VOLUME XLI DAVIDSON COLLEGE. DAVIDSON. N. C, FRIDAY. JANUARY 9, 1953 NUMBER TWELVE Charlie Spivak's Band Cannon Goes To Oxford AsDr. Cunningham Is Elected To Play At Midwinters Tenth Student By HENRY BROCKMAN Presidency Hubert ('ami'iti Lancaster, To Spivak. who of Association Charlie the man S.I. stepped into tin- footprints "t lives up to his reputation ai '.. a line of dtttiaauisned states- Plays Ii>iik The Man Who the mrn. bjMMM ami educators hM President, Wife Sweetest Trumpet in the month when he was named m win- YMCA Gift Fund World." will bring his top- ii«t of a Rhode* Scholarship from Davidson College. flight orchestra to Davidson $4,505 Vacation Before personable <"> Collects College Midwinters The — vonaj seaiot for the the tenth a iiiiiiiIut which few Dances on February 20 and 21. Southern college* or universities Returning Home 1953. can match— Rhodes Scholar from To Exceed Goal Dr. John H. Cunningham. Presi- Spivak the of a nine- Davidson since one of ill students By MAURICE CROUSK is leader 190), dent of th<- College, was elected year-old band which rocketed to first won the honor in \s the Davidsonian goes to press Presbyterian institution ha* on Wednesday of this week na- top-flight stature so rapidly that Tin* ii seams evident that contributions particularly rec- tional president of the Association among kings li.nl a uatstsndlng to the YMCA gift fund will ex- it now ranks the in of American Colleges at its annual year ord during tlir past four war* with ceed the goal of $4500. Latest fig- the entertainment world.This meetmi: in . he is placing more emphasis on three winners and OM finalist in ures ghr« the total in pledges and Dr. Cunningham replaces Dr. ever the eanapetitioas. donation* as $45(M.'M. soft danceable melodies than M. E. president Cannon will Me the o-*Wn» nchol Many who are returning from Sadler, of Texas before. University, as head Interfraternity CouncilPresi- arship for two years ktudj al ()v- the Christmas holidays will he sur- Christian at the educational organization which dent Lawrence Erwin has re- ford in the honours School of prised to know that the noal has cently announced the probable Philos, Politics ami Economics. been met. Students who left school represents several hundred colleges. Dr and Mr- Cunningham programof events for the week- He will work toward a ma-til a lew .l.ivs before the holidays saw flew to I.os Kngelei ■ .n Friday, end. An informal dance will of arts decree during hi- two yean th it the total was about $400 short Jan. 2. and Inf..re they return, they plan be held on Friday, February of study in Kngland anil then re. of the quota. to take a short holiday. From Los 20. from nine til one. turn to this country to -t inly law. Ernest Barry, chairman of Angeles, they will travel by train The Midwinters formal will be Davidson's late-: winner of the the gift fund committee, had to Chicago, from winch point they held on Saturday, February 21, coveted scholarship is tic of Ihe left school on Wednesday and will fly to iriarlotte, arriving on eight till twelve. Erwin has outstandinK student leaden on the did not know the quota had from January 20. also announced that therewill prob- campus. been reached until Hubert > iir I)r. Cunningham served ably be a concert Saturday after- He holds one of the highest of Cannon, president of the Y, Las! as rice president groua and noon as welt as a late afternoon Charlie Spivalt and his orchestra will play a return engage fiits on the cainpu-, president of informed him by mail. of the "iii- lull day s msjoa in that ment for the Mid.Winters Dances of February 20-21, Lawrence was only through [wiring tea dance. The goal met ■■parity, presided Haven, Con- Erwin, IPC president, has announced. I'residcnt Cunning- h« >vir tin- i-- Born in New RHODES SCHOLAR the efforts of semfaly. necticut. Spivak got his first ham and Speed and the gen- Jim A native t \\ illianisburg. M.v, trumpet while in grade school. erosity of the Davidson student he has He studied trumpet through- body . also been imember "■ the early chapel \crci*es the executive commute* of the A-n- out his life, and was at Foolish Frosh FreedFrom Fanatics \t the ! CM i lor yean. early age a member of the !a-t day of school before the holi- several an Cunningham David- Dorsey Brothers Orchestra, days. President Cunningham re- Dr. became son's IJth president in l'*4I, suc- whereha played alongside such As Rough Regulations Released minded the students thai David- ceeding Dr. Walter I.. musicans as , son -tudents had always met the l.iniclc. Ernest Harry freed the frosh reporter that he now felt the fresh- (Continued On Page Four) Skeets Herfut and Bob Cros- ! goals they set. Me expressed hope Dr. John R. Cunningham hat added to his and Davidson's from their binding chain of fresh- men bad caught on to the David- by. that something might happen be- fame by being elected this week to the national presidency of the regulations today as spirit. When came to man he called son ~y fore the day was over lo send Association of American Colleges. it quits for the 1952 Freshman Possibly an example of this spirit I f America, he asked Miller to help the fund over the goal Court of Control. Using language by be- College Union Adds him organize a band, and the first was exhibited the freshmen Something did happen. The that forced this paper to seek a when they a "V. musician to be signed' was Spivak. fore Christmas hWBJ students were already filing dictionary, he told the Davidsonian like resemblance of Barry, Books, Magazines When Spivak left to try his dressed out of the auditorium at the in appropriate clothes and accom- musical wings on his own, he close of chapel when Jim New Union Gives In order t ■ provide a* many va- panied by appropriate signs, on a riation, became the highest paid free Speed mounted the stage and iii entertainment as possi- lance trumpeter in radio,play- VESPERSANDCHAPEL tree in front of Chambers. made an appeal for more do- ble, tin- new Collage Inion will Harry stated that he had hopes ing on the Ford Symphony Sunday, January 11th, Vespers will nations. Speed reminded the Operating Hours subscribe to many of :he nali>n\ Hour. Kate Smith and Fred be conducted by the Rev. Roy that the freshmen realized the court students that an extra dollar leading periodicals and also obtain was an organization for the guid- Allen broadcasts. Waits, D.D., pastor of the First from each person would send Opening and closing hours for it will Blast until the sad "t ee*> a wide variation of hooks which High ing of freshmen, not necessarily for College pen, When he felt ready to organize Presbyterian Church in the fund well over its quota. the ueu David Ovens when il will reopen .itid re- will nil tin- boobcaeai in the new Point, their punishment. He also stated1HL■.