ORAl'\GE 'G\Sf • ...... ' OMCA8TI ON Al THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1986 Pilot killed in plane crash DeSptte order from John Wayne tower. he came in-too low while la_~ding infog --= By PAUL ARCHIPLEV pearcd the pilot was headed 10 a Of ... °"'Y "-' llalt northeasterly direction cast of the A pilot c1rcijng John Wayne Air­ runway as he circled the airport to port for a landing died in a fiery crash come 1n for a landing. Wednesday a quarter mile from the He apparently h11 a row of trees fog-shrouded airport. separating two parking lots and crashed to the ground The man was piloung a Beechcraft County coroner's deputies re­ Bonanza v·ta ll about 8:25 p.m when moved the body after receiving In exile he crashed in a parking lot at 2082 instrucuoos from the Federal Avia­ Marco • arrl•e• in Business Drive in Irvine near tion Administration °tAA in­ Bawall where he may the intersection of Michelson and vestigators began an inspection of the take refuce. A5. Dupont dnves, Orange County Fire wreckage today. Department spokesman Greg People 1n nearby office bu1ld10gs Sports Bnnklcy said. and students attending night classes The pilot'\ name was wnhheld at Peppcrdine University Educa· UC Irvine's men's basket­ unttl relatives can be notified of his tional Center about. a from the ball team gets another death site rushed outside after heanng the chance to upset the The small $50.000 aircraft was crash. UNLV Runnln' Rebels to­ engulfed in flames and wreckage was Ramona McAltstcr. an architec­ night. / C1 scattered hundreds of feet 11round the tural designer working nearby, said plane. she had JUSt returned to the office It crashed in a distnct of numerous when she heard the plane. Bualneu two- and lhree-story office buildings. "I thought. "God. he's low: I Smith International will Most workers in lhe area had left for lhought he was buzzing the building begin laying off at least the day, and only a few cars remained or something, then I heard the crash. in the parking lot near the crash site. ..By the sound of the engi ne. it 600 more workers at Its Nine fire vehicles responded to the sounded hke perhaps he tned to tool division In Irvine.IA 7 call. Firefighters found the plane climb and couldn't; ' McAltster said. ··fully invofved.. when 1hey amved, Two av1auon buffs and pilots who Dllt ...... ~ .... Bnnkley said. were s1ttine in the airport parking lot An lrrine police officer and Ora.nae County John Wayne Airport: Tbe pll~ wu killed Investigators from the Orange were listening to the radio conversa­ fireflCbter •a.ney tbe .cene of a pfane cruh after tbe plane hit a row of tree.I wlllle Oyba& County ShentTs office said 1t dP- (Pleaee eee PILOTI A2) Wednaday nl&ht ln bulnetta dl9trlct near too low ln roe dartnc landln• approach. Voluntary Peace activists smoking controls _cQntinue protest;__J endorsed 7 more arrested ·1 By LISA MAHONEY On the air Of tM 0.-, Net ..... Vietnam veteran's Reagan tak e. ca.e for In endorsing a Cha!llbcr of Com­ mllitary buildup to the merce program to encourage Orange questions led him people ln tele.t.ed ad­ County businesses to voluntanly dretta. A4. restnct c1""1rcne smoking. the Board to Mesa peace vigil ofSuperviso rs had little sympathy for INDEX non-smokers who complained the move was too tittle and very late. By TONY SAAVEDRA Of ... Ollllr ,...... ,, Advice and Games B3 Even lhough the proposal reached 1he board a month after the program In the battlefields of Vietnam. John Boating 8 1 Wilson began questioning the gov­ Bulletin Board A3 itself was onginally to be evaluated, ~upervisors praised Orange County ernment that sent him there. Business A k8 chamber members for their package Those doubts eventually led Classlfled C6-8 of sample smok1ngpohc1esand cunly W1Json. 40. to the third da) of anti­ Comics B4 informed dissenters tha1 1he business war protests 1n Costa Mesa. where he Death Notices C4 boosters deserve a chance to try to and six others were arrested this Horoscope 83 implement smoking curbs before the morning for standing in the path of Opinion A6 county docs 11 for them. two buses carry10g delegates to a m1litary-industnaJ conference.. PaparazzJ B 1 "You help govemmen1 stay out of ~-­ "War is not a game. budd) When ..., ...... Pollce Log A3 the pnvate sector when you help Ka.rt Parker government meet the demand~ of you $Cl shot. you're shot." Wilson Public Notices C4-5 said in the morning fog outside the Sports C 1-4 society," Supervisor Harriett Wieder told chamber pres1dcn1 Lucien Westin South Coast Plaza hotel T elevlslon 8 2 Truhtll. where many of the estimated 300 Hlghschool Weather A2 Other board member; cntic11ed delegates to the annual Winter Con­ vention on !\erospace and Electronic (Please eee VOLUNTARY/ A2) S)'ltcms have been staymg since class lnsplred Tuesday For the second consecutive morn­ ing. protesters interfered with defense demonstrator contractors and engineers leaving the By LAURA MERK hotel on chartered buses to meet with ud TONY SAAVEDRA Airportplan for Pentagon officials at El Toro Manne Of IN D.ey "94 ..... Base. Ideals sowed b\ a Manna High Tuesda) roughly 1.970 act1v1sts School S0C1al science class helped attended a candlelight vigil organized inspire a 17-\'ear-old )Outh to de­ 87 takeoffs wins Shore shot bv the .\lhance for urv1val outside hberatel\ get arrested Wednesday as Dinah Shore while Donna Caponi checu out tbe angle the hotel on the- eve- of the 1,earh pan of an anu-nuclcar demonstratton ro n~renCT · of tbe •hot ln Pro-Celebrity competition at Meaa Ve:rde aga1n'it a three-da' " capon\ con­ F1ftC('n antt-nukc dem o nstrat o~ fen:nn· Newport backing Country Club in Coata Meaa. Th e action wu a prelude to the 1ncl udin~ tlClns1on . off some assistant pnnnpals. campus years to drop to 11s current e-nrollment he also l'i recommending that one The cuts ha'e bttn dt'hhcratcd Several airlines protested the plan. Flights by the no1s1est a1rcrafl are security officers and more than 20 of 17.700 Forecasts 1nd1cate another .mt pnnc1pal be tnmmed at all puhhch lor two wt'ek.!>. ~ deo<11 on b\ raising issues of fairness in d1stnbut­ rtstncted to 55 average datl) de­ other non-teaching employees have 250 to 365 drop next year high school<; for a sa-.ings of tru'itet'\ ... e\i>«ted \'1an:h I I ing available fl ights But supervisors partures over 1he plan year. which been unveiled bv Hunungton Beach To whmle the proposed detirns. \ 257.000 fountain \ialley High. v. 1th James lo..ovash l4 a pc.-ace officer brushed those complaints aside, say­ starts Apnl I Quieter. unregulated Union High School Dtstnct officials from the S6 I m1llton school budget. an enrollment of more than l 0110 at \\ t'\tmtnster High for ~' en '>ears. ing air earners' concerns would be airplanes such as the Bntish Aero­ ,The pruning 1s needed to .. down Otto IS propo'iing lo ..ave aooul would C' are tht' \" Ut op~ the propo~ rt"duc t1t)n~ addressed in a pennanent plan being space BAe-146 - some of which are size" overhead because fewer 'itu­ $86.000 b} ('Utl1ng back the secunt~ Other propo..ah include ehm1na1 - 0fficc~ help create a bt-uer learn­ developed by the airport staff. owned by two a1rh nes operating at dents are attending the d1stnct\ offi cer program One pcal'e officer tng laundf'\ <,en ice'>"° that student\ ing en' 1ronmen1 b\ pro.. · 1ding a safe Airport Manager George Rebella John Wayne - are hm11ed onl) b't seven high schools. according to would be allocatl-d to two campu~ " ould be required to furnish their ~ ampus and dmnct officials could asked for the temporary plan to give the total number of oasscnRers allow- ~upenntendent Mane Otto 1'/ow. one officer " 3\'i1gned to each 0 " n to.... els redul"ing the d1.,tm t •t'.'l'pard11e tht> 'laft' d1mate h't making staff time to address access issues at (Pleue eee AJRPORT / Al) The d1'itnct. w11h campu'OC'i 1n school athlettc director tn a half-ttme OO\· (Pleue eee LAYOFFS/ A2)

Rehabilitating teen alcohol, Teen-agers Bradley at UC Irvine, and Drugs won't bypass county drug abusers can be costly voters this election ..c~ar are treated at (are l nil'\ P Stay in Care Unit Hospital costs $350 adole!>Cent provams throughout the By PAl l. ARCHIPLEY m1~t11le t-.1,t' United litate'i, a cordtng to c om· \to(lp1ne ftt l c. Ir" 1ne Wcdne~ )' Of - a day; program claims 63% success rate prcheM1 ve Care Corp spok.c\man °""" """ ..... ~ a two-da\ l·ampa1gn ~w1n1 - In I 982 Lo'l .\nr,ele\ \.1a,or Tom - \ Ken E\lt"'i .\bout l 7.00 0 adults his third 'l\lt 10 the count)' in rtt:enl By SUSAN ROWLE'M' Carol) n O'c;ulhvan. adding that 11 1r, receive help 1n tht' adult prOIJ1lms. he Bradle) '1nualh 1jlnored Oran t' w«ls - Bradle) asked about 200 (. ount\. hand1na 11 cne-r h l Rr oe ..&Wr,...... ,. tough to put a dollar pncc tag on addec.1 \UPJX'r1C'f\ to help htm- d1 pel the' It may cost more than a \ta) at a medically superv1~ sobncty NattnMll). ti l jlel\'C'nt nt the pubhc~n candidate (J('(lrgt' IX'u no\atln that OranlC' Count' 1\ home luxury rtsort. but counselon at the adolesctnt~ who ao thrtlllih tht' ~mcJtan in tht gu~matonal ract onh 111 the whtte, affiut>nt and ~ukmeJ1an went on to "1n 1ht' Care Unit Ho,p1t1 l 10 Oran~e defend program remain w hcr after the lin.t con~f'\ at1vc Ult of a Mrl.. b) Q0.000 the $350..a-.~lO- ,ot(' cent proaram. ~y1na the road to 3 .. You can'1 put a pm~ on an \' r111c of the Oranae proaram "1n 'lttp mo'it d\ n1m1l and prOJr'l'\\1\C' )Ou'll drua·rrcc hfe for a tttn-aac.-r ,, well medical care," O' ulhvan said " The wnh the national fiaurt ho,.p1tal\ al'\O otlt'r a ~ t'valua11on marain in C">ran e C ount\ tind 1n 1ht ,nunm that'\ alrt"ad\ worth 11 k1d'i arc.-h(1na cart'd for 24 houn a c1a y Mo'! partnts nt't'd not he lnaht and a'i~'l'imcnt'i and rcft•rral prn 8radle\ thrtt da't' 1n111 h" ofl 1, 1al refute"J the theol"\ th 1 On&n r (. oun 11.1 ti t>t-mocra11c ,ampaittn tn 11 u,1 " It 1, rtwnrdina and 1t'~ an CllC'Cl­ hy people .tra1nc.-d 10 the field nl t n~ bv tht CO'it the l\fOllrl\IH IS gram\ 11 fl.'\llC'nt do nn1 ha\C' lh<· I\ " ,,n ltm1l\ th•t 1f .. ,lu rt not lent proaram," ~1d (art lln11 chem1C'al drtl('ndenn ·· l'tl\C' f~ h\ 'i('\.t'r&I 1M11ntn{C' l Om fin n\ 1. I mean' Im ,1 pn ....H r laoht' I >t-ulmt'11an 1n ~''' t'mtlcr ha' tk .1111 \lrnt not tht n ttht lolor thrn 10 lll<'d hr ,,..,1n t ·malt• tht· \.\OH' Ado lC,C't nt Proaram D1rc.-ctor Mort than Q 000 tttn ~aatn till h pant<'\ E'it~ \81d Offinal\ at th<' (P1 .ee eee T&&1'C/ A 2 l (Pleaee eee BRADL&T / A2l ..l -

A2 * Orange COMt OAILY PILOTI ThursdlY. February 27. 1988 WEATHER . BRADLEY..• Prom Al someplace else." he said. D3)ivers grope in pea soup fog "Baloney," Bradley said. "Look at the fre bman class. One-third is Fog atretched over much of Southern Callfornla early today, The ~ et/ for 7 p.m. EST, Fri., Fib. 28 A ian. That's one of the mo t cutting vlllblllty to neer z.,-o u commYtert took to the freeway•. t dynamic eumples of what's happcn­ The Natlonal Weather Serv~ warned travelers to t>eware ot \•' \tt:~ ·~,·~ pate~ of e.pectalty denM fog. Vlllblllty ranged from almoat · ~~:~\':: in1 in th1 universit)." zero In aouthern Santa Batbat• and Ventura oountlel to a few •:. ~;·•. '..._ .,..·- .-..- Asxan1 voters to look at ihe whole hundred yards In part• of Orange County to a mlle or more '" person and his record before mwoa efaewhere. Th9 fog rode In on molat ocean air that brouohl eome their dee• ion. Bradley 831d he would relief from the IO&tlng tempet"atur.. and dirty air of Wednetctay be Along the Orange Cou t there wtll be denae fog late night pointing to Dcukmej1an's record and early morJllng houra with hazy afternoon sunsnlne through throu&hout the campaign. Friday. Hight ranging from the 601 along the beaches to the low Educauon would be a ma,ior issue and mid 801 warmer laland cities. Lowa tonight In the mid 40. in the race. he said, charging c,ti­ and 50s. Outer waters: West to northweat winds 8 to 16 knots through fomia's public education system 're­ Friday, except locally stronger gusts near Point Conoepllon vealed a "cycle of failures." Combined seu 6 to 12 feet. Perslatent dense fog or low clouds Unt'·th1r, ~ho differed with Bradle) 1n Assemblyman K1chard Robinson in said John Whuehurst. e'\ecutl\ c di­ I 984 when he endorsed Walter Mon­ the 38th D1stnct congressional raet'. rector of the foundation. " He made a dale for president and they backed Many foundation member' fa,or <:0m m1tment to Orange <. ount) and Gary Han. Superior Coun Judge Da' 1d C ancr will work with the local group TOOAY Another schism loomed last week .. He realizes to win he has to do " We're going to have a well-run, • 53pm when Bradley endorsed Santa Ana different things in difTerent an·as:· wcll-funded campaign." he said. 11 1Spm F"10AY S391m II )e~m &npm SEVEN MORE PROTESTERS ARRESTED... 1l SS pm From Al man, ~ere arrested Wednesday after knows well the adrc-n;1lln-'1par~in~ anti-war s1gnc; above their heads. attempting to discourage delegates en fear that first drO\-C him to .. un 1' c 1n almost all dep1cttng moon-e}ed chil­ route to the first session of the three­ Vietnam and later to protest in thl' dren w11h mussed hair and sad faces day WINCON •86 COO\ent1on Un11ed States. A.rrested this morning along with .\nother seven peace act1\ 1sts were ··We'd sit around 1n 1he1unglcs and \ 1lson were Will iam E. Douglas of arrested during a s1m1lar protest ti) to figure out wh} we y.,ere thac Huntington Beach: Peter Kent of toda\., as delegates w1th secunt) But 11 d1dn·t malll'r. hccaUSl' all }OU Santa Ana: Laura ·L1v1ngston of clearance lefi for more classified do 1s !I} tosiay ahvc:· he said. Vv 11\on Fullenon: Peter Lacques of Lo:. sessions at El Toro. labeled movies like " Rambo" and A.ngelcs: Catherine Allen of Los l\ltogether 22 protesters have been ·· Red Dawn," which dl'p1c1 a c;o, 1et o\ngeles: and Gregory Hall of Yorba Call boxes on freeways assured arrested on misdemeanor charges of attack on the United States. as war­ Linda. trespassing or blocking d public mongenni propaganda While fi,e of the demonstrators l-nough Orange County n ttes have state requirement that the mun1c1- \)Stem herl' 1n Orange County. 1horoughfare dunng 1he morning During toda} 'sdcmonstra11on 1v.o accepted c11a11ons. o\lle-n and Hall endorsed funding freeway emergency paht1es represent a ma1onty of Or­ Members of a newly formed Ser· protests. One of the demonstrators. people " ere whisked awa} b) police chose to be booked mto Orange call boxes to as.sure their 1nstallat1on. ange County residents. ~ 1 d Tom 'tee Authortt> for Freeway Emer~­ whose actions v.ere d1~vowed b) for blockmg the dn "cv. a\ leading out Count} Jail pending their appearance according to the Oran~e Count) Fonune. comm1ss1on public 1nfor· encie:. will ml'Ct March 10 to ~n protest organizers. also faces a tharge of the hotel - with another three in municipal coun. said Alltance Transponat1on Comm1ss1on. mation officer 1mplement1ng the call box system. of res1st1ng arrest. protesters taking their place!> T"u director Manon Pack. The group will As of Tuesday. the measure had Onl} Irvine. Santa .\na Fullenon The se.,,en-member committee will Much of this' ear's con' ention w111 more ac11v1s1s followt:d alter the most h!..el) be arraigned Fnda) at the met with the approval of a maJontyof and Buena Park have yet 10 act on the ha' e to de-c1dt' on a financing plan be spent discussing President Re­ Sl'cond group was am•sted Polin.· earliest, police said c1 t1es and the county and satisfied a call box fundtng measure All c111es and the type of telephone to be used. agan's tra1eg1c Defense lnit1at1 ve or said the well-orchestrated arre''' Three of.the 15 protesters arrested that have taken up the question have The committee will also oversee "Star Wars," prompting demon­ were free of1nc1dl.'nt Wednesda)' accepted c1 tat~s . while approved it, Fortune said. 1nstallat1on and other agreements 'itra1ors to carT) signs wllh slogans o\boul .20 supponers encuuragt:d 11 were Jailed and art st1lrawa1tmg LAYOFFS ... Action by the c111 es means Orange with the OMV, state Dcpanment o f like" an1t} . not Star Wars " trom the· sidelines. <;1nging. ·· You arraignment th1!> afternoon. The onlv From Al Counlv residents will find an added Transponat1on and the California - M Wt'dnesdav. 17-.,,ear-old Kun Parker. cuts. he said. 1rauons tn the fu1urc Each )Car, the >\bout 550 call bo>.cs will be Bu i Wilson of Fountain \ allc\ standing in front oftht• lead bus held "as released to h1<; lather Protests also have been lcdged by Dcpanment of Motor Vehicles Wlll installed along Orange Count y's 135 assistant principals and other collect $I on ealh registration to miles of freeway The system could be workers facing loss of1obs. finance 1nstallat1on and ma1ntenanc-e rn place as early as spnng 1987, Board President Bonnie Castre' of the emergenq communications Fonune said VOLUNTARY SMOKING CURBS BACKED... said Wednesday she favors using a From Al pon1on of the state lottery revenue to tide the d1stnct over this year unt1I a '>peaker-. who '>uggc1nc\Sl''> in c..o unl> Kerker !>a1ll. Oakland loses appeal to buy gl\ ing the chamher 'ii\ months or pleted 1unc;d1ct1on'> 1n\11ht·, pronrnllng Laguna 81.'ach. Newport Beal h, Otto and others say they've been more to conduct a program to educate: Yoorlo..placc !>molo..1ng rule .. in thl' Irvine. Hunungton Beach. Tustin and encourage business OYoner '> 1n the Lhambcr newsleltl'r Jnd pro\ 1d1ng cautioned not to use lottery money back Raiger football team and Yorha Linda have workplace for recurring costs because of future un1ncorpura1ed areas lo 1mp<>M.• interested l'ompanil''> Yollh a rangl' of smoking ordinances. said Walt 'mof..ing c urh<> . uncenamties. The d1stnct has re­ So.\ N FRA N( ISCo{AP) - Oak- authont) a go,ernment bod) has to '>..tmplc \mnk1ng polKIL'' wht c..h the\ Rllofsk\. a ml•mber of Amencanc; for ce1vedS1.2 million in lotter} money 'iupt.·n 1s11r., RJlph Cl..1rk. Thomas could IJ'><' land's attempt to bu) the Ra1der'i condemn land for a highway. to '\orHmoker.,· Rights thu" far and expecjs to get between R1 ln .ind Rogl'r Stanton .ill mJ1n­ -\ I'll 1n Jnutht'r lour m1111th'> thl' football team and mo' e 1t back from acquire the Raiders and bnng them ' ..\hout :?O percent of the popu- $500.000 and $800.000 later this year IJincd 1ha1 thc) under\tand health l hamlx'r plan' 1t1 ulln .1 wmf..,hop Im Los A.ngeles suffered a se'ere blow- back from Lo~ i.\ngeles "here they 1.Jtion 11 1 tht.' (OUOt\ IS alt-ead\ CO\ ('rt'd Trustee Bnan Lake said he fa,or<> l\'\Uc\ .. urrnundtng ngarctte \mo!..L· hu\inc'' 11w na' 1ntl''l''tnl 111 im­ "' mJndaton • wor!..place cmJ1- tLKia) when thl' state uprcme Coun mo\Cd in I ~M:? after 19 yearc; in .ind arl· in fact all non-'>moh •r\ plcmcn11ng \lll11l' f..inll 111 'nwk1ng nanc:e<. " ht• \Jid uc;1ng loHel"} money for such things a' n.'Jec ted the cit\ 's appeal 10 reinstate Oakland decreasing class size. bol!>ten ng voca­ its suit But a state appc.>ab 1.:oun ruled last I hc' prom1<;ed the Lhamtx·r\ pro­ pohn 'itatt•,.qdc. 6~ nt1l'' and i.:oun t1e'> ttonal education and 1mprovmg peer The coun·s dental of a hcanng No,cmber that the U\e of eminent gn''>' would be watched caretulh and Juk' 1'.t:rf..t:r J tnl'mhl·r 111 < .1li­ ha' l' c;uch ordinances - including a Yoorkplace 'moking nrd1nanlt' lorn1an' tor :"-111n-,mokc..•r,· Right!. San Jo'>e. which scrapped a voluntal') counseling and assistance to school l~aves the cit) with one last poss1- domain to acquire a National Foot­ adopted if' olunlar~ control., arc no1 who \aid ht• w:l\ 'fX'ali.111g onl\ fl,r dropouts. b1ht). an appeal to the LI S. Supreme ball league franchise was prohibited program. B1lofsky said. ..lfthe (lottery) funds go away. they implemented. h1msclt W ednesde1~ warned <>uf)l'r· The only otht'r l'Ommun11y with Coun . by the lJ .S Const1tut1on's ban on <;upt.·n 1sors had con'1tkred pa,,. VISOrS thal the 1 obalrn ln\ tltUll' J (the pos1t1ons added by lottery Oakl and ha~ been trying to use its undue local hurdens on intersta te vol untary controls 1s ~unnyvale . he money) will go away, too," he said. 1ng an ordmance go' erning work­ lobb~ 1ng c..i rgan11a11on for thc toban o said power of eminent domain. the same commerce plaLe \mok1ng last spnng. but hach·d 1ndus1r. \\a\ 1n t.1,or of thl' ( hambcr l'ITons to gel pohc1c\ 1n 11 11 .ifter the chamber con' inn·d thl•m chambCrs \(1lun1an progr;im place at rnmpan1es which have no that .i 'oluntan efTon L'Ould '>ULcced ··There 1s no better k.,ttmon\ 1111lw '>mok1ng gu1del1nes will be In Junl .. uper' 1so r<; direlled 1ha1 un"orkahd1t\ ol a \IJluntJr~ .1p '>trUt1011ed tn six mon1h" TEEN DRUG PROGRAM COSTLY ... progrC'>'> on a ' ulu ntal"} progrJm tx· proach th.in tht• lal·l 1h.11 '"u hJ\l' Clark asked tha1 the c' aluat1on From Al re' 1e-wed pnor tn Janua~ But 11 "'•" n:t:el\ed thl' hlt-v.1ng o l the tobJl\ll include a companson between com­ such as Care Unit 1tanan goals. noting that Comp('are and rece1,e high ~hoot credit for not until JUSl hclorc Dcccmhcr 1h.11 tndu.,tr. pliance rate~ fo1 bu!>tnc\ses tn ctt1es Care Unit. owned by the In ine­ ts a money-making operation their effons M!. " ( 1n) lhl' ordinances and !hose an tht• untn· the largest na1ional organ11at1on of its enues were $1 59 million, and the "You havl' tu look at 1t this way." \mok1ng program \amt' realm i:I'> lhl' 'llluntal) ap- corporated areas of the count> It corporation made $1 7.'2 million in kind operates one quaner of the said \arc l I n11 counselor Nancy pnva1e treatment beds for drug and profits. So. the almt~ht y dollar does H>bl, ''Mcd1tal costs these days are alcohol rchab1htat1on in the nation. play a role 1n helping people help very htgh . The cost here isn't any Estes said. themselves. Estes said. higher than an) other medical fa. AIRPORT PLAN BACKED BY NEWPORT ... lndudmg the Care Unit hosp1tai1..._ But although it's big business. when c1 ht) .. From Al '> throu h ..- Jirpoi~ .\1r( .11 ut11ual\ \ULH''~tulh ton- t11ght'I fl <.la~ lmrp Orangl' < ount} he ideal and concentrates stnctl y on the pat1enh' vanou'i drug problems on a \ldr ...... - '1nLed a1rpon <>tall thr .itrhnc <,houlenger load " .i krm u'>t'd 1<1 - to anothcr l amer · ated per year. fhe The kids work hard toward a sober Cll\I 110n' in 1tw tt'mporar. plan \Uf)l'r on an airphlnl' pre' 1oui.h lhJt lhc tcmporaT) .dlma­ adukscent programs began in I 978 1n life 1n an atmosphere of suppon and II\ a SC'ns111ve issue. Hybl ad· '1'or' llct1tktl to fll'rm1t '~ .l\l'ragr Thr20a'l'r.igt·Jad\.dcparturt''a'l' t1<..>n wa~ di\ \It'd bctwtl'n thl' 1wn lo~ Angeles, and the Orange program guidance. milted. but drugs can k.111 , and Care dall) 1.kpanun·\ Im unn:gulatcd .11r um· les!\ lh 1s a d1sca~ ... Hybl said. " If propo'led and lour mmc than a11t1u - fhe count' <1d10n kit P\..\ offi liJI\ a h1dd1ng war hl.•twl'l'O the 1wo arch E'tc'> dcknowledged that the cor­ work 1n a school tu tonal program that )ou had an) other kind of a d1sca S<: . pated b\ the lOU Ot\ ..\irpon Com- fu ming O\l'r the 1mhalJnle 1n d.i1h rt' al' poration may capitalize on human· allows them to study at their own pace )Ou would get treatment." m1'is1on flight'> Denn" c>'Dell P\ \ ., genl· ral Othcr a1rltnc\ alc;o got intcJ the aet The t\.\ o hcnetic1anes - .\1r< al LO unc;el. told '>Ur>er'"l'>Or'> the firm had \\-edne'>dd\ wmpla1n1ng that .\1r( al and Paufa \outhwest o\1rhne'> - e~pected to tx- a!>ked ho"' m.in\ and P5 •\ an.· hcmg allowed to domi­ ong.inall) \lood 10 gain 14 and 12 fli ghts 1t Yoa ntt:d tx-forc the plan went nate the a1rp<1rt through the un -1 unre1Zulated l11~ht'\ re .. pectncl) hu1 to the board P'i.\ lOuld use"" more regulated flights. Since man) of1he1rroutc:'>areof the shon-haul t> pe belwecn Orungc Count> and other in-state a1rpons, A1rCal and P5 can take advantage of OBIE.SPORTS LID. PILOT DIES IN CRASH... fli ght bonuses offered to those who From Al ui.e quieter - and lighter - JCts. said t1on between the pil o1 e1nd rnntrol " Vv c heard him 'itan lo l lrch.- and Paul Lawrence of We'item Atrltnes Announces Our 11th Annual 1 tov..er when the acuden1 cxcurred !hc-n v.e heard ' pool ' and \aw 1hc: He asked that the two airli nes be The control to.,., er warned the p1lo1 glo\\ in the lilc\ .. Jackson 'w.l1d forced to SI' cup some of their not<;e· c;e\aal t1meo; about h1'> alt1tudl· f nc regulat<.'d flight~ to medium and long· Jackson of Tus11n 'ia1d He· I lh and \IHI ll')ten to the radio haul operators likt' Western, Jct answered ' Roger:·· Jackson Ytd and once 1n a while. C!>pec1all) in Amenca and Conunental - one sf " Their la~t 1nstruct1on to him wa<> ad~ erse we~ther you wonder what's the ~t1cky matters which airport stalT ki Blowout 10 cl1mh to 3,000 feet ... he ~aid going to happen. A.nd 1t did .. will ta\lck 1n the permanent plan

Delly Piiot Dell very MA IN OFFICE I• Guerenteed } JI Wf1t s.., ';I .,., .fl ~fl'W .. V• t JO•,.-,,\ l -. ~ "''" VP~ A ~ ' • Rossignol '5 • No rdico •eo- ~ 2 ~78 ~A.~·:- • &•. ••1' • Roffe • Bogner • Pre Electro • Atomic RS Justcall 642-6086 • Longe • Obermeyer • Dynostor CourM SL • Solomon • 0.Kente • C.8 ~hat do you like about the Dail) P1lot'1 What • R.D. Coyote • Kofloch don't \OU hke'' (all the number above and vour message will be recorded. transcnbcd and· de· ''''<'t<'d to the appropnatc editor rhe c;ame 24-hour answenng str'\'1ce ma} be ~PRICE u~d to record letter'i to the ednor on a ny topic. Clrcufetton ~PRICE ~ · PRICE ( ontnbutor\ to our Le tter~ column must include T•l•phon" ~ •N() SICI llfM$ HElD IACIC th(sr name and telephone number for ve nficat1 on ... Tells us what'' on your mind ' ...,, ., ..,.0811. PON1'\ I 11> COAONA DEL MAit ~ ... ~PON T\ I IO IAVINI •... , ~ 2831 Cout Hwy. C0tona del Mar 175-9700 4708 Berrenca Parkw ay lrvlne 552.s252 VOL 1t, NO. 58 · - .... MOii _ ,." 1o.-fpm ... ·~ ""' ~ '10r• ~ MOf\ - ~ ~ . ... 10.-~ ...... 10-.6Qoft • • .. • Orange C<>Nt OAILV PILOT/ Thut'9C19Y. F-ebNIWy 'n, 1tee * ~ \ Medical parley E:rperton space weapons planned by UCI UC Irvine will host an 1ntemat1onal medical joins the cause of peace 1mmunolog) confercn~ Fnday throuah Sunday at • the Meridien Hotel in Newport Beach, sponsored by ' tar Wars funding befo~ 1u own momcn· UCI'$ Div1S1on of Ba ~ll' l\nd Chntcal Immunology Conscience propelled space consultant into tum make!I 11 unstoppable. - ~~ The conference will focus I n topics related to .. SDI .J?ropont'lm are lfytng to make SOI lymphocyte ac11vat1on and immune system regu­ jettisoning career, working to halt arms r~ ce 1rreve1'11ble before the next pre identJaJ lation. The 32 speakers ceorp from the United clectton," she ~id . " Many say the research STalcs, Japan, Italy and England. By PAUL ARCHIPLEY is creatina'a1ternat1 ves for the industry that and development is so far down the road The meeting is designed for medical practi­ Of IM Dally,._. IWI we mi&ht as well proceed " tioners, busu: science ter.earchcrs and students. has soaked up bi I hons of tax dollars over Dr. Carol Rosin was a respected mem­ the past four decades in pur:>utt ofi.upcrior But Rosin said the momentum is Rcg1strat1 011 and additional progn•m 1nformat1on is ~wmgma toward SDI opponents and the available at 856-5818. ber oflhe military 1ndustnal complex. The weiponry. first female corporate manager of Fa1r­ Rosio came to Orange County this week mihtal)-mdustnal compleA wtll have to ch1ld lndµstnes Aerospace and later a to talk about those ahernauves and to JOtn tan thinking about altemauves to. Alternatives, includ1n.1 medial tc· Marines run ' space weapons consultant fo r TRW, her the Alliance for Survival at a candlehght weapons research and development. set •people's .. rm not a protester. But I came because search m spaoc, colon1zataon. inter· T he Manne (orps Air Statton Tustin will host fu ture was assured in the industry v1gH Tuesday m front of the Westin South continent.al telccoofercncina, improved But. hke a number of her colleagues, she Coast Plaza hotel a delegates amved for one of the themes 1s conversion and the sixth annual Volk~lauf. or "people\ run." a v.eather predictions and disaster warning. grew uneas) about the sp1rahng weapons the Winter Conference on Aerospace and cooperauon," she said gruehnj I O-k1lometer team evenl, Sat~rday at 11 )() Alliance for Survival part1c1pants have solar eneriy and food production. will not a.m with reg1stra11on begmning at 8 a.m. race that has produced 55.000 nuclear Electronic Systems. only benefit mankind but w1ll produ« bombs 1n the Amencan arsenal and that 1s Protesters are focusing on stopping been educatmg themselves about SDI and lht' course contains a trench wa1!tt-t year·s e\ent. weapons 1n space only increased her and Rosin planned to talk to WINCON slle 1nspcct1on, cooperative lab work and concern delegates as well as protesters about the both sides. because I am a part ofboth. I'm a space and m1ss1le consultant because I other 1ntt1at1ves aimed at ending the arm~ Unable to Justify her part1c1pat1on m alternatives to space weapons beheve ma strong military and l behcve in race. Rosin saad the ume 1s riaht to chang<" Author speaks at llbrary what ~he believes 1s a headlon& escala11on .. I'm helping to create a movement to the course of hmory toward nuclear war. Rosm gave up her develop pos111ve options and space holds a peace - but not in the old way. 1n 1 ne\I, "We're at peace with the Soviet Lnion Local author and Journah!>t Leland \uolc) will Wa) promising future and helped found a unique key," she said. "It's a special place now We have o'er 200 compan1e5 speak to the addleback ( ollegc Fnends of the Wash1ngtol'I. D.C.. thmk tank dedicated to in which we can stop the arms race and L1braf) Friday at 7 10 pm 1n campu., hbrary Room .. The)'re alrcad ~ p1tch1ng the notion working with them . stoppin~ the arms race before it gams create technologies and a consciousness to 105 tn M1ss1on Vt eJO that space weapons are a household word ··whether we trust them or not. they''c 1rrevers1ble momtntum into space. heal this planet and evolve ourselves 1n It's not. The alternatives wtll become a made verifiable, feasible. reahsuc Cook> will speak on .. Inside the Writer's At the same time, the Institute for inner space and outer space ·· household word because tbey will benefit proposals, and at a minimum we should mt•ctm~ World.·· Thl· 1s open to the public and more . ecurity anr1 f'oopcratton in Outer Space Rosin. 4 1, said the movement must stop information I'> available from Ann Hagert> at the household," she sajd. call them on 11:· she said. 582-4544 GOP youth dance Frlday 'CRISIS IN ENVIRONMENT' CLASS INSPIRES DEMONSTRATOR... The Republican Pany of Clran~e ( ount~ will From A l host a youth dann· tu celebrate 1he I Lnd b1nhd1t) uf Mesa pohce station Wednesday. Kun are scheduled th1!t week. "This 1s the onl) class where advocaq 1s com pclled to JOtn in the demonstrations • the GOP Fnda) from X pm to m1dn1ght .at the ParkC'r of Huntington Beach continued to Garden Grove Comm unit) Meeting Center. I IJOO Parker said he was pan1all~ inspired b) implied in the title lt 1s based on lhe hberal .. The escalation of the arms race 1s speak out against the perceived threat of poet Henry David Thoreau and by Manna Stanford A "e .. Garden Grove idea that man I!> good and 1fyou give him bnnging us closer to a nuclear war:· hl' nuclear destruction and the annual WIN­ social science teacher J 1m 1'leil. who enough 1nforma11on. he'.11 straighten said lnv1tat1ons have gone out to high school and CON convention being held through colleges in Orange ( ount). and all young people are advocates peaceful protest h1msdfout," Neil said Parker's parents did not know of hi\ Fnda) 1n Orange County Neil teaches ..Cns1s in the -\mencan tudents in the class address issues such 1ntenuon to get arrested. Parker told them welcome. regardles!> of pan) afihat1on. There 1s no .. Everybody was getting together (at the charge for the danu: or refreshments. Environment." the only elective class the as 1ox1c waste and hunger and discuss wa}S in a note he left on the lutchen table protest) for a champion cause. I JUSt don't high school social science depanment Still to prevent them. The) plant tr«s in Wednesday morning. see the people at WI NCON looking out for offers. It 1s based on the prem1~ that man Barton Flats. spend one day a year takmg " I figured 1fyou get arrested. your cau!>l Slngles programs offered our future:· he said is responsible for ht!> own future over an elementary school class and have will be heard because you'll have to go to Formal!) known as the 27th annual Tbe class has been so popular w11h the " Passionate ttachmcnts." a course explonng built 16 water systems m the desen for big coun. Passing out leaflets and violence 1!> Wmter Convenuon on Aerospace and students that last year. when the district horn rams JUSt not the way to go;· Parker said. the ps)cholog) of romantic lo'e \I.Ill be offered Electrontc Systems. WINCON '86 1s a attempted to discontinue the course. board Fnday from 6:10 to 9 30 p.m 1n Room BC 5 of But Parker and student Colleen McCool e1l. who said some of thl" mo'>t gathenng of Pentagon officials and members were swamped with student said that. most importantly. the class has respected teachers 1n the school consider Saddleback College 1n Mission VieJO weapons manufacturers. Classified and petitions. while alumni telephoned or The class y,.111 include an open forum on 1aught them to be responsible for the Parker extremely responsible. added that top secret sessions arc held at the El Toro v1 s1ted admin1!>trators in protest. Parker common problem!> in daung relat1on'\h1ps. The fee 1s changes that need to be made in their own he 1s proud of the senior for standing up for Manne Corps Air Station. said. future. his beliefs. S 15 or $40 for the th rec-pan '\cncs. Call 582-4646 for Most delegates are staying at the Westin "As a cns1s student they learn to vent further information A!> a member of the Orange County ..They put their mont')' whel'( theu South Coast Plaza hotel 1n Costa Mesa. their frustrations peacefully:' said Neil . Alhance for Survival. Parker said he felt mouth 1s.' he said. where Parker and 14 others were arrested who has taught the course since 1969 He Wednesday for allegedly trespassing or has been a teacher at the school sint·e it Talent show slated blocking a public driveway. More protests opened in 1963. .\n open hou'>e and talent show at the Wt·~t Side branch of the Hart>or ·\rea Bo)s and (11rls Club I'> scheduled for Fnda) from 7 to 9 p.m The club 1s Chailnel Bridge plan located at the Rea Commun1tv Center. 661 Hamilton 51 . <. usta Ml"sa · ..\dm1ss1on ,., i I tor adultr, and 50 l'ents for children I J and under <.all 1 heresa ( ntcher at for Newport boaters 631-7724 for furtht•r 1nform.111on Ge.raid Brame Gerald F. " Jerry.. Brame. 62. died Tuesda) ofan apparent heart attack which Miss OC pageant at OCC occurred at his Balboa home sunk; money lackirig Founeen local )Oung women "111 compete in Funeral services wtll be held Saturda) at 11 a.m. at Pac1tic View Memonal Chapel. the founh annual holarshap Pageant to select Miss trom the proJttt would be assessed Orange Count) aturda) a1 7 30 pm an the Robert Mr. Brame was a general contractor in Newport Beach and was acuve in several CouncifVotes instead Sb00,000 The remamang co t would ha' l" B. Moore Theata on the Orange Coast College been paid b) the stale Dcpanml"nt of campus m ( osta Mt>sa yachting organizations. He was a past commodore of Voyagers Yacht Club and to widen structure. Transponauon and the city The wanner \I.Ill compete 1n the Miss C'ahforn1a Cit\ staff members and the Plaon rn~ Pageant 1n an D1l·go 1n June -\dm1 ss1on I\$ IOand was 1979-80 president of the Newpon Ocean Sa1hng lo\ssoc1at1on. add northbound lane ( omm1ss1on feared Caltrans \\ OU Id t.ake S5 for studcnb and -.enior ~ 1t11 ens Call 6 '5-6383 for the mone\ alread, commuted to the details In add111on to his wile . .\hcc. he 1s survived by his parents. Mr and Mrs. Leo proJcct and go elsewhere 1f faced \\,1th an Michener of Redding. Cahf.; fou r dau~­ By SUSAN HOWLETT add1t1onal S 1.5 million request ters. Laura Hilliard of M .. rysvi lle. Ahce Of llM Delly ""°' lt• lf Balboa Coves res1den1 Sand)' Will ford said he had suppon from a maJOnt)' oftht: Plummer to speak tonight Sorenson of Irvine. Kathleen Elhs of Newpon Harbor boat owners and Newport Beach Ma)or Pro Tern Ruthelyn Garden Grove and Penelope Potter of waterfront resrd~tS he SUrYe)ed "'ho \aid Plummer 1s scheduled to <;peak on offshore 011 residents who wanted to build a new. thev would foot their share of the propoM·d Morro Bay; four grandchildren; a sister higher Channel Bndgr saw their bid dnlhng at tonight's meeting oftt.e Ne.,.,. port Harbor Lynn; and two brothers. Frank Brame and $600.000 assessment 1.1b. scuttled \I.hen the Newpon Beach C tt ~ Repubhcan Asscmbl) Fred -\hlstro m of Costa Mesa. But the council members said althvugh Gerald Brame Council determined the m one ~ 1sn·1 The 8 pm met•ting will he held at 1224 the} appreciated the efforts b~ W1llfonJ Pembroke Lane 1n Ne .... pon Reach a\a1lablc thl' funding suppon was note' 1den1 None Lt. Col. Harry Campbell services Friday Instead. the council 'oted Monda} to of the residents he sune\ed sho\l.ed up at support a plan to widen the bndge at 115 the ml"eung present ele\at1on as pan of a S2 m1ll1on Memorial Sen-tees will be held Fnda) After JOtn1ng the ~1r Force: at Marrh prOJeCt 10 add a nonhbound lane on Councilman John ( l1'. and Publtl Field in 19~8. Campbell graduatl·d at k.1·11' CALENDAR for retired Lt Col Han) E: . Campbell. a " orks Director Ben ~olan ~tressed that rt Field in Te"0n Rtl i.. < can't JUSJ tool for pie 1n the <;k~ .. plan. lea\ mg tht' '°"' \\. 11hout monc't.I• ?' ~Campbell. a charter member of the mal..e an' badge 1mpro' ements t _f\r- • o· 10 p.m . Laguna Beach Housing Com mil tee Irvine Coast Country Club.l"'asa member CampbeU' 1\.,.,0 grandchildren .and a )l)ter. .The ell~ and the st.ate are committed to Pearl l\~st rohg . ~ i:na1ch1ng funds of about SI mil hon apiece " "-e haq~.. -t.Q get On \I. Ith th1c;.'' ( '.'t'31d . Community (enter. 184 Legion St of tM first Orange County A1rpon Com­ " It's got 10 hi{ppe._n ·· ~ • · ·" • 6·30 p.m .. Laguna Beach Board of Adjust· m1ss1on. Born in Bloomfield. Iowa. he was MemORal ~r\>1ce~ are ''\c hedul~r the project. ~ > men&. Countil Chambers. 505 Foest A"e. a graduate of Kemper Milrtaf) Academy - Fnda) at .q P·©. at the Pac~ \ 1e" If the cdunc1l appro\Cd con!>trurnon offl • -\ h•igtter bndge ~ould ~~ t~b\{i '\ and ll,,~endt'd Drake Umversll) and Wash­ ~monal Chapefan ( oron dA Mar The: ne\I. . higher bndge. tht" total cost \l. OUrd mor~ rs onto the constr~·11onl proJ.OC t mgto~n1 ve rs1t) Law School in St Louis. fam1l) requests contnb '(I, be: m..alk 111 _;ump to about S5 million . on the narrO\I. t~oroughlarc.- to the.- Balho.1 Pentn,ula Ohio. 1h' Hoa8 Mtf ~ "' "' 1 "" """ '"" " "'"'"", ...,,. "hn "". '" ,.. """ . PoucE Loe

