454 S. Harvey Plymouth, Michigan Regular Meeting - April 24, 2018, 7 p.m.

2018 Meeting Calendar Calendar of Board Meetings 2017-2018.pdf (p. 4)

Call The Meeting to Order

Roll Call Pledge of Allegiance

A. Adoption of Agenda/Approval of Consent Agenda

Action Item #18-04-135

1. Human Resources

Retirements Retirements.pdf (p. 5)

2. Approval of Minutes Regular Meeting Minutes - April 10, 2018.pdf (p. 6)

B. Celebrating Success Presenter: Patti McCoin and Kim Crouch

Salem High School Varsity and Junior Varsity Pompon, Class A Division 1 State Championship.

Kevin Rhein, Principal, Pioneer Middle School, Michigan Association of Secondary School Principals ( MASSP) 2018 Middle Level Principal of the Year Award

C. Board Committee Reports/Action

1. President's Report

Packet page 1 of 192 2. Student Performance & Achievement Committee (SPA) - Anupam Chugh Sidhu

Next Meeting: Wednesday, May 2, 2018, 4:30 p.m.

3. Policy Committee - Kim Crouch

Next Meeting: Tuesday, April 24, 2018, 5:30 p.m.

4. Finance and Operations Committee - Patrick Kehoe

Next Meeting: TBD

5. Educational Excellence Foundation (EEF) Report - Kate Borninski

D. Citizens' Comments

E. Administrative Reports/Recommendations

1. Teaching and Learning - Dr. Michael Bender P-CEP School Improvement Plan (Salem High School) Salem SIP Presentation.pdf (p. 10)

Consider Approval of Resolution for Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS) Purchase (first reading) 2018 UPS Resolution (1).pdf (p. 22)

Consider Approval of Resolution to Purchase Books For Classroom Libraries For K-1 Students (first reading) Classroom Libraries K-1 (p. 40)

Consider Approval of Resolution to Purchase Books For Classroom Libraries For Students in Grades 2-5 (first reading) GR 2-5 Library Order - Book Source.pdf (p. 74)

Consider Approval of Resolution to Purchase Books For Classroom Libraries, Including Science Topics For Students in Grades K-5 (first reading) Capstone K-5 Classroom Library Science Topics (p. 144)

2. Superintendent's Report Dynamic Plan Progress Report Dynamic Plan Presentation to Board of Education, April 24 2018.pdf (p. 148)

F. Action Items

Packet page 2 of 192 Action Item #18-04-136: Consider Approval of a Resolution for a Cooperative Education Program Agreement Between Livonia-Career Technical Center and Plymouth-Canton Community Schools for the 2018-2019 School Year (first and final reading) Livonia Public Schools Cooperative Education Program Agreement - 2018-2019.pdf (p. 186)

Action Item #18-04-137: Consider Approval of a Resolution for a Cooperative Education Program Agreement Between Wayne-Westland Community Schools and Plymouth-Canton Community Schools for the 2018-2019 School Year (first and final reading) Wayne-Westland Community School District Cooperative Education Program Agreement - 2018-2019.pdf (p. 190)

G. Discussion

May 22, 2018 Board Meeting Date

H. Follow-up Board Questions


Packet page 3 of 192 PLYMOUTH-CANTON COMMUNITY SCHOOLS E. J. McClendon Educational Center 454 S. Harvey, Plymouth, Michigan Meetings of the Board of Education – 2017-2018 (subject to change)


April 24, 2018 7 p.m. Regular Meeting E. J. McClendon Ed. Center May 8, 2018 7 p.m. Regular Meeting E. J. McClendon Ed. Center May 22, 2018 7 p.m. Regular Meeting E. J. McClendon Ed. Center June 12, 2018 7 p.m. Regular Meeting E. J. McClendon Ed. Center June 26, 2018 7 p.m. Regular Meeting E. J. McClendon Ed. Center

Regular meetings of the Board of Education of the Plymouth-Canton Community Schools, Wayne and Washtenaw Counties, Michigan, shall be held on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month (except there will be no meeting on the fourth Tuesday in July; no meeting on the fourth Tuesday in August (The second meeting in August will be on the fifth Tuesday) no meeting on the second and fourth Tuesday in November (November will be the first and third Tuesday), and no meeting on the fourth Tuesday in December.)

Any person with a disability who needs accommodation for participation in this meeting should contact the Superintendent’s Office at 734-416-3048 at least five days in advance of the meeting to request assistance.

Video recording of any open meeting is permitted with prior approval of the Superintendent.

Updated April 20, 2018

Packet page 4 of 192 Action Item. 18-04-135 Board Meeting: April 24, 2018

2017/2018 SCHOOL YEAR



HARRISON, LEE Retirement effective June 30, 2018. ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PRINCIPAL ISBISTER 08/29/1977

JOHNSON, KAREN Retirement effective June 30, 2018. MATH PIONEER 08/26/1997

STEWART, CRAIG Retirement effective June 15, 2018. ELEM. CLSRM. ERIKSSON 09/10/1979



"Move that the Board of Education approve the above Leaves, Resignations and Retirements as listed above.”

Packet page 5 of 192 PLYMOUTH-CANTON COMMUNITY SCHOOLS Plymouth, Michigan


The Board of Education of the Plymouth-Canton Community Schools, Wayne and Washtenaw Counties, Michigan, met in a Regular Meeting on Tuesday, April 10, at 7:00 p.m. at the E. J. McClendon Educational Center, 454 S. Harvey Street, Plymouth, Michigan, 48170.

President Borninski called the Regular Meeting to order at 7 p.m.in the boardroom.

Present: Members Borninski, Brooks, Crouch, Kehoe, McCoin, Mullen and Sidhu Absent: None

Administrators Present: Ms. Monica Merritt, Superintendent Dr. Michael Bender, Chief Academic Officer Dr. Liz Vartanian-Gibbs, Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources Ms. Pamela Anstey, Interim Chief Finance and Operations Officer Mr. Kurt Tyszkiewicz, Executive Director of Student Services Mr. Nick Brandon, Director of Communications

Others Present: Ms. Heather Colombo, PCEA President Mr. Brad Kadrich, Observer Newspaper

Students Jordan and Jayden Clark led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Adoption of the Agenda/Approval of Consent Agenda:

Action Item #18-04-132: It was moved by Member Brooks and seconded by Member Sidhu to adopt the Agenda and the Consent Agenda as presented. The Consent Agenda consisted of Leaves, Retirements, Tenure Recommendation and the Regular Meeting Minutes of March 27, 2018.

Ayes: Members Borninski, Brooks, Crouch, Kehoe, McCoin, Mullen and Sidhu Nays: None The motion was carried 7-0.


Leslie Munger Math, Salem High School Unpaid Childcare Leave of Absence effective May 16, 2018 Through June 15, 2018


Barr, Julie ESL Teacher, Salem High School Retirement effective June 15, 2018

Kava, Cathy Co Teach with General Ed Teacher Retirement effective June 15, 2018 Plymouth High School

Tenure Recommendation

Rieder, Elizabeth Elem. Classroom, Hoben Elementary Tenure effective March 19, 2018

Approval of Minutes

The Regular Meeting Minutes of March 27, 2018 were approved as presented. 1

Packet page 6 of 192

Ayes: Members Borninski, Brooks, Crouch, Kehoe, McCoin, Mullen and Sidhu Nays: None The motion carried 7-0.

Celebrating Success

Member Kehoe presented the Extra Miler Award to James Clark and Tom Konyha, district couriers. Kristen Hennessey, Director of Nutrition Services, spoke on how dependable, patient and professional James and Tom are. Both of them are in our buildings every day, interacting with staff and making a positive impact on the district.

Board Committee Reports/Action

President’s Report

No Report

Student Performance & Achievement Committee (SPA) – Anupam Chugh Sidhu

Member Sidhu stated the next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, May 2, 4:30 p.m.

Finance and Operations Committee – Patrick Kehoe

Member Kehoe stated the next meeting is yet to be determined.

Policy Committee – Kim Crouch

Member Crouch stated the next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 24, 5:30 p.m.


President Borninski stated tickets are available for the EEF event “Uncorked 2018” to be held on Friday, April 20, at Fox Hills, Plymouth.

Citizens’ Comments:

Erica Faux spoke on the School of Choice admission process for incoming 9th graders at P-CEP.

Administrative Reports/Recommendations

Superintendent’s Report

Superintendent Merritt spoke on a letter she received from Brian Whiston, State Superintendent, congratulating Canton student, Alyssa Ewell, on being selected as one of only two 2018 top youth volunteers in Michigan by The Prudential Spirit of Community Awards, a national program. She stated that Alyssa coordinated the district’s Relay for Life last year, raising $30,000 for the American Cancer Society.

She also mentioned that the K-12 community survey was recently launched and April 23 is the deadline for feedback.


Packet page 7 of 192

Teaching and Learning – Dr. Michael Bender

SME PRIME Presentation

Dr. Michael Bender, Chief Academic Officer, introduced Josh Cramer, Director of Education Programs, SME Education Foundation. He discussed a partnership with the district and the PRIME Program, which actively engages and builds a collaborative network between education and industry to train the next generation workforce in manufacturing.

Board Members were given an opportunity to comment and/or ask questions.

School Start Time Survey Presentation – Nick Brandon and Michael Bender

Dr. Michael Bender, Chief Academic Officer, and Nick Brandon, Director of Communications, gave a presentation on the School Start and End Time Survey.

Board Members were given an opportunity to comment and/or ask questions.

Action Item #18-04-133: It was moved by Member McCoin and seconded by Member Brooks to approve the final reading of the recommendation to purchase Book Club books from Follett School Solutions to support the implementation of the Elementary English Language Arts Workshop Model at a cost of $25,449.00 using funds from the general fund.

Ayes: Members Borninski, Brooks, Crouch, Kehoe, McCoin, Mullen and Sidhu Nays: None The motion carried 7-0.

Finance and Operations – Pamela Anstey

Action Item #18-04-134: It was moved by Member Kehoe and seconded by Member Mullen to approve the option of entering into a lease with Neopost for the four (4) district postage meters.

Member Kehoe asked why lease rather than purchase the postage meters.

Ms. Anstey, Interim Chief Operations Officer, stated that there have been a number of customer service issues with the current vendor and there is the ability to have separate reserve accounts for each machine with Neopost.

Ayes: Members Borninski, Brooks, Crouch, Kehoe, McCoin, Mullen and Sidhu Nays: None The motion carried 7-0.

Follow-up Board Questions

The portion of the agenda summarizing the action items discussed.

Outstanding Items

• More information on the Third Grade Reading Plan and resources to come to the SPA Committee meeting • Data on the number of days of instruction time missed for suspensions (report by April 24th)

Outstanding Items from the April 10, 2018 Meeting

• Breakdown data of the Start Time Survey by level and cohort for each model • Health and Medical data for the Start Time data


Packet page 8 of 192

• Schedule for timeline for Start Time changes • Slide on the Start Time Survey on the website

It was moved by Member Sidhu and seconded by Member Mullen to adjourn the Regular meeting.

Ayes: Members Borninski, Brooks, Crouch, Kehoe, McCoin, Mullen and Sidhu Nays: None The motion was carried 7-0.

President Borninski adjourned the Regular Meeting at 9:17 p.m.

______Patti McCoin Secretary, Board of Education


Packet page 9 of 192 Salem High School School Improvement Plan Highlights Presented by: Kim Villarosa, Principal Angel Lett, Assistant Principal Kristen Quesada, Teacher April 24, 2018

Packet page 10 of 192 Goal and Objectives

Goal: All Salem High School students will increase their proficiency in English Language Arts, Math, Science and Social Studies. Ultimate goal is to be sure all students graduate college and career ready.

Using data, specific objectives were established to increase proficiency in sub groups in:

English Language Arts Math Science Social Studies

Packet page 11 of 192

SAT Data

Assessment Data by Subject

SAT Percent Meeting SAT Benchmarks

State P-CEP State P-CEP Subject 2015-16 2015-16 2016-17 2016-17

EBR&W 60.0% 80.3% 60.0% 80.6%

Math 37.0% 70.6% 37.0% 67.0%

Packet page 12 of 192 Student Growth Data

Class of 2018 Cohort Data

PSAT10 and SAT Subject Benchmarks

P-CEP P-CEP PSAT10 SAT Subject 2015-16 2016-17

EBR&W 80.7% 80.6%

Math 63.0% 67.0%

Packet page 13 of 192 MME Data

Assessment Data by Subject

MME Percent Proficient on M-STEP

P-CEP P-CEP Subject 2015-16 2016-17 Social 66.0% 70.0% Studies

Science 56.3% 58.7%

Packet page 14 of 192 ELA Strategies & Activities SAT Item Analysis Hard, medium, easy SAT Data Analysis Patterns/Trends Standards Curriculum, Professional Learning Communities, and Student Learning Objectives Monitoring progress Encourage and support innovation Hybrid learning and Cloud-based platforms Packet page 15 of 192 Math Strategies & Activities

SAT Item Analysis Top and Bottom Questions SAT Data Analysis Patterns and trends Updating assessments Curriculum Audit/Atlas Rubicon Michigan Academic Standards Math support courses in Algebra & Geometry

Packet page 16 of 192 Strategies & Activities Across Content Areas

● Learning Targets ● Formative Assessments ● Culturally Proficient Instruction ● Restorative Practices/Circles ● Finding your Why https://youtu.be/LZe5y2D60YU

Packet page 17 of 192 Powerful Practices

Arts Academy Culinary Arts Program Relationships and Community Building ● Woman of Tomorrow ● Challenge Day ● Middle School Visits ● Students of Salem Athletics (SOSA) ● Link Crew Packet page 18 of 192 Powerful Practices

Packet page 19 of 192 Powerful Practices

Packet page 20 of 192 Next Steps

● Review data and share with staff ○ K12 Insight Survey PSAT and SAT Test Scores AP Results ● Make adjustments to strategies and activities in the school improvement plan based on data ● Plan professional development for 2018-19 school year based on student and staff needs

Packet page 21 of 192 Date of Meeting: April 24, 2018 ​ First Reading


TO: Monica Merritt, Superintendent ​ Board of Education FROM: Dr. Michael Bender, Chief Academic Officer DATE: April 24, 2018 SUBJECT: Resolution for Uninterruptible Power Supplies Purchase


Every year the district applies for Universal Service Fund (USF) E-Rate funding for eligible ​ services and electronics. We always initiate a cost saving competitive bid process by releasing a Universal Service Fund (USF) E-Rate Request for Proposal for those items. Then we review all received bids and when appropriate make a recommendation to the Board of Education in the form of a resolution.

This year, to address our interest in providing reliable power to the switches in our network electronics closets, the district accepted bids for uninterruptible power supplies (UPS). The ​ primary role of any UPS is to provide short-term power when the input power source, in our case, electricity provided by DTE, is unavailable. However, most UPS units, including the ones proposed in this resolution, are also capable, in varying degrees, of correcting common utility power problems. The district wants more UPS to help protect our network hardware from serious business disruption or data loss in the event of an unexpected power disruption or fluctuation.

The district received two bids for the requested services. For these services, the price, being the primary weight factor (80%) and the adherence to specifications being the secondary weight factor (10%), Zones Corporate Solutions, Inc, with a proposed price of $38,929.99 for the equipment ultimately determined most appropriate, is the low bid. (See ​ ​ PCCS_UPS_BidEvaluationWorksheet FY18). The estimated district portion to be paid for the UPS equipment is $27,724.91 after USF E-Rate reimbursements.


It was moved by member ______and seconded by member ______to approve the resolution to purchase UPS from Zones Corporate Solutions, Inc,. in an amount not to exceed $39,000. This purchase will be funded by the 2013 bond fund.

Ayes: ______Nays: ______The motion was: ______

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TO: Monica Merritt, Superintendent Members of the Board of Education

FROM: Dr. Michael Bender, Chief Academic Officer

DATE: April20, 2018



To continue our support for the implementation of the Elementary English Language Arts Workshop Model, we are recommending the purchase of books for classroom libraries for our elementary schools. The library sets are curated to support students in kindergarten and grade 1. The books will be used for individual instruction during both the reading and writing workshop. Libraries will include many genres and levels so that all students are able to find texts that are meaningful to them.

The total cost for this recommended purchase is $85,477.57 using funds from the Additional Instructional Time and Interventions Grant (Section 35a(5) of the FY 2017 State School Aid Act).


It was moved by member and seconded by member ______to approve the first reading of the recommendation to purchase classroom libraries for students in kindergarten and grade 1 to support the implementation of the Elementary English Language Arts Workshop Model at a cost of $85,477.57 using funds from the Additional Instructional Time and Interventions Grant.



The motion was: ------

Packet page 40 of 192 Estimate Estimate #: 180752

Steps To Literacy P.O. Box 6737 1111111111111 Bridgewater, NJ 08807 Tel: 800.895.2804 M-F 8am-5pm EST

Bill To: Ship To: Plymouth Canton Community Schools Plymouth Canton Community Schools Attn: Admin Offices Attn: Receiver 454 South Harvey Street 454 South Harvey Street Plymouth, Ml 48170 Plymouth, Ml 48170 Notes Thank you for the opportunity to provide this quotation.

1. Price Quote Is Valid For 60 Days 2. Please Reference Quote# 180752 Upon Order Placement

Next Steps: Place Your Order Today! 1. Email your purchase order to [email protected] 2. Fax your purchase order toll free to 1-866-560-8699 3. Mail your purchase order to Steps To Literacy at P.O. Box 6737 Bridgewater, NJ 08807 4. Pay by credit card by calling toll free 1-800- 895-2804

Item Unit Qty Number I Description Total Price # Price Ordered 1 C 1-PCCSCL336-K - Plymouth Canton CS Kindergarten Classroom $3,455.52 17 $58,743.84 Library 2 C1-PCCSCL336-1 -Plymouth Canton CS 1st Grade Classroom Library $3,681.75 15 $55,226.25 3 Subtotal $ 113,970.09 1 $ 113,970.09 4 25% Complimentary Discount - 25% Complimentary Discount -$ 28,492.52 1 -$ 28,492.52 5 Free SH - Free Shipping & Handling $0.00 1 $0.00

Terms: NET30 Remit Payment To: Send Returns To: Date: March 27, 2018 Steps To Literacy Steps To Literacy SubTotal: $85,477.57 P.O. Box 6737 4 Easy St. Sales Tax: $0.00 Bridgewater, NJ 08807 Bound Brook, NJ 08805 Paid: $0.00 Balance: $ 85,477.57

Page 1 of1

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Packet page 73 of 192 Meeting Date: April 24, 2018 First Reading


TO: Monica Merritt, Superintendent Members of the Board of Education

FROM: Dr. Michael Bender, Chief Academic Officer

DATE: April20, 2018



To continue our support for the implementation of the Elementary English Language Arts Workshop Model, we are recommending the purchase of books for classroom libraries for our elementary schools. The library sets are curated to support students in grades 2-5. The books will be used for individual instruction during both the reading and writing workshop. Libraries will include many genres and levels so that all students are able to find texts that are meaningful to them.

The total cost for this recommended purchase is $383,504.20 using $36,047.96 from the Additional Instructional Time and Interventions Grant (Section 35a(5) of the FY 2017 State School Aid Act) and $347,456.24 from the general fund.


It was moved by member and seconded by member ------to approve the first reading of the recommendation to purchase classroom libraries for students in grades 2-5 to support the implementation of the Elementary English Language Arts Workshop Model at a cost of $383,504.20.