■■ literally were todaj ' " main midnight. his own band, a lot of encourage- North Carolina. HUBERT CANNON Then students began 'Union announced 'i" . "inn until twelve lounge. Monday, January chapel that he hoped any lessons learned t'nion ment came from Glenn Miller who 12th will fighting tin it way hack lo the ink hour for the Monday The hours that the Union So that the hooks and magazines by would stick with them throughout the YMCA, is also president of through Saturday eight- told him he had all the ingredients be conducted Dean J. C. front to make their donations Dol- will be should be open were decided obtained might he the ones of most Bailey. their remaining years at Davidson. the Forensic Council and the Phi on o'clock; closing will he students, necessary for a winning combina- lar after dollar was placed thirty how at a meeting of the David interest to the a book Tuesday, January 13th, Dr. (iamma Delta social fraternity. represented the twelve midnight. committee, tion. Cun- the scales which Ovens College Union Commit shelf made up of col- ningham will be in charge of the (Continued On Page Four) progress of campaign until the On Sunday the will open lage students, has been appointed. (Continued on Page Six) the Union tee on last Wednesday at four program and will present Dr. weight >>f them balanced the scales at one o'clock ami remain open o'clock pm. The committee Each professor in the depart- Price, missionary Male Chorus Starts teven-fifteen, Frank to ami finally over balanced them. until .it which time stressed that the hours of the ments of English, history, and China, to address the student In the confusion that resulted Union at this time are mere- philosophy, was asked to ap- Bulletin body. On Weekend Tour Students the members of the committee ly tentative, pending the use of point one student from his College 461 Charles' Laughton has canceled Wednesday, January 14th, Profes- The Davidson Male were unable to give an accurate building by student body classes who he thought had campus Sat- the ab southern tour due to illness. sor E. E. Brown willbe incharge Chorus will leave the count, although it was evident NewOvensUnion during the hours of the day good ability at choosing read- urday at Caro- Laughton was scheduled to appear of the program. to present concerts In Blood Drive that the goal was nearly and night. ing material of interest. here on January 20. Davidson Col- Thursday, January 15th, will be lina Heach, Clinton, and Wallace, reached. Students terviag on the commit- 1 ' meeting lege plans to drop this date from under the direction of Mr. Mel- N C, over the week-end. Final figures on the Ked Cross Tabulations made after the re- Has Open House \l this it wa- AWIoted tee are Chuck Millard. Mike Myers. tli.it machine will their series for the present, how- vin Sipe of the Music Dept., who Their formal concert at Carolina lilood drive conducted on the Da- turn from the Christmas holidays s cand> vending Larry Dagrnhart. Kich Steck, Mac Friday the opening ever, they will make this date up will play his violin. Beach is scheduled for Saturday vidson campus anil in the local show that gifts of $2671.68 in cash Last Marked soon he installed in the 1'nion's Bulgin; ftiib Mitchell, George Ba- 'of a new era at Davidson College, later in the spring. Friday, January 16th, will be stu- night. In Clinton and Wallace the community have been computed just short $1800 in pledges second floor tervery beside tin sipu. Tom \l,el. T, V Williams, and and of for the college Dr. Spencer requests studen: dent day, and the devotional will Chorus will sing at Sunday church and were released to the David- hail been made, making the total at last itudenti i oke machine. Paul Alexander. Dr. W. P. Cum- were provided with placi spend suggestions for an artist to take be led by Mr. F. L. Jackson, services. sonian late yesterday afternoon. $.U short of of $4500. a lo It was decided by the com- miag is serving as faculty advisor. lbs K"al time in comfort, a place to his place. former treasurer of the college. (Continued On Page Pour) They reveal a total contribution of The committee reports that Wean mittee that a trial idea of serv- An executive committee com- friends, a place lo which 461 pints and a percental of 5b additional gifts and pledges meet and ing coffee at the Union dur- posed of Abel, Bulgin. and they visit- per cent for the student body. have been coming in to such could he proud to take ing all its open hours would Dagenhart will, with the help ing friends and lltiddy l.amon, chairman of tin- an extent that there is no ques- families. be tried with thestudents using of Dr. Cumming, deal with In the ball room drive for Scabbard and Blade, Col. tion but that the goal will be refreshments the small dining room as a initial details of the book shelf Organ were being served by professors' sit, coffee, Professor To place and Former the Davidson met. to drink committee. F.rncst H. Davis of wives and unit, of the Canvassers are now collecting staff WOffcets. talk. This idea is also tenta- The purpose of the committee ROTC and officials While only 300 persons expressed pledges which are due on or about tive and pending on the use i- to decide which books and maga- Charlotte Red Cross havt the were counted coming through complete with the Four) of the convenience by the stu- zines tlu- College Union should Tonight their satisfaction (Continued On Page the front door, almost 550 re- Give Recital Here results. dents. buy. Committal members will wel- freshments were served. (Of- The David Ovens College I nion come siiKwe,tions from students on Robert Noehren, University of Chairman Lamon has ad- ficials expressedsurprise at the Michigan organist, present an dressed the following letter of Committee is composed of Dr. books they would like to -ee on the will number of visitors who must (Continued College Presby- body Students on Page Six) Ix.ok shelves in the I'nion. organ recital at the thanks to the student for 'More Seek have used the back door as an terian Church tonight at 8:15 p.m., their cooperation in the drive: entrance.) Donald H. l'lott. chairman of the "On behalf of Scabbard and To Enter Davidson Friday was the "gala opening' music department, announced to- Blade. Iwould like to thank 'date of Davidson's long awaited Applications for entrance to Da- day. the student body for the out- 'college union. To celebrate the Marriage term Mrs. Nash Holds vidson for the 1953-54 ruve Mr. Noehren, recognized as one standing interest and partici opening, an open haMM was held surpassed al! previous records for of the country's outstandinK con- pation which were displayed in 'throughout the afternoon, to 'this tinii', Mr I". W. Hengeveld. which cert organists, was organist and the recent BloodDrive. Ithink all students, faculty, and friends 'registrar, reports. professor of