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Alicia Ely Yamin 1 DATE: April, 2020 NAME: Alicia Ely Yamin OFFICE ADDRESS: Harvard University Global Health and Education Learning Incubator (GHELI) 104 Mount Auburn St., 3rd Floor Cambridge, MA 02138 Tel: 617 496-1142 Email: [email protected]; [email protected] EDUCATION: 1996, M.P.H., Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health: Law and Public Health (Francois-Xavier Bagnoud Award; Samdperil Award) 1991, J.D. cum laude, Harvard Law School 1987, A.B. summa cum laude, Harvard College: Sociology and Latin American Literature CURRENT APPOINTMENTS: Senior Fellow, Petrie-Flom Center on Law, Bioethics and Biotechnology at Harvard Law School Lecturer on Law, Harvard Law School; Senior Scholar, Global Health Education and Learning Incubator, Harvard University; Adjunct Lecturer on Global Health and Population, Department of Global Health and Population, Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health; Research Director, Gender, Sexuality and the Law, Bergen Center on Law and Social Transformation, Bergen, Norway Senior Human Rights Advisor, Bergen Center on Ethics and Priority-Setting (BCEPS), Bergen, Norway MAJOR INTERNATIONAL AND NATIONAL EXPERT COMMISSIONS, COMMITTEES,AND OTHER APPOINTMENTS: 2020-Present Commissioner, Lancet Commission on Arctic Health 2019-Present Member, Technical Advisory Group on Health Technology Assessments, World Health Organization 2016-Present Member, UN Secretary General’s Independent Accountability Panel for the Global Strategy on Women’s Children’s and Adolescent Health (re-appointed, 2018) 2017 Expert appointed by Inter-American Court of Human Rights in case of Poblete Vilches v Chile (IACtHR, 2018). 2016 Member, Expert Group, UN Secretary General’s High-Level Court on Health Employment and Economic Growth 2015-2019 Commissioner, Lancet-Georgetown/O’Neill Institute Commission on Global Health and the Law 2013-Present Member, Academic Steering Committee for the Extra-territorial Obligations Consortium Alicia Ely Yamin 1 2011- Present Independent Expert on Implementation of Judgment T-760/08, Colombian Constitutional Court 2014-2019 Expert Advisor, UNRISD and ILO, Linking Social Protection and Human Rights 2013-2015 Oversight Committee, Constitutional Implementation Committee of Kenya in Relation to Health (only non-Kenyan) 2014-2017 Founding Member, Steering Committee, Global Child Poverty Coalition 2014-2015 Member, Steering Committee, World Bank Institute, Health to Rights: Initiative on Priority-Setting, Equity and Constitutional Mandates in Health [“SaluDerecho: Iniciativa sobre priorización, equidad y mandatos constitucionales en salud”] 2013- 2014 Member, Steering Committee, Measuring Advocacy for Policy Change: The Case for Respectful Maternity Care 2013- 2014 Member, World Bank Technical Advisory Group on women's voice, agency, and participation 2012- 2014 Member, WHO Task Force on Making Fair Choices on the Path to Universal Health Coverage 2012- 2013 Member, Reference Group for the ICPD +20 Human Rights Conference 2011- 2013 Member, WHO Steering Committee on Evidence of Impact of Rights-Based Approaches to Women’s and Children’s Health 2011 Expert Adviser, Partnership for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health (MDG Commitments) PREVIOUS APPOINTMENTS: 2016-2018 Visiting Professor of Law, Georgetown University Law Center; and Director, Health and Human Rights Initiative, O’Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law 2011-2016 Lecturer on Law and Global Health, Global Health and Population; Director, Joint JD/MPH Program, Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health; Policy Director, Francois-Xavier Bagnoud Center for Health and Human Rights, Harvard University [2011-2014 Dar es Salaam, Tanzania] Lecturer on Law, Harvard Law School [2015-16] 2007-2011 Joseph P. Flom Academic Fellow on Global Health and Human Rights, Harvard Law School [2007-09; renewed 2009-2011] Special Adviser, Amnesty International’s global campaign on poverty: Demand Dignity. Executive Editor, Harvard Health and Human Rights: An International Journal [Critical Concepts] Adjunct Associate Professor of Human Rights Law, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University [2010-2011] Adjunct Lecturer, Health Policy and Management, Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health [2009-2010] 2005-2007 Director of Research and Investigations, Physicians for Human Rights, Cambridge, MA Alicia Ely Yamin 2 2003-2008 Instructor, Health Policy and Management, Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health [2003-2005 Montevideo, Uruguay] 1996-2002 Assistant Professor of Clinical Public Health and Staff Attorney, Law and Policy Project, Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University [1998-2002; Lima Perú] Co-founder, “Program on Human Rights in Health” Asociación