Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 105 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION

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Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 105 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 105 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 143 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1997 No. 140 Senate The Senate met at 12 noon and was SCHEDULE oxymoron list of the 1990’s—the oppo- called to order by the President pro Mr. LOTT. Mr. President, following 1 nents of this ill-advised attack on free tempore [Mr. THURMOND]. hour of debate, a vote will occur on the speech have just about worn everybody motion to invoke cloture with respect out, even in Washington where people PRAYER to the campaign finance reform bill. If actually talk about such topics over The Chaplian, Dr. Lloyd John cloture is not invoked, a cloture vote dinner. Some months ago, thanks to the dis- Ogilvie, offered the following prayer: will then occur on the Lott amendment tinguished Senator from Kentucky, I Blessed God, whose love never lets us dealing with paycheck protection to S. spoke on this issue and made what I go, whose mercy never ends, whose 25. Therefore, Members can anticipate thought was a pretty fair defense of strength is always available, whose two back-to-back rollcall votes at ap- guidance shows us the way, whose spir- free political discourse when the dis- proximately 1 p.m. I will notify Mem- tinguished Senator from South Caro- it provides us supernatural power, bers as to the rest of the day. We are lina proposed withdrawing first amend- whose presence is our courage, whose working now with the Democratic lead- ment protection from that same polit- joy invades our gloom, whose peace er to see if we can get some under- ical discourse. Senator HOLLINGS, by calms our pressured hearts, whose light standing as to how we will proceed the way, was up front. He was candid in illuminates our paths, whose goodness throughout the remainder of the day his approach, as opposed to the current provides the wondrous gifts of loved and, of course, how we will conclude proposals of so-called reform. ones and family and friends, whose will the week’s schedule. Having been through at least three has brought us to the awesome tasks of It is hoped that the Senate will be campaign reform efforts in the House today, and whose calling lifts us above able to vote on the VA–HUD appropria- of Representatives as a member of the self-centeredness to others-centered tions conference report. I believe that then Administration Committee and servanthood. We dedicate all that we is pretty well agreed to. We are also goodness knows how many campaign have and are to serve You today with hoping we will be able to get the papers task forces, and having paid attention unreserved faithfulness and unfailing and have a vote on the Transportation to the current debate, I have been hard loyalty. appropriations conference report, if a pressed to figure out what can be said You are with us today watching over recorded vote is required. And we hope that has not been said. However, it ap- all that happens to us. You go before us to have some discussion today on the pears as if there is a sure bet in regard to guide each step of the way. You are ISTEA authorization bill. We have re- to this topic. It is that those who insist beside us as our companion and friend, quests from Senators for a block of that they propose reform, regardless of and You are behind us to gently prod time around 4 o’clock. But we are try- the consequences, and wave their re- us when we lag behind with caution or ing now to get an understanding of how form banners from self-consecrated, reluctance. Through our Lord and Sav- we will proceed through the remainder high moral ground, they never seem to iour. Amen. of the day. Once that is worked out, we suffer from arm fatigue. When it comes will notify all the Members. Of course, to campaign reform, the high road of f we could have some action on the Exec- humility is not bothered by heavy traf- utive Calendar, in addition, before we fic in this town. RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY go out tonight. Despite the fact there is no clear con- LEADER I yield the floor, Mr. President. sensus or a majority in the Senate re- The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Mr. ROBERTS addressed the Chair. garding alleged campaign reform, there able majority leader is recognized. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- is no mercy from the proponents of the ator from Kansas. effort to further federalize the Amer- f f ican electoral system, and we will ap- parently debate and vote, debate and UNANIMOUS-CONSENT AGREEMENT BIPARTISAN CAMPAIGN REFORM vote and say the same things over and Mr. LOTT. Mr. President, I ask unan- ACT OF 1997—CLOTURE MOTION over and over and over again. I would imous consent that the routine re- Mr. ROBERTS. Mr. President, I am surmise this is going to get a little quests through the morning hour be making today one of those ‘‘I did not tiresome, if not painful. But apparently granted, and that the Senate imme- intend to make a speech, but here I am the failure of past reforms does not diately proceed to 1 hour of debate. making a speech’’ speeches. I think deter or change the minds of current The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. most would agree that opponents of so- reformers. DEWINE). Without objection, it is so or- called campaign reform—a term, by Well, when you know all the answers, dered. the way, which should top the you haven’t asked all the questions. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S10719 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 22:02 Oct 24, 2013 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\1997SENATE\S09OC7.REC S09OC7 mmaher on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with SOCIALSECURITY S10720 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 9, 1997 But in this debate, there is a new too much to set priorities on how those mental protection. I might support axiom: The fewer the facts, the strong- trillions will affect our daily lives and part of that. Opposition to a balanced er the opinions, and apparently the less pocketbooks in the next generations of budget; reduced defense spending; op- a thing can be proven, the angrier we Americans? Compared to what? position to current welfare reform. get when we argue about it. Americans spend $20 billion on dry I am not trying to perjure these posi- Nevertheless, I think we have an ob- cleaning and laundry. One 30-second tions. They are honest positions. The ligation to at least try to set the Super Bowl ad could finance three AARP, AFL–CIO, Common Cause, and record straight in regard to this issue campaigns for Congress. Columnist the many so-called nonprofit consumer and, in that regard, I would like to George Will points out that millions of groups have every right to express make the following observations: Americans gave $2.6 billion to 476 con- their views, and they do. These issues First, the distinguished Democratic gressional campaigns and still had are bigtime stuff. How we decide these leader of the Senate, Senator DASCHLE, enough left over to spend $4.6 billion on issues will affect the daily lives, pock- a good friend, stated on the floor that potato chips. We can apply the same etbooks, and future of every member of there should be no confusion—no con- thing to yogurt or almost anything the these organizations, every American. fusion—that the question is, do you American people will spend their hard- Organized labor should weigh in. Boy, support meaningful reform in response earned dollars on. they sure as heck did in the last elec- to the hearings regarding all of the il- While having the privilege of pre- tion in my campaign. But so should the legal campaign activities apparently siding in this body, I remember well business community and farmers and conducted in the last Presidential cam- the chart displayed by proponents of ranchers and small business Main paign. this bill. It showed the so-called dra- Street America, and all of the folks The only problem with the Senator’s matic increase in campaign spending who might just disagree on how we get statement is that the campaign finance since 1976. It did not show the causes— there from here on these issues. The reform bill is not reform. Let me re- the increase in postage, radio, TV, truth of it is this reform is skewed to peat that, it is a reform bill that is not newspaper ads, printing, phone banks, a particular political point of view. It reform. It will not work. It again leads campaign workers, all of that. It did is called unilateral retreat from the po- us down the road to a maze of election not show virtually everything else that litical playing field for those who have laws, rules, and regulations that favor Americans must purchase in this coun- a political view different from you, but incumbents, restricts desired political try has also increased—homes, edu- we will continue our vote, our vote participation on the part of the Amer- cation, automobiles, health care—not buying, really, through the Federal ican people, and would tripwire honest to mention the purchasing power of the budget. candidates and citizens into criminal individual citizen.
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