Submitted to the Board of Examiners in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for Literature at Degree English Literature Department





Jambi, November th 2020

Supervisor I : Samsul Huda, M. Ag Supervisor II : Firdiansyah, M. Hum Address : Adab and Humanities Faculty State Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

To The Dean of Adab and Humanities Faculty State Islamic University In Jambi

Assalamu‟alaikum wr. wb After reading and revising everything extend necessary, so we agree that the thesis entitled “ANNE BRASTREET’S LIFE AS REFLECTED IN HER SELECTED POEMS”,can be submitted to Munaqasyah exam in part fulfillment to the Requirement for the Degree of Humaniora Scholar. We submitted it in order to be received well. Thus, we hoped it can be useful for all.

Wassalamu‟alaikum wr. wb

Supervisor I Supervisor II

Samsul Huda, M. Ag Firdiansyah, M.Hum NIP.197007032002121002 NIPN. 2004118102

NOTA DINAS Jambi, Nopember 2020 Pembimbing I : Samsul Huda, M. Ag…………… Pembimbing II : Firdiansyah, M. Hum Alamat : Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN STS Jambi

Kepada Yth Ibu Dekan Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN STS Jambi Di- Tempat


Setelah membaca dan mengadakan perbaikan seperlunya, maka kami berpendapat bahwa skripsi saudari: Ana Efrida, Nim. AI.150281, yang berjudul “ANNE BRASTREET’S LIFE AS REFLECTED IN HER SELECTED POEMS”,telah dapat diajukan untuk dimunaqosahkan guna melengkapi tugas - tugas dan memenuhi syarat - syarat untuk memperoleh gelar sarjana strata satu (S1) pada Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora, UIN STS Jambi. Maka, dengan itu kami ajukan skripsi tersebut agar dapat diterima dengan baik. Demikianlah kami ucapkan terima kasih, semoga bermanfaat bagi kepentingan kampus dan para peneliti. Wassalamu‟alaikumwr.wb

Pembimbing I Pembimbing II

Samsul Huda, M. Ag Firdiansyah, M. Hum NIP: 197007032002121002 NIPN. 2004118102

LETTER OF RATIFICATION This thesis has been examined by the session of Adab and Humanity Faculty of The State Islamic University Sultan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi on September 2020 and accepted as a part of the requirement which has to be fulfilled for obtaining Undergraduate Degree (S1) in English Literature Department. Jambi, November 2020

Dean of Adab and Humanity Faculty

Dr. Halimah Dja’far, S.Ag., M.Fil,I NIP. 196012111988032001 Secretary Chairwoman

Chandri Febri Santi, M.Pd Dian Mukhlisa, MA NIP. 198902032018012002 NIP. 198808112015032006 Examiner I Supervisor I

Dian Mukhlisa, MA Samsul Huda, M. Ag NIP. 198808112015032006 NIP.197007032002121002 Examiner II Supervisor II

Yenti, S.S., M.Pd Firdiansyah, M. Hum NIP. 198808112015032006 NIPN. 2004118102


I who signed this latter: Name : Ana Efrida Nim : AI. 150281 Department : English Literature Faculty : Adab and Humanities By signing this latter, I state that the thesis entitles “ANNE BRASTREET’S LIFE AS REFLECTEDIN HER SELECTED POEMS.” Thisis my original work. If this thesis is not original or cheating from other researcher,I will be ready to be responsible and get punishment based on the role of Adaband Humanities Faculty of the State Islamic University Sulthan Thaha SaifuddinJambi.

Therefore, I make this statement in good health and mind.

Jambi, November Th2020 The writer




So lost not heart, not fall into despair for ye must gain mastery of ye are true in faith.

Dan janganlahkamu (merasa) lemah, danjangan (pula) bersedihhati, sebabkamu paling tinggi (derajatnya), jikakamuadalah orang-orang beriman.(Ali-Imran: 139)1

1Pt . Al-Ihsan, Al-Qur‟an Tafsir Perkata. Kota Bandung. Cordoba,2014.p67


In the name of Allah the most merciful and the most compassionate I would like to say thank to Allah SWT, the master of the day after The prophet Muhammad SAW, the inspiration Moslem in the world I dedicate this thesis to my beloved parents, my father M.Rizani and my mother Rafikoh, their struggle and prayers never fade up, their affection for their children to keep support and push us to the best future. For their love, care, and pray. Without you, I nothing Next, to my sister Ani Kholilah and my brothers, Ahmad Sahlan, Al Fikri and Ansori, who have supported and taught me everything For giving me another love and cheerfulness For my great friend and I supposed them as my second family they are Elite 15A, The Dorm of Ma'had Al-Jami'ah and Tahfidzul Qur'an Islamic Boarding School of Roudlotul Qur‟an Alhidayah. I thank a lot for your care and dear, loving me through happy and sad, low and high. I am so happy and grateful because living around you all. I do love you all, thanks for everything. For everyone who steps in this way, struggle for the best future world, let us open the truth and justice, keeping each other and support each other. At last, for all people who helped me although I have mentioned or not here, I would like to say thank you so much and I do hope for you all best luck.


Fristly, the writer wants to say Alhamdulillahirobbil A'lamin, all the pries belong to Allah SWT. The lord of all creatures, for his blessing from starting session ot my study until now the end of my study. And then, Sholawat and Salam be upon to our massager, the son of Abdullah, Prophet Muhammad SAW for the gaudiness and strengthens. Hopefully we will get his syafa'at later as the last day.

Secondly,writer would like to say thanks to people who helped the writer in writing this thesis. The writer wants to say thank to my parents and my supervisors: Samsul Huda, M. Ag and Firdiansyah, M. Hum who has helped, guided, supported, suggested, and advised me. And also I want to say thanks for all suggestion and supporting that help the writer in direct or indirect cases to finish this last study program.

To accomplish this thesis, the writer had been given one great deal to many people. So this present writer would like to say thanks for their contribution, they are:

1. The Rector of State Islamic University Sultan ThahaSaifuddin Jambi, Prof. Dr. H. Suaidi, M.A, Ph.D, the first vice rector, DR. RofiqohFerawati, the second vice rector, DR. As‟adIsma, the third vice rector, Dr. BahrulUlum, who allowed to study in this University. 2. The dean of Adab and Humanity faculty Dr. HalimahDja‟far, S.Ag.,M.Fil.I, the first deputy dean Dr. Ali Muzakir, M.Ag, the second deputy dean Dr. Alfian, S.Pd, M.Ed, the third deputy dean Dr. Raudhoh, S.Ag., SS., M.Pd.I, the head of English Literature Department, Dian Mukhlisa, M.Pd, and the secretary of English Literature Department, ChandriFebriSanti, M.Pdand to all the lecturers who have shared their knowledge. 3. All of the lecturers and staffs of Adab and Humanity faculty for became the place where I study until undergraduate in this university.

4. The head and officers of the library of UIN and public library of Jambi province. 5. The last but not least, to my beloved parent, sister and brother who gave supporting and love to the writer sincerely.

This thesis is far from perfection, the writer needs some critics and suggestion, so that the writer can be better in the future. Finally, the writer hopes this thesis will give positive contributions for readers, especially for the students of English Literature Department of Adab and Humanities Faculty.

Jambi,November Th2020 The writer

Ana Efrida AI.150281


Ana Efrida, 2020 : Anne Bradstreet’s Life as Reflected in her Selected poems. The Students of English Literature Department, Adab and Humanities Faculty, University of Islamic Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

Supervisor I : Samsul Huda, M. Ag

SupervisorII : Firdiansyah, M. Hum

Poetry was a literary work that describes about author's behaviors based on the feeling and experience in her life. Poetry also holded a high beautiful value, in its shape as well as in its meaning. While the meaning was the contents or the message found in the poetry.The purpose of this research were to find out the meanings and Anne Bradstreet‟s life reflected in her selected poems. The writer took six slected poems.In this research, the writer uses expressive theory, that is supported byhistorical biographical, because it is related to history of author life. In collecting data, the writer uses qualitative method that takes is explained descriptively.The result of this research were the first poem is tells about her lovewhen she felt happy after marry with someone who she loves. The second poem is about sadness the beginning of her life when she moved to America. The third poem is about her fear of having to face death during childbirth, the fourth poem is tells about the nature of God and his admiration for God. The fifth poem, this poem tells about describes feeling worried about her husband going to work in , and the last poem tells about sadness when a fire broke out in their house.


Ana Efrida, 2020 : Anne Bradstreet’s Life as Reflected in her Selected poems.Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora, Universitas Islam Negeri Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

Supervisor I : Samsul Huda, M. Ag

SupervisorII : Firdiansyah, M. Hum

Puisi merupakan karya sastra yang menggambarkan tentang perilaku pengarang berdasarkan perasaan dan pengalaman dalam hidupnya. Puisi juga memiliki nilai keindahan yang tinggi, baik dalam bentuk maupun maknanya. Sedangkan makna puisi adalah isi atau pesan yang terdapat dalam puisi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui makna dan kehidupan Anne Bradstreet yang tercermin dalam puisi pilihannya. Penulis mengambil enam puisi yang dipotong. Dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan teori ekspresif yang didukung oleh biografi sejarah, karena berkaitan dengan sejarah kehidupan pengarang. Dalam pengumpulan data, penulis menggunakan metode kualitatif yang mengambil penjelasan secara deskriptif. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah puisi pertama yang menceritakan tentang cintanya ketika dia merasa bahagia setelah menikah dengan seseorang yang dia cintai. Puisi kedua tentang kesedihan di awal hidupnya saat pindah ke Amerika. Puisi ketiga tentang ketakutannya menghadapi kematian saat melahirkan, puisi keempat menceritakan tentang sifat Tuhan dan kekagumannya pada Tuhan. Puisi kelima, puisi ini bercerita tentang menggambarkan perasaan khawatir suaminya akan bekerja di Inggris, dan puisi terakhir bercerita tentang kesedihan saat terjadi kebakaran di rumah mereka.


APPROVAL ...... ii NOTA DINAS ...... iii LETTER OF RATIFICATION ...... iv ORIGINAL THESIS STATEMENT ...... v MOTTO ...... vi DEDICATION ...... vii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...... viii ABSTRACT ...... x ABSTRAK ...... xi TABLE OF CONTENT ...... xii CHAPTER I INTODUCTION A. The Background of the Problem ...... 1 B. The Formulation of the Problem ...... 4 C. The Limitation of the Problem ...... 4 D. The Purpose of the Research ...... 4 E. The Significant of the Research ...... 5 CHAPTER II THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK A. Historical-Biographical Approach ...... 6 B. Expressive Theory ...... 11 C. Poem ...... 12 1. Definition of Poem ...... 12 2. Types of Poem ...... 13 D. Meaning ...... 14 E. Review of Related Studies ...... 15 CHAPTER III METHOD OF RESEARCH A. Design of the Research...... 20 B. Source of Data ...... 21 C. Technique of Data Collection ...... 21 D. Technique of Data Analysis ...... 23

CHAPTER IV ANALYSIS A. The Meaning of Anne Bradstreet Selected Poems ...... 25 1. Detail meaning of Anne Bradstreet selected poems ...... 25 a. To my dear and loving husband ...... 26 b. Deliverance from another sore fit ...... 27 c. Before the birth of one of our children...... 30 d. What God is like to him I serve ...... 33 e. Upon my dear and loving husband his going into England ...... 35 f. Verses upon the burning of our house...... 39 B. Reflection of Anne Bradstreet Life as Seen in her Poems ...... 43 1. To my dear and loving husband ...... 44 2. Deliverance from another sore fit ...... 44 3. Before the birth of one of our children...... 46 4. What God is like to him I serve ...... 47 5. Upon my dear and loving husband his going into England ...... 48 6. Verses upon the burning of our house...... 48