ring .i.nd J pu1r tit l'Jrr1ng' \\;" dl·p<1nmrnt ~ll1rl" rt'pOrtl•d \\ ednl·~· l1'k Jtl' th1• ,in\ \'I reported ~tolen from ,\ horn~· ahrng da' lhJt !>llmt•one \tok hn S~U "alkt • • • .\ I °'·\(~ar-old mak \\as lxl\,l..l·,t- M1rador \\, h1ch she had recenth lefl on a -.hdr Counselin4 ordered for • • • 1n 1he store\ C>to<:l..roo·m 1hen released \\ ednesda' nisht 1,ir -\ red Oil \.de \\,a\ n:portl"d ~tokn allegedh '1ola11ng the ell~·., l·urll'\.\ from 1n lmnt ot .a l">l.·atidd •\ \l"lluc Laguna Beach la"' and pro\ 1d1ng falSl· 1nformat11.m school Tuc'ida\ to a pohle 1lfficer P11!1cc rece1 \ ed repon\ \\ t'dne\Ja' ••• ex-pitcher In wife assault mommg of a red..le~l> Jn\ er ~a11c.-r - \ \ 1decx·as<;ettC re-corder 'alued .-. Newport Beach 1ng V{'de.-.tnan'i \l.h1lc m1ltonng J S ~SI) \\3S '>tolcn lrom 3 (olennt\h O\\ a ) eligible for the program He \\BS The ner nt ello\I. I"" I hghl -)CllO" Ru11 I.. along the \1.im 'itre<'t re'i1dencc the.- \ 1t't1m tof, By STEVE MARBLE charged \I.Ith m1~dt'm~~sault in Mercedt's ' ' n1n\ en1ble reponed Of tM D...., l'llot It.fl ordered to return to coun -\pnl 2~ to Reach hoard,\all.. ~ pohlc olliccr poh1 c.- \.\ t'dnesda~ Entf\ apf)aren1h a IX-1. 10 1nnd1.'Jl "'1 ,...~ft11.·h he that thie' e'i brol..I.' into her l'ar and report on his progres!. re\pond1ng l l' the ,alls \l.3S unotik It' "'a~ made through a " 1ndl)\\ .\~~ult r h:ugc;\ ... 111 tx· d1ol)pcd alkgedl}' held a gun t~ 1k\ head stoic a S 'iSl! pam·rcl1c' 1ng de\llC' •again" tormer ma.tor le:isue p1tchl"T \ fountain Valle'f poh1.c \ W .\ l IfOdom successful!} completes the tTom the goh e companment The \'."llr unit camped ou1!>1cle Odom·, .ipan­ counseling program. assauh c harge~ John " BIUl' Moon' 0<1tlm tl hl' '" was parl..t'd 111 thr I ~no hhxl.. ot '-" C''t atT1.•p1cd an. and then \Ul'Ci.''\\fulh mt.>nt for "" hour\ hc:fnre hr c;ur· \l.Ould bc d1c;m1c;<;ed (oast thsh ....I\ "hen thl' theft 1x Vegas arson suspect held n1m plt'te'i a lt>unwltng program a tendered. Pohcc offi~er'> 'IJ1mcd the OJum ..aid he has been out of \\Uri.. CUTTed. p<.lhW \.'\l\l former p1tcht•r humcaded h1rn,l"lt 1n >inn· Ma> \\,hen he lost ht'> 1ob Jt • • • 1udge tktnmtnl"d \\< edne~dJ ) '\ Tnhute l null rt"<.1ct for March I 7 in upenor C oun in W l·dnc\4.ia~ and ~tvle and SH ., I ~l) of Rak l·~fic.-k1 ....\, .trrr'\tNI at tht !\n ll.rnu~<' t•,t1mat<" ~a' ~l\a1l.1t,l 1 The former hullpl.l>t't no"' .1 J111mond nng lrnm ,1 1lrt'"1·r llraw<"r 1c<;1dcnt ot I nu11ta111 Vall1.•, " rcque\t for counsehng pro\ 1ded he is Santa '\na \and.-. lintel \\ nlnn1.la\ n1gh1 "hc:n 1n tht• lirn ,\I the llnhda\ !nil a11il th• 1n the.- ma\ter ~dnwm • • • he "•'' \t)('l1tC1.J fi,llt'" 1ng two l\r\on ~nd' l amagt Jt th<" Dunr' ",,, " rt$1dent in thl· ~!ltlll hllxl.. ,1 t lirc'i at th.1t • tnra rc'''n e~11m ttdatS~'llOH Hunttnaton Beach male with ~hort blond hiir "'c.-anng a SI 00 answenng machine were rt 811v 1dc returned hl1m<" I ue-.da' w Poh~Y ~·~1 1 11111·11 \l. I "a' llnT\tN Firemen ~-en- 1.·alled ll' th<" Hnlul•n long·)k-evcd khaki ~h1n , dark pan1\ poned <;tolen from a Beach Boule' ard ~au\c he matt hcd th<' dr~npuon lnnabouttip m 1)nareponot:11i n 1n A resident an the ~moo blod of tind thieve~ hnd y,all..<"d into h1-, homt' and tenn" ,hoes. npartmC'nt complex Wt'dnc~a) ,,f a man ~n h\ <.t'I. unt\ au. r~h a maid•; 10( ~er r0<'m l)n th<' rl'~'n ' Holland reported I) tlc1ggc~I dt1\I. n through the unlodc.-d front door. • • • tollo"tn& two al"\on hi"('\ nt the fif\h Ooor Whtie the.-' "-('!'(' at lh1· •\ ~ S!Xl watch and a $25 wallet "'ere n111"'c~ed the hou\C and m..adc olT pohce 1n front of hl·r ·hcimc earl) Fountain Valley Hohda' Inn ( C'ntcr \tnp <"arl1<"r 1n 'iC't'nt' a S«ond fire repom•d 1n an reponcd 'itokn fro m 11 tan I Q80 "1ih a S900 '1detxassctll" ~ordl"r l\ "ll" toda} cla1mmg thJt ruhht'r\ dn" 1n1t a lht' C\ en mg ('\C\ uu"'e hoard room t1n the hl1ter, Tmota ( eh<.a parked 1n l1 church Im .\f\cr breaking a \\, 1nd ow t h1<''C'' S4 20 color 1 V ~t . a S IO .in~"'<"nna vcllo"' Maida took hl'r put\<.' .11 \ uthont1e'i wud the\ had e\1Jtn1.c ~ond floor pnnllers e'C11n1u1"ihN gunpmnt The pur5e enter'N a Mt Pntto home machine and S \ 000 in 1<'w('ll'\ \\edne5da)' and stole S I.\ .. Ci 1n • • • It') hn ~ l1ttlro"I to the lir'('\ .11 tht both lit"C"s and fire onic1al rtponc-d c-ash. S l 0 1n Jl'"-elr) Jnd SXll 1n Tht• th1cl '>m..a.,hcd Ont' of the win .\ SI Q(J ~ar 'iterro s\ \l<'m "'a' ie.,,elry S400 in telephone~ some Ht.\hdin Inn and Sand\ U\\ell.i<.fl\t' mtxlrnue v. tt'r d1m1a.ar m1~ellanto\I\ 1tc.-m'I lto,,jo tunhcr 1n do"' to gain entf). poh<'C \il1d repont'l.1 \tolen from .i blue 1971 \OCks. $4 1n cash and S46Q in arwn tim at the Dune\ Hotel and Firemen re ponded to tv.o fal\l· forma11on \l,f\ a'a1lahlc • • • Vol ~w.agen Bug p;ir~~ in a lot at Casino Tue-.da' nlJht alarms at ihr O\int'\ Hotel JU '' belot't" • • • ~omt'one rcponedly 'itole S 1,200 1n m1~llancous items The re'i1dcnt'I of o l tunt1na111n "1deo equipment from a home m the • • • 4 '4 ~ Mac .\rthur Blvd Tue5d.' \ l\(l I 1ttleov. I wu anntt'd after tirl'· p m Offm1l"i <;a1d firT alarms halt Burlaa~ reportedly stole SI 00 in Beach home " crt' rudt'I\ a"'akcncd MIOt) hlock of (. ntcrhur) Wt'dnt's­ Tut'~a' thte' e' repone'\Jh hro~<' fi&htcn responded 10 four tirt', and httn pulled b) '\Omcone cMh from a ps station a1 Q~2Ci into a red I~ \ l llHll3 p1l l.. up tn•l I.. h~ n hurglar l ra" hng .ilontt thc-11 da\ t\\O fal<;t alarm' w1th1n thrtt hnul"\ o\n hour later hR"m<"n "'<'re call1 J • • • warner I\ H Tue~" n1ahl and \tole thC' S4 ~0 ~·ur \ttrro \\\ltm "t"Jne\d~ ) n1R.ht 10 the nd.\ \\, hC"N" firt", had httn ...: 1 bedroom floor enrh tcld..a\ \lll"r I h1eH·' rtportt-dl> hroke into a rtah11na he had hc:t·n l11\4.·ll,rreJ . ht "'hilt th<" '<'hllk "'a' p.1rl..C'\l 1n 1ht \\ «1ne'i\10I\ n1ah1 ' llrt' tnl11,\l.t'd tt 1n ,1 lif\h 11\)or l1n<"n room anti 1 home 1n the I MOO block of ~tl' holi. I nine I IUO hlo1. I.. 1lt \\ t'\I l\,1lho,1 \t'rll'' t' rt\ ran out the Joo1 ~llh t\\o d1Jmonll 11t Ii\ ii l uc"ll\ n11tht .it thr rt,lfi'Om 1)fT thr h111rl " Kriu11I \.\>rdne'!td3\ and 'itnlr J S.?.000 ,\ nn1 \l.lWI \t<1lcn from • home 1n f\\l\llr\ :tf\1 l >uni.'' ltn\d Th1l\t' ti"'' t au\C'd halltt'll.1m nngs. a watch 11nd •• '('t ot t.., ke"' ~h.lmonJ nn~ ••• Jumped into the v1tt1ol°HM anti 'pcd tht' I HO() hll.>C~ ot Jemtl "3} pohc<' l hr manager 11t " • 11'h"'" 1'1,irhS \'' 101 \lam.i~· and IMl C'J tht• Pnh\C drrt'\tt'd t tttk11\l.I ahet h• • • • c' ,,, uattl•n 111 I (\('kl guc.-\t\ Im a~1ut away He wo' de\~nhc-rl :" .1 \l.h111• \ Si 00t1 table a S \00 1 \ "l·t .ind a ~n1d Wedne5d1.n 1\1\0 Wcdnt~a ' .i. ~ l"P''tted n<'ar the hotcl ul\I '' A4 * Orange Coast DAILY PILOT I Thursday, February 27. 1988 Reagan builds beachhead Rockwell official against defense budget cuts warned NASA of WASHINGTON (AP) - l'rcs1· much as S 0 billion from ha -. S320 min1stra11on suppQncr on thr Senate dcm R~gan says proposed cub m h1!> billion military spending request. Armed Services Committee. said. " 1 shuttle safety risk defense budget would be " back l1d1n.g "This 1s reckless. dangerous and am for a strong defense, but I won't of the most 1rrespons1ble kind," hut commit to an Cllact figure at this lime. wrong," he said. " It's backo;hd1ng of \\ 1th 110 pre\ 1ou!> data, Al Manin, some of has strongesl supponers in the most 1rrcspons1ble ii.ind " I th ink tho element of fairness has to Congttss prt'd1ct he faces a statT fight be shown, throughout our analysis of Probers told ice on K1xk.,..elt'\ manager at the Cape, said against his m1h1ary buildup. House Democratic leader Jim the budget, both on the defense and tw 1old "'I \ \.\ otlic1als the company Wnght of Texas. JO his pany's the non-defense side." launch pad caused n1 uld not "pre\hCt where the icicles The president. speaking from his response to the president's address, ,,,11go011 llf\ofl" desk as snow fell outside an Oval a )aid defense cuts are needed to reduce Sen John Heinz. R-Pa .. noted f ht• prl.''>ldent1al l'OffiffilSSIOn also Office wtndo~ . said 1(1 a televised C ongress1onal Budget Office report serious concerns budget deficlls that "themselves po e heard tt'\l1mon) from members of a speech Wednesda}' night that because a danger to our nauonal secunty." that lhc admin1strat1on under­ of has pohc1es. "Amencan strength 1s estimate-d defense hirh " ,1 ,u,pctted culpnt an the ·Tm going to do m) best to suppon Challenger's launch that 11 mull.I " not "Just a~ .... e are s1111ng down at the "Under those circumstances. we t•xpltl\IOll 1hu1 dt:'>l royed the shuttle the president's request, but I re­ assure that 1t as <>a le w 11 ) .. lx'l'aU\l' ot bar$a1n1ng table with the 0' 1e1 will have no alternative but to have to Navy doctor .ind kllkd ''' '"" rn-member crew last Union. Ids not thro.,.. Amenca·s cognize full well he 1s not going to get get out the pruning shears and the ice around the launc.·h pad. an e'enthmg he 1s askin2 for" munlh trump card a"a} ... he ~1d . noung scalpel and do the necessary culling invest1gat1 ve comm1s.,1on ...... , tuld en John Warner. R-Va.. an ad- on the defense budget." Heinz said. today. k t· tl·.1111 member B.K. Da' 1s l·ongn:ss1onal proposal-. to tut as found guilty n·pl)nrJ th.it the Kl.' un the launch " I reiterated the s1ale0Jt'nl 'eH·rnl p.11.l lacihl' 111 thl' hours before ltftotT WASHI NGTON (AP) - A mili­ tames" in ll 9 a.m mceung 1111 l.111nl h tary Jury has convicted Navy surgeon "J\ thr "llf't c' l.' r encountered da) with NAS.\ offinJI'> JI operations at Bethesda Naval Hospi­ m .id11m· u\1.'.llc tu lrll/en lht• d1dlS some "phon} ·· cakula11ons and could pos-;1b1lit) allowed by law but rl.'· bolster the motor 'chicle and high­ premier hospital. was found innocent fl y." But hoth mt.>n \aid they tound no be lea ner and meaner b} hundred' of Jt'Ctcd 1n the governor'!> budget \\ a) accounts 1nslead of' using tax­ Wednesday of two charges of in­ Neither Gia) '>hl'I nor am otht·r millions of dollar.. according w a The Legislature also should cul l'\ 1dcnce that 1Cl' tall1ng awa) during payer subsidies. ~voluntary rnanslaughtcr in the deaths senior Rockwell c.1 tlic1ab "hu 1cst1· detailed anahs1s 1ssul.'d ~edne\da ) DeukmcJ 1an's 5 percent salary ofTer And he recommended that state l.1und1 had J one the shuttle any of two other patients. tied were asked 1mrm·d1atl.'I' .... h.11 dJmJge on l1floff b~ Leg1slatl\e .\nahst \.\ ill1am for un1Vers1 t\ facult) members to 1. 2 funds be used on .. onl} the most He al<;o was acquitted of ft ve of 24 response tM) rcc.c1 H'd from '\i .\'i .\ Hamm. percent. .,..h1ch would be ample to cn11cal" 1Delta le,ee'> that haH' been charges of dcreltct1 on of duty stem­ offic1ah .,..hen thn rcg1sll.'rcd thl.'1r \1e mtx·r' of the l'Offi ffil!>!l lOn have The non-part1-.an anal~'>! -.aid thl.' keep them l.'\.Cn "llh uthcr pre · damaged b} fl oods as federal kvcc ming from other opera11 ons at ObJeCtionc; lx·n1ml' 111nca:.1ngly 1mtated m re­ Legislature and Dl•ukml'tlan Jl\o 11g1ou'> 1ns111u11on~ . H.1mm .. aid repair hdp d1m1n1shl.',. Bethesda Rockwell's obJel 11 un' c.·a ml' 10 llght nprl'\'>l'd h' l'qu1pnwn1 ta1lurc'> to la} bare a Mon on Thiokol. I nl t•ngJOcl.'r'i .,.. hn hn•Jkdo" n ol \1lrh 1n the N ASA work on booslcr rocket\ . and lhu' t h.11n of l·ommand ai. thl' dcc1S1on to seem hkch· to reintorcl· doubts n · launc.·h apprnachl.'d. , pressed h} comm1 .. s1on ml.'mher' Cher and ()\Cr on Wednesday, about NASA's dec1s1on to pres' n1mml\'>IOn members peppered m1d­ ahead "Ith launc.h despltl' un· ll'' el ,ran· agent') ollic1als wtth precedented cold weather. qul·~tion'> l\J tind oul why they did not Gla)sher and other Rock.,..l'l l ol­ ll'll their ho\se' alxlul the Monon fic1als said thl.') told .. pact.' agl.'nc' I h1ukol l•ng1nct•rc;' concern !> that cold offi cials the) had never \Cl'n 1n: .... cathl·r might l3USl' cm1cal hoostl'r· cond111 ons like tho <,e that exl\tcd un rocke1 '>akl\ ~cal'> to fail . the night before the launch. and " wcrl.' Ont.> .,..1tne'>~ . NASA\ booster 1n an unknown cond1t1on " rodt>t manager La.,..rence Mulloy. The) said they .,.. ere woml.'d that '><.lid ht' did not notify an}onc else 1ncles would come loose trom thc hecau<,e he 1hough1 the issue had been launch tower during liftoff. hit thl' rnohcd <,at1sfactonl) at his level at pad and ricochet 1n10 the spdccplanl' the 'latwnal .\eronau11cs and Space The} also Cllpresscd rnnccm 1ha1 1rl.' \dm1nl\tra1ion .,..hen a Morton might be sucked into a flame trenrh fh1 okol '1cc pre\1Jcn1 se nt a memo under the solid fuel booster rockt:l'> appro' 1ng tht• launch on the evening when they 1gn11cd an the shuttk' '> booster rockets. starts Friday, 10 a.m.

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• • •~ o • • t. •t.... ._...... Ana heim A 1 drr> m PlrJJd N Euclid St at (,rescent St • Fullerton Yorba Linda Blvd Jt SapphirP nd Cypress 10?01 V:lllPy V1Pw SI at Ball Ad •Tustin: 18182 Irvine Blvd at Npwport Ave ...... ""• I • • • Hu ntingto n Beach 9811 Ad.lms AvP at Brookhurst St •Whittler Whlttwood MAii Wh1tt 1cr Blvd at Scott Avf' •I 114 ,._ •.. t .,,,. ... ,. I I •~ Garden Grove 1 J092 HArbor Blvd at Garden Grove Blvd mA.P~eAS LOOk 1nq for fhp Mervyn s store neArest you? Dial Ol•t toll froc 800. 1n formAt1on numbN 0 P T c A N S 800 M :: R v Y N S from B a m to 11 p rr \ " I Or~ Coaat DAILY PILOT/Thuf'9dey, F~ 27, 19ee * Al 9 Marcos supporters arrested, took arms On.visit to foe MANILA, Ph1hpp1ne!> (AP) - Nine •uPPorters ot l)(fensc Manmer Jwan Pone Fnnlc at Camp Aau1naldo. . 1 erdmand E. Marcos were 1uTested today after authoriues tbe new aovemment on a pohce officw, tbc first deaths 1nvolv1n1 Filipino found auns hidden m cars they were taJuna to visit 11 \aid another man a try pokesman, Jo!l4: Flores. Ennle and The president, antervaewcd on ABC's .. Good Mom- Gen. Fidel V Ramo'I were the two top m1Jaary leaders 1nsurwtnu tnce Mn. Aqwno ~ president. mahtary leader who helped oust Marcos. Defense 1na Amenca," )11d. "Let me ask Mr Ma~o~ thin lfbe suJI The Ph1hppane Constabulary t•o Ministry offic1alc, said. who defected to Corazon Aquino's side on S:uurday, io Pampanp said has any loyalists here who intend to do the F1hpino harm men ndJD& motorcycle Wednesday helping to hasten Marcos' fall from power Tuesday. then Mr. Marcos do your very best. a followed a J«P Laoag Cuy Mayor Rodolfo F11nnas and e1aht Flores ~ad the nine men, from Marcos' home carry1na Col. Jo~ A~daya, the provincial pollce bodyiuards were taken mto custody Wednesday Tor "Think of your countrymen who have already been commander. 'Nbeo one fired a pistol, both wcrc lolled by province of !l oco~ None, were not authonzed to carry hun. wl;., have already suffered so much under your questtonma in connection wath the possession of severnl return fire. Police said. . . . . firearms and dad not ay anything about wanung 10 take regime. The 11me 15 now to makc amend$ and~ whatever automaiic nfles and other firearms, snid Mmastry Also today. Aquino beun re l ~•na F1hp1nos Jailed arms to the camp 10 surrender them. as many former can do to your loyahsts from 1nf11ctina spokesman Silvestre Afable. He indicated illegal weapons Marco!> supp()ners have dorie. y~u d1scour~gc oo poht1caJ chaf1C$ under Marcos. A military leader said possession charges would be fi led later. • mo;c harm on our people should be your concern." Aquino appealed to her predecessor today to tell his another 400 could be freed soon. The nine were going to pay a "courtesy call" on loyalist~ $1111 an the country not to foment violence against Poltce said today that two aJleged communist rebels pttu1I U.S. envoy Philip Habib anived m Mamla were lcilled 1n an attack in Bataan province west of Manila today and met with Aqumo to congratulate her

Opponents seeking end II You're F.ct Up With the s~~ures interiors Sllpahod & Car... aa to exile at Hawaiian base Ro.d Work 8ooc;onte A eor- A(.IM• INYl!NTOAY SALE on HONOLULU (Al1) - Exalt'd 1ng from lupus. a deb1htat1ng disease. THE BARRETT GROUP 1.Gmpe • f'kt'"" • T.W.. • .t.-ie. Philippines President Ferdinand and was reported to ha' e been earned P 0 Boa 2183, N.8 92663 642-2255 Marcos remained under heavy secur­ 2640 Avon St., NewfMWf hoch by stretcher aboard a U .S plane an the ~~-~~...... _~...... _ tt) at a mahtary base. whale opponents Phahppines when he Oed his island tned to get ham out of the Unatt'd nauon. Crv1ng a hfe term for shoo11ng the pope. vary from store to store. Acquittal of the Bulganans would l'ast doubt on the alleged connection SAVE ON STYLE FAIRE. between the Soviet Union and the IN-STOCK. It~ MADE attempt to kill the pope. 1• SLAT VINYL MINl8UNDS Violent mutiny Avallabfe In Ivory c.olor. .,ComJYre. ... .6" sparking riots ' .It { 14.99 Each WINDOW W.ADll near Pyramids •'t ' n-. ..- ~ 8.99.. ~~ SA.1.£1 ~atrong • F ,_ ~,. 1 CAIRO , Egypt (AP) - M1htaf) 5-GALLONI WOOD COAT ...... 9.99.. IC!!' SOLARIAN M poltce manned roadblocks and llXTDIOR ~ r ; ...... ti .99.. 12· a 12· VINYL TILE MAINTDIANC• .-N l>lur scarchcd for troublemaker; toda} l l,.._-.. llOOll~··· Garoen i...tt In °' af\er a violent mutiny by ~unty LATU PLAT PAINT R•DWOOD STAIN i j ...... ,. .. ta.99 .. forces sf'nrked nots ID Cairo and three I ~, ~ <- - 99 0ur'-~·""9 69c 1roM · -·-I! other c1t1es. Sources saad scores may co,,,.,.,. , .. 17.99.. ' :T.C;,. ''"· 111 6.99 .... .r•. Eaeh 99C Uctl have been killed and hundreds ::P9:~- 6oo 1 Our lteog Lil.tr .wounded. • 5 Gallon DDIGND The capital city wa~ reported 25.00 Bucket 2.99 Gallon STYU PAIR• QUAUTY generally quiet overnight, but resi­ CAii..... VINYL SH•rr l'LOORING 1r • 1r 111n,.i ui. 2 cOIOn dents of at least th rec neighborhoods AT LOW, LOW l'RICD. reported hearing sporadic ,hoot in~ as tanks. armored personnel earners STYL• PAIR• NO-WAX. and armored cars patrolled the de­ Ow•-,,_. ""°""9 '>Crtcd streets "' \.,net o, P •ai lllfTBTON8 SUltdTON• D•CAD• CDAMICTIU and several nightclubs near the Great l'LATLATD PLATLATD PLAT LATU I a t· ~, 12 al2 Pyramids, attacked cars and police ow...H stations. and stormed a pnson where ;~ 999 ;~ s•9 Comp 1099 .,' OftlfN~ 99c Gllllon 99 C..llotl Moslem fundamentalists were held. 6 . 99 ~ ' ' •99 Gallon 11. 1.60 um Clashes between the army and sccunty forces also were reported an OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF COMPARE & SAVEi P'llAllU-l'llAllU. V•RY SP•CIAL PURCHASE ••• the provincial c1tl\'s of A'i'itut, Sohag ROBERT SIMMONS ARTIST CANVAS l'llAllU-PllAllSSI and lsma1lla and in rural 'iCCUnt} H• se~on ol tra1M1 SAV. ON .. BRIGHTON" force gamsons near Cairo ...... CiOOd ..-111y •"-'"""' ·- ....,.,..,_. ... - ,.._,... on In ew sin twed EgyptA1r, the national earner. an­ ART BRUSHllS ~-- TON•-ON·TON• nounced plans to evacuate today . -•• o about 700 foreign toumts 99c ~I CUT& LOOP !?l!?FF Ult '·" ~ Eac,, REGULAR PRI ES CARP•T 25 t •.u• u11 JAf t.z. .. ex 10 • In 3 .,.,,,,to~ colori OU' comp- -~uo" 11·. ... llfl l . 11 ' ·" '" • Col"tl~s ,,..,wt nylon Indian panel links 1nc1.-1 """· t•n1. -t•~olOn'°'"'°' .-· \ u ....., ZA9.. TUUlt LAMP DUICIND • T~ated wtm Grlf'f9atd '" 19CI ....,.. '°"II.. terrorists, crash tt•htle , .,,.., a more en.u. w1tt1 gi..u tullp CUP PW..AMU Compare 7 99 ComJM!re 411 PICTOR NEW OFLH I, India (AP) - An ARTIST'S' OIL .~mr-,..t 9" .c-....10 .. · 299 at • Indian JUd1c1al panel has concl uded 1.JO to 9.00 Oft ACll'YUC 20.99 beh .. 4 .00 ~ Our low RegvUir the eJ1.plos1on ot a terronst bomb COLORS mASSl'IAllO~ • •• , . r;i '·".. caused la'it year''i cra,h of an A1r­ 99C to 7.29 1• a 4 • tuOft "COIOO COlflllll,.. ,. ff I a IJ" 'r;J IA9.. lndi&JCthncr carrymg 329 people. the Now on S...~ tor Oftfy c~"'' ·" 111 ..... • "' Pre s Truc,t oflndta reported today. ~'I LAMP ' "° •" •:;i IA9a. 99 All aboard the plane d1t'd when 1t olS.-ctlr-. '' • ••• '12 · ·" '" Sq.Yd . exploded and plunged anto the North =. 79~ .~,...... 24. " .. t• aH• ;:;i ··" u '\th1ntac ofTthe coast of Ireland Ntw Oclht High Court Judge Bhup1nderNath K1rpal c,ubm11ted has N0-•111<. SHOPPING ••• mv••tTHING. .. SBL CAlllllB ou• UNCONDmONAL llONSY-llACIC CIWYIAN .... find1nas to the Indian government late Wedne~ay . according to an offic1 I poke man Tht report w1 II be made public only aOer 11 "prc'lt'ntcd to the lnd1an Parliament Pre Trust Quoted official \Ource\ u sayina the 1nqu1ry de1cnnaned " a terronst bomb conctaled an the Jlirce of baua&e" ell.ploded 1n the forward cargol\ofd of the Bocma 747A\11 fkw 31 .000 fret over the 0$ eon Orange Coast OAllV PILOT/ Thursday. February 27, 1986 "Tht• S tate Vep art ment 'sgloba/ llll nker s som etlrrw!> can 't ~e t th eolr prior/lies straight. They're willing co risk American consumers· health to keepfram upsetting a few mango gr owers In Mexico. I/aft/and Belize. ·· JACK ANDERSON and JOSEPH SPEAR columnl•t•

EDITORIAL L WILLIAM F. Pacifist view Bue KLEY appealing Campus but also naive fllror no The annual pcan· protest outside the annual \.\tntt•r meeting of defrm.c contractor!) ra ises what should he an annual question: [!) 1t po ... s1hk to ad\ orate wnrlll pean· teapot .\ ND weapons rec;rard1 and dl'' rlopmcnt'> fhe Orange Count) ~lliantT for ~ur' I\ al toreh hearer for tht· peace moH'mt·nt t'Cll h I chruar) '' ht·n tempest 1.kkgatt''- to thl' Wtnta ( onH'nllnn un .\t'fll\J)Jtl' .ind Electronic ~\\tern"i tWl f\I( 0;"\.) Je.,n.:nd on tht· \\e,t111 It " 11111h111tt 'h1111 11! a'>loni~hing "\outh ( oast.Plala in ( o<,tJ Me<,a '>l't'm"i to thin!... not 1hJI l'\l'nl' al 1>.111m11u1h ( olkgc lllflllllUl' to lfl>\\d lhl' HC") .i\8( . Generali~ . the ·\lliancc -.upporn, the propm1tu>11 ( B\ '\i B< thrn· "nd1ratcd that all nuclear weapon<, are bad. The mqTihcr' rnkr .1 tolumnl'I'- 1ountk'' cd11onals. Onc th reat trom the\ crv cx1<.lt'nl't' of a nuckar ar'\enal 1un1or \HotL· rlc:g,11111\ tu tht' \tudcnt They reject ac; Jangl·rou<,. foolhan.l). l'H'n 1r­ da11\ " Ila' 111g IC'l11hc Hanovn pluin lor tht· \Ullll\ ht'acht'\ of f-lorida la~ t rcsponstbk. the argumrnt that onl) throug.h a c.trnng 1.ugu'>I I rt'lurnnl 1n lllXh with a defemc - \.\h1ch in 1h1<-. age ol ad .. anccd ll'thnoliig' h1·1gh11'nL'd "·nw ol per'>J>el:\l'l'. You means a nuckar Jr<,l·nal - tan tht<:. nat10n it·main fn.·t· 111 'l'l' 11 ""·"Ill\ lrr\t tam oil in O\t.'r a 1nternattonal cummun1\l agress1on ,rnd \U\t~un .1 COMMENTARY H'.H Jnd "hc:n on1· h.1, hl'l·n hl'rt' !hat democrac) in "'h1th lrl'l'dom<, ltl...e the ng.ht to prolt'\l lung om· tl·n1h t•1 nnn1.halantl~ can thn"c atrl'.pt thr \ .1n11uHumru'> n l'nt!> and tkhatn ·" II \ll\J'll l'\l'U"l' 01) U'>C The pacifist 1t'd ''ord - normal 11 puppy in tts unn.·<,tratnt•d tru\l in tht' g(ludnr'>\ of Lhl' SelfGovernment Scale 11111f.. t11ur nwnth' 1111 tt\I: 'out'i1dl'' :rnd human sptnt. It 1s equall} na1H' l 1w n 11 l'" , p n \l' r' a 11 u n ., " ll h W ith the he'\t ol tntt'nllom. full) hd1n 1ng 1t "'tll 1n11·r1•,tl'li l lc1r11J1,111' (who hJd !ht' h1:nl'111 nt a Jl\1ntl'fl'\11'J and \ome· save the human ratl' 11dcmon<:.tratc<,1t<, v..t·aknt''" \\1th used to measure freedom '"ha I l·o,m11p11li1.1n 't\'\") tor me to rhctonc: appropnJll' onh for bumper <,l1ckl'r\ Wt'dm·,­ pt.'l.'11' e .. 1 T ool offrrs closeup I h, 1\J11an"m tor '>l'' l'r.tl rt'.1\11n' 'rolat111n 111 an' ~11,t•rnnw111 lllll1 ··~·c ha\t' 4 • tom ol TNT tor C\.l'f\ man v.urn.111 .ind \ 11111~1 important ont· 11 tht• l.tl t la\1 or .. 1.1tu te t11 about t111 pt•r1 t'n t l11r ,1 H11111.1\ lur "h111.'' t:r 1augh1 th.it child on the planl't " · \lUdl'nl ho\\ Ill V. nil' f ng11'h OUt the view of control we 1h.11 I h11m.1' Jdli.·r-,oin 1h11ught till' pt:r.,l)n v. h11 tkud1.''> 111 "" 11 ..t nd What. pra} tell dot·s that mean'> ll'l 111 rind lhl· llllldttlUn 111 \\'lt 11pnatt' .i hu\lnl''>' lU1n·111 turor m.1h·., tht' '>IUU) of ~ ngh'h 'l'l m '>11nwhov. dklt' , . no ( t•nainl~ 1f a v.orld po\.\cr finding 1t,l'lf .1l \.\.ti . h ave over our lives l''''t'l 11111l nt 4u1tl· 1mpt1rt,tnt B1'>11ln I Intl' \OU ha\l ratt·tl \\hnnl<'\l'f 11r 1h.11 '' .1 h,1J v.11rd ht'l3U\t' a~ w11h J tl'll'l I lllj! \ti '>l'll gll\l'r llllll'nl lll,lfl\ \\hate\l'r \ou .lfl' n.1lu.111ng 1111 hoth u>uld deliver o n threat to \trapc"ef) mall- trm.1k .rnd lht.:11 lnd1.1n 111.1\ull Danmouth will 1 11mn 111 h1~ prn 111u" v.n11ng\ pr.11 the pt:r~onal ht•t•Jom tkltl \lJlt Jnd child cncm) <,ccurl'I) LO hi'> or hl'r des1gnatl·J 4 tom 111 "\ \lllllC: up v.11h ,1 l11hln in 1h1\ t.J'>C the lh RI \l' 1h1 p1 n talltng from h1\ h.111d v.l"lt' l111l' ht't\lt'l'n tht 1''11 I h.ll lirw ""tll g.a' l11hh\ 111 tknuullll' ;uu a\ a o l dt•tcrrcnt capabllt11l'\. I ''°''111h phnn.-.1 111< \l1d1.1'llll! and '>nun1' 111 wll u1lumn of thl.' "i1·ll (111\l·rnmt·111 ( the 4 ' tone;, not thl' pound \h l JU!lhlln rt•1ntrnduLrd RO I ( , v.ould Jo the deah a1n1 1h1• lin1· "htth "·I' 11nl· 11l thi: llllt m1t '1ll1m\ ~uch appeal<, to t'mutiun 1gnurl' tht• lat t that I ht ljlll'\(11111 I"·'' .1t>ll' I• I ~ "I\ ol lhl' '>tud1·111 m.1Jnl'" of tht· \ 1e1- 11 '1 .,, ot \11111 p1"1l11111 .t);:.llrl\I 1111· \\1lh ltll \1IIC111\l'rnnH'nl "ii .tk 11 t' llll'>'\c.'\ I\ lht' .1ml1u111 111 .I\ tu.ti wll 1 , ~,11 nam \t'.H' .inJ trnJ'> lor ht'> pain:, he obsolete v.eaponn - llkl· tht· 4 ton T\iT homo - ,l,11 \\ ,1" flll1yr,11ll llH'rl' .Ill' fl\11pl.' 1111purt,tnl 111 (llll J.\ldl· ,1 \t.lll' Iii.ti I\ 11.11\c:rnnwnt \llU t'nd up \\llh ''hl·n t'> Jll hut J\f..l·J h\ IJt uh' rt·\ulu11on not deter a J)O\.H'r Ith· the ~o\ 1ct l n11in thdt ha"i ulkred •\I \,I\ \IHI .Ill' I lllh' \\llfl.h-1 \lt11 fll\''l'rllh r111pul.1r th.11 " thr kit· ~11u 1.on,1dt·r·tht• pc.·r,11n.1f Jnd l'111n· h• I l''>l>tn 11gh1 \1, .11 tmplr l'\ tdencr nt It\ determinat1on to t' \J)Jnd 11' \(•.Id h.1\t' " 'I•• n·•t•h r • 111 1 11n11t 'alue ul "'huml'' l·r 111 "h.111·1 ·r I hl '\L II Cttl\l.'rllllll'lll \1.1k h,1, ,, "hl·1 ng t'\ alua11·d int1ul'n1.t' h\ ~\ porting ll., phtlo<,oph-.. (nllr ll'' •p1•1h 111' 1h.11 ·'"uld 1,-.1d1 r h1• I nllqtt.' rrl'\IUl'llt it'.l \l'\ tov..n Ill! 111.I .i 11~ht On lh1 \di< '"'l'lll I ht• fun \tart' "hl•n 111u 1.11l· II L'lll ,1 IL'" 1·11 tltd th.ti 1! \11111'1 \ \llll .\ I\ \\ C II 111 Jd tJ,1 \ ' I I I d<'ll' 11'l hi\ nnill~ 11u.up1t•d h\ prote\l1ng g11\1.:rnmt·ri1 \H'rt: to dl'<.larl' a unlla11.:r,1l fr1.:t'tt 011 dr\l nh~·, JX'f\110.11 lru·d11111 .ind till' .\tn\a 11n lht• \di( 10\t'rrtm1·111 "i1.1k '>ludt·n\\ nH1n\ 111 1hrn1 hlark I ht:\ nutkar v.t•apon'> rc,1.:arth anJ Ul'' l'lupment. 1h1\ '' \11 111 1ol u111n 1111 lhl' right tk\\ ritw' nnn .inJ dl\UI\ l'I lh<1t t'al h h.I\ .1ho11t lht• 11 1111 d11 \•1u .ill\\11·1 1111•\1 1wc1rlc ~1.1111 111 f..1111" . v..ha1 1n the hell thl' t ountn t'\ cntualh \.\ould hec:ome another \tghan1\tan rilll ll 1rt't'dom I hl· kit 111 fWl\1111,il ,,rnw .1m1111n1 111 ,t·lt llll' 1'1 nnwnt prl'\11kn1 "·" d111ng uff campus on \\11 I ....l .. llll''l lit Ill!' \11 '··~··II ti rJn111111lumn .,1,1r1' .11 1h1 h111tnrn 11\l\ tahk \\df \l11h.11•l ,1111I (JJ \,1g,111 ,\Liii \lart1n I 111ha King\ b1nhda} M O\I 11 th n• • pn,on11n \'11u l.tll l'\l'll PrtlJl't I h11" the rw11pll· d11n t rl·mc:m ber .... herl.' lhr) force 1 l' 1hu1 111111111<' 1\ltl '' r.1h •II' 11wn11 .ind d1mh' 10 too p11., nt .111111un t 111 '>dt g11\l'fllln1·n1 11.ould lw ~"·n· 11ri I .1\ler \undd' kt alom.· '' 1111 quo (I'\ 111 11l1lll\ 11111 \ l'\P• r '\In The -\ ll 1anu: lor "un 1\ .11 tlndc; th!\ !...ind ot 1h111k1ng p1'"1111.1I lrn·d .. 111 I b1 r.t:hl 111 ll"ll .t1h·t1c:d 1n .1 tnuntl\ ti \t'rl,11n \II t... 'h1rthdJ \ hut th~ poor prt'\I· .,~ m rto m~ ll( ol "llJlfl'nll' paranoia I ht• w ~trn In~' "' '''' 1l11i.• I >r Id '111 I l'lkr 1• .I th n 1>lll1' 1!1· ·dnm tol1111111 '>t.1JI' 11 1h1 h.1n11t·' \\l'fl' m.1dt• I or 111\t,rnn 11 J(nt h.1d 111 pkJd tha1 he "a\ 1.1lf..1ng. 11d LI 11 11 •1 'l 11 '' 11 •u "''·,tu 1 ~ol1ht111l\\n ~tt ~.ikh.im\ h.t\l' hn·n 1>111111111 "1th n11 n 1111,.11111 11 .i.. 111 111r 111 \111.hJd J..tl~\1111 ·, t.1,11nll'' 111 I lnr11l.1 1h11u1 Dr t...1ng '>, ot .1r.1n\k.\ and lu'l " •I \t .._,n'.11 \ ,th"ll l'I I (I \I I ,,,.,, I .rnd d1n1h\ "' Ill P•' Ull 11n 1rrt· It• g.-1 "" "·I' 1n \1111\h \ln.,1 1·n1111tth I hl 't' ''ho 1h1nk '"''th thl'1r ht.::ino., \\ I'~ ., ••llt11l ,, frt·1·d1 •Ill 1lll\h11p I ulu 1 n11n111111t In n111m 1111 ~WI ,, ,, h1"" h11lid.1 I '\) I h.ll l'\ l'I"\ llOl' ~ l'\. ll I' f'Cl°''l lbk !II Hh Ol:tlC 11l'I p.111 cii "111f..1111• q I ti l '1· n 110t· 111 1h.11 L11un11 "c 1uld ht u1ultl 1. lirn .1h11ut r.kr rc:l.i1111n., and 111\lfll I 11 cl II ddc1 Id \\\l'l,il .trm'> In l~tt 11 " 1mpo')<,1hk tn ,1d\11t.ih· PL«111· 1111 \di1,.111.·rnnwnt "ii.de·" "1"11 J11"n the 1uhn.1m! fWr\1111.1l lrl't'd11m the ,,,~,1111rll,hmt·n1' ot l>r King pat1'11I\ 111 111•11 1 lit.ti 1Ld1,pl.l\ l d 1111 ra l wn,1 l I\ '" 1thou t Jd' ol·a t mg rt'\l',trL h and di..·' cl11p 1111w "1,,11" 1 JKr,e1nal lrcnl11111 .111d pruhJhl~ "nuldn'1lhanl(l'111111 h h~:•l(ltt 111,111111•1111 •' 111 \late ht-ton· . 1 mcnt ot ad\ a need weapon'\ \I. h.11 I\ ,111 l'llllH11llll 1lt•nl1 11l1 I 11 H1~hop r UIU I~ Jn a\ ('IWN1 Wl 1;ili\l vcm \kl aughtrn faces the mo'it prriJLt I" ~111·d 1h.1t ' It \\c1n t 1\1Jf~ .. 1.111 tl".tll\ \llll!)ll k1'.,,1grrt· 1h.11 \11111 'u ther\' v.ould probJhh Ix· II:" '>l'lf \l'\l'rl d1Jlkntt.l' 111 h1'> mu1al Op1rucms eltpressed 1r •his spat:e arf' those 0 1 !ht> tJa11y 1'1101 1111w v 1Pw'i ( llll , I fl•'ll•ll! 111\\',II\111 (l\lt'lllll>' l't ••11••1111' lr\'l·d11m ., rc:l,111\\' 1<• \\ 11.11 gtnernrnen1 thJ11 lhl'll' ., n11v. tn .1uth11111\ \ I\ n1 h m11h. v.hKh c.:nlf' ~>:"1rf'ssed ori 1h1s ~e ol l'l'lllt 11111 ''' 111 1' ti \l1l h.1d 1k111k.t I.I \C'\ I I C 111\ l'rnmt:nl 111 Ru'>\1.1 " n1111. k" dl\1'\tmc:nt 11rg.in11cd one: nrght 111 le ""I Ill\ .1 I h111.111,rn \\ h.11 111111' \ 11111 p1·1 ... 111,il lrt nl11ni .111 lw th.111 11 \\J'> ,1, .1 \t'rldom untkr the lt'~lr thl d.lllllll'd lhlll(I.'> do11.n rh1\ II IJ,Jf fll 1 I\ i.'\\ \h111Jld hl 11\t" Stalelllate over contract 1111 ,J\lllt'd h\ I \,tlllllllllg lhl• ,Jllllllll11 c /Jr '-t,·rldrnn "'.I' ,1\\IUI .inti \I.tr\ V.J\ dnrll' \\1lhc1ut an\hud\ \ tx.-ing lh 1.11i-.1 I lii•1 \11° hal I .111d tl11n" 111 1d ll'\11.llrll llll'rt; I\ .t):t.1111\I 11\CI\ 111~ .rnd lxn 1n & t 11 ligu' "d 11111 .1 "11r'>l· thn·atl'nt•d . ll'1,1l11n1' hurt. nc,l'r mind .1111ild 111.1 f..1 ,1•, 111111 I I~ 11,111.rn I .11111111t! 1~t·l'p•ng 1n rn1nJ 1h.11 .1 \\ \ICm. lhc: ~d lt'l\\auling 111 tv.u girl' 'kt:p1ng poisons FV atmosphere "·•Ill 111 ,11,11L' ,1 111111 \\Ith l11m .11 1t.l jlll\llfll'I \\llUIJ llC\\'r h,J\l' "' undll '-to lhmv. 11ul \OIH uh! klt-nghr 111 lhl' '>hJ1H1t''> v.ho t hose undl'r no ,tn,>llll' d't' I h11 11.,llll\ 1'> U\l' ll ,1, .I ,1,11\d h1· ,., 1mpn.,om·d If Ill' lll'\l'T l1hcral-ton')c:nJll\e ( ornmunl\t­ prnvnta11on 111 All h>stcncall} JI, .1rn 1111 "1 1l w11 11111>.iri.1"1111 h ,ict' or .ii .11.1 Ill OH',c\IHllll( 1111·' till' Joori \, 111 t'tnn111111, f ,J\Cl'il St.ak' Jilt.I gt.•t V.1\h the: ne\\ \monl!. tht: Judg1'' ul the 1111111 program ;\.fra,un: v. hal "1mp11r1.1111 a forrnt·r l'd11or llf the: l.O llege nev.c;­ I ti,1' '"·"" gmng; n 1 1 '>,11th 111~111g I •hl .1111111\I I l)IJ rx:rt~lll lur \IJllll.lll\l' I rct:Jum papcr that h,1c.J lJlkd lnr lhl.' <,tudcnt<,' I hi\ \ .11 tilt' f.11 '•'C:nl\ l• h.1\l I ,di 1111' ,,.,,f rlu \I I I <,(I\ t' 111p1 trom p11\\1hk dr.ilt v.h11 Roger Blo ~ba m " a \ t' Kporl t' \pul\111n \noth~ Judge: .. a facull> I K',\11 .... , ,, \(I I 1.hCl\1' fCI 11\l fl'•lllll 1'\ 11" I1t 1' 11\11111 .111d 1lul"\ll I Beacb busine<>sman mcmlx'r h,1d puhlit h relern·d tu the I~ '" l'' d \n d'>'>l\l.tnt tkan had rl'll'l1n! 111 lhl· tl1·knt.l.1111' .1, ··hear\ 171s1rnuat.n•i1;,1,ma.1,i.11;:: .,... ______k\\ \ hll ~ I'll \ fll. Clf)k I 11ur cil !Ill' \lud1•n1' "l'rt• 1n l'lkt 1 nrwlk'd l'tl(h l ""l'll' ,u,1x·ndl'd r f I ' t IL f • Ill ttl illl' II •\I I ha' l' lmn c:r and hn 11nd helrn n.J 11H 1.tl • •IJ\ EPA 1h.11 't honl., \hould mJkt: and net utc succumbs to pressure thr1r ov.n rule' Bui 1f tho\l' \ludenl\ are dl\ml"l'd no1v..11h\tandin~ that nu Jtt111n 1\,1'> lakrn .iga1ns1the1llcgal I i. .11 '\ \hanl\ l un\trut turn team none l•I d" lh1• ht''l h\ ti over pesticide-laden fruit agil1n\t 1h1· 'tud1·n1<, 11.ho ~d CH.· . II 1\h'd 111 I \l I\ d.1\ I d•111 I tupit:d th1· prt''1drn1·~ offtte - the •11n·1t. I\ l'h1l11 l'\lh.11 I 1k1· I l'IX5 On \UK 2X 111\l'rnal r1.·u1rd ut Dar1m11u1h·., pt'r· J IJ l>t lllt'\I V. llh \llll V.111 11 \\ \t·p1 .rn m1\<,1 ' 'c:ne.,, 111 dealing v.1th lefl­ llnl•or ·'"PU' ,1ttlad1,trnl•·lf'1" 11111111\ he .idul hurt·.iuuUnll'r' of 1re.11nl m,inttot'' hc111y 1111.1hl1· l11 p.trk 1h1·ir h11\'k' .1n• nClt thangrd from I I'\\ l'IX4 Dartmouth' <; pre\1dent forever lo\ c\ ''"'·1«1 \1111 .11r not 1111alh ~ood l r~~~ 1·\t1m;t11'' v..h1ch found onc •t·a1 ol JACK and '>hould lo,t'. the rc'ipnt of thl· \\ nnld In\ t• 111 l<'d th,11 \ 1111 .ind I ,111 n '1rn1rl11 1111 ...,1,111· lkpart111t·n!', luntll'r ,•,po,urr 10 he lht· limit 111 m11l1nn\ ol non-Hanovaiam who rti1' '"'' h11"n1·" tc1111·th 1 h11t 11 • ~dDh,11 llw1~1 r' '""'''llnll'' r ant ti.' 1 .llC'l'JllJhk U)nllnUl'd l'\flO\llll' 1ht• ha' e \omchov. go! engagt·d 1n v. hat " 111 r .11 ,., '' ·1 tw111 In 110., 1h1•1r pr 111r1n '11.11gh1 l hn rr \\111 ANDERSON l _::'.J .Jj!l'lll' fl·t·I., 1h.1t .111tlit111n.il 1 'rowrc g111 ng on I ht•r t· \r l\111\f llt1• flllll h l,1hll .trld ,If Ill 11111 111 '" ~ \rnlril.an tOll\lllllt'" t11 I I >B 111 1h1• d1r1 "not 1n 1h1· puhl11. '~I I ., I \\1111Jd fif.., 111 hi.· .1hh ... hl·.11lh '•• 11.n·p lr•>r11 up\t'lllng ,1 It-" and JOSEPH SPEAR \l. hat\ g111ng on at Dartmouth I\ a ! 1111· fl''' khnJ \11u .111J tx·~rn .1 hl·;1l111~ ntJO)lu )l. ::mcr' in Mt'\llll H.11t1 .ind lnnrl nl .,nllpc;1'>t11 t' r\ \lalli1n11on o l I lwn 11n \t·pt 'I 1lw m.ingn .1 c1 t Bt li1l' ulrnlug1tal 1n tt'r\'\I ·group\ who\<' p1 "," nu1 '" ·lh-1 11' dn "' 111 )(r11v.n" hrou(l.hl up 1lw1r IWJ"' l- P \ olliual\ drallc:d Ill'"' rules I hat 11 .H11 l' 1•r• up I ,.1111 I H\ 1 • ,.,. cau\c mrlitant. J lcw yea~ ago. wa!I 1111 .1,11''' ""·" 111 ~r1·p fru11 lllt'' .111ilkr, I krul\ \t'l n·tar\ 111 \1.1ll' 1.nmpkteh tnrH r,11l1 t1rtl their • hJl'< II\\ h111 lhl' l11l11 I lc•t•I li kl the cl1m1na11on ol the: Indian. which 1r11m 'fl"rl1111• thl' ~~(I mrllron w1111h lnhn< \\.h1tchcad lkv.r111t•t11 l I'·\ prn rou\ <''l'lrt''>"IH" 111 u mu:rn ' t •l tw1ng punl\lll'd twf11fl' "1 " tor 'c:nera1111n\ wn-; nan mouth Col· 111111.1nJ111c'' 1111p11rt1·d 11110 lhl' I n11u1 \dm1nl\tr.11nr I 1.·c I IH1111," ,., .1h1111t I I >B It hrlc.J 0111 h11fl\.' that an t" •1 do •IH" ,1Jl\lh1nl-' I 111' ,lllll 11h leg,•' ''mhol 1rnpl>ingc1h n1c prCJU "'ilalr'> ~·a• h \1•,11"111 du\t tht• \\'llc1v. l"'fl"1·cl .i1m1•rn · Jhoul tht• I DB 1'\tl'n'>1on tor I l>B c.Ju,11n~ v.1)uld I\ lh1 lll'llfll ,,,jl J11111l\ lflt' t'llllll' allllO\fllWll Ill 1111 rnl 1mp11,1I lrurl \\tlll clh\knc dill' ng.iin~t lndmnH>nly to the cu ent han .ind ,1\k1'll thl' agt·m ~ to 't,1k1· leitd 10 drH'l<1pnwn1 Pl nn a11,·rna11ve likl' l'\C' dl'tll• I that Yalt> graduall''i rnuld he anu\c:d d1h1111111d1 • 11r l 1>11 Hui 11>11 1,111 Jn111h1•r l1111k at th1-. l\\Ul' .. nwthod nt 1hwur11ng lht• lnut Ilic:' \J"1t' pr•••\! Wt'lll\ It l1k1• ,1 1111 nl u1r11pr111111w ! .t11'1' ~ 11111 1'( In h lHlld ll\ lu't thrl'e mnn1h' t•.irht·1 !ht• agrnn of a rnn1rmp1 lor bulldog\ T hc11 \"ii> ,1.ir1' I il\lllg II on "'Ith n \Pfl'1 ·,111h 111~ Ill\ dll:mitetl '" .1n rcponcd tt "found nn ""11r.irllr that taU\C\ proliferated gay right~ rno\l'' t'ri••urh \.\ h11dwuJ .limo\\ \Ct· med 111 ':l> 11 l'~" f)r1<:pn, rd of thr pt'\t1111h­ ind l<'3l hcl\ 11 1.:c h11m.111 llt 11111' I ru,l lt;11111e:tl lh1 11" o l I I >tt domnl1l,1lh .t' .ulahlt' · 'itudent nc"<,papcr that <1llhoogh ' I l'·ll h 111 hc.:r plc-.1\1 l'llt•t t1\t \ .. pt I t'IX4 11 IL·" '' c .ir1hhl'~1n rn.1ngo grov..rr.. v..1111hl nov. .ind again more ho1-bloodcd l'I TI R « \ \'I H ~ \11 I ~ < .u1hl'll 11 m.111)(" l(fO\l\'" .111nr \1-.11 '•thn and 110 hroh· v.11h .1pp.tr l·n1h • fhl· I P\ .1rgurd lhat 1 l>H n·\ldUt' th.in thr kind ol Ching you'd hav,• •In nc" mJnl(o 1mportl. v.11uld ht. hrr.11. lo llnd ,11111tht·f "·•' 111t111uh.11 \,1f.1m111111\ dlt·1 ''on lht 1r u1unln1·,· l''!>Cl ll'd lrnm the r oundrng Fa1hcr\ lf1< 11 11111111•' l11\1t-.11! lht 11<1111111\ ••111 n 11nm111t·, .ind 1cn .I \ r1·11111n,1I l11v.1· r than th1· toll•rame lnl'I 111 lo 11wt·11ng tn Phrladrlph1a ha' nevl·r Kat 9fl Wl1tma 1 lhl'll lr1c•111h 111 I ollJ'' Bo1111n1 111 ,l\k \ll.11\'j(\ pan\ l')<'r h1l1111n lht• 1l!ll'll1. \ \1.'I t.cr thl thcle\\ lx'l·n a rohmt and hnghl ORANGE C I• p ' ... Ii 1\1 l'\ H'n\lon lcrt .in t'\tt•11,111n 1111 1hc11 I I >U ' I IH'\<.' Lc11rn111r' Ml o l 81l·ll a11eiilin1 10 rntorc halantr Thc ~tudrnh who tort• down the ~hant 1 c' ,, 1,. n<'mp11on \lfall.'~ll tnll°rl'\I 111 lht l "'i .. V. hilt' But JU\l t1 few v.cek\ twl111~ that. thl· 1n\ fl'llthh the l 11mh1ncd t lout ol head npla1m·d ·our intl'rC\h 1n wac rno.,tl) a')\llt'llll{'d w11h thut Tom Tall ,.CIMft l Cantr•ll agcnc)' \aid 1h11t l DR Wll'l a killer at pal)l'r the dcarh 1n1cnded v1c11m of Pilat 1ht' m.1ng11 .ind llloku• pu\h<.'r\ \Ut ~k\l lll Jrt' l"llllrffiOU\ \l. l• Jl\O Daily I 'A• q 1 • ' lol11 • J" almo'1 anv lt'vcl And \J)OI l'ill on !ht• 'l>tll lfr \h11uld tr} .imn('\l'r fom Cl1t11ln \1 llllll \~\l\IJnt \eo<.·r\'l.lf\ 111 \tJh \Ii-mo and H:u11 h.ld r l>H lnt·I' 111 .ind ,1 tn 'h \IJrt h1r f>ilrtmout·h I " P""' n du,ll«l 111,1njl11t'' lor Ufl to t\\n J.1mr' \irrhtl lh1med 1n v.11h th\ 111ne-. h1ghc:r 1han tht· I I' \ ·, m•v. ( olkJ(t' Cr ctlf •~" mnrc· r a" duhrou\ 1 f,11m that lt,11 lllMl l'l\'.1'>.tnl limit I '\ • \t lu\1 1111' ,l~l·nq hrld l11m on''' fHnducc1., 1n Ha11t alunr drl')<'nd 11n J•r ll Aadenon •ad Jo11t'pb Spt'Hr K'l lll•m tJur tlf'J '' • •Yndl<'•tH t1l'1 l\lllll 111 hJn f l>Fl trt'llltll trull on thr mnn11n 1rop for ~ur,1,,11 Ut' i yndlr•tt'd r olumnltt' rolumnl11 • Orange Cout OAIL; PILOT/Thut9day, February 27, 1988 A7