music at Davidson from that we can all be proud of a iContinued On Page Four) Conference For Second Year 1946 until 1949. job well done. lie says that the number of ap- 'plications is already greater than ( liarniuiK and witty, Mrs. Ethel At laaal -nine 225 of them volun- playing brought him fraternities perfect His has Three had the number of .peniiik's f«.r next < Nash made on Thursday of this tarily turned out for the night aja- high criticalacclaimboth in Ameri- records in the interfrat competition, ' the -year. It ivj- also pointed out that Students To Sign week her first return to the Da* moii in Union where the dis- Contributing or ca and Europe. with all members applications scene in a forum on "Mar- cussion got d >wn to brass tacks. (Continued Page Four) usually the majority of I vidson most organist On For New Courses Relations." "The formidable do| not come in until later in the rtagt Kxplaining attitudes and inap- on the American scene today ... Spring. Registration lor coarse* for the The Y-Hp.insored speaker led off titudes in Mihjects ranging from score, the more difficult the the Approximately 25O-27S new Isecond semester will be held dur- lier double-jointed junket into mar- sex standards, the engagement more convincing he became ... Notice students will be admitted, ing the week of January 1J-17. riane and its various aspects with period, the teaching of medical outstanding < the most young organ- Student Body President Jack maintaining the present over- Only student- 'li.it nct-d to make a talk in chapel on Thursday. The and ministerial schools "ii sex, the ist now recording' . . . unfailingly Ruth has announced that the lost all enrollment of 825 students. Ichanges in dassai Will register. laM half was com-lmlrd in a two- sex relations during engagement, expressive interesting i intercourse, and ... a and found department has btM Professor B. D. Thompson has All sophomore-, juniors and hour SSsaipa in the 'veils Union the biological surety of magnificent ■ da] recital which revealed moved to the College Union, revealedi that interest in the Baker Isenior^ who wish t-> change assign- ii tin- rrigsi of the -.line froai some standards for selecting a typical control, a great organist" were Articles should lie turned in or !Scholarships is also very high this mentsi made out la*t May should eight to till. mate, birth the validity of London, comments from critics in claimed at the desk at the main ]year. Over SO per cent more ap- consultc their faculty advisor before The aaaaajag .\lr> Nash, whose Frcod, the Christian concept of New York, Jacksonville, Washing- office. basaand, Dr. Arnold Nash, sex, numerous others, Mrs. entrance. iplications have been returned than comingi to the registrar'., and ton and Brussels. Mr. Shaw Smith, director of the iwas the case last year. This registration does not af- is the James Grey Professor of Re- Nash found an appreciative au- Mr. Noehren's Davidson recital College Union, desires to talk with It was pointed out that the dead- fect freshmen ligion a: the I'niversity of North dience. by llach, filing A recitations for Carolina, was outspoken yet tact- In her chapel talk, the marriage Mr Robert Noehren, Head of the Organ DauaiUuam and Col- will include selections any student who would be in- lineI for an application is Feb- new schedule of I.anglais. t second semester and a n ful in her open of a counselor show more and lege Organist, University of Michigan, was formerly organist sad Dupre, lirahms and lercstcd in doing sign paiu'.ittx ui.iivi I. Selections for the awards the dfsCOMHMI first directory and offices .subject that proved most interest- more there was a widening in. faculty member of the Davidson College Music Department before Students and townspeople were work for the various L'niou activ- .are made during the week in I of classroom* (Continued Op Page Pour) during year. April.j Ihas been prepared ami available. ing to the DajvMaW student*. (Continued On Page Four) Ms appointment to Michigan. L ities the is FRIDAY. JANUARY 9. 1953 THE DA VIDSONIAN PAGE TWO ■ REPORTS: THE FREE LANCE: THE DAVIDSONIAN PUBLISHED WEEKLY THROUGHOUT THE Tiustee Group, 0OLL1Q1YEA* Stop ShyingFromNew Writing, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Frank Hanshaw Faculty Meet BUSINESS MANAGER — Jack Hobson Thinking ASSISTANT EDITOR John Qfttftg ism*' At the January 6 faculty meet- Feel Pulse of Modern ing, held for faculty — BrHUsy, llarter. Hope. elections were By JOHN OTTLEY Associate Editors standing committees. New mem- Myers, M. <;.. Bfoylan, I'M i honestly say they are not interested bers elected are: It is both interesting anil dis- our lives are presented in neat- M. Moore, Owens in keeping up with contemporary Managing Editors Hasseil. J. Executive Committee: (no eligi- heartening to see how far many ly packaged form. Our morals Sports r These men have already Editor Ms* R°P« bility rules) F.x Officio: The Presi- students of English here miss what are more or less prescribed, ideas. — they are shells waiting out News Editor D. M. Smith Feature Editor— T. A. Williams dent, The Deans of the Faculty is a good attitude toward what they our study habits, many of our died— — perhaps their appointed years until some Arts Editor Mahy Assignments— Strand. and Students', Group chairman: read. A belief in authority and the ideas, because cf this the failing of the flesh destroys the Photographer Simons Languages: Professor Lilly; Nat- pattern is very pronounced on this we grow accustomed to mere chemical substance left. Assistant Business Managet Poston ural : Professor I'uckett; campus, but one cannot successful- package. Sciences Only a few years of productive Advertising Manager - --- Hasty SocJaTSciences: Professor Work- ly prescribe a pattern for litera. There is no process of under- only thought enjoyed by most NichoUon Tnan; Faculty at Large: Professor* standing involved, but of ac- are men. Circulation Manager ture. have dipped into Douglas McC'utchan, Purcell, Kimbrough. For example a man reads ceptance and memorization. As a and already we Collection Manager quick to ab- Curriculum Committee: (mem- a novel and registers an un- consequence we shudderat a revolu- the store. Let us be as class matter at the I'ont Office at Davidson, — of the Entered second bers from faculty at large must be favorableopinion of it because tionary style in anything conver- sorb some of the wildness N. under the Act of March 3. 