The motion was: ______

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Price Quotation# Q78416 02/12/18

Title Author Binding Fiction A-Z Level Qty List Price Your Price Extended Price Comprehensive Library Grade 2 PB 13 Comprehensive Library Grade 2 Level C - 58 Titles Storms Brexel, Bernadette PB NF C 13 $6.33 $4.75 $61.75 Who Can Play? Soman, David and Jacky Davis PB F C 13 $3.99 $2.99 $38.87 Sam And Jack: Three Stories Moran, Alex PB F C 13 $3.95 $2.96 $38.48 Silly Sally Franco, Betsy PB F C 13 $4.95 $3.71 $48.23 Ready For Lift Off Walker, Rachel PB F C 13 $7.00 $5.25 $68.25 Zippers Boland, Janice PB F C 13 $6.00 $4.50 $58.50 Helping Hannah Smith, Kathy PB F C 13 $5.99 $4.49 $58.37 Hello, Doctor Marx, David PB F C 13 $4.95 $3.71 $48.23 Look At Me, Mom! Buxton, Jane PB F C 13 $2.99 $2.24 $29.12 Me Too! Gorbachev, Valeri PB F C 13 $6.99 $5.24 $68.12 Breakfast With John Boland, Janice PB F C 13 $6.00 $4.50 $58.50 Dad's Cake Nash, Margaret PB F C 13 $6.95 $5.21 $67.73 What Will Alex Do? Abbatiello, Toya PB F C 13 $7.81 $5.86 $76.18 Read With Gus! Barchers, Suzanne I. PB F C 13 $5.99 $4.49 $58.37 A New Friend Blevins, Wiley PB F C 13 $3.99 $2.99 $38.87 Scary Monster Eifrig, Kate PB F C 13 $6.56 $4.92 $63.96 Where Do Monsters Live? Williams, Rozanne Lanczak PB F C 13 $3.99 $2.99 $38.87 Far-Out Friends Leigh, Autumn PB F C 13 $5.99 $4.49 $58.37 The New Neighbors Thomas, Mary Ann PB F C 13 $5.90 $4.43 $57.59 Harry And The Horse Graves, Sue PB F C 13 $6.95 $5.21 $67.73 Little Red Hen Makes Soup Williams, Rozanne L. PB F C 13 $3.99 $2.99 $38.87 The Sad Princess Benton, Lynne PB F C 13 $6.95 $5.21 $67.73 George The Knight Read, Leon PB F C 13 $6.95 $5.21 $67.73 Play With Blue Bader, Bonnie PB F C 13 $3.99 $2.99 $38.87 Gabby's Big Game Sheehan, P. J. PB F C 13 $5.90 $4.43 $57.59 The Lemonade Stand King, Zelda PB F C 13 $5.90 $4.43 $57.59 Sink Or Float Iversen, Sandra PB NF C 13 $6.75 $5.06 $65.78 Freddy's Fishbowl White, Marco PB F C 13 $5.15 $3.86 $50.18 Writing About Books Williams, Rozanne L. PB F C 13 $3.99 $2.99 $38.87 It's Broken! Greve, Meg PB F C 13 $8.95 $6.71 $87.23 Yo! Yes? Raschka, Christopher PB F C 13 $6.99 $5.24 $68.12 Mixing Paints Holden, Pam PB F C 13 $7.00 $5.25 $68.25 Dot And Bob McPhail, David M. PB F D 13 $3.95 $2.96 $38.48 Bedtime Smith, Annette PB F C 13 $6.00 $4.50 $58.50 My Guide Dog Buxton, Jane PB F C 13 $2.99 $2.24 $29.12 Bad Dog McPhail, David PB F C 13 $6.99 $5.24 $68.12 Clothing Nelson, Robin PB NF C 13 $4.99 $3.74 $48.62 Mouse Has Fun (Box Of 4) Root, Phyllis PB F C 13 $5.99 $4.49 $58.37 When Can I Help In The Classroom? Michele, Tracey PB NF C 13 $7.95 $5.96 $77.48 My Flag Hosking, Carol PB NF C 13 $3.99 $2.99 $38.87 Firefighters Rebman, Nick PB NF C 13 $7.95 $5.96 $77.48 Look Closer Williams, Rozanne L. PB NF C 13 $3.99 $2.99 $38.87 Sea Stars Nagelhout, Ryan PB NF C 13 $8.15 $6.11 $79.43 Who Do I Look Like? Lundgren, Julie K. PB NF C 13 $8.95 $6.71 $87.23 Apple Trees And The Seasons Lundgren, Julie K. PB NF C 13 $8.95 $6.71 $87.23 How Do Plants Grow? Lundgren, Julie K. PB NF C 13 $8.95 $6.71 $87.23 Nests Michele, Tracey PB NF C 13 $7.95 $5.96 $77.48 Sunflowers Need The Sun Tani, Branca PB NF C 13 $6.33 $4.75 $61.75 Flowers And How They Grow Stuart, Carrie PB NF C 13 $5.90 $4.43 $57.59 Bad Weather Michele, Tracey PB NF C 13 $7.95 $5.96 $77.48 Sort It By Sound O'Hara, Nicholas PB NF C 13 $8.15 $6.11 $79.43 Water To Ice Holden, Pam PB NF C 13 $7.00 $5.25 $68.25 Let's Fly A Kite Tan, Richard PB NF C 13 $6.33 $4.75 $61.75 Ice Cream Hoffmann, Sara E. PB NF C 13 $6.99 $5.24 $68.12 Which Weighs More? Livia, Anna PB NF C 13 $5.15 $3.86 $50.18 Rivers Rebman, Nick PB NF C 13 $7.95 $5.96 $77.48 Deserts Rebman, Nick PB NF C 13 $7.95 $5.96 $77.48 I Went Walking Williams, Sue PB F C 13 $7.99 $5.99 $77.87 Comprehensive Library Grade 2 Level D - 65 Titles Mom Can Fix Anything Graves, Kimberlee PB F D 13 $3.99 $2.99 $38.87 People At My School Iversen, Sandra PB NF D 13 $7.00 $5.25 $68.25 Signs Rebman, Nick PB NF D 13 $7.95 $5.96 $77.48 Who Wears This? Carr, John PB NF D 13 $3.99 $2.99 $38.87 In My Classroom Iversen, Sandra PB NF D 13 $7.00 $5.25 $68.25 The Chick And The Duckling Ginsburg, Mirra PB F D 13 $7.99 $5.99 $77.87 One Happy Classroom Simon, Charnan PB F D 13 $4.95 $3.71 $48.23 Bears, Bears, Everywhere Milios, Rita PB F D 13 $4.95 $3.71 $48.23 Feathers For Lunch Ehlert, Lois PB F D 13 $7.99 $5.99 $77.87 Come Back, Ben Hassett, Ann and John PB F D 13 $6.99 $5.24 $68.12 Grocery Shopping Yannone, Deborah PB F D 13 $7.81 $5.86 $76.18 Spiders Everywhere Baker, Betty L. PB F D 13 $6.00 $4.50 $58.50 Watching The Storm Trussell-Cullen, Alan PB F D 13 $2.99 $2.24 $29.12 Time For School Frame, Susan PB F D 13 $2.99 $2.24 $29.12 Tiny The Snow Dog Meister, Cari PB F D 13 $3.99 $2.99 $38.87

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Price Quotation# Q78416 02/12/18

Title Author Binding Fiction A-Z Level Qty List Price Your Price Extended Price Comprehensive Library Grade 2 PB 13 Puppy Mudge Has A Snack Rylant, Cynthia PB F D 13 $3.99 $2.99 $38.87 Gossie Dunrea, Olivier PB F D 13 $3.99 $2.99 $38.87 A Surprise For Miss Doll Cowley, Joy PB F D 13 $5.95 $4.46 $57.98 Bad Manners Cowley, Joy PB F D 13 $5.95 $4.46 $57.98 Pelican's Balloon Cowley, Joy PB F D 13 $5.95 $4.46 $57.98 Rocking Race Cowley, Joy PB F D 13 $5.95 $4.46 $57.98 When Tiny Was Tiny Meister, Cari PB F D 13 $3.99 $2.99 $38.87 I Love To Write! Williams, Rozanne L. PB F D 13 $3.99 $2.99 $38.87 Mr. Noisy Builds A House Williams, Rozanne L. PB F D 13 $3.99 $2.99 $38.87 At The Pond: Comparing Numbers Gould, Jane PB NF D 13 $8.99 $6.74 $87.62 I Can't Whistle Holden, Pam PB F D 13 $7.00 $5.25 $68.25 My Box Bunting, Eve PB F D 13 $6.00 $4.50 $58.50 Spots And Stripes Buxton, Jane PB F D 13 $2.99 $2.24 $29.12 Fun Graves, Dennis PB F D 13 $6.56 $4.92 $63.96 So Sleepy Boland, Janice PB F D 13 $6.00 $4.50 $58.50 Late One Night Mader, Jan PB F D 13 $7.81 $5.86 $76.18 Beach Feet Jackson, Marjorie PB F D 13 $6.00 $4.50 $58.50 Birthday Surprise Walker, Rachel PB F D 13 $7.00 $5.25 $68.25 Game Day Meister, Cari PB F D 13 $4.95 $3.71 $48.23 Brave Grace Holden, Pam PB F D 13 $7.00 $5.25 $68.25 Pockets Holden, Pam PB F D 13 $7.00 $5.25 $68.25 My Friends Williams, Rozanne L. PB F D 13 $3.99 $2.99 $38.87 Let's Get Pizza Greve, Meg PB F D 13 $8.95 $6.71 $87.23 Crow Made A Friend Peot, Margaret PB F D 13 $6.99 $5.24 $68.12 Please Take Jake! Powell, Marie PB F D 13 $7.95 $5.96 $77.48 My Brother Wants To Be Like Me Mader, Jan PB F D 13 $7.81 $5.86 $76.18 At The Park Hoenecke, Karen PB F D 13 $6.56 $4.92 $63.96 Stay, Kay! Powell, Marie PB F D 13 $7.95 $5.96 $77.48 Not Me! Gorbachev, Valeri PB F D 13 $6.99 $5.24 $68.12 Grandad's Place Holden, Pam PB F D 13 $7.00 $5.25 $68.25 Weddings Around The World Michele, Tracey PB NF D 13 $7.95 $5.96 $77.48 What Holidays Do You Have? Selwyn, Josephine PB NF D 13 $7.95 $5.96 $77.48 Why Do We Celebrate? Smith, Ben PB NF D 13 $7.95 $5.96 $77.48 Clothes Long Ago Michele, Tracey PB NF D 13 $7.95 $5.96 $77.48 Daily Life Then And Now Shea, Therese PB NF D 13 $5.15 $3.86 $50.18 Roads Rebman, Nick PB NF D 13 $7.95 $5.96 $77.48 Independence Day Nelid, Piper PB NF D 13 $6.33 $4.75 $61.75 Mr. Morgan Keeps Our School Clean McCune, Susan PB NF D 13 $6.33 $4.75 $61.75 My Neighbor Speaks Chinese Parnell, Declan PB NF D 13 $6.33 $4.75 $61.75 Are You A Bully? Williams, Sam PB NF D 13 $8.95 $6.71 $87.23 Powerful Plants Michele, Tracey PB NF D 13 $7.95 $5.96 $77.48 Mammal Moms And Their Young Freeman, Marcia S. PB NF D 13 $4.50 $3.38 $43.94 Tin Clown's Hat Cowley, Joy PB F D 13 $5.95 $4.46 $57.98 Hard And Soft Michele, Tracey PB NF D 13 $7.95 $5.96 $77.48 What Can Float? Holden, Pam PB NF D 13 $7.00 $5.25 $68.25 I Use Simple Machines Silverman, Buffy PB NF D 13 $8.95 $6.71 $87.23 My Uncle Fixes Machines Santos, Penelope PB NF D 13 $6.33 $4.75 $61.75 Building A House With Lego Randolph, Joanne PB NF D 13 $6.33 $4.75 $61.75 When Can A Flood Happen? Michele, Tracey PB NF D 13 $7.95 $5.96 $77.48 What Kind Of Day Is Today? Carr, John PB NF D 13 $3.99 $2.99 $38.87 Comprehensive Library Grade 2 Level E - 80 Titles A Box Can Be Many Things Rau, Dana Meachen PB F E 13 $4.95 $3.71 $48.23 Five Little Monkeys Jumping On The Bed Christelow, Eileen PB F E 13 $7.99 $5.99 $77.87 Purple Is Part Of A Rainbow Kowalczyk, Carolyn PB F E 13 $4.95 $3.71 $48.23 My New School Hall, Kirsten PB F E 13 $3.95 $2.96 $38.48 Feast For Ten Falwell, Cathryn PB F E 13 $7.99 $5.99 $77.87 Subway Ride Miller, Heather PB F E 13 $7.95 $5.96 $77.48 Lunchtime In The Garden Frame, Susan PB F E 13 $2.99 $2.24 $29.12 Dear Dragon Goes To The Market Hillert, Margaret PB F E 13 $8.95 $6.71 $87.23 Happy And Honey Godwin, Laura PB F E 13 $3.99 $2.99 $38.87 Just Clowning Around: Two Stories McPhail, David M. PB F E 13 $3.95 $2.96 $38.48 I Love Rainy Days! Wilhelm, Hans PB F E 13 $3.99 $2.99 $38.87 Puppy Mudge Wants To Play Rylant, Cynthia PB F E 13 $3.99 $2.99 $38.87 Dear Dragon Goes To Grandpa's Farm Hillert, Margaret PB F E 13 $8.95 $6.71 $87.23 Dear Dragon Goes To The Aquarium Hillert, Margaret PB F E 13 $8.95 $6.71 $87.23 Dear Dragon Flies A Kite Hillert, Margaret PB F E 13 $8.95 $6.71 $87.23 Gossie And Gertie Dunrea, Olivier PB F E 13 $3.99 $2.99 $38.87 Ollie The Stomper Dunrea, Olivier PB F E 13 $3.99 $2.99 $38.87 Pirate Pete Benton, Lynne PB F E 13 $6.95 $5.21 $67.73 The Little Green Man Visits Pine Cone Cove Allen, Margaret PB F E 13 $3.99 $2.99 $38.87 Five Little Monsters Went To School Williams, Rozanne L. PB F E 13 $3.99 $2.99 $38.87 Truck Buddies: Road Race Crow, Melinda Melton PB F E 13 $6.25 $4.69 $60.97 Truck Buddies: Mud Mess Crow, Melinda Melton PB F E 13 $6.25 $4.69 $60.97 Robot At The Zoo Holden, Pam PB F E 13 $7.00 $5.25 $68.25 Hiding Dinosaurs Moynihan, Dan PB F E 13 $6.99 $5.24 $68.12

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Price Quotation# Q78416 02/12/18

Title Author Binding Fiction A-Z Level Qty List Price Your Price Extended Price Comprehensive Library Grade 2 PB 13 The End Of The Rainbow Donnelly, Liza PB F E 13 $6.99 $5.24 $68.12 The Weather Report Holden, Pam PB F E 13 $7.00 $5.25 $68.25 Yellow Duck Cowley, Joy PB F E 13 $5.95 $4.46 $57.98 Bad Luck, Lucy! Graves, Sue PB F E 13 $6.95 $5.21 $67.73 Crabby Gabby Graves, Sue PB F E 13 $6.95 $5.21 $67.73 All Week At School Williams, Rozanne L. PB F E 13 $3.99 $2.99 $38.87 The Swim Lesson Williams, Rozanne L. PB F E 13 $3.99 $2.99 $38.87 Mr. Noisy Paints His House Dunne, Kathleen PB F E 13 $3.99 $2.99 $38.87 I Am Sick Jensen, Patricia PB F E 13 $3.95 $2.96 $38.48 How Many Bites? Robertson, J. Jean PB F E 13 $8.95 $6.71 $87.23 Eat Your Peas, Louise! Snow, Pegeen PB F E 13 $5.95 $4.46 $57.98 Alicia's Happy Day Starr, Meg PB F E 13 $6.99 $5.24 $68.12 When You Go Walking Williams, Rozanne L. PB F E 13 $3.99 $2.99 $38.87 Best Birthday Cleland, Jo PB F E 13 $8.95 $6.71 $87.23 Grace Parkinson, Kate PB F E 13 $6.99 $5.24 $68.12 The Big Fib Hamilton, Tim PB F E 13 $6.99 $5.24 $68.12 Helping The Holden, Pam PB F E 13 $7.00 $5.25 $68.25 Molly's New Shoes Haley, Patty PB F E 13 $6.56 $4.92 $63.96 Let's Play Basketball Geddes, Diana PB F E 13 $7.81 $5.86 $76.18 Another Sneeze, Louise! Potts, Cheryl A. PB F E 13 $7.81 $5.86 $76.18 Click! Cox, Rhonda PB F E 13 $6.00 $4.50 $58.50 Henry Beveridge, Donna PB F E 13 $6.00 $4.50 $58.50 Misty Sleeps Parker, Daisy PB F E 13 $6.00 $4.50 $58.50 All About Apples Allan, Jasper PB NF E 13 $5.15 $3.86 $50.18 Berries To Jelly Snyder, Inez PB NF E 13 $4.95 $3.71 $48.23 How Flowers Grow Stuart, Carrie PB NF E 13 $5.90 $4.43 $57.59 Is It Living Or Nonliving? Rivera, Sheila PB NF E 13 $4.99 $3.74 $48.62 It Starts As A Seed Sarkisian, Kevin PB NF E 13 $5.15 $3.86 $50.18 Leaves Mitchell, Melanie S. PB NF E 13 $4.99 $3.74 $48.62 Seeds Mitchell, Melanie S. PB NF E 13 $4.99 $3.74 $48.62 Bees To Honey Michele, Tracey PB NF E 13 $7.95 $5.96 $77.48 Strange Plants Bishop, Nic PB NF E 13 $6.00 $4.50 $58.50 Honeybees Schuh, Mari PB NF E 13 $6.99 $5.24 $68.12 Water, Ice, And Steam Wood, Ira PB NF E 13 $5.90 $4.43 $57.59 Rough And Smooth Michele, Tracey PB NF E 13 $7.95 $5.96 $77.48 Balance Rivera, Sheila PB NF E 13 $4.99 $3.74 $48.62 Landforms Roza, Greg PB NF E 13 $5.15 $3.86 $50.18 Sink And Float Michele, Tracey PB NF E 13 $7.95 $5.96 $77.48 What Makes It Go? Holden, Pam PB NF E 13 $7.00 $5.25 $68.25 Pushing Michele, Tracey PB NF E 13 $7.95 $5.96 $77.48 What Is It Made Of? Hansen, Amy S. PB NF E 13 $8.95 $6.71 $87.23 Sink Or Float? Graves, Kimberlee PB NF E 13 $3.99 $2.99 $38.87 Potters Use Clay Hayn, Carter PB NF E 13 $6.33 $4.75 $61.75 What Do These Things Cost? Michele, Tracey PB NF E 13 $7.95 $5.96 $77.48 Being A Leader Nelson, Robin PB NF E 13 $6.99 $5.24 $68.12 Maps, Maps, Maps Chapman, Joan PB NF E 13 $5.15 $3.86 $50.18 Emergencies Rivera, Sheila PB NF E 13 $4.99 $3.74 $48.62 Landmarks Around The World Michele, Tracey PB NF E 13 $7.95 $5.96 $77.48 Farmers Meister, Cari PB NF E 13 $6.99 $5.24 $68.12 Veterinarians Meister, Cari PB NF E 13 $6.99 $5.24 $68.12 Nurses Meister, Cari PB NF E 13 $6.99 $5.24 $68.12 Moving People, Moving Stuff Mitten, Ellen K. PB NF E 13 $8.95 $6.71 $87.23 Taking Turns Beck, Jennifer PB NF E 13 $3.99 $2.99 $38.87 I Am A Good Citizen Coan, Sharon PB NF E 13 $8.99 $6.74 $87.62 My Bug Box Blanchard, Pat and Joanne Suh PB F E 13 $6.00 $4.50 $58.50 Silly Lilly And The Four Seasons Rosenstiehl, Agnes PB F E 13 $4.99 $3.74 $48.62 Comprehensive Library Grade 2 Level F - 76 Titles Rosie's Walk Hutchins, Pat PB F F 13 $7.99 $5.99 $77.87 Catch Me If You Can Most, Bernard PB F F 13 $3.95 $2.96 $38.48 I Love Rocks Meister, Cari PB F F 13 $4.95 $3.71 $48.23 Planting A Rainbow Ehlert, Lois PB F F 13 $7.99 $5.99 $77.87 Soccer Song Giff, Patricia Reilly PB F F 13 $3.95 $2.96 $38.48 All Wrapped Up Callahan, Thera S. PB F F 13 $4.95 $3.71 $48.23 Try Your Best McKissack, Robert L. PB F F 13 $3.95 $2.96 $38.48 David Goes To School Shannon, David HC F F 13 $17.99 $13.49 $175.37 The Cowboy Muller, Hildegard PB F F 13 $6.99 $5.24 $68.12 Water Water Everywhere Schmid, Hal PB F F 13 $6.00 $4.50 $58.50 Our Garage Urmston, Kathleen PB F F 13 $6.56 $4.92 $63.96 People Do Silly Things Worthington, Lisa PB F F 13 $7.81 $5.86 $76.18 The Old Train Latta, Rich PB F F 13 $6.00 $4.50 $58.50 Jasper Galloway, Ginger PB F F 13 $6.00 $4.50 $58.50 Little Monster Becomes An Author Williams, Rozanne L. PB F F 13 $3.99 $2.99 $38.87 My Wild Woolly Eaton, Deborah PB F F 13 $3.95 $2.96 $38.48 Robot And Rico: Skate Trick Suen, Anastasia PB F F 13 $6.25 $4.69 $60.97 What Do You See? Williams, Rozanne L. PB F F 13 $3.99 $2.99 $38.87

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Price Quotation# Q78416 02/12/18