C. CHAPTER V A. Conclusion ...... 51 B. Suggestion ...... 51 REFERENCES APPENDIX I APPENDIX II


A. Background of the Problem Literary work is one of the real applications of an idea from the author which has closed relationship with human‟s life. According to As Hudson: “literature is a vital record of what men have seen in life, what they have experienced of it, what they have thought and felt about those aspects of it that have the most immediate and enduring interest for all of us. It is thus fundamentally on expression of life through the medium of language”.2 So, thought literature people can express what they have seen in life, what they have experienced of it and what they have though and felt. They transform those aspects in to various forms of literature work like novel, short stories, drama and poetry by the medium of language. There are some kinds of literary works they are novel, drama, short stories, poetry, and etc. From some kinds of literary works above, the writer interested to discussion about poem. As we know some of authors have the different definition about poetry, but has some sense. According to Sylvan Barnet, “poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings.”3 It mean that poetry is literary works has many of created from experiences of authors life, and created based on feelings, and thought of condition or certain situation, that has meaning to the authors himself by writing it, he feels satisfied with his creation. Poem has many meanings in a word, as Waluyo said “puisi adalah karya sastra semua karya sastra bersifat imajjinatif. Bahasa sastra bersifat konotatif karena banyak digunakan makna kias dan makna lambang”4. The poem is literary work. All the characteristics of literary work are imaginative. The literary language characteristic is connotative because it uses many figurative language and sign. After reading the poem it is not only a purpose to look for and to enjoy the story intensively, but also usually it will be asking the question what

2 Hudson.(2013).An Introduction to the Study of Literature.: George Han rap,p.9 3 Sylvan Barnet. (1989).An Introduction to Literature.London; scot, foreman Company, p.7 4 Herman J. Waluyo. (1991). Teori Dan Apresiasi Puisi..Jakarta: Penerbit Erlangga, p. 22

is the significant meaning that the author wants to show through his story it is a meaning . As Alton C. Morris says that” The poet in a sense is a maker of experience”.5 It means that meaning or sense of poet is correlated with experience of his life and the author makes the poem from his experience. The writer interested to choose the poems in this analyzing, because the writer know that poems are literary works have described the behavior of poets based on feelings and experience of his life and the poem have beautiful high value, although in the form or in the meaning.Although, Lot of words and sentences in full poetry meaning. The difference between poetry and other literary works are the importance of the balance between logic and emotion. Logic used to analyze existing sentences and emotions used to trace Lot the meaning, sense, and atmosphere. Beside that the writer can also get the authors feeling or experiences from the poem, the writer wants to know what the reason of the author to wrote that poems. There are many famous authors from America, one of Anne Bradstreet (1612 – 16 September 1672). She makes a lot of poems in her life, she has 296 poems such as about discussed the themes of love, nature, Puritan religion, and community. There are many poems of Anne explain that everything cannot be separated from of God. Some of her poems are especially admirer. “Verses upon the Burning of our House, July 10th, 1666”,and“What God is like to him I Serve”. The writer is interested in choosing Anne Bradstreet as the topic, because as we know Anne Bradstreet has produced many poems and she was famous poem of 20th century, as well as one of the moves popular poems. Anne Bradstreet begin write the poem from childhood children and based on her life experience. She was born on March 20, 1612 was born in Northampton, England. She is the first Puritan figure in and notable for her large corpus of poetry personal writings published posthumously. Anne was born to a wealthy Puritan family in Northampton, England. Bradstreet was a well-read scholar

5 Henry Guntur Taringan.(1993). Prinsip-prinsip Dasar Sastra.Bandung: Angkasa, p. 8

especially affected by the works of Du Bartas. Married at 16 years old, Bradstreet wrote poetry in addition to her other duties. Her early works read in the style of Du Bartas, but her later writings develop into her unique style of poetry which centers on her role as a mother, her struggles with the sufferings of life, and her Puritan faith. She was famous the puritan period poet from America. Anne Bradstreet's education gave her advantages that allowed her to write with authority about poetry, politics, history, medicine, and theology, her personal library of books was said to have numbered over 9000, although many were destroyed when her home burned down. This event itself inspired a poem titled “Upon the Burning of Our House July 10th, 1666”. At first, she rejects the anger and grief that this worldly tragedy has caused her, she looks toward God and the assurance of heaven as consolation, saying:

And when I could no longer look, I blest His grace that gave and took, That laid my goods now in the dust. Yea, so it was, and so 'twas just. It was his own; it was not mine. Far be it that I should repine6 That was revealed in Anne Bradstreet's in this line “It was his own; it was not min”. As a poet in the puritan period which is an age where the creator is everything, Anne Bradstreet always reveals that everything has something to do with the creator's God which is written in her poem “Upon the Burning of Our House July 10th, 1666” America's first poet, Anne Bradstreet, began receiving significant attention when her poetry was first included in , 1671-1928, an anthology published by Conrad Aiken in 1929. Since then she has been included in multiple American literature anthologies and is a staple in teaching and further understanding the essence of early American poetry. Bradstreet has also become

5------.2012.Anne Bradstreet Poem.(

popular among critics, who continue to investigate how she succeeded in being recognized as a successful female poet in colonial America without facing the negative repercussions and consequences faced by other popular women who rebelled against society. Based on the background that was deciphered, the writer interested to know what is the reflection of Anne Bradstreet‟s life as seen in her poem, and then the writer chooses this topic entitled: “Anne Bradstreet’s Life as Reflected in Her Selected Poems”

B. Formulation of the Problem

In this research, formulations of the problem it can be seen below: 1. What are the meanings of Anne Bradstreet selected poems? 2. How is Anne Bradstreet‟s life reflected in her selected poems?

C. Limitation of the Problem Based on the problems above, in this research the writer limits and focus to analyze relationship between Anne Bradstreet life and religious values, as seen on selected poems. by Anne Bradstreet, such as: Deliverance From Another Sore Fit poem by Anne Bradstreet, Before the Birth of One of Her Children poem by Anne Bradstreet, What God is Like to Him I Serve poem by Anne Bradstreet, Upon My Dear and Loving Husband his Going into England Jan. 16, 1661 poem by Anne Bradstreet, Verses Upon the Burning of our House, July 10th, 1666poem by Anne Bradstreet, To My Dear and Loving Husband poem by Anne Bradstreet. These poems are taken in “Anne Bradstreet Poems‟ book publisher: – The World‟s Poetry Archive. The writer will find the reflection of the author‟s life in her selected poems.

D. Purpose of Research The purposes of research are: 1. To know the meaning of Anne Bradstreet‟s selected poems.

2. To find out Anne Bradstreet‟s life reflectedin her selected poems.

E. Significant of The Research On this research, the writer expects that the result of this study gives the contribution to the field of literature. Besides that the writer also hopes that the finding of this study could help the students to understand the use of meaning and reflection of Anne Bradstreet‟s life seen in six selected poems. However, this research gives a preliminary description about poem for English Department Student sand for whoever interested in this study.



This research should be supported by some related theories, which have been proposed. Some terminologies such as poem, figurative language, and symbol need to be explained clearly in order to cover the readers understanding to the analysis itself.

A. Historical-Biographical Approach The writer uses historical biographical approach of the research. As Guerin said,” historical biographical approach sees a literary work chiefly, if not exclusively, as a reflection of its author‟s life and times or the life and time of the characters in the work.”7 It mean that biographical approach is an analyzing of the literary work based on the background of the author‟s biography that can be seen in life, and social cultural environment of the author in a literary work. This approach is used to be find facts that are related to the analysis about Anne Bradstreet‟s life as seen in life poems. Here the writer also analyzes the biography of Anne Bradstreet from her life her carrier, her daily activity, personal life, and the others. The writer hopes this analysis will be able to get a better understanding on the message and the vision of the author trough the poems with the writer‟s research. To complete this analysis the writer uses some elements that can help in analyzing this poem. There are intrinsic and extrinsic elements. The intrinsic elements will be emphasized on the elements in the poetry itself such as meaning of Anne Bradstreet‟s poems. As Wellek and Warren said “intrinsic study of a literary work is the interpretation itself.”8 Here, the writer chooses the meanings as one of the intrinsic element of the Anne Bradstreet poems since the meaning are picturing the subject that the writer wants to analyze.

7 Wilfried L.Guerin(1959).AHandbook of Critical Approach to Literature.New York: Oxford University press.p.51 8 Welek Rene, Austin Warren.( 1959).Theory of Literature. New York: INC. p.139

Concerning to extrinsic approach, as stated by Wellek and Werren, “Extrinsic approach means the most widespread and flourishing method of studying literature concern themselves with it setting, its environment and its external causes.”9 It means that extrinsic elements are used to analyze the poems based on author‟s life such as personal life the analysis, career, economy, culture etc. All of those elements are used to make complete and clear.

Biography of Anne Bradstreet Biography is the story of the author. Author's life especially, in determining the condition of literature. Then the task of researchers is to understand the background of the author in a comprehensive manner. Aspects of cultural, social, environmental, and so on will be highlighted sharply. Because this is research related to the author's life, the first here the writer wants to know the background of the author. Anne Dudley Bradstreet was born in Northhampton, England in either 1612 or 1613, to and Dorothy Yorke. Thomas Dudley was a steward at the manor house of the Earl of Lincoln, and young Anne enjoyed the aristocratic mansion nestled in the English countryside. Her early years were spent benefiting from a superior education, which was provided at home by her father. Anne's childhood reading list included the classical literature of Virgil, Homer, and Thucydides, and the works of Milton and Spenser, among others The privileges experienced by Anne as a young girl would contrast sharply with the harsh realities of married life. She suffered from smallpox at sixteen, and her marriage to followed soon after her recovery. Two years after their marriage, the newlyweds, along with Anne's parents, immigrated to America. The colonists set sail on the , which of the four departing ships held the more prominent members of English society. The colonists arrived at Salem, Massachusetts on the 22 of July 1630. The journey itself was an act of faith for the group of , who sought a new life in the American wilderness. Anne herself wrote concerning this expedition that

9 Ibid.p. 79

“she submitted to it and joined the church at ”a statement which exemplifies her stalwart dedication to the Puritanism. After their arrival in the , both the Bradstreets and Dudleys would relocate frequently, mainly in an attempt to achieve political status for the male members of the family. Both Anne's father and husband would serve as colonial governors, and the former succeeded as governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. After residing in Salem, the family moved to Charlestown, and then Cambridge, followed by Ipswich, and eventually settled in Andover. Between the years of 1633 and 1652, Anne Bradstreet gave birth to eight children. Her commitment to her family was unwavering, as was her sense of responsibility towards God and society. Puritanism was an overwhelming component of Anne's life, and this emphasis on religion was extended to her writing. Anne's first known poem entitled "Upon a Fit of Sickness, Anno. 1632" reflects her Puritan values, as they existed at the young age of 19. In Tenth Muse. Her inability to adopt a female muse was dependent on its existence as a male literary tool, thus Anne was forced to pay homage to the male figure. Critic Wendy Martin addresses Anne's utilization of the male in her poetry, "In order not to appear presumptuous or competitive, Bradstreet had to solicit their protection, defer to their superior abilities, and assume a deferential pose". This willingness to defer to the Patriarchy typifies female subservience during the colonial period, and demonstrates the impact of religious ideology on literature. Anne Bradstreet died in September 16, 1672 at Andover, Massachusetts. Her contribution to literature is only paralleled by her devotion to her faith and family. The willingness to journey to a strange land was mirrored by a desire to explore the soul.10 Anne Bradstreet was born in 1612 to a nonconformist former soldier of Queen Elizabeth, Thomas Dudley, who managed the project of the Earl of Lincoln. In 1630 he sailed with his family for America with the Massachusetts

10An archive. Anne Bradstreet.1612-1672:A Brief Literary Biography (http:/ at October 23,2020 at 05.08 pm)

