Freyja Afrodita Space-Time-Foam Gungnir Ymir Frigg - and More Fun
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Abstract: Amazing new theories by Óðsmál: Our Goddess Freyja is our universe, and so is Afrodita the Greek goddess. The sounding Ymir becomes the five elements, and what kind of weapon is Gungnir in Norse Mythology? Óðsmál research Iceland - become literate on allegory in our heritage the cultural and Spiritual Heritage of the North. * Freyja Afrodita Space-Time-Foam Gungnir Ymir Frigg - and more fun Girls and women are, in heathenry, the great goddess incarnated, and revered accordingly. Our goddesses are highly revered. During the dark ages of goddess-ban, a sever goddess-deficiency accumulated in lives of men. We needed our Lady. In the end, the Roman Empire made a goddess-substitute, made from the story of queen Semiramis. (--Sorry, that I cannot quote the man who first said this, as I have seen it in so many places, since that explanation first popped up on the net.--) Now we could build expensive Notre Dame in Paris, and Vor Frue kirke in Denmark. We seemed to be happy. We knew not that Freyja means much much more to our life than the new one. Freyja is our universe. Do we realize that the universe is mere vibrations. Gungnir, in ginnunga- gap, The Great Void? The whole universe is but Ymir, the sounding one. Ymir is a primordial sound. There is a cycle from BigBang/Ymir to ragnarök - the life of our universe: Freyja Ymir the sounding is the sound OM, and is the Big Bang as well, world is ver-öld, man´s life-span, our universe is the space-time foam bubble Freyja. Afros (Greek) in the name of Afrodita, also means foam. Ymir the sounding one ©JohnHagelin physicist PhD Here we have the 8-fold prakriti split-ups becoming höfuðskepnur (elements, space air fire water earth), and also the making of the ego, the I, intellect, and mind. The I-making (ahamkaar) intellect, mind, space (kham or akash) air fire water earth become “my nature‘s 8 split-ups”. Bjöðum upp ypptu - gods fixed the creation: lifted up the firmament (verb yppa is from upp (up) to lift up, past tense 3rd person plural ypptu) Of course it is OK to talk about our gods as if they were guys and dolls, or personify them as such, as we know that our body is of the same Perfect Orderliness as is ginnungagap, mirrored in Ásgarður, and in us. The words rögn and regin for our gods, actually mean orderliness (etymologically). But even if we are in the image of ginnungagap it implies not that the gods are guys and dolls. It will be difficult to correct misleading personifications, once some men have been brainwashed with imprinted doctrines, the wrong ones. Men might think that our gods are some “they” in some Ásgarður far from us, outside of us, even a tool for obedience and fear. - That is the astray-leading picture of the divine that we are stuffed up with. Misleading personifications have made us look in the wrong places for our innermost divinity. Gungnir means the vibrating, vibrations, likely superstring, Zitterbewegung. My body is made of strings, says a goddess in Bhaharata. Freyja is made of vibrating strings. The word gungnir actually means vibrations. ©John Hagelin physicist PhD 5 different vibrational modes - höfuðskepnur Strings are not any matter, really, but we perceive them as physical, material, We make it so in our brain. The whole universe is but Gungnir, and our human body is but Gungnir, different vibrational modes. Our body is but Gungnir, made of Gungnir - by us and changing all our life Primordial sounds reverberations within Ægir, the ocean of consciousness, pure consciousness, of what we make a world (Icelandic veröld ver-öld, man´s life-span, ævi). Awareness falls on specific values - losing the whole value - we see (with our world-registering eyes) bits of Gungnir and take it for something very substantial. Our senses bring these Gungnis-vibrations to the mind, and mind makes out of them a very personal world. No two men the same. Therefore we say: the world is as you are. Pure and refined men make a pure world, ignorant and coarse men a biased one. There is a theory of creatio ex nihilo - the creating out of nothing. It is not mythology - nor is it cosmology? An astronomer, holding his PhD, affirms: The universe became out of nothing. Philosophers still have to explain how something can come out of nothing. This frees the astronomer of any further explanations of the BigBang. Not his field of understanding. Our forefathers, on the other hand, always knew what this nothing is, and call it ginnungagap. All universes emerge in it as space-time foam bubbles. One of them is ours: Freyja. The role of philosophers of old was to know The Ultimate