Title Author Binding Fiction A-Z Level Qty List Price Your Price Extended Price Comprehensive Library Grade 2 PB 13 It's St. Patrick's Day, Dear Dragon Hillert, Margaret PB F F 13 $8.95 $6.71 $87.23 The Scary Night Suen, Anastasia PB F F 13 $6.25 $4.69 $60.97 Animal Mothers And Babies Rice, Dona Herweck PB NF F 13 $5.99 $4.49 $58.37 The Big Catch Suen, Anastasia PB F F 13 $6.25 $4.69 $60.97 Breakfast At The Zoo Holden, Pam PB F F 13 $7.00 $5.25 $68.25 The Teeny Tiny Woman O'Connor, Jane PB F F 13 $3.99 $2.99 $38.87 Cat And Dog At School Williams, Rozanne Lanczak PB F F 13 $3.99 $2.99 $38.87 Sam Goes To School Labatt, Mary PB F F 13 $4.95 $3.71 $48.23 What's In My Pocket, Dear Dragon? Hillert, Margaret PB F F 13 $8.95 $6.71 $87.23 A Pet For Pete Dean, James and Kimberly PB F F 13 $3.99 $2.99 $38.87 The Pirate Map Suen, Anastasia PB F F 13 $6.25 $4.69 $60.97 Pete At The Beach Dean, James PB F F 13 $3.99 $2.99 $38.87 What's In The Woods, Dear Dragon? Hillert, Margaret PB F F 13 $8.95 $6.71 $87.23 BooBoo Dunrea, Olivier PB F F 13 $3.99 $2.99 $38.87 Chick And Chickie In Play All Day! Ponti, Claude PB F F 13 $4.99 $3.74 $48.62 Lunch With Cat And Dog Williams, Rozanne L. PB F F 13 $3.99 $2.99 $38.87 Cat Goes Fiddle-I-Fee Galdone, Paul PB F F 13 $7.99 $5.99 $77.87 The Lady With The Alligator Purse Westcott, Nadine B. PB F F 13 $7.99 $5.99 $77.87 Old Mother Hubbard's Stolen Bone Durant, Alan and Leah-Ellen He PB F F 13 $7.95 $5.96 $77.48 The Birdhouse That Jack Built Greve, Meg PB F F 13 $8.95 $6.71 $87.23 The Little Red Hen (Board Book) Barton, Byron HC F F 13 $7.99 $5.99 $77.87 All About Steam Hicer, Nancy PB NF F 13 $6.33 $4.75 $61.75 A Rainy Day Nelson, Robin PB NF F 13 $6.99 $5.24 $68.12 Land, Sky, And Water Roza, Greg PB NF F 13 $5.90 $4.43 $57.59 Rocks, Sand, And Soil Roza, Greg PB NF F 13 $5.90 $4.43 $57.59 Stars Rourke, Eds. PB NF F 13 $8.95 $6.71 $87.23 Volcanoes Ellis, Julie PB NF F 13 $7.00 $5.25 $68.25 How Do You Measure Rain And Wind? Selwyn, Josephine PB NF F 13 $7.95 $5.96 $77.48 Seasons Spinelle, Nancy Louise PB NF F 13 $7.81 $5.86 $76.18 All About Life Cycles Roza, Greg PB NF F 13 $5.90 $4.43 $57.59 Sunflowers Nelson, Robin PB NF F 13 $6.99 $5.24 $68.12 Becoming A Plant Main, Natasha PB NF F 13 $5.90 $4.43 $57.59 Super Spiders Holden, Pam PB NF F 13 $7.00 $5.25 $68.25 Worms Nelson, Robin PB NF F 13 $6.99 $5.24 $68.12 Swing, Sloth! Explore The Rain Forest Neuman, Susan B. PB NF F 13 $4.99 $3.74 $48.62 Why Do Plants Have Fruits? Bishop, Celeste PB NF F 13 $8.25 $6.19 $80.47 Why Do Plants Have Seeds? Bishop, Celeste PB NF F 13 $8.25 $6.19 $80.47 How Do Plants Help Us? Kalman, Bobbie PB NF F 13 $5.95 $4.46 $57.98 What Is It Made From? Kalman, Bobbie PB NF F 13 $5.95 $4.46 $57.98 Sticky Stuff Mitten, Luana K. and Mary Wag PB NF F 13 $6.00 $4.50 $58.50 The Ice Cube Experiment Baker, Amber PB NF F 13 $5.90 $4.43 $57.59 A Career Day With An Engineer Santos, Penelope PB NF F 13 $6.33 $4.75 $61.75 My Mom Works With Technology Tan, Richard PB NF F 13 $6.33 $4.75 $61.75 Dad's Toolbox Wilson, CeCe PB NF F 13 $6.33 $4.75 $61.75 Amelia Earhart Abraham, Philip PB NF F 13 $4.95 $3.71 $48.23 Animals Rice, Dona Herweck PB NF F 13 $5.99 $4.49 $58.37 Pilgrim Children Had Many Chores Williams, Rozanne L. PB NF F 13 $3.99 $2.99 $38.87 My Life As A Native American Matzke, Ann H. PB NF F 13 $8.95 $6.71 $87.23 Our National Symbols Patrick, Joseph PB NF F 13 $7.05 $5.29 $68.77 Amazing Americans: George Washington Coan, Sharon PB NF F 13 $8.99 $6.74 $87.62 At Home Around The World McDowell, Tina PB NF F 13 $5.90 $4.43 $57.59 Race Day! Tuchman, Gail PB NF F 13 $3.99 $2.99 $38.87 Building Roads Holden, Pam PB NF F 13 $7.00 $5.25 $68.25 Where Can You Eat This Food? MacDonald, Margaret PB NF F 13 $7.95 $5.96 $77.48 How Are Oceans And Lakes Alike? Smith, Ben PB NF F 13 $7.95 $5.96 $77.48 This Is My Head Linquist, Rowena Cory PB NF F 13 $3.99 $2.99 $38.87 A Prize Inside Suen, Anastasia PB F F 13 $6.25 $4.69 $60.97 Dino Hunt Suen, Anastasia PB F F 13 $6.25 $4.69 $60.97 Comprehensive Library Grade 2 Level G - 86 Titles A Frog's Life Rice, Dona Herweck PB NF G 13 $5.99 $4.49 $58.37 Butterflies Feldman, Thea PB NF G 13 $3.99 $2.99 $38.87 A Big Guy Took My Ball! Willems, Mo HC F G 13 $9.99 $7.49 $97.37 From Accident To Hospital Suen, Anastasia PB NF G 13 $8.95 $6.71 $87.23 Clifford Makes The Team Bridwell, Norman PB F G 13 $3.99 $2.99 $38.87 Swim Fish! Neuman, Susan B. 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Title Author Binding Fiction A-Z Level Qty List Price Your Price Extended Price Comprehensive Library Grade 2 PB 13 A Visit To The Library Lindeen, Mary PB NF G 13 $8.95 $6.71 $87.23 Meet My Neighbor, The Restaurant Owner Crabtree, Marc PB NF G 13 $6.95 $5.21 $67.73 Cat And Dog Go Shopping Drew, Rosa PB F G 13 $3.99 $2.99 $38.87 Cat And Dog Make The Best Cheese SandwGraves, Kimberlee PB F G 13 $3.99 $2.99 $38.87 David Gets In Trouble Shannon, David HC F G 13 $17.99 $13.49 $175.37 Eloise Breaks Some Eggs Thompson, Kay PB F G 13 $3.99 $2.99 $38.87 Eloise Has A Lesson Thompson, Kay PB F G 13 $3.99 $2.99 $38.87 Five Little Monkeys Sitting In A Tree Christelow, Eileen PB F G 13 $6.99 $5.24 $68.12 Five Little Monkeys With Nothing To Do Christelow, Eileen PB F G 13 $7.99 $5.99 $77.87 No, David! Shannon, David HC F G 13 $17.99 $13.49 $175.37 Sheep In A Jeep Shaw, Nancy E. PB F G 13 $6.99 $5.24 $68.12 I Love School! Wilhelm, Hans PB F G 13 $3.99 $2.99 $38.87 Are You Ready To Play Outside? Willems, Mo HC F G 13 $9.99 $7.49 $97.37 Clifford's Field Day Bridwell, Norman PB F G 13 $3.99 $2.99 $38.87 Hippo & Rabbit In Brave Like Me (3 More TaMack, Jeff PB F G 13 $3.99 $2.99 $38.87 Five Little Monkeys Play Hide And Seek Christelow, Eileen PB F G 13 $7.99 $5.99 $77.87 Up, Up, Up, Dear Dragon Hillert, Margaret PB F G 13 $8.95 $6.71 $87.23 Pets At The Party Hooks, Gwendolyn PB F G 13 $6.25 $4.69 $60.97 Sheep On A Ship Shaw, Nancy E. PB F G 13 $5.95 $4.46 $57.98 Carl And The Sick Puppy Day, Alexandra PB F G 13 $4.99 $3.74 $48.62 Carl And The Baby Duck Day, Alexandra PB F G 13 $4.99 $3.74 $48.62 Carl And The Kitten Day, Alexandra PB F G 13 $4.99 $3.74 $48.62 Wait, Skates! Johnson, Mildred PB F G 13 $4.95 $3.71 $48.23 Marco's Run Cartier, Wesley PB F G 13 $3.95 $2.96 $38.48 Addition Annie Gisler, David PB F G 13 $4.95 $3.71 $48.23 Katie Did It McDaniel, Becky B. PB F G 13 $4.95 $3.71 $48.23 Too Much TV! Moreta, Gladys PB F G 13 $8.95 $6.71 $87.23 The Lid Di Gennaro, Michael P. PB F G 13 $6.00 $4.50 $58.50 Musical Chairs Holden, Pam PB F G 13 $7.00 $5.25 $68.25 My Skeleton Scott, Clare PB F G 13 $2.99 $2.24 $29.12 Flip Flop Rice, R. Hugh PB F G 13 $6.00 $4.50 $58.50 Shopping At The Mall Urmston, Kathleen PB F G 13 $7.81 $5.86 $76.18 Carla's Picture Day Stenger, Lisa PB F G 13 $6.56 $4.92 $63.96 Joe's Blue Shoes Barone, Michelle PB F G 13 $6.00 $4.50 $58.50 Monster Math Picnic Maccarone, Grace PB F G 13 $3.99 $2.99 $38.87 One Monday Morning Shulevitz, Uri PB F G 13 $8.99 $6.74 $87.62 Jo Jo In Outer Space Allen, Margaret PB F G 13 $3.99 $2.99 $38.87 Me And My Robot West, Tracey PB F G 13 $3.99 $2.99 $38.87 3, 2, 1, Go! McCully, Emily Arnold PB F G 13 $6.99 $5.24 $68.12 The Rainbow Bird Cowley, Joy PB F G 13 $5.95 $4.46 $57.98 Whatever Happened To The Dinosaurs? Most, Bernard PB F G 13 $6.99 $5.24 $68.12 Snow Games Suen, Anastasia PB F G 13 $6.25 $4.69 $60.97 My Life As A Pioneer Matzke, Ann H. PB NF G 13 $8.95 $6.71 $87.23 What Is The 4th Of July? Landau, Elaine PB NF G 13 $9.35 $7.01 $91.13 My Capital Robertson, Jean PB NF G 13 $8.95 $6.71 $87.23 Animals Move Like This Kalman, Bobbie PB NF G 13 $6.95 $5.21 $67.73 What Is Veterans Day? Landau, Elaine PB NF G 13 $9.35 $7.01 $91.13 Famous American Landmarks Shava, Ryder PB NF G 13 $6.33 $4.75 $61.75 Being A Good Citizen McNamara, Andrew PB NF G 13 $7.05 $5.29 $68.77 Where Does Our Food Come From? Kalman, Bobbie PB NF G 13 $6.95 $5.21 $67.73 Looking Through A Microscope Bullock, Linda PB NF G 13 $4.95 $3.71 $48.23 What Is Matter? Curry, Don L. PB NF G 13 $4.95 $3.71 $48.23 Vibrations Make Sound Boothroyd, Jennifer PB NF G 13 $6.99 $5.24 $68.12 You Can Use A Balance Bullock, Linda PB NF G 13 $4.95 $3.71 $48.23 Evaporation Rice, William B. PB NF G 13 $8.99 $6.74 $87.62 Look In The Mirror Holden, Pam PB NF G 13 $7.00 $5.25 $68.25 What Is Light? 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Price Quotation# Q78416 02/12/18

Title Author Binding Fiction A-Z Level Qty List Price Your Price Extended Price Comprehensive Library Grade 2 PB 13 Tooth Fairy Wood, Audrey PB F H 13 $7.99 $5.99 $77.87 Down In The Subway Cohen, Miriam PB F H 13 $6.99 $5.24 $68.12 The Boy In The Drawer Munsch, Robert PB F H 13 $6.95 $5.21 $67.73 Backyard Bug Battle: A Buzz Beaker Brainst Nickel, Scott PB F H 13 $5.95 $4.46 $57.98 Sheep Blast Off! Shaw, Nancy E. PB F H 13 $5.99 $4.49 $58.37 Daniel's Mystery Egg Ada, Alma Flor PB F I 13 $3.95 $2.96 $38.48 Henry's Tricks Beveridge, Donna PB F H 13 $6.00 $4.50 $58.50 Surprise From The Sky Holden, Pam PB F H 13 $7.00 $5.25 $68.25 Are We There Yet? Mills, Tania PB F H 13 $3.99 $2.99 $38.87 Strawberries For Katinka McPherson, Jan PB F H 13 $3.99 $2.99 $38.87 A Little Green Dandelion Bauld, Jane Scoggins PB F H 13 $6.00 $4.50 $58.50 Jake's First Word Luongo, Jane PB F H 13 $6.00 $4.50 $58.50 Danny And The Dinosaur Go To Camp Hoff, Syd PB F H 13 $3.99 $2.99 $38.87 Sammy The Seal Hoff, Syd PB F H 13 $3.99 $2.99 $38.87 Just Me And My Puppy Mayer, Mercer PB F H 13 $3.99 $2.99 $38.87 A Snack For Cat Williams, Rozanne L. PB F H 13 $3.99 $2.99 $38.87 Super Fly Guy Arnold, Tedd PB F H 13 $3.99 $2.99 $38.87 Madeline And Her Dog Marciano, John Bemelmans PB F H 13 $3.99 $2.99 $38.87 Katie Woo And Her Big Ideas Manushkin, Fran PB F H 13 $4.95 $3.71 $48.23 Katie Woo, Where Are You? Manushkin, Fran PB F H 13 $5.95 $4.46 $57.98 Max Goes To The Zoo Klein, Adria F. 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Kalman, Bobbie PB NF H 13 $6.95 $5.21 $67.73 Patterns At The Zoo Felix, Rebecca PB NF H 13 $8.95 $6.71 $87.23 What Is Mass? Curry, Don L. PB NF H 13 $4.95 $3.71 $48.23 What Is Gravity? Trumbauer, Lisa PB NF H 13 $4.95 $3.71 $48.23 Push Or Pull? Holden, Pam PB NF H 13 $7.00 $5.25 $68.25 Energy Is Everywhere Young, June PB NF H 13 $4.95 $3.71 $48.23 Water Asch, Frank PB NF H 13 $7.99 $5.99 $77.87 I Can Build A Robot Holloway, Jamie PB NF H 13 $6.33 $4.75 $61.75 Engineers Work With Levers Hayn, Carter PB NF H 13 $6.33 $4.75 $61.75 How Is Paper Made? Jackson, Demi PB NF H 13 $8.15 $6.11 $79.43 Election Day McNamara, Margaret PB F H 13 $3.99 $2.99 $38.87 A Nervous Night Manushkin, Fran PB F H 13 $5.95 $4.46 $57.98 Messy Bessey And The Birthday Overnight McKissack, Patricia and Fredric PB F H 13 $4.95 $3.71 $48.23 Comprehensive Library Grade 2 Level I - 52 Titles About Fish: A Guide For Children Sill, Cathryn PB NF J 13 $7.95 $5.96 $77.48 Leo The Late Bloomer Kraus, Robert PB F I 13 $7.99 $5.99 $77.87 Ten Black Dots Crews, Donald PB F I 13 $7.99 $5.99 $77.87 Little Beauty Browne, Anthony PB F I 13 $6.99 $5.24 $68.12 Handa's Hen Browne, Eileen PB F I 13 $6.99 $5.24 $68.12 Monkey: A Trickster Tale From India McDermott, Gerald PB F I 13 $7.99 $5.99 $77.87 Taking A Bath With The Dog And Other ThinMenchin, Scott PB F I 13 $7.99 $5.99 $77.87 Sea Life Rice, Dona Herweck PB NF I 13 $5.99 $4.49 $58.37 I'm The Best Cousins, Lucy PB F I 13 $6.99 $5.24 $68.12 Sea Otters Marsh, Laura PB NF I 13 $3.99 $2.99 $38.87 Saving The Endangered Blue Whale Payment, Simone PB NF I 13 $12.90 $9.68 $125.84 Killer Whales Are Not Whales! Allyn, Daisy PB NF I 13 $8.15 $6.11 $79.43 Seal Or Sea Lion? Bloom, Paul PB NF I 13 $8.15 $6.11 $79.43

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Price Quotation# Q78416 02/12/18

Title Author Binding Fiction A-Z Level Qty List Price Your Price Extended Price Comprehensive Library Grade 2 PB 13 Ocean: It's My Home! Royston, Angela PB NF I 13 $6.95 $5.21 $67.73 Five Little Monkeys Wash The Car Christelow, Eileen PB F I 13 $6.99 $5.24 $68.12 Ready, Set, Podrace! (Level 1 DK Reader) Beecroft, Simon PB F I 13 $3.99 $2.99 $38.87 Curious George Plays Mini Golf Rey, H. A. PB F I 13 $3.99 $2.99 $38.87 The Boat Show Rey, H. A. PB F I 13 $3.99 $2.99 $38.87 Maisy Goes To The City Cousins, Lucy PB F I 13 $6.99 $5.24 $68.12 Home Run Rey, H. A. PB F I 13 $3.99 $2.99 $38.87 Moo, Katie Woo! Manushkin, Fran PB F I 13 $5.95 $4.46 $57.98 Charlie Needs A Cloak dePaola, Tomie PB F I 13 $7.99 $5.99 $77.87 My Tooth Is About To Fall Out MacCarone, Grace PB F I 13 $3.99 $2.99 $38.87 On Monday When It Rained Kachenmeister, Cherryl PB F I 13 $7.99 $5.99 $77.87 The Wonderful Happens Rylant, Cynthia PB F I 13 $8.99 $6.74 $87.62 Who's Afraid Of The Dark? Bonsall, Crosby N. PB F I 13 $3.99 $2.99 $38.87 Fred Stays With Me! Coffelt, Nancy PB F I 13 $7.99 $5.99 $77.87 David's Drawings Falwell, Cathryn PB F I 13 $9.95 $7.46 $96.98 Puddles London, PB F I 13 $6.99 $5.24 $68.12 I Ride The Waves Cox, Rhonda PB F I 13 $6.00 $4.50 $58.50 Alex Plays Baseball Valenzeno, Anthony PB F I 13 $7.81 $5.86 $76.18 The Boy Who Wanted To Be Someone Best, Elizabeth PB F I 13 $3.99 $2.99 $38.87 School Then And Now Nelson, Robin PB NF I 13 $6.99 $5.24 $68.12 Theater Actors Then And Now Petersen, Kathleen C. Null PB NF I 13 $8.99 $6.74 $87.62 Transportation Then And Now Nelson, Robin PB NF I 13 $6.99 $5.24 $68.12 Who Invented Basketball? James Naismith Latta, Sara L. PB NF I 13 $9.35 $7.01 $91.13 Your Family Tree Koontz, Robin PB NF I 13 $8.95 $6.71 $87.23 Planets Rice, William B. PB NF I 13 $8.99 $6.74 $87.62 Asteroids And Comets Rice, William B. PB NF I 13 $8.99 $6.74 $87.62 The Phases Of The Moon Pendergast, George PB NF I 13 $8.15 $6.11 $79.43 Earth Rustad, Martha E. H. PB NF I 13 $6.94 $5.21 $67.73 I Love Our Land Greene, Carol PB NF I 13 $9.35 $7.01 $91.13 All Kinds Of Rocks Harrison, Lorraine PB NF I 13 $8.25 $6.19 $80.47 Blown by A Twister Iversen, Sandra PB NF I 13 $6.75 $5.06 $65.78 I Am A Living Thing Kalman, Bobbie PB NF I 13 $6.95 $5.21 $67.73 Living Or Nonliving? Hicks, Kelli PB NF I 13 $8.95 $6.71 $87.23 Plant Life Cycles Lundgren, Julie K. PB NF I 13 $8.95 $6.71 $87.23 Weird But True Human Body Facts Bredeson, Carmen PB NF I 13 $9.35 $7.01 $91.13 Nature's Patterns Carr, John PB NF I 13 $3.99 $2.99 $38.87 At The Pond Lindeen, Mary PB NF I 13 $8.95 $6.71 $87.23 Living Underground Holden, Pam PB NF I 13 $7.00 $5.25 $68.25 Owls Marsh, Laura PB NF I 13 $3.99 $2.99 $38.87 Comprehensive Library Grade 2 Level J - 88 Titles Fox And His Friends Marshall, Edward PB F J 13 $3.99 $2.99 $38.87 Volcanoes Meister, Cari PB NF J 13 $6.99 $5.24 $68.12 Small Wolf Benchley, Nathaniel PB F J 13 $3.99 $2.99 $38.87 And I Mean It, Stanley Bonsall, Crosby N. PB F J 13 $3.99 $2.99 $38.87 This House Is Made Of Mud / Esta Casa EstBuchanan, Ken PB F J 13 $7.95 $5.96 $77.48 Jake's Bird Feeder Kanninen PB F J 13 $7.81 $5.86 $76.18 Annie And Snowball And The Pink Surprise Rylant, Cynthia PB F J 13 $3.99 $2.99 $38.87 Lola Loves Stories McQuinn, Anna PB F J 13 $6.95 $5.21 $67.73 What Animals Eat Stones, Brenda PB NF J 13 $3.99 $2.99 $38.87 Over And Over Zolotow, Charlotte PB F J 13 $7.99 $5.99 $77.87 What's Next, Nina? Patterns Kassirer, Sue PB F J 13 $5.95 $4.46 $57.98 Field Trip Fiasco Hicks, Kelli PB F J 13 $10.95 $8.21 $106.73 Max Isadora, Rachel PB F J 13 $7.99 $5.99 $77.87 Wolf Song Lemieux, Margo PB F J 13 $6.00 $4.50 $58.50 No More Monsters For Me! 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Miller, Amanda PB NF J 13 $6.95 $5.21 $67.73 The True Story Of Lewis And Clark Keller, Susanna PB NF J 13 $8.25 $6.19 $80.47 Amazing President Theodore Roosevelt Wade, Mary Dodson PB NF J 13 $9.35 $7.01 $91.13 From Tadpole To Frog Zoehfeld, Kathleen Weidner PB NF J 13 $3.99 $2.99 $38.87 Magnetism Schuh, Mari C. PB NF J 13 $5.95 $4.46 $57.98 Pulleys Miller, Madison PB NF J 13 $8.15 $6.11 $79.43 Changing Direction Hyde, Natalie PB NF J 13 $7.95 $5.96 $77.48

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Price Quotation# Q78416 02/12/18

Title Author Binding Fiction A-Z Level Qty List Price Your Price Extended Price Comprehensive Library Grade 2 PB 13 Who Fixed Babies' Hearts? Vivien Thomas Latta, Sara L. PB NF J 13 $9.35 $7.01 $91.13 Wedges In Action Gosman, Gillian PB NF J 13 $8.25 $6.19 $80.47 Pushing And Pulling Hyde, Natalie PB NF J 13 $7.95 $5.96 $77.48 Speeding Up, Slowing Down Hyde, Natalie PB NF J 13 $7.95 $5.96 $77.48 What Is Motion? Smith, Paula PB NF J 13 $7.95 $5.96 $77.48 Stars Rice, William B. PB NF J 13 $8.99 $6.74 $87.62 Do You Really Want To Visit A Rainforest? Heos, Bridget PB NF J 13 $8.95 $6.71 $87.23 Rocks And Minerals Zoehfeld, Kathleen Weidner PB NF J 13 $3.99 $2.99 $38.87 Animal Robots Shores, Erika L. PB NF J 13 $6.95 $5.21 $67.73 Parts Of A Flower Ransom, Candice F. PB NF J 13 $6.99 $5.24 $68.12 Do You Really Want To Skate On Thin Ice? AMaurer, Daniel PB NF J 13 $8.95 $6.71 $87.23 Do You Really Want To Walk In The Dark? AMaurer, Daniel PB NF J 13 $8.95 $6.71 $87.23 Do You Really Want To Burn Your Toast? A Maurer, Daniel PB NF J 13 $8.95 $6.71 $87.23 Seed To Plant Herrington, Lisa M. PB NF J 13 $5.95 $4.46 $57.98 Toads Sweeney, Alyse PB NF J 13 $7.29 $5.47 $71.11 Wild Weather Gabolinscy, Jack PB NF J 13 $7.00 $5.25 $68.25 Zelda And Ivy The Runaways Kvasnosky, Laura McGee PB F J 13 $4.99 $3.74 $48.62 Poppleton In Winter Rylant, Cynthia PB F J 13 $3.99 $2.99 $38.87 Iris And Walter And The Birthday Party Guest, Elissa Haden PB F J 13 $3.99 $2.99 $38.87 Good Dog Aggie Ries, Lori PB F J 13 $5.95 $4.46 $57.98 Andy Shane And The Barn Sale Mystery Jacobson, Jennifer PB F J 13 $4.99 $3.74 $48.62 Zinc Alloy Vs Frankenstein Lemke, Donald B. 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Title Author Binding Fiction A-Z Level Qty List Price Your Price Extended Price Comprehensive Library Grade 2 PB 13 The Case Of The Troublesome Rylant, Cynthia PB F K 13 $3.99 $2.99 $38.87 The Rainbow Mystery: Rainbows Dussling, Jennifer PB F K 13 $5.95 $4.46 $57.98 It Came From Outer Space: Meteors & SpacBarker, Henry PB F K 13 $5.95 $4.46 $57.98 Melting And Freezing Greathouse, Lisa PB NF K 13 $8.99 $6.74 $87.62 How To Make Slime Shores, Lori PB NF K 13 $7.29 $5.47 $71.11 From Wax To Crayon Nelson, Robin PB NF K 13 $6.99 $5.24 $68.12 10 Things I Can Do To Help My World Walsh, Melanie PB NF K 13 $8.99 $6.74 $87.62 Does It Sink Or Float? Hughes, Susan PB NF K 13 $6.95 $5.21 $67.73 From Tree To Paper Marshall, Pam PB NF K 13 $6.99 $5.24 $68.12 A Bean's Life Royston, Angela PB NF K 13 $6.95 $5.21 $67.73 Robots In Space Clay, Kathryn PB NF K 13 $6.95 $5.21 $67.73 Is It Hard Or Soft? Mason, Helen PB NF K 13 $6.95 $5.21 $67.73 Tastes Good! 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Price Quotation# Q78416 02/12/18