1897. writing some of its C full professor) F.x Officio: The it did not follow the pattern sation, painting or writing. "We modern and introspection bluntness rather \ President, The Dean of Faculty; of previousnovels he had read. don't understand it." we say. and shy it because it From Groups: Natural Sciences: He complains that the work is Surely we cannot be so de- than from previews black and dismalbat. Professor Reid; Social Sciences: disorganized. What could be luded as to think that life in a Johnston; Languages: disorganised contemporary society will be tleground of man's mind and soul. Professor more than life it- Tragedy A Challenge For 1953 lumming; Faculty-at- Should everyone write packaged. It is a moving thing, A Southern Professor self? casanovas large: Professors Puckett, Griffin, precisely as Ma readers want hard-hitting. One cannot re- Whether Davidson are they are definitely in Along with the rest of the world. Davidson students Pietenpol. him to do? main rooted in and hope to like it or not position as far as romance faced with a new year 1953 and a feeling of uneasiness and in- Committee on Student Health In making a critical statement keep up with its thought. One a bad is concerned. With only periodic security as to the future. There seems to be no immediate solu- Service and Physical Education: about any book one must seek to need not surrender to its des- — to in the sparkling (no eligibility rules) Ex Officio: determinenot how much the author pair or nihilistic tendencies freedom dwell tion to the pressing problems of the world about us. With the company girls there is a great The President, The College Physi- succeeded in coddling the reader, that much Davidson can do for of steady pace of mobilization and the not too colorful aspect of tendency go all out for a sweet cian, The Director of Athletics: but how well he expressed what us, bur wemust not allow it to to service, thing and then harbor memories of two or more years of military it would seem that there Facully-at-large: Professors Mc- was attempting. That is not the make us worshippers of the wwft* vou wai awav he her the ensuing month until should be a general attitude of hopelessness and "what the hell" Sm^fom«t ©Wb Gavock, Abernethy, Johnston. sole criterion for judging literature, rut. in having again headed homeward. among students. Maker Scholarship Committee: but an essential one. There are many who type of thinking prevalent the opiate, (Continued On Page Pour) (Continued On Page Four) At Davidson many phases of found some outstanding can But even if the situation is one of uncertainty, the type of THE CABBAGE PLANTER: attitude mentioned should certainly not be adopted if we expect to succeed in solving the problems facing us whatever they might be. We must face 195^ with an even stronger faith in Civilian Test Determines: God. confidence in this nation of ours to meet the crisis, and courage meet many How Tough Is Enough? to the tasks that will arise. YOU TOUGH ENOUGH By T. ALDEN WILLIAMS ARE — any- We are quite familiar with the phrase if there is there; they FQ^. was a definite yes or no when needed, it is now. Pauline now no more time when clear heads and resolute action is She burnt from pantalette to pop Question No. 11, "Does gypsy And that is meant not only for our political leaders and people hair. music make you sad?" generally, but it particularly pertains to college students. But in the place where she had As a public service, we've chosen own eight of the advertisement's ques- Our job right now is to put to good use the opportunity A heap of ashes could be seen. tions for slight revision in the that has been granted us for gaining education and training at August Hennch Hoffman. First Annual Davidsonian O.uest We of the poker and ice hockey lor the I'ipe Smoke and Absorbine Our leaders have recognized the great need for college Davidson. sex don't spend much time with Jr. Man. trained men and have made it comparatively easy to obtain de- the women's cosmetics ads. How- (1) "Have you ever danced with ferments. We can only deserve such an opportunity by using it ever we who date the sex that does. your shoes off?" This one must re- in a manner for which it was granted. To do less is failing to miikIh have done well to have scan- veal something. (2) recipe calls for one challenge 951 and the future. ned a recent two-page effort by the "When a meet our for 1 makers of Kevlon Lipstick in the dash of bitters, do you think it's Seriously, how An article in the current issue of Redbook gave this thought November 10 Life. better with two?" Designed you who love to many men can cook? about the future: "for flirt with fire .. . who dare to (J) "Do you secretly hope the woman you meet a "Our trust in the future has been forged in the fires of our skate <>n thin ice .. ." the ad askol next will be is the American girl made psychiatrist?" "Hope" isn't exactly have known dark moments and have always risen "What past, for we hi.' Sugar ami spice and every- the word. above them. This year of 1953. with its threshold of hope and thing nice?" and then answered (4) "Have you ever wanted to threat, is a strange annivcrsity year for young Americans. It's "Nut state the days of the Gib- wear an ankle bracelet?" With a a time in which to remember the trials that have given us our son Girl! There's a new American chain? temp- (5) woman strength. beauty ... she's tease and "Do you think any msS) siren and gamin, dynamic really understands you?" "Think" here, too. "Look back for a moment to 1923 when a foul monster and demure. Men find her slightly, is a poor word choice delightfully haTfling. Sometimes a (6) "Would you streak your hair Hitler spewed out the germs of World War II with his named maddening. Yet they admit with platinum without consulting This revolt changed the little Munich Beer Hall Putsch. abortive she's easily the most exciting wo- your wife?" My wife, yes, but not lives of all of us. but we survived the change. man in all the world. She's the "Fire without a word or two with my and Ice' girl." Then in parantheses banker. "In 1933. this same Hitler became the Chancellor of Ger- they add, as an after thought, (7) "If tourist flights were run- many, thus opening an era of bloodshed and sacrifice. This has ""Arc yo»?>." ning, would you take a trip to girls Mars?" And get freshman cuts been a proving ground for young Americans. 