Pacific: Evan Situation Report No. 5 (as of 20 Dec 2012)

This report is produced by OCHA Regional Office for the Pacific in collaboration with humanitarian partners. It was issued by the OCHA Regional Office for the Pacific. It covers the period from 19 to 20 Dec 2012. The next report will be issued on or around 21 Dec 2012. Highlights

• 11,676 remain in Evacuation Centers in the Northern, Central and Western Divisions in . • Preliminary assessments of damage to crops and livestock in Fiji is estimated to be US$30 million. • 6,000 people remain in 40 Evacuation Centers in . • Assessments have indicated $4.1 million in damages to school infrastructure in Samoa.

6,000 11,676 in Evacuation Centers in Samoa people in Evacuation Centers in Fiji

Source: OCHA Regional Office for the Pacific The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.

Situation Overview

Samoa Samoa presented a short report to development partners today focusing on water, education, health and land transport. The government confirmed its request for assistance with goods, technical assistance and financing. However, it was recognized that a good portion of this would be funded from existing programming. The tourism industry has indicated that the damage from Tropical Cyclone Evan is worse than that caused by the 2009 tsunami and may amount to more than US$6.6 million. Fiji The Western division was the worst hit, in particular the area from Lautoka to Ba and Tavua and the Yasawa and Mamanuca Groups. Electricity is gradually being restored, with the priority being essential services, followed by Government Buildings, Central Business Districts and residential areas. It has been reported that Lautoka has 7% power and Sigatoka has 15% power. Media reports suggest that damages for the towns of Ba and Tavua amount of $4.5 million and $1.4 million respectively. Nadi Town Council has estimated $451,000 worth of structural damage to council properties. While Initial Damage Assessments for housing, health, education, food security, WASH are ongoing, Cluster coordination meetings led by the Government of Fiji are taking place in , Fiji’s capital. • The mission of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) is to mobilize and coordinate effective and principled humanitarian action in partnership with national and international actors. Coordination Saves Lives Pacific – Tropical Cyclone Evan Situation Report No. 5 | 2


Seven NGOs have made appeals for funds from the public. These include the New Zealand Red Cross Society, Adventist Development Relief Agency (ADRA), and Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand. ANZ Bank has announced that it will waive fees on international money transfers to Fiji and Samoa until the end of the year. Samoa The New Zealand Defence Force is preparing to transport generators to assist with water needs and other essential emergency supplies. The New Zealand Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management has two experts working within the Samoa National Disaster Management Office (NDMO) and the New Zealand Defence Force has a technical adviser working on environmental health. The Australian Defence Force is planning to send further aircraft to Samoa with supplies. A C-130 departed today and will be followed by a C17 tomorrow. Today’s flight carried 864 Tarpaulins, 3,600 blankets, 792 hygiene kits, 1,080 14L buckets, 400,000 Puritabs and 250 shelter kits. Australia will also send more supplies to Samoa on Sunday. USAID support to the Samoan Red Cross Society is now at US$150,000. Fiji The Government of New Zealand has sent a second shipment of relief supplies including 300 large tarpaulins, 20 generators, 10 chainsaws and 150 shovels. The shipment is due to arrive in Fiji tomorrow. The Australian Defence Force sent a further C17 aircraft to Fiji today with supplies. Some of these supplies will be flown to Labasa tomorrow. The Fiji Red Cross Society is coordinating with the NDMO and has begun distributing supplies (black packs, tarps, WASH Kits, blankets, etc). Rotary Club has distributed 53 emergency response kits and has sent teams to Tavua and Rakiraki. An assessment team of the European Union will arrive tonight in Nadi and will possibly continue on to . They will participate in assessments of damage, then coordinate assistance with Australia and New Zealand. USAID is planning to provide US$50,000 to the Fiji Red Cross Society and will likely give US$100,000 to Rotary Club in the coming days. The United Kingdom will be making $81,000 available for relief activities. UNFPA is working with the NDMO to procure Dignity Packs for displaced people and UNICEF has donated 63,000 Oral Rehydration Packets to the Ministry of Health. Humanitarian Response

Samoa (Population: 187,820) Shelter: • 6,000 people remain in 40 Evacuation Centers. • Priorities in shelters remain as food, drinking water and water for sanitation. 6,000 • The Government of Samoa is encouraging people to return to their homes as soon as temporary shelter has been provided. people • The Disaster Management Office has received requests from displaced people in Evacuation Centers living with family members for food, water, clothes and other supplies.

