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The World Conservation Union CROCODILES ho.€cdhgt of th. 10fh Wo*irg MeetlDg ol thc CrocodiL SpectelfutGrouP of thc Sp.ci6 Sur! iYsl Commisslor oaIUCN ' Th. world CoE .rvsdor Udlo! corver€d crin.5vtflc, trlorid& U.s.A- 23 to 27 APril 190 VoluD.l (Un dit d.ndU'Fi.Ed) ruCN - T!. wod.l Cd!.t{tion Uniod A@e d! M6t BLnc, Cll-1194 GL!4 $viEcrl.ld Covcrphoro: Adutt hal. Ah€ nc^n a\igato\ AtUgdt tu|lwp4i?trff, b€ dinq. UIcnturc ciratios rhoutdE.d s iolM: tirr.] pp lAfticL lnumbcEl. /, cqo<rira. pqc.dins, orrhc roth wo.&jnsMeri.gorrnc slcciatirt!"*gl ]* cro.od,r. Goup, IUCI{ - Thc wortd Con$Mtio. u.i.n, crand, swirzcrtand.ur.-. ,. ,Sg;n,{arr;rti. _ * * p. Cl@d'|. SF.'alisrcrcup. 1990,[email protected]. pMccdi. ruqN_rh.wofrdcoem,."u",",..;,;;,;";,"fi.",jfi:ii:;fJ"#;?:,'li""T;1;"*'*o..0, (c) 1990IUCN - Iorc@domt Unio. fo. thc Coeeiio, of Natue ad Natuml RceuG R.p.odudion of $is lubtidiior aor cd@tioMt and ot ,h€cop,,ish,hoder,[email protected],n".."-.o"nu",",0:":H;l;il:ilJffi;"J;:,':ffi'fjif"il:,:"'-- Reploductionfo. Get. or orh.t conncrcial purpo*s is pbhibitcd without?rior rirren pcmi$ion of rhc coplr,Chtholdcr, ISBN2S32?{)022_1 Publishcdb). IUCN/SSCcrocodirc Spc.i.lirr coup TABLE OF CONTENTS YOLIME 1 FOR.EWORD SUMMARY OF MEETINC LIST OF PARTICIPANTS Pr€s€rbtions Austi4 Hard€t B. An inv€stigatior of the ontogenyof the Mulleria! duct regressoras wel as the sensitiv€p€riod io the alligator. Bebra, O. Sex ratio ofA.fricar d*arf crocodiles(Osteola€nrus tetaspit) Cop'',18tr1) exploited for 3 Beh,r4 O. Impact oflegal prot€ction ofcrocodiles h Madagascar. 6 Borath, ICH., R.D. Hdler, J. Eonath and D. Al'lelar& Tiletamhe-Zolacepam-Ac€promzzhe Aaesthesiaia CrocodJ,tzr,t r'rotic6 with regard to the respiratory and cardiovascularsysteE. ............ Bonath, Kfi., R-D. Haler, J. BoMth and D. Adelarg. The inlluence of Gallamine on inmobilizatiotr, c-ardiovascdarand r€spiratory paradetets of CtucodyhrsnilotictLt. .................,..,,..,1i Brisbin Jr., l€br I, CJarkD. Mccr€€dy, Howard S. Zppler and Mark A. Statod. E{etrded maht'in,nce ofAmeric.n aligatorson a dry formulatedmtion. ........................................................16 Carbomeau, DwaytreA., and Robelt H. Chabred. Population sizr, composition and recruiuneat ofAmericaa alligators in ft€,shwatermarsh, ..............................................,.,32 Carrilo-Garc4 Alejatr&o. Summaryof Venezuela'srew law or comm€rcial trading in wildtife Che4 Bihui. PreliEinarystudies on the homerange of ChiDesealigator. ..............................................43 Ch€n, Bihui WaDgChaolin aad Lian Baodorg Obseri.atiouon the burrow of Chinese 47 Davi4 Dennis N. Su dary of aligator farming records in Florida. 54 Fucbs,Kad-Heinz, Dietrich Jelden ard Heilz Wermuth. Or the po$ibility ofa new und€scribed Gameq I. Grorvth cuves for th€ Nile oocoalile as estimatedby skeletochroDolog. Genolagaai,John-Mark G., ard JM. Wildot. Statusof cro$dile populations in PapuaNew Guircar1981- 1988. 122 Genolagani Jobn-Ma* G., and J.M. Wilnot. Stat\s of Ctocodyluspdosus rld C. noracguineae populaliotrsh PapuaNew Guin€a-l98l- 190. ............ ............-----------.... 