CROCODILES ho.€cdhgt of th. 10fh Wo*irg MeetlDg ol thc CrocodiL SpectelfutGrouP of thc Sp.ci6 Sur! iYsl Commisslor oaIUCN ' Th. world CoE .rvsdor Udlo! corver€d crin.5vtflc, trlorid& U.s.A- 23 to 27 APril 190 VoluD.l (Un dit d.ndU'Fi.Ed) ruCN - T!. wod.l Cd!.t{tion Uniod A@e d! M6t BLnc, Cll-1194 GL!4 $viEcrl.ld Covcrphoro: Adutt hal. Ah€ nc^n a\igato\ AtUgdt tu|lwp4i?trff, b€ dinq. UIcnturc ciratios rhoutdE.d s iolM: tirr.] pp lAfticL lnumbcEl. /, cqo<rira. pqc.dins, orrhc roth wo.&jnsMeri.gorrnc slcciatirt!"*gl ]* cro.od,r. Goup, IUCI{ - Thc wortd Con$Mtio. u.i.n, crand, swirzcrtand.ur.-. ,. ,Sg;n,{arr;rti. _ * * p. Cl@d'|. SF.'alisrcrcup. 1990,
[email protected]. pMccdi. ruqN_rh.wofrdcoem,."u",",..;,;;,;";,"fi.",jfi:ii:;fJ"#;?:,'li""T;1;"*'*o..0, (c) 1990IUCN - Iorc@domt Unio. fo. thc Coeeiio, of Natue ad Natuml RceuG R.p.odudion of $is lubtidiior aor cd@tioMt and ot ,h€cop,,ish,hoder,
[email protected],n".."-.o"nu",",0:":H;l;il:ilJffi;"J;:,':ffi'fjif"il:,:"'-- Reploductionfo. Get. or orh.t conncrcial purpo*s is pbhibitcd without?rior rirren pcmi$ion of rhc coplr,Chtholdcr, ISBN2S32?{)022_1 Publishcdb). IUCN/SSCcrocodirc Spc.i.lirr coup TABLE OF CONTENTS YOLIME 1 FOR.EWORD SUMMARY OF MEETINC LIST OF PARTICIPANTS Pr€s€rbtions Austi4 Hard€t B. An inv€stigatior of the ontogenyof the Mulleria! duct regressoras wel as the sensitiv€p€riod io the alligator. Bebra, O. Sex ratio ofA.fricar d*arf crocodiles(Osteola€nrus tetaspit) Cop'',18tr1) exploited for 3 Beh,r4 O.