The Major Research Advances of Mesoscale Weather Dynamics in China Since 2003

∗1 2 3

Ô  LU Hancheng (ö ), GAO Shouting ( ), TAN Zhemin ( ),

2 3

µ ZHOU Xiaoping ( ), and WU Rongsheng ( )

1Meteorological College, PLA University of Science and Technology, Nanjing 211101

2Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029

3Department of Atmospheric Science, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093

(Received 30 January 2007; revised 10 October 2007)

ABSTRACT This paper reviews the main theoretical progress of mesoscale weather dynamics since 2003, including: (1) The dynamic mechanisms of balanced and unbalanced flow are applied to study the genesis and development problems of mesoscale circulation. The symmetric instability and transverse-wave instability are analyzed in line and vortex atmosphere convection, and further research has been done on nonlinear convective symmetric instability. The interaction between forced convection and unstable convection and the wave characteristics of mesoscale motion are also discussed. (2) Intermediate atmosphere dynamic boundary layer models are developed. The complicated nonlinear interaction is analyzed theoretically between the atmospheric boundary layer and the free atmosphere. The structure of the topography boundary layer, atmospheric frontogenesis, the structure and circulation of the low-level front and other boundary layer dynamic problems are discussed. (3) The formation and development of meso-β-scale rainstorms under the background of the East-Asia atmosphere circulation are diagnosed with the variation of MPV (moist potential ) anomalies. And some physical vectors are modified and applied in the moist atmosphere. Key words: mesoscale dynamics, mesoscale circulation, mesoscale numerical simulation and diagnoses DOI: 10.1007/s00376-007-1049-y

1. Introduction dynamic theory of deep and moist convection closely associated with mesoscale severe weather under the With Chinese economic boom since 2003, research condition of the East-Asia atmosphere circulation has on mesoscale meteorology have acquired more national made innovative advances. funding. Additionally, due to the marked progress This paper reviews the progress of research on of modern atmosphere sounding technology and com- mesoscale weather dynamics since 2003. In the next puter technology, significant advances have been made section, we summarize achievemnets made in the re- in the research on mesoscale severe weather. In addi- search on the dynamic mechanism of mesoscale cir- tion, frequent occurrences of severe storm weather and culation. Section 3 reviewsmajorresultsonEkman rainstorm weather in recent years have attracted con- boundary layer dynamics. Section 4 concludes the siderable public attention because of the catastrophic main progress in rainstorm and moist atmospheric dy- influence to the national economy and people’s lives. namics. A brief summary is given in the final section. So the study on the mechanism research and warning technology of mesoscale severe weather are of great 2. The dynamic mechanism of mesoscale cir- concern. With the methods of observation analysis, culation dynamic diagnoses and numerical forecasting, Chinese meteorologists probe deeply into the organization of Observational research shows that mesoscale MCSs mesoscale convective systems (MCSs), in which the are convection storms formed by organic cumulus con-

∗Corresponding author: LU Hancheng, hc [email protected] or [email protected] 1050 THE MAJOR ADVANCES OF MESOSCALE DYNAMICS IN CHINA VOL. 24 vection (Browning et al., 1974; Browning, 1989; Eman- Here we call the tangential basic flowv ˜ which fulfills ual, 1985). Common MCSs in middle latitude regions gradient balance and statistic balance as gener- include: local convective systems (local severe storms alized thermal wind balance:   etc.), quasi-two-dimensional line convection (squall 2˜v ∂v˜ g ∂θ

lines, frontal mesoscale rainbands, etc.)MCCs in + f = , r ∂z θ0 ∂r round cluster structure atmosphere, and mesoscale convective bands in typhoons with characteristics of where g is the gravity parameter, θ is potential tem- vortex circulation (Lu et al., 2001; Gao et al., 2004d; perature and θ0 is the reference potential . Tang and Tan, 2006; Wu, 2002; Duan et al., 2005). In the condition of axisymmetry, One of their common characteristics is that there is a du˜ dv˜  mesoscale circulation with very strong vertical motion =0, = −f1u . dt dt on the quasi-two-dimensional cross-section. Therefore, Set the organic dynamic mechanism of deep and moist   convective is the main scientific problem of mesoscale fr m = r v˜ + , dynamics (Zhou et al., 2004). 