N.K ..LASKAR Arunachal Pradesh Civil Service Director of Census Operations, Meghalaya



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Bridge over Simsang River at Bag.hmara

small yet growing town standing on the bank of the Simsang River just A before it -flows into ~ 10 be christened as the Someshwari. Baghmara was earHer known as Bong Bazar afater the name of Bong Laskar. It used to be a flourishing market during the pre-partition days, wbere the manifold produces of the southern slopes of Garo Hills used to find a good market outlet. ExquisiteJy tasty Simsang-River-fish makes Baghmara a gourmet's delight The legend says that Ba)man Sangrna, popuJarily known as Bong Laskar bare handedJy fought the tiger and killed, since then the paLce has been named Baghmara. Baghmara is now the headquarters of the South Garo Hills District. Baghmara and its environs are well known for the rare camivourous pitcher-plant, which is locally known in G-aro as Memang Koksi. Baghmara, the birthplace of Captain Williamson A.Sangma, the: founder Chief Minister of Meghalaya is the Socio­ cultural hub of the Garos of South Garo Hi'J]s and js the principal growth centre of the area. Baghmara is 108 kilometres off Tura on the Tura-Baghmara­ Moheskhola-ShilJong Highway. It is also connected with Dudhnoi in by the Dudhnoi-Damra-Nangalbibra-Siju-Bagbmara State Highway. Baghmara­ certainly a place to be remembered in Meghalaya.


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Foreword IX Preface xi

Acknowledgement XllI

District Highlights - 2001 Census xv Important statistics in the District xvii Ranking of C.D. Blocks in the District xix

Statement 1-9 Statement-l Name of the headquarters of District/C.D. Block, their Rural­ xx Urban status and distance from district headquarters, 2001 Statement-2 Name of the headquarters of District/C.D.Block, their Rural­ xx Urban status and distance from district headquarters, 2001 Statement-3 Population of the district at each Census from 1901 to ),001 xxi

Statement-4 Area, Number of Villages/Towns and PopUlation in district XXll and C.D. Block 2001

Statement-5 C.D. Block wise Number of Villages and Rural XXII Population, 2001 Statement-6 Population of Urban Agglomerations (including constituent xxiii units)/Towns, 2001

Statement-7 Villages with Population of 5000 and above at C.D.Block XXlll level as per 2001 Census and amenities available

Statement-8 Statutory Towns with population less than 5000 as per 2001 XXIV Census and amenities available

Statement-9 Houseless and Institutional Population of C.D.Block, Rural XXIV and Urban 2001

Analytical note (i) History and Scope of District Census Hand Book 3 (ii) Brief history of the district 3 (iii) Administrative set-up 6 (iv) Physjcal features 7 (v) Census concepts 19 (vi) Non-Census concepts 25

(v) Pages

(vii) 2001 Census findings - Population, its distribution 29 (viii) Brief analysis of PCA data based on inset tables 1-36 30 (ix) Brief analysis of the Village Directory/Town Directory data 44 based on inset tables 37 to 47 (x) Brief analysis of the data on houses and household amenities, 51 Houselisting Operations, Census of India, 200 I based on inset tables 48 to 52 (xi) Major Social and Cultural events of the District 53 (xi) Brief description of places of religious, historical or archaeological 54 importance in villages and places of tourist interest in the towns of the district (xii) Major characteristics of the district, contribution of the district in 57 the form of any historical figure associated with the district (xiii) Scope of Village and Town Directory - column heading wise 57 explanation and coverage of data

PART-A: VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY Section-I : Village Directory

(a) Note explaining the abbreviations used in Village Directory 61

(b) Presentation of Village Directory of Chockpot C.D. Block (i) Map of Chockpot C.D. Block 65 (ii) Alphabetical list of villages with location code 1991 and 2001 67 ( iii) Village Directory of Chockpot C.O. Block 76

(c) Presentation of Village Directory of Baghmara C.D. Block (i) Map of Baghmara C.D. Block 139 (ii) Alphabetical list of villages with location code 1991 and 2001 141 (iii) Village Directory of Baghmara C.D. Block 146

(d) Presentation of Village Directory of Rongara C.D. Block (i) Map of Rongara C.D. Block 173 (ii) Alphabetical list of villages with location code 1991 and 200 1 175 (iii) Village Directory of Rongara C.D. Block 178

Appendices to Village Directory I : Abstract of Educational, Medical and Other Amenities in 200 villages-C.O. Block level I A Villages by number of Primary Schools 202 I B Villages by Primary, Middle and Secondary Schools 202

(vi) Pages

I C Villages with different sources of drinking facilities available 202 II . Villages with 5,000 and above population which do not have 203 one or more amenities III Land utilisation data in respect of Census towns!Non-municipal towns 203 IV C.D. Block-wise list of inhabited villages where no amenity 203 other than drinking water facility is available V Summary showing number of villages not having 206 Scheduled Caste population VI Summary showing number of villages not having Scheduled 206 Tribe population VII A List of village according to the population of the Scheduled Caste 207 to the total population by ranges VII B List of villages according to the population of the Scheduled Tribe 207 to the total population by ranges VIII Number of villages under each Gram Panchayat (C.D. Blockwise) 213 IX Statement showing number of girls school in the villages 213

Section II - Town Directory Note explaining the abbreviations used in Town Directory 217 Town Directory Statement (I to VII) (a) Statement r - Status and Growth History 220 (b) Statement II - Physical aspects and location of towns -1999 221 (c) Statement III - Municipal finance - 1998-99 221 (d) Statement IV - Civic and other amenities - 1999 222 (e) Statement V-Medical, Educational, Recreational and Cultural facilities-I 999 222 (f) Statement VI - Trade, Commerce, Industry and Banking - 1999 222 (g) Statement VII - Civic and other amenities in slums - 1999 224 (h) Appendix to Town Directory - Towns showing their outgrowth with 224 population

P ART-B : PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Brief note on Primary Census Abstract 227 District Primary Census Abstract (General) 230 Appendix to District Primary Census Abstract i.e., Urban block wise figures of 236 Total, SC and ST Population Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Castes 238 Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Tribes 244 C.D.Block wise Village Primary Census Abstract 252 Urban Primary Census Abstract 318

(vii) Page Annexure-I Number of Villages under each Gram Panchayat 327 Annexure-II Note of Fertility, Mortality and Migration 1991 Census 327 Annexure-III Various measures of fertility and mean age at marriage, 1991 327 Annexure-IV Percentage distribution of Migrants by place of birth/place of 328 last residence, 1991 Census Annexure-V Brief account of main religions in the districtltehsil as per 329 1991 Census Annexure-VI Marital status of population as per 1991 Census 330 Annexure-VII Age, Sex and Education in the district, 1991 Census 331 Annexure-VIII Distribution of different mother tongues returned in 1991 Census 333

(viii) Foreword

~e District Census Handbook (DCHB) published by Census Organization since 1951 census, is one 1 of the important publications in the context of planning and development at grass-root level. The publication, which is brought out for each district, contains several demographic and socio-economic characteristics village-wise and town-wise of the district alongwith the status of availability of civic amenities, infrastructural facilities, etc. The scope of the DCHB was initially confined to a few Census Tables and Primary Census Abstract (PC A) of each village and town within the district. Thereafter, at successive censuses, its scope and coverage has been enlarged. The DCHB published at the 1961 census provided a descriptive account of the district, administrative statistics, census tables and a village and town directory including PCA. The 1971 census-DCHB series was in three parts: Part-A related to village and town directory, Part-B to village and town PCA and Part-C comprised analytical report, administrative statistics, district census tables and certain analytical tables based on PCA and amenity data in respect of villages. The 1981 census DCHB was in two parts: Part-A contained village and town directory and Part-B the PCA of village and town including the SCs and STs PCA up to tehsil/town levels. New features alongwith restructuring of the formats of village and town directory were added into it. In Village Directory, all amenities except electricity were brought together and if any amenity was not available in the referent village, the distance in broad ranges from the nearest place having such an amenity, was given. Information on new items such as adult literacy centres, primary health sub-centres and community health workers in the village were provided so as to meet the requirements of some of the Revised Minimum Needs Programme, Information on approach to the village was provided for the first time in the Village Directory so as to give the details on number of inaccessible villages in each district. In the Town Directory, a statement (IV-A) on slums was introduced to provide the details on civic and other amenities in the notified slums of Class I and Class II towns. The 1991 census DCHB, by and large, followed the pattern of presentation of 1981 census, except the format of PCA was restructured. Nine-fold industrial classification of main workers was given against the four-fold industrial classification presented in the 1981 census. In addition, sex-wise popUlation in 0-6 age group was included in the PCA for the first time with a view to enable the data users to compile more realistic literacy rate as all children below 7 years of age had been treated as illiterate at the time of 1991 census. One of the important innovations in the 1991 census was the Community Development Block (CD block) level presentation of village directory and PCA data instead of the traditional tehsilltaluklPS level presentation. It was expected that the presentation of village directory and PCA data at CD block level will help the planners in formulation of micro level development plans, CD block being lowest administrative unit. The present series of 2001 census DCHBs have been made more informative and exhaustive in terms of coverage and content. The Village Directory has been enlarged in scope by including a number of other facilities like banking, recreational and cultural facilities, newspapers and magazines and 'most important commodity' manufactured in village. Income and expenditure of gram panchayat, wherever possible, has been provided. Apart from these, more details on distance(s) at which basic amenities are available (if medical facilities (viz. Allopathic Hospital, Maternity & Child Welfare Centre and Primary Health Centre), drinking water, post & telegraph (post office and phone), communication, bank, credit societies and recreational facilities. In Town Directory, the statement on Slums has been modified and its coverage enlarged by including details on all slums instead of 'notified slums'. The information is given in case of all statutory towns irrespective of their class, against only Class I and Class II towns in the 1981 and 1991 censuses. The basic (ix) amenities available in the villages and towns are analyzed in depth with the help of a number of cross­ classified inset tables and statements. Two other significant additions in the publication are inclusion of 'motif highlighting significant characteristic of the district and analytical notes as annexure. The analytical notes on (i) fertility and mortality and (ii) various measures of fertility and mean age at marriage are prepared based on 1991 Census. Whereas, in the notes relating to (i) percentage distribution of migrants by place of birth! place of last residence, (ii) main religions, (iii) marital status of population, (iv) age, sex and education, and (v) distribution of spectrum of mother tongue, nature and extent of changes occurred in the district in its basic socio-demographic features during the decade 1991-2001 are analyzed. The eight digits permanent location code (PLCN) to all the villages and towns have been assigned keeping in view the future needs.

The village and town level amenity data have been collected, compiled and computerised in prescribed record structure under the supervision of Shri N.K. Laskar, Director of Census Operations, Meghalaya. Thereafter, efforts have been made to ensure comparability of the information with that of 1991 census data and the information brought out by the respective state governments in their annual reports and statistical handbooks for various years after 1991. The task of planning, designing and coordination of this publication was carried out by Shri RG. Mitra, Deputy Registrar General (C&T) and Dr. I.C. Agrawal, Senior Research Officer of Social Studies Division. Dr. RP. Singh, Deputy Registrar General (Map) provided the technical guidance in the preparation of maps. Whereas, Shri Anil Kumar Arora, Deputy Directory of Data Processing Division who worked under the overall supervision of Shri Himakar, Addl. Director (EDP) helped in preparation of record structure for computerization of village and town directory data and the programme for the generation ofVilJage Directory and Town Directory statements including analytical inset tables. The draft DCHB manuscripts received from the Census Directorates have been scrutinized in the Social Studies Division under the guidance of Shri S.L. Jain, Deputy Director and Shri RK. Mehta, Assistant Director. I am thankful to all of them and others who have contributed to make this publication possible.

New Delhi Dated: 17.10.2006 D.K.Sikri Registrar General & Census Commissioner, India

(x) Preface

he District Census Handbook is the only publication brought out by the Directorate of Census Operations Ton behalf of the State Government. It is also the only publication that presents census data at village level in rural areas and ward level in urban areas. It is also the only publication that presents non-census data in the fonn of Village Directory and Town Directory at village level and town level respectively. Here, lies the usefulness of the Handbook for micro and grassroot level planning for rural development. Therefore for administrators, planners, research scholars and other data users the Handbook is a sine qua non. Though Census is a central subject, it is being conducted by the administrative machinery of the State Government under the technical guidance of the Director of Census Operations. It is the State Government who appoints the hierarchy of Census Officers from the rank of Deputy Commissioner of a district designated as Principal Census Officer down to Primary School Teachers and other low rank government employees designated as Enumerators. It is this team of Census Officers who actually conduct the Census Operations. I am, therefore, very grateful to the with special reference to Shri. J. Tayeng, lAS Chief Secretary to the Government of Meghalaya, Shri A. Som, lAS, Secretary, General Administration Department and a hosts of other officers who have made the entire district administrative machinery available to the Census Organization. I am also grateful to Shri J.K. Banthia, lAS, Registrar General and Census Commissioner, India, Shri S.P. Sharma, Consultant and other officers in the 0/0, The Registrar General ofIndia, for their timely advice and prompt co-operation whenever needed. In this office I am grateful to Shri. B.L. Sharma, Dy. Director of Census Operations, Shri S.K. Baruah, Asstt Director of Census Operations, Shri A. Roy Choudhury, Asstt. Director of Census Operations, (Technical) Shri B. Marbaniang, Shri L.R. Lyngdoh, Sl-I, Shri C.D. Sangrna, SI-II and other officials without whose hard, sincere and painstaking labour and toil the conduct of the 2001 Census would not have been a success.

N.K. Laskar Director of Census Operations, 29th Jan, 2004 Meghalaya, Shillong



Write up Drafting & Editing Shri A. Roychoudhury Asstt. Director Shri S.K. Baruah Asstt. Director VD & TD Unit Shri S.K. Baruah Asstt. Director Shri L.R. Lyngdoh Stat. Investigator - Or-I Shri C.D. Sangma Stat. Investigator - Or-II Smt O. Kharpran Stat. Investigator -Or-III Shri A.C. Talukdar Sr. Compiler Smti B. Sohtun Compiler Shri A. Nongsiej Asstt. Compiler Shri D. Nongkhlaw UDC Shri T. Kharbuli Asstt.Compiler peA Unit Shri S.K. Baruah Asstt.Director Shri B. Marbaniang Stat. Investigator - Or-I Shri C. D. Sangma Stat. Investigator-Or-II Shri C. E. Lanong Stat. Investigator-Or-Ill Smti H. Sangma Stat. Investigator-Or-I1I Shri T. Bhattacharjee Stat. Investigator -Or-III Shri A. C. Talukdar Sr. Compiler Shri U. Sharma Compiler

Computerisation & Typing Unit Shri A. C. Talukdar Sr. Compiler Shri D. Nongkhlaw UDC Shri S. Nongkynrih Compiler Shri R. Paul Asstt. Compiler Shri T. Kharbuli Asstt. Compiler Map Unit Shri A. K. Das Sr. Draughtsman Shri K. S. Ryntathianhg Sr. Draughtsman Shri P. K. Das Sr. Draughtsman Smti B. Lyngdoh Sr. Draughtsman Smti S. Kharmalki Draughtsman


District Highlights 2001 Census

1. South Garo Hills District is the smallest district in term of area and population in the State. 2. South Garo Hills is one of the least urbanised districts in the State, which is about 8.6 % of the district population, while one fifth of State's population lives in urban areas. 3. In terms of population per Sq. Km. South Garo Hills is the least density populated district in the state. 4. South Garo Hills is sixth in Sex Ratio (942) which is less than the State Sex Ratio (972). 5. Baghmara C.D.Block is having the highest population (45529), while Rongara C.D.Block is having the lowest population (17514) in the district. 6. In terms of size Baghmara C.D.Block is the largest Block while Rongara is the smallest block in the district. 7. Chokpot C.D.Block is having the highest number of villages and Rongara C.D.Block is having the lowest number of villages in the district. 8. The economy of the district is mainly dependent on agriculture. Out of every 100 workers in the district, 74 persons are engaged in agricultural sector. 9. 13.4 percent of the total Households in the rural areas of the district availed electricic power facility for lighting. Baghmara C.D.Block is having the highest number of Households availed electricity power for lighting in the rural areas. 10. Village Nongalbibra is the most populated (1553) and Boldam Songkni (2) is the least populated village on the district. 11. The condition of Census houses in the rural areas of the district is comparatively low, 36.6 percent of total households live in good condition, 59.6 percent live in livable condition and 3.8 percent live in the dilapidated condition. 12. Percentage of households by type of houses in rural areas of the district are (i) Permanent type of houses 4.7 %, (ii) Semi permanent 22.5 %, (iii) Temporary which is serviceable 2.4 % and (iv) Temporary ( not serviceable) 70.3 %. 13. Percentage of households by type of latrine in the rural areas of the district are (i) Service latrine lO.5 %, (ii) Pit latrine 34.7 %, (iii) Water closet 2.1 % and (iv) Not having latrine are 52.9 %. 14. Percentage of households by type of fuel used for cooking in the rural area of the district are (i) Firewood 96.9 %, (ii) LPG 0.1 %, and (iii) Kerosene 0.6 %. 15. Percentage of households by having types of assets in rural areas of the district are (i) Radio/Transistor 36.0 %, (ii) TV 7.1 %, (iii) Telephone 0.4 %, eiv) Bicycle 8.8 %, (v) Scooter/Motor Cycle/Moped 2.2 %, (vi) Car/JeepNan 0.9 and (vii) None 59.8 %. 16. Out of the total number of Household in the district only 11.9 percent availed banking facility. In the urban areas 41.3 % of the population availed banking facility while only 8.9 % of the household living in the rural areas availing this facility.


Important Statistics - 2001

State District Number of villages Total 6,026 627 Inhabited 5,782 595 Uninhabited 244 32

Number of Towns Statutory Towns 10 Census Town 6

Number of Households 4,18,850 17,900

Population Total Persons 2,318,822 1,00,980 Males 1,176,087 52,007 Females 1,142,735 48,973

Rural Persons 1,864,711 92,337 Males 946,999 47,399 Females 9,17,712 44,938

Urban Persons 4,54,111 8,643 Males 2,29,088 4,608 Females 2,25,023 4,035

Percentage Urban population 19.58 8.56

Number Percentage Number Percentage Decadal Population Growth 1991-2001 Persons 5,44,044 30.7 23,907 31.0 Males 2,68,400 29.6 12,750 32.5 Females 2,75,644 31.8 11,157 29.5

Area (in Sq. Km.) 22,429 1850

Density of popUlation (person per sq. km.) 103 55

Sex ratio (number of females per 1000 males) Total 972 942 Rural 969 948 Urban 982 876

Literates Persons 1,157,875 62.6 43,816 55.0 Males 6,14,272 65.4 25,340 61.5 Females 5,43,603 59.6 18,476 48.0

(xvii) Number Percentage Number Percentage Scheduled Caste Population Persons 11,139 0.5 226 0.2 Males 5,920 0.5 135 03 Females 5,219 0.5 91 0.2

Scheduled Tribe Population Persons 19,92,862 85.9 96,616 95.7 Males 9,96,567 84.7 49,027 943 Females 9,96,295 87.2 47,589 97.2 Workers and Non-workers Total Workers (main and marginal) Persons 9,70,146 41.8 47848 47.4 Males 5,68,491 483 26,491 50.9 Females 4,01,655 35.1 21,357 43.6

(i) Main Workers Persons 7,57,011 32.6 31,351 31.0 Males 4,85,694 41.3 20,453 39.3 Females 2,71,317 23.7 10,898 22.3

(ii) Marginal Workers Persons 2,13,135 9.2 16,497 16.3 Males 82,797 7.0 6,038 11.6 Females 1,30,338 11.4 10459 21.4

(iii) Non-workers Persons 1,348,676 58.2 53,132 52.6 Males 6,07,596 51.7 25,516 49.1 Females 7,41,080 64.9 27,616 56.4

Category of Workers (Main & Marginal) (i) Cultivators Persons 4,67,010 48.1 29,271 61.2 Males 2,55,018 44.9 14,577 55.0 Females 2,11,992 52.8 14,694 68.8

(ii) Agricultural Labourers Persons 1,71,694 17.7 6,026 12.6 Males 90,888 16.0 3,038 11.5 Females 80,806 20.1 2,988 14.0

(iii) Workers in Household Industry Persons 21,225 2.2 938 2.0 Males 9,358 1.6 523 2.0 Females 11,867 3.0 415 1.9

(iv) Other workers Persons 3,10,217 32.0 11,613 24.3 Males 2,13,227 37.5 8,353 31.5 Females 96,990 24.1 6,458 15.3 Definition of Census Town : All places which satisfy or are expected to satisfy the'following criteria are treated as Census Towns: 0 A minimum population of 5,000 ti) At least 75 percent of the male working population engaged in non-agricaltural pursuits, and iii) A density of population of at least 400 per square kilometre (1,000 per square mile).

(xviii) Ranking of C.D. Blocks in South Garo Hills District

CHOKPOT BAGHMARA RONGARA SI. In Terms of No. Value Rank Value Rank Value Rank I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

I. Total Population 37,937 2 45,529 17,514 3

2. Total Area (in Sq. Kms) 612 2 651 587 3

3. Density of Population per Sq. Km. 62 2 70 30 3

4. Sex Ratio 975 908 3 959 2

5. Proportion Urban 0.0 19.0 0.0

6. Proportion Scheduled Castes 0.0 3 0.4 0.3 2

7. Proportion Scheduled Tribes 98.6 92.6 3 97.5 2

8. Proportion Literates 51.5 3 57.4 56.4 2

9. Work Participate Rate (M ain + 51.5 45.9 2 42.3 3 Marginal Workers) 10. Percentage of villages having 58.9 3 SI.9 2 87.3 Primary schools II. Percentage of villages having 0.6 3 2.0 1.8 2 Primary Health Sub-centre 12. Percentage of villages having Well 34.S 27.5 2 10.0 3

13. Percentage of villages having Post 2.4 3 7.4 4.5 2 Office 14. Percentage of villages having Bus 11.6 3 32.2 21.8 2 facility 15. Percentage of villages having 16.1 3 42.3 32.7 2 Approach by Pucca road 16. Percentage of villages hav ing 8.6 3 42.3 14.5 2 Electricity for Domestic purpose 17. Percentage of villages having Forest Area IS. Percentage of villages hav ing Irrigated Area

(xix) ST ATEMENT - 1


Serial Name of District Name of District headquarters Whether Distance from C.D. Block number Urban/Rural headquarters to district headquarters by road (in km.) 2 3 4 5

South Garo Hills Baghmara Urban* o

Note: Asterisk in column 4 denotes that the district / tahsil headquarters is a statutory town.



Serial Name of District / Name of District / C.D.block Whether Distance from C.D.block number C. D. block headquarters Urban/Rural headquarters to district headquarters by road (in km.) 2 3 4 5

1. South Garo Hills 8aghmara Urban * 0 2. Chockpot Chockpot(Dobogiri) Rural 44 3. 8aghmara Baghmara Urban * 0 4. Rongara Rongara Rural 40

Note: Asterisk in column 4 denotes that the district / tahsil headquarters is a statutory town.


District Total! Census Year Persons Males Females Decadal population variation Rural! Absolute Percentage Urban 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

South Garo Hills Total 1901 21,522 10,833 10,689 1911 24,738 12,566 12,172 3,216 14.9 1921 27,883 14,141 13,742 3,145 12.7 1931 29,715 15,063 14,652 1,832 6.6 1941 34,798 17,493 17,305 5,083 17.1" 1951 37,679 19,172 18,507 2,881 8.3 1961 47,820 24,263 23,557 10,141 26.9 1971 53,984 28,282 25,702 6,164 12.9 1981 62,354 31,705 30,649 8,370 15.5 1991 77,073 39,257 37,816 14,719 23.6 2001 100,980 52,007 48,973 23,907 31.0

Rural 1901 21,522 10,833 10,689 1911 24,738 12,566 12,172 3,216 14.9 1921 27,883 14,141 13,742 3,145 12.7 1931 29,715 15,063 14,652 1,832 6.6 1941 34,798 17,493 17,305 5,083 17.1 1951 37,679 19,172 18,507 2,881 8.3 1961 47,820 24,263 23,557 10,141 26.9 1971 53,984 28,282 25,702 6,164 12.9 1981 58,171 29,528 28,643 4,187 7.8 1991 71,179 36,122 35,057 13,008 22.4 200] 92,337 47,399 44,938 21,158 29.7 Urban 1901 1911 1921 193] 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 4,183 2,177 2,006 1991 5,894 3,135 2,759 1,711 40.9 2001 8,643 4,608 4,035 2,749 46.6


Sl. District / TotaV Area in Population Number of Number Number Number Population No C.D.Block/ RuraV Sq.Km. per of of of house- UA /Town Urban sq.km. Inhab- U nin- statutory census holds ited habited towns towns Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

1. South Garo Hills Total 1850.0 55 595 32 17,900 100,980 52,007 48,973 Rural 1841.2 50 595 32 16,317 92,337 47,399 44,938 Urban 8.8 982 1,583 8,643 4,608 4,035

2. Chokpot Total 612.0 62 336 18 6,613 37,937 19,205 18,732 Rural 612.0 62 336 18 6,613 37,937 19,205 18,732 Urban

3. Baghmara Total 651.0 70 149 4 8,136 45,529 23,864 21,665 Rural 642.2 57 149 4 6,553 36,886 19,256 17,630 Urban 8.8 982 1,583 8,643 4,608 4,035

4. Baghmara (MB) Urban 8.8 982 1,583 8,643 4,608 4,035

5. Rongara Total 587.0 30 110 10 3,151 17,514 8,938 8,576 Rural 587.0 30 110 10 3,151 17,514 8,938 8,576 Urban



Serial Name of C.O. block Number of villages Rural population Total Inhabited Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7

1. Chockpot 353 336 37,937 19,205 18,732 2. Baghmara 154 149 36,886 19,256 17,630 3. Rongara 120 110 17,514 8,938 8,576

District (Rural) Total: 627 596 92,337 47,399 44,938

(xxii) STATEMENT-6 POPULATION OF URBAN AGGLOMERATIONS (INCLUDING CONSTITUENT UNITS)/TOWNS, 2001 Serial Name ofUA/Town Urban status Name of tahsil where Population number town is located Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7

1. Baghmara (MB) Baghmara 8,643 4,608 4,035

District (Urban) total: 8,643 4,608 4,035



SI. No. Name of C.D. block Name of village Locat ion code Population Whether it is Whether it is number Tahsil C.D. block headquarters headquarters 2 3 4 5 6 7



Amenities available Educational Medical Drinking Communication Banking Senior College Primary Primary Tap Railway station Commercial Bank Co-operative Bank Secondary Health Health Sub· water School Centre centre 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15


(xxiii) STATEMENT-8


SI. Name Location Population Whether it is Whether it is Amenities available No. of code Tahsil C.D. block Educational Medical Improved Communi- Banking Town number headquarters headquarters drinking cation water Senior College Hospital Health Tap water Railway Bank Secondary Centre station School 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

This District has no such Statutory Town



Sl. District {Tahsil ( TotaV Houseless population Institutional population No. Town RuraV Urban Number of Persons Males Females Number of Persons Males Females households households 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II

1. South Garo Hills Total 13 47 43 4 62 1,052 799 253 Rural 10 39 35 4 47 744 546 198 Urban 3 8 8 15 308 253 55

2. Chokpot Total 3 6 6 8 123 66 57 Rural 3 6 6 8 123 66 57 Urban

3. Baghmara Total 6 22 21 38 648 533 115 Rural 3 14 13 23 340 280 60 Urban 3 8 8 15 308 253 55 4. Baghmara (MB) Urban 3 8 8 15 308 253 55

5. Rongara Total 4 19 16 3 16 281 200 81 Rural 4 19 16 3 16 281 200 81 Urban


Analytical Note

(i) History and scope of the District Census use data and special Primary Census Abstract for Handbook Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes at C.D. Publication of the District Census Handbook was Block/Town levels which was another innovation introduced in the 1981 series. started after the 1951 Census and has been continuing since then with some innovations/modifications after The manner of presentation of the District Census each decennial census. This is the most valuable Handbook for the 1991 Census was by and large the district level publication brought out by the Census same as followed in 1981. However, the format for Organisation on behalf of the State/UT Governments. presenting data in Primary Census Abstract had been It inter alia provides data/information on some of the restructured slightly in the 1991 Census by basic demographic and socio-economic characteristics incorporating nine-fold Industrial Classifications of and on the availability of certain basic amenities/ main workers against four-fold Industrial facilities in each village and town of the respective Classifications presented in the 1981 Census. In district. This publication has proved to be of immense addition, the sex-wise population in the 0-6 age group utility to the planners, administrators, academicians was presented in the Primary Census Abstract for and researchers. the first time. The 1951 series of the District Census Handbook The scope of the 2001 District Census Handbook incorporated some basic demographic and economic has been enlarged by incorporating nine appendices information of the district at the village and town levels to Section-I of Part-A against four in the 1991 District separately in addition to some important tables on Census Handbook. Those additional appendices census data. display the list of villages by number of Primary Schools, the list of villages by number of Primary, Unlike the 1951 District Census Handbook, the Middle and Secondary Schools, the list of villages with 1961 District Census Handbook was made to cover different sources of drinking water facilities available, village-wise and town-wise information on the the list of villages with 5000 and above population availability of different amenities such as educational which do not have one or more basic amenities, the facilities, supply of drinking water, supply of electricity, list of census towns which do not have one or more etc. shown by means of abbreviations placed against amenities, summary showing the number of villages the name of each village/town in the Primary Census Abstract itself. having or not having Scheduled Castes/Tribes population, C.D. Block wise number of villages under In 1971 the District Census Handbook was each Gram Panchayat and statement showing the divided into three parts. Part A contained Village and number of girls' school in the villages. Analysis of Town Directory, Part-B contained Primary Census data of the 1991 census on fertility, mortality, Abstract and Part-C contained Analytical Report, migration, religions, marital status, languages, etc. have Administrative Statistics and District Census Tables. also been included as annexures to the Primary Part-C was not published in many states/union Census Abstract. territories including Meghalaya. (ii) Brief History of the District The scope of the 1981 District Census Handbook had been enlarged specially by inclusion of additional The British Government with Captain H J Peet information on amenities like existence of kutchal as the Deputy Commissioner of the Garo Hills decided pucca roads, distance from the nearest town , land- to have a firmer grip on the Garos by imposing DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: SOUTH GARO HILLS

House Tax on the hill of Garos and Land Revenue of Siju areas to purchase their essential commodities on the plains people. For this purpose, in 1878, the and to dispose their jhum and other jungle products. British Government created four Hill Mauzas with On Many of their voyages along tne Simsang river one Mauzadar in each Muaza for assessment and in their dugout boats, Rangku, Bong and the other collection of House Tax, and appointed two plain Garos would halt for the night at either Bolsal A'ding Muazadars for the plain Mauzas with a commission or Konagittim, two different local ities of present day for collection of land revenue. Baghmara town. During these halts, Rangku used to Reverend Rangku W. Momin was the first Hill suggest to Bong to come and settle down in these Mauzadar appointed by the British Government in swampy plain areas and convert them into permanent 1878, and as such, was deputed to Mauza No-l with agricultural lands with establishment of Schools , Rewak, near Baghmara,as his head headquarters. Churches, markets around. Moreover, Susung­ Seeing his deep conviction ill the Christian Faith and Durgapur and other towns of Mymensing were only his commitment to spread it far and wide, the Deputy a couple of kms away from here. Though Bong Laskar Commissioner gave him a free hand to spread the was illiterate and had no idea about wet cultivation. Gospel while perfonning his secular duties. By this but by this time, Bong Laskar had complete trust and time, the British Government in Garo Hills was confidence on the wisdom and ideas of Rangku convinced that it was not through sheer force but by Mauzadar and so they decided to move down along the love of Christ that the Garos can be won over to with their families and settle down in what is now begin a more civilized and mordem way of living. It modern day Baghmara town. Bangjan Momin who may be mentioned that prior to the arrival of also met the two often would attentively listen to their Christianity, the Garo practicised head hunting in discussions on the question of this new settlement which they would cut out the head of their opponents and very soon he also expressed his willingness to be and preserve it as a trophy. a party to this news adventure. Shortly after their decision to settle down at Immediately after he was appointed as the Baghmara, Bong Laskar built a house for him and Mauzadar ofMauza No-l in 1878, Reverend Rangku his wife and another house for his daughter and son­ proceeded to rewak to establish his office and a house in-law and moved down in the summer of 1879 in for himself. There already existed a Police outpost at what is now Konagittim. Rangku Mauzadar, on Rewak and on his arrival he was welcomed by the completion of his official works, also moved down police personnel. The Nokma and the Laskar of the during winter to the present locality of Bolsal A'ding Elaka, Binu Laskar took Rangku Mauzadar along with the same year. Bangjan and his family came over to him during his official tours and introduced him to begin a new life a couple of months later in 1880 in Balman A Sangma (Bong Laskar) who was a Nokma what is now known as Wa'gesik. of Siju village. However, Binu Laskar died that same year and the Nokmas of that Laskar Elaka elected A weekly market was also set up in 1886 at Balman A. Sangma as the new Laskar who became Baghmara which was known to the Garos as Bong one of the most famous Laskar of Garo Hills and a Anti. Gradually a post office was also established at lifelong follower of Rangku Mauzadar. the bazar with Rongding Sangma being its first post master. As Government officials, both Rangku Mauzadar Bong Laskar is remembered till today because it and Bong Laskar had to send letters to and receive is due to him that the place was named Baghmara. plans from the DC, Tura. The nearest post office In 1886 Bong was attacked by a tiger that had been was at Sasung-Durgapur located at Mymensing of killing number of cattle in the area Bong along with present day Bangladesh, a distance of forty kms with Jengran Raksam Marak came across the tiger and the only mode of transport being on a dug-out boat legend has it that he bare handedly fought against that moved through the Simsang river. It took the the tiger until Jengran finally speared the animal to two of them two days to go to and fro from Sasung­ death. Since then the place has been known as Durgapur. That was also the only bazar for the Garos Baghmara.


Creation of the District the Tibeto-Burman. They have close linguistic affinity Prior to 1976 the entire Garo Hills was the only with tribal races inhabiting the plains of Assam, the district in the Western part of State of Meghalaya. Cachar hills and part of Tripura. Major Playfair The Garo Hills District was divided into ·two districts strongly defend that Garos bear the strongest in october 1976, with Tura resemblances linguistically as well as physically to as headquarter and East Garo Hills District with the Kacharis. However, Grievson, in his linguistic headquarter at vide Notification No. Survey ofIndia clubbed into a single stalk called Bodo. ~L.399!751l40 dt.09.1 0.1976. In June, 1992, West S.K.Bhuyan (ed), in his book' An Account of Assam Garo Hills District was further bifurcated and created , quoted" Its inhabitants, the Garos are a section of one new District namely South Garo Hills by upgrading the great Bodo race which one time occupied much the Baghmara Sub-division in to the district with of the Brahmaputra valley, but which probably was headquarter at Baghmara vide notification No. HPL driven into the hills by the early Hindu invaders from 275/84/14 I dt. 18.06.92. Bengal. However the original home of the Garos is - not known. They themselves believe that their original The name of then entire district of the Garo Hills homeland was in Tibet. was given after name of its predominant inhabitants called the Garos. The names of the districts so far The Garos the main dominant tribe in the district created in the undivided Garo Hills District were given have followed the matrilineal lineage since time immemorial. Under this system mother is the on basis of their geographical locations in the map. generator of the clan. The children inherit the title of Accordingly, the districts located in the Western part, the mother. All the property both movable and Eastern and Southern part of the original Garo Hills immovable belong to her, not only children but also _trict are known as West Garo Hills, East Garo Hills every possession of the children belong to her. There and south Garo Hills respectively. Till June, 1992, the were originally three main clans among the Garos area of the present district of South Garo Hills was namely Sangma, Marak and Momin but in course of a Civil Sub-division which was created vide Govt. time two more clans, namely Areng and Shira were Notification No. HPL 399175/157 dt. 03.12.1976 with added. It may be pointed out that women headquarter at Baghmara Town under then West Garo empowerment have no place at all in the much touted Hills District. In June, 1992, this Civil Sub-Division "grass root democratic" tribal administrative institution was upgraded into the District which was named as like Nokmaships in the district which are male South Garo Hills District. dominated. The District has three community Development Majority of Garos profess only two beliefs, that Blocks and one town in 2001, Baghmara the District is they are either Songsareks or Christians. htftajquarter is the only town of the District. The Civic The Garos normally do not use many ornaments. status of Baghmara town was upgraded to Municipal The common ones are strings of beads and earings Board from the Town committee vide Notification worn both by men and women. Necklaces are also No. UAM 188/92173 dt. 20.03.1995. The names of used by both men and women earings are known as Community Development Block are shisha. (1) Chokpot The Garos (both sexes) wear turban on their (2) Baghmara and heads. These turbans are of dark blue cotton while (3) Rongara. some are white. On festive occasions all the family heirlooms including the fine clothes and ornaments People for men and women are taken out. Rice is the main staple food. They also eat Millet, Maize and Tapioca. A great majority of the people of the district are Rice beer is also used as a drink. the Garos. Other inhabitants next to Garos are Rabhas, u.lngs, Koch and Dalus.The Garos call themselves Festival Achik-mande ( achik = hill, mande = man) The Garos Among the festivals, Wangala is the greatest belong to the linguistie stock called by the ethnologists festival. It is known as celebration of thanksgiving Source: " The Assam Tribune" dr. 02.08.04 5 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: SOUTH GARO HILLS

after harvest. It is celebrates in October of each year. Registration Branch and other Branches in charge of Feasting including food and rice beer followed by Supply, Housing, Elections, Community Development colourful dance of both men and women in best Block as well as the District Seleotion Committee. traditional clothes and beating of drums and songs The law and order maintenance in the District is the are the main attraction of this festival. major part of their functions.

(iii) Administrative Set Up The Administrative Unit below the district C.D.Blocks were treated as the unit of the The Deputy Commissioner is the head of the administrative set up. The Block Development Officer district administration. Under the Deputy (BDO) is the administrative head of each C.D.Block Commissioner there are the following executive area. There is an office at each Block headquarter. officers one Additional Deputy Commissioner one All BOOs are accountable to the Deputy Sub-divisional Officer (Sadar) two EACs one Deputy Commissioner of the District. Director of Supply one Deputy Superintendent of Excise, one Enforcement Inspector (Revenue) one The Block Development Officer (BOO) functions Inspector of Supply and one District Transport as the secretary of Block Development Committees. Officer. The B.D.O. is assisted by the Extension Officers in­ charge of Agriculture, Veterinary, Animal Husbandry There is no Civil Sub-division except Sadar Sub­ as well as by Social Education Organiser and Gram division in the district. Sevaks. Each Block office is responsible for The Deputy Commissioner's office is divided into implementing various community development a number of important branches, among them the programmes undertaken by the Govt. for the General or Establishment Branch, the Development improvement of rural economy. and Planning Branch, the Nazarat Branch, the

The names of C.D.BJocksffowns within the District are as follows

Name of Area in Km 2 Headqurter Date of Total number of Number of Number of DistrictlC.D.BlocklTown Creation Villages/Wards Inhabited Uninhab_ited Villages Villages 2 3 4 5 6 7 South Garo Hills District T 1850 Baghmara 18.06.1992 627 595 32 R 1841.2 U 8.8 Chokpot C.D.Slock R 612 Chokpot 01.04.1960 353 336 17 Baghmara C.D.Block T 651 Baghmara 02.10.1958 154 149 5 R 642.2 Baghmara (MS) U 8.8 20.03.1995 10 Rongara C.D.Block R 587 Rongara 03.10.1980 120 110 10

There is no jurisdictional changes in any not implemented so far in the whole state since its administration units in the District/C.D.Blocks after inception. However, the District Councils administration 1991 Census. Only Baghmara town committee was set-up had been constituted in accordance with the upgraded to the Municipal Board vide Govt. Notification provision of the Sixth Schedule to the constitution of No. UAM 188/92/73 dt. 20.03. I 995. India and Rules framed thereunder to safeguard the rights and interest of the tribal people within its juristic Local Self Government as enjoined under the constitution ofIndia. They were There is no PanchayatiGram Panchayat System autonomous bodies elected on the basis of adult in the rural areas of District, as Panchayat Act was suffrage. There were three District Councils in the


state namely Khasi Hills Autonomous District Council, Local Self Govt. in Urban areas Jaintia Hills Autonomous District Council and Garo The System of Local Self Govt. in Urban areas Hills Autonomous District Council. Each District was also under District Council. Baghmara Town Council has 30 members including one number Committee was there upto the March, 1995 but after nominated by the Governor. The 29 members have constitution of Baghmara Municipal Board, in March been elected through adult francies. Accordingly the 1995, it was under the administration of the Civil Sub GaTo Hills Autonomous District Council came into divisional officer and subsequently under the being in 1952. A short description of the council is administration of the Deputy Commissioner, as there given below. was no election for constitution of Municipal Board. At present, the jurisdiction of the District Council Other Departments in the District is the entire geographical area ofthe Garo Hills ( West Garo Hills, East Garo Hills and South Garo Hills There are other Departments such as Agriculture, Districts) across the District barrier the administration Animals Husbandry and Veterinary, Co-operative, is carried on the executive committee constituted under Education, Employment, Forest, Industries, Public the Autonomous District Council Rules. The Executive Works, Public Health Engineering Publicity and Committee headed by chief executive member elected Information, Social Welfare, Town Planning, Weight from among the members of the council, includes five & Measures, Health & Family Welfare, Social executive members who are appointed by the Governor Welfare, Fisheries, Labour, Economics & Statistics, on the advice of the Chief Executive Member. The Transport, Sericulture and weaving, Tax, Police etc Chairman and the Deputy Chairman are also elected to look after their affairs and to carry out different from among the members themselves. There is a departmental developmental activities in different area Secretary to the Executive Committee who is at the district. responsible for supervision of the administrative work of District Council. In short in respect of the internal (iv) Physical Features administration of the district they may be compared to Location and Size: South Garo Hills District is the Minister of the State Govt. in that they are elected located in the South-Eastern comer of the Western to the Council and have particular subjects under their Part of the State of Meghalaya. It is bounded by charge. The major subjects assigned to the Council East Garo Hills District on the north, on the West by are: Forests, Civil works, Taxation, Revenue, Judicial, the West Garo Hills District and on the East by West Transport, etc. The subject of administration of Primary Khasi Hills District of the State of the Meghalaya, Education had been taken over by the State' Govt. through an Act passed by the State Legislature. but on the South it is bounded by international boundary of Bangladesh. Below the District Council, administration set up It lies between 25° 09 ' North to 25° 32 ' North Village Council for each village or groups of villages Latitudes and 90° 17 ' East to 90° 58 ' East consisted of not less than six and not more than ten Longitudes. members, half of them are nominated by the Executive Committee of the District Council and the other half This new district was carved out from the district elected on the basis of adult suffrage, is there to deal of West Garo Hills District after 1991 Census. with all matters relating to the village. Among them, The total area of the district is 1850.0 Sq Km; allotment of land for cultivators, Social works, out of which 1841.20 Sq. Km and 8.80 Sq.Km are settlement of disputes among the villagers, collection Rural and Urban areas respectively. Among the of tolls, local taxes, etc. districts in terms of area, it was recorded 8.25 % to Broadly speaking, the Sixth Schedule guaranteed the total areas of the state and it ranks 7th and the the exercise of a wide degree of autonomy to the last in terms of the area as well as in terms of size Districts with the dominated tribal population, although of population in the State. the District Council had taken ones much of Physiography responsible of the old administrative set up the Deputy Commissioner as the local functioning of the State The District is characterised by dissected and Govt. remain at the helm of the district administration. rugged hilly terrain. As per Regional Division of India


( Series -1 Volume XV ) Meghalaya, 1991 the district southern slope of the District. The main tributaries of of South Garo Hills falls under a part of South Garo this river are Rampa, Kakija, Daji etc. Hills with 91 villages of Chokpot Community There are some deep pools and falls in the Development Block and Someswari-Dareng Basin District. They are Mrik, Matma, Kanchru Suk, Sub-Micro Regions with 252, 147 and 107 of Jamiiseng, Warisik, Bobra, Goka etc. In the Simsang Chokpot, Baghmara and Rongara Community river Warima, RonjaJ1g, Bamon in the Dareng river, Development blocks respectively and one town under and Nosai Bandari, Warima in Bugi river. Another the Micro Region of Western Meghalaya of Macro beautiful and noted water fall namely ImiJchang Dare Region of Northern Mountains. The entire district is is located in Eman Sakgre, at a distance of 70 km conspicaous with low hills and plains. The northern from Chokpot of South Garo Hills district. part has series of hills whereas the southern part is more or less a plain area with the general slope Climate towards the south. The southern part of this district The South Garo Hills District is of comparatively forms an extensive plain area with the appreasance low elevation among the constituent districts of the of a few monudnocus here and there. state ofMeghalaya. The climate is accordingly much There are several high peaks/hills having elevation warmer than other districts of the State. Rainfall of 200 - 1000 metre above the mean sea level in the though incli~ed to be as heavy in June-July months district. Among the peaks, Chitmang ( Kylas ) peak of each year is also much less than in the other ( 1025 M ), Balphakran Peak ( 856 M ), Dikonggiri districts to the east. The mean monthly maximum ( 275 M ) and Gawangdan ( 1011 M ) are the most temperature ranges from 18.600 C in January to 34.75° important peaks/hills of the District. C in May. The coldest months in the district are December and January and June, July and August . The entire districts is occupied by red and yellow are the warmest months in the district. Winter season soils except a narrow belt in the north which is formed starts here in October and continues till the end of with laterite soils. This region is characterised by February. Fair weather are marked too and the diurnal dense mixed tropical vegetation. Scattered settlements range of temperature is reduced. This seasons is dry is the main characteristic of the population pattern of with about 20 mm of rainfall. The minimum this region. The inclusion of one only town in this temperature in the month of December, January and region depicts the predominance of rural habitants in February ranges between 5.0° C to 7.00 C. The the district. months of March, April and May are the period of Drainage Pre-monsoon season. The temperature begins to rise The geographical formations, its resultant from the month of March. The frequency of storms increaser during these months. During the monsoon topography and tendency of head ward erosion by rain period, due to heavy rainfall, the weather is suitable water have led to the creations of drainage network for crops growing in the hilly and plain areas. in the District. The prevailing climate and environment in the District is characterised by heavy rainfall, which Flora and Fauna of the District favour the action of streams to a considerable extent. The rivers in this district make two district systems Flora separated by small hills. Most of the rivers have their The majority of the forests area of this district origin in the northern upland area in Tura Range and falls under Tropical Moist Deciduous Forest Zone. flow towards the south becoming wider. Important These areas are rich in vegetation which ranges from rivers in the district are Dareng ( Nitai), Simsang tropical to temperature. Dense jungles clothe the ( Sameswari ), Bugi ( Bogai ), Maheshkhola, Mahadeo higher summits. The valuable timbers, medical plants etc. Among the rivers, Simsang is the largest river hard and soft woods of various types are found in and navigable in 32 K.M. long in its course. Its these areas of the district. Sal, Teak are most principal tributaries are Ronga, Rongadik, Chibok and important valuable timbers. In more or less open moist Ringdi etc. The river Dareng is also navigable in localities and near water sources, herbs like


Dictyospermum, Aneilema Scabunimum, Burman SP, the Tiger, the Leopard, the , the Coix SP, Cyprus SPP, Oxalis Cornieulate, Anemone Golden Cat, the Leopard Cat, the MarIe Cat, Indian Spp and Erieeaulon etc can be seen. A botanic curio Fox, varities of Squirrel etc Different species of Bats shrub Nepenthes Khasian grows. in and around are also found in this region. Different species of Baghmara. Several species of bamboo stretch for long snakes, frogs are found in this region. This region is distance forming thickets of secondary vegetation rich in fish fauna also. Commercially important groups without any completion is also found. A few plants include major carps (Labeorohita, L.conius, L Calbasu, like Areca, Caryota, Pinanga and Didymosprema are Mrigala etc) minor carps (Barilius bendalisis, B fauna, also conspienous. In evergreen forest areas species B.tileo, etc) of Alpinia, Amomum, Colocasia, Costus, Hedychium etc are found. Economic Resources Economic resources are the major sources of Fauna states income and also for providing employment Both terrestrial and aquatic fauna are found to avenues in various sectors. Economic development be rich in this region of the district. The larger number depends upon the exploration of the economic of mammalian fauna includes the Hoolock Gibbon the resources and their utilisation in right direction with stumptailed Macaque, Rlresns Macaque, the proper planning and policies. Broadly speaking the Assamese Macaques, the slow loris, the Golden economic resources are the parameter or yard stick Langur, the Capped Monkey, the Common Langur, of economic developmental activities carried out in

Percentage contribution of the district to the state total of Gross Domestic Product (sector-wise) at the current prices during 1993-94 to 1998-99. SI. Sector During the year No. 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. Agriculture 6.9 6.8 7.0 6.9 7.1 7.2 2. Forestry & Logging 10.7 10.7 10.7 10.7 10.7 10.7 11.3 11.4 3. Fishing 11.3 11.3 11.3 11.4 4. Mining & Quarry ing 13.5 21.8 26.0 23.2 17.6 18.5 5. Manufacturing 1.4 1.6 1.6 1.5 1.6 1.5 Registered ii Un-Registered 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.3 2.2 6. Construction 5.3 5.0 5.2 5.0 5.1 4.6 7. Electricity, Gas & Water Sup p Iy 2.1 2.6 2.2 2.2 2.3 2.3 8. Transport, Storage & Communication 0.3 0.5 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.3 Transport by other means 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.8 1.2

ii Storage iii Communication 6.3 2.9 2.8 2.9 2.9 2.0 9. Trade, Hotel and Restaurant 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 10. Banking & Insurance 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 2.4 11. Real Estate, Ownership of dwelling and 3.7 3.7 3.6 3.6 3.5 3.5 Business Services 12. Public Administration 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 13. Other Services 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 14. Gross Domestic Product 4.9 5.6 5.7 5.5 5.1 5.4 15. Population (000) 82 85 87 89 91 93 16. Per Cap ita Income ( in Rs ) 9006 10943 13040 13612 14321 17875

Source:Meghalaya district Gross Domestic Product 1993-94 to 1999-2000 published by Directorate of Economics & Statistics, Megha1aya in 2003.


the district as well as in the state. The District The name of National Park, Sanctuaries and Domestic Product (year-wise) reflects the trend Reserve Forest areas under forest areas with areas how district contributes to the state total domestic and Notification No. and date located in the district product. Accordingly, the Statement-I showing the are given below : percentage of contribution of the district to the state total of crops Domestic Products at the current price 2 during 1993-94 to 1998-99 is given below for giving A~a in km Notification No reference of it in the on going discussion on different with Date economic resources in the district. This statement will National Park be helpful in highlighting the observation on I. Balpakran 220.00 No. FOR 103/84/354 contribution of each economic resource to the state Dt. 15.02.86 economic scenario achieved during 1991 to 200 I Sanctuaries Census. I. Siju Wild life 5.18 No.MGF66/4 Forest dt.30.03.79 Forest is the most important renewable economic 2. Baghmara 0.02 No. FOR 79/84/15 resource in the district as well as in the state Forest pitchar Plant dt. 24.05.84 provides mainly timber, fuel wood and medicinal produce to the people, fodder to the livestock, Supply Reserve Forest raw materials to the forest based industries and also supply materials for construction of houses, leridges, I. Baghmara R.F. 43.91 N.A. . fences etc and thus contribute to the states income 2. Angretoli R.F. 30.11 N.A. and provide employment etc. 3. RawakR.F. 6.47 N.A. 4. Emangiri R.F. 8.29 N.A. The total land under forest as estimated by the State Forest Department is 1,0 1,716 hectares for the district of South Garo Hills i.e. constituting 54.99 Mineral and Mining percent of the total district geographical area ( 1,85,000 hectares ). The forest areas are under the Mineral deposits are unique and non-renewals. control of both State Forest Deptt. and District The Principal mineral deposits explored in the district Council. The District Council has control on major are coal and limestone. Limestone deposits are found part of the total forest areas of the district. The forest monstly Siju-Artheka region which located in the produces are sold by the State Forest Deptt. with North of Baghmara. payment of royalty both to the District Council and Another important mineral is found in the district to the Nokmas in case of unreserved forest areas. is coal. It is a major revenue earning mineral for the From the Statement-I given above it is observed district. The name of the region of limestone and coal that the percentage of contribution in the Forestry deposits with probable reserve is given below. and Logging Sector to the States total of gross

Domestic product varies from 10.66 percent to 10.73 Name of Name of Reserves Production during percent during 1993-94 to 1998-99. Among the forest Mineral Region indicated 1999-2000 indicated produces Pine, Sal, Teak, Gamari Agar ( Aquilania By GS.1. By Statistical Office agalocha), Titasopa are important and valuable Baghmara timbers. Varieties of Bamboo, Broom stick, Orchids,

Tezpata, Ritha, Neem and Pine dhur wood are other Limestone Siju-Artheka 229 million tones 29,000 M.T. important forest produces. All these forest produces are exportable to the different states as well as to Coal 1. Siju 125 million tones different countries Sand and bolders are also 2. Pendengru 107 million tones 907000 M.T. abundantly available in the district. These two Balphakran produces are exported to Bangladesh.


Glass Sand From the above statement it is observed that out Glass Sand is found in new Siju by D.M.R., of 10,471 hectares under food grains, 9,036 hectares Meghalaya. The reserves is not estimated. It is quite are in rice crops growing areas. Under pulse crops suitable for manufacture of glass. The exploration is only 331 hectares are recorded under oilseeds only not yet started in these area. After exploration ofthis 434 hectares are recorded. In Fibre ~rops 1,707 item it will help in setting up of Glass Manufacturing hectares are recorded. Industries in the district. It is observed from the Statement-I, that it Horticulture contributes 18.50 percent to the state total gross Horticulture is also played important role in rural domestic product in 1998-99. In 1995-96, it recorded highest contribution of 25 .99 percent to the state total economy of the district as it contributes to the earnings domestic products. . of the rural people for livelihood. The cropping patter of Horticultural crops for the year 1999-2000 for the Agriculture district is given below: Agriculture Sector has also played important role in the rural economic development in the district. Sl. Name of crops Area ( in Production Yield (in Cropping pattern No. (Horticulture) Hectare) (in Metric Kg! Tonne) Hectare) The cropping pattern for the year 1999-2000 as published by the Directorate of Agriculture, 2 3 4 5 Meghalaya is given below : I. Fruit Crops a) Pineapple 980 6,380 6,437 b) Citrus fruits 373 262 702 Sl. Name of crops Area ( in Production Yield (in c) Banana 268 3,327 12,414 No. Hectare) (in Metric Kg! d) Papaya 29 269 9,275 Tonne) Hectare) 2 3 4 5 2. Vegetables NA NA NA 3. Tuber Crops 1. Rice a) Potato 32 250 7,812 a) Autumn 4,865 4,035 831 b) Sweet Potato 117 387 3,308 b) Winter 3,907 6,115 1,565 c) Tapioca 298 1,665 5,587 c) Spring 273 482 1,766 4. Spices Crops 2. Wheat a) Ginger 146 711 4,870 3. Maize 873 876 1,003 b) Turmeric 56 280 5,000 4. Other Cereals & Millets 231 122 528 c) Tamarind 270 172 637 5. Pulses a) Tur (Arhar) 100 77 770 5. Plantation Crops b) Gram 23 14 609 a) Tea c) Other Rabi Pulses 208 173 832 b) Arecanut 248 336 1,355 Total Foodgrains 10,471 11,894 1,136 c) Cashewnut 3,152 3,112 987 6. Oil Seeds a) Eastor Source: Directorate of Horticulture, Meghalaya. b) Sesamum 169 89 527 c) Rape & Mustard 257 180 700 d) Soyabean 8 10 1,250 From the above Statement, It is observed that in e) Linseed case of Single crops under Horticulture only cashew Total Oilseeds 434 279 643 7. Fibre Crops nut with 3,152 crops hectares is recorded the largest a) Cotton* 307 284 157 cropping area. The next higher crop is pineapple with b) Jute ** 376 1,381 661 980 hectares in the district, c) Mesta** 1024 4699 829 8. Other Crops Land use Pattern a) Suger Cane 6 18 3000 b) Tobacco 92 52 565 The land use pattern for the year 1998-99 for * Cotton in bales of 1 70 kgs each the district as published by the Directorate of .. Mestaljute in bales of 180 kgs each Economics and Statistics is given in the next page Sourc~: Directorate of Agriculture, Meghalaya.


SI.No. Type ofIrrigation Area Irrigated Covered Item Area in Hectors Percentage to total system in hactres the Village Reporting area 1. Flow Irrigation Scheme 270 Ramchungga 2. - do- 117 latrakona Reporting Area 1,85,000 3. - do - 57 Rongru-~sim 1. Forest 1,01,746 54.99 4. - do- 28 Tainang and Tainang Songmong 2. Not available 9,418 5.08 for cultivation Source : District Irrigation Deptt. Baghmara. 3. Other uncultivable 31,390 17.0 land excluding Animal Husbandry fallow land In rural economy of the district, the Animal 4. Fallow land 24,143 13.05 Husbandry Sector has occupied much importance as it helps the villagers to earn from raring the livestock 5. Net area Sown 18,303 9.88 at lower cost and thereby boosting their financial 6. Area Sown more 4,722 condition with the additional source of income for than once livelihood. Moreover, the livestock including poultry 7. Total cropped area 23,025 is the only alternative avocation to the villagers for subsidiary and their living. The following statement showing major types of livestock and their number Source: Directorate of Economics and Statistics. Meghalaya (Hand by Sex in the district as per 1992 and 1997 livestock Book 2000) census report is given below :

Type of Number during From the above statement it is observed that the Livestock 1992 1997 district has a geographical area of 1,85,000 hectares. Total Male Female Total Male Female Out of 1,85,000 hectares, 1,01,746 hectares or 54.99 1. Cattle 41694 19986 21708 38125 17375 20750

percent are forest areas, 9,418 hectares or 5.08 3. Buffaloes 1394 714 680 32 15 17 percent are not available for cultivation, 31,390 hectares or 17.00 percent in other uncultivable land 4. Goats 18698 - 20512 excluding fallow land, 24,143 hectares or 13.05 5. Sheep's 23 110

percent in fallow land and 18,303 hectares or 9.88 6. Pigs 17486 16350 percent under Net area sown. 7. Fowls (Desi) 72242 26486 45756 58279 23102 35177 Under Area sown more than once there are 4,722 hectares or 25.80 percent out of 18,303 hectares under 8. Fowls 2605 1281 1324 5 5 (Improved) Net area Sown in the district. Only in 25.80 percent 9. Chikens 69451 - 69929 43438 26491 areas crops are sown more than once. In about 74 percent areas. Single crops are sown. 10. Ducks 1270 572 698 1949 603 1346

11. Duckling 874 2659 Irrigation Irrigation system is available only in a few villages From the above statement it is observed that the as reported by the sub divisional officer (Irrigation) total cattle population decreased by 3569 numbers or Baghmara. All the irrigation schemes are known as 8.56 percent, in 1997 Buffalo, Pigs, Fowls have Flow Irrigation Scheme. The Flow Irrigation Scheme maintained decreasing trend during 1992-1997. is introduced in the following areas only as most of However Goats, Chickens, Ducks and Duckling have the plain area for cultivation is located in the nearly recorded increasing trend during 1992-1997. rivers.


Livestock Infrastructure in the district improvement during this period. The existence of Co­ The Pace of development of livestock sector operative forms or private sector (including self help depends upon the developmental activities in the groups are not found in the district.' If the steps will livestock infrastructure in the district. The following be undertaken to boost up the development in this statement showing livestock infrastructure in the sector by setting up Milk plant for supply.ofmilk and district during 1998-99 and 1999-2000. milk products by enco~raging self-help groups to form From the statement given below it is observed Co-operative societies for cattle farming. It will help that the Cattle farm, Buffalo farm sheep's Goat farm, in boosting up the production of milk, milk products Fodder farm are not available in the Govt. Sector in and beef etc. If with the help of self-help groups in the district. Even no veterinary Hospitals are also the form of Co-operative societies, pig and poultry available. In terms of livestock infrastructure facilities. forms are set up, the production of eggs pigs and The pace of developmental activities is very slow, as poultry will be increased and more employment such livestock sector did not show any significant avenues will be generated for livelihood.

Year Year Break-up of Number of Veterinary Institutions Doctors Hospitals Dispensaries Aid Mobile Stockman Pig Farm Poultry Farm Centres Dispensaries Centres

1998-1999 4 3 5 4 1999-2000 4 3 5 4

Source: Statistical Hand-Book, Meghalaya 2000.

Fishery production of fish seeds and fingerlings. The status of fishery infrastructure is given below: The fishery is an important economic resource of the district. The river Simsang and its tributaries From the statement, it is observed that number abound in fish of many varieties. But the requirement of fish seed farm remains stagnant at the district of fish in the district is not adequate as the fishery and also at State level. The decreasing trend is infrastructures in the district are not developed to that recorded in case of distribution of fish seed at the extent to have commercially reliable fish farms in the district level, but it has recorded increasing trend private sector, although the income generating schemes upto 1997-98 at the state level. In 1998-99, it is like the fish cum piggery/poultry farming and construction recorded decreasing trend. In case of production of of fisheries ponds/tanks has been implemented among inland fish, the trend at the state level is also not the rural people of the district in order to boost up significant one.

Year No. ofFish Seed Farm Number of Fish Seed distributed ( in Inland fish Production Nos) ( Tones) In the District In the State In the District In the State In the District In the State 2 3 4 5 6 7

1995-96 15 43,000 1,507,800 N.A. 3,600

1996-97 15 22,500 1,837,200 N.A. 4,400

1997-98 13 N.A. 2,175,200 N.A. 4,400

1998-99 14 N.A. 1,275,800 N.A. 4,500

Source: Directorate of Fisheries, Meghalaya. 13 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: SOUTH GARO HILLS

Industry Bakery, Tailoring, Motor repairing, Saw mills, Cane and The district is not industrially developed. There are Bamboo works, Tyre retarding, Steel frabrication. not major industries. There are 61 small scale industries According to Economic Census, 1998 as per the involving Rs. 14.88 lakhs in investment in plant and statement given below there are 3052 enterprise in machine engaging 275 persons during 1998 - 99. All Agricultural and Non-agricultural Sector

Number of Enterprises in the district ( as per Economic Census] 998 )

Type of Enterprises Number of Enterprises in Total persons usually working in the enterprises Rural Urban Total ( including hired and unpaid works) 2 3 4 5

A. Agricultural 131 132 N.A.

B. Non-agricultural 2386 534 2920 N.A. Total 2317 535 3052 7275 (i) Own account 1486 (ii) Established 1566

Source: District level Statistics - 2002, published by Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Meghalaya.

1566 enterprises in the district 7275 persons are The sericulture and weaving has also played engaged in these enterprises. important role in the development of rural based There is one District Industries Centre (DIC) at cottage Industries in the district. The Muga Silk yam Baghmar~ the headquarter of the district to implement has a unique permanent natural golden colour and all the development and promotional schemes for the now world wide known as " Golden Fibre ". This Industries Sector, which also includes implementation rare fibre is not found anywhere in the world except of training programmes and awareness programmes Meghalaya and Assam and hence it has export to motivate and enable the youths to set up their own potential. However, in spite of enormous export little ventures for self employment and also to, provide potential, this sector could not make much progress other infrastructure facilities on Industries sector. due to various constrains such as: Besides DIC, the Meghalaya Industries (a) the practice of old mulberry silks worm Development Corporation ( MIDC ) is also looking seeds, after the development of Small scale Industries and (b) shortage of leaves to feed the silk worms in also conducts Entrepreneur Development Programmes the absence of systematic plantation and holds exhibition in different parts of the district for the benefit of the Entrepreneurs so as to enable (c) Inadequate supply of Eri and Muga seeds them to market their products. Besides these (d) absence of organised marketing support programmes, financial assistance is also given to these system enterprises in the form of grant-in-aid and package (e) absence of practice of farming in the private Scheme of Incentives. The Khadi and Village Industries has also played important role for the sector etc which attributed to slow pace in development of small and cottage industries in the the development of the rural based cottage villages of the district. industries.


Status of Sericulture and Weaving Infrastructure It is observed from, the below Statement, the during 1998-99 in the district is given in the following contribution of the district in this sector is quite Statement. insignificant.

N umber of Centre for ( during 1998-99 ) Production of Cocoons ( during 1998-99 ) Weaving Weaving Handloom Handloom Mulberry in Eri Muga Training Demonstration Demonstration Production ('000 kgs) ('000 kgs) ( lakh Nos)

District 1 5 1.05 4.29 State 9 ·21 24 7 12.74 311.55 87.06

As per Census of Handicrafts Artisans for the Handicraft units & Artisans in the specific craft in state of Meghalaya conducted by National Council district by location of units in total rural and urban of Applied Economic Research (1995-96) number of breakup are given below:

Number of Handicraft units & Artisans in specific craft in the district in 1995-96 by location of units

Major Craft/ Rural Urban Total Specific Craft Units Artisans Units Artisans Units Artisans 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1. Textiles Printed of cloth by Hand 5 20 5 20 ii Painting of Cloth by hand 3 15 3 15 iii Bleach / Dye / Print silk Te>..1ile 3 3 iv Bleach / Dye / Print Jute Te>..1ile 2 10 2 10 v Crocheted Textile product 4 4 vi Embroidery work by hand 25 115 9 41 34 156 vii Hand Embroidery 70 321 17 68 87 389 viii Jute / Hemp Rope & Cordage 2 9 2 9 ix Coir Rope & Cordage by hand 1 4 4 x Applique Bed covers etc 68 293 3 13 71 306 xi Designed weaving 556 2468 32 131 588 2599

Total 734 3262 61 253 795 3515 2. Cane & Bamboo Basketries 214 973 2 9 216 982 ii Shopping BaglFancy Items. 6 31 6 3 I iii Furniture & Fi>..1ures 193 874 3 16 196 890

IV Other Furnishing Articks 3 14 5 4 19 v Other Products N.C.C. 4 4

Total 417 1896 6 30 423 1926 3. Wood Blocks Moulding patterns 4 4 ii Furniture & Fixtures 136 618 7 32 143 650


Major Craft! Rural Urban Total Specific Craft Units Artisans Units Artisans Units Artisans 2 3 4 5 6 7

9 47 9 47 4 17 4 17 7 33 8 37

Total 157 719 8 36 165 755 4. Metal Brass & Copper Artware 5 21 5 21

Total 5 21 5 21 5. Clay & Ceramics Earthen Wave/Pottery 1 I 58 II 58

Total II 58 11 58

All major crafts 1324 5956 75 319 1399 6275

Source: The Meghalaya Handloom and Handicrafts Development Corporation limited, Shillong. * Units imply mostly household units.

In all major crafts there are 1,399 units involving larger scope of exports and imports of some 6275 artisan out of them there are total 1,324 units commodities in the border areas. The main centre involving 5,956 artisans and 75 units involving 319 for the export and trade is Baghmara town. artisans in rural and urban areas respectively. In Exportable commodities are limestone, boulder stones, textiles craft total 795 units involving 3,515 artisans coal and fruits, and some food items, sugar etc. are there out of them 734 units involving 3,262 artisan Imported commodities are foreign made cloths, and 61 units involving 253 artisans are located in rural electrical materials, perfumes, salt, fish etc. and urban areas respectively. In can Bamboo Crafts Exportation activities is regulated by the Trade total 425 units involving 1926 artisans are in the district (including Border) Department created in 1976. out ot them 417 units involving 1896 artisans and 6 units involving 30 artisans are located in rural and Banking urban areas respectively. In wood craft total 165 units Banking facilities which depicts the trade and are involving 755 artisans are in the district out of them available in the following areas. there are 157 units involving 719 artisans are located in rural areas. In metal and clays ceranies crafts there Commercial Scenario in the District are 5 units involving 58 artisans and 11 units involving 58 artisan respectively. 1. Baghmara Town- Meghalaya Co-operative Bank Ltd. Trade and Commerce State Bank of India The importance of Trade and Commerce sector 2. NagaI Bibra - 1 State Bank of India in the district is centred in the Baghmara town, and 3. Chokpot MeghalayaCo-operative rural centres namely Bolsalgre, Siju, Mahadeo, Bank Ltd Chokpot, Deku, Gasuapara, Jatrakona, Nagalbiera, Rongara and Sibbari where weekly markets are State Bank of India available. As the district is bounded by the Bangladesh 4. Gasupara State Bank of India with the international boundary on the south, there is


Transport Services are also available. All the roads are not good Road transport is the only means of through out the year as the most of the roads are communication in the hilly district. In view of the fact, damaged frequently after heavy raining and also for that the entire State is not linked with any railway running of heavy loaded trucks through them. The lines and also with any water transport facilities. It frequency of the operation of Bus Services and other is also not linked with Air transport. The district Mini Buses, Private Buses, Tata Sumo Services has therefore depend solely on the transport system by been increased much for which revenue earning also the roads only. Regular Bus services between different increased. In the following statement the number of destinations are operated to carry passengers and vehi_cles registered in the district during 1997-1999 is goods through the Meghalaya Transport Corporation, presented to reflect the pace of development in this Private Transport Companies. Now Tata Sumo sector.

Year Trucks Bus Mini Bus Taxi Car Jeep Tractor Trailer Two Three Wheeler Wheeler 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1994-95 Govt. Pvt. 36 1995-96 Govt. Pvt. 3 3 56 1996-97 Govt. Pvt. 8 5 93 10 1997-98 Govt. 12 Pvt. 87 10 6 130 20 1998-99 Govt. 2 2 18 Pvt. 153 2 26 2 267 28 Source: Office of the Comm issioner of Transport, Meghalaya, Shillong.

Form the above statement it is observed that in attributed. The important road with distance case of Govt truck, it reduced to 2 in 1998-99 from connecting the importment place is given below : 12 in 1997-98, but private trucks have recorded an Name of Road Distance in Km increase by 153 Nos. during this period. Private Bus is registered only 2 in the district during 1998 - 99. 1. Baghmara to Shillong via Tura 445 Private car increases to 26 during the same period. 2. Baghmara to Tura 122 Private Jeep recorded to 24 only. Two wheeler and 3. Baghmara to WiIliamnagar 133 three wheeler in the private category increases to 267 and 28 in 1998-99 from 130 and 20 in 1997-98 4. Baghmara to Guwahati via Tura 342 respectively. The growth is not significant due to the 5. Baghmara-S ij u-Damra 32 fact that it is a newly created district and the district 6. There is one P. W.D. Division known as is industrially and communicably backward. No new Baghmara Division in the district as on 1997. roads are developed during this period, and even new Total Road length under this Division (as per routes for operation of Bus Services are also not taken SDO P.W.D. (Roads) Statistics Branch, up. Old routes connecting the Tura, Shillong, Guwahati Meghalaya, Shillong) to 414.830 Km out ofwhich and other important places are still continuing and 257.530 kms are black topped, 53.800 kms are hence no scope of increase in transport services is gravelled and 103.500 kms are kutcha categories.


Tourism operations. Encouragement is also given to the local youths to set up tour and travel agencies. Besides, Tourism has important role in the economic these incentives to local entrepreneurs for preparing development as an industry. In district endowed with project feasibility report on tourism spots are also natural beauty and the places of historical importance. extended recently. Schemes like holiday package It has direct link with the development of comprising of adventpres tourism are also taken up. infrastructure of transport system in the district. The state has declared the tourism as an Industry. It Tourist information centre is also set up in the district is an eco-friendly industry capable of generating to provide effective and quick means of employment avenues to the youths to some extent communication by having a more organised net work and thereby revenues to the Govt. There are nine of transport system involving the private transport important tourism spots which are given below:

1. Siju Cave. 6. Viewpoint at Badri Rongdong 2. Captain WA. Sangma Memorial. 7. 8alpakram Wildlife Sanctuary. 3. Kanai River. 8. Siju Wildlife Sanctuary. 4. Rongira Range & Ganol River (view point at Balalgre) 9. Baghmara Pitchar plant Sanctuary. 5. Elephant: Crossing Zone at Mandal a'itok.

Source : Director of Tourism, Meghalaya, Shillong.

Communication public call office is there during 1998-99 and also one PCO in private sector was established during 1998- Communication is also played in economic 99. In case of telephone connection number it development of the district. The following statement decreased to 108 in 1996-97 from 121 in 1995-96 but will reflect the trend in the development of it increased to 111 and 147 in 1997 and 1998-99 communication sector in the district. respectively. Only 87 number oftelephone connection From the statement given below it is observed that were increased during 1992-93, 1998-99 period. It is Telephone Exchange number is remain in stagnant not at all encouraging trend in case of development in during 1992-93 to 1998-99 with number of only one infrastructure facilities of communication in the district.

Statement showing number of Telephone Exchange, Telephone Connections and Public Call Centres etc during 1992-93 to 1998-99 in the district

Year Number of Telephone Public call Telephone connection P.C.o. Private exchange Offices 2 3 4 5

1992-93 00 1993-94 88 1994-95 ]21 1995-% 121 1996-97 108 1997-98 111 1998-99 147

Source: 0/0 The General Manager Telecom District, Meghalaya, Shillong.


Electiicity and Power asbestos sheets, bricks, stones or concrete.

In the Electricity and power sector the district is Semi-permanent houses self sufficient due to installation of Thermal Power Plant at Nagalbibra. It is 5.00 MW installed capacity Houses in which either the wall or the roof is project. In addition to supply of electricity to the made of permanent material and the other is made district, it also provided to nearly districts of the state. of temporary material. There are 132 KV lines for Shillong-Nangalbibra and Temporary houses Maulai Nangalbibra substation. Houses in which both walls and roof are made Rural Electrification of materials, which have to be replaced frequently. In the rural areas of the district, supply of Walls may be made from anyone of the following electricity is still inadequate and far behind the temporary materials, namely, grass, thatch, bamboo, achieving target of cent percent electrification of plastic, polythene, mud, unburnt bricks or wood. villages. Till 1998-99, out of total 595 villages in the Roof may be made from anyone of the following temporary materials, namely, grass, thatch, bamboo, district only 129 villages were provided with Electricity wood, mud, plastic or polythene. and only 21.69 percent villages are provided with the electricity. Dwelling Room

Census Concepts A room is treated as a dwelling room if it has Building walls with a doorway and a roof and should be wide and long enough for a person to sleep in, i.e. A 'Building' is generally a single structure on the it should have a length of not less than 2 meters ground. Sometimes it is made up of more than and a breadth of at least 1.5 meters and a height component unit which are used or likely to be used of2 meters. A dwelling room would include living as dwellings(residences) or establishments such as room, bedroom, dining room, drawing room, study shops, business houses, offices, factories, workshops, room, servant's room and other habitable rooms. worksheds, Schools, places of entertainment, places Kitchen, bathroom, latrine, store room, passageway of worship, godowns, stores etc. It is also possible and verandah which are not normally usable for that building which have component units may be used living are not considered as dwelling rooms. A room, for a combination of purposes such as shop-cum­ used for multipurpose such as sleeping, sitting, residence,workshop-cum-residence,office-cum­ dining, storing, cooking, etc., is regarded as a residence,etc. dwelling room. In a situation where a census houses Usually a structure will have four walls and a is used as a shop or office., etc., and the household roof. But in some areas the very nature of also stays in it then the room is not considered as construction of houses is such that there may not be a dwelling room. But if a garage or servant quarter any wall. Such is the case of conical structures where is used by a servant and if she/ he also lives in it entrance is also provided but they may not have any as a separate household then this has been walls. Therefore, such of the conical structures are considered as a dwelling room available to the also treated as separate buildings. servant's household. Tent or conical shaped hut if Permanent houses used for living by any household is also considered as dwelling room. Houses, the walls and roof of which are made of permanent materials. The material of walls can A dwelling room, which is shared by more than be anyone from the following, namely, galvanized one household, has not been counted for any of iron sheets or other metal sheets, asbestos sheets, them. If two households have a dwelling room each burnt bricks, stones or concrete. Roof may be made but in addition also share a common dwelling room, of from anyone of the following materials, namely, then the common room has not been counted for tiles, slate, galvanized iron sheets, metal sheets, either of the households.


Sometimes if becomes difficult to apply the definition of census house strictly _in certain cases. Census House For example, in an urban area, if a flat has five rooms, A 'census house' is a building or part of a building each room having direct entrance from the common used or recognised as a separate unit because of staircase or courtyard. By definition, this has to be having a separate main entrance from the road or treated as five census- houses. If all these five rooms common courtyard or staircase, etc. It may be are occupied by a single household it was not realistic occupied or vacant. It may be used for residential or to treat them as five census houses. In such a non- residential purpose or both. case, 'singleness' of use of these rooms along with In certain peculiar situations, the manner in which the main house should be considered and the entire buildings and census houses were identified for flat was treated as one census house. On the other numbering in the field by the enumerators is described hand, if two independent households occupy these five hereunder: rooms, the first household living in 3 rooms and the second household occupying 2 rooms, then considering Sometimes a series of different buildings are found the use, the first three rooms together were treated along a street which are joined with one another by as one census house and the remaining rooms as common walls on either side looking like a continuous another census house. But if each room was occupied structure. These different units are practically by an independent household, then each such room independent of one another and are likely to have was treated as a separate census house. been built at different times and owned by different persons. In such cases, though the whole structure In case of hostels, hotels, etc., even if the door with all the adjoining units apparently appears to be of each room in which an inmate lives opens to a one building, each portion was treated as a separate common verandah, staircase, courtyard or a common building and its constituent units as separate census room, as it happens almost invariably, the entire hostel! houses. Hotel building was treated as one census house. but if such hostels/ hotels have out- houses or other On the other hand, one may come across cases, structures used for different purposes or the same particularly in large cities of multi-storeyed ownership purpose, then each such structure attached to the main flats. In these cases while the structure looks like hostel/hotel was treated as a separate census house. one building, different persons own the flats. In case of such multi-storeyed structures, having a number of In some parts of the country, in rural areas, the flats owned by different persons, the entire structure pattern of habitation is such that a group of huts, was treated as one building and each flat as a separate located in a compound, whether enclosed or census house. unenclosed, is occupied by one household. While the main residence may be located in one hut, other huts Ifwithin a large enclosed area, there are separate may be used for sleeping, as a kitchen, bath room, buildings owned by different persons then each such baithak, etc. Though each of the huts was a separates building is treated as a separate building. There can structure, they form a single housing unit and be a situation where within an enclosed compound therefore, have to be treated collectively as one there are separate buildings owned by an undertaking building and one census house. If some of the huts or company or even government that are actually in are used by one household and the others by a second occupation of different persons. For example, Indian household as residence, then the two groups of huts Oil Corporation colony where the buildings are owned were treated as separate census houses. However, if by the Corporation but these are in occupation of their there were also other huts in the compound used for employees. Each such building was treated as a other purposes and not as part of the household's separate building. But if in anyone of these buildings residence such as, cattle shed, workshed, etc., these there were flats in occupation of different households, were treated as separate census houses. each such flat was reckoned as a separate census house. On the other hand, in urban areas, where more

20 ANALYTICAL NOTE than one structure within an enclosed or open Apart from these, the outgrowths(OGs) of cities compound (premises) belonging to the same person, and towns have also been treated as urban under e.g., the main house, the servant's quarter, the garage, 'Urban Agglomerations'. Examples ~f out-growths are etc., only one building number was given for this group railway colonies, university campuses, port areas, and each of the constituent a separate census house military camps, etc., that may have come up near a number. statutory town or city·but within the revenue limits of Only cases where a structure with roof and pillars a village or villages contiguous to the town or city. has come up was treated as a building. Each such individual area by itself may not satisfy the demographic criteria laid down at (b) above to Village qualify it to be treated as an independent urban unit The basic unit for rural areas is the revenue village but may deserve to be clubbed with the towns as a which has definite surveyed boundaries. The revenue continuous urban spread. Thus, the town level data, village may comprise of one or more hamlets but the wherever presented, also includes the data for entire village is treated as one unit for presentation of outgrowths of such towns. data. In unsurveyed areas, like villages within forest City areas, each habitation area with locally recognized boundaries is treated as one village. Towns with population of 1,00,000 and above are called cities. Rural-Urban area Urban Agglomeration The data in tables on Houses, Household Amenities and Assets are presented separately for rural and An Urban Agglomeration is a continuous urban urban areas. The unit of classification in this regard spread constituting a town and its adjoining urban is 'town' for urban areas and 'village' for rural areas. outgrowths (OGs) or two or more physically In the Census of India 2001, the definition of urban contiguous towns together and any adjoining urban area adopted is as follows: outgrowths of such towns. In some cases railway colonies, university campuses, port areas, etc., may a) All places with a municipality, corporation, come up near a city or statutory town outside its cantonment board or notified town area statutory limits but within the revenue limits of a village committee, etc. or villages contiguous to the town or city. Each such b) A place satisfying the following three criteria individual area by itself may not satisfy the minimum simultaneously: population limit to qualify it to be treated as an i) A minimum population of 5,000; independent urban unit but may deserve to be clubbed with the town as a continuous urban spread. For the ii) at least 75 per cent of male working population engaged in non-agricultural purpose of delineation of Urban Agglomerations during pursuits; and Census ofIndia 2001, following criteria are taken as pre-requisites: iii) a density of population of at least 400 per sq. km.(1,OOO per sq.mile) (a) The core town or at least one of the constituent towns of an urban agglo-meration For identification of places which would qualify should necessarily be a statutory town; and to be classified as 'urban' all villages, which, as per the 1991 Census had a population of 4,000 and above, (b) The total population of all the constituents a population density of 400 persons per sq. km. and (i.e., towns and outgrowths) of an Urban having at least 75 per cent of male working popUlation Agglomeration should not be less than 20,000 engaged in non-agricultural activity were considered. (as per the 1991 Census). With these two To work out the proportion of male working popUlation basic criteria having been met, the following referred to above against b) (ii), the data relating to are the possible different situations in which main workers were taken into account. Urban Agglomerations would be constituted:


i) a city or town with one or more Territory, specify the castes, races or tribes or parts contiguous outgrowths; of or groups within castes, races or tribes which shall ii) two or more adjoining towns with their for the purposes of the constitution 'be deemed to be outgrowths; and Scheduled Caste in relation to that State or Union Territory. Article 342 similarly provides for iii) a city and one or more adjoining towns specification of tribes or tribal communities or part s with their outgrowths all of which form of or group within tribes or tribal communities which a continuous spread. are to be deemed for the purposes of the Constitution Household to be Scheduled Tribes in relation to the various States or Union Territories. In pursuance to this provisions, A 'household' is usually a group of persons who the list of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes normally live together and take their meals from a are notified for each State and Union Territory and common kitchen unless the exigencies of work prevent are valid only within the jurisdiction of that State or any of them from doing so. Persons in a household Union Territory and not outside. may be related or unrelated or a mix of both. However, if a group of unrelated persons live in a It is important to mention here that under the census house but do not take their meals from the Constitution (Scheduled Caste) Order, 1950, no person common kitchen, then they are not constituent of a who professed a religion different from Hinduism was common household. Each such person was to be deemed to be a member of a Scheduled Caste in treated as a separate household. The important link addition to every member of the Ramdasi, Kabirpanthi, in finding out whether it was a household or not was Majhabi or Sikligar caste resident in Punjab or Patiala a common kitchen. There may be one member and East Punjab States Union were in religion to that households, two member households or multi-member State whether they professed the Hindu or the Sikh households. religion. Subsequently, in September 1956, by an amendment, the Presidential Order of 1950 and in all Institutional Household subsequent Presidential Orders relating to Scheduled A group of unrelated persons who live in an Castes, the Hindu and Sikh religions were placed on institution and take their meals from a common kitchen the same footing with regard to the made in the is called an Institutional Household. Examples of Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order 1991, the Institutional Households are boarding houses, messes, Hindu, the Sikh and the Buddhist were placed on the hostels, hotels, rescue homes, jails, ashrams, same footing with regard to the recognition of the orphanages, etc. To make the definition more clearly Scheduled Castes. perceptible to the enumerators at the Census 2001, it According to the Scheduled Castes and was specifically mentioned that this category or Scheduled Tribes Orders (Amendment) Act, 1976 and households would cover only those households where the Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Order a group of unrelated persons live in an institution and (Amendment) Act, 1987, the list of Scheduled Castes share a common kitchen. and Scheduled Tribes in Meghalaya is as follows:

Houseless household Scheduled Castes

Households who do not live in buildings or cens~s 1. Bansphor houses but live in the open on roadside, pavements, 2. Bhuinmali, Mali in hume pipes, under fly-overs and staircases, or in 3. Brittial Bania, Bania the open in places of worship, mandaps, railway 4. Dhupi, Dhobi platforms, etc., are treated as Houseless Households. 5. Dugla, Dholi 6. Hira Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes 7. Jalkeot . Article 341 of the constitution provides that the 8. Jhalo, Malo Jhalo-Malo President may, with respect to any State or Union 9. Kaibartta, Jaliya


10. Lalbegi xxx) Selnam 11. Mahara xxxi) Singson 12. Mehtar Bhangi xxxii) Sitlhou 13. Muchi, Rishi xxxiii) Sukte 14. Namasudra xxxiv) Thado IS. Patni xxxv) Thangngeu 16. Sutradhar. xxxvi) Uibuh Scbeduled Tribes xxxvii) Vaiphei 1. Boro, Kacharis 10. Lakher 2. Chakma 11. Man (Tai speaking) 3. Dimasa, Kachari 12. Any Mizo (Lushai) tribes Mikir. 4. Garo l3. 5. Hajong 14. Any Naga tribes. 15. Pawi. 6. Hmar 7. Khasi, Jaintia, Synteng, Pnar, 16. Raba, Rava. 17. War, Bhoi, Lyngngam Synteng. 8. Koch Language and Mother tongue 9. Any Kuki Tribes, including: As per the census concept, each language is a i) Biate, Biete group of mother tongues. The census questionnaire ii) Changsan collects information on the mother tongue is defined iii) Chonglo as the language spoken in childhood by the person's iv) Doungel mother of the person. If the mother died in infancy, v) Gamalhou the language mainly spoken in the person's home in vi) Gangte childhood will be the mother tongue. In case of infants vii) Guite and deaf mutes, the language usually spoken by the viii) Hanneng mother is considered as mother tongue. It is not ix) Haokip, Haupit necessary that the language spoken as mother tongue x) Haolai should have as script. The mother tongues returned xi) Hengna by the respondents in census are classified and xii) Hongsungh grouped under appropriate languages according to their xiii) Hrangkhwal, Rangkhol linguistic characteristics. xiv) Jongbe xv) Khawchung Literate xvi) Khawathlang, Khothalong A person age 7 years and above who can both xvii) Khelma read and write with understanding in any language is xviii) Kholhou taken as literate. A person who can only read but xix) Kipgen cannot write is not a literate. It is not necessary that xx) Kuki to be considered as literate, a person should have xxi) Lengthang received any formal education or passed any minimum xxii) Lhangum educational standard. Literacy could have been xxiii) Lhoujem achieved through adult literacy classes ot through any xxiv) Lhouvun non-formal educational system. People who are blind xxv) Lupheng but can read in Braille are treated as literates. xxvi) Mangiel xxvii) Misao Literacy rate xxviii) Riang Literacy rate of the population is defined as the xxix) Sairhem


percentage of literates in the age group seven years or direction in cultivation. and above. For different age groups the percentage A person who has given out her/his land to of literates in that age group gives the literacy rates. another person or persons or institution(s) for cultivation for money or share of crop and who does Educational level not even supervise or direct the cultivation

Main Worker A person who works on another person's land for wages in money or kind or share is regarded as A person who has worked for major part of the an agricultural labourer. She/he has no risk in the reference period (i.e., six months or more during the cultivation but merely works on another person's land last one year preceding the date of enumeration) in for wages. An agricultural labourer has no right of any economically productive activity is termed as lease or contract on land on which she/he works. 'Main worker'. Household Industry worker Marginal Worker Household Industry is defined as an industry A person who worked for less than six (6) months conducted by the head of the household herselflhimself of the reference period (i.e., in the last one year and or by the members of the household at home or preceding the date of enumeration) in any economic within the village in rural areas and only within the activity is termed as 'Marginal worker'. precincts of the house where the household lives in Non worker urban areas. The larger proportion of workers in household industry should consist of members of the A person who has not worked at all in any household including the head. The industry should not economically productive activity during the reference be run on the scale of a registered factory which period (i.e., in the last one year preceding the date of would qualify or has to be registered under the Indian enumeration) is termed as 'Marginal worker'. Factories Act and should be engaged in manufacturing, Cultivator processing, servicing and repairs of goods. For purposes of the Census, a person is classified It does not include professions such as a pleader, as Cultivator if he or she is engaged in cultivation on Doctor, Musicians, Dancer, Wash erman, Astrologer, land owned or held from government or held from Dhobi, Barber etc. or merely trade or business, even private persons or institutions for payment in m_oney, if such professions, trade or services are run at home kind or share. Cultivation includes effective supervision by members of the household.


Other Worker that carry storm water from roofs, streets and other surfaces are known as storm water drains, while those A person who has been engaged in some carrying both sewage and storm water are called economic activity during the reference period but not combined sewers. However, in some towns which as a cultivator or agricultural labourer or in household are not provided with such undergroun.d sewerage industry is termed as a 'Other Workers (OW)'. The system, it is served bX open surface drain, box drain, type of workers that come under this category of sylk pattern drain, etc., in these towns. 'OW' include all government servants, municipal employees, teachers, factory workers, plantation Type of latrine and Method of disposal of night workers, those engaged in trade, commerce, business, soil transport, banking, mining, construction, political or There are three prevalent systems of disposal of social work, priests, entertainment artist, etc. In effect, human wastes, viz.(i) underground sewerage, (ii) all those workers other than cultivators or agricultural sanitary water flush latrines with individual disposal labourers or household industry workers, are 'Other systems, like septic tank, leaching cess pool and Workers'. collecting well, and (iii) dry type of latrines with manual Work participation rate scavenging. The system of underground sewerage provides for the street sewerage with which are Percentage of workers (main + marginal) to total connected the sanitary latrines constructed in the population. houses having water closets and fitted with flushing cistern (or hand flushing). Through this sewer the Population Density faecal matter is transported without the need for Population density is the number of persons scavenging. This system generally exists in cities and inhabited per square kilometre of the area. big towns. Where the streets sewer does not exist these sanitary water flush latrines are connected to Age a local septic tank with a sub-soil dispersion system Age is measured in terms of completed number of or a leaching pit. Here the liquid wastes from the years water closet is disposed of locally in leaching pit, a septic tank with a soil dispersion system is constructed. Sex-ratio This dispersion requires an optimum travel through Number of females per 1000 males in a the pores of the soil which renders the harmful liquid population. bacterially innocuous by the slow process of filtration through the soil traversed. Where the soil is (vi) Non Census Concepts impermeable, collecting wells are constructed and the Improved drinking water sanitary water flush latrines are connected with them. These wells are cleaned at periodic intervals by a If the household had access to drinking water suitable device. The dry type of latrines are of service supplied from a tap, hand pump, tube well or well type latrines from where human excreta is removed (protected or covered) situated within or outside the by scavengers from house to house, in most cases premises, it is considered as having access to improved carrying it on their heads or shoulders or in baskets drinking water. It may be mentioned that such uniform with handle or wheel barrows. These are then definition may not be valid across all states. collected in bullock carts or trucks or tractors and System of sewerage trolleys for being carried to the dumping grounds.

Generally, a sewerage system would mean a FertiJity network of mains and branches of underground In demography, the word fertility is used in relation conduits for the conveyance of sewerage to the point to the actual production of children or occurrence of of disposal. Sewers that carry only household and births specially live births. Fertility is a measure of industrial wastage are called separate sewers; those rate at which popJJJ,i#AQ....adds to itself by births and


normally assessed by relating the number of births to General fertility rate (GFR) a full or part of the popUlation, such as number of Number of live births per 1009 women in the married women or number of women of child bearing reproductive age-group (15-49) years in a given year. age. The definitions of the terminology used in computing different fertility rates are mentioned below: Number of live births in a year. GFR= ------x 1000 Crude birth rate(CBR) Mid-year f~male population in the age-group (15-49) years Ratio of the number of live births in a year to the mid year population, normally expressed per 1000 General marital fertility rate (GMFR) population. Number of live births per 1000 married women Number of live births during in reproductive age-group (15-49) years in a given the year year. CBR = ------x 1000 Mid - year Population Number of live births in a year GMFR=------x 1000 Crude death rate(CDR) Mid-year married female popUlation in the age-group (15-49) years Ratio of the number of deaths in a year to the mid year population, normally expressed per 1000 Total fertility rate (TFR) population. It is obtained as the total of the age specific Number of deaths during the year fertility rates (number of children born per woman of CDR = x 1000 Mid year Population the particular age) for the entire reproductive age span. It provides the average number of children that Natural growth rate will be born to a woman under the fertility levels Growth rate is obtained as the difference between indicated by the age specific fertility rates assuming crude birth rate and crude death rate in the absence that there is no mortality of women till the completion of migration. of reproductive period.

Age specific fertility rate (ASFR) 45-49 5 x z: ASFR Number of live births in a year to female 15-19 population in any specified age group normally TFR = expressed per 1000 women. 1000

Number of live births in a particular Total marital fertility rate (TMFR) age-group ASFR= ------x 1000 Average number of children that would be born Mid-year female popUlation of the to a married woman if she experiences the current same age-group fertility pattern throughout her reproductive span Age specific marital fertility rate (ASMFR) (15-49) years assuming that there is no mortality of women till the completion of reproductive period. Number oflive births in a year to married female population in any specified age group normally 45-49 5 x ASMFR expressed per 1000 married women. z: 15-19 TMFR = ------Number of live births in a particular 1000 age-group ASMFR = x 1000 Age specific mortality rate (ASMR) Mid-year married female popUlation Number of deaths in a particular age and sex of the same age-group group per 1000 popUlation of the same age group.


Number of deaths in a particular Late neo-natal mortality rate age-group ASMR ------x 1000 Number of infant deaths of 7 days to Mid-year population of the same less than 29 days during the year age-group LNMR= x 1000 ql : Number of live births during the year Probability of dying between birth and age 1. Post neo-natal mor~ality rate (PNMR) This can be used as approximate value of Infant Number of deaths of 29 days to less Mortality Rate (IMR) which gives the ratio of number than one year during the year of deaths in a year of children aged less than one PNMR= x 1000 year to the number of births in that year. Number of live births during the year q2 Pre-natal mortality rate (PMR)

Probability of dying between birth and age 2. Number of still births plus deaths within I st week of delivery per 1000 births in a year. q5 Number of still births and infant deaths of less Probability of dying between birth and age 5. This than 7 days during the year PMR = x 1000 indicator is also known as Under Five Mortality Rate Number of live births and still (U5MR) births during the year

Infant mortality rate (IMR) Still birth rate(SBR)

Ratio of the number of infant deaths (deaths of Number of still births during the year children below one year) in a year to the number of SBR= x 1000 live births in that year. Number of live births and still births during the year Number of infant deaths during the year IMR= x 1000 Maternal mortality rate(MMR) Number of live births during the year Number of deaths of women in the age group Infant mortality rate comprises of two parts, viz., ] 5-49 while pregnant or within 42 days of termination Neo-natal mortality rate and Post neo-natal mortality of pregnancy from any cause related to pregnancy rate. The neo-natal mortality rate also comprises of and child birth per 1,00,000 live births in a given year. two parts viz., Early neo-natal mortality rate and late Number of maternal deaths to women neo-natal mortality rate. These are defined as: in the age group 15-49 MMR= x 1,00,000 Neo-natal mortality rate (NMR) Number of live birth Number of infants dying within the first month of Eligible couple (Couples per 1000 population) life (28 days or under) in a year per 1000 live births of the same year. Number of currently married females in the age group 15-44 years per 1000 persons of all ages. Number of infant deaths aged 28 days or under during the year Child woman ratio (0-4) NMR= x 1000 Number of live births during the year Number of children in the age group 0-4 years Early neo-natal mortality rate per 1000 women in the age group 15-49 years.

Number of infant deaths of less than Child woman ratio (5-9) 7 days During the year ENMR == x 1000 Number of children in the age group 5-9 years Number of live births during the year per 1000 women in the age group 15-49 years.


Migration for migration' to bring out additional migration Migration is the third component of population patterns. Natural calamities or distress change, the other two being mortality and fertility. migration as a reason for migration for last A person is considered as a migrant by place of birth residence migrants included in 1991 Census, if the place in which he/she is enumerated during the is covered under category of' Others'. The census is other than the place of his/her birth. reason for migration has been' determined Similarly a person is considered as a migrant by place as applicabfe at the time of migration and of last residence if the place in which he/she is not in reference to any point of time after enumerated during the census is other than his/her that. For example, if a person had moved place of immediate last residence outside the village from the place of her/his last residence for or town and not simply in another house or locality in the purpose of education and subsequently the same village or town. Certain aspects concerning at some point oftime got employment there temporary movement/migration of people has been only, the reason for migration would be explained below as these are important components 'education' and not 'work/employment'. concerning migration: Internal and International migration (i) Migration ofpersons in search ofjob is high The migrational movements are of three types in the country. In many cases such migrants (i) Migration within the state itself with its are only seasonal in nature. People migrate to other places for work in a particular components season andcome back again to their usual (a) Migration within the district of place of residence after three or four months. enumeration (intra district migration) All such workers are treated as migrants. (b) Migration from one district of state Similarly, if a person moved to any other to another district of state (inter place for attending short term vocational or district migration), educational course that lasted for only few months of a year, she/he too were (ii) Migration from one state to another State considered as a migrant. of the country ( inter-state migration), (ii) Where a person had merely gone out to (iii) Migration from one country to another another place or had been shifting from country. The first two streams together one place to another purely on tour, constitute internal migration, while the last pilgrimage, visit to hospital for treatment or type of movement is called international for temporary business purposes, such migration. The present name of the country, persons are not deemed to have had another state or district and not the name by which residence different from the place where they were known at the time ofherlhis birth she/he or herlhis family normally resides. or last residence were recorded. She/he is not considered as migrant. Rural - Urban components of migration (iii) A woman temporarily moves into a hospital Rural or Urban status in respect of migrants have or to her parents or other relative's house been determined as applicable at the time of migration for delivery and ifthe hospital or the parents/ and not with reference to any point of time after that. relatives houses is in a place different from The flow of migrants consists of four streams usual place of residence, the place where viz. rural to rural, rural to urban, urban to rural and the hospital or parents/relative's house is urban to urban. the place of last residence of the child but not of the mother. A new response category Civic status of urban units 'Moved after birth' was added in Census Civic Status of a town/city is determined on the of India 2001 in the question on 'reasons basis of Civic Administrative authority of the town


e.g., Municipal Corporation/Corporation, Municipal Department of Urban Development adopted the Committee/ Municipal council, Municipality etc. criteria of 4 million and above population as per 1991 Census for Mega Cities. In 2001 Census, cities with Size class of VA/town 10 millions and above population have been treated Size-class ofUA/Town is based on the population as Mega cities. size of the UA/City/Town UAs.lTowns with 1,00,000 and above population are classified as Class I UAs.! (vii) 2001 Census Findings towns. These Class I UAs.ltowns are now further South Garo Hills district is newly created by sub classified in to seven sub classes namely M 1 to carving out of West Garo Hills with its Headquarter M7 depending on the population size of UA/City/ at Baghmara. It comprises of three C.R.D.Blocks viz, Town. These are M7(5,000,000 and above); Chokpot, Baghmara and Rongara. Census of India, M6(2,000,000 to 4,999,999); M5 (1,000,000-1,999,999) 2001 recorded a total population of 1,00,980 out of M4 (500,000-999,999); M3(300,000-499,999), M2 which 92,337 popUlation are living in 595 inhabited (200,000-299,999) and Ml (100,000-199,999). towns villages and 8643 in the urban areas of the district. with, 50,000 to 99,999 population are classified as The population of the district live predominantly in Class II towns, 20,000 to 49,999 population are Class rural areas with 91.4 percent of the total population, III towns, population with 10,000-19,999 are Class IV while in urban areas it is only8.6 percent. The only towns, population with 5000 and 9999 are Class V town, Baghmara is having the status of Municipal towns and towns with less than 5000 population are Board (MB) in the class V town category. The Class VI towns. population growth of last decade is 31.0 percent, little higher than the State growth. The area of the district Slum area is 1850 Sq .Kms, and the density of population comes The Slum Areas (Improvement and Clearance) to 55 persons per square kilometres. The sex ratio Act, 1956 which was enacted by the Central Govt. showing 942 is the lowest among the districts of the defined slums as state. The district is predominantly inhabited by a) Areas where buildings are in any respect Scheduled Tribes. The district has only one Degree unfit for human habitation; or College, situated in the town. The work participation of the district is 47.4 percent out of which males are b) are by reasons of dilapidation, overcrowding, 50.9 percent and females 43.6 percent. The fault arrangement and design of such percentage of non-workers in the district is 56.4 buildings, narrowness or faulty arrangement percent to the total population. The population of the of streets, lack of ventilation, light or district depend mostly on agriculture, because 73.8 sanitation facilities, or any combination of percent of the total workers are engaged in agricultural these factors, are detrimental to safety, sector. Only 2.0 percent of workers are engage in health or morals. household industry and 24.3percent are in other Mega city workers. The majority of the population are Christians by religion. The Christian population in the district is The concept of 'Mega city' is a recent 89.6 percent and other major religions are Hindus phenomenon in the Urban Sociology and is defined in 4.8 percent, Muslims 2.7 percent, Sikhs 0.0 percent, term of metropolitan city in the form of large size, Buddhists 0.2 percent and Jains 0.0 percent. The problem of management of civic amenities and percentage of other religion and persuasions are capacity to absorb the relatively high growth of 2.4 percent while religion not stated is returned population. Indian Census in 1991 treated the popUlation at 0.2 percent. size of 5 million and above as the cut off point to identify a place as the mega city. Whereas, for the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes purpose of inclusion in Centrally Sponsored Scheme The proportion of Scheduled Castes and for Infrastructure Development in Mega cities the Scheduled Tribes popUlation in the district are Ministry of Urban Affairs and employment, recorded as 0.2 percent and 95.7 percent to the total


population respectively. The decadal growth rate of respectively. It is found that the growth rate of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes 1991 to 2001 Scheduled Caste population in the d_istrict has shown is shown as (-) 33.3 percent and 31.3 percent negative growth. It may be due to movement from respectively. The population growth in rural areas are rural areas to urban areas for want of jobs and other (-) 75.1 percent and 29.9 percent respectively while reasons not known. The growth rate of Scheduled in urban areas it is 97.6 percent and 51.9 percent Castes in the urban areas are comparatively higher.

