The Child," a local hard rock EXCITING DEAD" * "FHANKENSTIIN from a collection of poems CONQUERS THE WORLD" written-in the twelfth century group. MIRACLE!— WANOA HAH. Nr " COLOR A PARUOJNIPCIUREI f AFRICA'S LARGEST FAMILY CLOTHING CHAIN by wandering university and" Cotton and his harmonica PtANSBUR6:RT. 36 on MAIN STREET seminary students/ • .: will be assisted by lead gui- * HURRY! LAST TIMES TONIGHT • SSL ASlUJtY PARK — Rt. 3S or Alftary I*ai4 Ctwl* ••• These slightly theological tarist Lufher Tucker; bassist The PLAZA. BRICK PLAZA. FREEHOLD MALL wandering minstrels wrote of Bob Anderson, drummer Bar- CHRTrt AMIOY--J«SmlriSt.1 Wwtof RRItetl#» ' Raquel Welch "100 RIFLES" (R) P,ot"t H»»! SAVE FREE T.V. "" MADISON TOWNSHIP — It. t life, love, and luck, of anger ry Smith and alto and tenor MALL CINEMA — "WHERE IT'S AT" (R) IS*. •( lit. SI6 bttwttn SayravM* m* Ff»h*M) and despair. They sgoofed KUdst Bill Nugent 22 THE DAILY REGISTER, RED BA.VK • MIDDLETOWN, N. ].: TUESDAY, MAY 27,1969 Write-in Try Under Way In Marlboro ( MARLBORO — The rumor on June 3 tor county com* tathres fhould be elected, that a write-in campaign is mitteeman and committee- not appointed, and jr the only coder way in District Five woman, Mr. Cayle and Mr. way to assure this is with a (WMttier Oaks) was con- Kramer said. write-in, then that is the road we will take." firmed last night by Theo- Mr. Cayle said. District dore Cayle, 37 Sandburg Five residents tecame "in- Drive, and Robert Kramer, 1 censed" when It was learned Markham Drive, temporary that "unopposed candidates Festival, co-chairmen of tie newly for these positions had.been formed Marlboro Independent band-picked by (former May- Democratic Club. or) Joseph Lanzaro, a resi- Installation Democrats In District Five dent of another district. are being urged to write in "The regular" Democratic Tomorrow D. Mr. Cayle and Mrs. Greta organization will not be al- RED BANK — Mrs. Laurie • Coleman, 8 Dickinson Lane, lowed to dictate the choice of Brown will be installed as 'committee positions in Dis- president of the River Street LOUIS trict Five. The residents of School PTA at the final meet- Guilt Is Told this area feel theis tepresen- ing of the year at 8 p.m« to< Democratic Oinditkife for Governor Ta Resistance morrow. Last Pack Session The annual spring muslq FREEHOLD — David festival will be presented. Its Mitchell, 218 Atlantic St., In Navesink Tomorrow to win Keyport, pleaded guilty yes- theme is "Love, Brotherhood terday to charges of resist- NAVESINK - Cub Scout and Peace." Mrs. 'Diana. ing arrest by Union Beach Pack 107 will hold its last Doughty and Mrs. Florence in November... Patrolman Budolph Oherney . meeting of the season tomor- Thompson will direct proceed- Nov. 2 in Union Beach. . row in Navesink School. ings. Selections will be presented Upcoming pack activities County Court Judge Alton by the fifth, sixth, seventh include a Wepelos overnight don't compromise V. Evans accepted the plea and eighth grade choruses. camp-out at Quail Hill Satur- and set July 19 for sentenc- Soloists will be Brenda Ever- day, June 14; the annual ing. ett, Geoige Randolph, Wil- father and son baseball game Assistant County Prosecu- liam Davis, Laura Harris, Sunday, June 29; a visit to tor Elliot Katz presented the Patricia Lewis and Tom > ' New Brunswick's Boy Scout Pgldfoi j>y Citizens lor Tonti JA state's case. Assistant Deputy Forbes. - Public Defender Thomas Museum Sunday, July 27, and a: field trip Sunday, Aug. 24. Piano accompaniment will Spinello represented Mitchell. be by Gail Thompson, Janesia Fuller, Janice Vitacco, Stan- The Beach Watch ley Nixon and Edward Green. Lee Rogers will.accompany by Old England on the electric guitar, Clark Sea-sand-'sun-oil'surf rasistantl. Now, how Pitman, drums, and Dave arid Simon Gomgora on ukuleles. can YOU resist it, with iti "Velero" touch Others to be installed are fastener and see-through storage bag. In Robert Scott, vice president; 5 colors: green, orange, blue, olive, clear. Mrs. Alice Randolph, vice president; Mrs. Joseph.Ma- 20.00 dusky,. recording secretary; extra straps, 2.50 each Mrs. Alonzo Curchin, cor-, responding secretary, and ttalnbacaV walehu Nicholas Romano, treasurer.

fellowship to Jaye SHREWSBURY - Dr. Mi- chael C. Jaye, of S18 Broad St., was one of 15 Rutgers University faculty members to foe awarded $1,000 Rutgers for Gals Research Council summer fellowships. Dr. Jaye is a lecturer in English,) Newark College of slies.,»pattd-iown 1o


loin The Pepsi Generation

• Beginning tomorrow, Wednesday, hetbd to Jr. Shops, , • hav» a helping of Peps! Cola~»tourPepil Bars... all stores. Pepsi. Bars .opin daily from 4 p.m., Satur- day, all day. ' >

SHOP italnbich'i 10 ta 5:30 p.m., wad. and fri. till 9 p.m. ihop ileinbacli'i • aibury park • red bank 10 Jo 5:30, w«d. and fri. till 9 p.m. • briclc town plaia, 10 to 9 p.m.. lit. till 5:30. Dreaming dreams? ~^~ Plotting Mg— excitement for leisure time? Or special projects like lazing around? Whatever, here are ideas keyed to greater enjoyment! Don't Let Tittle9 Things I Share Your Vacation Wreck Your Vacation Fun 8. "When can I go?" in addition to the Clubhouse recognition of the need, in- "Is it my turn this year?" program of sports and craft* crease, funds are in short sup- The long awaited summer sible, then consult it when you These two questions are often activities. ply. - vacation can bolster the morale pack so you dont overlook a vital item. heard in the Clubhouses of Boys' But the stretch gets tighter Perhaps you would enjoy your or prove a disappointment, de- I Clubs of America. They refer and tighter. College students own vacation more if you tried pending on a few small things One thing you needn't plan ahead for is "that time of to summer camping, an escape were once happy to act as this: Skip one fa.Uy trip to that may go right or wrong. from the asphalt jungle. counselors and assist the pro- the movies, one cook-out or month." These day«, women can fessional camp staff for a few "Plan ahead" are two key swim, ride, play tennis and par- The first question, from an barbecue, one cocktail party. hundred dollars a season. Now words which can spell the dif- ticipate in any sport they wish, inner-city youngster who looks You might even cut your holiday they cannot afford to do this ference between two weeks pi every day of the month. forward to a week or two in by twenty-four hours. Send the — much as they may want saving to a Boys' Club — any sun and fun or a time of petty And few women want to be the country, is touching. The annoyances. second is much more so. to. Service clubs and organized Boys' Club of America — seen to a bathing suit at a Well before V-Day arrives, charities that give major sup- marked for "Camping." time of month when they feel Many of the more than eight port to the Clubs find more Then you can revel in knowing arrange to stop deliveries of bloated and may, in fact, have hundred Clubs have full-time and more demands on their that you have helped a young- newspapers, milk, mail. Check summer camps, but few can funds. All camp costs are ster (who needs it very much) into facilities for boarding your gained up to seven pounds of 1 accommodate all their young climbing, but funds to run them find out that summer can be pet pooch or parakeet; learn water weight. • members. Others cannot afford are not. heaven, not V32 opposite. how to rig a plastic hothouse An effective answer to these camps and must improvise. 1 In our prosperous economy, You will have done something for plants so they wont require problems Is a medication that And, oh how they do impro- things have not improved in for a boy who will appreciate watering. works to eliminate all of the vise! They have day camps in the homes of the boys who need it, learn from it ... and Select your wardrobe in ad- familiar monthly complaints. Boys' Club gyms and on base- camping — and Boys' Clubs who has done nothing that de- vance, both on the basis of Trendar is a "water pin" which ball diamonds, They take bus- — most. As the need, and the serves a third-rate existence. comfort, easy upkeep and ver- helps to prevent the buildup loads of city boys off for a And you will have made a satility, and you won't travel of water in the system, the day of hiking, swimming, fish- 20-20 Travel Note major contribution to juvenile burdened by too much baggage. cause of puffiness in me face, ing. Decency — the goal of all 810 Make a list of beauty essentials, an inch or two expansion in Some, including Madison A trip by stagecoach in 1811 Bojys' Clubs of America. paring it down as much as pos- the waist Square Boys' Club in New York, across Pennsylvania from Phila- make it up to the youngsters delphia to Pittsburgh, a distance who cannot go away by setting of 297 miles, took six days and up tent villages on the roof cost 20 dollars. A wagon trip of the Clubhouse itself. Here, took 20 days. the youngsters wake up to auto borns instead of bugles, see the The plastic bags which many sun reflect off the Empire State dry cleaners use to protect suits Building, instead of a mountain. and dresses ... are better And they love it. than tissue paper for use in "Stretch the budget as far the folds of clothes going into fts possible" is the rule. Every a suitcase. The plastic lasts one of the more than 800,000 longer, doesn't wrinkle easily, young members of the national and forms natural air pockets Boys' Club organization is of- that help keep wrinkles out of fered some camping experience, clothes.

RUM50N READING INSTITUTE (a Ranney school) New Shrewsbury Point Pleasant


Supplementary Courses in basic skills for greater success In school and college ,. 18th Summer Session July 8-Aug. 27

1. READING, WRITING, STUDY SKILLS Two 3-hour sessions each week, day or evening This is the fcjtoic course of Rumson Reading Institute and is offered at all levels from 7th grade through col- sporting lege. Students; are grouped according to ability. This life and how course helps students. to live it . ,.vtiiat*s • to read with speed and comprehension whrai we specialii* in! • to write grammatically and logically Cfothes for boater* • to increase their knowledge, of vocabulary HUB course is very popular with serious students who goff duffs, tOnnil are anxious to improve their school grades and to obtain surfers... everi hamntock maximum preparation for college board and prep school exams. ,. swingan. If thtre'i an activity „,. wa've 1 MATHEMATICS got th* clothe* Courses at all | levels from arithmetic to calculus AH courses are planned to develop Mwt are • a logical approach to problem solving luitafole . • , • facility in applying mathematical processes logically fattiionably suitable, foo, 3. RANNEY SCHOOL COURSES wa might add. So, start off Hi* fun i«aion

•••'•• , -f ' t ' ' • in advanced, chemistry and advanced biology , ' looking your beit 4 LANGUAGES 1p the tpori finds ^ Three 2-hour sessions weekly , *M*mori«l Day I 5. ELEMENTARY COURSES Friday, May 30 Reading—Three 2-hour sestkmt Arithmetic—Three 1-hour sessions weekly

AH Courses under the supervision of ; RUSSELL G. RANNEY

MEN'S SHOP Ui* Your Eaiy RUMSON READING INSTITUTE Charg* • Cart* 235 Hope Road, New Shrewsbury, N. J. BROAD STREET RED BANK Blanch* • Din*n Club 542-4777 Transportation available from seme areas 'Iittk' Fashions With A Big Styfelmpacf Whether this year's vacation When you travel, it's the little just a little space can give your girl fashion theme are ttie or- "JJ*8 intp f°ft ^W5tor a n aU new toot leads you east or west, you things that count in a wardrobe travel wardrobe any number of Banza iabots whipped into ruf- " I can be the prettiest sight on that's fashion right for the road, extra looks. fL J* «.mtf Xm™ varws A tiny travel wardrobe of belts the travel scene. Accessories that pack easily into Just right for today's pretty- tles y are a cinch for fashion changes.