2 2.1 Balanced dynamic problems then we can get the diagnostic equation of radial sec- ondary circulation: Frontogenetical circulation theory under frontal   transverse circulation and semi-geostrophic momen- 2 2 1 g ∂θ ∂ ψ − 2 2˜v ∂v˜ ∂ ψ 2 + f + tum approximation (Sawyer, 1956; Shapiro, 1981; r θ0 ∂z ∂r r r ∂z ∂r∂z Bennetts et al., 1988), together with the symmetric in-   2 stability theory (Bennetts and Hoskins, 1979; Eman- 1 2˜v ∂m ∂ ψ − 1 g ∂θ ∂ψ 2 + f 2 2 + ual, 1982; Emanual, 1983b), put forward the gener- r r ∂r ∂z r θ0 ∂z ∂r ating mechanism of mesoscale circulation under the condition of basic flow balance (geostrophic balance 4 g ∂θ ∂ψ 2 =0 and thermal wind balance). However, they have clear r θ0 ∂r ∂z differences in both mathematical and physical scopes. where ψ is the streamfunction. Set The former is the secondary circulation induced by g ∂θ the forced term under the condition of ellipse equa- = S2 , tions, and it is the indispensable circulation to the θ0 ∂r destroying and recovering of basic flow balance; while g ∂θ 2 the latter is time-varying unstable flow under the con- = N , θ0 ∂z dition of the non-ellipse equation. With the theory of   balance dynamics, Lu et al. (2004a) applied the con- 2˜v 1 ∂m + f = F 2 , cept of ”gradient wind momentary approximation” in r r ∂r the vortex atmosphere to discuss the development of the ellipse condition for diagnostic equations is mesoscale disturbances in typhoons, which is similar   to the geostrophic momentum approximation of Wu 2 2 − 4 ∂m ∂θ (2002). The mesoscale primitive equations in cylindri- F N S > 0 , i.e. > 0 . ∂r θ ∂z cal coordinates are as follows: While the hyperbolic condition for diagnostic equa- − 2 ··· v =˜v + Du =˜v + Du˜ D (˜v + Du˜)+ , tions is − − − 2 − ···   u =˜u Dv =˜u Dv˜ D (˜u Dv˜)+ , ∂m ∂θ F 2N 2 − S4 < 0 , i.e., < 0 . where,u ˜ andv ˜ are the reference wind fields, ∂r θ ∂z ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ D = + u + v + w . Obviously, the ellipse condition ∂t ∂r r∂λ ∂z   ∂m ∂θ Taking the first approximation and defining, > 0and > 0 ∂r θ ∂z v˜ f1 = + f, r is just one of the cases, which is the existent condition for radial circulation under the condition of inertia and where f is the Coriolis parameter and r is the radius, gravitational stability. As to hyperbolic condition, we can get,   ∂m ∂θ du˜  dv˜  = f1v , = −f1u . < 0and > 0 , dt dt ∂r θ ∂z NO. 6 LU ET AL. 1051 it is the inertia instability on isentropic surface under where Ri∗ is the slantwise convective Richardson num- condition of gravitational stability, and it is a kind of ber and symmetric instability. But the balanced model cannot   3 c1 be used to study unstable flow. η = − + 2 c1 + c2 2.2 Unbalanced dynamic problems The main theories about convection induced by in- is the eigenvalue of the interflow Kummer hypergeo- stability in the atmosphere include conditional sym- metric equation, c1,c2 are eigenvalues of the Hukukara metric instability (CSI), moist symmetric instability equation. It shows that a kind of disturbance in the (MSI) and transverse-wave instability (Bennetts and vortex atmosphere, propagating along the vertical di- Sharp, 1982; Seltzer et al., 1985; Reuter and Aktary, rection of tangential flow, has the characteristics of in- 1993). It has been proved that symmetric instability ertial gravity waves, and symmetric instability is one with a median size Rossby number is the developing of its developing mechanisms. mechanism of quasi-two dimensional meso-β-scale sys- Supposing environmental parameters vary with tems (Hoskins, 1974). Linear theories point out that space, the developing the equation of symmetric un- such instability is induced by the thermal wind unbal- stable energy induced with the WKBJ (Wentzel, ance of perturbations in the basic flow-satified ther- Kramers, Brillouin and Jeffreys) method shows that mal wind balance. Further research on unbalanced variations of environment fields (including stratifica- dynamic problems receive more attention. Lu et al. tion, temperature gradient, and ) are the (2004b) discussed unbalance dynamics in vortex at- reasons for the variation of symmetric unstable energy. mosphere. But the features of circulation overlapped on the envi- ronment field variation cannot be well demonstrated. 2.2.1 Symmetric instability and transverse-wave in- stability in the vortex atmosphere In the vortex atmosphere, there is transverse-wave instability propagating along tangential basic flow. Fei and Lu (1996) discussed symmetric unstable With numerical methods, Li et al. (2003) discussed the flow with the model of symmetric instability increas- instability of such disturbances of round vortex sys- ing mode on the constant gradient flow. The primitive tems in baroclinic flow under cylindrical coordinates, equations in cylindrical coordinates are linearized un- which is another kind of instability of the mesoscale der the condition of generalized thermal wind balance inertial gravity wave. They also analyzed the influ- (Emanual, 1979). Thus the disturbing radial circula- ence of stratification stability parameter N 2, vertical tion equation is:   shear of tangential wind V z, latent heat of condensa- ∂2 1 ∂2ψ 1 ∂2ψ 1 ∂ψ tion, vortex characteristics and Coriolis parameter f0 + − = ∂t2 r ∂z2 r ∂r2 r2 ∂r on the growth rate of instability in vortex atmosphere.     