Great Hall Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology Kumasi, Ghana 1964
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Lamoureux and Marin Collection Marin and Lamoureux Lamoureux and Marin Collection Marin and Lamoureux Lamoureux and Marin Collection Marin and Lamoureux Private Collection Private Laurent d’Ersu Laurent Private Collection Private Lamoureux and Marin Collection Marin and Lamoureux Private Collection Private Peer Gerlach Collection Gerlach Peer , 2.12.2004 2.12.2004 , Le Croix Le Photo guide and plan and guide Photo Photo Photograph of site model site of Photograph Photographs: 1970 Photographs: Sketches by Heinz Fenchel (11) Fenchel Heinz by Sketches Photographs (4) Photographs Master Plan Master Film by Max Gerlach 1968, 3min 1968, Gerlach Max by Film Radio Television Ivoirien Television Radio Postcards:1965, 1970, 2010 1970, Postcards:1965, ink on paper on ink Book Photographs (10) Photographs Drawing for mural by Ousmane Faye Faye Ousmane by mural for Drawing Video, 9.11.2004, 3 min 3 9.11.2004, Video, First day covers: 1966, 1969, 1983 1969, 1966, covers: day First Site plan and floor plans (2) plans floor and plan Site twenty demonstrators. demonstrators. twenty sophical writings. sophical African Riviera was not realized. not was Riviera African tower of Hôtel Ivoire, killing as many as as many as killing Ivoire, Hôtel of tower - philo his in developed Senghor, Sédar ence hall (left to right). to (left hall ence buildings during this time. this during buildings severing of ties with Israel in 1973, the the 1973, in Israel with ties of severing warning from the twenty-four-story twenty-four-story the from warning ism’ that Senegal’s president, Léopold Léopold president, Senegal’s that ism’ case, the main tower and the confer- the and tower main the case, to 1971 and executed more than fifteen fifteen than more executed and 1971 to Catherine Melot and Jean Louis Marin. Louis Jean and Melot Catherine Due to a deteriorating economy and the the and economy deteriorating a to Due to fire. His French soldiers fired without without fired soldiers French His fire. to - Parallel ‘Asymmetric of concept the volumetric studies of the pool stair- pool the of studies volumetric Gerlach practiced in Ghana from 1954 1954 from Ghana in practiced Gerlach Chomette, Yangra Blé, Thierry Melot, Melot, Thierry Blé, Yangra Chomette, ing the hotel. D’Estremon gave orders orders gave D’Estremon hotel. the ing the FIDAK makes clear references to to references clear makes FIDAK the The sketches by Heinz Fenchel show show Fenchel Heinz by sketches The lifestyle. with his British partner Gilles-Reyburn. Gilles-Reyburn. partner British his with Front row (left to right): unknown, Henri Henri unknown, right): to (left row Front crossed the barb-wire fence surround- fence barb-wire the crossed detail. This architectural language of of language architectural This detail. city. the of part populated densely a resettled and introduced to a modern modern a to introduced and resettled of modernism and leisure. and modernism of Danish architect Max Gerlach together together Gerlach Max architect Danish country’s Alter Ego. Alter country’s and Ouseynouli. and day afternoon several demonstrators demonstrators several afternoon day from the master plan to the smallest smallest the to plan master the from today is landscape barren almost time Union of Architects Congress’ of 1984. of Congress’ Architects of Union inhabitants that were to be forcibly forcibly be to were that inhabitants merges notions of exoticism with those those with exoticism of notions merges The building was designed by the the by designed was building The closely, it could be described as the the as described be could it closely, dou Seck, Alfa Wallydialo, Seydou Bari Bari Seydou Wallydialo, Alfa Seck, dou in the afternoon on that sunny Tues- sunny that on afternoon the in consistent formal vocabulary employed employed vocabulary formal consistent that at was What airport. the to close ences, amongst others also the ‘Africa ‘Africa the also others amongst ences, was inhabited by approximately 5.000 5.000 approximately by inhabited was building complex. Its representation representation Its complex. building the ups and downs of Côte d’Ivoire so so d’Ivoire Côte of downs and ups the Amadou Seck, Ousmane Faye, Mama- Faye, Ousmane Seck, Amadou out the year. the out police. Tensions rose. Just after three three after Just rose. Tensions police. acterized by a strong cohesion with a a with cohesion strong a by acterized Dakar, of part northern the in hectares frequently used for international confer- international for used frequently in the Western world. The project area area project The world. Western the in document the different phases of the the of phases different the document and reopened in 2011. Having followed followed Having 2011. in reopened and designed by young Sengalese artists: artists: Sengalese young by designed spaces a comfortable climate through- climate comfortable a spaces and were held back by the Ivoirian Ivoirian the