Water, Sanitation and Hygiene: • The Government of Samoa has requested technical assistance relating to the repair of the main water supply to Apia. • The New Zealand Defence Force is preparing to transport generators to assist with water needs. Health: • Damage to health facilities is estimated at $298,000 and $43,000 in backup medical supplies. • National Health Services are working in Evacuation Centers to monitor hygiene and sanitation.

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• A damage assessment of most of the school buildings in Upolu except for Fagaloa (due to inaccessibility of roads there) has been completed. Total $4.1 million damage to infrastructure is estimated at $4.1 million. in damages to school infrastructure Logistics • Electricity supply is steadily being restored. Due to severe damage to the hydro-power plant at Lalomauga, full restoration of power to the country is expected to be delayed until Tuesday next week.

Fiji (Population: 837,271) Shelter: • There are 177 Evacuation Centers open with 11,767 evacuees: Division Evacuation Centers Evacuees 19 1,202 11,767 Northern Division 0 0 Eastern Division people 45 2,590 In Evacuation Centers Central Division 113 7,975 Western Division 177 11,767 Total

• Authorities in Lautoka and Nadi have started handing out ration packs to those families who are unable to return to their houses. These ration packs contain enough basic supplies for up to one week. • The Shelter Cluster met today and confirmed tents and tarpaulins are a first priority as assessments are continuing to be undertaken. It was agreed that a Shelter / Reconstruction Strategy should be developed for this response. The Fiji Institute for Engineers will take the lead in this. • Shelter Box has provided 12 Shelter Boxes to authorities in Nadi. • AusAID will provide 500 shelter kits to NDMO for distribution. IFRC can provide training on the use of these. • The Government of Fiji has sent food rations to the Yasawa Group. Water, Sanitation and Hygiene: • The Water Authority of Fiji continues to work to restore water supplies with 80 percent coverage in Sigatoka and Nadi, 75 percent coverage in Lautoka, 70 percent coverage in Ra and 40 percent coverage in Ba. • The water supply on Malolo Island has been contaminated with seawater. • WASH partners met today in Suva to map out activities, resources and needs for a coordinated response. • ADRA has 478 and the Fiji Red Cross Society has 300 WASH kits for distribution to Evacuation Centers. • The Fiji Red Cross has a water purification unit for deployment to areas in need. • Rotary Pacific has 300 filters and 10 X 1,000 liter water bladders for distribution, and can work on rehabilitation of local water networks as a next step. • UNICEF has confirmed the availability of 3,695 Emergency WASH Kits should they be required. • UNICEF is supporting the NDMO and Ministry of Health in the coordination of the WASH Cluster. Health: • The national Health cluster will meet tomorrow to discuss demand, provision and accessibility and to ensure a coordinated response. • UNICEF has provided the Ministry for Health with 63,000 Oral Rehydration Therapy Packets. • 12 Ministry of Health Teams have been deployed to the Western and Central Divisions. Food Security

• Preliminary estimates of damage to crops and livestock is estimated at $30 million. $30 million • The national Food Security cluster will meet tomorrow afternoon to discuss the damage to crops and results of the initial damage assessments and coordinate response efforts. livestock

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• It is anticipated that salination of soil will be a major issue in the Manauca and Yasawa Groups. Logistics • Fiji Electric Authority continues to work to restore power, especially in the Western Division. • 95 percent of public transport is up and running.

For further information, please contact:

Greg Grimsich, Humanitarian Affairs Officer, [email protected] Tel: +679 310 0373, Cell +679 999 1689 Jo McIntosh, Public Information Officer, [email protected] Tel: +679 3317 326, Cell +679 868 8731

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Tropical Cyclone Evan Picasa Photo Album: bvomQE#map Online Crowd Map of Tropical Cyclone Evan in Samoa: Online Crowd Map of Tropical Cyclone Evan in Fiji:

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