The results show that in a round vortex there are also ∂ ∂v g ∂ ∂θ Eady mode and mesoscale modality of transverse-wave f1 − ∂t ∂z θ0 ∂t ∂r instability, the disturbing flow of the mesoscale mode appears to be an irregular “cats eye” structure, and Deriving from the above equation, we can get:   slowly propagating disturbances gather on high levels. ∂2 1 ∂2ψ 1 ∂2ψ 1 ∂ψ + − = 2.2.2 Nonlinear convective symmetric instability ∂t2 r ∂z2 r ∂r2 r2 ∂r     Xu (1989) proposed a mechanism called “upscale 2 2 2 2 1 ∂ ψ 2 1 ∂ ψ S ∂ψ development” for the development of rainbands, where − F +2S − − r ∂z2 r ∂r∂z r2 ∂z small-scale moist gravitational convection develops     first, followed by mesoscale banded organization of N 2 ∂2ψ 1 ∂ψ 1 ∂ψ ∂S2 ∂F2 − + − − due to the release of symmetric instability. But r ∂r2 r ∂r r ∂z ∂r ∂z in the actual atmosphere, it is often observed that   2 2 and symmetric instability oc- 1 ∂ψ ∂N − ∂S cur at the same time. Emanual (1983a) and Seman r ∂r ∂r ∂z (1994) called the mesoscale instability developing in When environmental parameters do not vary with such conditions “nonlinear convective symmetric in- space, we can get the condition for disturbing insta- stability”. Kou and Lu (2005) applied the numerical bility: experiment method with the ARPS (Advanced Re-   2 2 −2 gional Prediction System) model to analyze the de- ∗ F N − 3 velopment of nonlinear convective symmetric instabil- Ri = 4 < 1 + η S 2 ity in mesoscale convective systems. The results show 1052 THE MAJOR ADVANCES OF MESOSCALE DYNAMICS IN CHINA VOL. 24 that during the development of nonlinear convective 2.2.3 Interaction between forced flow and unstable symmetric instability, the first is the development of flow convection, which prepares developing condition for To the frontal rainstorm bands, slantwise convec- symmetric instability. While the symmetric instability tive motion can arise due to a secondary circulation, development makes convection organized, strengthens which is forced by the front as well as moist symmet- circulation, and prolongs life span, and has a positive ric instability. In the actual atmosphere, it is hard to feedback on the release of symmetric instability. Ac- separate them from each other, because they usually cordingly, the model concept of interaction between exist simultaneously (David and Philip, 1999). In the physical processes is presented. deep moist convective motion, which has long life span Then through numerical experiments, Kou et al. and larger scale, the convection induced by forcing and (2004a,b) and Lu et al. (2002) discussed the develop- instability is more complicated. ment of mesoscale circulations of symmetric instability Cheng and Lu (2006b) studied the interaction be- under the interaction between wave and flow. The re- tween forcing and instability in the course of break- sults show that the interaction between disturbances ing and rebuilding of basic flow balance with numer- and basic flow includes the following two aspects: (1) ical methods. The results show that unstable flow the disturbance changes basic flow, then the changed includes conditional instability and conditional sym- basic flow has feedback on the disturbance; (2) the metric instability. Unstable flow is ten times stronger transportation of mean momentum and heat of the than forced flow. Though the magnitude of forced flow disturbance also changes the structure of the distur- is small, it is the trigger mechanism of unstable flow. bance itself, thus has influence on the development of If there is a deep unstable level in the environment the disturbance. In the interaction between the dis- and upward motion with a certain amplitude is forced turbance and basic flow, the slantwise circulation of by the environment, then the upward motion center the disturbance, provoked by basic flow, makes the of unstable flow will be provoked in the upward mo- change of basic flow environment unfavorable for the tion center of forced flow after 0–3 hours, or the al- further development of symmetric instability. While ready existing upward motion center of unstable flow the transportation of mean moment and the heat of will be driven to move toward that of forced flow. On the disturbance is good for the further development of