Serving Oregon’s South Coast Since 1878 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2012 theworldlink.com I $1.50 Theft spree ends with conviction

BY TYLER RICHARDSON Hughes said Banister helped steal The burglaries, which happened thousands of dollars worth of between Sept. and Nov. 2011, all expensive tools, engines, tractors occurred in the Bandon area. Banis- A Bandon man was convicted of and other items during the burgla- ter stole the items to scrap and make five felonies Friday in connection ries. The victims were able to recov- a profit. with a string of thefts last year. er some of their items on Banister’s “I’m not going to say this isn’t a “I am extremely satisfied with property after police searched it confusing case with a lot of victims the verdict,” Coos County Deputy multiple times. and a lot of stolen property,”Hugh- District Attorney Ryan Hughes said. Banister was on trial for seven es told the jury Thursday. “Pay “Law enforcement put in a lot of felonies, including three counts of attention to where the property work in this confusing case.” second-degree burglary, three starts to pop up.” Five witnesses took the stand counts of first-degree theft and The first witness to testify, Thursday and testified they recov- aggravated first-degree theft. He By Alysha Beck, The World ered items stolen from their proper- was acquitted on two counts of sec- Shane Banister’s two-day trial began Thursday at the Coos County Courthouse in ties at Shane M. Banister’s house. ond-degree burglary. SEE BANISTER | A8 Coquille. Banister is charged with seven felonies, including burglary and theft. Coal debate chugs ahead Paper: No conflict of interest

I As candidate leaves mayoral race, questions arise for Coquille paper


COQUILLE — A candidate for mayor of Coquille has dropped out of the race, leaving unop- posed a candidate with close ties to the town’s weekly newspaper. Councilor Linda Short says her was not spurred by a decision by The Sentinel to reject her political advertisement last week. “I just kind of feel I can serve Coquille better by being a Coquille city councilor,”she said. Jean Ivey, owner and editor of The Sentinel, wouldn’t confirm whether she had refused to place an advertisement for Short. But she said she has had a contentious rela- By Dylan Brown, Helena Independent Record tionship with A coal train comes around a corner alongside Austin Road in Helena, Montana. On Monday, the Eugene City Council will decide whether to pass a resolution formally oppos- Short for several Linda Short ing a coal export terminal in Coos Bay. If a terminal existed, coal trains from Montana would pass through the city on their way to Coos Bay. years. Last Coquille October, she city councilor canceled Short’s subscription to The Sentinel. Eugene to hear protesters, supporters “She is the only person I have ever dropped a subscription for,” she said. “I sent her money back. I Port of Coos Bay She will never have a Sentinel Participate live again.” representatives will The Eugene City Council’s meeting will Ivey added that the newspaper present the case for coal begin at 5:30 p.m. Monday at the Bascom- has no conflict of interest, even Tykeson Room of the Eugene Public though Short’s former opponent, Library, 100 W. 10th Ave. Matt Rowe, is a freelance con- BY JESSIE HIGGINS A World reporter will report live from tributor for The Sentinel. The World the meeting. Head to “Do you think it’s a conflict of www.theworldlink.com at 5:30 p.m. to interest that the mayor of Bandon The battle lines in the coal export read live coverage, take polls and view is the editor the Myrtle Point debate have been drawn. footage related to the meeting. Herald?” she said. One side says exporting coal to Asia could be the West Coast’s eco- nomic salvation. The other side says Climate Solutions, a non profit SEE SHORT | A6 it will ruin our planet and devastate environmental organization. our health. “There is a whole range of issues On Monday, the coal debate will that are getting communities and A tangle of news and make a brief stop in Eugene. groups and leaders concerned about politics in Coquille The city council there is consid- this,”said Ross Macfarlane, a senior By Eliza Wiley, Helena Independent Record adviser for Climate Solutions, who ering a resolution that would for- A coal train moving east bound crosses Benton Avenue near Sunhaven subdivision in I Jean Ivey, Sentinel owner and editor mally oppose coal trains passing will be presenting at Monday’s — Donated $1,500 to Commissioner Bob Helena, Mont., as the work day ends. More than half of the respondents to a Helena council meeting. Main’s re-election campaign in April. through the town on their way to a Citizens Council survey on a quiet zone in the city described noise from trains as a “The Coos Bay proposal does not I Sharon Waterman, Sentinel free- proposed coal export terminal in “quality of life issue.” Coos Bay. The resolution cites exist in isolation,”he said. We can’t lancer — Waterman and her husband have health and safety risks posed by the continue relying on “the world’s donated $2,200 to Commissioner Bob Main’s re-election campaign this year. coal trains, which provide minimal Pacific Northwest. The resolutions Four groups will give presenta- dirtiest and most carbon intensive I Matt Rowe, Sentinel freelancer and economic benefit to the city. have no legal weight, but the cities tions at Monday’s meeting: the Ore- fuel.” former editor — Coquille mayoral candi- Dozens of other cities along pro- hope they will pressure federal gon International Port of Coos Bay; There are three proposed coal export terminals in Oregon — date. Received $1,500 from Commissioner posed coal train routes have passed agencies. the South Coast Regional Solutions Bob Main for political consulting in May. similar resolutions calling for a Before Eugene decides on its res- Committee, a job-creation advisory including one in Coos Bay — and I Dian Courtright, photographer — comprehensive study on how olution, the council wants to hear group to the governor; the Physi- Coquille City Council candidate. exporting coal to Asia will affect the from both sides of the debate. cians for Social Responsibility; and SEE COUNCIL | A8

James Cahill, Coos Bay Andrew Meier, West Lynn Police reports . . . . A2 Sports ...... B1 Michaeline Keller, Coquille T S S James McWilliam, Myrtle Point E Chance of rain A H Heather Williams, Eugene D South Coast...... A3 Comics ...... C5 Margaret Roghair, North Bend I C T Earle Likens, Coquille 60/41 E A S Opinion...... A4 Classifieds ...... C6 Dale Likens, Coquille Weather | A8 E R N Harold Householder, Reedsport Ruth Harrison, Harbor I D Nation...... A7 Puzzles...... C8 O Bobby Cole, Lebanon Obituaries | A5 F


C M C M Y K A2 •The World • Saturday, October 6,2012 Y K South Coast City Editor Ryan Haas • 541-269-1222, ext. 239 theworldlink.com/news/local A little off the top Let the games begin

The Associated Press By Lou Sennick, The World Members of the U.S. team, including Maddie Cutts, Krista Nakamura and Reilly Meehan from Oregon Ian Ciccarelli cleans up the awning in front of his North Bend restaruant Tuesday morning under the sun- Coast Culinary Institute, smile prior the opening ceremony of the Culinary Olympics in Erfurt, Germany, shine. He said he cleans it up twice a year, but had to wait for its fall cleaning while the dust from the new on Friday.About 1,600 chefs and pastry chefs and their support teams from 50 countries transform the sidewalk construction was finished. fairgrounds into a platform of the finest culinary art for the next five days.

Thefts & Mischief COOS BAY block of South Seventh Street. Oct. 2, 12:59 p.m., criminal tres- block of Michigan Avenue. Oct. 2, 5:44 p.m., criminal tres- Oct. 2, 8:34 p.m., arrest for mis- pass, 1100 block of Central Oct. 2, 7:40 a.m., theft, 700 block Oct. 2, 9:55 a.m., dispute, 700 Oct. 2, 1:45 p.m., dispute, 1700 pass, 100 block of South Sev- use of 911, 200 block of Second of F Street. block of Ferguson Avenue. Avenue. block of Pennsylvania Avenue. enth Street. Avenue. Oct. 2, 7:51 a.m., criminal mis- Oct. 2, 12:05 p.m., criminal tres- Oct. 2, 1:06 p.m., criminal tres- Oct. 2, 3:23 p.m., theft of mail, Oct. 2, 6:30 p.m., criminal tres- Oct. 3, 2:05 a.m., dispute, 1300 chief, 900 block of South 11th pass, 200 block of Kruse Avenue. pass, 1400 block of Lakeshore 200 block of North Wall Street. pass, 400 block of South Was- block of Seagate Avenue. Drive. Street. Oct. 2, 12:42 p.m., theft, 800 Oct. 2, 4:26 p.m., theft, 100 block son Street. Oct. 3, 7:43 a.m., arrest on Mon- Oct. 2, 8:15 a.m., assault, 1000 block of South Broadway Street. Oct. 2, 1:23 p.m., disorderly conduct, of South Seventh Street. Oct. 2, 7:37 p.m., theft of cell tana warrant for failure to block of West Ingersoll Avenue. Oct. 2, 12:52 p.m., harassment, 800 block of South Broadway. Oct. 2, 5:32 p.m., shoplifter, Wal- phone, 200 block of Second appear, Commercial Avenue and Oct. 2, 9:26 a.m., shoplifter, 100 1300 block of Lakeshore Drive. Oct. 2, 1:34 p.m., burglary, 900 mart, 2051 Newmark Avenue. Avenue. 11th Street. Pets of the Week Births BAY AREA HOSPITAL Kaleb Elijah Nowotny was born at 9:02 a.m. on Sept. 20, 2012, 8 weighing 7 pounds, 2 ⁄10 ounces. Parents are Jason Nowotny and Cortney Pantekoek of Coquille. Kinsley Noel Nothiger was born at 5:42 a.m. on Sept. 21, 2012, Smokie Lisa’s kittens Maverick Alicia weighing 6 pounds, 5 ounces. Parents are Benjamin and Kasey Pacific Cove Humane Society Coos County Animal Shelter Nothiger of Coos Bay. Pacific Cove Humane Society is featuring Meet this week’s featured dog and cat at Greyson Warner Louis Pollin was a dog and four kittens of the week. the Coos County Animal Shelter. born at 7:40 a.m. on Sept. 21, I Smokie is a friendly, 7-year-old black lab. I Maverick is a 3-year-old, altered male. 2012, weighing 7 pounds, 7 I Lisa has four darling, 8-week-old kittens . I Alicia is around 4 years old and spayed. ounces. Parents are Warner and Evaluation required. For information For more information, call the shelter at Crystal Pollin of Coquille. about adoptions, call 541-756-6522. 541-751-2480. Brogan Michael Manicke was born at 1:11 p.m. on Sept. 21, 2012, weighing 8 pounds, 15 ounces. Parents are Mark and Sara Man- RON icke of Lakeside. VALIQUETTE Damin Wesley Seeley was born at 2:47 a.m. on Sept. 22, 2012, author of weighing 8 pounds, 5 ounces. “Dancing with Celia Parents are Trisden Seeley and Chantiel Miotke of Coos Bay. - Surviving a Pacific Acelyn Lee-Pierre Noriega was born Coast Hurricane ” at 4:03 a.m. on Sept. 22, 2012, N weighing 4 pounds, 8 ounces. Par- ents are Anitelea Noriega and Amorell McCarthy of Coos Bay. Beretta Annette Noriega was born

O at 4:04 a.m. on Sept. 22, 2012, weighing 4 pounds, 10 ounces.

I Parents are Anitelea Noriega and PREMIER PRACTICE Amorell McCarthy of Coos Bay.

S Will be here for a discussion & book Correction

I signing on Land purchase Sat. October 6 In a letter by Arlys Fones at 1:30pm printed Sept. 24, The World

V COOOSOS BBAYAY VISIONVISION CENTERCENTER erroneously reported that her father and uncle purchased - PATRICIA GATES, OD - land in the Garden Valley area after World War II.They pur- 986 Central Ave., Coos Bay • 541.267.4224 chased the land after World War I. Like us on facebook New & Used Policy Book Emporium We want to correct any error that appears in The (541) 756-1215 World. To report an error, call 1875 SHERMAN AVE. our newsroom at 541-269- NORTH BEND, OR 1222 ext. 276 or e-mail 11 [email protected].

BIG CONTACT THE NEW SPAPER CornerofFourth Street& CommercialAvenue,CoosBay Screen TVs! P.O.Box18 4 0 ,CoosBay,OR 97420 541-269-1222 or800-437-6397 at © 2012 Southwestern Oregon Publishing Co. ———————————————————————————————————————————————————— Hom e DeliverySubscription rates:EZ Pay:$9.75 permonth,Annualpre-pay $127. The The M ailDeliverySubscription rates:EZ Pay:$15 permonth,Annualpre-pay $180. R OOST News department S PORTSBA R Localnews Ryan H aasx 239 news@th ew orldlink.com SportsJohn G unther x 241 sports@ th ew orldlink.com Game starts @ 10AM Community eventsBeth B urback x 224events@ th ew orldlink.com Obitu ariesAm anda Johnson x 233 obits@ th ew orldlink.com Come join us for Photo Lou S ennic k x 264 tw photo@ th ew orldlink.com Breakfast Advertising Come down for our Sunday morning Advertising s ales manager Adeline Fisher x 278 afisher@ th ew orldlink.com breakfast special 9 AM-Noon Cla ssified ads 541-267-6278 th ew orldcla ss@ th ew orldlink.com Legalads 541-267-6278 w orldlegals@ th ew orldlink.com Delivery Circulation directo r Cindy R aw lingsx 248 craw lings@ th ew orldlink.com Check us Custo m e r s ervice Bonnie Wilkinsx 247 bwilkins@ th ew orldlink.com out on No new spaper?C ontactyourc arrierorc all541-269-9999

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27 5 GoldenAve.,CoosBay THE WORLD(S S N 10 62-8495) is published M onday th ro u g h www.allam erican pizzaco o p.co m Thursday,and Saturday,b y S outhw este rn O regon Publishing C o. POSTM ASTER S end address changes to The W orld,P.O.B ox 1840,C oos Bay,OR 97420-2269. C M C M Y K Y K

C M C M Y K Saturday, October 6,2012 • The World • A3 Y K South Coast City Editor Ryan Haas• 541-269-1222, ext. 239 theworldlink.com/news/local Applause Coos Bay Rail Link gets credit for safety record

The Coos Bay Rail Link is “We realize nonprofits see There was no cost to enter standards, TripAdvisor rec- getting recognition for their themselves as very different the survey, which was com- ognized the Oregon Connec- recent safety record. CBR from other businesses, but we prised of an anonymous tion/House of Myrtlewood recently accepted the 2011 also believe they have one employee survey and an and bestowed upon them a Jake Award, with distinction, thing very much in common: employer benefits survey “Recommended on TripAdvi- for “achieving a perfect safety Caring about their employ- administered by research sor” label! record with no reportable ees,” said Oregon Business partners DHM Research and TripAdvisor® is the world’s injuries” from the American Editor in Chief Robin Dous- Oregon Business research largest travel site, and it offers Short Line and Regional Rail- sard. “So we created a work- editor, Brandon Sawyer. The trusted advice from real trav- road Association. place best-practices project Nonprofit Association of Ore- elers and a wide variety of The association recog- just for them. We wanted gon consulted on the creation travel choices and planning nizes outstanding safety nonprofits to have the insight of the survey questions. features with links to booking achievements in the short line into their workforce that the tools. TripAdvisor branded railroad industry for railroads corporate world has come to Impressing travelers sites make up the largest trav- that achieved injury-free value over the years.” The Oregon Connection/ el community in the world, operations or an injury fre- The 5,000 employees who House of Myrtlewood (a sub- with more than 60 million quency rate that is less than or participated in the 100 Best sidiary of Star of Hope) con- unique monthly visitors, and equal to the industry average Photos by Tim Novotny Nonprofits survey ranked sat- tinues to wow customers, over 75 million reviews and compiled by the Federal Rail- Coos Bay Rail Link earns top marks and recognition for their safety isfaction and importance of particularly those who are opinions. The sites operate in road Administration. record after re-opening the Coos Bay Rail Line. workplace qualities in six cat- passing through the area. 30 countries worldwide. CBR General Manager egories: Benefits and com- This time earning some In response, Star of Hope Tom Foster says he’s proud of operates weekly freight train profits to Work for in Oregon. pensation; work environ- national recognition. says they would like to con- his team and what it has service, connecting the Based on their widely ment; decision-making and After getting reviews by gratulate Stacy Gavette and accomplished, adding, “not region’s manufacturers to regarded 100 Best Companies trust; performance manage- travelers who are impressed her team at the Oregon Con- only did this crew re-start the North American freight project, the nonprofit version ment; career development by their business and service nection for all their hard work. freight rail service serving rail system through Class 1 was created to recognize a and learning; and sustainable manufacturers and exporters connections at Eugene. critical business sector that workplace practices. in the south Oregon Coast The rail line is currently employs hundreds of thou- Any not-for-profit or non- s region for the first time in four undergoing $30 million in sands of workers. Nearly profit organization with more WWeeeekks years, we did it without one repairs and upgrades. 5,000 employees at 169 Ore- than 10 Oregon employees and TT wwoo lost day of production by any gon nonprofits took part in the /or volunteers was eligible. LYY!! Tribal housing authority project. O ONNL CBR employee.” Those who entered included a 0//1155 The Coos Bay rail line had gets statewide praise The Coquille Indian Hous- wide range of charitable non- /22 ttoo 110 T he BIG been shut down suddenly in A local agency is among the ing Authority in Coos Bay profits that help children, ani- 1100/ 2007,but was re-opened last top “small” non-profits in the came in second place among mals, breast cancer victims October after it was pur- state of Oregon, according to the small nonprofits, finish- and many more; business chased by the Oregon Inter- Oregon Business magazine. ing just behind the Oregon associations; faith-based national Port of Coos Bay. They recently released their Environmental Council in groups; government entities, FALL CBR employs 11 people and fourth annual 100 Best Non- Portland. and civic organizations. Wedding SALE Lookingooking forfor Don’t miss the best prices Keane, Looking for of the year. Ekre CCllassifiedlaassssiiffiieedd AAds?Addss??

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C M C M A4 • The World • Saturday, October 6,2012 Y K Y K

Editorial Board Clark Walworth, Publisher & Editor Opinion Ryan Haas, City Editor Ron Jackimowicz, News Editor theworldlink.com/opinion Public Forum Cheers A very good reason to Jeers say yes to Messerle I am not a Coos County resident, but I reg- ularly read theworldlink.com, because one of & the most important people in my world lives in Coos County — my mom. I am appalled by the blatant lies being At the old ball field spread about Fred Messerle, and about the Messerle family. Root, root, root for the home Do you really think the seven of us would let team. And cheer, cheer, our mom ride off into the sunset with just any cheer for the old schmoe? No! We spent three years getting to know Fred. And even though we ached at donors and vol- the thought of Mom moving 2,500 miles unteers who away,we thank God every day that she is loved contributed to by Fred and his amazing family. rejuvenation of North Bend's The Messerles are good people. We knew it when we first met them. Mom was almost an Clyde Allen Field. In today’s empty nester when she began to correspond fiscal climate, generous with Fred, seeking a pen pal. She said she just community support is often wondered if after 20 years she could have an the only way to provide interesting conversation with a guy that was- n’t all about business. youngsters with memorable Fred was that guy. He wrote about his love buying locally? enrichment activities. for Coos County; he’s always called it “God’s Should we have good reason to be con- country.” cerned that the Coquille tribe may benefit Write to us He always said ranching and timber “isn’t a more than most Coos County citizens from The World welcomes letters from readers. Please So long, Chief way to make a great living,”but it was a “great the large donation made to candidates observe these standards: way to make a living.” He said the ability to Messerle and Cribbins by the Coquille tribe Cheers to the memory of I Use your real name. work daily with his brothers, sons and family and by its individual members? I 400 words maximum. Larry Eastman, who recently was a blessing beyond measure. Don Gurney has real-world experience and I Include your address and daytime phone num- died at age 102, In the years we’ve visited out there, we understands the timber-based economy of ber for verification. the oldest living understood why. The Messerles are good, our county. Main and Gurney are opposed to hiring a county administrator to do the job I No defamation, vulgarity or business com- Coast Guard hard-working people. They love the land, and they care for each other, their communities, that we will be paying them to do. They get my plaints. veteran. He pro- schools and neighbors. vote and hopefully yours also. I No poetry or religious testimony. tected us with his service, And we agree with Fred: Coos County is Bernard (Bill) Timmermann We generally print every letter that meets these Charleston and then he honored us with truly “God’s country.” We miss Mom every guidelines. Send yours to [email protected], his presence, by making the day. But we trust Fred with Mom’s future and or P.O. Box 1840, Coos Bay, 97420. happiness. (Editor’s note: We apologize if our Sept. 4 Bay Area his retirement home. So, I am writing you to let you know the editorial was unclear. We were not address- truth about a fine man. Fred Messerle is the ing ordinary political action committees, picture of honesty, integrity, class, honor and whose donations to candidates are governed A good start family values. And Fred believes in tradition; by campaign-finance rules. Rather, our con- cern was with the so-called “Super PACS,” One thing came Leaders of Oregon Coast he even flew me to Coos Bay to ask for our mom’s hand in marriage. It took him a day of which engage in unlimited fundraising and through loud and clear Community Action say driving around Coos County to work up to it, spending, independent from the candidates.) their want their next CEO but he asked me. It was hard, but I said yes. I think President Barack Obama took the to collaborate I am 110 percent sure on Fred Messerle. So high road in the first presidential debate,by not Pity for those with mentioning the points that have set Mitt back with the public please, don’t believe the blatant lies being spread by a desperate politician who has prob- such a narrow outlook in earlier polls, some of which are personal. and communi- ably forgotten what a hard day’s work is all Good for Obama. That shows his character. cate openly. about. I’ve worked hard to resist my first impulse The debate convinced me that Mitt has Tentative cheers to them, I would still say yes to Fred Messerle. Coos to answer the recent letter from Gary Maynard an insincere smile, which came across espe- cially while he was listening to Obama plus a suggestion: Give the County voters should say yes to him, too. regarding both feral and domestic cats. I final- Glenn W. Geiser ly gave in because of the many conversations answering questions where they seriously next head honcho a less Goshen, Indiana I’ve had with friends,family and acquaintanc- disagreed. Mitt’s smile also seemed a trifle regal title than “CEO.” es, as they too were incensed. condescending, too. I have a couple of questions. Of the 1 billion Plus, I didn’t like Mitt's bright red and Main and Gurney small animals killed by cats, how many are orange tie. So there! Fishy festivities disease-infested or potential destructive We may never understand all the talking will get my vote rodents,ie.mice,rats,moles and our very cur- points and policy details, but sometimes in a The best parts of South rent overproductive urban squirrels? Is the presidential debate, the candidate’s person- Please vote Bob Main and Don Gurney for Coast life often seems to killing of opossums and raccoons a very ality comes through loud and clear. Coos County commissioners Position 1 and 3. important factor? Sherry Johnson involve saltwater. Briny On Sept. 4, The World editorial board told Actually Mr. Maynard, our current domes- Port Orford cheers to the Octoberfish us that, “The problem with money in politics tic cat, Mason, was seriously injured inside is not the amount America spends, but the festival in Charleston today, our urban Salem garage by a renegade rac- sneaky and degrading ways we contrive to and to this morn- coon. We currently possess the proper per- spend it.” We were informed that our elected ing’s South mits to rid ourselves of the Coos County rac- Kudos congressman, and current candidate for re- coons that are trying to harvest our garden Slough Paddle election, Mr. DeFazio, “characterized Super fruit and our chickens, attack our dog and ter- Regatta. The PAC’s spending as an attempt ... to purchase rorize our cat. kayakers and paddleboarders America.” We are currently (because of the thought- Why didn’t The World find fault with the Campaign signs up will work up a fine appetite lessness of people dumping defenseless cats in establishment of the local PAC known as our rural area) feeding, loving and hopefully new library users for tuna and other local deli- “Coos County Alliance for Progress” — the soon to take,a sweet momma cat and her three cacies. PAC founded by and consisting of a few Thanks to the sponsorship of 13 local beautiful babies (whom I’ve already named), merchants, Coos Bay Public Library issued downtown Coos Bay businessmen and local to a feral clinic to get them fixed. Our plan is to operations of foreign owned enterprises and over 100 new library cards during National then bring them home to the farm where, Library Card Sign-Up Month in September. Free wheeling the sovereign dependent nation Coquille hopefully, they will live their lives out hunting Tribe, which stated it was formed in part “to Recognizing the value of having a card and Let’s say this again: anything that they can catch,eating the nutri- using the library, these businesses gener- financially support causes or candidates for tious food we will provide, enjoying the Government has no duty to local government?” ously partnered with the library to offer warmth we will give them and providing us deals, discounts and other incentives to protect entre- This local PAC has funded its preferred with the funny, warm, happy antics that only customers who presented their library card Coos County commissioner candidates with feline animals can provide. preneurs from at time of purchase. $10,000, of which $7,500 went to Messerle, I feel a very huge sense of pity for you, Mr. competition. Many thanks to Bay Area Mailing Con- with perhaps more to come as election time Maynard, and for people that feel as you do. Portland’s cab- nears. Messerle also took $2,000 from the You seem to have a very narrow outlook on life nections, Benetti’s, Bon Appetit Bistro, bies say they’ll suffer Portland PAC called “Coalition for a Healthy and the whole aspect of it.Everything makes it Coney Station, Coos Art Connection, Curves for Women, Garden Elements, Kat- if the city licenses more taxis, Oregon.” No, it’s not a group of physicians. a whole. I feel very fortunate to have a hus- And he took another $1,500 directly from the rina Kathleen’s, Little Italy, Rodeo Steak- and they staged a traffic jam band who shares an open outlook with me. I Coquille Indian Tribe. believe that there are always at least two sides house & Grill, Shark Bites, The Shop and to emphasize their anger. So, is PAC funding of Republican congres- to every story and I feel fortunate to live in a Time Bomb for participating in the “Show Enforced scarcity is bad for sional candidate Robinson terrible but PAC world where I can share mine, as you have Your Card!” campaign and supporting the consumers and ultimately and tribe funding candidates Messerle, Crib- shared yours. Thank you. library’s mission to serve our community. bins and Sweet good? Is PAC funding Robin- Working together works for all of us! bad for the economy. Jeers. Lona Yeiter son “buying America” and PAC and tribe Coquille Ellen Thompson funding Messerle, Cribbins and Sweet not Coos Bay School gaze Cheers to Coos Bay school leaders for taking a patient, community-oriented approach to the problem of aging buildings. They’ll give taxpayers a thorough listen before asking for any money.A community “visioning”meeting begins the discussion: 5:15 p.m. Wednesday,Milner Crest Education Center.

What do you think? The World welcomes letters. Email us at [email protected].

Remembering the fallen U.S. military death tolls in Afghanistan as of Friday: 2,005 C M C M Y K Y K

C M C M Y K Saturday, October 6,2012 • The World • A5 Y K Obituaries

James K. Cahill Richard Cahill; and his and storage company.Short- Jim will be remembered as Married March 12, 1950 - Sept. 27, 2012 cousins, Richard “Ritchie,” ly after, Jim purchased the a loving husband, father, Ellen and Melinda. During business from his family, brother and friend, and he An Irish wake will be held his time there, he learned beginning his career as a will be deeply missed. for the to celebrate the life of James how to fly and traveled small business owner. Jim Jim is survived by his wife “Jim” Cahill, 62, of Coos Bay extensively throughout Cen- grew his company and even- of 38 years, Mary D. Cahill; from 2 to 6 p.m. Saturday, tral and South America tually expanded in the 1980s son, James M. Cahill and Oct. 13, at the TruNorth building lasting memories and opened an LTL freight wife, Megan Kronsteiner- wrong Building, 310 Broadway Ave., and friendships he cherished company in the 1990s. He Cahill of Milwaukie; son, in Coos Bay. throughout his life. After was passionate about his Christopher L. Cahill and Jim was born March 12, returning to Oregon in 1971, business and considered his girlfriend, Dayna N. Baker of reasons 1950, in San Francisco, Jim re-enrolled at OSU employees to be an extension Coos Bay; sisters, Patrice Calif., to James Arthur and where he met and fell in love of his family. “Pic” Cahill and “Mary” Kim Mary Hope (Martin) Cahill. with Mary Haupert. Jim was always contribut- Cahill both of Studio City, DEAR ABBY: I am a 42- At a young age, Jim and his year-old woman who has Jim and Mary were married ing to worthy causes and Calif.; brother, Patrick Cahill family relocated to North at his parent’s home in North donated time and trucking of Coos Bay; and many, wanted to write to you for Bend, when his father fell in years. I’ll soon celebrate my Bend June 29, 1974. They services to organizations, cousins, employees and James Cahill love with the area after a returned to OSU where they including Toys for Tots, The friends. 20th wedding anniversary. I business trip. He attended am very unhappily married. both graduated in 1976, with Knights of Columbus, Pro- He was preceded in death 1607,North Bend, OR 97459; Coos Catholic Elementary Jim earning a bachelor’s ject Santa, among many oth- by his mother, Mary Hope or Marine Toys for Tots I married “Bill” for all the School, Hillcrest Elemen- wrong reasons. I never truly degree in business adminis- ers. He was a staunch advo- Cahill; father, James Arthur Foundation, 18251 Quantico tary, North Bend Junior High tration. After college, Jim and cate of small business, which Cahill; and his English Gateway Drive, Triangle, VA loved him the way a woman School and graduated from should love a man. I have Mary returned to the coast he found to be the backbone Springier Spaniel, Coco. 22172 . North Bend High School in where they purchased their of America. He loved the The family asks memorial Arrangements are under remained in the marriage 1968. After high school, Jim because I am “supposed to.”I first family home in Coos Bay. natural beauty and quality of contributions to Knights of the direction of Coos Bay briefly attended Oregon Jim went to work for his life on the Southern Oregon Columbus, St. Monica Chapel, 541-267-3131. was brought up to obey the State University before he Commandments and do mother and father as a man- Coast and the wonderful Catholic Church, 357 Sixth Sign the guestbook at moved to Panama with his ager of Ferguson Transfer, friendships which he devel- St., Coos Bay, OR 97420; www.coosbayfh.com or what is right. aunt and uncle, Ellen and Bill is a wonderful hus- the family household moving oped over his lifetime here. Operation Santa, P.O. Box www.theworldlink.com. band and father. He has a steady job that pays well; I work part-time. Bill and I get James Gordon active logging career with deeply missed by family and Harold Dean around him, you were sure to along just fine. He is easy to McWilliam Coos Head Timber Co. and friends. Householder get a sample of one of his talk to, and we’re very good Menasha Co. He was fondest Janet and Bill Correll took cakes, candies, or other friends. I don’t want to lose Aug. 9, 1924 - Oct. 1, 2012 of some of the roads he built care of James at his home in Jan. 7, 1930 – Sept. 24, 2012 goodies he loved to make. that. But there is absolutely Graveside services were around Coos County logging Gaylord until he broke his Harold Householder, 82, a Harold is survived by his no passion in our relation- held for James McWilliam, areas and was quick to point hip, at which time he was Reedsport resident for more son, Dan Householder of ship and never was. 88, of Myrtle Point Friday, them out when you would moved to the Myrtle Point than 50 years, died Sept. 24, Coos Bay; daughter, Loleta I married Bill because it Oct. 5 at the Powers Ceme- come across one that he had Care Center. A very special 2012, at his son’s home in Triplett of Dallas, Ore.; “was time.” He feels more tery. built. thank you to the staff at the Coos Bay following a three- brothers, Bill Householder of like a brother than a husband. James was born Aug. 9, Dec. 30, 1954, he married Myrtle Point Care Center. year fight with cancer. Glide and Kenny Household- I don’t want to hurt my chil- 1924, in Smith River, Calif., Cleo Marie Adamson in You were all wonderful to He was born Jan. 7, 1930, er of Honolulu, Hawaii; sis- dren, but I can’t pretend any to James and Elizabeth (Dey) Reno, Nev. With the mar- Dad and it was evident how in Myrtle Creek to George ter, Juanita “Edie” Jacobson longer.I am attracted to other McWilliam. He passed riage he inherited two much he was cared and loved and Doris (Rice) Household- of Elbow Lake, Minn.; five men. I’m afraid I’m going to peacefully Oct. 1, 2012, in daughters, by you all. er. He attended Roseburg grandchildren; five great- start hating him because I Myrtle Point with family by Gloria and James is survived by his High School. Harold House- grandchildren; and by feel so trapped. his side. Janet, who daughters, Gloria and Bill holder served in the U.S. nieces, nephews, other rela- He grew up around the I don’t know what to do. I he raised as Madewell and Janet and Bill Army Reserve. His last duty tives and many friends. Diamond-Steens Mountain his own. On assignment was Panama just want to Correll; grandchildren, There will be no service as stop pre- area and went to the Crane Aug. 22, 1952. After his enlistment he Angela Kellogg, Brian per his wishes. Harold’s fam- DEAR tending. We Boarding School. When he 1956 a son, returned to work for the Ore- ily would like to thank every- Madewell, Tiffanie have both was a freshman in high school Randy gon State Highway Depart- one that has helped him and ABBY McWilliam, Kriston Correll- spoken to the family moved to Gaylord, James ment. In August 1991 Harold the family in this time of loss, Collier and husband, Aaron profession- where his family purchased a James McWilliam McWilliam, retired from the state after for their help and support. als and I sheep ranch. James attended was born. Collier; great-grandchil- 42.5 years on the job. The family suggests memo- have talked Myrtle Point High School and James and Cleo purchased dren, Kyle James Blanton and Harold was a fisherman, rial contributions to be made to my in his senior year, drove the the ranch from his mom and Jaden, Ashlee Dawn Shorb and could be found on the to the American Cancer priest. I told school bus. After graduation, dad and eventually went on and Scott, Kendell Marie banks of the Umpqua River, Society. Bill a little he enlisted in the U.S.Army in to raise cattle. James was Kellogg, Mikalee Reed, Hay- or on one of the many lakes Arrangements are under about how I 1943 and served under Gen- active with the Powers Lions den Watson, Ramsey and in the area, looking for the the direction of Myrtle Grove feel — that I eral Patton with the 2nd Club for many years and was Raleigh Collier; great-great- next fish. He enjoyed the Old Funeral Service-Bay Area, JEANNE don’t love Armored Division, 82nd a member of the Coquille grandchildren, Lily Shorb Time Fiddlers and was 541-269-2851. PHILLIPS him the way Armored Reconnaissance Valley Elks. and Aubree Blanton; two always willing to help some- Sign the guestbook at a woman Battalion in the Battle of the One of Dad’s greatest pas- nephews; and one niece. one out. For those who were www.theworldlink.com. should love Bulge. He was honorably dis- sions was the restoration of James was preceded in a man. He just keeps on trying charged in 1946, then he old antique cars and he had death by his brother, John — buying me flowers, doing returned home to Gaylord fun taking his 1922 Model-T McWilliam; son, Randy; and Bobby N. Cole tion, please contact all the right things. It doesn’t and he and his brother, John, Ford in local parades and wife, Cleo. [email protected]. matter. It just makes me giving all the grandkids Sign the guestbook at May 12, 1944 - Sept. 28, 2012 started McWilliam Bros. Log- Bobby is survived by his angry. Could you please ging Co. James had a very rides. He is going to be www.theworldlink.com. A gathering to spread the two sons, Michael (49) and offer me some suggestions? I ashes of Bobby N. Cole, 68, have read your column since I Matthew (31). of Lebanon will be held by his Sign the guestbook at was a teen, and I value your McMinnville, where she Margaret is survived by Margaret family. For more informa- www.theworldlink.com. opinion. Thanks. — HAD IT Roghair worked in editing, was a sub- one sister, and her children, IN HARTFORD, CONN. stitute teacher and completed James E. and Elizabeth of DEAR HAD IT: Let me get Oct. 14, 1916 - Sept. 20, 2012 her bachelor’s degree at Lin- Santa Fe, N.M., Gene and this straight — you married Margaret Alice “Peggy” field College. Her hobbies Lucinda of Grass Valley, your husband under false Roghair, 95, of North Bend were writing and experi- Calif., Crystal Shoji and Death notices pretenses and have lied to was born Oct. 14, 1916, to menting Gene of Coos Bay and Wal- him for 20 years. Both of you Frank and Crystal Swearin- with recipes. lace and Jeri of Portland; Andrew Scott Meier — with Myrtle Grove Funeral have my sympathy. gen Bowder in Timber Lake, She wrote grandchildren, Nick Roghair 44, of West Lynn, formerly of Service, 541-396-3158. The best advice I can offer S.D., the third of seven chil- articles and of Oak Park, Ill., David Coos County, died Sept. 16, Earle Dale Likens — 80, of is to think long and hard dren. She died Sept. 20, recipes that Roghair of Tok, Alaska, 2012, in West Lynn. Coquille, died Oct. 3, 2012, in about what you have now and 2012, in North Bend. Private were pub- Jonathan Roghair of Arrangements are pending Coquille. Arrangements are what you “might” have in the cremation rites were held at lished. She Emeryville, Calif., Chris with The Little Chapel of the pending with Myrtle Grove future. Believe me, there are Ocean View Memory Gar- was active Shoji of Coos Bay and Taylor Chimes, 503-235-3104. Funeral Service, 541-396- NO GUARANTEES and dens in Coos Bay. with her Roghair of Portland; several Michaeline Angela Keller 3158. expectations have changed a With a two-year teaching husband in brothers and sisters-in-law; — 73, of Coquille, died Oct. 2, Ruth A. Harrison — 90, of lot since you were in the dat- certificate, she taught in a Margaret the First and numerous of nieces and 2012, in Coquille. Harbor, passed away Ocrt. 5, ing and mating market. If you one-room school in Okaton, Roghair Presbyterian nephews and their offspring. Arrangements are pending 2012, in Crescent City, Calif. really cannot love your hus- S.D., from 1940 to 1941. Church and Memorial services will be with Myrtle Grove Funeral Interment will be at the band the way he should to be There she met Ed Roghair, the Yamhill County Fair and held in McMinnville on Service, 541-396-3158. Sunset Memorial Gardens in loved — and counseling the eldest of 12 children, who Historical Museum. Not long Thanksgiving weekend. Heather Ann Williams — Coos Bay. Arrangements are won’t help — then let him go. was the brother of one of her after her husband’s death in Arrangements are under 42, of Coquille, died Sept. 30, under the direction of He deserves better. first-grade students. They 2006, Margaret moved to the the direction of Coos Bay 2012, in Eugene. Redwood Memorial Chapel, DEAR ABBY : My mother were married June 8, 1941. Baycrest Village in North Chapel, 541-267-3131. Arrangements are pending 541-469-9112. died recently after suffering a Margaret was a farm wife Bend. The family appreciates Sign the guestbook at stroke. Immediately follow- with four children. the caring assistance she www.coosbayfh.com or ing her death, one of my They moved in 1957 to received there. www.theworldlink.com. father’s more painful tasks • Cremation was notifying various agen- • Funeral Service cies: Social Security, retire- ment benefits and so on. Dad Dale Likens friends. In 1977, Dale and grandsons, five great-grand- Locally shook his head in amazement Owned Feb. 19, 1932 – Oct. 3, 2012 Ken moved to their Yellow sons and three great-grand- “Our family as all but one of the people he Creek Ranch where they daughters. & Operated notified simply fired off a A graveside service will be raised cattle and sheep, then Her family would like to serving your family” series of questions, thanked held for Dale Likens, 80, of moved back to North Bend in give a special thank you to 541-267-4216 him curtly and hung up. Only Coquille, at 1 p.m. Saturday, 2004 and then just a year ago South Coast Hospice and 405 Elrod • Coos Bay John & Tanya Nelson one civil servant proved to be Oct. 13, at Powers Cemetery. to Coquille where this sum- suggest memorial contribu- truly civil, prefacing the con- Dale was born Feb. 19, mer she grew a beautiful gar- tions be made to Powers versation with, “I’m sorry for 1932, in Hamilton, Mont., to den and celebrated her 80th Lions Club, C/O Ed Ander- your loss.” Earl and Dale Welliver. She birthday with family. son, P.O. Box 6 , Powers, OR Abby, I know people who died Oct. 3, 2012, in Coquille. Dale is survived by her 97466. work in government and pri- Dale was a North Bend husband, Kenneth Likens of Arrangements are under vate pension departments High School graduate, Class Coquille; daughter, Kathryn the direction of Myrtle Grove receive many calls about of 1950. She moved with her Wilson of Bend; daughter Funeral Service, 541-396- deaths every day. That does- family to the Powers area in and son-in-law, Karen and 3158. n’t make each death less sad, 1959 and enjoyed raising her Pete Peterson of La Pine; Sign the guestbook at or each call less difficult for girls, gardening and her three granddaughters, two www.theworldlink.com. the person picking up the phone and dialing. We can connect on a human level Road repairs continue Funerals even through layers of offi- Noorthrth BendBend ChapelChapel cialdom and technology. A Coos and Curry County sidewalk repair: expect intermit- Saturday, Oct. 6 Cremationremation & FFuneraluneral SServiceervice few simple, sympathetic motorists can expect traffic tent traffic delays. Roberta W. Smith, 2 p.m., words can make a world of delays at these road con- Established in 1913, formerly Peterson, Grimm & U.S. Highway 101, Coos Bay and celebration of life, Coos Bay Campbell-Watkins Funeral Homes. difference in the dark days struction projects this week: North Bend city limits, sidewalk Chapel, 685 Anderson Ave., following the loss of a loved repair: expect intermittent Coos Bay. Brief reception at • Simple cremation & burial. one. — NANCY IN OAK- COOS COUNTY traffic delays. the chapel will follow. • Convenient downtown location. LAND, CALIF. U.S. Highway 101, mile- • Full-service facility including large chapel, reception, DEAR NANCY: Perhaps post 221 to 225, Tug- The CURRY COUNTY private viewing & conference rooms. it’s a self-protective mecha- man State Park to U.S. Highway 101, • Merchandise options include caskets, urns, burial & nism when people who work Spinreel Road, ORANGE urn vaults, cremation jewelry, printed materials, video road paving: milepost 304 to Sunday with case numbers, files and tributes & more available at the time of need or in statistics lose sight of the fact Expect intermittent Zone 305, Kobernik Slide advance by preplanning. that behind that information lane closures. Watch for Complex Repair Unit: Highway is reduced to a are broken hearts and griev- flaggers. Brunch! • Pet cremation. single lane of traffic. Watch Starting at 10am • Payment terms & options. ing families. U.S Highway 101, milepost 233.4 for flaggers. Thank you for the to 234.5, McCullough Bridge, • All funeral & insurance plans accepted. U.S. Highway 101, milepost 328 to reminder. I’m sure no one North Bend: Expect intermittent Locally owned by Tom Boynton meant to be cruel. What you weeknight lane closures. The 329, Gold Beach traffic signal have described is an example speed limit on the bridge is upgrades: This project will replace Open Nightly at 5 p.m. the traffic signals on U.S. Highway Est. 1913 541-756-0440 of people who have become reduced to 35 mph. 541.267.6066 2014 McPherson Avenue desensitized. 101 at Moore Street and Sixth 260 S. Broadway, Coos Bay North Bend, OR Sherman Avenue, North Bend, Street in Gold Beach. Find us on Facebook! www.benettis.com www.coosbayfh.com C M C M Y K Y K