Experts show hOw Smith Tool division lays off 600 Second staff cutback h<"adquartcrs of the 011 services com· "directly connected to the downturn wiU be bud ofT March 14. to use World Bank . - pany declined .Wednesday to com­ an the pnce of 011 and tht low na $muh is reponedly consolidauna this month caused by ment officially about the' pending count." Currently. tht number of 0 11 six of tts I 0 worlc.lw1de d1v1s1ons. ticpem from the World Rank will show local businessmen how to layoffs. However. a company spokcs­ ngs an the Unttcd late~ 1s lower than !>di their products and ~rv 1 ccs to developing markets 1n other plummeting oil prices m.an at the corporation's m1th Tool 11 has been since 1973 D) na- Drtll. another Smith l ountr1c~ dunng a onc-da) wo rk~hop Monday at the lrv1nt" Hilton d1 v1S1on said :i notice was PoSted d1' 1s1on 1n Irvine, and three other Fnday at the Irvine plant 1nform1ng Earher this month. ' math was di\ 1\1ons h:l~c1 in Hnu,.tn n - ~ t· Spon<>ored by the World r rad<- ( enter Amx uu1 on of Orange By SUSAN HOWLE'M' employees of the statT rcductaon ordered to pay $227 million lo vco, Dnlco and Dat.adnl - wtll be ( ount). the program will covt.'r how World Bank prOJCC' lS arc Of IN 0.-, NM.._., The late t layoffs come on the heels Hua.he!> Tool Co. of Hou~ton Texas, merged into one da vlSlon called developed and financed. how to &el business from World Bank proJects ol a Slaff reduction Ft>b. 14 that lefl ending a 14-ycar legal battle o~ cr Smith Dnlhna ) Stems and method~ which the bank can cmploy to help launch projects in Smith Joternauonal will begin lay­ tnfnngement on a dnll-bat patent fhe falhngo1I pnets represent aood ing off at least 600 more workers al at s 357 workers at the tool d1V1s1on man) different area!>, said 'itc'e Badolato. executive dm~ ¢tor uf the w11hout JObs. lnclud1ng the latest The company will lay on between news for mo1onsts, but bad news for tool division 1n Irvine Friday in the those in the dnlhng busmt'~S . said the rnunty trade assoc1at1on wake of plummeting U.S. oil pnces layoffs. the total w6rk force at the 600 and 700 workers. but the exact Smtth Tool ~pokesman and the lowest number of domestic Irvine facilit y will have been cut from number has not yt>t been determined, Michael r. O'Nctll, Vl{'l' prc\1denl of Rcl'kman lmtruments Inc 011 ngs an more than 10 years. I. 7 50 to about 690.workcrs this year the spokesman stud The \alaried " It's all good tor the re'\t of the will descnbe "Our Expcncnce w11h the World Bank .. at the lun c: heo~ · 1 he spokesman, who asked not 10 workers will leave their JObs Fnda), cconom). but at's vt>ry bad for us and Oltic1alc; ~1 tht" Newpon Beach be 1dt>nhfied, said the layoff!!. were fhe World Bank\ three agencies are owned by more than 140 and ·a number of hourly employ~s ncryone at m11h." he said member governments The) \timulate enterpnscs in developing countries by pr0\·1d1nR linancial ~nd technical assistance 1hrou11,h • lnternauonal Bank for Reconstruction and De velopment • lntc:rnaltonaJ Development !\swc1a11on. • lntemat1onal Finance t orpora11on which works with pn va t~ College offers bustness workshops ent1t1cs to promote commercial in vestment in emerging countrtc'> ( I- our business work!>hops have and Patnc1a Gunter Kishel. panners Heard an the Workplace'>.. will be mun1cat1ons. be tactful, yet assen" e By upporting projec t<, around the world. Badolato "81d the bank been scheduled by the Comml!naty 1n K&K Enterprises and authors of conductedat thccollege's Co ta Mesa rcprc!>ents a major rt'source for the business community. Man) Services Office of C'oasthne Com- fou r business-related books, will ad- Center. 29.90 Mesa Verde Drive East. and sa) no w11hou1 feehng guilt' So uthern California lirms have benefi ted from World Bank ' ~ mun11~.Co ll eJe next month. . dress selecting the correct field. Registration for each session 1s S20. " facelkncc in Management: Im­ acttv11te'i. Corporations of all s11cs - involved 1n manufactunng, The.. Cashing In ~n the Consulung settin.g up an office, determining fees . from 7 to 10 p.m. Wednesdn>, proving Product I\ 11y Through Em­ conslrut taon, education. ent>rgy resource" and service 1ndu s trie~ - Boom workshop 1s a blueprint for winnane government contracts and March 12, lecturer Gene Konstant. a ployee Mot1 va11 on" as a one-da)' have all be~/\ helped by the organ1za11on. success an the rapidly growing con- gcneraung income from sources other professional speaker and consultant "- Orkshop for managt'rs and super­ suiting industry. . than consulting. will cover mass mailing s y~tems and ' 1sors. Pre~nte r In Gamal ~ 111 '\eminar leader\ ( irep,ol") l f•IVan St ' 60 • Mvbr1IC ll • ll .. McF en ,.. ''- Progro 0 6 .. o , PoSNC 2l'•• 1) • ,,.; 't ~ ~ff.'~ 1 ~~ ~ '• : ~ ' tt~ tt:; ~=~:\ P url8 n s... s.. ) • l'• f f()er B ,. 1S lnto l!" 77•. n 19 )1 I ~ 16 QM ~ 11 3 • 115 ~ 1 t E*-8 •0 I I • 1nltrn ti II / In M•CO"I 19 19 • Quear • • 9 ' E 1o1Nu(• IS o IS .. tr• ln 1 , 1•, Int ~ MOhW 14 , h • Oue•C" '°19 •· 40JO . - l1} lllJSl:I tJ,Ifi:t~:.~------~~ ~ •• E noCnv 14 • 14 1 71 • 11 1 tn M1olll• 44 . .... 1111-J•" 14 • 2S 13·31 IS l2 10 10'• Entw \ I 11 19 '"Enr I • I / M ·fl•l>f U*• \.)·• ~ a vmno NEW YORK (AP ) - TM I01low l119 list , 9 , fq1()41 S"" S'• 1111cwn ' l6 , l6'• MOit• 4S • 0 • Reo CaPtl Jl'J + ~ lJp f2 0 1 41 I 4 sriows Ille 0v9' • the • Countw 1 • FrmC. I I • t i ' lwa!>c>U SJ • SJ'• Mon•C1 n , 111 ~H• • • DOWNS rnS , F.aGD • Jam W•r 2S 1S / MonuC tloclu and warrants lhal have gone up 111 19 19 • JS • l5 , Reu••H ~·: 7 '• 4 1 l'atcr ' 40 t 41 • J et~ rl 6'• I 1 MoortP 79 • lO ~Oa OS• ll Ille mosl and dOw n the mo" baMld on ~SI C"G ) '' 1'• Ff mp t9 1 90 Jt • •CO 16 16 • Mor•\ n 11 , 21 • ROOM•• .J·,A· oercen l of change for Wt FtWF • , .,. 9 , Jor.tct>< 9 • '" MOtCto 11 , 11 • ~ Ou ~ > H... 11.! No securities tradlll9 below S2 or 1000 ' 76 ' FlaNF ••' • 4S , Jo• Pll \n I / I ' • M_,.llt • 13 • H S.Oller UPPcli' Pc'n·l' 1~ S4 I ~ · • sllartt art Included. UP .3 l•. 2f• 14 • F1ur0<0 16.., 16' • Joslvn lO lO , Narr 11C u , • S , S.l..co u ' 14 . Ntl end oercentai>e cttanves ere Ille UP U r"6'1J - l ~ 13 ?..'• !°o F'on• • " I '- a•. t< a••er t t 16 I • NOe ta 11 •. 19 • S1H1Ga 71 ' 13 • difference t>el ween the previous dosing UP .2 11 " • ForAm 40 •~ 41 • l " ' 41 I NlwkS • It ~ 11 • Sc11pr e r UP jLnJ'.; 1 so • 11 ' UP .i 1l.S 10 ... 1 \o tnkln 11 • IJ • K emo 94 • 9S • v1 NCkOG ) J1 • Scr.oH )0 I 97 , , Frnk ft 16 ' • II , l(lmoat lO' , )I • Nike B 16'• 11 SHll•lt Up . 111 ~16 I UP U 111 n" 1 • l'remnt 79 1 ""' 1C1no lnt 1•, I , Nord\ I• 511. S7 SEEQ ... '• f' - ~ 4p, 4 , FulrHB 19'• 10 ~l N( • rG\ 11•· 11 • ~ •or 1• • , , ... UP J 10 AftvGene11c 411) 'h St S 1 § 9'1tlch 74 14 , 111 161 I) 16 NwNG 19 • 19 • SvcMer I/ I/ • - I NYSE UPS & DOWNS UP 11 A 118col:vo 1Sl.o - 1~ q'• 9 '• nOc__vc \ • , 1'- KneoeV •• '• 40 N~o r P ~ 11 • 7t"• Svm\ t \ UP ~j )7 .. l1"' n ~ ll:~• I• a•, ~ ruoer IS .. IS , NOU ll )l •. n • SnrMttd '°1 •. .o1 .. • Ye pf - ~ UP 1~ ~omou~Iv t •ti ••4 Snw f"nt i7.6 ~~ - •• 1 ~ • 2!"', ~•, •,,cQ 11 • 11'• K u1C •~ 'J , I)' • ~e4 n., UP 17 1 -S~ 16 1 • 1. 0 ~ 1 '• • L• nu ' J ' J1 1IG_P iet • ~• , ~11t • )6 "- \ovr•n \ 12 • ll the most and dOwn Ille mosl bHt ""' N l o .u NI 3 M ar.1n11 - TM ~'llfW.. QUO· 1-i oVIO ljjf 10 Ht VICI I'~ N L Grw lh 11~ IY'7 ~Teti 11 4)1? 4~ .. Y'1e lon Grouo B N I , 79 •oa I• l7 1• j2 61 NL M ui Sn1 60 08 Nl w •• ,, Frgn 1)91 IS11 7 UnCarb wl en a I~ t L 801 n( • 69 i i~ 1; lim'l.ln r OIO N~ Nat Avta It 04 1101 •Olnr '( " 1~ 6 ~IOb 1tl 1 40 16 l orld Alr w 11 11 SUNDAY, MARCH 2nd al N• ~ NL l l: J:s . H l;~r~ h!f Et ~~:~~ ' Yt·~~ ';, ::f:: " ~ ,,,.r~~::. 1 n1 n :n.1 ~:: '"Le•" 1"~1 '" ~~~~ I! ~°!,"" inH~ ~ ri"l'nyla nsP tr n Air M•Ow fll l aiE o 13 41 14 H 1: : l~1 J1 tn ~~uo~•0" ~ \0 10 Nt 2~ lU'H ~ H• Yta I ~ 9 7 Woria 1s61 16'0 I Wedltch OFFICI FVRNJTURI OF THI FDflST QUAUTY mrg 1716 1116 Columbia Funa• .i n ! * Ii GvtPt t SI NL ~ • T • E 11 91 I) 6J :~f~~ ll 16 IS 04 Tnom1M Mc~nnon 0 111 1 •Mnc 127 t l) ~ l'•ot 19 Oc>ln aU N L ~ r wth I 9 11 I 1"•"1 I '128 Ooor ll 9•7 N L 34 t :ufc~~nAlr· "eof St < I"' II n 17 ~ ..11n AB 161 1 74 IM ll 10 .U I ~ IT8 G roup r efO 44 917 N YT • 1•9 I 11 f u E wmpt n un S en Miiis Leather & Overstuffed Couches & Chairs. Swivel High Back & Ul•llll< 14 11 16 4 "'"" CD 110 7 JI •Sii 1101 I~ ln•8 o > 11 90 ll t1 tncO"I S2 9 II ~o n II '1 6 •a USG v t AOTE • llS7 N L omoo••lf Grtto utcll 13 31 2 H •ln'" F )1 20 N L ~OSI • 101 N L tlet 11 11 1 ~TF 16S7 171S ~10< • I 111161 t• E • 1Sl7 26 .. 19SI NL T..O•F'O • NL ll S Nil •Ul•I 7• 2)1• 72 Inv l!ttn un•v••• f h E • 9) 10 41 TFHV • "01 NL 14 1 N L fr, il'a l I'4 6 Name Calculators. Copcers. Approximately 50 Monitor Information ::,;;urr".,na\ • tn~~io 9 49 9 It ovO• F ,~uc' 0 0 • S NL JP Grt" IS 15 13 41 Ne1ton wodt F a• uov•U 20 0 11 ll Eatr>< t2 IO N L Decor. Oriental Aug. Oval Oak Conference Table with 8 Chairs H Y•O ' 6• ~on • • • • G 1• 11 NL y ~ JP tnco t•s I " N•ll'O ll ?' .. 37 ~ · · · o7 JS N L ?()In Cent.,rv 4 Hum1n.J Sum•I 61\ N L ooie v 9 91 NL F ine nf . II 03 17 OS v., ,. r s 70 '1 ~ ·~ .. ~ .u 0:.~h 11 I 1 J w ;i~1 8 SS N L IOOI unev II tncom l 26 11 H l!Oytt 8 16 NL U~ A" Group 10 ~~~ I o 1.21PI VERDE Desks. Credenzas and Leather Furniture 0 1 9 46 I 01 ~un Oll II 19 S2 F>t lnvf\IOr) r w lh 14 1f l6" Aer Eo l " 1S S7 S B ~F IJ ..a Nl Ofn\I II 19 NL ~ 11 HIYto 'i ll U USG• lg 1091 ~no Ao ll il So< IEq 6SJ 7J• T••E • ~n ••• " 51'TEut 1113 1116 010 b'6 NL 12 ~ullt9Cln ds Intl I 19 S ~r: A Sm I 1 6 NL 1\CO 11 "II ~ USGvr: q 39 10 nN~ be r ger erm S.te 16 NL iDll I NL 4 e11iercn T.. :1 .. 1211 .. 34 a lTF' 11 90 NL ln•n s ll '! HI YIO I 11 SI Newt G • H 14 NL • PG• I) 1 Nl C w t(\ q1ff NL ~;~ ' NV T;F 11 11 Nl Tn E , • T• I lnttFa 19 H71 fl Ntwl Inc I IO N L GvM'" IS • 7 NL •MO I NL Al lsonsIn! .. A tl •4 N I" 141 NL Ft •hj G M un B 9 9 NiMr of i I ., tO NL NL 10 4 11 ' Nla vnava1I TtotE> I 4 " l l l'te•Fd l ltl NL T9• RI 16 11 Nel!l•G• 161• NL NYfu I I~ Nl Bono 6 Jl b 90 SldBrPnt DtAECTIONS TO SALE: Freeway 5 South 10 Lapaz b it M B ,_. I USG t tOSI NL UWIE'o S 23 S 11 USGv• 960 10 Netnv Tr 1)14 NL r,r,ff 1g~ NL C••S.-: stt 6 14 H1rcour1 o¥c "11u'1l "' IOr 1 14 NL Nove Fa I S6 NL lnvt•• 9)7 I 4 l!tllrr 8'' 737 Amc p IO j' 11 9 ~ ·" • IS10 16 ,l AG~ 11S 391 u> ~r 7 97 NL Nuveen 1' Nl Ullr4 ... I \lie n~ I 47 11 44 LOS ANGELES, CALIF. 90018 A Mull Ii 1 19 Pi NMA t ll 9 I ir i " 9 ll N ~ u> r 44 N L ~Oom unava o1 '>P•l'f •ea r unOl V• ng 1 00 7 &S UPHOLSTERY INC. ono I• 9 Ii TA 1n unt • • •I N C 10 H11 I " ' r 6 N L eo• u .. N L Am Sn• 11 11 N L u1~ lerv•ce• (213) 735-1581 C A L LIC. • 2~6 uoa c 20 4 7 ~SG v l 911 • 14 .:iu•I• 6 i 1 lnll r 1ft NL o.tn,,.1me r Fa ~D • Sii• 19 34 Nl ta nr 4 76 N L Where Yu Oak Cowen Mwet ~Cl Inv 14 It l 1 8' CC. IH I N L taT • 11 I II KPM r l N L AIM 246• 1t 9/ Se<111m, n Grovp 8 't 11 NL Got U 9J l 61 I AG 24 I• N L GOia I S1 t.ETr r I N L Ooroct 21 1.l H k CaoFO " If 1\)1 row tri gff N L 1922 KMIQ kW.. COSTA aEA-W-115' 1 1 1 ~ l} ~ l? ~: i~·~, "~ u~~ : ~ ~Cf:· :j"~.1!~ ~i~v ;, 1 !~ Et ~ .,~· i n ~?a~~ ·~~n··\l! !! ~::,. ' , ~N tL N£co I s l~ l • B ltS NL NY la· " " 1197 LMH ih~ N L Ht YIC) 1d'I 1141 •nco I) u.. N P t •• 1 1 • St 1' NL Oot.on t .. 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IS .. 11 ll i'° ~ ' 1.. ~t B• b ~on Gt1>o1p Nwld• ' N L .,,... gr "11 Nl T ~ F•t unevelf ~A·m,1•. llS '1'1 ~,uo,.· e 1'111~ , ,N,l. .~ , .. ~ L KDCM OllCI I ~ Nl N Y f , 4 N L trl £19< lfl v U!t G vt 114 NL 0 • ./I Fe ?Hf N JOINS THE: " ' ' "' 1I~" Nl So In( ~ N L ~lnln R! N ~ Lld frm \!, ~ I )~ NMA 10121~ ..~. r~o · 'to l1s oo Nt ~ C EC I r.N t 1; !,1 ::p. ~ t r~ :a 1 44 ~~l'. ~ lt:i~v 7l ~ t ~~" !~tt t~ Hi~ ~3 ~l : "~~l JJ/'a n ~ t i' 0 ~~K A' ll ~ t f•~G:,"• ' i Lo ~ ~~l '6v~ • Nl Pi~ :~~ · /!lff '~ ~"!tz.~ f,• i~ Va!~~·a '°tl. Nl " EAGLE CHALLENGE" v,•t,;, .~ I NI l'Hso , . ll 14 to G on S4< unevall M iii J t NI P e•W•A I • N L ave t • ' al )1 I} Nl ~ • D A < l' fl 112 ~ tt ..... • la1 tt tt1 ,:;'~" h IN THEIR tffORT TO ~~~~ :. ,: ~l S1 HiM""' lO" N~ ~';]~Em ~ ~t ~~ ~~ ¥ l~ l ~:~;;,p~" .rn ~ L ~'p~Gll! 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t M** Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/ Thursday. February 27. 1988

TlllllSDI Y'S CLlllll PlllGEI

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I) I) • m o s 1 New York. today's llstlng will not Rav"" tJ.6 ll • acllve American Stock ExchanQe Issues, appear in the Dally Pilot. ~~if 7 ~~i s Ila•'"' ' 60 tJ 17'3 S9 • • 1r a d ln9 n a liona ll v al more , f rC '" SP ·uo .! G Re•<1B• 04 17•t l • • 1 h $ 1 tprC ,,. t !ill 1190 101 RaBAI 012 U l/1 'f+ I ' a, n Jfr( pl J 1 1110 Ol ROB ~ t pl) 134' st9 "' + .,, Name • Vdu ~f, Sf CM. illlll~I I ~ J~rc ol 1 •8 I• n I 10 6 14 '• 1 ,,.._, ,,, 14 ) I 11 • R•cnE 1 )9 181 14 • • ' uasAlrCo l 27~ l'h14 Reo,..r 31 19 l8S 10'• + • zarkHldg 2··m' ·, 17~ -+ JO"" J• I 10 ~ ](193 •9 , • I ll.,,. 66 jl ,.. ... elmed 1. ' · 1"" + ~1 .J~.,c,. 1 1 1\q \6"- • "1' hllLll Dis 1, 1 , 5 • Jr-"'( ot • 1' 66 6'. • • • ~ :!~·C IO 1 J; Jlt;,1, 16 ~BAT Ind 101 ~ffr I 1 1\ • s•1. + .... I ·••tn \ 88 b I/ 1 78 • Reo.t. • • 1l68 1! , ReoA w t J4' l •. 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~•Eto )ti~ ~ j ~ t ~ WA} 'i't ~~v:m ~lord , "10 low~~~:~~t•s I J•~ . ,'.' ~:~• ; ~• ' 'f I~ .,, • O!N1Ut /\'t/fti't l !l 65 l+ ) I t ll I • t t t t"°'" N oO u ~ • M!'ll.w>Od V1l1o9l 1001 \l.C2~ bl~, 2\ Y2a3 'i{/j t~~~ 1 ]iM 1 '~ f ~ NRv _pfoi l MJ ~·-I '-• P'.'~r.., '>r~ ~out.h le~ ttw , Al8/ 30't 9!1~~ unco • , , "" 11 Um; ln Jr to), ~l.uT~ 10 toG C. !\uflday noon to~ ~Ai~..... 24 r. !t ': tI • .::'.. I.IHtti, 1H " I ¥~ ~• I ~ 6 n ~ ~ ...,.., i c11 110Pl'11 • ' Daily Piiat T~URSOAY , FEBRUARY 27, 1986 [il TVB2 FUN AND GAMES 83 • ------America's..... Cup ------..------~------right on Schedule w.-- • CORONADO, Calif. (AP) - The Sail America Foundation's own plans and t1 ust that they're nght. which 1s what we're doing" efforts to recapture the America's Cup from Australia next year are Connor said. ' . proceeding on schedule after receiving a boost from the recent 12- " But we're a lot more comfo rtable no·w It's better to face an enem ) meter yacht world championship results. skipper Dennis Connor says. you know than an enemy you don't know. (Australia's strong showmg) " We're nght on schedule for build mg our boats and testtng them. was a real good thing to happen to us." and we're very pleased with that." Connor said before a recent fund­ Connor, in his boat. Liberty, lost the cup to Australia II o ff ra1sing dinner at the Hotel Del Coronado. "Our (co mputer) projections Newport, R.J. . where the race has taken place since the New York have been accurate all along. so we're encouraged. Yacht Club beat a British team to wrn the cup in 185 1. " But I thmk it was a real plus for us that Australia II and 111 did so After that loss, the first fo r the U nited States m 133 years of well at the world championsh1p o:;. That was an unexpected bonus Amenca's Cup co~peution . Connor. a nattvc San D1egan, agreed to because we know. how we stack up against them. That was our head a locally based effort to win back the C up. standard: who we raced last time." On Monday. crew members in Honolulu christened the 1 foundation's fourth yacht, Stars and Stripes '86, which will allow for Connor s 1d he didn't send a boat and crew for the hampionships. held in waters. because 1t would have dis pted his crew's more design testing before the challenger trials begin. Austr~ian Connor. considered by many to be the fa vonte to win the '87 Cu . design program. said the new yacht CO\Jld provide a design that saves a few cri cal Although Australia's win gave Connor a good mdicauon of the seconds in a race. progress his crew has made, 11 hasn't changed their approach to the Oct. " When you realsLe it's a big victory to win by 41 seconds n 4'h .,I.Ma ••u 5 challenger trials. Those races will determine which country faces hours (of racing) ... tt doesn't take much of difference," he said. Chlcago•a 12-meteryacht ••eeartof America'• ..U. toward Australia for the 1987 Amen ca's C up beginning Jan. 31 in the Indian The dinner was another effort to help meet Sail Am · a Golden Gate Brtqe. Tbe r.acht will race a&atnat San Ocean off Perth, Western Australia. Fo undation's $15 million pre-race budget. of which a little more than FranclKo'• l~-meter ..USA· to practice under condition• .. All you can do 1s worry about your own program. follow your half has been collected. Connor said. •lmllar to Perth. Aaatralia for the Amertca•• Cap race . .

Pacific Cup ready to set sail Entry for111s ,,. Two Orange County yacht clubs wall provide ~ 1l boat racing this Yachtsmen who hanker fo r•a race e re~ :· said lngnd Haubnch, Pacific weekend. Balboa Yacht Club will ru n a one-design regatta for boats on lo Ha':"a 11 c·vel) year - tn ~ t cad of the Cup administrator. mailed for b1enn1al Transpac from LO'> Angele\ The Pacrfic Cup is not new. It began 1ns1de and outside classes Saturday and Sunda\. to Honolulu - no"' have a chance to in I Q80 and has been held every two Dana Point Yacht Club wall conduct the ·fi rst rafe of 1 t ~ Dana challenge the Paci fic 1radcw1nds on )Cars. attracting )achting enthusiasts ALMON Point Senes for Performance Hand icap Rating Fleet CPHRF> )3Chts Mexico race even-numbered years. pnmanly from the Bay Area. It as the on Sunday onl) Transpacific race ong1na11ng in Big event of the weekend will be the second race of Los Angeles :--.ewpon Ocean Sa1hng Assoc1J- The event. scheduled to sian off Yacht Club's 11on has matled entr) forms to all San Francisco July 4 , 1<; the Pac ific an Franci sco. An award fo r first to LocuaEY fini sh 1s gi ven as well as awards for Wh1tney-l 11tle Whttney and Tames Series. the rugged Tn-1sland pan1c1patmg yacht clubs fo r the 39th Cup (ongtnall) called the Kauai race which will take the IOR yachts in the Whitney Series around annual Newpon to Ensenada race. Transpac) and as expected to draw wi nners in each class. IOianta Barbara. Catalana and San Clemente islands before retummg to ~heduled to gel under way .\pnl 26 upwards of 75 entries. The race 1s Fon y-s1 x yachts raced in the Pac atic boat that breaks the all-time San LAY( for the fin t!> h The PH RF yachts 1n the T1mc-s Series and the b) sailed C'-'CI) two }car~ . alternating Francisco to Hawa 11 c; peed record. Ent ne-s must be submitted Cup in 1980. The winner was the 6 7- According to sa11tng archives. the Midget Ocean Racing Class tn the Lmle Whuney will sail a shon March J 1. along wuh the necessary w11h the Los .<\ngelcs to Honolulu foot Merlin. In 1982 the winner was course fro m L.A Harbor to Catali na Island's Ship Rock and return. race sailed on odd-numbered years. record passage 1s 6 da}s. 17 hours set safety equipment form . lnspec11on Temptress. skippered by Ja m Walton. by the clipper ship W1ll1 am G. Irwin In other Southern California Yach tang Assoc1auon arcs: dates and locations will be announced · Unlike the Transpac. which onl} Merlin, sloppered by Ben Choate Ill. an 1881 Los Angeles-Long Beach at a later date. allows Interna tional Offshore Ruic was first to finish with an elapsed umc '\n organ1zat1 on ofovcr 100 peo ple (IOR) entnes. the Pacific Cup will of 9 days. 7 hours and 48 seconds for Seal Beach Yarhl Club - Saturda \ Sailors Senes !PHRF OnC'.'- 1 he Ensenada race 1s recognized as the 2.250-mlle crossing. ha ve 'olunteered 10 sen e 1n such des1gn). Saturda) · the largest tntemauonal offshore race have four d1v1S1ons - IOR. Per­ functions as fund -ra1~1ng. race com­ formance lfand1cap Racing Fleet ( abnllo Beath 'r ach 1 Cl ub- pnng Senes launched for the Series). Sunda) e)(ixnences in p~V lOUS races at a "This broadenc; the appeal of the In 1984 a new element was in­ Golden Gale.> .\merica·s C up senes of -SOS.\ semsnar1 at ~lec tcd race to di fferent t) pe.-. of boats and troduced. a spcc1all) cast cup for any C hallcnge \acht clubs

respre!>Cn tt ng the host long Beach 'r aeh1 ( lub and John C1ohbell \r ·· Fanall). and JUSt as esse ntial Go\ DiPrete ha' assured us that Rhode Congressional Cup next month Huntington Harbour Yacht Club Island. welcomes us. and that he wtll support the tnals in an) "'a) possible .. Fave of the eight Ol ympa~ class e ~en ts. men's and women·s 4'70 Fl) ing John Kohus. skipper of the l\mcra ca II. the New York Yacht Club's cntf) Dutchman, Tornado and D1 v1s1on II sailboard. wall be held in Nt>wpon In in the America's Cu p challenge. has wi thdrawn hts t'ntry tn Long Beach Yacht Olympic yachting trials add11ton. Kost.aneck.t said the Ol) mpac Yachti ng Commmee plan' to hold a Club's ('ongrec;s1onal < up match raci ng scnes The senes as scheduled for mad­ I pre-trials regatta for the same fi ve e"ents an 1987 March Focal point for both events will be Fon '\dam ~. which has good launching Congre<;\aonal (up chairman Bnan Donaldson learned of Koltu <, :-..ewport R I ha' tx·e n named .l\ thl' site ol the I 9Hil l ~ OI\ mp1l facalt ttes. Panaculars are expected to be worked out b~ Bob Bendick, d 1rcctor of wtthdrawal in a telephone rall from Perth . .\ustraha. where Kohus ,., 1n )achnng tnals. the Rhode Island Depanment of En vironmental Management. "' 1th the Fon training to skipper Amenca II in the Cup trials later thi s year. The announcl·menl wa ' made h) .\nd) Ko\taneck1. Darien ( onn .\dams Saaltng Assoc1at1on. Sa il Newpon and Kostanec ka 's com m1 ttet" Th is lea\'CCi six .\menca·o; Cup hopefu l'\ who wall be on the 10-ska pper chairman of the Untted States 't ach1 Racing l nion·c; Oh mp1c Yach11ng Sall Newpon. which promotes saaltng e'ents 1n ~e ..... pon and Rhode roster 1n th1'\ )ear's Congressional Cup The others are Rod Da'-'tS. skipper for Comm 111ec K o~ t ancck 1 said Ne .... pon "'as selected for ~'eral reasons l~ tlt nd. wall serve as the local coordinating lOmmmet: Newpon Harbor Yacht (luh's Eagle \}ndacate Yeves PaJOl. skipper of the ··Our cl1mat1c researc h on the Pusan. Korea. ga mes sate sho"''> that similar The prc-tnals regatta 1s ten1a11 vel) set for Jul~ I !1-11-1 11-1 .. Thl' c> h mp1c French contender: Harold Cudmore. who will be saahng England's Cup ent f'} . cond1t1nns for both sea and wind arc most n ea rl~ met b~ cond1 1ions on trials are scheduled for July -24, I 988 The Oh mp1l ~at h11ng game~ .... ,11 t.'l ~ e C'hns Dickson. New Zealand\ Cup hopeful. Cohn Beashal, Australia: and Newpo11 p la ~e an Korea. & pt. J 7-0ct ~ . Fla\ 10 Scalia. '\ ki pper of one of Ital)\ Twel ves. . ··Ju'\t as 1mponant . the race management e ~ pcnise required to run a fir'>t Format of the tnals and pre-tnals wall be decided at a met>11ng 1)f the Replacing Kohus will be Da\e Dellenbaugh. wi nner of this )Car's ra te regatta ts second to none in the Narragansett Ba) area. 0 1) mp1c Yachting Commltlec at Dan\!n. Conn.. Dec_ b-8 Knickerbocker Cup 1n New York. ··The dfecta\Cnes!. of the 19!!0 tnals "' as underscored b) lhl' gold and .. w e·re eagerl) an 11c1 paung running a large segment ofthl· 19 !I Oh mp1c Others tn the line-up wall be· s1l"er medals won at thr 1984 01) mpacs b~ four team<, that "'on their I Q80 tnah 1nals." said Robin Wallace. president of Sail Nt>"'pon ~ allatt' 1.en.t'd 3') r:ln· Dave Perry. a former Cong Cup win ner from .\nnap01ts. Md .. Ste' c Flam. h~ ' ommtttee coordinator for the 0 1) mpac tnals 1n 1980 PAPARAZZI

Lew and Kim Spruance wtth Don and Jane WWet. Party planner Aadrey·and Jim Moore plu prop. Dramatic decor at Commodore's Ball s ..... a} mg palm trees with sequinned leaves guarded the entrance to ...... ~ .... ••U-> •->. "' " " &Jtuu, u 11 u lJ1111~1d To:ib,"v-ht"h Bahia Connthian Yacht Club. and a perky hfe-s11c cocktail wa1trc s wao; Each cocktail part) was honored b ~ a n~ mg' 1s1t 1h' limo I of all thrt't' perched prrcanou'il\ on a king-size <;equin-studdcd sil ver champagne commodorcsandthe1rw1ves: the tuders. \' tecC ommodurc Lorlnanl1 glass CbarUne Weiss and RearCommodort> Sten and Diane Askew. Print-out salhouettcr, fo rmed a hackdropofblack and white figure' Thccapac1tycrowd of250danced lo the muo;ir ofR1ll Crrt w . cnor and with a mum-banked fo untain and marching Ti volt light!> leading the wa> 10 "The Generation Gap" band"' h1 1c C' AJ Oying a " ' -couN din ner done to the dining room forthcSaturday('ommodore's Ball ix,•rfcc t1o n b) E'tecuuve ChefFrtd Kh1gers and 'iou' < hefJosepb Ktagers. This was the )ear fo r Roy Studer to be "crowned" ascommodort For Moore tarted ofTthe program h) antroduuna.Job.D Tbont,Junsor the past 7 year,, Ro} (and wife Jean) had produced 1magsnat1vc and commodore. a!'i cmccc John presented stalT<:ommodorc!i and their" " e . original producuons for each Commodore's ball so 11 wasn't easy for Jim ~t a rting with Jim and Velma Emmi. 19,7. Hobart D Denny. I Q7 . Walter (and Audrey) Moore. chairmen. tOl'omr upwllh someth1 ngspec1al :ind a and Gerry Scbroeder, 1979: Ro~ r t C. and Cbrls Hartman, I Q~O . Lewi!! complete 'iUrpme for Roy''i "crowning" moment and Kim Spraance, 1981 : Marsball and PatGrttn. I ~8~ . th<' Moore-.. I Q8' However. the ~ mmgl ) 1mpo'i'i1ble wa'i accomph hed wtth lhr help the Mulligans. 1984; and Frederic and Fenton Marlin. I Q8"' of Joan D' Angtlo as production de 1aner and director. the artwork ot Other o:;taff com mod ores pre sen 1 \\ef't' T. Patrick Do111n and Dorella Ensign. and ca nca tumt Tom Toucb (who drew a canc at u rt of atbtrine, I Q6 and I Q69. Kam Gleason and Beu ~ . I Q{\fl (t he '<"a rOran~c everyone pre ~n t) . 1h ecoord1 nn11ngo f Junlt Lowry, Dl1ne A1bw. and ( oa!'it Yacht Club ond Bahia \C1nn1h1an mt• rgl."d ) Jane and Ooo Willet. • potted here and there in the hlack· t1 c crowd ""'rrt Hugb and Nina When R o~ 'iune)cd the lnl' rcd1bh.' <.e nc. he utterc:c..l thc 'ihorh''t Llvie,Jean and Ray Kovacs. Jane i nd Don Liabtner, Marcla and Carl LHt, 'ipccch on record He <;.1 1d " rm ~pccc h lc'~-;•· · fo which Jim Moort' ref'ht'd. Old Dimmitt. lrtne Mcladoo, Sllarl and Roger ... avllle, Edit Ballocl, Elli• " It wa .. n ·1ea\\ to tf\ to u1ml' near thq>erfl·u1o n of '( cc1 I w· \tudc r" ~ Durian. Lou and Antu Catalano. Jat'k and JoAaa Cbandler, Lori and Jobn productwn' .1nd to tr\ and top him JU'it nt>out am po~ 1ble" ocbran and 8111 and Oona Rttd. I he C\c n tn ~ .-.1artt•d off at \IH> dock "' 1th th r~"l' cockL.u l part IC\ to \l'\o Tan1te and Graat Velle. Gtne and 'adloe \ era•. OIC'll C'OOPfr, which everyone wi th a fl'\C'f\ a11 on wa~ 1n ' ated . The ho'it\ \'l'll' Lew and Doana van Houicltton. Vema and JH Oegeob.arth. Rutb and 01<'11 Be mice Copp and ~t a fl C nm modurc Hob It Ot'nny as ro-ho'it. Or. Carolyn Montgomtry. 8tv and Jim Mt'Gowan. Oki& !\nd Evf Holmgrtn. C"arol .111J Nelson Hardy :rnd Or. Bill Hardy. hu,t\. J nd Mary Jant and <. arUon Bill Byrne, Jaclland . andy , porlf'd.-r,Sallyf' Bral , Jun Tandow ~k ) . ,1n<1 "Willlt " Wllltamsoo,lO how. and \ tafH 1\mnw Pvlt' Paparanl I~ tdlttd b Dalh Pllol S1 ylt' t'dltor \'id!' Ofan. Big nlght for Jean and Roy toder.

·' 8:1 Orange Cout DAILY P,t.OT/ Tnursday, February 27. 1986 TV LISTIN GS

EVEHIHG HEWSHOliR l MOVIE • Two Oi A Kind 11 9831John Tr• • t t 1.•hl0fn11 Spilt' (19741 CAPITO\. JOURNAL - 1'' 15- COS8YSHOW TiiE SCENES PHOTOGRAPHIC VISK>H t t 11 The FlamlngO KJd I 19841 JD8E OW£N8 STORY I/Oita. Oltv11 HewtOfhlOM 8E'H1HO L. MOVIE - 1.'00- ~~Elllon Gould WOALD Cl.ASS WAESTUHG GG NEWS NEWS Mall Oilton Rtellald Crenna ®J RIPLEY'S 8EUM: IT OR - t:30- * UP' Up• And Aw1y1 ( 1985) COdy I ) MOV1£ N~ . L11111e Sm1111 MAl"rHOUSTOfil BENSOfil - 7.tS­ NOTI I,)) YOU AOAIH I Coal Miners Oaughtl!f " POUCESTORY ~BAAETTA L NHL HOcl DAD'S.ARMY 0 NBCNEWS P.M. MAGAZINE ~JEOPARDY 1ttlMOVIE ~TREET BLUES - 12.'()0- OOOCOUPLE 81) JOHN WIMBER 81) PRAISE THE LOAD "'~FROM SANT.A AHJTA t t t t · The Emp1re Stnll• e.cit" J> IHOEPEHOEHT NEWS D ! COMEDY BREAK d) TOO CLOSE FOR COMFORT '1 IHOEP£'NOEHT NEWS ( 1980) Mn Hamill, Han11on Ford. @) TiiE COLBYS 20 / 20 U EYE ON HOU YWOOO Cl) JEOPARDY S TEARS FOA FE.AAS: SC9ES - t'OO­ CAASON'S COMEDV Cl.ASStCS 8 NEWS TiiESAJNT -11:00- 0 MOVI£ fll) MACNEIL I LEHRER G) MOVIE ntE GAE.AT WHOOUHm D(!1}1oJ NEWS FROM TiiE BIG CtiAJA IJ (Jl MAGNUM, PI MOVIE o um • * 1 Jubal ( 1956) Glenn Ford. Er· 1 CARSON'S COMEDY CLASSICS BIZAAAE nest Borgmne. LUXURY THfATltfS 1 a> SNEAK PREVIEWS II) BARNEY MILLER l'l_Dl ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT DRIVE -INS :~:~c; fll) THE PRICE m700CLUB Ii) BUSINESS REPORT P EMERGENC't' . 4 U4 ZHl I llOI al) ART UNKLmER OllAN Gf/ Mo11o"l•t• STADIUm [:J m NIGHT GALLERY - 12.05- C MOVIE Tita HfTCHER (ttJ DRKAlll L.OY£R (R) p l.FESlYLES OF THE RICH AND SHOWS A T SHOWS AT FAMOUS • t , The TllfminatOf (1984) Ar· s iSO&.e: SO 1 : 30 .. 1 : 30 THE HITCHER (R) S MOVIE r\Old Schwarzenegger Linda Hamil· Plul CO· H•I Ion ""'"' N19h1 (RI t t The Keep 11983) Scou Glenn, Jurgen Procllnow Ac.ademy N om•n••I VOUNGaLOOO (R) - 12:30- MUR"4V"S ROllllUtC£ SHOWS AT Cl ) MOVIE 0 Q~ LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID (f'G-U) SHOWS AT 7 : 00&.9110 0£LTA FORCE (RJ I I ACAIJOrt AWMO IDIS. 4 TUCll DCUY STIJ[O 1 : 40 .. 1 :45 Plu1 Mlu1n9 In *t " Hot Dog Ttie Movte" (19841 LETTERMAN 4 llACll DOUT STtlfO ...... IHTll A ction Par I 2 ( R ) David Naughton, Patrlcll Houser 0 RAT PATROL "Tll£ COLOI ,.,IPLE" 614 155] Ch•pm;n O TOMSHYDEA IMIU llW" (I) & S ; n~ O. n1 f ,.~ - Cl) INOEPENOEHT HEWS I IS, t 15 1"-ll) 1:eo1 ll5, 1~n 00.... ANO OUT IN ,_WIE£KS(91) MVERLV HILLS (R) d) MERV GRIFRN II ACADDIT A"Mll IDIS WH• .OCA TS (R) II ACAOOIT A"Mll IOllM TOIS SHOWS AT 1 00 l : IS SHOWS AT I I~ 3 . 30 Ptut Spluh (P G) a> BUSINESS Of MANAGEMENT 70 alll I rue. STOICO 4 IUCll DClJ'f STOICO 5 : 25 7 · 45 .. 10: 05 5 . 45 t : OO &. 10: 15 ®l MORE REAL PEOPLE "OUT OF AHICA" (l'C) "M COlH PtltPU" SD PRAISE TiiE LORD UO. IO:IS (K.13) ROCKY H (P'GJ 7:00, 10:00 OOMe AND OUT IN • PluJ Co-H it L MOVIE aEV'IE•LY HILLS (R) QUICKSILVER IPQ) St-IOWS AT 1: 25 3 : 25 To Love &. Ole In L .A . ( R) KRISTI lllcllClll SHOWS AT 1 : 10 3 ,25 • • • 'Beyond Tile Walls" 11984) 5 : 35 7 : 50 • 10: 00 S . 25 7 : 25 &. 9 : 25 Amon Zadock. Muhamad Bakr1 "HUI l0¥£1" (I) NIGHTMARE ON ELM .,All.,. '4S, 9111 - 12:40- OUT OF A P RICA (PQ) 11 Academy Nomlntlonl STREET II (R) "f /I" (I) S H OWS AT U · • 5 CO\..Oll PU•~ (") 0 8 MOVIE I 00, I IS, 10-.20 IMC lioWIJ 3 :55 1 00 .. 10: 10 S HOWS AT BEDROOM EYES (R) t t r Trie Ritz I 19761 Jack Wes­ IN 70MM t ·os • :os 1 : 05 a. 10: 05 - az.11 ~TMI - SAUY m.o ton Rita MOfeno CIUK "lnm'S IOUIC£" ~ TI> THE FVnll'E CP'GJ Phial "DO•H a OUT II "TN£ DELTA FOIC£" (I) 7-oe. tlS (Koll) 101 OALMATIONS (G) IEYEILY lllW" (I) 1 u 9-lO Child Pric .. Chu9e d 6 IS. HI. 10.lO DlllV( lllS o,u l ·H •h4oy1/I H Who4a/ Uo 4u 12 fot• U•lou lltto• OCUJSM ~mPT " 11.. W a MEI ...... _,,_ SISTHS" (~fi - 13) ...... s 0 1-00 10 10 \ U• ,.,., (.-nit\ , ,."- ' url 1.,,,,.... 'lt,.1t.. B••f' .... •11 l ·• \ ra,,.J.- .. I ur r .. •..M_,,,_.. ·-.,_ ...... ~u £JCUISM ~liDDl llCI ID.TI ...,,., "' .. "T11E TltP TO ''IOWll I OUT Ill •CAlf'1 ...,_ ...... ,,,·~ ... ..- ... • IOUllTIFUl" (Pfi) lffitlY lllW" (I) -wtlt-.ltlfl - NOW PLAYING - .~.'STUNNING?.? t:olt& •U - 7l09l0 I IS. I lO, IO:JO .. ' 4 IUCll DClJ'f ST'll[O ,. ~ ... "·~ ' " 11 ACAllDIT .. .. , • ti ",... AWMD IDG. • \ I ... II ACAODIY AWW> I09!ATOCS "IOCKY IV" (l'C) , •• 4 .... ' ' " ' \I I • ' 4 JWi •"'•Mllfltfll"i>l'O-- ' ·~J t,.., 1 "OUT OF AFllCA" 1 00 tHS "OUT Of AHICA" (PC) __ , ...., ..•,,.. ,... _...... "WITUSS" (I) 715, IHI ft tOSTA MUA ORA/I(;[ 1 00 10 00 '"> t"" AM( ft 'f't -.,. I 14S "YOUICllOOI" (I ) • ' .4t , . .... 6-t5, It-JI ~~Fl , ,''·:.' t-:::======-=~~J HU Nfllf<.TO'< Ill.A(" aTUI 8IOWll "llOI EJCLE" (PC· 13) '"' ' ,.,~, ' r • "fi r' (I) l:IS '' 'Wiidcats' ' 1 )0 ,0 IR\11 N[ • WlSTM INST(A 11 a J · ~ · f """' '"' .\I ~'" •• I o~.;fOl.CBACll CDWUOS BIUSIOI "Wll.JCATS" (I) "llH UCLE" (PC-13) tltlCll 11:81$ Sll · ~IO ~0 - 7 444 6 lO, I 4S. 10 40 l:lS "Tiil IUTA FOIC(" (I) "'~~ ..._ 001ocuntufo ;n>-[R] 7 JO. 10:00 STARTS TOMORROW lllYlll ITQTll "JEWU OF ltLE" (PC) CDWMDS W0008lllOG£ rDWAltOS Vl l AGl 'f' l • • • - ·- llCl((Y ~f 1:10 It.JI . . -·-· ''flit WUKS" (ll AT ADDITIONAL THEATRES SSl-Oi~S CCNTOI 8'Hl~ I HO. I IS, JOJO uuau nn.m• NOW PLAYING AMC FAS*lll SQUM£ PACflC ltWAY l! * ORANGE * SANTAANA tlUll "'*!! (213) 691 -0633 Da.11891 3'93 C1nedome Coward~ Br1•,1u1 "Tl£ IELTA FOICE" (I) 634 2551 540 7444 7 IS. H S U.ull WllTlllllTH £JClUSM ~ "llCITUI( UI ST. 2;;- rACflC GArtWAY UA WESTIMS TD • PRt C,fNlll..t '"' )~ (l)~m ...o, "l•a 'IL" (I) 1:4S <•> S23.161 l TWll 195-5333 ""' "IY CIAUFf£11" (I) I JO 10·00 1til 1:45, 10:15 1 ----..,=-="'""'""=-.,-~~- " an "1£HOOI ms" 111 "f/1" (I) ~ llS THI HITCHER Cl l DOl•T STUIO W 1Y mo 6 lO 1 •s 10 es "llOI EACLE" (PC-13) I 00 l-00 S 00 MIO - I l :OS KllS" McHKM<>l ACADEMY AWARD .w.s ~ l-01. It.ti DttlAM LOVllt Cll "IH,MY'S IO ...CE " DOllT STlllO I 0 • :00 • IS t :>o 10 0 2 NOMINATIONS MID HAID IZ.Jl edwards HICK NOlfl;lfTTI Mll>t,H 6·00, I IS, 10-IS IK-lll DOWN AND OUT ~ BEST FOREIGN FILM ··Tll£ llrTCIH" (I) S ADDLEBACK I I ACADIMY NOMINATIONS IN HVERL Y HILLS c11 * BEST ORJGINAL SCREENPLAY edwarda CINEMA 1 00, 9 00, 10·40 581-5880 I J-0 l oIS StO t 1U IO:&S THI COLOR PUlltPU c ~Ul * OOLIY STlll O I 00 • . U 7,)0 10,U 11 ACAOIMT HOMINATIOHS CENTER 979-4141 El TORO ltO AT ROCUIELO DO\IT nu10 llDfOllO STiii' El TOAO 1 HAlt•O• I LVO I ADAMS F X 111 OUT OF AFRICA 1l'OI I •I ..,1y I 00 l . lO MflA VlllOI CfNTlll HICK HO\ n 1m1 lollOUI I JO • JS 7 tO 10 ~ COITA MEIA lllTID IWO 1·00J)0•001:)0 II 00 'fhe Official Sto11' DOWN AND OUT IN "Tll£ llrTC•£1" (I) lfVEltL Y HILLS 111 A.LAIU fllCllAllfL.....: ) llU UA"W • - t- - t ,.._.__ CltJCI( Y.( "'*!! I IS 9-IS I IOlJO• OOt>o 11 00 4 rue« IXUT STIJrO 9', WHKS t•l OOLIT STlllO "TME DELTA FOICE" (I) I J)O JJO )JO 7010 10 00\0tl HAWN 700 9l0 'Mft I OUT Ill "llO• EAC:LE" (Pfi.Jl) STARTS FllllAYI IHW" WILDCATS 111 IMILY (I) l"IS f x II ) I lO l ·O •OJ t · lO 10 JO 6-00 I IS. 10-IS UCL HIVE Fiii. 7:15 ltCllNOlfl "YOUICILOOD" (I) I OJ l JI • O! t H t I 00 edwards LIDO CINEMA 1130 "DOWll & OUT II• 6-00, 10-JS 111)161' 9111 f1t•llX Ill Ort Amo HHIEMHT 141Wf'OtTAT•I Al..IDOe OULIYAID 673 • 8350 IEVULY lllW" (I) KIVll4 IACON OOL IT UUIO MIWf'OU U ACt4 6 IS 1 lO 10 JO "IHIOOI £l£S" QUICKSILVER Cl'OI l ACAOtMY -INATIONJ CIUll lllMUS Ulll\1 11 rv••I' -. .. 111 • 1 ~ ,.,,,.. •• (I) SAIL¥ JlllD IAMIS OAllHH JlWll OF I J )0 , tO • 0 • JO .. 11:0) c ll(JllAS MO!llfil I~ 1'4S, IOJO '° MUl'"Y'S IOMAHCl l ~ ll l THI NIU lf!G I IJ lO 1 u '10 7 ., 10:10 lOO • IS• 2S l ·•O 10-)0 "TNE NITC•£1" (I) CICUCK HC>elll IOO HO I 0 00 lnDI DELTA fOlltCE 111 lltON EAGU 1 ~11 1 "W11.JCATS*""" (I) ll lO l 10S S·.. 1110 IO:U In -11 I 00 SttO 10-00 1'00, 9 IS """" 'u ''" KIVIH U CON II AC!f!lt £'.:ftflONS THI HST OF TIMIS l ~ IJ1 QUICKSILVER ll'OI Ila! IQ rt HDfOllll!i CMUal NOetttS t,c ):( >:"C "NlllOITll 11111111 lttO(LM!lft N Dt1ft ,,.., DILTA fOtlCI 111 THI HITCHER 111 IMIUaLS" (I) >;~ 1t1111n Mo....CMC>t * MISSING IN ACTION 2, IODY DOUIU 11 1 n.••.1·n CHHAM LOVD (Ill THI HGINNING 111 l:ll, IO:JI ... TAJtOn r•1 in oink rtrvw. aACON , orettu ... •'· "-' >'c •'• .. PMAMOUNT PICTURES PRESENTS MOllY RINGWALD HARRY i>EAN STANTON lmt MIDlU ' .,...... QUICKSILVH 1rc11 .,. "NKtt "°'" "Wll.IUTS" (I) K•11n UPR£TTY IN PINK" JON CRYER ANNIE POTTS JAMES S~DER AND ST. llMO' S fllltl 111 DOWN ANO OUT IN ""'HI<"°' 111.1·a . us llVHLY HILU Ill DttlAM LOVlllt Cl l ANDREW MCCARTHY EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS JOHN HUGHES ...... lt.11 TAIGn (I ) J',c •O. lOWt * HIAVINL Y KID 1,.,1>1 AND MICHAEL CHINICH WRITTEN BY JOHN HUGHES PRODUCED BY YOUNOaLOOO (t i HST Of TIMIS (,.Ul LAUREN SHULER DIRECTED BY HOWARD DEUTCH A PARAMOUNT PICTUIU ro ,, ,.....,,._,._.._...... :":.:::....._.-.:'-'W•• ~·• CJl ..-...... 11 ~·-­ , Jl 1•1 ...... , ..... _....._...... ' ~ •llACI JOO ORANGE NtOHTMA•I ON KIVIH IACOfol QUICKSllVlllt ,,. "tlT If Mia" {PC) (7?4) f.M.Ufl/ U '!z t ~ ILM ITlltln ltAIT 2 , STARTS TOMORROW .r....- ST flMO'S fllltl 11 it:•. ue. OCK ... Miii,... fllDOY' S llVINCH tt lll(A • ~GUNA HlllS • N(Wf'OllT lfACH WlS fMlllSTUf OllAllCI( ..,_ t• t-• 11 ~·-­ WllOCATS tll .. I'- '' ~- ., ...... , '11( ca. ., ... 'I II ,;•~A ... 1m111t °'' ocu rl'01 • u • ....lfSm'RCr- PllPU" (N.13) Lo HABRA .. ~ ~"" I Ul llA PAAk .. " WHlMllllTUI 7.JS 1i:oe • lA MlllAOA P • '"mm• 1·-. t:.S (N.IJ) f/Jt (I I IIII:! .. ' . , ~" . . .• ~·, fir:'••• W•1 N OOUMI HAWN ..,, 1'4<1' llltON lAOLI 1,..u1 1,1' uh fll '" .' LA HAIAA I .,, It\ • 4 ~ "'°'Tl ""' MHIUI WllOCATS 111 I I "'1• ll.Ql DOWN AND OUT IN • COSl AMUA • MISS!Oti Vil JO Qta- lfM TY MdlCHOI ...... 1m111t Off DUD 1N 1 1 _,.-.,_.lt(uf""t• •STANIOll ... ' 11( "MUI Loni" (I) "rtr (I) llVUlY HILU 111 II I ' , KUA Flier (I) , .. 115. ltlt ' ...... ,...... Hl.411. Ut a• HIAVIHL Y IUD 1,.Ut ... ., . . WATCH MTV TONIGHT FOA THE ·PRETTY IN PINK " PREMIERE SPECIAL ' Ora~ CoastOAILV PILOT/Ttwrlday, Febnlsy27o 1Ne •

