P2P Systems

IP networks course Giovanni Neglia


¢ P2P systems overview

¢ The ancestor:

¢ Only ?

¢ distributed computing, collaborative environment, anonimity...

¢ Why P2P?

¢ File sharing, file sharing, file sharing...

¢ witha note on structuredP2P networks and DHT

1 What is Peer-to-Peer (P2P)?

The -Server Model

¢ Contact a server and get the service. ¢ Server has all the resources and capabilities. ¢ No interaction among clients ¢ Common model in the Internet (e.g. www).

2 What is a peer?

¢ —an entity with capabilities similar to other entities in the system“

The P2P Model

¢ A peer‘s resources are similar to the resources of the other participants

¢ P2P œ peers communicating directly with other peers and sharing resources

¢ Peer = Servent = Server+Client

3 P2P Application Taxonomy

¢ Proposed for

¢ file sharing (Napster, , , )

¢ Distributed Computing (SETI@home)

¢ Collaboration (Jabber, Groove)

¢ generalpurpose platforms (JXTA)

¢ audio/videoconference -> Skype

¢ anonimity -> ,

¢ chensorshipresistance -> Infranet, Tangler

P2P File Sharing Software

¢ Allows a user to open up a directory in their file system

¢ Anyone can retrieve a file from directory

¢ Like a Web server ¢ Allows the user to copy files from other users‘ open directories:

¢ Like a Web client ¢ Allows users to search nodes for content based on keyword matches:

¢ Like Google

4 Outline

¢ P2P systems overview

¢ The ancestor: Napster

¢ Only file sharing?

¢ distributed computing, collaborative environment, anonimity...

¢ Why P2P?

¢ File sharing, file sharing, file sharing...

Napster: How Did It Work

¢ Application-level, client-server protocol over point-to-point TCP ¢ Centralized directory server ¢ Steps:

¢ Connect to Napster server

¢ Give server keywords to search the full list with.

¢ Select —best“ of correct answers.

¢ One approach is selecting based on the response time of pings.

¢ Shortest response time is chosen.

5 Napster: How Did It Work

napster.com centralized directory 1. File list and IP address is uploaded

Napster: How Did It Work

napster.com 2.U ser centralized directory requests search at server. Q uery and results

6 Napster: How Did It Work

napster.com 3. U ser pings centralized directory hosts that apparently have data.

Looks for pings best transfer pings rate.

Napster: How Did It Work

napster.com 4. U ser chooses centralized directory server

N apster’s centralized server farm had difficult tim e Retrieves keeping file up w ith traffic

7 Napster History

¢ 5/99: Shawn Fanning (freshman, NortheastenU.) founds Napster Online music service ¢ 12/99: first lawsuit ¢ 3/00: 25% UWisctraffic Napster ¢ 2/01: US Circuit Court of Appeals: Napster knew users violating copyright laws



¢ Judge orders Napster to

6c M

pull plug in July ”01 e s


¢ Other file sharing apps e

4p M

take over! s t i b ¢ 7/01: # simultaneous 2M online users:

¢ Napster 160K, 0.0 ¢ Gnutella: 40K,

¢ (KaZaA): 300K gnutella napster fastrack (KaZ aA )

8 Napster: Discussion

¢ Locates files quickly

¢ Vulnerable to censorship and technical failure

¢ Popular data become less accessible because of the load of the requests on a central server


¢ P2P systems overview

¢ The ancestor: Napster

¢ Only file sharing?

¢ distributed computing, collaborative environment, anonimity...

¢ Why P2P?

¢ File sharing, file sharing, file sharing...

9 SETI@home

¢ Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence ¢ Search through massive amounts of radio telescope data to look for signals ¢ Build huge virtual computer by using idle cycles on Internet computer ¢ Conceived 1995, launched April 1999


¢ Distributes a screen saverœbased application to users

¢ Applies signal analysis algorithms different data sets to process radio-telescope data. 1.Install 3.S ET I client gets S creen S erver data from server and runs S ET I@ H om e M ain S erver 4.Client sends results back to server Radio-telescope Data

2.S ET I client (screen S aver) starts

10 Why don‘t we build a huge supercomputer?

¢ Supercomputers time is expensive

¢ Home PCs are commonly idle

Why don‘t we build a huge supercomputer?

¢ Top500 supercomputer list over time: k ¢ Zipfdistribution: Perf(rank) ≈ rank -0.68 Parameter 'k' evolution . 1. 0000

-0.70 ) .

e 2001 2000


) -0.72 a e c

l 1999 1998 s

a -0.74 2001 c

g 1000 1997 1996 s

-0.76 o l g ( 1995 -0.78 o l S (

P -0.80 S O P 100 -0.82 L O F -0.84 L G F . 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 f 0 0 0 0 9 9 9 9 9 G r 0 0 0 0 9 9 9 9 9

e 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 k p c 10 a k P c a n i P L n i

L 1 1 10 100 1000 Rank (log scale)

11 -0.68 Parameter 'k' evolution . -0.70 -0.72 -0.74 -0.76 -0.78 -0.80 -0.82 Trend -0.84 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 s 5 0 0 0 0 9 9 9 9 9 0 0 0 0 9 9 9 9 9 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1

¢ Increasingly interest to aggregate the capabilities of the machines in the tail of this distribution.