Total SC PopUlation ST Population Rural 1991 2001 Decadal Growth rate 1991 2001 Decadal Growth rate Urban 2 3 4 5 6 7

Total 339 226 -33.3 73,603 96,616 31.3 Rural 257 64 -75.1 69,004 89,628 29.9 Urban 82 162 97.6 4,599 6,988 51.9

(viii) Brief Notes on Tables and Town Directory and tables 48 to 52 gives data In the few pages that follow an attempt is being on household amenities and assets. made to briefly analyse the few tables based on data Tables 6, 10, 14, 21, 31 and 34 are to present collected from the Primary Census Abstract, the data on Primary Census Abstract Tahsilwise and the Village Directory and Town Directory and Houses, rest C.R.D. Block wise. In Meghalaya, however, the Household Amenities' and Assets depicting on their Census ofIndia starting from 1981 has been conducted own way the various demographic characteristics of with the Communiy and Rural Development Blocks the population of the district, the basic amenities such as the administrative unit below the district and above as education, medical, improved drinking water, etc the villages and towns and all the data have been available to the population of the district, and the tabulated and presented C.R.D. Blockwise. Therefore housing stock, the household amenities and assets the above six tables have been excluded. Moreover, available to the households of the district. A total of in Meghalaya there is no such administrative unit by 52 tables have been prescribed for the purpose. Tables the name Tahsil. Till 1971 the Census of India was Ito 36 present data from the Primary Census Abstract, conducted in Meghalaya police stationwise and never inset tables 37 to 47 shows data on villages Directory Tahsilwise.



SI C.D. Block Population Percentage decadal Percentage No. variation 1991-2001 urban populatiol 1991 2001 Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 1991 2001 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

1. Chokpot 29,464 29,464 37,937 37,937 28.8 28.8 2. Baghmara 33,255 27,361 5,894 45,529 36,886 8,643 37.0 34.8 46.6 17.7 19.0 3. Rongara 14,354 14,354 17,514 17,514 22.0 22.0

District Total: 77,073 71,179 5,894 1,00,980 92,337 8,643 31.0 29.7 46.6 7.6 8.6

This table depicts the change in population of C. to be lowest with 22.0 percent variation. Th, D.Block by residence, 1991-2001. It is seen that Baghmara town is the only Urban area of the distric amongst the three C. D. Blocks in the district, percentage decadal variation between 1991-2001, is and the percentage decadal variation between 1991 found to be highest in Baghmara C. D. Block with 2001 is found to be 46.6 percent which is higher thal 37.0 percent whereas Rongara C.D. Block is found the district decadal variation.

TABLE 2: NUMBER AND PERCENTAGE OF INHABITED VILLAGES IN SPECIFIED POPULATION SIZERANG ES WITH THE RELATED POPULATION, 2001 SI District / C.D. block Total number of Total rural population Number and Population less than 200 No. inhabited percentage of villages villages Persons Males Females Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I. Chokpot 336 37,937 19,205 18,732 289 (86.0) 11,632 11,555 2. Baghmara 149 36,886 19,256 17,630 72 (48.3) 4,234 4,034

3. Rongara 110 17,514 8,938 8,576 77 (70.0) 4,168 4,003 Districts (Rural) Total: 595 92,337 47,399 44,938 438 ( 73.6) 20,034 19,592

Sl. District / C.D. block Number Population 200-499 Number Population 500-999 Number Population 1000-1999 No. and and and percentage percentage percentage of villages of villages of villages Males Females Males Females Males Female~ 2 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

I. Chokpot 42 (12.5) 5844 5558 5 (\.5) 1729 1619 2. Baghmara 68 (45.6) 11038 10411 8 (5.4) 2876 2740 I (0.7) 1108 445 3. Rongara 32 (29.1) 4451 4289 I (0.9) 319 284

Districts (Rural) Total: 142( 23.9) 21333 20258 14 ( 2.4) 4924 4643 I ( 0.2) 1108 445 table cont.


SI. District / C.D. block Number Population 2000- Number Population 5000-9999 Number and Population 10000 No. and 4999 and percentage and above percentage percentage of villages of villages Males Females of villages Males Females Males Females 2 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

I. Chokpot

2. 8aghmara

3. Rongara

Districts (Rural) Total:

This table shows the number and percentage of of villages in Baghmara C.O.Block, 29.1 percent in inhabited villages in specified population size ranges with Rongara C.D.Block and 12.5 percent in Chokpot, the related population. It is seen that out of336 number population are found to be in between 200-499. Only of inhabited villages in Chokpot CO.Block, in as many one village is found in Baghmara CD. Block where as 289 villages (86.0 percent), population are found to the population is found to be between I 000-1999. In be less than 200, in Rongara C.D.Block, 70.0 percent Chokpot and Rongara CD. Block, no villages with more of the villages out of 110 villages and Baghmara CO. than the population range of 500-999 is available. The Block ,48.3 percent of the villages, popUlation are found villages with the population of2000 and above are found to be less than 200. It is also seen that in 45.6 percent to be nil in the district.


N~ ------

Declassified means the Census towns of 1991 Census which failed to satisfY the demographic and economic criteria.

There is no new town denotified, declassified and merged town in the district.


Range of population density Total number of villages in Percentage of villages in each Population Percentage distribution of (per square kilometer) each population density population density range population 2 3 4 5 0-10 595 100.0 92,337 100.0 11-20 o 0.0 0 0.0 21-50 o 0.0 0 0.0 51-100 o 0.0 0 0.0 101-200 o 0.0 0 0.0 201-300 o 0.0 0 0.0 301-500 a 0.0 a 0.0 501 + o 0.0 0 0.0 Not known o 0.0 0 0.0 District Total: 595 100.0 92,337 100.0 Population Density (Rural) of the district: o

This table depicts the distribution of villages are not available. As such the range of by population density, 2001. In the absence of population density in different ranges are not any cadastral survey, the area of the villages available.


TABLE 5: SEX RATIO OF STATE AND DISTRICT, 1901-2001 Census Year State District Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 2 3 4 5 6 7 1901 1036 1047 725 987 987 1911 1013 1024 757 969 969 1921 1000 1009 809 972 972 1931 971 989 697 973 973 1941 966 991 683 989 989 1951 949 969 784 965 965 1961 937 971 764 971 971 1971 942 958 853 909 909 1981 954 965 904- 967 970 921 1991 955 966 910 963 971 880 2001 972 969 982 942 948 876 Note: Sex ratio has been defined here as the number of females per 1000 males.

This table shows the Sex Ratio of state and district, in 1941 Census and the lowest sex ratio of 909 was 1901-2001. No significant variation of Sex Ratio has observed in 1971 Census. The sex ratio has come down been observed from 1901 to 200 I. However, the highest from 971 in 1971 to 948 in 2001 Census. The urban sex sex ratio of 989 females per 1000 males was observed ratio shows a declining trend from 1981 to 200 I Census.

TABLE 7: SEX RATIO BYCD BLOCKS, 2001 The table 7 reveals the sex ratio by C.D.Blocks, SINo. Name of CD block Sex ratio 200 I. It is observed that Chokpot C. D. Block has 2 3 975 females per 1000 males which is the highest sex 1. Chokpot 975 ratio amongst all the three C. D. Blocks in the district followed by Rongara and Baghmara with 959 and 2. Baghmara 916 916 sex ratio respectively. It is observed that the rural 3. Rongara 959 sex ratio of 948 is more than urban sex ratio of the District (Rural) Total: 948 district with 876 females per 1000 males.

TABLE8 : SEX RATIO OF RURAL POPULATION BY RANGES, 2001 Range of sex ratio N umber of inhabited Percentage of villages in Pop ulation 2001 Percentage distribution for villages villages each range of population 2 3 4

Less than 700 27 4.5 3,030 3.3 700-749 16 2.7 1,789 1.9 750-799 25 4.2 2,509 2.7 800-849 50 8.4 6,938 7.5 850-899 72 12.1 11,713 12.7 900-949 85 14.3 19,955 21.6 950-999 64 10.8 15,245 16.5 1000-1099 126 21.2 18,440 20.0 1100+ 130 21.8 12,718 13.8 District Total: 595 100.0 92,337 100.0 Sex ratio (Rural) for District: 948


This table reveals the sex ratio of rural population 130 number of inhabited villages having 13.8 percent by ranges, 2001. It is observed that 126 villages out population fall in the sex ratio of 1100 +. It is seen of 595 villages fall in the sex ratio of 1000-1099 which 71.9 percent of population fall in the sex ratio for consists of20.0 percent population of the district and villages above 900.


Serial number Name of U.A/'! Town+* Urban status of town Sex ratio 2 3 4

Baghmara eMB) 876

Sex ratio (Urban) for the district: 876

This table depicts the sex ratio of Urban in the district and the sex ratio of the town is found Agglomerations towns, 2001. There is only one town to be 876 females per 1000 males.


Serial number Name of C.D. block Total EO(2ulation in 0-6 a~e ~ou(2 Sex ratio for 0-6 age Persons Males Females grOUp 2 3 4 5 6

1. Chokpot 7,949 4,046 3,903 965 2. Baghmara 7,947 4,053 3.894 961 3. Rongara 3,905 1,956 1,949 996

District (Rural) Total: 19,801 10,055 9,746 969

This table depicts the sex ratio of population in group 0 -6 and Baghmara C. D. Block has the lowest the age group 0-6 per C. D. Blocks, 2001. It is sex ratio of 961 for 0- 6 age group amongst the three observed that out of 3 C. D. Blocks in the district C.D. Block in the district. As a whole in the district Rongara has the highest sex ratio of 996 for the age the sex raio for 0-6 age group is 969.


Range of sex ratio for Number of inhabited Percentage distribution of Population Percentage distribution villages villages villages 2001 of population 2 3 4 5

Less than 700 129 21.7 2802 14.2 700-749 26 4.4 1019 5.1 750-799 35 5.9 1155 5.8 800-849 31 5.2 1729 8.7 850-899 18 3.0 876 4.4 900-949 34 5.7 2075 10.5 950-999 II 1.8 669 3.4 1000-1099 79 13.3 2561 12.9 1100+ 232 39.0 6915 34.9 District (Rural) Total 595 100.0 1980] 100.0 Sex ratio (Rural) for District: 969


This table shows the sex ratio of rural population in distribution of population is found to be 34.9 percent in the age group 0-6, 2001. It is observed that out of 595 1100 + range of sex ratio for villages, 14.2 percent in villages in the district, in 232 villages, sex ratio have been less than 700 range of sex ratio for villages, 12.9 percent found to be in the range of 1100 + and in 129 villages in 1000-1099 range of sex ratio of villages and 10.5 sex ratio are found to be less than 700, the percentage percent in the 900-949 range of sex rati~ of villages. being 39.0 and 21.7 percent respectively. The percentage Other ranges of sex r~tio are found to be insignificant.

TABLE13 : SEX RATIO OF POPULATION IN THE AGE GROUP 0-6 OF URBAN AGGLOMERATIONS / TOWNS, 2001 Serial NameofUA ITown Urban status of Total population in 0-6 age group Sex ratio for 0-6 number town age group

Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7

Baghmara (MB) 1513 762 751 986

District(lJrban) Total 1513 762 751 986

This table shows sex ratio of population in the Baghmara is the only town in the district and the sex age group 0-6 of Urban Agglomerations/Towns, 2001. ratio for 0-6 age group is found to be 986.


Serial Name ofC.D. block Total Total Total Percentage of Percentage of number popUlation Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Castes Tribes population to total popUlation to total population population population population

2 3 4 5 6 7

I. Chokpot 37,937 3 37,397 0 98.6 2. Baghmara 36,886 8 35,160 0 95.3 3. Rongara 17,514 53 17,071 0.3 97.5

District (Rural) Total: 92,337 64 89,628 0.1 97.1

This table depicts the number and percentage of Scheduled Tribe population shows a similar trend in Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes population in respect of all the three C. D. Blocks in the district. c. D. Blocks, 2001. Percentage of Scheduled Tribes There are only 64 Scheduled Caste in the district and in the district is found to be 97.1. Percentage of 53 of them are found to be in Rongara C. D. Block.


TABLE 16: PROPORTION OF SCHEDULED CASTES POPULATION TO TOTAL POPULATION IN VILLAGES, 2001 Percentage range of Scheduled Castes Number of villages Percentage Scheduled Castes Percentage population to total population Population 2 3 4 5 Nil 587 98.7 Less than 5 6 1.0 21 32.8 5-10 2 0.3 43 67.2 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-75 76 and above District Total 595 100.0 64 100.0

This table shows the proportion of Scheduled of Scheduled Castes population to total population Castes population to total population in villages, 2001. fall in the range less then 5, and 2 villages in the It is seen that, out of 595 villages of the district, range 5-10 and the percentage of Scheduled Caste Scheduled Castes are available only in 8 villages population are found to be 32.8 and 67.2 percent and amongst them, in 6 villages percentage range respectively.

TABLE 17: PROPORTION OF SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULATION TO TOTAL POPULATION IN VILLAGES, 2001 Percentage range of Scheduled Tribes Number of villages Percentage Scheduled Tribes Percentage population to total population Population I 2 3 4 5 Nil 5 0.8 Less than 5 5-10 11-20 0.2 3 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-75 5 0.8 1,824 2.0 76 and above 584 98.2 87801 98.0 District Total 595 ]00.0 89,628 ]00.0

This table depicts the proportion of Scheduled population to total population, 584 falls in the Tribes population to total population in villages 2001. percentage range of 76 and above, 5 in the range of It is observed that out of 595 villages of the district, 51-75 and only one in the range 11-20 and there are in respect of percentage range of Scheduled Tribes no Scheduled Tribes in 5 villages.


Serial NameofUA I Total Total Scheduled Total Scheduled Percentage of Scheduled Percentage of Scheduled number Town population Castes population Tribes Castes population to total Tribes population to total population population population 2 3 4 5 6 7

Baghmara (MB) 8643 162 6988 1.9 80.9

District(Urban) Tota 8643 162 6988 1.9 80.9


This table shows the number and percentage of Blocks, which are higher than the district sex ratio of scheduled castes and scheduled tribes population in 972. Baghmara C.D. Block has the sex ratio of 957 Urban Agglomerations/Towns. Baghmara is the only which is much lower than the distrjct sex ratio. town in the district. The percentages of scheduled tribe and scheduled caste in the town are found to be TABLE 20: SEX RATIO OF SCHEDULED CASTES 80.9 and 1.9 percent respectively. AND SCHEDULED TRIBES IN URBAN AGGLOMERATION TABLE 19: SEX RATIO AMONG SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED TRIBES IN C. D. BLOCKS, 2001 SI. Name of Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes No. U.A.fTown sex ratio sex ratio Name of Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Serial 2 3 4 number C. D. block sex ratio sex ratio 2 3 4 I. Baghmara (MB) 761 951 I. Chokpot 982 2. Baghmara 143 957 District sex ratio (Urban) 761 951 3. Rongara 606 982 District (Rural) Total 488 972 This table shows the sex ratio among scheduled castes and scheduled tribes in Urban Agglomerations! This table reveals the sex ratio among Scheduled Towns, 2001. The sex ratio of scheduled tribe and Castes and Scheduled Tribes in C.D.Blocks, 2001. scheduled caste have been found to be 951 and 761 Sex ratio for Scheduled Tribes are found to be same respectively for Baghmara town which is the only i.e 982 in respect of Chokpot and Rongara C.D. town in the district.


Serial Name of Number ofiiterates and illiterates Percentage of literates Gap in number C.D.block Number ofliterates Number of illiterates male-female Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females literacy rate 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

1. Chokpot 15,453 8,740 6,713 22,484 10,465 12.019 51.5 57.7 45.3 12.4 2. Baghmara 14,715 8,826 5,889 22,171 10.430 11,741 50.8 58.1 42.9 15.2 3. Rongara 7,670 4,474 3,196 9,844 4,464 5,380 56.4 64.1 48.2 15.9

District (Rural) Total: 37,838 22,040 15,798 54,499 25,359 29,140 52.2 59 44.9 14.1

This table depicts the number and percentage of literacy rate of 51.5 and 50.8 respectively. The gap literates and illiterates by sex in C. D. Block. in male - female literacy rate is found to be 15.9 in Percentage of literates are found to be highest in Rongara C. D. Block which is found to be highest Rongara C. D. Block with 56.4 percent literates amongst 3 C. D. Blocks in the district and lowest in which is higher than the district literacy rate of 52.2. Chokpot C. D. Block with a gap of 12.4 in male The Chokpot and Baghmara C.D. Block have lower female literacy rate.


TABLE 23 : DISTRIBUTION OF VILLAGES BY LITERACY RATE RANGE, 2001 Range of literacy rate for Number of inhabited Percentage distribution of Population Percentage distribution villages villages villages of population 1 2 3 4 5 0 5 0.8 160 0..2 1-10 27 4.5 1,846 2.0 11-20 35 5.9 4,213 4.6 21-30 71 11.9 9.543 10.3 31-40 78 13.1 10,516 11.4 41-50 104 17.5 15,747 17.1 51-60 103 17.3 17,073 18.5 61-70 87 14.6 15,456 16.7 71-80 46 7.7 8.811 9.5 81-90 30 5.0 8.107 8.8 91-99 6 1.0 639 0.7 100 3 0.5 226 0.2 District Total: 595 100.0 92,337 100.0 Literac~ rate for District: 55

This table shows the distribution of villages by rate is found to be in the range between 41-50 with literacy rate range, 2001. It is seen that most of the 104 villages fall in this range. However, the villages fall in the range of literacy rate between 21- percentage distribution ofpopulation are found to be 30,31-40,41-50,51-60 and 61-70. The highest literacy in the range 51-60.


Serial N arne and urban N umber of literates and illiterates Percentage of literates Gap in number status of Number of literates Number of illiterates male-female literacy rate UAfTown Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Baghmara (M B) 5,978 3,300 2,678 2,665 1.308 1,357 83.8 85.8 81.5 4.3

District(Urban) Total 5,978 3,300 2,678 2,665 1,308 1,357 83.8 85.8 81.5 4.3

This table depicts the number and percentage of town in the district and the percentage of literates literates and illiterates by sex in Urban are found to be 83.8 percent. The gap in male female Agglomerations/Towns, 200 I. Baghmara is the only ( 4.3 ) is found to be very low.

TABLE 25: NUMBER AND PERCENT AGE OF SCHEDULED CASTES LITERATES AND ILLITERATES BY SEX IN C.D. BLOCKS, 2001 Serial Name of Number of literates and ill iterates Percentage of literates Gap in number C.D.block Number of I iterates Number of illiterates male/female Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females literacy rate 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12

1. Chokpot 3 3 100 100 100 2. Baghmara 3 3 5 4 I 50 60 0 60 3. Rongara 33 23 10 20 10 10 71.7 76.7 62.5 14.2

District (Rural) Total: 39 29 10 25 14 11 70.9 76.3 58.8 17.5


This table shows the number and percentage of and illiterates are only 25 persons in the district and scheduled castes literates and illiterates by sex in the maximum of 33 literate persons are found in C. D. Blocks 2001. It is seen that 70.9 percent of Rongara C.D. Block about 20 illiterates are also scheduled castes population are literates in the found in Rongara C. D. Block out of 25 illiterates district. The number of literate persons are only 39. in the district.

TABLE 26 : DISTRIBUTION OF VILLAGES BY LITERACY RATE RANGE FOR SCHEDULED CASTES POPULATION, 2001 Range of literacy rate for Number of inhabited Percentage distribution of Scheduled Castes Percentage distribution villages villages villages Population of population 2 3 4 5 o 12.5 1.6 1-10 11-20 21-30 12.5 10 15.6 31-40 41-50 12.5 2 3. I 51-60 61-70 2 25.0 31 48.4 71-80 81-90 91-99 100 3 37.5 20 31.3 District Total: 8 100.0 64 100.0 Literacy rate for District (Rural): 70.9

This table depicts the distribution of villages by literates. In 2 villages they fal1 in the range of literacy literacy rate range for scheduled caste population, 200 I. rate between 61-70 consisting of 48.4 percent of It is seen that only 64 scheduled castes population are population 1 village each falls in the range of literacy spread in 8 villagers only. Out of these 8 villages, rate of 0, 21-30 and 41-50 consisting of 1.6, percent Scheduled Castes in 3 villages are cent percent 15.6 percent and 3.1 percent of population respectively.

TABLE 27: NUMBER AND PERCENT AG E OF SCHEDULED CASTES LITERATES AND ILLITERATES BY SEX IN TOWNS, 2001 SI Name and urban status Number ofliterates and illiterates Percentage of literates Gap in No. of Town Number ofliterates Number of illiterates male/female Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females literacy rate 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Baghmara (MB) 106 66 40 56 26 30 78.5 85.7 69 16.7

South Garo Hills (Urban) 106 66 40 56 26 30 78.5 85.7 69 16.7

This table shows the number and percentage of literate persons in Baghmara which is the only town Scheduled Castes literates and illiterates by sex in in the district. It is also observed that there is a gap towns, 2001. It is seen that there are 78.5 percent of 16.7 between male and female literacy rate.



SI. Name of Number ofliterates and illiterates Percentage of literates Gap in No. C. D. block Number ofliterates Number of illiterates male/female Persons Males Females -Persons Males Females Persons Males Females' literacy rate 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

I. Chokpot 15,243 8,576 6,667 22,154 10,294 11,860 51.6 57.7 45.5 12.2 2. Baghmara 13,449 7,775 5,674 21,711 10,187 11,524 49.1 55.6 42.4 13.2 3. Rongara 7,343 4,212 3,131 9,728 4,401 5,327 55.6 63.1 48 15.1 District (Rural) Total: 36,035 20,563 15,472 53,593 24,882 28,711 51.4 57-.9 44.7 13.1

This table depicts the number and percentage of followed by Chokpot and Baghmara C. D. Blocks Scheduled Tribes literates and illiterates by sex in with 57.7 and 55.6 percent literates respectively. The C.D. Blocks, 2001. It is seen out of three C.D. Blocks gap in male/female literacy rate is also found to be . in the district, Rongara C. D. Block with 63.1 percent highest in Rongara followed by Baghmara and literates has the highest literacy rate in the district Chokpot C. D. Block.

TABLE 29 : DISTRIBUTION OF VILLAGES BY LITERACY RATE RANGE FOR SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULATION, 2001 Range of literacy rate Number of inhabited Percentage distribution of Scheduled Tribes Percentage for villages villages villages Population distribution of I 2 3 4 5

0 5 0.8 160 0.2 1-10 24 4.1 1,759 2.0 11-20 34 5.8 4,137 4.6 21-30 71 12.0 9,639 10.8 31-40 79 13.4 10.640 11.9 41-50 102 17.3 15,165 16.9 51-60 107 18.1 18,208 20.3 61-70 84 14.2 13,472 15.0 71-80 48 8.1 9,484 10.6 81-90 27 4.6 6,141 6.9 91-99 6 1.0 598 0.7 100 3 0.5 225 0.3 District Total: 590 100.0 89,628 100.0 Literac~ rate for District ~Rural!: 51.4

This table shows the distribution of villages by literacy rate for villages between 51-60, which is found literacy rate range for Scheduled Tribes population, to be highest. It is also seen that 5 villages fall in the 2001. It is seen that 107 number of inhabited villages o range and 3 villages fall in the cent percent range with 20.3 percent of population fall in the range of of literacy rate for villages.



Sl Name and urban Number of literates and illiterates Percentage of literates Gap in No. status of Number of literates Number of illiterates male/female Town Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females .I iteracy rate

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

I. Baghmara (MB) 4757 2509 2248 2231 1073 1158 83.9 86 81.7 4.2

South Garo Hills * (Urban) 4757 2509 2248 2231 1073 1158 83.9 86 81.7 4.2

This table shows the number and percentage of literates in Baghmara town which is the only urban Scheduled Tribes Literates and Illiterates by sex in area of the District and the gap of male/female Towns, 2001. It is seen that there are 83.9 percent literacy rate is found to be 4.2.


Sl. Name of Persons Total Main workers Marginal workers Total workers Non workers No. C.D. Block Males population (Main and marginal Females workers) Number Percentage Number Percentage Number Percentage Number Percentage 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

1. Chokpot Persons 37,937 12,932 34.1 6,618 17.4 19,550 51.5 18387 48.5 Males 19,205 7,468 38.9 2,654 13.8 10,122 52.7 9083 47.3 Females 18,732 5,464 29.2 3,964 21.2 9,428 50.3 9304 49.7

2. Baghmara Persons 36,886 11,718 31.8 5,902 16 17,620 47.8 19266 52.2 Males 19,256 7,949 41.3 1,925 10 9,874 51.3 9382 48.7 Females 17,630 3,769 21.4 3,977 22.6 7,746 43.9 9884 56.1

3. Rongara Persons 17,514 4,435 25.3 2,967 16.9 7,402 42.3 10112 57.7 Males 8,938 3,202 35.8 1,009 11.3 4,211 47.1 4727 52.9 Females 8,576 1,233 14.4 1,958 22.8 3,191 37.2 5385 62.8

District (Rural) Persons 92,337 29,085 31.5 15,487 16.8 44,572 48.3 47765 51.7 Total: Males 47,399 18,619 39.3 5,588 lJ;8 24,207 51.1 23192 48.9 Females 44,938 10,466 23.3 9,899 22 20,365 45.3 24573 54.7

This table shows the number and percentage of with 34.1 percent main workers and lowest in main workers, marginal workers and non workers, Rongara C. D. Block with 25.3 percent main 2001. It is seen that percentage of total workers workers. The female marginal workers are found to population is found to be 51.5 percent in Chokpot be higher than male marginal workers in all the three C.D. Block, which is found to be highest, and lowest C. D. Blocks in the district. The non workers also in Rongara C. D. Block with 42.3 percent amongst show a similar trend. The percentage of total worker the 3 C. D. Blocks in the district. The percentage of in the district is found to be 48.3 against the state main workers are also found to be highest in Chokpot percentage of 41.8.



Sl. Name and Persons Total Main workers Marginal workers Total workers Non workers No. urban status of Males popillati on (Main and marginal UAfTown Females workers) Number Percentage Number Percentage Number Percentage Number Percentage 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Baghmara (MB) Persons 8,643 2,266 26.2 1010 11.7 3,276 37.9 5,367 62.1 Males 4,608 1,834 39.8 450 9.8 2,284 49.6 2,324 50.4 Females 4,035 432 10.7 560 13.9 992 24.6 3,043 75.4

District (Urban) Persons 8,643 2,266 26.2 1,010 11.7 3,276 37.9 5,367 62.1 Total: Males 4,608 1,834 39.8 450 9.8 2,284 49.6 2,324 50.4 Females 4,035 432 10.7 560 13.9 992 24.6 3,043 75.4

This table reveals the number and percentage of and female total worker ( main and marginal workers main workers, marginal workers by sex in the Urban ) are also found to be significant i.e.49.6 percent for AgglomerationslTowns,200 1. In Baghmara town males against only 24.6 percent for female. As such, which is the only town in the district shows 39.8 female non-workers with 75.4 percent are found to percent male main workers against only 10.7 percent be much more than males with 50.4 percent non­ female main workers. The difference between male workers.


SINo. Name of C. D. Persons! Total Total number Category of workers Block Males! population of workers Females (M ain + Cultivators Agricultural Household Other Marginal) Labourers Industry workers workers 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1. Chock pot Persons 37,937 19,550 14,578 1.845 480 2,647 (5 1.5) (74.6) (9.4) (2.5) (13 5) Males 19,205 10, I 22 7,279 868 293 1,682 (52.7) (71. 9) (8.6) (2.9) ( 16.6) Females 18,732 9,428 7,299 977 187 965 (50.3) (77.4) (10.4) (2.0) (10.2) 2. Baghmara Persons 36,886 17,620 10,340 2,684 304 4,292 (47.8) (58.7) ( 15.2) (1. 7) (24.4) Males 19,256 9,874 5,209 1,292 126 3,247 (51.3) (52.8) (13.1 ) (1.3) (32.9) Females 17,630 7,746 5,131 1,392 178 1,045 (43.9) (66.2) (18.0) (2.3) ( 13.5)

3. Rongara Persons 17,514 7,402 4,284 1,457 102 1,559 (42.3) (57.9) (19.7) (1.4 ) (21.1 ) Males 8,938 4,211 2,037 849 61 1,264 (47.1 ) (48.4) (20.2) (1.4 ) (30.0) Females 8,576 3,191 2,247 608 41 295 (37.2) (70.4) (19.1 ) (1.3) (9.2)

District Total Persons 92,337 44,572 29,202 5,986 886 8,498 (48.3) (65.5) (13.4 ) (2.0) (19.1 ) Males 47,399 24,207 14,525 3,009 480 6,193 (51.1) (60.0) (12.4 ) (2.0) (25.6) Females 44,938 20,365 14,677 2,977 406 2,305 (45.3) (72.1) (14.6) (2.0) (lU)


This table shows the distribution of workers by respectively. Percentage of Female Agricultural sex in four categories of economic activity in C. D. labourers are found to be more with 19.1 percent Blocks, 2001. It is observed that, out 48.3 percent followed by Baghmara and Chokpot wjth 18.0 and 10.4 workers ( Main & Marginal) 65.5 percent are percent respectively. Females Cultivators are found to Cultivators, 13.4 percent are Agricultural labourers, 2.0 be more in numbers than male cultivators in all the percent are Household Industry workers and 19.1 three C. D. Blocks in the district. In


Serial Name and urban status Persons I Total Total number Category of workers number ofUA/Town Males I population of workers Culti vators Agricultural Household Other Females (Main + Labourers Industry workers Marginal) workers 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Number (Percentage) Baghmara (MB) Persons 8,643 3,276 69 40 52 3,115 (37.9) (2.1) ( 1.2) (1.6) (95.1)

Males 4,608 2,284 52 29 43 2,160 (49.6) (2.3) (1.3) (1.9) (94.6) Females 4,035 992 17 II 9 955 (24.6) (1.7) (I.I ) (0.9) (96.3)

District (Urban) Total: Persons 8,643 3276 69 40 52 3,115 (37.9) (2.1) (1.2) (1.6) (95.1)

Males 4,608 2,284 52 29 43 2,160 (49.6) (2.3) (1.3) (1.9) (94.6)

Females 4,035 992 17 11 9 955 (24.6) (1.7) (1.1) (0.9) (96.3)

This table depicts the distribution of workers by be other workers. The Cultivators, Agriculture sex in four categories of economic activity of Urban Labourers and Household Industry workers are found Aggtgiomerations/Towns,200 1. Amongst 37. 9percent to be very negligible. Male and female workers also total number of workers, 95.1 percent are found to shows a similar trend.



Sl Name of Number Type of amenity available No. e. D. block of Edu- Medical Improved Post Tele- Transport Banks Agricultural Approach Power inhabited cation drinking Office # phone communicat Credit by Pifcca supply villages water* ions $ Societies road I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ]Y) II 12 13 1. Chokpot 336 198 5 119 8 39 I I 54 30 (I 00) (58.9) ( 1.5) (35.4) (2.4) (11.6 ) (0.3) (0.3) (16.1 ) (8.9) 2. Baghmara 149 122 11 84 11 51 63 69 (100) (81.9) (7.4) (56.4 ) (7.4) (34.2) (42.3) (46.3)

3. Rongara 110 96 5 52 5 24 1 36 17 (100) (87.3) (4.5) (47.3) (4.5) (21.8) (0.9) (32.7) ( 15.5)

District Total: 595 416 21 255 24 114 2 1 153 116 (100) (69.9) (3.5) (42.9) (4.0) (19.2) (0.3) (0.2) (25.7) (19.5) Note : - Percentages are given in brackets. * Based on the improved drinking water source, drinking water supply has been classified as 'Improved' or otherwise. If the household has access to drinking water supplied from a tap or a hand pump I tube well situated within or outside the premises it is considered as having access to 'Improved drinking water source'. However, the concept of improved drinking water is state specific and this is to be considered accordingly. # Post office includes Post office, telegraph office and Post and telegraph office. $ Transport communication includes bus service, rail facility and navigable waterways.

The above table depicts the distribution ofvillages percent) of villages respectively, In Chokpot c.o. by number of villages along with percentage of Block it is available only in 5 villages or 1.5 percent villages having different amenities at C.D. Block at of villages of the C.D. Block with the lowest range. district level. Type of amenities wise is discussed Improved Drinking water faciJities below: Drinking water facilities are available in 56.4 Educational Facilities percent, of the villages in Baghmara C.D. Block From the above table it is noticed that among the followed by 47.3 percent of the village in Rongara C. three C.D. Blocks in the district, the situation regarding D, Block. The lowest i.e 35.4 percent of the villages school, is the best in Rongara C. D. Block where is recorded in Chokpot C.D. Block. 87.3 percent of the villages is availing educational Postal Facilities facilities. In Baghmara C.D. Block situation regarding educational facilities is better with 81.9 percent, but Postal facilities are available in 24 villages out of in Chokpot C.D. Block, where 58.9 percent of villages 595 villages in the district. Only 4 percent of villages is availing educational facilities, is not exhibiting is provided with Postal Service in the district. In 96 satisfactory trend which is far below the district percent villages of the district is not providing with average with 69.9percent. postal service. In Baghmara C. D. Block 7.4 percent of villages is provided with Postal Service, it is Medical Facilities followed by Rongara C.D. Block with 4.5 percent In case of medical facilities, all C.D.Blocks and the lowest range is recorded in Chokpot C.D. recorded inadequate trend in providing medical Block with 2.4 percent. facilities to villages as 3.5 percent of the total villages Telephone Facilities in district is provided with medical facilities. In Baghmara and Rongara C.D. Blocks, medical facilities No telephone facilities available in all 595 villages are available only in 11 (7.4 percent) and 5 (4.5 in the district.


Transport and Communication Facilities The facility is available in 42.3 percent of villages of Transport and communication facilities are Baghmara C.D.Block, 32.7 percent of villages at available in 114 or 19.2 percent of vi llages in the Rongara C.D.Block is provided with this facility. In district. In 80.8 percent of the villages is not Chokpot C.D.Block only 16.1 percent of villages is available. provided with this facility. It depicts how the district Banking Facilities: Banking facility is available is lacking in terms of development and ~p liftmen. in 2 villages, only in the district, one in Chokpot C.D. Power Supply Block and other one in Rongara C.D. Block. The proportion of electrical villages in the district Agriculture and Credit Societies : Only in one is not at all impressive. Only 116 villages out of 595 village Agriculture and Credit Societies is available in villages are provided with power supply facility. In the district. It is available only in Chokpot Baghmara C.D.Block 69 villages out of 149 villages C.D.Block. or 46.3 percent of the villages are provided with the Approach by Pucca Road Facility Power Supply facility. 8.9 percent of villages and This facility is available in 153 villages against 15.5 percent of the villages are provided with this 595 villages in the district. Only 25.7 percent of the facility in Chokpot C.D.Block and Rongara villages in the district is provided with this facility. C.D.Blocks respectively.


SI Name of Total Type of amenity available No. C. D. block population Edu- Medical Improved Post Tele- Transport Banks Agricul- Approach Power of cation drinking Office phone communi- tural by pucca supply inhabited water* # cations $ Credit road villages Societies 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1. Chokpot 37,937 28,926 1,815 18,494 2,586 7,484 639 243 9,272 6,670 (l00) (76.2) (4.8) (48.7) (6.8) (19.7) ( 1.7) (0.6) (24.4 ) ( 17.6) "l... Baghmara 36,886 32,776 5,386 25,007 6,324 15,008 19,580 21,258 (IOO) (88.9) (14.6) (67.8) (17.1) (40.7) (53.1) (57.6)

3. Rongara 17,514 16,443 1,098 10,219 979 4,486 154 6,106 3,293 (100) (93.9) (6.3) (58.3) (5.6) (25.6) (0.9) (34.9) (18.8)

District Total: 92,337 78,145 8,299 53,720 9,889 26,978 793 243 34,958 31,221 (100) (84.6) (9.0) (58.2) (10.7) (29.2) (0.9) (0.3) (37.9) (33.8)

# Post office includes Post office, Telegraph office and Post and telegraph office. $ Transport communication includes bus service, rail facility and navigable waterways.

The above table depicts the distribution of rural The better situation regarding Educational facility is popUlation by number and percentage served by also reflected in Baghmara C.D. Block with 88.9 different types of amenities at C.D. Block and district percent and Chokpot C.D. Block with 76.2 percent level. Type of amenities is discussed below. of the population are served with this facility.

Educational facility Medical facility This facility is available to 78145 persons or 84.6 Situation regarding medical facilities is not at all percent of the total popUlation of the district is provided impressive as only 9.0 percent of the population of with this facility. Among the three C.D. Blocks in the the district is served with the Medical facilities. This district Rongara C.D. Block is the best regarding facility is provided to 14.6 percent, 6.3 percent and Educational facility where 93.9 percent of the 4.8 percent of the population of Baghmara, Rongara population of the C.D. Block is served with this facility. and Chokpot C.D. Blocks respectively 91.0 percent


of the population of the district is not provided with Banking facility this facility. Only 0.9 percent of the population of the district Improved Drinking water facility is served by this facility. In Baghmara CD. Block, this facility is not availably 0.9 percent and 1.7 percent 58.2 percent of population of the district is served of the population of the C.O. Blocks are provided in by this facility, 67.8 percent, 58.3 percent and 48.7 Rongara and Chokpot C.D. Blocks respectively. percent ofthe population of the CO. Blocks is served Agricultural Credit Societies by this facility in Baghmara, Rongara and Chokpot C. O. Blocks respectively. 0.3 percent of the population of the district is served by this facility. The facility is available in Postal Services Chokpot CD. Block, where only 0.6 percent of the population is served by this facility. The situation regarding postal services is not at all impressive as only 10.7 percent of the population Approach by Pucca Road Facility of the district is served by this type of facility. Same 37.9 percent of the population of the district is situation is also reflected in case of all C. O. Blocks. served by this facility. Highest range is recorded in Baghmara C.O. Block, where 53.1 percent of Telephone Services population of the C.O. Block is served by this type of facility followed by 34.9 percent in Rongara C.O. This facility is not available in the whole rural Block and the lowest range i.e 24.4 percent in Chokpot areas of the district. C.O. Block. Transport and Communication facilities Power Supply Facility 29.2 percent of the population of the district is 33.8 percent of the population of the district is served with this facility. Highest range is recorded in served by this facility which is not significant in terms Baghmara C.O. Block with 40.7 percent, followed of power supply to the rural population of the district by Rongara C.O. Block with 25.6 percent and 57.6 percent of the population of the Baghmara C.O. Chokpot C. O. Block with 19.7 percent. Block is served by this facility.


Village not having the amenity of Distance range of place from the villages where the amenity is available Less than 5 5-10 kilometres 10+ kilometres Total kilometres (Col. 2-4) 2 3 4 5 1. Education :- (a) Primary School 172 6 I 179 (b) Middle School 320 139 66 525 (c) Degree College 4 12 579 595 2. Medical:- (a) Hospital 48 86 460 594 (b) PHC 267 134 188 589 3. Post Office 272 181 118 571

4. Telephone 8 23 564 595 5. Bus Service 256 159 69 484 6. Banks (a) Commercial Bank 10 25 558 593 (b) Cooperative Bank 36 80 478 594 7. Agricultural Credit Societies 17 26 551 594


This table depicts the distribution of villages not Hospital and 77.4 percent of the villages are located having certain amenities, arranged by distance, ranges beyond 10 + Kilometres distance from the Hospital from the places where these are available, 2001. It However, 45.3 percent of the villages are located is observed as many as 96.1 percent of the villages within a distance of less than 5 Kilometres from the are located within a distance of 5 Kilometres from nearest p.H.e's. 1.3 percent, 1.7 pe.rcent , 6.1 the primary school and 60.9 percent of the villages percent and 2.9 per~ent villages are located within are located within a distance of 5 Kilometres, from a distance of less than 5 Kilometres from the nearest the middle schools. However, only 4 villages are within telephone, commercial banks, co-operative banks and the distance of less than 5 kilometres from the degree agricultural credit societies respectively. However, colleges and as many as 579 villages are found to be 52.9 percent of villages are located within a distance located 10 + Kilometres distance from the degree of 5 K.M from the nearest bus stop. It is seen that college. In respect of medical facilities in the district, most of the villages are located in the distance of 10 it is seen that only 8 percent of the villages are located + from the nearest telephone, banks and agricultural within less than 5 Kilometres distance from the credit societies.


Distance range from Number of Type of amenity available the nearest statutory inhabited villages Education Medical Post Telephone Transport Banks Agricultural Approach town( in kilometres) in each range Office # communi- Credit by pucca cations $ Societies road 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

less than 5 16 10 1 I 2 5 ( 100.0) (62.5) (6.3) (6.3) ( 12.5) (31.3)

5 -15 102 61 3 2 20 25 ( 100.0) (59.8) (2.9) (2.0) (19.6) (24.5)

16 - 50 361 261 I3 18 73 2 J 94 (100.0) (72.3) (3.6) (5.0) (20.2) (0.6) (0.3) (26.0)

51+ I] 5 83 4 3 19 29 (100.0) (72.2) (3.5) (2.6) ( 16.5) (25.2)

Unspecified I I (100.0) (100.0)

District total 595 4]6 21 24 114 2 I 153 (100.0) (69.9) (3.5) (4.0) (19.2) (0.3) (0.2) (25.7)

# Office includes Post office. Telegraph office and Post and lelegraph office. $ Transport communication includes bus service, rail facility and navigable waterways.

This table shows the distribution of villages 12.5 percent are getting transport and communication according to the distance from the nearest statutory facilities. Only 5 villages are found to be connected town and availability of different amenities,200 1. It is by pucca road. It is also seen that 59.8 percent, 72.3, observed that out of 16 villages which are located and 72.2 percent of villages located between 5 -15, within a distance of less than 5 K.M from the nearest 16-50 and 51 + from the nearest town are getting town, 62.5 percent are getting education facilities and education facilities.



Population Number of Type of amenity available range inhabited Education Medical Improved Post Telephone Transport Banks Agricultur Approach Power villages in drinking Office communic al Credit by Plfcca supply each range water'" # ations $ Societies road

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

1-499 580 401 15 240 18 106 I I 142 106 (100.0) (69. I) (2.6) (41.4 ) (3.1 ) ( 18.3) (0.2) (0.2) (24.S) (18.3) 500-999 14 14 5 14 5 7 I 10 9 (100.0) (100.0) (3S.7) ( 100.0) 3S.7) (So. 0) (7.1 ) (71.4 ) (64.3) 1000-1999 I I I I I I I ( JOO.O) (JOO.O) 100.0) (100.0) 00.0) (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) 2000-4,999


10000 +

District total 595 416 21 255 24 114 2 1 153 116 (100.0) (69.9) (3.5) (42.9) (4.0) (19.2) (0.3) (0.2) (25.7) (19.5) # Post office includes Post office, Telegraph office and Post and telegraph office. $ Transport communication includes bus service, rail facility and navigable waterways. '" Based on the improved drinking water source, drinking water supply has been classified as 'Improved' or otherwise. [fthe household has access to drinking water supplied from a tap or a hand pump / tube well situated within or outside the premises it is considered as having access to 'Improved drinking water source'. However, the concept of improved drinking water is state specific and this is to be considered accordingly.

This table shows the distribution of villages education facility 2.6 percent are getting medical according to population range amenities available, facility, 41.4 percent are getting improved drinking 200 I. It is observed that 580 villages are in the water, 31.1 percent ofviJlages are getting post office, population range from 1-499 out of the total inhabited 18.3 percent of the villages in Transport and village of 595 and 14 villages are in the population Communications, 0.2 percent of the villages are range of 500-999 and only 1 village is in the population getting bank, and Agricultural Credit societies, 24.5 range of 1000-1999. It is seen that in 69.1 percent of percent are getting approach by pucca road and 18.3 villages in the population range of 1-499 are getting percent of the villages are getting power supply.


Serial Name of C. D. block Number of inhabited Total area Percentage of cultivable Percentage of irrigated area to number villages area to total area total cultivable area 2 3 4 5 6 Chokpot 336 2 Baghmara 149 -----NA 3 Rongara lID District Total: 595 Note: - Cultivable area = irrigated area + un irrigated area This table shows the distribution of villages cadastral survey the areas are not available.So this according to land use 2001. In the absence of the data could not be shown.



Serial Class, name & Per cap ita expenditure number urban status of the Total Through From all Total General Public health Public Public Other(s) Town taxes other Adminis- and works inst it ut ions sources tration conveniences 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II

V Baghmara (M B) 287.6 287.6 270.9 183.7 54.5 32.7

District Total 287.6 287.6 270.9 183.7 54.5 32.7

The above table indicates the per capita receipt In case of per capita expenditures, out of 270.9, and per capita expenditure under different heads of major amount of per capita expenditure is 183.7 under Baghmara Town (MB). Under the head of from all General Administration head 54.5 and 32.7 are per capita expenditure under the head of public works sources, per capita receipt is 287.6 which is only one and others respectively. There in not shown any per head under receipt. Per capita receipt is not shown capita expenditure is the heads of public health and in the head of through taxes. conveniences and public institutions.


Serial Name and urban status Type of educational institution number of Town Primary Junior Secondary / Secondary / Senior College Middle Matriculation Secondary 2 3 4 5 6 7

Baghmara (MB) 24.3 6.9 4.6 1.2 1.2

District Total 24.3 6.9 4.6 1.2 1.2

The above table indicates the distribution of type The above table depicts the distribution of beds of educational institutions per 10,000 population in the in Medical Institutions by number per 10,000 statutory town, during 200 I. Highest range with 24.3 population in the town during 2001. The number of is recorded in respect of Primary Institutions. 6.9, beds per 10,000 population in the town during 2001, 4.6, 1.2 and 1.2 are recorded in respect of Junior is 58, which is not adequate in terms of medical Secondary/Middle Secondary/Matriculation, Senior facilities provided to people, being the headquarter of Secondary and College respectively. Except Primary the district. level the ranges shown against other types of Educational Institutions are not impressive. TABLE 46: PROPORTION OF SLUM POPULATION IN TOWNS, 2001 TABLE 45: NUMBER OF BEDS IN MEDICAL SI Name of Total Slum Percentage of No. the Town population population slum INSTITUTIONS IN TOWNS, 2001 population Serial Name and urban status Number of beds in 2 3 4 5 number of the Town medical institutions per ------Nil ------10,000 population 2 3 District Total

Baghmara (MB) 58 In the above table, data is not available as no notified slum areas are available in the Baghmara District Total 58 town which is only town area in the district.


TABLE47 : MOST IMPORTANT COMMODITY The above table indicates the name of most EXPORTED OUT OF AND important commodities exported out and manufactured MANUFACTURED IN TOWNS, 2001 in Baghmara town are Brick, Cane & Bamboo

SI. N arne and urban Most imp art ant commodity furniture and Handloom cloth. As this district is a hilly No. status of Town one, lots of valuable trees are available in. its hills and Manufactured Exported some small scale indu.stries has been set up depending 1 2 3 4 on this resources. The most important commodities 1. Baghmara (M B) Brick, Timber, exported out from Baghmara town are, Timber, Cane & Bamboo Product, Bamboo, Bamboo and Cane. HandIoom Cloth Cane


Tenure Number of dweling room N u m be r of h a use hold s status Total Schedule Castes Schedu led Tribes Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Owned No exclusive room 424 408 16 9 8 1 411 398 13 One room 3,149 3,062 87 57 53 4 3,052 2,989 63 Two rooms 7,095 6,679 416 95 88 7 6,888 6,512 376 Three rooms 4,376 4,036 340 68 54 14 4,251 3,947 304 3+ rooms 1,269 1,101 168 42 34 8 1,198 1,058 140 Median number ofrooms 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2

Rented No exclusive room 19 16 3 1 0 13 11 2 One room 353 151 202 47 21 160 71 89 Two rooms 231 102 129 31 17 14 131 56 75 Three rooms 135 42 93 19 8 11 78 27 51 3+ rooms 63 11 52 6 2 4 35 7 28 Median number ofrooms 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Others No exclusive room 18 10 8 2 2 0 14 7 7 One room 121 94 27 4 3 1 99 76 23 Two rooms 110 62 48 5 3 2 82 46 36 Three rooms 87 72 15 8 8 0 71 61 10 3+ rooms 19 14 5 1 I 0 15 13 2 Median number ofrooms 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2

District Total 17,469 15,860 1,609 395 303 66 16,498 15,279 1,219 Data so urce: Census 0 fIn dia 200 I, H -series: " Tables 0 n Houses, Househo Id am en ities an d Assets".

This table reveals the house holds by tenure status Scheduled Tribes households and Scheduled Caste and number of rooms occupied in the district,200 1. household are occupying two rooms household which The number of dwelling household occupied in the constitutes 43.5 percent of household out of the total district viz, one room, two rooms, three rooms, 3 + of 16315 households in the district. The Scheduled rooms including Scheduled Tribe and Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes household also show a Castes have been depicted in this table. It is observed similar trend. that maximum number of households including



The table shown in the previou page indicates is provided with this facility. In urban areas of the the percentage of Households having improved district, it is provided to 19.6.percent of the drinking water source Electricity, Bathroom, Toilet and households. In rural areas it is provided to 01.2 Drainage Facility, at District and C.D. Block levels percent of the households of Chokpot C.D. Block, during 2001. Type offacilities wise is discussed below 2.7 percent of households in respect ot Baghmara Improved drinking water facility C.D. Block and 02.2 'percent households of Ron gara C.D. Block. 39.21 percent of the total households ofthe district are provided with this type of facility. In urban areas Toilet Facility of the district this facility is available to 65.7 percent 49.85 percent of the households of the total areas of the households of the urban area of the district of the district is provided with this facility. In urban 41.3 percent, 39.2 percent and 21.6 percent of the areas it is provided to 76.2 percent of the households households of rural areas of Chokpot, Baghmara and of the district. Highest range is recorded in Baghmara Rongara C.D. Blocks respectively are provided with C.D. Block with 5 l. 7 percent followed by Chokpot this type of facilities. C. D. Block with 46.0 percent and Rongara C.D. Electricity Facility Block with 40.6 percent.

18.60 percent of the total households of the district Drainage Facility is provided with this facility. In urban areas of the It reflects the poor sanitation situation in the district 70 percent of the households is provided with district as only 10.88 percent of the households of this facility. It is 08.3 percent, 21.1 percent and 08.3 percent of the households of rural areas of Chokpot, the total areas of the districts have drainage facility. Baghmara and Rongara C.D. Block respectively are In urban areas it is available only in 29.6 percent of provided with this facility. the households. It is available to 12.0 percent, 05.4 percent and 09.9 percent of the households of rural Bathroom Facility areas of Chokpot, Baghmara and Rongara C.D. 3.63 percent of the total households of the district Blocks respectively.

TABLE 51 : NVMBER AND PERCENT OF HOVSEHOLDS BY TYPE OF FUEL VSED FOR COOKING, 2001 51 C.D. Block Total Total Fire Crop Cowdung Electri- Coal/Lignite Cooking Bio-gas Kerosene Others No No. Rural Househo wood residue cake city ( charcoal) Gas cooking Urban Ids (L.P.G.) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 I. Chockpot Total 6394 6174 202 4 I I 12 (96.6) (03.2) (00.1 ) (00.0) (00.0) (00.2)

Rural 6394 6174 202 4 I I 12 (96.6) (03.2) (00.1) (00.0) (00.0) (00.2) Urban 2. Baghmara Total 7913 7419 85 80 68 237 I 23 (93.8) (01.1 ) (01.0) (00.9) (03.0) (00.0) (00.3)

Rural 6304 6072 56 68 6 101 1 (96.3 ) (00.9) (OI.l ) (00. I) (00.0) (016) (00.0)

Urban 1609 1347 29 12 62 136 I 22 (83.7) (01.8) (00.7) (03.9) (00.0) (08.5) (00.1 ) (01.4) 3. Rongara Total 3162 3124 22 5 I I 2 7 (98.8) (00.7) (00.2) (00.0) (00.0) (00.1 ) (00.2)

Rural 3162 3124 22 5 I I 2 7 (98.8) (00.7) (00.2) (00.0) (00.0) (00.1 ) (00.2)


District Total 17469 16717 309 84 74 2 238 3' 42 (95.7) (1.8) (0.5) (0.4) (0.0) (1.4) (0.0) (0.2) Data source: Census of India 200 I, H-series: " Table on Houses, Household amenities and Assets", 52 ANALYTICAL NOTE

This table depicts the number and percent of C.D. Block and 98.8 percent household in households by type of fuel used for cooking, 2001. Rongara C.D. Block used fire wood as their fuel It is seen that 96.6 percent household of Chokpot for cooking. Remaining cookin'g mediums are C.D. Block, 93.8 percent households in Baghmara found to be negligible.


SI CD. Block Total Total Total number AvailabilitJ: of households assets No. Rural number of of households Radio! Television Telep- Bicycle Scooter, Car, None of Urban households availing Transistor hone Motor Jeep, van the banking Cycle, specified services MOEed assets 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1. Chockpot· Total 6,394 283 2,278 365 20 636 94 37 3,868 Rural 6,394 283 2,278 365 20 636 94 37 3.868 Urban

2. Baghmara Total 7,913 1,382 3,108 1,141 142 1,104 355 130 4,127 Rural 6,304 717 2,406 595 32 674 196 88 3,543 Urban 1,609 665 702 546 110 430 159 42 584

3. Rongara Total 3,162 414 1,024 160 II 83 54 20 2,075 Rural 3,162 414 1,024 160 II 83 54 20 2,075 Urban District Total 17,469 2,079 6,410 1,666 173 1,823 503 187 10,070

This table shows the number of households Chokpot, Rongara and Nangalbibra in 1994-95 with availing banking services and number of households the help of voluntary organisation. having each of the specified assets, 2001. It is seen that 36.6 percent of the household using Radiol Welfare of Handicapped Transistor in Chokpot C.D.Block, 39.3 percent in As per provision of the" person with disability Baghmara C.D.Block and 32.4 percent in Rongara Act, 1995, issue of Identity Card to the disabled in C. D. Block Television are available in only 5.7 Compliance with the provision of the above Act. The percent of the household in Chokpot C.D.Block, 14.4 financial assistance like supply of books, uniforms and percent in Baghmara C. D. Block and only 5.1 percent other allowances etc are also provided to such persons in Rongara C. D. Block. Bicycles have been used in since 1999. 9.9 percent of the household in Chokpot C.D.Block, Women Welfare Awareness Progress was 13.9 percent in Baghmara C.D.Block and 2.6 percent organised through voluntary organisations during 1996 in Rongara C. D. Block. Other assets used by the -97 at Baghmara, Chokpot and Rongara to help the household like Telephone, Scooter, Motorcycle, Moped, women in providing training on weaving, knitting and Car, Jeep and Van are found to be very less. embroidery to set up enterprises for generating Major Social and Cultural events income. Anti Drug Campaign Awareness Programme was Important Social events in the district as well as also conducted in the district C.D.Block headquarter in the state are welfare of the Handicapped, child by the Voluntary Organisation in 1999. welfare, Medical treatment to ailing poor aged persons, Social Assistance Programme ( NSAP-old age Social Assistance Programme ( NSAP ) old age pension, Anti Drug Campaign etc child welfare pension was also introduced in the district since 1997 awareness programme was organised in Baghmara, -1998. In South Garo Hills old aged pension as per


date was given to 572 supplied by the Director of Bong, who was born in 1840 at Siju village. During Community & Rural Development Meghalaya, the British Administration, he had been appointed Shillong persons in 1997-98, 956 in 1998-99 and 1135 as Laskar in 1877. He came and settled at in 1999-2000 and 941 families under below poverty Konagittim after being made Laskar. He used to line was identified and provided benefit to them during trade in Agar wood which was obtained from Ninth Plan. the jungles of the. hinterland, in those days. Bong There is no non major cultural events during 1991- Laskar had earned reputation as a trader and 2000 in the district. However, cultural department of philanthropist. Thus 'Chimong Anti' is named as the district has taken up various programmes to 'Bong Bazar' after him. improve cultural activities in the district by organising In the year 1886, one day he killed a huge yearly sports and cultural tournaments, youth festivals tiger at this spot with his bare hands by tearing and zonal levels among rural school students since its jaws apart. Thus he was apparently reputed 1996-97. as an intrepid hunter of mOre than ordinary strength. Local accounts suggest that the tiger Religions, Historical and Tourist Interest was nine feet three inches long. The news of places this feat spread all over the country side and There are several places in South Garo Hills that hence the place became Baghmara (Bagh- tiger, can be developed for tourism. Some of them are mara- killed) and that whole area was called historical importance; others are important because Baghmara. of their association with the cultural traditions of the After Independence, the importance of Garo people and many of them again have deservedly Baghmara as a trading centre dwindled owing to earned fame for their scenic beauty. Much of the the closure of the natural outlet through what was area still remains untouched, retaining almost intact then East Pakistan. A weekly market is, however, the original flora and fauna which should have more still being held on Tuesday. Baghmara is popular of the attention of the scientists, or even the ordinary for the tasty fish caught from Simsang river which lover of Nature. Tourism, if properly developed, could flows through the township. The fish is sold to be a potentially rich source of revenue to the district other neighbouring States. as well as to the State. At present, Baghmara has become one of the A few of the more important places are described most important places in the State, being the in the following paragraphs: headquarters of the district and also Baghmara 1. Baghmara Development Block. It also has all the amenities This is a very important commercial town of a town like Post Office, Hospital, Veterinary situated on the bank of Simsang river. It is the Hospital, High Schools, Middle Schools and a headquarter of the newly created South Garo Hills newly created College. district. The distance of this town is 120 Other important establishments are the State kilometres from Tura. It lies on the international Bank of India and Meghalaya Cooperative Apex border Bangladesh and Garo Hills. The population Bank with its branches. Cooperative societies like is 8,643 according to the 200 I Census. Weavers' Society, Consumers' Society, Marketing The name Baghmara is given by the Bengali Society Service, ~Credit Union, etc. have been inhabitants who settled in and around Baghmara. established in this town. The original name of this small town was 2. Balpakram Konagittim where its market place was known This hilly area, situated in the southeastern as Chimong Anti. comer of South Garo Hills is about 200 sq. km. This Baghmara has its name after its founder in extent with a maximum elevation of 1,206 Pa Balman A. Sangma whose nickname was metres. The deep gorge that cuts into the plateau


forms a natural channel for strong winds blowing (iii) Chi-mite (or mit-de) - Literally, water-god. in regularly from the South, hence, the name ' (iv) Dikki-ni Ring- i.e., the dug-out canoe of Balpakram' which means" blowing across", the Dikki. This is a rock shaped like a dug­ beliefbeing that anything carried by these winds, out. Long ago, so it is said, Dikki set out even the soul of the dead, comes to rest here. to carve a dug-out from a rock within one This place is indeed believed by the Garo night, but l?efore he could complete it, the people to be the abode of the spirits of the dead cock crowed and Dikki had to abandon the and there are many landmarks in and around this work. plateau which are associated with particular (v) Do'de mesaram- i.e., the dancing place of activities of the dead, on their journey to their peacocks. eternal abode. Believing that the spirit of the dead (vi) Ganchi So'ram- i.e., the platform where must go to Balpakram, the Garos usually place the funeral pyre is erected. some coins in the palm of a dying person so that (vii) Goera Rong' gata or Rong'jaleng- i.e., the he or she can use the money to pay the boatman stone bridge of Goera, the God of thunder. who will ferry him across the river of death. This practice is still being done, not only among simple (viii) Oiting Kera-Onram- i.e., the spot where folk. the mythical heroine Oiting placed her basket while resting. The Balpakram plateau has several salt licks (ix) Matchru-ni- Anti- i.e., the market place of and for this reason it is infested with wild animals civets. of all kinds, mostly elephants which discourage human habitation by destroying cultivations and (x) Matchru-ni Dikking-i.e., the trough of dwelling houses. Few trees can grow here, the civets. vegetation mostly consisting of bushes and shrubs (xi) Mat- memang- the name given to a spirit of low growth and ubiquitous high grass. which often plays mischiefby transforming A Wild-life Sanctuary has been set up in this its shape. area by the Government of Meghalaya to ensure (xii) Mebit Mebang- (Lit. rice grain). These so­ the preservation of several species of wild called grains or rice are actually coarse animals, some of which are very rare. sand particles deposited year by year upon a prominent rock by natural agencies. The Of the many spots in Balpakram that are local belief is, however, that this is the work associated with the spirits of the dead in Garo of a female deity named Rokkime who has folk-lore, the following need particular mention: her above in that rock. It is also said that Foremost among these is perhaps the small whichever direction facing that part of the pool called by the Garos" Chidimak" (literally, " rock that shows the heaviest deposit of dark, shallow water'). The water of this pool are these 'rice grains' is likely to have greater indeed very dark, the belief being that the spirits crop of rice in that particular season. of the dead take their bath here before they take (xiii) Memang Misal Cha'ram- i.e., the place their food and continue on their journey to their where the spirits have their midday meal. ultimate destination. (xiv) Netapani Nokkap- i.e., the site of the Others are: former dwelling of Net' ,s father, Neta also (i) Bandi-ni Jal'ang- (lit. the makeshift bridge being the name of a mythical character. of Bandi) Bandi was the brother of Dikki, (xv) Rang Dokram- i.e., the place where the one of the heroes of Oaro Epic gongs are beaten. (ii) Boldak Matchu Karam-Refers to the place (xvi) Rong'Matchu Karam- i.e., the stone to where grow trees of a particular kind to which bullocks are tied before they are which sacrificial bullocks are tied. sacrificed to the dead.


(xvii) Rong'Mite or Mit-de- lit. god of the rocks which her dwelling stood to sink into the waters (or of a particular rock). overnight. This pool can still be seen today. (xviii) Sogin Sa' ram-Lit. the place where vultures 5. Nangalbibra make their nests. At this spot, in fact, great This important place is situated near the flocks of these birds that are commonly confluence of the Nongal and the Simsang Rivers associated with death have their nests. in South Garo HrIIs District. (xix) Wa'memang- i.e., Evil spirits that usually There are rich deposits of coal in and around make their abode in thick bamboo groves. this place. The place is electrified. Both mining 3. Chigitchakgre and electrical undertakings are being undertaken by the Government and progress has, as a result, This place in situated about thirty-three been fast. A Hospital and a Post Office are kilometers from Baghmara town and near the located here. upper reaches of the Rompa River. Here is a rock cave known as Te'teng Kol which believed 6. Siju to be the abode of elves. The place itself is of It is a small but very popular village situated striking beauty. on the banks of the Simsang river, some] 9.2 Within the cave in a rock formation that bears kilometres away from the nearest town, the shape of a cot and which is believed to be Baghmara. There are extensive limestone and coal the bed of elves. This is connected by a very deposits in the surrounding areas. The river imposing pathway leading northwards in the Simsang abounds in fish of many varieties and in recesses of the cave. Inside is a piece of rock winter, specially during the months of December shaped like a basket which is called Te'teng-ni and January, people of the villages on its banks Jengkok, that is, the large-sized basket of the elves. participate in community fishing in the many deep This cave has yet to be fully explored. pools of the river. Af such times, because of the great demand for fish, people from many parts of 4. Emangre Garo Hills traditionally gather here to buy the It is situated in the eastern part of the district. catch, the local varieties of fish being deservedly This place is famous for its handicrafts in canes famous as table varieties. In recent years and reeds and for its wood carvings and bamboo because of easier communication, traders come crafts. The Bachelors Dormitories or Nokkpantes here even from places as far as Guwahati and in this area are more lavishly decorated with other places in Assam. carvings on every post and pillar than are their Siju village has two entities. The one is an counterparts elsewhere. There is usually very old village which is known as Songmong and keen competition in the decoration ofNokpantes another the new model village settled and situated in this area. Each resident clan has its own on the Baghmara-Dudhnoi road. This new model Nokpante and young boys from the age of twelve village of Siju is just about 20 km from the nearest reside there till they reach marriageable age and town, Baghmara. The distance from Tura to this leave for their wives' households. diversion Road to Siju Cave is 105 km. There are Near the village, within the Emangre Reserved extensive limestone and coal deposits in the surrounding areas. The place is famous for its Forest, there is a famous and beautiful pool Dombe Cave known as, " DO BAKKOL " or the " Wari or Dombe's pool, so-called because, CAVE OF BATS" which may be regarded as according to legend, it was here that a beautiful one of the most wonderful caves in this region, maiden named Dombe, with other members of with great potentials for being developed as a her family, was drowned because she refused to Tourist spot. The distance of this cave from the be the bride of a merman who was in love with main road is about 4 km. There are thousands of her. In his fury he caused the whole hillock on bats living in this cave, hence the name.


One will find also the running stream flowing from the village, power supply and staple food. On right from inside the Cave and joining the main land use pattern the data presented were forest, area Simsang river about 200 meters below. There is irrigated, area un irrigated, cultivable waste and area also one weekly market at this spot. non-available for cultivation. Data on land use pattern The entrance of this Cave is gorgeous and could not be shown due to their non-avl:lilability. beautiful. The length and depth of this Cave is In the 1981 census, by and large, the same data unexplored. Inside the cave there are beautiful as that of 1971 were presented in the Village stalagmites and stalactites of cylindrical and Directory. The only addition to that of 1971 was conical shapes formed which are removed by the approach to the village, the area under jhum cultivation visitors due to the protection measures not being due to heavy demand on those data by the data-users. taken by the Government In the 1991 census, the same data were presented At present, one cemented footpath has been without addition or subtraction. constructed for the pedestrians from the market In the Census of India, 2001, the scope of the place upto the entrance of the cave. The spot is Village Directory has been enlarged to cover data on beautiful and has a tourist attraction for its natural telephone facilities, the number of commercial and environmental surroundings. The diversion road co-operative banks, the number of agricultural, non­ from the main road upto the Siju cave also has agricultural and other credit societies, recreational and not yet been properly maintained. It has a great cultural facilities (cinema/video halls, sports club, tourist potentials. stadium/auditorium) available in the village. It also covers data on receipt of newspaper/magazine in the Major Characteristics of the District village and the most important commodities The district is predominately rural. The manufactured in the village. predominate Scheduled Tribe Population is Garos and The Town Directory of the 1971 census had seven predominate language is also Garo. Major religions statements. Statement-I presented data on status, groups are Christan and Sansarik. Occupation of the growth, history and functional categories of towns; persons are under Agricultural and Forest based Statement-II, Physical Aspects and Location of Towns; economic activities. The district has abundant forest Statement-Ill, Municipal Finance; Statement-IV, Civics and mineral resources. The district is economically and other Amenities; Statement-V, Medical, and industrially backward. Educational, Recreational and Cultural Facilities in Scope of Village and Town Directory towns; Statement-VI, Trade, Commerce, Industry and Banking; and Statement-VII, Population by Religions. Incorporation of non-census data in the District Statement I to VI were retained in the 1981, 1991 Census Handbook known as the Village Directory and and 2001 census also. In the 1981 and 1991 censuses, the Town Directory started in the 1971 census. In Statement-VII was dropped and Statement-IVA, that census the data presented in the Village Directory showing civic and other Amenities in slums was were educational and medical facilities, drinking water, incorporated. In the Census of India, 2001, Statement­ post and telegraph, market days, communication (bus IVA has been replaced by Statement-VII displaying stop, railway station and water way), nearest town the same data as Statement-IVA.



Vi Ilage .Di rectory

Note explaining the abbreviations used in the Village Directory

The "Village Directory" is one of the traditional are shown against these columns. This also includes compilations of the Census. It gives the list of villages, the forest and uninhabited villages. their location numbers, their area, population, number of households, amenities such as educational, medical, Column 3 : Area of the village drinking water, post and telegraph, commercial and The area of the villages in hectares are given. co-operative banks, agricultural non-agricultural and Wherever the area figures was not furnished by the other credit societies, recreational and cultural concerned department the column is left blank. facilities, communication, approach to village, nearest Column 4: Total population town with a distance, power supply availability of newspaper and magazines, most important commodity The total population of the village as per 2001 manufactured and land use of each village. Census is given against this column. Village is a statutory recognized unit having a Column 5: Number of households definite boundary and separate land records. In case, The number of households as per 2001 Census a complete village is treated as an outgrowth of urban is given in this column. agglomeration, data on amenities for that village, have not been given in the Village Directory but shown Amenities along with the urban component. The villages which In column 6 to 23, availability in respect of are consider as a Census Town , the amenities data different amenities such as education, medical, are shown in the Town Directory. For those villages drinking water, post, telegraph, banks, credit societies, which have partly merged in an outgrowth of U.A., communication, power, approach road etc. in each the amenities data are shown in the Village Directory village has been depicted with appropriate codes for that particular village. against the column concerned. Wherever the The 'un-inhabited' villages ( villages with no amenities are not available in the village, a dash (-) popUlation) have been indicated as such after is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the furnishing details in columns 1 to 3 i.e., Serial number, distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and Name of village & location code number and area 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is of the village against column no. 4 to 18. The land available is given. Column wise details are given use data for such villages are shown in col. 19 to 23. below: The Village Directory format has 23 columns and Column 6: Educational the details given under each column are for the village Classes upto class V included in Primary School. are as follows:- This will include nursery school, kindergarten school. Columns 1: Serial Number Pre-basic school, pre-primary school, junior basic school upto class V. Self explanatory. All the villages within the CD Block are presented serially in the ascending order of their Classes from VI to VIII are included in the middle location code number. school. Columns 2: Name and Location Code Number Classes from IX and X included in High of village secondary school. Classes XI and XII are included in senior secondary school. The name and location code number of the viIlage


In case of composite schools like middle school (x) T.B. Clinic TB with primary school or secondary school with middle (xi) Nursing Home NH school, these are also included in the number of (xii) Registered Private Medical RMP primary and middle schools, respectively. Practitioner Accordingly any of the following types of (xii) Subsidised Medical SMP institutions if exists within the village is shown as per Practitioner codes given below : (xiv) Community Health Worker CHW Column 6: Educational (xv) Others 0 (i) Primary School P More than one institution of a type in the village (ii) Middle School M is indicated by the number within brackets against (iii) Secondary School S the abbreviations, e.g. H(3), D(4), etc. (iv) Senior Secondary School PUC Column 8: Drinking Water (v) College C The type of the drinking water supply sources (vi) Industrial School I available within the village are indicated by codes as (vii) Training School Tr follows; (viii) Adult literacy class/centre AC (i) Tap Water T (ix) Others (specify) e.g. Sanskrit 0 (ii) Well Water W Pathshala, Senior basic school, (iii) Tank Water TK Navodaya Vidyalaya, Makhtab,etc. (iv) Tubewell Water TW More than one institution of a type in the village (v) Handpump HP is indicated by the number within brackets against (vi) River Water R the abbreviation, e.g. P(3), M( 4), etc. (vii) Canal C Column 7 : Medical (viii) Lake L Availability of medical facility within the village is (ix) Spring S indicated by following codes: (x) Others 0 (i) Allopathic Hospital H (xi) Summer Source SS Ayurvedic Hospital HA Column 9: Post, Telegraph and Telephone Unani Hospital HU It is indicated by codes as shown below whether within the village exists the following amenities: Homeopathic Hospital H Hom (ii) Allopathic Dispensary D (i) Post Office PO (ii) Telegraph Office TO Ayurvedic Dispensary DA (iii) Post & Telegraph Office PTO Unani Dispensary DU (iv) Telephone Connection PH Homeopathic Dispensary D Hom (iii) Maternity & Child Welfare MCW Column 10 : Commercial and Co-operative Banks (iv) Maternity Home MH (v) Child Welfare Centre CWC If the village is served by any banking service, commercial bank, co-operative bank etc.the same is (vi) Health Centre HC indicated in codes mentioned below along with the (vii) Primary Health Centre PHC number of banks in brackets. If not available the (viii) Primary Health Sub-Centre PHS distance of nearest place where the facility exist is (ix) Family W'elfare Centre FWC given:


(i) Commercial Bank CM (iv) Navigable River NR (ii) Co-operative Bank CP (v) Navigable Canal NC Column 11 : Credit Societies (vi) Navigable waterways other NW than River, Canal If the village enjoys the services of Credit Societies i.e. Agricultural Credit Societies, Non Column 15 : Near~st Town and distance Agricultural Credit Society or Other Credit Societies, The distance is given in kilometers in brackets the same is indicated in codes mentioned below along against the name of the town nearest to the village. with the number of such societies in brackets. In case the facility is not available within the village the Column 16 : Power supply distance of the nearest place where such facility exist Availability of Power Supply in the village, is given: whatever may be the form of its use is given by using (i) Agricultural Credit Society CS following codes: (ii) Non- Agricultural Credit Society NCS (i) Electricity for domestic use ED (iii) Other Credit Society OCS (ii) Electricity for agricultural use EAG (iii) Electricity for other purposes EO Column 12 : Recreational and cultural facilities (iv) Electricity for all purposes EA If facilities such as CinemalVideo hall, Sports Club, Stadium/Auditorium is available in the village, Column 17 : News Paper/Magazine the same is recorded in these columns. Ifnot available If village receives any News Paper/Magazines the particulars of the nearest place with the facility the same is noted in this column using following codes is recorded. The information is indicated in codes mentioned below along with the number of such facilities in brackets: (i) News Paper N (ii) Magazine M (i) CinemaIVideo Hall CV (ii) Sports Club SP Column 18 : Most important commodities manufactured (iii) Stadium!Auditorium ST The name of three most important commodities Column 13 : Communications manufactured in the village is recorded against this If the village is served by any mode of public/ column. private transport like Bus, Rai lway station or Column 19 to 23 : Land use Le. area under Navigable water ways they are to be mentioned as different types of land use follows: Land use data maintained by the Stater UT Govts. (i) Bus BS are furnished against these columns. The data (ii) Railway Station RS concerning area under Forest, Irrigated land (by (iii) Navigable Waterway NW source), Un-irrigated land. Culturable waste and Area not available for cultivation in the village are shown Column 14: Approach to village against these columns. The area figures are given in Approach to village refers to the state of road hectare(s) up to one decimal. Desh '-' is recorded leading to village. The approach to the village is wherever the information is not made available by indicated in following codes: the concerned department. The codes used for different types of irrigation facilities available in the (i) Paved Road PR village are indicated below: (ii) Mud road MR (i) Government Canal GC (iii) Foot path FP


(ii) Private Canal PC do not have one or more (iii) Well (without electricity) W important amenities. (iv) Well (with electricity) WE Appendix-II-A Indicates list of Census Towns (v) Tubewell (without electricity) TW which do not have one or more amenities. (vi) Tubewell (with electricity) TWE Appendix-III (vii) Tank TK It gives the land utilization data m respect of Census Towns I (viii) River R non-municipal Towns. (ix) Lake L Appendix-IV C 0 Block wise list of inhabited (x) Waterfall WF villages where no amenity other (xi) Others o than drinking water facility is (xii) Total T available. The village directory also carries the following Appendix-V Summary showing number of appendices. villages not having Scheduled Appendix-I It gives the abstract of Castes population. educational, medicaland Appendix-VI Summary showing number of otheramenities available III villages not having Scheduled villages C DBlock wise of the Tribes population. district. Appendix-VII The appendix shows the list of Appendix-I-A Indicates number of villages C villages according to proportion D Block wise having one or of the more primary schools. Appendix-VII-B: Scheduled castes and Scheduled Appendix-I-B Indicates number of villages C D Tribes to the total population by Block wise having primary, ranges. middle and secondary schools. Appendix-VIII Indicates C 0 Block wIse Appendix-I-C Shows number of villages C D number of villages under each Block wise with different sources Gram Panchayat. of drinking water facilities. Appendix-IX Shows number of different types Appendix-II Indicates the list of villages with of girls school in a village. 5,000 and above population which

64 MAP-30(i)



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DII'l'II ~.





Alphabetical list of Villages (C.D. block wise) Name of the District:South Garo Hills Name of CD Block: Chokl.!0t Serial N arne of village 2001 Census location 1991 Census location code number code number number 2 3 4 ' Name ofSub-Dist: 0001

1. Abanda 00255400 050070007000700095 2. Adanggiri 00266300 050070007000700232 3. Adilmagiri 00249200 050070007000700048 4. Agalgre 00259700 050070007000700281 5. Agalgre 00265000 050070007000700221 6. Agittinggre 00260900 050070007000700159 7. Akoksigiri 00246100 050070007000700035 8. Ala N okatagiri 00256500 050070007000700084 9. Ala Rongpakgiri 00256700 050070007000700075 10. Alagiri 00257300 050070007000700068 11. Alekapara 00250200 050070007000700057 12. Anchenggre 00246200 050070007000700036 13. Andamari 00276300 050070007000700259 14. Anegre 00261700 050070007000700176 15. Anigre 00257500 050070007000700070 16. Aringakolgiri 00274600 050070007000700246 17. Asimdikgiri 00275000 050070007000700330 18. Asimgiri 00250000 050070007000700091 19. Asimgiri 00258600 050020002000200210 20. Asinangre 00257600 050070007000700072 21. Asugiri 00257400 050070007000700069 22. Atabengagre 00275700 050070007000700248 23. Awegiri 00242800 050070007000700003 24. Babilbanda 00268700 050070007000700213 25. Bakatagre 00261900 050070007000700179 26. Balmoragiri 00274900 050070007000700261 27. Balsiragre 00265900 050070007000700218 28. Balwat Rongchong 00266600 050070007000700287 29. Balwatgre 00267700 050070007000700289 30. Bamon Bajragiri 00273800 050070007000700318 31. Bandarigire 00245400 050070007000700029 32. Bangguagre 00258400 050070007000700166 33. Betdigre 00273400 050070007000700312 34. Betramgre 00267000 050070007000700306 35. Bibragiri 00259000 050070007000700151 36. Bikinggiri 00251600 050070007000700043 37. Bilgre 00260400 050070007000700278 38. Block Head Qtr. 00253100 050070007000700104 39. Bolasinggre 00276400 050070007000700253


Serial N arne of village 2001 Census 1991 Census location number location code code number number 2 3 4

40. Bolchim Songgital 00258300 050070007000700174 41. Bolchimdagre 00261500 050070007000700173 42. Bolchugre 00260500 050070007000700152 43. Boldam Sangkni 00256600 050070007000700080 44. Boldamgre 00262800 45. Boldamgre 00277900 050070007000700226 46. Bolkongpara 00244700 050070007000700022 47. Bolma Chiringgre 00277300 050070007000700334 48. Bolsal Ading 00253700 050070007000700101 49. Bramagiri 00243700 050070007000700012 50. Bremgre 00277500 050070007000700335 51. Budigre 00245900 050070007000700342 52. Budu Asimgre 00252900 050070007000700148 53. Budu Watregiri 00248300 050070007000700147 54. Buga Dongram 00276000 050070007000700251 55. Bugakolgre 00252800 050070007000700107 56. Bugigiri 00246000 050070007000700034 57. Chambuagiri 00275500 050070007000700262 58. Chandi Rongdigiri 00257900 050070007000700073 59. Chandigiri 00258000 050010001000100130 60. Chandigiri 00269100 050070007000700071 61. Chianggalgre 00251900 050070007000700040 62. Chibandagre 00274100 63. Chibokgre 00249100 050070007000700046 64. Chidabetgre 00275300 050070007000700331 65. Chigisimgiri 00251200 050070007000700081 66. Chigitchakgiri 00272800 050040004000400052 67. Chigitchakgiri 00273600 050040004000400147 68. Chigranggiri 00256400 050070007000700083 69. Chiringmagiri 00246600 050070007000700132 70. Chisrengre 00252300 050070007000700121 71. Chitampagre 00270500 050070007000700195 72. Chitimgre 00266400 050070007000700272 73. Chittilonggiri 00269500 050070007000700190 74. Chokpot Bazar 00253500 050070007000700102 75. Chokpotgiri 00255100 050070007000700098 76. Dabanggre 00264400 050070007000700273 77. Dabin Songgital 00272200 050070007000700242 78. Dabin Songmong 00272300

J> 79. Dabolgre 00247500 050070007000700343 80. Dadinggiri 00268800 050070007000700224 81. Dagal Asimgre 00259200 050070007000700149


Serial Name of village 2001 Census 1991 Census location number location code code number number 2 3 4 82. Dagal Gopgre 00259300 050070007000100150 83. Dagal Gopre (A) 00259100 050070007000700150 84. DagaJ Nokatgiri 00258700 050070007000700092 85. Dagal Songgital 00245800 050070007000700033 86. Dagal Songgital 00258800 050070007000700158 87. Dagal Songmong 00260800 050070007000700156 88. Dagalgiri 00257700 050010001000100271 89. Dagalgre 00264500 050070007000700231 90. Dajegre 00256900 050070007000700064 91. Daji Adugre 00248800 050070007000700127 92. Daji Badima 00253400 050070007000700110 93. Daji Boldakgre 00253900 050070007000700109 94. Daji Rongbinggre 00252600 050070007000700118 95. Daji Rongkuakgre 00252200 050070007000700126 96. Daji Teksragre 00255500 050070007000700093 97. Dajinggre 00254300 050070007000700112 98. Daldogre 00266700 050070007000700291 99. Dallonggre 00274000 050070007000700320 100. Dametgre 00260700 050070007000700155 101. Dametrongsnagiri 00260600 050070007000700154 102. Damikchigre 00263900 050070007000700303 103. Damit Bugakolgiri 00255900 104. Dana Adugiri 00243100 050070007000700006 105. Danggilgiri 00273900 050070007000700319 106. Dangjingre 00249900 050070007000700054 107. Dangkipara 00250300 050070007000700058 108. Dapgiri 00244400 050070007000700019 109. Daramgre 00264800 050070007000700222 110. Daramgre 00267600 050070007000700323 111. Darengiri 00247200 050070007000700137 112. Darengsagiri 00249000 050070007000700047 113. Darinanggiri 00262100 050070007000700170 114. Daringgre 00255300 050070007000700096 115. Darit Banaj uri 00273500 050070007000700313 116. Darit Simragittim 00277400 050070007000700340 117. Darit Wakcholgre 00277800 050070007000700338 118. Dasamgiri 00255000 050070007000700097 119. Dasing Bibra 00271500 050070007000700203 120. Dasinggiri 00262300 050070007000700212 121. Dasol Chigitchak 00267200 050070007000700308 122. Dasolgiri 00263600 050070007000700301 123. Dawagiri 00250600 050070007000700061 124. Debaigre 00262600 050070007000700162


Serial N arne of village 2001 Census 1991 Census location number location code code number number 2 3 4 125. Debandagre 00258100 050070007000700177 126. Dekigre 00258200 050070007000700175 127. Deku Bazar 00249600 050070007000700052 128. Dendamgiri 00261]00 050070007000700164 129. Digranggre 00251300 050070007000700082 130. Dilnigre 00268600 050070007000700234 131. Dindigre 00253300 050070007000700106 ]32. Dingbinggre 00252700 050070007000700]08 133. Dobagiri 00247700 050070007000700045 134. Dobagre 00251800 050070007000700045 135. Dobagre 00253200 050070007000700103 136. Dokananggiri 00256000 050070007000700090 137. Dompaigiri 00264900 050070007000700220 138. Dopagre 00270700 050070007000700197 139. Dopananggre 00249800 050030003000300019 140. Dorangre 00249700 141. Dorek Asim 00255200 050070007000700094 142. Drong Songmong 00269600 050070007000700183 143. Drong Walbakgiri 00269800 050070007000700189 144. Duchinggiri 00267]00 050070007000700307 ]45. Dumindigiri 00250500 050070007000700060 146. Dumingiri 00271900 050070007000700060 147. Dura-Asimgiri 00245000 050070007000700025 148. Durabanda Agitok 00242600 050070007000700001 149. Durabanda Chambugong 00242700 050070007000700002 150. Duragiri 00255600 0500]000]000100245 151. Duragre 00252000 050070007000700039 152. Eldimiramgre 00261300 050070007000700167 153. Emandurabangda 00247600 050070007000700]41 154. Emragre 00261600 050070007000700172 155. Gaduagiri 00269200 050070007000700208 156. Gagagre 00262000 050070007000700171 157. Galwanggitok 00265800 050070007000700214 158. Ga1wanggre 00268500 050070007000700233 159. Ganchigre 00257800 160. Gandak Nawepilgiri 00245600 050070007000700031 161. Gandinanggiri 0025]700 050070007000700044 162. Gangchikalak 00255700 050070007000700042 163. Ganggugiri 00249500 050070007000700051 164. Gaturagre 00266100 050070007000700229 165. Genapara 00268400 050070007000700235 166. Gilmatkolgre 00267800 050070007000700324 167. Ginengkolsi Songgital 00274300 050070007000700245


Serial N arne of village 2001 Census 1991 Census location number location code code number number 2 3 4 168. Gnengkolsi Songgitchal11 00272100 050070007000700243 169. Gongganggre 00273200 050070007000700321 170. Gopgiri 00247900 050070007000700144 171. Guripara 00265500 050070007000700182 172. Guripatal 00268200 050070007000700271 173. Inchagiri 00266000 050070007000700219 174. Jallegre 00253000 050070007000700105 175. Janiagiri 00264700 050070007000700228 176. Jetragiri 00247000 050070007000700138 177. Jongkolgiri 00263000 050070007000700276 178. Kakijagiri 00247800 050070007000700143 179. Kalbanggiri 00246900 050070007000700130 180. Kalsigiri 00272600 050070007000700236 181. Kalsimpara 00244300 050070007000700018 182. Kalupara 00250400 050020002000200254 183. Kantasigre 00263400 050070007000700299 184. Karawenggiri 00265700 050070007000700215 185. Karij horagre 00244600 050070007000700021 186. Kasigiri 00271100 050070007000700201 187. Kemranggiri 00276600 050070007000700254 188. Kene Anchenggiri 00263200 050070007000700285 189. Kene Badimagiri 00263700 050070007000700294 190. Kene Chania 00260200 050070007000700284 191. Kenegre 00259400 050070007000700279 192. Kilbolma Asimgre 00259600 050070007000700282 193. Kilbolma Damalgre 00260100 050070007000700283 194. Kilbolmagre 00259500 050070007000700280 195. Kimdegonggre 00264000 050070007000700302 196. Kokigre 00275600 050070007000700263 197. Konchikolgre 00272500 050070007000700237 198. Magapagre 00262500 050070007000700161 199. Makbilkolgre 00265100 050070007000700217 200. Mandang Redinggre 00266900 050070007000700304 201. Marakapara 00244200 050020002000200195 202. Megua Songmong 00270600 050070007000700196 203. Mekalpagiri 00243300 050070007000700008 204. Mekragiri 00258500 050070007000700165 205. Mibonpara 00265400 050070007000700181 206. Mikadogre 00243400 050070007000700009 207. Minchi Chiringgre 00248700 050070007000700128 208. Mitap Bodola 00268100 050070007000700269 209. Mitap Megapgiri 00268000 050070007000700325 210. Mitap Songmong 00268300 050070007000700270


Serial N arne of village 2001 Census 1991 Census location number location code code number number 2 3 4 211. Mon Bangamgre 00272700 050070007000100268 212. Mon Dobakolgre 00274400 050070007000700244 213. Mon Rongsnagre 00262900 050070007000700153 214. Mon Songmong 00266200 050070007000700230 215. Nachi Adugiri 00256200 050070007000700085 216. Nanil Songgittal 00264100 050070007000700292 217. Nanil Songmong 00266800 050070007000700305 218. Narongkolgre 00264200 050070007000700286 219. Nilwasagiri 00276800 050070007000700256 220. Nodonggiri 00260300 050070007000700277 221. Nokatgiri 00244900 050070007000700050 222. Nokatgiri 00249400 050070007000700063 223. Nokatgre 00256800 050070007000700063 224. Noranggiri 00257100 050070007000700065 225. Palwalgiri 00267300 050070007000700309 226. Papa Asakgre 00259800 050070007000700297 227. Papa Dajinggre 00263300 050070007000700295 228. Papa Songgital 00260000 050070007000700296 229. Papa Songmong 00259900 050070007000700298 230. Paromgre 00247300 050070007000700140 231. Pikapara 00272000 050070007000700241 232. Radigre 00263500 050070007000700300 233. Ramigiri 00261000 050070007000700163 234. Rangmai Aruak 00271200 050070007000700205 235. Rangmai Chigitchak 00271600 050070007000700204 236. Rangra Jalang 00268900 050070007000700211 237. Rangra Nokatgre 00272900 050070007000700326 238. Rangrachi 00271000 050070007000700200 239. Rebodotgiri 00243900 050070007000700014 240. Redingsi Songgital 00248000 241. Rekonanggre 00244500 050070007000700020 242. Renggua 00269000 050070007000700210 243. Reni Adinggre 00248400 050070007000700135 244. Reni Badima 00248500 050070007000700134 245. Rimrang Adinggiri 00257200 050070007000700067 246. Ringkap Sonawari 00264300 050070007000700274 247. Ringkap Songgital 00263100 050070007000700275 248. Ringkap Songmong 00266500 050070007000700288 249. Romba Songgitalgre 00245100 050070007000700026 250. Rombagiri 00251400 050070007000700087 251. Rompagiri 00264600 050070007000700227 252. Ronganggre 00276100 050070007000700260 253. Rongasigre 00246500 050070007000700131


Serial Name of village 2001 Census 1991 Census location number location code code number number 2 3 4 254. Rongbilbanggre 00267500 050070007000700290 255. Rongchanggiri 00243200 050070007000700007 256. Rongchonggre 00277200 050070007000700341 257. Rongdenggre 00248900 050070007000700038 258. Rongdi Adinggre 00243800 050070007000700013 259. Rongdi Anchenggiri 00242900 050070007000700004 260. Rongdi Anchigre 00243600 050070007000700013 261. Rongdigiri 00243500 050070007000700010 262. Rongdikgiri 00274800 050070007000700264 263. Rongjaj onggre 00273000 050070007000700328 264. Rongkongittim 00250800 050070007000700076 265. Rongkugiri 00250700 050070007000700062 266. Rongma Paromgiri 00247400 050070007000700139 267. Rongma Rekmangiri 00248100 050070007000700145 268. Rongmai Jongjanggittim 00269300 050070007000700207 269. Rongmai Songgital 00271300 270. Rongmaigre (Songmong & Songgital) 00265200 271. Rongmigiri 00246400 050070007000700129 272. Rongpakgre 00246300 050070007000700037 273. Rongra 00270800 050070007000700199 274. Rongra Kantalu 00270900 050070007000700199 275. Rongrak Teksragre 00256100 050070007000700086 276. Rongrakgre 00267900 050070007000700322 277. Rongrikimgre 00277000 050070007000700332 278. RongruAsim 00246700 279. Rongru Watregiri 00246800 280. Rongsimagiri 00245300 050070007000700028 281. Rongsimagiri 00261200 050070007000700028 282. Rontragiri 00251500 050070007000700088 283. Roriagre (Chigranggre) 00256300 284. Rotonggiri 00249300 050070007000700049 285. Ruabanggagiri 00245700 050070007000700032 286. Ruatsogiri 00269400 050070007000700191 287. Ruga Ading 00270200 050070007000700187 288. Ruga Denigre 00270400 289. Ruga Doldoma 00270000 050070007000700185 290. Ruga Makbilkol 00269900 050070007000700188 291. Ruga Nokatgiri 00269700 050070007000700184 292. Ruga Reginggittim 00270300 050070007000700193 293. Ruga Songmong 00270100 050070007000700186 294. Sabiagre 00262700 050070007000700160 295. Sandong 00245500 050070007000700030 296. Sangknigiri 00251000 050070007000700079


Serial Name of village 2001 Census 1991 Census location number location code code number number 2 3 4 297. Sasatgiri 00244100 050070007000700016 298. Satilokgiri 00250900 050070007000700077 299. Sawekolgiri 00275100 050070007000700317 300. Sembu Jakinggittim 00254800 050070007000700123 301. Sembu Jibanggittim 00254900 050070007000700124 302. Sembu Jingjanggitim 00254100 050070007000700116 303. Sembu Nokatgiri 00254700 050070007000700122 304. Sembu Rongsnagiri 00254600 050070007000700114 305. Sembu Rongtolgittim 00247100 050070007000700133 306. Sembu Singronggittim 00254200 050070007000700115 307. Seminanggiri 00244000 050070007000700015 308. Silanggiri 00271700 050070007000700202 309. Silki Achakchiring 00277100 050070007000700333 310. SilkiAdu 00265600 050070007000700192 311. Silki Ampangdamgiri 00275900 050070007000700250 312. Silki Betagiri 00273300 050070007000700311 313. Silki Christiangittim 00274500 050070007000700247 314. Silki Rongsibogre 00275800 050070007000700249 315. Silkigiri 00276200 050070007000700252 316. Simbu Raongkiragiri 00248600 050070007000700114 317. Simkalanggiri 00251100 050070007000700078 318. Soksomarenggre 00244800 050070007000700023 319. Somegre 00276500 320. Somolgre 00272400 321. Sonaramgre 00261800 050070007000700178 322. Songgotagiri 00267400 050070007000700310 323. Songma Matchokgre 00254000 050070007000700117 324. Songsak Nokatgiri 00245200 050070007000700027 325. Tebilgiri 00273100 050070007000700327 326. Tebisokgre 00276700 050070007000700255 327. Tebokgre 00277600 050070007000700336 328. Tejagre 00261400 050070007000700169 329. Tenak Songgitcham 00274700 050070007000700265 330. Tengki Badimagiri 00275200 050070007000700315 331. Tengki Songmong 00273700 050070007000700316 332. Tepantogre 00263800 050070007000700293 333. Tepotagiri 00250100 050070007000700056 334. Tinak Songgital 00274200 050070007000700266 335. Tojanang (Daruda) 00265300 050070007000700180 336. Tokrok Anchenggre 00248200 050070007000700146 337. Wagebokgiri 00275400 050070007000700258 338. Wagi Chiringgiri 00243000 050070007000700005 339. Waibagre 00271400 050070007000700206


Serial N arne of village 2001 Census 1991 Census location number location code code number number 2 3 4

340. Waidagiri 00255800 05007000700b700089 341. Wainabenggre 00262200 050070007000700223 342. Wakjapakre 00252100 050070007000700125 343. Wakskogre 00277700 050070007000700337 344. Wangrnagre (Darinanggre 00257000 050070007000700066 345. Warima Chokela 00253600 050070007000700100 346. Warima Dooldu 00253800 050070007000700111 347. Warima Duragre 00254500 050070007000700113 348. Warimagiri 00254400 050070007000700099 349. Waro Songgital 00252500 050070007000700119 350. Waro Songgitcham 00252400 050070007000700120 351. Wasagiri 00271800 050070007000700239 352. Watibokgre 00258900 050070007000700157 353. Watregiri 00262400 050070007000700225 354. Watregiri 00276900 050070007000700257

75 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: SOUTH GARO HILLS Census of India 2001 Amenities and Amenities available (ifnol available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is given)

o o c::!. -0'" "0

1..::: '­o li E ::> Z 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 II 12 J3

CD Block: Chokpot (0001)

Ourabanda Agitok TWOSS- CM(IO~) ACS(5-IO) CY(IO+) BS(5-10) 280 50 P M C(lO+) H(IO+) PO« 5) (00242600) MCW(IO+) o RS(IO+) PH(lO+) CP(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(10+) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(10+) NW(lO+)

Ourabanda P M 1(2) H(IO+) CY(IO+) BS(5-10) Chambugong 195 ~ W 0 SS- PO(S-IO) CM(S-IO) ACS(IO+) 29 Tr(2) AC(2) MCW(IO+) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) (00242700) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) NCS(IO+) 0(2) C(lO+) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

Awegiri P« H(IO+) CYOO+) BS(IO+) 3 69 T W R S SS· PO(;O+) CM(IO+) ACS(IO+) (00242800) 12 5) M(S-IO) MCW(IO+) NCS(10+) SPOO+) RS(lO+) R PH(IO+) C(IO+) PHC« 5) Cpr I 0+) OCS(1 0+ ) ST(10+) NW(10+)

Rongdi P« H(10+) CY(IO+) BS« 5) 4 AnchenBgiri 90 S OSS-S PO(S-IO) CM(JO+) ACS(10+) 16 5) M« 5) MCW(IO+) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) (00242900) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) NCS(IO+) C(IO+) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(10+) NW(IO+)

Wagi Chiringgiri P« H(10+) ACSOO+) CY(lO+) BS(5-IO) 95 SO SS-S PO(lO+) (00243000) 17 5)M«S) MCW(IO+) CM(IO+) NCS(lO+) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) C(IO+) PHC« 5) CP(JO+) OCS(lO+) ST(10+) NW(IO+)

Dana Adugiri H(lO+) ACS(10+) CY(lO+) B5« 5) 6 269 SO SS-S PO(IO+) (00243100) 45 P M C(IO+) MCW(lO+) CM(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) R5(IO+) PH(IO+) PHC(IO+) CP(IO+) OCS(lO+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

Rongchanggiri P« H(lO+) eY(lo+) BS(5-10) 58 50 SS-S PO(IO+) CM(IO+) ACS(IO+) (00243200) 9 5) M(IO+) MCW(IO+) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) NeS(IO+) C(lO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

MekaJpagiri IS P M(5-10) H(lO+) CY(IO+) BS(IO+) 8 87 SO SS-S PO(5-IO) CM(JO+) ACS(IO+) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) (00243300) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) NCS(JO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(lO+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

Mikadogre 2S P M(S-IO) H(lO+) ACS(lO+) CY(lO+) BS« 5) 9 173 S SS-S PO(5-IO) CM(IO+) NCS(IO+) (00243400) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) OCS(IO+) PHC(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

Rongdigiri p PM(5-IO) H(lO+) ACS(IO+) eY(lo+) B5(5-IO) 10 63 SO SS-S (00243500) - C(lO+) MCW(IO+) PO(5-IO) CM(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO") RS(IO+) PHC(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(lO+)

P« Rongdi Anchigre eY(lo+) BS(5-IO) II 61 10 S) M(5-10) H(lO+) SO SS-S PO(S-IO) CM(IO+) ACS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) (00243600) MCW(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO) NCS(IO+) C(lO+) PHC« 5) + OCS(lO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

76 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i.e. area under different types ofland use in hectare)

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

FP Tura (10) Nil,Nil,Nil Durabanda Agilok

Durabanda FP Turn (10) Nil. Nil, Nil Chambugong

MR Tura (10) ED Nil, Nil, Nil Awegiri

MR Chokpot (17) Nil, Nil, Nil Rongdi Anchenggiri 4

Arecanut, Nil. MRFP Chokpot (31) Wagi Chiringgiri Nil

Arecanut, Nil, FP Chokpot (23) Dana Adugiri 6 Nil

MR Chol.'P0t (24) Nil. Nil, Nil Rongchanggiri

MR Tura (21) Nil, Nil, Nil Mekalpagiri 8

Cashewnut, Nil, FP Chokpot (20) Mikadogre 9 Nil

Cashewnut, FP Chokpot (24) Rongdigiri 10 Arecanut, Nil

Cashewnut, Nil, FP Chokpot (20) Rongdi Anchigre II Nil

77 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: SOUTH GARO HILLS Census of India 2001 Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz. < 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is given)

'­ o 0; § .~ .gu LU 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Bramagin H(10+) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) 85« 5) 12 130 21 PM«5) S OSS-S PO(5-10) CM(IO+) (00243700) C(lO+) MCW(lO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(lO+) CP(IO+) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

BS Rongdi Adinggre PM« 5) H(lO+) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) 13 18 5 OSS-S PO(S-IO) CM(IO+) R5(10+) (00243800) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) NW(IO+) PHC« 5) OCS(lO+) ST(IO+)

Rebodotgiri 34 PM(5-10) H(lO+) CV(IO+) B5(5-10) 14 205 50 SS-O PO(S-IO) CM(IO+) ACS(IO+) (00243900) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(lO) NC5(lO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PHC« 5) + OCS(lO+) ST(IO+) NW(5-1O)

5eminanggiri 5 P« H(IO+) AC5« 5) CV(IO+) 8S« 5) 15 19 505S-0 PO« 5) CM(IO+) (00244000) 5) M('" 5) MCW(IO+) NC5(10+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) CCIO+) PHC(IO+) OC5(10+) ST(JO+) NW(IO+)

Sasatgiri 19 P M(5-10) H(IO+) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) 8S(5-10) 16 142 T S SS-S PO«5) (00244100) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) CM(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(lO+) PH(IO+) PHC(JO+) CP(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

Marakapara H(IO+) CV(IO+) 8S(10+) 17 88 15 PM«5) T S 0 SS-S PO« 5) CM( 10+ ) ACS(l 0+) (00244200) C(lO+) MCW(lO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(lO+) NC5(10+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Kalsimpara 9 P M«5) H(LO+) ACS(IO+) CV(lO+) 8S« 5) 18 45 5 0 5S-S PO« 5) CM(JO+) (00244300) C(IO+) MCW(LO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC« 5) OCS«5) ST(IO+) NW(JO+)

8S Oapgiri H(IO+) ACS(lO+) CV(IO+) 19 131 19 P M C(lO+) 50 SS-O PO(S-IO) CM( 10+) RS(IO+) (00244400) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) NW(IO+) PHC(IO+) OC5(IO+) ST(IO+)

Rekonanggre H(IO+) ACS(5-1O) CV(IO+) 8S« 5) 20 52 6 P M C(lO+) soss-O PO(S-IO) CM(lO+) (00244500) MCW(lO+) NCS(lO+) SP(IO+) RS(10+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(5-10) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Karijhoragre 36 PM(IO+) H(lO+) ACS(lO+) CV(IO+) 8S« 5) 21 201 TOS5-0 PO(lO+} CM(IO+) (00244600) C(10+) MCW(IO+} NCS(IO+} SP(lO+} RS{lO+} PH(IO+} CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(10+}

P« H« 80lkongpara ACS(IO+) CV(JO+) 8S« 5) 22 33 6 5} M« 5) 5) MCW(IO+) 50 SS-O PO«5) CM(IO+) (00244700) NC5(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C(lO+) PHC(" 5) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) OCS(IO+) 5T(10+) NW(IO+)

S oksomarenggre P« H(IO~) ACS(JO+) CV(lO+) BS« 5) 23 44 T SO S5-S PO(5-1O) CM(IO+) (00244800) 7 5) M(5-10) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) R5(10+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) C(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(lO+) 5T(10+) NW(JO+)

78 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i.e area under different types of land use in hectare)

E 0 ..:.: .~" ..§. C ::Jl E :0" ~.;; 0I:l "" 1;; e _g "eo ,., 2 §-o ~ [; 'i:: 1:: ., ,.., i3: ... ~ E ~ C. -0 '" -0"" .;; .D Q. <:: ~ E c.. &E e OJ § -5., iii "OJ -0 ~ :0" ... t; c.. .=" ~<.) OIl -0 0 [; ~ _~] U ., '" [ ~ i3: ~ OIl E " " ·c.... "- 0 ~ ~ ~0 '2 :; OJ -< z" 0.. Z" :2 E "- g ::> u §," ..:;:" Z" en" 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

Cashewnut, Nil, MR Chokpot (27) Bramagiri 12 Nil

Cashewnut, Nil, MR Chokpot (21) Rongdi Adinggre 13 Nil

FP Chokpot (44) Nil, Nil, Nil Rebodotgiri 14

FP Chokpot (43) Nil, Nil, Nil Seminanggiri 15

MR Chokpot (20) Nil, Nil, Nil Sasatgiri 16

FP Chokpot (40) Nil, Nil, Nil Marakapara 17

MR Chokpot (43) Nil, Nil, Nil Kalsimpara 18

Cashewnut, Nil, PR Chokpot (2 I) Dapgiri 19 Nil

FP Tura(25) Nil, Nil, Nil Rekonanggre 20

MR Chokpot (40) Nil. Nil, Nil Karijhoragre 21

FP Tura(l9) Nil. Nil, Nil Bolkongpara 22

MR Chokpot (45) Nil, Nil. Nil Soksomarenggre 23

79 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: SOUTH GARO HILLS Census of India 2001 Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it In brackets the distance In broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and \0+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is given)