C M C M Y K A6 •The World • Saturday, October 6,2012 Y K South Coast The Crab commission queen director retires

THE WORLD Corbin. “Many of the positive devel- arrives COOS BAY — The Oregon opments in the fishery, as well as Dungeness Crab Commission’s the marketplace, occurred dur- long time Executive Director, ing his tenure.” Nick Furman, has retired. Hugh Link, a commission staff Furman stepped down after 22 member, will serve as interim years leading the industry-fund- ed organization, according to the administrator while the commis- Payton Babb, escorted by commission. sion searches for a permanent her father Rob Babb, was “Nick’s leadership and com- replacement. selected Homecoming mitment to Oregon’s crab indus- Learn more about the job Queen at Marshfield try will be missed,”said the com- posting at www.oregondunge- Friday evening during mission’s chairman, John ness.org. halftime of their Midwestern League game against Springfield. Lakeside Bazaar and Rummage sale today

LAKESIDE — The Lakeside In addition to the bazaar and Senior Center is hosting an rummage sale there will be annual Bazaar and Rummage baked goods, chili, hotdogs and Sale from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Frito pie for sale. Saturday, Oct. 6 at the Lakeside Senior Center located For craft tables, donations or at 915 N. Lake Road in information call 541-759-1019 By Lou Sennick, The World Lakeside. or 541-580-5206. Election 2012

SHORT aware that Short had tried to place an advertisement in Coos Bay City Councilor Continued from Page A1 The Sentinel. If Ivey rejected Election it, he stressed, he had no part Question: Why do structure and we need to But Mary Schamehorn, the in the decision. you want to be a Coos look at where else we see mayor of Bandon, says that’s “I do freelance,” he said. candidate Bay city councilor? an opportunity to benefit an unfair comparison because “It’s strictly freelance. That’s A: I want to form an from it. Bandon falls outside her all my relationship is with identity for Coos Bay. Question: What is newspaper’s coverage area. the paper. Editorial and busi- profiles Right now we are in a tran- your goal for Coos Bay? Schamehorn said Ivey has ness decisions, I don’t have sitional state and at a point A: To show progress. a clear conflict of interest. In anything to do with.” The World recently where we are seeing some More proactive planning addition to Rowe’s mayoral Tom Bivins, a journalism services degrade. This is a and focus on education. bid, she pointed to photogra- ethics professor at the interviewed all of the great city with great We need a plan because pher Dian Courtright, who is University of Oregon, says candidates vying for opportunities, and I there is accountability running for Coquille City conflicts of interest are an city offices in the Bay believe I have the energy with a plan. Council. important perception issue Area, as well as those and skill set for the job. Question: What do In general, she believes for newspapers. Question: What do you think about educa- Kyle Zender Ivey has a loose understand- For that reason, he said, contesting seats in you want to do with the tion in Coos Bay? Age: 28 ing of journalistic balance most outlets ban their the state Legislature Egyptian Theatre? A: We need to keep Education: High School and ethics. reporters from running for for districts 1, 5 and A: Create a marketing resources paramount so Occupation and “She uses the pages of her office. 9. Over the coming plan that will put value in the next generation will be relevant experience: the money raised. We need equipped. We need to con- newspaper as a tool against “The smaller the town, weeks, The World President and owner the candidates she doesn’t the more difficult that may to decide what is the best tinue to create infrastruc- of Wayne’s Color support and as a forum for be, but in my opinion that’s a will publish the can- use of the theater moving ture that associates with Centre Carpet One those she does,”she said. basic rule that newspapers didates’ responses. forward. We have a great quality education. Floor and Home. Rowe said he was not should have on the books.”

Coos Bay City Councilor Coos Bay City Councilor Coos Bay City Councilor

Question: Why do Question: Why do Question: Why do you want to be a Coos you want to be a Coos you want to be a Coos Bay city councilor? Bay city councilor? Bay city councilor? A: I want to find out A: The city council has A: There is a lot of what the people want to several projects I have potential here for busi- see Coos Bay look like in been working on and nesses to come and I want the future. I want to would like to see through. to get involved in bringing make an effort in the I enjoy being the voice of them here. I want to community to find what citizens in Coos Bay and shorten the permit they see as a vision for helping them. process, we need to take the future. I am an Question: What do businesses by the hand extreme longshot, but I you want to do with the and take them through want to make that vision Egyptian Theatre? the door. come true. Dennis Dater A: We are going to Question: What do Howard Forte Question: What do Age: None given make that work. We are Gene Melton you want to do with the you want to do with Age: 55 Education: B.A. in social going after grant money, Age: 73 Egyptian Theatre? Education: U.S.A.F. Tech the Egyptian Theatre? sciences, M.B.A. working on the fall cam- Education: SWOCC for A: We need to balance A: I don’t know if it is School, automotive Occupation and paign and figuring out law enforcement, fire the cost of having it with as big of a draw to spend training relevant experience: what is feasible. It’s a science and ongoing the need to have it. We money to re-open it. Occupation and great building. business training need to make it a place That would be some- Current owner of relevant experience: Question: What is Occupation and people can enjoy. It’s thing I would have to Exotic Motor Sports, General sales manag- former owner of your goal for the city of relevant experience: great to have it when it’s look at. up and running. er for Coos Bay Allegra Print & Coos Bay? Retired, U.S. Navy; Question: What is Question: What is Toyota; city budget Imaging A: First we need to current Coos Bay city your goal for Coos your goal for the city of committee; current replace the sewer plant councilor. Bay? Coos Bay? president of Coos Bay number two in Empire. A: To help decide on A: Improving down- Kiwanis. shopping district for the Maintaining our roads is downtown. I have been the future of Coos Bay Coast and make it a here all my life. I like to town and getting all and what Coos Bay wants something we need to downtown associations “Here is Coos Bay.” We vibrant sea port that see things happen and I to be when it “grows up.” look at and eventually on the same page. We need to stay on task and I want to grow and devel- becomes a destination upgrading the core of feel I owe my community. need to have a unified make sure police and fire op Coos Bay into a larger tourist attraction. statement that says, are funded.

Coos Bay City Councilor Coos Bay City Councilor Coos Bay City Councilor Question: Why do Question: Why do Question: Why do you want to be a Coos you want to be a Coos you want to be a Coos Bay city councilor? Bay city councilor? Bay city councilor? A: It is an opportunity A: I want to focus on A: I want to make Coos to contribute. I have a Bay a safe and productive design upgrades in the focus in economic devel- master planning of the place. I think there is an opment and making sure opportunity to clarify town. There are no archi- urban renewal money tects on staff and I want some of the steps to goes toward urban obtaining permits and to see more progress with renewal. Want to improve the layout downtown. I getting businesses here. I tourism and make Coos think there are many want to do something big Bay attractive. to change the relationship opportunities to make Question: What do Coos Bay a place people with the waterfront. you want to do with the Question: What do Mark Daily like to live and visit. Dax Davidson Michael Vaughan Egyptian Theatre? Age: 51 Question: What do you want to do with the Age: 67 A: With the new Age: 34 Egyptian Theatre? Education: Two years at you want to do with the Education: B.A. in Education: Landscape assessment, it is much Egyptian Theatre? A: Keep moving along San Diego State, Science, majoring in Architecture Degree more manageable to get A: It is such a unique with the project and find- currently enrolled at political science from the University of the doors open. It is space. We need to explore ing the best, cost effective Southern Oregon in important to the commu- every option to keep the Occupation and way to re-open it. Really Oregon. the business nity. It helps stimulate space and the building relevant experience: would like to restore retail Occupation and management. downtown. I hope to get intact, I think it is impor- Operations manager downtown. relevant experience: Occupation and rele- the doors open soon. tant to hold on to that at Knutson Towboat Question: What is Owner of Garden vant experience: Question: What is space. Company. your goal for Coos Elements Nursery, Owner of Outdoor-In your goal for the city of Question: What is Bay? architectural design- and Coast Karate; six Coos Bay? your goal for the city of area into a place people A: A bigger, long term er, current Coos Bay years on the Coos Bay A: Ultimately to add Coos Bay? goal is to see us connect to city councilor. Planning Commission enjoy spending time at. jobs and higher paying A: Make sure the police the waterfront and nego- and four years on the Attract business by mak- jobs. There is not a lot I and fire are funded to be tiate U.S. Highway 101 and possibly creating a Coos Bay City Council. would change. I moved able to get their job done. ing it easy for them to North. Also, keeping up vibrant shopping village here from big cities to Develop the downtown come here. maintenance on roads downtown. raise my family in a small- town environment.


C M C M Y K Saturday, October 6,2012 • The World • A7 Y K Nation U.S. unemployment rate dips below 8 percent

WASHINGTON (AP) — The August. It fell because a government at the first presidential debate, said 8 percent or higher — a run ing for work. U.S. unemployment rate dropped survey of households found that Friday that the report showed the Romney had been emphasizing. Those who do not have jobs and below 8 percent for the first time 873,000 more people had jobs, the country “has come too far to turn The October jobs report comes are looking are counted as unem- since the month President Barack biggest jump since January 2003. back now.” out Nov. 2, four days before the ployed. Those who aren’t looking are Obama took office, a surprising lift The government’s other monthly His Republican opponent, Mitt election, so Friday’s report provid- not considered part of the work force for both the economy and his re- survey, of employers, showed they Romney, countered: “This is not ed one of the final snapshots of the and aren’t counted as unemployed. election hopes in the final weeks of added a modest 114,000 jobs in what a real recovery looks like.” economy for undecided voters. Economist Joel Naroff, presi- the campaign. September, but it also showed job The drop brought the jobless The government calculates the dent of Naroff Economic Advisors, The rate, the most-watched growth in July and August was rate back to where it was when unemployment rate by calling called the strong employment measure of the country’s economic stronger than first thought. Obama was sworn in, in January 60,000 households and asking reports “a shocker” that showed health, tumbled to 7.8 percent in Obama, eager to shift attention 2009, and snapped a 43-month whether the adults have jobs, and the job market was sturdier than September from 8.1 percent in from a disappointing performance streak in which unemployment was whether those who don’t are look- most economists had thought. Calif. Stocks Docs say spine shots for

Fri.’s closing New York Stock FootLockr 35.65 + .44 Penney 23.96 + .19 refinery Exchange selected prices: FordM 10.16 + .05 PepsiCo 71.10 + .23 steroids are usually safe Stock Last Chg Gannett 18.41 + .08 AT&T Inc 37.86 — .04 GenCorp 9.96 — .03 Pfizer 25.52 + .17 Alcoa 9.09 + .02 GenDynam 67.29 + .47 Praxair 105.61 + .25 is back Altria 34.00 GenElec 23.12 + .17 ProctGam 69.63 + .25 (AP) — Mil- medications approved by the He and others say patients AEP 44.22 — .24 GenMills 40.05 + .06 Questar 20.27 — .04 AmIntlGrp 35.23 + .28 Goodyear 12.74 + .01 lions of people get steroid Food and Drug Administra- should ask their doctors if ApldIndlT 41.99 + .27 Hallibrtn 33.42 — .55 RockwlAut 70.77 + .34 shots in their backs to relieve tion instead of relying on their medications come from Avon 17.39 + 1.17 HeclaM 6.60 — .12 SempraEn 66.68 + .29 pain. Now they are probably generally less-regulated compounding pharmacies, online BP PLC 42.15 — .42 Hess 53.56 — .42 SouthnCo 45.97 BakrHu 43.49 — .49 HewlettP 14.73 — .21 wondering if it’s safe. “compounding pharmacies” which custom-mix and BkofAm 9.32 — .09 HonwllIntl 61.43 + .16 Textron 25.78 + .31 Boeing 70.89 + .95 Idacorp 43.81 + .10 3M Co 94.96 + .53 In 23 states, hundreds, like the Massachusetts com- repackage creams, solutions LOS ANGELES (AP) — BrMySq 33.64 — .05 IBM 210.59 + .20 TimeWarn 46.18 + .35 possibly thousands, of back- pany implicated in the out- and other drugs. Brunswick 23.78 + .48 IntPap 36.81 + .32 Californians woke up to a Timken 39.44 + .67 Caterpillar 85.43 — .53 JohnJn 69.65 + .38 pain patients are being break. The injections are a com- shock Friday as overnight Chevron 117.50 + .35 LockhdM 94.37 — .15 TriContl 16.44 + .03 warned to watch for symp- “If I was a patient, I would mon treatment for sciatica, gasoline prices jumped by as Citigroup 34.77 — .19 Loews 41.96 UnionPac 122.16 + .59 toms of meningitis because definitely be concerned,” which is pain from a slipped or CocaCola s 38.58 + .25 LaPac 13.61 + .41 Unisys 21.84 + .24 much as 20 cents a gallon in ColgPal 108.45 — .01 MDU Res 22.00 — .01 of a custom-mixed steroid said Dr. Michael Schafer, an ruptured disk that often radi- some areas, ending a week of ConocPhil s 57.58 + .18 MarathnO 29.54 — .30 USSteel 19.83 + .12 solution that may have been orthopedic specialist at ates down the legs, and for soaring costs that saw some ConEd 60.22 — .21 McDnlds 91.00 — .03 VarianMed 61.06 — .33 contaminated with fungus. Chicago’s Northwestern spinal stenosis, an age-related CurtisWrt 31.48 — 1.46 McKesson 89.47 — .40 VerizonCm 47.05 + .31 stations close and others Deere 82.78 — .05 Merck 46.28 + .16 Five people have died and Memorial Hospital. narrowing of the spine some- charge record prices. Disney 52.97 + .34 NCR Corp 22.61 + .25 ViadCorp 20.99 — .05 DowChm 29.20 + .02 NorflkSo 66.90 + .72 WalMart 75.13 + .41 more than 40 others have He said Northwestern gets times caused by arthritis. The average price of regu- DuPont 50.35 + .60 NorthropG 69.41 + .62 WellsFargo 35.84 — .13 fallen ill. steroids from federally regu- Doctors often recommend lar gas across the state was Eaton 47.28 + .62 OcciPet 85.01 — .38 Weyerhsr 26.64 + .18 Doctors who do these lated pharmaceutical compa- injections for patients who nearly $4.49 a gallon, the EdisonInt 47.25 + .15 OfficeMax 7.71 — .12 ExxonMbl 92.55 + .33 Olin 21.91 + .17 Xerox 7.27 — .01 injections say they are nies.And in almost 40 years of don’t get adequate pain relief highest in the nation, FMC Cp s 56.21 + .49 PG&E Cp 42.67 — .19 YumBrnds 66.00 — .47 extremely safe when done experience, he has never had a from aspirin, ibuprofen or according to AAA’s Daily Fuel correctly with sterile drugs. patient develop an infection other common medicines Gauge report. And many doctors stick to from these shots. that reduce inflammation. In Southern California, the Financial snapshot Friday, Oct. 5, 2012 price jumped 20 cents a gallon WEEK’S WEEK YEAR overnight to $4.53 in Ventura. Interest rates CLOSE AGO AGO And in the Los Angeles-Long Average rate paid on banks money-market accounts 0.12% 0.12 0.15 Beach area prices went up 19 (Bank Rate Monitor) cents to nearly $4.54. It wasn’t 91-day Treasury Bill Yield 0.10% 0.09 0.01 any better to the north, as a 10-year Treasury Bond 1.74% 1.63 2.07 xams gallon of regular gas in San al E Commodities nt Francisco averaged nearly e De Commodities Research e $4.60. Fr In many areas, prices have Bureau Index 309.30 309.29 303.73 jumped 40 cents in a week as DJ UBS Commodities Indexes 147.79 148.51 141.81 In October! refinery problems have cre- Stocks ated shortages and helped Bad breath, trouble chewing, weight loss send wholesale prices soar- Dow Jones Industrial Avg. 13,610.15 13,437.13 11,103.12 are all signs of dental problems. ing. Some stations ran out of S&P 500 1,460.93 1,440.67 1,155.46 gas and shut down Thursday Wilshire 5000 Total Market 15,248.45 15,044.22 12,085.12 Come in for your pet’s rather than pay those costs. AP free dental exam. Among the recent disrup- NORTHWEST STOCKS tions, an Aug. 6 fire at a SNAPSHOT 100512: Weekly financial snapshot Week’s action: Monday,o fFriday major closings: stock indexes;Safeway. 2c . x. . 3. . inches; . . . . 16.10 16.16 Chevron Corp. refinery in stand-alone; staff; ETA 6 p.m. Skywest ...... 10.61 11.03 Richmond left one of the Stock ...... E. Mditor’son. Note: Fri. It is mandatory to include all sources region’s largest refineries Frontier...... that. . 4.82 accompany 4.77 S thistarbucks graphic . . when...... repurposing 50.14 48.74 or SCAN ME! or GoogleGooglle us!us!! producing at a reduced Intel ...... editing . 22.76 it for22.68 publicationSterling Fncl...... 22.48 22.98 Morganorrgan Vet,Vett,, CoosCoos BayBay capacity, and a Chevron Kroger ...... 23.78 23.77 Umpqua Bank. . . . . 12.70 12.74 223030 Market,Marrkett,, CoosCoos BayBay • 541-269-5846541--269--5846 pipeline that moves crude to Lee ...... 1.47 1.50 Weyerhaeuser . . . . 26.10 26.64 Northern California also was Microsoft...... 29.49 29.85 Xerox ...... 7.35 7.27 shut down. Nike ...... 95.55 95.22 Dow Jones closed at 13,610.15 There also was a power NW Natural...... 49.25 50.18 Provided by Coos Bay Edward Jones failure that temporarily HOT SHOTS affected an Exxon Mobil Corp. refinery in Torrance. WOOD WWOOOODD PELLETSPPEELLLLEETTSS • Dried to Proper Moisture Content WATERFRONTATERFRONT SALADSALAD BARBAR • Radiates Maximum Heat Coos Bay Division • Premium Fuel Classification ALDER WANTED $ 9 955 $ 95 • Ultimate Heating Value Also MAPLE and ASH 8 8 AAllAllll YYouYoouu CanCCaann EEatEaatt • Produced in Oregon from ••• Saw Logs 40-lb BAG 2 25-plus5--pllus ToppingsToppiings • 8 DDressingsrressiings Douglas Fir ••• Timber $ ••• Timber Deeds Wee CarryCarrrry 1515 DifferentDiiffffeerreentt LocalLLoccall OregonOrreegon Wines!Wiineess!! Contact our Log Buyers at 3.983 .98 Ed Groves: 541-404-3701 Pat: 541-206-4105

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Stop As I look out my study window, I see trees, cars and an occasional deer passing by within about ten feet of where I am sitting. I tend to stop and gaze at these marvelous creatures who innocently walk through the parking lot on their way to wherever. But, there is something else that catches the eye. You cannot help but see it, because it is a red octagon sign that says “STOP.” A car pulls up to the intersection, stops and then proceeds with caution. Sometimes it is my wish to put a stop sign in the lives of people. “Stop” saying ugly things about yourself. “Stop” with your destructive behavior, it will only do you harm. “Stop” living as though Leo’s Trimming you have a thousand tomorrows Thatching and start living today. “Stop” being Landscape Weed Control critical of others, it will cost you valuable friendships. “Stop” being Maintenance Shrub Removal self consumed and begin to look Mowing around at others who could use Gardening your encouragement. The list could Licensed & go on. Insured You can rest assured that God created you as you and you are a real specimen. He wants you to love Him, others and yourself. How are you treating God’s creation- you? Come worship with us Sunday. 55441-707-0723411--770077--00772233 CHURCH OF CHRIST 2761 Broadway, North Bend, OR Serving Coos Bay, North Bend, 541-756-4844 Lakeside, Reedsport & Florence C M C M Y K Y K

C M C M Y K A8 •The World • Saturday, October 6,2012 Y K South Coast Weather COUNCIL Oregon weather Saturday, Oct. 6 Continued from Page A1 Weather Underground forecast for daytime conditions, low/high temperatures

three more in Washington. WASH. The proposals all sprang up Portland recently. Coal consumption in 71° | 43° Pendleton the United States has dropped 65° | 30° dramatically in the last Newport 59° | 41° Bend decade, while demand for it in Salem 63° | 18° Asian countries has spiked. 76° | 38° IDAHO Ontario The coal industry needs infra- Eugene 58° | 26° structure to move its product 74° | 38° to Asia, which means building North Bend Coos Bay terminals on the West Coast. 59° | 46° Economically depressed Medford coastal communities are Klamath Falls 78° | 44° 70° | 30° jumping at the chance to bring CALIF. © 2012 Wunderground.com in jobs, money and industry. Cloudy Thunder- Flurries Ice That means hauling hun- storms dreds of tons of coal from Partly Cloudy Showers Rain Snow Wyoming’s Powder River Basin thousands of miles Weather Underground• AP across country. By Dylan Brown, Helena Independent Record South Coast Monday Night: Mostly clear, with a low Macfarlane plans to tell A coal filled boxcar comes through the Helena valley earlier this year. around 43. Today: Slight chance of rain. Cloudy, Eugene’s City Council that the then gradually becoming mostly sunny, Tuesday: Sunny, with a high near 73. mile-and-a-half long coal with a high near 60. Willamette Valley trains will clog rail lines and Tonight: Patchy fog. Otherwise, mostly If we decided not to supply Asia with cloudy, with a low around 41. Today: Sunny, with a high near 71. Calm increase traffic congestion in “ wind becoming north 5 to 7 mph. town.On a global scale,selling Sunday: Patchy fog. Mostly cloudy, with coal ... it is ridiculous to think they a high near 63. Tonight: Clear, with a low around 38. North wind 3 to 7 mph. coal to Asia will prolong that Sunday Night: Patchy fog. Mostly region’s reliance on it as a would even notice.” cloudy, with a low around 41. Sunday: Sunny, with a high near 73. Calm wind. power source, which means Columbus Day: Patchy fog. Partly sunny, David Koch with a high near 62. Sunday Night: Mostly clear, with a low more pollution, he said. 10 million tons of coal around 41. Northwest wind around 5 COO, Port of Coos Bay Monday Night: Chance of showers. After Macfarlane speaks, a exported from the mph becoming light and variable in the Port of Coos Bay Mostly cloudy, with a low around 44. doctor with Physicians for evening. (proposed) Tuesday: Mostly sunny, with a high near Columbus Day: Sunny, with a high near Social Responsibility will talk 65. 67. about the health risks posed trains, coal dust and how its export terminal will do more Curry County Coast Monday Night: Partly cloudy, with a low by coal dust and diesel fuel proposed project would than add jobs on the South Today: Chance of rain or drizzle. Patchy around 43. emissions from the coal impact the global ecology. Coast, Koch said. If the export in 2010 fog. Mostly cloudy, with a high near 60. Tuesday: Sunny, with a high near 68. trains’ massive engines. David Koch, the port’s chief companies build here, they SOURCE: U.S. Department of Energy Tonight: Patchy fog. Mostly cloudy, with Portland area Coal miners suffer asthma operating officer, said most of will invest hundreds of mil- By Jeff Trionfante, The World a low around 44. Sunday: A 20 percent chance of rain or Today: Sunny, with a high near 70. East and emphysema, develop the studies he has read found lions of dollars rehabilitating wind 9 to 16 mph. black lung and heart disease, that fugitive coal dust and upgrading the railroad on the project,not fight it.The drizzle. Cloudy, with a high near 61. Sunday Night: Patchy fog. Mostly Tonight: Clear, with a low around 45. and a host of other maladies, decreases dramatically after that connects Coos Bay with studies that Eugene’s resolu- cloudy, with a low around 43. East northeast wind 8 to 14 mph. all from breathing coal dust, the first 100 miles of rail travel. Eugene. tion calls for would be done as Columbus Day: A slight chance of driz- Sunday: Sunny, with a high near 73. East said Regna Merritt, a cam- As for affecting Asian coal Without that private part of any coal terminal’s zle. Partly sunny, with a high near 60. northeast wind around 8 mph. paign director at Oregon consumption, Koch said Coos investment, the railroad permit applications, if the Monday Night: Chance of showers. Sunday Night: Clear, with a low around Mostly cloudy, with a low around 47. 45. East northeast wind 5 to 7 mph. Physicians for Social Respon- Bay’s contribution would be would close down within the project moves forward. And Columbus Day: Sunny, with a high near sibility. Obviously, coal trains nominal. decade, increasing semi- that is by no means certain. Tuesday: Mostly sunny, with a high near 63. 69. won’t produce as much fugi- About 10 million tons of truck traffic on highways and The companies researching Monday Night: Mostly clear, with a low tive coal dust as a mine, but coal would annually pass costing South Coast busi- the feasibility of exporting Rogue Valley around 47. local communities need to through a terminal built here, nesses, Koch said. coal from Coos Bay will decide Today: Sunny, with a high near 77. Light North Coast know how much dust they Koch said. Asia consumed “People are so fixated on in December whether to apply and variable wind. Tonight: Mostly clear, with a low around Today: Patchy fog. Mostly cloudy through will be dealing with, she said. about five billion tons of coal coal, they don’t realize the for federal permits or scrap 40. North wind around 5 mph. mid morning, with a high near 66. “There’s a lot we don’t in 2010. impact this will have in the the project, he said. Sunday: Sunny, with a high near 78. Tonight: Clear, with a low around 45. know,” Merritt said.“We want “If we decided not to sup- future on our ability to have “If this project doesn’t Light and variable wind. Northeast wind 9 to 11 mph. move forward, we’ll be right Sunday Night: Mostly clear, with a low Sunday: Sunny, with a high near 64. to look before we leap.” ply Asia with coal for ideolog- manufacturing here,” Koch East wind 8 to 10 mph. But the Oregon Interna- ical reasons, it is ridiculous to said. “Stop staring at the tree back out there the next day around 48. Northwest wind around 6 mph. Columbus Day: Mostly sunny, with a high Sunday Night: Mostly cloudy, with a low tional Port of Coos Bay says it think they would even notice,” and look at the larger forest.” marketing for another proj- near 77. around 46. Northeast wind around 6 mph. is looking and has found a Koch said. Koch will urge the city ect,” Koch said. “The region Monday Night: Partly cloudy, with a low Columbus Day: Mostly cloudy, with a great deal of data on coal Locally, the proposed coal council to work with the port needs it.” around 44. high near 51. Tuesday: Sunny, with a high near 79. Monday Night: Partly cloudy, with a low around 47. Central Douglas County Central Oregon Today: Sunny, with a high near 72. Light BANISTER list of items that were stolen, Webb added that the two whole deal,” Datan said of north wind. Today: Sunny, with a high near 62. which included welding took the trailer to Perry’s Banister thinking he was Tonight: Mostly clear, with a low around Tonight: Clear, with a low around 32. Stolen items cable, an oxygen tank, a family mill before taking it to taking the items legally. 38. North northwest wind 5 to 8 mph. North wind 5 to 10 mph. torch, a “nailer,” a drill, a his house to disassemble Sunday: Sunny, with a high near 71. Sunday: Sunny, with a high near 65. Coos County Sheriff’s Light and variable wind. Calm wind becoming east 5 to 8 mph. surface at home motor, rims and hubcaps. certain items. Deputy Mike Nores testified Sunday Night: Mostly clear, with a low Sunday Night: Clear, with a low around Continued from Page A1 Lastly, Lee Jonas, who “There was a lot of prop- that Banister’s name was on around 40. Northwest wind 5 to 7 mph. 32. Northeast wind around 6 mph. would biannually check on a erty there,” Webb said of a receipt for items that had Columbus Day: Sunny, with a high near Columbus Day: Sunny, with a high near 66. property off Stewart Road Banister’s house. “He was been scrapped at Winter 73. Monday Night: Mostly clear, with a low 31 Anthony Liberatroe, told the that was used to store trac- pointing out a lot of stolen Lake Auto Wrecking and Sal- court Banister worked for tors and construction equip- property.” vage. Mock testified he him when he was renovating ment, testified he found out Coos County Sheriff’s recovered items stolen from Oregon Temps Local high, low, rainfall the Best Western. Liberatroe the property had been “ran- Deputy Gil Datan also testi- his property at the same sal- Temperature extremes and precipitation Thursday: High 63, low 46 testified he arrived at work sacked” after an electric fied that Banister admitted vage yard. for the previous 24 hours ending at 5 a.m. Rain: None Oct. 31 to find a storage shed, company notified the own- to him that he had profited Hi Lo Prc Total rainfall to date: 28.80 inches Bainster’s girlfriend, Bar- Astoria 73 42 0 Rainfall to date last year: 29.62 inches which he used to keep his ers. Jonas said numerous $1,800 from helping remove bara Sherman, who lived Brookings 65 51 0 Average rainfall to date: 39.25 inches tools in, broken into. trailers, motors, tractors and “several, 3,000 pound” loads with him for about two Corvallis 78 37 0 Liberatroe said he had a tools were . from the property off Stew- Eugene 76 32 0 years, testified that she The Tide Tables compressor, log splitter and Each of the five witnesses’ art Road. Datan said Banister Klamath Falls 70 39 0 would see items appear on La Grande 63 25 0 To find the tide prediction for your area, add or quite a few other tools stolen cases remained cold until also admitted to receiving their property in the Medford 80 42 0 subtract minutes as indicated. To find your esti- from the shed. police searched Banister’s items that were stolen from Newport 55 37 0 mated tidal height, multiply the listed height by “evening hours.” She the high or low ratio for your area. Teresa Deos testified next, home Nov.11, 2011, following Eikamp’s property off U.S. Pendleton 62 28 0 claimed Banister told her the Location High time ratio Low time ratio and said sometime in the fall a tip from David Kamph, Highway 101. Portland 73 40 0 Bandon -0:18 .81 -0:06 .84 items, which included a large Redmond 60 19 0 Brookings -0:40 .81 -0:30 .91 an eight-foot trailer, esti- who allegedly helped Banis- Both Datan and Webb tes- Charleston -0:11 .89 -0:04 .91 trailer and a log splitter, were Roseburg 73 38 0 mated to be worth $1,000, ter haul items away from a tified that Banister was Salem 79 39 0 Coos Bay +1:20 .86 +1:24 .84 for scrap metaling. Florence +0:38 .77 +0:54 .75 went missing from her prop- property. Kamph testified he cooperative with them and Port Orford -0:28 .86 -0:23 .99 erty. She said she had let thought they had permission pointed out items that he “Stuff would just be Reedsport +1:05 .79 +1:20 .75 there,”she said. Umpqua River -0:01 .81 -0:01 .91 Banister use the trailer to to be on the property. believed were stolen from Extended outlook HIGH TIDE A.M. P.M. move some axles he had pur- The five witnesses were the various properties. Sherman also testified it wasn’t unusual for Banister TODAY SUNDAY Date time ft. time ft. chased from her. able to recover some of their According to Datan’s testi- 6-Oct 5:19 6.2 4:27 7.3 John Mock testified later property, but they still don’t mony, Banister said he to have scrap items in their yard or other types of equip- 7-Oct 6:19 6.0 5:21 6.9 that a property he was devel- know what happened to thought he had permission 8-Oct 7:25 6.0 6:30 6.7 oping was robbed in early much of the thousands of to remove the loads from ment. 9-Oct 8:28 6.2 7:44 6.6 November of engines, gen- dollars worth of equipment Eikamp’s property, and that “He’s a fixer of every- 10-Oct 9:19 6.6 8:55 6.8 erators and “lots of tools.” that went missing. he never entered any build- thing,” she testified. Chance of rain Mostly cloudy LOW TIDE A.M. P.M. Roy Eikamp testified after Banister admitted multi- ings on the property. Four of the five witnesses 60/41 63/41 Date time ft. time ft. Mock and told the court a ple stolen items were on his Banister denied to police who testified they recovered 6-Oct 10:25 3.9 11:27 1.1 property he owned, which he property as police searched that he stole any of the items. their items at Banister’s MONDAY TUESDAY 7-Oct 11:23 4.2 - - was turning into a shop to it, Bandon Police Chief Bob He said Perry had asked him house said they had known 8-Oct 12:27 1.3 12:39 4.2 store equipment, was robbed Webb testified. to help remove and modify Banister in some facet prior 9-Oct 1:32 1.4 1:58 3.8 in September. Webb said that Banister items from the various prop- to the robberies. 10-Oct 2:32 1.31 3:04 3.2 Sunrise, sunset “Lots of things were miss- admitted to removing a trail- erties, but he thought Perry Reporter Tyler Richardson Oct. 1-6 — 7:21, 6:48 ing,” Eikamp said on the er full of various items from had permission to take them. can be reached at 541 269 Partly sunny Mostly sunny Moon watch stand. Mock’s property with Ban- “He suspected something 1222 ext. 236, or at trichard- 62/44 65/46 Last Quarter — Oct. 8 Eikamp read from a long don resident Justin Perry. wasn’t legitimate about the [email protected]. LIGHTS. CAMERA. RE-HASH. WHERE DO YOU THINK THEY GET THEIR DAILY NEWS?