^ -



(! Knit shirts and bermuda shorts • • •

p.1.-, -..':.....-. • •. .-.-•••••



It has nothing to do with being axes, mattocks .and perhaps an ness. Imagine the surprise of piece of his equipment, the chain pressure. The fine points of use softies, but the outdoor family's adze to clear away undergrowth the next trailblazer! saw will be kept reasonably and maintenance are included clean and free of sawdust, pitch in a booklet the McCulloch life is becoming easier. Orj and deadwood. Most of the new chain saws a camping family. people include with each saw. perhaps we should say more Almost every pack-train vet- are as easy to use as they eran can recall agonizing hours are to carry. The small, efficient A small chain saw is as easy With all the new tools and convenient. spent clearing away down tim- engines are living down the to use — and as safe — as gadgets, and with more on the With leisure time increasing ber across a trail. A chain saw hard-to-start reputation of pre- an electric carving knife, when way, none of the thrill has been for many, science and industry is worth its weight in five-point vious two cycle designs. Some you consider the reduced chance lost from discovering a hidden antlers in cases like this. models even have pushbutton of slipping under pressure. trout pool, watching a brilliant have made concerted efforts to sunset, or seeing an eagle in serve the thousands who are With a few spikes and a mini- electric starting with their* own Rather than forcing its way through the wood, as does an flight. practicing the age-old virtues chain saw along, Dad can battery packs and generators. quickly provide a picnic table Upkeep is minimal for the axe, the chain saw eats its And that's what family camp- I of self-reliance and ingenuity in and benches deep in the wilder- rugged, reliable tools. Like any way through under very little ing trips are all about. wilderness areas. Many relatively new product lines serving the camping family help make vacations the times of adventure and relaxation they are intended to be. •••and I Chain saws, trail bikes, power lifts for campers, liquid propane gas appliances ... the list of new work-savers goes on and on. Sportsmen and their families have never really been inter- PROWN'S ested in chopping wood or dig- ging fire pits — these were just necessary evils. HAS EVERYTHING In the last few years, the chain saw industry has moved quickly and effectively in help- ing outdoorsmen enjoy their FOR... camps, rather than be slaves to them. " Size of the power saws has been reduced from 50 pounds OUTDOOR to an incredibly compact eight and a half for McCulloch Cor- poration's Power-Mac 6, which is the world's lightest. LIVING! To set up a livable camp in undeveloped areas, out- doorsmen formerly had to pack along a selection of heavy, bulky PATIO TABLES Smart new styles in a variety of sizes. AJso Tips After see our umbrella tables. Exposure 98 Whenever you have been out- 0 doors, here are some tips on 11 how to improve the appearance ©f your skin without a lot of t trouble. TERRY CLOTH POTTED The experts .recommend bath CHAISE LOUNGE oil,' because the oil helps correct ARTIFICIAL dry skin and it provides a coat- t ing that will last for hours. COYER FLOWERS After exposure, take a tub bath 98 98 if you can. Add bath oil (Silk'n A A • GERANIUMS #Q* Satin is a good one) to your t DASIES from O7 bath. The water does not have l-pc. O 2-pc O to steam to make the oil effec- PLASTIC OUTDOOR tive, and you don't have to BEACH soak for hours. You'll want to FURNITURE luxuriate — but even a quick • 5-WEB CHAISE, 4-WEB CHAIR $ dunk does the trick of softening BAGS COVERS and oiling dry skin. After a $ 00 9 bath or shower, also use bath FROM 1 V oil on special trouble spots such • LAWN & PATIO SET From «* as heels and elbows. Attractive, durable twosome in stur- CHAISE LARGE CLUMP irthe Tace is thin and dy aluminum tubing, with wooden arms O98 REDWOOD sensitive, and should be pam- PLASTIC pered to avoid a leathery, lined in attractive olive, green an




Dacron Blend SPORT SUMMERTIME LACE BY PETER PAN Just when you feel your wardrobe looks a bit weary- COATS along comes our special collection of lithe and lively dress designs at 95 refreshing savings. Don't mtss these good ' buys in cotton and polyester, X 29 Three styles as shown are reg. to $30. White, Peach, Navy, Brown, Blue, Coral. Sfzes 8-14. — We Feature —i * JOHN MEYER — SACONY — LADY MANHATTAN — LESLIE FAY SUE BRETT — COLLEGE GIRL — COUNTRY MISS — ACT III KNITS ABBEY and DOZENS OF OTHER FAMOUS LABELS. MEN'S SHOP 24 W. Front St., Keyport -— Open Friday 'til 9 p.m. 42 Broad 5f., Rtd Bank WID. ami FBI. Traveling With Baby 1 Make Swedish Test PUN AHEAD & ENJOY lit posable glass bottles. AH you A vacation trip with a new have to do is remove the cap, > member in the family is often add a standard nipple unit and a matter of where to find the you're ready to feed Baby. Sr On Physical Fitness space for all of the necessary Because this disposable sys- baby care accessories. tem does hot need refrigeration, IT The Swedes are excrcise- will have fun imitating you imi- bending right. Bend forward But the space needed to pack except for unused portions, happy!'Calisthenics are taught almost. touching head to the all of Baby's clothes and acces- heating" is not necessary and V tating the "Svenske." in school from the first grade, Be sure to have a bottle of floor . , . rounding the back, sories may be a lot less for you won't have to worry about and a nationwide Voluntary Bronztan along so that no one arms relaxed at sides, and any trip you take this summer. the safety of the formula or Gymnastics Program 'has re- gets sunburned. Bronztan was ROLL UP to position on both Modern developments in infant baby's nutrition while en route. sulted in Keep Fit classes and tested in medically supervised knees, (head unrolls last), care and feeding have led to Once you have arrived at your clubs everywhere; Competitive clinics which proved that it C. Lean forward to position many disposable items that cut destination, feeding baby is still C Gymnastics for Adults; House- would give up to 4 hours protec- on hands and knees. Rounding down on the required suitcase easy and convenient with ready- I wives "Gymnastics"; even a tion without burn. Safe for tots, the back, bring left knee for- and trunk space in your car. to-use formulas in 8 fluid ounce Senior Citizens' Program, their too. ward. Try to touch knee to Rental baby furniture, throw- cans (for single feedings) or aim and motto being Gymnas- Lilla troll — Swedish for forehead .. . . Straighten and away diapers and ready to-use 32 fluid ounce cans (a full day's tics For All, irrespective of age Pixie. stretch left leg back, out and infant formulas have all come supply). Just open the can and or skill. Svenske — Swedish for The up , . . toward the ceiling, to the aid of traveling young pour into a bottle and baby's 1 Modern Swedish Gymnastics Swedes. hollowing the back. Return to parents. hunger is easily satisfied. Once consist • partly of free-standing- Introducing INGA with a hands and knees and • . . RE- Disposable diapers are a must opened, partially emptied cans exercises and they use tests Swedish plan for physical fit- PEAT to the right. for any trip and are fairly inex- may be covered and stored in like this one both in schools ness. These movements are D, Jump to deep knee bend. pensive. The time saved while the refrigerator for up to 48 and in their Voluntary Program, meant to be done in continuity Stand. Do 8 hop-steps forward. actually traveling and when you hours. •a An intriguing dance-like pattern from A to D: arrive by not having to wash Ready-to-use infant formulas is created from the more or A. Point left foot forward . Mountain Climbing and diy diapers will allow you in cans and disposable glass less familiar movements. They . . Jump in place. Land feet A present-day writer on considerably more leisure time bottles are now used for a wide are linked together for overall together. Point right, jump, land mountain climbing in England, with your friends and baby. and growing range of special Q benefit as you go, instead of feet together. Point left side, tells us that it is customary Convenience formulas have situations — such as a supple- concentrating on one muscle at and jump. Land feet together. to allow one hour for climbing also made traveling — as well mental feeding for mothers who A. a time. Result? Well look at Point right side and jump. Land 1,500 feet, and one hour for as routine infant feeding — a are breast feeding, 2:00 A.M. those Swedish Movie Stars! Try feet together. Jump on both feet. each three miles on level much easier task for mother. feedings, and when the family it while sunning yourself this B. Sit on heels. Rise to the ground. In the Nineteenth Cen- While traveling, one of the most is eating out. summer, or take the family on knees. Bend side-left, reaching tury it was estimated that one acceptable means of feeding An important part of the ba- a picnic and let everybody get left arm out to side and down could ascend 2,000 feet- in one baby is with Enfamil Nursette, by's well-being is of course to into the act! Your "lilla troll" with a deep-stretch. Repeat, hour. a ready-to-feed formula in dis- pack any medicines, etc


Colorful, carefree and delightfully

different fashions from Californiol


You'll love their youhp fresh and eager spirit . . body-conscious shaping and imaginative details. In cool rayon linen . . , trimmed with long stemmed! daisies, strawberries or flower petal hemlines, LusciousVsunshine

colors. 8 to 16.

,i '

CHINA and GLASS SHOP1 BROAD and HARDING \ ' RED BANK outdoor facilities and the boating swing in everything from trail- industry is riding the crest of ers to sleeping bags, from that wave! Today more than campstoves to canoes! The Sporting Life 42 million Americans participate 9,615 golf facilities exist in in recreational boating. the United States currently and Everyone's getting into the Basic reasons for the sporting 20,000 students were certified The camping market is most there are over 10,000,000 active iports act — and it looks like explosion are more leisure time for skin diving in 1968 through favorable. There is a sales up- golfers to play them. i the trend will only continue to for fun, more money to provide sporting goods retailers provid- it and a growing awareness of grwr. According to latest fig- ing professional diving service. the connection between physical Nearly two-million Americans ures, Americans will spend 4.08 fitness and good appearance. water skied at least once during . billion dollars on sporting goods The average per capita expend- 1968, some 80,000 of them for fa 1969, up 10.2 per cent over iture on sporting goods in 1968 the very first time! 1168 and this figure does not was $18, and in 1969 it is ex- More people are buying more pected to rise to more than •include shoes, uniforms etc. for bicycles and doing more bicycle $20. Add to that increased vaca- riding than they have ever done I athletes, sportsmen. tions and mini-vacations, thanks before. And that's adults too, to extended holiday weekends, not just the traditional 5 to From California: and you have a natural cycle. 14 market group! Si However, current recreation Federal, state and local ' Motorized Surfboard trends also have an important agencies are investing millions ,„ Invention of the chair lift influence on the market, ac- of dollars in the expansion of -made snow skiing popular with cording to L, W. Cummins, aging sports as well as lithe President of the National Sport- pretty blonds. Now a retired ing Goods Association. Recently, Poison Ivy patent lawyer has a device to for example, the emphasis on Only we North Americans are do the same for surfing. He physical fitness has encouraged das designed a motorized surf- cursed with poison ivy, because more Americans of all ages to it doesn't grow in any other board. A small battery-powered participate in active sports. The electric motor hidden inside the part of the world! v rise in popularity of the back- But if you're planning a tour iurfboard sends a jet stream yard vacation has also given abroad, don't wander among the Of water out the stern and move a boost to sporting goods sales. primroses. In Europe, the plant ,fhe surfboard at a clip of 6 Whatever the reason for bliss- most reponsible for skin rashes in. p. h. The 1/10-ofone-horse- fully going nowhere during the is the plain primrose. power motor propels the surf- one-or-more week annual vaca- Recognize It It's the oil in poison ivy that board out through the surf or tion, stay-at-homers too swing kelps the rider pick up speed causes allergy. Even though into the sports market for a to catch the wave. As soon people claim, "If I just smell change of pace. as the rider releases the power it, I break out," actual physical button, or falls off, the engine The Association records the contact is essential. •huts down. He expects the following facts and figures as Never burn ivy, because the evidence of this change: motorized board to cost the oil is transmitted in the smoke. There are more than 17,000,000 Avoid contamination from consumer about |2QQ, compared licensed hunters in the United garden tools, pets, or clothing to |150 for a powerless board. States. that may have been exposed.


Our sandals go on when shoes come off. R-R-R-R-R-RUFF! If you can't keep your child in shoes this summer, see our sandals by Stride Rite. A gold buckled minimal suit in choco- They're the perfect compromise, late brown imported nylon are' from .Sandals protect bare feet. And kids love MonikaY 1969 swim clothes collection wearing them because they're comfortable^ for Elon of California, 20. . . . one of attractive and cool. We have them •'..^ many exciting bikinis, exclusively at The Fair's Sun Shop. in different styles. And we'll fit them • so your child won't want to take them off. Open Wednesday and Friday Evenings , open doily "til 9, Saturday 'tfl 4 THE PAIR UNIVERSITY SHOP SHOE COMPANY THE STORE FOR MEN, WOMEN & BOYS Route 35, Asbury Park, N. J. 18 BROAD STREET RED BANK This Makes 'Mountain' Go a Little Wild Fresh Water in Seconds Say the word "vacation" to a whole day of precious sun-and specs" have smoke-tinted lenses A problem at too many of you're not drinking it straight t just about anyone and the im- fun searching for a flattering —the perfect accessory for all swimsuit. sun fashions. America's marinas, trailer Bad-tasting water can foul up mediate reaction is "sun — parks, campsites and other va- relaxing, playing or sightseeing So, as soon as you've made Shades are the ideal comple- a cup of coffee, a glass of ment for dramatic evening cation places is that the avail- in the sun. With the first breath your reservations, start thinking able water — even where rated iced tea, a bowl of soup, even looks, too. Try a pair of bril- J of warm air and sunshine, ev- about your wardrobe and go a safe to drink — looks, smells a highball. eryone heads for the hills, the little wild. After all, it's your liant amber tinted specs with fashion's latest gypsy shirt- and even tastes decidedly odd. Now there's a device on the the shore, the lakes or for vacation, so live, be gay, The U.S. Public Health Serv- market which promises the sunny-self-guided tours of the choose something chic, sassy dress. Or, how about white framed "Big Rounds" with eye- ice issued ratings last year outdoorsman water as fresh as natural and historic wonders and definitely appealing such slamming the quality of tap the country. Thats what vaca- as a reversible sundress with widening blue tinted lenses to that from a mountain stream go with the simplicity of sheer water in 102 cities and towns — even when there isn't one tions are all about. a frolicking print on one side, in 35 states on a scale ranging white voile party pants. Foster handy. It's called the Crystalab But, the smart vacationer a solid color on the other, and from "needing improvement" to Grant, the world's leading Water Freshener, and it does plans ahead — not just travel a built-in bra for cool, easy manufacturer of sunglasses, has "potential health hazard." and room arrangements, but comfort. Then top this swing- a wild, wide range of colors, But even where the local wa- just what its name implies. It everything from sunspecs and ing, versatile "now" look with styles and • tints priced from ter is officially potable it is changes discolored, bad-tasting, sandals to sewing kits and sun- fashion-bright shades. The one dollar to five. all too often off-color or smells malodorous water into sweet, Foster Grant "Aviator sun- tan oil. After all, you can waste For the near-sighted vaca- or tastes awful even when clean-tasting water in seconds. I tioneer, there's Foster Grant's "Clip'n'Flip" with ff 77 lenses to cut down the summer sun's ARE A DOZEN GREAT bright glare. They clip on to SHOE NAMES, BUT IN SANDALS CAN prescription glasses easily and quickly, and can be flipped up YOU THINK OF MORE THAN ONE? in a second, if desired, for better visibility indoors and in ! the shade. So, choose versatile clothes and sensational separates in packable fabric to mix and BERNARDO match for a variety of exciting ,'Tet" foi two pretty feet looks. Then, accent with piz& Bernardo's classic sandal In azz. A scarf here, gold chains the lightest of leathers. there and fashion's Number Small, medium or large. One accessory — sunglasses — everywhere. NOW! A PICNIC-PERFECT CLOTH A picnic at the seashore, a barbecue in the back yard, a hike in the country with a basket lunch, or dinner at home; spread your tablecloth without a worry. At long last it's possi- ble because science and tech- nology have come to the aid of those who love to use table- cloths often, but are loath to stain them and hate to iron them — ever. Klopman Mills, a division of tfoslal Burlington Industries, have de- veloped a new family of per- 43-A Broad St. 540 Coolcman Avo, manent press, soil resistant tablecloth fabrics that come, Red Bank Asbury Park clean instantjy after a normal home laundering, and never — no never — need ironing. Levis It's Summertime at