2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

Nokatgiri 15 PM(IO+) H(IO+) 8S« 5) 24 88 TSS-T 1'0« 5) CM(IO+) ACS(lO+) CY(IO+) (00244900) C(IO+) MCW(lO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) NCS(5-10) SP(IO+) PHC« 5) OCS(lO+) ST(IO+) NW(lO")

Dura-Asimgiri 42 P M(S-IO) H(lO+) ACS(lO+) CY(IO+) B5(5-10) 25 258 T S SS-S PO« 5) CM(IO+) (00245000) C(lO+) MCW(lO+) NCS(5-10) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(10+) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Romba 16 P« H(lO+) CM(lO+) ACS(IO+) CY(IO+) 85(5-10) 26 Songgitalgre 87 T S SS-S PO«5) 5) M(IO+) MCW(IO+) R5(10+) (00245100) PH(lO+) CPCIO+) NCS(5-10) 5P(10+) C(lO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Songsak Nokatgiri 27 ------Uninhabited ------(00245200)

Rongsimagiri H(lO+) CV(IO+) 8S(10+) 28 96 14 P M C(lO+) T S S5-S PO(IO+) CM(10+) AC5(10+) (00245300) MCW(IO+) 5P(l0+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(lO+) NCS(10+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

BS Bandarigire 16 P M(S-IO) H(lO+) ACS(IO+) CY(IO+) 29 82 S SS-S PO«5) CM(IO+) R5(10+) (00245400) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) PH(tO+) CP(IO+) NW(IO+) PHC(5-10) OC5(10+) 5T(l0+)

BS Sandong H(lO+) ACS(IO+) CY(IO+) 30 102 17 P M«5) SO SS-5 PO(5-10) CM(IO+) RS(IO+) (00245500) C(10+} MCW(10+} NCS(5-10) SP(IO+} PH(IO+) CP(IO+) NW(IO+) PHC(5-10) OC5( 10+) ST(IO+)

Gandak 8 P« H(10+) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) B5(5-10) 31 Nawepilgiri 45 S S5-S PO« 5) 5)M«5) MCW(IO+) CM(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) R5(10+) (00245600) PH(5-lO) C(lO+) PHC« 5) Cpr 10+) OC5(10+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Ruabanggagiri P« H(lO+) AC5(IO+) CV(IO+) 8S(5-10) 32 52 5 SS-5 PO« 5) CM(IO+) (00245700) 8 5) M(lO+) MCW(IO+) NC5(10+) 5P(l0+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(10+) C(IO+) PHC« 5) OC5(10+) 5T(10+) NW(IO+)

P« H« Dagal Songgital AC5(10+) CV(JO+) BS« 5) 33 lO2 15 5) M« 5) 5) MCW« 5) W 5 SS-5 PO« 5) CM(IO+) (00245800) NCS(JO+) 5P(l0+) RS(IO+) C(lO+) PHC« 5) PH(10+) CP« 5) OCS(10+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

8S Budigre H(lD+) ACS(lO+) CV(IO+) 34 93 19 PM«5) R S SS-R PO« 5) CM(IO+) RS(IO+) (00245900) C(IO+) MCW(lO+) NCS(10+) 5P(10+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) NW(IO+) PHC(lO+) OCS(lO+) ST(IO+) Bugigiri 35 •••• --.- Uninhabited ----•• -.--•• (00246000)

Akoksigiri 12 PM(lO+) H(10+) ACS(lO+) CY(lO+) 8S« 5) 36 74 TS SS-T PO« 5) (00246100) C(lO+) MCW(10+) CM(10+) NCS(IO+) SP(10+) RS(10+) PH(IO+) PHC(IO+) CP(IO+) OC5(10+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

80 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use in hectare)

" .~'" '"

I0- ~ z" 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

FP Tura (38) Nil, Nil, Nil Nokatgiri 24

MR Cho)cpot (45) Nil, Nil, Nil Dura-Asimgiri 25

FP Chokpot (40) Nil, Nil, Nil Romba Songgitalgre 26

------Uninhabited ------Songsak Nokatgiri 27

MR Tura (10) Nil, Nil. Ni Rongsimagiri 28

PR Tura (14) Nil, Nil, Nil Bandarigire 29

PR MR FP Tura (16) Nil, Nil, Nil Sandong 30

FP Tura (18) Nil,Nil,Nil Gandak Nawepilgiri 31

FP Chokpot (25) Nil, Nil, Nil Ruabanggagi ri 32

FP Chokpot (I) Nil, Nil, Nil Dagal Songgital 33

MRFP Chokpot (17) Nil, Nil,NiI Budigre 34

------Uninhabited ------Bugigiri 35

FP Chokpot (21) Nil, Nil, Nil Akoksigiri 36

81 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: SOUTH GARO HILLS Census of India 2001 Amenities and AmenIties available lifnol available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.'" 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is given) j

2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 IJ

Anchenggre 17 P M(IO+) H(IO+) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) 8S(10+) 37 104 T W S SS-S PO(IO+) CM(IO+) (00246200) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(lO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Rongpakgre 30 P M(10+) H(lO+) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) 8S« 5) 38 199 T W S SS-T PO« 5) (00246300) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) CM(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) PHC(IO+) cpr 10+) OCS( 10+) STCIO+) NW(IO+)

Rongrnigiri 17 P M(5-1O) H(IO+) ACS(IO+) CV(lO+) 8S« 5) 39 92 TSSS-S PO(IO+) (00246400) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) CM(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) PHC(IO+) CP(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Rongasigre 26 PM«5) H(IO+) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) 8S« 5) 40 153 W SSS-S PO(IO+) (00246500) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) CM(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) PHC« 5) (P(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Chiringmagiri 6 pel) M(2) H(lO+) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) 8S« 5) 41 31 WS Ss-s PO(5-IO) CM(lO+) NCS(IO+) (00246600) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) PHC(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Rongru Asim 12 P M(S-IO) H(IO+) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) 8S(10+) 42 77 S 5S-S PO(IO+) CM(IO+) (00246700) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(lO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

Rongru Watregiri 7 P« H(lO+) CV(IO+) 8S(l0+) 43 40 S SS-S PO(IO+) CM(IO+) ACS(lO+) (00246800) 5) M« S) MCW(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(lO+) NCS(IO+) C(lO+) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Kalbanggiri 15 P« H(IO+) (,V(IO+) 8S(5-1O) 44 99 T W SS-T PO« 5) CM( 10+) ACS( I 0+) (00246900) 5) M(5-JO) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(lO+) C(10+) PHC« S) CPt 10+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Jetragiri H(IO+) ACS(IO+) (,V(IO+) 8S(10+) 45 329 54 P M C(10+) T S S5-T PO(IO+) CM(IO+) (00247000) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(10+) CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

H(S- Sembu 36 P M(5-IO) 10) ACS(IO+) CV(lD+) 8S(5-10) 46 Ronglolgittim 184 50 SS-S PO(5-ID) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) CM(lO ... ) NCS(5-10) SP(IO+) RS(IOT) (00247100) PH(IO+) PHC(5-IO) CPt 10+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Darengiri 18 PM«5) H(lO+) CV(lO+) 8S(10+) 47 105 T W S S5-T PO(IO+) CM(IO+) ACS(IO+) (00247200) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(10+) PHC(IO+) CP(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST( 10+) NW(IO+)

82 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use in hectare)

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

MR FP Chokpot (18) Nil, Nil, Nil Anchenggre 37

MR FP Chokpot(17) Nil, Nil, Nil Rongpakgre 38

FP Baghmara (30) Nil, Nil, Nil Rongmigiri 39

FP Chokpot ( I 7) Nil, Nil, Nil Rongasigre 40

FP Chokpot (I I) Nil, Nil, Nil Chiringmagiri 41

FP Chokpot (18) Nil, Nil, Nil Rongru Asim 42

FP Bagbmara (45) Nil, Nil, Nil Rongru Watregiri 43

FP Chokpot (26) Nil, Nil, Nil Kalbanggiri 44

MR FP Chokpot (27) Nil, Nil, Nil Jetragiri 45

Sembu FP Tura (64) Nil, Nil, Nil 46 Rongtolgittim

MR FP Chokpot(18) Nil, Nil, Nil Darengiri 47

83 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: SOUTH GARO HIllS Census of India 2001 Amenities and Amenities available (ifnol available within the village, a dash (-) IS shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10 kms_ and 10+ kms of the ~ nearest I2lace where the facili!y is available is given) 0 0 g'" e ~t -:: -5 U" ..c .~ :: ;E ~ co c:!. 0. :; "g (';I ''':: 's: '- -.; :t -.; " S " i5. 0 '" a.., ~:6 u " :::: '- 0 'e '" < ': 1r; 0 '"e: ;; 0'" 0; .E e:! c Co '"§ ::: ~ u :: » .., .!:l '-' ~"" " ~~§ -.; " -.;

Paromgre P M(S-IO) H(IO+) ACS(lO+) CY(10+) BS(10+) 48 200 37 W SO SS-S POe 10+) CM(IO+) (00247300) C(lO+) M(,W(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(JO+) CP(IO+) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Rongma Paromgiri H(IO+) ACS(IO+) CY(JO+) BS(IO+) 49 71 12 P M C(IO+) W S SS-S PO(IO+) CM(IO+) (00247400) MCW(lO+) NCS(IO+) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHqIO+) OC5(10+) ST(IO+) NW(10+)

Dabolgre 18 PM(S-IO) H(IO+) ACS(10+) CY(lO+) BS(5-10) 50 92 W S 0 SS-T PO(S-10) CM(10+) (00247500) C(10+) MCW(10+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(JO+)

Emandurabangda H(lO+) TWTK5 ACS(IO+) CV(lO+) BS(5-10) 51 357 58 P M C(lO+) PO(S·IO) CM(IO+) (00247600) MCW(10+) SS-S NCS(lO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) Cpr 10+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Dobagiri PM« 5) H(IO+) ACS(10+) CY(lO+) BS(10+) 52 222 35 TK S SS·T PO(IO+) CM(IO+) (00247700) C(IO+) MCW(10+) NCS(IO+) SP( 10+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Kakijagiri H(10+) ACS(lO+) CY(lO+) BS« S) 53 81 13 PM«5) T R S SS-T PO«5) CM(10+) (00247800) C(!O+) MCW(JO+) NCS(lO+) SP(JO+) RS(lO+) PH(IO+) CP(10+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

Gopgiri 54 ------Uninhabited ------(00247900)

Redingsi Songgital 7 P M« 5) H{IO+) ACS(JO+) CV(10+) B5(1O+) S5 35 5 SS-S PO(IO+) CM(IO+) (00248000) qIO+) MCW(lO+) NCS(lO+) SP(lO+) RS(lO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHqIO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

Rongma P M«5) H(lO+) ACS(IO+) CY(IO+) B5(10+) 56 Relunangiri III 22 SSS-S PO(lQ+) CM(IO+) C(lO+) MCW(JO+) NC5(10+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) (00248100) PH(10+) CP(IO+) PHC(lO+) OCS(IO+) 5T(IO+) NW(IO+)

H(S· Tokrok P« 10) ACS(IO+) CV(IO~) BS(5-1O) 57 Anchenggre 43 TRSSS-T PO(5-IO) CM(5-10) 8 5) M« S) (,(5· MCW(IO+) NCS(5-tO) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) (00248200) PH(JO+) CP(S·IO) 10) PHC'(5.10) OCS(IO+) 5T(10+) NW(IO+)

P« H(S· Budu Watregiri ACS(5-10) CV(IO+) B5« 5) 51! 38 9 5) M« 5) C(S- 10) MCW(S· TRSS-T PO(S-IO) CM«S) (00248300) NCS« 5) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) 10) 10) PHC(5-JO) PH(10+) CP« 5) OCS(10+) ST(JO+) NW{10+)

P« H« Reni Adinggre ACS(S-lO) CV(lO+) BS« 5) 59 61 12 5)M« 5) 5) MCW« 5) R S SS·S PO« 5) CI\1(IO+) (00248400) NCS« 5) 5P(10+) RS(IO+) C(lO+) PHC« 5) PH(1O+) CP« 5) OCS(5-10) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

84 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use in hectare)

0 ]' .~" " .0 ell '='... '0 :E <.> 0 '0" €l ~ e u'" ~ .~ .E ell ~ e " '0 0 ~ 2- ~ ... ~ OIl U ;;. :0 o:d '" " ~ ;>, '" iil'" .." fJ ~ ~ ~ I; 1:: ;>, ~'" oS ~ i5. ~... ""~ -0 ;;. ~ -'" oS 8..2 e 2 "" e -=<.> -0 :0" '" '" 4- ~ "'" '" 0 0 c 11 ~ '" .5 ~ ;; ..'" e til '" '" "'" to " E "5 '" K til " ~ 0 "c E §" C- 0 ... ~ E"" ~ '" ."'" «: z" 0.." Z 2 '"E w.. '"::J U" ~ Z til" 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22"" 23 2

MR FP Chokpot (22) Nil, Nil, Nil Pammgre 48

MRFP Chokpot (27) Nil, Nil, Nil Rongma Paromgiri 49

MRFP Chokpot (28) Nil, Nil, Nil Dabolgre 50

MRFP Chokpol (17) Nil, Nil, Nil Emandurabangda 51

MR FP Chokpol (20) Nil, Nil, Nil Dobagiri 52

MR FP Chokpot ( I 5) Nil, Nil, Nil Kakijagiri 53 NW

------Uninhabited ------Gopgiri 54

MR FP Baghmara (46) Nil, Nil, Nil Redingsi Songgi tal 55

MR FP Chokpol (24) Nil, Nil, Nil Rongma Rekmangiri 56

MR FP Chokpot (10) Nil, Nil, Nil Tokrok Anchenggre 57

MR FP Chokpot (9) Nil, Nil, Nil Budu Watregiri 58

FP Chokpot (3) Nil, 1'\i1, Nil Reni Adinggre 59

85 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: SOUTH GARO HILLS Census of India 2001 Amenities and Amemties available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz. < 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and) 0+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is given)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

H« Reni Badima ACS(IO+) CY(IO+) BS« 5) 60 247 40 P M« 5) 5) MCW(IO+) WSSS-W PO«5) CM(IO+) (00248500) C(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) PHC«5) PH(IO+) CP« 5) OCS(lO+) ST(IO+) NW(JO+)

H(5- Simbu P« ACS(IO+) CY(IO+) 6S(5-10) 61 Raongkiragiri 14 5) M« 5) 10) SSS-S PO(5-10) CM(IO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) (00248600) PH(lO+) CP(5-1O) C(lO+) PHC(S-IO) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(10+)

Minchi Chiringgre 12 P M(lO+) H(lO+) ACS(lO+) CY(10+) BS(5-10) 62 51 WSOSS-S PO(5-10) CM(10+) (00248700) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(10+) SP(IO+) RS(lO+) PH(IO+) CP(10+) PHC« 5} OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

H(S- Daji Adugre P« 10) ACS(10+) CY(IO+) B5« 5) 63 63 S SS-5 . PO(5-IO) CM(10+) (00248&00) 15 5) M(5-10) MCW(10+} NCS(10+) SP(10+} RS(10+) PHI 10+) Cpr 5-10) C(lO+) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+}

P« Rongdenggre ACS(IO+) CV(lO+) BS« 5) 64 52 8 5)M(10+) H(IO+) TS SS-T PO(IO+) CM(IO+) (00248900) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+} PHC(10+} OCS(IO+} ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

Darengsagiri 19 P M(S-IO) H(lO+) ACS( 10+) CV(lO+) BS« 5) 65 III TWSSS-T PO(10+) CM(IO+) (00249000) C(lO+) MCW(10+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Chibokgre 17 P M(IO+) H(IO+) ACS(IO+} CY(lO+} 8S« 5) 66 97 T SSS-T PO(IO+) CM(IO+) (00249100) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+} SP(IO+} RS(IO+} PH(IO+) CP(JO+) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+} ST(IO+} NW(IO+)

Adilmagiri H(10+) ACS(IO+) CY(IO+) BS(5-10) 67 96 18 PM«5) T W S SS-T PO« 5) CM(IO+) (00249200) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+} NW(IO+)

Rotonggiri P« H(IO+) ACS(IO+) CY(IO+) BS« 5) 68 118 T R SS-T PO« 5) CM(IO+) (00249300) 21 5) M« 5) MCW(lO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(10+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) C(lO+) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Nokatgiri P« H(lO+) ACS(IO+) CY(IO+) 6S« 5) 69 32 S SS-S PO«5) CM(lO+) (00249400) 6 5) M« 5) MCW(10+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) C(lO+) PHC(10+) OCS(IO+) ST(10+) NW(IO+)

P« Ganggugiri ACS(IO+) CY(IO+) BS«5) 70 59 13 5) M« 5) H(lO+) so SS-S PO« 5) CM(IO+) (00249500) NCS(10+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C(10+) MCW(IO+) PH(IO-\-) CP(lO+) PHC( 10+) OCS(10+) ST(IOT) NW(IO+)

86 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (I.e. area under different types of land use in hectare)

:s .9'" ..! ::c o'/:! t: 10 "OJ) ~ >, ::E ., "0 5l ~ i; >, ~'" ~ E 15. 1:: ~ '"~ "0 ;> .0 ~ C- O> "0 .., c ., ';;; E .,c. 8.8 e [ 1;) ~ E"" ~ ., ::: a ~ ~ o 0; ~ OIl ~ 't: C. 0 0> 0 ·c ~ 0; '" (j '"eo"

MRFP Chokpot (4) Nil, Nil, Nil Reni Badima 60

FP Chokpot (8) Nil, Nil, Nil Simbu Raongkiragiri 61

FP Chokpot ( I 1) Nil, Nil. Nil M i nchi Chiringgre 62

FP Chokpot (8) Nil, Nil, Nil Oaji Adugre 63

MR FP Chokpot (12) Nil, Nil, Nil Rongdenggre 64

FP Chokpot (20) Nil, Nil, Nil Darengsagiri 65

MR FP Chokpot (14 ) Nil, Nil, Nil Chibokgre 66

MR FP Chokpot (2 I ) Nil, Nil, Nil Adilmagiri 67

FP Chokpot (22) Nil, Nil, Nil Rotonggiri 68

FP Chokpot (14) Nil, Nil, Nil Nokatgiri 69

FP Chokpot (14) Nil, Nil, Nil Ganggugiri 70

87 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: SOUTH GARO HILLS Census of India 2001 Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next t(] it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms. 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the '" nearest place where the facility is available is given) "~ u" ..§_

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12

P« 0 H(IO+) BS Deku Bazar T W R S SS·PO AC'S(lO+) C'V(IO+) 71 40 10 5) M« 5) MCW(IO+) C'M(lO+) RS(lO+) (00249600) T PH(IO+) NCS(lO+) SP(IO+) C(lO+) PHC(IO+) C'P(IO+) NW(IO+) 0C'5(10+) ST(10+)

BS Dorangre 6 P« H(IO+) AC5(10+) CV(IO+} 72 28 TSS-T PO« 5) CM(ID+) RS(IO+) (00249700) 5) M« 5} MCW(lO+) NC5(lO+) SP(IO+) PH(lO+) CP(5-IO) NW(IO+) C(lO+) PHC(5-IO) OC5(10+) ST(IO+)

Dopananggre H(IO+) ACS« 5} CV(IO+) BS« 5) 73 101 17 PM«5) TSS-T POC< S) CM(IO+) (00249800) C(IO+) MCW(IO+} NC'S(IO+) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(10+) OCS(IO+) ST{lO+) NW(IO+)

Dangjingre H(IO+} ACS(IO+) C'V( 10+) BS« 5) 74 72 14 P M« 5) W R S 0 S5 PO(;O+) CM(IO+) (00249900) C(10+) MCW(IO+) NCS(10+) SP(10+) RS(lO+) W PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

P« Asimgiri ACS« 5) CV(IO+} BS«5} 75 28 5 S)M«5) H(lO+) T S SS-S PO(IO+) CM(IO+) (00250000) NCS(IO+) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

P« Tepolagiri eV(lo+) BS« S) 76 S2 13 5) M« 5) H(IO+) TSS-T PO(IO+) CM(IO+) ACS« S) (00250100) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C(lO+) MCW(lO+) PH(lO+) PHC« 5) CP(1O+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

P« H(lO+) Alekapara W R SS-W PO(5-IO) CM(IO+) ACS(5-10) eV(IO+) BS« 5) 77 16 5 5) M(IO+) MCW(IO+) (00250200) PH(lO) CP(5-l0) NC'S(lO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C(10+) PHC'« 5) + OeS(lo+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

BS Oangkipara H(IO+) CV(IO+) 78 216 '6 PM(" 5) T S 0 SS·S PO« 5) CM(IO+) ACS« 5) RS(IO+) (00250300) ~ C(lO+) MeW(lO+) SP(lO+) PH(IO+) CP(lO+) NeS(lO+) NW(lO+) PHC«5) OC$(IO+) ST(IO+)

Kalupara H(lO+) CV(lO+) BS« 5) 79 233 40 PM«5) T TK SS-T P0(10+) CM(ID+) ACS(lO+) (00250400) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(lO+) PH(IO+) C'P( 10+) NCS(I 0+) PHC« 5} OCS(lO+) ST(10+) NW(lO+}

Oumindigiri 12 PM(ID+) H(IO+) CV(lO+} BS« 5) 80 67 TOSS-T PO«5) CM(lO+) ACS(lO+) (00250500) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) NCS«5) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(JO+) PHC« 5) CP« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

H(5- Oawagiri 4 P M(5-10) 10) CM(IO+) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 81 18 W S OSS-S PO« 5) (002S0600) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) RS(lO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) NCS(5-10) SP(IO+) PHC« 5) OC5(10+) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

Rongkugiri H(lO~) ACS(IO~) CY( 10+) BS(<: S) 82 178 32 P M« 5) SO SS-S PO(IO+) CM(JO+) (00250700) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(lO+) CP(IO+) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

88 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As 011 1999) Land use (i e, area under d,rterent types of land LIse 'n heclare)

'"0 ]' '0.. ;> ;::.'" 0 bV '::: 'i3 'i3 :; "u 0 " u fj S M .fi,,~ "'" s " ~ " ;g "00 ~ ;., iii", Ii:'" ~ ~ 'f;j ~ M t:: ;>, _o B ~ 0.. ~ e '0 0:." ;> " B 0- e !a ., ~ u ill "~ 8.fj OJ :E" '- § "" 0- OIl" 15 0 M .5 ~ "8 '"" C! til '" P- ~ ~ ..em E .ail ..'" 0- ~ '"o: 0 Iii'" '0; - ::l §" 'I:: 0 ~ ] '" -< 6"

PRMR Chokpot (12) Nil, Nil, Nil Deku Bazar 71

PR FP Chokpot (9) Nil. Nil, Nil Dorangre 72

MR FP Chokpol (37) Nil, Nil, Nil Dopananggre 73

PR MR FP Chokpol (25) Nil,Nil,Nil Dangjingre 74

PR IVIR FP Chokpot (37) Nil,Nil,Nil. Asimgiri 75

MR Chokpot (37) Nil,Nil,Nil Tepotagiri 76

PR FP Chokpol (22) Nil, Nil, Nil Alekapara 77

MRFP Chokpol (37) Nil, Nil, Nil Dangkipara 78

MRFP Chokpol (37) Nil. Nil,Nil Kalupara 79

MRFP Chokpot (46) Nil. Nil,Nil Dumindigiri 80

FP Chokpot (46) Nil,Nil,Nil Dawagiri 81

FP Chokpot (57) Nil, Nil. Nil Rongkugiri 82

89 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: SOUTH GARO HillS Census of India 2001 Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash H is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the tacility is available is given)

..... i o ] ~ en" Z 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Rougkongittint tIP M(S-IO) H(IO+) BS«S} 83 56 SO SS-S PO(5-10) CM(lO+) ACS(IO+) CV(lO+} (00250800) C(10+) MCW(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) NCS(5-1O) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

BS Satilokgiri 21 P M(5-10) H(IO+) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) 84 129 W R S OSS PO(~5) CM(IO+) RS(IO+) (00250900) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) W PH(IO+) CP(IO+) NW(IO+) PHC« 5} OCS(IO+) ST(IO+)

ACS BS Sangknigiri H(IO+) PO CV(IO+) 85 243 42 P M S T S SS-T CM(IO+) NCS( I{)+) RS(IO+) (00251000) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) PH(IO+) SP(IO+) CP(IO+) OCS(IO+) NW(IO+) PHC« 5) ST(IO+)

Simkalanggiri 22 P(2) M(2) H(IO+) ACS(IO+) CY(IO+) BS(5-1O) 86 123 TK SS-TK PO« 5) CM(lO+) (00251100) C(IO+) MCW(IO+} NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(JO+} PHeIO+) CP(IO+) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

BS Chigisimgiri P« H(IO+) TKS SS­ CV(IO+) 87 50 PO« 5) CM(IO+) ACS(IO+) RS(IO+) (00251200) 10 5) M« 5) MCW(IO+) TK SP(IO+) C(lO+) , PH(lO+) CP(to+) NCS(IO+) NW(IO+) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+)

BS Digranggre H(10+) CV(IO+) &8 75 12 PM«5) SO SS-S PO« 5) CM(IO+) ACS(IO+) RS(IO+) (00251300) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) PH(IO+) NW(lO+} PHC« 5) CP(IO+} OCS(IO+) ST(IO")

H« Rombagiri 22 P M(5-1O) CM(IO+) ACS(5-10) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 89 108 5) MCW(IO+) W R SS-W PO« 5) (00251400) C(IO+) NCS« 5) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PHC«5) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) OCS(IO+} ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

H(5- Rontragiri 19 P M(5-10) 10) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 90 132 RO SS-R PO« 5) CM(IO+) ACS(lO+) (00251500) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) NCS(IO+) PHC« S) OCS{lO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Bikil1ggiri P« H(IO+) CY(IO+) BS« 5) 91 20 R S SS-R PO« 5) CM(IO+) ACS(IO+) (00251600) 4 5) M(S-IO) MCW(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) NCS(IO+) C(lO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Oandinanggiri P« 1-\(10+) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 92 21 R SSS-R PO« 5) CM(IO+) (00251700) 4 5) M« 5) MCW(lO+) NCS(lO+) SP(lO+) RS(lO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) C(I 0+) PHC« S) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

8S Dobagre 32 P« H(IO+) CY(IO+) 93 194 T R S SS-T PO« 5) CM(IO+) ACS(IO+) RS(IO+) (00251800) 5) M« S) MCW(IO+) SP(IO+) PH(lO+) CP(lO+) NCS(IO+) NW(IO+) C(IO+) PHC« 5) OCS(lO+) ST(IO+)

Chi anggalgre 6 P M(IO+) H(IO+) CV(IO+) 8S«5) 94 43 TS SS-T PO«5} CM( 10+) ACS(IO+) (00251900) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) PHC« 5) cpeIO+) DeS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(lO+)

90 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land lise (As 011 1999) Land use (i e area under different types of land lIse in hectare)

"0 ]' .~ E. 0 blJ OJ 'i3 ~ o(j "~ 0 :0 '" "' Ii; 00" ~ ;.., §-o ~ 61 "' ~ i; ~ >-, i!: -0 ~ .0 .8 ~ 0. t: " "0 ~ -'" .9 0- " 8..2 :e. Q) fii ~ S ~ -0 :0 4-< :il iil 0- S g OJ " 0 0 ~ on ~ til ., '" ~ ::':3 ti ~ OJ" [ til i!: ~ bfJ E .a-5 "OJ ., Q) 1B § ·c 0. 0 a '3 Iii ;Z; ;Z; ~ ] « ::E s ;:J U blJ'" ~ ;Z; " 14 15 ""16 17 18 '"19 20 21 22 23 2 '"

!VIR CllOkpot (49) Nil,Nil,Nil Rongkongittim 83

PR !VIR FP Chok ot (36) ED Nil, Nil, Nil NR NC P Satilokgi~'i 84

PR !VIR FP Chokpot (30) ED Nil, Nil, Nil Sangknigiri 85

!VIR 0- Nil, Nil, Nil Simkalanggiri 86

PR!VIR Chokpot(37) Nil,Nil,Nil Chigisimgiri 87

Cashewnut, Nil, PR Chokpot (15) Digranggre 88 Nil

MR Chokpot (42) Nil,Nil,Nil Rombagiri 89

FP Chokpot (44) Nil. Nil. Nil Rontragiri 90

FP Chokpot ( I I) Nil. Nil, Nil Bikinggiri 91

Cashewnut. Nil. FP Chokpot (47) Gandinanggiri 92 Nil

PR FP Chokpot (43) Nil,Nil,Nil Dobagre 93

Cashewnut, Nil, M R FP Chokpoy (47) Cllianggalgre 94 Nil

91 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: SOUTH GARO HillS Census of India 2001 Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is given)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

Duragre HOO ... ) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 95 59 II PM«5) T W S SS-T PO« 5) CM(lO+) ACS(10+) (00252000) C(tO+) MCW(tO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PHOO+) CP(5-10) NCS(IO+) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

BS Wakjapakre H(IO+) CV(IO+) 96 107 20 P M C(IO+) TWRSSS- PO(;_IO) CM(lO+) ACS(IO+) RS(lO+) (00252100) MCW(IO+) SP(IO+) T PH(IO+) CP(IO+) NCS(lO+) NW(IO+) PHC("5) OCS(lO+) ST(IO+)

P« Daji Rongkuakgre ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) BS(5-10) 91 49 9 5) M« 5) H(lO+) T W R S SS· PO(~ 5) CM(IO+) (00252200) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) R PH(IO+) CP« 5) PHC« 5) O(,S(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

P« Chisrengre CV(IO+) BS« 5) 98 34 7 5) M(5-10) H(IO+) W R S SS-R PO(5-10) CM(IO+) ACS(IO+) (00252300) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(S-IO) NCS(lO+) SP(IO+) RS(fO+) PHC(5-10) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW[IO+)

1'« Waro Songgi tchrun ACS(IO+) CY(IO+) BS(5-10) 99 21 65)M«5) H(IO+) W 0 SS-W PO« 5) CM(IO+) (00252400) MCW(tO+) NCS(IO+) SP(lO+) RS(lO+) PH(5-1O) CP(5-IO) C(IO+) PHC(5-10) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

P« Waro Songgital CY(IO+) BS(5-1O) 100 35 5) M(5-10) H(IO+) RSOSS-R PO(5-IO) CM[IO+) ACS(IO+) (00252500) MCW(IO+) PH(lO+) CP(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C(lO+) PHC(5-10) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

Daji Rongbinggre 8 P« H(IO+) eM(IO+) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) 8S(10+) 101 33 W J{ SS-W PO« 5) (00252600) S) M« 5) MeW(10+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) C(lO+) PHC« 5) CP« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Dingbinggre CV(IO+) 8S« 5) 102 51 12 5) M(5 IO)P« H(lO+) W R 0 SS- PO(5-10) CM(IO+) ACS(IO+) (00252100) - MCW(lO+) R N(,S(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(tO+) C(lO+) PHC(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

P« H« Bugakolgre ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) 8S« 5) 103 38 6 5) M« 5) 5)MCW(tO+) WSSS-S PO('" 5) (00252800) CM(1O+) NeS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C(lO+) PHC« 5) PH(IO+) CP« 5) oes( 10+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Budu Asimgre 35 P M(S-IO) H(IO-l-) CV(lO+) BS« S) 104 205 T S SS-T PO« S) CM(S-IO) ACS(IO+) (00252900) e(lo+) MeW(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(JO+) (,P(S-IO) NCS(IO+) PHC« S) OeS(lo+) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

Jallegre H(IO+) ACS(IO+) ey(tO+) BS« 5) 105 181 33 P M C(IO+) W S SS~T PO« 5) CM« 5) (00253000) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(10+) PH(IO+) CP« 5) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

P« BS Block Head Qtr. H« AeS(IO+) eV(lo+) 106 26 9 5) M« 5) 5) MCW«5) TSS-T PO«.5) eM« 5) R5(1O+) (00253100) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) C(lO+) PHC« 5) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) NW(IO+) OC5(1O+) ST(lO+)

92 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land llse (As on 1999) Land lise (I c. area under different types of land use in hectare)

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

MR FP Chokpot (47) Nil. Nil, Nil Duragre 95

PR Chokpot (44) Nil, Nil, Nil Wakj.pakre 96

FP Chokpot (42) Nil, Nil, Nil Daji Rongkuakgre 97

FP Chokpot (47) Nil, Nil, Nil Chlsrengre 98

MR FP Chokpot (57) Nil,Nil,Nil Waro Songgitcham 99

MR Chokpot (56) Nil, NiI,Nil Waro SOllggital 100

FP Chokpot (41) Nil,Nil,Nil Daji Rongbinggre 101

MR Chokpot (59) Nil, Nil, Nil Dillgbinggre 102

FP Chokpot (36) Nil, Nil, Nil 103

FP Chokpot (68) Nil, Nil, Nil Budu Asimgre 104

MRFP Chokpot (67) ED Nil,Nil,Nil Jalleg.. e 105

PR FP Tura (54) Nil, Nil, Nil Block Head Otr. 106

93 ______...:D:::.;I..::::.;.STR1CT CENSUS HANDBOOK: SOUTH GARO HILLS Census of India 2001 Amenities and Amenities avaibble (ifnot available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the J nearest place where the facility is available is given)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

RMI' H« 5) Dobagre 86 P M« 5) ACS(IO+) CV(ID+) BS« 5) 107 544 MCW(IO+) T W S SS-T 1'0« 5) CM(IO+) (00253200) qIO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PHC(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

1-1(5- P« Dtndigre ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) BS(5-1O) 108 5[ 10 5) M«5) 10) WSOSS-S 1'0(5-10) CM(IO+) (()0253300) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) 1'[-1(10+) Cpr 5- (0) C(IO+) PI-IC(5-10) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW([O+)

BS Daji BadiJ1la 15 PM«5) H(IO+) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) 109 99 R S SS-R 1'0« 5) RS(IO+) (00253400) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) CM(IO·') NCS(IO+) SI'(IO+) PH(IO+) NW(IO+) PHC« 5) CP(IO+) O(,S(IO+) ST(IO+)

Chokpot BilZar H(1O+) PO ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 110 639 116 P(2) M(2) CMCP (00253500) C(lO+) MCW(lO+) T R 0 SS-R PI-I(lO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+} NW(IO+)

BS Warima C'hokela PM H(IO+) ACS(IO+) C'V(IO+) III 143 2I «5) : W S SS- PO« 5) CM(IO+) RS(IO+) (00253600) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) PHi 10+) CP« 5) NW(IO+) PHC« 5) OC5(10+) ST(IO+)

H« Boisal Ading CV(IO+) BS« 5) 112 254 43 P M« 5) 52 MCW(lO+) T S 0 SS-S PO« S) CM(10+) ACS(IO+) (00253700) qIO+) SP( 10+) RS(JO+) PHC« 5) PH(IO+) CP« 5) NCS(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

BS Warim3 Dooldu P« H(IO+) CV(lO+) 113 129 R S SS-R 1'0(5 10) CM(IO+) ACS(IO+) RS(IO+) (002S3800) 21 5) M(S-IO) MCW(IO+) - NCS(lO+) SP(IO+) NW(lO+) C( I 0+) PHC'(S-IO) PH( 10+) CP(5-10) OCS( 10+) ST(IO+)

Daji Boldakgre P« H(IO+) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 114 34 R SSS-R PO« 5) CM(IO+) ACS(IO+) (00253900) 8 5) M« 5) MC'W(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(10+) CP« 5) NCS(lO+) C(IO+) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Songltla P« H(IO+) C'V(IO+) BS(5-1O) 115 Matchokgre 18 R SSS-R 1'0(5-10) C'M(IO+) ACS(IO+) 5) M(5-to) MCW(IO+) 5P(l0+) RS(IO+) (00254000) PH(IO) CP(5-10) NCS(IO+) C( 10+) PI-I('(5-10) + OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW{IO+)

H(5- Sembu P« 10) CV(lO+) BS(5-10) 116 Jingjanggitim 34 wsoss-S 1'0(5-10) CM(IO+) ACS(IO+) 9 5) M(5-1O) MCW(IO+) NC'S(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(lO+) (00254100) C(IO+) PHC(5-10) PH(IO+) CP(5-IO) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

H(5- Sembu 2 1'« 10) ACS(IO+) CV(IO-+-) BS(5-10) 117 Singronggittilu 8 W S SS-S PO« 5) CM(IO+) 5) M(S-IO) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) (00254200) PH(IO+) CP(5-lO) C(lO+) PHq5-10) OeS(lo+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

Dajinggre 118 ------Uninhabited ------(00254300)

PHS H(lO+) BS Warimagiri TWTKR ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) 119 312 50 P M« 5) MC'W(IO+) CM(IO+) RS(IO+) (00254400) C(10+) S SS-T PO« 5) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) PHC« 5) PH(IO+) CP« 5) NW(IO+) OC'S(IO+) ST(IO+)

94 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land lise (As on 1999) Land use (I.e. area under different lYres of land use in hectare)

0 ]: .~" OJ) ;> 2- b 'p '5 ~ :::; "u 0 <.> " a u" ~ .~ a .5 tn "~ 0 :0" eL ~ ~ '" ~"O Sl ~ !;i, '" " >, ;!: "0 'iii ~ :u B ~ -a ~ 1:: " "0 ;> os; .0 -'" .9 0. "'- &2 e Iii ._ Ei i5l " "0 0;" :0" (5'" g 1;; "'-'" .5 Jg OJ, E! t;J 0 " :u 1;; ~ " E Eil " 0;" ~ ::: ~ 0 " e! .<:: 0 Iii 0 "'"" a ::; ~ '" ~ ! ;z;" ;z;" ::E E w.. E :::> U blJ ~ Z V)" 14 15 ""'16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

PR MR FP Chokl'ol (56) EA Nil, Nil, Nil Doba!;re 107

FP Chokpot (19) Nil, Nil,Nil Dindig.re lOS

PR MR BaglllHam (42) Nil, Nil, Nil Daji Badima 109

FP Baghmara (41) Nil, Nil, Nil ehokpot Bazar 110

PR MR FP Tura (57) Nil, Nil. Nil Warima Chokel. III

MR FP Tura (54) Nil, Nil, Nil Bolsal Ading 112

PR MR FP Chokpot (7) Nil, Nil, Nil Warima Dooldu 113

FP Chokpot (4) Nil, Nil, Nil Daji Boldak!;re 114

FP Chokpot (6) Nil, Nil, Nil Songma Matchokgre I 15

FP Chokpot (7) Nil, Nil, Nil Sembu Jingjanggitim 116

Sembu FP Chokpot (7) Nil. Nil. Nil 117 Singrol1lrnittiln

------Uninhabited ------Dajinggre 118

PR MR FP Chokpot (5) Nil, Nil, Nil Warimagiri 119

95 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: SOUTH GARO HILLS Census of India 2001 Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz_ < 5 kms_, 5-10 kms_ and 10+ kms oflhe ~ nearest I:!lace where the facilit~ is available is given) ;g -0" S "0 0 "- "E! :.:::: U) 11 ]~~ '" 2: C!, -0 b '5, '" _Ol§ ~ ~ i3 <> 6;;;'" " '" ;!: Of) 0 ~ ~ -c ~ :~ 5 ~ '6 " oS" '" 0 t; ..c: 0 t; ;::::: "-< iii '" g ~:9~ 0 .'" ..c:: ::> "3'" 0 ;;:

P« BS Warima Duragre H(IO+) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) 120 69 12 5) M(<: 5) R S SS-S PO(<: 5) CM(IO+) RS{IO+) (00254500) MCW(IO+) NCS(lO+) SP(lO+) C(IO+) PH(IO+) CP« 5) NW(tO+) PHC«5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+)

H(5- Sembu P« 10) AC8(10+) CV(IO+} 88(5-10) 121 Rongsnagiri 65 105)M«5} R S SS-S rO(5-IO) CM(IO+} MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) (00254600) C(lO+) PH(IO+) CP(5-10) PHC(5-IO} OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(lO+)

11(5- P« Sembu Nokatgiri 10) ACS(IO+) CV(iO+) BS« 5) 122 41 9 5) M« 5) W SSS-S PO« 5) CM(IO+) (00254700) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C(IO+) PII(IO+) CP(5-10) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

H(5- Seonbu P« 10) ACS(lO+) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 123 Jakinggittim 26 5) M(5-1O) W SSS-S POC<: 5) CM(IO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) (00254800) C(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(S-IO) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

H(5- Sembu P« 10) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 124 Jibanggiltim 47 8 5)M«5) W S SS-S PO«5) CM(JO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP( 10+) RS(IO+) (00254900) C(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(5.10) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

H(5- P« Dasamgiri 10) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 125 35 9 5) M« 5) W S 5S-S PO« 5) CM(IO+) (00255000) MCW(10+) NCS(IO+) SP( 10+) RS(IO+) C(lO+) PHi 10+) CP« 5) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

BS Chokpotgiri P(2) M S PHC 11(10+) TTWWR PO ACS(IO+) CY(IO+) 126 787 121 CM(IO+) RS(IO+) (00255100) PUC C(lO+) MCW(IO+) S SS-T PH(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) CP«S) NW(lO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+)

P« Dorek Asim H« ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 127 37 7 5) M« 5) 5) MCW(IO+) R S SS-R PO« 5) CM(IO+) (00255200) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C(lO+) PHC« 5) PH(IO+) CP« 5) OCS(lO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

BS DariJlggre H(IO+) TWTKR ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) 128 374 47 P M C(IO+) PO« 5) CM(IO+) RS(IO+) (00255300) MCW(IO+) S SS-T NCS(IO+) SP(lO+) PH(IO+) CP« 5) NW(IO+) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+)

H(5- P« Abanda 10) ACS(IO+) CY(IO+) BS{5-IO) 129 6 2 5) M(5-10) T S SS-S PO(5-10) CM(IO+) (00255400) MCW(IO+) NCS(lO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(5-10) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

BS Daji Teksragre PM(5-IO) H(IO+) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) 130 56 II T W R S SS- PO(~ 5) CM(IO+) RS(IO+) (00255500) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) T PH(IO+) CP(5-10) NW(IO+) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) Duragiri 131 ------Uninhabited ------(00255600)

SP BS Gangchikalak P M S H(IO+) ACS(lO+) 132 201 39 T W R S SS- PO(~ 5) CM(IO+) CV(IO+) RS(IO+) (00255700) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) T PH(IO+) CP(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+) PHC(5-1O) OCS(IO+)

96 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land lise (I e area lInder different types of land lise in hectare)

0 j '.&;;" OJ) >- :5 0 :B'" 'i3 ::> u 0 ~ u '" <1.l ::> El 'U ~ ~ ':;I Ei ,,~ a " >- :0'" ~ o(! '" '" ~ ~ ~ '" E [; B 0.. ~ ~1l >, ~." ~ .0 ~ p,'" ." ~ .9 '"c. e Q) iii ~ -5 ~ 8.~ ." 1'5 :0" '- § ~ '"c. .5 4S bI) a 0 c e'" i; ::> U5 p, '"til ~ OIl E ~~ " «l P, ~ 0 ~ '0: <1.l 0 ~ iii 0 - ::> '" a ::l '" ~ <1.l ..: z 0.. z ~ 5 ~ li* ;:J Ubi) ~ Z (/) 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

PR MR FP Chokpot (6) Nit, Nil, Nil Wmima Duragre 120

FP Chokpat (7) Nil, Nil, Nil Sembu Rongsnagiri 121

FP Chokpot (8) Nil,Nil,Nil Sembu Nokailliri 122

MR FP Chokpot (6) Nil, Nil, Nil Sembu Jakingllinim 123

MR FP Chokpol (7) Nil, Nil, Nil Sembu Jibanggittim 124

MRFP Chokpol (4) Nil, Nil, Nil Dasamg,iri 125

PR MR FP Chokpot (I) ED Nil, Nil, Nil Chokpolgiri 126

MRFP Chokpol (4) Nil, Nil, Nil Dorek Asim 127

PR MR FP Chokpot (4) Nil, Nil, Nil Daringgre 128

FP Chokpot (6) Nil, Nil, Nil Abanda 129

PR MR FP Chokpot (7) Nil, Nil, Nil D'\ii Teksragre 130

------Uninhabited ------Duragiri 131

PR MR FP Chokpot (12) NM Nil, Nil, Nil Gallgchikalak 132

97 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: SOUTH GARO HILLS Census of India 2001 Amenities and Amenities available (if no! available wIthin the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz. < 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the tacilitv is available is given) ]' Ii u

c a .~ 1: ~ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

Waidagiri P« H(IO+) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 133 39 R S SS-S PO«5) ('M(lO+) ACS(IO+) (00255800) 8 5) M« 5} MCW(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+} CP(IO+) NCS(IO+) C( 10+} PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

P« Damit 6ugakolgiri CV(IO+) 6S« 5) 134 27 4 5) M(5-IO) H(IOt) R S SS-R PO(5-10) CM{IO+) ACS(JO+} (00255900) MCW(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(5-ID} NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C(lO+) PHC(5-10) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Dokananggiri P« H(lo+) ACS(lo+) CV(lo+) BS(5-10) 135 42 RSS-R (00256000) 10 5) M(5-1O) MCW(IO+) PO(5-10) CM(ID+) NCS(S-IO) SP(IO+) RS(lO+) C(10+) PHC« 5) PH(lo+) CP(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

H« Rongrak Teksragre 34 P M(5-10) ACS(IO+) CV(ID+) BS« 5) 136 190 5) MCW( 10+) R SS-R PO« 5) (00256100) C(IO+) CM(lD+) NCS(lO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PHC(5-IO) PHi 10+) CP(IO+) OCS(lO+} ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Nachi Adugiri P« H(IO+) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 137 71 SO SS-S PO«5) (00256200) II 5) M« 5) MCW( lOt} CM(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) C(IO+) PHC( IO+} CP(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW{IO+}

Roriagre 12 P« H(IO+) CV(ID+) BS« 5) 138 (Chigranggre) 73 S05S-S PO«5) CM(1O+) ACS(IO+) 5) M« 5) MCW(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) (00256300) PH(IO+) CP(lO+) NCS(IO+) C(IO+} PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Chigranggiri 139 ------Uninhabited ------(00256400) Ala Nokatagiri 140 ------Uninhabited ------(00256500) H(5- BS Boldam Sangkni P« 10) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) 141 2 OSS-O PO« 5) CM(lO+) RS(IO+) (00256600) 5} M(5-IO) MCW(lO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(5-10) NW(IO+) C(IO+) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+)

H(5- Ala Rongpakgiri 24 PM«5) 10) ACS(lo+) CV(lO+) BS« 5) 142 103 W R S 0 SS PO(~ 5) CM(IO+) (00256700) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) NCS( 10+) SP( 10+) RS(ID+) W PH(IO+) CP(lll+) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Nokatgre H(IO+) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 143 88 15 PM«5) T W S SS-T PO« 5) CM(IO+) ACS(IO+) (00256800) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) ep( 10+) NCS( 10+) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+} ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Dajegre H(IO+) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) 8S« 5) 144 172 28 P M« 5) W RSOSS PO(~5) CM(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) (00256900) C(10+) MCW(IO+) W \ PH(IO+) PHC« 5) CP(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IOt)

Wangmagre 9 PM(IO+) H(IO+) TWOSS- ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) BS(5-10) 145 (Darinanggre 56 C(10+) MCW(IO+) T rO(5-10) CM(IO+) NCS(5-10) Sr(lo+} RS(IO+) (00257000) H lo PHC« 5) r e -1-> CpeIO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

98 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land lise (As Oil 1999) Land LIse (I.e area LInder different types of land LIse in hectare)

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

FP Chokpot (38) Nil. Nil, Nil Wa\daglri 133

FP Chokpot (9) Nil, Nil, Nil Damit Bugakolgiri 134

MR Tura (45) Nil, Nil, Nil Dokananggiri 135

FP Tura (49) Nil, Nil, Nil Rongrak T eksmgre 136

MR Chokpot (13) Nil, Nil, Nil Naehi Adugi .. i 137

Roriagre FP Tum (46) Nil, Nil, Nil 138 (Chigranggre)

------Uninllabited ------Chigranggir. 139

------Uninhabited ------Ala Nokatagiri 140

MR Tura(45) Nil, Nil, Nil Boldam Sangkni 141

tvlR FP Chokpot (28) Nil, Nil, Nil Ala Rongpakgiri 142

PR MR FP Chokpot (25) Nil, Nil, Nil Nokatgre 143

PR MR FP (,hokpot (25) Nil, Nil, Nil Dajegre 144

Wangmagre Fl' Tum (31) Nil, Nil, Nil 145 (Darinanggre

99 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: SOUTH GARO HILLS Census of India 2001 Amenities and Amenities aVailable (If 1\01 ~va;lable within the village, u dash (-) is shown ;n the column and next to it in brackets the dislUnce in broad ranges viz< 5 kms, 5-10 Kms. lind 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is given)

i= ~ til" 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

Noranggiri H(IOr) eV(IO+) BS(5-10) 146 106 18 PM(5-10} ~ R SOSS PO(~ 5) CM(lO+} ACS(JO+) (00257100) C{lO+) MCW(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) 1'1-1(10+) CP(IO+) NCS(IO+) I'H('« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+}

Rimrang Adinggiri H(IO+) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) 8S«':;) 147 lOS 21 P M«5} W R S 0 SS PO(~ 5) CM(IO+} (00257200) C{lO+) MCW(lO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+} RS(IO+) R PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC« 5) OCS(JO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Alagiri 61 I'M«5} H(IO+) TIII'W!K ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) 8S« 5) 148 348 PO(~5) CM(IO+) NCS(JO+) (00257300) C(IO+) MCW(lO+) R 5 0 55-T PH(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(lO+) PHC« 5) CP(IO+) OeS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

T ~IP TW 8S Asugiri P M S 11(10+) CV(IO+) 149 290 WTKRS PO CM(IO+) ACS(JO+) RS(IO+) (00257400) 47 C(lO+) MCW(IO+) PH(lO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) OS5-T NW(IO+) PHC«5) CP(IO+) OCS(lO+) ST(IO+)

Anigre H(IO+) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 150 236 41 PM«5) TWRSO PO«5) CM(IO+) ACS(IO+) SI'(IO+) RS(IO+) (00257500) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) SS-W PH(IO+) CP(IO+) NCS(IO+) PHC« 5) OCS(JO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Asinangre PM H(IO+) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) 8S« 5) 151 72 13 «5) W R S OSS PO(;O+) CM(IO+) (00257600) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) S PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

P« H« Dagalgi.i ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) 8S« 5) 152 144 295)M«5) 5) MCW( 10<) W S SS-S PO«5) CM(IO+) (00257700) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) (,(10+) PHC« 5) PH(IO+) CP«5) O(,S(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Ganchigre 6 P M« 5) H(IO+) CV(10+) 8S« 5) 153 48 WRSOSSpO(~5) CM(IO+) ACS(IO+) (00257800) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) W PH(IO+) (,P(JO+) NCS(IO+) PHC( 10+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

Chandi Rongdigiri 154 ------Uninhabited ------(00257900)

H(5- Chandigiri P« 10) ACS(IO+) CV(JO+) 8S« 5) 155 47 R S SS-S PO« 5) (,M(IO+) (00258000) 12 5) M(5-1O) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(5-!O) C(lO+) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

H« Debandag ... ~ 24 P M(5-10) ACS(IO+) CV(lO+) 8S(5-10) 156 15 I 5) MCW(IO+) W 0 SS-W PO« 5) CM(lO+) (00258100) C(IO+) NCS(S-IO) SP( 10+) RS(IO+) PHC« 5) PH(IO+) (,P(IO+) OCS(lO+) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

Dekigre P« A(,S(10+) CY(lO+) BS« 5) 157 93 17 5) M(5-10) H(lO+) W 0 SS-W 1'0« 5) CM(lO+) (00258200) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PH('« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

100 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Director), Land Use (As on 1999) Umd lise (I.c. arca lIll

.:2" ] :;; > 3 ~ . "0 ~ 9 ~ 0. ~.., ~ -0 :s > ~ .0 -" 9 0. o. 8. e- Iii § ;;; g "0 'iil" '" '" ..... :l "OJ 1;; 0. .5 ~ bl; ~ til 0 0 ~ '" In §. .., ~ E -" OJ '" "til ~ jij '"

MR FP Tura (42) Nil, Nil, Nil Noranggiri 146

PR MR FP Tura (43) ED Nil,Nil,Nil Rimrang A(linggin 147

PR MR FP Tum (47) ED Nil, Nil, Nil Alagiri 148

PR MR FP Tum (45) ED Nil, Nil, Nil Asugili 149

~~ MR FP Tura(44) ED NiI,Nil,Nil Alligr. 150

PR MR FP Tura (44) Nil, Nil,Nil Asinangre lSI

FP Tura (40) Nil, Nil, Nil Dagalgiri 152

MR FP Tura(35) Nil, Nil, Nil Ganchigl"e 153

------Uninhabited ------Chandi Rongdigiri 154

PR FP Tura(41) Nil, Nil, Nil Chandigiri 155

MR Tura (49) Nil, Nil, Nil Debandagre 156

MR Tum (48) Nil, Nil, Nil Dckigrc 157

101 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: SOUTH GARO HilLS Census of India 2001 Amenities and Amenities availllbic (irnot available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distllnce in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the I nearest place where the facility is available is given)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

Bolchim SonggitaJ P« H(lO.') CV(IO+) 8S« 5) 158 54 R S SS-R PO« 5) CM(5-10) ACS(IO+) (00258300) 10 5) M(S-IO) MCW(IO+) SP(IO+} RS(IO+) PII(IO+) CP(IO+} NCS(IO+) C(IO+) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

H(S- Bangguag,re CV(ID+) BS(5-10) 159 58 W 0 SS-W PO(5-1O) CM(lO+) ACS(IO+) (00258400) II 5) M(5-10~« ~~W(lO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) NCS(IO+) C(lO+) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IOt-) NW(IO+)

Mekragili 160 _------Uninhabited ------(00258500)

H(S- Asimgiri P« 10) ACS(lO+) CV(IO+) BS«5) 161 75 TSSS-T PO« 5) (00258600) 16 5)11.1(5-10) MCW(IO+) CM(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) C(IO+) PHC« 5) CP(5-1O) OCS(IO+) STeI O+) NW{IO+)

Dagal Nokatgiri 162 ------Ullinhabiled ------(00258700)

Dagal Songgital H(IO+) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 163 144 27 P 11.1« 5) T R S SS-T PO(5-ID) CM(IO+) ACS(IO+) (00258800) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) PHC( 10+) OCS(IO+) ST(JO+) NW(IO+)

H« Watibokgre CV(IO+) 8S« 5) 164 252 44 P 11.1«5) 5) MCW(IO+) W S SS-S PO« S) CM(IO+) ACS(IO+) (00258900) C(lO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PHC(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) NCS(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

H« as BibragiTi ACS(ID+) CV(IO+) 165 829 113 P MC(IO+) 5) MCW(IO+) TWRSS-TPO«5) RS(IO+) (00259000) CM(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) PHC« 5) PH(IO+) NW(IO+) CP{< 5) OCS( I 0+) ST(IO+)

Dagal Gopre (Al H(IO+) CV(IO+) B5« 5) 166 1&9 40 PM«5) W R S 0 55 PO(~ 5) CM(IO+) ACS(IO+) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) (00259100) W PH(IO+) (,P(IO+) NCS(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS( 10+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Oagal Asimgre 16 P« H(IO+) A(,S(IO+) CV(to+) BS« 5) 167 76 T W S SS-T PO(IO+) CM« 5) (00259200) 5) 11.1« 5) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP« 5) C(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(io+)

Dag,,1 Gopgre 168 ------Ullillhabited ------(00259300)

Kenegre H(IO+) ACS(IO+) (,V(IO+) B5(5-10) 169 214 39 P M C(IO+) T W S SS-T PO(5-1O) CM(IO+) (00259400) M(,W(IO+) NCS(10+) SP( 10+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(S-IO) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW{IO+)

Kilbolmagre P« H(IO+) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) BS(5-10) 170 127 T W S SS-T 1'0(5-10) CM(IO+) (00259500) 22 5) tvt« 5} MC'W( 10+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(lD+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) C( 10+) PHC(5-1O) OC5(10+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

102 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Dil'ectory Land lise (As Oil 1999) Land use (I e area under clificrent t'ipes of land use in hectare)

""f> ~ ';:; B 1 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

IvIR Tura (45) Nil, Nil, Nil Bolchill1 Songgital ISS

MR Tura (46) Nil, Nil, Nil Bang,gu;agre 159

------Uninhabited ------Mekragiri 160

PR FP Turn (85) Nil. Nil, Nil Asimgiri 161

------Uninhabited ------Oagal Nokatgiri 162

MRFP Tum (56) Nil, Nil, Nil Oagal Songgilal 163

MRFP Tum (54) Nil,Nil,Nil Watibokgre 164

PR M R FP Baglunam (49) Nil,Nil,Nil Bibragiri 165

MR FP Tura (37) Nil, Nil, Nil Dagal Gopre (A) 166

MRFP Tum (39) Nil, Nil, Nil Dagal Asimgre 167

------Uninhabited ------Dagal Gopgr. 168

MR FP C'hokpot (7) Nil,Nil, Nil Kenegre 169

MR FP C'hokpot (II) Nil, Nil, Nil Kilbohnagre 170

103 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: SOUTH GARO HILLS Census of India 2001 Amenities lind Amenilies available (if nOI available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and nexl 10 il in brackets th" distance in broad ranges viz. < 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the tacility is available is given)

ro ..... § o ~ Z J 2 3 4 5 6 7 g 9 10 II 12 13

P« KHholma Asimgre CV(IO+) BS(5-10) 171 29 8 5) M(5-1O) H(IO+) T W 5 SS-T PO(5-10) CM(IO+) ACS(IO+) (00259600) MC'W(IO+) PII{IO+) CP(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C'( 10+) PHC(5-10) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Agalgre II P« H(IO+) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 172 67 W S SS-W PO("" 5) CM(lD+) AC'S(IO+) (00259700) 5)M«5) MC'W(ID+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) NCS(IO+) (,(10+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

- P(5- - Papa Asakg,e ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) BS(IO+) 173 120 21 IO)M(5-10) H(lO+) T W S SS-T PO(IO+) CM(IO+) (00259800) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) C(1O+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

Papa SQllgmong 26 P M(S-IO) Ii( 10+) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) BS(IO+) 174 134 T W S 5S-T PO(IO+) CM(IO+) (00259900) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC( 10+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Papa Songgilal ACS(S-IO) CV(IO+) Bli(IO+) 175 78 12 5)M( 5)P« H(IO+) T W 5 5S-T PO(IO+) CM(IO+) (00260000) < MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(lO+) CP(IO+) (,(10+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Kilbolma H(IO+) CV{lO+) 6S« S) 176 Damalgre 138 26 P M« 5) T W R S SS· PO( ;0+) CM(IO+) ACS(IO+) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) (00260100) T PH(IO+) C'P(lO+) NCS(IO+) PHl( 10.-) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

P« 11« Kene Chanin BS« 5) 177 252 45 5) M« 5) 5) MC'W(IO') T SS-T PO« 5) ("M(IO+) ACS(IO+} CV(IO+) (00260200) RS(IO+) C(lO+) PHC« 5) PH(5-to) CP(1O+) NCS(5-IO) SP(IO+) OCS( 10+) ST( 10+) NW(IO+)

Nodonggiri H(lO+) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) 6S« S) 178 96 18 P M« S) T W S SS-T PO« 5) CM«5) (00260300) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) ("P« 5) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

Bilgre H(IO+) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) B5« 5) 179 202 33 P M C(IO+) T W S SS-T PO« 5) CM« 5) (00260400) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP« 5) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Bolchugre 13 P M« 5) H(IO+) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 180 76 W R SS-W PO« 5) CM(IO+) ACS(IO+) (00260500) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) NCS(lO+) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(1O+) NW(IO+)

H(5- Dal1lelrongsnagiri 18 P M(5-IO) 10) ACS(IO+) ("V(IO+) BS{5-IO) 181 81 W S SS-S PO« 5) (00260600) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) CM(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(lO+) PHC(5-IO) ("P(5-to) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

104 Vlll AGE DIRECTORY Village Directory l.and lise (As un 1999) Land WiC (Ie area under Jllkrent types or land lise In hedare)

0 ]' .~" g G' 0fJ ·f OJ '6 '6" 0 :> u " E -u " " 0:; <2 ClJ ~ § " '6 ~ ~ -s '"OJ QJ ,g 0fJ ,. :0 ;: o(J " " " 0 " >-, '" ~ -0 5l ~ tiD 1ij'" ,g"" 1; ~ -0 .0 B ~ Ci. ~OJ 1:: " -0 ,. ;: .<: B g- o. 8.E e OJ OJ [;i E -0 @ 4- 0. E g {i @ 15'" 0 C "0 '" '" .- 0fJ c " '" i1 Ii :;; ... @" .<: -;;; a !a ~ ~ '" E " '1: 0. OJ OJ 0 [;i" ~ 0 0 "" a ~ "16 "'" ~ « z ;Z ::E S ~ :5 ::> u 00 ~ ;Z

MR C'hokpol (14) Nil, Nil, Nil Kilbolma Asilllgre 171

Ivl R F P C'hokpal ( 13 ) Nil, Nil, Nil Agal~re 172

MR Chokpol(15) Nil, Nil, Nil Papa Asakgre 173

MR C'hokpDI (13) Nil, Nil, Nil Pnpa Songmong 174

MRFP Chakpol(15) Nil, Nil, Nil Papa Songgital 175

MR FP Chokpol (12) Nil, Nil, Nil Kilbolma Damalgre 176

MR FP Tura (30) Nil, Nil, Nil Kene Chanin 177

M R Baghmara (4) Nil, Nil, Nil Nodonggiri 178

MR ('hokpot (5) Nil, Nil, Nil Bilgre 179

PR MR FP (,hokpol (3) Nil, Nil, Nil Bolchugre 180

FP C'hokpol (6) Nil, Nil, Nil Dametrongsnagiri 181

105 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: SOUTH GARO HILLS Census of India 2001 Amenities and Amt'llities available (ifl1ol available within the village, u dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz< 5 kl11s., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms oflhe nearest place where the facility is available is given)

2 3 4 5 6 7 & 9 10 11 12 13

- H« Dametgre CV(JO+) BS« 5) IS2 125 21 PM«5) 5) MCW( 10+) T W.TK S PO« 5) CM(IO+) ACS(IO+) (00260700) C(lO+) SP(IO+) PI-IC« 5) 5S-1 PH(IO+) CP« 5) NCS(IO+) RS(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

1'« Dagal Songmong H« ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) BS(IO+) IS) 256 375)M«5) 5) MCW(IO+) W SS-W 1'0(10+) CM(IO+) (00260S00) NCS(IO+) 51'(10+) RS(IO+) C'( 10+) PJlC« 5) PH(IO+) CP« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

P« H« Agittinggre ACS(5-10) (,Y(IO+) BS« 5) 184 82 20 5) M« 5) 5) M(,W(IO+) R 0 SS-R PO« 5) CM(IO+) (00260900) NCS(IO+) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) C(lO+) PHC« 5) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

H(5- Ramigiri 1'« 10) ACS(IO+) CY(lO+) BS« 5) 185 44 o 5S-0 1'0« 5) CM(IO+) (00261000) 10 5) M« 5) M(,W( 10+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CPt 10+) C(IO+) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(lO+)

H(5- Dendamgiri PM 10) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 186 130 22 «5) T W SS-T 1'0« 5) CM(IO+) ACS(IO+) (00261100) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PHI 10+) PHC(5-IO) (,P(5-10) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

Rongsimagili II P« H(IO+) ACS(IO+) (,V(IO+) 6S(5-10) 187 58 S SS-S 1'0(5-10) CM(IO+) N(,S(IO+) (00261200) 5) M(IO+) MCW(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) (,(10+) PHC(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

P{< 1-1« Eldimiramgre CM{I{)+) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 18S 4{) 8 5) M« 5) 5} MCW(IO+) R 0 SS-R PO« 5) (00261300) CP(IO+) NCS(5-10) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C(IO+) PHC« 5) PH(IO+) OC5(10+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

H(5- Tejagre 2 P« 10) CV(IO+) 6S« 5) 189 15 R OSS-R PO(5 10) CM(IO+) ACS(IO+) (00261400) 5) M« 5) MCW(IO+) - NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) ('(10+) PHC« 5) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

1-1« Bolchimdagre (,M(IO+) ACS(IO+) CY(IO+) BS«5) 190 239 40 PM C(IO+) 5) MCW(IO+) W R SS-R PO« 5) (00261500) CP(IO+) NCS(5-1O) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PJ-IC« 5) PH(lO+) OCS( 10+) ST( 10+) NW(IO+)

P« H« Elnragre CM( 10+) ACS(IO+) CY(lO+) BS« 5) 191 74 14 5) M« 5) 5) MCW(IO+) ROSS-W PO«5) (00261600) ('P(IO+) NCS{5-10) SP(IO+) RS(5-10) C(IO+) PHC« 5) PH(IO+) OCS{IO+) ST(lO+) NW{5-IO)

11« Allegre ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) B5«5) 192 123 23 P M« 5) 5) MCW(IO+) W SS-W (00261700) C(IO+) 1'0« 5) CM(IO+) NCS(5-1O) SP(IO+) RS(5-10) PI-IC« 5) PH(5-10) CP(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(lO+)

106 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Lunll llsc (As on 1999) Land use (i.e. nrea under dillerent types of lund use in heclare)

0 ]' '~'" ;> 2- i:' ·c => E Q ~ o(j OJ ~ ~ 0 :0 01) ~ :(j OJ " 5 >, ~-o Iii, '@ .s ~ ~ 1:: 0.> ;>, ;::: -0 _o .9 ~ 0. ,e -0 ,. .~ .c B 0. "0. 8.z 0.> ~ § OJ ._ § U OJ -0 E 0 a 0. .5 ~ 0.> bI; la 0 '" ~ => E -e ..c ep. ;::: '" E 2 u " .. z ::E "- .§ ::::J u OJ)" ~ z V>" 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

MR FP Chokpot (4) Nil, Nil, Nil Dametg,rc 182

MRFP Tura (57) Nil,Nil,Nil Dagal Song,mong 1&3

FP Tura (44) Nil, Nil, Nil Agittinggre 184

FP TUfa (44) Nil, Nil, Nil Ramigiri 185

PR MR FP Tum (48) Nil, Nil, Nil Dendamgiri 186

MR FP Tura (62) Nil,Nil,Nil Rongsimagil"j 187

MR Tum (44) Nil, Nil, Nil Eldimiral1lgre 188

MR Tura (46) Nil, Nil, Nil Tejagre 189

!VIR Tura (44) Nil, Nil, Nil Oolchimdagre 190

MR Tura (45) Nil, Nil, Nil Emragre 191

MR Tura (45) Nil, Nil, Nil Anegre 192

107 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: SOUTH GARO HILLS Census of India 2001 Amenities and Amenities available (ifnot available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the .,. :g nearest place where the facility is available is given) .g til .,'" "0 0 ~ U" ~.g <.) ~ ;;; a ·z '0 ,i -'" ;:; :> <.) .50" Ii 0 g" " ~ t! ~ U ] 0 .~ ;:: C!- -" 'E <5 C- <.) C; go "3 on '" 0 .i!J 8. Ol'" on ~ -l"' ~ 0 "]! .~" ~ C!- o ~ 2=12 ill'" -.., "d ~ ..<: ~ .~ "3 ~ :3 ~"' § "lii "0" .. o 0 'C on ~ " " . ~ I;) " § ~ _g .s ., 0 @ g '8 ~_ .g..... ,g'"0 c "" 4-< -'Ii ':::: 0 ..0 0 ;a ....:'" " "' -= Ol ::l '" ._ ~ "3 '-o Ol ~ ffi, "' > <> ;a li '- g- 0 § - « § :;: 0 '" Q. il " 'g ~~ ~ .~

Sonaramgre - P(5- H(I~+) ACS(IO+) CV(lO+) BS(5-10) 193 89 14 S SS-S PO(5·10) CM(IO+) (0026 t 800) IO)M(IO+) MCW(IO<) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH( 10+) CP(IO+) C(lO+-) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(JO+)

H(S- Bakalagr. P M(5-1O) (0) ACS(lO+) CV(IO+) BS(5-10) 194 85 13 WOSS-W PO(5-IO) CM(IO+) (00261900) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(5-10) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PllqS-IO) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Gagagre P M«5) H(IO+) A(,S(IO+) CV(IO+) BS(5-10) 195 83 13 TK S 0 SS- PO(~ 5) CM(IO+) (00262000) (,(10+) MCW(IO.) N(,S(lO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) S PH(IO+) CP(IO+) I'HC(IO+) 0('5(10+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

P« Dminanggiri - H« '(" - Ae5(IO+) CV(IO+) BS« S) 196 47 9 5) M« 5) 5) MCW(IO+) ~~S )S5- PO(S-IO) (,M(IO+) (00262100) NC5(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(JO+) C'{IO+) PHC(S-IO) PH( 10+) ep(lo+) OC5(10+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

P« 1-1« Wainabenggre AeS(IO+) CV(IO+) BS(5-10) 197 92 16 5) M« 5) 5) M('W(IO+) SO 55-5 PO«S) CM(IO+) (00262200) N(,S(5-10) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C(IO+) PHC« 5) PII( 10+) CP(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Dasinggiri 7 P M« S) H(IO+) A('S(IO+) (,V(IO+) BS(5-10) 198 41 W 5 SS-S PO(IO+) CM(IO+) (00262300) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) N(,S(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(JO+) PII(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(JO+) NW(IO+)

H(S- Watregiri 19 PM(5-10) 10) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) BS(5-10) 199 In T S 5S-S PO(5-10) CM(IO+) (00262400) C{lO+) M('W(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(lO+) PH(IO+) CP(S-IO) PHC(5-10) oeS(lo+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

Magapagre P M{< 5) H« AC'S{IO+) (,V(IO+) BS{<5) 200 83 13 S)M(,W(IO+) SOSS-S PO« S) (,M(lD+) (00262500) (,(10+) N('S(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(5-IO) PII(,(5·IO) PH(S-IO) CP(IO+) oeS(lo+) ST(IO+) NW(S-IO)

P« Debaigre H« A(,S(IO+) CV(IO+) BS(c 5) 201 44 ·6 5) 1'.1« 5) 5) M(,W(IO+) R 0 SS-R PO« 5) (,M(IO+) (00262600) NCS(5-1O) SP(IO+) RS(lO+) (,(10+) PHe« 5) PH(IO+) (,P(IO+) OeS(lo+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

11(5- Sabiagre P M(5-IO) 10) AeS(IO+) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 202 94 S SS-S PO{5·JO) ('1'.1(10+) (00262700) (,(10+) MCW(IO+) NeS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(5-IO) " PHC(5-10) OeS(lo+) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

1-1(5- Boldamgr. 9 P M(5-10) 10) ACS(IO+) CY(W+) BS(5-10) 203 57 S S5-S PO(5-1O) CM(IO+) (00262800) (,(10+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) 51'(10+) RS(IO+) PH(10+) CP(5-10) PHC(5-1I) oeS(lo+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

108 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Dil'ectory Land lise (As on 1999) Land lise (l C mea under dlnerent types of lancluse in hectare)

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 2

MR FP Tum (6S) Nil. Nil, Nil SOllaramgrc 193

ivlR Tura (31) Nil, Nil, Nil Bakalagre 194

MR Tum (50) Nil, Nil, Nil Oagagre 195

MR Tura(49} Nil, Nil, Nil Darinangg,iri 196

MR Tura(50} Nil, Nil, Nil Wainabenggre 197

IvlR FP Chokpol (24) Nil,Nil,Nil Dasinggill 198

MR FP Chokpot (10) Nil, Nil, Nil Watregiri 199

MR Tura(48) Nil, Nil, Nil Magapagre 200

MR Tura(46) .Nil, Nil, Nil Debaigre 201

MR FP CllOkpol (9) Nil, Nil, Nil Sabiagre

PR MR ehokl'o! (9) Nil, Nil, Nil Boldamgre 203

109 ______;D::.;I:_:::S:_:.T.:_.R=ICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: SOUTH GARO HILLS Census of India 2001 Amenities and Amenities available (ifnol available wllhin Ihe village, a dash (-) is shown in Ihe column and neXll0 it in bracKets Iht: distancI! in broad ranges viz. < 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is given)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

H(5- MOll Rongsnagre P M« 5) 10) CV(IO+) BS(5-10) 204 48 S 5S-S 1'0(5-10) CM(IO+) AeS(IO+) (00262900) C(IO+) MCW(IIl+) rH(IO+) CP(5-10) NeS(IO+) 51'(10+) RS(IO+) PHC(5-1O) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

1'« H« Jongkolgiri ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) BS«5) 205 91 17 5) M« 5) 5) MCW« 5) S 55-5 1'0« 5) CM(IO+) (00263000) Ne5(10+) 51'(10+) R5(10+) C(lO+) PHC« 5) I'H(IO+) ep« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(i{)+)

H« Ringkap Songgital Ae5(10+) CV(IO+) 8S« 5) 206 72 13 I' M« 5) 5) MCW(IO+) TWSSS-T 1'0«5) CM(IO+) (00263100) C(lO+} NCS(IO+) 51'(10+) R5(IO+) PIIC« 5) 1'1-1(10+) CP« 5) OCS(IO+) 5T(10+) NW(IO+)

Kene Anchenggiri r« CV(IO+) 8S(10+) 207 82 135)M«5) H(IO+) T R 5 SS-R 1'0(10+) CM(IO+) ACS( 10+) (00263200) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) C(IO+) MCW( 10+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) NCS(IO+) PHC« 5) OeS(lo+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Papa Dajinggre 12 1'« H(IO+) ev(IO+) 8S(IO+) 208 so W S 0 SS- 1'0(5-10) CM(IO+) ACS( lOT) (00263300) S) M« 5) MeW( 10+) W NeS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) ("(10+) pBC( 10+) PH(IO+) CI'(IO+) O("S(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Kantasigre H(IDI) eV(IO+) 85(5-10) 209 79 II PM(5-W) W SO S5- 1'0(5-10) CM(ID+) ACS(lO+) (00263400) (,(10+) MCW(IO+) W PH(IO+) CP(IO+) NCS(IO+) 5P(10+) RS(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

H(S- Radigre 10 P M(S-IO) 10) CY(lO+} BS(5-10) 210 54 S S5-S 1'0(5-10) CM(IO+) ACS(IO+) (00263500) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(5-IO) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PHC(5-10) OCS(IO+} ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

H(5- Dasolgiri 5 PM(5-IO) 10) eV(lo+) 8S(5-IO) 21 I 24 T S S5-S 1'0(5-10) CM(IO+) ACS(IO+) (00263600) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) 1'11(10+) CP(5-1O) NCS(lO+) SP( 10+) RS(IO+) PHC(S-IO) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Kene Badimagi); 13 P M« 5) H(IO+) ACS(IO+) eY(lo+) BS(IO+} 212 84 W S SS-W 1'0(10+) CM(IO+) (00263700) C(IO+) M("W(ID+) NCS(IO+) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) PHi 10+) CP(lO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(ID+)

H(5- Tepantogre 8 P M« 5) 10) ACS(IO+) CV(ID+) 85(5-10) 2J3 39 S SS-S 1'0(5-10) eM( 10+) (00263800) C(10+) MCW(IO+) NCS(lO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(5-1O) PHC(5-10) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

H(5- Drunikchigre 26 I'M(S-IO) 10) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) as« 5) 214 131 T W S SS-S PO(5-10) eM(IO+) NCS(IO+) (00263900) C(IO+) MCW(ID+) SP(lO+) RS(ID+) PHC(5-10) PH(IO+) CP(S-IO) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

110 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land lise (As on 1999) Land Lise (i e area Limier Jiflcrent types of land lise in hectare)

]' 0'" ~ ~'" 0 ·c '6 '6"" ;:; "<> 0 '" " S ~ ...." ~ .~ S :> :0" .;;j os OJ Cll ~ ij.", 5l" 11i" ~ .!!!" b >, ~ tl B ~ c:>. ~ '0 0:'0 > ~ .0 ..t: B c:>. " 6 M e lij OJ S <> 1il 1a- "0 'iii" :g" (5 '- c:>. .§ ~ OJ) E 0 " e'" til Vi OJ" ..t: 'iii'" 0- 3! ~ OJ> E E U os'" " c:>. ~ 0: u "'"OIl .:c Z Vl" 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

MRFI' Cho~pot (7) Nil, Nil, Nil MOil Rongsllag .. e 204

FP Baghmara (59) Nil,Nil,Nil Jongkolgiri 205

PR MR FP Baghmara (52) ED Nil,Nil,Nil Ringkap Songgital 206

FP Chokpot (12) Nil,Nil,Nil Kene Anchenggir, 207

MRFP Chokpot (14) Nil,Nil,Nil 20&

MR FP Chokpot (35) Nil,Nil,Nil Kantasigre 209

FP Baghmara (59) Nil, Nil, Nil Radigre 210

FP Baghmara (61) Nil,Nil,Nil Dasolgiri 211

MRFP Chokpol (13) , Nil,Nil,Nil Kene Badimagiri 212

MR FP Baghmara (67) Nil, Nil, Nil Tepalliogre 213

FP Baghmara (64) Nil, Nil, Nil Damikchigl'e 214

111 0151 RICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: SOUTH GARO HILLS Census of India 2001 Amcnitics and Amenilies availahle (If nOI availahle within the village. a dash (-} is shown in the column and next 10 it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kl1\s .• 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is given)

II( 5- P(,,- 10) Kimdegonggl'c PO(S-IO) CM(IO+) ACS(lO+) C'V(IO+) BS(5-10) 215 44 9S)M«S) MCW(IO+) S SS-S (00264000) PH(IO+) CP(S-IO) NC'S(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C(IO+) PIIC(5-IO) OC'S(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

H(5- Nunil Song,g,ittal 10 P M(S-IO) 10) CV(IO+} BS(5-10) 216 59 T S SS-S PO(5-10) C'M(IO+) ACS(lO+) {00264 100) (,(IO+) MC'W(IO,) I'H(IO+) C'P(5.10) NCS(IO+) SP( 10+) RS(10+) PHC(5-IO) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

H(5- Narongkolgre 4 PM(5-10) 10) ('V(IO+) BS(5-10) 211 18 W SSS-W PO(5-10) CM(IO+) AC'S(IO+) (00264200) (,(10+) MCW(IO+) NC'S(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) Plle(S-IO) PH(IO+) CP(S-IO) O(,S(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

H(5- P« Ringkap Sonawari ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) 8S«5) 218 57 II 5) M« 5) 10) TS SS-S PO(5-IO) CM(IO+) NCS(IO+) (00264300) C(lO+) MeW( 10+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PHC(S-lO) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) O(,S(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

H(S· Dabanggre 13 P M« 5) 10) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) 8S« 5) 219 89 TS SS-T PO(S-IO) CM(IO+) (00264400) C(lO+) MC'W(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(5-lO) PI-IC'(5-10) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Dagalgre P(':: H(IO,) ACS(IO+) CV(lO+) 8S« 5) 220 62 12 5) M« 5) W R S SS-R PO('" 5) (00264500) CM(5-1O) NCS( 10+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C(1O+) MC'W(IO+) PH( 10+) PH(,(" 5) CP(S-IO) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

H« Rompagiri ?8 P M« 5) ACS(IO+) CV(10+) 8S« 5) 221 193 5) MCW( 10+) W R S sS-S PO« 5) CM(IO+) (00264600) - C(lO+) N(,S(IO+) SP{IO+) RS{IO+) PHC« 5) PH(IO+) CP«5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

H(S- P« 10) Janiagiri PO(S-IO) CM{IO+) ACS(JO+) CV(IO+) 85(5-10) 222 65 10 5) M« 5) MCW( 10+) TSSS-T (00264700) PH(IO+) CP(5-IO) NCS(IO+) SP( 10+) RS(IO+) C(IO+) PHC(5-IO) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

Daramgle 27 P M(S-IO) - H« - AC!>(IO+) CV(lO+) BS(5-10) 223 140 5) MCW( 10+) T W R S 55· PO« 5) CM(IO+) (00264800) C(lO+) NC'S(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PHC(5-10) T PH(IO+) CP(S-IO) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Dompaigiri P« H(IO-c) AC'S(IO+) CV(IO+) BS(5-10) 224 54 S SS-S PO(IO+) (00264900) 10 5) M« 5) MCW(IO+) CM(IO+) NCS{IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) C(lO+) PHC'(IO+) CP(IO+) O(,S(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(lO+)

P« H« Agalgre A(,S(IO+) CV(IO+) 8S« 5) 225 87 14 5) M« 5) 5) MCW(IO+) S SS-S PO« 5) (00265000) C'M(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) (,(I 0+) PHC« 5) PI-1(IO+) (,P(IO+) OC'S(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

112 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Dil'ectory Lllnd lise (As on 1999) Land lise (I e area under ,llflcrellt types of land lise In hectare)

... '~ i ...~ z 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 11 22 23 2

FI' Baghmara (54) Nit, Nil, Nil Kil11dt!~onggn:: 21.)

MR FI' Baghma... (63) Nil, Nil, Nil Nanil Songg.itt;JI 216

FP Baghma... (58) Nil, Nil, Nil Narongkolg,re 217

MR Baghmara (51) Nil, Nil, Nil Rlngknp Sonawari 218

PR FP Baghmara (53) Nil, Nil, Nil Dabanggre 219

FP Baglllmu'a (45) Nil. Nil, Nil Oagalgre 220

MRFP Cl\okpot (3) Nil, Nil,Nil Rompagiri 221

MR FP Chokpot (8) Nil, Nil, Nil Janiagili 222

PR MR FP Baghma... (53) ED Nil, Nil, Nil Daramgre 223

MR Chokpot (13) Nil, Nit, Nil Dompaigiri 224

MR Tura (68) Nil, Nil, Nil Agalgre 225

113 ______.:::I)_;..:;;_ISTRICf CENSUS HANDBOOK: SOUTH GARO HILLS Census of India 2001 Amcnitics and Amenities available (ifl1ol available within the vilhlge, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next 10 it in hrackets Ih" distance in broad ranges viz. < 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is given)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 J3

BS Makbilkolgre 121'1\'1«5) Il( 10+) ACS(IO+) CY(IO+) 67 TS SS-'!' 1'0(5-10) CM(lO+) RS(IO+) (00265100) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(lO+) SP(IO+) I'lt(IO+) ('1'(10+) NW(IO+) l'I1('(tO+) O(,S(tO+) ST(IO+)

Rongmaigre (Songmong & 6 P M« 5) H(IO+) ACS(IQ+) (,V( I()+) BS« 5) 227 40 R S SS-R 1'0(101-) CM(IO+) Songgital) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) N(,S(IO+) SI'(IO+-) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) (,P(IO+) (00265200) PHC'( I 0+) OC5(10+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Tojanang (Dowda) 1'« H(IO+) AC5(10+) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 228 13 55S-S PO(5-10) CM(IO+) (00265300) 25)M(10+) MCW(IO+) N(,S(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) (,P(IO+) (,(10+) PHC( 10+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

H« BS Mibonpara A(,S(IO+) CV(IO+) 229 389 72 I' M C(lO+) 5) MCW(IO+) W R SS-W 1'0« 5) eM(IO+) RS(IO+) (00265400) N('S(IO+) SP(IO+) PHC'« 5) PH« 5) ('1'( 10+) NW(IO+) OeS(lo+) ST(IO+)

Ouripara 23 PM«5) H(lO+) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 230 149 T R S SS-T POI I 0+) eM(lO+) ACS(lO+) (00265500) ('(101-) M(,W(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) NCS(IO+) PHC(" 5) OeS(lo+) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

Silki Adu 4 P« H(lO+) CV(IO+) BS(5-10) 231 18 T S S5-T PO(IOt) (,M(IO+) A(,S(IO+) (00265600) 5) M« 5) MCW(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) ('1'(10+) N(,S( 10+) C(lO+) PHC( 10+) OCS(IO+) 5T(IO+) NW(lO+)

Karawenggiri PM H{lO+) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) BS(IO+) 232 93 17 «5) T~SSS-S 1'0(101-) CM(IO+) (00265700) qIO+) MCW(IOI-) NCS(IO+) 51'(10+) RS(IO+) PIl( 10+) CP(IO+) I'HC(IOc) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

H(5- P« 10) Galwanggitok PO(5-10) CM(IO+) AC5(1O+) CY(IO+) BS(IO+) 233 80 16 5) M« 5) M(,W(IO+) T 5 S5-S (00265800) PII(IO+) CP(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP( 10+) RS(IO+) C( I 0+) PHC(5-10) O(,S(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

11(5- 1'« Balsiragre ACS(IO+) CY(IO+) BS(5-10) 234 60 9 5) 1\1« 5) 10) SO S5-S PO(5-10) CM(IO+) NCS(IO+) (00265900) C(IO+) M(,W(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(,(IO+) PH(IO+) ('1'(10+) 0('5(10+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

H(5- Inchagiri 2 P« 10) A(,S(IO+) CY(IO+) BS(5-IO) 235 10 S 5S-S PO(S-IO) (,M(ID+) (00266000) 5) M« 5) MCW(IOc) N(,S(IO+) 51'(10+) R5(1O+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) C(IO+) PIIC(5-10) O(,S(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

H(5- Gaturagre 23 PNI(5-10) 10) ACS(IO+) CY(lO+) BS(5-10) 236 104 TS SS-T 1'0(5-10) CM(IO+) (00266100) (,(10 ,) MC'W(IO+) NeS(IO+) 51'(10+) RS(IO+) PH(lO+) CP(5-10) rH(,(5·1O) O(,S(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

H(5- MOil Songmong 10) ACS(IO+) (,V(ID+) BS(5-10) 237 112 23 I' M« 5) W S SS-S 1'0(5-10) (,M(IO+) (00266200) C(IO+) MCW(IOI) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) 1'11(10+) ('r(S-IO) PHC« 5) OCS(IOI-) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

114 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Lund lise (As 011 1999) Land usc (I c area under, II fll!rClll types of land lise In heclare)

0 j '.P" to ,. 2- 0 '.P'" '6 '6 :; "u 0 " <.> ~ e U'" ~ 1;; '~" e cB " '6 "<.> :2 ..!!!"" OJ, 8 c(! '"0 ::0" CI, ~ '" 5l'" lQ S. " ~"O ;;; ~'" ~ 9 ~ ~ ~ 1:: ~ ~' "0 ;. ';; -" .8 P- P- al

PR MR C'hokpol (20) ED Nil, Nil, Nil f'dakhilkolg_lc 226

R{)ngmaigrc MR FP Chokpol (16) Nil, Nil. Nil (SOIl['.11101l['.& 2:27 SOl1ggil"l)

MR FP Tum (70) Nil, Nil, Nil Tojallang (Daruda) 228

MR Tum(SI) Nil, Nil, Nil Mibollpara 229

MR C'hokpol (20) ED Nil, Nil, Nil GuripOlra 230

MR FP (,hokpOI (16) Nil, Nil, Nil Silki Adu 231

MR FP Baghlllara ( II ) Nil, Nil. Nil Karawenggiri 232

MR FP Baghmara (10) Nil, Nil, Nil Gal wanggitok 233

MR Tura (38) Nil. Nil, Nil Balsiragre 234

MR FP Ba['.hmara (10) Nil, Nil, Nil Inchagiri 235

MR FP Tura(29) Nil, Nil. Nil 236

FP (,hokpol (8) Nil, Nil. Nil Mon Songmong 237

115 DIS-I Riel CENSUS HANDBOOK: SOUTH GARO HI! LS Census of India 2001 Amenities and Amenities available (ifnot available within the Village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in braCKet, the distance in broaJ mnges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest plac~ where the facility is available is given)

2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 " 12 13

Adanggiri 1'« H(IO.) CV(IO+) 6S« 5) 238 t28 R SSS-R 1'0« 5) CM( 10+) ACS« 5) (00266300) 23 5) M« S) MCW(lO+) SP( 10+) RS(lO+) PII(IO+) CP{lO+) NCS( 10+) C(lO+) PHC(tO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Chi.imgre 35 I' M« 5) JI(IO+) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 239 188 R S SS-R 1'0« 5) (,M(IO+) A(,S«5) (00266400) C(JOt) MCW(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IOI-) ('1'(10+) NCS(IO+) PHC(to+) O(,S(IO+) ST(lo+) NW(IO+)

Ringkal' - H« - CV(IO+) BS« 5) 240 SOl1gmol1!l 190 29 I' M« 5) 5) MCW(IO+) TWRSSS' rO«5) CM(IO+) A(,S(IO+) ('( 10+) NCS(IO+) SP(lO+) RS(lo+) (00266500) PHC« 5) T PHI 10+) ('1'« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(lo+) NW(IO+)

H(5- 6alwat Rongchong 10) CV(IO+) 8S« 5) 241 101 20 I' M«5) T W S SS- 1'0(5-10) CM(IO+) ACS(IO+) (00266600) ('( 10+) M(,W(IO+) W P~I(IO+) ('1'(5-10) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(lo+) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

H(5- Daldogre PM 10) A(,S(IO+) (,V(IO+) 6S(5-10) 242 65 IJ «5) S SS-S PO(S- 10) (00266700) C(lO+) M(,W(IO+) (,M(IO+) N(,S(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PHI 10+) PHC'(S-IO) ('1'(5-10) O(,S(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

H(S- Nanil Songmong 12 1'1'.1(5-10) 10) ACS(IO+) CV(IO"') 6S(5-10) 243 75 s SS-S 1'0(5-10) CM(IO+) (00266800) (,(10+) )\1('W(IO') NCS(IO+) SP(10+) RS(lO+) PH( I 0+) ('1'(5-10) PHC'(5-IO) 0('5(10+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

"l"ndang 34 P M(lO+) H(IO+) ACS( 10+) CV(IO+) BS(5-10) 244 Redinggre 16S W S SS-W 1'0(10+) (,M(IO+) C(JO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) Sr(lo+) RS(IO+) (00266900) PH(IO+) ('1'( 10+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

H(5- Betnungre 10) A(,S{ 10+) CV(IO+) BS«5) 245 119 21 PM«5) T S SS-S 1'0« 5) CM(IO+) (00267000) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(lO+) SP(IO+) RS(lO+) PH(IO+) CP(5-1O) PHC'« S) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(lO+)

Duchinggiri 4 PM(lo+) H(IO+) ACS(IO+) CV(JO+) BS( Hi+) 246 24 S SS-S 1'0(10+) CM(IO+) (00267100) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP( 10+) RS(JO+) 1'11(10+) ('1'( 10+) PHC( 10+) O(,S(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Dasol Chigitchak 6 PM(IO+) H(IO<-j ACS(IO+) CV(to+) BS(IO+) 247 25 S SS-S POI 10+) CM(IO+) (00267200) (,(10+) MCW(IO+) NCS(lo+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC'( 10+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

H« Pa1walgiri ACS(IO+) CV(W+) 6S« 5) 248 90 15 1'1>,1« 5) 5) M(,W( 10+) W S SS-W 1'0« 5) (,M(IO+) (00267300) (,(10+) NCS(10+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) 1'11('«5) PH(IO+) ('1'« 5) O(,S(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO!-)

116 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Di"ectOl'Y Lalld lise (As 011 1999) Land lise (I c alea lInder dlrielcnt typcs "rland lise III hectare)

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ~I 22 23 2

~IR Chokpot ( J3) Nil, Nil. Nil Adallggln 238

~IR Chokpot ( 12) Nil, Nil, Nil Chitllllgn! 239

PR MR FP Bagillnam (53) ED Nil, Nil, Nil Ringkap Songmong 240

MR FI' Baghmara(51) Nil, Nil, Nil Balwal Rongchong. 241

MR FI' Baghlllara (56) Nil, Nil, Nil Daldogre 242

FP Baghlllara (56) Nil, Nil, Nil Nanil Songmong 24]

FP Baglunara (62) Nil, Nil, Nil M nndang Redinggre 244

t-.IR FP Baghmara (58) Nil, Nil, Nil Bctmmgre 245

FI' Baghmara (65) Nil, Nil, Nil Duchinggiri 246

FI' Bnghmara (63) Nil, Nil, Nil Dasol Chigitchak 247

MR FP Chokpot (I O) Nil, Nil, Nil Palwalgiri 248

117 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: SOUTH GARO HILLS Census of India 200 I Amenities and Amenities availabk (if not available within the village. a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets th~ distance ill broad ranges viz,< 5 kms,. 5-10 kms, and 10+ kms of the ncarest plac~ wher~ the facility is uvailable is given)

a a 8

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

11(5- SOllggotagiri 11 PIVI(5-1O) 10) CV(lo+) BS(5-10) 249 61 R S SS-R 1'0(5 10) CM(lO+) ACS(IO+) (00267400) C(IO+) MC'W(lO+) - NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(lO+) 1'11('(5-10) 1'11(10+) CP(5-1O) OCS(lo+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

H« Rongbilbanggl"e 20 P M« 5) ACS(lO+) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 250 113 5) I.... ICW« 5) T S SS-T 1'0« 5) CM(lO+) (00267500) C(lO+) NCS(IO+) 51'(10+) RS( 10+) PIIC« 5) PH(IO+) CP« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(lo+) NW(IO+)

11(5- Daramgre 21 PM(5-tO) to) ACS(to+) CV{IO+) BS(5-IO) 251 135 soss-S (00267600) C(IO+) MCW(ID+) PO(5-10) CM(IO+) NCS(5-10) SP(lO+) RS(Jo+) PHC(S-to) PH(lO+) CP(IO+) OCS{IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

11« Balwalgre CV(ID+) BS« 5) 252 230 35 I' M C( to+) 5) MCW« 5) T W S SS-T PO« 5) CM(lO+) ACS(IO+) (00267700) SP(lo+) RS(lo+) PHC« 5) PI-I(IO+) CP{< 5) NCS(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

H(5- Gilmalkolgre 25 I'M(S-IO) ACS{IO+) CV(IO+) 65(5-10) 25] 131 10) MCW(5- S 5S-S 1'0(5-10) CM(IO+) (00267800) C(lO+) NeS(IO+) 51'(10+) RS(IO+) 10) PHC(5-IO) I'H(IO+) CP(5-10) OeS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

H(5- ROllgrakgre 10) CV(IO+) BS(IO+) 254 197 38 I' M« 5) W "s'S-W P0(510) CM(to} AeS(IO+) (00267900) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) " -. + NCS(IO+) SI'(lO+) RS(IO+) PHC(5-1O) PHOO+) CP(5-ID) OCS{IO+) ST(IO+) NW(ID+)

BS«5) ~1itap Megapgiri 13 P« H(IO+) eV(lo+) 255 84 TS SS-S 1'0« 5) CM(5-10) ACS« S) RS(IO+) (00268000) 5)M«5) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(lO+) PH(IO+) NW(IO+) C(lO+) !'HqIO+) ep(5-10) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+)

Mitap Bodola 1'« H(IO-t) ACS« 5) CV(IO+) 8S«5) 256 421 W R S SS-R 1'0« 5) (00268100) 68 5) M« 5) MCW( 10+) CM(5-10) NCS(IO+) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) C(lO+) PHC( 10+) CP(5-1O) OCS( I 0+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

Guripatal P« H{lO+) ACS« 5) CV(ID+) BS{< 5) 257 70 T R S SS-R 1'0« 5) (00268200) 13 5)M« 5) MCW(IO+) eM(5-10) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(lD+) C(IO+) PHC(IO+) CP(5-10) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

BS Mitap SonglJlong H(IO+) CV(IO+) 258 151 26 PM 5 R 5 SS-R PO« S) CM(5-10) ACS« 5) RS(IO+) (00268300) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) SP(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(5-10) NeS(IO+) NW(IO+) PHC( 10+) OC5(10+) ST(IO+)

Gcnapara 27 P« H(IO+) eV(ID+) BS(5-10) 259 143 S SS-S 1'0(5-10) CM{IO+) AC5(10+) (00268400) 5) M(5-10) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SI'(IO+) R5(1O+) I'H(IO+) C(IO+) PHC(IO+) ep(1O+) OCS(IO+} ST(IO+} NW(lO+}

GaJwang,gre 6 1'« H(IO+) 85(5-10) 260 21 S 5S-S '0(5 10) (,M(ID+) Ae5(1O+) CV(ID+) (00268500) 5) M(IO+) MCW(IO+) I - NCS(S-IO) SP( 10+) RS( 10+) CCIO+) pHe(IO+) I'H(IO+) CP(5-IO) OeS(IO+) 5T(10+) NW(IO+)

118 VILLAGE DIRECTORY --_._-.- Village Di,'ecto,'y Lam! lise (As 011 1999) I.and IISC (i c arca limier different types or land IISC In he:tare)

j "a0" 2- c· :: 'i3 'i3"" -3 <.> 0 " <> " =s "> ::0 o" 0 "elj =s: .... § ~ 6L "' ~ OJ ;,;.., "'~ -0 'iii .0 2 ~ 0.p. ~ ""... > ~ " p. Ei0.2 e @ E {i 2 1;1 os" "'" "' '- =s p. S u 01" :E "5 0 ~ 'E ~ c '" iii - =s ~ ;;; "' 0; g_ ~ .5"" El OJ '" ~

FI' Chokpot (II) Nil. Nil. Nil Songgotagiri 24Q

FP Chokpot (9) Nil. Nil. Nil ROlIghilhang,glc 250

MR Chokpot (13) Nil. Nil. Nil Darlll11gre 251

FP C'hokpot (10) Nil. Nil, Nil Balwatgre 252

FP Chokpot (8) Nil. Nil. Nil Gilonatkolgrc 253

FP B,gm,ra (56) Nil. Nil. Nil Rongrakgre 254

r\1R Baghmara (42) Nil. Nil. Nil Mitap Mcgapgiri 255

MR Baghmara (<12) Nil. Nil. Nil MilOI' Bodola 256

MR Baghmara (44) Nil. Nil. Nil GlIripalal 257

IvtR Bnghmara (43) ED Nil. Nil. Nil Mitap Songmong 258

FP Baghmarn (SO) Nil. Nil. Nil GCllapara 25<)

FP Tura(n) Nil. Nil. Nil Galwanggre 260

119 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK. SOUTH GARO HilLS Census of India 2001 Amenities alld Amenities avn"able (if not available within Ihe village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the dis('lnce in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10 kms. atld 10+ kms of the nearest place where Ihe facility is available is given)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

P« Dillllgl"e ACS(5-IO) eV( 10+) BS(5-10) 261 44 It 5) M« 5) II(HH) 1'0(5-10) CM(IOr) (00268600) NCS(IO+) SP(W+) RS(JO+) C(lO+) MCW(JO+) PH(lO r) CP(IO+) PHC(lO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

1'« Bnbilbanda CV(IO+) BS« 5) 262 29 5) M(5-IO) H(IO+) WSSS-S 1'0(5-10) CM(IO+) ACS(IO+) (00268700) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) NCS(IO+) SI'(IO+) RS(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

. H(5- Dadinggiri 1'« 10) CV(IO+) 8S« 5) 263 65 R S SS-S 1'0« 5) CM(lD+) ACS(IO+) (00268800) 11 5)M«5) MCW(IO+) NCS(tO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) C(lO+) PHC(5-10) CP(5-10) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Rangra Jalang 6 P M« 5) H(IO+) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) BS(5-1O) 264 33 (00268900) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) PO(5-10) CM(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PHqIO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) OC5(1O+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Renggua 18 1'1"'1(5-10) H(IO+) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) BS(5-10) 265 97 w s SS-S 1'0(10+) CM(IO+) (00269000) C(lO+) MCW(ID+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PII( I 0+) ('1'(10+) PIIC(5-IO) O(,S(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

Chandigiri 266 ------Uninhabiled ------(00269100)

H(5- Gaduagiri I'M(S-IO) 10) BS(IO+) 267 22 so SS-S 1'0(5-10) CM(IO+) ACS(S-IO) CV(IO+) (00269200) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) NCS(lO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PHC(S-IO) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Rongmai 4 1'« H(llH) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) 8S« 5) 268 Jonltianggiuill1 25 T R S 5S-R 1'0(10+) 5) M« 5) MCW(IO+) CM(IO+) N(,5(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) (00269300) PH(IO+) C(lO+) PHC( 10+) CP(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

1'« Ruatsogiri A(,S(IO+) CV(IO+} 8S(10+) 269 39 7 5) M« 5) B( 10+) s SS-S PO(IO+) (00269400) CM(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) (,(10+) MCW(IO+) PHI 10+) PHC(IO+) ('1'(10+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

Chittilonggiri 12 1'« H(IO+) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) 8S« 5) 270 69 T SSS-T POI 10+) CM(IO+) (00269500) 5) M« 5) MCW( 10+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PII( 10+) CP(IO+) C(lO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

Drang Songmong H(IO+) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 271 115 22 P M« 5) T W R S SS· 1'0(;0+) CM( 10+) ACS(IO+) (00269600) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) R PH(IO+) PHC« 5) (,P(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

BS Ruga Nokatgiri 14 1'« 11(104-) T W R S 55 PO ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) 272 79 CM(IO") RS(IO+) (00269700) 5) M« 5) MCW(IO+) R PII(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) CP(IO+) NW(IO+) C(lO+) PHC'{S-IO) OCS(IO+} ST(IO+)

120 VILLAGE DIRECTORY -_,------Village Directory Land Usc (As 011 1999) Land lise (I e ar~a \lI1dcr dllfercnt types of land lise 111 hectare)

]' g'"0 g "', ;> ~ '0" "3'" u" 0 u B '" E U'" h v E ~ <8 OJ) "t;j 0 '2. ~ '"~ ;> ~ OL U <' " :0" o(j "t.L ~ ;.-, '" § 5l ~ ~ ..!!! >. 'ia'" 2 ~ -a ~ t:: i'! "0 ;> ~ .0'" ..c: 2 P. p. 8.a e il ~ fii u " "0 ;;; " '" '- § Bl p. E '" ._ 4-

PI' Bal(llIllara (58) Nil. Nil. Nil Dilnigrt! 2(d

~IR FI' Tum (44) Nil. Nil. Nil 8nbilhallda 262

PR Tura (49) Nil. Nil. Nil Dadinggiri

FI' Tura (75) Nil. Nil, Nil Rangra Jalnng

MR FP Tum (45) Nil, Nil, Nil Renggua 265

------Uninllabited ------Chandigiri 266

MR Turn (75) Nil, Nil, Nil Gaduagiri 267

Rongmai MR PP Tum (75) Nil, Nil, Nil 268 Jongjanggit1illl

MR FP Bag,hmara (47) Nil, Nil, Nil Ruatsogiri 269

IvlR Turn (49) Nil, Nil, Nil Chittilongg,iri 270

MR Tum (48) Nil, Nil, Nil Drong Songlllong; 271

MRFP TlIm(49) ED Nil, Nil, Nil Ruga Nokatgiri 272

121 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: SOUTH GARO HILLS Census of India 2001 Amenities and Amenilies available (il"nol available wiihin Ihe village, a dash (-) is shown in Ihe col limn and next to it in brad;cts the diswnce ill broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kl11S or the ~ nearesl plac" where Ihe faei is avai lable is given) ;;l lily c -0" 0 "~., U'" ""§ ~j <.> i5l ...... , '';: t) § -'" 0 c: .. ~ til '"U D 0 .~ e '0 t:: .~ 2- U ~ E E'7' U'" 0. u "3 ~ 8. " ~, 0 '"00 0 .CJ 0. <.J OJ''' ....l ,.g " '"~ '" U '0 ~ .~ ~ B'iifE' 5 o(l ~ '" -'" -0 u~ ell - t) ...... C ~ Iii '0 6o ._ ] ~.g ';;;~ OIl oS 0 c ,.g .~ 0 -'" Iii c g o(l.gg 0 ci' :;:; '- ~'" 0. 0 ..c 0 ;;;" 'tl ~ '3 ...... OJ 3: Ol OJ;::1l Ei ., 0. 0 ~ ~~ '- 0 § Ol) ... '" ~ 'S ~ 0:: 0 I;i'" :;; c 'g E ~ g .. 6 " "'- ..c .~ OJu ~ u " u E'" OJ OJ