Title Author Binding Fiction A-Z Level Qty List Price Your Price Extended Price Comprehensive Library Grade 2 PB 13 Gooney Bird On The Map Lowry, Lois PB F N 13 $6.99 $5.24 $68.12 Wedding Drama English, Karen PB F N 13 $5.99 $4.49 $58.37 Comprehensive Library Grade 2 Popular Series - 185 Titles Cam Jansen: The Mystery Of The Monkey HAdler, David A. PB F L 13 $4.99 $3.74 $48.62 No News Is Good News Barrows, Annie PB F M 13 $5.99 $4.49 $58.37 Franklin Plays The Game Bourgeois, Paulette PB F K 13 $5.95 $4.46 $57.98 Cam Jansen: The Mystery Of The Stolen CoAdler, David A. PB F L 13 $4.99 $3.74 $48.62 Cam Jansen: The Scary Snake Mystery Adler, David A. 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Said Kate Graham, Bob PB F L 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 Is Your Mama A Llama? Guarino, Deborah PB F L 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 Big Al Clements, Andrew PB F L 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 The Vampire Bunny Howe, James PB F L 14 $3.99 $2.99 $41.86 Joe And Sparky Get New Wheels Michalak, Jamie PB F L 14 $3.99 $2.99 $41.86 The Copy Crocs Bedford, David PB F L 14 $7.95 $5.96 $83.44 Little Penguin's Tale Wood, Audrey PB F L 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 Mouse Was Mad Urban, Linda PB F L 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile Waber, Bernard PB F M 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 Yoko Wells, Rosemary PB F M 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 Listen, Buddy Lester, Helen PB F M 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 The Spooky Tail Of Prewitt Peacock Peet, Bill PB F M 14 $9.99 $7.49 $104.86 Chicken Big Graves, Keith PB F M 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 The Circus Ship Van Dusen, Chris PB F M 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 Dooby Dooby Moo Cronin, Doreen PB F M 14 $9.99 $7.49 $104.86 Eva's Treetop Festival Elliott, Rebecca PB F M 14 $4.99 $3.74 $52.36 Can I Bring Saber To New York, Ms. Mayor?Grambling, Lois G. PB F M 14 $7.95 $5.96 $83.44 E-I-E-I-O! How Old MacDonald Got His FarmSierra, Judy HC F M 14 $16.99 $12.74 $178.36 Saving Animal Babies Shields, Amy PB NF J 14 $3.99 $2.99 $41.86 Bugs For Lunch Facklam, Margery PB NF J 14 $7.95 $5.96 $83.44 Animal Messages Holden, Pam PB NF J 14 $7.00 $5.25 $73.50 A Tiger Cub Grows Up Hewett, Joan PB NF K 14 $6.95 $5.21 $72.94 Monkeys Schreiber, Anne PB NF J 14 $3.99 $2.99 $41.86 Baby Animals Delano, Marfe Ferguson PB NF J 14 $4.99 $3.74 $52.36 Message Received! Coan, Sharon PB NF K 14 $8.99 $6.74 $94.36 Splash! Discover Jellyfish Gray, Susan H. 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Hyena Roza, Greg PB NF M 14 $8.15 $6.11 $85.54 Zombie Grasshoppers Alessi, Jolene PB NF M 14 $8.15 $6.11 $85.54 Tell Me Why Snakes Shed Their Skin Gray, Susan H. PB NF M 14 $8.95 $6.71 $93.94 Bison In American History Graubart, Norman D. PB NF M 14 $8.25 $6.19 $86.66 Sea Turtles Marsh, Laura PB NF M 14 $3.99 $2.99 $41.86 Catching Sunlight: A Book About Leaves Blackaby, Susan PB NF M 14 $8.95 $6.71 $93.94 Buds And Blossoms: A Book About Flowers Blackaby, Susan PB NF M 14 $8.95 $6.71 $93.94 Plant Packages: A Book About Seeds Blackaby, Susan PB NF M 14 $8.95 $6.71 $93.94 The Redwood Forests Bullard, Lisa PB NF M 14 $8.99 $6.74 $94.36 Seeds Sprout! Wade, Mary Dodson PB NF M 14 $9.35 $7.01 $98.14 Plants: In Different Habitats Kalman, Bobbie and Rebecca S PB NF M 14 $8.95 $6.71 $93.94 The Everglades Bullard, Lisa PB NF M 14 $8.99 $6.74 $94.36 Trees, Weeds, And Vegetables--So Many KiWade, Mary Dodson PB NF M 14 $9.35 $7.01 $98.14 Plant Blossoms Schwartz, David M. 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Title Author Binding Fiction A-Z Level Qty List Price Your Price Extended Price Comprehensive Library Grade 3 PB 14 Comprehensive Library Grade 3 Living Things - 156 Titles From Seed To Plant Gibbons, Gail PB NF M 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 How A Seed Grows Jordan, Helene J. PB NF J 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 Chameleons Raum, Elizabeth PB NF L 14 $9.95 $7.46 $104.44 One Bean Rockwell, Anne PB NF 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 The Tiny Seed Carle, Eric PB F L 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 I Wonder Why Snakes Shed Their Skin And O'Neill, Amanda PB NF O 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 Comprehensive Library Grade 3 Biography & Memoir - 96 Titles Martin Luther King Jr. Roome, Hugh Dr. PB NF K 14 $5.95 $4.46 $62.44 Mae Jemison: Trailblazing Astronaut, DoctorBarghoorn, Linda PB NF P 14 $8.95 $6.71 $93.94 Wilma Rudolph: Track And Field Champion Morganelli, Adrianna PB NF P 14 $8.95 $6.71 $93.94 Life In The Ocean: The Story Of OceanograpNivola, Claire A. HC NF P 14 $18.99 $14.24 $199.36 They Led The Way: 14 American Women Johnston, Johanna PB NF O 14 $5.99 $4.49 $62.86 Babe Didrikson Zaharias: All-Around Athlete Sutcliffe, Jane PB NF N 14 $6.95 $5.21 $72.94 Abraham Lincoln: Lawyer, Leader, Legend Fontes, Ron PB NF N 14 $3.99 $2.99 $41.86 The Woman Who Invented Windshield WipeLatta, Sara L. PB NF N 14 $10.53 $7.90 $110.60 My Name Is Gabito: The Life Of Gabriel GarcBrown, Monica HC NF O 14 $15.95 $11.96 $167.44 Uncle Andy's Warhola, James PB NF P 14 $5.99 $4.49 $62.86 El Chino Say, Allen PB NF P 14 $6.95 $5.21 $72.94 Manfish: A Story Of Jacques Cousteau Berne, Jennifer PB NF O 14 $9.99 $7.49 $104.86 Bessie Coleman: Daring To Fly Walker, Sally M. 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Title Author Binding Fiction A-Z Level Qty List Price Your Price Extended Price Comprehensive Library Grade 3 PB 14 Comprehensive Library Grade 3 Living Things - 156 Titles Madam C. J. Walker: Inventor And Millionair McKissack, Patricia and Fredric PB NF L 14 $9.35 $7.01 $98.14 Dr. Seuss Guillain, Charlotte PB NF L 14 $6.79 $5.09 $71.26 Phillis Wheatley: Colonial African-American PTaylor, Charlotte PB NF L 14 $9.35 $7.01 $98.14 Barack Obama: First African-American Pres Taylor, Charlotte PB NF L 14 $9.35 $7.01 $98.14 Sonia Sotomayor: Supreme Court Justice McPherson, Stephanie Sammar PB NF L 14 $9.35 $7.01 $98.14 Sequoyah: The Cherokee Man Who Gave HRumford, James HC NF M 14 $18.99 $14.24 $199.36 America's Champion Swimmer: Gertrude EdAdler, David A. PB NF M 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 Frederick Douglass: Fighter Against Slavery McKissack, Patricia and Fredric PB NF M 14 $9.35 $7.01 $98.14 Mae Jemison Shepherd, Jodie PB NF M 14 $5.95 $4.46 $62.44 Derek Jeter: Champion Baseball Star Rappoport, Ken PB NF M 14 $10.53 $7.90 $110.60 Pocahontas Mattern, Joanne PB NF M 14 $5.95 $4.46 $62.44 Russell Wilson Schuh, Mari PB NF M 14 $5.95 $4.46 $62.44 Founding Mothers: Remembering The Ladie Roberts, Cokie HC NF 14 $17.99 $13.49 $188.86 A Nation's Hope: The Story Of Boxing Legende la Pena, Matt PB NF S 14 $8.99 $6.74 $94.36 Into The Unknown: How Great Explorers FouRoss, Stewart PB NF 14 $9.99 $7.49 $104.86 One Beetle Too Many: The Extraordinary AdLasky, Kathryn PB NF W 14 $4.99 $3.74 $52.36 Stand There! 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H. PB NF K 14 $6.95 $5.21 $72.94 Why Do Computers Know So Much? Shand, Jennifer PB NF M 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 Attack Of The Paper Bats Dahl, Michael PB F T 14 $6.25 $4.69 $65.66 The Book That Dripped Blood Dahl, Michael PB F T 14 $6.25 $4.69 $65.66 Power From The Sun Toms, Suzette PB NF M 14 $7.00 $5.25 $73.50 My Name Is Maria Isabel Ada, Alma Flor PB F N 14 $5.99 $4.49 $62.86 Previously Ahlberg, Allan PB F N 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 Daisy Dawson On The Farm Voake, Steve PB F N 14 $5.99 $4.49 $62.86 Puss In Boots Perrault, Charles and Fred Mar PB F N 14 $8.99 $6.74 $94.36 Gooney Bird On The Map Lowry, Lois PB F N 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 The Buffalo Storm Applegate, Katherine PB F N 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 Saving Sammy Walters, Eric PB F N 14 $6.95 $5.21 $72.94 White Water Bandy, Michael S. and Eric Stei PB F N 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 School, Drool, And Other Daily Disasters Vail, Rachel PB F O 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 Beaver's Legend Holden, Pam PB F O 14 $9.00 $6.75 $94.50 Just Grace, Star On Stage Harper, Charise Mericle PB F O 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 Oh Boy, Mallory Friedman, Laurie B. 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Title Author Binding Fiction A-Z Level Qty List Price Your Price Extended Price Comprehensive Library Grade 3 PB 14 Comprehensive Library Grade 3 Living Things - 156 Titles Secret Signs Guest, Jacqueline PB F O 14 $7.95 $5.96 $83.44 Dandelions Bunting, Eve PB F N 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 The Village That Vanished Grifalconi, Ann PB F O 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 Ruby Lu, Empress Of Everything Look, Lenore PB F N 14 $5.99 $4.49 $62.86 Letters To Leo Hest, Amy PB F O 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 Face-Off Maddox, Jake PB F P 14 $5.95 $4.46 $62.44 Treasure Map Murphy, Stuart J. 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Title Author Binding Fiction A-Z Level Qty List Price Your Price Extended Price Comprehensive Library Grade 3 PB 14 Comprehensive Library Grade 3 Living Things - 156 Titles Otter And Odder: A Love Story Howe, James HC F O 14 $14.00 $10.50 $147.00 Chameleon Cage Match Lemke, Donald PB F O 14 $5.95 $4.46 $62.44 No Dogs Allowed! Manzano, Sonia PB F O 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 Dogs Don't Tell Jokes Sachar, Louis PB F O 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 Officer Spence Makes No Sense! Gutman, Dan PB F O 14 $4.99 $3.74 $52.36 The Adventures Of Ali Baba Bernstein Hurwitz, Johanna PB F O 14 $5.99 $4.49 $62.86 Mrs. Jafee Is Daffy! 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Title Author Binding Fiction A-Z Level Qty List Price Your Price Extended Price Comprehensive Library Grade 3 PB 14 Comprehensive Library Grade 3 Living Things - 156 Titles Henry And Mudge In The Sparkle Days Rylant, Cynthia PB F J 14 $3.99 $2.99 $41.86 Judy Moody Was In A Mood McDonald, Megan PB F M 14 $5.99 $4.49 $62.86 Fancy Nancy: Spectacular Spectacles O'Connor, Jane PB F J 14 $3.99 $2.99 $41.86 No Valentines For Katie Manushkin, Fran PB F J 14 $5.95 $4.46 $62.44 Super Zero Lemke, Donald B. 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Title Author Binding Fiction A-Z Level Qty List Price Your Price Extended Price Comprehensive Library Grade 3 PB 14 Comprehensive Library Grade 3 Living Things - 156 Titles Children Make Terrible Pets Brown, Peter HC F K 14 $17.99 $13.49 $188.86 Scaredy Squirrel Watt, Melanie PB F K 14 $7.95 $5.96 $83.44 Caps For Sale Slobodkina, Esphyr PB F K 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 The Principal From The Black Lagoon Thaler, Mike PB F K 14 $3.99 $2.99 $41.86 Ten Fat Turkeys Johnston, Tony PB F K 14 $3.99 $2.99 $41.86 Creak! Said The Bed Root, Phyllis PB F L 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 Ricky Ricotta's Mighty Robot Vs. The Stupid Pilkey, Dav PB F L 14 $5.99 $4.49 $62.86 Animals Should Definitely Not Wear ClothingBarrett, Judi PB F L 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 Ricky Ricotta's Mighty Robot Vs. 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Title Author Binding Fiction A-Z Level Qty List Price Your Price Extended Price Comprehensive Library Grade 3 PB 14 Comprehensive Library Grade 3 Living Things - 156 Titles Let's Meet A Police Officer Bellisario, Gina PB NF K 14 $6.95 $5.21 $72.94 Let's Meet A Veterinarian Bellisario, Gina PB NF K 14 $6.95 $5.21 $72.94 Race Cars Aloian, Molly and Bobbie Kalma PB NF K 14 $8.95 $6.71 $93.94 Tough Trucks Kalman, Bobbie and Regan Mille PB NF K 14 $8.95 $6.71 $93.94 Trains On The Tracks Smithyman, Kathryn and Bobbie PB NF K 14 $8.95 $6.71 $93.94 Earthmovers Hill, Lee Sullivan PB NF K 14 $7.95 $5.96 $83.44 Simple Machines Fowler, Allan PB NF K 14 $4.95 $3.71 $51.94 Buses Zuehlke, Jeffrey PB NF K 14 $7.95 $5.96 $83.44 Stink And The Attack Of The Slime Mold McDonald, Megan PB F M 14 $4.99 $3.74 $52.36 Big Rigs On The Move Ransom, Candice PB NF K 14 $8.99 $6.74 $94.36 Planets Carney, Elizabeth PB NF K 14 $3.99 $2.99 $41.86 Eye Of The Storm: A Book About HurricanesThomas, Rick PB NF K 14 $8.95 $6.71 $93.94 Volcanoes! 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Title Author Binding Fiction A-Z Level Qty List Price Your Price Extended Price Comprehensive Library Grade 3 PB 14 Comprehensive Library Grade 3 Living Things - 156 Titles Gumshoe Gang Cracks The Case Steinkraus, Kyla PB F N 14 $10.95 $8.21 $114.94 The Haunted Hotel Roy, Ron PB F N 14 $4.99 $3.74 $52.36 The Invisible Island Roy, Ron PB F N 14 $4.99 $3.74 $52.36 Kidnapped At The Capital Roy, Ron PB F N 14 $4.99 $3.74 $52.36 The Kidnapped King Roy, Ron PB F N 14 $4.99 $3.74 $52.36 The L.A. Dodger Kelly, David A. PB F N 14 $4.99 $3.74 $52.36 The Lucky Lottery Roy, Ron PB F N 14 $4.99 $3.74 $52.36 The Missing Marlin Kelly, David A. PB F N 14 $4.99 $3.74 $52.36 The Missing Mummy Roy, Ron PB F N 14 $4.99 $3.74 $52.36 The Panda Puzzle Roy, Ron PB F N 14 $4.99 $3.74 $52.36 The Pinstripe Ghost Kelly, David A. PB F N 14 $4.99 $3.74 $52.36 Scream For Ice Cream Keene, Carolyn PB F N 14 $5.99 $4.49 $62.86 Secret Admirer Roy, Ron PB F N 14 $5.99 $4.49 $62.86 The Secret Of The Green Skin Stanley, George E. PB F N 14 $5.99 $4.49 $62.86 The Skeleton In The Smithsonian Roy, Ron PB F N 14 $4.99 $3.74 $52.36 Sleepover Sleuths Keene, Carolyn PB F N 14 $5.99 $4.49 $62.86 Sleepy Hollow Sleepover Roy, Ron PB F N 14 $5.99 $4.49 $62.86 Who Cloned The President? Roy, Ron PB F N 14 $4.99 $3.74 $52.36 The Amusement Park Mystery Warner, Gertrude Chandler PB F O 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 The Ancient Formula: A Mystery With FractioThielbar, Melinda PB F O 14 $6.95 $5.21 $72.94 And Then There Were Gnomes Venable, Colleen A. F. PB F O 14 $6.95 $5.21 $72.94 The Boxcar Children Warner, Gertrude Chandler PB F O 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 Burning Secrets Brenezoff, Steve PB F O 14 $7.19 $5.39 $75.46 Caboose Mystery Warner, Gertrude Chandler PB F O 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 Claudia And The Phantom Phone Calls Martin, Ann M. PB F O 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 Dead Man's Map Peschke, Marci PB F O 14 $7.19 $5.39 $75.46 The Ferret's A Foot Venable, Colleen A. F. PB F O 14 $6.95 $5.21 $72.94 Fish You Were Here Venable, Colleen A. F. PB F O 14 $6.95 $5.21 $72.94 The Ghost Ship Mystery Warner, Gertrude Chandler PB F O 14 $5.99 $4.49 $62.86 Hamster And Cheese Venable, Colleen A. F. 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Title Author Binding Fiction A-Z Level Qty List Price Your Price Extended Price Comprehensive Library Grade 3 PB 14 Comprehensive Library Grade 3 Living Things - 156 Titles Nate The Great And Me: The Case Of The FSharmat, Marjorie W. PB F K 14 $5.99 $4.49 $62.86 Bones And The Clown Mystery Adler, David A. PB F J 14 $3.99 $2.99 $41.86 Jimmy Sniffles: Dognapped! Nickel, Scott PB F M 14 $5.95 $4.46 $62.44 February Friend Roy, Ron PB F M 14 $4.99 $3.74 $52.36 Big Max Platt, Kin PB F J 14 $3.99 $2.99 $41.86 Cam Jansen: The Mystery Of The TelevisionAdler, David A. PB F L 14 $4.99 $3.74 $52.36 Young Cam Jansen And The Magic Bird MysAdler, David A. PB F J 14 $3.99 $2.99 $41.86 Nate The Great And The Monster Mess Sharmat, Marjorie W. PB F K 14 $5.99 $4.49 $62.86 Detective Dinosaur Skofield, James PB F J 14 $3.99 $2.99 $41.86 Cam Jansen: The Green School Mystery Adler, David A. PB F L 14 $4.99 $3.74 $52.36 Jimmy Sniffles: Nose For Danger Temple, Bob PB F K 14 $5.95 $4.46 $62.44 Nate The Great And The Musical Note Sharmat, Marjorie W. PB F K 14 $5.99 $4.49 $62.86 Tiger Moth: Dung Beetle Bandits Reynolds, Aaron PB F L 14 $5.95 $4.46 $62.44 Scared Silly Howe, James PB F L 14 $3.99 $2.99 $41.86 Hot Fudge Howe, James PB F L 14 $3.99 $2.99 $41.86 Cam Jansen And The Mystery Writer MysterAdler, David A. PB F L 14 $4.99 $3.74 $52.36 Ghost Town At Sundown Osborne, Mary Pope PB F M 14 $5.99 $4.49 $62.86 Cam Jansen: The Mystery Of The Circus CloAdler, David A. PB F L 14 $4.99 $3.74 $52.36 November Night Roy, Ronald PB F M 14 $4.99 $3.74 $52.36 The Case Of The Dirty Clue Stanley, George E. PB F M 14 $5.99 $4.49 $62.86 September Sneakers Roy, Ron PB F M 14 $4.99 $3.74 $52.36 Bones And The Football Mystery Adler, David A. PB F K 14 $3.99 $2.99 $41.86 Nate The Great And The Lost List Sharmat, Marjorie W. PB F K 14 $5.99 $4.49 $62.86 Young Cam Jansen And The Pizza Shop MyAdler, David A. PB F J 14 $3.99 $2.99 $41.86 The Case Of The Troublesome Turtle Rylant, Cynthia PB F K 14 $3.99 $2.99 $41.86 Nate The Great And The Phony Clue Sharmat, Marjorie W. PB F K 14 $5.99 $4.49 $62.86 Young Cam Jansen And The Lost Tooth Adler, David A. PB F J 14 $3.99 $2.99 $41.86 Young Cam Jansen And The Spotted Cat MyAdler, David A. PB F J 14 $3.99 $2.99 $41.86 Bones And The Birthday Mystery Adler, David A. PB F K 14 $3.99 $2.99 $41.86 Cam Jansen: The Chocolate Fudge Mystery Adler, David A. PB F L 14 $4.99 $3.74 $52.36 Nate The Great Goes Undercover Sharmat, Marjorie W. PB F K 14 $5.99 $4.49 $62.86 Nate The Great And The Boring Beach Bag Sharmat, Marjorie W. PB F K 14 $5.99 $4.49 $62.86 January Joker Roy, Ron PB F M 14 $4.99 $3.74 $52.36 Young Cam Jansen And The Circus MysteryAdler, David A. 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Title Author Binding Fiction A-Z Level Qty List Price Your Price Extended Price Comprehensive Library Grade 4 PB 14 Comprehensive Library Grade 4 Living Things - 163 Titles I Survived Hurricane Katrina, 2005 Tarshis, Lauren PB F Q 14 $4.99 $3.74 $52.36 The Toothpaste Millionaire Merrill, Jean PB F T 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 Dog Days Lubar, David PB F Q 14 $6.95 $5.21 $72.94 On The Line Bowen, Fred PB F Q 14 $6.95 $5.21 $72.94 Now Look What You've Done Pastis, Stephan PB F Q 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 Pigling: A Cinderella Story [A Korean Tale] Jolley, Dan PB F R 14 $8.95 $6.71 $93.94 Magic Pickle Morse, Scott PB F R 14 $9.99 $7.49 $104.86 So Far From The Sea Bunting, Eve PB F R 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 The Great Kapok Tree Cherry, Lynne PB F R 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 Iggie's House Blume, Judy PB F R 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 The Shadow Door Nykko PB F S 14 $6.95 $5.21 $72.94 Flower Power Walsh, Ann PB F S 14 $9.95 $7.46 $104.44 Eye Sore Jackson, Melanie PB F S 14 $9.95 $7.46 $104.44 Tall Tales Sniegoski, Tom PB F S 14 $12.99 $9.74 $136.36 The Brilliant World Of Tom Gates Pichon, Liz PB F S 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 My Life As A Book Tashjian, Janet PB F S 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 Beware The Ninja Weenies Lubar, David PB F S 14 $5.99 $4.49 $62.86 The Gods And Goddesses Of Olympus Aliki PB F Q 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 Johnny Appleseed Lindbergh, Reeve PB F Q 14 $7.00 $5.25 $73.50 The Hundredth Name Oppenheim, Shulamith L. PB F Q 14 $9.95 $7.46 $104.44 The Goose That Laid The Golden Eggs Bradley, Kathleen PB F Q 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 The Velveteen Rabbit, Or, How Toys BecomWilliams, Margery PB F Q 14 $5.99 $4.49 $62.86 And Still The Turtle Watched MacGill-Callahan, Sheila PB F Q 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 Caught Stealing Maddox, Jake PB F Q 14 $5.95 $4.46 $62.44 Hoop Hustle Maddox, Jake PB F Q 14 $5.95 $4.46 $62.44 Double Reverse Bowen, Fred PB F Q 14 $5.95 $4.46 $62.44 Real Hoops Bowen, Fred PB F Q 14 $5.95 $4.46 $62.44 Football Nightmare Christopher, Matt PB F Q 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 Skateboard Sonar Stevens, Eric PB F Q 14 $7.19 $5.39 $75.46 Motocross Double-Cross Maddox, Jake PB F Q 14 $5.95 $4.46 $62.44 Dugout Rivals Bowen, Fred PB F Q 14 $6.95 $5.21 $72.94 Kart Crash Maddox, Jake PB F Q 14 $5.95 $4.46 $62.44 Moon Runner Marsden, Carolyn PB F Q 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 Dear Mr. Henshaw Cleary, Beverly PB F Q 14 $5.99 $4.49 $62.86 Clarice Bean, Don't Look Now Child, Lauren PB F Q 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 Welcome To Camden Falls Martin, Ann M. PB F Q 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 Just Juice Hesse, Karen PB F Q 14 $5.99 $4.49 $62.86 Return Of The Home Run Kid Christopher, Matt PB F Q 14 $5.99 $4.49 $62.86 Clementine, Friend Of The Week Pennypacker, Sara PB F Q 14 $5.99 $4.49 $62.86 The Year Of The Dog Lin, Grace PB F Q 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 Speedway Switch Maddox, Jake PB F Q 14 $5.95 $4.46 $62.44 Soccer Hero Christopher, Matt PB F Q 14 $5.99 $4.49 $62.86 Danger On Panther Peak Wallace, Bill PB F R 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 No Talking Clements, Andrew PB F R 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 Lunch Money Clements, Andrew PB F R 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 The Jacket Clements, Andrew PB F R 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 The Landry News Clements, Andrew PB F R 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 Clarice Bean Spells Trouble Child, Lauren PB F R 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 Lost And Found Clements, Andrew PB F R 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 Fig Pudding Fletcher, Ralph PB F R 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 Mountains, Monsoons, And Mules Klepeis, Alicia PB F R 14 $12.95 $9.71 $135.94 Walking The Dragon's Back Eboch, M. M. PB F R 14 $12.95 $9.71 $135.94 The School Story Clements, Andrew PB F R 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 The Last Holiday Concert Clements, Andrew PB F R 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 The Beloved Dearly Cooney, Doug PB F R 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 The Abominable Snowman Montgomery, R. A. PB F S 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 Journey Under The Sea Montgomery, R. A. PB F S 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 Space And Beyond Montgomery, R. A. PB F S 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 Mystery Of The Maya Montgomery, R. A. PB F R 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 House Of Danger Montgomery, R. A. PB F S 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 Race Forever Montgomery, R. A. PB F S 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 Prisoner Of The Ant People Montgomery, R. A. PB F S 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 Beyond Escape! Montgomery, R. A. PB F S 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 The Brilliant Dr. Wogan Montgomery, R. A. PB F S 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 Cup Of Death Gilligan, Shannon PB F S 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 Flying Solo Fletcher, Ralph PB F S 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 The Lemonade War Davies, Jacqueline PB F S 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 Sahara Special Codell, Esme Raji PB F S 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 Where I'd Like To Be Dowell, Frances O'Roark PB F S 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 The Voyage Of The Frog Paulsen, Gary PB F S 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 Whatever! The Complicated Life Of Claudia Gallagher, Diana G. PB F S 14 $6.10 $4.58 $64.12 Journey To Jo'Burg Naidoo, Beverley PB F S 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 Junonia Henkes, Kevin PB F S 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 On My Honor Bauer, Marion Dane PB F S 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 Junebug Mead, Alice PB F S 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86

