Impact Report

Gaisce Gold recipient Cathal Seabrook jumps for joy at our Gold Award Ceremony in Castle, December 2018. Gaisce - The President’s Award 2018 Impact Report

2018 Strategic Priorities

Provide an innovative Raise awareness and and challenging recognition of Gaisce and its Gaisce programme. 2. contribution to Irish society.

Make Gaisce accessible to all Ensure Gaisce’s young people and programme sustainability to deliver. effective and sustainable. 4.

2018 Statistics

young people received Gold 25,000 77 Awards NEW REGISTRATIONS young people received Silver Awards and over 800

15,000 OVER 14,000 COMPLETIONS young people received Bronze Awards 1.4 million hours spent by participants in 2018 learning a new skill, being physically active, contributing to community, and adventuring President Award Gaisce Award Gold: 25,272 hours Leaders (PALs) Partners (GAPs) supporting offering the Silver: 104,832 hours young people programme Bronze: 1,256,464 hours Gaisce - The President’s Award 2018 Impact Report

Some 2018 Highlights

Gaisce is delighted to have welcomed 100+ new GAPs in 2018, with the biggest increases taking place in DEIS schools, organisations supporting people who experience disabilities and Youth and Community groups. Award Ceremonies Gold Award Ceremony

The 2018 Gold Award Ceremony was held at St Patrick’s Hall in on 10th December 2018. The Michael D. Higgins presented 77 young people with their Gold Award on the day.

Pictured with her Gold Award is Emma McKinley. Silver Award Ceremony

Gaisce held four Silver Award Ceremonies in 2018, two in Dublin, one in Tipperary and one in Cork. Over 500 young people from across Ireland were celebrated and presented with their Silver Awards during these Ceremonies.

Gaisce Gold Awardee Olivia Sneyd, 2FM’s Stephen Byrne, CEO of Gaisce Yvonne McKenna and Para-Athlete Paul Keoghan at the Silver Awards in the Helix, October 2018. Gaisce - The President’s Award 2018 Impact Report

Gaisce would like to take this opportunity to thank Thank the numerous GAPs and PALs around the country for You! supporting young people to realise their potential. Urban Dublin Project

Proudly supported by Irish Life

Gaisce was delighted to have 11 Gaisce Award Partners from Dublin participate in the programme in 2018, with over 60 awards achieved. Two such Gaisce Award Partners were the Central Remedial Clinic (CRC) and O’Connell’s Boys school in Dublin 1. Nine young people from the CRC finished the first part of their Gaisce Journey and received their Bronze Award in 2018. O’Connell’s Secondary School delivered the award for the very first time and had 15 completions in 2018. You can find out more about the project by watching this video, which was created by Gaisce to highlight the Dublin Urban Project’s success - Gaisce in Youth Justice To foster inclusivity and access to the programme, Gaisce hired a dedicated Youth Justice Development Officer to provide greater support to the organisation’s work among Garda Youth Diversion and Probation projects. This new appointment has already led to a surge in the number of PALs trained in these areas. The first ever Symposium for prison staff and educators - ‘The Award in Custody: A Shared Perspective’ - took place in 2018 and was programmed in partnership with the Joint Award Initiative and the Irish Prison Service. Gaisce - The President’s Award 2018 Impact Report

LGBTI+ Youth Programme

In December 2018, Gaisce launched LikeMinded, a bespoke personal development project supporting LGBTI+ young people aged 14-17. LikeMinded is designed to support participants to build confidence, resilience and positive mental health while having fun and achieving their Gaisce Award. LikeMinded is generously supported by Social Innovation Fund Ireland.