P« Drong Walbokgiri 1-1(10 e) ACS(IO+) (,V(ID+) BS« 5) 273 51 9 5) M« 5) R S SS-R PO( IIJ+) (,M(IO+) (00269800) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SI'(tO+) RS(I

BS Ruga Makbilkol PM«- 5) 11(10+) ACS(IO+) (,V(IO+) 274 208 31 l' W SSS-T P{)(5-IO) CM( 10·c) RS(IO+) (00269900) ('(10,) MC'W(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) 1'11(10+) CP(IO+) NW(ID+) 1'11('« 5) OCS(IO+) ST( 10+)

8S Ruga Doldoma P M S H(tO+) PO ACS(lOe) (,V(tO+) 275 105 28 r W S SS-T CM(IO+) RS(/O+) (00210000) C( 10+) M(,W(lO+) PH(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) CP( 10+) NW(IO+) PH('(5-10) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+)

BS Ruga Songmong H(IOi-) ACS(JO+) CV(IO+) 276 244 43 P M C( 10+) T RSS-T 1'0(5-10) CM(IO+) RS(IO+) (00270100) M(,W(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP{IO-t-) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) NW(IO+) PHC(S-IO) OCS(lO+) ST(IO+)

1'« BS RllgaAdin~ H(lO+) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) 277 170 26 5)M«5) T W SS-T 1'0(5-10) CM(IO+) RS(lO+) (O0270200) MCW(IO+) NeS(IO+) SP(IO+) C(IO+} PB(IO+) ('1'(10+) NW(IO+) PHC(5-10) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+)

PflS H(IO+) Ruga Reginggittim PM{< 5) ACS(lO+) CV(IO+) 8S« 5) 278 132 23 MCW(IO+) T R SS-'!' 1'0(5-10) (,M(IO+) (00270300) C(lO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PHC(IO+) PII(IO+) (,P(lO+) O('S(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(ID+)

Ruga Denig,"e P M«5) 1l(10+} ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) B5« 5) 279 96 14 TR SS-T 1'0(5-10) (,M(IO+) (00270400) ('(JO+) MCW(lO+) NC5(10+) SP(IO+) R5(10+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC« 5) OC5(10+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Chitampagre P M« 5) H(lO+) AC5(10+) CV(IO+) 6S« 5) 280 115 18 R 5 SS-I{ 1'0(5-10) CM(]()+) (00270500) (,(10+) MC'W(IO+) NCS(IO+} SP(10+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC('" 5) OC5(10+) 51'(10+) NW(IO+)

Megua Songmong 1'(2) M« 5) H(lO+) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) 6S« 5) 281 292 45 T W R S S5- PO(;-IO) (,Mil 0+) (00270600) C(IO+} MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+} RS(IO+} T PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC« 5) OCS{IO+) ST(lO+) NW(lO+)

1'« Dopagre H(IO+) A(,S(IO+) CV(IO+) BS(5-10) 282 82 14 5) M« 5) R S 55-R 1'0(10+) CM(IO+) (00270700) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP{IO+) RS{lO+} ("(I0+) PI-I(IO+) ("1'(10+) PHC(S-IO) OCS(IO+) ST{IO+) NW(IO+)

ROl1gra 283 ------Uninhabited ------(00270800)

Rongra Kantalu P M« 5) H(IOr) A(,S(IO+) CV(lO+) 6S(5-10) 284 46 9 R S SS;i{ 1'0(10+) CM(IO+) (00270900) C(lO+) MCW(IOI) N(,S(IO+) SP(IO+} RS(IO+) PHI 10+) (,P( 10+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IOi-) NW(lOt)

Rangrad\i PM{<5) H(IO+) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) 8S(5-10) 285 48 8 W R S SS-I{ POI 10+) CM{IO+) (00271000) C{lO+) MCW(IO+) N(,S(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) (,P(lO+) PHe« 5) O(,S(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

122 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Dil-ectory Land fisc (As 011 1999) Land lise (i e area lInder dillercnl lypeS or land lise 111 hectare)

] § en '5., .alc' ~ <.) 0 ~ C Iii " o ~ ..0" P- 0. e § 8 {j 9 [;l Rz -a Ol" :c '" .... 0. OJ, til <5 a " Iii '" .5 " ~ ~ ~ 01, E " 0.~ ~0) 0 Pi Iii" § t: a 0 a "3 '" '"0 ] c/) « z Cl. Z ::E E ;::J U '""on ~ Z 14 15 16 17 III '"19 20 21 :22 23 2

MRFI' Tura (47) Nil, Nil, Nil Dron~ WaJbakgiri 27,

PRMR Ttl'" (45) ED Nil, Nil, Nil Ruga Makhilkol 274

PR MR Turn (65) ED Nil, Nil, Nil Ruga Doldoma 275

PR MR Tum (65) ED Nil. Nil, Nil Ruga Songmong 276

PR MR Tum (66) ED Nil, Nil, Nil Ruga Adjng 277

FP Tum (84) Nil, Nil. Nil Ruga Reginggitlim 278

MR Tum (82) Nil, Nil, Nil Ruga Dcnigre 279

PR Tma(71) ED Nil, Nil, Nil Chilampagre 280

PR to.lR Tum (68) ED Nil,Nil,Nil Megua Sougmong 281

FP Tum (81) Nil, Nil, Nil Dopagre 282

------Uninhabited ------Rongra 283

FP Tum (72) Nil, Nil, Nil Rongl1l Kantalu 284

FP Tura (60) Nil, Nil, Nil Rangrachi 285

123 DIS I RICT CENSUS IIANDBOOK . SOLJTH GARO Hit LS Census of India 2001 Amenities and Amenill<;s av,ulable (Ifnol 1lvailablc wilhin Ihe village, a dash (-) is shown in Ihe column and next to it in brackets the distanc<' in broad ranges viz< 5 kms., 5-10 kills. and 10+ kills of the nearest plac~ ,,·here Ihe facility is available is given)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

Kasigili P M«5) lIe 10·1) ACS(IO+) (,V(IO+) BS« 5) 286 29 T W S ss-s 1'0(5-10) eM{ID+) (00271100) ('(10+) MCW(IO,) NeS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) 1'11(10+) C'p( 10+) PHC« 5) oeS(lo+) ST(IO;) NW(IO+)

Rallgmai Anmk P(<- H(IO") ACS(IO-t) (,V(IO+) BS(5-10) 287 90 S SS-S 1'0(10+) CM(lO» (00271200) 145)M(·'S) MCW(IOq N(,S(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) 1'11(10') ('1'(10+) ('(10+) PHC(IO+) O(,S(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

1'« Rongmai Souggital ACS{IO+) eV(to+) BS(5-1O) 288 21 5 5) M( 10+) H{ 10+) R SS-R 1'0(10+) (00271300) 1 (,M(IO+) N(,S(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) ('(10+) MCW( 10 ) 1'11(10+) PHe(IO+) CI'{lo+) OeS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

Waibagre 10 P« 11(1 0 ,) ACS( 10+) C'V( 10+) BS« 5) 289 68 T S SS-S PO( 10 (,M(IO+) (00271400) 5) M« 5) MCW( 10+1 » NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) plI( 10 » ('1'( 10') ('(I 0+) 1'11('« 5) O(,S(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Dasing Bibm 1'« H(IO+) ACS(IO+) CV(lo+) BS(5-10) 290 51 W R S 5S-1{ PO(IOI) (,M(IO+) (00271500) 9 5) M« 5) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+ ) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) 1'1-1(10') ('1'( Hl+) C(lO+) plle(IO+) OCS(IOI·) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Rangll1ai 8 I' M« 5) H(IO+) A(,S(IO+) ('V(IO+) BS(5-10) 291 Chigilchak 37 WSS-W 1'0(10+) (,M(IO+) ('(10+) MCW(IO+) N(,S{IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+} (00271600) PHI 10 l) Cr(IO+) PHC(5-IO) O(,S(IO+) ST( 10+) NW(IO+)

P« Silanggiri (,M(IO+) (,V(IO+) B5(1O+) 292 40 9 5) M(lO+) H(IO+) S SS-5 1'0(10.1 ) A(,S(IO') (00211700) NCS(IO+) 51'(10+) RS(lD+) C(lO+) MCW(IOq PH(IO') PUC(IO+) CP(IO') OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Was~lgiri 1'« 11(10+) A(,S(IO+) CV(IO+) 8S(10+) 293 74 S SS-S POe 10+) CM(IO+) (00271800) 13 5) M(IO+) MCW(lOI) N(,S(IO+) 51'(10+) RS(lD+) 1'11(10+) rr(lo+) ('(10+ ) PHC( 10+) O(,S(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

1'« Durni1\giri AC5(10+) CV(lO+) B5(10+) 294 27 6 5) 1\1(10+) H(IOi) s ss-s PO(IO+) CM(IO+) (00271900) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(JO+) ('(10+) M(,W(IO+) PH(lO+) (,P(lO+) Pllr(lOt) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

BS Pikapara 18 PM(5··10) H(IO+) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) 295 IJO T W R S 55· 1'0(;0+) RS(IO') (00272000) C(IO+) M(,W(IO+) (,M(IO+) N(,S(IO+) 5P(10+) R PH(lO+) NW(IO+) PII(,(5-10) (,P(IOt) O(,S(IO+) ST(IO+)

Gnengkolsi 1'« H( 10+) BS(5-10) 296 Songgilchrun 59 R S SS-R IIS)M«S) M(,W(IO+) RS(IO+) (00272100) C( 10+) PIIC( 10+) NW(IO+)

124 VIII AGE: DIRECTORY Villagc Di,·ccto.·y Land l.lsc (As Oil 1999) Land lI~C (I e arL'a IIlIlkr dii"lclcllll,pes orlalld lise III hcciHrc)

"0 ]' .~,. 2- ~, "" c u -a :; Q 0 -a" Q .., '" e u" ~ ~ e "" oS 0 ::0'" o(j ~ oS ", ~ ~ b 2 1:: '" '0 ;> .c -ac. u 0 '" ~ ;;: ..c ;::> 0. P- .8 '" ..!! S U E oS u ~1" .0" a "' '- ;::l 1;; 0. § 'E Cu @ 'i5 0 '" ~ :;; ~ e"' ~ :;; :;; -= u 'iii" 0. il:'" 01, £: 2 "u 0. u 0 " ~l ;::> "' I: .,_0 a ~ ,§ ;:, "5 "oS ~

/\IR 1'1' Tum (69) Nil, N,l, Nil

1\11{ 1-1' Tum (38) Nil, Nil, Nil RangnuII Anlil!... 287

MR B"ghmam (42) Nil, Nil, Nil Rongmai SOllgg,lIal 288

"I R r!' Tum (60) Nil, Nil, Nil WlIlbagre 289

j\Hl FP Tuta (78) Nil, Nil, Nil 290

MR FP Tura (73) Nil, Nil, Nil R,mgllUli Chil'.itchak 291

"IR 1'1' Tum (39) Nil, Nil, Nil SLlanggiri 292

FP Tum (67) Nil, Nil, Nil Wasagi .. i 293

FP Tura (76) Nil, Nil. Nil DIII11:illgili 294

J\ IR FP Tura (80) Nil. Nil, Nil Pikapara 295

Gneng.kolsi FP Tllra (99) Nil, Nil, Nil 296 Songgilcham

125 DISTktCl CENSUS HANDBOOK. SOUTH GARO HILLS Census of India 200. Amenities and Amenities available (if/1ot flvaiiubk within the village, a dnsh (-) is shown in the column and next to it ill brackel5 the distance ill broad ranges viz< 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest place "here the facility is available is given) " u.,'" ..c:

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

Dabin Songgital 13 PM(IO+) H(IO,) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) BS(IO+) 297 70 s SS-S PO(5-1CI) CM(IO+) (00212200) C( 10+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP{ 10+) RS(IO+) PH(IOr) CP(IO+) PHCeto+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

Dabin Sungmong 12 P M(IO+) H(IO+) ACS(IO+) (,V( 10+) BS(I()+) 298 50 055-0 1'0(10+) CM(IO+) (00272300) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) NCS( I 0+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PII(IO+) CP(IO+-) I'HC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

Somolgre 299 ------lIninhabi ,ed ------(00272400)

KOllcllikolgre 15 PM«5) H(lO+) CV(IO+) BS« 5} 300 90 R S SS-R PO«5) CM(IO+) ACS(IO+) (00272500) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) PH( 10+) CP(IO+) NCS(IO+) PHC(5-10) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+}

Kalsigiri 17 P« H(I()+) ACS(5-1O) CV(iD+) BS(5-1O) 301 70 s SS-S (00272600) 5) M« S) MCW(IO+) 1'0(5-10) CM(lO+) NCS( 10+) SI'(IO+) RS( 10+) C(lO+) PHC(5-10) 1'11(10+) CP(IO-t) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

l'vlon Bang.amgre H(IO+) ACS(5-10) (,V(ID+) 8S(5-10) 302 110 19 r M C(lO+) R S SS-R 1'0(5-10) CM(IO-,) (00272700) MCW(ID+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PI 1(10+) CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

H(S- Chigitchakgiri P« 10) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) BS(5-10) 303 25 S SS-S 1'0(5-10) CM(ID+) (00272800) 5 5) M« 5) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) 1'11(10+) CP(5-10) C(lO+) PHC(S-IO) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Rallgra Nokalgre P« H(lO+) AeS(IO+) eV(lo+) 8S(10+) 304 37 S SS-S PO(S-IO) eM(IO+) (00272900) 7 5) M« 5) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(ID+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) C(lO+) PHC(JO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

ROlIgjajonggre .16 P M« 5) 11(10+) ACS« 5) CV(IO+) 8S« 5) 305 77 R S SS-R 1'0«5) CM(IO+) (00273000) C(lO+) MCW(IO-t-) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) (,P(IO+) PHC(IO+) OeS(lo+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Tebilgiri P M« S) H(IO+) ACS« 5) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 306 197 R S SS-R 1'0«5) (00273100) 40 (,(10+) MCW(IO+) (,M(IO+) NCS( 10+) SP(IO+) RS(lOr) PH(IO+) PHC(IO+) CP(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

BS Gongg.anggre 1-1(10+) PO ACS« 5) CV(IO+) 307 403 70 PM (,(10+) R 5 SS-R RS(IO+) (00273200) MCW(IO+) PH(IO+) (,M(S-IO) NCS(IO+) SI'(IO+) NW(IO+) PHC(5-1O) (,P(S-IO) OeS(IO+) ST(IO+)

126 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Lani.llisc (As nil 1999) Lalld lise (I c. arc" ulldcr d,tkrent types of land '"'' in hectare)

j "0 'toco ;> 2- C' Cli 'c .;:; ,3 "3 u 0 u " Q) E U" ... ~ .t;j E , -0 .D B ~ C. ~4> -0 :: ;:; B Q. 0. 8.B e LJ '""OJ, ~ Z Vl 14 15 16 17 IS 19 :w 21 22 23 2

lvlR Tum (68) Nil, Nil, Nil Dablll Songgllal 2')7

"IR Tum (68) Nil, Nil. Nil Dahin Songmong 298

------Uninhabited ------SOll1olgre 299

FP Baglunara (34) ED Nil, Nil, Nil Konc.:hikolgre 300

1'1' Bagillnara (49) Nil. Nil, Nil Kalsigil'i 301

FP Baghmam (48) Nil, Nil, Nil Man Ballgamgrc ]02

MR FP Tura (42) Nil, Nil, Nil Chigilchakgiri ]03

FP Ba~hmara (60) Nil, Nil, Nil Ran!lfa Nokalgre 304

FP Baghm,ua (45 ) Nil. Nil, Nil ROllgjajonggre 305

FP BaghlllaHi (45) Nil. Nil. Nil Tebilgiri 306

MR!'P Ba~hmara (4 I) Nil, Nil, Nil Gongganggre 307

127 [JIb nUCT CENSUS HANDBOOK. SOUTH GAIW HILLS Census of India 200 J Amcniti('s and Amenities available (ifllot available "itiJin the village, a dash 1-) is shown in the column and n':,

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

BS Silki Betagiri 57 PM(5-1O) 11(10' ) ACS( 10+) CV(IO+) 308 381 TR SS-T 1'0« 5) ('M(IOt) RS(IO+) (00273300) ('(10+) M(,W(IO+) NCS( 10+) SP(IO+) 1'11(10+) CP( 10+) NW(IO+) I'Hl'(IO,) O(,S(IO+) ST(IO+)

BelJigre 70 I' M« 5) 11(10,·) A(,S( 10.) (,V(lO+) I3S« 5) 309 122 R S SS-I{ 1'0(10') (,M(IO+) (00273400) - C(tO+) MCW(IO+) N(,S( 10+) SI'(IO+) RS{IO+) PH(IO+) (,P{IO+) PHC( 10+) 0('5(10+) ST(lO+) NW(IO·t)

11(5- Dari! BanajUli IU) A(,S(5-10) CV(IO+) 6S(5-10) 310 98 19 I' M« 5) R SO SS-R 1'0(5-10) (00273500) (,(10+) M(,W(IO+) (,M(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PHI 10+) PHC(IO+) CP(IO+) oeS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(JO+)

11(5- (,higitchahgiri PM 10) ACS(IO+) CV(IO!-) 135(5-10) 311 32 6 «5) T S 0 ss-s 1'0(5-10) CM(IO+) (00273600) C(lO+) M(,W(IO+) NCS(IO+) 51'(10+) RS(IO+) 1'11(10+) ('1'(10+) PH(,(IO+) OC5(10+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Tengki Songmong PM(S-IO) H(IO+) CV(IO+) 135(5-10) 312 200 T R S SS-R PO(5 10) CM(IO) ACS(lO+) (00273700) 36 CCIO+) MCW(IO+) - + N(,S(lO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PIIC(5-1O) I'H(IO+) ('1'(10+) O(,S(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Brullon Bajragiri 24 PM(S-IU) H(IO+) CV( 10+) BS(5-IO) 313 149 R S SS-R 1'0« 5) CM(IO+) ACS(IO+) (00273800) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(lO+) PH(IO+) PHCC< 5) CP(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Danggi\gifi PM H(IO,.) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 314 112 19 «5) R S SS-R 1'0(5-10) CM(5-JO) ACS« 5) (00273900) CCIO+) MCW(IO+) PH(JO+) CP(5-10) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PHCC5-10) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Dallollggre 1'« II( 10+) ACS(5-1O} CV( 10+} 8S(5-IO) 315 104 R S SS-R 1'0(5-10) (,M(IO+) (00274000) 20 5) M« 5) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) 1'11(10+) ('1'(10+) C(lO+) I'IIC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO'l)

1'« H(IO+) Chibulldag,re 1'0(5-10) (,M(IO+) ACS(IO+) (,V(IO+) 6S(5-IO) 316 61 16 5) M(5-1O) MCW(IO+) S SS-S (00274100) PH(lO+) ('1'(10+) NCS(IO+) 51'(10+) RS(IO+) C(IO+) PHC(IO'l) OCS(IO+) ST(10+) NW(IO+)

Tinak Songgital II P« H( 10+) 6S(5-IO) 317 60 R S S5-R 1'0(5 10) CM(S-IO) AeS(5-10) (,V(ID+) (00274200) 5)M«5) MCW(IO+) - NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C(lO+) PHC(IO+) PH(IO+) ('1'(5-10) OCS(IO+) ST{IO+) NW(IO+)

Gincngkolsi 1'« H( 10+) ACS(5-IO) CV(IO+) BS(5-1O) 318 Songgital 63 s SS-S 1'0(5-10) CM(lO+) 14 5) M« 5) M('W(IO'c) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) (00274300) PH(IO+) ('1'(10+) C(lO+) PHC(IO+) O(,S(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)


Village Dkec~ol'Y Land lJs~ (As 1111 1999) l.and lise (1 c area tIIH.kl til ffl~1 Cllr types of lalld use 111 heclw_'c)

]: "0 g c' c ~ ... 'B 'B"" "§ 0 0 0 ... h § E U" 1;\ S ... ~ " 2 Cl. Cl.E e' 1l § os 8 -i3 E L> '0 0; ::0" '- a 0/, 0 0 1:i.

PR Baglu"a", (49) ED Nil, Nil, Nil 308

FP Baghmara (20) Nil, Nil, Nil I3cltilgrc 3U9

MR Baghmam (21) Nil, Nil, Nil Darit B~U1;~iun 310

"IR Baghmara (24) Nil,Nil,Nil C'higitchakgiri 311

MR B"gllmara (24) Nil, Nil, Nil Tengki Song,mong. 312

FP Bagiullara (33) ED Nil, Nil, Nil Baman Bajragili 313

1'1' Baghmara (45) Nil, Nil, Nil Dallggilgrri J14

FP Baghmara (52) Nil. Nil. Nil Dallonggre 315

FP Baghl1lara (50) Nil, Nil, Nil Chibandagro 316

FP Baghma'·a (60) Nil, Nil, Nil Tinak Songgilal 317

Ginengkolsi 1'1' Baghmam (50) Nil, Nil, Nil 318 Songgi.aJ

129 ______:O::..I:.::S:...:T..:.R.:.:I;.;C~T CENSU~) I-fANlJBOOK . SOUTH GPJ~O IflLlS Census of India 2001 Amenities and Amenilles availabk (ifllot available within Ihe village, H dash (-) is shown in the column and next 10 il III brackels the distance in broad ranges viz <: 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10·,- kills of the nearest place \A,t"hcre the fncilitv is aV<.lilable is. given)

.D'" E :> 0: .""iii if;'" 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

MOJl Doba~olgl~ 1'« 11(10+) AC'S(5-1O) CV( I 0+) BS(5-IO) 319 283 RS 5S-1{ 1'0(5-10) C'M( lOi ) (00274400) 52 5) M« 5) MC'W( 10+) NCS(IO+) 51'(10+) RS(IO+) PII(I(h) C'p( IOi) C'(l0+) PHC'(lO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

SitU BS H(W» AC'S( 10+) C'V(IO+) 320 C'hristiaJlgiitilll 352 57 I' M S T S SS-T l'OIIOe) CM(IO+) RS(IO+) ('(IO+) M(,W( 10+) NCS( 10+} 51'(10+) (00274500) pllr I 0 I) C'P( 10+) NW(IO+) PH('(5-IO) OCS(IOe} ST(IO+)

1'« 11(5- Aringakolgiri ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 321 17 4 5) M« 5) 10) MCW(5- S SS-S 1'0« 5) C'M(HH) (00274600) NC'S( 10+) 51'(10+) R5(10+) ('(10+ ) 10) 1'11('(5-10) plI( I 0, ) C'p(5-IO) OC'S( 10+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Tellak H(lO+) ACS(5-10) CV(lO+) BS(5-10) 322 Songgilcham 40 10 P M«5) 5 SS-S 1'0(5-10) C{IO+) MCW(10+) CM(5-IO) NCS(10+} Sp(IO+} RS(IO+) (00274700) I'H(IO+) PHC(IO+) ('1'(5-10) OeS(lo+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Rongdikgiri III P(

BaJmorasiri r« H(ID!-) ACS« 5) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 324 36 6 5) M« 5) 5 SS-S PO« 5) (,M(IO+) (00274900) NCS(W+) SP(10+} RS(IO+) (,(10+) MCW(IO,) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) pHC(lO+) OeS(lo+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Asimdikgiri 325 (00275000)

Sawekolgiri 44 P M(5-10) lIe I 0 I) AC'S(5-10) (,V(ID+) 85(5-10) 326 209 s SS-S 1'0(5-10) CM(ID+) (00275100) ClIO+) MC'W(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) PH(lO+) ('1'(10+) PHC(IOt) OC'S( I 0+ ) ST( 10+ ) NW(IO+)

Tell~ki Badill1a~iri 51 P M(5-10) 11(10-') ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) BS(5-10) 327 271 SSS-S PO(5-IO) (,M(IO+) (00275200) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) N(,S(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) cr(lo+) PHC(IO+) O(,S(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Chidabetgre 22 I' M« 5) H(IO+) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) B5« 5) 328 Jl6 TR 55-R 1'0« 5) CM( 10+) (00275300) C(10+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) 51'(10+) RS(IO+) rH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS( 10+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Wagcookgi.i 28 P M(S-IO) H(IO+) ACS(5-10) CV(IO+) BS(5-10) 329 128 S SS-S 1'0«5) ['1\1(10+) (00275400) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) Sp(IO+) RS(IO+) 1'11(10+) CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

130 VILl.AGE DIRECTORY Village Dircctol'Y Land {ISl' (As lin 1999) I.alld lise (, e area under dlnerL'llt tYPl!S of lanJ lISC III hectare)

gto 12 OJ CI, 2- Z:, to .f: -B -a :; "<.> 0 ::l E "~ § " U cE "OJ, ~ § 5 ...~ .;g .a bI, " o(l '" "~ " ~ ;,-. '" fii ~ ~ ~ .;g'"' ,_, .,,; 'OJ,_ ... .9 ~ i5. ~ "0 .D ..<:: 0- I~ e ... @ s: E B §- o.E :;j g iil '" -0 OJ :0" (5'" '- 0- E " OJ, 0 0:: ~ lil 0:: ., e Ii; - :;j OJ" ..<:: OJ 0- ~ E ~ .c:; 0. ~ \ii @ ~ :; ::l § 0 0 ]"" a " .!("'" .., -< Z"

FP Bashillara (45) Nil. Nil. Nil 319

PR FP Baghmara (17) ED Nil, Nil. Nil Silk. ('hnstl

FP Tura (33) Nil, Nil, Nil 321

FP Baghmara (60) Nil, Nil. Nil Tenak SOIlg.);!,itcllarn 32.2

FP B"ghlll"ra (48) Nil, Nil, Nil Rongdikgiri 323

FP Baghlllam (47) Nil, Nil, Nil BilJ moragi .. i ]]4

------Ullinhabited ------Asimdikgiri 325

FP Baghmara (51) Nil, Nil, Nil Sawckolgiri 326

MR Baghlll"m (51 ) Nil, Nil, Nil Tengki Ba(timagiri 327

PR Baghillara (42) Nil, Nil, Nil Chid"betgre 328

FP Baghmara (50) Nil. Nil, Nil Wagebokgiri 329

131 ______;{:_)I:.;:~'_'- I-,-H.c:I.=C__cl_C=-- ENSUS HANDBOOK _ SOLJlll GAI-{Q 1-111 LS Census of India 200. Amenities and Amenities available (Ifullt available \Vllliill the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next In 11 in bracket> the di,tancc in broad mngcs viz_ < 5 killS, 5-10 kills_ and 10+ kms of the nearest place \\hcre the facility is available ~s given)

I:"o fr "2

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

11(5- Ch;ullbuagiri P M(5-10) 10) ACS( 10+) CV(IOi) BS(5-IO) 330 23 S 5S-S PO()-IO) (:1\1(lO i ) (00275500) C(lOT) MC'W(IO,) N(,S(IO+) SP(IO, ) RS(IO-') 1'1-1(10+) ('1'(10+) PIIC(IOr) O(,S(lO+) ST(IOi) NW(lO+)

Kokigr< 28 P M(5-10) II(H)+) ACS(5-IO) (,V(IO'-) IlS(5-lU) 331 167 R S SS-H PO(5-lU) (,M(IOe) (00275600) C(lO+) IvICW(IU,) N(,S(IO+) 51'(10+) RS(IO+) I'H(IO+) ('1'(10+) PflC( 10+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

At,abengagrl! 1'« H(IO>-) A(,S(5-IO) (,V(IO+) BS(5-10) 332 97 S SS-S 1'0(5-10) ('M(IO+) (00275700) Iv 5)11.1«5) M(,W(IO,) NCS(IO,) 51'(10+) RS(IO+) I'II( 10+) ('1'(10+) ('(10+) PHC(IO+) O(,S( 10+) ST( 10+) NW(IO+)

Sjj"i Rnllgsibogn: 18 I' Tvl« 5) H(IO+) A(,S( 10+) (,V(IO+) 85« 5) JJJ 110 T R SS-I{ PO« 5) CM( I 0+) (00275800) ('(10') M(,W(IO+) NCS(IO+ ) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS( 10+) ST(IO,-) NW(IO+)

Silki lIe 10,) ACS(IO+) (,V(IO+) 85« 5) 334 Ampangdwilgiri 185 28 PM«5) T I{ SS-R PO(,5) CM(IO+) C(IO+) M(,W(lO,) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) (00275900) 1'11(10+) CP(IO+) PHC(lO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Buga DongralJ1 335 ------LJuillilahued ------(00276000)

Ronganggrc 551'11.1«5) lIt 10, ) A(,S(IO+) CV(IO-<-) 13S« 5) 336 321 W R SS-R 1'0("' 5) CM(IO'l (00276100) C(IO+) M(,W(IO+} N(,S(IO+) SP(IO+} RS(IO+} PHI 10+) ('1'(10+) PHC(5·IO) OCS(IO+} ST(IO+) NW(IO+}

Silkigiri 337 ------Unillhabll~u -----~------(00276200)

Andamari 1(> I'M« 5) 11(10+) A('S(IO+) CV(IO+) 8S(5-10) 33& 87 1'0(10+) CM(IO') (00276300) C(IO+) MCW(IO,) soss-s N(,S(IO+) 51'(10, ) RS(lO+-) I'H(loe) ('1'(10+) pHe(IO') O(,S(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+}

Bolasinsgre 4 P« H( 10+) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) 8S« 5) 339 15 R S SS-R 1'0« 5) (,M(lO+) (00276400) 5) M«5) IvICW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(lO+) CP(IO+) C(!O+) PHC« 5) O(,S(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

SOI11t:g.r~ 1'« H( 10+) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) 8S« 5) 340 72 II 5)M« 5) RSS-R 1'0« 5) (,M(ID,) (00276500) M(,W(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) [{S(IO+) qIO+) rH(IO+) Cr(IO,) PH(,« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

132 Vil l AGE DIRECTORY Village Oircctol-Y Land lJs~ (As 1111 t 999) Land usc (I e arc;1 lIlHln dllICrcl1l Iype, oj" lalld lise In hcdace)

c: 0 ] .~ ;> E c' ",to .E - ~ "0 :0" OJ,

FI' nilghmara (50) Nil, Nil. Nil Chambuagul 3jll

~IR IlUghlllillii (49) Nil, Nil, Nil jj I

fl' Bal\hma,a (59) Nil, Nil. Nil Alaheng"gl'~ 331

I\IRFI' Bilglllllillil (41) ED Nil. N,I, Nil 3JJ

Silki FP Baghmara (49) Nit Nil, Nil 334 Ampangdamg.ll"j

•...•... Uninhabited .•..••.•.•.• Bug;] Dong,ram 335

I\IR fP Bal\hmara (49) Nil, Nil. Nil Ronganggre 336

------lhtinhabitcd ------Silkit.tiri 337

Mil Billlh",,, .... (34) Nil. Nil, Nil AndamaJI JJ8

tvlR Baglunarn (35) Nil. Nil, Nil Bolasillj!.gre 319

MR l3aglllllmu (32) Nil, Nil, Nil SOll1cgre 340

133 ______.:O=I~ir klC 1 l E:NSUS tlANOHUOK . SOUTH GAI'<) !.!!!!_~_ Census of India 2001 Amcnili{'s and Amenili.:s aVallabic (ifnol availabk wilhin Ih..: village, a dash (-) is shown in Ihe column and next lu il in brackets Ih~ distance in broad ranges viz< 5 kms., 5-10 kms and 10+ kl1ls orlh~ nc;:nest place where tile facility is aVi.1I1ab1c is given)

11(5- KcmranggiJ i 55 PM(5-10) 10) ACS( 10-1) (,V(IO+) 135(5-10) 341 303 r R 5S-1{ PO« 5) CM(/Oe) (00276600) C(IO+) MCW(IO'-) NCS(IO+) Sp(IO+) RS(IO-,) I'II( 10+) ('1'(/0,) PIIC(lO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Tcbisol..gn.: 29 1)~1(5-IO) 11(101) ACS(/O+) CV(IO+) 8S« 5) 156 R S 55-R 1'0« 5) C'M(IO+) (0027(>700) (,(10+) MCW(IO') NC'S(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PII( 10+) C'P( I 0+) PH('(5-10) OCS( 10;) ST(/O+) NW(IO+)

Nilwasagiri 18 I' /v1(5-10) III 10+) ACS(IO+) CV(IOr) 85« 5) 343 89 It S S5-R 1'0(" 5) CM(IO;) (00276800) C'(1O+) MCW(IO'J NC'S( 10-1) SP(IO+) R5(IO+) PH(IO. ) CP(IO;) PH('(5-IO) OC'S( IOf) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Walregiri H(IO+) ACS( 10+) (,V(IO+) 85« 5) 149 29 I' M« 5) It S 55-I{ 1'0(10;-) (,M(IO+) (00276900) (,(10 .. ) M('W(IO'J NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(lO+) 1'11(10+) C'P( 10+) PH('(5-IO) OC'S( 10-') ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

ROllgril-..imgre III 10,) AC'S( 10+) C'V(IO;.) SS« 5) 345 549 86 PM S T R 55-It 1'0« 5) (,M(IO+) (00277000) ("(10+) MC'W( 10 1-) NC'S(lO+) 51'(10+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) ('1'(10+) ""('(5-10) OC'S( 10+) ST( 10+) NW(IO+)

Sil~i AchakchiliJlg 11(10+) A(,S(JO+) ('V(IO+) BS« 5) 346 104 14 P M« 5) R S S5-1{ 1'0(<.5) CM(IO+) (00277100) C(lO+) MCW(lO+) NCS(lOq SP(IO+} RS(IO+) ""(10+) ('1'(10+) PHC(IO+) 0(,S(10+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Rongchonggre H(IO+) A(,S(IO+) C'V(IO+) BS(5-10) 3~7 91 17 P M C(lO+) R S SS-R 1'0(10,) (,M(IO+) (00277200) MCW(lO e) N(,S(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IOI) ('1'(10+) PH(,(IO;-) OCS(IO+ ) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Bolma Chiringg."e 24 1'(2) M S H(IO+) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) BS(S-IO) 348 134 R S SS-R I'O(~ S) (,M(IO+) (00277300) ('(10+) MCW(IOlj N(,S(IO+) 51'(10+) RS(IO+) PII( I 0+) CP( 10+) PHC(5-IO) 0('5(10+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Darit Sinuagillim 1'« H(IO+) A(,S(IO+) CV(IO+) BS(5-1O) 349 180 so S5-0 PO{IO+) ('(1.1(10+) (00277400) 36 5) M« 5} MC'W(IO+) N(,S(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO·,) 1'1-1(10+) C'P( 10+) C(IO+) PH(,(I()+) O(,S(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

13n:mgre 20 PM«5) H(IO+) A(,S(I(H) (,V(IO+) 85« 5) 350 125 so 55-0 1'0« 5) CM{HI+) (00277500) (,(10+) M(,W(IO,) NC'S(IO+) 51'(10+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PH('(5-W) O(,S(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Tcbukgre P II(IOT) A(,S(IO+) (,V( 10+) 8S« 5) 351 105 18 (I.1«5) SO SS-O 1'0« 5) (,M(IO,) (00277600) C(IO+) MC'W( 10+) NCS(IO+) 51'(10+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) ('1'(10+) PHC(5-10) OCS{IO+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

134 VIU AGE DIRECTORY ---_._- ---- Village Oil-ectol-Y Lanlllls~ (As 011 1999)

l.alld lI'~ (I ~ "ILi! lIll,kl ,liriL 1"111 Iypes of Iillhllls~ 111 hectafl.!)

"0 j ia O" :S c- C ~ -a -a :; "u 0 u c '" E -v" ~ ~ E c8 "eJ, ~ 0 " ij <1> ~ -a 01, U e ... ;:; dd " :c !::J," 's: '" § Sl" 6;, '" !:l " 13 ;-, .", ~ t:: ~ ;- .D B ~ c. 0 0 ~ ~ 0. ~0. c. 13 ... § E u B 1ii '" 4- " "'"eo 5l 0. 5 :c '5 0 ~ '" § ~ ... el, l:! ~ " e ... ii "1ii .<: 0. u; OJ, E 2 u " " ~ ~ 0 " r: 0. ... 0 ... "iii ~ ::; ...'" § :;;2 0 a " '"...... : z Il-." Z E u.. ,5 ::J U '"bh -< Z Vl 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

1111{ Baghmam (32) Nil, Nil, Nil J~J

FI' Baghmara (39) Tl!bisoJ..gre

"IR Baghmam (40) Nil, Nil. Nil Nilwasagin 343

FP Uaghnwl"lI (35) Nil, Nil, Nil JH

MR B,aglmmra (36) EA Nil, NIL Nil ROIlp,llkimg.lt! 345

PR Nil, Nil,Nil Silkj Achakchll wg 3~(>

MR Baglllllara (~8) Nil, Nil, Nil f{ollgchon~gf'e 347

MR BHghmara (36) Nil. Nil, Nil Anima Chirlllg.gll! 348

t.IR Ilaghmara (41 ) Nil, Nil, Nil Daril Simragillilll

MR Baglll"'.... (32) ED Nil. Nil, Nil (JrCl11grc J50

FP Baghmam (39) Nil, Nil, Nil Tcbokgre 351

135 [JIS 1 HleT CENSUS IIANDI::lOOK : SOUTH GAI~O 1111 IS Census of India 200) AIII~nitics and AI1lt:llilles available (ifnol availabh: wilhinlhc village, a dash (-J is shown in Ihe column and nexllo it in brackets the distance.! In broad ranges VIZ.< 5 killS., 5-10 killS. and 10+ killS of the nearest place where the 1l1cility is availnble is given)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

Wakskogre 15 1'1\1(5-10) 11(101 ) ACS(IO+) eV(IOI) I3S(5-IO) 352 74 S OSS-O 1'0(101) CM(IO+) (00277700) ('(10+ ) MCWIIDI) NCS(lIh) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) 1'11(10 I) CP(IO+) PHC(5-IU) O(,S(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

D;lIit Wakcholl\le P« ACS(IO+) CV(lO+) 8S« 5) 353 67 12 5) r... I(5-10) 11(10+) RSOSS-R PO(5-IO) CM(IOe) (00277800) M(,W(II)I) NCS(IOe) SI'(IO+) RS(IO+) PHi 10+) CP(IO+) (,(10+) PHC(5-1O) O(,S(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

BoldallJgre 35~ ------Uninhabited -.----..•--- (00277900)

1'(119) 1'(2114) 1\.1(37) W( 117) S(9) Pile If) 0 Nle l'K(IJ) SS(39) llIuck Tol,,1 0.0 37937 CM CI' AC5 51' 6613 Tr(l) AC(I) I'IIS(2) IlMI' ~::J~iJ NW 0(2) n(I22) S 278

136 VII I AGE OlHECTORY ------_. ------Village Direchu'Y Land lis,' (.-\s 1111 1999) ------I.and '''~ (I e arca IInJ,,," dij"klellll\"p~S oj" 1;1Ilt! lise III h('ctar~ )

g ] iii tJ, > .E- C p 0 -a '5 :; 0 '" ~ o(! 1;; 0 :0" OJ, .;; '" " ~ " ;... '" fi1 -0 ~ I;j, . iii .9 Ci ~ t:: '" ~ D" ~ 0 1;' > ~ -'" .9 0. "g- o. -:a "'"iii EO u i;l ~ -0 OJ :0" '0'" '- 1;; 0. § cl'l OJ, Ii! 0 '" e'" ~ OJ" '" -'= @ ~ OJ, E _g u Oil" 0. " ~ 0 g :':! '" "- 0 0 '" :;e § iii " ~ . __Vl__ -< z" 0.." :z:" E :::>" u'" eJ, -< Z " 14 15 16 17 III ""19 20 ~I ')2 23 2

FP Bagilinara (46) Nil. Nil. Nil

FP llaghlllara (47) Nil. Nil. Nil ~51

------Uninhabited ------Aoldamgre 354

PR(54) I\IR(202) EO(28) N M FI'(241) 0.0 1I.1l 0.0 0.0 EA(2) NC NR(2) NW



661 .00 MEGHALAYA TurAl. AJlEA 01 CD. BLOCII (IN SIlnl.) ... W1AL POI'1JLA 110M OF <;.1). BUlCl.. •• ~9 BAGHMARA C.D. BLOCK roTAL NUNBER or fOYNS IN C,J). BLOCK 1 (0Nll) raul. NUNBD! or VILLAGES IN C.D. BLOCK 153


KILO)lETll);S ~ I 0 2:i456 I I I I I I I I I


~ • ~ 8:3 842 0 1141 ~. ~ 0 8470 ~ 860 c.>, • B5I! \.i . 0l15li


In -. .,...... _._ 882 ~ 0 ..... -"-., ...... 87Z .... \. '. 868 0 eiJ6-'-'''' . . ~ D 884 f-o~ D &70 MD , P,it.OF 0 ~o " ~CI.t'I'OLI -Q; 071 • 1]:;< . Ir. " .. !IIl2 \ . Nx D &';t!l 0601 ... I (111& Q~ f3 iil:fIV'" "".. '. -. ,.-...... 901 80& 0 ,...... , ...... , S H L A 0 E 8 A N G

AlphalJcticallisl u"Villages (C.I>. hluel.. wise)

Name uf(he Histrict:South G~II'o frills Name of en Billd, : Bag~~~ ____ n __ Serial Name of village 200 I Census 1991 Ccnsll~ locatioll Ilumber locatioll code code Illi In bel' number 2 3 4

Name of Sub-l>ist: 0002 I. Adapgiri (jO~87100 050()80()()XOOOH()OI~5 2. Adiilggiri (i02C)2~O() OSO()SO()O!W()()XOO III 3. Agrenggitim ()0~79600 OSO()80()OSO()0800022

4. Agronggiri 00288 L WO OSOO80008000800142 5. Alokpang 00285600 05009000f)0()0900030 6. Ampangdamgiri 00289700 OSOO70007000700250 7. Arapara OO~92900 OSOO80008000800134 8. Aritakgiri 00286600 OSOOSOOOSO()OSOOO95 9. Ar'lIakgiri 00282200 050080008000S00045 10. Asokgre 00288900 050080008000800143 II. Badri Jaisrugittim 00280500 12. Badri Maidumgittim 00281000 050080008000S00028 13. Badri Rongdimgitt illl 00281100 14. Sadri Rongding Awe 00280600 050080008000800026 15. Sadri Rongdong 00280900 050080008000800027 16. Sadri Watregittim 00280800 OS008000S()OO800029 17. Saigonkona 00291100 05008000S000800114 18. Sajragre 00284600 05008000800080008S 19. Baikal Asim 00284900 050080008000800077 20. Sa Ikal Watregiltim 00285700 050080008000800070 21. Saman Jadllgiri 00287000 050080008000800092 22. Samon Dipogre 00286900 050080008000S00091 23. Bamon Wakcholgiri 00286200 050080008000800085 24. Bamongre 00286400 050080008000800090 25. Sanajuri 00291700 0500S000S000800120 26. Banakol 00284000 0500800080008000S7 27. Satabari 00290400 050080008000800105 28. Bedolboi 00292100 0500S000800080012S 29. Bilkona 00290100 050080008000800098 30. Chambil Badilllagrc 00292000 31. Chambil Baniagre 00291900 050080008000800121 32. Chambilgre 00291400 OS0080008000800117 33. Chengbagiri 00286300 050080008000800089 34. Chengkali 00289600 050080008000800111 35. Chibagre 00283600 050080008000800053 36. Chibrenggre 002S8200 05008000S000S00147 37. Chigitchakgiri 00285900 050080008000800071 38. Choklokgittim 00285100 0500S0008000800059 39. Chramgre 00284200 050080008000800073

1.11 DISTR i( 'T CI;NSLIS II \Nil Ill)()K WLS I 1~II.\SI IIII I ~) ------~ --~------.---~~ _.-_ - - .---.~------_------.-. ---.------~------Serial Name of village 2001 Census 1991 Census location number location code code number number 2 3 4

40. Dabigre 00293100 050080008000800140 41. Dabit Ampangdam 00288700 050080008000800137 42. Dabram 00292700 050080008000800132 43. Dadugiri 00282600 44. Damakgiri 00286800 050080008000800093 45. Darang Akepgittim 00279900 0500S000S000800019 46. Darang Baldak 00279000 05008000S000800014 47. Darang Chiga 00279100 050080008000800015 48. Darallg Daj llgittim 00280200 050080008000800017 49. Dat'ang Dura 00280700 05008000S000800030 50. Darang Nengsranggilt illl 00280100 050080008000800018 51. Darit Asim 00285000 050080008000800072 52. Darokgiri 00286500 050080008000800094 53. Dasanggiri 00292800 050080008000800133 54. Demplipara 00290700 050080008000800108 55. Dengagiri 00284500 050080008000800087 56. Dengkandi l30lsalgittim 00278400 050080008000800004 57. Dikgronggiri 00284400 050080008000800086 58. Dimagiri 00289500 050060006000600050 59. Dobakol Awemong 00279500 050080008000800010 60. Dobakol Chonggnlgitlim 00278700 050080008000800006 61. Dobakol Nengjagittim 00279200 050080008000800008 62. Dobakol Simsanggittim 00278800 050080008000800009 63. Dokgiri 00287200 050080008000800084 64. Doldamgre 00293200 65. Domdoma 00291800 050080008000800123 66. Dubagiri 00288800 050080008000800136 67. Dllmnikllra 00290200 050080008000800099 68. Eman Gatabil 00283100 050080008000800048 69. Eman Warima 00282500 70. Emangiri 00282400 050080008000800046 71. Enan Rompagre 00282300 050080008000800047 72. Era ailing 00279700 050080008000800021 73. Eringgre 00289300 050080008000800124 74. Gandragiri 00289000 050080008000800083 75. Gara Samkagre 00284700 050080008000800075 76. Gara Songgital 00284800 050080008000800076 77. Gare Chigitchak 00278200 050080008000800005 78. Gare Rongdenggittim 00279300 050080008000800011 79. Gare Songmong 00278100 050080008000800002 80. Garugittim 00281900 050080008000800040 81. Gitinggre 00288300 050080008000800145 82. Goka Imbika 00288100 050080008000800068

1.:J2 VJlIACil' DIlU'CTO({Y

-~- .,.-~-.-~---- .-~ --_---_.. _------.--.. --.---~- Serial Name of village 200 I Census 1991 Census location number location code code number number 2 3 4

83. Goka Songmong 00287800 050080008000800069 84. Goka Tainang 00287900 050080008000800062 85. Goka Wakchol 00288500 050080008000800141 86. Gokapepchandal 00288000 050080008000800067 87. Gosegaoll 00290900 050080008000800104 88. Jadi Gindam 00281400 89. Jadigittim 00280300 050080008000800041 90. Jadugiri 00286700 050080008000800097 91- Jaksongram 00293000 050080008000800138 92. Jantagri 00283800 050080008000800052 93. Jatapara 00290600 050080008000800107 94. Jongkol Awe 00278600 95. Jongsinggittim 00279400 96. Kapasipara 00290500 050080008000800106 97. Khakol Tainang 00285400 050080008000800066 98. Kharllkol Adinggre 00285200 050080008000800060 99. Kharllkol Jalaigre 00285300 050080008000800061 100. Kharllkol Konagittim 00285800 050080008000800065 101. Kolapara 00290000 050080008000800100 102. Kongkona 00290800 050080008000800109 103. Kujolgiri 00289900 050080008000800101 104. Lower Dosogiri 00287300 050080008000800082 105. Mandanggre 00291000 050080008000800110 106. Maraka Chiring 00291600 050080008000800119 107. Masighat 00288600 050080008000800139 108. Matmagitak 00284100 050080008000800056 109. Mindikgre 00286100 050080008000800078 lIO. Namchapara 00289800 111. Namisikgiri 00287700 050080008000800146 112. Nengkong Mandagiri 00283400 050080008000800055 113. Nengkong SOllgmong 00283500 050080008000800054 114. Nengru Gittim 00282000 050080008000800042 115. Nengrut 00283700 050080008000800051 116. Netri 00292600 050080008000800135 117. Nilwagiri 00292300 050080008000800130 ) 18. Nokatgiri 00282100 050080008000800044 119. Nongalbibra 00278900 050080008000800007 120. Onajora 00289400 050080008000800113 121. Pattal Gittim 00279800 050080008000800020 122. Ramchengga 00290300 050080008000800102 123. Rangchikipgiri 00292500 124. Rasinagiri 00292200 050080008000800129 125. Ringramgre 00283200 050080008000800049

143 --~- - Serial Name of village 200 I Census 1991 CensLis location number location code code l1unlber number 2 3 4 126. Rompa Asim 0{)286000 050080008000800079 127. Ronchekgiri 0{)283900 050080008000800058 128. Rongbatgittim 00287500 050080008000800081 129. Rongdotchi (L) 00289100 050080008000800127 130. Rongdotchi (U) 00289200 050080008000800126 131. Rongkandi Dcngjama 00278300 050080008000800003 132. Rongkandi Nengbrckgittilll 00280000 050080008000800016 133. Rongkandi Songgital 00278500 050080008000800013 134. Rongr\!ngpal 00285500 050080008000800063 135. Rongsa Awe 00280400 050080008000800024 136. Rutagre 00284300 050080008000800074 137. Seel Adugre 00283300 050080008000800050 138. Sibbari 00291500 050080008000800118 139. Sibbari New Market 00291200 050080008000800116 140. Sibbari Old Bazar 00291300 050080008000800115 J41. Siju Asakbanda 00282800 050080008000800037 142. Siju Damik Gittim 00281200 050080008000800031 143. Siju Dobakolgittim 00283000 050080008000800038 144. Siju Duramong 00282700 050080008000800036 145. Siju Ganga Awe 00281800 050080008000800034 146. Siju Rongkenggitlim 00282900 050080008000800039 147. Siju Rongmikgittim 00281600 050080008000800033 148. Siju Songmong 00281700 050080008000800035 149. Siju Taikumgittim 00281500 050080008000800032 150. Sudugiri 00278000 050080008000800001 151. Tolegiri 00281300 050080008000800043 152. Upper Dosogiri 00287600 050080008000800080 153. Wamisenggiri 00287400 050080008000800144




3 4 5 (> 7 8 <) III II 12 13

CD 1II0t": Il:lghllllml (0002)

SUi.hlt!.iri 63 P 1'-1( 10 I) II( 10+) ACS(IO,) (,\'(101 ) I;S( 10+) 371 -I I{ S SS- I PO( I II I ) l'~I( 10, ) (0027801J1J) C( 10.) MCW(IO,) NCS( 10 I) SP(llh) IlS( 10+) PI 1(10 I) ('1'( 10;l I'He( 1( 1 ) OCS(IOt) Sl'lIO" ) NW(I01)

as G:JH:. Songnmng 87 1'1\1(10 1 ) 11(10+) A(,S(IOI) CV( 101') 2 480 R S SS-I{ I'O(IIH) CM( 10+) RS(IO+) (00278100) C(lO' ) M('W(IO;) NCS( 10') SP(IO,) 1'11(1(}1-) CP( 10+) NW(IO+) PIIC(5-1O) OCS( 101) ST(IO+)

0:11"1: Chiglli,;hak 1'« AC'S( 10. ) C'V(IO+) I3S(IO+) 3 75 II 5) M( 1(11) III 101) R S SS-R 1'0(5-10) C'M(lIh) (00278200) MC'W(W+) NCS( 10.) Sp(lIl+) RS(IO+) pl-l( 10+) C'P( lilt) ('(10;) I'H('«5) oes( 10;) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Rongkalldi 1'« ACS( 10i) C'V(IOI') BS« 5) 4 Dengjama 219 4.1 5) M« S) II( 10+) I{ S SS-R PO« 5) (,M(lO e) MC'W(IO+) NC'S( 10+) SP(IO+) RS(IO-.-) (00278300) ('(10+) PH(IO+) ('1'(10+) PH(,( 10+) O(,S(IO+) ST(IO,) NW(lO+)

Dengkandi H(lO+) A('S(IO.) C'V(I()+) 1>5« 5) 5 l30lsalgiltilll 132 24 I'M S T R S SST 1'0« 5) ('M(IO;-) (,(10+) MC'W(IO+) N(,S( 101) SP(IO+) RS(IO-» (0027lHOO) 1'11(10+) ('1'(10+) PHC( 10+) O(,S(IOl) ST(IO+) NW(101 )

Rongk3ndi 1'« AC'S( 10+) C'V(IO;-) B5« 5) 6 Songgital 380 70S)M«5) H(IO+) T R S SS T 1'0« 5) (,M(IO+) MCW(ID1 ) N(,S(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) (00278500) PH(IO+) ('1'(10;) C(lO+) PIIC« 5) O(,S(IO+) ST( 10+) NW(IO+)

1'(5- Jongkol Awe A(,S(lO+) (,V(IO+) BS(5-10) 7 III 22 10) M(lO+) H(IOe) R S SS-I{ 1'0(10+) CM(IOe) (00278600) N(,5(10+) SP(lO+) RS(lO+) C'(l0+) M(,W(IO+) 1'1-1(10+) CP(IO+) 1'11(,( 10+) 0('5(10;) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

I)obalml P« 11(10+) A(,S(IO+) ('V(IO+) B5« 5) 8 Chonggalgittim 26 R S SS-R 1'0« S) CMOO+) (~S)M«5) MCW(IOI) N(,5(1O+) SI'(lO+) RS(lO+) (00278700) I'H(IO+) CP(IOT) ('(10+) I'H('« 5) 0('5(10+) ST(IO+) NW(101)

Dobakol 8 1'« 11(10+) A('S(lO+) (,V(W+) B5« 5) 9 Simsanggiuim 41 R S 55-R 1'0« 5) (,M(IO,) 5) 1\1(5-10) M(,W(lO+) N(,S(IO+) 51'(10+) RS(IO+) (00278800) PH(lO+) CI'(IO+) ('( 10+) PH(,« 5) OCS(IO+ ) ST(IO,) NW(IO+)

1'0 TO BS NOllgalbibra AC'S(I 0+) (,V(IO+) 10 1,553 439 I' M C( 10+) PIIC'H(IOI') TRSSS-T PTO C'M( 10+) RS(IO+) (00278900) M(,W(IO+) NC'S(IO+) SP(IO+) PH(101) C'P(IO+) NW(IO+) OC'S(IO; ) ST(lO+)

Darallg l30ldak 1-1(10+) AC'S( I OJ) (,V(IO+) BS(ID+) II 272 34 P M (,(10+) 1'S SS-T 1'0(10+) C'M(IO") {0{)279000} MC'W(I{)+) N(,S( 10') SP(I{)+) RS(IO+) 1'11(10+) C'P( I 0 4 ) I'HC'(IO+) OC'S(I 0+) ST(ID+) NW(IOt)

146 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village DiI'cctol'Y Land lls~ (As 011 1999) I.and lise (I e ureu lInuer dllkr('nl Iypes or lund lISC III heclare)

"0 12 @ ~jJ > 2 C := '0 -i3" :; u" 0 u " Ei U" ~ .~ Ei .S 0" " v ~ o'd t;;" {i OJ, ::: ;-, ~ ~" tL ;" ~ ~ .0 8 P- ~ I:: ~ -0 '"::: ;.- ;:; " ~ Po- 0 ..0= P0- e "" Ei u 8 " e. t; ;;; :0" ~ "- iil " "0 " 5'" 0 e.'" § $ ... Qj, e! l;; " '" i; v; ~ ;;; E a -5 " OJ" K ~ ::: ~ 0 Iii" "I> :; " r:: ,£ ~ a "'" ~ ~ z" :z:" ~ Ei u.. .5 ;::J U "",'" ~ Z

)\II{ H' \\'iliamnag,ar (29} ED Nil, Nil, Nil Sudllglrl

)\1R FP Wilianmagar (29) Nil, Nil, Nil Garc Songmong

)\II< foP Wiliamllagar (28) Nil, Nil, Nil Garc (~higilL:hak

Rongkandi PR MR rr Wiliamnagar (20) EA N.I, Nil. Nil DCllg.ian1H

Dcngkandi PR f\ 1I{ FP \Vilialllnagar (21) EA Nil, Nil. Nil 130lsalgillilll

PR MR FP Wiliallll1agar (22) EA Nil, Nil, Nil Rong_kanoi Songgltal 6

)\IR Fl' Wiliamnagm' (22) ED EAG - Nil, Nil, Nil JOlIgkol Awe 7

Dohakol MR FP 'Wiliamnagar (26) Nil, Nil, Nil 8 C'honggnlgiltim

Dohak,,1 t>.IR FP \\'iliamnagur (25) Nil, Nil, Nil 9 Sims3nggil1im

r'R ~IR FP Wilialllnagar (22) EA Nil, Nil, Nil Nongalhib. a 10

MR FP Wilimlll.aga.· (IS) ED Nil, Nil, Nil Darang Boldak II

147 [Jlsn~ICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: SOUTH (JAkO fill I S Census of Indill 2001 Amenities and Amenilles available (ifnol available wilhin Ihl! village, a dash (-) is shown inlhc column and next to il ill brackelS the distance in broad rang"s VIZ.< 5 kms., 5-10 kms lInu 10, kills of th" nearesl place "here Ihe l(lcility is available is given)

...~ .0 § Z :2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

13S lJ.u allg Chig .. 1'« 11(10+) ACS(IO+) CV(IOI) 12 104 TS S5-,! I'O(lO+) CM(IOI) RS(IOI) (0027

n"bakol 5U 1'« 1I(10t-) I\CS(IOI) CV(IO,) 135« 5) 13 Ncngjagiltim 320 j{ S SS-I\ I'O( c 5) CM(Hl+) 5)1\1«5) MCW(IO.,) NC'S(IO'I) SP( 10+} RS(IOI'} (0027

Gare BS 22 P M( 10+) H(IO+) TK S SS­ I\CS(IO+) CV(IOI-) 14 RongJcnggiltllH 97 1'0(1111-) CM(IO+) RS(IO+) C(I 0 I) MCW(IO'I) TK N(,S(IO+) SP( 10+) (00279300) PH(IO+) ('1'(10,) NW(lO+) PHC(IU+) O(,S(IOt) ST(IO+)

1'« J ongsinggittilll A(,S( 10,) (,V(IO+) BS« 5) 15 258 48 5) M« 5) I l(l Il+) R S SS-R 1'0« 5) CM(IOf) (00279-100) C(IO,) MCW(IOt) N(,S(IO+) Sp( 10+) RS(IO+) I'H(IOT) CP(IO I ) PH\."« 5) OCS(IOI-) ST( 10+) NW(lO+)

Dobakol 1'« 11(10+) AeS(IO+) (,V(IO+) 135« 5) 16 Awcmong 119 185)M«5) T R S SS-T 1'0« 5) CM(lO+) M(,W(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) (00279500) (,(10+ ) PII( I 0+ ) ep(lo+) PH(,(IO+) OeS(lo,) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Agn:nggililll 21 1'1\1(10+) H(IO+) A(,S(IO+) eV(IO » 135« 5) 17 113 R S SS-R 1'0« 5) CM(IO'f) (00279600) (,(10+) MCW(IO+-) NeS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) pll( 10+) CP(lOt) I'H('(5-IO) 0('5(10+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

EmAlljng 70 P 1\1(5-10) III 101) ACS(IO+) (,V(IO» BS« 5) 18 370 T SSS-T 1'0« 5) (,M(IOI-) (00279700) ('(10+) M(,W(Ill+) N(,S(IO+) SP(IO·I-) RS(IO+) I'H(IO+) CP(IO+) PH('(5-IO) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

PIIS II( 10+) RS Pattul GUlim Ae5(IOI) (,V(IO+) 19 493 7S P M (,(IU+) M(,W(IO+) T SS-'! 1'0« 5) CM(IOI') R5(IOt) (00279800) NeS( 10+) Sp(IIH) PHC« 5) 1'11« 5) ep( 10+) NW(IOt) OCS( 10+) ST(I()+)

Damng AhepgiHim 27 P M« 5) III 10l) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) 13S«5) 20 169 T W R 5 SS· 1'0(;-10) (,M(IO!-) (00279900) ('(10+) MCW(IOt) NCS( 10+) 51'(10+) RS(IO+) R 1'11(10+) CP(IO+) PHC(5-10) OeS(lo+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Rongkandi 25 P M(S-IO) 1-1(10+) A(,S(IO+) CV(5-10) BS« 5) 21 N\!ugbrekgittllll 182 soss-S 1'0(5-10) CM(101) (,(10,) MeW(IO+) NCS( 10+) 51'(10+) RS(lO+) (00280000) I'H(IO+) CpnO+) Plle« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Darang 25 5) M( 5) 1'(-.: III 10+) ACS(IO+) ev(IO+) BS« 5) 22 NellgSnlnggittiu) 140 SSS-S PO(5-10) (,M(IO+) < MeW(IO+) NCS(IO+) Sp(IO+) R5(10+) (00280100) 1'11(10+) CP(IO+-) (,(10+) PHC(5-10) oes( 10+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Dm""ug DajugiUim H(IO+) A(,5(1O+) ev« 5) 13S« 5) 23 317 47 P M C(lO+) 5 SS-S 1'0« 5) (,M(IO+) (00280200) M(,W(IO+) NeS(IO+) SP( 10+) RS( 10+) 1'11« 5) ('1'(10+) I'HC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

148 VillAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory "alld lise (As Oil 1999) 1 alld IISC (. c. arca lI.llkr ,I.ne,cnl I) p~s of land '''c II. hCl'larc)

to ~ ]' OJ CJ, ;. 2 C to .:;: -a "5 ...u 0 -a u co E U'" ~ E

~IR 1'1' 11'lilallllla!,ar (16) ED Nil, t-.:il. Nil Dill aug [,Illra 12

Doh~lkol Wilialllllagar (20) EA Nil. Nil, Nil 13 Ncngjaglt1111l

Goue I'R 1'1' \\,ilialJlllag.ar (32) Nil. N.I. Nil 14 Rongdengg,ull1l

~IR FP Wilialllllagar (30) ED Nil, Nil, Nil Jongsinggillim 15

PR 1\11{ FP \\'iliamn

~IR \\'ihanm:.tgm" (33) Nil. Nil, Nil Aglcnggillm 17

I'R ~IR Wiliamllagm' (27) ED Nil. Nil.Nil Era Alling 18

~IR Wiliamnag," (21) ED NIl, N.I, Nil PatlillGlt11111 19

FI' Wili.mll.gar (17) ED Nil. Nil. Nil Darmlg Akcpglilim 20

Rongkandi ~IR rl' Wiliamn"!;nr (34) ED Nil. Nil. Nil 21 Nengbrekgittlill

Danmg ~IR FP Wilial1lnagar(15) ED Nil. Nil. Nil 22 Ncngsf

MI( FP Wilial1lnagar (31) ED Nil. Nil. NIl Darang Dujugiltllll 23

149 DISH{ICT Gt::NSUS HANDBOOK, SUUTH G,",I{U Illll S Census of India 2001 Amenities and Amenities available (if not avmlable wilhlnlhe village, a dash (-) is shown in th", column and next 10 il in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz,< 5 killS" 5-10 kms, and 10+ kills of the ., ;;;~ nearest place where the lacility is available is given) 0 C /;J) fr .. Vl 0 " 0 ~ 0.. <> '" '"C .-l ~ 0 11 9 5 co '"::> (C!. -0 0 ~ a:g'E ' til g 'g a(5 '"0 oS .~ 0 ... Iii ~ .g d i:i ...... c -=0.. " 0 .0 0 til (;;;"g ...... "iii '''''0 ~ "3 0 :: .. iii e 0.. ~ § <>: '" 1;; '- 0 0 OJ, 0 '" 'g Ii!" 0.. to .~" "iii " li 'g >-, '" or> 0 ~ ~ ,,>< 11 ~ '" u '" " (.; " e "e ..'C e -a to: ti e .~] ~ ~ ~ e ::'" ~ ~ ~ -0 C 0 0 "'"til o ::::: en" :z: ~ ~ :z:'" '" ~'" Cl r:>. U .0 « (5 ~QS5 u E! 2 3 4 5 '"6 7 8 9 10 II 12 J3

CV BS Jadigitlim I' M« 5) tl( 10,) PO I'H(5- I\CS(IO+) H 321 60 SO SS-O CM(IOI) SP(IOI) RS(IO+) (00280300) C(lO+) MCW(IOI) 10) N(,S( 10+) CP(IOI) ST(IOI) NW(IO+) PIIC« 5) O('S(IO,)

BS RongsuAwe P M(IO+) 1-1(10') A(,S(IO-I) CV(S-IOI 25 488 100 T S S5-1' 1'0« 5) eM(IO,) RS(IO+) (00280400) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) N(,S(IO+) SP(IO+) 1'1-1(10+) ('1'( 10+) NW(IO+) PIIC(5-1O) OeS(lo+) ST(IIH)

Badri Jais.lugiltim PM(5-10) III 101) ACS(IO+) CV(5-10) I3S« 5) 26 90 17 S SS-S 1'0(10') eM(IOt) (00280500) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) 1'1-1(10 I) CP(IO+) PH(,(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Badri Rongding PM(IO+) 11(10+) ACS(IOI) eV(IO+) BS« S) 27 308 53 T R S SS-T 1'0« 5) (,M(IOI-) Awe (00280600) C(lO+) MCW(IO» N(,S(IOI) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CI'(IO+) 1'1IC(5-10) OrS( 10 1-) ST(IO+) NW«5)

Diuallg Dura I'M(IO+) 11(10+) ACS(IO+) eV(IO+) BS(IO+) 28 192 31 T SS5-T 1'0(10+) n ... I(lo+) (002&0700) (,(10+) M(,\\'(IO+) NCS(IOI) SP( 10+) RS( 10+) 1'1-1(10+) CI'(1O') I'HC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(JO+)

BS Bad.i Wmre~iltim P M(IO+) IIi 10 I) A(,S(IO+) (,V(IO+) 29 218 41 T SSS-T I'()( 10'1 CM(lth) RS( 10+) (00280800) C(lO. ) M(,W(IO+) NCS( 10+) SP(lfH) PII( 10, ) CP(iO+ ) NW(IO+) PHC(IOr) OeS(lo,,) ST( I

BS Badri Rongdong I'M(5-10) fI(IO+) ACS(IOI) (,V(IOI-) 30 253 41 TSSS-T 1'01-< 5) ('11.1(10') ((S(IO+) (00280900) C(IO+) MCW(IOI) N(,S(IO+) SP(IO+) I'll( 10+) ('1'(101-) NW(S-IO) PI-IC« 5) 0('5(101) ST(IO,)

Bad'; I'M(IO+) 11(10+) ACS(IO+) CV(IOI-) 85« 5) 31 Maidumgiltim 202 34 T SSS-T 1'0(10+) (,M«5) (,(10+) MeW(iO+) N(,S(IOI) SP( 10+) RS(IO+) (00281000) plI( IV+) ('1'(10+) I'HC(IO+) O(,S(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Badri 32 Rongdimgittim .~-.~~-- lJninhaL>ilcd ------(00281100)

BS Siju Damik Gittim I'M« 5) 1'1-1(' 1-1(10+) TTKSO PO A(,S(IO+ ) (,V(IO» 33 240 43 (,M(IO+) RS(IO+) (00281200) e(lo+) MCW(IO+) SS-T PJI(lO+) NeS(IO+) Sp(IO+) ('1'(10+) NW(iO+) O(,S(IO+) ST(IO+)

Tolegiri H(IO+) ACS(IO,) CV(IO+) BS(5-IO) 34 353 66 I' M C(lOI) T SO SS-S 1'0« 5) (,M(IO+) (00281300) MCW(IO+) NeS(IO+) SI'(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) ('1'(10+) pHC(5-10) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Jadi Gindalll pM(S-IO) 11(10 1 ) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) BS(IO+) 35 68 12 SO SS-S 1'0(5-10) CM(lOt) (00281400) (,(10+) M(,W(IOl-) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) ('1'(10+) PH('(5-10) OeS(lo+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Siju Tuikulll£ittim 36 ------Uninhablh':u ------(00281500)

150 VII. LAG!:: DIRECTORY ._. __ ._.__ ._------Vilillge Directol'Y Land lise (As Oil 1999) Land lise (ie area lInder dirrercnt types orland lise in hectare)

"0 ] .~ :> 2 <0' 01, ::: '5 :; u 0 'B" <.J " v E U" ~ ~ , ~ " § u .2. " 'B ,",S " u :; ... ;." :0 u ~ 0 .," eI, .;; "Ii '" 5l ~ @, §u ~ !'! £) 0."" ~ ,., -0 :> p. 1::o "~ "0 ~ ..c g. 0.2 6 v ... ~ u E '" U "0 1ii :c'" (5 4- t; a p. E CI, "' 0 0 -.."l til r:: '" U t; Vi 1ii" ..c: ., a " ~ .;:'E ~ u " 0. ~ 6 0 '"~ ~ "" :; iil ~ ..: :z: C>.. :z:" 2: E I... ] ::J U CI, ~ :z: 14 15 16 17 Iii 19 20 21 ~2 23 2

I'({ ~m Wilialllilagar (25) ED Nil, Nil, Nil Jadigillilll

~II( \\'iJi~IIJ)lIagar (33) ED Nli, Nil, Nil HOJ1~::;a Aw!.: 25

MR Wiliillllilagar (34) ED Nil, Nil, Nil Badri Jaisruglllllll 26

Badri Rongdjng. MR 1'1' Baghmara (42) ED Nil, Nil, Nil 27 Awe

MR FP Baglilllara (56) ED Nil. Nil, Nil Dm3ng Durn 23

PR FI' Bagh""'ra (45) Nil, Nil, Nil Baclri Watrcglltim 29

I'R 1'1' Baghmma (40) Nil, Nil, Nil Bndri RongdollB 30

Bashillara (49) ED Nil, Nil, Nil Sadri MaidulllgiHim 31

Badri .-•..•. - Uninhabited -...... 32 Rongdimgiltilll

Pi{ ~I R FI' Baghmara (45) Nil, Nil, Nil Siju Daillik Giltim 33

FI' Bnghlllara (43) Nil, Nil, Nil Tolegiri 34

FE> Nil, Nil, Nil Jach GinJilIll ]5

------Uninhabited ------Siju TaikUlngiltllll

151 DlbTHICT CENSUS HANDBOOK. SOUHi GAHO I !!~ ~~ CenslIs of India 2001 Amenities lind Amenilies availabk (if nol available withi" Ihe village, iI dash (-lis shown in the colullln and 1lL'.'t 10 it III brackels the dislnnce III brond ranges viz.< 5 kills., 5-10 kms and 10+ kills orthe nearest pineL' where tll", rncility is available is given)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

SiJIl 9 5) 5) 1'« 11(10+) TK 5 0 5S- 5) Clvl( I 0+) ACS( 10+) CV(IO+) 8S« 5) J7 R{}ngll~;kgjui/U 59 ~I« I'O(~ MCW(ltJ+) 51'(10+) RS(IO+) (00281600) C(IO+) S 1'1-1(10+) CP(IO+) NCS(IO+) PIIC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO~) NW(IO+)

BS Siju Songmong 11(10"-) TTK R SOl'O AC5(IO+) CV« 5) 33 6.\ r M« 5) CM(IO+) RS(IO+) (UU28 I 700) (,(10+) MCW(IUt) SS-T I'II( 10+) NC5(10+) 51'« 5) CP(IO+) NW« 5) 1'11(,« 5) 0('5(10+) ST« S)

Siju Ganga Awe H(IO+) TTK SO CV(IO+) 8S« 5) 39 344 52 I' M C(IO+) PO« 5) CM(IO+) ACS(IO+) (002&1800) MCW(IO+) S5-T SI'(IO+) RS(IO+) 1'1-1(10-1-) CP(IO+) NC5(10+) I'IIC« S) OCS(IO+) ST(lO-I) NW«5)

1'« Garugittim CV(ID+) B5(10+) 40 40 8 5) M(5-10) H(IO+) TK 5 () SS- I'O(~ 5) CM(IO+) ACS(IO+) (00281900) SP(IO+) RS(ID+) (,(10+) MCW(IO+) S 1'f1( 10+) CI'(IO') NCS( 10+) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Ncugru Giltim 36 I' M(" 5) H(IO+) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) 135« 5) 41 2t9 T S 0 SS-T 1'0« 5) (,M(lO+) (00282000) - C(IOI') MCW(IQ+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CI'(IO<) PIIC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Nokatgiri I'M(5-10) 11(10+) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) 135(10+) 42 393 K L S 5S-R 1'0(5-10) CM(IO+) (00282100) 73 C( 11lr) 1\'I(,W(lO» NCS(IO+) 51'(10+) RS(IO+) I'H( 10+) ('1'(10+) I'HC(5-10) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(5-10)

Aruukgiri I'M(S-IO) H(ID+) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) BS( 10+) 43 115 '9 R L 5 SS-R 1'0(5-10) CM(IO+) (00282200) C(IO+) MCW(IOI") NCS(IO+) SP( 10+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) ('1'(10+) PHC(lIl+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Enan ROlupag,"e 23 P M« 5) H(IO+) A('S( 10~) CV(IO+) BS(IO+) 44 99 R I. S 55-R 1'0(5-10) CM(IO+) (00282300) (,(10+) MCW(IO+) NeS(IO+) 51'(10+) RS(IO") I'H( 10+) CP(IO+) I'IIC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW« 5)

Em:'Ulgiri H(IO+) PO ACS(IO+) CV(IO .. ) BS(5-10) 45 393 73 PM C(IO,,) R 5 SS-R CM(IO+) (00282400) MCW(IO+) PH(IO+) NCS(IO+) SI'(IO+) RS(lO+) ('1'(10+) PHC(S-IO) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

EIII,HI \VOlrima I' Ivl« 5) H(IO+) CV(IO+) BS(5-10) 46 170 R L 5 SS-R 1'0« 5) (,M(ID+) A(,S(IO+) (00282500) 27 C(IO+) MCW(IO+) N(,S(IO+) SI'(IO+) RS(IO+) 1"1(10+) PHC(IO+) ('1'(10+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW«5)

Dadllgi.i 6 I'M(5-10) H(lO-I-) ACS(lO+) CV(IO+) BS(5-IO) 47 32 R S S5-R 1'0(5-10) CM(IO+) (00282600) C( 10+) MCW(IO+) N(,S(IO+) 51'(10+) RS(IO+) I'H(ID+) ('1'(10<-) PHC(IO+) O(,S(lO+) ST( 10~) NW(IO+)

D 11(10+) BS Siju Dumlllol\~ ACS(lO+) CV(lD+) 48 693 116 I' M C(IU+) MCW(IO') TSOSS-T PO CM(IOt) RS(IO+) (00282700) 1'1-1(10+) NeS(IO+) 51'(10+) PHC« 5) ('1'(10+) NW(IO+) OeS(lo+) ST(IO+)

152 VII I A(;l DIREC1URY Village DircChll'Y 'Land list' (As (III 1'.19')1 Land lI~l' (I C ~In:d Illllkl dllkll:nl t)JH:~ of lalld tbe III hcctan: I

;;- 0 ..Q '" ::;11 g .5 C' to: -a -a ;:; " v 0 ::> ~ E U "~ 'J Vi E c2 CI, " (; -a ~ 0 ~'" .5 .;;! OJ, u ::> :0 .." "d t;; 6 " :'J, ;. § £ '" ti, " u ,., iii'" ~ ;" ~ P.- ~ I:: :::'" '0 ;.. :; c 0- 0 OJ B 0- P. ~ e 13 la ._ E u " U '0 E :0" ::> """ Vi i5i 0- § OJ, l;; 0 0 0 '" c '" ... b ~ ':;" Vi E" l;j ~ OJ, E '5

~I" II' 1l"ghlll'""I~O) NIl. NIl, Nil Sfju I{IJ'r~~Jlljl-.~'WIlI 17

1'1\ 1'1' 1\1{ BaghmiuiI (:15) ED Nil, NIl. 1\11 SI.tll SPIl~IIIl)lIg .1~ NV.

PR[\IRFP llaghlll"IU (46) Nil, Nil, Nil Si.lll Gan~a Awe .19

~lR FP llaghllIam (46) Nil. Nil. Nil GantgiII illl 40

Ilaghillata (48) Nil, Nil. NIl Ncngnl Gitlllll 41

FP BaglUllata (39) Nil, Nil. Nil Nokatgiri 42

Nil. NIl, Nil AfllOd.. gili ·'3

I'/, Nil. Nil. Nil EniUl Rompagle 44

I.IR 1''' NJ{ fJ:lghmara (36) Nil. Nil, Nil Emangiri 45

~IR I P NR fJaglllllara (57) Nil. Nil. Nil Email Waum3 46

Ilaghmara (57) Nil. Nil, Nil [)ndugiri 47

ED Nil. NIl. Nil Siju OUlUlllong 48

153 OISI Hlel CU~SUS IIAND8001< _ SOUTH GARO 11111 S Census of India 200 I Amcnitics and AIll"nillcs aV:1I1abl" (If not available wilhin Ihe village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and nt:~II() it in brackets Ihe distance in broad rallges viL< 5 hlllS_, 5-10 kms_ and 10+ kills orthe ~ nearest plaLc where the lacility is availahle is given) ~ ~ i; "0 ..D B ~ ~ u &i ~.2 § ..c:: ~ 0 g ~ ~ ;.§~ o.i -~ 2. Ll § _g ~ 2 ~ ~ E ~ ~ 0 ~ fr 0. B "§Vl :~ .- ~ 0 - ~ °01 ~JU1 ,2'-:'----' :J u ~ ~ C! ~ -g u ~ ~ "3 ] .s ~ ~ a ~ § ... , Cd "'0 t:: Q) U 0 c: .." ... t .!9 ~.~ g v ~ a g~ .~ ~ ~ ~ 5 g .~ ~ ~ ~o~ ~ ~ ~ ~J ca ~ ;fj ~ ;> ~ .~ .~ c ~ ~ p. ~ .~ ~ gl i 'g ~ t1 .~ ~ ~ ~ tu' .~ ~ ~ ~ § g ~ .~ ~ ~ ~ .~ ~ ~ .5 ~ s 1 ~ z ~ I- Z iB :2 Cl .£ vil «15 ~~cn 3§ ~~----~2~----~3~--~4~--~5~----~6~------~7~----~78------79----~1~0~--~~11~--~~1~2~--~lj3~

Sljll .. hil~b(ul(.la 42 1'1..-1« 5) 1I( 10 I) ;\CS(IOI) CV(IOI) llS« 5) 49 250 T 50 5S-T 1'0« 5) CM(IO,) (O()2S1SnO) C(lO+) MCW(IOlj NCS(lO+) SP( I(h) RS(I(H-) 1'1I( Wo j ('1'(10+) !'IIC« 5) OCS(IOI) ST(IOI) NW« 5)

Sijll 54 I'M(5-10) IiI 10» ACS(IO+-) (,V(IO+) BS« 5) 50 Rong~ellggllljlll 292 r s () SS-T I'()« 5) (,M(IOI) C(IO+) MCW(IOI) NCS(lO+-) SI'(IOI) RS(IO,-) (00282<)()() I'II( I 01-} CP(IO+) 1'1-1('« 5) OC5(101-) ST( 10+) NW« 5)

BS Sijll Dobakolgillim 12 I' /VI(IO+) B(lO+) TWTK H ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) 51 60 1'01<5) (,MIIO+) RS(llI+) (002830()0) C(lOI) M(,W(IO+) SO SS-T NCS(IO+) SP(IO') PII(I(H) ('1'(10+ ) NW(IOI-) 1'1-1(,(,5) OCS(IOI-) 5T(10+)

Email Galabll 10 I' M« 5) III 10 I) ACS(IO+) eV(lo+) 135(5-10) 52 66 R L 5 55-I{ PU(IOI) ('~HlOI-) (00283100) ('(10+) MCW(JUI) NCS(IO+) 51'(10+) RS(IO+) I'II( 10 I) CI'(IO+ ) PHe« 5) oeS(lo+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

RiJlgralllg_rc ?O P 1\1(5-10) 11(10+) ACS(IO+) ('V(IO+) 135(5-10) 53 126 R 5 0 55-I{ 1'0(5-10) (,M(IO+) (00283200) - C(IO+) M(,W(JU+) N(,S(IOI-) 51'(10+) RS(IO+) 1'11(10+) ('1'(10+) PHe« 5) OC5(10+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Sed Adugre <) PM(IO+) 1-1(10+) AC5(101) CV(lO~) 135(10+) 54 41 R SO 5S-1{ 1'0(5-10) CI\IC I 0 1-) (00283300) ('(101) IVICW(lOI-) NCS(IO+) 51'(10..-) RS(lO-I) 1'1-1(10+) ('1'(10+) PHC« 5) OC5(10+) 5T(l01-) "W(lOI)

NCl\gkong 41 PM«5) 1-1(10+) AC5(101-) CV(IO+) 1l5« 5) 55 Mand'tgiri 216 T 55S-T 1'0(5-10) (,M(ID+) C(IO+) MCW(IOI) NCS(IO+) 51'(10+) R5(IO+) (00283400) l'll( 10 1-) ('1'(10+) PHC« 5) 0('5(10 1 ) ST(lO+) NW(IO,)

Nengkollg I'IIS H(IOI) 115 ACS(IOI-) CV(IO+) 56 Song1llong 682 112 1'(2) M S MCW(I()+) Tit 5 SS-T 1'0(5-10) CM( Ii)+) RS(I()+) C(IO.) NeS( 10 f) 51'(10+) (00283500) PI1C(IO+) 1'11(10+) ('1'(10+) NW«5) O(,S(IO+) 5T(10+)

Chibagn: 60 1'1\-1« 5) 11(10+) TTK S 55- ACS(IO+) (,V(HH) 85« 5) 57 408 1'0« 5) (,M(IO I) (00283600) C(IO+) M(,W(IOI) T N(,S(IO+) 5P(l0+) RS(IO+) 1'11(10+) CP(IO+) I'HC« 5) OC5(101-) 5T(10+) NW(5-1O)

Ncngrut 19 P M«5) H(I()+) ACS(lO+) CV(lOt) 13S« 5) 58 96 R S SS-R 1'0« 5) CM(IO+) (00283700) C(lOI-) I\1(,W(IO-I) NCS( 10+) 51'(10+) RS(IO+) PH(JO+) CP(IO+) PH(,(Hl+) OCS(IOI} ST(IO+ ) NW(IO+)

Jaul'lgri PM lie 10 1 ) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) B5« 5) 59 155 26 «5) R S SS-R PO{< 5) CM(IO+) (00283800) ('(10+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PI-I(lO+-) CP(IO+) I'tic( 10+) oeS(lo+) ST(lo+) NW(IO+)

110 BS KOll~hl.!kgiri A(,S(10r) (,V(IOI-) 60 139 21 I' M C(lO') M(,W(IU+) T R S 5S-T 1'0(10+) (,M(IO+) RS(IO+) (00283900) NC5(IOr) SP(IO+-) PIIC(IO+) I'H(IOI-) CP(IOI) NW(IO+) OC5(5-10) ST(IO+)

154 VIII AGE DIRECTORY -,------VilhlgC Oirectol'Y L:llul list' (As UII 199'>1

l.and liS!.! (I c alL'"iJ lIll.,k'j dllkll'lll t)-pt."S uf land u..,c II) hc~tar(.! )

j "0 e ,::, ~j ~ -0 .a :; "u 0 :> u Iii E e ::i5 ~ .;,j " 0 " "c" ;:: ;,-, ::;;'" § 5l !ii, ~ iij v [i 1: ;., -0 ~ D 8 ~ .. fij" 0- ... ::;; '" ~ _g a :; « z u '"OL ~ z £1" 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

I'f( ~II{ FI' Bag[lIllam (,12) ED Nil, NIl. Nil SIJU \!>.,U),ulda ·'9

I'({ I" llilgl"mlJa (,16) ED NIl, NtI, Nil Sl.lU RongJ,clIl't!llIlIlI 50

I'R ~IR H' Il:lghlllara (45) ED NtI, Nil, Nil SiJIl Dnhal-.oigllllill 51 NW

~Il{ FI' H:ll\hlllara (39) NIl. Nil, Nil Eman (Jalabil 52

~IR Nil, Nil. Nil Rinf.l~lI11gl"e 53

~IR 1'1' Uaghll"'wHI) Nil, Nil, Nil Sed Adugre

Nt.'l1gkong hlR 1'1' Bilghlililm (18) Nil, Nil, Nil 55 Mand.lgui

Ncngkong ~IR 1'1' Nt< B"ghlllilm (29) ED Nil, Nil. Nil S6 SongnlOng

FI' Baghlllilm(4) Nil, Nil. Nil C'lllbagrc 57

MR 1'1' NR Ilaghmara (·10) Nil, Nil, Nil NCllg.rut S8

MR 1,1' NR llaglllllam (36) Nil, Nil, Nil Janlag .. i

I'R ~II{ Nil, Nil,Nil (>0 NR Ronchd.. ~111

155 DI~; rHICT CENSUS IIAHDS()()K SOllTilliARO filii S Census of India 200 I Alllcnilics lind "'-\Ilh:!nlli~s aVl.lllahk (it'Il,,-)( HVUllubk \\'tthill the village, a dash (-) is shown In thl.: column and """t to it III bnld:l!IS the di,tancc III broad (anges viz. < 5 kms., 5-10 kms and 10+ killS of Ihe nearest place where (he lilcilllY is available IS glvl!n) 5'" u

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 I}

1'« Ballakul ACS(IO+) CV(IO') 135(" 5) (>1 42 8 5) tl.1« 5) 11(10,) W I{ S 55-I{ I'O( I 0, ) CM(IO+) (002840()O) MCW(JU') NCS(IO+) SI'(IO+) RS(to. ) l( 10+) PII( I 0 I ) CP(IO,) 1'11('« 5) O(,S(IO+) ST( 10+) NW« 5)

BS l\1.ltJllagiwk 29 1'1\1« 5) 11(11)1) TK R 55S- ACS(IOI) CV(IO,) 177 TK PO(o-II» CM(IO,) RS(IO'-) (002S4100) C(lO+) MCW(JO+) NCS(IO') SI'(IO+) I'H(IO+) CI'(IO+) NW«5) 1'11('("': S) OCS(IO I) ST(IO.. }

CIIIWlIglC 2H ['1\1(5-10) I I( 1(1-1) ACS(IO+) (,Y( 10+) B5(5-IO) 6J 175 W R S SS-R 1'0« 5) (,M(lO') (00284200) (,(10 1-) ['"ICW(IOr) NCS(IO') SP(lO+ ) RS(IO+) 1'11(1 Ui) CP(IO+) PHC« 5) O(,S(IO+) 5T(l0+) NW(IO+)

RUlaglc 12 1'1\1(5-10) H(IO') AC5(IO-I) (,Y(IO+) BS(IO+) 69 ~ R S 0 SS I'()(~ 5) (,M(IOI) (00284300) ('(IOi) MCW(JlH) NCS(IO') 51'110+) ((S(IO+) I'II( IIH) Cpr HII) 1'11('« 5) OCS(IOI) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

Dikg,ollggiri 21 P 5) 11(10') TTK RS A(,S( 10 C) CV(ID') BS« 5) 65 J 16 1\1« 1'0(5-10) (,M(IOI) (00284400) ('(10+) MCW(IOI) SS-T N(,S( lOr) SI'(IO+) RS(IO+) 1'11(10+) C1'(JO+) PHC(5-10) OCS(IOr) ST(lO+) NW(lO+)

Dengagiri I' "1« 5) 11(10< ) TTW RS A('S(IO+) CY(IO+) BS NW 66 211 1'0« 5) Clvl( I 0+) (00284500) 38 C(lO') M('W(J(} , ) SS-T N(,S(IO+) SI'(IO< ) RS(IO+) PII( 10,) ('1'(10+ ) PII('(5-10) OCS(IO+} ST{I()+)

B'timgre 24 I'M(IO+) 11(10+) TTK R S ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) HSNW 67 126 1'0« 5) (,M(IO+) (00284600) C(10+) MCW(IOq SS-T NCS(IO+) Sp(IO+) ((S(IO+) I'H(IO+) ('1'(10+) 1'11C(5-IO) O(,S(IO+) ST(IO+)

Gara Salllkagre II( 10+) A(,S( 10+) (,V(lOl) BS(lO. ) 68 74 12 I' M« 5) W S 0 S5-S 1'0(-,5) CM(IOI) (00284700) ('(10+) M(,W(IOI) NCS( 10 I) Sp(IO, ) RS(IO') PH( 111+-) (,P(IO+) PH('« 5) O('S(IO') 5T(10+ ) NW(IO+)

Gara SOlltltlilal H(IO"') A(,S(IO+) CY(JO+) 8S(10+) 69 251 38 I' M« 5) R S SS-R 1'0« 5) (,M(IO+) (00284800) ('(lOr) M(,W(IOI) NCS(IOt) 51'(10+) RS(lO+) PH(IO+-) ('1'(10+) PI~('« 5) O(,S(IOI) ST(IO+) NW(IOt)

1'(5- Baikal Asilll A(,S( 10+) ('V( 10+) 8S(10+) 70 229 34 10)M(IO'-) 1-1(10') S S5-S 1'0(5-10) CM( I 0+) (00284900) NCS(JO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C(JO+) M(,W( 10+) 1'11(IOi) ('1'(10+) PHC( 10+) O(,S(IO+) ST( 10+) NW(JOr)

Omit Asim 56 1'1\1« 5) 11(101) A(,S(IO+) CY(IO.,.) BS« 5) 71 344 R 5 S5-1{ 1'0« 5) (,M(IO+) (002M5DOO) C(IO,) M('W(IOi) N(,S(IO+) SI'(IO+) RS( 10+) PII(J(}+) (,P(IOt) P\lCC< 5) O('S(IO+ ) ST(IO+) NW(IO+) as (,hoklokgillilll 35 1'1\1(5-10) H(lO') ACS(IOI) CY(IO+) 72 232 R S SS-R 1'0(5-10) eM( lOr) RS(IO+) (00285100) ('(10+) M(,W(IOt) N(,S(IOI) Sp(IO+) 1'11(10+) Cp(IO.) NW(IO+) PJlC« 5) OCS(IOI) ST(IO+}


c S ~ 0; el, :: c f -i3 ;:; u" u fJ U" v; ;:; /, c.'2 "OJ, :: 't3 u > -~ ~ 0'" :E" ~ "d ~ @, _ ;; ,0 -fj 8 2 fJ 2 -0 0; ::0" '" '- v; OJ, a 0 c ~ 1: Ii! c: " ~ e'" u E ii

~IR FI' ~R 8al>lulI,"a (3) Nil, l'.iI, 1\.11 Ball:I~l)1 61

~llt 1'1' Ni{ llaghmara (31) 62

~IR 1'1' l:i~ghlllara cn) Nil, Nil, Nil ChnHllgn:: 63

I>IH 1'1' lIa.IJllIlIala (32) Nil, Nil. Nil Rlliagre 64

I\IH 1-1' N R ilaglllll",a (J2) ED Nil. Nil. Nil 65

1\1f(1.'1> Uaghmm a (3 I) ED Nil, Nil, Nil DCIIg.agiri 66

1\11( 1'1' NR Baghlll'lla(31) ED Nil. Nil, Nil 67

I\IR Fl' fj;oghillara (32) Nil, Nil, Nil Gam Samki.lgn.! 68

1"1' Baghmm a PO) Nil, NIl. Nil (ima Songgllal 69

~If( [l;oghmma (27) Nil, Nil, Nil Balbi Asilll 70

1'1' Baghlll

PR ~IR B;oghmalil (32) EO Nil. Nil, Nil (,hl)~lokgillllll 72

157 DI51 RICT CI:NSUS t IANDBOOK : SOLJTII ------G!\I,() t III IS Census of India 2001 Amcnitks and AmenitIes avaIlable (If nol available WIthin the vIllage, a dash (-) is shown in the column and n",,[[o it III brackets the distance ill broad ranges viz.< 5 kms, 5-10 kl11s. and 10+ kms ofthc i5: ncarcst place where the lilCilit~ is available is given) ';;j :.=; Vl u 0 0 § 'u t:: " -3 u"'" .~ Z E iii ... !::' '3 ~ 8- 1;( ~. '-'0 C; fr 0. u cur./) ~ " ~ ....l ~"" 0 '0 11 .~ 6 o(! ~ oj z~s ·s '0 u6 ~ "'3 ~::I ~" lii c: § 1U u 0 C on ;;: 01, ... 0 ~ '0 0 " ;S ..c u 0 ci ~ ._ .~ 0" 0 ._ ';;j ~>-g ~ '3 OJ ~ ~ u g E ._ 0. 0 ~ ~ ;:I '" 0 0 .., 'E ail " -< a tl 0 c. b " "', .Ll :::;E .5 0... U ..c~ <}~ ~':!Vi U §. 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

PitS 1I(IOe) flS Khafu'_ol Adinggre 1'(2) I\t(2) ACS(tO+) (,V(IO+) 73 391 63 MCW(IU;) W R 5 5S-R PO(IIl") CM(IO+) RS(I() » «(\02B52I)O) C(IO+) NCS(lO; ) SP( 10,') PIIC(IO;') 1'11(1U1) CP(IO+) NW(IO+) O(,S(IO+) ST(IO+)

Klw,lulol Jahllgn.: 1'(2) 1\1(2) H(IO,) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) IlS« 5) H 352 58 W R S S5-R I'O{ In') CM(IO+) (00285300) S(2) C( 10+) MCW(IO') NCS(IO+) SI'(IOI) RS(IO+) PHeW,) CP( I i) PBC« 5) ° OCS(IO+) ST(IG+) NW(IO+)

ISS ~hakol Tainallg PM« 5) 10+) ACS(IO.,.) ('V(IO+) 75 156 24 lIe W 50 55-S 1'0(10+) CM(lOt) RS(lO+) (00285400) C(lO' ) MCW(JO') NCS(IOI) SP(lOr) PH(lO+) CP( 10+) NW(IO+) I'HC« 5) OCS(IOt) ST(IO+)

RongJellgpal I'M« 5) H(IOI) TK J{ S 5S- ACS(IOI) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 76 242 37 I'O{IO+) (,M(IO+) (00285500) C(IO+) MCW(IG') R NCS(IOr) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) 1'11(10+) CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IOt) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

ISS Alokpallg PM(' 5) 11(10' ) TK I{ S SS- ACS( 10+) CV(IO.,.) 77 272 40 I'()( 10,) CM(IO'·) RS(IO+) (00285600) C(lO+) MCW(IOt) R NCS(JO+) SI'(IO+) I'H(IO+) CP( 10') NW(IOt) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+)

BS BaJkal Watrcgittim 1'(3) M« 5) 11(10+) T W R S 5S· PO ACS(IO') CV(IO+) 78 456 76 CM(IO+-) RS(IO+) (OIl285700) C( 10+) MCW(IOq R l'll( 10+) NCS(IO+) SP(lO+) CP(IO+) NW(IO+) PHC« 5) O(,S(IO,) ST(IO+)

KhimIko I III I 0+) ACS( 10 r) CV()(li-) BS« 5) 79 Konagiuill1 228 39 I' M C(IO+) r W SSS-T 1'0(',5) n .. I{lo+) MCW(IO,) N(,S(IO+) SP(I(H) RS(IO+) (00285800) PII( I()+) CP(5-IO) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+') NW(IOt)

Chigilchakgiri I' tvt« 5) II{IO+) ACS{IOq CV(IO+) ISS« 5) 80 144 R S SS-R 1'0« 5) CM{IO+) (00285900) 20 C(lO+) MCW{IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(I()+) NW(IO·+)

Rompa Asim I' M« 5) ~I(IO+) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) 8S(IO+) 81 1\19 32 R S SS-R 1'0« 5) CM(IO+) (00286000) C(IOr) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PII( 10+) CP(IO+) PI~C« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

OS Milldikgrc 1'1\·1« 5) fl( 10,') PO ACS( 10+) ('V(IO.,.) 82 317 51 R S SS-R (,M(IO+) RS(IO+) (00286100) C(lOi ') MCW(IO+) I'fI(ID+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) CI'(J()"') NW(IO+) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IOI) H(5- Damon 1'« 10) TTl'. RS ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) BSNW 83 WakdlOlgiri 90 17 5) M« 5) PO(5-IO) CM(IO+) M(,W(IO+) SS-T NCS(IO+) SP(lO+) ((S(IO+) (00286200) C(lO+) Pile I O·r) CI'(IO+) PHC(5-10) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+)

CIJengbagiri I'M«5) H(IO+) TWTKR ACS(IO') CV(IO.,.) 8S« 5) 8~ 235 40 1'0« 5) (,M(IO+) (00286300) C(lO+) M(,W(IO+) SSS-T NCS(IO!-) SP(IO+) RS( 10+) PH(IO+) (,P(IOt) PIK(5-IO) O(,S(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

158 VIII AGE DIRECTORY------Villnge Dircctol), !.antl lls~ (\s 1111 199<)) I.alld lIS~ (I C ~Irl:a lIIH.k:r dllk(~11f 'Yjll:~ orland (be III hcL'lHt"C)

]: ,2" §. ~JJ ·c~ -i5"' :; "<> <> fa '-' fl .... , ;: '0 ~;.. £ ~ Ci. 0) _o -0 -"" £ '"- "c. v fa <> ~ '0 c; '" '" Vi p,. 0) ,", iii 0 '" '" :;; ~ 5_ 1a ; OJ, E Z -5 " p,. ~ a :; '" .§ "...01, '" ~ Z'" 1 z" ..L. ::J U ~ 14 IS 16 17 IX IY :w ~I ~2 23

ED 1\11. NIl. Nil 71

"IR FP NR Bal'hlllara (15) ED Nil. NIl, Nil Khm IIkol Jal;lIg~L'

r-IR FP NR Baghmma (H) ED Nil. Nil. Nil Khakol Tainang 75

f.1R fl' N R naghlllara (2~) Nil. Nil. Nil Rongrcllg,pai 76

I'R 1'1' NR lJaglullaln (22) ED Nil. Nil. Nil A'nkpilng 77

I'R "II{ Fr Baglullara (16) ED Nil. Nil, Nil Baikal Watlcglllilli 78

Kharukol PR t\IR Fr Baghmara(14) ED Nil. Nil, Nil 79 Konagittin.

hlR NR Baghmara (17) EO Nil. Nil, Nil ChigilchilKl'il i 80

FP Baglunara (35) Nil. Nil. Nil Rompa A~illl 81

PR r-..IR FP Baghmam (30) Nil. Nil. Nil MinJik),(re 82

MR FP NR Baglull"''' (30) ED NIl. Nil, Nil Bamon V.ial..chlligiri 83

"'R FP NR llaghmam (28) EO Nil. Nil. Nil ChclIgbagiri 81

159 ____.;;[:;.;)I..;c::;~I~I~,-,ICT CeNSUS HAf~[JI~(J( Ji( : SOU 1 II ".'\I~:_) Jill L S Census of Illdia 200t Amcnitks and AIl1~nillCs available (it'not available witililllh<.! village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and ne"f to if in bmckcts Ihe distance In broad rang"s viz< 5 killS., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kll1s oflhe nearesl place \I here [he tllClilly is available is given)


'z.~ 2 3 4 6 7 9 10 II 12 13

BalllDllgrc 27 1'(2) M« 5) IIi 10+) T f( S OSS- - ACS(IOI) CV(IOI') BS« 5) 85 168 1'0« 5) C"'( 10 1 ) (00286400) C(IOI') MC'W(IIlI) NCS(IO+) SI'(IO+ ) RS(IO+) R 1'11(10") ('1'(10;) I'HC'« S) O(,S(lOI) ST(lO-l ) NW(IO+)

Darohgiri 9 P« H(IO+) TK RS SS- ACS(IO+) eV(S-IO) 13S« 5) 86 53 1'0« 5) CM(IOI) (00286500) 5)M(" 5) MCW(IO+} TK NCS(IO+ ) SI'«5) RS(IOI) 1'11(11)+) ('1'(10+) C'( I 0+) PHC« 5) OCS(lOe) ST«5) NW(IO+)

P« Arilakgiri T1'W R S ACS(IO+) CV(IOI) 13S« 5) &7 152 26 S)r-I('.5) 11(10.) 1'0« 5) CM(IO,) (00286600) SS-T NCS(IO+) SI'(IO+) RS(IO+) C'( In+) MCW( 101-) PII(IO+) ('1'(10;) PIICC< 5) OCS(IOI) 51'(10+) NW(IO+)

8S Jadllgiri 36 I' M« 5) 11(10+) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) 88 185 l' W SO 55 PO('~ 5) (,M(W+) RS(ID+) (00286700) C(10+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP« 5) W 1'11(10+) CP(IO+) NW(lO+) 1'11('«5) OCS(IO+) ST(IDI) Damakgiri 89 ------UUilltwbitcu ------(00286800)

Bamon Dipogrc 2K I' M« 5) H(IO I ) TTK R5 ACS( 10+) ('V(IO,) I3SNW 90 179 1'0« 5) (,M(IO+) (002&6900) C(10') MCW(IfH) SS-T N(,S(IO+) 5P(ltl+) RS(IO+) 1'11(10+) CP( 10+) 1'1lC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+)

l1alllan Jadugifl I() I' tll« 5) 11(10 1 ) A(,5(10+) (,V(IO+) I1S« 5) 91 IUS R S SS-R 1'0« 5) (,M(IO+) (00287000) C(lO+) '\'ICW(IO+) NCS( 10+) 51'(10+) RS(IO+) I'II( 10+') CP( 10+) PH('(5-IO) OC5(10+) 51'(10+) NW(IIH)

THPTW Adapsid 19 I'M(IO.) lIe 10+) ACS(IO+) CV( 10+) I3SNW 92 112 W TK R l. l'O(5-lO) (,M(lO+) (00287100) C(lO ,) MCW(lO+') NCS(IO+) 51'(10+) RS(IO+) S SS-'!" PII( 10+) CI'( 10+) I'HC« 5) OCS( 10+) ST(IO+)

Dokgiri PM 11(10+) ACS( 10+) C'V(IO+) 85(5-10) 93 17 «5) S ss-s 1'0« 5) (,M(ID+) (00287200) C(lOt) MC'W(IO,) NCS(IO+) SI'(IO+) RS(IO+) PHI 10+) ('1'(10+) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Lower Dosogiri H( I 0 I) ACS( 10+) ('V(IDt·) 8S(10+) 94 316 51 P MC(IO+) T R S SS-R 1'0« 5) (,M(IO+) (00287300) M(,W(IO+) NCS( 10+) SI'(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) ('1'(10+) I'HC'« 5) OCS( 10+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Wanlist:lJgg_jri 8 I'M(IO+) II( 10 l) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) 8S(10+) 95 45 R S :;S-R 1'0« 5) (,M(IO+) (00287400) C(lOt) MCW(IO'! NCS(JO+) SI'(IO+-) RS(IO+) pll( 10+) ('1'(10+) PHC'(IO+) OCS(lO+) ST(IO+) NW« 5)

Rongbatgittlm 17 r tll« 5) 1'11(' lIe 101) ACS(IO,) CV(lO+) BS(IO+) 96 110 W()SS-W 1'0«5) (,lvl(IO+) (00287500) C(IO+) IvICW(IO+) NCS( 10+) SP(IO+) RS(IO f) 1'1-1(10+) CI'(IO+) OCS(IO') ST(IO+) NW(HH)

Upper Dosog.iri 41 P Jl.1« 5) II(IOC) ACS( 10+) CV(IO') 8S(10+) 97 254 R 5 SS-R 1'0« 5) CM( 10 I) (00287600) C(lOI) MCW( 10+) NC'S(fO+) 51'(10+·) RS(IO+) I'II(I()+) ('1'( 1(1) PI-IC« 5) OeS(fOt ) 51'(10+) NW(lO+)

160 VIII AGE DII~ECTORY ------_ Villagc DiI·ccto.·y Land· list, (As till 1999) Land l"~ II ~ an!i.l under dlllcll~nl typ~s oj blHi lI~e 111 heclare}

0" ]; .~ el, :5 i::' ·c -a :6" :; " 0 u 0- E u .... § " <8 v '" E ~ OJ, fJ '" S ,g .a C>, 8 g " :0" v ~ " is ,-" "> ;.-, '" § fil ~ 5;, ~ ~'" ~ C) "i:: t:: ~ -0 ~ 8 l!i 0. 0 ~ ~' >- ;; ,9 0. 0- <0. '2 @ E ii '" ;:; '0 'iii " '" iil 0. " OJ, :z @ a '0 '" § ~ e ~ '" b ::J Vi 'iii" E ;:; ii ""iii ~ ~ ~ § @ 1:! ::; ::J '" " 0- i 0 0 "" a ~ U '"OJ. ~ Z

~II{ II' NI\ Ilaghlllara (2~) Nil Nil. Nil tl,UII\HJj!rc

H'NR Ilaghmara (30) Nil. Nil Nil

1'1' Nt{ Baghm;lIa (10) Nil. Nil, Nil Aillakgili 87

PI{ 1'1' Baghlllara (34) Nil. Nil, Nil Jildllgili 88

•...... • Uninhabiled ..._-._-.--- Daillakg_iri 89

fl.IR FP NR Bnghmara (28) ED Nil. Nil. Nil ')0

1I.-IR FP Baghmn.-a (28) Nil, Nil, Nil Baman JadugiJl <)J

Uaghmma (17) Nil. Nil, Nil AJap~i.i 92

fl.11{ FI' Baghmara (36) Nil, Nil. N.I Dok); •• i <)3

1'1' Baghmara (35) Nil, Nil, Nil Lower Do~oglli 94

~I/l Ff' NR Bagl",,,,,-,, (15) Nil, Nil. Nil \Vlln-li!-'cIIggin 95

tl.1R 1'1' naghma.a (11 ) Nil. Nil. Nil I{ongbalgillilll

FP Ba!;hlll'''' (36) ED Nil, Nil, Nil lIppe,- Dosogi,-i 97

161 ______~D_.:.:I~:;_;.:_.ff:_:~.:..:IC~'T CE:N::3IlS HANDBOOK. StJIl III (3AI{() 111I.L3 Census of India 2001 Amenities and Am"nilies avmlable I If Illlt (wailablc wlthinlh" village, a dash (-) is shown in Ihe column and ncxt to it ill brackels the distance ill broad cangcs viz. < 5 kms., 5-10 krns. aml 10+ krns of Ihe nearest place where Ihc tacilil), is available is given)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J() II 12 13

Nmnisikgil'i 17 I' r-I« 5) III 10 i) ACS( 10C) C'V(IOI) OS(IO') 9H II'l R S SS-IZ 1'0(101) Cr-'I(IOI) (0028770(l) (,(10' ) MCW(IOI) NCS(IO+} SI'(IO+) RS(IO') 1'11(10 1 ) Ct'( 10') PHe'« 5) 0(,S(10+) ST(IOI) NW(IO.)