¢ A virtual machine that aggregates the last 10 in Top500 would rank 32ndin ‘95 but 14thin ”03

¢ Grid computing is, in part, results of this trend: infrastructure enabling controlled, secure resource sharing (for a relatively small number of resources)

Lessons from SETI@home

¢ Can apply this technology to real problems ¢ Expected 100k participants, but have 3 million, 0.5M active, 226 countries ¢ 40 TB data recorded, processed ¢ 25 TeraFLOPs average over 2005 ¢ Almost 1 million years CPU time ¢ No ET signals yet, but other results ¢ Followers: ¢ Genome@home, Folding@home, CancerResearch Iniziative

12 Groove P2P Work environment

¢ Ideal fordynamicteam work

Integration Secure, faster & with existing cost effective system Functional online Extension interaction

Edit and Upload User Download/Update /Store contents components


Update/Upload contents Download components

Interact / Negotiate file / Coordinate events Centralized IS control for IT Sh are d Virtu al Space Better real-time Manager interaction Upload contents Network & Web Service Flexible and integral Platform Download contents P rovide Software/ Application T ech Partne r/Su pplie r/Family GROO VE


¢ P2P systems overview

¢ The ancestor: Napster

¢ Only file sharing?

¢ distributed computing, collaborative environment, anonimity...

¢ Why P2P?

¢ File sharing, file sharing, file sharing...

13 Why P2P?

¢ Distributed systems pros...

¢ Scalability, Reliability, Saving,... ¢ and cons

¢ complexity, management, security ¢ The Internet has three valuable fundamental assets...

¢ Information

¢ Computing resources

¢ Bandwidth ¢ ...all of which are vastly under utilized, partly due to the traditional client-server model

Why P2P?

¢ No single search engine can locate and catalog the ever-increasing amount of information on the Web in a timely way ¢ Moreover, a huge amount of information is transient and not subject to capture by techniques such as Web crawling 8 ¢ Google claims that it searches about 1.3x10web pages

¢ Finding useful information in real time is increasingly difficult!

14 Why P2P?

¢ Although miles of new fiber have been installed, the new bandwidth gets little use if everyone goes to Yahoo for content and to eBay

¢ Instead, hot spots just get hotter while cold pipes remain cold

¢ This is partly why most people still feel the congestion over the Internet while a single fiber‘s bandwidth has increased by a factor of 106 since 1975, doubling every 16 months

Why P2P?

¢ P2P potentially can eliminating the single- source bottleneck

¢ P2P can be used to distribute data and control and load-balance requests across the Net

¢ P2P potentially eliminates the risk of a single point of failure

¢ P2P infrastructure allows direct access and shared space, and this can enable remote maintenance capability

15 P2P impact today (1)

¢ Widespread adoption

¢ KaZaAœ 360 million downloads (1.3M/week) one of the most popular applications ever!

¢ leading to (almost) zero-cost content distribution:

¢ is forcing companies to change their business models and might impact copyright laws FastTrack 2,460,120 eDonkey 1,987,097 Overnet 1,261,568 iMesh 803,420 Sources: www.slyck.com, Warez 440,289 www.kazaa.com, July ‘04 Gnutella 389,678

P2P impact today (2)

¢ P2P applications market (Solomon Smith Barney)

¢ 5.800 milliondollars in 2003

¢ 36.500 milliondollars in 2004

¢ Resources saving

¢ Seti@Home $1.5M / year in additional power consumed

16 P2P impact today (3)

¢ P2P traffic in the network

¢ from 20% up to80%!!

¢ Driving adoption of consumer broadband

¢ Need for control accordingtonetwork providers and administrators


¢ The focus is on a decentralized method of searching for files

¢ Central directory server no longer the bottleneck

¢ More difficult to —pull plug“

¢ Each application instance serves to:

¢ Store selected files

¢ Route queries from and to its neighboring peers

¢ Respond to queries if file stored locally

¢ Serve files

17 Gnutella

¢ Gnutella history:

¢ 3/14/00: release by AOL, almost immediately withdrawn

¢ Became open source

¢ Many iterations to fix poor initial design (poor design turned many people off) ¢ Issues:

¢ How much traffic does one query generate?

¢ How many hosts can it support at once?

¢ What is the latency associated with querying?

¢ Is there a bottleneck?

