Personal Data

Address 1258 Four Mile Road, Viola, ID 83872 Phone 208-892-3539 (home), 208-301-3395 (cell) Email [email protected]


University of California, Santa Cruz BA, Biology, 1972, Thesis: Female-female Interactions among Northern Elephant Seals (29 p.) MA, Biology, 1976, Thesis: Movements of the Northern Elephant Seal (Mirounga angustirostris) along the North American Coast (31 p.) MS, Earth Sciences, 1977 (by examination) PhD, Earth Sciences, 1979, Dissertation: Problems in the Biogeography of Recent and Fossil Benthic Marine Invertebrates (589 p.) University of Arizona University Leadership Institute (2000-2003)

Career Experience

6/2011-present Professor and Dean Emerita, Department of Geological Sciences, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID 1-3/2015 Executive Director (interim), Geological Society of America 9/2013-1/2014 Executive Director (interim), STEPPE 8/2003-6/2011 Professor, Department of Geological Sciences, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID 8/2003-6/2007 Dean, College of Science, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID 1/2000-8/2003 Associate Dean, College of Science, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 7/2001-12/2001 Interim Head/Director, Department of Atmospheric Sciences/Institute of Atmospheric Physics, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 8/1992-7/2004 Professor, Department of Geosciences, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 1995-1997 Director, Department of Geosciences, University of Arizona, Summer Field Camp Program 1994 Visiting Scholar, Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences, Stanford University 1/1988-7/1992

1 Associate Professor, Department of Geosciences, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 7/1984-1/1988 Research Geologist, GS-14, U.S. Geological Survey, Branch of Oil and Gas Resources, Denver, Colorado Project chief: "Upwelling and petroleum resources" and "High-latitude Cretaceous climates" Project participant: "Geological and geophysical studies of the coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge," "North Slope basin analysis studies," and "Federal lands classification — oil and gas resources" 3/1982-7/1984 Research Geologist, GS-12, U.S. Geological Survey, Branch of Oil and Gas Resources, Denver, Colorado Project chief: "The carbon cycle" Project participant: "Petroleum geology of carbonate rocks, People's Republic of China" 11/1981-3/1982 Consultant, University of Oklahoma, for U.S. Geological Survey Compilation of worldwide data on petroleum source rocks 3/1980-6/1980 Lecturer, University of California, Santa Cruz 3/1978-11/1981 Research Associate, University of Chicago, Geophysical Sciences Department Project head: "Paleogeography of petroleum source beds"

Honors and Awards

Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing (for Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, Elsevier; 2018) GSA Distinguished Service Award (2018) UC Santa Cruz Earth and Space Sciences Alumni Hall of Fame (2018) UI Naval ROTC Faculty Excellence Award (2008, 2009) UI Alumni Association Award for Excellence (2008) Certificate of Lifetime Achievement, Association of African Women Geoscientists (2008) Star Award, Palouse Marketing Committee (2006) Watkins Visiting Professorship, Wichita State University (2002) Paleontological Society Distinguished Lecturer (2001-2002) NASA/Space Grant Mentor (1999-2000) Basterfield Lectureship, University of Regina, Saskatchewan (1996) Fellow, Geological Society of America (elected 1994) Outstanding Mentor, New-Traditional Students, University of Arizona (1994) American Association of Petroleum Geologists Distinguished Lecturer (1992-1993) NSF Faculty Awards for Women Scientists and Engineers (1991-1996) Phillips-AWG Distinguished Lecture, University of California, Riverside (1990) Don R. and Patricia Boyd Lecturer in Petroleum Exploration, University of Texas, Austin (1990)

2 Coal Geology Division, Geological Society of America, Best Paper Award, 1988 GSA Annual Meeting (with R.A. Spicer and P.R. Grant) (1988) J.C. "Cam" Sproule Award, American Association of Petroleum Geologists (1984) Assistant Chief Geologist's Distinguished Lecturer, U.S. Geological Survey (1983) Best of Session Award, "Upwelling and phosphorites in the Paleozoic," poster session with R.G. Humphreville, AAPG/SEPM annual meeting (1981) Junior Residential Fellowship, Stevenson College, University of California, Santa Cruz (1973)

Grants (not including student grants acquired under my supervision)

