XL ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE ENGENHARIA DE PRODUÇÃO “Contribuições da Engenharia de Produção para a Gestão de Operações Energéticas Sustentáveis” Foz do Iguaçu, Paraná, Brasil, 20 a 23 de outubro de 2020. Cold Chain Management: Descriptive Bibliometric Analysis Paulo Henrique Amorim Santos (Universidade Federal de São Carlos)
[email protected] Roberto Antonio Martins (Universidade Federal de São Carlos)
[email protected] Cold chains are part of the food, pharmaceutical, and chemical sectors. The cold chain management has been attracting a lot of attention among practitioners and scholars. Cold chain managers must guarantee an effective logistic system, that not only delivers products safely, but also preserves quality, reaches the destination on time, and operates cost- effectively. This article aims to present the results of a descriptive bibliometric analysis on cold chain management. The sample records extracted from Scopus database were processed using the Bibliometrix, an R package, and ran in the RStudio environment. The main results show that two different sectors - food engineering/agribusiness and health – address the domain. Despite there being few authors of high productivity in the field, scientific production has increased in recent years. Most of the influential sources publish on health sciences, agricultural and food engineering, and applied social sciences, gaining more notoriety since 2012. Indeed, cold chain has been attracting more attention from operations management researchers. Cold chain has been evolving from quality control approach by gaining a stronger link with managerial scope. Finally, the applicability of industry 4.0 technologies like “internet of things”, “wireless sensor network” and “rfid” have been gaining notoriety in the field.