Prague and Its Districts Prague and Its Districts

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Prague and Its Districts Prague and Its Districts PRAGUE AND ITS DISTRICTS PRAGUE AND ITS DISTRICTS Prague, as capital of Czech Republic and economical, cultural and communication center in middle Europe region is counted into the list of the most beautiful medieval historical cities of the world. Millions of tourists come to visit Prague and explore picturesque beauty of downtown every year. But Prague is not only historical center. From the beginning of century the old city core was step by step surrounded by new development. Those districts were thanks different conditions of foundation and purposes very various and created so very diverse and marvelous city. Let me introduce to You some of them. SPECIAL TOPICS IN URBAN PLANNING - NATIONAL TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF ATHENS IVO TUČEK - FACULTY OF ARCHITECTURE - C.T.U. IN PRAGUE - WINTER 2006-07 PRAGUE IN NUMBERS Area 496 km Land coverage 177 km2 Inhabitians 1 186 618 Public libraries 84 Non season cinemas 24 Theaters 85 Inhabitians in districts: Muzeums 74 Staré Město 10 256 Galleries 160 Nové Město 28 025 Another cultural facilities 268 karlín 12 091 ZOO 1 Žižkov 57 225 Sacral buildings 164 Vinohrady 53 927 Cemeteries 29 Smíchov 36 165 Post offices 106 Ořechovka 6 833 Hospitals 25 Dejvice 23 721 Universities 29 Jižní Město 57 324 ORTOPHOTO MAP TRAFFIC MAP COMPOUND MAP 1 Chapter 1 – Staré Město [in translation Old Town] Old Town – The oldest part of city lies on both banks of Vltava River. On the left bank of the river is situated “Malá Strana” (in transl. “Small Side”) and on the ride bank is “Stare Město”. Narrow and crooked streets (with some structures from century) are full of hotels, tourist shops, restaurants, pubs and coffees, but also government, cultural institutions and some universities have their buildings there. Most of historical monuments and tourist attractions are situated there and that’s why it is overcrowded by tourists. From urban-planning view is very important so-called “big assanation” (city betterment) of Jewish part of city from he last years of 19th and beginning of 20th century Approximately 20% of Old Town area was pulled down and newly rebuilt due to catastrophic hygienic conditions. Only churches, synagogues and small part of Jewish cemetery remained. Rest of area was covered by new houses in romanticism (eclecticism – neohistorical) style. Numbers of houses were built in later decades in “Art Nouveau” (in Czech “Secese”), expressionism (Czech “Kubismus”) and functionalism style. Unfortunately, there were some “brutalistic” hotels built on the bank of Old Town in the 70th. 1 - STARÉ MĚSTO 1 - STARÉ MĚSTO Chapter 2 – Nové Město [in transl. New Town] Nové Město was established by Czech King Charles IV. in 1348 as a belt of new development surrounding the area of Old Town. Street network of New Town was set up on system of three main squares – Senovážné (in transl. “hay-weighed sq”), Václavské (Wenceslas sq.), and Karlovo (Charles sq.) From nowadays view, the Wenceslas sq. is with its dimensions of 70x800 m considered more as an avenue than a square. In New Town, layouts of blocks are much larger and have less organic shapes than in Staré Město. During the centuries, lots of houses were rebuilt into newer styles and reconstructions of some places still run. In 90th, after politic changes and economical liberalization, there were built some new business and residential houses. From all I should notice at least “dancing house” from F. O. Gehry on the bank corner plot. Nové Město is considered as banking, business and shopping heart of Prague city but contains also some important educational, cultural and government institutions. 1 - STARÉ MĚSTO 2 2 - NOVÉ MĚSTO 2 - NOVÉ MĚSTO Chapter 3 – Karlín [in transl. something like Charl’s] Karlin was the first city suburb founded in 1824. New creating neighbors were closely connected with industrial revolution. That’s why Karlin was from beginning dedicated for industrial use. On orthogonal layout with large plots (up to 250 x 200meters!) were built up mostly factories and storage houses. This part of city is spread on narrow belt between Vltava River and Vitkov hill. Because of reduction of heavy industry in 80th Karlin was partly abandoned. Hand in hand with leaving of industry came attention of office houses developers. Large empty plots and close distance to city center were the main reasons for new investments. On the other side, due to protection of historical industrial buildings were some old factories converted into art galleries, shopping centers and lofts. [Hilton hotel, R. Bofill’s Corso Karlin, Danube center, etc…] Although there is still some industry and abandoned areas in Karlin, this part of city in on confident way to turn into important, rich and lively Prague district. 