Pure White, wi*h Levi's Famous Sta-Pr»si Process wiN) "The Kinkels" Built-in Crease that Never Wilts. Twill Jeans ...... 8 to 12 4.f8 27 to 38 6.W Large selection of Beachwear Hopsack Nuvos Jeans .. ..„..„...... ^ 27/ io 38 8,00) for all the family Hopseysk Nuws Flares ...... ;:.; 27 to 36 9.00 Iv/lrim-CutTwith Cuff ...... 27 to 368.00


iic Itf • t . ,' I • f ,'

(-••';• Playtogs With Soil Resisters To insure that "little lea- i guers" (both male and female) really enjoy the super outdoor HOLIDAY ASSISTANT life this summer, a leading sportswear manufacturer has just introduced pants that handsomely bridge the genera- Managers Sale! tion gap because they combine the popular, young unisex look STEEL W with easy-care, practical bene- 3 9T1 fits, for Mother. STORAGE A unique lend of polyester and cotton produces an ex- SHED a- tremely strong, steel-like fabric Approx. 8 ft. Wide • 7 ft. that will withstand dust-raising slides into third base, mud-pie Deep i* 6 ft. High making, and other common oily SALE and watery stains — as well as the proverbial grass stains — to keep the pants in "major league" shape year round. 7 H.P. Riding Mower •?• Designed specifically for ac- has 4-Speed Transmission tive youngsters the new, no-iron ASSEMBLE EASY • Heavy nickel alloy floating front axle, LevJs feature slotted, hidden WITH A enclosed auto-type differential, ball joint pockets instead of the patch SCREWDRIVER! steering. pockets. The outside leg seams • Pneumatic wide track front and rear tires. • Engaging and disengaging blade clutch, s have been completely eliminated WITH NEW BAKED-ON PERMA PLATE FINISH! Flberglas hood. Towing bar, heavy duty to assure a smooth appearance rear axle. with no puckering. They come ALSO AVAILABLE ... • Safety-type steering wheel, air cushion Ja a range of summer sunny APPROX. 10'xr Reg. $129 Sale 119 contour seat, heavy-duty reinforced frame. colors as well as the traditional darker hues. The unisex styling Is the same for both sexes. To provide busy mothers with Sale'277 more time to enjoy her "little Powerful 20" leaguers/' a certified stain re- GRANTS MIDDLETOWN lease guarantee is provided 3%H.P. through the use of a fabric COUPON SAYINGS! finish — Scotchgard Protector rotary mowor COUPONS GOOD MAY 28th and 29th with Sott Release — which was With This Coupon^^.. developed just for permanent 50 opaque Metal Folding Tray table press garments. This .dual-action garden hose protector defys spills and stains $ but when the inevitable stains KG. 1.97 do occur, they will come out Sale64 Sole $1.73 Sale 87° with one home laundering — • Decorative patterns even ground-In oily stains. • Sturdy folding stand rent Limit 2 per customer To bat 1,000 this summer, GRASS CATCHER BAG select guaranteed stain-release pants to make summer super Briggs & Stratton. 'instant for both Mother and children. start' engine, no choking, no priming! Fully baffled 22" FOLDING , ., TO EASE WAY chassis, side-chute dis- FOR YOUR OFFICE charge, Remote control. GRILL REPLACEMENT • Sturdy • Adjusts "If you're a secretary about • Umit oiw per to take off on a well-earned customer vacation, plan a few minutes Bradford 6,000 B.T.U. before you leave, to be nice CYCLONE 97 to your boss — and your tem- Sale 4 porary replacement- Make her AIR CONDITIONER a list of how your boss likes « Thermostate Controls things done, where to find the With This Coupon essentials and whom to ask if • Zip*Mounting Sale GRANTS I'SIS® she can't. • 115 Volts SEAMLESS Start your list early in the week before you go and add • Reg, 134.95 PANTY HOSE to it as Ideas come to mind. • Nylon mesh Include in your list the routine • Newest shades ' 122 • Limit 2 pair per cuttomei and the non-routine: your boss Wees his coffee black with sugar, -his mail opened, sorted and on BRADFORD 20" Sale 97 hibi s ddeskk wheh n he arrivei s iin the morning; he wants his let- ters set up block style, telephone HURRICANE This p messages typed; his wife's 20 GALLON birthday is Friday, remind him to buy a present; Mary, the Breeie Box Fan TRASH secretaryjiext door, can help. CAN Organize your own desk — Sale • Easy clean if it Isn't always super neat • Colors — and see that it's well stocked • TWO-SPEED • Limit 2 per customer 80 the ''temporary" won't have 97 to worry about finding things. • REG. 15.99 Salei ftncils, dictation book, paper 13. dips, stationery, carbon paper, stencils, tissues — in fact, why not give her a special welcome TAKES ONLY MINUTES TO APPLY with deep color Kleenex Bouti- que tissues in a muted, modern- DO YOU HAVE A GRANTS CHARGE ACCOUNT? ASK ANY SALES PERSON ! patterned box, The hot pink, bold gold, true blue or avocado green tissues in the skini-mini, name-dropping box are efficient and a useful gift to her. They'll fit easily on her desk, crowded KNOWN FOR VALUES as it may get, and add a cheery spark of color. If you've laid the ground-work, 1123 HIGHWAY 35 - MIDDLETOWN MIDDLETOWN SHOPPING CENTER tilings will go well while you're away and your boss will appre- OPEN MON. THRU FRI. 10 A.M. to 9 P.M.; SAT. 10 A.M. to 6 P.M. ciate you all the more. ..,;. Tf^r^ -*»• ipi^ Toss bottled creamy onion- dressing with shredded cab* bage and carrots for delicious Easy Outdoor Cooking cole slaw. Spread Onion Butter on corn- The call of the outdoors is meat or chicken, enriched egg garlne) in a skillet. Use to Sprinkle slivered almonds on on-the-cob; wrap in foil and irresistible to most Americans. sauce and even the final garnish brown meat or fish. Brush it top of prepared Beef Stroganoff roast on grill. So many rewarding vacation so you can have a hearty, deli- on steaks or chops before grill- main dish. Top split baked potato.with i trips can be shared by the fami- cious meal at any time, any ing. Makes tasty spread for Brown or pan fry chicken in . \ *2 tablespoons bottled Hick ly in this richly varied land place. or $ sandwiches. bottled Italian dressing instead ory Bits Dressing. 1 of ours: rough it in a national These helpful hints frorrv The Combine 1 lb. ground meat of oil or fat. Remove about '/a cup syrup forest campsite in a tent; travel Lipton Kitchens show you how with lA cup bottled Italian Stew I package (11 oz.) mixed from 1 can (1 lb. 14 oz.) fruit from coast to coast in a luxuri- to make the most out of your dressing and Vi cup bread dried fruits or dried apricots salad; stir in 1 envelop of Lipton ous trailer; sail or swim, and convenience foods. For example, crumbs. Shape into patties and with 1 envelope (1.8 oz.) lemon lemon flavored iced tea mix. then picnic by a wilderness lake use soup mixes as seasonings grill. flavored iced tea mix. Chill Chill. 52 — or just camp in your own for meats as well as for hearty, backyard. Whichever you do, fresh-tasting soups; bottled plan ahead with maps and dressings, like those from Wish- f menus to provide the best in Bone, to perk up vegetables or *3 comfort- marinate meats. Tea and fla- There is no need to suffer vored iced tea mixes not only monotonous meals at campsite. provide refreshing drinks but Today's convenience foods, can also be used ingeniously found in great variety on your in desserts. Packaged main •H supermarket shelves, are per- dishes, which come in four dif- fectly suited to the" outdoors. ferent varieties, become tempt- Products like the new main ing meals in minutes, with only dishes from Lipton are complete one cooking pot. meals in themselves, yet are Shortcuts For Outdoor Cooking lightweight, compact and need Melt Onion Butter (made by no refrigeration. They contain blending 1 envelope Onion Soup noodles, vegetables, a tasty Mix with y lb. butter or mar- Q 2 WMmMmmm V Tips for Enjoying The Snorting Life COMPLETELY SELF-CLEANING Sportsmen and their mates sporting enthusiasm really who want to enjoy the great warrants. Today, fashion "pour ALL WEATHER • NO FUSS outdoors to the fullest — and le sport" carries price tags in look like the Beautiful People all ranges. at the same time, might take COOL IT BARBECUING! these timely tips to heart. But cool it early at the start. NERVOUS NOVICE? Beware of over-playing any If you are new to surfing, game, especially outdoors. Build skin diving, trapshooting, tennis up i to exercise and exposure WITKTHE a • ft Or any specialized sport, learn to the outdoors on a gradual as much as you can before basis. Parched, peeling skin and you leap into action. A few fiery flesh are the inevitable hours of professional instruction, misery for those who try to advice from a sporting goods conquer the sun too fast. Other store on equipment, even some sporting hazards, such as wind- "required reading" in advance burn from sailing, cuts and smooths the learning process. scrapes from snorkellng and SUPER HI-HEAT And it aids the ego, too, if biking — even insect bites at you start a new sP°rt with cookouts can mess up a mean- others of equal skill. ingful weekend ... and the HAPPY MEDIUM week that follows it, toot ELECTRIC Fashions for the sportinpg g life For quicq k ppain relief, skin- are more fun, more flattering soothing conditioning and anti- OUTDOOR and more functional than ever, septic action for healing dam- However, before you blow your aged skin, there's a brand new mind and the budget on dashing helper available. Called Un- CHARBROILER high-priced garb, consider your Burn, it's the only medication true role: serious sportsman, that tackles all three jobs at Eliminating alt the inconve- novice once-a-week-ender, or the once. In handy aerosol, cream niences of charcoal cooking, active spectator. Then figure out or lotion formulas, it's clean- our Flameless Gourmet's super- how much of an investment y scented and acts fast. high heat assures "just-right" barbecuing only eight min- utes after turn on. A special Don't Let Laundry all-weather beating-element, with low-medium-high heat control, reflect! infra red ray* Woes Ruin Vacation to quickly seal in meat juices. Permanent briquettai impart Vacations mean different For example, when set for true char flavor. things^to"different permanent press, it-provides warm wash water for good soil for many a mom it often means removal, followed by a cool- IMMEDIATE DELIVERY OUT OF STOCK! having to face a mountain of down to prevent wrinkles from laundry when the family returns forming during "the "spinportlon home. of the cycle, then cold rinses PERMANENT to keep the fibers wrinkle-re* 129* Although self-service laundries weren't established strictly for sistant. traveling families, they certain* Bright colors are washed and ly can be answer to a vacation- rinsed automatically in cold PORTABLE 169" ing mother's prayer. While Dad water when the dial is set ac- is shopping for some of the cordingly; and, if set for a ROTISSERIE FOR EITHER MODEL .13.95 family's camping needs, she can delicate bad, the washer selects take care of the accumulated warm water and a shortened A new, patented ground anchor screws into ground with washing in short order — espe- period of agitation, followed by amazing speed and ease, eliminating need to dig post dally when the laundry is cold rinses. hole. Post secures to anchor. equipped with washers preset And, if your camping gear to handle any wash load, auto- includes washable woolens, matically. there's a special cycle built into All Mother has to do with these machines to handle wool Get oil the focti about the ultimate In all-electric the new Maytag washers is set just as it should be laundered Just one control. She turns the — gently, and with cold water. outdoor barbecuing I dial to whatever the type of Vacationing families needn't load — permanent press, bright burden themselves with boxes colors, delicate colors, white, of detergents, bleach, fabric 666 HIGHWAY *35, MIDDLETOWN, N. J or wool. The washer takes over softener, etc. Most self-service TEL. MIDDLETOWN 671-5000 from there, automatically pro- laundries have a variety of viding the propepp r water tem- washing aids available that dis- SHORE AREA 542-1 61 6 . peratures, wash-time and action, pease whatever is needed. ON SALE TUESDAY iFtrSOUAUTY YOU'RE LOOKING FORifj THRU DOWNTOWN SATURDAY RED BANK MAY 31 sf.

