•••» ;

Getting their kicks Free! Tonight! Singular Cranford soccer team . Eastman Plaza band contort opportunity trying to maintain resurgence Antique Treasures series begins at 7 in Cranford Place your ad in our Singles Communrty life, A-8 pages and you may win big See Spbrts, page B-l See "our Classified section Inside^ •• A

Thursday, September 10, 1992 . 37 A Forbes Newspaper SO cente : t CRANPORD-GARWObO • KENILWORTH t Briefs Teacher contract closer, but still not settlei Recycling is set By BOB SULLIVAN the 'board had gone "way beyond what I He said the main stumbling blocks con- percent annual increases. That offer was." considered fiscally responsible.'1 tinue to be health benefit givebacks sought made June 30, the day formal talks broke;^ •:XriECHRONICtE. for fall months Charles Kiamie, president ofthe Granford by the board and the percentage of salary down and the board declared talks to be ai-. ; The Union .County Utilities Au- ; .>While negotiators say a settlement may be Education Association (CEA), also said the increasesin the-threeryear contract impasse. The CEA originally asked for 8-. 1 thority has released the sched- near, teachers entered the classroom Tues- outlook for a new contract was positive. Last week, The Chronicle reported tiiat percent annual raises, but that demand was the package offered to the teachers' union ' ule for curbslde pickups of re- day without a contract "We didn't.settle (Tuesday)," Mr. Kiamie lowered to 7 percent and later 6.5 percent . Efforts to ink a deal on the eve of the new said! "But we made a counter-proposal to would require that all teachers'hired after ; cyclable newspapers, glass, The board also is seeking participation I corrugated cardboard, plastic school year were unsuccessful $ept 2 and 8, the board. I believe there is optimism in June 30 .of/this year T- about 35 — would have to pay. for dependent benefits. Current from the teachers' union in a task force that ' bottles, and aluminum and tin but both sides have said recent informal dis- continuing to talk." benefit levels for teachers hired before that will study benefit costs in an attempt to ; cans. The reeycjables • should cussions have, brought progress towards a While The Chronide; learned last week that a tentative agreement had been reached; day would.be maintained. I be set out by 7:30 am, The new contract . ,. '..•• develop cheaper' alternatives, such as a new. 'We're not that- far apart," board negotia- between the CEA arid the board, conflicting Cost of benefits have increased nearly 20 insurance carrier.,; :~ schedule is: Sept 16.and 30; tor Andrew Pellicda said. "There is- a decent reports emerged from.the last two bargain-. percent each of the last five years, and Oct. 14 and 18; Nov.' 11 and Mr. Pellicdo would riot comment on last; relationship between the two groups," ;!ng sessions. Several negotiators maintain school board members had'refused to make: 25; Dec. 9 and 23.' '• " week's reports; "I choose, not to negotiate in,. ^eUicdo accepted the role of diairman.of that there was never a tentative agreement,. a:deal which diiA.not':..indud^;:.scp^'^(^pay.. 1 the board negotiating team last week: On Mr. Kiamie would say.only that "there provision for teacher health benefits] f the newspaper.:.As ' long as we're talking; Library links up Aug. 24,* former Chairman Tom Bonhag ref-' '.was aboard-.proposal made, and that's what . The final board salary increase offer made that^coUld only be detrimental to the nego- public included a package of three 5.8- tiations." '• '• ••••".'• -'•'•''• '.'.'••' : :'•' ' ••••*;•'• With Mott's plan signed from the negotiating team, saying we're responding to." The Cranford Publlp Library : will participate in the Motfs U- ; brary Program. During Septem- Bids well for ber, October and November, the library will collect proof-of- ; purchase labels from the fol- town isnters lowing Motfs Herns: Apple juice : (any size, except cans),; juice By BOB SULLIVAN enough. The area is like a big bath- tub. So there will be two drains;. boxes (any A®rl§ty), apple THE CHRONICLE sauce (any size/variety), and from this big bathtub djreetfy-to" :_. apple /sauce fruit (any Bidding will dose tomorrow on a the river.". The project is one of . four designed to improve flow., v variety! For every label col- $750,000 project to alleviate' flood- All of which sounds like good lected, jthe library will receive a ing near Orange Avenue. The low-lying area, which in- news, to many township residents/, contribution ' toward the pur* cludes parts of Columbia Street, Bonnalyn Bilavsky bought heip" chaseLof new books. Labels Locust Drive, Dunham Avenue, El- home on Columbia Avenue irt* are now being collected at the mora Avenue, arid several others, March. Water frequently runs info;" main desk. •••'.' is plagued by floods during heavy, her garage, which is often blodced* . quick rainstorms. Water runs from with sandbags. Kerrihvorth and other areas toward ""I, paid over $200,000 for rn^;;:' Bagger bill will the Rahway River, but collects in :• horne and never knew; about this' several low- areas of Cranford. because it's not in a federally des- cut ad costs Many homes in the Columbia ignated flood zone," she said. "The ' Legislation sponsored by As- Street area are banked with sand- township commissioners are trying^ semblyman Richard ;HL Bagger bags to preyeniserious water dam- to help us. The plans are great"r ,; • '••

that would ease advertising re- :; Ms. Bilavsky said she expects,^' .'age^;!•••.-. "'V' '•••" •••••• •• ' '" quirements for municipalities . But ah extensive project to drain her neighbors to be out in force -^ : . - ;••:••; •,• BOB SUUIVAN/THE (CHRONICLE when the Township Committee; • • and school districts when Issu- water from the area could be un- : ing bonds was approved by A State Trooper and Cranford emergency personnel Inspect auto struck by a van oh Garden derway soon. 'Plans call' a 36-inch takes a final vote fo authorize the State Parkway Tuesday at midday, severely Injuring Its driver and passenger. the Assembly earlier this sum- drain. pipe to be installed under project sometime in early October, • Dunham Avenue to carry flood "There are four inches of water :> mer. • ••;;••• • ' .' : . "'• in rriy garage and basement ber The measure, A-1018, would water from the area directly to the Rahway River. A second 36-inch cause :of this. It's moist all the allow a local bond Issuer to ad- pipe will be installed under Nor- time, I always have a mlldewr,•.• vertise only a summary of the mandie Place. smell, and I have termites because ',•••" notice in a financial publication. "They're called express outlets/' of this. And we're riot talking about':, > Under current law, the . full car struck by van on parkway Commissioner Robert Hoeffler days of rain, It could rain for w .' terms and conditions of the ; Said. "Right now, they can't get minutes and the water is in the: •-, bond Issue must be published enough water out to the river fast middle of my property." ••»' By BOB SULLIVAN way, just south of exit 137, when the car was struck In both a financial publication from/behind The van's driver, Raymond Serpa, 62, of and the official local riewspa- Succasunna, was taken tb Unjon Hospital with chest - A three-car accident on the Garden State Parkway and back injuries that, were not considered serious, Tuesday morning critically injured a Fair Lawn resi- according to Trooper Robinsion* dent and seriously injured her son. generation proposal was granted; ;J Senior housing The van impact pushed Mrs. Curly's car into a third By BOB SULLIVAN Jane Curly, 42, suffered massive head trauma and • vehicle driven by lisa ScarnegL 31, of Clark. She and THECHRONICtE this time until the board's Sept 21 •• subsidy received was airlifted to Newark's University Hospital after her . her passenger, Stanley Boho, 30, Clark, suffered neck meeting, fiut before the end ofthe disabled car was struck from behind by a van, accord- Clark residents marched to the meeting, Chairman Daniel Green; ;l The new senior housing injuries but were not hospitalized ing to State Trooper Walter Robinson. She was listed microphone well into the night suggested that discussions should;; complex has received a boost in extremely critical condition -yesterday morning. The car was damaged so badly by the impact that Tuesday, riot. one supporting the . police were unable to tow it off the highway; It took continue for three additional meetf^ through a subsidy from the Her son, John Curly Jr., 16, also suffered head inju- proposed cogeneration plant on ings, until the boards pet 26 "i Federal Home Loan Bank of ries and was listed in intensive care at Union Hospi- more than two hours to partially dismantle the. ve- RaritanRoad tal . . . .•' .:••"• j: • ;-•• • ; •• ;; • •• ;;.;/ hicle, snarling traffic up to the Union toll plaza for As more than 500 people packed meeting. '. .-' ''..: •... ;•.. .,:' ••;..,'.'; ..•••'.; New York. The project received two hours. North Avenue also was dogged as drivers KEA Development of Washirigi-V a $349,988 subsidy,: which Ms. Curly's car was disabled and stopped in the the meeting room, the number of ton, D.C., is attempting to gam pe^Vi rigjht center lane of the southbound side of the Park- tried to escape the bottleneck. V dark opponents pre-empted sev- : amounts to $3,500 per unit ' eral Cranford residents who ex-, mission to build the plant ne^r* The local development run pected a chance to testify before U.S. Gypsum on Raritari. Road in by Cranford Lincoln Associates the Clark Board of Adjustment Clark. When completed, the plant \; was one of nine New Jersey garbage jplan proposed Those residents were assured first would sell steam to UtS. affordable housing projects to suckers at me beginning of the year at a cost of crack at the speaker's table at the at a substantial discount and By BOB SULLIVAN tricity to the Nfew York-based Cofi- receive a subsidy. : around $300. next hearing. ; THE OfftONKXE The new facility will be three "The savings, should be anywhere from $100 to Another extension for. the co- solidated Edison Co. ; stories high and contain 99 Residents would pay for each bag of garbage and a $200," Mr. Oitta said, comparing that with present local-garbage utility would-be created-under-a -prc--contractc*-iees^-_--_i_— The pay-per-bag garbage concept has surfaced'with Few square feet each, one i,004- posal made by the Mayor's Committee on Garbage and Recycling. Cranford elections for the last several years without bottles, were left behind for a sec^ square-foot two-bedroom unit, The proposal also calls for the utility to sign con- real movement However, Mr. Ditta said he expects By BOB SULLIVAN a laundry room, a multi- this latest plan to be formally proposed to the Town- ond truck. ; tracts "with one to four haulers. Currently, seven garv TOE CHRONICfuE. 'We got a lot of phone calls that ' purpose recreational room, a bage collection companies deal privately with resi- ship Committee within the next few w.eeks. v "Municipal control will give us accountability of When the new recyding trucks day," Cranford Health Officer Waiv meeting room and two eleva- dents. ! xen Hehl said "People thought : Under the plan, residents might buy stickers from what garbage goes out of town," Mr. Aschenbadi said 'swung around town last week, tors. The site provides for up to there was some confusion about they had done something wrong, „ 50. on-slte parking spaces. the utility, and only garbage bags with stidcers would There also are several households in .Cranford — be picked up. The town may also require that garbage Mr. Aschenbach estimates the number at 10 percent pickup of the new recydables. and that their plastics weren't - be placed in specific colored bags available only — whichrdon't now contract with a private hauler and Some of the materials were going to be picked up." New Heart Assn. through town hall. have no garbage collection. Some bring their garbage picked up by separate trucks. Spe- "Because of the volume of the Sub-committee Oiairman Vuice Ditta said the plan to neighbors, bartering favors or cash. Under the new cifically, one truck icarne to pick up plastics the first time, all recy- • forms in area would promote recyding arid be more equitable to system, everyone would get a garbage bill. the standard aluminum, glass, and dables were not picked up at the Formal organization of the residents who don't produce much garbage. Mr. Hoeffler said details of the program still need to newspapers, and the new manda- same time," Mr. Hehl said, adding American Heart Association di- According to Commissioner Dan Aschenbach, who be worked out, but the town is considering charging tory curbside recydables — cor- that some homes were missed en* sat on the committee with Commissioner Robert $1 to $1,76 per bag, witiveadi 30-gallon bag holding a rugated cardboard and steel. Plas- tirely as the hauler attempted to vision serving Westfield, Scotch tics, which indude soda and milk learn the way around Ctanford Plains, Fanwood, Mountainside Hoeffler, residents might be asked to buy about 100 maximum of 25 pounds of garbage. and Cranford, was completed last, month at the First United Methodist Church of Westfield, Historical Society ready for record Fair tiirnout on Sunday according to an announcement lak said. "We try to pick things of general pend for the members of the 5th New Jersey By BOB SULLIVAN This year's fair will again take place on by Gall Cassldy, newly elected the grounds of Crane-Phillips House Mu- interest things people can see and actively Regiment is paid by the Historical Society. president of the division. THE CHRONICLE seum, next to the munidpal building. From partidpate in." "A lot of people are interested in the past, Presiding at the meeting was 2 to 5 p.m. on Sunday, residents can watch The idea for the fair came from one ofthe interested in the way people used to be," If you plan on eating at Sunday's Cran- Ms. Pavlak said Brian Salisbury of Scotch Plains ford Historical Sodety Harvest Fair, you'd blacksmiths, carpenters, a quilter, and bas- museum's trustees as a way of promoting the museum and awareness of local history. The Historical Society started its mission who served as temporary chair- better get there early. Last year, an audience ket makers perform their trades. Across the of preserving local history in 1927. The person during the organization of 300 devoured the prepared victuals in the grounds of the historic property, a Civil War "The fair gives people a sense of history Crane Phillips House was constructed before process. first 45 minutes. encampment will be staged. — espedally the young people. It gives them 1800 by CoL Jacob Crane, who fought in the on interest in preserving history. It's impor- Also elected were Dr. Robert "We were shodked and a little over- Admission to all events is free. French and Indian War. The Crane fam% 1 tant that .people can look at their past if they Petlx, vice president, and Mau- whelmed by the response," Museum Curator "This is the first time we're having the would eventually lend its name to the town, encampment The blacksmith is new, and so want to." reen Mazzarese, secretary. Patrida Pavlak said. "We were pleasantly ship. The Phillips family bought the house surprised how many people were interested, is the carpenter. Because of last year's suc- Since mo3t of the smiths volunteer their around 1867, and the historical society first so this year we have a lot more going on." cess, we decided to expand things," Ms. Pav- time, cost for the Fair is minimal. The sti- obtained use of the building in 1929. ••«( : I A-2C Kenilworth September 10,-1992.. .•'Oiv September 10,1992 Garwood A-3

Nevertheless, Mr. Zitomer seemed sornewha|t_sur-. By CHERYL HEHL tabled.for njrther investigation.. high schools open, "for now." Despite the fact the prised about the enrollment figures,for this year, si&-. ! One board member objected to hiring more coaches decision went in favor of keeping all four schools tHE CHRONICLE . ,. T.* . • , when the bo&rd is still trying to cut the budget open, the sentiment seemed strongly in favor of dos- ing, "We are operating at 50'percent capacity at Ml : • The Union County Regional School Board has Since last April the board has been chipping away ing one school .':••' . ••'..••••';' buildings." - ' , . •••. . . nei flashed another $162,000 from operating costs, some at the riearly $30 million dollar budget, but it may not Mr. Zitomer indicated at last week's board meeting •Yet these figures dp not differ significantly from- McDonalds of which will affect the athletic program at David be enciugh-tOLCompletely .eliminate closing one of the the cuts may not be enough to -ward off dosing a those presented to the board prior to its decisiori jo Brearley High School four "high schools,- said board President Burton Zito- school, but declined commenting further said, several .kjeep all four schools Open last sprihg. Mr. Zitbmer- ^Residents question couiicil on raw sewage spills into brook ; mer, who voted last spring to close one of the schools. Kenilwbrth parents who attended the meeting. Last The interscholastic athletic program was the hard- supported the dosing of one school as a cost ^coij By JOANNE MCFADPEN own protection and safety, we heed. explained. . ' . it, and they did not," he\ stated. est hit, with cutbacks in all non-conference games, That decision was defeated by one vote. spring it was estimated the district could save $4 "We need to proye that we are "It's pitiful." My. land is very much 216 Mprth Ave. • Garwood tainment measure. . . .y . •'• ^ THECHRONICIJE • ~ to know what's happening." scrimmages and coaches. Just how far reductions go The latest cuts were the result of the board's ad hoc million if one school were closed, but strong public • Other items approved by the board at the Sept 1 Councilrhan,. Andrew Rossi . doing . something to * ensure the lower than it was, and there are brook's capability of holding the many holes that have not been will depend on student participation, but the district committee on cost containment, which presented six opposition from the six sending towns ultimately meeting indude elimination of night computer.stafjf Residents living along the Gar- agreed. "The more pressure we put. anticipates a $108,000 savings. recorhmeiidations to the board, at the Sept 1 regular tipped the scales against thisalternative. '^fiooA Brook questioned both the on them, the better and the quick- specified amount of water," he told filled,"'he added. In addition, a. McDonald's through automation, a cost savings of $5,100 for this " : Other measures affecting Brearley included a ded* meeting.' The proposals were developed with input While dosing a school remains a viable {option for Response of WestiBeld official? con- er the response will be," he said. , the council, members during . the. fence was removed and never re-. year-and $15,600' per year thereafter, paying summer, workshop sfessibn.' . slon.to rent three roorhsrto the Union County Educa- froth members of the regional district administration the board, there has been no, discussion to date on cerning the' break in a sewer line Other residents, including Mrs. placed. — Qoirimuter Special +-. staff a flat rate of pay instead, of on a pro-rated ba$ii , .that sent raw sewerage into the Leonard, questioned Mr. Crincbli As part of that maintenance pro- tional Services Cortnmission, which will bringin ap- and stafif over a three-month period Board members pursuing this avenue. However, declining ^enrollment and charging fees to outside groups using high school jbropk on three separate occasions about the i4-year-old brook project gram, the. borough's Department of proximately $27,360 a year to the district approved the suggestions" 8-1. ' has left the four high schools in the district with just grounds. ' .-.'; " " . . . ^ during the summer, and theand its maintenance. "We get ev- Public Works will spray the area DRIVE THRU ; Still being considered is a recommendation to cut At the beginning of the year residents of the six 2,122 students, compared to a working capacity of present condition of the brook at erything rolling through that with a chemical that will kill the back on assistant football coaches, each currently sending districts suffered, through several harrowing 4,674. This figure, though, is deceiving said district Prior to the slashes announced last week theboard Tuesday's Council meeting. water," said Myrtle resident Wil- weeds. But that remark did not for a No Fuss earning $4^250 a season. Also pending is a decision to •months of polls, surveys and ad hoc committee meet- spokesperson Tom Long, who said an observer would had trimmed $470,000 last spring, primarily through: ,' i!. "I want to know what is happen- liam Miller. "There's sewerage, make Mrs. Leonard happy. r hire five assistant football coaches and two assistant ings, while the fate of all fcftir high schools hung in not find ah abundance of unused space in any the merger.of supervisory positions and elimination jik.. _ing on the brook regarding, ttie there's shrubs as large as 25 feet. "M that will do is kill it and turn BREAKFAST SPECIAL soccer coaches at $2,900 each — something the board the balance. In April the board voted to keep all four four schools. ' ' . teaching and.derical positions. : - , '\ leaks of raw sewerage,'"said Myrtle Who is going'.tg o do something it brown and ugly," she stated, resident Annei LeonarcL !'It's been, about it,it,'^" he asked. "What you need to do is get down a couple, of years in a row that the Mayor Fred. Strahlendorf said there.and pull them out" EggMcMuffin borough mil stick with its own cheaper recycling program Kenilworth- Garwood Briefs pipes have broken and notning thatithe Council had addressed the Mrs Leonard asked the board to ever conies QI" it," she added. issue, during its workshop session address '.. illegal dumping" in the^ By CHERYL HEHL works Chairman Dennis Schultz program, council members aie $28,020. This is in comparison to According to Michael Crincoli, earlier in the evening. ".. • ' .... brpok as well. "People are duimp^ 8 oz- Coffee found taxpayers would pay more more than happy to continue doing the county cost, which would set commissiorier of streets and roads, "The Council has instructed the ing their grass clippings and tree THE CHRONICLE and shrub clippings right over the than twice what they do how under recycling themselves. the borough back close to $67,000 Tax bills to be in mail mal time. '"* ••:''""." ' . "'• DEPE offidals have required West- borough attorney to design a plan & a U^S,iPL Today : The county may have gone to the county plan. per year. field officials to file a corrective for us to follow concerning the wall into the brook, These people Mr. Schultz said tsxp&yets are . • Kenilworth's finance officer has Bike-a-thon wins support great lengths to reduce the cost of The! counly again extended the The figure of $10.10 per property plan with the agency. maintenance of the brook," he ex- need to be cited," she continued. . only paying a little over $10 for the . Qarwbod Mayor Fred Strahlendorf curbside recyclings but Kenilworth new plan to Kenilworth after priv- owner is obtained by dividing 2,772 been burning the midnight oil to get "I've requested a copy of that plained. Joseph Russo of Willow Street, same services other municipalities . the. tax bills In the mall by tomorrow. presented Dennis Lesak,' the chair-, who had allowed the contractor re- Fall Program Still does it tot less than half the itbring its regional curbside pwK will pay close to $25 for.' ~, ;, eligible housing units into plan be forwarded to this Council :• That maintenance program is re- lie $28iO20.53, or the total cost after .First the good news: the average man of the' Knights of Gdunibus's to no avail," remarked Mr; Crincoli, sporisible for cleaning and fortify " Starts Sept. 14th for only gram in August. Although the . Income from borough recycling quired by the Federal Emergency income and salaries are deducted. Kenilworth homeowner will only.see Bike-A-Thon .with, a: proclamation who requeste^ d th_p__e , boroug„h "at- MManagement t Administration the brook access to it through his ; After a comparison of borough county reduced recycling costs efforts amount to $23,811, and after md been promised that it recycling and a new plan a&3ml337.8Q .to $24,23 annually per -After hearing the cost of switch- a $102 increase, in annual taxes. Tuesday, commending'the organiza- torney to. correspond witrT bo&" fered to local municipalities by the household and added three ad- at a cost of $47,356 (eight men four Nowfor th e bad netos: residents will; tion's role' in raising money for St: SATURDAYS 1-4 PM Sept 14-18,:6.%m'^;.arn : council agreed the borough would have to cortie lip with two tax pay-Jude's Cancer Hospital for Children. needs to be taken.care of. I don't streets fromMts designation, bor- condition, ! county,. Borough Council: public ditional materials to the curbside hours a day, three men at eight want to'see them sit on it F6r our oughi ..engineer;.Donald :Guerriello "They. were supposed to restore -.. NICOLE'S YOGA CENTER, INC. stick with the. in-house program.. ments within-four weeks Since the The annuai bike^a-lhon will be held; 7 :' . , . .WhilS Supplies Last , •• ';•, hours for three days eveiy other Mayor Joseph Rego added, "And QarWood 94 North Ave. - 789-6426 delayed bills have a deadllrje date of week), plus a general outlay of the county wonrt put up with half Saturday, Sept. 19, froni 9 a.m.^3 $4,475, the total tab to jhe town is of what our men do," he said. Oct 5. The regular Nov.. 1 tax bills p.m. at Nornahegah Park iti Grant- Queens cops find car stolen 4^' will be due and payable at.the nor- .ford.. : " •.;•."" :.'!: -3" SUNDAY Sept 8 minds residents that members Gatwood Police were notified by from organizations that acquire au- representatives of the 115th pre^ thorization s)vear a yellow smile; LIQUOR AND CORDIAL SPECIALS cinct in Queens, New York, that I Police log faced button that says Garwood.. the car stolen at gun point froni an "We want to alert the public; that Popov Fleischmann's Canadian Philadelphia jdeelJogrs East Street resident Aug. 28 .had a bonafide legitimate organization • PREFERRED 5BA LOANS Vodka Gin Club been recovered. According to Sgt will have our approval and its FROM THE STATE'S fi §BA BANK 1.75.Liter 1.75.Uter 1.75 Liter • 60 Different Stylo Dennis Lesak, while the suspect members will be wearing our but- $ Doors on Display ,y Police confiscated 93 boxes of as S-j -799 has been positively identified, ."we tons," he states. "Ask for the but- I 10 HO" clc°Patr? , , SUPERMARKET candy, being sold by youths outside ton. If they produce it, then sup^ • COMMERCIAL REVOLVING CREDIT LINES WITH c haven't been able to locate him as of stores at the Garwood Mall. Ac- Southern Old Smuggler Irish Dekuyper Rmscd Pnncl btoul rirriDvrr PUVZA port their cause. But if they can't; NO ANNUAL CLEANUP REQUIREMENT I Insulated Doors LM li(\K(\l.it yet."'. ' • . • •• • • ••• ••.• ' • cording to' Sgt.. Lesak, the youths tell them to hit. the road," he adds. Comfort Scotch Mjst Peachtreo Schnapps < . • • • • • * •. * .•••••''•'.,•.• 91 $225 & UP! DOORS PHARlVlACV ."...•.*••. 1.75 Lller 750 ml had misrepresented themselves as 1.75 Liter 750 ml Do-lt-Yoiitscll .;.:-. •.'. •'••...Sept.7 '_ '/..,' •:,.•. representatives of a Newark-based : • DRIVE-UP BANKING 8 am TO 8 pm MONDAY-FRIDAY 0) $ -j g99 or Choose tronxoiir 12Z-2 N. UNION. • CRANFORD • A Fourth Avenue resident re- '•... ' " • .• ' Sept2' •'•;• ': '•• ' 15" Included list ol Scllttrnploycfl orted the driver side window of youth group. The offenders did not After attending a dance at the 8 am TO 1 pm SATURDAY Every Meal Technicians i j 1985 Buick had been smashed. gain proper authorization from the Westwood on North Avenue, Ludb WINE & CHAMPAGNE SPECIALS $100 & Up 272-8811 M Suttor Home v parked in the driveway. Only police, to. sell the. candy, nor could lie Visone reported the tire on her Bolla V oAlmacter n Chablls $799 99 Cabernet . Special offers Prices by Phone . Mon. thru Frl. Nltds ajroll of scotch tape was taken. , they produce credentials when 1992 Mercury had been puncture O Blush Choblls * Ulor * Soave .1.5 Ulor Sauvlghon 750 ml at partldpallno Free Literature Saturday 9-6 . asked by police. Sgt.: Lesak re- beyond repair. . ; steikhouinonlv. _ Robert Mondavi Fetzer ,,_.. Tott's Brut 6) Springs & 5 Woodbrldne 149 Sundial . 5C99 or Extra pry $A99 O Part Replacement Chardbnnay 750 ml** a White Zlnfandol 750 r Chompngno 760 ml • CHOPPED™} RIBEYE GRAND Aurora •a. Call Toil-Free 1-800-872-4980 ^ Gallo $ Korbel Brut $( New Road, Monmouth Junction. N.J, Route 22 & Rock AveJ, NORTH PUVINFIELD • Somerset St.& Johnston Dr.. WATCHUNG j u ri.nkiir , ... f1Q DINNER BUFFET I Chablls outer BlUsh . 750 ml 2" or Extra Dry rsomi* I STEAK DINNER I ^Sunday tiCLSE €f LietiTS Central Ave. & Grove St., WESTFIELD -Route 22 & Cramer Aye., GREEN BROOK $ 9 Open: 8-4-30. Sal 830-2 r .••• :' $3* •••:.•.• "' FREE DELIVERY / " '"Durham Ave. JJtHa^itMiv^ TT'-- WARM BEER SPECIALS 5" j Includoj; our Chnrbroilad 11-4Mon-Frr . Pick-Up to 12 Noon on Sat Riboyo Stoal(..choiclb ol potiilo, Ifirtuclns .1 vnnrlv n| lull suii|>s',. |99 Molson Ballantlne Ale $Q99 t? I our Alf-VoiiCon-oa( Grand Bui-. linsh r.jilnrls. lnM voflrtlnlilns, hiuj'' ca\\ 1 -W0^7?ZW?ZM?($ (90$) )51 561^4606 0 Budweiser H Q 99 Cannot bo used with I (D (ol " and sundao'.bar riossort.' 24-12 oz. cans 24-12 02. boltios 24-12 02. curt? or bottles olhor discounts. Tax nol • n|i|inii/nir.. linsh hint.•la'sly dps I HEllBERFDIC-AN EQUAL OPPOBTUNnY, EQUAL HOUSING LENDER • PHEFEHBED SBA LENDEfl Ciinnot bo Ufiod with othor, soils :mil silnij.in bnr Uosr.oil I discounts. Tax nol Indudod. 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Tho prices In this ad are sol by Dlltrlcks and may nol be available at :25% ^ I Route 31 & ?22Easton Sate items included! Nothing Held Bach. J other: locations. "All prices DO NOT Include sales tax, . ; . . Church Street . . Avenue Marqla Uwrance, M.A;, author of How To Take tfie SAT, and George.-'Kapne'r, M-A. announco tho opening of New shapes * New smaller slaies J DinmCK'S DISCOUNT WINES & LIQUORS registration for tha only course that teaches you tha 788-9829 j^ ^ 828-9644 psychology behind the .test that will overcome your fears, New designs • Finest quality silks and vinyls I'LL GIVE YOU I 2 North Avenue • Garwood •'789-0525 and help increase yotjf scores. .'. . . I Mon.-Sat. 9 am to 10 pm • Sunday 1 to 8:30 .You'll find out how to recog- |. Starting . ••« •'•• •• •• Valuable Coupon Good Thru 9/15/92 mi H ••• m* • ^PONDEROSA' nlzs clues to answers • and trick questions, how to. deal September i6th, 1992 THIS WEEK ONLY with multiple. choice and math AWREKICE "stumpers", how to digest ' ffl-1HI 100 material quickly and effi- ciently, how to locate every answer in the. reading com- .prehertsiye, question*-every 7.10 P.M. 7 week* ; .. . mini technique.and slralegy you'll Whore: Temple Emanu-EI WAREHOUSE SALE need to raisoyour scores. 75SE. Broad St., Wasttleld "« GALLONS F.F Info: Ann Qllckman S32-424S REMEMBER! i Always bHrig"yvw lamp OF ONE DAY ONLY f for a proper flt. lit 1, i! U.S. HIGHWAY 22 • GIUEENBttOOK, NJ. Opposite Crystal Mavida Mall HEATING OIL SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 12th Showroom Hourai Sat. 10 AM1- 5 PM •Wcclknlghts to 9 PM \ 800-287 7897 ABSOLUTELY

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Editorial HOLPONMRB TO ADVERTISE AIR CONDITIONING COMPUTERS FUEL OIL MASON PAVING .;:::-:;5g--!-S«.. Home rule homework ...SWMWmWMMi """«*"*• J- • • ^ <*,*'}. J. PASTORE&SON.INC. Could there ever be an.accurate headline in and on time. 486 at 386 Prices! Work Guaranteed For Information Now Jersey reading, "School officials upset over Who's tosa y that such a law wouldn't be a real Since 1928 ; about nomdwork law"? / • • ;: ' ":•'..-•':'•. help toparents , teachers and students alike. Family Owned & Operated \m0in01H0 QUALITY SERVICE FOR OVER 30 YEARS | CHARLES STILES Of course. It has already happened, late last Many parents Haven't the time or inclination to „ INTEL 486SX-25 CPU with 4 meg, RAM advertising in Heating and Air Conditioning • Budget Plans:; '; month.. The story under the headline, not to closely police their children's diligence in doing 5W" & M" Tcac Floppies 105 meg. Mason Contractor Shed 194$ ' :' . . '. •Service Pjans rriQntion the one behind it, is that a bill has. homework. Youngsters have plenty of excuses Sales & Service IDE hard drive-Windows 3.1, < With 11 Years Experience Asphalt Driveways • Parking Lots this directory surfaced in the beleaguered state legislature that ••, Plumbing/AC Curbing » Resurface and Repairs and distractions, and teachers shouldn't feel that a YORK MS-DOS 5,0 Monitor Optional. Step Rebuilding Specialists call Donna would mandate homework for every student in there's no consequence to ignoring their giving SALES & SERVICE • Brick Fronts; •Patios \ Free Estimates • every public school taking a reading, writing or. • Humidifier* • Electronic Alr-Cleanars 450 North Ave. E. homework assignments. • Clock Th«rmoitBt» • Attic Fans . .c.s.E.,iNc; Westfield • Fourt?J?tlons •Sidewalks Phone .908-688-6370 908-233-9696 arithmetic courseTfrom kindergarten through • ' In just theright light, themandatory home- • Blown-iil Intulatlon • Flrepiaces •Retaining Walls .grade 12. Each district also would have, tocreat e 908-654-9355 FREE ESTIMATES 272-5697 FAX-908-964-1374 work bill can be seen setting a standard by Westfield 233-6222 233-3213 \ hf a homework center where kids needing as-r sistance could report for help with their home- Which parents, teachers, and students could v measure ttiemselves^cari I learn and do home- MOVERS PLUMBERS TREE SERVICE work assignments. ; ..-'. . . •'••• • •',••,•. AIR CONDITIONING COUNTERTOP GLASS . The superintendents quoted in the hews story work to reinforce my learning at X level greater than the state minimum requirement? \v6re indignant at the notion of the state yet . BOBBINS & ALLISON, INC, M9DOWELLS again meddling in local affairs, and they were The homework bill might not be THE answer, Are you tired of the way AUTO SAFETY WDOWELLS your Kitchen or Bathroom GLASS CD. Since 19i8 . 'Lie. #1268 •heard clucking over the-difficulty;in enforcing ; but the subject clearly deserves dose scrutiny at Public Movers • Water Heaters Since 1928 looks? If you saitl YES!!! EST. 1946 "Local *Sewer Cleaning „.'. .such a;law/ Besides, some said, their own dis- • the district level. Let's face it, there is much ,_ • APPROVED INSURANCE REPLACEMENTS" 1/canso Moving * ..* Sump Pumps WOODSTACK tricts already have homework policies in place,. more debate, interest and general concern about •FICIJUVT.IH AUTO fNocouliucuu. why OU» Storage 00J7Z OUR TECHNICIANS GIVE YOUR KITCHEN OR BATH RiPUceuiNTS0H*a coNSiMJcrioNtaw. • • Drinking Wator TREESERVICE so a, state law wouldn't mean much in their . this or that principal's fiutture,o r bus schedules A New Fresh look with a • Electrically Operated Windows .. Systems : : ARE THE BEST •' • Water Conditioning INSURED .'realms,': • •••'; '•'....."••••••-•.•;••• ;"•,•>'.'.'"••'-• '"•,-.'. or classroom size: than the district's homework CUSTOM MADE FORMICA OR • All Curvdd;& Panoramic Windshields CORIAN COUNTERTOP & Channels & Regulators ... Systems, ...:. • - policy. ••; •' \-~~~T"\ '••. : • •• •. • •. ' • ,„•• . LOW, LOW SUMMER RATES If every district in the state isn't giving home- • Rear Windows ' ' • No Job Too Small work in the three Rs, then maybe such a man- • If disciplined education reatty is important, 233-3213 CALL MR. COUNTERTOP Senior Citizen Discounts AGENT ALLIED VAN LINES 450 North Ave. E. date has a place in the law books. In fact, the then.the state or the superintendents should ' 908-289-1182 241-8555 213SOUTrtAVEE FREE ESTIMATES law should also address making dead certain. ' cast a policy mandating a quantity of homework 450 North Ave. E. 908-232-1177 573 W'. WE8TFIELD AV. CRANFORD WestfielcJ : ROSELLEPARK - TEL^276-0898 276-5752 that homework gets done and that grades are - assignments and their prompt return for every Westfield Full Insured Free Estimates .233-3213 affected and parents are. called if it isn't done — student — or else. , . . . : PAINTER PLUMBERS TREE SERVICE AUTO DEALERS TO ADVERTISE HOWIE IMPROVEMENTS Letters to the editor Van Horn stands by criticism LENNY'S PLUMBING Ellis To The Chronicle: word. •.'.•'•. . • ..'..• ELOIDES GARCIA Dr. Paul rebuts Van Horn's attack on retirement terms I. have had an opportunity to read Dr.. Paul • states that he: fully com- REILIiY For Information Painting & Decorating : HEATING Trcfe Service the letter to the editor authored by plied with, board policy regarding his QLDSMQBILE, INC • Heating Sewer ALL TYPES OF TREE CARE To The Chronicle! sion in the agreement that prohib- detailing vacation plans and mak- ber said anything at any time. Dr. Robert D. Paul. He states that he vacation days* He refers to a policy about • INTERIOR *E>rrEfllOR Gleaning & REMOVAL ' • POWER WASH • PAPERHANQING Once again, at the bidding pf ited my taking of vacation days ing it dear that I would not be on • Mr. Van Horn has known all has not violated the terms of any that requires that the superintendent ' AUTHORISED • Plumbing & Heajlng • Firewood • Complete Bathrooms Cranford's least responsible elected due me (except I obviously could duty June 22, 24, 25 and 26, ad well agreement. In fact, the Feb. 24advise the board president of his advertising in PROFESSIONAL ,• Woodchlps along that I was not AWOL, that I OLDSMOBILE • Tils, Quarry and Marble Installed FREE ESTIMATES Repairs ; ; agreement between the board and vacation plans. He then refers to a QUALITY official, The Chronicle has leapt not use the 45 days for which I was as29and30. • Small Bathroom Repairs FULLY INSURED ' • Hot Water Heaters • Snow plowing was not violating the terms of any memorandum which he wrote to : SALES & SERVICE without looking. In the past,. Mr. to be paid later). •...'.; 4. When Board President Bonhag Dr. Paul specifically provides as fol- this, directory • Carpentry Windows and Doors •Sump Pumps • Landscaping agreement, that I was simply on lows: .'•.. ' • . •••" • . • •'•;.• board President.Tom' Bonhag1 advis- • Decks, Basement and Additions Van Horn has attacked the teach-3. Mr.. Van. Horn becomes inten- decided that a second consider- 233-7469 Free Est."State License #6243 (908) 245-1203 approved vacation. As usual,.he 'The superintendent agrees to ing Mr. • Bonhag of his Irttention to 23^-7651 call Donna • Plumbing and Electric ers., the association president, vari- tionally vague in .his statements ation was necessary, to deal'with ELOIDt"; GARCIA PO 00X2013 has used The {Chronicle to inten- continue to use due diligence and ' take six vacation days In June.- What SUM1WEH BATHROOM SALE '.Lenny Grieca (908) 486-5806 ous ^ administrators, members of about which meeting (or meetings) the Glerina Popp issue, he added' starting at $3,475.00 P«»lddnt WESTFIELD, NJ 070B1 tionally misrepresent the facts and his best professional judgment In he fails to say in his letter and what. 560 NORTH AVE. E. 574-0480 INSURED* FREE ESTIMATES the public, past board attorneys, I may have missed. That is be-her to the agenda for June 25, the public has a right to know, is that 908-233-9696 (Refl./Free EsUlns-) • MEMBER PROFESSIONAL PAINTERS ASSOC intentionally attack - someone. meeting his obligations as chief WESTFIELD Call Bob at 908-281-0716 board members themselves and cause there is only the meeting of 1992. This posting notice change school administrator until the date of during the last school year, Dr. Paul now the retiring superintendent. In June 25 that could possibly be in was made on June 11, 1992, after I Hasn't Cranford had enough? took 58 vacation days, 29 of which his. approved leave (July .1,. 1992). PLUMBERS JO ADVERTISE the case of Mr. Van Horn's state- Question and he knows very well I had made out-of-state vacation I urge Mr. Van Horn not to run . This shall Include but not be limited occurred after he signed the agree- BUILDERS DRIVEWAY HOME IMPROVEMENTS PAINTING ments to The. Oironicle that led to was legitimately oh vacation at the plans (including the rental of prop- for the board when his term is up to.:.attendance at all board meet- ment with the board. In addition, to the article on Aug. 20, 1992, every time of that meeting; To support erty) for the period I had specified next spring. If he runs, I call on Ings." - •.•' . • . these 12 weeks of vacation, Dr. Paul i"" —" Donald S. Rockefeller 1 • Since,the execution of the agree- .'. also took vacation. on days during . RESIDENTIAL IAVITOL PAlNtlNG For information one of .his, allegations is false and .my claim that he knew very well, to the board in the June 9 memo. Ithe citizens of Cranford to defeat COMMERCIAL PLUMBING & HEATING INC. he: knew they were, false at theand that the vacation use was com- immediately reminded Attorney ment, Dr..Paul failed to attend the' the ischoot' year When. ;SchOol. was INDUSTRIAL • Exterior • Free Estimate 1 him soundly at the polls. There are curie he made them. I have not pletely legitimate, I submit the fol-.Sciarillo and Acting ' Superin- "M&rch 4 and June 25 board'meet- not jln session. Dr. Paul also falls-to. paving • Interior . ; •JFuliy,Insured Complete about simply too many honest, decent, merition'that'the policy-jie'.refersitol1' CONSTRUCTION Roof s or Walls "violated, the terms" of. any agree- lowing enclosures; . . ' tendent Cashman that I would not Ings, these were two of the most; • Expert •Carpentry Plumbing concerned people in Cranford who significant board meetings held dur- in support of his case also cjeariy Free ment I made with the.board. . . Board Policy 4152.1 which speci- be in attendance at the meeting of Complete Remodeling _ Estimates Preparation advertising in ing the 1991-92 school year. On states that administrators are not. • DRIVEWAYS "We're SHU Working Our Way Through should be serving on the board, • All Structural Repairs • Bulldlnos ! Heating 1. Mr. Van Horn personally wrote fies the procedures the superin- the 25th but assisted with its plan- March 4 the board approved the . permitted to take more than' 22 vaca- Service • PARKING LOTS Town and We Do the Best Work Around" Cranford doesn't need James Van • SEAL COATING Jacked and Leveled • Sills Replaced < Services this directory the agreement we signed on.Feb. tendent must use in the taking of ning to a limited.extent Had either school budget for the 1992-93 tion days in any. school year except • Foundations Repaired * Insert Damage , RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • BELGIUM BLOCK CURBING SAVE ENERGY...We Install r vA, 1992V Mri Sciarillo did not. Mr. of the two, or Mr. Bonhag, or any Horn.- •••••• "•:•• -.-'• •'••-•••••.•• -. •-' - - with the express written consent of • RAILROAD TIES • STUMP GRINDING Repaired* Emergency Sorvlco $tate:Uc.:#42p5 vacation; procedures which have, schdor "yeair and on June 25. the • Fully Insured Vinyl Replacement Windows . ROBERT D.PAUL the Board of Education. Needless to. Fully Insured call Donna Van Horn should know more than been followed to the letter. board member felt I should have board terminated the employment of "SEHVINiJ YOUR AREA FREE ESTIMATES • Check our Recession Proof Prices say, no such consent was 'given by 1 • Roofing * Leaders and Gutters anyone what the contract means. Memo to Mr. Bonhag and copied been present I would have made the Orange Avenue School principal. FOB OVER 40 YEARS ' FULLY INSURED 276-8677 908-233-9696 the board... . . 769-1680 '?.. .There was absolutely no provi- to the. entire board (June 9, 1992plan) s tob e there. No. board mem- /Middle Island, N.Y. If Dr. Paul can argue that falling to FAMILY OWNED 8, OPERATED •;.'/. 1-800-875-4875 7 Raleigh Ave. •Cranford attend two board meetings when he It should also be noted that when; John Dwyer Scotch Plains 753*7281 (908) 349-2001 272-4033 was •contractually obligated to attend Mr. Bonhag received Dr.: Paul's WT^^^f^p all board meetings Is not a violation memorandum concerning his June PLUMBING TV REPAIR of his agreement- with the.board, vacation plans and realized that Dr. ELECTRICAL HOUSEWASHING PAINTING Viewpoint •then it Is clear that he has missed Paul intended to miss the June 25 his true calling in life. He. should ..^ »"^-|ll1lHl|-|- - "'- -•'"'-••••'••'•i;"^-^^^^ Specializing in: board meeting, Mr. Bonhag' spe- fN.M. (NICKI) PAINTING have been a lawyer. • cifically Instructed Dr. Paul to attend POLYPHASE ELECTRIC CHAPMAN BROS. that meeting. The views of the su- •. Residential • Commercial Dr. Paul states, that there is no Ali Phases of Electrical Work He. #1428 Question:What is your most vivid first-day-of-school memory? provision In his agreement which perihtendent were important In the From Pole to Plug RESIDENTIAL SPECIALISTS • Plumbing board's deliberations over the temnl- prohibits him from taking vacation • Residential FIGHTERS • Heating - Cooling nation of the Orange Avenue School Exterior and Interior days priorto Jun e 30. He is correct. • Commercial Steam Cleaning & Powerwashlng • Alterations - Repairs In the negotiation of the agreement principal. Dr. Paul's response was COMPLETE HOME IMPROVEMENT • Industrial Brush • Spray • Roller that he would not, under any circum- • Housowashlng • Air Conditioning , with the board, it was suggested that ADDITIONS. • ALTERATIONS • Electric Heat '•Aluminum Siding • Paint Preparation FREE ESTIMATES SALES & REPAIRS attend that meeting. On « vinyl & Stucco . • Pallo & Pool Arons Just such a provision be included in DECKS • KITCHENS • BATHS 18 Years, of. Experience 276-1320 (30 Years in Business) the agreementto. preven t Dr. Paul 25, I discovered why. The • Codar Shako • Dock RoBtorallbn We Power Wash Before PULLY INSURED • QUALITY WORK - FREE ESTIMATE - • Plus Much More... from taking vacation time prior to Every Job! CENTER TV • COMPETITIVEPRICES • Unsurpassed Quality Workmanship 36 NORTH AVE. E June 30. After all, the board was ment at that meeting which indicated Uo. #7194 • . Call Nick 907 Wood Ave. > Roselle providing Dr, Paul with .four full that Dr. Paul was advised in writing 276-4048 753-5134 CRANFORD of the alleged gun Incident at the SATISFACTION GUARANTEED (908) 245-4835 276-2331 months of paid vacation from July 1 Fam//y in cranford 39 Years (908) 789-3131 through Oct.. 31, and It did not want Orange Avenue School In the middle Boverly of this year, when he Jim Mlele Arthur Wlechart Arlene Glgon, Richard Sails, WlaryLou Strafacl Kim Palmer him to abuse vacation time as a PLUMBING WALLS AND CEILINGS Chaps. Cranford Twp, . Board of ^ Westlield . Westfield Sllberman Drlttlo Scotch Plains method.of beginning, his retirement <*** CHIMNEY REPAIR FUEL OIL TO ADVERTISE Gourmet Deli, Clerk Education Member "I remember the "My first day, I re- Westfield even earlier. Dr. Paul became indig- ie had not "I was always very Fan wood ' "I went to Sher- "I remember the Ttraftiay of college, • member we had Talways had a nant over the matter and advised the until late REYNOLDS sad to see the "I'm a school man School, and excitement, the I fell down and I these big red new heavy sweat- board that he would be on duty d deserved the opportunity to PLUMBING & R. Vetter summer vacation teacher and I it's not there any- strong smell of. couldn't get up paper apples with er and wool skirt through June 30, since he was too question him on this. & SOLID/FLUE' Call For For Information HEATING INC. end. I didn't enjoy guess everybody more. I don't re- crayons, wonder- fast enough with our names on and I wore my Service or Residential & Commercial LouDiFablo , Tony DIPablo has feelings about ing what nun I was them. And my bobble socks and SOLID Chimney Savers & Sons it. Once you got member much, two bloody vantage of the board in this manner. about Asphalt Work • Driveways Over 35 Yrs, Exparlance H The students but I remember a goingto ge t - and knees." grandparents were saddle shoes." Fuel Oil Parking Areas • Sidewalks SAME DAY SERVICE Plastering into the swing of Il pawing at the wjrjr "We Make Chimneys Safer" advertising in Sealing •Resurfacing.. Bathroom and Kitchen Patching ~~thingsrthoughrev-- Curbingsj* Snowplowlnfl ' ' Moderations scared and fright- and mothers tak- fear; Do I have riny" dow." Textured Gelling^ erything was fine." ened." , ing them home." gym clothes, do I CHIMNEY & FIREPLACE TRUCK & BACKHOE RENTAL VicIT$AUESE years on the board, I should have this directory We Do The Complete Job have my lunch." .VAN HORN RESTORATION • HELMING* REPAIR FREE EST. ;.. PULLY INS. Sheetrocking ~ known better than to take him at his Free Estimates • Fully Insured REASONABLE RATES 41 Normandie Place call Donna ALL YEAR SERVICE 276-5367 Taping & Finishing 800-336-5688 Reel-Strong Fuel Serving Union County Lie. #1106. 908-782-5066 Cranford "CALL 7 DAYS A WEEK?1 358 NORTH AVENUE E CRANFORD 276-6945 709-0591 As seen on TV's "This Old House" Serving All Of Union County 908-233-9696 687-0614 - 7B9-950B EDITORIAL CIRCULATION SERVING YOUR AREA Since 1925 Ed Carroll Brian Floroiak Charyl Ptutika Rob Furth Karon Walsh . Editor • • Editor ChW.Copy EdHor AHornal* D»«v*iy John D'Achlno ROOFING & REMODELING TO ADVERTISE Fulfillment Monagtr Slngl* Copy T«l«miuk»tlhfl-M(|r. «- PAVING Lorle Russo Kip Kuduk Nawa.AwiUtaht FUEL OIL LANDSCAPING Naws: ' • Mike Boettcher • Eleanor Barrott Stophon Strunsky Sports Interns Charles Everett Janls Hassol Mark Andia COLLISION REPAIRS Judith Brannor Honry Whltmpre Dana Coloman Susan Valonli Jessica BrookB Flpronce Kossol Eric King Glon Moypr Ken Schwartz "M STOP LEAKS! Sharlino Chlano Charloo Znnrjora Scott Burton Minx McCloud George Chlgl Jr. James Laross Nornrjan Roberts Gene Cots Doris Singlovlch P.S. LANDSCAPING, INC. For Information Miko Doak Graphics: Photography: Phyllis Rockol FORBES NEWSPAPERS, A DIVISION OF FORBES INC. Joann Laruo-TImm Uura Richorson Dobora Tanllorl BIG MAN PAVING CLARK BUILDERS, INC. Brian P. Durtloavy Barry Rumplo Sharon Wilson Helen Clancy Marilyn Malor Jean RobdrtBon AC ARTHUR Cynthia Flavoll Misty Wlebeskl Benner's Complete Design & Maintenance Dionno Ford Sports: Dions Matflord Published ovory Thursday by Forbes Newspapers, A Division (o Forbos Inc., 102 Walnut Jennller Molnlvlessr Ana Rodrinuoz Antoinette Zaretskl Commercial and Residential • COMPLETE HOOP 8TWPPINQ about Doniso M. Fuh8 Allan Conovor Goorge Pacdello Avo,, Cranfard, NJ 07016. Second das* postage paid at Cranford, NJ POSTMASTER: Roy Hopklna Vlda Mucchlullo Inwonco Spullck Commercial & Residential SPECIALISTS Paula Inqraoola David SimlnoK Copy Dusk: ploaoe send charges to Forbes Newspapers, Fulfillment Olfica, PO Box 7S7, Bedmlnster, NJ Auto Center • Spring & Fall cleanups No Job Too Small • FLAT ROOFNIO. 4 SLATE Barbara Mondoza Joll Hanoy Davo Allona 07021. 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Community Life September 10,1992;. A-6 September 10,1992 Community Life A-7 T Irish dancer piaces I don't know, Mom Acting Studio lines up Kozlowski, 84 Obituaries Meryl Womelsdorf, 54 Retired mechanic; former mayor Active in Cranford tennis league eighth in nationals KENIEWORTH fiafepT ark brewery and retired from that CJtANFORDT— Meryl G:"Wbm- Robshaw and Joyce C. Mulvaneytf From this' basic class, students^ J&alowski, 84, a retired mechanic post in 1971. Salyatore Dffia, elsdorf, 54, an active member of three brothers, Charles R Schner^ i Eight-year-old Kaitlin Zimmer- N.Y. She was able to compete Clashes for the fall term of The Acting Studio will begin the week have the choice of moving in many 'whb.:was mayor of Berkeley Town- His wife, Celia Paszkiewicz Ko- the Cranford Town Tennis League, ing, Robert G. Schnering, and John man of Cranford recently com- against children from Ireland, Eng- ship in Ocean County during 19&Q, of Oct 5 and run through Dec. 19. directions. They may continue thfe^ zlowski, is deceased • Owner of Newark uniform company died Aug..31,1992 at Union Hospi- D. Schnering; 19 nieces and neph-' peted in the Irish Dancing National land, Canada, and across the coun- technique classes,.. which include' died Sept 3, 1992 at his home in Surviving are a son, Robert T. Registration will be held Monday. CRANFORD — Salvatore Ditta, Curcione Ditta; a son, Richard tal: ' •,'••. • • ;• ',.;.. ews. '... •';-.•..: • •-..:•'• Qhampionships Competition held try. " •'. . .. ; •' and Tuesday, Sept. 28 and 29, from working on scenes, learning rcP Qrlando, Fla. ' Kozlowski of Roselandi a daughter, 63, »«io owned the Ditta Ur^iform Ditta; three, brothers, Gandolfo : ip. Orlando, Fla. . . hearsal techniques and character •t Mr. Kozlowski lived in Newark, Carol Ann Dombrowski of Qrlando; Mrs. Womelsddrf was bom in A Mass of Christian Burial was Overall, Kaitlin placed eighth in 4-8 p.m. at the studio, 189 North Co. of Newark until his retirement (Mufty) Ditta, Lawrence Ditta, and offered Thursday at St Anne's' Kaitlin qualified for the competi- . Ave.. K in . Cranford. Registration work, or study television, acting, of J?£nilworth, and Berkeley Town- and six grandchildren. ' Ross Ditta; and two sisters, Mary Newark and had lived irrCranford tion, held during the July 4 week- the_jcornpetition; She is a student musical performance classes." • • ''pr ship before moving to Orlando in in 1984, died Augr 30, 1992 at St Roman Catholic Church, Garwood may be done by phone; or mail 1 1 A Mass of Christian Burial was Fitzpatrick and Frances Bianco. since 1970. end, by placing in.the regionals . of the Deirdre Shea School, in There,are twb classes for teleyi- 1990. He was born in Brooklyn. offered Tuesday at Our Lady of the Elizabeth Hospital. Burial was private. ' anytime after Sept .14. . . Mr. Ditta was bom m Elizabeth Two bther brothers, Charles Dit- She is survived by her husband, held last November in Tarrytown, Cranford. '•..•• • The Acting Studio will offer sion acting: one that concentrates -.8A member of the Berkeley Blessed Sacrament Roman Catho- : ta and Joseph Ditta,:are deceased. In lieu of flowers, contributioris;! classes in acting, musical perform- on basic acting techniques for tele^' Township Committee before he lic Church, Roseland. Burial was in and lived in Newark before moving A. Mass of Christian Burial was Robert F. Womelsdbrft a daughter, may be made.to the American' ance and television for adults, vision and film and uses primarily/ was named mayor, Mr. Kozlowski Gate of Heaven Cemetery, East to Cranford ih 1991. He served in offered, Sept 2 at St Michael's Judy L Womelsdorf;. two sons, Cancer Society. , : '-,' commercials as the source, and the; the Army in 1951 and was a past teenagers and children, from be- ?upo was president of the Holiday Hanoyer.'. ;•'•'• . '..• •.', ';. : •;.,•;•.' ' .;. •. Roman. Catholic Church. Burial Johri C. Womelsdorf arid Robert J.' Presehool stories begin imore advanced class, which fttO president of the. South Orange Arrangements were by the Grayl* ginners: to experienced profession- Gity Homeowners Association and In lieu of flowers, contributions was in HoUywood Memorial Park, Womelsdorf; two sisters, Elaine Si Memorial Funeral Home: "•' als. A class for adult beginners in cuses on sitcoms and soap operas, 'j the Polish-American Club of Ber-,may be made to the Leukemia So- chapter of TJNICO, an Ital- Union. next week at library basic acting technique is titled Other skills that can be strength-! keley Township, He once played ciety of America, or to St Jude ian-American organization. Arrangements were by the Doo- ened at the. studio are speech andj basketball with a Polish falcons Surviving are his wife, Violet ley Funeral Home. > Cranibrd Public Library an ing must have had their fourth "The Actor Prepares." , Children's Hospital, 501 St Jude Dorothea McLaughliii, 72 r Through theater games and im- diction or singing voice training^ iaest in Newark. Place, Memphis, Term. 38105. nounces its fall schedule of pre- birthday before the first meeting both of which are private classes. ^ He was a machine mechanic school story hours. The sessions and not be in kindergarten. provisation, .the class helps actors Private classes also are. availabley Arrangements were by the Far- •Of Cranford; worked for Tenneco •; become less inhibited and develop Anheuser-Busch at its New- mer Funeral Home, Roseland. will run for seven weeks from Registration for any group must which emphasiize specific problems ' Nylen, at 90 CRANFORD — Dorothea Lau- Elizabeth and lived in Roselle Park/ Sept. 15, 16 and 17 through Oct 27, be made in person by a parent at communication. Several lessons dr monologues. . > 28 and 29. These programs are for the library beginning Tuesday, are taught on the use of objects, Former to\ynship recreation director rene McLaughlin, 72, who worked before moving to Cranford in 1991;'' Children learn to follow stage di- 1 iir eranford residents and holders of' Sept 8. Registration is limited to a Which can help the actor develop rections, read lines with honesty," plly Alfred Prussak; $4 CRANFORD — Ivan A. (Pete) years and retired from that firm as • • • • • • • •. • • ' - •. . '••• ]t'i paid Cranford out-of-town cards. minimum of 12 in any group, a his character and becCHne more at communicate with other actors an<$ supervisor of its Kearny plant for Tenneco Corp. at its former She is survived by a son, Johni ease and more interesting oh stage, Nylen, 9Qi the township's forrtier The sessions for; 3-year-olds will maximum of 15 3-year-olds and 20 have good stage presence and pro-' \Kiechanic worked for bus compapy recreation dkector and an arden He was a member of the Shep- Perth Amboy plant until her retire- Scully of Henryville, Pa. be held Tuesdays at 1:30 pin. from 4-year-olds per group. An adult Basic acting skills are taught that : jection in Acting Technique for herd of the Desert Lutheran must be mastered before applying : > CRANtOBD - Willy - Alfred tfrael Hulse of iBIairstovwi; three golfer and sportsman, died Sept 1, ment in 1978, died Aug. 29, 1992 at Services were held Sept 1 at the Sept. 15 through Oct 27, Thurs- must remain in the library during Children. " •;..:.•... -I Prussak; 84i a retired bus-com- Church, Sun City. days at 10:15 a.m. from Sept 17 story hour. for acting jobs; whether musical, grandchUdreh; two »reat- 1992 at Boswell Memorial Hospital, For a free brochure and more inr, pany mechanicJ, died Aug. 31, 1992 Surviving are a daughter, Mari- the Cranford Hall Nursing Home, Gray Memorial Funeral Homer through Oct. 29, and Thursdays at dramatic, comedy or television formation, call David Christopher* grandchildren; and a sister, Martha Sim City^ Ariz, : commercials. ^thishome. lyn L. Mtirison Of Phoenix, Ariz.; a . Mrs. McLaughlin was born in Burial was private. .';',' 1:30 p.m. from Sept 17 through Books needed for at 276-0276. ' Rother of Newark. He was born in La Grange, III., ,;sdhi Robert I, Nylen of Cranford; Oct. 29. Children who attend must Mr, Prussak Was bom in Ahle- Funeral services were held Fri- and lived in Cranford before mov- have had their third birthday; be- eight grandchildren; six great- sale at library dorf, Germany, and emigrated...'Jo. day at the Cranford United Meth- ing to Sun Qty in 1967. grandchildren; and a sister, Mabel Gub Pack 103 holds registration ;; fore the £u;st scheduledsession. . ,• the tJhit©d"States in 1953. He; Uye\i Mr. Nylerrwa* active in the Gold Cub Pack 103 of^^^ Cranford ytiS. hold registration 6 pjn. Saturday,.Sept' Sessions " for ' 4-year-olds , are. ' The Friends of the S^anwood li- odist Church. Burial was in Hol- NaDin of Jensen Beach, Fla. : ih, Newark and Irvington before Ball basketball and Cranford fest- Services were held Saturday in ^6, at Bates Hall, First Presbyllerian Church. ' .. : - ; Tuesdays'.at 10:15 a.m. from,Sept brary, are seeking-donations for lywood Memorial Park, Union. ' ? Registration is for all retarning scouts aiwi prospe^ve members. Boys moving^^to Cranford^^in 1975. pitch softball leagues, and bowled : ; ; :: 15 through .Oct 27 and Wednes- their semi-annual book sale to be fc lieu of flowers; contributions Sun City. /. '.'-.-'.. ..' ,. .:' •••' • ••'.:•;. in grades 2-5 are invited to ftftehd.: ;' days at 1:30 p.m. from =Sept 16 .held Saturday, Sept 19, . He retixed in 1975 .after 20 years for many'-'years in the Cranford Contributions may be made to ; may be made to the Hurricane Vic- Bolwing League. He also was with Tiger C^ Den will form'for boysin the first gradft after t^ evening's tlirough Oct. 28. Children, attend--. Books in good! condition, chil- with the former Trackless Transit Sunshine., Services;. 8980. Santa Fe .program. .:-' '•"• ;/ ••.:'••, '•'••'•"''•;., • •• '"'•: ,.:\.^..'\: ,...';•• . ' '••••.•...•J-'- dren's toys and games as well as Bus Co. at its East Qratige depot tims of Southern Florida, care of the former Western Electric for 45 Drive, Sun City, Ariz. 85351. For. moreinformation^^^call Micheleor^Gary Balliiiiat 272-0376. PUBLIC NOTICE' PUBLIC NOTICE children's books and commercially Mr..Prussak was aT^rnernber of the the American Red Cross, Eastern TOWNSHIP OP CRANFORD produced videotapes (no tapes Elizabeth Sports Club, Union, and Union County Chapter, 203 IWest ORDINANCE NO. 82-39 Friends of Keriilworth Library sponsoriiig Philadelphia trip 'AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE I. SECTION 219-4' made at home) may be dropped off -•• ' •••'••• ••': ! -.''••• GEORGE PACCIELLO/THE.CHRONICLE CHAPTER 219 OF THE "CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE the Liberty Social Qub, Lebanon. Jersey St, Elizabeth, 07202- TOWNSHIP OF CRANFORD, .NEW JERSEY (1892)." BY during library hours at the library The Friends of Keriilworth Ii- Thebus willleaverthe South 21st bus trarisportation, general admis- thisall-day trip, At Cranford's Hillside Avenue School Tuesday, Rachel Wel- 1393. :••;'[' •' • '.'• ... ; , .-'. ••••.•', ADDING SECTION 210-110C TO HANDICAPPED PARKING Surviving are his wife, Hedwig 1 on North Avenue near Martine Av- brary Will sponsor a trip to the Street Municipal ptffcing lot at 9 siort to the^^museum arid admission ONLY AND $100.00 TO FINE.": ' der doesn't seem completely sold on the Idea of attending Arrangements were by the Gray For reservations, call 276-4435 or . BE IT ORDAINED by tho Township CommWos ol (he Towv enue from 10 a.m.-5lp,rn. Monday Kittel Prussak; a son, WilMed Fred Franklin Institute in Philadelphia, sum. and return at 5 pin. to the planetarium. " • tWp ol Crwikvd, Now Joreoy on Ws that \. • kindergarten. Her mother Andrea provides the needed en- '.•..• ••'*••. ..Section 1. That SocUon 21B-4 o(Artdo I ol Chapter 219. " through Saturday and 7-9 pjn., Prussak of Cranford; a daughter. Memorial Funeral Home. Pa., Thursday, Nov. 5. . The cost is $27 which includes Everyone is welcome to attend 272-5294, before Oct 2. "OSdo ol Ordlrancoa ol tha-Towrwhlp d Crantard, Now couragement. Jnrcoy (1002), bo and ttiosnmo Is hwsby amended by ' Monday, Tuesday and Thursdays. oddmfl todon 210. W0C Lot No. 12 to Handiappod Only VjoMon and S100.00to Finn . '..'•' -SoOton 2.'All ottwr ortinancw or portions thorool In oorflicJ Of InconElttoni rrtroUtfrt aio horoby ropohlod. -' • Nicholas Balderose, 73 Soction 3. Thfe ordnancowill toko olloct' ipoj publication nftorfinal, pnssan o as providod by law. . ' " . .•••'• ' Edward M. Robinson Chairman, Township Commltide Mechanic with Hyatt Roller Beariiig . NOTICE OF PENDING ORDINANCE LOCAL MOVIE TIMES ' Tba Foregoing OrtJnrmco wafl introduced and passod on CRANFORD ~- Nicholas L. Bal- derose.- --;•—" ,;•/. .. • ' • • .' J"iri,1 Roodinn nl n mooting ol the Townshio Convnittea of the derose, 73, a mechanic with the Township a Cmnlord, N.J. on Tuotday, September B. 1992 His wife, Marian Ci Mantz Bal- FOR THE WEEK OF FRIDAY, SEPT. 11-THURSDAY, SEPT. 17 . mid wll bo oonlinuod lor consideration lor Final Passage ottor Public Hinnnfj nl tho Municipal Holding, Cranfard, NJ on Wendi and Joel'Surds of Bridge- former Hyatt Roller Bearing Divi-. derose, is deceased. Another bro- . Tgosdny. Soptombor 22, 1992 at 8:00 p.m. provailinQ Brno. water announce, the birth of their sion of General Motors Corp. from Thursday: 7, 9:15 pjm. Saturday, .-.'• ATTEST:' , • .. . . ther, Daniel Balderose, and another Schedule* ara mbjoct to bnt- •Death BeComes.Her (PG-13) 5:30, 7:30,9:20^)11, Cranford ' •'•••• ...','•• , . Sunday: 2, 4:15, 7. 9:15 p.m.. •••;, AMono M. Gigon • . . ' son, Jason Andrew, Aug. 18, 1992 1952-1972, died Sept 3,1992 at his sister, Catherine Testa, also are de- Friday-Thursday: 1:15. 3:25, 5:55, BROOK CINEMA ^~ (908)276-9^20 Muntapal Clork , mlnuto chantf*. . : at Rahway Hospital. Grandparents : •HelMser III. Hell on Earth (R) Fri- •S/ri||/e White Female (R) Friday- •', J1G32 ' • CCO46H Sept 10,1002' JAMES F. KEEFE, P.C. home in Iselin. . ( ceased. . .•'' •- . ' •. ••• '• •'•. . 8,10:15 p.m, .10 Hamilton St.' . . cianford eye care Thursday: 7:30, 9:30 P.m. Counsellor1 at Law are Mr. and JWrs. Ronald Mazur A native of Neawrk, Mr. Bal- . *Slng!e White female (R) Friday- Bound Brook . day, Monday-Thursday: 7:55,10 ~~~- flOROUGH OF KENILWORTH 11 Norlh Avc. W. (Nen'r Crnillord Thpalec) A Mass of Christian Burial was •Sneakers (PG-13) Friday, Moriday- • LEQAL NOTICE and-.Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Bunis, MIDDLESEX ThUrsday: 1:10, 3:20, 5:45,8:10. (908)469-9665 p.m. Saturday, Sunday: 2, 3:55, 190 NORTH AVE. EAST Crnoford, NJ (908) 276-0200' derose lived in Bloomfield, Gar- thursday: 7, 9:20 p.m. Saturday, * ORDINANCE NO. 62-13 all oT" Cranford., Paternal great- offered yesterday at St Michael's AM BOY MULTIPLEX . 10:20 p.m. •Enchanted April (PG) Friday, Tuos- 5:50, 7:55,10 p:m. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND ORDINANCE NO. 83-26 AND P.O. BOX 15B Dr. Alan Glickman wood, and Cranford before moving Sunday: 2. 4:15. 7, 9:20 p.m. . TO AMEND PARAGRAPH 91-1 OF THE CODE OF THE'BOR- Oplomolrl^t - grandmother, is Debbie Siegal of Roman Catholic Church, Union, Routes 9 4 35, Sayfevlllo •Sneakois (P6rl3) Friday-Thursday: day-Thursday: 7:13,9:05 p.m. Sat- •Sneakers (PG-13) Friday, Monday- •OLK3H OF KENILWORTH WTTH REOARDS TO FEES FOR CRANFORD; N.J. ' •Honeymoon In Vegas (PG-13) Fri^F • Comprchonslve Eyo Exnins to Iselin in 1979. He served in the urday, Sunday: 1:15, 3:15, 5:15, Thursday: 7:10,9:45 p.m. Satur- DOG UCENSES (CHAPTER 83). 276-1100 • 276'4766 • Full Snlcclion ol Eyewcnr Margate, Fla. . following'services at the Haeberle (908)721-3400 . 2, 5, 7:45,10:15 p.m. STATEMENT Arniy during World War IE day, Sunday: 2, 4:30, 7:10,9:45 day, Monday-Thursday: 7:10,9 p.m. kumul & CoiAmncliI nail tiun Ckiiingt • Aii'Typos ol Conlncl Lnnscs Filled • . .. •..'*. *•. ••.*, ' •• : •Sneatera (PG-13) Friday-Thursday: •HellmlseHII: Hell on Earth (R) Fri- 7:15, 9:15 p.m. . • \ Tnko notko Hint tho nboud Ordinance was passed on the final & Barth Colonial Home, Union. Saturday, Sunday: 2, 4;. 7:10, 9 ,, Wltli, Eilll»i'l Tfullt • Mrdtcaro Assignfflenrand Many •• "The Roclptombor, 1002. ' . • Ma/Oilrol Mar »Slster Act (PG) Friday, Monday- ~ : 990 Stuyvesant Ave., Union ' . BorouQh Clerk •VWnd(PG-13) Friday-Thursday: •Unftwg/wBri (R) Friday-Thursday:. , GENERAL.CINEMA . y;.:^;, their son, Nicholas Thomas, born Rorneo; five sisters, Rose Restaino, ; : ; Thursday: 7:20. 9:20 p.m. Satur- 1:10,4; 7, 9:30 p.m. Lata show .';•.. ' 1:45, 4:30, 7:45, 10:15 p.m. . .BLUESTAR ,-:: • "...' '•""•;-"•••'; ^9081686-4373 ." ' ; $a.O3 '.. CC«481TSept..10,1092 Aug. 12, 1992 at Overlook Hospital, Doris Blydenburgh, Arum Barbara, . In lieu of flowers, contributions day, Sunday: 2, 4:15, 7:20,9:20.. . Friday and Saturday at 11:50 p.m. •Out on a Umb (PG) Friday- Route 22, Watchunfi ;. ', . •Honeymoon iVi Ve^as .(PG-13) Fri-.. Grandparents are Lorraine Haberer Louise Balderose, and Marie Bal- may be made to the American p.m, " , .' - • • •'.'• • ,'. "^ BOROUQH OF OARWOOO ' •Hellmlserlll: Hell on Earth (R) Fri- Thursday: 1:45 p.m. ' (908)322-7007 . day, Monday/Thursday: 8,10 p.m. ORDINANCE 02-11 of Rochester, N.Y., and the late •3 Ntnfa's (PG) Saturday. Sunday: 2, JOHN OBLACHINSKI and CAROL ANN SHUSTA derose; and a brother, George Bal- Heart Association. . day-Thursday!.'l:15| 3:15, 5/15, 'A League'of Their Own (PG) Friday- 1 Saturday, Sunday: 2, 4; 6.8.10 STATEMENT Thomas Haberer and. Louis and "Call .theater for'showtimes. •' 4:15p.m. ;.-..'. AN ORDINANCE TQ AMEND CHAPTEH 18 (POUCE) OF THE 7:55,10:20 p.m. Late show Friday Thursday: 4:45, 7:30,10:10 p.m. GENERAL CINEMA p.m. . • • ' •'.••' REVISED ORDINANCES OF THE BOROUGH OF QARWOOD, tf Y<*k» Would Like To B© Part Of This Olmctory Foteny Ninos, also of Rochester. HUNTERDON THEATER ,^ •- • •. .*.. *.. • .' : '• and Saturday at 12:10 a.m. . •Wind (PG-13) Friday, Monday- 1074. TO PROVIDE FOR THE HIRING OF POLICE OFFICERS DUNELLENTHEATER, BRIDGEWATER COMMONS Route.31, Flemlngton <:: OF THE DOROUQH OF GARWOOO BY GOVERNMENT Thomas and Michele DiPasquale *Vfa&/: UNDEN F1VEPLEX TI-tE CONDUCT OF TOWNSHIP COMMITTEE MEETINGS presents Grandparents. are Sal and Janet daughter, Carol Ann, to John J. Wopdbridge as a legal secretary iiij 8& 16 Week, personalized and group programs day, Saturday: 2:10, 4:10,6:30, •Single White Female (R) Friday,. .72 Headquarters Plaza . ,' ' Edward M. Robinson, Chairman 10:10 p.m. Late show Friday and 400 North Wood Ave., Linden ... Morrlstown ' . . STATEMENT. Township Commutes.' Oblachinski, son of Joan Oblachin- personal injury litigation. . \ 8:25,10:20 p.m. Sunday: 2:20, . Saturday: 1:50. 4:40, 7:20, 9:50 DiPasquale of Cranford. . • Perriunenl Dlttt^ • Dlabctc* Saturday at 12:30 a.m. . Tiio fcxoaoino brdinanco was tnaly parsed el e mooting of 'Grandparents Day' sM and the late John C. Oblachiri- Her fiance graduated from Davidj Succcu • McalPUnnlflg 4:15; 6:10, 8:05,10 p.m. (Monday-' '• Jj'.m.l Sunday-Thursday: 1:50, .4:40, (908)925-9787 (201)292-0606 the Township CornmKtsd of the Township of Cmrdord, N J. "Honeymoon In Vetat (PQ-13) Fri- / •Sneake/s (PG-13)-Friday: 7:25, •Wind (PG-13) Friday: 5, 7:30.10. '. nn Tuosday. Soptembor B, 1092. . PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE • EaliflgOltonlcra ThuiSday: 7:50,9:45 p.m. 7:10; 9:30 p.m., .' skL The ftiture bride is the daugh- Brearley Regional High School in • Cholnritrol day-Thursday. 1:30,3:35,5:35, ATTEST: , , . Sunday, Sept. 13th 1992, 11:30-3pm • Stfetf Rcducilon •Sneakers (PG-13) Friday, Saturday. 9:45 p.m. Saturday, Sunday: 12:30, p.m. Saturday: 2, 5, 7:30,10 p.m. S * Hypchentlpn • Oveitomlh| flinging •Sneakers (PG-13) Friday, Saturday: Ailono W. Gioon ; • ORDINANCE 02-13, ter of the late Carl TV Shusta. 19'82 and attends Caldwell Collegej 7:45,9:60 p.m. UtashgW Friday 2:45,5, 7:25,9:4S p.m. Monday- Sunday: 2.5:30, 7:50 p.m. '.•: •' Municipal Qoik Complete Dinners starting at *1S' 2, 4:30, 7:05,9:35 p.m. Sunday: 1:40, 4:20, 7:10,10 p.m. Sunday- ..••-• ' • STATEMENT The bride-to-be graduated from end Suturday at 12:10 a.m. ' Monday-Thursday: 5:30, 7:50 p.mi S7.G5 ' CC6W1I Sept 10,1992 A Special Day for AN ORDINANCE RXWG THE SALARIES AND WAGES OF He is employed by General Electrir| START A NirTRlTlONAL DIETARY PROGRAM TODAY! 1:45, 4:15,6:45, 9:15 p.m. Mon- Thursday: 1:40, 4:20,6:50,9:15 Thursday: 7:25,' 9:35 p.m. ' CERTAIN OFFICIALS AND EMPLOYEES OF THE BOROUGH David Brearley Regional High day-Thursday; 7, 9;3O p.m. •Single White Female (R) Friday: •Hellralser III: Hell on Earth (R) Frt. DOnOUQH Of OAJWOOO ' OF QARWOOD IN THE COUNTY OF UNION. STATE OF NEW ; *R»dki Rn (R) Friday-Thursday: 1, •• p.m/ . .',..• .... • Co.in Union. . \ day: 6:30, 7:50, 9:50 p.m. Satur- ORDINANCE 82-12 Special People "" JERSEY. • .., Data Polldore school in 1983 and Katharine PERSONAL COUNSELING WITH OUR 3:10,5:1B, 7:20, 9:45 p.rti, Late •HoneymoonlnVegas (PG-13) Fri- •S/sler Act (PG) Friday, Saturday: 7:30.9:45 p.m. Saturday, Sunday; STATEMENT . ' . Borauoh Clak . The wedding is planned for Octjj show Friday and Saturday at 11:40 day, Saturday: 2:15, 4:10, 6:10, 1,5, 7:35,9:45 p.m. Monday- day: 1:40. 5:30. 7:50. 9:50 p.m. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND SECTION 21-18 (ENTRANCES Gibbs School in Montclair. She is HUES 1:55; 4:30, 6:50, 9:10 p.m. Sun- . AND EXITS) IN ARTICLE X.IQAJWOOO MALL) IN CHAPTEH Sunday Sept 27th 8:05,10:05 p.m. Sunday: 1:55, Sunday: 3:50, 6, 8 p.m. Monday-., $6.03 CCG37 IT Sapl 10, 1002 16,1993. } . (j.rn. •" '•:.•.. • day-Thursday; 1:55; 4:30, 6:40, 9 Thursday: 7;30, 9:35 p.m. 21 (TRAFFIC AND PARKING) OF THE REVISED ORDI- CONSULTATION /anm Thursday: 5:50, 8:10 p.m. c •A League ol Their Own (PG) Friday- 3:50, 5:50, 7:45, 9:45 p.m. Mon- : •Hcllralser III: Hell on Earth (R) Fri- NANCES OF WE BOROUGH OF GARWOOO, IBM, TO DES- Viva La France AVAILABLE t»Q8> p.m. • .-. • ;. . , V • . • IGtNATE THE WESTERLY DRIVEWAY OP QARWOOD MALL day-Thursday: 7:15, 9:15 p.m. , •Unforghien (R) Friday: 5, 7:30, it); Thursday: 3:05, 7:45,10:15 p.m. •Wind (PG-13) Friday, Saturday: day: 7:40. 9:45 p.m. Saturday, . ASANEXtrONLY.. • „.• International Brunch .^46 SOUTHAVK.. PANWOOD, NEW JERSEY 67023 •Single White Female (R) Friday, p.m. Saturday: 1:40, 5, 7:30,10 DortsPottdora s S0 Late show Friday end Saturday at 1:35. 4:10, 7, 9: • Aerobic Rowers day-Thursday: 1:15,3:30, 6 p.m.. •Howards End (PG) Friday; Satur- SOMERVIUE CIRCLE NEW PARK CINEMA p.m. Monday-Thursday: 6,8:10 •*; •VWifapera In tha Da*(R) Friday- day: 2:40, 7:30 p.m. Sunday: 2, 7 Route 28, Raritan 23 Wost Westfleld Avo. • Nautilus • p.m... .• . • •• ' •' -'' • Thursday: 8,10:20 p,m. Late show . p.m. Monday-Thursday: 7 p.m. (908)526-0101 Roselle Park •Death Becomes Her (PG-13) Frl< • Alr-Schwlnn Bicycle 7 • Alr-condltloned locker room Friday artd Saturday at 12:30 a.m. •Out on a Umb (PG) Friday, Satur- •Unforglven (R) Friday, Monday^ " (908)241-2525 day: 5;20. 7:40, 9:55 p.m. Satur- "Mo' Money (R) FridaiMTtursday: day: 5:30,10:10 p.m. Sunday: Thursday: 7, 9:30 p.m. Saturday; . •Call theator.for showtimos. day: 2, 5:20, 7:40, 9:55 p.m. Sun-. 1:18,3:30,, 6:30. 7:30.9:30 p.m. 4:45, 9:35 p.m. Monday-Thursday: Sunday: 1:30, 4:15, 7, 9:30 p.mi UNITED ARTISTS RlALTO day: 1:30, 3:30, 5:40. 7:50 p!m.' Late show Friday and Saturday at. 9:35 p.m. •Pot Sematary Two (R) Friday: 6, 8. 250 East Broad St. Monday-Thursday: 5:40,8 p.m. i' 11:30 p.m. MOVIECtTY 10 p.m. Saturday! Sunday: 1:45, Westflald • •Oot on a Umb (PG) Friday: 5:30' YOU HAVEN'T BRUNCHED UNTIL YOU'VE COME TO THE OFFICE'S •IMIbrglven (ft) Friday-Thursday: Route 14 Gill lane, Ispjln 3:45, 6, 8,10 p.m. Monday- (908) 232-1288 p.m. Saturday: 1:40, 3:30 p.m.. ,• 1:30,4:05,7,9:45 p.m. Lata show (908)382-5555 Thursday; 7:30,'9:45 p.m. •Call theater (or showtimos. Sunday: 1:30, 3:50 p.m. Monday,' Friday and Saturday ot 12:15 a.m. •Call theater (or showtlmes, •Hellralsor III: Hell on Earth (R),Fri- WESmriELD TWIN CINEMA • Thursday: 5:50 p.m. ' ;• day: 6:10, 8:10,10:10 p.m. Satur- SUNDAY BRUNCH-A-THON! ONEPUEXODEON MOVIE CITY 138 Central Ave., Wcstfiold 'Single White Female (R) Friday: ;. day, Sunday: 2, 4, 6:10, 8:10, MENU) PARK Oak Treo Cantor (908) 654-4720 5:10, 7:30,10:10 p.m. Saturtay; 10:10 p.m. Monday-Thursday; 7:15, The Unbeatable, Unlimited, Unforgettable Bnmch Buffet, only£ ^^^ ^ — . Route 1, Edison 1665 Oak Tree Rd., Edison •Howards End (PG) Friday, Tuesday- 1:50, 5:10. 7:30,10:10 p.m. surv 9:15 p.m, • 8 lane, 25 yard heated pool (908)321-1412 (908)549-6666 1 Thursday: 7:15, 9:45 p.m: Satur- day: i:30. 3:20", 5:30, 8 p.m. Mon. Brunch menu: • Stalrmasters •PW Senvttaiy T\w (R) Friday- •Coll theator for showtlmcs. MONTOOMERY day, Sunday: 1, 3:45, 7:15, 9:45 day-Ttuirsday: 5:40, 8:10 p.m. > • Individual weight machines SOUP Thursday: 1,3:10,3:40, 7:50 p.m. UNITED ARTISTS CENTER THEATRE p.m. •Pet Sematary Two (R) Friday: 7:40, Treadmills »Rapld Rrn (R) Friday-Thursday: RoUto 20G, Rocky Hill •3 Nlnjas (PG) Saturday, Sunday: 10:10 p.m. Saturday: 5:20, 7:40,1 FRESH FRUITS & SALADS • Aerobic Bicycles MIDDLESEX MALL 9:55, p.m. Stolton and Hadloy roads ' • (609)924-7444 1:15,5:15 p.m. 10:10 p.m. Sunday: 5:50,8 p.irC ASSORTED BREADS • Lap Swimming - water exorcise classes "IVfnd (PG-13) Friday-Thursday; South Plalnflold 'Enchanted April (PG) Friday, Mon- •Sister AM (PG) Friday, Tuosday- Monday-Thursday: 8 p.m. ; •A League of Their Own (PG) Friday; FRESH MADE BELGIAN WAFFLES WITH FRUITS »aerobics • aauatlc classes 1:30, 4:30, 7)55,10:20 p.mi (908) 753-2246 . day-Thursday: 7:15, 9:15 p.m. Sat- Thursday: 7:40, 9:40 p.m. Satur- 5, 7:30, 9:55 p.m. Saturday: l:4p, CREPES -VW«w the Day Takes You (R) •Coll theater for showtime3. urday, Sunday: 1:15, 3:15, 5:15, day, Sunday: 3:35, 7:40, 9:40 p.m. Friday-Thursday: 1:20, 3;30, 5:35. 7:15, 9:15 p.m. •Tho Rocky Horror Picture Show (R) 4:50, 7:30, 9:55 p.m. Sunday: a** FRESH MADE OMELETTES 11:30 &M,-2:30 P.M. 7:45,10 p.m. •M/stross (R) Friday, Monday- Saturday: Midnight. 5:20, 7:45 p.m. Monday-Thursday}. CRANFORD INDOOR 5:30,7:45 p.m. ^ PASTAS $4.95 Kids 12 & Under '" "Honejmoon In Vegas (PQ-13) Fri- SOMERSET Thursday: 7, 9:30 p.m. Saturday, Sunday: 2, 4:30, 7, 9:30 p.m. , "Sneak provlow of Wousesltter (W) STIR FRY GINGER CHICKEN lnr Monu Avuilublu from 2:110 P.M. day-Thumday: 1,3:15,5:20,7:40. BERNARDSVILLE CINEMA POOL & FITNESS CENTER 1 HUNTERDON Friday at 7:30 p.m, HOME FRIED POTATOES 9:50 p.m, , Routtt 202, Bernardsvlllo "Raiting Ca/n (R) Friday-Thursday: (908) 766-0357 CINEMA PLAZA CINEMA 208 I CARVING STATION UNION Routes 202 4 31, Flamineton Routos 206 & 24, Chester 401 Centennial Avenue DAILY HOURS . 1:30,3:40,6:45,8:15,10:10 p,m. •Honeymoon In Vegas (PG:13) Fri- CINEPLEX ODEON CRANFORD . (008)782-2777 (908) 879-4444 STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE " Mon.-Frl. 6-9:30 •Slttet Act (PG) Friday-Thursday: day, Monday-Thursday: 7:30, 9:20 Brought to you by Elizabethtown Water Company. Cranford, NJ. 07016 •Wind (PG-13) Friday, Monday- •Call theater for showtlmss. BLUEBERRY & APPLE COBBLERS Sat. & Sun. 8-6 1:15,3:18,8:30. 7:35,0:40 p.m. p.m. Saturday, Sunday: 1:30,3:30, 25 North Avo. Wast . Mimosa or Bloody Mary $1.95 tTlUti HAH (. MtUlAUIIAMl Elizabethtown Water Company • Serving 105,000 families. CALL 709-7260 FOR INFORMATION See Weekendplus for reviews of current movies •CBANFORD -BRIDGEWATER •MORRISTOWN'SUMMIT •MONTCLAIR •i -The Chronicle- -The Chronicle- IsepFember 1Q, 1992^1 Community Life A-8 September 10,199^-