1'(·­ 11(5- BS Goka SonglllOllg AC'S( 10') CV(S-IO) 9') S3 II S) "1« 5) 10) MC'WIS- W K S SS-IZ 1'0(,-10) C'M(IOI) RS(lO+) (O()2S7800) NCS(IO') SI'(5-IO) ('(10,) 10) PIIl'« S) 1'11(5-10) ep(S-IO) NW(HH) OeS(lo+) ST(lO+)

Goka TainaJlg II( 11)1) AC'S(IO;-) CV(IO+) OS« 5) 100 -112 68 I' "1« 5) W R S SS-R 1'0(5-10) CM(IO+) (O(287900) C(IO;) IVIC'W(5-IO) NCS(IO') 51'(10+) RS(IO+) PHI 10+) CP(IO+) PIlC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(lO')

Ookapcpchandal 25 1'1\1« 5) 11(10' ) ACS{IO,) CV(IO+) 6S« 5) 101 lOS W RS S5-R PO(S-IO) ('M(IO,) (00288000) C(lO') MCW(I

Ook. hnbika ]1 P 1\1« 5) H(IO I ) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) OSNW 102 118 T W R S SS'I'O(;O') (,M(IO+) (0028&100) ('(10+) MCW(IO,-) T NCS(IO+) SPOOl} RS(IOI} rll( 10+) CP{IO") i'HC'« j) OCS(IO+) ST(lOI}

Chibrcnggre 59 P M(5-10) fl(IOI) ACS{IOI-) CV(IO+) BS(IO+) 103 387 R S SS-R 1'0(5-10) (,M(IOt) (00288200) C(lO+) MCW(IIlI) NCS(IO;) 51'(10+) RS(lO+) 1'11(10+) CP(I 0 f) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+} ST(IO+} NW(IO+)

Oilili[;[;IC H(IO+) ACS( 10+) CV(S-IO) 8S(5-1O) 104 639 107 P 1\1('(10+) T R S SS-I{ 1'0(5-10) (,M(IOI-) (00288300) IVICW(IOI) NCS(S-IO) SI'(5-10) RS(IO-I) PII(IO'c) CP(5-IO) 1'1-1('(5- In) OCS(S-IO} ST(IO+) NW(S-IO)

- 11(5- NW 8S(5- Agrongg,i1.i ACS(IO+) CV(5-10) 10) 105 141 22 I' M(S-IO) qs- 10) r-ICW(5- R S SS-R 1'0(5-10) CM(IO+) (002&&400) NCS(S-IO) 10) 10) 1'1IC(5-1O) 1'11(5-10) CI'(5-10) SP(5-1O) RS(IO+) OCS(S-IO) ST(lO+)

Gob Wakchol 4& I' M« 5) H(IO+) ACS(IO+) CV(lO+) 8S NW 106 277 T S SS-T 1'000 f) ('M(lO+) (00288500) C(lO") MC'W(IOI) NCS(IO+) SP« 5) RS(IO+) 1'11(101-) CP( 10+) I'H('(IO+ ) OCS(IO+) ST(5-1O)

- fI(5- lvlasigh •• AlS(IO+) CV(S-IO) BSNW 107 43] 67 I' M(S-IO) C(S· 10) MCW(5- T R 5 SS-T 1'0(5-10) (,M(IO+) (00288600) NCS(5-10) 51'« 5) RS( 10+) 10) 10) PII(,(IO+) PH(5-10) CP(5-10) 0C'S(5-10) ST(IO+)

1-1« Dahit Ampang·dml1 AC'S(IO+) CV« 5) NW BS« 108 449 75 P 1\1« 5) C« 5) MCW« 5) T S SS-S 1'0« 5) eM(IOI) (00288700) NCS« S} SI'« 5) 5) RS(IO+) 5) 1'11('« 5) 1'1-1« 5) CI'« 5) OC5« 5} ST(IO+)

DlIba~il"i 32 I'M(IO+) II( 10+) ACS( 10+) CV(IO+) BSNW 109 197 S SS-S rO(I()~) CM(IfI+) (00288800) C(lOt} MC'W(IO+) NCS(IO+) SI'(IO+} RS( lOt} I'H(IIH) Ct'(IO+) PHe'( 10+) OCS(IO') ST(IO+)

162 Vil I AGf: I)IHEC I OHY ------_ ~------. Villagc Dil'cct(H'Y L,II111 lis" (As 011.1999) Land ll~e (. c an':<1 under tllfh ICIl.lypes of LlllI.1 USe In hectare)

? 0 12 .~'" .g c· OJ, .::: 'i3 .a" "§ '" 0 ::I "iii c" E U "... u Vi E ,£ Col. § E .a 0 "~ :u ~ OJ, ::l 1; ::0" .;;: -. ~ ~;.- ~ D ~ 0- ., '"0 ~ -0 0l- e.. P. ~ "iii os E" -5 5 OJ" ::0" 4- ::l '"OS Vi ill P. § OJ, i5 0 '" '" ,~ " r! i'.i i; ::I Vi ;;" .c .;;;" ~ E U ~ l;i'" ~ ~ bL '" " Ol- u ., 0 iii :; ::l C 0 ~ a "' "'" ~ « z "- Z ~ E ,.... .5 :::> u '"01, .:;: Z ./)" 14 15 16 17 1~ 19 20 21 'l) 23 2

Baghmara (12) N.1. Nil, Nil N'1I111~lkg.in

~tR 1"1' NR U"t!hma,a «0) Nil. Nil. Nil (io"" Su/lgI11011J;!

~IR FI' Baghlllara ( I I) Nil. Nil, Nil 100

~m 1'1' BaghmlllU ( I I) Nil. NIl. Nil GokapcpchanJi.11 101

PI{ MR 1"1' 13aghmam (II) Nil, Nil. Nil Goka Imbika 102

~IR FI' Baghlllara (12) Nil, Nil, Nil Chibrcnggrc IOJ

MR 1'1' NR Bag,hm,"a (6) ED Nil, Nil, Nil Gillllggre III~

~IR 1'1' 13aghllulla (10) Nil. Nil. Nil Agwnggiri lOS

PI{ 1'-.IR F1' Bag_huli.lla(J2) ED Nil, Nil, Nil Goka Wakchol 106 NR

PI{ f,.IR FI' Baghm,ua (8) ED Nil, Nil, Nil Masigh,u 107 NR

PR ~II{ fP Baglllllam (S) ED Nil, Nil, Nil Dabil Ampallgdam 108 NR·

f,.tR FP NR J3agllllla,a (12) ED Nit, Nil. Nil Dllb~lgiri 109

163 ____D_I_S_I_RICI , ti'JSIJS I tANDBOOK . ::;OLJTH GARU lUll S Census of India 2001 Amcnilics and Alll~lIilks availahk (lfnOI av;ulabk willuilihe village. a dasll (-) is shown in Ihe column and n~'11o it ill hrackelS Ihe dis lance in broad rang~s viz.< 5 killS., 5-10 Kms. and 10'1- kms of tile v. nearest place "here Ihe hlClllly is available is glwn) i;;\ v. u"'" ~ u'"


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 II 12 13

11(5- NW IlS(5- t\sok.gle ACS(I(),) CV(5-10) 10) 110 199 33 :'~I«S)q5- IU)~I(,W(5- TRSS!>-R POle») CM(IOt) (00288900) N(,S(S-IO) 10) PIIl'( 10 I) PIl(';- Ill) CP(S-IO) SP(5-IO) RS(IUq OCS(S-IO) ST«((l+)

Ganliral!.iri 13 P I\lt· 5) III 10 1 ) ACS(I(J+) (,V(III+) I3S(IO+) III 73 r S ss-s (,0('_ 5) (,M(IO,) (00289000) ('(10') MCW(IOI) NCS(IOI) SI'(IO;') RS(II)I ) 1'11(10+) ('1'( 10+) I'~IC« 5) OCS(IIH) ST(I(h) N"'(IVI)

1'(" Till> IW ROllgdolohi (I.) III 10") ACS(IO+) (,V(IOI) BS(S-IO) 112 uu 21 5) ~1(5-1ll) W I'K I.S 1'0« 5) CM( 10') (00289100) MCW(IIII) NCS(IOI) SI'(IO, ) RS(II)-1) (,(10 1') SS-T ('11(10") ('1'(10+) p~IC(5-10) OCS(IOI) ST(IO,) NW(IO+)

ROllgdotdll (U) 23 P 1\1(5-10) H( 10.) TWTK L At'S( 10+) (,V(IO') 13S(5-10) 113 H9 1'0(5-10) (,M(IOI) (00289200) C(lO+) MCW(IOI) S SS-T NCS(IO') Sp(IO+) RS(IO+) pfl(HH) ('1'(10+) PIIC(5-IO) O('S(IO') ST(lO+) NW(IO')

THPTW BS Erillggn::: P 1\1(10 I) III 10+) ACS(IO+) CV(IOI) 114 195 WTKSSS-I'O(IO+) CM(IO+) RS(IO+) (00289300) 34 ('(l0') /\'lCW(IO+) N(,S( 10+) Sp(IO') T pll( ICH) ('1'( 10+) NW(IO.) PIIC( 10+) OCS(IO+) ST( 10J)

13S Onajora PM H(lO, ) ACS(IO+) (,V(IO I ) 115 78 15 «5) SO SS-S 1'0(-" 5) ('1\1(10') RS(IO-I) (00289400) C(I 0+) M(,W(IO,) NCS(IOt) SP« 5) PH(IO+) CJ'( 10,) NW(IO.) PIIC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+)


SP BS Chollgkali 10<) I' M('· 5) III 10 I) ACS( 10+) 117 601 T W S S5-1' 1'0« 5) (,M(IOI) (,V(IO,-) RS(IO+) (0028'1600) ('(10+) MCW(IDI) NCS(IO+) I'II( 10 1-) ('1'(10,') ST(IO+) NW(IO+) I'IIC« 5) O(,S(IO')

Alllpangdalll1!ili 54 1'1\1« 5) 11(101) ACS(IO.) (,V(IO+-) BS« 5) lib 259 S SS-S 1'0« 5) (,M(IO+) (00289700) ('(101) MCW(iO+) N(,S( lOt) SP( 10+) RS(IO+) I'II( 10") (,P(IOt) PHC(5-IO) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO')

N.UIIl:hilpam H(lO .) A(,S(IO') (,V(IO+) I3S« 5) 119 475 89 P M« 5) T W SS-W 1'0« 5) (,M(IO+) (00289800) C(lOI) M(,W(IO') N(,S(IO') SI'« 5) RS(IO+) 1'11(10+) ('1'(10+) PHC« 5) O(,S(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Kujolgi,i 18 1'1\1(-': 5) H(lO'I) A(,S(IOI) (,V(IOI) ns« 5) 120 96 T W SS-W 1'0« 5) (,M(IOI) (00289900) C(IOI) M(,W(IO,) N(,S( 10+) Sp« 5) RS(IO+) PII( IIH) ('1>( lOt) PIIC« 5) O(,S(IO') ST(IO-I) NW(IO+)

Kol.lpalil 1'« 11(10+) A(,S( I 0') (,V(IOI) BS« 5) 121 382 S SS-S 1'0« 5) ('M(IO,·) (00290000) 69 5) 1\1« 5) M(,W(IO') N(,S(IO+) Sp« 5) RS(IO+) C( 10+) 1'11(10+) CP(IOt) ['HC(5-IO) O(,S(IOI) ST(IO'-J NW(IO+)

164 VII 1 AGE DIHEC TORY Vilhlgc Dircchu'y L:lull list" (As UII 199,) Laud liS"': (I e alea lllllkr dllkll..-'Illlypcs or Lilld 1I~1.! Ul l,c,'I"I\' )

~ ] 0; CI• 2 .::, <= f ., -i3 -i3 ;:; 0 '-' ~ '" E u'" Vi " E .§ $ C.I." -i3 ~ 0 " E 01, U ~ ;,-" :c" o(! ;: '" 0 ::'J, ;; '" ~ ~ 8, ~ '"' v 8 P. t:'" ~ "0 0 ~ P- ~ 0 E' ~ "$7 fj B o. 0- "E 2 ~ E iil U'" 'U ;;; .0" '" '- P- § t;3 0 0 '" c):! "', ~ '" e'" t ~ 0;" " p_ ~ Vi E fj ,.'" " ro P- ! ::: 0 ~'" ~ cE ;:; .: 0 0 g"" ~ OJ ~ z" 0.. Z" ~ E ..... ;::J U '"OJ, ~ Z


1'1' Il;tghmal" (411) Nil, NIL NIl (iall~h ag1l1 111

MI< 1'1' 13aglllllara ( 14) NIl, NIl, NIl l

PI{ ~IR 1'1' Haghm."" (20) Nil, Nil, Nil Rongdot~hi (LJ) 113

I'R I\IR rl' 13aglllllam (19) Nil, Nil, NIl Fnnggn: II ~

PR fl' Bag,_hmalU (31) Nil. Nil, NIl ()II;~iora 115

I'R I\IR Baghmara (30) Nil, Nil, Nil 116

I'R 1\11{ FI' Baghm.la (35) ED Nil, NIl. Nil ('llcllgJall 117

1\1[,1'1' Baghm,ua (40) NIl, Nil. Nil 118

PI{ 1\11{ [lagI1l1l"'" (38) Nil, NIl, Nil NanH.:ltap.u a 119

RaglulIanl (38) NIl, Nil. Nil Kujolgiri 120

1\11{ 1-1' llaghmara (J9) NtI, NIl, Nil Kolapmil 111

165 ______;:.D..;..S;;_'l~H_';..:C_;, l_C.:..,=ENSUS 'fAND800K : SOUTH GARO '"LlS Census of India 200 I Amenilies and AIl'~nilles available (ifnot available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and, next to it in bntckcts the distance in broad r<1I1gl!S viz< 5 kms_, 5-10 kms and 10+ killS of tile near,,;t place where the Ii,cility is available is given)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 J3

lJilkuna III 10') ACS(lO+) CV(IO') [3S« 5) I I I 1'1\1« 5) I'O{

I)Wllllikunl 61 P 1\1(-': 5) III 10,) ACS(lO+) CV(I!)+) BS« 5) t23 JOS s SS-S 1'0« 5) (,M(IO ') (00290200) C(J 0+) M(,W( IU+) N(,S(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PI 1(10+) CP(IO+) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

R>illl...:henggi.\ 117 P ~I« S) III 10+) ACS(tO+) ('Y(to+) 135« 5) 12~ 710 T 5 55-S 1'0«5) CM(IO+) (00290300) ('(IOI) MCW(IO+) N(,S(IO+) SP(IO+) RS( 10+) PH(IUI-) CI'(IO+) I'I-IC« 5) O(,S(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Batabari 42 I' M(-- 5) 11(10+) A(,5( 10 » ('V(IO+) B5« 5) 125 197 T W SS-W 1'0« 5) CM(IO+) (00290400) qll)l) M(,W(IO,) N('SlIO+) 51'(10+) RS(IO+) I'II( I 0+-) ('1'(10+) I'IIC« S) O('S(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

D 1-1(10+) KapJsipam 1'(2) 1\1 S TWOS5- PO AC5(10)) (,V(IO+) 13S« 5) 126 823 I~() M(,W(IO+) (,M(lO+) (00290S00) ('(10+) W 1)11(10 1 ) NCS(IO» SI'(IO+) RS(lO+) 1'1-1('(5-10) ('1'(10+) OCS(IO» ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

Jalapara 41 1'1\1« 5) A(,S(IO» (,V( 10+) I3S« 5) 127 190 5) ~('W(II~+C) T W SO S5 1'0« 5) n.I(lOI) (OU290600) (,(10+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) 1'11C(S-IO) W PH(IO+) C1'( 10i) 0('5(10+) ST(IO+-) NW(J(}+)

as Denlplipara H(IO+) ACS(IO+) (,V(IO+) 128 221 so I' M C(lOt) ~WSOSS"O(~5) (,M(IO+) RS(IO+) (00290700) M(,W(IO+) N(,S(IO+) SP« S) W 1'11(10+) CI'(IO+) NW(IO+) I'I!C« 5) O(,S(IOI) ST(IO+) BS Kongkolla 29 P« 1-1(10+) ACS(IO+) (,Y(IO+) 129 l56 T SO 55-1' 1'0« 5) CM( 10'-) RS(IO+) (00290800) S) M« 5) MCW(IO,) N(,S(IO+) SI'(-'- 5) PII( 10+) CI'(IOJ) NW(IO,) C( 10+) PH('« 5) O(,S( 10 1 ) ST(IO+)

Goseg,aon 2I1'M«5) f1(10+) A(,S(IO+) CV(IO-') OS« 5) 130 134 T R SS-1' 1'0« 5) CM( 10+) (0029090U) ('(10+) MCW(IO ') NC'S( 10+) SP« 5) RS(IO+) P1I( )(j,-) ('1'(10+) l'I-IC«5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

BS i\rlandanggre 35 P 1\1« 5) H(IO+) TWSSS­ ACS(IO+) C\'(IO+) 131 17 .. 1'0« 5) CM()(II) RS(IO+) (00291000) C(lO+) M(,W(IOI} W NCS(IO') SI'« 5) 1'11(10+) ('1'(101) NW(IOt) PIIC« 5) OCS(loq ST(IO+) os Baigonkona IIi I 0, ) TWTKR 1'0 ACS(IO+) C\'(lO+) 132 840 ISgI'M«5) (,M(IO+) RS( 10+) (00291100) ('(10+) I\I(,W(IO+) 5 SS-T 1'1-1(10+) NCS(IO+) SP« 5) CI'( 10+) NW{IU+) I'H(,« 5) O(,S(IO,) ST(IO-l)

Sibbari New TIIPTW OS 1'« PIl(, II( 10,) ACS(IO+) CV(lO+) 133 Market 23 4 5) M« 5) WTKRL 1'0«5) CM(IO+) RS( 10+) NCS(IO+) SP« 5) (00291200) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) SO SS-T 1'11« 5) ('1'(10+) NW(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+)

Sibbari Old Bazar 114 ------Uutultabited _~ ___ r ___ ~ __ (0029l300)

166 Vill AGE OIHECl ORY -----~-~ Vilhlgc Dil'cctol'Y Land list· (As 011 199'» L"lIld lI:-'~ (I C are.u IlIukr dlnl:,~tlt typl'S Dflanu lI'-;l: m hcclart! )

15 til eJ, G .g" -B :; 0 '" U " e: u'" e: 5 c .8 0 ., OJ,~ U " ,. ~ 0" :c ~J, ""~ 5l oj 5;, ~ ~, '" !il -0 0; i:, 0. t! ~ .£. ~ c n. ~ 0 ;;. 0- 0- il "g " § i;; '"ti "0 1ii :c" '" '- D- § OJ, 5 0 C '" .;'! ;;; e ;g c:: ~ Ui v. " E 'iii ;;: ~ ~ OJ, c u .,~ :..J '"OJ, " "- z e: ~ Z ----~-.- 14 16 17 1& 19 20 21 22 n :1

1'1{ 1'.1I{ llat;hlll.II" (37) Nil. Nil. Nil Bilkolla 12~

PI( 1\11( 1'1' llilghllIara (3<)) Nil, Nil, Nil I hi III III I-d II a In

PR 1\IR Ilagllllla", (40) Nit. Nil, Nil Hamclicllg:ga

PI( 1\11\ Baghlll'u a (34) ED Nil, Nil. Nil B;:l(ahari 1~5

1'1( 1\1H FI' Ba[dullam (35) ED FO Nit. Nil, Nil K~lllaSipnnt 126

llaghmam (39) Nil. Nil, Nil Ja~apara 127

PI' i\1J{ I'P )3aghmam (3 I) Nil, Nil, Nil f)clllplipara

Pl{ 1'1' ltaghmam (29) Nil. Nil, Nil 129

PR FP NR Baghmara (30) Nil. Nil, Nil Oos-egann 130

PR hlR 1'1' nilghmam (32) Nil. Nil,Nil M;:)lldanggte I J I

PI{ hlR 1'1' Jlagll1nara (29) EA Nil, Nil. Nil Baigonkol1i] 132

PI{ hlR FP NR NC BaghllIma (27) ED Nil. Nil, Nil S ihbari Nc\\' Marlci 133 NW

------Uninhahited ------Slbbal i Ohl BaLa] 11,'

167 DIS i Hlel Cb\lSUS tlANDE100K : SOUl H CAHU ! III 1 ~; Census of India 200. Amt'nilil'S and Amenities availabk (if not available witllin th" vIllage, a dash (-) is shown in the column and nc"t to it III brackets th" distance in broad ranges viz< 5 kms, 5-10 kms and 10-, kms of the nearest pla~1..: \\'hcrc th~ t:.1Cllity is a"ailabl~ IS given)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12

TIII'TW BS Chambilgre H(I()I-) A(,S(IO') (,V(IO+) 135 219 38 PM 5 Wn:RL 1'0«5) (,M(IO+) RS{ 10+) (00291400) ('(10,) IvICW(IO,-) NCS( 1(1) SI'( IOi) 5055-1' 1'11(1(1+) ('1'(10+) NW(IOt) 1'11('« 5) OeS(lOt) ST( 10')

T III' TW BS SibLari 20 1'1\-1« 5) III 10+) ACS(t(h) CV(IOt-) 13(> 165 W n: R L 1'0« 5) ('I\I(I!)I-) RS(IO+} (00291500) C(lO+) I\I('W(IO,) NeS( ICl+) SP« 5} S SS-T 1'11(1 U ,- I CP( 10i) NW(lOt I PIIC« 5) OeS(10l) ST(IO+)

1'« BS l\1Iual..a Chirillg TWT);'I( A(,S(IO+} (,V(IOt) 137 201 42 5) 1\1« 5) H( lOt) PO«5) CM(I(H) RS(IO+} (00291600) MCW(ltH) S SS-T NCS(IOt} SP(IO.} 1'1l{ IU+} ('1'(10'-) NW(IO+} ('(10+) I'IIC« 5) OC5(101) ST( lOt)

TIWTW BaJ)ajLU'i 47 I' M« 5) H(IO-c ) ACS(I!H) CV(IO,) I>S« 5} 138 2·15 WT);' LS 1'0« 5) CI\I( W+I (00291700) C( 101) MCW(lOt) NCS(IOt} SP(lO+) RS( IO+} 5S-T 1'11(10+) (,P(IIH) PflC{< 5) O(,S(lO+} ST(IO+) NW{IO+)

TIIPTW BS DOll Idol Jl.a ACS(IO+} (,V(IO+) 139 224 39 5) 1\1(--: 5) 1'« II( 10+} W1');' R S 1'0« 5) (,M(IO+) RS(IO+) (00291l!OOI NCS(IOt) SI'(tO+) (,(10+) MCW(IO+I SS-T 1'11(ICh} CP(IO+) NW(IO+} I'He« 5) O(,S(IOI} ST(lO+ }

THPTW BS Chambil B~ulj~lgn! PM H(IO+) A(,S(IO+) (,V(IO+) 140 212 36 «5) W TK R S 1'0« 5) (,M(IO+) RS(lO+} (00291900) C(lOI} MCW(IO+) N(,S(IO+) SP{IO+) SS-T PII( I 0+) ('1'(10+) NW(IO,) PHC« 5) OeS(lo+) ST(IO+)

('hambil Pi< H(I(») AeS(IOt) (,V(IO') IlS(lOc} 141 BudillUtl,SIC 408 S ss-s !'O(S-W) ('1\1(1(1+) 53 ~(~~I)OI) IVICW(lOI} NeS{ 101) SP(IO+) RS(lfl+) (00292000) 1'11(10+) CPt 10') PHC(IO+) OeS(lo+) ST(IO+} NW(IOt)

11(5- B"dolboi 9 I' )\,1« 5) ACS( 10+) CV(IO+) BS(5-10) H2 45 10) 1.... I('W(5- T S S5-T PO{< 5) CMiIO+) (00292100) (,(10+) N(,S{IO+) SP{IOt) RS(IO+) 10)PHC«5) 1'1-1(10+) ('1'(10+) O(,S(IO+) ST(IO;-) 1'-:W(IO+)

Rt\II'II(IO,) Rasillagiri 4{) I'M(5-10) AeS(S-IO} ev( 10 1-) flS(IO+) 143 239 IvI(,W(IO+) T S SS-T 1'0« 5) nvl(IO'} (00292200) ('(10+) NeS(IO+) 51'(10+) 1(5(10,) PHC'(5-10) 1'11(10,) CPt IO,} O(,S( 10. ) ST{ W+ ) NW(IO+}

Nllwagiri III 10') PO ACS(IO+) (,V(IO+) BS(IO+) 144 294 53 I'MC(IOI} T S SS·T (,M(IO') (00292300) MCW(IO'} 1'11(10 1 ) N(,S(IO+) SP(IO+} RS{IO+} (,P(lO. ) PHC« 5) OeS(IO-') ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Adinggiri 55 P t\1{< 5) III 10+) ACS{IO+) (,V(IO+) BS(5-1O) 145 278 T R 5 SS-T 1'0« 5) (,M(IO') (00292400) (,(10+) MeW(IO.) N(,S(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) 1'11(10+) ('1'(10+) PHC« 5) O(,S{IOI) ST(IO+) NW(IO-t}

RaJlgl:h~kit>gi~i ACS(IO+) CV{IO+) BS(IO+) J.l6 75 12 5)M(10+)I'« H(IO+) s SS-S 1'0(5-10) (,M(IO') (00292500) NCS(lO t ) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) ('(I 0+) MCW(IO+) 1'11(10+) ('1'(10+) PHC(IO+) O(,S(IO+) S1'(IO+) NW(IO+)

168 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use in hectare)

0 ]' 'fa'" OJ) > ~ 0 '6 '6'" ~ <>'" 0 u " E U" ~ ~ .t;j'" E ._"'~ ~ ..s '" '6 2 ~'"_ 0 .& 8 :0" o(l "" " " > " ~ .b '" ~"O £" t!J to '" .& s ~ ~ 1:: '" ;>, ;;:"" ~ 'S .c S is: §-" 8.2 e "" .£ § ~ ._ iil ~'" al 1;; .5 ~ OJ) ~ l;! '0 0 g I; "" 1;; ""~ l;!'" ;;: ~ 1: OJ) E 2'5 '"111 '" 0 ~ "§ ·2 :; «:"" z'" Z" ::E E ...0 :5 ? u "'" .:;; ~ 14 15 ""'16 17 1& 19 20 21 22"" 23 2

PR MR FP Baghm (25) NR ara ED Nil,Nil,Nil Chambilgre 135

PR MR FP B ghm (27) NR NC a ara ED Nil,Nil,Nil Sibbari 136

PR MR FP Baglunara (27) ED Nil,Nil,Nil Maraka Chiring 137

PR MR FP Baghmara (29) Nil,Nil, Nil Banajuri 138

MRFP Baghmara (27) Nil,Nil,Nil Domdoma 139

MR FP NR Baglunara (26) ED Nil,Nil, Nil Chambil Baniagre 140

MR Baglunara (32) Nil,Nil,Nil Chambil Badimagre 141

PR MR FP Baghmara (7) ED Nil,Nil,Nil Bedolboi 142

PR MR FP Baghmara (13) EO Nil,Nil,Nil Rasinagiri 143

PR MR FP Baglunara (12) ED Nil,Nil,Nil Nilwagiri 144

PR MR FP Baglunara (12) ED Nil,Nil,Nil Adinggiri 145

MR Baglunara (28) Nil,NiI,Nil Rangchikipgiri 146

169 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: SOUTH GARO HILLS Census of India 2001 Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz,< 5 kms" 5-10 kms, and 10+ kms of the -;;;- nearest !2lace where the facili~ is available is given} j .,~ ." .g u U fii ~1 <.> ..c: ]' "';:: t) .,; c: " ;> ""§ u 0 S § " 0 " .~ !-§t! ~ .~ ~ U"'" ..c .E! 'E C ~ 8. " ,.., g e- <.> OjCll V> '" " S .{g ""'- -= V> ~ ....l ~ 0 -0 11 l' '6i, V> C ." 0 a7[s dd ~ ..c: ~ .~ f9_~" " ~ fii ." ~·e 0 '" a V> " .s" .~'" 0 ~ ..c § 0 ~ ...... c:" "'- g. ~ ~~~ .~'" 0 .C> ~ 0 .. OJ ';: oj '- OJ OJ > " u .~ E -=0. 0 ~ e;g '" 0 0 bll "g '" -< 'a 0 0. .~'" OJ E ~ ,.., ""' ~ " " ::I '-' "Ole::I '"" 1l '-' 11 E v> ... e " OJ u '" ~ E '" 'I: fij" 2i E '0., ~ :i .~]

H(5. Netri P M« 5) C(5· ACS(tO+) CVe5-tO) BS« 5) 147 247 45 10) MCW(5- TS SS- PO« 5) CM(5-10) (00292600) JO} NCS(IO+} SP(IO+} RS(IO+) 10) PHC« 5) PH(5-10) CP(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(JO+}

H(5- Dabram ACS(lO+} CV(5-1O) B5(5-10) 148 499 91 P MC(lO+) 10) MCW(S- T W S SS-T PO(5-10) CM(10+) (00292700) NCS(IO+) SP(S-10} RS(10+) 10) PHC« 5) PH(5-10) CP(5-JO) OCS(IO+) ST(10+) NW(IO+)

H(5- Dasanggiri ACS(lO+) CVeS-lO) B5« S) 149 244 40 P M« 5) 10) MCW(5- TS SS-T PO« 5) CM(5-10) (00292800) C(lO+) NCS(IO+) SP(5-10) RS(lO+) 10) PHC« 5) PH(S-IO) CP(5-JO) OCS(IO+) ST(10+) NW(IO+)

H« Arapara P M« 5)C« ACS(lO+) CV«5) BS« S) 150 331 70 5) MCW« 5) T W S SS-T PO« 5) CM«5) (00292900) 5) NCS(JO+) SP« 5) RS(IO+) PHC« 5) PH« 5) CP« 5} OCS(IO+} ST(10+) NW(lO+}

- H(5- Jaksongram ACS(IO+) CV(5-IO) BSNW 151 248 41 P M(S-IO) C(S, 10) MCW(5- T S SS-S PO(5-1O) CM(lO+) (00293000) NCS(5-10) SP(S-IO) RS(IO+) 10), 10) PHC« S) PH(S-10) CP(S-IO) OCS(5-10) ST(IO+)

- H(5. Dabigre ACS(IO+) CV(S-IO) BSNW 152 465 73 P M(5-1O) C(S' 10} MCW(S- T R S SS-T PO(5-1O) CM(10+) (00293100) NCS(5-10} SP« 5) RS(10+) 10) 10) PHC(IO+) PH(5-10) CP(S-IO) OCS(5-10) ST(lO+)

Doldamgre H(IO+) ACS(IO+) CV(lO+) BS« 5) IS3 40 10 PM« 5) TRSS-T PO« 5) CM(IO+) (00293200) C(lO+) MCW(lO+) NCS(lO+) SP« 5) RS(IO+) PH(10+) CP(10+) PHC« 5) OCS(lO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

T(84) W(41) TK(30) H D(3) PO(lI) BS(48) Block Total 0.0 36886 6553 P(129) M(23) PHC(4) HP(9) CV SP S(6) PHS(3} RMP TW(II) TO PTO NW(11) R(SI) L(J2) S 141

170 _V-"I:.;._II:.;._A_G.;:_'_;;.:l:;_;I_):.;._IH.:.;;E;;_-c_;_>-_;_rO-=..;_R'-'Y______Village Di.oectoroy tand lis,' Os 4111 1999) Land lI~e (I.e .. Irea (IllJer (il JI'crelll types of I;IIH.I 1I~l! in hccl,"-c)

0" 12 .~ 2- !Co :-Ij f -6 -6" ::; '" 0 § u E -E ".... v ", ~ "OJ. :;]'" § .3 ., ~ .a OJ, !3" 6" :c s ~ :;E f,j 5: " ti, 8 Cl ~'" "i::; t:: ;.-. ;.- 8 "i'ip. 0 1! ~ P. e id '" 8 " 0- F,; iii ii '" iil p. ~ :D" i5'" '" § '" OJ, to ['" iil 5'" Vi lii" E ~ ii p. ~ '" '"0 ;; => '" 0 iii ~ "" a "'" -< z'" c..." z" ::?O E u.. .5 :::> u '"OJ, .< 14 15 16 17 I H 19 20 ')1 ')0 23 2

PR i\1t{ t't' llaghlll,lla (7) ED Nil. Nil. Nil 117

PR I\Ii{ 1'1' llalSlllllara (6) ED DabJalil I I~

PR I\IR FP ilagllllmra (10) ED Nil, Nil, Nil Da~allg.gln 14')

PR I\IR FP Oat'hlll""" (4) ED Nil. Nil, Nil An:lpara I SO

PI{ I\IIl ['I' NR Oat\hlllara (10) ED Nil, Nil. Nil Jaksongralll 15 I

ED Nil, Nil, Nil Dahigl"e 151

PR fI' NR Baghm,ua (30) Nil, Nil, Nil J)oldmnglc 15\

.'n(b3) I\lk(I23) EI)(6J) 1'1'(128) EAG(I) 0.0 0.0 000 0.0 NC(2) EO Nn(39) EA(6) NW(17)




o 936 ~. 934 (;. • 938 0 943 I?e 0

941 944 0 0'), ~ 0 0) 0938 942 940 9~ 949 ~~ 0:: 0 • 0 • 4.J>

0) 996 , I 007 , a 02:1-

BOUNDARY, INTERNATIONAL... •.. -.-.-.-.-... DISTRICT...... C.D. BLOCK N' ...... -... ------.-- - FOREST RESERVED WITH NAME :. !~~~~ . ~f~ _: VILLAGE WITH PERMANENT L.C. NUMBER ... 00293300 TOTAL ARU or CD. HLOCK (IN SQ.lOI.) .N &67.00


Alphaht'licallisl III' Villagcs (C.'" hl"d. wisc)

_.;_N_,_II_II_C_o_f_t_hc_· _D_i_sl_I·_ic_·I_:S_'I_II_lt_h_C_;_a_l"_o_I_I_ill_.:_s ______N~llIw of C J) Blod. : _I{ollll.'.!.!~ ______Serial Name or villagc 200 I Ccnslis 1991 Censlis location Hlimber IDca t inn code code number nil ill ber ------2 1 4

Namc of Sub-Dist: (1003

I. Adachcpa 00 j(q 100 050()')()OO')()O()l)()(H)X5 2. Agatchikolla 00102100 05 ()()()(}OOl)O()()()( )( HH 2 3. Ailatuli ()O_10·~600 OSOO')OO()90009()()091 4. Alokpallg f)"hrckgittilll 00297 IO() 05 0()()OO()()000900 () 30 5. Alokpang Nokatgiri 00297100 0500()OOO90()O()()()O31 6. Among Rongjol 002Q9000 OS{)090009()OO90{)066 7. Amonggiri 00300300 0500100010()OIOO163 8. Ampanggiri 00297400 050090009000900028 9. Badimbari 00302600 OSO()90009000900040 10. Bandra Sora 00304900 050090009000900102 II. Ballaban 0030·BOO 0500900Ql)()00900087 12. Betgnra 00304700 OS0090009000900099 13. Bilkona 00299600 050090009000900037 14. Bobanipur 00299S00 OSOO9000QOOO900035 15. Bolbokgre 00299200 OSOO900()9000QOOOS3 16. Bolchugiri 00300000 050040004000400145 17. Bonbera 00304200 050090009000900086 18. Bul Awe 00295900 0500900()9000900021 19. Chandra Suk 00295200 050090009000900012 20. Chenggni Challlpa 00303500 05()O90009000900073 21. Chcnggn i Songlllong 00303700 OSO()90009000900074 22. Cllil11itap 00295700 050090009000900062 23. Cllitl11ang Gonggrotgittilll 00294900 OSOO90009000900007 24. CII ill11ang Ma idugitti III 00294600 OS0090009000900006 25. Chlltmang Songmollg 00295100 OSOO90009000900008 26. Dakopgre 00294000 27. Dallcnggiltim 00294800 0500900090()O900010 28. Dambuk Aga 00299900 OSOO90009000900045 29. Dambuk Apal 00302800 050090009000900047 30. Danala Nokal 00298800 050090009000900097 31. Dawek G ittim 00297000 050090009000900029 32. Dilsinggiri 00300100 050090009000900049 33. Dombllk Atong 00297500 050090009000900027 34. Durabeta 00304000 OS0090009000900084 35. Galasora 00303600 050090009()OO900075 36. Gandhigre 00301000 050090009000900100 37. Gaobari 00300200 OSOO90009000QOOOSI 38. bramkol 00303300 39. Glllpani Bibra 00302000 050090009000900069

175 IJISIRll'1 CENSlJS IIANI> BOOK: SOIJlliliAIW 111l.I.S - --~--~-.---~--~ -.. -~-.------._--- .--~-- Serial Name of village 2001 Census 1991 Census location Ilumber location code code number nllmber 2 3 4 40. Gulpani Nokata 00298900 050090009000900065 41. Gulpani Songmong 00298000 050090009000900064 42. Halwa Ambeng 00296900 050090009000900025 43. Halwa Atong 00296300 050090009000900024 44. Halwa Bilda 00297600 050090009000900026 45. Hangsapal 00294500 050090009000900005 46. Hatibel 00303900 050090009000900077 47. Hatisia 00301500 050090009000900083 48. Imbloka 00303100 050090009000900070 49. Inolgiri 00299100 050090009000900054 50. Jonkolgiri 00296600 050090009000900061 51. Kalu Songmong 00293500 050090009000900001 52. Kanai 00303800 050090009000900076 53. Kasarisora 00296800 050090009000900058 54. Kasigiri 00298700 050090009000900080 55. Kunchullg 00296500 050090009000900060 56. Lower Pasgaon 00305000 57. Maheskola 00301200 050090009000900098 58. Makbilkona 00301700 59. Malikona 00301800 60. Matchakal 00296400 61. Matchirampat 00295500 050090009000900009 62. Meangittim 00294700 63. Meatha 00299400 050090009000900034 64. Mohadeo Songmong 00301300 050090009000900092 65. Mohadeo Warima 00304500 050090009000900090 66. Mongmabd 00295000 050090009000900011 67. Moradam 00296100 050090009000900023 68. NadangkoU 00303400 050090009000900072 69. Nekora 00301100 050090009000900101 70. Nengsara 00297700 050090009000900055 71. New Rompa 00301400 050090009000900088 72. New Rongara 00300500 73. Newaram Asim 002~5400 050090009000900020 74. Nikwatgre 00304400 75. Nolbari 00302400 050070007000700038 76. Oripur 00302700 050090009000900041 77. Panda Bolsilgre 00299300 050090009000900044 78. Panda Chikasin 00299800 050090009000900043 79. Pilot Project 00297300 050090009000900032 80. Pochismile 00301900

176 \'111.\( ;1,: ()IIUT lORY _------~--, .~~ ._------~--- Serial Name of village 20() I Censlis 1991 CellslIs localioll Ilumber location code codc number number 2 3 4

81. Ralllbi I Gill illl (1)305200 05 O()9( )O(),)00090()() X(J 82. Rangara Matchaklll 00303200 OSOO9()OO900()()OOO71 83. Rangasora 00299700 OS (I( )fJO( IOi)00090()() 36 84. Rangra Rongtntma 00300400 05009()O()90(I090()068 8S. Rangrcng HilmI 0029G200 86. Rangtang So ngll10llg 00298400 OSOO9()(IO!)()()()<)O()096 87. Rangtanggiri 00298300 88. Rangtanggiri Oil] 00900 89. Rangtangsora 00298S00 05009()O()<)OOO900105 90. Rewak Dabllram 00293800 OSOO900090()0900017 91. Rewak Kaillbepal 00294100 OSOO9000<)OO0900014 92. Rewak Malcngma 00294200 OS0090009000900013 93. Rewak Songmong 00293900 OS00900090()0900018 94. Rompa Ading 00300700 OS0090009000900093 95. Rompa Songmong 00300800 050090009000900096 96. Rona Agal 00297900 0500900090009000S6 97. Rongaiginim 00295300 050090009000900019 98. Rongara Dahokkol 00300600 050090009000900078 99. Rongchenggiri 00295600 050090009000900081 100. Rongmin Chiring 00298200 050090009000900082 101. Rongrll Asim 00296000 OSOO90009000900022 102. Rongsli Agal 00293400 050090009000900002 103. iiongsll Mongbilgill illl 00294300 OS0090009000900004 104. Rongsli Ringv,akgittilll 00294-l00 OSOOC)0009000900004 105. Rongsll Rongrigittil11(RolIgrekgitl illl) 00293600 050090009000900003 106. Rubber Gittim 00302900 107. Samangittim 00295800 108. Sanbana 00301600 OS0090009000900079 109. Sapaisora 0030SI00 OS0090009000900104 110. Seelpang 00297800 050090009000900057 III. Siju Anteka 00293700 050090009000900016 112. Siju Songital 00293300 OS009000900090001S 113. Sijubari 00298100 050090009000900063 114. Taidang 00296700 050090009000900059 115. Taraibari 00302500 050090009000900039 116. Teptcpa 00298600 OS0090009000900094 117. Toklckbari 00303000 050090009000900048 118. Upper Pasgaoll 00304800 050090009000900103 119. Wachal Chiring 00302100 OS0090009000900050 110. Wage Kona 00301200 050090009000900046

177 DIS-I RICl Cl:r~SUS IIANDHOOI< _ SUl) III CiA!,' ) IIiLLS Censlis of Indi.1 2001 Amenilies anu Alllelllllcs available (ifnOl available wilhin Ihe village. a dash (-) is shown In tht! column and ne"t to it in bmckcts the distanec II) broad fanges viz< 5 1-.m5., 5-10 kms ~nd 10,- klns of the nearest plaet,;! whl!rc the facility IS available is given)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

(:0 Ulock: ROllg"no (111103)

Sijll SOIl!;ilal ------lJllilll.abilL:d ------(0029J300)

l'IlS III 10.) ROil!;>" A!;"I A{,S(lO;-) (,V(IO+) BS« 5) 2 239 38 P 1\1('(10+) I\1C'W(IO+) T TK SS-T I'()( I(H) (,M(I(H) (00293400) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(I!J+) PHC'( 10+) PI 1(10 ,) ('P(IO,) O(,S(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

K.II It Songmollg 9 P I'vl(IOi-) 11(10+) A(,S(IO+) (,V(lD+) US« 5) 3 51 R S 0 SS-R I'O( 10') (,~-l( 10 ,) (00293500) (,(100) M(,W(IO,) N(,S(IO+) SP(lO+ ) RS(IO+) 1'11(100) ('1'(10+ ) I'HC(IO+) OCS(IO'") ST(IO+-) NW(IO+)

Rongsu H(5- Rongrigittim(Rong PM 10) A(,S(IO+) (,V(IO+) BS« 5) 4 190 32 «5) R S 0 SS-S I'O( IIh) (,M(IO,) rekgillim) C(lOT) MCW(IOI) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) 1'11(101) ('1'(10+) (00293600) PHC( 10+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

11(5- Siju AIlI

H(5- Rewak Oaburam 21 I' M(-'- 5) 10) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) US« 5) (, 110 T R 0 SS-T 1'0« 5) (,M(lO') (00293800) C(lO+) MC\\,(IO+) N(,S(IO,) SI'(IO+) RS(IO+) 1'1I(j[)i-) CI'(IO+) PHC« 5) OCS(IO,) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Rewak Songmong 52 1'(2) ~-I H(ID+) TTKRO ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) I3S« 5) 7 319 1'0« 5) (,M(IOI) (00293900) ('( 10.) M(,W("h) S5-T NCS(IO+) SI'(IO+) RS(IO+) 1'11(10+) ('1'(10+) PHC« 5) O(,S(IO+) SHIO+) NW(IO+)

Dakopgre 10 P(~, 11(10+) A(,S(IDI) CV(IO+) BS(5-IO) 8 51! R SS-R 1'0(10 1 ) (,I\I( 10 ,) (00294000) 5) J\1( 10+) MeW( IlI+) N(,S(IO+) SI'(IO+) RS(IO+) 1'11(10+) ('1'(10+ ) qIO+) 1'11(,(10+) OC-S(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

1'« Rewak Kamhcpal ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) 85« 5) 9 62 5)1\1(5-10) H(IO+-) T RSS-T 1'0« 5) (,M(IOi) (00294100) MCW(101) NC5(1Ot) 51'(10+) RS(IM) 1'1-1(10+) ('1'(10+) C(lO+) PHe« 5) OC5(10+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Rewak tvlalenglna 49 PM(5-1O) IIi 10+) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 10 331 T R 0 S5-T 1'0« 5) (,M(IO+) (00294200) c(loq MC'W(IO+) N(,S(IO+) SP( 10+) RS(IO+) 1'11(10+) ('1'(10+) PHC« 5) OC5(10+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Rongsil H« 20 Ptvl(5-ID) A(,S(ID+) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 11 Mongbitgiltim 145 5) I\ICW(IOI) R S () SS-R PO(lO+) ('''1(10,) ('(10+) NCS(IO+) SI'(IO+) RS(IO-t-) (00294300) 1'11('«5) 1'11(10+) (,P(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)


"0 .!2" iii ·3 c' e"c f -a "3 "<) 0 -a u " " E ~ ~ Vi ~ 0(1 0 :0 E "S; !;l, ~j" 5 :::2'" TI ~ ;:j'" Q.. t:: ~ -0 .C B ~ p.. 11 0'" ,. ;; '" .<: B "- o. e' 11 iii E u 13 -0 ;;; :0" 4-. 51 'i5'" 0 '""- § OL ~ c "c '" :u ~ :;'" ~ 0; e0. :;; " E -fi 0; ~ 0 @ bL ~ " 0 "3 e'" § r:: Q.. ~ _§ ;:;J . ___J:l__ ~ z" '" Z"'" :::2 § 1-'. '" U ,","'" ..: z " 14 15 16 17 III 19 20 21 ~2 23 2

------Uninhabited ------SIJlI Songltal

FP Ilaghlll,ua (50)

FP Ilaghlllara (75 ) Nil, Nil, Nil Kalil Songll1ong

Rougsli 1'1' Baghmm" (55) Nil. Nil, Nil Rongriglltim( Hongn;: kg,ittim)

FP NJ{ Uaghmanl (30) Nil, Nil, Nil Siju Anlcl\a

FI' N R llaghmara (J I ) Nil, Nil, NIl Rcwak D"lbUlalll 6

FP N R Baghlllara (31) Nil, Nil. Nil Rewak Songillong 7

~IR llilgillnara (43) Nil, Nil, Nil Oakopgrc 8

FP Nl{ BaJ;hlllara (J I) Nil, Nil, Nil Rcwuk KalllbcpaJ 9

FP NR llaglunara (J I) Nil, Nil, Nil Rewak f\1alcngul<:l 10

Rongsu Nil. Nil, Nil II FP Baghlllara (60) MOIIgbi'gillim

179 ______~lllCj-ll-ilcr Lt'NSUS I-IANDI:lOOK _ SI jllTH GAI-Iu 11111 S CenslIs of India 200 I ;\m~nilks lind AmenIties available (irnol available wlthi" Ih~ village, II d:lsh (-) IS shown in the column and l1l!xllo it til hrackets (hI! di~lUnce in bhlaJ (angt.:s VIZ < 5 kms.) 5-10 killS and lQ.r kills of the nearc" place "here Ihe li.ciillY is avail"bk .s given)

R\')llg~u H 1'1\1(5-10) 11(10 1 ) ACS(IOI-) CV(IO+) LlS( to.) 12 Riugw~lkglHun 161 soss-s I'O(I()I) C'M( IU;) ('(10+) MCW(IOI) NCS( 10+) SI'( 10+) RS(IOt) (0029-1400) PI-I(I()I ) CI'(IU+) PHC(5-1O) OCS(IO') ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

l!.lIIgsap"1J 20 I'M(5-IO) 1I(IOt) ACS(IOI-) CV(IO,-) BS(5-10) 13 107 50 SS-S I'()(:i-IO) CM(lO.) (00294501l) (,(10.) M('W(IO+) NCS(IO+) SI'(IO+) RS(JO+) 1'11(10+) ('1'(10, ) 1'1-1(,( 10+) OeS(IO') S1'(IO+) NW(IO+)

Chitnlang 21 1'1\.1(5-10) III 101) A(,S(IO+) (,V(to+) I3S(IO+) I~ l\laidugillim I~O 5 0 5S-S 1'0«5) ('1\1(101) C(10l) MCW\I(lt) N(,S(IO+) SP(IO; ) RS(IO+) (00294600) Pill I 0+) ('1'( 10+) PIIC« 5) 0('5(10+) S1'(IO+) NW(IO+)

- 1'(5- - r.... lcallgiltilll A(,S( 10 I) (,V(IO+) I3S(5-IO) 15 77 17 10) M(5-IO) H(lOt) S () 5S-5 1'0\<5) CM(IOI) (00294700) N(,5(10+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) ('(10+) MCW(j()f) PH(IO,) (,P(IOt) 1'11('(10+) (l('S( 10+) ST(lO+) NW(IOt)

Dillknggillim 54 P M('- 5) III 10+) ACS(IO+) (,V(to+) US(5-1O) 16 287 T 5 0 SS- I PO( C 5) (,M(lOI-) (00294800) (,(101 ) MCW(IOI) NCS(IO+) SP(IOt) RS(IO+) PII( 10+) ('1'(10') PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Chitnumg 47 P 1'>1(5-10) 11(IOc) TTl-:. S SS- ACS(IO+) (,V(lO' ) 6S(10+) 17 GOllggrolgitlill1 241 T PO(5-IU) CM(IOl-} C(lO+) M(,W(IOI) NCS(IO;) SI'(IO+) RS(IO+) (00294900) 1'11(10+) ('1'( 10+) 1'11(,(5-10) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

MOllgmabd 26 1't>.1(5-10) H(IO,) ACS(IO+ ) (,V(to+) 6S(10+) 18 128 f{ 50 5S-1{ 1'0« 5) (,M(IOt) (00295000) C(IO+) M(,W(IOI) NeS(IO,) SI'(IO+) R5(101) I'H(IO, ) ('I'(I{)!) 1'1l(,« 5) OeS( 10+) ST( 10+) NW(IO')

Chutmang 19 Songmong ------Uninhallilcd ------(00295 I O())

ChandmSuk 10 I' ~I( 10,) III I 0+) ACS(IOt-) CV(to+) 6S(S-J[J) 20 52 R nSS-R 1'0« 5) (,~I(I(I-t ) (00295200) C(IOI) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO; ) SI'(IO+) RS(I01) 1'11(10)) CI'(IO,) PHC« 5) 0('5(10+) ST(IO+) NW(IO,)

Rongoi]LgittllU 39 I' I\I( lOt) III I 0 I) ACS(lOt) C\'( 10+) BS(5-IO) 21 251 R SS-I{ 1'0(5-10) CM( 10 ') (00295300) ('(10') M(,W(lllI) N(,S(IO+) 51'(10+) RS(IO+) 1'11(10+) CP(lOI-) PHC(5-IO) 0('5(10+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

5MI' H( 10 c) TTl-:. S S5- Newi.uam Asim 3') 1'tl.1(5-10) ACS(IO+) (,V(IOc) BS(5-10) 22 248 MCW(IO+) T 1'0« 5) (,M(IOt) _ (00295400) C(lO+) NCS(IOI-) SI'(IO+) RS(IO+) PHC(IO+) 1'11(10;-) ('1'(10+) O(,S(IO+) 51'( 10+) NW(JO+)

MalChil3Jllpat 2J ---.. ----1 jninhabitc.:d ------(00295500)

180 _:V..::'I:..:!:..;.A..::(:::.3:::.E_.:;O:::j~H:;;E:.:C::...l:...:O:::.:.;R:..;.Y______VilllIge DiJ'echH"Y Land lise (As UII I')'),») Land us!,,! (I e area lIndL'"f dllh.'lellt (\pe~ ur lanlilise in hc.ctar~)

<= 0 ] .~ S ':.Jj :: -0 -B'" -3 " 0 u "§ S U ~ u " '" .8 ;;; E S ~. ,", e -B ,",~ u " ~ OJ ~ :0'" v .;; ~ '" '"6 OJ, fij 'W s: ~ 1;:;, ,.. ;:: ~'" ~ 8 p_ ~., t:: 'D -0 :- ~ 0- e -8. "> .c 8 0- 0- u r;; -0 ;;;" :0" " '" '- c. ~ '"@ '6 0 '" § &l OJ, e <= '" t; ~ ~ Ol, E 2 -5 p_~ ~ 0 '" u 0 ~ iii e'" E -,a ~ ;;_:'" ~ « z'" 0-" Z 2: E ~ G OJ, :z: 14 15 16 17 IX 19 20 ~I 21 ~J 2

Rong!'Jll I\IR lI"gllm,"" (60) NiL NiL Nil 12 Rtll!!\\alt!-Iltlill

1\11{ Bugillnara (25) Nil, NiL Nil HClllg.sap:ll

('hilllliing I\IR O,,!;hlllaru (18) Nil, NIL Nil tvlaidugittllIJ

1'1' Baghll,,",,(17) Nil. Nil. Nil f',.,1e.mgillim 15

FI' Oaghmara (19) Nil. Nil. Nil Dallenggillim 1(,

Chitmang ~11{ 1'1' Baghmara (26) Nil. Nil. Nil 17 Gonggl"otgltllill

1'1' LJaglllllara (28) Nil, Nil, Nil l\longnlabcl 18

(,hullnan~ ------lJ.,inllahilcd ------19 Songmong

1'1' llaghmam HI) Nil. Nil, Nil ('ha.1<.I. a Silk 20

Tea Lear, Nil, FI' NR Baghmam (41) Rungai!_!ittim 21 Nil

PR I\IR 22 FP Bagllmma (4 I ) ED Nil, Nil, N.I Newaram Asim

-----.-. Ll:Iillhabitcd ----.------Matchinunpat 23

181 DISTRICT ,_:ENSLJS IIAN[JB()OI( tjUI J fI j (;f\I!\) 11111 S ------__;::...:.::'-'-'-~'-'------~ Census of India 200 I Amenities and Amcnilles available (ifnol available wilhinlhe vill"ge, a dash (-) is shown in the colul11n and next [0 i[ in brackels Ih~ distance in broad ranges viz_< 5 "IllS_, 5-10 kills_ and 10+ kills oflbe n~arcst plaCe ,,,here th~ facility is uvaiJable IS given)

2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 II 12 13

Rongchl!lIggiri n 1'(101) 11(11),) A(,5(10, ) CV(IOI) I1S(IO,) 179 SO SS-S 1'0110') C'M(IO" ) (00295600) ~I(I 0 I) MCW(IU'j NCS(IO+) SP(IO, ) RS(IO,) 1'11(10 1 ) CP(IU+) CIIO-,) !'flC( 10+) OCS(IOI) ST(IOI) NW(IO+)

(,hliHirap 40 1'1>.1(10 1 ) II( 1(1) ACS(IIH) CV(IOI) I3S( lOt) 25 220 T"- S SS-S I'O( J() I I C~I(IOI-) (00295701)) ('(10') MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP( Ill, ) RS(lOI) PII( 10 I) C!'(WI) PH(,(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(lO-I) NW(IOt)

Samangitl\tll J3 f' hIOOI) H(IO-,) A('S(I()I-) (,V( 10+) BS(IOI) 26 173 I{ OSS-R PO( IOJ) CI\I(IOI) (OO]95BOO) ('(lOt) M(,W(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) 1'1I( 10 I) ('1'(10+) PIIC(IO+) O(,S(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

Bill Awe 1-1(10+) TT"-I{ S ACS(IO+) CV(JO+) n5('" 5) 27 363 59 I' M (,(10,) 1'01< 5) (,M(IO'-) (00295900) M(,W(IO I ) SS-T N(,5(IO+) 51'(10 1 ) RS( I 0+) 1'11(10+-) (,P(IO, ) PH(,« 5) O(,S(IO+) 5T(lO, ) NW(IO-t)

ROliglli As II)) 27 I' ~I« 5) III 101 ) TT"- J{ S A(,S(IO+) ('V(IDt-) 135(5-10) 28 145 I'Oj" 5) CI\I(IOI) (00296000) ('(101-) M('\\,(IOI) 55-T N(,5(10+) SP(IO+) R5( 10+) I'II( III I) CI'(I(lI) plle« 5) 0('5(10+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

f\·lOJadalll 41 11(10, ) ACS( 10+) ('V(lOt-) 13S« 5) 29 256 P~I«S) R S 5S-1t 1'01< 5) CI\I(I!H) (00296100) M('W(IO+) N(,S(IOI) SI'(IO+) I~S(IO-q ('0°' ) 1'11(10+) ('1'(10+) I'I-IC« 5) O(,S(IOI) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Rangrcng a,bra 30 (00296200)

lIalwa AIOIlS 79 I' M« 5) HI tot-) A('S(IO,) (,V(IO+) 135(5-10) 31 447 T S SS-T 1'0(5-10) (,1\1(IUI) (00296300) (,(10+) M(,W(IOq N('S( 10 I} SI'(IO+) RS(IO+) 1'11(10+) ('1'(10+) I'HC« 5) O(,S(IOt) ST(IO") NW(IOI)

Marchakal 32 ------Uninhabited ------(00296400)

1'("- Kunchung A(,S(IO+) CV(IO+) BS(5-IO) 33 67 SO SS-S 1'0(5-10) CM(IO I ) (002%500) 12 5) 1\1(10t-) ~~~ilOt) NCS(IO+) SI'(IO+) RS(IO+) 1'11(10+) ('1'(10,) C(lO+) PHC(S-IO) OC5(10+) ST(IO+) NW(IOt-)

Jonkolg\ri PM(IOt-) H(ID+) A(,S(IO+) ('V(IOt) BS(5-IO) 41 S Ss-s 1'0(5-lO) (,M(IO+) (00296600) (,(10+) MCW(IO,) NCS(IO+) SI'(IO,) RS(JO+) I'll( 10+) CI'(IO+) PIIC(IO+) O(,S(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Taidallg II( 10+) ACS(IOI) CV(IOI) BS(5-IO) 35 254 R S 0 SS-5 I'O( I 0+) CI\1(101) (00~96700) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+-) 51'(10+) RS(IO+) I'II( 10+) CI'(IO+) I'Hl(5-JO) 0('5(10+) ST(lO+) NW(IOI)

182 VIII AGE DIREC lorn _.. ------Village Dil-ectol'Y Land llsl' (As un 1999) Land u:-.c (I e area wuil:r df~klL'IH lyp'L'~ (If bnd tis.; III hcd.lrc)

0 ]' .~" .~ c.- el, i': o -6 -'" u 0 ~ u cu " iii E <3" ~ 1;; N u u. 09 c"" " § u E _!!! -6 CI, t> ,. '" 3 0" :D'" "d '" ~j, ~ '" S; !'I @, ~ ;.. '" ~" _g B 0. ~ t: <:: '0 ;.. -0" ~ p.. 0 _o g ;; .<: B 0. 0- ...'" § E: u i:i1 '" tl '0 ro :0 '" '- 1;; '"Cl. § ,!,! @ a 0 " ~ Vi e ['" @ Vi =' '"w, -5 «I OJ" " '" ~ E' a " " a:: e. 0 c fa ::; ... ro p.. 0 §" a " ~ z" " z"'" :2- E "- :J u "'"OJ, 4: z VJ" 14 15 16 17 18 19 ~o ! I 22 23 ~

~IIZ 1'1' Baglllllara (7() I NIL Nil. Nil

Nil, NIL Nil Chlillitap 15

MR FP l3aghlllara (49) Nil, Nil. Nil Sal1lallgilllll~ 26

~IRFP Tllla(IS) Nil, Nil. Nil Bnl Awe 27

MR 1'1' Baglullant (43) Rongru A::.illl 28

~IR FP Bal\hlllata (46) Nil. Nil, Nil Mnrildam 29

--"-'-' Unlllhabitcd ..-.-- ..-- .. RangreJJg Illbra 30

FP Uaghlllant (41) Nil. Nil. Nil Iialwa Alung 31

------Uninhabited ------Matchakal 32

~Ii{ FP Baghmalu (58) Nil. Nil. Nil KUllchung. 33

~IR 1'1' Baghlllara (46) Nil, Nil, Nil JOllkolgiri 34

MR FP Baglllllaia (59) Nil. Nil. Nil Taidang 3S NR

183 ______:U::..:.::IS:_·I:..:I_:_,:.::ll.:..:_; I ~,i-NSUS HANI Ji:5(J(JK _:0' I!.!_l!.! ~_I<_U l!_Il_I_S

CCIISUS of Inuia 200 • . \mcnities nnd Amenilies available (if nol available wilhin Ihe village. a dash (-) IS shown in Ihe column and ne"llo il ill bracKcb Ih" di,lancc in broad rang"s viz< 5 kills. 5-10 kills and 10+ kills of the nearest plact,.; where the facilily is availahle is given)


~ o Z Q..'" 2 3 4 5 6 7 g 9 10 II 12 13

Ka~ari:,oli.l 2') 1'1\1(10,) III 10 1 ) TTK R S U - ACS(IO+) (,V(lOl) BSt5-1O) 173 SS-T 1'0(5-10) CM(iO+) (IJlJ:!%8(JO) l,IO I) MCW(IOI) NCS(IO<) SP(lIh) RS(IO+) PII( Ii)l-) (,P( IOi) 1'11(,( I (j I) O(,S(IO') ST( I oq NW(IOI)

Hah\a AlI1h~lIg III Itl' ) TTK R S A(,S(IIII) ('V(IO,) BS(5-IO) 37 1)7 I'O(I!)I) CI\I( 10 I) (00290900) MCW(IOI) SS-T NCS(IOI) SI'(IOT) RS( 10+) PH(IOI) CP( 10 I) I'HC("'5) OCS(loq ST(IOI-} NW(IO+)

DawcJ.. Giltilll 12 I'M('- 5) III 10 c) T\\,TK I{ ACS( 10.) (,V(IO+) nS(5-10) 68 I'()( I 0 I ) ('M(IO'") (00297000) C(IO.) IvICW(IOI) S SS-T NCS(IO') SP(IO+) RS(IO+) 1'11(101) ('1'(10+) 1'1 lC( < 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Alo~l'alig 11(· 2M 1'1\1« 5) ACS(IO+) CV( j(1f) 13S« 5) 39 Dabrd.gillilll 152 5) I\leW( 10 ') R 0 SS-R 1'(1)-1111 (,~III () I) (,(IO» NCS( 1(11) SP( 10+) RS( 10-c) (00297100) PIl(,(,5) PII( 10 I') ( P( 1(1) OCS(IClI) ST(IO+) NW(5-10)

Alu~p;lIlg 41 P 1\1(- 5) II( 10,) T TK R S (I - ACS( II") (,V(I()+) BS(5-10) 40 NOKalgiri 229 " .. I'O( IIJI I C~ I( I (I I) ('(lOt) MCW(II)f) NeS(]() I ) SP( 10<} RS(IO+) (00297200) SS-1 I'II( IOI) CI'(IO+ ) PHC« S) oes(IO') ST(IIH) NW(lO+)

Pi 101 Pwj~ct 1'« H« T W TK R ACS« 5) CV« 5) BS« 5) 41 5) 1\1(" 5) C« 5) ~ICW« 5) SS-'!' 1'0« 5) nl(IOI) (00297300) NeS« 5) 51'« 5) RS(IO+) 5) PIIC« 5) 1'11« S) ('1>« 5) OeS« 5) ST(IO~) NW(IO+)

AlnpaJlggi.i P M(5-10) C(5. 11(5- nl(5-10) ACS(5-10) CV(5-1O) BS(5-10) 42 207 41 10) 10) I\leW(5- T R 5 5S- 1'0(5-10) (00297400) NCS(5-10) SP(5-IO) RS(IO+) 10) PHC« 5) I'H(5-10) CP(5-IO) O(,S(IO+) ST(5-10) NW(IO+)

Dombuk Atull!! 20 I' /l,1I5-11J) 10 I) A(,S(IO+) (,Y(lO+) BS(5-10) 43 95 lIe R S S5-1{ 1'0(5-10) (00297500) C(lO+) MCW(5-IO) (,M(S,W) NCS( 10+) SP(lO... ) RS(JO-t) plI( 10+) 1'11('(5-10) CP(IOI) O(,S(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(lO+ )

1I.,lwa BilJa 34 1'1\1(5-10) 11(10+) A(,S(IO') (,V(IO+) BS« 5) 1110 T SSS-T PO(S-IO) ('1vI(llh) (00297600) (,(lOr) M(,W(IO+) N(,S(IO+) SI'(IO+ ) RS(IO+) PII( 10+) CP(IO+) PHC(lOr) U(,S( lOr) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

N\!ngsa.·il 3 I P 1\1(5-10) H(IO+) Tn;RS A(,S(IO+) CY(IO+) BS(5-1O) 45 159 1'0(5-10) CM(IO+) (00297700) C(IO+) MCW(II)!) SS-T N(,S(IO') SP(5-10) RS(IO+) PII( 10+) CP(IO+) PIIC(5-IO) 0(,S(5-10) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Sedpang 20 I' I\I( 10+) H(IO+) TK RSO ACS(IO') lY(IO+) BS« 5) 46 102 1'0(5-10) CI\I( 10+) (00297800) ('(10.) Me-W(IO+) SS- N(,S(IO') SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PII( 10+) CP( I 0') PHC(5-10) O(,S(IOI) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

184 VII I AGE DIREC lORY Villagc l>il'cclory LIIIII list' (.·\s UII 1999)

Land lI~e (I e area lJlhh.'r dill '1L'1l1 t)Jlt.!~ 01 land u .... e III ht:ctall~ )

<= 0 12 ~ ,-" .5 ;C.. c: E -B -B '"u 0 ~ c:" E '0'" ~ ~ E 5 -8 " -B fJ 0 "u ~' CJ, v 5 " .s: "'d ~ 0 ::0" 6i, '" § u 51 E;, '" ., Q. ~ t:: ~ -0 8 ~ 0 ~ l;' ~ -; 8 Po c.. o. 1~ @ '" '"E -E " § -0 ::0" 4- 1;; ~ 15'" 0 P-'" § ro t.J, @ c c'" '"2 ~ ::; Vi lii r: ~, " "' ;:: ''iii c. tJ, E 5 c. 1a ~ 0 @ ;:; => '" 0 ~ ~ "S '"" ~ ... ..:: Z 0- Z :2 E .J... ..5 ::::> u '"tJ. ~ :z: :.!2" __ . 14 15 III 17 I ~ 19 20 21 ~, n 2

/\11< FI' B~ghllli:il,a (57) NIL Nil. Nil

I"I{I\II{ FI' Ilaglilll'"" (S("

I'I{MK Haglllll'u" (56) NIL Nil. Nil 1'1' NR

A'()"'pang Uaghlllaia H5) NIl. Nil. Nil 39 ""( 1'1' D.abrclgittllil

)"IK 1:1' lIagh"'," a (H) Nil. NIL Nil Alol-p.allg. NO~illl'1I1 40 NR

PI( ~II( EA Nil. Nil, Nil 41 ""'NR

PI( /\11{ Baglllll"'''I 10) N,I. NoI.Nil ALIII}ant!~in 42 FP NR

/\If{ 1'1' Baghmura (J6) Nil. No!. Nil LJullll){lk /\ fllUg_ 43

)"IR Fl' Baghm,"a (30) NM Nil, Nil. Nil 11"lwa Bil"a

/\IR FI' Ncngsma 45 NR

"'I( 1·'1' 4(> NR St:clp~lIlg

185 ____;.l_JI...:SC"'-1 HIt: 1_ (:l:NSUS HAND1300h , SI Jl I 11l_ (;/\1 \~!~ Census of judi.1 200) ,\ Ilu'nitics and Amenilles available (if nul aVaJl,,[Jk wllhin Ihe village, a dash (-) is shown in Ihe column and nexl to it III brae[.;"b Ihcdi,lancc III broaJ ranges viz,< 5 "illS" 5-10 killS, and 101' kills of the ilL'aIC~1 place \\herc the t~Killty is (lvailah1e is giVl:ill)

., .0 E ..... c:'" o ..'<: u ~ Vl Z 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12

ROil" AgaJ 1'« 10) ACS(IO'I) C'V(IO' ) IJS« 5) 47 S055-S I'll« 5) ('Ivt( 10+) (00297900) 7 S) 1vI1'- 5) M('\\,(IO') NC'S( 10,) SI'( 10+) RS{i(H-) 1'11(5-10) ('1'(10+) C(JO+) Plle(S-IO) OC'S( 10+) ST(IO'i NW(IO+)

II( , (,lIlll,Uli SOllglll(Hlg H 1'1\1(',5) ACS( JO I) CV(JOI) IJS« 5) 5) 1\I('W(IOI) TK 5 ss-s 1'0« S) ('I\lilO") ((JUI98000) C(lO,) NCS(IO+) SP(II)' ) RS(IIJ+) PIIC« 5) 1'11(1111) ('1'(101) OCS{IOI) ST(IO; ) NW(lO+)

Sljuhari - ... ------Unilihahill.·d ------._- (00298100)

11(5- BS Rongmin C'htring P« ACS(IO+) CY(IIJI-) 50 68 13 5) ~1(5-J() IO)~IC'W{5- SSS-S 1'0(5-10) CM(IOI) RS(IOt) (00298200) NCS( 10;) Sri S-I 0) C(lO I) 10) PHC(5-IO) 1'11(111-1) CP(IO;) NW(IO+) OeS(5-IO) ST(IO.,.)

Rangl':lI1g!;;iri 25 P 1\1(,,- 5) IIi 10; ) T'lh I~ S ACS(JO') CV(IO") 115« 5) 51 132 P(l« 5) ('M{lO+) (OG298300) [,\10+) IvICW(IO,) SS-T NCS(IO+} srI 10+) RS(IO+) 1'11(10+) (')'(JO+) pl-Ie« 5) 0(,S(1I1+) ST(lOI) NW(IO+)

Rangtang 52 Songm,Ollg, (002911400)

R'IIlj;.WII1!.SOI"a II( JO I) AC5(10+) CY(IO,) US(" 5) 53 121) 27 (' M« 5) R S 55-I{ POI', 5) C!vI(IO') (00298500) ('(101) IvICW(I()\) NeS(IO,> SP(5-IO) RS(IO+) 1'11(10+) Cp(l(ll) rHC« 5) OCS« S) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Tepll!p.1 )7 P Ivl(" 5) 11(10') TTl-: I{S ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) ns« 5) 7l! 1'0« 5) CM(IO+) (0029H600) qlOI) MCW{IOI) 55-T NCS(IO+) SI'(5-IO) RS(IO+) 1'11(10+) Cp(lO l ) PIIC« 5) OC5(5-10) 51'(10+) NW(IO")

KasigiJi 1'(5- III 10'-) ACS(IO;) CV(IO-,) 135(5·10) 55 48 5 S5-S PO(IO .. ) (,M(IO,) (00298700) 10 10)1\1(10.,) MCW(IO,) N(,S(lO+) 5P(lU+) RS(lO+) 1'11(10.., C'P( 10+) C(lO+) PHe{ 10+) OC-S(lO+) 5T(l0,) NW(IO,)

Dalla)" Nokal 7 l' )'v1(10+) 11(10+) ACS(IU+) (,V(IO+) 85« 5) 3S T SO SS-S POI 10 I ) Ci\I(IIl+) (00298800) C(lO.) MCW(JOI) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(lO+) 1'1l( JO I) ['1'(10+) 1'11(,(10+) ()(,S(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

11« Gulp""; Nokala ACS(IO+) CV(IO'-> BS« 5) 57 233 41 P ~I« 5) S)I\ICW(IOI) TKSSS-S 1'0«5) ('11.1(1(10') (00298900) C(lO') NCS(IOI) SP(lO-l) RS(IO+) PI IC« 5) I'll ( I 0+) CI'( 1()1) OCS(IO+) S1'(IO ... ) NW(IO+)

- TKS05S- Among Rongjol 32 P M« 5) II(~ A('S(IO,) (,V(IO-I") BS« 5} 58 190 5) MCW(IO I) S 1'0« 5) CM( J()l) (00299000) C(lO 1-) NCS(IOt) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) PI 1['« 5) PI-I( 10') ('1'(10+) 0('5(10+) 5T(IO+) NW(IQ+j

186 VIII Al>t': DIW:::CI ORY ------.--~ ------_._----- Vi Ihlge [)i "ccttuoy L:llullls .. (.\s 1111 199'.)) I ami lI~e (I e lU":d IIIH.kl dllklL"llllypL:'" o~ 1.1IId lI~l' III ht,_,dan,:}

<= 0 ] .~ CI, § ::., <= f

~1i( Fl' T",a (43) Nil. Nti. Nol ROlld :\gal 47

Pi{ ~II{ Baghlllali.l l'"'U) ·IX 1'1'

------LJllinhnhilcd ------SiJuhan

PI{ Baghmara (·16) Nil. Nil, Nil Rongmill Chlrlng, 50

PIlMR [3aghma,"" (n) Nil. Nil. i':il Ranglallggll"l 51 fP

------LJuilllwhile-d ------RillIgtallg SOllgllHlUg 52

II' [laglllllara (69) Nil. Nol, Nil 53

FI' Baglloll"''' (68) NoI, Nil. Nol Tl!ptcpa 5·1

fI' J:laglullaoa (63) Nil. Nil. Nol Kasigiri 55

1-"1' Baghmala (57) Nil. Nil, Nil Dallaln l\:nl-.al 56

PI{ llaghmara (41) Nil. Nil. Nil GuJpani No"-ala 57

Nil. Nil, Nil Among ROllPJol 58

187 ______:D~IS::..I:..;-f_"_':.;:ll::..;·::..r.::;L ENSUS IIAND800K . SOUTf I GARO 11111 S Census of India 2001 Amcllitks and Amcnil"', aVailallk (if nOI avaJl"bk wilhin Ihe villagt!, a uash (-) is shown 111 the column anu nc,t In il In brackets the dislance II) bro"d ranges viz< 5 ~IllS., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kills 01' Ihe ~ n~arcSl plan: \vhcrl: the l~lCility IS a\ailabk is gi\'l:n)

QJ '""0 tI:J~ =Q) -,_. o:n -9~ 8 ] ~ u a ~~ 1lJ~ § 'E 5 8 § ~ ] ~~ ~ "g Q) U ~ -a .~ :; t!9 g_ ~ ~. j ~J 0 ~ "B Q_o~ u ~(/.)~_ ViC Cd :s: ~ ] -0 ':•. ~ E ~ ~ ~ ~ u cu II) § ~ c V g -;; 'J: VI ~ ~ fit .s.§] 0 ~ ~ ~ .~ ~ ~ .g § g ..os ~ ~ :':g_~ 4-. ~ ~ ca ta .... R3>:l =' ~ _ 0 t:: ;;>- f!01.1 .... ~;.s I=: < B8~ c:: 1:: ~ ~ ~ rn ~ ~ ~ a ~ .!2 ~ E '§ ~ ~ g ca E U ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ .~ ~ ~ 5s .= 6~' 5 Rl I~ i3 ::I ::I ~ 'J:: .~ UO ~ bl...... ~ 'u ] 5 ~ ~ ____z~---~~~--~I-~-~z~---~~L----~~~----a:L---->~~--~~~~-_~<~o~_~~=_~~~~~-~u e 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

luulgiri 29 I' ~I« 5) H(lD') TKRSO ACS( 10+) (,V( 10+) US« 5) 59 173 1'0(-: 51 (,M« 5) (002991011) Ct llH) M(,W( IIII-) SS-TK N(,S( I 0+) 51'« 5) RS(IO+) PII(lIh) C'P(IO+) PH(,« 5) O(,S(IOI) 51'(10+) NW(IO+)

Uolbokg'o 1'1\1(1 (II ) 11(10.) ACS( 10+) C'V( 10+) U5(5-IO) 61l II 5 () SS-S 1'0(:,-10) C'I\I( 10 f) (00299200) C(IIH) I\I(,W(IOI) NCS(IOI) 51'( j()j ) RS(IO+) I'I!(IO+) ('1'( 10+) PHC'(S-IO) ()cS( I OJ) ST(IO+) NW(IOI)

BS Panda Bobilgll! 35 1'1\1(" 5) Il( 10') PO A('S(IO+) (,Y(IO+) 61 IKO TS 55-)' (,M( 10+) RS(IO+) (00299300) C(lO+) M(,W(IO+) PIl( IOi) N(,S( 10 I') SP(IO+) ('1'(10+) NW(IO+) PII(,( 10.) O(,S(IOI) ST(lOI-)

11« l'lo"lha A(,S( 10+) C'Y« 5) B5« 5) 62 95 H ~/,I« 5) (T' 5) I\IC\I'« 5) S S5-5 1'0(' 5) (,M(IOI-) (00299400) N(,S(IO+ ) SP« 5) RS(IO+) PIl(,« 5) 1'11« S) CP«S) O(,S( 10+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

11(5- [3ob;U1i ,HU I' M« 5)C(5- A(,S(IO+) ('V(5-IOI I3S« 5) 63 95 22 10) 10) I\ICW(5- TK S 55-S 1'0(5-10) ('1\-I( 10 I) (00299500) N(,S( 10+) SP(S-IO) RS(IO+) IO)PHC(5-IO) 1'11(10+) (,P(5-IO) O(,S( 10+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Bilkona A(,S( 10+) C'Y(5-10) 135[5·10) 116 21 1'1\1« 5) C{5- 1(lII\1C~(I~~- I. S 55-1 1'0(5-10) (,~I(IOI) (00299600) NCS(IO+) SI'(5-10) RS(IO+) 10) 10) PIlC(5-10) 1'11(5-10) (,P(5·IO) O(,S(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Rang.lS0ra I' ~I 5 ('(5- - 11(5· Till' TK R AeS(llll) C'Y(5-IO) US(5-10) 65 2.1.1 10) MCW(5- . ._ 1'0(5·10) (,M(IOj) (00299700) 37 )0) NCS( IOj) SP(S-IO) RS(IO+) 10) 1'11('(5-10) L S S5·1 1'11(5-10) C'P(5-10) O(,S( 101') ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Palld~1 Chikasin 18 1'1\1(5·10) 11(10+) A('S( 10» (,V( 10+) BS« 5) 66 T S 5S-") 1'0(- 5) (,M(IO-+) (00299800) C( 10+) MCW(IO+) N(,S(JO+ ) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PII( 10") C'P(IO+ ) 1'11(,(10+) O(,S(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

BS Damlmk Aga I' ~I S III 10+) ACS(IO ,) C'y(tO+) RS( 10+) 67 320 52 T W 5 5S-T 1'0 C'I\I( 10+) (00299900) C( II),) MCW(IO,) PII( 10 +) ("1'(10+) N(,S(IO,) SP(IO+) NW(IO+) 1'11('( 10+'1 O(,S( IO+~) __ST_(:....I_O_-I-'_) _____

Bolchugiri P 1>1(10+) III 10+) A(,S(IO I ) C'\,(IO+) 8S(5-IO) 68 23 s SS-S 1'0(5-10) CM(IO +) (00300000) ('(101) MC'W(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) 1'11(10+) (,P( I () I) PHC(5-10) OeS(lo+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

BS. Dilsinggil i H(IO+) A(,S(IO+) CY(lO+) 69 227 47 P 1-1 ('(101) j{ s SS-g 1'0(-" 5) ("1\1(10,.. RS(IO+) (00300100) MCW(IO+) NCS(IOI) SP(5-10) 1'11(10; ) ('1'( I(H) NW(IO+) PHC« 5) 0('5(10 I) ST(IO+) BS Gaob... ; 48 1'1\4« 5) lIe 10+) A(,S( I 0 +) (,Y(IO+) 70 262 rSS-T I'O{·< 5) C'I\( 10+) RS(IO+) (00300200) (,(101') M('W(IO,) NCS(IO,) SP« 5) PH(IO+) CP( I()~+) NW(IO,) Plle« 5) O[,S(IOI) ST( 10+)

188 ~~I Al ,I. ~!!.~!2.:I~IC( ______._ "illage Hi.-.:clHlT I ali" (I," I.\s 1111 1')'.1'1) ------_._---- I ,Iud U:,l.' (I l; "lv.1 IIL'Ikl dlll'll'HII~ p~s ul I;lIhllL~'c III 1,,,:1'1011'1. )

1=-:; ;;;~ ct, ;.. <= c;; .., '5 .g u 5 ,g iiJ U ... I:; :0 la ti. " ~. CI :; '" ... ~ ~ E" .0'" (5 i;J '0 '" ~ u '" ;;;'" '5 '" u'" ~ r: ~ ~" ~ ~ ~" 21 23 2

~Il, II' U) )'1 NI( IUlllrul


I'I{ (\II{ Lil rI'

.. _--_ .._------

N ~I b2



N ~I 1{,tUlla:-'llia

1'1, ~II( 11,,<;11111;1101 (I~) LD ~J ~I I ill. N,l, N,I Paull a ('hil~,""IU '1(1 FI' -----

I'R MR Bac,IJluilra (H) N,I. N,I, Nil Ilamhuk :\g.a (,7 1'1' N "I ------

Fl' jj"gluwlla (12) NIl, NIl, Nil Buldluglli ilK


PI( ~Ij{ 1l.1<~III".I'" (.1") Nil. Nil, Nil J>d·'·JJJVl!jli I)') 1'1' ._-----

PI, ~II, Bilgiullillil (.Hi) IJil, Nil, Nil OIlI)I)ill. 7IJ FP


HlfJ DISTRICT' :t=NSUS IlANDI:lOOK : SOUTH GARO HILLS Census of India 2001 Amenities and Amellities available (If not av,ulable w,lhlll Ihe village, a dash (-) is shown In Ihe column and nc"llo il in brackets Ihe di,lancc III broad ranges viz< 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kl11s oflhe Ilearesl place WhCf(! the facility is available is given)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

Amonggiri 14 I' M« 5) H(lO+) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) 1.IS« 5) 71 67 TK SS-TK rO« 5) CM«5) (00300300) ('(10+) MCW(10q NCS(IO') SP(IO, ) RS(IOT) I'II( 10·') CP(IOI-) PHC« 5) OCS(IOI) ST(IO+) NW(10+)

SP BS Rallgla ROllglolm.a 32 1'1\1« 5) 11(10+) 1'0 Clvl ACS(IOI) 72 154 TSS-T CV(IO') ((S(IO+) (00300400) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) PII( I(H) CI'(IO,) NCS(IO') ST(IO+) NW(IO+) I'Hq5-1D1 OCS(IOI)

SI' BS New Rongara H(IO+) 73 292 54 P M S TSS-T 1'0(5-10) ('1'.1(5-10) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) ((S(lO+) (00300500) C(lO, ) MCW(IO+) 1'11(10+) C'P(IO+) NC'S(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(lO,) I'HqIO+) OC'S( 101)

PHS III I 0+) BS Rong~lIa Dabokkol 57 1'(2) 1'.1(2) S C'V(IO+) 74 236 MCW(ID+) TSS-T PO(S-IO) CM(5-1O) AC'S(IO+) ((S(IO+) (00300600) C(lO+) SP« 5) 1'11('« 5) I'II( 10+) C'I'(IO'.) NC'S(IO,) NW(IO+) OeS(IO+) ST(IO+)

Rompa Ading H(IO+) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+ ) BS(5-10) 75 123 26 I' M qIO+) T L SS-T 1'0(5-10) C'M(lO+) (00300700) MCW(IO') NC'S(IO+) SP(5-10) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) C'P( 10+) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

ROllll)i) SOllgl11ung 6 1'1\·1« 5) 11(10+) TTKSS5- ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 76 37 T PO(lOi) C'M(IO,) (00300800) qlO+) MCW(IO,) N(,S(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) 1'11(10+) ('1'(10' ) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

RanBhUlggiri 77 ------Ullinhabiled ------(OO~00900)

Gandhigre 18 PM«5) H(IO') TTK S S5- ACS(IO+) (,V(IO+) BS«5) 78 104 1'0« 5) (,M(loq (00301000) ('(10+) MCW(IO') T NCS(IO+) SP(10+) RS(IO+) PH(10+) ('1'(10+) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

AS Nekora 11,1'(2) M S III 10+) TWTK R A(,S(IO+) CV(IO+) 79 603 1'0(5-10) CM(IO,) RS(IO+) (00301100) CCIO T ) M(,W(IO') SSS-T NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) PII( I 0+) CI'( 10+) NW(IO+) I'HCCIO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+)

8S Ivlahcs~ola I' PHC 11« 5) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+} 80 18 6 M S TRSSS-T 1'0 ('1'.1(10'1 RS( IO+} (00301200) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) PII(J(lT) NCS(IO') SP( 10+) ('1'(10+) NW(IO+) O(,S(IO') ST(10+)

Mohadco H(lDe) ACS( 10+) CV( 10+) 8S« 5) 81 Songmong 142 27 I' M« 5) T R S OSS- I'O(~ 5) (,M(IOe) C(IO+) MCW(IO') NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) (00301300) T PH(IO+) ('1'(10+) PHC« 5) OCS(5-10) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

BS New Rompa 23 1'1\1« 5) II( 10+) ACS( 10+) (,V(IO+) 82 133 T R SOSS-I'O(~ 5) (,M( 10+) RS(IO+) (00301400) ('(10+) M(,W(IO+) NCS(IO+) SI'(IO+) R 1'11(10+) cr(lo+) NW(IO+) PJlC« 5) O(,S(lO+) ST(IO+)

BS Halisia IH P 1\1(5-lD) 11(10+) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) 83 90 TK S 0 55- 1'0(;-10) (,M(lO+) RS(IO+) (00301500) C(IO+) M(,W(IO+) N(,S(IO+) SP(IO+) TK 1'11(10+) ('1'(10+) NW(IO+) PHC'{S-IO) O(,S(IO+) ST(IO+)

190 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory L.and lise (As on J 999) Land Lise (i,e, area Linder different types ofland Lise in hectare)

0'" j 'C.. ~ Co' > -i3 "" :;'= g a -i3'" " e -0" "~ ~ 't.j'" "'~ .e " 'i3 g -.:::.~ E ~ :0 Il 5 1~ '" " 'C:: ~ ! 1ii" 6 ] :; ia ~ I ~ eo i?:'" ~ 5 b!: 2'" !:.l OIl ~ i?: !!l" 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 1

MRFP Bashmara (37) Nil, Nil, Nil Amonggiri 71

PR Baglnnara (24) ED Nil,Nil,Nil Rangra Rong,lohlla 72

PR FP B.srunara (35) ED N M Nil, Nil, Nil New Rongara 73

PR FP Bashmara (34) ED N M Nil, Nil, Nil ROllsara Dabokkol 74

MR FP Baglunara (34) ED N M Nil, Nil, Nil Romp. Ading 75

PRMR Baglnn.ra (48) Nil,Nil,Nil Romp. Songmong 76

------Uninhabited ------Ranglanggiri 77

PRMR Baghmara (50) Nil, Nil,Nil Gandhigre 78 FP

PRMR B.ghmara (86) Nil,Nil,Nil Nekor. 79 FP

PR Tura(SI) Nil, Nil, Nil Maheskola SO

MR FP Baghmara (82} ED Nil,Nil,Nil Mohadeo Songmong 81

PRMR Baglnuara (SO) ED NM Nil,Nil,NiI New Romp. 82 FP

MR FP Baghlllar. (56) Nil,Nil,Nil Halisia 83

191 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: SOllTH GARO Hill S Census of India 2001 Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz,< 5 kms" 5-10 kms, and 10+ kms of the ';;;' nearest place where the facility is available is given) 5\ 5 "t:l .g Iu ~ :E" u ., ~ u S '." u .; § ... :a ;; ...c ~ u g ... <:> '." ] 'Et! '~ >; 'g ., U C. tS &. OIl ~ "3 ~ ;; ~ i u ., .3 <:> '0 'B ]~~ :g " c. '0 li '" _OI ~ ~ {i ~ '? .~ S ... c S '<:l 6 .!! is "6 "C:: ~~ ..." -5 a g c .~ c 15 a d il .. '- ... ~ . Qd~~ 'c 0 a -= .. 01 .. 01 > ::s m .;: ~ ~ c ..: ,;! g_ 'E c 1., .~ e - l)! 0 13'0 'E '" c >, 1 ~ 8. 'C u "" 'B "3 ~ g]] 3 OJ II !:l Ei '" E '" " fi fi § ::s '0'" ~ il ~ g '0 Ei ~ '5 ~ 0 ~ §~ ~ til 2:: tS! I- :z iil ;ii" ~ s.1.o ..:1l ~QSi 3] I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 "'"9 10 11 12 n

BS Sanhana 19 PM« 5) H(H)+) ACS(lO+) CV(lO+) 8~ 119 TS OSS-S PO(IO+) CM(IO+) RS(IO+) (00301600) C(lO+) MCW(fO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) NW(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(lO+) ST(10+)

BS Makbilkolla PM« 5) H(IOi) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) 85 61 II S SS-S 1'0(10+) CM(1O r) RS(IO+) (00301700) CCIO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) I'H(IO+) CP(IO+) NW(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(lO+) ST(IO+)

Malikona H(lO+) ACS(IO+) CY(IO+) BS(5-10) 86 265 58 I' M« S) TSS-T 1'0« S) CM(S-IO) (00301800) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Pochismile PM(5-10) H(lO+) TK S SS- ACS( 10+) CY(IO+) BS(S-IO) 87 208 31 PO« 5) CM(lO+) (00301900) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) TK NC5(10+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Oulpani Bibl'8 PM(5-lO) H(IO+) ACS(IO+) CY(lO+) B5« 5) 88 401 75 TSS-T 1'0« 5) CM(S·IO) (00302000) C(IO+) MCW(5-1O) NCS(IO+) SP(S-IO) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(lO+) PHC« 5) OC5(10+) 5T(IO+) NW(IO+)

Wachal Chiring H(lO+) ACS(IO+) CY(IO+) B5« 5) 89 105 19 P M« S) R S SS-R PO« 5) CM(IO+) (OO302100) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) NC5(IO+) 51'« 5) RS(IO+) PH(lO+) CP(lO+) PHC« S) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

BS Wage KOlla P M« 5) H(IO+) ACS(IO+) CY(IO+) 90 212 40 TS SS·T PO« 5) CM(IO+) RS(IO+) (00302200) C(lO+) MCW(lO+) NCS(101 ) SP(IO+) PI 1(10+) CP(IO+) NW(lOr) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+)

Agalcllikolla P M« 5) H(IO+) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 91 119 22 L S SS-L PO« 5) CM(IO+) (00302300) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SI'(IO+) RS(lO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

P« - H(5- , . Nulbari ACS(IO+) CY(S-IO) BS(S-IO) 92 39 5 5) M(5·10) 10) MCW(5- TK S SS- PO(5-1O) CM(IO .. ) (00302400) NCS(IO+) 51'(5-10) R5(10+) C(lO+) 10) PHC(S-IO) TK PH(S-IO) CP(S-IO) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

- H(S- Taraibari r« ACS(IO+) CY(5-IO) BS(S-IO) 93 61 10 5) M« 5) 10) MCW(S- W R 0 SS- 1'0(5-10) CM(IO+) (00302500) NCS(IO+) SP(5-10) RS(IO+) C(lO+) 10) PHC(5-1O) R PH(5-10) CP(S-IO) OCS(HH) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

1'« H(5- Badimbari AC5(10+) CY(S-IO) BS(5-10) 94 38 9 5) M« 5) 10) MCW(5- TK 5 5S-S PO(S-IO) CM(IO+) (00302600) NCS(IO+) SP(:HO) RS(IO+) C(IO+) 10) PHC(5-10) PH(S-IO) CP(5-IO) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Oripur H(lO+) ACS(IO+) CY(lO+) BS« 5) 95 208 40 PM«S) T,R S SS-R 1'0« 5) CM(IO+) (00302700) C(JO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(lO+} CP(IO+) I'HC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

192 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Laud lise (As ou 1999) Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use in hectare)

'"L'! o '= 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

PR Ba8111nara (53) Nil, Nil, Nil Sanbuna 84

PR B'8hmara (52) Nil,Nil,Nil Makbilkona 85

MR B"8hmara (52) ED Nil. Nil, Nil Malikona 86

MR Baglunara (53) ED Nil. Nil, Nil Pochismile 87

MR FP B"8111nara(51) ED Nil, Nil, Nil Gulp""i Bibra 88

FP Ba8hmara (37) Nil, Nil, Nil Wachal Chiring 89

PRMR Baghmara (24) NM Nil,Nil.NiI Wage Kona 90 FP

MRFP Bagluna.. a (29) NM Nil,Nil.Nil Agalcilikona 91

MR FP Baghmara (8) N M Nil, Nil, Nil Nolban 92

MR FP Baglunara (8) N M Nil, Nil, Nil Taraibari 93

FP Baghmara (10) N M Nil. Nil, Nil Badimbari 94

MR FP Baghmara (29) N M Nil. Nil, Nil Oripur 9S

193 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: SOUTH GARO HILl.S Census of India 2001 Amenities and Amenities available (ifnot available within the village. a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10-1- kms of the ~ nearest I1lace where the facilil}: is available is given} ]' u -0 u" Vl.g ~ :a ._g () § .~ 'u t: .~ ~ '" ~ 1 e <.\'!!&, ~ <3 .;g iu ] c R I!~~ : f .!! <5 I 's. ~ e ..r::: -0 ill - ~ 'S ~ ~ "ij ~]§ ~~" " .. .. § :a '0 u 0 § ... -B ~ ",- 0 .a g g § IJ .!! '- .'" ..r::: iii Od:S!:a 0 .. 'J:' '" 'S "3 '- -OJ 7il - '" .. 0 ~ ~ e .t:: ]>~ .~ '~ .... § CD .!! g 1 0 ~ 8: 'J:' (ij c: .!! ~] 'J:' -.. ~ § >. ta u 1l u u .... ·c ij g § g" '<3 ~ 1i ~ ~ '<3 ~1 u ;z; 0 ~~ a'" - 5 Vl ~ !-< ~ ;E ~ ~ "- U.o ::;~ ..:~~ § ~ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

BS D,uubuk Apal P M« S) H(lO+) TTKSO ACS(IO,) CV(IO+) 96 206 36 1'0(5-10) CM(IO+) RS(lO+) (00302800) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) SS-T NCS(IO+) SP(10... ) PH(IO-l-) CP{lO+) NW(IO+) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+)

11(5- Rubber Giltim I' M« S) ACS(IO+) CY(JO+) 8S(<: 5) 97 154 22 10) MCWlS- TSO SS-T 1'0(5-10) CM(IO+) (00302900) C(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) 10) PHC«5) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Toklekba"; P M« S) H(IO+) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) 8S« S) 98 171 25 R L S SS-R 1'0« 5) CM(lO+) (00303000) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP« 5) RS(lO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC{< S) OCS(IO+) ST( lOT} NW{lO+)

Imbloka P M«5) H(IO+) TKOSS· ACS(IO+) C\'(lO+) BS« 5) 99 295 53 1'0« 5) (,M(5-1O) (00303100) C(lO+) MCW(S-tO) TK NeS(IO+) SP(S-IO) RS(IO+) PHIIO+} CP(IO .. } PHC(S-IO) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Rangara PM(S-IO) H(lO+) ACS(lO+) CV(lO+) 85(5-10) 100 Malcllakol 162 21 W SO SS-S PO(S-IO) CM(S-IO) qIO+) MCW(S-IO) NCS(IO+) 5P(5-10) RS(IO+) (00303200) PH(IO;-) CP(lo+) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

Gramkol 7 PM("5) H(lO.,.) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) 8S(S-10) 101 42 S OSS-S PO(S-IO) CM(S-IO) (00303300) C(lO+) MCW(S-IO} NCS( 10+) SP(5-IO) RS{lO+) PU(IO+) CP(IO+) PH('(5-10) OCS(IO+) ST(lO.,.) NW(IO+)

BS NudaJlgkolj 2& P M(5-10) H(lO+) ACS(IO ..) CV(IO+) 102 169 TK 5 SS-S PO(IO+) CM(IO+) RS(IO+) (00303400) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO .. ) SP(IO+) PH(IO+) (,P(IO+) NW(IO+) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+)

8S Chenggni Champa 25 PM(lO+) H(IO+) TKRSSS- ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) 103 118 PO(IO+) CM(IO") RS( 10+) (00303500) C(IO+) MCW(ID+) R NCS(lO+) SP(lO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) NW(IO+) PHC(IO+) O(,S(IO+) ST(IO+)

P« BS Galasora H(IO+) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) 104 171 29 5) M(5-IO) TKS SS-S PO(IO+) CM(IO+) RS(lO+) (00303600) MCW(IO ..) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) C(lO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) NW(IO+) PUCCIO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) H(S- CheJ1SSlli 10) ACS(IO+) CY(IO+) BS(IO+) IDS SongmoDIl 361 66 P M C(lO+) T W S 5S-S P0(5-10) CM(IO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) (00303700) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(5-10) OC5(10+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Kanai 11(10+) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) 8S« 5) 106 114 19 I' M C(lOT) T W R S 5S- PO(;O+) CM(IO+) (00303800) MCW(IO+) NeS(IO+) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) R PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(5-10) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

P« H.tibd H(IO+) ACS(lO+) CV(IO+) OS« 5) 107 ))7 29 S) M« 5) R S SS-R PO(IO+) CM(IO+) (00303900) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C(lO+) PH(IO+) CP(lO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(lO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Dur.bela 14 PM(5-1O) H(IO+) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) BS(5-IO) 108 81 R SSS-R PO« 5) CM(IO+) (00304000) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(ID ... ) PH(W+) CP(IO+) PHC«5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

194 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land llse (As 011 1999) Land use (i.e area under different types of lund use in heClure)

] ~ to' 8 -g '" e "I>" ~ ~" e ~ -a 3 o"d "" ~ >-, '" 5-0 S i ]: .<: ~ 6 ~ u S !a- ..e 1;; '" Co §~ c i ~ gj '"fa ~ z j z" ::E E 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2

~IR fP B"shm",. (29) ED NM NIl, NIl, NIl Dambuk Apal 96

Pi{ t\IR Bagluuara (28) Nil,Nil,Nil RulJberGlttlll1 97 FP

FP Bagluuara (45) Nil, NIl. Nil To~lckbari 98

lliR FP Bashonara (44) N Nil,Nil,Nil JOIlbJoka 99

FP Baghonw'a (44) N NoI, Nil. Nil Rauga... Matchal",1 100

MR Baglunara(43) Nil,Nil,Nil Gramkol 101

PR Baghmara (49) Nil, Nil, Nil Nadallskolj 102

PR Baghoua... (48) Nil,Nil,Nil Chenggni Champa 101

PR Bashmw'a (52) Nil,Nil,Nil Galasora 104

MR FP Ba!!,1\m,ua (43) NiI,Nil,Nil Ch,eng.gnl SOl\gmong 105

MR FP B.slunara (54) Nil,Nil,Nil Kanai 106

FP BaghOllara (55) Nil, Nil. Nil Halibd 107

I\tR Baghlllar. (54) N,I, NIl, Nil Durab!.!13 108

195 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: S()I ITiI GARO Hill S Census of India 2001 Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next 10 il in brackels tht: distance in broad ranges viz. < 5 kms .. 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of Ihe -;;;- ::1 nearest place where the facility is available is given)