the contrary, when the environment forces downward symmetric instability. The latter’s impact is stronger or weak-upward motion, upward motion will be re- than the former’s. So the impact of the transportation strained. Then the center of upward motion will van- of mean moment and the heat of disturbance should ish. Therefore, the atmospheric environment provides be strongly noted. the condition of the release of unstable energy, and Additionally, conditional symmetric instability is forced flow is the release mechanism of unstable con- the intermediate process between thermal instabil- vection. ity and conditional instability (Cheng and Lu, 2004, 2.3 2006a). The evolution of the atmosphere from insta- The characteristic wave of mesoscale mo- bility to stability is achieved through conditional sym- tion and its structure metric instability. The formation of convective sym- Within the genesis and development process of metric instability is related to the allocation of unsta- mesoscale circulation, there also exists the propagation ble layers. When there is conditional instability at low of circulation associated wih the wave characteristic levels, and deep conditional symmetric instability at of the mesoscale disturbance. Using Bussinesq equa- upper levels, the circulation characteristics formed by tions, Zhang and Shi (2004a) discussed the character- convective symmetric instability are: at the lower lev- istic wave of mesoscale disturbance with the method els, vertical upstream appears, while at the upper lev- of numerical calculation. Zhang and Deng (2005) also els, extensive slantwise upstream appears. The release studied the instability of the mesoscale disturbance. of symmetric instability energy produces mesoscale Those studies show that the wave spectrum character- bands. When there is conditional instability at istics of meso-β-scale waves are related to basic flow. low and upper levels, and on the middle level, con- When there is vertical shear in the basic flow, a cou- ditional symmetric instability or weak-stability strat- ple of gravity-inertia waves and a vortex wave all have ification appear, and the deep vertical upstream will continuous spectrums. With the increasing of verti- appear from low-level to upper-level. The release of cal wind shear, continuous spectrum overlapping oc- moist gravity instability energy leads to the formation curs. In the overlapping regions, the spectrum func- of cloud bands. tions change, that is, the structure of the disturbance changes, which is different from characteristic waves of meso-σ-scale disturbances. NO. 6 LU ET AL. 1053

Zhang and Shi (2004b) calculated the structure fea- dissipation effect of gravity wave breaking on the mean tures of three types of gravity-inertia waves in different zonal flow are included in the refined parameteriza- basic flow conditions, and three types are symmetric tion scheme. Motivated by ageostrophic interactions disturbance(propagating along the vertical direction of of waves and basic flow, the generalized relationship basic flow), transverse disturbance (along the direction between 3-D Eliassen-Plam flux and basic flow are de- of basic flow) and oblique crossing disturbance (propa- rived, which is suitable to small-amplitude and finite- gating along the direction which has intersection angle amplitude disturbances. The expressions of such kinds with the basic flow). The results show that the struc- of 3-D Eliassen-Palm flux and wave activity can be ture of meso-β-scale symmetric instability is different demonstrated in Euler forms and be calculated with from that of meso-σ-scale disturbance. With the de- observational data or model output data (Ran et al., crease of horizontal scale, the vertical wave number of 2004). unstable gravity-inertia wave increases. The structure An ageostrophic Generalized E-P flux in a baro- of oblique crossing disturbance is similar to that of clinic stratified atmosphere are developed (Ran et transverse disturbance instability. When Ri is small, al., 2005a,b,c) aimed at limitation, and the deficiency the vertical structure of streamfunction appears as the of the traditional Eliassen-Palm flux associated with “cat eye” flow pattern, which states that in the scope wave-mean flow interaction and its subsequent gener- of meso-β-scale, the two instability are from the same alization based on the Boussinesq approximation or root. quasi-geostrophic approximation. This generalized E- Shen et al. (2005a,b, 2006) researched the dis- P flux can be conveniently used to diagnose and ana- tributing characteristics of transverse wave distur- lyze such important phenomena as the upper-level jet bances. The results show that in such transverse wave acceleration, gravity wave break-up, and