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Title Author Binding Fiction A-Z Level Qty List Price Your Price Extended Price Comprehensive Library Grade 4 PB 14 Comprehensive Library Grade 4 Living Things - 163 Titles Second-Chance Soccer Troupe, Thomas Kingsley PB F S 14 $5.95 $4.46 $62.44 The Pinballs Byars, Betsy PB F S 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 The Million Dollar Shot Gutman, Dan PB F S 14 $5.99 $4.49 $62.86 Soccer Scoop Christopher, Matt PB F S 14 $5.99 $4.49 $62.86 Long-Arm Quarterback Christopher, Matt PB F S 14 $5.99 $4.49 $62.86 Dirt Bike Racer Christopher, Matt PB F S 14 $5.99 $4.49 $62.86 The Hockey Machine Christopher, Matt PB F S 14 $5.99 $4.49 $62.86 Taking Sides Soto, Gary PB F S 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 Slam Dunk Christopher, Matt PB F S 14 $5.99 $4.49 $62.86 Bad-Luck Basketball Troupe, Thomas Kingsley PB F S 14 $5.95 $4.46 $62.44 Pranks And Attacks! 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Title Author Binding Fiction A-Z Level Qty List Price Your Price Extended Price Comprehensive Library Grade 4 PB 14 Comprehensive Library Grade 4 Living Things - 163 Titles John Muir Lasky, Kathryn PB NF S 14 $4.99 $3.74 $52.36 Drought And Heat Wave Alert! Challen, Paul PB NF Q 14 $8.95 $6.71 $93.94 Environmental Disaster Alert! Challen, Paul PB NF Q 14 $8.95 $6.71 $93.94 Plague And Pandemic Alert! Karner, Julie PB NF Q 14 $8.95 $6.71 $93.94 Earthquake Alert! Mehta-Jones, Shilpa PB NF Q 14 $8.95 $6.71 $93.94 Flood And Monsoon Alert! Eagen, Rachel PB NF Q 14 $8.95 $6.71 $93.94 The Story Of The Star-Spangled Banner Jacobson, Ryan PB NF S 14 $8.10 $6.08 $85.12 The Brave Escape Of Ellen And William Cra Lemke, Donald B. PB NF S 14 $8.10 $6.08 $85.12 Nat Turner's Slave Rebellion Burgan, Michael PB NF S 14 $8.10 $6.08 $85.12 Shackleton And The Lost Antarctic ExpeditioHoena, Blake A. 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Title Author Binding Fiction A-Z Level Qty List Price Your Price Extended Price Comprehensive Library Grade 4 PB 14 Comprehensive Library Grade 4 Living Things - 163 Titles New Plants: Seeds In The Soil Patch Sohn, Emily and Erin Ash Sulliv PB NF O 14 $8.95 $6.71 $93.94 Pebbles, Sand, & Silt: The Neighbor's GardeSohn, Emily and Diane Bair PB NF O 14 $8.95 $6.71 $93.94 Weather Impact Holden, Pam PB NF O 14 $9.00 $6.75 $94.50 Solids And Liquids: Who Messed Up My SanSohn, Emily and Joel Gendler PB NF O 14 $8.95 $6.71 $93.94 Weather Robots Zuchora-Walske, Christine PB NF O 14 $8.99 $6.74 $94.36 Daring Women Of The American Revolution Walsh, G. E. 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Title Author Binding Fiction A-Z Level Qty List Price Your Price Extended Price Comprehensive Library Grade 4 PB 14 Comprehensive Library Grade 4 Living Things - 163 Titles Ellington Was Not A Street Shange, Ntozake HC F R 14 $18.99 $14.24 $199.36 Circle Of Gold Boyd, Candy D. PB F R 14 $5.99 $4.49 $62.86 Crow Boy Yashima, Taro PB F L 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 Justin Morgan Had A Horse Henry, Marguerite PB F R 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 Liberty's Son: A Spy Story Of The American Thompson, Paul B. 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I'm A Prisoner In The Library Clifford, Eth PB F Q 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 Annie's Adventures Baratz-Logsted, Lauren PB F Q 14 $5.99 $4.49 $62.86 The Chameleon Wore Chartreuse Hale, Bruce PB F Q 14 $5.99 $4.49 $62.86 The Case Of The Case Of Mistaken Identity Barnett, Mac PB F Q 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 The Case Of The Gasping Garbage Torrey, Michele PB F Q 14 $6.95 $5.21 $72.94 Bunnicula: A Rabbit-Tale Of Mystery Howe, James PB F Q 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 Deadly Waters Skurzynski, Gloria and Alane F. PB F T 14 $4.99 $3.74 $52.36 Nighty-Nightmare Howe, James PB F R 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 Over The Edge Skurzynski, Gloria and Alane Fe PB F T 14 $4.99 $3.74 $52.36 The Hunted Skurzynski, Gloria and Alane Fe PB F T 14 $4.99 $3.74 $52.36 Meet Me In Horrorwood Stilton, Geronimo PB F R 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 Night Of The Black Bear Skurzynski, Gloria and Alane F. 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Title Author Binding Fiction A-Z Level Qty List Price Your Price Extended Price Comprehensive Library Grade 4 PB 14 Comprehensive Library Grade 4 Living Things - 163 Titles The Case Of The Amazing Zelda Montgomery, Lewis B. PB F L 14 $6.95 $5.21 $72.94 The Case Of The July 4th Jinx Montgomery, Lewis B. PB F L 14 $6.95 $5.21 $72.94 The Case Of The Missing Moose Montgomery, Lewis B. PB F L 14 $6.95 $5.21 $72.94 Cam Jansen: The Mystery Of The Carnival PAdler, David A. PB F L 14 $4.99 $3.74 $52.36 Cam Jansen: The Mystery Of The Monkey HAdler, David A. PB F L 14 $4.99 $3.74 $52.36 Cam Jansen: The Mystery Of The Stolen CoAdler, David A. PB F L 14 $4.99 $3.74 $52.36 The Absent Author Roy, Ron PB F N 14 $4.99 $3.74 $52.36 The Hurricane Mystery Warner, Gertrude Chandler PB F O 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 Encyclopedia Brown, Boy Detective Sobol, Donald J. PB F P 14 $4.99 $3.74 $52.36 The Case Of The Stinky Socks Montgomery, Lewis B. PB F L 14 $6.95 $5.21 $72.94 The Clue Of The Left-Handed Envelope Stanley, George E. PB F N 14 $5.99 $4.49 $62.86 Howliday Inn Howe, James PB F P 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 The Canary Caper Roy, Ron PB F N 14 $4.99 $3.74 $52.36 The Haunted Library Butler, Dori Hillestad PB F M 14 $5.99 $4.49 $62.86 The Fenway Foul-Up Kelly, David A. PB F N 14 $4.99 $3.74 $52.36 Hot Fudge Howe, James PB F L 14 $3.99 $2.99 $41.86 The Vampire Bunny Howe, James PB F L 14 $3.99 $2.99 $41.86 Surprise Island Warner, Gertrude Chandler PB F O 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 January Joker Roy, Ron PB F M 14 $4.99 $3.74 $52.36 The Deadly Dungeon Roy, Ron PB F N 14 $4.99 $3.74 $52.36 April Adventure Roy, Ron PB F M 14 $4.99 $3.74 $52.36 And Then There Were Gnomes Venable, Colleen A. F. PB F O 14 $6.95 $5.21 $72.94 Comprehensive Library Grade 4 Picture Books - 38 Titles I Pledge Allegiance Martin, Bill and Michael Sampso PB NF Q 14 $8.99 $6.74 $94.36 The Dunderheads Fleischman, Paul PB F Q 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 Thunder Rose Nolen, Jerdine PB F S 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 Nelson Mandela Nelson, Kadir HC NF S 14 $17.99 $13.49 $188.86 Beaks! Collard, Sneed B. PB NF T 14 $7.95 $5.96 $83.44 A Poke In The I: A Collection Of Concrete PoJaneczko, Paul B. PB F Q 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 Sky Boys: How They Built The Empire State Hopkinson, Deborah PB F Q 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 Yours Truly, Goldilocks Ada, Alma Flor PB F Q 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 Recess! Holm, Jennifer L., et al. PB F R 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 A Storm Called Katrina Uhlberg, Myron PB F R 14 $8.95 $6.71 $93.94 My Uncle Martin's Words For America Watkins, Angela Farris PB NF R 14 $9.95 $7.46 $104.44 No More! Rappaport, Doreen PB NF R 14 $9.99 $7.49 $104.86 Sisters & Brothers: Sibling Relationships In TJenkins, Steve and Robin Page PB NF R 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 The Houdini Box Selznick, Brian PB F S 14 $9.99 $7.49 $104.86 Lon Po Po: A Red-Riding Hood Story From CYoung, Ed PB F S 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 My Man Blue Grimes, Nikki PB F S 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 Uncle Jed's Barbershop Mitchell, Margaret K. PB F S 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 14 Cows For America Deedy, Carmen Agra PB NF S 14 $8.95 $6.71 $93.94 Teammates Golenbock, Peter and Paul Baco PB NF S 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 Imani's Moon Brown-Wood, Janay PB F N 14 $7.95 $5.96 $83.44 The Memory String Bunting, Eve PB F N 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 Ruby's Wish Bridges, Shirin Yim PB F N 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 Barack Winter, Jonah PB NF N 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 The Cod's Tale Kurlansky, Mark PB NF N 14 $8.99 $6.74 $94.36 Just Ducks! Davies, Nicola PB NF N 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 Sincerely Yours: Writing Your Own Letter Loewen, Nancy PB NF N 14 $8.95 $6.71 $93.94 A Day's Work Bunting, Eve PB F O 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 The Crane Wife Bodkin, Odds PB F M 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 Smoky Night Bunting, Eve PB F O 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 Salt In His Shoes: Michael Jordan In Pursuit Jordan, Deloris and Roslyn PB NF O 14 $8.99 $6.74 $94.36 Cinder-Elly Minters, Frances PB F P 14 $5.99 $4.49 $62.86 Knots On A Counting Rope Martin, Bill PB F P 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 Tar Beach Ringgold, Faith PB F P 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 Weslandia Fleischman, Paul PB F P 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 Did A Dinosaur Drink This Water? Wells, Robert E. PB NF P 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 Pass The Energy, Please! McKinney, Barbara Shaw PB NF P 14 $8.95 $6.71 $93.94 An Egg Is Quiet Aston, Dianna Hutts PB NF N 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 A Seed Is Sleepy Aston, Dianna Hutts PB NF P 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 Comprehensive Library Grade 4 Poetry - 25 Titles A Poke In The I: A Collection Of Concrete PoJaneczko, Paul B. PB F Q 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 I Have Heard Of A Land Thomas, Joyce Carol PB F Q 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 Sidewalk Chalk: Poems Of The City Weatherford, Carole Boston PB F R 14 $8.95 $6.71 $93.94 Snow, Snow: Winter Poems For Children Yolen, Jane PB F S 14 $12.95 $9.71 $135.94 Grow Havill PB F S 14 $7.95 $5.96 $83.44 Hey World, Here I Am! Little, Jean PB F S 14 $5.99 $4.49 $62.86 The Red Pencil Pinkney, Andrea Davis PB F Q 14 $8.99 $6.74 $94.36 At The Sea Floor Cafe: Odd Ocean Critter P Bulion, Leslie PB NF R 14 $6.95 $5.21 $72.94 Old Elm Speaks George, Kristine O'Connell PB NF S 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 Ellington Was Not A Street Shange, Ntozake HC F R 14 $18.99 $14.24 $199.36 Faces Of The Moon Crelin, Bob HC NF L 14 $16.95 $12.71 $177.94 Lunch Money And Other Poems About SchoShields, Carol Diggory PB F M 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 Flicker Flash Graham, Joan B. PB F N 14 $6.95 $5.21 $72.94

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Title Author Binding Fiction A-Z Level Qty List Price Your Price Extended Price Comprehensive Library Grade 4 PB 14 Comprehensive Library Grade 4 Living Things - 163 Titles Dirty Beasts Dahl, Roald PB F O 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 Flabbergaster Carthew, Mark PB F N 14 $8.99 $6.74 $94.36 My Foot Fell Asleep Keane, Sarah PB F M 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 If It Rains Pancakes: Haiku And Lantern PoeCleary, Brian P. PB F O 14 $6.95 $5.21 $72.94 Wham! It's A Poetry Jam: Discovering Perfo Holbrook, Sara PB F P 14 $9.95 $7.46 $104.44 Baseball, Snakes, And Summer Squash: Po Graves, Donald PB F P 14 $10.95 $8.21 $114.94 Honey, I Love And Other Poems Greenfield, Eloise PB F M 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 Footprints On The Moon: Poems About SpacCarthew, Mark PB F L 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 One Big Rain: Poems For Every Season Gray, Rita, Ed. PB NF O 14 $7.95 $5.96 $83.44 My Man Blue Grimes, Nikki PB F S 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 The Bat-Poet Jarrell, Randall PB F S 14 $7.95 $5.96 $83.44 Insectlopedia Florian, Douglas PB NF M 14 $8.99 $6.74 $94.36 Comprehensive Library Grade 4 Global Mindfulness - 26 Titles Canada: The Land Kalman, Bobbie PB NF T 14 $8.95 $6.71 $93.94 Mexico: The People Kalman, Bobbie PB NF R 14 $8.95 $6.71 $93.94 Exploring Caves Mis, Melody S. PB NF T 14 $8.25 $6.19 $86.66 North America Koponen, Libby PB NF S 14 $6.95 $5.21 $72.94 It's Cool To Learn About The United States: Orr, Tamra B. PB NF T 14 $10.95 $8.21 $114.94 Structures Of Life: What Is This Fossil? Sohn, Emily and Judy Kentor Sc PB NF R 14 $8.95 $6.71 $93.94 It's Cool To Learn About The United States: Somervill, Barbara A. 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Title Author Binding Fiction A-Z Level Qty List Price Your Price Extended Price Comprehensive Library Grade 5 PB 14 Comprehensive Library Grade 5 Living Things - 138 Titles Philippa Fisher And The Fairy's Promise Kessler, Liz PB F S 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 Rump: The True Story Of Rumpelstiltskin Shurtliff, Liesl PB F S 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 The Valley Of The Lost Rodda, Emily PB F S 14 $5.99 $4.49 $62.86 The Search For Delicious Babbitt, Natalie PB F U 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 Things Not Seen Clements, Andrew PB F V 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 The Time Hackers Paulsen, Gary PB F Y 14 $5.99 $4.49 $62.86 The Real Thief Steig, William PB F U 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 Birdwing Martin, Rafe PB F V 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 Pleasing The Ghost Creech, Sharon PB F V 14 $5.99 $4.49 $62.86 12 Again Corbett, Sue PB F V 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 Jennifer, Hecate, Macbeth, William McKinleyKonigsburg, E. L. 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Title Author Binding Fiction A-Z Level Qty List Price Your Price Extended Price Comprehensive Library Grade 5 PB 14 Comprehensive Library Grade 5 Living Things - 138 Titles Peace, Locomotion Woodson, Jacqueline PB F U 14 $8.99 $6.74 $94.36 The Thirteen Ghosts Stilton, Geronimo PB F R 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 Regarding The Fountain Klise, Kate PB F U 14 $5.99 $4.49 $62.86 The Graduation Of Jake Moon Park, Barbara PB F U 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 Speed Yee, Lisa PB F U 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 Small As An Elephant Jacobson, Jennifer Richard PB F U 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 The View From Saturday Konigsburg, E. L. 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Title Author Binding Fiction A-Z Level Qty List Price Your Price Extended Price Comprehensive Library Grade 5 PB 14 Comprehensive Library Grade 5 Living Things - 138 Titles The True Cost Of Food Spilsbury, Louise PB NF U 14 $10.95 $8.21 $114.94 The Kids' Invention Book Erlbach, Arlene PB NF T 14 $9.95 $7.46 $104.44 Lightning Simon, Seymour PB NF T 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 The Water Cycle Trueit, Trudi PB NF T 14 $8.95 $6.71 $93.94 Investigating The Scientific Method With MaxLemke, Donald B. PB NF T 14 $8.10 $6.08 $85.12 Eyes And Ears Simon, Seymour PB NF T 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 Jurassic Poop: What Dinosaurs (And OthersBerkowitz, Jacob PB NF T 14 $6.95 $5.21 $72.94 Maker Faire Fontichiaro, Kristin and Samanth PB NF T 14 $9.95 $7.46 $104.44 Storm Chaser Gray, Susan H. PB NF T 14 $9.95 $7.46 $104.44 Drag! 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Title Author Binding Fiction A-Z Level Qty List Price Your Price Extended Price Comprehensive Library Grade 5 PB 14 Comprehensive Library Grade 5 Living Things - 138 Titles Real Hoops Bowen, Fred PB F Q 14 $5.95 $4.46 $62.44 Football Nightmare Christopher, Matt PB F Q 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 Skateboard Sonar Stevens, Eric PB F Q 14 $7.19 $5.39 $75.46 Motocross Double-Cross Maddox, Jake PB F Q 14 $5.95 $4.46 $62.44 Dugout Rivals Bowen, Fred PB F Q 14 $6.95 $5.21 $72.94 Kart Crash Maddox, Jake PB F Q 14 $5.95 $4.46 $62.44 Moon Runner Marsden, Carolyn PB F Q 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 Dear Mr. Henshaw Cleary, Beverly PB F Q 14 $5.99 $4.49 $62.86 Clarice Bean, Don't Look Now Child, Lauren PB F Q 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 Welcome To Camden Falls Martin, Ann M. PB F Q 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 Just Juice Hesse, Karen PB F Q 14 $5.99 $4.49 $62.86 Return Of The Home Run Kid Christopher, Matt PB F Q 14 $5.99 $4.49 $62.86 Clementine, Friend Of The Week Pennypacker, Sara PB F Q 14 $5.99 $4.49 $62.86 The Year Of The Dog Lin, Grace PB F Q 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 Speedway Switch Maddox, Jake PB F Q 14 $5.95 $4.46 $62.44 Soccer Hero Christopher, Matt PB F Q 14 $5.99 $4.49 $62.86 Danger On Panther Peak Wallace, Bill PB F R 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 No Talking Clements, Andrew PB F R 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 Lunch Money Clements, Andrew PB F R 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 The Jacket Clements, Andrew PB F R 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 The Landry News Clements, Andrew PB F R 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 Clarice Bean Spells Trouble Child, Lauren PB F R 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 Lost And Found Clements, Andrew PB F R 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 Fig Pudding Fletcher, Ralph PB F R 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 Mountains, Monsoons, And Mules Klepeis, Alicia PB F R 14 $12.95 $9.71 $135.94 Walking The Dragon's Back Eboch, M. M. PB F R 14 $12.95 $9.71 $135.94 The School Story Clements, Andrew PB F R 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 The Last Holiday Concert Clements, Andrew PB F R 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 The Beloved Dearly Cooney, Doug PB F R 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 Flying Solo Fletcher, Ralph PB F S 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 The Lemonade War Davies, Jacqueline PB F S 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 Sahara Special Codell, Esme Raji PB F S 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 Where I'd Like To Be Dowell, Frances O'Roark PB F S 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 The Voyage Of The Frog Paulsen, Gary PB F S 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 Whatever! The Complicated Life Of Claudia Gallagher, Diana G. PB F S 14 $6.10 $4.58 $64.12 Journey To Jo'Burg Naidoo, Beverley PB F S 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 Junonia Henkes, Kevin PB F S 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 On My Honor Bauer, Marion Dane PB F S 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 Sheep Hobbs, Valerie PB F R 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 Junebug Mead, Alice PB F S 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 The Pinballs Byars, Betsy PB F S 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 Grow Havill PB F S 14 $7.95 $5.96 $83.44 Soccer Scoop Christopher, Matt PB F S 14 $5.99 $4.49 $62.86 Long-Arm Quarterback Christopher, Matt PB F S 14 $5.99 $4.49 $62.86 Dirt Bike Racer Christopher, Matt PB F S 14 $5.99 $4.49 $62.86 The Hockey Machine Christopher, Matt PB F S 14 $5.99 $4.49 $62.86 Taking Sides Soto, Gary PB F S 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 Slam Dunk Christopher, Matt PB F S 14 $5.99 $4.49 $62.86 Bad-Luck Basketball Troupe, Thomas Kingsley PB F S 14 $5.95 $4.46 $62.44 Pranks And Attacks! Richard, Laurent PB F S 14 $6.95 $5.21 $72.94 Georgia's Greatness Baratz-Logsted, Lauren PB F Q 14 $5.99 $4.49 $62.86 Rebecca's Rashness Baratz-Logsted, Lauren PB F Q 14 $5.99 $4.49 $62.86 Misty's Twilight Henry, Marguerite PB F R 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 Brighty Of The Grand Canyon Henry, Marguerite PB F R 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 Born To Trot Henry, Marguerite PB F R 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 Black Gold Henry, Marguerite PB F R 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 Stormy, Misty's Foal Henry, Marguerite PB F R 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 King Of The Wind Henry, Marguerite PB F R 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 Sea Star Henry, Marguerite PB F R 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 Lunch Lady And The Summer Camp ShakedKrosoczka, Jarrett J. PB F S 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 Spotlight Soccer Sanchez, Ricardo PB F R 14 $5.95 $4.46 $62.44 Cupcake Tycoon Holm, Jennifer L. and Matt PB F Q 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 Babymouse For President Holm, Jennifer L. and Matt PB F Q 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 Happy Birthday, Babymouse Holm, Jennifer L. and Matt PB F Q 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 Rock Star Holm, Jennifer L. and Matt PB F Q 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 Monster Mash Holm, Jennifer L. and Matt PB F Q 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 Tangerine Bloor, Edward PB F U 14 $8.99 $6.74 $94.36 Two-Minute Drill Lupica, Mike PB F S 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 The Shadow Spies Nykko PB F S 14 $6.95 $5.21 $72.94 Daydream Receiver Maddox, Jake PB F S 14 $6.95 $5.21 $72.94 My Amazing Dinosaur Grimaldi, Flora PB F Q 14 $7.95 $5.96 $83.44 Wild Animals! Richard, Laurent PB F R 14 $6.95 $5.21 $72.94 The Night Gardener Auxier, Jonathan PB F Y 14 $8.95 $6.71 $93.94 Phoebe The Spy Griffin, Judith Berry PB F R 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 How Tia Lola Came To Stay Alvarez, Julia PB F R 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36

