Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held on Thursday 9th April 2015 at 8.00 pm.

1. PRESENT Cllr M Allen, Cllr C James, Cllr D Jobbins, Cllr Y Maguire, Cllr R North, Cllr S Saunders, Cllr D Stacey, Cllr A Webster and Cllr J Woodhouse. 7 members of the public were also present and D.Munro, the Parish Clerk.

2. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies received from Cllr J Wright.


4. REPORT FROM ECC MEMBER, BBC MEMBERS & QUESTIONS FROM MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC Meeting was suspended at 8.03pm to allow for this item. BBC member Cllr R McCheyne reported that a resident had contacted him about the work being carried out to improve Byway 22 and Footpath 15 (from Brizes Corner to Frog Street and the Camping Shop). Wooden posts that had been put in to stop quad bikes going into the wood had already been ripped out and there appeared to be evidence of new fly-tipping. This has been reported to ECC. Brian Smith reported that there was a large pothole in the Ongar Road near the Bus Shelter at Brizes Corner. The clerk undertook to investigate this and report it to ECC. There were also members of the public questions about the old police station and the proposed development at The White House, Ongar Road. Cllr R North advised that PC had not received any information about development of the police station site. Regarding the proposed White House development, this was fully considered at our last PC meeting when members were generally in favour of the development but expressed some concerns over car parking spaces, the capacity of the mains sewerage and broadband connection. The public session ended and the meeting resumed at 8.20pm

5. MINUTES OF THE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 12th MARCH 2015 The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 12th March 2015 were agreed and signed by the Chair.

6. CLERK’S REPORT The clerk reported that: a) He had completed and submitted the Application Form for this year’s Best Kept Village Competition. The deadline for entries is the 10th April 2015. Cllr D Jobbins kindly cast an eye over this before it was submitted. Cllr S Saunders produced some photographs of litter around the village in areas not covered by our regular litter picking routes. It was agreed that this should be tackled and Cllr R North proposed that Evergreen Assessments Ltd should be asked to carry out an additional litter pick of these areas. This was seconded by Cllr M Allen and agreed unanimously by members. b) Notification has been received from our external auditor that the appointed date for receipt of our Annual Return is Monday 8th June 2015. This would have meant signing off our Annual Return at our May PC meeting on 14th May 2015. The clerk had therefore written to them to ask them to amend the appointed date to Monday 15th June to allow us to sign off the Annual Return at our June PC meeting on 11th June 2015. Confirmation has been received that they are in agreement with this. The clerk advised that other items arising were listed for discussion at other parts of the agenda.

7. RISK MANAGEMENT a) Play Area update – The clerk reported Marcus Hawkins of J & S Garden Services has been asked to undertake the work to solve the waterlogged bark area at the Zip Wire. In the last few days he had spoken to Marcus who reported that he had been waiting for some drier weather before tackling this but he expects to be able to carry out the work within the next couple of weeks. Following BBC’s weekly report that the chains on the cradle swings are worn to 40% the clerk reported that he had inspected these and whilst the chains are old he could not see that the amount of wear was anything that required immediate action. The clerk requested a second opinion on this and Cllr R North and Cllr C James also agreed to inspect the chains.

8. MATTERS BROUGHT FORWARD a) School Road parking & Speed Limit. The clerk advised that ECC Highways engineers are producing a scheme for a variable 20mph speed limit to be submitted to the LHP for consideration. At the last PC meeting Cllr K Parker agreed to undertake enquires with ECC and SEPP about the hatched road markings outside the school which have been affected by the roadworks. Cllr K Parker confirmed that he had done this.

b) Speed Limit, Church Road. It is understood that a speed survey has been undertaken and that the results will be reported back to the LHP. Nothing further has been heard.

c) Road Safety, Ongar Road (Brizes Corner to Crown Corner) - The clerk advised that a response had been received from ECC Highways who have stated that the site has been assessed and the Engineer has concluded that no physical traffic calming can be installed near to Briars Cottages on the A128. There are specific criteria that have to be followed. This is a Priority Route which puts constraints on what can be done. There is an existing VAS and speed camera nearby, and the road camber has been checked and found to be suitable for the speed limit.

d) Ongar Road pedestrian refuge. The clerk reported that we were advised that this item would be discussed at the LHP meeting on 23rd March 2015. Separately from this, he had now been advised by ECC Highways that when considering a pedestrian refuge at the alternative site (north of the Eagle Lane junction) a PV2 survey which assesses the conflict of pedestrians and vehicles was undertaken and it did not meet the criteria. ECC admit that there does appear to have been some failure to communicate this decision to both the LHP and PC. Cllr D Jobbins advised that in response to a Freedom of Information request he had made to ECC the reply had included the results of the PV2 survey. These details were technical and not easily understood. Cllr D Jobbins said that he would like to see the PC keep pressing for a pedestrian refuge at this location. This was agreed unanimously and it was also agreed to send a letter to ECC Cllr R Bass, Cabinet Minister for Highways and Transportation setting out our reasons for the original request to the LHP. Cllr D Jobbins agreed to draft the letter for the Chair to send.