HORO SCOPE Wherever he goes, BR IDGE Friday, February U Nt! TRALIZE THE Rti:AL THREAT ARIES (March 21-Apn l 19) You gain 1ns1gh1 wh'-' 20)· FOl U\ on cooperative clfons. reunion. they always show a loni. sl~k car ~ · - AQJ 7 pannersh1ps, dealing with pubhC', mamal status lntu1t1on •~on target. }ou'll pulling up 1n front of a n:son and a A I( 10 he .it right place at "\J)Cl'tal" moment. Don't rush - rcali1e time 1s on your CHARLES woman emerg111g w11h 18 pu~ce ~ of • QJ H• '1de. matched luggage. followed b) an WEST t;AST GEMINI (May 21-Junc 201: D 1 vcr~1 l y. he "1n tout:h" w11h those who unmarked van carry111g her shoes and E111 W. •· GOREN 'iharc your concerns, ideals E'\ccllen1 accessories'! · ~ 74 2 • 5 tor o~a nwng. for mailing notices. for The day my husband amves with 801IECI ~:... ~ K8•2 6 5 3 ,peaking and wnung Populnnt) grows. 18 pieces ofluuage. 11 will mean one Q8 6 J9,7632 >'11.l'll be 1n v11ed to prest1g1ous affair th111g. .. half of 1t got lost. + K9 • A ~ :l 10\0h mg travel Recently. he packed for a three-day ~OUTH CANCER (June 21-Jul) 221 SYDNEY meeting 111 V1rgin1a. If 11 rained 111 tablr a full minute and a halt lxlor<' I • J 10986 3 OMAR l-mpha!>I!> on excitement. 'ar1et} ro­ Virgina, he was prepared for 1t. Jf 11 did, and fooled no one with a vanet~ 10 9 mance. ueat1ve 1:ndeavor•1. The '"no snowed 111 V1rgi111a. he was prepared of wn nkled scarfs I would rather be e·ot" sign is removed. Doors opc.-n 0MARR fQ r 11. lfthere was a heat spell, tornado remembered as bonng than a' a SHARIFF )Ou'll have greater freedom of thought • '10 7 6 2 or tidal wa ve 111 Virginia. he had the woman whose arm:. dragged the The btddtnll and action. Taurus. Leo. Scorpio figure prom111enth clothes for it SfOUnd ltke an oraogutan from Carf1· North E&•t South w~al LEO (July 21-Aug 22)· Man) around )OU will be men:unal Means He had packt>d for e very conungen­ ing luggage. maneuver a {' h1b ruff Ottlarer 111endr;, ac;soc1ates arc.- restless. d)nam1c nca11, c 1mpat11.'nt . .\dhcn.- to 2 NT Pu Pas11 cy. There were clo1hes for a I ().. K run. For his three-da> tnp, I watched a~ •• does better to takt.' away the club pnnetples. refu~ to be l.aJoled tnto snap dn'1\1on' h11urc prospects will be Pus Pau a bar m1tzvah. costume pany. fire 111 he Jammed his suitcase w11h h1~ ru by bank mg on the heart fi l learly outlined. the hotel . bowhng tournament or tripod, waders, tennis balls. film. sun Opl•nm(( ll'lld f'l\'1"' of rr VIRGO (Aug 23-Scpt. 22): MaJor dome'it1 c change OCC'urs. ulllmatcly cruise. There was a wardrobe for a hat. poncho. first-aid kit and a large nesse suc.·cttding. ~ prove'> beneficial Focus on close relatt.,es. 1nclud1ng brothers. sister~ . cookout. a rodeo. a wedding. a box of granola bars cheeses and Correct technique ts to wm the ktnl( of diamonds at trick one and \cenano highlight\ \ ISltS. trtp'I 111.'V.-S, \Pl'UJI n011CC') fa mil) member talks mountatn hike. a day of salmon snacks You nrn't plcln thl· pla~ ur a hand about movmg. fishtnf and an outfit for chansmg a " Wh> are ·you pack111g fooq'>" I unle~!-1 you rt>altze wherl' the dan· then discard a club on the ace of dt· LIBRA ( ept. 23-0ct. 22). ln1t1al nt'"''> rnnlt'rntng mone} 1s tire. I someone stopped him in the asked. gt>r lurk!i! I\<; th1-; hand provPs, 1t 1<1 amondtt! Now declarer comes to llisappo1nting. But C}dc changes. what appeared achtrsc will in "You never know what the con­ lobby and awarded him the Nobel not always l'a'ly t11 'Pol where thl' hand with a diamond ruff and ~o ur favor. Ride with tide, e)(pect dela} but know }Ou'll emerge v1ctonm1s Peace Prue. he had the formal aturc ditions are." he said. take the heart finesse by leading P1scl.'s, Virgo pla) rok'i. for IL "Are you aware that Virg1n1a 1s not ~mis he l\ote SoULh -. Jllmp t o four -.padt>'> the ten When t hat wins. declarer CORPIO (OC't 21-Nov 2 1) Moon 1n your sign htghhghts personaht). To watch him pack 1s to watch a Third World country?" repeat, the heart finesse and then l hansma. power. authority. ability to transform dreams into realities. Law 1s " I never said that." he said. " It is ov('r the 0J)4'n1 ng two no trump bid <:losct walls being revealed before discards another club on the ace of on )Our !>1dc. JU'>t1 cc prevail'>. }OU could h11 linanc1al iackpot Cancer native your eye!>. He never stops packing JUSt better to be safe than sari) •· lieside'> a pas .. that ts the weakf'sl pla>~ role until he hears an echo You've heard I think that sort of sums up his bid he l&n m.tke With a '\tronl( hearts With his groundwork completed, AG ITTARIUS (No' 22- 1.>ct· 11) \ 11u'llgt·t v.hJt ~11 u dc!>m: - lo.e )' 1s to of people never lea v111g home wtthout entire philosophy· "A raincoat 111 the hand. he would '>tart t>1thC'r with & lo.now what )OU really need Pertinent 1nlurma1mn ,., found behtnd !>n·nes. & their"acc1dent underwear"" Not only hand ts wonh two in the closet " Slayman -.equ<'nte or by simply declarer can start on trumps The persistent. dig dl'l'P. C'heck soum: material, pt.'ru.'I\ t' tutu re pro'>l)('CtS. A.nC's defenders cannot gl'l more than does he pack hermeticall y scaled As he sat on his suitcase and forced b1dd111g thrl'e ~pad es and then btd· pla)S role. the tipper shut, he looked down to see underwear for the accident, he packs dtng again after opener's rebid two dub trick and the ace of CAPRICORN (Dec 22-J.ln 19)· New \la rt I'> fi:Jturcd ··' 1gor returns and the monogrammed pajamas for the a 15-pound coffee-table book on West led a diamond, and a curso­ trump ~o docs self-confidence Lunar po<,111on highlight., lullillment. 'pcculauon. hospital. the wool robe. the slippers China. " I don't suppose ~ou could ry analysis or the pos1t1on would Note that had declarer d1scarde trump ace. his onl y see hlrt rel'.e1vc nl'ws v.h1ch elevate-. pn.•st 1ge. huo}\ morak I 1r\t 1mpn·<1'llono; are on again. They ma) or ma) not re­ member'"' possible lo.,ers were two clubs and can wm t he ace of trumps and to the king or ch.\bs and another. He target. dmo11onal nt:cds will be fulfilled 't ou'll tx· 111' •led to dint· 1n gourmt•t member that I was the woman whose For a minute I though I he v.asgo1ng d heart. And he could avoid a lo4'er fashion has1c oatmeal kntt dress amved at the 10 lose 11. 1n the latter "u1t by tak111g a heart will get a club rurr for a one-trick P ISCES (Fl·b 14-March .!OJ D1,pl.I\ H'r'l.llthl~ lorn., u n dl\tanle. ':'-'ca rt. ~ a h1(1.h diamond set. languagr. tra' cl. puhlicauom Empha~" on Jh1ht} 111 u11nmun1rnll' 1dl.·a, in On dcep<>r examination. howev For Information about Char les Jrllculall'. l'nterta1111ng fashion You'll hi: morl' .1~'.irl· ul b\xh 1m.ige and wardrobe (icm1n1 pla}s role rr. a more potent threat looms l ' n­ Gore n'• new new•le~r for le~ a defender has a 1nglt'lon club brtdce pla yen, write Goren IF FEB. 28 IS YOUR BlRTHDAY \OU "uulJ rnmplcle m.tJor proJCtt Sterilityjustified if 1h1'> \l'ar - )ou'll gain adtkd rctogn11mn \ou'll Ix· rd1cH:d ol burden. IOH' honor . or club shortnes and a sm­ Bridg~ Letter, P.O. Box «26, Or­ will no longer be ah\t•nt. I co. .\quanus pla} 1mPt1rtant roles 1n )'Our hie. You ~leton tnrn1p, the defenders can lando, Fla. -HI02-4426. are original. d) narn1c. tndepcndt·nt. memhl'r<. of uppuc;1tt• \t' \ find )'OU children unwanted attract" c and often .. ,poil" 'uu You u .. uall} arl· .1ht•;1d ol } our t1nll' ~ ou arc 1n,ent1'e and po'>'>e')'> pll>nea1ng spirit \ ou'll trJ'l'I 111 \1Jrlh .\ugu'>I reprt'-.cnts pov.cr. monl·~ . lo' c for 'ou 1n I 9lH1 DE.\R .\NN LANDERS. Rc.-centl\ a woman wrote and asked about having her tubes tied She was 32. had two children and wa'\ divorced You told her to think two umes. threC' times and then a tounh before shC' A11 Hungary, W. Berlin made a dC'CISIOO . I had m> lubes tied when I wa~ .!4. LAllDEIS T ft I S 0 after two abon1 ons and a m1scamagl· I 1ned e' el) form of birth control I I I t leaders in suicides known to v. oman (and man) and Ttw 9uy ..no 1000.0 my !l 0 T I R wasn't comfortable with any of them. flag that had been draped u' er h1\ 'IOUM 11 •unn1nv arou'ld ""''" • ,...,,,. b9af11un rug Ano a Q01C1 <). \11 Ml'\IUI h3\ thl' lllV.l'\t I'm 36 now and have never casket. It meant a great deal 10 me. M> I I' I rwindie coun­ ha'I the h1ghnt'1 children. never ha .. e liked them and ------~ M y blot,,.. not'ell&lal"ltty Hlt4'0 tn and comes to "1s1t me l'\t'I") two J O E E O wna1 s ., - - .\ Hungan. still l he ut\ v.11h am great!) rehevc:d to knov. I won't ~ I t~ ~ >ears In 1977 on his first '1\1 t. he '---,-1-...;l'...... ;..I_•-,.---. G -~··· ...... ' ,..., that d1st1nctt(rn - tor 1h1: l.1\t 4(1 have an) I haw ye t to meet a man - . r.. "" ,. f,...... \l , ...O'Ot a\kcd me to bu-. him lhl' tnggcs1 .__...... _~__.____._.__. ,,.,. ""'''""' 1'-0 ,..0 ) b.41~- H'.lr\ - hl.°l'll \\ L.M. h,1'1 l''>t fkd111 who was disturbed bccauSt' of1h1c, American flag I could find I dC'ndl·d M' freedom from the tvrann'r of to give him the: one I had. birth. control. abon1on and· the emo- I on'- h1:rt· ' Jn l'\l It ll d "h no­ Bovo In I 978. I ' 1c;1ted him 111 P..tm Iv.as ht'°' "1" L,1\tl'' lih· lhtl io. t'll 11onal c;train 11 produces has been a shocked and hurt 10 see that ht' v.a .. maJOr f1ctor 1n keeptng me well­ (1\ P'~ moth CU' r hn t.l\ll' lilo.l' u!>tng the flag a!t a bedspread. I asl ed balanced and anxiety-free. I almond' Befort: him n1cd) to put 11 awa) v. h1lc I v.a~ () \\ hni thl' Jl.'m,1lc tUl'koo lays had the surgery. several doctors tned egg' tn another h1rd\ nc'>t. her egg-. his guest. He apologized and s:ud he to shame me into "growing up and Q Hov. aa• tcnn" h..tll\ m:uk' 1 mJtl·h the rnlor ot thl' l.'g&S al read) had no idea he had done 'lomcthin& rnm1ng to my ~nses ... I feel com­ wrong TODAY'S .\. Two natural ruhhcr halvec; are th rl' H11" dot''> 'hl' manage that" fortable with m) deC"1s1on and hope lu~d together .\1r 1s tnJclled. \ n\ l'altntt till' \Jme food eaten .\nn. plca\c 1l'll all .\mcm.im to my teller will enC"o urage other women treat our llag v. 11h thl· rc,pcrt 11 hgure-c1ght wool-and-n)' Ion felt h' till' nwtht•r 111 the other eggs. to be ho nest wi th themselves and not CROSSWORD PUZZLE deo;er vl·~ To mt.• 111'> a sourCl' ul pnde 'trip'> arc glued on at high l'rl'\U lll .m· " l\l' pk,I\~' .Ill \ l\,l' IDE O F T HE TO RY IN SANT.\ flulled. stamped and tanned fadl·d and "'eathrr-lxatl'n at 1he ROSA. ACROSS 58 Clear Pft(VIOUS PUZZLE SOLVED 'I 1111< ,Ill !'ol'I Jll thl· \ ll.11ntn .\~OU rn t rance~ of mobile home part..' .tnd DEAR ROSA: Motberbood 11 not 60 Editors woro nrrd II\ t'.1t1ng. '''o .1 apanment bu1ld1ng!t .\scholar who ha'> \lud1l·d Jddit· l.irrul\ da} for everyone. Women wbo do not like 1 Poor w111er 6 1 Srnrgazer ~ v.urd 111 \Our column v.ould help lh1g' 5 Billy club 63 Hawan city uons contends the alcoholic v.ant' children aad don't waat tllem make a a 101 \o man) people learn from to function. but doesn't th1nlo. he ~ou 9 Mountain 64 Decorous big ml1 take wben tbey buckle DJHler Thankc; for \OUr help - .\ I 0\'ER ..:an without a drink wh1k tht· llrui 1) lultll\ ( .ll'\,H "·" l'f'llh'(llll' .... II to sodetal preuure. spur 65 Instructed \\ ,.., ..... 1pok1111 I I"'' .1hout Pt'lt·r OF 0 1.r> (,LORY (C .\RTH.\(if:. 14 Succu1en1 Jdd1l I want' to drop out hut There would be fewer abused 66 Fameo 1 MI SS.) 15 Press doesn't think he rnn w11hnu1 J th 1tw <1r1:.11 Y,llllKSters, j uvenJJe delinquents and school .\ I 1lo. n~ l\t' DEAR LOVER: I. too. have seen 16 Track s1a1 67 Stringed 'ihrug t ee~ge erlmlnaJs If cnore women flags that are faded and torn. It's 17 Function 1n s1rumen1s bad tbe courage to admit their true 18 Poltcemen 68 This mo (.) Thoma' ..\ hll\rnl v.J\ tht: 'I uu t .t n '·'' th1' 111 1lw l\PtlJI dlsgracef11l. feelings and not feel like monllen. I I hope everyone wbo flies a flag wlll 20 Market 69 Renoun~ ind1\.1dual AmenC"an '' 11h tht• mo~t km.tic h11tl\1•th \l\t\ da'' .11ter applaud your coura1e to face the check ll out today and if we're talking 21 German city patent!>. Who ranlo.l.'d <;econd'' 'ht' ' hall hl·d 'hl'' J grandm1>tht•r Ascetic o t truth. take an unpopular stand and no't to you. get moving. • 22 old DO WN .\. Polaroid'' founder I di.\ 1n be concerned about wha t others think. 23 Rabbits kin In \u.,1r.1liJ .. l rnt1'- · nw,in' '11 I.. CONFIDE'\JTI \l TO H1 :' Odnu wora II the v.atrr 1<.n 1 wJrm \t 11 .1I Ii kl' 1<1 ..t\lo. a fa .. or of) ou I was horn 111 Timt· " .. urc 10 dinllnl'>h '11u1 .1111/.l'r • q Per1mett'1 J VC111. t' v.on 't grow. l hl·rc'\ no uiral nnrth llot'>C' lldn·'1 h1t'.tlh1 th1"111d1 t ranu~ .1nd 1::ame 111 th" rountr. "ht•n Bear 1n mind th,11 h.11e lil.1: .1, 1t1, ,111,·, JO Pierce 4 Retainer ol tht At•rn1uda\ ..\nd 1lwrC' their mnulh' ·,ou l..1111\1 I wa' IX In I ll'1(l nl\ \l'l'ond hu\hilnll mon· da map.l' 111 tlw \ l'''1·l 1n "'h I\ h 11 ·3 4 $ hops art'J <, H OUSE' p ..<; ls. v.11uldn'1Ix·1."oral tht•n· V.l' rt• 11 11111 l .M. Bo) d 1, a ''ndu·att'd pac;.,cd .iv. .t\ tk "J\ .1 \\ urlJ \\ ar 11 I\ \lllfl'd thJll lt1llW11htl'1t1111 '' h11 h ti 16 Compulf>• 6 Incense lur tht• C1ull 'itr1:am columni t \\'11.'rJn I v.a~ &l\l'll the \ml'rlt.tn '' ~1urt• d IOod - Builder 18 B1aci..b11C1 8 E • 1s1ence 10 Or.,. 46 shop .39 Radio won... , Cl Garrier 3 1 Having three 48 Shoveo 42 S1e11eo tood 10 Raue!> parts 49 Gangs1ers 4 3 Ptacf' 11 French 32 Having wi.,gs SO Shortages PEOPLE 44 Pr1or 10 pronoun .33 Nota 52 Crtmina1 " ~ 45 Cabbage 01c,11 12 Prell" tor .34 Reptiles SJ Hard 46 Luau loOd aq1>r 35 Unclean 5 <1 Stundtg ~ • Hem1ngwd\I .... 13 Scolch-lr11h 37 Cuban mone\ 55 This Sp 10 IOllOWf>l'i 19 Squad 38 Golden touct> 56 Pr1 nc1 pa1 Kien8stquintupletssweet, hectic 16 119 Wear s 24 Coun1erte11 king s· B1under Si Rides wave<. 16 Gr.ioetul 40 Brunsw•c• 59 Allo ..a nce Farm..\1d rnnt,·n bl' hC'ld 1n thl.' 54 G111e .iwav 18 Ne>.t 10 M in,.. 4 I Fnrh winks 62 Broad sasn By the Associated Press heart of 01\ll' .111 nrg.1011er \.ltd Ncl,on. v.h11\l' .-ontt'rt la't Hl:.R NARD\ T OWN~ HIP 'umnwr 1n ( 'h.1mpa1gn. Ill NJ - Thi.' Ku: na<;t qu1ntupkt <1 ra1\Cd nearl' S 11 1111lhon llll tht c;pcnt their 16th htrthda> in mm h nJt111n\ finanlt.tlh ,11hnt1. la1m tht• \ame w::n as other da)\ a<1 t'r\. .1lc,o h.i' lx'l'll 1n' 1tnl ''' \3rtl>U\ tht"y v.ent da,h1ng oO to ollil 1al'i 111 .\.lJ\11n I''''"· I >.111;1' acu \ 1t1es. . Jlld wa~h1ng 111n. I) ( 'I.lid \In,. "It'' hert ll You go. go go ... Hauc,cr t'I th\' I l1111'1l'n h.1wd ..aid their mothc:r. P (.'ggy Jo Pace.- \ fan.igc:n wnt Int "h" h Kienast. a'> ~hl' ralc:d out tht• door promok'' "t'hon ' 1 onl t'n' h l tnkl· ~arah to pl~• > 111 tOn ..tnd \\IU bl,· \Old ·" \Car-Old 51,th-1rnder from P1.·m \UrplU\ proprrl\ cl ~~lkC\WOnl3 0 bmkt Pme'l, ""' p1ct..('d lrnm tor <11 1" . Martha uynt Collhu1 r hr ~II'> l'fnor ":\\ 1rkt'd that amona near I~ .000 ~arh from t ht· \.'l)\ Aid for Dixie? •W'\' n·~)rt\ .1mt l.'d•tonals about \ Jn1ted tat~ . .1nJ Tm Thl' tanning t~:d hnam<' tht• J.\C t...~ON '1"' \1na,·1 onto .\though am.·n~·H•d f am1 hutt nl m,rn\ 111 ke' 1n 1hc: ka" th\' t:rnn1ni\ tx-d had talo.cn attrn· 11on :\\\3\ Imm m"rl.' 1mponant Wiiiie Nelsoe '' \t>n\llkrina .1 ha\ pc.•rtormN 111 "M.hnol rila\., c1nd I turc ancr '" prt'~ncc 11'1 th t• l't'qUCSl from th(' \l,11('\ 1\1\lll. 111 tol'l'l ' J'll'"' \t'l"tt'tJn Barbara 1.nmmcr\Utl'I, \ he ha' n11 r r1•­ m11M1on wa\ rcpuncd cMli t• r tlm turt co mm1 ~smnl'1 1h111 th,· IH' '' fto;\lunal tra\n1111t month Hadle' \m1th \u1d "\ M • Orange CoHt DAILY PILOTI Thur$day. Feb,uary 27 1988


by Bii Keane BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed ~MILY BIG GEORGE by Virgil Partch (VIP) ~cus .. ~ u 0 c. ,,..>­ ..v •E ''


" Aw - did you hurt yourself, Honey? Come over here. I'll feel sorry " Do you ever wonder what they poke these for you." game show winners w ith that makes them \ react like that?''

MARMADUKE by Brad Anderson DENNIS THE MENACE ~ by Hank Ketcham --c-<-.-._. FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE by Lynn Johnston

JOHN.I lX>NT KNOW I HAVEN T Ml XEO l'LLLJ<.JSfTE.LL Tt-IEM ABOUT lri16 I THINK R r1ALGAM, I HAVEt-fl 0 I VE FOOGOTiE.N t-\QW PASSED INSTRUMENTS, KUJfz.THATTHE. IS MY ~-- ' 10 BE A f ,.i. ·,, t HAVEN T · DENTAL ~r / j D£1JaoPED \. J >' ASS1Sn=tNT , . X- RAVS l.-- -~W:~ ~ FOR L-\ t > 1 ~ VE.AR.sf / l fl , ' I ~ , I -~"'~-:1 '

SHOE by Jeff MacNally

./ A. LITTLE OFF ~~ " The dog show 1udge says you can keep .. ™E MIOOl.E . ~L .'?f'~" the cup you took but he wants his gloves oack' '!rs EASYhY Jusr GET A 610 ~K A~·f CHIP OFF ALL iME PIECES ~100N T LOOK LI KE .\ HORSE rr·= r

PEANUTS by Charles M. Schulz

LJOi-. A- r ... •:, _ s- JC: )E:: ~ - ,...= .., H~'vE ?EJ;:> _= \J.Jt-0 :rvi'?JR­ bvAA.\~-J~-: BENE•~~ -J~..., -ME S'1'¥1?'"' J " "' 5 ~ s1.1s-A1"lER5 SPONSORS DO ~ORS ..\ ~ ;' ;~ E~:' ... JUDGE PARKER by Harold Le Doux .... I TOLD DARLENE I 'D • E t ~'-' HA\I E' WAIT !=QR HER O N T HE CORNER o~ eR.OAOWAY AND 1="0URTH 1

GARFIELD by Jim Davis


e 0

( by Tom Batluk

GE.t>JERAk. 5C.1£NC£

'GENER.AL.. 5C1Et-JCE. IS AN INfRODUCTlO~ 10 ~E MA:JOR FIELD$ OF 50ENC.E wrrnour 6€ifl~ TUMBLEWEEDS by Tom K. Ryan IN1D A I.Of OF PIC.K4 DEIAI LS ! AMON& O~ER. ~ INGiS I lX)(J' u.. l.EARN ABOUT IHE f::LIE~TiFIC APPROACH 1D A PROBL.£.M , WMI~ CONSl5i.S MAINk.c..> OF HOW IO APPl.4 FOR C'JlXJE..RN ME.~rr GRAms / "JftJ Uf~ >1ANIJ&'Y> ; /, l Z1

DOONESBURY by Gary Trudeau

Sf} 'fOU HAVE ~/LY IN 70 CS(,l)Pt; YOO >1f.IW. El. ivl/AJ rOPr THAT~ 6000 f!Jl._IT/{Af., 5AlV~ 7D mA7 (fJlllJ & HUPRJl ~ION CS


/'¥). OKAY U Et 5'4lVAct>K, ROSE IS ROSE by Pat Brady N/{JlR S4L VAC\?R EJ-4' YOU POOR ACiUA {)f;V/L I ll4AT~ lf / I 'M rr; aw EmX'M MA~ING ~ , M ~ooe · ~~ " OOH& 10 weir& ™E. (MIT Um'lt., 3=00 A.M. 10 IN A l20W ?l~~ ~"'i!.c~ I ~~me.~ ... .. * * ..., Piil THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 27, 11188 ,[ii

St. John'• topa SyracuH In Big Eaat Conference tt.aketbell. C2. Orange Co.at men routed by Cerrltoa, but Pirate women win. C2.

Coury, e~-lttater Del coach, Encore performance? to head Ram quarterbacks Fullenon. and New Meiuco State beats· n Jose Statt' DC Irvine hoping to duplicate tonight and Utah State Saturday (both home games). the Dick Coul'), who has served~ " He's go1na to address himself to Aggies would t.ake over the second seed 1n the tournament a head coach in the United States the quarterback p()Siuon. upset against UNL V tonig_ht b) v1 nue of a pair of wins over UC'I. Footboll leque througho1.u its " h 's clear we need to improve UN LV leads the UCI scnes. 11-4, since 1966. The three years o(extStcnct. has been the environment surroundJnaour The UC Irvine basketball team will have the home Ameaters broke tht' Rebels' 36-game home-coun winning named the quanerback coach of quanerback pos1t100 and ou.r coun, but not the element ofs urprise. when the Anteaters streak with lhc earlier v1ctOI')', which also marked only lhe • lhe Rams, the National Football pa smg pme H11 specific USllD­ rematch Nevada-Las Vegas in a P( AA contest tonight second loss in 44 games for U NLV at the Thomas & Mack League team announced Wcdn ~ ment will be to coach the Quat· T1p-offtime 1s 7:30 at Crawford Hall Center. da ~. terback$.'' The ninth-ranked Runnm' Rebels were ~ tunned hy Saturday's game against Fullen on will also mark the CO UI') , a araduate of Notre This past season. the Rams UCI in the last meeting in Las Vegas, 99-92, Feb 15 final home appearance for four UCI seniors as Rogers. Dame. was the head coach of won the NFC Western Dl v1S1on Johnny Rogers was the b1g difference In that game Tod Murphy. Troy Carmo n and Rick C1acc10 take the Mater Dc1 High for nine y~ars tttle w11b an 11 ·5 record and sconng 41 points and grabbing 14 rebounds mu rt for the last ume at Crawford. beginning 1n 1958 His teams advanced 10 the confercnec " We suit have to play them at our plate." said Rogers, who had 17 points 1n Monday's 87-79 went 96-9-3 dunng .that ume champ1<'nsh1pg.ame, los1nJ to the Anteater Coach Bill Mulligan following the upset win victory over UC Santa Barbara, has htt 10 double fiaurcs Amon& the players he coached upcr Bowl champion Chicago "That ought to be a lot of fun." an 48 straight games. In the thrtt games he has played was quanerbac.k John Huane. Bears 24-0. UNLV ( 15-1 1n the PCAA. 27-3 overall ) has already· against UNLV. Rogers has scored 97 points. who went on to win the He1sman Although the Rami. ~re able. wrapped up the PC' AA regular-season tttlc and the top For tho Rr bels, Junior guard Fred Banks leads the Trophy at Notre Dame m 1964 to win a d1v1s1on crown and seed 1n the upcoming post-season tournament at the teammsconngat 18.8. followedbyAnthonyJoncsat 14 7 " We feel very fonunate in advance to th( conference utJc Forum. The Anteaters ( 11 -5, 15-10) are rest mg in second and Armon Gilll~m at 14. 7 points and 8.9 rebounds. adding Dick to our staff,.. Coach game. its pass1ng attack was one place 10 the confe rence by one game over New Me:iuco Junior guard Mark Wade has 204 assists in 30 games. John Robi nson of the Rams said of the least productive 1n the State. On Saturday, the Anteaters will be out to a ven~e an an making the announcement. 1'/Fl However. should UCI falter either tonight against earlier setback at the hands of Fullenon. The Titans Johnny Ro1era the Rebels or Saturday at home against C'al State posted a 66-54 victory on Jan. 16 1n Fullenon. I FV advances; Edison ousted Ba rons top Mater Oet. the se-cond period in leading 1he Barons lo an 18-6 advantage in that 65-39:-Cha rgers fa ll penod. Fountain Valle> was able to ut1li£e tngtrls' playoffs 1h height advantage 10s1de w11h accurate passing and aggressive re­ bounding. and the Monarchs could The Sunset League has one en ti) in get no closer than four points af\er the the quanerfinal round of the ('If 4-A girls basketball playoffs. as Fountain first period Valle~ H1gh's Barons rolled to a usan Walin was ncdtted with second round win over Mater De1 eight assists for Fountain Valley. Wednesday night. Elsewhere. Echson gave Lynwood a Lynwood 54, Edison 51: The run, but the Knights turned tough in Chargers held a 51-50 lead with le'is the last minutes to end the Charger<;' than two minutes remaining. but the season third-seeded Knights shifted into Here·-; a look at what happened high gear and scored the last five points to end Edison's season at the Fountain Valley 65, Mater Del 39: Ly nwood g)m The Barons took another step for· Edison (21-7) saw a five-point lead ward in the playoffs. dropping the stan to evaporate with about four Monarchs for the third 11me this minutes lcf). as the Knights' Trice season in the game at Mater ~ .. Jackson managed eight o(her game­ Fountain Valley (24-5) Will meet h1gh 25 points in the final quaner. (Jahr. a 59-50 winner over S1m1 L)nwood's opponums11c defense Valley. Saturday 1n the quanerfinals cap11ahzed on the Chargers' erra 11c at a s11e 10 be determined. Both ballhandhng 1n the v.aning moments, ~hoots ha' e hosted one game. and and the speed) Jackson broke away pla)'ed one away. The Gladiators for two lay-ups in the last minute 10 spon a 25-4 record. put the Knights (24-3) 1n the quar­ Jacktt' Cook scored 19 points. Dawn Lawler added ·1::? and senior terfinals po101 guard Kem Clower retumt'd to Edison was behind after the first the lineup from the injured rank'> to penod. I 5-11 . but chipped away at the propel Fountain Valle) to a 30-14 lead to mo\C to v.1t hin 29-27 at the halftime lead and domination of half. The C harger"i' shots staned Mater Dc1 falling 1n 1he third. however. as the} The Monarchf Noelle Manfre. outscored L}nwoo in non-league M c laughlin ·~ blov. over the center The Barons. No. I seeded and the Blaine DcBrouwer to dominate tht• wtth II •• '"{vnng 1v. o pla ,cl"\ and \1\ team play and a sweep by unset League fielder'i. head. ~anager ho'il Viking~ in the Loara Tour­ Ocean \ 1ev. host., \fagnoha F- ndj\ 111 iuals. indudintt <.1eorge teams 1n the fif"lt round of the l oara Winning pitcher Ste\C ( larl defending ( IF 4-.\ champions. got a Bamberger and (1eneral Manager single run in the fir"lt inning off an namt'nt game in the ~cond round ln v1 tat1onal highlighted prep ba\Cball worked the first five innings and wa ~ HJrn Dalton Wedne'\da) ~uppont'd by a pair of double pla>' RBI single from third baseman Jim Holdridge <;truck out '>IX and &a' c Dmlc. then ~ t ruck with four runs 1n up one ~mgk v.1th Do wne' \tnl1ng HuntlnJton Buch 7. La Habra 3 < nachl'' Tom "-l u\l'f J nd Henn Herc''\ hm.\ 11 went· \ophomorr M1t th Melhon l·arned T v. o h1t\ lrom ( 1reg Ch11l·l 1ndud1ng thr ~H' \.\1th l"'o innings of c;hutout the.third lo put the game awa\ for 1t\ lune run 1n the bottom ot the -,1arrettc "'ere the mo\t ..enoush 1 a t '·o-run homer. comhinrd "'Ith a llumt•d 1n the b!J,t "'hllh 01.:cum-d in Cor ona del Mar 3. Mission Viejo l : rd11.•f \Uf\ 1v1ng a ~'cn1h - 1nning Free pa'i~~ to Rob Flynn and Chrn <;e\ rnth on a ~ H·fol11 th b;sll home co1• pletr g.'lmt' e1ght·h1t pltthmg th<' arra 111 the \\\Bl he:•." o f1 it.e ~ U\Cr l\.e' in M t Laughlin tnpkd 1n a pair of upns1ng in v.h1 lh 1tw D1ahh>.-. ltH1tkll "'l'll J prnedl·d Dmlt"' ..ecund run· run nil lirl·nt 1'.nJl lat to 'fxlll thl· lht• hase' '-'llh one out prtidu1.1ng hit. and fert') Rell'hert '>hUlOUI performJnce tn lefT Haat l kd 1he V.J\ la ~en b' hehl11 pt c:r to " ~ancopa run!> 1n the third innmsand scorrd on Oileri. to an opening-round 'tt ton 1n ( ount' bum \.'.e nter Im treatment ot an RBI double b y Craig Nt'.l(On in tht• ( d\lt returns to Jl'twn \aturdJ\ followed wtth an RBI hit Ocean\ 1ew opened v. 11h one: run 1n the Loara toume"r '\CX'Ond-degl'('(' burn~ on h1' lace and ~1xth to lift the Sea King ~ to tht• ho'iting ( ap1strano Vallt') 1n a \ v.alk and Junior Phil Sakeho'>' the 1h1rd inning. the kc) blov. a two­ The Highlanders (0-1) caught tht> head opening-game victory O\ er the doubleheader. beginning at 11 1v.o-run single put the game on ice. out run -~o nng ingk b' M1kt.• D1ablos at CdM " k.aloper reall) threw a great game .\bastjl Oilers at I· I in the top of the third. but Tht> ot hC'r.. including ~tan'l'tte M1ss1on V1eJo was the runner-up in Foun tain Valley 5, Daaa Hills 3: tor u'I ... said f- ountatn Valle)' Coach In tht• lnunh the Seahawl 'i took a Bnan McOoud o;angle and Ch11ek \ v.-ere tat..rn b' amhulance.-. 10 'anou<> the CI F 2-A title game a year ago and The two-time defending tournament Tom DcKraa1 " Having lost our good ad' ahtage ot tour walks. an error and shot to left put the Oilers bac; ~ in ho'lpllal' in the a~a Startttte had is rated as one of the top teams in champion~ rode the right arm of 5-1 I p1tt: her\ I Bob Sharpnack and Don singles b' R1lh Oa-.mude and front \C~O nd~egrce hurn' on h1'i arms Orange Count) tht'i srawn. ~nior te-.c Kaloper. who c;hut Dana Snoy,,Jen l "'e went in pretty ap­ DcBrou'-'Cr La Habra again tied the sc-o~ at '· ~ Mar, Helen \ akn1urla an officia l t:X-B rou\.\l'f tinl'lht•d v.1th two RBI . 1n the top of the fo unh. but the Oilers The Sea Kings began their th1rd ­ Hills down with JUSI one base ninn1•r prrhens1 \t" at Manc1)pa !\-11."d n al < enter Ill inning rally with 1wo out-. as Robcn 1n five innings " Uut he ga vt.' U'i fi\(' ~hutout his second coming 1n thC' fifth afkr a 'ot what provtd to bt' the winning run Phoen1\. said '\.\ e·,e IU\t rl'C't'l'l!d Kalopcr struck out five and walled inntn(l"' toda\ on top of fi\C o;hutout sacnfice lh b\ Jim\ an Pal\on go11he 1n the bonom ufthe inning. Hess ~inRled and Ke' in Maas reached "nd) uv. 1n <,1ngled and 8111 ..o me patients I don't lno" hov. mum \Cl " Kessler walked \l'kr the t\.\O v.erc moved up a haw on a sacnfice \\ ltne\"'°'> '>!Ud Bamberger v.11' humC"d on his hjnd'> and arm\ a~ hr J1m m Dcdm~ 'iingled home l tv." "'l'n\ tn the' aid M"tarrctle Edison posts Hoover reaches milestone to put the 01k"' up lc°'r good I >alton J1..rord1ng 10 w1tnC'M•tS, w1\\ The Oilers rc.-t um tu toume) act11)1l t'lurned "'hen he tned to help .1 Fnda~ . mCt't1np. I l)~ .\lam1lo'i t )n the rolkgc Incl "111,1 rt111111n "'urkcr "' h1' \uffert'J ,soccer win Cal tate Loi All1eles 9. l C lrv l n~ 3 fhe <1 nl d1·n Golden West baseball coach 't''t'ft t'lurn' Thr ~ orkcr "'a' trn Eagle'i took command earl ~ "'tth J \l\·run ~· ond and thr MartH 7, Su Clemente I : Mile P<\LOS Vf Rl>t-"i - f-d1son High \ t3t1,eh 1drnt11ied a' Jeff utton collects 400th career victory '\nteatl'n kll to 5-6-1 with tht• 'l'tbad. 1n I O'> .\ngck' He' lcr hit a 'olo hQmer 1n the fir'it P11d1!.'r Rill \\egman and (31lhrr ~iris soccer tcar'n saw Palos Verde'\ and Keith l~" l11 1kh' ert'd a ba'i<''>· Cal ~late L first ba5<'man "itc' c " ll'ht>IHappc"d the 8 111 "hnX'\kr "ho wert- behe-.C'd h ' Jump to a 1-0 •lead. but ~ept 111i ~cond-1nnma upns1ng wit h .1 ttr.ind ,1,1m \II"' run' in loaded 1n11ok 1n thC' \l\lh to sive the undefeated streak ah-.e w11h a 5-2"'1n he ..,a ll.. inJI, 1n d hallwav near thr (1oldcn Wc!tt Collegt' bn,rhall ~oath F~d tlocwer tht inning were une.ame \\ cgman ,,n lhl· lld1. l of ht\ ICf.) and 1n the fir•11 round of the ( vpre"" I l''lurnamen\ \.\ ednc'itrea t.. to 11 ttm<'' >'Ith The \ 1k1n&' wC'r C' 1hm n 4-' t'ntrr tfov.evt'r. l C• If'\ inc and ~ou 1han C .lhlom1t1 \\. ttne''<'" wrn· ...auo\('d a~ 541) in~ to 24-0-2 on the ~eason J hasc htt Devan Shock le) then lart'~I h1' \4'\ 11 nll homc.·r an& thr 'il\th v.hrn L.1..,110 t ame < 111lcgc drotl l~ non"'-·onlerl·nn· outing'> ,,f lhC\ behC'\ ed J hClltC'f blew Ull Whtlt II Joy B1efeld evened \he ~·orl' I ~ through to put ~anna up -4 The the ­ Golden WHt 4, Gro11mon1 %. I he Ku\tkr'> r.illu.·d for l 1(') hurt itself 1n the fiC"ld wuh four c.-rror' 1ndud1ntt a loaded walks a three-run eighth inning to hand Hoover h" 400th "in in ahead goal with live minute' lrn 1n dam.i~1na one 1n the 5«ond "h1ch left the door ol.'l(n • n < lementC" push~ '" rr J pair ill the half ,1 ,ame nt (rolden Wec;t F1elll \.1 anna ho ~t' loara I nda\ m thr the ~11 Kings moved within one on a 10th )tnr of 1 oarh1ng ~ond round for 119-1 lowln lOmrr l ick Goldt'n We\t w.11, Jown ~.i c ntcrnl ~ tht• t'tJlhlh . l 'Sll $, Soathra Callforala Colltl f' 0: hrst baSClffln 81efeld rolled pa\t the \Wrrpcr to \dtt."n (1t'011lC Lualdc: kd ulTt hc 1nn1n11 v,,11h .1 ""Ilk Robh\ r 'iQUCml ~upphed the V l\ ll()r~ V.1\h all the run"I El Toro 11. Newport Harbor I: I he Di\l l \\ ( '\Pl ~Ut'<"m .\bdul· 'iCOrt' on another hrcakawa) to put the I h- too~ <1«und on Keith Kaub", '>in(lk Jnd J "'""'tu the\ ~ere tel ~u1rc <1trok1n1 a tv.o-run homer in the fifih Charsen had all the ~nh "' ednc~ ­ Jahber _.ort'd 2~ J"ltnt' and t:..ar' 1n C harge.r' up. 4-2. and Kendra Wh1,. l't'<'\lrd da,. v. 1th pttchcr Rich Faul ~ 11vt' the Kustler,· th<'1r hnJI mnrg1n "°'"· Lana Nu:olll v.-a'i ucd11ed with .1 then nc-.er aot another runner a\ lar '" thiN1 fout' "'' ~ tor \ v.1th ' RRI .anJ 11"' I I ti \.\ tdnc-.Ja' night and hlnll \trona pmr at forward. ll\\l\ting on Rud't 1 auh a fre,.hman naht hander nut of Ck·enn [)u\t Ra nng WR\ ~ for 4 v.111'1 n RHI th1• \.in' C'm k' thf'1 r fit\h 'llrl1&ht \i 1ev. ltttlh. look rnrc ot ( ,mc;,mont in th<' n1n1h, ~oulhern c ahfom1a Coll~r 1' ·41 tni' C'lt'\I 111 Cal IWO anal\, and Jill Wardrn had thrct• \tntc nonHnauct lhll\ Inda\ (Pleaee Me PR£ P /C3l '°'l•tmnal t\,i,._cthall '''•I\ 11tmn "'" ~l\l'' 1n the C hMllCr\' gonl 10duding tv. 1> \tn.,t•nul\ tn rru1rd h1'> (ir'lt <,,l\t' C2 * OranQ9 Cout DAILY PILOT/ Thur.day, February 27 1986 COLLEGE BASK[ TB~Ll Pistone extend streak to nine Bubka makes noise the DetroitKellyT Pirtpus t on~ch tieS<:ored a cdlub30po rt•t·otnbandrd with m St• John's t1·es fior t1•t1e their ninth consecuuve Nn11onal Aas~cl - over vocal discord ball Association v1c tol) Wednectro11'i. 12th 1n 11 .. 1a~1 I' _ • , rappy}1gcrs battle bacl(. Duke now Jt~san I I 2 Atlanllc From AP dl1pald1es conte h c-x tendcd 1hc Pi stons' hornc winning streak tu No. 1 Duke turns back Clemson Coast Conference recorc\ with n cnucal a.amc aa,ainst a record 13 game~ Thc- P1~101\ • n1nc-aiaml· winning North Carolina Sunday. NEW YORK - . hhht !itrt'ak tie!> the tranrh1'Se mark \Ct from 0<-1 I 4-2M. 1970 From AP dilp•lcbes In lh.e first half. Duke led 28·~ 2 after a l~ y up by Mark The do not disturb sign 1s about to be lllab Thom•• added 22 poinh tor tht' P1ston<1, wh11t' Alane with 5:59 to pla y~ before tntcnmss1on. Clemson hoisted at Madison Squart' Garden for rookie Ct'nter Beoolt Benjamin led the ('lipper'i with 20 Walter Berry \Corn1 27 po1nh and Wtlhe G ia ~~ then o u~scored the Blue,Dev1l~ 12-2 to go ahead 34-30. A Fnday night') USA Track and Ftcld Kurt Nlmpbtus and Rory Wblle each added 19 for Lo!'I added IQ and each grabbed 12 rebounds a No. 8 St I 9.,footJumpcrb¥ Duke .s David Henderson at the b.uuer Champ1onsh1p!>. -\ngeles . . In other NBA action. Robert Parlib John ' ~ beat No. 6 Syracu!\C al Madison Square Garden. gave Duke a 38-36.halfiame lead. . . . ·ov1et pole vaulter Sergei Buhka. who set the latnt matcht.•d his \t'ason high of 27 point<;. including 1 1 HI u 86-79, Wednesday night and gamed a share oft he Big East The Blue Devils went up .54-46 with 12. I 4 to play in world bust at 19-5 11• last Friday 1n Los Angell'!\ would 17-6 Uoston ,urge ltite 1n the lirsl half. as lhC' ( ._.11 1(., Conference title with the Orangemen. the ga me. bu1 Clemson agmn ral lied to within three like a lmle quiet for his return to the Garden runway. irn pro' ~even games. Then Henderson. who finished with 21 points for the uui.h ot offic1ah and photographe" aln10

~ ~1...... ,...... ______~ ~~~- ·---~------~ ___,,,,___ ------__ -

Orange Coat DAILY PILOT /Thurtbay, Fet>fWry 27, 198& * ca

,.,....,,. 111, CMllPw• 104 COMMUNITY COl.LaGE Mltill KMet tlm •vefh .._..... -..di 1, LA....,,.. J Cl.1...... U t lM) - Wl\l le t · It ) 6 19, s.vttl C:..tt C."91 ..Q Nln\pl\ju\ t-12 ) ·4 lt ltifllerlltll t ll 4•f 20 Clll • · A $1COtfO -.OUMo L.e H*e •1 - f>-l I 0 ( l'llW) MAJ!( 1t VtcellCI >0 HU11ll11910ft hid\ 01' r• -r 11 I Vtlfntlne 3-7 0-0 •· Nl11on t >O I 2 11 Olltf".. E owerO• 1·4 2·2 4, Celle 2 • 0- 0 •. Gotctotl c:..Mwen<• COl'l'IOIOll n 1,,...wooel J7 · - · II~ (S) AM a , Ha.di WL W L Oenr Sf Simi v . ...., JO • net MC(**' H•~ (Hll • 11 O•O 14, Cron CH O· O O r o1e11 44 ·91 Ct!'rllot IS l l) 11 104 1t 2 rounteln v ei.v 61. Mlttr o.. lt ~ Oc.11 ~ L 0..... I CvlH'eU I• 2 ,, 1.vnwooel W. l!Ol.on SI • • D•TltOIT (1 11) - TrlDUCllt 10-21 10· 1' . 0c"1'! llWw DO I ao o-t I 1 Ml S.n AntCHllo 9 7 lt 10 Mornl119•1dt • . eon L.uoo 41 . Dow....., 000 M 1-1 > I JO. 8en.on 2·• o o • Le lmllttr S·t 2 7 12, Comotoo t 1 11 12 Mlltl, en 42. Ht WlllOrnt 41 . '. (7) Dume " 6 11 1· 2 u. fllOl'NI\ f- 16 4·6 n H~, JohMM u"'lld 0.1't ,. JOMl Oll 6· ll 4· 4 16. Cureton ) ·I O· l 6, •nc:t o.ar- a1At0t, CK.... m•~ 141, WISTlltH CONl' llltlHCI SeO· A HCOMO •OUHO ...... Ce•tlle1 (4>, L.4AN (61 end 11¥rY Cernol>tll 2·l 2· 2 ' · Mtf\Ofn 0-2 7 • 7 Otenot Cot•t 11 " 1S '•<"lrlel >t Gal J11t• I.A •t UC WW. J Lellen 42 IS 131 Goio.n Wt•t 1 IS ~ 2? ( "911•Wt'4; 911Ct) O"- ~ T _ _,..., ac-­ CllPoer ' )1 21 1) l t-104 Footena ~ £ 1 Toro .. Portie no H ll '61 w.-... .,.,~ UC lrvlnt 000 000 ~) 1 • Wlfll• S, P.c:lllGll J f>tloenl a 23 ) 4 404 O• lroll 2• 30 27 ._ ti 1 Ce,,llgs 19. Ot• nM C06•t 62 W!Mnut St~• ~le S7 Coll Ca t Sit t& LA 061 010 0111-t IS 1 01""1 22 ,. ,,, f hrff· oolnt 110el•-GordCH1 2, Nlaon Lgvltvllle t. 1..01 Alem llos .. Anel*m S, u Qullllt > Rencno S.nti• llO 70, S.tck 64 ltlvertlO• Y t i MIU IOll \/lt to OOll Me'lln, SH1n (41, !!vent (6). Mlt!tt•n l.• ovn• Hlllt 7. Kt'nll9Ctv • S.e lllt Fouled ovl-W'111t lteC>ound•-Cllooert M Ml. S.n Antonio 61 , Cvor•n 60 end Kt1111, POlverlnl, Wlnon tt > end 10 lt 3'S (ISente m ln 131, Oeu olf SO (Cureton IOI POnt\ltl" IUC I) Hll- Shockllv (UCl l 1.0' Allmllo• ' · St llel.ll' MldWtll Dhlll ltn CThom.' 111 Tottt loui.-Cllope" 27 Kt•elle S7 Norco l 7 E •~e 11n 10. 1.0' Am~ 1 Hou••on Foo1,,111 61 8 urrovo1u 4' NICnotl ranee Coaat 75, c.rrtt.. 47 ( HM · ~ ) MaOnotle S C¥W.U 2 Sen An1011lo 30 lO soo c..... ~ (Seutll GNlf C~ ) USIU 120 020 0C.-S I 1 Ulen 29 JO ,,, •, SOYTHWIST Ctfrltft (41 ) Ql'Met CN•t 11Sl SoCt l COlllol 000 000 000-0 • 1 Secrem.nlo 26 ,, II. Bevto' 6S. ArkensH 64 L0"9 end Wlllfl , Su411vt ll, Malltli.io 16) ... SM U 71, HOV\lOll 71 Wal11er ..1 """'O l 2 Ce 11'1111 ..1 "o .... o 2 'and Ne4M111 W-LOftt L-S4Alve 11, 1 I THH A&.M 10, ltlce 61 Ff1116 r 28- Esoulfrt • (USIUl HR- Es-rte IAST.. tN COHl'lltlENC IE f ue1 Teen 62, TCU SJ I 3 4 S SClvnnllr 6 3 ' lS A lltnTlc DIVI•'-" Sorenson 3 2 3 I Ht l'1COCll ) 1 ) I IUSIUI • 8 0\!0ll MIOWIST McCrM 1 291Seldle 0000 45 II I CM Mlchloan 91, w 1, con,1n 74 COMMUNITY eo1.1.•o• PlllleelelOl'llt )7 11 Hentien 2 2 10 Rindone 0 I 0 I 0.....Wnl4, ~ 2 Ntw Jtntv 631 ' OfllO SI ti IOWI 14 Welltf 0 3 I ISHVW•rt 1 0 1 1 ((,,_..., T___,,I JO lO S00 II Mlu ourl I•. ICt nH• St " Wu nl1191on )I Jol1n•on I 4 S Feklt U 6 0 3 12 Hltill ~ ...., .... Gron mon1 000 000 llf>-2 1 1 27 466 19 Neora1i.a 79. CoCoreoo n Ntw Vor ~ 19 19 ) 2' ?7 K.o0v.nl l 7 4 13 Go!Oen w.-1 000 100 03•-4 10 l Merouelle 6' WI\ · Grffn 8tv 4t \lanotr wt 0 0 0 O "" 4· A aovs w erren e no Gemmo, s.i.." Hunt 111 o...... 11•11 St Bow11119 GrHn 11 Centre! DM'i.n ts. r nooe 10 2 • ' °""~· ""'-"· ) ..,,,,_, T t ub tt J ano Keuo w-+iunt, 1· 1 DAYIY' S LOCICP (....,_.,, a..dll Mll wt ukH 41 II Kent St 79, E Mkhloan 71 n UOlend 117 1 21 • • Simi \lauev 123·0-'l '9S Tott l\ 19 t 21 41 Totel' lO IS 1t 1S Cutver Cltv 1'·4· l l al Tl'IOuH l\CI Oek\ L-We rren. I· I 29-StuffleDeem IG1 - 1S tl>Ollf• I llehtlul 11' "6llco beU 26 Attente 3' 2• Sl6 6 , Mle ml. Olllo 14, Cent Mkn1g en 1) Gt MmO IGl Medllle tGWl ..l\CI beH ?IS 11 \CUID•n S N IHlnol • ... Toe.do 73 Hattllme Oren'" C06\t 3'· 31 120-S·l l mecll""· Ottroll lS 7S 6 ' .~ . us l)loA - (fl st3 Ohio u 11 w Mlcn19a n H Sallie Monica 11 1 21 • I Sentt Ant HIGH SCHOOL Cl•vt•end 23 JS 3'1 17 ') CI S-l-SI H•WPOttT LAMCMMO - 20 •"91er• Je lnOlene 20 l8 )AS 20 ~ 50UTH HIGH SCHOOL GMtl$ NOM · L•AGV• rockfl '11 6 Mnct ben, S teull>tn 1 10 Ouk• 17 Ciem1on 69 An t Lonn• O olO ))) 11 I flwntalfl ValeV 65, Matw Del 29 ·~•Cl . m6Gktr" 1-· A aovs Mlu lon lllllO 000 010 f>-1 6 1 DANA WHA'° .-. .. - ) 7 • noten 9 oau l) Mervland S9, Wel!.e ForH I Ov•~·· ""°'"· l -.m-1 Corone oel Mir 002 001 1-l ' 1 '°'' 111n tl 2 l WtdntK\eY' • Scorn Aut>urn 91. LSU '6 l'tulllalll v ...... ( 6$) Met« Del ( lt) 8 rae· 0Unoa CIS·1· 0 t i 1(-1 c 13 -3 11 Be 11ev. Ho\illon 161 11\d ltobll'ton \CulOll'I mec-..,... - o Leh n 119. Oa ll u 116 Florlde 11, Alet>tma 6S ftftpf"' ftflpftp Lt Qutntt C14· 1· ll a t Monrovia !IS· S· ll Cieri!. ~ ' " And L~'* l nlo. Oetroll 111 01_, 1()4 Georgie 62 Mlu lu lool 61 Ha ndlev 7 1 2 IS Wegner l 0 I 2 Le Selle ( 1'· S· 11 . , Newpen HtrtlOr W-Ctt rll. l · O L-ll111 ev O I Bo\ ton 120, Sen Antonio 100 Lovl1vllle 6S. Sou1n Ct rOllne 6J Walin J o 1 6 BeCIOOll O o l 0 I 1'· S· U . 7 om 21S~ooerton (MVI, L.. (Mii) Nl•Oll Atlanta 129 Citvtlano 109 Mleml. F ta 73, .t.m.rlcen 64 COOll 9 1 1 19 N.Mtntre 3 1 1 1 Centre! 117·2·01 t i S.ddleMCAr (ll · S· JI ICOMI l&-McLe uonlln CCCIMI Phoenl• 113 Port11nd 117 M1001e h nneuff IS, Ttnntnff' St 73 Clower 1 O 0 1 Rensl"9 0 O O o Clll' 4-A GI-LS Veleflelt 10, ~ h6dl 2 Nlcnoll1 SI 12, Prair ie View A&.M 11 Lewter 4 • l 12 Ga lnev 3 2 3 I Tonl9hl'\ Gltne\ I S.cencl lteunctl Lt1>unt BHCJI 100 100 0- 1 1 j llanderoln 77 , Mluoulool St .s Glelrw•kl O O l 0 0 ' 8 rlt n O 0 o O •OIMft S, llelfl Verdin J \I alencl1 OS l 03 1 a-10 9 I GOIOtfl Sl11t •• WH hlnoton Jonn\on O O 2 O E lier me n l 2 • t Ot nv er e t Houlton Gtof'g• Ma1gn 7S, ltec:ttord 64 E di.on .corlno Bleftld l . L.ew111 Fortunt, ll1m lrt1 C2) McOone)O ISi EAST HIHk• 1 1 1 l Mounce O O 1 O WhlHna no I • NHH (61 •nd Treo.r CnurchlN, Marllnt 1 lndlena al Utt n St Jo11n·1 86 . SvrecuH 79 Terry 0 0 0 0 Formnck 1 0 0 4 Portland t i ~ Hl ll t OtMr 4 · A Sewn CSI. N1vere11e (11 eno Rv•cltto Geor getown 90. Bollon Colltot 16 L Young l 4 2 6 L wrnce I 2 1 ' Le11un• Hiii' 2. Ali e Lom a O w-Chvrc '11ff L-Fortunt 2B- ltoM CL8 1 A Voun g 0 1 l 2 Swe noer 0 0 0 0 Prov lo.net 69. Connecticut 66 Mlu lOll \llelo 2, South Torra nce 1 AtcOD\ ( \I) 38 -EowerO \ 111 1 a.vs ••WW Lahn 119, Maverictcs 116 F t lrlelg'1 Olckln1on 16. Me r1,1 S7 Bl91tf 0 0 0 0 McCrthv 2 0 0 !Min ion \llelo ad\lenc:e' on otn• llv klc lo. \ HR-RvK lllO CV) HIGH SCHOOL. LAKIRS 11It ) Re mDI\ l ) 1 2 1 Ha rtford S6, Co19ett )7 Grffn 0 0 0 0 P Menl rt I 0 0 M ,...... , LOA,_A TOVttHAMIHT Sor loo' 1 • 0· 0 ' · Al>dul · Jaboar 10 13 S-6 Wegner 17, LO/lg !\la nd U 12 SoellCa 0 0 I 0 Founteln \/1 ...v def E \l•ncia IS 10 Torra nce 1 Claremont I 1c 1aremon1 11'- ln 11 ...Y S, o.M Hlh l 2S Srlcloe def Ceo111rano V• IMI• Lucu ' 1 J· J 11 GrHn l S 0· 0 6 Cooper k«• bv Ou•rttn Founte ln Vettev 104 000 1- S 1 1 4 1 S·6 13 MCGH S 1 0 0 11 Total\ 51 · 18 COMMUNITY COLLEGE 11 16 17· IS IS·t Fountain Ve lllv 12 11 2• IC>-6S E••-n Ht lcn ISi • nd Fter Pll\tdt '61 So.an (6) e llCI Rt DALLAS 11 1'1 - Aouirrt 14 13 0 I 71 cne rt W-K.e loo er L - E••• D• n P trkln\ S 11 1 2 12 Oont lO \on S s O o 10. Ofanee CN 1t 162> Cwrlttt\ C" l 1B- Wllll• mton !Fiii Les,,... IOHI Harper • · 12 O·O I Blac1'me n 6· 1S 1 9 19 f9ft pftp ftftpftp Lvnwood 54, Eclson SI \lonc:t nl ' 1 4 4 11 BleD O·O 0 0 0 Oe vh 4 6 JuOO 4 2 4 10 J0\1011 ) I 1 1 IClll' 4-A "'9yefh) Mertne 7, S.n Oert*"9 6 S-6 I) EIH\ s II 1 , ,, Total\ 47 ·90 10 24 Kellv ) I S 1 K Anrw\ 4 1 I 10 ldheft (Sl ) LYftWMd ts.ti Manne 201 002 1-1 • ) 116 Jonn\lon 4 o I I To1oer1 S I I 11 .. ftpftp .. ftpftp $An Clemente 00. 000 ~ 4 2 Score by Ovenw, McC.avrn 4 0 J I Wtdlngtn 4 0 l I Henn\lv 1 O 3 1 Mert1ne1 3 0 l 6 Jen•tn Wilk• ISi lltno..'r ..I 17) Al\CI ~. . St emp' S I 0 11 Ht •Ck a 4 I 1 9 09ourn 1 1 l 16 Ceu.ev 3 I ) I HellaDeU9 11 Cl'lrisfle n, o\rrlOCa (41 8tllet Lt ln 1 l ) S Gtm ...... AllO•\IY 0 0 0 0 0 .t.nr ... , 2 s 1 9 Rudd 1 2 snerrero 1 ,,...Afn l"Vrw ltrMltdewn HA- Hevler IMI Gr- !SC I Fouled out-None Rtoouno•-La kt r \ J9 o o s ' HIGH SCHOOL l lt• m DI\ LUCt\ C.rHn , , Ot lln J9 Miiier 0 1 0 1 NoH,ngr I O l 2 Bivins 0 0 1 0 Merle Flgu«H·Oollt '637 SO S7 El T- 11, ....._, Ht.-.r 0 Beth 0 1nlet "37 SO S1 0-V..2.~ 0 IOont kl\On 11 Au l\1\-Lektr\ 71 (Jonn•on Kuri ) 0 I 6 Jon111on J 12 1 11 wnltt 1 l 1 1 Newoort Heroor 000 000 0- O • 6 11.._.T__,_.I Bro t11·• I 1 1 ' Tott!\ l1 11 14 Sl To1e11 24 6 20 54 Pat ISradlev SSIOOO st El Toro 231 SOO • -II t 1 91 Ot llH ,. IOt v•' • • Total IOUl\ - Lt kt<\ Pennv Hemmet Sl14 SO S• Ocun \lltw 000 200 f>-2 6 0 21 Ot llu 19 Ttchnocet-Oe l•e \ lllegat H• ll ' 1 0 10 sc.,. llV Ouenen MehOntv. M Cre 19 l1l !>ummen 161 To•• '' 19 ' 18 61 fgla t\ 36 11 16 19 Jene Cretrer Sl 14 SO S9 a no ToreM Favllu end Htrr eM W-F1u1 11. 1 Wet1trn 000 000 ~ l I oetenH E dlton II 16 IS 9-Sl HOiii' SltCV 1314 SO S9 Scnnetler encl 0 LA""'°'1. T oc.r e no Altt ndenc:t-11 007 Ha1tt1m e Cerr.101, 4" 11 L.vnwooo tS 1• I 11-54 L~v 311-ereu IET I HR-Fouh C11rl1 Jonn.on '314 SO S9 IE TI Ci.m.n" W~ . 2-0 L- TIQr 0-2

