ORAl'\GE 'G\Sf • . ..................' OMCA8TI ON Al THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1986 Pilot killed in plane crash DeSptte order from John Wayne tower. he came in-too low while la_~ding infog --= By PAUL ARCHIPLEV pearcd the pilot was headed 10 a Of ... °"'Y "-' llalt northeasterly direction cast of the A pilot c1rcijng John Wayne Air­ runway as he circled the airport to port for a landing died in a fiery crash come 1n for a landing. Wednesday a quarter mile from the He apparently h11 a row of trees fog-shrouded airport. separating two parking lots and crashed to the ground The man was piloung a Beechcraft County coroner's deputies re­ Bonanza v·ta ll about 8:25 p.m when moved the body after receiving In exile he crashed in a parking lot at 2082 instrucuoos from the Federal Avia­ Marco • arrl•e• in Business Center Drive in Irvine near tion Administration °tAA in­ Bawall where he may the intersection of Michelson and vestigators began an inspection of the take refuce. A5. Dupont dnves, Orange County Fire wreckage today. Department spokesman Greg People 1n nearby office bu1ld10gs Sports Bnnklcy said. and students attending night classes The pilot'\ name was wnhheld at Peppcrdine University Educa· UC Irvine's men's basket­ unttl relatives can be notified of his tional Center about. a block from the ball team gets another death site rushed outside after heanng the chance to upset the The small $50.000 aircraft was crash. UNLV Runnln' Rebels to­ engulfed in flames and wreckage was Ramona McAltstcr. an architec­ night. / C1 scattered hundreds of feet 11round the tural designer working nearby, said plane. she had JUSt returned to the office It crashed in a distnct of numerous when she heard the plane. Bualneu two- and lhree-story office buildings. "I thought. "God. he's low: I Smith International will Most workers in lhe area had left for lhought he was buzzing the building begin laying off at least the day, and only a few cars remained or something, then I heard the crash. in the parking lot near the crash site. ..By the sound of the engi ne. it 600 more workers at Its Nine fire vehicles responded to the sounded hke perhaps he tned to tool division In Irvine.IA 7 call. Firefighters found the plane climb and couldn't; ' McAltster said. ··fully invofved.. when 1hey amved, Two av1auon buffs and pilots who Dllt ............ ~ .... Bnnkley said. were s1ttine in the airport parking lot An lrrine police officer and Ora.nae County John Wayne Airport: Tbe pll~ wu killed Investigators from the Orange were listening to the radio conversa­ fireflCbter •a.ney tbe .cene of a pfane cruh after tbe plane hit a row of tree.I wlllle Oyba& County ShentTs office said 1t dP- (Pleaee eee PILOTI A2) Wednaday nl&ht ln bulnetta dl9trlct near too low ln roe dartnc landln• approach. Voluntary Peace activists smoking controls _cQntinue protest;__J endorsed 7 more arrested ·1 By LISA MAHONEY On the air Of tM 0.-, Net ..... Vietnam veteran's Reagan tak e. ca.e for In endorsing a Cha!llbcr of Com­ mllitary buildup to the merce program to encourage Orange questions led him people ln tele.t.ed ad­ County businesses to voluntanly dretta. A4. restnct c1""1rcne smoking. the Board to Mesa peace vigil ofSuperviso rs had little sympathy for INDEX non-smokers who complained the move was too tittle and very late. By TONY SAAVEDRA Of ... Ollllr ,... ...,, Advice and Games B3 Even lhough the proposal reached 1he board a month after the program In the battlefields of Vietnam. John Boating 8 1 Wilson began questioning the gov­ Bulletin Board A3 itself was onginally to be evaluated, ~upervisors praised Orange County ernment that sent him there. Business A k8 chamber members for their package Those doubts eventually led Classlfled C6-8 of sample smok1ngpohc1esand cunly W1Json. 40. to the third da) of anti­ Comics B4 informed dissenters tha1 1he business war protests 1n Costa Mesa. where he Death Notices C4 boosters deserve a chance to try to and six others were arrested this Horoscope 83 implement smoking curbs before the morning for standing in the path of Opinion A6 county docs 11 for them. two buses carry10g delegates to a m1litary-industnaJ conference.. PaparazzJ B 1 "You help govemmen1 stay out of ~-­ "War is not a game. budd) When ..., ......... Pollce Log A3 the pnvate sector when you help Ka.rt Parker government meet the demand~ of you $Cl shot. you're shot." Wilson Public Notices C4-5 said in the morning fog outside the Sports C 1-4 society," Supervisor Harriett Wieder told chamber pres1dcn1 Lucien Westin South Coast Plaza hotel T elevlslon 8 2 Truhtll. where many of the estimated 300 Hlghschool Weather A2 Other board member; cntic11ed delegates to the annual Winter Con­ vention on !