A luau picnic is planned Sept 28. ern party will be, held at The West- Seniors interested in joining the wood, under the direction of Ellen f V Monday aubrnaycall709-7283. Jordan and Helen Qrayce. Members who ale celebrating Trips planned byjNat Amsterr CR05SW0RP hirthriflyg in Rpptfmhpr'nrp Rth dam are: Seot 22. Tai: Mahal, At- ?*H"r"n—" tubers 80 PlncH ^STtholripwms-, "viola 1 Saasons 50 Som« fishes 87 InfliMrica or () -«Hog1lko -- Matusiefsky and Agnes Nissen. mudS; Jan. 11-15, Paramount build tham i. ,. special ' 3 Means to an animal, 8.4 Laundry lood. basin Hotel, Parksville, N:Y. For informa- - perhaps 54 Culture advantage. end • 44 Monty or - Arsonlo 86 Having a tion and reservations, call 276-6178. 8 Ladder round medium 88 Tasty 4 Parson bird Or- Club plans trip Club contributes 10 Lamb or pork 55 Blanched W) Foot like organ 5 Great plains . 45 Exchange . certain Birthday celebrants for Septem- 56 Pueblo . 91 Rural of Europe premium tendency follower .' 87 Unmixed to lake resort to ailing child ber are: Michael Abraham, Ruth, 14VVodge- Indltns structures and Asia 46 Glissade, lor The. Monday Senior Citizens Members of the Wednesday Se- Amsterdam, Eleanor Barton, Mary shap»d 58 Anagram of. 02 Assayer's cup 6 Alex Haley one 88 Wears fbrmat Club will meet 11:15 a.m. for a ' lavalers . post 83 New Deal org. opus ' v 47 Corned . nior Citizens Club, through the ef- Book, Irene Czebrowski, Al Gama- 85 Squelches: ; .7 Eskimo 40 Russian 91 ce- board and business meeting Sept. 19Anunailva 50 Author comes forts of Ruth Amsterdam, have che, Bill Gilliam, Harold Grayce, 20 Hodgepodga Yutang 07 TKe heart knives plane 14. A hot dog luncheon is available. contributed $120 to the Melissa Dot Halbforstier, Millard Hal- 21 Assistant 60 Swiss 88 Farjln's B—. -picker 51. Accelerated' 62 Meets for discussion A bus trip is scheduled Thurs- Pearl Fund. Melissa, a 3-year-old lenbeck, Jim Karmen, Bernard 22 City on the • .mathemati- creator ; (overly fussy 52 Pith helmet By BOB SULLIVAN Marta Person. "It gives people who with variety-show swagger. Two Po cian 102 Walks person) • 53 Rotate freely 94 Hill builder Cranford High School teachers and day, Sept 24, to Woodloch>ines, Cranford girl, is suffering from kid- Kasper, Harry IinderOth, Rose Pa- 61 Lowest or. through slush 9.Praise- . 55 Victimize 96 First name of tHE CHRONICLE. .-.',. .- ...''. arent regular downtown shoppers 23 "Hlflh Noon ,• Oils, the a reason to come to the area" a Cranford real estate agent are Hawley, Pa. The cost, of $34 in- ney malftinction. tetto, Julia Pienciiak, Al Rehill, Alec (or one nearest point 103 County In • worthy act . 58 Hayes of the • i. , • '.. ••-. I ••/."••• I ••'.•• 63 Slender (lnlal Ireland 10 Gambling . theater ..- elevatorman members.: .•.-.•• . ' •.•••• ;.-... . '• ;; cludes dinner.at 12:30 p.ra, a boat • A speaker firom North Jersey Eye Sapfeta, Florence Vano, Clara Vertr 24 Not In sync 97 Mountain T It's a celebration of Eastman "IV is the.second annual, Down- 26 Anoint, once 64Wayol 107 Certainperiod house 57 Six-line ride on Lake Teedyushung, bingo Institute will present a program 1 neri and Oiarles Weber*' Couples • : pass Plaza, the downtown district, and town Cranford Concert Series. For The concert series is the brain- 27"— Touch o( marching 108 RBI or ERA 11 Broadway stanzas child of Ms. Person, who.watched games plus entertainment pjn. Sept 16 at the Community celebrating wedding anniversaries 66 Straightedge 110 Bachelor's success ' '• 60 Ancient 98 Slow to Cranford. A time for people who three Thursdays this month, start- • Venus" understand' the success of Echo Lake Park's The bus leaves from Miln Street at Center. A hot dog luncheon fol- in September are Elsie and. Ray- 28 Dogs and 67 Start lo . last words 12 German river -chariot haven't spent time in downtown ing tonight, part of Eastman Street 61 High, cold . 99 Method of will be closed and'live bands will concerts and several similar per- 9:30 a.m Call Pat Dick at 233-6159 lowed by bingo will be held Sept mond Saunderson and Madeline cats participate 111 Wide, deep 13 English Cranford to become reacquainted 69 Fpllow chasm "-' --diarist Andes. ' •.:' sarcastic formances during-her college stud- if interested.- 30. On Oct 28, a country and west- and John. Van Brunt 30 Caesar's 551 expression with the shopping area And itfs ring out the night near the base of 31 Peasant 61 Immediately 112 Rubber tree 14 Word with plataaus : 100 Narrow, light the Eastman Plaza .clock.. ies in Virginia. " India •:••• 70 Entertained 113. Ninth day house or 62 Public . Last year, a four-part series took at dinner before 83 wagon warehouse .- * :• .boat ' •'-, "It allows people of Cranford to This year's theme is "Shop to 33 Society-page 101 Wise ones i lse the downtown area without the, Music." The bands will begin place in August, a few weeks after word 71 Actor Across ,15 Vandal 65 Chess PC. Rosarians meet Terence HBStlH-legged 16 "Goodnlnht" 66 Kitchen 103 Deceives by having to take riioney out of their playing at 7 pjn. in daylight and the dedication of Eastman Plaza 34 Mexican trickery • Religion Sisterhood plans blanKata 72 Part of the marching girl .'.'•• ; ' gadget pockets," said Downtown Manager play into the dark, finishing at 9 "Last year, people came down at St. Anne's tonight foot style •:•'• 17 Certain 68 Eugenie, for 104 Pretense 36 Tooth: Comb. short. 105 Tree OfThe pan. Many stores will stay open who we hadnt seen in.20 years," St Anne's Rosary Altar Society makeup demonstration form 74 Praline 118 Leave put runner Ingredient 120 Sleep 18 Dirks 70 Hates birch family until 10 pjtL and offer special dis- Ms. Person, herself a Cranford. meets at 7:45 tonight in the school .Sisterhood of Temple Beth- El 38 Casl-lron loft-Sly; sidelong High School graduate, said. trying pans 75 Dancers or , disturber 25 Broadway. 71 Plays the counts. . Converted priest cafeteria, after rosary and benedic- will hold, its first meeting of the :". horses ' . 121 Greenland turkeys lead • glances The concerts were held on Fti- 40 Legal 109 Carry ] *50s concert Adding to the festival atmos- tipn* Plans, for the Chinese auction season 8 p,m. Tuesday. Esther .-• . retainer ' - 78 Lab animal •base . • . 29 Shoo width 72 Murdoch of days last year, so summer and to address Hadassah 7? Contributes 122 Ireland 32 Goddess ol . fiction iii Microscopic phere, the Chamber of Commerce on Sept 25 will be.discussed as Colodner and Marlene Oalick are . 41 Paint the : ' •' organism weekend vacationers affected at- The RpseUe-Cranibrd Chapter of town red 81 Freshet 123 Stair part harvests 73 NolhlrH). In opens series will sell soda, Bagel America will well as other coming events. The co-presidents. 3SThaSoulh- 114 Make a •''..'• tendance. This year, Ms. Person is Hadassah will open the 1992-93 43 Old French 82 "Live andLet 124 Rude oglera Seville sell hot dogs, and Sweet Dreams program for the evening will be Debra Rpsehi program vice presi- —"(movie) . 125 V precedent west wind 7.4 Party mistake The Outdoor Concert Series curious to see how the start of seasbhwitha membership brunch coin •'.' . 116 Morsel for at Eastman Plaza will begin at 7 will wheel out an ice cream cart "Fun Games." dent, has arranged for a makeup 83 Caesar's 128 Hoover-and 36 Weasel's delicacies school and the Thursday dates af- at 10:30 am. .Sunday at Temple 44Theundar- fatal date Aswan •'couslri 75Q6Hclub Dobbin tonight wtth. the; '50s sounds Of Kicking off the concerts tonight demonstration. Rosalyn Greenberg world. to the 117Juan's, aunt will be the '50s music of Del Ca- fect attendance -r- she hopes about Beth-El, 338 Walnut Ave: • 85 Saltpeter . 127 Prophets 37 Instructed 76 Irritate the pel Capris. Rain date Is to- and Ayrille Nussb^um;. memberv Greeks 88 Rock group- DOWN 39 ClUb foes 77 Order to.a . 119 Golf ball's pias. A four-piece band from Cran? 300 show up to sit and listen and ' The speaker is J6hn David Sca- Presbyterians plan 47 Gluts position. morrow. . ;."-. ••:• •'.• y :•.., :.'••-• • more filter in and put of the nearby ship vice presiderlts, wDl" spotlight headed by 1 Greek Island 41 Dried orchid broker- ford, including, three. Cranford lamonti, a former Roman Catholic 48Hlohland 16 t/ IB . Cranford's own oldies group/ : 1: : : Rally Day Sunday . two members. ••"/. J High School graduates, Del Capris stores.'.. .j'- ! ' •"•'••••• __ [•' _••' priest who has converted to Juda- : 2- ' will feature Ed Helmstetter on Ms. Person, said"that wHle the isrri. Born in Jessup, ,Pa.j He en- A Rally Day will be held at the Laurie Steinbach, fund-raising guitar, Ken Helmstetter on bass, Will perform popular songs imitat- vice president, announced the fol- ing bands like the Beach Boys. - concert series aims to attract at- tered Lai Falette Prep School irt J3arwood Presbyterian Church, 341 Mike Macaoay on drums, and ^Spfuce Ave., at 9:30 ajn. Sunday^ lowing events: theater party at The the following week, on Sept 17> tention and business for down- hinth-grade? and after seven years Charlie Larson singing lead yo^ town, it's good for the entire com- The program is titled "America, Forum, Oct 24; ruinrnage sale at The King Road Swing Band will of training, he was ordained a 1 cals. ' • '.''..• '•:"••.'• munity. priest. Four years later, he left the You're; Too Young to Die.' A gift the temple, Nov. 8; and a coffee" 33. The concert will begin at 7 play Big Band music Fourteen brass instruments compliment two "It reflects well'on the com- . priesthood,, • ; -•• . ' . booklet, "The Rebirth of America,'' hoxise at the temple featuring p.m. while downtown Cranford munity, and it's a chance for peo- All members and their husbands, will be given to each family attend- David Fry, Dec. 5. stores are: open late, offering female lead singers. '•.-.:. "We expect a big crowd far that ple to get together," Ms. Person associate members and prospective ing. Members are invited ,to bring Harriet Scheiner will open the various sales and discounts said. "And it attracts people into members are invited to attend. muffins for an exchange. The pub- Judaica shop prior to the meeting. Other concerts include the one," Ms. Person said. The" swing ' . band performed a benefit for the the town, they decide ifs a desir- lic is welcome. Guests are Welcome. King Road Swing Band Sept 17 able community, and it's good for and the Celebration Singers Union. County Council on Drugs and Alcoholism at Cranford .High the home market Values. And it Sept 24 (rain date Sept 25). gives people something to do." Refreshments will be. available School in March and a benefit for Flashberg Spaulding fo r Children in Westfield Cost for the series— a little over from local food 'merchants. $2,000 this year— is borne entirely Kenilworth's outdoor .There Is free admission and .free lastyear. The concert series ends with; the by the downtown business and trustee of parking, but' bring, lawn chairs. property owners. Township Committee member Carolyn Vollero addresses the crowd at last year's Outdoor For inforrnatJbri, call 709-7208. Celebration Singers, 25 vocalists who will sing famous show tunes Rain dates for the Thursday se- Concert Series at Eastman Plaza. This season's concert series begins at 7 tonight. art show is Sunday ries are the following IWday. '.' legal giroup Calling all artistic exhibitors to day of the show for a fee of $30 for non-members who will use racks • Bernard L. Flashberg, a Union- sign up for the 25th annual ken- resident and teacher at Cranford Mears'gradiiates with honors ilworth Outdoor Fine Arts Show and (folding screens) for 10 feet of an- chor fence space. High School, ha$: been elected a | Lavinia L. Mears, daughter of Sale to be held Sunday. No crafts will be accepted. : ' [ Those who are already members trustee of the NJ. State Bar Foun- ; Edward and Lavinia Mears of arid use racks can sign up for a fee dation, the educational and philan- j Cranford, graduated cum laude 'in The show will be held at the Har- ding School ballfield, Boulevard and of $25 for 10 feet of fence space. thropic arm of the NJ. State Bar {August from Glassboro State Col- planned for all ages Association. -- ; : 14 Street In Kenilworth, starting at 9 Exhibitors who areCron-members ! lege. A graduate of TJhion Catholic a;m, and ending about 5:30 p:m. and donY bring or,use racks can Mr. Flashberg, a past recipient of J High School in Scotch Plains, Ms. The Cranford Recreation and cooking for kindergarten-age chil-j Parks Department announces a dren will be offered Fridays from) ; Lynn Vergano and Manuel Aco-. sign up for a fee of $20 for 10 feet the foundation's prestigious. Medal Mears served in several: organiza- . '...i number of new and ongoing pro- 10:15-11 ajn. or 12:30-1:15 p.m. vedo will start judging about 1i.a,m. of anchor fence space. of Honor, is no stranger to the pub- •tions at college. •• l/ grams to be held this fall, includ- Session I begins Friday, Sept 25 arid will finish by £ p.m; Prizes will All children yyho: sign up pn the lic education forum. He has taught Through her membership in the Sing-Fang Huang of Cranfor^j ing "Sharing of the Ages." and the fee is $25. There is a spe- be avyarded starting at 4 p.rn. Rain day of the show pay $1.50 ^nd are extensively on legal and historical top Public Relations Student Soci- has attained'dean's list status ftir^ Registration for the 'program is cial package rate for kinder; arts , dates will be Sundays, Sept 20 or given 10 feet'of.fence space.' . subjects' at"the high school level ety of America chapter in the na- October will be the start of the and received a fellowship from the the spring semester at Jersey Qtyj being held at the Cranford Com- and crafts and kinder cooking foi ,27. ' •;• : • .-•• :-;.::.,:. ^', tion, Ms. Mears competed against : State College, An average of 3.5 or munity Center; between 9 ajn.-4 $40.' ';'. • .• .-••••../•' ;• •; ••-•'• ' "Donations have come |n from. 25th year of; the l

isity and Cornell University in the ; ;•_•• ••*.*.•. • „•" • , ' •• be no Friday evening registration. registration, and a parent or guard- ; and William J. Derkasch," said been Invited to exhibit first-place Anti-Federalists" at Rutgers Uni- national Bateman Case Study :..and;'|poss|b|y second-place winning : Seven Union County employees The following classes were ian must l>e.present when register- , President Edna M. Hill. ; ...... -^ '.versijiy. • ,; .-• :.• • • • • . .,'. ... Competition. Ms. Mears and her scheduled to begin yesterday: ing. Class size is limited and is on i A patron donated a $100 bond In paintings and photography at the Mr. Flashberg has "served aS an were awarded certificates in public/ Board of Freeholders meeting room five-member team's entrywon first management from Keah College at I bridge, ages 10-17 (class size, mini- a first come, first served basis. memory of Rose Emmert for a child adviser to many school panels, pre- place in May in the northeast dis- mum 6, maximum 16); chess, ages Men's basketball will begin Tues- ages 7 to 17 who best tells the In the Administration Building In sented workshops On mock trial a ceremony at the County Admin- Elizabeth during October. Teens should put working hours in perspective trict competition. istration Building; in Elizabeth^ 9-17 (minimum 6, maximum 14); day, Sept 22, at the Orange Av- story of Christopher Columpus's preparations, and was a coordina- voyage in art work to coincide with All artists who have exhibited In Ask your teens how many hours quences their teens may have '->'. Ms. Mears also served as presi- They include Lester Sargent of j golf, ages 10-19 (minimum 6, max- enue School from 7-10 p.m. Regis- tor of a Summer Training Institute For many teenagers a part-time imum 12) pooVbilliards, ages 14-17 tration fee is $15. Men's over 3E ;: the 500th annh/ersary of this event past shows are invited to exhibit a week they think they need to do Overlooked. A part-time job can be • dent of Delta Zeta national sorority Cranford who is employed in the for law-related education. . job is a part of adolescence. Their (minimum 3, maximum 6); and basketball begins Monday, Sept this year's show Is dedicated to again, and help tine association cel- their homework properly and to rewarding, even if your child's par- at Glassboro. During her lead- Union County Sheriffs Office. Mr. Flashberg tyas a member of reasons for working range from "."ership, the group received recbgni- square dancing, ages 10-17 (mini- 21, at the Cranford Communitj the memory of Mrs. Emmert, past ebrate its 25th anniversary. Exhibi- the board of directors Of the New earning money to buy a car and its prepare for classwork. Then sug- ticular job isn't exciting. Budgeting ;> tors are assigned space on a paid- time, enetgy and earnings can be a tion for its contributions to several mum 8, maximum 24). There is no Center from 7-9:30 pjn. Registra- president and founder of the art as- Jersey Council for the Social Sci- insurance, saving money for col- gest to them that they will want Dr. Robert Warren Cohen, son of first, first-served basis. Applications beneficial learning experience for 'charities and for its top academic fee for any of the programs. tion fee is $15. sociation, art teacher, and a founder ences and chairman of the Student lege expenses, or just to have more . some time to themselves — neither Marlene Leen Cohen and IrwinS. "Shating of the Ages" is for Men's open volleyball night be of Friends of the KenHworth Library, can be picked up at Pearls Art Sup- working nor studying. Of course, a life.. ' ••.•••..•.•• •.•.'•• ,.:. • • '• ;./'• standing On campus. ply store in Woodbrldge, Leisure Activities Subcommittee at Cran- spending money. Help-A-Saurus is an. education Cohen of Short Hills, formerly of Cranford residents ohly.s For more gins Wednesday, Sept 23, from 7 who dedicated her later years to good night's sleep is a necessity, ,''. In March, Delta Zeta named Ms. Arts Center on Route 22 West ford High /SchopL He is also an Whether"--teens work at fast.food program for parents prooided by .^fears the Outstanding President Cranford and Scotch Plains, grad- information, call the Community 10 pan. at Orange Avenue School encourage children to read, write, adviser toV the Orange Avenue too. What's left is available for draw, and paint She taught In Keh- Union, and L&M Frame Shop on restaurants, discount stores or gas Rutgers Cooperative Extension, For in New Jersey. A member of Who's uated May 23 from Georgetown Center at 709-7283. Registration fee is $15. School ModrTrial Club and Cran- stations, th^y all have, on^^conflict worktime. University School of Medicine, In addition, "My Parent and Total conditioning, a coed pro llwortti fbr'many years. ' • Elmora Avenue In Elizabeth. more information about Help-A~ Who Among Students in American For InforrifiatlcincaH 241-0221. ford High School Law and Mock in common: balancing their jobs Remember, adolescents need to Sdurus, contact Ekxtyl L. Mineh, • Colleges and Universities and Washington, D.C. Me," an exercise class for parents gram combining car&ovasculai Latecomers may sign up on the TrialTeam. an,d their schoolwork. . exercise their decision-making and children ages 2-5 will be of- workouts, muscle strengthening Extension Home Economist of Som- Gamma Tau Sigma honor society, A graduate^ of Carnegie Mellon Mr. Flashborg has published sev- A good way to ease this conflict skills, but at. the same time, par- erset Couniy, 310 Milltown Road, Ms. Mears also wrote for several University, Pittsburgh, Pa., Dr. fered on Monday or Wednesday and flexibility exercises, will be ents should point out any conse- from 9-10 am.; Session I begins held Tuesdays and Thursdays at eral articles on teaching legal sub- — or even avoid it — is for parents Bridgewater, 0882 7; 525-6295. student publications and served on Cohen received a dual degree of MICHAEL and JOANNE MORREALE jects and the social implications of and teens to discuss the working bachelor of science and social and Sept 21 and the fee is $35 per ses- the Community Center. Session I :{qthe Associate Dean of Students Ad- : Teleconfereince focuses on worfc quality the law for,- among others, The hours before the job begins. Try to decision sciences with honors. sion. "' • • •..,• . . . •':/ . '. begins Tuesday, Sept 22, from 7-8 Mdsory Board. ; . Preschool arts and crafts for chil- pjn. Registration fee is $40. Union County College will air a Discovery" is a open to the public. Docket and the Newsletter in lavy let your children know, in a non- Dr. Cohen will pursue a resi- It is sponsored'by".AT&fr.'fbffrune Related Education, threatening^ way, that unless 'ml Since graduating, Ms. Mears has Joanne Smith weds dren ages 34 years will teach them These programs are for adults f8 ^national teleconference during i|been writing for the public rela- dency in general surgery at SUNY to color and paint and make inter- '.'which leaders of major United magazine, General Motors, Procter For -more information dn Foun- they're planning a career in double Buffalcf Medical Centers in New years or older and are no longer in and Gamble, and the American So- ||ions department of Overlook Hos- esting games. The program is of- high school Programs canceled for -.States and international corpora- dation programs, contact 1-800- cheeseburgers, their schoolwork York. ciety for Quality Control, and will jjpital. She plans to complete postr Michael C. Morreale fered Wednesdays from 12:30-1:30 any reason will not be made up tions will discuss the development FREE-LAW. takes priority. '. ..***. •.. . be followed by a discussion. '^graduate studies in law and is in- pjn. The fee is $20 and the session and no refunds. , >• of quality-driven^ work environ- |terested in working in federal law Christine Anne Cassidy of Gar- Joanne C. Smith, daughter of friends of the bridegroom. begins Sept 23. The. teleconference will be aired John and Bora Smith of Cranford, The flower girt was Judy Sukovich Registration hours will be 9 ajrn..- ments focusing on the customer. from the college's Cranford cam- $ enforcement. wood and Wendy March-Beffer of Kinder arts and crafts for kin- 4 pjn. and 7:30-8:30 p.m. There will Kenilworth have received scholar- was married June 19, 1992 to and ring bearer was Jonathan -•'•• 'The Quality Forttm Vin Quality pus 9:45 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Thursday, Michael C. Morroate, son of George Sukovich, niece and nephew of the dergarten-age children will be held be no Friday evening registration. Oct L Call 709-7601. IF YOU DIE Y Sarah Johnston was the recipient ship awards at Keari College. Both '92: Leadership, Innovation, and and Joan Morreale of RoseBe. bride. Fridays from 9:15-10 ajn. or 1:30- All programs are on a first come, •&of this year's high school scholar- women received $675 credit toward The Rev. Edward Oehllng per- The bride is a system administra- 2:15 pjn. Session I begins Friday, first served basis..Some class size! jrjship awarded by the Cranford Jun- their tuition. The grant was funded ! tor at AT&T Bell Uboratorlas in Sept 25, and the fee is $20. Kinder are limited. TOMORROW.. through the fifth annual $10,000 formed the nuptial ceremony In St ior Woman's Club in the amount of Theresa's Church In Kenttworth. A Short Hills. She is a graduate of ';'4500. She will major in nursing at Charlotte W. Newcombe Scholar- reception toBqwed at the Twin RoseKe Catholic High School and Oooley FuneralSenice,Inc Which Funeral Home .':£vlllanova. ' . ship-Pinahcial Aid Grant Brooks Country Club In Watcnung. Seton HaH University where she Annual Health Fair slated Caring & Courteous Service to the Will Ybu Choose? The matron of honor was Donna graduated magna cum laude with a Sukovich, sister of the bride. The bachelor's degree In computer sci- ; Cranford/Westfield Area Since 1913 The answer is none, of course. beet man was Kenneth Slmeone, ence. • .-. • .•• • . ..' Sept. 19 at Schering-Plough Dr. Mandel joins surgery Because il you die tomorrow, it will be too lale to choose cousin of the groom. Bridesmaids Her husband, also a graduate of Schering-Plough Corp., 2000 Gal- test, do not take this test); colcj ••• Someone else will have to do il tor you. And who will that were Lorln Morreale, sister of the Rosette Catholic High School,,was loping Hill Road, KenilvvDrth, is rectal screening, breast self-exanj .-! someone be? Your spouse? Your children? A closo named to the dean'* list at Rider •• friend? Whoever it is, it's sure to. be someone you low office in Westfield, Golonia bridegroom; Jill Sukovich, niece of sponsoring the 18th annual Health demonstration, and podiatry examt Westfieid :, Do your loved ones know your wishes? Or where to llnd ;i Former Cranford resident Dr. scopic surgery program. Dr. Man- the bride; Patty Smith, slster-Waw College in LawrencewUle, where he There is a $10 charge for the pneuj important documents? Why not help them now, while you Fair to be held Saturday, Sept 19, 556 Westfield Avenue : sliil.can. !j Marc Mandel recently joined the del has gained extensive experi- o* the bride; Kalhy Byrnes, friend of received a bachelor's degree in from 9 ajn.-2 pjn. ; monia vaccine and $15 for th< 233-0255 That's why we offer our Irce Guide to Planning Ahead !| general surgery practice of Dr. An- ence with the new technique. the bride; Roseanne Bennett, a Journalism. He Is employed by Dorf The following inoculations and SMAC and CBC blood test Many families havB lound it to be helplul It contains !| thony Tonzola. With offices in both friend; and VicW Serafln, cousin of Feature Service In Mountainside Joseph EOooley Inlormation on wills, funeral services, cemotory properly Questioned about its application to tests will be available at the health Persons are advised not to eat and other Ihlnqs your loved ones will need to know in the the bride. end Is a sports writer for Tho Star ^Westneld and Colonia, the doctors gall bladder surgery (laparoscopic fair at no charge; immunizations drink or smoke for 12 hours. Manager . event of your death, ^operate at Overlook and Rahway cholecystectomy), he said IMhers were Jack Smith, brother. & for tiPf, ages 1-7; MMR (three%- The Kenilworth Board of Healt! Take the first step today, by requesting your Ireo Guide lo ^hospitals. Also active in the Department of of the bride, Greg SUer, cousin of After a honeymoon trip to Ber- thanks individuals, organization^ Planning Ahead.There's no obligation. It's simply our way one vaccine provides protection ol4ielpina you. now., prepare for later. •f- Dr. Mandel, a diplomate of the Surgical Oncology at Yale, Dr. the bridegroom; Tom Hunt, Daniel muda, the couple retldes in Cran- and contributors who ore supp [American Board of Surgery, began Mandel said, "Helping to fight can- Grandal and Brendan Rooney, aH against measles, mumps and ru- ing and giving financial assistanc ford. bella); polio vacdne, ages 1-18; tef> Yfis I would likfl a copy ol yoiif emergency records booklet. A Guiiitt lo ;! his surgical residency in New York cer was one of my prime motives to the Health Fair. PIMI)II\II Ahead I understand ihere is no cost or obligation ; ! at Montefiore Hospital and Albert in becoming a physician." Closely anus for adults; medical screening The event is open to the gener Toby Trauis tests for oral, hearing, vision, hy- j Einstein College of Medicine. He involved with the education of Yale public. Kenilworth residents presents '- • , j completed his.,formal training at medical students as an assistant pertension, chiropractic examina- have transportation from the Ker 1 1 Yale University, where he was se- professor, he used innovative Community calendars on sale tion, respiratory, diabetes test (if Cranford dents with useful information for ilworth Senior Citizens BuildinJ "ILLUSION fiND BEVOND ' lected administrative chief resi- teaching techniques and was the The College Women's Club of taking the SMAC and CBC Hood parking lot from 8:30 a.m.-2 p.m. 218 North Avenue dent assistant director of the surgical Cranford's community calendars school, church, club activities, com- 276-0255 Remaining at Yale, Dr. Mandel clerkship. are available at the Cranford li- munity organizations, and local Francis J. Dooley Jr. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 was appointed acting chief of trau- Dr. Mandel did his undergradu- brary, in,several local stores, and services and sport* events. Space DARE programs for parents next week; Manager ma in January 1091. Trained in a ate work at Brandeis University* I UNKIIAI. DIHF.CIORS Two shows: \ 9:00 am Cranford Alliance Chtur«ht from College dub members. The is provided for individual nota- Drug Abuse Resistance Educa- p.m. Tuesday. ) , WILLIAM A. DOVI.i: VMA1 II. OKAV, JR. new branch of general surgery — received a master's degree from sale of calendars is a major fund- tions. The calendar, also includes a CAULETIE I. CIIAIIIKL IUVII) II. ClUIHIiL 10:80 am Retford Ave. & Chetry St t surgical intensive care — he also 0 1 I>ALK II. SGHOUSTRA Georgetown University and his raising effort by the dub for its professional directory and many tion (DARE) parent orientation pro- j"*^ *;. ^J ™^"" ^ ^ Phone: 276-1617 ' served as assistant director of Yale medical degree from Albert Ein- advertisements from local mer- ^"», J t. «JI .ii « » offered at tiie Hillside Avenue : ,'IH Ciifcl Uroiill Si., IV.,1 II. Cray, Jr. Mvr. M3-0IJ.A New Haven Hospital's Surgical In- stein. scholarship fund. The cost is $2. IJ Siiriiiulklil Avv,, Wllllum A. llinlcM mMWl free admission ~ child care provided ( chants. For additional information grams will be held at the Brook- ga^ at 8 pm Wednesday in the Charles V.'tootsy JohnLPooley Matthew H, Dooley tensive Care Unit Raised in Cwuiford, Dr. Mandel In September-tc-September for- i •---• -••—— ——-——-—•'••' "-••••'—•••• -'• x As an initiator of Yale's laparo- attended Cranford High School . mat, the calendar provides resi- call Judy winter, 276-1576. side Place School auditorium at 8 cafeteria. -The Chronicle A-10 Community life September 10,1992. • September 10, 1992 .,•;:, (KhronicU On the inside: You said it: aide addresses Yoga to begin Monday 'Once you get It In your blood you want to Q Scoreboard ...... ,•.._.„...... B-2 back.' ' .• . ' v •;,:. ••' . -; NlcoleVYogaCenter-at^F ..... -AIQjayg. seniors on nea care Ave., Garwood, will begin its fall pro- program for those Interested In par- Brearley soccer coach on the state sectionals. gram Monday of 18 classes weekly ticipating. In a. yoga teachers' train- The Kenilworth Senior Club held Martin McCrea. i' for beginners through advanced ing program or for those who want ••••>•' its, mbnthly meeting Sept 2 at the The annual ball game between students of all ages. • a more intense yoga program for Kenihvorth -Center. County Sur- the seniors and municipal employ- "Postural Stretching" Is sug- personal fulfillment An- information rogate Ann; Conti spoke on "Ad- ees will take place Saturday, Oct 3, gested for those with back prob- and registration session will be held vanced Directive for Health Care," at. the little League Field. , \ lems, two meditation classes for Saturday, Oct 10, at 1 p.m. SPORTS with a question and answer period The Institute will befOpen for reg- Brearley spceer looks beginning and advanced students MATTERS The Brown lowdown following. Miss Burkat weds . also Is offered. A free "Open Heart Istration and personal evaluation Guests Muriel Galati and Vir- Discussion" will be held noon Sat- tomorrow^ from 10:30 am.-2 p.m. ginia Franco announced the Board Richard Aimone urday for those Interested In med- and Saturday from 1-4 p.m. For toward 2nd state title of Health programs: Schering- itation. ••' • : more information, call -789-6426. mil Michelle Ann Burkat, daughter Plough Health .Fair, 9 ajn.-2 pjn. By SCOTT ZUCKER competitiveness. Scourzo will be Saturday^ Sept 19; food give-away of Mt.. and Mrs; Carl Burkat of making the rriove from right back ^C^ahford, was married Aug. lS, BV THE CHRONICLE . ' from noon-4 pjn. Thursday, Oct 8; tosweeper.. •• •:, -. ,;. ' ;..; and !a flu clinic from. 9 &m.-noon, 1992 to Richard Aimone of White ALLIES With seven starters returning "He is a speedster and has excel- Plains, N.Y., son of Mr, and Mrs. Tuesday, Oct 13, at the health of- Sylvan Learning Center from last year's Group 1, North 2 lent all-around skills," Czaya said fice. . ; •',•.•. •• ' ' .:• ' • ."'•.'. Charles Aimone of Rahway... State Sectional championship of the senior. "He has been a great The bride, a graduate of William • '.!> V' Helping kidsbetheir best. teajm, the Dayid Brearley soccer leader coming out of the back." At the Cranford Health and Ex- Paterson College, is a 4-H youth Reuter unclogs tended Care Center, 364 hours squad's streak of 20 consecutive The other returning starters in- , program director of Passaic County winning seasons does not appear dude baseball. standouts ,. Chris were volunteered during the sum- for Rutgers Cooperative Extension. Bears boosters mer. Prizes wbre donated by A. •Boostyour child's grades. y' ".. • • • injeoparcly.. fteino and John Ciravalo. Reino is She is studying for a master's de- i .. •••. • i • • Coach Al Czaya, now in his 24th a sophomore forward and Ciravalo Bromberg, H. Brunski, j. Caforio, gree at Rutgers Graduate school of •Build self-esteem. , ;' Bob Beuter has been a C. Cherence, M. Ciano, M, Qoonati, •Programs in reading, math, algebra, season, has established a long tra- is a serdor striker.. Junior Nick Social Work. pavid Brearley Regional high dition of excellence. Last season, Chanko returns at forward and M. Dulembai H. Fischer, E. Harth, Her husband, a graduate of Mair? writing, SAT/ACT college prtp, study [School booster since the ••.•• .'**:• ••••• the 18-4 Bears advanced all thejunior Matt Layden moves; from M. Jarusz, D. Keyes, J. Kraus, W. auette University, is a medical skills, liomework support and titne jBchoQl.orjened In 1966. Kyta, A. LaCosta, M. Leikauskas, management. . . way to the state semi-finals before defender to midfielder. Phil Rug- equipment specialist for Lumex » Reuter first became a mern- being nipped in the dosing sec- gieo, the second leading scoring R. Masullo, A, MacAleavy, L. Pilat, t~t>er of the Band Booster Club •Inc. " • ••..• ;. ' ..." ''.'. •-.'•'• •-••; .~ onds by Glen Rock 3-2. Brearley last year, will also return. • S. Rasinski, C. Raymond; L. Rei- The couple will reside in White • Sn 1966, and served until 1978, LORA ANN SILLITp and JOHN McCARtHY mers, A, Sabolchick, M. Stoll, A 494-2300 has won the state sectionals five The competition is hot at goal- plains, N.Y., after a honeymoon in ••. Including seven terms as presi- years running and, last year, just keeper between sophomore Scott Vest, L. Weslock, M. Yohannan and Bermuda. EDISON pent In 1979; he joined the missed making it to the state finals' Jankunas and junior Mike GosdL L. ZygneYskL (Near JFK Hospital) ^thletic Booster Club, pnd has for the third straight; year, Juniors Bobby. Jeans and Ralph Lori iSillito Is engaged ; Trips include Villa Roma vaca- been It's president for past 10 "We are looking to take our place Giacobbe and senior Craig Rapc- tion in .the Catskills, Sept 21-25; ' ' ' in the sectionals again this year," zynski y/ill occupy the fullback po- Qctoberfest Villa Bagliori Dinrterv QUALITY LOW COST yf. "'My wife "Phyllis has been • said Czaya. "Once, you get it in: sitions with Joe Pelusio also in the {with me every step of the . to John E, McCarthy Theatre, Highland, N.Y., Thursday, yotir blood you want to be bade" .mix. •',. . ,, ' •'• • '../ •..•••.,;'. •' .Oct 22; Christmas show, Spinning DENTAL CARE ")way," said Reuter. "She, along Nancy Sillito of Crariforcl an- Brothers as a vice president of in* Diabetic Care Products Among those who;hope to help Czaya is npt worried about keep- Wheel Imi, Redding Ridge, Conn., . 'iwith Don and Irene Legg and nounces the engagement of her stitutional sales; - ; ONLY;:$85 yr.. sjngle Brearley get back are Bear'tai- ing up the level of excellence his Thursday, Dec. 10. Contact Betty or $150 yr. - family of 4 .... '/ItRuss. McNair, have been the captains Mark Durante, Mike Mic- team has set over the last few daughter, Lori Ann to John Law- An October wedding is planned. j.rnalnstays df the. club. Also ; UP TO 60% SAVINGS ciche arid Joey Scourzo. Durarite is years;-, y. •' •• ' •.-•.;• 'V rence McCarthy, son of Mr. and jjGlnny Ferrara and Joanne/ ..... • ROB.PAINBTHE CHRONICLE a senior midfielder and may play "Last year people thought we AVAILABLE TO EVERYONE! Mrs. Timothy^, j. McCarthy of vQapizzanp have been our 50-. Cranford Coach Mick Brown talks things over with senior running back Ron Walker. The the center midfielder position this were in a-rebuilding year and we Wayne, Pa. • fREEPETAILS CALL ANYTIME, •£5Q fund-raising ladies for the Cougars open the season Sept. 26 hosting Shabazz at 1:30 p.m. season. . •, -..•• •'•.. .':.--- • '• ••. fooled them," said Czaya. "With The bride-elect is a graduate of inIIniinunHNI mi j;past 10 years.,They all deserve "He has a great ability to read our depth I think we can stay com- Cranford High School and Rutgers LASER LIMITED I; much of the credit for the suc- the garrie," Czaya said of Ehirante. petitive. I think we can maintain a MUSICAL DISCOUNT CENTER 1-KOO-3.W-7OH1 I'M. I cess of the club." "He sees the field and is a tremen- levd of confidence. College. She is employed at United "But when you are on the top of Evaluators, Inc. as vice president 350 North Avenue • Garwood, NJ •789-1939 ((iiilsiiU'dlNJ. <>0«-4W-«>761) S| Reuter was bom In Ken- dous distributor." > ilrworth, He retired from the po-. Kenilworth area feel Micdche returns at the stopper'. the ladder, someone is always of marketing. •••••••. : Call for SeptembBr Hours 5 lice department, as a lieutenant position. The senior is noted for his going to. try to kick it oiit from r Her. fiance is in graduate of Arch- ATTENTION PARENTS: v in 1976, after 28 years-of-ser- 4htiinidatih# ^le"diTplay aiad his • (Please turn to page B-2)' bishop Carroll High School and Glucometer3 'One Touch II • Do you have a student who will be taking Instru- PAINTING iVice.. He attended the Harding at home oh the ranges ViUanova University where he is mental music lessons this fall? PLUS AccurCheck III • Tracer II j School in Kfenllworth and enrolled in the MBA program. He • Come compare our rental prices 5Arthur L.Johnson in Glark be- By NORB GARRETT you need ah opponent or at least a No, iPs not for everyone, but it is a is employed by Shearson Lehman • All rental repairs are FREE Fully ; fore graduating in 1943. In recdver. How about shooting? steady aspect of business at Ray's Butting heads •' koaners available while your instrument is being • high. school he was an out- TJHE CHRONICLE,. Yes, handgun shooting. Throw Sports Shop in North Plainfield repaired Insured {standing wrestler, placing and Union County Trap and Skeet ANSWERS TO CKO5SW0KP PUZZt£ Clark Drugs and Surgical So you're sitting there, a week- out your misconceptions about AK- 1; fourth in the state as a 125- in Kenilworth. IN COMMUNITY LIFE SECTION • end afternoon, it's kinda crummy 47's and gun-toting hooligans; BACK TO SCHOOL SALE ..Jpounder. Upon graduation, he . Shooting draws, its nurnbers Interior & Exterior Painting and raining outside and you're v^'re talking • everyday. New" Jer- s L|TlS»R|U|N|G«C|H|O 60 Westfietd^Ave., Clark • 381-7100 5 served In the U.S. Army. He from an array of sportsmen — and A EIU1TBO|L|I|O1AJV1D HN Paper Hanging thinking, "Hey, what's there to seyans heading. out to the firing many more women in recent years. V vll EBO U T OfFlS TU >I*NE L t David Markowitz B.S.R.P. '! was stationed In the Pacific do?" Tennis is out; football, well, range for some shooting practice. 0 EMpfElT^MDtL 1MB vIoprJIrUE b LESSONS AVAILABLE • 'theater of operations during But as Ray's manager Roger Mis- s s p IIDIEIR, 276-9394 -•the second World War. . tove points out, shooting isn't just sport for law enforcement officers, H DWSWSU T E S|T AMWNJE|STT on Guitar/Band Instruments & Keyboards His wife Phyllis Is also a Ke- • P A A RJBPIA i eppgHlolp ^Iworth nation.. Her grandfa- hunters, home defense or gun af- L NP(E|U L EUHPlEfiLL $ 00 ficianados. -- L N| '•'; 12 H Kther, John Hiller, was one of f< •iilllMl What's great about shooting is 1 si 0i Morsifjtp ^the founders of the borough. there are no physical constraints,'* 1 nton County w t Come in & meet our teaching staff ;tThey have four children: Rob- R TUOIOPIA T E|SWS1P_AIT EBD I L said Mistove, the manager of Ray's 1 H[SJBP]UIL *1 LESSON FREE WITH THIS AD -'ert, Janis, Lisa, and Scott. All Sports Shop .for 21; years " pnce S pjifoWpjE sMs] i Lp >fh/e are graduates of. Brearley' f i 1 r . >New Students Only you-gettobei 80Jyiait; -sm,-.'if j5Sl. GRACE • St. 1 The! ^HighSchool. , D ili stall have a steady hand, you can E u L FHUIL P=q Serving Area Schools For 20 Years United' Church of (Jlni.vl Garwood . ;j The Booster Club supports ••••• • •••&•.••••••.' still shoot. You can't still jplay foot- N H *~~~*~' Aulhorljidcl Donlor for Marshall, Korg, Guild, Ampog, Yamaha & Crate Presbyterian \ai\ high school programs. S BJ • '••• ..'• • ; :.' '.. . '-.' / .' '; . •••;••' ".. EXP.10/01/92 •»7i"\ "213 GCMCI St. ball and baseball, probably." - USome of its significant activities E mm s] PEACES ;• (ianvixuf: Church Ray's offers the only indoor pis- ^include: spdrisdring the annual 341 Spruce Avenue tol range in the Forbes Newspapers FELLOWSHIP. Usenior all sports banquet, pur- Garwoodi NJ, 07027 area, while the Trap and Skeet fat- 950 RA1UTAN ROAD 789-1285 chasing trophies for team 789-0360 ality boasts outdoor day pigeon CRANFORD, NEW JKRSIiY 07016 v •iMVPs, operating refreshment Ga/y1 Wetzel, Pastor and target practice for hunters and (DOg) 276-8740 ' ; ; Rev. Frederick Rogers ^stands,at.various sports funo Sunday School and gun owners. Both are well- , Putpr* Dein & Virgihii Kmulien ;itions, providing scholarships to Worship niul .Snmhiy .School Worship Service -10:00 a.m. managed operations, providing Sunday -10:00 A.M. Worship *lboy and girl athletes, admlnls- 9:30 A.M. Wednesday Night Prayer dean, safe shooting arid bffer ev- Wcdnciday - 7:30 P.M. Teaching Child Circ Av;iil;ii>lc Itering the Edward D. Bvyln Power Wllh Praise Sdrvlce - 7:30 p.m. erything but gun rental ';•' ^Scholarship to a football playef, Ray's, located at 559 Route 22 1> making contributions to team FIRST UNITARIAN SOCIETY West, has offered enthusiasts an OFPLAINFIELD ST. LUKE'S A.M.E. KENILWORTH ij parties and other activities, pro- indoor range since 1971. Store Unitarian (Jniversalist gvidlng Mr. and Miss Regional owner Ray Lueddeke originally. ZION CHURCH GOSPEL CHAPEL >! plaques, preparing and dlstrib- started his shop in Scotch Plains in 500 Downer St.i Westfield Newark Ave. & 23rd St., Konllworth | uting the football program, pur- 1947, but that store burned down, WELCOMES YOU 908-272-6131 | chasing gifts for first year in 1970, at which time he moved Rev. Theodore Calhoun, Sr,, Pastor 1 cheerleaders and supporting operations to North Plainfield. An 908-233-2547 Sunday Services: lithe local Pop Warner football . / GEORGE PACCIELUVTHE CHRONICLE indoor firing range has always ROB PAINE/THE CHRONICLE .1.1 AM r Family Bible Hour and Steam. ''-. •; ' '•: SUNDAY SERVICES 7:00 PM - Evening Services The Union County Trap & Skeet Range In Lenape Park In Ken- been a staple of the store, and the Cranford senior defensive end Chris Dorsett fights off a Church School 8:30 «m \ This year, the Club has em-r 724 Park Ave., Plalhflelcl, W 07(WO WorthlpSsrvtcu 10:30 am . Monday, 7:00 PM • Boys Brigade llworth, the only Forbes-area outdoor shooting range, Is open 50,000^quare foot North Plainfield block during a recent practice. Wednssday, 7:30 PM • Prayer and Bible Study v barked on'a new fund-raising 908-756-0750 WEDNESDAY SERVICES weekends year-round. (Please turn to page B-2) Friday, 7:00 PM. Youth Mooting' -activity. Beginning after Labor Reverend Murgot Campbell Gross Prayer Servtco 7;3O BM Blblo Study 8:00 am . Friday Night Children's Club i Day, members will be selling Sunday Services, Child C«r*-9;30-11:30 AM Holy Communion 74:30 PM (Grade School Age) Church Sthool • H.10MI . Flnl and Thkd Sunday* - . Call For More Information I Gold C Saving Spree discount (books. Book purchasers also ars soccer seeking to continue winning ways CALVARY 5 have the opportunity to win a Redeemer Lutheran Church GREATER v $i>5,O0Q scholarship for a stu- uation is secure. Senior Dan Beams is very a ' v play- Hecht, who moves from stopper. Hecht is a Clark and Cowperthwalta Place LUTHERAN CHURCH ; dent of their choice. By SCOTT ZUCKER strong and physical player. (2 Block* North of Lord and Taylor) l MT. ZION-UHC steady and provides the necessary leader- maker from 108 Eastrnan St., Cranford i Besides Reuter, the Booster THECHRONICLE \ . WesMleld, NJ 43 lohnson Avenue ship.,-;',. .••.•.'.':: .'•• .. • •; •'••':.. '.. • his mid- FALL PREVIEWS In addition to the seven starters, three Z Club officers Include: Legg, 232-1517 276-2418 Cranford, NJ 07106 . returning lettermen are expected to make !j vice presldent^Connle Scuderi, Much was made about the turnaround of "He is one of the premiere goalies in the fiddeir posi^ Rev. Paul E. Kritsch, Pastor t (908)276-0830 0Boy«8oce«r: key contributions. Seniors Idike Moffitt, the (3ranford football program last season, county," said Ray. "He is very quick and is tion, while Robert Borchln, D.C.E. . ChrisBnt Rtgtn, AuH'tmu PASTOR: REV..CHARLIE W. BULLOCK jt vice president; John De Stefa- D Todd Schechter and Mark Chandros will i nls, vice president; Linda Me but even more impressive was the about- an eJficeUent distributor." Hartmann Sunday Wonhlp S«v)<*» - KM ud 11:00 un SUNDAY WORSHIP SERVICES Sunday Worship Service:. • Pteld Hockey move in at wing back, midfielder and strik- SundtySohool-8:80 im G Menamln, corresponding seo- face pulled off by the Cougar soccer squad. The Cougars also have seasoned players brings an • Cfpti Country 8:30 a.m.& 11:00 a.m. 10 am Sunday School er, respectively. : W«dn«d»y S«vk*i - 7;M pin SUNDAY CHURCH SCHOOU & 11:30 am Morning Worship «retary, McNair, treasurer and . Cranford went 14-5-1 befor^ suffering a 1- in seniors-Mike t>ilrid and Chris PanWewitz. added scor- Qy l ADULT FORUM '/Janet De Beau, recording sec* ing punch to . • QM» Tennl* Ray acknowledges that it could be a tough The Forbes Newspapers Community Cookbook is now available in a limited Worship B«tvk:«» utd KduaUan Haw Weekday Services: 0 loss to Westfield in the County, champion- Diltio returns at right wing back while D Football (In tpoclal Issue) 9:45 a.m. ;»retary. : midfield. year in the highly competitive Watchung edition convenient-steed ^7 x 10) paperback to: ChiUUut D«y School ship game, the Cougars first appearance in Pankiewitz mans the sweeper spot A Congregation of the Evangelical 8 pni Wednesday Bible Study Conference. •Keep in your kitchen •.,.',, Lutheran Church In America 8 pm Friday I'rayer & Praise [j "The town gave me a good the finals. Coach Bill Ray lost top-scorer "Mike leads by example," Ray said of Di- "He is ca- \* living when I was a police of- Greg Michaels, but can take comfort in his Iria "He has excellent skiils and is as tech- pable of "It was. a very strong conference last year •Use for'gifts (brides, hostess, stocking stuffers) : •Send to family and friends. ,; fleer," Reuter said. "My particl- seven returning starters. .nicaliy;.ocirrect'as any player we have. Pank- scoringfrom anywhere on the field," Rayand I think the conference N^ill be even TERRILLROAD SPECIAL "RALLY DAY" PROGRAM ON SEPT. 13 !; patJon with the Boosters Is my "Our senior leadership should make us a iewitz is very aggressive and really holds said of Hartmann. "He is. a skilled player stronger this year," said Ray. "Scotch Plains There are over 100 recipes in six unique categories: BAPTIST CHURCH !•: way of giving something back. power to be reckoned with," said Ray, who is things together." ' and has an excellent attitude." is going to be tough with 10 starters return- Family Favorites • Microwave Magic 1340 Tcrrlll Rd. Scotch Plain* •'My greatest reward Is walking entering his 18th season. "But we are re- With the departure of Michaels, goal scor- Halter moves up to striker from defense ing and Westfield should be up there with fc down Kenllworth VBIvd. and .seven starters back. Kearny is.always strong Recycling Left6vers • Healthy Eating 322-7151 Illusionist Toby Travis at 9 & 10:30 am building our whole offense." ing duties will fall on the triumvirate of se- and should use his superior speed to be the' \ having some youngster stop While he may have his concerns about the and Rahway returns virtually the whole Ethnic Specialties • Easy But Elegant j; and say hello." niors Stank Halter and John Wlthington and Cougars' top goal-scoring threat Also chang- Sunday: . ' offense, Ray knows that his goalkeeping sit- junior Ken Hartmanri. Wlthington has been ing positiotts will be senior midfielder Mike team. There are no easy teams." 0:46 AM • Sunday School Evening Worship Service at 6:30 pm At least one recipe from every Forbes community cook who entered the 11:00 AM • Morning Wonhlp contest will, appear in this keepsake booklet 0:15 AM - Church Training 7:15PM-Ev«nlnflWor»hTp it, Wadnttdiiy: - SALES SERVICE Order your copies today for only $4.95 each, including postage and 7:00 PM - Pr«y«r Mttllng CRANFORD ALLIANCE CHURCH SERVICE SPECIALS FOR MOM'S TAXI handling, or stop by the Somerville, Bedminster, New Brunswick, Westfield Nursery Car* Provided 7 CHERRY STREET, CRANFORD . 276-1617 KEMPER (908) 469-4500 (908) 469-4100 or Cranford office to pick up your copy after July 20. Allow 4 weeks for printing and delivery. ROUTE 22 EAST • Pontlac Master Dealer ST. BERNARD'S (908)272-8866 Child Care Provided SERVICE HOURS: AT 287 OVERPASS • 51 Years Dependable Service CATHOLIC CHURCH 7:45-5:15 Mon.-Fri. • 1941-1992 Ndmo 368 Sumner Av. BRIDGEWATER ^ r Addrosa >.. Plainfield 1 2 WHEEL 756-3393 TUNE-UP] rROTATE" . 5-UBC OILT 1 -Slalo, Zip Mass Schedule Jacob's Well 9S"'' TiREs" ' 'THLTEB1 'INSPECTION' { SCE 'ALIGNMENT I havo onclosod $4.95 (oC oach oL^^.co