Bay Company. Also sailing was his mate and son in childhood sweetheart. Anne Bradstreet had been well tutored in literature and history in Greek, Latin, French, Hebrew, as well as English. The voyage on the “Arbella” with John Winthrop took three months and was quite difficult, with several people dying from the experience. Life was rough and cold, quite a change from the beautiful area with its well-stocked library where Anne spent many hours. As Anne tells her children in her memoirs, “i found a new world and new manners at which my heart rose (up in protest)”. However, she did decide to join the church at Boston. As white writes, instead of looking outward and writing her observations on this unfamiliar scene with its rough and fearsome aspects, she let her homesick imagination turn inward, organized the images from her store of learning and dressed them in careful homespun garments. Historically, Anne‟s identity is primarily linked to her famous father and husband, both governors of Massachusetts who left portraits and numerous records. Though she appreciated their love and protection,“any woman who pursue to use her intellect, charm, or intelligence in the colony‟s powerful group of male leader.” Her domain was to be domestic separated from the linked affairs of church and state, even” deriving her ideas of God from the contemplations of her husband‟s excellences,” according to one document. This situation was surely made painfully clear to her in the fate of her friend , also intelligent, educated of a prosperous family and deeply religious. The mother of 14 children and a dynamic speaker, Hutchinson held prayer meetings where women debated religious and ethical ideas. She belief that the Holy spirit stays within a justified person and so is not based on the good works necessary for admission to the church was considered heretical. She was labeled a jezebel and banished, eventually murder in an Indian attack in New York. No wonder Bradstreet was not anxious to publish her poetry and especially kept her more personal works private. There is little evidence about Anne‟s Life in Massachusetts beyond that given in her poetry-no portrait, no grave marker (though there is a house in

Ipswich, MA). She and her family moved several times, always to more remote frontier areas where Simon could accumulate more property and political power. They would have been quite vulnerable to Indian attack there; families of powerful Puritans were often singled out for kidnapping and ransom. Her poems tell us that she loved her husband deeply and missed him greatly when he left frequently on colony business to England and other settlements (he was a competent administrator and eventually governor). However, her feelings about him, as well as about her Puritan faith and her position as a woman in the Puritan community, seem complex and perhaps mixed. They had 8 children within about 10 years, all of whom survived childhood. She was frequently ill and anticipated dying, especially in childbirth, but she lived to be 60 years old. Anne Bradstreet seems to have written poetry primarily for herself, her family, and her friends, many of whom were very well educated. Her early, more imitative poetry, taken to England by her brother in law (possibly without her permission), appeared as The Tenth Muse Latery Sprung up in America in 1650 when she was 38 and sold well in England. Her later works, not published in her lifetime although shared with friends and family, were more private and personal and far more original than those published in The Tenth Muse. Her love poetry of course, falls in this group which in style and subject matter was unique for her time, interestingly different from the poetry written by male contemporaries, even those in Massachusetts such as and Michael Wigglesworth. Although she may have seemed to some a strange aberration of womanhood at the time, she evidently took herself very seriously as an intellectual and a poet. She read widely in history, science, and literature, especially the works of Guillame du Bartas, studying her craft and gradually developing a confident poetic voice. Her “apologies” were very likely more an ironic than sincere, responding to those Puritans who felt women should be silent, modest, living in the private rather than the public sphere. She could be humorous with her “feminist” views, as in a poem on Queen Elizabeth 1: Now say, have women worth, or have they none Or had they some, but with our Queen is‟t gone?

Nay, masculines, you have taxed us long But she, though dead, will vindicate our wrong Let such as say our sex is void of reason Know this a slander now, but once was treason One must remember that she was a puritan, although she often doubted, questioning the power of the male hierarchy, even questioning God or the harsh Puritan concept of a judgmental God. Her love of nature and the physical world, as well as the spiritual, often caused creative conflict in her poetry. Though she finds great hope in the future promises of religion, she also finds great pleasures in the realities of the present, especially of her family, her home and nature (though she realized that perhaps she should not, according to the Puritan perspective). Although few other American women were to publish poetry for the next 200 years, her poetry was generally ignored until “rediscovered” by feminists in the 20th century. These critics have found many significant artistic qualities in her work.11 B. Expressive Theory In this research, the writer analyzes about the reflection of the author‟s life as seen her selected poems. Expressive theory is meaning of something that relates to research. The writer chooses the expressive theory, because the meaning of expressive theory is studies of author‟s life, mind, meaning and also literary works. Here, the writer analyzes about Anne Bradstreet‟s life and finds the meaning in his poems. Imagination, develop and through to become an art. Expressive theory treats a literary work primarily in relation to the author. It defines literary work as an expression, overflow, utterance, or projection of the though and feeling, or as the products of human feelings.12 Here, the writer decided to use expressive theory because it is suitable with the research that will be analyzed about the author‟s life with the poem itself.

11 Ann Woodlief. Anne Bradstreet.( Bradstreet /bradbio.htm/Diakses pada 21 Oktober 2020,05.00) 12 M.H.Abrams. (1999). Romantic Theory and the Critical Tradition.London, New York: Oxford University.p.22

According to Nyoman Khuta,”Wilayah study expressive adalah diri penyair, pikiran, perasaan, dan hasil-hasil karyanya.”13 It means that expressive theory is analyzing about author, and her literary work. Expressive approach examines the psychological aspects of the writer during the creative process is rejected through the works of creation, both in relation to the wrote as a person and the writer as a representative of the community. As a type, as well as those associated with the creative process by which this occurred. Based on statement above, expressive theory is the poet thought, feeling, and her literary work, as well as the aspects of the external world, such as her environment, experience that also make up her work. Here the writer wants to relate the author‟s life and correlate the author with her poems trough her biography. It is clear that the writer chooses expressive theory because this theory is the suitable one to be used in her analysis. Poem has some strong massages that are included in the poem if we analyze it, if the readers want to know the meaning of the poem, the reader cannot only translate the poems contextually but the readers must also use the wide thinking to know the meaning of it clearly. The meaning can be known by reading the poem carefully, and then we should be in a position to give its detail meaning, and the intention.

C. Poem 1. Definition of Poem According to Perrine in Siswantoro,”poem might be defined as a kind of language that says more and says it more intensively than does ordinary language”.14 It means that, in poem the words used are not language that used in daily life, it used word meaning full.

13 Nyoman Kutha Ratna.(2000). Teory, metode dan teknik penelitian Sastra. Cet. Ke-III edisi revisi,Yogyakarta: pustaka pelajar. 14Siswatoro.(2002).Apresiasi Puisi puisi Sastra Ingris.Surakarta:Muhammadiyah University Press.p.3

Meanwhile, Volpe gives statement about poem. “Poem is perhaps the most difficult kind of language”.15 It means that in poem there are a lot of word which difficult to understand by the reader because of the high imagination of poet. Waluyo gives limitation about poem:”puisi adalah bentuk karya sastra yang mengungkapkan pikiran dan perasaan penyair secara imajinatif dan di susun dengan mengkonsentrasikan semua kekuatan bahasa dengan pengkonsentrasian struktur batinnya”.16 It means that poem is one of art which used by someone to express thought and feeling imaginatively. From the explanation above, the writer can take the assumption that, the poem is an art to express human ideas that are used word meaning full. It also often teaches the reader moral lessons, shares something that has been experienced, and gives the reader pleasure, indirectly, poetry enables the reader to see into the life of the author.

2. Types of Poem There five types of poetry:17 a. Descriptive Descriptive poem is the poem which describes people or experiences, scenes, or objects. b. Reflective Thoughtful poems often containing a great deal of description which the poet comments or from which he draws conclusion are directly stated, at other times implied. c. Narrative Narrative is a telling of a story or a description of an event. d. The lyric

15 Ibid.p.7 16 Waluyo.(1991). Teori dan Apresiasi Puisi. Jakarta: PT Gramedia.p..25 17 L.G.Alexander. (1963), Poetry and Prose Appreciation for Overseas Students.London: Longman Group Limited.p.23-41(Online)

The lyric is usually a short poem likea song which is usually the expression of a mood or feeling. e. The sonnet The sonnet is a poem of fourteen lines which follows a very strict rhyme pattern. It is usually divided into two parts: the „octave‟ (the first eight lines), and „sestet‟ (the last six lines).

D. Meaning According to Reaske and Russell “meaning is the poems combination of theme and statement about a subject or series of subject and the emotions that it artfully evokes toward them by means of poetic devices and strategies. It means that meaning is poem combination of theme and statement about means and purpose that has been by delivered the author through the poem, all meaning by word stanza, lines, although all of meaning.18 Alexander, L.G. in poetry appreciation for overseas student book, he stated that There are three basic points to find the meaning of poem. Those are:19 a. General meaning This should be expressed simply in one, at the most two sentences. This should be based on reading of the meaning of the whole poetry. The general meaning is kind of summary of what the author expresses in the poem. Thus it reads of the whole poem. It will be express simply in one or at most two sentences. b. Detail meaning This should not paraphrase the poetry or worry about the meaning of individual words. Detail meaning is the meaning provided in every stanza. It may be written as continuous paragraph, but the reader must take every care to be accurate and to expresses in simple sentences. c. Intention

18 Reaske.p.51 19 L,G. Alexander.1963.Poetry and Prose Appreciation for Overseeas Studen. London:Longman Group Limited (online). p.6

Every poem conveys an experience or attempts to arouse certain feeling in reader. When you have read a poem and given its general and detailed meaning, you should try to decide what feelings the poet is trying to arouse in you. Intention of author is feelings the poet is trying to arouse in the reader. The quotation means that the general meaning is meaning of the whole poem, detailed meaning is the meaning individual‟s words. So, the writer must be able to interpret the poem stanza by stanza and intention means that poet tries to arise around the reader. Based on the explanation above, the writer only focuses on second point, it is detail meaning. Based on explanation above, it can be see that to finds the meaning of poem, the writer must look deeply the detail meaning of poems trough Anne Bradstreet‟s poems, because of that the writer chooses the second point, the reason is because every poems convey an experience. That‟s why the meanings of poems are correlated with author‟s life. E. Review of Related Studies There isstudies research of Anna Bradstreet Poems analysis has been carried out by previous studies. Research has been carried out both abroad and different times across the country by analyzing from the perspective of the poetry of Anne Bradstreet. Christy Shannon in 2000 has conducted research related to Bradstreet Poems the title “From Hierarchy to Balance: Anne Bradstreet's Union of Renaissance and Puritan Influences” in this research Bradstreet was confronted with two very different influences when she began writing her poetry. One was the Renaissance literary style that she encountered in her native England; the other was a strict Puritan upbringing that would be the controlling factor of her life in the colonies. Both of these influences put a strong emphasis on order and a hierarchical structure. Bradstreet was unable to accept either of these influences completely, but she did manage to combine them in order to create some of the most interesting and memorable poetry of her time. The conflict that she faces is evident in her more formal writing through her use of voices and argumentation. Her later, more domestic poetry reveals an attempt to express her own voice and

doubts about the Puritan faith, particularly its doctrine concerning the dangers of becoming attached to earthly things.20 Robert Hilliker in 2007 has conducted research related to Bradstreet Poems the title “Engendering Identity The Discourse of Familial Education in Anne Bradstreet and Morie de I'Incarnation”. In this study Hilliker (2007) examined and revealed the works of Bradstreet poetry from the point of personal life that interesting in terms of emotional. This is the same as research conducted by Elisa New (1993), entitled "Feminist Invisibility: The examples of Anne Bradstreet and Anne Hutchinson".21 The previous research about Anne Bradstreet Poems that analyzed by Kaitlin Tonte in 2013 under the title “Seeping Through the Divide: The American Experience in Bradstreet‟s Verse”. Examines the essence of Bradstreet Poems only to her. Personal life.22 In Tonte (2013) research, has conducted research related it shows the personal life of Bradstreet revealed underlying traces of proto feminism. A feminist approach to Bradstreet‟s work seems almost unavoidable, critics that must begin reexamining the work of Bradstreet through a translatelens rather than a feminist. Sophia Farthing in 2018 has conducted research related to Bradstreet Poems the title “Faith and Art: Anne Bradstreet‟s Puritan Creativity”. The research paper of Farthing (2018) examines Bradstreet‟s life and work, including the variety of supportive literary influences she experienced as a child, Farthing (2018) compares Bradstreet to contemporary puritan women writers who explored similar there‟s through poetry, meditation s, theological, treatises, and variety of gertes.23 Further research on Anne Bradstreet's poetry has also been carried out domestically.

20 Christy Shannon,.(2000).From Hierarchy to Balance: Anne Brastreet‟s Union of Renaissance and Puritan Influences.(Masters Theses). 21 Robert Hilliker.(2007).Engendering Identity_The Discourse of Familial Education in Anne Bradstreet and Morie de I'Incarnation.University of North Carolina Press. 22 Tonti, Kaitlin.(2013). Seeping Through the Devide: The American Experience in Bradstreet‟s Verse. Seton Hall University Disertations and Theses. 23 Farthing, Sophia.(2018). Faith and Art: Anne Bradstreet‟s Puritan Creativity. Thesis. Florida Liberty University.