stratospheric weather systems, the disturbing p and dis- eruption warming (Gao et al., 2004a). turbing vorticity ξ are in the same or opposite phase in the horizontal direction. The disturbing divergence D 3. Ekman boundary layer dynamics and disturbing vertical velocity ω also are in the same or opposite phase in the horizontal direction. While ξ There are obvious nonlinear characteristics in the differs from D by π/2 in phase in the horizontal direc- atmospheric boundary layer and its interaction with tion but their distributing structure is in the vertical the free atmosphere, while those characteristics can- direction is somewhat different. The total energy for not be described by classical Ekman theory. Based the development of local disturbances mainly comes on the classical Ekman theory (Tan et al., 2006), a from available potential energy and basic flow kinetic series of Ekman boundary-layer models with medium energy of the mean fields. When studyies about the in- complication, called the intermediate model for short, stability problems of transverse wave disturbance are which retain the nonlinear advective processes while carried out, they found that when the stratification is discarding embellishments, have been developed with relatively stable, and if there is low-level jet or upper- the intention to understand the complex nonlinear level jet, the transverse wave disturbance will propa- features of the Ekman boundary layer. Wu (2002) gate along the direction east of the basic flow. When and Tan et al. (2005) and Fang et al. (2005) stud- there is a second shear in the basic flow, the mixed ied several intermediate boundary layer models, in- wave instability can be induced. While when there is cluding geostrophic momentum approximation, Ek- only the first shear, the transverse wave disturbance is man momentum approximation, and weak nonlinear only gravity-inertia wave instability. boundary layer models. Through analyzing the the- oretical framework of the above models, the physical 2.4 Gravity wave and E-P flux significance is revealed. They also studied the physi- The genesis and development of mesoscale systems cal meaning and limitation of those theoretical models have an important relationship with mesoscale circula- in describing basic dynamic characteristics of the Ek- tion in the vertical cross section. So research on gravity man boundary layer. And each intermediate model wave, which has important influences on vertical mo- is rather consistent, though the details may be dif- tion, is always the problem of concern with mesoscale ferent. So those models can be used in discussing dynamics. In research about the interaction between dynamic problems such as the topographic boundary gravity waves and basic flow, Ran and Gao (2004) put layer, frontogenesis, structures and circulation of the forward a refined gravity-wave-drag scheme on the ba- low-level front, the daily variation of boundary-layer, sis of McFarlane’s parameterization scheme (Gao and the formation of the low-level jet, and so on. The Ran, 2003a,b; Ping et al., 2003a,b,c,d) of gravity wave dynamical characteristics of the Ekman layer and its drag. Both the drag effect of momentum flux and the effect on the low-level motion of free atmosphere are 1054 THE MAJOR ADVANCES OF MESOSCALE DYNAMICS IN CHINA VOL. 24 analyzed. maximumwindspeed(MWS)inthePBL;however, Tang and Tan (2006) analyzed the structure of a the turbulence viscosity has a mid-layer peak in the land-falling tropical cyclone, using a slab boundary vertical gives rise to a higher height of occurrence of layer model with a constant depth. Asymmetry is MWS. found in both the tangential and radial components Zhang and Tan (2006) used a 3-D nonhydrostatic of the horizontal wind in the tropical cyclone bound- mesoscale numerical model (MM5) to simulate the for- ary layer at landfall. For a steady tropical cyclone mation and evolution processes of mid-latitude classic on a straight coastline at landfall, the magnitude of baroclinic waves as well as the frontal systems with the radial component is greater in the offshore-flow and without surface drag in the dry and moist atmo- side and the tangential component is greater over the sphere, with special emphases on the low-level frontal whole sea, while smaller in the offshore-flow side. So structure and frontogenesis The results show that in the total wind speed on the sea surface is larger on the the dry case, surface drag force has two-way effects on offshore-flow side. Therefore, larger rubbing effects on surface frontogenesis. On the one hand, the surface land surface will lead to larger radial inflow, and non- drag weakens the low-level frontogenesis and it is less linear results in the downstream radial in- inclined to