151 Gorzul4 Stefa., arrdEdgd Usechi. Sone new bformatrotr or the V€nezuelan Cutierrcz-ElJuri Sad Elias. Utilizationof tbe nusculatureof the spectaclec ltnan (Caiman crocod'r6) asa food resource;its proc€ssiDg. 1A Hailq Tadoss€. The ncthod of crocodile hatching adopted in AIba Minch cro@dile farm, Hair€! David B., m. The American alligator: Dollars atrd s€Ds€..................... 180 Hircs, Tommy. Ar updated report on aligator managementand value-addedconseri?tion ln Hotregger,Rerc E, atrd R. Howard Hutrt. Brcediry crocodilesin zool ical gardensout6ide the q)eciesnnge, with some data on thc general sihratiod in European zoog 19g9. ..............................2m Hor4 Lindsey J., Mike J€nrirys a.ndAmold Brunelli. Mercury contaminatiod of Florida alligators.............. 229 Hunt, R. Howard. A surreillancemethod for donitoringalligator n€sts. ...............................................241 Jelde4 Dietrich- Appropriate solutioN for lhe uninterupted marking of crocoditi.n\ the; sldls Joane4Te4 ad I-ary McNease.Alligator farm designin Iruisiana. ,,....................,...............--...........26A Joalen, Te4 Larry McNeaseatrd Don Ashley. koduction volume and tretrdsin the USA. ...............n6 Kerchcvat David R., an-d Perry Little. Comparativegro*th lates of young aligators utilizing ratio* of plantand/or aninal origins. ....................... ..................................2j6 Ki[g F. Waytre,Mario Espinal and Carlos A. Cerlato, Distribution aod statu.sof tho Crocodiliansof Honduras ......................................3r3 FORSWORD Thc tro volumcsof thb PRoCEBDINGSarc a rc.ord of thc p.escotatiolsand discursio8 that occrErcd at tho 10thWorkiDg Mc€tiry of thc C.ocodilcSpc.ia.list Group in cairc.lila, Florida,U,SA- A - n April 190. Tt Earus.ripts arc ulrcvi€w€dard uedircd Thc CSGPRocEEUNGq by dc6aition,are rccordsof wbat occurrcdat th€ mc€tiD& Thcy arc not tome.sfillcd with anicla3tiat *€te .ritiquc4 cdit€4.evfuc4 ard polfuhedsubscqu€dt !o thc hc!ti!& Ap€d ftoE p.Epari[ga tablc of cootent3,cut- and-pastirg captio8 to figurcs, compilirg tbc aniclcaalpbabcticaly by author,aad nonbcriag thc pagcacorsccutilE , thc paFr3 arc publishcdju6t tf,c way thcywcrc suboitted For ihis rcasoD,thcy apFar iD a vathty of forEataard typcfaca JaocsPcna! Ro65l,16 thc natragingcditor. The opitrio8 erprEsscdhcroin arc tho6cof thr iDdifiual aurho.satrd arc sot thc opinio8 of ruCN - Th. World Cors.fl/atio Urd,o4or iti SpccicsSuvival ConDissio!" rucl.I - Thc World Co..crvrtio! Udiotr was four&d ir 19€ and ha6 its headquartc$in Glar4 Swiecda!4 it L a! indcpc!&nt idtcdatiorrl body*hosc EcEbcrship coEpris€sstatar (irrcsp€ctive of tl|Gn pot&al ad social systces),gorcraDeat &p.rtmertq and prir"tc itrstitutiona,a8 srl as i*cmatioml orgaaizatioos.It rcFcrcnB tho6ceho arc co8cmcd about Ea!'s oodificatioo of thc lat|tral c[vi.olDcrt tbroush thc rapidity of u6aa and industrial dr@lopncrt ard the crccssiw cqloitatiol of thc carti's lat|tral rcloorca!, upol rriich rcst thc foudatiom of his suwival ruCNs Eair pu.po6cis to p.oDotc or supportaction wiich *i[ eDaorcthe pcrpctuationof *ild raturc atrd naturalrcsoorccs on a rorld.