BILTMORE 2O-3N. 3 HP ROTARY MOWER Reg. 59.95. 4-cycle Briggs & Stratton engine. Easy- spin recoil starter with positive automatic choke for fast start-up. Individual wheel height adjustment, to 3". Side chute design.

17x10* DOUBLE GRASS CATCHER GRILL ORIENTAL with rust resist zipper STYLE HIBACHI fits all our rotary mowers except riders Cooks a complete meal quickly, delidousty. 8.95 Black cast iron with adjustable twin grids, wooden handles, draft doors. Save over & REG. 10.95


CHAIRS 4-OT. ICE BUCKST lightweight foam plas* Reg. 3.99 ea. tic keeps ice for hours, Multi-color. Reg.37« CHAISE $C.OO HARDY ROBUST 5 Reg. 7.49 For patio, poolsidc, beach, pic- LIVE GERANIUMS nic use. Light, weather-resistant 4" POT aluminum Ht-up with multicolor poly- webbing. Double, tubular arms. 5-position chaise, 74" long. 2 FOR Easy to CHARGE IT


92-or. JOIXT POLT PLASTIC rOAM CHEST COMTORT CWUR REGULAR 13.95 99c 2.88 Take it anywhere, it's lightweight and easy Reg. 3.99 to carry. Chrome-plated spit, tines, adjust* Won't chip, crack, fade, able grill, and U.L. approved motor. Hood Multi-color fosri dhest washes clean. For in* losulite* all food, eliminates smoke. Sturdy steel bowl with doors, out. In great dec* handy handle. New outdoor color . . . QMQt colon. orange.

OPEN DAILY 9:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. DOWNTOWN RED BANK WED. & FRI. EVENINGS 'TIL 9 P.M. leaves, or whatever else catches Hors d'Oeuvres Supper For City-Style Picnics your fancy. 1 Enjoy yourself, but remem- Chances are your city, or one To do this you don't need make cutting and eating a plea- pickles, different kinds of tinned ber: if you're going to be nib- close to you, has a variety of a butler, Rolls Royce or a bun- sure. Among the newer shapes herring, tiny shrimp, marinated bling while a soloist has the outdoor entertainments to offer dle of money . . . just a lively (great for soup, stew and des- tomato-cucumber salad, steak spotlight, crunchy celery and on warm summer nights. As imagination. Here's a good serts) and serving platters in tartare, cold stuffed grape carrot sticks are out! in Tanglewood or New York's chance to eat your fill, for once, Central Park, one con lounge of ail the delicious hors several sizes. There are plastic- s^mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmsm on the grass and enjoy a top d'oeuvres you skimp on before coated hot cups with handles, notch concert, operatic, or ballet a regular dinner. And it's much and large and small waxed cups performance. easier to enjoy Viennese waltzes for cold drinks. People usually come early to over French bread and cheese The sort of hors d'oeuvres park concerts in order to com- than over franks and beans. supper you serve in your color- mandeer their own favorite lo- Gracious tableware is another ful, disposable paper tableware cations, and this means snacks important part of the city picnic, is unlimited. French bread and or supper brought along in a so choose your paper plates and wafers, a selection of cheeses, picnic basket. But since the cups with an eye for, an attrac- and apples and pears for des- "scene" is often smack in the tive pattern. Today's plastic- sert is a simple way to picnic I middle of a city, it's fun to coated plates are made to hold city style. If you want to get picnic not "a la country" but hot, cold or moist foods for fancier, you can add pickled OF RED BANK a la Park Avenue sophisticate. hours, and their smooth surfaces mushroom salad, pate, mixed ,24 BROAD STREET Back Roads Attract Bicyclists Did you return from vacation vistas and towns. He might open to anyone over 21 who last year feeling more like consider the "Gold Rush Ride," enjoys the freedom of the bike "having been taken" than "hav- a long but leisurely tour through and is not afraid of an all-day California's Mother Lode coun- ing taken one?" Same crowds? ride. The nationwide club is try made famous by the Forty- made up" of families of profes- Q Same struggle for parking? Niners. Dozens of other choices Looking for something offbeat include lazy, hazy New England sional men, artists, writers, ex- and exciting,next year? Good! backcountry, pastoral Pennsyl- ecutives, and schedules fasci- nating vacation tours all over Let's talk about a bicycling va- vania's Amish country, or to the Ozarks of Lum & Abner. the U.S. Meals are taken at cation. gourmet restaurants and over- Organizations are in the busi- Family bicycling vacations night stays are made at fine are on the dramatic increase, ness to plan bike vacations for claims the venerable Bicycle the most enjoyment and least hotels, inns or hostelries. Sev- Institute of America, and its expense. Biggest is American eral brochures may be obtained proof is the fact that many Youth Hostels, 20 West 17th St., which describe the Society's ac- states are developing long dis- New York City, which offers tivities. tance, marked bike routes to a $1.95 Bike Atlas listing more For skeptics who would like attract tourists — allowing 40 than 100 mapped trips from to read about bike adventures, miles a day for the average coast to coast, ranging in length there is a full-color monthly family "biking it." from a week to a month and magazine called "Bicycling!" Whole new worlds of adven- covering 47 states, 7 Canadian with lengthy features describing ture open up to pedallers be- provinces and parts of Mexico bike vacations to out-of-the-way cause they go where gasburners and the Caribbean. The AYH places. Write for a sample issue fear to tread. There are well- will send free literature on its to: H. M. Leete Publishing, 235 planned trips too, like one other trips, too, both here and Montgomery St., San Francisco, through Florida's palmetto and abroad. and tell them your interests. alligator country, a "Mississippi An organization called the Bi- A national cycling organiza- Meander'' which takes cyclists cycle Touring Society (846 tion, League of American for 170 miles along the Father Prospect St., La Jolla, Calif.) Wheelmen, 5118 Foster Ave., of Waters with plenty of beauti- has been organized by California Chicago, also schedules long- ful undulated country, thrilling surgeon Clifford Graves and is distance tours and weekends. LADY SQUIRE


Body by Roxanne Roxanne makes a maillot with moulding power!

Roxanne does the little ole maillot in nylon and lycra knit. Sexy in front, thanks to Roxanne's unique propor- tioned bra-sizing. Sexy In back, thanks to a clasp clos- ing that makes a .pretty little triangle of skin. And it comes in a sunburst print that should make you nicely. conspicuous. Yellow or green, Sizes 32-38B, 32-38C, 32-36D. v MIDDLETOWN PANTSVILLE and MISTER PANTS CHARGE YOUR PURCHASE- TAKE MONTHS TO PAY—AT NO from I ZOO ADDITIONAL COST! HIGHWAY 35

Viding the proper water tern- washing aids available that dis-, wash-time and action, pease whatever is needed. Don't Let Your Pet Patio Food Areas Especially Simmer in Summer Need Clean-Up-Can Be Easy i When you feel hot and sticky, Summer Grooming: Both dogs If you want vour outdoor eat- soda swabbing, the original col- sure your outdoor table is really you can be sure your cat or and cats shed their "winter un- ing quarters to reflect your in- ors revive. A washing soda so- clean before you set it. dog is uncomfortable, too. derwear." The fine, dense un- door tidiness, certain areas call lution scrubbed into spots on And finally, after every cook- 4 Though Nature equips animals dercoat hair falls out. Loose for special and rather constant canvas coverings does a quick out or barbecue be sure to scrub with a rather efficient body heat hair forms mats that collect care. Nothing gives guests a erasing job, too. the grill with dry washing soda, regulation system, temperatures dirt and burrs if it is not re- poorer impression than shaggy Then a scrubbing with dry using the hose to rinse it. Rem- over eighty-five plus high hu- moved. Your pet-will be cleaner grass, unclipped borders along washing soda banishes bird nants of stale grease from the midity do affect them. Take and more comfortable if you paths or flower beds, weeds in marks and tree sap drippings last barbecue will affect the a few special precautions to brush his coat vigorously three the garden, weeds shooting up while a sponging with a soda flavor of your next cooked out assure your pet a healthy, happy or four times a week. (Make between the flagstones, flag- solution is the best way to be fare. summer, says the Pet Food In- that every day if his coat is stones spotted with grease or stitute. long.) unkempt furniture. You'll find that your baby a. Skin problems: Veterinarians Since the men in the family agree that many summer skin are responsible for grass-tend- will be quite content almost any NEW STORE Citrus Sherbet problems begin with flea, fly ing, and hopefully weeding, try placeyou take him, for as long or tick bites. Fortunately, there adding another job or two to as you ^re there. With advance HOURS Punch Favorite their outdoor repertoire. For a are many safe, easy-to-use planning and a minimum of powders and sprays which can starter, there's cleaning the SHOP EVENINGS A tall, shimmering drink with work on your part along the a zingy taste is the perfect rid your pets of unwanted flagstoned or cemented porch 'TIL 9 P.M. "pick-me-up" for a scorching "guests." Use them according or terrace. After a sweeping, way, you may find yourself en- to directions and be persistent to brush away loose dirt, it joying the vacation trip as much SAT. 'TIL 5:30 I summer day. As the tempera- to ture climbs upward, citrus in application. Don't forget to should be inspected for those as baby is. souveniers of cook-outs — sherbet punch brings welcome spray around the dog house or If you are planning to visit relief from the summer heat. his indoor bed, too. grease stains. These can become permanent unless promptly relatives or friends who might A colorful and refreshing addi- Summer Diet: Probably, your not have a high chair or a to tion to the buffet table on the cat or dog will want less to treated. Hose down area, sprin- kle liberally with dry washing crib, ask them to call a rental patio or at poolside, the drink eat in hot weather. If he has agency and reserve the equip- can be an entertainment high- no other signs of illness, don't tsoda and leave overnight. Next morning hose down again, scrub ment long before you plan to light or an extra-special family be disturbed by his lack of ap- arrive. If the town you plan treat. petite. Don't coax and cajole with a long-handled brush and all evidence of stains vanishes. to visit doesn't have a rental Freshly-squeezed citrus juice with special treats or snacks. agency, perhaps a neighbor is the secret that makes this Just cut down on the quantity, You'll find this same washing would be willing to loan the 189 BROADWAY, LONG BRANCH punch an outstanding summer not the quality, of his meals, soda invaluable when dealing equipment. 229-2046 treat. Bits of fresh orange and continue to feed him a nutri- with some of your own patio lemon or lime add flavor extras, tionally balanced diet of com- responsibilities. Plastic cover- as well as a sunburst of vitamin mercially prepared pet foods. ings on your outdoor furniture C. An all-.electric citrus juicer Fresh cool water is essential. often get a drab, weatherbeaten such as Braun's takes the time Change .the water in your pet's look which generally turns out and trouble out of squeezing dish several times a day. Give to be nothing more than a nice — works equally well on a large food and water dishes a thor- even coat of dulling dirt. Once orange, as it does on the tiniest ough scrubbing with hot water whisked away with a washing lime. and detergent before you fill r*t Quick and easy to prepare, them. For Lawn and this festive summer punch can Heat Exhaustion: If your pet be made in a matter of minutes always has a cool, shady place Garden Care from a few simple ingredients. to rest, he will probably weather Citrus Sherbet Punch a hot spell with no ill effects. you can't- beat a Heat exhaustion in a healthy 2 cups freshly-squeezed orange animal is usually the result of. juice an owner's carelessness — lock- BJ3RAVELY Vt cup freshly-squeezed lemon ing a dog in a tightly closed e or lime juice car or leaving him tied in the 1 pint lemon or lime sherbet yard where he cannot find 1 pint vanilla ice cream shade. Young puppies and 1 quart chilled ginger ale kittens shouldn't be encour- Combine first four ingredients aged to run and play hard in In a large mixing bowl. Beat hot weather. together until mixture is well Should your pet show signs blended. Gradually stir in chilled of heat prostration — difficulty ginger ale. Pour into tall, frost- in breathing, vomiting, weak- ed glasses and top each drink ness or agitation — call a veter- with a sprig of fresh mint. inarian immediately. t WEEK ONLY KNITS 95 SLACKS $5 BE SINGLE MINDED up to BE SINGLE MINDED.,, about clothing for sport M much u you art, about buslnws attire. The casual Jacket m •tww above h singularly wall qualified for sport wear In t/3 Off tnt season ahead, with neat plaid, crisp, cool fabric and Single-breasted modelling, it k only om of dozens cur- rtrrtry In our stocks. A single-minded Much of our racks CONVERTIBLE— Wfllyttd rewards. RIDE OR WALK Over 65 Years Hide for the lawn job?, pull one pin, convert to .AH easy-handling walking trac- tor for the steep slopes, rugged terrain, garden work. WE NOW HAVE AVAILABLE • 39 TOOLS • ALL-GEAR-DRIVE CUSTOM MADE • INSTANT CONTROL SHIRTS Hickey-Freeman DRESS $495 MONMOUTH SPORT ONLY •§ up Hart Schajfner and Marx MOWER, Inc. Botany 500 •— Palm Beach 656 HIGHWAY 35 MIDDLETOWN 24 WEST FRONT, KEYPORT, N. J. 671-1073 OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT 'TIL 9 P.M. U Harding Rd. 842-0437 Red Bank '/a Mile Sort of Fivt Comer* Pre-Schooler Can Photo Album on the Wall Learn From Trips Keeps Vacation Fun Alive I No matter how busy a vaca- route or making last-minute Your summer vacation can moments, but are also an inex- with the painted wood frames. tion trip may be, don't be too plans, he can spend precious brighten every day of the year pensive and very personal way Your photo and your room surprised if your preschooler, moments in creative play. if you create a vacation photo to decorate your room. will dictate the most appropriate • • T! weary as he is from an exciting The Research experts report 1 album on the wall of your fami- If you have a large space kind of framing, but imagina* u day, objects to going to bed that in the formative period available for wall decor, plan tion can be given free rein in- H with the cry, "But I haven't from infancy through the pre- ly-room or den. designing this casual kind of had any time to play today!" school years — when half his Reserve one wall for photo- to take many photos and select your best ones for framing. wall grouping. To a preschooler, play is im- general intelligence is reached graphs taken each year on your — it is through play that a Have your favorites btown-up If you have only a small space portant business not to be ig- family jaunt. Framed photos of to a variety of sizes, some hori- nored — even on vacations! It's child discovers his world. your trip not only record happy to work with, you might prefer zontal and some vertical, and to do a montage. The Institute not just riding a merry-go-round plan an interesting wall group or climbing the steps of a fort suggests covering corrugated around the theme of vacation- cardboard with a suitable color to look at the view. It's experi- ing, suggests the Picture and menting with shapes and forms, burlap and selecting a simple Sounds That Suit You Frame Institute. wood frame. Or, if you've taken manipulating a playtool, testing How will you have 'your ble for everyone to enjoy his •a his physical and mental skills. The way you choose to frame an auto trip, the road map i a) summer? Relaxed and leisure- own personal electronics prod- your photos will make the dif- you used can make an Unusual Here are some suggestions ly ... or swinging and action- ucts wherever he happens to mat. from Playskool Research for filled? Is this the year to catch be. ference between a merely vacations that successfully a fiesta in Mexico or sail the pleasant wall and a really excit- Then mount your photos over- combine trips with learning ex- Finger Lakes? Are you a fan It's a life style that becomes ing one. Try using a bright lapping and at interesting angles periences: of surf 'n' sun ... or is especially evident during the color mat which complements on your mat, and you'll have . —Before you go, talk about camping in the piney woods summer months when every* the colors in your room to a pictorial record of your vaca- body moves out of doors. It achieve an eye-catching effect. where you: are going, how you your thing? tion which is a guaranteed con- is parties on the patio with You can also introduce color ca will get there, what you will versation-piece for visitors. see and do, and relate some Wherever you're headed, the invigorating best of the Q whatever you're doing, chances Tijuana Brass or grooving on u of his toys to the trip.' With his wooden cars and trains, with are • you'll be taking along a the beach with The Jefferson building blocks and stand-up portable radio, record player or Airplane getting to you loud blocks and puzzles he can cassette tape player. And why and clear over a portable pho- "imagine" himself into the sit- not? This is the year of the nograph. Or it can be relaxing "personal sound" ... the year with a good book under that THINK: uations you've described. you can take along those sounds snady tree in the backyard with —Let your preschooler help that turn you on, or the sounds the sound of your favorite sym- with the packing and suggest GRADUATION/FATHER'S DAY that unwind those, keyed-up phony coming from the cassette he choose one or two of his nerves.- favorite toys', to take along. If tape player by your side. Any VACATION he feels he's helping prepare Many of today's new light- way you want it, it's the "per- for the trip he'll be a much weight 1 o w - c o s t "personal" sonal sound" that matters. more enthusiastic participant electronics products are just as than if he's suddenly uprooted portable and personally "you" with 'We're going on vaction," as your toothbrush. With them, —In addition to his favorite you can have your own sound toys, take along some that relate wherever you go, and have it to the trip: a duffel bag of in style. colored blocks or a hammernail For the trend is to turned-on Set so your preschooler can re- living for each member of the create the things he's seen; family, according to General stand-up blocks and puzzles so Electric's Consumer Electronics he.can reenact the day's activi- Division. Gone are the days ties; a counting frame for tick- when the average home featured ing off the cars, trains, dog's, one big radio that the whole or hotels he's seen. family listened to, or a single —When you're on the trip, record player that you had to plan time each day for him stay in one room to hear. New to play. While you're dressing space-age materials and solid-, and packing, deciding on the state technology make it possi-