by back held were and - char is ensemble the of design The 25 almost of area an covers site The The convention hall of the FIDAK was was FIDAK the of hall convention The matching any other comparable project project comparable other any matching bration. Stamps and first day covers covers day first and Stamps bration. itary in 2004. It was newly renovated renovated newly was It 2004. in itary shells, etc.) and decorated with murals murals with decorated and etc.) shells, sive cooling and ventilation, giving the the giving ventilation, and cooling sive of the hotel were supposedly unarmed, unarmed, supposedly were hotel the of ization and commercial development development commercial and ization Hôtel Ivoire was cause for national cele- national for cause was Ivoire Hôtel ing of several Ivoirians by French mil- French by Ivoirians several of ing ic to each region (marble, basalt, sea sea basalt, (marble, region each to ic design incorporates techniques of pas- of techniques incorporates design hotel. The demonstrators at the base base the at demonstrators The hotel. in Africa at its time. It spoke of modern- of spoke It time. its at Africa in Every stage of the development of the the of development the of stage Every militias, and was the site of the shoot- the of site the was and militias, that is treated with aggregate specif- aggregate with treated is that fact that it sits elevated on piloti. The The piloti. on elevated sits it that fact to prevent the mob from storming the the storming from mob the prevent to de Dakar de Dakar de de Dakar de largest real estate development project project development estate real largest found itself being the base of various various of base the being itself found constructed with exposed concrete concrete exposed with constructed auditorium, and the lightness due to the the to due lightness the and auditorium, was in charge of sixty colonels trying trying colonels sixty of charge in was ble cars, it would have represented the the represented have would it cars, ble crisis years of the 1990s and 2000s, it it 2000s, and 1990s the of years crisis seven administrative regions. They are are They regions. administrative seven volumetric massiveness of its main main its of massiveness volumetric chief Colonel Georges Guiai Bi Poin Poin Bi Guiai Georges Colonel chief Foire Internationale Internationale Foire Internationale Foire Foire Internationale Internationale Foire Hôtel Ivoire Hôtel roads and public transport, such as ca- as such transport, public and roads d’Ivoire. Falling into neglect during the the during neglect into Falling d’Ivoire. that act as representation of Senegal’s Senegal’s of representation as act that acterized by the tension between the the between tension the by acterized the demonstrators leave. Ivorian police police Ivorian leave. demonstrators the schools, all connected by a network of of network a by connected all schools, of the major political events of the Côte Côte the of events political major the of The ensemble includes seven pavilions pavilions seven includes ensemble The The design for the Great Hall is char- is Hall Great the for design The felt beleaguered and demanded that that demanded and beleaguered felt hotels, commercial facilities and several several and facilities commercial hotels, beyond. It was stage, witness and actor actor and witness stage, was It beyond. around the hotel, the French soldiers soldiers French the hotel, the around structures. this aspiration. this housing 120.000 inhabitants, a series of of series a inhabitants, 120.000 housing ed the jet set of Western Africa and and Africa Western of set jet the ed 9, with all the demonstrators amassed amassed demonstrators the all with 9, its repeated use of tall, triangular roof roof triangular tall, of use repeated its ernist architecture gives testimony to to testimony gives architecture ernist al residential neighborhoods eventually eventually neighborhoods residential al orous restaurants and casinos attract- casinos and restaurants orous Spéciales. On the day of November November of day the On Spéciales. formal exuberance, characterized by by characterized exuberance, formal opment of the young nation. Its mod- Its nation. young the of opment architects. Planned to consist of sever- of consist to Planned architects. of the largest in the world, and its glam- its and world, the in largest the of the Commandement des Opérations Opérations des Commandement the symbolic clarity, spatial complexity and and complexity spatial clarity, symbolic and technicians to support the devel- the support to technicians and by the same Israeli investor and his his and investor Israeli same the by aptly named ‘Le Lac’ (the lake) is one one is lake) (the Lac’ ‘Le named aptly troops from the French Special Forces, Forces, Special French the from troops exhibition halls that gives the project a a project the gives that halls exhibition a new generation of leading scientists scientists leading of generation new a built in three stages during the 1960s 1960s the during stages three in built West.