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C M C M Y K Y K The ticker SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2012 • SECTION B Stayin’ alive High School Football Springfield 55, Marshfield 18 North Bend 56, South Umpqua 0 Siuslaw 41, Sutherlin 12 Douglas 47, Brookings-Harbor 12 Myrtle Point 13, Bandon 12 Gold Beach 42, Reedsport 14 Coquille 29, Glide 8 Powers 56, Days Creek 32 Camas Valley 74, Elkton 14 Churchill 29, Willamette 26 SPORTS Baltimore wins AL Marist 47, Eagle Point 0 Ashland 55, North Eugene 0 Local, B2 • Scoreboard, B3 • Community, B4 wild card. Page B4

theworldlink.com/sports I Sports Editor John Gunther I 541-269-1222, ext. 241 Bulldogs shut out Lancers


NORTH BEND — For the first time this season, the North Bend football team truly came out ready to play. And once the Bulldogs got ahead, they never looked back. North Bend rolled past visiting South Umpqua 56-0 on Friday night, with the clock running the entire second half. The Bulldogs improved to 2-0 in Far West League play, and the Lancers dropped to 0-2 after back-to-back lopsided losses. “We came out to play,” said North Bend Hamilton Mateski. “We just got little funda- mental things that came together.” North Bend Gary Prince said the Bulldogs clicked on both Photos by Lou Sennick, The World Marshfield’s Alex Gilbert moves to get around some Springfield defenders for a couple of yards during their game Friday evening in Coos Bay. sides of the ball. “Executed extremely well,” he said of the offense. “Defensively, the kids flowed to the ball and all Springfield spoils Pirates’ homecoming the reps they got in practice this week showed.” North Bend’s defense again was BY JOHN GUNTHER returned after missing three the key, with three interceptions The World games because of a sprained ankle. and only allowing 160 total yards He completed 22 of 38 passes for of offense. South Umpqua only COOS BAY — Take away the 213 yards, but also threw five had eight first downs. final score, and Marshfield had a interceptions — two returned for “On D, we wanted the shut out lot to be happy with Friday night. touchdowns by Travess. so bad,”said North Bend’s Clayton The scoreboard showed Jacob McAvoy, who had eight Duryee. Springfield with a 55-18 win over receptions for the Pirates, said The Bulldogs never even gave the Pirates in Marshfield’s home- Sweet didn’t deserve all the blame. the Lancers a chance. After forcing coming game. That was the result “This is his first game back,” a quick punt, North Bend scored 2 of the Millers’ big-play offense McAvoy said. “He’s got to get back minutes into the game on a 45-yard and opportunistic defense. into the swing of things, and our pass from Mateski to Ty Roane. Marshfield had the ball for an protection wasn’t always good.” The Lancers turned it over on astounding 39 minutes in the Rather than look at the nega- downs after picking up a single game and ran 83 plays, to just 30 tives of Sweet’s interceptions, first down, but the Bulldogs went for the Millers. Marshfield also McAvoy looked at the positives of up two scores as Mateski rumbled had 25 first downs and 430 yards his return. for a hard-fought, 6-yard touch- of total offense. “That was huge for us,”he said. down run. North Bend nearly got But the Millers made the most “Our playbook is like 10 times big- the ball back immediately as Drew of their plays, gaining 19 first ger with him.” Matthews intercepted South downs and 475 yards. McAvoy credited backup Umpqua quarterback DJ Holloway, Freshman quarterback Trevor Austin Howerton for his play in but Matthews fumbled and the Watson completed 11 of 15 passes Sweet’s absence, but said having Lancers recovered. for 224 yards for Springfield, Sweet’s leadership and experience including a 43-yard scoring strike is a big boost. SEE BULLDOGS | B3 to Taylor Travess and a 47-yard Alex Brown had another good touchdown to Dylan Piquette. game for Marshfield, carrying the Marshfield coach Justin ball 18 times for 149 yards. Ainsworth talked during the week McAvoy led the receivers with 84 Bobcats about the importance of contain- Marshfield quarterback Jason Sweet gets the ball away as he is hit on the play by Ty yards on his eight catches. Skyler ing Watson, but he broke free for Mannilla of Springfield during their game Friday evening at Pete Susick Stadium. Harvey caught five passes and several big runs, too, including a Brown and Alex Gilbert had four 20-yard scramble for a touchdown “I’ve never seen a game where drives going. receptions each. get first on one play early in the second we had 90 plays and lost by 30 Unfortunately, the Pirates also Marshfield also achieved its quarter when the Pirates had all points,” Ainsworth said, adding continued their worst trend of the goal of keeping the game close in the receivers covered well. that he was pleased with the way year, giving the ball away. the first half, and especially in the The big difference from previ- Marshfield moved the ball. “It’s the same thing that has second quarter, where the Pirates victory ous weeks for Marshfield’s offense “We were methodical,” he hurt us all year — turnovers,” he have struggled. said, pointing to a number of said. “It’s our Achilles heel.” was how well the team sustained THE WORLD drives. third-down conversions to keep Quarterback Jason Sweet SEE PIRATES | B2 Myrtle Point’s football team won its first game in more than Cardinals advance with wild win over Atlanta three years, edging visiting Bandon 13-12 on ATLANTA (AP) — Talk about a will be remembered for the eighth, Friday night. wild card. when a disputed call on a fly ball Myrtle Point’s Local This one was just plain wild. that dropped in short left field last win was just Chipper Jones played his final cost the Braves a chance at over three years Recap game. The Atlanta fans turned extending Jones’ career. ago, also against Turner Field into a trash heap after The Braves thought they had Bandon. a disputed infield fly. And the St. the bases loaded with one out after The Bobcats had to survive a Louis Cardinals did what they the ball fell between two fielders. wild final minute to get the win in always seem to do in October. But left-field umpire Sam the Sunset Conference opener for Celebrated another postseason Holbrook called Andrelton the two teams. triumph. Simmons out under the infield fly “I was really proud of our Matt Holliday homered and the rule — even though the ball landed kids,” Stallard said. “We didn’t Cardinals rallied from an early at least 50 feet beyond the dirt. give up.” deficit, taking advantage of three When the sellout crowd of 52,631 Bandon scored with 52 seconds Atlanta throwing errors — the realized what had happened, and to go on a 35-yard pass from most crucial of them by the retir- saw a second out go up on the Shawn Peters to Tim Hunter — ing Jones — to beat the Braves 6-3 The Associated Press scoreboard, they littered the field which ricocheted off another in a winner-take-all wild-card officials pick up trash on the field as security stand by during the with whatever they could get their Bandon receiver right to Hunter. playoff Friday. eighth inning of the wild card playoff baseball game against the St. hands on. But the two-point conversion pass In the eighth inning, there was Louis Cardinals on Friday. “It was scary,”St. Louis catch- fell incomplete. more crazy throwing, this time by er Yadier Molina said. The Tigers then recovered the an irate crowd that littered the “Not in the United States,” he The 40-year-old Jones is all Holbrook defended the call, onside kick. Myrtle Point appeared field to protest an umpiring deci- said. done, period. He managed an even after he looked at the replay. to have the game won when the sion that went against the Braves. execu- infield hit in his final at-bat but “Once that fielder established Bobcats intercepted a pass by The Cardinals fled for cover, the tive Joe Torre said the protest was threw away a double play ball in himself, he got ordinary effort,”he Peters and returned it to the end Braves protested and the game was denied. St. Louis advanced to face the fourth, which led to a three- said, referring to shortstop Pete zone, but two different penalties halted for 19 minutes while work- Washington in the best-of-five run inning that wiped out Kozma calling for the ball, then on the play against Myrtle Point ers cleared up all the beer cups, division round, beginning Sunday Atlanta’s 2-0 lead behind Kris veering away at the last moment nullified the interception and set popcorn holders and other debris. at Busch Stadium. Medlen. as left fielder Holliday drifted in. the Tigers deep in Myrtle Point St. Louis manager Mike The Braves are done for this “Ultimately, I feel I’m the one “That’s when the call was made.” territory. Matheny was asked if he’d ever season, the recipients of another to blame,”Jones said. seen anything like it. heartbreaking loss in the playoffs. But this one-and-done game SEE CARDINALS | B4 SEE RECAP | B2

COOS BAY 579 S. BROADWAY COQUILLE 484 N. CENTRAL NORTH BEND 3025 BROADWAY REEDSPORT 174 N. 16TH ST. 541-267-3163 541-396-3145 541-756-2091 541-271-3601 C M C M Y K Y K

C M C M Y K B2 •The World • Saturday,October 6,2012 Y K Sports Bulldogs move into second-place tie

THE WORLD seven kills and Elle Rappe added five aces. North Bend’s volleyball Now with two wins team got a big road win against both Coquille and Thursday, beating host Bandon, the hybrid league’s Douglas 20-25, 25-23, 25-23, other Class 3A schools, the 25-20 to create a logjam at Wildcats will be heading to second place at the midway the playoffs with six Sunset point of the league season. Conference matches remain- With the win, North Bend ing. joined the Trojans and “It was make or break Sutherlin at 3-2 with five tonight,” Courtney Freitag league matches to go. Siuslaw said. “So I think it’s a downer is a perfect 5-0. The top three the way our league is set up, teams in the final standings to be honest.” advance to Panthers edge Coquille: the Class Gold Beach held off visiting 4A post- Thursday Coquille in a five-game season. Recap match on Thursday. “It still Gold Beach won 25-19, gives us a 25-19, 22-25, 22-25, 15-9. The good chance to keep the sea- Panthers are 2-0 against the son going,” said North Bend league’s Class 3A schools, but coach Les Willett. just 1-3 against the 2A McKenna Reasor had 10 schools. kills for North Bend and Cherise Kirkpatrick added SOCCER nine kills and four blocks. Far West League Boys Setter Britni Ring had five kills, 25 assists and 23 digs. Pacific 2, Sutherlin 1: The Pirates stunned the host By Lou Sennick, The World Willett said he was Marshfield’s Peyton Babb spikes the ball against North Eugene Thursday evening during their Midwestern League match in Coos Bay. delighted with how his team Bulldogs thanks to an own played. goal. “They put pressure on us Sutherlin scored in the and we didn’t fold,” he said. 14th minute as Thorin Pirates cruise to easy victory “The girls just wanted it Tucker knocked in a goal on tonight, which was nice.” an assist from Austin Briggs. That included several Pacific answered quickly, BY RACHEL FINNEY six rotations in.” had nine digs. younger players. however, with a goal 2 min- The World The Pirates started off pretty strong Montiel and Mosieur said they were “They really stepped in utes later from Troy McClurg in the second game, but started making pleased with the Pirates’ serving — tonight and played key roles,” with an assist by Andrew COOS BAY — Marshfield’s volleyball little mistakes that kept the something they’ve been working on all he said. Porter. team only allowed North Eugene to Highlanders in the game. Mosieur said season. They served much more aggres- “(Douglas) hurt us early The score remained tied serve five times in the opening game of they didn’t get down on themselves, sively Thursday night, with McGowne when they were tipping. But into halftime, but 8 minutes their match on Thursday, blasting the though. also debuting a jump serve. when the girls figured that into the second half, visiting Highlanders. “We have a great crowd tonight ... “Lauren and Hannah have been kind out, they really dug the Sutherlin had an own goal, The Pirates won 25-5, 25-18, 25-13 to and our seniors did a great job of keep- of working on them in practice,” ball.” giving Pacific the victory. improve to 5-1 in Midwestern League ing us pumped,” she said. Montiel said. Cheyenne Harris had 13 Porter had a well-placed cor- play behind 5-0 Churchill. After an ace from North Eugene’s McGowne, Babb and Katie Duell all kills and Riley Van Horn ner kick that led to the goal. “That’s the team we’re used to,”said Ally Ganchegui narrowed the deficit to served 100 percent. added 10 for the Trojans. Pacific coach Rob Porter Marshfield senior Brea Mosieur. “That’s 21-17. But Olson slammed a kill, Abby “Our serves were good,” Mosieur Destiny Phillips had 29 digs credited Patrick McKenzie the team we need to be. We really came Clough followed with her own kill and said. “That’s something we’ve been and Tori Bond had 26 assists. and Mason Berry with strong together tonight. Mosieur later added two more to give working on.” Vikings win at home: defense, and said Acer Nye “We have a great coach,” she added the Pirates the game. Even more important, Marshfield Siuslaw beat visiting South had a strong performance in about coach Tammie Montiel. “And she North Eugene jumped ahead in the has won two straight matches after a Umpqua 25-12, 25-16, 25-23 goal, including one save that really helps us push through.” third game, if only briefly. Babb served heart-breaking loss at still-unbeaten to keep control of the Far deflected off his fingertips Marshfield set the tone early. three straight points to give the Pirates a Churchill last Saturday morning. The West League volleyball race. and over the goal and several North Eugene’s only lead in the first 5-2 lead and Olson had a pair of aces as Pirates topped Springfield that same The win, combined with other nice stops. game was 1-0 after a Marshfield net she pushed the scored to 11-3. afternoon. Douglas’ loss to North Bend, Sutherlin coach Rick violation — from then on it was all The Pirates cruised from there, ulti- “The Springfield game, I think it was gave Siuslaw a two-game Murphy said his team out- Pirates. Marshfield took the lead 3-2 on mately finishing the match on a kill by good to have that so close to the lead midway through the shot the Pirates 19-2 and hit a kill from Peyton Babb, then Babb had a Clough. Churchill game because we could put it league season. the crossbar several times. marathon serving session. Mosieur led the Pirates with eight behind us,”Montiel said. Lacey DeSantis had three The Bulldogs dropped to 4- She served 20 straight points, with kills and a solo and assist block, and “We took a hit after Churchill,” aces and 14 perfect passes in 3-0 in third place, and Hannah Olson, Mosieur and setter Olson had six kills, three aces and two Mosieur said. “To come back from it serve receive for the Vikings. Pacific improved to 2-4-1 in Lauren McGowne dominating at the net blocks. Babb had five kills and eight makes us even stronger.” Chelsey Bartlett added nine fifth place behind South with kills and blocks. digs, Moe had four kills and six digs and The Pirates don’t host the Lancers kills. Umpqua. The Highlanders had a pair of blocks McGowne added 27 assists. Clough, a until Oct. 18, but it’s still highlighted on Olivia Gulliford had 11 Brookings-Harbor 5, to make it 23-4, but Mosieur answered sophomore, had five kills. their schedule. kills, 11 digs and two aces for Coquille 1: The Bruins tuned with a kill to force game point. Olson “I thought Abby Clough played real- “I can’t wait for that game,”Mosieur the Lancers. up for Monday’s big match at missed her jump serve, newly unveiled ly well tonight,”Montiel said. said. Sutherlin tops North Bend by beating the for the game, but North Eugene’s Janet “The underclassmen really played The Pirates have to worry about Brookings-Harbor: The visiting Red Devils. Zornek also missed, giving the Pirates well,” Mosieur said. “Abby had a great Willamette first, as they visit the Bulldogs beat the host Bruins Brookings-Harbor the first game by a wide margin. game tonight,” Wolverines next Wednesday. The 25-17, 25-20, 25-19 to keep improved to 6-0-1, while “It was nice to start off as strong as For the Highlanders, Evelyn Wolverines sit in third place behind the their share of second place. North Bend, which had a bye we did,”Montiel said. “We didn’t get all Mailander had 11 assists, and Zornek Pirates in the league standings at 3-2. Cierra Cotton had 10 kills Thursday, is a perfect 6-0-0. and three aces for Sutherlin, South Umpqua 5, while Kayce Mock added Douglas 1: The Lancers had PIRATES for a 43-yard score on the huge,” Ainsworth said. “We plays in the second half, seven kills. Jennifer Hults had no trouble topping the visit- final play of the first quarter. had an opportunity to be 13- including one for 38 yards and 20 assists and 11 digs. ing Trojans after the two From Page B1 The Millers had just one 21 at half.” another for 90 as the Millers Christy Reynolds had 15 teams tied in their first match touchdown in the second Marshfield’s goal was to put the game out of reach. kills for the Bruins and this season. Marshfield’s first drive quarter, on Watson’s run, and win the second quarter. Marshfield’s second-half Lakota Hatcher added 10 South Umpqua improved lasted 6 minutes before the Pirates answered with Springfield outscored the scores came on runs by Sweet kills, 13 digs, 15 assists and to 3-3-1, good for fourth Travess intercepted a pass in their first score, a 7-yard Pirates 7-6, but Marshfield’s and Andrew Sharp. three aces. place in the standings. the flat and returned it 71 strike from Sweet to McAvoy overall effort was much bet- The Pirates are at Ashland yards for Springfield’s first 53 seconds before the break. ter, Ainsworth said. this week and host Eagle Sunset Conference Far West League Girls score. The Pirates then drove They got the ball right “The dam kind of broke Point on Oct. 19. Reedsport edges North Bend 12, Douglas deep into Springfield territo- back when Brown intercepted on us in the third quarter,”he “The good thing about Bobcats: The host Braves 0: North Bend had another ry again, but failed to score, a pass that had been tipped at said. “We had a lot of sopho- football is we get to move on,” topped Myrtle Point in five shutout and got plenty of and the Millers quickly the line, but Spencer Traxtle mores out there playing.” Ainsworth said. “The kids games, winning 22-25, 25-20, offense to stay perfect midway marched the field with intercepted a pass in the end Springfield’s Jonathan will come back and do film on 23-25, 25-18, 17-15. through the league season. Watson finding Travess zone for the Millers. Emerald had three touch- Sunday night. We have three “Myrtle Point played a lot Emma Powley had four behind Marshfield’s defense “That would have been down runs on similar sweep more weeks.” better than the first time we goals for North Bend. Gabby saw them,” said Reedsport Hobson added two goals, as coach James Hixenbaugh. did Katie Farlow. Madison RECAP Coquille 29, Glide 8: a 1-yard run on a quarterback Far West League He said the Bobcats had a Spence, Jordyn Johnson, The Red Devils opened sneak on the final play of the Siuslaw 41, Sutherlin good hitting night, as Morgan Mikena Shay and Brianna Coquille gets league play with a big road game. 12: The top-ranked Vikings Cole had the other scores as Newton had 15 kills, Grace win, keeping the Wildcats off Sams passed 11-for-17 for stayed undefeated with a Hermann had 12 kills and North Bend spread the big win at Glide the scoreboard until a 73- 95 yards, James Hixenbaugh solid victory over host Caitlyn Robison had 24 kills. offense around. yard run by Cory Finlay had 5 receptions for 62 yards Sutherlin. Daysha Stidham had 13 digs, Farlow and Johnson each From Page B1 against Coquille’s reserves in and Matt Rohde added 59 Siuslaw scored 28 points Nicole Seals had seven had two assists. the final 30 seconds. yards rushing on eight car- in the first quarter and coast- blocks, and Newton and Coquille 1, South The Bobcats forced a field “I’m real proud of our ries. Defensively, Wade ed the rest of the game, with Robison had 25 and 18 assists, Umpqua 1: The Red Devils guys,” said Coquille coach goal attempt and Arthur Hutchinson had 18 tackles. 321 rushing yards. Jacob respectively. and Lancers remained tied David Thomason. “We talked Guzman blocked Troy “We played a heck of a lot Thompson passed for 157 Hixenbaugh said no stats for fourth place after playing McClurg’s kick, giving about how this was a playoff better than we played the last yards, rushed for 101 yards for Reedsport were available. to a draw at Coquille. Myrtle Point the win, which game for us. We showed up two weeks,” said Reedsport and had three passing touch- “Monica Vaughn had a The match was scoreless sparked a big celebration by and played a good game.” coach Shane Nelson. downs and one rushing good night, and so did Gabby at halftime. the team and students. Sye Yates had two touch- “They’re a good team. touchdown. White,” he said. “Miranda South Umpqua took the “It was fun,” Stallard said. downs for the Red Devils and “I’m excited to see what we Douglas 47, Brookings- Mitchell served well.” lead midway through the “It meant something to those Matt Miranda also had a rush- can do the next couple weeks.” Glide tops Bandon: The second half on a goal by kids.” ing touchdown. Larry Bowen Harbor 12: The Trojans Wildcats secured the league’s Chelsea Davis. The Red The Bobcats scored first, scored on a 45-yard pass from Skyline League bounced back from their lone Class 3A playoff spot Devils responded with 11 when Matt Newton hit Isaac Austin Arrant to give Coquille Powers 56, Days Creek league-opening loss to North with a victory over the host minutes to go when Bethany Godfrey with a 21-yard a 22-0 halftime lead and also 32: The Cruisers stopped a Bend to beat the visiting Tigers, winning 25-21, 25-21, Meyer passed to Emma touchdown pass in the sec- had a big game on defense, four-game losing streak as Bruins. 21-25, 25-18. Owens, who put the ball over ond quarter, but failed to disrupting Glide’s passing Carl Martinez had four VOLLEYBALL “It was competitive vol- the goalie’s head into the net convert the extra point after a game, Thomason said. touchdowns in the home leyball,” said Bandon coach from about 18 yards out. bad snap. The Tigers The win put Coquille in win. Powers wins: Powers Courtney Freitag. “We had a “Both teams came out responded with a 3-yard run the driver’s seat for one of the Quarterback Tye Jackson beat visiting New Hope 13- run on Glide in all three pretty solid and played well,” by Peters, but McClurg’s league’s two playoff berths. had two scores for Powers — 25, 25-20, 25-11, 19-25, 15-4 games. Coquille coach Mark extra point kick caromed off Gold Beach 42, one on a punt return — and on Friday night in a Skyline “Then they had a few Usselman said. “Both these the upright. Reedsport 14: The Panthers the Cruisers also got touch- League game. servers ... they just picked us teams are very evenly Thomas Nathan returned easily topped the host Braves downs by Clayton Stallard Sadie Blanton had eight apart until we kind of crum- matched. I look forward to the second-half kickoff 90 in the league opener. and Cougar Bessey to win the aces and six kills for the bled,” she added. “They’re meeting them next time.” yards for a Bobcat touch- Gold Beach took a 42-0 nonleague game. Cruisers. Jessie Hunter had known for their really tough Brookings-Harbor 2, down and Guzman made the lead before Reedsport scored Powers led just 22-16 20 digs, Sierra Sotela had serves.” Sutherlin 1: The Bruins took extra point kick. two touchdowns. Panther before scoring four straight seven aces and Rebecca For Bandon, Emily Ramos over sole possession of sec- Bandon coach Silia quarterback CJ Maxwell had touchdowns to put the game Standley had 12 digs and five had six aces, 25 service ond place by edging the Polamalu also was pleased two rushing touchdowns and away. kills. receptions and 25 digs, Bulldogs at home. with his team’s effort. one passing touchdown. Powers had a 332-148 “It was a good game,”said Hailey Freitag had seven kills Brookings-Harbor is 4-1 “We had four fumbles and Reedsport quarterback advantage in total yardage. Powers coach Heather Shorb. and 16 digs, and Raelyn and Sutherlin 3-2 after the gave away two interceptions Haden Sams, who returned Martinez carried 18 times “We started off a little slow. Freitag added seven kills and first half of league play. and the kickoff return for the this week after recovering for 143 yards and Stallard had We came back and had some 13 digs. Hannah Barron had both touchdown and only lost by from a hunting accident, 18 carries for 149 yards. really good serving in the For Glide, Jordyn Parazoo goals for the Bruins, while one point,”he said. “The kids threw an 8-yard touchdown Patrick Byrd had eight fifth game. had 11 kills, Erin Wyscaver Kylee Carson scored for are playing hard. The Myrtle pass to Brandon Gannon in tackles and Stallard seven to “We’re really happy about and Sammi Strader each had Sutherlin. Point kids played hard, too.” the fourth quarter, and added lead the Cruisers on defense. having a win at home.” C M C M Y K Y K

C M C M Y K Saturday,October 6,2012 • The World • B3 Y K Sports BULLDOGS The clock ran the entire second Rams beat half, as the Bulldogs were ahead From Page B1 more than 45 points. After the Bulldogs turned it over Cardinals The North Bend defense shut on downs, the Lancers started a them down once again, as they decent drive behind Dakota turned it over on downs at the Senger’s rushing. Then Matthews THE ASSOCIATED PRESS North Bend 34-yard line. After intercepted Holloway on the goal Mateski ran for a quick first down, line and returned it all the way,but a ST. LOUIS — Sam Bradford he aired it out to Duryee who reeled North Bend penalty negated the busted a lengthy slump with a 52- in a spectacular, one-handed catch score. yard touchdown pass to rookie across the middle of the field and The Bulldogs were forced to punt Chris Givens to help the St. Louis scored from 51 yards out. after that, but Holloway tossed his Rams put away the previously Right before the end of the first third interception, and Marshall unbeaten , 17-3 quarter, the Bulldogs had a holding Rice returned it from near midfield on Thursday night. penalty erase a 50-yard score on a to the South Umpqua 4-yard line. A Robert Quinn The Associated Press pass from Mateski to Cameron few plays later, freshman Luke Sports had three of the St.Louis defensive end Chris Long (91) pressures Arizona quarterback Kevin Kolb dur- Lucero, and penalties kept piling up Lucero punched in a 4-yard touch- Rams’ nine sacks ing Thursday’s game. as the clock ticked over to the sec- down for the final score. Shorts on Kevin Kolb to ond quarter. North Bend battled Mateski completed 7-of-12 keep the Barkley after a bad snap. NHL cancels first two weeks back down the field, however, and passes for 177 yards, with no Cardinals ground- attempts in the second half. He also But the Trojans (4-1, 2-1) turned NEW YORK — What seemed Duryee rushed for an 11-yard ed. Arizona (4-1) scored at least 20 touchdown to make it 28-0. rushed for 154 yards to lead the the tables in the fourth, scoring inevitable for the NHL has become points in each of its first four Duryee said he was glad to see ground game. Duryee had 60 rush- twice in a span of less than 3 min- reality. The league canceled the games, but had no luck containing utes to turn a 3-point game into the run game get going. ing yards on eight carries, and also first two weeks of the regular sea- a pass rush that entered the game victory in their first trip to Salt “The line just came out with a had two receptions for 55 yards, and son, the second time games have with only six sacks. Lake City in 95 years. (good) mentality,” he said. “They Hawk rushed for 76 yards on six been lost because of a lockout in Lance Kendricks caught a 7- Lee finished with 12 catches for just got the tempo going.” carries. seven years. yard TD pass in the first quarter 192 yards. The teams combined for Then the Bulldogs scored two Hobson was perfect on extra- and rookie Greg Zuerlein kicked a 736 yards of offense and 222 yards The announcement was made touchdowns in less than 2 minutes. point attempts. 53-yard field goal for the Rams (3- in penalties. in a two-paragraph statement. It Mateski scored on a 37-yard run, With 315 yards rushing, the 2), who are 3-0 at home. isn’t clear if those games will be and kicker Michael Hobson Bulldogs saw an opportunity The Rams totaled two victories Red Sox fire Bobby Valentine made up, allowing for a complete pooched the following kickoff. It against the Lancers’ defense and last year but so far have executed a BOSTON — The 82-game regular season, if a deal bounced past South Umpqua and exploited it. quick turnaround under new coach found out too late that Bobby can be struck soon with the North Bend’s Mason Laird fell on it, “We thought we could run on Jeff Fisher. Valentine wasn’t the manager to locked-out players. recovering the kick at the South them, so we did,”Mateski said. straighten out a clubhouse of cod- U.S. soccer picks interim coach Umpqua 27-yard line. “It was a chance for us to work Trojans get win at Utah dled veterans. Zach Hawk ran for a first down, on our run game,”Prince said. SALT LAKE CITY — Matt They didn’t take long to decide CHICAGO — Jill Ellis will coach and Laird followed with an 11-yard Next Friday, the Bulldogs face a Barkley passed for 303 yards and that he isn’t the right guy to nur- the U.S. women’s soccer team in the rushing score to make it 42-0 with big test on the road at Brookings- three touchdowns, including an ture a rebuilding team into a con- next two matches during the search less than 7 minutes left in the half Harbor, with the Bruins’ double- 83-yarder to Marqise Lee in the tender, either. for Pia Sundhage’s successor. But North Bend wasn’t done. wing offense. fourth quarter, and No. 13 Southern The Red Sox fired Valentine on After leading the U.S. to its sec- Driving from their own 8-yard line, “Defensively, we’re going to California came back from a two- Thursday, less than one year after ond straight Olympic gold medal, the Bulldogs picked up five first have our hands full, no matter touchdown deficit to beat Utah 38- he was hired to bring order to the Sundhage stepped down Sept. 1. She downs before Mateski rushed for a what,”Duryee said. “We’re going to 28 Thursday night. clubhouse that disintegrated dur- will now coach her native Sweden. 10-yard touchdown with less than 2 have to come ready to play. We trust Utah (2-3, 0-2 Pac-12) forced ing the 2011 pennant race. Instead, Ellis, a former assistant to minutes to go. The Bulldogs forced a our coaches’ game plan. turnovers 1:16 apart to open the Valentine clashed with players, Sundhage, became development South Umpqua three-and-out but “We’re feeling good. We know game, including a play by Nate coaches and the media while riding director for the U.S.women’s nation- couldn’t score again before halftime we have to go undefeated to get a Fakahafua to score from 8 yards out the team to a last-place finish and al teams in January 2011. She is not a — the only possession that didn’t good seed in the playoffs, and that’s after stripping the ball from its worst record in almost 50 years. candidate to replace Sundhage. end in a touchdown for North Bend. the goal.” Scoreboard