Submitted 2019 Collaborative Research: Timing of events in landscape, paleohydrologic, and climatic evolution of world’s largest desert: Lower Jurassic Navajo Sandstone, Colorado Plateau, USA. National Science Foundation, 3 years, with M. Chan, S. Hasiotis, and N. Riggs. UI portion $113,233. 2015 Collaborative Research: Unlocking secrets of Earth's largest sand sea: Paleoenvironmental records of the Lower Jurassic Navajo Sandstone, Colorado Plateau, USA. National Science Foundation, 3 years, with M. Chan and S. Hasiotis, UI portion $86,656 2011 Workshop on Major Research Initiatives in Sedimentary Geology and Paleontology— Construction of a Science Plan. National Science Foundation, $65,261. Workshop to Identify Major Research Initiatives in Sedimentary Geology and Paleontology. National Science Foundation, $23,000 (including supplement). 2007 Travel grant, International Geoscience Program (IGCP)/International Continental Drilling Program, $1510 (workshop in China) 2002 International Research: Evolution of the southwestern Pangean megamonsoon: Plant taphonomy and paleosols in Triassic sedimentary rocks of the Ischigualasto Basin, San Juan and La Rioja Provinces, Argentina. National Science Foundation, $16,827. 2000 National Geographic Society, The southwest quadrant of the Pangean monsoon— Ischigualasto Basin, Argentina, $21,250 (with B. Currie, I. Montañez) National Science Foundation, SGER Proposal: Calibration of soil climate parameters and application to paleoclimates, $21,397 (with J. Pelletier) University of Arizona Teaching Teams Program, Development of Workshops for a new NATS 104, "Life on Earth", $3160 (with O. Davis, J. Overpeck)

3 1997 National Park Service, Growth-ring analysis of the petrified woods of Petrified Forest, $2000 1996 National Science Foundation, Interpreting paleoclimate when continental positions are uncertain: the effects of sampling, modeling, and reconstructing, $82,000 1993 National Geographic Society, Paleoclimatic significance of near-South Polar floras during the Cretaceous Period, $12,612 (with R.A. Spicer) National Science Foundation, Phytotaphonomy in the Upper Triassic Chinle Formation: Implications for depositional and paleoclimatic settings, $83,000 1992 National Science Foundation, Faculty Award for Women in Science and Engineering, $250,000 1991 National Science Foundation, Polar terrestrial climate during the Coniacian Age (middle Late Cretaceous), $40,000 (with R.A. Spicer) National Geographic Society, Paleoclimate of the Cretaceous South Polar Dinosaur Site, , $5575 (with R.A. Spicer, obtained on our behalf by P.Vickers- Rich and T. Rich) University of Arizona Foreign Travel Grant, $800 1990 University of Arizona International Development Program, Permo-Triassic Geology and Paleoclimate—Field Studies for Comparison of the Colorado Plateau and Poland, $4000 Mobil Exploration and Producing Services, Inc., Amoco Production Co., Chevron Overseas, Global Database on Hydrocarbon Source Rocks, $30,000 1989 Petrified Forest Museum Association, Paleoclimatic Data Obtained from Growth Rings in Fossil Trees, Chinle Formation, Petrified Forest National Park, $1291 Marie Skl/ odowska-Curie Fund, approx. $2500 American Chemical Society, Petroleum Research Fund, Cretaceous Paleocommunity Gradient Analysis and Coal Quality, $40,000 (with R.A. Spicer) Mobil Exploration and Producing Services, Inc., Amoco Production Co., Chevron Overseas, Global Database on Hydrocarbon Source Rocks, $30,000 National Science Foundation, Australian History of Marine Upwelling and Continental Paleoclimates, $5540 National Science Foundation, Paleoclimates of the Supercontinent Pangaea, $109,995 (with W.D. Sellers) University of Arizona Travel Grant, $450 Geological Society of London Travel Grant, £150 1988 Mobil Exploration and Producing Services, Inc., Maps of Paleozoic Upwelling, $1312 1987 University of Saskatchewan Travel Grant, Can$1000 1985, 1986

4 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (with R.A. Spicer), High Latitude Cretaceous Paleoclimate, total $12,000 1978-1981 Amoco International Oil Company and Mobil Exploration and Producing Services (with A.M. Ziegler), Atmospheric circulation, upwelling, and petroleum source rocks in the Phanerozoic, total for my work specifically was approximately $50,000