~ '" III ..g~ ~ 1; il 8 .. j u 11 .__g'U .; -= 0 ~ ., IS ;§, 0 5'" 'l'l .~ ~ ... li ~ -a e ~~i ] 0 .< .!i ;! § '- § 1~ § .. c 0 §: ~ n .g .. ] ~ .0 .~ -B "3 ~ 01 .. .t: l§ VI i:! Ii '€l ~ ~. v !il 5,~ ~ .5 r:! 0:- Vl Z ! ! z lB .f u-=~~

Adachepa 20 P M(S-IO) H(IO+) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) B5« 5) 109 89 S OSS-S PO(S-JO) CM(IO+) (00304100) C(lO+) MCW(JO+) NCS(to+) SP(JO+) RS(JO+) PHelO+) CP(IO+) PHC(S-IO) OCS(lO+) ST(lO+) NW(JO+)

BOllbcra 28 P M(S-IO) H(IO+) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) B5« 5) 110 128 SO SS-S PO« 5) CM(IO+) (00304200) C(JO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC« S) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Batlaban 26 P M(S-IO) H(W+) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) BS«:5) III 114 TR50SS- PO(~5) CM(IO+) (00304300) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) T PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(JO+) NW(IO+)

Nikwa!!l.re P(2) M H(IO+) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 112 71 15 TTK05S- PO(;O+) CM(IO+) (00304400) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) T PH(IO+) CP(JO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST{IO+) NW(IO+)

DH(IO+) OCS SP BS Mohadeo Watima PM S TWTKR PO 113 307 MCW(IO+) CM(IO+) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) RS(IO+) (00304500) 60 C(lO+) COSS-T PH(IO+) PHC(IO+) CP(IO+) NCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(JO+)

BS Ailatoli P M« S) H(IO+) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) 114 140 26 T S SS-T PO«5) CM(IO+) RS(IO+) (00304600) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP« 5) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) NW(JO+) PHC{< 5) OCS« 5) ST(IO+)

Betgora 115 ------Uninhabited ------.-- (00304700)

BS Upper Pasgllon P M(S-IO) H(IO+) TTK S SS- ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) 116 93 21 PO(5-10) CM(IO+) RS(IO+) (00304800) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) T NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) NW(IO+) PHC(5-10) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+)

BandraSora H(lO+) WRSSS- ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) 8S« 5) 117 142 28 P M« 5) PO« 5) CM(IO+) (00304900) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) W NCS(IOt) SP(IO+) RS(lO+) PH(IO+) CP(W+) PHC«5) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(lO+)

BS Lower Pasgaon 9 P M(5-10) H(IO+) WTKRS ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) 118 35 PO(IO+) CM(IO+) RS(IO+) (00305000) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) SS-W NCS(IO+) SP( 10+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) NW(IO+) PHC(5-10) OCS(IO+) ST(IO... ) Sapaisora Jl9 ------Uninhabited ------(00305100)

BS Ratnbil Gittim H(IO+) TTKSO ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) 120 222 42 P M« S) PO« 5) CM(lO+) RS(IO+) (00305200) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) SS-T NCS(IO+) SP« 5) PH(IO+) CP(lO+) NW(IO+) PHC« 5) OCS« 5) ST(lO+)

T(S1) Well) J 51 P(lOO) M(16) 0 PHe TK(40) Block Tot.. 1 0.0 1751-1 POtS) CM oes SP(3) BS(24) I S(7) PHS(2) SMP flP R(-I9) e L(17) S(M6)

196 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directol"y Land Use (As 011 1999) Land use (i.e. area under different types orland use in hectare)

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

MR FP Baglnnam (56) Nil, Nil, Nil Adachepa 109

MR FP Baghonara (54) Nil, Nil, NIl Bonbl.!l"a liD

MR FP Baghl11ara (64) Nil, Nil, Nil Ballaban III

PR FP Bagillnara (64) ED N Nil,Nil,Nil Nikwatgre 112

PR FP Baghmara (64) ED NM Nil, Nil, Nil Mohadeo Warima 113

PR FP Baglnnara (72) NM Nil,Nil,Nil Ailatuli 114

"""""""" Uninhabited """"-""""""" Betgora liS

PRMR Baghmara (86) Nil, Nil, Nil Upper Pasgaon 116 FP

PRMR Baglnnara (50) Nil,Nil,Nil Bandra Sora 117 FP

PRMR Baghmara (92) Nil,Nil,Nil lower Pasgaon 118 FP

"""""""" Uniullabited """""""""""" Sapaisora 119

PR FP Baghmara (62) NM NiI,Nil,Nil Rambil Oitlim 120

PR(J6) MR(68) ED(J6) N(2J) 0,0 0.0 0.0 0.0 FP(92) EA(J) M(20) NR(IS)


Appendixes to village directory ( I - IX) DIS I HI! ''I CJ:NSI IS IIAND IH)()K . s( H I II I (jAR() lULLS

APPENDIX -I Ahstract of Educational, Medical and other Amenities in villages Namc ofthc District: South GarolliJls SI. Name of Total number Total populatior Educational institutions No, CD,block of inhabited of CD, block Primary school Middle school Matriculation / villages Secondary school

Villages Institution Village Institution Village Institutions 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I. Chokpot 336 37,937 198 204 34 37 9 9 2, Baghmara 149 36,886 122 129 21 23 5 6 3, Rongara 110 17,514 96 100 15 16 7 7 District(Rural): 595 92,337 416 433 70 76 21 22

SI. Name of Medical institutions No, CO.block Hospital ~ispensary Primary Health Primary Health Sub· Maternity and Child Centre I Health centre Welfare Centre I Centre Maternity Home I Child Welfare Centre Villages Institutions Villages Institutions Villages Institutions Villages Institutions Villages Institutions 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 I. Chockpot I I 2 2 2. Baghmara 3 3 4 4 3 3 3. Rongara I I 2 2

4. District(Rural): 5 5 6 6 7 7

SI. Name of Orinkins water source No. CO.block Tank Tubewell River Fountain Canal Others More than No drinking water one source facilities

2 39 40 41 42 43 44 4S 46

Chock pot 13 2 122 278 84 266 2 Baghmara 30 II 81 141 42 137 3 Rongara 40 49 86 47 94

District(Rural): 83 J3 252 505 173 497

SI. Name of Banks Power su[![!I~ Credit societies No. C.O.block Villages Number of Available Not Villages Number of Villages Number of non- commercial and co- available agricultural agricultural operative banks credit societies credit societies 2 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64

I. Chockpot 2 30 305 2. Baghmara 69 80 3. Rongara 17 93

District (Rural) 2 3 116 478



Educational institutions Higher Secondary / PUC / College (graduate and Adult literacy Others No Intermediate / Junior above) classes/centres educational college facilities Villages Institutions Villages Institutions Villages Institutions Villages Institutions II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

2 6 138 27 14 1 1 o o 1 2 1 6 179

Medical inst itutions Drinking water source Family Welfare Centre Community Health Others No medical Workers facilities

Villages Institutions Villages Numbers Villages Institutions Tap Well 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

331 119 117 138 84 41 105 52 II 3 3 574 255 169

Post, Telegrap h & telephone office Transport communications Post office Telegraph Post & Post office Telegraph Post, Phone Bus service Railway Navigable office telegraph & phone office & telegraph & station waterway office 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56

8 II 17 5 2

24 18 2

Credit societies Recreational facilit~ Newsl2al2er / Ma~azine Villages Number of Cinema! Sports club Stadium! News paper ·Magazine News paper & other credit Video hall Auditorium! Magazine societies Community hall 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 1 1 1 1

1 1 3 23 20 20

1 1 1 5 24 21 21

201 DISTIHCT L:t'NSIIS IIAND BI)l))... . SDII))) (jAR!) ~

APPENDIX lA - Village Directory Villages by number of Primary Schools Name of the Dish'ict : South Garo Hills SI. Name of C, D, block Total number of Number of primary schools No, inhabited villages None One Two Three Four + 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I. Chokpot 336 138 192 6 2. Baghmara 149 27 116 5 3. Rongara 110 14 92 4 District Total: 595 179 400 15

APPENDIX 18 - VILLAGE DIRECTORY Villages by P";mary, Middle alld Secolldary Schools Name of the District: South Gal'o Hills Sl Name of Total number of Type of educational institutions available No. e. D. block inhabited villages Noof At least one primary At least one primary At least one middle school School school and school and and no middle school one middle school one secondary school 2 3 4 5 6 7

I. Chokpot 336 138 164 34 9 2. Baghmara 149 27 101 21 5 3. Rongara 110 14 81 15 7

Total: 595 179 346 70 21

APPENDIX - IC - VILLAGE DIRECTORY Villages with differellt sources of dl'inking water facilities available Name of the Distdct : South Garo Hills SI. Name of Number of villages with different sources of drinking water available No. C, D, block Only tap Only well Only tube well Only handpump More than one source only from tap, well, tube well, handpump 2 3 4 5 6 7

I. Chokpot 6 3 53 2. Baghmara 1 32 3. Rongara 6 8

District Total: 13 3


APPENDIX II - Village Directory Villages with 5,000 and above ,)opulation which do not have one or more amenities Name of the nist.-ict : South Gal'o Hills SI. Name of Location Name of Popul- Amenities not availablt: Amenities not available No. village code C. D. block ation ( indicate N. A. where amenity ( indicate N. A. where amenity number not available) not available) Senior College Primary Tap Bus Approach Comm- St:condary Health Sub drinking tacility by Pucca ercial School Centre water road Bank 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 " 12 NIL

APPENDIX III - Village Directory Land utilisation data in respect of Census Towns/Noll-municipal towns. Name of District: South Gal'o Hills SI.No. Name of Census Town and Landa used (i.e.,area under different types ofland used in hectare) C.D. Block within brakets -T-o-ta-l-a-re-a---F-or-e-st__;__;'lr-ri-g-at-e-d-b-y-U-n"""i-rr-ig-a~te~d'---C-u""lt-iv-a""b-le-w-a-s-te-~A-re-a-n-o-t- source (including gauchar available for & groves) cultivation 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Not Available

APPENDIX IV - Village Directory CD. block wise list of inhabited villages where no amenity other than drinking water facility is available Name of the District: South Garo Hills Serial number Location code number Name of village 2 3

Name of C.D. Block : Chokpot I. 00242900 Rongdi Anchenggiri 2. 00243000 Wagi Chiringgiri 3. 00243200 Rongchanggiri 4. 00243600 Rongdi Anchigre 5. 00244000 Seminanggiri 6. 00244700 Bolkongpara 7. 00244800 Soksomarenggre 8. 00245100 Romba Songgitalgre 9. 00245600 Gandak Nawepilgiri 10. 00245700 Ruabanggagiri II. 00245800 Dagal Songgital 12. 00246800 Rongru Watregiri 13. 00246900 Kalbanggiri 14. 00248200 Tokrok Anchenggre 15. 00248300 Budu Watregiri 16. 00248400 Reni Adinggre 17. 00248600 Simbu Raongkiragiri 18. 00248800 Daji Adugre

203 DIS l'HICT CENSUS IIAND BOOK: S()llrlIG,\j{()11I11 S

Serial number Location code number Name of \'illa~e 1 2 3 19. 00248900 Rongdcnggre 20. 00249300 Rotonggiri 21. 00249400 Nokatgiri 22. 00249500 Ganggugiri 23. 00250000 Asimgiri 24. 00250100 Tepotagiri 25. 00250200 Alekapara 26. 00251600 Bikinggiri 27. 00251700 Gandinanggiri 28. 00252200 Daji Rongkuakgre 29. 00252300 Chisrengre 30. 00252400 Waro Songgitcham 31. 00252500 Waro Songgital 32. 00252600 Daji Rongbinggre 33. 00252700 Dingbinggre 34. 00252800 Bugakolgre 35. 00253300 Dindigre 36. 00253900 Daji Boldakgre 37. 00254000 Songma Matchokgre 38. 00254100 Sembu Jingjanggitim 39. 00254200 Sembu Singronggittim 40. 00254600 Sembu Rongsnagiri 41. 00254700 Sembu Nokatgiri 42. 00254800 Sembu Jakinggittim 43. 00254900 Sembu jibanggittim 44. 00255000 Dasamgiri 45. 00255200 DorekAsim 46. 00255400 Abanda 47. 00255800 Waidagiri 48. 00255900 Damit Bugakolgiri 49. 00256000 Dokananggiri 50. 00256200 Nachi Adugiri 51. 00256300 Roriagre (Chigranggre) 52. 00257700 Dagalgiri 53. 00258000 Chandigiri 54. 00258200 Dckigrc 55. 00258300 Bolchim Songgital 56. 00258400 Bangguagre 57. 00258600 Asimgiri 58. 00259200 Dagal Asimgrc 59. 00259500 Kilbolmagre 60. 00259600 KilbolmaAsimgre 61. 00259700 Agalgre 62. 00259800 Papa Asakgre 63. 00260000 Papa Songgital 64. 00260200 Kene Chania 65. 00260800 Dagal Songmong 66. 00260900 Agittinggre 67. 00261000 Ramigiri 68. 00261200 Rongsimagiri 69. 00261300 Eldimiramgre 70. 00261400 Tejagre 71. 00261600 Emragre 72. 00261800 Sonaramgre 73. 00262100 Darinanggiri 74. 00262200 Wainabenggrc


Serial number Location code number Name of village I 2 3 75. 00262600 Debaigre 76. 00263000 Jongkolgiri 77. 00263200 Kene Anchenggiri 78. 00263300 Papa Dajinggre 79. 00264000 Kimdegonggre 80. 00264300 Ringkap Sonawari 81. 00264500 Dagalgre 82. 00264700 Janiagiri 83. 00264900 lJompaigiri 84. 00265000 Agalgre 85. 00265300 Tojanang (Darudi.t) 86. 00265600 SilkiAdu 87. 00265800 Galwanggitok 88. 00265900 Balsiragre 89. 00266000 Inchagiri 90. 00266300 Adanggiri 91. 00268000 Mitap Megapgiri 92. 00268100 Mitap Bodola 93. 00268200 Guripatal 94. 00268400 Genapara 95. 00268500 Galwanggre 96. 00268600 Dilnigre 97. 00268700 Babilbanda 98. 00268800 Dadinggiri 99. 00269300 Rongmai Jongjanggittim 100. 00269400 Ruatsogiri 101. 00269500 Chittilonggiri 102. 00269800 Drong Walbakgiri 103. 00270700 Dopagre 104. 00271200 Rangmai Aruak 105. 00271300 Rongmai Songgital 106. 00271400 Waibagre 107. 00271500 Dasing Bibra 108. 00271700 Silanggiri 109. 00271800 Wasagiri 110. 00271900 Dumingiri 1I l. 00272100 Gnengkolsi Songgitcham 112. 00272600 Kalsigiri 113. 00272800 Chigitchakgiri 114. 00272900 Rangra Nokatgre 115. 00274000 Dallonggre 116. 00274100 Chibandagre 117. 00274200 Tinak Songgital 118. 00274300 Ginengkolsi Songgital 119. 00274400 Mon Dobakolgre 120. 00274600 Aringakolgiri 121. 00274800 Rongdikgiri 122. 00274900 Balmoragiri 123. 00275700 Atabengagre 124. 00276400 Bolasinggre 125. 00276500 Somegre 126. 00277400 Dari! Simragittim 127. 00277800 Darit Wakcholgre

Name of CD Block: Baghmara

128. 00278200 Gare Chigitchak


Serial number Location code numb":I' Name of villall,e I 2 3

129. 00278700 Dobakol Chonggalgittim 130. 00278800 Dobakol Simsanggiltim 131. 00281600 Siju Rongmikgittim 132. 00281900 Garugittim 133. 00284000 Banakol 134. 00284900 Baikal Asim I 135. 00286500 Darokgiri 136. 00286600 Aritakgiri 137. 00289100 Rongdotchi (L) 138. 00290000 Kolapara 139. 00292000 Chambil Badimagn: 140. 00292500 Rangchikipgiri

NlIllle of CD Ulock: Rongara

141. 00294000 Dakopgre 142. 00294100 Rewak Kambepal 143. 00294700 Meangittim 144. 00295600 Rongchenggiri 145. 00296500 Kunchung 146. 00297900 Rona Agal 147. 00298700 Kasigiri 148. 00302400 Nolbari 149. 00302500 Taraibari 150. 00302600 Badimb 15 J. 00303900 Hatibel

APPENDIX V - Village Directory

Summary showing number of viJIages not having Scheduled ClIstes population SI. Name ofC.D. block Total villages Uninhabited Inhabited Number of inhabited villages having no No. villages villages Scheduled Castes population 2 3 4 5 6 I. Chokpot 354 18 336 334 2. Baghmara 153 4 149 146 3. Rongara 120 10 110 107 District Total: 627 32 595 587

APPENDIX VI - Village Directory Summary showing number of villages not having Scheduled Tribes population SI. Name of C. D. block Total villages Uninhabited Inhabited Number of inhabited villages having No. villages villages no Scheduled Tribes population 2 3 4 5 6 I. Chokpot 354 18 336 5 2. 8aghmara 153 4 149 3. Rongara 120 10 110

District Total: 627 32 595 5


APPENDIX VII A - Village Directory Range of Location code Name of village Scheduled number List of villages according to the proportion orthe Tribes Scheduled Castes to the total population by ranges population Name of the District:South Garo Hills (percentages) Range of Location code Name of village 1 2 3 2 3 , Name ofC.D. Block: Chokpot 76 and above 00270100 Ruga Songmong Less than 5 00251100 Simkalanggiri 00274500 Silki Christiangittim 00250300 Dangkipara 00277000 Rongrikimgre 00251000 Sangknigiri Name orC.D. Rlocl.: Baghmara 00269000 Renggua Less than 5 00261600 Emragre 00273700 Tengki Songmong 00279800 Pattal Gittim 00248900 Rongdenggre 00280400 Rongsa Awe 00254400 Warimagiri 00278300 Rongkandi Dt:ngjama 00257400 Asugiri Name of C.D. Block: Rongara 00247600 Emandurabangda Less than 5 00248500 Reni Badima 00293400 Rongsu Agal 00273300 Silki Betagiri 5-10 00259700 Agalgre 00301800 Malikona 00242800 Awegiri 00304500 M ohadeo Wllrima 00260100 Kilbolma Damalgre Note:- Villages having NIL Scheduled Castes Population 00274500 Silki Christiangittim have been excluded 00274400 Mon Dobakolgre 00269700 Ruga Nokatgiri 00260300 Nodonggiri APPENDIX VII B - Village Directory 00265400 Mibonpara 00255100 Chokpotgiri List ofvillages according to the proportion of the Scheduled 00267500 Rongbilbanggre Tribes to the total population by ranges 00259900 Papa Songmong 00277000 Rongrikimgre Name of the District:South Garo Hills 00275600 Kokigre Range of Location code Name of village 00253000 Jallegre Scheduled number 00259100 Dagal Gopre (A) Tribes 00267900 Rongrakgre population 00255700 Gangchikalak (percentages) 00245000 Dura-Asimgiri 00255300 Daringgre 2 3 00259000 Bibragiri 00242600 Durabanda Agitok Name of CD Block: Chokpot 00242700 Durabanda Chambugong 11-20 00242900 Rongdi Anchenggiri 00274600 Aringakolgiri 00243000 Wagi Chiringgiri 76 and above 00243100 Dana Adugiri 00253500 Chokpot Bazar 00243200 Rongchanggiri 00253700 Bo1sa1 Ading 00243300 Mekalpagiri 00254000 Songma Matchokgre 00243400 Mikadogre 00255200 DorekAsim 00243500 Rongdigiri 00244400 Dapgiri 00243600 Rongdi Anchigre 00257100 Noranggiri 00243700 Bramagiri 00269300 Rongmai Jongjanggittim 00243800 Rongdi Adinggre 00244900 Nokatgiri 00244000 Seminanggiri 00243900 Rebodotgiri 00244100 Sasatgiri 00245500 San dong 00244300 Kalsimpara 00258600 Asimgiri 00244500 Rekonanggre 00270200 RugaAding 00244600 Karijhoragre 00244200 Marakapara 00244700 Bolkongpara


Range of Location code Name of vi II age Range of Location code Name of village Scheduled number Scheduled number Tribes Tribes population population (percentages) (percentages) 2 3 I 2 3

76 and above 00244800 Soksomarenggre 76 and above 00250900 Satilokgiri 00245100 Romba Songgitalgre 00251200 Chigisimgiri 00245300 Rongsimagiri 00251300 Digranggre 00245400 Bandarigire 00251400 Rombagiri 00245600 Gandak Nawepilgiri 00251500 Rontragiri 00245700 Ruabanggagiri 00251600 Bikinggiri 00245800 Dagal Songgital 00251700 Gandinanggiri 00245900 Budigre 00251800 Dobagre 00246100 Akoksigiri 00251900 Chianggalgre 00246200 Anchenggre 00252000 Duragre 002"16300 Rongpakgre 00252100 Wakjapakre 00246400 Rongmigiri 00252200 Daji Rongkuakgrc 00246500 Rongasigre 00252300 Chisrengre 00246600 Chiringmagiri 00252400 Waro Songgitcham 00246700 RongruAsim 00252500 Waro Songgital 00246800 Rongru Watregiri 00252600 Daji Rongbinggre 00246900 Kalbanggiri 00252700 Dingbinggre 00247000 Jetragiri 00252800 Bugakolgre 0024? 100 Sernbu Rongto\giuim 00252900 Budu Asimgre 00247200 Darengiri 00253100 Block Head Qtr. 00247300 Paromgre 00253200 Dobagre 00247400 Rongma Paromgiri 00253300 Dindigre 00247500 Dabolgre 00253400 Daji Badima 00247700 Dobagiri 00253600 Warima Chokcla 00247800 Kakijagiri 00253800 Warima Dooldu 00248000 Redingsi Songgital 00253900 Daji Boldakgre 00248100 Rongma Rekmangiri 00254100 Sembu Jingjanggitim 00248200 Tokrok Anchenggre 00254200 Sembu Singronggittim 00248300 Budu Watregiri 00254500 Warima Duragre 00248400 Reni Adinggre 00254600 Sembu Rongsnagiri 00248600 Simbu Raongkiragiri 00254700 Sembu Nokatgiri 00248700 Minchi Chiringgre 00254800 Sembu lakinggittim 00248800 DajiAdugre 00254900 Sembll Jibanggittim 00249000 Darengsagiri 00255000 Dasamgiri 00249100 Chibokgre 00255400 Abanda 00249200 Adilmagiri 00255500 Daji Teksragre 00249300 Rotonggiri 00255800 Waidagiri 00249400 Nokatgiri 00255900 Damit BlIgakolgiri 00249500 Ganggugiri 00256000 Dokananggiri 00249600 Deku Bazar 00256100 Rongrak Teksragre 00249700 Dorangre 00256200 Nachi Adugiri 00249800 Dopananggre 00256300 Roriagre (Chigranggre) 00249900 Dangjingre 00256600 Boldam Sangkni 00250000 Asimgiri 00256700 Ala Rongpakgiri 00250100 Tepotagiri 00256800 Nokatgre 00250200 Alekapara 00256900 Dajegre 00250400 Kalupara 00257000 Wangmagre (Darinanggre) 00250500 Dumindigiri 00257200 Rimrang Adinggiri 00250600 Dawagiri 00257300 Alagiri 00250700 Rongkugiri 00257500 Anigre 00250800 Rongkongittim 00257600 Asinangre


Range of Location code Name of village Range of Location code Name of village Scheduled number Scheduled number Tribes Tribes population population (percentages) (percentages) 1 2 3 2 3

76 and above 00257700 Dagalgiri 76 and above 00264000 Kimdegonggre 00257800 Ganchigre 00264100 Nanil Songgittal 00258000 Chandigiri 00264200 Narongkolgre 00258100 Debandagre 00264300 Ringkap Sonawari 00258200 Oekigre 00264400 Dabanggre 00258300 Bolchim Songgilal 00264500 Dagalgre 00258400 Bangguagre 00264600 Rompagiri 00258800 Dagal Songgital 00264700 Janiagiri 00258900 Watibokgre 00264800 Daramgre 00259200 Dagal Asimgre 00264900 Dompaigiri 00259400 Kenegre 00265000 Agalgre 00259500 Kilbolmagre 00265100 Makbilkolgre 00259600 Kilbolma Asimgre 00265200 Rongmaigre (Songmong & 00259800 Papa Asakgre Songgital) 00260000 Papa Songgital 00265300 Tojanang (Oaruda) 00260200 Kene Chania 00265500 Guripara 00260400 Bilgre 00265600 SilkiAdu 00260500 Bolchugre 00265700 Karawenggiri 00260600 Dametrongsnagiri 00265800 Galwanggitok 00260700 Dametgre 00265900 Balsiragre 00260800 Dagal Songmong 00266000 Inchagiri 00260900 Agittinggre 00266100 Gaturagre 00261000 Ramigiri 00266200 Mon Songmong 00261100 Dendamgiri 00266300 Adanggiri 00261200 Rongsimagiri 00266400 Chitimgre 00261300 Eldimiramgre 00266500 Ringkap Songmong 00261400 Tejagre 00266600 Balwat Rongchong 00261500 Bolchimdagre 00266700 Daldogre 00261700 Anegre 00266800 Nanil Songmong 00261800 Sonaramgre 00266900 Mandang Redinggre 00261900 Bakatagre 00267000 Betramgre 00262000 Gagagre 00267100 Duchinggiri 00262100 Darinanggiri 00267200 Dasol Chigitchak 00262200 Wainabenggre 00267300 Palwalgiri 00262300 Dasinggiri 00267400 Songgotagiri 00262400 Watregiri 00267600 Daramgre 00262500 Magapagre 00267700 Balwatgre 00262600 Debaigre 00267800 Gilmatkolgre 00262700 Sabiagre 00268000 Mitap Megapgiri 00262800 Boldamgre 00268100 Mitap Bodola 00262900 Mon Rongsnagre 00268200 Guripatal 00263000 Jongkolgiri 00268300 Mitap Songmong 00263100 Ringkap Songgital 00268400 Genapara 00263200 Kene Anchenggiri 00268600 Dilnigre 00263300 Papa Dajinggre 00268700 Babilbanda 00263400 Kantasigre 00268800 Dadinggiri 00263500 Radigre 00268900 Rangra Jalang 00263600 Oasolgiri 00269200 Gaduagiri 00263700 Kene Badimagiri 00269500 Chittilanggiri 00263800 Tepantogre 00269600 Orong Songmong 00263900 Damikchigre 00269800 Drang Walbakgiri


Range of Location code Name of village Range of Location code Name of village Scheduled numb..:r Scheduled number Tribes Tribes population population (percentages) (percentages) 2 3 2 3

76 and above 00269900 Ruga Makbilkol 76 and above 00276600 Kemranggiri 00270000 Ruga Doldoma 00276700 Tebisokgre 00270300 Ruga Reginggillim 00276800 Nilwasagiri 00270400 Ruga Denigre 00276900 Watregiri 00270500 Chitampagre 00277100 Silki Achakchiring 00270600 Megua Songmong 00277200 Rongchonggre 00270700 Dopagre 00277300 Bolma Chiringgre 00270900 Rongra Kantalu 00277400 Darit Simragittim 00271000 Rangrachi 00277500 Bremgre 00271100 Kasigiri 00277600 Tebokgre 00271200 Rangmai Aruak 00277700 Wakskogre 00271300 Rongmai Songgital 00277800 Daril Wakcholgre 00271400 Waibagre Name of CO Rlock: Bagbmara 00271500 Dasing Bibra 51-75 00271600 Rangmai Chigitchak 00278900 Nongalbibra 00271800 Wasagiri 00291100 Baigonkona 00271900 Dumingiri 76 and above 00272000 Pikapara 00291500 Sibbari 00272100 Gnengkolsi Songgih;ham 00290000 Kolapara 00272200 Dabin Songgital 00282700 Siju Duramong 00272500 Konchikolgre 00284800 Gara Songgital 00272600 Kalsigiri 00292400 Adinggiri 00272700 Mon Bangamgre 00281700 Siju Songmong 00272800 Chigitchakgiri 00292000 Chambil Badimagre 00272900 Rangra Nokalgre 00292200 Rasinagiri 00273000 Rongjajonggre 00292300 Nilwagiri 00273100 TebiJgiri 00278500 Rongkandi Songgital 00273200 Gongganggre 00286700 Jadugiri 00273400 Retdigre 00292700 Dahram 00273500 Darit Banajuri 00278300 Rongkandi Dengjama 00273600 Chigitchakgiri 00290500 Kapasipara 00273800 Bamon Bajragiri 00279800 Pattal Gittim 00273900 Danggilgiri 00280800 Badri Watregiuim 00274000 Dallonggre 00290300 Ramchengga 00274100 Chibandagre 00282000 Nengru Gittim 00274200 Tinak Songgilul 00290400 Batabari 00274300 Ginengkolsi Songgital 00278100 Gare Songmong 00274700 Tenak Songgitcham 00278000 Sudugiri 00274900 Balmoragiri 00287700 Namisikgiri 00275100 Sawekolgiri 00285700 Baikal Watregittim 00275200 Tengki Badimagiri 00278400 Dengkandi Bolsalgitlim 00275300 Chidabetgre 00281200 Siju Damik Gittim 00275400 Wagebokgiri 00280900 Badri Rongdong 00275500 Chambuagiri 00282900 Siju Rongkenggittim 00275700 Atabengagre 00278600 JOllgkolAwe 00275800 Silki Rongsihogre 00279200 Dobakol Nengjagittim 00275900 Silki Ampangdamgiri 00283500 Nengkong Songmong 00276100 Ronganggre 00279000 Darang Boldak 00276300 Andamari 00291900 Chambil Baniagre 00276400 Bolasinggre 00282500 Eman Warima 00276500 Somegre 00279300 Gare Rongdenggittim


Range of Location code Name of village Range of Location code Name of village scheduled number Scheduled number Tribes Tribes population population (percentages) (percentages) I 2 3 2 3

76 and above 00280400 Rongsa Awe 76 and above 00283700 Nengrut 00285200 Kharukol Adinggre 00283800 Jantagri 00288000 Gokapepchandal 00284000 Banakol 00284900 Baikal Asim 00284100 Matmagituk 00290900 Gosegaon 00284200 Chramgre 00285600 Alokpang 00284300 Rutagre 00283900 Ronchekgiri 00284400 Dikgronggiri 00288600 Masighat 00284500 Dengagiri 00280600 Badri Rongding Awe 00284600 Bajragre 00279900 Darang AkepgiUim 00284700 Gara Samkagre 00288800 Dubagiri 00285000 DaritAsim 00289600 Chengkali 00285100 Choklokgittim 00291600 Maraka Chiring 00285400 Khakol Tainang 00293100 Dabigre 00285500 Rongrengpal 00292800 Dasanggiri 00285800 Kharukol Konagittim 00293000 Jaksongram 00285900 Chigitchakgiri 00281800 Siju Ganga Awe 00286000 RompaAsim 00285300 Kharukol Jalaigre 00286100 Mindikgre 00282400 Emangiri 00286200 Bamon Wakcholgiri 00289500 Dimagiri 00286300 Chengbagiri 00288700 Dabit Ampangdam 00286400 Bamongre 00278200 Gare Chigitchak 00286500 Darokgiri 00278700 Dobakol Chonggalgittim 00286600 Aritakgiri 00278800 Dobakol Simsanggittim 00286900 Bamon Dipogre 00279100 Darang Chiga 00287000 Baman Jadugiri 00279400 Jongsinggiuim 00287100 Adapgiri 00279500 Dobakol Awemong 00287200 Dokgiri 00279600 Agrenggitim 00287300 Lower Dosogiri 00279700 EraAning 00287400 Wamisenggiri 00280000 Rongkandi Nengbrekgittim 00287500 Rongbatgittim 00280100 Dai-ang Nengsranggittim 00287600 Upper Dosogiri 00280200 Darang Dajugittim 00287800 Goka Songmong 00280300 Jadigittim 00287900 Goka Tainang 00280500 Badri Jaisrugittim 00288100 Gokalmbika 00280700 Darang Dura 00288200 Chibrenggre 00281000 Badri Maidumgittim 00288300 Gitinggre 00281300 Tolegiri 00288400 Agronggiri 00281400 Jadi Gindam 00288500 Goka Wakchol 00281600 Siju Rongmikgittim 00288900 Asokgre 00281900 Garugittim 00289000 Gandragiri 00282100 Nokatgiri 00289100 Rongdotchi (L) 00282200 Aruakgiri 00289200 Rongdotchi (U) 00282300 Enan Rompagre 00289300 Eringgre 00282600 Dadugiri 00289400 Onajora 00282800 Siju Asakbanda 00289700 Ampangdamgiri 00283000 Siju Dobakolgittim 00289800 Namchapara 00283100 Eman Gatabil 00289900 Kujolgiri 00283200 Ringramgre 00290100 Bilkona 00283300 SeelAdugre 00290200 Dumnikura 00283400 Nengkong Mandagiri 00290600 Jatapara 00283600 Chibagre 00290700 Demplipara


Range of Location code Name of village Range of Location code Name of village Scheduled number Scheduled number Tribes Tribes population population (percentages) (percentages) 2 3 2 3 76 and above 00290800 Kongkona 76 and above 00293500 Kalu Songmong 00291000 Mandanggre 00293600 Rongsu Rongrigittim 00291200 Sibbari New Market (Rongrekgitlim) 00291400 Chambilgre 00293700 SijuAnteka 00291700 Ban~uri 00293900 Rewak Songmong 00291800 Domdoma 00294100 Rewak Kambepal 00292100 Bedolboi 00294300 Rongsu Mongbitgitlim 00292500 Rangchikipgiri 00294400 Rongsu Ringwakgittim 00292600 Netri 00294500 Hangsapal 00292900 Arapara 00294600 Chitmang Maidugittim 00293200 Doldamgre 00294700 Mcangittim Name of CD Block: Rongara 00294800 Dallenggittim 51-75 00294900 Chitmang Gonggrotgittim 00302700 Oripur 00295300 Rongaigittim 00301800 Malikona 00295600 Rongchenggiri 00303200 Rangara Matchakol 00295700 Chimitap 76 and above 00295800 Samangittim 00303800 Kanai 00295900 Bul Awe 00299800 Panda Chikasin 00296000 RongruAsim 00298900 Gulpani Nokata 00296300 Halwa Atong 00304500 Mohadeo Warima 00296500 Kunchung 00302800 DambukApal 00296600 Jonkolgiri 00297200 Alokpang Nokatgiri 00296700 Taidang 00299700 Rangasora 00296800 Kasarisora 00295200 Chandra Suk 00296900 Halwa Ambeng 00293800 Rewak Daburam 00297000 Dawek Gittim 00301200 Maheskola 00297100 Alokpang Dabrekgiltim 00302200 Wage Kona 00297300 Pilot Project 00293400 RongsuAgal 00297500 Dombuk Atong 00301100 Nekora 00297600 HalwaBilda 00300400 Rangra Rongtotma 00297700 Nengsara 00302300 Agatchikona 00297900 Rona Agal 00305200 Rambil Gittim 00298000 Gulpani Songmong 00294000 Dakopgre 00298200 Rongmin Chiring 00302500 Taraibari 00298300 Rangtanggiri 00295000 Mongmabel 00298500 Rangtangsora 00304600 Ailatuli 00298600 Teptepa 00304000 Durabeta 00298700 Kasigiri 00295400 Newaram Asim 00298800 Danala Nokat 00300600 Rongara Dabokkol 00299000 Among Rongjol 00297800 Seelpang 00299100 Inolgiri 00297400 Ampanggiri 00299200 Bolbokgre 00301000 Gandhigre 00299300 Panda Bolsilgre 00304300 Batlaban 00299400 Meatha 00303100 Imbloka 00299500 Bobanipur 00302900 Rubber Gittim 00299600 Bilkona 00303400 Nadangkolj 00299900 DambukAga 00303600 Galasora 00300000 Bolchugiri 00300100 Dilsinggiri 00300200 Gaobari 00296100 Moradam 00300300 Amonggiri 00294200 Rewak Malt:ngma 00300500 New Rongara


Range of Location code Name of village Range of Location code Name of village Scheduled number Scheduled number Tribes Tribes population population (percentages) (percentages) I 2 3 2 3 76 and above 00300700 RompaAding 76 and above 00303000 Toklekbari 00300800 Rompa Songmong 00303300 Gramkol 00301300 Mohadt:o Songmong 00303500 Chenggni Champa 00301400 New Rompa 00303700 Chenggni Songmong 00301500 Hatisia 00303900 Hatibel 00301600 Sanbana 00304100 Adachepa 00301700 Makbilkona Bonbera 00301900 Pochismile 00304200 00302000 Gulpani Bibra 00304400 Nikwatgre 00302100 Wachal Chiring 00304800 Upper Pasgaon 00302400 Nolbari 00304900 Bandra Sora 00302600 Badimbari 00305000 Lower Pasgaon Nate;-V .ill:qEB having N lL S dla:lu.B:l TnbesPapubtbn have bEEn ElXcJuda:l.

APPENDIX VIII - Village Directory Number of villages under each Gram Panchayat (C.D. Block wise) Name of District: South Guo Hills Name of C.D. Block SI Name of gram Area of gram Number of villages Number of Total Total Total Income and expenditure No. panchayat and panchayat in with location code' house-holds popul- Sched- Sched- of panchayatiGram location code hactare numbers ation uled Caste uled panchayat (in Rs. '000) number Number location popul- Tribes Total Total code ali on popul- Income Expenditure numbers ation 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II

In Meghalaya there is no Gram Panchayat system; hence data is not available

APPENDIX IX - ViJlge Directory Statement showing number of girls schools in the villages Name of the Dish'ict : South Garo Hills SI. Name ofC.D.Block Village Name of village Number of girls schools No. laocation code Primary Middle Matriculation! Higher Secondary number School School Secondary School/PUC/Intermediate/ School Junior college 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


District total


Section II - Town Directory

Town Directory Note explaining the abbreviations used in the Town Directory

Town Directory statements (I to VII) (XII) Notified Town Area NTA Statement - 1 (XIII) Industrial Notified Area INA Status and Growth History: (XIV) Industrial Township ITS Column (2) : Class, name and civic (XV) Township TS administration Status of town (XVI) Town Panchayat TP Class has been introduced to facilitate analysis (XVII) Nagar Panchayat NP of town directory data at the state and all India levels. It is presented according to 2001 Census Population (XVIII) Town Committee/ TC of the town as follows : Town Area Committee (XIX) Population Class Small Town Committee ST 100,000 and above (XX) Estate office EO (XXI) Gram Panchayat GP 50,000 - 99,999 II (XXII) Census Town CT 20,000 - 49,999 III Others columns need no comments. 10,000 - 19,999 IV 5,000 - 9,999 V Statement - II Below 5,000 VI Physical Aspects and Location of towns, 1999:

Town with a population of one hundred thousand Column 3 to 5 : Physical Aspects (l,OO,OOO)and above is treated as a city. In this columns the Rainfall and Maximum & The civic administration status of the towns is Minimum Temperature of the town is recorded. indicated within bracket against the name of the town. The following abbreviations are used to denote Column 6, 7 and 8 : civic status of town. Name of the State headquarters, District (J) Municipal Corporation M. Corp. headquarters and Sub-Divisional headquarters with distance from the referent town in kilometers, is to (II) Municipal Committee MC be recorded respectively. If the names mentioned in (III) Municipal Council MCI these columns are the same as the referent town (IV) City Municipal Council CMC itself, the distance is recorded as (0) zero. (V) Town Municipal Council TMC Column 9& 10 : (VI) Municipal Board MB Name of the nearest city with one Jakh and more and five lakhs and more population are recorded. (VII) Municipality M (VIII) Column 11, 12 and 13 : Cantonment Board/Cantonment CB \ (IX) Notified Area NA If referent town enjoys the facility of railway station, bus route facility or navigable river/canal. Its (X) Notified Town NT name is to be mentioned. If not available, then the (XI) Notified Area Committee/ NAC name of nearest place with distance, where such Notified Area Council facility exists is to be mentioned.


Statement HI Head Loads ilL

Municipal Finance 1998 - 1999 Basket B Item-wise amount of receipt and expellditurein Wheel Barrows WB thousand rupees, relating to municipal finance of the Septic Tank ST town for the year 1998-99 is to be recorded. Pit System Pt Statcmcnt - IV Sewerage S Civic and Othel' amenities, 1999: Others 0

Colulllll (1 to 5) : Self explanatory. Column 13 and 14 : Water supply Column (6) : Road length (in kms.) Source and capacity of storage systt:m. The following codes are used in these columns: Information about kutcha / pucca road is to be recorded separately for the roads within the limits of Column 13: the referent town. (i) Tap water T (i) Pucca Road PR (ii) Tube-well water TW (ii) Kutcha Road KR (iii) Tank Water TK

Column (7): System of Sewerage Column 14: Generally, by sewerage system is implied the (v) Over Head Tank OHT network of mains and branches of underground (vi) Service Reservoir SR conduits for the conveyance of sewerage to the point (vii) River Infiltration Gallery RIG of disposal. Sewers that carry only household and industrial wastes are called separate sewers, those (viii) Bore Well Pumping System BWP that carry storm water from roofs, streets and other (ix) Pressure Tank PT surface are known as storm water drains, while those The information on major source of water supply carrying both sewage and storm water are called are given in column 14 and the storage capacity combined sewers. against each in kilo-litres (in bracket) are presented The codes used for different types of drainage in column 15. system are as follows : Column 15 : Fire Fighting Service (i) Sewer S In case the fire fighting service is available in the (ii) Open Surface Drains OSD referent town 'yes' is recorded. If the facility is not (iii) Box Surface Drains BSD available within the town. The name of the nearest place having this facility with its distance from the (iv) Sylk Drains SD referent town has been recorded. (v) Cesspool method CP Column 16 to 20 : Electrification (Number of (vi) Pit System Pt connections) (vii) Others 0 Different types of electric connections have been shown in these columns, i.e. Domestic, Industrial, Column 8 to 11 : Number of latrines Commercial, Road lighting (points) & others.

Number of various types of latrines both Public \ and Private are given in these columns. Statement-V Column 12 : Method of disposal of night soil Medical, Educational, Recreational and Cultural Facilities, 1999 The various prevalent method of disposal of night soil are given below with codes ; Column 1 to 3 : Self explanatory.


Column 4 & 5 :The data covers all stich medical department etc. of the government or semi institutions run by or aided by Government/Semi government or autonomous bodies, public sector Government/Local bodies and Charitable institutions undertakings etc. or Social agencies like the Missionaries. Where the The following codes are used : family planning centres are attached to hospitals or maternity and child welfare centres or Primary Health (i) Vocational Training Institute VT Centres, may be treated as independent units and (ii) Shorthand SH counted separately using following codt:s : (iii) Typewriting Type (i) Hospital' H (iv) Shorthand & Typewriting SH Type (ii) Dispensary 0 (v) Others 0 (iii) Health Centre HC The vocational institutions like - Applied Art/ (iv) Family Welfare Centre FWC Painting college, Pharmacy college, B. Ed. College, (v) T.B. Clinic TB Teacher's Training Institute, Music / Dance School, Nursing School etc. are covered under 'Others'. (vi) Nursing Home NH Column tHo14 : Higher Secondary/Intermediate/ (vii) Others 0 Senior Secondary/PUC/Junior College level, In case of more than one institutions of any type, Secondary/Matriculation, Middle Schools/ Junior it is indicated within brackets the number of such Secondary and Primary Schools. institution (s) e.g. 0(3), NH(8), etc. The institutions School up to class V are treated as Primary or have further been distinguished by providing additional elementary schools. These include Nursery schools, codes within the bracket as given below: Kindergarten schools, Pre-Primary schools, Junior Ayurvedic A Basic schools upto class V and Primary schools upto Unani U class IV. Homoeopathic Hom Schools upto VIII are considered as Middle school or Junior Secondary. Column 6 to 9 : The codes used for these columns are as follows : Schools upto class X are considered as Matriculation or Secondary schools. (i) Arts only A Schools upto XI or XII classes are considered as (ii) Science only S Higher Secondary / Intermediate / Pre University / (iii) Commerce only C Junior College etc. This would cover 10+2 classes (iv) Arts & Science only AS whether held in schools or college. (v) Arts & Commerce on Iy AC If there are composite schools like middle schools (vi) Combined for all ASC with primary classes or Secondary schools with Middle categories-Arts, Science and classes, these are also included in the ilUmber of Commerce Primary and Middle schools, respectively. For example, if in a town, there are two Primary Schools (vii) Law L and one Middle school with Primary classes, the (viii) University U number of Primary schools in the town is given as (ix) Others o three\and that of Middle schools as one though there are only three educational institutions. Column 10 : Recognized shorthand, typewriting and vocational training institutes "Recognised" should If there are more institutions of a type in the town, mean recognised by some statutory authority, like the number is indicated within bracket along with the education department, commerce department, labour abbreviation, e.g. P( 4), M(3).


Column 15 : Adult literacy class/centres (i) Public Library PL This column has been introduced keeping in view (ii) Reading room RR the Minimum Needs Programme of the Planning Commission. There are number of Adult Education Statement - VI Centres which are included in these columns. Trade, Commerce, Industry and Banking, 1999: If an educational facility is not available in the Column 3 to 8 : Name of three most important town, the name of the nearest place and its distance commodities exported and names of three most in kilometres from the town when:: the facility is important commodities manufactured in the town are available is mentioned. recorded. Column 16 : Working Women's hostels with number of seats Column 9 : Number of Banks The number of working women's hostel if Number of Banks available in the referent town available in the referent town is mentioned with both Commercial and Co-operative banks are number of seats. If the facility is not available in the recorded against this column. town the name of nearest place with distance where Column 10 & 11 : Number of Agricultural Credit the facility is available is recorded. Societies and Non Agricultural Column 17 to 19 : Recreational and Cultural Credit Societies Facilities The total number of Agricultural Credit Societies Stadium, Cinema, Auditorium/Drama/Community and Non Agricultural Credit Societies in the referent Hall are covered under recreational & cultural town are recorded against these columns. facilities. The particulars of permanent recreational Statement -VII facilities are considered for these columns. Civic and other Amenities in Slullls, 1999: Column 20 : Public Libraries, Reading Rooms This is the statement on civic and other amenities Number of public libraries and reading rooms in all slums whether notified or not and for all towns available in the referent town are recorded in codes having statutory bodies, like municipality, Municipal as follows: Corporation, Town area committee etc.

STATEMENT - I Status and Growth His tory Sl. Class, name and Location NameofTalukl Name of Area Number of Pop ulation and growth rate No. civic status code Tahsil! Police C.D. block (in sq. km.) households inc!. (in brackets) of the town at of town number Station/Island etc. houseless the Censuses of households (2001 Census) 1901 1911 1921 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

I. V, Baghmara (MB) 162 South Garo Hills Baghmara 8.8 1,583 cont

SI. Class, name and Pop ulation and growth rate (in brackets) Density Sex ratio No. civic status of the town at the Censuses of (2001 of town Census)

1931 1941 .1951 1961 1971 1981 1991 2001 1981 1991 2001 I 2 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 1. V, Baghmara (MB) - 4183 5.894 8,643 982 921 880 876 (+40.9) (+46.6)


STATEMENT-II Physical AS(lects and Location of Towns, 1999 Serial Class, name and Name of and road distance in number civic status Physical aspects kilometer(s) from of town Rainfall Temperature (in centigrade) State HQ. District I-IQ. (in mm) Maximum Minimum

2 3 4 5 6 7

V Baghmara (MB) 2783.15 34 15 Shillong Baghmara (445) (0)


Serial Class, name and Name of and road distance in kilomeler(s) Ji'om number civic status Sub-division ITaluk! of town Tahsil I Police station! Nearest city with Nearest city with Railway Bus Navigable river/ Development Block! population of one population offive station facility canal (if within Island HQ. lakh and more lakh and more ten kilometers) 2 8 9 10 II 12 13

V Baghmara (MB) Baghmara Guwahati Guwahati Baghmara Simsang River (0) (326) (326) (0) (0)


Municiual Financel 1998-99 Serial Class, name and Receipt (in Rs.'OOO) number civic status of town Receipt through Revenue deri ved Government Loan Advance Other Total taxes, etc. from municipal grant sources receipt properties and (specifY) power apart from taxation 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

V Baghmara (MB) 1,441 23,026 NIL 386 24,854


Serial Class, name and Expenditure (in Rs.'OOO) number civic status of town General Public safety Public health Public works Public Others Total administration and institutions (specifY) expenditure conveniences

2 10 II 12 13 14 15 16

V Baghmara (MB) 15,874 1841 NIL 4,708 NIL 989 23,412


S T A TEMENT Civic and other Amenities SI. Class, name and civic Population Pop ulat ion 200 I Road Syst<;;m N urn her 0 flat rines No. status of town (2001 Scheduled Scheduled length (in) sewerage Total Water Service Others Census) Castes Tribes km. (s) borne

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II

V Baghmara (MB) 8,643 162 6,988 40 OSD 433 138 55 240

STATEMENT Medical, Educational, Recreational and Cultural Facilities SI. Class, name Populatio Medical facilities Educational facilities No and civic (2001 Hospitals/ Beds in Arts/Science/ Medical Engineering Polytechnics Recognised status of Census) Dispensaries medical Commerce/ colleges colleges shorthand, town / T.B. clinics institutions Law/ Other typewriting and etc. noted in colleges (of vocational column 4 degree level training and above) institutions 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

V Baghmara 8,643 H(I(CHC) 50 Guwahati Guwahati Guwahati (MA) HC (326) (326) (326) 0-0 HC-O TB-O NH-O

STATEMENT Trade, Commerce, Industry and Banking SI. Class, name and civic status of Name of three most important No. town cpmmodities manutactured

1st 2nd 3rd 2 3 4 5

V Baghmara(MB) Timber Bamboo Cane


IV 1999 Method of ___....;.W.;.;a~t~er;_s;;.;u:.tp;J;p..:.ly'-- __ Fire fighting Electrification (number of connections) Class, name and civic SI.No. disposal of Source of System of storage service* Dome- Indu- Comm- Road Others status of town night soil supply with capacity in stic strial ercial lighting kilolitres (in (points) brackets) 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2

PtlST T SR Yes 1,380 7 215 92 585 V Baghmara(MB) (50000)

V 1999 Educational facilities (Contd .... ) Working N umber of recreat ional and cultural Class, name SI. Higher secondary / Seco- Junior Primary Adult women's Stadium Cinema Audi- Public and civic No Intermediate! ndary! seco- schools literacy hostels torium / libraries status of Senior Secondary / M atric- ndary classes/ with Drama! including town PUC (Pre- ulation and centres, number comm- reading university college)/ Middle others of seats unity rooms Junior college level schools (specify Halls II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2

4 6 21 5 Shillong 2 V Baghmara (426) (MB)

VI 1999 Name of three most important Number Number of Number of non- Class, name and civic SI. commodities manufactured of banks agricultural \ agricultural credit status of town No. credit societies societies 1st 2nd 3rd .~ 6 7 8 9 10 II 2 ----~------~------~----~----~~------~------~~----~~ Brick Cane & Handloom Cloth 2 10 15 V Baghmara(MB) Bamboo Product


STATEMENT ~ VII Civic and other amenities in SluUls 1999 SI. Class and name of Name oflhe Is it No. of Population of the Slum Paved roads (in System of No. town slum notified households (approximate) kilometers) sewerage (approximate)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

V Baghmara NIL ------


SI. Class and name of Number of latrines Method of No. of tap Electricit~ connections No. town Private Comm~ disposal of points/public unity night soil hydrants installed for Road water supply of protected lighting borne service others water Domestic (Eoints) Others 2 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17

V Baghmara NIL

APPENDIX TO TOWN DIRECTORY Towns showing their outgrowths with popuilition Serial number Name of the town with Population of core town Name of outgrowth Population of outgrowth location code 2 3 4 5 NIL------

NB : No outgrowth oftown in the district

224 PART - 8


Brief note on Primary Census Abstract

he first census of the third millennium and twenty of about 1,028 million records were scanned and Tfirst century the Census of India, 2001 was the processed within a span of only 10 months starting 14th continuous and uninterrupted Indian census since October, 2002. 1872. Thus, 200 I Census will provide data on population and its characteristics marking transition Task Force on Quality Assurance from one century and millennium to another. After the data is processed, it is expedient on The gigantic operation of Population Enumeration the part of the data producing agency to satisfy itself about its quality before putting the same in public (considered by many to be the single largest and complex peace time administrative exercise in the domain. This has to be done mainly through the world) was made possible due to the door to door process of internal consistency, comparison with universal canvassing of the Household Schedule by similar data in the past and also through validation about 2 million enumerators and supervisors covering with likewise data if available, from external sources. 593 districts, 5,463 sub-districts, 5,161 towns and Quite often the local knowledge and perception has to be brought into play to understand both the existing 638,588 villages. The comprehensive Household and the new emerging trends of population Schedule which replaced the individual slip had three distribution and characteristics. The other very parts and two sides A and B. Part I contained the important aspect of the data quality is to ensure Location Particulars; Part II related to the Individual complete coverage of all geographical areas especially Particulars and Part III contained questions for Household engaged in Cultivation/Plantation. The part for the popUlation enumeration phase where the data is disseminated right up to the village level in the ([ of the Household Schedule had 39 columns and 23 questions all of which were universally canvassed and rural areas and the ward level in the urban areas. Thus ensuring the complete coverage and correct no sampling was resorted to during enumeration. geographical linkage of each enumeration block was Data Processing one of the major planks of the quality control, A quantum leap was made in the technology front specially for small area population statistics. while processing the Census 2001 data both for A very comprehensive check and edit mechanism Houselisting and Population Enumeration. The was put in place to objectively examine the preli­ Census schedules for both the phases were scanned minary Census 2001 Population Enumeration results through high speed scanners in fifteen data centers and finally clear them for use. The responsibility of across the country and hand-written data from the the final clearance of data was with the Task Force schedules were converted into digitized form through on Quality Assurance (TFQA), headed by the Intelligent Character Reading (lCR)· software for Registrar General and Census Commissioner, India. creation of ASCII records for further processing. The The other members of the TFQA were the Heads and designing and formatting of the Household Schedule senior officers of the Census Division, Data had to be done very carefully using specialized Processing Division, Map Division, Demography software so as to ensure uniformity, which was an Division and Social Studies Division. The Directors essential pre-requisite for scanning. The selection of of CeQ,sus Operations were co-opted as members appropriate state-of-art technology in data processing whenever the TFQA discussed the data for their has made it possible to produce all the Houselisting States/Union territories. The Directors and their senior as well as Population Enumeration tables on full count officers were required to make detailed presentations basis for the first time in the history of Census. For of data for their own state both in respect to the quality Census 2001, about 202 million schedules consisting and the coverage and only after the full possible

227 cleared. appropriak geographical levels. There has been a major departure in Census 200 I The entire work relating to the data validation and from the past in respect of the procedure followed for scrutiny was completed by all the States/Union finalization of the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Territories under the overall supervision and monitoring Tribes population. In the earlier cenSllses, the total of the Census Division of the Office of the Registrar Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes populations General, India with active cooperation and support of were finalized at the time of the manual compilation the Social Studies Division, Data Processing Division, of the Primary Census Abstracts (PCA) at the Regional Data Dissemination Division and Map Division. Tabulation Offices which were specially set up for Primary Census Abstract this purpose. The individual Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes population for each state was The Primary Census Abstract which is yet another finalized much later based on manual coding done by important publication of 200 I Census gives basic the coders. In 2001 Census, each individual Scheduled information on Area, Total Households, Total population, Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes population, Caste and the Scheduled Tribe have been coded Population in the age group 0-6, Literates, Main workers directly on the computers by the Data Entry Operators and Marginal workers classified by the four broad through a process known as Computer Assisted Coding industrial categories, namely, (i) Cultivators, (ii) (CAC) and taken up along with the processing of PC A Agricultural laborers, (iii) Household Industry Workers, data. The CAC process involves pulling down, from and (iv) Other workers and also Non-workers. The the relevant dictionary of the Scheduled Castes and characteristics of the Total Population includes Scheduled the Scheduled Tribes, on the computer screen and Castes, S~heduled Tribes, Institu-tional and Houseless coding from the dictionary by referring to the image population and are presented by sex and rural-urban of the specific individual entry in the Household residence. This data is presented at different levels, Schedule appearing on the screen. The CAC of the namely, India, States/Union territories, Districts and response on Religion wherever required, was also Cities, Urban Agglomerations (Population 1,00,000 and undertaken along with the processing ofPCA. This is above) in three different tables. In addition, the because the Scheduled Castes status had to be Appendix of said publication provides Houseless and determined in relation to the religion of the individual. Institutional Households and their population by Two Special Task Forces, one on Religion and the residence and sex for 2001 for India, State and Union other on Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes were territory. constituted for scrutiny and appropriate classitication Apart from the India and State/Union Territory of these responses. volumes for Primary Census Abstract, the District The main task of the Special Task Force on Religion Census Handbook contains District Primary Census was to appropriately merge or group the new responses Abstract, Appendix to District Primary Census encountered and code it into the appropriate religious Abstract, Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled community based on available literature and local Castes, Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Tribes, knowledge. The Special Task Force on Scheduled Village Primary Census Abstract and Urban Primary Castes and Scheduled Tribes examined the different Census Abstract of the concerned district in the state. Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes entries encoun- It was for the tirst time at the 1981 Census that tered and classified these into appropriate category of the Primary Census Abstract (PCA) was brought out the Scheduled Castes or the Scheduled Tribes principally for the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes based on the Presidential Notitication and the available separately on the pattern of General Primary Census literature. Thus a very systematic and scientific Abstract. This practice was continued in 1991 also. mechanism was operationalised to firm lip the individual In the 1961 and 1971 Censuses, such data were made \ religion and the individual Scheduled Castes/Tribes available in Table C-VIII-Social and Cultural table and returns. The Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled to some extent in the series 'Special Tables for Tribes population in 2001 Census, is thus being finalized Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes'. by aggregating the popUlation data for individual Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes at The format of Primary Census Abstract has been


restructured slightly in the 2001 Census as compared to population of age group 0-6 is continued in 200 I Census that of 1991 Census. The nine-fold industrial classification also. This will help the data users in better analysis and of main workers given in the Primary Census Abstract understanding of this literacy data. of 1991 Census has been discontinued and its place, four­ fold industrial classification of both 'main workers' and Level of presentation in District Census 'marginal workers' are included. In 1981 census only Handbooks: main workers were presented in to four categories. One The Primary Census Abstract data in different of the novel features of the primary census abstract of PCAs are presented at different levels. The level of 1991 census was the presentation of data of the presentation of Primary Census Abstracts are as under:

Name of the Primary Census Abstract Level of presentation 1. District Primary Census Abstract District/CD BlocklUA/City/Town 2. Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Castes District/CD Block/Town 3. Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Tribes District/CD Block/Town 4. Village Primary Census Abstract CD Block/Village wise 5. Urban Primary Census Abstract Town/Ward level

The PCA Data for villages was presented CD Abstracts are as follows: Block wise for the first time in 1991 Census. This practice is continued in 2001 Census also. The data Area Figures for each CD Block is presented both for rural and The area figures supplied by local revenue urban areas separately. All the villages within the CD authorities of the district in respect of tehsils, Police Block constitute the rural portion and the Census Stations and by the local bodies in respect of towns Towns and Outgrowths are shown under the urban are given in square kilometers. The area figures of portion of the CD Block. In case a CD Block is the villages supplied by the Tahsildars in acres have spread over two or more districts, than portion which been converted and shown in hectares. The area falls within the district is presented, the data pertaining figures of the CD Block is the total of the village to remaining portion of the CD Block is presented in areas coming under each CD Block. The area figures the concerned District Census Handbook. The data for the district are the same as adopted by the in the Urban Primary Census Abstract for each town Surveyor General of India to maintain uniformity at as well as for town with outgrowths in the district are the national level. The total area figures of all the presented. The data for all the wards and the tahsils/CD Blocks within the district may not tally with outgrowths of the town(s) are also presented area figures of the district because former represents separately below the concerned town(s). land use area only. Similarly, the total of all the villages The District Primary Census Abstract is may not tally with the entire rural of Police Station/ Tahsil. The difference may be due to the fact that presented in 59 columns. The Primary Census Abstract while the area covered by hills, forests and rivers etc, for Scheduled Castes and Primary Census Abstract have been accounted in the Tahsils and P.S. level the for Scheduled Tribes are presented' in 52 columns. The Village Primary Census Abstract and Urban same may not be covered under the area of the Primary Census Abstract are presented in 58 columns. villages. Apart from this it may also differ due to varying methods of computation adopted at different The concepts and definitions used in the column levels. heading are explained under the sub heading 'Census Concepts' in the Analytical Note. The term 'Total An appendix to District Primary Census Abstract Population' includes the Scheduled Castes, the has also been furnished showing urban enumeration Scheduled Tribes, the Institutional and the Houseless block-wise particulars on Total Population, the populations. The explanation regarding area figures Scheduled Castes Population and the Scheduled Tribes presented at various level in the Primary Census Population for each town.


Location District! CD Block! Total/ Area of Number of Total population (including Population in the code U.A.I City/ Town Rural/ Town/ households institutional and houseless age-group 0-6 number Urban Ward in population) square kilometre Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II

OJ South Garo Hills Total 1849.00 17,900 100,980 52,007 48,973 21,314 10,817 10,497 Rural 1840.10 16,311 91,337 47,399 44,938 19,801 10,055 9,746 Urban 8.80 1.583 8.643 4.608 4.035 1.513 762 751 0001 Chokpot Total 611.00 6.613 37,937 19,205 18,732 7,949 4,046 3,903 Rural 611.00 6,613 37,937 19,205 18,732 7,949 4,046 3,903 Urban 0002 Baglunara Total 651.00 6,553 36,886 19,256 17,630 7,947 4,053 3,894 Rural 642.20 6,553 36,886 19,256 17,630 7,947 4,053 3,894 Urban 8.80 0003 Rongara Total 587.00 3,151 17,514 8,938 8,576 3,905 1,956 1,949 Rural 587.{)O 3,15\ n,S14 8,938 8,576 3,905 1,956 1,949 Urban URBAN 40301000 Baghmara (1\18) Urban 8.80 1,583 8,643 4.608 4,035 1,513 762 751

230 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT District Primary Census Abstract

Total! District! CD Block/ Rural/ UA/ City/ Town Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates Urban

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 3 2

226 135 91 96,616 49,027 47,589 43,816 25,340 18,476 Total South Garo Hills 64 43 21 89,628 45,445 44,183 37,838 22,040 15,798 Rural 162 92 70 6,988 3,582 3,406 5,978 3,300 2,678 Urban 3 3 37,397 18,870 18,527 15,453 8,740 6,713 Total Chokpot 3 3 37,397 18,870 18,527 15,453 8,740 6,713 Rural Urban 8 7 35,160 17,962 17,198 14,715 8,826 5,889 Total Baghmara 8 7 35,160 17,962 17,198 14,715 8,826 5,889 Rural Urban 53 33 20 17,071 8,613 8,458 7,670 4,474 3,196 Total Rongara 53 33 20 17,071 8,613 8,458 7,670 4,474 3,196 Rural Urban URBAN 162 92 70 6,988 3,582 3,406 5,978 3,300 2,678 Urban Baglunara (MU)

231 STRICT CENSUS HAND BOOK: SOUTH GARO Hili S Census of India 2001

Location Dislrict! CD Block! Tolal/ code U.A.I City/ Town Rural/ number Urban Illiterates Total workl!rs Main workl!rs

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

03 Soulh Garo Hills Tolal 57,164 26,667 30,497 47,848 26,491 21,357 31,351 20,453 10,898 Rural 54,499 25,359 19,140 44,572 14,207 20,365 29,085 18,619 10,466 Urban 2,665 1,308 1,357 3,276 2,284 992 2,266 1,834 432 0001 ellukpot Total 22,484 10,465 12,019 19,550 10,122 9,428 12,932 1,468 5,464 Rural 22,484 10,465 12,019 19,550 10,122 9,428 12,932 7,468 5,464 Urban 0002 Baghmara Total 22,171 10,430 11,741 17,620 9,874 7,746 11,71S 7,949 3,769 Rural 22,171 10,430 11,741 17,620 9,S74 7,746 1I,71S 7,949 3,769 Urban 0003 Rongara Tolal 9,S44 4,464 5,3S0 7,402 4.211 3.191 4.435 3.202 1.233 Rural 9,S44 4,464 5,3S0 7,402 4,211 3,191 4,435 3,202 1,233 Urban URBAN 40301000 Baghmara (MB) Urban 2,665 1,30S 1,357 ),276 2,2S4 992 2,266 I,S34 432

232 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT District I)rimary Census Abslnlct

Industrial catcllor;i of main workers Total/ Dlstnct/ CD Block/ Rural/ lJ.A.I City/ Town HouscilOld industl Y Cultivators Agricultural labourers Other workers Urban workers

Persons Males Females. Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 2

19,772 1I,~60 8,312 2,876 1,853 1,1123 568 396 172 8,1:15 6,7~4 1,391 1'01.1 Soulh G.,·o lIills 19,140 11,~34 8,306 2,846 1,833 1,013 523 356 167 5,976 4,996 980 Runt! 32 26 6 30 20 10 45 40 5 2,159 1,748 411 Urban 10,398 5,734 4,664 925 496 429 304 218 86 I,J05 1,020 285 TOlal Chokpol 10,398 5,734 4,664 925 496 429 304 218 86 I,J05 1,020 285 Rural Urban 6,929 4,187 2,742 1,186 783 403 154 92 62 3,4,19 2,887 562 Total Baglllllara 6,929 4,187 2,742 1,186 783 403 154 92 62 3,4,19 2,887 562 Rural Urban 2,413 1,513 900 735 554 181 65 46 19 I J·n 1,089 133 Total Rongara 2,413 1,513 900 735 554 181 65 46 19 1.2~2 1,089 133 Rural Urban llRIlAN 32 26 6 30 20 to 45 40 2,1 :;9 1,748 411 Urbull l3aghmara (MU)

233 STI

Location District/ CD Block/ Total! Industrial catc!20!2: code U.A.I City/ Town Rural/

numhcr Urhan l\.1i1rgiH~11 workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers

Pl!r~on~ Males Females Persons Males Females Pcrsons Males Females 2 3 42 43 44 45 4(, 47 48 49 50

03 SOllth Garo Hills To',,1 16,491 6,038 10,459 9,499 3,111 6,382 3,150 1,185 1,965 Huml 15,481 5,588 9,899 9,462 3,1191 6,371 3,140 1,176 1,964 I I "ball 1,010 450 560 37 26 II 10 9 I 0001 Chokpol TOlal 6,618 2,654 3,964 4,180 1,:>45 2,635 920 372 548 Rural 6,618 2,654 3,964 4,180 1,545 2,635 920 372 548 Urban 0002 Bagl""",a Total 5,902 1,925 3,917 3,411 1,022 2,389 1,498 509 989 Rural 5,902 1,925 3,917 3,411 1,022 2,389 1,498 509 989 Urban 0003 Rongara Total 2,961 1,009 1,958 1,811 :;24 1,341 722 295 421 Rural 2,961 1,009 1,958 1,811 524 1,347 722 295 421 Urban lIIHl.\N 40301000 Oaghlllara (MB) Urban 1,010 450 560 37 26 II 10 9

234 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT District Primary Census Absll'aCI

of lllar~ini.ll \vorkers Total! District! CD Block! l.ocatloll Rural! U A! CilY! Town codc Iiolisehoid IIldustry Other wurh:rs NOIl-\\(lrKCrS Urban llumber workers

Per~ons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Mulc~ "'-'males 51 52 53 54 S5 56 57 58 59 3 2

370 127 243 3,"711 1,609 1,869 S3,132 25,516 21,616 Tot,,1 South C"ro lIills U3 363 IH 239 2,522 1,197 1,325 47,765 23,192 24,573 Rur,,1 7 J .. 956 -112 544 5,367 2,32-1 J,I)·n Ilrball 176 75 101 1,142 662 680 18,387 9,083 9,304 Total Cllnkp()t 0001 176 75 101 1,342 662 680 18,187 9,083 9,JU4 Ruml Urball 150 34 116 843 360 483 19,266 9,382 9,884 Total l3agilLlldra 0002 150 34 116 843 360 483 19,266 9,382 9,884 Rural Urban 37 15 22 337 175 162 10,112 4,727 5,385 Total ROllgara 0003 37 15 22 337 175 162 10,112 4,727 5,385 Ruml Urban 1I1HlAN 3 4 \)50 ~12 544 5,367 2)!~ J,{)43 I Jrban l3aghmma (Mil) 40JOI(JUU


238 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT P.·imary Census Abstract for Scheduled Caste

Total! District! CD Block! Town Rural! Literates III,h!ralcs Tolal workers Urban

Persons Males Females Persons rVlaks Females Persons Males Femules

II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 3 2

145 95 50 81 40 41 92 82 10 Toh" Suulh Garo 1Ii11s 39 29 10 25 14 11 35 32 3 l~uml 106 66 411 56 26 30 57 50 7 Urball 3 3 3 3 TOlal Chokpol 3 3 3 3 Rural Urban 3 3 5 4 5 Tolal BagJullara 3 3 5 4 5 Rural Urban 33 13 10 20 10 10 27 24 Total i{ollgala 33 13 10 20 10 10 27 24 Rural Urban l!IWAN 106 66 40 56 26 30 57 50 7 Urban Bagilinara (1\·111)


Location District! CD Ulodd Tuwn Total/ Industnal cat<:gmy code Rural! numbcr Urban M"in workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers

Pcrsons Males Females Persons I'vlales l:cl11alcs Persons Malcs FCl11alcs

2 3 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

03 South Guro lJills TIlI .. I 82 75 7 3 3 Ru ..... 26 26 3 3 11.-1':1" 56 49 7 0001 Chot..pot Tolal 2 2 Rural 2 Urban 0002 13agillmua Total 3 .1 Rural 5 3 I Urban (lUll) I{.ongara Tolal 19 19 Rural 19 19 Urban I'IHI,\N 411.1010110 Baglllllaril (1\10) Urban 56 49

240 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Primary Census Abstract f()lo Scheduled CHste of Inain \vorkcrs To(ull Dlstrictl CIl Blo,,~1 Town Rum)! Marginal worke,s Urhan Ilou~dlOld industry workers Other workers

Persons Males Females Persons Maks Females Persons Maks Felll,des 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3 2

6 6 73 66 7 JO 7 3 To.al ~oulh (;,,,.,, lIi11s I I 22 22 9 6 3 U:ural 5 5 51 44 7 ll.·ban 2 2 Towl Chokpol 2 2 Rllral Urban Total Baglllllal"a Rural Urban 1') 19 II :l Total Ihwgara 19 19 8 -' Rural Urban IIIHI,\N 5 5 51 7 Urban Baghmara (M13)

241 DISTRICT CENSUS llANO BOOK. SOUTH GARO Hill S Census of India 2001

Localion Dislrict/ CD Block/ Town Tolall Industrial "ul!-'gory oi"ll111fginal work"fs code Rurall ------.-----..;._:;-'----...::..------nUlllber Urban Iiollsehoid induslry Cultivators Agricuitumilubulirers worker~

I'"rsolls Males Females I'"rsons rvtalcs Females Persons Males Fcmalcs 2 ., 18 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46

03 Suulh Guru llills Tolul 5 2 3 RUI·,,1 5 2 3 lirl"lIl 0001 ChvkpOI Tal'll RUlal Urban 0002 l3,aglllllanl Tolal Rural Urban 0003 H\_m_g..,ra To(al 2 3 RUlal 2 3 Urban IIW\il; ~1l101tJlllJ B"Lhlll:ua ("Ill) lhb4J1I

242 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT PdnHU'Y Census Abstntct ftu' SdH:dulcd C.tstc

Tn!al/ DI:.lrlc!/ CD Hluek/ Towll L{)calIOIl Rurall code Nllll-WOI kers Ilumber Other workers Urban

Persons Males Females PcrSOllS Maks Females

47 48 49 50 51 52 3 2

5 5 134 5j III Tot ill SUhtll (jaro lIills IJj 4 4 29 II 18 Runtl I I lOS 42 63 lJrb'lII Tolal Chllkl'ol 0001 Rural U.ball 3 2 TOlill Ha~hlUald 0001 3 2 Rmal VrD"" 3 3 26 <) 17 Tol



L{}\.:ation DISI, iell CD Bloekl Towil Tolall J~LinlhJr 01 households Total POPUlatlO1l (111" ludlll 15 code Rural/ PopuJ.ilioll '11 Ihe wilh alka,;\ Inst,lutlonal lind hOllsdess Iltlmber Urban age-group 0-6 one population) Scheduled Tribe PersOIls Maks Femalcs Persons M.lles h:mllies

2 1 4 5 6 7 8 l) 10

OJ Suulh G ....u um, Tul;,1 17,018 96,616 49,027 47,589 211,824 111,564 10,21>11 numl 15,741 89,628 -IS,'US ,U,I83 19,50-1 9,9110 9,6114 U,'ban 1,277 6,988 3,582 3,406 I,J2() 664 656 0001 Chokpol TOlal 6,494 37,397 18,870 18,517 7,854 3,995 3,859 RlIInl 6,49,1 37,397 18,870 J8,527 7,854 3,995 3,859 Urball 0001 Bagllllla.. <1 TOIaI 6,158 35,160 17,901 17,198 7,786 .1,970 3,816 Rural 6,158 35,160 17,962 J 7,198 7,786 3,970 3,816 Ulban OUO) Rm\ll~Ua Total 3,089 17,071 8,611 HAS8 3,864 I ,'ns 1,929 R'llal 3,089 17,071 8,61:\ 8,~S8 3,864 1,935 1,929 Urb.all lIHIHN 40JOIUUO Baghmar

246 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Primary Census Abstract ftH° Scheduled Tl"ibc ._---- Tolall Diolrict/ CD BlodJ Town Rurall L II" .... I..:s 11I11I:,."lc" Tolal \\urk..:r, Urban

I'.;rsons Males Females Persons Maks F"lllllles Persons Males l'eillaks

II p 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 :3 2

40,792 23,072 17,720 55,!!24 25,955 29,1169 45,272 24,249 21,023 '1'0.,,1 South Gill'O Ilil" 36,035 20,563 15,472 53,593 24,882 2S,711 42,763 22,679 20,084 Rurid 4,757 2,5U9 2,HS 2,231 1,073 1,158 2,509 1,570 939 Urba .. 15,243 8,576 6,667 22,1 S4 10,294 11,860 19,216 9,893 9,323 Tolal Chokpol 15,243 8,576 6,667 22,154 10,294 11,860 19,216 9,893 9,323 Rural Urban 13,~49 7,775 5,674 21.711 10,187 11,524 16,434 8,827 7,607 TOlal Il"ghlll,"a 13,449 7,775 5,674 21,711 10,187 11,524 16,434 8,827 7,607 Rural Urban 7,343 4,212 3,131 9,728 4,40 I 5,327 7,1 13 3,959 3, I 5·1 Tolal I{ongara 7,343 4,212 3,131 9,728 4,401 5,327 7,113 3,959 3, 15~ Rural Urban IIRUAN 4,757 2,509 2,2-18 2,231 1,073 1,158 2,509 1,570 9.19 UIIMu llaglllnill.I (1\111)

247 OISII~ICT CENt,US llANO BOOK ~()lll I I GAkO I ilL l S Census of India 200t

LllcOllion District! CD Blockl TOWIl Total! IIlJustrwl C'Ilcg.lfY coJe Rurall r-Ialll workers number Urban C"ltlvators Agricultural lah(lqr"fs

I)~rsolls Maks F

2 3 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2S

03 SOlllh Ga 1"0 Hills TO",1 29,046 J8,369 10,677 19,493 11,296 1l,I97 2,841 1,1l30 1,f)11 RUI·.,I 27,521> 17,238 10,288 19,461 11,270 8,191 1,811 1,8111 1,!lOI UI-ball 1,520 1,131 389 II 26 6 30 20 10 0001 Cioul-pol Total 12,678 7,285 5,393 10,264 5,657 4,607 915 491 424 Ru.-al 12,678 7,285 5,393 10,264 5.657 4,607 915 491 424 Urban 0002 ll;tghllli.II·~1 Total 10,650 6,974 3,676 6,815 4,120 2,695 1,170 772 398 RUIllI 10,650 6,974 3,676 6,815 4,120 2,695 1,170 772 398 Urball 000] It!.ollgal;J TOlal 4,19!! 2,979 1,219 2,382 1,-193 8!!9 726 547 179 Runtl 4,198 2,979 1,219 2,381 1,493 889 726 547 179 Urban IIHB.\N 4030 HIIII) l3aghm'lla (t-1I3) Urban 1,520 1,131 3S9 31 26 6 30 20 10

248 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT i>rimal'Y Census Abstt'act ru,' Scheduled Tdhe ------of main wor!-;ers Total! 1)"traCI/ ('I) IllodJ Ttl" n Rural! [\:1arglnal \vork..::rs II'H.,cl1old industry workers Othcr workers Urban

f)crsons t"'lalcs Females Persons Males Females Persons Males FClIli.tiCS

29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 :2

477 320 157 6,235 4,n3 1,312 16,226 5,Illl1l 11),34(, Tu.,,1 Soulh Can) lIilb 460 306 154 ",794 3,1152 942 15,237 5,441 9,796 I~ural 17 14 3 I"HI 1,071 370 989 0139 SSO (I,'ban 260 176 114 1,2]') 961 278 6,538 2,6D8 ] ,')}() Towl CI",kjlol 260 176 84 1,239 961 278 6,538 2,608 3,930 Rural Urban 136 85 51 2,529 1,997 532 5,784 1,853 3,931 Total B'lglllu.lfH 136 85 51 2,529 1,997 532 5,784 1,853 3,931 Ruwl UI-ball 64 45 19 1,()26 8'),1 1.12 2,915 980 1,935 TOlal Rt}J1~ara 64 45 19 1,026 89~ 132 2,915 980 1,915 Rural UrlnUl liHllAN 17 14 3 1,4~ 1 1,071 370 %9 439 550 Urban Baghm'"a l"'Hi) ,----

249 DIS n(l(; r CElJ;:3UQ llANO BOOK SOUTH OAf,\U 1111 I ::; Census or India 2001

Localiull Dislrlct/ CD Block/ '1'0\\11 Totul/ Inclu'llllll calcgory code Rural/ Il0us.:hold induslry 11 1I111 her Urban C ulti v ators Agriclihurallabolln;rs workers

Per~ons Mal", females Pc:r:')ons Males Fcmulcs Persuns Males I emales

2 3 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 40

03 Soulh Ga.-o lIi11s Tul,,1 9,-tU2 3,U8U 6,322 3,102 1,1(.2 1,9-tU 3511 121 2:17 I(ural 9,366 3,055 6,311 3,092 1,153 1,9.3') 351 118 233 U.-ban 36 25 II 10 9 I 7 3 0001 Chukl'ot TOlal 4,138 1,524 2,614 908 367 5-t I 170 73 97" Rlilal 4,138 1,524 2,614 908 367 541 170 73 97 U.-ball Ollll~ lJ,lgJulJi.ua Total 3,3 70 1,012 2,358 1·177 ·197 9!Hl 1~5 30 115 Ruml 3,370 1,012 2,358 1_.l77 ·197 980 1~5 30 115 U.-bull OOll.'! I{ollg,tra Tola] 1,858 519 1,339 707 2!;') -tIM 36 15 21 Ruml 1,858 519 1)39 707 21;<) .j18 36 15 21 UrbaB IIIHUN 4U3010Ull Uaghlllam (MUI Urball 36 25 II 10 ') 7 3 4

250 Pf~IMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Pdma.'y Census Abstnlc( f{It' Sl:hcduled T"ihc

of Lllargll1al "orkers Total! J)htra:t! l'D BllIck! To" n I.UCtlhHl Rural! cOlic NOIl-\\ nrkCfS Olher workers Urhun IIUIIlh.. ,(

PcrSlH1S t"lal"s Females Pl!rsnlls Maks Fcmales 47 48 49 50 51 52 3 2

3,36-' 1,517 I,HH 51,H~ Z~,77H 26,S66 '1'" ... 1 StHlth Gan} lIifl.'!J, 03 2,428 1,115 1,313 46,1165 22,7(,6 24,099 1~lInll 936 ~O2 534 ",479 2,012 2,"67 IIrI",n 1,312 644 6711 18.181 8,977 9,104 Towl Clh,kl'OI OO!)I 1,322 644 678 18,181 8,977 9,204 R"ral Urban 792 31,1 4711 18,726 9,135 9,5'11 Total 1~.I~~lllual'l Duo} 792 314 478 18,726 9,115 9,591 R",,,I Urban 314 157 157 9,')58 4,654 5,304 Tulal H.n;l,g.ua O()(n 314 157 157 9,958 4,654 5,304 Rural Urban Illd!AN 936 402 534 4,.179 2,012 2,467 U,billl B"i;hm"'''Il\ILI) ,IOJO IUOU

251 ______;_r ___)_~;...:._1 rw: I CENCiUS I lAND BOOK: SOl J I I I GAf~(l I III I 0 Censlis of Inlli<. 2001 c. I) HIol" Location Area of Total population (inchldillg NlJlnbcr of Population ill Ille code Village in instilutional and housckss households "g"·group 0-6 numba hcclarcs POPlIl"lioll) Persons Males Females Pot.:rSOllS Males 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10

OOUI (,hul'I"'1 (Total) 611.0 6,6IJ 37,937 19,205 18,732 7,949 4,tH(j 3,90] 0011\ (,h"kl'"t (Run,l) 6lUl 6,M3 37,937 l'l,1(}5 \li,7l1 1,949 4,046 3,90J O(lUI ChokllOl (IJI·ban) Chokpot (Ihmll) 002~2[JlJ() D",abandu Agilok 50 280 I,ll! 132 3} 11 20 002-12700 Durab"nda Challlblll!ong 29 195 91 10~ 42 10 22 002.12800 A lVegiri 12 69 32 37 19 7 12 002-12900 ROlIgdi Anchcliggili 16 90 4l! 42 19 II 8 00241000 Wilgi Chiringgiri 17 95 5·1 41 25 14 II 00243100 Dalla Adugiri 45 269 I,ll 128 55 n .12 00241200 ROlIgch""ggiri 9 58 28 10 15 9 6 00243300 Mclall'agiri 15 87 38 49 14 7 7 0()2-I3~OO Mikado!!," 25 173 83 90 51 25 26 00243500 R,,"t~dilo!ili 12 63 33 30 II 8 6 002·B600 ROIIgdi Anct.iglc 10 61 35 26 14 7 7 00243700 Bmillagiri 21 130 61 69 29 10 19 00241800 ROIIgdi Adingglc 3 18 12 6 5 3 2 00243900 Rebodolgiri 34 205 112 93 41 26 15 002~4000 Seillinallggiri 19 II 8 3 I 2 00244100 Sasatgiri 19 142 75 67 26 12 14 00244200 Maraknp""" 15 88 39 ,19 12 4 8 OO~ InDO Kaisillipaw 9 45 20 25 7 3 4 00144100 Dill'gi.·i 19 131 64 (>7 27 14 13 00244500 Rekonall!;grc 6 52 31 21 12 9 3 002·1-1600 Karijhmagn, 36 201 88 113 34 15 19 00244700 Bolkollgpara 6 33 18 15 10 7 3 OON4800 Sol-.somarellgglc 7 44 22 22 15 9 6 00244900 Nokutgiri 15 88 41 47 20 9 II 0024S000 Dum-Asilllgiri .u 15& LH 12S 59 31 28 00245100 ROlllbn Songgil,i1grc 16 87 41 46 16 6 10 00245100 SOl1gsak Nokatgiri ------IJII-lllllaLl5ed------. ----- 00245300 Rongsimagiri 14 96 47 49 16 7 ') 00245400 Bandarigire 16 82 39 41 21 8 13 002H500 Sandung 17 102 50 52 20 9 II 002·1 56()0 GaJl(Jak Naw~plll;ili 8 45 22 ]J 7 6 00245700 Ruabanggagiri 8 52 27 25 12 7 5 00245800 D .. gal SOllggilal 15 102 S4 48 20 9 II 00245900 Budigre 19 93 46 47 19 II 8 00246000 BugilJiri -----~------Un-illh.allited-- -_ - -_ ------00246100 Akoksigiri 12 74 35 39 22 II II 00246200 Anclicnggrc 17 104 50 54 25 12 13 00246300 Rongpakgre 30 199 100 99 41 24 17 00246400 ROJigmigiri 17 92 49 43 II 5 6 00246500 Rongasigrc 26 153 79 74 27 10 17 00246600 Chiringmagiri 6 31 15 16 I 1 00246700 ROllgru Asim 12 77 43 34 20 II ') 00246800 ROlIgrll Willrcgiri 7 40 20 20 13 7 6 00246900 Kalbanggiri 15 99 48 51 13 6 7 00247000 klmgiri 54 329 159 170 77 38 39 00247100 Scmbu ROliglolglUIIll 36 184 96 88 40 22 18 00247200 Darcngi,·i 18 105 60 45 15 7 8 00247300 Paroll1gre 37 200 115 85 37 19 18 00247400 Rongll1" PalOmgui 12 71 40 31 7 5 2 00247500 Dabolgr~ 18 92 53 39 23 12 II 00247600 Emaw;"hn ab,:wgl.l,1 58 357 185 172 87 45 42 00247700 Doba!>iri 35 222 117 105 26 14 12 00247800 Kakijagiri t3 81 40 41 22 II II 00247900 Gopgiri ------U I I-ill ha\" ,,,J ------00248000 Redingsi Songg",,1 7 35 17 18 6 3 3 002·18100 ROllgllla ReklllanglJi 22 117 57 60 28 14 14 00248200 Tokrok Allchcnggrc 8 43 19 24 II 5 6 00248300 Bud" Walregiri 9 38 20 18 2 2 00248400 Relli Adjllggrc 12 61 29 J2 12 5 7 00248500 Relli Badi",a 40 247 137 110 49 27 22 00248600 Simbu Raonllkiragi, i 3 14 6 8 2 I I 00248700 Minchi Chiringgrc 12 51 26 25 10 5 5 00248800 O"ji A,llIgrc 15 63 32 31 16 10 6

252 PI~IMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Village .·rimary Census Abstmct Chock lUI Name of Village Sch"dulcu Casl~s popuutioH Scheduled Tribes population 1.1I, .. "t",

Pers.ons Males Fellluks Pcr::,olls 1\1 .. 1,,5 Fel1ml"s Persolls IVlaks FCI11aks II 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 2

3 3 37,397 18,1l70 1Il,527 15,H3 11,740 6,713 ('hul'(l0l (Tolal) 3 3 37,397 18,870 11l,527 15,453 8,740 6,713 Cho"pol (l{un,l) ('ho"pol (llrb,,") Cho"pol (I{ural) 2l'1ll 148 132 120 73 47 ()lIrai>al1lla Agitok 195 91 104 85 47 38 DlIrahafl{_I~. Chal1lbllgullg 68 31 37 21 13 8 Awcgiri 90 48 42 17 15 :2 Rongdi AJlchengg~n 95 54 41 21 16 Wagi Chirillggiri 269 141 128 140 84 56 Dalla Adllgll'i 58 2S 30 28 12 16 RUlIgdwlIggiri 87 38 49 46 23 23 Mckalpagiri 173 83 90 60 36 24 Mik,,,logre 63 33 30 18 7 I I ROIIgdigiri 61 35 26 20 15 5 RDIIgdi Anclllg,~ 130 61 69 18 17 I Brumagiri 18 12 6 4 3 ROIIgdi Adingglc 189 98 91 63 45 18 RcbDdolgiri 19 II 8 7 5 2 SemilliUlggiri 142 75 67 92 52 40 Sasalgiri 83 36 47 38 20 18 Marakapara 45 20 25 13 6 7 KalsiLllpara 118 58 60 71 36 35 Dapgiri 52 31 21 II 7 4 Rckonallggrc 201 88 113 103 53 50 Karijhoragre 33 18 15 12 7 5 Bolkongpara 44 22 22 23 II 12 Soksomarcnggrc 81 36 45 33 16 17 Nokalgiri 257 1.12 125 106 62 44 Dura-Asimgiri 87 41 46 37 23 14 Romb'l Songgilalgrc ------I JlI-IIlII"bited ------Songs'lk Nokatgiri 96 47 49 70 3H 32 Rongsil11agiri 82 39 43 15 7 8 Bandarigire 95 47 48 57 30 27 Salldong 45 22 23 23 14 9 Gand"k Nawcpilgiri 52 27 25 I Ruabanggagiri 102 54 48 45 30 15 Dagal Songgital 93 46 47 17 14 3 Blldigre ------III.-illllaLlited------Bilgigiri 74 35 39 15 10 Akoksigiri 104 50 54 26 16 10 Anchcnggre 199 100 99 70 42 28 Rongpakgre 92 49 43 II 6 5 Rongllligiri 153 79 74 61 42 19 ROligasigrc 31 15 16 5 4 I Chiringmagili 77 43 34 14 10 4 Rongrll Asim 40 20 20 13 7 6 Rongnl Walrcgiri 99 48 51 22 15 7 Kalballggiri 329 159 170 116 61 55 Jelragiri 184 96 88 59 35 24 Sembu ROligtolgiUlI1I 105 60 45 18 II 7 Darellgiri 200 115 85 64 37 27 Paromgre 71 40 31 32 18 14 Hongma Paromgili 91 53 39 16 13 3 Dabolgre 351 180 171 162 89 73 ElIJaJldul"Ilballgda 221 117 105 89 54 35 Dobagiri 81 40 41 22 15 7 Kakijagiri ------Ull-i'"labited------Gopgiri 35 17 18 17 II 6 Redillgsi Songgilal 117 57 60 39 20 19 Rongma RekmanglL~ 43 19 24 15 8 7 Tokrok Anchengj,'fe 38 20 18 \9 6 3 Blld" Walregiri 61 29 32 3 3 Reni Adinggre 243 133 110 65 45 20 Reni Badima 14 6 8 7 5 2 Silnb" Raongkiragiri 51 26 25 22 15 7 Minchi Chiringgre 63 32 31 25 14 I I Daji Adugre

253 DISTHIC I eLi J:;l)~; Ilhl JlJ Hll( JI< . !.:.( JlIIII (:AI-~,) 1111 I :-; ------('CIIStiS of India 20tH -;------~--::7:_:_;_;_------:(:-:.-.~I> Blod, l.ncalllll) Name ol'Vlllagc code Ill111lho:r __-::- ______-:c ______:_I'.:;c.:.;rs:;_:':;_:".;_;lS::.:- _....:"'=la:.:'::;;":5;:.· _....:'....::C:::·I.:.:ll:.:a:.:le:.::s~.-!P...::c:!.r:::"c::)I~IS::..-_....:l\.:cI:::ac:.:ll:..:·s~...... :.I·.:::·c.:;:I1.::1:~II.::c::.s __'~':.:,·r •• ", ;,Iaks FClllaks 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

IIll1ll Chokpot (Tilt",) 22,434 10,465 12,1119 19,550 10,122 12,932 7,468 5,464 OUIII Chokpol (I~un") 22,484 111,465 12,1l19 19,5511 10,122 12,932 7,·a.!! 5,464 OOU I ('1101,.1101 (lll'ball) Chokpol (ltuml) oo~ 12(10" Durahand;.. AgJlok 160 75 M5 1'1 j() 65 121 50 65 (l()2·127(lO OuralJanda Chaillbugoilg 110 44 66 1(12 IH 54 102 48 5cl 002·12RO() Aweg;ri ·18 19 29 32 15 17 32 15 17 ()()2~2')00 Rongdl Anchcngglli 7J 33 40 49 2{) 20 43 29 14 002·I:lO(lO Wagi Chirin~giri 74 38 36 39 22 17 38 22 16 OON3100 Dana A"\1~n'i 129 51 72 109 61 48 84 56 28 00}4~200 Rongclmnggn'i 30 16 14 24 II 13 24 II 11 002·13300 Mckalpagiri 41 15 26 37 17 20 35 17 18 00l·H400 Mikadogre III n 66 7.1 35 .18 69 34 35 002n500 Rongdigiri 45 26 19 .10 1·1 16 3D 14 16 002~3600 Rungdi And"glc -II 20 21 13 19 14 33 19 14 002~3700 13 nmll1giri 112 44 68 (d l2 29 60 32 28 002-1)~OO ROlIgdi Ading[;IC II 9 5 J 2 5 J 2 00243900 RdJOdmgiri 112 67 75 51 IS 3 42 39 3 00244000 Scmimmggiri 12 6 6 14 9 5 14 9 5 00244100 Sasatgiri 50 23 27 112 ll2 50 19 17 2 002H200 Marakapara 50 II) 31 7:l 36 37 16 16 002H300 Kalsimpara J2 14 18 10 8 2 10 8 2 002-1-1-100 Dapgiri 60 28 32 58 !6 32 54 26 28 00244500 Relonangglc 41 24 17 8 8 8 8 0024,1600 Kari.ihoragre 98 35 63 74 19 35 3 2 00244100 l3olkongpara 21 II 10 11 8 9 17 8 9 0024~SOO Soi-.somarel1t;!llc 21 II 10 20 I) II 9 8 00244900 Nolatgiri 55 25 30 36 17 19 36 11 19 00245000 Dllra-Asilllgiri 152 71 81 77 ·12 35 2 2 00245100 ROUlba SOllggn,llgl C 50 18 32 22 13 9 3 3 00245200 SOllgsal N,)).;algiri ------t 11l-llIll.:lI,ltcd------00245300 Ron!!,imagiri 26 9 J7 21 15 (, 14 1-1 00245400 Dandarigire 67 J2 35 45 ~., 21 45 24 21 002~5500 Salldoll!: 45 20 25 42 ~() 22 40 20 20 00245600 Gaudak Nawcpilgul 22 8 14 23 III n 22 10 12 002-15700 R\labal\~gagiri 51 26 25 2~ 13 II 19 10 9 00245800 Dagal Songgilal 57 24 33 46 24 22 4-1 22 22 00245900 l3ucligrc 76 32 44 67 31 36 25 22 3 00246000 I3ngigiri ------1 ill-illh.lbitcd------00246100 Akoksigiri 59 25 34 51 24 21 34 16 18 00246200 AJlchcuggrc 78 34 44 48 25 23 20 211 00246300 ROllgpakgre 129 58 71 108 54 54 38 36 2 00246400 ROllgmigiri 81 43 38 45 26 19 45 26 19 00246500 ROIl!lasigre 92 37 55 86 49 31 12 41 31 00246600 Chiringlllagili 26 II 15 19 9 10 17 9 8 00246700 ROJlgnl Asim 63 33 30 41 22 19 34 19 15 00246800 ROllgrll Walrcglll 27 D 14 18 8 JO 18 8 10 00246900 Kalbang!liri 17 33 44 49 25 24 41 18 23 OO~·'7000 JCliagiri 213 98 115 142 71 71 114 69 45 002-17100 Scmbu ROlIglolgiJlilll 125 61 64 95 43 52 89 42 47 0024 7200 DarclI~iri 87 49 38 45 2J 22 38 21 17 00247300 "aromg.-c 136 78 58 91 55 42 84 45 39 00247400 Rongma Pammgiri 39 22 17 21 14 13 25 13 12 00247500 Dabolgrc 76 40 36 6·t 39 25 42 24 18 00247600 Elllanclllraballgda 195 96 99 195 95 100 131 69 68 00247100 Doba~iri 133 63 70 120 65 55 114 63 51 00247800 Kakijagiri 59 25 34 45 23 22 35 16 19 00247900 Gopgi,i ------1 JJ 1- i "I", I)iJ~d -. -. -----. ---- 002-18000 Redil1!;si SOllggilal 18 6 12 15 8 7 7 7 00N8100 ROllgma Rekmangin 18 J7 41 70 32 38 48 26 22 0024S200 Tolrok Allcheng!lre 28 II 17 16 8 8 16 8 8 002~8300 Dudu Watregiri 29 I ~ 15 21 II 10 19 9 10 00248400 Reni Adinggre 58 26 32 36 19 17 00248500 Rcni Badima 182 92 90 138 76 62 5 00248600 Silllbu Raol1gkiragiri 7 I 6 9 5 4 9 5 4 00248700 Minchi Chiringgre 29 II 18 19 13 6 IS 13 5 00248800 Daji Adugrc 38 18 20 27 14 13 17 14 3

254 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Village Primary Census Ab!>tnl' Chod, ot Induslnal Li.ik~nry of In01l11 \\'orkcrs Naill" of V IIL'g" Iiolisehoid incJ uSlry Cultivators Agricultural lahollr"rs OLh"r workers work"rs Persons Mal"s Fcmaks Persons Maks Felli "I"s Pc'rsnns Males Females Persons Maks Females 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2

10,3911 5,7J~ ~,6M n5 ~lJ6 ~29 31l~ 2111 86 1,3115 1,020 285 (,1",1'1",1 ~T,,"'I) 10,398 5,7J-t ~,664 925 496 429 304 218 86 1,305 1,020 2115 Chol'lllll (Hu .... l) ("holilllll ({Jrball) ClwL'I1U1 (Rllml) 110 55 55 11 10 Dmahanda Agilok 92 45 47 3 1 7 5 DII .. "banda Ch;:}lnbtlg~lllg 27 n 14 2 3 Awegiri 40 27 I) ROIlgdi AlldlL':llgt:ill 38 22 16 \}•.'agi Cilirillggll"j 72 47 15 3 9 Dalla Adu!;.ri 23 10 13 HOlIgchanggiri 34 16 18 Md;"ll'agiri 67 32 35 2 1\1ikadogre 29 14 15 ROlIgdigi,i 27 16 II t) -' ROllgdi Alldllg,~ 59 31 2S BralJ1'lgin 5 3 2 ROlIgdi Adillggre 42 39 3 Rcbodolgiri 13 8 5 Seminanggin 17 15 2 Sas,atgil"i 9 9 5 5 2 2 r....1iJrakapilra 10 8 2 Kaisilllpara 44 17 27 10 9 Dapgiri 8 8 Rekonallggre ~ 2 Karijhoragre 15 7 8 1 Bolkongpara 9 8 Soksolnarellggre 35 17 18 I Nokatgiri 2 1 Dura-Asimgiri ROlllba SOllggital[;, c ------I }n-;nJwbll(..',,'------Songs"k Nokal!!;r; 11 11 Rongsilllagiri 45 2·1 21 Bal1darig~re 30 n 17 10 .1 Sandong 22 10 12 Galldak Naw~pilglli 14 7 7 3 2 RlLallallgga~lri 36 15 21 7 6 Dagal Songgital 25 22 3 Budigre ·············IJ"·i,,Io •• l>ilcd·············· Bugigiri 12 II 18 3 15 2 2 :1 2 Akoksigiri 14 14 3 3 2 2 Anchenggrc 32 31 I I 4 Rongpakgre 45 26 19 ROllgmigiri 64 36 18 2 3 ROllgasigre 17 9 8 Chiringmagiri 34 19 15 ROligru Asim 18 8 10 ROligru Walrcgi, i 41 18 23 KaUliInggiri 105 60 45 8 S Jelragiri 16 9 7 62 22 40 10 10 Scmbu Ronglolgillilll 38 21 17 Daren~jri 81 42 39 2 2 Paromgre 25 13 12 Rongma Paromgiri 42 24 18 Dabolgre 81 23 58 11 7 4 3 3 42 .l(J 6 Elnandurabangda 99 57 42 4 4 10 6 4 Dobagiri 28 II 17 4 3 3 2 Kilkijagiri ·············1 JII·inh"hil""·············· Gopgiri 5 5 2 2 Rcdillgsi SOllggilal 46 24 22 2 2 Rongma Rckmangin 12 7 5 4 J Tokrok Anchcllggrc 14 5 9 4 3 I Budu Walregiri Reni Adinggre 5 Reni Badillla 9 4 Simbu Raongkiragiri 18 13 Minchi Chiringgre 13 10 3 2 1 Daji Adugrc

255 ______:::D...:.I.:::.S..:_r.:_H..:_lc:_~-..:_r...:.(_.::;E::...N..:..::::>US IIANLJ UOOK _ SOUll1 GARO 11111 S Census of India 200 I c. 1>. Blol'k L.ocation Name or Villa!!,e Illdusirial category cod.: Cultivators Agricultural laoour"rs IlUIllO",. P..:rsons Mal"s F"maies Persuns Mal",; r:elllaic.:s Persons Males Fem"k, 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

0001 Chok"OI (Tolal) 6,61H 2,65-1 3,%4 4,11l1l 1,545 2,635 nil 372 548 0001 Chok" .. 1 (Ru,-al) 6,618 2,654 3,964 4,IIlO 1,545 2,635 920 372 548 0001 Chokl'ol (LT,-ban) Chokl'ol (Ru,-al) U02~2(JOl) Duralo"nda Ag;,,'" 00242700 Durabanda Chambllgllllg 00242800 Awegiri 002~2900 Rongd, Andl~llggi,i (J 2 2 001HOOO Wagi Chiriuggiri I 002~J 100 D""" Adttgiri 25 5 20 2l -, 00243200 Rongd,allggiri 00243300 Mckalpagiri 2 2 00243400 Mikadogre 4 3 3 00243500 ROllg

256 PRIMARY CENSLJS ABSTRACT Village Primary Census Abstract Chock >ot ofmar~IlUJI wor~crs Name llrVillage Location Household industry workers code Other workers Nllll-\\llrk"rs Illimber Pt!rsons Maks FClllaks Pt.!rsons I'vlales F..,malcs Pcrsolls Males Fen",ks 50 5[ 52 53 54 55 56 57 51< 2

176 7S 101 1,342 662 6!1U 111,3117 9,OM3 9,3t14 ('h"l lIe" ------Songsak Nokalgiri 00245200 3 3 I 1 75 32 43 ROllgsimagiri 00245300 37 15 22 Bandarigire 00245400 60 30 30 SaLldong 00245500 22 12 10 Galldak Nav.epilgiri 00245600 28 14 14 Ruabanggagiri 00245700 56 30 26 Dagal SOllggilal 00245800 26 15 II Oudigre 00245900 ------l Jl1-illl1al>lIc"------Bugigiri 00246000 2 2 12 7 5 23 II 12 Akoksigin 00246100 3 56 25 31 Anchenggrc 00246200 91 46 45 Rnn1!pakgre 00246300 47 23 24 Rongllligiri 002'16400 67 30 37 Rongasigre 00246500 12 6 6 Chiringmagiri 00246600 36 21 15 Rongru Asim 00246700 22 12 10 Rungru Watrcgill 00246800 50 23 27 Kalbanggiri 00246900 187 88 99 Jctragiri 00247000 89 53 36 Scmbu ROllglulgillll1l 00247100 60 37 23 Darcngiri 00247200 103 60 43 Paromgre 00247300 44 26 18 Rongma Parolllgili 00247400 28 14 14 Dabolgre 00247500 3·1 15 19 162 90 72 Emandurabangda 00247600 102 52 50 Dobagiri 00247700 7 5 2 36 17 19 Kakijagiri 00247800 ------U n-illllal"le