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Title Author Binding Fiction A-Z Level Qty List Price Your Price Extended Price Comprehensive Library Grade 5 PB 14 Comprehensive Library Grade 5 Living Things - 138 Titles Fudge-A-Mania Blume, Judy PB F Q 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 Hey World, Here I Am! Little, Jean PB F S 14 $5.99 $4.49 $62.86 There's A Boy In The Girls' Bathroom Sachar, Louis PB F Q 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 Friendship According To Humphrey Birney, Betty G PB F Q 14 $5.99 $4.49 $62.86 Away West McKissack, Patricia PB F Q 14 $5.99 $4.49 $62.86 Time For Andrew: A Ghost Story Hahn, Mary Downing PB F S 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 Darth Paper Strikes Back Angleberger, Tom PB F S 14 $7.95 $5.96 $83.44 Don't Make Me Smile Park, Barbara PB F Q 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 Strider Cleary, Beverly PB F R 14 $5.99 $4.49 $62.86 Dexter The Tough Haddix, Margaret Peterson PB F Q 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 The Trumpet Of The Swan White, E. B. 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Title Author Binding Fiction A-Z Level Qty List Price Your Price Extended Price Comprehensive Library Grade 5 PB 14 Comprehensive Library Grade 5 Living Things - 138 Titles Inside Out And Back Again Lai, Thanhha PB F U 14 $8.99 $6.74 $94.36 The Earth Under Sky Bear's Feet Bruchac, Joseph PB F V 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 12 Rounds To Glory: The Story Of Muhamm Smith, Charles R. PB NF V 14 $10.99 $8.24 $115.36 Hate That Cat Creech, Sharon PB F T 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 Picture Yourself Writing Poetry Salas, Laura Purdie PB NF V 14 $8.10 $6.08 $85.12 Color Me A Rhyme: Nature Poems For YounYolen, Jane PB F U 14 $6.95 $5.21 $72.94 Hey There, Stink Bug! Bulion, Leslie PB NF V 14 $5.95 $4.46 $62.44 Love That Dog Creech, Sharon PB F T 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 Becoming Joe DiMaggio Testa, Maria PB F T 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 Wonderful Words: Poems About Reading, WHopkins, Lee Bennett, Ed. HC F T 14 $19.99 $14.99 $209.86 Comprehensive Library Grade 5 Social Justice - 37 Titles Social Media: Like It Or Leave It Rowell, Rebecca PB NF Z 14 $8.95 $6.71 $93.94 I Am Malala (Young Reader's Edition) Yousafzai, Malala PB NF Z 14 $10.99 $8.24 $115.36 Global Financial Crisis Steele, Philip PB NF Z 14 $9.95 $7.46 $104.44 Punishing Bullies: Zero Tolerance vs. WorkinOwings, Lisa PB NF Z 14 $8.95 $6.71 $93.94 An Inconvenient Truth: The Crisis Of Global Gore, Albert PB NF Y 14 $16.00 $12.00 $168.00 Asking Questions About Violence In Popular Powell, Marie PB NF Y 14 $9.95 $7.46 $104.44 David Suzuki: Doing Battle With Climate ChaGazlay, Suzy PB NF Y 14 $9.95 $7.46 $104.44 Animal Testing: Life-Saving Research Vs. AnSepahban, Lois PB NF Y 14 $8.95 $6.71 $93.94 School Lunches: Healthy Choices Vs. CrowdLanser, Amanda PB NF X 14 $8.95 $6.71 $93.94 The Omnivore's Dilemma For Kids: The Sec Pollan, Michael PB NF X 14 $9.99 $7.49 $104.86 Kids With Courage: True Stories About YounLewis, Barbara A. PB NF X 14 $13.99 $10.49 $146.86 Asking Questions About How The News Is CMooney, Carla PB NF W 14 $9.95 $7.46 $104.44 Kids On Strike! Bartoletti, Susan Campbell PB NF V 14 $9.95 $7.46 $104.44 Kids At Work: Lewis Hine And The Crusade Freedman, Russell PB NF T 14 $9.95 $7.46 $104.44 Rain Forest Destruction McLeish, Ewan PB NF T 14 $14.05 $10.54 $147.56 Our Footprint On Earth Sturm, Jeanne PB NF T 14 $10.95 $8.21 $114.94 Restoring Wetlands Sturm, Jeanne PB NF T 14 $10.95 $8.21 $114.94 It's Our World, Too! Young People Who Are Hoose, Phillip PB NF T 14 $17.99 $13.49 $188.86 The Security Agencies Of The United States Streissguth, Tom PB NF S 14 $12.88 $9.66 $135.24 Growing Up In Coal Country Bartoletti, Susan C. PB NF X 14 $8.99 $6.74 $94.36 Struggle For Survival: Water Rice, William B. 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PB NF X 14 $10.95 $8.21 $114.94 Comprehensive Library Grade 5 U.S. Government & History - 165 Titles The Lost Colony Of Roanoke McAneney, Caitie PB NF R 14 $10.00 $7.50 $105.00 Tapenum's Day: A Wampanoag Indian Boy IWaters, Kate HC F Q 14 $18.99 $14.24 $199.36 What Was The Boston Tea Party? Krull, Kathleen PB NF S 14 $5.99 $4.49 $62.86 The Journey Of The One And Only DeclaratiSt. George, Judith PB NF R 14 $8.99 $6.74 $94.36 Abigail Adams Mulhall, Jill K. 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Krull, Kathleen PB NF S 14 $5.99 $4.49 $62.86 Who Was Gandhi? Rau, Dana Meachen PB NF S 14 $5.99 $4.49 $62.86 Freedom On The Menu: The Greensboro SitWeatherford, Carole Boston PB F N 14 $5.99 $4.49 $62.86 Martin Luther King, Jr. Jazynka, Kitson PB NF N 14 $3.99 $2.99 $41.86 Who Was Rosa Parks? McDonough, Yona Zeldis PB NF O 14 $5.99 $4.49 $62.86 Jackie Robinson: Hero On The Baseball FielMacceca, Stephanie PB NF O 14 $8.99 $6.74 $94.36 Barack Obama: President Of The United StaConklin, Blane PB NF U 14 $8.99 $6.74 $94.36 Becoming President Rajczak, Michael PB NF R 14 $10.50 $7.88 $110.32 Checks And Balances: A Look At The PowerKowalski, Kathiann M. 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Packet page 141 of 192 CUSTOM BOOKLIST PLYMOUTH-CANTON COMM SCHOOLS CAREFULLY REVIEW your quote to make any adjustments BEFORE your order is placed Price Quotation# Q78423 02/12/18

Title Author Binding Fiction A-Z Level Qty List Price Your Price Extended Price Comprehensive Library Grade 5 PB 14 Comprehensive Library Grade 5 Living Things - 138 Titles What Is The Executive Branch? Bow, James PB NF Q 14 $8.95 $6.71 $93.94 What Is The Judicial Branch? Rodger, Ellen PB NF Q 14 $8.95 $6.71 $93.94 What Is The Legislative Branch? Bow, James PB NF Q 14 $8.95 $6.71 $93.94 Who Wrote The U.S. Constitution? And OtheRansom, Candice F. PB NF U 14 $9.99 $7.49 $104.86 Why We Need Laws Nelson, Bill PB NF P 14 $8.25 $6.19 $86.66 How Is A Law Passed? Bright-Moore, Susan PB NF N 14 $8.95 $6.71 $93.94 What Are The Levels Of Government? Bedesky, Baron PB NF N 14 $8.95 $6.71 $93.94 What Is A Government? Bedesky, Baron PB NF N 14 $8.95 $6.71 $93.94 Civic Responsibilities Kenney, Karen PB NF O 14 $8.95 $6.71 $93.94 Understanding The Articles Of ConfederationIsaacs, Sally PB NF O 14 $8.95 $6.71 $93.94 Vote! Christelow, Eileen PB NF P 14 $9.99 $7.49 $104.86 President Gorman, Jacqueline Laks PB NF N 14 $5.95 $4.46 $62.44 What's The State Judicial Branch Harris, Nancy PB NF N 14 $8.29 $6.22 $87.08 Mayor Gorman, Jacqueline Laks PB NF N 14 $8.15 $6.11 $85.54 What's The Bill Of Rights Harris, Nancy PB NF N 14 $8.29 $6.22 $87.08 What's The U.S. Constitution Harris, Nancy PB NF N 14 $8.29 $6.22 $87.08 Member Of Congress Gorman, Jacqueline Laks PB NF O 14 $8.15 $6.11 $85.54 We The People: Civic Values In America Rodgers, Kelly PB NF U 14 $8.99 $6.74 $94.36 The Supreme Court Benoit, Peter PB NF X 14 $8.95 $6.71 $93.94 Forms Of Government Benoit, Peter PB NF W 14 $8.95 $6.71 $93.94 12 Questions About The Indian Removal ActDils, Tracey E. 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Ba PB F S 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 Crazy Horse: Brave Warrior Hood, Ann PB F U 14 $6.99 $5.24 $73.36 Caddie Woodlawn Brink, Carol Ryrie PB F R 14 $7.99 $5.99 $83.86 Building The Transcontinental Railroad Thompson, Linda PB NF T 14 $10.95 $8.21 $114.94 The Cowgirl Way: Hats Off To America's WoGeorge-Warren, Holly PB NF S 14 $9.99 $7.49 $104.86 Daring Pony Express Riders Savage, Jeff PB NF R 14 $10.53 $7.90 $110.60 The Donner Party Welvaert, Scott R. PB NF S 14 $8.10 $6.08 $85.12 Expanding The Nation Mulhall, Jill K. 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Packet page 143 of 192 Meeting Date: April 24, 2018 First Reading


TO: Monica Merritt, Superintendent Members of the Board of Education

FROM: Dr. Michael Bender, Chief Academic Officer

DATE: April 20, 2018



To continue our support for the implementation of the Elementary English Language Arts Workshop Model, we are recommending the purchase of books for classroom libraries, including science topics, for our elementary schools. The library sets are curated to support students in K-5. The books will be used for individual instruction during both the reading and writing workshop. Libraries will include many genres and levels so that all students are able to find texts that are meaningful to them.

The total cost for this recommended purchase is $55,936.97 using $44,341.97 from the Additional Instructional Time and Interventions Grant (Section 35a(5) of the FY 2017 State School Aid Act) and $11,595.00 from the general fund.


It was moved by member and seconded by member ------to approve the first reading of the recommendation to purchase classroom libraries for students in K-5 to support the implementation of the Elementary English Language Arts Workshop Model at a cost of $55,936.97.



The motion was: ______

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Curriculum Resources that Inspire Today'$ Learners

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Packet page 146 of 192 capstone

Curriculum Aesourus that lnsphe Today's le•mers

CUSTOMER INFORMATION SEND ORDERS TO: Contact Name: Carrie Fromm ..9P.~~'?.~.e. . .£~.S.~-~-~:.:..~-~~i~~---··················· .. ·······"··················· Contact Email: ..c.a..r:.!.e.:.!!:?.~.~~S.:~~.~.?.:E!?.~ ...... 1710 Roe Crest Drive . Account Name: ...... -...... !':l!?.r:t.~.-~.?.-~-~-?.~'?.1 .. ~.!':1.?.~~~.3...... Account ID: - Phone: 888-262-6135 Rewards Number: 455005463 Fax: 888-574-5570 ...... ,_,,,...... List Name: Carrie Fromm NGSS 3-5 ...... _, .... ,,.,_ ...... -...... Quote Number: --~~.0..3..2.~~~g3......

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Packet page 147 of 192 Dynamic Plan Update Tuesday, April 24, 2018 Packet page 148 of 192 P-CCS DYNAMIC PLAN OVERVIEW

"The P-CCS Dynamic Plan is the result of our belief that all students can achieve their full potential if we strive to provide a complete educational experience that is relevant and rigorous and meets the academic needs of all students." -- Monica L. Merritt, P-CCS Superintendent of Schools

● CLICK HERE to view the P-CCS Dynamic Plan in Google (optimized for desktop devices)

● CLICK HERE to view/download the P-CCS Dynamic Plan as a PDF (optimized for mobile devices)

● CLICK HERE to watch the P-CCS Dynamic Plan Podcast (via the P-CCS Official YouTube Channel)

Packet page 149 of 192 P-CCS DYNAMIC PLAN OVERVIEW, Pt. 2

This Dynamic Plan is aligned with our District Mission, Vision, and Belief Statements.

P-CCS 2017-18 District Improvement Plan

Packet page 150 of 192 TEACHING & LEARNING GOAL: All Plymouth-Canton Community Schools’ students will thrive in a culturally diverse society to be college and career ready.

Create a Collaborative 1. Develop the capacity of all staff to collaborate around student learning through the effective implementation of professional learning communities (PLCs), curriculum implementation teams (CITs), and Culture and Climate data-driven dialogues (Focus on 2. Implement the collaborative monitoring protocols of Data Walks and Instructional Rounds to support District and School Improvement processes Collaboration) 3. Consistently implement a systemic Restorative Practices framework to support a reduction in exclusionary discipline such as suspension and expulsion and improve the overall climate and culture of schools

Instruction: 1. Implement a comprehensive Multi-tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) framework that provides needed supports for the academic, social, and emotional growth of all students. This system will be inclusive of: a. Tier one: Culturally Proficient Pedagogy for all learners i. Implement a professional development plan to build the capacity of teachers to meet the instructional needs of student subgroups in need of additional support (Individualized Educational Plans (IEPs), English Learners (EL), and students with a 504 Plan) ii. Differentiated instruction and Universal Design for Learning strategies for all students

iii. Implement a common, district-wide grading policy b. Tier Two: Classroom-based academic and behavioral supports combined with external supports as needed. i. Shift from the categorical model of instruction to an inclusive instructional model ii. Implement inclusive structural supports for students with IEPs in general education classrooms Develop High Quality iii. Consistent Reading and Math interventions Curriculum, Instruction iv. Comprehensive support for English Learners utilizing certified EL teachers and Assessment v. Differentiation for advanced learner. Explore expansion of IB to middle or elementary. (Focus on Learning) c. Tier Three: External supports for students with significant academic and socio-emotional needs i. Implement sustainable external academic and socio-emotional supports for students ii. Implement a robust summer learning academy for at-risk students Curriculum & Assessment: 1. Maintain a 5-year Curriculum Development Cycle, utilizing Atlas Rubicon to develop and house district curriculum 2. Implement a vertically aligned K-12 STEM and Career and Technical Education (CTE) programing aligned to Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) 3. Explore the development of P-CCS online learning opportunities for grades 6-12 4. Implement district quarterly common assessments in all content areas that are aligned to the Michigan Academic Standards Technology: 1. Implement a technology plan focused on integrating technology in the classroom 2. Implement guidelines to support Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) in our classrooms Early Childhood: 1. Implement an inclusive instruction model between Infant Preschool Special Education Program (IPSEP) and general education preschool 2. Achieve National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) accreditation for Early Childhood Department 3. Implement vertical alignment from PreK through 2nd grade to support all students meeting reading targets by the end of 3rd grade

Develop a Data Culture 1. Develop a P-CCS continuous improvement framework informed by data that includes a balanced assessment program, building-level data coaches, specific protocols for reviewing data to adjust instruction, within a PLC and using data to inform the District and School Improvement process. Framework 2. Implement a Case Management approach to analyze student data and create action plans to support student growth within the umbrella of a comprehensive MTSS framework. (Focus on Results) 3. Implement a comprehensive and fair process for considering student growth data in educator evaluation. 4. Utilize real-time data to improve the level of automation of our tech systems to maintain a reasonable response time to tech requests. Packet page 151 of 192 TEACHING & LEARNING GOAL: All Plymouth-Canton Community Schools’ students will thrive in a culturally diverse society to be college and career ready.

Create a 1. Develop the capacity of all staff to collaborate around student learning through the effective implementation of Collaborative Culture professional learning communities (PLCs), curriculum implementation teams (CITs), and data-driven dialogues and Climate 2. Implement the collaborative monitoring protocols of Data Walks and Instructional Rounds to support District and (Focus on School Improvement processes Collaboration) 3. Consistently implement a systemic Restorative Practices framework to support a reduction in exclusionary discipline such as suspension and expulsion and improve the overall climate and culture of schools

PROGRESS / ACTIONS TOWARDS SUBGOAL DURING 2017-18: ● Creating a collaborative culture and climate by implementing Dr. Adolph Brown’s “Four F’s” (bringing the fun, being fair to all, being firm in our commitment, and having faith in students and colleagues). (1) ● PLC work is built into staff meeting time at each level. (1) ● Disaggregated results profile provided to each school to support data dialogues. (1) ● Classroom visits conducted by administrators and teachers. (2) ● Restorative practices framework in place to support appropriate student behavior. (3)

PLANS / FOCUS INITIATIVES TOWARDS SUBGOAL FOR 2018-19: ● Establish consistent protocols for use by participants in PLC work. (1) ● Build the capacity of teachers and administrators to engage in instructional rounds. (2) ● Strengthen the skills of students and staff to engage in restorative practices. (3) Packet page 152 of 192 TEACHING & LEARNING GOAL: All Plymouth-Canton Community Schools’ students will thrive in a culturally diverse society to be college and career ready.