Gnutella: Searching

¢ Searching by flooding: ¢ A Query packet might ask, "Do you have any content that matches the string ”Homer"?Ifa node does not have the requested file, then 7 (default set by Gnutella) of its neighbors are queried. ¢ If the neighbors do not have it, they contact 7 of their neighbors. ¢ Maximum hop count: 10 (this is called time-to- live TTL) ¢ Reverse path forwarding for responses (not files)

18 Gnutella: Searching

Gnutella: Searching

19 Gnutella: Searching

¢ Downloading ¢ Peers respond with a —QueryHit“ (contains contact info) ¢ File transfers use direct connection using HTTP protocol‘s GET method ¢ When there is a firewall a "Push" packet is used œ reroutes via Push path

Gnutella: arrival of a new Peer

20 KaZaA: Architecture

¢ Each peer is either a supernode or is assigned to a supernode ¢ 56 min avgconnect supernodes ¢ Each SN has about 100- 150 children ¢ Roughly 30,000 SNs ¢Each supernode has TCP connections with 30-50 supernodes ¢ 23 min avgconnect

Free Rider Problem

21 Free Rider Problem

¢ No individual is willing to contribute towards the cost of something (public goods) when he hopes that someone else will bear the cost instead ¢ In P2P, many people just download files contributed by others and never share any of their files ¢ Few servers become the hot spots: Anonymous?, Copyright?, Privacy? Scalability?, Is it P2P?

How to build a reliable P2P system

¢ Require: Contribution should be predictable

¢ Peers can be motivated using economic principle

¢ Monetary payment (one pays to consume resources and paid to contribute resource)

¢ Differential service (peers that contributes more get better quality of service)

22 Real P2P systems

¢ Differential service (peers that contributes more get better quality of service)

¢ KaZaA

¢ participation level: upload/download

¢ BitTorrent

¢ Bartered —Tit for Tat“ download bandwidth

¢ Download one (random) chunk from a storage peer, slowly

¢ Subsequent chunks barteredwith concurrent downloaders

¢ The more chunks you can upload, the more you can download

¢ Download speed starts slow, then goes fast

BitTorrent: A community foreachcontent

t rren To ET t G rren .to File

Anno unce Peer addre sses (Pee r set)

23 BitTorrent: A community foreachcontent

t rren To ET t G rren .to File

Anno unce Ind irizzi Peer

Seeders and leechers

¢ seeders have the entire file

¢ leechers

24 Peer and Piece Selection

¢ At the core of any P2P protocol

¢ Peer Selection

¢ Maximize capacity of service

¢ Foster reciprocation and prevent free riders

¢ Choice of the peers to uploadto

¢ Efficiency criteria

Peer and Piece Selection

¢ Piece selection

¢ Which pieces to download from peers

¢ Should guarantee a high piece diversity

¢ Always find an interesting piece in any other peer

¢ Do not bias peer selection

25 Choke and Rarest First Algorithms

¢ Choke algorithm

¢ Leechers: upload to the peers (unchoke) from which we are downloading the fastest

¢ Reevaluate periodically (10s)

¢ Optimistic unchoke

¢ Reevaluate periodically (30s)

¢ 3 unchoke + 1 optimistic unchoke

¢ Seeds: as leechers but upload to the fastest downloaders

¢ different algorithms in new versions

Choke and Rarest First Algorithms

¢ Rarest first algorithm

¢ Choose the pieces that are locally rarest

¢ For short: rarest first

¢ Random first policy

26 Some Real Numbers

¢ Torrent characteristics

¢ Torrent size: from a few peers to 100 000 peers

¢ popular torrents: between 10 000 and 50 000 peers

¢ Content size: from a few kBto 4GB

¢ TV series: 300MB, Movie: 600MB, DVD image: 4GB

¢ Piece size: {256,512,1024} kB

¢ Typical case: 1000 pieces for a content

¢ Peer set size: 80 peers

Evolutionof BitTorrent: support forUDP protocol

¢ toreduce the loadon trackers

27 Evolutionof BitTorrent: Multiple trackers

¢ In .torrent a list of trackers

¢ case 1): {{Tracker1},{Tracker2}}

ce oun nn eer A zi P iriz Ind 1

Anno unce Ind irizzi Peer


Evolutionof BitTorrent: Multiple trackers

¢ In .torrent a list of trackers

¢ case 2): {{Tracker1,Tracker2}}

unce Anno r zi Pee Indiriz 1 1

Anno unce Ind irizzi Peer

2 2

28 Evolutionof BitTorrent: Multiple trackers

¢ In .torrent a list of trackers

¢ case 3): {{Tracker1,Tracker2},{Tracker3}}

Structured P2P

¢ Second generation P2P overlay networks

¢ Self-organizing ¢ Load balanced ¢ Fault-tolerant

¢ Scalable guarantees on numbers of hops to answer a query

¢ Major difference with unstructured P2P systems

¢ Based on a (DHT) interface

29 Distributed Hash Tables (DHT)

¢ Distributed version of a hash table data structure ¢ Stores (key, value) pairs

¢ The key is like a filename

¢ The value can be file contents ¢ Goal: Efficiently insert/lookup/delete (key, value) pairs ¢ Each peer stores a subset of (key, value) pairs in the system ¢ Core operation: Find node responsible for a key