Siu: Sam Johnson 9 pass from Jacob Thursday’s Scores: Sherman 62, Ione 22 Tampa Bay 1 3 0 .250 82 91 On The Air High School Results Thompson (kick failed) North Bend d. Douglas, 20-25, 25-23, 25-23, 25- Sherwood 77, Parkrose 0 Carolina 1 3 0 .250 80 109 Siu: Smith 31 pass from Thompson (Joe 20 Silverton 28, Lebanon 6 New Orleans 0 4 0 .000 110 130 Today FOOTBALL Dotson run) Siuslaw d. South Umpqua, 25-12, 25-16, 25-23 South Medford 23, Roseburg 22 North W L T Pct PF PA — Navy at Air Force, 8:30 Siu: Thompson 66 run (Smith kick) Sutherlin d. Brookings-Harbor, 25-17, 25-20, Southridge 10, Sunset 3 Minnesota 3 1 0 .750 90 72 a.m., CBS; Northwestern at Penn State, 9 a.m., Midwestern League Siu: Dotson 2 run (Smith kick) 25-19 Sprague 38, South Salem 7 Chicago 3 1 0 .750 108 68 ESPN; Arkansas at Auburn, 9 a.m., ESPN2; League Overall Sut: Jace Martineau 10 pass from Noah Sunset Conference St. Mary’s 61, Chiloquin 6 Green Bay 2 2 0 .500 85 81 at Kansas State, 9 a.m., FX; Boise State W L W L Navickas-Avery (pass failed) Stanfield 55, Irrigon 8 Detroit 1 3 0 .250 100 114 Marist 4 0 5 1 W L at Southern Mississippi, 9 a.m., Root Sports; Siu: Johnson 30 pass from Thompson (Smith Reedsport 6 0 Sutherlin 41, Siuslaw 12 West W L T Pct PF PA Towson at James Madison, 10 a.m., NBC Sports Ashland 3 1 4 2 kick) Thurston 26, North Medford 20 Arizona 4 1 0 .800 94 78 Churchill 3 1 5 1 Glide 4 2 Network; Arizona at Stanford, noon, Fox; Sut: Raymon Henderson 12 run (pass failed) Gold Beach 3 3 Tigard 41, Tualatin 0 San Francisco 3 1 0 .750 104 65 Oklahoma at Texas Tech, 12:30 p.m., ABC; LSU at Springfield 3 1 4 2 Umatilla 34, Riverside 19 St. Louis 3 2 0 .600 96 94 North Eugene 2 2 2 4 Sunset Conference Myrtle Point 3 3 Florida, 12:30 p.m., CBS; Georgia Tech at League Overall Bandon 1 5 Valley Catholic 54, Corbett 6 Seattle 2 2 0 .500 70 58 Clemson, 12:30 p.m., ESPN; Illinois at Wisconsin, Eagle Point 1 3 33 West Albany 75, South Albany 18 Today Willamette 0 4 1 5 W L W L Coquille 1 5 12:30 p.m., ESPN2; Montana at Northern Coquille 1 0 3 2 Thursday’s Scores: West Salem 41, McKay 0 St. Louis 17, Arizona 3 Colorado, 12:30 p.m., Root Sports; Washington Marshfield 0 4 0 6 Weston-McEwen 40, Pilot Rock 18 Sunday, Oct. 7 Friday’s Scores: Gold Beach 1 0 3 3 Reedsport d. Myrtle Point, 22-25, 25-20, 23-25, State at Oregon State, 3 p.m., KBBR (1340 AM) Myrtle Point 1 0 1 4 25-18, 17-15 Willamina 30, Amity 0 Baltimore at Kansas City, 10 a.m. and Pac-12 Network (only available on Dish Springfield 55, Marshfield 18 Wilson 41, Hood River 7 Atlanta at Washington, 10 a.m. Churchill 29, Willamette 26 Glide 0 1 4 2 Glide d. Bandon, 25-21, 25-21, 21-25, 25-18 Network locally); West Virginia at Texas, 4 p.m., Reedsport 0 114 Gold Beach d. Coquille, 25-19, 25-19, 22-25, 22- Wilsonville 34, Milwaukie 6 Philadelphia at Pittsburgh, 10 a.m. Fox; Georgia at South Carolina, 4 p.m., ESPN; Marist 47, Eagle Point 0 Green Bay at Indianapolis, 10 a.m. Ashland 55, North Eugene 0 Bandon 0 1 0 5 25, 15-9 Montana State at UC Davis, 4 p.m., Root Sports; Friday’s Scores: Pro Baseball Cleveland at N.Y. Giants, 10 a.m. Miami vs. Notre Dame, 4:30 p.m., NBC; Nebraska Springfield 55, Marshfield 18 Myrtle Point 13, Bandon 12 SOCCER Miami at Cincinnati, 10 a.m. at Ohio State, 5 p.m., ABC; Florida State at North Springfield 14 7 27 7 — 55 Gold Beach 42, Reedsport 14 Far West League Boys Baseball Playoffs Seattle at Carolina, 1:05 p.m. Carolina State, 5 p.m., ESPN2; Washington at Chicago at Jacksonville, 1:05 p.m. Marshfield 0 6 6 6 —18 Coquille 29, Glide 8 W L T Pts WILD CARD Oregon, 7:30 p.m., ESPN2 and KWRO (630 AM); Scoring Summary: Buffalo at San Francisco, 1:25 p.m. Scoring Summary: North Bend 6 0 0 18 Friday, Oct. 5 Arizona at Stanford, 9 p.m. (delayed), Root Spr: Taylor Travess 71 interception return Gold Beach 42, Reedsport 14 Tennessee at Minnesota, 1:25 p.m. Brookings-Harbor 6 1 0 18 St. Louis 6, Atlanta 3 Sports. (Ashton Summers kick) Gold Beach 14 8 12 8 — 42 Denver at New England, 1:25 p.m. Sutherlin 4 3 0 12 Baltimore 5, Texas 1 Major League Baseball — Playoffs, Oakland at Spr: Reedsport 0 0 0 14 — 14 San Diego at New Orleans, 5:20 p.m. Spr: Travess 43 pass from Trevor Watson South Umpqua 3 3 1 10 DIVISION SERIES Detroit, 3 p.m., TBS; Cincinnati at San Francisco, Scoring Summary: Open: Dallas, Detroit, Oakland, Tampa Bay (Summers kick) Pacific 2 4 1 7 (Best-of-5; x-if necessary) 6:30 p.m., TBS. Spr: Watson 20 run (Summers kick) GB: Derek Carl 46 pass from CJ Maxwell (kick Monday, Oct. 8 Coquille 1 5 1 4 Today Auto Racing — NASCAR Sprint Cup Talladega 500 Mar: Jacob McAvoy 7 pass from Jason Sweet failed) Houston at N.Y. Jets, 5:30 p.m. Douglas 0 6 1 1 Oakland (Parker 13-8) at Detroit (Verlander qualifying, 9 a.m., Speed Channel; NASCAR (run failed) GB: Maxwell 4 run (Colton Pearson run) Thursday’s Scores: 17-8), 3:07 p.m. (TBS) Camping World Truck Series Talladega 250, 1 p.m., Spr: Dylan Piquette 47 pass from Watson GB: Maxwell 6 run (Dennis Dykstra pass from Pacific 2, Sutherlin 1 Cincinnati (Cueto 19-9) at San Francisco (Cain Pro Soccer Speed Channel; NHRA Auto-Plus Nationals qualify- (Summers kick) Maxwell) Brookings-Harbor 5, Coquille 1 16-5), 6:37 p.m. (TBS) ing, 9:30 p.m., ESPN2. Spr: Travess 30 interception return (Summers GB: JR Keeler 3 run (run failed) South Umpqua 5, Douglas 1 Sunday, Oct. 7 Major League Soccer — Chicago at New York, kick) GB: Colton Pearson 20 run (run failed) Major League Soccer Oakland (Milone 13-10) at Detroit (Fister 10- 12:30 p.m., NBC; Real Salt Lake at Los Angeles, 6 Spr: Jonathan Emerald 14 run (kick blocked) GB: Keeler 20 run (run failed) Far West League Girls Today 10), 9:07 a.m. (MLB) p.m., NBC Sports Network. Mar: Sweet 2 run (kick blocked) Ree: Brandon Gannon 8 pass from Haden W L T Pts D.C. United at Toronto FC, 10 a.m. Washington (Gonzalez 21-8) at St. Louis Golf — PGA Tour Justin Timberlake Shriners Spr: Emerald 38 run (Summers kick) Sams (Joey Herr run) North Bend 5 0 0 15 Chicago at New York, 12:30 p.m. (Wainwright 14-13), 12:07 p.m. (TBS) Hospital for Children Open, 1 p.m., Golf Channel; Spr: Emerald 90 run (Summers kick) Ree: Sams 1 run (no extra-point attempt) Brookings-Harbor 4 1 0 12 New England at Philadelphia, 4 p.m. New York (Sabathia 15-6) at Baltimore (Chen Champions Tour SAS Championship, 10:30 a.m., Mar: Andrew Sharp 3 run (run failed) Sutherlin 3 209 Montreal at Houston, 5:30 p.m. Myrtle Point 13, Bandon 12 12-11), 3:15 p.m. (TBS) Golf Channel; Web.Com Tour Neediest Kids Team Statistics Coquille 1 3 1 4 Real Salt Lake at Los Angeles, 6 p.m. Bandon 0 6 0 6 — 12 Cincinnati (Arroyo 12-10) at San Francisco Championship, 4:30 p.m., Golf Channel; European Spr Mar South Umpqua 1 314 San Jose at Colorado, 6 p.m. Myrtle Point 0 6 7 0 — 13 (Bumgarner 16-11), 6:37 p.m. (TBS) Tour Alfred Dunhill Links Championship, 5:30 a.m., First Downs 19 26 Douglas 0 5 0 0 Sunday, Oct. 7 Scoring Summary: Monday, Oct. 8 Golf Channel. Rushes-Yards 15-251 43-217 Thursday’s Scores: Sporting Kansas City at Columbus, 1 p.m. MP: Isaac Godfrey 21 pass from Matt Newton Washington (Zimmermann 12-8) at St. Louis Sunday, Oct. 7 Passing 224 213 North Bend 12, Douglas 0 FC Dallas at Chivas USA, 4 p.m. (run failed) (Carpenter 0-2), 1:37 p.m. (TBS) NFL Football — Cleveland at New York Giants, Comp-Att-Int 11-15-0 22-38-5 Coquille 1, South Umpqua 1 Portland at Seattle FC, 6 p.m. Ban: Shawn Peters 3 run (kick failed) New York at Baltimore, 5:07 p.m. (TBS) 10 a.m., CBS; Buffalo at San Francisco, 1 p.m., Fumbles-Lost 0-0 0-0 Brookings-Harbor 2, Sutherlin 1 MP: Thomas Nathan 90 kickoff return (Arthur Tuesday, Oct. 9 CBS; Seattle at Carolina, 1 p.m., Fox; San Diego Penalties-Yards 8-81 5-58 Guzman kick) Around the State Transactions at New Orleans, 5:20 p.m., NBC. Individual Statistics San Francisco at Cincinnati (Latos 14-4), 2:37 Ban: Tim Hunter 35 pass from Peters (pass FOOTBALL p.m. (TBS) Major League Baseball — Playoffs, Oakland at RUSHING—Spr: Jonathan Emerald 4-154, BASEBALL failed) Adrian 84, Mitchell-Spray 8 Detroit (Sanchez 4-6) at Oakland, 6:07 p.m. Detroit, 9 a.m., MLB Network; Washington at St. Trevor Watson 5-61, Latrell Tinsley 1-15, Taylor Aloha 42, Beaverton 22 Louis, 12 p.m., TBS; New York at Baltimore, 3:15 Travess 2-8, Omari Thomas 1-(minus 3). Mar: Coquille 29, Glide 8 (TBS) BOSTON RED SOX—Fired manager Bobby Astoria 32, Tillamook 22 Wednesday, Oct. 10 p.m., TBS; Cincinnati at San Francisco, 6:30 p.m., Alex Brown 18-149, Andrew Sharp 5-19, Skyler Coquille 14 8 0 7 — 29 Valentine. Banks 49, Seaside 7 x-Detroit (Scherzer 16-7) at Oakland, TBD (TBS TBS. Harvey 8-16, Alex Gilbert 3-16, Jason Sweet 7-13, Glide 0 0 08—8 Barlow 31, Centennial 21 —Announced the contract Auto Racing — NASCAR Sprint Cup Good Sam Beau Hunter 1-2, Austin Howerton 1-2. Scoring Summary: or MLB) of hitting coach Kevin Seitzer will not be renewed. Bend 51, Summit 14 Baltimore at New York, TBD (TBS or MLB) Roadside Assistance 500, 11 a.m., ESPN; NHRA PASSING—Spr: Trevor Watson 11-15-0-224. Coq: Sye Yates 2 run (Austin Arrant kick) Blanchet Catholic 43, Creswell 15 Retained bench coach Chino Cadahia, pitching Auto-Plus Nationals, 4 p.m., ESPN2. Mar: Jason Sweet 19-35-5-183, Austin Howerton Coq: Matt Miranda 4 run (Arrant kick) x-San Francisco at Cincinnati (Bailey 13-10), coach , first base coach Rusty Kuntz Cascade 49, Central 32 TBD (TBS or MLB) Major League Soccer — Portland at Seattle, 6 3-3-0-30. Coq: Larry Bowen 45 pass from Arrant (Yates Cascade Christian 42, Lost River 7 and third base coach Eddie Rodriguez. p.m., ESPN. RECEIVING—Spr: Dylan Piquette 4-100, Taylor run) St. Louis at Washington, TBD (TBS or MLB) —Announced they will not Central Catholic 37, Gresham 0 Thursday, Oct. 11 Golf — PGA Tour Justin Timberlake Shriners Travess 4-94, Alex Smith 2-18, Jonathan Emerald Coq: Yates 6 run (Arrant kick) Central Linn 42, Waldport 8 offer contracts third base coach Steve Liddle, Hospital for Children Open, 1 p.m., Golf Channel; 1-12. Mar: Jacob McAvoy 8-84, Skyler Harvey 5- Gli: Cory Finlay 73 run (Finlay run) x-Detroit at Oakland, TBD (TBS or MLB) bullpen coach Rick Stelmaszek, first base coach Century 63, Newberg 43 x-Baltimore at New York, TBD (TBS or MLB) Champions Tour SAS Championship, 10 a.m., Golf 34, Alex Brown 4-57, Alex Gilbert 4-35, Andrew Skyline League Clackamas 56, West Linn 49 Jerry White and trainer Rick McWane. Channel; Web.Com Tour Neediest Kids Sharp 1-3. x-San Francisco at Cincinnati, TBD (TBS or —Announced hitting coach League Overall Cleveland 57, Benson 18 MLB) Championship, 4:30 p.m., Golf Channel; European Far West League W L W L Cottage Grove 75, La Pine 14 Chris Chambliss will not be retained. Tour Alfred Dunhill Links Championship, 4:30 a.m., x-St. Louis at Washington, TBD (TBS or MLB) National League League Overall Camas Valley 50 60 Cove 62, Joseph 0 Friday, Oct. 12 Golf Channel W L W L Triad 4 0 4 1 Crescent Valley 52, Corvallis 16 —Named Mick WNBA Basketball — Western Conference Final, x-Baltimore at New York, TBD (TBS or MLB) Billmeyer catching coach, Steve Henderson hit- Siuslaw 2 0 5 0 Elkton 3 1 3 2 Crow 28, Triangle Lake 26 x-St. Louis at Washington, TBD (TBS or MLB) 12:30 p.m., ABC. North Bend 2 0 5 1 Hosanna Christian 3 1 4 1 Dallas 27, Woodburn 21 ting coach, Rod Nichols bullpen coach and Ryne Monday, Oct. 8 Douglas 1 1 3 3 Prospect 3 1 4 1 David Douglas 49, Reynolds 42 Friday’s Linescores Sandberg third base coach and infield instruc- High School Sports — Marshfield Coaches Brookings-Harbor 1 1 2 2 Butte Falls 1 3 1 3 Dayton 48, Colton 17 Orioles 5, Rangers 1 tor. Retained pitching coach Rich Dubee. Corner, 7 a.m., KMHS (91.3 FM). Sutherlin 0 2 1 5 Gilchrist 1 4 1 4 Dufur 42, Crane 20 Baltimore 100 001 102 — 5 8 2 BASKETBALL NFL Football — Houston at New York Jets, 5:30 South Umpqua 0 2 1 5 North Lake 0 4 0 4 Echo 32, Condon/Wheeler 28 Texas 100 000 000 — 1 9 2 National Basketball Association p.m., ESPN. Friday’s Scores: Powers 0 4 2 4 Enterprise 21, Grant Union 7 J.Saunders, O’Day (6), Matusz (8), Ji.Johnson CHICAGO BULLS—Waived G Vance Cooksey. Major League Baseball — Playoffs: Washington at North Bend 56, South Umpqua 0 Friday’s Scores: Gladstone 46, Estacada 7 (9) and Wieters; Darvish, D.Holland (7), Uehara FOOTBALL St. Louis, 1:30 p.m., TBS; New Yok at Baltimore, Siuslaw 41, Sutherlin 12 Powers 56, Days Creek 32 Glencoe 54, Forest Grove 28 (8), Nathan (9) and Soto, Napoli. W—J.Saunders National Football League TBS. Douglas 47, Brookings-Harbor 12 Camas Valley 74, Elkton 14 Glendale 55, Monroe 6 1-0. L—Darvish 0-1. NFL—Added three games to the six-game sus- WNBA Basketball — Eastern Conference Final, 5 Triad 72, Gilchrist 32 Grant 49, Oregon City 34 Cardinals 6, Braves 3 pension of Denver LB D.J. Williams for violating p.m., ESPN2. North Bend 56, South Umpqua 0 the league’s policy and program for substances Prospect 74, North Lake 24 Grants Pass 52, South Eugene 7 St. Louis 000 301 200 — 6 6 0 South Umpqua 0 0 0 0 — 0 of abuse following his conviction in August of Butte Falls at Hosanna Christian, na Heppner 61, Elgin 0 Atlanta 020 000 100 — 3 12 3 North Bend 21 28 0 7 — 56 driving while ability impaired. Fined Minnesota Local Schedule Hidden Valley 29, Henley 0 Lohse, Lynn (6), Mujica (7), Rzepczynski (7), Scoring Summary: Powers 56, Days Creek 32 LB Chad Greenway and New England LB Horizon Christian Tualatin 48, Gervais 16 Boggs (8), Motte (8) and Y.Molina; Medlen, Durbin NB: Ty Roane 45 pass from Hamilton Mateski Days Creek 8 8 0 16 — 32 Brandon Spikes $21,000 each for unnecessary Today Illinois Valley 19, Bonanza 7 (7), Venters (7), O’Flaherty (8), Kimbrel (9) and (Michael Hobson kick) Powers 14 22 14 6 — 56 roughness and Buffalo DT Kyle Williams $15,750 High School Cross Country — Pacific, Siuslaw Imbler 52, Wallowa 6 D.Ross. W—Lohse 1-0. L—Medlen 0-1. Sv—Motte (1). NB: Mateski 6 run (Hobson kick) Scoring Summary: for roughing the passer during last week’s at Paul Mariman Invitational, Philomath, 1 p.m.; Jesuit 42, Westview 7 HRs—St. Louis, Holliday (1). Atlanta, D.Ross (1). NB: Clayton Duryee 51 pass from Mateski Pow: Carl Martinez 8 run (Tye Jackson run) games. Fined New Orleans S Malcolm Jenkins, Marshfield at Harriers Classic, 9 a.m. (Hobson kick) DC: Jason Fuller 15 run (Ryan Eichmann pass Jewell def. Alsea, forfeit College Volleyball — SWOCC at Linn-Benton, 1 Green Bay NT B.J. Raji, Tennessee OT Dave NB: Duryee 11 run (Hobson kick) from Fuller) Knappa 40, Nestucca 13 p.m. Pro Football Stewart, and Arizona PK Jay Feely $7,875 each NB: Mateski 37 run (Hobson kick) Pow: Jackson 1 run (run failed) La Salle 42, North Marion 15 Women’s College Soccer — Everett at SWOCC, Lake Oswego 41, Canby 20 for unnecessary roughness during last week’s NB: Mason Laird 11 run (Hobson kick) Pow: Clayton Stallard 2 run (Jackson run) NFL games. noon NB: Lakeridge 56, Lincoln 30 Mateski 10 run (Hobson kick) DC: Eichmann 14 pass from Fuller (Sean AMERICAN CONFERENCE CINCINNATI BENGALS—Signed CB Chris Lewis- Men’s College Soccer — Everett at SWOCC, 2 NB: Luke Lucero 4 run (Hobson kick) Lakeview 49, Rogue River 0 Orrison pass from Fuller) East W L T Pct PF PA Harris to the . p.m. Team Statistics Lowell 72, Mohawk 18 Pow: Martinez 3 run (Martinez run) N.Y. Jets 2 2 0 .500 81109 —Signed DE Clifton Geathers South Coast Youth Football League — Fifth SU NB Madras 33, Molalla 6 Pow: Martinez 3 run (run failed) New England 2 2 0 .500 134 92 and CB Lionel Smith to the practice squad. and Sixth Grade: At North Bend High School, First Downs 8 22 Mazama 22, Phoenix 20 Pow: Martinez 15 run (run failed) Buffalo 2 2 0 .500 115 131 —Released CB Reggie North Bend Steelers vs. North Bend Broncos, 9 Rushes-Yards 25-39 36-315 McKenzie 56, Mapleton 12 Pow: Cougar Bessey 1 run (Patrick Byrd run) Miami 1 3 0 .250 86 90 Corner from injured reserve. Signed WR-KR a.m.; Myrtle Point Giants vs. Bandon Saints, 11 Passing 121 177 McMinnville 42, Hillsboro 6 DC: Kolby Orrison 3 run (Orrison run) South W L T Pct PF PA Micheal Spurlock. Promoted DE Ryan Davis from a.m. At Reedsport High School, Reedsport Comp-Att-Int 9-24-3 7-12-0 McNary 26, North Salem 19 DC: Fuller 5 run (Eichmann pass from Fuller) Houston 4 0 0 1.000 126 56 the practice squad. Waived OL Daniel Baldridge Falcons vs. Coos Bay Raiders, 9 a.m.; Reedsport Fumbles-Lost 3-0 2-1 Mountain View 55, Pendleton 14 Pow: Jackson 52 punt return (run failed) Indianapolis 1 2 0 .333 61 83 and DE Aaron Morgan. Falcons vs. Coos Bay Jets, 11 a.m. Third and Penalties-Yards 0-0 8-56 Newport 36, Stayton 22 Jacksonville 1 3 0 .250 62 97 MINNESOTA VIKINGS—Signed G Tyler Holmes Fourth Grade: At North Bend High School, Coos Individual Statistics VOLLEYBALL North Valley 43, Klamath 28 Tennessee 1 3 0 .250 81 151 to the practice squad. Waived DE Ernest Owusu Bay Chargers vs. North Bend Ravens, 1 p.m.; RUSHING—SU: Dakota Senger 16-27, Matt Midwestern League Nyssa 20, Vale 7 Bandon Cardinals vs. North Bend Colts, 1 p.m. At Oakland 54, North Douglas 0 North W L T Pct PF PA from the practice squad. Kennedy 2-(minus-3), Marcus Loper 1-7, DJ W L Baltimore 3 1 0 .750 121 83 SOCCER Reedsport High School, Reedsport Redskins vs. Holloway 2-(minus-9), Kristian Evans 2-32, Brian Oakridge 28, Riddle 22 Churchill 50 Cincinnati 3 1 0 .750 112 112 USA—Named Jill Ellis women’s interim coach. Coos Bay Jaguars, 1 p.m. Fairbanks 2-(minus-15). NB: Hamilton Mateski Perrydale 76, Falls City 32 Sunday, Oct. 7 Marshfield 5 1 Pittsburgh 1 2 0 .333 77 75 Major League Soccer 13-154, Clayton Duryee 8-60, Zach Hawk 6-76, Philomath 42, Taft 3 Willamette 3 2 Cleveland 0 4 0 .000 73 98 MLS—Suspended Chicago F Guillermo Franco No local events scheduled. Mason Laird 2-16, Cameron Lucero 1-0, Luke Portland Christian 48, Neah-Kah-Nie 12 North Eugene 2 4 West W L T Pct PF PA one game and fined him an undisclosed amount Monday, Oct. 8 Lucero 5-3, Levi Rider 2-6. Powder Valley 91, Pine Eagle 48 Springfield 1 3 San Diego 3 1 0 .750 100 71 for endangering the safety of his opponent dur- High School Volleyball — Far West League: PASSING—SU: DJ Holloway, 8-23-92, Brian Putnam 63, Liberty 0 Marist 0 5 Denver 2 2 0 .500 114 83 ing Wednesday’s game against Philadelphia. North Bend at South Umpqua, 6 p.m.; Siuslaw at Fairbanks 1-1-29. NB: Hamilton Mateski 7-12-177. Rainier 20, Clatskanie 15 Thursday’s Score: Kansas City 1 3 0 .250 88 136 COLLEGE Sutherlin, 6 p.m.; Douglas at Brookings-Harbor, RECEIVING—SU: Kristian Evans 4-64, Marcus Redmond 54, Crook County 22 Marshfield d. North Eugene, 25-5, 25-18, 25-13 MIAMI—Announced the resignation of athletic 6 p.m. Loper 3-43, Matt Kennedy 1-13, Dakota Senger 1- Regis 64, Culver 0 Oakland 1 3 0 .250 67 125 Far West League NATIONAL CONFERENCE director Shawn Eichorst. Named Blake James High School Boys Soccer — Far West League: 1. NB: Clayton Duryee 2-55, Wyatt Cunningham Ridgeview 20, The Dalles-Wahtonka 0 W L East W L T Pct PF PA acting athletic director. Brookings-Harbor at North Bend, 4:30 p.m.; 2-37, Cameron Lucero 2-40, Ty Roane 1-45. Roosevelt 34, Madison 20 South Umpqua at Pacific, 4:30 p.m. Siuslaw 5 0 Salem Academy 47, Jefferson 7 Philadelphia 3 1 0 .750 66 83 MISSOURI—Suspended WR Dorial Green- High School Girls Soccer — Far West League: Siuslaw 41, Sutherlin 12 Douglas 3 2 Sandy 22, St. Helens 13 Dallas 2 2 0 .500 65 88 Beckham, LB Torey Boozer and WR Levi Copelin North Bend at South Umpqua, 4:30 p.m.; Siuslaw 28 6 7 0 — 41 North Bend 3 2 Santiam Christian 47, Harrisburg 21 Washington 2 2 0 .500 123 123 one game. Coquille at Sutherlin, 4:30 p.m.; Douglas at Sutherlin 0 6 0 6 — 12 Sutherlin 3 2 Scappoose 49, Yamhill-Carlton 10 N.Y. Giants 2 2 0 .500 111 84 NEBRASKA—Named Shawn Eichorst athletic Brookings-Harbor, 4:30 p.m. Midwestern Scoring Summary: South Umpqua 1 4 Scio 65, Toledo 14 South W L T Pct PF PA director and signed him to a five-year contract, League: Churchill at Marshfield, 4 p.m. Siu: Alex Snow 19 run (Ryan Smith kick) Brookings-Harbor 0 5 Sheldon 48, Crater 0 Atlanta 4 0 0 1.000 124 76 effective Jan. 1. C M C M Y K Y K

C M C M Y K B4 •The World • Saturday, October 6,2012 Y K Community Sports/Baseball Playoffs Lions Club hosts 25th tourney next weekend

I Event is Friday Marshfield High School and them, and several of the Sunset School on Friday and coaches, played in the tourna- and Saturday at Saturday. ment when they were younger. Marshfield and Lions Club officials esti- The Lions Club uses the mate that close to 8,000 vol- event as a fundraiser, with Sunset schools leyball players have partici- money coming from the team pated in the event over the entry fees, admission ($4 for past 25 years. adults and $2 for students THE WORLD This year’s tournament each day), concessions and includes teams from T-shirt sales. The money is The Coos Bay Lions Club Roseburg, Myrtle Creek, used to help those needing will hold its 25th Volleyball Portland, Silverton, Stayton, financial assistance for sight Tournament next weekend in Vernonia, Banks, Northern and hearing in the Coos Bay Coos Bay. California and several South area. The Associated Press This year, 32 middle Coast communities. Businesses in the Bay Area The celebrate winning the American League wild-card playoff game against the Texas school teams from Oregon High school players from provide a boost by purchas- Rangers on Friday in Arlington,Texas. and Northern California will Marshfield and North Bend ing ads in the tournament compete in the event at will serve as referees. Most of program. Orioles oust Rangers Yelton and Allen take titles at

BY STEPHEN HAWKINS them and falling just short in time for Texas, which a week The Associated Press a neck-and-neck race for the ago had a four-game division Crossings Club Championship division title. lead with six games to play. ARLINGTON, Texas — Turns out, the Yankees Because of that, they could- THE WORLD which was three shots better match-play tournament, Buck Showalter and the haven’t brushed off these n’t avoid the majors’ new than David Kimes. started Friday. Baltimore Orioles will get Birds just yet. winner-take-all postseason Ed Yelton took the top Dennis Allen took low- The seeds, in order, were another chance to overtake “Real proud of everybody. openers, and then couldn’t seed for the Crossings Cup at gross honors with a two- Yelton, Allen, Mike Tucker, the . Tacking on runs were big, get past the Orioles with Bandon Crossings after win- round total of 168 at the Club Tracy Couch, Kimes, Al The surprising O’s have knew they were going to run their top pitcher on the ning low-net honors during Championship and is the No. Greenfield, John Johnston already beaten some big at you,”Showalter said. “But mound. the Club Championship, a 2 seed for the Crossings Cup. and Powers. odds, getting past the two- just a real proud moment for “To be honest with you I two-week Casual Fridays Dewey Powers Sr. finished They earned their spot in time defending AL champion us. never thought anything like event. second at the Club the Crossings Cup through and their “Our guys approached it this would happen,” Yelton had net scores of Championship with a 173. the Casual Fridays events this Japanese ace, Yu Darvish, in and we talked about it being Washington said. 66 and 71 for a total of 137, The Crossings Cup, a year. the win-or-go-home wild- sudden life instead of sudden Wiped out by San card playoff. death, and we played that Francisco in the 2010 World Joe Saunders pitched way. You’ve got to seize the Series, the Rangers twice Jarvis wins King of the Track effectively into the sixth opportunity. We don’t get came within a strike of their inning at a place where he many,”he said. first champi- THE WORLD Winners of the specific Billie Brown (Saturday) and had never won, Adam Jones After twice coming with a onship last October against classes during the final Kirby (Sunday) for Junior delivered the tiebreaking strike of winning last year’s St. Louis. Tom Jarvis won the 2012 weekend included Don Dragster, and Rick sacrifice fly and the Orioles, World Series, this season is When the Rangers com- King of the Track honors at Barns for Sportsman both Lachance (Saturday) and in the playoffs for the first over that quickly for the mitted more than $107 mil- Coos Bay Speedway follow- Saturday and Sunday; Mike Jarvis (Sunday) for Super time in 15 years, eliminated Rangers, who were in first lion last winter to acquire ing the final drag races of the Bales Jr. (Saturday) and Pro. the Rangers 5-1 Friday night. place for a majors-high 178 Darvish, they did so with the season last weekend. Jerry Bugge (Sunday) for Final season standings are “With our team it’s just a days this season. Texas anticipation he’d be on the Riley Kirby won the junior Pro; Mike Campbell for included in today’s bunch of guys that raised the loaded the bases with two mound for many big games. dragster challenge. Motorcycle (both days), Community Scoreboard. bar and wouldn’t give in and outs in the ninth before David “Me and my teammates still haven’t. Now they get a Murphy flied out to end it. and the Rangers’ fans, I don’t chance to win to roll the dice, “We just didn’t get it think we all thought that it and there’s a lot of good card done,” manager Ron would end this early,”Darvish players in there,” said Washington said. said through a translator. “I Soccer sportsmanship award winners Showalter, their manager. The Rangers lost the AL mean, right now, no. I don’t The Orioles advanced to West crown on the final day even know what I’m sup- THE WORLD Sportsmanship Awards coached by Brad Johnson. play the East champion of the regular season, after posed to do tomorrow.” First Grade: Honda Fifth/Sixth Grade: Knife Yankees, the AL’s top seed — being swept in three games at They never would have Bay Area Sportsman’s World (Hillcrest S), coached River (Lighthouse), coached the teams split 18 games this Oakland for a stretch of nine expected him being outdu- Association sportsmanship by Scott Moffitt. by Eric Hamner. season. The best-of-five losses their last 13 games. eled in a playoff game by and official awards for Boys Second Grade: Coquille Official Awards division series starts Sunday “I’m not stunned, I was Saunders, a late-season & Girls Club of Valley Financial Management Professional: Hannah at Camden Yards. right there watching it,” addition by the Orioles who Southwestern Oregon fall (Madison), coached by Schandelmeier-Lynch, The upstart Orioles spent Washington said. had lost all six of his previous soccer games played on Kambria Carpenter. Traven Banks, Clay the whole second half chas- Their worst slump of the starts with a 9.38 ERA at Saturday, Sept. 29, listed Third Grade: Coos Bay Messerle. ing New York, never passing season came at the wrong Rangers Ballpark. with sponsors and coaches. Sanitary (Coos Bay), Hustle: Cody Rutledge.