develop the baroclinic wave due to the dis- flow reaching its maximum. But the rubbing effect sipation. On the other hand, the surface drag induces on the sea surface makes the action of tangential flow a strong ageostrophic flow, which prolongs low-level smaller than that on land. frontogenesis and finally leads to the enhancement of Yuan and Tan (2004) used a two-dimensional non- the cold front. Compared with the no surface drag linear baroclinic Eady wave model to study the dy- case, the surface drag increases the frontal slope, es- namic mechanisms for the rapid growth of initial bal- pecially in the boundary layer where the front is al- anced perturbations in the baroclinic system. The ad- most vertical to the surface, and then enhances the vection effect of baroclinic shear flow on perturbation prefrontal vertical motion. All these conclusions ex- vorticity leads to the “potential vorticity unshielding” panded the analytical theory of Tan and Tan and Wu of initial perturbation potential vorticity (PV), which (1990). In the moist atmosphere, the influence of sur- includes the rapid growth of initial perturbations in face drag on frontal rainbands is also obvious. The the linear system. Due to dissipating the local pertur- surface drag weakens the convection, and reduces the bation PV, friction modifies the structures, especially energy dissipation near the surface when the initial the horizontal distribution, of PV anomalies, and ac- relative is relatively weak. At this time, the cordingly weakens PV unshielding of the initial per- confluence-induced post-frontal updrafts move across turbation PV so as to restrain the transient growth the cold front and reinforce the prefrontal convection, of initial perturbation kinetic energy. The nonlinear which is beneficial to the maintenance of the rainbands effect induces the rich vertical structures of perturba- in the cold sector. Given the enhancement of relative tion PV anomalies, which weakens PV unshielding of humidity, the moist convection dominates the low-level the initial perturbation PV, consequently restraining frontogenesis while the retardation of surface drag on the rapid growth of initial perturbations with large energy dissipation is not obvious, therefore the effects amplitude. of surface drag on low-level frontogenesis and precipi- Zhang and Tan (2002) studied the dynamic char- tation are reduced. acteristics of daily wind variation in the planetary boundary layer (PBL), with a time-dependent semi- 4. Rainstorm and moist atmosphere dynamics geostrophic Ekman boundary layer model (SG), in- cluding the slowly varying turbulence viscosity with 4.1 Mei-yu front rainstorm height and advection acceleration effect. An approx- The mei-yu frontal system is one of the most im- imate analytical solution of this model is derived by portant systems which generate summer using the WKB method. The features of the daily in China (Dong and Zhao, 2004). The past dynamic wind variation in the PBL mainly depend on three and thermodynamic studies on the mei-yu front rain- factors: the latitude, horizontal momentum advec- storm provided much improvement. In recent years, tion, and eddy viscosity. Results show that the ver- studies emphasize the occurrence and development of tical variable turbulence viscosity has little influence mesoscale convective systems in the east Asia atmo- on daily wind variation in the PBL at low latitudes; sphere circulation. however its effect may be exacerbated in middle and Liao and Tan (2005) analyzed a mei-yu front rain- high latitudes. In comparing with the constant turbu- storm and found that weather systems with differ- lence viscosity case, the decreasing (increasing) with ent scales have significant influence on the rainstorm. height turbulence viscosity produces a large (small) The stable, deep northeast-southwest oriented short- NO. 6 LU ET AL. 1055 wave to the north of the mei-yu front, coupled troposphere in the north and a southwest vortex (SW with the low vortex systems moving from the south- vortex) in the lower troposphere in the south. When west, was favorable to the genesis and development the cold-dry air invades from the middle troposphere, of the anti-cyclonic disturbance located northward to the SW vortex develops strongly upward because of the mei-yu front. And the subsequent formation and the strengthening of the convergence in the lower tro- enhancement of a lower anti-cyclonic vortex was ex- posphere and the release of strong potential instability. pected to be crucial for the initiation and maintenance When it grows mature, the positive vorticity column of the low-level shear line and the low-level vortex exists in the whole troposphere and deep convergence along the mei-yu front. The latent heating