1933 was also I haven't dated any that M//lcd froze lately but it may again? by our own land— a depression, unemploy- and marked troubles in in In lomiiik' thing, .me) worth (8) "Do you close your eyes ment, poverty,desperation. We came through it though. investigating. when you kiss?" It's hard to tell They offtr fifteen quc>tions to about your eyes, but it's a good ourselves, "We came through it to find in 1943. at war determine one's relative fire and idea to slam the door with your with Germany and Japan. There were 15 million young Ameri- icMCM. The <|uiz is much like foot. honestly cans under arms scattered all across the globe. We won our war Reader's Digest "How to Increase If you can answer Yo»* Word Potency" drills, only "yes" to at least eight of these God willing, we'll keep on winning. you For 52 your opportunities for advancement are ""Kimfrd aimed, obviously, at another social questions, then you're made for Can "takeit"6daysaweek? weeks?Can virtue. Pipe Smoke and Absorbine Jr. "And now it's 1953. There should be no trembling ovfr youmeet thehigh standards required to be an Avia- AR| For protection, as I say, we Keep up withyour woman. Wear YQU EUGIBLI? Young regard a aman-sizeoppor- what lies ahead. Americans will the future as ■ to what women- PS and AJr. tonight. See what a tionCadet?Ifyoucan— thenhere's unlit know the ToquaUfyasan AviationCadet,youmusthavecom- challenge, because that's their nature. By meeting every challenge folk arc reading, and be ready with difference it makes. tunity! An opportunity to serve your country and the past has hurled at them, they are prepared for tomorrow." buiWapersonalcareerthatwiUfityouforresponsible P>«edn Sunday, January 4, Wooglin 1 went to dog heaven where and in good physical condition. hard, study hard, play he can dream of chasing rabbits all day and probably never catch Cadets is rigid. You'll work * * them. hard-especially forthe firstfew weeks.Butwhenit's Y<>U A CHOOSI BITWIIN Little Davidson Tops The Goliaths MtOT OBSIRVIR He visited this life only long enough to hang up one Christ- over,you'llbea pro-withacareer aheadofyouthat °« AI«C«APT failure Davidson College has doneit again. History Senior Hubert N. mas stocking, and a> champion barker* go he was a ... you want togo. Yougraduate Ifyou choose to be Aircraft Observer, white, floppy ears, ten weeks old legs all out of proportion. will takeyouas far as an yourtrain- Cannon's selection as a Rhodes scholar brings to 10 the number and his Itut he didn't mind. All Wooglin asked of life was a few square 2nd in the Air Force, with pay of ing will be in Navigation, Bombardment, Radar won scholarships. — as a Lieutenant of Davidsonians who have the coveted Oxford meals and an occasional pat on the head maybe a rub behind the state, $5,300.00 a year. And this is only thebeginning— Operation or Aircraft Performance Engineering. That is a record that no other university in the and few ears. In return he gave his best, always his best. His life seemed in the South, can equal. "ledicated to proving the old saying that man's best friend is the dog, for Wooglin knew no stranger. And he knew no fear of the Recently Davidson has produced Rhodes scholars with al- brown car. Now Aviation Cadet Training Classes Begin Every few Weeksl most perennial regularity. Charles T. Davis went to Oxford in Writing about a Davidson dog is not a new angle. Many D.C. Murray stopped game, 1950. Joseph J. in 1951. John Victor Hunter of Wins mutts have wanderedout onto the football field, the HERE'S WHAT TO DOi ton-Salem. a finalist for this year's scholarship, missed out in and thus stumbled into newspaper fillers. But Wooglio's poten- world, was the the final selection, but won a Morehead fellowship. tialities seemed unlimited. He, alone in the canine 1. Takea transcript of your college credits and a copy 9,Next, you will be givena written and manual apnV first to participate in t basketball game, helping the JV's beat of your birth certificate to your nearest Air Force rode test The of this scholastic accomplishment is realized Kannapolis YMCA, 63-52. extent Base or Recruiting Station. Fill out the application ,f when one puts together a few statistics. Thirty- two Americans His stay on our campus was short, but pleasant. His memory giveyou. tney Knedukd for „, AyiMtioo c^ Training Class. are chosen annually, after rigid, exhaustive,nation-wide tests, as on our campus will be long and pleasant. 2.If application it accepted, the Air Force willarrange The Selective Service Act allows yon a four-month Rhodes scholars. In 1950. men were enrolled in Wooglin is survived by 816 students. 1.560.392 —II. G. M. foryou totakea physicalexamination. deferment while waiting class"f^gmmft higher schools of learning in this country. So one man (men only are eligible for the scholarships) out of about every 49,000 $ pathy for the protection of the weak ." and leadership quali- students wins the award each year. Davidson, where the en- .. ties. your rollment once reached a peak of about 1.000, now has 828 W/l€f€ tOg€t MOM details: VUH mwmI Air ForaBom or Air Fore* Recruiting Offtcor. So, our congratulations to the new Rhodes scholar, and OR WRITE TO: AVIATION CADIT HEADQUARTERS, S. AIR FORCE, 25, to the institution and faculty members who helped shape his U. WASHINGTON D. C. Thus, if the law of averages maintained. Davidson would development. May he follow the distinguished traditon of other soonbe doe for its first Rhodes scholarship of the century. That Oxonians from Davidson, men like Dean Rusk, president of ic has instead produced 10 since 1903 is proof a-plenty of 'its the Rockefeller Foundation and former Assistant Secretary of consistent production of well-rounded scholars. For Rhodes State: the Rev. Benjamin R. Lacy, president of Union Theo- scholars must be all-around individuals. Cecil Rhodes, the logical Seminary: Dr. J. McDowell Richards, president of Co- British statesman-explorer who set up the scholarships, decreed lumbia Theological Seminary and president of Davidson's board that recipients "shall not be merely bookworms," but be chosen itof trustees. Little Davidson may bow to the gridiron Goliaths, bfrevrf of literary and scholastic attainments, success in "manly but it produces outstanding all-around students in numbers that outdoor sports." qualities of "manhood, truth, courage, sym- should make the big education mills wine* with envy. _ perchance f/A gj-j. If you

1 MILLERS BOYS jt\ " W screams emanating II A rom own Johns- WILL TRY LUCK tipk gjA f f^dt s fe^ -" *"" Il\ I Vt[lEaMrillaW ton ym way ust ON THE ROAD Jlfvl/t/Vl orc Christmas, rest as- Sports a§fc4-— Wildcat —:— \ sured that that impos- ■ THE DAVIDSONIAN FRIDAY, JANUARY 9, 1953 PAGE THREE j^^nK ■in^' structure was not Laffl I e n8 use^— f° r a torture ' fl^!RMPI Ichamber not in the / ' i -Lr^gpjl Ier wri° has. among ggg^LjllI %-Ja^lal Io(her things,* "the jobof By DICK ROPER turnin «« «""*«"« team for Davidson Col- lege every year about this time. CAGERS TAKE OH TENNESSEE TOMORROW If Charlie, an amiable guy in his middle thirties, had been clobbered over the head with a sledgehammer he "would hardly had any worse headaches than he had when his rassling squad Vail, Key To Meet UNC Next allbut fell apart just before the Yule season. Charlie had enough Catfish In Poor Shape, But Spirit to worryabout early in the year when he found out that Bobby Miss Contest Joe Key. his big little man in the 12Vpound class, was in- In Chapel Hill Tilt eligible for scholastic reasons. But that was only a starter. High For Meet With By JOHN HANDLEY Headache No. 2 came to Parker when Gene Craven, For