CARDINALS probably feeling a lot like two extra umpires added for those replacement NFL refs postseason games. Community Scoreboard From Page B1 who caught so much grief. Jones refused to pin this The infield fly is a compli- loss on the umps. Mary Barnes 497. Braves president John cated rule, designed to pre- “That one play didn’t cost Bowling Cash Classic — Tim Bollin 724, Shawn McNally Auto Racing Schuerholz apologized for vent infielders from inten- us the game. Three errors 707, Karl Daniel 671; Stacey Nelson 642, Debbie North Bend Lanes Cramer 584, Tracie Ball 566. Coos Bay Speedway the actions of the crowd, say- tionally dropping a popup cost us the game,” he said. Thursday Bumpers (two-game series) — Mike with more than one runner “We just dug ourselves too Sept. 24-30 Horn 235, Ty McKinnon-Hurst 233, Dylan Drag Racing ing a “small group of those HIGH GAME fans acted in a manner that on base and perhaps get an big a hole.” Bearden 222; Gracie Mae Schlagger 179, King of the Hill Young at Heart Seniors — Bud Grant 217, Elizabeth Cantrill 170, Mia Knight 168. Sept. 29 was uncharacteristic and extra out. Holliday homered in the Richard Gutierrez 215, Nick Boutin 207; Lue Dyer Varsity — Matt Weybright 719, Shawn McNally Sportsman — Winner: Don Barns (67 Chevy), No one could ever sixth off Medlen, who had 195, Colleen Morgan 194, Judy Farrar 183, Marge 702, David Warrick 689. 8.71 (8.12 dial). Runner-up: Allen Williams (74 unacceptable.” The barrage Novak 183. left Holbrook fearing for his remember it being applied been baseball’s most domi- Silver Tip Seniors — Richard Dupret 663, Bud Nova), 8.93 (8.95 dial). Semifinals: Leon Monday Super Star Juniors — Jordan Clark Grant 618, Don Bomar 606; Sandra Jacobs 537, Williams, Kory Alby. safety. like this. And, after past nant starter over the final two 256, Micheal Villers 216, Jayse Morgan 214; Sheryl Todd 528, Sally Curtis 526. Pro — Winner: Mike Bales Jr. (65 Falcon), 7.24 postseasons dotted by con- months. The Braves had not Arianna Campbell 201, Josie Dixon 158, Sierra Friday Bumpers (two-game series) — Kaleb (7.22 dial). Runner-up: Robert Crum (73 Vega), “When cans are flying Smith 127. past your head, yeah, a little tested calls, this play will lost a start by the diminutive Miller 221, Jesse McIntyre 185, Julian O’Campo- broke. Semifinals: Jim Booth, Paul Melsness. Monday Rising Star Juniors — Troy Liggett 159, Neilsen 177; Kyah Brueckner 194, Jaamise Huff Motorcycle — Winner: Mike Campbell (77 bit,”Holbrook said. certainly lead to another slew right-hander since 2010 — a Angel Espat 129, Brenden Smith 106; Regan 169, Hailey Jade Crawford 158. Kawasaki), 6.54 (6.55 dial). Runner-up: Victor of October cries for more streak of 23 games, the Foxworthy 135, Bryanna Decker 130, Courtney Timber — Larry Huffman 610, Thomas Elam, foul. Semifinals: Sean Sullivan. The stoppage only Guthrie 117. delayed the inevitable. When instant replay. longest in modern baseball Crawford 572, Ron Starks 569; Robecca Warrick Junior Dragster — Winner: Billie Brown (98 Jr. Men’s Coast — Don Shipp 236, Karl Daniels 545, Tracie Ball 523, Debra Huffman 514. Dragster), 11.07 (10.85 dial). Runner-up: Riley play resumed, Brian McCann “I was under it,” Kozma history. 236, Bruce Watts 230. Jack-n-Jill — Shawn Cook 630, Louie Spanik Kirby (02 Halfscale), 8.27 (8.00 dial). said. “I should have made the But this is the postseason. Tuesday Senior Boomers — Bill Henderson 593, John Dixon 547; Debbie Cramer 646, Julie Super Pro — Winner: Rick Lachance (69 walked to load the bases but 192, Paul Scritchfield 179, Mike Ash 177; Lucy Michael Bourn struck out to play. I took my eyes off it. I This is when the Graham 476, Debbie Reiff 447. Dodge), 6.16 (6.16 dial). Runner-up: Tom Jarvis Hoffman 176, Karyn Swinderman 168, Irma Sunday Reno — Robert Taylor 706, Brian (63 Plymouth), 6.29 (6.30 dial). Semifinals: end the threat. Dan Uggla was camped under it.” Cardinals shine. Koivunen 166. Fletcher 630, Rod Duryee 618; Viki Springfels James Ambercrombie. grounded out with two This is what some fans The Braves haven’t won a Bay Area Hospital — Craig Wooley 241, Arnold 519, Sandra Davis 491, Buffy Stanley 451. Sept. 30 Hill 236, Thomas Crawford 197; Josie Chambers Sportsman — Winner: Don Barns (67 Chevy), aboard in the ninth to finish feared about a one-game playoff round since 2001. 204, Lisa Wooley 190, Susan Cabrera 178. 8.20 (8.10 dial). Runner-up: Wesley Williams (62 it, leading to one more wave playoff — a disputed call Since then, they’ve gone 0 for Cosmo — Megan Rivas 223, Debbie Cramer Golf Belair), 10.29 (10.10 dial). Semifinals: Kory Alby. of trash throwing as the determining a team’s fate for 7 — including six decisive 205, Michelle Mullins 202. Pro — Winner: Jerry Bugge (64 Dodge), 7.10 Rolling Pins — Lois Cummingham 190, Sandra Bandon Crossings (7.09 dial). Runner-up: Jim Booth (65 Belvedere), umps scurried off the field — an entire season, even with losses at Turner Field. Jacobs 179, Robin Blackwell 178. Men’s Day 7.76 (7.72 dial). Semifinals: Al Clifton. Primers Too Seniors — Lou Wallace 225, Motorcycle — Winner: Mike Campbell (77 Richard Dupret 214, Ron Milbrandt 209; Linda Crossings/Sandpines Visitational Sept. 19 Kawasaki), 6.55 (6.55 dial). Runner-up: Bill Nichols 206, Thelma Fairchild 190, Mary Barnes Brown (2012 Honda), foul. Two person better ball, 1 point for front nine, 187. Junior Dragster — Winner: Riley Kirby (02 1 point for back nine, 1 point for total Cash Classic — Shawn McNally 264, Tim Bollin Halfscale), 8.06 (8.00 dial). Runner-up: Billie Net Scores in parentheses 256, Karl Daniel 238; Stacey Nelson 233, Tracie Brown (98 Jr. Dragster), foul. Bandon Crossings 27.5, Sandpines 5.5. Ball 223, Debbie Cramer 211. Super Pro — Winner: Tom Jarvis (63 Plymouth, Dennis Allen and Dewey Powers, Crossings Thursday Bumpers — Mike Horn 138, Michael 6.30 (6.20 dial). Runner-up: Rick Lachance (69 (61), d. Don Beaton and Jay Henry, (71) 3-0 . Shick 121, Dylan Bearden 121; Shianne Myers 95, Dodge), 6.17 (6.14 dial). Dennis Thomason and Ken Gregg, Crossings Gracie Mae Schlagger 94, Elizabeth Cantrill 91. Final Standings (61), d. Arron VanDehey and Tom Maloney (75), Varsity — Matt Weybright 300, Kelly Swope Junior Dragster — Billie Brown 31 points, Riley 3-0. 267, Karl Daniel 257. Kirby 25, Aerin Burton 13. Mike Hewitt and Dick Wold, Crossings (66), d. Silver Tip Seniors — Richard Dupret 239, Bud Sportsman — William Brown 44, Allen Rip O’Quinn and Ken Martin (na), 2.5-.5. Grant 221, Don Bomar 215; Linda Nichols 211, Williams 38, Leion Williams 36, Doug Kirby 33, Larry Grove and Chris Holm, Crossings (58), d. Sheryl Todd 203, Sandra Jacobs 200. Wesley Williams 29, Chris Burton 28, Kory Alby Jim Kearns and David Carporale (76), 3-0. Friday Bumpers — Kaleb Miller 128, Julian 25, Louis Langly 14, Ken Stevens 13, Daniel Esch David Kimes and Dale Bartin, Crossings (68), O’Campo-Neilsen 100, Jesse McIntyre 97; Kyah 11, Leonard Carlson 8, Archie Aldrich 7, Craig d. Lois Mawcinitt and Mariann Mawcinitt (70), 2- Brueckner 106, Jaamise Huff 93, Hailey Jade Hobbs 5, Craig Boerste 5, Breanna Betts 5. 1. Crawford 84. Pro — Mike Bales Jr. 45, Tom Melson 34, Ian Gary Schindele and Ed Atkinson, Crossings Timber — Larry Huffman 257, Travis Feazel Nickel 25, Trevor Hall 21, Gene Wells 15, Kory (69), d. Fred Wundell and Rick Hardwick (75), 3- 225, Ron Starks 206, Ron Schaar 206; Debra Alby 12, Mike Bales Sr. 8, Bob Harlukowitz 5, Jeff 0. Huffman 201, Robecca Warrick 192, Leisha Tillett Darby 5, Billy Janousek 2, David Esch 2, Daniel John Johnston and Mike Tucker, Crossings 189. Crowder 2, Greg Kirby 1, Louie Langly 1. (68), d. James Epples and Don Sloto (68), 2-1. Jack-n-Jill — Shawn Cook 243, Louie Spanik Super Pro — Tom Jarvis 27, Rick Lachance 21, Karl Sackrison and Mike Groat, Sandpines 232, Brian Fletcher 222; Debbie Cramer 258. Rick Orton 19, Bob Harlukowitz 9, William Brown (67), d. Ron Sloniker and Bill Vans Coy (75), 2-1. Julie Graham 179, Debbie Reiff 167. 7. Sunday Reno — Robert Taylor 267, Rod Duryee Jim Wathen and Johnny Ohanesian, Crossings smart + stunning (73), d. Ray Mans and Larry Nivens (72), 2-1. 236, Mark Gonzales 233; Sandra Davis 201, Lisa Gregg Wilkinson and Ron Cookson, Crossings Road Runs Clark+Kensington’s easy-to-live-with, designer colors harmonize perfectly and Duryee 191, Viki Springfels 191. HIGH SERIES (64), d. Ray Morris and Jack Bibby (61), 3-0. let you mix and match with confidence. Don Conn and Brian Boyle, Crossings (58), d. Upcoming Road Races on the South Coast Young at Heart Seniors — Bud Grant 620, For more information on upcoming road Richard Gutierrez 587, Don Bomar 576; Colleen Armondo Kennon and Jackson Kennon (na), 3-0. Morgan 520, Lue Dyer 511, Sally Curtis 498. Low Gross — Dennis Allen and Dewey Powers, races and for photos from past events, those One-of-a-Kind color for a Monday Super Star Juniors — Jordan Clark 74; Arron VanDehay and Tom Malaney, 76; interested can log on to the South Coast 690, Micheal Villers 615, Jayse Morgan 569; James Epples and Don Sloto, 77. Running Club’s Web page at www.southcoas- long-term, committed Arianna Campbell 560, Josie Dixon 452, Sierra Low Net — Don Conn and Brian Boyle, 58; trunningclub.org. relationship. Smith 351. Larry Grove and Chris Holm, 58; Ray Morris and See Jane Run — Today, starting at 10 a.m. in Monday Rising Star Juniors — Troy Liggett Jack Bibby, 61. John Topits Park in Coos Bay. The South Coast 460, Angel Espat 360, Brenden Smith 310; Closest to Pin — 0-15 Handicap: Dave Caporale All-Women’s event includes a 5-kilometer Regan Foxworthy 377, Bryanna Decker 327, Rose (No. 6), Dennis Allen (No. 14). 16-and-up: Dick run/walk and a non-competitive 1-mile fun walk. Anderson 311. Wold (Nos. 9, 17). Both events take place on the paved trails Men’s Coast — Travis Deazel 633, Karl Daniels Casual Fridays around Empire Lakes. The event is a fundraiser 622, Rick Surprise 615. Club Championship for the Coos County Women’s Safety and Tuesday Senior Boomers — Michael King 487, Sept. 21 and 28 Resource Center. The entry fee is $10 without a Mike Ash 480, Gary Paulson 475; Lucy Hoffman Low Gross — Dennis Allen 82-86-168; Dewey T-shirt for people who have not preregistered. 457, Irma Koivunen 450, Karyn Swinderman 441. Powers Sr. 88-85-173; Ron Cookson 90-87-177; Run the Loop — Saturday, Oct. 20, starting at Bay Area Hospital — Craig Wooley 590, Gregg Wilkinson 92-94-186; Johnny Ohanesian 9 a.m. at Coquille High School. Event is a 5-kilo- Thomas Crawford 576, Arnold Hill 563; Josie 92-96-188; Kelly Hoy 99-90-189; Forrest Munger meter race on a mostly flat, paved course. Entry Chambers 551, Susan Cabrera 518, Lisa Wooley 101-101-202; Dick Wold 108-106-214. 516. Low Net — Ed Yelton 66-71-137; David Kimes fee is $15 with a T-shirt for runners who sign up Cosmo — Megan Rivas 596, Michelle Mullins 71-69-140; Chris Holm 74-69-143; John Johnston by Oct. 13 or $10 without. Runners 18 and under 542, Debbie Cramer 519. 67-78-145; Brian Boyle 82-69-151; Gary Schindele pay $5 (without a T-shirt). A free kids sprint for Rolling Pins — Lois Cummingham 535, Pat 75-78-153; Barb Hoy 69-88-157; Sean Suppes 77- students 10-and-under will be held at 8:45 a.m. 10054 Hwy. 42 • Coquille OR Richardson 487, Sandra Jacobs 470. 84-161. Raceday registration fee is $15 without a T-shirt. COQUILLE SUPPLY 541-396-4264 Primers Too Seniors — Bruce Watts 566, Lou Closest to Pin — Dick Wold (No. 6), Dewey The event is a fundraiser for the Coquille Wallace 559, Chuck Parks 557, Clifford Martin Powers (No. 11), Ed Yelton (No. 14), Dennis Allen Booster Club. For more information, call HOME CENTER www.coquillesupply.com • Open 7 Days A Week 557; Thelma Fairchild 519, Linda Nichols 507, (No. 17). Michelle Philley at 541-953-0067. C M C M Y K Y K


Real Estate | C2 Comics | C4 Money Classifieds | C5 C theworldlink.com/business • Business Editor Gail Elber • 541-269-1222, ext. 234 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2012 They’ll give us Liberty

Ethan and Karen Tobin are transforming North Bend institution Roger’s Zoo into Liberty Pub, but they're hoping those who loved the Zoo will like the new place too. Ethan said Thursday that the Tobins are aiming for the “English or Irish” pub atmosphere. That means that although they hope to have live music a couple of times a month and they're installing a TRADE TV or two, “Conver- WINDS sation is the pri- mary entertain- By Gail Elber, The World ment,”he Morning sun gilds the North Bend Walgreens before its “soft opening” Friday. A grand opening is set for Oct. 12. said. As at Roger’s, “There'll GAIL be eclectic ELBER What’s a Walgreens mean? things on the bar.” Also as at Roger’s, there'll be an all-ages restaurant side BY GAIL ELBER She said that although Wheels collector who was line. item to sell, give Schaefer a to the establishment in chains are always scouting eager to check out the Another kiosk at the back The World call at 541-756-0118. addition to the bar, so fami- new locations, property newest toy aisle in town. of the store lets customers The store is open for busi- A Walgreens opening at owners also woo them when He gave his name only as browse Walgreens’ online lies can enjoy the menu of Newmark and Broadway in a building becomes vacant, “Randy,” but admitted, “If site and order things not ness, but a grand opening is burgers, pizza and pub grub North Bend. A Big Lots dis- as when Albertsons closed in you print ‘Randy’ and ‘Hot stocked in the store, such as set for Friday. There’ll be that the Tobins are planning. count store opening across the Newmark Avenue loca- Wheels,’ they’re going to fragrances, wheelchairs, and promotional items — appar- Both Tobins started their the street next week. tion where Big Lots is set to know who I am.” medical equipment, to be ently the word “giveaway” is working lives in restaurants, then pursued other careers Is something attracting open next Friday. “There’s Hot Wheels that delivered to the store. a no-no, but expect good national franchises to our “Responsible property are called ‘Treasure Hunts,’” Fifteen employees roam — Ethan in electronics, things — and the store will area? owners do not want their he explained. “They might the extremely shiny aisles, Karen in interior design. Might just be a coinci- property to sit around put one in the case, and they Schaefer said. raffle off a bike. K-Dock, the About 10 years ago, they dence, said Joyce Jansen, empty,” she said. might not.” Walgreens makes a point North Bend High School jazz came to this area on vacation economic revitalization Walgreens corporate Hot Wheels collectors of featuring local merchan- band, and the Marshfield and fell in love with the administrator for the city of spokesman Robert Elfinger may be disappointed — none dise, and the North Bend dance team will entertain. place. Coos Bay. would only say, “We look for were displayed on the toy store already carries both Shoppers can also look Eight years ago, they left “I know that Walgreens the best corners in America aisle Friday — but other cus- North Bend Bulldog and forward to the opening of Big their high-pressure jobs, has looked at the Coos Bay to build our pharmacies.” tomers will find plenty to Marshfield Pirate garments, moved here and went to Lots’ doors Thursday, with and North Bend area for “We look at traffic pat- interest them. as well as a selection of work at The Mill Casino- many years,” she said. “They terns, vehicle and pedestri- Manager Teresa Schaefer Northwest microbrews. that store’s grand opening Hotel, where Ethan tended looked at several locations an, and demographics.” pointed out an express pick- Elfinger said, and Schaefer set for Oct. 19. bar and Karen worked in the on Highway 101 at the south On Friday, a few curious up kiosk at the pharmacy confirmed, that the store will Reporter Gail Elber can be end of town. It all came customers were there when counter, where customers entertain proposals from Plank House Restaurant. down to the bottom line, the doors officially opened at can pay with a credit card local manufacturers to carry reached at 541-269-1222, They became regulars at what would it cost to make it 8 a.m. and then pick up a prescrip- locally made goods. If you’ve ext. 234, or at gelber@the- Roger’s and got to know happen.” One was an avid Hot tion without standing in got a soap, a food, or a gift worldlink.com. owner Roger Scott. “When Roger said he was ready to retire, we said we would help with that,”Ethan Vodka was on their bucket list Airport said. In thinking of a name, they considered and rejected BY GAIL ELBER you need to start a compa- every product tastes pretty Coquille Tribe, and pursu- saves watts “Tobin’s,”opting for Liberty The World ny before you can get per- much the same. In fact, ing a seat on the Coos Pub, emblazoning “Life, lib- mission to try out your dis- federal law says, “‘Vodka’ is County Board of Southwest Oregon Region- erty and the pursuit of hap- Two local couples found tilling process. So they’ve neutral spirits so distilled, Commissioners, Melissa al Airport got a $5,187 incen- piness” on their Facebook they had the same unlikely written a business plan, or so treated after distilla- Cribbins used to work as a tive from Energy Trust of page and incorporating the project on their bucket rented a warehouse, and are tion with charcoal or other water purification scien- Oregon to install pilot-con- torch of liberty into their lists, and they’ve joined shopping for stills. materials, as to be without tist. trolled runway lights. logo. forces to make it a reality. Why vodka? “Because distinctive character, Brooke Walton is the Aproaching pilots can flick “It’s not a political state- Melissa and Troy we like it,” Walton said. aroma, taste, or color.” president-elect of the Bay the lights on with a radio sig- ment,” Ethan said. “That Cribbins and Brooke and They’re hoping to create a But it’s not all about a Area Chamber of nal before landing, so the phrase has always rung to Paul Walton are starting cranberry-infused vodka in good-looking bottle. In Commerce, works for John lights don’t need to stay on all me. We’re taking our lives, Copper Pot Distillery with addition to the straight 2010, food science Gibson State Farm night. The incentive paid 30 regaining some liberty for the aim of producing potato product. researchers discovered that Insurance, and brings mar- percent of the cost of the ourselves and pursuing hap- organic potato vodka. Only one percent of the people seem to distinguish keting expertise to the project. piness.” “It was an idea my hus- world’s vodka is potato- vodka brands by somehow table. Paul Walton, who Airport maintenance man- band and I had and Melissa based, she said. detecting different will head the distilling, is a Repairs and renovations to ager Bob Hood said the the vintage building are and Troy Cribbins had sep- She said that as distilled arrangements of clusters of manager at Morgan Stanley change has decreased the air- under way, and the Tobins arately,” said Brooke spirits go, vodka is one of molecules called ethanol Smith Barney, and Troy port’s electricity usage by Walton. “It was something the “easiest” to make, with hydrates that form when Cribbins is a physical ther- half, will extend the life of the expect to open in December. we always wanted to no aging required. alcohol is mixed with water. apist. runway’s 449 light bulbs, and When they do, Roger's accomplish.” But it’s still a tricky The researchers are study- Walton described the will reduce light pollution, friends can look forward to Walton said liquor con- process that requires mas- ing whether trace impuri- process as in the “very, very which affects animals and finding Roger himself on a trol regulations make the tering the operation of a ties in the water affect the beginning stages,” and said stargazers. barstool. distilling business run still and a bottling line. formation of those clusters. they’ll probably start pro- Energy Trust of Oregon is a “We told him his money is “backward.” In most Fortunately, Copper Pot duction in the spring. nonprofit organization that no good at our place,”Ethan industries, you produce a It’s the water has someone who knows Reporter Gail Elber can helps utility customers bene- said. prototype of your product You have to admire her way around a molecule. be reached at 541-269- fit from saving energy and and test it out, then start entrepreneurs who want to Before starting a law career, 1222, ext. 234, or at gel- tapping renewable resources. Field of dreams your business. In distilling, enter a market in which going to work for the [email protected]. The property across Vir- ginia Avenue from Pony Slough has been purchased by real estate appraiser Scott Marineau and his partners Inventors, beware of fraudulent offers Scott and Diane Lewis — the latest in a series of owners who've seen potential in the Q: I have an invention idea and whether the com- Commission at www.ftc.gov but an unwillingness to put mation is available by con- grassy expanse. and heard an advertisement pany you saw advertised is to see if they have any pend- that information in writing tacting the Southwestern The site is informally for a company that promises legitimate or not. Checking ing litigation against the and a refusal to provide doc- Oregon Community College known as the Troutman to help me commercialize it. on a company you see adver- company or any of the own- umented successes. The Small Business Development Should I pay them for that tised is called due diligence. ers. Other resources to check brochure gives you 10 ques- property, after one of the Center office at 541-756- investors who helped finance service? The first step in the due include the Better Business tions to ask the company. 6866. A: Many diligence process is to check filling the slough to create it Bureau and the Attorney Request the answers in writ- If you think you have of the com- DOWN TO the U.S. Patent and Trade- in the 1960s. Most recently General’s office in the state ing. If the answers are already been the victim of a panies that BUSINESS mark Office website to see if the company is located in. unclear, get advice from a the property belonged to advertise any complaints have been scam, contact the U.S. Nissan North America, The U.S. Patent and patent attorney or trusted Patent and Trademark Office services to filed against the company. Trademark Office has a advisor prior to any payment which envisioned a car deal- about filing a complaint and assist Go to www.uspto.gov/ brochure available online to or contract. ership there. contact an attorney about inventors inventors/scam_preven- help prevent scams. The The South Coast Inven- “We don’t have any plans, with com- tion/complaints/index.jsp brochure is available at tors Group is a good resource your legal rights. currently,”Marineau said. “It mercializa- for a list of published com- www.uspto.gov/web/offices to learn more about the Arlene M. Soto is the could be sold, it could be tion are plaints. Some of these com- /com/iip/documents/scam- invention to commercializa- director of the SWOCC developed.” fraudulent. panies will operate until prevent.pdf. Pay attention to tion process. Meeting atten- Small Business Develop- New business? New There are they begin having problems, the top ten scam warning dance is free. The group ment Center, www.BizCen- product? New hire? Promo- several ARLENE then close down and SOTO signs which include: slick meets monthly at The Busi- ter.org. She can be reached tion? Something local busi- avenues you reestablish a business in at 541-756-6445, asoto@ ness owners should know can use to another state using a new ads, requests for upfront ness Center, 2455 Maple payment for services, verbal Leaf, North Bend, OR. Meet- socc.edu, or at 2455 Maple about? Contact Gail Elber at obtain more information business name. You should 541-269-1222, ext. 234, or at about commercializing an also check the Federal Trade promises that your idea is ings start at 6:30 p.m. on the Leaf, North Bend, OR patentable and marketable first Wednesday. More infor- 97459. [email protected]. C M C M Y K Y K

C M C M Y K C2 •The World • Saturday, October 6,2012 Y K INSIDE THIS ISSUE Home maintenance 101: Purchasing a hot water heater

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BY MELISSA RAYWORTH nervous. Designer Kyle ing the pitfalls of using it In a bedroom with muted, plunge and paint with but also can invigorate you to The Associated Press Schuneman often eases badly. gray-blue walls, Burnham orange. “Try three or four wake up in the morning.” homeowners into using opted to add lacquered end different shades,” he says, Leaves are changing and orange by suggesting varia- How much to use? tables in a rich shade of and view them in various What goes with orange? pumpkins are appearing on tions on it. Orange can be overpow- orange. types of daylight and artifi- “I love pairing gray with doorsteps around the coun- “The idea of orange can ering as the main color in a Orange paint can also be a cial light. orange,” Schuneman says. try. As vibrant shades of sound juvenile and unso- room. But, like red, it works great way to spruce up a Also, he says, “orange is a “It immediately amps up the orange fill the outdoors, phisticated,” Schuneman brilliantly as an accent color. dated piece of furniture. lot like red when you’re hip factor and brings it into a they’re also becoming says. “But if you go with “I don’t suggest painting painting, so you’re going to contemporary setting. It increasingly popular inside. umbers, burnt bricks or terra your walls orange,”Burnham Which shades are best? need three or four coats to works well because gray has Upholstery fabrics, paint cottas, you can sell a client says. “But maybe there’s an All three designers like get an even finish. But the a cool base, where orange is colors, furniture and acces- on the idea much easier.” orange in the print on your earthy burnt orange tones end product will be a beauti- warm. So the balance really sories that range from neon The key, he says, is using pillows.” that are almost as brown as ful cozy space.” creates harmony in a room.” orange to tangerine to terra orange creatively and care- It can be casual (“maybe they are orange. Just one word of warning: Along with pale grays and cotta are getting attention fully. you bring in a garden stool “With a burnt orange, “Don’t go with a true shade deep charcoals, orange also this season. Here, Schuneman and that’s bright orange”), or you’d be surprised what the of orange,” Schuneman says. goes well with dark and light But orange isn’t for designers Brian Patrick chic and sophisticated paint chip looks like,” “It will feel like ‘Pee-Wee’s blues and also browns, everyone. When interior Flynn and Betsy Burnham (”think of Hermes orange, Burnham says.“It looks more Playhouse.”’ taupe, cream or white. designers suggest decorating offer tips on decorating with those shopping boxes”), she like a brown. But you paint a with orange, clients can get the color orange, and avoid- says. piece of furniture that color, Where does it work? What to avoid? and it reads orange. It does Orange can look good “I find yellow-orange the what it’s supposed to do — it anywhere in your home, but hardest to work with,” Flynn brings some whimsy.” these designers say it’s espe- says, “because it’s very lim- Expansive Flynn also likes using cially beautiful for bed- ited in accent color choices.” red-orange, “ideal for more rooms. Burnham agrees, saying it’s youthful or edgy rooms.” “Orange is my favorite best to avoid “that school- Abodes! The style of your home choice for kids’ rooms, bus orange.” may help determine which because it’s totally gender- If you’re going with a shades you choose, says neutral,” Flynn says. “My bright orange, just be sure 2214 N. 14TH ST., COOS BAY $455,000 2719 ALDER RIDGE DR., NORTH BEND $750,500 Schuneman. “Terra cotta is a favorite combo for a kids’ you’ll enjoy it long-term. Gorgeous, nearly 3,000 sqft main home along with a very nice, Grandeur and privacy right in town. 12’ coved ceilings and a wall of windows facing south in the 32’ wide Great Room. beautiful backdrop for a tra- space is tangerine and white. Edgy, bright shades are clean duplex. Sale includes duplex with each side containing Custom features throughout. West wing master suite includes 2 Bed, 2 Bath - 1,026 sqft. Both units and main house have a His and Hers bathrooms with 2 closets. Entire upstairs is ditional or retro feeling It’s clean and classic.” “really going to pop and give fireplace. Beautiful through and through with magnificent bay separate living quarters & huge bonus/media room. 2nd space, while pops of a more Schuneman agrees: “I your room some personali- views. #12176509 garage around corner with outside hot water. Meticulous landscaping. #12181602 neon orange could be really love a warm shade of orange ty,”Burnham says. But “a lit- fun for a modern space.” for a bedroom. My last bed- tle goes a long way,” and “Just good ol’ Whatever tone you room was a burnt brick. It what’s hot today may quick- fashioned service” choose, Schuneman sug- felt so warm and cozy,” he ly go out of style. Jerry Worthen Donna Optiz Randy Hoffine gests testing a sample if says. “It really works well “Like any trend,” she principal broker 791 Commercial Ave., Coos Bay • (541) 269-5263 broker principal broker you’ve decided to take the with dim lighting at night, says, “use it sparingly.” www.PacificPropertiesTeam.com

D! BAY & CITY VIEWS! DUCE ED RE 2,168 sq. ft. home has 3 bedrooms, 2 baths on main level & PRIC lower family room with full bath & 2nd kitchen (extended family or rental possibilities). Wraparound balconies on both levels give great views of the bay & city. Short Sale. $ MLS# 12098164 178,000

LARGE HOME IN PEACEFUL COUNTRY SETTING. Beautifully remodeled home w/a contemporary design. Sitting on 1.5 acres with 4 bedroom, 2 bath, & 2,793 sq. ft. of living space on 2 levels. Detached garage & RV parking. $ 269,900 MLS# 12463351

OREGON BAY PROPERTIES, LLC 1992 Sherman Ave., North Bend The Associated Press Photos Office: 541.808.2010 BROOKE YUSSIM, CRS www.OregonBayProperties.com Principal Broker/Owner The designer, Brian Patrick Flynn, has layered several deep shades of orange throughout this space and then 541.290.0881 Cell accented with shades of blue to create a cozy, inviting room.