it's the great HUSKY 77d summer NO LONG LIST OF CXTRAS TO BUY It's American Tourister against the world. One price includes: all- gear transmission and We will defend against them. scraping, knocking and kicking the cover-lift differential, six forward Th« bellboys, porters, taxi drivers, world dishes out. luggage handlers of the world. In fact:, one man we know accf- speeds, power-take-off Our cushioned handles will not • dentally backed his car over his • . . just so tmart and stylish for drive, fenders, seat cushion rfp oft when they sling us into American Tourisfer, and everything - running back stid forthJ»^.the and many other features. the baggage hold of a plane. inside was In perfect condition, beath or pool, not that wo really When, you buy a Boleps Our non-spring locks will not Sp If worse cpmes to worse, wi want you to hitta our fabulous Husky, you're buying a comr spring open when they" drop us wilt even defend against you.: • plete. fully-equipped tractor down three flights of stairs, A Husky powers over twenty- They can pile all the suitcases swimsuits five different lawn and garden they can on top of us. American attachments and serves as a Touristers are built with 9 strong stainless steel frame. And rein* that will make you • surfside complete and convenient sys- forced with fiber glass all over, t»mation. Come in and see our tem for year 'round yard care. not just ori .the corners. We will selection and be sure to look at Before you buy any com- not give In. our wonderful pact tractor, try a Bolene The sixteen different strong ma- Husky first. Then compare! terials that go into'our cases will beachbags take, all the bumpinn, scratching

Arso Available with Hydrostatic Transmission at a SKght Additional Cost Cornelius Cobb. Open Friday Settlement Evenings Route M MONMOUTH OF COLT'S NECK Dial 4624121 Opposite, Delicious Orchards MOWER, Inc. 125 BROAD ST. RED BANK Casual Clothes for Country Living Open Wed, & Fri. Nights 747-2557 656 Hwy 35, Widd'etown Free Gift Wrapping and Monagraving USE YOUR SURRAY CHARGE — EASY CHARGE — 671-1073 DINERS CLUB — AMERICAN EXPRESS — CARTE BLANCHE Tips From the Seasoned Traveler As little as a decade ago, purpose clothing for any kind erally in smaller sizes, though. tip leaves the lips glossy. A tute appropriate replacements. wives and mothers were still of excursion, but the last-minute They horde the little plastic jars quick, beautifying hotel-room Replenish what has been used, pretty much homebound and a assemblage of all her makeup and bottles which are offered facial can be achieved by apply- and check on the cleanliness trip anywhere was a definite and grooming gear is a teeth- with cosmetic samples to hold ing a thin coat of petroleum and freshness of each item. •'event" — each detail of which gritting business. their own favorite brews. And Jelly, then wringing out a wash (Eye brushes, for instance, was carefully planned perhaps they flit through the local five- cloth in hot water and pressing should not be allowed to lie weeks'in advance. Today the There is however, a Solution — based on exactly two princi- and-dime to acquire mini sizes it to the face. Remove excess caked and moldering). ladies are dashing creatures, of toothpaste, deodorant, jelly with the same cloth, splash ready to go practically any- ples: duplication and everread- The reward for your trouble iness. A few women we know mouthwash, etc. profusely with cold water, dry will be an ever-ready cosmetic where at a second's notice. gently, and your skin will look who spent more time aloft than The well set-up overnight case which can be snatched off Prosperity, the jet plane and case, then, might hold the Ba- heavenly. Used as a night a new acceptance of impulse on the ground, own an object the shelf at the moment of they refer to as the Perpetually s i c s: toothbrush, deodorant, cream, petroleum Jelly will off- take-offs have revolutionized the mouthwash, soap,' small hair* set the rigors of the day — departure — at any old time travel industry. Ready Overnight Case. The Case Q. in point is, first, small enough brush, teaser comb, smallest and rubbed into rough heels of night or day. Who ever heard to fit under an airplane seat plastic container of baby pow- and elbows, will have them soft of going to Nairobi without an What hasn't been revolution- by morning. 1 ized is packing. The new clothes and second, large enough to der, hairclips and pins, cotton eyeliner? are uncreasably slithery, but hold an emergency nightgown balls, skin freshener, eyedrops, All makeup items should also there is still an awesome and a pair of packable slippers nail file, miniature haiispray be included: Lipstick, pressed amount of paraphernalia neces- in addition to all the other gear. (plus a dab of shampoo for powder compact, eyeliner, eye* an emergency lather), laundry sary for a comfortable trip. Of course it must be sturdy shadow and eye pencil (plus and of some scrubbable mate- detergent, tiny sewing kit and the appropriate brushes for Nowhere is that paraphernalia small pair of scissors, and of more concentrated than in a rial, insuring that it will look these), a wand of mascara, un- course all your necessary pills, der-eye cream, spray perfume, cosmetic case. For most women, attractive, no matter how much bandying about it's been sub- vitamin or otherwise. make-up base and a stick a few blind swipes at her closet blusher. SPECIAL win come up with enough multi- jected to. A most ubiquitous inclusion in your travel case is the new Once assembled, the case I Inside it, have been collected plastic tote-tube of "Vaseline" should be kept up to date. Check Auto Air duplicates of every item these Petroleum Jelly. On a trip the it periodically, discarding items paragons normally use for daily new tube is a boon companion. which are no longer part of Conditioning make-up and grooming — gen- A smidge applied with a finger- your daily routine, and substi- TUNE-UP Senior Carefree, Romantic, Gypsy Look Your fashion future for lem. Permanent press garments buiid-up on your iron to cause Summer will certainly have a stay crisp, even on sweltering scorching or yellowing. touch of gypsy. Summer fash- days. They launder well in the Permanent press is any proc- ions for casual and dress wear machine and some are even ess in which fibers or garments are showing the Romany influ- specially treated to shed hard-to- are treated so that pleats don't FREE ence, flaunting bright flamboy- remove spots. Best of all, they come out, and wrinkles don't CHECKING ACCOUNTS ant prints, full fluttering sleeves require only touch-up ironing. stay in. Since every manufac- and wide legged pants, Magic sizing, sprayed on as turer has a different name for I •»• ntalnttnontt Courreges, Cardin and Chanel you iron, is ideal for use on this process, be sure to check Let WARDS factory trained endorse this carefree look, and permanent press and synthetic labels when you shop. technician* get your alr-comlf- minimum so will most women if the up- blends because it restores the riontr IN TOP OPERATING Today, in addition to being •hop* for those hot day* ahead. Mono keep is also carefree. "like new" look and body lost used in your own fashions and • Chech All Beln and Pulley* M activity For, no matter what the fash- in laundering without leaving fashions for your family, this ion trends, modern women want a starchy stiffness. So, it's per- process is also used on sheets, • Check All Hoiet to look great all summer long feet for use on permanent press pillowcases and tablecloths. • Check System for Leeds without work. children's clothing and men's With a little wise shopping, • Recharge System (Who ever saw a gypsy shirts, which are usually 65 per and the use of modern laundry with Hill COUPON struggling over an ironing cent polyester fibers, and 35 aids you can speed through Momnouth Shopping Center board?) per cent cotton. ironing and be a carefree gypsy Eotontewn Circle Uimbtr Fedtrft! l«Ntn all summer long." 1:30 A.M. 'HI 9:30 P.M. f«4«r«| Dipotll IuvrftBM Cwp. All the tea-leaves and crystal A special lubricant in sizing balls tell us that permanent makes the iron glide over the press is the answer to the prob- fabric, and since it goes into the fibers, not on, Magic sizing, unlike starch, leaves no messy When you think about a KEEP 'EM HAPPY IN boy's-girfs • •• YOUR OWN BACKYARD Summer will be full of new toy excitements for youngsters think _ of all ages. Play hours will extend into BYRNE dusk and evening hours with the most experienced a new Fire Ball, reports an travel agency in executive of a toys and novelties FOB New Jersey... since 1886. firm. This unusual ball is filled with non toxic fluorescent fluid and is made of tough see- through plastic. Toss the Fire SUMMER Ball, roll it, pitch it or kick Jos. M. By me Co. it. Glow Toss and Glow Catch T/ S should be favorite sports for Beautiful sunshine • lilted 144 BROAD STREET, all the family this summer. daysl Time for the chil- RED BANK, NEW JERSEY dren to play outdoors, the • (201) 7)41-5080 Most unusual addition to beach, picnics. Time now summer play is Water-Go- too, to come to the Youtf) Round, a turbine operated unit, Center for an outstanding powered by the gardenhose, selection of fine playwwr which will whirl Junior and his sister around in a cloud' of in a. wide price range. spray (with a sprinkler at- tachment) or give them a more sedate dry ride. When resting from the sun YOUTH and on rainy days, Spirotot and Spirograph provide hours of en- CENTER thralling fun for youngsters. Any at an unheard of one who can hold a pen can 2f). BROAD STREET instantly achieve colorful intri- RED BANK low price of cate designs of extraordinary PLUS INSTALLATION beauty with these creative art sets. • FITS MOST AMERICAN CARS "Parents will be grateful for • TOP NAME BRANDS these fun-timers when school's out and youngsters will be seek- RED BANK RADIATOR ing things to do", says Robert Radiator Rvyoln - Autt Atr-C«MHI«Mn« - Mart IV L. Steiner, vice president of 123 W. FRONT ST. 741-1177 RED PANIC Kenner Products Co., the man- ufacturuer. 8 Summer Clothing 4 8 For

4, -i' I W'' J i~r»*T

1 w 1 I

TD "SLACKS with TiOIRA' Trevfra-a unique new polyester fiber that means a cartfulof colors that refuse to fade. Little'or no ironing. A richer, fuller The 5 O'Clock Shirt from Arrow .. texture. BanRolf prevents waistband rollover, Velcro* inside Still Going Strong When adjustersassu re perfect fit. On the links oron the town, enjoy the wonderful wearing ease perfected by JAYMAR of 50% Trevira Other Shirts Have Called it a Day polyester/50% Bud-Rel* rayon. •TndiflurkNMnMdtoHyttconFilMrilrtt. I LOO •. {Buffet it t trid«mtrk ol thi 9«aRol C», |,V ARROW DECTON 65% DApRON-^35% COTTON PERMANENT PRESS Other Slacks for. Casual or Dress SHORT SLEEVE / . $PORT SHIRTS Jay mar ,. DRESS SHIRTS , - BUTTON DOWN OXFORDS ?^ Lev! nottiAnxyvir. shktootnmmr < \'

opoh wodnesolay and friday tvinings till 9 p.m.