e) Stocks Lane / Blackmore Road traffic island. It was reported that ECC Highways are re- examining the junction to come up with another solution to the problem.

f) Dangerous parking of vehicles. It had been confirmed that the police take enforcement action on dangerous parking but if the incident involves parking on yellow lines it is the duty of SEPP to enforce. Cllr R North advised that he would be raising this issue with our PCSO when he attends a Police “Street Meet” at Blackmore Village Hall on 16th April 2015. g) Replacement of Planters. Cllr S Saunders reported that all the new planters had been installed and planted up. Cllr R North advised that many favourable comments and complements about the planters had been received. h) Superfast Broadband. Cllr R North advised that we were awaiting details of the Phase 2 plan to be announced. i) Football Club Grass Mower replacement. Cllr R North reported that the football club were awaiting a visit from Upsons to examine the mower to assess what was required and advice on options available. j) Swan Pond – The clerk advised that he had sent a second letter to the Bongow Restaurant about their sign on our land. No response had yet been received. It was agreed that if no response was received to this a further letter should be sent to them advising them that their sign would be removed. Cllr A Webster reported that the information lectern would be installed this weekend. k) Swan Lane Bollards – It was agreed that Cllr D Jobbins and Cllr C James should consult the residents in the immediate vicinity of the site to agree the exact positioning of the bollards. l) Dog Fouling – It was reported that an attempt to arrange a meeting with David Carter from BBC who was keen to talk to the PC about the possibility of declaring a Public Space Protection Order on Poor’s Field had failed. Cllr R North advised that would be arranging another meeting. Cllr C James questioned whether it was still necessary to have a Dog Waste Bin at Swan Pond right next to an ordinary litter bin. It was agreed that the clerk should ask BBC to remove the DWB as there was no longer a need for it. m) Noticeboards – Cllr S Saunders had asked for this item to be put on the agenda but since requesting this there had been an incidence of vandalism in which the noticeboard at Swan Pond was smashed. This was quickly replaced with a new noticeboard which was made by Cllr A Webster and Cllr C James. It was also pointed out that the noticeboard at the top of Eagle Lane was rotten in places and needed replacement. This was agreed unanimously. Cllr S Saunders advised that he had seen a noticeboard locally that had a very simple but effective Perspex cover. The cover was hinged and had a locking device. Cllr A Webster and Cllr C James agreed to investigate what would be required to convert our noticeboards. Cllr D Jobbins was concerned that this would deter many organisations from putting up local interest posters because all the posters would have to be put up by the clerk or other keyholders. Cllr D Jobbins asked for a vote on whether we should proceed to investigate this. 8 members were in favour, 2 members abstained. n) Advertising Banner Request – Cllr S Saunders advised that the Brentwood Imperial Youth Band would be hosting the Brentwood Tattoo on 11th July 2015 at Brentwood County High School and he asked for the PC’s approval to erect a banner advertising this at the Ongar Road / Blackmore Road junction. It was agreed that the PC should do everything it can to support the Tattoo and the request was agreed.

9. FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION a) Balances / Management of Accounts Community Account balance as at last meeting 12/3/15 £17,034.26 (plus income since last meeting + £23,415.66) (less cheques issued following last meeting - £ 1,829.73) (Estimated balance at 9/4/15 = £38,620.19) Scottish Widows – 3 Year Fixed Term Deposit £20,000.00 United Trust Bank – 60 day notice Account £30,631.09

Transactions since last Meeting: Income Maid in Village News Advert (BACS) 150.00 Brentwood Borough Council 1st Half Year Precept & Grant 22775.66

Mrs E Boffo Village News Advert 75.00 Natural Health Works Ltd Village News Advert 75.00 Mrs J A Luxford Village News Advert 15.00 Northwood (Romford) Ltd Village News Advert 125.00 Mr T Carter Village News Advert 75.00 A J Turner (Builders) Ltd Village News Advert 125.00 Total 23415.66

Cheques issued since last meeting Total nil

Cheques prepared for this month’s expenditure Argents Ltd Bedding Plants 184.44 Argents Ltd Additional Plants 32.40 Brentwood Borough Council Play Area Inspections (Oct 2014 to March 264.00 2015) Kelhatch Press Village News Printing (3 months) 1900.00 Maintenance Services New Noticeboard materials 86.12 Evergreen Assessments Ltd Litter picking March, bedding plants in new 832.03 planters, bus shelter & noticeboard maintenance J & S Garden Services Maintenance of Play Area, War Memorial & 320.00 Swan Pond D Munro April salary 881.38 HMRC April Tax & NI 342.80 Total 4843.17

b) To consider and approve payment of invoices received and cheques prepared. Payment of invoices and cheques prepared as listed above was proposed by Cllr R North, seconded by Cllr C James and approved unanimously by members. Signatories were instructed by the Chair to sign the cheques. c) Village Hall Sign & Gate. BBC member Cllr R McCheyne advised that he had continued to put pressure on the contractor to deal with this matter.

d) Citizenship Award. Nominations for this year’s Citizenship Award were asked for in the March & April editions of Parish Pump article. The closing date for nominations is 30th April 2015.

e) Parish Council Elections 2015. The clerk advised that the deadline for submission of Nomination papers passed at 4pm today. We should find out on Friday 10th April 2015 if there will be a contested election.