GREAT LAYOUT IN THIS SPACIOUS 2BR, 2BA ING! CRANBERRY FARM 29+ acres East of Rosa home with a den and bonus room that could be LIST NEW Road. Includes modern 1624 sqft Manufactured converted to a 3rd bedroom. There are many home with expansive decks to enjoy summer wonderful features including natural gas sun. Additionally there is a separate bunk house, appliances, covered porch, low maintenance attached garage and large shop/machine shop. landscaping, oversized 1 car garage, and 2 acres of bogs are newly planted Steven Vines, vaulted ceilings with solar tubes and skylights. A Yellow River. Pumps, water rights and land to hard to find newer home in Myrtle Point for only $$ add more bogs included. MLS#12050824 $119,000. MLS#12259646 3330,00030,,000 D MULTI UNIT RENTAL You paint the houses and UCE BEAUTIFUL 3BR, 2BA MYRTLE POINT pocket the $15,000 price savings! Heart of RED RICE HOME! This great house has storage windsurfing and kite surfing. Includes 14 sites, P rooms upstairs and many recent 2 stick built homes, 8 SA rentals, 3 spaces, 1 RV updates. There is a large living room, space. Total rent is $4726 per month. Brand new septic system. Laundry facilities. Great nice kitchen, covered deck, and opportunity for owner-manager-handyman. wonderful backyard. This is a must see Owner will carry a 4% interest with $50,000 and can be yours for only $123,500. down. MLS#11531705 $$ MLS#12083867 2260,00060,,000 H MARS RIVERVIEW MINI RANCH adjoins the GORGEOUSLY LANDSCAPED CORNER LOT w/a ANDON NING B Bandon Marsh. 5 acres, includes 1994 clean 2BR, 1BA home. This beautiful house has a ADJOI manufactured home, decks, HUGE barn spacious living room, dining area, enclosed 48x60, converted milking parlor(16x18), breezeway, & attached garage. The large master storage buildings. Fruit trees, pasture bedroom could be made into a third bedroom. land, creek frontage, directly across There is a deck for entertaining & the home is from Riverview Kennels. Affords conveniently located in a nice Coquille excellent view of Coquille River. $$ neighborhood. Exercise equipment included. A 2225,00025,,000 MLS#12259497 great place for only $150,000. MLS#12484526 Daavidvid LL.. DDavisavis Realeal EstateEstate Mariah Grami Shaun Wright Frred Gerrnandtt,, Brrokerr Cellll:: ((541)) 290--9444 Principal Broker Real Estate Broker 541-290-7808 541-404-8689 1110 Alabama Street, Bandon, OR 97411 Office: (541) 347-9444 or toll free 1-800-835-9444 www.gramiproperties.com Master bath brightened with a vintage, Chinese burnt orange garden Website: www.bandonhomes.com 399C N. CENTRAL , COQUILLE , OR 97423 • (541) 260-4663 stool. C M C M Y K Y K

C M C M Y K Saturday, October 6,2012 • The World • C3 Y K Real Estate

Home maintenance Contents are prepared by the Advertising Department with contributions from local housing Oregon Coast industry representatives. Opinions expressed by Home Finder contributors belong to the writers and may not 101: Purchasing a represent official views of their employers or A weekly advertising professional associations. Nothing in this supplement published publication may be reproduced in any manner without the specific written permission of the by The World hot water heater publisher. Advertising Department EQUAL HOUSING THE ASSOCIATED PRESS rebates, which can lead to a savings over 10 years. OPPORTUNITY The water heater is the sec- savings between $100 and Study fuel source and size PUBLISHER’S NOTICE: All real estate advertising ond biggest energy drain in $1,000 depending on your Before purchasing your CONTACT US in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing the home behind the heating, region. This savings often replacement water heater, The World Newspaper Act which makes it illegal to advertise” any ventilation and air condition- means replacing your water make sure to study the size preference, limitation or discrimination based on ing system - also known as heater can be relatively inex- and fuel source of your previ- PO BOX 1840 race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status HVAC. Yet when it comes to pensive, allowing you to ous heater. You don’t want to Coos Bay, OR 97420 or national origin, or an intention, to make any understanding the require- invest in a more energy-effi- downgrade to a smaller sys- such preference, limitation or discrimination.” ments and specifications for cient model that will help with tem, and you want to make Familial status includes children under the age of water heaters, most home- continued savings down the sure you have plenty of space 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant owners don’t know the basics. road. Check the rebate finder for your new appliance. In HOW TO PLACE women and people who have security custody of According to GE, almost 80 at www.EnergyStar.gov for a addition, make sure to children under 18. This newspaper will not percent of consumers pur- list of rebates in your area. replace an electric water ADVERTISING knowingly accept any advertising for real estate chase a water heater only Don’t purchase based on heater with an electric Phone: 269-1222 which is in violation of the law. Our readers are when their current unit breaks price alone model, and a gas heater with Fax: 267-0294 hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in or leaks and they are forced to If you’re looking to save a gas model. Also, look for this newspaper are available on and equal look for a quick replacement. money, a moderately priced models with a heat pump, opportunity basis. But it’s important to know the unit may seem appealing. which helps with efficiency. facts about water heaters and But the truth of the matter is When in doubt, call the consider different options that water heating systems plumber before making such an impor- aren’t all created with effi- While some models boast tant purchase. Use these tips ciency in mind, and a cheap- of do-it-yourself capabili- OOWWNERWNNEERR CCARRYCAARRRRYY TTERMSTEERRMMSS to help you choose the best er unit up front may end up ties, others require a model for your home: costing you more over time. plumber’s expertise. Look to energy guides and For example, the GeoSpring Plumbers can also provide NO BANK FEES • Downpayment Negotiable rebates Hybrid Water Heater from recommendations for pur- • Terms Negotiable • Balloon Payment Negotiable Pay attention to how much GE is 62 percent more effi- chasing water heaters and energy each water heating cient than the standard elec- can help ensure you choose a All of the above is negotiable with an Owner Carry. The closer to the asking price the more negotiable unit uses and pay special tric water heater. This energy model with the proper con- is the down payment, the amortization length, the interest rate, and the balloon payment terms. Escr ow attention to those models that savings can mean homeown- nections. costs are normally split between the buyer and seller. are Energy Star-qualified. By ers save up to $320 over the For more tips on purchas- A typical Owner carry is for 30 years at 6% with a balloon payment in 8 to 15 years. Also would include selecting an Energy Star- course of a year. Though the ing an efficient water heater monthly payment to reserves for property taxes and insurance coverage. A typical 30 years qualified appliance, you’ll not unit may cost a little more up and to learn about the amortization at 6% would be about $600 a month payment for principal and interest for every only gain the best energy sav- front, the efficiency of the GeoSpring Hybrid Water $100,000 of loan. For larger loan amount just divide $100,000 onto the larger loan amount and use that ings, but these water heaters water heater can mean a dif- Heater, visit www.geappli- figure to multiply times $600 per month payment. $150,000 = $900. $200,000 = $1,200. $50,000 = $300. may also qualify for utility ference of up to $3,000 in ances.com/geospring. For income property, you want the projected monthly income to exceed the monthly mortgage payments, plus property taxes and insurance payments by at least 50%. Please call Mark Hodgins at 541-751-7915 or your favorite Realtor for specific examples of the above Facts of homeownering life XXVI Owner Carry terms and monthly payments. Ah, well, another year Mix them to the consis- ance finishes. As an alterna- gone by and it’s time to tency of peanut butter, then tive, use matching cabinet E.L. EDWARDS REALTY II, INC. return again to “The Facts of spread that over the stain, panels on appliances for a Property Management & Real Estate Sales Homeownering Life,” our cover it with plastic wrap custom look or black appli- Property Management & Real Estate Sales very own how-to-do-all- and let it sit ances with black counter- Mark Hodgins, Real Estate Broker 756-0347 • Cell: 541-297-3404 sorts-of-obscure-stuff overnight. HOUSE tops. 2707 Broadway, North Bend, OR • www.eledwardsrealty.com manual. Gently WORKS Back in the 1980s, I scrape thought of organizing all the clean in the hints, tips and tidbits that morning. INC. come my way into a book— 5. I’ve E.L. EDWARDS REALTY II, but procrastination got the never had a Property Management & Real Estate Sales better of me. party that a Instead, I’ve been writing clutch of OOwwwnernneerr CCCarryaarrrryy PPProperties...rrooppeerrttiieess...... SSAAAVEVVEE BBBANKAANNKK FFFEES!EEEESS!! it at the rate of one chapter a people did- Y RR TION RY RRY year. n't wind up CA DUC AR CA STEVE ER RE R C ER (I can procrastinate for a hanging out WN ICE NE N BATIE O PR OW OW very long time. This is in the Chapter 26.) kitchen. This year’s offering is If you’re designing a new Price Reduction Price Reduction going to be limited to sug- home — or just a kitchen 2582 Sherman, North Bend 305 N Wall, Coos Bay 785 Sherwood, Lakeside 436 S. Madison, Coos Bay Remodel special. Owner carry AOC. Vinyl siding and vinyl windows. Forced air heating. Very nice single wide home on lot with carport and Close to Madison and Sunset Schools. Fenced gestions you can use to keep make-over — it might be a 30 years at 6% will balloon in 10 years. Half basement. Extra large lot 80x110. Seller works storage outbuilding in Lakeside. New composite yard, corner lot. Garage / shop. roof in 2011. Payment for principal and interest M LS#12452368 from home, please call for appointment. Possible $ 84,900 your kitchen spiffy. Get the good idea to allocate space $55,000 Owner Carry on approval of credit. would be about $580 a month with additional for property taxes and insurance. M LS#12610631 sponges and paper towels for people to congregate or RY $79,900 M LS#12230357 CAR $ 82,900 M LS#12471020 ready: sit, especially if your floor ER Y RY WN RR CAR 1. Scented candles or pot- plan is one where the kitchen O CA RRY ER ER CA WN WN ER O pourri may help mask odors flows seamlessly into the O WN in small areas, but here’s an family room. O all-encompassing solution 6. Kitchens adjacent to 2781 Oak, North Bend Price Reduction for fighting the whole-house great rooms with hardwood Located next to College Street Park on Oak with 814 Newmark, Coos Bay soccer and baseball fields across the street. 626 N. 8th Lakeside, Coos Bay Commercial building on Newmark in downtown scent of fried onions — as floors often have hardwood Fenced yard with fruit trees. Move in ready. Handicap elevator access to main floor in garage. 92310 Cape Arago, Coos Bay Very nice manufactured home with bay view. Empire. High volume national franchise has signed Possible owner carry with approval of credit. Oversized garage fenced RV parking. Back up long term lease (triple net) and will be remodeling long as you have a forced-air floors themselves. power generator in garage. Asphalt paved lot and Several outbuildings with a shop. All chain link $149,000 M LS#12225011 driveway. Large covered deck. Deluxe master bath. fenced with electric gate and large roller gate the entire exterior and leasehold interior system. Remember to have extra in back, makes it a handy drive through. improvements on their unit. $172,500 M LS#11360971 Put a couple of drops of coats of varnish applied. Lots of room for RVs/boats/toys. $179,000 M LS#11056147 vanilla on your furnace filter. Spills and water don’t mix $175,900 MLS#12652343 RY RY Y The system’s blower will with wood — especially oak, AR AR Y ARR R C R C ARR C NE NE C NER spread the sweet smell which will turn black if water OW OW NER OW throughout the house. If the is left on it too long. OW heat or air conditioning 7. Before scrubbing the don’t happen to be on, set inside over a microwave 671 E St, Coos Bay 208 Park, Coos Bay 831 S Empire Blvd, Coos Bay 91289 Hedge Ln., Coos Bay the system on fan only for 20 oven, boil a bowl of plain Clean well maintained triplex, some bay view, deck, OWNER CARRY on approval of credit. Two homes in each unit is 2 bedroom 1 bath. Each unit has Possible Owner carry on approval of credit of buyer. Six Plex with beautiful bay view. Owner will minutes. water for a few minutes to Amortized at 6% for 30 years with balloon payment one sale. 91289 and 91293 Hedge Lane. Close to bay. covered parking. Each unit has covered parking. carry paper. Can be amortized over 30 years at Stick built house with carport and 1991 Fleetwood Each unit has washer/dryer hookups. in 10 years. 5 plex address is 208 Park, county 6% with balloon payment in 15 years. 2. Polished granite coun- loosen the grime and spat- records also includes 208 N 2nd, Coos Bay bedroom with large addition. Seller currently $229,000 MLS#11410521 Double garage 900 sqft for larger unit. upgrading house with new carpet and paint. tertops always show ters. All it takes is soap and $249,000 M LS#12664281 $ 399,900 M LS#10022507 $129,900 MLS#9056766 smudges, watermarks and water to finish the job. wiping streaks. Instead, con- 8. When a plastic bag and OWNER CARRY TERMS: For every $100,000 owner carry @ 6% amortized over 30 years = $600 per month for principal & interes t. On approval of credit. All terms are negotiable. Balloon payment in 8 to 15 years. Escrow costs s plit. No bank charges. For larger loan amounts just divide $100,000 into the larger loan amount and use that figure to sider getting them made a warm toaster or countertop multiply times the $600 per month payment. $150,000 = $900, $200,000 = $1200, $50,000 = $300 per mon th etc. For income property, you want the projected monthly income to exceed the monthly mortgage p ayments, plus property taxes and insurance payments by at least 50%. Contact your favorite Realtor o r call us for specific examples. with a finger-print resistant oven meet, you end up with Mark Hodgins, Real Estate Broker 756-0347 • Cell: 541-297-3404 matte finish — like that now melted mess. To remove it, 2707 Broadway, North Bend, OR • www.eledwardsrealty.com available on most appli- unplug the appliance and ances. dab off the spot with nail 3. Before you invest in polish remover. Wipe the View from Condo deck ! such pricey hard-surface area with a clean, damp cloth ING LIST counters, remember that and dry. EW ceramic, stone and concrete 9. Should you be so N record every noise made by blessed as to have them, you the glasses, dishes and pots can prevent the etching of Price Reduction placed on them. marble countertops by wet- Price Reduction 4. But if you do go that ting them down before using 909 State, North Bend 290 N 3rd Ct, Coos Bay 2895 Broadway , North Bend 3130 Sheridan, North Bend 2 bedroom, 1 bath, 2 bonus rooms. Beautiful bay and city view from the front room, kitchen, 3 bedroom , 1 bath, fireplace, detached garage, 3 bedroom 1 1/2 bath with fenced yard. route, you should know you (and spilling) acidic or alco- Garage/Shop. Fenced yard. RV parking. dining area and deck. Enjoy sunrises and morning sun. fenced yard and on a corner lot. Hardwood floors. Wind protected patio. Fireplace does not work is not connected Easy living in 2 bedroom, 1 bath unit. HOA laundry room Double fireplace. RV Parking. can clean food stains off of hol-based kitchen products. to a through roof chimney. Personal items $129,000 MLS#12031099 and storage provided. Assigned carport parking. Unit #13 $144,900 MLS#11505790 stone counters with a poul- 10. Fingers and pets can may be included in sale. $129,000 MLS#12671310 tice of flour and hydrogen easily soil and scratch those $94,900 MLS#12042631 peroxide. trendy stainless steel appli- ION UCT RED CE NEW ON THE MARKET! Lakeside PRI manufactured home located on level 75x135 lot. 2 bedroom, 2 bath, 1,120 sq. ft. unit. Wheelchair ramp, large living room/dining 63007 Pennsylvania Rd., Coos Bay ACREAGE 63946 Wallace Rd., Coos Bay Beautiful setting on 2.72 acres with terraced gardens, area. RV parking. Short distance to Dunes, 99160 Coos River Ln. , Coos Bay decks on three sides of house, very secluded and wind 63463 Andrews Rd, Coos Bay 3 bedroom 2 bath double wide Riverfront property. Dock & picnic areas. Privacy with loads of potential on 2.11 acres close $95,000 MLS#12366159 Lakes and Ocean. Owner open to offers! manufactured home includes 3 bay shop. protected amongst the trees. Partial view of Coos River. Very nice, comfortable home. 27x48 shop and extra garage with 220 power. Pump to downtown. Detached truck shop currently rented Fenced yard with large covered deck, Outbuildings. Great location. at $550/mo income. Fruit trees. Covered patio with room for a hot tub. RV Parking. Make an offer. house with 300 ft drilled well. Pride of ownership NEW ON THE MARKET! Invest in your $168,000 MLS#12465321 throughout. Walk in showers, large maser bath tub. lots of space for garden & an outbuilding. $159,900 MLS#12134139 future with a well maintained duplex $279,000 MLS#12697184 $219,000 MLS#11401954 with an additional buildable lot. Both X units currently rented. Lots of room LE New Roof R P EX for a shop or RV Parking. Priced OU PL below RMV. Buy Today! F 10 $109,000 MLS#12137121

HOME LOCATED ON UMPQUA RIVER & ACREAGE Executive Home TOO! Great location, country living at it’s best, almost 1274 Minnesota, Coos Bay Illness forces Sale Price Reduction 6 acres, room for animals and has many different 930 Lake Ct , Coos Bay Top of the hill custom built home with park-like Mediterranean Style Interior! 3 bedrooms, 2.1 baths 2081 Meade, North Bend 109 9th St., Coos Bay fruit trees. Nice 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 1,936 sq. ft home setting. Hot tub near waterfall that flows into 2000 with fenced yard. Large rooms with wood floors and 10 unit apartment building located near downtown - arched dooorways. Fireplace in living room and pellet Rental rates $2350 a month projected income. All with river frontage, dock, huge shop, a guest cottage, gal Koi Pond. View of bay & dunes from front. maintenance and occupancy records available. Property Manager 24 hour notice needed. All units with Custom finished garage. Deluxe kitchen. Trex stove in master bedroom. Patio, fruit trees, outdoor own electric meter bases. Building is 1924 vintage and numerous other out buildings. Mature landscaping MLS#11397989 $450,000 MLS#12176244 and garden area. A MUST SEE! decking & seating with paver covered patio. living spaces. See to appreciate. $269,000 has had some lead based paint abatement. $324,900 MLS#12591213 $189,000 MLS#12416996 $339,900 MLS#11458502 E.L. EDWARDS REALTY II, INC. (541) 271-9378 or Property Management & Real Estate Sales toll free 1-800-923-1031 1780 Winchester Ave. Reedsport Mark Hodgins, Real Estate Broker 751-7915 • Cell: 541-297-3404 www.pacificwestrealty.net [email protected] 2707 Broadway, North Bend, OR • www.eledwardsrealty.com C M C M Y K Y K

C M C M Y K C4 •The World • Saturday, October 6,2012 Y K Header


Assemblies of God Church of Christ Lutheran Pentecostal of God FAMILY WORSHIP CENTER COOS BAY CHURCH OF CHRIST CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH & SCHOOL LIGHTHOUSE TEMPLE PC OF G Building a Christ Centered Family “Building the Church you read about in your Bible” 1835 N. 15th, Coos Bay • 541-267-3851 South Empire Blvd. & Olesan Lane Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod Mr. Ed Werner, Evangelist * (541) 267-6021 Pastor Ivan Sharp Sunday School 9:30am Pastor Quintin Cundiff Church - 541-888-6114 Pastor -541-888-6224 775 W. Donnelly Ave. Sunday Morning Worship 10.30am Sunday Worship Service (Fall/Winter schedule) ...... 10:30 am Sunday School ...... 9:30 am Bible School Classes 9:45am • Evening Worship 6:00pm Sunday Bible Study for all ages...... 11:45 am Sunday Morning Worship ...... 10:30 am Wednesday 7:00pm: Kid’s Program/Youth/Adult Sunday Evening Worship...... 6:00 pm Morning Worship 10:45am • Wednesday Prayer & Study 7:00pm Wednesday Ladies Bible Study ...... 10:00 am Monday Men’s & Women’s Meeting ...... 6:30 pm P.O. Box 805/2050 Lincoln St./NorthBend Signing for Hearing Impaired Enrolling Pre-School through 8th Grade for 2012-2013 Tuesday SAFEMeeting ...... 7:00 pm Wednesday Teen Meeting...... 7:00 pm Ph. 541-756-4838 www.nbfwc.org *** Also, Nursery Available www.clcs-cb.org Thursday Mid-Week Services ...... 7:00 pm Baptist CHURCH OF CHRIST Presbyterian EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH 282 W. Sixth, Coquille OR 97423 2761 BROADWAY, NORTH BEND • 541-756-4844 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, N. BEND Senior Pastor Mark Elefritz ... Assistant Pastor Aaron Finley Sunday Bible Study ...... 9:30 am 2741 Sherman Ave., North Bend Sunday Worship...... 10:30 am 541-756-4155 • PASTOR: Dr. Daniel Myers Sunday School 9:30am Pastor Susan Kyllo - 541-756-4035 Morning Worship Service 10:45 am Sunday Life Group...... 6:00 pm Office Hours ...... Mon.-Fri. 9-1 pm Harrison & Vermont St. (East side of Pony Village Mall) Wednesday Family Night 6:00 pm Wednesday Bible Study...... 7:00 pm Sunday School...... 9:00 am Sunday School...... 9:15 am Call for information about Youth Ministries, Bible Studies, Adult Study ...... 9:15 am Sunday Morning Worship...... 10:30 am Mom-To-Mom Ministry, Men’s Group & Wednesday Family Night for all ages Where You Can Find A Friend Worship (Child Care Provided)...... 10:30 am Men & Womens Breakfast Bible Study (Friday) ...... 6:30 am 541-396-2921 • www.ebccoquille.org Home of Cartwheels Preschool ~ [email protected] Youth Meeting (Friday Evening)...... 6pm-9pm Combined Youth Group (Sunday)...... 6 pm-7:00 pm FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Church of God (Clevland, Tenn.) 1140 South 10th, Coos Bay An American Baptist Church NORTH BEND CHURCH OF GOD RESURRECTION LUTHERAN CHURCH FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, C.B. Pastor Gary Rice “Jesus is at the center of everything!” 420 Highland Ave. ~ Coos Bay ~ 541-267-6114 www.firstbaptistcoosbay.com 1067 Newmark, North Bend • 541-756-6289 Pastor — Jim Wilson 541-290-2167 Sunday School ...... 9:00 am Pastor Gary L. Robertson 1890 Monroe ~ North Bend • 541-756-1421 Pastor: Bill Davis Sunday Morning Worship...... 10:00 am Sunday School ...... 9:30 am Sunday Bible Study...... 9:15 am P.O. Box 847 Sunday Children’s Church...... 10:00 am Sunday Divine Service...... 10:30 am Monday Bible Study ...... 6:00 pm Sunday Morning Service ...... 10:30 am Heritage Place, Bandon - Day Room Sunday Worship...... 10:00 am Wednesday Home Bible Study ...... 6:30 pm Sunday Evening Service...... 6:00 pm Sunday Service ...... 2:00 pm Wednesday Evening Service ...... 7:00 pm Call Pastor for more info Fellowship Time...... 11:05 am e mail: resurrection_lutheran@frontier,com website: http://resurrectionlutheran.us NEW Office Hours: Tues & Thurs: 9am-Noon, or by appointment “Building People Through Biblical Values” Evangelical Lutheran Synod FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF NORTH BEND Pastor J. L. Coffey Assoc. Pastor: Ryan Cappadony 2080 Marion Ave., North Bend, 541-756-6544 Reformed www.firstbaptistnb.org Community Churches GLORIA DEI LUTHERAN ELCA Sunday School...... 9:45 am H OPE COVENANT REFORMED CHURCH Sunday Worship Service...... 11:00 am 1290 Thompson Rd., Coos Bay (5 Blocks East of Hospital) Evening Worship Service...... 6:00 pm HAUSER COMMUNITY CHURCH Wednesday SAFE Addiction Recovery Program...... 6:30 pm Pastor Jon Strasman - 541-267-2347 580 E. 9th St., Coquille, Oregon Wednesday Bible Study...... 7:00 pm FALL WORSHIP HOURS Everyone Welcome 69411 Wildwood Dr., 7 miles north of North Bend Pastor: Ron Joling • 541-396-4183 SOUTHERN BAPTIST Staff: John Adams, Bill Moldt, Rob Wright, Brion Spore, Nancy Goodman. Worship Service ...... 8:30 am and 11:00 am Radio broadcast Sunday @ 8:30 a.m. (K-Light 98.7 fm) Adult Bible Study ...... 10:00 am Sunday School ...... 9:45 am Sunday School for All Ages...... 10:00 am Morning Service ...... 11:00 am Sunday Worship Celebration ...... 8:15 & 11:00 am SKYLINE BAPTIST CHURCH All are Welcome (Nursery available for all services) Afternoon Service...... 4:30 pm Sunday School ...... 9:45 am “A Christ Centered, Biblically Based, Family Oriented, Dynamic Fellowship” Nurseries provided for all services. Affiliated with Village Missions - 541-756-2591 3451 Liberty St., North Bend - 541-756-3311 (1 block off Newmark behind Boynton Park) www.sbcnb.org David Woodruff, Sr. Pastor - Tim Young, Adult & Family Ministries Methodist Josh Kintigh, Youth & Children, Brenda Langlie, Children’s Director Salvation Army Sunday School...... 9:00 am & 10:30 am Sunday Worship...... 9:00 am& 10:30 am FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH THE SALVATION ARMY Wednesday Awana...... 6:30 pm Come Rev. Laura Beville, Pastor WORSHIP & SERVICE CENTER 1155 Flanagan, Coos Bay...541-888-5202 Worship Service...... 11:00 am Lieutenants Kevin and Heather Pope...Corps Officers Catholic Worship Communion 1st Sunday of each month - NEW SCHEDULE Handicapped Accessible Free Kids Meal ...... 9:00 am 123 Ocean Blvd. • 541-267-4410 • www.coosbayumc.org HOLY REDEEMER - NORTH BEND Christian Worship ...... 9:30 am With Us Open hearts, open minds, open doors • Childcare Available Sunday Morning Worship...... 10:45 am 2250 16th St. - 541-756-0633 (West off Broadway) MASSES: Episcopal Saturday Vigil: 5:30 pm UNITED METHODIST CHURCH, N. BEND Seventh-day Adventist Church Sunday: 8:30 am & 11:00 am EMMANUEL EPISCOPAL CHURCH 541-756-6959 Confessions: Saturday 4-5 pm or by appointment Rev. Jerry Steele, Pastor COOS BAY SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST Daily Mass: Wed 5:00pm / Thu & Fri 9:00am 4th & Highland, Coos Bay 541-269-5829 Located at Pony Village Mall, between AT&T & Sears Stores Rev. Stephen A. Tyson, Rector 2175 Newmark, Coos Bay 541-756-7413 ST. MONICA - COOS BAY FALL SCHEDULE Sunday Services...... 7:30 & 10:00 am Sunday School ...... 9:30 am Sabbath School Bible Class...... 9:30 am Sunday School Classes...... 9:45 am Celebration Service...... 10:55 am Worship Service...... 10:45 am 357 S. 6th St. Wednesday Services: Holy Eucharist ...... 6:30 am MASSES: Holy Eucharist with Healing...... 12 noon Communion 1st Sunday of the month Pastor Ken Williams Saturday Vigil: 5:30 pm Children’s Sermon & Nursery Care Sunday: 8:30 am & 11:00 am Spanish Mass: 1 pm Confessions: Saturday 3:30 pm - 5 pm or by appt. Daily Mass: Tues: 5:30 pm Wed-Fri: 12 pm Foursquare Nazarene Unitarian Universalist Celebration Center BAY AREA FOURSQUARE CHURCH NAZARENE - BAY AREA UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST (S.C.U.U.F.) 466 Donnelly (across from the new Coos Bay Fire Station) Located in North Bend at 1850 Clark St. (Behind Perry Electric) CELEBRATION CENTER Glorifying, Proclaiming and Showing Christ to all Sr. Pastor Ron Halvorson Pastors: David & Marilyn Scanlon Sunday School...... 9:30 am DIVERSE BELIEFS - ONE FELLOWSHIP Living the message Jesus preached! (541) 269-1821 Sunday Morning Worship ...... 10:45 am Now meeting at: Sunday Evening Worship...... 6:00 pm Liberal Religious Organization 2389 Sherman Ave., North Bend Sunday School..... (All ages through Adult)...... 9:00 am - 9:45 am (Former Roosevelt School) Sunday Worship.....(Nursery & Children’s Church Provided)...... 10:00 am NURSERY • CHILDREN’S CHURCH • YOUTH PROGRAM 10am Sundays at 580 Newmark Ave., Coos Bay. Pastors Ron & Debbie Moore We also have small group ministries meeting throughout the week. BIBLE STUDIES • CARE GROUPS For information or directions call 541-756-2004 541-266-7335 Sunday Worship at 10am E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.ba4.org for more information and childcare arrangements (Nursery and Kids Church also provided) (541)756-4000 • www.celebrationcenter.com Grace International Christian Non Denominational EASTSIDE CHRISTIAN ASSEMBLY Unity Worldwide Ministries FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH 190 D Street, Coos Bay • 541-808-0539 CALVARY ON THE BAY UNITY BY THE BAY “Teaching God’s Word book by book, Reverend Betty Bazzell, Pastor “A spiritual community to come home to...” 2420 Sherman, North Bend • 541-756-5555 chapter by chapter, verse by verse” Sunday School ...... 9:30 am Reverend David & Rhetta Curle - Associate Pastors Pastor Bart Cunningham Sunday Celebration Service - 10 am Praise and Worship...... 10:45 am Morning Worship...... 10:30 am 2100 Union ~ North Bend • 541-751-1633 Sunday Worship ...... 10:00 am Ladies Bible Study ...... Thurs., 10:00 am Wednesday Bible Study (Youth & Adult)...... 6:30 pm Karen Lowe, L.U.T., Spiritual Leader Wednesday Jr/Sr. High School Youth ...... 7:00 pm Call Yellow Cab for free ride to church. Children’s Worship and Nursery Care “We preach the Gospel as it is to people as they are.” 1954 Union Avenue, North Bend (541)756-1707 Bookstore M-W-F 10 to 2 Pastors Sharron Kay & Jim Womack www.calvaryonthebay.org www.unitybythebay.net Christian Science Jewish Word CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY CONGREGATION MAYIM SHALOM HARVEST OF FAITH FAMILY CHURCH 444 S.Wall, Coos Bay • 888-3294 SHABBAT Bringing help and hope through the Word of God 131 N. 3rd (Hall Building), Coos Bay Sunday Service & Sunday School...... 10:00 am Friday, October 26th at 7pm Led by Rabbi Jackie Brodsky Sunday Service...... 10:30 am CHRISTIAN SCIENCE READING ROOM For more info call 541-266-0470 Wednesday Service...... 7:00 pm Adjacent to church - Open after services, or by Appt. Children’s services provided on Sunday & Wednesday www.mayimshalom.org Pastors David & Bridgette Whinery 541-751-9059 123 Ocean Blvd. P.O. Box 477, Coos Bay, 541-266-0613


C M C M Y K Saturday, October 6,2012 • The World • C5 Y K Financial DILBERT aid for high school? Dear Mary: My daughter is in junior high school, and we’re trying to decide what to do about high school. She has always gone to public school, but the high school in our area has FRANK AND ERNEST gone EVERYDAY down- hill. The CHEAPSKATE curricu- lum isn’t as com- petitive, and even w orse, there have been problems with vio- Mary THE BORN LOSER lence on Hunt campus. I’d feel better sending her to private school, but I’m a single mom and simply can’t afford it on my own. Can I get financial aid for high school? — Coleen, Illinois Dear Coleen: Every child in America gets financial aid in the form of a guaranteed free public school education. There’s been a lot of talk ZITS about “school vouchers,” which would provide funds for parents to send their kids to private schools rather than public. But so far, it’s mostly talk. Some private schools offer scholarship programs. Perhaps you could barter the cost of tuition by running school events or working for the school in some capacity. Have you checked with CLASSIC PEANUTS your school district to see if your daughter could transfer THE FAMILY CIRCUS to another school within your district? If neither of these options pans out and she attends the school near you, let me encourage you to get involved in the school. Join the parent teacher association. Volunteer whenever you can. Sometimes staying and mak- ing things better turns out to FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE be the right thing after all. Dear Mary: I’m approach- ing my third anniversary at work and am anxious about my review. Last year, I received a cost of living increase, but this year I’m hoping for more since I’ve successfully taken on new duties. Is it acceptable to negotiate a raise? I believe that ultimately excellent per- formance is recognized and rewarded. — Janet, Missouri ROSE IS ROSE Dear Janet: There are few things more sensitive than employee compensation, and I mean for everyone involved. It’s important to make sure you are equally sensitive. Have you heard anything that leads you to believe oth- ers in your company or department have negotiated successfully? Checking the “tone” of management will help you decide how to pro- LUANN ceed. One thing is for sure: If you come across aggressively and with an attitude of enti- tlement, you may be seen as arrogant and demanding. That could put a strain on your relationship with your bosses. Now, while you have time to think, review yourself. Make a list of your specific accomplishments that show you’ve gone beyond what GRIZZWELLS was required, together with the positive financial impact your efforts have had on the company. What specific value have you brought to the company? Why should you receive this raise? Work this information into your real review, if it seems appropri- ate. No matter what they offer you in terms of an increase, express your grati- tude, then play it by ear. If things don’t go as you hoped and you cannot get past the disappointment, perhaps it’s time to update your resume and start look- MODERATELY CONFUSED KIT ’N’ CARLYLE HERMAN ing around. A good rule of thumb at work and in life is to always remain a fragrance, never become an odor! Do you have a question for Mary? Email her at [email protected] om, or write to Everyday Cheapskate, P.O. Box 2099, Cypress, CA 90630. Mary Hunt is the founder of www.DebtProofLiving.com, a personal finance member website and the author of “Debt-Proof Your Christmas: Celebrating the Holidays Without Breaking the Bank,” released in September 2012. To find out more about Mary and read her past columns, please visit the Creators Syndicate Web page at www.creators.com.

C M C M Y K Y K C M C M Y K C6• The World •Saturday, October 6,2012 Y K Cl ass if i eds


Employment 206 Customer Service 207 Drivers 213 General 301 Business for Sale 404 Lost FREE Southwestern Oregon Distribution Value Value Driver - AdsPartAds time Customer Still haven’t found “Sheba”. 200 Business To Business $35.00 Publishing Company, If you see a large golden dog, $12.00 on-call Part-time Service/Office Position $15.00Franchise For Sale in please phone 541-771-0504 or $5.00 $12.00a division of , The World is hiring someone to be Saturdays only - EVERY Saturday. Coos Bay Area. 541-808-0811. $15.00 available as a temporary This is a permanent part-time $45.00 is seeking a qualified candidate for Digital Graphics, Marketing, 204 Banking $17.00 replacement for any of our regular position. Computer experience a $20.00 a full-time position as a 541-267-6278 541-267-6278 Promotional Items, Full Training, distribution employees. On-call requirement. Come in to our office Lost female, grey & white, Classified Local Support & Financing Avail. $55.00 $7.00 status may schedule up to 30 hours between 10am and 5pm, Shih-Tzu on Hwy 101 and Flanagan BANKING JOBS! Call For More Details: Advertising Customer in a single week covering for Monday - Friday at on Sept. 26. Pink collar with license. 1-800-796-3234 $59.95 No Resume? No Problem! Service Representative. employee vacations, but this The Fortress Self Storage, Call 541-217-1809. Monster Match assigns a The primary responsibility of this position will not have guaranteed 1503 Ocean Blvd NW professional to hand-match position will be to advance the minimum hours assigned regularly. (corner of Ocean & Radar) INDEPENDENT each job seeker with each success of private party and The distribution driver may also be Lost commercial business interests for called upon to substitute for home CONTRACT employer! Pink Easy Share Kodak Digital our daily and weekly newspapers, delivery or single copy routes in the Camera. 16 Mega Pixels, an eco including The World daily event that a contract carrier is not MOTOR CARRIER This is a FREE service! www.theworldlink.com memory card 2 gigabyte, and has newspaper, our two community assigned. Duties may include  Sony Cycle rechargeable batteries newsweeklies - The Umpqua Post operation of company vehicles or CURRENT OPENINGS: in it. It has many photos and videos Simply create your profile by and Bandon Western World, and personal vehicle to distribute PRESS OPERATOR on it. Belongs to a student doing phone or online and, for the our website newspaper copies. This position will MYRTLE POINT a video project. Lost from vicinity of next 90-days, our professionals www.theworldlink.com. require the use of personal vehicle Gross APX: $44/day. 80 miles Coquille Community Bldg. will match your profile to and mileage is paid in addition to The World, a Lee Enterprises Please call 541-294-6699 employers who are Through outbound calling, this hourly wage. Applicant must have LANGLOIS & newspaper, is looking for an and leave message. hiring right now! position requires someone with the a good driving record, insurance experienced Press Operator to join ability to secure both private party and a reliable personal vehicle with our press team. Applicants should PORT ORFORD CREATE YOUR and commercial advertising while carrying capacity. Position will have a proven track record in Goss 3 routes: Gross from $17 to PROFILE NOW maintaining positive client relations occasionally require the ability to lift Community press operations and $28 per day, 25-45 miles. Lost Specials BY PHONE OR WEB FREE! for the long-term. Additional and carry over uneven surfaces up maintenance, and must be  Choose to add a photo in this responsibilities will include to 40lbs. Additional on-call hours knowledgeable on working safely special for only $5.00 more Call Today Sunday, or any day!! overseeing in-office, private party may be available in our production with heavy machinery. Requires valid driver’s 1st Day Free Use Job Code 13! requests for classified liner ad packaging department. Requirements include display of license and insurance. placements. An aptitude to work Apply online at professional conduct and Economy vehicle 6 lines, 1-888-491-9029 independently within a supportive www.lee.net/careers appearance, effective teamwork recommended. Each additional Day or team dynamic is a distinction we skills, and the ability to work on Contact Susana Norton at $1.00 seek in a candidate for this multiple tasks under tight (541) 269-1222 ext. 255 or No Free reruns on same ad. responsibility. If you possess deadlines. [email protected]. Thewo-www2.theworldlink.com/t www.theworldlink.com All specials will appear in initiative, are detail-oriented, opads/job/top_jobs/ The World, Bandon Western punctual, and have a This is a full-time position, 32-35 We are building an interest list World, Umpqua Post, The Link, demonstrated history of effectively hours, working days plus Friday for future openings for foot and No Resume Needed! 208 Education Online & Smart Mobile. meeting deadlines in a timely and nights. The World is a five-day daily motor routes within our delivery All specials are category specific. Call the automated phone accurate manner, then we’d like to UCAN HEAD START (11,000 circulation) with the most areas. Profit varies. Good customer service and There are no refunds on specials. profiling system or use our hear from you. IN REEDSPORT NEEDS: visited news and information Web consistent delivery times can Starts October 1, 2012 convenient Online form today SUBSTITUTES for classroom. site on the Southern Oregon Coast: bring additional rewards. 541-267-6278 so our professionals can get Position Requirements: Salary - $9.80 per hour. http://www.theworldlink.com Delivery service is started matching you with Previous sales support, or related UCAN applications being accepted before 5pm Monday - Thursday employers that are hiring - field of work. Media background through 10-26-12. Physical Requirements: and before 8am on Saturday. NOW! preferred. Excellent phone manner. Application and job announcement on * Be able to bend, stoop, climb 406 Public Notices Proper grammar/writing skills. Type website: www.ucancap.org ladders, & lift up to 75 lbs. Choose from one of the 30-35 wpm or better. Solid 541-492-3913 FAX 541-492-3921 This is an example of duties and www.theworldlink.com following positions to enter your computer aptitude - especially with EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER requirements that this role will be Coos County database programs. information: responsible for. Pioneers “Teller The successful candidate must 213 General We offer an excellent benefits Did your family arrive in Coos have reliable transportation, package including medical, dental, 304 Financing “Personal Banker / Financial The COQUILLE INDIAN TRIBE is County before 1880? Check out a valid drivers’ license, proof of vision, life insurance, 401(k) Rep accepting applications for an $$EASY QUALIFYING real estate the free name index at auto insurance and a retirement, paid holidays “Payment Processor & Data Assistant Tribal Attorney due to equity loans. Credit no problem. www.coospioneers.com. clean driving record. and vacation. Entry the possibility that the current Oregon Land Mortgage. Over 16,000 people listed with “Branch Manager Assistant Attorney may be elected 541-267-2776. ML-4645. vital records, census, military We offer an hourly salary, plus Apply on our Website at “Loan Officer & Mortgage to public office this November, and records & more for reasonable commission plan, and a benefit http://www.lee.net/careers Banker if elected, could no longer be subscriber fee. Many original package including medical, dental, or send a resume to: “Loan Processor employed by the Tribe. Details and document images. vision, 401(k), and paid time off. The World “Loan Closer / Funder a job description are available at Notices Please apply online at P.O. Box 1840 “Underwriter www.coquilletribe.org. http://www.lee.net/careers. Coos Bay, Or. 97420 400 For questions call An Equal Opportunity Employer 407 Personals Larry Scarborough (541) 756-0904. Equal Opportunity / Drug Free Workplace Employer/Drug Free Workplace The COQUILLE INDIAN TRIBE is We are excited to announce an 403 Found currently recruiting for a Personals Special available position at FT Social Caseworker III, 6 lines, 1 week First Community Credit Union. Found Specials www.theworldlink.com non-exempt benefited position, Care Giving $15.00 $3,101 - $4,050 per month/DOE. For Items or Pets All specials will appear in Mortgage Loan Position closes when filled. Please 225 without/or with photo: The World, Bandon Western refer to our website for complete Processor 207 Drivers 6 lines, Free for one week World, Umpqua Post, The Link, job description, requirements Salary Range: $ 12.00 - $17.00 Online & Smart Mobile. and application, May rerun if necessary. EOE 227 Elderly Care All specials are category specific. www.coquilletribe.org All specials will appear in The World, Bandon Western World, There are no refunds on specials. For more details, please apply HARMONY HOMECARE LOGGING Company has opening Umpqua Post, The Link, Starts October 1, 2012 online: www.myfirstccu.org “Quality Caregivers provide for experienced Yard Engineer, Assisted living in your home”. Online & Smart Mobile. 541-267-6278 Shovel Operator and Truck Drivers. 541-260-1788 All specials are category specific. Opportunity for year-round full time There are no refunds on specials. ENTER employment. Top wages, benefits. Starts October 1, 2012 For application call 541-267-6278 Experienced Log 541-997-8212 - Florence. TO WIN! Truck Drivers On-Site Apt Mgr needed for support- Business FOUND: Black cat, in wilderness area, Services ive housing complex. The successful 300 probably dumped. Call FOCCAS, 425 Wanted applicant will have experience 541-269-1989 to further identify. Bring your business Call 541-404-7606 caregiving, mental health, and in prop- card to The World erty management. 15 hrs/wk. 1 Bdrm apt w/util provided. Please visit for a chance to columbiacare.org to apply. WIN ONE MONTH FREE Your daily of classifieds are ADVERTISING on the ON-LINE AT Bulletin Board www.theworldlink.com