-The Chronicle- . \ B-2 Sports September10,1992_*~ News

PUBUG NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE ^PUBUC NOTICE ftJBUC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC, NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE 8HEWFF8SALE . MhbhN Ml b* p>t«l la agoh • mnw w NOTICE Tot knaatig admnbt «M tnaty. PMttd al t mating ol' Janay (1901), bt anal tit aamt to hanby tmtndtd by Ratdng at t rnatang of tit TowraNp Comtntoat of tit . Send us your comments: Call in your scores: I M to MhUt I* kdna "Hw—<4t»To*n+t>ai,Cni*ni.HJ. cnarntigtMutaofrnaavapaoataaaainnladbatow. Townahto of CnjrfbmVNJ. on Tutaday. S^ttmtow 8.1882 d urn* k dcawt to.«» nttm or alghffMning *» paridng Onbnot DM Imndimd mxi-pmma on fnt nMdng « • onTutadty,8tpltmoira.1Ki2.' . ' A. Upon ptodng » MNcaa h • partdng mat*- apaoa. tit and waibtoonanutd tor omiatiti^lni lor Find Pwiauitllar ATTEST; _ . . Publo Hatr>« at tw Munkglpal BukJng. Crantoni NJ. on te. apaca. , ' , ' mMttna ot *• Borough Corel of tw Borouoh ol Qtmood. h cptntor ol tit vthUt ttiat MnadMHy dtpbta or oautt e Attn: Sports Editor Phone: (908) 276-6000 in. Crirty o( LMon. SW* at NMW Jwwy, h«ldon.ti»BgWi ArttntM.qigan. " '. •' b i < M> Tutaday. Btpitmbar 22.1892ttBJdpjn.p» tooapabta by rnaaKlotant anal nontmt ont (1) dknt - r aa aakJ ma«ar can tn rtiphtd. -1 J CAPITAL PUT*) and thai bt unfcna Msatom *tl bt on tit ptMn TOWNSHP OF CRANFORD NOTICE Of PBONOORONANCE phot tl paraona who may bt tnaraitad turtln «• bt ojvtn BALANCE ORDINANCE ._ mntralti» atMantd n»t. • , , ORDNANCE NO. 82-38 AN ORONANCE AMENDING ARTICLE XX. SECTION CTOHWW OF EXECUTION FOR BM£ OF M0«r- Thv FongoinQ .Ofdntnov wss Inlroduosd md pHMd on - •n opportunftytote I!•••*• «w>wi>v -~ —• -—• - - , AN ORONANCE APPROPWATtW 18000000 WOMJHE Baoton Z Al otar odnanott orpditona thtrabf tn oontd t RJ * i f ( Thb Ctit l l CAPITAL FUND BALANCE OS THE GENERAL. CAPITAL ~ "• "' i iifiittiarilijuiitMiiiifii-ttlMl 21*,110 CHAPTER 21 • OF THE "CODE OF OFIOMANCES The clinics will be held on Saturdays, Sept. week: •' •-' • . A oopy of 1* ordkiarat hat bun poaMd on tit BuMin Board upon which pubto nofctt ant cuatjnmriy pontd In In FUND TO DEFRAY THE COSTS OF THE AOOUSmONS OP ' StotoSto i 3. TThlla oidkwiot «• lakf aaaol upon pubtcaUon OP THE TOWNSHP OF CRANFORD. NEW JERSEY (10921". 12-Oct. 10, With beginners meeting from 9-10 FOUL SHOOTING: 6. & 7-yeaH>ld - Jeremy .co Q Muidpal BuUhg of t» Boroutfi« Oarwocd. and a copy la VARIOUS EQUPMENT AND MWOVSMENTS. AM) AU- ^MpaaMgttapaMoKby.liw. ••'•' ^- BY AOONQ SUB-SECTION C AND.DESIONAT1NQ HW«- IN THE NEWS SWIMMING J a.m., and Intermediate players meeting from Martin; 8 & 9-year-old — Keith Shaw; 10 & up Pubic HMring « t» Mridpd Butdno. Cmnd. NJ. m ajdaHi iip«i inlniiiirfrrjtifTmT -*—*1 -" TI***~ THORBNO THE MPR0VEMENT8 THEREOF. CAPPEDPARWNO: : ' • •• . •• . Take a plunge Timdiy. Sab 22 HBt^ftOO ^itk nwnbtm of tV> gintral pubtc of *m Bcrouoh who anal SECTION 1. ft* t» TownaHp ol Otntad autotaid tit BE IT ORDANED by tit Townthlp Comnr*tt« ol tw To*n- 10-11 a.m. . • • , , . . — Larsson bavls. . . •..'••"., . anp of Crartbrd, Ntw Jattty on Ml lit! Friedman, Bost win race Swimmer* Wanted for New Team ATTEST: nquMttuah copkt.it t» oaot d tit Boreutfi Cart In ttkl toaowlnB knprovmanti tor tit Townthlp ol Cnnlorl, Oourty QO __. Those' Interested In further Information HOT SHOT: 6 & 7-year-old - Jeremy Mar- ol UnioniSMto of Naw Janty, tar tit put* punxtai puau- That FoiMOaTiQ OidanHtW 'MM InboduOvd thtS pwMd on Sacton i. That Stobon 219-110 ot Arid* XX of Oupur Paul Friedman and Madeline Bost won the Coming off of the Garden State Gam&s, the tnt to tw prbtUon ol NJAA..4tt4M and 40A:4.1 tt ttd. 210, Xodt of OroVianoaa of tit TowntNp of Cnrtord. Nnv 1 should call 709-7601. tin; 8 & 9-year-old — Brian Muscatello; 10 & Up p FM RtaoVa at t mttfrig of tit Townahb CommMat of tit mons and wompns' titles In the 15th annual newty-formed Centennial Masters Swim team—• CCM4ilStDt10, T882 . toroontkltrtlonolWftOOaoa Townahb of Cnntnt NJ. on Tutaday. Stptmbtr 8,1982 Jtraty (1882), bt and tit aanv to hnby amtndad by :•''.'.' . • •*• /..''.' ••••••. ~ RyanHelmstedder. •••••.•••.:• knwn tr S3 Mbodnn AMMKCrmtord, NM CCfl30iT8tpLI0.1M2 lfd tdJnaaubtaotonCttanurntrtlidbalow., . Fall Classic fivo-mllo road race Sunday In Is looking for competitors, fitness Instructors RanwalofundtiBroundaUtgfa_^ and wlIbt oonanuad tar oonaklataton tar Rnal Ptaatga tttr . Power boating Championships .DRIBBLING: 6 & 7-yearold - Robby Denl- BOBOUOHOFOJMIWOOWOOO SECTION Z Thtt t» turn of WWOff b% and hwtoy to Publo Haartng at .t»' Muntalptl fluking, Cranbrd. NJ. on. a Tht Chtol of Potot may dtalgnait otrtaki ptitdng apao- Cranford.. Friedman edged Westtleld's. Joo and tri-atheletes alike. If you are looking for a • OKXMMXNaWKXMNWif f approprttttd torn trfttpg Ctpl«1F««( Batonot to dttay t» Tutaaay, fltptoinbir 22.1MSat *ot> pm uitMWig tmt. tt torhnloapptd pnona, Suoh aptow ante bt proptrty Tho New Jersey Power Boat Championships cola; 8 & 9-year-old — John Martin; 10 & up — Nurtbr. 473 ' • . . TOWNSHP OF CMNFORO potltd and thU bt ilM-li onr/ to Mhiotot wkh pfopar Sllya and finished In 25:32 while Cranford's high quality workout and stroke work, but not AN awANce PROVONQ ron THE I«« scewtx .•*•- . ORDINANCE NO. 62-34 o^aTauohaoaitalonandlnoklartWooat . . ATTEST: '•.''• . . will be held at Hopatcong State Park Sept.-19- RbbbyHubbach.. ' . ! . SECTION s.T>t»OiolnanotahaIt*»*P»ct upon put** AiUntHOgon . . . . •ptcW IdartMloh it bttonajng to htndoapptd pawn Mlkd McHalo had a time bi. 26:15, QO enough competition, the Masters are istlll Interested In IWVEMENT PnOQHAM FOR TH6 BOBOUOH OFQAB- AN ORDMANC£ TO AMEND AN ORDINANCE AS AMEND- . Such darionaton M handoapptd ptrton apaott tha> oon- 20 from hopn-6 p.m. to benefit area Special ED AND KNOWN AS THE LAND DEVELOPMENT OKH- MunUpalChrtc' • (or third place. your participation. Tho Masters conduct prac- WOOO AND APffOWATNaTHE SUM OFT^WTHOU; COJ43itStpL la i»i *m h •• *^».to «* •PProprttlt M t«ut» md reoJ»- Olympics. ' SANOSIKOWXimDOUARBTOFAYTHECOSTTHERtoF. . NANCE OF THE TOWNSHP OF CRANFORD (ORDtMNCE KO» "' ' • ' **• ' • '. • '•• BOWLING tice at the Centennial Pool In. Crawford and, ': n Awnut 7HHttHnorn tit Nanhwtft aldt of Union Town**»0omm«lt« BE TT OROAINEI) by tn Miyor ind Cound dt» Boraugh NO. 77-33) TO DELETE IMSTfTimONAL AND PUBUC USES Stdton 2. Al otwr adnancM or portions thtmof In conllct The raoes are pfflcaUy sanctioned by We AS CONOmONAL OR PRNCFAL PERMTTED USES N . N0WSOFreND»«0R0C .'••" TOWMHt» OF CRANFORD. Trlathalbh registration cometHlon Is open to all swimmers aged 25 ft "' ' ' 1 oriiuuiitltttnthiiiwMiinihtrtbyrtpialtd. American Power Boat Association,' and will fea- i la dua yiraiiitHV .*•' tLrrt o( $157»«.7O to-' SKfcn I.UndrtUng of4h* \m j****.^SSSfTS THE ROM AND HO1-2 ZONES '. . . Tht Fomgofcg Otdhmot wta Hroduotd and natad on ' CfONANCE NO. 82-40.' Gold Modal Fitness Center and Cranford . Bowling Registration and older. For more Information, please call h laMi Mtntt torn October 11, leei and coalt, Pngnm fcr CM Boraugh ot Qmnod to hpnby nJhojtad. Th» FK Rtadng at • mataVig ol t» Toanthb Comniaw of tit 8**n 1 THa Ofdranotwl taha aOact upon pubtcanwi • ture 70 boats from the U.S. and Canada In Wwtat, tha Ptomang Boaid of to Townhlp of CnHbrd ANOnOWNCE SEmNO »ORTH TME FEE FOR THE PUR- attrtml'pimgi «a proUoad by bw. r . The Hillside Ave. PTA Bowling League Is the pool at 709-7260. . . »la t U Itgtl detorlpeon on ft K the Union Cat*/ Bh EhMr to h«tby mMaAM md duttxl to^pnj- Townahb ofCnrtbrd. NJ. onTUaattay. S#mt«itr««.. 119«a CHASE OF OfWHANCC CODE BOOMS AND YEARLY UP- : Bike Shop are sponsoring a Triathalon. on dl*dt*«»w«pnj*bk«ng htt raoommandad inmttont arid pubic um bt datolad ta r^ Edward M-noblwin.. three race types — Inboard hydroplanes, pro/ •idwtbto»r«nutdtoruui»aJaittnifcrWntirtaiaa»t » 68 Sun., Sept. 13,-All proceeds will be donated to starting up on Sept 8. Anyone Interested In tthar oonoHonal or prindptl partnMtd utat ki tit ROM P*! ..: •_ _. . .. I _j., • :'•'• ' . ' '. OWm»n.Tow™MpCc«nmlllat ..': docurmntt. .• . / ,. , andR01-2ionat1nthtTowraNpofCrantard;and .. Pubao Hartn tt t» MunWptl BuMng, Oranbid, NJ. 1 ' 'I '' tho local American Heart Association. The stock and, Jersey speed skHfs. .'•.>' IcJnlng, please call Roe'fritz-at 272-6477. The . Swton' 2. Thmi to bnby appraprMKl' *•' wh of Wianaa, tit.Tbwntnto.taf Cnntord hM ncantiy tdoptad NOTICE OF PENOMQ OR0MANCE KARATE . Wwtte. «<• Townahlp ConvraMt of tit Towtiahp of T*Si*28«) an otdkianot whoi oodHid ril. ol tit ofdnviott u tit ovcnt consists of a 2O-mllcj Indoor stationary Cost Is $5 adults; $2 children under 12 or league bowls at Clark Lanes on Tues: after- **CMtoiFjntlD1M/*»cnt Crtnford taato tul tw i»uani a^pand mU *n* hn* J17J4 CC6421tStptfO.19e2. NOW THEREFORE BerrOHOAWED BY THE TOWNSHP tion, call 201-989-0579 or 201-361-9400 (In ad- The 1992 New Jersey Professional Karate T- baan oraltd In twtimi E»Jiimm uiaaufcad bytaiy. durta tat tor* In NJSA. 4CMSS0-1 tt aav Publo Htartno at tw MunUpri BuUng,. Oanbrd,' NJ. on by-Frl., Sept 11. For registration Information . Qarwood bowlers sought : . NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT ORDAMED BY THE TOWN8HP COMMITTEE OP THE TOWNSHP OF CRANFORO, NEW League, Ina Championships will take place on S««cn 4. Tha otpkal buagat ol t» Borough of Otowoodto •nJtjAry. 8tc«imb« 2S, 1992 at SOO pmrfrtwano int. call Gary Pattl at Gold Medal Fitness at 276- vanco) or 201-398-7010 (weekend of the CC6S2 41 AugaO^T, 5*pt 3,10,1982 COMMTTBE OF THE TOMNSHP OF CRANFORD, NEW TC^WOHPOFCRAMPORD JERSEY:.-, ' •• - '• ' .••..•••'•.• The jGarwood Junior Bowling League will haraby amahdad to opnfohn. wah *• pnxtalone t* **t (** : event). '. ' , . . October 11, 1992 at the South Plalnfleld Mid- •'JERSEY: ' '. . • ' • ' ORDHANCe NO. 82-38 '... . - Stdon 1.Fata. ' • ' • : 7566. •.•••••••••••. . . v --„ open the new. season September 12th at 9 • AHtmM.aoon' • '• ' ' ' "^ =;-' •. -. 8ac*o(i 1, That Chtpttr 138.' Mdm V, Stcton 138X320 (1) AN ORDNANCe AMENDNQ AHTICtE V. 8ECT1ON S19J8A For Oodt Book $18000 .. . • • •...•»,»•. _ .. • - dle School on plalnfleld Avenue In South Plaln- "aSon's! Al OnJnanoi or pan. of OroWmoaa «wn*t»nt MiriotoalClim • .•••'•. ' , ' -H. . a.m. The sanction fee Is $5 and the bowling bt vntndtd to dtUla haBtutontl tnd Publo uttt.aa.tkW CHAPTEfl 218 OF THE tX»E OP OfONHNCES OF THE ' , Yatrtynxitttt 71500 ' . . ' . ^^ CC8«1tStplrtOJ992 fleld. Registration begins at 8:00 a.m. before . hanmtti ara.hanby npaaM *>.t» artaot of auoh Inoonal*- oondKond or poidptl panrMad urn \n tw ROM a RO1-2 StoHon 2. Thto ordntnot thai tata aatot upon pubtoatcn fee Is $4.50. Applications;for new bowlers may tnev ' ' ..,• ., • . , , . TCWNBHP OF CRANFORD, NEW JERSEY «9M", BY termlt lessons at Union County Collage BASKETBALL the toumey starts at 10:00 am. There will be a ttnev ' •'• ' • axit dWricd.dWricd' . . ' ''' '.• , ' aftorMpMiagtatpniMidbyaw.;. • . " ' pick up at tho home of Angle Slmonet. • •' '/,o SS«o*>* n (I. ITany porto. of Ma Ortm«* thai ba dttw CHANQJNQ THE USE OF METER 8WCS3 AS INDCATEO . Beginning and Intermediate level tennis In- black belt meotlng at 9:30 a.m. : • 8acllon2.1htooidkiancaihaltat(*ta^6tuponpLUoallon • . •• ' ; EoWdHRobklton. r*itd to b* twald, auoh Jt»u*«ton thai not aftol f» Mar (nal rtadng aa nquM by tow. wsfcnoNiBaowsfcnNBaow. . . OhaWnth, Townthlp Cumtiaf struction will be offered this fall at Union Coun- Batkatball camp completed Fees are as follows: one event — $25.00, BE IT OR0AMEO by tit Townahto CornnMat of ta Town- ty College's Cranford Campus outdoor tennis The Cranford Recreation &.. Parks De- two events — $35.00, three eventb — $45.00, thlpofCn»*>d.NtwJan>tyontilatit< • AWARDS Stolon 1. That Stofcn S1»38A of ArtUa V.of Chapttr courts. ' . . . •\\-\ ..' ' .. ' •... partment recently cornpleted their annual bas- four eyehts;— $55^00; fh/e events — $65,00, . 219, "Codt of Oiofnott of tit Toamthto of Qantad, Ntw The beginning section will cover basic grips, ketball camp. This successful event had ap- Uttle League dinner announced Prices for admission'are $3.00 for children, ' forehand and backhand strokes, service and proKlmatery 128 students participate. K was. The Kenllworth Uttte League will be holding $5.00 for adults and $1.00 for senior citizens. . , ww OF EXECUTION FOR SALE OF volley. The Intermediate section will review conducted by Matt Shpban, Doub Koban, Headgear, mouthploco, groin cup and safety iiwueuPflEMSEg, .: ' Ha annual awards dinner on Friday, Sept 18 at ._ vWua ot ** tbuni alaMrf'w« ol toctcuHon to nit oV ground strokes, services, and volley and theii Charles Brown, Joann Valenczlus, and Darren 7 p.m. at the Kenllworth Holiday Inn. The cost equipment are mandatory for competitors, for Iw idlahal«poaatotaaibyaibiaMndut.lnnpom2(n', s Introduce the player to s!nglo9 and doubles Nicholas. '.•:'••• •••• .••:-' •.. Is $12 per person. For ticket Information! con- further Information, call (908) 968-6988 or write i iCoutHouat,ln«iaC»yolElnbao vNJ.on . strategies. ' ''s. ... • ' ' i EDNE80AV,«» 30* day ol SEPTtMBEaAD, 1802 Tho following students were winners for the tact Ron Behrons at 272-0749. Joe Versockl, 186A Pleasant. View Drive, Placa- 19 o'dook In tit adtmoon of atld day. . Ja\yay, N.J. rj8854. . i . proptrty lo ,b» add la looMd In tht Tomhlp of . bid to fit County ol Union. Naw Jtrtay. • • iV as Johnaon Avtnua, OtnfcntNtw GOLF DIANE MATFLERD/THE CHRONICLE 'J«tLolNa73 Way to go! Annual Chamber Golf Outlrig ' . Kristin Wleneke of the Cranford Swim Club awaits the start mtntbna of#lx* (fpprttilrntlaM 118 teat wMt by 14097 The Central Jersey Chamber: of Commerce of the Cranford swim meet earlier this summer. "StaiM Cratt S6»tt Small on Iht northwwHrV ««• °> BURLINGTON Will bo holdlrig the Annual Chamber Golf Out- Jcjviton Avtnut 258.72 Ittt ton .«w touBwtea«V tldt of 929 Route 130 Norih Ing Sept. 15 at Twin Brooks CbUntiy Club In BMtStML • . • ' . ' * ' • 809-386-0770 Walchung. Trophies and prizes, will be given'. Hhtra It dut M""I"W»V feesnOBZ w«h MMM imtntt ' BVNAM lorn OdotprSI. 1991 and oottt. 58 Route 206. out, as. well as a chance to. win a $5,000 vaca- New Jersey Is set for Sept. 14 at Plalnflold • datoripDon on «•In Iht Union County 201-347^3500 - tion. A complete golf package (lunch, golf and CHESTER Country Club Iri Edfeori. The fundraiser fea- cocktails) Is $175; golf only Is $100; cocktails Iht rtaH toiatjourn fit ttlt. 125 Route 206 tures a golf clinic and putting contest with 908-879-4000 6nlyls$75. ... . • ••-• '• Bears boys formdr PGA Champion, Ryder Cup player and . ij :• . -.•.•••.. CLINTON SB Old Highway 32 ' For more Information or to sponsor or con- ABCTTV golf commentator. Dave Marr. • BnW*w, Hanttn and Ctatlt. Aaomtyt tribute, call the Chamber office at 754-7250. 908-735-550* The outing consists of two shotgun starts, sbceef preview itTLvcq ^ Doven/nocKAWAY meals and an awards reception, Including a 416 Route 46 12th Annual SL Elizabeth Classic (Continued from page B-l) 201-366-2700 trip to London. : - BOROOQHOPOAnWOOO ' . EAST. BRUNSWICK St. Elizabeth Hospital Foundation's 12th An- For more Information, call 322-9363. ' under you," he cphtinued, ', i ; ' ORONANCENO.82-14 'ii^O nual Golf Classic Is being' held at Fiddler's AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND SECTION 144 (REMOVAL H 908-254-5151 Elbow GoH and Country Club In Bedmlneter "There is always a team that ,W CLE I (REOULATIONS ON THE ACCUMULATION AND EAST HANOVER . ROAD RACING >M3 >OSAL OF OARBAQE AND OFFAL) M CHAPTER 14 259 Route 10 East Township; Oct. 8.- Registration begins at 11-. will have its season madeby • m U.TH AND SANrrATION) OF THE REVISED ORBNANCES 201-386-1000 ;.'• . a.m., followed by a buffet luncheon,' gdHlng beating Brearleyi" OR THE BOROUGH- OF QARWOOD, "W4, TO SPECFY FLEMINOTON and cocktail reception and buffet Clark Klwanla Run for Uf* ,< coNDrnoNs OF REMOVAL OF SOUD WASTE. ••• Routt 202-31 Circle' IE IT ORDAINED by t» Mayor and count* of tht Borough 908-782-2500 Individual participation Is $250; a foursome The 10th Annual Clark Wwanls Run for Ufa • The Bears open their sea- FORDS THE TIRES YOU WANT FOR .of) itnmood:' . • ' • ' • Is $1,000. Sponsorships are available for too or and Healthy Heart Walk will be run Od 11 at son against New Providence .Sa «on 1. Stclion 14-8 (Rtmoutl) In Artdt I (Rtoutollont on 336 New Brunswick Avo. the Union County Park In Rahway. Races In- IhtjAocumuWion and Dtopoul d Oafctgt tnd Oftl). In ohtp- 908-738-4420 green ($150), cart ($75) or corporate spon- FREEHOLD ' clude a 1'/4 mile fun run, a 2Vi mllor and a 5 oh Sept 18. Czaya sees the ta| 14" (Hta«h and Saniabon) ol tha ravbad OnJntnoai of tit sorship Includes foursome/tee or green. Sdugh of Oanvood. 1074, to hntby. amtndad to raid at 4011 Route 9 North -- . For more. Information, contact Ted Sharkoy, mller. The Fun Run starts at 9 a.m., other races. Pioneers and Arthur L. John- MPWK ' ' ' . •'• .''••• .908-780-3500 will start at 9:45 am. The Healthy Heart Walk ' t «dt I - AEQULATIONS ON THE ACCUMULATION ANO ' ORBEN BROOK Chairman, days: 272-8100, exf.'288; evonlngg: 329-331 Route 22 East starts at 8:45 a.nv . son of Clark as the chief M POSAL OF QARBAoe AND OFFAL 688-4374. ':..- . • ' : 1i IREMOVAL ' 908-469-5500 All proceeds will go toward the Rahway Hos- • m, .• • • : . competition in the Mountain- , J, The Dtptrtmtnl of Publo Wota thai not rtnww gv- HACKETT8T0WN pital Healthy Heart Center and Klwanls Sorvlce. btot. ttM aoKal torn Iht Wo*ixjc£attl of prtrnUtti - 15 Route 46 (East ol Town) . 4th Annual Foundation Classic 908-852-5000 actlvHJes. For entry forms, call Ed at 388-1210, Valley Conference. .7) RMtaurtntt, dalcalaaatna and ottwr taUng adabfctv The fourth annual Foundation Classic golf hi |rc> oonbtlnlng tttHrig tcconrnodaUont tor mon> tiap ttn HAZLET or Marc at 381-3444. ' , tournamont benefiting the Diabetes Center of t> «on., ' • ':'•.•.' " . ; ' • • 3140 Route 35 (next to Rlckelu) ) Shoppingimtlh, n*ih«lt and tha Ma.' 908-739-3400 ' ,. ' 3)FtctoriMandlndulHalpnmlttl. • HIGHLAND PARK/EDI8ON ' "•. <)SubecmtikMt. '. ' '. . • . ••••.'••.: 1610 Woodbrldge Avenue B) oSoa buWnos. • ... 908-819-9400 . 1 HIOHT8TOWN Shooters feeling at home on the ranges o ' B) Motor vthld* body thopt. .... L Stivloa provWad by tht municipality wtti raapaot to aotd 400 Mercer Street At STS Car Service Centers, The Cranford 11-year-old All-Star team won both the Cranford and Readlngton tournaments. 609-448-9110 wut* thtl ba Imlttd to ajreal* oofclion along put* atratta : Ournarionally-certified auto^technicions (Continued from page B-l) it's l8-and-older. Cost is $6.95 peY do everything from a trailer," br-idtdt which hwt bawi dadcttad toan d aooapttd by tha HILL8B0ROUQH First row: Bobby Haber, Kevin Fontatia, Pat Maher, Tom Lucash and Ben Grad. \ n^nlolpsllty. Tha D«p«rtmtnt al publo woria anal not tntar 2200 Camplsln Road store offers 18 firing ports with a hour, per shooter^ and targets and Moore regarding the rebuildirilj* 908-885-1400 dre also part owners, 'So it's in their Second row: Craig Frost, Eric Schrelber, Chris Baran, Rob Segear, Tim Meyer, Terry . upon pihatt prooarty tortmou t sold watt* torn dumptttnl or 25-yard maximum distance and ammo are available. Hours are 9 project ••'••'"•'*•? .. osWconttlntrt. . , ••';•.•..,. -. ;•• • LAWRENCEVILLE FR 721ALL SEASON STEEL BELTED RADIALS interestto tak e the time and the care to Donovan and Jason Harris. •.-'..,. , ; .d Tht owrttr, agiant, totttt,ttnant or occupant of tvtry 2925 Brunswick Pike, Route 1 four electronic target settings. a.m.-10 p.m. Monday through Sat- Costs are $4 for 25 clay targets^! phVmtota whart aotd vwat* tccumutottt and which dow not 609-882-8555 make sure you're happy. Third row: Coach Luke Lucash, Manager Bob Segear and Coach John Baran. nabn municbal told wutt ttndct «h»» wekm wtuttm w- LITTLE FALLS OFFER ENDS OCTOBER 10,1992 Ray originally, installed the fir-urday, 9,.a.m.-9 p.m. Sunday. ' and the facility does sell shells hirtttmanto tor Iht ramowl tnd.towlul dtopbaal ol all toW 2 Main Street 2O1-258-7400 - • ing range for himself and his The Union County facility, is lo- 12 guage (No.'s 7-9), 20 gudge wuto torn »u*pi»niltta«ttot»ttwlot|>ar»ittk. Tht Board ; WhWewqll Whitewall 1 ofHrth or tie Borough Hatkh Oloer may raqub* mom MADISON Whttewgll friends; but eventually expanded it cated in Lenape Park in Ken-9), 28 guage (No. 9) and 410 guage" tnt coiKtlam whtra ntoHttry tojmMtn* tttpubta 319 Main Street SK »tha Board of Httth or HtMti Oftotr thtl to rtqukt,, 201-377-6161 size Regular Price Sale Price size Regular Price Sale Price to accommodate the public's de- ilworth, and is open year-round on (2Vfe inch). The facility is still hoi^ Owntr, apart, tottat, tenant or oooupant ahtt oompV. METUCHEN . 203 Route 27 P205/75R14 $74.95 $54.95 sires. . ... ' •• '."•..;. ..• weekends, 12-5 p.m. Mostly used to the New Jersey Skeet • Shojjgj! iiico t. ll ordmnott or. partt cf ordnanota hooMWM - P155/80R13 $50.95 $37.95 ti •» htrtby repealed to tht axttnt of.tuoh Inoontto-. 908-548-8501 Ray's offers instruction for home by hunters and sportsmen, the fa- Tournament and this fall will hi "*' MONMOUTN JUNCTION P165/80R13 58.95 41.95 P205/75R15 79.95 56.95 : ! 3. II any ponton of Wto ordinance thai bt dttonnhtd 3930 Route ,1 North defense handgun training as well cility is run by the Union County the 51st annual Union Coi 908-821-8900 ioTThvaU, auctTdttocmlntbon ahtl not tUtct tht waUty to . PI 75/80R13 62.95 44.95 P215/75R15 83;95 59.95 REEL-STRONG as a requalification course. Hear- Parks and Recreation Department, Skeet Championships (Sept thtftmtHng portent of atld orolninoe. . MORRISTOWN Section 4. Thto crointnoa thai tokt aaeot upon «ntl pinlg* 291-295 East Hanover Aye. 65.95 P225/75R15 85.95 61.95 ing and ey6 protection are manda- and is facing a major rebuilding and 61st annual Union Couni .»ndrxJD«ceBcnkiacc«o«noe**h«w. .\ - • . . : 201-4550800 PT85/80RT3 45.95 pcKPoldore ' • MOUNT HOLLY 1582 Route 38 at Route 541. 69.95 P235/75R15 89.95 64.95 ' FUEL COMPANY tory, and you can only,fire stand- project this fall. Still, recreation • Trap Championships (Oct 4). BoroUghCMt ' .' PT85/75R14 49,95 B09-267-9080 ardpistol cartridges and 22 rim-commissioner Willie E. Moore Jr. ' 7^ .' . ' .' .NOttet ., •• •• : NEW BRUNSWICK P195/75R14 73.95 . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Ut tht fclowlng propottd 6 Terminal Road (off How Lane) 51.95 fire rifles. You must be at least 18 expects a full, slate, of trap and • '' ' .'..' • Whar* to flo • • • *$ .Otdntnce wta Introduced and patted on Int rtidng at t. 1 908-846-77/0, Q Bay * Sport* Shop — 659 Route 22 We'StM? i mating of tha Borough counol of tht Borough of Onwodd. In years old to fire pistols; kids ages skeet tournaments to fill the calen- NEWTON. , North Plalnfleld. B614400. ..".'• '-'..-vffl tnt Ccuily d LWonTSate of Naw Jartty. held on (ha BghlH day of Stpttmbar 1882 and Ut ttU ordnance wM bt «aktn .134 Water Street 10-17 can fire the rifles if ac-dar through Nov.-15. • Unlow County Trap & Skeet..-' tenlrvwrthfe .UaiU »JrKr ooraldaratton lor Inel pwtgt at tht meeting of 201-383-1921 companied by an adult, otherwise "Hopefully we'll still be able to Blvd., Lenape Park, Kenllworth. 276-0225. 3 Borough Counol to b» htkJ tt Its matUng room In tht NORTH PLAINFIELD STS Sen£e& dptl Buldng,' Gaiwood. New Jtrtty, on tit Twtnty- . Route 22 and Mountain Ave. . d dty ol Spetomber, 1982 af 830 PJH. or at toon 908-581-3100 30.000 MILES 30,000 MILES ttMttw at atld maHtr can bt ntohad. atwHoh Imt and OAKHURST ",pi M al ptraona whA may bt Wtntttd therein wD bt glutn 1639-1641 Route 35 North ESTIMATED TIRE UFE ESTIMATED TIRE LIFE INTERESTED IN PLACING A CLASSIFIED AD? • opportunity to bthtardconctintig tit tanit. 908-531-9600 ..,, copy of thto odtonoa htt ban pMttdpni»«jWMn. OCEAN' "• . •" Sextet • 'tk aid upon whWi publo notota We ouatomtnV pottod In tht 920 Route 35 So. Wannamassa or Not... Call Or Stop By Our Westfieid Office Mtrldptl BuWng of Iht Borough d Qtnwod, and\m Mpyto 908-774-1800 • ECONOMY IMPORT nUaSTup to tn Mudng the tknt of auoh matting to the PMILLIPSBURO ECONOMY ALL SEASON ;i rr mbtrt ol Iht gannl publo ot tht Borough Mho thai - • •••••:•.'•• •'••••' '• •'.•• •' ••.•'•' Monday-Friday •.•'•.' ••• .'. . •• '''•'.'':'•••'.'• '.:' 448 Memorial Parkway (Rt. 22 E) ALL SEASON ,n juMt auoh coptot. tithe oMotcftht Boroudh Ctt* In MM 908-859.4100 STEEL BELTED RADIAL Mj^BuWnghGtnvood. Naw Jartty. . •• ._ PISOATAWAV STEEL BELTED RADIAL : •• ' . • DoritPoldonY 8:30 A;M.-5:00 P-M. 40 Ethel Road West SIZE WHITEWAU ' ' . Boroughclaik 908-572-7072 SIZE BLACKWALL POINT PLEASANT P155/80R13 27.95 ; . •:.' .•:.." • ': •••• •...'•• 231 Elmer St. • ': •'••••• ' • ': ' •' • •' ' ;.:,• CC638 IT Sept 10,1982 3117 Bridge Ave. (off Rt. 175/70R13 44.95 908-295-2424. ' P175/80R13 36.95 • :•• '•' ••' , • ' "; .. •,.'•...'.•• . Westfieid : •'V ' ' / '• /. .-.. •' :' •••:,' TOWNSHT OF CRANFOftD POMPTON PLAINS P185/75R14 36.95 185/70R13 45.95 You Less t< .ORDINANCE NO, 8N7 Route 23 (Plaint Plaza Center) A OMXWKE AMENDWQ ARTlCtE V. SECTION 81J3S '201-831-0500 P195/75R14 37.95 185/7OR14 46.95 218 OF THE "CODE OF ORDINANCES OP THE PMNCETON 48.95 908-233-9696 OF CRANFORD.,NEW JERSEY (1982)". BY 778 State Road (Route 206) . P205/75R14 39.95 195/70R14 ajEMECTtON C AND DESIGNATING HEAD-N 609-921-8200 '53.95 _ J IN PARWNQ LOTS AND ON WARNER AND STA- ROSBLLEPAPK P205/75R15 41.95 205/70R14 FAX 908-232-1621 PLAZA AND ALONG CERTAIN PORTIONS OF NORTH Weitileld and Loouat Avenue 908-241-4800 - P215/75R15 42,95 'k IT ORDAINED by Iht tovwthto Commloee o> tit Town- SOMERVtLLE •hipid Crtrtbrd. Naw JarteV on thto that Route 202-206 Circle Section 1. Thtt Section Zi

pletely installed with 3 years FREE MAIN- •<*' T Hi IH Hegria, a graduate at Cranford High • TUBELESS VALVE ASSEMBLY TENANCE. There is NO DOWN PAYMENT • ALL WHEELS HAND TORQUED I OIL, LUBE,FILTER SERVICE I MAINTENANCE ELECTRONIC HPt''1 School, Is a freshman at Longwood College • TIRE PROTECTION POLICY I and NO INTEREST CHARGES. In Virginia. Amy will be playing forward this EASYCMOtTitRMS • STS "NO HASSLE" WARRANTY I We'll lubricate chassis, SI TUNE-UP $.4095 I"'''"! ?m. year for the Longwood field hotkey team. INSTANT CREDIT. •- | drain old oil, add up to 5 ^ • I We'll Install Autollte spark m^^ YOU PAY: Only $18.95 per month for 36 90 DAYS SAME AS CASH! j quarts Quaker state oll.and I plugs, set timing, test battery Four Cviinci*.r En0inos ; This October, people from all walk, oj and charging $ystern,artd months. Install new quality filter. ':. life will bit the streets to help find a I Special oil and filter types Inspect other key engine parts. Transverse V-6 iII Engines and air conditioning interference extra. YOU SAVE: Between 20% and 39% of your ; cure for diabetes •• the fourth leading I niay result In extra charges. "As chosen by.rorbos Newspapers' Sports Dopt." Six Cylinder Engines S59.95 Eight Cylinder fuel "bill, and that could mean up to $32 Si't \ cause of death by disease in America. | Expires 10/10/92 Engines $69.95 Expires 10/10/92 per month. ! Join them. Sign up for the American ; Diabetes Association. Wulitobafest '92. [COMPUTERIZED WHEEL ALIGNMENT STS SAFETY INSPECTION YOU MAY ACTUALLY SAVE MORE THAN YOU PAY! .! • Or sponsor a walker. I Service Includes setting curkur UJUCCI i : front camberi caster and We'll check Important i Wuiktoberjest '92. First stops vehicle functions like; I OH the road to a cure. I toe to manufacturer's specs. I THRUST ANGLE $39.95 belts, brakes, exhaust, j 276-0900 | For cars requiring all four Wheels ^ fluids, hoses, lights, shocks, IMQER'J LCXKFORTHESTS I to be referenced. "\ " tires, wipers; »MltlC«N OIABI IIS ASS.. 1 549 LEXINGTON AVE., CRANFORD YOUR" SPORTING GOODS CCDMPLEX "EARLY BIRD 'KEY ! fOU» WHEEL $49.95 ' , J Expires 10/10/92 Regularly $7.95 513 W. UNION AVE., (RT. 28) BOUND BROOK, NEW JERSEY/908-356-0604 {908) 388-4733 DROP BOX I For cars requiring all four wheels to be adjusted. I Mory TUBS,, thurs.. Frl. 8:30 AM to 9. PM/Wed, & Sat, 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM L.lJ -The Chronicle- September 1QT1992 September 10,1992

IT WORKS! /VO RATES "Last week I placed an ad in (he Help Wanted1 section ol TOLL Forbes Newspapers. When they called me this week lo see PRIVATE PARTY COMMERCIAL if..I wanted the.rerun the ad, I said I Was almost,afraid to 11.65 14.9O because I was backed up on. replying to the responses I Sach week for 3 wefeks Each week for 3 weeks had ..received from the lirst'ad. .Needless to say. I am very For four lines, additional lines $1.05 each week. happy with the response/' .K Q ^ Be||Q Megd • (908)722-3000 PAY IN ADVANCE AND SAVE 1O%i Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday 8:30 A.M.-.5:00 P.M. service for patrons DEADLINES: The deadllne.for Please check your advertisement' Employment Wanted, Wanted to Thursday & Friday 8:30 A.M.-8:Q0 P.M. • in-column ClassifiedJn 4 PM on the first week it runs. Ercors |n Rent, Houses to Share or ,,-..' country. The network allows busi- He said he had been approached HOW TO Mondays. The doadiino lor classHie advertisements running more Apartments to Share. All ads By BOB SULLIVAN .display is 5 PM oh Fridays,. ' , • . than one time must be corrected • when'movlng, all ads to Saturday 9:00 A.M.-2:00 P.M. ness associates or friends without byseveral fax networks in the past : before the second Insertion or i., j addresses outslde'of New Jersey, ' THE CHftONICLE . . CANCELLATIONS: Accepted because of the store's central loca- PLACE correction allowance cannot be EXTRA CHARGES: fax machines to send paperwork up to 4 P.M. Monday prior to • made.'Correction allowance for FAX: (906) 231 #9638 s 'Puff 'n' Stuff is about as typical over phone lines to convenient tion. Several of the networks have A CLASSIFIED AD publication. ' .-. ''":'•'"' errors Shall not exceed the cost • Blind Ads, $5.00 for box rental and as any typical corner store could gone bankrupt, leaving Public Fax of the advertisement. . ' . mailing charge (Box held for • nearby destinations. . ADJUSTMENTS: Wo make 30 days) .."'•••• . - Call 1-800-559-9495 •*«.••. :••, • ' ; ;,/•• International as the major nation- o • 9100 • Lots and Acreage .' skill. Five-year-old Puja tries to making' profits from the fax busi- 9110-Out ot Area Property •. •• serviceto the people, and ; •1008'-Hobbyists . . . . 4020-BusinessServices ••'•' 8110 •Automotive Parts, Accessories help, but does more harm than ness thin. • : 1 1009 • Traveling Companions 4030 • Carpentry . • arid Services . .' „ 9120-Wanted 1oBuy . 1010 --Introduciions •: 8120 • Automotive Repair 9130 •' Mortgages and Financing good.' . .,.~" ;; .... ••'• ' .'•••.•. when they come into fax, 4040-ChildCare ' '. . '.,' "Its not going to make me rich," 1020 -. Singles O'ganizaUdns and 4050 • Cleaning Services . • '• , 8130'Miscellaneous Automotive' 9140: Miscellaneous Real Estate . Even the lottery machine, which I get their business' he said. "I'm not doing it to make HOW TO • • • ' ActKMies." 4060-Convalescent Care 820O1! - MOTORCYCLES : 92Q0'l - VACATION PROPERTY .1030 - Lost & foynd 9210-Homes lor Sale. ' •' • has pushed the candy bars out of money, really, I feel Tm providing 4070• Electrical . .'• • •' • 8210-ATVs. • .-'• • 1040- Personals . . ; ; 9220 • Poconos'Properties 4080-Handyman Services 822O Mopeds . • •. ' • . their place of prominence, looks a service to the people, and when, WRITE r 1050 - Coming Events 4090- Health Care.Services . 9230 • Re'sort Properties '.'•'. hear his home and sends the fax to : 8230 • OfWtoad Motorcycles , • out of place. they come in to fax, I get their 1060 Anrtouncemenls 4100 • Hqrhe Improvement '• 824J3 • On-Road Motorcycles . . . 9240 r Waterfront Properties • me. I keep it here until you pick it | A CLASSIFIED AD 4105'•IncomeTax .. 9250 • Lots and Aoeage . . : ' . But-in the 1990s, typical means business." ; ' 2000.;*.- FOR SALE •'''•'.• 8250 JMotorcycle Parts, Accessories 4110 • Instruction/Education and Service . ';. •'" 9260-TimeShares • '. up." ...: •' ' _ ••.;••:. • \ • . 2010 - Antiques '•' • . modern, and even Puff 'n' Stuff Puff 'n' Stuff has outlived sev- THAT SELLS 4120-lnsiirahce ' • ,. ' . B260- Miscellaneous Motorcycle' 9270-Vacation Rentals. ' . . The public fax network is aimed, • Startyouf.advyith' ••• 2020 i6ppiia«icei_'....'.. j'., •. „.' 4130: Landscaping and Tree Care^_ .92BD.-Weel(erKt,BenJaJs.-.,...... can't avoid the technological bug. eral owners while maintaining its ; 4140 - LegaT Service?' - •"•" "•"" 8400'l - RECREATIONAL' VEHICLES 2030,-Art ... -,•.'.': 9400V-RENTALS •' at small businesses and home of- what you're selling; 4150-Loans JFInaiice ', 8410 • Cambers and Trailers ; The North Avenue Store (272- North Avenue address, Mr. Patel 2040 -Auctions ' '.. ' ., • 9410-Homes •' ' 4160 - Masonfy " 8420.-Motor Homes ..•' fices that cant afford the cost of • Be descriptive, List 2050 • Clothing and Apparel ' • 9420 • Mutti-Famlly Homes 6989) was a cigar shop when Bal sidd. It's been there at least .40 4170-MiscellaneousServices. ••.. •••• 8430,-RV Parts, Accessories and•'•• i;; ;: the best features .of • 2060 • Collectibles , j- ' 9430 r,Tovmhouses and Condominiums fax machines; Perhaps the biggest years. '..'.• /'• '. '.;;-. ,'• •• : ." 4180..Painting , ; ' • '•;. •,• :. .'•'•Swvie*. '•.'.. - ''' • '•• .. Patel bough,tifcJJ^years ago. . . 2070 • Computers '••:-.. 9440-Apartments' •• ' .' your item first.: 4190 • Party & Entertainmenl Services 8440 Miscellaneous JW advantage of the service is that Private citizens looking for em- • '2080• Farm & Garden •'••• r 9450-Rooms ', . '. ' •.• ; " Now /it's connecEed to 1,0,000 4200 • Plumbing, Healing & Cooling • Use only standard ' 2085.-Riwood'' ...•••'• : 9460- Boarding V ... places in the United States "by one small businesses .can include ployment have so far' made the 4210 • Professional Servfcis .'V. '8600%-BOATS. • . ,2090 - Flea MarketsVSales and,. 8610- Boats . • 9470 - Apartments to Share ' . , . of the '8Q's highest impact office Patel's fax number on their let- most use of Mr. Patel's new fax abbreviations •' •Bazaars . ' . 4220 - Roofing •• •' ' . •4230-Wallpapering : • 8620 • Power Boats 9480 • Homes to Share • Always state the • 2100 - Free to Good Home • : inventions. terhead. machine, sending resumes to pro- 5000'! - EMPLOYMENT • 8630-Sailboats . 9490-Wantedto"Rent "•'..•• price of a sale Hem 2110-Furniture 8640-Motors 9500 • Miscellaneous Renlals . Armed with a new fax machine, Some customers stop by every spective emplqyers. •'.:.• •••;• ••:.:.•• -••.-.. SHARON WILSON/THE CHRONICLE 2120-'Garage Sales 5010 • Career Training and Services and, H you're flexible Steo'-CHId'Care1 Wanted; 8650-Minnas 960O'( - COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE morning to see if materials had "They don't have to wait 24 Bal Patel, owrier of Puff' n' Stuff on North Avenue In Cranford, shows off one of his fax machines. 2130 • General Merchandise 8660 • Rentals and Charters 9610'Business Properties tor Sale ' Puff 'n' Stuff is now/ a member of on price, include • 5030 • Employment Agencies ' .2140 • Office Furniture and Supplies B670-Slip Rentals . 9620 - Professional Propertles'lor Sale Public Fax International, a network been faxed. Patel works his faxhours and pay for overnight mail Puff 'n' Stuff Is a member of Public Fax International, a network of 10,000 fax agents throughout "negotiable^1 in your • 2150 • Software . 5040 • Employment • Domestic 5050•• Employment-General '. "•• 86B0-Storage .' . 9630 - Retail Properties lor Sale now," he said. ; . 2160 .• Wanted to Buy of 10,000 fax agents all around the stop like a post office box the nation. '••. ' •••. ' . •; '••..•.•..'.•.'•''•'•.•..". .. '. • •' •" .''" .•'•••'.•• 5060 -Employment • Health Care 8690-BsHS Fishing Supplies • ". ' 9640 - .Warehouse Properties lor Sale • ad- ''' • •• ' '. 5070 • Employment - Managerial 8700 -Boat Parts, Accessories and 9650-Office Rentals • • Be sure to include 3000's -PETS AND LIVESTOCK • •• Service ' : ''3010-Birds . •' '• ' ' 5080 - Pan-Time Employment. . 9660 -.Industrial Rentals •••••• your phone number : 8710 - Miscellaneous Boating 9670 • Retail Rentals. .-'• ' ''. •' •• ' • Somerset Messertger-Gazetta • Highland Park Herald Dallas company 3020-Cats •••' '••.'• 5090 Employment Wanted 9580-Warehouse, Rentals • Cranford Chronlcl* . • '•• and times to call. . 3030-Dogs 8000'i^AUTOMOBIUS 9000'* - REAL ESTATE • Bound Brook Chronicle. Forbes to publish two media guides 9690 • Commerciil Real Estate Wanted .-,• Middlesex Chronld* • Htllf-Bedmlndar PrsM 90)0.-"Homes Under $150,000 . • Including the word ' .. 3040 - Fish ..-••'.. •' 8010 • Automobiles Under S1000 • • Franklin Focui hires Gordon ^ha'* Starcast! :• 3050-Horses 8020 • Automobiles Under S2500 '9020- Homes, tor Sale' tlBOO'l - BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES .* South PUInfWd Reporter 9810-Businesses for Sale . • • Wetttleld Record . NEW YORK - Malcolm S. launch a new magazine, MEDI- check for the press corps. "please" In your ad 3060 • Livestock ' ' 8030 -Automobiles. 9030-Farms • PUcataway-Duitetlen Review Trinity Industries Inc., a trans- 9820 • Franchise Opportunities . • Warren-WatchUhg Journal Forbes Jr., president and chief ex- AGUIDE, QUARTERLY, in the fell In addition, the MediaGuide will increases response. . 3070 • Other Pels 8040 • Antique and Classic Automobll 9040 - Luxury Homes & Estates • Metpchen-Edlson Review. portation equipment corporation ' 3080- AdoptaWe Pets- 8050 • Luxury Automobiles - 9050 • Mobile Homes and Lots 9830-Licenses for Sale '• ••. . • Green Brook-North Ptalnfield Journal • New Brunswick focus . ecutive officer of Forbes Inc., has of 1993. MEDIAGJJ1DE QUAR-appear in a new format as the M&- 90' per miiuite • 24-. hours a (lay! Must be 18 I;, 9840 • InvestnientsJOpportujjitles 1 3090 < Boarding. Training & Grooming 8060 • Sportscars 9060 • Waterfront Property • Scotch Plalns-Famycod Preu • Somerset Quid* • DIAGUIDE 500 and will be pub- based in Dallas, Texas, announced • Mlddhcex Guldo ' announced the acquisition of the TERLY will provide in-depth criti- the hiring of Stephen Gordon of Touch Tone or .Notary Phones All classifications between 1000-2160; MeaaGutdlc edited by Jude Wan- cal analysis of the press corps'cov- lished as art annual supplement-ib Daily - Monthly • ('binputibility'Horoscopes Private party rates are based on classification numbers, Dallas, formerly of Cranford, as other classifications will be billed at niski. • ' ••..-.••...... V ~± erage of global economics and poli- MEDIAGUIDE QUARTERLY. It Plus the spoki'M'turol iimvctiul"!) canl reading and 8000-8640 wiH be billed at the private party rate. All will include extensive analysis and government relations coordinator MediaGuitJe has been" published tics. It will feature illuminating and rating Of the nation's most impor- for Trinity operations. ; "Vtkt •• the commercial rate. • provocative essays that will explore 1040 •annually since 1986 and has set the tant and influential journalists. A 1985 graduate" of • Cranford 1010 1040 1020 Personjiis standard for excellence in journal- how the press has covered major Whereas MEDIAGUIDE QUAR-High School, Mr. Gordon received i 1010 1010 .., 1010 Introduction* Personals ism by critically analyzing major stories. MEDIAGUIDE QUAR- TERLY will explore the press a bachelor's degree from Hobart jiiiiivluctinii in explain cost • S2.05 per minute Introductions Introduction* Introductions Otfrntzailon* TERLY will contain independent • 24-'lioui's a (lay!'Touch loiic.'or Notary Phones Eiiber UNBELIEVABLE BUT dAdMtio* thank you for all things •on of God, Immaculate .^merican newspapers and periodi- through its coverage of major College in 1989 and a law degree SM 40,- looking to SWF- mid 40'* & very THUEI Thl* sharb look* as you confirm once Virgin, assist me In .my- \ S/DWF- 5'6" 119^8,34, k necessity. Oh,'Star ottho icals and rating leading journalists. research and reporting to enrich events and issues, MEDIAGUIDEfrom Southern -Methodist Univer- Speak ttVAslro.ljjer • Tai'ol Render • expert skier, loves to make friends with S/DWF •paclal: *we*t, kind, lov- Ing SWM: i». 5'10 , alh- again that I never want to 'Mtisl In-' IS Ycurs nr-Olik-r ing, deep, soft, »«r»sltlve t*Bc build, brown hair, MATCHMAKEH be separated from you Sea, help me and how the reader's understanding of the (work out, sailing, theatre, .35-45. InteroBti Include me, herein you ar* my •tr Forbes Inc., through its Ameri- 500 will focus on the work of just sity LawSchool in 1992. His par- A 'Service nl" lii(cr>(ccan Heritage subsidiary, plans to issues while providing a quality 500 individual journalists. ents are residents of Cranford. nights, champagne & Shore. No fatties please. secure; Very understand- largest & most selective rial Illusions." I wish to be ing, loving, loyal, fun, cu- «moKer/non-aloohollc, personal Introduction with you In eternal joy Mother of God. Queen ot chocolate,. leans & cow- Reply ext. 3027. Heaven and Earth! I boy boots & black tie af- rlou*,' (emlnlne, prettv, college degree, has ev- service In the nation. For and thank you for your STOP— If you're a etc I love the beach, erything he needs, but free Info. 808-218-8000 mercy toward me and. humbly beseech you fairs. I love to laugh & from the bottom ot my enloy life to the fullest. If woman between the ages travel, anything to do new "sirigles" that one special woman. mine. The parson must o) 18 -36 & are looking with water, being *IHy, If you are outgoing, ad- PATTI'S PARTIES •ay this prayer for 3 con- heart tosucco r m* In this you are a tit S/DWM 30- necessity. There a»e | 38 who has It all together for romance &.friendship, performing aria, explor- venturous, attractively Buffet, De*«ert, Coffee. secutive day*, after 3 I'maSWM 5'8, dark hair Ing, reading, skiing & trim & like romantic Reservations limited. days the favor requested none that can withstand i but wants more-lets go your power Oh, *how me TO PLACE AN AD OR New Jersey's #1 source for meeting people | tor It. Reply box 4104 & blue eyes. Irish & In- hlghjy oriented to do**, contest. time*. Please call 3207. Sept. 18th, 7:30 PM , wHI be granted even W It TO ANSWER AN AD: dian, with Illusions of supportive.time, I'm BOB-722-8284 •_ •aama difficult. The herein you are my mdih- UNPRETENTIOUS er. Oh Mary, ooncaiv^d FOR CUSTOMER SERVICE: I SASSY RED-HEAD- grandure In the field of •mart, well-educated, Since 1874 TOOCTWER prayer muat b* pub- ! prejty, 34, 57", SWF, love, If you like romantic fully *ctuallilng, coura- SWM- 39, 6'6, brown lished Immediately after without sin, pray for us 1*900#226#1003 GaJl tociay to place your half & blue eyes, trim, . hasbaen tha better altar- who have reoourae to | who loves to laugh, I'm- evening* by a fireplace geous, successful, effec- native for thouaanda of the favor I* granted with- $2 FOR THE FIRST MINUTE, $2 FOR EA. ADDTL MINUTE honest, caring, playful, long walks by the~8ttore, tive, highly petcaptJy* & computer prof*«slonal, out mention of th* favor thee-(3x). Holy Mother, I seafs S/DWF about 35- single people. We keep place thl* cau«* In your affectionate, Intelligent, nature & music. Then call resourceful, too often JBTEIBB " Introduetibn$" ^ a growing because we're only your IntHala should physically & emotionally and leave a msg. Box "driven" profeaslonal 42 for lono-temi relation- appear at bottom. M.C. hands (3x). Holy Splflt, 1 ship & companionship.. selective and personal- you who »olv* all prob- How to Place an Ad How to Answer an Ad fit, I'll try anything once 4118 wtth a fascinating & de- ized. Do something posi- as long as it's not life- manding career. I heed Enloy music, long walks, PRAYER TO THE lems, light all roads to 1 and be eligible for the movie*, dining out, sight- tive for youraelf today. thatlcanatttainroygoal. t.Tnko some tlmo to write down some characteristics about yourself, and your 1. Note the extension numbers at the end of the ads you'd like to answer. » threatening, looking for a SWCF- 80, 5'6, attrat* someone'similar to bal- Call 1-C00-724-44M BLESSED VIRQIN- preferences about the typo of person you'd like to meet fat) mats, 30-somethlng tlve, well-groomed, good ance my life; *omeone to 11 seeing, museums, loves (Naver known to tall). You who oav« ma th» dlii to cuddle, I'm Intelligent, vine gift to forgive a young, productive, Intel- lova pets. 3011 eat* to ahar*. Reply axt. who values creativity, special. Level headed, pany, and have a muHt- 3821 ing, movies & candlelit desires true Intimacy and tall dark &.... skinny, start in Me who likes to Ing, Outdoor*, woiWng- 1010 ADietor'apreaml all thing* a* you confirm I never want to be sepa- vilgent, coring, honest 3009 •enaltlvlty, klndnea* * sincere & honest- DBCM- Profeaslonal, tude of Interest* from be spoiled and knows out, movla*, IdMlna, pic- 1010 4112 . • ••' ' •".-.• once again that I new dinners. I'm caring & sin- a lifetime partnership. great sense of humor, SWF- 30, 5'7, attractive, loio ImttoducUotta CaM; 1-800^26-7890 rated from you no matter -i.>*eeJ<8 roflnod, compas- family. Love nature's Achieved professional 37, In search of hone»t, bridge to fast cars tc cere. If Interested, please One who balances ac- loves music, (especially • how to spoil In return. nics, cooking, cuddling, want to be separsted how great material de- DWF- 43, 6'3, attractive blonde, I have a demand- WELL EDUCATED- suc- ADOPTION- adoring full sionate, well-groomed, beauty, hiking, exploring goals, now ready to work sincere, hardworking Vegas. I don't drink ei- w/ classy looks, success- call Ext. 3979 compllshemnt and per- classic rock), movies, Must be level headed, summer fun. ; : • esaful male, financialex - from you In eternal glory. sires may be. I want to -c'non-smoking, gentleman, Ihg lob w/craasy hours. time mom ftdevota d dad new place* & Idea*, hard on a personal reja- Chtlitlan female for rela- cept wine, and am a r*V ful prof., lovable & ro- sonal growth with youth- football & long walks. • like sports, cars,.dining Seeking SWM with great Bs Mnotl««Mny MMtU for ecutive, youthful early Thank you for your be with you ft my lovad '60+. under S'10, for dancing, photography, tlonahlp. Looking for S or 8WM- 28, handsome, SWM— 38, handsome, SWPM- 29, 6', 170 lit*., long to adopt your naw- mercy toward me and tionship. Enjoy* travel, cent non-smoker. I'm mantic You are DWM 38- Highly educated, prof., ful energy, optimism, cu- Would like to meet an In- out, quiet eves. Sense of sense of humor to enjoy relatlon*htp. Ext 3024 >rown h*»r ft ay**, viry 40'a, no depandants, one* Ih your perpetual • ' •dancing dining In. or out, Traveling Companions it a movie*, being home, DB or Nigerian M who Is movies, tennis, and seeking a MUCH young* riosity, and playfulness. humor a muatl Ext. 4014. phyaleally fit prof**- well educated, athletic born. Happily married, mine. The pantan mu*t 47, nice to took at, good Euro. SWCF. 34, 5' 2\ telligent, commitment off hours with. Please profaaalonal. Enjoys hnndsome and phytlci My 6'11 , runner'* build, *n- glory. Thank you for your '..'theater, travol and pos- new classification and it time w/mends. If non- confident, mature, athleti- music. Please call 4108. lady, one who Is smalt- 1051b*. hazel eyes, It. If you are a truly beautiful minded woman for SWM, M, attradive, 6'. •lonal, searching for A educated white couple say this prayer Tcon- mercy toward* Me ft dresser, fastidious but SEPARATED WM- 5'11 reply-box 4113 sport*, outdoors, tennis, fit nwvamoker aaaka ' he Joya fine dining, quiet promise Love, Security. .'•*lblo relationship. Sari' part of Forbes Newspapers' smoker, trim, please tell cally nt & active. 6'10 or framed and not grossly not to a fault, financially bm hair, young looking, woman who has a re- friendship & more. PS. 160 Iba, brown hair & v*ry attraotJva OirWIan walks', gardening, and ••cutlve day*. After 3 mine. Amen. Say this < ous replies only. Please me about youraelf In taller who feels compat- DBF- middle aged, 6'6" , 15Slbs, brown hair blue female tMtWMn 22^6, golf, movl**, travel the companlonahlp of a Toys & Joy*. Medical day*, tha request will be IntroduttioHs. It it in- over-welQht. You will be stable, like* to travel, en- attractive, romantic, lov- warding life and are'since my sister put mo SWF— 33, non-emoker, I eyes. I'm tooWno; for a SWF, 21-30 **o anJAya explormg. would love to prayer for 3 d*y«.M.C .-ball ext. 4034 tended, for use by people some detail. PUMUM call ible with me. Please call professional decorator, reasonably educated ing & caring. Trad.values. seeking the romance, up to this, a handsome . eyes. 32 yr-s. I look.much WF, (ao« not b»portant.) with morale* & valu**, art* ft *un*hlne. Seeks paid. Loual ft conliden- granted. Thl* prayer adore good living, out- Joys the beach, movlos, am a successful finan- vary attractive atfectlon- outdoor acttvtUa*, w irk share life's Joys w/a well- {jBTCall Artttn* ft'Joa at looking for other people Ext384B. Ext. 3006. (high school drop-ouH music, romantic dinners Varied.Interests. Seeking warmth and excitement single younger brother younger, loves most must m to trawJ and who enjoy* quiet ev*- must bo published att*r *W very young look- door life, beach, oc- cially Independent nlng* at how* a* Well a* at* Intelligent fit female out, dlnlnu out, morf* educated, aplrited, physi- home 1-<00-B48-1784 THANKSQIVINQ NO- with whom to travel. For doesn't make It), have « & Scrabble. Social drink- marrlage-mlnded SWCM, of a deeply loving rela- wouldn't hurt. Reply «xt. , sports & riding my mo-woman who I* strong, love to *ntll*. Pl***e cally fit, attractive profes- the favor is pranted.M.C VENA TO ST. JUDE- •Mng, warm ft caring, | like casional cocktail and torcycle seeks \WF 25-32 fun night* out. Plea** no 2«-38 who an|pys life, going or ju»t a qul*t more information please ARTICULATE, Brainy, ATTRACTIVE FULL- good aense of humor, er & smoker okay. Please 30-50, eduo., nice per- tionship, please call me 3969. gentle nurturing & lots of reply «xt 4184, gvenwg at home. If you sional woman, with high COMMUTEfl WANTED Holy St. Jude, Apostle -'dinner dancing, oc- call l-800-SS9-949i. dancing. Must be physi- laugh easily, be |ust as « Ext. 4162. for dates companionship Bimbo*. Reply axt 40BS. companlonahlp, romance witty, worldly, taU, trim, FIOURED- SWJF, 36, call Ext. 3007. sonality, emotionally sta- Tun to be with. I like 8WM-2« fl'3,17 8 Ib*. ft »harlng all tha above. •re aecum wtth yourwH, standards, who lovaa ad- 6am from Cranford Rail- THANK YOU ST. JUDE ft and Martyr, great Irt vir- •' caslonal travel, relaxation cally fit and outgoing comfortable In cutoffs at ble, non-smokor/alco- NOHMArsjM-^31, prch . and? 4117 vat home. Seeking SWM, handsome 40'* WM- seeking S/DWJM, 35^2, wtth a sense of humor. moonlit walk*, skubii div- brown hair, gr**n *y«*. 8WWI- 32, (MOfaaalonal, Non-amokora please value hona*ty. Wndnajw, venture and value* a car- road Station to Mldtown JESUS- for prayer* an- tue and rich In miracles, non-smoker, who Is ulti- ball gown, and be willing DWM- Tall, slim, edu- hollc, drug-free, good fesslonal, educated, en- ing, travel & movie*. I am MnsUMty and *tf*oflfan, Ing relationship, nurtured near kinsmsn of Jesus ' '. '^60-87, Only those Inter- WA8P. Very «uee***ful I'm looking for something to work at the tough Jo > LOOKING FOR MISS non-amok*r, no«i"up 5' 8", noo*mok*r, who reply to box 4102 or downtown Manhattan. swered ILL , ltttq mately willing to make a cated 40+ prof, caring, looking, trim, financially Joys tennis, skiing, bi- 5''4, 152 Ib*. wgotai of anloy* both good tun able to butt and. ra^idy by lova and respect. iardaht Rat*«l 60 cent* Christ, faithful Interces- * "»ited In a on* on one r«- International executive- special In my life. Please of forming a rolatlonshlr.. romantic w/many varied secure.Klds OK.Ext. 4157 SAIGON- Thl* attract u**r. Seeking «W 22- amusing Ik aexy ft highly commitment to marriage tlve, allm, very success- cycling, movies, dining curve*. I MH* a S/DWF, and good conversation SWM- attractive, 35 yr*. tor a variou* on* on in* ext.3894 a «r*y, on* way. Call THANKSQIVINd NO- sor of all who invoke • lallonBhlp please Reply call ext. 4040 My kids are grown an I Interests. Seeking rela- and traveling. I'm a fun- 31, Intalllgsnf, aBnustlw >'Ext. 4000 educated. You are fill A & family. I enjoy theatre, ful, traditional, young 40 CAUTION: 30-46 who know* who he & *Um who •nloy* danc- •MKITSWF, 26-38 Who old, 5*10", elaaay, nice relationahto plea** r<4Hy 212-888-6216 day* or VENA TO ST. JUDE- your special patronage In concert*, classical on thalr own. If you hav i tionship w/classy, Intel- I'M A SWM, 26 YEARS loving person w/good Is. Must be honest, open, WF- Attractive, small time of need. To you I 2 BUYS,- 30'*, wtth un- •lender, a secure, com- DWF- very youthful, at- Italian American DWM Coffee itiuq •njoya wrna for possible mad. build, educated, to axt. 4060 ' 908-3B8-3858 after 6pm, Hoty St. Jude, Apostle music, ballet, swimming, youngster* at home), ligent, romantic Female OLD- 5'7", with light sense of humor looking non-smoker, fun to be Infl, OOlKfl to 9* '»•"•'• well-accompltohed, true frame, health-conscious, and MsJrlyr. oreat In vir- 'have recourse from the fashionable car, teak 2 plex outdoorty beauty; tractive, tall k fit. I love .that's fine.- I'd love to w/wlthout children. If you seeks Oriental female winner ahead... taking romantic walkjij long term relationship. ask tor Mike. _____ 1006 fishing, camping, hiking all type* of music, brown hair and blue with similar qualities. to settle' down with slim, with, who seek* Intel- Ext4ior. value*, great paraonaMty. fO GOOD TO down-to-earth, earing, tu* and rich In miracles, depth ol my heart and lod-up female*, comely, age appropriate & a GAP & an occcaslonal trip to hear from a lady with a are . really looking for a eyes. I'm looking for. a pretty, outgoing woman lectual, imotlonijl & tRUE-35 yr*. old, e'3, CHAKTEHB WANTED- to Glvenchy woman for sports, dancing,., theatre Looking for fun, adven- nlght**too*K««?home. humor, no bad habit*, honest, affectionate, non- near kinsman ol J«*us humbly, bag to whom Ex&tho PaHmra to search for the Grail. AC. Stocky build Is ok zest for Me, but an ap- nice guy & In your 30's- SWF, 21-28, who enjoys .between the ages of 26- physical contact. Reply vary' romanUej healthy & ZlOlbs, trained by hi* 4 smoker, occasional Ryley School, S. Plain- God has glvsn such whatever. Plea** call Ext. & NYC. I have one child. preciation of quiet mo> ture and romance lead- -^J- 85. 8'6». Italian, Christ, faithful Interces- Please reply *xt 4126 (then we can diet to- early 4o's, slim to aver- outdoor activities and 32. Ext. 4109. Reply ext. 3848 I'm romanHo, Intalllflant cautJou*. rJjjht owl ft off sister*, he ha* leariied drinker. I would like to Held, Show ft Sale, 10/3, sor of all who Invoke great power W come to 3023. Would like to meet 3/ m*nts. Please call Ext. age weight & a. non- Ing to a happy ending. box 4122 •'. • Exorcist Parincrt is a new 40 YEAR OLD- Self- gether.) Reply ext.3848. likes going to beach and Please respond to ext. SJF- 37, attractive, po- «W«-2«, W 10, I'm at- wtth a *an«a of humor, week-end*, enjoy* out- how not to treat a l»dy. meet a professional 84 pm, 808-768-0248 or your apeclal patronage In my assistance. Help me c DWM with similar charac- 3944. smoker please contact bowling. Mlddlesox Cty. 8 CHRISTIAN WM- 6' tlto with curly auburn By seeing the bums.we -, •ftdiiificttlon mtd it part of employed, tall, •uropean ASIAN MHNNCtfS M~ teristic* & Interest* who 3323. 8WT- attractive, 35, pet- tractive, have a good I'm Into hrUMio, movl**, door* ft (HMMral, Incld.a male, *0*s 37-41, w/«lml- 76*3731 or 7684512 time of need. To you I In my present and urgent Attractive, pr*fe«»lori«l, me ext.3074 area. Please reply ext. 226lbs. brown hair green hair, I love the beach tie, brown hair & «ye*. trav*llna, tha beach, went out with, he's no petition. In return I prom- • Jrorbii Neunpapen' Intro- multMlngual, mature 32, good looking, well Is down to earth & ha* a r •an** ot humor * enjoy travel, readtng & other lar IMareebi- for dating have recourse from tha DWF— S'O" with long 3310. * eyes, likes boating, long country walks as wallas professional, great sense fool, v*ry strong emo- mtti BOOIC A alngl*'* ise to make your name ,.Juctio»l. It is intended for white male want* to meet built, email man. Ad- good aense of humor. HT, ATHLETIC GENTLE- LOOKING JO WEET- Mfe to th« fu««*t. Thj» ao< varied Irtteraat*. In movWa, Wklrto, walking, fri«nd*Mp, and eventu- ulde to dating In the depth of my heart and dark'halr. I am financially slnglo/dlvorc*d women, I walks, ride* In the coun- NYC. Im looking for a el humor, enjoy* working th/Hlo* I efljoy. ar* NYC. s.^ch of S/OWF 2 One newspaper uot u publish lady for mutually bonoll- KM, Indian, 26,.looking P«mp*Hnfl Is appntcls answered. Reply ext. dancing. I am a young 64 1 dinner*, movie*, and Ju*t any perstuul advettsemeuf on their own. Call - Want a ehlld? 1 Want a dancing, romsntlc dining, you have children or p*t* Ina out, amuaament* tlvaty o*n*rou*, anloy* affection***, iMniual fe- oriented, reliable ft de- love, marriage, business, (Publication muat be el & the outdoor*. I good m*n, SWM, 30, hanging put. I'm In clal mlttreas-type rela- maybe we can make wife: Let's make a or quiet evenings at A for girlfriend, for fun ro- It* A+. H you aw *l«- snort*, and tha outdoor* pendable, very swe^t ft 4114 hsatth. Ons question an- both In heart & look*, would like to meet an at- that mty be »o*rtfy sexual sparkling conversation, male who would Ilka to promised. - Thle novena PRAYIBN TO THB 5>r, 140 Ib*. good *en*e trim, athletic, quasi- search of a S/DWF, 26- tionship. Please call Ext. o&eh other smile. Please deal...Hardworklng SWM, home. Would like to meet . msnee & mofe. Please ceraly looking for • m»' Sa«k* attractive non- *har* a laugh or a tear, gentle, looking for a ejuy »w«red FREE. By phone: has never been known to 1007 tractive man who I* un- model looks, financially suggestive mtd/tf offeHsivk3039. romantic-dining, data*; BLE8SHD VIHQIM- ot humor, Pl#a*« call Ext. 38, who like* mountains to the gentral ptMic, This respond to ext. 3234. 28. very fit, 6' +, very W gentleman, light drink- -•' reply box 4115 tlon*hlp with a gal who smoking SWF who •«- Your convanlanc*. Dont Ueten to tha rain, or each mat will be there for you 1010 808-387-0808. . fall. This prayer I* to b« encumbered emotionally, secure. I'm humoroua, In the winter and baaeh- Intelligent, suave looking, er, 45-80 yrs.old for sari- want* to make llf« O'*** loy* th« aama. Pl*a*« no matter what, but ex- (Never known to fall). 3008. phyelcally fit, energetic service is intmJtd solely QWF- Professional, II- SOUTHERN SWM- 26 b» shy. Youtl b« pl*adi«d other* Mart beat whlla •aid for 8 conseoutlv* witty, w/ diverse Inter- es In the summer. Prof, needs mousy Coun- ous relationship, Please for th» right.»••">*. eillExt.3008 holding each other do**. pect* the same worn wu, PRAYER TO TUB HOLY day*). My prayer* have Oh, most beautiful flower and who ha* a aenae of eat*, a feminist, and for personal aJottiisementi nanclally and emotionally LADIES) THIS SWM years old, blond, vary Dltcmt Haply Ext. 4032 SPIRIT- Holy Spirit, you of Mt. Carmal, fruitful Players it a new , SUCCESS- Friendship first. Please for sinftm vh» would like secure, Petite, attractive, LOVES LIFE AND try Girl, Corporate Lady, call Ext. 30O0. . cute, with an easygoing pleawt oil ext. 4151. It would be nice to ahare We urge you, don^ let been answered: TJL atioH and is part of FUL * ATTHACTiVe- humor. Reply ext 3860. ready for commitment If reply ext. 4163. or in-between, 10-20 or •^rtl- a», handaomtt, thl* on* get away. who »olve all problem*, vine •plandor of Heaven, 1 to estaUisli a reUtiomhip non-smoker. Enjoy* trav- WANTS TO FIND SOME- personality. I have a SWPF- 35 petite allm with *om«an« who's we click. Wanted- a so, to sham walks, mov- WtP- *"w atlraotlvji phyalcally"tit proles- ext. 4084. light all roads, so that I Blessed Mother of. the Newspapers' Intro- dean & educated, daaay with other tingles. . . el, theater, tennis and ONE TO SHARE |T WITH. PATTY- You didn't ' good heart and am easily alonal. Marching for a hor»ewoman, on|oy* warm and Mnsuous. It PRAYER TO THE t. It it intended ft 36 yr. old, DWM who DWM- looking beautiful woman, 10-20, DWM- 41, professional, ies, dlnnor, cuddling, athletlo, 39. En|oy* flolf, may be an encounter you can achieve my goal. son of Qod, Immaculate ^ductiotu. It it hjuudedfwfw W,A or H, straight or EU, secure Job, 5'10,160 lbs, golf. Seeking same With 29 years old, blond hair, leave your correct phone ' -persuaded Into being v«ry attawcthw Chrl*tlan travel, that**, many Wv You who give m* a di- BLESSED VIRGIN- Virgin, assist me In my, <2''j\ue by ptopU looking for love* excitement, pa*- DWF, 25-38, who Ilk** blue eyes, 8', cute smile, beach, love (a business number, 1 would very t«nnl«, movl**, dining wilt charlah for a long .'ounaB08, t II ft ALLOW ME T0 OIVE 1 camping, boating, out- w/braln* and humor, who athletic, enjoys sports, CIAO KKLLA NAOA- professional fomalo 35- >' bad. I'm seeking a fo- Urnal* b*tw««n 22-26 tar«st*. 8a«ka mate who YOU the gift of a lasting vine fllft to forgive ft for- (Never known to fall). necessity. Oh, Star of the 'v" .' other peopu tWl* teham to slon & exotic adventure*. 65 for friendship, pos- who Is honeat and has a together?) Sacrificing for much like to speak to ' mate with similar charac- out, romantic •wnlttfit*. *n|oy* aanut. Reply box Um*. Please call axt. slim, looklnfl for Oeitle_ - door «port* ft qulit eve- I* worldly, culturly di- movies, conversation. 2ZA— Jitet Mkumed from Bountiful life. Ext, 3028 Looklno tor »p*el»l S/ with morakw & v*lu#* for relationship. P*r«onal- get all evil against me Qh, most beautiful llowor Sea, hofp me and shovy) "'•"play gJmm. for than in- Want* attractive slim, sible relationship. Pleaso great sense of humor. you. ext. 3926. Paul teristics so my thoughts who «n|oy» t(ulet *ve 4038 man, of »«m* »o» of Mt. Carmal, fruitful special woman who ning* at horn*. I am 20!ver**, open to newSeeking Intelligent, Sicily to eeatch of a tleri- DWM, 40-80 with *lmll*r Saturday night dinlrin< j ieut tead, 17 yr*. experience. and that In all Instances me. herein you are tnd Mtion please call 1- Ida**, who want* a long- Warm, caring woman for der, dark MaUen Princes* respond ext. 3322. Looking for SWF. 21-32, . . will be more Interesting nlno* at horns a* well a* ol my life are with ma. I vine splendor of Hetven, molher. ph, Holy MaVyJ wants more than a BV& yr* old. B'11, 1801b*.,; (kids okay,) who loves to lnt*MMt« plu* « d«*lr« for and danolng part tar. Call Judy Yorio'* Com- dark hair, very respon- term, trusting, open, lov- companionship & hope- 10-28. I'm 22, Ivy Uagufa each day than what I'm a long t«rm r*l*tlon*hlp. fun nlflht* out- «•*««i no patlblas WW-707-9068, want thl* short prayer to Blesssd Mother of th» Mother ol Ood. Queen of wk. relationship & la not, 1 laugh. Pteuso r«ply oxt. having for dlnnor, Please Bimbo*. B*pty «*xt- 40M Pleasa reply ext. 384 afraid to aak for It. sible ft alto *asy doing. ing, paaslonat* relation- fully a lasting relation- Qrad. 88M. Please ca)l Advertise.In the Classified! Ptoaee reply axt. 4126 Advertise In the Classified! . ship. Ext.3892 ihlp. Reply Ex". 3977 Ext. 3012. Advetilno In tha ClauWtdl 3223. „ respond ext, 4084. -Advettlno In tha ClauHled Plea** reply box 4118 Pl*a«a reply box 4103 ———•.' ; ' "•——- A^Forbes Newspaper < -^