Instruction: 1. Implement a comprehensive Multi-tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) framework that provides needed supports for the academic, social, and emotional growth of all students. This system will be inclusive of: a. Tier one: Culturally Proficient Pedagogy for all learners

i. Implement a professional development plan to build the capacity of teachers to meet the instructional needs of student subgroups in need of additional support (Individualized Educational Plans (IEPs), English Learners (EL), and students with a 504 Plan) ii. Differentiated instruction and Universal Design for Learning strategies for all students iii. Implement a common, district-wide grading policy b. Tier Two: Classroom-based academic and behavioral supports combined with external supports as needed. i. Shift from the categorical model of instruction to an inclusive instructional model Develop High ii. Implement inclusive structural supports for students with IEPs in general education classrooms iii. Consistent Reading and Math interventions Quality iv. Comprehensive support for English Learners utilizing certified EL teachers Curriculum, v. Differentiation for advanced learner. Explore expansion of IB to middle or elementary. Instruction c. Tier Three: External supports for students with significant academic and socio-emotional needs and i. Implement sustainable external academic and socio-emotional supports for students Assessment ii. Implement a robust summer learning academy for at-risk students (Focus on Curriculum & Assessment: 1. Maintain a 5-year Curriculum Development Cycle, utilizing Atlas Rubicon to develop and house district curriculum Learning) 2. Implement a vertically aligned K-12 STEM and Career and Technical Education (CTE) programing aligned to Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) 3. Explore the development of P-CCS online learning opportunities for grades 6-12 4. Implement district quarterly common assessments in all content areas that are aligned to the Michigan Academic Standards Technology: 1. Implement a technology plan focused on integrating technology in the classroom 2. Implement guidelines to support Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) in our classrooms Early Childhood: 1. Implement an inclusive instruction model between Infant Preschool Special Education Program (IPSEP) and general education preschool 2. Achieve National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) accreditation for Early Childhood Department 3. Implement vertical alignment from PreK through 2nd grade to support all students meeting reading targets by the end of 3rd grade Packet page 153 of 192 TEACHING & LEARNING GOAL: All Plymouth-Canton Community Schools’ students will thrive in a culturally diverse society to be college and career ready.

Curriculum & Assessment: Develop High 1. Maintain a 5-year Curriculum Development Cycle, utilizing Atlas Rubicon to develop and house district Quality Curriculum, curriculum Instruction and 2. Implement a vertically aligned K-12 STEM and Career and Technical Education (CTE) programing Assessment aligned to Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) (Focus on Learning) 3. Explore the development of P-CCS online learning opportunities for grades 6-12 4. Implement district quarterly common assessments in all content areas that are aligned to the Michigan Academic Standards

Packet page 154 of 192 TEACHING & LEARNING GOAL: All Plymouth-Canton Community Schools’ students will thrive in a culturally diverse society to be college and career ready.

Curriculum & Assessment PROGRESS / ACTIONS TOWARDS SUBGOAL DURING 2017-18:

● Implementation and review of 5 year curriculum process and cycle. (1)

● High school STEM students conduct STEM Days at elementary schools to generate interest. (2) ● Training of NGSS and NGSX for all Elementary teachers and Middle School Science teachers. (2) Develop High ● STEM activities at Elementary and Middle School. Exploration of PRIME bolster and build Programs. (2) Quality ● Pilot blended learning at High School. (3) Curriculum, Instruction ● Development of common district unit assessments in Secondary Math increasing rigor and student and feedback. (4) Assessment ● Development of Choice Unit in Secondary ELA. (4) (Focus on Learning) PLANS / FOCUS INITIATIVES TOWARDS SUBGOAL FOR 2018-19: ● Continue use and professional learning of Rubicon Atlas. (1) ● Continued curriculum work and professional learning for scheduled curricular areas. (1) ● Continued next steps for PRIME bolster and build programs. (2) ● Begin exploration of online learning opportunities. (3) ● Development and implementation of curriculum enrichment in middle school math courses. (4) ● Professional learning and implementation of district common assessments in secondary math. (4) Packet page 155 of 192 TEACHING & LEARNING GOAL: All Plymouth-Canton Community Schools’ students will thrive in a culturally diverse society to be college and career ready.

Instruction: 1. Implement a comprehensive Multi-tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) framework that provides needed supports for the academic, social, and emotional growth of all students. This system will be inclusive of: a. Tier one: Culturally Proficient Pedagogy for all learners i. Implement a professional development plan to build the capacity of teachers to meet the instructional needs of student subgroups in need of additional support (Individualized Educational Plans (IEPs), English Learners (EL), and students with a 504 Plan)

ii. Differentiated instruction and Universal Design for Learning strategies for all students Develop High iii. Implement a common, district-wide grading policy Quality b. Tier Two: Classroom-based academic and behavioral supports combined with external supports as needed. Curriculum, i. Shift from the categorical model of instruction to an inclusive instructional model ii. Implement inclusive structural supports for students with IEPs in general education classrooms Instruction and iii. Consistent Reading and Math interventions Assessment iv. Comprehensive support for English Learners utilizing certified EL teachers (Focus on v. Differentiation for advanced learner. Explore expansion of IB to middle or elementary. c. Tier Three: External supports for students with significant academic and socio-emotional needs Learning) i. Implement sustainable external academic and socio-emotional supports for students ii. Implement a robust summer learning academy for at-risk students

Early Childhood: 1. Implement an inclusive instruction model between Infant Preschool Special Education Program (IPSEP) and general education preschool 2. Achieve National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) accreditation for Early Childhood Department 3. Implement vertical alignment from PreK through 2nd grade to support all students meeting reading targets by the end of 3rd grade

Packet page 156 of 192 TEACHING & LEARNING GOAL: All Plymouth-Canton Community Schools’ students will thrive in a culturally diverse society to be college and career ready.


● Launched the English Language Arts workshop model for instruction. (1a)

● Implemented the supports to help students meet the requirements under the Michigan Third Grade Reading Legislation (Evaluation, diagnostic assessments, Individual Reading Improvement Plans, and Develop High progress monitoring). (1a ii) Quality ● Strengthening Tier One Elementary ELA instruction. (1a) Curriculum, Instruction ○ Supported professional learning around conferencing practices, strategy groups, and guided and reading. Assessment ● Focus of the Early Childhood program is early literacy. (Early Childhood 3) (Focus on Learning) PLANS / FOCUS INITIATIVES TOWARDS SUBGOAL FOR 2018-19: ● Elementary staff will use the Benchmark Assessment System to monitor growth and guide instruction. (1a) ● Build the capacity of staff through professional learning to implement the MTSS framework. (1a ii) ● Professional learning for teachers and administrators to deepen knowledge around standards, curriculum, instruction, and assessment. (1a) Packet page 157 of 192 TEACHING & LEARNING GOAL: All Plymouth-Canton Community Schools’ students will thrive in a culturally diverse society to be college and career ready.

Instruction: 1. Implement a comprehensive Multi-tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) framework that provides needed supports for the academic, social, and emotional growth of all students. This system will be inclusive of: a. Tier one: Culturally Proficient Pedagogy for all learners i. Implement a professional development plan to build the capacity of teachers to meet the instructional needs of student subgroups in need of additional support (Individualized Educational Plans (IEPs), English Learners (EL), and students with a 504 Plan)

ii. Differentiated instruction and Universal Design for Learning strategies for all students Develop High iii. Implement a common, district-wide grading policy Quality b. Tier Two: Classroom-based academic and behavioral supports combined with external supports as needed. Curriculum, i. Shift from the categorical model of instruction to an inclusive instructional model ii. Implement inclusive structural supports for students with IEPs in general education classrooms Instruction and iii. Consistent Reading and Math interventions Assessment iv. Comprehensive support for English Learners utilizing certified EL teachers (Focus on v. Differentiation for advanced learner. Explore expansion of IB to middle or elementary. c. Tier Three: External supports for students with significant academic and socio-emotional needs Learning) i. Implement sustainable external academic and socio-emotional supports for students ii. Implement a robust summer learning academy for at-risk students

Early Childhood: 1. Implement an inclusive instruction model between Infant Preschool Special Education Program (IPSEP) and general education preschool 2. Achieve National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) accreditation for Early Childhood Department 3. Implement vertical alignment from PreK through 2nd grade to support all students meeting reading targets by the end of 3rd grade

Packet page 158 of 192 TEACHING & LEARNING GOAL: All Plymouth-Canton Community Schools’ students will thrive in a culturally diverse society to be college and career ready.

Specialized Student Support Services


● Implementing an inclusive instruction moidel between Infant Preschool Special Education Program (IPSEP) and

general education preschool. (EC 1).

Develop ● Transitioned Middle School Emotionally Impaired program from categorical to inclusive co-taught model. (Inst.1.b.i) High Quality ● High School Cognitively Impaired program incorporated co-teaching and peer-to-peer programs (Foods and Visual Curriculum, Arts classes). (Inst.1.b.i) Instruction ● High School Unified Sports are now part of the P-CEP athletic program. (Inst. 1.b.i) and ● Implemented shift in programming and provided training for paraprofessionals. (Inst.1.b.ii) Assessment ● Non-violent crisis intervention and seclusion/restraint training for building teams K-12 (115 staff trained). (Inst.1.b. ii) (Focus on ● Opened elementary ASD resource room program. (Inst. 1.b. ii) Learning) ● Piloted Read & Write for Google Chrome. (Inst.1.b.ii)

● Redesigned elementary resource room program and provided professional learning for teachers. (Inst.1b.ii) PLANS / FOCUS INITIATIVES TOWARDS SUBGOAL FOR 2018-19: ● Build the capacity of staff through professional learning to implement the MTSS framework.(Inst. 1.a.i.) ● Professional learning for teachers and administrators to deepen knowledge around standards, curriculum, instruction, and assessment. (Inst. 1.b.ii) ● Additional ASD Consultant added to support structure (Inst. 1.b.ii.) Packet page 159 of 192 TEACHING & LEARNING GOAL: All Plymouth-Canton Community Schools’ students will thrive in a culturally diverse society to be college and career ready.

Instruction: 1. Implement a comprehensive Multi-tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) framework that provides needed supports for the academic, social, and emotional growth of all students. This system will be inclusive of: a. Tier one: Culturally Proficient Pedagogy for all learners i. Implement a professional development plan to build the capacity of teachers to meet the instructional needs of student subgroups in need of additional support (Individualized Develop High Educational Plans (IEPs), English Learners (EL), and students with a 504 Plan) Quality ii. Differentiated instruction and Universal Design for Learning strategies for all students Curriculum, iii. Implement a common, district-wide grading policy Instruction and b. Tier Two: Classroom-based academic and behavioral supports combined with external supports as Assessment needed. (Focus on i. Shift from the categorical model of instruction to an inclusive instructional model Learning) ii. Implement inclusive structural supports for students with IEPs in general education classrooms iii. Consistent Reading and Math interventions iv. Comprehensive support for English Learners utilizing certified EL teachers v. Differentiation for advanced learner. Explore expansion of IB to middle or elementary. c. Tier Three: External supports for students with significant academic and socio-emotional needs i. Implement sustainable external academic and socio-emotional supports for students ii. Implement a robust summer learning academy for at-risk students

Packet page 160 of 192 TEACHING & LEARNING GOAL: All Plymouth-Canton Community Schools’ students will thrive in a culturally diverse society to be college and career ready.

Support for English Learners PROGRESS / ACTIONS TOWARDS SUBGOAL DURING 2017-18:

● ELD teachers put in place to support the neediest EL students with oral language development.

(Inst.1.b.iv) ● ELD teachers , EL Teachers, classroom teachers and EL paras engaged in professional development on Develop High strategies to differentiate, increase student engagement, and scaffold student learning. (Inst.1.a.i) Quality ● ELD teachers are supporting EL students and families during Instructional Support Team meetings by Curriculum, Instruction informing team members of the needs and learning styles of the students. (Inst.1.b.iv) and ● ELD teachers are assisting with administering the NWEA, WIDA, and M-STEP. (Inst.1.b.iv) Assessment ● Implemented EL Summer Jump Start K - 5. (Inst.1.c.ii) (Focus on ● Implemented Co-Teaching Models. (Inst.1.a.ii) Learning) ● We are Field! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n6pCxl8vuP4 (1.a.i)

PLANS / FOCUS INITIATIVES TOWARDS SUBGOAL FOR 2018-19: ● Expand EL Summer Jump Start 6th - 8th. (Inst.1.c.ii) ● Continue PD for classroom teachers. (Inst.1.a.i) ● Continue to build sustainable relationships with our EL families. (Inst.1.b.iv) Packet page 161 of 192 TEACHING & LEARNING GOAL: All Plymouth-Canton Community Schools’ students will thrive in a culturally diverse society to be college and career ready.

Develop High Quality Technology: Curriculum, Instruction and 1. Implement a technology plan focused on integrating technology in the classroom Assessment 2. Implement guidelines to support Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) in our classrooms (Focus on Learning)

Develop a Data Culture 1. Develop a P-CCS continuous improvement framework informed by data that includes a balanced within a PLC Framework assessment program, building-level data coaches, specific protocols for reviewing data to adjust instruction, and using data to inform the District and School Improvement process. (Focus on Results) 2. Implement a Case Management approach to analyze student data and create action plans to support student growth within the umbrella of a comprehensive MTSS framework. 3. Implement a comprehensive and fair process for considering student growth data in educator evaluation. 4. Utilize real-time data to improve the level of automation of our tech systems to maintain a reasonable response time to tech requests.

Packet page 162 of 192 TEACHING & LEARNING GOAL: All Plymouth-Canton Community Schools’ students will thrive in a culturally diverse society to be college and career ready.


● Building capacity and strengthening communication among stakeholders (1) ○ Technology Integration Specialists modeled the thoughtful use of technology with teachers. ○ Revamped the annual i3 Conference to include an “ed camp” style format. Develop High ○ Bolstered the tech coach model for learning Quality ● Jira service desk launched (Focus on Results #4) Curriculum, Instruction ● Engaged in access point refresh (2) and ○ Improved concurrency and throughput Assessment ○ Better bring your own device experience (Focus on ○ New authentication available Learning)

PLANS / FOCUS INITIATIVES TOWARDS SUBGOAL FOR 2018-19: ● Provide professional development for teachers and administrators around students using their own devices for learning. (2)

Packet page 163 of 192 TEACHING & LEARNING GOAL: All Plymouth-Canton Community Schools’ students will thrive in a culturally diverse society to be college and career ready.

1. Develop a P-CCS continuous improvement framework informed by data that includes a balanced assessment Develop a Data program, building-level data coaches, specific protocols for reviewing data to adjust instruction, and using data to inform the District and School Improvement process. Culture within a 2. Implement a Case Management approach to analyze student data and create action plans to support student PLC Framework growth within the umbrella of a comprehensive MTSS framework. 3. Implement a comprehensive and fair process for considering student growth data in educator evaluation. (Focus on Results) 4. Utilize real-time data to improve the level of automation of our tech systems to maintain a reasonable response time to tech requests.

PROGRESS / ACTIONS TOWARDS SUBGOAL DURING 2017-18: ● K-12 school improvement teams learned to use the Comprehensive Needs Assessment (CNA) for planning. (1) ● Increased the DIP Stakeholder team’s involvement in developing and analyzing the District CNA. (1) ● K-8 NWEA Data Coaches and administrators learned to use NWEA data at the building and student level.(1,2) ● K-5 special education staff learned to use NWEA data to inform the writing of standards-based IEPs. (1,2) ● Partnered with EL, Special Education, & Curriculum administrators to create targeted reports in MiStar DnA . (1,2) ● Collaboratively improved the process for using Student Learning Objectives (SLOs) in educator evaluation. (3) PLANS / FOCUS INITIATIVES TOWARDS SUBGOAL FOR 2018-19: ● Develop systems (early warning & student dashboard) that improve the efficiency with which teachers and administrators can leverage results to strengthen instructional practice and meet student needs. (1,2) ● Utilize the SLO process to further develop staff assessment and data literacy to improve instructional planning. (3) Packet page 164 of 192 HUMAN RESOURCES GOAL: The​ ​department​ ​of Human​ ​Resources​ ​will provide​ ​focused services​ ​to​ ​all​ ​staff members​ ​in​ ​an innovative,​ ​flexible​ ​and fiscally​ ​responsible manner,​ ​which​ ​will support​ ​and​ ​elevate​ ​the educational​ ​experience for​ ​all​ ​students​ ​in​ ​our District.

PROGRESS / ACTIONS TOWARDS SUBGOAL DURING 2017-18: ● Implemented the Premiere Substitute Teacher Program. ● Attended job fairs at Michigan State University and Eastern Michigan University. ● Mentors provided for the teachers new to the profession. ● Administrator mentoring program implemented. ● Wayne RESA Aspiring Administrator Program. ● Implemented the Leadership Development Program.

PLANS / FOCUS INITIATIVES TOWARDS SUBGOAL FOR 2018-19: ● Develop partnership with a local university. Packet page 165 of 192 HUMAN RESOURCES GOAL: The​ ​department​ ​of Human​ ​Resources​ ​will provide​ ​focused services​ ​to​ ​all​ ​staff members​ ​in​ ​an innovative,​ ​flexible​ ​and fiscally​ ​responsible manner,​ ​which​ ​will support​ ​and​ ​elevate​ ​the educational​ ​experience for​ ​all​ ​students​ ​in​ ​our District.

PROGRESS / ACTIONS TOWARDS SUBGOAL DURING 2017-18: ● All paraprofessionals attended seven hours of training specific to job responsibilities. ● Elementary secretaries provided MISTAR training and support in the fall. ● Secretaries attended annual Back to School inservice from the various departments. ● Growth Mindset, Dr. Jay Marks, and Mindfulness professional development for teachers, counselors and school social workers ● Charlotte Danielson Framework for Teaching professional development for teachers and administrators.

PLANS / FOCUS INITIATIVES TOWARDS SUBGOAL FOR 2018-19: ● Work with secretarial union leadership to develop a professional development plan and provide appropriate training. ● Plan additional Administrator professional development with a focus on the components of the teacher evaluations. Packet page 166 of 192 HUMAN RESOURCES GOAL: The​ ​department​ ​of Human​ ​Resources​ ​will provide​ ​focused services​ ​to​ ​all​ ​staff members​ ​in​ ​an innovative,​ ​flexible​ ​and fiscally​ ​responsible manner,​ ​which​ ​will support​ ​and​ ​elevate​ ​the educational​ ​experience for​ ​all​ ​students​ ​in​ ​our District.

PROGRESS / ACTIONS TOWARDS SUBGOAL DURING 2017-18: ● CORE Team visited building staff meetings to listen and solicit feedback from staff. ● Scheduled and non-scheduled school visits by central office administrators. ● Regular dialogue meetings with association leadership to discuss issues. ● Currently in negotiations with eight of the bargaining groups.

PLANS / FOCUS INITIATIVES TOWARDS SUBGOAL FOR 2018-19: ● Continue with dialogue meetings. ● Provide Interest Based Bargaining training to new employees & existing employees that have not been trained. ● Negotiate remaining successor contracts. Packet page 167 of 192 HUMAN RESOURCES GOAL: The​ ​department​ ​of Human​ ​Resources​ ​will provide​ ​focused services​ ​to​ ​all​ ​staff members​ ​in​ ​an innovative,​ ​flexible​ ​and fiscally​ ​responsible manner,​ ​which​ ​will support​ ​and​ ​elevate​ ​the educational​ ​experience for​ ​all​ ​students​ ​in​ ​our District.

PROGRESS / ACTIONS TOWARDS SUBGOAL DURING 2017-18: ● Utilized the new online student registration system in MISTAR for kindergarten registration and school of choice families. ● Provided overview of the new Back to School Registration update to office staff for the upcoming school year. ● Submitted items for the Leaders Updates as needed. ● On-going and consistent support with the Oasys Software Program.

PLANS / FOCUS INITIATIVES TOWARDS SUBGOAL FOR 2018-19: ● Require all registrations and enrollment updates to be done online through MISTAR.

Packet page 168 of 192 HUMAN RESOURCES GOAL: The​ ​department​ ​of Human​ ​Resources​ ​will provide​ ​focused services​ ​to​ ​all​ ​staff members​ ​in​ ​an innovative,​ ​flexible​ ​and fiscally​ ​responsible manner,​ ​which​ ​will support​ ​and​ ​elevate​ ​the educational​ ​experience for​ ​all​ ​students​ ​in​ ​our District.

PROGRESS / ACTIONS TOWARDS SUBGOAL DURING 2017-18: ● Held monthly Policy Advisory meetings to update Board Policies. ● Various departments attended Policy Advisory meetings to share equity work.

PLANS / FOCUS INITIATIVES TOWARDS SUBGOAL FOR 2018-19: ● Continue with monthly Policy Advisory Meetings. ● Create an electronic employee handbook via Google Sites. ● Provide additional training to staff on Board Policies.

Packet page 169 of 192 FINANCE GOAL: P-CCS will proactively, efficiently, and transparently manage the District’s short and long term finances by establishing priorities within a responsible budget that supports the District’s Mission and Vision.

PROGRESS / ACTIONS TOWARDS SUBGOAL DURING 2017-18: ● Community Forum held in March 2018 / Collaborative Budget Transformation/Tradeoffs meeting scheduled for April 25th. ● Fund balance analysis with projected budget prepared and presented through 2023. ● Summary Financial Statements provided to the Board of Education through Board Notes on a monthly basis. ● Mid-year budget amendment presented to the Board of Education February 2018 / Final budget amendment will be presented in June. PLANS / FOCUS INITIATIVES TOWARDS SUBGOAL FOR 2018-19: ● Lessons learned from budget process incorporated into the practice. ● Continue to provide summary financial reports to the Board on a monthly basis. ● Fund balance analysis ongoing. Packet page 170 of 192 FINANCE GOAL: P-CCS will proactively, efficiently, and transparently manage the District’s short and long term finances by establishing priorities within a responsible budget that supports the District’s Mission and Vision.

PROGRESS / ACTIONS TOWARDS SUBGOAL DURING 2017-18: ● Received unqualified audit opinion for Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2017. ● Summary Financial Statements provided to the Board of Education through Board Notes on a monthly basis. ● Mid-year budget amendment presented to the Board of Education February 2018 / Final budget amendment will be presented in June. PLANS / FOCUS INITIATIVES TOWARDS SUBGOAL FOR 2018-19: ● Define requirements for updated Accounting/Payroll/Human Resource system / Prepare RFP. ● Implement updated system. ● Continue to provide summary financial reports to the Board on a monthly basis. Packet page 171 of 192 FINANCE GOAL: P-CCS will proactively, efficiently, and transparently manage the District’s short and long term finances by establishing priorities within a responsible budget that supports the District’s Mission and Vision.

PROGRESS / ACTIONS TOWARDS SUBGOAL DURING 2017-18: ● Wayne County Enhancement Millage passed generating additional operations revenue. ● Continue to partner with Livonia Public Schools on Nutrition Services management. ● Grants from Community Financial, Michigan Educational Credit Union, Bosch; EEF Classroom Grants.

PLANS / FOCUS INITIATIVES TOWARDS SUBGOAL FOR 2018-19: ● Continue to identify potential collaborative opportunities. ● Monitor fund balance impact to assure transition with or without enhancement millage.

Packet page 172 of 192 FINANCE GOAL: P-CCS will proactively, efficiently, and transparently manage the District’s short and long term finances by establishing priorities within a responsible budget that supports the District’s Mission and Vision.