Ismiati Hasan in 2014 has conducted research related to Bradstreet Poems the title. "An Analysis of Theme in Anne Bradstreet's Poems". English Department, Letters and Culture Faculty, State University of Gorontalo, 2014. This research is conducted by using descriptive qualitative method. The data are taken from Anne Bradstreet's poems. The Problem statement of this research; what are the themes in Anne Bradstreet's poems. It aimed to analyze the kinds of theme that found in Anne Bradstreet's poems. There were four steps in analyzing the data of this research, namely; identification, classification, analyzing and conclusion. Furthermore, this research is analyzed by using objective approach. Objective approach is focused on the intrinsic aspect of literary work. Then, each of themes found in Anne Bradstreet poems are categorized by using Waluyo's theory of kinds of theme. Based on the analysis of the data there are four kinds of theme that found in five poems of Anne Bradstreet, namely; love theme, religious theme, social critics theme, and nature theme. Keywords: Poem, theme, objective Approach.24 Richanne.V.Hursepuny in 2017 has conducted research related to Bradstreet Poems the title“Filosofi Dalam Puisi-Puisi”Anne Bradstreet. The author chooses the poems of Anne Bradstreet, a poet of the puritan period. The author chooses Anne Bradstreet's poems because there are so many spiritual meanings and themes contained in each of her poems. Anne Bradstreet was an American poet in Puritan times. Female poets are a rarity, but Anne Bradstreet has a place in literary history. Literary research is in Muhammad Sofian‟s research, student of English Literature Department of Adab Faculty, in Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi 2013. His thesis title is “The Senses through the Meaning of Life that Correlated with Khalil Gibran as Depicted on Khalil Gibran‟s selected Poetries”.25 He applied Biographical Approach and the sense of life concept by to

24 Hasan, Ismiati.(2014). An Analysis of Theme in Anne Bradstreet‟s Poems. University of Gorontalo. 25 Sofian, Muhammad.(2013). The Senses Through the Meaning of Life that Correlated with Khalil Gibran as Depicted on Khalil Gibran‟s selected Poetries.Jambi:Universitas Islam Negeri. p.1

support his research. He uses qualitative method, which also uses descriptive technique to describe and analyze the data. As result, he found the answer from two problems as found in the poetry of Khalil Gibran are:there are three sense of life in Khalil Gibran selected poetry, they are happiness, sadness, and anger and fear. Khalil Gibran‟s poetry hasmuch correlation with his life such as his family, friends, environment, government, and love. Literary research is in Uswatun Hasanah‟s research, student of English Literature Department of Adab Faculty, in Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi 2011. Her thesis title is “Edward Estlin Cumming‟s life as seen in the meaning of his life”.26She uses Expressive Theory for analyzing and Historical biographical, because it is related to history of author life. In collecting data, she uses qualitative method that takes is explained descriptively. She finds that the meaning found in the poems, tells about the sadness, acceptiveness, love, and happiness. The research is in Siti Hamidah‟s research, student of English Literature Department of Adab Faculty, in Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi 2019. Her thesis title is “The Reflection of Elizabeth Barrett Browning‟s Like as Seen in Her Selected Poems.”27She uses Expressive Theory for analyzing about the author‟s life, so she uses this theory to make this thesis. And also she uses biographical approach that is really suitable with her thesis. As result, she found the answer from two problems as found in the poetry of Elizabeth Barrett Browning‟s poems are varied, there are: happiness, sadness, and sympathy. The first poem is about her love, the second poem is about has feeling when she felt scared to face the death alone, the third poem is about her sympathy with the Italian cause after the outbreak of fighting. Six selected poems reflect Elizabeth Barrett Browning‟s life in the first poem, this poem tells about her life when she felt happy after marry with someone who she loves. The second poem this poem tells about her feeling of scared when she has to face the death alone.

26 Siti Mustofiah.(2012). The Reflection of Khaled Hosseini‟s Life as Seen in His Novel, „The Kite Runner‟. (Jambi: Universitas Islam Negeri).p.1 27 Siti Hmidah.(2019). The Reflection of Elizabeth Barrett Browning‟s Like as Seen in Her Slected Poems (Jambi: Universitas Islam Negeri). p.1

The third poem, this poem tells about her sympathy with the Italian cause after the outbreak of fighting, in this poem she send a curse for a nation. The fourth poem, this poem tells about child labor, she want to abolish slavery and child labor in England. This poem tells about the sadness of children. The fifth poem, this poem tells about her life when she wants to give spirits for her sisters and for her brothers, because of many problems that happen before, like her mother died, her father business foundered, and also her poor health. And the last poem, this poem describes about her expression of her sadness, when her death will come soon. From the previous research above, different from previous research, in this research, the writer to focus analyze relationship between Anne Bradstreet life and religious values, as seen on selected poems. by Anne Bradstreet, such as: Deliverance From Another Sore Fit poem by Anne Bradstreet, Before the Birth of One of Her Children poem by Anne Bradstreet, What God is Like to Him I Serve poem by Anne Bradstreet, Upon My Dear and Loving Husband his Going into England Jan. 16, 1661 poem by Anne Bradstreet, Verses Upon the Burning of our House, July 10th, 1666poem by Anne Bradstreet and To My Dear and Loving Husband poem by Anne Bradstreet. The writer uses Expressive Theory for analyzing, because it is related to history of author life. In collecting data, writer uses qualitative method. The writer finds that the meaning found in the poems. The themes of love, nature, life and religion. In the poems there are explain that everything cannot be separated of God. So the title in this thesis is “Anne Bradstreet’s Life as Reflected in Her Selected Poems”


A. Design of the Research In writing this thesis, the writer uses the qualitative design to accelerate in analyzing the problem. According to Bodgan and Taylor in Margono, “Penelitian Kualitatif adalah prosedur penelitian yang menghasilkan data deskriptif berupa kata-kata tertulis dan dari orang-orang yang dapat di amati.”28 It means that, qualitative research is a research procedure that produces descriptive data in form of written words and from people that can be observed. In addition characteristic of the qualitative are analytic descriptive and produce descriptive data spoken words of the person or behavior being researched. In this research, the writer use descriptive method. Descriptive method can be defined as a problem solving procedure investigated by describing the state of the subject or object in the study. Descriptive method is a method in examining the status of group of humans, an object, a set of conditions, a system of thought, or class of event in the present. The purpose of this descriptive study is to make a description, painting systematically, factually and accurately, of the facts, the characteristics and relationships between the phenomena and investigated. According to Nawawi, “Metode deskriptif dapat diartikan sebagai prosedur pemecahan masalah yang diselidiki dengan menggambarkan atau melukiskan keadaan subjek atau objek penelitian (Novel, Drama, Cerita pendek, Puisi) pada saat sekarang berdasarkan fakta-fakta yang tampak atau sebagaimana adanya.”29 Descriptive method can be interpreted as problem solving which is investigated by picture or depict the state of the subject or research object (Novel, Drama, Short story, Poem) at present based on visible facts or unification. It means that, descriptive method can be defined as a problem solving procedures investigated by describing the state of the subject or object in the research.

28 Margono. (2007). Metodologi Penelitian.Jakarta: Rineka Cipta. p.36 29 Siswantoro. (2010). Metode Penelitian Sastra.Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar. p.56

According to Jalaludin Rahmat in Ibrahim‟s book state that, “Metode Deskriptif dapat diartikan sebagai sebuah penelitian yang dilakukan untuk melukiskan variabel, satu demi satu dengan mengumpulkan data secara unvarian, yang digunakan untuk mencari teori-teori tentative bukan mengkaji teori.”30 On the other hand, descriptive method refers to method that provides an accurate portrayal of characteristics of a particular individual, situation, or group. In short, descriptive method deals with everything that can be counted and studied, which has an impact of the lives of the people it deals with. From the explanation above, the writer can conclude that qualitative descriptive method is a way of working in the research that emphasized on aspects of the deepening of the data. It also helps the writer collecting the data to interpret and report in order to get the result of a research.

B. Source of the Data Anne Bradstreet has 296 poems. But in this research, the writer takes the source of data from six of Anne Bradstreet‟s selected poems. The poems are taken from a most popular written book by Anne Bradstreet. The writer wants do the research by using the text of her poems. The writer does not analyze all poems from her all poems, but the writer took only six poems of them in order to make the analysis deeper. The followings are the analyzed poems: “To My Dear and Loving Husband”, “Deliverance From Another Sore Fit”, “Before the Birth of One of Her Children”,“What God is Like to Him I Serve”, “Upon My Dear and Loving Husband his Going into England Jan. 16, 1661”, and “Verses Upon the Burning of our House, July 10th, 1666”poems by Anne Bradstreet.

C. Technique of data Collection In this research, the writer applied documentation as technique of data collection. The writer taken Anne Bradstreet of six selected poems to collect the data which related this research.

30 Ibrahim. (2015). Meodology Penelitian Kualitatif.Bandung:Alfabeta.p.59

According to Creswell, “The data collection procedures in qualitative research involve four basic types: observation, interview, documentation and visual image”.31 Sugiyono statet that “Dokumen merupakan catatan peristiwa yang sudah berlalu. Dokumen biasa berbentuk tulisan, gambar atau karya-karya monumental dari seseorang”.32 According to Atkinson and Coffey stated that:“Documents contain text (words) and images that have been recorded without a researcher‟s intervention. For the purposes of this discussion, other mute or trace evidence, such as cultural artifacts, is not included. Documents as „social facts‟, which are produced, shared, and used in socially organized ways.33 It means that, documentation refer to how to record the events in form of documents, a note or file that saved. It is about events or something that has occurred in the past. There some forms of them as kinds of documentation are picture and literary work by someone. Document in the form of literary work such as novels, poetries, short stories, and others. The writer used documentation method to collect the data in this research, because based on the statement above, the form of documentation can be a text, picture or literary work. The writer collect the data from Bradstreet‟s selected poems and it is one of the literary work that part of document. The writer took the data by reading the poems. The writer has some steps in collecting the data, in order to make this research more specific. They are: 1. Prepare data collection sheet, after getting all important sources, the writer read it to make sure that the data are collecting suitable with the research. 2. Selecting the data, to get the data, the writer reads carefully some poems that were chosen as data for analyzing. And also the writer will searches the poem that has correlation with Bradstreet‟s real life.

31 John W Creswell.(1994).Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches.United Stated of America,P.148. 32 Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Kualitatif.p.240 33 Glem A Bowen. (2009). Document Analysis as a Qualitative Research Method.Western Carolina University.p.1

3. Give a description, the writer make description or brief information about the data. Making a note of data, after reading the sources carefully, the writer marks any important statement to make the writer easier in the analyzing process for the research. 4. Drawing conclusion, effort to obtain certainly about the correctness of the data. The writer processes the data to analyze them. Finally, the writer made a good arrangement for the thesis proposal itself as the last in finalizing research.34

D. Technique of data Analysis After collecting the data, the writer analyzes the data, in qualitative research. Technique analysis data is used to answer the formulation of the problems. In analysis the data, the writer uses a technique of data analysis. According to Patton in Moleong‟s book, “Analisis data adalah proses mengatur data mengorganisasikannya kedalam suatu pola, kategori, dan satuan uraian”.35 It means that data analysis used to explain the data to be more easily understood. Susan Stainback stated that data analysis is critical to the qualitative research process. It is to recognition, study, and understanding of interrelationship and concept in your data that hypotheses and assertion can be development and evaluated.36 It can be concluded that data analysis is an important part and also foundation of scientific research because data analysis process of systematically examining data with the purpose of spotlighting useful information, to evaluating data. Besides that, data analysis will draw conclusions about the information. In this research, the writer used descriptive technique analysis to describe the data, descriptive analysis will help the writer to summarize the data in meaningful way. According to Nawawi: “Metode deskriptif dapat diartikan sebagai prosedur pemecahan masalah yang diselidiki dengan menggambarkan dan melukiskan keadaan subjek atau objek penelitian (novel, drama, cerita

34 Siswantoro. (2010). Metode Penelitian Sastra.Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.p. 73 35 Lexy J. Moleong. (2014). Metodology Penelitian Kualitatif, Ed Revisi.Bandung: Remaja Posdakarya.p.248 36 Sugiyono. (2007). Memahami Penelitian Kualitatif.Bandung:Alfabeta.p.88

pendek, puisi) pada saat sekarang berdasarkan fakta-fakta yang tampak atau sebagaimana adanya.”37 The quotation above explained that descriptive method is the way to find out the problem. The descriptive method can help the writer to solve the problem from the data. There are some steps in analyzing the data in order to make this research more specific such are: 1. Data reduction Miles and Huberman described this technique as the first of three elements of qualitative data analysis. Data reduction refers to the process of selecting, focusing, simplifying, abstracting, and transforming the data that appear in written up field notes or transcriptions. The writer chooses the important data only from all the sources of data. The writer identified the data based on the real life of Anne Bradstreet selected poems, which focus on her selected poems. 2. Data display According to Miles and Huberman, data display is an Organized, compressed assembly of information that permits conclusion drawing. A display can be extended piece of text or diagram, chart, or matrix provides a new way of arranging and thinking about more textually embedded data. The writer will make the narrative display by retrieving data from the text which has correlation with the problems of research. 3. Conclusion / verifying Conclusion or verifying is the result of analyzing that answer the research problem based on the data analyzing. The conclusion is the last phase of research. The writer concludes the result of analysis and the answer the formulation of the form of descriptive data.