Classifieds September 10, 1992 September 10,1992 B-7;: 1040 3020 2090 2UD 2110 2140 3030 4040 4050 4110 Classifieds Personals Flea Markets, Furniture Office Fhmfturw & Dog* CAM Car* instmcOonl fe&B Education S 4170 4170 4190 4130 421O Forbes Newspapers Heaven and Earth! I APPLIANCES- Refrig- humbly beseech you BDRM, DR « LR SET, DININQ ROOM SET- SUNRISE ACRES- Dog CHILD CARE- in my So. CLEANING- Polish Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Party & Party & Professional erators, washers, dryers, INDOOR FLEA MARKET WET BAR, P/S BED, Walnut, 6 chairs, 2 IB" obedience.. Private 4 Plalnfleld home. Experi- woman will clean y6ur Jrom the bottom of my stoves. Reasonable DRAFTINQ MA Services Services Entertainment Entertainment Services and CRAFT SALE STEREO UNIT, BOOK- Isafa, full hutch with CHINE8- Vsmco 18" A group- classes. Results enced. Any hours, any house. Call 563-9034. SPECIAL TRAINING heart to succor me In this rates. All guaranteed. CA8E. STUDENT DE guaranteed. 689-8566 Services Services 1J JM. 8*ptJ2Jtarfc*prrL DESK,. Jlgbhtsj . Asking $1800. 2OV/l $65.-Call CLIANINQ Proles- eWORQ-PERFECT HnTECT YOURSELF «t Thomee Perish CeV "Open hou«e fCRpmm;; 975,I _,- 722-" :766* • r -"PAVJNG-«md. none that can withstand ar8*£V=== 238-82547- CHILD CARE- In my •lonal, with a personal "Superrnace-key-chalnsr "SEACCOATlNQ"^ TNJ,~NY-& PAT your power. Oh, show DRYER- GE, electric, tor 1407 St. Oeprg* 6. 12, 13, 19, 20. MUST •DATA ENTRY S9.95. Refills $6.95. Send BIRTHDAY PARTY EN- PARTY PLAYERS- run SELL Please call 908- LIVING ROOM- NeW 3040 Somerest home. Experi- touch. Reliable, refer- CALL 808-984-1864 Consultation by appt.. me herein you are my excellent condition, $100; Ave- Railway, NJ. ences,' Free estimates. check or money order tor Commercial/Residential TERTAINMENT- For the funl "Book Now, get LUNCH AVAILABLE 469-6124. $295- sofa, lovssest & 2160 FHh enced, mature mother. Paving @ 65«/sq. ft. children (4 & up). Fun FREE Ice cream cake." only. Resid. new alter, br mother. Oh JJIary, con- Please call after SPM Reasonable rates. 908- Commercial ft.residen- TUTORING— Reading,' P.O. Box 729, Mllltown, ceived .without sin, pray 908-874-4903 . INFO.M0-862-5321 chair In factory wrsppsrs. WmntodtoBuy NJ 08850-0729 , • . .Seal Coat @ $19,95/. gal. filled.magic show & bah Call- 908-968-9525. add. Call 908-494-9389. BENNINQTON PINE- Candelrvsf. 281-«579 246-3713 tial. 10% off first clean- Math In your home. 10. for us who have recourse ing. Call The Polished All types of paving, loon animals for all. Rea- Fees Reasonable. ; FRIGIDAIRE- Refrlg- OPEN HOUSE- Selling love-ssst, sofa & chair, vrs. public school experi- RUBBISH REMOVAL TUPPERWARE- Parties to thee (3x).. Holy Mother, $300, 908447-0619 CHILD CARE- my Bed- Look 806-7654 • potholes & resurfacing. sonable rates. Call Con- freezer, 7 yrs, old,' al- of produf«ntor~»vo'fl, LOVESEATS-Bstaa with AABACUS ANTIQUES ence. Certified K-8 & Servicing ALL of All work Is guaranteed; stantlne; 806-7743. ' are our specialty, Bridal TRAVIS PHOTOGRAPHY I place this causein your Tupperware, Popular mlnster home. Mature, H.S. Math; M.A. degree^, 5000 5020 80&0 mond, water & let at BR SET— Ope colonial, wood trim. $175. Two . -DIRTYCARPETS NEW JERSEY, REASON- . • 908-820-5439 • showers, fund raisers, We Come To Youl Spe- 5010 5020 hands (3x). Holy Spirit, Club and^tarirte Jewelry. ANTIQUE BUYING OOPSI TLC, lunch, snacks. Call 908-272-5315: EMPLOYMENT you who solve all prob- door. J675/BO. 722-2328 pecan-5799; Bpc.oak white wlcksr - hssd " ARE MY SPECIALTY ABLE RATES, Show ad CLOVERLAND PONY home demonstrations or cializing In: PortraltB- Career Training Child Care Wanted Child Care Wanted Employment- At 7pm;'9/1T; 9/25. CALL bbafds.S3S.00 sach. Call SERVICE You went too farl Weekly/Dally. 722-3299. RIDES- & CAROUSELS )ust to order. 548-8090. . Indlvldual, Family, En- lems, light all roads so dining aet-$469; sofabad, Best Service, Best Price; VOICE/PIANO- Private' at time of pIck-upsGET 4190 1 and Services General 753-4260 We Are Purchasing The wtnn*r'e .nam* Is CHILD CARE- Rarrtan. 10* OFF THE BILL! call for Parties & Picnics. Catf gagement, Baby, Pet and that i can attain my goal. •lac. piano, SpaceMaker 608-234-1968 Special Care. Call An- Lessons w/Raritan Valley; 4 PUDDIN8 * CHILD CARE WANTED- INFANT CARE- respon- 2030 FOR DIRECTIONS. mlcrowava. Excel, cond., Furniture* Paintings somawhsr* befor* this my home. f*nc*d yard, thony 908-848-1140 Jim' Brennan 201-672- Patty & 908-998-3140. Home Glamour. • 50110 You who gave me the di- point. • College Music Professor..' My-Tee-Ftne Clownln . for my 15 mo. old, In.my sible person needed to vine gift to forgive and Art 908-781-6688 TABLES- End, sofa & Oriental Rugs A Statues Call Adele Carilss, M.S.; 2941,'In business since Entertahme, 908-389-5784 Career Training OUT OF SCHOOL7— Out coffss tables to match, DONT HAVE A VIDEO Reputation speaks for Branqhburg home, Mon, care for my baby In my forget all evil against me Clocks *Toys * Mirrors DOMESTIC 908-707-1573 1989, excellent r.efer.- Service* of Work? High School 2100 DININQ ROOM 8ET- dark wood. Lana Cads/ ENGINEERING CAMERA7 No need to Itself all occasions and Services dropout? Job opportuni- Tues, Wed, & Frl. Must Dunellen home. Thur. & and that in all Instances ESTATE LIQUIDATIONS onces available CUSTOM OIL Free torn Cdntamp. Oak. Table, 4 CKsst Air in SMtcal. cond. If you've been meaning worry. I will videotape comedy magic and more. ties. Between the ages of •have transportation, non- Frl. days. Long term, In my life you are with * Pleas* Call Toll J^rSe* CHILDCARE IN MY- Children's birthday par- Please call 851-0747 smoking & refs. required. permhent poslton. Must PORTRAITS Good Moos* chairs. Good cond. $250. (wlU sail sstparatsry) 908- to do your cleaning; 4120 SUMMER CLEAN UP . BALLOON 1.7 & 23? Residents of Telephone ,:; ' me, I want In this short from photo, pets a speci- 908-848-0578 h/. map. §73«227. 3080 CranfOrd horn*, rst.s, And you've Just kept ties for you. Don't miss Middlesex, Somerset, Call after 6pm 218-1242 speak English, have.exp. Attics, basements, ga- . RIDES •( .prayer to thank you for ality, affordable. Call Ed, 1.800-281-8385 Adoptablo Pet* Insurance out on those special oc- Hunterdon 'Counties and refs. 752-4315 Representative ' :.. putting it off. rages & contractors. Free Flights • leave our own li- 4210 nil things as you confirm 908-469-0087. SHIH TZU- male, 3 yr. ALL CAR8 WANTED Then call the gnome casions. Call 754-7811. only! For Information call CHILD CARE/DOMESTIC estimates, fully Insured. censed balloon port In Professional HELP— 2 to 3.days per LIVE-IN- Child care Requires- evenings, Sat-j . once again that I never old. Free to good home. Any car old, rj*w or who cleans the chrome; HEALTH INSURANCE - Call 382-733.1 ••• FOR PARTIES— or any COMPUTER TRAINING 908-828-9300 . want .to be separated Call 908-234-1224 Advertise In the Classified! wrecked. 24 Hr. towing DALMATION-7 month Whltehouss at 6pm dally, Services week. Indepentent and needed for beginning of urday and Sunday. Goool^ DUNELLEN- Exp. mom and you'll'shine from May thru October. One bf occasion call the Music Wordprocesslng. Spread- Oct. In. Noshanlc Station starting salary.' Benefits.. from you In eternal glory. 2040 service. 908-287-4837. old mala pure bread; YOU CALL, WE HAUL 77 mature individual with will car* for your child. cellar to loft., Tired of high rates? Cus-, NJ's oldest and most'expo- Factory DJ Service,, for sheets, Databases, DOS 502f0 ~ Branchburg) home for 2 $6.00 per hour. .„ Thank you lor y.our AKC papers, all shots, College student.'.Big nanny credentials. Own 1 Auction* ALL LIONEL, IVES, Lunch & snacks provided Residential/Commercial. torn designed pilans. rlencad ballooning compa- more Info. 359^6041 Windows. Reasonable, Child Care Wanted & 4 yr . old boys. Exp. & Call 908-412-7888. AsM' mercy toward me. and housebrdken. •• Training Estimates. References. truck. Bid & small lobs. 1 LOOKING FOR A - transportation, excellent mine. The person must AMERICAN FLYER- cage. Call 908-756-8224. Reasonable rates. available for the self-., nies Special' 20th an- rates. One-on-One avail. pay. Call 302-3044 refs. required. Non- forPhytlleorJan. ,.;. 908-755-3176 piece to a. full .truck load. niversary price $135 por I CAN DRAW ANY- TOGRAHER? For doing Call Enfi for details: smoker. Please call 908- . say this prayer 3 con- PUBLIC AUCTION and other toy trains. Col- Call 90*>762-4285 employed, Indlyldpal,- your Wedding or Family ...of homepnd Mornings) ' COMPANION ANIMAL family & group. Plans,; Reasonable rates.' Call person. - • THING! Portraits, Pets, E-2 COMPUTER SER- MOTHERS HELPER 583-4263 WHILE YOU'RE JOB . secutlve days.. After 3 Sit, 9/12, 12pm, Preview lector pays, highest pric- Homes,.etc.; Character. Group Photos: Call rental Is advertUed 11am, (Rain Date«9/13, es. Call 1-600-464-4671 PLACEMENT- Available DUNELLEN- loving re- HOUSE that increase benefits & . for Jast est. 276-5725 CONTACT DENNY AT VICES WANTED— Plfd. area, af- days, the request will be sponsible working moth-, Sketches for Parties. Charles Moore III, In classified. Wh«n ternoons, M-F, 4-7pm, EXPERIENCED NAN- NANNY— seeking PT or .HUNTING.- Hunt to see; 12pm) 1778 Martins Ave.,. or 201-635*2058 . for adoption, altered CLEANING reduce costs up to 50%.-' • ' YELLOWSTONE you're looking for new 908-469-0623 granted.. This prayer adults, purebreeds and er of infant looking for BALLOON Reasonable; 548-0548. ' 908-234-1235 perfect after school Job NIE— to care for my In- FT work; Flex; Experi- H you're our Wtnnerl 's. must be published after Scotch Plain*. NJ (Across Weakly/BIWeekly quarters, getthe ; fant son, In my Warren If a somewhere In thlr from SlMpy. Hollow Inn). By AMERICAN FLYER & U- mixed - breeds. Call 658- sams to trade babysitting LARRYCAROLAft Adverfiie In the Classtfttd! ADVENTURES for Jr. High or H.S. teen; enced. Can drive. Call the favor Is granted.M.C. claasined habit. home. Call 908-356-3130 . •section. • • ••• ' ',-,. Order Of Marilyn Farkas. ONEL TRAINS A OLD 3788. Urn*. I need child care on WINDOW ASSOCIATES :. ' 808-439-3320 AdnrUsa In the CtauHlMtl 756-0290 anytime. 908-545-3858 PRAYER "TO THE TOYS— Pis call 908-755- Thurs & Fri days. I am Advertise In the ClassMedl GIVE SOMEONE A WASHING 908-493-8711 , . , BLESSED VIRGIN- Content* of law offlc* & 2120 2130 v 0348, leave message or avail, to provide care on (Never1 known to fall). part Contents of home. Fea- 2120 call after 6pm •. SMILE- Somerset Re- Mon-Tuee-Wed. 762-4315 '. 8 yrs. exper. LOW COST HEALTH J 4180 Gange Safes General gional Animal Shelter has INSURANCE « 4160 41S0 Oh, most beautiful flower turing fine .furnlihlng*, ANTIQUE ft USED- Fur- DUNELLEN- will take 908-722-0728 of Mt. Carmel, fruitful tools, Vintage electronics, Merchandize puppies, kittens, dogs Individual, family orj Masonry Painting Painting law library, office equip- niture, Old DR sets and and cats. Adoption rea- loving care Of your infant HOU8ECLEANING group. Plans designed to« . vine splendor of Heaven, NOTICE: All GARAGE PLAINF1ELD- 1205 Ev- BRs from IBOO's to FT, exper., refs, non- Blessed Mother Of the ment, furniture & eupplles, sonable. Missing a pet? References available. meet yijur needs. Any; Lark Ortho Kinetic Scooter SALES advertlaomerrts •rgrasn Avs>.; (at' Kens- ATTENTION BANDS- 1950's. Also misc. piec- Call 725-0308. '. smoker. 908-762-1891 Own transp. Reasonable MASON AREAS FINEST son pf God, Immaculate Doctor, or Hospital. Great» : and more-Partial llttl ington Ave.) Sat 9/12 7- Speakers for sale. 2 JBL es. 647-1959. rates. Call 201-481-6646 maternity plan. ...••• JK'S , PAINTING and Virgin, assist me in my are PAYABLE IN AD- bass bins, 15", 2 JBL RETIRED RACING EXPERIENCED LOVING CONTRACTORS necessity. Oh, Star, of the Horn* Furnlshlngs/Tools: 4PM, Sun 9/13, 8-1 PM. CDS WANTED- We buy, 1-800-870-0715 I Wsll unit, servsr, tablei. VANCE by cash, high' end horns. Concert GREYHOUNDS AVAIL- CHILD CARE- black work, concrete, ROLL mother. Oh, Holy Mary, Nelghbornood Jo* or Suzanne— petal Please adopt! For pendable, meala. For portation. Peapack, Glad- you qualify. Please call deiki, cabinets, bar stools &08-236-O699 4030 4070 4100 4100 4100 4100 4130 etc. Fully Insured. Free •POPCORN CEIUNQS .:\ Mother of God, Queen of (3), caned dining, chairs (9), cost, please call QaragS/Yard Sal* • Information package more Info, call 986-3430 stone & Bedmlnater area. fcOB-249-1258 and Heaven and Earthl I CHERRY TIQUES please call ofwrite: . ' 781-7766 or 781-0285 CaipeQtry Electrical Home Improvement Home Improvement Home Improvement Home Improvement Landscaping estimates. •DRYWALL/REPAIRS •'•• sew. msohlns. Pioneer re- 1-8O0-559-9495. W**k*nd AnUqu** . . EXPERIENCED MOM Interior Painting humbly beseech you csluer,'tool boxes, hand Friday-Sunday 9/11-13 CARPET Greyhound Frlende and Tree Care NO JOBS •CUSTOM 79 Watchung Ave., N. willing to pare for your * *: *: • • from the bottom of my tobls, radial arm saw, lathe, 9AM-4PM Just completed another , RD 2 Box 999 , UL CLEANING 4140 . WOODWORK Plalnfleld. Now buying child In my Plscataway SERVICE D&WHOME SHEETHOCK/SPACKLE TOO SMALL Quality ' heart to succor me in this comprenor, stamping ma- P1SCATAWAY-405 Nath- Attention Bargain Hunt- large development. Over < Basking Rldg*, NJ Legal Services ********* SPARK ELECTRIC CO.- AL'S CARPET SERVICE HOME —Repairs to: aheetrock; & LAWN CARE/YARD •CARPENTRY OLD: Clocks & watches, home. Yard,, lunch. Rea- 10yrs. exp: Work guaran- Residential commercial & necessity. There are chine, bric-a-brac ft more. erwood Ave: 9/12 9-3 er si 1 Don't miss but!! 875 yards left; Close out basaball memorabilia; 07920 sonable rate**' Refs. CARPENTRY- Decks, specializing In repairing, IMPROVEMENT IMPROVEMENTS plaater. 572-581,1. • WORK— Best Service, 369-5837 Workmanship •CERAMIC TlUNQ •' ' none that, can withstand Office: Xerox copier, 3M teed. Ref. avail. Can 241- additions, alterations, Industrial; Quality Instal- •INSURANCE CLAIMS "': pm. Bikes, baby stuff, Multiple homes will be $4.75/yd. Also available paintings, lamps, tools, 908-888-3788.' Call W»4181 . antique, oriental & hook All phases of home Imp; Lowest Rates^ Free' Esti- your power. Oh, show fax, Victor computer*, Dot 9418 ATTORNEY AVAIL; fully Ins.; FREE ESTI, call lations at affordable pric- MASON Honest, dependable ser-', clothers, toys and more. displaying & selling their STAINMASTER $8.88. toys. Jewelry,. furniture, rugs. Removal of Wrin- - Interior & exterior • •Carpentry "• •• •'. WINDOW A^I REPAIRS mates. Call 231-0358 CONTRACTOR-- .me herein you are my printers, desks, chairs, wares this weekend. Any- EXPERIENCED MOM- ABLE— Closings, Refi- BOB 908-788-8345 es. Please call us, you replace glass, putty, vice. Crafted wtthpredr 3 families. ; •.•'••. COMMERCIAL CARPET photos & collectibles. POLISH WOMAN Will nancings,' Leases,, other kles, buckles. Stretching You name It, we do Itl •Drywall. : Low summer prices, spe- mother. Oh Mary, con- dictaphone*, 900+ law thing & everything you wlll care for your child In won't be disappointed. '& relnstallatlon of new & caulk,; paint & wash. LAWN CARE- 20 yrs. ' Joe Klingebiel slon, neatness, arid ded-; books, video sscurlty syi- $4.99. Shop - at home., iV TOP, CASH PAID * clean, you house/apt. Real Estate .matters; CARPENTRY ft CABIN- CALL MIKE • 220-6885 •Ceramic Tiling .: • experlence-a Scott's lawn cializing In steps, walks, ceived without slri, pray BERNARDSVILLE-r 123 can think, of: clothes, 908-861-8744 my. Placataway - home, Own trans. Refs. Reason- Bonded & Insured. Lie. used Carpet. Since 1950. Quality craftsmanship for Icatlon. to professional ; tem *mofe. •'.•'. Claramont Road, Bldg. Call Eddie. Wills. Reasonable rates. ETRY, FINE. QUALITY- •Reconstruction ' Pro. Lawns cut, thatched, patios,, all mason work, for us who have recourse toys, furniture, house- SuppBo* A SetvlcM fenced yard, reasonable able rates; 302-1849. #8227. 908-233-5255 .908-369-8970 . DECKS- $7.50 per ft. or 25 yrs. Free estimates, 381-9656 excellence. • • • • ; 16 thee (3*). Holy Mother, ElectronktS! (mostly WWII). #1, Almost new- Clothing, wares, tools,' even kitch- ENTIRE ESTATES-' or rates. Refs.. Call 271- Unds Gotllb, 906-0737 ' remodeling, & repairs. •Repairs & Insurance Insured, work guaran- seeded. Reasonable Mo job to smalll Ins.; Ham radio, boxes of new . • Wlnddw8, dodrs, trim, will beat any legitimate Free Estt, 25 yrs. exp., ; free estimates 12 Years Experience I place this cause In your Jewelry, Furs, Acces- en cabinets, records, 908-254-7904 single Hema purchased. 0663 PROFESSIONAL ATTORNEY" HOUSE ALL COUNTY FENCE Claims teed, prompt Service. rates, reliable Service. tube*, signal generators, sories. Continual 50%- PET PALS- In horn* pat basements,, free est. refs. 4080 offer, custom work. Fully Same Location, FREE ESTIMATES AND, hands (3x). Holy Spirit,, comic books, plus loads CHICKERINQ PIANO Estate Sale* profession- CLEANING 8ERVICE8- CALLS: Wills (from $70), CO.- All types Wood & Insured. Unlimited refer- Superior, quality, Ameri- Bob Stalnmsn, 526-3382 Walt 908-752-6730 you who solve all prob- oscllllscopss, oscillators, 75% markdowVis. Bldg. 2 sitting service the kanrw) HIL-L8BOROUOH 11 yrs, exp. 281-6538. Handyman Services Dean Koeoep •>& Son LAVITOT PAINTING- WRITTEN GUARANTEE transmitters, Strobe lights, morel! .-: In good condition. MUST ally conducted, We buy Commerclal & residen- Closings (from $395), In- Chalnlink Fence in- ences, Color portfolio. can craftsmanship. LAWN CUTTING- LaWn lems, light all roads so - THE ANNEX- finest SElll-moving. $300 B/O. old furn,, oriental rugs, alternative for people AREA- Part time/drop tial. Call for free esti- stalled. Free est. .Call Done once, done tight. WINDOW GLASS RE- 757-742'-7421 FREE ESTI, Fully Ins., BEST PRICES IN TOWN .• transformers, books & DIRECTIONS: Just follow In/back up reliable child-, corporations (from $225). CARPENTRY Call now and save $$$. PLACED ON «m»- Wo care, leaf removal, clean- Mark,908-753d725 ^ that I can attain my goal. quality home furnishings, Call 908-354-3280. porcelains, paintings, who- travel,- dally visits. mates 908-233-6057 908-654-1925 or 908- Free estimates and reli- 1 ext. paint., SAVE EN- more. • Coldwell Banker Garage Call for exact fees; Other Interior and exterior 908'526-O005. . ups & landscaping at re- You who gave me the dl- Antiques, Collectibles. «tc. ' Fully Insured. Call 908- car*. Call 908-281-0891 APPLIANCE REPAIRS 232-8727. able, professional plan- epalr, re-putty & paint —MASONRY— ERGY! We specialize In Termst Caeh/Approved Sal* Signs & Balloons CHICKERINQ PIANO PROFESSIONAL HOME services. • painting. Wood and ma- 3ld windows & trim. Very cession breaking rates. Installing vinyl replace vlris gift to forgive and Continual 10%-50% mark VOQUE ANTIQUES . 302-2538 LOVE *n TOTS- A family All major brands, all DID YOU ning. Better Job, better 29 yrs experience. 4200 Check. 10% Buyer* Fee. dowhs. New merchan- leading off of Livingston In good cond., must sell, CLEANINQ- dally- J. DeMartlno, Esq. sonry steps. Free esti- major appliances. Rea- APPUANCE REPAIRS easonable. INSURED. Call 908-725-4623 windows, OVER 12 YRS. forget all evil against me Ave., Hermann Rd. & day care Service provid- mates. 908-4834)317 KNOW... price.. Please cell: . No Job too small; and that In all Instances Seating limited, bring a. dise arriving dally) Con- moving, $500 bio, call weekly-monthly, rates. 808474-5636. sonable, experienced, re- BY MARK . Call Clear View EXPER.t Ultimate In chair. Catered. Nassau St. Lists of par- 908*272-7216 ing quality developmen- that an,ad In.this local * 1-800-491-1725 * LAWN MOWING ' Sleps'Sldewalks . and Cooling In my life you are with signments by appt; Deal- Anthony 908-359-3260 4000 Fully bonded ft Insured. CARPENTRY-r ALL liable. Same day service. Specializing In Whirlpool, paper also goes.Into 16 757-S347 Mulch, Shrub planting, •Driveways •Patios prep. & Workmanship. 1- Windsor Auctions ers space When avail. ticipating homes & FISHINQ TACKLE- col- tal care. Experienced, 1-800-253-6243 Kenmoro, Q.E. washers, 800-286-4033. (We also ' me, I want In this short streets will be at each lector Wants to buy OLD, SERVICES State certified. Refer- 41SO PHASES fully Ins., FREE Jeff 908-369-4075 other local papers?. HOME IMPROVEMENTS Decorative stone, prun- -•-" "Bricks • (908)233-8301 ENCORE QUALITY CLARINET- Flute & dryers, dishwashers & WINDOWS AND DOORS do general carp./home CARISONE < prayer to thank.you for home. . Trombone-$175 each or rods, reels, lures, cata- ences. FT/PT. 6 w**ks-2 PROFESSIONAL Loans A Finance ESTI. portfolio & refs Reach over 400,000 *V REPAIRS- Additions, Super prices on' replace-, ing, trimming, Yard •Call BUI at 968-0695- CONSIGNMENTS APPUANCE REPAIRS portable air conditioners. readers with one call! , decks, wooden storage Improv. & roofing) PLUMING ft HEATING - all things as you confirm ESTATE SALES Sponsored by; best offer. Please.call loga. 233-1654 after SPM yrs. bid. Franklin Area. WINDOW CLEANING ayall. Hartje Construc- Rofrlg., air Conditioners, ment windows and clean-ups, WILX BEAT M-F 10-6, Thurs. 8 tion So. Plalnfleld. 24 HR, Hot Water Heater . 1-800-559-9495 sheds. All phases pf MASONRY & LAND- No lob too small. Free. . once .again that t never • CONDUCTED^. SatiOHt. • . . PataMalmone 908-322-8356 908-828-4498. GIVE Fully Ins;, Bonded, FREE beverage ventors, water installation & repair, ' doors. All sizes and ANY PRICE! SENIOR TOM HANSON , SWORDS, MED- 4t020 MOM A BREAK. Enjoy FINANCIAL AID 908-7S4i8921 home Improvements & SCAPING- Additions, estimate. Uo.#9373. . want to be separated ••• ' «... ' • '..• ESTI Superior Ref. Call coolers/ washers & dry- styles. TRIM/sldlng. CITIZEN DISCOUNTS! PAINTING Courteous. & reliable ser- Closed Mondays In July DRUM SET— 5 pc, cym- ALS. MILITARY ITEMS, Buslnass Sewfcm time for yourself or run 908-739-2064 . ;****. repairs. Vlsa/MC. porches, brick or con- 908-968-3941 from you In eternal glory, vice provided. Please call COLDWELL BANKER 1-B0O-253-6243 For college. For free In- DECKS— Carpentry and ers at prices, you can af- DRIVEWAYS & FENCING Tlmberilne Construction 908-985-8449 (Edison) nterlor'/exterlor and 8, August 906-7«6-77gO bals & all acessorles. CAMERAS- NJ ft Fed- errands. We offer a sup- formation please call, FREE ESTIMATES crete' driveways or pa- Thank you for your Marilyn Anns) SCHLOTT REALTORS alterations, attics.and ford. Ca|l 906-752-7866 ARTIES CARPET SER- BY CATENA 908-753-6761 LAWN MOWING- for as wallpapering. Free COPPERHEAD PLUMB-'. m,orcy toward. Me and (908)297-7171 Like how cond., $350. eral licensed. Top cash- plementary evening & WE'LL CLEAN YOUR 908-755-2168 •- VICE- Sales, Installa- OUR HOUSE 356-0586 tios. Landscape tie con- INQ, HEATING, DRAIN • No. Brunswick BRANCHBURQ- 10B2 CAPRICE II HAIR HOME- office, weekly, basements, sheetrock Driveways, Curbing, all WINDOWS/CARPEN- little as $20. Spring clean struction'. Full array of estimates. Please call ' mine. The person must 3pc. $250 808-685-2295 paid. House calls made. weekend service. Please tions & repairs. Shop, at Tom at 908-469-5952 or CLEANING— Affordable! 908-246-4716 Hlllcrast Dr., 9/12th S Bert 821-4949 SALON- announces Its call for more Info. bi-weekly or. 1 time. 8 and speckling, comb- HANDYMAN types of fencing. Free' HOME TRY— NO Job too smalll up. Thatching, shrub masonry & landscape say this prayer 3 con- RARITAN- 708 A a B FUR COAT- Finland 4170 prices, quality work, fully homo service. No Job too Estimates. Will beat any 1-800-479*952. '' quality - free estimate*, 13th, 9am-6pm. MOVING Farrand St.; Sat & Sun, new addition "Unique yrs. exp. Bonded & In- ALL WORK, Best prices! Replace, Install, $159, planting. Will beat any le- services. secutive days. After 3 SALE! Racoon, $900 (value HIGH PRICES PAID- for Ins., FREE EST.I, 908- small. Fully Insured. Call prlcel 908-968-3432. IMPROVEMENT gltlmate price. 7574)114 24 hour, emergency ser-' days, the request will bo 9/12 & 13, 9-4PM, 2 Fam- Botlque Items" for.salon MONDAY MORNING INC sured., Free Eat. Miscellaneous FREE ESTI Exc. Ref., 908-469-1518 after 5PM FREE EST., 90M59-5674 No lob too small. PAINTING & WALL vies. License #8917.." 2080 ' $1700). Jack Lalanne quality postcards, sheet & boutique' quality & 561-1291 ,> ' ! ntoflor and exterior • ' granted, this prayer BRIDQEWATER-74 Som- ily Sale. (1 blk from Rt. INFANTS ft TODDLERS Call 685-5961 Services r 908-231-1421 LAWN SERVICE- Call 722-1977 PAPERING- "Winter Please call 752*808. CJotMtf* Apparel Llf*tlm* Gold Member- music, old toys, baseball price can't be beat. 174 ATTIC VENTILATORS- DRIVEWAYS painting, Wallpapering, ••FENCEee.. must be published after erset Ave,, 8a.m. -6p.m., 202 & 1st Ave.) Lots of INSURED, INSPECTED DONT CALL US I Promt, reliable, insured, MASONRY-CONCRETE Special" $50 off painting ship, $600 (value $1200). Items, cameras, military, Main St., Metuchen, 908- MONITORED HANDYMAN Gablo & house fans In- floor. finishing,: roofing, All types of wood fence DOWD BROTHERS •/• the favor Is granted. M.C. Sat 9/12 & Sun 9/13. Bo- goodies; 908-234-0673 4090 Until, you've called the Free Estimates. Seal dethatchlng, powerseed- PAVING and 20% off wallpaper- typewriters, TV's, Worlds 5484800 908-5284884 AFFORDABLE JUNK RE* 1 Can do most anything stalled, Free estimates. mansonry, carpentry, Installed & repaired. PLUMBING A •' FUR—lunaralne Moonlit nanza oarage sale- Fair, fountain pens. 272- HeatthCan others. Then call coating by hand. Will fix • I.N.M-464-9369. Ing, leaf removal. Serving Brick, Block, Stone, ing. FULLY INSURED. PSYCHIC READINGS BY mink, Crystal Fox trim, SIDEWALK SALEI- INTRODUCTIONS... 9084534595 MOVAL- Reasonable & CB CONTRACTING for and at reasonable rates. Call Bill 908-722-0758 broken areas, additions, driveway settlor. Call WMI beat any written es- HEATING, INC Z Commercial meat sllCer, Thur., Sept 24, All new 5777. COMPUTER PROGRAM- Sendees Somerset county. 908 Steps, Sidewalks, Drive- DRAIN CLEANING, DIANE ft JESSICA full length, az. 10-12, 2 meat band saw, anti- A way for people to meet MING- Customized Fox- affordable rates. Free e»-, the highest quality car- No Job too small. In- overlay. Call Tom. Same 908-725-4836 timates. Interior/exterior. first quality merchandise, NURSE WILL BABY8IT- sured. Call 908-322-1673. BASEMENTS TO AT- 359-1418 JJ -± ways. Foundations, By appointment only. yrs. old, aturtnlng, asking ques, H/H Items & lots people, every week In HOUSEHOLD SALES BASE+, FoxBASE/MAC, tlmate. Insured. 908- pentry & home Improve- day service. Reason- • CERAMICS Will work weekends. Call CENTRAL A.C. In her Bound Brook TICS— and everything In •.**-* • ..'• Fplcs., patios, curbing, 908-789-8855 : toys, dolls, games, MOUNTAIN VIEW Chris 873-1389 Fast same, day- service' $2200. Also, dark natural more.. . your local Forbes news- Let us arrange an Auc- FoxPRO, SCO FoXBASE Home. 356-6508 COUNSELING- With a 756-7563 ' •• •; ments at the lowest HANDYMAN FOR between, custom carpen- able. 248-5986 Belgian block. Insured/ All readings are private & books & plush. 50% or price. We mean Itl Free LANDSCAPING evtnlngs and week-ends. Ranch mink jacket, lus- more off red. price. Rain paper. The ad. Is free, tion at your home. No fee and SCO- FoxPro. pro- Professional In Adoption, HIRE— Carpentry, re- try both In and out. Rea- IRON Refs. PAINTING A WALLPA- confidential. Located up- cious, sz. 8-10, 9260. BRIDGEWATER- 118 then one call does It alll ' to you from us Is In- gramming. Cuatomiza- PISCATAWAY MOM depression, divorce me- AT YOUR ' est., fully Insured, refs. 4 Installations Complete yard mainte- Uc.#4369. 908-725-8239" Brahma Ave., (off Old data Frl. Sept 25, Bea placement of ^windows & sonable fates & froe esti- DRIVEWAYS DMI (908)757-7929 PERING- Exterior/ Inte- or 908-356-1029 stairs from Gentlemen's Call 526-9240 1-8OO-8S9-9498 volved. Have well known tlon of SBT accounting Will care foryour Infant/ diation, geriatrics, Brief &. 908-968-1058. doors, floor tiles, Decks, mates. Dave 753-8256 RAILINGS iVRepalrs nance. Grass cutting. Choice Hair Design, 205 York Rd. to 116 Brahma) Skydell's Dolls & toys, DISPOSAL FREE ESTIMATES ON A Re-grouts Fully insured. ' MASONRY- Concrete, rior, custom work. Com- 476 Union Ave. Mid- Auctlonsara avail. We software, both PC, toddler In my home. Lots stress. Barbara Ronca additions, kitchen, bath OIL BURNER SERVICE' South Ave., Westffeld ******** Sat. 9/12 & Sun. 9/13, 9- LOSE UP TO 30 also buy out' contents, Macintosh & Unix. Exp'd J. DEGUTIS CARPEN- INSTALLING NEW OR patio, steps, all mason merclal/resldentlal. dlesex 908-356-5400 of TLC and reasonable ACSW-BCD 218-9082- We clean up «Base-- renovation. 526-5723. ;**.•••• - TRACEY'S 1r800-221-8963 FULLY INSURED. Nick Boiler & Furnace clearc CLOTHING SOLD IN 4. Sale 31 yra. of house POUNDS^- In 30 days, partial or all. Please call In Novell LAN's. Stephen rates. 572-3149 ments *Attlcs •Garages TRY Quality craftsman- ; REPAIrtlNGOLD PISGITELLI work, FREE ESTIl FULLY SWEDISH MASSAGE living, now moving Into a IRONWORKS 658-9235. • • up, efficiency teatlng- BULK- 100% rayon, for under $30. Call 908- Dragon ft Assoe^ 908- •Yards eother odd Jobs \ ship on additions, alter- HANDYMAN- All work, BATHROOMS •Drivewaya • INS. CALL TONY: 908- Janet, CMT. Call 908- skrt/blouse; short/blouse Condo. Pruning tools, SO. PLAINFIELD 1880 721-4804. 4110 ations',, rooting, siding, TILE & MARBLE MULCH emargency service calls, Grant Av*.; Sat * sun, I BUY ALMOST 787-73a2. PRIVATE HOME Prompt courteous, ser-; , Painting & carpentry, Free Estimates •Parking lots •Seal- 253-8616 •• '•• ' ' PAINTING (Ed Rellly) heat & hot water In-' 264-8433. By appt. only. sets;908-356*832,rv.msg lawn mower, TV, sofa, ex- Instruction/ doors, kitchens & bath. ceramic tile, F^EE ESTI!, 8AM-8PM 600410-2036 double shredded hard- ; Sspt 12 & 13, 9-4PM. MITSUBISHI- Oak 35" DAY CARE vice at reasonable prlc-. Complete bathrooms coating •Railroad ties (9 0 8) 412- MASON— specializing In Interior/Exterior- Free stalled. 722-8225 V^ THANKSGIVING NO- ******** tension ladder, ..tools, ANYTHING DESKTOP PUBUSHING Season special on decks REF., 908-874-7606 . • ' *** • . • wood, $13 cu. yd. Pick Moving sale! Rain or TV $1450. Thomasvllle £a\icatlon es.' •.•••'• " starting as low as •Belgium blocks all typos of masonry estimates. Custom work. VENA to ST. JUDE- beds, baby equip., P.V.C. One Ham or an entire Business cards, Let- ^Summer & replacement windows. up or delivery available. PLUMBING * o deck turn., Antiques, Bhlnel Dining $1995. Lazyboy JCP CARTING ; * * * * $3995. LiCensed.v In- -Concrete Work- J & D MAINTENANCE 9162 work. FREE EST. CALL Very neat & references'. Holy St. Judo, Apostle •state. Call (908) 526- terhead, resume, msnus, Insured, free estimates. 908-583-0409 '•• • Sheetrock Repairs. Low rates. Good service.''. 2060 cord wood & morel recllner. Beige. 7698526 Care* '' : 1-800-794-8048 i Call 908-7544)014. MR. DO RIGHT--•Will, sured, 10 yrs. Exp. -All Types- INC.- Interior/Exterior ANDY VIOLA 908-469- an* Martyr, great In vir- SO. PLAINFIELD- 171 8035 or 730-8374. : ••••. brochures, newsletters, ART CLASSES- Adults- repairs, Attlo &. basamBnt "SEAL IT RIGHT" Power Washing. FUlly In-' Drain cleaning. Free esti- CoJfCcUbJM Daniel SL; (off of Maple MOV1NO- tool cabinet, directories, magazines, •b Provided •&. children. Drawing, paint- 908-889-8048 clean, repair,..palnli p FULLY INSURED-, - TOMS DRIVEWAY OUTDOOR SERVICES- 3337 mates.. License #6481.«; tue and rich In miracles, BRIDQEWATER- Rsd ROGER SMITH Walls, ceilings, porches, cleaning, No lob too sured. 908^762-3767. Ave. opp. PAL Blda.) Sat vise, grill, kit, cabinet, JUKE BOXES « promotional packages, Arts & crafts ft a lot ing, pastels., Beginners- Home Renovations Our 27th year . . PAVING THE TREE PROFESSION. Call John 968-8«34 , ••••': near-kinsman of Jesus Lion Way; Sat. Sept 12, CLEANUP ft LIGHT Carpenter Contractor attics, cellars;''Carpentry small! 908-297-4340 AtS-AII phases of tree QUALITY WORKMAN- Christ, faithful Interces- & Sun, 9/12 & 9/16, 9- Workbench, TV, glass- PINBALLS- any cond. We handle all phases of more activities, fenced Advanced. Classes lim- 1^800-734-8919 Sealed by hand. Pot- PAINTING end WALLPA- COMIC BOOKS- 2nd 9-4PM. Amazing Neigh- HAUUNG- of all types.'. Framing, Additions, Add- and Organize Garages! MAJER CO. and shrubber SHIP AT A REASON- PLUMBING « HEATING sor of all who Invoke 4PM lamps, luggage, ware, china, records. slot, coke, arcade production Including ited. Experienced artiat/ 1-908-561-3554 JXM. REMODELING holes, Cracks, Resurfac- PERING— Interior & story comics now at the borhood Salel 22 fami- In yard, well equipped. Free estimates, Insured,, a-Level. & Alterations. "Master of the small job" icare,stump grin " ABLE PRICE- all types Water heaters, water flk men's coats, women's rug. 908-757-2662 machines & barber printing. For more Infor- Licensed & state teacher. 908-463-1631 1 968-0862 Complete home Improve- ing. Reasonable prices. of masonry. For free est, exterior. Remodeling of Roselle Antique Canter.. lies participating In a 60 poles. Call 609-587-7819. low rates. We work week- Fully insured. Plscat- 908-968-7540 BATHTUB * TILE RE- 'snow plowing. 90i ters, gas boilers, sump, time of need. To you I coats, furs, costume jew- mation 908-248-9188 approved. Only 2 open- ments, porches & decks. Free estimates. Gall T pis call John, 563-7862 baths and kitchens. 109 Aldene Road. Thura- home development! Pos- elry, books, else. Type- OIL * TANK- about 75 ART CLASSES- all ends. Tony, 781-0400. : away. 908-968-4195 . SURFACING— 5 year DRIVEWAYS-PARKING 3194. DeCka Installed. FREE pumps, sewer & drain- have recourse from the sible a world record! Ings left. Please call ODD JOBS .& GENERAL Interior/exteriors,, carpen- 908-248-5986 . . . Sun. 908-241-0034 writer & misc. household gal. heating oil A 275 OLDER SODA, OUM * FREELANCE ARTIST ages/all media, Day/eve/ CUSTOM SUPCOVERS warranty, free estimates. ...LOTS-" * * * * ESTIMATES. Call Tomf cleaning. depth of my heart and (North on - 202-206 from free standing tank. $175. Look no further. If you now for free registration REPAIRS— Lt. hauling, : try work, deck reseating PETE'S AFFORDABLE lt*ms. VENDING MACHINES, Sat. Creative Images. Draperies, reupholstery. 4070 Call 908-756-5351 Repalred.resurfaced, & cleaning. No lob too 4130 TK Masonry 7SS-6541. 800-300-6541. • All repairs. • c humbly beg to whom Somervllle Circle, west Call 908-846-7398 Jeff need a freelance artist at the QUALITY CARE 648-3747 brush cleared & re- LANDSCAPING God has given such Juke boxes, Arcade Your fabric or ours. For- CARPENTRY & ROOF- stoned, seal coated. small. Contact Steve Dl- Landscaping Lawn Maintenance, Fall Residential Specialist Trlippl Plumblntf, Uc ' on Talamlnl (big red SOMERVILLE- 87 West games, Neon signs & who knows production, DAY CARE CENTER. Lo- Electrical moved. Expert Int/ext. JOHN MACNAMARA M707. Call 704-3760. : great power to come to PARQUET FLOOR FRENCH- Group Con- merly at Stelnbachs & carpentry,. painting, re- ING-, repair. Celling & RR ties & Belgium block mlno 908-762-7863 or 1- Cleanups, mulching beds Foundatlons/Steps/Con ORIExVTAL bam), north on Red Upn End Av*. Sat. Sept. 19, clocks, Lionel trains, can follow through on cated In Plscataway. Hahne's. 43 yrs. experi- <•: D. A. HUNT PAVING " and tree Care Crete work/Paving •AINTINQ- Interior my assistance., Help me Way. Or north on Coun- 10am-3prn. Rain Date SQUARES- Formica, any board Job & has al- versation. Private tutor- plaoement windows. & floor porches, steps, 800-585-7863. Free estl & Rock beds. Full land- jalntlng & wall papering., In my present and urgent photography equipment, Hees trucks, pedal cars, (908)885-1327. ence. Senior citizen disc. A-1 ELECTRIC CO. Serving Brldgeiyater area mates. scaping. Trimming & stones/ Allen block re- 4220 RUGS'; •" try Club from Route 22 Sat. Sept. 26. Furniture, toys, wanted by collec- ways been neat, fast & ing. Native French pro- decks. Tree work, log paint. Call 356-9020 'fee estlmatea. Fully In- petition. In return I prom- Including Bogen ousel, fessional, 276-3774 Shop at home service. . No Job Too Small . splitting, gutters cleaned. Since 1967. 722-1882. ACCURATE Pruning. Free est. In-taining walls/Chimneys Roofing . east on Talamlnl, north glassware, sewing tor. 908-996-3716 Steven thorough, here I am. QUALITY CHILD CARE- W. Canter 906-757-6655. CARPENTRY BY QUELI JFK CON6TRUCTION- and fireplaces. sured. Recommended by We to make your name Old or Used on Red Uon Way.) Rain machine, MUCH MORE! chemlcaijugs, timer, Please call John at: In my Somervllle home No Challenge Too Groat No Job too small. Why DRYWALL CONSTRUC- CONSTRUCTION sured. 908-756-7563 Interior Decorators. , known and cause you to fllt*rs, etc. For more Info, CONSTRUCTION CO.- Cranford, 908-278-0856 CALL TOMJL888-2994 ACTION ROOFING or shine, no early birds, POST CARDS- Toys, 908-725-8248 wHh lots of TLC. Years of DRIVEWAY/PARKING Residential/Small Bus. break your back? If you TION- Sheetrock and Vinyl Sldlnd, Windows & PINE LANDSCAPING MW-709-0160 ..._• CO.— Exc. rates, quality . be Invoked. (Say 3 Our Any Size and Color please! . SOUTH PLAINFIELD- call 908-7894942. don't see It, ask. Call us Welded Vinyl replace- taping, specializing in All work guaranteed. doors. Call 560-8369. Games, Trains, Banks, experience fenced In LOT SEAL COATING Specialists ment Windows & steel One contractor for all Landscape construction 4180 work, no money down Fathers, 3 Hall Mary's, 3 1923 Undan Av*., Fri. & Sheet Music, Political, LET ME HANDLE YOUR yard. Lunch & pro- . All work guaranteed. today for a FREE- esti- small Jobs. T.A.F. Drywall PAINTING BY glory* Be's). St. Jude, Any Condition PHASE CONVERTER- Residential/Commercial doors. Custom decks, your needs. Large or ACCURATE & lawn maintenance. Ser and free est. 828-6108 ..-•• CRANFORD- 20 Cor- Sat. 9/11 & 12,9am-4pm. Disney, Worlds Fair; TYPING NEEDS- I have vlded. (908) 526-4710 See our display ad In the ,Uc. 8460. mate. Our 17th Vear. Call 1-800-640-3969. vices .Included:, all phas< Painting pray for us and all who Rotary type, 1 to 15 HP. 526-5535 additions, dormers, small, we do It alll LANDSCAPING CARNEVALE Antique Furniture •Mil Rd.; Sat & Sun Sept Moving Sale! No early Dolls, Magazines, etc. an IBM Compatible PC. Business/Service Dlrec- 271-4553 854-1330 All phases of landscaped es of landscaping & lawn CAD HOME IMPROVE- Invoke your aid. Amen. Call 526-5226 or eve- Reasonsbls rates, pleas* TLC PROVIDED- In my kitchen & bath remodel- DRYWALL MENT ROOFING A RE- 12 & 13, 9-4PM. clothes, birds. Call Herb 908-534-5515 torlos In your local ing, basements, drywall KITCHEN CABINET construction. Lawn Ser- maintenance. Plantings & A OUR 35th YEAR A (Publication must be and Jewelry nlngs 369-3372 call Meryl day or evening Bound Brook home, ACCU-MARK ELECTRIC -INSTALLATIONS" INSTALLATION RESTORATION PAINTING * PAPER PAIRS— new work, r*V sofabad, chairs, hoUse- WARREN- 18 Rockag* Forbes Newspapers' 8. taping. NO JOB TOO ft FINISHING vice. Retainer walla, rock walls a speciality. HANGING- Interior/ex- EXTERIOR/INTERIOR . promised. This riovena hold Hems, bargains. SLOT CAR8- From the at 90B-422-8988 close to parks & schools. Classifieds, Free esti- '3rd generation electrical Fences'Garage door Most Kitchens under roof, free estimsteSi has never been known to Top Price Rd. off Mt. Horeb Rd. PISCATAWAY- 118 60's. All sizes, Makers, Call after 8PM. 908-271 - openers>Storm Doors SMALLf Fully Insured, Specializing In Additions, Brick & concrete patios, Owner operated & cus- terior. Window repairs, Quality work. Reason- N*(h*rwood Av*., 9/12, mates. Fully Insured. . contractor. I come from a $400. Refs. Fully Insured. tomer oriented. resonble rates, shamed fall, This prayer Is to be HIGHLAND PARK- 2 Sat. & Sun. 9/12 & 13, Conditions. 232-2853 NEED SOFTWARE! We 5126 Joanne Carpentry Repair free est. 704-0262. . Renovations & Base- Belgium block curbing, Quality workmanship for able, free estimates. less gutters. 424-0942 Prompt Service • 9anv4pm. Stereo, stroll- CHEMSEAL family of exp. electri- Decks, Irrigation, 908-968-5670 said for 9 consecutive So. AdsJald* Av«.; YM & 9am-4pm. Miscellaneous eves or 322-8998 days can help you out. Experi- cians. Lie, 10724. Fully •ODD JOBS" ments. Free Estimates. •«»755-i977»" 25 years. No Job too 968-0467 i!r days). My prayers have Household Items. er, bikes and much enoed programming WEE PEOPLE Mendham, NJ CARPENTRY- & Home 908-819-8528 Japanese Rock Gardens small. Insured. Free esti- YWHA (off Rt. 27) 9/13, 908-234-2700 Ins., 545-0553 anytime! "ALWAYS WELCOME!" improvements. I do It KITCHEN- cabinet PREDATOR TREE GENERAL been answered: M.C. 9-3PM Gigantic rummage morel TURN YOUR OLD BI- team (C, UNIX, IN- SCHOOL- very limited w/Waterfalls & Walls. mate, prompt service. PAINTING- AU STAR. 201-425-6429. CYCLES INTO CA8H- part and full time open- ALK ELECTRICAL CON- •(908)545-1126' AlLl All phases of home EXCAVATION • refaclng or new, counter- 9O8-S6O-8369 • SERVICE- Take down & & garage sale, a huge SKIMMER STRAW FORMIX etc) to do cus- FINLAND MASSAGE- chipping, no Frills lawn Bob Stelnman OJLLY INS., FREE ESTIl ROOFING 2130 call Jim, 908-821-7111 tomized software. Call ings avail, for Fall, 1992. THACTOH- Resl-comm. Improvements. Free est. LAND'S EXCAVATING tops, tile work, carpentry. 826-3382 Quality work..CALL VIVIAN, gymnasium full of good- HATS— add your own Call Albln 752-7087 by l * IMPROVE * Ins. Steve, 908-968-7042 Free estimates: Pie call ARMSTRONG LAND care, Full Insured. Flat roof specialists.*' When we're together ies. 24B-2221 201-796-7136 or 908-850- Call 469-7029 and have No extra charge for eve- Top Soli, Pipe Trenching, KEVIN 908^22-7932 2070 'General' band, for group picnics, WANTED TO BUY: OLD your child "Discover the appolnlmant only. * EVERYTHING * Stone, Footings, Land Tony 908-068-7027 SCAPING « PAVING 908-4244)512 A Good Hands Co,— Retar entire roof or nothing else matters ex- reunions, etc 757-7427 WHIST WATCHES * 0671 after 6PM nings & wkond. Free est. CARPENTRY— All small, Computers HIGHLAND PARK- 477 Fun In Learning' _ SHAOUN GUTTER ft LEADER Ins; Uc. #9732; 76S-4030 Quality!! Painting, Spack- clearing Septic Asphalt driveways, land- SUNRISE Lawnacapers Interior/exterior. Wallpa- PAINTING- ATB INC. patch< No lob too smalt cept the magic we cre- POCKET WATCHES. Illng, Decks, DeMold, medium repairs Inside/ KNOX scape Installation, shade >AINT|NG. $50/room. ate. It gives me a good Lincoln Avs.j Thurs, Frl, TABLE LAMPS ; WORD PROCESSING KUNQ FU CLEANING- Repaired & out, and new work. Also REASONABLE Mowing, Cleanups, Fertil- pering, painting, power or large. Flashing, sky' "WORKING OR NOT" WORD PERFECT 8.1 WILL BABY 8IT- In my AMERICAN MADE Yards. Fasti FREE ESTI, FULLY INS. tees- & shrubs, new washing for commercial/ Exterior $700+. Wallpa- feeling knowing I. bring Sat, Sun. 9AM-5PM. En- Matched set. Brass & Call 201-216-4053 INSTRUCTION Installed. Quality service, ceramic tile; sheetrock izing, Thatching, Seed lights, chimney, point- CHKMATE- pay bills tire contents of home. $49.00 TONER Raaumes, letters, pro- horn* lots of TLC, meals ELECTRIC CO.-r Free 908-369-3382 DRYWALL lawns, sod or seed. Dec- residential. Call Fred, per $15/roll. Roofing & y»u the best and you using your PC & your ex- Wood w/off white and snacks dally. Please Reasonable prices, fully 908-525-7748 repairs, gutters cleaned, ing, Landscaping,. Trim' ing. Call Tom-25 years' Also Rsfrig/lsmpsAables shades. 32" tall. $30 for WE BUY USED/NEW posals, tsrm papers. ostlmatea. Senior citizens orative stone, topsell & 457-0984 or 885-1169 lutters, free estimates. in the buslness-for the give me the same, we'll slstlng checks. For fur- CARTRIDGES! call after 6pm leave mes- NY's Chinatown, New insured, Call 654-5803. discount. Lie.#9688 repaired and Insldo FENCES. v* Gypsum, mulch. RR ties, retaining mlng.lNSURED:358-3786 . ajways have that no, mat both. ELECTRIC MOTORS- Speedy service. Call: Jersey Branch by recog- 4100 painting. Larry, 469-8340. M8-914-0496 . .._. bast |ob at live and lei ther details & to order, MANVILLE- 63 Louis* Laser Printer: HP Laser 008-220-8123 sage. 908-545-7431 In- GUTTER ft ROOF ••CALL 762-4270" Installed & Repaired. Wallboard walls, Allen block & Key- TREE « STUMP HE- ter how old we get. Write: Arico, 2502 Wade 9O8-CB5-1451, 6-9pm pumps and related fant* and toddlers wel- nized Instructors. Tradi- Homo Improvement Chalnlink & wood. Free PAINTING— Homes In- live prices. Stop that, Dr.; Sat & Sun Sept 12 4 Jet, Laser Jet Plus, and equipment for our busi- CLEANING/REPAIRS CERAMIC TILE & stone. Interlocking brick MOVAL —Is your stump I Adore You Baby, St. Plscataway, NJ come, 37 year* experi- tional syttsm for stringth, ASPEN ELECTRIC- Al 93llma1oy.90B-66S-8912. i/*Taping & payer, sidewalks, patios AAA side & out, fast quality leak nowl 248-5986 ' 13, B-5PM. Kitchen set, Series II & III, Apple TRAINS +- Msmod 0 ness. Call NJ Electric, 84 fltnees,' self, defense and House tr|m painting & MARBLE CONTRACTOR a pain In the grass? Free : ' Johnny 08864-4554 Laser Writer, QMS, 4040 ence. • . .: residential needs: bouse Finishing 1 driveways. Tree & estimates Fully Insured. work. 12 yrs. exp. Refs. loveseat pullout, cur- OA Llv* Steam Train Somerset St., Somarville, competition skills,. tree trimming. Very rea- 11 yrs. experience long ***** upon request. 218-9837 ROOFING- Honest & tains, drapes. & baby Canon etc...Copiers: CMMfCMV sonable. Fully Insured. tans, smoke detectors, Brush removal with chip- "JUST STUMPS" 634- PAINTING experienced. We take; WANTED: people who COMPUTER HELP1 S*t Engine, 2 RR cars, days Bam-5pm. 526-5225 WILL CARE FOR YOUR lighting, telephones, etc. lasting quality work. K-Alterations clothas Canon (all series). fual & access. Exc cond. CLEAR VIEW-757-8347 Refs, free estmatos. Call per. Driveways stoned, 1318. INTERIOR/EXTERIOR PAINTING- Interlor/ex- pride, reasonable rates.*. have had real life sprlll- Confused, Frustrated? CHILD- FT before/ after Call to schedule your free Quick response. Lie FAMILY rototllllng, escavatlng, ual and supernatural en- Sharp 250,56,70,75, $450; New K-40 CB, ISJSl John DeNlcola, Jr. . LIGHT CARPENTRY torlor. Reasonable rates. Senior citizen discount.; We can Helpl Software MARTIN8VIUE- 2128 A KIDDIE KORNER school. So. Plalnfleld trial lasson TODAY! GUTTER MAN #7534. Call 356-3041 dozer & york raking. TREE MAINTENANCE- counters, I am writing a assistance, computer Xerox 5008 etc. (color $120; HC B*src«t Air- 3000 Kennedy School area) 908-232-7383 CONTRACTORS Construction Fully Insured. FREE ESTI Financing avail. 846-9216 ailbrlda Hd.P 9/12,10am- Matter Frank Yee Cleans, repairs & Installs 873-0137. H O M 1Z Call Joe 908-8855323 Treo removals, shrub RICH GORMAN book on the subject, and and MICR available) plan* Kit & Access- PETS AND Lie. Child Car*-prlv. Calf908-283-1350 sales, repairs and 3pm. Baby accessories home, dead-end at. Lots '67-1380 Slfu Tom Grant leaders & gutters.. Free 11,1^111 Ult'lltlVI!»ll!N'ltl CERAMIC TILE- Instal- CUSTOM HOMES Robert Knox pruning. Commercial & ROOFING & GUTTERS. would like to Interview upgrades. C.S.E., Inc. CASH FOR EMPTIES! $140,(partially bit.) LIVESTOCK ELECTRICAL SERVICE CVCUNmllUUIIUM v Additions^ 562 Pleasant Hill Rd. BRUSH REMOVAL 580-9465 and Miscellaneous. 249-B830,6pm-flpm of activities prov. by ex- * MOTHER OF THREE • 908-271-9222 Estimates 908-709-1610 lation & repair. Quality residential. Quality work PAINTING- Let a Outside painting - you, please reply box 40, 908-654-9355 . . We buy your empty ' Quality work/reasonable Home Improvements i> Add-a-levelS i> - 908-879-8299 Also log splitting, fire- at fair prices. Over 20 perd. Mom/Teacher. Lov- Will watch your child In prices. Avail after 4pm & & Construction ' work, reasonable rates,' ALFANO'S PAINTING woman do your painting. ECONOMY ROOFING r Forbes Newspapers, 44 METUCHEN- 3rd An- toner cartridges. JAPANESE LANGUAGE JUNK REMOVAL-^ Attic, freaestlmates.236-7935. Custom decks'& patios Chester. N.J. 07930 wood, wood chips, yrs. experience. Call 658- Professional, quality 808-805-0671 aft. 5pm -• COMPUTER- IBM COM- nual Metuchan Town WEDDINQ DRESS- new Ing care. S. Plfd., my Somarville home FT basement, backyards. wknds. FREE estimate Neat, clean quality work. 'Franklin St., Po Box 699, with beautiful lace and Metuchen, Edison, Plso. SCHOOL- Summer en- Carpentry-(AII phases) Total home Improve- stump removal & tree 3266 or 321-0077 work at reasonable rates. Insured. Free estimates. Somervllle, NJ, 08876 PATIBLE $295. We repair wld« garags sale, Sun. 908-353-0399 3030 or PT, day or night. Rea- rollment, Individual class- Call Joe 287-1281. Fully bonded & Insured CHAMPION POWER work. Free estimates. ROOFING CONTRAC- computers & printers. We beads, long sleeves, area. Off 287. F/PT. Mon- sonable rates. Please Sheet Rock • Painting ments. Serving New Many happy customers. Call Maryarin 560-9235. 9/13; 9^4. Rain of Shine. Fax: 20U239-2571 Dog* es. Call 908-389-8077. L.A.B. ELECTRIC. 908- Fences * Decks WASH— Homes, decks, Jersey for over 2.0 Call Mike, 722-3235 Free est, 846-1094. TOR— Gaflce Construc- • A PSYCHIC * buy computers & print- Last year ov*>r 2B0 chapel length, Six* 10, Fri. 84). 908-7684)420. call Jayne. 908-725-3441. JUNK REMOVAL-T1 C 526-3696. Uc #10020. MOVING Tree Outdoor structures concrete, etc. Free esti- years. Free Estimates. PATTERSON PAINTING tion Co. Roofing of all * READINGS* ers, monitors, drives & IndlvMusl eor«o* sales ALL DRUMMERS BE- Has hot been altered. LEARN TO PLAY Big and small, house mate. Call 469-7161. Small moves, apart CHEOCCHI ALL PAINTING types, shingle/flat/slate > A BY DOROTHY A board. 908-464-7498 $195,908-757-8931 ABLE TO CARE FOR •CERTIFIED TEACHER* TENNIS- From local cleaning, we do It all. ELECTRICAL WORK Masonry • Patios Call 908-369-6184 Removal Interior $76/ room, Exte- A this year w* axpsct WARE- (1) 5 pc. P*ari INFANTS OR TOD- Bathroom & Basamoht ments & homes. Busi- LAWN & GARDEN APPLICATIONS rior. Free estlmatea. and leak repairs. No Job eLove»Health»Buslneas Export drum set (800 se- will provide loving learn- pro. Make the varsity Call 753-6642. A/C circuits, fans, secu CHAMPION POWER nsarty 800, Look for the WEIGHT BENCH- W/ DLERS In my Plscatawsy ing environment for your Remodeling PENCE SALE- CUSTOM nesses & Corporate. Lawn Maintenance (Owner-Oper'd) 10 yral Sheetrocklng & tlljng. too small. Insured. Free *SPECIAL*»Yarot Card balloons marking each ries) also, (1) set of HI- team. Call Glenn Klesef, • rlty and recessed lights, WASH- Homes, Decks, welghts-$75; new used 2 home, Go to work with child In my South Plain- KAREN'S- For all your And much more... WOOD: CCA-SPHUCE Compare & save, Resldentlal/Comm. (Lowest Rates) DEPEND- References avail. Fully readings $5 with this ad. 2085 'participant's housel Hats, (1) cymbal-both 908-232-4780 sorv. changes, probloms concrete, otc. Free esti- CEDAR-STOCKADE, Clean-ups • Design VENISBROS. times Tasco telascope- peace of mind. 388-2883 field home. Non-smoker, sewing needs. Reason- solvod, quick rosponso. Always free estimates Free estimates. ABLE. Qual. Guar't'dl Insured. 908-725-8907; Call for appt. Bound Brk. Sablan. $400 firm, Laura mate. 469-7161 VINYL CHAIN LINK. 15 548-8543 Tree Experts Mildew Off. Fast Est. ROOFING-ALL TYPES- . A9O8-356-40O4A $55; wbmnns 10spd-$65, currant references. FT ft »TH able prices. Pius sizes. Uc. #10262. Free ests. and competitive rates; PM#00649 1-800-750-8907 MIDDLESEX- 338 Cook 968-1192 ** GRANDE* AN EXPERIENCED SOM- PT. Pleas* call Barbara, Call (908) 745-9078. YRS. EXP., FREE EST. 359-6180 Local 525-7748 Fully Ins., FREE EST!, mens 10spd-$70 both ERVILLE MOM- Pro- Instruction/Tutoring. Please call David at * Insured* CLEAN UP & COMPLETE CARE YARD R & B PAINTING over 20 yrs. eXp. P. Dan- FIREWOOD-Oak and Ash Av«v(off Ftt. 28 at Baa Ilk* new; Evenflo Tan- •* 783-8483 — 908-968-2582 FULLY INSURED 1060 Skydella) Fri. 9/11 thru ATTENTION DRUM- * OPENING ^ vides TLC, art & activi- Elementary through LAWN MOWER RE- 321-6985 or 489-6814 CACAUUL JOHN MUSELLI HAULING - 3ai-1044 SYSTEMS- Tree sar., ANTHONY'S PAINTING Interior & Exterior nuccl 908-998-6462 18 Inch lengths, sea- dem stroll»r-$55. Call college NILLA'S CLEAN-UP AND lawn malnt., 1 free cut, Quality Painting Announcements Sun. 9/13: io-4pm. MERS- (2) Pearl P-780 ties. Rets, CPR cert. PAIR- Tom's Lawn ELECTRICAL WORK- 249-6652 AAttlos FLOORS-'WHw W6od TREE WORK WANTED Intorlor/oxterior. Rooflnn, HOOPING- AFFORD- soned * split. $140.00 a HUGE MULTI FAMILY. chain driven pedals-$45/ 704-122B Large yard. 826-4720. Call 908-745-7080 Mower Service. Ride-on (908)_ . it Garages CARTINQ 8ERVICES- landscape design, Smr. utters cleaned/Installed. Power Washing cord. Call 008-65641694. 4080 Complete electrical ser floors InstalleoVsanded & Pruning, storm damage ABLE, RELIABLE, DE- Baby & Household Hems, ea. or both for $80. Only mowers, trimmers, wee- ABSOLUTE CONSTRUC- ft Yards finished. Old wood floors Junk removal of al cleanup, Insured, free es- removals, chipping roo OSt. 782-6441. Deck Sealing Evenings AU PAIR/NANNIE8 MATH TUTOR- Algebra, vice, service upgrades kinds. Wo provide dump timate 908-874-5083 ' P PENDABLE. Carpentry/ CANT FAIL DIET- lose plus tons morel 2 mo. old. Eric 463-8420 •AKC PUPPIES IN the Trig, Pre-Calculus, calcu- dealers, chain saws, violations corrected, cell TION- painting, siding, reflnlshed. Painting & shrub care. Insured Caulking Live-in European girls, Toro, Snapper, Rally, windows & doors, free Removal of all typos of rub ster service. 7544876. Gutter Clean & Screening Painting. Free Estimates. 1 pound a day, safe easy BAHAMA CRUISE op*n to hug ft euddle legal for 12 mo. average lus. Call Rita 908- . Ing fans, new constr. "2' blah, debris and appll Wallpapering. Free esti- LANDSCAPING Smith Tree Service CUSTOM PAINTING Call Bill 908-873-3759 MIDDLESEX- 609 Ha- Honda. Free estimates. estimates, fully Insured. mates. ACCURATE References Available way, money back guar- 2090 xetwood ave, Yard sale, 5 days/4 nights. Over ..Jlnd the winner Is •Famous SHAKE-A- cost S170/wk. Call 908- AN EXPERIENCED 548-4832 Hr. Emergency Sorvloo.' ances. Prompt service. PAINTING « CAHPEN Complete lawn malnt. & 908-439-2059 •Interior/Exterior antee; Send $10 to Can't JOSEPH MARTIN PAW guarant** LADY— we clean your Free pickup ft deliver. Uc..#10318. 271-4049. r.«\\ 382-7331 FLOORING, 309-9705 TRY— 5hoetrock»Spack 908-287-3271 ROOFING- all phases, 9/12, 10-4:30 pm, coins, bought. Corporate rates 709-0326 PlscataWay 699-0328. • landscape constr. + fall * * * * •Staining Fall Diet, P.O. Box 729, mMmk of CRANFORD •We .are Breeder** . house or apt Own Trans- PIANO INSTRUCTION- llngelnterior Woodwork' clean-up, 008-241-0004 fully Ins., FREE EST.t, bassball cards, misc. to public Limited tickets. ELECTRICAL WOHK- ADDITIONS GENERAL TREE and •Paper hanging lowest prices! A.T.P. Mllllown, NJ 08850-0720 collectable*, books, $249/coupl*. Pleas* can us at BABY CARE- expsrl- portatlon, rets. 065-0514 Dlans Olisn Qalvacky, 908-464-9369 Doors & Trlm»Wlndows< •Textured & Popcorn Pro PAINTING CO. Salt* A tbummr* aoB inapr***riUrthres MOBILE MARINE • Commorcldl, residential CONTRACTING Plastering. Call Rich LANDSCAPING- award LANDSCAPE SERVICE CONST.. 008-752-090d. Clothing, sot. (407) 7«f-O100, wet, 378 aoBsatMes •need, responsible mom available for teaching & ALTERATIONS 1.800-300-9396 •Export •Roasonablo ceilings CommorclaJ, Residential ULTIMATE 24 HW. to claim your FREE with previous dayeare APT. * HOUSE- Profes- and Industrial.. Licensed, Masonry & Carpentry after 6pm,722-4B43. winning designs to fit to- Emergency Repalra. • DIET- Lose 12 lbs. In 7 ATTN: CHAPTERS Mon.-Sat. 9AM-8PM BRINQ THE KIDS! 9am-2:30pm, Mon-Frl ft SERVICE •KITCHENS CLEAN UP & HAUL- We Install sidewalks, •Insured Neat, meticulous work by Industrial. Fully Insured. Forbes coH*« tnufll center experience will sions! cleaning by polish Sat. Call 699-0636 No. 9141, and Insured. days lifestyle, complote days. Please send $1 •Lafayette, NJ NORTH PLAINFIELD- 14Rt.23W*st women.' Free estimates. - Free Estimates Free estimates. Cal •BATHROOMS We do all typos. patios, etc., Good prices. POWEH WASHING professional Installation 908-658-9090 thoroughly exporloncod Expert "BUILDING-. BICYCLES- 10spd, provide loving care for professional. Spoclai at- "RESTORATIONS" and large SASE for sam- •Flemlngtori, NJ 282 Qreanbrook Rd., Msn'a * Wom*n*s: $40 Qreen Brook Commons /our newborn or infant In Call 908-417-0769 PIANO LESSONS Pick up ft Delivery Vince Santonastaso Boc •BASEMENTS Fast sorvlco. FREE ESTI call Al: 90842&-0903 BY TOM HANSON and maintenance, call for »Power Washing ple and Information Join our successful year- Sat. & Sun. 9/12 & 13, Or«*n Brook, NJ Low rolOS, 90B-S45-0143 ***** tention to fine detail. No Masonry Repairs, Roof- each. 3spd: $35. 20": my Hlllsborough home; Beginning ft Intermediate 7 Days a week trie 068-1609. •DECKS HANDYMAN CAN PAINTERS no obligation, FREE SPRING CLEAN-UPS •Interior/Exterior package. Nutrition Cen- round craft show store In 10am-3pm. Furniture and (100 yds W*at of APT.. HOUSE, OFFICE In my Somerset home. (908) 704-0478 Hand scrub and rinse o sloppy production Ing, Powerwashlng. A|l $25. 008-247-3488. CPR certified, non- ELECTRICAL- All types •CERAMIC TILE«ETC. CLEAN UP A & B- Odd |obs from grass cut- CONSULTATION, NORTH Lawn Cuttlng»Thatchlng •Protective Coating ter, P.O. Box 433, Somer- either or both of these Household Items. ZILDJIAN CYMBL8- Rock Avenue) CLEANING- The Experienced Public vinyl and aluminum sid- RIDGE LANDSCAPING, work. Froo estimates & work guaranteed. smoker, fully Insured, "CLEAN" PEOPLE. Reli- MOVING? Apts., Homes, Roflldontlal, Commercial * FULLY INSURED* Trash removal, Hauling tlnrjB to repair jobs FertlllzlnQ«Escavatlng reliable professional •Sand/Water Blasting vllle, NJ 08878 exerting locations! Don't BR SET- Walnut, 5 pc. Drum Set. $900; Ibanez »««AKC child-proof home, yard/ School Music teacher. ing. Mildew removed 908-359-1418 c)i»0i» miss the holiday season- PI8CATAWAY- 13 Wll- able, bonded, Ins. Call Offices, Pianos. Llc.# Industrial wiring &. light- *FREE ESTIMATES* odd |obs, NO Job to BIG around the house. I cater Reasonable rqtos. planning. Bettor Job, bot- •Wallpapering/removal Twin hdbrd. Exc. cond: Studio Mike, $250; Gui- playroom. Appropriate 008-883-1278 * COMPETITIVE* to anyone who needs from any surface. Please •Sheetrocklng/ Repair Call todayl low Av*.| Frl & Sat, Sept $275. BIKE: Blk Diamond tar, $70; Keyboard, $50; 494-6224. O0B5O. Palmier! Mov*rs, Ing, Renovations & Nou or SMALL, give us a call; LANDSCAPING- Fall 322-7189 tor price. Please call: 4230 ' 2000 11 & 12, 9-4. Multl famllyl ** HOURS** equipment provided. * PRICES* WO do It all. 008-247-7551 call Tom 908-469-5952 or •Popcorn ceilings/ Repair (908) ttHHOOO. Back Viper. Chrm & mag: Mike stand, $40; music PIANO LESSONS- In 008-386-2484 Construction, Llc.#2978. help. 908-7*4-6878 1-800-470-5952. clean up, lawn care, * 1-800-491-1728 * FOR SALE Dining room, small Mon.sat,11.»p»n First week half price. Ex- CLEANING DONE BY - Seasons Special: Land* FOR DEPENDABLE, •Offices/warehouses WmUpapering $40. Call 272-2834,aft.5. Stand $25. 781-714J9 pectant moms welcomel your horns. Branohburg, CLEAN UP AND RE- HOME thatching, tree work, 4160 organ, furniture & much 8unday,11-6pm HONEST- reliable per- MOVING?- Select the scopo lighting, Pools & HIGH DUALITY WORK, RUBBISH REMOVAL hauling. Will boat any INTERIOR PAINTING •ChUKhee/Condos CHAPTERS WANTHD- leas* call BO8-874-378B. son with references. Call Hllliborough and area. competent, experienced, MOVAL— yards, base- Masonry our neat quality wbrk will WALLCRAFT make Hants to s«ll on wore Call 369-4937 'Spas. "RAY LAEYT-627-9633" Alterations Servicing ALL o. wrltton estimate. Reliable •Maintenance palntlrm 762-2906 reasonable gentlemen of ' COONEY ELECtRIC ments, attics, construc- moot your estimate. Expert Paperhanglng Antique* consignment at No. Brun- . $80 OFF ANY PUPPY CHILD CARE- Done In ADDITIONS tion debris, act., call: and Additions NEW JERSEY, REASON- service. Charlie 755-8429 727-5121 PI8CATAWAY- 1HD WITH THIS ADI PIANO LESSONS-ln my BEE LINE MOVERS. PM " 908-489-0281 ABLE RATES, Show ad CALL 908-281^737_ •Paint Trim & Ceilings swick Craft Shop. Call my Dunellen home. Lov- CLEANING- Homes/ ALTERATIONS Mike 908-5B3-S273 Prompt and Courteous A-1 WAYNE P. SCOTT- Laf«y*tt« 8L; (Washing- *Not to be combined So PHd home. Kennedy #00156,725.7733. at time of plck-up:GET LANDVIEW LANDSCAPE FEMININE TOUCH •Reasonable Rates Mlchsle 908-220-0888/ ing atmosphere, year* of Cttndos/Apts. LOW ELECTRICAL- All typos Roofing • Siding • Baths Services 1 quallty masonry sorvlcos. 800 ANTifJUecHAIRS- ^OtMWO-0404 ton Ava to Lafayette) wHh any other ott*r. 8chl area, 20 yrs exp. COMPLETE HOME 10% OFF THE Bill! call Specializing In all types Prod ostlmata. Rofor- INTERIOR GALS •Insured Huge garaga sale! Sapt DIET MAGIC!! experience, lunch & RATES-1 bdrm, bath $40 - NEW CONSTRUCTION of wiring, Servlco • Kltchon9 • Baaomont "Quality at Its Boat" of landscaping & malnto • PAINTING* •Free Estmates $35 to $S0 each. Call Mary Elian 753-6566 snacks provided. Close to 4 bdrm, 2-3 baths $65. Additions, Kitchens, Ronovatlon. Financing MAINTENANCE INC. Jim Brennan 201-672- ancos. Insurod. 40 yrs. a "Wo'ro In tho Pink" 908-247-4406, 10:30AM CHAPTERS WAHTTfiD- 12, 9-4PM, baby & tod- LABRADOR RE- .changes & paddle fans. WALLACE 2941, In business slnco nanco. Ralloblo & afford powor washing, stain- Norm 908-819-8016 to Dunellen schools. Honsst/rellable/exp/refs Bathrooms, Decks, Also •Additions. Lie. #6252. 15 yrs In business, main- family buslnoss. Evory Inlorlor painting, carpen- to 3:00PM. Westfleld, Dae. 5th, dlar Items, toys, appll- TRIEVER- puppy, AKC PIANO- ALL STYLES, taining homos for rotlr- CONSTRUCTION 1989, excellent refer- able. Roaldontlul/ com ]ob a specialty. 068-5230 Ing, wood reflnlshing, Sept. openings, FT/PT. provided. Carol 754-2574 Industrial & Comrnarclal '• Harold Klousor-572-8750 morclal. Call Gary. try, wallpaporlng, kitchen A BEAUTIFUL JOB by 9:30am-4pm. Info. 864- ances. No early birds. 30 lbs. in 30 days for 133.00!!! registered, champlonahlp ALL AGES, AT YOUR work. 008, wldowors, divorcees ences available. cabinets, baaomont walls any surfaco, custom col- ANTIQUE OUARTEH Call 9084*68-1389 PACE- Degreed (BAY 725-3845 732-4388 TAURUS Feminine Hangups: Ex- 6024 Of 654-4590 line, yellow. 469-3B89 CLEANING- Houses, K-FAM GENERAL ELECTRICIAN- Installs ADDITIONS & pooplo who lust don't & floors, garago doors, ors, gutters. References. SAWN- oak lawyer'* PI8CA.TAWAY- 209 MM), 20 yr* exp., private, AFFORDABLE CONSTRUCTION pert paperhaneflno. Nee* JHILD CAME- PT/PT, apt*, condos, offices, BLDG. CONTRACTORS tlon of circuit breakers, p«,W BUILDERS have thp tlmo. We do ov- SHEDS— Wood, Custom docks, porches, otc. Rof- Insurod. Free written bookcase, sliding glass * CHAPTSPCOPUi * LakevleW Ava, 0/12-13, per AbopnoN DAY- etc. Good references ft college 4 university. r HOME IMPROVEMENT 4130 Mason Contractor. Spo professional. Free estL door*, figure! baa* mar- Umltsd space avail, at state Certified. Safe care 908-489-8685 paddle fans, attic fans, Bathrooms, Docks, Altor- orythlno ' °m painting to made, 60 sixes/styles. oroncos, froo osllmDloa. 0:30-5 PM, many old and Sat. Sept. 12,11am-4pm. for Infants & toddlers. tramp. No Job I* too big. Bridgewater. 7O4-a620. atlons, Custom homos, additions. Ray, 752-0394 Insldo and Out, FREE Landscaping clallzlng In residential estimates. mates. Joan, 528-0251. .- ble top table & lamp. Farm 31 Craft Fast, Flsnv naw llama, toys, H/H Call Now electric heat, recessed Free delivery & Installa- "NO JOB TOO PETITE" Over 40 lovable doo/cats $76/wk. 908-819*260 Call us nowl Call Glenla PIANO TUNING lights, appliance wlrlnf FULLY INS., REF/8, 908- ESTI, FULLY INS., HEF.s, and ¥WH» Cme Portfolio & Roforoncos 908-769-5509 PAPEHHANQINO-. No 725-6125 . Ington, 9/20. To reeeeve- Items, turn., act. .. SAT MATH SPECIALIST 1 tion. Visa/Mastercard Call 008-460-7180, loavo for adoption from local ft Fortu at BO0-8«(M«44. Over 28 years experl Free estimates, Insurer. 068-3066 CURB, SIDEWALK, PA- call DAVE !&08-72B-8879 PISC. 908-424.0622 ob too smalll Cerj * CaN MW-788-M83 * sheltsrs. 4 mo*. & up CHILD CARE- In Hills- Plus all math aubj. Also, TIOS, MACADAM- Bost 808-381-1044 mossarjo. FRENCH KNEE HOLE PISCATAWAY- 89 10th PSAT, ORE, OMAT, etc. enco. Wayne Smith, RONSON ELECTRIC, AL BHEUCHE A SON OR BRUCE 00B-389- Jancy. at 276-1549. 908-985-2234 many trained. Nome- borough. Mom, State CLEANING- houses, 908-8S4-3818 782-B6B3. (Up. 5532). prlcosl FREE ESTIMATE. 6273! We also do rubbish SHEET ROCKING & C.K. TIMS PAINTING DESK- $800;.mahogariy VENDORS- Flea 8t; Sal, Sept. 12. 0-7, 3 Your home. Reasonable, LAWN & PROPERTY WAULPAPElrtlNGBV. hsgsn Park, Springfield Certified, recreational condos, reliable, 8 yrs. Home Improvements Call 008-218-0533 removal!! BPACKUNQ- MASONRY WORK PAINTING/WALLPAPER- cedar lined chest, $200; Market; Craft Show, 6/26, pc. living room set, walk- experience, referencess, conscientious, dynamic. •CLEANUP" Interior & exterior. Wall, FEMININE TOUCH • Av*. Cranford. Donation. therapist, CPR and First PHOENIX ELECTRIC- Bauomant to atlie, Insldo Quallty work, Exp., In- Curbing, sldowalto, patio ING- Honest & experl- papering Very neat, ref. Harpsichord, China, rain 0/ 27, Manor Park er, cans, drapsis, cur- For Info to voluntaer call own transportation. Call Refs avail. Expsr. ft NJ CUSTOM CABINETS/ Maintenance. Affordable, Reasonable rates. 100% natural/Doctor recommended Aid Certified, flexible AtfvwfJie in the ClmHtidl i Uc.# 10062.. Attic fans & out. Experience & rof- J.E.D. BUILDERS, INC. sured, Delnegro Dry rates. Call Joe at chimney work, stops, Int onood. Many rofersneoy. avail. Free estimates. brotus*, glass, Jewelry, Swim Club, Weetlleld. tlans, paintings, child- (201)763-6800 rates ft times. 281-7906. Ksthy 709-6943 Cert. Call 7M& suppllod and Instollec oroncos. Free estimates. COUNTERTOPS Prompt service. Free ea- W0. 648-3747 $16/Spec*. 233-3484 ans clothing. Prices nag. Corlan, Formica Additions, kitchens, Wall * Finishing. 908- • (908) 988-7191 « locking pavers Reasonable rates, wo Fully Insured. Call Todayl $160, Paddle Fans In- Reasonable) rates. 380-3581 take pride. 008-846-9216 tlmates. No lob too Tile Work baths, roofing, decks, In' CALL (908) 880-792B 908-788-7583 small. Call 008-231-0282' A Forbes Newspaper - stalled $65. Outlets from S08-463-1773 sured. Call 416-8756. $30. 728-7287 908-861-1821 • A Forbes Newspaper - Forbes Newspapers September 10,1992 September 9, 10, It, 1992 Forbes Newspapers