PROGRESS / ACTIONS TOWARDS SUBGOAL DURING 2017-18: ● Professional development for all school support staff provided on an annual basis. ● Continue to issue RFP’s and require quotes and bids per policy. ● Implemented electronic Contract Approval Process. ● Implemented revised Employee Reimbursement Process. ● Benefited from cost savings of copier fleet replacement. PLANS / FOCUS INITIATIVES TOWARDS SUBGOAL FOR 2018-19: ● Continue professional development for all staff on procurement process ● Improve accountability of purchasing and payment process with updated system (three way match) Packet page 173 of 192 FINANCE GOAL: P-CCS will proactively, efficiently, and transparently manage the District’s short and long term finances by establishing priorities within a responsible budget that supports the District’s Mission and Vision.

PROGRESS / ACTIONS TOWARDS SUBGOAL DURING 2017-18: ● Finance staff involved and attends professional development through WRESA, MSBO and other related associations. ● Monitor state and federal legislation related to School Districts.

PLANS / FOCUS INITIATIVES TOWARDS SUBGOAL FOR 2018-19: ● Continue professional development at all levels. ● Continue to monitor state and federal legislation related to School Districts.

Packet page 174 of 192 FINANCE GOAL: P-CCS will proactively, efficiently, and transparently manage the District’s short and long term finances by establishing priorities within a responsible budget that supports the District’s Mission and Vision.

PROGRESS / ACTIONS TOWARDS SUBGOAL DURING 2017-18: ● Reviewed and identified two bond refunding opportunities / Issued during Fiscal Year 2017-18.

PLANS / FOCUS INITIATIVES TOWARDS SUBGOAL FOR 2018-19: ● Continue to monitor long term debt and potential refunding opportunities.

Packet page 175 of 192 OPERATIONS GOAL: The District will provide operational services in an efficient and fiscally responsible manner to support and elevate the educational experience for all students.

PROGRESS / ACTIONS TOWARDS SUBGOAL DURING 2017-18: ● Facilities utilization process began March 2018 to facilitate 10 year facilities utilization plan development ● Annual boiler, sewer drain and roof inspections to maintain integrity of buildings

PLANS / FOCUS INITIATIVES TOWARDS SUBGOAL FOR 2018-19: ● Work collaboratively to help develop the 10 year facility utilization plan

Packet page 176 of 192 OPERATIONS GOAL: The District will provide operational services in an efficient and fiscally responsible manner to support and elevate the educational experience for all students.

PROGRESS / ACTIONS TOWARDS SUBGOAL DURING 2017-18: ● Prepared and present KPI’s on a quarterly basis ● Continued to meet with custodial vendor and review status ● Continued to survey stakeholder for ongoing improvement ● GRBS/District leads meet with Principals for improvement opportunities ● Keep focus on definition of “clean” ● Contracted for energy consumption and monitoring ● Developing Energy Conservation and Building Management Plan

PLANS / FOCUS INITIATIVES TOWARDS SUBGOAL FOR 2018-19: ● Continue to monitor custodial vendor, in district staff to monitor progress and improve service ● Implement Energy Conservation plan Packet page 177 of 192 OPERATIONS GOAL: The District will provide operational services in an efficient and fiscally responsible manner to support and elevate the educational experience for all students.

PROGRESS / ACTIONS TOWARDS SUBGOAL DURING 2017-18: ● Prepared and presented quarterly KPI’s ● Work with vendor and stakeholders to identify efficiencies for savings

PLANS / FOCUS INITIATIVES TOWARDS SUBGOAL FOR 2018-19: ● Continue to monitor vendor progress, report out through KPIs ● Review performance to identify efficiencies and cost savings

Packet page 178 of 192 OPERATIONS GOAL: The District will provide operational services in an efficient and fiscally responsible manner to support and elevate the educational experience for all students.

PROGRESS / ACTIONS TOWARDS SUBGOAL DURING 2017-18 ● Menu app that shows ingredients, language conversions and allergens ● Expansion of ethnic menus both high school and middle school ● Full implementation of profit/loss - controlling cost ● Conducted a survey of students and parents ● 900 hours of training for staff PLANS / FOCUS INITIATIVES TOWARDS SUBGOAL FOR 2018-19: ● Environmental enhancements- positive messaging ● Food Presentation and preparation training

● Brand new lines at all high schools Packet page 179 of 192 MARKETING & COMMUNICATIONS GOAL: P-CCS will be a leader in communicating with stakeholders, marketing and building our brand, and connecting with the community to build purposeful relationships for the future growth and equitable excellence of all students in our District.


PROGRESS / ACTIONS TOWARDS SUBGOAL DURING 2017-18: ● YTD 2018: Website has 319,000 unique users with more than 1.1 million sessions (943,000 uniques, 3.7 views in 2017) ○ Website survey is in progress, will be administered in summer, 2018. ● Several efforts have led to website pursuing ADA compliance (alt tags, closed caption video, colors, etc.). ● More consistency in timing, amount of social media posts, weekend posts / addition of Instagram.

PLANS / FOCUS INITIATIVES TOWARDS SUBGOAL FOR 2018-19: ● Working with RESA to utilize text messaging aspect of Edulink notifications system. ● P-CCS Mobile App has 9,000-plus total downloads to date; refresh, addition of new features in works for 2018-19.

○ Look at other providers to make sure price, quality is consistent with market. Packet page 180 of 192 MARKETING & COMMUNICATIONS GOAL: P-CCS will be a leader in communicating with stakeholders, marketing and building our brand, and connecting with the community to build purposeful relationships for the future growth and equitable excellence of all students in our District.


PROGRESS / ACTIONS TOWARDS SUBGOAL DURING 2017-18: ● Key features in The Observer include Wayne RESA Enhancement Millage annual update (February, 2018), First Day of School at Bentley with new principal (September, 2017). ● Positive TV features on WDIV with Community Financial Student-Run Credit Union (May, 2017), Sunshine Football Clinic (May, 2017), Vaping 101 Event (April, 2018), SJ5K (April 2018). ● Launch of the ‘LPT in 3’ Podcast, ‘Spotlight on the Balcony’ feature, and LPT Photo Gallery to enhance bi-monthy newsletter.

PLANS / FOCUS INITIATIVES TOWARDS SUBGOAL FOR 2018-19: ● Create more experiences, performances, showcases to lead to viral video from ‘Celebrating Success’ at Board Meetings. Packet page 181 of 192 MARKETING & COMMUNICATIONS GOAL: P-CCS will be a leader in communicating with stakeholders, marketing and building our brand, and connecting with the community to build purposeful relationships for the future growth and equitable excellence of all students in our District.


PROGRESS / ACTIONS TOWARDS SUBGOAL DURING 2017-18: ● Led third consecutive year of K12 Insight Climate surveys for staff and community, as well as School Start Time survey ● Back to School Bash welcomed entire P-CCS community to kick off 2017-18 school year, learn more about P-CCS ● Phase 2 of Blue Ribbon Panel work saw BRP leaders record promotional and testimonial segments for 88.1 The Park. ● 2018 Realtor Breakfast was largest and most well-attended yet (more than 80 realtors attending), and quarterly Coffee with Monica events have split between Canton Twp., City of Plymouth, Plymouth Twp.; evening session added for convenience ● Collaborated with P-CCS Parent Council to develop new bylaws, officer responsibilities, transition in leadership. ● 19% growth in Community Education Basketball League (CEBL) participation, as well as other Community Ed programs, courses.


● Community Education, responding to demand and trend, will launch Community Education Volleyball League (CEVL). Packet page 182 of 192 MARKETING & COMMUNICATIONS GOAL: P-CCS will be a leader in communicating with stakeholders, marketing and building our brand, and connecting with the community to build purposeful relationships for the future growth and equitable excellence of all students in our District.


PROGRESS / ACTIONS TOWARDS SUBGOAL DURING 2017-18: ● K-12 enrollment saw second straight year of growth for 2017-18 (17,537 students in Fall Count). ● Early Childhood added GSRP classroom, remained stable in enrollment for 2017-18. ● Exit survey developed and administered in Spring, 2017 with 98 responses; will run again in coming weeks.

PLANS / FOCUS INITIATIVES TOWARDS SUBGOAL FOR 2018-19: ● Collaboration with local video production vendor to produce high-quality video campaign for P-CCS incoming families.

Packet page 183 of 192 MARKETING & COMMUNICATIONS GOAL: P-CCS will be a leader in communicating with stakeholders, marketing and building our brand, and connecting with the community to build purposeful relationships for the future growth and equitable excellence of all students in our District.


PROGRESS / ACTIONS TOWARDS SUBGOAL DURING 2017-18: ● Community event presence / giveaways and ‘swag’ featuring district logo and LPT. ● Quarterly spirit wear stores through district website. ● Visits from CORE Team to every building: branded posters for District Mission/Vision, Dynamic Plan, and “Buddy”. ● Testimonials, soundbytes, bumpers on 88.1 The Park from district and local leadership. ● Expanded presence of LPT Poster Series in school buildings, district events, etc.

PLANS / FOCUS INITIATIVES TOWARDS SUBGOAL FOR 2018-19: ● More promotional, viral potential for Moments with Merritt show to staff and community. Packet page 184 of 192 QUESTIONS


Career Technical Education 2018-2019

THIS AGREEMENT is entered into this 151 day of July 2018, between Plymouth Canton Community

Schools (hereinafter referred to as "Plymouth Canton") and Livonia Public Schools (hereinafter referred to as


1. PURPOSE. Plymouth Canton and Livonia and their respective Boards of Education have determined that it is in the best interests of both school districts to permit certain Plymouth Canton students to receive career-technical education services provided by and through Livonia in accordance with the terms of this

Cooperative Education Program Agreement, and consistent with the pertinent provisions of the Revised School

Code of 1995 and the State School Aid Act as amended. It is further the purpose of this Agreement to permit career technical students from Plymouth Canton to utilize classroom positions at the Livonia Career Technical

Center for career technical education opportunities in the Livonia Public Schools.

2. TERM. The term of this Agreement shall be from July 1, 2018, through June 30, 2019, subject to Paragraph 3 of the Agreement.

3. RENEWAL This Agreement will not be automatically renewed for any periods. Plymouth

Canton and Livonia agree, however, to use their best efforts to negotiate in good faith a renewal hereof, but in the event a renewal does not occur, this Agreement shall terminate upon the expiration of the term in Paragraph

2 above.

4. PLYMOUTH CANTON STUDENTS. Plymouth Canton hereby agrees to permit selected students of Plymouth Canton to enroll at the Livonia Career Technical Center of Livonia, and Livonia hereby agrees to such enrollment, for the purpose of career-technical education. The number of Plymouth Canton students allowed to enroll at the Livonia Career Technical Center shall be within the discretion of Plymouth

Canton, subject to acceptance by Livonia. Students who have violated the "Weapons-Free School Zone

Requirements" and/or have been expelled are prohibited from enrolling in the Livonia Career Technical Center.

Such students shall be considered Plymouth Canton students for the purpose of earning credits for high school graduation, however, while in attendance at the Livonia Career Technical Center, such students shall be subject to the Livonia Student Code of Conduct.

Packet page 186 of 192 5. MEMBERSHIP. For the purpose of state aid eligibility, the students enrolled and attending the instructional program at the Livonia Career Technical Center shall be recorded in membership by Livonia and

Plymouth Canton, according to state approved pupil accounting practices. It is the responsibility of Plymouth

Canton, only, to assure that Plymouth Canton students are counted in membership in Plymouth Canton on the necessary official state aid membership count days as determined by the State of Michigan.

6. PAYMENT FOR COOPERATIVE EDUCATION SERVICES. For each Plymouth Canton student enrolled and attending the instructional program at the Livonia Career Technical Center on the official state aid membership count date of each school year subject to this Agreement, Plymouth Canton agrees to accept and to pay an invoice or invoices issued by Livonia to Plymouth Canton in the amount equivalent to the fractional F.T.E. (full-time equivalent) of the total of the Plymouth Canton Foundation Grant for the school year in question that the student is enrolled at the Livonia Career Technical Center. One-half to be paid for the first semester of the 2018-2019 school year. Plymouth Canton hereby agrees to remit payment of said invoice(s) within thirty (30) business days of receipt of same. Within the discretion of Livonia, the failure of Plymouth

Canton to remit timely payment of such invoice(s) may result in the discontinued enrollment and attendance of

Plymouth Canton students in the career technical program at the Livonia Career Technical Center.

Plymouth Canton also accepts and agrees to pay an invoice or invoices issued by Livonia in the amount equivalent to one-half of the fractional F.T.E. of the total of the Plymouth Canton Foundation Grant, for the second semester of the 2018-2019 school year for each Plymouth Canton student similarly enrolled and attending the career technical program at the Livonia Career Technical Center on the official winter supplemental state aid membership count each school year subject to this Agreement. The terms and conditions of the preceding Paragraph similarly apply to Plymouth Canton's obligations with regard to such enrollment and attendance on this official winter supplemental state aid membership count date of each subject year.

Livonia Career Technical Center classes are based on a six-period day. Therefore, each class is either a two or three-period block. For calculation purposes, a two-period block is one-third F.T.E. and a three-period block is one-half F.T.E.

Plymouth Canton's payment obligations under this Section of the Agreement are independent of the amounts it receives in state aid under the Revised State School Aid Act as amended.

Program costs for Plymouth Canton students that are not enrolled at the Livonia Career Technical

Center on the official fall and winter count dates will be pro-rated and charged the average daily rate of the total


Packet page 187 of 192 program costs for each day officially enrolled. The average daily rate is determined by dividing the annual

Plymouth Canton Foundation allowance by the total number of scheduled days of the program.

7. STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES. In the event that a Plymouth Canton student currently

enrolled in the career technical program at Livonia Career Technical Center is or becomes identified as

disabled and requires special education and related aid and services pursuant to the Individual with Disabilities

Education Act of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, Plymouth Canton agrees to provide such aid and


8. PROGRAM CANCELLATION. Livonia reserves the exclusive right to cancel any class and/or

program at the Livonia Career Technical Center due to insufficient enrollment, and to the extent such

cancellation may involve Plymouth Canton students. However, Livonia agrees not to cancel any class or

program after the first official state aid membership count day as determined by the State of Michigan for each

school year subject to this Agreement, or, alternatively, after the winter supplemental state aid membership

count of each school year subject to this Agreement.

9. STUDENT MISCONDUCT. At the discretion of the Livonia Career Technical Center's building

administrator, and consistent with due process requirements, a Plymouth Canton student may be suspended, or

permanently removed from the Livonia Career Technical Center program and permanently denied access to the

Livonia Career Technical Center program if the student; (a) violates any of the prohibited acts listed under Policy

JD of the Livonia Student Code of Conduct; (b) violates the Livonia Career Technical Center's rules or

regulations; (c) engages in misconduct which interferes with the good order of the Livonia Career Technical

Center, the proper functioning of the educational process or the health and safety of students. The Livonia

Career Technical Center's building administrator shall be the person solely responsible for determining if a student has engaged in misconduct warranting suspension or permanent removal from the Livonia Career

Technical Center.

10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This is the entire Agreement of the parties, there being no other written or verbal agreements in substitution for these terms or in supplementation of same.

11. AMENDMENT. This Agreement may be amended only upon written mutual agreement of the parties and/or required by the State School Aid Act.

12. TRANSPORTATION. Transportation of Plymouth Canton students to and from the Livonia

Career Technical Center is the sole responsibility of Plymouth Canton.


Packet page 188 of 192 13. TERMINATION. This Agreement shall be null and void only to the extent that any provision

included herein is prohibited by state law.

14. NOTICE. For all purposes under this Agreement, notices shall be in writing to the

Superintendents of the respective School Districts.

15. THIS AGREEMENT has been authorized by the Board of Education of Plymouth Canton at a public meeting held on the __ day of , 2018, and the Board of Education of Livonia Public

Schools on the __ day of , 2018.


By: --~M~o-n~ic-a~M7e-r~ritt~------

Its: Superintendent


By: --~~~~~~------Andrea L. Oquist

Its: Superintendent




TillS AGREEMENT is entered into this 1st day of July 2018, between Wayne-Westland Community School District (hereinafter referred to as "Wayne-Westland") and Plymouth-Canton School District (hereinafter referred to as "Plymouth-Canton"). 1. PURPOSE. Wayne-Westland and Plymouth-Canton and their respective Boards of Education have determined that it is in the best interests of both School Districts to permit certain Plymouth­ Canton students to receive vocational education services provided by and through Wayne-Westland in accordance with the terms of this Cooperative Education Program Agreement, and consistent with the pertinent provisions of the Revised School Code of 1995 and the State School Aid Act of2018/2019, as amended. It is further the purpose of this Agreement to permit certain students from Plymouth-Canton to utilize classroom positions which otherwise would not be utilized by Wayne-Westland students, and to render more effective the vocational education programs ofWayne-Westland. Neither School District in any way intends to displace vocational education opportunities for the students ofWayne-Westland. 2. TERM. The term of this Agreement shall be from July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019, subject to Paragraph 3, of the Agreement. 3. RENEWAL. This Agreement will not be automatically renewed for any periods. Wayne- Westland and Plymouth-Canton agree, however, to use their best efforts to negotiate in good faith a renewal hereof, but in the event a renewal does not occur, this Agreement shall terminate upon the expiration of the term in Paragraph 2 above. 4. CANTON, PLYMOUTH-CANTON AND SALEM IDGH SCHOOL STUDENTS. Plymouth-Canton hereby agrees to permit students of Canton, Plymouth-Canton and Salem High Schools to enroll at the William D. Ford Career Technical Center ofWayne-Westland, and Wayne-Westland hereby agrees to such enrollment, for the purpose of vocational education. The number of such Canton, Plymouth­ Canton and Salem High School students allowed to enroll at the William D. Ford Career Technical Center shall be within the exclusive discretion of Wayne-Westland. Such students shall be considered High School students for the purpose of earning credits for high school graduation and athletic eligibility; however, while in attendance at the William D. Ford Career Technical Center, such students shall be subject to the Wayne­ Westland Student Code of Conduct. The Canton, Plymouth-Canton and Salem High School students shall receive no more than 50% of a full instructional program at the William D. Ford Career Technical Center, and may otherwise continue their instructional program at Canton, Plymouth-Canton and Salem High Schools. 5. MEMBERSmP. For the purpose of State Aid eligibility, the Canton, Plymouth-Canton and Salem High School students enrolled and attending the instructional program at the William D. Ford Career Technical Center shall be recorded in membership by Plymouth-Canton and Wayne-Westland, according to State approved pupil accounting practices. It is the responsibility of Plymouth-Canton, only, to assure that such Canton, Plymouth-Canton and Salem High School students are counted in membership in Plymouth-


Packet page 190 of 192 Canton on the necessary official state aid pupil membership count days, as determined by the State of Michigan. 6. PAYMENT FOR CAREER TECHNICAL EDUCATION SERVICES. For each Canton, Plymouth-Canton and Salem High School student enrolled and attending the instructional program at the William D. Ford Career Technical Center on the official state aid membership count day of each school year subject to this Agreement, Plymouth-Canton agrees to accept and to pay an invoice or invoices issued by Wayne-Westland to Plymouth-Canton in the amount equivalent to .25 FTE of the Wayne-Westland Foundation Grant for the school year in question, plus an additional amount of$50.00 in administrative cost per pupil. Plymouth-Canton hereby agrees to remit payment of said invoice(s) within thirty (30) business days of receipt of same. Within the discretion of Wayne-Westland, the failure of Plymouth-Canton to remit timely payment of such invoice(s) may result in the discontinued enrollment and attendance of Canton, Plymouth­ Canton and Salem students in the instructional program at the William D. Ford Career Technical Center. Plymouth-Canton also accepts and agrees to pay an invoice or invoices issued by Wayne-Westland in the amount equivalent to .25 FTE of the Wayne-Westland Foundation Grant, plus an additional amount of $50.00 in administrative costs per pupil, for each Canton, Plymouth-Canton and Salem student similarly enrolled and attending the instructional program at the William D. Ford Career Technical Center on the official winter supplemental state aid membership count day of each school year subject to this Agreement. The terms and conditions of the preceding Paragraph similarly apply to Plymouth-Canton obligations with regard to such enrollment and attendance on the official winter supplemental state aid membership count day of each subject year. Plymouth-Canton payment obligations under this Section of the Agreement are independent of the amounts it receives in State Aid under the State School Aid Act of 2018/2019, as amended. 7. STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES. In the event that a Canton, Plymouth-Canton or Salem High School student is disabled and requires special education and related aid and services pursuant to the Individual with Disabilities Education Act or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, Wayne-Westland agrees to provide such aid and services, except for transportation services, and Plymouth-Canton agrees to reimburse Wayne-Westland its costs for same, in the form and manner otherwise provided by Section 6 of this Agreement. 8. PROGRAM CANCELLATION. Wayne-Westland reserves the exclusive right to cancel any class and/or program at the William D. Ford Career Technical Center due to insufficient enrollment, and to the extent such cancellation may involve Canton, Plymouth-Canton or Salem High School students. However, Wayne-Westland agrees not to cancel any class or program after the official state aid membership count day as determined by the State of Michigan for each school year subject to this Agreement, or, alternatively, after the winter supplemental state aid membership count of each school year subject to this Agreement. 9. STUDENT MISCONDUCT. In the discretion of the William D. Ford Career Technical Center's building administrator, and consistent with due process requirements, a Canton, Plymouth-Canton or


Packet page 191 of 192 Salem High School student may be suspended, or permanently removed from the William D. Ford Career Technical Center programs and permanently denied access to the William D. Ford Career Technical Center, if the student; (a) violates any of the prohibited acts listed under Article VI of the Wayne-Westland Student Code of Conduct; (b) violates the William D. Ford Career Technical Center's rules or regulations; (c) engages in misconduct which interferes with the good order of the William D. Ford Career Technical Center, the proper functioning of the educational process or the health and safety of students. The William D. Ford Career Technical Center's building administrator shall be the person solely responsible for determining if a student has engaged in misconduct warranting suspension or permanent removal from the William D. Ford Career Technical Center. 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This is the entire Agreement of the parties, there being no other written or verbal agreements in substitution for these terms or in supplementation of same. 11. AMENDMENT. This Agreement may be amended only upon written mutual agreement of the parties and/ or as required by the State School Aid Act. 12. TRANSPORTATION. Transportation of Canton, Plymouth-Canton and Salem High School students to and from the William D. Ford Career Technical Center is the sole responsibility of Plymouth-Canton. 13. TERMINATION. This Agreement shall be null and void only to the extent that any provision included herein is prohibited by state law. 14. NOTICE. For all purposes under this Agreement, notices shall be in writing to the Superintendents of the respective School Districts. 15. TillS AGREEMENT has been authorized by the Board of Education of Wayne- Westland at a public meeting held on the __ day of ______, 2018, and the Board of Education of Plymouth-Canton on the __ day of , 2018.


By: ------Dr. Shelley Holt

Its: Superintendent


By: Monica Merritt

Its: Superintendent


Packet page 192 of 192