19 BROAD STREET RED BANK 7 MIDDLETOWN-BAYSHORE EDITION -THE DAILY REGISTER, RED BANK - MIDDLETOWN, N. J.: TUESDAY, MAY 27,1969 HOUSES FOB SALE BOUSES FOB SALE HOUSES FOR SALE NOTICB- LEGAL NOTICE NOT1CK HI&H ON A HILL Tak» notice that I"/ank Petenwi NOTICE With ^weeping lawne, but-uUfuI nl^n and Chrfif Batirls trading ai Pete Take notice that Nicholas Blight, Substandard Housing Ingi, and borderias on a, forest. Su son'i HeaUurant hu applied to the trading ai S * R Market h»i applied THE BERG AGENCY perbly maintained fastd* and out C*n- Mayor and Council of the Borough o! to the Mayor tnd Council of the Bor< ter hall floor plait living room wlf Red Bank for • Plenary Retail Con- ougb of Red Bank for a plenary re- REALTORS bay window and fireplace, formal dl sumption License C-2 for premise* tail distribution D-S license for prem- Ing room, eat-In Wtfiben, paneled fam- situated at 183 Riverside Avenue, ises situated at 75 Lelghbon Ave, ily room, three bedrooms, two tiled Red Bank. Red Bank, N. J. Spur Keyport Council Action baths. Double garage. Basement. . $19,900 one-acra yard. Located within a ftv Objections, If any, should be made Objections, If any, should be made minute walk to Middletown train sti immediately In writing to Jdhn Bry Immediately In writing to John Bryan, KEYPORT — Blighted ing has resulted in a serious Cardeli Construction Co. of Stately Older Home lion. Asking $43,500. Call right awa; an, Clerk of the Borough of R Clerk of the Borough of Red Bank. Bank. (Signed) areas and substandard hous- fire. Keasby was low bidder for FRANK PETERSON, Partne: NICHOLAS BICILIANO Mint Condition HALL BROS., Realtors CHRIS BATSIB, Partner 75 Lelghton Ave., ing were the focal points of She reportedly charged that construction of the ring road I Unusual opportunity for the sharp buyer. One of our nicest 813 River Rd. 7*1-7686 F^lr Havel May 87, June 3 $7.50 Red Bank, N. J. last night's Borough Council several attempts on her part behind the borough's down- Member Multiple Listing Service ItUMSON PUBLIC NOTICE May 27, Juno 3 (7.90 I areas. Three master sized bedrooms. Huge kitchen with plenty Open 7 Days Notice Is hereby given that sealef meeting. to have the building inspector town shopping center and for of cabinets. 26' living room. Tiled bath. Dining area. En- bids will be received by the Mayoi NOTICE take action have also been blacktopping of additional LITTLE SILVER and Council o( the Borough of Bum' At the request of the Plan- closed front porch ideal for TV room. See this one today. Charming , four-bedroom Oapa Cod o: son at a regular meeting to be held Take notice that the Molly Pitcher ning Board council instructed ignored. She also allegedly parking facilities adjacent to wide lot with privacy. Close to sctural on Thursday, Jane 12, 1869 u-t 8:3< Inn, Inc., trading aa Molly Pltche said she has called substan- the borough owned park- VETS N.0 DOWN NON VETS $1,000 DOWN and tranaportatjon. Asking $2Z,700. P.M. at Memorial Borough Hal Inn has applied to the Mayor am Building Inspector Frank X. Eumaon, N. J. and opened and rea Council or Uie Borough of Red Rank dard homes, all built close ing lot. The firm's low bid STERLING THOMPSON ASBOO. In public lor the furnishing of 20.OOC for a Plenary Retail Consumption C-" Flynn to enforce immediate $33,900 REALTOR gallons more or less of regular gaso license for premises located at 88 ly emergency provisions of together, to the attention of of $97,722 was ordered held GALLERY OF HOMES line arid 10,000 gallons more or less Riverside Ave., Red Bank, New Jer- Borough Council and the fire along with other bids for fur- Brand New Colonial tfW. KlverRd. 147-0900 Rumso ot high lest gasoline. sey. the BOCA code on rundown Specifications may be obtained a. Molly Pitcher Inn, Inc. properties where a health or chief. ther study. the Borough Clerk's Office, Memorla OFFICERS V} of An Acre Plot SHREWSBURY AKKA — THIS love Borough Hall. Ruimon, N. J. durin Sydney Claman, Miami Beach, Fla., safety hazard exists. "Her remarks are most un- Council adopted an 11-rootn house, rustic, spacious, wel business hours. President fair," Mayor Strang said. ammendment to the salary Introductory offer — Choice lots- available. Four bedrooms, built, beautirully landscaped with ove Each proposal must be accompa Edith Claman, Miami Beach, Fla. Council will meet in special formal dining room, eat-in kitchen with ALL .appliances in- 140 spruces and shrubs, has sepan n\eti by a bid bond in the »um ol VICG President, Treasurer "She has never contacted ordinance appropriating $2,- l modern two-bedroom guest aparl 100 per cent or a certified check in Objections, It any, should be made session ^vith the building in- council nor has she appeared 500 for the building inspec- cluded. Paneled family room, 2 /2 baths, two-car garage. Wall- ment. $75,000. Fhone after 6 or wee the sum of not less than 10 per cent Immediately In writing to John Bryan, spector, fire inspector and ends 741-0041. of the amount bid, drawn to the or Clerk of the Borough of Red Bank. at a council meeting. tor. There were no objectors. to-wall carpeting at no extra cost. 10-year guarantee on sid- der of the Borough of ItumBon, N. J. (Signed) members of the Board of THREE-BEDROOM RANCH — Wit* as a guarantee that If the proposal MOLLY PITCHER INN, INC. "It is not fair that she An ordinance specifying ing. All city utilities. Other Models to choose from. full finished cellar. All fenced Is accepted a contract will be en- May 27, June 3 $10.00 Health for an hour before the ALL BUYERS $6,800 DOWN With sewers and everything. Call ax tered Into and performance bond fur- next council meeting to draw should go to the papers with rules and regulations for the ter 3 p.m. 787-7360. nlslied as security for the perfor- her story. We certainly don't installation of electrical wir- mance of the contract. NOTICE a further course in action. Dally 9-9 Saturday and Sunday 10-7 HIGHLANDS — Four-family aparl Take notice that the Downsea need Miss Andrade to do our ing and electrical apparatus ment, three presently occupied. Sellln, The Borough Council reserves the Beaoh Hotel, Inc. t/a The Downsea Mayor Robert J. Strang Middletown 671-1009 price $12,MH). S3.000 down, 6% lntere right to reject any or all bids. Beach Hotel, Inc. has applied to Uie job for us," he stated. was adopted without objec- on balance. Owner will assume mor! ALBERT A. KERR, JR.. Mayor and Council of the Borough berated a representative of Kage. 560-0219 after 5 p.m. . Borough Clerk. "Only last month we gave tion. May 27 48-75 of sea Bright for a Plenary Uetall Monmouth Community Ac- HOMES — FARMS — ACmBAOE Club License for premises situated MCAP {500 to send the kids Borough Attorney Michael LOCUST Hew list many rood buys-O&U LAM- NOTICE OF INTENTION at ISO Ocean Avenue, Sea Bright, tion Program Inc. (MCAP) Talte notice that Gene Bulmer En- New Jersey. to camp," Mayor Strang con- J. Barnacle was instructed to Navesink Riverfront. Breath- BON. INC., REALTORS, FREEHOLD. Objections, If any, should be made who allegedly charged bor- 482-OMO. terprise*, inc. trading as HI-Hat Bar 1 tinued, "and now they turn research ordinances for pos- taking view. Just under three haB applied to the Municipal Council Immediately In writing to Mra. Mary ough officials with negligence. KED BANK — House for sale. Aval of the Borough of Keanaburg for a Lai-son, Clerk of the Borough of Sea around and splash something sible adoption by council deal- acres of magnificent trees that able Immediately. Herbert st Ca: Plenary Retail Consumption C-5 li- Bright, N. J. Miss Joan Andrade, cense for premlaoa situated at 20 Main (Signed) MCAP field representative, is like this in the papers. I know Ing with banning the over- lend complete privacy. Four 741-5042. St., Keajisburg, N. J. ANDREW L. ZURICH, President I am going to be called down night parking on borough bedrooms, three baths. Screened LINCROFT — Three-hcdroom, 1M Objections if any, should,be made Locust Point, Locust. N. J. alleged to have said council's bath split level. 23' recreation room Immedlatoly in writing to Ha.rvey JH3AN B. ZURICH. Secretary for saying this but I don't streets of trucks with more porch overlooking the water. Quiet street. $29,900. 741-5777. Marion, Municipal Clerk of the Bor Locust Point, Locust, N. J. failure to take action with the care, ihis is the way I feel. ough or Keansburn, N. J, NORMA TBARPOCK landlord of substandard hous- than four wheels. $150,000 NEW SHREWSBURY—Three-bedroom OFFICER^ Iselln, N. J. I repeat it is an unkind and ranch on 3i& acres, prime location. John, E. Bulmer-President May 27, June 3 J10.00 Borough Welfare Director 534,900. Call 747-5180 or 747-1880. 19 Sea Breeze Ave., East Keans- unfair thing on the part of Mrs. Dorothy Casey was ap- ELLEN S. burg, N. J. LEGAL NOTICE Ann Bulmer-Vice Prostdent RUMSON PUBLIC NOTICE MCAP to say something like pointed as a borough reloca- LOTS AND ACREAGE 19 Sea Breeze Ave., East Keaus An Ordinance entitled "ORDI- this." burg, N.J. NANCE, AUTHORIZING A CON- NOTICE tion officer. HAZELTON John F. Bulmer-Secretary. Treasurer TRACT BETWEEN THE BOR- Tike notice that Prank J. Perry ntOM ONE LOT TO 100 ACWBS — 119 Cedar St., Nutlcy, N. J. OUGH OF SEA BRIGHT AND hai applied to tlie Mayor anil Coun- Either commercial or rosiaenUM. Call May 20, 27 $10-50! THE BOROUGH OP RUMSON, IN cil ol Fair Haven Borough lor a Realtor MULLAOTY REALTY. 671-5151. THJC COUNTY OP MONMOUTH, Limited Retail Distribution license for NOTICE NEW JERSEY. PROVIDING FOR premises situated at 601 River Road West River Bead Rums,on WATERFRONT LOT — Horesenecl Take notice that Eastern Associ- Fair Haven, N. J. Point, Oceanport. Excellent view AND RELATING TO THE CON- Objections, If any, should b« madt 842-3200 Owner, 776-82M. ated Innkeepers, Inc. trading STRUCTION OP SANITARY SEW- Industry Brochure as Charlie Brown II has applied to ERAGE FACILITIES AND THE Immediately In wrltlns to Eoy W. the Mayor and Council of the Borough COST AND EXPENSE THEREOF' Nelson. Clerk of Fair Haven Bor- MEMBER MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE FORCED TO SELL — Wooded of New Shrewsbury for a Plenary Re- ourb. 110'xl65' In Oakhurst. Sewers and wa. was Introduced by the Mayor and (Signed) ter. Best olfer. Call 631-2553 or tall Consumption License fof premise Council of the Borough of Rumson situated at 2202 Sycamore Ave., Nev on May 8, 1069 an! on May 22, 1969 FRANK'J. PERRY, 2998. Shrewsbury, N. J. 328 Hanc* Road, was finally adopted and approved by Fair Haven, N. J. Pact Action Scored HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE 11 ACRU LOTS — Ready to E Objections, if any, should be made the Mayor. May 27, June 3 $7.80 Builder's terms. Call CharleB Vi immediately In writing to Jerome S. ALBERT A. KERR, JR., Over. TUB BERO AGENCY, Rea! Reed, Clerk of the Borough of New Borough Clerk. MATAWAN TOWNSHIP - ing 4-3 along party lines, ap- FHA HOMES FOR SALE NEW RANOH HOME tors, Mlddlctown. 671-1000. Please cal Shrewsbury, N. J, John o. Teeter, NOTICE The "steamrolllng through" proved a contract between ONLY $19,900 1! Collect. OFFICEttS Mayor Take notice that a public Hearing- peter Delamos-President May 27 $5.:5 will be held by the Planning Board of of an Industrial Commission the Industrial Commission Housing' Counseling Service EAST KEANBBURG — 10OI11O lot. 121 Fair Haven Rd., Fair Haven, the Township of Marlboro at 8:30 p.m. This beautiful custom-built ranch Bhoreland Terrace. Quiet (ieacl on Thursday, June 5. 1969 at the Town- contract by the Township and the Plusfactor Group, street. Alklng $2,600. BMOLKO AQEN Duvld Monler—Secretary ship Hall, Highway 78, Marlboro to By Appointment Telephone home Is now nearlng completion fnr CY, 787-0123. 625 Little Silver Point Ed,, Little NOTICE Ltd., of New York City. early occupancy. Features three bed- Sliver, N. J. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING consider Uie application of Mrs. Jessie Council last week has been rooms, science kitchen, dining: room, RED BANK—Choice riverfront hulld Harold Monier-Vlce President THE ACQUISITION OP PROPER O. Duncan, Subdlrlder for preliminary denounced by four of the The firm will prepare a 645-3021. tiled bath, garage and more. Good Ing lot. Best residential area. Sewen Monmouth Hills. Highlands, N.J. TV IN THE BOROUGH OF approval of a major Subdivision on THA Properties tra offered tor ills t< location near school, etc. Financing and all utilities. Will build to suit May 20, 27 glO.50 SHREWSBURY, COUNTY OP MON- Block 63H, Lot 4 of tax map Miest 15 Democratic council candi- brochure listing available in- nualllled. purchasers without regard t< can be arranged wltti 20% down. So Call 642-4582. MOUTH, BTATH OP NEW JER- of the Township of Marlboro located W8 prospective purchaser's race, colo: hurry on this one!! NOTICE LIMITING CREDITORS SEY, AND PROVIDING FOR THE eff Tennemt Road and to consider ap- dates in the upcoming pri- dustrial sites in the township oreed or national origin. HAST KEANSBURO — Three lots TO ALL CRKDITORS AND MA* proval of a map entitled Preliminary off Hudson Ave. Call ISSUANCE OF 542,000.00 BONDS Plans for Jessie O Duncan. mary election. for inclusion in a trade maga- BUY-RITE REALTY OTHERS HAVING CLAIMS OR NOTES TO FINANCE THE Following Homes are Re 787-7760 OB DEMANDS AGAINST COST THEJIEOF JOUOK D'AOCARDI Jerome R. Kaye, Mrs. zine to be sent out this paired and Bear 6 months 787-1010 JACK NOLAN'S, INC. BE IT ORDAINED by the Borough Clerk trading as Council of the Borough of Shrews May 27 UM Marilyn D. Brenner, Joseph month. FHA Structural Warranty COMMERCIAL PROPERTY BULL, 'N BEAR bury. In the County of MonmouUi $25,000 a corporation of tho Stnte of and State of New Jersey: NOTICE F. Zambor and Lewis J, Pe- The Democratic council- Long as 30 Years to Pa/ MIDDLETOWN TWP. — Oommerc New Jersey In Dissolution. SECTION I. Take notice that Fair Liquors, inc. trillo yesterday charged May- men had objected to the'ur- WATERFRONT property along Hwr. S3 or 38. From TAKE NOTICE that pursuant to tradlni as Mayfalr LKjuors has ap- FHA Will Pay Reasonabla Ship-shape three-bedroom ranch In Sea 178' to 10 acrei MULLANBY REAL- N.J-S. 14A:12-12 VDU are hereby re- Pursuant to the applicable statutes plled^ to the Mayor and Council of the or Hans H. Froehlich with gency of the matter, noting and Customary Financing Bright. Largo living room with fire- TY 871-51111. quired to present your claims and of the State of New Jera&y there la Borough of Red Bank for a Plenary place, dining room, flagstone patio, demands against JACK NOLAN'S hereby authorized the acquisition ". Retail Distribution D-17 license for "violating the Faulkner Act, they had not seen the pro- and Closing Costs beautiful spot on river. Excellent prop- INC.. trading as Bull pn Bear, a ccr purchase or condemnation In the premises situated at S6 Bast Newman posal. The four Republicans erty for year-round living, a summer poratlon of the State of New Jersey manner provided by the law ot prop- Springs Road, Red Bank, N. J. the state law governing the 952-064055 &9 Ocean Ave., East Ke-ans. REAL ESTATE WANTED Objections, If any, should be mad* bury. $351) Down — 511,0M home, or Investment property. In Dissolution, to the corporation a* erty : township council - manager overrode the objections and LISTINGS. OF BETTOR HOMES — Crystal Brook Professional Building, BEING tha westerly portion of block Immediately In writing to John Bry- 182-052347 12 Miller SI.. Highlands. an, Clerk of the Borough of Red form of government." authorized the measure. StOO Down — 511,800 IN Keans^urg • Middletown • Haile Route 35, Eatontown, New Jersey 14, lot 18, Tax Map of the Borough Call 842-1492 Holmdel. The Smolko Agency. 7874123 07724, C/O John W. O'Mara, Eaqulre: of Shrewsbury, and measuring 470 Bank. J52-051303 Of.Washington PI., Kcana THE SWEENEY AGENCY. Realtor (Signed) - The Democrats stated the Earlier this year, Mayor burs. WOO Down — H2.5IK on or before November 30, 1969. feet, more or Ies3, on Patterson Ave- 1034 Ocean Ave. Boa Bright Said claims or demands shall be nue, and having a depth of 33G feet, OFFICERS Faulkner act provides that Froehlich had told the com- M2-O44343 03 Fulton St., Keyport. $4SC COLTS NECK-HOLMDEL more or less; for the purpose of rec- Murray Rosen. President. €0 Tower Down — 513,400 We have ready Qualified buyer*, fo presented In writing specifying the the council "shall act in all mission members, who have 362-057010 12 Michigan Ave., Port PRICE JUST REDUCED nmoutit claimed and the particulars reation and municipal buildings, all Hill Ave., Red Bank, N. J. lot list tfrlclHrt »»nrlc», eall J. D. of Ihe claim and shall be verified un together with other purposes neces Marie Rosen, Vlce-Pres., 60 Tower Monmoutli. $400 Down — A fln« five-bedroom, center hall Co- ROOHJ1, Realtor, Rt S4. y N.J.S. 14A:12-13. UIB Borough heretofore adopted un- rector Commission despite the fact citizens that Mr. Froehlich the color of Ihe wall-to-wall carpeting Sprlnga Rd., Red BanK, 747-3000. LIST WITH CONFIDENCE Dated: May lfi, 19G9 der the caption "Down Payment 60 W. Westslde Avenue, UiAt gocjt with It. Certainly not tile Arthur C, Evans, President Funil11 and/or "Capital Improvement was a member of the Charter RHtf) BANK - Half brick Colonial Our 14 professional salespeople Red Bank, N. J. the commission is appointed price at «.67,500 ; . Call today, we're nice r«adr and able to market your prop- JACK NOLAN'S, INC. Fund" and that there Is now avail- DOROTHY HARPER-aecretary, Trea- to talk to: on pretty tree-lined street. Ideal for erty successfully. a corporation of the Stale able In said appropriation the sum turcr and Director by ana responsible to the Study Commission which rec- commuters. Living room, fireplace Trade-Ins — Exchange* of New Jersey In Dissolution of 53,000.00 which said sum Is here- SO VI. Westslde Avenue, manager. ommended the present form HASSINGER & dining room, den, modern kitchen, Member Multiple Listing Service. John W. O'Mara. K*autre by appropriated as a down payment Red Bank, N. J. screened porch, Three bedrooms and WALKER A WAJLKBXR. Realtors Attorney for Jack Nolan's, for the purposes described in Section May 27. June 3 JIO.00 The action came last Mon- of government," the candi- SLAZEBROOK heated aunporch. Two full baths. De- Shrewsbury Holmdel Inn., In Dissolution I hereof. tached two-car garage. Principals on- Crvstal Brook Prof. Bldg. day night as the council, vot- dates declared. • REALTORS- ly. 532,000. 747-0395. 741-5212 671-331 (b) That the estimated maximum NOTICE 106 E. River Rd. Highway 35 amount of Bonds or Notes to \)e Is- Take notice that Clearvlew Liquor COLTS NECK AREA Eatontown, N. J. 07724 sued by the Borough for the afore Inc., trading as Clearvlew Liquor has 842-5880 BELFORt) CAPE—"Steal of 1969", May 20, 27, June 3 139.75 said purposes describe* In Beotlon I applied to the Mayor and council of Pour toodrooma, family sire kitchen, We havs customers watting for 4 an* the Borough of New Shrewsbury, N.J. 18' living room, full basement, 5-bedroom Colonials and 3 and 4- hereof Is $42,000.00. INVITATION TO BID (c> That the Estimated maximum for a Plenary Retadl Distribution Li' RUMSON breezeway and over-sited two-car ga- bedroom ranchers, priced between Tne Highlands Board of Education cense for premises situated at d60 rage. 5*4% mortgage available or 145,000 and 105.000. Members of 3 amount to be raised from all sources Middletown to Seek will receive sealed bids for furnish- Shrewsbury Ave., In the Borough of $27,500 FHA only $1000 down. $10,900. THE Multiple LHUntrs. ILLMENSEE AGEN- 1 by Uie Borough for the purposes ing tne following mippUen . stated In Section I hereof li $45,- New Shrewsbury, N. J- This Colonial la a new .latins, Living K1RWAN CO., Realtors, Campbells CY, Realtor, at. 34. ColU Neck. 462- OFFIOBES AND STOCKHOLDERS l»om.with brick fireplace, formal dln- Junction, Belrord. Call fast. 787-5500. 3172. Oldest Agency In Colts Neck. One-half Pints Homogenized Vita- 000.00. min D. Milk in cartons delivered to SECTION IV. John F. Sharpe, President, lns room, den, plus three bedrooms tho Highlands Public School. Tr.e Buttermilk Bridge Rd and full buement. Sea It today. MIDDLETOWN — Completely remod- PLANNING TO SELL priced In this bid shall be at the That there Is hereby authorized the Asbury. N. J. Septic Waste Dumps eled two-bedroom cottage with mod- margin a bidder will require above .nsuance Of negotiable Bonds of the Delia Sharpe, Secretary, mi kitchen, dining room and pa ti- Borough of Shrewsbury In an aggre- PAUL BRASAR YOUR HOME? the Class 1 price announced monthly gate principal amount ol not exceed- Bultermllk Bridge Rd. MIDDLETOWN - Commit- 1 lled living room. Quiet residential Why not let ono of our trained pro- by the Federal Market Administra- Asbury, N. J. "In preliminary discussions REALTOR area. NDar Hwy. 36. Asking 515,600. tor for the arna In which the milk ing S42.O00.00 for the purpose of fi- teeman Ernest G, Kavalek TJ4 Broad St, Shrowjbury T47-O3S1 Call 7B70841 or 787-7909, evenings or fessionals explain, our proven «al nancing the coat of tha Improvement Charles Sharpe, Vice President, with Mr. Irwin (Freeholder agreement plan with you? Is to be delivered. The margin must deHcribed In Section I hereof, exclu- Juniper Lane, weekends. Member of Multiple Listing rovfir the bidder's cents above the Eatontown, N. J. will call upon the Township Director Joseph C. Irwin) I COLTS NECK Class I milk price. Bids shall be sive of nald down payment, pursuant FIVE-MO NTH-OLD CUSTOM COLO- PAUL BRA GAB, RH3ALTOH to Ihe Local Bond Law, constituting Objections, If any, should be made Committee tonight to seek a have been assured ol com- Fsur-toeilxoom, 2',i-baUi Oolcwilat In €X Shrewihury 7*7-0221 plainly marked "MILK BIDS". Chanter 2 of Title 40A of the Re- Immediately In writing to Jerome 8. csltont condition, oil Ured baseboard NIAL — Four largo bed room n, 2',i meeting with the county free- bathn, breakfast room, paneled fam- BKfALL LOT — Or ranch-style houia Bread Supplies nnii Ice Cream vised Statutes of New Jersey. The Reed, clerk of the Borough of New plete cooperation of the free- heating plant Fireplaces In kitchen Products: for the raifltprU; ... __ form, maturities, and other detail* at Shrewsbury. and living room. One acre professional- ily room. Separate (itudy. Laundry In Rumnon. Call after S p.m., 7A7> holders and the Planning holders. room, dark room. Centra! all' condi- O46B. specifications are available at the of- aald Bonds shall ba determined by OLBARVIEW LIQUOR INC. ly lftnrtnraived lot, Priced to sell at fice of the secretary in the High- subsequent resolution adopted pursu- 980 Shrewsbury Avenue, Board to discuss possi- «8,000. ILLMENSEE3 AGENCY, Rt-al tioning. Carpeting. Thousands of ex- tras. M acre treed lot. New Shrews- lands Public School. Those supplies ant lo law. New Shrewsbury. N. J. "I have also discussed the tore, Rt. 3<, Colta Neck. 462-3172. Old ihall be for the 1869-70 school year. SECTION V. , „ May 27, June 3 Jis.oo ble sites for the dumping of «»t Agency In Colta Nock. bury. Bus to all schools. $52,000. 