Books and Volumes

Wang, C., Graham, S.A., Parrish, J.T., and Wan, X. (eds.), 2013, Environmental/Climate Change in the Cretaceous Greenhouse World: records from terrestrial scientific drilling of Songliao Basin and adjacent area of China: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology (Special Issue), v. 385, p. 1-228. Parrish, J.T., ed., 2004, Paleogeography and Paleoclimatology: A Tribute to A.M. (Fred) Ziegler: Special Issue, Journal of Geology, v. 112. Parrish, J.T., 1998, Interpreting Pre-Quaternary Climate from the Geologic Record: New York, Columbia University Press, 338 p. McCabe, P.J., and Parrish, J.T., eds., 1992, Controls on the Distribution and Quality of Cretaceous Coals: Geological Society of America Special Paper 267, 407 p. Parrish, J.T., and Barron, E.J., 1986, Paleoclimates and Economic Geology: Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists Short Course 18, 162 p.

Journal Articles (refereed; *student author)

In preparation (including intended venue) Breedlovestrout, R.*, and Parrish, J.T., Revised stratigraphy of the Paleogene Chuckanut Formation and reexamination of the evolution of the Chuckanut Basin, Western Washington, USA, and British Columbia, Canada: GSA Bulletin. Hasiotis, S.T., Chan, M.A., and Parrish, J.T., A new classification of surfaces in eolian depositional environments based on lateral and vertical patterns, Lower Jurassic Navajo Sandstone, southeastern Utah: Journal of Sedimentary Research. Parrish, J.T., Colombi, C.*, and Alcober, O., Anatomy of a Triassic marsh, Ischigualasto Formation (Middle Triassic), Argentina: Palaios. Parrish, J.T., and Gillis, R.J.*, Climate of the Chinle Formation—Evidence from growth rings in and distribution of the fossil trees of Petrified Forest National Park: Palaios.

Submitted Chan, M.A., Hasiotis, S.T., and Parrish, J.T., Dynamic soft- deformation in erg margin deposits, Jurassic Navajo Sandstone, Moab, Utah. Sedimentology. Hasiotis, S.T., Chan, M.A., and Parrish, J.T., A new classification of surfaces in erg depositional systems. Journal of Sedimentary Research.


5 Chan, M.A., Hasiotis, S.T., and Parrish, J.T., 2019, Enigmatic pipe swarms and implications for fluidization dynamics in aeolian deposits: Sedimentology, v. 66, p. 513-535. doi:10.1111/sed.12491 Parrish, J.T., Rasbury, E.T., Hasiotis, S.T., and Chan, M.A., 2019, Earliest Jurassic U-Pb ages from carbonate deposits in the Navajo Sandstone, southeastern Utah, USA: Geology, doi: 10.1130/G46338.1 Parrish, J.T., Hyland, E.G, Chan, M.A., and Hasiotis, S.T., 2019, Stable and clumped isotopes in desert carbonate spring and lake deposits reveal paleohydrology: A case study of the Lower Jurassic Navajo Sandstone, Southwestern U.S.A.: Sedimentology, v. 66, p. 32-52. Published online 2018, doi:10.1111/sed.12540 Chan, M.A., Hasiotis, S.T., and Parrish, J.T., 2019, Enigmatic pipe swarms and implications for fluidization dynamics in aeolian deposits: Sedimentology, v. 66, p. 513-535. doi:10.1111/sed.12491

2017 Dorney, L.J.*, Parrish, J.T., Hasiotis, S.T., and Chan, M.A., 2017, Petrography and environmental interpretation of tufa and lake carbonates in the Jurassic Navajo Sandstone of southeastern Utah: Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. 87, p. 967-985. doi: 10.2110/jsr.2017.56 Parrish, J.T., Hasiotis, S.T., and Chan, M.A., 2017, Carbonate deposits in the Lower Jurassic Navajo Sandstone, southern Utah and northern Arizona: Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. 87, p. 740-762. doi: 10.2110/jsr.2017.42

2016 Hobbs, K.M.*, and Parrish, J.T., 2016, Miocene global change recorded in Columbia River basalt-hosted paleosols: Geological Society of American Bulletin, v. 128, p. 1543-1554. doi:10.1130/B31437.1

2013 Breedlovestrout, R.*, Evraets, B.*, and Parrish, J.T., 2012, New Paleogene paleoclimate analysis of western Washington using physiognomic characteristics from fossil leaves, USA: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v. 392, p. 22-40.