Uniden Invitational starting times FRIDAY Tenth TM IMomlno l l'lr" Tff IMomlne l 1 30-<:inov Mackev Pe m Allen Jeennelle 130-0eOOr&h Mc HoHlt Ma rc Bourth Kohtnaes t Hea111er Farr Oeo f79 SMIN>iAN DAIVI 7 .tt-Bectw Ptef\on Tneroe Htn•on R•charo ~ aTY. STRE 1D65 • " uko H 1 ~age 7 S1-BerDr • M zr e n1t tnMlon l or We \I Joen Oti ~ Su" n Tonk•n $ I 24-0 t ooran Skinner N•ncv Scral'lton t 2,.._RoC>ln wa1ton Joa n Jove• NtvOllo Baro Tnomu Vo\ holltwe I ll-Sne ron 8arre ll Coll" " We1kfr La ur I ll-8 onnoe La uer Silvta Btrlotacc1n1. Amv Pe ter son AICOll I 41-Jtrllvn Br ,t r B''" \<'.llomon Pennv I • 2- All i on F1nnev Pa ll R uo La ur e Ha mmet 8eugr I Sl - Sntrr T urntr Ce t"v Mor \e M u lt i~ I Sl-(hr•\ John\O" A llet M•t'tr Penv e Crocker National Bank So.ne t< Ot vlln Sneer en 'Allll.0 CM,.,._ orra 9-00-0onn• Ceoon• Df'DD•f Au\I Ut "'"' 9 00-\l•c '< • .ll lvor er Senor• Ha •n•e Marte 116UldlM111111 IM ~Coll.ICllllll .... Slrt Oog Figuera\ 0011 9 09-Leuren Ho .. t Sanoro Palmtr \lot 9~Pe nn v P utr Pe t Mevef\ Lenore WNIO Skinner Muraoka l'lnl TH ( An.rn-il hn"' T ff l Aft9rnoon I 11 •<>-L vnn Adam\. Jene Crafter J..i01e Manev tng Sl'lerr 12 S?-Oeoo1e Ha ll 0.. HM Ku Nencv Steinhauer Lt ODtllt r 101-Alueoora Rt Maro• t< a •tv H·te Pa I Ol-Met1~\ 11 \1111'>.lmire !>teona 111t Fer .. ,g Nttu on T ammv F' tci r i( h~ on I 10-Btveriev De v ' JOdv Ro w-ntne Mer-1 I 11>-M•nov Moort Nancv RuD•n Ja ckie De Long Bert•<" I 19-Ke v t< t nneov 1 tAM Cauaoa v Miu e I 19-L vnn Con"lt llv M J Smtih O HOH Mc George l e\kt r .. PREP BASEBALL From Cl • • • for the "inner\. lirst with J " ngk ta ll~ 111 the ti r't Harhor pla)' P.iu l1la I rn.J,1\ 1n .1 inning. hut the Tiger">. t1<:h1nd the lnmolatinn hra(:kt·t game 1)owcr uf .\nd) Ru\ullCJ and a fivt·· 1un seu1nd 1nn1ng. rall1c:d for thl' non­ Va lencia IO. Laguna Beach 2: I hl' ll-aguc: deci"on ·\ rtl\I <. opened on thl' roJll l">llO a ll- 1. 210-poundcr \\1th 12 home run\ .i\ajun1or. la c. h cd a <,olo homer Laguna Beach'' fi rst run wa' ">U P· FV. Wa rriors ph C4.I h> a. run-scoring ground out h\ C oh) Naess. and a \t'ccm d ru n wa 'I p1l k e d up in the fo urth when fodd notch wins Rose led off with a do\Jbk and C\Cnlualh ~co red af\e r three walks Fountain .illc) held oil h1anc1a Now you c.an write all the checks you High Value Checking Account." and Woodbndge hrcc11•d 1n h1~h want to for as little as $2.50 a n1onth. If you have trouble rernernberin~ \ch ool bo)\ \Ollc~h.111 ma tL he' Wednesday night OV glrls e.rtend You can use our automated teller the nan1e. ju t a k for one of those new Hcrc''i h o " 11 went wlnnlng streak machines as often as you like for no charge at alh checking account \\·here you don't haYe Fountalo Va ll ~)' 3, E1taoc-la I. J hL· Raron'i Jumped to t11 g lead' e' L'n The Occ:m V iew High girl' <,oft ball And there's n wmnmg \ trcak 10 three '>Cl'> . dt'\Plll" L'' t• ntua ll > lming '.i gnmcs b) !> huttmg o ut Wc,tcrn. required - onl y $100 to open the account. and W.\ing the ATM . the third \C l In the end 11 w a' .i I 'I- I 0. 1 0. in the !>Ct0nd round ol thl' Fd1,on 16- 14 14-1ti . I ~ - 7 \. tl ltlr) Tourname nt Wednesda' To make this ideal ch eking account High Value Chech.ing ran rnakr ynur ··w e JU'!> I kept d1s,g1ng t10k' 1110 C1nd) Schneller. a ' uphomorc your checking account, corne to Crocker banking life a itnple as you've alway ~ Jeep against r ount:un Valk) " '>a id ri ght-hander. \truck oul lo u r and Estancia Coach Tom Pc \1o lc~1 scored the v.1nning run 1n 1mprm 1ng and ask for our newest service: the ~· anted it to b . Dan Murra) had 16 kill' for her rcrnrd to 2-0 Estancia. but the other hall ol 1lw Schneller led off tht" lounh w11h a Eagle\' ou 1~1 clc h11t1n$ fo rt t· Rill hase h11 . and moved to i,crnnd on a Barnell. l 'i ~ till 'i1dellncd w11h a \aenfkc b} Gretchen Bock 1 o rna broken anldr, and tht' \.01tl "pre,cn1 Pavnc <, inglcd up the middle a nd I> 100 much to nHrromr \ chnclkr 'iLorcd on an errant thro" Norm Ahella. a 6-0 ~ni or ~ttcr fro m t'entcr Knsta Law~o n earned an parked Fountam Valle}·,. olkn,e. R RI "' h e n her baseh1t ..cored Pa' ne with Tim John\on and I o.llh d1~pO\t'tl nf \ an11nao I~ 111 .rn 2 06'17, ) Heca.,., IOCI IC. leuu (S), • • , 14 ., LJ-1 Oc1t41 tSJ t• 6. 2 Olai l ) l If J 50 11-1 Teklll'llen (OCI. JO II , Ellll l A~I· ISi . " • IP>. ll 3', l Aller ll .. l J- 1 HOllellCI ($) l3 1 2 John.on II) ) met4tf dlvln~I. Vouno (OCI, 2119S.1 l? 1. 3 Celnt Ill 11 •1 Lt vl111 IOCl 102 to. l S11ermen (PJ, IS110 SP-I Sl>ffd Ill J.+-SIAI. J Ortega Ill. 100 ,,_, Ceroenttr IOCI 5'31. 2 17·1, 3 Wood CS>, 24· 10 Jaclt.•on IOC >. 1 oo u. > Summer (Pl OT- I Wood (S) 12t·• ? IC.ocllef (ll I 07 S. CommunltV oeileee 1wlmmlne Men'• t.urMment """ MMe!M>YS tract IOI 4 3 S~ Ill, .. 9 100 hv-1 f t kllmen (QC) I-OS•~. l M • N OIALS ! el L.e OUIM9) lfvtrlt 97. Se ts l'C* • Sl'nllll !OC . I 1130, 3 E~I' I P) I 09$1 IOC>-Melcom ISi 11 •. 2 ~k i n ' (I I °'''* C•ut M . P.-ner n 50 0.Ck-1 NOl'lll (0C). JO ... 2 Ven ..... Grendt eo. UtuN •"et1" Se-1 Perkin• Ill tl.•. 2 Co"• Ill, n •· tt..-1 eroo•n tBG l I' 1 tU s) Cltl MtrkO 0.101• IVuoo•l• vlel . , •• . 3 MMlt (fl, , . 0 O.oood (Pl, 212)0, l Cut111 IQC l. 160 25 Gt tllo IOC), I 09 II, 3 Summer tPl I 13 ll 200 2 I 400 medltv rttav-1 OCC . HS 10. 2 Ferlt v I LBI 2247. 3 8artnotomtw IL61 • · •. 6 4, 8orls • .c-kef 1 w~ 1 Germ• nvl Clef .c»-1 Jt nnltliU (ll. SI l . 2 rtoberh Ill soo lr-1 lloonev IOCI S74SO, 2 2-410 •• M•kt LH Cll IU $ ), • · l , 6· 3, MICl\H t S2 2, l ltlveft (SI, SS.• , Peiomer , l SS ,. Hecker IOC) Sl911, 3 Boo11 v (0C) t,000 tr-I Hlnlt (QC), 10 11.9, 2 6:02.SO 200 l11do-l Brtnlntr I BGI. 2 4/ 0, I Sch • ~·' I N•lllt rl•RO•l CMll. JOll• n Kriek I00-1 Whitt (I). 2:06.4. 2 Oavl• ISi, WOOd (LB> BH. l Coulter (LB). HS? IU s l 6 I 6 2 Joeklrn Nv\trom !Sw.O.nl 7'07 1. 3 Wt1c11 (I). 2·10.e Haddeo COCI. 11flh, 3 Srenlev !Pl SO brtett- 1 Fl•lltr IOC), >• ao, 2 Smlln SO S 1 atl Oem1r Ktrtllc I VWO•l1vle) 6· ?, 6, I 400-1 01\en (I), •·JS 2. 2 Outrtt ( $ ). 10 $t 00 IOCI. 390S; 3 EHi• I PI 39.SI tr-I Cllelm.rs IL8l. 2t Farltv 11..8). Llnelstv t8Gl I 4 44 4, 3 81eck (I), N SO NHL 200 tr-I Siewert (OC) ' " ' 1 200 frM rtltv-1 Oren~ CO.\I I ••IS. 21 • ) 19 t.umetl*'lf Ratllltlltr IOCI O'Rourkt IOC I 100 llv- t Ltmm1111 !8Gl I 110, 1 W°"*'' 3,100-1 Mffflan II>, 1001 I 2 Ouetra C~8E LL CONFUENCE I S312. 3 2 Pt tom.r, I Sl 61 (ti 0.~lelld ) 8rtntner 1BGI I tt J l StellOne I~ Bl ( $ ). IO·O.. 3 Hlnolos IS), 10 st l SmV"'9 OMslen 1 S1 I& l'lnl A euflCI Sllltle\ llOHH-1 Ftlw_, (I), 160 1 8rosnon W l T Pn OF OA SO tr-I Ao.111re tOCl1 'l2 94 1 Kt lltr 1133 Htlf... Su1>.ov1 ICrttno•IO••"'• I del Ill. 161, l LOPtl IS), 161 roe1mo111on 43 ,. ' .,, ll• 2S2 •OC I n 40, l Nor\fff1 (()(; Ll 23 d 100 Ire-I 8rooen t8GI 1~0 Svlvte Mt "'"' (West Gtrrnenv) • ' · • 200 11100-1 SclluU !Pl 2 OHi. 1 Hltft ldloclf $Wlmmlne l,lnCIH V (8G l 100 3 Grt•lferl (L8 1 2. JOCHH-1 Peck It), • 10, 1 Bro•n• n llJ Ctl9arv '9 2S 1 6S 2'S 137 I OYS w endv TurnOVlt I Austrellel Otf Ct rlfte • I 1, l LOPtl I S), 44 S Ktnes 20 lS o 46 221 ?97 C11r1,11e11sen !OC I 112 l9, l . Price (OC I 1-0U l\ertu on ( ~ w~ l 6· 0. 6 1. •·0 , ins I.H UM ...di 111, aotw Grendt • l S00 fr-I Slellone tlDO 18GI. t 09 1 2 1,600 re1ev-l 1rvlnt. 3 33 0, SoodlfDacll. N .,,-h OIVl$Mtn 200 lr-1. Gevnor (LB), I SH. ., Godu••" 1U s l. 7·6 6·3, 1· S; Zina Gerrl•on Bl? C"iceoo JI 73 8 70 176 20? 16~ 25 Ballero (L81 . 1 ,. 3. J WOOd ILBI 1 ?J 7 t u S 1 ot1 Eve Plett (Well Gtrmtnv), $· 1, 100 trt-1 Slurdlvent !OC I SI ,J, 1 Oa\llJOn (LB), 2066, l Solll ! BGI, 207 S 100 t>rte•l-1 Cllelmtr\ !LB >. I 21 • 1 HJ-I hmure (II, 6·0, 2 LO~I (S) SI Lou'' 2' ?S I ., 13S 121 1·6. 6 3 Mtltlln• NevrelllOve IU S) clef Prtneleroest tOCl S21•. l M onll tPl. Sl 37 200 lnoo-l Ferris (LB), 2 16 •. 1 Brown Coulter 1L81 1761 3 Bo1ont IBG I 130 I S· 10, l Ptck Ill, S· 6 M lnnt\Ote 21 11 9 6J 156 246 ael Hane MendOkov a u-1 hmure II) 1t • 2 Cno• 1S1 Moreno I P) 120 ,, 3 O' Rour'e IOC I SO fr-1 Whlttmen (LB> 23 S. 1 1 11 -0 no lnlro Oe•ro11 11 44 s 29 200 31 1 KOIOtro I L.a l \8Gl 26 t(tetllO\IOVlkl&I t·• 6 1 11019 24 S, 3 Lt69 1 "v-' 200 medlev r4H• v- I Mettr De• '01 IO P•fr'k- DMllOft Heaoea tOC t S 01 19 l Hlnie IOC), S01 30 1L8). I 03 1. J McltteI Ho 173 SOO ,,_, Shimomura IBG), S 12 2. 2 6·3 1ou 10 Terr4HI. 3 6. Lowe (M ) won, 6·3 4S·S• •, 3 Pottt< !SI, 40-2111 30 2S 1 61 '51 ?19 2 3• 90 237 3• Plttsburon •OO ''" reiev- 1 Orange Coes l 3 29 Jones (L8 1. S ll l . l Whllfmen ILBl , 6 00 O 100 lnoo-1 Burn• IM ). 2 199S 1 6· 0 IOsl • 6 Luolon {M ) IOll, 0 ' · 0 " · I 6 OT- I Snenk Ill 104 ·0 7 ~llvo 1S1 NY Ranoer\ 19 11 • 62 213 ?OS u, IOODeck- 1 8rown (LB), 1.060, 2 Jonu 1 Pa1omor . 3?9 40 McC•rl"V 8 210 WOMEN F'rencri (L81 1 IS3 3 Cooo01anco tLBl VtrtO•O\ Ptdlllt 6 4 Garrtll· Albert\ tM l ll 26 10 756 ne Ortnvt Coe1t I>, Pei.mer St. C<11>41 CI IGI 19 t1 3 Oe1v (M ) 1913 100-1 Treetv I S) 13 1 2 Lff II IJ 3 Que bee '161 100 llv-1 Steiner ! Ml I 11 lo 1 Au 11e ,..on 1 6 IOSI 4 t 4· 6 Blvtfl\ Koiui..I !M l l Gon1e1t1 ISi 14 S Bo,1on 30 15 o1 249 229 Im dtvlno-1 Vouno IOCI '203 SO 1 • OO •rH rtlav-1 Laoun8 Beec" l JJ S ..,on 6 4 6 ) 6 I 19 21 • .. 1H n1 Lt v•ne 10Cl 11110 l SNrtf>en fPI t33 90 I M ) 2 11 47 3 Mulf• n•v (GI I JO IC 200-1 Lt Ill 27 8 2 HOISi !II 219 l BuHeto 100 lr-1 PevlOvtcn I M I S9 96 1 He..,MS (II 2l I Hertford ,. 31 , ~ 146 ,., 100 meeQ 2 SO tr-I Ptrrv (0C). 26.28, 2. JaCk•On !Ml. 2.02 6S, l . Cor ltll (GI, 2 03 00 8'.0S.21 LB/ toll S·7 1· 6, 6-1 tOC I 1176 3 Gtlllo (0CJ, JO 41 200 lndo-1 ADntv (Gl. 2· 14 79 2 Coriell 100 Deck - I Burn\ (M l 1 OH/ ? Oouble1 (I) 13'49 3, 3 Nouven (SI. IS 18 0 Monlrtol • . Vencouver 1 AUIQal (M ), I 16.64, 3 Herll (M l 12391 IOOLH-1 Hollend !SJ. 2 Johnson Ttflltlhl's Gem.\ 100 Deck-I Norlh IOC), 1·06 64. 2 AO.r tGI, 2 lS 66, 3 Soto (Ml. 2 21 " Meotrs Brandl I LBl at l Amott·Ohull. 161. 100 OftH l-1 LubOvl•kl IGJ , I 2l 11 2 Ill 16 9 l T.v lOt Ill 111 cruceoo ot tOotv IOCI. 1 II 24 SO lr-1 Riddle IGl, 22 00. ? Over IGI 6 l Otl PteH Golreu1- 1 F"ner !OC>. I 16 60. 2 2• 00. J Crumltv IG), 24 I Morin (M ), I 26 2S, 3 AleflCIO (M J, 134 14 Moore·Ovt 6 3 I Heworth· Kltl'I0.11 11.. 81 lOOLH-1 Hoi.na ISi 49 4 , 2 JOM•on Wesllu•glon el BO•'on 400 Ir" rtlav-1 Mtller Ott • OS • 2 2 Ill SO 9 3 Ntotvov (SI, SS l P1t1SOuroh • ' N•w Vor" Range" Summer IP> I 2112 J Wlontman (OC I 100 llv-1 RtVt\ !GI SS 19 2 ROOlnso .,.O

Mt.IC NOTICE MLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE Mt.IC NOTICE PtellC NOTICE PtellC NOTICE M LIC NOTICE PtellC NOTICE Mt.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUS IUSINESS L TO , 810 Newpon Center CONVEYANCE COMPANY 1:>1d sl\811 be In 1tte real name Dally Piiot Fet>ruary 13. 20. lnoton Beacll, (.;allt ll:lb4!1 with the County Clerk of Or- cour1 may enter a judgmenl doing 1:>us1ness as UAANUt. ange County on February NAME STATEMENT Cklve, Suite 1147 Newport a C11lltorn1a Corporation as ot the bidder wltll a dealg· 27 Ma.rch 6, 1986 T111s t>uslneu tS con· ange Counl y on February 5, containing 1n1unct1ve or COAST GROUP. 1822 ' ~ I I 1986 The followtng persons are Beach. CA 112660 duly appo1n1ed Trustee nal•on tollow1ng sllowlng TH-648 dueled by an 1nOlvtdual 1986 otller oroer5 concerning Newporl BlvO Sulla 220 F~ domo t>uslneu as Hunter Panners-0. Lid A under Iha• cera1n Deeo of OBA l the 1tc1111ous name)" Jolln L Goodman F30031t dlvl11on ol properly spousal Cosla Mesa CA 92627 Put>llSned Orlngt Coast DANO S ENTERPRISES. CaJ1f0tn1a Llmtled Partner· Trusl execuled oy JULIE H prov1oe<1 11owever no he· Tiiis s1e1emen1 was flleO Put>llsheo Orange Coasl supporl cl\lld custody child James Scon BullOCk 306 Oa11y Pt101 February 27 2080 S1ory Ave La Habra, snip 810 Newport Ctttltell LOWARY A MARRIED 1111ous name sriall l:>4l used __.;. PlEl....;.;;;. .:;.;.;IC;...;..NO;..;;..;T.;.IC.;;.E;;__ with 1ne Counly Clerk ol Or- Daily Pllol February 13. 20. suport allorney lees c:osls 1311\ S1reel Seal Beach CA M erell 6 13 20 1986 CA 90631 Drive Sulla 1147 Newport WOMAN as trustor re- unless tMre 1s a curren1 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS ange Counly on January 31 27 M arci\ 6 t986 11no sucn otntlf rauet as may 90740 Tl\-4174 Donald F S1aut 2080 Beacll. CA 92660 corded on April 13 198• as reo1stra11on w11h 11\e Orange NAME STATEMENT 1986 ...... TH-635 De granted Dy the cour1 Tiie Dave EOward Berllell Slory Avenue La Habra CA Ralph E Pne411n Jr 610 1ns1rumen1 No 84 · l5319S county Recorder 1n cue of ...... __ ------i garnlSllment ot wages. lak- 406-B 1411\ SI Hunllnoton DUDLIC NOTICE 90631 Newpon Cen 111 Drive. Suite 01 0111c1a1 Records of Or coh>ora11ons oncluele 1he The IOltowino person 11 Puoltshed Orange Coast PtellC NOTICE Ing of money or property or Beacll CA 92648 ruu T111s t>usmess is con- 1147 Newport Beach. CA ange Coun1y State ol Calt· names ot 1tte Prestelttnl, doing business as Dally P1to 1 Fe1:>ru11ry 13 20 ___;.._;...;.....;..;....;.;..;;..... __ 10 1her cour1 author 11ed Jolln Mendel Beucke dueled Dy an lnOtv•Oual 92660 1orn1t1 . under \he Power ot Secretary Treasure• snel ACWCTEINSG / TTAX SBEREVSICEr 27 Merell 6 1986 · · NOTICE proceedings may also result 202-B Luoon1a SI Newpon FICTITIOUS IUll•as DONALDS STAUF Hunter Energy Corpor- sale tllereon contained will Msn&""r " TH 638 INVITINO llDS FEB 25 1985 Beacll CA 92663 NAME ITATI!MfNT Tllts s1a1emen1 was tueo a11on • CaJllOfnle corpor· sell at put>llc auction to 111e T11:c11y Council o t the 60 Timber Run, lrvtne. Call! • llD ITEM NO. 7 3 &.M A, Brench, C ..rtc , 8y; Ttt1s buSlness 11 con- Tiie lollowlng penons era 1 004 with lhe Counly Cltl(I>. ol Or- a11on 610 Newport Cenler 2714 111g11es1 blOOer tor cas11 Of C11y ol Costa Mesa reserves 9 011n11c NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY Lydia CIKldlU, Oeputy Ct.fir dueled Dy a general oa•lner e"•gsbuT ~!nesJEs" w esT 2.,., anoe Counly on Feoruary 6 Drive Suite 1147 Newoort check as d escr ioeo Delo w the " 9" I 10 reiect any or •II Ecklundlaw re n60 c e Timbero o u gRun I• s. ______nllM. .;._ ___ GIVE N 11111 s ea I e 0 N van D ao AllOfney a t s111 p ProspeCI" .... en:Ave Newpor1~ 1986 Beacl\ CA 92660 payal:>ltt al lhe ltme ol sale tn 01ds FICTITIOUS BUSINESS proposals wlll be rectttveO Dy law I 102 W 17th St1eet. TttlS Sletement was Wed 714 9 663 FJOO:J7S Tn1s OuSlness ts con· 1aw1u1 money 01 111e Unueel Daleo Fet>ruaf) 24 t9B6 Irvine Calll 92 NAME STATEMENT the Cily of CoSla.Mesa to Sune 222 Santa Ana CA w11tt 1ne County Clar~ ol Or· BeSacarha CEAZ! k .... 233 Pros· Pu1:>hs11eo O•ange Coast ouctect lly a limited parlner­ S1a1es 01 America wtthoul Pub1tsneo D•ange Coasi Tiits t>usineu 15 con- Tile l oll<>wlno ~·sons are wll Tile Clly Council p o 92706 anoe Coun1y on Janua•y 14 .,. "' Daily Pt101 Feriruery 27, Shop warranty express 1mpl'9hslled Orange Cout 1986 Ave N-oort Beach. or t'92663 Maren 6 13 20 t986 Ra1p11 E Pttelan, Jr Gen· as to Hiie. use. posS6sSlon Tll-669 Lawrence Ecklund C JAMES CORDEIRO lornia 92628· 1200, on or! Dally Piiot February 6 13 F2N111 A T'1-687 eral Partneral\1p or encumt>rances all rtQh t Tiits s1a1emen1 was filed CONSTRUCTION 261 K I h 00 20 '27 1986 P o11s11eo Orange Coasl Mark L Benn1n91on, 228 9 1 Ttt1s statement was 111eo utle anO 1n tareS1 now held by PUBLIC NOTICE wiln Ille County Clerk 01 Or- Place Costa Mesa C~~,' ~~ ~;.~~y~M~~~~ J: 198~~ ' · Th-617 Dall~ Piiot February 13, 20 c'Ah S · • Hunt1ngton Beach, .. T d anoe Coun1y on January 17 1 2 / 6 1986 926" 8 wtlll the County Clerk ot Or t1 as sue.. rus1 ee tn an 1o 92627 sllall be the ruponsll:>lllly of ------'.Aarcll PtellC NOTICE ange County on Fet>ru:tr 7 tll8 IOllOwtng described FICTITIOUS BUSINESS l986 F2M500 C ra10 J ames C or d e 1ro 1I\ e b Idd er 10 d 81I ver his Did f>tellC NOTICE Ttt -654 ProspectCindy A AvWe rlglllNew, port233 FtCTTTIOUS 8USINESS 1986 property s11ue1 eo m tne NAME STATEMENT 261 Knox Place Costa to tile Ctty Clerk's Off ice Dy __,;...;;,;;..;;.;..;...;..;.;;..;.;..;;.;.. _ _ ------1 Beach CA 92663 atoresa1CI County ano State T"e 1011ow1ng persons are Puollslled O•ange Coast Mesa ca11 1 9262' 1n• p ""e inn~·nc-"', DtlDtlC NOTICE NAME ST A TE MENT F Oaoly Pilot Fet>ruary 13 20 ' ~ r_., r ~ ""' tme I SUPCRIOR COURT rUU'- Tl\1s 1:>uslne11 18 con- The 1or1owmg persons are Yet... M cKM . Ff1 • 10 w11 d0ong ous1ness as 27 Marci\ 6 1986 Teresa Mane Cordetro B•Os will be put>ltcly oPM80 OF CALIFORNIA ducleo by co-par1nera 00ono t>ustness 111 Jeans ' Joene, Att0tney• et i..w. LOT 2 BLOCt< 638 OF SO CAL SPECIAL TIES 644 261 Knox Place Costa and rtoaO aloud al 11 001 COUNTY OF VENTURA IC ~ Sara E Zerkle Bookkeep1no Servtee 1975 l "' Nortll M•ln Slr.. r , CORONA DEL MAR TRACT 19461 Broo1111urs1 Blvd TH - Mesa. Ctlll 92627 am 01 es soon 111ereatter Hall ot Ju•ttc• Notice ol Se.. Tllos stat•--t w•• 1.. __. IN THE CIT'V OF NEWPORT Hunl!Rglon Beach Calif Tiits business s con 11 bte F d 'A I Pr rt ~...... - ...... BusMrd SI Huntmgton Sulle 1000. 8 enta An•. CA BEACH AS PER MAP RE· 926,.6 PU8LIC NOTICE , - as prac ca on " ay J IOO S. Victoria o .. ope Y wttll tile Counry c1er 11 of Or- Beecll CA 926'16 12701 ductttOby llusbandand w1la Marc1121 1986.ln lheCoun-I Avenue, • I Private Sele angeCountyon Februery7, COR ED 00 3 Jean Lucille Mason t975, I Put>ltsned Oranoe CoHt 0 I N B K . AnOrew R Zanktl 20852 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS Teresa M Cordeiro ell Chambers, City Hall, 77 Room 210, No. A 129111 1986 Bushard St Hunt Ben CA 1oa11y Ptlot February 27 PAGES 41 AN O 42 OF' MIS· Skimmer ln Hun11ng1on NAME STATEM!NT This Slalamenl was llled Fair Drive. Colla Mesa, Calf I Ventura, CA 93009 In lhe Superior Coun ot F30Met 926'46 Maren ti 1J 20 1986 CELLANEOUS MAPS EX· Beach Caltl 92646 rne IOllow•no 1)6rsona are w1111 Ille County Clerk of Or· for"'•· for Ille 1urn1s111ng of Pldtnllfl JAM ES A tlle Stale of Ca111orn1a 1n Put>llshed Orange CoaS1 T111s 1:>us1ness cs con- Th-683• ~ ~ ~ ~ E ~~YE 6~ 0 ~ ~ ~ T p C111ton Wllltam Dye 8216 doing l:>usmess as ange Counly on January 31 LABOR ANO MATERIAL TOI VEILLETTE ann lor Ille County Of OR- Diiiy Ptlot February 27 .J"Cled Oy an tnOMOual awtucker Or Hunlinglon THE CAPE. 1000 South 1986 INSTALL FLOOR COVER· RHoonOenl KATHY A ANGE Maren 6 13 20 1986 4 THEREOF Beecll Calif 926 6 Coast Or1ve Costa Meh F2tll05 INGS AT THE CITY OFlvEtLLETTE In Ille Mallet OI 1118 r11 618 ~~~; ;,.~~~~' was ,,,ea ___PUB__ l_IC_ NO_T_IC_E__ Tiie total amoun1 OI IP'te Tilts busineu IS con- Calif 92626 Publosl\ed Orange Coasl COSTA MESA POLICE, cue No 0142996 OUAROIANSHIP OF THE - w11tt the County Clerk 01 Or­ FICTITIOUS llUSINES8 unpaid punc1pa1 t>alance Oucteo by a general pan Arnet Manaoemeo\ Com Daily Pilol Fet>rury 13 20, BUILDING SUMMONS PERSON ANO ESTATE OF anoe Coun1y on Febtuary 7 NAME STATEMENT :,'t~e~~e~:;.:; e!~~= nC~~:~n Wtlllam Dyd pany a Calllorn1a Corpor 27 Marci\ 6. 1986 A ddiltOnet His ol the1 NOTICE! You llne been BERNIE A M ARTI N II Mt.IC NOTICE 1986 flle loll0W1ng persons are cotts expenses ano ael-1 Tnos slalement was lllecl atlOfl. f>OS Nor111 Tus11n Av TH-6-42 specltlce1tons may l>e OD· •ued. Tile CCMir1 m ay decide Minor) F300538 do1no ous1neas 88 Scorpion vances 81 Ille time 01 the,,,. wnn lhe Couniy Cterk 01 0 ,. enue. Sutte iso. Santa Ana. ------1s1ne0 el ttta Office of lhel egaln•I you without your Nollce 11 lleret>y given tlllt FICTITIOUS BUllNHS Pu1:>11s11eo Oranoe Coasr Trallers 3990 Westerly 111a1 put>lleauon ol '"'' NO· cmge County on Jenue1y 29 Car'1..1 , 921:>057 PUBLIC NOTICE Purchasing Agent at 77 Falrl Nino 1141ard un1"1 you ,._ Illa undersigned will '911 al NAME STATEMENT Daily P1101 F' eoru11ry 2 7 lice ar e s "s usiness 11 con------Drive. Coale Mesa. Call- •ponO wllllln 30 d tyt. Read pr1va1e sale to the hlgllett Place Suite 240 Newpon 166 9ss 97 1986 Tiie tollowlno persons ere Marci\ 6 IJ 20 1 986 Beac11 CA 92660 Currently dalad c , F2"550 ducteo Dy a corporal1on FICTITIOUS BUSINE SS lorn1a Bids sttoulO De re·I tile lnformetlon N low. and Dest l:>lelder sub1act to 8511 111 5 dotn g t>uStn e as 1s Tn-676 Anton von Wllllcll 22 ChM:ks , Cer1llled Cheeks Pubttsned Oranoe Coasi Georoe L Argyros Ctt1el NAME STATEMENT turned lo lhe allenlion 01111e 1 11 you wlSI\ IO seell me ad conflrma11on of sa•d Su- Meadowlark 17 1• E OcH n 0 1 1 ------Cyp•t'ss Tt"6 Lane •r·;one payat>le 10 ,,,6 Truslee or Daity Pilot Fporuary 6 11 E<4er.uuve Olficer Tiie IOllowing persons are C11y Clerk w1tti1n 9810 1tme vtee 01 an anorney 11 111 9 pettor Court on or aner the F'ront P 0 Boir • 284 CA 92715 l:>•CIOe• "'" acceolat>fe tc ;>O 1 r115 statement was filed oo•ng l:>uStnen hmll in sealed envelope m aller you should do so '.lro dly of March 1986 et MLIC NOTICE 21 1986 85 a Balt:>oa CA 9266 t HPrman .a,. N1eker1 22 Truslef' CJf 'lv•deo protit'' TH S S w11rt tnP Clerk ol Or COMMCO 2208 College 1Clttnt1fleel on tne outStde wflh oromptly 'lO mat your wttl · 1ne olhce of BRIDGMAN 9 Coun t~ Csrol H Briery same es FICTITIOUS BUSINESS C 1press TrM a,,e trvl"8 •denlihealian cs avaitat:>le ~ngP Counl~ on January 29 Ae Sune t Cosla Me5a lhe Bid 11em Numoer and the 1en raspense 11 any may tie M 0 RD K I N G 0 UL 0 & at>ove NAME STATEMENT CA Q27 ·~ fiom ontor,,..,ation wnocn PUBLIC NOTICE 986 F- Ca1t 1 926?7 Opening Date 1111ee1 on lime IS HAPIRO INC Anorneys Sl\trley H w1111e11e1e1 Tiie lollow1ng person' are Tn1s ousoness •s con the Trustee deems reoat>la Pu"los ~ed Orange ' c..-.oasl17 Bnan Josep11 Perren Eacll bid Shell speclly A\llSOI Usteo ha SIOo Cle· 111 Law 8926 Botsa " venue. 3461 Sen18 Clar a C• Cosla ooing t>usiness as auc1ed ll~ a general part f 11 T u .. 2208 co11eoe Ave Suite 1 each and 8\lttry llem as set manoado El 1rcounal oueruary 13 20. Costa Mesa C&lll 92627 lorth in lhe spec.1f1ca1tons decldlt contra UCI sin au· Ille rlghl title and m1ereS1 of Thia t>usoness 11 con­ N RT HST AR PART A vnn w uucn no representation or war- NAM!e STATEMENT 27 March 6 1986 Any and all bcepllons to the d1enc1a a menos que Ud re· said (minor), tn and 10 all tne NEAS LTD 610 Newport 1an1y 11111 s1ree1 address or Tiie fotlowing persons are TH ·'" Jess Dion Hurd, l98S,. II be ducled by a general pan­ Center D11ve Suite t tH T111 s siatemen1 was llled o 111er common des1gna11on Id o1r1g 1:>us1ness as .,... 9 Le1gh1on l ane. Hunllnoton S99C lcellons must clea1- sponda dentro de 3-0 dies cer1a1n real oroperly 1Jllu111e nershtp Newpor1 Beac" CA 92660 w11n 111e Count\ Cieri>. of Of 01 Ille •Dove descrlt>ed PACIFIC WRECKER I------Beach Calif 92~6 ry tn Ille bid, ano lellura 10 Laa la mlo1maclon que in lhe Coun1y 01 Orange. Carol H Br1ttry Hunrer Panner,·NS lid ange Co.inly on F'eoru1ry p roper!) ts 600 112 SALES INC Ce11 rorn1a P\eLIC NOTICE This Dullness Is con- Ml loflll any ilem in Ille sigue Slate ot Caltl0tn1a partlCu· Tiiis slaternenl was tiled A Ca1tl orn1a L1mneo Par1· 14 '986 F..,. LARKSPUR AVENUE COR· corp s West Street __...;..;;.;;..;;.;...;...;.;.~;...;.;;.__ dueled Dy a general pan- spectlicauons shall De St Ustttd Clesea sohct1e1 el larly oescr1t>eO as fOllows wlln me County Clerk of Or­ f1 •rs11 610 N I .,.,1151 0 OE R C 26 S 95 18111 ner·.. ,p orounds lor rejection ol tile conse10 de un a"""ado en to· w•I 0 o ange Counly on Feoruary ' ewpor Orange Coast NA L MA A 9 2 Cosla Mesa, Calif 92627 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS "'' .. d ""'V Center Drive Su•le t 147 Put>ftshAO S 15 N ...... E ST TE.... ENT Br11n J Perren ui esttt a.sunlo. del>efta l\aceno AN UNDIVIDED ONE· 10 1986 oa 1 p,10 1 ~· "ruar 21 I B•d prooerty t>eing Gordon Wayne M1tlor ,._ A - Eacll bid al\all M t forth lhtt 1nm• dittamen1e dtt est a FOURTH INTEREST IN ANO F)OOM7 Newport Beacn CA 92660 'Y ~o"u Y sotd to• tlle purpose ol pay- 11 00 Grove l ane Nawpor1 Ttte following persons are This stalernenl was ltleO v Ralpti E Pnelan Jr I March 6 13 , 1 986 bl ad with , .. A County C ...rk Or- lull n 11 me1 and rHIOences of manera. su respueste TO Lot 15 ot Tract No 3911 610 T.. . 1ng 111e o 1o a11ons secu• Beacti Ca111 92660 Cloino t>ustness as "" "" 01 11 Puollsneo Orange Coas1 Newpor1 Cttnle• Drive Su11e 672 by said Deed ot Trust includ· This Dusmess ts con THE BABYSAFE COM· anoe Coun1v on January 31. a persona and parties escrlla, •I l\ay atouna. pueoe as per map recordeo in Dally Pilot Fe bruary 27 I 147 N PO I B n CA 1------"-- 1986 lnteresiect '" (he proposal II ser reo11tr8d8 a !tempo Book 140, Pages 6, 7, 8 & 9. March 6. 13 20. 1988 '12660 ew r et1c PUBLIC NOTICE Ing lees end expensH ol the dueled by a corpo1at1on PANV, 4682 Warner A"e F2"7't tile bid Is Dy a corpors11on. 1 TO THE RESPONDENT ol Miscellaneous Maps, •n Tll-677 Trustee ano of Sale G W Miiier PreStdent 11 C 112 Hunlln91on Beacn. s1a1e lhtt nemes of 11\e OI· Tile ,...lllloner l\as llleO e Ille otllce ot tile counly ra- Hunter Energy Coroor FICTITIOUS BUSINESS Dated FEBRUARY 7 T111s statemenl was liled Cell! 92649 Publlsl\ea Orange Coasl fl ..- auon a California corpor- ,. ....E ST•TE .... ENT 1986 wttri Ille County CIA•k , Truoy Lee Joyce Dally Piiot F'et>ruary 13 20 cers wllo can s1on an pellllon eoncarn1ng your corderolsa1e1coun1y · more 01 0 4682 11 allon 610 Newpo•t C.e 1 ..,.. .. - C F 27 March 6 t986 aoreemenl on bella of Ille marriage 11 you tall 1o file • commonly known as 5732 DEATH NOTICES n er Tne ro11ow1ng persons are A L I 0 RN I A RE · ange Courty Of' January 23 Warner Ave i>C 112. Hunt- TH-~ . .... corpor1111on 1nO wl\eiher r~,..,.,., •• wtthin "" d&"" of Belle Avenue Cypress Ctlt· Onve Sulle 114 • NewPf)n rloino DuStness as Ameuran CONVEYANCE COMPANY, 1986 1ngton Beach Cahl 92649 "'"" v~"""""' -"' ,. Beach CA 92660 v Id 1 1 I s I .. R 1 more lllan one oltlcer musl tile dale 11\al thos summons torn11 BRAME Software OynamlC.s 3164 ae.. rue " · Y uunn. F2NMI mttllael ot>erl Joyce ------sign It the t>IO It by 11 part- is se"'eo on you your default Terms 01 Hie casll tn law. Tilts busine'\'\ ·S ~on '(et1ows1one Ort"e Cosie Kelly, Executive \lice Preel - Put>llsl\ed Orange Coaa1 4682 warner Ave •CI 12 MUC NOTICE In ersh1p or a IOlnl venlura. may oe entered and the lul money of lhe Unll.O LlERALD FRANK­ dueled Oy a 1tm11ed oanne1 Mesa CA dent, M51 Corbin Aven~. Da•I" Pilol Fet>ruary 6 13. Hun1tngton BHth Celll sn p 92626 N t h Id c tt ' stile Ille names and ad- cour1 may entet a judgmen1 s tales on confirmation of L l N BRAME . ' S1eohen G Tfllran1, 3164 or r v•. al orn 1• 20 27 1986 92649 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS dresses ol ell general pan- cont tining Injunctive or sale. or par1 casll Ind bal- Ralpll E Pllelan Jr Gen· ~ ·il o wst one Co• ta Mesa 11328, Telephone No (111) TH-608 1hla t>usiness 11 con- N• .... E ST•TEMENT d j 1 11 beloved husband of I P 1 ~ '~ ~ I .. - .. ners an o"' venturers olller orders concerning ence evidenced Dy note se- ers ar ners.. ip c a111orn18 92626 701 -2575 ducted by nust>eno and wife Tl\ e 10110 w I ng perton 1s tile bidder IS a sole dMllOn ot pro"'"r1y. spou1al cureo b~ortgan. or Trull Alice P Brame; lov ­ Th is s aI eme,, I was 'I fed Pete• Sanonu 5'0 Put>llstted Orange Coast MLIC NOTICE Trudy Lee Joyce d .... I I ...,, • · ith tile Co Cle L S " omg uvs ness 88 propr etorshlp or anolher support, rhllO cuslodY. chUO Deed o the ptoperty to ing father of Laura "' ' u 111 Y r. o 1 0 r Peulllt1no Coslll MMe Ct1tt Daily Piiot February 20 27 This 1tat1ment wu lllllO CALIFORNIA MAOMUM tlty I\ O .... t " -'d T anoe County on FAbruarv ~ 1 M h 6 986 1111 1h C 1 Cl k ' 0 an t II oes uvl 11695 suporl. a11orney fees. coats, '"' en per cent of amounl H1 lhard. Kathleen 1986 lorrna 926:>8 Arc I FICTITIOUS BUSINESS w ~n Y er o ;Ir PROPERTIES 989 Victoria unOer a flCtlllous name. 11\e and socll Olhtlf ref~I as may btd 10 1>e deposlled wllll bid F300S58 Thos t>uH•ess •s con Tn-657 NAME STAT1!MENT a~g:.;..'.I"'" ly OnJanu&ty l A.,e Cos1e Mesa Call! t>ldsll811t>etnlllerealname t>eoran1.onv111e cnur1 TNI B10s0f'olfenlobe 1n wrll· Ellis, Alice Sorcl'\!IOn, 'f• IH, M clC H Fry & oucieo by rne l ottowing oer'5on 19 ' F- .-. 92628 ol tile blddtr wltll a deslg- arnlshmenl 01 w s Ilk· 1ng ano wlll be received a1 Pt'ndope Potter. Mr Joen•, Altor"• 'I• Lew, S1epnen G ra1an1 PUBLIC Ml\flCE d 0 I:> 85 ,.._, CalVtn King Claore. 9891 nation lollowlng showing ~n 01 mon or ~ A# 1ne aforesaid olllee at any Bram ~ 1s also 11 Tn•s ~ 1a1"mer11 wa5 1.190 ~ '"8 usmass Puf:>hsneo Orange Coasl Victoria A"" Cosia MtlH OBA (11\e flc:tlttous neme)" g ., roeyurt apuopenll\ortyze"'d lime alter 11\e flrSI pul:>ll · Notth Mein Street, w•I• 1'11! Count y Cl er~ Of Or C IVIM UNITV OISTRIBU IOe11y P1lo1 Fet>ruary 13 20 Calll 92628 td.,. n I 01 11" " I f surv1v~d by his • 1000. 8 •nt1 Ane, CA C NOTICE TION SYSTEMS 2?0 A 'n Marcll 6 1986 . prov "" ow~MM . no re - proceec11nos may also result Calton ttereo and t>e ore mother cind · slep ­ 1 ange ounty rin Ft!t>ruary INVITINO BIOS "(not St Costa Mass Caltl TH · Tl\os 1:>us1neu 1$o con- ltllous nama Sllall t>e useo NOV 29 198,. d8U! of sa•e ut>ltSMd Orange C.oast '0 1<186 BIO ITEM NO. eee REV A 92658 639 dueled by an tndMOual I unless there Is a current Richard O. Dean. Clerk. Dated 11119 13th d11y ol f.lther. Mr dnd Mrs Dany P1101 Feorusr1 21 F300et3 NOTICF IS HEREBY Betton Eowa•o Ress111r Calvin KlnQ Claire reglS1ret1on wllh tile Oranoe By: 8 T. Cerglll. Deputy February 1986 k"'Q M lt'hf'nt•r Lnv Marc" Puo1tsM11 .)re,.Qe Coast G 1v f N 111 81 9118 18 d 220 A Kno~ SI c0519 Mesu ___P_U8,;...;;,Ll;...;C....;.;N0..;..;.T.;..IC;...;E;._ _ . T111s stalement wes 1118d j County Recorder In c.se ot Clertl IRIDOMAN, MORDIC IN, 6 11 20 1986 1 mg grandfather of rn 684• Datt~ P1101 F'ehrruary 6. 13, IOf'N't· •l·LAW, lt2' B4HH D yl an H tlltard , TP1-6rt w11 Tne Clly Councll Po ducted oy an mOMduat The IOllowlng person 18 19 6 Secre11ry Treasurer. and 20 27 1986 Awen11e, WMtmlntler, CA. Amber Pott~r . Con MLIC NOTICE Bo• 1200 Cos111 Mesa Cah· Barron E Ressler Oo•no t>usineu as Put>llsl\ec:I Or1ng:= M ~~!geC1ty Council ol lhe Tll-618 ~~~~~ IN~~DEL L Sorenson. Ian PotLer FICTTTtOUS I USl"'ESS PUBUC NOTICE l o1n1 ~ 92628- 1200 on or ln1s sta1emen1 was ltleo I GDF SERVICES 3253 0 11 Pil I F' b 13 20 C C 0 V1s1ta11on from I .... ME ST• TE " j Delt.>rl! 1lle 11our 11 oo ~ m w11n 111e Counly Cl er ~ of Or tdal\o Ln Costa Mesa Callt a Y o e ruary Uy ol t986 TH-6-46 bids MARTIN , Minor doing business as NAME STAT MENT s 8 1 e raspons 11lly o 'I Gary OeWIU FISl\81 3253 011tt0 February 24, 1986 FICTITIOUS IUllNEIS Put>llsned Orange Cout February 28, 1986 at ARCHITECTURAL 11ARD- The IOflowing persons are I lhe bldOer ' 0 deltver nll Did F2tlt7& Idaho Ln Costa Mesa Calll Pu1Jll1hect Orange Coest NAME ITATEMINT Dally Piiot Fet>ruary 20, 21 . P a1•1C1t· V1t>w Mem­ WARE & DOOR, 31S Cor· dt.>inQ businessu tolhe C llyCle r~ · sofltce oy Put>hsheo Orange Coasl 92626 . ' ___Pte__ ll _C_ NO_ T_IC_E___ DallyPllot Ftbwary27. 1986 The lollowlng ~rson Is 27 1986 1 orial Park Mortuary, Onado SI Balboa c • 92661 ~E LP tJ SEI UF CO. T• J lhe proper announced llma Dally P1101 Fet>ruary 8 13 T111s bu11ne11 la con- T.. 670 d-'n~ b t•neas Tl\F-663 ,... n • :. ... B i d~ wtll ...... pu"llc;fv o~ 20 'l~ 1986 FICTTTIOUI IUllNESI u I I 3500 Pac1(1c View Charles l ee Holl&nd 315 MES.& 1835 0 Newpor1 and r#Ja;; 111ou"o ~ I 1;00 TH 600 duCled by an lnellvlCIUll I ... "'s CURITV FINANCIAL Coronado SI BalboB CA Blvd Su11e 2S8 Costa Me!MI m Of as soon theuamess is con Snu•n Coest Brol\lf9 inc Ma r~,,.,, , tn ...... Cou~ Mt.IC NOTICE Wllh 1he County Clerk ol Or Oom9 t>uslnen as I Joseph A DINICOia 531 vic-es will be held at "' t-"' "' C ._ c 986 1'"' anne c~in1y on J1nuary 31 WEST CtNE. 3 Brlgttton ~OUNTY St ent ~" trulne Ce111 92715 FICTITIOUI BUllNHI uUC""' oy an 1nu1111011111 a , a111orn11 coroorel,on ell c "aml>efa City 11&11 77 • "' • p l N"' ... c 11I f 1 .,..., • Saturday at CHARLES LEE HOllANO 18J .. 0 Newport Blvd Su11e Dfrve Cosi• Mesa Celi FICTITIOUS IUSINESS 1986 lace, eouna COURT Thie 1:>u11ne11 19 con· NA.Mt ITATEllitENT 11 A M ~ ,, 92677 'Vu,.. T111s Sl8tttment WU llled .?58 Cosla Mesa CA 9'627 lt)11rn19 IOr lhtt furnlanlng Of NAME STATEMENT F2tll04 700 Civic Center ducteo Dy en lndlVlduaJ Tiie IOllowlno P81'tont 11 e Pac1Ctt: View Mem­ wlll\ the Counly Clerk 01 Or r111s 11us1ness ,, con MOO(MS • CONVERTE:tAS Tiie lotlowlng oerson 1s P11nt1sneo Orange Co111 Jamee Glo.,., 3 Brlghlon Or. WHt J A Nicols doing bualnets as· orial Park Chapel •nge Coun1y on Flllruary ducted 11v a corpor1111on Adomon:I sets , doing bualneea as Dally P1101 F'et>niary 13, 20 Laguna Nlouel. Calll l anta An11, Tiiis st1ten19n1 w11 filed OACO, 15572 Grsham SI , 01 :~~~~ P Hslled Orange Coesl Tn11 '1•ttimlW!t was ltled "ur< ~·••ng Ao-t •I Fair Co1111 Mesa Calif 92627 C DAN 1"' 6 (714) 644-2700 ,.. " "' ~ · 77 R Crl"' N.....,o " 3S" e 111 92715 RetpondAnt NGOC F-1 t Softwtnd. Sunn-• d, CA 0 Illy P •lot Februery 2~ ..1 111 file C aunty Cter- ot Or Orovf' Costl MeN Ctll· ·• " - " mu " P\ellC NOTICE T b v ...- 1 ,. ..~ MtrCh 6 13 20 1986 lln<)~ COi.int)! °" Fet>ruary lorno a BtdS •"~ ·I d ..... r~ R1mon1 W•y Costa Meu ------,,, I\~ buttnHI1 It con-1 THANH THI VO PubllSlleO Orange Cout 112388 rh-679 11 •986 •'""' ""' ~ Calll 92627 FICTI_,_''I I Ul'...,ll ..uct..... Y oen4M•I P.,. I c ... No 024-31-52 Oei"- Pllol Fet>ruery 6 13 Rk:hard L OIQu1 2439 E F30I01l lu•nf'd 10 Ille allenllon Of Ille TlllS t>us mes~ 19 con ttuv ,,_ nerstltp IUMMONI 20 '27 1986 · Ou1ncy Orenga. CA 112887 ------PublttMd 0111 noe Coast City Cler~ Wlllltn SBIO lime ducteo by • n 1nd1v1Clua1 T NAME ITATIMUfT O• VIO s Tl\omptton NOTICll You haft ...... tH 599 Mk:llell Otqu• 2439 E PUBllC NOTICE o"'"Y P1101 F•l:>ruar• 27 11m11 ·n ~ -·~ envelope R Craig N-comt> lie fOllowtng pereon It Thia llalemenl WU ll*l1aued. TIMI CfMH1 "'IY dectde OulnCy 01ange, CA 112687 Mu ell t:'I , ' Identified Qn !he outttde with T , sl•leuatneu U wllll tlle County Clerk OI Or ....n et JCMI wtthout ,our Tlllt Ouslneta la ¢on 6 20 111 FtCTITIOUI BUllHEH 986Tn-680 Ille Bid llttm Number • rid \ht wlll'f '"" Coun(y Clef!( ol Or KEEPING GOOD COM· anqe County on J1nuary 3 1 ''*"' ~ vnteM '°" ,... flta.IC NOTICE Cluctod by • oenarat pert. NAM! ITATI MENT O~nong Deft t1no• Counly on Februiry 3 PANY 10325 Bvnllng Clrc:i.. 1986 • J)Oftd within JO dtye. lllNd neran1p Tti. fOllowlng pe1sona ,. Ell'" Old thltl specify 1988 " Fount• ln Valley C• lll ·~708 F2117M Iha '"'°""•llon below. FICTmOua BUllNlll J•-J Collins cov•'""* H MLIC NOTICE I eacll ano eva I lorfll In Ille ~lfletllQnl PuOlllll.0 Ortnoe Coul 1032$ But1tlng Clrci., Fout1 Delly Piiot Fet>rv•f) 13. 20, ol 1n ttlc>rney tn thte The fotlOwfng ~tOf'I 11 wllll lhe Cov111y Cltrll of Or. 27 "'°' BABY SAFE 33292 Allor·• ! YOU ARE I N DfFAUl T Any',':!! • 11 exc:.s>flOnl to Iha DJll) Pllol F•t>tv•rv 1.) 20 lain V Aii~ Cattf 9 06 27 Merell 11 19811 mlttllf ~OU allOulualnHt 11 c:on TH 84 I promptly so 11\al your 'lffll· A· I MAINTENANCC SCR l 1 1886 92829 • j n I\ K I " DATED Al'tltfl JO, , .... UN- ly In Ille Old l lld l&llurt 10 rH 643 dueled Dy In 1n<111110u•• ,.,. rMC)onM II •ny mey ~ VIC£, 111761 V~nt ln '1007t1 M tr • Ly II c LISI YOU TAKI ACTION Ml IOf'll\ eny Item '" 11\t Sutanne A Schult.t flleO on time •85 Huntington Ba•c:ll Pvl:>llllhed Oranoe Coat! At>remeon, 33?92 Attot111 TO l'tltOflCT YOUR,...~ . ~01c 1f•ct11 1 on 1 111111 1:>1 ______1 fh1a •tttflfl'*ll was flltlO flta.IC NOTICE AVllOI Utt..0 ha 1100 oe- C•fll 92847 Oelly Pt101 F•brut ry 27 , Dine POlm. CA 92629 ERTY IT MAY Bf ~ AT grouMa lor re1ec110t1 of Ille &!MIDI 'C NOTICE With 11111 County Clerk ol Or ------m&noaoo !!.11r11>vn11 P\'flde ~•nuilneH 11 con A Ml.IC WALi 1ff 0Y OU Did niuu Ing• Counl)I on rebruary KDMI dtcldlr Cor'ltrt Ud sin au· Viewpoint ln •65, Hunl· Th 88 1 duct9d by. an lndlv1ou1I NIED AN IX"-.ANATION £11eh t>ld 1111111111 toflh tl'le FICTtTIOOI I UllHlll 10 1966 "CTlTIOOI BUltNlll dlenclt I m~oe Qve Ud r• · lnglon GIKl'i Celll 11~ 847 MARIA L I( ABRAMSON THI NATUllll TMI full ntmH eno r1slOencet ol NAMI ITATIMINT Fann NAMS HATl.Ma.NT 19<>f'd• d4"'trO d• JO dtat lllla bu11n ..1 11 con- 11 °' °' f llt. ·~~J.;:• ~ '"OCflOINO A OAINST 111 o•rtona and par11,. T,,. lollowlflQ l*ton ,1 PubllMl.O ()fang• Coa1t l l'ltl tottOWlng ~.on• are LH 11 1n1ormac1on Que duva1nM11 .. Araur In O• jly Piiot ,ebrutry 27 1 corporet10t1 eno wll•lll•r Watter E Oullt 11 9 ant• P\8JC NO I Jung·Y• o Hau 22124 maner1, • u reapu ot• f'2'Ml1 Mirtlng ~ 261 4 S ...... 8 t3 20 tNe On MARCH 3 1 1988 at IMOtll A.- . COlll M.,. u ...i- St T-renc• Ca"I p O "-·· Poplar S1n1a At1e CA ,...,...,, ' • , Th~ IQ 00 AM • I THE REAR more 11\a.n on• otnc.r mu1t Cfllll 1)2827 fllCTiftOUI BuetMlll ....,~ . "' " aecrtlt, ti Illy alQuna, l>U4!d• 0 ubtpl•hed,. renga ..,.,.., 11210,. Cal a 90502 13 ENTRANCE LOBBY ON ~TH tlgn If 11141 blO 11 bY 1 Pl l1 Tl\11 bu11neH II COii NAMI ITATl.MINT "'reglallldl e lltmpo ally llol ,.•f:>l'\llf't 8• · 0.0 E A i6 S TRHT or C HICAGO riera/'llp or a jOlnt .-.n1ur1. dueled Dy an tndlllklut l •Tile lollOWtng ~l!Oft Ill Cethellna J1n9 1105 1 TO TMe AfSPONOENT 20 27 tH8 T.. '"""' PQ9latro;, S e~~~, Anal4CA 1811 Daily Plot P\&.IC NOTICE TL F INSURANCE COM· ~ Ill• namee and 9d· Willer C Outtt dOl"O outtn... u 0.bia02828 A..,. Co.l• M... • lllt P4lflllon1t llU ni.cs • "ou.. '7104 AN Y lOCATFO AT SOI N dtl ... Of all gtntral Pl"!· Thia ...... ,..,,, wu lllecl JOHN l GOODMAN &[ Calif petlljOfl conc-'ntno your ------Tiii• 1>111111eu II con 1 ACTITIOU18UIM•• ANSTREFT 1n1tw1Cllyo11Mf• •nd io;nl "9nlur.,. II w11111n.Cou. ntyClltkOfOf. A SSOCI A T£S S0 4 '" Tllll l>ullnt .. It con manltgt lfyoulalttoftlt• __....:.. Ml.=,:;l~C_NO~.;.;n,.c.. c__ r ducledby •n lndlYlldOtr ta • • anga Couniy on January ?8 ieem1u1 Coron• a.I Mtr OVCtlc:I1 bY • ~·· Oll<.,,"', ·~~ ~'.:~! 1968 Calll 92825 j"'P y 90 H '"' O•t• llltl lhll eummon• f'.ICflTIOUI lualNIH Tn11 118181Tlef\I w•• lif«I 642·5678 OOi'lQ ~at C A l I f O A "I 1 A A [ ~ · • .,,,_ .,.,_._ NtM74 JOIWI l Goodman 16222 Tunq1111 . .. ta _..-.don yOu.your default NA.1111 ITA ftWMT w1fl\ ,,.. COunty Clttf\ ol Or OLYMPIC PAATNl!RS ~ , under • ftc1tll0ul nlttM~ PuOlllll.O Orenoe Cout U