from the can reach the middle lower troposphere. The maxi- MCSs along the mei-yu front resulted in the formation mum scending velocity with the maximum heating oc- of the mesoscale convective vortex (MCV), and mean- curs in the middle troposphere. while the MCV enhanced the low-level convergence Hu (2005) and Wu et al. (2004) studied the de- near the low-level shear line and thus led to the initia- velopment and propagation mechanism of a mesoscale tion of the low-level vortex embedded in the low-level convective system on the mei-yu front. Using a lin- shear line. There were four different vertical circula- ear model which includes simple cumulus convective tions within the mei-yu front, which were important parameterization, the study discussed the occurrence, for the interactions among the different scales weather propagation and dispersion properties of deep inertia systems in both the upper- and lower-levels. These gravity waves which occur throughout the whole tro- vertical circulations possessed the different structures posphere over the Yangtze River valley with equiva- and dynamic roles at different rainfall stages. The lent barotropic properties. The results show that low- development of a convective disturbance within the level humidity and its horizontally non-homogeneous mei-yu frontal system and the initiation of subsequent characteristicds directly related to the cumulus heat- heavy rainfall were associated with the vertical circula- ing field have an important influence on the wave speed tion across the front and upper level ageostrophic ver- and stability of the disturbances. The areas where the tical circulation, while the development of the convec- unstable evolution occurs most notably are around the tion would modify the vertical circulation structure. south border of the “low-level moisture frontal zone”. At last, when the heavy rainfall weakened, the verti- This leads to that the MCSs are most likely active in cal circulation was restored again. this area. Regional differences of the mei-yu front rainstorm 4.2 Moist weather dynamics are very obvious. Li et al. (2005) and Jing et al. (2004) analyzed the characteristics of three species of rain- A moist atmosphere is closely related to the for- storms on the mei-yu front, and revealed the main dif- mation and development of cumulus convection in ferences in structure and forming mechanisms of those mesoscale atmosphere motion. So it is very impor- three species of rainstorms, including: (1) Heavy rain- tant to consider the degree of moisture in atmosphere. storm system in the initial developing cyclone is the Liu and Gao (2003) considered that condensed liquid meso-σ-scale cyclone forming and developing in the water would partially drop out of the air parcel after east of the mei-yu front. When the system is strong, an infinitesimal perturbation, so a new form of Brunt- 2 the vertical motion’s stretching height is not high, and Vaisala frequency Nm with the mixing ratio of satu- the positive vorticity column, the convergence column, rated vapor θse is derived and discussed. So is a refined together with the maximum heating and humidity, ex- equivalent potential temperature. ist in the lower troposphere. (2) When the meso- Cui et al. (2003a,b,c) derived the moist potential β-scale rainstorms occur, the temperature difference vorticity (MPV) equation from complete atmospheric from north to south in the mei-yu front is small. The equations including the effect of mass forcing, with strengthening of convergence in the deformation field which the theory of Up-sliding Slantwise Vorticity De- in the lower troposphere triggers the release and de- velopment (USVD) is proposed based on the theory of velopment of a meso-β-scale deep convective system Slantwise Vorticity Development (SVD). Several nu- (MCS). When it matures, the positive vorticity col- merical simulations, such as a torrential rain event umn exists in the whole troposphere. The deep con- along the Yangtze River-Huaihe River mei-yu front vergence can reach the middle troposphere, and the and a frontal cyclogenesis over the Western Atlantic maximum ascending velocity and the maximum heat- Ocean, are performed and they all show the applica- ing occur in the middle higher troposphere. (3) The bility and importance of the USVD in the development heavy rainstorms developing in the upper reaches of and movement of these synoptic systems. the Yangtze River often occur in the synoptic situa- Gao et al. (2004b) investigated the impacts of tion where there exists a deep trough in the middle cloud-induced mass forcing on the development of the 1056 THE MAJOR ADVANCES OF MESOSCALE DYNAMICS IN CHINA VOL. 24 moist potential vorticity (MPV) anomaly associated the primary physical process that is responsible for with torrential rains. And the mass forcing shows a this tendency. The covariance between vorticity and positive tendency for the MPV anomaly. It may be diabatic heating is found to be primarily responsibility. used to track the propagation of rain systems for op- erational applications. 