37 Siswantoro. (2010). Metode Penelitian Sastra.Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.p.54


A. The Meaning of Anne Bradstreet Selected Poems Anne Bradstreet is one of America‟s most famous authors. Who was born in March 20th, 1612 she has been writing poetry since she was 11 years old, and has managed to create 296 poems and 9000 books of her other works. The themes of Anne Bradstreet‟s poems are mostly oriented about love, religious, sadness, and struggle in her life, one of her love poems is “To My Dear and Loving Husband” this poem is one of the best love poems, Another religious Anne Bradstreet‟s poem is “Verses Upon the Burning of our House, July 10th 1666” it talks about her house was burning at that time. The sadness and the difficulties of her lives, it also described her believing of her God who handles everything in the universe. Anne Bradstreet was very close to her family, especially her husband who lives in a harmony where love is found. It is one of the causes why her poems were mostly written on love themes. Even though most of her poems are about love, it‟s always related to her religious, the value of God, the lesson of her lives where she can finally found what live is and how it can be shown into a beautiful word so that the readers can understand and acknowledge the message of her poems. It can be concluded here, that her experiences in her childhood until she gets married were reflected on her poems that make her poems feels like real. She poured her experiences in life into the beautiful languages, so it was nice to read and have a deep meaning in every poem. That is the reason why Anne Bradstreet poems is interesting.

1. Detail meaning of Anne Bradstreet selected poems In this research, the writer wants to find detail meaning as seen from six selected poems of Anne Bradstreet. The writer analyzes the meaning of stanzas by stanzas to find out detailed meaning of the six poems of Anne Bradstreet, but in this study the writer represents several main stanzas that the writer has analyzed.

a. Deliverance from another Sore Fit The first poem is “Deliverance from another Sore Fit” describes a deep sadness feeling. Many of Bradstreet‟s poems highlight the hardships faced by her and her fellow settlers. The feelings that Anne feels always expressed to her God who thinks that God is always there and accepts her conditions. Different from the reality of her lives where she cannot find a good place to reveal every moment of conditions and difficulties of her life‟s to the human. The model poem of Anne Bradstreet with the title, Deliverance from another Sore Fit, is line with stanza. Anne Bradstreet wants to tell about deep sadness feeling.

In my distress I sought the Lord When naught on earth could comfort give, And when my soul these things abhorred, Then, Lord, Thou Said‟s unto me, “Live.”38

The first part of poem is line 1 - 6. The author describes how she expressed the difficulty she felt towards her God, Anne felt that no one could give her comfort and peace. Her heart felt that God said “live”.

Thou knowest the sorrows that I felt; My plaints and groans were heard of Thee, And how in sweat I seemed to melt Thou help'st and Thou regardest me.39

The second part of the poem is line 5 - 8. In these lines she feels that the sadness and complaint she feels can reach her God. At that time, God appreciated what Bradstreet felt and God helped.

My wasted flesh Thou didst restore, my feeble loins didst gird with strength,

38 ------.2012.Classic Poetry Series. ( _The word‟s Poetry Archive),p.44 39 Ibid.p.44

Yea, when I was most low and poor, I said I shall praise Thee at length.40

The third part of the poet, is line 9 - 12 this line's poetry a continuation of the previous verse, namely where Bradstreet is in the lowest and weakest position, then that is where her god helps strengthen and give strength to her. With that, Bradstreet said she would praise her God.

What shall I render to my God For all His bounty showed to me? Even for His mercies in His rod, Where pity most of all I see.41

The next part of Anne Bradstreet is on the line 13 - 16. The author wants to reveal the feeling which herself thought as a human being. Perhaps at a glance, she questioned herself, what kind of reward should Bradstreet gives to her God For the life‟s that God has given her.

My heart I wholly give to Thee; O make it fruitful, faithful Lord. My life shall dedicated be To praise in thought, in deed, in word.42

The next part of Anne Bradstreet is on the line 17 - 20. The author from the above statement, Bradstreet revealed that she gave her heart completely to her God, and then would serve her praise in mind, in words and in deeds, because God was always faithful by her side.

Thou know'st no life I did require

40 Ibid.p.44 41 Ibid.p.44 42 Ibid.p.44

Longer than still Thy name to praise, Nor ought on earth worthy desire, In drawing out these wretched days.43

The next part of Anne Bradstreet is on the line 21 - 22. Is a feeling that expresses that God always knows what Bradstreet feels and needs. Suppose that praising God is better than fulfilling a wish on this earth where he is in a miserable state.

Thy name and praise to celebrate, O Lord, for aye is my request. O grant I do it in this state, And then with Thee, which is the best.44

The last part of Anne Bradstreet is on the line 23 - 26. It is an expression of Anne's desire to celebrate and praise God. This will be done in our beloved place. God is the best place to pour out the feelings. It can be concluded that this poem tells the reader about the deep feelings of sadness that surround the environment. Life in the early colonial settlements in the New World was difficult. Much of Bradstreet's poetry highlights the hardships he and his fellow settlers faced. This can be seen from the poetry displayed in the verse “In my distress I sought the Lord”. Bradstreet's feelings are always expressed to her God who thinks God always exists and accepts the conditions of every situation she feels. The message in this poem is Grief received with feelings of gratitude to God will give the impression of obedience to God. b. Before the Birth of One of Our Children The second poem is “Before the Birth of One of Her Children” is the poem discussed by the writer in this present study. She had an active life, yet still

43 Ibid.p.44 44 Ibid.p.44

found the time to express herself in poetry. She often wrote about her daily life. Bradstreet wrote this poem before she gave birth, and she is preparing herself for her potential death in childbirth. This is a quiet and personal poem in which Bradstreet contemplates the likelihood of her death in childbirth. She addresses the poem to her husband. As describe in the following stanza. All things within this fading world hath end, Adversity doth still our joyes attend; No ties so strong, no friends so dear and sweet, But with death‟s parting blow is sure to meet. The sentence past is most irrevocable, A common thing, yet oh inevitable.45

In the Line 1 -6 stanza Bradstreet describes how all things of the world will end, and that nothing can hold up death. She says that no matter how strong your relationships are death is much stronger will break those relationships apart. As said in the stanza people often try to avoid death or put it off, but in the end we are not able to stop it because death is a part of life.

How soon, my Dear, death may my steps attend, How soon‟t may be thy Lot to lose thy friend, We are both ignorant, yet love bids me These farewell lines to recommend to thee, That when that knot‟s untied that made us one, I may seem thine, who in effect am none.46 In the Line 7-12is a conversation between Anne Bradstreet and her unborn child. Bradstreet is telling her child that every day she takes steps toward death. However, she recognizes that love will always connect them even when the bond that physically connects them is broken.

45 Ibid.p.28 46 Ibid.P.28

And if I see not half my dayes that‟s due, What nature would, God grant to yours and you; The many faults that well you know I have Let be interr‟d in my oblivious grave; If any worth or virtue were in me, Let that live freshly in thy memory.47 In this Line 13-18,Bradstreet is saying if she dies before them what will happen to the people round and the things that she was familiar with. “You know that I have my faults that I will take to the grave with me. If there was anything about me worth remembers make sure you keep that memory alive” that is what actually she is trying to say.

And when thou feel‟st no grief, as I no harms, Yet love thy dead, who long lay in thine arms. And when thy loss shall be repaid with gains Look to my little babes, my dear remains.48

In Lines 19- 22 Bradstreet is saying that she is afraid she will die in childbirth. She's saying when her husband looks at their child, she wants him to remember her and to see her in them. They are her legacy and the last of her that is left.

And if thou love thyself, or loved‟st me, These o protect from step Dames injury. And if chance to thine eyes shall bring this verse, With some sad sighs honour my absent Herse; And kiss this paper for thy loves dear sake, Who with salt tears this last Farewel did take.49

47 Ibid.P.28 48 Ibid.P.28 49 Ibid.p.28

Line the last 23-28Anne Bradstreet addresses her husband in this stanza. if she is gone forever, then with this poem as proof of your love the medicine to let go of longing for her. Anticipating death during childbirth is not odd during this period due to the lack of technology and health care. Bradstreet also indicates that her husband have to keep this paper in which the poem is written on because it will be all that remains of her. Based on the explanation above it can be concluded that this poem has many message for us such as, death can be interpreted as the culmination of a person's life journey, sometimes death is also present and confrontation in someone's life. As divine beings, of course we believe in the next life. Death is a commonplace, everything in this world will end, no one can stop it. But what we have to remember is what preparations we have prepared to face the next life. c. What God is like to him I serve The third poem is “What God is like to Him I Serves?” itexplains about Bradstreet‟s personality with her God, it is about Anne Bradstreet expressed her feeling that God is all fair and no one can lie to Him. Poetry that expresses gratitude and He is a God who is always faithful by her can be seen in the following poem.

What God is like to Him I serve? What Saviour like to mine? O never let me from Thee swerve, For truly I am Thine.50 The first line is 1 – 4, explains Bradstreet's request which states that what kind of God she exalts, as a creature she hopes to always the rules and orders of God.

My thankful mouth shall speak Thy praise, My tongue shall talk of Thee;

50 Ibid.p.195

On high my heart O do Thou raise For what Thou'st done for me.51

The second part of the poem is line 5 – 8, hich is an expression of gratitude and activities that Bradstreet always does for what God has given her.

Go worldlings to your vanities, And heathen to your gods; Let them help in adversities And sanctify their rods;52 The third part of the poem is line 9 – 12, in this line she reveals that should not lie and betray God, and let God be in every trouble.

My God He is not like to yours Yourselves shall judges be; I find His love, I know His power A succorer of me53

The third part of the poem is line 13-16 this line's poetry is an expression that God is the judge of what has been done. Then Bradstreet found her love for God, and God was the helper for her life. He is not man that He should lie, Nor son of man to unsay; His word He plighted hath on high, And I shall live for aye.54

51 Ibid.P.195 52 Ibid.P.195 53 Ibid.p.195 54 Ibid.p.195

The next part of Anne Bradstreet poem line 17 - 20, God is not a human who can be deceived and the rules or regulations has done and Bradstreet lives for God.

And for His sake that faithful is, That died but now doth live, The first and last that lives for aye, Me lasting life shall give.55

The last part of Bradstreet's poem is lines 21 - 24. It explained that God always faithful with her. God is the first and last for Bradstreet, meaningful life is just giving and sharing to others. Based on the explanation above it can be concluded that this poem has many message for us namely we have to know the qualities of God who is most fair and cannot be fooled under any circumstances, and that God is always there in every situation we feel. d. Upon My Dear and Loving Husband his Going into England Jan. 16, 1661 The fourth poem is “Upon My Dear and Loving Husband his Going into England Jan. 16, 1661” describes about love between Anne Bradstreet and her husband. Her loves to her husband tells everything how she loves her husband who far away from her sight. She stresses her personal happiness of her relationship, a poem decorated with religious values, as seen in the verse “O thou most high who rules all, and high of prayers of the prayers of thane”56. She prays for herhusband‟s safety and always in a handful of God.