5050 5050 5050 5050 5050 ^5050 5050 . 5050 5070 5090 Employment' Employment- Cmployment- Employment- Employment- ^Employment- Employment- Employment- Employment- Employment Wanted; General General General General General General General Managerial NOTICE: All EMPLOY-! GUY/GAL FR1DAY- BAN KINO- CLERICAL HAIRDRESSERS-wlth eX" MANAGER- FT, tele- REAL ESTATE SALES SECRETARY/RECEP- UNDERCOVER WEAR DATA ADMINISTRATOR- MENT WANTED adver-J Small Firm has full tlmb Peak Time . perlence for Somervllle phone room, entry level, Maximize your earning TIONIST— Energetic, PT sales agents needed. Somerset County, N. J. tlsements are PAYABLE; position for bright, detail FILE CLERK Salon. Full time position will train, hrs. 1PM-9PM potential. Plenty of floor high powered consulting Hostesses receive free area. Must be able to IN ADVANCE by cash, orlbntod, soil rnbtlvator. Full Time available. Excellent sal-. Mon-Frl, Sat. 9AM-Noon. company is looking for lingerie. For an evening, pass correctional facility Purchasing, order, oxpe- time, plenty of leads « check,: VISA or Master laguar Train for a . ary plus commission and Must' have positive at- higher earnings. Join an enthusiastic, hard- of fun, fashion & fantasy screening. Electronic Te- ditlng, gonoral olflce, du- paid vacation. Call 725- tltldo, good advancement working, detail. oriented Call Jean 908-287-5723 chlncal background a Card. Fot a • quote • on' tios, phono and PC/UP. TELLERS great job! C«ntury21 . 6666. & pay. Call after 6PM MCGM Realtors Individual to join their plus. Computer- experi- cost, please call too little feedback. The second jag was manned by field r and Jones1 was three laps down. Fangio took With all the effort in those five seasons of Jaguar Call 908-486-7600. HARLEYSVILLE INSUR- 908-356-1134 Middlesex, staff. Pleasant phohe WILLIE'S TAVERN Is ence working with DOS a 1-800-559-9495. '; TONYSAKKIS ANCE COMPANY has an HOUSEKEEPER/CHILD 908-526-4440 looking for .'day and the lead from the start, and immediately began to competition, he was still a ways from the title. In A/H-P/T COLLEC- 908-906-6625 Motuchen . 1035 Rt. 202 Branchburg, personality and excellent must, Spreadsheet or da- Arie Luyendyk, which, with its left-handed shifter At National Westminster excellent support posi- CARE— Watchurtg area. typing and organizational night servars/Host Ex- tabase software . experi- TIONS- Must know all Bank we do everything Fflmale, nort-smoker, pediters FT/PT. Exp'd C H A U F FEU R /' G A R-- had thoroughly confounded Luyendyk. He was con-/ motor away from the field- save Toyota-substitute Davy Jones' hands, it could be said,,rests a title tob e phasps Of A/R. Gpod tion available at our. MECHANIC- Vinyl sid- REAL ESTATE SALES- skills are required. Canl- ence .helpful! Salary com- DENER- Good refer- wo can to make custom- Somerset claim office. English speaking, own ing, experience neces- Is a lucrative sales career dates should be knowl- and Non-exp'd welcome. mensurate on experi- P.J. Jqnes (son of Indy great Parnelli Jones) and lost Jones' Bud light Jaguar XJR-14 stole the shovy tnlophono skills a must, transp. Mon-Frl, 8-4pm. If. you're ready to be ences. Call eves. 908- stantly missing gears and over-revving the engine. hloxlblo hours can grow ers and co-workers feel We offer: sary. Call 908-560-8369 In your future? Take our edgeable In WordPerfect ence. Must have reliable 526-6722. ^ftteading to California, International Motor Sports. right at home, ^o our Call 908-561-5146. FREE ($300 value) Indi- 5.1 and control and gen- challenged, apply. In per- transportation. Send Re- Davy - by about two seconds per top; from Miami to Laguna Seca, enough so that all eyes Into Julltimo position. Sal- * Competitive salaries * MODELS son: Rt. 202, Bedmlnster, Cjfe&npionships loomed as large as the bake4 hills The championship bid was certainly not going for- ary commensurate, full customers, this means a * Flexible Benefits * vidual Success Profile eral office functions. Ex- sume to P.O. Box 3569, INSTRUCTOR— Ener- (female 5'4. & up; guys 5' questionnaire and find cellent working condi- Mon-Sat 2-4PM. Englewood, Co. 00155- ward with the change of strategy. Fangib converted And for the next 80 minutes Fangio was to keep were focused on what Jones, Team Manager Tony bonofits. Handler Mfg., caring, considerate at- * 401 K Savings Plan *. getic, enthusiastic per- aipxjind Laguha Seca International Raceway. ' ••' titude towards theirs 9" & up) Wanted for ex- out how your natural tal- tions, great benefits, sal- 3569. - . • C12 North Avenue., East, A-Tuition Assistance* son to teach gymnastics, citing fashion show sea- WAITER his second spot on the grid to a lead quickly after the the lead, giving him a cumulative three-race total of Dowe and company had been doing. Essehtially, that Westllold, New Jersey. banking needs. To our ents and. abilities can be. ary commensurate with, ,^Not a few Camel GT teams decided to stray from * Bonus Vacation * on traveling gym. Flex, son. Exp. prof, but not developed to help you at- experience.: N6n-smbklng WAITRESS ; had been nothing, if anything, with the weight pen- 908-233-7796 co-workers, it means a Call Mae Abrams be- hours. Will train. Call noc. Must.be outgoing, th^ir successM old formulas. Most notably, Jaguar. race started, and while all eyes were on the once four straight hours of lead time through the end of convenient location, a tain the highest level of office envlroment. . 5080 , tweoh the hours of 908-561-8888 for further love music & dance. Call success possible. Call PT/FT posltbhs avail; dominant Jaguar, Fangio motored off into the dis- Watidns Glen, both hours in Monterey, and past mid- alty handed down weeks earlier, and the lost Laguna ADMINISTRATIVE AS- friendly atmosphere, at- Info. . Runway Magic 908-985- Send your resume In Apply In person: Frlend- Part-Time Tflie one-car; team, created for Uie sole purpose of SISTANT— an Immediate 11 AM and 1PM only at Pat at Weldel Realtors, tractive wages, paid (9.08) 271-7500. Re- 7600 after 2PM for appt, Brldgewater 885-8202 confidence, including ly's Restaurant, 1060 Employment tance - enough so that on the 67th lap Fangio lapped point at Portland. He ended the race with a 24 point . Seca weekend spent on lessons for Arie Luyendyk on opening for an assistant training, bonuses and INTERIOR salary history, or Call Stelton Rd., Piscataway, setting Davy Jones the championship on a platter to the director, sales sumes may be sent to DECORATING/ SALES- MODELS-NEW FACES- ; Jones. .'•••' . ' •"•••;'.; .-,!•'• ". ' lead Avith three races remaining^ And it didn't matter the left-handed gear shift lever, the Jaguar had gone In cen 11 ve s. Harleysvllle Insurance/ REAL ESTATE SALES- 201-912-9393. NJ ' - Vv%s; turned into a two car effort in a bid to keep Juan background a rtiuat, with M at u ro-mjn do d , TV-PRINT-LIVE FASH- Local 3 office firm, est,. BRENNRER WUNGERIEM . work on weekends. Du- P.O. Box 6731, 265 Dav- business-oriented IrTdlv. ION— Ages 8 and up, WAITRESS OR GRILL The race finished with Toyota one;tvTO in record thatP.J. won. ,'•• • backward. . • '...'. Peak time positions are 1937, seeks agent willing TECHNOLOGY, INC. Earn extra money In your Faiigio and Toyota from the title. It was, perhaps, this ties will Include^ Intortao- idson Ave., Suite '105, Will train. 457-0738 malo/fomalo at Dbanna COOK- 6:30AM-3:00PM, spare time. $18-$75/hr. available for Individual to devote Individual, per- 500 Morris Aveua time, without a pass for the lead, and not a single full Miat mattered was that Davy didn't . Dan Gurney's Toyotas, on the other hand, were still. Ing w/oppllcants, resale Spmersot, NJ 0BS75- Trust Model, Madison, sonalized attention to our Mon.-Frl. Belle Mead. Call Carol 908-528-8724 bKlnder that will be remembered as the detail that of units, application pro- who need to Work a INTRODUCTIONS... Springfield, NJ 07081 6731 . ' . NJ. Gall for appointment. customers. 60% to mil- Attn: Kathleen Muncuso Call 908,874,-4290, ask Jdsfcthe championship. for jaguar.,.Coming into La- course yellow. Then came Portland. Luyendyk was To: TJavy Jones' credit, he drove the XJR-14's going forward at an alarming rate of speed - both coduros. Sond resume part-time, flexible, morn- HARLEYSVILLE A way for people to meet 201-377-1788. ' lion dollar associates. for Pat. AVON SALES- All to: BHHC,- P.O. Box 700, ings & afternoon sched- people,, every week - In ... SUPERINTENDENT areas. For information not there. But it was a. case of too little too late. -•-wheels off at Portland and at Laguna, getting tire literally and figuratively. . Insurance Companie; NEW YEAR Desk, training & floor, WANTED FOR SMALL gunawith two wins under his hat and trailing Jones Pluckomln, NJ 07978 uie. . '..•.:' your local Forbos news- time'for all new associ- Small Highland Park apt. call The "responsive" paper. . The ad Is free, NEW CAREER GROWING MANUFAC- 1-800-662-2292 bjjethtee points, Fangio was quickest iri the first unof- Fittingly Portland, because within its still greenery smoke in more than a few comers in a vain attempt "We're not giving up," Jones said. "We'll do every? then one call does It alll ates. No franchise fees. hbusa, semi-retired cou- ADVERTISING SALES- Please apply at: Na- multi-line company Pa'rt time & full time per- Fischer Realtors, White- ple preferred. 1 BR Apt. TURING CONCERN- 1-800-559-9495 sons for telemarketing CHRISTMAS AROUND ficial test session.' and placid Pacific Northwest forests, you could hear a to recapture his lead in the championship. • thing we can to come back next race to win. But its Travolhbst of NJ Is seek- tional Westminster Bank EOE • house, Basking Ridge, + wages- 214-1240 expedlter, must under- ing art account excutlve positions In Union based stand quality control, Ex- THE WORLD- Is now NJ, 1125 Route 22 West, KENILWORTH AND/OR Washington call Broker, 10-3pmMon.-Frl. hiring demonstrators for Understandable, since the Gurney Eagle driver had championship dbfop. ; . But it was on his third spin- at Portland, the one sad. The Toyotas look like they're unbeatable. It feels to soil a' new porduct. CLERICAL/BOOKKEEP- cbmpany. Exper, an ad- Tom Fischer 908-534- perience required, Brldgewater; or at a ING— FT permanent po- MURRAY HILL vantage but not essential TELEMARKETER knowledge of Teflon &/or more. Info call Dee 754- like its slipping away." (v Call on rosturants and RESEARCH ASSISTANT 4025 ' . •" ' tested ther6 just a week earlier. But Jones, it seemed, It was worse for Jones at Portlahd since, by about when he popped the drive train gear while trying- to .local businesses, Com- branch that Is most con- sition. PC experience a as training given- Exc, f>T/FT. Edison based plastic preferred. Call for 1491 or Lynn 561 8082 venlent. Wo are an Immediate long term, 1-2 mission potential; $25 to must, phones, filing; typ- pay pkg for the right RECEPTIONIST/SECRE- company Is seeking Indi- appt. 908-356-1553 :'• CHRISTMAS SALES- wa^ going backwards.-The Jaguars were apparently- the end of the first half-hour of the two-hoirr event,, get the car up to,speed, when he finally had to give it '.:- Jones added somberly, .'We want to win.this cham-. S60M pdr year. Exp. prp- equal opportunity em- ing. $330/wk. Please call nights per week, approxc people. Cell for further viduals with good phone 6 hrs. per night, approx. TARY— For busy, doctors WANTED: PAINTERS, JINGLE MY, BELLS FOR bpglnning to see. the affeetsof "too many ichores and the Toyota contingent had already lapped the entire up for good. For all his troubles, he scored no points. pionshipi we've got to win this championship." forrod but wW° train ener.i pI dyer ; • M;/Fv 908-499-9660. Info 8. Int, Carl 6B6J5788 office In WesHldld. Entry skills'to assist with cus- EEEZ MONEY! FREE $20 per'h6ur. Must have tomer prospecting. Will EXPERIENCED'- Also gotlc porsbri:- Cold call' CLERICAL- full ben- car, basic library skills & OWNER OPERATOR/ level position. Typing & helpers w/some expert $300 KIT &• SUPPLIESI ' Ing .oxp.. given priority; computer knowledge a train. Flexible.hrs., 9-12 800-300'9464, NOW! National efits. TO $7/hr- NO typ- physical stamina. Must TRACTOR TRAILER- or 1-4. perfect for people CALL 908-968-0467 Call today for Intervew ing.' Req. 1 yr. varied of- be highly organized & re- Dependable with- good must; Prior exp. pref. details. Immod. start 9am-5pm, Mon-Frl. Send with children In school. WE ARE LOOKING- for DANCE INSTRUCTOR— fice exp. &- car. Day hrs. sourcoful.' Exciel.. grpwtri. driving record, fulltlme, needed PT afternoons fpr j AUTOMOTIVE Q&A dato. 201-267-4569 Westminster resume & references to: Please call Tom at: 908- Word Processors w/Word Middlesex, 302-0909 potential. Rush -resume/ local steady work; Call 248-8810 a Pre-School. Please call cover letter to: Informa- 908-245-2362 or apply at: Office Manager, P. O. Perfect 5.1, Lotus 1-2-3, ASSEMBLERS- Excel- BankNJ CONSTRUCTION- la- Box 2773. WestlleW, N.J. 369-4438. lont Incomo to assomblo BODYBUILDERS & DI- tion Express, P.O. Box 732 Lexington Ave,, Ken-. TELEMARKETING Secretaries W/Steno, Re- borers needed. No exp. 121, Millwood, NY-10546- llworth, N.J. bet. 9-5pm. 07091-2773 ceptionists, Data Entry products from your ETERS Earn exciting in required. Must be do- - PART TIME EVENINGS DRIVERS- Must have homo. 504-646-1700 come & become healthi- 0121 Well-known, established Clerks. Please call 908- clean driving record, Will Most manufacturers have heavier dutyfsus- wheel spins when stuck it renders a'4-wheel the vehicle losing traction on Ice or wetweeks earlier and I. told them at the time that pendablo & hard work- PARALEGAL RECEPTIONIST- Good 981-0440 . • ' By BOBHAGIN Dopt. P8331 er w/explodg Indus of Ing. Avail immed. For phone & typing skills a personal Introduction help get CDL license. For Self Healthcare 602-3405 LAW ENFORCEMENT Utlgatlon service Looking for on- Town Temps more Info call 908-658- pension kits that cost very little compared to drive vehicle no better off than a 2-wheel drive streets. It won't prevent a skid If the vehicle. i4 they had once again overfilled it. . appt. call Mike or Allan < JOBS 3+ yrs. Civil Litigation must. Full time w/ben- 255 Old Bruhswlck Rd. ATTENDANTS eflts. Branchburg, 908- thusistlc, personable, 4044, ask for Maryanne •; FORBES NEWSPAPERS . ' having them retrofitted. If your car Is high- unless you can prevent one wheel from spin- simply going too fast or Is hopelessly bogged BOOKKEEPER 908-704-0790 NO EXP. NECESSARY exper. & strong written &' friendly person to start Plscataway, NJ 08854 or 464-5953; ask for MEN'S* Now hiring. U.S. oral skills required. Ad- 685-7600. COUNTER HELP- For Immediately, setting ap- •• MANAGEMENT « Nartcy. mileage, its probable that the shock absorbers ning. Would you recommend additional down but R will undoubtedly give, it better . ••••.• . Sacramento, CA WOMEN'S • JR BOOKKEEPER Customs,. Officers, ditional foreclosure;; pointments. NO COLD > Q. We have a .1986 Olds V8 CuDass Su- dry cleaner In Bound bankruptcy & collection Restaurant . • "TRAINEE" overall traction. They're often available on pas- A. Grossly overfilling the oil sump will.cause LOCKER ROOMS CLERICAL Brook. Will train. Call etc...For Info, call, THE COACHMAN- now CALLING. Salary plus FASHION ADVISOR are not up to par and in need of replacement money to buy one? Could you give some 219-736-7030, ext. 2935 exper. preferred.: Com- 2 year program with a «:preme. It has always bounced a lot, and also Bocomo a port of our . hiring for the following commission. Fun envi- Wear & show ladles Jew- senger cars too. If one fails and doesnt limit the oil to be whipped up to a froth by the Full time position. 908^356-2424. 9am-9pm 7 days;. . ' petitive salary,' attractive ronment. Call Alex, 381- starting salary of 30K + . elry.2 eves. $125. No ln> < sways and swings more than one would ex- Modern high-tech shocks do a lot for. road, infonmation about it? . • support tonm S on|oy benefits. Send-resume ppsltlons: waitress/wait- Call 782-5254, ext. 260, the slip/ trie differential simply reverts to nor- Qualified applicant rrtimt, DID YOU 9555; -•"• '. /•' ' ••-••••' • vestment, 908-874-3663. pistons and crankshaft, hitting It at highspeed. • oxcollonl bonolils whllo ers, cashiers/hostess,, controi but they^re npt cheap,;but then we get :| i:: KNOW... LEGAL SECRETARY- to: Personnel Manager, and ask for Craig. ^pect pn curves so that one has to keep tight - ' ••••'• •• '•••• ;' ' '/••'•.'••••••••. HJt : , working I" " boautlful nt- typo & have previous A/ Wegttlold law firm soaks COOKS, kitchen utility. Ex- This little ad can be read P.L., P.O. Box 1018, TELEMARKETING- $6 FULLER BRUSH what we payfor. Your Olds dealer could prob- mal differential action; ••''••> •y-~'z-^-:-: -•••:•_-• •This could lead.to oil starvation and/or beating mosphdrp. P, A/Ft experience. Any cellent pay and benefits: '•••'..**'* + £ control on the car. Is the bouncing and sway- 7 secretary w/excel. skills. Somervllle, NJ 08876. to $15 per hr. guaran- Household Products • -.vDontnl/Mod. Insu.rnnco computer knowledge a by more than 400,000 Litigation & transactlonol Apply in person to: Mr. $2OO-$5OO WEEKLY overheating as the oil Is a coolant for them. It readers In 17 publica- teed. Work eves, from 6- To Buy or Sell •• **ing normal on this model car? Also, the carably install heavier factory-supplied anti-sway A, A limited slip differeritiaMs a handy gad- * Pold vacation plus. Excellent company exp. pref. Word.process- PARALEGAL Ambrozy, at Parkway exit Assemble products at ; 908-232-7584 * Profit sharing tions throughout Somer- 9pm In our newly opened could also lead to'excessive pressure on oil benefits Including 401K Ing req. Salary com-, Real Estate 136, Cranford, NJ home. Easy) No selling. I« has no pep on the hl|i$. I Will be driving at 65bars front and rear but again It won't be inex- get, to have on any vehicle if it's used in. Q. Is there any harm In overfilling crartkcase . *Top $$ and Profit sharing. To set, Middlesex and Union menaurate w/exp. Call Cranford and Edison of- You're paid direct. Fully HELP— Need to hire 10 Counties? It caught your Central N.J. law firm RETAIL SALES- for fices. Positions available pensive. If you nail the throttle on hills (or any oil? Some years ago the owner's manual for a seals and engine gaskets and cause them to APPLY IN . arrange an Interview, 908-233-6800 seeks experienced Indi- Guaranteed, For direc- people part time 10 hrs./ t; mph at the bottom of a moderate hili In our competition, high-speed driving or when road attention, didn't It? Thrift Shop In Westfield. Immediately. Call today, tory information call 24 wk. $1500/mo. Call leak. Sometimes the engine has a dip stick PERSON please calk Call YOUR ad In today!; vidual with strong Inter- FT, responsible person *;' area and gradually the car will slow to 50 rnph other part-throtUe time, for that matter) the conditions get sloppy. I won't go into a long car that! owned seemed to have a dire warn- LOVE CANDLES? Need personal skills. Ability to ask for Joe. 908-494- hour hotline 801 -379- Alberto 908-253-0543. DAILY 10AM-9PM 908-687-1313 1-800-559-9495 extra cash for the Holi- who enjoys working with 0576. 2900 Copyright # NJ1- transmission should automaticai|y drop down ing about overfilling. I believe it was In bold and tube combination that makes the correct We Got RosultsI work Independently In all nice people.' Tues.-Sat. 9- INSTRUCTOR- M/F Part *i despite pressing the. accelerator. Flooring It dissertation on the mechanics j>f the various 0 Edgoboro Rd. days? You can earn up phases of real estate TELEPHONE CALL- 7WDH amount of oil appear to be too'much. The. EAST BRUNSWICK EXT. 280 to $25/hr or more dem- 4pm. Good pay. Call Time aoroblcs/stop/ton- Sj.will just keep the car at 55, this.Is; unnerving a gear. . ' : types of limited slip differentials (there are a print Now I have a 1990 Subaru Legacy. Four DOG BATHER- Looking transactions & mortgage Mary LbU 908-232-4326 ERS— Part time, sea- Ing, Days/evenings, certl' BURGER KING onstrating our beautiful * + *. * . '. • • . • • * **,•".••' .. .155 W. Main St. for responsible person loans. Attractive benefits, sonal, to recruit volun- :*i iri the. passing' lane. I can understand having couple of different designs), butjn ihort, they put of five times when I have had the oil best way to check this is to.refill.the empty CENTRAL AVE, CLARK line of home decorating $200-$500 WEEKLY flcatlon preferred. Cran Landmark Shopping Ctr. not afraid of a little hard competitive salary. Send SALES-RETAIL (FT/ teers for the American ford. . Call 908. 709-7260 FT/PT, Hours to (It your accessories & candles. resume to: Personnel PT)— Custom decorat- Assemble products at >Sto.••drop Into the drive range for steeper hills Q. I am In the process of buying a new 4x4 transfer the" power that Is causing the traction- changed at the dealership, they overfill it ,1;sump with the correct nurriber of quarts by Building #5 work and getting dirty. 2 For Interview call 908- Heart Association. homo. Easy! No selling. ask for Kim. schedule. Day and Night positions available Mon- Manager, R.E., P.O. Box ing, detail oriented, peo- Friendly, smoke free, i- but it shouldn't be necessary on more shallow complain and they say it does no hami Re- the book and them check the level with the SOMERVILLE Shifts avfllPable. 353-0596 or 908-353- 1018, Somerville, NJ ple persons, processing, You're paid direct Fully pickup truck. One option available is an anti- less wheel to spin to the wheel on the other Frl. 9-4 p.m.. Call 755- 6397 ask for Donlso Mlllburn office. AM, PM, Guaranteed.. For dlrec-' JACKLaLANNE.. Advancement Potential. 0227, 08876. . excellent selling skills & wknd shifts. Now-pec, LEAD GUITAR- for ^slopes. •. ••.••'•'-•'.•••'•• ..•;'..:• spin or limited slip differential. Would this be a side .of the differential. If that wheel begins to cently they offered a 40 point safety checkup . stick. Then whatever the stickreads is correct Pleasa apply In person. Marie. PartyLlte Gifts knowjedge of fullness & tory Information call 24 : FITNESS CENTERS $6/ hr plus bonuses', Call hour hotline 801-379- working Aggressive rock/ and Inspection on Subaru. On my written re- I've never heard of a half-quart or sO doing EASY WORK AT repeats. 24 hour wk. min- (201) 376-3929 (Must be Alternative band- Please J-.-' ••;•. •' •.•• ,'• ••':. . ;. . ./•.;•, L.R. valuable option to have Installed when order- slip, it transfers the power back to the other AVON SALES- All CHILDCARE- earn Love Your Career! : 2900 'Copyright # NJ1- HOME- Taking snap As an Advertising and PARENTS imum on floor Including able to work at least 12 call 908-236-0699. port they noted two problems: rear tires worn any damage but It makes ope nervous. Have areas. For Information money providing quality shots. Send self- nlght(s) & weekends.: 7HDH >- : Pebble Beach, CA Ing a new vehicle? Mechanically.does these, side.or splits it The wheel spin could be call .' • . " chlldcare for 1 or more Public Relations Do you have the warmth hours per week). addressed stamped en- consistency & structure Shop at home positions MANAGEMENT- $1000 units cause any problems or irt handling the caused by a fast turn that unloads the inside and the-crankcase overfilled. The same deal-, the lube man and ihspector get together on 1-D00-662-2292 children In your own : Professional TELEPHONE SALES to $2000/mo. Profit shar- v A. If you bought the Olds new, you may not home. MONDAY MORN- velope to P.O. Box 159, to become a therapeutic available. Good pay & 5060 ership had changed the oil and filter two; their stories. / ; AVON SALES- All Dunellen 08812 foster parent for a child benefits package. Call Person wanted to work In ing, medical, dental. Call •'"have asked for the right suspension options. vehicle In skids, etc.? I understand when one wheel, one tire stuck In the mud or snow or ING INC, offers free; in- RECRUITER/TRAINER Susan M., 908-755-4700, our Plalnfleld office. Earn Employment- for interview 654-5363 aroas. For Information surance, referrals, equip- ESL & SPANISH IN- Accept tho challenge of or youth with special HeatthCare call emotional nesds? Cath- $200-S600/wk. Stars MEMBERSHIP SECRE- ment, . back-up & more. STRUCTORS- Part adding additional sales SALES/RETAIL- Busy make over $600, Incen- 1.800-662-2292 Union County 906-668- time, evenings & days, representatives to an ex- olic Charities will pro* building materials sup- TARY— for non-profit art tives & bonuses. Strong, association In. Far Hills- 4884; Somerset County experience necessary. isting local staff. Join vldo 24 hour support, plier. Excellent benefits. closers a. must. Please AIDE/PERSONAL AT- 908-526-4884 NJ certification in any WELCOME WAGON IN- training, therapy for the Experience necessary. TENDANT- to assist Strong computer skills, Advarilso In the ClatslUadl contact Eric: hours Mon 9:15-1 PM, Frl, subject. JCAE, 614 1st TERNATIONAL a pro- child & case manage- Builders General Supply, 908-757-1504 Cranford man • with dis- Ave. Rarltan, NJ 08869 gressive company with ment. 'Stipend available. 908-2764)505 Mr. Smith ability. FT/PT, Mon-Frl. 9:15-2PM,,$6.50/hr. Call Call 908-526-7757 64 yrs. of service, as an Call Therapeutic Foster TELEPHONE SALES- Exp. Valid NJ drivers li- 908-234-2345 entry lovol recruiter. Use cense. & Rets. req. Call FORBES NEWSPAPERS Care Coordinator at SALES/SALES Earn extra Christmas PART TIME DAYS EXTRUSION your direct sales or man- 908-722-1801 money! Perfect hours, 908-709-0732 . OPERATORS agement exp. to train, MANAGEMENT CIRCULATION CLERK IS GROWING!! Mon-Frl, 6PM-9PM. Sun Detail oriented Individual Experienced operators motivate and oversee PARK RANGERS IMMEDIATE OPEN- 5PM-8PM. Good talkers Home Health Care are needed to operate others. We are looking Game wardens, security, ING— Are you ready to to handle data entry, key and is offering the only!. Up to $10/hr. Per- WORK AT HOME! punch and phone duty. Plastic Extrusion Lines. for a goal oriented por- maintenance, etc. No earn between $30,000- fect 2nd Job. Spouses & ton Flexible hours Ideal for following job opportunities We are a growing plas- son w/strong cbm- exp. necessary. For Info, $50,000 your first year; students welcome.' Call MENTOR CLINICAL tics profile manufacturer munlcatlon skills. Excel, call 219-769-6649, ext. CARE Is seeking caring homemaker, college stu- & $50,ooo-$80,ooo your after 6pm Middlesex 906- dents or seniors. Call: FULL TIME OPPORTUNITIES based In the New Brun- oppty. to.grow along w/ 8183 9am-9pm 7 PAYS. second year; then we'd 6625 Metuchen ' Individuals or families to swick area. Mechanical your territory. Car neces- open their home to a JOHN D'ACHINO ability as well as ability PERSON TO WORK- like to speak to you. The . 1-800-300-9321 Advertising Sales sary for daytime travel, leading NATIONAL TEMPORARY child. Enjoy the benefits to read and Interpret We offer salary, benefit PT, private answering of working at home EXT7302 Our remarkable growth means wo nood to expand service In Bernardsville. REAL ESTATE office In our sales forco. Wo are offering an excellent op- prints. Competitive rates package and ongoing EMPLOYMENT while making a differ- PART TIME SALES & benefits. Apply In per- for details call 766-1799 NJ Is looking for 2 CA- portunity tor a bright; onorgotlc, self-starter. As a training. For a personal Year-round Assignments ence In a child's life. CLERK- mflat-fatm son: Interview,- contact: Bea REER minded people . qualified candidate, you should be. enthpslostlc, PLASTICS- Night shift , * Ught Industrial Spare bedroom & car market, Brldgewater, Call UNIPLEX PROFILES Aliborry, (908)722-6674 for residential, new outgoing, organized & motivated. You should have group leaders & as- * General Utility req. Excellent training & 908-231-139V INC. or (201)292-8384, homes sales,- com- ; * Food Services superior vorbal & written communications skills, sistants needed/; Some mercial Investment sales compensation. Call 50 Jiffy Road Industry: PHONE WORK- Eves, good follow-through, and an understanding of the WELCOME WAGON exp. In Injection & low & leasing In Central Jer- DEBBY today at 908-28- Start at $6/hr. plus bo- Somerset, NJ 08B73 International, Inc. EOE. molding nee. w/ablllty to Chef 1&2, Prep, Servers, 5550. Importance of customer service. A reliable car Is a (908)873-2700 sey area. WE WILL GET nuses, We need enthusi- trouble shoot. Our wages waiters/waitresses, astic, articulate, money must. Wo will train you in all aspects of newspaper Contact: Mr. Bill Bewley MACHINIST & benefits aro competi- YOU LICENSED & LOOKING FOR- Nan- advertising sales & you will coordinate advertising TRAIN YOU. F6r conll- cashiers, dishwashers, motivated people, Must Run lathes, cylindrical tive & working cond. are grill cooks. nlM> Houaekeapera, for retail businesses pi all types & sizes; If you are FARM/ESTATE WORK- orlndera, mill, •to. 1-2 dtntlal Interview, call Companions, Nurasa bt avail. Mon.-Frl, BR-who Is familiar with •xo. If you would Ilk* to Own transportation a 5l30pm-9i00pm. Call Interested, please forward you resume to Lance yearn exp a must, Will b» • considered, plaaae Kan Worden at Century Aldea, all with sxpsrl- farm and lawn equip, consider vo-teoh trainee. 21 Wordsn SrCrlvello. mutt. . •noe & rafersnoea THE HOMB NfeW8, 908 Osborn, Retail Advertising Manager, Forbes News- Refo. required. Call Jim apply, at: North Ameri- 248-5678, BAM-8PM papers, P.O. Box 699, Somervllle, N.J. 08876, or Self-starter, good pay, can Packaging Corp., 808-874-4700 chocked. Please call between 4pnv5pm only. pleasant working condi- Dorson Homa Car* Sw- call oxt. 6102. 908-719-9636 Rarltan Center, 170 PLAY IN YOUR SPARE tions'and benefits. Apply SALESPERSON CONSORTIUM vlc*, Inc. 201-872-7691 TIME- while earning In person. NorthfUld Av«., Edison or BO0-243-8349. Reporter (JA8 STATION AT- or call! 808-228-1441. Full-time for family bak- great Incomo, Free train- Enthusiastic, sharp reporter needed for our award- TENDANT- Full & part A&A CO. & INC apeak to' general fore- ery. 40 hours, 6 a.m. 908-707-9778 ing & earn free kit. Call 2700 SO CLINTON AVE Nurses winning community newspaper group, Experience time. Apply: Abby's Shell man. EOE. start, No weekends. Will Vai with Discovery Toys Station, North .& Eliza- SO PLAINFLP, NJ 07080 train. • TEMPORIUM OFFERS proferrod. Sand resume and clips to Rbbln J, BEST BENEFIT8- Skills Pis call 908-381-5851 beth Ave., Cranford. • * * * * HOME CARE MACHINIST- experi- MamHIfc Pastry Shop needed: Word Perfect, Phillips, Editor, Forbes Newspapers, P.O. Box 699, PT/FT INCOME Ask for Jo» RECEPTIONIST/SECRE. Somervlllp,-MrJ. 08876. No calls, please. HAIR STYLIST- Experi- enced, pernmanent em- OPPORTUNITIES AVAIL- Sumna, Unix, Multlmato, •RN's IV Certified- Mldd. TARY- for a busy orth- ployment. 356-1BS3 (9O8)72»-22B8 Lotus, Ami-pro. Call for enced, full or part time. ABLE- S1000-$2000 per & Somerset Gtys. . odontic office In Cran- PART TIME OPPORTUNITIES Flex. hrs. Hlllsborough month, Plus profit Bhar- SECRETARIES/ADMIN. appt, • frta gift. Please ford. Diversified duties, area. 908-874-7881 MANICURIST/ MAN. caH908-626-TEMP ' AQER- Aggressive man- Ing plus medical/ ASSISTANT^ Currant •FIN'S & LPN's wArach typing essential, experi- Community Events Co-ordlnator dental. For Information openings for:Samna, ence pref. Approcx 20 hr. Position for out-going highly organized soil-starter. HAIRSTYLISTS- experi- icurist w/followlng who TIRED OP BEING LOST & vsnt exp.- Middlesex. enced. Relaxed atom- wants a career oppty. In call Mr. Z, 808-848-6955 z"'ord Prfct, window*, IN THE CROWD? Busi- County week. Call 272-5595 ' Carry our community promotions In Somerset, Mid- graphics, Excel, Lotus. ness Is booming! Grow- dlosox & Union counties, Responsible for such sphere, Montgomery Management. Good sal- REAL ESTATE CAREER RETAIL COUNTER ary w/boneflts. 908-725- Top pay. Extensive ben- ing REAL ESTATE 00. evonts ns an exhibit at Sunday-craft fair In West- TWp, 20-30/hrs. wk, 609-. WEIDEL REALTORS, •LPN's w/adolesoemt SALES POSITION 466-0109 8380 or 201-437-7742. efits. Temp./Perm. Call naeds 3 reliable, ambi- home care exp. South- field, auto show In Somervlllo & operating Santa- Hlllsborough. We are All Star East 424-1010. tious sales. people. We Specialty food store- looking for good people ern Middlesex County Watchung, P/T, flexible land, homo to Mr. ClauB, In Somervllle from Health car* Supply Co. offer extensive In-house to |oln our sales staff. training, 100% comm. days, 2 to 3 mornings Thanksgiving to Christmas. Diverse position for Whether licensed or unli- In New Brunswick per week. Perfect for Imaginative! person who doesn't need a big budget plan. Come, show off •Certified Home Health censed, we can get you *Mk* SECRETARY (FT). Aides-variety of assign- working mothers, to produco an attention-getting display or ovant. BANK your talehts, for a confi- started In a successful Basic office skills req'd. dential Int. oall todayl ments. Middlesex and Call Henry 75S-3S24 Some, weekend work, car a must, about 20 hours Real Estate Career. Flex- BRAND NEW 1992 BRANDNEW1992 Call 908-249-2100 762-1111 Somerset Ctys. Car & TELEMARKETERS n wogk, $8,000-$9,000 a year. Send a resume or hours, unlimited earning phone. lottor to Jean Casey, Promotion Director, P.O. Box OPPORTUNITIES potential & hands-on SECHETARY- PT/FT, PART TIME good typing & computer TO! ANYONE WHO DODGE SPIRIT 89, Bodmlnstor, NJ. 07921. Will respond to thoao (raining. Call Judl Hltt, WOULD LIKE TO HAVE CHRYSLER LEBARON who fit the qualifications. Manager, 3B9-7100 skills, W/P, dictation & 908-549-2210 Earn extra cash Convarilbk), auto, w/od, V6, pM. p/b, champagnn, AM/FM star. 4 dr., auto., 4 cyl., p/s, p/b. wht., AWFM a»r. c***., p/wjtck*,, TELLERS - Full & Part Time shorthand. Conv. loca- A HIGHER QUALITY flexible hours pM\Ur*., n/c, I/gl»ss. rw d«l., tilt, CIUBS, cloth int.. bckl, »<«., car- LIFESTYLE. cats., p/lck*., pAvilrre., ABS, nJc.W, crulM, eMh Int., bckl. tts., Advertising Telephone Sales Applicants must have a minimum of 3 RECEPTIONIST/SECRE tion off 287. Send re- 3 to 5 days per week carpal mala, all uatson SBR, alum. wMj., VIN* NF1M900, Stk.# pet mats, split raar eta., all taaaon SBR, lull »par«, VIN* TARY- Plscataway law sume & wage require- Kim & I have found a way 6pm to 9pm NF270C0I. Stk.« 2C893, MSRP $14,252, Daalar Dhc. C1442, Bright self-startor needed to soil advertising bvor months prior Taller or cash handling experi- to be able to maJ(j»-Mow 2C168, MSRP $20,877, Oaalar Dbc. «2I52, Sailing Plica $18,725. tho tolophono In contral Now Jersey's #1 Clas.sl- firm, position avail. ment . to Jaffa Manage- In our Bedmlnster office Rabat* $1500. . Selling Price 112,810, Rabala $1505. ence. Full Tlmo positions In South Plalnfleld, ment Co. 4475 So. money than we coultK Int flod dopartmont. All you need aro good languago Immed. Strong typing & $7.00 per hour : 8 am-4 pm; Borkoley Heights, 7:45-am-3:45 Clinton, Sou. Plalnfleld, ever spend, and have all \JK 1 fit H c»11. plus commission' BUY FOR BUYFOR and typing skills, on oxcollont telephone manner,' word processing jskills. the free tlmo to enjoy It pm; Hlllsborough, 8:15 am-4:15 pm Call Mon-Frl 968-6300 NJ 07080 for further Info and a commitment to customer sorvlco. Wo will with our family & friends. CALL train you. Two positions available, each 19 hours Part Tlmo Toller positions also available In GIVE US A CALL AT 28 S. Main St. por wook. Salary plus generous commission. other locations. 872-1214. We will treat Edlsdri, N.J. GLEN OR GENE Ploaso call Kolly Zullo; oxt, 6250, to arrange an you like family & •show Known since 1966 as EVENINGS Intorvlow. • you how you can do It Medical CLERK/TYPIST - Full Time tool Recorded message FORBES NEWSPAPERS Circulation Telephone Sales ^/lust havo some general oHico experl-. Now Is tho time, • Personnel Pool v 908-781-7900 Earn extra cash whllo'working lloxlblo hours 3 to 5 once. Excollent office telephone & com- Frank & Kim NURSE- FT/PT for busy Ext. 7302 days por wook, 6 p.m.-9 p.m. In our Bodmlnstor munication skills, bo accurate with numbers Somervllle allergy prac- office $7.00 por hour plus commission.. Ploaso cnll tice. We guarantee you * * * * and type 45 wpm. EARN EXTRA TRACTOR TRAILER Glon or Gono overlings at oxt. 7302. won't be bored If you join LAST CHANCE- to hire DRIVER- Null time, ex- our great staff. 231-9626 this Season as a "Christ- PLUS BOTTOM-LINE SUMMER Circulation Clerk ENCODER OPERATORS - Part Time perienced with good driv- ask for Eve. mas Around Tho World" Detail orlontod Individual to handlo data ontry, key Located In Cranford. Hours 1 pm-finlsh. ing record, good pay, demonstrator. Average local work. Call 908-245- OFFICE DUDES/ $20/hr. working ove hrs. PRICING ON DODGE FULL SIZE, punch and phono duty. Floxlblo hours Idoal for Good numorlcal aptltudo and accuracy with PATIENT ASSISTANT- Now's the Time liSmomaR'ora, collogp students or sonlors. Ploaso 2362 or apply *t:' 732 & locations you sot calculators roqulrod. Lexington Ave'., Ken- Parttlmo, i2-5:30pm. call John D'Achlno, oxt. 7302. Forbes Newspapers is now Sopt.-Nov. Free $300 kit, llworth. N.J. bet, 0-Spm. Busy ofllco sacks friend- no cost. Call (Roso) for COMPACTS & IMPORT MODELS Newspaper Delivery ARMED GUARD - Full Time taking names for neighborhood ly dependable person BEST training & support. I . ."Itest Wee "A New,SPark Ave. TRAINEE OR who enjoys working with 008-995-7830 s Forbos Nowspopors Is now taking names for Located In Cranlord. Must qualify to use a delivery in New Brunswick and EXPERIENCED patients, has telephone neighborhood dollvory In Now Brunswick, North handgun and must havo a valid N.J. license For motallzlng plasma skills, appointment Brunswick, Oollo Mood and Hlllsborough. Dollvor North Brunswick. shop. Opportunity to making, & general office/ DID YOU to operate a largo truck. Hoavy lilting In- KNOW... LeSafos-e, Sky lark, or Century, one or two days por wook and earn S4S-SSS. Must learn trade. Welding exp. patient caro, Call 908- bo 18 yonrs or older and Imvo rollublo transporta- volved. Deliver one or two days per a plus. Steady work, 276-3132 that on ad In this local tion. For Now Brunswick and North Brunswick call week and earn $45-$55. good pay, benefits. paper also goes Into 16 Prices incl. all costs to be paid by consumer except Ed at oxt. 7401, and for Bollo Mead and Hlllsbor- For prompt consideration, ploaso call Apply In person. RN- 7am-3pm full tlmo other local papors? Roach over 400,000 for lie. costs, reg. fees & taxes. ouQh call Butch at oxt. 7400. (908) 931-6544 or send your resume or a AAACO..INC and part tlms 7am-3pm Must be 18 years or older and 2700 SO CLINTON AVE and 3pm-11pm. Rarltan roadora with one call! Youth Carrier f> summary of your background to: Health & Extended Care, 1-800-8B9-949B have reliable transportation. SO PLAINFLD, NJ 07080 Attention boys and fjlrty In tho Society Hill, Franklin 633 Rt. 28, Rarltan, NJ, RTS. 2O2 & 31 Township area: earn oxtru monoy by bocomlng a TRAVEL COUNSELOR- 008-836-8850. youth carrlor, Work one day par wook. Ploaso call American Express has Call Today Immediate opening for RN- private office- Dutch at oxt. 7400. Must be 12 yours or oldur". ' an experienced vacation/ allergy. Will train, part leisure counselor In our time. Send Resume to UNITED COUNTIES Wostflold location. Mini- Box 109, Forbos News- Forbes Newspapers mum of 3 yrs. experience paper, P.O. Box 699, TRUST COMPANY 1-800-300-9321 with Apollo and strong Somervllle, NJ 08876 Flemington customer service skills SALES/SlcRVIce 908.788-585B • PARTS 908-788.5638 F^Tiinqton Extension 7401 3330 Four Commorco Orlvo. Cranlord, Now Jorsoy 07016 necessary. EOE Please Quick And 908-722-3000 call I. San ford, AdvertliO In U\» Clmlttodl CAR & TRUCK COUNTRY EOE Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/H/V 908-654-6635. Convenient! CAR STRUCK COUNTRY A Forbes Newspaper FITS 2O2 & 31 •• -U .