Reality from where all the relative reality could be enriched and strengthened so that the wholeness of life can belong to every phase of living. Nowadays, philosophy is on the level of thinking. The contentious art and shallow contemplation is not touching The Ultimate Reality. The best of that: Does doubt exist. In order to better understand Reality, we purify your Sleipnir, our human nervous system. That we do by regularly transcending the realm of thoughts to the source of thought, pure consciousness. Little by little we imbibe the perfection from within, and then, in time, we seek perfection everywhere we look. -Why does not anyone teach us, tell us, what we are here for? Why we decide to be born? -Óðsmál does. Consciousness (Icelandic vitund) is conscious, knows of itself, as to bear that name of course. Be conscious of. -Now, of what is consciousness conscious? -There is nothing but consciousness, so the only thing it can be conscious of is itself. Óðinn Vili Véi Óðinn Vili Véi are a process in consciousness: Óðinn gets the momentous will, and shall we say fateful, idea to find knowledge, i.e. gets will, Vili, to observe. What, inevitably, is found is knowledge, which here we call Véi, something “concrete”(?) to be found, as there is nothing else to be found than knowledge. When Óðinn has found Véi, sees that Véi is a mere holy zero, he is shocked, besides that Vili seems not to exist. Vili is only the processing, or the act of paying attention to our on consciousness in the process of paying attention to the only there is. Högni víðhöttur says: -We must be literate on allegory in myths, my good man. Óðinn is knowledge, Vili the will to seek knowledge, Véi knowledge found. And by this movement of seeking knowledge, some initiation of creation is fuelled. Pure consciousness interacts with itself. This is the possibility for Freyja. Our gods are creative impulses of Natural Law, various aspects of Natural Law, who maintain the perfect order, creation, maintenance, dissolution of our entire universe. This is simply hard-core science. Consciousness is the observer (Óðinn acquiring curiosity), Vili (the will to search), and Véi (what is found). Consciousness is here observing itself. This is how symmetry breaks. We know what follows. Óðinn Vili Véi or Hilbert Space, Operators, States, in ginnungagap. Only ginnungagap is - all this universe-play takes place in ginnungagap as there is no other. Nothing “out of” it. Hilbert Óðinn Vili Véi Múspell and Nifl are silence and dynamism, both inherent from the very beginning, and a kind of spur one to the other. Fire and fog, we call them. Freyja Skjálf is a name of Freyja - the quivering one. Well, she is made of quivering strings, we know. Skjálf is also akin to English shelf, indicating a high place or status. Compare Hliðskjálf, Valaskjálf, etc. Þröng, Þrungva, are names of Freyja, as she is about to blossom - She is so pregnant of ideas to blossom into. She has contained in her all possibilities. (--Ginnungagap is All-Possibilities--). She is the blossoming one. Ginnungagap is also The Evolutionary. As it is in the very nature of a flower to blossom, so it is in our very nature to evolve towards perfection. Laws of Nature are always only evolutionary. Freyja, the name, means foam, and so does afros in Afrodita. The goddess is our space-time foam. Our forefathers knew more than we realize. As these scientific terms are here, they do indicate that there is a meaning behind them, yes? The goddesses, Freyja, Afrodita, Venus, emerge from the Abyss of Waters, Ægir, ginnungagap. That is what artists of old tell us. The goddess is not “coming out of her bath” at all. She never went in. Freyja has a daughter. Her name is Hnoss, or Gersimi. These names indicate something very very precious to us. Freyja owns the shining jewel Brísingamen. Brísingamen is mankind, something very precious in our universe. Brísingamen is the brightest jewel on earth. Freyja guards us well. Brísingamen, man-kind, is her shining jewel - the name tells us. Goddess Freyja, the space time foam bubble of a universe, guards her most precious jewel, mankind, us. Freyja owns the shield Hildisvíni that protects the human embryo - that is our shield the first 9 months of being soon born into this universe. Freyja the space-time foam bubble. One and one bubble breaks loose to become a universe. Some are short-lived, others endure longer. Ours will be till ragnarök römm sigtíva. We live in Freyja as she is our universe, and she is in us as we are consciousness, and all universes are in consciousness. (Please understand this easy and important Óðsmál interpretation of Freyja) We see now that --no way-- can Þrymur þurs get Freyja for a bride.