O thov most high who rulest All, And hear'st the Prayers of Thine;

55 Ibid.p.195 56 Ibid.p.186

O hearken, Lord, vnto my suit, And my Petition sign.57

The first line is 1- 4 describes of worship toward the God with parrying to her God which has an intention of delivery to the human being as a servant of God.

Into thy everlasting Arms. Of mercy I commend Thy servant, Lord. Keep and preserve My husband, my dear friend.58

The second lines, 5 – 8is expressing feelings for God as a request to look after and protect her husband who is far from her.

At thy command, O Lord, he went, Nor novght could keep him back; Then let thy promis joy his heart: O help, and bee not slack.59

The third part of the poem line 9 - 12 in the name of God wants her husband go to work as a senior in the Boston church and there is no prohibit him from that, except God's own will.

Vphold my heart in Thee, O God, Thou art my strenght and stay; Thou see'st how weak and frail I am, Hide not thy face Away.60 Line 13 - 16, explains that God is the power to take refuge in asking for anything, God sees every situation feels including worrying about her husband who went to England.

57Ibid.p.186 58Ibid.p.186 59Ibid.p.186 60Ibid.p.186

I, in obedience to thy Will, Thov knowest, did submitt; It was my Duty so to doe, O Lord, accept of it.61

The next line is 17 - 20 describe the obedience of worshiping God regarding the commands that must be carried out as a servant, namely always remembering God, praying and hoping of God, so that God will accept whatever she asks.

Vnthankfullnes for mercyes Past, Impute thov not to me; O Lord, thov know'st my weak desire Was to sing Praise to Thee.62 The next line is 21 - 24 is a regret that Bradstreet generally has about the ungrateful behavior of what is given by God. It is just past behavior, of course now Bradstreet is someone who is more obedient to her god.

Lord, bee thov Pilott to the ship, And send them prosperous gailes; In stormes and sicknes, Lord, preserve. Thy Goodnes never failes.63 In this line 25 - 28 explain that asking God to always help her husband in any difficult situation. Bradstreet believes that God's decisions and helps never fail and provides the best decisions.

Vnto thy work he hath in hand, Lord, gravnt Thov good Successe

61Ibid.p.186 62Ibid.p.186 63Ibid.p.186

And favour in their eyes, to whom He shall make his Addresse.64

The next line is 29 – 32, where her husband is working in England. Bradstreet's request to God so that her husband is given fluency and success in what he does.

Remember, Lord, thy folk whom thou To wildernesses hast brought; Let not thine own Inheritance

Bee sold away for Naught.65

Line 33 - 36 in this stanza, explains that the expressions of the words conveyed to her God, that servant of God is her husband. Went to work and she asked her God Don't let him come home without bringing results.

But Tokens of thy favour Give With Joy send back my Dear, That I, and all thy servants, may Rejoice with heavenly chear.66

In this Line 37 - 40 explain that by protecting and giving back to her husband, Bradstreet hopes that she and her husband will always be willing to remember and worship their God.

Lord, let my eyes see once Again Him whom thov gavest me, That wee together may sing Praise ffor ever vnto Thee.67

64Ibid.p.186 65Ibid.p.186 66Ibid.p.186 67Ibid.p.186

The next line is 41 – 44, Continuation of the stanza above so that she and the closest people, such as her husband and her families, always worship God at any time and until they die.

And the Remainder of oure Dayes Shall consecrated bee, With an engaged heart to sing All Praises into Thee.68 The last line in this poem Bradstreet advised to spend more time facing God, worshiping and always thankful and grateful to God. The message in this poem that is when we are far from someone we love, of course we don't know what happened to him, therefore this poem teaches us to always ask God‟s help. Prayer is a request that we make to God. Through prayer, we can convey our wishes to the Creator with the hope that these prayers will be answered. In this poem as a wife, of course Bradstreet hopes that her families will always be given health, happiness and safety, including beloved Husband.

2. 5. Verses upon the Burning of our House, July 10th 1666 The fifth poem is “Verses upon the Burning of our House, July 10th 1666”. This poem describes the feelings which are heartbreaking of Anne Bradstreet when the house is on fire. This happened in July 1666, she wrote it to show the traumatic loss of her home and most of her possessions. But he extends of the understanding that God had taken them away so that their families could lead more dedicated lives. What they all have belongs to God. In silent night when rest I took, For sorrow near I did not look, I wakened was with thund‟ring noise And piteous shrieks of dreadful voice. That fearful sound of “fire” and “fire,”


Let no man know is my Desire69

The first stanza line 1 - 6 the writer states that in the lonely night, Bradstreet has fallen asleep and does not expecting it, Bradstreet woke up at night because of mournful roar and screechy, screamed that there is fire. I, starting up, the light did spy, And to my God my heart did cry To straighten me in my Distress And not to leave me succourless. Then, coming out, behold a space The flame consume my dwelling place70. This second stanza line 7- 12 is continuing from first stanza here. In these lines she feels, it‟s a terror of her life to make her realize to comeback to God. With all sorrow feelings, distress she believes and hopes that God will be able to strengthen her in distress. And when I could no longer look, I blest His name that gave and took, That laid my goods now in the dust. Yea, so it was, and so „twas just. It was his own, it was not mine, Far be it that I should repine; He might of all justly bereft But yet sufficient for us left. 71 In the next stanza line 13-20 Bradstreet describe that, it connects to her situation which is the main point of the poem. Bradstreet is getting very tired with what she observed and crushed by the loss that she couldn't see for much longer Although Bradstreet was sad to lose her things, she said to herself that's what happened. Her stuff and residence, actually does not belong to her, but belongs to God from the start.

69 Ibid.P.193 70 Ibid.P.193 71 Ibid.p.194

When by the ruins oft I past My sorrowing eyes aside did cast And here and there the places spy Where oft I sate and long did lie. Here stood that trunk, and there that chest, There lay that store I counted best.72

In the next lines 21 -26, Anne Bradstreet on the moment she passed the ruins of her house. When Bradstreet saw what was left, she is truly sad. Her eyes looked over inside which she and her family used to sit and lie down. Bradstreet remembers that there are luggage and crates that used to be in the house. My pleasant things in ashes lie And them behold no more shall I. Under thy roof no guest shall sit, Nor at thy Table eat a bit. No pleasant talk shall „ere be told Nor things recounted done of old. No Candle e'er shall shine in Thee, Nor bridegroom„s voice e'er heard shall be73

The next part line 27- 34 of Anne Bradstreet reveals how she likes lying in the ashes but he will no longer go and see them. There was nothing left for her to see. Besides, the house they used to live in will no longer be the host for the guests at the table. There will be no more pleasant talk or retelling of the past. In silence ever shalt thou lie, Adieu, Adieu, all‟s vanity. Then straight I „gin my heart to chide, And did thy wealth on earth abide? Didst fix thy hope on mould‟ring dust?

72 Ibid.p.184 73 Ibid.p.184

The arm of flesh didst make thy trust? Raise up thy thoughts above the sky That dunghill mists away may fly.74

Next stanza line 35-42 Anne Bradstreet says “adieu” to her house in line to thirty six. Bradstreet is trying to refresh herself from unpleasant memories of what used to be at her house. The following sentences brought her out of her depression as she scolded herself for feeling so sad to lose. Bradstreet asking herself of what actually she did. Bradstreet chose to raise her own mind above the road and sky. Bradstreet rededicates herself to love God more than before. Thou hast a house on high erect Frameed by that mighty Architect, With glory richly furnished, Stands permanent though this be fled. It„s purchased and paid for too By Him who hath enough to do.75

In the stanza line 43-49 above, Bradstreet describes the true home that awaits her in the sky. This is a house on a high upright made by God herself equipped with luxurious fittings. A price so vast as is unknown, Yet by His gift is made thine own; There„s wealth enough, I need no more, Farewell, my pelf, farewell, my store. The world no longer let me love, My hope and treasure lies above.76

In the last stanza line 50-56 Bradstreet describes a house made by God which beyond the price. It is not something that can be bought. In the last Line of

74 Ibid.p.184 75 Ibid.p.184 76 Ibid.p.184

the poetry allows Bradstreet say farewell of what she knew beforehand. She was ready to forget the pass and refocused herself on the home awaiting her in heaven. It can be concluded that this poem tells the reader about “Verses upon the Burning of our House, July 10th 1666” and this poem describes the feelings of Anne Bradstreet when the house is on fire. This happened in July 1666 two months before that other great fire that would destroy much of London. She wrote it to show the traumatic loss of her home and most of her possessions. But she extends of the understanding that God had taken them away so that their families could lead more dedicated lives. f. To My Dear and Loving Husband To My Dear and Loving Husband' by Anne Bradstreet is a beautiful poem of mutual love between the poet and his beloved husband. “To My Dear and Loving Husband” is a love poem. It Talks about the sweet relationship between Anne Bradstreet and her husband. Through this poem, Anne honors her beloved husband. She was no different from them. They are one. Nothing materialistic can compare their feelings for each other. The poet thirsts for love and her heart which has things that poets long for. In fact, by writing this verse Anne Bradstreet wanted to perpetuate her love for her husband.

If ever two were one, then surely we. If ever man were loved by wife, then thee. If ever wife was happy in a man, Compare with me, ye women, if you can. The first stanza is line 1-4,this expresses her deep love for her husband by saying that if there are two people in the history of marriage who have ever bonded together as if they were person, then it must be her and her husband. Then she loved him as any woman has ever loved a man. She challenges her to compare her to other women and see that she herself is the happiest of all women because she married him.

I prize thy love more than whole mines of gold, Or all the riches that the East doth hold. My love is such that rivers cannot quench, Nor ought but love from thee give recompense.

The next line 5 – 8, she declared to her husband that his love was far more valuable for her than any amount of money that could be valuable. She expressed that she values her love “more than all the gold mines” and even more than "all the wealth that belongs to the East." This shows that she values human feelings of love in relationships and commitments with others far more than she values any amount of material wealth. Then even though she is the happiest woman, she does not consider herself completely satisfied, because the nature of her love is such that she feels she will never have enough. She expressed her gratitude for being the recipient of her husband's love, claiming that she could never "reciprocate" his love. It shows that she feels so loved by her husband that she doesn't believe she can make him feel loved the way she feels.

Thy love is such I can no way repay; The heavens reward thee manifold, I pray. Then while we live, in love let‟s so persever, That when we live no more, we may live ever.

The last stanza line 9 – 12 she repeats her thought that her love is deeper than what she could say in return, and since she doesn't believe that she herself can repay her husband for the love she has been given to her, she prays to God that will bless her husband in return for the way he loves his wife. She ends by claiming that they will endure in love to the end. This sentence indicates that their love is eternal. She believed that after this life ended, they would continue to love forever.

In this poem has many messages for us such as in this case we should always remember that everything that happens is the will of God. It is also a reminder. Within limitations life, the awareness of personal life, God intimate relationships and using the talents God has given, become one responsibility that we have to do. If in the end God want to use this to be a blessing for many people, and then let it be God's grace works. Based on the explanations above it can be concluded that detail meaning of Anne Bradstreet from her selected poems such as “Deliverance from Another Sore Fit”tells about the beginning of his life when she moved to America. She felt sad when new immigrants including Anne Bradstreet and her family were found to be in much worse condition and tougher than they thought. “Before the Birth of One of Her Children” tells about her fear of having to face death during childbirth. “What God is Like to Him I Serve”tells about the nature of God and his admiration for God. “Upon My Dear and Loving Husband his Going into England Jan. 16, 1661” tells about describes feeling worried about her husband going to work in England,“Verses Upon the Burning of our House, July 10th, 1666” tells about describes the laughter and sadness when a fire broke out in their house, and To My Dear and Loving Husband tells about deep love for her husband.Anne Bradstreet's poetry varies, namely: sadness, love, and admiration. The first was about her sorrow, the second was about the fear of dying in childbirth, and the third was about her admiration for her god. The fourth poem about her relating to her husband, the fifth poems about scorching and sadness of the fire in their house, and the last one about love in this poem she tells about her life.