542- LEGAt NOTICE matter with Dr. Krohn (town- 8402. The outside of the bid shall be plain- septic waste. marked with the typo or bid en- That pending Ihe Issuance of the NOTICE TO SUPPLIERS ship health officer Dr. Marc HIOH AND HANDSOMS — Excep- RIVBRSIDBJ HEIQHTS MIDDLE- NOTICE closed. serial bemds authorized In Sccllon IV The Red Bank Board of Education tional three-bed room, two-bath Ranch Notlco la hereby given of a ipecla hereof there IB hereby authorized the will receive sealed BID3 for Uie fur- "Both the freeholders and Modern. Excellent condition. Large TOWN — River rights. Three-bed- meeting or the Planning Board of the All bids shall be received prior \o Krohn) and Mayor Foulks room Colonial split. Two baths, fam- 4:00 P.M. prevailing tlmfl on or bfl- Issuance of bond anticipation notes ot nishing of Fuel oil #2, only for Ihe beautifully landscaped plot. Living ily rbom, basement. Fr&srAy decor- Borough of New Shrewsbury, to be thB Borough ol Shrewsbury In an »g* school year 1W9-J0 until 4:00 P.M. Planning Board have conduct- (Mayor Harold H. Foulks) room,' dining • room, Wtchen-famlly held on Wednesday, June i, at 8:30 fore June 4, 1969 In the ofNce of tho grogate principal amount of not ex- on June 9. 1969, and will lnudedlately 1 ated, Wall-to-wall carpeting. Large, secretary at the Highlands Public ed studies on the necessity and they couldn't agree more room' combination. Three-car Karaite, secluded, fenced back yard. Extras. p.m. sharp. ceeding- $42,000.00, pursuant to the Lo- proceed to unseal the same In the Complete privacy. Ono or our b&tter KENNETH HILTBRUNNBR School and will be publicly opened cal Bon.1 Law, constituting Chapter 2 presence of the parlies bidding or orrcringa at $55,»oo. s. A. ARM 741-3078. and read thereafter In tho presence and feasibility of regionalized on the sugestion," Mr. Kav- Chairman of tho parties bidding or their agents of Title 40A of the Revised Statutes their agents, if such parties choose STRONG AGENCY, Realtor, 555 Proa HA8LET—7*4 rooms air conditioner!. 27 ?2.00 If such parties desire to be there and of New Jersey. The rorm, maturities to be then and there present, In the waste disposal," Mr. Kava- alek indicated. pect Ave,K Little Silver. 741-4600. Three-four bedrooms, living room and other details of said notes anail office- of the Secretary, 76 Branch with fireplace, eat-In kitchen, play tht>n present. he determined by subsequent resolu- Avenue, Red Bank, New Jersey. lek said. "And I feel we FOR THE SCARLET O'HARA OF room, 1 VA batha. Attached garage, The hoard reserves the right to re- tion adopted pursuant to law. Bids must be accompanied by • should be apprised of the con- TODAY Vlow of the famous Shrewi foct any or all bids In whole or in 1 i block to school, ono blocli to SECTION vr. certllled check drawn to the order of bury River . Beamed celllnff In living bun. Loaded with extras. $25,000. Call inrt and to waive any Informalities the Board of Education for Two Hun- clusions of these studies that Fraud Intent room, .large bedrooms, and forrtin 787-9480. concerning name where such Informal- It Is hereby determined ana de- dred Dollars ($200.00). dining room, loads of storago apace. ities are not detrimental to the nest clared by this Council as follow*: The Board reserves the right ta re- will possibly solve our prob- A luxurious ft I Hum house, and wltli FAIR HAVEN — Under construction Interest of the board. (al That tho bonds or notes Issued Jeol any and all bids, award bids in lem." i fireplace. Full price $28,000. WALK' two atory house. Four bedrooms, 2H By order of the Board of Eriuca- pursuant to this Ordinance ahall bear whole or part and waive Immaterial Plea Given KR * WALKER. Ueattorn. Holmdel baths, paneled den with fireplace. Ion of the Borough of Highlands. Interest at the rate or rate* not ex- informalities If deemed lo Uie Board'! JUlddletawn, 471*3311. 'Multiplo Listings Hot nlr beat and air conditioning. (Mrs.) EMILY A. JOHNSON, ceeding 6ri per annum. Mr. Kavalek was' referring 741-0516. (b) That the period of usefulness advantage to do so. FREEHOLD - William H. and Trade-ins. Bend for Catalog. t>r the improvements described In Sec- DATED: May 27, 1069 to the dumping of sep- REDUCED $2000 TO SETTLE ES- May 2T lion I hereof for which the oblige- 8ALVATORE F. GIOVENCO Jenkins, 16 Middlesex Drive, TWO-BEDROOM RANCH — Living TATE] — Fully furnished two-bedroom Ions authorized in this Ordinance are Secretary tic wastes at a Rt. 36 site room, dining room, kitchen, two-cm home on heautlful corner lot. A real NOTirE May 27 |«.oo Cliifwood Beach, pleaded garage- 100x100 lot. Pull bascmont dream. $12,900.' THE KIRWAN CO., Take notice that Flrnt , fce issupd Is 40 years. in the hills between Atlantic guilty yesterday to charges of utility ' storage building. Aluminum Realtors, Hwy. 3ft, West Kcansburff. Stored Inc. has applied to ihe Mayor (c i That the in p pic mental debt NOTICE Highlands and Highlands. •IdInf. - Excellent condition. 517,600 787-G6OO. and Council of tho Borough nf Red utatement required by Section 40A:2- Take notice that The Liquor Clos- renting a car from Avis conventional, principals only. 787-2487 Rank for a Plenary Retail Distribu- 10 of the Revised Statutes was, prior et, Inc. trading as The Liquor Closet MIDDLETOWN — APPLE BROOK— tion license B-3 for promises situated to the passage or thla Ordinance on has applied to the Mayor and Council Area septic tank cleaners Rent - A - Car in Matawan Three bedroom*, VA baths. Jalousie it 382 Broad St.. Red Bank, N. J. first reading, duly made and filed in of the Borough or Red Rank for a have been barred from a Township with intent to de- HOUSES FOR SALE porch. Dead-end street. Landscaped Objections, If *ny. should be made the Office of the Borough Clerk, and Plenary Retail Distribution D-ll 11. lot with privacy. Assumo 8^4 To mort- Immediately in writing to John Bry- Bald supplemental debt statement cense for premises situated al long-used Colts Neck dump- fraud. gage. $31,500. 671-0528. an. Clerk of the Borough of Red shown that tho gross debt of said 143 Broad St.. Red Bank. N. J. Borough as defined In Section 40A:2- Objections, If any, should be made ing site since the site was Jenkins is charged with FOR REAL SERVICE THEE SHADED COLONIAL HOME— 43 of the Revised Statute! Is In- Oversized bedrooms, full basement, OFFICERS OF FIItST NATIONAL creased by this Ordinance In the sum Immediately In writing to John Bry- closed almost two weeks ago. failing to return a rented car IN REAL ESTATE formal dining room. FHA, VA [Inane- STORES INC. of $42 000.00, and that the Issuance an, Clerk of the Borough of Red IB Ing avallahle- Only $22,000. KIRWAN 5 Middlesex Avr., Soniervlllc, MUKH. of the obligation authorized h? thti Bank, N. J. "Our biggest problem is to from Shore Rentals, Inc., Rt. Consult a CO.. Realtors. 842-4350. Chairman of Board, Adrian o'Keerfe, Ordinance will be within all debt lim- OFFICERS "Everything went wrong todlaya . 1415 Commonwealth Ave,, W. New- itations contained in the Local Bond Harold F. Mangarelll, Sr.— President find an agreeable site for 34, Matawan Township, May Member of IAKHURST — Six rooms, lft baths, All the bargain! I taw in Ths D ton, Mass. 108 West Blue Avenue. Red Bsnk, cellar, garage. Attractive wooded , , 'all, ,,y 'resident, Hllllard J. Coan, ifllO Me- N. J. everyone concerned," the for- 19, 1968. Red Bank Area plot. Extras. Mid $2D's. 222-8333, (Register want ads — wero soldi morial Drive, Cambridge, Mass. SECTION Vir. Jeremiah J. Wilterscheln—Vice Pns- County Court Judge Pat- Exec. Vice Pres., Alan L. Haberman, That the total amount of th# pro- Ident, Treasurer mer mayor said. MLS 12 Garland IW., Concord, Mnss. ceed* of the obligations authorized by 108 West Lake Shore Drive. Middle- p> rick J. McGann Jr. accepted HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE Vice Prea. A Sec. William A. Ityan, thla Ordinance which may be expend- town, N. J. "Lets face it, 'ne contin- B8 Cary Ave., MlUon, Mass. ed tor Interest on men obligation*, Joseph J. McFadden-Sscretary ued, "the person whose back- the plea and set July 10 lor Vice Prc.i., Jr>hn W. MacNell, 42 Hilt engineering;, and Inspection costs, 256 River Rosd. Red Bsnk. N. J. sentencing. Top Rd., Wciton. Mass, and legal expensed. In the manner miAnn OF DIRECTORS yard is near the site isn't go- Vice Pren.. Richard M. O'Kerffe, 116 provided In Section 40A:2-20 of the Harold F. Mangirelll. Sr. Assistant County Prosecu- Cherry Brook Rd., Weaton. Maim. Revised Statutes li not exceeding $4,- 108 West Side Avenue. Red Bank. ing to be satisfied. So in view PROUD OWNERS — havt kept Ihli horns Immaculate. Ice Pres., William R- Powers, IT, 50ft. 00. N. J. of this urgent situation we tor John A. PetUlo presented Three bedrooms, lVi baths, fieoaratft paneled an-,, boie- 2 Fuller Brook TM.. Wellciley, SECTION VHI. Jeremiah J. Wltlerscheln the state's case. Benedict Ni- Mortgage ment, oaraoe. S3A% mortaage is osiumabls. $26,900 MBM. The full faith and credit of th»- Bor- 106 Lake Shore Drive. Middleman. have got to settle with all ur- Vine Pres.. Peter C. Qulnn, 20 Dover utrh of Shrewsbury is Hereby N. J. gency on an agreeable site," cosia of Red Bank represent- Terrace, Wcslwood, Mas*. >lcdjrr1 for the payment of the prln- Joseph J. WcFauden ed Jenkins. Trensurer, William A. Fcrrara, 00 Ipal nnil Interest on all of the bonds 366 River Koad, lied Bank, N. J. Mr. Kavalek does not ap- Many DRAPPERIES — carpBllna — clalhei dryer — all In- Meredith Circle. Milton, Mass. r»r notes Issued pursuant to this Ordi- May 27, June 3 119.50 Controller, Robert B. McCann, 15 nance, nnd Ihe sum required for luch cluded In this Impecoble 3 bedroom. lVi baih ranch payment "hall in each year while any NOTICE OF INTENTION prove of Die current site but Extras hame. Perfect location, excellent condition. $31,900 Locke St.. Amlover, Mniw. Man Arrested milECTOIM OF FIRST NATIONAL if snld bonds or note* are outfltand- Nollce Is hereby given thai the May- admits the Board of Health nff be Included in the annual budftct 1 and Council of the Borough of New HTORF.S INC. ,nd ralsett by tax without limitation Shrewsbury in the County of Mon- is faced with a problem in 5 Mlddlrsrx Ave, Somervlllr, MBIS. in to rate or amount upon all the moutli and Slate of New Jersey In. On Drug Count Expand- ROOM FOR EVERYONE - In this expandabli 3 bed- Hlllarfl J. conn taxable property within the Borough. tends to apply tn the Legislature of finding a substitute. room, l'/i bath home. Wall to wall carpeting. Everything 1010 Memorial Drive, able $29,000 Cambridge, Mam. SECTION IX. the Stale of New Jersey for th« In- "I feel we should start dis- UNION BEACH-Troopers li In excellent condition. Basement and oarage. MnuHce T. Freeman This Ordinance shall take effect 20 troduction and passage of a special from the Keyport State Police 11 Loretia Road. days after the first publication there- aw relating to the Internal arfalrs of cussions as early as possi- of after final passage pursuant to law. t,xld Borough pursuant lo Article IV, Barracks yesterday arrested Wincheater, Haw. lection VII, Paragraph 10 of the Con- ble," the committeeman said, John E. Lawrence rUFIMC NOTICE illlutlon of New Jersey, and me "and include in our discus- George Dugdale, 23, of Ber- NEW AND RESALE—OVEIt 400 HOMES $20,000 TO $125,000 Wlnthrop St., TBLin NOTICE 19 HEREBY iiatulcs In such case made and pro- genfield for possession of nar- South Ha"mtlton, Mast. GIVEN (hat the above Ordinance was dded, A bill for that purpose will be sions representatives from John F- Lehor • duly adopted on first reading by the Introduced as soon as possible, but cotics. 105 Went Fourth Street. Borough Council of the Borough or not earlier than one week following other municipalities who care Cincinnati. Ohio Shrewsbury. County of Monmouth. the publication of this notice. Trooper Morris Vitulano John L. MacN«H .nd State of New Jersey, on the 11th The general object ot the bill to be to take part. I add other mu- stopped the man for a motor 75 Water Street, lay of May, 1069. and that said Ordl- Introduced Is to authorize the govern- nicipalities because I feel Marlon, Masiachusetts. tance will ba considered for final ing body of the Borough of New vehicle violation on Rt. 36, Edward A. Mcrkle idnptlon at a meeting of ial