- -September 9,10.11.1993 Fprbes Newspapers / U-3 September9,10, 11,1992 AutornotiveGuide U-2 / Forbes Newspapers Automotive 8000 > 8030 8050 8220 AUTOMOBILES 8110 Automobiles Luxury Automobiles Automotive Partsf Mopeds Accessories and 8010 DID YOU MERCURY- 89 cougar Services . MOTORBECANE-Moped KNOW... I ft I nnriflH.n|g)tnl Dach' nn^ twn wHnll' hlrvrlRH inal-an-ad-Jn-thls looal- 16 Moon-Roof,-51 .OOOmllear DONATE YOUR" CAR, man find wortan'srQood ^ —tank* $1000—"• paper also'goes Into cond. Call 908-234-1958 v ' • • •'•'•.•• ' . • plus warranty $9,800. TRUCK, MOTORHOME- other local papers? Call John, 908-805-9739. Reach over 400,000 to Foundation serving ! CADILLAC- 82 Fieet- readers with one calll the Blind. I.R.S. Tax De- 8240 A w,ood Broughm,. excel ductible. Free towing. quart in 2,000 miles is OK and oil kddith/es are optional usually pretty heavy. Many car. makers recommend never 1-8OO-559-B405 8080 On-Road By BOB HAQIN get together In hot water and the antifreeze resists this ; body, new Ores, needs' Need not run. 420-1112 changing it. but to just top it off every six months or so. -.-. motor work. $1000. Call FORD- 87 Mustang GT 4x4s, Sport and Motorcycles action. Coolant should be changed annually with at least a but expensive. ,908-725-2665 . Hatch, PS, PB/PW, AC, light Trucks HONDAS, NISSANS, FORBES NEWSPAPERS / ^ Some dont even put drain plugs in manual transmission TOYOTAS WANTED- 50/50 mix but with a bigger dose of antifreeze In cold AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION FLUID: Automatic Cruise," AC, AM/FM ster- so changing the oil in them is almost Impossible. The oiljs ' IUAC- Perfect Int. eo pass.- Auto, fog lltes, alBO all foreign autos. Pis HONDA- 69 Model $65. There are several liquids other than; fuel concealed In climates. Follow the instructions and dont open the ra- transmission fluid (ATF) is petroleum-based and operates elete. everything. Sortie n«W battery, extra tire, CHEVY- 89 S-10 Blazer, call 572-1999 anytime low milage', Best offer; checked from under the car. A plug jn.the side is removed 'nlsCPaued Inspection. 44K ml. Asking $4800 4 WD. auto, 4.3 liter V-6 Call 808^889-4353 your vehicle, liquids that perform a variety of services, diator cap wheii its warm or hot . the hydraulics (shifting up and down, Idling, etc.) els well Must tell. S80O; Call 908- JUNK CAR8 WANTED- and a-finger is inserted — engine off,.of course. If the neg. Please call 908-463- engine. 58,500 mi., mint HONDA- 73, 450 Four, 322-2718 cond. PW, PDL, cruise, Late model wrecks & don't get used up at an predetermined rate (at least WINDSHIELD.: WASHER FLUID: Notice I didn't as lubricating the gears and bearings. Different auto mak- ;: 9337 after 6pm••• runs' good, $300/flrm, finger can touch oil,'It's OK, ; . ';..; tilt, digital dash, AC, AM/ trucks. Top $$$ Paid.. call it Water either. Use a windshield washer cleaner fluid In CHBVY- 78 NOVa. 4 906-548^6582 ' good- starting .'bike. Call they're not supposed to) and doht give much wkmlng rf ers require different types (not brands) for their, automatics . DD7FEFENTIAL OIL: The differential is the gear set door. Blue vy/blue Inte- POND- 88 MusUmg GT, FM ca«s.t sunroof, Cloth 526-5129 after 6PM bucket seats, towing they disappear. They make their absences known in what the mixture recornrnended pn the bottle (Usually 4 ounces) so dont mix them up. Fluid and filter should be changed .rJpr. 305/Auto. AC, 11 OK. exo. cond. 5-spd. PS, VB, PERONE'S AUTO SAL- that delivers engine power to the two driving wheels. A 'ft AC, crtilse, am/FM Cast. pkg. w/trailer hitch & ski VAGE- oars & trucks HONDA— 84 Sabre with water ahd/br windscreen washer antifreeze fit can Rung strong. WB0/BO. rack. $10,500. 908- 1.100, low miles, good can be a number of disastrous ways. The engine blows every two years and checked monthly. The engine has to wheel drive vehicle has two of them, of course. The oil'is 38K ml. Asking $8500/ wanted,' Highest prices GOT A CAR or TRUCK 821-1430. •< cond., looks great, freeze too), tf'you use plain wate^-you run the risk of BO. 819-0186 paid. Free pick up. Con-, up, you crash Into.something or the machine comes to a be hot and running when the ATF is checked to give an usually heavy and rnay be special stuff if the vehicle has.a 8.« 7BCutlB«« talner service available, $2200. Call after 6PM at l 1 FORD- 89 Escort GT, DID YOU grinding, bone-jarring haft. .. .'• '•;. • v-; having the lines and small holes clog up. the reservoir Is accurate dipstick redding and the dipstick is located under trrtoof,: good- Cbndl- 563-1630 -. • '.••••.. 218-8913a8k for Mark limited slip differential. The .vehicle maker sometimes ttbn. S600 ea. Call 908- air, AM/Frri CA88., alarm KNOW... YAMAHA- 62, SECA On the other hand, rUnrdng out of gas just stops the underthehood. . the hood. doesn't provide a. drain and rriay not, recommending 4M67a9J system, low milage, very that an ad In this local clean. Must Sell. $$3300S . paper also goes Into 16 8130 „ 65Q, 7,500 orlg. miles. ; MOTOR OIL: Motor oil lubricates, and cools the irrter- vehicle gerrtiy. Now that weVei gotten your attention, we'll BRAKE FLUID: Brake fluid is not a petroleum prod- changing.lt ever. It's checked from underneath using the PLYMOUTH- 83 Colt. 752-1539 other local papers? AttsceUaneous Hardly ridden,- new tires/ Reach over 400,000 battery. Excel, cond. Ask- describe those liquids, how often they should be checked hal engine parts and should be checked at least every two uct so never, never put anything In trie brake fluid reser- fingertn-the-plug-hole routine. I think it'should be changed 2DR Hatch, Auto. 78K. FORD- 89 Escort tX • Automotive Qreat mechanical cond. readers with one call I ing $1800; With helmet weeks on an older car and topped up between changes^ white w/blue Int., 4 cyl., 1-800-559-9495 and when (if ever), they should be replaced. We'll start at voirs except brake fluid and use high temperature stuff every couple of years. . . ••''• S900/BO. 528-9251. auto, AC, AM/FM stereo, $2000. Call 908-707-8389 the front and work back: ".'.•. It should ije changed at least twice as often as the only. There's two cavities 111 the reservoir: one for front FUEL ADDITIVE: I lied about none of the ancillary 47k nil., $4160/BO. Call FORD- 81 F150. 2-Whl MIRACLE WORKER- • -CHEAPI FBI/US SEIZED 276-3330 drive, 6-cyl auto, PS, all Towlng & recycling. 8400 COOLANT: That stuff in your radiator Isnt just water - owner's rh^uai-recommends. The viscosity (thickness is a brakes and brie for rear. If either of them are low it means liquids being used up. Modem cars.that are fuel Injected Local & long distance; ; 89 Mercedes- $20d HONDA- 89 Accord SEI, hew brakes, solid runner, RECREATIONAL it's antifreeze (only use a good quality) and. water (prefer- rough apprqxlmation)_gfven In your owners manual is a can benefit from a periodic dose of some kind'of liquid • •&8VW $50 Free junk car removal. that ttie brake pads or shoes are wearing or that the 4-dr auto, fully loaded AC driven dally. $1350 Old batteries & radiators VEHICLES good starting point As the engine starts to use up oH, try fuel Injector treatment.. It keeps the injector tips clean and ; 87 Mercedes . $100 Sunroof exc/cond. 53K (908)356-6628 ably distilled) rnbced. It not only cools the engine (and system has a fluid leak, the reservoir is under the hood , B5 Mustang . - $50 bought. 908-755-8934 1 ml. $10,800. 781-6349 INTRODUCTIONS... sometimes the automatic transmission) but resists cor- oil thafs one step 'thicker"in viscosity. Use the reference on the left side on the firewall. .' . pulls water from the gas tank through the system. A botjje .'Choose from thousands : I. starting at $25.. INTRODUCTIONS... Away for. people to meet index on top of the can (SE, SD, etc.) as a guide and N In the tankmonthly does the job. I think all the brands ate Advertise In the Classified! 8410 rosive action in the system. Lots of electrochemical things MANUAL. TRANSMISSION OIL: This stuff just lu- • For Directory Information A way for people to meet people, every week In your local Forbes news- Campers and happen when various metals-.(aluminum;-'steel, iron, etc.) dont economize: oil is cheaper than engines.; Using a about the same. Helps carburetors but not as necessary..' ; call 24 hour hotline. 801- people, every week- In bricates, the.gears and bearings In the transmission and is your local Forbes news- paper. The ad is free, Trailers . 379-2929. Copyrlflht then one call does It alll • '\ . At theprepaid rate ofonly S30, Forbes Newspapers will run youi 4line ad'.loi 3 - ^ -*NJ17WJC " paper. .The .ad Is free, 8200 then one .call does It alll 1-800-559-9495 MOTORCYCLES weeks- in 17 publications — .reaching more than 400.000 raders in Sonierse.t; . :'.' ••.-••• *•*' *••+ ". .':' TRAVEL TRAILER- Fan, 1-8OO-659-9495 JEEP— 52, 4X4, In fair : Style Uner, 27'. Fully self ',','.. Middlesex and Union .Cbunliesi-WHAT A\D'EAL!-• ; . I8UZU- 85 Impulse. shape, $1500 b/b, 908- Contained, roof .air, tan- 8020 534-9332 • Offer goqd on.cars, trucks OP' " •'..Ad must run as originally ordered.. .Must bo paid in advance Automobiles Gold w/belge Interior. MOTORCYCLE tarn axle, sleeps 6, bat- Fully loaded. 5 Speed. JEEP- 90 Wrangler. tery package trailer, aw- vans only, with this coupon only . Any chango in copy .constitutes a'.\ . :(rio rclunds) . ~ under$2500 Excellent condition. High ning; 3-way ref. Asking Learning the proper methods of how to complain Hardtop, Black w/tan Int: • Private party,only — no . v new ad '. ,f Remember-to call when miles. Original owner. A Excellent cond. 6BK. INSURANCE $2750. Call 248-5986 ' Mid-West car. Very clean. S6500 firm. 526-6471.- . ' dealers please ' ,, . • 4 hno nd, ehch iiddiiion imc S' >5 .: ; vehiclo is sold : UK- 78 U Sabre, 4 MUSt selll S1700/BO. 'work:- . ' • : . . —••••;- -V'"- . .-- '• •'-. •• : in th& form of an automotive writer Sand ''door sedan, mint condl- By BOB HAQIN want to hear, of course. Theyve spent cdn^ .' THE OWNER: This is'kind of a long 908-359-3260 '-.tfon: $2500. firm, Call 908- ';-.. 8090 For ManyTypes JUsc Ypur Card.. siderable money and in most cases have THE-SALESPERSON: I know this goes shot - many owners, (especially owners of there .are several of us in the business. , 369-3287 eves. We're the people who the P.R. .folks- ro- MADZA- 87 RX7 Turbo, Trucks and Vans Of Motorcycles Fill"Irv. 1 character per box,- ^ obligate^ themselves to. a long-term pur- against common thinking but the long and large' dealerships), usually don't get in-; ,, . QUICK- 87 Century Lta. red, • loaded,' exc. cond. : low mllaae, Asking allowing for spaces: and punc- H .mance.with trips' and ;dinners and ;t!hey ".-'- Flawless., 47K, V6, oleo. chase contract since not many buyers pay short, of it i£ he (or she) is the person you- volved with individual buyers, but it .S sunrf. P/S.W & L $6450. $7900! 231-9144' ' FORD-1983 PICKliP, V6, tuatlon as . necessary. .Rfe- J| Recently I was taken to task (in a some- often listen to us. Most of us pass.on read- Standard PS; PB, Ac. 8. Also Personal cash for a car anymore. What they want is bought the car from and would no doubt couldn't hurt to give it a try. Ask for an *' ' MB»p135 or 534JI060 . NISSAN- 84 Maxima member to. Include phone _ what roundabout manner) by the regional Wagon, AC, V6, auto, ft. Bed w[th Cap, SI',000 er complaints about new cars, to them jand '''"CADILLAC- 75, Coupe or best ofior Call 908- Waterbraft VISA number • ' '••'•.' I- a quick rectification of the problem with a like to stay in your good graces. A per- appointment to air your, problems and if ,'.-'DeVllle, 500 V6, auto, ps, sunroof, 1 owner, 114K, public relations manager of an automobile they in turn apply pressure where it-'may $2000.908-789-4289. 658^3053 manufacturer. A reader had sent me a let- reasonable assurance the problem won't. sonal call might put a bit of heat qrj the you're referred back to the service der do the most good. I've had" pretty good •, ,pb, pdl, p-seats, climate '.-' Insurance 'Quick And " "-controlled ac;-,pw, .near NISSAN- 90, Sentra XE, 8110 Additional lines, add $1.15 for Bach Mail with check or money order to: ter (one of several) complaining about, a Crop up. again. establishment to get things going right partment, mention that fact that you have, response myself and there are few manu- •Viinjlnt Inlerlorl needs paint 2DR, auto, AC, PS, PB, Convenient! FORBES NEWSPAPERS lob, tilt/telescopic wheel, Am/Frri. cass. Only 19k Automotive Paris, Often a'first-time new car owner doesn't away. • ' •'. • -."''' • ...•'•' ; ••''. • and have gotten no satisfaction. It may not " - >ho dents, delay wipers, CLASSIFIED problem that had cropped up in her new facturers who don't respond in one.-way or.| mi; Like new. Moving-' Accessories and . A Complete '.- am/(m/cass w/eq., $1500 $7295/BO. 908r253-3440. P.O. Box 699 car and she had not been able to have it know where to start to get a problem recti- "'•' THE SERVICE MANAGER;'This is the' get you ariy results - but it can't hurt another. . '"•', • '•••"„ '..., Wo, 908-627-9802, leave Services 8600 -" > "message ... NI8SIAN- 88 Maxima Selection of -. BOATS Somerville, NJ 08876 , . resolved. I made some suggestions and fied. In most cases, the buyer is told by person who really^gets things operational - CUSTOMER COMPLAINT DE- NATIONAL HIGHWAY TRAFFIC | GXE, excel, cond., 1 •••><; good tires, passed in- Boats present them to the service department at lems corrected immediately. Most new car up to receive customer complaints. Some NHTSA should knowabout it as sooft as •:••:•'• spectlbn.r $1.160/BO.-Call runs Well, lots of new and Accessories; number of newspapers, including several parts, AC, stereo, P/wln- AUTO DETAIUNQ Address 1-800-559-949S possible. Their toll-free phone number is '< 1908-276-B2B5 after 6pm. CARS/TRUCKS, INTERI- Forbes Newspapers. the time of the first general service. And problems have come up before (unless the are good and some are terrible and they dows, needs'some work. BAYLINER- 88, 2155 800-424-9393. It will send you a form to fill lih CHEWU 83 : Camarq $300/Flrm. Call 968-2888 ORS & EXTERIORS, Clty__ .Stall. -Zip. VISA -The reaction from themanufacturer's rep- this is OK - unless the problem is some- car is a first-year first-run) and their recti- come in all shades in between, Most are . Berllnetta. .Red, Mops, cleaned and detailed Harley-Davdison Cle'ra Sun bridge, OLDS- 84 Cutlass, 3.8L, professionally, Special. CGPKG., depth finder, butandreturn. - •'• . . ,.^. . loadod, AC, P/wlndows & p. Dale. resentative (a bit thin-skinned, I thought) thing that can't wait Then action has to be fication is known. The factory issues copi- very slow - but it's a necessary step in the : <.>lpcks, AM/FM ca89, Ask- V6, auto, console PB, Introductory prices, call or Edison sleeps 4, vHF radio, Otters Expires 12/31/92 Does all this work? One of our readers PW, HD susp. 38K ml., for appt., with ad: mooring cover, very taken right away. This is especially true ous amounts of service bulletins on the procedure. If you miss the step, you may * >g S2195. Please call clean, many many extras; was his company's Customer Satisfaction •I.''908-603-8481. clean $5300.752-6017 . . . io%off . . 299 RtMi.Edison in Eugene, Oregon, is convinced our inter- Colonial Motors 1988 Escort trailer w/dual Department hadn't been allowed enough when the problem might have an effect on various subjects. Customer satisfaction is have to go back to Square One. If it's a PONTIAC- 86 Firebird, axel brakes-Asking 1 vention resulted in a total,buy-bac k oi& her QH£iY± 84 Camaro, RL22W, N.Branch (908)985-7546 time to respond to the problem and it the safety or well-being of the drivei and/ usually of the uppermost importance to beads-up organization, it will immediately .- .needs work, S1300/BO. 305 V8 4 barrel carb., 800-773-8757, ext.9 $13,700. Call 704-1225 acknowledged lernon. Many others "Rave. J ^Call-Eric 463-8420 -.. : 5spd. manUel trans., would have all been taken care of in due or passengers. Such was the case in the the dealership and the manufacturer since refer you to a factory representative in 121K miles, new tires, told us by letter their problems were recti- ''• "CHRYSLER- 83 LeB- AC, AM/FM oassi, Asking course. There was no need to expose the car that arose the ire of the factory P.R the market is so competitive nobody wants your district who may or may not person^ fied pos,t-haste, others, unfortunatelyi; re- -;r aron Convertible, Town & S2400/BO. 908-752-3127 : Country Edition, black, 2- public to matters that could be handled in- .man. . ' • •'-. • .-•'..''• • '••': '' . /..-.': ., ' to scare off potential buyers. But somfr- ally inspect the problem but will no doubt ported they got no response. .-.-. dr,,P9, PB.'P/wlndows/ RENAULT- 68 MOdal- 1 .,, •, roof, AC, loaded, leather llon Wagon, 49K mllss, house was the implication. I guess he felt I Over the years, I've developed a scenario times this leads nowhere and the buyer pass it back to a dealer's shop for a repair. , I guess those manufacturers. dpn't;)un- ' ' Int., orlg. dwner, no rust, isoOo/BO. Please call : AUTOMOTIVE was airing dirty linen in public. : of where to start with a new-car complaint gets put off or stonewalled. "They all do FACTORY PUBLIC RELATIONS DE- derstahd the advertising value of a satis- -i'OnUNS QREAT1 CIBSSV 908-862-0429. oar, must tee.' $2000. TOYOTA- 88 Supra. 6- But that's not what owners of new cars and where to go if one of the steps doesn't that" is sometimes the lame explanation. PARTMENT: You'll need some .help here fied customer. • • • •'' •.'••' •'.'. Call 908-234-1744.; . oyl., new (Ires, loaded. Perfoot cond. 68K miles. DIRECTORY Advertise In the Clmltltdl Asking 9600.232-0353 TOYOTA- 89, Corolla DX, white, auto, air,. PS, PB, 70k ml;, J380O/BO. NEW CAR SALES TO ADVERTISE 8030 Must selll 908-781-0861 TOYOTA- *1 iCamry, 4dr, V6, sunroof, AM/FM cass., AC, PS, PB, P/wln- To ? dows, alarm, mint cond., LM1M 9K milea, 1 owner., Your Auto ;-: -WHILE YOU'RE HUNT- $13,900 firml Call 562- 36 Dumont Rd. EEEI " iMQ FOB A CAR,.. Hunt 3190 or 329-6910 after 6 Far Hills, NJ; ask for Robin' Ad Here .46 see II you're our win- StltJ & Scrvtets Since ner of a Forbes Coffee . " ••-* A iv a\ ' 908-234-0109 1P09 Call 233-9696 FORD- 89 Taurus SHO, CLEARANCE TIME 5spd, loaded, Call. $10,500,908-494-1462 With More SELECT USED CARS "New Left Over" A— 90, Integra, HUNDREDS OF '93s ARE IN 3 Days Only! , PS, PB, sunroof, Ads/n Classified 'UG LINCOLN MM1K I.S'Q AND SPECIALLY PRICED! V rli n cyl. liin|li'™.-'-liill-|wi..»ll.'...nii:i>ii»iii 1991 CAPRI CONVERTIBLE L> N mint cond., $9800 firm. don't cost— - con't'lipii. VIM* Iti'i'""'1' 't-.-i'11"'" Dual Air-Bag & S g 609-497-2878 IV. WBg.% 1.6L EFI engine; 5-speed manual trans.; pwr steering, brakes, door they pay! scons <»* S*nriiC'AUDI_- 8o5c Knnn5000. -.. or neu "U1 LINCOLN MAIM LSC locks, windows; AIR; • alloy wheels, TONNEAU COVER; electronic AM/ J5PS, PB, AC, AM/FM 1 ill. II r.vl. Innllu!!. lull in"". Air., |H,II|<-,I .', FM stereo cassett, polar white w/red cloth Int. vin#MB620971 ';•.' tsCB8s,.85K Miles. $5200. •KLCllUlll I-OWCII'I nil. Vi"» MVIilU/Zil, Ifi.ll.'.l : ABS Equipped »ff26-3896 after 5 -.- ."» 42^1,795 ••'••..'. . MSRP S'1'5,743' . •• - '• 8040 •:.'••• ALL DISCOUNTS $2,215 .'.'• '^CADILLAC- 83 Coupe Antique and Classic '00 LINCOLN TOWNCAI1 o , •! ill. .ircyl. lull JIWI. Icnllinl,' vmly mol. lit;nll!'l CUSTOMER CASH $2,000 (or 2.9% APR lor 40 mo.) ^^B OeVlllo. 60K, Leather, Automobiles Grand Marquis tone own. QOdd,.Cond. K nacMnl, VIII# CViMrulllO. •W.llimi FIRST TIME BUYERS DISCOUNT $400 ^2950. 968-33SS.lv mosa . JC095 . CHECKER- 1968 Yf y- 74 Mpnie 1 '91. EDDIE DAUEn AUROS5FAI1 1X1 Garlo, 2 dr., 350 eng. Marathon, 350 Chevy I Onssoiujm nuni-wnit. T» ryl. liill pwi, |..->|>I engine, 1 owner, 64K NEW'92 PLY VOYAGER —ONLY$1t,128 At Significant N crood running cond., rninlvan. 2.5 llr. 4 cyl En, S rlmiir.. tVjvwiiiri |thii. (.nni|ilolitlv lunilml A lihn orla. miles. Runs excel. now. vni# MiAnr.ni. III,"»|IMI • • S550/BO. Call 752-3356 IHd, p/t/b, 1/(1,. SUr«o, $ Can 908-272-5161. r/wlntr, VIIJNR675868, jin./nr. CHRYSLER- 87 5th Av- •9248/9, MSBP )M,138. 1992 DEMO JAOUAR- 71 XKE Road- Pilee Includti SSOO lad t ii,895' '11/ CIIHYGLGII Slh-AVtNUI:. eriUs, 57K miles, clean, 1 Savings! ster, serious Inquiries J5Oldb •1 ill. It ryl. lull pwi, Irnlhw. Inlimi p.nnl. lonilcil I6aded. Asking $6500, SABLE LS WAGON only. Call 908-218-0363. Hmcollonl, viil*. MXflll-IMI liU.llill im Call 903-937-9391 J4.U95 1 NEW92PLY • Fast Credit Approval NEW92PLY 4 tir; 3rd seat; 3.0L V-6; auto- ABS; DUAL AIR BAGS!; pref. eqpl. pkg ACCLAIM V 1OO% Financing •I ill, 0 cyl,- lull pwi, li^nllini. fii.irh uinl, k;,iilml 461B Incl, keyless enlryi rear wiper/washer, pwr s driver's seal/wind./ : USER 4 dr. 2.5 Mr 4 cy< EH; auto, p/s/b. air, • Cash Rebataa 3'drMbach, 1.S kr4 e»l MPI.5 fepd, A liko iiaw, vm# MXT'iiWi'M, ?t,.ltri mi locks/mirrors/ant.; cast alu; wheels; premium sound sysl.; extended JW/fM sleieo i 4 spkrs, cruise, till, p/b, reck t pinion m/s; AM/FM • . $-14,095 r/defc I/Class, dual KAute mii, cow V Torm» Von Every Need range fuel lank; LOADED; vin^ NA62B329; 12,796 mi stareo spkrs, tin. I/glass, dual •87 MEHCUI1Y GRAND MAP0U15 L5 spare, VINNI38U43, K920463. revolt rm, lull gauges, swri susp, . MSRP $22,906- MSIIP (13,362 Price Includes- $1505 CALL MR. ANTHONY VINNE143507. 1932413, Price- 2 cli coupii, u nyl. lull |iwr, vnil winil,- rnnr.u Isctl I500coll«j« god rebate, > Includes tlOOO (act IS500 college inol. Innilocl & nacollonl. vili* IIXWJIIM, ALL DISCOUNTS $3,6,51 1 -800-GIANT-NJ -54.003 nil ' CUSTOMER CASH $1,000 (or 7.9% APR for 48 mo.) $9895* '92 MEnCUnYSADLECS WAGON FIRST TIME BUYERS DISCOUNT $400 (1-800-442-6865) 9395 ;inl.snni, n cyl, nlii wlii'i*!-;, ruinn.Ml, lontlcd Itnucolloul, vin# NAWlllP?n, H.O/J mi 415,095 ONLY $17,855 GIANT SELECTION OF • ', '90 FORD LTD CQUNTnY SQUIRE,. M rnin%. wnqon, II ryl, lull pwi, i-nnl nlii.' h, lonUotl t, CKCOIIOIII, VIII* UUiMlo, • 1992 DEMO I nil ' .- . • $12,095 TRACER WAGON 'B7DUICK CENTURY CUSTOM -I (Ii. *t cyl, p^r winil.' IPM tlnf, OHCOIIOIII 4 dr; 1.9L SEFI engine; auto,; air; pwr s/b; Hie group; drivor's tilt seat; ROUTE 22 W, GREEN BROOK cohuiion. vni# iirj:i/;iu. nu.i4i im AM/FM stereo cassette; luggage rack; lull wheel covers; vinjTNR600- •Prices .include;all costs to be paid by a consumer, except licensing, reg., and 54,495 134; 4,021 mi : taxes. All offers to. qualified buyers. Providing credit info authorizes Liccardi to .'91 MEnCUIlY TRACER • MSRP $12,708 run credit check. Cars sold cosmetically and mech. as is. Cars may be sold prior •1 ill, >l r.yl, fi-Kpd in.in.pMi imnnin. Ml, pmlncl ALL DISCOUNTS $2,311 Customer Owner to pub. This supersedes previous ads. Not responsible for typos or omissions. w/only .1,132 nil, vm » Ml V\ li'MI End Of $0,495 CUSTOMER CASH $400 (or 7.9% APR (or 10 mo.) , : •••• • , i ••-.-..., i. "90 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL FIRST TIME BUYERS DISCOUNT $400 Cash iinilliiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiTiii * ill. Ii cyl, lull pwi. Innlhn. AIIS londL'tl t. o«c\ GU mi SBR, alloy whls.. VtN.»NI221637,.$il

CRANFORD Ann Fritz, 22 Rambling Road, $409,990 ;••••"• rcence & RatrlcJa-Bezfouch-tQ Kenneth & Mildred Iverson, 197 man; 1289 White Oak Road, : Arbor St, $205,600 . $i75iooo ••• •:.• - '•':. Jeanne P. Marino tb Scott K; & W/T of Walter L Hetfleld to Gene Rochelle L! Fuller, 36 Balmlere Park- & Denlse McManus, 2001 Winding Homes, ients way,$215,000 .;. • GARWOOD Brook Way, Westfieid, $270,000 . William F. & -Patricia Meehan to K?NIL\VORTH Realty notes Yesid & Maria Romero et dC, 4 Ed> Colonial has several u ward Place ,$125,000 W/T of Theodoite Rl Nan? et QL George Troiario to Amy Dary) to Donald J. Rica, 730 Clinton Ave., Cornelia F, Wilber to George A WESTFIELD -r- This Victorian : Wright, 689 Gallows Hill Road. Stuart Burke of Watchung, a service.. '.:- :, '• •'•'.''.'• '''i\ $100,000 & Maureen A. Contini, 216 AylHfe colonial, nestled in the quiet village • 7 . ..The"agents' graduating from the' $200,000 Joseph A. &. Maria G. Pugllese to Ave., $162,000 sales associate with the Fanwood of- of Westfield at 525 Kimball Ave.; is eight-week course had to complete v, Andrew W. & Evelyn C. Zachar to Gerald L YounWnis, 535 Sheridan fice of Burgdorff Kenneth J. & Mary C. Attofer to listed at $289,900 through . Cold seven missions, demonstrate trjelf Arthur & Joanne PacotH et qL, 19 Ave., $167,000 Realtors, was, Elaine P. Cummlngs, 16 Cowperth- ability to.use the proven techniques' Greaves Place; $200,000 You'Ufindtliem all Well Banker Schlott. • recently hon- walte Square, $311,000 and exceed.minimum standards..-. . Stephen C^ & Eleanor to John C. & SCOTCH PLAINS ored as Sales- Estate of Orear N. Cahfleld to Ri^ v • •*.*.•* • '•'.. • ' • Enid DeLuca, 23 Lemhome Drive, person of the, chard L, & Leslie L Franko, 711 $190,000 .: ••., Harold J. & Iilyan Weiss to U N I 0 N Month for July. Florence wyfce , of Warren, a' Crescent Parkway, $172,000 : Gene & Denlse McManus to Jo-. """Mr" Burke project manager in the Warren office Michael A. & Ellen H. Gibson, James B. Sweeney et aL to Tho- in the Glassifieds^: - seiDhA $ Maryann .Nytray, 57 Uvlng- HOUSE TOURS had#ie highest | of Gpldwell Banker Schlott was r*; 2062 Arrowood Drive, $303,000 mas J. & Jennefer Serzan, 513 ston Ave., $185,000 Max & J. Gloria Lostto to Catherine dollar volume cently honored as a member of ttw Dorian Place. $242,500 Cddwell Banker President's Club for • VRHa-R. Miller to Vinoent A. & Julie LJbrandl, 10 Burcham Village Court, of sales and Sheila A. Baumann to Joseph T. & her outstanding 1991 sales level. -' '• Fitzgerald, 208 Maple Place, $155,000 The first floor of this attractive the highest dol- Bizabsth Morina, 127 N. Euclid Ave., $265,000 - Robert E & Lois R. Drees to house has new wall-to-wall carpet- lar volume of FORBES $275,000 : Kam M, & Patricia Salfi to Kevin B. Donald L & Sally P. Depew, 1206 ing in the living room, and a study combined sates WeJchert Realtors Central New Jer- Arthur O. & Mae L Pontonl to and listings sold." Smith, 715 Orange Ave., $140,000 Christine Circle, $230,000 with custom bookcases and a walk- sey offices are parttopatihg iri a driye' Karen Carey & C. Masdale, 106 Gal- '•f. Pamela, Lowyns to Lawrence H. & Helen HorwHz to Josephine R. Mar- in closet.. . Mr. Burke has been a real estate to aid those in Florida arid Louisiana lows Hills Road, $185,000 Bartsara Fisher, 464 Orchard St, chetH, 13 Maddaket Village No. 13, The dining room includes a baiy professional since1984, effected by Hurricane Andrew. :'. Bruce E. & Unda J. Van Derven to $225,000 .:• $165,000 window and a walk-in pantry. This expanded ranch, listed at $229,000 through Burgdorff Realtors, Is highlighted with wall-to- The offices will act as dropoff cen- Timothy Schoch & W. McCurdy, 627 • Elmer & Ailed J. Apptegate to Sain B. & Beyeriy S; Lust to Noel J. A center island highlights the wall carpeting and recessed lighting. ters for non-pertehable and canned, GIrard Ave., $181,000 Peggy Knlpeolberg an agent with George C. Jr. & Ann M. Frank, 16 & Nancy A. Foster, 2111 Maple View new Jdtchen,. which Jhas a ceramic food, and all items will be trans^. . Michael L & Charles Pishnlck to ERA Village Green Realtors In Clark, Osage Drive, $170,000 Court $185,000 tile floor and plenty of storage third; bedroonl, measuring 9-by-13 ported to local American Red Cross Jose A. & Almadrigo Aguinaldo, 836 has cbrnpleted requirements of the Colonial Natl Bank USA to Donate • space.1. •;•'..' '/•:"' ' is equipped with a corner, cabinet centers for distribution. Grant Ave., $180i000 ERA Top Gun Picaro, 1153 Martlne Ave., $145,000: The combination bathroom- Upstairs on the thjjd floor is a Academy* -an Jacqueline D. Patton to. Brenda Hill,. Paula M. McKenzle toJohn P. & 9-by-12.5 bedroom with electric To t» featured In Realty notes v 1 -800^559-9495 laundry room also has plenty of advark&d train- iDotothy R. Haridns to tiavid G. 1733 Mountain Ave., $102,000 • - Lynne F. OswaJd, 535 Highland Ave., storage in an pak cabinet with. a basebbard" heat. and plenty of send a short release, Wfth a photo, Ing coursij' for & Kathiyn M. Bell, 188 Farley James Paul & Teresa Gerry to Gary & $455,000' •-• ••..,•. ... •••• ...,'•; ••••,.. .•:•.• coriancounter. :.'••[,• room to eather expand orjuse as : sales associ- Ave,,$164,000 y-;'. ;••;:.•••.'..: . Rona Goldberg, 1630 Ramapp Way, Elaine P. & Ppn&ld E. Cumrnings to .The washer and dryer are iri-: storage ispacfe ' . v':. ""*.:'- v ; Jim Wright :: * ; David R. & Rhea Rbvner to Thomas , $267,000 •. ••••".•> !•.•..':• •••'• •'.••• Peter G. & Carolyn R. Cordfelx), 837 ates to help Forbes Nswspapers eluded in tile laundry room. New thermo windows have C. & Maureen J, Baker, 2S Shady •Saugatuck Associates to Michael & Klmball Ave., $375,000: those associ- ; P.Q,Box699 The master bedroom includes a been installed at the entrance and Larie, $197,000 , Susan A. Kiel, 8 Rambling Drive, Raymond E. & Joyce C. Fpteyto .W . ates better 44 Franklin St Walk-in closet and a new private rear doors df the house and the A.J. Doyfe Inc. to Els|e Trinidad, $360,490 . Russell & Janet C. Onlshi, 759 KnoH- yard has been fenced, understand Somervllle, NJ. 08876 . bathroom. 421 Terrlll Road, $200,000 Saugatuck Associates to Bonnie wood Terrace, $390,000 For more Information, call 722-! —• Another bathroom down the hall The two car garage is equipped customers and provide better 3000,Ext63Q6 includes custom shelving; . ,'• with automated openers and a ..-1 . • ' •• • . " • '. ' • . .' . • • , ., . > • '.-••..•._ ; . •• • • . A 13-by-13 bedroom on the sec- motion sensor light provides se- ond floor has.a large closet and the curity. New VA loans make hoiiises affordable 9000 9020 The Veterans Admirristratibn has more -veterans mill qualify' for on VA-guaranteed home loans was REAL ESTATE Homes for Sale reduced its maximum home loan home loans, which will have the 9,5 percent The decline to 7.5 per- PISCATAWAY ul interest rate from 8 to 7^5 percent, prac^cal effect'eif stimulating the cent means that the monthly pay- 9010 NEWI NEWI NEWI ,_, ment oh a t3>pical.VA loan of Brand new & almost- effective Aug. 12,1992.. economy and boosting the housing Homes under $86,000 has decreased by $121.26 — completedl This apefc- <;This is the lowest VA's rate has industry, according to Robert Van $150,000 tacular Colonial has 4, from $12326 to $602.v bedrooms, 2V4 bathvC1 peen in 19 years; and the second Sprang; director of the Department family room, oathedriL Veterans are encouraged to con- GLEN GARDNER- celling & skylight In Lin- tftpe in less than two months that of^^ Veterans.'.'.Affairs Regional Office Country cottage on .33 tact a private lending agency for ing Room, attached ga^ . the rate has been lowered. in Newark. acros. LR, EIK, lull bath, rage, 9 lots available. more information on VA refinano 1 possibly 2 BR.s small Some on cul-de-sac. \sThe drop in the rate will mean One year ago, the interest rate shed, great lor 1st tlmo ing loans, Nobody Works Harder For You Than Burgdorff. buyers, $119,500. By 1169,900. ' . owner, Principals only, ERA SUBURB REALTY 908-537-7953 IV. msg • AGENCY 908-323-4434 RARITANTWP. 9070 9200 BRtDGEWATER- By 9430 - .;. 9440 9440 Owner. 3BR Ranch, 1V4 Wonderful 4 Bdrm home '-' Condominiums VACATION Townhoutes Apartments Apartments with 2 V4 ba.\hB, eat-ln- PROPERTY baths, full bsmt.i t car kltchen, DR, large (arnljy and Condominiums garage. New Klt./carpet- fahlDGEWATER rng/HxtM.ros. Freshly room with french doo/« BRIDGEWATER- 4 Ig. MIDDLESEX- 2 roorn to oversized patio, Wood ^i § door, 2BRs,, new oar- rooms, 83 Old York Rd. studio, mature female painted In/out. Mint stove for the cozy winter pet. MakMk e offerffr. PiPriced HILLSBOROUGH- 8 cond. $143,000. Call 908- 9270 room condo, upstalrs-LR, $750 4-all utlls. Refs. & preferred, $450/mo utll nights. Situated on '•% reduced, Won't last at Sec. 201-376-5348 Inc., Call 908-356-7166 526-3382. •••..••••, sunny level acres sur- jhls low prlcel $64,900. Vacation Rentals DR, kit., BR & bath; V- CENTURY 31 down-FR, study, laundry MIDDLESEX- Modern GARWOOD- 259 4th rounded by higher priced DORCHESTER homes. Good commute ... DIAMOND REALTY room. Fully carpeted, 3BR Apt, 2nd fl, painted. Av«. 3 BR, LR, DR, kit., 1 Realtor 908-271-0099 FLORIDA- Disney Area. W&D, refrlg. $915/mO. HOUSE $490/month plus utility. den,.full bath 2nd fir., location to. Princeton' , Great weather-no waiting Avail. Oct- 1. 908-722- - Somervlllo Reply Box III c/o Forbes; bsmt., Z-car gar. trains & N.Y. bus, Asking MANCHESTER- adult at attractions. Off-season $205,900. Make an offer,' 6086 .r,',v" '.- . Newspapers 44 Franklin MIDDLESEX $151,000 $136,500.- Please call ;•&&:+';.'• i BR; A rooms, special 2 Bdi^m. fUlly' Preferred Ufutyla •',••• •••':' luxury St. Somervllle, N.J. WATcJHUNG, . $t, 449.000 NORTH PLAINFIELD" - *1>0,900 REDUCEDIII 90B-233-6029, Iv. mag. heated porch. Malnta- loaded Condo. Sleeps 4. BOUND BROOK $224,900 Our most mabnIFicont oflorlng comes at . This colonial won't last', Extorjor. maUito- Realty 908-70WftO •High Rise:, . • 08876 •••.,•• • . .-: GINASURIANO , PIEDMONT SECTION •.' ' . . ..:.,. CHARMING COLONIAL 'rrtinCB Ind; teses, Water, $299 per wk;. NOW until 9440 a timo whon Its now owner can capture BEDMINSTER $120,000 nanco roqulros |usl clonn tho pool; now PHIUJPSBORG- 2 ,- 9090 been a real estate professional for over 25 years POCONOS- Big Bass Advertise lit (he Class/fled) area, 2 family, 2nd fir., 1 are available through your BRIDGEWATER Call 008-654-8330 or W- MuK/-R»m/ly Homes BRIDGEWATER WITHIN REACH covering Union, Somerset and' Middlesex Counties. 7937670, Lake Resort Community. BR, large rooms, Avail. 8PARKUNQ RANCH Fall Rentals: Reason- QRANDVIEW GARDENS Oct. $600+ utll. Call 908- ...In morew/ays than prlcel This original owner, She has won every conceivable award Including Mortgage Access rep at Weichert. Spacious 3BR homs, Big able. 3BR, Lakofrorit, MANVILLE- 4 rooms "HUNTERDON COUNTY- r^OUND BROOK-4 (om- 1 & 2 Bedroom Town- 489-1813 Center Hall Colonial is within walking distance to New Jersey Gold Achievement Award ($10 million of eat-In Kit., Ig. Rec Rm. New construction or'will Frplc, Boat, Dock. Fish-' with heat, Adults pre- 'm, $26,000 cash flow, houses. Central air, Indi- SO. BOUND BROOK- town In Fanwood; It offers 4'BR's, large El.kitchen, business within one year). Please call Connie re- full bsmt,. fenced yard, build to suit. 2 acre lot's. Ing, Cable. VCR, Lodge, vidual storage. Walk to ferred, No pets.: Call 908- Don't wait another generation great family nelghbor- faking $199,000, owner Pool, Tennis & Beaches 159 Main St., affordable step-down family room with fireplace, hardwood garding the property pictured to the left or any other Low taxes, close to sh&B- ' s" licensed realtor, fully park & tennlg courts 725-8582 •. ood. $169,900. plng, schools, transpor- Wknds/Wkly, mid-week 1 & 2 BR Garden Apts. floors and air conditioning. Asking $232,500, CALL real estate need you may have. Call 908-322-7700. I I :j^asod, 908-204-O125. MANVILLE- Half Du- heat Included & balcony. to buy a home at affordable rates. tation, and, recreatlorwl rales. 201-992-4903. 722-6740 FANWOOD OFFICE, 908-322-7700. BRANCHBURQ (acuities. Tranquil cul-de- -SO. BOUND BROOK- plex, 1BR, w/w carpet, , i-800^400-6088 CALIFON BORO {168,000 POCONOS- Saw Creek, BRIDGEWATER- 1 BR, Bsmt., garage. Sec. & ARTIST WANTED SOMERVILLE $146,000 4 yrs. young 3BR Colo- sac road only 10 mlnutos fltfgal 6 family colonial, Visit a Weichert office today! nial Villa. Big modern from Rt. 78. Startlnja.^t 3 BRs, Den, pool & ten- garden apt, Avail, Oct, 1, Refs, req. No pets. $650 Vacation rotroat with babbling brook, Immnculato, updated capa, vinyl siding, •tip-dafed apt.s, recently nis., golf, $250/ weekend, + utlls. Call 359-3375. groot lor nowlywods, alnglos and retlr- oak coblnatfl, HW floors, across Irom Kitchen, Fam. Rm, w/ $249,900. Call BulWw, \ passed state Inspection, 15, or Nov 1. $670/mo. oos, complotoly romodolod, skylights! To qualified buyern, U.cJ on $100,000 loan, witli 3 pointu, artel 360 equal monthly paymc-nU at $716.41 tho park. B003-3486.. .' •• (pic, vaulted celling, 2V4 9O8-561-270O. p good tenants, serious In- 908-757-6849 " Please call 685-7623 for MIDDLESEX •now windows and morol 006-4536. BRANCHBURQ OFFICE 60S-52B-B444 baths, full bsmt,, 1 cat- •more Info, . Ads In Classified (principal + intoro.t). Raton are valid! aa of July 24, 1992, ami .uLject to change without notice. .aulres only, asking "MIDDLESEX VILLAGE' OLDWICK OFFICE 908-430-2777 garage. $183,900. $369,900, 908-369-6179 BRIDGEWATER- 2/3BR. Spacious 1 BR Garden don't cost — 9040 ' apL $675/mo. Incl. heat Advertise Fenced yd, fin. bsmt. Theypay! RARITANBORO luxury Homes Oulet nelgbrhd. Avail 10/ & HW. NO PETS. Pool —_ MOTHER/DAUGHTER 9100 in tho Classified! & Estates 92. $880 + . 604-2409. ' avail. 356-5550,12-6 4 BR Ranch, 2 kitchens, ^JLots and Acreage ASSOCIATE OF 2 full baths, 1 car oa- rage. Great area. NO. PLAINFIELD » THE MONTH $195,000. As you pass through this •HrfeWKSBURY- Presti- 9400 ••'i-Jii •«-*•• stately gates to this m nj- gious neighborhood. RENTALS ARLENE CENTURY 21 estate, centered Is tma -Cots atartlnfl at $179,000 McGEE REALTORS majestic 4BR Center H^ll W build to suit. Homes AUSTIN 908-526-4440 Colonial. Situated on 1.7 'starting at $576,000. Only ALBELLO FRANKLIN $182,000 WEICHERT 1035 Rt. 202 Branchburg acres. Surrounded by Ja **• leftll owrt«r/Bulld«r, 9410 A! Bello, a sales representative with our Westfield HILLSBOROUQH $199,000 NEW BRUNSWICK $58,000 BEAUTIFUL TOWNHOME REALTORS 6ft. fence and forsythlaa 1-2700. Homes office, has been serving the Westfield area since MOVE-IN CONDITION.., In Quallbrook with 3 loroo bodrooms, DID YOU affording total prlvafey. HOUSE OF SCENIC WONDEHUND 1 EDISON KNOW... 1952. Al has received numerous sales and listing BniOGEWATER 1100,000 4.4 acros with 2 dwellings and main Doscrlbos this grtal buyl Up-dated 2'/4 baths, garogo, tots ol . oxtroDi pri- This home Is for the ex- GENUINE CHARACTER Enjoy mnlnlononco Iroo living noar pool KitchonyBalh In this groat 2 bedroom vate oul-do-sac. What moro could you OFFICE that an ad In this local ecutive of discerning THE WEEK f awards Including membership In NJAR Million Dollar houso in prlvato paradlso. Perfect lam- »r 9110 PEAPACK/Ex«c.Hental. Is expressed In this 3 bedraom ranch featuring large & tonnlB. Movo-ln cond, 2 BD. 2 BA,' l)v homootoad. HB-51B7. ahowplacel HB-4377; wantlHB-5231. 908-494-6S0O paper also goes Into 16 taste & lifestyle, One-of- $2600/month Ranch, 4 Sales Club for 15 years; He also holds the GRI and HILLSBOROUGH - NOHTH BRUNSWICK $148,000 WOOD OFFICE,; 908-322-7700. FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP I04.K0O Rwilty 9OB-7O7-O58O COUNTIES . 9430 908-322-7700. i SPECTACULAR,.SPACIOUS WATCHUNO $300,000 BEDMINSTER- .1 BR, . .NEWLISTING HOTLINE What a fluyl What n Stoall You cant BETTER THAN NEWI IDVLLIC WOODLAND SETTING Celebrating ZO year-a miss with this 2 DD townhomo Und Im WATCHUNG *710,500 LR, DR, CAC, W/W car- ...I. 24HOUR Townhouses Thla 3 bodroom. end Una Townhouse Surrounds this oxcltmr] contoinnoriiry .;i RECORDED MESSAGE Qtoat location. Pricod to soil. You know with lull bniiumuni and dock overlook- EXPAND YOUR HORIZONS homo. Grand gxponson ol Qlnas, wul- Weichert pot, Tennla, pool, low and Condominiums of Landmark Stf'rvfcd. ih'o ownora oro sonou3, Clone to mn|or Magnillcent Contemporary with 40 mile INTRODUCTIONS... (axes, $93,500.781-6349 CV 1-BO0-851-0742 WESTFIELD OFFICE FANWOOD OFFICE nncl lh0 ing piivntp back ynrd won't loot Iono. come natures wondors inip thit, 4 QH, 3 A way for peoplo to moot ro.ids and NV Irons, ohopplnfl ' •Don't lot II pass you byl SO 2003. viows Irom ovory room. Terraca, docks bth homo. WC 082. . - - THE PRUDENTIAL nteis ihia location la Ideal. SB 2I392. & cordons rjrilorol Must Sool WC 1031. pooplo, every week In BEDMINSTER- The BEDMINSTER- THE 1 600 North Avenue West 256 South Avenue SOUTH BRUNS.WICK WATCHUNG OFFICE 008-581-5400 1 TWlNHOLD REALTY, INC. REALTOR SOUTH BRUNSWICK OFFICE 008-207-0200 WATCHUNG OFFICE BOWS01-S400 your local Forbos news- Hills, 2 BR, 2 Bath, 1st (I. > 808-494-7677 HILLS, End unit over- 232-8400 Fanwood, N.J. 07023 OFFICE 008-207-0200 paper. Tho ad Is Iroo, Westfield, N.J. 07090 HOMEQUITY. #1 Independent Nationally end unit. Exc. location. -looks adlolnlng woods. 2< r. WBSTPIBLO, N.J. thon ono call doos It all! CAC, pool, tennis. BR, 2 1/2 bath, FplC. SO, (908) 322-7700 RGtOCATION CENTER. 1-800-559'94DS $125,000. 908-781-6206 Advertise garg., appl., pool, tennis. (908)233-0065 in tho Classified! $1400/month, (201) 884- 8655 • I A Union County Forbes Newspaper September 9,10, ii, 1992 RealEstateGudie - Forbes Newspapers / U-3 9440 &480 9840 rtmwrfs^ H67ftes~toShare

SO. BOUND BROOK- 2 METUCHEN- 2-7 room irratrarmrfHttztB2sr: I oTpmBonr mo. +U1II., no W/D hook- 3BR Townhouse in Glen- near train & bus, off AUTOMAOtC W HEREt- up, near Rt 2B7, off street brook. AC. W/D, bsmt. street parking, Call Arnolt The Ultimate product with parking. 908-069-6179 $4 5 0 +1 ' utll. pOB-648-8400 trio ultimate compensa- Call 908-725-8852. tion plan. 60% sign up. CALLXOIMELL SO. PLAINFIELD- 3 MIDDLESEX- 900 & 450 908-424^)642 m»g#127 BANKER rms. Single/Couple pref. CRANFORD- House to sq.ft. on Rt 28. Prkg. S575 Inclds heat/hot share, male preferred, Excel, location. 908-526- EARN $5,000 to $10,000 water. No pets. Need ndar all transportation, 3661 or 528-0694. MOHTHLV— PT/FT. Dis- rets. & sec.756-5276. smoker OK. J400/mo Incl tributing Crime Preven- utll & cable. 1 mo' sec. OFFICE/LIGHT MANU- tion Products for a multl- SO.PLAINFlELD- Fur- FACTURING— 1-3000 billion dollar company. REALTORS* nished 1BR Studio, apt. Call 272-0924. SCHL0TT SQ. FT. Just off Rt. 18, PT/FT Management 4 Single person. Non- MENDHAM- Town- So. River NJ 813-8395 Dlttributonihlp positions smoker, no pets. Befs. 1 house. Non-smoker. available to those who mo. sec. Avail. 10ft. $65O+V4 utll. Available PI8CATAWAY- Office qualify. Call 908-220- c c $525 Incl, utlls. Sept. 1.201-543-8488. or Ratall. 6,000 sq. ft. 0222, for mont Info. f lit/ oiu fPestfiefcf C Ice Call 908-755-8493 Will divide. Also dentist SOMERSET office. Rt. 287 & Stetton ' ' •:. NEW.' - SOMERVILLE LG. HOUSE TO SHARE Rd. 981-1313. OPPORTUNITY Comfortable & Clean ' EaslMt & surest LUXURY APTS $300/month utilities. SOMERVILLE— 2 Office Professional Suite. Pan- way to extra cash. ' Non-smOker preferred. • Free Info top areg, 1, 2 & 3 CALL 873-1238, David eling, AC,'Carpeting, Pri- vate Parking.725-6660 Call 908-873-2607 bdrrris, air corid. You wont be H0af, hot water & 9500 WATCHUNG- 500-1350 , disappointed., sq.ft. In prof. bldg. Ample cooking gas incl. Miscellaneous prkg., easy access to Rt. OWN A COMPUTER? Balconies, coun- Rentals 78 & 22. Call 232-9323 Make money at home. Free details. Write: Allen try setting, walk 125 HanaRd. Edison.NJ to town. Storage. NOTICE: All MISCEL- 9660 08817 Industrial Rental* — Cable TV opLANEOU- S RENTALS by tional. $620 when adverflscmerru) ' are owner, excel, loca., High available. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE CRANFORD- 1500 sq. gross. Won't last). Joe by cash, check, VISA ft. heated garage* on 908-248-0002, 463-3831 722-4444 29,000 sq. ft property. $369,900 or Master Card. For a *•*•.*.* MOUNTAINSIDE $349,900 SCOTCH PLAINS $1095/mo. 908-757-2996 SOMERVILLE- quote on cost, please Classlp oriental oasis. Secluded custom designed executive retreat Unusually fine 3 bdrm 2.5.bth showcase duplex. Spacious, quality Apartment, 2 BR, DR & for those desiring exclusive location, manageable property & excelr built, many amenities. Short walk to stores. WSF3678 LR combo. Kitchen with call 1-800-559-9495. SO. PLAINFIELD- 1500 COCA-COLA/ refrigerator, no pets. sq. ft. garage w/10 x 12 lent access to all roads. Absolutely Immaculate. WSF3847 Adults preferred. doors., 750 loft, 600 sq. PEPSI COLA $775.oo/mo plus utilities. CAft STORAGE SPACES ft. ottlce, fenced In rear 1 1/2 mo security. Call $5D/mo. Owner lives on yard. Call 908-756-0439 908-725-6666. premises. Near White- $100,000 house Station, 534-4638 SOMERVILLE- Near Annual potential hospital. Modern 1 BR, GARAGES FOR RENT 9670 . Requires $17,800 to start LR, DR, 1=IK, AC. car- Need additional storage Retail Rentals poted, prkg. No. pets. space7 VWnt to keep $750 +,• utll. Avail, how. your car In a dry garage 1-800-825-2573 Call gOT-725-0384. with lighting? For only $45/mo. there Is still GREEN BROOK- Busy space avail, at Flnderne Rte 22. 1600-8400 sq. ft, SOUTH BOUND avail. Great co-tenantsl BROOK-: 2 BR, fenced Heights In Brldgewater. CRANftORD yard, $650 per month Call'for Info on lion, or Immediate occupancy. plus Utllltles.704-0626 Wed. 908-722-8144 • • '•.'.• Owner, 008-561-2700 WARREN- furnished, 4 rooms, heat Included. in,: sq. Reasonable rent. 124: E. Bus, couple preferred. Advertise,, Front St. 756-1774 days g $800/mo. 647-3969 . WESTFIELD $229,900 CRANFORD $159,000 In the Classified! SO. BOUND BROOK- CONDOMINIUMS Irnmaculate custom colonial. Remodeled kit & bths, lly rm w/fplc, Charming • home w/lacge Hy- rrri w/fplc, formal din rrri, screened 9450 Busy Main St. office/retail store front, 900 sq. ft. Im- • Olde World Gharm den w/bullt-lrts. Absolutely pristine. WSF3952 'enclosed porch, 3 bdrms/ playroom. Close, to school' and pool. Rooms • Modem Renovations WSF3941 "• . "'. ' , •••. . .•:" . •;. • ," ' •? . .'. " • ; ;' •..• 9600 proved, 1100 sq.ft. stor-. age/expansion. Lets •Estate Grounds. COMMERCIAL BERKLEY HEIGHTS- 2 make a'deall Broker pro- One, two or REAL ESTATE tected. Bob, 804-0125.- room, suite, use of kit., Three bedroom, pool, cable, W/D, private bath. $600/mo. utilities STORE FOR each with library Included. Short or long .sized entrance term. 322-8057 8610 RENT— by owner, Business Properties located pn,:Rt.. 27, near foyers, solid oak BRANCHBURG- PINE for Sale Pine Manor. Adequate! parquet flooring, MOTEL Room & kitchen- parking. 548-9521 ette. Reasonable rates In- plaster walls, clude services & utlls. HOPEWELL— restaurant high ceilings, . 908-722-9520 . business building & 9680 wide mouidlngs, Warehouse Rentals PISGATAWAY- room In property. Unique gree- several renova- lovely clean, home w/ re- hbuse dining overlooking brook. Ideal location for tion options. frig., utll. $300/ mo. Avail. SOUTH PLAINFIELD- 9/16. quality ethnic restaurant. Twenty-rSeven 752-2715 15 mlns. .from Princeton. 1600 sq. ft. warehouse/" shop with 2 offices. Min- different floor ROSELLE PARK 908-369-3672 eves, or: WESTFIELD $153,900 GARWOOVlfal m • W •** ^^ D«^ . • , . • . • ,, _ . $227,50~r. • •_ . / 7 0• Furnished single rms. wkend. • ... utes from 287. Conve- plans from niently located. Afford- Better than new. Adorable'3 bdrm, 2 bth colonial,in desirable and Beautiful updated Victorian style colonial. New custom oak eat-In Weekly, or monthly. $85/ $91,0.00. , , wk. All utilities Included. able rent. 908-753-0200. convenient location. Updates throughout. Ready to move In. kit, 2.5'new bths, master bth. w/Jacuzzi, :;.233-5555.- ,• Saturday & Sunday,9 a.m. -6p.m. 276-0370 NOTICE: AH HOMES > 9650 TAVERN RESTAURANT. SCHLOTT TO SHARE advertise- Office Rentals located on - busy county 217 Prospect Avenue road In Hunterdon Coun- REALTORS" ments are PAYABLE IN ty. High potential for Cranford, NJ 07016 ADVANCE by cash, CRANFORD right operator; Living check, VISA or Master V person professional quarters on premises.' office convenient to pub-, Asking $450,000 for lie. & Card.. For a quote on lie transp. Very Reason- building. Owner may as- cost, please call able. Fax & copy avail. sist w/flnanclng Call 908- 1-800-559-9495. 908-272-2080 561-2700

Independently own«d »ndoper«Hd

123 SOUTH AVE. EAST WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY 07090 TOM ALTIERI RE/MAX Realty Pro1*, 123 South Ave- RE/MAX Realty Pro's, 123 South Av- RE/MAX Realty Pro's, 123 South Av- Broker Associate , ••• RE/MAX Rwtty Pro's. 123 South Av- enue, Westfleld participated In the sale of 1986-1991 Million Dollar Sales Club nua, Westfleld participated In the sale of enue, Westfletd participated In the sale of (908)233-9292 enue, Westfleld has announced the sale this home at 237 Edgewood Avenue, 1989-1991 RE/MAX 100% Club df this homa at 62 Nomahegan Dtrva, this home at 779 Lamberts Mill Road, this home at 751 St Marks Avenue, Days/EveSi 789-9292 N.JJV.R. Member 1886-1991 Westfleld. Carroll Mellor was the selling Westfleld. Carroll Mellor was the selling Westfleld. Carroll Mellor was the selling WMffield. Trie property was marketed by agent Carroll Mellor and Pete Mogaboom. agent agent

Charming Tudor style ranch in prime location. I RE/MAX Realty Pro'*, 123 South Av- RE/MAX Realty Pro's, 123 South Av- RE/MAX Realty Pro'*, 123 South Av- RE/MAX Realty Pro's, 123 South Av- e>iue, Westfleld participated In the sale of enue, Westfleld participated In the sale of enue, Westtleld participated In .the sale of enue, Westfleld has announcod the sale This spacious home has 2 large bedrooms, 1 this home: at 25 Stonegate Drive, this home at 40 Fleldcrest Drive Scotch this home at 2239 Concord Road Scotch of this home at 2330 Seneca Road, Watchung. Carroll Mellor was the. selling Plains Carroll Mollor was the selling Plains Carroll Mellor was the selling Scotch Plains The property; was mar- keted by Carroll Mellor. . . ' bath; a living room w/a stone fireplace^, a for- agent. '•'.'. ••'.••' •! ' • ; , agent agent mal dining room and a 1 car detached garage. All of this plus many extra's is set on a deep lot in a family neighborhood. $189,900.

OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 1-4PM RE/MAX RMHy Pro's, 123 South Av- RE/MAX Realty Pro's, 123 South AV- enuo, Westfleld has announced the sale enuo, Westflold has announced the sale Barrett 4 Craln Realtors Is pleased to Barrett & Cralri Realtors Is pleased to SCOTGttfLAINS 5254,900! of this home at 70 Colonial Drive, Clark. of this home at 32 Commonwealth Drive, announce that.Ahhe Kelly participated In announce that Anne Kolly participated In The property was .marketed by Carroll Kenllworth. Tho propartywas markoted the sale of this home at 421 Coolldgo the sale of this homo at 163 Russell Rd 809 RarHan Road Mellor. by Carroll Mellor, St., Kenllworth. Fanwood ax;,.:<.<; 'ZT^ :::>•»:: >.• Si>*' ".''*r

Looking for Privacy? This young Colonial home Is sot back on a 90x369 landscaped...sotting. Amenities Include Central Air, Family Rm w/dreplace, large Deck overlooking parkllke property, w/w carpeting, transferred owner will Include washer, dryer, refrigerator, Haa 2.5 baths, 25' Mastorbodroom, Lg Kltchon. A must to sool Between Inman Avo & Rahway road Southslde Area;

The office of Tha Prudential Alan Barrett * Cr*ln Rufiora Is pleaaed to Johnston, Inc. Realtors has announced The office of The Prudorrilal Alan ahhounce the sale of this homo at 1445 the sale of the above property at 434 Johnston, Inc. Realtor* has announcod D«er Path, Mountainside. The property Barrttt & Craln Heattora Is pleased to Longfellow Avenue, Westfleld to. Mr. and the sale of the above property at 38 was listed by Anne Kolly, and Susan announce that Mary McEnomoy partici- Mrs; Jeffrey Rea, formerly of Forest Hills, Helen Street,. Fanwood, The home was Dinar* negotiated the sale, Both are of pated In the sale of this • home at 38 New York. The transaction was negoti- marketed by Henry Schwlerlng of that Barrett & Craln'. . .- Helen St., FanWood. ated by Ann Allen of that firm. firm, CLARK - $178,0001 Attractively CLARK - $369,000 Prime Drexe! Hill priced 3BR, 1.6 baths split lovol location • Entertain friends & family '!;:;•*••'«« >:;i:^-rj» homo, has Lr, Or, newer kitchen, hero! Many rocont upgrades, Pugllosse gunlte pool, 2 zone Central 3Brs, FamRm, basement, gas hoat, Air, Skylight, LG expanded Formal Immodlato occupancy. Motivated sail- DR, Family & Kltchon, Flraplaco, trac ors wont offers! • • ' lighting, carpeting. Many closets," patio, lawn sprinklora, fenced yard, vory oxcoptlonal homo. IF WE DON'T SELL 'Hie office of The Prudential Alan The office of The Prudential Alan The above property at 241 Hazel Avenue, Johnston, Ine, n«altor» has announcod Johnston, Inc. Realtors has announced Westflold has been sold to Mr. & Mm. The above property at 424 Qrovo Stroot. YOUR HOUSE, WEIL BUY IT* tho sale of tho above property at 467 tho snlo of tho abovo property at 628 E. Richard Spins, formerly of Chestnut Hill, Wostflold has been sold to Edward Cairt- ERA VILLAGE GREEN REALTORS Hillside Avonue,: Mountainside to Mr. & Broad Stroot, Westfleld, to Mr. Ernesto J. MA. The sale was negotiated by, Janet Inltl arid Kathleen McLood, formerly of 908-381-7477 Mr». John P. Espoalio, formerly of Boca Ah/ero, fomr\orly of Rogo Park, NY, tho Tlrone of Th« Prudential Al«n Johnston, Edison, Tho sale was negotiated by Raton, Florida. Tho transactlan was no- 35 BRANT AVENUE * CLARK, NJ 07066 transaction was negotiated by Janet Inc. Realtors. The home was marketed Carol Tener of Ytw Prudential Alan gotlated by Judy Qamm of that firm. Tlrone of that firm. by Carol Tener of that firm. Johnston, Inc. Realtor*. •

A Union County Forbes Newspaper . I :•:.- ....jr. . • .

Vol. 2, No. 3 September 9-11

A Forbes Newspapers guide to your quality time Music Switched-On Bach 2000

Movies Rutgers fall film series 18 Stage The drama of 'Equus'\

16 Nightlife 'GoadStuff' from Me Attention Pop. Warner Weekend Football Leagues and. SALE DATES FOOD WAREHOUSE Parent Band Association. Sept 7 Special AHtnllon given. SCUBA : - thru to you -Call sboutr.ow : lepM3 - OPEN TO THE PUBLIC , Free Delivery, '•'/..• fy itl \ Gbver photo SPAGHETTI SAUCES 'Classes start TRENTON PORK ROLL COWADINA. RUNTS ANGELIA MIA at the;. •;;.;•.: •• DELUXE $4.99 HOMESME m CAN PtH CAN BITS ftn'C»N Gift Certificate locations: Martin Urbanski'-'cin^^Z•'/''•• $28.95 RIOR 6LB.ROLL $21.95 $14.95 his inipressive display fcmikseive • P(,HCASt-«10 CfcH fti CASt fc'10 CAN. COUPONS Satin JV Lace < A La HENRI CAR WASH -Scotch Plains YMCA ^antiques at the ^ CHEF ARGENT • BRAS.••• Girdle* ' CLASSES BREADED CHICKEN (FULLY COOKED) HEAVY REAL MAYONNAISE AVAILABLE Sept. 16 • Nursing Bras .'Teddys NUGGETS Jk^% *% mm PER Trading Post in Meyersville. •Stockings • Panties • Gowns BREAST STRIPS MkR £•»%' 3 IB. FarAII Ages OR PATTIES EXTERIOR -New Brunswick YMCA DEPARTMENTS Complete Lingerie Needs SIMPLOT FROZEN POTATOES LINDEN COOKIES Sept. 22 •Personal Attention : * Exjiert Fitting SEASONED CURLY FRIES & Tues. Sept. 28 & 29 HASH BROWN PATTIES CHOCOLATE PEANUT BUTTER v. • '" Sept. 9 Dining• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••B ...... a. a i 315 Main Street Bcdniinstcr HILLS (908)234-1444 4:00 -8:00 P.M. GLISTER ICE CREAM NOVELTIES PANCAKE & WAFFLE | -Highland Park YMHA • •••••••••in • • • •'• a • • a a a.a • • • • • a i M-lhuK,l0-5;30 Fri till 6 Sat 10-5 MARY-LEE $2.69 Movies NUTTY SUNDAE CONES SYRUP Oct. 14 Glasses Begin: Oct. 5 MISTER COOKIE FACE SANDWICHES•« BUTTERMILK $2.59 PCBGALION 0H PACKED 6 PIECES PER BOX PER BOX PANCAKE MIX + -. __ WRI10N CONTROL a • • • •• a • a ..• . a a,, a • • • a. . • . a.i OR VANILLA/CHOCOUTE CUP PACKED 12 PER BOX Music..., $6.95 MR BOX of iM CUPS| Westfleld YMCA For Free Brochure BROWN PAPER BAGS Aug/29 •••••••a••••••••••••••••••••••••••• FRESH TOMATOES #4 • $3.95 :#iy 6 Sack •• : #10 - $6.91 Nightlife Call David Christopher (908) 276-0276 #6 $4.95 $18.95 #i2$7.9i 189 North Ave., E. • Cranford 39* $8.05 ^K #20-$9.9J • ••••••••••••I'll ••••••••••••• •••.« •••••• ymF *WPER LB. PER CASE OF 25 LBS. A/fideo. • • a a a •••• ••• ••mil a • a a a a a a a a a DIRECTORIES Hours: "A Warehouse Of Savings" lQmm AQUATIC CENTER Mon-Wed W, Thura 4 CALL F0RJA8YIDIRECTIONS eoo Lincoln Blvd. Advertiser index ••••••••••••••••••I Fri 8-8, Sat 8-5 tMfefi.if £&f3L.AAAHI Middlesex, NJ 871 Rt. 1, Edison Place Sun 8-5 Edison 287-2822 WE ACCEPT FOOD STAMPS VISA & MASTER CARD Club Mix••••••••••••••••a••••••••••••••!••• RECESSION BREAKER Curtain ••••••••MB•••••••••••••••a Most Rides Only Dance ••••••••••a•••••••••• aaaaaaaaaa ARCADES; 2 or 3 Tickets! FINALLY... . ARE YOU SUFFERING WITH INFERTILITY? Film Capsules..• ••••• •«•;••• •••••••••la • Galleries 36TICKETS AN EAST COAST HOBBY SHOW!! . TodayV.oncin six American couples is facing the pain of infertility; Over '.'the past decade, many • ••••••••••••••(•••••••••a•a a a•a a a a 00 new medical treatments have become available. Our Center has' helped to pioneer-fiiany of these •••••••••(••••••••••••{••••a For$10 therapies. Our Assisted Reproductive Technology Program; which began in 1983, \vn.s the first Happenings to be established in New Jersey. . . ' ' •-.•'..,'., Kid Stuffa a a••••••>•••••••••••••••••••aaaa 111smmm FUN The University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey/Robert Wood Johnson Medical -v Buy School -University Gcritcr for Reproductive Endocrinology and Fertility requests your Museums • aaaiiaaaaamiiiiaaaaaaaMaataaaia RIDES presence at a free sernfnaron Infertility and the Assistccl Reproductive TechnoJogics. Topics that 72TICKETS will be discussed include: ," . • . . Singles • •.•••'. a., a aaa. ••••••••••. •••••• • • • • i FREE OR ALL 00 : mFor$20 { • . • The Infertility Workup. ' ' '"• -"'•••'"'•'.:' Soundings a •••;•••••'•••'••• ••••••..•• »•••••• Admission r With this Ad Only! • The Use of Fertility Medications and Intraiterine Insemination.. AGES '^afUt^CltWl Oa • aj a a a B«aai.aB •«•••••••»• •••»•• M« M £m£m & Parking! • The IVF/GIFT/ZIFT Options. v ' ^ WEEKENDPLUS is a feature of Forbes Newspapers, a Division of Forbes inc., • The Role of the Nursing Care.Coordinator at U.C.R.E.F.. E and appears in the Hills-Bedminster Press, Someiset Messenger-Gazette, Franklin • Financial Aspects of Infertility Care. • Focus, Bound Brook Chronicle^ Middlesex Chronicle, New Brunswick Focus, ALL OPERATING MODEL RAILROAD LAYOUT • A patient panel has agreed to discuss their experiences. .. Metuchen-Edison Review, Piscataway-Dunellen Review, South Plainfield Reporter, YEAR. Highland Park Herald, Warren-Watchung Journal, Green Brook-North Plainfield • There will be ample time for discussions and. questions. . SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM Journal, Westfield Record, Scotch Plalns-Fanwood Press and Cranford Chronicle, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM Letters to the editor, press releases, photographs and announcements of upcom- Physician • Ekkehard Kemmann, MD' • Michael Blotner, MD ing events should be sent to: William Westhoven, WeekendPlus Editor, P.O. Box Speakers: • Michael Bohrer, MD at the • Gregory Corsan, M 699, Somerville, NJ. 08876. The fax number is (908) 526-2509. To subscribe to him i 'HI A GARDEN STATE EXHIBIT CENTER . •Daniel Colburn, MD your local Forbes Newspaper, call 1-800-300-9321. Somerset, New Jersey There is no fee and refreshments will be served. off 1-287 at Exit G William Westhoven MalcolmS. Come out of curiosity or to start a new hobby or to expand your present hobby by taking advantage of exciting offers, The Princeton Marriott WEEKENDPLUS '- Forbes Jr. new information and personal exchanges with the people EDITOR EDITOR-IN-CHIEF who bring you the latest in hobby technology. 201 Village Boulevard THIS IS THE HOBBISTS' EVENT OF THE YEAR... Princeton, New Jersey Micki Pulsinelli Charles A. Lyons DON'T MISS THIS SHOW ENTERTAINMENT, PRESIDENT and PUBLISHER GOLF Wednesday-September 23, 1992 Kathleen Lanini 52"°Anniversary ADVERTISING Low \ FREE TICKET OFFER" 7:30pm-9:30pm DIRECTOR VICE PRESIDENT, EDITORIAL THANK YOU SPECIAL Rates j EAST COAST HOBBY SHOW Barry Rumple Jim Hayden University Center for Reproductive GRAPHIC Every Wednesday Evening 7PIV1 -11PM • j Saturday Sept. 12, 10 to 6, Sunday, Sept. 13, l6 to 5 VICE .PRESIDENT, ' Garden State Exhibit Center Endocrinology and Fertility ARTIST MARKETINCi ' • ALL BIDES 2 TICKETS • MINI-GOLF 4 TICKETS Exit 6, 1-287, Somerset, NJ N IW | t R S jV 303 George Street, Suite 250 Bring this coupon to the show and receive one free New Brunswick, New Jersey 08901 t w 11 n s Rob Paine Roger Silvey ROUTE 22 • SCOTCH PLAINS, NJ* 908 233-0675 ticket when you purchase one atVegular $10 price. CHita- VICEPRKSIDL-NT, •' 7 mi. west of G.S.P. Exit 14OA For further information and to register, please call (908) 418-8300 PHOTOGRAPHER • OPl-RATIONS .Vr