5. Summary The condensation probability function is originally This paper summarizes the important progress of introduced into the thermodynamic framework with k Chinese mesoscale weather dynamics in the past sev- (q/qs) . The generalized moist potential vorticity eral years. The dynamic mechanism of balanced and (GMPV) is thus defined by Gao et al. (2004c) and unbalanced flow is applied to the study of the gene- its tendency equation is derived. A series of the dy- sis and development of mesoscale circulation. The re- namic properties of GMPV are applied to operational sults point out that balanced flow under ellipse condi- nowcasting. For example, using the sensitiveness of tions produces a secondary circulation, while flow un- GMPV to the temperature and humidity, the summer der non-ellipse conditions produce unstable flow. Both hot and humid weather in Beijing can be forecasted of the above are important reasons for the formation (Gao et al., 2005a,b). and development of mesoscale circulation. The former Due to the important role that vectors play instead is forced circulation and the latter is the circulation of scalars in the dynamic analysis of synthetic sys- caused by the released unstable energy under forcing tems, new vectors have been proposed for analyzing action. There is gravity-inertia instability in the vor- mesoscale systems. Gao et al. (2005c) focuses on sev- tex atmosphere, including transverse-wave instability eral of them- convective vorticity vector (CVV), moist and symmetric instability. The structure and propaga- vorticity vectors (MVV) and dynamic vorticity vectors tion of a characteristic wave in mesoscale motion is also (DVV). studied. The refined drag parameterization scheme of There is evidence of limitations of the PV when gravity-inertia wave is used to discuss the interaction applied to deep convective systems where the vertical between gravity waves and basic flow. An interme- vorticity is still important, but the orientation of gra- diate dynamic model of the atmospheric boundary is dient of the potential temperature is almost horizontal developed. And the nonlinear characteristics of dy- so that the ωa ·∇θ → 0. In this case, PV is surely not namic processes of the atmospheric boundary are un- a good dynamic tracer. What’s more, compared with derstood theoretically. The interaction among mei-yu some variables such as momentum and absolute vor- front rainstorm courses with different scales, the prop- ticity, PV as a scalar loses much more information. agation of the gravity-inertia wave induced by moist Gao et al. (2004d) introduced a new convective vortic- fronts and the modification effect of adding the wa- ity vector [CVV, defined as (1/ρ)(ωa ×∇θ)] in a two- ter vapor factor to meteorological parameters in moist dimensional framework. Through the analysis of the processes are also reviewed in this paper. different terms in the CVV equation, it is found that However, much research has been not been de- the correlation coefficient between the vertical compo- scribed due to length limitations of this paper. Read- nent of the CVV and the sum of the cloud hydrometeor ers can peruse the listed references at the end of this mixing ratio is 0.81. Therefore the vertical component paper. We believe that with further understanding of the CVV is a cloud-linked parameter and can be and the deepening of observational research, the study used to study tropical convections. Further analysis of mesoscale weather dynamics will progress more reveals that the tendency of the vertical component of quickly. the CVV is primarily determined by the interaction between the vorticity and the zonal gradient of cloud Acknowledgements. This work was supported by heating. In other words, the vertical component of the National Nature Science Foundation of China (Grant CVV has a close relationship with the development of Nos. 40575022, 40575025, 40333025, 40325014, and deep tropical convection, and it is a very good dynamic 40333031) and the National Key Basic Research and De- tracer for the development of deep convection. velopment Project of China (Grant No. 2004CB418301). Recently, Gao et al. (2006a,b) studied the three- dimensional convective vorticity vector and its associ- REFERENCES ation with a heavy rainfall event in China. It is found that the convective vorticity vector can serve as an im- Bennetts, D. A., and B. J. 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