Matmen Cat meets teams By HUNTER STRADER an added Koriag punch when the with such as N. C. Ears still burning from Tuesday's 105-71 shellacking by guy -pound so the who handles the work in the 147 class Coach Charlie Parker's Wild- The Wildcat tankmen will be meet starts in Columbia. State and North Carolina ttaftal N. C. State, Danny Miller's Wildcat basketballen take to the well got a shoulder hurt in the Four-Way meet which after their first win of the Golding. a senior sprint- them in the face. State has twelve cat Wrestling team will tangle JfWBf Jim road today for Knoxville. Tenn.. for tomorrow night's game opened the season for the Cat wrestlers. It wasn't hurt season inColumbia Tuesday against er, is currently sick with the men on scholarships, while UNC with the untested N. C. State an experiencedI'nivrrsity of South flu, and Hambright expressed has hMg reiKiieil as a power in with the University of Tennessee. badly, and Gene would have been able to wrestle again in Grtwners Monday night on the Carolina team. the fear that that department Southern Conference pools. I'NC's Tar Heels are next in line a few weeks. So what happens? Craven wrenches the Wolfpack's mat at Ral- Coach Hainbright reports his would prove to be one at the HavinK their first three meets for the Cat eager-, who will again bowink' to Duke several days ago home Chapel shoulder again during Christmas vacation doing some mov- eigh, in the Cats' second dual team is in poor condition now with Wildcats' weakest points. He away is. oi course, no advantagv hit the road on Tuesday for in a hard-fought contest. ing, so he won't be in top shape,for some time. a lot of hard work ln-int; needed also stated that more strength for the locals. ■Mland Woollen Gymnasium. Caro- Although the Cats will be meet of the early season. bring winning in diving ll.imhrii:lit. who will never lina is now ilnimii.i; to a slight underdogs in game Now take the case of Morlcy Vail. All set for a great sea- to them around to was needed to aid Main tomorrow's I.itttc is known of the State form, spirit of team is hi^h letterman Charlie Hull and the reputation of beiag over-.ipti- lead in the Southern Conference with the Miller 4 Com- son a diploma at end of the year. Vail got the news but the Vols. and the squad, as this will be their first for Tuesday's action. freshman Jeff Smith in that mist, stated, "If we can't beat standings, and should prove another pany aren't ready to give vp season, before Christmas from his draft board that they'd like to see match of the but pre-sea- Sophomore Al Ormoiul. in- event. Clemson, I don't know whether we touKhic for the Cats. yet. The Cat headmaster said Parker ' him around at the first of the year.Exit Vail. Exit also more -<eceinliei iiyln direction results in improve Volunteers havr |ilaycil 0M Although the Wildcats have Captain Morlcy Vail and Hobby but will of course miss the biggest part of the wrestling season,i er breastroke will be looked to for l'i. and now the Wildcats have ment. we'll improve." Southern CtmferMCt rOi to dale. tasted defeat in both their outings Joe Key, the 12J-pound man, will tince the holidays, there have been The next blow to Parker 8 Company came when Don mi the meet. (."raven -is State Gene M>me bright >pots among the dark. Reid hurt foot up at Chapel Hill when theCat groaners tangled Reid, a and Don both of whom will ISN THE SWISH LOOKS FOR THE RANGE Coach Miller was quick to praise Reid, Monday niuht, with the matmen from UNC. a promising newcomer in probably see action * Ins lanky center. Joe Dudley, and the 137-pound class, is O.K. now, but his injury didn't do arc hindered by injuries. Interfrat Basketballers Off To truant Jerry King, his two big lint-makers, anything to dispel the cloud of gloom over the team's prospects l> Fowle Does Good Job for the season. "I'.ippy" Fowle has also turned Take finally the case of Roy While, the versatile ath- Fast Start In Week's Action in tow fine performances, show- lete who was shaping up well in the 1 77-pound class. Roy. The lonK intcrfratemity basket' Club five with ISteady -roriiu' ing a lot nf lui-tlc and sharp shoot- a senior, has decided he would prefer Navy Blues to Army ball season «ot under way Monday drive lead by Tim (iilley and Mar iiik Miller also commended the ef- I. V. H.i Hobby OD's, so he's planning to join up in the near future. night, and names liavt' lircn played -li.ill Pitts. Joe Mall of IRC (;tni|ni- latti of well and every might in th«* week thi-n. l"lull ltd In- Man with nine points. ( Hl.l) That, in something more than a nutshell, is the plight of smcc following arc report- "■( n.iiiu- 48; Betas 32 Dudley now leads the thinking slipping any ringers Phi Delts Joe Parker & Co. Charlie's not of in played through Wednesday : freshman Dong ( Xdenhiirg scoring tn^lit With gk. gggfew Wildcats in after sis yet (the Jungle Boy, we hear, may be interested if the price is KA 43; Betas 37 onre .iK.iin leading tht way with I1' \\7~/ games with 109 points and a right), but this situation is the kind which is calculated to make The Itetas tasted defeat at th> points, the I'hi Delt- rolled to an sparkling 18.1 average. Jerry coaches do rash things. hands of a tonsistently scoring K \ impre-.ive 48 to 32 victory ovei King is close behind with 101 con- and a 17-point average. Parker's still got some good men on his team, including team led by Lefty Vance with 14 the Betas. Mill Itiviri- also points. Hasty tributed points to the I'lii Delt Miller had words praise Murray. Bill Bill McElveen and The HetaV Charlie II also of John Buxton. Charlie Coe. was the individualhigh scorer with ■MSN while (ieorge Thomas was for the "team of the future," Coach Nabby Armfield. who will continue to turn in good per- 17 point-, but his teainmau- were high for the loser- with trn polnt- Tom Fetter'f JVs, Although drop- formances on the mats for DC. But with such men as Vail. unable to follow his lead. Pikas 36; Pi Kapps 34 ping their contest with State's high- Craven, and Key out of action or hurt for important meets, the SPE 32; SAE 30 With a tliinl period rally tli.it iy-timteil irishmen, the Little Cats wen1 the State a much better Cat grapplers will hardly burn up the Conference this year. CHARLIE PARKER This very close Kame was won netted 1H points, the I'ikas Kave JVs for the SPKs by Kred Stowe who able to -<|uee/e out a .W> to 94 vic- battle than was expected as they Anybody Got a BC Handy? turned in a total of Id point-. Tht tory over tin- -trolly; Pi K:i|«|>- turned in some fine basketball. In the Wildcats' first meat of SAE*' chief asset was Hud Dun- l.mcllev I'leard-lev. the I'ikas' big Hoys like Dick Adams, Ray the season they were defeated can who garnered 7 points. center, scored 15 point- to lead the Harding, Johnny Kiser. and Perrin 73; 71 1'ik.W Arnolil Anderson have been playing some by a very strong UNC team. Phi Delts Sigma Chis attack. Wln-naiit s^Mafl 17-11, at Chapel HiU. Morley Tlie I'hi Delts were able to RMai was outstanding for the Pi Kapps. good l»all for the JV's. Vail and Charlie Murray by the Sigma Chis due to Ted taking more than his share i t<- PeUowfcsg are the scoring records ' varsity cagers showed up very well for Da- Uldenberg's whopping total of 24 IioiukI- aii'l leadfafl the lo-n- uitli for the so far: vidson in their matches. Ipoints. The Sigma Chi team played nine point-. fg ft tp avg Tyler i ach I'arlu-r will have four "a well balanced game with Kappa Sigs 38; Phi Gams 23 Hi Joe Dudley 45 19 109 18.1 wrestlers hattlinu it out for the Iterry Collecting 21 points. l-ive men. .ill -lonni; -i\ p.