Orange Coal1 DAILY PILOT!ThUttday. FebN1ry 27, 1881 CS NM.IC *>net: PlBUC NOTtC£ Pl8JC NOTIC( M.JC M>T1C£ NlJC rx:m"IOUI 9UllNlu THAOUOH 13 52 oso. ANo °' eoun c , Nana rtaJC NOna: --"-•~1C~NO~TIC£...;..;;;;__ .__ ,._a .... 1e_ .,_m___ ------,.... ITA,._llfT A.DOINO THERETO Nl!W MOe ty lllllof"'- YOU YOU SHOULD COH- ~oved JllCk Mahnken 'ICTITIOOI 90 IC DI• 1 f "t lollowi"O jler'tOnl ate CHAPT&R 9 01 REOU· blrl TACT A 1.AWY(R £!0 AN•ttenl S1.1e>er· MAim ITA,...-,n Ofl ITA..--TOfl ;lKf:~~N 1H'.iNR~ ITA~· domg l>UtiMM U LATINO SMOl- Publi"*I 0t"'09 eo..1 THE PENNHIL.L LANO Ml._U NAm I ...... Maa. C1llt 02GOO IYMOP9aa: WILL. SE.LL AT p '*' PC>Wlted Trust• utldet llld IDllly Ptlot F10tuwy l1 COMPANY S" The City Tne follo.wlnQ e>et•Ollt f hl lonowtng P9AOfl• Cn•rlM & Ct11e Cotton, Or41111 11ce Ne. , 2111 AUCTION TO THE H.J'~~slUfM.191'1110 0..0 of Trust MllCh e !Ne Dnve Suite 201 Orwioe NM! eOenOoMGtN l.IM !\&YI~ tnie '*Of n. ~ i;MlrM'W 1424 221\0 SL • N.wpon --- '" H1111tlfttl0ft 8100ER FOR CASH , ...... ~Ofdlcl on 2126171 .. fl\>-689 C..1f t2Me Ill• ,lc;llllOUI •1.11111•11 Ill• ,141111ou• lutl nHt Tiie !~ i-1eon1 ,..... ~IN ~ Gt e.ec:n CeJll tneo ....._ ...... Code .., lbte It 111'119 ol Mii .,; I~ ~~· no 29802 eooa Doug•u K Hone "' N11m9 FOTO UPAE$$ & ~ AM!~ OUAU- MW llMlnCIOned'" t.t'9 ..,.. °' '"- flk1 tte>u• li.-1-- Tn•• bu1tn1u 1a c;on ...... -....,,...... , of 11141 Un S 1...,..7 Peoe 12 Of Oftlaal P\ll.IC M>TJCf Mottevttte Liiie 08, . VISUAL ENTEAPIUSE CO, TY CABIHET 245 ~ tne Flc11t101.1• l1.1eln111 ~ TN)PICAI. ARI. 412 ClutteO b'(" n..,.blnd Ind wtll ...... _ ...... ~·~· iled tit•) ~Cb lfl the ottloe Of lf\t dtllfVllle Neved• 89410 1&00 Adame A.... . Coet• C..! C.O.t• .._ Cllllf NMTw ITIJSTIH VACUUM N c... ~ . S• ...... CnarlH Cotton .,... IM "9ftl ,..._ T"9 Ch~ Ave enlrenoe "-cordef OI Ottnge County Trwt...... Tl\OmU E T1.1elt1t !.OS Meu <:.in 12e2t ml. ' A.NO S!WING CUfTE"· ...... Cell ael1 Tnl• StlletMl'll Wll rn.cs ,.,...... ~O~l.,A8'11~300 Celllornl• eaec1.11ed by .... .,.., Thi Cny Dfr... Svlt.. 201 TM Fw:tll!Ol.lt 8ut4MM Thi Flc;tltlc>ln eueon... 14MS ~ . TWIC.ln c.. n. ~lflOUe ...... woth tn1 Cout11y C!ef-llOIOf· to ..,__.. 1 ,..., If CAillt10t1t":ltle~1ni°9i TRAVIS WATTS HONEY· "9t11 ..- . Orange Clllf ~eM Nemet.i.red tO IOove•• HAml,.._T9Cltoll>O\'I- t2UO NMle...... ,.,t09bow- •oOI County on Januery 2 t. ~. IM. .. ,...... CC>fl~ io lllld l'IOW ':.9d CUTT AND MARGARET 01_.1.... wot._m C Oano.111 ~OS Ihied in Oranoe County on flted In Oranoe County on TM Acuuou1 11.wn.. ni.d 11'1 OfMGtt Councy °" 1986 .... tMetl.... lftMJMld- by 11 114* MjCS o.a , scHMIOT HONl'YCUTT MOTICIOf' tn. City Dflltl SI.lilt 201 J1.1ly I . 1H2 FILE NO NoYwntlet 22. tM!I '1lE NlllM,...,l'Wtoabow ... Oc1oberH. ftl5Fll..INO l'2tlm '"' ., Htllll1ti1Mftt tr. TtUSt ~ t o WILL SELL AT PUBLIC TIWtTU'$ IALI Orang• Clllt 'i26U 1'102tte INO F2t3125 tNd In OrlllDI County °" 'ncMtO PubtleneO Orange Coe•• ...... bJ ...." ..... Of lled .,.".: ~y ~!~.. AUCTION TO THE HIQHEST YOU ARE IN DEFAULT Thi• . bualneu It con· Kuo Tung H1.1•1'0 1106 J . ..~ s.ddlo. Ja5t s Ai;outl 12 10.5 '1LI! NO AictlieM:I s. Brown. 32132 01111y Piiot FebtulfY 4, t3, wMN ~ petaoM fomli d..Crlblng 1 ~ land 8~~ER FOR C'ASH, (pay. UNDER A OE.ED OF TRUST du<:tecl bj .. gen.11 pan. Dlbtl Or Costa ~ . Cutty Way •31. Anaheim, F2~ Vta Vl•n1•. ~San Juen 20 'JT, 19811 .,. emtlle>rM. lllltel~ · 1.,....11 ume Of Mil In llwful OATEO 7123182 UNLESS nelShlO Cotti M... . Call! 9212$ le.Ji( 92802 . Cell ...... 828 WMt Cec*lreno. CMf 92175 . TH -607 TMI "-Ill TIXT °'THI EXHIBIT " A' MOtlly ol the Ulllted St11 ..1 YOU TAKE ACTION TO Tnomu E TUClklf Oetllt Jeng. 1105 Dlbl"I Stwtn c $edlllo, 235e s Montetey, POtl'IOl'la. Ctillf fhte ~ .... c:on- O"DINANCI 11 AVAii.• ALL THAT C ERTAIN tit THE FRONT ENTRANCE 9ROTECT YOU R PROP· Tn1t ltttement w11 111.o Dr Cotti M111,· C11t1 Cutty •St, Anen.lm. 9 l 7e8 duci*' by I I~ oert• 9 w:; PWIC NOTICE AILI IN TH( CITY LEASHOLO ESTATE SITU- ~~o~~I~! i:~g21sl~cv~~~ ERTY. IT MAY BE SOLD AT wnn the Cov11ty Clltll of Of· 2~~1~ bulln.t .... con· c~~.. nou!- WU con- ou!t': ~':~ ~ ·~· - lllilCI Cl.IM'I ~I . ATED IN THE STATE OF BOULEVARD TUSTIN C '" A EPUBLtC SALE IF YOU Inge County on J1nu1ry 29, d•""_.. "y t I..._....., ...... 0 ...... , I ·- ... k~ ·u·'- t.... ··~ Thlt l11tement wu ...... -'I"' t.._ County....,.... of,.. OUI MllMH A.DCWTID by l'tle City CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF • "' NE 0 AN EXPLANATION 11986 .,....,..., " ...-~., ,..... • ""''"" v 1 "''".. "' - ·-- ,._. ... " ,,. .._,. ..,.. FICTm COWMlll of tM City of....,.,_ORANGE CITY OF COST A 92880 111 rtghl, 11 111 '"° OF THE NATURE OF THE '291111 tlet~•o Iband 4 ""''•> with '"- Covnty CW. of Of. W'OI C:OU,,ty Oii JMIUmy 29 "AMI ITATl•NT l1'19t0ft 9Mctl It 11'1 ,..ui. MESA, OES CRtB EO AS lntlfltl c;Ot1veyed to 1110 I PROCEEOlNGS AGAINST l Publt$1\1d Orange Cout Tnle tllt_,t wu filed Thia 111tement wu flllO MOe County on f'W'*Y 5. 1MI ' 1 The lolloWlng Plf90nl are "'"""t held T11eMliJ, FOLLOWS ;;:;, ~ by II undlt llld YOlJ. YOU SHOlJLO CON· Delly Pilot Feoruary 8, 13. W1111 tne Covnty Clint of Of. With the Collt\ty CWll Of Of· 1 988 i1o~~s~~~:~Y . 182S1 ,._., " · , .. '-' the PARCEL 1 0 rutt 1n Ille Otope11.11ry 5 .,. County Oii J11t4JMY 30, Pu*"9d °' Cout PublWleO n.- eo.. IOltowtftt rot! Mii •oe.i A SUBLEASEHOLD IN 111Ulted in M id Covnty Celt· On 3113 86 et 10 00 A. M TH 598 1988 ' 1946 _,. 3 20 ~- ...,. S1nt1 B11b1t1 l.a.ne, Hunt· A Val: Co11ncllmen: ANO TO UNIT S5 ON LOT 1 lornta dMCtlotng tha i.no FORECLOSURE CONSULT· Publiat\ed Orwioe Cout I Pubhatled Orange Coelt Drr. Piiot FlbNlty I [)My Piiot f9bNlty 13 20 •nglOtl BMch, Calll 026-49 Kellr, "nler. Mendie, OF TRACT 10S25 AS t thltT~,!' T ANTS INC u the duly oap. Dairy Pilot F1t>ru1ty 13 20, j Diiiy Piiot FIOr\Ulty 8 13 27 erott 4. 1088 TH-633 27 Matcf'I 4. 1Me l u1nne H1llllt, 16251 .....,, Of'llft • SHOWN ANO DESCRIBED I nvM POTte( P1&JC NOTICE PHlll Circle Hunll""tOn AlllNT: Cot1n•llm111: PLAN WAS RECORDED ON Qel'C I •• ol Ml .. Document no 82·265169 Of ------"'~ecn . C1IU 92~9 .•• NoM SEPTEMBER 17 1910 IN llll<>US ... ap. In Ille of· Olltclal Rec;otos If\ tlle'OlllOe NOT I ~ I NV IT I .c; SEAt.m 81 OS ""' CITY Ofl HUNT1MOTON I BOOK 13757 PAGE t0S7 he• of 1118 Covnty Alcotdef of Ille RIC;OeO 11 County Cattlom1a executed Co-60 I 1 1 Wen~ll . CltyCteni CORD S OF O RAN G E l oOows by STUART DUA NE w11n tne County Clerk of Or· Published 0.11\Qe Coast COUNTY • OR AS MA Y BE PARCEL 1 UM number 4 H AL BERT AN O' LOIS •no• County on Jl t\Ul r; 28 Diiiy Pilot Febt"U1ry 27 . 1986 RE· RECOROED IS t ho.i¥n ano ducrlti.O In WEIRICH HALBERT. HUS- Hot fe• I• Ml'eitly gl 'U n thet the C l ty ~nd I ot "'• Cl ty ot Hunt lngt0tt S..C:h,, C. 1 I fOt"nl a 19811 Tn-667 PARCEL 2 tlll tondom1n1um &>1111 .... BAND ANO WIFE AS JOWT wtll r'• e • lv• ••el•d bids tor th e constr'uctlon ot E d Me nning P e r'k In'"• C ity of . ,219417 I AN UNOIVIOED ONE corded 1nbo0k 114 16 page TENANT'S WILL SELL AT Puoltslled Orange Coest I I F t FT Y. FIFTH ( 1 SS th I 17P8 !Ror Ottie1a1 RecC>fOs PlJBLIC AUCTION TO T~E I Huntington S.ec" , C:. lltornl • In accor'denc • w ith tti.-;i;;;; end 1pecl~ lons end soect e l ) ally Pilot February 8 t3, PWIC NOTICE INTEREST AS A TENANT IN t 5; dCEl 2 An ullOIVldeO HIGHEST BIDDER FOR prov ls Iona on fl I• In ' " • off le» o t th• Dlr'ector ot Publfc Wor'k.L. Oocu-ents wC 11 be ?0 27 1988 COMMON I N A SUB n 1nternt u. tenant CASH (p1yable at lime of TH ·S93 L.IOA.L NOTICE LEASEHOLD ESTATE IN '"common on Iha fee ln1eres1 sa11 tn tewlul money or Ille I aolleb l• on Febry4r(. 18 , l~ A c:t\e,.g• of l lO.OO, not r e tuf\dab .I • . wit I b9 r'WQ ulrlld tn and to tne common aru •united Stites) et THE tor N dl 14't of sp.c:lt ctfons e nd eec~ nylt19 dr811lngs. --.,.- 1D-•1c-NO- TIC_ E__ I O~NANCl ANO TO All OF THE RE.Al 01 LOI 'ol Traci No 8812 .. FRONT ENTRANCE TO 1 r UIX. NO. a11 PROPERTY, INCLUDING such term ti defined Ill 1111 SUI TE 205 (SECOND I K ' AN ORQtNANCE OF THE WITHOUT LIMITATION THE art1c1e tntltled " dehnttton1· FLOOR) 17802 tRVINE DIRECTOR !2!_ PU BLI C~ ESTl '4ATE NOT~' CITY OF HUNTINGTON COMMON AREA AS DE· ot the Oeclar111on of Cove- BOULEVAR D TUSTIN CA APPLICATION TO BEACTHI AMENDING THE ~: NOEND OINF THEOVOENL~ANRAT · Inanes. Conditions and Re· 92880 all ngnt. ltlle • end SELL ALCOHOLIC HUN NGTON BEACH MU· C E " S , 1111ct1ons rec:orOeO In book lntere.st conveyed lo enO NtCIPAL CODE BY AMEN[). CONOITIONS, ANO RE · 11588 p1ge 1318 Ottk:t I Ap~Cllc I •t• IEVf"AOfl llNO SECTIONS 2 OS 020 STRICTIONS I OECLAR· Record ' . now held by it under SltO tfOr'k It• 2· l9-86 ANO 2 OS 030 RELATING ATION") RECORDED ON Iments ,'n:;~ any amend Deed of Truat In the prope Suoia NCO RPORATED 11 apoiy. IYNOPll8: FICIAL RECORDS OF OR- :: ~~~ ~~= 1 ";,:'~CEL :: 1 2. C l ..r ll'IO end Grubbing 2 .9n CT 41 0n I nelo Belct'IMunlelpelCoOerelll· CITY OF COSTA MESA AS attasdetonedontr>eartieleol DOM tN IUM PLAN RE 4 . Stor11 Drain 18" RCP 4 05 LF •ell etconoltc beYerlQM II Ing 10 Camp1lgn Conlrtbu· SHOWN ON A MAP RE· Ille detc1rat1on entttted CORDED ON OCTOBER 14. StOMll Dre In 18" RCP C.ov .,. Ov.,.0 R••MOl"e9111ent ~6650 Hl!bOf Blvd Unll tlOns by ldOlng Ille lotlow1ng CORDED IN BOOK 462 H!M!meNs 1 1981 IN BOOK 14256 PAGE 5. }\ I. F ..,. ~ , Fovn11tn Valley CA unOe rttn e d w orOs to PAGES 48 49 ANO 50 OF AP " 934-290·04 1•5 ANO AMENDED FEBRU· 6. Storwi Dr'a l11 8" PVC 65 Lf 'l2 08 s 2 OS 020 1nO 2 OS 030 as MISCELLANEOUS MAPS The street aoores.s end ARY • 1982 BY INSTRU- ! 7. StOMll Drain C4.irb Inl e t Catch Besln PubUsnecl Of1nge Cou1 follows IN TH E OFFICE OF THE othef common designatton MENT NO 82 042729 l..-p Su• Oaoty Ptto1 February 27 1986 2 OS 020 Lomitltt<>ns on COUNTY RECORDER OF ti iny of rne real ore>e>ertY BOTH OF OFFICIAL RE· I 8 . Stot"ll o ,..1n Junction St,.ueture Type A L .-p Su• Tn-871 cont"butlons-lndlvldull SAID ORANGE COUNTY cS escribed above ts CORDS OF SAtO COUNTY No concnt>utor shall male• OR AS THEY MA Y BE puroortea 10 be 8 LARGO PARCEL 2 9. Stont Drefn 2 •x2" C.tc" Bes ln w ith St••I Fr... LYmP SUll .,..,11C NOTICE contrtt>utlons m suop0<1 of AMENDED OR RE RE· SUD 1Rv1NE CA 92715 AN UNDIVIDED 1152No 10 . Stonm Ora In 12" x12" C'A tch Be.si n Bolted In Coner9't• L ..-o Sue --'-~------1nyc1ndl0ecyor to1ny coo- CORDED The undet9'gned Trustee INTEREST AS A TENANT IN I I • trolled committee with ,. EXCEPTI NG THERE· d1sci11ms any habillty lor any COMMON IN THE FEE Stoni Dra in Junctur• Strudur'e Type C L.-p S\HC FICTITIOUI •UIUNEll lc>ect to any electlOn. Ind no FROM. UNITS 1 THROUGH 1ncorrec:tness 01 tne stree1 II NTEREST IN AND TO THE 12. S toni 0,...1 n Concr-9'• Pipe C.ol I~ 2 (A. NAME ITATfMENT CAl'dtOlle Sl'llll ac<:41Pt ton· 55. INCLUSIVE ON LOT 1 address and Otf'>e< common COMMON OF LOT 6 OF Tiie lolio...lng J>lftotlt are tr1bullona 1nctuOlng con· OF SAID TRACT 10S25 AS design11oon 11 ~ny snown TRACT 10484 AS PER MAP n . Stora Dre In Coneret• PI o• And\ or L~ SU9 J Ot;j ~'!7~ ':No AS· trtbullons to 1uch Cl ll· SHOWN ON SAID CON· 1>ere1n FILED IN SOOK 463 PAGES 14. Stora o ,..1 n V-0t tdl l08 Lf SOCIA TES. INC TITLE OtdllU contrOlted oomm•t· 1DO MINIUM PLAN S11d sate will be m1de bul 35 TO 37 INCLUSIVE OF 15. Concr9't• We lk a f Risen 150 SF " ORECLOSURE SERVICE tees from any 1n01v1<1ual , EXCEPTING FURTHER w1tnout con11.,,an1 or ..,,,. , MISCELLANEOUS MAPS ;J21 South MlnotOb9 Drive ""11 1Ch COtltrlt>ullon• . In tne THEREFROM ALL IM · renly upress Of 1mptled, r• RECORDS OF SAID COUN· 16. Concr9'te R I Hr'S '10 LF 2 4 lggregete ••teed S300 I PROVEMENTS AND AP gardono title oos.setsion. or TY AS SUCH TERM IS DE· 17. Concrete Monollthlc We lk & Curb et Pla y Area Seating 2• 0 Sf 'lan ta Ana. Caltf 9 70 2 050 030 Ltm1teuons on PURTENANCES LOC ATED 1•ncumbrances 10 oay th• IFINED IN THE ARTICLE EN· I Ganoatl ano Assocteles. c 0 n I r I b ll • OR TO BE LOCATED ON remem•no prtnc1oa1 sum of TITLED DEFINITIONS' OF 1 18. Coner9'te Flatwortl et Sc:»nle o...,erloe>k ArN 190 SF inc Delew1re, 2321 Sovth SAID LOT 1 OF TRACT Manitoba Duve, Santa Ana t1ons lnoependent com- cne notes secured by said THE DECLARA TtON OF 19. millet (PAC) No 1nOepen· 10525 OMO ol TruSI , wt1ll interest COVENANTS CONDITIONS Concr9't• We lk e nd Fletwork (l nel usl""• o t walk e long Stra.t ) 6.~95 SF 4 Calif 9270 dent committee (PAC) Shalt EXCEPTING FURTHER thereon es provldld Ill H id 1AN O RESTRICTIONS RE · 20. Concr9'te B esk•tti.11 S F 18 Court 5 .620 Tnos business con· make any contributions In THEREFROM EXCLUSllVE J,,otes 1d111nces. ti any, ICORD ED IN BOOK 14095 21. jutted Dy 9 corpor11ion supoorc ol 1111 etec11on of EASEMENTS IN AND TO under the t~ms ol the Deed PAGE 516 OF OFFtCtA.l RE : I Coner•t• Mowst rlp 2~ 1.F 1 1 •n~.:S ;vr ~ ITr:isurerM • any c1ndldlle Of to any con· 1All THOSE RESTRICTED or Trust fees cnarges and CORDS (THE 'OECLAR· 22 . Concre't• 6" Cur'b Cet t oe ot s loP• > 190 LF Thos statement Wll Nied trolled committee w11n r• COMMO N AREAS AS e>tpensesoltheTrustee1nO ATION ) AND ANY 2}. Concre't• Curb • nd Gutt•r )}Q lf ..11n tl>e County Ctelk ol Or· soec• to any 61ecllon. IJ\O no SHOWN ON SAID CON· ot Ille lruats creeled by said AMENDMENTS AND SUP· candldlte shall accept COii· OO MINIUM PLAN Oeed or Trust to "'" I PLEMENTS THER ETO c.otlcr9'te P a d e t ~rb Outl e't l .-s:> Su• ,ingeCountyonJanuery29 trobuhonstrom 1ntnOeoen· RESERVING THERE $ 13-0.98997 EXCEPTINGALLOIL OIL PI e y ArN Curb 190 Sf •986 dent committee ( PA CI FROM EASEMENTS FOR Note Al tllesc:neoute ume RIGHTS MINERALS MIN· p hid O F~ ...rtletl. 1n the lgOregete 9• · A CC ESS 1NG RESS !Of sale the ooenong 010 will ERAL RIGHTS NATURA L Play Area Su~s 2 EA uotos range OISI oeeOSl.500 EGRESS . ENCROACH· t>e $64 97t 13 GAS RIGHTS AND OTHER Daily Pilot Febru1ry 6 13 THE FULL TE.XT OF THE MENT. SUPPORT , REPAIR Tllet::>eneli<:l8"f un<1er1110 HYDROCARBO N S BY 27. Pla y A,... Send/Sof I Tr ..,,._nt too CT i'O 27 l986 ORDINANCE IS AVAILABLE REPLACEMENT MAIN TEN- Deed of Trust neretolore ..._. W H A TSOEVE R NAME 28. Wh••I Cfle Ir Ramp L .-p SI.Ill 1 TH· 60 1N THEC!TYCLERKSOF- A NCE AND OT HERecu1ect1nd oehvll'edlO llle KNOWN GEOTHERMAL 29 . Besk9'tbel I Court Str'lplng U-0 ------FtCE PURPOSES A LL AS unOetsigneo I wr•lleo Dec· <;TEAM ANO All PROC>- SIM f'tllllC NOTICE ADOPTED by tlll City SHOWN ON THE CON· ter11hon of Oe11u1t 1n0 De- UCTS DERIVED THERE· lO, Bol l e rds 8 EA ------Council Of Ille City ol Hul'I· OOMINIUM PLAN OR AS meno tor Sale lflO. Wflllen FROM WITHOUT HOW - Electrl c:.el Syst.. L..-c> s- FICmlOUS IUllNfSI 1ngton 8Neh II an regul11 DEFINED IN THE OECLAR· Notice ot Oel1u1t ano Etec· EVER THE RIG HT TO ''·}2. NAME ITATfMfNT meeting held Tuesday Feb- AT ION hooto Selt TneundersooneO DRILL MINE STORE EX- P ark I dent It I Cation SI gn L ..-p Su• n1e IOllOwlng l)efaon IS ruary 18 1986, by Ille IOllOW· PARCEL 3 CluseO Wiid Notice ol De- PL ORE ANO OPERATE }}. Fr'•• t e nd Ing He ncsre 11 120 L f Joing bUlll'leSS 1ng roll ca11 vote NON·EXCLUSIVE EASE· l1u11 end Etectton to Seu to THR'OlJGH THE SURFACE 11 I ,.. Hendrel I wlt" We ll Rls.rs 100 l. f TJ A MARINE SERVICE AYES Covncilmen Kelly MENTS FOR ACCESS IN· be recofOee ntt l0t1 - Turf Are~ 76 ,•25 Sf ,986 Tl\· 668 1TRACT 10525 SHOWN ANO March 6 t'l86 R 1G H T 5 SH A l L 8 E F2tt5S3 DEFINED AS RES TRICT ED fh-656 RIPARIAN, OVERLYING . ..eel Abe t-nt - SI ope Ar•as 19 ,DO SF PuohsneO Orange Coa.st JCOMMON AREAS WHtCH M'rROPRIA TIVE PER· .,._."IC NOTICE 1 Hydr'OS.•dad Turf Oaoly Ptlot February 6. 13 l'"UDL IARE ADJ ACENT WITH ANO COLATING PERSCRIPTIVE •• • 76,• 25 SF 20 27 1986 APPURTENANTS TO SAID POOLIC NOTICE 0 R c 0 N T RA c T lJ AL 45 . l+fdraa•ed•d - Sloe>eis Ar'ees 19 . no SF 597 " NOTlCE OF FlllNO PARCELS 1 2 3, AND 5 DE WITHOUT HOWEVER. THE TH· F'"OCFILllTYAV~N~IBC~~~ON SCRIBED t1EREIN S T A TE M E N T 0 F RIGHT OF ENTRY FOR THE 46. Rooted Ground C.o11 .,.. - S 109• 19,UO S f ------'" ...... '" PARCEL 5 WITHDRAWAL EXCERCISE OF SUCH 5 Ge I Ion S"rube f P\8.IC NOTICE Nottce 1snerebygtventhet AN UNDIVIDED ONE FROM PA"TNE,.SHIP RIGHTS AS RESERVED IN 176 EA en 11pphceuon nu been Illellstw.8"1 P v lod L Ull!P Su. PEA.R PRODUCTIONS 11901 New1>0fl BlvO Costa (' IMPROVEMENTS I SUB- ner tr om tne pertnersnop op OF OFFICIAL RECORDS 1336 Temoe Dt Huntington Mesa Caltl orn11 92627 IOf JECT TO THE TE AMS ANO er6t1n9 under tne lic11110us PARCEL 3 52 . 60 Ca l • nder D e y P05t- l nstel lat Ion Pe riod L\l•O Su• aeacll C• llf 92~ 7 oerm1"1on to establish.,.. CONDITIONS OF THE MAS· ous1ne~s Mm• of VISION EASEMENTS AS SET ALTERNATE BI O Dev10 0 Benletl 3336 c1hty It 183SA Newport TER LEASE RECORDED QUEST at 9568 H1m11ton FORTH IN THE SECTION . Tempe Dr Hunt1ng1on Blvd Sune 109 City of 8 t0t 59 IN BOOK 4833 Ave Suite 241 Huntington ENTITLED CERT A N I . T--.>onar y Fe ncing Lu-o Su• Beocn Caltl 92647 Costa Mesa Coonty OI Or· PAGE 274 ET SEO OF OF Beac:n Cehl 921>46 EASEMENTS FOR OWN- This bu11nea• II con-, ange - FICIAL RECORDS TM llcllllOUS business ERS ANO SUPPORT ducted by •n lllOIV10U81 Tne aop11ea11on IS open IOf The street eddre.ss ll'd name'"'.,,,.,,' fOt Ille Plrt· SETTLEMENT AND EN· In e ccorde ne• • I t h th• provi sions ot S e ction 17~ ot fh• L e bor' Cod• . '"• Stet• of 1 David O B1111e11 oubllc 1nspec;11on n •c· otner common deslgn111on 1ne rsnop was llteo on Augu.st CROACHMENT OF THE c.eptOf'nla, Director ot the OmpertMnt ot\ lnd1.1s trl e l R• l•tlons she l I ctet •,..lne th• Tn1 11 stetement wat llled cC>fdence. w1tn tne com· 11 any. ol the , .., pr~ 130 t984 1n 1ne County 011 ARTICLE ENTIJLED EASE· wttll the County Clerk ol Or· ml"IOtler S regutellons II des c r t bed Ibo v e I s Orange Ft LE NO F2S42S5 MENTS" OF THE DEC LA R- g•~ •re I p rev a 111 ng ref'• ot •eg • , ec>P I k eb I• ~ o the · ~ to be OOn•: e09I • of- the I e t e&t ange County on J11'u1ry 29 tlllller olfiee ol the Oe9•rt· ourporte lH Or Huntington FORTH tN THE SECTIONS Daily Pt101 February 6 13 monwealthA11enue Los An· • Tne undersigned Trustee Seecn Cato! 92646 ENT I TL ED CERTAI N 10 27 1986 ge1es 90005 !Tel t2 tJ) I d1sc1a1ms any 1tao1toty 101 any S1gnoo LRrr'f Mala• oll EASEMENTS TO OWNERS Pl a ns end speel tlcatlons, tog•ther with proe>ose l tot'lll, INY be obt ai n ed et the ottlce of IH-596 17 3 6 2 7 8 S l 8 n d 3 5 0 1ncorrec1ne.ss ot the street I Pulltosned Oran9t1 CollSI ANO SUPPORT SETTLE t n e D lr.ctor o t Publle Works , City Ha ll , _Hurrtlngton S.ach. Celltornle. Sansome Sl•eflt. Sefl Frafl· address and 01he1 common Dally P•lot F_,bruary t3 20 MENT AND ENCROACH· --D-t11D-l-IC-NO--f-IC_E__ c1sco 94 10°" (flll 141 51 Oe51gna11on 11 any snown l7 Mar c.nti 1986 MENT OF THE ARTICLE _ _ r_uo_.;.__;...__ _ S57 -3666) nere1n TH 636 ENTITLED EASEMENTS Ho b i d • II I be rece lv• d unl •s It Is 111ad• · on e bl a nk tot'lll turnlshed by tll• Director ot FICT wr111en ob1ec11ons or S1111dsate w11t1>emaoe but ' OF THE DECLARATION OF ITIOUI IUltNlll otner documents relevant to "'tthoul conven1nt or wAr COVENANTS CONDITIONS Pub llc Works. Tl\e s p eclel atte ntlOfl of prospective bldo.rs ts cell ed to'"• pr09osal NAME I TATIMENT tne appllcallon snoold be ranty exoress ot1mp11e<1 re AN D RESTRICTIONS RE - 11 POOUC NOTICE requlr9111e nt1, s•t forth In tl'le specltlcetlons , tor t ul I directions • t o tti. bidding. 00;~: ~~:=~ P9fton filed with the Department l gerd1ng lltte. ootsess1on 01 1 NOTICE TO CORDED IN BOOK 14092 CONSUL0 TING1 ENGi · end I copy delivered or l encumbrances. to pay tne BIDDERS PAGE 1797 OF OFFICIAL NFERtNG GROOP 7672 m11lled lo tile 1potlcant PA· rema1n1ng orlnc;lpl l som or NO TI C E I S HEREBY RECORDS (T HE MASTER rl\e e 0011 e Q~ntltl • er• 8')pro1cl aat • only, bei ng g l v • n H 8 l>esls tor the COlllP• rfson ot T CtFIC SAVINGS BANK. not the note(s) secured by 911.0 DECLARA TIO N l ANO ANY •mt>er Circle, HunHngton liter lh1n Merell I 1 1986 Deed ol Trust with lnteresl ~ I Vi'N 111 ~ 1ti"~ f~un,t ~n V&J AMENOMENTS ANO SUP· bl Os, eno t h• C l ty ot Hunt Ing ton Beach does not e xpre u or by lllllSI II c:.at Ions egr .. thet tn• 4 5 Beech Clllf 926 8 II I publtc llflertng IS llelO 11\l!feon as prOVldecl In Sllld Cey C: hOOC I ' rlc o I rengbe PL EM EN TS THERETO e c tue al!IQYnt o t work w I correspond t".,. .. t"• I gnt t o I ncreas• C Ftncner. ran Timber 1 eopeir and d 11 sn ounty 1 11 orn11 ac 1110 y I I I I'" C>vt ,...,.,....., ., r or Circle Huntington Be&c;11 . iny perton m Y notll(s1 9 va~ Y end tnrougn •IS Govt!fntng Tne street •dOress and .... m1k1111 0<11 s111ement dur· under lllfl leerty up•dl•nt b'( t h • D irector o t Pub I le •oru. d 1ted by 1ne hearing otttce< expense.sottn1Trus1ee eno de.scribed ebove uctao by ttn lnOIViOu11 '#l'llCll tn the UM any per- Ille trusts created by H id ce1"e up 10 but not lallf Oll5 01 01 1 C Ftnct!ef son ""10 hl.S nol filed PflOf OeeO of Trull 10-Wll rnan tOOO oc:toc;k 11.M Of ~Oro~ljo 1r::v1,:E CA Tn1s ltllemll'll WU hied """ten objlCllOOS or Olllef s 116 959 07 lhe 2 Isl O•y ol M1rCf\,ljl86 9 7 1s with the County Clelk ot Or· documents 1$ IO be llmlteO 10 Tne bellellcter; unaer saio sealed b10s for tne a~ 01 2 Qua n t It I e o t • Ol"k t o be oon•. •noe County on J1nu1ry 2• 1not more .,, t5 mlnut•"' ,.__,. of Trust neretotore ... a contract tot purcli1H or Tne u11oersigned TNstw t986 111 .,.,.,., 1eue "''tn option lo d1scta1ms eny t1ac111ty tor 11ry F111'D Ouretlon or tuen 111or1er ecuted and dettY9te&nc•. Ille nearing o lc;et • tarat1on ol Oel1ull •nd .,... oes1nnat1on 11 1ny snown Datty P 1101 February 6 13 brencn olflce ne1r1ng ts mand for Sile and ' wrmen puter nerdware system' het;n she I I be p.,,..ltted In accordance • lf'tl the provisi ons or tl'le Ce l l tornl e Gov• rn- nt Coe!• , 20 27 1988 acn.ouieo 1 nottce • tll be N oti~· of Oetiull eno Elec· sot iv.ere end uttlilles from S Sect I on •~ o . TH -603 · I ~ 1,,terested vendors n.iein llO Site w1U oe m1da bul pieced In 1111 Weell ty Notice tton to S4!11 Tne unoertlgn<'lfm&tton may t>e recordfld in tne counly o n~"• ottlcl of 11141 Putcnas· encumbrances to pay tne lilot"k1, D•..., • loe>iNnt Wing, 2000 M•ln Str••"• Huntington a.acn. C.lftorl\le, the l 1 be 1 • 1.0 "CTITIOUI aullNl81 be secured by tne ""1t'fe the real pr09erty 11 ong Agent Bustneu Ser· rema1n1no princ1pel sum or cellln~ and ft led • lfh tl'I• C ity C l e '°"' et t he Cl..., l e Cente r, Second Floor AdMlnlttretlOfl Bui l dln9, NAME ITA TIMINT 1b0ve onone 11umbers 1oc1ted vices Dept 01 NIO Olatrocc tne notes secureo by u1d 2000 Mein Str.. t, Huntington Beec:fl, Celttornle. on or betO"• ot Tn. IOllO"'lng peraona ar• Publi.1190 Orange Coast 1 01te 021 t3f86 loclleO 11 17210 o ai. Street 0ee0 01 Tr1.111 wnn tnterett 2: 00pm March 18 , OOIOQ. butlneu u Dally P"llOI February 27 . ~986 8KO· FED MO"T'OAOf Fountain V1lley C11tfo11i11 I tlllfeon IS orov1ded Ill 81 111 19.§.S and 11'11111 be oe> • n ed by• eOl!lfllltt•• cQMC>oaed o t th• C i ty C l•rk, tl'le Ci t\' Attorn.., MICfP.ONEl , 1!100 A01me Tn 688 , coAPOAATION, H 11ld 92708 ano 311111 be ooeneo notea edvencea. ot any Sulte302. Coeta M... . C•llf frv•t.. . ly; INTl"ITATI i nlJ publlCly ,.,.11 lloYc1 111 1und ff 1111 terms ottne Deeo end OlrK"tor o t Pub lie WO"k.a OI" '"•I r authorized r ecir •sentetlv • end the r esults ot said 92628 Ml.IC NOTICE ' T"USf DHD 8"1,.,v1c, lh, tnfl abOllfl ttntlllddlng • I I I be r eported t o th• C ity Councl I ot seld Cfty of Hunt lngton S..ect1 e t t"• I,.. Rlcnerd P1ut Jcmnton. 1I NC .. 1191nt Helen ' m I • ollic• 8 ,oen111t of,,.,. Trutt9fl and I 3548 Del Amo Bt110 • 11 . Loen No. 7•nt: "et. No. Acc011n1 lhec~tl'", 11112 l ecri b•O mual contnfm 01tilt!111,&ts cf1!e1M by 11td r9gular 111e9'tl 119 to be " • Id on Monday, ti'!. • L"' o t April , 19_§§ •' tl'I• "°"" of To1r anot. Cellf toS03 U07: Computer No.i i!. 11th • 1··n 1c°', • •ndb••e1i>0n•1¥1101n111n Deed 01 Trust co wot 1 !!::l 7:l0 Piii tn '"• C ity Q>uncll O\efflbe,... tn th• C ivic C.nt • r of .aid City o t Hu"•lngto n Tn11 buelnHa 11 c;on 12-MOS.oGll lldo.. T1.1• I • ·~ vlllUO('ln tn• tnlormehon '°' S 125 &S5 95 Oucted by I llmlted pertnet· NOTICI °' (714) 7'°'"'52t Bidders Ill• 8'>41Ctlic:..llont Tne blne11C1ary undfl( Y1a a •1c 11, end al'lal I I> • e ct e d upon by ••Id City Councl I e t t"• r' e gu l e r 111e e tl119 ot tnlp TMllT111'1 IALI Publlll\ef' S.ec:PI, C.lltornt e r•er• H th• rl9"t to r e j ect eny or e l I bldS end •no• County on Jenuery 23 YOU TAl\d Oee111•d tor t n • b Mt lnt• r ut ot ti\• C lt"y of Huntln;to11 B••c", P'21117J ERT'I IT MAY BE SOLD AT b(I td II tl>I ll>OV'e lddreM hon to Sell Thi ..~ C. 11 fO"nl • · Publtllled Ofenga Cout A PUBLIC SAlE IF YOU Tt1.1et...... TIMI 011trtel 11''91vet tM C llU~ •llO Nolin t\f ('la Oat~ PllOt ' • bn.tl r; 8 t3 NEEO AN EXPLANATION No. 3047-t r'Qhl to,,..._ t 11ny nr All tlidt flUll Ind Eleeh<>" 10 ~ 1 IO 1986 1 20 T TH 80e OF THE NAT\JRf Of TH£ ~ to waive 1nv 1tregu11r1ltlll Of M recoTIC£ 0ti 031131811 11 tO 00 YOU ARE IN O(,AUl T 1vrl\i,ning of one more llOf'IC'-"f'I COftlllhlllllt , °' AT TE ST: LIQAI. NO~ICIE A M S K 0 r [ 0 l,JNOfH A DECO 0f fRU~H ttfftlt nl tne orOC*tY de- Inc • er Dentel W O.· OM>tMANCI MORTAOAO( CORPO R· DATED 1 1' 7q UNl ESS t90tntld YOU TAK( ACTION TO NOLC"I Al 11l(l !l•,, ~fll'f 1111 IJ•I~ Ml ,,, *' B£ACH AMENDING THE on ot11e1e 1 l!lt Document A PIJDUt SA ~£ ,, " OU lo tn• 1P411'11nq .,, blOI J'1itlhlf~ C· ·~ (~~t HlJNTINOTON 8£ACH MU no '°808 8oOI- 14:11' Paqe NFECI AN EXPLANA flON ,ot Ille Oo•emlnt 9o.tfd, 0 Iv P1to1 ~11 t1ru ,,r , 20 • l 1 I I NIC:IP AL COO( 8Y R(P[AL , 408 Of Official RflcnrOI t!l l 0~ TH£ NATUR[ Of P~( Jean C Mllf9I\,, ,.Uf"~ M11 1C!Hi 1•1116 ING S! CltONS 13 52 O'IO l 11'1• olflce of 11111 Aec:orc1tw tit PROCUOtNGS A

