Synthesis of Fast and Collision-free Folding of Polyhedral Nets Yue Hao Yun-hyeong Kim Jyh-Ming Lien George Mason University Seoul National University George Mason University Fairfax, VA Seoul, South Korea Fairfax, VA
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Figure 1: An optimized unfolding (top) created using our method and an arbitrary unfolding (bottom) for the fish mesh with 150 triangles (left). Each row shows the folding sequence by linearly interpolating the initial and target configurations. Self- intersecting faces, shown in red at bottom, result in failed folding. Additional results, foldable nets produced by the proposed method and an accompanied video are available on ABSTRACT paper will provide a powerful tool to enable designers, materi- A predominant issue in the design and fabrication of highly non- als engineers, roboticists, to name just a few, to make physically convex polyhedral structures through self-folding, has been the conceivable structures through self-assembly by eliminating the collision of surfaces due to inadequate controls and the computa- common self-collision issue. It also simplifies the design of the tional complexity of folding-path planning. We propose a method control mechanisms when making deployable shape morphing de- that creates linearly foldable polyhedral nets, a kind of unfoldings vices. Additionally, our approach makes foldable papercraft more with linear collision-free folding paths. We combine the topolog- accessible to younger children and provides chances to enrich their ical and geometric features of polyhedral nets into a hypothesis education experiences. fitness function for a genetic-based unfolder and use it to mapthe polyhedral nets into a low dimensional space.