257 olS"[ RICT CENSLi~ llANO BOOK. SUlJ n I (;;AI~O 1111 t S Census of India 200 I c. I). Block Ar"a of Tolal pOplllUlioll (including Location Name ofYillage NlIlllh<.!f of PoplIilttioll in the cod..: Villug..: ill institutional •.lJlU hOlls..:lcss hOlls<.!illllds age-group 0-6 numb"r h..:ctar..:s pOjlulatlon) Persons Mules F"males Persolls Males !'emull's 2 ] 4 567 8 9 10

002·UNOO ROlIgckl1ggr~ 8 52 26 16 7 4 3 00249000 DarclIgsagiri 19 III 47 64 26 7 19 002491 no Chihokgre 17 97 52 45 31 18 13 002·19200 Adtlmagiri 18 96 54 42 18 II 7 00249300 ROlollggiri 21 118 57 61 24 12 12 00249400 Nokatgiri 6 32 17 15 7 3 4 00249500 Ganggllgin 13 59 29 30 8 4 4 00249600 Dckll Bazar 10 40 27 13 9 8 I 002 19700 DOl"angre 6 28 15 13 6 3 002·19S00 Dopallangglc 17 101 55 46 28 19 9 00219900 Dallgjingre 14 72 33 39 10 6 4 002S0000 Asimgiri 5 28 17 II 3 3 Ou250 I 00 Tcpolagiri 13 82 45 37 29 17 12 00250200 Alek"para 5 16 6 10 I 1 00250300 Dallgkipata 36 216 113 103 43 21 22 00250400 Kaillpara ·10 233 118 115 42 19 23 00250500 Dllmilldigiri 12 67 37 .10 16 8 8 00250600 Oawagiri 4 18 8 10 6 2 4 00250700 ROlIgkllgiri 32 178 91 87 43 24 19 00250800 Rongkonginim II 56 31 25 9 6 3 00250900 Salilokgiri 21 129 72 57 29 18 II 00251000 Sangknigiri 012 243 117 116 67 30 37 00251100 Simkalanggiri 21 In liO 63 31 14 17 00251200 Chigisimgiri 10 50 27 n 17 10 7 00251300 Digrallggre 12 75 37 18 19 8 II 00251400 Rombagiri 21 108 57 51 2J 13 10 00251500 Rontragiri 19 132 63 (,t) :14 17 17 00251600 Bikinggiri 4 20 13 7 3 3 00251700 Galldinanggni 4 21 10 II 3 I 2 00251800 Dobilgre 32 194 82 112 28 II 17 00251900 Chianggalgre 6 43 19 24 14 5 9 00252000 Dllrab'Te II 59 29 30 10 3 7 00252100 Wakjapakrc 20 107 56 51 21 12 9 00252200 D,~i Rongkuakgrc 9 49 23 26 8 3 5 00252300 Chisrengre 7 34 18 16 7 4 3 00252400 Waro Songgilchmn 6 21 II 10 I 00252500 Wam Songllilal 5 35 20 15 13 ') 4 002526(l0 Daji Rongbinglln: 8 33 18 15 9 5 4 00252700 Dillgbillggre 12 51 20 31 II 4 7 00252800 BlIgakolgre 6 38 17 21 5 4 00252900 Budu Asimgrc 35 205 100 105 33 17 16 00253000 Jallegre 33 181 89 92 50 26 24 (l0253100 Bluck Head QII. 9 26 17 9 3 2 I (l0253200 Dobagre 86 544 286 258 110 61 49 00253300 Dindigre 10 51 21 30 10 4 6 001530100 Oaji Badima 15 99 53 46 23 15 8 00253500 Chokpol Bazar 116 639 333 30(> 136 66 70 00253600 Warima Chokd .. 21 143 71 n 29 13 16 00253700 Bubal Adillg 43 254 DS 116 58 32 26 00253800 Warillla Dooluu 21 129 68 61 30 14 16 00253900 Daji l30ldakgre 8 34 18 16 8 2 6 00254000 Songllla Matchokg'c 5 18 8 10 2 I I 00254100 SClIlbu Jin~janggililll 9 34 16 18 9 3 6 00254200 Selllbll SillgHlnggilliul 2 8 5 3 2 2 00254300 D,(jinggre ------l JU-lIIhallikd 00254400 Warilllagiri 50 312 169 143 65 36 29 00254500 Warillla Duragrc 12 69 34 35 8 3 002501600 Scmhll Rongsnaglli 10 65 41 24 18 14 4 00254700 SClllbll Nokalgiri 9 41 25 16 9 4 5 0(l254800 SelllLm JakillggiUim 5 26 15 II 2 I 00254900 Scmbll Jiballggittim 8 47 25 22 14 7 7 00255000 Das3111giri 9 35 18 17 10 5 5 00255100 Chokpotgiri 111 787 412 375 174 90 84 00255200 Dorek Asim 7 37 18 19 ') 4 5 00255300 Daringgre 47 374 198 176 64 30 34 mn55"(}(} Ab,,,,da 2 6 3 3 3 2 I 10 00255500 Daji Teksrag'" II 56 24 31 13 3

258 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Village Primary Census Abslnlct Chuck lut Name o(Village Sehedukd Castes popuulion Seil.:uukd Tribes population

Persons Males Females Pt.!T so 11 S Females Persons I\lules ".:males II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 I') 2

51 25 2(1 12 7 5 l{ollgtk':lIggrc III 47 64 17 15 2 DarclIgsaglri 97 52 45 26 17 ') Chibokgre 96 54 42 32 24 8 Adihllaglri 118 57 61 44 25 19 Rotollggiri 32 17 15 Nokatgin 59 29 30 13 9 4 Gallggugin 40 27 13 II 8 3 Dcku Bazal 28 15 13 n 7 6 Dor.angre 101 55 ~6 46 2J D Dopallallgglc 72 33 39 35 16 19 Dan~iillgre 28 17 II 12 10 2 Asimgiri 82 .. 5 37 24 17 7 T cpotagiri 16 6 10 4 3 I Alckapara 207 106 101 45 24 21 Dallgkipara 233 118 115 79 46 33 Kalupam 67 37 30 35 25 10 DlIl1Iilldigiri 18 8 10 I Dawagiri 178 9J 87 95 54 41 ROlIgkugiri 56 31 25 9 4 Rongkongitlll1l 129 72 57 42 28 14 Salilokgiri 235 112 123 116 61 55 Sangknigiri 117 56 61 76 43 33 Simkalanggll i 50 27 23 18 II 5 Chigisimgiri 75 37 38 31 16 IS Digranggre 108 57 51 24 12 12 Rombagiri 132 63 69 58 30 28 Rontragiri 20 13 7 3 3 Bikinggili 21 10 11 I Gandinanggu j 194 82 112 65 32 33 Dobagre 43 19 24 II 8 3 Ch ianggalgrc 59 29 30 9 6 3 Duragre 107 56 51 21 (4 7 Wakjapakre 49 23 26 12 8 4 Daji Rongkmlkglc 34 18 16 13 8 5 Chisrengre 21 II 10 2 2 Waro Songgitcham 35 20 15 2 2 Wam Songgital 33 18 15 7 7 Daji Rongbinggre 51 20 31 21 10 II Dingbinggre 38 17 21 13 6 7 Bilgakolb're 205 100 105 61 37 24 Blld.. Asimgre 180 88 92 75 39 36 Jallegre 26 17 9 21 14 7 Block Head QIL 544 286 258 359 187 172 Dobagre 51 21 30 2 2 Dilldigre 99 53 46 36 19 J 7 Daji Badillla 533 258 275 425 239 I 86 Chok pot Bazar 143 71 72 82 43 39 Warima Chokela 224 125 99 103 58 45 Bolsal Ading 129 68 61 77 46 31 Wnl'ilila Dooldll 34 18 16 11 10 I Daji Boldakgre 16 7 9 3 2 Songma Matehokgl" 34 16 18 8 4 4 Semb" Jingjallggitim 8 5 3 2 I I Semb" Singmnggitlim ------1 JII-mh" hit ed------Dajillggre 306 166 140 124 73 51 Warimagiri 69 34 35 45 29 16 Warima Duragre 65 41 24 II 9 2 Semb" Rongsnagiri 41 25 16 6 6 Scmb" Nokatgiri 26 15 II II 7 4 Sembu Jakinggitlim 47 25 22 12 9 3 Semb" Jibanggitlim 35 18 17 Das.ungiri 780 .. 06 374 531 287 144 Chokpolgiri 33 16 17 3 2 I Darek Asim 373 198 175 186 110 76 Daringgre 6 3 3 1 1 Abanda 56 24 32 30 13 17 Daji Teksragre

259 DISTRICT CENSUS IIANI) BOOK. SOl) III GARO 1III I S Census of India 200 I c. D. Hlod, Location Name of V ill"S'"' c'l)LI~ IIlllcr


260 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT ------Village Primary Census Abst.-act Chock ot Industrial category ormalll workers Namc of Village Household indllstry Cultlvutors Agricultllmllabollrers Other worl

8 8 Rongdcllggre 21 19 2 29 7 22 Darengsagiri 14 14 5 4 2 2 Chibokgre 33 21 12 2 2 Alhlnmgiri 50 26 24 I~o.ollgg.ri 8 6 2 Nokatgiri 13 10 3 Ganggllgin 10 8 2 3 3 Delli Bazar 5 [)olallgrc I 7 9 8 Dopananggl C 15 12 3 Dangiingre 3 2 2 2 Asill1gi .. i 8 8 2 2 2 2 Tepotagiri 10 4 6 2 I Alekapara 8 6 Dangkipiuil 4 1 3 Kailipara 30 18 12 3 3 DlIll1indig.ri 3 3 Dawagiri 64 34 30 13 5 8 Rongkngi,i 22 12 10 Rongkongitlim 30 15 15 3 3 Satllokgiri II II 25 24 Sangknigiri 18 16 2 2 Silllkalanggiri 8 7 Chigisimglri 37 21 16 Digranggre 42 20 22 6 4 2 4 3 ROlllbagiri 46 20 26 4 2 2 Rontragiri 9 6 3 3 2 Bikinggiri 8 5 3 4 3 Galldinang~iri 63 31 32 Dobagre 4 4 Chianggalgre 12 12 I I Duragre 34 24 10 16 3 IJ 2 Wakjapakre 8 8 3 Daji ROllgkuakgre II 1 4 Chisrengre 10 8 2 Waro SOllggJtchan, 6 4 2 Waro Sonsgilal II 9 2 Daji ROllgbinggre 14 13 Dingbinggre 13 8 Bugakolh'Te 70 34 36 6 4 2 Budu Asimgre 22 17 5 2 2 13 12 1 Jallcgre. 2 2 8 6 2 Block Head QIL 72 32 40 127 70 57 3 2 27 19 8 Dobagre 34 16 18 Diudigre 11 17 2 Daji Badillla 12 6 6 20 JJ H7 16 II 62 42 20 Chokpot Bazar 6 5 I 49 28 21 Warima Chokela 135 67 68 9 6 3 Bolsal Ading 35 29 6 3 3 5 5 Warima Dooldu 12 8 4 Daji Boldakgre 3 2 Songma Matchokgro 22 II II Sembu Jingjanggitim 5 3 2 Scmbu Singronggitlilll ------IJn-lnlw[lItod------Dajinggre 153 90 63 I I 2 I 4 3 Warilnagiri 23 18 5 2 I I I 1 Wnrima Duragre Sembu Rongsnagiri 23 15 8 2 Selllbu Nokatgiri Selllbu Jakinggillim 23 12 II Selllbu Jibanggillim 21 II 10 Dasamgiri 108 55 53 15 7 8 25 15 10 71 61 10 Chokpotgiri 15 10 5 Dore" Asim 52 28 24 45 25 20 II 6 5 Daringsre 3 I 2 Abanda 14 12 2 2 Daji Teksragre

261 DISTRICT CEN:,LJS llANO HOOf< : t;Olllll GANO I tillS Censlis of lndia 2001 r. I) 11101'1< Location Name of Village Industflal cat"gury code Cultivators AgriL'ultlirallaoolirers number I'nsol1s I'vbles Females I'c:rsons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

001~S9()0 ROlIgJclI!;gr" 10 2 H 10 00249000 Darengsagiri 28 11 17 2 I 00249100 Chibokgre 27 4 23 15 15 10 4 6 00249200 Addmagiri 29 14 15 29 14 15 00249300 ROlonggiri 28 10 18 28 10 18 00249400 Noblgiri 15 7 8 IS 7 8 00249500 Gallggllgiri 25 10 IS 25 10 IS 00249600 Dckll Bazar 10 2 8 5 I 4 00249700 Dorangre 6 6 3 3 3 00249800 Dopallangg.e 8 1 5 .1 .1 2 "2 002·19900 Danruingrc 29 6 23 28 (, 12 00250000 Asilllgiri 00250 I 00 Tepolagiri 40 15 25 25 17 14 00250200 Alckapano 0()15(l]OO Dallgkipara ')7 59 38 12 8 n0250·100 "alnpam 115 59 56 105 56" 49 00250.'00 Dn,"illdigi. i 00250600 Dawngiri 002:50700 ROllgkugiri 00250800 I~ongkongilli," 13 8 13 5 8 00250900 Satilokgiri 43 24 19 43 24 19 00251000 Sangknigiri 16 6 10 4 I 3 3 00251100 Silllkalanggiri 71 29 42 69 27 42 00251200 Chigisi.llgiri 2 I I 00251300 Digrill'JJgre 00251400 ROlllhagiri 00251500 ROlllragiri 36 16 20 34 10 18 2 2 00251600 Hikillggiri 6 4 2 00251700 Galidillilliggill 4 3 I 00251800 Dohagr" 59 2.1 36 59 36 00251900 Chiallggalgrc J) I 12 4 4 9 8 00251000 Dllmgre 19 3 16 II II 8 3 :; 00252100 Wakjnplll

262 Pf~IMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Village I:'rimary CenSllS Abslnlct Chocli 01 of marginal workers Name ofYdlage I.ocalilill I-iousehold industry workers Olher workers Non-\\'(ukers cod.: l1umber Persons Males 'Femules Persons Mal.:s Females Persons Maks Females 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2

32 14 18 ROllgllcnggrc 002~H9(J() 26 10 16 33 10 23 Darcngsagit i 002~9(jO(l 2. 2 49 28 21 Chibokgre 002,)')100 32 17 15 Adih"agiri 00249200 40 21 19 ROlollggiri 002,1'1300 ') 4 Nokalgiri 00249400 20 8 12 Ganggllgin 00249500 17 14 .1 Dckll Bazar 002496[)O 16 9 7 Dor'lIIgre 00249700 3 3 76 36 40 Dopallanggrc 00249800 28 15 13 Dallgjillgre 00249900 23 13 10 Asimglfi 002500{){) 30 18 12 Tellotagirj 00250100 4 I 3 Atekapara 002502()0 2 2 1\, 53 .10 III 48 63 Dallgkipara 00250300 2 1 8 3 5 114 58 56 Kal"para 00150~00 3~ 19 15 DIIJI)illdigni 001505{)0 13 4 9 Dawagiri 00250600 100 52 48 ROlIgk IIgi, i 00250700 21 14 7 Rongkongillull 00250800 53 30 23 Salilokgiri 00250900 M 4 4 185 71 114 Sangkniiliri 00251000 I 31 14 17 Simkalanggin 00251100 38 17 2 I Chigisjmgiri 00251200 38 16 22 Digranggre 00251300 55 29 26 Rombagiri 00251400 45 24 21 ROlllragiri 00251500 4 2 2 Bikinggiri 00251600 3 2 4 Galldinauggll·j 00251700 70 26 44 DolJagrc 00251800 24 12 12 Chiallggalgre 00151900 26 12 14 nUrah'fe 00252000 23 10 13 28 14 14 Wakjapakre 00251100 36 II 25 Daji ROllgkuakt;l~ 00252200 11 9 8 Chisrellgre 00252300 7 3 4 Waro SOllggilchalll 00252400 26 15 II Waro SOllggilal 00252500 21 9 12 Da.ji Rongbillggrc 00252600 23 6 17 Dingbinggre 00252700 20 8 12 Bugakolgre 00252800 8 119 55 64 Buel .. Asilllgrc 00252900 5 3 2 123 51 12 Jallegre 00253000 2 2 1 5 2 Block Heael Qlr. 00253100 4 2 2 243 137 106 Dobagre 00253200 15 5 10 Dindigre 00253300 75 33 42 Daji Badillla 00253400 18 10 396 178 218 Chokpol Bazar 00253500 4 2 2 56 29 27 Wari",a Chokel .. 00253600 2 2 108 63 45 Boisal Ading 00253700 66 33 33 Warillla Dooldu 00253800 18 9 9 Daji Boldakgre 00253900 9 4 5 Songilla MalellokglC 00254000 II 4 7 Sembu J ingjanggililll 00254100 2 2 Sembll Singronggitlilll 00254200 ------1 h,- i 1111.,1111 ,,<1---.------Dajjnggre 00254300 3 2 2 2 137 68 69 Warimagiri 00254400 29 12 11 Wafi",a DlII agre 00254500 49 29 20 Sembu Rongsnagiri 00254600 16 ') 1 Sembu Nokalgiri 00254700 9 6 3 Sembu Jakillggillim 00254800 23 12 II Sembll JibanggiUim 00254900 14 7 7 Dasill1lgiri 00255000 4 3 .1 435 226 209 Chokpolgiri 00255100 22 8 14 Dorck Asim 00155200 210 110 I 10 Daringgre 00255300 3 2 Abanda 00255400 33 9 24 Daji Teksragre 00255500

263 lJl::'IHICT CENSUS HANlJ BOOK" SOUTI j GAHO J III I S ------~~----~ Census of India 200 I c. I), IIlo<'k J,ocatlOIl Name ofYillage Area of TOlal population (including NUiuber of Population In the code Village in institutional and h()lI~dess households age-group 0-6 number hectares populalion) Per~ons Males Females Persons Mules Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

0025560U [Juraglri ------U II-i, I hab; 1"0------00255700 GaugchiJ..alaJ.. 39 201 1m 96 42 20 22 00255800 Waidagin 8 39 21 18 I I 4 7 0025WOO D.unil Duga\..ulglll 4 27 n 14 8 ) 5 00256000 Ool;mlallggiri 10 42 17 25 10 3 7 00256100 Rougrak Tcksragl C 34 190 93 97 29 15 14 00256200 Nachi Adugiri II 71 32 39 20 10 10 00256300 Roriagre (ChignUlgglc) 12 73 37 36 16 6 10 00256400 Chigrallggiri -----ll1lllllialJltcd------00256500 Ala Nol;"lagiri ------IIII-illl"l>ilco------00256600 Boldam Sangkui 2 2 00256700 Ala ROllgpakgiri 24 Ill] 56 47 15 8 7 00256800 NokalJlfe 15 88 48 40 12 9 3 00256900 Oujcgrc 28 172 93 79 39 24 15 (l0257000 Wanglnagrc (O'lllll

264 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Village Primary Census Abst ...,ct Chuck ut Nalllc "fVlllagt: S..:hcdukJ Castcs popualioll Schcdukd Tub.:s populutioll I .• krales

Persons. Malcs Females Pcrsnns Males Fema":s Persons Males Fcmal.:s II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2

------1 Jil-ilillabil...;d------Dliragili 200 104 'l6 1>3 ~7 36 Gangchikalak 39 21 18 23 14 9 Waidagin 27 13 14 I I DaJlli( Bilgakoigiri 41 17 25 II 4 7 [)okmlallggin 190 93 97 89 39 50 Rllngrak Tcksmgrc 71 32 39 31 14 17 Nachi Adugiri 73 37 36 20 14 6 Roriagre (ClllgrunggH';) ------1 JII-illll.llJill.!d------~- Cllignulgglri ------1 In- inllili>ircd------Ala Nokatagiri 2 2 Boklalll Sang)..n; 103 56 47 26 20 6 Ala Rongl'ukgiri 88 48 40 33 21 12 Nokalgre 171 93 79 52 36 16 Dajcgre 56 28 28 24 15 9 Vt.!anglnagrc (D,arlll'lIlgglt.: 96 39 57 41 20 2 I Noranggiri 105 64 41 23 19 4 RilHrang Adinggiri 348 180 168 139 7J 66 Alagiri 185 129 156 187 89 98 ASligiri 236 107 119 142 69 73 Anigre 72 30 42 43 19 24 A sinangrc 144 70 74 26 15 II Dagalgiri 48 23 25 24 10 14 G anchigre ------UII-illll,lbileJ------Chandi ROllgdigiri 47 20 27 15 7 8 Chandigiri 151 70 81 76 34 42 Dcballdagre 93 41 52 33 19 14 Dekigre 54 31 23 15 6 9 Bolchim SOllggilal 58 26 32 23 12 I 1 Banggllagre ------U 1'- i.ll"'bitcd------Mckragiri 70 30 40 13 10 3 Asimgiri ------Un-illhabited------· ------Dagal Nokatgiri 144 73 71 43 27 16 Dagal Songgilal 252 127 125 107 48 59 Walibokgre 827 414 413 505 256 249 Bibragiri IS8 88 100 75 40 35 Dagal Gopre (A) 76 43 33 28 17 II Dagal Asimgn: ------lln-inl1"b itcll------Dagal GOPb'Te 214 110 104 69 46 23 Kellcgrc 127 69 58 44 30 14 Kilbolmagre 29 15 14 7 2 Kilbohlla AsilllglC 66 36 30 14 9 5 Agalgrc 120 64 56 46 26 20 Papa Asakgre 133 70 63 24 17 7 Papa SOllgmollg 78 41 37 25 13 12 Papa Songgilal 136 65 71 43 28 15 Kilbohna Dalllalgrc 252 125 127 127 70 57 Kenc Clmnia 95 46 49 34 21 13 Nodollggiri 202 109 93 III 58 53 Bilgre 76 40 36 50 28 22 Bolchugrc 81 39 42 18 12 6 Damecrongsnagiri 125 57 68 5 4 Dallleigre 256 117 139 96 47 49 Daga' Songmong 82 38 44 32 19 13 Agittinggre 44 25 19 2 I Ramigiri 130 64 66 32 20 12 Dcndalllgiri 58 31 27 16 9 7 Rongsimagiri 40 21 19 7 5 2 Eldillliral1lgre 15 9 6 6 3 3 Tejagre 239 121 118 136 71 65 Boichillldagre 72 41 31 22 13 9 Emragre 123 62 61 42 26 16 Allegre 89 43 46 50 21 29 Sonaramgre 85 50 35 43 27 16 Bak alagre 83 49 34 31 19 12 Gagagre 47 28 19 9 8 I Darillallggiri 92 45 47 31 18 13 Wainabenggre

265 DISTRICT CENSUS HAND BOOK. SOUTH GAHO HiLl S Censlis of India 2001 c. n. Block I.ocalion Name of Village cod~ 11I1I"rulcs Tolal workers Main workers 1ll1l11b"r Persons Males F"Il1:.tics Persons Males Fell1iJles P"rsol1s Males I'cl11aks 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

00255600 l)'"i1giri ------UIl-i,d"'I,iled------00255700 Gangchikalo.k 118 58 60 107 61 46 78 46 32 00255800 Waidagiri 16 7 9 24 14 10 16 8 8 00255900 Damil Bngakolgiri 26 12 14 16 8 8 16 8 8 00256000 Dokallanggiri 31 13 18 27 II 16 22 II II 00256100 ROllgrak Tebmgrilcd------002590100 Kcnegre 145 64 81 50 43 7 36 31 5 00259500 Kilbolmagre 83 39 44 30 25 5 20 20 00259600 Kilbolma Asill1g.e 22 10 12 14 8 6 8 8 00259700 Agalgrc 53 28 25 37 21 16 32 17 15 00259800 Papa Asakgl"C 74 38 36 61 31 30 51 25 26 00259900 Papa Songmollg 110 54 56 71 36 35 62 32 30 00260000 Papa SOllllgilal 53 28 25 51 28 23 30 14 16 00260100 Kilbohnil Dalllalg'" 95 39 56 55 32 23 29 27 2 00260200 K~ne Clmnia 125 55 70 112 61 51 62 47 IS 00260300 Nodonggili 62 26 36 22 22 21 21 00260400 Bilb'fe 91 51 40 48 41 7 39 36 3 00260500 Bolchugr" 26 12 14 44 23 21 13 II 2 00260600 Damelrongsnagiri 63 27 36 48 21 27 46 21 25 00260700 Dam"'gre 120 53 67 71 34 37 71 34 37 00260800 Dagal Songlllong 160 70 90 143 71 71 5 5 00260900 Agillinggre 50 19 31 43 17 26 42 17 25 00261000 Ramigiri 42 24 18 30 16 14 24 13 II 0026 r 100 D"ndamgiri 98 44 54 87 41 46 59 28 31 00261200 ROIIgsimagiri 42 22 20 36 20 16 25 14 II 00261300 Eldimirall1b'fC 33 16 17 16 6 10 16 6 10 00261400 Tejagr" 9 6 3 7 5 2 7 5 2 00261500 l30lchimdagre 103 50 53 162 112 80 94 48 46 00261600 Elllwgre 52 29 23 37 18 19 34 16 18 00261 700 Anegre 81 36 45 70 34 36 61 29 32 00261800 Sonara"'g,e 39 22 17 36 18 18 36 18 18 00261900 Bakalagre 42 23 19 47 28 19 28 14 14 00262000 Gagagl·e 52 30 22 30 16 14 26 16 10 00262100 Darinanggili 38 20 18 2& 15 13 24 12 12 00162200 Wainabenggrc 61 27 34 41 19 22 41 19 22

266 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Village Prima.·y Census Abstr'act Chock ot Industriul category of Illain workers NUIll" of V i1luge Household industry Cuitivutors Agricuiturallahollrers Olher workers workers P~rsons Males Felllales~ Persons Males Femules Persons Males Femaks Persons IVlales Femllk, 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 .16 37 38 39 40 2

------U,,-i,'I,illllleJ------Dwagili 25 2ll 33 8 25 20 III 2 fiiUlgchtkalak 15 7 8 Vhlidagiri 16 8 Il Daillit Bugakolgill 22 II II Dokallanggjri 73 34 39 3 2 ROllglilk Tcksla~lI.! 23 II 12 Nachi Adugiri 42 22 20 Roriagrc (Chigmllggl c) ------l1n-inl\;.I\I.\l,;lI------Chigl"angg\ri ------Un-inllilbilcd------Ala Nokalagiri 2 2 Boldam Sallg).;IlI 48 26 22 15 6 9 Ala Ron.gpakgiri 23 10 13 2 2 Nokatgre 37 18 19 I Dajcgre 26 15 II 5 Wangmagll.! (Dann.anggn; 45 22 23 I 2 2 Norangglri 40 22 18 15 7 !! RilTlTang Admggiri 121 63 58 31 17 14 4 2 2 Alagiri 54 27 27 4 4 25 16 9 Asugiri 73 35 38 4 4 Anigre 15 15 I Asinangrc 53 28 25 18 9 9 Dagalgiri 8 8 Ganchigre ------l )'1-'111" II" I"J------Chandi Rongdigni 7 2 16 8 8 Chandigiri 57 28 29 2 Dcbandagre 37 17 20 Dekigre 25 14 II 130lchim SOllggilal 23 9 14 Banggungre ------! J11- illll abllcd------Mekragiri 30 13 17 2 3 Asimgiri ------U II-inhab ile d------Dagal Nokalgiri 3 3 Dagal Songgilal IIH 53 65 6 6 Walibokgre 86 76 10 3 3 48 38 JO Bibragiri 17 17 I I 22 21 I Dagal Goprc (A) 10 9 3 3 Dagal Asimgre ------U n-illhab i Icd------Dagal Gopgre 24 20 4 3 3 9 8 Kencgre 3 3 4 4 13 J3 Kilbolmagre 5 5 2 2 Kilbohna Asimgre 29 14 15 2 2 Agalgre 47 21 26 4 4 Papa Asakgre 60 31 29 2 Papa Songmollg 26 13 13 4 3 Papa Songgilat 9 9 2 2 18 16 2 Kilbohna Dalllalgrc 37 28 9 13 8 5 2 2 10 9 KClle Clmnia 15 15 2 2 4 4 Nodollggiri 18 17 5 4 15 14 Bilgre 10 8 2 3 J Bolchul,'fe 45 20 25 I Dametrongsnngiri 65 31 34 4 3 2 2 Dallleigre 1 I 4 4 Dagal SOllgmong 40 17 23 2 Agittinggre 21 12 9 3 2 Ramigiri 37 18 19 15 6 9 6 4 2 Dendamgtri 23 13 10 2 I Rongsimagiri 15 6 9 Eldimiramgre 7 5 2 Tejagre 84 39 45 2 2 8 7 Bolchillldagre 33 15 18 Emragre 55 25 30 6 4 2 Anegre 34 17 17 2 I Sonaramgre 26 12 14 2 2 Bakatagre 26 16 10 Gagagre 18 9 9 4 2 2 2 DarinanggLri 38 17 21 2 Wainabenggre

267 Dls-rniCT CEN~)lJS llANO BOOK. SOU III GARO IIILl S Census of India 200) l. D_ HInd; Locution Name o!"Villugc: Industrial cat.:gory code l'vIaq;lI1al workcrs Cultivators Agricultural labourers IlIl1nbcr Pcr~l)IlS Males Females Persolls Maks "';males Persons Maks Fenwlcs 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

00255bOO Duragi,-; ------U,l-illlwb,lcil------00255700 Gangchikalak 29 15 14 00255800 Waidagiri 8 6 2 3 J 3 2 0()255900 Dami! I3l1gakolgin 00256000 DokanHlIggiri 5 00256100 Rongrak Tc~'rilgrc 00256200 Nachi Adugiri 2 00256300 Roriagr" (Chiglallggl c) 00256~OO Chigrallggiri ~------l Ju -iulhlh! ll..:i.t------~­ 002 ;6500 Ala Nokatagi ri ------Iln-il,h .. hil'·d------00256600 Buld"m Sangklli 00256700 Ala Rongpakgiri 00256800 Nokalgre 2-1 12 12 24 12 12 00256900 Dajcgrc 45 27 18 45 17 18 00257nOO Wangm"grc lDmillallggl" 1 1 00257100 Noranggiri 22 9 13 11 13 00257200 Riml"allg AUillggili 1 00257300 Alagiri 00257400 ASligiri 41 15 27 ~9 11 26 00257500 Anigrc 38 17 21 38 17 21 00257600 Asillangrc 25 2 23 22 I 21 00257700 Dagalgiri 6 3 3 00257800 Ganciligrc 8 8 8 8 0()257900 Chandi Rongdlgili ------I) II -il ,1,,1 b iI c.:d------00258000 Chandigiri II 3 8 5 5 6 3 00258100 Dcballdagrc 19 10 9 19 10 9 00258200 Dckign, 00258)00 Bolchim Sunggilal 15 6 9 15 6 9 00258400 Banggllagrc I 1 I I 00258500 Mekmgiri ------Un-illhaIJUcd------0()258600 A,imgiri 9 9 14 8 6 4 3 00258700 Dagal Nokalgil"i ------llu-.,lhahilc.:d------00~58800 Dagal Songgilal 71 18 69 38 11 00258900 Watibokgre 6 6 00259000 [libragiri J59 1.14 11S 261 75 IS') ')() 56 H 00259100 Dagal Gopre (A) 4) 2 41 36 1 35 3 3 00259200 Oagal J\simgr.: 6 5 I 3 3 00259300 Dallal Gopgre ------Un-illhabiled------00259400 Keneg .. " l-t 12 2 3 3 I 00259500 Kilbolnmg,,: 10 5 5 2 6 2 4 0()259600 Kilbolma ASllng." 6 6 .} 5 00259700 Agalt\rc 5 4 1 5 4 I 00259800 Papa Asakgl e 10 6 4 3 I 2 4 2 2 002599()0 Papa SOllglllOllg 9 4 5 3 I 2 6 3 J 00260000 Papa 50nggilal 21 14 7 14 8 6 00260100 Kilbullllu Dalllalgn.: 26 5 21 18 18 ) 2 00260200 Ken\! Chania 50 14 36 35 6 29 7 3 4 00260300 Nodonggiri I I 00260~00 Bilgre I) 5 4 6 4 2 2 2 00260500 Bolchllgrc 31 12 19 17 10 17 4 2 2 00260600 Damclrollg""'gln 2 2 2 2 00260700 Dilllletpe 00260800 Dagal 50llgmong I,ll 66 72 137 65 72 00260900 Agiltilll;lgre 1 1 00261000 Ramigiri 6 3 3 2 2 00261100 D"lIdalllgi .. i 28 I] 15 26 12 2 00261200 Rongsimagili II 6 5 J I 00161300 Eidillliramgre 00261400 Tcjagre 00261500 Bolchimdagre ill! .14 3~ M 34 30 00261600 Elllragre 3 2 I 3 2 I 00261700 Anegrc 9 5 4 6 3 2 00261800 SOnanllll!;IC 00261900 Bukillagre 19 19 14 5 00262000 Gagagre 4 4 4 4 00262100 Darinunggiri 4 J 00262200 Waillabcnggrc

266 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Village Primary Censlis Abstract Chock 01 of marginal workers Nam" of V IlIag.: I,ocation HOllst!h,)IJ inJustry workers Olher worJ.;"rs Non-workers cod.: number Persons Males F"males P..::rsons Mak:s F"lllu,,"," Persons ~1alcs Fe'lnaks 50 51 52 53 5.1 55 56 57 58 2

------U I.-i nil" 1111 ~d ------Dllragjri OO~55()O{) 28 14 14 'I-t 44 50 G'lIIgchi""I,," 00255700 2 2 15 7 8 Waidagin 00255800 II 6 Damil Bu~a"()lglii 00255900 5 5 15 6 9 D"bnallggiri 0025600() 113 57 56 Rongmk Tcbragrc 00256100 46 20 26 Nachi Adugiri 00256200 31 15 16 Roriagrc (Chigrangt;1 C) 0025(>30() --~------lJn-II&II.II)I(l;d------Chigrallggiri 0025640() ------LJ n-i nl."bi led ------Ala Nokalligm 0025650() Boldam Sang"'" 0025660() 40 24 16 Ala Rongpakgiri 0025670() 39 24 15 No~algre 00256800 88 46 42 Dalegrc 00256900 23 10 13 Wnngmagrc (DilimallggLc 00257000 36 12 24 Noranggiri 00257100 49 34 15 Rlmrang Admggui 00257200 192 98 94 Alagiri 00257300 2 165 69 96 Asugiri 00257400 120 50 70 Anigre 00257500 2 2 31 12 19 Asinangre 00257600 4 2 2 67 30 37 Dagalgiri 00257700 32 15 /7 Ganc/,igre 00257800 ------I 1I.-illh"l>ilc IIcokgre 00258900 4 2 2 333 165 168 l3ibragiri 00259000 4 I J 105 47 58 Daga! Goprc (A) 00259100 3 2 I 56 25 31 Dagal Asilllgre 00259200 ------1 JII-ill""bilc


00261300 Daslll~gi .. i 7 41 16 25 III 4 (, 00262·100 Walregiri 19 113 48 65 24 9 15 00262500 Magapal\fc 13 83 46 37 13 5 8 00262600 Dcbaigrc 6 44 23 21 7 2 5 00262700 S"biab'fC II 94 50 4-1 00262800 Buldillng.c 9 57 30 27 13 6 7 00262900 MOll ROllg,.lal!.'C 8 48 23 25 12 9 ] 00161000 JOllgkolgiri 17 91 48 43 19 8 II 00263100 Rillgkap SOllgg",,1 13 n 36 36 15 8 7 00263200 KClle Anchcnl!l!in 13 82 4(0 36 16 9 7 00263300 Papa Dajillggrc 12 50 28 22 9 3 6 00263400 Kalilasigre II 79 36 43 20 6 14 00263500 Radigre 10 54 23 31 II 3 8 002b360f) Dasolgiri 5 24 13 II 8 3 5 00263700 Kelle Badilllagiri 13 84 -19 35 13 6 7 00163800 Tep'lJIlogr" 8 39 22 17 II 7 4 0(1263900 Dalllikchigrc 26 131 61 70 27 j() 17 0(l264000 Kimdegollggre 9 44 24 20 10 7 3 00264100 Nanil Songgiltal 10 59 31 28 12 7 5 00264200 Narollgkolgrc 4 18 8 10 5 2 3 00264300 Rillgkap Souaw",i II 57 29 28 9 3 6 00264-100 Dabanggre 13 89 44 45 6 3 3 00264500 Dagalgre 12 62 29 33 13 4 9 O1l26·1600 ROl1lpagiri 28 193 91 102 40 21 19 001('" 700 Juniagiri 10 65 30 35 15 7 8 0026~800 Daramgrc 27 140 77 63 21 II 10 00264900 DOlllpaigiri 10 54 25 29 10 4 6 00265000 Al\aJl\fI; 14 87 46 41 22 13 9 002651 DO Makbilkolgr" 12 67 36 31 9 5 4 00265200 Rongmaigrc (So"~.",),,g & 6 40 21 19 14 JI 3 Songgilal) 00265300 Tojanallg (Dan"Ja) 2 13 (, 7 3 2 00265400 Mibonpara 72 389 21·1 1'5 n ·11 29 00265500 Guripara 23 [49 74 75 22 II II 00265600 Silld Adu 4 18 9 9 2 2 00265700 Karawl!nggiri 17 93 47 46 22 14 8 00265800 Galwanggitok 16 80 41 39 16 12 4 00265900 Balsiragre 9 60 33 27 II 6 5 00266000 In~h"giri 2 10 6 4 I 002(\6100 Galuragr..: 23 104 51 53 19 6 13 00266200 MOll SOllglll')l\g H 112 50 62 21 8 13 00266300 Adanggiri 23 128 65 63 31 13 18 00266400 Chiliml\r" 35 188 92 96 54 26 28 00266500 Ringkap SOllglllong 29 190 93 97 48 2S 23 00266600 Balwat Rongchong 20 WI 53 48 20 II 9 00266700 Daldogre 13 65 32 33 9 2 7 00266800 Nanil Songmong 12 75 38 37 25 14 II 00266900 Mandang Redinggr" 34 168 77 91 24 18 6 00267000 Belralllb'Te 21 119 63 56 30 16 14 00267100 DlIchinggiri 4 24 11 13 (0 3 00267200 Oasol Chigil~hak 6 25 8 17 4 2 2 00267300 Palwalgiri 15 90 46 44 30 14 16 00267400 Songgolagiri II 61 33 28 11 5 6 00267500 ROllgbilbunggn; 20 113 65 48 25 17 8 00267600 Daralllgfc 21 135 68 67 33 18 15 00267700 Balwalgrc 35 230 115 115 44 15 19 00267800 Gil,"atkolgr" 25 131 59 72 18 7 II 00267900 Rongntkgre 38 197 93 104 39 13 26 00268000 Milap Megapgiri 13 84 44 40 23 13 10 00268100 Milap Bodola 68 421 221 200 94 61 33 00268200 Guripatal 13 70 41 29 19 10 9 00268300 Milap SOllgllWllg 26 151 85 66 35 23 12 00268400 Gcnapara 27 141 68 75 19 20 19 00268500 O"lwanggre 6 21 II 10 3 2 00268600 Dililigre II 44 24 20 13 9 4 00268700 Babilballda 5 29 14 15 5 1 4 00268800 Dadillggiri II 65 33 32 13 9 4

270 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Village Priniary Census Abstnlct Chorl< wt Name of Village Scheuukd Ca~tes popllation Scheuukd Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons 1'111 "I.:!s Females Pcr~ons Males Females II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 :2

41 16 25 Das.lnggll"l In 48 65 45 22 2.1 Walrcgiri In 46 37 29 22 7 Magapagrlo.': 44 23 21 24 16 8 Dcbulgrc 94 50 44 37 21 16 Sabiagrc 57 30 27 21 13 8 BoldalTlglc 48 n 25 16 7 9 Mun ROlIgsrlagfc 91 48 43 25 18 7 .Iollgkolgln n 36 36 9 8 I RlIlgkoip SOllggllul 82 46 36 35 20 15 Kenc Anchcllggiri 50 28 22 13 II 2 Papa Dajinggre 79 36 43 37 23 14 Kantdsigrc 54 n 31 25 12 13 Radillre 24 13 II 14 9 5 Dasolgiri 84 49 35 43 28 15 Kcnc Radillldgil i 39 22 17 13 9 4 Tepalltogn: 131 61 70 41 27 14 Damikc.:higrt: H 24 20 14 10 4 Killldcgollggrc 5') 31 28 26 16 10 Nanil Songgittal 18 8 10 I 1 Narollgkolgrc 57 29 28 17 10 7 Rillgkap SOllawan 89 44 45 48 23 25 Dabanggre 62 29 33 13 8 5 Dagalgre 193 91 102 84 44 40 ROlllpagiri 65 30 35 23 II 12 Janiagiri 140 77 63 36 23 t) Da.. amg .. e 54 25 29 18 10 8 DOll1p'ligiri 87 46 41 26 16 10 Agal!;re 67 36 31 18 II 7 Makbilkolgrc 40 21 19 II 5 6 ROllglllaigrc (SOllglllOllg & SOllggilal) IJ 6 7 5 3 2 Tojanang (Darllda) 385 210 175 170 102 68 Mibonpara 149 74 75 106 56 50 Guripara 18 9 9 2 2 Silki Ad" 93 47 46 32 18 14 Karawenggiri 80 41 39 15 9 6 Galwanggilok 60 33 27 17 13 4 Balsiragre 10 6 4 7 5 2 Inchagiri 10" 51 53 30 22 8 Galllmgre 112 50 62 15 9 6 MOil Songmollg 128 65 63 58 35 23 Adanggiri 188 92 96 60 36 24 Chililllgre 190 93 97 108 53 55 Ringkap Songl1long 101 53 48 67 35 .12 Balwal Rongchong 65 32 33 26 17 9 Daldogre 75 38 37 42 22 20 Nanil Songmollg 168 77 91 45 23 22 Mandallg Redinggre 119 63 56 70 36 34 Betrmngre 24 II 13 15 7 8 Dlichinggiri 25 8 17 9 2 7 Dasol Chigitchak 90 46 44 25 15 10 P"lwalgiri 61 33 28 20 16 4 Songgolagiri 112 64 48 29 24 5 Rongbilbanggl·c 135 68 67 66 40 26 Daralllgl·c 230 115 115 73 44 29 Balwalgre 131 59 72 93 46 47 Gilmatkolgre 196 92 104 43 35 8 Rongrakgre 84 44 40 42 24 18 Mitap Megapgiri 421 221 200 2()3 1()1 10 r Mitap Bodola 70 41 29 16 12 4 Guripatal 151 85 66 87 46 41 Milap Songlllong 143 68 75 55 3] 24 Genapara Galwanggre 44 24 20 Dilnigrc 29 14 15 7 7 Babilbanda 65 33 32 36 19 17 Dadinggiri


001b1100 Oasillggiri 38 13 25 28 10 18 19 7 12 O{)262~OO Wallegiri 68 26 42 44 21 23 43 21 22 00262500 Magapagrc 54. 24 30 56 15 21 31 17 14 0D:'6260D D"I>"'grc 20 7 13 27 16 II 13 6 7 00261700 Sablagre 57 29 28 62 31 31 32 15 17 (I0161HOO [loidailigr., 36 17 19 30 19 18 12 6 00162900 MOil ROlIg.,''''grc 32 16 16 22 II "II 22 II II 0026100(l JOII[!kolgiri 66 30 36 53 27 26 47 2S 22 00161100 Rillgkap SOllggilal 63 28 35 42 21 21 39 18 21 00261200 Kenc Allchcliggin 47 26 21 34 19 15 34 19 15 00263300 Papa DaJinggre 37 17 20 25 14 II 14 14 002(,1·100 Kalll",igre 42 13 29 42 2~ 18 25 14 II 00261500 Radigrc 29 II 18 37 16 21 37 16 21 00263600 Dasolgiri 10 4 6 13 8 5 13 8 5 00261700 Kenc Badilllagiri 41 21 20 32 19 13 20 18 2 00263800 Tcpalilogre 26 13 13 19 10 9 16 10 6 00261900 Dalllik"higrc 90 34 56 75 45 30 61 37 24 00264000 Kimdcgollggre 30 14 16 22 10 10 00264 100 Nanil Songgiltal 33 15 18 41 22" "19 00264200 Narongkolgre 17 7 10 II 6 II 5 6 00264300 Rillgkap SOllaw<>ri 40 19 21 .19 21 18 13 9 4 00264400 Dabanggre 41 21 20 .19 20 19 12 9 3 00264500 Dagalgre 49 21 28 ·18 24 24 30 18 12 00264600 ROlllpagiri 109 47 62 59 29 30 3 3 00264700 Janiagiri 42 19 23 19 10 9 14 9 5 00264800 Daramgre 104 54 50 86 48 18 32 27 5 0026-1900 DOlllpaigiri 36 15 21 30 16 14 16 9 7 00265000 Agalgre iii 30 31 32 17 15 31 17 14 00265100 M"kbil~olgl c 49 25 24 16 19 17 36 19 17 00265200 Rongmaigre (SllllglllOllg & 29 16 13 19 8 II 17 8 9 SOllggilal) 00265300 Tojallallg (Dmuda) 8 3 5 4 2 2 4 2 2 00265400 Mibollpara 219 112 107 218 116 102 1~3 75 68 00265500 Guripara 43 18 25 96 45 51 52 30 22 00265600 Silki Adu 16 7 ') 10 5 5 6 2 4 00265700 KarawelljJgiri 61 29 32 62 29 33 46 20 26 00265800 Galwallggitok 65 32 33 46 21 25 40 21 19 00265900 B"lsirab'fe 41 20 23 32 17 15 24 13 II 00266000 Inchugiri 3 I 2 6 4 2 4 4 00266100 GalUlagre 74 29 45 56 29 27 52 27 25 00266200 Mon Songlllong 97 41 56 64 28 36 62 27 35 00266300 Adanggiri 70 30 40 102 53 49 55 28 27 00266400 Chilill1gre 128 56 72 133 65 68 78 36 42 00266500 Ringkap Songll1ung 82 40 42 93 48 45 35 34 I 00266600 Balwat Rongchong 34 18 16 52 25 27 28 22 6 00266700 Daldogre 39 15 24 30 13 17 n 12 00266800 Nallil Songll1ong 33 16 17 55 26 29 00266900 Mandang Redinggre 123 54 69 97 45 52 85 44 41 0()267000 Belwmgre 49 27 22 58 29 29 25 22 3 00267100 Ducllinggiri 9 4 5 17 8 9 17 8 9 00267200 Dasol Chigildtak 16 6 10 14 5 9 13 5 8 00267300 Palwalgiri 65 31 34 56 28 28 12 5 7 00267400 Songgolagiri 41 17 24 45 24 21 00267500 Rongbilbanggrc 84 41 43 72 40 32 65 36 29 00267600 Daramgre 69 28 41 81 37 44 57 27 30 00267700 Balwalgre 157 71 86 130 58 72 90 38 52 00267800 Gilmalkolgre 38 13 25 69 33 36 23 22 I 00267900 Rongrakgre 154 58 96 109 59 50 102 54 48 00268000 Milap Megupgiri 42 20 22 68 37 31 30 16 14 00268100 MilaI' Bodo!;. 218 119 99 351i 181 175 132 75 57 00268200 Guripalal 54 29 25 57 15 22 22 12 10 00268300 MilaI' Songlllong 64 39 25 128 71 57 43 23 20 00268400 Gcnapara 88 37 51 In 51 62 69 32 37 00268500 Galwanggrc 20 10 10 12 6 6 8 5 3 00268600 Dillligre 43 23 20 30 15 15 27 14 13 00268700 Babilbanda 22 7 15 15 9 6 10 7 3 00268800 Dadinggiri 29 14 15 32 15 17 16 14 2

272 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Village Primary Census Abstntct Chock ot Industrial calc!;i,ory OfllllllLl workers Naill" of Village Household industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers Other workers \vorkcrs Persons Males Females Persolls I\laks Females Persons Males Females P"::fS(,fIS Mules Female, 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 )9 40 2

8 :2 6 II 5 6 DaslIlggiri 42 20 22 Walregiri 31 17 14 Magapagrc 12 5 7 Dc.:baigre 30 1-1 16 2 Sabiagrc 18 12 6 Boldam!!.c 20 10 10 Mnn Rong:-:.uagr..: 47 25 22 JOlIgkolgiri 39 18 21 Rillgkap Songgi(,d 21 6 15 12 12 KCllc Allchcnggili 10 10 3 I I Papa DaJil1~gre 2S 14 11 Kantasigrc 37 16 21 Radigrc II 6 5 Dasolgiri 18 16 2 2 2 KCHC Badimagiri 9 5 4 5 4 I I Tcpanto£re 45 24 21 15 12 3 Dalllikchigre 9 9 Kimdegonggre Nanil Songgillal II 6 Narongkolgre 13 9 4 Ringkap Sonawari 10 7 3 2 2 Dabanggre 30 18 12 Dagalgre 2 2 ROllipagiri 12 7 2 2 Janiagiri 28 24 4 2 2 Daramgre 16 9 7 Dompaigirl 31 17 14 Agalgre 33 16 17 2 2 Makbilkolgrc 17 8 9 Rongmaigre (Songmollg & Songgilal) 4 2 2 Tojanang (Daruda) 131 64 67 12 II Mibonpara 49 28 21 2 I Guripara 6 :2 4 Silki Ad" 27 16 It 9 3 6 10 9 Karawenggiri 31 18 13 6 I 5 J 2 I Galwanggilok 23 13 10 I Balsiragre 4 4 Inchagiri 50 25 25 Gaturagre 50 22 28 12 7 MOil SOllglllollg 45 13 22 JO 5 5 Adallggiri 61 24 37 17 12 5 Chilimg,.e 14 13 I 4 4 17 17 Ringkap SOllgll1()llg 20 14 6 1 I 6 6 Bnlwat ROllgchong 10 9 3 3 Daldogre Nallil Songmong 80 40 .to 5 4 Mandang Redinggre 15 12 3 2 2 8 8 Belrmn!,'re 17 8 9 Duchinggjrj II 4 7 DasQI Chigilchak 12 5 7 Palwalgiri Songgolagiri 64 35 29 ROllgbilballggre SI 24 27 2 3 2 Daramgre 87 35 52 3 3 Balwalgre 4 4 5 I) 12 GiJmulkolgre 98 51 47 4 3 ROllgrakgrc 28 16 12 2 2 Milap Megapgiri 115 61 54 17 14 3 Milap Bodola 20 9 2 I 1 Guripatal 33 . "17 16 10 6 4 Mitap SOllgmong 64 32 32 S 5 Genapara 2 2 6 3 3 Galwanggre 25 J3 12 Dilnigre 9 6 3 Babilbanda 15 13 2 Dadinggiri

273 DISTRICT CE~j::;IJ~ IIAI'-JD BOOK. SOUl II Co,ARO Hili S CenslIs of India 2001 cn.lllod. Location Name of Village ImJlIslrial c,lq,nry code I\larglllal \\orkers Cultivators Agricultural labourers number I'"rsolls Males Females P~r!:.on.s Malcs Females Persons Males Ft!males 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

00261300 Dasinggili 3 {, 1 2 5 4 00262400 Walregiri 1 " 00262500 Magapagrc 25 18 7 25 II! 7 00262600 Dcbaigre 14 10 4 13 9 4 00262700 Sabiagre 30 16 14 26 13 13 00262!!00 Boldamgrc 12 7 5 11 6 5 00262900 Mun Rong""'g'c 00263000 Jungkolgiri (> 2 4 3 00263100 Ringkap SOllggilal 3 3 3 00263200 Kelle Anchcnggin 00263100 Papa DaJinggre II II 9 9 00263400 Kalliasigrc 17 10 7 16 'J 7 00263500 Radigre 00263600 Dasolgiri 00263700 Kent: Badllll,'gi" P II II 10 00263800 T "panlogrc 3 -' 2 2 00263900 Dalllikchigr" II 8 6 II 5 6 0026~000 Killldegunggrc 12 I II 12 II 00264100 Nanil SOllggiltal 41 22 19 39 21 18 0026HOO Narongkolgre 0026·1300 Rillgkap Son,l\\ all 26 12 14 26 I! II 0()26·1·IOO Dabanggrc 27 II 16 1 I 0026·1500 Dagalg": 18 6 12 17 12 00264600 ROlllpagiri 56 26 30 55 26 29 00264700 Jalliagiri 5 4 4 3 0026~800 Oaralllgrc 54 21 33 54 21 33 00264900 DOllll'aigiri 14 7 7 12 7 5 00265000 Agalgre I I 00265100 Makbill..olgrc 00265200 Rongmaigrc (Sunglllollg & 2 2 2 2 Songgilal) 00265300 Tojilllang (Dillllda) 00265~00 Mibonpara 75 41 34 74 41 33 00265500 Gllripara 44 15 29 2 I I II 18 00265600 Silki A,lu 4 3 I 4 3 00265700 Karawcnggll i 16 9 7 2 00265800 Galwallggilok 6 6 00265900 Balsiragre 8 4 4 00266000 Illchagiri 2 2 2 2 00266100 Galumgrc 4 2 2 2 00266200 Mon Son!;lIlong 2 2 00266300 Adall~giri 47 25 22 7 I 6 00266400 Chilimgro: 55 29 26 3 4 00266500 Ringkap Sunglllung 58 14 44 3 I 2 4 OO~666(JO Balwal Rongchung 24 3 21 I 14 14 00266700 Oaldogre 17 I 16 17 I 16 00266800 Nimil Songlllollg 55 26 29 55 26 29 00266900 Mandang Rcdinggrc 12 I II 12 I II 00267000 l3"lramgrc 33 7 26 4 00267100 Duehinggi.i 00267200 Oa,ol Chigilchak 00267300 Palwalgiri 44 23 21 3~ 19 15 00267400 SOllggOlilgi,i 45 24 21 41 22 19 3 2 00267500 ROllgbilballgg'c 7 4 5 3 2 00267600 Daramgr" 24 10 14 II 4 7 3 2 00267700 Balwalgre 40 20 20 40 20 20 00267800 Gilmalkolgrc 46 II 35 I I 5 4 00267900 ROllgrakgre 7 5 2 7 5 2 00268000 Mitap Mcgapgiri 38 21 17 2 2 2 2 00268100 Mitap Bodola 224 106 118 4 3 00268200 G Ulipillal 35 23 12 3 3 2 2 00168300 l\lital'SOllglllOllg 85 48 37 20 13 7 7 4 3 00268~00 Gcuilpara 44 19 25 00268500 Galwanggrc 4 I 3 00268600 Diluigre 3 2 2 2 00268700 l3abilb,mda 5 2 3 2 2 00268800 Dadinggiri 16 15 10 9 4 4

274 PRIMARY CENSUS A8STKACT Village Prima.·y Census Ahstntct Chock 01 of marginal worl-;"rs Name of Village I.o,",alioll Iiollsehoid induslry workers Olher wor""rs NOII-",)[kers COlle number Persons Males females Persolls Ivlalt.!s Females Persolls Males Femaks 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2

13 I> 7 l)a,illgglfi ()0262l0() 69 27 42 Watregni 00262400 27 II 16 Magapagr" 00262500 17 7 10 Dcbaigre 00262600 3 32 19 13 Sabiagre 00262700 27 II 16 Boidalllg'c 00262800 26 12 14 Mon Rong~lIarll! 00262900 38 21 17 JOllgkolg,ri 0026JOOO 30 15 15 Rillgkap Songgllal 00263100 48 27 2 I Kcne Anchcnggiri 00263200 25 14 II Papa D'lJillggre 00263300 37 12 25 Kantasigre 00263400 17 7 10 Radigre 0026J500 5 6 Da,olgiri 0026J600 52" 30 22 Kenc lladi llIagi I I 00263700 20 12 8 T "palltugrc 00263800 3 56 II> ,10 Dallukchigre 00263900 22 13 9 Kimdegonggrc 00264000 2 18 9 9 Nanil Songgiltal 00264100 7 3 4 NamngKulgre 00264200 18 8 10 Ringbp Sonaw"" 00264300 3 10 50 24 26 Dabanggre 00264400 14 5 9 Dagalgre 00264500 134 62 72 Rompagiri 00264600 46 20 26 Jalliagiri 00264700 54 29 25 [)aramb~'e 00264800 2 2 24 9 15 Dompaigiri 00264900 55 29" 26 Agalgre 00265000 31 17 14 Makbilkolgrc 00265100 21 13 8 Rongl11aigre (SulIglllolIg & 00265200 Songgilal) 9 4 5 Tojanang (Dar"da) 00265300 171 98 73 Mioonp"r" 00265400 53 29 24 Gnripara 00265500 8 4 4 Silki Adu 00265600 1-1 (. 31 18 I 3 Karawcllggiri 00265700 5 5 34 20 14 Galwanggitok 00265800 2 2 2 2 28 16 I 2 Balsiragre 00265900 4 2 2 Inchagiri 00266000 48 22 26 Gaturagrc 00266100 48 22 26 MOil Songmong. 00266200 40 2-1 16 26 12 14 Allanggiri 00266300 48 26 22 55 27 28 Chitimgrc 00266400 8 43 12 31 97 45 52 Rillgkap SUllglllung 00266500 9 3 6 49 28 21 Balwat ROlIgchong 00266600 35 19 16 Daldogre 00266700 20 12 8 Nanil Songmong 00266800 71 32 39 Malldang Redinggre 00266900 6 6 7 16 61 34 27 Belramgrc 00267000 7 3 4 Duehinggiri 00267100 I II 3 8 Dasol Chigitchak 00267200 9 4 5 34 18 16 Palwalgiri 00267300 16 9 7 Songgolngiri 00267400 2 41 25 16 Rongbilbanggre 00267500 2 8 3 54 31 23 Daramgre 00267600 100 57 43 l3alwatgre 00267700 II 2 9 29 4 25 62 26 36 Gilmalkolgre 00267800 88 34 54 RongrakgTe 00267900 34 19 15 16 7 9 Milal' Megapgiri 00268000 5 4 214 99 115 65 40 25 Milap Bodola 00268100 30 18 12 13 6 7 Guripalal 00268200 58 31 27 23 14 9 Mitap Songlllong 00268300 44 19 25 30 17 13 Genapara 00268400 2 I 9 5 4 Galwanggre 00268500 14 9 5 Dilnigre 00268600 2 14 9 [labilbanda 00268700 2 33 18 15 Dadingg,ri 00268800

275 Dlsn~lcr CENSllS I lAND BOOI, S( ,t J" I C.I\lW J Iii LS Censlls of I lid ia 21)0 I -:-_____:-:- __-:-::--.-: ______~,___.,__-__c._,..-...,______c_-.....,------;(..:;~.:-;I~) .. Blot k Loeallun Name of Village Area of Number of Tolal popul:.uion (including Populdtloil in the eoJe Village in hou,dlOlJs institullon ... 1 anJ hou:;o.:!t:5S agc-grnllp 0-6 numb"r hecI;lres population) Pcrsolls Males Females Felllaks 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10

0026~')00 Ri.mgl a J,dmlg 6 33 1·1 19 9 4 00269000 J{cllggua 18 97 47 50 13 8 5 00269100 Ch'lIldigi.-i ·------Ull-u,habiled------00269200 G,aduagiri 4 22 12 10 5 3 2 00269300 ROHgmai Jongj anggll t I III 4 25 14 II 3 3 00269.JOO J{uats.ogiri 7 39 19 20 8 4 4 00269500 Chillilonggiri 12 69 33 36 13 6 7 00269600 Drong SonglllOllg 22 115 56 59 19 7 12 00269700 Rug" Nokatgiri 14 79 46 33 11 7 4 00269800 Dmng Walba~gl .. i 9 51 26 25 17 8 9 00269900 Ruga Ma~bilkol 31 208 120 88 48 28 20 00270000 Ruga Doidollla 28 105 49 56 26 12 14 00270100 Ruga SOIlj\1ll01\t\ 43 244 131 In 3S 18 17 00270]00 Ruga Ading 26 170 81 81 24 II 13 002703()0 Ruga Reginggltlllll 23 112 59 71 22 10 12 0()270~(l0 Ruga Denig .. " 14 96 42 5~ 22 6 16 00270500 Cllitmllpagre I~ I 15 52 61 17 9 8 00270600 l\lcgua SongnHlI_g 4S 292 128 16~ 45 18 27 00270700 Dopagre 14 82 38 44 8 3 5 00270800 Rongra ------lJ"-,"h"llilcd------··-··-- 00270900 ROllgra Knutalu 'I 46 20 26 12 6 6 00271000 J{"'lgrachi 8 48 25 21 7 5 2 00271100 Knsigiri 5 29 12 17 6 I 5 00271200 Rangmai Aruak 14 90 52 38 19 II 8 00271300 H ongmai Songgital 5 21 II 10 3 I 2 00271400 Waibagrc 10 68 36 32 7 4 3 00271500 Dusing l3ibra 9 51 27 24 12 5 7 00271600 Rangll",i Chigilchah 8 37 17 20 6 4 2 00271700 Silanggiri 9 40 24 16 13 9 4 00271800 Was'lgiri 13 74 35 39 17 10 7 00271900 DUlllingiri 6 27 15 12 4 2 2 002720l}0 Pil;apara 18 110 50 60 18 9 9 002721110 GncllgJ,.olsl Sungg,tch,uII II 59 29 ]0 15 7 8 00272200 Dabin SOllggital 13 70 37 ]3 17 7 10 00272300 Dabill Songmong 12 50 25 25 9 2 7 00272-100 SO'llolgre ------U, I-i"hahiled---- .--.-.. --- 00272500 KOl\chikollo\re 15 ')0 44 46 16 9 7 00272600 Kalsigiri 11 70 35 35 12 6 6 16 00272700 Mon Ballllalllgr~ 19 110 57 53 29 13 00272800 Chigitchakgiri 5 25 13 12 7 4 3 00272900 Rallgra Nokmgrc 7 37 17 20 7 2 5 00273000 ROIlgiajol\ggre 16 77 30 H IS 6 9 00273100 Tcbilgiri 40 197 95 102 47 26 21 00273200 Gonggllll!!gr" 70 403 206 197 125 68 57 00273300 Silki Betagiri 57 381 188 193 75 38 37 0027340{) Beldigr" 20 122 60 62 29 16 13 00273500 Dar;1 Ball'!iuri 19 98 47 51 24 10 14 00273600 Chigilchakgiri 6 32 17 15 4 :\ I 00273700 Tellgki SOllglllolig 36 200 107 93 41 20 21 00273800 Bamoll Bajragiri 24 149 80 69 32 17 J5 00273900 Danggilgiri 19 112 53 59 24 J) II 00274000 Dallonggre 20 104 56 48 30 17 13 00274100 Chiballdag.c 16 61 27 34 5 2 3 00274200 Tillak Songgltal II 60 31 29 9 5 4 00274300 Ginc:ngkolsi Song!;ital 14 63 32 31 t6 9 7 00274-l00 MOil Dobakolgre 52 283 142 141 72 38 34 0027-1500 Silki Christiangitlim 57 352 180 172 70 38 32 0027-1600 Aringakolgi"i 4 17 7 10 4 2 2 00274700 Tenak Songgitchalll 10 40 20 20 8 3 5 00274800 Rongdikgiri 10 46 23 23 5 2 8 0027-1900 Bulmoragiri 6 36 16 20 II 3 00275000 Asinldikgili ----··------Un-'I1I",bitcd····------00275100 Saw.:kolgiri 14 209 115 94 5~ 33 19 23 00275200 Ten!)ki Badilllagni 51 271 130 141 43 20 II 00275300 Chidabctgre 22 116 57 59 19 8 00275-100 Wagebokgiri 28 128 71 57 35 26 9 00275500 Chall\buagiri 5 23 II 12

276 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Village Primnry Census Absln.cl Chock 01 NamcofVlllagc S~hedukd CaSles popualloll S"h"dukd Tribes populallon Lilef"ks

Pers()ns. M,,"'s F~lllalcs Pl!rs.ulls l\'lales PCrSl)11S Male" FiI.!Il1afes 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2

33 I~ 19 5 ~ R .. mgl.1 JaJang 94 45 49 32 19 13 Rcngglla ------IIIl-i"hill>itcd------Challdigll-i 22 12 10 10 6 4 Gaduagiri 23 12 II 18 10 8 Rongmai Jongj,lIlggillllH 12 7 5 Ruatsogiri 69 33 36 18 26 12 Chillilollf\glll 115 56 59 77 40 37 Dmng SonglllOlig 78 45 33 41 25 16 Ruga Nokalgiri 51 26 25 23 14 9 Drong Walbakgiri 208 120 88 145 85 60 Ruga Makbilkol 105 49 56 12 7 5 Ruga Doldollw 232 122 110 187 104 to I~uga Songmollg 160 80 80 115 64 5 I Ruga Ading 132 59 73 77 3? 38 Ruga Rcginggilllll' 96 42 54 45 27 18 Ruga O"nigre 115 52 63 42 21 21 Chilalllpagre 292 128 164 178 95 83 Megua Songlilung 82 38 44 52 25 27 Dopagre ------l In-II1~lahited-~------Rongra 46 20 26 23 12 II Rongra Kanlal" 48 25 23 12 8 4 Rangrachi 29 12 17 14 10 4 Kasigiri 90 52 38 27 19 8 Ranglllai Amilk 21 II 10 II 6 5 ROllb~llai Songgilal 68 36 32 39 21 18 Waibagre 51 27 24 30 18 12 Dasing Bibra 37 17 20 18 10 8 Rangmai Chigitchak 3 3 Silnnggiri 74 35 39 30 16 14 Wasagiri 27 15 12 10 7 3 Dumingiri 110 50 60 45 23 22 Pikapara 59 29 30 4 3 I Gnengkobi Songgilchalll 70 37 33 13 9 4 Dabill Songgilal 6 5 Dilbin Songmong ------lll'-illl'iI Ili '''J------SOlllolgre 90 44 46 56 27 29 KOllchikolgre 70 35 35 9 3 6 Kalsigiri 110 57 53 49 30 19 Mon BUllgalllgre 25 13 12 Chigitchakgiri 37 17 20 Rallgrn Nokatgre 77 30 47 27 12 15 Rongjajollggre 197 95 102 54 29 25 Tebilgiri 403 206 197 84 49 35 GOllgganggre 375 185 190 176 83 93 Silki Bctugiri 122 60 62 47 28 19 BCldigre 98 47 51 18 12 6 Darit Ballajuri 32 17 15 9 5 4 Chigilchakgiri 196 104 92 100 63 37 Tengki Songmollg 149 80 69 88 47 4 I Balllon Bajragiri 112 53 59 22 12 10 Danggilgiri 104 56 48 14 9 5 Dallonggre 61 27 34 44 22 22 Chibandagre 60 31 29 38 22 16 Tinak Songgilal 63 32 31 7 6 I Ginengkolsi Songgilal 279 140 139 44 26 18 MOil Dobakolgre 347 175 172 233 117 116 Silki Chrisliallgiltim 3 I 2 I I Arillgakolgiri 40 20 20 5 J 2 Tenak Songgilcham 2 2 ROllgdikgiri 36 16 20 8 6 2 Bctlmoragiri ------l I II-i,," all ited------Asimdikgiri 209 115 94 ')0 50 40 Sawekolgiri 271 130 141 112 70 62 Tengki Badimagiri 116 57 59 69 40 29 Chidabetgrc 118 71 57 14 10 4 Wagebokgiri 23 II 12 8 5 J Chambuagiri

277 DISTRICT CENSUS I lAND BOOK SOUl I I C;Afh) 1111 I S Censlis or Intlia 2001 c. D. BlOl·k Locution Num(! ofVillug..: cock Iillkrutes Total ...... orkers number Persons 1\1<11":$ !'emales Persolls Males Females Pl:fSOnS I\laks Females 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

OU2()890U R'lIlgra Jalang 28 10 18 19 12 8 7 00269000 Hcn!!!!ua 65 28 37 63 16 37 ~ I 26 15 00269100 Chand'gn' ------1 J11- 'nhilili Ieu------00269200 Gaduagil i 12 6 6 844 4 4 00269300 Rongmai Jllngj.llIggiuilll 7 4 3 II 5 6 II 5 6 00269~00 Rnalsogiri 27 12 15 26 13 13 19 9 10 00269500 Chillilonggili 21 7 14 49 16 23 37 22 15 00269600 Drong Songmllng 38 16 22 76 to 36 49 25 24 00269700 Ruga Nokalgiri 38 21 17 44 24 20 17 17 00269800 Drong Walbakg.ri 28 12 16 27 IS 12 20 II 9 00269900 Ruga Makbilkol 63 35 28 75 .16 39 26 23 3 0()27000() Ruga Doldoma 93 42 51 63 17 36 63 27 36 O()270 I 00 Ruga Songmong 57 27 30 93 49 44 41 37 4 00170200 Rug'l Acting 55 23 32 71 34 37 36 32 4 00n0300 Huga R.:ginggitlllll 55 20 35 68 29 39 49 22 27 (l0270~(lO I{Ugll Deni!!,.., 51 15 36 46 21 25 38 21 17 (lOnOj()O Cllil'lJllpagre 73 31 42 54 17 27 26 24 2 00n0600 tdcguil Songmllllg II~ 33 81 108 50 58 105 50 55 00270700 Dopagre 30 IJ 17 30 15 15 30 15 i5 00270800 Rongra ------····IJII-lIlh"I"I".]------00270900 ROllgra Kailiain 23 g 15 20 8 12 II 8 3 00271000 Rmlb'Tacili 36 17 19 20 9 II 12 9 3 00271100 Kasigiri 15 2 n 12 5 7 10 5 5 00271200 Rangm'li Aniak 63 33 30 49 17 22 22 21 I 00271300 Rongmai Songgi",1 10 5 5 II 5 6 7 5 2 00271100 Waibagrc 29 15 14 28 15 13 17 15 2 00271500 Dasing Blbra 21 9 12 25 12 13 22 12 10 00271600 Rangmai Chigilcha~ 19 7 12 20 9 II 20 9 II 0027 I 700 S ilanggiri 37 21 16 25 13 12 19 10 9 00271800 Wasagiri 44 19 25 34 14 20 23 10 13 00271900 DUlllingiri 17 8 9 14 8 6 13 7 6 00272000 Pikapara 65 27 38 72 30 ·n 26 26 00272100 Gn"ngkolsi SOllggitch'"11 55 26 29 39 21 18 26 14 12 00272200 Dab." Son1\1\ilal 57 28 29 44 25 19 34 20 14 00272300 Dabill Songlllong 4~ 20 24 34 19 15 28 14 14 00272400 Somolgre ------.-----lln-illll

27fJ PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Village P.·imary Census Abstnlct Chock of Induslrial calegory of main workers Name of VIllage Household industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers Other workers workers Persons Mal"s Females P"rsons Males Females Persons Males Femules 29 30 31 32 n 34 35 36 37 31; 39 40 2

7 6 I Rallgra .lalang 39 25 14 2 Rellggua ------lJ n -iul iii hi tcd------Challdi~i.-i 4 4 Gaduagirj II 6 Rongmai Jongjanggll1llll 18 8 10 Runtsogiri 26 15 II 10 6 4 Chillilonggiri 47 24 23 2 I I Orong Songmong 17 17 R\I~a Noblgiri 20 II 9 Drollg Walbakgiri 7 7 2 17 15 2 Ruga Makbilkol 61 21) 35 1 Ruga 1)olooll1a 6 6 2 2 31 29 4 Ruga Songlnong 16 15 2 I 17 15 2 Ruga Ading 46 20 26 2 I Hug" Rcginggillull 32 16 16 6 5 Ruga Dcnigre 23 21 2 2 2 Chilaillpagre 96 44 52 7 5 2 Megua 50ngl1l0llg 29 14 15 Dopagre ------( In-IIII"'bll.:d------Rongra II 8 3 Rongra Kanlalll 12 9 3 Rnngrachi 10 5 5 Kasigiri 22 21 I Rangmai Aruak 6 5 Rongmai Songgital 16 14 2 Waibagre 14 8 6 6 2 2 2 Dasing Bibra 20 9 II Rangmai Chigilchak 17 8 9 2 2 Silanggiri 23 10 13 Wasagiri 12 7 5 Dumingiri 23 23 2 2 Pikapnra 22 12 10 3 2 Gnengkolsi 50nggilchalll 33 20 IJ Dabin Songgitnl 24 13 II 4 3 D:lhin Songmong ------·--l JII-lilhab II~d------­ SOlllolgre 26 II 15 I Konchikolgre 30 19 II Kalsigiri 23 17 6 7 7 4 3 5 4 Mon Ballgalllgre 8 5 3 2 2 3 I 2 Chigitchakgiri 14 7 7 I Rangra Nokatgre 22 II II 4 4 Rongjajollggre 77 32 H 2 I Tebilgiri 67 51 16 8 II 15 14 Gongganggre 90 48 42 6 4 2 15 12 3 Silki Belagiri 26 17 9 II I 10 Bddigre 42 19 23 Darit Bnnajuri 10 4 6 4 3 Chigitchakgiri 75 28 47 15 15 6 6 TeJlgki SOllgmong 51 23 28 6 5 Bam011 Bujragiri 37 23 14 I Danggilgiri 34 24 10 DnJlonggre 24 14 10 3 2 Chihandagre II 8 3 4 4 Tillak SOllggilal 12 9 3 j 5 Ginengkolsi Songgilal 28 23 5 23 19 3 3 5 MOil Dohakolgre 36 19 17 6 I) 38 28 10 Silki Cluistiangiltim 5 4 I I I Aringakolgiri 18 II 7 Tenak SOllggitchall1 20 12 \I ROlIgdikgiri 16 8 8 Balmoragiri ------1 III-Inhabit "J------Asill1dikgiri 80 43 37 1 10 6 Sawekolgiri 105 46 59 8 5 3 2 I Tengki Badimagiri 51 24 27 2 2 2 2 Chidabetgre Wagebokgiri 41 34 7 3 I 2 12 5 7 Chambuagiri

279 ______.::D...:.~::..:.'TH'CT CEN~;US HAND BOOK: SOUTH GARO HILI S Census of India 2001 c. I), Hluck Location Name of Village Industrial Cale!?Ory code Cullivators Agricultural labourers number Males Females Persolls Mak:s females Pasolls Males Females 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

002611900 Ra"I\'" jalallg II II II I' 00]69000 H,,"!Wlla 22 22 22 22 00269100 Chandigiri ------U.\-lIIhabil"d------00]69200 Gaduagiri 4 4 4 4 00169300 Rongmai JUllg),lllggillllll Om69400 RU.I""------00270900 Rongra Kalllaiu ') 9 9 9 00271000 Rangrachi 8 8 8 8 00271 100 K'lsigiri 2 2 2 2 00271200 Rang"",i Aniak 21 (, 21 2.7 6 21 00271 JOO Rongillai SOllggllal 4 4 4 4 (}On HOO Waibagrc II II II II 00271500 O"sing Bibra J 3 2 2 00271600 R'lllgmai Chigitchak 00271700 Silanggiri 6 J 3 6 3 3 00271800 Wasagiri II 4 1 I I 00271900 DUl1lingiri 00271000 Pikapara 46 4 42 46 42 00272 I 00 Gllellgkolsi SOllggitchalll 13 7 6 5 I 3 4 00272200 Dabin Songgilal 10 5 7 00272.100 Dahill SOllglllDng 6 5 6 "I 00272400 SOIllolj,'re ------LJ,'- illll,,1 '1Icd- --- 00272500 KOIlChikolllIC 3 2 2 2 00272600 Kalsilliri 1& 6 12 17 5 12 00272700 MOil Bangalllgrc 31 9 22 14 5 9 9 2 7 00272800 Chigilch~kgiri 6 3 3 4 3 1 1 00272900 Rallgra Nokatgrc 5 2 3 3 3 00273000 Rongjajonggre 36 10 26 13 2 II 00273100 Tcbililiri 112 42 40 I I 00273200 Gonggallggrc 116 25 91 112 21 91 4 4 00273300 Silki Be1agiri 30 14 16 27 11 16 2 2 00273400 I3cldigre 4 2 2 4 2 2 00273500 Dari1 BamUliri 00273600 Chigitchakgiri 00273700 Tellg"i Songlll

260 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Village Pl"imary Census Abstract Clwcl< 01 of marginal workers Name of Village Location Household industry workers Olher workers NOll-workers code number Persons Mules Femules Persons 1\1ales Fe III ,,(CS Persons Males Females 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2

14 7 7 R,mgra Jalnng ()0268900 34 21 13 RClIggll

281 DiSTRiCT CENSUS I-lAND BOOK. SOUl I I GARO 11111 S Census of India 2001 ('. I). BI{l~k Location Name of ViII age Area of Total p(lpulutlon (including Number of Populalion in the Villag" in instlllLuomli and housekss cod" IHIU,cilolus age-group 0-6 IllIl11ba hectares population) Persons Males h'males Persl)lIs Males FCn1<.1ies 2 3 -I 5 6 7 8 9 10

00275000 Kllkigr" 28 167 86 III 49 29 20 00275700 AtabclIl\al\le 16 97 47 50 12 7 5 00275800 Sil~j Rongsihllgrc 18 110 56 54 25 II 14 00275900 Silki AlllpnflgJaJllgiri 28 185 89 96 43 21 22 00276000 Buga Dongrau\ ------IJII-IIII,abil"d------00276100 Rungallggre 55 321 173 148 62 43 19 00276200 SilJ.-igili ------llll-il'I,,,llileu------00276JOO AIH.lanuu·j 16 ~7 49 38 9 6 00276·HlO Bola"lflggrc 4 15 7 8 2 2 002765110 S~)mcgre II 72 29 ·13 14 4 10 00276(,00 Kemrallggiri 55 303 154 149 75 39 36 00276700 Tellisokgre 29 156 72 84 21 10 II 00276110() Nilwasagiri 18 89 45 4·1 18 12 6 00276900 \Valrcg.iri 29 149 71 78 42 21 21 n02770()() H"llgrikillll!r~ 86 549 ~82 267 110 57 53 00277100 Silki Achakchillllj; 14 104 55 49 26 15 II 00277200 R ongchonggre 17 91 41 50 10 3 1 00277300 l30lma Chiringgr" 24 134 69 65 3J 14 19 0(l277-tOO Dartt Sinuagjltiln 36 180 85 95 35 16 19 00277500 l)rclJ1gre 20 125 69 56 25 lJ 12 00217600 Tcbokgrc 18 lOS 53 52 19 7 12 00277700 Wakskog'~ 15 74 31 43 12 6 6 00277800 D.lfit \\'a~chlllgrc 12 67 31 .11i II 4 7 (J0277900 8oldamgn: .. --~------UIl'"lh;lh,'cd "

282 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Village Primary Census Abstract Chock ot Name ofVilJage Scheduled Castes popuation Scheduled Tribespopulation Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2

166 85 81 49 26 23 Kokigre 97 47 50 57 32 25 Alabengagre 110 56 54 35 24 II Silki ROlIgsibogre 185 89 96 80 40 40 Silki Ampallgdamgiri ------U II-iuhu!>i led ------Buga DOllgram 321 173 148 94 60 34 Ronganggre ------U,,-illha!>i led------Silkigiri 87 49 38 42 24 18 Andamari IS 7 8 4 2 2 Bolasillggre 72 29 43 IS 9 6 Somegre 303 IS4 149 99 55 44 Kemrangg,tr. 156 72 84 89 43 46 Tebisokgre 89 4S 44 4S 26 19 Nilwa&agiri 149 71 78 16 10 6 Walregiri 2 2 545 278 267 336 186 150 Ronb>rikimgle \04 55 49 32 \S 14 Silki }\ch;>kch>rjn£ 91 41 50 37 19 18 Rongcilonggre 134 69 65 18 13 5 Bolma Chiringgre 180 85 95 16 12 4 Dal;t Silllragittim 125 69 56 70 43 27 Bremgre 105 53 52 50 31 19 Tebokb>re 74 31 43 15 7 8 Wakskogre 67 31 36 39 25 14 Darit Wakcholb'Te ------Ull-illilabited------Boldamgre

283 DISTRICT CENSUS HAND BOOK: SOUTH GARO HILL S Census of India 2001 c. D. Dlock Location Name of Village code illiterates Total workers Main workers number Persons Maks Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

00275600 Kokillre J 18 60 58 64 34 30 64 34 .lQ 00275700 Atabengagre 40 15 25 86 40 46 32 18 14 00275800 Silki Rongsiuogre 7S 32 43 71 37 34 67 35 32 00275900 Silki Ampangdamgi,·i 105 49 56 100 47 53 100 47 53 00276000 Buga Dongram --. ·------1 J11- j "habiled------· ------00276100 Ronganllb'fe 227 113 114 139 69 70 139 69 70 00276200 Silkigiri -·------Ull-i,d,abited------·------00276300 Andamari 45 25 20 50 30 20 31 20 II 00276400 Bolasillggr~ 11 5 6 9 5 4 9 5 4 00276500 Somej,'fe 57 20 37 37 21 16 25 16 9 00276600 Kemranggiri 204 99 105 135 65 70 87 59 28 00276700 Tebisokb'Te 67 29 38 93 46 47 54 31 23 00276800 Nilwasagiri 44 19 25 51 22 29 37 16 21 00276900 Watregiri 133 61 72 62 30 32 62 30 32 00277000 Rongrikililgre 213 96 117 231 124 107 211 lOS 106 00277100 Silki Achakchirjug 72 37 35 62 35 27 61 34 27 00277200 Rongchollgj,'Te 54 22 32 58 30 28 46 26 20 00277300 Bohna Chiringgre 116 56 60 62 32 30 62 32 30 00277400 Darit Simragittim 164 73 91 121 57 64 86 43 43 00277500 Bremb'Te 55 26 29 SI 25 26 49 23 26 00277600 Tebokb'Te 55 22 33 44 23 21 42 21 21 00277700 Wakskogre 59 24 35 51 18 33 34 14 20 00277800 Darit Wakcho1gre 28 6 22 47 24 23 32 15 17 00277900 Boldamgre ------U,'·inhabited------

284 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Village Primary Census Abstract Chock ot Industrial catel:i0~ of main workers Name ofYiliage Household industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers Other workers workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2

63 33 30 Kokigre 29 17 12 3 2 Alabengagre 51 28 23 9 5 4 2 5 4 Silki RongsiLogre 75 28 47 7 3 4 3 3 15 13 2 Silki Ampangdamgiri ------Un-inhabllcll------Buga Dongram 135 66 69 4 3 Ronganggre ------Un-illl>abiled------Silkigiri 24 15 9 2 2 5 5 Andamari 9 5 4 Bolasinggre 17 8 9 8 8 SOInegre 78 50 28 6 6 3 3 Kemranggiri 40 23 17 8 2 6 2 2 4 4 Tebisokgre 33 13 20 I 3 3 Nilwasagiri 62 30 32 Walregiri 131 49 82 3 3 12 12 65 56 9 Ronb'fikilllgrc 46 26 20 5 3 2 10 5 5 Silki Achakclllflllg 41 23 18 2 2 3 3 Rongchonggr" 60 30 30 2 2 Bohna Chiringgre 85 42 43 Darit S~mragiUilll 40 14 26 8 8 Bremb'fe 40 19 21 2 2 Tebokgre 29 13 16 4 4 I Wakskogre 32 15 17 Daril Wakcholb'fe ------Un-inlluLilcd------Boldamgre

285 DISTRICT CENSUS HAND BOOK: SOUTH GARO JIILl S CenslIs of India 2001 c. D. Block Location Name of Village Industrial cak!i:0!2' code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers number Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

00275600 Kokigre 00275700 Atabengagre 54 22 32 12 2 10 00275800 Silki Rongsibogre 4 2 2 4 2 2 00275900 Silki Ampangdamgiri 00276000 Buga DOllgram ----.·.······Ull·illl'abited---·--·------00276100 Rong,anggre 00276200 Silkigiri ---'-'-' .--.. U n-illhabi ted------00276300 Andamari 19 10 9 7 2 5 12 8 4 00276400 Bolasingb'fe 00276500 Somegre 12 5 7 10 3 7 00276600 Kemrallggiri 48 6 42 43 6 37 00276700 Tebi!>okgre 39 15 24 23 7 16 13 7 6 00276800 Nilwasagiri 1-1 6 8 4 2 2 10 4 6 00276900 Walregiri 00277000 Rongrikimgrc 20 19 5 4 9 9 00277100 Silki Achakchiring I I 00277200 Rongchonggre 12 4 8 2 2 10 4 6 00277300 Bohna Chiringgre 00277400 Daril Simragittim 35 14 21 35 14 21 00277500 Bremgre 2 2 2 2 00277600 Tebokb'fe 2 2 2 2 00277700 Wakskogre 17 4 13 17 4 13 00277800 Daril Wakcholgre 15 9 6 14 8 6 00277900 Boldamgre ------Un-iIIh abi led------.

286 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Village Primary Census Abstract Chock ut ofmart~inal workers Name of Village Location Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code number Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2

103 52 51 Koklgre 00275600 42 20 22 II 7 4 Alabcngagre 00275700 39 19 20 Silki Rongsibogr~ 00275800 85 42 43 Silki Ampangdamgiri 00275900 ------Un- i "I labil~d------Buga Dongram 00276000 182 104 78 Ronganggre 00276100 ------lJ 11- ililli' b iI ed ------Silkigiri 00276200 37 19 18 Andamari 00276300 6 2 4 Bolasinggre 00276400 I 35 8 27 Somegre 00276500 4 4 168 89 79 Kemrangl!,iri 00276600 3 2 63 26 37 Tebisokb'Te 00276700 38 23 15 Nilwasagiri 00276800 87 41 46 Walregiri 00276900 2 2 4 4 318 158 160 Ronb'Tikimgrc 00277000 I I 42 20 22 Silki Achakchinng 00277100 33 II 22 Rongcilollggre 00277200 12 37 35 80lma Chiringgre 00277300 59 28 31 Daril SimragiUim 00277400 74 44 30 Bremb'fe 00277500 61 30 31 Tebokgre 00277600 23 13 10 Wakskogre 00277700 20 7 13 Daril Wakcholgre 00277800 ------lJ n-illhabi led------Boldamb'fe 00277900

287 DISTRICT CENSUS HAND BOOK: SOUTI t GARO Hili 5 Census of India 2001 c. I). mock Total population (including Location Name of Village Area of Number of Population in Ihe institutional and houseless code Village in households age· group 0-6 number hectares population) Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 567 8 9 10

0002 Haghm •..-a (1'0",1) 651.00 6,S5J J6,11t16 t?,256 17,630 7,947 4,053 3,894 0002 Baghmarll (Rural) 6-42.20 6,553 36,886 19,256 17,630 7,947 4,053 3,894 0002 Baghmara (Urban) 8.80 Baghmara (Rural) 0027MJOO SuJugiri 63 371 197 174 91 51 40 00278 J 00 Gare SOlllllllUll1l 87 480 245 235 108 51 57 00278200 Gare Chigitchak II 75 36 39 17 1 10 00278100 ROlll;kandi Denwama 44 219 114 lOS 55 23 32 00278400 Dengkandi llolsatgittilIl 24 132 71 61 30 14 16 00278500 Rongkandi Songgilal 70 380 196 18~ 83 37 46 00278600 Jongkol Awe 22 III 58 53 29 14 15 00278700 Dobakol Chonggalgillnll 6 26 13 I3 8 5 3 00278800 Dobakol SimtianggiUim 8 41 21 20 14 7 7 00278900 NOllgalbibra 439 1.553 1.108 445 209 116 93 00279000 Darang Boldak 34 272 145 127 56 24 32 00279100 Darallg Chiga 14 104 54 50 19 9 10 00279200 Dobakol Nenruaglllilll 50 320 164 156 90 46 44 00279300 Gare Rongdc::nggillim 22 97 52 H 25 17 8 00279400 Jongsinggillim 48 258 141 115 61 34 27 00279500 DobaJ..ol Awemong 18 119 62 57 30 12 18 00279600 Agrcnggitim 21 113 52 61 26 J3 13 00279700 Era ailing 70 370 197 173 90 46 44 00279800 Pattal Gittim 75 493 260 233 III 57 54 00279900 Darang Akepgitlim 27 169 90 79 45 25 20 00280000 Rongkalldi Nellgbrekgirllfn 25 182 97 85 48 26 22 00280100 Darang Nellgsranggillilll 25 140 74 66 32 16 16 00280200 Darang Dajngillim 47 317 169 148 76 40 36 00280300 Jadigitlim 60 321 165 156 92 44 48 00280400 Rongsa Awe 100 488 255 233 124 62 62 00280500 Badri Jaisruginim 17 90 46 44 20 11 9 00280600 Badri Rongdillg Awe 53 308 153 155 70 31 39 00280700 Darang Dura 31 192 105 87 52 27 25 00280800 Badri Walregitlim 41 218 107 III 32 16 16 00280900 Badri ROllgdollg 41 253 135 118 57 33 24 00281000 Badri Maidumgittim 34 202 117 85 32 21 II 00281 JOO Badri ROllgdimgitlim -·-.. •· •• ····Un·inhabiled··----····-··· 00281200 Siju Damik Gittim 43 240 106 134 66 28 38 002 81300 Tol~giri 66 353 119 174 80 42 38 00281400 Jadi Gindam 12 68 35 33 21 13 8 00281500 Siju Taikumgillim ,,-,-,-,,---,UIl·inhabiled··-·····-··-·· 00281600 Siju Rongmiklliltim 9 59 35 24 12 9 3 00281700 Siju Sonb'lllong 64 394 201 193 118 54 64 00~81800 Siju Ganga Awe 52 344 187 157 77 45 32 00281900 Gaolgitlim 8 40 18 22 10 4 6 00282000 Nengru Gittim 36 219 114 105 50 26 24 00282100 Nokalgiri 73 393 199 194 96 55 41 00282200 Anaakgiri 19 115 56 59 27 16 II 00282300 Ellan Rompagre 23 99 44 55 25 10 15 00282400 Emangiri 73 393 205 188 60 31 29 00282500 Eman Warima 27 170 89 81 43 26 17 00282600 Dadugiri 6 32 18 14 4 2 2 00282700 Siju Duramollg I16 693 351 342 164 78 86 00282800 Siju Asakbanda 42 250 139 III 4S 27 18 00282900 Sijll Rongkellggillilll 54 292 152 140 69 30 39 00283000 Sijll Dobakolgittim 12 60 29 31 17 7 10 00283100 Email Gatabil 10 66 34 32 15 9 6 00283200 Rinl,ITallll,'fe 20 126 68 58 17 11 6 00283300 Seel Adub'fC 9 41 21 20 9 3 6 00283400 Nengkong Malldagiri 41 216 113 103 48 34 14 00283500 Nengkong Songmong 112 682 339 343 121 53 68 00283600 Chibagre 60 408 214 194 73 38 35 00283700 Nell!,'fut 19 96 47 49 24 12 12 00283800 Jantagri 26 155 85 70 37 19 18 00283900 ROllchekgiri 21 139 67 72 18 )0 8 00284000 Banakol 8 42 18 24 12 7 5 00284100 Malmagilak 29 177 89 88 27 12 15 00284200 Chramgre 28 175 89 86 39 20 19

288 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Village Primary Census Abstract Sa ·hmara Name of Village Schedlllt:d Cas[t:s popliation S"heduled Tribes population Literalt:s

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Mules Females II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2

8 7 35,160 17,962 11,198 14,715 8,826 5,889 Baglln,arB (Total) 8 7 35,160 17,961 17,198 14,715 8,826 5,889 Baghmara (Rural) B"ghUlara (U rban) Baghmara (Rural) 358 190 168 52 38 14 SlIdllgiri 463 231 232 124 80 44 Gare SOllglllOllg 75 36 39 Gare Chigilchak 5 4 208 104 104 65 54 II Rongkandi Dengjallla 128 68 60 57 41 16 Dengkandi Boisalgiltim 355 18\ 174 208 12& 80 Rongkandi Songllital 108 55 53 49 33 16 Jongkol Awe 26 J3 13 Dobakol Chongga/gittim 41 21 20 2 2 Dobakol Simsanllgittim 846 467 379 1,146 914 232 Nongalbibra 267 140 127 160 94 66 Darang Boldak 104 54 50 56 36 20 Darang Chiga 313 160 153 134 73 61 Dobakol Nengjagillim 96 51 45 42 24 18 Gare Rongdenggillim 258 143 115 113 73 40 Jongsinggittim 119 62 57 51 33 18 Dobakol Awemong 113 52 61 46 28 18 Ab.... enggitim 370 191 173 120 85 35 Era aning 470 240 230 192 121 71 Pallal Gillim 168 89 79 66 46 20 Darang Akepgillim 182 91 85 72 44 28 Rongkandi Nengbrekgillilll 140 74 66 58 38 20 Darang Nengsranggittim 317 169 148 114 85 29 Darang Dajugittim 321 165 156 70 39 3 I Jadigillim 2 2 483 250 233 113 81 32 Rongsa Awe 90 46 44 52 27 25 Badri Jaisnlgillim 306 151 155 47 35 12 Badri Rongding Awe 192 105 87 75 47 28 Darang Dnra 210 100 110 69 41 28 Badri Walregiltim 246 129 117 94 55 39 Badri Rongdong 202 117 85 15 12 3 Badri Maidumgittim -. --.•••----- U n-illhabited------·---- Badri Rongdimgittim 233 104 129 105 57 48 Siju Damik Gittim 353 179 174 158 100 58 Tolegiri 68 35 33 22 13 9 Jadi Gindam ------U Il-illhabited------· ._- Siju Taikumgillim 59 35 24 2 2 Siju Rongmikgittim 357 179 178 35 24 II Siju Songmong 343 186 151 149 90 S9 Siju Ganga Awe 40 18 22 7 5 2 Garugillim 211 110 101 103 60 43 Nengm Gittim 393 199 194 105 60 45 Nokatgiri 115 56 59 30 14 16 Aruakgiri 99 44 55 30 15 15 Ellan Rompagre 392 204 188 151 82 69 Emangiri 168 87 81 54 31 23 Eman Warima 32 18 14 2 2 Dadugiri 574 291 283 313 183 130 Siju Duramong 250 139 III 1[5 76 39 Sij II Asakbanda 284 149 135 106 73 33 Sijll Rongkenggutilll 60 29 31 21 12 9 Siju Dobakolgittim 66 34 32 35 20 15 Eman Gatabil 126 68 58 60 33 27 Ringramgre 41 21 20 25 14 II Seel Adub.... e 216 113 103 27 20 7 Nengkong Mandagiri 669 332 337 506 266 240 Nengkong Songmong 408 214 194 127 100 Chibagre 96 47 49 2i~ 20 18 N enb'rtlt 155 85 70 73 40 33 Jantagri 138 66 72 31 13 18 Ronchekgiri 42 18 24 8 5 3 Banakol 177 89 88 49 36 13 Matmagitak 175 89 86 56 40 16 Chramgre

269 ______D_I_S_T_R_IC_~ T CENSUS HAND BOOK: SOUTf I GARO HILI S Census of India 2001 c. o. Block Location Name ofYiliage code Illiterates TOlal workers Main workers number Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

0001 lJaghmwrw (Total) 22,171 10,430 11,741 17,620 9,874 7,746 11,718 7,949 3,769 0001 Baghmua (Rural) 22,171 10,0130 11,741 17,620 9,874 7,746 11,718 7,949 3,769 0001 Baghmara (Urban) Baghmara (Rural) 0027H000 Sudugiti 319 159 160 169 91 78 163 89 74 00278100 Gate Songmong 356 165 191 218 122 96 182 111 71 00278200 Gate Chigitchak 75 36 39 33 18 15 30 16 14 00278300 ROllllkandi Denl>iall13 154 60 94 80 48 32 79 47 32 00278400 Dengkandi Boisalgillilll 75 30 45 38 23 15 36 22 14 00278500 Rongkandi Songgital 172 68 104 177 94 83 122 89 33 00278600 Jongkol Awe 62 25 31 36 26 10 25 25 00278700 Dobakol Chonggalgillim 26 J3 13 15 8 7 12 8 4 00278800 Dobakol Simsanggillim 39 19 20 18 9 9 16 9 7 00278900 NOllgalbibra 407 194 213 1,057 871 186 1,004 1127 177 00279000 Darang Boldak 112 51 61 112 61 51 80 56 24 00279100 Darang Chiga 48 18 30 42 21 21 30 21 9 00279200 Dobakol Nengjagiuim 186 91 95 131 72 59 96 62 34 00279300 Gare ROllgdellggitlim 55 28 27 57 27 30 56 26 30 00279400 Jongsinggittim 145 70 75 96 55 41 41 31 10 00279500 Dobakol Awemong 68 29 39 52 28 24 36 23 13 00279600 Agrenggitim 67 24 43 62 29 33 62 29 33 00279700 Era aning 250 112 138 195 103 92 195 103 92 00279800 Pallat Gittim 301 139 162 159 120 39 151 118 33 00279900 Darang Akepgitlilll 103 44 59 83 44 39 59 42 J7 00280000 Rongkandi Nengbr"I.giuim 110 53 51 79 41 38 49 30 19 00280100 Darang Nengsranggitlim 82 36 46 73 42 31 52 38 14 00280200 Oarang Oajugittim 203 84 119 169 91 78 131 66 65 00280300 Jadigittilll 251 126 125 90 74 16 87 13 14 00280400 Rongsa Awe 375 174 201 212 122 90 212 122 90 00280500 Badri Jaismgillim 38 19 19 57 30 27 48 25 23 00280600 Badri Rongding Awe 261 118 143 174 89 85 97 75 22 00280700 Daranll Dura 117 58 59 105 55 50 96 49 47 00280800 Badri Walregitlim 149 66 83 147 72 75 120 57 63 00280900 Badri Rongdong 159 80 79 158 79 79 130 67 63 00281000 Badri Maidumgillim 181 105 82 113 59 54 113 59 54 00281100 Badri RongdimgiUint ------Uu-Inllubited------00281200 Siju Damik Gittim 135 49 86 89 47 42 58 41 17 00281300 Tolegiri 195 79 116 99 82 17 10 9 00281400 Jadi Gindam 46 22 24 17 14 3 10 10 00281500 Siju Taikumgiuilll ------Un-illhabited------00281600 Siju RongmikgiUim 57 33 24 41 23 18 24 17 7 00281700 Siju Songmong 359 117 182 212 113 99 185 100 85 00281800 Siju Ganga Awe 195 97 98 148 80 68 61 36 25 00281900 Garugittim 33 13 20 14 9 5 4 4 00282000 Nengru Gillim 116 54 62 70 48 22 67 46 21 00282100 Nokatgiri 288 139 149 195 101 94 101 94 7 00282200 Amakgiri 85 42 43 82 38 44 82 38 44 00282300 Enalt ROlllpagre 69 29 40 72 34 38 71 33 38 OOllU<\OO Emangirl 2<\2 123 119 218 114 1M 168 104 64 00282500 Ewalt Warillla 116 58 58 104 50 54 104 50 S4 00282600 Dadugiri 30 16 14 27 15 12 26 14 12 00282700 Siju Duralllong 380 168 212 325 165 160 68 58 10 00282800 Siju Asakbanda 135 63 72 172 92 80 98 57 41 00282900 Siju Rongkenggiuim 186 79 107 122 64 58 25 19 6 00283000 Siju Dobakolgillim 39 17 22 37 17 20 19 II 8 00283100 Eman Gala-bil 31 14 17 30 15 15 14 12 2 00283200 Ringramgre 66 3S 31 67 36 31 52 32 20 00283300 Seel Adub'TC 16 7 9 18 9 9 17 9 8 00283400 Nengkong Mandagiri 189 93 96 139 69 70 135 68 67 00283500 Nengkong Songwonj; 176 73 103 296 155 141 169 ISS 14 00283600 Chibab'TC 181 87 94 )74 95 79 87 85 2 00283700 Nellb'TUI 58 21 31 45 22 23 23 21 2 00283800 Jantagri 82 45 37 69 37 32 36 32 4 00283900 Ronchekgiri 108 54 54 71 32 39 71 32 39 00284000 Banakol 34 13 21 22 9 13 22 9 13 00284100 Malmagitak 128 53 75 96 52 44 96 52 44 00284200 Chramgre 119 49 70 82 39 43 16 39 37

290 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Village Primary Census Abstract BII·hmllrll Industrial category of main workers Name ofYillage Household industry C ulti vators Agricultural labourers Other workers workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2

6,929 4,181 2,1-t2 1,186 783 403 154 92 62 3,449 2,887 562 Baghmara (Total) 6,929 4,181 2,742 1,186 783 403 154 92 62 3,449 2,887 562 Baghmara (Rurul) Baghmara (Urban) Baghmara (Rural) 155 82 73 8 7 I Sudugili 134 72 62 8 40 38 2 Gare SOllgmong; 23 II 12 6 :5 I Gare Chigitchak 59 29 30 20 18 2 Rongkandi Dengjama 22 10 12 14 12 2 Dengkandi Boisalgittim 36 23 JJ 86 66 20 ROllllkalldi Songllital 4 4 21 21 Jongkol Awe 12 8 4 Dobakol Chonggalgiltilll 14 8 6 2 Dobakol Simsanggittim 124 67 57 18 5 13 862 755 107 Nongalbibra 68 44 24 12 12 Darang Soldak 24 15 9 3 3 J :; Darang Chiga 45 27 18 50 35 15 Dobakol Nengjagiltim 53 24 29 2 2 Gare Rongdenllgiltim 10 2 8 I 30 29 Jongsinggittim 11 6 5 25 17 8 Dobakol Awemong 51 22 29 II 7 4 Ab'Tellggitim 186 95 91 3 3 2 I I 4 4 Era aning I 3 3 147 114 33 Pattal Giltim SO 34 16 5 4 4 4 Darang Akepgillim 29 II 18 20 19 ROllgkandi Nengbrekgittim 47 33 14 3 3 2 2 Darang Nengsranggiltim 118 57 61 10 6 4 3 3 Darang Dajllgittim 12 8 4 75 65 10 Jadigittim 152 68 84 4 2 2 55 51 4 Rongsa Awe 24 10 14 13 7 6 11 8 3 Badri Jaisrugillim 53 36 17 44 39 5 Badri Rongding Awe 94 47 47 2 2 Darang Dura 79 36 43 36 16 20 4 4 Badri Watregittim 85 39 46 31 11 14 14 11 3 Badri Rongdong 108 58 50 5 4 Badri Maidumb';ltim ------U n-i nil. bit ed------Badri Rongdimgiltim 34 25 9 3 2 I I I 20 13 7 Siju Damik Gittim 5 4 I 5 5 Tolegiri 10 10 Jadi Gindam ------U n-inllabited------Siju Taikllingillim 24 17 7 Siju Rongmikgittim 151 79 72 26 14 12 8 7 I Sijll Sonb'mong 40 19 21 2 2 19 15 4 Sijll Ganga Awe 4 4 Garllgillim 54 35 19 12 10 2 Nengru Gillim 100 93 7 Nokatgiri 71 31 40 10 7 3 Anlakgiri 57 25 32 I 13 7 6 Enan Rompagre 135 79 56 20 13 7 13 12 Emangiri 88 40 48 5 3 2 II 7 4 Eman Warima 24 13 11 2 I Dadugiri 10 9 1 5 5 3 3 SO 41 9 Siju Duralllong 5 2 3 93 .55 38 Siju Asakbanda 2 6 3 3 17 15 2 Siju Rongkenggiltim 19 II 8 Siju Dobakolgittim 12 10 2 2 2 Eman Gatabil 36 22 14 12 7 5 4 3 Ringramgre 17 9 8 Seel Adu!,'f"e 109 49 60 18 14 4 8 3 Nengkong Mandagiri 105 102 3 4 3 59 52 7 Nengkong Songmong 77 75 2 10 10 Chibagre 18 18 5 3 2 Nel1b'lUt 30 )0 6 2 4 Jal\lagri 66 29 37 3 2 2 2 ROl1chekgiri 17 5 12 2 I 3 3 Banakol 63 31 32 19 13 6 14 g 6 Matmagitak 74 )7 37 2 2 Chramgre