history, but you can buy it Museums KENNEDY UBIHRY -„/ Gardens open daily from dawn I <908) 789-3670 '',. fHE ART MUSEUM 50Q Hoes Lane, Pfscataway until dusk. Museum open Sun- Open every day from .1-5 p.m.. Princeton University Registration required for pro? (908) 463^633, 745-4188 , , Fun a^ (609) 258-3788 day and Thursday from 1-4 grams. " ' :: . •"• Open during librgry hours. , , Tuesday through Saturday from p.m. Adults $3, senior citizens By. CHERYL HEHL. piece, of furniture, kriick knack, and students $2; group tours VILLAGE OF WATERLOO . •Archeology excavation from . 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Sunday from AllamuchVStatePark . Raritari Landing, through Sept. Weekend Plus Writer dishy or any number of other items i-5 p.m. Western European by appointment. 1-80 Exit 25,Stanhope 30." •'• ' . : ••• •/ • ••• '•'•>•"'•• *ot long ago Grandma's customers and shop owner call paintings, sculpture and deco- •Antique Onental rugs by W. Parsons Todd, Sept. 20-Nov. (201)347-0900/, AJ. LEDERMAN FINE ART - old furniture was ban- "collectibles." It seems collecting rative art from 19th and 20th Restored farmstead from c. centunes; also pre-Columbian 22." 309 Court St, Hoboken . ished to the dark con- • everything from rolling pins to 1825, a life-size Lenape Village, (201)659-3570 ; -;"> ;: art and art of the Amencas. MAIN STREET towpaths of the old Morris fines of the attic, or cart- crockery is popular, with everyone •"Pictonal Photography: 1890- ANTIQUE CENTER Thursday and Friday from rioon- Canal, etc, Open daily from 10 7 p.m,, Saturday and Sunday \ ed off bythe"junkman." But yes-, . havingtheir ownidea of what is 1925." Sept. 19-Nov-. 1. 148 Main St., Flemlngton a.m.r.6 p.m; Adults $6.50 r CUNTON HISTORICAL MUSEUM (908) 788-6767 from i-5 p;m., Also by ap- terday's junk is today's treasure • collectible- and what, is not Most • weekdays, $8 weekends; senior, pointment. : •:.••••.•.-'.' 1 56 Mam St., Clinton Antiques and collectibles from and/the hunt often more exciting dealers agree the value of a col- citizens $4.50 weekdays, $6": •"Breaking Space." small arid ' (908) 735-4101 two centunes. Dally (except weekends; children 6-15 $4. . than the actual purchase. lectible is in the eye of the be- Daily (except Monday) from 10 Tuesday) from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. wallpieces by New Jersey ' a.m.-4 p.m. through Oct. 31. Free admission. WALLACE HOUSE sculptors, through Sept. 20. holder, and the ultimate monetary 38 Washington PI., $omerville Within the last 10 years, collect- "Photographs of 19th-century METLAR HOUSE MONTCUIR STATE COLLEGE ing antiques has become one of . value an afterthought, Clinton, through Oct. 31. 1281 River Rd., Piscataway (908)725-1915 .•;..:• Sculpture Garden v , the most absorbing-pastimes Antiquing really came; into its COLLES MANSION (908)463-8363,752-4847 George Washington's headquar- Ufe Hall, Upper Montclalr :•'•• 25 Colles Ave., Monistown Piscataway Township hlstonc ters when he was stationed in ti20l) 893-5113 •• around. There is a sense of pride Someryllle in 1778. Open own in the 1980s, when the value (201) 538-1206 ' museum. Weekday tours by ap- Open daily from dawn until /;; in owning something from the of these old treasures started to •Walking tour of Victorian-era pointment. Wednesday through.Saturday dusk. Free admission. '••••; past, However, there is more to homes, noon-5 p.m. Sept. 27. MIDDLESEX COUNTY MUSEUM from 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Sunday •Large-scale sculpture by Judith receive recognition and antique from noon-5 p.m. Free adv this passion than meets the eye. dealers began to spring up over- Adults $10, senior citizens and Cornelius Low House Peck, through Dec. 1. students $8; Includes English 1225 River Rd., Piscataway mission.. ". . / NEW JERSEY CENTER Whether there is a need to reach. night. In the middle of all this tea party. (908) 745-4177 JANE VOORHEES ZIMMERU FOR VISUAL ARTS ART MUSEUM back for a piece of the past, or the; were the long-time dealers who COOPER MILL Daily (except Monday) from 1-4 68 Elm St., Summit enticement of sound investment, had been singing the praises of ^^^^•% ' ' • '•''J^*^- '^^Ik^^BI Route 24, Chester p.m. Free admission. Rutgers University,' , •. ••' ' (908)273-9121 (908) 879-5463 MILLER-CORY HOUSE MUSEUM George and> Hamilton streets . Monday through Friday from • one thing is for sure — antiquing antiques for several decades, Grist mill that turns grain into 614 Mountain Ave., Westfield New Brunswick • : : . ' .• nooh-4 p.m., Saturday and '•,, ••• can be addictive. flour or meal Open Saturday (908) 232-1776 (908)932-7237 Sunday from 2-4 p.m. Free ad- take Ellie and Bob Haines. For Reopens Sept.. 15. Museum:1 and Sunday from 10 a.m.-5 Open Sundays from 2-5 p m. mission (except where indi- . This passion for the past, the past 38 years they have oper- ( hoUrs: Tuesday through Friday p.m. through Oct. 31. Dona- -• Sept. 20-Dec; 20. cated).-.' - ' •"; . from 10 a.rh.-4:30 p.m., Satur- though, has many facets. Often ated Country Antiques, on Route .. tion. '." ' • •/ . ''. . ' MINIATURE KINGDOM •"Visions" by New Jersey Teen day and Sunday from noon-5 the novice has little knowledge of 202 iri Pluekemiri. Nine rooms are • Route 3l, Washington Arts Festival entrants, through •Demonstration of antique . p.m.; ...,'.• ••: • .• : the actual value of antiques, or filled with an assortment of Amer- lock's and. wrenches, 1-4 p.m. (908.) 689-6866; ; ':.. . ,:• ./.'. •Co|pr etching from "Pissarro ,:Sept; 24. '. " . ;.•' •' v • '•• ; Sept. 12.' ••;;•;•-: Re-creation of castles from Eu-. • • •Paintings by Clarence-Carter •. what ah actual antique is. Still, ican arid priniitive furniture, not to • to. Picasso," Sept,27-Nov. 29. : there is little doubt, be it novice or DRAKE HOUSE MUSEUM rope .of yore. Daily (except •'.. . and Hughie Lee Smith, Sept. mention an array of hundreds of 602 West Front St., Plainfield Monday).from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. 13-0ct. 25, Adults $1, senior veteran, that antiques are highly other items antique hunters covet. (908)755-5831 • Adults $4.50, senior citizens ,' Galleries •'••' • citizens and children under 12 regarded by one and all, .' • House builfin 1746.and.fur- : $4, children 5-18 $3.50, chil- free. Reception from 2-5 p.m.. Unlike some dealers, the Haines ;: Points of interest on the anti- • /'rushed with articles of the p'e- . • dren under 5 $1.50. : Sept. 13. .''•."'. ' - - Nancy Kwitter, owner of French depend on their, business for a : que trail (clockwise, from top) riod. Adults $1, children.free. . MONMOUTH MUSEUM CLAREMONT GALLERY •Mixed media by Rashid Ar-- Street Antiques in New Brunswick • livelihood, and in many ways use . •. • •Mementosof John Philip Newman Springs Rd, •.;• Clarence Dillon Library shed, Sept.25-0ct. 26. points out the majority of people their trade as a barometer of the, — Vintage bottle openers and Sousa, 2-4 p.m. Sept. 12,19, '' Lincroft '• '.•..•' • La'mington Rd.; Bedminster •• PALETTE PLACE 20, 27; 10 a.m.-l p.m. Sept. "(908) 747-2266... . .;' • (908)234-2345 103 Bayard St. . who come into her store do not dp . economic state: of the region. corkscrews adorn the wall of Tuesday through-Saturday from enough research prior to shopping. 26. Lecture by Barry Furrer.at 2 Open.during library hours..' New Brunswick . "It was easy to see the recession Martin and Michele Urban- p.m. Sept. 13, admission '41. •. 10 a,m.-4:30 p.m.,. Sunday •Works by Doris Terris, through (908)545-8833 from ll,a.m,-5.p.m. ... However, inexperience aside, she coming," says Mrs. Haines, "Peo- ski's Trading Post Antiques in EAST BRUNSWICK MUSEUM •'• Get. 15;. ••••'• .-'• .Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, •50th annual New Jersey Water maintains, "everyone.wants to own ple waited to buy. But this sunv Meyersville; An old Steel Pier 16 Maple St., East Brunswick . COUNTY COLLEGE OF MORRIS • and Friday from 11 a.m,-6 . at least one antique." (908)254-7329 Color Society exhibition, Sept. Academic Affairs Office p.m.; Thursday from 11 a.m.-8 ,jner, there was a change. Families sign at the Trading Post . . Saturday and Sunday from •'.20-Noy. 1.' Reception from 3-5 ', Route 10, Randolph • , • p.m.; Saturday from 10 a.m.-2 "Just because something is old are back out looking for the big ' boasts of historical attrac- ' 1:30-4 p'.mi•Free.admission, ' p.m. Sept. 20. (201) 328-5050 . ., EAST JERSEY OLDE TOWNE MONTCLAIR AtiT MUSEUM Open to-the public Monday : "Works by Joyce Browning, does not mean it is worth some- farm tables,.the ones they passed . 3 South Mountain Ave. . Mary Cassatt's The Letter is part of the Pissarroi to Picasso: Color tions; Bill Thompson inspects Johnson.Park "• ,'.'•/ through Friday from 8:30 a.m.- • through S> 26. thing," she explains; by the last three or four years." Morttclair ' ••" River Rd., Piscataway '• • •' ' Etching in France exhibit that will run September 27 through Novem- 6:3*0.p.rn., Saturday from PRINTMAKING COUNCIL a chair at Dawson's Auctions ---•(201) 746-5555 ,.'••.•..•' .'' : Although the dictionary de- And Mrs* Haines sees this as an (908)463-9077 / • : . •' 8:30-11:30 a.m.-, OF NEW JERSEY ' in Basking Ridge. (Photos by ; Tuesday, Wednesday/Friday, '.'• ber 29 at the Jane VoorheesZimmerli Art Museum at Rutgers Univer- scribes an antique as anything indication the economic climate is Village.composed of relocated "Abstract impressionist paint- 440 River Rri.. Branchburg Diane Matflerd/WeekendPlus). 18th century structures set • and Saturday, from 11 a.m.-5 sity in New Brunswick. ings by Ivan Rivas, through .•••.• over 100 years;old, most antique changing for the better. p.m.; Thursday and Sunday, •'• (908) .-725-2110 •'•-... near the headquarters of the " •••• Sept. 25.. • '"•'••••• .from 1-5 p.m. Free admission •'-., Monday through Friday from 9 dealers will tell you the bulk of Other dealers agree business has. . county park .police.. No tours of- 1-5 p.m. Donation $2 for '" GALLERY GROUP for members. Non-member ad- . gram from 11 a.m.'3 p.m. ' from noon-5 p.m,' a.m.4 p.m., Saturday from 1-4 their business is not in these cen- fered at present. Gift $hop adults, $1 for students and se- ART ASSOCIATION picked up and yet there is the dis- mission: adults $4, senior citi- Sept. 19, •''...•• • •Oil paintings by Thomas Torak p.m.; •,'••' • . family, and a piece of their child- open Wednesday through Friday nior citizen's, 50 cents for chil- : Burgdorff, Realtors- .'"•••:'. tury-old items. The majority sold ' tinct impression the recent re- in the newspaper in the classified lence. There arriong well-crafted zens and students $2; children •Glass sculpture by Lucartha ;• . and Elizabeth Lichtenstein "Works ifrorri the Hunterdon Art hood say some. frornlO a.m.-3 p-.rri. > :'•• •• Kohler, through Nov. 22; -.-..'. .Torak, through Nov. 1. Recep- dren under 12; '••'.•.' 560 Central Ave., Murray Hiil Center, through Oct. 10. are somewhere in the range of 30 cession has left its mark. People section. But the smart auction EDISON NATIONAL free. Free'admission for all on items from years ago can be found MUSEUM OF EARLY tion from i-4 p.m. Sept, 13, OSBORN-CANNONBALL HOUSE (201)625-1530 QUIETUDE GARDEN GALLERY to.50 years old and could be a Sheldon Halper, owner of Cob- shopper will head to a local anti- HISTORIC SITE Saturdays. r are reaching back to the extended a picture ."just' like the one Grand- TRADES AND CRAFTS NJ. STATE MUSEUM Front St., Scotch Plains Open to the public Monday 24 FemRd., East Brunswick web Collectibles and Ephemera iri Main St., West Orange ' •"The American/Landscape" que shop and pick up a weekly 9 Main St., Madison 205 West State St., Trenton (908)889-4137. • . through Friday from 8:30 a.m.- , (908)257-4340 -. ma had hanging over the fire- (201)736-5050 from Cole to Blakelock, through Cranford regards the great interest (201)377-2982 (609)292-6464 , Historic house from c. 1750. 5 p.m.. ' • copy of Antiques and Auction Workshop with inventions of Nov. 22. ' .. Wednesday, Thursday, Satur- / in antiques as a need to recapture : place." It is this reaching out to Exhibits portray the role, of Tuesday, through Saturday from Open the first Sunday of. each "Members' show, through Sept. • day, and Sunday from 11 a.m.- News, which will alert,even thc Thomas Alva Edison. Open ""Anatomy of a Painting" by' 9 a.m.-4;45 p.m. Sunday from month from 2^4 p.m. Free ad* 30. . bring a piece of the past into the John George Brown and William crafts people in the 18th and '.. 5p.m. '. •'"•:' the past. But more than that, he novice to upcoming events in their ". every day from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. noon-5 p;m; Free admission, ; • mission. .'•' . '• ' ' JAMES HOWE GALLERY present that attracts most to anti- Adults $2, children and senior Morris Hunt, Sept. 13-Jan. 17, * 3.9th centuries. Tuesday •Sculpture by John Parker and recognizes antiques as providing a area. through Saturday from 10 '. '"Archaeology Family Day, Sept. REEVES-REED ARBORETUM Kean College . Larry Steele,; through Oct. 1. ques. Owners Peter and Anne citizens free. • . 1993. • • ••,.'•, 165 Hobart Ave., Summit Vaughn-Eames Hall, Union sense, of comfort in economic un- •Paintings by Reginald Marsh, a.m.-4 p.m., Sunday from 2-5 -.. 20., '• V . •". . •"Contemporary Sculpture ; It is best to go early to an auc- •Phonograph Day, Sept. 13. (908) 273-8787 . (908) 527-2347 certainty. Brookes find the trend in using through Jan. 24,1993. p.m. Free admission for mem- •"Nature and the Decorative 1992;" through Nov. 1. tion, since the few available seats FOSTERFIELDS Gardens open daily from dawn: Monday through Thursday from antiques to decorate is on the rise, •Plains Indians art from the bers. Non-member admission: . Arts," through Sept. 13. RARITAN VALLEY Another attraction of antiques is Kahdena Rd., Morristown to dusk. .' •'••••' 10 a.m.-2 p.m; and 5-7 p.m., go fast. Bring a note pad and a lot museum collection, through adqlts $2, children $1. •"Weaving Around the World," COMMUNITY COLLEGE with most opting for the charm of (201) 326-7645 DR, WILLIAM ROBINSON Friday from 10 a.m.-noon. Also their mystery. Tracking them of patience. One word of caution: June 27,1993. Gallery talk at N.J. CHILDREN'S MUSEUM Sept. 19-Jan. 3'1,. 1993. Route 28, Branchburg Living historical museum. Open by appointment. . ; down can be as exciting as follow- yesterday. : • 3 p.m. Sept. 13. . 599 Industrial Ave., Paramus •Posters by Ben Shahn, PLANTATION HOUSE-MUSEUM .(908)218-8871 ; never get involved in a bidding Thursday through Sunday frprn 593 Madison Hill Rd., Clark •Works by "16 Teacher- (201) 262-5151 •••.;.' through Feb. 7, 1993. Tuesday through Thursday from ing a detective yarn. The whole war. 'Young couples are coming in to 1-4 p.m. Adults $3, senior citi- MORRIS MUSEUM (908) 38i-3081 Artists," through Sept. 25. Re- Fantasy castle, a 50s fire en- •"Christopher Columbus and noon-3 p.m, story of antique's, the complete ex- zens and children 6-16 $2, 6 Normandy Heights Rd. • the Age of Exploration,!1 Farmhouse, built in 1690 as ception from 2-4 p.m. Sept. Regardless of the pitfalls, buying find furniture for the homes' since . Morristown •. .„ gine, and "more exhibits for kids •Paintings by five, artists, children under 6 free. through March 7, 1993. part of a 750-acre plantation; 13. ' '•• . ' ploration of the uses they serve • it is better made than new furni- . •Memorabilia from the Colum- (201)538-0454 •to touch..Open every day from through Sept. 24; Reception at an auction is exciting. It can be NEWARK MUSEUM Open the first Sunday of each HUNTERDON ART CENTER has not been written and probably bian Exposition of 1893, Sept. Monday through Saturday from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Admission $6 from 7-9 p.m. Sept. 11. compared to that of a neck-and- ture and appreciates in value,". '49 Washington St., Newark • month from 1-4 p.m. Free ad- • 7 Center St., Clinton 12-0ct. 31. Tours from 5:30-9 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Sunday from weekdays, $7 weekends; chil- RIDER COLLEGE never will. New treasures are al- . (201) 596-6550 mission. (908)735-8415 ' neck race down the home stretch Peter maintains, commenting on p.m. Sept. 19; cost $3, must 1-5 p.m. Free admission for dren under 1 year old free. Student Center Art Gallery ways turning up. Wednesday through Sunday RUTGERS GEOLOGY MUSEUM Thursday and Friday from noon- at the Kentucky Derby. One of the the fact new furniture is only be purchased by Sept. 12. members. Non-member ad- • Grbup rates available. Route 206, Lawrenceville from noonT4:45 p.m. Donation. Rutgers University 4:30 p.m,-, Saturday and Sun- • There is another important as- •Apple Weekend, Sept. 19, 20. mission: adults $4; senior Citi- N.J. HISTORICAL SOCIETY (609)896-5327 joys of buying at an auction is the worth one-half of the original price Largest museum complex in the . Hamilton St., New Brunswick day from 1-5 p.m. Adults $2, senior citizens and zens, students, and children • 230 Broadway, Newark Monday through Thursday from pect to antiques: value in dollars awareness that in a levy minutes the day it is delivered, not to men- state. Permanent exhibits in- . (908)932-7243 ' "Printmaking Council of New children 6-16 $1. $2. ' •, •, (201)483-3939 1-8 p.m., Friday through Sun- clude "Africa-The Americas-The Monday from 1-4 p.m., Tues- Jersey members' show, through and cents. Prices vary according to there will be another lot put up for tion five years down the road. HUNGARIAN •Permanent gallery exhibits: di- Wednesday through Friday from day from 1-5 p.m. Free ad- Pacific," "Design in Native day through Friday from 9'a.m.- Oct. 1.1. supply and demand. Or so it HERITAGE CENTER nosaurs, live animals, five.sens- 10 a.m.-4 p.m-., third Saturday mission. •••'., bids...and in a few days or weeks,- No matter what the initial ap- American life," "American noon. Free admission. JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER 300 Somerset St. es (for children 3-5), mam- of the month from 10 a.m.-4 "Paintings and drawings by seems in the auction arena, the another auction to attend. Painting and Sculpture," Nu- ST. HUBERT'S GIRALDA OF METROPOLITAN NJ. peal is, there is nothing like taking New Brunswick mals, model trains, history, p.m. Guided tours by ap- Edith Neff, Sept;.25-0ct. 25. place to head if you want to by mismatic Gallery, Asian Galler- 575 Woodland Ave., Madison 760 Northfield Ave. Meanwhile, for those who do not (908)846-5777 North American Indians, Wood- ' pointment. Admission free for chance that the plate you bought ies, Ballantine House and the (201)377-5541 West Orange RUTGERS UNIVERSITY pass the middle man. Museum open Tuesday through land Indians, rocks and miner- society members, $3 for non- want to venture into the fast lane, Mini-Zoo. Animal art from the collection (201) 736-3200 Downtown Arts Building for five dollars could .be. worth als. members. However, auctions are not for there arc places like.the Laming- Saturday from 11 a.m.-4 p.m. of Geraldiae R. Dodge. Open Monday through Thursday from 125 New St., New Brunswick hundreds, or even thousands of •"Budapest 1900: In Photo- •Juried show, of high school art, . ""Tender in Years," childhood ""Stepping Into Ancient Egypt," (908)932-7591 the faint of heart. One must pre- through Dec. 1993. Wednesday through Sunday 10 a.m.-lO p.m., Friday from ton General Store, located in ^.re- dollars. For most, though, the at* graphs," through Jan. 31, ~ through Sept. 13. in 19th-centuiy New Jersey, on- 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Sundayfrom Monday through" Friday from 9 pare for the rigors of a fast-paced going. . OLD BARRACKS MUSEUM from 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Admission stored 1890s building. There, one tachment goes much deeper than . 1993. •Children's book illustrations $3. 10 a.m. until closing of center. a.m.-4:30 p.m. Free ad- auction, or they might wind up the "Through Sisters'Eyes," N.J. MUSEUM OF AGRICULTURE Barrack St., Trenton mission. , •; is carried back into the past as MACCULLOCH HALL (609)396-1776 TRAILSIDE NATURE •"Voyages to Freedom," Jewish value. • "through Sept. 13. Route 1, New Brunswick •Paintings by Jude Schwenden- owner of something less than de- they wander up and down the HISTORICAL MUSEUM Revolutionary War museum, AND SCIENCE CENTER life In Latin America and the Still, antiquing is something that •"500 Years of Discovery: (908)249-2077 Caribbean, Sept. 17-Oct. 19. wien, through Sept, 18. < sired, and just about as worthless. 45 Macculloch Ave. Wednesday through Saturday Tuesday through Saturday, from New Providence Rd. aisles, only the sound.of the creak- • Morristown . From Columbus to Space," Mountainside Reception at 8 p.m. Sept. 17, (Please turn to page 6) Auctions arc usually advertised warrants a closer look. Maybe even through Oct. 18. Special pro- from 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Sunday 11 a.m,-5 p.m., Sunday from ing floorboards interrupting the si- this weekend. .' . (201)538-2404

•fe4fc*j&eawaW-£9tfte Forbes Newspapers Weekend Forbes Newsnapr-rs SomenoorO-11, .199:. ^f^^~ ^^k I Ij ^^t ^^ A ^fl^ ^0^

: : ickfHQUC ALUMNteLUB; , ' «. Green Brook,' 9 p.m.: Tuesdays. .J908) 248-8840 •',. ;' ."Dance at Ramada Inn,' Som ' '.' : : ; r '«• J. /-.,-• • ~ •- ~; OF CENTRAL-NEW JERSEY '. • '.Free admission. '. • /• : . / .-.- '"Closed dance, (m'embers bn(y}'."at- , e'rs'et,-7.p.mi'-Sep't. 13' 20.'Cost : ;:>• '- VISUAL ARTS LEAGUE Aquarium •'• "Volleyball In Johnson.Park,- High- •' HALF CENTURY . Ramada" -Ihn, Raritan Center,. Edi- $5; proper attire required;.'• CORP. . land,Park, ,6:30 p.m.WednesT, • SjNGLES PARTY . . •.•sorf,,8:3O p.m.. Sept. 13.-.New-"-' . ••"Karaoke night at Holiday Inn,

, days..(908) 756-0940, 84.6-.'.• ' ' (908i 246-7717 ; :. . • .' • . member orientation- at 7:30 p.m. . Kenilworth, 8:3.0.p.m. Sept. 17. NJ, STATE AQUARIUM "-•• ' . *'• V*--'" "=• ;?-;.~C 5440... ; • '.";•' •••; '•• • In conjunction with Near the • . .„. Cost $6..' • •:•'. '• . '•'••' . . 24. Men $4, women $1. •Square dance at Knights of Co- '• • End' of the Century at George • • '• . ••Closed dance (members only)-at SOLO SINGLES JumbuS hall, Edison,'8:30 p.m.." Stree1;1 Playhouse, New:Brun- •;.•.'. • Quality Inn, North Brunswick, •' . .." (ages 40-ovor) V8;30 p.m. Sept.'20. New-'-. •.. • (908) 665-2686, 766.-1839 PAUL ROBINSON . • Sept. 26.'-Members 58, nan- ;'.. svvick. 2 p.m. Sept. 27, Cost ' ; Member orientation at 7:30 p.m. between 6-9 p.m. OBSERVATORY ',' members $10.(908) 248-0062;,; •:./si8';-"- ••.••• . ••..;••'••;.•.'• .; 7i CENTRAL JERSlEY PLUS ; ' JERSEY JEWISH SINGLES ,;. . Cost.$6.'., ' ' '•'.- '.-;'•.';• . •. .... Events held ;at Central Presbyte- • WALTERS HALL GALLERY ; SILH&UETT.E SINGLES V ••>ages 30-55)': '•': „/ ••; ' ' "Closed dance .(members''only)' at .;' rian Church 70 Maple St Sum- j Douglass CotSege : Quality Inn, North Brunswick, '. mit. • STATE TH£ATT?£. . (larger-adults)' . • . • •Dinner at Plaza'Diner, Edison, .. '' •'=C5,'sSS-=5^''-' ' •• i'&". 2-11 &iL5-: tzS'.'g S4-S". (908) 704-848Q • : 6;30. p.m. Wednesdays. (908) . 8:30p.m. Sept. 27. New- .' '•• ; . "Rapgr bridge, 6:30 p.m. Sun- r;g,^r.3 it 2 yzz'zl :. Members $5, non-menii:ers S7. •• .• 753-0263. "••'. '••'..- ' '. '.' ;' member orientation at -7:30 p.m. , days. Cost $2,' "Dance at Ramada Inn, Sbni- ' "C'^ampagne bnjhch at Holiday. . Cost $6,, '..." ..;. •' ; , '-.'•. •'• ""..- . '"Bridge night, 7:15p,m. Sept. .. 255 Sx.™ T3 .- ' erset,9 pira. Sept; 19,. • • ..inn. Raritan Co'n'te'r,'-Edison,-•!%'• ' SINGLEFACES . 17. Cost $3. ••'•£'£'• ca-r/c-b ••=•^"5 • "Dance.at Holiday Inn, Ker- •...-.• ' •'a.m. Sept. 13. (908). 925-3836. ..(908)-2.38-0972. !.-' '. . •• ,-"-.-. SOMERSET HILLS Stargazing ..' ilworth,.7 p.m. Sept. 27. • v'' ' "House party, 8 p.m. Sept, 19. '•. 'Cost for all events .$10. • . . SINGLE HIKERS •rcj-ij ,S«- 27: 'h-Jz'j-s f-c- WATCHUKG ARTS CENTER CENTRAL JERSEY TALL FRIENDS ' . Directions': (90S)'753-0263, . "Dance at Garden State Arts •' ,:.(9'08)774-6759 6-2::.". Sst-i 11.'' '• •'• : (women 5'10"'and taller,; .' 283-0779:' '• '•"-' •''.• .:, Center, Holmdel, 9 p.m. Sept. 9. •Hike.at.Watchung Reservation, 'SWA1M- GALLERIES NJ- STATE MUSEUM . men 6'2" and taller) ..•Comedy nignt at CasUal Times, '. "Dance at Birchwood Manor, . Mountainside,' 1-1:30 a.m. Sept. •'• 205 >';«: StS'i S'_, Tre^tc- . ; 1 .•".(90.8)f. 704-8480' ; .' '. Clark..9:30 p.m. Sept. 26..(908);; ..Whippany, 9 p.m; Sept.. 11. : . • 13, Meet.in lot acrbssjfom Wil- ; AND SCIENCE CENTER j '.'-c.;-.;">•.•-v- .'.'6O9; 252^5353 .' •...•. • 283-0779,251-7651. ' .''." . "Dances at Liberties, Sheraton .. lie's Taverne, Route 202, Bed' : i •Dance at Ramada Inn, Som- L. grojp rates' s. s:;- hotel, Iselin, 9 p.m.,Sept. 12, 8 minster. Cost $4, The 1992 Mprristpwn CraftMarket will host a special talk on erset, 9.p.m. Sept. 12, Members ''• "Yom Kippur dance.at Mayfair-' .. of any. tall, club .$5, non-members . .Farms, West Orange, 8 p.m..Oct. • p.m. Sept. 27: SOPHISTICATED SOCIALS .'••••&psi 753-357;-'• .••• Lalique on Friday, Oct. 9, (8 p.m.) at the National Quard Armory • • • Dance.at Gate House, West.Or- (professionals 30-50) •••$7."; ;.-.;.•• : \'••'•• •.;•.' 7. Cost $8. (908) 925-3836. • • ^-*ts S2. ss' or.;.txe. : in Morristown. Pictured is the trophy of the annual Trophee "Brunch and business meeting at JEWISH SINGLES WORLD arigef 8 p.m. Sept. 13. . (908)221-0047 " . Cost $10; jacket and tie .re-,- Lalique International Figure Skating Competititon. v o Sizzler restaurant, Perth Ambpy, • (ages 23-36) •Dance at Grand Summit hotel, li a.m. Sept. 20. (908)964-8086 . ; Summit, 9p,m. Sept. 18. Jacket' quired. '',. . FORUM FOR SINGLES ' "Barbecue qt Jewish Center of • required. • .-..'. •Dance at Basking Ridge Country •' "Dance at Sheraton hotel, Fair- ..' Club, 8:30 p.m. Sept. 11. ; (908)246-8118 West Orange, 1 p.m.'Sept. 13.- . •AVEMEL •••••• EDISON : •. (509)448-6225 . • . Cost $12 in advance, '$18;at the -••'• field, 9 p.m; Sept. 19.'- , ••: -.-'.•• "Dance at Governor Morris Inn, 908-332-8^00 908-906-9300 NORTH PLAINFIELD! • Morristown, 8:30 p.m. Sept. 25. 908-755-9550 Events held at First Presbyterian • door. •' ': ;•. '..-- •.-•'.. ; -"Dance at Hilton hotel, Short : CRANFORD LINDEN ..Church, 320 North Main SU . "Singles night at Jewish Com- Hills, 8 p.nv'Sept. 20. Jacket re- VbUNG SINGLE 903-709-0042 . 903-925-1160 SPRINGFIELD Hightstown.. •••• . .; munity Center of Greater Morris, • quired. . !• ••' " CATH0UC ADULTS CLUB 201-376-1300 •Discussion group (not church-', ••'• • Whippany, 7:30'p.m. Sept, 17, . . "Dance at Essex' House, West.Or- . (ages 21-35) (908) 634-4803, •H affiliated),'.social'hour, and dahc- • Free'admission.. • '• . ,'ange, 9. p.m. Sept. 25, 232-8884 : ". ' " '. Singer/songwriter Mike Sinatra will open the new season of .-.; ing, 9 p.m. Fridays. .Cost $6. "Rosh Hashana program at-Sub- "Dances at Old Miil Inn, Ber-• •• "Trivial Pursuit and. Monopoly concerts at Horizons Cbffee House in Franklin Park oh Friday, BOBFROSTT urban Jewish Center, Linden, ' nardsville, 9 p.m. Sept. 26. • : 'night at.lmmaGulate Heart of. . Sept. 11. The popular picker is known for his blend of folk, SOCIAL ADVENTURES Maiy Church, Scotch Plains, 8 ;' (ages39-over) ..'•'•.'• • . . 9:30 p.m. Sept 19. Cost.$5. ragtimej blues and country melodies. Kathy Moser is also on .(201)797-7777 : : PARENTS WITHOUT PARTNERS (ages 35-oyer) "-. |__ p.m. Sept. 19. Members $4, . ; ; the bill. Call (908) 821-1324 for information. ^ $17.95 "Big-band dance at The Willows, Mid-Jersey Chapter 236 ,- (908) 704-1962 -.', . , •'•• non-members $6..'


If works like magic. Catch it wifh your kids." -CB5BADJO



&•• rm SWEET @6fhsitonment (Connection The Alternative Contemporary Consignments "EXUBERANT! Bursting wwith energy and REPEATS at Pedlar's Lane songsongss , .magmativ.mati e and ish/'S For Women 39 Mine St., Flemingtpn Gently worn and new apparel, jewelry, accessories, 908-788-0688 (609)397-9383 furniture & household items clothing, crafts, collectibles CANE FARM Hours: Tue.-Sat. 10-5 P.M., Thurs. 10-7^ P.M. Open Tues., Wed., Fri. & Sat. 10-5, Thurs. 10-4 Intersection of Rts.'519 & 604, Rbscrnont, N.J. 193B Washington Valley Rd., Martinsville (9 miles West of Flcmington) "you never know what you'll find" (entrance in back of bldg.) Open Wed., Thurs,, Fri. & Sat. 10-5 P.M.. (?»8) 356-Z002 .H"? F/.1 I/i^ TKS sewn OF voun nnfiAMS WISHES, PAINTINGSvLlNENS, BUF.F.ET5 AT YSTHBAY'S PBICSS iTrifvr KWE Great Finds for Dealers rs, CM: beautiful; unique LS, CD Designers & Collectors Let The Professionals Sell ^ STICK; TT""N <5l used home ^?- Consignments Your Gently Used Gown For Ybu! .IYSTA 'REA \N A Lovely sfelaction of Samples, •>OTT1?, -furnishings i HE A 2 Buiklin|*s of Quality Hours: Consignments and Vintage Gowns V Mon-Fr.i 10-6 '-. IBAS1 •^>. Merchandise from-Consignments ARDS i > Thura Til 8 „ ,, ; IESTS. BASKE ;[ S .BENC:HES, PI.xANT PO ^•^i & Individual Antique Dealers. Sat 10-4 • t ; • TH£ "••' ' ) (CloscdMonsinJuly&AuQ) r A DON BLUTH FILM Clothing • Jewelery • Furs • Antiques BRIDAL COTTAGE » Collectibles • Home Furnishings > consignmeg n ions! MWIWW' W • And Much, Much.Morel An Elegant Resale Boutique Vl 1711 maiin street t • (lerhlngton ,.'. (908) 766-7760 ' 1918 Hwy. 27, Edison '%fil XI Opwi Doily 11-5 788-0103 closod'tuosdoy 123 Claremonl Rd, Bernardsville, NJ 908-572-5055 mm

>*<4•••' •. :•}••"'.. LILLLL*:'

6 Weekend Forbes Newspapers -September 9-11, 1992 , • - ...... •. •• ••• •• COGr. ,Ii-Qi'Jclrfio)qc)3 ff Weekend Poetry I G H T I E

Ramones return

By f^HYUJS RECKEL , • •-•.. ...: . WeekendPlus Writer ..:./• / . . 'tfs not often local people get to see local talent perform at a S-52-S bring their I national event Yet, New Jersey poetry fans will have that privilege 1 when the Geraldine ^/E)odjge Poetry Festival; the largest poetry ' to festival in North America, is held at the Village of Waterloo in Stanhope Thursday through Saturday, Sept 17,18 and. 19. To Have Fun! New Jersey poets participating in. the festival include 11 winners of the 1991 and 1992 New Jersey High School Poetry Contest and 14 of the ByNORBGARRETT 20 regional poets featured in the "Poets Among Us" readings. . - WeekendPlus Writer Thursday from I:i5 to 2:45 p.m. the high" school winners will read at . hances are if you're a true tomato $ifc tfrst studlo.tP effort the, festival, including Natasha Bartolffrom Westfield High School, . *fan of so-called progressive wfa tie b?mdj«~ have^ put to- Sarah" Katherine McCann from Metuchen High School, Joann Quinon'es f music, somewhere in your ge^ef ^ie!r best ^bum since from Edison High' School and Eric Tsai from J.P, Stevens High School $24.99 house sits an all-yellqw LP, tw ^78 Glasao Road to Ruin* : : f in Edison. •'. ' • „• " • ;• • •. •'• '/•,,.;,' •'•;.'•.'••• ... •'/,''. .."• '. .-."•" Suggested ,*tik>r«in Bteaito? crante up Retail Price CD or cassette tape, with a group Thursday and Friday from.34:15 p.m.. and Saturday from n;oon to 1 of JetsorisJlike weirdos on the ^ie volume, to li with yen- p.m. regional poets will read, including Robert 'Kendall of Cranford cover named after a bomber air- soish^'V a lasWng polftical fock» (Thursday) and Eliot Katz of .New Brunswick (Saturday); . plane. ". •••.-.'•• er Whfclr slams Parentat MU^J : Mr. Kendall has created an.unusual new form of literature called Resource Center (PMRC) Yep, the B-52's (playing Sept. 11 "ScftPoetry?" which uses the personal computer as its medium rather. '•'.. founder and advocate Tipper . at the Garden State Arts Center) than the printed page. "SoftPoetry" puts text on the monitor of a. Gore (the wife of vice- personal computer where the poem becomes a choreography of color, bee-bopped, boinked and blitzed presidential candidate At Gore). mi.'tion and meaning as thei words move and change upon the screen to their way into the mainstream of But ji)$t when you thought Joey tnt; accompaniment of music. The viewer takes part, guiding the. course college and progressive radio play and the bo^were getting too of the poem by selecting from menus on the screen/ ;' toth their self-titled debut in 1979, "real We" the bam! courtters * In a proclamation celebrating the Geraldine. R. Dodge Poetry Festival complete with classics like "Rock with shredders like "Cabbie* on at Waterloo as the "largest on the continent," Governor Jim Florio called Lobster" ("...there goes a rnanta Craclf (featuricg.JJylng Colour's poetry "language in its most exalted, wrenching, delightful and concen- ray, whovp-oo-whew, there goes d Vemon Reid, on leaa axe) and trated form." sect robin, eeeeehhhhh..."), "52 "HeidiisaHeadcase."_. . His .proclamation declares September as Poetry Month in New Jersey, Girls" and the imrnortalized "Plan- Even former baasifet' • and The proclamation also stated that "poets of stature, vision and sub- et Claire" ("...Planet Claire has founder Dee Dee Ramone got stance^ will travel to New Jersey not only to participate in...the festival; • pink air, all the trees are red,.."):;.. into, the act, contributing two but also to work with teachers and students in New Jersey schools...and jammers — "Main Man" and Since that debut, lead singer NQ longer a new wave "noyelty" acV the B-52's are doing big business with their latesjt CD, each person has some poetry within, and New Jersey promises to be a Fred Schneider's monotone voice, "Strength to Endure/" both fea- Garden for the Arts." the beehive hairdos and bouncy Good Stuff, and will headline a concert at trie Garden State Arts Center on Monday, Sept 14. turing CJ> on vocals. CJL, whose Over 400 teachers and more than-2£O0 students are registered to bobble of singers Kate Pierson (red youthful exuberance has attend the festival, in addition to members of the general public. As head) and Cindy Wilson (blonde, since departed) and the twangy, surfer-. bers. of the band could.battle back from adversity,. the quadruple- helped revitalize the band, is many as 15,000 have attended the past three festivals in 1986,1988 and laced guitar rhythyms of Ricky Wilson (died in '87) and drummer- platinum assemblage did. Ricky Wilson had died in 1985 after one of currently recovering, from a mo- 1990.- •••;• •-.•••' " ' .•:;•-• -• •••• .:•...... turned-guitarist Keith Strickland have etched out a standard for ridicu- the band's least-acclaimed efforts — Bouncing off the. Satellites, and the torcycle spill, but will be ready to Among the featured poets this year are Pulitzer Prize winners Rita lously lyriced outrageously danceable tunes, .§ut with the release of the future of the B-52's was seriqusly in doubt- But Strickland, 'the band's play fall tour dates possibly with Dove, Galway Kinnell, Stanley Kunitz and W.S. Merwin. Also Native band's seventh and newest LP, Good Stuff (Reprise), the B-52's have original and consistent drummer, opted to make the switch to guitar, a soft cast oft his hand, American Poets Joseph Bruchac (Abenaki), Lance Henson (Cheyenne), made it clear that aside from losing Wilson on the mike, they've, added keeping the vintage beachy sound and vibes constant, and the band -Norb Garrett Rex Lee Jim (Navajo), Luci Tapahonso (Navajo) and Elizabeth Woody a political agenda totheir songs. v • , „ decided to record again. That effort was Cosmic Thing. (Navajo/Warm Springs/YaMma). Other featured poets include Coleman "Our messages have: gotten more overt than they/were in the past, • Cindy Wilson's.(Ricky's sister) decision to leave the band was termed Barks, Cyrus Cassells, Lucille Clifton, Sandra Maria Esteves, Tess Gal- said Schneider in the band's liner notes. Guitarist and mediation af- as amiable, and while the B-52's have maintained a unit, the members Top 10 CDs lagher, Donald Hail, Marie Howe, Jane Kenydn, Vikram Seth and Sha- ficianado Strickland explains: "We've turned up the volume oh our rage continue to dabble in side projects. Kate, Pierson's high-spirited voice •1 Spin poctors, Pocketful of ron Olds. - we're saying the things that we feel we need to say. Here wq arein has landed her several well-received projects, including guest-star ap- For a festival program or to obtain information on Dodge Poetry 1992 arid our institutions are completely out of sync with nature. Are we pearances with R.E,M. on "Shiny Happy People" and Iggy Pop on Red Hot ChHi Peppers, Blood activities, contact James Haba, poetry coordinator at the Geraldine R. going to continue the way things have been orare we going to realign . '•Candy.^,She's even ventured into children's television with a spot on Sugar Sex Mage Dodge Foundation, 163 Madison Ave., Morristown, N.J. 07962-1239; (201) ourselves with our true selves and with nature?"- ; .'. ;." ••;:....{ Nickelodeon's ''Adventures of Pete^and^Pete;" 3 Prt J% 540-8443, ext. 128 or fax (201) 540-1211. Whew Heavy stuff for the band who made a living making the Schneider, meanwhile, re-released his self-titled solo album, and is absurd a rhythmic reality. But onwards the band does climb, and "Go^ involved in production of, several compilation records wim Rhino Records as well as executive production of Martha Reeves' album (for- After losing Cindy Wilson to burnout, the band recorded "Good Stuff merly of Martha and the Vandellas). / as a trio and have since remdted JuHee Cruise (Twin Peaks,Wttdat Opening for'the $-52's at the Garden State Arts Center will be the Heart) to fill in on tour. Even Hollywood vixen Kim Basinger's taken at Violent Femmes,.one of the most revered folk/progressive bands of the 6 turn at te mike with the band, singing a set during a campaign benefit '80s. The Femmes emerged from the little-laiown Wisconsin club scene © The Walt Disney Company. HOME VIDEO for California Governor Jerry Brown in New York City. Basinger and^ in 1983 and have.gained a cult following along with critical acclaim. Locations: guitarist Strickland were classmates in Athens, Ga. . The B-52's and the Violent Femmes Monday, Sept; 14 at the Garden State Arts "Good Stuff * comes on the heels of one of the great comeback Center, Garden State Parkway Exit 116, Holmdel. Tickets $35, 32.50 ($20 lawn). BEDMINSTER : Village at Bsdminsior BRANCHBURG FREE albums of all time - Cosmic Thing. If anything proved that the mem:; (908)442-9200.- .. " : , : Towne Plaza (908) 781-1260 Route 202 South Lifetime Memberships (908) 725-2585 With 1 Free Rental Club mix EAST BRUNSWICK EDISON Civic Center Inman Gove Center r tal Decay, Supremia, tor- Rues Lane & Cranbury Rd (908) 561-7768 Reggae night, Mondays. •The VooDudes, Sept. 12. BRIGHTON BAR .13. psiji ALCIBEUJ'S BIRCH HILL NIGHT CLUB '121 Brighton Ave; "Kombo Zoom, Sept. 18. mented Souls, afternoon Sept. Hours: Sun.-Thurs.-10-10 (908) 651-0373 . Route 9 South, Old Bridge Open jam w/G-Force, Wednes- •Johnny Charles & The Stin-. 1096 Corweiy Blvd. days. grays, Sept, 16. . Long Branch •Thelonius Monster, Sept. 19. ' 12. FRANKLIN PARK PISCATAWAY (908)536-0650 (908) •222-9684 BRUNSWICK HOTEL "Atomic 61, Daizy Cutter, Fri.-Sat. 10-11 Perth Amboy Dance party, Saturdays. . "Alternative" rock, Thursdays. •Exit 42, Sept. 17. . Franklin Towne Center Piscataway Town Center Men (908)826-6428 . •Neighborhood Rhythm & Blues Jazz night, Tuesdays. ..< 10 Livingston,Ave. Helen Shapiro, Horshack 77, •Skinnerbox, Sept. 11. Male revue, Saturdays, Thurs- New Brunswick (908)422-4300 (908)981-1080 «Uve entertainment beginning •The Cosmic Cookers, Sept. Band, Sept. 18. • Poetry/acoustic night, Wednes- • afternoon. Sept. 19. . days. (908)214-1717 18 Other locations Rent 1 9 p.m. No cover. 12. •Arnold Skiffle, Sept.-19. days. CARTERET HILL BOWL SOMERSET WOODBRIDGE Toen night, Sundays. Jazz jam session, Thursdays. 91(3 DADDY'S BOURBON STREET CAFE •Paul Pl.umeri Blues Band, •Piece of Wood, Lucy Fur, New' 569 Roosevelt Ave., Carteret Cedar Grove Shop ctr Rt. 9 North •Adrian Dodz, Sept. 11. York New York, Bridges & Big CAFE BAR throughout, N.J. Get 1 FREE 253 French St. Old Bay Restaurant Sept. 23. . (908) 969-1515 Poets Coleman Barks and Luci Tapahonso are just a few of the (908)805-9191 (rant of Budget Motor Lodne •Young Black Teenagers, Sept. Trucks, Sept. 11'; 115 Ocean Ave., Long Branch Sun. - Thurs. New Brunswick 61-63 Church St. •Jon Regen Quartet, Sept. 24. CATCH A RISING STAR many poets taking part In the Geraldine R. Dodge Poetry Festi- ,.•...•'. ^ <908) 602-9533 " 13. •Night Train, Sept.' 25, •The Mad Daddies, The Raging (908) 229-9823 . (908)249-6131 New Brunswick Hyatt Regency Hotof One per person BOO-BOO'S BAR •Full Circle Blues Band, Sept. Lamos, Sit & Spin, Blue Yo, All ages admitted Saturday af- val at Waterloo Village in Stanhope. Interested in owning an Easy Video Franchise? Gall ttnm MM wh BINGO'S 44 Newark St., Hoboken (908) 246-3111 • Sept. 12. ternoons, Route 1, West Windsor Regal Inn •Floyd Hunter Blues Band, 26. • (201) 659-1789 •Blue Plate Special, Sept. 30. •The Raffertys (acoustic), Sept. •Ritual Torment, Latshaw, Mor- (Please turn to page 10) Kingsbridgo Rd., Piscataway Dance party, Sundays. . Sept. 11. (908)469-5700 • "• September 9-11,1992 'Fc^es •Newspapers BmM.. •..,

Ji- -.- Weekend Club mi Dance

•••••; :•• •'• •':.•• ''r ••,' • '•'•-'-.r»J'- •• "•'

P.iscatawayChorus' ... '..•••• . (Continued from page 9) '.' •'dancers;'no'partrier needed. In- TECHNIQUES THEATRE • 475 DeMott Larte, Somerset . ; (609V 737-0636-'737-2001-: • .members; 'also a. chamber CH07. •Rhythm &-Babs, Sept. 11, 25. •The Meat Puppets, Sept. 17. ;-Route 9, Wpodbridge-- \ v , (609) 987-8018 DANGE-IN-THE-PARK '•••'-•• . strgction at7:30.p,m,,'.Cost $5;. .Middlesex County '.: '(9fi8) .873-2710\ .; • " •'; • "Mixed chorus with ,60 mem- •; •' .rus. -.- .;" '. "'• ••-.. '' ".'• Tuesdays, 7:30 p.rjn. • •• :'' • ." • -Lost River Hell Cats, Sept. 12. •Heavenly, Lois Maffeo, Sept. (908) 634-5454"... . ' • . Headline comedy every night " Sept, 10,11,12; all at 8 p.m. dress casualand light. ' •' • ' '.. Vo-Tech School.' • • "For Tali production of The Mys- . bers; rehearsals for a Christm.as RARITANVALLEY-CHOBUS ••• Reformed 'Church • .-•••" .-. ., "Vince Giordano & The New Or- 18. ^ Live .comedy every Sunday.:. except Monday. : :'.' Tuesdays; 7;30 p.rn.••;'••.' ' ,-• leans Night Hawks, Sept, 13. •Revolver, Drop 19s, Sept. 19. Robsevelt Park .. ; '•' • ', 112 Rues Lane .'•.•. • • ' ' tery of Edwin Brood. Auditions. .concert.'• •: ••' • ' . • Main St., South Bound Brook College night, Sundays and RARITAN RIVER CLUB '•Wposter Street Trolley (jazz), •Juliana Hatfield, A. Escovedq, Route 1, Edison. . . East Brunswick •• , .. .at l.p.rri. Sept..12, 7 p^m.' JERSEYAIRES ''.Faith Lutheran Church' Tuesdays 85 Church St., New Brunswick AUDITIONS • • (908) 572-6959, 287-0161 . Sept. 17. \ . Sept. 24.- • (908) 548-2884 ;•. ; ":.; / .'". :.(908)254^il0ext,48; Sept. 14. Large cast of men ;.. • Mondays,; 7:30, p.m.. , ' Amwell Rd., Hillsborough' . Ladies'night, Thursdays (908).545-6110 MONTCLAIR OPERETTA CLUB Somerset Valley Chorus • . : ; •;' (90S)'359-3771 , .'•• . \ '• •Floyd Hunter Blues Band, '•' •Gumball, Come, Sept. 25.' •Original dances by area cho ' 769-8173 •:.'•: • .: •' . • and-'women 17 and older, plus • First Baptist Church • , ; .•••.' •Charles Zucker, through Sept Gary Tto (guitar), Friday twi'- 4.94 Valley Rd.' • ' ~1;

ANTIQUE AUTO SHOW Main St., 9:30. a.m.'4:30p'.m. •.'. Route 18, East.Brunswick . ; : (908)351-7450 .V : 807 Old Raritan Rd.yClatk . Club with proceeds to area ' ; • "Giant book sale in a downtown : Middlesex County Fairgrounds .. Sept. 19. Free admission. (908)-583-7915, 972-8244 ..;' ,; /Vintage vinyl and other re- • (908)388-8866 > : charities, 9 a.iYi.-5 p,rri, Sun- • ; : setting, 10 a.m.-5 p.rti. Sept, , Cranbury Rd», East Brunswick •. ART FESTIVAL •Exactly what the title says, 5- corded purios, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. •Music, crafts, arid food from days through, Oct, 25,: Freeadr 19; Free admission.: . . Choral Society (908)249-4697. .' South Plainfieid Middle Schooj •9:30 p.m. Sept. 17. Adults $1,. Sept; 13. Adults $1.50 w/a-do- the Magyar country, noon-7 . mission. WATERLOO ANTIQUES FAIR : *30th annual classic-car show, Plainfieid Ave., South Plainfieid children under 6 free; nation of canned food, $3 with- p.nh, Sept. 13. Adults $3, chil- MEMORIES OF ELVIS Village of Waterloo rehearsals ii:a.m:-4 p.m. Sept. 20. . (908)561-3247 ' COUNTRY FOLK ART out; children under 12 free. • dren under 12 free. '.'. Jefferson Township •'•••.'•. 1-80 Exit 25,'Stanhope enters a new age the Westfield-based Choral Adults $4, children under 12 "Outdoor shovinwith area art- SHOW AND SALE HARVEST SHOW KENlLWORTH OUTDOOR High School . ,: (201)384^0010 •Outdoor antique show with ". Arts Society of New Jersey, how • • free. ;.;••'.•••' • •.• ••'; • ists, 11 a;m.-4 p.m. Sept. 13. Mennen Arena ':•' ; Weldon Rd., Oak.Ridge Frellnghuysen Arboretum FINE ART SHOW in its 30th year, will commence ANTIQUE SHOW AND SALE Rain.locatlon: inside school au- .161 East Hanover Ave. 53 East Hanover Ave, Harding School field (201) 697-5506, 663-1555 more than 250 dealers, 10 Updated technology is employed a.m.-6 p.m. Sept. 19, 20. Ad- All Saints'Episcopal Church ' ditorium. Free admission.: .'. Morristown :. Morristown ' '-.: :" Boulevard, Kenilworth .; •••Everything you always wanted. . rehearsals for the upcoming '••"-. mission $4; ' /• .•-'••'"• l 559 Park Ave., Scotch Plains ARTS AND CRAFTS FESTIVAL (313)634-4151 : ' , (201)326-7600 '. ;'. .(908)241-0221 to find about Elvis Presley, 1- season on Tuesday, Sept 15. WORLD OF MINI MANIA : (908)322-8047. . "Folk art from across the. '. :. • 'Show and plant sale to eel-' for 2^ • Chester . . •; •25th annual show, and sale, 9 7:30 p.m. Sept. 19..Admission The season win open on Sat- Holiday Inn Jetpdrt •:.... "Benefit for the church, 8 a.rn.- (908)879-2425 U.S.A., 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Sept. ebrate. the bounty of the earth,, ' a.rn.-5:30 .p.m. Sept. 13.. Rain 50 cents. Tribute concert (see urday, Oct 10, with a perform- ; 1 Routes 1-9 South, Elizabeth . ••'"-•:."•. •. • F3yWILLIAMWESTHOVEN /;. ^; 8 p.m. Sept. 18,8 a.m.-5 p.m. •Five locations with more than i9, 20. Adults $4, children 10 12:30-8 p.m. Sept, 18,10 dates Sept. 20, 27. Free ad- Soundings) at 7:30 p.m;, ,ad- ; (908)382,2135 ; v . . . : •'•;••'';••-'•.. Weel6 '.. and under $2. Preview from .5- a.rn.-5 p.m. Sept. 19; Free ad- mission $10. . : : •'. mission. ..•"Fall Frolic" of dolls and min- Requiem. The. program, edited ART FAIR "92 p:m. Sept. 12,13. Free ad- 9 p.m. Sept. 18, admission $6. mission. usical traditionalists may consider it amusing — .Comforting, UONS CLUB FLEA MARKET NEW JERSEY BOOK FAIR ~ , iatures, 10 a.m.-4:30 p.m. by John Rutter, will feature the Millburo ..••'.•" mission; call;fqrvenues.. , GREATER NEW JERSEY HUNGARIAN City Market . even —'• that electronic music pioneer Wendy Carlos finds that • Market grounds , ..- •'' •• Sept, 20. Adults $5, senior cit- Choral Arts Society as tie . (201)3.79-1198 •;....' BASEBALL CARD AND MUSIC COLLECTORS EXPO HARVEST FESTIVAL Route 206, Chester •• .123 Church St.; \ izens $4.50, children under 12 "vvorldng vnth synthesizers and software is a lot more compli- . •Art oh display and.for pur- SPORTS MEMORABILIA SHOW Hyatt hotel '••'•.. ' • American-Hungarian '•'• (908) 8794408 ' New Brunswick • > :'• .^ $2.50. Preview from 9-10 cated than playing conventional instruments. guests of the Plainfieid Sym- chase along Millbum Ave. and •" .2 Albany St., New Brunswick ; M . Mid-State Bowl \> •' : , . Citizens Club •Operated-by Chester Lions (908)545-4849 a.m., admission $7. What's that, you say? Aren'tcomputers supposed to make life easier? phony Orchestra at the Crescent Well, those who work with computers on a daily basis know that ain't Avenue Presbyterian Church in Plainfieid., -Write to: Weekend Plus necessarily so, and so does Carlos, known better .to some as the genius . behind SwitcHed-On Bach, the landmark 1968 recbrdirig that not only The annual fund-raiserr mean- 44 Franklin St. introduced much of the public to electronic music, it's also credited as while, will take place on Sunday, being the first classical album to go platinum (signifying sales inexcess Oct 18, when a matinee per- Somerville, N.J. of one million copies). . : . formance of Peter Schaefer's Stoire "Of A Million liems Whodunnit will be staged at the 08876 Now, after an unconventional 25-year career (yes, she used to be . •Old Pens •Dolls •Swords Walter, Carlos, t»ut that's a subject for another day) that includes com- Cranford Dramatic Club on •Cigarette lighters •Toys *01d Guns Winans Avenue in Cranford. •Antiques posing the score for the movies JL. Ctpckwcfrk Omnge (in which she • •Silver •Medals iritroduced the use of vocoders for synthesized singing), The Shining Those interested in Joining •Used Furniture •China •UMforins should come to the weekly •Glassware and Tnon, not to mention ground-breaking work in the realm of New •Pottery &More Agei and even^musicEil parody, Carlos has returned to Bach; Switched- Tuesday., rehearsals, which run We Buy & Sell All Listed Items On Bach 2000. Her first "Switched-Ori" recording in almost 20 years, it from 8rlO pjn. at the presbyte-. 15% to 25% off riart Church, near the comer of All Antique & Used Furniture was released on June 1 and is still a hot seller according to the classical charts and local retailers. It is also the first "SwitcHed-On" to employ Mountain Avenue and, Brodd v-i Buyers Wanted Street in Westfield* pverypne is A.I 459 Somerset St. Somerset; NJ the myriad of technological breakthroughs that have occured since the s 247-44O6 Evenings 249-2482 • Famous Shake-A-Paw lifetime guarantee early days of the one-note-atra-tirne Moog synthesizers. • Puppies in the Open to Hug & Cuddle The^^ first question that comes to mind, then, is that if the "Switched- . On" records were so popular, and the technology was getting better and Wendy Carlos recently released the 25th anniversary recording • Bring in the Kids better by^^^tiie microsecond, why^d^shie abandon them? of SwJtched~On Bach, which introduced the majority of the Amer- Chamber group • AKC Puppies First answer — she never intended to create a series that turned into ican public to electronic music back in 1968. proudly announces their a commercial ^Frankenstein^ Quite the opposite, as a matter; of fact. • FREE Giveaways (while supplies last) "The first record was just an attempt to try and bring dignity and public acceptance to what was then considered to be an unpopular form "Bob Moog built the first synthesizer without any touch sensitivity, OPENING NITE hj & <=#gain, Scan and all the notes had the same sound, same brightness, so everything1 ^ ^; Its f^-93 b • LOWEST Dog Food Prices In Area of making music," said Carlos. "It was considered off-the-wall. There ^^ with a concert followed - t Y WoodyAllen tended to sound kind of mechanical," she recalled. "I had to fight with FRIDAY • SEPTEMBER 11TH September 11-Oclober 3 was a lot of. hostility towards electronic music. by a| ^meel ^,;miisie&»r>s!i re- "We were trying to show the public the medium was a nice medium. Bob and I spent a lot of time working up some method of making the ception on Sunday, Sept 20 at Saturday, September 12th - a come in, the water's fine kind of thing - and that it could be very keyboard respond to how hard you struck the note, which had to be the United Methodist Church in 2:00-4:00 p.m. There A WE ARE BREEDER'S REPRESENTATIVES appealing. But I had no expectations to continue to do Bach pieces. I'm done before we could record it right." New BrjuMswtek. basically not a performer, I'm a composer, so doing as many as I did is But while the first Switched-On Bach took approximately 1000 hours Featured in the afternoon per- by Neil Simon the^^ surprising thing to me." to record, the latest one took 3,000; You can judge the benefits of each formance, which begins at 3 November 6-28 by Arthur Miller •.,.•: Second answer -^ the technology has never been easy to work with,, production with your own comparison, which should be easy, since the p.m., are flautist Katherine Me- Doctor January l^February 6 TM and it's even harder now. two recordings are very similar in.terms of content. Clure and harpsichordist Anita "You would think it would be easier now, but that's just not the case," With three ex:ceptionsv the two recordings are the same. One addition Cervantes. MoCfure studied with was an introductory parody piece that lasts but 40 seconds; another is Jean-Pierre Rampal, among oth- 1 she explained. "The current technology is extremely buggy and anyone her latest attempt to compose the famous i'missing" second movement by Tom Griffin • by Robert Hariing PUPPIES - getting on board right now would have to be a very patient person., ers, and earned her Master's . March 12-April'3 May 7-29, • Unless you keep your system very simple, very stripped, there's going of the Brandenburg Concerto No. 3 in G Major, which appears on both. degree from the Mason Gross For further information regarding subscriptions, membership, 14RT.J22WEST to be a lot of interaction, and strange things happen. There are more The third is more ambitious, and probably more personally-satisfying. School of the Arts at Rutgers. auditions or tickets, please call 908-968-7555 silly things that happen because the systems and the software are so "The last piece on the record is Toccata and Fugue in D Minor, which Cervantes is, an active solo and Your 416 Victoria Avenue, Piscataway, New Jersey 08854 GREENBROOK complicated, it's impossible to get it perfect." I tried to do three times in the '70s and was never able to pull off with ensemble musician in the Dela- COMMONS Still, polyphonic synthesizers, samplers,; Macintosh computers, editing the current technology," said Carlos. "And I was so relieved when I • ware Valley area. capabilities and MIDI and SMPTE technology have assisted her in could finally exorcise that ghost and do a good job." The program will include music House? GREENBROOK recording music with more of a human touch, to borrow a line from In the end, she expressed a.fQndness': for the days when her worst by Vivaldi, Scarlatti, C.P.E. Bach LINGERIE PHOTOGRAPHY (100 yards west Bruce Springsteen, than ever before. ..„.'••.' problems as a composer were "breaking the point on my pencil," but and, CoUperin. The featured Call the Physician of Rock Ave.) "It allows me to capture the feeling of a live perfomranee," she said. she's come to terms with the demands of the "Switched-On" generation. event of the program will be a Referral Service at "I no longer have to, play note-perfect into a tape machine, one note at a "I'd gotten a lot of letters over the years and that's part of the reason I performance of J.S. Bach's B- Hunterdon Medical His Birthday? time. In those earlier versions, I was trying to play absolutely perfectly, did this album. People saying,'Gee, with all the new things, think of Minor Sonata. 968-AKC2 how good it would.be if you did it again.' I kept saying 'nah, nah, nah,' General admission is $10 ($6 Center. We'll help>you Hours: which is an.inhibiting way to play. And you might have to go 30 or 40 find a doctor that's right takes, and by that point you would lose any spontaneity. Now, I can ' but when I realized that storing everything in my Macintosh could for seniors and students). For Wlon.-Sat. 11-9 make the performance mo.re real, it was like 'O.K.' I guess 25 years by more information, call (908) for you from among our Your Anniversary? Sun. 1.1-6 record several performances and edit the best parts of each together." staff of 200 specialists. Not sobackin 1968, when it took the better part of a year to make the coincidence was just the right amount of time for it to be logically 707-9542. We'll also send you pur recording in her home studio in Manhattan. necessary to go bite the bullet and do the thing again. " Guide to Physicians and We can Capture Your Services. Beauty anytime... Soundings (908) 788-6368: | MM OFF BAROQUE ENSEMBLE zens and students $5. ESSEX QUARTET discounts available. 381-5454 JOHN BUCHER Thursday, Sept. 17,8 p.m. State Theatre PHILDRISCOLL Friday, Sept. 25, 8 p.m. I ANY PURCHASE Friday, Sept. 25,8 p.m. Wilkins Theatre. 453 Northampton St. Saturday, Sept. 19, 8 p.m. FORCE FOR GOOD ANY Kean College, Union Easton, Pa. . Delbarton School Saturday, Sept. 26, 7 p.m. Nicholas Music Center, Watchung Arts Center Hunterdon Evangel Church Rutgers Arts Center Saturday, Sept. 12,8 p.m. 18 Stirling Rd., Watchung (908)527-2337 (215) 252-3132 270 Mendham Rd. Medical Center 443 LAKE AVE. 1251 Terrtll Rd., Scotch Plains' George St., New Brunswick I Over $10.00 II (908) 753-0190 "Congressional staffers who •Singer of standards performs Morristown The Times, Evangel Church PUPPY lampoon their bosses. Admis- w/David Brenner, comedian. (201)538-3231 (908) 322-9300 ' (908)932-7511 COLONIA "Comet virtuoso performs w/ 1251TemllRd., Scotch Plains •Trumpet player and vocalist | Not to be combined with Not to be combined with Keith Ingtiam, piano, and Greg sion $12, discounts available. Admission $35, $33. Benefit •Sampler featuring works by . "Schubert's Quartet in A minor; any other offer. whose repertoire runs from (908) Tlie Heart of Hunterdon Ask about our* any other offer. Cohen, bass. Admission $10. ROSEMARY CLOONEY tickets $75, Includes reception. Vivaldi, Purcell, and other com- Janacek's Quartet No. 1; and blues to hymns. Admission $3. 2100 Wescott Drive, Remington, NJ FREE 11x14 offer Sept. 25, 1992 FN Expires Sept. 25,1992 FN THE CAPITOL STEPS Saturday, Sept. 19, 8 p.m. DELBARTON posers. Adults •$7," senior citi- other works. Admission $11, (Please turn to page 21) i V'.'i.i:''-' i.' i-l !'A.\",. v t i i It y _ f

* • i • J «*'# V' •*•*****. j, .J" • Weekend

By ROSALIE GROSS, WeekendPlus Writer. ' ater, watereverywhere , — everywhere that the winners wehtin the Forbes Newspapers "Picture Your Summer" photogra- phy contest, that is. The six winners in the shut- terbug and the family categories all took pictures that involved water — from a New Jersey lake to a backyard pool to a Pennsylvania amusement park. ; Deborah Studer of Flemihgton won both first- and third-place awards in the shutterbug category. Both black and white photos were taken at Lake Hopatcong and pro- cessed in her home darkroom. The first-place photograph is called "Suriny Oblivion" and pictures a lone canoeist taking a siesta. "The photo really said summer," said Rob Paine, photo director at Forbes. • Ms. Studer"s third-place winner, ,"Free Spirit," is a still life compo- sition featuring sunlight and shad- ows across a pail1 of sneakers arid shorts on the lake's shore. Second-place winner in the shutferbug contest is John J. Sutor of Scotch Plains. The photo is called "Curiosity on the Schooner America" and was taken aboard the vessel in Cape May. The family photo category, had • the most, entries in the contest. Winners in the family photography category are Robert Bank of Som- erset, first place; Barbara Benedict of Piscataway, second place; and Gabriete Quinlan of Hillsborough, third place. Mr. Bank's picture, called "Sum- Family fun: (clockwise from top mer Splash," shows his 19-month- left) Robert Bank's first-place old daughter Leah frolicking in her tot-sized backyard pool. photo of daughter Leah spashing. Ms. Benedict's photo shows in her pool, /'The Summer Santa Claus in a backyard in- Splash;" Barbara Benedict's cre- ground pool. The judges appreci- ative second-place photo of ated the humor in the shot. Ms. Santa Claus in a backyard pool, Quinlan's winning entry, "Wet and "Christmas in July;" and Gabri- Wild Carefree Child,'' shows her ele Quinlan's third-place photo daughter, Kelly, coming down the of her daughter, Kelly, "Wet and Se'same Place water slide. Wild Carefree Child." Ms. Studer became interested in photography in a college course " five years ago. She since has taken seminars and said she "likes to bring out a mood of solitude in my photos." She also "likes snapshots of family things. Those can be ar- tistic as well." ICIockwise from top) Deborah Studer's first-place photo of a lazy canoeist on the banks Mr. Banks has taken photon teong ^unSToblMon;"John Sutor's second-place photo of a young boy exploring a graphs since he was 8 years old when his father gave him a Po- laroid camera. "I've done a lot of different things, he said, "and I've had a lot of cameras." He "did a lot" in the music industry, taking "papparazzi" type shots of rock and roll stars. Some of his photos appeared on a Barry Manilow album. Winners in both categories will receive gift certificates.