2011 Colombi, C.E.*, Montanez, I.P., and Parrish, J.T., 2011, Registro de la relación isotópica de carbono en la paleoflora de la Formación Ischigualasto (Triásico superior), Noroeste Argentina. Implicancias paleoatmosféricas: Revistas Brasilieros Paleontológicas, v. 14, p. 1- 12. doi: 10.4072/rbp.2011.1.04

2010 Nicotra, J., and Parrish, J.T., 2010, Rushing the cure: Temporal rhetorics in global warming discourse: JAC—Rhetoric, Writing, Culture, and Politics, v. 30, p. 215-237. Parrish, J.T., Fiorillo, A.R., Jacobs, B.F., Currano, E.D., and Wheeler, E.A., 2010, The Ketavik Formation: New stratigraphic unit and its implications for the paleogeography and paleoclimate of southwestern Alaska: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v. 295, p. 348-362.

6 2008 Colombi, C.*, and Parrish, J.T., 2008, Late Triassic environmental evolution in southwestern Pangea: Plant taphonomy of the Ischigualasto Formation: Palaios, v. 23, p. 778-795.

2007 Parrish, J.T., and Falcon-Lang, H.J., 2007, Coniferous trees associated with interdune deposits in the Jurassic Navajo Sandstone Formation, Utah, USA. Palaeontology, v. 50, p. 829-843.

2004 Fiorillo, A.R., and Parrish, J.T., 2004, The first record of a Cretaceous dinosaur from western Alaska. Cretaceous Research, v. 25, p. 453-458. Parrish, J.T., Peterson, F., and Turner, C.E., 2004, Jurasssic “savannah”--plant taphonomy and climate of the Morrison Formation (Jurassic, Western U.S.A.) and its equivalents in Canada: Sedimentary Geology, v. 167, p. 137-162. Rees, P.McA., Noto, C.R., Parrish, J.M., and Parrish, J.T., 2004, Late Jurassic climates, vegetation, and dinosaur distributions. Journal of Geology, v. 112, p. 643-654.

2002 Parrish, J.T., Droser, M.L., and Bottjer, D.J., 2001, Reply to “Discussion of ‘A Triassic upwelling zone: The Shublik Formation, Arctic Alaska, USA’”: Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. 72, p. 742-743.

2001 Parrish, J.T., Droser, M.L., and Bottjer, D.J., 2001, A Triassic upwelling zone: Lithology, geochemistry, ichnofabrics, and taphonomy of the Shublik Formation, Arctic Alaska, U.S.A.: Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. 71, p. 271-285.

1998 Demko, T.M.*, Dubiel, R.F., and Parrish, J.T., 1998, Plant taphonomy in incised valleys: Implications for interpreting paleoclimate from fossil plants: Geology, v. 26, p. 1119- 1122. Demko, T.M.*, and Parrish, J.T., 1998, Paleoclimatic setting of the Morrison Formation: Modern Geology, v. 22, p. 283-296. Parrish, J.T., Daniel, I.L., Spicer, R.A., and Kennedy, E.M., 1998, Paleoclimatic significance of mid-Cretaceous floras from the middle Clarence Valley, New Zealand: Palaios, v. 13, p. 149-159.

1996 Parrish, J.T., Bradshaw, M.T., Brakel, A.T., Mulholland, S., Totterdell, J.M. Yeates, A.N., 1996, Paleoclimatology of Australia during the Pangaean interval: Palaeoclimates—Data and Modelling, v. 1, p. 241-281.

7 1993 Parrish, J.T., 1993, Mesozoic climates of the Colorado Plateau, in Morales, M., ed., Aspects of Mesozoic Geology and Paleontology of the Colorado Plateau: Museum of Northern Arizona Bulletin, v. 59, p. 1-11. Parrish, J.T., 1993, A brief discussion of the history, strengths, and limitations of conceptual climate models for pre-Quaternary time: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Ser. B, v. 341, p. 263-266. Parrish, J.T., 1993, Climate of the supercontinent Pangea: Journal of Geology, v. 101, p. 215-233. Parrish, J.T., Demko, T.M.*, and Tanck, G.S.*, Sedimentary paleoclimatic indicators: what they are and what they tell us: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Ser. A, v. 344, p. 21-25. Ziegler, A.M., Parrish, J.M., Yao J.P., Gyllenhaal, E.D., Rowley, D.B., Parrish, J.T., Nie S.Y., Bekker, A., and Hulver, M.L., 1993, Early Mesozoic phytogeography and climate: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, v. 341, p. 297- 305.