B. Reflection of Anne Bradstreet Life As Seen in Her Poems After the writer arranged the formulation by finding the problem and it would be discussed and explained in this thesis. The writer explained briefly about the theory of Expressive, and Meaning, and then the analyzed the formulation itself in the analysis. Several of Anne Bradstreet‟s poems reflect of her life. Anne Bradstreet wrote down the poems and gave the information to the

readers about her life experience into her poems. She made the poem from all her life experiences. A devout puritan woman Anne Bradstreet wrote a lot of poetry about Religion. The role of women of immortality and others, but all the poetry he wrote was inseparable from the value-licking deity.Anne Bradstreet also made her poems with some expression, they are: sadness, happiness, and sympathy.

1. 1. To My Dear and Loving Husband Anne Bradstreet (1612-1672) was a well-known English poet who was known in America. She had a husband named Simor Bradstreet, she married in 1628, exactly 16 years old. Anne Bradstreet was a Puritan, so she believed in life after death and put her hope in this belief. This is demonstrated in the last two lines of “To my Dear and Loving Husband”. Bradstreet has a lot of intellectual ideas and likes to discuss religion. And she has become a beacon of hope for many female writers who want to be recognized for their intelligence. Although Bradstreet adheres to the male hierarchy that is promoted in her society today, one must remember that he was a Puritan and that under her influence and beliefs she did her best to promote recognition of intelligence and abilities of women everywhere. Bradstreet did not fight systems, as many women did later on, but this may be because in her personal experience, he had a loving father and a loving and gentle husband, so he promoted women in the context of a male hierarchy. She did not personally feel the oppression that many women in her time must have felt. This poem in particular expresses that Anne seems to be in a loving and sincere marriage where her husband does not oppress her, but loves and cherishes her. 2. 2. Deliverance from another Sore Fit Anne Bradstreet (1612-1672) was a well-known English poet who was known in America. She had a husband named Simor Bradstreet, she married in 1628, exactly 16 years old. Living among the Puritans in their sailed to

America with the Massachusetts Bay Dar company the Puritan Winthrop group. Then settle in Massachuse Together with her husband she owned. 77 With her father's work background, Thomas Dudley was the servant of the Earl of Licoln, Anne received that education excellent in various fields and languages. That was started from the field of history literature to Greek, Latin, French, and Italian. All in almost as good as English, which is her native language,is in the middle. Important men's environment, her existence as an intelligent woman makes it Cucumber the difficulty. It was very painful for herbecause so a lot of pressure and not a very good view surprising if she never had the intention of publishing a paper her writing. She has written a great deal of writing Poetry that she is mostly written for herself, as well as for her family her good brothers and colleagues. In 1630 Anne Bradstreet with her husband, father, and others such as John Winthrop and , moved to Arbella, an eleven lead ship that departed at April and landed at Salem Harbor in June 1630. New immigrants including Anne Bradstreet were found to be in a much worse condition than they thought Anne and her family has been relatively comfortable in England, The trip, which took three months and was quite arduous, starving with several people dying from their rough and cold life, was quite different from the picturesque area with the well-stocked library where Anne Bradstreet spent hours in her home while in England.78 Now, life is tougher. However as a later poem Bradstreet made clear, they were "submitted" to the will of God. As explained in the following poem:

In my distress I sought the Lord When naught on earth could comfort give, And when my soul these things abhorred, Then, Lord, Thou Said‟s unto me, "Live".79

77 ------.2012. Anne Bradstreet Poem. ( - The World's Poetry Archive) 78 Ibid.p.2 79 Ibid.p.2

A sad poem is beautiful when it is created by someone who is truly sad so that every word really becomes a picture of his heart. Not infrequently, the poetry that is written can make the reader feel the feelings of its creator. Questions about the nature of life indeed there is no end. We cannot choose to be born in certain situations, because all of them are powerful sovereigns. Life is really a mystery in which there is happiness and sadness. We as humans should be able to take life lessons from all the problems we face so that we can grow into individuals with character. This poem tells who asks God for help with anxiety and sadness in her life. Indicated that it contains aspects of the creed, namely in the form of belief in God. This is reflected in the line of poetry above.

3. Before the Birth of One of Our Children In 1630 settled in America, to be exact 18 years, Anne Bradstreet and her husband Simor Bradstreet began to adapt to a new place, living in a puritanical environment. Bradstreet believed marriage as a gift from God. In his work, "Before the Birth of One of His Children," Bradstreet recognizes the gift of marriage from God. Starting in 1633, Bradstreet gave birth to eight children. As he noted in his later poetry, half female, half male:80

I have eight birds hatched in one nest, Four Cocks are there, and Hens the rest.

Women in colonial New England spent a great deal of their adult lives pregnant. The life expectancy of women was lower than it was for men (62 for women vs. 69 for men), mostly due to the fact that there was a high rate of death during childbirth. According to the Digital History Project, “During 18th – 17th Centuries, between 1 percent and 1.5 percent of all births ended in the mother's death as a result of exhaustion, dehydration, infection, hemorrhage, or convulsions. Since the typical mother gave birth to between five and eight


children, her lifetime chances of dying in childbirth ran as high as 1 in 8.81 This situation made Bradstreet feel worried if death would happen to her, as the feeling expressed in a poem.

All things within this fading world hath end, Adversity doth still our joyes attend; No ties so strong, no friends so dear and sweet, But with death‟s parting blow is sure to meet. The sentence past is most irrevocable, A common thing, yet oh inevitable.

Started this poem, Bradstreet reflects on the life and reality of death for all humans. Everything in the world will fade away and end. Bradstreet believed and accepted that the pain of childbirth and the risk of death were her God given destiny, she naturally feels sad and worried about her future separation from her husband and children.

4. What God is like to him I serve In 1640 Poetry that she made secretly brought to England by her brother-in-law without his knowledge. After published en masse, it became a very well-received poem by the wider community and well known. Anne's work is known for being that contemplative of her life as a Puritan. Contemplation of will the word of God and his personal daily experiences with God on under all circumstances, make the writing full meaning. 82 Bradstreet was the only woman of her time to publish a book on poetry, and mainly wrote about her relationship with and her love for her family members, particularly her husband and children. While the formal message for some of Bradstreet's works is “that love of God is more important than love of husband or child”, the evidence in many of his works shows that her roles as wife

81 An Selly. https:/ the-birth-of-one-of-her-children(retired on Friday at November 06,2020 at 07.29 pm ) 82Ibid.p.3

and mother were very important to Bradstreet, and her Puritan values, as well as her faith in God, contributed. big on aspects of her life. A poem entitled “What God is like to him I serve” is about God in a really neat way, because according to Bradstreet because beauty is God's masterpiece. This admiration for God can be possessed by all who believe in the existence of God. God who is always there for her, and God who is fair to her, To repay what God has given her, in this poem reflects the life of author about the admiration of God and how to act properly in accordance with the advice commanded by God.

5. Upon My Dear and Loving Husband his Going into England Jan. 16, 1661 If two are one, then we must be If a man loved by his wife, then you

This expression is an expression of love that Bradstreet has for her husband who sincerely loves and cherishes her. Being a wife of a husband who is in the highest ranks of Massachusetts society, a minister at the Boston church and also the mother of their eight children, Bradstreet also has a disease that is tuberculosis. But among all this, he found time to write poetry. In 1661, her husband even returned to England to negotiate the terms of a new charter for the colony with King Charles II.83 This absence left Bradstreet in charge of the farm and family, looking after the house, raising children, managing farm work. When her husband went to England,Bradstreet prayed for him. Hope that God will always protect and protect her husband, carry out all of her husband's affairs as expressed in one of her poems entitled “Upon My Dear and Loving Husband his Going into England” O thov most high who rulest All, And hear'st the Prayers of Thine; O hearken, Lord, vnto my suit, And my Petition sign.

83 Ibid.p.4

Into thy everlasting Arms. Of mercy I commend Thy servant, Lord. Keep and preserve My husband, my dear friend.84 In this poem the writer reflects on the life of being a wife, feelings of anxiety come because she worried about her husband's situation. When her husband works far away from her, Bradstreet can only send a prayer hope that health and safety are always with her husband.

6.Verses upon the Burning of our House, July 10th, 1666 In 1666, Anne was 54 years old to be exact, their home that was in North Andover on fire makes their families not had no place to live and only a few things left just private. From then on, her health deteriorated. She suffering from tuberculosis and can no longer see her family who valuable. However, 1a was extremely strong and determined within personal reflection and knowledge of God's Faith. And to my God my heart did cry To straighten me in my Distress And not to leave me succourless. Then, coming out, behold a space The flame consume my dwelling place. And when I could no longer look, I blest His name that gave and took, That laid my goods now in the dust. Yea, so it was, and so „twas just. It was his own, it was not mine, Far be it that I should repine; He might of all justly bereft But yet sufficient for us left85

84 Ibid.p.186 85 Ibid.p.192

“Verses Upon the Burning of our House. July10th. 1666” is. a poem by Anne Bradstreet. She wrote it for revealed the traumatic loss to her home and a large part her property, and a sad expression to her god “And to my God my heart did cry” But she broadens the understanding that God has taken them so that her family can live in more pious life. The woman who lived in the era like Bradstreet, though she got a good education, but of course it does not have very big role. However, being raised in a Puritan family, the introduction will God and her position before God are the references for her life. Based on the explanations above it can be concluded that the selected poems reflect Anne Bradstreet's life in the first poem is “Deliverance from another Sore Fit” written in 1630 at Salem Harbor. America, this poem tells about the beginning of his life when she moved to America. She felt sad when new immigrants including Anne Bradstreet and her family were found to be in much worse condition and tougher than they thought. The second poem is “Before the Birth of One of Her Children” written in 1633 at America. This poem tells about her fear of having to face death during childbirth. The third poem is "What God is like to Him I Serves?" written in 1656 at America. This poem tells about the nature of God and his admiration for God. The fourth poem is “Upon My Dear and Loving Husband his Going into England Jan. 16, 1661”written in 1661 at America. This poem describes feeling worried about her husband going to work in England. The fifth poem is “Verses upon the Burning of our House, July 10th 1666”. Written in 1666 at America, this poem describes the laughter and sadness when a fire broke out in their house and the last is “To My Dear and Loving Husband” written in 1628 at America. This poem describes about deep love for her husband. Anne Bradstreet's poetry varies, namely: sadness, love and admiration. The first was about her sorrow, the second was about the fear of dying in childbirth, and the third was about her admiration for her God. The fourth poem about her relating to her husband, and the last one about the scorching and sadness of the fire in their house, in this poem she tells about her life.


A. Conclusion After analyzing the reflection of Anne Bradstreet‟s life as seen in her selected poems, they are: The selected poems reflect Anne Bradstreet's life in the first poem is “Deliverance from another sore Fit” written in 1630 at Salem Harbor. America, this poem tells about the beginning of her life when she moved to America. She felt sad when new immigrants including Anne Bradstreet and her family were found to be in much worse condition and tougher than they thought. The second poem is “Before the Birth of One of Her Children” written in 1633 at America. This poem tells about her fear of having to face death during childbirth. The third poem is "What God is like to Him I Serves?" written in 1656 at America. This poem tells about the nature of God and her admiration for God. The fourth poem is “Upon My Dear and Loving Husband his Going into England Jan. 16, 1661”written in 1661 at America. This poem describes feeling worried about her husband going to work in England. The fifth poem is “Verses upon the Burning of our House, July 10th 1666”. Written in 1666 at America,this poem describes the sadness when a fire broke out in their house. the writer research in Anne Bradstreet's poem, it describes her personal life experiences in terms of sadness, happyness, feel sorrow and so on. That the expression born from there cannot be separated from religious experience or inner experience of God.

B. Suggestions At the end of this thesis, the writer would like to give some suggestion based on the analysis in this research, there are some suggestion related to this

research. The writer hopes and suggests this research can give contribution knowledge for junior of English Literature Department, especially about the same poet, same object, and about the reflection with author‟s life to the reader. The writer suggests that the other researchers can continue the research about Anne Bradstreet‟s life, because there are many other cases which are good to be discussed and analyzed, for example about symbols of the poems, and study of linguistic in the poems. Since this study only discussed about the poem reflected Anne Bradstreet‟s life, the writer suggests the next researcher to conduct further research focus on one of her life, like education, career, or struggle and so on. The researchers should not be afraid to do a literary research because analyzing a literary work in linguistic and literature, because analyzing a literary work is not hard and we are never wrong in literature, there is only the different perception about linguistic and literature related to many other field of science. Besides that, this thesis is not far away from mistake; therefore the writer needs some critics and suggestions to make this thesis better.