*idc b6sir,not ody fo. thcir inhrsic o tural or scielti6c vElue,sbut also for thc long-tern e@trodicad socialwclfarc of oantiod. Thir obicdiw ca! bc achicvrd tbtough activc corscrvationFograEs for thc *isc usc of natural t6orEcca itr arcarwhcrc thc llora and faunr arc of paiiculrr iEFrtarcc andwtcrc thc lrndsaapc;s raFaialy bcaudnl or stdldDg or ol hfuorical o turai, o. scieodficsignificancc, ruGj beli€vesthat ic aid6 ca! bc achilvrd d6t cficdively by i[ternatioml effort ilr cooperatiotrwith other i €f,latiotral agcrcic6rsuc! as UNESCO,FAO, ard IJNEP, and internatiodalorganizatioo!, 6uc[ a! World lvidc Fundfo. Natut€(WWD. Thc nisioo of ruclPs sFcies suwival connission (SSC)i! to prcvc the erifttiod of specics, subspccics,aud dis.rctc populatioDsof faura ald tlorr, therebyEaintainiDg thc gemric diversityof the liviag rcsourccsof tic plancr To carry out it3 mi$ioD, thc SsC rcli6 on a nctsork of ov€i 2,500 rclurlc.r Fofcssioralswdtirg throughoo.c tlan $ SpccialistG.ouF ard a hrgp numberof affiliate cgmizatio|ts, rcgioral rcprcs€ ativEi,,nd con6ultaitarrcaftcrcn tbrouSh rcarv evcrycounay of the mrld. SIJMMARYOF THE MEETING The 10th Working Meeting of tt€ IUCN/SSC Crocodile Sp€cialistcroup was bosted by t_he Florida Mus€um of Natual History Florida Game and Frash Water Fish Commission,Florida Coop€rativeFish atrd Wildlif€ ResearchUtrit, Americar Alligator Farmers Associatio., St. Awustine Affgator Farn, Florida Altator Farmers Associatioq atrd Florida Alligator Trappqs Association. The local committer, headedby Prol F. wayne Kitrg worked with great dedication to make the arraDgcEedlsatrd elsure the smooth ru[dry of the m€€ting. The mcetiDgtook place betweenApril I ad April z/ at the Holiday Intr lvest, cainesvillq Florida U.SJq" This Working Meetiog of the Specialistcroup was by far the largEst'rt held with over 320 participants froIn 40 coutries attending. A total of 80 paperswffe scheduledfoi pr€s€ntationand four c,orkhops conven€dor specialissues. Si*een additional pap€rslvere propos€d for inclusiotr iu the proc€edirys although thcy were not presedtedat thc me€ting A total of 53 manuscdptsand oae workhop report w€re r€ceivedby the sditor iD time for hclusion in these publshed pro<redings. S€ssioDsof pap€rswere pleseotedon The Statusof Crocodilia$, Crocodilian Maa€eEe , FarEing and Ranchin& ard oo Research. Noteworthy *?s the very high stadard of presentatiors and the very broad raryc of topiqs and participants. Researchels,conservationists, farmers a.!d raachers, ma.nagemertauthoriti€s, ard leather tatrrcrs and traders all exchaagedviews ard discussedtheir corcerns. Thb dil€rsity is roflecled b thesepublished proc€ediDgs. Workshops on the Actiod plan for Crocodiliaa conservatio4 InternatioDalTrade in Crocodilia.nproducfs, a booklet and directory of farming nethods ad operations,and a Model Crocodilian ManageEeot Progam were heavily atteuded The Working Meeting has evolvedfrom a restricted group of specialsts coDcemedabout coDserrationto a comprehensiveforum for the exctalge of iElornatiotr tlat wil tnake conservation a.odsustainablc use of crocodilbDs a reality. Folowing the ir the CSc Newsleuer,Volume 8, Oct - Dec 1989, pp. 1-4, the Vic€ C[airEer atrd deputy Vice Chairmen are respoDsiblefor keeping the nenbership atrd public hforoed of CSG d€cisio[s and activities. As a
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