1991 Dubiel, R.F., Parrish, J.T., Parrish, J.M., and Good, S.C., 1991, The Pangaean megamonsoon—evidence from the Upper Triassic Chinle Formation, Colorado Plateau: Palaios, v. 6, p. 347-370.

1990 Spicer, R.A., and Parrish, J.T., 1990, Latest Cretaceous woods of the central North Slope, Alaska: Palaeontology, v. 33, p. 225-242. Spicer, R.A., and Parrish, J.T., 1990, Late Cretaceous-Early Tertiary palaeoclimates of northern high latitudes: A quantitative view: Journal of the Geological Society of London, v. 147, p. 329-341.

1988 Parrish, J.T., and Peterson, F., 1988, directions predicted from global circulation models and wind directions determined from eolian sandstones of the western United States — A comparison: Sedimentary Geology, v. 56, p. 261-282. Parrish, J.T., and Spicer, R.A., 1988, Middle Cretaceous woods from the Nanushuk Group, central North Slope, Alaska: Palaeontology, v. 31, p. 19-34. Parrish, J.T., and Spicer, R.A., 1988, Late Cretaceous terrestrial vegetation: A near-polar temperature curve: Geology, v. 16, p. 22-25.

1987 Parrish, J.M., Parrish, J.T., Hutchison, J.H., and Spicer, R.A., 1987, Late Cretaceous vertebrate fossils from the North Slope of Alaska and implications for dinosaur ecology: Palaios, v. 2, p., 377-389.

1986 Parrish, J.T., 1986, Bibliographic reference storage and operations using DECWORD: Geobyte, v. 1, p. 62-65.

8 Spicer, R.A., and Parrish, J.T., 1986, Paleobotanical evidence for cool North Polar climates in middle Cretaceous (Albian-Cenomanian) time: Geology, v. 14, p. 703-706. 1985 Parrish, J.T., 1985, Latitudinal distribution of land and shelf and absorbed solar radiation during the Phanerozoic: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 85-31, 21 p. (not peer reviewed) Parrish, J.T., 1985, Global paleogeography, atmospheric circulation, and rainfall in the Barremian Age (late Early Cretaceous): U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 85-728, 13.p. (not peer reviewed) Rowley, D.B., Raymond, A., Parrish, J.T., Lottes, A.L., Scotese, C.R., and Ziegler, A.M., 1985, Carboniferous paleogeographic, phytogeographic, and paleoclimatic reconstruction: International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 5, p. 7-42.

1982 Parrish, J.T., 1982, Upwelling and petroleum source beds, with reference to the Paleozoic: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 66, p. 750-774. Parrish, J.T., and Curtis, R.L., 1982, Atmospheric circulation, upwelling, and organic-rich rocks in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v. 40, p. 31-66. Parrish, J.T., Ziegler, A.M., and Scotese, C.R., 1982, Rainfall patterns and the distri- bution of coals and evaporties in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v. 40, p. 67-101.

Chapters in Books and Symposia (peer-reviewed unless otherwise indicated)

2018 Chan, M.A., Makou, M., Hasiotis, S.T., and Parrish, J.T., 2018, Biomarker evidence for the presence of cryptoendolithic bacteria in weathered Jurassic Navajo Sandstone of southeast Utah, in Emerman, S.H., Bowen, B., Schamel, S., and Simmons, S., eds., Geofluids of Utah: 2018 Utah Geological Association 47, p. 139-147.

2014 Contributed to multiple chapters on climate, soils, and topography in the series, The Teacher- Friendly Guide to the Earth Science of the [Midwestern US, Western US, Southeastern US, Northeastern US, Southern US, Southwestern US, Northern US], Lucas, M.D., Ross, R.M., and Swaby, A.N., eds. Paleontological Research Institution, Ithaca, NY. (not peer- reviewed).