>int- ISH BENNETT Gerald KiiiR M 31 101 17 Pappy" — I(i7 and 177-poimil classes anil ATO 63; Campus Club 29 for the Kappa Si«-. proved that Cat Forward Adjusts Sights for Volunteers. Fowle 13 11 37 6.2 the heavyweight division, the The ATOs stomped the Cuuipu-. (Continued On Page Pour) (Continued On Page Four) weakest points of the team. The siiuad is expected to round into top* shape by midseason, and by then Coach Parker expects to have the usually slrmiK Davidson team — m v I lov/6 And only \ in top shape. Lj»— opalncEA/vi/' *-%. y**""""*^^" "N, i youn(j ! Theprobable starters for Da- vidson: David Jones or Don Craig. 123 lbs.; Charlie Mur- " IWyil5H Ll^fc ) v. /jr**' ' VV_^- y^ ray, 130 lbs.; Don Reid, 137 I / o^DDcnTuc^ V L*\* w /i ka' I liar— "s^ lbs.; Craven, lbs.; \ I JSSl Caw. V lA/fTLJ —LJIAA I L t lvt SiTClN x*- I I f \ -^^b. Gene 147 I > i\uri I ' sbBs^swsbsb B^B^BBajswsBsws^a^Bwswsiaisja^aB^a^^^^^s^^^^a^a^B^sa^^e^^'^ QUt^s Tj , John Buxton. 1S7 lbs.; BillCoc V\ Z^-^^^A HITCHED 9 TH nJ MORLEY VAIL (top) —says to CHARLIE MURRAY: or BUI McElveen, 167 lbs.; "Let's break this thing up pal won t be around much any more." Nabby Armfield, 177 lbs., and (Continued On Page Poor) FOR QUICK SERVICE BATES CLEANERS— I i/misoi DYEING « ALTERATIONS HATS BLOCKED THEATRE LAUNDRY SERVICE THURS.-FRI., JAN. 8-9 Prisoner Of Zei.a — ■Bm kj*f> ««E HgV '11 I!i,! ■^x^ STEWART GRANGER DEBORAH KERR

SATURDAY, 10 gal ggggi^/.' < jmelsha»e the i»o things imokeis SALE JAN. I / AT^gggf ■ Apache War Smoke GILBERT ROLAND CONTINUES GLENDA FARRELL [^""M *— MON.-TUES., JAN. 12-13 P»\ f^v- /V^Vl g^\xgm^5x l| / // / 1 ■*■ gggggm^^ AT Narlen Globetrotters THOMA8 GOMEZ HARLEMGLOBETROTTERS

Wilson-Wright's WEDNESDAY, JAN. 14 "Men's Shop" Devil Makes Three GENE KELLY Davidson,N. C. PIER ANGILE FRIDAY, JANUARY 9. 1953 PAGE FOUR THE DAVIDSONIAN FREE LANCE ... FACULTY GROUP... Item El Reqiests Pipers (Continued From Pag* Two) (Continued On Pag* Two) News Westministerials - "Should Negro be admitted Aviation Cadet Election of mtmbttt of the Nothing wrong to far—until— (no eligibility rules)) Ex Officio: the KoreanStudent to Southern colleges?" will be dis Freshman Class to Bnman— n S. get The Scholarship Committee; and those memories the bast of cussed vespers this Sunday Literary Society will take place Elect Officers ua. The human memory is a Professors Abernethy, Goidiere, after Wed night assisting Interviews in February. Studentsinterested Mcl'utchen was elected treachcroua thing and will in* Gallent, Cumming, Thompson. with Dr. Workman I.eiKhton in applying for membership Likes Campus life president of the campus Westmins- evitably retain only the bast Scholarship Committee:(must be An Air Aviation Cadet Selection submit an original paper , Fellowship Sunday impresiioni female* For full professor or associate profes- YMCA GIFT FUND ... team will be at the KOTC Building must ter last eveninR. of said (Continued One) before the Society By MIKE MYERS Williams was elected one reason or another the love- sor) Professors Thompson, Me- Prom Page on January 14 from einlit 10 five to be read Proportionally Charles approval In conjunction (This is the first of two dead or mi.>ing. vice-president of the group, and ly things are always able to Cutchan. before Saturday. January 10. Stu- thirty. for that be 500 of our student with the approval of tat ap- articles dealing with exchange would Howard Wall secretary-treaiurer. write the most convincing let- Athletic Council: (member may dent- are reminded to remember Increased pilot and aerial ob . plicants by the Society, the pa- ■tudent Jamet Hyun. In this liod> These officer* wire chosen to ters, letters which seem cer- not succeed liim-rli until after the their pledges. server output from ix- resiiltiiiK pen will be judged by three first article Mike Myen has Janice served in the South Ko. serve for a two-semester term, be- tain authentications of our lapse of one year) Professors J. K. The gift fund this year wmi pansion of the A-ir Korce to 143 during faculty members and the win- written a biographical sketch rean navy thi- ptrincl anil ginning after a service oT installa- mental images. Itrown, McCjavoclc. in the form of a rehabilitation wing* lia- required isimpler and Next his foot to Admission, ( < Hiyi program amputee ners will receive the Eumanean of the South Korean. faintly evacuated on tion and dedication, which will be One of two situations often thenI Oimiiit ti' : no for Korean more dirn t method of processing " Key. Members of the Freeh weak he will give us an in- the port city ot I'us.in. In normal held next Sunday evening at 6:15. occurs. The warmth of the sum- bility rules) Professor* McGeachy, civilian* Sponsored by the application* Class are interested sight into the Korean mind times I'usan has a population of All students, of course, are invited mer fades into winter's cold andI McGavock, Ostwalt. Board of World Missions of man who The applicant chouses a date to should contact Will Terry, 111 and way of life.— Ed. note.) ■4IXI.000. At this time the dirty city to this service. we make that weekend trip toi The semi-annual meeting <>f the the Presbyterian Church, U.S., attend report to the Aircrew classification West, Price, If you would -top for a moment was crammed with 1,500.11(10 peo- see her. Executive Committee of the Trus- and by Church World Serv- or Buford 9 Geor- Tatting Detachment at Moody Air gia, to where you were ple. just held December 10. A_ ice, the project will provide for further details. and think back MRS. NASH ... Somehow it isnt the tees was on Pom base, Valdosta, (irorgia, for prior to 25. 