10. REPRESENTATIVES REPORTS a) Village Hall Charitable Trust - Cllr C James advised that the trustees had been approached by BBC about holding a Fun Day on Poor’s Field on 7th August 2015. It was understood that as many as 1,500 people might be involved. The trustee’s initial reaction was that the proposed date was in the middle of the football pitch maintenance period when the field will be being prepared for the start of the new season. Cllr A Naylor suggested that BBC should be contacted to see if another date could be arranged. b) BBPCA – No meeting. c) Transport Partnership – No meeting, but Cllr D Jobbins advised of continuing complaints about Town Link’s No. 21 service. Town Link had still not responded to our letter of 14th November 2014. It was agreed to write another letter to Town Link with copies to the Traffic Commissioner for East and Bus Users England.

11. PARISH PATHS PARTNERSHIP (P3) SCHEME Cllr D Stacey advised that the next brush cutting course was on 9th & 10th June 2015 and it was hoped that a place on this can be found for Cllr D Jobbins. Cllr D Jobbins advised that a stream was now running down the course of the footpath through Poles Wood. ECC Cllr A Naylor advised that this was the responsibility of ECC Highways and that if Cllr D Jobbins could advise her of the footpath / byway number she would report it.

12. PUBLICITY a) Village News – Positioning of Adverts. Cllr R North reported that he had spoken to the long standing advertiser who had a prime position on the back cover of the magazine until recently. The advertiser had indicated that he may be prepared to pay more for this position. Cllr R North undertook to discuss the rotation of advert positions with the editor but the introduction of a premium advertising rate was something that the Finance Committee may wish to consider after the elections. b) Website – Cllr D Jobbins proposed that a new page / area should be set up on the website where topical items can be posted and progress updated for members and public to view. This area could also set out our purpose and responsibilities. This was seconded by Cllr M Allen with members unanimously in favour.

13. INFORMATION ITEMS FROM MEMBERS Cllr A Webster asked for Eagle Lane parking to be put on the next agenda for discussion. Cllr Y Maguire brought the pothole at Nisa Stores car park to our attention again. The clerk advised that this has already been reported to ECC Highways. Cllr M Allen asked for Fly-Tipping to be put on the next agenda for discussion. Cllr D Jobbins advised that there was a problem with dog owners leaving their bags on bushes at the Gloversfield / Kelvedon Green walkthrough. It was agreed to ask the NATs team to remove the bush when they next visit the village. Cllr S Saunders reported that the Gloversfield sign at the junction with Blackmore Road (opposite Elmtree Avenue) was bent and needed straightening out or replacement. The clerk advised that this had been reported to ECC Highways but they were not prepared to take any action. It was suggested that this was something that the NATs team could undertake and it was agreed to put this on the list for their next visit. Cllr S Saunders advised that there were many old roadworks and flood signs around the village that had just been left by the utility companies and contractors months after the incidents had passed. It was agreed that these should be collected up and disposed of. Cllr S Saunders reported that our roadside plantings of daffodils were still in bloom and it had revealed that there were not many planted around Swan Pond or around the Stocks. It was agreed that more bulbs should be planted in these areas for next year.

14. PLANNING Planning Applications received or dealt with since the last PC meeting:

27/02/2015 15/00155/FUL The White House, Demolition of buildings and existing Ongar Road, KH, residential dwelling and construction of CM15 0AA 14 dwellings (including 5 affordable housing units) incorporating hardstanding, landscaping and associated works.

Parish Council response:

The Parish Council discussed the proposal for The White House site, Ongar Road, Kelvedon Hatch, at the full council meeting on 12th March 2015. The proposal, to build 14 residential units on this site was met with overall approval and unanimous agreement. There was particular mention of the “affordable” housing element being very well received. Some concerns were expressed with regard to available off road parking spaces being restricted to the minimum requirements of Brentwood Borough Council’s parking policy. It being felt that with maturing populations more than two spaces per residence would be a likely requirement in years to come. Another concern was that a straightforward connection to the main Ongar Road sewer could prove contentious especially so with the current proposed national legislation to require developers to safeguard such situations being considerably watered down. Another observation was that the developer ought to ensure that the residences have enabled super-fast broadband connection. As can be seen these concerns are mainly about the infrastructure for the development. However the Parish Council was firmly in favour of this development all be it within the Metropolitan Green Belt as it is on a brown field site with previously granted development proposals also supported by the Parish and Borough Councils.

Cllr R North also reported that development on land opposite the Priors, Ongar Road had been investigated by the Enforcement Officer at BBC and a stop notice had been issued. As no notice had been taken of this stop notice, legal action was now being taken.

15. PUBLIC SESSION The meeting was suspended at 10.00pm to allow for the above item. There were no questions or comments from members of the public. The public session ended at 10.00pm

16. DATE OF NEXT MEETING The next meeting will be held on Thursday 14th May 2015 at 8.00pm in the Committee Room, The Village Hall, School Road, Kelvedon Hatch.