THE ART OF SELLING IS MADE EASY IN THE DAILY PILOT'S IF CALLING FROM NORTH ORANGE 540-1220 CLASSIFIED PAGES. CALL 642-5678 IF CALLING FROM SOUTH ORANGE 498-8800 tlel CLASSIFIED INDEX 641-5678 N•wrrt ltacla 1069 Coroaa ••I Mar 2122 N1wrrt lt!cla 2119 Corona Mar 2622 Costa MtH 2624 LatH• ltacla 2641 Rooa1 Z70I Ster111 . 2742 F.. OM NORTH ORANGE CO. 540-1220 OOIPHEI OllPHEI 1 E~:i~ A~~ :r~ t~ rn ~~~i i I IALIOl tBR. encl gar stove & IMSTllfT I *NEAR TME WlYfl* ,Pvt room w/ 1lndry lac. In RV STO,RAiE fR M IOUTH O"AN E ' j3BR 2ba S 169.000 The now s~ f • Family sl1e home on extra 1 relrlg No pets urns Incl R A a tied I 1+ 1 1 bltlna. ti 11111s rnc;t 1HS8 nr ~~h . 0 ml~ to ~t?C Storage Spaces Available Property Mart 640 9019 47 640 4255 large lot with large j S625t mo 675-6606 28 28 · u ce111 ngs Only $595 295 non sm r er De Anza Bayside Vtttage v fM 4 AILY PILOT o1 mpress1ve Jbr exec Me enclosed yard 3 Bdrms. Best buy in lown. only I Ell T Ill 1110 6pm & wknds 962-53 0 300 E Coast Hwy, N 8 c~ ASS.,•EO o <~ IC E HOu ~ S Jba k11ch gar maids rm family rm at BEAUTIFUL large 2BR 55o imo no last months Rm w/ Ba , nse uee. 673-1 331 Mon -Fri 9· 4pm CHECIC' YOUR AO IURIOR YIEW MOIES g~rmet s TEL EM • 1' ~ 5 .."IC eM f 3BR 28A new c arpet $ t 4 0 0 m u s t see teched 2 c ar garage 28A apt. trpl totally UP· rent rt>Qutred SIGHT / SOUND ol Sea Beachlront hm tn Capo 8 00 Aloi S}. 0 1,1 f H Fl"IT DAY 2035 * "" • • paint & landscaping 10•,, 539.5191 Agt11nt co"'t Pnme point 1ocat1on graded S l l25 722-7834 Pomona 1 br lrpl gar no pets Bch $5-00 • Perle< 8 00 AM t 1(1 AM fl . • . ~1 , fut ..,. • sec Coaatreial S1tvfllh • • ., • , . .. "40...... \t. , ,.. 642 603 8\.11.,,._, Co..int.,. -.. • ., •• • ~· ,., >.,.. Qi(: p •• , . dn & mo1tva1ed owner will INE CRK JSR lge wit h on wa lk 1ng d IS t ance c hum1ng 2/bd 1ba tr pf TSL MGM T • 1 M arc h 1 • J u n e 2 8 prof n/smkr strati Ref I .E. Salt/ Ital ll()AM \QOPlol JASM ''' "" ... . • "' • e ct_ ' fed oe ~ • assist Convenient to fAm•I'" rm voew wd nrs r o b Oth b a ~ <>• oce an sunr1 Sundell 3 blks lo L"'"R GE 1 bd 781 J oann 49~.. -5 1841337 • 2222 reQ 674-7885 E 49 3 5872 ------DEADLINES . • "'O H • • OW' 10 o.e t tit9-00" ' ~· •••• ' fl'9'llOll • ., .. .. '0 ..., S.1t greenbelt and scnoot " ' b•act es S2500 10 b n M 5 s s~"' t 1 .. ~ Call now Eroc Locke top cor·d iovet ~ pat•o • " ' n c avail ar I th, '"" mo app on Y CllllllCTER a CMllll Room K P $250 • Sf5 luiat11/ 0flict Ital ~ :~ :·... ~ ~ : ,. -O' •• ·=~~ t ., :o;·. 760-5000 or 640 -8397 S23001mo 760 t634 HARIOR REALTY $900 mo 675-9 115 549·0433 or 650-3673 Studio ocean view uttls dep E Costa Mesa 2719 'f lo .._ ...... I 'f A I\ 'f • f Of f\PoJ' \ 1) f ,.. .. . O\I I "f' \C>•<• Oceanside of PCH 5 rm 673· 4400 Cute unlurn• tBR 1BA LARGE sharp 1 bedroom mcl Only $350 Fee 4944 645-9066 • ~ .• • 1,1 duplex gar stove. patio new paint new drapes ITEL ER 11y Ill lllO * 3000, 1368. 545 & 453 ·' I • bungalow w newer II.itch E' BLUFF-Jbd 2''1be $725 • sec 992-2489 new floor Ille absolutely E,. • Rottll/ Mottll 2711 SQ Ft 1617 WESTCLtFF, f" •Y sa50 539-b 191 Agt tee _ >'1 8 $ 1400 mo immaculate dishwasher . Si.nny apt nr beach 1BA L•lllA • .. Nwpt Ben 541 -5032 Agt I .~ ii~~~. 2 11 0 Costa Mua 2124 722 1753 760 0551 EXTRA lg lBRwl lgslld enclosed lockable gar- turn Quiet older gent l " "" - 4 25 UM.DtAR HEl&NTS CMARMlR Barbara or Al\~ ong closets. 10 deck new age, peril like grounds $600 incl utll:s 494-2003 ' MOTOR II• 525 SQ It s t mo ,_MU Large i bdrm house with • 3Br 2•,sa. E side Twnhs bldg $800/mo 549- 1343 $580 available 3115 _ Wkly rentals Low rates Balboa Penln Pvt entry & ...... fireplace 2 car garage 2 trplcs SJ>a dbl garage E18Qclnt 2Bdrm pool sp11 On Narcissus 2BR 2BA 2 No Pets 548.6279 Luxury ocean view on S 135 4 Up/Wkly Color I bath Clean 760-9792 hardwood floor and S 1250 No Pets 722-8011 Brand new• Avail now Bluff t Br 2Ba, lull TV maid service lree A - 11 DI Id..... 9 $ 15001mo Agt A nn car gar • pvt lndry with Lrg JSR 28A nr OCC t kllchen Completely furn c Hee heated ool & ppr.ox 700 SQ v ""' 1 3 ~~=~~n~t c=;~,n~~~~~r b: ;-1~;A :f.'E~!E, ~side Greer 759 9100 Bus . ~~~ ~ °~~:~o lease car q,;r $ 75~ mo Call inti dishes & linens Color s~ps 10 ocean PKttch's ;~~~s ~~o~:ntJe~~~n~~ 1 5 72 1 546 aun'AU } llW:llAJAMIE Asll1nQ $2 lq 00 & out 54Q 2700 ,20- l SJ Ros Oavt> i gt :?3 lJ TV~~ Stereo. lg pv1 deck 8vall 985 N Coast Hwy crptd Btnrm $395 + Ill. f ...... ,...... '* SrlARP We•ll~ •Oe 2Br EXCLUSIVE LISTI•& Small Stud•u J blks to MUST SHI 4 g £2 ~mR IS l~~aO~m o L.iguna Beach 494-5294 last No lse Nr 18th & ~------Traditio na l 1Ba Oup•e• Tile floors 3 2 · 2 car garage ~~~s u~I~ ;~tii":~5.:~~~ .?BR IBA upper ur 11 O;E AN l~O:S~ :LVIEW SEAUH IOTEL ~~~~~~~ ~}~~~a M esa ...... pts d•t>'> w d nkup Newly remodeled Yrly do;t1wr b<1lcony voev. Wk l~ rentals now ava11 4 He alt) 'arage StiOO sec Must only $1250 Fee 6759 Costa Mesa 2624 2201 Pac1t1c Lg '2 bd llba wllrplc & s 1 9 so & 2274 BAY FRONT BLDG EXEC • TELEREMT Ill 1110 TSL MGM T 642 1603 vd S9 40 mo incl utt l wk up ~t.>nd cred11 .,.. No pets • l•STA•T Ill quiet adultr. 497•5700 Nwpt Blvd. CM 646-7445 SUITES. S I 35 and up 7 629 642 4644 " 0 "' Exquisite 481 • Iott home tBR at $535/ mo 2BR 2Br tBa upstrs 57 t SEA I SUll LODIE ' HVH-524 2 500 Musi ~~ Eas1~1d e tBr Me. new Jae Decks Views Hrbr $S95'mo All butlt ins, Jo,rnn Ma>. 2 people No, Vacant studio apt tn No BAYSIDE FRONT SUITES to .;pprec Highly up lg vrd oeam ce11s Rdge gated Comm Avl lndry rm, nr bcti & shOps net!> $5.15 Agl 550- 1015 Lag efficiency kit. brick ' 3026 W Pacific Coast Hwy 2153 si ft 4th floor vu ~•Pt 4 2 graded Jbr 2oa Carmel $57'i 1nc1 ut1ls 548·9929 June 1 $3000 760-6077 735· 741 W t8th St patio carport Beach Newport Beach Relrlg TV 3333 w 'coast Hwy NB TSL M GMT 642 160J Nt9' • ''"0" (•rtly $460 dep •ntl NO PETS 545-4855 3 14·2 t t617t 658-8134 2855 E Cst Hwy 675-6900 Lm:.M~.-1 ~-~-T_._..,_:_.. Br zo ~ 6.St 'OJ• LUXURY COltDO'S Villa Rentd•s 67', 4q 12 I Br upsus w garage ~Pl-. " ! 111 u111 2 n 927-677'2 2BDRM & 2BA $700/mo eves or w11tf.' Bo ~ 43 CdM dlx Suites A/ C SEA VIEW LO¥vt>st Nar. Brand new Jbr 2 iba t P '"Q d No pets $4 95 mo rARK SETTIM& W' VIEW Re lrog dshwsnr slovt Boston MA 02117 ::imple pkg. utlls & 1anll0f tvc~et Meid 1>1 rm markP! Inc yO dbl gar pet ok pk NEW P 0 R 'T CREST 352 Victoria 645-8lf,1 .?Eldrm :>Ba vaulted ce11 incl No Pets 545·4855 2855 E' CSI Hwy 675-6900 DIPLOYIUJIT ' ~"9l"OllTATJOJll I J t•l.1 rennos nooi coior$1095 642-9666 CONDO 3 BR 2 11Ja AvaO A.pril lst Renlih to Slaue l ES S C S G " Ocean v•ew Poot 1enn1s • f.l!> prvt pa1101balcony / & 3 Bdrm unlurn yrly 2724 0 K P 150/mo ar- 4'H-HH• 1.__n_U•·•f•H••_ _.1 gu<1rl1ed Qate S3191< in· MESA VERDE Attr 4BR s 1500 per mo 2Bd I Ba c pts arpi. gc1r 1.ic 0111ns N o pets summer winter Canner) den olc. IQ patio wt bay clud t·~ '9 ro1 assumaole tJ,..51 1ot appr 2000 SQlt Adrian Re Avl now • PnOL PATIO. FIREPLACE • VERSAILLES IBR• "m400 ocn vu4 97p rv64 61 c ' Real E111te For Sile Gener i i 1002 MUST SEE! rucely O il•ge MV E •f>CutiVf• 4 BR 3Dcl D0WN$f AIRS Ocean ?Bdrno s•o< rt1;p et~s480 mo ' entao; ol S800 ulll call before 955-2522 Susan * * .Jl ~" • •• ,1 c ~ " ' ,9 nq dir ng ., ,, l'e" f..1M1l, r"• rPOwood spa View JBR 2Dil lrplc JBorm • Call JBR JBA WATERFRONT 3pm 968 8767 avail .,.01.JR VERY BE5 frJ'~' s~ r r,. ·~ 568 548 1377 UFI' N T J• .. ,, .,, • S•lt' rr1.lSlt:'• $1'100 mo 54f Q950 S 200 mo p Frplo noat :.lip .tvl 3 05 IEWHllT IEACM BL S QPPORl JJr P ~It• t·4 r J 'r'" .,. bcllh 506 E OtPdr F•ont JOI No pets 5 t;HARP 2 bd gels range walk 10 Lido Village Full Service Building 0 M V E•ecutove hm 4BR Boin un•urr Rpnt •mlol 28R cpts drps adlts prpt cl•'>hwd!!her c arpet II $ 1800 mo v,.Jrly Avail now HB Condo. sp.:tcoous Eno unit .,., II Corou de l Mar 1022 4 5 8 Corner of WestcllH & Irvine nuQP p•v! ent,..r cnvrt ru11• MILLS jt\tf tamoly rm •!ldwOOd Juroe 30 Call Ot'n15e No pels S650 dPP r1r<11Jfl patto. garg no 67 ! 2'47 or &7'> 0149 p y I BI n II VI EW SUITE Bf A JT 'l l-NtT OuP... C:I' Ll• "" sc ..1 '=ld•drif'r 111c.lc1 s 6 amen1t1es 152 068 1 (3rJ ~ , -ompf»1P ,.,, •t1 650 5 ' ,,s Old 1lnt rPr't ,, ;:'' r. A trrnut•ful GOLDfN $•400 ~ 4 699'11J 851118495pno 650-5143or6459465 pe t ~ imo 4 -5577 Ot.nvu2Br •Ba dw w/d Ul-1101 d•ouno Paho l ••e "l'"' BIC CANYON Condo FIN ­ C '>00 t I ~ I ~dr t ~<, 1 .'vF: sT ogM nterior Pract•C.illf~ Jfl !ht> JCPan •rACIFICATWMMMS SH ARP 2Br. l'>ba W 'D qar $1 050 Bach apt sml\r 10 Shr 3/bdr poof, 0 C Atrport area, Atrium rr•tt-r1or Mo~e '" 1r.,5r 10115 r 1 • , ir''"'·tlr11r.~ c:.: 'O ')' "'" 0 •60 r• • bor~ P, IS'"i CONDOS w 2br ,. Qd• 1pper $700 ~ Npt Hgts spac. nt. IBR hkup patio gar no pets w appls $411 5 ·22 7810 SPcl $475 759 9 IJ5 C1 ofc. 225-530 sq rt Oflt>red D~ ,, ,er, rea1t~l1C •' ,. • f hPn Gar "' o"nr • •dS pet Other~ avail $b:>O 546-9950 .... a• n ... st o~·portun Bfleut vo 1 ot ~ur l ocntrnt <> .in• tOUS ow~er ~I truly < ~.. ""'' cornPr lot "' Ll r1ew t1Pt.ur Av 5 iCI t 91 A, I.Jiil area garde•• aµt Deo Janitorial. uUls, lots o f •, 'h' '30 ~ f 1 ranc,nc t. ,,, 1 COM-Fe n-smkr mature nr.v. (Ir <>t,.i $950 rno geru CC'•!>t lnCJry lac DOOi t ~ u"'s Ytl 4 PEii di $42<; • FREE CABLE TV ~g 1Br OUtET patio POOi spa Fem 25-40 shr 2Br 2Ba storage S 1150/ m o fl't' \ trp1c SJ75 mo Hunt · .a "'" Si' 1 ~ ·~NN '.'• Ei-lAI :?0 •40 ,. ;irge 5'.l'< 6•Q1 Agent lBr G•(lr Aptc, Pool NO PflS 549-2447 En1oy lllP Lu ~ury ot tne Fasn1on Island 640-0755 1ngton Sch 964 50 42 AqP ' ti ;2t 500 R"nt RENT ALS AVAi ABLE $' 15 $6'..5 '10 l/Y 18th T "'nhSe 5lyle 2Br 1 1Ba beautiful '1urround1ngs of Huti ncs I Co . $2. ') ,. A"f. « < Rut" NCI"' $1000 $40f10 )Br a mo Move 1Jat10 !'nc I gar a c $650 Fem n ismkr prof shr 3Br OFFICE W/ llY VllW ; ,.. Ptr F4f JJ!l 20 5825 115 ClHOlf UST 64 I ''>bl ;.t, ~ ,,,.E ONE BLOCK Pres11g1ous New p ort '"'l:Jv'-Or Heil n fi42 1 t83 ,1 ) 14 _1 Mt>IOCl'I' ant> No l·t'I<. Call Ca r ot In a spacious 2Br 28a CM Condo trplc pool 1 1 4 74 Beacn locallon on Coast TO OCEUI ti ...,. 1BR ~Bii Pd'" ,,., 1 FAVlfN JBR 2 18A • ll'Jl'IS (I'd( C.rt'Pl~ UIE'St.BJIU gar wiopnr Guard se­ t,om '"' 1.. rea 1 voew Pool Ju or 6 -2270 Shr w fem NB 2br 2ba I at a reasonable rate R l l • 11At ()<; F-:,r ..r ~ rr t• r 1 n<;ld Mesa 1>45 t>45& cured gales Micro W/ d I "r n 1' s I' c u r 11 1 IBR ?BA twtisfl •Hyle dplx 2 car gar $425 • uls I Al tn'.2iaS Great ' r. " t VILLA MADERA 645-7100 ~r TOWlfHOMES 1 4 hkups c au 644-0509 Jody 722 04841646-5646 l u •u•v & Gust om Ho,,.,,.s Lots Ior Sile 1400 S. iri mo <' 3 JO 36/Q curpori .rpt drps $755 21:?4 Etoen. Apt 1 Aqenr 854 2460 Condos For Rent 'ir>AC1Q11s 3br bit W ~ l.lyS q55 2602 b42 5 155 LIDO DELUXE 2BR OR Fem wants mat tern 10 shr Crp1 vaultPd iUI """I.I' ?BH 2B A remodeled lrplc broc~ patio 1g mobile l\m nr SC Plaza • .-l~,,. .. ' ~ 1(.r~ •I• an•-i O' 1d' no .. SL I N(' ~Pt~ 56 I'> mt lBR 28A lrplc II tChPn lrg play yard St 250 lse 640-7006 S250 mo 55 7 6269 Sit ull• CrtP 1EiO•f" ~ '· 0 Pr gar an bltns 11 COIOO llRGAUf '''•fl '""• G h llelr~n "'"'lc..ome Drps s «.: .-J • S2•4 r;o • 0 NEAR LIDO MARINA 18R ,,.,,.,.. J• 1ta1e ·Ba•~ "'' IJ ' •• "' "t •ng entf'r tri ' lSt>wr Pnc1 gar I' needs rmmte lmmed " l A'> • ' • r tJf.I ., F Ao .. • 1,,15 r14 810 Cer ler 11• f r •C Ll tols pd 2 batn D Wash "'ace prv bdr Da Smt. ·Ok J' G 0 un9•• S' 1q5 o;,qa.'>868 OC Pd' J1P"" TSLM&MT 642- 1103 S • ~~ " t PIS S225 mo 645 7357 (lf'<;0•3tf'rj to•':.> ..;tt• n , ,,.., t 14f'wpott Peninsuta 2Br Out of Sti le 1Uo,;r 'I,• ICI! 11\ql 1,... $f.'~ .Br .Bd tillu'> F snar.. quiet 011ck bav ""' ~ r 'r WE OFFER l CHOICE 1 1B.1 Ster.is to oeai:n .:t" " REDUCED 'RICE I I ro(lr r r t•el > Jtl IUt; condo pool tennis 10c • Ir l~ ,, ,. ,~ Property 1550 1 t. 1r 1 1 se1ec11, 1 Of Qlt>at tld'.j\lt' r•ty S 1000 mo ' Br 'ba PdC.1" 'fl' S TO BF A1,. 11 1E1• t I JltPr ')pm 54G 2750 $3'>0 1mm occ 645-5123 r )EUR Cl A Aro.. [•AHO hv1roq? WP taro oller any • t t + r 1r CJ ~ '~ H S264 %0 1 .8<1 1550s t N111p1~ Villa Rt>nlitlS 6 75. 49 12 Pt- Ju ~·..1 • '$, ..: • ,,, or B. owner S• c 2 od • c,,, ONDOS thong fr ,m a small apt to I' to shr )br nse 1n H B 2 - c Pd•"1s1 pc, 49 > J)b 1 • C111ari f s•OP 2Br E'r rJ r t WOODlllfE YILLHE • a 4 bdrrn rinuse II look SPACIOUS 1BORM 2BA blks from beach s 2661mo 1Sm all private office within •l' • t 'J 1')41 ''I • 'lo tluol' "'" N ill ~"" l')r (114 ) 6 73-4400 e•r r1angt> '>At.dr Jtt'ly or [• W Clbl nv(•n tg i 11 ,u upp<1r Urnt Opl> tBr 2Ba 2Ar t ·Ba t>ltins $625 , 111g In L M NB or HB view Next to bch Gar ­ u1tl Cath o 960 867 1 a sutto Aprx ex 10 prime hptc gar pl)OI <...tti n TV g.ir OtAan v, blk to ticto $600 No p.,ts 540 4484 tr1111 k ut u<, l1r51 tor tnat age Yrly $ 1250 Avatl CdM hwy new decor Cost1 Meu 1024 ,j11109ettiP• •o• OC Prop S2251 mo 674- 4664 Pr'y ., l1J• ...,... , '""tad at avl S725 m., 545-Mi!J>' b 1ono ut•ls 67'J 8J.1G llMll MAR l'1S t hu11 e 01 •dAal living 11o w Villa Rentals LH LAIUH YU MOIE 000 6 75 49 12 or 754-1792 S121 1 SJ: ,...... p. ~ It tlP TAKf AL001' FJ•l8t8l359 4539 tB• & 2Br lroq ra nge fSL Mf,M I 642-t603 Beaut decor m1 /bch trpl Office • Waterfron1 Suite A •'" t 1• 1~ ,., pro~e UMd Pr 54 II' f c, 11 Sf'tJ1rtPly or SPACIOUS "T tennis str male 1st/last Newpo rt Beach 850 sq ~ J "'t ' ., r!' e: OC8t1(1r1 Pt $535 11.ir w•)r • ,..,1 Volta Balboa 28• 2B a ram lrturodry pr101 carport No Si40• f I /Ill s . (... ,.ill $395 ur avf now 497 · 1304 ft Most dynamlt View In J81" .i:;.i. 1pnced yarCJ I 8~1{ 2t. "' bit r • IS I, rm s 1100 v Ill) Re111a1.. PPI') S551. & $650 mo I mole 10 beach 642 2357 ~11· 11 •'+0 -;;, 1 ' M 35- 45 48R 2BA hse Newport Pvt entry Av! '°'i""0 r r Mus• '>e 1• .. rs u••<14 P92 q 1 W 191~ St 548-0492 E»•! rq!)II <,pt blCJQ 8 S·lt'l J8 1 Ham1ltc1r 646 9794 Pool Spa Ne. pets Versailles bachelor with struction worker shr 2Br 2771 Beo;! R If le" 214 CARNA TI ON $• ri v01i ui 1·dmor ICJI•" NANTEO Hun t. Beach 2140 W ii~ 10 l>Ch $ 1050'mei 1 fiJO 293'l EI 64~. 6636 $600 mo 644 7211 agt Aft 6 30pm 661-2985 Xlnt MESA VERDE 10fTH-· f ""'..,1µ• t'.,.t F't.N HQIJC,E 1>r,m.- r I (' ,1p1s1rano MleSIJiBJIU I1ocat1on 545-4123 ., l. 4 Owrier 3BR fam rrn q 121 Anr.. ~ Dr Dana Point 2626 fir (1cAan ti• r1 ·, B ...... r h o.ir .1 Point arPa V1ll,1 Balboa PntnSP IBR · WEST CL IFF llbd condo Mature clean non smkr to -- 1 Oµf'n HousP S. tt 11 · 4 GrJv.,.s H in ._. • ...i "• 1 1 ' t•I ~I !j')4 ':;l')6 714 140 '1780 dPn 1 •bd t.ib t>Jy II aero 2Br !Ba be'il area View i 1000 i' t I 542 b7'>4 lfEW l"RTMUTS unturn aelults no-pets, shr rurn C M 2br Iba 1,000 SO. n,RnAIL P#i~if 1(1 SPP '" r 1-t fj j " 11ew $ 1100 75"1 1 12 1 f ":.tlunng oeaufllul 1ano patio g11r lndry $725 $675/mo 673 6640 house wi gar/ yd $360 FREE ~TANDING SJ':<. ~IJ BUILDERS A.,. TRACTIVE 'Jl>r ') hdth scapp BBOs. pool'!Pll 498 4008 or 240· 7JO 1 .IC. Rentals mo • 1ut11 646-2454 Lrg Show Room & OHlces .. . r l t,ir rPady 10 ------· t>ul""'IP w 1rp1 ;eq gilrClP• WESTCLIFF ·:J bd 21b0 Ptttoo deci.s Garages or UNFURN Upsrrs Br Ba Ml Corner of WeatcltH & Irvine 2 2 \< ...... 'S r c Hoos es / Condos "r,1~s' bf'.~tn $97'> m g ~ard new car~ RV Cdr,. •Is "leat p aid Den trplc lg balcony dbl ------· M ESA VERDE- Master Sign spaceavlonWastctlff associated :!""',.. """!>" .. 1 5 bd• ~"' petlo ent & be a•OKE•S- •IEALTO•S 1213J 5q15 80• 1 dCC.l>St> " " ~ l 00 S<•try no pel~ nar No ""IS $775 mo 64& 3100 or '''2 1%3 B (.t $5 15 " "" Roome 2706 n-smkr, S3751mo He 1•1·1101 111\ W l••h• • 71-J.. I 2102 5 og•"' parPnl ll11t $ 0-$ )342 I Cheftam Way Apt S4 ~S l~d 59 610 Fem lge rrn wl Batn dep 549 3612 lllB JflR 2BA u1 per , n•t >CA.in c1osP aoor:le 1.i111n!!. Apartments "n D Op11n Wknds or By b oo llYFHIT llnllL v•ded mo,.. ,., _._...... ______:?Borrn 28" $ 795 Appl Call 140-1891 or K1lcllf!ln A L•vtng rm M F 20-25 90•1. n-1mkr I• ~·~ to tJ t ~rnc11 "lC"nl'l w •ow Prime Newport Beach lo· , ,.,, s. ''0 (flt • r p,p # Avdol j t Sm ttJr apt for t ~GilµPd grounds pool IHCM LIVI•& h~e w ktttheneue bth. bch $350 utlls 963-54 t6 $990,000 1 3300SQ Ft f • rtJI<; ntpS l< Hl'• * *RENTALS* * •l•"'"' ildull no pets $6' ~ '>I'd p,JllM~hn g new C a~ Cod c..uty & Quiet No pets ,; •r,.. f A I U<; "4E'(,AH01Nf1 M IF 2BR specious E/ slde Ready To Mova In 1r1c.1ut11 675 297~ IBd•m $61 5 vAI designs • Tennis & ... Leisure World ovt rm/ be tn Own9f Motivated I • : r nrn;il r Bilvtro ... t ''"' ~ 781-1500 I' ·s 55 t call Sarti alt or Of'lu~" 2 t •Cl 1 ba upper Aac.auetball Courts • O tu A apl for met active M/ F JO s l o shr sm COM Excellent financing lor ,,,.. ~ • Jt'J V·• w Jt'om ~ v .. ,, 11 "" 6pm 494 2J4'l w 9ara9e Sf,'" mo 446 t ean v1ew5 sllll available lady $350 77 • _. hse clean prof person Quellfled buyers 6U·9060 1 ,,f ,, Jnl Jtn • C.rE & Cf,/ • 0 6 56 1.:1 • 2 gar• l rr•r P""' Ham11t.:ir A~~ 675 9797 • 1mmi>d1ate Occupancy $350/ mo • ·~ utll evalt S115per SQ Ft t •v t7' 55t t cal' • 2Barms from $940 New Condo with soa. leun- 3- 12, days 662-3360 (Jr ly $925 F• 'f' B1lhoa Peninaola (71 41759· 1629 II ir t tQI or ;ift 6pm E951~•d"' 1Br Adults No • tBdrms from $695 dry lrptc & garage Lisa Ieve 675 t259 Irvine 1044 1•4 ?J·I/ TELfRUT 116-HIO 2607 IJAIS Poot lndry $4•5 • Bachelors from $595 722 1695 M sg N/ smkr shr 2Br Irvine LIVE llf MW'1 ICM OC.EANFRONT 2Br frptt mo l • msg 646-333 ~ HISTORIC • JI-I N Ct.Aery 28 r trplr OPFN DAILY 9AM· 6PM 2~Lodge FOR UIOER S1 80,000 •MUST SEE* White water VIAW $I 100 PROr M/ F 10 snr CM hm. Condo $350 • utils Own Bldg w/comm ren1al1. lo r .11.0 ~ 100 mo Now "' E11'1s1dA delu•e 2BA 1BA 111·2413 • 1c. P>1Prytruno (,l ""' ,, r 1 J • 9er· ,kyltght ~ 0001 yrly Conni~ 675·840 4 own balbd , S375/ mo l Bath & carport 651-9J26 1n1 roan avatl for " Rehab'" 1 1103 Par~ 1 1eve1 huge yard. cedar }nly $895 ""'" MHTlllTOI I a11a1I J. 15, call 63 1- 1862 Nwpt Isle Seek prof fem n­ r rl•~ ,· •t: "' r ' • q 1117 nr 673 647(4 df'tl< l rplc walk 1n Try $<1 75K Bkr 953· 1220 I" CC1r ti .,. ,,. C; t JI I • •o TELHUT IU·IHO C1pi1truo Buch closet d~hw r trig w/d HUIHS Newrrt leaela 2669 j smkr shr delux 3Bd hm tJt1m ~ 1• 2611 1ni.;l1Jd ACJ Gar agf!I BEACH BL AT PCH nr bch wt nme $525/mo PHITllltll ltOATI.. l•lbH • ORANGETRff tBr Rltall/OHloe apace, 1681 c;,,, ~·. 2BR 2ba Upst111s Dplx 5850 mo Ai;k for Jea• 646-0793 645 3700 Peninaal1 2107 Condo p 11 1•) or $l•f'Am '* o $2 00 sq t1 On c0 U Prof clean n/smkr shr lg ol MacAr1hur & Coast *STEPS TO IEACM * Sf.7< N pPt 6' J 500J S ' UO mri 66 t J653 911 ·6 Duplex Nwpt Shrs Blk 10 MA1<1 t> BER<.. • •: ;' •rplc gar bltonir, frptc bllln\ $700 Highway • Prime spot In L NO/I T.AGL• AlllET • 28R 2ba Upst11rs Opt• Art ' )0 960 461 4 DESERVE bc h $440 • ullts 8 tOpm Landmarl\ IOcaUon 24 11 r r r S. I 100 Ftt> Lapna Buell 2141 Cp1s d rps Full g a r 641 5 7971 or Iv msg E Coast Htghw1y. Sulle JBr <' fla nu• , , Nrirlh TH!-. BEST ! 759-9100 TUEREllT ll&·HIO S700 mo 661 1653 eft 6 SHWllD YILU8E Prof MI F Bayfrnt hse, pvt "200 COforta Del M er L JQU"a Now crpt E 'Id!' 2br 1 1ba dlvv (7 14)675--4900 ------•" ~ nd '> rm yrly nc I\ * "' NB Comm ASAP $400· ' .f •IX ,f f 1 WIN'· .- OMPANV tnru out $14'10 mn 1<,f! Corona del Mu 2622 • I 1!111'\\ C1• n1 1•r \ 1•1.1 !rptc dl'>I gar SIHS 1111c.1 oara9e newly decor WMYIOT? $500 • '' uts 646· 7127 '•• A1 •- '-• No Pfl tl 61A 264 'i265 Ev l.- 1rnt'> Sw1111111 111 q la•••tri11 2711 (i< "·" m•\I C. tlll 539 61 602 Iris 760 65t5 388 w Bav 722•0612 * or S4800mo Bkr 953- 1220 C all M r~ S tutmerlir 11 • Spatloua townhouses 'I • Mort1 l1 10 Month 1ac $325/ mo Ill IHI & •RARE Fiii* 4 72 0650 or 840 I. I 1I LG I Bf OROOM n11w E ~odP sharp 28r 1'>D tl • fireplaces sec 722·74<11 Avl now 1440 sq It nr OC Airport 2 l oar1oe ~kyliqhl~ paint \ crpt\ available PR!IO no Pflt, $700 call M t1 tll'I\ •>1·••1111.11ly 'I b Smell ofc w/warehooM • Private bolcon1es or AMMTE shr 3 BA Condo lrpfr p 1110 B1,,11d rltlw tfewrrt l11c~ 2169 11nw S6501mn 646·0645 C.• 6 q9t.O t.11r rt11n pAllO' 1 Sort 1 r•u 11PI\ $ 792/ mo 832--4 190 i~ in~ r,..,. r 4:?• pool 1ac C M $400/mo S1 400 mo 1BR 2BA ram • '11111 722-7642 lactat Pu1u~r TELERUT 115-lllO rrr w ''"'' dbl gar c a11 Cotti Mt11 2624 Coata Mt11 2624 WMY IOT1 NP...,por1 [fr,1 t N o I Rmmt 10 shr 3br 2ba Dvplx 27IO ~ fiµ I .A ' \~ (Cl"' PC'OI Attoson b J 1 12 f • J LtQhted 1enn11 court a KllO Irv·•'!' llt1•1 111• ;.======..::======::!•* 2 Sw1mm1ng pools 81Uboa Penn n ear COMMERCIAC:C b u '••• '·~ 'lu DA '~~ S?'OO \ia I t f\thl Wedge $380 873 9359 n f\• r wrol;40 4 •52 Income, S21K NNN let U1 H11, Y•• 64S 1104 Shr FntblvH 4Br Condo 840-700/ Agent • 8[ A J T llJl\I n11gh t Plllf\ 6 wo::~~~::~~~AGI : ~~~~~~:!£~~ N1 w1ir1tl fir.tr t Su w12 fem Frplt, POOi SPARKl.ING 8 Unit EHi· r.1111 lnr Hf'atlng & C..ook 111q tr l tJ<1 J11sm ,.. ··- S40• dep 640 · 5~ 19 bluH 721< groq Alktng c,,,... ~ tte 9.111> comm 1BR19ACondoSpar10111 '· '1,••I• ,, 1 ~ , ,, .. • ,,. 1,,,, 1t, • •r i Pa1cl I /011 111111 " ' "'''' Sell Vo•r Pro,ertyl 1 11 $695,000 Bkr 953. 1'20 itmn•s A por,1 S 1900 mo room~ Otl!lln .,.1aw J ·• - ·•' , 11, 1 • 1 111 1 .ti fl11v1•1 I S900'mo 6 11 204 17 ' "' ~ • • • *"' ' ''''' '"" • n1•• ~mv NOT CALL Gu11t1 fer lut l 'r;iir fl r, 441 8907 'II fl I I IA I ., ...... IU-1111 642 5113 C111 Ct111lfl14, Cn111rm r•u 150 rn:n ..ru htll l/u ol ocn & C1111lin11 trom '°Oll • SPU • LAllHllr 100•1 2740 la1iat11 I Fla111i1I •Cl,. •Rr. nton rim rm 1BR df'n 7BR OW wtrt "'10• 11""3"'o· --o;y w- a1·1 '"'1rn;a- ...0t• b.;, "'P' •" ,,..., Sf'Cludel:l o•r $ t4()(1 T'n 78 tO I HC•UH llOO·UH SEAWlll VILU8E w 1<1 ~ d1111a S 100/ mo 1 ..iatH 642-5678 t 5555 Hunll"910n V1t1 1ge ,.. ,.,,. •• ~hl1nrt~ •nt111• SBA rntn ~ city lights vu l llNMI llH· H 11 846·9501 or 84& 4 152 ~ • l onfl rr om S•n D•flg<. In~ · r , 1•to11n1 Otlt g11r ~ PhftM Ill Herr.or Vu tirT\S , UHMll 1111 n II $ 75 Deep tlnQMI gira\)e _ ~ltHltiH 2t04 for information f'reewly non . M , .. 135 obO ..g..oaJ . leto~:.,. no enthUll.. tlc . wellSeelc Of:• ~~·r'.!~dp7~~r~..'!.c,'""'V -...... , • ELECTIOllCS rA-~~!..--_ ..... , _ ...Ing loc.i need• en upetlenoed a.I I peopte&eniortetlllllf9J· ~•Ible for ~a1 1.,,...... ,..-----=-~- 1w11dedC all UMtl on ganiied '*"°"· Cell - ~ Aggrwtve, Mtt motivated tit S.... MeTA0 CA.- WASH mlilnt " ~, NM eu.to.n toP quel.. tt• term• or cHl'I within 10 o,...chen ...a. .SCM OEN OFFICE-PIT nee nr. TWPU N11-<11ac:1p11ned lndMd· ~t. CelMlketaMca. lr'Tt'D 2t60~AIOA9L. CM CALl.'31~1'• ~IN&dln1=-:S"'°t days ot ~tance 12558· V8'1ed dutlel. lfte typing, Eicperlenced Pri nter uat1 rnay Mfn excellent AEALOHOMICI CORP IV IU\. JANfTOR·C*t u- S.... •~,._It-Ion ...~l. new lecf'lfiee. 1 · Call 1·800· « 2·5285 • Em,~!!.~~~'" S3 . 50:i=-~57~Y200 =~~,:~~~= ::).(Ml~:• .c:'cj (] 1•)e7M700 SCUN\I l Openxp Jeni~.., . F~pr efCMwon. DIN T9ble wl• cMln. oof· NewpOl't 8eac1'1 Yec:llt as>'"" ___,, • " fflm. PteeM cell Tony ldvancement ....,....,.uni- ...... ea.a - nuuL W:e I muat, 556-4tl0 3000 Felfvtft CM ... I 2 end ~ CMlt 1 10 Brokertge. '""· ll1t1no1 ..., . m.. -..•t• open. Typllt, cat1loglng. etc "' s·.__ ... , -::::.:.... 1 .. -· - lnDO I S200 for Ill ... turnlshlngs, reai Wellet; ' ~ · S11ary negotiable, 11-20 nre Wlcly, $8/hr. lllPllTll '' _ ..~...., or-,....· • ,..etton-"Oer'1oYSaellna. 1UU.J ~TIMI S tCIPP!A/ A!CIEiVER, ru:;;~=;-:· :i;;;;;:;;tiiW:d"'~ t1bltlhed Pat. 973· 7272 , S·~ on e!C'*lence. Betty 9'-11am. M2·2053 2 yeera ex~lenot with a Ing e•perlence a rnuat CNlr !*It, ta~ ototti. l Merdt 2 1·30 AM Cell Mec:Gregor Yecttt1, Hl31 KING bed w t~d . .. ng well Ofganlnd PART· TIME n-"'-l1t. mlcrotQOpe on mlero- .. curtei n1 al Oran.De rtDM Lake Mlialon vi.jo It Pllncentla. CM Ollk Wrlft ._.,... oriented person. ..._• • ,., ...._ J:fn~areeuT..~~,1! ... , County Swap Meet. Set l.Mn 77.. 131310t ...... Into I0'4Me1.0--colMt . ~. tbl. IO- l.'"-•• t •••tal HOI Huntington a..cn .,.. wm train on WOfd pro- -1roolct PIMM call llAlll 11111' &/or Sun 811-701-118& .,. _.,. • T~' a.It Stll°'*Y mltror . ~ , -....-c vp,.rt1 Call Gretchen 9 a. 5 cessor 1rv1ne 752-09&2 Doreen Plankinton MIU PIU'T UL.II PlllT1ll Am LIT Al VIII Kite. Pll, FIT, .tll train 646-1251 tJ 4 125 MOf(Y Um 125 ~ e i11111u P&ITlll 9:30 arn to 5 pm PIT Recept./Typllt, wlll llUITll 330 w Bay St. WANT!O ... good people Two f\.111 time lot . attend· ~ .. '°' Katie Kin; SI bed - new. pet Needed Good oppcrtunl· ...,cal /Dtatal SlOS train on word proceuor. 1111110• Cott• M.... CA. 92927 • wttll good VolcM 10 Mm PRIZES anti needed Eicoellent l'AAFFIC COUNTERS seoo . ..., ta7&. ...tan . ty Must be lootclng to _ IN lne. 752-0682 httl ... Ill-IHI up to S 1000 '* w.- pey plan, btnefltt. uni- lmmed openlng1. own din. .-t $300. MatcHno make a ~lul bull· IAll... QIT , MtUy call Chflt TRPS forme proYlded At>oY tn trans, per1ect tor YoU"Q tMNee 115. 720-1113 • neu Mechelle 975-8890 PIT Thufl.· Fri. MCh wtc. MECHANICS HELPER- I 1111 1 800 233-0491 P4lflOll 11 South COUnty r~lred c:ouplel, variable ------Cllar1e< Yacht lootilng for E.icp pref'd. OB/GYN. RMI !tt•t• Offtce Gu trucil1, own 10011. WUT Yll'IJ WllTI · hlh..... "9 VW & l8UN. See Bob tire, Excellent 50% partner Profitable Newport 8Mctl . ...5-7870 IUIPJllDllT MacGregor Yachts, 1631 At the Lo. Angeles Tlmee SMALL BOATS-Salo 111.f PILIT O'Brlen or Jadl Mee. Su~tal lnCOme74 ntabllsl'led busln9U Ex· --/ At "II If you Niv. a neet appeet· Plaoentla, CM. Telemarketlnll Oto In Pereon Exp nHded...... , . MAKE..UP ARTIST w/llC M S.0• cellenl tu advantages ...wirsR ~ ance, good pl'lone ~ SIGN PAINTER. Exp'd, Coeta M... . With our Catalina/Capri FOf7 Inter· " IOOlcl f needed f« bu9Y COM miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Call Batry e15-e. Busy Med Lab needa and typlngeldlls, weneed Watercolor/Window up, new commluton ~le view call e50-4.u .=,:~ ~ Ofor'~'! Mlon. FIT e7S-SM1 Woril from 3:ro-..30pm. 84 energetlc pertonfor drlv- youl EnJoycongenlalworic· • ~ . Hrvlce minded, you can earn more than Cl-L..../ ltt 10 go plaoM IKle Magic Mon -Fri ln afrlendlyr•I WAAPU•UUTI ••rtLIJH, T.D. 2911 Ing/ clerical dutle. FIT Ing atmosphere & office 631-2499 1200 In comrnlMlon & ... taaruh Mountain, Knott• B«ry ta.ed ••mol9h«• help. 111 .... WibOW fiu money for KnowledQe of OC area location In Lido VIiiage wagH by selling 20 H21 F.,m, Of w1n Prlzee and IAI... Ing ue bvlld clrGU1atlon l0n one of• ll~ dtlc:On- r D'• S l O,OOOt up no Good cfrlvln~ record. Call (71 4) 873-7300. subecrlptlons aw.- It's Awards Call ua nowl we Offloa IUPPfY, exp t« r-.w lor IN O.ity Piiot tlnued IOOWOf1ee up- credltV' / no penalty Call 840-0 40 Ask tor Pttytll1. Thank• nnsrma1 poujble to earn m0<• nave Mvtfal openlngl In office aupply/ photo ~ 1 hOlltry ' ftoOr ....,_ Denison Asaoc973-73ll DENTAL PUTllPllT11T than $ 1,000/ waekty Cl ll torUI.. Appl Laguna C M . H B or F v . 1t0lt1h& Ortho Ass 't, exp only, I Hours ate nexlble. High Niguel (714)682·9718 M 2-4333 .,... Ml to 11500 mo + 1t A pleaaant IC>Mklng "* · ()..3 30 11 Aa1taactant1 R o A. • exoet benefits. full HllPTllllST Immediate opening for School Grapenlng. , Prov din rm. aacr. S1350' . Newpor1 Beach 759-7044 Rella~l• 1*10n with car to heavy phone& cllent con· 330 w. Bay Street lttr I FIMr PtnHll ~~r! ~~a~:. Ktm E.O.E. MI F 752--0481 M· F •--•- W ... All xlnt. P.P 543'"'705 FREESpeech & Language wor appro•. 4 hours tact Front ofc appear· Costa Meu. Ca. 92927 llllPlllllT Stud• t 0le o I .....,.nt U OOeen .mi bed. mettlt>oll evaluation by Certified da'lly Outle1 to Include ance. must type, call 142-U21 UUS llPS soon nT:,. RO.r1~·~:. Ct4URCH SEXTON 1&11 tmJST 5535 eprlngt S75. Lamp9/tm Therapist. Sat . Mar 1, cleaning & sterilizing In· Marilyn Celley 95S-2000 Apply at 1970 Newport Clean & gen malnt, &-10 F I( Allan ,.._.,.A NURSE or companion In tablee S 10 ea. 631'"'43H/E 9- S 515 S Beach Blvd, strumeote, errands, etc. C FIU TI•I PAIT Tiii Blvd, CM M 5-S4, 8 Of hr/ wk. fie•. For wnl-f 1:-----=-----~ Unusual opportunity lor mission). benefits, and Boat ing e • perience 2 yrs mln exper. Non·tmkr a marketing 5 yra old $:)gs_ Din.- 20th Newport, CM Call I Viejo Good clerical skills lllSTAllAIT 675 9484 c on~uct une. FrM t9 t.. MU much higher than aver· advancement opportunl· req'd. (7 1•1'93..,.455 Now Hiring for day time pref NB shop. • • survey for • Ing rm tble & 6Ct\re1375 H I 0 I d e n I I f y Call Colleen 841-8770 831 15 local new· aoeeamlngs for lndepen· ty. Sales and/or advertls- pcsitlons. Apply between aft 8Pm • s. paper. NO SELLINOI Wht dr...- $35 Walnut Affectionate Cat nds TLC 631 -02191548 -8142 •IMllHPH PIT* dent·lype Contractor to Ing experience helpful MARKEilNG REP.·To ex· , 2pm-• pm Mon.·Thure SALES CLERK FULL & Only requirement 11 I dresMr $50 Twn bd $35. In IOvlng family home FOUND Carpenter's Le.... 1 eneral Skills 652--0404 grow with a company pand Signs and Graphics 503 E. Edgewater. PART TIME t08 22nd pleasanttelflphone voice 552-4479OfIS31- 1050 Call Deanna 722-8337 vcty Newport Beach based In Newport Beach. Send resume to Business. Dynamic re- Balboa Peninsula. St 675-8556 NPB Hours Moo-Fri 5·30-9:00 675·3070 . OUll TY but poised for national P Blevln1 sponslble, sell motivated, ------" ' · Sat 9am- 1pm $4/ hr • 11111.,.nt 1C..tr1l SS31 FOUND SHEL TIE vie Hot· C111tt•tr Stnlot II••· expansion Call Mr HAHi CIUT I able to develope market• THE BAYSIDE CAFE 11 ac· · fill mf pay S86 per WMtl to 11111 ' i=-=-=iiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiii~=~iiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;;;- 1day Ad & Tustin Ave C o PI e y I C o Ion y Garey Mon-Fri 10- 5 IAILY PILIT and direct others ceptlng appllcatlons tor Opportunltl.. available Share In partnership I I NB 548·2135 Cablevision of Costa 760-1908 I P Bow ,..,. I Joe, 631· 2499 counter help, day & eve with Los Angelee Times profits •h« 1st1 wtt. Im· MOTOR ROUTE •• a s kl • ~ I 0 ~ 1..vu st'tltts 1vat1 Apply at Ci 1 _ __., t f ..._ LOST 2124 Jade Bracelet d:k 1Th~s ~g ~ ~;;:: SECREiAR Y Perm. pos. I Costa Mesa, CA 92626 MERCHANDISING Greet· 600 E Bay Ave Balboa rculatlon Dept. n our ':M'a e openle "0C ' Of t ... vcty Fashion Island Re 1 11 avall Ans phones lit• Ing Carda tor mature located In the Fun Zone' door to door Newlpaper r..,, peop asual •l- wtrdl • IOb with tull co benefits. typ Non smkr · 1ndtv whO would enJoy Call 846-5591 Program Guaranteed tire. pleesant working Available 1n Irvine area. 551 1705 Duties include phone · • 839 • 1686 dealing directly w/ retall hourly wages and com- condlllons. m1nagemet'lt $300 to $600. No collect­ sales s<:nedultng tnstalla· ncanuY/ llOEn. AITIMT1Yl MUS stores. 1n the HB area up T v EITUS mission, hours 4-9pm. opportur1i11es. For Int«· LOST 6 mo old kitten. n 11ons , l lltng and For Christian Group Professional career orlen- to 15/ hrs per wk. • • training Is provided. view call Mary Grant at ing. 3-4 hours a day. Mon. eyes Of tail, Vte1or1a C genl clerical work If Homes. . ted person• wtlll ex· 636-9757. 6-8pm Commercl1I & Video Potential to earn S300 842-4333 t>wtn 9am-3pm Rewtrd 548-3 125 lnternted. please con· S6 hou8 30 10 .a5 00 pehn Merrll1 or Kevin r. __ ployment at Amerle&S a2 lUL. lSTATI •ng 20's Studenll ()l(ay 11n1erv1ew 71 4- 957· 2000 6pm M...f' & Sun. morning. Can hurst & lndlan1pollS Re- M ag u Ir e . • I ( 7 1 4 I Small Convention & Put>- Volkswagen & llUZU deal· Exp Lie Hostess. for New AOTllS wu•TEI •2481 Call today star1 1omorrow I ward 962-6020 549-4242 E O E I l•shtng Co 1n Costa Mesa erslltp Please call Jim Home Tract Pollslled All I l ~~~~~~~~· 642-4333, ask for Kirk. LOST Cna.rcoat gray Pllf· - seeking versallle person Statford tor an tnteMew I professlonel image • M/ F Resumes-Portfolio Ill lfO/,_SAi.iS I· saln Cat named Mu vcty UTA lmY j with llllng, adminietratlve I " (71') 8'2· 2000 I mutt 852-9411 18·25. OPENING SOON. PIT. $4 /hr to ltart. Flex- Petltton Circutators ORANGE COAST Hrbr vu Hiiis Pleue call Type 45 Touch 10-Key & comjX.ller experience. -- - I THE ROARING 20't Ible tioure. Call 957-3073 S6-S 12 per hr. CUh peld seen Of found Reward! Busy phones & loan tratn· Par t or Full- time 1•••• •••••••• ~· ••••••• •••... 1670 Newport Blvd .. C.M daffy. We train 761-9157 ...,,.. 11 . or 7 --09t t 1ng Plerce646-0545 NB. 71'1951 -2988 • 6'5· 5«. 8 or 752-8955 PIT PLATE RM PERSON, 720 2922 _ 59 _ • DELIVERY DRIVER : , __ ThereUll are StTUST1now openings Monday 1pm-approx LOST gold striped cat In· • • I •tSTISS H HST ror Stylists that are 8.30pm Tuesd• 11am· I 330 W. Bay St. dlanpolls/ Magnolla. HB • Daily Piiot motor rou1e • Apply at PUFFINS Res- Interested In Renting s1a- a.Wrox . 7pm J11 Crain Costa Mesa. CA Reward 963·6619 Q . N A . bl e : · taurant 3050 Coast Hwy !Ions in Newport Beach I apply Penny$.ver laeO CdM. Call LouleM0- 1573 Call Chuck 675-2046 or Placentla CM pen1ngs ow val 1a e 1· available in Huntington • 5 5 I LOScat,T Meea gray l&blk Orange striped. C maM • Harbor area. 1-2 hours • - 52--02' ·····~~-~··••••••i•••iii;;;iiiii Big reward 050-9354 CAR ROUTES 1=• per a fternoon . • LOST Himalayan Siamese, • mate, 1 yr. Named ut11an : Call 642-4333; Monday - • 673-5867 Earn Extra Cash Friday 10-5 P.M. Ask for : Per1taala 3002 For Del/very Of Thi• Paper Art. .. Ulll IUI l&LL :J•1m-=:;;;;;iiiiii:ii l ic~Drc••:•lv ew1ysl:=Ct:;•?.c~1t:::••~::-. patios. pa111s, INEW / REPAIR Quality No l.&U••I Llntut •• I A A A PAINTING Int/Ext etc No job too small 1ot>s 10 small. reasonable TIE • .-.. •--ir LOWEST nn-•ble pnce Coa.t 53 553 4 ~~f!:i~~;~~ii2~ HUNTINGTON BEACH 0 rDaanlglyePllot $2.40 per day Reas Miekey, s-o _ Free est llc'd 63t·23 5 Lawn- Tr':.sn"ru~~a u 10 Step~ 662-3235 - Ck'I• C li'tacial;p- - Tree Trim and Removat 1 DAN SALYER PAINTNG 1 4 TilUFAITASYHUI 330 W. Bav Drive &H "' • . Lawn Milin & Roto11111no L 25 2 11 Ill 20 FOUNTAIN VALLEY I •CHUO CAAE • FENCE air New & old Sp. Clean UPS • Tr ee Tn m m 1~P AabI N TIreNfG1nislled Int E.xt papering repairs DO YOU NEED TO t ALK? I collecting. no soliciting. •---1 Deltv Jim 636-8561 Yard Maine • Hauhng 5 1 1 f 979. 5....., • Leave your name & ICl Hai •I "'net MIKE 650-3263 yr oca res nr... number at 850-6079 Must h~e dependable car, DIRECTORY 1 AoetN·sclfiN 1Nd Bn•~.. QUALITY PAINTI NG ' SERVICE a throoughly 1 AMERICAN HANDYMAN TIEES Low winter rales Free est ESCORTS-IOIELS truck or station wagon and clean house 540--0857 Carpentry 181'1C1ng. wtn· Topped/removed Ctean- ' Call JoM 722·9707 641 -5827 751 3476 insurance CALL TODAY ll THE SILENT PARTNER ?u°;'5~1u":,~~ngA~arl~'! I up neo- laWflS - UNIQUE PAINT Scf°Mlt I ASI FOi LOIS Comm & Resid. 15yrs exp Jesus ts Lord 933. 1402 Tree/Trim/ Cleanup compl 10 vrs in the Harl>O! Area la1t11ctioa 3012 Your lown equip salts guar - - - l gardenmo Competitive Fr ee est 854-2732 Service Otreclory 646- 1833 belore 8 aher 4 FENCES.GATES Tr" lrlm pnces Ctlucll 642·2873 p . • APPLE 11 · 111 Private CALL 842- 1444 Re r I Dump runs C M I N B I 1,ena1 lesson S1 S hr Setup time. 0 esentatlve 'Home ll Ottlce cleaning by area Jim Whyte 642-7206 2·24 Bok Trees $75 ea. •A""N~li... !"!'y §_..w-.,A-LL• C!!"'O!!"'V'"!E!!'!R""1•N•G. business system 554-5540 Ask for JoAnne Craney JODI Please call lor free 7 15 gsl 801 Tr ees S25ea • 42·4321 Ht. 301 ••''"'"'" l\42·6746 • GEN HOME REPAIRS Call al1er 6 545-6287 : ~~ ,~~~~Ii~,, ~4 :.:~,~val TENNIS Leaaons, Prv & Paint Drywall Carpentry 1 • Sem1 -pr11 , Contact Ian ------­ Housecleaning 14 yrs e11p etc Gary 645-5277 PTL Complete clean-up ge" ei.:~ Wallcovenng m Rich 536-1980 1m------reltat>le reas, tree est own mamt tree trimlng, Cree 11 R c 0 5 11 trans Pina 645-9866 Della HANDYMAN LARGE end I ell Mau ro 631 ·4947 sta etions eas " " Earl•pHt - - j small I DO IT ALLI ant ASS1gnm1 581 -8590 """'ftL~W~N""lPtPilPipl!ftli~ QUALITY WORK 531 -5579 Pat or I~ m59 LAWN & YARD CARE -•-'II 1m" • 1 1 ttE t p t Reas Aales Honeettrets -- Reas AllN Free Est - Ckil• Cart 3011 L.;.~~ ~ lC : ,~~ Call Janet El 857-9057 Odd Jobs Done Wlnd<>Ws 957-8420 DEPENDABLE OUALtrY 8 97 95 642 6813 l&IYlfTTH MODERN ACOUSTICS RESIO LICOMMERCIAL rr:~;~~ ~5~;~,~sc .UH,!% Workmenshlp · For 1 yr old Nlgllts & NEW & OLD CEILINGS Ir.. est Elsa, &46-325.4 YOU BUY . I INSTALL ••f1Ciii•1 Plaattr/ Jhywall Wknds CM 842· 7328 Ev $ $ * SPRAYED 527 ·2589 Sonia 722-6055 Garage 0941f\41fl Oi.spos· EST 875-3175 REFS Int Eiot patch plU1erlng Babytltter tor 5 yr Boy, my E,iqulllte Aooustlc.S Re- i1 ais LI Etec Cabinets custom teictunng Qualtty COM llme 3 dy1/ wk rsyed <>< remove Ort Cl1tkia1 Semen Ct~ ts · WL 5-48·8'94 Masonry woril Gen clean wori. Prot>tems·No Prob 8'0·5134 or 673-8628 all Repairs 847 790 t SEWING & AL TERATtONS ups " " lnm removal l•ms .,326864 5S.-7831 SALES N...... ,.,.,_ .,... •/ Cott• M... area B11lia1_ guar o Steve 835-4633 STUCCO int e11 rat ~ IAIYlmtl llllll Nannette 631 -4810 L * HAULING · MOVING Spectaltst t>IOCk tenon- eddtfions-nouses 35yT e11.p Appro• 12 d8)'1/ mo For Garaoe & Yard Clnups cement ptanlers restuoco 313850 tree est 586-4892 Alrllne S1.w·a. chlldren MANAGEMENT Jon 8'5-8192 repairs etc 24hr 545--0729 Refl COM 8'4-8025 Ctat11cttra A4''11-hliH-lt... HAULING • CLEAN-UP STUCCO MASONRY· TILE .P.Ja.,•.-.i.•.t'!'!""___ _ hantiff 3011 OPPORTUNITY Asp11att-repair-prl\1ng 1011 comml resld · ~ 1.2345 Verd garaoe tralh m111c No Jot> 10 <1ma11 All tyi>et 24 tlr fl• TM· 1llO apt complex-heavy roll9' Le11rn-WV necir trims Free .., L.c 631 ·2345 • aooo iobsOon• •tght• B I WILSON & so~ • 545.()73 • For Newporl Beach lamlly Joe 645· 4269 7am-9pm Rm Add Remodel Kiie •"111 DRAINS CLEAR From SIS w/ 3 chlldren Mult drive Crew Supervisors are now '""' Bath Tl.. •357••7 ins Maullnn Moving Cieen· Fauc.11 D4"""sat Heeter 821·5301 Ask lor Jan needed to work In a pro­ l11ian1 Stmce• ..o ups ] "oeys Lo._.tt r11es *A·1 llYI•• 851-9604 M1M 722·9066 cu ype or rooest- JO yrs ..p 646• 1740 Call Barry ?22 8673 ' CLEAN & EXPERT Prtfntlt11l/ fesslonal management pos- Ing We do manuterlpts. RQLLS CONSTRUCTION o.,,., 25 yeats upenttnce E11'*1 Service & Aeoau malling 1111 etc 78&-3330 I New Const / Remod9ltng HeuUng Moving Clean· ' uc t l 18 428 ~30 . 1JSJ 32 yrs ex.p Res1d t Comm MalalatradH SIOO itlon. BOOKKEEPING Rea• l LtcB468594 Ina 552.0428 up~:i,~·:,~ L~~~~:~- 1 ••ABC MOVING•• LIC • 409035 96-4.$9 19 We now have openings for Fees Pereonal or small C'taltAttita OulC.il & c areful T l36046 Dra1n1 cleared or repair.a MANAGER Bu1tneu 545-0884 a. lau .. u•t lt1ltk, ltnty 1 o RATES 552O• 10 ~" ptumbtng repairs lo.. mature adults to supervise • nu Fit I •atf' -refs POO !'131 316' Immediate opening tor full t aW1tt1 Ate c omnwda1 or;:,u ans STUW. •Liil time Dl1trlci Manegttt newspaper sales crews. KtTCHENS etc eXet r• Sl)«:lallztng In Comm'I DANCE l..EssoNS Sociil ITIKlll 11'91 _ PLUMBERS FOR l FSS ,, , ...,. 11thl1ilttk •14 •••• ft aurtactng(oomparel HOfne ond Reti Ht • helpfvl Carpafft '* ROOM ADDITIONS• 11 ..!l!t I C..lia11 Lie T 124-436 84 1 8427 ..1... ll'll.,ia""'1..,._.-.r'!-.._ teens In obtaining new cus­ - ~ • REMOOEL•NG • Nrww.,enov .. stor191 8E§f AoM REPAIR We offer an a1t(lellent ben· WE WANT YOU! 6 ent progre.m. palo va­ tomers for one of the area's ~- A~ : 1:::.:: STLIC 4284 77 969'-2194 24MD•111-.ilM •Yll-IUI ~~!' !~,:'i"~~. 'l BIO BY cation• & hollday9, bonul 0oor1..ic &48-4080 IDN n ..._,l"O c:klfle ngM ...., , u ..,, p~ repetrs PAlllll IUmtl N 8 Man!V" 640· 70C'O E Tl.l/ lllllll lfTTllS M .... Ca Apply 9'-11 tree • tlmatet &45-2003 Ouatity~ ,,_911 TUTORING WRITING PalatiaL i:,...bt M 1·3830 • m or 2·• p m ·(Cireul a eoo....tnOldtnot-blY w1n ' 4255 t3 7401 KX111li8bw h 1Nt1Nd 11on Dept 1 Call TC tea :,:A;~()f .~~ °' wa.•.. Clu1l11 C• Tt41rt dOWI complete patio• Rf SID 'COMM L IND 2e ...... &.. Oualtl'I' " OUI POleJr-AnaratlOnl DON S ELECTRIC \ l andllQC>ino Sprtnki.n tnt £•1 •ling 1et1n cat Alt Ot•ght Windows (714) 642-4JJJ abln.la·P•n• Hocli•--4' 498 H 71 ~calla Sod Ctean-up1 20 Y" 1n 1291 ,r• up 'llPOfli 01111 l,.; INIM\Q Ser""' R.pan i•------" l ••------~"!i Y'' ~ • P Jerry 842 0M7 d~r ou l~t• tc bOnt>eCI . ,.. T~~ 84!1 ·!1'4 Oav11 Pa1n11ng <184 383" f·• 6 07 Q.' ,, ~ . 9ul\ ' -