Thanks to the generous support of St Patrick’s Cathedral Community Fund, ten members of Cultúr Migrant Centre were supported to undertake their Gaisce Silver Awards. The group received their Awards during our Dublin Ceremony at the Helix, 10th October 2018. In light of this group’s success, Gaisce successfully sought funding from the Coca Cola Foundation for a new project called Wavelength. Wavelength aims to ensure young people aged 18-25 who are seeking asylum or have refugee status in Ireland have the opportunity to participate in the programme. Gaisce - The President’s Award 2018 Impact Report GAISCE IN NORTHERN IRELAND

Gaisce – The President’s Award partnership with the Duke of Edinburgh UK continues to flourish in Northern Ireland. Through the Joint Award Initiative, over 170 young people from Northern Ireland achieved a Gaisce Award in 2018. Additionally, seven 170 young Gaisce Gold Award participants joined four Gold Joint YOUNG Award participants for a cross-border Residential Project in PEOPLE Castle Saunderson in 2018. The focus of the residential was environmental leadership and included training on sustainability, conservation and leave no trace principles. Programme partners included Ulster Wildlife, Leave No Trace and Venture. GAISCE COUNCIL In 2018, Minister Katherine Zappone appointed John Cunningham as Chair of Gaisce – The President’s Award for a 3-year term. The Minister also appointed Pauric Dempsey, Jimmy McGovern, Lindsay Malone and Marcella Bannon to Council, joining Justin McAleese, Miriam Dollard, Paul Joseph Sweetman, Denis Duggan, Emma Farrell, Feargal Hynes, Maura Lyons, Lydia Bracken and Karen Buckley. Carmel Nic Airt, Ellen O’Malley Dunlop, John Concannon, Norma Smurfit, Aonghus Sammin and Andrew Madden retired during the same year. Gaisce thanks all new, current and retiring Council members for their voluntary commitment to the organisation and the guidance and support provided.

A message from Yvonne McKenna CEO, Gaisce - The President’s Award

2018 was a record year for Gaisce – The President’s Award: more than 15,000 young people than ever before achieved a Gaisce Award and Uachtaráin na hÉireann, Michael D. Higgins, presided over the largest ever Gold Award Ceremony in Dublin Castle. We were particularly delighted to see an increase, not only in the number, but range of organisations delivering Gaisce: in particular, more youth, community and disability organisations, and a 20% increase in DEIS schools offering Gaisce. We thank and celebrate the tremendous dedication and hard work of all the President’s Award Leaders, without whom, Gaisce simply could not exist. We look forward to another great year in 2019, celebrating 35 years in operation and continuing to support and recognise young people throughout their personal development journey. Gaisce - The President’s Award 2018 Impact Report

Social media stats for 2018

+859 10.2k followers engagement

16.8K profile visits 218.3k reach 662.8k impressions 458 likes

4.6 monthly +251 engagement rate followers

3,153 likes 11.4k impressions 110 likes

Website: 541k views 124k unique users

Google ads: 14k impressions 4.2k clicks

Media coverage highlights for 2018

Defence Forces Gold Adventure Challenge: Awards:

• 33 hits • 9 hits • 326K reach • 336k reach • €100K AVE. • €103k AVE. Gaisce - The President’s Award 2018 Impact Report

2018 Financial Statistics

Income 2018 Other Income 1%

Fees 30%

Public/State 55%

Non-state Philanthropic 14%

Total: €1,254,844 (+21% ’17)

Expenditure 2018 Raising Funds 4%

Charitable Activities 96%

Total: €1,145,770 (+9% ’17)

*Please note: Gaisce prepares its accounts in line with the Statement of Recommended Practice (SORP), and because of this, all income received in a year must be recognised in the same financial year. 2018’s €109K surplus comprises a deficit of ca. €15K on unrestricted funds and a surplus of ca. €134K on restricted funds. The surplus on restricted funds relates to philanthropic grants received for 3 programmes during 2018, the delivery for which was ongoing at year end. Remaining funds on these programmes will be spent during 2019. Gaisce - The President’s Award 2018 Impact Report

GOING FOR GOLD The story of Gaisce Participant Lorcan Tuohy Donnelly... Gaisce - The President’s Award 2018 Impact Report A BIG THANK YOU...


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