291 DISTRICT CENSUS HAND BOOK: SOUTH GARO 11111 S Census of India 2001 c. D. BI'Kk Location Name of Village Industrial cat<:sory code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers number Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

0002 Baghmara (Total) S,1I02 1,92S 3,977 3,411 1,022 2,389 1,4111j S09 989 0002 Baghmara (Rural) 5,902 1,925 3,977 3,411 1,022 2,389 1,498 509 989 0002 Baghmara (Urban) Baghmara (Rural) 0027ljOOO Sudugiri 6 2 4 3 2 3 2 00278100 Gare SOllglllOlig 36 II 2S 29 10 19 6 S 00278200 Gare Chigilchak 3 2 I 2 I 00278300 ROllgkalldi Dengjama I 00278400 Dengkandi Bolsalgitlill1 2 I 00278500 ROllgkalldi Songgilal 55 5 50 00278600 Jougkol AWe II 1 10 9 8 00278700 Dobakol Chonggalgillim 3 3 3 3 00278&00 Dobakol Si1nsanggitlim 2 2 00278900 Nongalbibra 53 44 9 2 2 00279000 Darang Boldak 32 5 27 32 5 27 00279100 Darang Chiga 12 12 12 12 00279200 Dobakol Nengjagitlllll 35 10 25 00279300 Gare Rongdenggitlim I I I 00279400 Jongsinggittim 55 24 31 18 5 13 00279500 Dobakol Awemong 16 5 II 00279600 Agrenggilim 00279700 Era aning 00279800 Pallal Gillilll 8 2 6 3 3 00279900 Darang Akepgiltim 24 2 22 24 2 22 00280000 Rongkalldi Nengbrekgitlilll 30 II 19 16 6 10 00280100 Darang Nengsranggittim 21 4 17 21 4 17 00280200 Darallg Dajugiltim 38 25 13 31 21 10 3 3 00280300 Jadigillim 3 2 2 2 00280400 Rongsa Awe 00280500 Badri Jaisrugittim 9 5 4 (, 2 3 3 00280600 Badri Rongding Awe 77 14 63 44 8 36" 00280700 Darallg Dura 9 6 3 8 6 2 00280800 Badri Walregillim 27 15 12 II 4 7 16 11 5 00280900 Badri ROIIgdong 28 12 16 19 , 12 8 5 3 00281000 Badri Maidumgillim 00281100 Badri Rongdimgittiin ------Un-illhabiled------00281200 Siju Damik Gitlim 31 6 25 8 2 6 15 15 00281300 Tolegiri 89 73 16 82 67 IS 00281400 Jadi Gindam 7 4 3 7 4 3 00281500 Siju Taikumgiuim ------U n-illllab ited------00281600 Siju Rongmikgittim 17 6 II 00281700 Siju Songmong 27 13 14 26 13 13 00281800 Siju Ganga Awe 87 44 43 82 39 43 3 3 00281900 Ganlgitlim 10 5 5 5 3 2 2 00282000 Nen1,'I'u Gittim 3 2 ) I I 00282100 Nokatgiri 94 7 87 89 6 83 3 2 00282200 Aruakgiri 00282300 Enan Rompagre 00282400 Emangiri 50 10 40 45 9 36 5 4 00282500 Eman Warima 00282600 Dadllgiri 00282700 Siju Duramong 257 107 150 186 56 IJO 44 29 IS 00282800 Siju Asakbanda 74 35 39 2 2 00282900 Siju Rongkenggiuilll 97 45 52 76 34 42 5 2 00283000 Sijll Dobakolgittim 18 6 12 00283100 Eman Gatabil 16 3 13 II 2 9 5 4 00283200 Rill!lramgre 15 4 II 7 3 4 8 7 00283300 See I Adllgre I 1 I ) 00283400 Nengkong Malldagiri 4 3 3 3 00283500 Nengkong Son!,'tnollg 127 127 113 123 3 3 00283600 Chibagre 87 10 77 82 9 73 00283700 Nenb'rut 22 I 21 13 I 12 00283800 Jantagri 33 S 28 2S 3 22 00283900 Ronchekgiri 00284000 Banakol 00284100 Matmagilak 00284200 Chramgre 6 6 4 4 2 2

292 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Village Primary Census Abstt'act BII '1lIlIarll of IUllrSiinat workers Name of Village Location Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code number Persons Males . Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 50 51 52 53 5'l 55 56 S7 S8 2

ISO 34 116 843 360 483 19.266 9,382 9,884 Dughmara (Total) 0002 ISO 34 116 843 360 483 19.266 9.382 9,884 Daghmara (Rural) 0002 Baghmara (Urban) 0002 Baghmara (Rural) 202 106 96 Sudugiri 00271WOO 262 123 139 Gare Songmong 00278100 42 18 24 Gare Chigilchak 00278200 139 66 73 Rongkandi Dengjama 00278300 94 48 46 Dengkandi Bolsalgillill1 00278400 55 5 50 203 102 101 Rongkandi Songgilal 00278500 2 2 75 32 43 JOlIgkol Awe 00278600 II 5 6 Dobakol Chonggalgittim 00278700 2 2 23 12 II Dobakol Simsanggillilll 00278800 8 4 4 43 40 3 496 237 259 Nongalbibra 00278900 160 84 76 Darang Doldak 00279000 62 33 29 Darang Chiga 00279100 35 10 25 189 92 97 Dobakol Nengjagillim 00279200 40 25 15 Gan, Rongdenggittim 00219300 37 19 18 162 88 74 JongsinggiUim 00279400 16 5 II 67 34 33 Dobakol Awelllong 00279500 :51 23 28 Agrenggitiln 00279600 175 94 81 Era aning 00279700 4 3 334 140 194 Pal1alGittim 00279800 86 46 40 Darang Akepgitlim 00279900 13 4 9 103 56 47 Rongkandi Nengbrekgiltilll 00280000 67 32 35 Darang Nengsranggillilll 00280100 4 3 148 78 70 Darang Dajugittim 00280200 231 91 140 Jadigittim 00280300 276 133 143 RongsaAwe 00280400 33 16 17 Badri Jaisrugillim 00280500 33 6 27 134 64 70 Badri Rongding Awe 00280600 I 81 50 37 Darang Dura 00280700 71 35 36 Badri Walregittim 00280800 95 56 39 Badri Rongdong 00280900 89 58 31 Badri Maidumj,'iltim 00281000 .----•••••.• -Ull-illhabit~d--·······----- Badri Rongdimgillim 00281100 7 4 3 151 59 92 Siju Damik Gittim 00281200 6 5 I I 254 97 157 Tolegiri 00281300 51 21 30 Jadi Gindam 00281400 ·········----Ull-illilabited-···-··----·· Sijll Taikumgillim 00281500 17 6 II 18 12 6 Siju Ronl,'mikgillim 00281600 182 88 94 Sijll Songmong 00281700 2 2 196 107 89 Sijll Ganga Awe 00281800 2 I 26 9 17 GaTIIgittim 00281900 2 149 66 83 Nengru Giuim 00282000 2 2 198 98 100 Nokatgiri 00282100 33 18 15 Aruakgiri 00282200 27 10 17 Ellan Rompaj,'Te 00282300 175 91 84 Emangiri 00282400 66 39 27 Email Warima 00282500 5 3 2 Dadugiri 00282600 2 2 25 20 5 368 186 182 Siju Duramong 00282700 I 71 35 36 78 47 31 Siju Asakbanda 00282800 2 14 8 6 170 88 82 Siju ROlIgkenggillim 00282900 18 6 12 23 12 II Siju DobakolgiUim 00283000 36 19 17 Eman Gatabil 00283100 59 32 27 Ringramj,'Te 00283200 23 12 II See! Adugre 00283300 77 44 33 Nengkong Mandagiri 00283400 I 386 184 202 Nengkong Sonj,'IIlong 00283500 4 3 234 119 115 Chibaj,'Tc 00283600 9 9 51 ~5 26 Nenj,'fUt 00283700 8 2 6 86 48 38 Jantaj,"'; 00283800 68 35 33 Ronchekgiri 00283900 20 9 II Banakol 00284000 81 37 44 Matmagitak 00284100 93 SO 43 Chramj,'Te 00284200

293 DISTRICT CENSUS HAND BOOK: ::lOUTII GARO IIiLLS Census of India 200t c. D. Ulock Total population (including Location Name ofYiliage Area of Number of Population in the Village in institutional and housdess code households age-group 0-6 number hectares population) Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

00284300 RUlagrc 12 69 34 35 14 g 6 00284400 Dikj,'TolIggiri 21 116 58 58 23 10 13 00284500 Dengagiri 38 211 t05 106 43 24 19 00284600 Bajraj,'Tc 24 126 69 57 30 18 12 00284700 Gara Samkaj;re 12 74 33 41 22 7 15 00284800 Gara Sonlllliial 38 251 125 126 61 )0 31 00284900 Baikal Asim 34 229 124 105 55 29 26 00285000 Darit Asim 56 344 170 174 81 45 36 00285100 Choldokgittilll 35 232 t 16 116 43 22 21 00285200 Kharukol Adillj;l!le 63 391 198 193 59 27 32 00285300 Kharukol Jalaij,'Te 58 352 172 180 73 36 37 00285400 Khakol Tainang 24 156 76 80 39 18 21 00285500 Rongrengpal 31 242 126 116 36 16 20 00285600 Alokpallg 40 212 141 131 43 29 14 00285700 Baikal Watregillim 76 456 236 220 96 55 41 00285800 Khamkol KOllagitlilll 39 228 103 125 29 10 19 00285900 Chigitchakgiri 20 144 80 64 29 20 9 00286000 Rompa Asim 32 189 99 90 53 30 23 00286100 Milldikgre 51 317 165 152 92 44 48 00286200 Bamoll Wakcholgili 17 90 48 42 19 II 8 00286300 Chellgbagiri 40 235 124 III 49 27 22 00286400 Bamongre 27 168 74 94 48 20 28 00286500 Darokgiri 9 53 28 25 17 11 6 00286600 Arilakgiri 26 152 76 76 37 19 18 00286700 Jadugiri 36 185 92 93 49 22 27 00286800 Damakgiri ------Ull·illliabited------00286900 Bamon Dipogre 28 179 92 87 40 24 16 00287000 Baman Jadugiri 16 lOS 58 47 12 5 7 00287100 Adapgiri 19 112 55 57 30 16 14 00287200 Dakgiri 17 89 45 44 23 11 12 00287300 Lower Dosogiri 51 316 161 155 74 46 28 00287400 Wamisenggiri & 45 21 18 8 6 2 00287500 Rongbatgittim 17 110 60 50 22 II II 00287600 Upper Dosogiri 41 254 133 121 74 39 35 00287700 Namislkgiri 17 119 59 60 21 13 8 00287800 Goka Songmong II 53 24 29 6 I 5 00287900 Goka Tainang 68 412 207 205 69 )5 34 00288000 Gokapepchandal 25 108 51 57 7 3 4 00288100 Goka 1mbika 31 118 51 67 15 6 9 00288200 Cbibrengj,'Te 59 387 196 191 37 17 20 00288300 Gilinllgre 107 639 330 309 75 38 37 00288400 Agronglliri 22 141 71 64 37 23 14 00288500 Goka Wakchol 48 271 142 135 66 29 37 00288600 Masighal 67 433 227 206 102 59 43 00288700 Dabit Ampalilldam 75 449 240 209 92 52 40 00288800 Dubagiri 32 197 102 95 54 26 28 00288900 Asokj,'Te 33 199 113 86 58 40 18 00289000 Gandragiri 13 73 39 34 21 10 11 00289100 ROlIgdolchi (L) 21 130 70 60 37 16 21 00289200 Rongdotchi (U} 23 t49 79 70 308 20 18 00289300 Eringgre 34 195 99 96 39 19 20 00289400 Onajora IS 78 35 43 13 3 10 00289500 Dimagiri 71 393 195 198 101 53 54 00289600 Chengkali 109 601 305 296 121 68 59 00289700 Ampangd,ulIgiri 54 259 135 124 76 44 32 00289800 Namchapara 89 475 241 234 103 46 57 00289900 Kujolgiri 18 96 51 45 35 21 14 00290000 Kolapara (i9 382 197 185 89 42 47 00290 I 00 Bilkou8 III 628 324 304 163 77 86 00290200 DUllluikura 61 30S ISO ISS 76 32 44 00290300 Ramchengga 117 710 364 346 174 93 81 00290400 Bat abari 42 197 89 108 39 19 20 00290500 Kapasipara 146 823 423 400 168 91 77 00290600 J alapara 41 190 93 97 52 23 29 00290700 Demplipara SO 221 104 117 36 15 21 00290800 Kongkona 29 156 75 81 34 14 20 00290900 Gosegaoll 21 134 72 62 32 16 16

294 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Village Primary Census Abstract Ba .hmara Name ofVilJage Scheduled Castes popuation Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2

69 34 35 8 7 Rutallre 116 58 58 65 38 27 Dikllronggiri 211 105 106 124 70 54 Dengalliri 126 69 57 67 36 31 Bajragre 74 33 41 25 13 12 Gam Samkag.. " 218 107 III 129 68 61 Gara Songgital 227 122 lOS 87 47 40 Baikal Asim 344 170 174 68 39 29 Datil Asim 232 116 116 42 23 19 Choklokgillim 387 194 193 274 145 129 Kharukol Adinggrc 351 171 180 168 89 79 Kharukol Jalaigre 156 76 80 55 27 28 Khakol TainaIlg 242 126 116 24 13 II Rongrellgpal 270 139 131 20 13 7 Alokpallg 441 230 211 82 51 31 Baikal Walregittim 228 103 125 53 21 32 Kharukol Konagitlilll 144 80 64 74 43 31 Chigitchakgiri 189 99 90 64 37 27 Rompa Asim 317 165 152 139 78 61 Mindikgre 90 48 42 51 28 23 Samon Wakcholgiri 235 124 III 115 56 59 Chengbagiri 168 74 94 81 42 39 Samonb'TC 53 28 25 5 3 2 Darokgiri 152 76 76 48 25 23 Arilakgiti 173 85 88 28 15 13 Jadugiri ------Un-iJlIlalJited------Damakgiri 179 92 87 83 44 39 Silmon Dipogre 105 58 47 55 36 19 Bllman Jadugiri 112 55 57 43 26 17 Adapgiri 89 45 44 51 28 23 Dokgiri 316 161 155 192 100 92 Lower Dosogiri 45 27 18 22 II II Wamisenggiri 110 60 SO 55 34 21 Rongbatgittim 254 133 121 149 83 66 Upper Dosogiri 115 56 59 31 20 II Namisikgiri 53 24 29 19 12 7 Goka Songmong 412 207 205 78 48 30 Goka Tainang 107 50 57 41 22 19 Gokapepchandal 118 51 67 48 25 23 Goka hnbika 387 196 191 74 47 27 Chibrenggre 639 330 309 118 69 49 Gilingb'fe 141 71 64 50 25 25 Agronggiri 277 142 135 115 73 42 Goka Wakchol 430 224 206 224 123 101 Masighal 448 239 209 244 138 106 Dabil Ampangdam 196 101 95 61 38 23 Dubagiri 199 113 86 56 33 23 Asokgre 73 39 34 35 24 II Gandragiri 130 10 60 50 36 14 Rongdolchi (L) 149 19 70 46 29 17 ROlIgdotchi (U) 195 99 96 97 56 41 Eringgre 18 35 43 37 23 14 Onajora 392 194 198 132 69 63 Dimagiri 598 303 295 238 137 101 Chengkali 259 135 124 40 30 10 Alnpangdamgiri 475 241 234 133 83 50 Namchapara 96 51 45 16 10 6 KlIjolgiri 311 160 151 161 101 60 Kolapara 628 324 304 173 100 73 Bilkona 305 150 ISS 63 42 21 DlIl1Inikura 684 348 336 374 203 17 I Ramchengga 190 85 105 70 35 3S Balabari 782 396 386 404 227 I 77 Ka pas ipara 190 93 97 30 19 II Jalapara 221 104 111 104 62 42 Demplipara 156 75 81 43 29 14 Kongkona 133 11 62 39 28 II Gosegaon

295 DISTRICT CENSUS HAND BOOK: SOUTH GARO IIiLLS Census of India 2001 c. D. Block Location Name ofViUage code Illiterates Total workers Main workers number Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

00284300 RlIlagre 61 27 34 30 14 16 25 14 II 00284400 Dikgronggiri 51 20 31 42 22 20 42 22 20 00284500 Dengagiri 87 35 52 95 46 49 94 46 48 00284600 Bajragre 59 33 26 62 30 32 60 29 31 00284700 Gara Samkagre 49 20 29 28 14 14 26 13 13 00284800 Gafa Songgital 122 57 65 95 45 50 87 42 45 00284900 Baikal Asim 142 71 65 59 40 19 57 40 17 00285000 Daril Asjm 276 131 145 103 60 43 98 59 39 00285100 ChoklokgiUim 190 93 97 92 45 47 12 II I 00285200 Kharukol Adillggre 117 53 64 255 128 127 172 86 86 00285300 Khamkol Jalaigre 184 83 101 151 72 79 71 63 8 00285400 Khakol Tainang 101 49 52 59 28 31 g 5 3 00285500 ROllgfengpal 218 113 105 21 14 7 16 14 2 00285600 Alokpang 252 128 124 9 7 2 7 1 00285700 Baikal Watregiuim 374 185 189 206 108 98 205 108 97 00285800 Kharukol KOllagittim 175 82 93 94 48 46 2 2 00285900 Chigitchakgiri 70 37 33 99 53 46 60 30 30 00286000 Rompa Asim 125 62 63 78 40 38 78 40 38 00286100 Mindikb'TC 178 87 91 105 54 51 97 49 48 00286200 Bamon Wakcholgiri 39 20 19 39 21 18 39 21 18 00286300 Chengbagiri 120 68 52 90 43 47 48 35 13 00286400 BamOllb'Te 87 32 55 67 33 34 26 22 4 00286500 Darok~"lri 48 25 23 25 J3 12 12 II I 00286600 Arilakgiri 104 51 53 67 34 33 47 30 17 00286700 Jadugiri 157 77 80 82 42 40 12 II I 00286800 Drunakgiri ····_····-···Un·inhabite

296 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Village Primary Census Abstract Ba hmara Industrial category of main workers Name ofYiliage Household industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers Other workers workers Persons Males' Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2

24 14 10 Rutagre 40 21 19 I Dikb>TOnggiri 85 41 44 4 2 2 3 2 Dengagiri 56 27 29 3 2 1 Bajragre 26 13 13 Gara Samkagre 84 40 44 3 2 1 Gara Songgital 26 17 9 31 23 8 Baikal Asim 75 38 31 2 2 21 19 2 Daril Asim 12 II 1 Choklokgittim 71 27 44 55 25 30 3 2 43 33 10 Khanlkol Adillggre 39 34 5 10 10 22 19 3 Kharukol Jalaigre 8 5 3 Khakol Tainang 16 14 2 Ronb>Tenb'Pal I I 2 2 4 4 Alokpang 120 62 58 80 44 36 3 3 2 2 Baikal Watregittim 2 2 Kharukol Konagilliln 38 21 17 17 7 10 3 3 2 2 Chigilchakgiri 78 40 38 Rompa Asim 83 38 45 14 II 3 Mindikgre 38 21 17 Bamon Wakcholgiri 25 11 8 15 II 4 7 6 Chengbagiri 10 8 2 4 4 11 9 2 Bamongre 3 2 I 2 2 7 7 Darokgiri 23 14 9 17 10 7 2 2 5 4 Arilakgiri 6 6 6 S Jadugiri ------U n-inhabiled------Damakgiri 21 11 10 4 3 1 17 16 Bamon Dipogre 12 6 6 15 II 4 6 5 Baman Jadugiri 15 14 I 2 I Adapgiri 19 19 2 2 Dokgiri 46 46 20 19 I 4 4 Lower Dosogiri 9 4 5 6 2 4 2 2 Wamisenggiri 42 21 21 2 2 Rongbalgittim 28 27 18 18 4 4 Upper Dosogiri 38 22 16 7 4 3 2 Namisikgiri 19 11 8 Goka Songmollg 52 47 5 17 17 7 6 Goka Tainang 39 21 18 9 7 2 1 Gokapepchandal 38 28 10 8 2 6 2 2 Goka Imbika 174 93 81 7 4 3 3 3 3 3 Chibrenggre 278 164 114 24 7 17 I J Gilinggre 51 24 27 f 1 5 6 7 6 I Agronggiri 35 32 3 I I 26 23 3 Goka Wakchol 54 42 12 Masighal 71 71 6 Dabi! Ampangdam 13 13 13 12 2 2 4 4 Dubagiri 70 33 37 3 2 3 1 2 Asokgre 15 15 Gandragiri 38 24 14 4 2 2 3 3 Rongdotchi (L) 13 13 6 6 Rongdotchi (U) 31 29 2 II 5 6 Eringgre I I 2 I Qnajora 54 36 18 29 26 3 35 21 14 Dimagiri 46 38 8 54 39 15 29 23 6 Chengkali 139 67 72 Ampangdamgiri 27 26 I 39 34 5 5 4 Narnchapara 45 23 22 Klljolgiri 175 91 84 S 4 1 2 2 Kolapara 58 38 20 44 32 12 38 32 6 Bilkona 38 27 11 35 24 11 2 2 16 16 Dllmnikura 213 89 124 42 21 21 43 35 8 Ramchengga 17 7 10 13 8 5 2 I' 15 14 I Balabari 98 83 15 69 55 14 60 50 I 0 Kapasipara 14 13 I 33 28 5 8 7 Jalapara 5 2 3 17 J3 4 22 20 2 Demplipara 15 10 5 26 19 7 9 8 Kongkona 4 4 19 14 5 7 6 Gosegaon

297 DISTRICT CENSUS HAND BOOK: SOUTH GARO HII I S Census of India 2001 r. D. muck Location Name of Village Industrial category code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers number Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

00284300 Rutab'fC 5 5 5 5 00284400 Dikgronggiri 00284500 Dcngagiri I 00284600 Bajragre 2 I 2 00284700 Gara Salllkagrc 2 1 2 00284800 Gara SOllggital 8 3 5 8 3 5 00284900 Baikal Asjlll 2 2 2 2 00285000 Darit Asim 5 4 3 2 2 2 00285100 Choklokgillim 110 34 46 80 34 46 00285200 Kharukol AdilllJllre 83 42 41 52 25 27 27 13 14 00285300 Khafllkol Jalajgre 80 9 71 56 6 50 21 I 20 00285400 Khakol Tainang 51 23 28 51 23 28 00285500 ROllgrengpal 5 5 00285600 Alokpang 2 2 00285700 Baikal WatrcBiltim 00285800 Khand

298 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Village Primary Census Abstract 811 'hmllrll of mars ina I workers Name ofVillag.: Location Household industry workers Olher workers Non-workers code number Persons Males Females P.:rsons Males Females Persons Males Females 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2

39 20 19 RlItab'Te 00284300 74 36 38 Dikb'TOnggiri 00284400 116 59 57 Dengagiri 00284500 64 39 25 Bajrab'Te 00284600 46 19 27 Gara Samkagre 00284700 156 80 76 Gara Songgital 00284800 170 84 86 Baikal Asim 00284900 241 110 131 Darit Asim 00285000 140 71 69 Choklokgillim 00285100 2 2 2 2 136 70 66 Khamkol Adinggl~ 00285200 3 2 201 100 101 Kharukol Jalaigre 00285300 97 48 49 Khakol Tainang 00285400 5 5 221 112 109 Ronb'Tengpal 00285500 2 2 263 134 129 Alokpang 00285600 250 128 122 Baikal Watregiltill1 00285700 134 55 79 Kharukol Konagillim 00285800 4 3 45 27 18 Chigitchakgiri 00285900 III 59 52 Rompa Asim 00286000 212 III 101 Mindikb'Te 00286100 51 27 24 Bamon Wakcholgiri 00286200 145 81 64 Chengbagiri 00286300 5 3 2 101 41 60 BamOnb'Te 00286400 28 15 J3 Darokgiri 00286500 85 42 43 Antakgiri 00286600 103 50 53 Jadugiri 00286700 ------Un-inllabited------Damakgiri 00286800 2 I 1 107 57 50 Bamon Dipogre 00286900 60 31 29 Baman Jadugiri 00287000 48 25 23 Adapgiri 00287100 2 2 25 II 14 Dokgiri 00287200 2 1 \ 89 51 31 LOWe> Dosogiri 00281300 7 5 2 J3 8 5 Wamisenggiri 00287400 64 36 28 Rongbatgittim 00287500 I 79 40 39 Upper Dosogiri 00287600 26 8 18 39 21 18 Namisikgiri 00287700 I 22 9 J3 Goka Songmong 00287800 2 253 125 128 Goka Tainang 00287900 22 9 J3 Gokapepchandal 00288000 4 3 36 13 23 Goka Imbika 00288100 189 91 98 Chibrengb'Te 00288200 303 155 148 Gitinggre 00288300 21 II 10 50 30 20 Agronggiri 00288400 4 3 2 2 118 58 60 Goka Wakchol 00288500 77 51 26 299 133 166 Masighat 00288600 40 31 9 247 120 127 Dabil Ampangdalll 00288700 2 2 149 66 83 Dubagiri 00288800 38 24 14 77 47 30 Asokb'Te 00288900 22 10 12 Gandragiri 00289000 S6 24 32 Rongdolchi (Ll 00289100 2 2 66 37 29 Rongdotchi (U) 00289200 I 77 35 42 Eringb'Te 00289300 49 17 32 Onajora 00289400 8 7 185 88 97 Dimagiri 00289500 7 4 3 352 167 185 Chengkali 00289600 120 68 52 Ampangdamgiri 00289700 234 119 115 Namchapara 00289800 51 28 23 Kujolgiri 00289900 19<) 100 <}<} Kolapara 00290000 17 3 14 352 181 171 Bilkona 00290100 9 9 204 80 124 Dumnikura 00290200 412 219 193 Rarnchengga 00290300 97 \ 38 S9 Balabari 00290400 3 3 450 230 220 Kapasipara 00290500 12 12 120 42 78 Jatapara 00290600 142 51 91 Demplipara 00290700 2 2 78 31 47 Kongkona 00290800 2 71 38 33 Gosegaon 00290900

299 DISTRICT CENSUS HAND BOOK: SOUTH GARO 1111 LS Census of India 2001 c. Do Ulo~k Location Name of Village Area of Total population (including Number of Population in the code Village in institutional and houseless households age-group 0-6 numb.:r hectar.:s (!o(!ulatiun) Persons Males femaks Persons Males femaks 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10

00291000 MaJldallggre 35 174 85 89 35 15 20 00291100 Baigonlmna 158 840 440 400 153 84 69 00291200 Sibbari New Mark"t 4 23 13 10 4 4

00291300 Sibbari Old Bazar ------Unoinhabit ed ______0 ------00291400 Chambilgre 38 219 107 112 38 15 23 00291500 Sibbari 20 165 100 65 13 6 7 00291600 Maraka Chiring 42 201 98 103 19 10 9 00291700 Banajuri 47 245 120 125 55 25 30 00291800 Domdoma 39 224 118 106 56 30 26 00291900 Chambil Balliagr" 36 212 110 102 2S 14 II 00292000 Chambil Badimagr" 53 408 210 198 74 27 47 00292100 Bedolboi 9 45 25 20 10 6 4 00292200 Raf>inagi.oi 46 239 loll 9& 43 22 21 00292300 Nilwagiri 53 294 152 142 53 23 30 00292400 Adinggiri 55 278 152 126 64 35 29 00292500 Rangchikipgiri 12 75 37 38 20 II 9 00292600 Netri 45 247 121 126 54 32 22 00292700 Dabram 91 499 268 231 116 60 56 00292800 Dasanggiri 40 244 129 115 69 40 29 00292900 Arapara 70 331 161 170 96 43 53 00293000 Jaksol\gram 41 248 119 129 33 18 15 00293100 Dabigre 73 465 228 237 123 51 72 00293200 Doldamgre 10 40 18 22 17 6 II

300 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Village Primary Census Abstr-act Ua 'hmara Name ofYiliage Scheduled Castes popuation Schedult:d Tribt:s population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females PerSOIlS Males Females 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2

174 85 89 61 33 28 MandaJlggre 546 282 264 422 233 189 Baigonkona 23 13 10 7 5 2 Sibbari New Markel ------Ull-inllabited------Sibbari Old Bazar 219 101 112 93 52 41 Chambllgre 134 69 65 141 88 53 Sibbari 200 97 103 158 77 81 Maraka Chinng 245 120 125 119 69 50 Banajuri 224 118 106 70 43 27 Domdoma 209 107 102 135 64 71 Chambil BUiliagre 376 178 198 151 102 49 Chambil Badimagn: 45 25 20 II 7 4 Bedolboi 221 123 98 97 70 27 Rasinagiri 274 132 142 123 76 47 Nilwagiri 251 138 113 70 48 22 Adinggiri 75 37 38 21 12 9 Rangchikipgiri 247 121 126 144 73 71 Netd 468 237 231 292 163 129 Dabram 243 129 114 43 24 19 Dasanggiri 331 161 170 ISO 79 71 Arapara 247 118 129 98 50 48 Jaksongram 463 227 236 213 112 101 Dabigre 40 18 22 Doldamb'Te

301 302 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Village Primary Census Abstract Ba ·hmllrll Industrial calell0!): ofmain workers Name of Village Household industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers Other workers workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2

II 11 8 8 6 4 2 J\lundanggre 66 51 15 9 9 131 119 12 Baigonkona I 2 2 5 4 Sibbari New Market ------Un-inllabited------Sibbari Old Bazar 7 5 2 23 6 17 1 I 36 29 7 Challlbilgre 16 14 2 43 42 I Sibbari 34 28 6 2 2 II II Maraka Chiring 45 41 4 2 2 12 9 3 Banajuri 48 45 3 5 3 2 DOllldoma 41 35 6 4 4 Chambil Baniagre 14 13 1 22 9 13 76 74 2 Chambil Badilllagre 8 8 2 2 Bedolboi 28 22 6 16 14 2 27 27 Rasinagiri 27 20 7 26 19 7 43 41 2 Nilwagiri 33 24 9 38 27 II 14 14 Adinggiri 11 10 1 3 3 Rangclllkipgin 38 36 2 6 6 6 4 2 Netri 49 35 14 5 5 2 139 106 33 Dabram 46 40 6 6 5 Dasanggiri 40 35 5 5 5 77 52 25 Arapara 11 17 21 16 5 8 6 2 Jaksongram 51 43 8 3 3 40 39 Dabib'TC 10 9 I Doldamb'Te

303 DISTRICT CENSUS HAND I:lOOK SOII1H GARO -----Hili S Censlis of India 2001 c. D. Bloc" Location Name of Village Industrial c:atel!o!): code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers number Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

00291000 Mandanggre 50 21 29 13 5 8 37 16 21 00291100 Baigonkona 76 29 47 32 9 23 38 17 21 00291200 Sibbari New Malk~t 00291300 Sibbari Old Bazar ------Ull-inhabited------00291400 Chambilgre 11 9 8 2 I I 13 8 5 00291500 Sibbari 91 38 53 2S 16 9 65 22 43 00291600 Maraka Chiring 131 47 84 3 2 127 45 82 00291700 Banajuri 87 22 65 86 22 64 I I 00291800 Domdoma 79 20 59 79 20 59 00291900 Chambil Baniagre 125 46 79 25 6 19 100 40 60 00292000 Challlbil Badimag.. : 50 13 37 5 3 2 33 7 26 002921{)0 BcdDlboi 14 13 12 12 2 I I 00292200 Rasinagiri 34 II 23 24 10 14 5 I 4 00292300 Nilwagiri 18 3 15 11 2 9 7 I 6 00292400 Adinggiri 46 10 36 29 6 23 10 2 8 00292500 Rangchikipgiri 22 :5 17 20 5 15 00292600 Netri 94 20 74 5 3 2 59 15 44 00292700 Dabram 89 17 72 36 10 26 00292800 Dasanllgiri 70 18 52 38 10 28 :5 2 3 00292900 Arapara 58 2 56 2 2 20 20 00293000 Jaksongram 10 3 7 9 2 7 00293100 Dabigre 196 68 128 158 52 106 18 9 9 00293200 Doldamgre 7 6 6 6

304 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Village Primary Census Abstract Ba .hmara of mars ina I workers Name ofYillage Location Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code number Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2

99 41 511 Mandanggre 00291000 6 3 3 558 232 326 Baigonkona 00291100 15 8 7 Sibbari New Markel 00291200 ------U 11-illhab i I~d------Sibbari Old Bazar 00291300 2 2 135 57 78 Chambilgre 00291400 I 15 6 9 Sibbari 00291500 23 12 II Maraka Chirinll 00291600 99 48 51 Banajtlri 00291700 92 50 42 Domdoma 00291800 42 25 17 Chambil Balliallrc 00291900 II 3 8 243 98 145 Chambil Badilllagr~ 00292000 21 14 7 Bedolboi 00292100 5 5 134 67 67 Rasinalliri 00292200 180 69 III Nilwagiri 00292300 6 5 1 141 77 70 Adillggiri 00292400 2 2 39 19 20 Rallgchikipglfi 00292500 30 2 28 103 55 48 Netri 00292600 44 6 38 9 I 8 215 109 106 Dabram 00292700 27 6 21 121 65 56 Dasanggiri 00292800 35 2 33 151 72 79 Arapara 00292900 I 192 77 115 JaksOIlh'fam 00293000 9 2 7 II 5 6 174 74 100 Dahigre 00293100 22 7 15 Doldamgre 00293200

305 DISTRICT CENSUS HAND BOOK: SOUTH GARO Hil IS Censlis of India 200 I c. D. Hlark Total population (including Location Name of Village Area of Number of Population ill the institutional and hOllseless code Village in houst:holds age-group 0-6 number hectares population) Persons Malt:s Femalt:s Persons Maks Femules 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

000) ROlIg"r" (Tolal) 5117.0 3,151 17,514 8,938 8,576 3,905 1,956 1,949 O()03 ROlIg.. ra (Rural) 587_0 3,ISI i'1,514 8,938 8,5'16 3,905 ),956 1,949 O()O) ROlle .. rll (Urban) Rongara (Rural) 00293300 Siju SOllgilal ------U.,-i.,I.abil~d------00293400 Rongsu Agal 38 239 125 114 57 32 25 00293500 Kalu Songmollg 9 51 27 24 7 3 4 00293600 ROllgsu 32 190 102 88 38 25 13 Rongrigillilll(Rongr~kgill"ll 00293700 Siju Ailieka 19 106 60 46 32 18 14 00293800 Rewak Dabllram 27 170 82 88 39 18 21 00293900 Rewak SOllgmollll 52 319 154 165 71 33 38 00294000 Dakapgre 10 58 24 34 17 9 8 00294100 Rewa!< Kambepal 8 62 27 35 16 7 9 00294200 Rewak Malellgma 49 331 168 163 86 42 44 00294300 ROlll!,SlI Mongbilgillilll 20 145 76 69 39 21 18 00294400 ROllgSli Rillb'Wakgiuim 24 161 81 80 33 15 18 00294500 Hangsapal 20 107 57 50 25 7 18 00294600 Chitmang Maidllgiltilll 21 140 71 69 43 16 27 00294700 Meangiltim 17 71 34 43 22 10 12 00294800 DaUenggittim 54 287 148 139 63 28 3S 0029<\900 Chilmang GOllggmlgillilll 47 241 110 131 64 31 33 00295000 Mongmabel 26 128 66 62 35 20 15 00295100 Chlltmang SOllgmong ------UJl-.llhalJiled------00295200 Chandra Silk 10 52 22 30 15 7 8 00295300 Rongaigillim 39 251 118 133 57 24 33 00295400 Newaram Asim 3.9 248 141 107 54 33 21 00295500 Matchirampal ------Ull- iIII.abiled ------00295600 Rongchellggiri 28 179 84 95 34 16 18 00295700 Chimitap 40 220 112 108 56 22 34 00295800 Samallgillim 33 173 84 89 36 17 19 00295900 Bul Awe 59 368 193 175 82 50 32 00296000 ROlIg .. u Asim 27 145 74 71 37 16 21 00296100 Moradam 41 256 142 114 48 29 19 00296200 Ranl,'feng Bib.a ------1 J". '"hal ,.1 ed------00296300 Halwa Along 79 447 229 218 125 70 5S 00296400 Matchakal ------Un· i,,1 ,"lJiled------00296500 KUllchulIg 12 67 31 36 17 6 II 00296600 Jonkolgiri 7 42 17 25 6 3 3 00296700 Taidang 39 254 127 127 61 29 32 00296800 Kasarisora 29 173 80 93 4S 16 29 00296900 Halwa Ambeng 26 117 62 55 25 13 12 002\17000 Dawek Giltim 12 68 32 36 13 6 7 00297100 Alokpang Dabrd.g'llim 28 152 79 73 4S 24 21 00297200 Alokpang Nokalgir. 41 229 119 110 S6 25 31 00297300 Piiol Project 3 8 8 00297400 Ampanggiri 41 207 114 93 44 26 18 00297500 Dombuk Along 20 95 48 47 11 10 7 00297600 Halwa Bllda 34 180 91 89 38 23 IS 00297700 Nengsara 31 159 76 83 39 21 18 00297800 Scclpllllg 20 102 51 51 18 9 9 00297900 Rona Agal '1 38 17 21 10 6 4 00298000 Gulpani SOllglllollg 43 299 137 162 54 23 31 00298100 Sijubari ------U •• -i •• lmbiled------00298200 ROllgtnin Chirillg 13 68 37 31 14 8 6 00298300 Ranb'langgiri 25 132 72 60 21 10 11 00298400 Rangtang SOIlt,:1Il0nll. ------Uu-i •• habiled------00298500 Ralll,'1allgsora 27 120 59 61 22 10 12 00298600 Teplepa 17 78 41 37 21 17 4 00298700 Kasigiri 10 48 19 29 8 3 S 00298800 Danala Nokal 7 35 I 16 19 12 S 7 00298900 GlIlpani Nakala 41 233 110 123 52 25 27 00299000 Among Rongjol 32 190 97 93 42 20 22 00299100 Inolgin 29 173 100 73 46 21 19 00299200 Bolbokgre 2 II S 6 3 I 2 00299300 Panda Bolsilgre 35 180 100 80 42 24 18 00299400 Mealha 14 9S 46 49 19 6 13

306 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Village Primary Census Abstract Ron ara Name of Village Scheduled Castes popuation Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2

53 31 10 17,071 8,613 8,458 7,670 4,474 1,196 Ronglll-a (Total) 51 11 10 17,071 8,613 8,458 7,670 4,474 1,196 Rongara (Rural) Rongara (Urban) Rongara (Rural) ------U IHllhabit~d------Siju Songilal 10 4 6 229 121 108 83 49 34 Rongsli Agal 51 27 24 5 4 Kalu Songmong 190 102 88 34 25 9 Rongsli Rongrigillinl(ROIlgrc~g'lulII 106 60 46 74 42 32 Siju Anleka 160 74 86 129 64 65 Rewak Daburam 319 154 165 168 95 73 Rewak Songmoug 57 23 34 41 15 26 DakoP!,'Te 62 27 35 46 20 26 Rewak Kambepal 330 167 163 149 81 68 Rewak Malen!,~na 145 76 69 48 31 17 Rongsli Mongbitglll,lI\ 161 81 80 78 41 37 Rongsli Rinl,'Wakgillim 107 57 50 25 18 7 Hangsapal 140 71 69 33 21 12 Chitmang Maidugittim 77 34 43 15 10 5 Meangillim 287 148 139 107 67 40 Dallenggittim 241 110 131 19 13 6 Chitmang Gonggrotgillim 126 65 61 67 34 33 Mongmabel ------Un-i,.llUbiled------Chlltmaug SOllgmonll 48 20 28 II 8 3 Chandra Suk 251 118 133 73 40 33 Rongaigittim 245 138 107 143 85 58 Newaram Asim ------Un-illimbited------Malchirampat 179 84- 95 53 28 25 Rongchenggiri 220 112 108 73 45 28 Chimitap 173 84 89 112 60 52 Samangillim 368 193 175 161 99 62 Bul Awe 145 74 71 60 33 27 RongmAsim 255 141 114 21 18 3 Moradam ------U,.-iuhabiled------Rangreng Bibra 447 229 218 133 87 46 HalwaAtong ------Un-illl.abi Ied------Malchakal 67 31 36 8 7 Kunchung 42 17 25 34 14 20 lonkolgiri 254 121 127 36 31 5 Taidang 173 80 93 42 29 13 Kasarisora 117 62 55 58 31 27 Halwa Ambellg 68 32 36 18 12 6 DawekGillim 152 79 73 42 28 14 Alokpang Dabr~kgilllln 210 109 101 85 56 29 Alokpang Nokatgiri 8 8 4 4 Pilol Projeci 205 112 93 90 54 36 Ampanggiri 95 48 47 38 16 22 Dombuk Along 180 91 89 72 36 36 Halwa Bilda 159 76 83 86 46 40 Nengsara 101 50 51 49 33 16 Seelpang 38 17 21 7 2 5 Rona Agal 299 137 162 133 67 66 Gulpani Songmollg ------Un-i,.habited------Sijubari 68 37 31 19 14 5 Rongmin Chicing 132 72 60 72 44 28 Rallgtanggiri ------Un-illhabiled------Rangtang Songmong 120 59 61 50 32 18 Ranglangsora 78 41 31 22 13 9 Tel'lepa 48 19 29 17 II 6 Kasigiri 35 16 19 I~ 8 4 Danala Nokal 203 100 103 4S 26 19 Gulpani Nokala 190 97 93 55 34 21 Among Rongjol 173 100 73 80 49 31 Inolgiri 11 5 6 7 3 4 Bolbokgre 180 100 80 80 47 33 Panda Bolsil!,'fe 95 46 49 22 13 9 Meatha

307 DISTRICT CENSUS HAND BOOK. SOUTII GARO HII ! S Censlls of India 200 I Co 0 lJIolk Location Name of Village code Illiterates Total workers Main workers number Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

0003 Rongara (1'01111) 9,IIH 4,464 5,380 7,402 4,211 3,191 4,oUS 3,202 1,233 0003 Rongara (Rural) 9,8H 4,464 5,380 7,402 4,211 3,191 4,435 3,202 1,233 0003 Rongara (Urban) Rongara (Rural) 00293300 Siju Songital ------Ull-inl\abit~d------00293400 RongsuAgal 156 76 80 141 71 70 134 68 66 00293500 Kalu SOllgmong 46 23 23 36 21 15 30 17 13 00293600 RongslI 156 17 79 118 61 57 112 55 57 Rongrigittim(ROIlgr~kgllti'lI 00293700 Siju Anteka 32 18 14 51 31 26 45 24 21 00293800 Rewak Daburalll 41 18 23 78 39 39 55 31 24 00293900 Rewak Songmong 151 59 92 127 58 69 54 47 7 00294000 Dakopgre 17 9 8 22 10 12 II 8 3 011294 I Oil Rewak Kamb~pal 16 7 9 31 15 16 23 II 12 00294200 Rewak Malenb'lna 182 87 95 51 55 2 54 54 00294300 Rougsu MongbitgilliLll 97 45 52 56 28 28 56 28 28 00294-100 Rongsu Ringwakgillim 83 40 43 57 27 30 55 27 28 00294S00 Hangsapal 82 39 43 46 24 22 25 24 00294600 Chitmallg Maidugillilll 107 50 57 45 23 22 24 23 00294700 Meangillim 62 24 38 38 19 19 20 14 6 00294800 Dall~nggillilll 180 81 99 131 69 62 III 58 53 00294900 Cbitmallg GOlIggrotgiuilll 222 97 125 122 54 68 51 44 7 00295000 MOlIgmabel 61 32 29 59 29 30 48 25 23 00295100 Chutmang SOIlI>'1l1ong ------U,'-i"habiled------0029S200 Chandra Suk 41 14 27 9 9 9 9 00295300 Rongaigittim 178 78 lOa 114 57 57 39 36 3 00295400 Newaralll Asim 105 56 49 51 45 6 37 37 00295500 Malchiralllpat ------U11- i"habi ted------00295600 Rongchenggiri 126 56 70 89 41 48 39 36 3 00295700 Chimitap 147 67 80 124 70 54 67 55 12 00295800 Samangitlim 61 24 37 41 33 8 29 26 3 00295900 Bul Awe 207 94 113 109 74 35 63 58 5 00296000 ROllb'fU Asim 85 41 44 62 32 30 31 28 3 00296100 Moradam 235 124 III 148 84 64 57 51 6 00296200 Rangreng Bibra ------Un-illhabited------00296300 Halwa Atong 314 142 172 95 90 S 83 82 00296400 Matchakal ------Un-illhahited------00296500 KUllchung 59 24 35 28 15 13 23 14 9 00296600 JOilkolgiri 8 3 5 14 6 8 14 6 8 00296700 Taidang 218 96 122 117 65 52 83 58 25 00296800 Kasarisora 131 51 80 72 34 38 48 34 14 00296900 Halwa Ambeng 59 31 28 71 37 34 42 33 9 00297000 Dawek Gillim 50 20 30 39 18 21 31 16 15 00297100 Alokpang Dabr~kgillilll 110 51 59 67 33 34 31 22 9 00297200 Alokpang Nokatgiri 144 63 81 III 64 47 69 49 20 00297300 Pilot Project 4 4 8 8 6 6 00297400 Ampanggiri 111 60 57 106 66 40 77 59 18 00297500 Dombuk Atong 57 32 25 52 29 23 36 24 12 0 00297600 Halwa Bilda 108 55 53 101 51 50 80 44 36 00297700 Nengsara 73 30 43 69 32 37 68 31 37 00291800 Seelpang 53 18 35 45 21 24 33 21 12 00297900 Rona Agal 31 15 16 20 7 13 15 7 8 00298000 Gulpani Songmong 166 10 96 105 56 49 44 33 II 00298100 Sijubari ------Un-inlli,bited------00298200 Rongmin Chiring 49 23 26 28 13 15 13 II 2 00298300 Rangtanggiri 60 28 32 70 34 36 I 1 00298400 Ranb>tang Songmong ------U,'-inhabited------00298500 Rangtangsora 70 27 43 42 32 10 32 30 2 00298600 Teplepa 56 28 28 40 18 22 19 17 2 00298700 Kasigiri 31 8 23 29 12 17 15 12 3 00298800 Danala Nokal 23 8 15 21 \ II 10 13 9 4 00298900 Gulpani Nokata 188 84 104 III 47 64 31 21 10 00299000 Among Rongjol 135 63 72 107 53 54 41 41 00299100 Inolgiri 93 51 42 66 33 33 57 31 26 00299200 Bo1bokb'fe 4 2 2 6 3 3 6 3 3 00299300 Panda Boisilgre 100 53 47 45 44 I 43 42 I 00299400 Meatha 73 33 40 45 21 24 2 2

308 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Village Primary Census Abstract ROil ara Industrial category of main workers Name ofYiliage Household industry C ulti vators Agricultural labourers Other workers workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2

2,413 1,513 900 735 554 181 65 46 19 1,222 1,089 133 Rungara (Total) 2,413 1,513 900 735 554 181 65 46 19 1,222 1,089 133 Rongara (Rural) Rongara (Urban) Rongara (Rural) ------U,Hllllal.Jitcd------Siju SOll!;ital 120 60 60 4 2 2 10 6 4 Rongsu Agal 29 16 13 Kalil Songmollg 112 55 57 ROllgSII ROIlb,JTigitllm(Rongre:kglttLlu 33 15 18 4 3 7 5 2 Siju Anteka 23 10 13 12 7 5 5 4 15 13 2 Rewak Daburam 18 16 2 22 20 2 2 2 12 9 3 Rewak Sonj,'l110llg 9 7 2 2 I I DakoPb'fC 12 4 8 4 3 2 2 5 2 3 Rewak Kambcpal 1 47 47 6 6 Rewak Malellgma 55 28 27 I ROllgsu MOllgbitgltlilll 51 24 27 2 2 2 ROllgsu Rillj,'Wakginilll 7 7 18 11 Hangsapal 2 1 2 2 20 20 Chitmang Maidugiltim 20 14 6 Meangitlim 97 45 52 2 2 II II Dallenggillim 49 42 1 2 2 Chitmang Gonggrotgittim 38 IS 23 3 3 7 7 Mongmabel ------Un-illl13hitcd------Chlltmang Songmong 4 4 3 3 2 2 Chandra Silk II 10 21 20 3 2 4 4 Rongaigitlim 23 23 4 4 10 10 Newaram Asim ------U,l-inhabited------Matchiralllpat 39 36 3 Rongchenggiri 63 51 12 4 4 Chimitap 18 11 1 9 8 2 I I Salllangitlim 15 15 26 26 22 17 5 Bul Awe 17 14 3 10 10 4 4 Rongru Asim 20 16 4 35 33 2 2 2 Moradam ------U,l-illilabited------Rangreng Bibra 73 73 10 9 Halwa Atong ------Un-illhabited------Matchakal 20 II 9 1 2 2 Kunchllng 14 6 8 Jonkolgiri 82 57 25 I Taidang 39 26 13 5 4 4 4 Kasarisora 34 25 9 7 7 I Halwa Alllbenll 31 16 15 DawekGittilll 8 5 3 20 14 6 2 2 Alokpang Dabrd,!!itlim 9 6 3 50 34 16 9 8 Alokpang Nokatgiri 6 6 Pilot Project 13 6 7 38 27 II 5 5 21 21 Ampanglliri 35 23 12 1 I Dombuk Along 77 42 35 3 2 Halwa Bilda 57 22 35 11 9 2 Nengsara 25 15 10 2 2 6 6 Seelpanll 14 7 1 Rona Agal 14 11 3 9 8 21 14 7 Gulpani Songlllong ------U n-i nllabitcd------Sijubari 8 7 4 3 I Ronj,'ll1in Chiring I I Rangtanggiri ------Un-inhabited------Rangtang Songmong 3 2 29 28 Rangtangsora 15 15 2 2 2 2 Teptepa 15 12 3 Kasigiri 13 9 4 Danala Nokat 25 16 9 3 3 3 2 Gulpani Nokata 20 20 17 17 4 4 Among Rongjol 48 25 23 9 6 3 Inolgiri 6 3 3 Bolbokgre I 5 5 37 36 Panda Boisilgre 2 2 Meatha

309 ______.....:D~I.....:S_1_I_H_C...:.r_C::..I::_IJSlJS IIAND BOOK, SOlHH GAHO 1111 l S Census of Indict 200 I c. D. Hlo('k Location Name of Village Industrial category code Marginal \\ orkers Cultivators Agricultural labourers number Persons I\laks females Persons Males Females Persons Mal"s Fel11aks 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

OUU3 HOII!;lll'a (Tolal) 2,'167 I,UII9 1,9511 1,1171 52~ 1,3~7 722 295 427 (lUIl3 Rung"n, (Runll) 2,967 I,UU9 1,9511 1,1171 524 1,347 722 295 427 OUU3 !tollga"a «(Irban) HOlIgllnl (I{ural) 00291 ~O(l SIJII SOIl\o\II,,1 ------\ J11- i 1111 "bil~d-· -.------0019.l~OO ROll!!SlI Agal 462 4 0(11)]500 Kalil SOl1gmollg (1 2 532 0029J600 HOlIgsu 6 .5 Rongrig.ttim(RongTcl..gllt'm 0029] 700 Siju Alltcka I~ 7 6 2 4 3 3 00293S00 Hewak Dabul',ulI 21 8 15 17 5 12 3 2 002<)1900 Hewak Songmoug 71 II 62 47 7 40 19 2 17 0029·I()OO Da~opgr~ II 2 9 10 2 8 I I 0029,1100 ({"wak Kambepal 8 4 4 7 1 4 00191200 Rcwak Malengma .. 2 3 2 00294300 ({ongsu MOlIghilginim 0029HOO ROllgsu Rillgwalgillim 2 2 2 2 00294500 II

310 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Village Primary Census Abstract Run ran, of marE,lIlal workers Naille of Village Location Household Industry workers Olher workers NUll-workers code number Persons Males Femalcs Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 50 51 52 53 5.1 55 56 57 58 2

37 IS 22 337 17S 162 W,I12 -1,727 S,311S I{Ollgilnl (Tol:ll) 0003 37 15 22 337 175 162 10,112 -1,727 5,385 ({ollg""" «((unll) 0003 nong" .... (Urbull) OI}o3 I{ollg'u'" (UumJ) ------_____ 1In -inllolhit~ll------Slju Songllal 00291JO() 91:\ 54 44 Rongsu Agal 00293400 IS 6 9 K .. lu 50ngmollg 00293500 72 41 31 Rongsu 00293600 Rongrigiuiln(Rongl..;kglttilu 2 49 29 10 SIJU Alltek .. 0()29.nO() 2 2 92 43 49 Rcwak Dabufillll 00293800 6 192 96 96 Rewak Songlllollg 0021)3900 36 14 22 Dakopgre 00294000 31 12 19 Rewak Kambepal 00294100 274 113 161 Rewak Malcngma 00294200 89 48 41 Rongsu Mongbitgillllll 00294300 104 54 50 Rongsu Ringwakgillim 00294400 II 8 61 33 28 Ilallgsapal 00294500 95 48 47 Chitmang Maidugittim 00294600 39 15 24 Meangiltim 00294700 2 10 3 156 79 77 Dallcnggjttim 00294800 1 119 56 63 Chitmang Gonggrotgittilll 00294900 2 2 9 4 5 69 37 32 Mongnmbel 00295000 -- ~.~ ------U 11-1111 wbi It:u------Chutmallg Songmong 00295100 43 IJ ]0 Chandm Suk 00295200 3 2 6 2 4 137 61 76 ROllgaigiltim 00295300 2 2 197 96 101 Newaram Asim 00295400 ------Un-inhabiled------Matchirnmpat 00295500 90 43 47 ROllgchcnggiri 00295600 96 42 54 Chimitap 00295700 132 51 81 Samangittinl 00295800 259 119 140 Bill Awe 00295900 83 42 41 Rongru Asim 00296000 108 58 SO Moradam 00296100 ------1 In-illhabilc,I------Rallgreng Bib .... 00296200 9 6 3 352 139 213 I lalwa Atong 00296300 ------U n-inhab ilcd------Matchakal 00296400 39 16 23 KUIlChullg 00296500 28 II 17 Jonkolgili 00296600 137 62 75 T,aidang 00296700 101 46 55 Kasarisora 00296800 46 25 21 Halwa Ambcng 00296900 29 14 15 Dawek Gittim 00297000 2 2 85 46 39 Alokpang Dabrc~giltilll 00297 JOO 2 2 118 55 63 Alukpang Nokatgiri 00297200 Pilot Project 00297300 2 101 48 53 Ampallggiri 00297400 43 19 24 Dombuk Atong 00297500 79 40 39 Halwa Bilda 00297600 90 44 46 Nengsara 00297700 57 30 27 Scclpang 00297800 18 10 8 Rona Agal 00297900 194 81 III Gulp"n; Songmollg 00298000 ------U II-I nllabltcd------Sijllbari 00298100 40 24 16 Rongmill Chirillg 00298200 62 38 24 Ranglanggiri 00298300 ------Un- i IIllabited------Rangtallg Songmong 00298400 4 2 2 78 27 51 Ranglangsora 00298500 38 23 15 Tcplcpa 00298600 19 7 12 K&ls.igiri 00298700 14 5 9 Dallala Nokat 00298800 4 122 63 59 Gllipalli Nokata 00298900 2 2 83 44 39 Among ROlIgjol 00299000 4 3 107 67 40 IlIolgiri 00299100 5 2 3 Bolbokgre 00299200 2 2 1.l5 56 79 Pallda Boisilgre 00299300 2 2 50 25 25 Meatha 00299400

311 DISTRICT CENSUS llANO IJOOK . SullTl Il3!'.RLI 11111 :; Census of India 200 I c. D. B1()I;k Tolal populalion (iliciudllig Localion Name of Village Area of Number of l'opulallOIl in lh.: cod.: inslilullunaland hOlls,,:lcss Villag" ill hous.:holds age-group 0-6 number hcdan.:s populalion) P..:rsons Muks Fl'IHul..:s Persons Males Females 2 3 567 8 9 10

OO~'),)5l)O B()l>alliplir 22 95 46 49 17 8 9 OO~')')(,OO Bilko"" 21 116 63 53 16 7 9 ()02'),)700 RallgasOIiI 37 2D 137 96 42 19 23 002')')800 Panda ChiLbili 18 96 53 43 14 9 002')9900 Dalllb"k Aga 52 320 156 164 IW 38 42 00)(10000 B"lchugiri 5 28 17 II 7 5 2 00)00 I on Uilsillggiri 47 227 121 106 46 23 23 00300200 Gaobari 48 262 125 1:\7 61 28 33 00)00300 AlIlonggil i 14 67 32 35 II 7 4 00)00400 RilngHI ROllgllllllla 32 154 84 70 39 19 20 00300500 New R

312 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Village Prima.·y Census Abstnlct HUll 'lira

ScI",JukJ Castes popua!lon S"h"dukJ Tribes popllla!IUn 1.lh"::la'c~

Persons M;.]les Femalt.:s Persons Males Females Persons Males II 12 13 14 15 16 17 13 19 2

95 46 49 49 31 IS BoballIpur 116 63 53 58 36 22 Bilkoll:! 214 118 96 157 98 S9 Rangasnr.a 81 38 43 51 35 16 Panda Cluk",111 320 156 164 197 100 97 Dambuk Aga 28 17 II 20 12 8 Bolcllllgiri 116 120 106 85 57 28 DllslIIggin 262 125 137 174 86 88 Gilobari 67 32 35 3l! 21 17 AlIloliggiri ISO 80 70 81 53 28 Rangra R()lIglulllJ.l 292 130 162 189 87 102 New RongHla 281 148 135 14-1 75 (1<) Rong"ra Dabokkol 123 59 64 62 39 23 Romp" Alling 37 17 20 23 12 I I ROlllpa SOllgmollg ------lJll-lllll.dHtcd------Rangtallggiri 103 54 49 70 4.' 27 Gandillgrc 587 307 280 .,55 219 136 Ncko .... 17 II 6 9 7 2 Mahcskola 142 67 75 73 39 34 MolHldco SUligmolig 133 63 70 73 39 34 N~w ROlllpa 90 42 48 41 21 20 Halisia 119 56 63 53 32 21 Sanbana 61 34 27 35 18 17 Makbilkona 17 II 6 179 94 85 161 101 60 Malikona 208 105 103 106 66 40 PochisllIilc 401 196 205 153 81 72 Gulpalli BilJliI 105 51 54 22 15 7 Wachal C11irillg 203 102 101 132 73 59 Wage Kona 116 56 60 63 35 28 Agalchikona 39 24 15 21 15 6 Nolbari 60 28 32 34 20 14 Tarnibari 38 11 21 18 9 9 Badilllbari 139 65 74 82 44 38 Oripur 186 88 98 108 72 36 Dalllbuk Ap,,1 153 82 71 64 39 2S Rubb"r Ginilll 171 89 82 5 4 I Tok Ickbari 293 149 144 143 S2 61 Imbloka 114 56 58 86 70 16 Rangara Malcha~1)1 42 20 22 21 II 10 Gramkol 168 89 79 57 36 21 Nadangkolj 118 59 59 26 19 7 Chenggni Champa 170 83 87 106 54 52 Galasora 367 186 181 162 92 70 Chenggni Songlllong 96 55 41 73 48 2S Kallai 157 85 72 62 40 22 Hahbcl 80 39 41 38 22 16 Durabcla 89 50 39 32 22 10 Adachepa 128 58 70 59 33 26 Bonbcm 113 47 66 54 28 26 Batlalmn 71 33 38 34 15 19 Nikwalgrc 26 8 276 138 138 183 107 76 Mohadeo Warillla 138 71 67 62 40 22 Ailatuh ------IJII-IIIII"bilc"------Bctgora 93 50 43 60 37 23 Upper Pasg"on 142 78 64 26 19 7 Dandr oil Sora 35 18 17 9 7 2 Lower Pasgaon ------Un-illhabiled------Sapaisora 217 III 106 127 65 62 Rambil Ginilll DISTRICT CEN::;US llANO BOOK. SOUTH GAHc! till I:::. Census of India 200 I c. I). Block Locallon Name of Village code TUIUI workers Muin wllrkers numbcr Pcrsons Mules Females Persolls Males Femilks PerSOI1S ""Jales Femuks 2 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28

00299500 Buhullipur 46 15 31 44 21 23 15 15 00299600 lJilkonu 58 27 31 44 21 21 5 4 00299700 Rungil.or" 76 39 37 98 66 32 34 32 2 00299800 Pallda Chil.",," 45 18 27 37 34 3 34 34 00299900 Oambllk Aga 123 56 67 135 66 69 95 56 39 00300000 Bolchugiri 8 5 3 12 6 6 12 6 6 00300100 Dilsillggiri 142 64 78 107 56 51 105 56 49 00300200 Gaob.. ri 88 39 49 120 59 61 117 57 60 00300300 AlI10nggili 29 II 18 32 13 19 21 10 II 00300400 Rallgra ROlIglOlllli1 73 31 42 61 41 20 40 33 7 00300500 New Rongara 103 43 60 60 46 14 43 31 12 00300600 Rongara Dabokl.ul 142 76 66 75 61 14 74 61 13 00.100700 ROlllpa Adillg 61 20 41 29 27 2 26 25 I Oll.\(lO!;OO RDmp" Songmollg 14 5 9 9 .) 9 9 0()100900 Ranglilnggiri -----·------l JU-I ullal HI,!d------0030 I 000 Gandhigre 34 12 22 55 26 29 00301100 Ncl.:om 248 100 148 324 187 137 103 91 6 00301200 Mailcskola 9 5 4 14 2 2 00302500 Taraibari 27 9 18 29 17 12 13 12 00302600 Badill1bali 2U 8 12 15 j 10 8 4 4 00302700 Oripur 126 61 65 87 46 41 71 38 33 00302800 Dambllk Ap,,1 98 36 62 87 54 33 59 53 6 00302900 Rubber Gillim 90 44 46 53 29 24 29 27 2 00303000 Tol.:lekbari 166 85 81 95 43 52 95 43 52 00303100 IlIIbloka 152 69 83 108 67 41 77 55 22 00303200 Rangara Maldmkol 76 34 42 117 80 37 101 72 29 00303300 Gralllkol 21 9 12 31 13 18 25 II I~ 00303400 Nadangkolj 112 54 58 85 45 40 31 31 00303500 Chenggni Cha",pa 92 40 52 65 31 34 30 25 5 00303600 Galasora 65 )0 35 70 38 32 5 3 2 00303700 Chllnggni Songlllollg 205 94 III 140 79 61 55 53 2 00303800 KalJili 41 24 17 59 40 19 17 17 00J039()0 lialibcl 95 45 50 44 41 3 31 33 0030.1000 Durabela 43 18 25 22 15 7 15 II ·1 00304100 Adacllcpa 57 28 29 37 25 12 21 19 1. 0030.1200 Bonbera 69 25 44 37 29 8 30 25 5 0030.1300 Balla!>an 60 20 40 44 27 17 31 23 8 00304400 Nikwalb~c 31 18 19 28 14 14 16 12 4 00304500 Mohadeo Warima 124 54 70 129 93 36 98 83 15 00304600 Ailaluli 78 33 45 65 34 31 32 30 2 00304700 BClgora ------UI.-illh"uiICd------00304800 Upper Pa.gaon 33 13 20 48 26 22 00304900 Bandra Sora 116 59 57 48 27 21 4 :1 00305000 Lower Pasgaoll 26 II 15 18 11 7 3 3 00305100 Sapaisora ------·-·--Un-inl".bil~d------..--- 00305200 Rambil Giltim 9S 50 45 55 43 12 42 37 5

314 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Village Pl'imary Census Abstract Itun Jara Induslrml calegory ormain workers Name orVillage HOllseholu induslry Cultivalors Agricultural labourers Ollwr worl;ers \.\lOrKCrS Persons Males Females Persons Mal"s Females Persons Males Femaks Per,ons Mules Females 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2

II II 4 BobaollpLIr 4 Bilkolla I 33 Jl 2 Rangasora ~ .. 29 29 Pa.nda Chikil~m 55 30 25 7 2 33 24 9 Dambuk Aga II 6 5 Bolchugiri luO 51 Dilsinggiri 83 23 60 33 33 Guuhal-i 16 10 6 5 AIHonggJri 7 4 3 5 2 2 26 25 RangHt ROllglolllliJ 43 31 I 2 New Rongam 9 4 2 2 63 54 9 ROllg .... a DaboUol 9 8 10 10 6 6 Romp" Ading I 7 7 I{OIllpa Songnlung ------l In-ulhahlh.:d----... ------Raugl

315 DISTRICT CENSUS HAND BOOK: SOLJTH (3Af{O IHLLS CenSliS of India 2001 CD B10l" Location Name ofVillagc Indu,tnal catcgnry code fvhlrginul \\ori-..:rs Cultivators Agricultural labourers numb..:r Pl!rsollS- I\htlcs Fcmaks Persons Males h!ll1ai..:s Persons Mal..:s Females 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

00299500 130banipllL 29 (, 23 23 (, 17 5 5 00299600 Bilkona 39 19 20 26 14 12 00299700 Rangasora 64 34 30 35 19 16 00299800 Panda Chikasin 3 3 00299900 Dumbuk Aga 40 10 30 33 25 2 00300000 Bolchugiri 00300 I 00 Dilsinggiri 2 2 2 2 00300200 Gaoba,i 3 2 I 2 00300300 Amouggiri II 3 8 3 00300400 Rangra RongluhlH' 21 8 13 I 18 II 00300500 New Rongara 17 15 2 00300600 ROllgara Dabokl..ul 00300700 ROlllpa Ading 2 00300800 ROlllpa Songmong 00300900 I{angtanggiri ------l Jil-Illhdllll-l!d------~------0030 I 000 Gandhigre 5-1 25 29 4-1 19 15 JO 6 4 0010 II 00 Nekora 221 90 131 112 27 85 27 II 16 00301200 Maheskohl 14 II 6 14 8 6 0030 I 300 Mohadeo SuUglllOllg 20 19 4 4 0030 I ~OO New Rompa 13 3 10 12 2 10 0030 I 500 Hatisia 25 I 24 25 24 00301600 Sanbanu 54 25 29 53 25 28 00301700 Makbilkulla 16 7 9 16 7 9 00301800 Malikolla 54 32 22 2 2 0010 J 900 PochislIIilc 46 9 37 41 8 33 5 4 0030200() G"ll'ani Bib", 132 59 73 42 6 36 83 ~8 35 00302100 Wachal Chiring 8 3 5 6 1 5 00301200 Wage KOlla 14 5 9 13 4 9 00302300 Agalchikona 13 6 7 I 12 5 7 00302400 Nolbari 12 6 6 II 5 6 00302500 Taraibari 16 5 II 6 5 10 4 6 00302600 Badilllbari 7 I 6 4 3 3 3 00302700 Orilll,r 16 8 8 IS 8 7 00302800 Damb,,!. Apal 28 I 27 17 16 II II 00302900 Rubhe, (iitlim 24 2 22 16 14 6 6 OIn03000 Tokkkbari OOl03100 Iollbloka 31 12 19 7 2 5 20 II 00303200 Rangara Matdlak,)1 16 8 8 14. 7 7 2 I 00303300 Gramkol 6 2 4 6 2 4 00303400 Nadangkolj 54 14 40 51 12 39 00303500 Chcn~glli Champa 35 6 29 31 5 26 00303600 G "Iasora 65 35 30 65 35 30 00301700 ChclI~glli SUllgmonll 85 26 59 83 15 58 2 O(nO.1800 Kall"i 42 23 19 3fi 20 16 OIlJ().~900 Iialibel II 8 3 6 3 3 2 00301000 Durabeta 4 3 7 4 3 00304 J 00 Adachepa 16 6 10 14 4 10 2 2 00304200 BOllb"ra 7 4 3 2 I 3 1 00304300 Ballaban 13 4 9 10 3 7 3 2 00304400 Nikwalgrc 12 2 10 12 2 10 00304500 Mohadeo WlIIilllil II 10 21 14 3 II 9 9 00304600 Ailaluli 33 4 29 26 3 23 6 6 0030-1700 Sctgora ------1 JIl-illl',lhllcll- .------0030-1800 Upper Pas!;aoll 48 26 22 48 26 22 00304900 Bandm Sum H 26 18 14 10 4 26 15 00305000 Lower I'asgaon IS 8 7 532 10 "5 00305 100 Sapaisora ------lJ n- i Iliial )'Ied------00305200 Rambil Gillilll 13 6 785 3

316 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Vilh.ge Primary Census Ahst.-act I~()II Jilnt ofmargill(]1 workers Name orVilbgc Locatloll Household industry workers Otll"r workers Nnll-\V(lrkcrs cOl.k Ilumber Persons Males F.cmales P~r-SlH1S I\talcs F~nla'es Persons Males l-'cillaks 50 51 52 53 54 5S 56 57 )1:( 2

51 25 26 Bobanipur U()29')500 12 5 7 72 40 32 Bilkona 002'J9600 29 15 14 135 71 6-1 l~angas(H"a 00299700 3 3 59 19 40 Pdnua Cllika~ln 00299800 4 3 185 90 95 Dambuk Aga 00299900 16 II 5 !3okhugiri 00300000 120 65 55 Dllsmgglri (J0300100 142 66 76 Gaobilri 0()3002()0 4 35 19 16 AIlHmggln 00300300 2 93 43 50 Rangra Ronghllll101 003()0~00 2 2 10 8 2 212 84 1~8 New Rongara 003()0500 211 90 121 Rongara Dabokkol 0030060() 94 32 62 Rompa Ading ()O3007[lO 28 8 20 Rompa SOllgmung 00300800 ------IJ.I-I,"'.,[>II"d------Rilllgtallggiri 0030(J900 49 29 20 Gandhigre 00301000 7 3 ~ 75 49 26 279 132 147 Nekora 00301100 4 4 Mahc,kol" 00301200 16 15 93 40 53 Mohadeo SOllgmollg 00301300 98 39 59 New Rompa 00301400 37 15 22 I-Iatisia 00301500 61 27 34 Sallbana 00301600 18 13 5 Makbilkona 00301700 51 2') 22 148 60 88 Malikon" 00301800 III 56 55 Pochislllilc 00301900 2 2 5 250 123 127 Gulpani Bib .... 00302000 43 21 22 Waclml Chiring 00302100 117 56 61 Wage Kona 00302200 61 29 32 Agalchikona 00302300 25 16 9 Nolbari 00302400 32 12 20 Taraibari 00302500 23 12 II Badimbarj 00302600 121 59 62 Oripur 00302700 119 54 65 Dambuk Apal 00302800 2 2 101 54 47 Rubber Giuim 003()2900 76 46 30 Toklekbari 00303000 3 187 84 103 hnbloka 0030] 100 45 24 21 Rangara Malch,,~ol 00303200 II 7 4 GralHkol 00303300 3 2 I 84 45 39 Nadangkolj 0030340(J 3 3 53 28 25 Chcnggni Champa 00303500 101 46 55 Galasora 00303600 227 107 120 Chcnggni SonglUong 00303700 6 3 55 32 23 Kanai 00303800 3 3 113 44 69 Ilatibel 00303900 59 25 34 Dun,bcla 00304000 52 25 27 Adachepa 00304100 2 2 91 29 62 l30nbera 00304200 10 21 49 Batlaban 00304100 43 19 24 Nikwalgre 00304400 2 2 6 178 68 110 Mohadeo Warima 00304500 I 75 39 36 Ailaluli 00304600 ------Uu-milallilcd------!3clgora 00304100 45 24 21 Upper Pasgaon 00304800 2 2 2 94 51 43 Balldra Sora 00304900 17 10 Lower Pasgaon 00305000 ~------U11-illllabilcd------Sapaisora 00305100 5 4 167 72 95 Rambil Giltim 00305200

317 LJIS fRlCl CENSUS llANO BOOK: SOU fH GARO IlIll S Census of India 2001

Area of Location Name of Townl Ward Townl Ward Numbl!r of Total population (including Population in the code in squarl! households instltLltional and hous.::iess ug.::-group 0-6 numb.:r K ilml1l!trl' population) Pl!rsnns Males h;males Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

.jtlltllOOU n"glllllal'a (Mil) l!.Im I,SIl3 8,641 4,6U8 4,UlS 1,513 762 751 0001 Wald No, I 170 922 503 419 156 73 83 0002 Ward No. 2 121 826 435 391 181 93 88 0003 ,"'all! No 3 86 350 213 137 62 29 33 000·1 Ward No. 4 61 338 168 170 48 27 21 0005 Ward No. 5 227 1,113 616 ~97 177 91 86 0006 Ward No 6 25 137 69 68 30 13 17 0007 Wald No.7 222 1,189 597 592 225 119 106 OOOS Wald No.8 73 405 20·1 201 37 18 19 OllO9 W,udNo. ') 112 673 156 117 128 61 67 DOlO ",'aid No IU 73 487 252 2.,5 93 49 44 DOli Ward No II 242 1.401 762 639 243 127 116 0012 Ward No. 12 81 502 237 265 90 38 52 0013 Ward No. 13 84 300 196 104 43 24 19

318 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Urban Primary Census Abstract

Namo; ofTownl Ward ScI,,:JuJcJ Ca~lc~ population S"hedukd Tribe~ poplIlcllion I.ilewlo;s

Persons I\.lalcs Females Persons 1\1al<:5 Females Persons Maks Females II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2

162 92 70 6.9HIl j;SH2 3..&06 S.97H 3.30(1 2.678 Uaghmu,-a (!\lll) 70 41 29 578 279 299 687 396 291 Ward No I 826 435 391 494 277 217 Wa.d No 2 210 III 99 234 149 85 Ward No 3 2711 137 141 142 73 69 Ward No 4 117 47 40 299 160 13'> 8]7 485 342 Ward No. 5 136 6H 68 70 39 31 Ward No 6 4 3 1,127 561 566 862 435 427 WaHl No 7 405 204 201 280 143 137 W""I No 8 6]2 307 315 421 220 201 W",d No 9 470 236 234 280 138 142 Wa,d No. 10 I ,2~8 662 586 1,068 596 472 W",d No 502 237 265 364 181 183 W",d No. "12 287 185 102 249 168 81 Ward No 13

319 DISTRICT CEN~,lJS IIAI-JD UOOK . SOlJ 111 GAl ,() 1111 I S Censlis of India 200 I

Location Nallle llfToWll1 Ward code lIi1tcralc~ TOlal w"rl-cr~ Main wOrl,Cf$ Ilumbcr

Pcr~ons Maks Fcmales Persons I\bks FCJlJaJ..:s J>cf~l)nS 1\1"J.:s h':lllaks 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

4113111000 U"ghm" .... (I\IU) 2,665 I ,311M 1,357 3,276 2,:!M" 992 2,266 I,M3" 432 0001 W,,,,I No. I 235 107 128 305 269 36 303 267 36 0002 WaHl No 2 332 158 174 200 141 59 51 40 II 0003 W",dNo 3 116 64 52 156 142 14 153 139 14 0004 Ward No. 4 196 95 101 77 56 21 45 39 6 0005 Wa"INo 286 131 155 ~32 373 59 415 365 50 0006 WaHl No 6 67 30 37 28 21 7 28 21 7 0007 Wald NO.7 327 162 165 344 :~2-l 120 264 202 62 0008 W",dNo. 8 125 61 64 98 75 23 95 73 22 0009 W,udNo. 9 252 136 116 461 ~48 213 227 161 66 0010 Ward No. 10 207 114 93 176 101 75 116 82 34 0011 Wall] No. II 333 166 167 653 ·.01 252 394 289 105 0012 Ward No. n 138 56 82 123 79 44 52 40 12 0013 Wald No. 13 51 28 23 223 154 69 123 116 7

320 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Urban Primary Census Abstract

Imlll'trial ea"'~ory of main work~rs Nalll~ ofTnwnl Ward I-Itlus~hold industry ClIllivmnrs Agneult IIral IClbour..:rs 01 hl!r workers workers

Persons Males f"males Persons "'Iales Females Persolls Males females Pcrson~. Males Females :!9 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2

32 26 6 30 20 10 45 40 5 2,159 1,7-18 .. II U"!;hlll .... " (l\IH) I 2 I I 10 10 21)() 255 35 W:lldNo I 12 7 5 38 32 6 WmdNo 2 5 5 148 134 14 Wald No. 3 .j 2 2 41 37 4 WalllNo 4 II 9 2 404 356 48 Ward No. 5 28 21 7 Wao" No.6 7 7 256 194 62 Wmd No 7 4 4 6 3 2 82 62 20 Ward No. 8 9 8 6 3 212 150 62 Ward No 9 I I 115 81 34 W:lldNo J(I 2 I) 382 ~80 102 Walll No II 9 7 2 3 3 40 30 10 Ward No J2 123 J 16 7 WmdNo 13

321 DIS1HIC I CtcN:::;US llANO t300K . SOUl II GAI«) 11111 S Censlis of India. 20lU Indll:;lriul culcl;;o,2' Lllcullull Namc ofT,"'n/ 'Nard cod" II.h,rglllJI 'HlI hcrs CUlll\ululS Agriculillrullubollr",s nllmb"r

Pcr!lulls 1\1.II<:s Females Pl!fSllIlS M.lks FClllaks Persons Mllks Fcmaks 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 4tl 4')

4113U1UOO 11;'1:11", .. , ... (Mil) 1,010 45O 560 37 26 11 10 9 0001 Wmd No. I 2 2 0002 Wmd No. 2 1-19 101 48 16 1·1 2 5 4 0003 Wa,dNo. 3 3 3 0004 W",d No. 4 .12 17 15 4 4 0005 Wald No 17 8 9 0006 Wilid No. 6 OU07 W",d No. 7 IW 22 58 0008 Ward No. 8 3 2 I 2 2 0009 WiudNo. I) 2J.j 117 1-17 2 UUiO Willd No. 10 60 19 41 2 1 (lOll \J.liliU No. II ~59 112 147 (lOll Wmd No 12 71 39 32 II h 3 3 OOLl Wmd No. 13 100 38 62 I

322 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Urban Primary Census Abstract

of maq:!,inal workers Name of Townl Ward Location Household industry Other workers Non-workers code workers number Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2

7 3 4 956 412 544 5,367 2,324 3,043 Baghmara (MB) 40301000 2 2 617 234 383 Ward No.1 0001 3 3 125 80 45 626 294 332 Ward No.2 0002 3 3 194 71 123 Ward NO.3 0003 28 13 15 261 112 149 Ward NO.4 0004 17 8 9 681 243 438 Ward No. 5 0005 109 48 61 Ward No. 6 0006 79 22 57 845 373 472 Ward No. 7 0007 1 307 129 178 Ward No. 8 0008 231 86 145 212 108 104 Ward No.9 0009 58 17 41 311 151 160 Ward No. 10 0010 259 112 147 748 361 387 Ward No. 11 0011 2 2 5S 31 24 379 158 221 Ward No. 12 0012 98 38 60 77 42 35 Ward No. 13 0013



Annexure-I change. It is a movement of the population from one place to another for various reasons. In census mi­ Number of villages under Gram Panchayats grants are classified by place of birth and place of There is no Gram Panchayats as Administration last residence. A persons is considered a migrant by Units in the State of Meghalaya. Hence, the data is place of birth if the place he/she is enumerated dur­ not available and cannot be furnished under this ing census is other than the place of hislher birth. Annexure. Similarly, a persons is considered a migrant by place Annexure-II of last residence if he/she is enumerated in a place other than hislher immediate place of last residence. Fertility, Mortality and Migration A person enumerated in his/her place of birth can be Fertility, mortality and migration are the three com­ a migrant by place of last residence if his/her imme­ ponents of population change. They balance against diate place of last residence is other than hislher place one another. In combination they determine whether of birth. a population will grow, decline or remain static. A Annexure-III population increases due to births, it decreases due to deaths and either increases or decreases due to net Various measures of fertility and mean age at migration. The definition of each of the above is given marriage below. The various measures of fertility have been given in the Analytical Note under the non-census-concepts. Fertility In this annexure we are going to analyse the follow­ In demography, the term fertility is used in rela­ ing indicators of fertility. tion to the actual production of children or occurrence of births. Fertility is a measure by which a population (i) General Fertility Rates (GFR): adds to itself and normally assessed by relating the It is the number of live births per 1000 women in number of births to a full or part of the population, the reproductive age-groups (15-49) years in a given such as the number of married women or women of year. From the table we know that average General the child-bearing age. It must, however, be remem­ Fertility rate of the State comes to 129.7. Amongst bered that fertility has all to depend on marriage. No the districts, East Garo Hills is having lowest fertility marriage, no fertility. Early marriage, high fertility and rate with only 105.7 while West Khasi Hills district late marriage, low fertility. Crude Birth Rate (CBR) gives highest rate with 155.8. is the most simple and perhaps the most widely quoted measure of fertility. It is the ratio of the number of (ii) General Marital Fertility Rates (GMFR): live births in a year to the midyear population nor­ It is the number of live birth per 1000 married mally expressed per 1000 population. women in the reproductive age-group (15-49) years in a given year. The table shows that the General Mortality Marital Fertility rate of the State as 140.1 and the Mortality is the cessation of life of a member of West Khasi Hills district shows highest rate with 168.3 a population commonly known as death. It is a mea­ while East Garo Hills shows lowest rate with 114.3. sure by which a population deducts from itself and normally assessed by relating the number of deaths (iii) Total Fertility Rates (TFR): to the population. Crude Death Rate (CDR) is the It is the total of the Age Specific Fertility rates simplest and most used measure of mortality. It is the for the entire reproductive age span. It shows the ratio of the number of deaths in a year to the mid­ average number of children that will be born to a year population normally expressed per 1000 popula­ woman under the fertility levels indicated b~ the age tion. specific fertility rates assuming that there is no mor­ Migration tality of women till the completion of the reproductive Migration is the third component of population period. The table indicates the total fertility rate of


Various measures of fertility and mean age at marriage, 1991

No of children ever Child Sl. Mean age State/District GFR GMFR TFR TMFR CBR born pel woman in woman No. at marriage age group 45-49 ratio

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1. MeghaJaya State 129.7 140.1 4.2 4.5 22.6 4.8 6.8 19.3 2. Weast Garo Hills District 115.5 124.0 3.7 4.0 22.2 4.7 6.5 18.7 3. East Garo Hills District 105.7 114.3 3.4 3.5 20.2 4.1 7.0 19.2 4. South Garo Hills District 115.5 124.0 3.7 4.0 22.2 4.7 6.5 18.7 5. West Khasi Hills District 155.8 168.3 5.0 5.3 24.8 4.9 8.2 19.6 6. Ri-Bhoi District 132.9 150.0 4.3 4.6 22.0 4.9 6.1 19.9 7. East Khasi Hills District 132.9 150.0 4.3 4.6 22.0 4.9 6.1 19.9 8. Jaintia Hills District 153.1 167.6 4.9 5.3 25.6 5.4 8.2 19.1 the State as 4.2. The higest rate amongst the district born per woman aged 45-49 as 4.8 for the state. indicate in West Khasi Hills with 5.0 and the lowest Jaintia Hills district gives highest number with 5.4 while rate in East Garo Hills with 3.4. East Garo Hills gives the lowest number with only 4.1. (iv) Total Marital Fertility rate (TMFR): It is the average number of children that would (vii) Child Women Ratio: be born to a married woman if she excercises the It is the number of cfhildren in the age group 0- current fertility pattern throughout her reproductive 4 years per 1000 women in the age group 15-49 years. span (15-49) years assuming that there is no mortal­ The table shows the child women ratio as 6.8 for the ity of women till the completion of the reproductive State. Both West Khasi Hills and Iaihtia Hills give period. As per the table the Total Marital Fertility rate higher ratio with 8.2 each while Ri_Bhoi district and of the State is 4.5. West Khasi Hills and Iaintia Hills East Khasi Hills give lowest with 6.1 each. districts shown the highest rate with 5.3 each while East Garo Hills gives lowest rate with 3.5. (viii) Mean Age at Marriage: It is the mean age at marriage of currently mar­ (v) Crude Birth Rate: ried women during the decade. The mean age at mar­ It is the ratio of the number of live births in a riage for the state indicates 19.3. In the district level particular year to the mid year population of the same the mean age at ma'rriage shows higher in Ri-Bhoi year, expressed per 1000 population. The Crude Birth district and East Khasi Hills district with 19.9 each rate of the State Shows as 22.6 and the highest rate while it is low in West Garo Hills and South Garo with 25.6 is shown in Iointia Hills district while the Hills with 18.7 each. lowest rate with 20.2 is shown in East Garo Hi11s district. Annexure-IV

(vi) Number of Children Ever Born per Woman Migration in age group 45-49: Migration is one of the important aspect in the This table presents the number of childredn ever field of population studies. A community or country born per woman in the aghe group of 45-49. From can gain population either by births or by inmigration. the table we find the average number of children ever It can lose population by deaths or by outmigration.


Migration is therefore, like births and deaths, is a major from which they move out. As stated in Annexure-II, factor in changing the size and structure ofthe population. in the census of India, migrants are classified only by It affects the areas to which the migrants move and place of birth and place of last residence.

Migrants by place of birth, 1991 Migrants by place of birth, 2001 Birth place Meghalaya South Garo Hills Birth place Meghalaya South Garo Hills 1 2 3 1 2 3 Total Migrants 267682 86,973 Total Migrants 358,447 12,062 (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (100.0)

Born elsewhere in the 141304 48,349 Born elsewhere in the 209,891 7,413 district of enumeration (52.8) ( 55.6) district of enumeration (58.6) (61.5)

Born in other districts of the 27429 4,377 Born in other districts of the 44,108 2,630 state of enumeration (10.2) (05.0) state of enumeration (12.3) (21.8)

States in India beyond the 78895 24,581 States in India beyond the 92,088 1,622 state of enumeration (29.5) (28.3) state of enumeration (25.7) (13.4)

From the tables it is noticed that at both state and place of birth is in other districts of the state of enu­ districts levels, the highest proportion of the migrants meration form 12.3 % of the total migrants at state have their place of birth within the district of enumera­ level and 21.8 % at district level. tion followed by those whose place of birth is in other It is further noticed that the district level propor­ state ofIndia beyond the state of enumeration. At state tions of the migrants whose place of birth is within the and district levels the proportion ofthose whose place district of enumeration and also those born in other of birth is within the districts of enumeration is 58.6 % districts of the State of enumeration are higher than and 61.5 % respectively. The proportion ofthose whose those at the State level.

Migrants classified by place of last Migrants classified by place of last residence -1991 residence - 2001 Place of last residence MEGHALAYA South Garo Hills Place of last residence MEGHALAYA South Garo Hills 1 2 3 1 2 3 Total 266,844 87,624 Total 379,192 15,422 (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) Elsewhere in the district of 156,563 55,368 Elsewhere in the district of 244,916 11,459 enumeration (58.7) (63.2) enumeration (64.6) (74.3)

In other districts of the state 26,301 4,774 In other districts of the state 41,572 2,639 of enumeration (9.9) (5.4) of enumeration (11.0) (17.1)

States in India beyond the 70,318 22,799 States in India beyond the 83,082 1,012 state of enumeration (26.4) (26.0) state of enumeration (21.9) (6.6)

The proportion of those whose place of last resi­ It is further noticed that while the district level dence was in other State of India beyond the state of proportion of migrants who had their place of last resi­ enumeration are 21.9 % at State level and 6.6 % at dence elsewhere in the district of enumeration and also district level. The proportion of those migrants whose in other districts of the state of enumeration are higher place of last residence was outside India form only than that at State level, the state level proportion of little over 2.0 % of the total migrants at state level and those migrants in other state of India beyond the state a little over 2.0 % at district level. of enumeration are higher than that at district level.


Annexure - V Religions Religions are one of the most important social practice any religion of his choice, the number of institutions. It is also one of the basic characteristics religion collected in census runs to hundreds. It is of the population. It has tremendous power to influ­ however, not feasible and practicable to present data ence the cultural traits and social behaviours of a on all religions and their denominations. Therefore, in society. For this reason, it has been one of the field census the population is classified by six major reli­ of interest of anthropologists, demographers, admin­ gions only. Those major religions are Hinduism, Is­ istrators and planners. To meet the various require­ lam, Christianity, Sikhism, Buddhism and Iainism. The ments of the aforesaid professionals, it has been rest of population professing and practicing religions customary in population census to collect the religion are grouped under "Other religions and persuasion". professed by the population. But since India is a The population who cannot or do not wish to state secular nation where an individual can professed and their religions are clubbed under "Religion not stated".

Percentage distribution b~ religion 1991 2001 Religious communities Persons Percentage Persons Percentage Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 South Garo Hills * All Religions 77,073 100.0 92.4 7.6 100,980 100.0 91.4 8.6 Hindus 3,880 5.0 3.4 1.6 4,880 4.8 3.2 1.7 Muslims 254 0.3 0.2 0.1 2,767 2.7 2.6 0.2 Christians 67,555 87.7 81.7 5.9 90,526 89.6 83.0 6.7 Sikhs 9 0,0 0,0 0,0 35 0,0 0,0 0,0 Buddhists 3 0.0 0.0 0,0 161 0,2 0.1 0.0 Jains a 0.0 0.0 0.0 13 0.0 0,0 0.0 Others 5,349 6.9 6.9 0.0 2,418 2.4 2.4 0.0 Religion not stated 23 0.0 0.0 0.0 180 0.2 0.2 0.0

From the above table, it is noticed that the ma­ Muslim, the Buddhists, the Sikh the Jain form an jority of the population of the district are Christians. insufficient percentage of the population at both state At State level, the Christians constitute 70.3 % while and district level. The proportion of those popula­ at district level is 89.7 %. Hindus constitute little tions who profess "Other religions and persuasions" over 13.0 % of the population at state level while gives 11.5% and 2.4 % at state and district levels at district level it constitute little over 4.8 % . The respectively.

Annexure - VI Marital Status Though not all the married couples can produce that in every census the marital status of each and children, fertility is the outcome of marriage. Without every individual irrespective of age and sex is col­ marriage there cannot be fertility, Various indicators lected. On the basis of return thus collected, the of fertility discussed at Annexure - III can be cal­ population, both male and females, is classified into culated only by taking into consideration the number four marital status. These four marital status are of married female and the number of children born Never Married, Married, Widowed and Divorced/ in the year. Therefore, it is essential and important Separated,


Percentage distribution of population by marital status, 2001 Area Name Age-group Total Never married Married Widowed Divorced/Separated Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 South Garo Hills * All ages 100.0 100.0 61.6 56.5 37.1 38.3 1.1 4.5 0.2 0.7 0-9 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 10-14 100.0 100.0 99.2 97.8 0.6 1.9 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 15-19 100.0 100.0 97.9 83.9 2.1 15.5 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.4 20-24 100.0 100.0 74.0 35.2 25.8 61.9 0.2 1.3 0.1 1.6 25-29 100.0 100.0 34.9 12.0 64.4 84.6 0.5 2.2 0.1 1.3 30-34 100.0 100.0 15.3 5.9 83.9 89.7 0.6 2.8 0.2 1.5 35-39 100.0 100.0 6.0 3.1 92.5 91.8 1.2 4.0 0.3 1.2 40-44 100.0 100.0 4.1 1.7 94.0 88.8 1.1 7.8 0.7 1.6 45-49 100.0 100.0 2.6 1.2 95.4 84.9 1.7 12.8 0.3 1.1 50-54 100.0 100.0 1.7 2.1 94.8 80.6 2.8 16.4 0.6 1.0 55-59 100.0 100.0 2.1 1.1 94.1 76.3 2.8 21.9 1.0 0.7 60-64 100.0 100.0 1.3 2.3 91.6 59.6 6.2 36.9 0.9 1.2 65-69 100.0 100.0 2.2 2.5 88.0 54.6 8.7 41.3 1.1 1.5 70-74 100.0 100.0 1.6 2.2 83.4 39.2 13.5 57.3 1.6 1.4 75-79 100.0 100.0 1.5 4.1 77.8 37.2 18.5 58.1 2.2 0.6 80+ 100.0 100.0 4.5 4.3 79.0 32.6 15.5 62.0 1.0 1.1 Age not stated 100.0 100.0 73.9 68.8 24.6 27.3 1.4 3.9 0.0 0.0 Less than 18 100.0 100.0 99.6 98.3 0.3 1.5 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 Less than 21 100.0 100.0 98.8 94.4 1.1 5.3 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 Note: Total will not add up to 100.00 as "Unspecified" marital status is excluded

From the above table, it is noticed that the mari­ By age group, it is noticed that the highest pro­ tal status of cent percent of male and female popu­ portion of the married males is in the age group 45 lation upto 9 years of age is "Never Married" which - 49 while that of females in the age group 35 - 39 shows that the child marriage is not practiced in the and the lowest for both males and females is in 10 district. The Never Married population constitute the - 14.1t is also noticed that widowed females are more majority of the population of both sex followed by than widowed males almost in all age groups. The the Married population. The widowed and Divorced! highest proportion of the Divorced/Separated males Separated populations form a very insignificant pro­ is in the age group 75- 79 while that of females is portion of the district. in the age group 40 - 44. Annexure - VII Age, Sex and Education level With a view to finding out the extent of lit­ (ii) Below Primary eracy of the population, it has been a practice in cen­ (iii) Primary sus to ask of all those aged 7 and above, whether or (iv) Middle not they are literate, that is whether or not they can (v) Matric!Secondary both read and write with understanding in any language, (vi) Higher Secondary/lntermediatelPre-Universityl besides asking about the age and sex of each indi­ Senior Secondary vidual. Those of the population who are literate, an­ (vii) Non-Technical Diploma or Certificate not equal other question about their educational attainment are to Degree asked of. On the basis of the replies to those two (viii)Technical Diploma or Certificate not equal to questions, the population is classified into literate and Degree illiterate and the literate are further classified by age (ix) Graduate and above. and sex and educational levels. For the purpose of this annexure, however items (vi), (i) Literate without educational level. (vii) and (viii) are clubbed together.


EDUCATIONAL LEVEL BY AGE AND SEX FOR POPULATION AGE 7 AND ABOVE Area Name Age­ Literate Educational level Educational level group Literate Below Primary Middle Matric/Secon Higher Graduate & Unclassified without primary dary Sec.llnter- above educational mediate PU level ISr. Sec. Tech. & Non- tech not equal to degree M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 South Garo Hills * All ages 100.0 100.0 4.0 3.8 36.0 44.1 26.5 28.4 15.3 13.5 14.4 8.8 2.4 0.9 1.3 0.4 0.0 0.0 0-6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 7 100.0 100.0 5.8 4.0 94.2 96.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 8 100.0 100.0 5.0 3.0 95.0 97.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 9 100.0 100.0 2.5 2.8 88.1 86.7 9.4 10.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 10 100.0 100.0 3.6 2.4 82.6 80.9 13.8 16.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 11 100.0 100.0 2.3 2.1 77.2 75.5 20.5 22.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 12 100.0 100.0 3.0 1.7 71.3 71.9 22.5 23.6 3.3 2.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 13 100.0 100.0 1.9 1.3 62.4 57.5 31.4 35.1 4.2 6.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 14 100.0 100.0 1.7 1.3 51.1 52.9 36.7 35.0 10.5 10.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 15 100.0 100.0 1.2 1.0 45.143.3 42.140.0 10.3 13.0 1.4 2.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 16 100.0 100.0 1.8 1.1 35.7 34.1 39.5 39.5 16.6 19.3 6.3 6.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 17 100.0 100.0 1.2 1.6 29.0 29.5 39.9 35.5 19.1 25.6 10.8 7.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 18 100.0 100.0 2.3 1.2 23.3 23.9 35.9 37.1 24.5 24.7 12.3 11.9 1.6 1.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 19 100.0 100.0 1.8 2.6 21.4 29.2 31.8 26.4 25.3 24.8 17.3 15.6 2.3 1.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 20-24 100.0 100.0 3.1 3.5 18.8 24.9 26.4 29.6 23.7 21.7 22.1 18.0 5.2 2.0 0.8 0.3 0.0 0.0 25-29 100.0 100.0 4.1 5.4 17.5 25.1 23.2 28.8 21.0 19.2 24.8 18.1 6.5 1.9 2.8 1.4 0.0 0.0 30-34 100.0 100.0 4.2 7.0 19.3 30.2 22.7 29.3 19.3 16.0 26.9 14.7 4.3 1.7 3.2 1.1 0.0 0.0 35-39 100.0 100.0 4.5 5.6 23.3 33.3 25.2 30.5 18.5 14.8 22.6 12.7 3.2 1.9 2.5 1.2 0.0 0.0 40-44 100.0 100.0 5.4 7.3 27.1 42.1 25.4 29.7 16.5 11.0 20.3 8.6 2.7 0.9 2.7 0.4 0.0 0.0 45-49 100.0 100.0 5.4 6.2 28.0 45.1 30.9 30.8 16.7 11.4 15.6 5.9 1.6 0.4 1.8 0.1 0.0 0.0 50-54 100.0 100.0 5.6 6.0 30.6 49.6 29.8 29.2 15.9 10.3 13.7 4.3 1.8 0.3 2.6 0.3 0.0 0.0 55-59 100.0 100.0 4.5 8.7 30.8 51.7 32.1 27.2 15.1 9.1 15.0 3.0 1.1 0.0 1.4 0.4 0.0 0.0 60-64 100.0 100.0 7.8 9.2 39.3 55.2 26.9 25.8 16.1 6.7 8.7 3.1 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 65-69 100.0 100.0 7.3 7.0 41.3 54.8 31.7 33.9 12.5 4.3 6.1 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 70-74 100.0 100.0 10.7 10.8 46.1 56.9 25.1 23.1 10.7 7.7 6.2 1.5 1.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 75-79 100.0 100.0 10.4 3.0 45.2 48.5 30.4 36.4 5.2 12.1 8.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 '0.0 0.0 80+ 100.0 100.0 8.8 11.8 48.3 55.9 21.1 17.6 10.9 B.8 8.2 5.9 1.4 0.0 1.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 Age not 100.0 100.0 27.1 16.0 37.3 32.0 16.9 28.0 5.1 4.0 13.6 20.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 stated

From the table, it is noticed that the highest pro­ ticed that the highest proportion of both males and portion of both the male and female literates with females with 95.0% and 97.0% respectively are found more than 36.0 % have 'Below Primary' as their among the age of 8 years in the educational level of education level followed by the proportion of those "Below Primary". The highest proportion in the edu­ with 'Primary', 'Middle'. and 'Matric/Secondary' cational level of 'Primary' is indicated in the age of with more than 26.0%, 15.0% and 14.0 % respec­ 15 years, in the 'Middle' among the males in the age tively. The literate without Educational level, 'Higher of 19 years and female in the age of 17 years and Secondary/P.U. etc' an~ 'Graduate and above' do 'Matric/Secondary' among males 30-34 age group and not form even 10.0% of the literates of the district. among females 25-29 age group. The proportron of literates by age, it is no-

332 ~RE~ Annexure - VIII Mother Tongues i'h\lugh besides the mother tongue of an in- ous censuses has thrown light on the linguistic and div!dudt TWO other languages known by an individual ethnic composition of the country as well as the states. I:" ,;ol!eCled 111 census, tabulation and presentation of In India there are 18 scheduled languages and 96 wnguage data is base on the mother tongue of an non-schedule languages. Even in a small state like I1\dJVldual By definition, mother tongue is a language Meghalaya more than 80 non-scheduled languages "poken by a person's mother to the person in his child- are spoken in addition to the 18 scheduled languages. hood. If the mother died in infancy, the language However, for the purpose of this annexure, we are mainly spoken in person's home in childhood is the presenting only those biggest mother tongues arranged mother tongue of that person. In case of infants and in descending order irrespective of the languages deaf-mutes, the language usually spoken by the being scheduled or non-scheduled. The statement mother is the mother tongue. given below shows the percentage distribution of the lndia is a multi-lingual nation, collection of the numerically biggest languages arranged in descend- mother tongue of each and every individual in vari- ing order of the number of speakers in district.

POPULATION BY MOTHER TONGUE AREA NAME MOTHER TONGUE TOTAL RURAL URBAN P M F P M F P M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 South Garo Hills * TOTAL 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 GARO 94.75 93.11 96.48 96.33 94.99 97.73 77.88 73.78 82.55 BENGALI 2.72 3.48 1.91 1.41 1.98 0.81 16.74 18.97 14.20 HAIJONG/HAJONG 0.82 0.80 0.84 0.80 0.76 0.83 1.05 1.15 0.94 HINDI 0.58 0.93 0.21 0.45 0.79 0.10 1.97 2.43 1.44 NEPALI 0.37 0.49 0.25 0.38 0.49 0.26 0.35 0.52 0.15 ASSAMESE 0.17 0.29 0.04 0.14 0.25 0.03 0.46 0.69 0.20 KHASI 0.05 0.09 0.01 0.03 0.05 0.01 0.28 0.50 0.02 PUNJABI 0.04 0.08 0.00 0.04 0.07 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.00 RABHA 0.04 0.06 0.02 0.03 0.05 0.01 0.15 0.17 0.12 KOCH 0.04 0.05 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.14 0.26 0.00 TAMIL 0.02 0.04 0.00 0.02 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 MALAYALAM 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.00 MANIPURI 0.02 0.04 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.00 0.14 0.22 0.05 KANNADA 0.02 0.03 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.00 0.08 0.15 0.00 BODO/BORO 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.06 0.07 0.05 RAJASTHAN I 0.01 0.02 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.05 0.09 0.00 MARATHI 0.01 0.02 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.00 TELUGU 0.01 0.02 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 PNAR/SYNTENG 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 PAHARI 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.11 0.05

From the table, it is noticed that the predominant recorded 2.72 percent. It is seen from here that among speakers of the district is ofGaro mother tongue. Garo the speakers of Bengali language maximum number language constitute 94.75 percent of the total speak­ of population are in urban areas indicating 16.74 ers of the district. The number of speakers of the percent of the total urban population of the district. rural recorded 96.33 percent and in urban 77.88 All other languages recorded below 1.0 percent of percent respectively. Speakers of Bengali language the total speakers in the district.