C8 Orengo Cout DAILY PILOT/ Thursday, February 27, 1986

Gara1e Sales TH -59•

P\et.IC NOTICE FICTfTIOUI IUllNHI NAME ITAT H ffNT TM follOWtng pertons lrf dotno buslneta 11 A CUT ABOVE SER IHC. IOUllCI 'll VICES, 2431 N Tustin Ave Auto. 11r, stereo Sle H. S1n11 Anl . CINI (LIC# 455WOT) 92705 (Stk • 4165) Thomes N Thurber, 285 SH H Wyngate Ad Or1nge. Caltf 92667 Susen G Thurber 285 Wyngate Ad Or1nge C.alll tneodore robblns lord 92687 logo Thts bu11nau 11 con I ducted by a general part nershlp I Susan G Thurber This statement wu nltK I OLIS llHHCYII 'll wtth the County Clerk ol Or PI S. P/ seats. AM/ F M ange Coonty on J1nuary 24 stereo P/wl ndowa. 1966 P/ doors, A/C. cruise F21t17t 51 ,9 15 mlles, leather, Published 011ng1 Coas vinyl top A s1ea1 Uc• Daily Pilot February 6. 13 321337 20 27, 1986 12111 TH;SO-

P18.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUI IUllNH8 NAME ST~TIEMENT The loltowlng persons are doing buslnesa as LOS ALAMITOS DENT Al, GROUP 4132 Ketella. • 101} PlY MOUTH '80 Champ, Los Alamitos CA 90720 CHEVY '76 ChevetteTdr. good transp, am/Im cass Gary 0 Prlna. 325 Aliso clean. very gd cond, runs $1700 firm 722-7450 Avenue, Newport Beach, CA 92663 SOUTH COUNTY well, 1 owne<, gd tlr8S. -- This bu11ne11 11 con­ 1871 1 9F ACH BLVD new brks/ water pump ale ~l llle Mias Mufte1 sa1 on a ducled by an 111dlvldual HUN TI NGTON BE ACH radio $995 675--8435 I Tullat, along c ame a GARV PAINS CHEVY 81 veue loaded spider and read In the Tn1s s111emen1 wu filed ( 7 14) 842-2000 wntllan cust~m rear l 0111y P iiot Classilted wnn tne Coonty Clefk of Or­ THIODOH - natch bra ahpskn section abOut Miss M ut- ange County on February 5. 1 $10 500 obo ·7 59-0904 ' 1 let's Tuftet and bougnt 1t 1986 ROBINS htol O.aestic 9 30o · _ . tor $9 95 You can sell F300294 FORD BUICK ' 82 REGAL L TO C AD ' 85 FLEETWOOD your tulfet and Iola of Published Or1oge Cout j 1 Dally Pllol February 27 l060 HAlt601t 6lYD Loaded must seet 69K orig Wn1te/ blue 16K ml o ther things through M1rcn 4. 13, 20. 1988 COSTA Ml SA 64'2 0010 ml $6000 ObO 499-4773 M UST SELL MAKE Dally P tlot Claaslfled OFFER 494-

tfi.'I~ 0 South County--®-[j]._ 0 THEODORE f'OBINS CHICK IVERSON FORD VOLKSWAGEN/ISUZU BUICK ISUZU C ALIF'S - 1 & LARGEST VOLKSWAGEN DEALER U S.A. 's 11 1 Thunderbird Retail Dealer Chevro let • Porsc he • Audi t;he PROFESSIONAL APPROACH 446 E. Coast Hwy., l1w,ort l 11oh NEED WE SAV MORE? Modern S ale~ . Ser vite. Parts, Body Paint & Tire Depts Pdrts Open M -Sat 8 - 5 JO Sal 9 - 4 p m Compet1t1ve Rates On Lease & Daily Rentals 71 4 -979-2500 173-0900 Ser11 1ce m -Fri 7 JO - 6 pm 2010 Harllor llwtl., Cttta 11111 Highest Oua/lty Sales & Service 187'1 BEACH BLVD HUNTINGTON BEACti 2925 Harbor Boulevard 714/ 842.-2000 142-0010 or 540-1211 0 • Costa Mesa. CA • 0 HOUSE OF IMPORTS HUNr GTON CHRYSLER / Pl YMOUTH • Ease o f Ownership terms • Lease convenience- 12-72 mo •a rllClCJ10l1 a rllClCJ10l1 • Select from 100 .. new ano pre-owned • Delivery 1n Europe option PONTIAC SUBARU SLASHES e PRICES! • LIQUIDATING 1985 MODELS

UNOCR Alff CIRCUMSTANCE S We Sell bclte•t1t Wl Will a rllClCJ10l1 NOT BE UNDERSOLD' PONTIAC ·-- FIEllO SUBARU 24'0 Hlfbor 81¥d. Costa MIU Ntwpon Beach 2UO Hlfbor 81¥d. Costa Mtu Ntwpcwt Btaeh ' 4 714/ 549-4300 J 714/ 549·4300 OSTERLING e ORllCE COAST JEEP /RENAULT SALES - SERVICE - LUSlllG - PAR TS # 1 111 TIH 11111 llf Overseas Qo>ltver~ 5pec1altsts .. ll1r1 JH, Sills F1r I Y11rs

CORON"' _oe:n&e o SALES BMW - ROLLS ROYCE C>H ~"" 1540 Jamboree Rd. PACIFIC "'to~~g~l•O t : ~~~~,'~~ Newport Beech 640-na.a.AI OCEAN 541·1023 • ACCESSORIES OEPt

G> JIM SLEMONS IMPORTS 0 •o• LONGPRE' • UNIVIAllTY OLDSMOBILE o COMMONWEALTH Or11ng~ County s Oldest & t.o11rgest Pontl"c De"lershlp 1301 Ou•// S t. - N•w C•r Loc•tlon "'' kAch 81\/d I the GArdC'n Grow FrttWlly 1001 Ou•ll S t. -OReul• Olvl•lon (714 89Z·MS1 f714J 616· ZIOO HONDA VOLKSWAGEN w~ p#'rform "" Ponrl.-c warranty wo(k, reg11rdlen of World's LBrQesr Serect1on of 0 wtte~ you orlglnally purch11 ~ your c.l'r 2880 Harbor Blvd. MtJrcedes Benz A. ~ 'FAMILY STOR£ SlNCE '53' • OP•N MONDAY llVUUNGI UNTIL .... P •• • 0 833-9300 W Sales - Service - Leasing ., ,. Coat• Meu 540-0713 Beach 8tvd. & Garden Grow ,,_,. SIMS • luUIC . Pw . Stmct . ..,, SkJ ld-0110 W.ltmfmter . c.ttfom&a

' -- r i 25¢ CLOUDV: ,OMCAITION A2


THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1986 Plane cras·heS in fO Pilot dies; despite warning. he came in too low ori approach to John Wayne - - By PAUL ARCHIPLEY runway as he circled tile a1rpon to Of Ille Deir ...... come in for a landing. A pilot circling John Wa)ne Air­ He ap parently htt a row of trees port for a Landing died an a fiery crash scparaung two parkrng lots and Wednesday evel\ing a quan er mill' crashed to the ground. from the fog-shrouded airport. County coroners prepared to re· The unidentified man was piloting mo~he body af\er receiving m­ In exile a Beechcraft Bonanza V-tail at about o;truc ions from the Federal A viat1on Marco• arrlTe• In 8:25 p. m. when he crashed 1n a ~d nistrauon. FAA investigators Hawaii, where he may parkm~ lot at 2082 Business Center planned to inspect the wreckage take refqe. A!S. Dnve an Irvine near the 1ntersect1on today. ofM1chelsoo and Dupont d rives. said People an nearb) office buildings Orange County Fire Depanment and students attending night classes spokesman Greg Brinkley. at Pepperdine University Educa­ The small afrcraf\ was engulfed an tional Center about a block from the flames and wreckage was scattered sate rushed outside after hearing the hundreds of feet around the plane. crash. The plane crashed an a business Ramona McA la ster. an archatec· d1stnct populated wi th numerous tural designer working nearby, said 1wo- and three-story office b ualdan~. she had Just r~tu med to the offi ce Most workers an the area had left for when she heard the plane. the day, and only a few cars remained " I thought, 'God, he's low.' I 1n the parking lot near the crash site. thought be was buzzing the building Nine fire vehicles responded to the or sorrlething, then I heard the crash. call. Firefi&hters found the plane " By the sound of the engine, it " fully 1nvofved" when they amved, sounded hke perhaps he tried to Bn nkJey said. climb and couldn't," McAlister Did. Investigators from the Orange Two avaauon buffs and pilots who 0.-, ...... La ..... County Shentrs office said tt ap­ were smms an the aarpon parking lot An Irvine police officer and county fire- approach to John Wayne Airport and lllt a peared the v1ct1m was headed an a were hslenang to the radio conversa- 0,hter are on the acene of an airplane row of treee. deaplte warntn.a• from tile northeasterly d irection east of 1hc (Pleue eee PLAJU/A~ ) craah. The pilot came ln too low on hie control tower.

On the air Rea.&an take. caae for military buildup to the people In televtaed ad- Access Police arrest 4rea. A 4 . Coast plan for 1-Q at weapons_ The Newport-Mesa school board Is preparing airlines to consolidate Davis In­ termediate School with demonstration Costa Mesa High./ A3 adopted lrvlne residents will de­ Civil disobedience cide June 3 whether the By LISA MAHONEY OftlleDelr ...... , aimed at important city's mayor should be Orange Count)' supcnasors ap­ defense conference elected by voters or the proved a temporaf) plan Wednesday City Council./ A3 that would allow airlines an average of 87 depan ures a day fro m John By TONY SAAVEDRA Wayne Airport. Of!Mo.llr ...... Nation The plan, which has the endorse­ Se' enteen-vear-old k.un Parke-r A key NASA official says ment of Newport Beach. wall be 1n., left his pare-.nts a note earl) this effect from i\pnl I to the end of June morning and hustkd 10 a Costa Mesa he would have canceled Se,eral aarhnes protested the plan hotel where he became one ol 12 launch If he had known of raising issues of faarne~s in d1stnbut­ act1v1s1s arrested while attempting 10 continuing objections by ang available flights. But supen asors discourage delegate!> en route 10 a engineers of the shuttle's brushed those complaints aside, say­ conference of Pentagon officials and boosters./ A4 ing air camers' concl"rnS would be weapons mMiufacturers. addressed an a permanent plan being Wath one arm 10 the lirm grasp of i1 developed by airport staff. Costa Me~ police ot1i cer. the Hunt­ Delly ...... ,...... , ~---­ World .\1rport Manager George Rebella ington Be.ich ~o uth made no Kurt Parker asked for the temporaf)' plan to g1,e apologies for has stand against nuclear ~qu i no frees polltlcal stalT tame to addres!> access issues at weaponr) or for nu1 gl\ ing parent'> prisoners, won't seek to the aarpon that promise to be both Bill and L'nn Parker pnor warni ng High school extradite Marcos./ A5 "complex and controversial ... special " The~ 're going 10 ha' e to $uppon airport counsel Michael Gauke said. me 1f t ' "'ant to tx· m~ parenl\ · The county. as the operator ofJo hn r,a1J Park wh1k ing shulTit•J h\ class inspired Sports Wayne Airport. must hmit dc­ police 10 the l'\ 1ft hool-..1 ng Jrl'd panures of cena1n types of aircraft near 1he hotel\ 1enn1\ court'> demonstrator UC Irvine's men's basket­ and their yearly passenger total to "'I'' e Jone tht• right mu\ e It ' nur lu1ure we're 1.ill 1ng ahoul · \81d lht• ball team gets another comply with a se11lemen1 reached an 8 ) LAL RA MERK December with the cit) of Newpon \1anna High \\:hool 'tuJen1 "h1• and TO!'\\' AA VEDRA chance to upset the Beach and two c1ta.tens groups over "as heang arrc,ted tor the fir.t 11mt· Of Ille o..., "°4 ..... UNLV Runnln' Rebels to­ airport noise and future expansion. For the third n m'l(.'CUll' e \t'.tr nlght./C1 ... • Flights by the no1s1est aa rcraf\ are anti-nuclear prott:Stl'r~ .attempted 111 Ideals ~o"' n b\ a Manna High rcstnctcd 10 55 average daily de­ discourage delegate' lea' ang lhl' ..,ch11ol \OC1al ~1end~' class hel ped Fountain Valley Hlgh's panurei. over the plan year, which \.\estan South ( 'o.i\I Plata hotel to 1n-.p1rc d I "'-vl'ar-old boy to dc­ girls basketball team ad­ stans >\pnl I Quieter. unregulated Jt1t•nd the \.\ intt•r ( nnH•ntaon on htx•rateh get Jrre"ted 'Wednesday as Shore shot p.in o l .in an11-nudC'ardemonstrat1on vances to the quarterfinal airplane!> such a'> the Bntash Ae ro­ .\erospace .10d !:tel trun1l ~~stem' JI '>pace B>\e-146 - somt' of which are Dinah Shore putta while Donna Caponi checu out the angle the \lanne ( ,,rp, \ ir \1a11 on 10 f- 1 apm,1 J thn·c.Ja\ "-Capons con- /'..r round of CIF playoffs. /C1 owned b~ two a1rhnl'S operating al of the •hot ln Pro-Celebrity competition at Mesa Verde l nro C. la\\lfH·d 'l''>'>ll'"' tor the ~"'1h ft•rw·,t· f John Wa\ne - arc hm11ed onh h\ Country Club In Coeta Mesa. The action wu a prelude to the Jnnual lOnkn·nlc l n11" n J' \.\I'-. \ltt'T h" rl'lt' d<,(.' trom the Costa (PieHe eee AJRPORT i A'J.) flnt round or the Uniden Invitational which beglna today. (Pleaee eee WE APONS/A 2 ) (Pl cue eee CLASS/ A'J. ) INDEX Advice end Gemes B3 Boating B1 Bulletin Board A3 Business A7-8 Parents protest boy's return to classroom Classified C6-8 Comics 84 By STEVE MARBLE from 1he bO\ examanataon 1n .\ugu'>t Thcn· 1' no \IUJCOI\ mJt1 1H1 J' J d.1hlt \Juer said ·· out Death Notices C4 Of the Delly Nol lie" ( hannon. a hcmoph1laac who wa<, evidence the hm " .. utknng trom thl' '"I'm n1'1 ir.111n~ 111 '11 h1l'l.°I nn \ h1hl th( l1Ut''>l 111n 1t•m.11n' 1' tha1 good Horoscope 83 A group of worried parents cn11- C\Posed 10 the '\IDS virus through dead Iv dasea ..e IP lht• p11,\lhil11' 11! ... untrJt 111\t! 1·n11ugh •· Opinion A6 c11ed school tru~tecs Tuesda\ for blood transfusions. returned Monda} Channon e'prl·,.,.,·J cl.moo \it 11n \ l ()\ · p.i n n 1 I 11m \.111er \.II.I Ht 'utl.l!1''1'·d lh.11par1·nh "'ho haH' Paparazzi B1 pcrmattane an I I-year-old bo) with 10 Rancho Canada Elementar} da) after ha~ first dJ\ tial l at )lhool .iJdang th.it hi' \IJU hll'f rc mJIOl«I tx·1·r Jf'Jlhl'l11. t.1 lh{· Jlll'>'>lh1ht~ of Police Log A3 >\ IDS an11bod1es 10 return to has Fl ~hool af\er ~upeno r Court Judge \a)'tnghe'd madem·w tm·nd'iand h.1d hnmt" the J.i, t h.1nn11n n·1u rnl-d 1 hJnn<'n ' n·1urn Jrl' nu"' ··waking Public Notices C4-5 Toro grade school llarmon o' Ille ruled la<,t week that encountered nonc lll thc .. tcarnlg hl '-il Ul'f \(ll .l~lll~ .1ltt'f lhC ~dlu up Sports C1-4 One fat her s:ud he has refused to let the bo~ d1J not present a danger to had eXJX'Cled rnt·c11n g an \1 1" i.1n \ rl'I" \J1d he .rnd I ru, 1t·n h11\lt·' n ,,11d thn intend his daughter attend school '>ince classmates or teacher'i t•l .1hi.k h' I 1nlgt' \ ,11, die\ ruhng Television B2 But the tl1p \1dc to 1ha1 11p11m1'>m 11thl·r p.irt•nt' h.1, "''I dt'l 11k11 "h.ll Channon Phipps returned M onda~ .ind h,t,l' n11 pl.an' 10 appeal has Weather The fifth-grader hnd been hnm·d -.urfaccd Tucsda' ~hen l\addlebad 11 am thing. thl'' 'llll 1h1 A2 out of fear she could contract ac­ lrom attending school since the >\ IOS Valle\ L' n1f1 t•J ..,tho11I D1'tr1tt ·-rm not J1,p11t1nf thJt 1hn ill'\ l\11\n quired immune defic1enc-y S)ndrome .int1 bod1cs were detecteJ dunng nn 1ru t ~'i heard from pJrt·nl\ nt otht•r l\lhnol tru,ll'l''' h.1,1' tht• tx•,t 1nt111 !Pleaee eee P /\RENTS/ /\2)

Teen-agers This time, Bradley Rehabilitating teen alcohol, and Drugs drug abusers can be costly not going to ignore More than 9.000 tccn-.igef"i calh county in campaign Stay in Care Unit Hospital costs $350 H'ar arc treated at C .ue l 1n11 ' J7 adolearector 1-.cn fates buut n.ooo adult\ Hr.adk' '1rtudlh ittnun:d .lnll ha1hk,1 '"n·~' - BraJlc' l\\kC'd ahout .? rtt:C'l\t' hrlp an thl· adult progranH, he ,1111 1'1\ •llcr' 111 ht'lr him d1s~I thf Oflfle~Nettwl ( arOI ) n 0' uJh.,an adding thlll II l'i 11H'f Ornn1e l nunt\ h• R<" puhhl .rn added n11111 >n I h.\I Clr ,l n&<' ( 11Unt \ I\ humt tough to put a dollar price tag on randrdillC' <•C'Cl'll( l lc'ulmt'11an 1n 1h1· It may co\t more than .i sta' at a Nat1onalh . ti l pen.;ent of the guhern. 1oraal r.1l·c •'"" w 1hr '"hilt' atnuC'nt and luxury resort. but counselors at the \ 110\('I\ .ltd t' ndole'l<'Cnt\ who g1> through the The jl+hcrnm "'<'nl on \ll v. 1n 1h1· Care Unit Hospital an Orange defend L••tofaMr.. • " I krr " .1 program rt'mn1n ~olwr a0cr the fi r I C'lrl 11on h\ :\ho111 ~1 . 1 100 \llh'' ,1.111· un" t'r''" onr 1lf tht the SHQ...n-day cost of thcar adole\­ m11'1 d\ O,\nlll .Intl rt 111ll('\\I\(' VllU'll medically sup<"rva C'd sohnet) veAr, 'lltld btc'l He '8td the" .. uccc-r.' ~dt• h111\\ l'd h\ 11 I M'I llOCI ' 11h oent program, Slyang the roJtd to a 1n tht .i•unlf\ lr~ad " 'rou can't put a pnce on an' rate ot the Or.rn&l' program 1-r. an \tcp panic\. htM \.laJ nn1unl' Jt 1ht · mM,.t1n 1n I \r,1n111· ! 1111n1' larhl 1h:it \ drug-frt'e II fe for a tl'<'n·ager 1s well w11h 1he na11onal fiaure ho"lp11.al\ .il..a otlcr .1 trt'\ nalu.111<111 r, 1u1i."1I tht• th1"111\ th.11 nran e <. oun­ worth ll medical care," O''iull1vnn '31d "Thr lir.11\k\ lhrt t' 11."' 1na.1 h" 111'1 IJ I kadurc bc1nglarod for ~4 hourH d.n Mo'it pat('nt~ n('cd not be tnght and 1&'>'><°\'>mC"nt' and rt' lt'trJI I''•, '' ,, titl 1111111, lh. I 11 \'OU'rt nol l '-''1 l'lt;·1111" '·''" , ,1mp;11 1tn h ''"'I 1flhh·111 n11t 1h1· ra1h t, 1lnr thC'n 10 "It " rewarding nnd at'\ an C\l'rl h) people trained 1n the field 11t t• nrd ti\ thl· l u'' lht' prliiram 1' 11ram'> at pataC'nt\ dn n•'' h."' 1h, I )('11l. mt'11.1 n h.1' '11' l 1dr1I hr '" n t lent pmaram," \81tl

CON '861 arc held at the m11ttur) bd!>t.' for sccunty ~sons . Coastal clouds bring cooler day The first session of the 1h1ec..Uay m1IJlary~10dustnaJ conference began Low clouds and tog. cletlrtng ~ck lo the beaches during the Wedne'4ay, amid protl'.'sts d1rl'.'ctc:d aneuqu .. q oe Velley 6& 26 Biiiing• 54 .. N.. hvllla 10 311 8eiltOma City 18 411 8ltfl0p 90 3$ egatc'i dnving 10 the nattonal deten!>t' O...tta•o n Otl" Omaha $$ 3e Blythe 11:2 55 Surf Report llu ... ~s" 4 I Ph-l)h•• 32 18 Cui- Cot~ 75 56 LOCATION MD Diii Pat:k d1sa" owed the impromptu C.n oc: llQ<> )6 28 Phoenl• Il l eo Eurek1 ISO SO ZuMe BMcn 2· 4 SW J1 211 Cinorn•• P1n1~ 32 17 Fr""° 711 41 Sane• Montee 2·3 d1spla) S'I SC. tlO Pro~ 27 13 Ml Wileon 75 S I San O--VO County 2 4 w Columt><.• On J2 22 S NUla Sii 4S N ..OIM 112 57 10rgan111ng prolt',l\l l J n ~ tnd o l get 0u1100111or Fn C11v 1.111.. ctt~ Cooco<'O N " 23 0 11 Sllr~ 87 34 Nawp«t a.Kn es ss awa} lrom \ OU Tht ' u~ rt;.i 1 n h l"'Jught Oallaa·Ft WC>'t~ 11e •II SIOu- aN1 4 1 311 OalttanCI 8t ~ 33 2S OntatlO 87 S2 b)' Oeytor• Spo11""" 54 34 me !turpnse .. Oen1tftf 611 l ll SyrecuM ,. 03 Palm Spring• 1111 85 The outbrl"ak C>lrum.'c..l .iltn th 1.· Oet Mom"'' 411 31 TOC*I• es 4 1 P &Ndena 90 S!I Tides 09110 11 JO 26 Tucaon 88 50 P a.t0 Roblal 79 46 1Jllic1al protest. which attral t1.·d ahout El PHo 83 43 f ul .. 711 47 Al-- 87 53 TODAY 10 111 Fllel IOW 4 43 e m 0 7 bS people Wednesda' to 1. h1.·er trum DllllJ f'llol pholo b1 01'/ld MurONtka Fe11oan•• WM/llnQIOll 311 23 Red BIUll tit S t r ergo l& ?2 WH;lllta 76 44 RedWOOCI Clly 81 50 Fl n~n tO 43 • m 47 th1.• ~1deltnc!t while othl'r\ Jt11.·mp11·t1 r.~ 11 111 71 2tl WllkM Barra 24 12 Secr.,,..,,10 73 53 Sac tow • SJ pm 0 4 Costa Mesa police carry Valerie Sldarevsk y from a Westin Sacono nagh II 1$ p M 52 tu realh dl'lcgate~ ho<1rd1n g hu\t'' (J1 a hd Rap.d I) 7~ 25 Salina. 82 53 Sou th Coaat Plaza hotel driveway after she was arrested for Gt.a• r e11s S-4 17 San S..nwoino 1111 ~ ffllDAY 1 hret.' protc'iters 1ndud1ng a tiltnJ Gr_,wnro N C: l1 1' Sen Ge t>rlal e1 53 F" lflllOW S 311• m 08 man with a gu1dt' dog. Jl,11 lornw,l ;.i blocking traffic during a peace protest. rlAr11:,.10 ( 6 Oii Sen Diego 1111 $6 F•ft :,::yn 1138 1 M 4 0 "'-a ~3 37 Extended Sen Fr andlico 8 t $6 Sac tow S22p m 11 human chain aero\\ lht dn 'C"-J\ ~ 60 San Joee 8 i 48 Sacono rwgt 11 SS om s ~ Police polttel} a'kl·d proll'\ll''" to pt:Jl"C \UDP' \nit rtl,t lh1 BecaU'>l ut h" Jge H1ung P ~1 r l.. i: r "°"°"''"'HOUttOf' 86 •.e F l lf lntougtl Iha -- e.ccept n1.nl Sa 111 a Ana 90 $& n01anapo''' lll i e ancl mOtnlng IOw douOa "'"" local og Senta 9., ""'a e t SO mU\C from the bu..e't bt.'lort' t''>lOrt1nF. fk.i ut1tul · I >rnwd 111 or.1n1tt Jnd \\ a\ lJ"l'n to < O\I.! ~fr,a ( tl \ Jail J K • tQ<' Mt 8 2 40 "' ~tlol v at~ fampeU<>p1u11n o f trl'\flJ''" ''httt' r<•hl·, thrn· J,1pa nL·, 1. ix-ace \\ here he "a' rl· lea,ed tu h1~ lather. Ju....., 42 31 0< a 11111a aPOve notmel HIQN tr om Iha Senta Mane 63 48 again 11 s • 7 p m otn J1tl·J ""llh r (llfl 1· 1l·rn11k" in I 1 \ n~l'l1·., h.111~•('1 1 1rn l.itt'r h-. tdephnnt' had no 1. 0>mmcn1 during the past six to eigh t "'''i: I-. ' I t drum' Jr1d d1.1ntnl cin ht \ \on ., lll t1 nn-. John Moquin sacd ( lthl'f '>U JI Jl••I ll'I\ \l'lil·d l'lll llllr:t!'L' l en demonstra1 11 r\ "- 1.'ll' kd a"'•" llll'O t lrom th• 'Jdtnt'\ ';1\1ng V. htk the o tl1 1. 1a l J cmt1n.,1r tu .onkn·m l' dt'I· · r h,.,t' ,.r trul' 11.11,. "' Pt11lltp I L1nchl J nd \ .tk rtt• ::i " IJr \ ' ~ \ l-. 11°·lt .1t tlw Jrl\ t' Y.. ,t\ AIRPORT ACCESS PLAN ADOPTED ••• egates lined up out\tdt· onl· 111 t\A.11 The OU'>l'' \A.L'I 1111 tlw 111.1.t 111 I ., • 11n \ n1t•1 lu111l1·\.11d rd u.,. ng From Al chartered busec, r hl' hl1>0d·\Ol\.'Jft'd f (1f(1 h\ ~ I.;, .I fl ' P• •l1t1.' 11rdcf\ 111 Ill\" 1.· l.l..Jn 1.· hl the tot.ti number ol p<1'iwngcr\ al101,1, ­ Passenger load 1't a term used to tile al tht.• airport tn an effort to avoid face ot an Oncntal 1. hald \A. llh th..: I h1nn·n f'HlllL'''''" ol \\\'tllltk1) "' 1u m p.:d or tdl c>nto .\ntc> n and had tu l'd lO pass through the airport eal'h deSt.nbe the per,ent of occupied sea1s a b1dd1ng war bclween 1hc 1wo arch Y.. Ordll'il'' < .11hnllt V. nr ~ ·t tx· pulkd JY.tl\ h\ c>llill'r\ \klare"'"' on an airplane nvals \gain · \\J ~ depic ted on th{ hll 1 1 11ru11p ·'l'rt• tktatnLd HI lhl t1\1I \Car Y. l'nt limp ·" 111li1.l'f\ attt:mptt•d 111 l nder terms of the wttlement. thal The 20 a"erage daily departures are Other airlines also got into the all tun: (l"11h1,:J ,Ill l' ,I\ ti re \,llll llltl L'\1 11 ~H•\l• lwr from the· dn\l'\\J\ .ind h.1d Wednesday. lomplaining that Air< al ) oung Parkl· r \A.J\ 11n1.· 11 11~ thL \ ll1an1t I hrn 11 1hl d~1111111 t1gu re will remain at .i 75 m1lhon one less than tht.' air earner had p1l ketc, holding a \l1on ''to ht- complete The county action left PSA offi cials na1i: the airport through the un· their· heads \A.h 11l· 1n 1 n~ 111 pa" ut;it1on \111qu111 '""' In dctt.·rm1nmg first-qua n er alloca· fuming over the imbalance in datl) regulated flights. through the ltnl' ot p11l 1ll' ,1.· rar.i ting I our :id1tlt nh n .ind 11\1' 111111" 11 I k \J1J th1.· tY. 11 ''l Iv pH lo. t: J up lnr lion\ 1n the tcmporaf) plan, super­ flights. Dennis O'Dt:ll. PSA 's general Smet many oft heir routes are ofthe them from inc & kgall'\ d111w In h1: .trrl'\lnl .11i..I '' ~'I\ tr 1 ' .llkg1.·Jh 11h'>trul\1 Y;1 th••l••ughlar1.· ' 1\o r\ deuded to perm11 12 average counsel, told suP1-·n 1sors the firm had short-haul type between Orange fhe bu!>eS began ro l ltn~ al ,t m p111tl·d t• • t 1rnn11r 1 11u 1\l' l.11 "IJ,· l II hclt• lhl' \\l)nl,10 Y. fl 1Jd J1r1 h,1hl\ Jl .. 0 e-.:pected to be asked how many County and other in-state au·ix111s. and sloY.I\ ad,anll'd. lx•htnd t\\e• th•'' [)J\\l'd up ifl,·r.. It• 1d1-.1" lh1 rr lw di;11 g,·d .,.. 11 h 11 '"I 1ng J rll '' · B11 t h c..la 1l> dt:panure!t for unregulated air· l ralt l'tght more than ong1nall~ l11ghts 11 wanted before the plan went Air( al and PSA can lake ad"antagc of motorl\,cfc offi cer'> d11 \A. n th, drtH 11: thnr •\\'I rn<•!o!Ol/ 1rt1.1· I h··· " plllll'\IU\ IH'rl· h•o11k~d tllllt ( '"I.I l11gh1 bonuse'i offered to tho\e \\ho \A.3\ to ..;. here prott''> lt'r' \A.l'fl' hl11l ~ 111g remain l'll•H•• rat\d unltl llcltt .1p \ 1 '\,I I Ct\ l.111 .ind I 111 ti.. h.1ndlnl prorx"i: c..l .ind six more tha:1 ant1c1 - lO the board P\A could uo;e "'' more pa11.·d h' the count\ .\1rport ( om· flight\ a da~ from Orange ( ount). he use quieter - and lighter - JCIS. said their path pc;HJl)(t' Ill \ 1ur I lfl,1 I 11t1rt ·1 'l"JIJr,1t~h It Jill : 11, m1\'>111 n '>aid Paul Lawrence of Western A1rhne'i Pohl e ti roke up the tiaml~lull) convinced airport <;taff the Rebella. the airport manager. said America and C onunenLal - one of CLASS INSPIRED PROTESTER... .11rl1nc should get 20 hac;cd o n their previously that the temporary alloca· 1hose sticky mailers which airport From Al 1n1erprt.'tat10R of past and probuhlc 11on was d1v v1cd between the two stafT wall tackle 1n 1he permanent Mesa ( Jtv Jatl Kurt P.irkl'r urn­ t IJ'\ thl I 1gl \I h1111I '"l 1,tl 'l ll'llU \\ 'll"lll\ Ill lh1 d1·,~·rt 1111 t.1~· h111 II pa\\t.•ngcr load factors. ramer~ hased on rcqucsls already on plan llnued w· ~peak out <1g411 n\l the dl' Pilrt1111.:nt qtll 1,tkl\ II'' n.i"·J 11r rc1m' ~rce1"ed threat of nudcar dt:\tru1.· th( pfl.'.1111\\ th.ti rtl,Jll \ fl'\J'<11l\lhl1 B11t l'.11 ~ 1 r 11 d 'lud.111 I 11lk1•n tt on and the annuJI ""'''' ()' l•1n lor t I\''"' 1 I llllfl' \hi ,, 1 ... 111111t,1t :rtP\I 11np11rt,1ntl\ '-Cnllon hcsn g held th r11u gh f nd .i ~ sn 1 · l,t\t It.a\ 1.1m•ht thl 11 lt1 hl.' Orangl' < crun t\ I Ill d,1 \\ I J' ht.•t• r '' PARENTS PROTEST BOY'S RETURN ... :11,· o,1111h'nt' • .1· l,1,• tr 'ta .. 111t' I IL J 11 llil' I .1n111·, 111.11 11 .. n t From Al ' " b t•r, hod \ v. a\ Kt:lllnl( t11Kt'lkr dt\tr11. 1 .a'll'fl pti .J 1 di" •I • 11(. 11.1l!~ 1n •h1·11., ' 1tc1un· la t tht.' protC\tl tor a, hJmptcH t.111°'1' B11ard memlxr Lou1 ~ \din 'H.ltd d1s1nn ollic1al\ also had 4ucs11on'i There' \JU\I as mur h rt\k h)' v.anc..ln- 1111'"' h11.11d ltlllh l an nplort.' th1.· "'hen the' learned ( hannun had been 1ng through a mall ," he \a1d '"' Jrnpl'd "r•h \1 1dt nt r•• 111 • ·11' \1!..11 1111 '-111\1,,tl l'.11lo.n 'Jtd 111· ( ()'J loolong • ut l11r 11ur lutlH1.' '111· po')\lhtltt )' ot transkmng l htlJrl·n tu nposed the AIO<; v1rur, Several part.'nts \a1d the> feel great v.h,I•' .ilurnn. 11.·lq•t11 1wd • • 1\11~.I io \Jld 1' It •llllll'llnl '" • II 111 •he· dl'll1tlll· 11ther school., 111 lhl' d1'ttnu or can '>mpath v for< hannon and Ci1Jhcrt .1dm1n..,tr;1t11r' 111 pr11h''l l'.11 ~ 1 ,,, Jl •lll\ " We ha"c edul.'atcd oursehc!>." he 1.·nroll chtldren 111 a rmvatl' \lhool said he tear' the bo\' has hcen I ormall\ 1-.n ri "" n a\ thl 2 'th .rnnuJI ...11d c;a1d. " Now 11 1<. incumbent on 1h1s ' I lie l'\I .tl.111111\ "' tlu· .1111'\ [;JU' I\ "marked for life .. V. in trr ( ;> nH·nt1on •in \ 1.•r11\ pau· " I don' t see am lt:gal or moral d1c, tnrt to help educate parents and 1t The tru,tee 'aid 111s "pathe11r .. that .1ml fled r11 n1t \ \ \ll'm' V.l'\,Cf>'­ \, 11 l rt\I' ... tlJdL'lt( th1 '\ Loil II !11 ht l ngt Of II' l h l\\'I I• .1 llli k.H "Jf .. r1.·.ic.on to keep Chan non trrim allend­ 1\ incumbent on parcnh 10 seek ( hannon's aunt. who 1\ h.., legal ·xfi.ts J gathenng o't l'l'ntJtmn 11 11 11 1.tl, q·r11 11u1 lhl·1r lru,t1.1ttr1n' pe.t •· hi.' ,,lld tng '>lhlJOI." trustet.' Dr Dore (11lbert out the truth tull'. . ,,1111 '-~·11 '11t11 ,,, 1,1 11.!111 tlit iuard1an C'\PQScd him to thl' puhhc and 1,1,eapons manuladun·r' c '·"" f',trt I p.lll'llt\ dhi l11tt ~IHIY. 111 \J1d H> " I belie\.\: wt: art.' doing our,._· "" t ,,,,, 111 I .... h1.1. n .1 " It 1c; natural to have a fear of the and mcJ1a attcnuun fled Jnd top \el rct 'te\\tl>O\ .m· hl'hl ,11 11" 11111·11t1• ti to 11,rt .111\'\lnl l',11 kn \A.hat I'> nght " t(alhl'r ,,. tt1 ,._hr111l .,111. 1111f1< n1d unknown. but the C\ tdcncc shows " I find that to be mtnd·buggltng." thl' f.I Toro "A annt: <11rp\ .\ 11 -...1J t11111 ! lid th1 01 in .1 notl' Ill' k it on th•· Ill 111\ C1 ilbcn \\ho 1s a ph} \iuan ~1d ( hannon docs not pose an) nsk he said \1o't delega te\ Jr< 'ta• 1n)o: .11 th,· 11c ht•n 1.1hl \\ 1.'lJnl..',d.C\ m11 rntn!! Vv e<;lln South < oa\1 f'la1a h111l'I in • r 111, I\ th• 1111 \ Id'>' \\ht•rt I lw111 ti 11 1•ll 1-!ll .1rrc'>tl'd \11ur ( o<.ta "A l'<.a .,.. hl're P.irkn 1nd 11 ;icl"1tJ1' I' 1111pl1td r II• tlllt It '> l11ll\I Atll 111• ht.lid l>\'l Jll,l' , ou II other\ "'ere .1rr1.·~tnl V. l'dm·\d,I\ hJ\l'tl 1'11 thl' fl!l1.'!,1l tdt'.t tl],11 11 .Ill h.1" 111 g•, l•, 111111 J>. 1 \\1n ~ 11 u1 \!tort' prt h1.·<111led tlm ~tJ11d Jnd ii \rtLJ ~·t\l' t.1111 •111111•1. l',dl 't' .111d 111h Jilt' I\ JU\I 11111 til l. BRADLEY LOOKING FOR COUNTY VOTES •.. \A.CCk int 1rmat1•11 lit II .. 11.11J..'li1a·r1 h11: ""'' .\,I f11~•1 l',trl-,\[ .., 1ld From Al llu.I . \,11d Parkcr ,,ml ht· "·" pa1t1. cl l\ 111 '··ii '1.'tl \\ hco \,lid \ltrl1l Ill lh• 0111'11 '11 me11la1. t· else." he .-.aid I le also l hargcd the governor failed face thrt.'l' wrek' later when interior 'tptred h" pol' t lknn l >.1,1d l h•111·.rn "hHklll\ lfl till' l,t\\ ,1dd11 .. , l'\lll'\ re,rwdnl 11•,1.tH r' 111 ttw \l he 1111 Baloncy .. Bradlc\ ~1d " Look at to prntec1 1he c;1a1e'c; env1ronmcn1 secret:.if) Donald Hodel annoum:ed and h \ \.1 arina 't•x.I J I .,, ll llll' lt-.1dt1.'r 'u1.h .1, 111\ll -'·•'I!.." :ind hun~, r .ind llfl\l\ki I' ti ~\'I l'\111.'llll'I\ ll'\J)Clll thL· lrc,hman etas,· One-third ,., when he opposed an extension ofthC' tract 'i3lc'i oil 1he cuas1. Bradley ..aid Ji m '-1:1' ·'ho ad' 111 .111.·\ n- .11.e lul lll\•U'' "'•t\' t11 prl.\l'fll lhl'll I In;\ \lhl\' 11lcll'll 11t.1t hc• I\ pr1111cl 111 thl' .\\l,tn That's one of thc moc;t moratonum on coao;Lal 0 11 nplo­ "We want llln<.1c,1enC\ and v.t• v.ant J1r<> tl' \I nln Rraclle \ \Jld he would tw J1111 nt1ng ,11 Lku~mc p<1n' rt•1. ord PLANE CRASHES ... tl111111)! h11u t 1h1.· t ,1mpa11m From Al TEEN DRUG PROGRAM COSTLY ... I k ...11 d t•dul.' at1 11 n ""ould tw .1 t1on bctwccn lhc pclot and control to Ll1mti 111 \ .( J(){ J ft·et .. he ~aid From Al 1·1.11111 '"'IH 111 th,· r.c\l' .ind nott·d to Y..er whl'n th1.· au 1c..len1 Ol"l'urrcd " We heard him c,tart to urt k .ind t111 l111 ,1 nr 1;11 nll,lll\ I •' I fll 11 I ! .tltf11rn1.1' 1111 hltl l·d u1. <1 t111n \\\tl·m then we heard 'pool'· and ,aw the I I I I t t 11 fhe control lower warned the pilot '11 l h ..a ' ( J n· t n It Ii I.a I ll'', .1kd .1 "nd1.· o l tatl urt''> ' glow 1n tht' c,k ) " Jack,on !>n···th 1rc..l ot .ill high \thool '>tu " I 11) and )" UU h\ten to the radio l'>J \l'Li ( nn1prdwn\1\l' < Jft' I 'rp Eric Jackson of Tustin " He the large\t n11tccinJI 11r)l:.tn11.11111n 1111, l ni.. 1.111 tn graduate Jnd C altlorn1a ans"'ered ' Roger.'" Jackc;on c;a1d and ome in a whale. espcc1all)' m kind It 11 pcrc1ll'\ 1n1 qu.ir11·r 11 thl· 1.111~' "'llh in the nat111n in tt rm' ot Jd\Crse weather )OU wonder what\ "Their la!>t 1nstruct1on to him wac, going to htlppen \nd 11 did .. pn\alc tr~· a 1mcn1 h1.:d' lrtr 1lr ·~ 11111 I."' " ' l' h1.· .. a 1d dit ohol rehahtl1tJt111n n 1111 n.11111n [ \IC\ "ta1d Including tht: C J rr I nd h11,pt1.1I\ < o mp( arc oix·ra tl' \ ~1 i.· prn1tr •'"" '' t'rn' I ,1t .111d1111 th1 n11 l dealing w11h drug and dltoh11I .1ddH tJt,tl .Uld 1tll1 l'lttf:tl\' \(I I ltcln , eating dtSIHO t'f\ Jnd 11lh1 r prr h ~ n... ti h1•n11,,1ll mcdtl'al prohlcms OBIE SPORTS LTD. r he corporal ton \ t;J rted the ( oll l' nil ho'ipllal\ 1n I'' l f \tl'' , ,m t .1r1d ahout four umc., J\ m ~n ' .1d ul1' .1'i. teen-agers drc trt•atcd pt•r •l"" l h• adolc'iCenl program'> ht: g.i n 1n 1•1"'1n '"ll' I h hi .tel in bll C 1.m .\ngt'lc\ and thl'

Delly Piiot WrRE L1sTEN1Nc Dellvery MAI,.. OFFICE .. la Querenteed • Rossignol 45 • N o rdico • Roff• • Bogner Justcall 642 -6086 • Pre Electro • Atomic RS • Longe • Obermeyer • Dynostor Course SL • Solomon • Descente • C. B. V. hat do \11 U IJ k,. ,1hnu1 the I ),11 h f> .1111 1 'v\ h.11 • R.D. Coyote • Kofloch d11n r ~t'lu lt kC'' < .tll 1hr numht.·r .1hr1u· .111cl \11 111 l«CW"O ..... tf(l1'"' -1,...... mr ,c.a ~c· '" 1ti tw r1·111rtl1·d t r.rn <.i: rr !)l;cl ,, net 111· fVIM; ' 4• ,_, ~ I ,, r• rl r. tit' .1ppr •rri.1 t1• l'd11 .. r llp ,. 4 5 l hC' \dmi• .l.l-h11ur .1n,.•1ro11t 'l.'l\lll" nt,1\ he ~ PRICE lJ\l'd I•! rC'Cl)rd ktt(.'r\ Ill th!' l't11l!tl IHI Ill\ lr1111 Clrculatlon ~ PRICE ~ PRICE < 1m1nht1torr, I•> •...1ur I 1·11cr\ l11l11rnr mu,1 '"' lu1lt Telephone• 'NO Ski ITE MS HEID 8A( IC thrir nanw .ind tl"t1·rh•1nC' n111nht r trar cnl11.111u11 'IPOM h I flt CORONA DEL MAR Tell\ 11\ "' hat'\ 1111 \lJlll 1111nll M 24lD 2831 Coast Hwy Corona del Mar 175-1700 ··~· .._.. "°" '" IOMl-tpn, . .. to.-tclrn .,,, IOMl·ltWft ,