2 - NOVÉ MĚSTO 3 - KARLÍN 3 - KARLÍN 3 Chapter 4 – Žižkov East apart from historical town were till 1874 only lonely farms and large fields. In 1876 was issued new rule which allowed to build structures in this area. This moment started massive construction. While on the south-east part were built luxury residential “Vinohrady”, in north neighborhood were constructed simpler houses for factory workers and tradesmen. On the unfit north slope created houses with small flats. Crooked streets, situated to overrun steep slope were narrow and didn’t allow to get enough of sun to get into flats. Those problems together with bad conditions of unrepaired houses leaded to idea of complete reconstruction of Žižkov’ town in 1980th. Buildings with neo-historicism facades had to be replaced with austere and boring panel-houses [known from South City] Thanks god this plan was realized only on small part. Žižkov never become rich, gleaming. Mostly dirty and savage, full of pubs, strip bars, pawnbrookings and casinos is sometimes compared with SO-HO. Unique and magic “genius loci” was saved and sill fascinates hundreds of visitors. Last interference into Žižkov area and also in whole Prague’s panorama was construction of broadcasting tower [216m] in 1988. 3 - KARLÍN 4 - ŽIŽKOV 4 - ŽIŽKOV Chapter 5 – Vinohrady [in transl. “vineyards”] As was mentioned in Žižkov chapter, Vinohrady rised up in the same period. In the second half of 19th century, after the moment when medieval fortification walls lost their meaning, towns started to grow. Vinohrady, situated in much better conditions then Žižkov, were covered by rich and beautiful residential houses. Street network with almost orthogonal layout left some area opened filled with parks. Two main squares were added by churches. On the Namesti Miru [sq of Peace] is situated neogothic St. Ludmila church and on the square of Jiri z Podebrad was placed Josip Plecnik’s church. The residential houses of Vinohrady are more than 120 years old, but still very popular and make so this district attractive and expensive. 4 - ŽIŽKOV 4 5 - VINOHRADY 5 - VINOHRADY Chapter 6 – Smíchov For hundred years, Smíchov was just a small village no the left river bank, not far away from south gate of Malá Strana. Smíchov was after Karlín second industrial district in Prague. It grew fast and whole area between Strahov and Mrázovka hills was filled by buildings till the end of 19th. century. Most of them were heavy industry and mechanical engineering factories, but also food industry appeared. Thanks to development of industry and also because of general development of railways there was established one of the biggest goods train station in Prague. Character and use of Smíchov didn’t almost change for more than 100 years. Things started to move at the end of 70th, in the moment when metro came and especially after 1989 when demand for plots close to city center radically grew. Whole Smíchov and particularly area around metro station became much more attractive. The pioneer project was J. Nouvel’s Angel House – shopping and office house complex situated above same-name metro station, but many other projects followed. Because some factories were listed buildings and it wasn’t allowed to pull them down, at least some fragments had to be preserved. So although nowadays Smíchov is live and modern district with luxury shops, hotels, entertainment and business centers, there are still some relicts of factory structures like walls or chimneys. This place is full of changes, many plots still wait for opportunities and others are under the construction. But sure that Smíchov can’t complain for lack of attention. 5 - VINOHRADY 6 - SMÍCHOV 6 - SMÍCHOV 5 Chapter 9 – Střešovice [core comes from word “roof”] This is the best Prague example of garden town. Střešovice, settled since second half of 19th century was all the time one of the most luxury district. Rich men, factory owners, noblemen and politicians built their residences in the verdure. The best known house is A. Loos’s Miller’s villa. In the second half of 20th century some houses suffered from dividing into small flats when the flat shortness was solved. But since 90th the villas have been repaired and obtained back their original beauty and gleam. Many states have their embassies there. 6 - SMÍCHOV 7 - STŘEŠOVICE 7 - STŘEŠOVICE 7 - STŘEŠOVICE Chapter 7 – Dejvice [could be transl. like “give me more”] History of modern Dejvice starts back into the beginning of 20th. century. In the year 1920 was proclaimed a competition for design of new north-west Prague suburb. This area was dedicated for: a) residences with services and facilities b) new technical university c) general command center of Czechoslovak army. Many interesting urban designs appeared. Finally was elected project of A. Engel, student of professor O. Wagner from Wien. His neo classicism project with big emphasis on axis, symmetry and vistas was situated around main circle. This area is still considered as a heart of Dejvice.
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