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Anne Bradstreet Biography

Born On : March 20, 1612

Born In : Northhampton, England

Died On : September 16, 1672

Career : Poet, author, essayist

Anne Dudley Bradstreet was born in Northhampton, England in either 1612 or 1613, to Thomas Dudley and Dorothy Yorke. Thomas Dudley was a steward at the manor house of the Earl of Lincoln, and young Anne enjoyed the aristocratic mansion nestled in the English countryside. Her early years were spent benefiting from a superior education, which was provided at home by her father. Anne's childhood reading list included the classical literature of Virgil, Homer, and Thucydides, and the works of Milton and Spenser, among others The privileges experienced by Anne as a young girl would contrast sharply with the harsh realities of married life. She suffered from smallpox at sixteen, and her marriage to Simon Bradstreet followed soon after her recovery. Two years after their marriage, the newlyweds, along with Anne's parents, immigrated to America. The colonists set sail on the Arbella, which of the four departing ships held the more prominent members of English society. The colonists arrived at Salem, Massachusetts on the 22 of July 1630. The journey itself was an act of faith for the group of Puritans, who sought a new life in the American wilderness. Anne herself wrote concerning this expedition that “she submitted to it and joined the church at Boston”a statement which exemplifies her stalwart dedication to the Puritanism. After their arrival in the Massachusetts Bay colony, both the Bradstreets and Dudleys would relocate frequently, mainly in an attempt to achieve political status for the male members of the family. Both Anne's father and husband would serve as colonial governors,

and the former succeeded John Winthrop as governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. After residing in Salem, the family moved to Charlestown, and then Cambridge, followed by Ipswich, and eventually settled in Andover. Between the years of 1633 and 1652, Anne Bradstreet gave birth to eight children. Her commitment to her family was unwavering, as was her sense of responsibility towards God and society. Puritanism was an overwhelming component of Anne's life, and this emphasis on religion was extended to her writing. Anne's first known poem entitled "Upon a Fit of Sickness, Anno. 1632" reflects her Puritan values, as they existed at the young age of 19. In Tenth Muse. Her inability to adopt a female muse was dependent on its existence as a male literary tool, thus Anne was forced to pay homage to the male figure. Critic Wendy Martin addresses Anne's utilization of the male in her poetry, "In order not to appear presumptuous or competitive, Bradstreet had to solicit their protection, defer to their superior abilities, and assume a deferential pose". This willingness to defer to the Patriarchy typifies female subservience during the colonial period, and demonstrates the impact of religious ideology on literature. Anne Bradstreet died in September 16, 1672 at Andover, Massachusetts. Her contribution to literature is only paralleled by her devotion to her faith and family. The willingness to journey to a strange land was mirrored by a desire to explore the soul.86 The voyage on the “Arbella” with John Winthrop took three months and was quite difficult, with several people dying from the experience. Life was rough and cold, quite a change from the beautiful area with its well-stocked library where Anne spent many hours. As Anne tells her children in her memoirs, “i found a new world and new manners at which my heart rose (up in protest)”. However, she did decide to join the church at Boston. As white writes, instead of looking outward and writing her observations on this unfamiliar scene with its rough and fearsome aspects, she let her homesick imagination turn inward,

86An archive. Anne Bradstreet.1612-1672:A Brief Literary Biography (http:/ (retired at October 23,2020 at 05.08 pm)

organized the images from her store of learning and dressed them in careful homespun garments. This situation was surely made painfully clear to her in the fate of her friend Anne Hutchinson, also intelligent, educated of a prosperous family and deeply religious. The mother of 14 children and a dynamic speaker, Hutchinson held prayer meetings where women debated religious and ethical ideas. She belief that the Holy spirit stays within a justified person and so is not based on the good works necessary for admission to the church was considered heretical. She was labeled a jezebel and banished, eventually murder in an Indian attack in New York. No wonder Bradstreet was not anxious to publish her poetry and especially kept her more personal works private. There is little evidence about Anne‟s Life in Massachusetts beyond that given in her poetry-no portrait, no grave marker (though there is a house in Ipswich, MA). She and her family moved several times, always to more remote frontier areas where Simon could accumulate more property and political power. They would have been quite vulnerable to Indian attack there; families of powerful Puritans were often singled out for kidnapping and ransom. Her poems tell us that she loved her husband deeply and missed him greatly when he left frequently on colony business to England and other settlements (he was a competent administrator and eventually governor). However, her feelings about him, as well as about her Puritan faith and her position as a woman in the Puritan community, seem complex and perhaps mixed. They had 8 children within about 10 years, all of whom survived childhood. She was frequently ill and anticipated dying, especially in childbirth, but she lived to be 60 years old. Anne Bradstreet seems to have written poetry primarily for herself, her family, and her friends, many of whom were very well educated. Her early, more imitative poetry, taken to England by her brother in law (possibly without her permission), appeared as The Tenth Muse Latery Sprung up in America in 1650 when she was 38 and sold well in England. Her later works, not published in her lifetime although shared with friends and family, were more private and personal and far more original than those published in The Tenth Muse. Her love poetry of

course, falls in this group which in style and subject matter was unique for her time, interestingly different from the poetry written by male contemporaries, even those in Massachusetts such as Edward Taylor and Michael Wigglesworth.


Anne Bradstreet Six Selected Poems

To My Dear and Loving Husband By Anne Bradstreet

If ever two were one, then surely we. If ever man were loved by wife, then thee. If ever wife was happy in a man, Compare with me, ye women, if you can. I prize thy love more than whole mines of gold, Or all the riches that the East doth hold. My love is such that rivers cannot quench, Nor ought but love from thee give recompense. Thy love is such I can no way repay; The heavens reward thee manifold, I pray. Then while we live, in love let‟s so persever, That when we live no more, we may live ever

Deliverance From Another Sore Fit By Anne Bradstreet

In my distress I sought the Lord When naught on earth could comfort give, And when my soul these things abhorred, Then, Lord, Thou said'st unto me, "Live."

Thou knowest the sorrows that I felt; My plaints and groans were heard of Thee, And how in sweat I seemed to melt Thou help'st and Thou regardest me.

My wasted flesh Thou didst restore, My feeble loins didst gird with strength, Yea, when I was most low and poor, I said I shall praise Thee at length.

What shall I render to my God For all His bounty showed to me? Even for His mercies in His rod, Where pity most of all I see.

My heart I wholly give to Thee; O make it fruitful, faithful Lord. My life shall dedicated be

To praise in thought, in deed, in word.

Thou know'st no life I did require Longer than still Thy name to praise, Nor ought on earth worthy desire, In drawing out these wretched days.

Thy name and praise to celebrate, O Lord, for aye is my request. O grant I do it in this state, And then with Thee, which is the best.

Before the Birth of One of Her Children By Anne Bradstreet

All things within this fading world hath end, Adversity doth still our joyes attend; No ties so strong, no friends so dear and sweet, But with death‟s parting blow is sure to meet. The sentence past is most irrevocable, A common thing, yet oh inevitable. How soon, my Dear, death may my steps attend,

How soon‟t may be thy Lot to lose thy friend, We are both ignorant, yet love bids me These farewell lines to recommend to thee, That when that knot‟s untied that made us one, I may seem thine, who in effect am none. And if I see not half my dayes that‟s due, What nature would, God grant to yours and you; The many faults that well you know I have Let be interr‟d in my oblivious grave; If any worth or virtue were in me, Let that live freshly in thy memory And when thou feel‟st no grief, as I no harms, Yet love thy dead, who long lay in thine arms. And when thy loss shall be repaid with gains Look to my little babes, my dear remains. And if thou love thyself, or loved‟st me, These o protect from step Dames injury. And if chance to thine eyes shall bring this verse, With some sad sighs honour my absent Herse; And kiss this paper for thy loves dear sake, Who with salt tears this last Farewel did take.

What God is like to Him I serve By Anne Bradstreet

What God is like to Him I serve? What Saviour like to mine? O never let me from Thee swerve, For truly I am Thine.

My thankful mouth shall speak Thy praise,

My tongue shall talk of Thee; On high my heart O do Thou raise For what Thou'st done for me.

Go worldlings to your vanities, And heathen to your gods; Let them help in adversities And sanctify their rods;

My God He is not like to yours Yourselves shall judges be; I find His love, I know His power -- A succorer of me

He is not man that He should lie, Nor son of man to unsay; His word He plighted hath on high, And I shall live for aye.

And for His sake that faithful is, That died but now doth live, The first and last that lives for aye, Me lasting life shall give.

July 8th, 1656

Upon My Dear and Loving Husband his Going into England Jan. 16, 1661

By Anne Bradstreet O thou Most High who rulest all And hear'st the prayers of thine, O hearken, Lord, unto my suit And my petition sign.

Into Thy everlasting arms Of mercy I commend Thy servant, Lord. Keep and preserve My husband, my dear friend.

At Thy command, O Lord, he went, Nor nought could keep him back.

Then let Thy promise joy his heart, O help and be not slack.

Uphold my heart in Thee, O God. Thou art my strength and stay, Thou see'st how weak and frail I am, Hide not Thy face away.

I in obedience to Thy will Thou knowest did submit. It was my duty so to do; O Lord, accept of it.

Unthankfulness for mercies past Impute Thou not to me. O Lord, Thou know'st my weak desire Was to sing praise to Thee.

Lord, be Thou pilot to the ship And send them prosperous gales. In storms and sickness, Lord, preserve. Thy goodness never fails.

Unto Thy work he hath in hand Lord, grant Thou good success And favour in their eyes to whom He shall make his address.

Remember, Lord, Thy folk whom Thou To wilderness hast brought; Let not Thine own inheritance Be sold away for nought.

But tokens of Thy favour give, With joy send back my dear That I and all Thy servants may Rejoice with heavenly cheer.

Lord, let my eyes see once again Him whom Thou gavest me That we together may sing praise Forever unto Thee.

And the remainder of our days Shall consecrated be With an engaged heart to sing All praises unto Thee.

Verses upon the Burning of our House, July 10th, 1666 By Anne Bradstreet Here Follows Some Verses Upon the Burning of Our house, July 10th. 1666. Copied Out of a Loose Paper. In silent night when rest I took, For sorrow near I did not look, I wakened was with thund‟ring noise And piteous shrieks of dreadful voice. That fearful sound of “fire” and “fire,” Let no man know is my Desire. I, starting up, the light did spy, And to my God my heart did cry To straighten me in my Distress And not to leave me succourless. Then, coming out, behold a space The flame consume my dwelling place. And when I could no longer look, I blest His name that gave and took, That laid my goods now in the dust. Yea, so it was, and so „twas just. It was his own, it was not mine, Far be it that I should repine; He might of all justly bereft But yet sufficient for us left.

When by the ruins oft I past My sorrowing eyes aside did cast And here and there the places spy Where oft I sate and long did lie. Here stood that trunk, and there that chest, There lay that store I counted best. My pleasant things in ashes lie And them behold no more shall I. Under thy roof no guest shall sit, Nor at thy Table eat a bit. No pleasant talk shall „ere be told Nor things recounted done of old. No Candle e'er shall shine in Thee, Nor bridegroom„s voice e'er heard shall be. In silence ever shalt thou lie, Adieu, Adieu, all‟s vanity. Then straight I „gin my heart to chide, And did thy wealth on earth abide? Didst fix thy hope on mould'ring dust? The arm of flesh didst make thy trust? Raise up thy thoughts above the sky That dunghill mists away may fly. 43 Thou hast a house on high erect Frameed by that mighty Architect, With glory richly furnished, Stands permanent though this be fled. It„s purchased and paid for too By Him who hath enough to do.

A price so vast as is unknown, Yet by His gift is made thine own; There„s wealth enough, I need no more, Farewell, my pelf, farewell, my store. The world no longer let me love, My hope and treasure lies above.