Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport

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Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport Western Cape Government Vote 13 Annual Report 2019/2020 ISBN: 978-0-621-47425-1 1 Contents Part A ........................................................................................................................................................ 4 1. Departmental General Information ............................................................................................. 5 2. List of abbreviations/acronyms ..................................................................................................... 6 3. Foreword ........................................................................................................................................... 9 4. Report of the Accounting Officer .............................................................................................. 10 5. Statement of Responsibility and Confirmation of Accuracy of the Annual Report .............. ........................................................................................................................................................... 15 6. Strategic overview ........................................................................................................................ 16 6.1. Vision ................................................................................................................................................ 16 6.2. Mission .............................................................................................................................................. 16 6.3. Values .............................................................................................................................................. 16 7. Legislative and other Mandates ................................................................................................ 16 7.1. Constitutional mandates ............................................................................................................. 16 7.2. Legislative mandates .................................................................................................................... 19 7.3. Policy mandates ............................................................................................................................ 23 8. Organisational structure ............................................................................................................... 25 9. Entities reporting to the Minister .................................................................................................. 27 P a r t B ....................................................................................................................................................... 29 1. Auditor-General’s Report: Predetermined Objectives........................................................... 30 2. Overview of Departmental Performance ................................................................................ 30 2.1. Service delivery environment ...................................................................................................... 31 2.2. Service Delivery Improvement Plan ........................................................................................... 38 2.3. Organisational environment ....................................................................................................... 47 2.4. Key policy developments and legislative changes ............................................................... 48 3. Strategic Outcome Oriented Goals .......................................................................................... 49 4. Performance Information by Programme ................................................................................ 55 4.1. Programme 1: Administration ..................................................................................................... 55 4.2. Programme 2: Cultural Affairs ..................................................................................................... 59 4.3. Programme 3: Library and Archives Services ........................................................................... 72 4.4. Programme 4: Sport and Recreation ........................................................................................ 80 5. Transfer Payments .......................................................................................................................... 98 5.1. Transfer payments to Public Entities ........................................................................................... 98 2 5.2. Transfer payments to all organisations other than Public Entities ...................................... 100 6. Conditional Grants ...................................................................................................................... 128 6.1. Conditional Grants and Earmarked Funds paid ................................................................... 128 6.2. Conditional Grants and Earmarked Funds received ........................................................... 128 7. Donor Funds .................................................................................................................................. 134 8. Capital Investment ...................................................................................................................... 134 Part C ........................................................................................................................................................ 135 1. Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 136 2. Risk Management ....................................................................................................................... 136 3. Fraud and Corruption ................................................................................................................. 138 4. Minimisiming Conflict of Interest ............................................................................................... 140 5. Code Of Conduct ....................................................................................................................... 140 6. Health, Safety and Environmental Issues ................................................................................ 140 7. Portfolio Committees .................................................................................................................. 141 8. Scopa Resolutions ....................................................................................................................... 141 9. Prior Modifications ....................................................................................................................... 142 10. Internal Control ............................................................................................................................ 142 11. Internal Audit and Audit Committees ..................................................................................... 143 12. Audit Committee Report............................................................................................................ 144 13. B-BBEE Compliance Performance Information...................................................................... 146 Part D ........................................................................................................................................................ 150 1. Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 151 2. Status of people management at the Department ............................................................ 151 3. People management oversight statistics ............................................................................... 153 Part E ......................................................................................................................................................... 181 1. Report of the Auditor-General .................................................................................................. 182 2. Annual Financial Statements .................................................................................................... 187 3 Part A GENERAL INFORMATION 4 1. Departmental General Information Western Cape Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport PHYSICAL ADDRESS Protea Assurance Building Greenmarket Square Cape Town 8001 POSTAL ADDRESS Private Bag X9067 Cape Town 8000 TELEPHONE NUMBER 0860 142 142 FAX NUMBER 021 483 9504 EMAIL ADDRESS [email protected] WEBSITE ADDRESS 5 Part A: General Information Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport 2019/20 2. List of abbreviations/acronyms AFS Annual Financial Statements AO Accounting Officer ASP After School Programme AU African Union CDP Club Development Programme CFO Chief Financial Officer CoE Cost of Employees CTSA Cape Town Softball Association DAC National Department of Arts and Culture DCAS Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport D: ERM Directorate Enterprise Risk Management, Department of the Premier DISWEC Disability Sport Western Cape DOCS Department of Community Safety DORA Division of Revenue Act DoTP Department of the Premier DPSA Department of Public Service and Administration DPME Department of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation in the Presidency DSD Department of Social Development EAP Employee Assistance Programme ECM Enterprise content
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