Max Weber's Disciples
STXXXX10.1177/0735275117740402Sociological TheoryJoosse 740402research-article2017 Original Article Sociological Theory 2017, Vol. 35(4) 334 –358 Max Weber’s Disciples: © American Sociological Association 2017 10.1177/0735275117740402 Theorizing the Charismatic Aristocracy Paul Joosse1 Abstract While several studies have explored the interactional dynamics of charismatic power, most have neglected the role of what Weber termed the charismatic aristocracy. This article revives the classical concept to respond to contemporary calls for performative, follower- centric approaches to charisma. Specifically, the charismatic aristocracy is placed at the center of an analysis of a reiterative moment in charismatization: when influential followers generate content for the emerging charismatic persona. In these germinal moments, the dialogical nature of charisma is most clear, precisely because it is then that charismatic leaders often are not themselves confident in their status and can be found responding to instructional cues—indeed following the lead—of those positioning themselves as obsequious followers. Drawing on 10 years of observations, multistage interviews, and media collections, I provide an interactionist account of the charismatic emergence of John de Ruiter, leader of a successful new religious movement. I conclude by tabling a model that conceives of the charismatic aristocracy as an important fulcrum for expectation, affectation, and recognition in charismatic interactions. Keywords charisma, Max Weber, symbolic interactionism, cultural sociology, relational sociology, power When Hans Gerth and C. Wright Mills introduced Weber’s concept of charisma to English readers in 1946, they did so with some major reservations. Weber’s emphasis on the charis- matic leader, we were warned, is a continuation of a “philosophy of history” which, after Carlyle’s Heroes and Hero Worship [1841], influenced a great deal of nineteenth-century history writing.
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