1950, it might N'nw his family lia- returned to same girl with no bathing suit. preliminary report was maile by money to be used in securing June Air Korce recruiting station nearest vice-president of the Eumanean year stitutions. suit, again the survey of college. A A great deal of statistical work through with my frosh at swim it isn't ducted a the the appplicant's home, is paid by Literary Society, of Le Cercle My biggest problem was The point of difficulty, she said more complete full report of remains to be done. The statistics co'lege. and the government. Krancais, honorary French frater- T ini-sed is ti> translate the knowledge now tradition this survey will be made to the of the drive, when completed, will getting to the beacli before In the best Davidson applicants qualify training nity, and is a member of Omicron available on sex and marriage into show the clans, If for ' too much fun. of gentlemanlines* we are at least entire body of trustees at the an- total, amount per I)«-lta Kappa, honorary wisdom. capita, they will receive a four-month draft national I.inn-, who i- two year- my workable polite to the babe tuiu-li to her nual meeting in February. It is amount per the percentage Dividing love into the three deferment while waiting lor assign- leadership fraternity, and is listed senior, was in hi- MCOnd year at — amazement because of tin- previous expected that those parts of the of student- participating, and the categories the ment to a class of pilot or observer in "Whos Who in American Col- medical school in the Orient's most drrrk of word postal passion. It is a long 'Iran report not confidential will be avail- percentage in each class. These trainees at than leges and Universities." city. Seoul. And his prob. eroa. sensual love; patio*, com- school. able for publication in the David- figures will be given to the Da. one of more 10 beautiful back to Air Force liases. Also, a former Davidson stu- panionship; and agapo». disin- Experience, t onian. Reports by Ihi- President. vidsonian for publication when lem», too, were trivial. — however. »rcms dent, Walter K. t'oppedge, whu Hui en the terested l»vc she concluded that >f instructor* an IDr. J. R. Cunningham, and I>. 6> Iavailable. To apply civilian men must be I got to the beach. be the worst ' transferred to the University of all three are necessary for a vital Martin a- Treasurer wore also pre- unmarried U. S. citizens between ■26th James' world changed. IU-t re the hopeful campus hear: it ISJ Mississippi, won Mississippi and happy marriage. meeting CAGERS< TAKE ON 19 and 26 '/4 and must have at least a that night xva- over lii- hometown again laborinK under an illusion o sented at this of the execu- ... Scholarship and making 00 semester or 90 Rhodes from the uni- changed and he himself was Dr. Mrs. Nash are "The perfect nirl, I mian a rea five committee. (Coninued fromPage Three) quarter hours of hands begin- college. versity. He is now a graduate stu- by Ms father (O lie i"iild an around-the-world-tour queen" V. Howell 11 9 31 5.2 awaken ning ending next J. dent at Princeton. hide in a nearby tree ami ciiapi in June and FORMER ORGANIST... {George Melton 15 1 11 52 Officials said they primarily are it, he lecture .. Koreans who were re- March. On will on (Continued Prom Page One) Hobby| 8 interested in enrolling college urad- the North Higher INTERFRAT ... Cobb 5 21 3.5 "Christianity and Educa- ;in fruiting boy-. gfcHag them .i rifle (Continued invited to attend or^an class "l>iri Bennett - 6 8 20 3.5 uates or men who will finish cot* tion, and she on marriage counsel- fromPage Three) and pushing them on to the trout conducted by Mr. Noehr.cn in the |Buddy Brown .. 5 10 20 3.3 lege this semester but will take ing. ln*-t lines to shoot their own people. a well-balanreil ream is the church sanctuary ;il two o'clock Scott>. Reams J 7 13 2.5 applications from men will two They wilt spend six months in as easy JACKSON Hyun i- another of Da- team they were 38 to 23 thi- afternoon. Mr. N'oeliren the mother of two boys. — HlacksburR. — welcome atmosphere. YEARS OF EXPERIENCE Hut don't think he's not (Continued bum Page One) Casino, trailitionally a suininer ten and sixteen, and with Mar. 5-6 Conference Meet As visitors proceeded to the "ball college seriously. Hi- hrolicr-in- IaRcd she. >P<>t, broke a precedent by keepinK y her husband, reside in Chapel Hill Religious music will domi- Site to be .selected. room" they could notice Mr. (ira. law in Kiilinii.il. Iarranged through the doors open for the winter - C. nate the program. Leighton ham (ioodrum, head janitor of the AlTEMTIOm Cunningham for lame- lo c n»' N. to accommodate Spiv.ik'-. Dr. McCutchen, Leonard Geiger MMOM NEWf UNION GIVES ... union, proudly bedecked in his new here on scholarship drawing power. (Continued Prom Page One) THAT SATISFY Hyun, Kappa Sig- and Alan Sparks are to be the white coat and tie, which are pro- He arrived in Oetokef Imonth James a PRESIDENT. WIFE ... Spivak laim- to the Cafe Kouge JSpencer, Mr. C. S. Smith, director pledge One) featured soloists. (vided for him by the union to late for thr opening of college, ma from South Korea. (Continued from Pag* of the Hotel Statler shortly there- ( union, GoMtart, Mr. A barber shop quartet, composed oJ the Mr jbe worn on special occasions. ONE-DAY SERVICE and Dr. Spencer advised him M is studying atDavidson in spite guidance, college after, and broke (.linn Miller's Morton, McCutchan, Under his the of chorus members, willadd to the and 2 Mr. Boh Refreshments, which were brick wait around until the second seme-- of entering college a month building pro- Jimmy Dwmj'i recowh. 1Henry, Dol> Mitchell, representing - AVALIABLE launched an extensive program a bit of lighter music. ice cream and iced cakes, were ter. gave it a try, made late. mil- Spivak is no stranger to t YMCA, the presidents Hut James gram, over-subscribed a 2Vi Donald B. Plott will direct the Charlie the and vice upervised by Spence, while on his Kgli-h. (ienetics and program, Davidson College, is who upper classes, Mr. Kood ■M who had an opportunity ami lion dollar development musicians, and Hubert Kns-cll will for it he ofc the three Allen erving charge Histology, so is now an enrolled gave fine 'Vance, Maliy, was in of Mrs. James Jaoksoi, took it. increased the student body, and provide th accompaniment. music for the Midwinters Don and Austin ,Woods. ' FrankL Jr. student. That is the factual life of added some three million dollars Dances just one year ago, Strand.£ Rrom here he plans to intern for James Mytin. Itut what he thinks of us is to the endowment. 4 or 5 years, then return home n<nd uttemptrd to donate. Seminary, and has received honor- whatIwant ina cigarette." /\ bi-monthly examinations ofa group of Thi« fiKure represents 77 per cent ary degrees from Westminister. Open Sundays body as people from various walks of the total student of Kings College. Duke University and 0 0 *n -Q of life. 46 percent Phone 132 December. Wake Forest College, ajid the Uni- of this group have smoked Chesterfield for an A Krand total of 492 pints were versity of North Carolina. VftW*L/ «9* J?OIs- Carnival part Winter anda nappy (jfj/r\L Ijy] of theoccasion isrefreshment... if\ /(ft I mKm I/I withdelicious ice-coUCoca-Cola. pCvVkiT ftsfli