¢ Map key to node

¢ Efficiently route insert/lookup/delete request to this node

DHT Desirable Properties

¢ Keys mapped evenly to all nodes in the network

¢ Each node maintains information about only a few other nodes

¢ Messages can be routed to a node efficiently

¢ Node arrival/departures only affect a few nodes

30 Structured Overlays

¢ Properties

¢ Topology is tightly controlled

¢ Well-defined rules determine to which other nodes a node connects

¢ Files/Information placed at precisely specified locations

¢ Hash function maps file names to nodes

¢ Scalable routing based on file attributes

LookupProblem in P2P Systems

How do you find any given data item in a large P2P system in a scalable manner, without any centralized servers or hierarchy?

Distributed Structured P2P Overlay Application

Structured P2P systems implement the API Interface: Value DHTabstraction Put(Key,Value) Remove(Key) Value=Get(Key)

Distributed Hash Table

Peer Peer Peer Peer

Figure 1: Application Interface for Structured DHT-based P2P Overlay Systems (Luaet al. 2004)

31 Distributed Hash Tables (DHTs)

¢ In DHT-based Systems:

¢ Peers are assigned uniform random NodeIDs

¢ Data objects are assigned unique identifiers called keys

¢ Keys are mappedby the overlay network protocol to unique peers

¢ Overlay networks support the scalable storage and retrieval of {key,value} pairs:

¢ Put(key,value)

¢ Remove(key)

¢ Value=Get(key)

¢ Each peer maintains a small routing table consisting of its neighbouringpeers‘ NodeIDs and IP addresses

¢ Lookup queries are forwardedacross overlay paths to peers, with the NodeIDs that are closerto the key

DHT Routing Protocols

¢ DHT is a generic interface

¢ Different organization schemes for the data objects and its key space and routing strategies ¢ There are several implementations of this interface

¢ Chord [MIT]

¢ Pastry [Microsoft Research UK, Rice University]

¢ Tapestry [UC Berkeley]

¢ Content Addressable Network (CAN) [UC Berkeley]

¢ SkipNet [Microsoft Research US, Univ. of Washington]

¢ [New York University]

¢ Viceroy [Israel, UC Berkeley]

¢ P-Grid [EPFL Switzerland]

¢ [Ian Clarke]

32 Content Addressable Network (CAN)


1.0 Keys are hashed into d-dimensional D • C (0.2,0.7) (0.6,0.7) coordinate space (0.75-1.0,0.5-1.0) (0.0-0.5,0.5-1.0) E (0.9,0.6)

• Every node owns its individual, distinct A (0.1,0.1) zone within the overall space B (0.6,0.3) 0.0 (0.5-1.0,0.0-0.5) • To store a pair (K,V): 0.0 1.0 node B’s virtual coordinate zone (0.0-0.5,0.0-0.5) ° K is mapped onto a point P in the coordinate space using a uniform hash function

° The (key,value) pair is stored at the node that owns the zone

Routing in a CAN

• A CAN node maintains a routing table that 6 2 holds information about its neighbour zones

3 1 5 A node routes a message towards its destination 1 • (d / 4)(n d ) by greedy forwarding to the neighbour closest to the destination 4 • For a d dimensional space partitioned into n equal zones: (x,y) 1 ° the average routing path length is (d / 4)(n d ) 1’s coordinate neighbour set = {2,3,4,5} ° individual nodes maintain 2d neighbours

Sample routing path from node 1 to point (x,y)

33 CAN: Node Join and Departure

P: (x,y)

• To join a CAN, a node: ° Retrieves a bootstrap node’s IP address ° Gets the IP addresses of several alive nodes and chooses one ° Randomly chooses a point P in the space ° A message is routed to the node in whose zone P lies ° This node splits its zone in half and assigns one half to the new node Bootstrap Node New Node ° Both new and old nodes’ neighbours are informed of the reallocation of space • A node leaves a CAN: ° explicitly hands over its zone and (key,value) pairs to one of its neighbours • A Node fails: ° handled through a takeover algorithm that ensures one of the failed node’s neighbours takes over the zone

Evolutionof BitTorrent: integrationof a KademliaDHT

Q uery for Content 1

T orrent 1 1 T orrent 2

34 DHT details

¢ Two different implementations (Azureus vs Mainline&others)

¢ About the DHT bootstrap nodes

¢ from the file .torrent

¢ embedded in the client

¢ from other peers