\erospace and Electronic (Please eee VOLUNTARY/ A2) S)'ltcms have been staymg since class lnsplred Tuesday For the second consecutive morn­ ing. protesters interfered with defense demonstrator contractors and engineers leaving the By LAURA MERK hotel on chartered buses to meet with ud TONY SAAVEDRA Airportplan for Pentagon officials at El Toro Manne Of IN D.ey "94 ..... Base. Ideals sowed b\ a Manna High Tuesda) roughly 1.970 act1v1sts School S0C1al science class helped attended a candlelight vigil organized inspire a 17-\'ear-old )Outh to de­ 87 takeoffs wins Shore shot bv the .\lhance for urv1val outside hberatel\ get arrested Wednesday as Dinah Shore putta while Donna Caponi checu out tbe angle the hotel on the- eve- of the 1,earh pan of an anu-nuclcar demonstratton ro n~renCT · of tbe •hot ln Pro-Celebrity competition at Meaa Ve:rde aga1n'it a three-da' " capon\ con­ F1ftC('n antt-nukc dem o nstrat o~ fen:nn· Newport backing Country Club in Coata Meaa. Th e action wu a prelude to the 1ncl udin~ tl<l\ a teen-age and a blind .\lier h" reka\(' from the C osta fint round of tbe Unldeo Inntatlonal which begin• today. (Plea.e .ee SEVEN/ A2) (Pleaite eee 'CRJSIS/ A3) By LISA MAHONEY the airport that promise to be both Of lhe 0.-, "'"°' lt•ll ··comple"< and controve.-.;1al." o;pec1al a1rpon co un~I Michael Gatzke said Orange ( ounl) superv1sorc; ap­ The count), as the operator of John proved a temporary plan Wednesda) Wayne A1rpon, must ltmll de­ that wpuld allow airlines an average partures of certain types of aircraft High school budget pruning reduces staff of 87 departures a day from John and their yearly passenger total to Wayne A1rpon. comply with a settlement reached 1n By ROBERT BARKER Huntington Beach. Fountain Va lle" Otto funher propo~ to ~·u1 one of 1t1on and la' ing off S«retane\ derks The plan. which has the endorse­ December with the city of Newport OftMD.ey ......... and Westmtn".ltn. has lo<;t about thrtt n1ghH1mc S«umy officcl"i for and a purchasing bu1,er a\ Y.ell as ment of Newport Beach. wtll be in Beach and two c1t1zens groups over Plans to save SI 2 m1lhon by la)ing 4.000 student5 1n the pa<1t ~' eral furt!-er savings of SB.000 reducing energ' cn\tS effect from Apnl I to the end of June airport noise and future CX{>Clns1on . off some assistant pnnnpals. campus years to drop to 11s current e-nrollment he also l'i recommending that one The cuts ha'e bttn dt'hhcratcd Several airlines protested the plan. Flights by the no1s1est a1rcrafl are security officers and more than 20 of 17.700 Forecasts 1nd1cate another assist.mt pnnc1pal be tnmmed at all puhhch lor two wt'ek.!>. ~ deo<11 on b\ raising issues of fairness in d1stnbut­ rtstncted to 55 average datl) de­ other non-teaching employees have 250 to 365 drop next year high school<; for a sa-.ings of tru'itet'\ ... e\i>«ted \'1an:h I I ing available fl ights But supervisors partures over 1he plan year. which been unveiled bv Hunungton Beach To whmle the proposed detirns. \ 257.000 fountain \ialley High. v. 1th James lo..ovash l4 a pc.-ace officer brushed those complaints aside, say­ starts Apnl I Quieter. unregulated Union High School Dtstnct officials from the S6 I m1llton school budget. an enrollment of more than l 0110 at \\ t'\tmtnster High for ~' en '>ears. ing air earners' concerns would be airplanes such as the Bntish Aero­ ,The pruning 1s needed to .. down Otto IS propo'iing lo ..ave aooul would C' are tht' \" Ut op~ the propo~ rt"duc t1t)n~ addressed in a pennanent plan being space BAe-146 - some of which are size" overhead because fewer 'itu­ $86.000 b} ('Utl1ng back the secunt~ Other propo..ah include ehm1na1 - 0fficc~ help create a bt-uer learn­ developed by the airport staff. owned by two a1rh nes operating at dents are attending the d1stnct\ offi cer program One pcal'e officer tng laundf'\ <,en ice'>"° that student\ ing en' 1ronmen1 b\ pro.. · 1ding a safe Airport Manager George Rebella John Wayne - are hm11ed onl) b't seven high schools. according to would be allocatl-d to two campu~ " ould be required to furnish their ~ ampus and dmnct officials could asked for the temporary plan to give the total number of oasscnRers allow- ~upenntendent Mane Otto 1'/ow. one officer " 3\'i1gned to each 0 " n to.... els redul"ing the d1.,tm t •t'.'l'pard11e tht> 'laft' d1mate h't making staff time to address access issues at (Pleue eee AJRPORT / Al) The d1'itnct.
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