Orioles News – April 23, 2012

Coach Jayson Lucas Asst. Coach Rich Koltas

To Do Items ___If you are scheduled to bring drinks, please also bring a trash bag. See Keeping the clean below. ___Sell more Fundraiser books!

Schedule for This Week Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat. Sun. 4/23 4/24 4/25 4/26 4/27 4/28 4/29 7-8:30 pm 7-8:30 pm 10-11:30 am Game: 10 am, Sandlot Practice Practice Practice at Marlins, Drinks Busch Roxbury North Oak Heights Black Elk Game: 3 pm, Sandlot Forecast: Clear, Forecast: Partly Forecast: vs. Rangers, Drinks Case high 68 cloudy, high 70 Isolated t- storms, high 62 Forecast: Partly cloudy, high 65

Looking Ahead to Next Week Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat. Sun. 4/30 5/1 5/2 5/3 5/4 5/5 5/6 7-8:30 pm 7-8:30 pm Game: 2 pm, Andersen Practice Practice Roxbury North Oak Heights Game: 8 pm, Andersen

Game Schedule The game schedule has been emailed and posted on our MAA webpage.

Recap: First Game Annette Busch made a great foul ball catch in the stands…sign her up!! She is awesome!

Wheels had excellent outing and got the first win of the season for our team! Keep being aggressive. Keegan came in at pitcher and had a solid outing and showed us his blazing . Welcome to the team! Colby Cheese was solid at usual behind the plate with an excellent throw to third, and he made solid contact at the plate. Coach is calling you out! Tyconator showed us his skills at first and continues to scoop the ball when needed. Lebron would be proud! Fiskies continues to be a leader at 2nd and had a solid outing at the plate! His fu-man- chu rocks! Casanova definitely likes the ladies, however his ability at shortstop was key! Lobo made an excellent play a 3rd, blocked the base and made the tag! Then showed the crowd he was awesome... Cracker did well in the outfield, was key at backing up second base on the throw, and was solid at the plate. Big Mac was solid and I hope his big toe gets better....his speed is blazing! We had to put out fires on the base paths. Turk continues to improve his skills and his “heart and desire” are amazing! Keep it up! Ladies' Man continues to lead off for us and gets on base…great hits dude. Curly had an awesome with two RBI's...keep swinging that bat stooge! Welcome back Spencer…you were missed!

Overall we did well and were aggressive on the bases. We just need to be more aggressive on the field and get the ball, not wait for it to come to us. We were patient at the plate and it showed. We have a double header this Sunday so make sure to get your rest Saturday night. They will not be easy teams to beat!

Area of Emphasis for This Week Fielding is paramount as we found out in the 1st game of the season. We need to continue to get down in front of the ball, set up to throw, and then throw to the base.

Drink Schedule and Cleaning the Dugout We have been asked by the League Director to keep the dugouts clean. We are asking the parent with drink schedule responsibility to also bring a trash bag to the game. The can in the dugout needs to be emptied into the big green cans after each game. The parents and player with drink responsibility will also be responsible for making sure this is done. It is okay to ask others to help! Many times the can is overflowing, but at least we can make sure that the trash is in a bag next to the can instead of strung all over the ground. Individual players are still responsible for picking up the dugout, but the drink player and parent supervision helps the coaches in having one less thing to manage.

Baseball Defined Perfect Game: A game in which a pitcher does not allow an opposing batter to reach base for any reason (hits, walks, hit batsman, etc.). “27 up, 27 down” refers to 27 batters at the plate, and 27 batters out without reaching base.

History was made again this past weekend. Philip Humber pitched to 27 batters on April 21, 2012 with none reaching base. It is only the 21st perfect game in major league history. On ten other occasions, a would-be perfect game was spoiled when the 27th batter reached base.

Youth Team Day at Haymarket Park Saturday, April 28 is baseball Youth Team Day at Haymarket Park as the Huskers take on Cal State Bakersfield at 2 p.m. All youth baseball & softball teams, 8th grade and under wearing their team gear, can get in to the Husker Baseball game for free! Simply show your team jersey or cap at the gate to receive admission. Seating is then available in any general admission areas. Additional tickets may be purchased by contacting the Athletic Ticket Office at 402-472-3111 or by ordering online at www.Huskers.com/tickets. If you have any questions, please contact Lonna at 402-472-7693.

Orioles Night at the Ballpark Thanks to all for coming out for a beautiful night of baseball and fireworks on Friday the 13th. The boys (and the parents) had a great time!

Fundraiser Keep selling the fundraising books! Remember that if we sell 3 books each, the players get a Coco Key Team Party and nice Team Trophies. Also, Coach Lucas will reward the player who sells the most books with an iTunes or Game Stop gift card.

Website The new website is open on the MAA webpage: http://www.millardathletics.com/page/show/ 492495-orioles We would love to have more stories or updates on the players from time to time. This could be a story written by the player himself or the parents, or just a news item about a school recognition, good report card, etc. Think of this as your chance to brag about how great all these players are! Please send news items and stories to Michaela Lucas at [email protected]

Baseball History – An Omaha Connection Hall of Fame Wade Boggs is from Omaha. He played for the Red Sox, the Yankees, and the Devil Rays. When he was in the minor leagues, he played in the longest professional baseball game in history. He was playing for the against the who also had Cal Ripken Jr. on their roster. The game started on April 18, 1981 at 8:25 p.m. In the 21st inning, Wade Boggs drove in the tying run. He said, “I didn’t know if the guys on the team wanted to hug me or slug me.” After 3 a.m. they finally reached the president of the league by phone and he agreed they could stop play after the current inning. At 4:07 a.m., at the end of the 32nd inning, the game was stopped. There were 19 fans left in the stands and they each received season or lifetime passes to the stadium. The players were going home to rest as they had to return for an 11:00 a.m. game! Boggs’ father complimented him on getting four hits in the game. But Boggs said he had 12 at bats! A baseball signed by the players from that game is on display in the Baseball Hall of Fame. They later completed the game on June 23, with Pawtucket winning 3-2 in the 33rd inning.