Pro Derechos Humanos, Lima, Perú 1993-1995 Associate (3rd -5th year), Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen & Hamilton, New York, NY 1991-1993 Legal Associate, Department of Human Rights of Archdiocese of Mexico City, Mexico; Legal Analyst, Human Rights Watch, Mexico City, Mexico Visiting Professor and Research Scholar, Department of Social Anthropology, Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia, Mexico City, Mexico DISTINGUISHED AND VISITING APPOINTMENTS, AWARDS AND FELLOWSHIPS: 2019-Present Fulbright Program Specialist, Institute of International Education 2013-Present Founding Global Fellow, Center on Law and Social Transformation, Bergen, Norway 2007-2011 Joseph P. Flom Fellowship on Global Health and Human Rights, Harvard Law School 2015-2016 Visiting Gladstein Distinguished Professor of Human Rights, University of Connecticut 2010 Ivan and Janice Stone Honorary Lectureship, Beloit College 2009 “Smart Cookie” Award in recognition of global work to establish maternal mortality as a human rights issue (accepted on behalf of Amnesty International 2007-2011 Joseph H. Flom Fellowship on Global Health and Human Rights, Harvard Law School 2003 Distinguished Visitor, Urban Morgan Institute of Human Rights, University of Cincinnati College of Law 1991-1993 Echoing Green Foundation Social Entrepreneurship Fellowship PROFESSIONAL BOARDS, COUNCILS AND SOCIETIES (GLOBAL AND BY COUNTRY): 2020-Present Member, International Advisory Board, European Observatory: Human Rights, Bioethics and the Environment. (Italy/Europe) 2018-Present Chair, Advisory Committee, Health Law Institute (Switzerland/Global) 2018-Present Board of Directors, Women in Global Health (US/Global) 2018-Present Advisory Committee, Health Hub: Politics, Organizations and Law (Canada) 2018-Present Organizing Committee for the Community of Practitioners on Accountability and Social Action in Health (COPASAH) Global Symposium (India/Global) 2016-Present Advocacy Steering Committee, Respectful Maternity Care Council (Global) 2015-Present Advisory Council, Center for Economic and Social Rights (US/Global) 2015-2018 External Advisory Board, the Human Rights, Big Data and Technology Project, University of Essex (UK) 2013-Present Advisory Board, International MotherBaby Childbirth Organization (US/Global) 2012-2014 Executive Committee, Beyond 2015 (Global) 2011-Present Advisory Board, Fistula Foundation (US/Global) Alicia Ely Yamin 3 2007-Present Advisory Council, International Initiative on Maternal Mortality and Human Rights (Global) 2004-2015 Advisory Board, Program on Human Rights, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, (Peru) 2002-2015 Advisory Committee, Center for Policy Analysis on Trade and Health (CPATH), US 2002-Present Advisory Board, MINGAPerú (Peru) 2001-2015 Board of Directors, Center for Economic and Social Rights, (Chair, 2009-2015; Vice- Chair, 2001-2008) (Member, Advisory Council, 2015-Present) 1999-2015 Advisory Board, EDHUCASalud (“Educación en Derechos Humanos con Aplicación en Salud” or Education in Human Rights with Applications in Health), (Peru) 2010-2012 Reference Group, International Budget Partnership-Partnership Initiative (Global) 2007-2008 Co-Chair, International Law Section, Public Law, Policy & Human Rights Committee, Boston Bar Association [Member, 2005-2008] (USA) 2003-2007 Advisory Board, Observatory on the Right to Health (Peru) 2004-2009 Board of Directors, Mental Disability Rights International [now ‘Disability Rights International’] (USA) 2002-2005 International Advisory Council, Physicians for Human Rights, (USA) 1999-2002 Committee on Scientific Freedom and Responsibility, American Association for the Advancement of Science, (USA) 1997-2000 International Society for Health and Human Rights, (USA) 1996-2001 Board of Directors, Physicians for Human Rights, (USA) 1992-2005 International Human Rights Committee, Association of the Bar of the City of New York (USA) EDITORIAL BOARDS: 2014- Present Contributing Editor, Health and Human Rights: An International Journal 2010- Present Editorial Review Board, Human Rights Quarterly 2017- 2019 Associate Editor, Health Care Policy and Law, BMC International Health and Human Rights 2007- 2017 International Advisory Board, Human Rights and the Global Economy 2002- 2016 Editorial Review Board, Revista Iberoamericana de Derechos Humanos HARVARD UNIVERSITY SERVICE AND LEADERSHIP: 2019-Present Member, Dean’s Advisory Council on Diversity and Inclusion (DACDI), Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health 2018-Present Director, Harvard Group on Reproductive Health and Rights, Harvard University 2014-2018 Co-Director, Harvard Group on Reproductive Health and Rights, Harvard University 2015-2016 Member, Dean’s Advisory Committee on Sexual Assault and Harassment Prevention, Harvard TH Chan School
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