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HOME DELIVERY SERVICE: For Customer Service call 541-269-1222 Ext. 247 an advertising proof is requested in writing and Office hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday-Friday. clearly marked for corrections. If the error is not corrected by the Publisher, its liability, if any, shall If your World newspaper fails to arrive by 5 p.m. Monday not exceed the space occupied by the error. through Thursday or 8 a.m. on Saturday, please call your Further, the Publisher will reschedule and run the carrier. If you are unable to reach your carrier, telephone omitted advertisement at advertiser’s cost. All The World at 541-269-9999. claims for adjustment must be made within seven RURAL SUBSCRIBERS: Due to The World’s expansive daily (7) days of date of publication. In no case shall the delivery area, rural or remote motor route customers may Publisher be liable for any general, special or receive regular delivery later than above. Missed consequential damages. deliveries may be replaced the following delivery day. To report missed deliveries, please call 541-269-9999. ADVERTISING POLICY To learn more or to find the right person for your job, The Publisher, Southwestern Oregon Publishing Co., shall not be liable for any error in published advertising unless visit your local partner at theworldlink.com/jobs

8-27-12 C M C M Y K Y K C M C M Y K Saturday, October 6,2012 • The World • C7 Y K 426 Cake Decorating 601 Apartments Jobs Wanted Rentals Studio Apt. $395 the Special 600 1 Bdrm $450 6 lines, 1 week Bulletin Board $15.00 601 Apartments All specials will appear in It’s your best choice for professional services • 541-267-6278 The World, Bandon Western RENTALS & World, Umpqua Post, The Link, REAL ESTATE SPECIALS Bandon • Coos Bay • Coquille • Myrtle Point • North Bend • Port Orford • Reedsport Online & Smart Mobile. Choose any of these specials and All specials are category specific. add a photo for $5.00 extra. There are no refunds on specials. Quiet - Near Fred Meyer Starts October 1, 2012 Rentals / Real Estate 1 541-267-6278 Hardwood floors, ground level No 1 week - 6 lines, application fee. No pets/smoking $35.00 541-297-4834 428 Housekeeping Reedsport: 2 bedroom, Rentals / Real Estate 2 all new paint, front and back deck, Need housekeeper twice a month. 2 week - 6 lines, W/D hook-ups, no smoking. $550/mo. References required. Call $45.00 + deposit. 541-271-3298. 541-756-1676 after 6pm. Very private! 2 bedroom cottage. On wooded lot, near BAH, in Coos Rentals / Real Estate 3 Bay. New wood floors, vinyl windows, 430 Lawn Care 3 week - 6 lines, vaulted ceilings, $700/mo + sec. dep. $55.00 Includes garbage. Pets maybe. 541-297-7788 or 541-297-0740. Rod’s Landscape Maintenance Gutter Cleaning, Pressure Rentals / Real Estate 4 Accepting applications for 1 & 2 bed- Washing, Tree Trimming, Trash room apartments at Woodland Apart- Hauling and more! 541-404-0107 4 week - 6 lines, ments in Reedsport, OR. This is a $59.95 subsidized housing community. Nice All specials will appear in quiet area located close to schools The World, Bandon Western and shopping. Play areas for children. World, Umpqua Post, Wednesday W/S/G paid. Laundry facility on site. Real Estate Weekly, Online & Smart Mobile. Combined rent and utility payments 500 All specials are category specific. typically do not exceed 30% of ad- There are no refunds on specials. justed gross monthly income. Equal Rock/Sand Starts October 1, 2012 housing provider. 541-271-2361 DIRECTORY Lawn/Garden Care 541-267-6278 501 Commercial 1 bedroom apartment in NB. 604 Homes Unfurnished ASIAN GROCERIES Includes all utilities + satellite. No Reedsport area: Available now smoking, no pets. $550/mo + $300 de- Kim’s Oriental Market 2 bed, 1 bath, laundry, posit. Section 8 OK. Call after 10 am...... 541-267-0488 PUBLISHER’S NOTICE single garage. Garbage/Sewer & Gifts 541-888-4147 or 541-260-9002 All real estate advertising in this paid. $525/month + $400 deposit. newspaper is subject to the Fair 541-751-0916. AUTOMOTIVE Housing Act which makes it illegal APARTMENTS BY to advertise “any preference, limita- NORTH BEND LIBRARY Northwest Automotive & tions or discrimination based on Radiator ...... 541-267-4100 race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or BUILDING/ Coos County Family Owned an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimina- CONSTRUCTION Topsoil tion.” Familial status includes chil- RP & T Trucking LLC . . . 541-297-4001 ReasonableReasonable RatesRates dren under the age of 18 living with Reasonable Rates Myrtle Point, Very clean 2 bed, 1 ba. Crushed Rock parents or legal custodians, preg- home. No pets. No smoking. Must LAWN/GARDEN CARE • MMOWINGOWIING • BBLOWERLOWER nant women and people securing keep lawn mowed & trimmed. Good Sand custody of children under 18. . . . . 541-267-0283 • EEDGINGDGIING • AAERATINGERATIING Small Studio - $395 rental references a must. $650/mo + Garcia Maintenance This newspaper will not knowingly $700 dep. Avail. 10/23. 541-404-5075. Sunset Lawn & • WWEEDINGEEDIING • FFERTILIZINGERTIILIIZIING accept any advertising for real es- 1 bedroom - $460 Serving Coos Bay, North Bend, Garden Care ...... 541-260-9095 • TTRIMMINGRIIMMIING • HHAULINGAULIING tate which is in violation of the law. With kitchen & Bathroom 2 bedroom, 1 bath in Coquille. Reedsport, Coquille, Our readers are hereby informed on ground floor. Quiet and close to Recently remodel. No pets/smoking. ROCK/SAND • TTHATCHINGHATCHIING Myrtle Point & Bandon that all dwellings advertised in this downtown. No pets, No smoking. Garbage paid. 1548 N. Ivy. • WWEEDEED EEATINGATIING newspaper are available on an 541-297-4834. $650 / mo + $600 deposit. Main Rock...... 541-756-2623 Kentuck equal opportunity basis. To com- 541-221-8130 • HHEDGEEDGE TTRIMMINGRIIMMIING plain of discrimination call HUD COQUILLE 1 BR apt over down- 3 bdrm, 1 1/2 bath, carport, Milner WOOD • IINITIALINIITIIAL CCLEANUPSLEANUPS & MMOREORE 541-756-2623 toll-free at 1-800-669-9777. The town. Clean, quiet. Upstairs. No Crest, Coos Bay, approved pets, no toll-free telephone number for the smoking/pets $425 290-9790 Slice Recovery Inc ...... 541-396-6608 Coquille smoking, garbage paid. $750 mth, FFREEREE ESTIMATESESTIIMATES hearing impaired is $500 deposit. Call 541-808-1820 after- 541-396-1700 1-800-927-9275. TESTIMONY LicenseLiicense #0006816#0006816 noon for appointment. LLicensediicensed & InsuredIInsured My 1 Bedroom rented quickly. Automotive CCB# 129529 Ground floor, close to shopping 3 bedroom, 1 bath, garage, wood & schools. W/S/G included. stove, large yard. W/D hookups, wood No pets, no smoking. floors. Close to schools. 2171 Meade, It was Fast - Easy NB. Pets ok. $850/mo. 541-294-0623. Northwest UTSMARTUTSMART ENTER rights. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 2012 Automotive OO YOURYOUR TO WIN! LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) — & Radiator MONDAY, OCTOBER 8, 2012 If you believe your schemes CCOMPETITIONOMPETITION!! LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) — aren’t working out as well as Most Auto Repair Bring your business SUNDAY, OCTOBER 7, 2012 Endeavors you originate or they should, it might be best to Services card to The World LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) — direct have better-than-average revise your plan of action in favor Radiator Repair Place your ad In a competitive situation, you’ll chances of producing the of something else that you know & Sales for a chance to fare much better if you are real- rewards you envision. Let others will work. here and give WIN ONE MONTH istic in the assessment of your have a hand in things if they so SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) We have the experience to your business competitors. Don’t underesti- desire, but don’t share the cat- — Do a little extra probing, if do the job the right way! FREE mate anyone. bird seat. that’s what you believe it takes, the boost it of SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) to figure out a solution to a prob- We use only the best ADVERTISING on quality parts available. — You’ll be quite efficient when — There is no reason whatsoev- lem. You’ll be glad that you kept needs. Call the doing things you like, but not so er why you can’t chalk up some at this particular dilemma. Same day service much with projects or jobs you solid numbers in the profit col- SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23- in most cases. 541-269-1222 Bulletin Board find distasteful. Regardless of umn. Give your most significant Dec. 21) — Be extremely careful what you do, do it with pride. financial interest the time it that you do not prematurely rush Call Dave Today! Ext. 293 SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23- deserves. to judgment, especially if you He’s been here for 29 years Wood Dec. 21) — Bad feelings could SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23- have to make a critical decision. 541-267 - 4100 for details result if you have false expecta- Dec. 21) — Rather than trying to Weigh and balance every facet tions of a colleague. Don’t auto- sway an entire group to your way of the situation. 595 N. Bayshore Dr., matically assume that he or she of thinking, isolate its key mem- CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. Coos Bay Sunset Slice enjoys engaging in something as bers and sell them on your 19) — It’s one of those days Recovery, Inc. much as you do. plans. Once convinced, they’ll be when it might be wiser to listen Lawn & CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. more effective when pitching to to your sentiments rather than 19) — Small domestic issues the others. your logic when dealing with Garden Care Mile Marker 7, Hwy. 42 could easily be blown out of pro- CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. some co-workers. Your heart For all your lawn and garden needs Coquille, OR 97423 portion. Keep this in mind before 19) — If you need someone with could be smarter than your • TREE & HEDGE you find fault with your mate for a special talent to help you with a brain. 541-396-6608 lack of enthusiasm regarding a pet project, now is the time to AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. TRIMMING certain matter. seek out this person’s help. A 19) — Sometimes when we try • SHRUB REMOVAL AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. positive response could evapo- too hard not to make a mistake, Bldg./Const. • WEED EATING LUMBER 19) — You’re likely to come out rate if you wait too long. it causes us to make foolish • BARK • BLOWER better in handling your material AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. errors. Thus, the smart thing to • INITIAL CLEAN-UPS Cedar Siding, Decking, Paneling, affairs if you follow your own 19) — Pleasant circumstances do is to relax and just do the best • PRESSURE WASHER Myrtlewood, Madrone, counsel instead of listening to could come out of involvements that you can. Maple Flooring, the advice of outsiders. that are business-oriented. A PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) • THATCHER Furniture Woods PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) serious meeting could turn out to — It is likely to take solid com- & MUCH MUCH MORE! — You’ll have to be a bit thick- be a very enjoyable experience. mitment on your part in order to FIREWOOD skinned if you intend to take over PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) effectively complete something. Residential Jobs - Reasonable Prices a faltering recreational situation — Under the right circum- If you allow outside factors to Our Specialty! FREE ESTIMATES Madrone, Oak, Maple, and reorganize it. Even though stances, a significant financial steer you off course, you’ll FREE ESTIMATES 541-260-9095 Fir, Myrtlewood you’ll do what’s right, you may be matter could develop. If you play accomplish nothing. Credit Cards Accepted 541-266-8013 criticized. your cards right, you could come ARIES (March 21-April 19) Paving & Asphalt License# 0008351 ARIES (March 21-April 19) out ahead. — Think for yourself, and don’t Driveways - RV Pads Repair — The consequences of your ARIES (March 21-April 19) be afraid to let others know you’ll Jobs - Rock acts could adversely affect oth- — This could be an exceptional- be doing just that. If you don’t, Dirt - Sand UTSMARTUTSMART ers if you’re not careful, even if ly harmonious day in all your you could get caught up in sup- Landscape Material French Drains your intentions are good. affairs, but especially so in your porting a situation that you find OO YOURYOUR Consider what you’re about to do partnership arrangements. distasteful. Excavation: S MALL before you take action. Strike while the iron is hot. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) Driveways - Site Prep ! - Road grading CCOMPETITIONOMPETITION! TAURUS (April 20-May 20) TAURUS (April 20-May 20) — There are a lot of things you — Even if it normally takes a lot — Don’t leave any stones can do yourself instead of paying Concrete Curbing: B USINESS Commercial & Decorative for you to show any anger, be unturned in your search for ways someone else to do them. Place your ad extra sure you have control over to make or save money. This is However, know your limitations 541-756-6444 your temper at all times. Once an especially fortunate time for and don’t attempt the impossi- 93355 Oakway Rd. O WNERS : here and give your ire’s released, it’ll be quite your financial and business and ble. Coos Bay, OR your business difficult to rein in. dealings. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) Cell: 541-297-4001 GEMINI (May 21-June 20) GEMINI (May 21-June 20) — Don’t make winning unduly CCB# 158261 Find your niche the boost it — Watch out for the little things — Your ability to knit together important when engaged in that bug you to the point of dis- important bits and pieces of competitive activities with here! Tell them needs. Call traction. Conversely, if you have information is exceptional. Don’t friends. The focus should be on to deal with something serious, hesitate to use it abundantly fun at all times. what your 541-269-1222 you’ll handle it well. when gauging the significance of CANCER (June 21-July 22) CANCER (June 21-July 22) things. — Instead of moaning and business has to Ext. 293 — Don’t do anything that you CANCER (June 21-July 22) groaning about a bad hand that know from experience is apt to — Use your own smarts instead you believe has been dealt you, offer on the for details cause you or someone else a of listening to the advice of oth- take your mind off yourself and ENTER Bulletin Board. problem. If you choose to ignore ers regarding the way a critical try doing something purely for your good judgment, you’ll hate matter should be handled. Lady enjoyment’s sake. TO WIN! Affordable yourself down the line. Luck is looking to be on your LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) — advertising LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) — side. Don’t confuse self-doubt with Bring your business GET YOUR BUSINESS There is a good chance that LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) — A shrewd analysis. The latter is let- ADVERTISEMENT IN you’ll be inclined to strive for friend who is apt to think on a ting a constructive mind do the card to The World customized just something that you know is grand scale will inspire you to do thinking, while the former invites for a chance to for you! Call beyond your capabilities. Set likewise. Once you decide to do failure. WIN ONE MONTH BOARD TODAY!! realistic goals; it’s foolish to spin so, don’t put any limitations on VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) 541-269-1222 your wheels on the unattainable. your hopes and expectations. — Your rewards are likely to be VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) proportionate to what you of FREE Ext. 293 — If a forceful and domineering — Your material affairs are trend- achieve, unless you fail to get off ADVERTISING friend tries to involve you in ing quite favorably. Revisit past the ground by listening to a neg- on something that you really don’t failed plans to make some ative associate who discourages the to get started want to participate in, resist money — they could work if tried you from the start. Bulletin Board today. Call Michelle at coercion. Stand up for your again. 541-269-1222 ext. 293

C M C M Y K Y K C M C M Y K C8• The World •Saturday, October 6,2012 Y K 604 Homes Unfurnished 701 Furniture 751 Antiques 755 Market Basket 802 Cats 901 ATVs Fat Cat Used Furniture UMBRELLA STAND $75; washstand Apples, pumpkins, tomatoes, peppers, Buying and selling 541-756-5751. $375; dresser $350; church pew $375. corn, beets, beans, winter squash, Auto Specials 2001 Sherman, North Bend. All English oak. Also compressor and more! Mon. - Sat.: 9am - 65pm; Choose to add a photo in this $100. New prices! 541-347-5053, Closed Sundays. Norm Lehne 386 special for $5.00 more Lane Recliner leave message. Cleveland Rapids Rd., Roseburg, OR. in great condition, 541-672-2745. 6 lines, 2 weeks beige micro suede. $349 OBO 541-271-4180 753 Bazaars $15.00 GREENACRES GRANGE flea mar- 756 Wood/Heating All specials will appear in MERCHANDISE ket/ craft sale. Friday and Sat. 9-4. The World, Bandon Western Extra clean 3 bedroom 1.5 bath LOPI PELLET INSERT World, Umpqua Post, Wednesday Hwy. 42 between Coquille & Coos Bay Tank, a 5 year old neutered Male house in a great North Bend SPECIALS Like New - Used one winter. Weekly, Online & Smart Mobile. 541-266-8581. Tabby, has been missing since Sept. location. All living area including a Paid $2800. asking $1300. All specials are category specific. 3 Weeks 6th. He is a companion animal. He large laundry room on the main VENDORS, GET your booth early for 541-267-3590 Leave message There are no refunds on specials. Choose any of these specials and lives in the Barview / Charleston Area level, plus an extra big bonus room the Pre-Christmas Bazaar at The Barn Starts October 1, 2012 add a photo for $5.00 extra. on Cape Arago Hwy near Wildahl / downstairs. Lots of storage area in Bandon. Nov. 9 & 10. Booths are Old Growth Libby / Sanddollar. 541-297-8901 541-267-6278 inside, and 8’x16’ storage building going fast! Call Nordell at Fir & Hardwood, Merchandise 1 541-347-4248. outside. Wood stove. dry & seasoned Firewood No smoking. Pets considered. 6 lines, Total Merchandise sold 803 Dogs 903 Boats $995 per month + $1495. deposit. between $1.00 up to $500. 754 Garage Sales 541-297-3668 541-297-3557 FREE Still haven’t found “Sheba”. COOS BAY ESTATE SALE! Thurs- Seasoned Oak Firewood cut, split, If you see a large golden dog, 4 bedroom, 2 bath in Coos Bay, off day - Saturday, Oct. 4-6, 9am - 4pm. delivered locally $220.00 per cord please phone 541-771-0504 or Ocean Blvd. Family room, laundry Merchandise 2 63204 Isthmus Heights. Over 100 541-662-0003 541-808-0811. room, fireplace/insert, electric heat, 6 lines, Total Merchandise sold years of collectibles, antique furniture, The Firewood Outlet garage. New carpet/paint inside. between $501. up to $1000. and misc. items, too many to list. various wood types available $925/mo + $1050 deposit. No pets, no 808 Pet Care $5.00 accepting all major credit cards smoking. 541-290-4104. Friends of the reasonable pricing and delivery Coos Bay Pet Cremation FUN FAMILY BOAT! Merchandise 3 541-662-0003 ‘58 OWENS Runabout Public Library 541-267-3131 6 lines, Total Merchandise sold with trailer, new tires, 35 HP. between $1001. up to $1500. Used Book Sale Featuring Totally Refurbished! MUST SEE. $7.00 recent published education Electronics Carol’s Pet Sitting Call 541-329-2046. ★ ★ All specials will appear in text books elementary to 775 Your Place or Mine The World, Bandon Western ★Short or Long Term★ World, Umpqua Post, Wednesday middle school - 5 for $1.00 ★Excellent References★ 904 Classic Cars Weekly, Online & Smart Mobile. Public Welcomed! ★541-297-6039★ All specials are category specific. Saturday, Oct.. 6th: 10am - 4pm. 777 Computers ★See us on Facebook★ There are no refunds on specials. 9am opening for Friends! Beautiful Victorian home for lease. Free Pick Up & Disposal Starts October 1, 2012 Sunday, Oct.. 7th: Noon - 4pm. 2300sf, 3 bed 2.5 bh, fam rm, hot tub, of computers, and printers 541-267-6278 $1/bag in the 809 Pet Supplies wood flrs, fresh paint. Fenced yard. N. 541-294-9107 Bend schools. Perfect for kids at end Myrtlewood Room at 3pm. Please support your of street. lease to own as well. Unusual old art deco style 6-drawer 6th and Anderson desk. Solid wood, nicely refinished. local animal facilities. 1978 Datsun 280Z, 2 door coupe. $1495/mo. 541-997-9805 BANDON STORAGE UNIT SALE at $150. 541-756-1804. Pets/Animals Silver grey, one-owner. 448K miles. Coquille 2 or 3 bedroom, 2 bath. Bandon Mini-Storage on 101. Jewelry, 4 speed. Runs great! $2200 OBO. Appliances, W/D hookups, yard, generator, trailer rack, lots of misc. 800 Call 541-271-0684 off-street parking. No smoking, no 703 Lawn/Garden Fri., Sat., 10-2. pets. Trash paid. $800/mo. + $800 Troy Bilt CS4210 BANDON BARN SALE Oct. 5 & 6, sec. dep. Sec. 8 ok. 541-396-1900. 9-5. Farm equip., household, collecti- 801 Birds/Fish 909 Misc. Auto 3” chipper/shredder bles. 11 mi. south Bandon, 86814 Below is a list of supplies 10HP OHV. Towable. Like new. Sydnam Ln. PET SPECIALS that any animal facility could use. 12 ft Dump bed electric $700 obo. Call 541-332-4009, over hydraulic fits one ton and COOS BAY Garage/Estate Sale Choose to ad a photo in this Port Orford. ❤ ❤ larger $500 Call 541-396-2061 Oct. 4-6, Thurs-Sat, 10am - 6pm special for only $5.00 more Puppy/Kitten Chow Can ❤ 1520 Village Pines Ave. Furnitures, Pet / Animal Dog/Cat Food Quality Dog/Cat ❤ 2 TVs, stands, complete bedroom 6 lines, 2 weeks Chow Special Kitty Non 709 Wanted to Buy Clumping Cat Litter ❤ 911 RV/Motor Homes set, dishes, silverware, + etc. $12.00 BUYING JUNK AUTOs ❤ Windex ❤ Hand Sanitizer 32ft. Park Model COOS BAY HUGE ESTATE SALE! All specials will appear in ❤ High Efficiency Laundry Soap No title needed, will pick up, for sale $7500 in adult park $350. Saturday only, Oct. 6th 8am - 3pm. The World, Bandon Western ❤ Small Fleece Blankets ❤ Advan- up to 100 miles from Coos Bay. plus untilities per month Newly remodeled 4br/2ba house for 868 Lakeshore Drive. Furniture, sport- World, Umpqua Post, Wednesday tage /Frontline /Revolution/Vectra Will pay up to $200 per automobile. 541-888-6103 rent close to Hillcrest school. ing goods, tools, clothes, artwork, etc. Weekly, Online & Smart Mobile. ❤ 6 foot Leashes ❤ Collars (all 541-260-9447 ❤ $900/month, $900 sec. deposit. ONE COOS BAY: Lots of boy baby clothes All specials are category specific. sizes) Small Dog Harnesses 1984 - 22ft Winabago small pet OK with add deposit. 2416 sz 0-9 mo, toys, swings, play mats, There are no refunds on specials. ❤ Fleece Cat Beds ❤ Cat Nip/Cat WANTED TO BUY motor home 33,000 mi. Good Liberty St, North Bend. playsaucer, stroller, maternity clothes, Starts October 1, 2012 Treats ❤ Pooper Scoopers White vinyl window, Shape $2200 OBO 541-396-2061 [email protected] or womens clothes, shoes, dresses, ❤ Old Towels/Blankets Refrigerator & Range. 541-267-6278 541-294-4042 couch, lots of misc other. 1151 S 17th White only and Reasonable. Ave, off California St in Englewood. Coos County 541-297-4834 915 Used Cars Sat & Sun 10/6 &10/7 9:00-5:00 802 Cats Animal Shelter COOS BAY: 541-751-2480 1968 BUICK ELECTRA 710 Miscellaneous 4 Party Baby item Sale, ✽✽✽✽ 2 door with a 430 V8 engine, dual Clothing and baby needs Kohl’s Cat House exhaust, new tire and brakes, 2 Kilns for sale. Saturday Oct. 6 - 9AM to 2PM lots of extras. Drive it away for Also, molds and greenware. 541-294-3876 1120 Fenwick ✽✽✽✽ only $800! 541-756-2365 Call for information, 541-297-4117. COOS BAY: Pacific Cove 1997 MERCURY COUGAR ESTATE SALE 10/6-10/7 8am-3pm. Electric Lift Recliner 541-756-6522 6 cylinder, Excellent Condition Many vintage items. Furniture, clocks, Kohl’s Cat House $300 152K. $2100 OBO crafts, radios, records, phonographs, Adoptions on site. 541-888-0461 kitchen items, picures, jewelry, books Automobiles 541-347-9990 and much more. 93762 Newport Lane, 541-294-3876 FOR SALE, 13 ft. multiposition ladder 900 - $50. In Bandon. Call 541-347-2790. COOS BAY: 916 Used Pick-Ups Estate Sale, Sat. & Sun., 9am to FERAL CAT CLINIC ‘79 CHEV C-70. 471 Detroit diesel, FOR SALE: 2 couch sets, green; 4pm. 62903 Pansy Rd. Cash Only! is coming to Coquille! 1 Queen sized hide-a-bed, 1 double Roll top desk w/ chair, household Schwartz scissor lip, winch, with 22 ft. recliner - $95 or best offer. and kitchen ware, 3 hutches, and October 28, 2012. GET YOUR BUSINESS flatbed, newer yellow pine tongue in 541-347-7501 or 714-307-2603. furniture, cast iron collectible, Please call 541-294-4205, leave a groove bed, exc. cond. This truck is 605 Lots/Spaces antique desk, saddles & tack, dbl message and please speak clearly. ADVERTISEMENT IN one of a kind, great runner. $7,900. Johann Haviland Dish Set horse trailer, lg clean dog cages, 623-910-8769. FOUND: Black cat, in wilderness area, Driftwood RV Park Pattern JOH19. Blue roses & leaves. quilts, modern carousel horse, tea THE BULLETIN 1990 Ranger 4x4, 2.9 V6 fuel in- probably dumped. Call FOCCAS, RV spaces for long term residence Serves 12, including serving dishes, carts, corn husker, cement mixer, jected. Sound vehicle, 5 speed, mild 541-269-1989 to further identify. BOARD TODAY!! in an adult park. Move in Special etc. $225. 541-756-5109. TOOLS - hand and electric, LOTS lift for 31” TA traction tires. Everything only $325 mth plus utilities through Like new, big men’s wheelchair. Has of mechanic tools & boxes, Garden In Honor of Feral Cat Day S/Nipped works, except tailgate. Looks decent, February. 541-888-6103 foot rest. Costs $500, make offer! items, yard art. Parking is a in Coos Bay will host a $10 feral cat good value. $2950.00. Call Also, big men’s heavy duty walker, challenge, please be courteous. fix day on Oct 13 & 14. Please call 541-267-0280. 608 Office Space near new. Costs $300, make offer! (SW Blvd. - Shinglehouse- 541-808-2377 to qualify and reserve Call 541-888-6589 Red Dike - Pansy.) your spaces. Hours open: Monday HOPE 2 C U THERE. through Friday, 10am - 2pm. 917 Utility Trailers Office space. 750 Sqf. Men’s Bulova Accuchron Wristwatch 375 Park Ave. $700 All util. pd. New in box. Not made anymore. $150 COOS BAY: Fri. & Sat. 9 am - 4 pm. Orange adult cat needs new home. CARGO TRAILER 6X12 GREAT Grand Mgmt 541-269-5561 obo. Call 541-888-6589. 300 collectable tea pots. M&M collect- Friendly, spayed, healthy. SHAPE $2400. Tires are like new, car- able craft beads, 1000 paperbacks. Call Michelle at Military parka, $15 ; Fatigue jacket, Will arrange meetup near you! pet, 110 electric outlets. Call 470 Village Pines way., Shore Pines Call 541-361-6225 541-269-1222 ext. 293 541-756-4707 OR 541-404-4709 610 2-4-6 Plexes $10; Size 7 leather boots, $7; size 8 off Ocean Blvd. rubber boots, $5; 1950 Wright McGill 673 N. Wasson, Coos Bay. fly rod, $50; 1960 Canon camera, $10; COQUILLE: Large multi-family yard 2 bedroom, 2 bath. Water paid. No 100 regular size hanging file folders, sale. Fish tank supplies, furniture, ap- smoking, no pets. $700/mo + deposit. $7. Call 541-888-2012 pliances, kitchen miscellaneous, cook- Available now. Call 541-297-5617. books, dolls, etc! Friday - Sunday, Portable Hummingbird fish finder Oct. 5-7, 9am - dusk. No early birds. Clean & Quiet! Coos Bay $10.00, 16 pieces of rain gear 94006 Ginger Lane. Less than 3/4 mi- 2 bedroom, 1.5 bath. Great views -$1.00-$5.00, 9 good XL mens coats les up Fairview. of Coos River, w/ deck; $5.00 each. Marine 2-way radio W/D hookups. Please call $25.00. Betty Crooker Bread Maker Garage / Bazaar 541-991-2166. $9.00, Clam Gun $3.00 541-888-2012 Myrtle Point: Newer duplex, nice, Railroad 1923 Adlake Kerosene signal Specials quiet neighborhood, 2 bedroom. lantern. Marked SP company, with red 6 lines, 1 week Private patio, fenced, oak cabinets, globe - $100 obo; white metal switch- $12.00 dishwasher, W/D hookups, private lock and chain, with brass key, garage, W/S paid. Ideal for seniors. marked SP company - $50 obo. Call All specials will appear in No pets. $660/mo + deposit. 541-888-6589. The World, Bandon Western 541-572-3349. World, Umpqua Post, The Link, Online/Online Map REEDSPORT & Smart Mobile. Townhouse style duplex If scheduled before the deadline Recreation/ has passed. All prices will be the both units avail. Each 2 bedroom, same regardless of deadlines. All 1.5 bath, 1 car garage, W/D Sports 725 specials are category specific. hookups, yards, Dishwasher, very There are no refunds on specials. clean, and in great shape! Unit 1: Starts October 1, 2012 1120 sq. ft., pellet stove, 700/mo. 728 Camping/Fishing Unit 2: 1050 sq. ft., 600/mo. No 541-267-6278 BACKPACKS: GREGORY Whitney pets, no smoking. 1st/ last + $150 internal frame. Like new, one men’s, Lakeside Upscale Sale. Saturday deposit. Credit check required. one women’s. $125 ea. 541-347-5111. only, Oct. 6, 10am - 5pm. Designer Please Call 541-271-3743 clothes, coats and purses, Thomas 734 Misc. Goods Kincaid paintings. 1005 Cedar Loop. 611 Storage Units PORT ORFORD LIBRARY FRIENDS’ Karate gear brand new asking price Book Sale so big it lasts 3 days! 10/5, Large storage space available. $200 OBO. Nike sporting shoes all 2-6 pm; 10/6, 9am-3pm; 10/7, Fenced, gated, on own power kinds size 91/2 to 10 - $25. each, like 11am-2pm. Port Orford Public Library, meter. 30x40, 10foot door & 12foot new. Brand new Vans shoes size 10. 15th & Hwy. 101. door. secure location. great for RV or $25. Fila women shoe size 6 1/2 new REEDSPORT Moving Sale By Barb. inventory storage. $500/month $20. 541-888-5121 541-297-5214 Like new furniture, large mirrors, household items, garden tools, power 735 Hunting/Rifles washer, crab pots & cooker, lots 612 Townhouse/Condo more! Saturday & Sunday, Oct. 6-7, COQUILLE VALLEY 10am - 5pm. 2084 Birch Avenue. BAYFRONT TOWNHOMES DUCK HUNTING CLUB REEDSPORT: Wooded setting, fireplace, decks, $100. Initiation Fee, GIANT YARD / ESTATES SALE view of bay and bridge. $550 for 2012/13 annual fee. Kitchen, jewelry, nik-nacks, baby 2 bedrooms, 1.5 baths. stuff, medical supplies, & much, more. Tamarac 541-759-4380 541-396-4433 Thurs - Sat. 9 to 4 - 664 S 20th St. 755 Market Basket

Other Stuff Market Place GRASS FED BEEF! No hormones or 700 750 feed-antibiotics. $2.05/lb, hanging 1/4, 1/2 & whole. 541-572-3020.