September 9-11,1992 . • ••v>-1'. i Stage G E right

'.-••• (Continued from page 16) . . about the life of Argentina presideritEva

available. .'•• • ' • "• " • •• ' •••••"'• . Peron. Sept. 25-Oct. 18; Admission.$13 Villagers open BROADWAY BOUND opening night, $12 other times; discounts THEATRE COMPANY • available, .•••••»• . . with 'Agnes' War Memorial... •••• . • . \ . ' .' . PLAYWRIGHTS THEATRE . John Rtch Plaza, Trenton • • OFNEW JERSEY ^ The Villagers Theatre in Som- . (908)•297-6692' : ' /.: , . •. .'• 33 Green Village Rd., Madison "••' Somerset Valley erset will open its 1992-93 sea- •Ann/e, musicai about the comic strip heroine (201) 514-1940i':' ' '•} • • son on Friday, Septemeber' 25, ' and her dog Sandy. 2 and 7:30 p.m. Sept. . >HowH/s Bride-Came to Abrariarn, staged Players stage With Agnes ofGod. . 26. Admission $7. / :. ••-. reading of a new play about a Palestinian and ByWIUJAM.WESTHOVEN jointly by the Villag- CENTURY PRODUCTIONS -i;:. :;•••' an Israeli lover. 8 p.rn. Sept. 25, 3 and 8 p,m,. Hunterdon County Courthouse . . . Sept, 26, Free admission: ' .' : /; WeekendPlus Editor ers qtfd Very Special Arts New rama, first and foremost, is 71 Main St.; Remington STATETHEATRE '".... •''. the cast features Chey- ; (908) 782-5469, 735-5955 / ' 453 Northampton St. . • the attraction of Equius, a ahne Boyd of Rlngoes as Mother •Ondbergrr & Hauptmann: The Trial of the Eastpn,Pa. • ••. showcase for both Anthony Miriam Ruth and Diane Mostello Century, re-enactment pf Bruno Richard (215)252-3132 .' ; .' . Hauptmann's 1932; kidnapping trial. Sept. 18- DHopkins and Anthony Per- of CranbUry, who will star as 'Fiddler, on the Roof, the long-running musical Oct. 4. Admission $15. • • set in czarist.Russia; 8 p.m. Sept. 25/Ad- kins on the Broadway stage and Agfies, the young nun accused the late Richard Burton on the big McCARTER THEATRE ; missioh $25, $23. . , . of murdering her own baby. screen. 91 University.PI;,' Princeton VILLAGERS THEATRE WeeKend performances run (609)683-8000;. . , • 475 DeMott.Lane, Sbmerset ' ; W.T. Martin and Carrie Nye (known In some circles as Mrs. Dick Cavett) star in Chekhov's The Friday, September ll.it will be : ; : through October 18. Tickets are "Cat on.a Hot Tin fioof, the Tennessee Wil- (9O8)873-2710 • • '•'•' Sea Gull, which continues through Sept. 12 at the New Jersey Shakespeare Festival at Drew tiie Somerset Valley Players' latest liartis'play about a woman and her alcoholic, •Agnes of God, John Pielmeier's drama about challenge to stage this taut, emo- $12. For more information call University in Madison. (90S) 873-2710. husband. Sept; 22-Oct. 11. Admission $38- 'a nun accused of killing her own child. Sept. tional piece for local theater buffs '•• $12. '.'.'."•••• • •• •'.: . •,. ' ••• • ••;•••• 25-Oct. 18. Admission $12. . .' at their 110-year-old Somerset Val- The new Villagers, season con- NEW JERSEY ley Playhouse in the Neshanic sec- - tinues with the Rupert Holmes SHAKESPEARE FESTIVAL Drew University ' : • , . : Complete Custom Framing tion! I^borough. Weekend per- ' musical The Mystery of Edwin Roiite.2'4, Madison FREE REPORT Diplomas • Certificates • Fine Art • Prints Drood, which will run weekends ; ;: fbrmances (Friday-Sunday) con-. ,. (201)408-5600 . ;" ' .^ •; Poster Mounting''* Art Bought and Sold •••••••..'• 'r .'•'•'" :, •".;•• .'".•••. ;- • ;' ••'•:/ ' • •' tinue through Sunday, October 4. , Nov. 6-Dec. 13. "Much Ado About Nothing, or a battle between With the experience of SVP presi- Beatrice and Benedick. Sept. 16-Oct. io. Ad- ART STYLES, LTD. REVEALS 10 WAYS TO BEAT CDs!! dent Richard G. Baker handling mission $30-$14, discounts available. the directorial chores, they would New dates for PLAYHOUSE 22 FINE ARTS SCULPTURE FIND OUT WHAT TOUR BANKER 210 Dunhams Comer Rd. CUSTOM FRAMING appear to be up for it Certainly, Plays^iij-Park East Brunswick . ' LIMITED EDITIONS they are looking forward to it. (908)254-3939 ' / ,^ - RESTORATIONS APPRAISALS WOULpi PREFER YOU DIDN'T KNOW! "It is very intense," said Baker. Joseph Ross of Bedminster and Todd Wall of South Brunswick are among the stars of the , The Unlimited Potential The- "Evfla. the Andrew Uoyd Webber musical atre Cbrtipanyhas ^scheduled "And to keep that intensity up for Somerset Valley Players' production of Equus, which premieres on Friday, Sept. 11. Mpn-Thurs 10am-8:30pm; FrilOam-Spm; Sat llam-4pm * - hours, the audience would be -I^BHT ml^^it^eiibmiarwe of When It's Got To Be CALL 1-908-Z33-2020 drained. So we have to try and inject a little comic relief in some scenes, Challenging dramas, however, are nothing new to the Somerset Val- • tim%; 'fUnet*tot, -Saturday,• ^ 2 Monument Square » New Brunswick • (908) 828-2920^ Sept i2 (1 p.m.) at Pia^-in-lhe although we have do do so. within the confines of the script." ley Players, who have staged many over the past 25 years. They're also GOOD. 24 UtOURS FOR A FREE RECORDED MESSAGE. Not an easy task considering the subject matter of Peter Shaffer's no stanger to big musicals and light comedy; script, which concerns a psychologist's efforts to solve the mystery of . "Over the years, we have tried to offer a variety," said Baker, who why a young stable boy blinded 17 horses in a fit of violent rage. himself has directed quite an assortment of works there, including the Starring in the role of Dr. Martin DysartwiU be Joseph. Ross of Bedmin- recent What the Butler Saio as well as the entire Neil Simon Brighton featuring Maria, Clark of Som- PERIODONTICS ster, whose heavy burden it is to make the audience forget about the Bed^h trilogy. "But you can't just keep doing Neil Simon and Rodg&rs erset and Dawn McKenna of Service Center performances of Hopkins, Perkins and Burton. Dysart will be famlliar-to and Hammerstein. In the past, we have done Total Abandon, which is New Brunswick along with other , • Repairs — AH Makes/Models Maximum MuthLess SVP patrons for his role in The Dresser a few years back. about child abuse, and The Me Nobody Knows, which is a musical about performers from trie Actors' Eq- • Cleaning and.Maintenance Fee ' uity Assodation. The show is "It's not an easy job, but I feel fortunate to have Joseph Ross," said street-smart kids in New York. We do some off-beat plays to go along . • Pick-up & Delivery Service Sensible Dental Fees EXAMINATION $35.00 open to the public free-of- {Includos Oral CanCar Screening 5 X-Rnys) Baker. "Ilihink he can do the job as well as any of them." with everything else. We did Jestis GTirisi Superetor, w;hich is a popular • In-Home Hook-up v DR. KENNETH M.KUCHARZ Fortunately, Ross is quite familiar with one of his main co-stars — his musical, but it's also a big productionwith rock music." charge. Just bring a low-back CLEANING (includes scaling) ...... ,„,.. $35.00 3 West Union Ave., wife, Chistina:— who will fill the role of the English Magistrate, Heather One warning — Equus is recommended for mature audiences, and chair or blanket EXAM ^CLEANING•Vx-RAYS.v'..';..;«...... -..;.,$60-00; URE Bound Brook Solomon, who is handling the criminal aspects of the case. parental suggestion is advised. Also on the September sched- HEAL WOOD AFFORDABLY PRICED"" FILLINGS.. ;..:..... :....>;.;..• ."..;•..•.,.:, •»•••• $i6.oo. Also starring in the production are Todd Wall of South Brunswick, The Somerset Valley Players will finish up their 1992 season with ule (Sept. lO-l^ to be exact) 3549 Rt. 22 E., Whitehouse We Treat the Entire Family (Silver amalgam porsuriaco) who plays the part of the troubled stable boy, Alan Strang, and Faith for Plays-in-the-Park is "Dance- (next to Pelican Pools) (908) 234-0074 CROWNS...... :..: •.; $425.00 another challenging, but lighter work — Chicago, a jazzy Broadway 21 YEARS IN BOUND BROOK . (Porcelain luscd to me|al) , . Agnew of North Plainfield, who plays the young woman who befriends musical comedy that will premiere on Nov. 6. This is the eighth season in-the-Parkf" an innovative pro- (908)534-2119 gram of original dancepieces by Open: Mon., Tues., Thur*. Sot., 10-6 pm FULL DENTURES.... •• $425.00 Alan. Rounding out the principal cast are Janet AspinwaU of Metuchen, for the SVP in their first permanent location after years qffetaging'plays 356-0678 (Upper or Lower) . five of the Plays-in-the-Park cho- ; ftl. 10-8, Sun. 1S-S, Closed W«?d. Ben Seesel of Hopewell, Patricia Idell of Somerville, Ron Platt of North at places like Somerville High School and Somerset Vo-Tech. PARTIAL DENTURES '.. $475.00 Brunswick, Art Trainor of Hillsborough, Henry Lee of'South Brunswick In January, the SVP will open its 26th season with the comedy Beyond reographers along with three MELEKINI Additional charges may be incurred (or (Upper or Lower) . and Elizabeth Gannon of Montclair. the choreographer is Anne Wrobel Therapy. Also scheduled for the 1993 season are Neil Simon's Rumors area dance companies. Tick- \y .. related services which may be required SIMPLE EXTRACTIONS $40.00 of New Brunswick. (March 19-April 10); Extremities (May 14-June 6); and the musical Chess ets are $2 and are available on POLYNESIAN in somo cases. • All of the actors have the tremendous burden of creating the reality of (July 9-Aug. 8). ' the day of the show. Gates open at 6 p.m. For more information, DANCE the play, which traditionally employs a rather Spartan stage. EDITH HODGE PLEHNEn "The stage is very bare," Baker explained. "The psychiatrist's office, EQUUS Weekend performances Sept. 11-Oct. 4 at the Somerset Valley Playhouse, call (908) 548-2884 .Monday- STUDIO Amwell Road, Hillsborough. Tickets $11 Friday-Saturday, two for $15 Sunday. (908) Friday from 9 a.m.-4 p.m., (Hawaiian & FUND RAISERS the stable, the field — it is all these places and it isn't, so., it's up to the Metuchen ROUND TRIP TtihlLInn Dance) Hillsborough .actors to make it convincing." ' . 369-7469,(908)725-2120; .;• . . (Central Ave.) SELL CANDY FOR YOUR ORGANIZATION & SCHOOL COLLECTABLES aL Kathleen's (Rt. 206) AciiHciny of Dunce New Brunswick $30 PER CASE PROFIT. 713 15.. Main St. (61 Commercial Ave.) HERSHEY'S, M&M, AND MANY OTHER FINE CANDIES YESTERDAYS TREASURES (Flmlcnw) . Hopelawn classes bctsln September (next to Bradjee's) AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. ~ >,> .cAW7t3t-im "•"• NOW PLAYING SHAKESPEARE FESTIVAL PERONA FARMS which six horses are blinded by a Welcome WeHONOfiALL CIRCLE PLAYERS Drew University Route 517, Andover 17-year-old male. Sept. 11-Oct, ^^> COMPETITORS COUPONS • SEASONAL CANDY • •j>«i» 416 Victoria Ave., Piscataway Route 24, Madison 1-800-762-8569 4. Admission $11 Fridays and (908) 968-7555 (201)408-5600 "7 Remember Mama, the Rodgers Saturdays, $15 for two tickets X ong with this coupon "Play It Again Sam, Woody Allen's "The Seagull, Anton Chekhov's : and Hammerstein play about a Sundays. Senior citizen preview • WE SERVICE SCHOOL STORES • spoofofCasaWanca.Sept.il- corfiedy about four artists in turn- Norwegian family in turn-of-the- One Brushless at 8 p.m. Sept. 10, admission Exterior Car Wash Oct. 3. Admission $10 Fridnys of-the-contury Russia. Through century San Francisco. Main the- $5. and and Saturdays, $8 Sundays, dls- Sept. 12. Admission $30-$14, ater, through Dec. 18. Group counts available. discounts available. rates available; call for prices. -s HUNTERDON HILLS PAPER MILL PLAYHOUSE "Myron's Mltzvah, a bar mltzvah COMING UP ax PLAYHOUSE ir. Brookside Dr., Mlllburn in musical form with audionce ART FELT GROUP Residential/Commercial .DISTRIBUTORS Route 173, Hampton (201) 379-3636 participation. Club Room, Sept. Middlesex County College at Industrial r : E 1-800-447-7313 »Tho Wizard of Oi, Dorothy, 10-Nov. 20. Group rates avail- Woodbridge Ave., Edison ars, nc. • DIVISION 0 ri-\' .icLO T03ACCC1CAN5Y CO •^Viufr nocauit Scarecrow, Tin Man, and all the (908)821-4891 L.JL 89 -Seems Uke Old Times, revue able; call for prices. Creative images All Types Of Fence (CORNER OP PARK AVE. 1 OAK TREE RD., SO. PLFO) from the Roaring 20s to World others following the Yellow Brick SOMERSET VALLEY PLAYERS "A View from the Bridge, play by Installed & Repaired Road. Through.Oct. 25. Ad- Adrian Stein of New Brunswick and Ahdros Thomson of East War II. "through Sept 30. Group, Amwell Rd., Hillsborough Arthur Miller. Sopt. 18-27* Ad- plus tax STOP IN OR CALL FOR SPECIAL PROMOTIONAL OFFERS rates available; call tor prices. mission $41-$26, discounts (908)369-7469,725-2120 mission $12.50, group rates Millstone star In Play. It Again,_ Sam at the Circle playhouse in One Pennsylvania Ave. FnEE~E$timatesE$timates * FullyFy Insured A NEWJEPSB* • * '* 33 YYrs* Experience Experience $ Offer expires 9/20/92 $ u, METUCHEN 1-800-828-3865 or 908-756-5014 September -11! ^

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•V". I E S Film capsules

;URRENTFilMS , blg-screfcri "in this romantic '••."• THE DISCOVERY I DIGGSTOWN vention of Elvis Impersonators. g a high-class, beauty and over-the-top performance by. Capsule reviews; v comeoy, starring as a male ,' "The first of two movies mark- "Hyper Jamea Woods plays a ; In hot pursuit, • (PG-13) ... caught up with some low-class John Lithgow as a child psy- _ by WeekertdPUis staff . chauvinist who gets a taste of Ing the 500th anniversary of . •.' • con man who teams up with HOUSESITTER ' bad guys-Mo' for adults than ; cptogfet with a dark, past and " : •LEAGUE OF THEIR OWN His own medicine from liber- the discovery of America, this. boxer Louis GossetJ, Jr., to ,: •Director Frank.Oz, who scored; for the young fans of Ws TV, .. his murderous twin brother. i«Penny Marshall. (Big,Awakeri- ' ated beauty Robin Givens and one, produced by Alexander , ' double-cross Diggs'towrt mogul .;• withp/rty,Rotten Scoundrels '••". • show,.(R) '•,- '-:i '•'•.•' ••' •••••;• ".'•'•• : boIjta.Davidovich, who swept •/ngs) directed this appealing .;' finds true love with Halle Berry. and llya Salklnd (most of. the Bnice Dem. Realistic action and missed with .Wlhat About';, PATRIOT GAMES ^.-I ; Rauj Newman off his feet in summer blockbuster,'which'••/' BUFFY,'.THE VAMPIRESLAYER Superman movies) and directed and clever dialogue help create: Bob?,goes back to Steve Marr •Jack Ryan, the herp of The . - • •;, Blaze, stars as the shrink-s un- NJ, Media Jirts Festival at Riggers •If Oscars were awarded for ti- by veteran James Bond lens-, . a successful merge of Rocky : tin for this comedy ab^Hrt an;/,;., Hunt for Red October^ incurs faithful (and ill-fated) wife. (R) stars Geena Davis, IJort Petty • man John Glen, Includes su>.' V and Madonna as rhernbers of tles, this one would be a sure ; andiberSilng. (R) architect whose life is'invaded the wrath of terrorists while ih.•' : • r winner.. Don't expect the Acad- porting roles from Marlon Bran- FREDDieASF.R.0.7. by a con artist pretendingtb.be the Ail-American GirlsProfes- . England. ;With Harrison ford- •More martial arts action from •A opens with Welles" classic sional BasebalJ Ljeague^fprmed^ ^jemy.toremember.thlsone^next do and Tom Selleck. Story by.,. •Freddieisap animated super- his wife; With Goldie Hawn and . ahd Ahhe Archer. (R) •'.• ; • •'•"• Brandon Lee. son of the leg- '.-.• In 1943 when World War II dec- spring, but Buffy; despite some """W'l'Pu^orv^olsb'^wrfe"' powered,, secret agent amphib- : bana'Deianey. (PG)- - - ~•-•'-'-' PET SEMATARY TWO • V : '; •fendary Bruce Lee, with'-the•-----.- ;••• ; : , I. •.•'... ByJEFREYCOHEN; ::.: , , imated the ranks of the, minor, .'•• • slow'mdmehts and ah anti- the screenplay, but don't ex-. . ian out to save the world from MAN TROUBLE •Sequel to the Steven Wng'. ' . former playing a young witness . : pect another Godfather. (PG- the forces of evil. (PG) •Rare is the stinker that stars : WeekeridPlus Film Critic . .' : leagues. Tom Hanks co-stars as climactic finale, Is a witty, Well- .: thriller Is reported to be. better, to a mafia murder who gets their crusty, befuddled man- acted cpmedy about a valley •;13) .••••••••.••• •'.'•• ,-..\ '. HONEY, I BLEW UP THE KID Jack Nicholson, but this one's a than, the first one. Hard to ]•', 1 caught up'in the middle of a here canyoufind exclusive showings of a "lost" Orson Welles classic, a Buster ager. (PG). girl who is pressed into saving COOL WORLD •Sequel of Disriey's Honey, / . real snootful. His Jackness • Imagine it being worse. Edward drug war. Violence typical Of the Keaton landmark and several films about Malcolm % none made by Spike Lee? STRANGER AMONG US the world by a mystenous •Animation and live action a la Shrunk the Kids reverses the stars as a guard-dog trainer Furiong (the kid from Termina- genre, as is the movie In gen- •Reminiscent Peter Weir's Wit- stranger. Kristy Swanson man- Who Framed Roger Rabbit re- lens this time around, as hired to protect opera diva tor 2 stars as a teen who stum- eral. (R) New York. City? Perhaps, but it's all available much closer to home. daddy/inventor Rick Moranis Ellen Barkin. Romance eventu- ness, Stranger stars Melanle ages to keep a stuck-up cheer- turns in a adult-onented feature bles upon the title plot, which SINGLE WHITE FEMALE . The New Jersey Media Arts Festival at Rutgers, sponsored by the Rutgers Film leader charm, even while stick- from Ralph Bakshi (Fritz the zaps his precocious toddler with ally develops, but the plot W Griffith asa policewoman who seems to have be re-anlmatlng •Bndget Fonda stars as a ing ghouls with wooden stakes, Cat, Heavy Traffic). Brad Pitt a ray that makes the kid grow doesn't Sit this one out and Co-Op, begins this Friday with Orson Welles' 1952 Othello, the production wKich.sent goes underground in Brooklyns its occupants. (R) young New Yorker who opens guitar fretboards or whatever's and Gabiel Byrne are "real," to Godzilla-like proportions. wait for Hofla. (PG-13) Hasidic community to catch a PRELUDETOAKISS her hOme to the roommate Welles into bankruptcy numerous times; The director, when he ran out of money, would handy. Donald Sutherland is while Kim Baslnger is a "doo- Mostly-for-kid flick gives new - W.W. killer and falls for a young Tal- •Summer romance with Alec from hell (Jennifer Jason Lee), suspend filming, act in someone else's film (including the classic The Third Man for Carol suitably creepy as the vampire- dle," at least for most of the meaning to the "terrible twos." MOM AND DAD SAVE THE Baldwin and Meg Ryan. Di- mut Scholar. Sparks fly as the a mousy psycho whose obses- killer recruiting officer, while movie. (PG-13) (PG) WORLD rected by Norman Rene (Long- Reed), then reassemble the cast and crew to continue filming, usually in a completely expected culture clash bubbles sion with her roomie leads to Paul "Pee-Wee Herman" Re- Honeymoon in Vegas •SillyT but harmless comedy time Compan/an)..Screenplay different location. The film, which saw a successful Manhattan run recently, was hot to the surface. (PG-13) DEATH BECOMES HER murder and mayhem. (R) lEBE'S KIDS ubens stakes but new territory •Wild effects-laden comedy •Silly but enjoyable comedy about Dad (Jeffrey Jones) hav- by Craig Lucas, based on his TtylN PEAKS - FIRE WALK shown in Central New Jersey, and the festival marks its premiere here (presumably since as the Igor to Rutger Hauer's from director Bob Zemeckis starring Nicholas Cage and ing to pull a Flash Gordon to Tony-nominated play, which I •"Animation with an attitude" WITH ME : king of the vampires. Could (Back to the Future, Who Sarah Jessica Parker as a save Mom (Ten Garr) and, of Rene directed on the stage. (R) 1952).. .. '• '.. •' • .. •••" •; . ••'•;... • ,'. .. • :. ... •;' ••.".'; ' •;• ••••••' . based oh inner-city characters •Director David Lynch proves created by the late comedian Pee-Wee Meets Frankenstein Framed Roger Rabbit) stars young couple why attempt mar- course, the, world from a Ming- RAISING CAIN Other-productions, according to Co-Op director AlNigrih, have been assembled to being removed from the con- Robin Harris and produced by be next? The movie also man- Meryl Streep and Goldie Hawn riage in Las Vegas, where Cage like alien dictator (Jon Lovitz). •Director Bnan DePalma fines of network censorship provide local film buffs with alternatives to the mainstream Hollywood entertainment so House Party team of Reginald ages to effectively jab at the as nvals for the affections of loses a bundle to card shark Bring the kids. (PG). shakes off his Bonfire of the doesn't always result in a better often seen as the only films available to area residents. "If you go into New York, you can and Warrington Hudlin. Voices Southern California mall cul- haggered plastic surgeon Bruce James Caan. Caan demands a MO' MONEY Van/ties disaster by returning to product as he transfers his include Nell Carter, Rich little ture, where looks are every- Willis. Nothing, including mul- weekend with Parker, a dead •Uving Co/or'sDamon Wayans his familiar stylish thriller terri- get a variety of film, but in New Jersey, you could only rely on multiplexes in the malls or landmark television show to the and rapper Tone toe. (PG-13). thing, even for the Irving dead. " tiple fractures, gunshot wounds ringer for his beloved ex-wife, in Wrote and stars in this action ' tory. Combining hair-raising one of the fledgling 'art houses' like the Montgomery-OF the new Brook Cinema," says _ IOOMERANG (PG-13) and decomposition will stop payment, and spirits Parker off comedy concerning a street- thrills With dry comic relief. big screen, there's the typcical (Please turn to page 20) Nigrin. "The basic tenet of the film Co^Op is to show things you can't see elsewhere. ~ 'Eddie Murphy returns to the CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS - these catty cadavers. (PG-13) to Hawaii, with Cage and a con- wise con artist who gets hung Raising Cain also offers an The festival itself is not built around a single theme, but includes wide-ranging views of the world, from Derek Jarman's Edward IT, about a.gay monarch in the 14th century, to Sibylle Schonemann's Locked Up Time, the director's own story of her imprisonment by THE ART OF PORTRAITURE the East German government and her subsequent search for those responsible. ...alms to reveal, in a relaxed Index of style, something about a per- Along the wayare Keaton's Sherlock Jr., widelyrecognized as one of his masterpieces, son's Inner self. When a person The Grand Hlusion,The Red Shoes.and a number of avant garde films from the United Is put at ease, and carefully posed, the portrait inherits a States, Canada and Europe, including Central New Jersey premieres of Archangel, a Advertisers quality that draws the viewer Canadian film that combines melodrama with deadpan parody, Notebook on Cities and Acme Nissan Car Wash ....2 beyond the surface of the Clothes, a Wim Wenders portrait of a Japanese designer arid Proof, Jocelyn Moorhouse's image into the personality of black comedy about a blind photographer which is the Sept, 18 offering. Acting Studio 3 that person. Call or Wrlto For Special Offer Four films centering" on Malcolm X make up a mini-festival beginning Oct. 8. El Hajj Basile-Fama Fi ^. 17 & Froe Details on Preparing Malik El Sliabazz: Malcolm X wtil begin the series, which Nigrin admits is timed to. •. • Bills Trading 12 For a Portrait. coincide with Spike Lee's'upcoming biography of the slain leader. : • ... For Details Call Blockbuster Video 6 968-4060 or Toll Free "We were going to do this last year to coincide with the (Lee) film release, but he has 1-800-794-0937 Boulevard Food 2 been.pushing it back, so so are we," Nigrin says. "For those who are interested in another 260-262 North Avenue, Coming Soon... view when his movie comes out, or who want background before they, go to see his movie, Bowcraft .'. 3 Dunellon James Caan, Sarah Jessica Harper and Nicholas Cage star in October 15, 16 & 17th we offer these films. And Amiri Bkara is reluctantly coming back to Rutgers to speak Car Spa , 17 FALL-WINTER CH1LDRENS SPECIAL about it. We expect he'll be pretty critical of the Spike Lee movie." . .. Honeymoon In Vegas. Other films in the MalcolrrjX series include a documentary, Malcolm X,' an interview Circle Players 12 with the subject himself, Stmggle for Freedom, and on Oct. 29, excerpts from lectures Consignment Shops 7 Malcolm gave in Cuba, and a rare interview given shortly before his assassination. Each of Creative Finance 17 ; Guy Maddin's Archangel, which makes its central New Jersey premiere at the the films will bev followed by a guest speaker, DiFonzo Fence 17 Certain films have been programmed on adjacent weeks to continue a theme. Locked Up NJ. Media Arts Film Festival at Rutgers University, is a Canadian film that Time and Wenders' Notebooks, for example, are meant to "show the new school of German combines "melodrama with deadpan parody." Dine Out With MteW ...,-23 filmmaking as opposed to the old school, if you can already consider Wenders the old Easy Video.....,..»...... ;..,.. 8 oils .school," said Nigrin. The six local premiere films, which include Othello, Edward II and Mohohj-Nagy, a pair of shorter films including a collection of rare films by Georges Melies, Excelled Leather.;..;...... -... .11 WIIIHRE: PIANOS PLUS MUSIC CENTER Proof as well as those listed above, are being shown as a group, with only Gmnd Illusion ; the Lumiere Brothers and others, along with films by Moholy-Nagy, a member of the ' Gymboree..».....,...... i...-11 Stirling Koacl, Mountain (Ircsi Mall. Wancn watercolors ..breaking the string on Oct. 9 to act as a "bridge" between Archangel and Locked Up Time. German Bauhaus School and; founder of the Chicago Institute of Design; The Gospel WHEN:'-September 11ili & 12ih - Friday. & Saturday - graphics "" Nigrin believes the novelty of the area premieres will attract unusually large crowds, so the Hints Unlimlted.»..;.....i...-.....12 According to St. Matthew, Pier Pasolini's interpretation of the New Testament book, with 1l:00am-8:00pm first three will feature two screenings each, one at 7 p.m. and one at 9 p.m. on the showing Hobbycon East...... 2 Sculpture non-professional actors; and David Haltzman's Diary, a1970 Jim McBride film about a WHY: VWNQS PLUS 'MUSIC CENTER has hmiaudmrized dates. young man struggling to understand his life with the help of a 16 mm. camera and sound Huntewfon Medical ...... 12 m; a dealor of AVmiiizor Co., Ynt'in<» (llian", Fcnrlor, Marsihall, All films are being shown in 16 mm., as that is the type of equipment the Co-Op owns. recorder. Dr. K. Kuchara ».....,.....«...... 17 (Irate, Guild, etc., 10 help .liquidate sonir used, nmv, icpossicssiod Nigrin notes that many of the films1 themselves were shot in 16' mm., and that Edward II . "We are trying, to bring in films that are'certainly going to be fun to watch, but are also MeleKinl PolynesianDance ..17 guitars, .amp's/.n(tccssorie.s, and keyl-Mmrds hcl'ore. September was actually shot on Super 8 thought-provoking," says Nigrin. film. Mount St Mary's...... 20 15th. It's a buyer's market and we are passing on tremendous "The Co-Op also shows video pro- Of course, the Co-Op hopes to Naked Fumlture...... ».....17 savings to our customers. A factory representative, will lie here to gramming, holds workshops on film miihorize sale prices!! Agam ). expand to 35 mm. sometime N.J. Media Arts Festival at-a-glance Natasha's Stars .22 MOUNT SAINT MARY ACADEMY soon, and if funding from such and film production and sponsors Al Kaufman Festival Scheduled '••;.•'..:\.':''' Lazlo Moholy-Nagy (1926-32), Nov. 13, 7 p.m. New Brunswick City Market..22 ALUMNAE SCHOLARSHIP FUND sources as the Rutgers Program what might be the last Super 8 film Salvador Dali for Cinema Studies, the Mid- hQthello (1952), Sept 11, 7 arid 9 p,rrw •ft77ie Gospel According to St. Matthew (1966), Nov. 20, Ocean Explorers ...2 Mercy Hall tiProof (1991), Sept 18, ,7 and 9 p.m; 7 p.m. competition in the United State's-. Mount Saint Mary Academy Michel Delacroix dlesex County Cultural "Heritage Personally Yours ...... 3 Route 22 at Terrill Road Yu Commission, the New Jersey ti&lward II(1991K Sept.25,7 and 9ip.m, & The Red Shoes (1948), Dec, 4, 7 p.m. AH showings are $3 for the gen--, Prasa Piano...... 20 Plalnfield-Watchung, New Jersey Calder Council on the Arts and the Na- *Arcfiange7 (1991)> Oct. 2, 7 p.m. oral public and $2 for Co-Op-mem- ,'P'IANOS ( Resnlck DisWbutors...... i...... 17 Vasarely tional Endowment for the Arts ftThe Grand Illusion (i937), Oct. 9, 7 p.m, Malcolm X Festival: bers. Screenings for the film festival Sianintr SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1&..1992 ^Locked Op Time (1991), Oct. 16, 7 p.m. : -A-Cf Half Malik £/ Shabaiz: Malcolm K, Oct. 8, 7 p.m. Restaurants 24-27 Starting at G. Rodd Boulanger holds up, he believes the pro- take place at Milledoler Hall Room S 00 Preview: 7:00 PM gram will be expanding soon. A Notebook on Cities and Clothes (1991), Oct. 23, 7 ^Malcolm X, Oct. 15, 7 p.m. Shake A Paw .12 S Leroy Nelman 100, and for the Malcolm X series at 99°° 725 Auction: 8:00 PM Last year marked the Co-Op's P/.H1. • • . ' ..•'••...:•' •••- ' '••: ••• •• •'• • • :••'•'••" ^Struggle for Freedom, Oct. 22,7 p.m. , University Center ...... 2 Choose from first profitable season. tiDavid Holtzman's Diary- (1970), Oct. 30, 7 p.m. ft 1992 Malcolm X Conference! Havana Cuba and Mal- Douglass, College Ait History build- Choose from Admission: $5.00 per person VCR Service ..17 \V u r I it % c r, Refreshments Served Other films included in-this h Sherlock Jr. (1927), Nov. 6, 7 p.m. colm X Interview with Prof. John Leggett, Oct. 29, 7 p.m. ing, Room 200. FciKlcr,f»uil

'' 81 Video pilfttPit rewind Soundings

: ; : One tNr^ctof s~ • \ (Continued froin. page 1$)' ;' (9O8) 932-75ir ' :' : .:•-' (201),697-5506; 663-1555 •", 1 ! ':'. 322-9300 • .-. •;"-:••.:J-.;v ' .'•American concert pianist. Ad-'. •'•' "Re-creation of the latter-day . •Fusion quartet performs, in.'a • • mission $20, discounts avail- . Elvis Presley w/Tony Grova. Ad-'.'.- 'Apocalypse' ,-• coffeehouse setting. w/Dane- able.' : »_mission $10, includes memora- Most film buffs'&ave7r&ad • lowrie, guitar and keyboards;.' KAYUMANGGI CHORAL - bilia show (see•Happenings). of Serling merous accounts1 of theh Admission $5.; ".. • •Saturday, Sept. 26, 6 p.m. NEW CABARET GALLAGHER Richardsdn Auditorium, :.. . Sunday, Sept. 13, 8:30 p.m. • , ing experiences ^ .Friday, Sept; 18, 8p.ru.'. Princeton University Rartiada Inn ' •. Rare and classic fo ' Symphony Hall, Newark .•_•• (609)258-5000 Route 35, Hazlet Saturday, Sept. 19,8 p.m. • •Performing In a benefit wAhe' , (908) 583-4959 - War Memorial,;Trenton Mulawin Rondaila and the Phil- •Featuring Kitt & Mike Moran, . -Sunday, SepL20,8_p.m,._•....'.L.L,. ,.. Jppine, Dance.Cojnpa_nyOf New^ . .GrpyeLKemble, Nancy & Spen- State Theatre, New Brunswick • York, Admission $20", $15. • •' cer Reed. Admission $6 in ad- episodes on video • (201) 507-8900 V LINCOLN CENTER ' vance,: $8 at the door. the adversity andJ personal de- •Humorist best known-fpr his • JAZZ ORCHESTRA ; GLENN PARKER/ By JEFFREY COHEN work on Showtime and other.! -_ Saturday, Sept. 12, 8 p.m. LENORA-MARYA ANOP WeekendPlus Film Critic mons tftat th$j| ^ggM&J&jf channels. Admission $2i-$15. Mom's Knolls High Schooi . ,' Sunday, Sept. 27, 4 p.m. / /•••he place is here, the come, you have to see Hearts; of IRISH MUSIC SEJSIUNS . Knoli Dr., Denville . . ' Westminster Choir College . . Sunday, Sept. 27,' 5 p.m. (201)538-6413 . ' 101 Walnut Lane, Pnncetort • • ^'titne is now, and the Knights of ColumbUs hall •16-piece big band headlined (609) 921-2663 journey into the shad- . 495 East Main St., Somerv]|le by jazz great Wynton Marsalis, •Pianist and violinist perform ows that we're about to (908)6.85-3168 ' : - . • • Admission $35-$20i .. works by Beethoven and "Traditional Irish music per- KATHERINE McCLURE/ Strauss. Adults $10, senior citi- watch could be our journey." formed on the accordion, tin ANrTA CERVANTES zens and students $8. '• - With narration antt documen ; Oh. Oct. 2,1959, a strange man whistle, btidhran, and mouth •'' Sunday, Sept. 20, 3 p.m'. MIKE SINATRA 1 smoking ajcigarette spoke those y organ. Instruction for novice United Methodist'Church,' Friday, Sept. 11, 8 p.m. '. musicians at'4' p.m. Free, ad- ,: New Brunswick • : Six Mile Run Reforlned Church words to millions of television rectofs wife, Ifleanofc Ctoppb^ mission. Saturday, Sept. 26,'8 p.m. Route 27', Franklin Park viewers and changed the face of Hearts chitjntefes ofctaijty ifeys JANEJARVIS St. Andrew's Episcopal '••' •'. (908) 821-1324,'• . .'. of principal pfiot<^wp^jb^the Friday,.Sept 11,.8 p.m.' Church,Lambertville •Singer-songwriter performs' in American popular culture. : during * ;pe?fc# of Welpe Theatre, Raritan Valley (90817Q7-9542 •' : a coffeehouse setting. Adults . When Rod Serling first spoke to .. Community College .". •'-, •(609)924-6287 $5: w/a donation of. non-- us, the audience, he didn't know tin** that lasted more than a Route 28, Branchburg' . "Flautist and keyboard player.. ' perishable food, $6 without; ••• he was creating what would be-, year. Coppola detaH$ such ex- (908) 725-3420 . . . , . • perform works by J.S.. Bach, children under 12 $2. ' come, ultimately, a television icon. traordinary occurances as a ; "Jazz pianist performs in a cab- •Vivaldi, and other composers. TOKYO STRING QUARTET Adults $10, senior citizens and • Thursday, Sept. 24, 8p.m. phoon that destroyed. V aret setting; Adults $7,50, se- ' Something so memorable, like it nior citizens and students $5/ . students $6, : : Richardson Auditorium, or not, it would be imprinted on set, Philippine helicopters nv r GRANTJOHANNESEN" . MEMORIES OF ELVIS Princeton-University ' ' :- the minds of viewers forever. A mandeered in the middle of ac*, Saturday, Sept. 26, Spim. •'' Saturday, Sept. 19,'7^30p.m. (609)258-5000, ,• ' place so different, so bizarre, tion scenes to fig|ht nearby Nicholas Music Center, • Jefferson Township .;.. ' •Performing works by Haydn', Trie Nighthawksy a veteran roots rock band from Virginia, take the stage at the Red Bull 'The Mask1 is one of the popular episodes of the classic Rod Serling television series The Rutgers Arts Center , • High,School .'•'•• Schubert, and Ravel. Adults , ' sometimes so macabre, it could rebels, budget overriins and the George St.', New Brunswick Weldon Rd., Oak.Ridge ' $25-$16, students $2. Cafe In Bridgewateron Friday, Sept. 11. • only be called The Twilight Zone. Twilight Zone recently released on video. ^ heart attack ,of star Martin . Sorry. Six consecutive episodes, . Sheen.^ , ..>,.' ,'£„ a iO-minute promotional film and an extensive Mike Wallace interview Even George Takei (Star. Trek's Mr. Sulu) who starred in the pro- Also debited .th'roi&h .person^ with Rod Serling makes you talk like that. duction, felt that "There were many totally bizarre things that could . jntervieA^s "(both; on the set and " American Heartwalk ^iiiiiiiiiiiimiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiMiiLiH A new two-cassette package, Treasures of the Twilight Zone, aims to never happen being depicted in The Twilight Zone. It's unfortunate. , of recent j^)^hirtdth present something for viewers from the most casual fari to hard-core That was the nature, of the show. '... • " • '•'••' .•'." scene ^ Training lips By Vicky Wyder The New Jersey Book Fair Zoners, who have watched episode after episode for years (in some : "The Sanka Film," or the promo Serling made for potential adver- conversations cases, decades). Released by CBS Video, the set contains the premiere tisers (in this case, instant Sanka coffee), is interesting in showing Gosponsored by episode, "Where Is Everybody?" starring Earl Holliman, the only show Serling, who had been a successful TV writer/producer before TZ,- look- we' watch pp Warm up cool down filmed not specifically for TZ, "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge," a ing a bit nervous in explaining his new concept to what he might pounds* gtoyv a toeard^ $^ 7 New Brunswick City Market off, grow^ back,,pbatwfth sti^ A warm-up can be as simple as a : show broadcast once, in 1964, then pulled from syndication; "The En- consider to be. an overly ebnservative group of businessmen. He tanta- Editor's Note: This is the first of 0 '•//•••.r./;':.\-.:':.^^;y--&::: v:^'...•••;•••/.•••.- •;•". ••...; counter," and three classic Zones; as well as the promo movie and lizes with story syriopses^but never mentions the show's:anthology dlo" execuljves/ faf ? hei^" d six-part series on walking for exercise slow walk, which gradually increases interview mentioned above and some "doming next week" spots Serling nature nor its distinctly, odd point of view. . " admit th&t he has^no idea being run In conjunction wW» the in speed. This should take about 5- would add on the end of each week's episode. the film wilt fani out *•*' ' American Heart Association's Heart- 10 minutes; Cool-down can be In the Mike WaUace interview, SerUng is refresrungly candid about • thought of as downshifting. Once you Ken Ross, the vice president/general manager of CBS Video, who also his annoyance with some of TVs taboos (funny, not much changed : Hearts of D^hess; is a cel- walk. Ms. wyder fe the Assistant Saturday, September 19,1992,10:00am-5:00pm served as executive producer on Treasures, says there's much more here ebrated Ch'ef of Physical Therapy at Som- are done walking at a fast pace dur- since 1959), the struggle.to get a program with anything remotely ing the aerobic part of your walk, than simply a recycling of overplayed reruns. CBS had already released rjvet .even erset Medical Center. Rain Date: Saturday, September 26, 1992 V resembling a point of view televised and the suggestion that he was gradually start to decrease your Two very Important components of two "Goldsettes," one of I hove Lucy episodes and one of Western series doing Zone strictly for the money. He does seem to condescend a bit to speed over a 5-10 minute time pe- a walking program are a warm-up City Market, New Brunswick premieres, and Ross felt the Zone was the next logical place to look for the idea of Twilight Zone, in that he never acknowledges the show's riod. This will gradually bring your and cool-down period: A warm-up evergreen material. ' potential to comment on social issues, but, cigarette in hand, he does go heart rate down to within 10 beats of International Food Court: 10:00am-4:00pm "Just like the record business had that Renaissance of CD box sets on about his hopes for this new enterprise. Period gives your heart musde, as where it started. Warm-up and cool- Author Appearances at the New Brunswick Cultural Center when CDs first came out, we felt we could do it with video," he explains. well as your arm and leg musdes, a Twilight Zone episodes shown On the cassette are full-length, and. down can-'also consist of stretching, The Brunswick Symphony Orchestra performing at Monument Square "We researched for a very long time what was available. It's a lot of chance to get prepared for the in- which will help to prevent muscle even die-hard fans might see a minute or so of program they've never creased demand that will be placed ^Garden State Storytellers League at Kilmer Square Park" sweatand blood and love that goes into these Goldsettes." viewed before. Ross says it's standard practice to cut TV shows for cramping and soreness during and The search for Zone footage that wouldn't simply upon them. Warming up will increase after exercise. Some example of syhdicatibri iri order to allow more room for commercials in non-prime the blood flow to the muscles and collectors of such films, 16 mm. print collectors $nd some flat-out Zone time on off-network stations. >—*—: these stretches are as follows: PARTICIPANTS. maniacs who had all sorts of things Ross hadn't even heard of before. loosen the connective tissue, which •Shoulder Rolls: Pull shoulders up to- • '/You don't often get a full-length version on syndication^" he admits Friends of Community libraries, Friends of Rutgers University libmr What's represented in the set is the cream of that search, technically (in will reduce the charice of tearing ward your ears circling forward and ies, Rutgers University Bookstores, Princeton University Bookstore, terms of picture and sound quality) and thematically (program material "I know the Eoneymoonm was edited by at least one minute per muscles, ligaments and tendons. backward. Bookstores from ;ill over the siaic.ioc.il authors, New York and'New that is rare and worth seeing). episode, and we're talking about doing aHoneymooners Goldsette to Warming up also will reduce the •Twists: With hands on hip, alternate Jersey publishing houses. •••• - •- restore some of that footage. workload on your heart. The arteries, "The Encounter," for example, is notable for its: absence from TZ twisting-your torso to the right and The three syndicated episodes included on the Goldsette, "Eye of the which supply muscles with the blood RESTAURANTS " , • '. syndication; it has not been televised in 28 years because CBS censors left. The 'Myall's 2 Albany,"Old Man Rafferly's, Szechuaij Qourmet, at the time felt Japanese-American groups would be offended by the Beholder," "The Masks," and.'The Howling Man".were-popular.showsl and oxygen that they need for en- •Caff Stretch: Standing about 1-2 .JKa!;i!;in.Ri\vr..C!t!bl The Old Bay, Tunuilly's Pub, Stiijp Left, J.P. CBS had not yet included on Zone cassettes, since some episodes have ergy, will dilate or widen to allow for feet from the wall, keep both heels r suggestion that one character's father had been a spy for the Japanese IX-L-'S, Church Sheet tuiiloria'aiui flub"C'ity~Ri s'iaiifaiVL at Pearl Harbor. No Japanese-American has ever been accused of espio- been featured on home video before, but without the rarities. "We didn't the increased blood flow. Wanning up flat on the floor, and lean forward nage in connection with the 1941 attack. want to repeat ourselves," says Ross. •'.'.. • will facilitate this and improve, the toward the wall. heart rate and blood pressure re- •Hamstring Stretch: Place one leg on sponses. a chair or straight out in front of you, Cool-down allows your heart and lean forward and slowiy. try to touch Film capsules your body to gradually slow down and your toes, keeping knee straight. return to its resting state. Once you Remember that all stretches UNFORGIVEN are exercising at your target heart should be smooth and steady. No (Continued from page 19) it's fairly worthwhile to witness •A couplo of pre-tecnage mu- dren, who is recruited to hunt man, (R) Vietnam Veterans thawed out formula of sex, violence, sleazy the events that culminated in tant turtle wannabees are it Publicized as a typical Clint down a gang of outlaws who rate, you should never suddenly stop bouncing! Hold each stretch for 5-10 UNIVERSAL SOLDIER for action in the '30s. Naturally, characters and oddball imagery, the death of Laura Palmer, (ft) trained by an old master to Eastwood action-western, Un- sliced up and disfigured a local in your tracks. Abruptly stopping can seconds and repeat 5-10 times. •Two accents for the price of things go wrong, things begin to but there's nothing terribly orig- UNIAWFUL ENTRY save the day. Uve action from forgiven is the high point of prostitute. Eastwood is only one as action figures Jean- Look for the Heartwalk registration blow up, bodies begin to lose cause dizziness and the risk of pass- inal to interest to anyone out- "A psychotic cop (Ray Liotta) the Buena Vista (Disney) folks, Eastwood's directorial career. after the reward money, but Claude Van Damme and Dolph form In. the main section of your their structural integrity-and^ - ing out. While you are exercising, the side the fraternity of fanatical - invades the domestic life of a who prove once again that He's also, no slouch in the act- gets more than he bargained Lundgren (did you ever wonder Forbes Newspaper, To obtain ad- Twin "Peakers," who hopefully muscles that are contracting are couple, With Kurt Russell and when it comes to kids movies, Ing department, starring as a for in the process. So do the why he abbreviates his first motor vehicles start to go really nave found other hobbies by ditional forms or for more infor- Madeline Stowo. (R) they ought to stick to cartoons. retired gunslinger, now a desti-, bad guys and a self-righteous name?) play secretly- fast. Still, not bad for the helping to return the blood from them now. For the faithful, howuucr, mation, call (908) 685-1118. 3NINJAS JPG) . __ tiito widower with younj^chil- _ sheriff played by Gone Hack- ^cryogenizod, somi-cybornetic genre. (R) to the heart where it is needed.

Forbtesrbtes Newspapers September 9-11,1992 September 9-11,1992 Forbes Newspapers Y^^t/'^?^-!^-^^^^-/ .•-.••• •- ;:••.;

i;:iiii;^:l:ii:i;iillillllil; i i

&RESTAIJRANT Ail Vliti, Sandwiches $1.99 ENTERTAiNiVIENT FDR : 69 Wlalh Street Lebanon Friday & Saturday Ni.gtit3 Casual Country Selling featuring BOB DILEO TRIO is a Italian-American >/< tail iarid all:the^irjferJ^|b(J '.':*:;'-r.V'::1.:;', ^'V " '•-.••"':' • :••• Exit 20A off Ri.78 =: Tues. Chicken Cacciatore (or) (.••'.'.....•'. Culinaty'Correspondent. • 2 Blocks Irom Rt, 22 . Shrimp w/Hbisin Sauce . . Operi Tues.'-ThUrs. his week my dining out was a mixture of : Chicken Fajitas (or) business (if you cart call eating out busi- •Parki-':[ ^ouritH •;^n|Vd^ry ;r.;C€i!-..^ - 11:30-9:30 Wed. Veggie 'Lasagna ;'•.:' :;ei3ratio^:Li^ ' Frlddy.tllliO __,. •*» ness) and pleasure, My husband and I Saturday 4-10 p.m. =="1 ThlirS Sauerbraten (or) • : invited three members of our family to Sunday 10:30-2:00 p.m. E| T Sunday Dinner 4-9 p.m. , • " Bean and Cheese Burfito '. , celebrate No. i, my older son's birthday and, C/\ . No, 2j our wedding anniversary. p. . Veal W/Sweet Red Pepper Saude. (or) ^ri< Seafood Casserole ' • • How ironic that the celebration occurred in North Plainfieid, only a few blocks away from ASK^ABOUf'.OUR ICECREAM! the church we.were married in, and in the Hours: Mon>Fri. 9:30 a.m.-7:0.0.pim.. town where we lived when our Son was born. My husband was telling our sons about how ^l^|r^!SoSi^iilli€f 62 W. Main St., Som^rville 722-8782 in the early '60s, one of the bars in North ;:V::;;\;:ft-^wv-:v:<-.i:'i;;^> :i.'^,iUil-;i>^yB^.'-'-i\S-.i sx';'^. ::v Plainfieid had a separate entrance for women. A town law forbade women from sitting at ihe i-lreVALUABLE, bar in those days. DIANE MATFIERD/WEEKENDPLUS COUPON Tijuana Joe^s LIMITED^ Well wouldn't you know it, the place he was- Co-owner Vincent Loccisano and executive chef Brian Dejnny are ready to serve.you Buy one entree 4/ HDIO at Checkmate's Restaurant in North Plainfieid. TIME at regular price 1/0 P^HBI . talking about was the old Cedar Bar which is and receive 2nd at /& I HIV now Checkmate's Restaurant, where we . • May not be combined with any other offer. exp. 9/30/92 dined that night, i ' salad (no iceberg lettuce) and fresh vegetables;. ; ...••; ir What a handsome looking place this is! It is a marriage of the old and For appetizers we ordered clams casino ($5.50), fried calamari ($4.95), a Dinner the new, and so richly done. The original cedar bar is still there, along home made vegetable soup, and corn fried oyster with watercress, I Rt. 22 West North Plainfieid 755-4400 i with the wainscoting walls and high ceilings. The main dining room has cayenne and lemon mayonnaise ($4.95). ; ; ='•'•..• (Corner ol West End Ave. artd Bt. 22 West) Major Credit Cards Accepted I the original brick walls on two sides and peach accents on the other. One of our sons, who. ordered the soup, called it robust! What he for SmiiitiiiiinnimirjiiiiMiiriiiiiiiiiiinim There are two small dining rooms. The main room has. 11 tables, wanted to say was that the soup was delicious, filled with vegetables,: '|pr||f||||||i^^|p|S|| while the-small dining room,' separated from the larger one by a brick and thoroughly enjoyable. The ealamari dish was enough for two'peo- CRANFORD Two column and window, has five. There is also seating at. the bar. ple"; and the clams were excellent; The corn fi'ied oysters were breaded The table setting is semi-formal, with a dark brown tablecloth, peach and served on individual leafs of watercress, with atangy hot lemon . NJ.'S OWN BIG APPLE Available napkins, and crystal water glasses. Comfortable chaps with a backing sauce in the middle. • ' • For entrees, we ordered five different items. Our health conscious , : YOUT NOW APPEARING Every Day! that matches.the table cloths complete the setting. ;;:dayjNiip|^feiH^M^|^ IN OUR LOUNGE Checkmate's is owned by brothers-in-law Vince Loccisano and Aldo younger son had the Penne ($11) which is quill pasta with duck con tit, Except Holidays shitake mushrooms and cilantro. Our older son held the linguine with The Eussieie lamily Invites M Hollo. Although this is their first restaurant, they both worked in others "MIRAGE" tax.& years ago. Aldo worked in his father's restaurant next to/Ebbets Field in clams ($10), while his wife had the sauteed duck breast ($15) in a 00 grat : Brooklyn. Vince worked at several New York City nightclubs including sesame ginger glaze, with fried , almonds, mushroomsand pea pods ; ;||^;i;d^M^,f^pli^l^ Guide COMING NEXT WEEK Special not ind the famous Copacabana. My husband had the New York strip steak (,$ 15) with • home made ."PRIVATE COLLECTION" Includes: soup; salad, Prior to opening Checkmate's, Mr. Mollo managed several detective French fries and.mushrooms, and I ordered the grilled tuna ($12) served Wedding • Showers agencies in the city while. Mr. Loccisano managed the electronic support on a bed of mixed greens with a dijon vinaigrette; rice , diced . Dinners choice of any entree, staff for a New York City law firm. . . tomatoes and zucchini. . . .,'.... 20-800 Persons dessert, coffee. FOOD&SPMTS Another member of the management team, executive chef Brain The three men in our group ordered desserts. Our sons had the home Denny, is a Culinary Institute graduate who once worked as the ban- made while my husband ordered the chocolate tart. The liiifciliilm.^,^ ,v... Gall (908) 272-4700 quet chef at the equally famous 21 Club in Manhattan. rice pudding wasn't overly sweet (which means they loved it), and I li|d Out What Everyone's Talking About! Checkmate's menu is a reflection of the '90s with lots of grilled items helped my husband finish the bittersweet chocolate tart. At Parkway Exit 136 • Cranford and recessionary prices. The most expensive items°on the menu sell for Checkmate's has all the right ingredients. It is in a town that is The Delicious, Freshly Prepared $16 (grilled veal chop and garlic and peppercorn shrimp), while others centrally located in Somerset County, it has two enthusiastic owners WATCH Burgers, Sandwiches, Salads, HAPPY are in the $10-15 price range. who certainly know how to decorate the place, and an experienced chef lunch & Dinner Entrees Are Our HOUR Although the menu is small, with two soups ($2.50 for a large bowl), to manage the kitchen. THE Specialty... All Affordably Priced. two salads (Cobb or Caesar salad for two, $6.50 and $5.25), eight appetiz- All in all, it was a pleasant evening of fine dining, in an elaborate Best; Monday- ers ($4.95 to $6.95 for blue point oysters) and 12 entrees ($9-16), there are setting, and in the company of people I enjoy being with (my family). GAMES Friday. a variety of choices. . „ The owners, the chef and our waiter, Bill, were extremely gracious and SUNDAY SATELLITE SPECIALS 4:30- 7:00 PM Seafood entrees include grilled salmon or tuna ($14 and. $12), pasta' professional. If you decide to try Checkmate's, I hope you will be as\ : PADDOCK WITH Hall-Priced choices include penne with a duck confit, shitake mushrooms and pleased as we were. "liiii|igi|i Restau rants .OUTE 78 (EXIT 12) 1 Miles West ot CLINTON ; ^it^|^;.^|J(igjrT^ Bud Lights & Food Specials Drinks —eilantro($H)rlinguine-seFVGd with little^^neck-clams-inafresh-ba^iLarid._ 908-735-7889 oregano broth ($10) and' bow tie pasta with grilled vegetables in a tomato Checkmate's Restaurant 210 Somerset St., North Plainfieid. (908) 769-1227. • LUNCH•• DINNER ..COCKTAILS concasse ($9). There are several chicken entrees ($10), New York strip This column is meant to inform readers about dining opportunities in the t Banauets * Parties lor All Occasions MONDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL area, rt is not a review. ($15) and sauteed duck breast ($15). Included with the entrees are a ; ,99*Bud Lights " Speakers $1«6OFoster Draft Caterers All the Wings_You_Can Eat $4,9§- Per Person HERBERT C. KRAFT pean settlement on native New by the Philharmonic Orchestra Waterloo Village Canal Museum (908) 735-8115 Sunday, Sept. 20, 2 p.m. y of New Jersey. Admission $10. will show how the Morris Canal Thursday, Sept. 17, 7:30 p.m. Jersey pooples. Free admission. "Children's recording artist WilklnsTheatre Morris Museum GEORGE MARRINER MAULL BIERCEMLEY came to its present state. Fre.e Kid stuff Frank Capclli in concert, petting ' Ke*an College, Union . 6 Normandy Heights Rd. Monday, Sept. j.4, 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 16, 8 p.m. admission. • . : . zoo, story tolling, face-painting, - 200 Stelton Rd. Piscataway "(908)527-2337 '".'',' \ Morristown Pluckomln Presbyterian Church Passaic Township Library CHILDREN'S ART FESTIVAL art activities, pottery, jewelry, Forbes (908) 752-2229 (201) 538-0454 Routes 202-206, Pluckemin 91 Central Ave., Stirling Sunday, Sept. 13, 1 p.m. mask-making and more. Rain •Tinkerbell, thtfTost Boys,, arid Sept. 11th Jim Hoffman •Seton Hall University professor (908) 356-6165 (908) 647-4019 Hunterdon Art Center date Sept. 27. Free admission. all of their cohorts in Never- * Newspapers Sept. 18th Bud Beavers & Elaine will discuss the impact of Euro- ••Preview of an Oct. 3 concert •Historian and director of the 7 Center St., Clinton PETER PAN Never Land. Admission;$5. •

rr. --Forbes- Newspatjers September 9-11,-1992 September 9-11,1992 Forbes Newspapers r tnociBqaweH aythoH £QQ£ ,1J:-G I9dmata98

, • ,',• • ••• .-',•• -•'• v / / \ ' " / V „ Piece of Mexico in the Heart of Metuchen WELCOME AM1GOS!

: '. •••-.- *,•••••.' '.. ". :•,•'. •• • '.'••. ' -..'• H TELs(908) 627-98©0 IN ••"if THE SUMMER DINNER GET-AWAY A FEW SPECIALITIES FROM OUR OUTSTANDING MENU... $795 . MpN-THl)R ll:00AM-9:30PM 407 E MAIN STREET Wednesday Night enjoy a Shrimp Cocktail and all . • Broiled Boston Scrod .;...... FRI-SAT il:00AM-10:30.PM BOUND BR06K, NJ the Prime Rib you can eat r $14.95, $750 , SUN 11:OOAM-9:30PM .:' • Greek Year Anniversary Friday Night enjoy Surf and Turf, Tuna, or a Sword- M fish Dinner - $16.95. Broiled Seafood Combo ? ...... v...... Sunday is 2 iot 1 Order froni our Steak, Chops antf } ORDER OF COLD ORDER OF ROAST Monday,'Tuesday &. Wednesday 400 MAIN ST. • MEtUCHEN HALF PRIGE MENU ITEM Seafood menu, and receive a second entree for free. Includes: Soup, Salad, Dessert & Coffee SESAME NOODLES (NEXT TOTHE TRAtSSTATION) . Snow Gtab Legs Dinner Marilyn Cormack PORK L All Baking Done on Premises $3.95 Value $4.95 Value fl. , QCQC When you purchase a menu : Call For Reservations Garlic Shrimp on Pasta 9Uo-VoUD item of Equal or Greater Value. H WINE WITH REASON : : y f050SteltanRood- 90S I9S1-0090 With Any Purchase Over $15.00 With Any Purchase Over $20.00 •' • MQN.-SAT^^AM-IOPM^ ;y \.]:K ]••:•: •:•' •'.•.•'':•'[•: Chicken & Shrimp Combo "Good wines can be had in this state. King's .'/•:• UPTO 11.00 VALUE W Fresh Fish of the Day Road is New Jersey's Little" Hiddeh Secret," 200 Atrium Drive, Somerset,: NJ (1287-Exit 6) Crawfish Etouffee Nicholas Opdam, newly -Squired winemaker for n King's Road Vineyards in Asbury, NJ has great OPEN FOR BREAKFAST, LUNCH & DINNER A reason to be confident about previous wines i SATURDAYS FEATURE BBQ RIBS • THEY'RE GREAT! All 9.99 and optimistic about this year's vintage. The 1991 • Reisling took the Governor's-'Cup in The New Jersey Wine Competition. -The fruit hanging on vines right .now/looks excellent due to the W tym •••• • • • • ••. '.gracious weather and Opdam retraining the vineyard, to his way of growing. In fact, the 20 LUNCH 1 Celebrate our Anniversary from majority of his time since signing on at King's Restaurant & Cocktail Lounge (even ifit's expired!) SPECIALS Road has been working in the vineyard to en- We feature Spanish, Portuguese, 4 American Cuisine Sept. 13th-Sept. 19th ^ sure this harvest would be splendid-. "You can't Why go anywhere else when you 3376 Route 27 Kendall Park make good wine out of-bad fruit,"he claims...'.... Enter drawingxo win a FREETRIP to the BAHAMAS All 4.99 . "And this is my business, not my hobby;" Mr. can enjoy Costa del Sol's for 2*! Drawing held Thurs. riightl Opdam brings over twenty years of wine making exceptional menu for less! PRESENTS experience from the Niagara area of Canada to s at.• • Sun.-Comedy Night. 8pm • , support that statement. . Seafood.* Steaks • Chicken •.Veal.• Fish • Pork • Etc. • OFF Mon.-.Monday Night Football . . When I asked himin what style he chose to With this Ad NEW YORK COMEDY HAPPY HOUR 4-.6-.30 Tues - k FBEfeHors d'oerVes $ 00 make his wines,: Nicholas' responded "'The With PurchaseM We're Back Tucs, - 1 shots - Vi Price Pizza - $1.00 Drafts ,'•; Opdam Stylel'.'lVhat does that mean? He allows sUncle Wed.-Pandoras Box the fruit to lead .him; grapes that don't lend TRY OUR LUNCH MENU Second Dinner Starting Sept 18th & 19th S 95 415 Roule 18, €. Brunsujjck, NJ themselves to complexity are treated simply to FROM 3 Cannot be.combined with Thurs - > *BUD LIGHT COMMERCIAL* • allow the fruit, to shine through. Wines with : Banquet Facilities Available! • any other offer: • (Vtllogc Green Shopping Center) • 908/254-4226 •Fn..-. Zaire-.' ,•-";'••;- •• .-•: ' ": '..;•. '• •' ..'• .-'. greater varietal characteristics can allow Opdam Offer expires 9/30/9?.. Sat. - Dog Eat Dog to put his signature on it with oak aging and Sove up to $15 per 2 Mult Dmer (nirw Ted Saint James Seafood Restaurant other vinilication techniques.' "We make wines MM 560-0620 Thekuiestodvltdime/enhee0be deductedkom vouched to satisfy as many people as possible. We know 4aa. 600 W. UaioN Avenue • Bound Brook mtFue dinners excluded • Not wild holidays a with ay other promotion Woodbridgcs- •'.'••.".'•-, we can'tplease everyone, but we have>enough this otter mov be discontinuec[at o^/ tlm without plot notice.' 6iU.S.HighiVayl styles that should allowour win.es to appeal to a w^^wwSiS '...., . • : • • : • • •.. . • • WPL Kt V Ty/^HA WPL ^I Buy One Comedy Show 906-1220 majority." . ! I Admission At Regular I tasted several of the wines, and of course; i\ Price Get The Second had my favorites. The '91 - Reisling was fragrant, Ticket At;. : fresh, crisply dry and full of flavor in the mouth. 50 526-7090 V'f < ^: \, ^v n\ '•'vi-^ ^' "- ' -'-';- , The '91 Chardonnay (regular bottling) was done ^QL ' "''•' in a light style, lots of apple & citrus fruit in front, 645 Rt. 202/206 a clean aftertaste and cleaner finish, the '91 ^^^l^fk U.S. HighwaHlahwayv 2 22 I A A • • • • •. SHO>XmME IS FRIDAY & SATURDAY 10PM Bridgewater • Reserve Chardonnay showed a bit more op- Produced By Patrick Gaynor Entertainment a:{ffl;W^^ pulent fruit with more pineapple, rnelon flavors Green Brook, NJ Reservations Suggested, Limited Seating and rich vanilla from the oak aging. This is also Open 24 hours a day my son, Alan's favorite, and if you can't trust a 9 .7 days a week 9O8-422-1117 DINE EARLY AT NJ'S #1 STEAKHOUSE AND SAVE year- old, who can you trust. Nicholas reworked the 1991 Royal Blush to be much drier than last Don't Eat till you get to year's, giving us a wine that is tart, refreshing, Sunset Colonial Diner. Tons cuoice of EOTER with just a hint of sweetness. A beautiful quaff. LUNCH SPECIALS The stunner for me was the 1991 Pinot Noir. 35§-2674 3221 Route 27 Franklin Park This bottle is so big that Opdam had a problem Breakfast deciding when to release it. The Cc. d?ep (908)297-2882 or 8311 ruby, the nose very heavy with cherry and- Lunch M-F 11:30-3 P.M. spice. In mouth it simply explodes with fruit and • Reservations Accepted Parties upto 200 • Chicken Antonio • Stuffed Calaman the tannin wraps itself around your teeth like a Dinner sweater, ThlS'Wine needs time to develope and • Pork Chops Campagniola •many more balance itself, but it seems like a block busier. Monday thru Fridny A* !»ANNIVERSARY King's Road'wines are available in a great from 3:00 pm to G:00 pm EVERYDAY BETWEEH 4-6 pM«^^^ number of stores in our area, Due in large part to the efforts of Nicholas and his wife, Lorraine. 1, Roast Chicken with Dressing 7, Breast of Chicken Parmlglana •"till CELEBRATION EARLY BIRD SPECIALS New Jersey's secret? Not anymore! Not if you and Gravy with Ungutnl like good wine. Mongolian Bar-BQ 2, Boof Uvor fiauteo with 8, Stuffed Fllot of Flounder Over 40 Entrees FAMOUS Florentine and buffet & salad bar & soup Sponsored by Mushrooms and Onlona Mon.-Fri. 3:00-5:30 P.M. 24 OZ. STEAK 3, Chicken Marsala Over Ungulnl 0. Llngulnl wllh Clam Sauce ... . ALL YOU CAN EAT! (Inc. Soup Or Salads, Pot. or Pasta. Veg.) MONDAY RIGHT —"K 'w%ky( Ralod by Princeton Homo News—I $10.95 4,2ltl Parmlglana 10. Roaat Fresh Ham with Dressing FOOTBALL 6. Chopped Steak Charcoal Catering for family parties. 3 TVs Wine & Liquors Broiled with Onions 11. Fried Chicken with French Fries LIVE and Onion King* Rehearsal & Shower Parties 33 oz MUGS FRANKLIN TOWNE CENTER 6, Seafood Marlnara with LOBSTER FREE 426 E. Mam St.. Bound Brook, 908-356-0189 Ungulnl 12. Chicken Scampi Over Rice OP BEER (nexttoFOODTOWN) ANY STYLE . 1/2 TIME Additional Parking Courtesy Archie's Men's Shop $2.95 BUFFET Open 7 Days Banquet Rooms , 908-422-2324 ALL ABOVE SERVED WITH SOUP, SALAD, POTATO, PUDDING, JELLO, RISTORANTE COFFEE OR TEAI SQ95 1984 Rt. 27 Edison (908)287-2778 3417 Highway 27 Franklin Park, N,J, Not bit bu cojiihuunt wdh nny $££95 olhur olluca. Ma|w CIUIM c.mH ^ccwplo Your Choice 6 VISA WEEKENDS HEAT UP IN OCTOBER c$^»^^ f*V::::;'J ''Forbes Newspapers September •9.11,-1992.:,.:. V.I. BOBBY &MARYS Forbes Newspapers RVCKLEY'S .;••••• ..318 William St., Piscataway 752-44:74 is your r • Est. 1968 WEEKEND DINNER SPECIALS entree to KISTORANTE 1776 South Washington Avenue • Battened Fried Shrimp....;...,-.,k....i.....; ; ;... $9.95 restaurant-goers Piscataway. N J. 08S54 - COUPON —- — 1—, OPEN. DAILY 11 AM , Scarpetfino 's • Chicken Caccatorie., $9.95 (908)463-1000 TUESDAY. THURSDAY & SATURDAY NITES _ Check Out Our Student Discbunts 1 Restaurant' CATERING • TAKE-OUT • DELIVERY AVAILABLE Couples Nite!!! ' /\v> 'Jour Star 'Dining 'With & 'View TREAT ANOTHER COUPLE TO DINNER FREE Lobster Fest VA yteiUofcjster. Pl'KUlASK YOUU TWO KVrRKI-S AND WJL'Y.WV. TIIHIK TWO ENTKEES Prime Rib^6 "5 w/PDtat0?--Salad and Bread n i. i)i:i)innil: nvo i:vri(i:i:s 01 I.I:SSI:R VM.I I: FROM voi'R CHECK _ . . ., ...... rv r- .^ #-w 20 pasta dishes Presents A (irnlliilv nl" I5r' >M11 ik- Artdfd In Iliv Inlnl Hill Ililnri' Ihv Dirtiicliniis Ciiimot hi* I'liniblni'ii w/iiny other |iriimiitlmis. livplns 9:2(i,'')2. lOUItl'.S Pasta Fest All You Can Eat I to choose from. Tips From Liz Reservations Suggested Area's largest dance floor Summer Is almost over, and a new mf soason Is starting. Children vvlll be re- .229 Bound Broak Rd. turning to.schoof, and.everyone will be FRIDAY NITE 6 PWI-9 PM TALK OF THE TOWN busy . shopping for clothes arid sup- •.-••• Middlesex;:Nj;0884C CLUB CALENDAR plies. Once again parents will be pre- paring paper bag lunches of peanut 908-968-7777 butter and jelly or bologna, tor their "GRAND BUFFET" MONDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL child. They might tutik In a carrot, an apple or anything else nutritious,,but v Beat the Clock Draft unfortunately young people love good- ies and are "easily bored with healthful COME IN AND TRY - RICHIE AT PIANO 7:30-8:30 8:30-9:30 : 9:30-dose food. '.••• .-••.'•.'•' ' "•. • uwtuv Over the past/years, .many of my OUR TRADITIONAL;ITALIAN DISHES Per Person (Children 10 & Under $5.50) $ patrons have como Into the restaurant 0 .25*. •/;• 75*: i.25 and picked !up a half o( a sub, usually AND MANY GREAT SPECIALS turkey, or roastbeef and surprised their Reservations Suggested child by placing In their lunch bag the •j, PREPARED BY Every Night next day. Yes, our siibs last one or two : -OURCHEFS r IFRIDAYNITE SEPTEMBER 11th | days if kept wrapped in the trig. Kids Ladic^Night love them. Pasta salad Is another treat SfMixed Brinks. for the older child. It Is healthy with no OPEN 7 DAYS LOBSTEBNITE cholesterol, and our freshly made salad $ 95 Is so good. VA Lb Lobster Dinner 10 After returning to school, why not QUALITY HOMEMADE ITALIAN CUISINE treat your family to a riight out at Thursday Scarpellino's. They will 6n|oy watching AT AFFORDABLE PRICES 908-561-2722 the wild anirnlas ••f'ont- our large •50* Domestic Drafts windows facing the woods. When you MUNICIPLE PARKING ONE BLOCK AT 2991 Hamilton Blvd., So. Plalnfield come in, ask for Liz and your children WINE & COCKTAILS' All Night Long (10 years old or under) will eat free. LUNCH & DINNER (OffRt.287) Two regular entrees must be ordered SOMERSET & RACE STREET Friday Sept. 18th adults to receive this special. HOT97NITE 168 Mt. "Bethel l.\my - Jl in Drink - II) Kciiui SEPTEMBER SPECIALS We're going Back to the Basics, MGNDAY; NEW YORK STRIP offering a family style menu Children 12 & Under order FREE from our OAK TREE FOODS TUESDAY children's menu when $ 95 at an excellent value! PRIME RIB 8 accompanied by an FamiFresh Country Market adult on Tues. & PRODUCE MEATS DELI Tliurs. (1 child per Steaks • Chops Ribs • Fresh Fish WEDNESDAY Jersey Fresh Produce Our custom full service butcher shop Our full sGrvice deli features fresh cold cuts,, BONELESS NEW YORK atffilt entree Only) Available from Nearby Farms has 4 veteran butchers with over (J cheeses & provisions by such favorites as Boar's Head, & SCAMPI * 13 s FREE Kids Sundaes Jersey Peaches 30 years experience each Thuman's, Kohler, Horrnel, Gaiser's;.& Larid o Lakes vv/ dinner Mondays & S4OO Filet Mignon Custom Cut Boar's Head Bologna THURSDAY, Wednesdays. • 2 lbs, for I 5 PRIME RIB W Jersey Peppers 'b- COMEDY SHOW $4 00 Fresh Chicken Cutlets Domestic Swiss Choese FRIDAY lbs|fi $ 95 lor PRIME RIB 13 Join Us On Year Round Fresh Produce lb. - lb, Fridays'at l<>:0()pm direct from Philadelphia w/STUFFED SHRIMP -We feature store made specialties like our 99 New York'Style' & New York Markets own. Italian sausage, sweet or hot & now our Krakus Imported Harri lb; SUNDAY Coniedv Show Bananas own country breakfast sausage this week: SENIOR PRIME RIB - . • • Washington State VISIT OUR FRIENDLY COUNTRY MARKET, SAMPLE OUR FRESH STORE from 12:0()-5pm MADE CAKES PIES SMCUII Pncu when Red Delious Apples 3 lbs or moro ' ' SOUPS, STEWS & OTHER HOMEMADE SPECIALS dinner is included YOU'LL BE DELICIOUSLY PLEASED

SUNDAY All YOU . 79", SALE RUNS TMURS.-SUNDAY 9/10-9/13 Call for CAN I-IAT IIKUNCH We Now Accept Visa - MasterCard & Discover Cards 18 E. Main St. SomerviUe • (908)725-7979 RETURNS reservations. ATTENTION RESTAURANTS,-GROUPS & CATERERS: SI-IT BlhllOI'M Wo sell wholesale meats, produce & deli at 5% over cost for orders called ahead & picked up. Now Open 7 Days A Week 708 Mountain Blvd. Phone orders Located an Oak Tree Road Next to Drug Fair across from Children's Menu $6.95 Watchung (908) 755-3663 Post Office in So. Plainfield 11:30 am- 11:00 pm (908) 755-2565 A Center for the rming and Cultural Arts Villagers 1992193 subscription season 475 DeMott Lane InFSS-tip" 908-873-2710 November 6-December 13 January 15-February '1" ' .The Tony Award winning A courtroom drama by Aaron September 25-October 18 Sbrkin in the tradition of "The John Pielmeier's riveting i musical by Rupert Holmes, Caine Mutiny Court-martial" and m 1 AT* i\Ttt TTKT based 6n an unfinished story by drama about a young nun, Charles Dickens "Inherit the Wind.' It revolves Agnes, accused of fir Till fill Pmssented in around the trial of two Marines III I IIW 11 I music hall style, the audience is for their complicity .in the death murdering her own baby. A V* 1/UJiill introduced to a series of of a fellow Marine while all three court appointed psychiatrist, Dickensian characters including were setving, *f the military base Dr. Martha Livingstone, is the young Edwin Drood who is 4 at Guahtfcnamo Bay. The Navy1' asked to determine Agnes's engaged to Miss Rosa Bud. has selected as their lawyer a sanity. Mariam Ruth, the Strange events and romantic f rather callow young man who rivalries lead up tb the 1 seems more interested in Softball nun's Mother Superior, is bent on protecting her, but disappearance of young Drood. games than in playing hapidball in from what and why? In her search for answers, Dr. . The audience is then asked to this case, expecting that there will be a plea bargain and, Livingstone forces all three women, herself included, end the story where Mr. hence, a cover-up of what really happened to the dead Marine, to face some harsh realities in their own lives and to Dickens left off by voting for Prodded by a female member of the defense team, though, the re-examine the meaning of faith and the commitment the most likely villain. The lawyer makes a valiant effort to defend his two clients and in so doing puts the whole military mentality on trail Individual of love. Individual tickets $12. selected villain is required to reveal the motive for and method of the disappearance. Individual tickets J15. tickets'12. \r.;•-..•.••-• ••-•;.-:• .-.:.;,/•:. ••. _ •. ••;•:.•;• ...

March 12- April 23-May U June4-Julyll April 10 Ken Ludwig's hilarious That famous standard that A romantic farce set in thtf Cleveland Grand Opera on a night in seems to find its way into musical every season. This year's comedy with September of 1934 when the world famous tenor TBA will be chosen from book and Tito Morelli is to perform t)an- Goggin's hit musical lyrics by Barry Harman and music by Keith Herrmann. rt M his greatest role, Otello, comedy "Nunsense" about This Broadway success is actually two musicals in one! at the gala season-opening The first act is "The Little Comedy" based on benefit performance. the efforts Of the Order oF Schnitzler's tum-of-the-century tale about a pair of Through a wonderful the X.ittle Sisters of Viennese worldlings who disguise themselves for an sequence of mishaps, Mordli is given a double dose of Hoboken to raise money. If amatgry adventure and then run into unforeseen tranquilizers, which combined with the alcohol in his system "Nunsense" is not available complications - they actually start to care Ifor each cause him to pass out. In fact, his pulse is so low that Max, the we will present one of the other! Act.II is based on Jules Renard's-'"Summer aspiring tenor/left to look after MoreJii, thinks he is dead! The all time favorite musicals Share." Set in Long Island's chic getaway spot, the Opera's General Manager convinces Max to go in place of "No No Nanette." This lighthearted twenties musical Mbrelli. Everything is going smoothly until Morelli regains Hamptons* it concerns two married couples enjoying . consciousness arid there are two tenors in Otello costumes and has a book by Otto Harbach & Frank Mahdel, music summer refuge from the! hustle and hassle of New York two women running around in lingerie, each thinking she is by Vincent Yournans and lyrics by Irving Caesar & City. Individual Tickets *15; ' with Morelli. Individual tickets Mir '. OttoHarbachy Individual tickets $15. PRICE CHART Day Subscription Single Ticket Your. Price Price Savings! ^ "Rush Tickets" are available on Fridays and Sundays only at'lO for musicals Fridays $ and *8 for plays. Tjiese tickets must be purchased at the box office within one hour of performance time and cannot '60 81 25.9% Seiies A, D, G or J be reserved. Group rates are available for groups of 20 or more.

Saturdays : : ; r .25.9% •;'•• '•••'•'•••• •.:•• ,:'' '••.•:••••• ''••:,•':• -. • ;....-. "••..": To;6rderTickets:'.;', ••/.. .' . / •• ; . -.^ . ,'-... ; ' ... Series B,E, H or K ?60 Pick the letter series that best fits your schedule (remember that subscribers can exchange up to 24 hours before their Sunday Evenings J . 25.9% Series Cor I •60 81 performance if their schedule changes). Fill out the order form below and mail it with your payment to The Villagers Sunday JMatinecs . *81 25.9% Theatre, P,O. Box 6175, Somerset, NJ 08875-6175. If you have any questions you can call us at (908) 873-2710, Series F or L '60 ^^^ ^^^' ^^^ ^^M MHI A>^ &*& ta^«"*i Series Agnes Drood A Few Romance/ Lend Me Nunsense lOrder Form # of Subs of God Good Men Romance A Tenor Nanette Day Time Series Price Total Name. A FridayiBO Sept. 25 Nov. 6 Jan. 15 Mar, 12 Apr. 23 June 4 /;• I Please add my tax deductible donation of: B Saturday 8:30 Sept. 26 Nov.7 Jan. 16 Mar.13 Apr, 24 June 5 Address. J J C Sunday T30 Sept. 27 Nov.S Jan. 17 Mar. 14 Apr. 25 June 6 0*10 Q 25 Q 50 D Friday8:3Q Nov.T3 Tan, 22 Mar. 19 Apr. 30 June 11 Postage and handling charge n.oo E Saturday 8:30 IDct. 3 Nov. 14 Jdn.23 Mar. 20 June 12 j City State Sunday 2:30 TkTt.4 Nov. 15 Jan. 24 Mar. 21 May 2 June n Total G Priday8:3O Nov. 20 Jan. 29 Mar. 26 May,7 June 18 I Phone (homfc), _ (Business) ^ 1 would like topa y by: Q Check enclosed Q VIS A • MasterCard Saturday 8;30 Oct. 10 Nov. 21 Jan. 30 Maf.27 May 8 June 19 Special seating request. Card No._ Oct. 11 Nov. 22 Jan;31 Mar. 28 May 9 June 20 Friday 8:30 Oct. 16 Nov. 27 Feb.,5 Apr. 2 May 14 June 25 Mail to: Villagers Theatre Exp. Date Saturday 8:36 Nov. i8 Apr. 3 May 15 June 26 P.O. Box 6175 "FcbT Somerset, NJ 08875-6175 Signature