JUST ARRIVED 199 1997199 7 BMWBMW Z3Z3 RRoadsteroadster ON LOT! Beautiful 6-Speed, Convertible with Leather, Low Miles! $ 7,495 Vin#CO3684

2003 Suzuki Grand VVitaraitaraitara Very Nice! Vin#104412 ...... $ 6,295 1998 1998 Ford Supercab, 4x4, Canopy. Vin#B47667...... $ 3,350 2005 Chevy Impala Beautiful Gold! Vin#100187 Was $6,800 ...... $ 4,995 2004 Suzuki VeronaVeronarona 104K Miles! Vin#110939 Was $5,195...... $ 4,850 2002 Ford TaurusTaurus WagonWagon 107K Miles! Vin#150240 Was $5,195...... $ 4,500 1996 Monte Carlo Z34 Bright Red, Good Solid Transportation Vin#150240 ...... $ 3,050 2000 Pontiac Grand Prix V-6, Nice Car! Vin#302905 Was $4,100...... $ 3,995 1999 Ford TaurusTaurus SE Sedan 107K Miles! Vin#213627...... $ 4,250 1999 Chrysler TTownown & Country Vin#756605 Was $6,645 ...... SOLD . . . . . $ 3,995 1998 GMC Safari VanVan Room for all your stuff! Vin#538201 ...... $ 3,500 2004 PT Cruiser LLTDTD Leather, Moon Roof, Super Clean. Vin#246116 ...... SOLD . . . . . $ 7,195 1994 Jeep WranglerWrrangler Hardtop! 4x4, Red! Vin#448378...... $ 6,250 1968 VolkswagenVolkswagenlkswagen BeetleBeetle Great of Gas. This you gotta see! Vin#054732...... $ 2,000 2003 Buick LeSabre Loaded, Pure Comfort! Vin#109723 ...... $ 5,995 Mon. - Sat. 10am - 5pm 541-404-5151 541-404-5151 2103 Broadway, North Bend


C M C M Y K Saturday, October 6,2012 • The World • D1 Y K


C M C M Y K D2•The World • Saturday, October 6,2012 Y K

C M C M Y K Y K C M C M Y K Saturday, October 6,2012 • The World • D3 Y K


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Tracey Easton, Manager John Felsheim, Manager Brandon Crompton, Manager Preston Richardson, Manager COOS BAY 579 S. BROADWAY COQUILLE 484 N. CENTRAL NORTH BEND 3025 BROADWAY REEDSPORT 174 N. 16TH ST. 541-267-3163 541-396-3145 541-756-2091 541-271-3601 C M C M Y K Y K

C M C M Y K D4 •The World • Saturday, October 6,2012 Y K TV

Saturday Evening October 6, 2012 Monday Wednesday Critic’s Choice 10 p.m. on KCBY 10 p.m. on KOBI KMCB 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 KEZI ABC College Football Football Steel Cars.TV Primetime: What News (N) Football Saturday Hawaii Five-0: Danny and : The professional KCBY CBS Criminal Minds ’ Made in Jersey ’ NCIS (CC) (DVS) 48 Hours (N) (CC) News (N) CSI 8 p.m. on LIFE McGarrett (Scott Caan, Alex lives, personal demons and KCBY IND Behind Enemy Lines ›› 10 to Midnight (1983) (CC) › I Escaped From Devil’s Island (1973) O’Loughlin) are enjoying a re- interpersonal conflicts of fire- KOBI NBC College Football News (N) Insider Entertainment ’Night Dateline NBC (CC) News (N) SNL Abducted: The Carlina White laxing day on the water when fighters, paramedics and rescue KMCB NBC College Football News Big Bang Leverage (CC) The Closer (CC) News SNL Story: In this remarkable true their boat is hijacked. They’ll personnel are at the heart of KOAC PBS Travels Steves Globe Trekker ’ My Fam As Time... New Tricks ’ (CC) Masterpiece story, Joy White and Carl Tyson die out there unless their Five-0 this new drama from Dick Wolf KLSR FOX Football TBA To Be Announced To Be Announced News Two Men Touch ’ (CC) (Sherri Shepherd, Roger Cross) colleagues can get help to them (“Law & Order”). Jesse Spen- KTVC IND 3-ABN on the Road Issues Waves GP Worship Hour Life on the Edge Generation of Youth take their infant daughter, Car- in the new episode “Lana I Ka cer (“House”) and Terry Kinney KEVU MNT Castle ’ (CC) Bones ’ (CC) Law & Order (CC) Da Vinci’s Inquest Paid Every 15 lina, to Harlem Hospital in New Moana” — Hawaiian for “adrift.” (“Trauma”) star as Lt. Matthew CW30 (6:00) Freedomland Cops ’ Cops ’ Cheaters (N) (CC) ’70s ’70s My Girlfriend’s Back York with a high fever. Shortly Daniel Dae Kim, Grace Park, Casey of the fire department after the baby is admitted, she is Masi Oka and Michelle Borth and Lt. Kelly Severide, his res- A&E Storage Storage Storage Storage Parking Parking Billy Billy Billy Billy abducted by Ann Pettway (Aun- also star. cue squad counterpart. AMC (6:00) Into the West ››› Open Range (2003) Robert Duvall, Kevin Costner. (CC) ››› Open Range janue Ellis), a disturbed young BRAV Real Housewives Real Housewives Real Housewives Real Housewives Movie woman posing as a nurse. As Tuesday Thursday CNBC Debt/Part Debt/Part Ultimate Factories Suze Orman Show Debt/Part Debt/Part Insanity! Hair Rest. Carlina (Keke Palmer) grows 9:31 p.m. on KOBI KMCB 9 p.m. on CW30 COM Get Him ››› Get Him to the Greek (2010) Jonah Hill. (CC) Jeff Dunham: Spark of Insanity Iglesias older, she begins to suspect DISC Yukon Men ’ (CC) Winged Planet (N) ’ (CC) Last Frontier Winged Planet (CC) Pettway is not her birth mother The New Normal: Shania (Bebe Beauty and the Beast: A po- DISN Jessie ’ Jessie ’ Good ANT Farm Shake It Phineas Good Good Wizards Wizards and launches her own investi- Wood) wants to have a pre- lice detective (Kristin Kreuk, E! Jonas Jonas ››› Adventureland (2009), Martin Starr Jonas Jonas Fashion Police gation. tend wedding with a classmate. “Smallville”) solves crimes with Score College Football Washington at Oregon. (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) Football Bryan (Andrew Rannells) loves help from a presumed-dead ESPN Sunday FAM ››› The Princess and the Frog (2009) ››› The Princess and the Frog (2009) ›› Last Holiday the idea and calls on Rocky doctor (Jay Ryan, “Terra Nova”) FOOD Halloween Wars Halloween Wars Halloween Wars Halloween Wars Iron Chef America 9 p.m. on LIFE (NeNe Leakes) to help him plan with a bizarre secret — when FX (6:00) › Big Daddy › Grown Ups (2010) Adam Sandler. › The Waterboy (1998) Adam Sandler. the event. Goldie (Georgia King) provoked, he transforms into a Steel Magnolias: An is also in her mighty supercreature — in this FXM Men ››› Men of Honor (2000) Robert De Niro. (CC) ›› Radio (2003) Cuba Gooding Jr. (CC) African-American cast daughter’s cor- new updating of both the fairy Harry Potter ›› Cowboys & Aliens (2011) Daniel Craig. Boardwalk Empire Cowboys & Aliens HBO brings to life the smart ner, but Jane tale and the late 1980s televi- HGTV House Hunters Reno Love It or List It Love It or List It Hunters Hunt Intl Hunters Hunt Intl Southern women of (Ellen Barkin) sion series of the same name. HIST Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Robert Harling’s stage doesn’t share LIFE Family That Preys Abducted: The Carlina White Story (2012) Carlina White Bey. Headlines play — first brought their enthu- Friday NBCSN MLS Soccer MLS 36 MLS Soccer Real Salt Lake at Los Angeles Galaxy. Game On! to the screen in 1989 siasm. When 8 p.m. on KCBY NICK iCarly ’ iCarly ’ iCarly (N) ’ (CC) See Dad iCarly ’ Nanny Nanny Friends Friends with Sally Field, Julia David (Justin ROOT Football Football Sea MLS 36 College Football Arizona at Stanford. (N Same-day Tape) Roberts and Dolly Par- Bartha) real- CSI: NY: Evidence found in pho- SPEED Monterey Reunion Formula 1 Debrief Formula One Racing Formula One Racing ton — in this charming izes why the tographs at a Brooklyn Bridge › Queen of the Damned (2002), Aaliyah ››› Primal (2009, Horror) Krew Boylan. Carny (2009, Horror) remake. Queen Lati- “wedding” is crime scene sends Mac and Jo TLC Dateline: Real Life Dateline: Real Life Dateline: Real Life Dateline: Real Life Dateline: Real Life fah, Phylicia Rashad, so important (Gary Sinise, Sela Ward) to the TNT ››› A Time to Kill (1996, Drama) Sandra Bullock. (CC) (DVS) ››› Double Jeopardy (1999) (CC) Jill Scott, Alfre Wood- to Bryan, he land of the Golden Gate Bridge TOON Open Season 3 (2010, Comedy) Looney Venture Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Cleveland Dynamite Boon ard, Condola Rashad makes a big to investigate the disappearance USA (6:30) › G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra (2009) › Resident Evil: Afterlife (2010) Premiere. G.I. Joe: Cobra — Phylicia’s daughter decision in the of a teenage girl. Peter Horton WGN-A WGN News at Nine Bones ’ (CC) Bones ’ (CC) Bloopers! Chris Chris Cheers — and newcomer new episode guest stars as an FBI agent in the new episode “2,918 Miles.” WTBS (6:30) MLB Baseball Division Series: Teams TBA. (N) (Live) MLB Big Bang Big Bang Blue Strk Adepero Oduye star. “Bryanzilla.” Sunday Evening October 7, 2012 Monday Evening October 8, 2012 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 KEZI ABC Funny Home Videos Once Upon a Time Revenge (N) (CC) 666 Park Avenue (N) News Spr. KEZI ABC Extra (N) Million. Dancing With the Stars: All-Stars ’ (CC) (:01) Castle (N) ’ News Nightline KCBY CBS 60 Minutes (N) (CC) The Amazing Race The Good Wife (N) The Mentalist (N) ’ News (N) Outd’r KCBY CBS Jeopardy! Inside Ed. Mother Partners Broke Girl Mike Hawaii Five-0 (N) ’ News (N) Letterman KCBY IND Stargate SG-1 (CC) ›› Children of the Corn IV (1996, Horror) Children of the Corn V: Fields of Terror KCBY IND ›› Wicker Park (2004, Suspense) Josh Hartnett. (CC) ››› To Die For (1995) Nicole Kidman. Rachel KOBI NBC NFL Football: Chargers at Saints News (N) News Paid Law & Order (CC) News (N) Law KOBI NBC Ent Insider The Voice “The Battles Premiere” (N) (:01) Revolution (N) News (N) Jay Leno KMCB NBC NFL Football: Chargers at Saints News Leverage (CC) The Closer (CC) News Big Bang KMCB NBC Big Bang Big Bang The Voice “The Battles Premiere” (N) (:01) Revolution (N) News Jay Leno KOAC PBS Antiques Roadshow Call the Midwife (N) Masterpiece Classic Midsomer Murders Midsomer Best Fest KOAC PBS PBS NewsHour (N) Antiques Roadshow Market Warriors (N) Oregon Experience Independent Lens KLSR FOX Simpsons Cleveland Simpsons Burgers Fam. Guy American News Two Men To Be Announced KLSR FOX Fox News Two Men Bones (N) ’ (PA) The Mob Doctor (N) News Two Men Raymond Raymond KTVC IND Islam and Engage Daily Revelation Spk Secrets Unseal Life-Recovery KTVC IND Anchors of Truth The Carter Report Better Life On Tour ASI Conventions Books Battles KEVU MNT Burn Notice (CC) Dog Dog Alien File Conspir. Futurama Futurama Chris Daryl’s KEVU MNT Dr. Phil (N) ’ (CC) The Dr. Oz Show (N) Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Baggage Excused CW30 There King Rules Rules Seinfeld Seinfeld ’Til Death ’Til Death Gangs of the Dead CW30 Rules Rules 90210 ’ (CC) Gossip Girl ’ (CC) Seinfeld Seinfeld ’Til Death ’Til Death A&E Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. A&E Hoarders (CC) Hoarders (CC) Hoarders (N) (CC) Intervention (N) (:01) Intervention AMC Into the West Army slaughter of Indians. Hell on Wheels Cullen prepares for battle. Hell on Wheels AMC (6:00) Into the West ›› Behind Enemy Lines (2001) Owen Wilson. (CC) Behind Enemy Lines II BRAV Housewives/NJ Housewives/NJ Housewives/NJ Housewives/NJ Happens Jersey BRAV Housewives/NYC Housewives/NJ Housewives/NYC Housewives/NYC Happens Jersey CNBC American Greed Trash Inc: The Ultimate Factories American Greed Chainsaw Paid CNBC American Greed Mad Money Marijuana USA American Greed Hang Ups Tool Talk COM Grandma Jeff Dunham: Controlled Chaos Jeff Dunham Jeff Dunham Tosh.0 South Pk COM Colbert Daily Futurama Futurama South Pk South Pk Brickle. South Pk Daily Colbert DISC MythBusters (CC) MythBusters (CC) Plane Crash (N) ’ (CC) MythBusters (CC) DISC American Chopper American Chopper American Chopper American Chopper American Chopper DISN Good Gravity Good Austin ANT Farm Jessie ’ Vampire Vampire ANT Farm Vampire DISN Austin Good ANT Farm ›› Halloweentown (1998) ’ Phineas Phineas ANT Farm Vampire E! ›› She’s Out of My League (2010) Jonas Jonas Jonas Kardashian Jonas E! E! News (N) Fashion Police E! Special Jonas Jonas Chelsea E! News ESPN MLS Soccer SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) SportsCenter (CC) ESPN NFL Football: Texans at Jets SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) NFL PrimeTime (N) SportsCenter (N) FAM ››› The Mummy (1999) Brendan Fraser. Premiere. ››› The Mummy (1999, Adventure) Brendan Fraser. FAM Switched at Birth ’ Switched at Birth (N) ›› Cheaper by the Dozen 2 (2005) The 700 Club (CC) FOOD Food Truck Race Cupcake Wars (N) Halloween Wars Iron Chef America Restaurant Stakeout FOOD Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners $24 in 24 Diners Diners FX (5:30) Eagle Eye ››› Taken (2008, Action) Liam Neeson. ››› Taken (2008, Action) Liam Neeson. FX Two Men Two Men ››› The Devil Wears Prada (2006, Comedy) Meryl Streep. Devil-Prada FXM (6:00) Little Man (CC) ›› Death at a Funeral (2010) Keith David. › Are We Done Yet? (2007) Ice Cube. (CC) FXM ›› An Unfinished Life (2005, Drama) (CC) ››› The Missing (2003) Tommy Lee Jones. (CC) FXM HBO ›› Cowboys & Aliens (2011) Daniel Craig. Boardwalk Empire Treme (N) ’ (CC) Boardwalk Empire HBO › Red Riding Hood Real Time/Bill Maher ››› X-Men: First Class (2011) ’ (CC) Adjustment Bureau HGTV Million Dollar Rooms Extreme Homes Buying and Selling Property Brothers House Hunters Reno HGTV Love It or List It Love It or List It Love It or List It (N) Hunters Hunt Intl Love It or List It HIST American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers Pawn American American Pickers HIST Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn American Pickers Pawn Pawn Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars LIFE Abducted: The Carlina White Story (2012) Steel Magnolias (2012) Queen Latifah. (CC) Abducted Story LIFE (5:30) ››› Selena Steel Magnolias (2012) Queen Latifah. (CC) Abducted: The Carlina White Story (2012) NBCSN Elk Fever Barta Caught Looking Sports Illustrated Dream On: Journey Caught Looking NBCSN (6:30) › The Fan (1996) Robert De Niro. Darts Darts Final: England vs. Australia. NICK You Gotta You Gotta See Dad Full Hse. Full Hse. Full Hse. Nanny Nanny Friends Friends NICK iCarly ’ (CC) Sponge. See Dad Full Hse. Full Hse. Nanny Nanny Friends Friends ROOT College Football College Football Boise State at Southern Mississippi. Football ROOT Boxing Golden Boy: Fighters TBA. UFC Unleashed World Poker Tour Dan Patrick SPEED Classic Car Crazy Auto Racing AMA Pro Racing AMA Pro Racing Setup NASCAR SPEED Truck U Truck U Gearz Gearz Hot Rod Hot Rod Truck U Truck U Unique Whips SYFY ››› Primal (2009, Horror) Krew Boylan. Wrong Turn 4: Bloody Beginnings (2011) ›› Leprechaun SYFY (6:00) › Anaconda (N) Haven “The Farmer” Alphas › Anaconda (1997) TLC Medium Medium Medium Medium Long Island Medium: Breaking Amish (N) Long Island Medium: TLC Long Island Medium: Secret Princes (CC) Secret Princes (CC) Secret Princes (CC) Secret Princes (CC) TNT Law & Order ’ Law & Order ’ Law & Order ’ Law & Order ’ Law & Order ’ TNT The Mentalist (CC) Major Crimes (CC) Major Crimes (N) The Mentalist (CC) Major Crimes (CC) TOON Open Season 3 (2010, Comedy) Ben 10 Cleveland King/Hill King/Hill Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Dynamite TOON Gumball Adven Regular Annoying King/Hill King/Hill American American Fam. Guy Fam. Guy USA Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Pirates-Worlds USA NCIS: Los Angeles WWE Monday Night RAW (N Same-day Tape) ’ (CC) CSI: Crime Scene WGN-A News Replay 30 Rock 30 Rock Rules Rules Scrubs Scrubs Sunny Sunny WGN-A WGN News at Nine 30 Rock 30 Rock Rules Rules 30 Rock Scrubs Sunny Sunny WTBS Baseball MLB Baseball (N) (Live) MLB Seinfeld WTBS (6:30) MLB Baseball (N) (Live) MLB Conan (CC) Conan Tuesday Evening October 9, 2012 Wednesday Evening October 10, 2012 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 KEZI ABC Extra (N) Million. Dancing/Stars Dancing/Stars Private Practice (N) News Nightline KEZI ABC Extra (N) Million. Middle Neigh Mod Fam Mod Fam Nashville “Pilot” ’ News Nightline KCBY CBS Jeopardy! Inside Ed. NCIS “Phoenix” (N) NCIS: Los Angeles Vegas (N) ’ (CC) News (N) Letterman KCBY CBS Jeopardy! Inside Ed. Survivor: Philippines Criminal Minds (N) CSI: Crime Scene News (N) Letterman KCBY IND ››› To Die For (1995) Nicole Kidman. ›› Royal Deceit (1994) Gabriel Byrne. ››› To Die For KCBY IND ›› Dark Blue (2002, Crime Drama) Kurt Russell. (CC) ›››› Paths of Glory (1957, War) (CC) Mr KOBI NBC Ent Insider The Voice (CC) Go On (N) Normal (:01) Parenthood (N) News (N) Jay Leno KOBI NBC Ent Insider Practice Guys- Law & Order: SVU Chicago Fire “Pilot” News (N) Jay Leno KMCB NBC Big Bang Big Bang The Voice (N) (CC) Go On (N) Normal (:01) Parenthood (N) News Jay Leno KMCB NBC Big Bang Big Bang Practice Guys- Law & Order: SVU Chicago Fire “Pilot” News Jay Leno KOAC PBS PBS NewsHour (N) History Detectives Frontline “The Choice 2012” ’ (CC) VOCES on PBS ’ KOAC PBS PBS NewsHour (N) Nature ’ NOVA (N) ’ Nova scienceNOW Naturally Obsessed KLSR FOX Fox News Two Men Raising Ben-Kate New Girl Mindy News Two Men Raymond Raymond KLSR FOX Fox News Two Men The X Factor Auditions continue in Miami. News Two Men Raymond Raymond KTVC IND Gospel Journeys ASI Conventions Waves Variety View Word ASI Video Bible Rx KTVC IND Amazing Books Victory in Jesus Mission Bible A Sharper Focus Words Melody KEVU MNT Dr. Phil ’ (CC) The Dr. Oz Show (N) House “Unwritten” House ’ (CC) Baggage Excused KEVU MNT Dr. Phil ’ (CC) The Dr. Oz Show (N) NUMB3RS ’ (CC) NUMB3RS ’ (CC) Baggage Excused CW30 Rules Rules Hart of Dixie (N) ’ Dr. Horrible’s Blog Seinfeld Seinfeld ’Til Death ’Til Death CW30 Rules Rules Arrow “Pilot” (CC) Supernatural (N) ’ Seinfeld Seinfeld ’Til Death ’Til Death A&E Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage A&E Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. AMC Behind Enemy Lines ›› Four Brothers (2005) Mark Wahlberg. (CC) ››› Apollo 13 (1995) (CC) AMC (5:30) Four Brothers ››› Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991), Linda Hamilton (CC) Terminator 2 BRAV Housewives/NYC Housewives/NYC Flipping Out (CC) Flipping Out (N) Happens Flipping BRAV Real Housewives Flipping Out (CC) Life After Top Chef Life After Top Chef Happens Top Chef CNBC American Greed Mad Money 60 Minutes on CNBC American Greed Paid Paid CNBC American Greed (N) Mad Money Mob Money: American Greed Paid Paid COM Colbert Daily Work. Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Brickle. Daily Colbert COM Colbert Daily Chappelle Key South Pk South Pk South Pk Key Daily Colbert DISC Deadliest Catch ’ Deadliest Catch ’ Deadliest Catch ’ Deadly Seas (CC) Deadliest Catch ’ DISC American Guns ’ American Guns ’ American Guns ’ Sons of Guns (CC) American Guns ’ DISN Shake It Good Vampire Halloweentown II: Revenge Shake It Phineas ANT Farm Vampire DISN Shake It Austin Vampire ››› Halloweentown High ’ Good Phineas ANT Farm Vampire E! E! News (N) Jonas Jonas Kardashian Kardashian Chelsea E! News E! E! News (N) Kardashian Kardashian The Soup Jonas Chelsea E! News ESPN Poker World/Poker SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) ESPN CrossFit Games SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) FAM (6:00) ›› Miss Congeniality ›› Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous (2005) The 700 Club (CC) FAM Miss Congeniality 2 ››› Remember the Titans (2000), Will Patton The 700 Club (CC) FOOD Cupcake Wars Cupcake Wars Chopped Chopped “Charge!” Chopped FOOD Restaurant: Im. Restaurant: Im. Restaurant: Im. Restaurant Stakeout Restaurant: Im. FX ››› Iron Man (2008) Robert Downey Jr., Terrence Howard. Sons of Anarchy (N) Sons of Anarchy FX Two Men Two Men ››› Salt (2010, Action) Angelina Jolie. ››› Salt (2010, Action) Angelina Jolie. FXM Déjà Vu ››› Déjà Vu (2006) Denzel Washington. (CC) ››› The Talented Mr. Ripley (1999) (CC) FXM ›› Enemy at the Gates (2001) Joseph Fiennes. (CC) FXM ›› Enemy at the Gates (2001, War) (CC) HBO Pure Country ›› Cowboys & Aliens (2011) Daniel Craig. Treme ’ (CC) Boardwalk Empire HBO Life Fight ›› The Thing (2011) ’ (CC) Cowboys Boardwalk Empire Real Time/Bill Maher HGTV Hunt Intl Hunters Love It or List It Property Property Hunters Hunt Intl Million Dollar Rooms HGTV Hunt Intl Hunters Property Brothers Buying and Selling Hunters Hunt Intl Property Brothers HIST Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Caligula: 1400 Days of Terror (N) (CC) Sex in Ancient World HIST Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars American American American American Cajun Cajun Cajun Cajun LIFE Dance Moms (CC) Dance Competition Dance Comp. Prank Prank Prank Prank LIFE Taken From Me ›› Tyler Perry’s the Family That Preys (2008) (CC) Prank Project Runway NBCSN (6:00) ››› The Natural (1984, Drama) ››› The Natural (1984, Drama) Robert Redford, Robert Duvall. NBCSN NFL Turning Point NFL Turning Point Dream On: Journey NFL Turning Point Dream On: Journey NICK iCarly ’ (CC) Full Hse. Full Hse. Full Hse. Full Hse. Nanny Nanny Friends Friends NICK iCarly ’ (CC) Full Hse. Full Hse. Full Hse. Full Hse. Nanny Nanny Friends Friends ROOT UEFA Champions League Soccer: Ajax vs Real Madrid Boys in Baseball Game 365 Dan Patrick ROOT Boys in Game 365 Action Sports American Ski Planet X Planet X Dan Patrick SPEED My Ride My Ride Dumbest Dumbest Parts Parts My Ride My Ride Unique Whips SPEED Barrett-Jackson Pinks - All Out 101 Cars 101 Cars Barrett-Jackson Unique Whips SYFY Face Off Face Off Face Off (N) Hot Set (N) Face Off SYFY Ghost Hunters (CC) Ghost Hunters (N) ’ Paranormal Witness Ghost Hunters (CC) TLC Secret Princes (CC) DC Cupcakes: 19 Kids 19 Kids The Big Jig (N) ’ 19 Kids 19 Kids TLC Cracking Addiction Hoard-Buried Half-Ton Killer (N) ’ Addicted “Aaron” ’ Half-Ton Killer (CC) TNT The Mentalist (CC) The Mentalist (CC) The Mentalist (CC) Rizzoli & Isles (CC) Leverage (CC) TNT The Mentalist (CC) Castle ’ (CC) Castle “Ghosts” ’ Castle ’ (CC) Perception “Faces” TOON Regular Regular Looney Adven King/Hill King/Hill American American Fam. Guy Fam. Guy TOON Adven NinjaGo Dragons Johnny T King/Hill King/Hill American American Fam. Guy Fam. Guy USA Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU USA NCIS ’ (CC) ›› Couples Retreat (2009, Comedy) Vince Vaughn. ›› The Break-Up (2006) (CC) WGN-A WGN News at Nine 30 Rock 30 Rock Rules Rules 30 Rock Scrubs Sunny Sunny WGN-A WGN News at Nine 30 Rock 30 Rock Rules Rules 30 Rock Scrubs Sunny Sunny WTBS (6:30) MLB Baseball (N) (Live) MLB Conan (CC) Conan WTBS (6:30) MLB Baseball (N) (Live) MLB Conan (CC) Conan Thursday Evening October 11, 2012 Friday Evening October 12, 2012 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 KEZI ABC Vice Presidentia Last Resort (N) ’ Extra (N) Million. KEZI 9 News News Nightline KEZI ABC Extra (N) Million. Shark Tank (N) ’ Primetime: What 20/20 (N) ’ (CC) News Nightline KCBY CBS Vice Presidentia Two Men Big Bang To Be Announced Wheel Jeopardy! News (N) Letterman KCBY CBS Jeopardy! Inside Ed. CSI: NY (N) ’ (CC) Made in Jersey (N) Blue Bloods (N) ’ News (N) Letterman KCBY IND ››› The Believers (1987) Martin Sheen. ›› Toy Soldiers (1991) Sean Astin. (CC) ››› No Way Out KCBY IND ›› The January Man (1988) Kevin Kline. ››› Throw Momma From the Train (CC) The Honeymooners KOBI NBC Vice Presidentia 30 Rock All Night Ent Insider Dateline NBC (CC) News (N) Jay Leno KOBI NBC Ent Insider Grimm ’ Grimm (N) ’ (CC) Dateline NBC (N) ’ News (N) Jay Leno KMCB NBC Vice Presidentia 30 Rock All Night Big Bang Big Bang Dateline NBC (CC) News Jay Leno KMCB NBC Big Bang Big Bang Grimm ’ Grimm (N) ’ (CC) Dateline NBC (N) ’ News Jay Leno KOAC PBS Vice Presidentia Art Beat Field Doc Martin ’ (CC) Sherlock Holmes Oregon Experience KOAC PBS PBS NewsHour (N) Mayor-Debate Call the Midwife ’ Masterpiece Classic Masterpiece Classic KLSR FOX Debate TBA The X Factor (N) ’ Office King/Hill News Two Men Raymond Raymond KLSR FOX Fox News Two Men The X Factor (CC) Fringe (N) (CC) News Two Men Raymond Raymond KTVC IND (6:00) Nightlight Live Bible Sign Time Gospel Life To Variety Time Out Nightlight Live KTVC IND It Is Mission Feature Pres. Better Life On Tour A Sharper Focus Variety Thunder KEVU MNT Dr. Phil ’ (CC) The Dr. Oz Show (N) White Collar (CC) White Collar (CC) Baggage Excused KEVU MNT Dr. Phil ’ (CC) The Dr. Oz Show (N) Monk ’ (CC) Monk ’ (CC) Baggage Excused CW30 Rules Rules The Vampire Diaries Beauty & Beast Seinfeld Seinfeld ’Til Death ’Til Death CW30 Rules Rules Arrow “Pilot” (CC) Beauty & Beast Seinfeld Seinfeld ’Til Death ’Til Death A&E The First 48 (CC) The First 48 (CC) The First 48 (N) Beyond Scared Beyond Scared A&E Criminal Minds ’ Criminal Minds ’ Criminal Minds ’ Criminal Minds ’ (:01) Criminal Minds AMC (6:00) ›› Christine › Thinner (1996) Robert John Burke. (CC) ››› Cujo (1983) Dee Wallace. (CC) AMC (6:00) ››› Cujo ›› Christine (1983) Keith Gordon. (CC) ›› Pet Sematary (1989) Dale Midkiff. (CC) BRAV Housewives/NJ Real Housewives Real Housewives Real Housewives Happens Miami BRAV Housewives/OC Housewives/OC Housewives/OC Housewives/OC Housewives/OC CNBC Vice Presidentia Mad Money Ultimate Fighting American Greed Paid Hair Rest. CNBC American Greed Mad Money Ultimate Factories American Greed Paid Paid COM Colbert Daily Chappelle Stand-Up Jeff Dunham Stand-Up Tosh.0 Daily Colbert COM Colbert Daily Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Key Tosh.0 South Pk Brickle. Mash Up Stand-Up DISC Property Wars (CC) Property Wars (CC) Auction Auction Texas Car Wars (N) Auction Auction DISC Flying Wild Alaska Deadliest Catch ’ (CC) Flying Wild Alaska Deadliest Catch ’ DISN Shake It Jessie ’ Vampire ›› Return to Halloweentown Gravity Phineas ANT Farm Vampire DISN Shake It ANT Farm Girl vs. Monster (2012) (CC) Dog ANT Farm Good Austin Austin E! E! News (N) The Soup Jonas Kardas Kardas Kardas Kardas Chelsea E! News E! E! News (N) ›› Must Love Dogs (2005) Diane Lane. Fashion Police Chelsea E! News ESPN College Football Arizona State at Colorado. SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) ESPN NASCAR SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) FAM (6:00) Remember the Titans › Gone in Sixty Seconds (2000, Action) Nicolas Cage. The 700 Club (CC) FAM (6:30) ›› Bring It On (2000) ›› The Last Song (2010) Miley Cyrus, Greg Kinnear. The 700 Club (CC) FOOD Chopped Halloween Wars Chopped Chopped Chopped FOOD Diners $24 in 24 Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners FX Two Men Two Men ››› Easy A (2010) Emma Stone. Sunny League BrandX Biased FX Two Men Two Men ››› Easy A (2010) Emma Stone. The Ultimate Fighter › The Happening FXM FXM › 12 Rounds (2009) John Cena. (CC) FXM ››› Frequency (2000) Dennis Quaid. FXM (5:00) ››› Cast Away (2000) ››› Cast Away (2000, Drama) Tom Hanks, Helen Hunt, Nick Searcy. (CC) HBO Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (:15) › Red Riding Hood (2011) ’ (CC) Sex Quiz Katie HBO Big Mommas: Like Father › The Sitter (2011) Jonah Hill. Real Time/Bill Maher Real Time/Bill Maher HGTV Hunt Intl Hunters Buying and Selling Extreme Homes Hunters Hunt Intl Abroad Hunt Intl HGTV Hunt Intl Hunt Intl Halloween Tricked Flea Mar Flea Mar Hunters Hunt Intl Hunt Intl Hunt Intl HIST History/World Pawn Pawn How the Earth Made Man (N) (CC) America’s Book HIST American American American American American American American American How the How the LIFE To Be Announced Project Runway Project Runway “Finale, Part I” Dance Comp. Prank LIFE Hoarders “Dee; Jan” Amer. Most Wanted Amer. Most Wanted Amer. Most Wanted Amer. Most Wanted NBCSN To Be Announced NFL Turning Point Dream On: Journey NBCSN To Be Announced College Hockey: Ice Breaker Tournament NICK iCarly ’ (CC) Turtles You Gotta Full Hse. Full Hse. Nanny Nanny Friends Friends NICK iCarly ’ (CC) Victorious Victorious Full Hse. Full Hse. Nanny Nanny Friends Friends ROOT High School Football Rogers at Bethel. (N) (Live) Hawks Sea Dan Patrick ROOT High School Football Rogers at Bethel. Game Sea Dan Patrick SPEED Parts Parts Car Warriors Wrecked Wrecked Formula One Racing Parts SPEED Road to Le Mans UFC 152 Formula 1 Debrief Formula One Racing Parts SYFY (5:30) ›› Hannibal ›› Shutter Island (2010) Leonardo DiCaprio, Mark Ruffalo. (CC) The Skeleton Key SYFY (5:00) Shutter Island WWE Friday Night SmackDown! (N) (CC) Haven (N) Alphas TLC Gypsy Wedding Say Yes Say Yes Four Weddings (N) Little Shop of Gyp Four Weddings ’ TLC Secret Princes (CC) Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Secret Princes (N) Say Yes Say Yes TNT The Mentalist (CC) The Mentalist (CC) The Mentalist (CC) The Mentalist (CC) Leverage (CC) TNT The Mentalist (CC) ››› Catch Me if You Can (2002) Leonardo DiCaprio. ›› Disturbia (2007) TOON Adven Annoying MAD (N) Regular King/Hill King/Hill American American Fam. Guy Fam. Guy TOON Gumball NinjaGo Cartoon Planet King/Hill King/Hill American American Fam. Guy Fam. Guy USA NCIS “Witness” ’ NCIS ’ (CC) NCIS (CC) NCIS (CC) Burn Notice (CC) USA Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU CSI: Crime Scene WGN-A WGN News at Nine 30 Rock 30 Rock Rules Rules 30 Rock Scrubs Sunny Sunny WGN-A WGN News at Nine 30 Rock 30 Rock Rules Rules 30 Rock Scrubs Sunny Sunny WTBS (6:30) MLB Baseball (N) (Live) MLB Conan Conan WTBS (5:00) MLB Baseball (N) (Live) MLB Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang The Bourne Identity C M C M Y K Y K

C M C M Y K Saturday, October 6,2012 • The World • D5 Y K


C M C M Y K D6•The World • Saturday, October 6,2012 Y K