2013 Parrish, J.T., 2013, A new way of thinking: Revolutions in paleoclimatology in the last 50 years, in Bickford, M., ed., The Web of Geological Sciences: Advances, Impacts, and Interactions: 125th Anniversary of Geological Society of America, Geological Society of America Special Paper 500, p. 533-548. (invited, peer-reviewed)

9 2001 Parrish, J.T., Whalen, M.T., and Hulm, E.J., 2001, Shublik Formation lithofacies, environments, and sequence stratigraphy, Arctic Alaska, U.S. In Houseknecht, D.W., ed., NPRA Core Workshop—Petroleum Plays and Systems in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska: SEPM Core Workshop No. 21, p. 89-110. (not peer-reviewed)

1999 Parrish, J.T., 1999, Pangaea und das Klima der Trias, in Wilde, V., and Hauschke, N., eds., Trias: Eine ganz andere Welt: München, Verlag Dr. Friedrich Pfeil, p. 37-42. (translated into German, not peer-reviewed) 1998 Chase, C.G., Gregory-Wodzicki, K.M., Parrish, J.T., and DeCelles, P.D., 1998, Topographic history of the western Cordillera of North America and the etiology of climate, in Crowley, T.J., and Burke, K.C., eds., Tectonic Boundary Conditions for Climate Reconstructions: Oxford, Oxford University Press, p. 73-115.

1995 Parrish, J.T., 1995, Geologic evidence of Permian climate, in Scholle, P.A., Peryt, T., and Ulmer-Scholle, D.S., eds., The Permian of Northern Pangea, v. 1: Berlin, Springer- Verlag, p. 53-61. Parrish, J.T., 1995, Paleogeography of organic-rich rocks and the preservation vs. production controversy, Huc, A.Y., ed., Paleogeography, Paleoclimate, and Source Rocks: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Studies in Geology, v. 40, p. 1-20.

1994 Klein, G.D., and Beauchamp, B., with contributions from Parrish, J.T., and others, 1994, Introduction: Project PANGEA and workshop recommendations, in Klein, G.D., ed., Pangea: Paleoclimate, Tectonics, and Sedimentation During Accretion, Zenith, and Breakup of a Supercontinent: Geological Society of America Special Paper 288, p. 1- 12.

1993 Parrish, J.T., 1993, The paleogeography of the opening South Atlantic, in George, W., and Lavocat, R., eds., The Africa-South America Connection: Oxford University Press, Oxford, p. 8-27. Parrish, J.T., 1993, The paleoclimatology of the opening South Atlantic, in George, W., and Lavocat, R., eds., The Africa-South America Connection: Oxford University Press, Oxford, p. 28-43. Parrish, J.T., and Gautier, D.L., 1993, Sharon Springs Member of Pierre Shale: Upwelling in the Cretaceous Interior Seaway?, in Caldwell, W.G.E., and Kauffman, E.G., eds., Evolution of the Western Interior Basin:, Geological Association of Canada Special Paper 39, p. 319-332.

10 1992 McCabe, P.J., and Parrish, J.T., 1992, Tectonic and climatic controls on the distribution and quality of Cretaceous coals, in McCabe, P.J., and Parrish, J.T., eds., Controls on the Distribution and Quality of Cretaceous Coals: Geological Society of America Special Paper 267, p. 1-15. Parrish, J.T., 1992, Jurassic climate and oceanography of the circum-Pacific region, in Westermann, G.E.G., ed., The Jurassic of the Circum-Pacific. IGCP Project 171, Oxford University Press, p. 365-379. Spicer, R.A., Parrish, J.T., and Grant, P.R., 1992, Evolution of vegetation and coal- forming environments in the Late Cretaceous of the North Slope of Alaska, in McCabe, P.J., and Parrish, J.T., eds., Controls on the Distribution and Quality of Cretaceous Coals, Geological Society of America Special Paper 267, 177-192.

1990 Parrish, J.T., 1990, Paleogeographic and paleoclimatic setting of the Miocene phosphogenic episode, in Burnett, W.C., and Riggs, S.R., eds., Phosphate Deposits of the World, Vol. 3, Genesis of Neogene to Recent Phosphorites: Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, p. 223-240. Parrish, J.T., 1990, Gondwanan paleogeography and paleoclimatology, in Taylor, T.N., and Taylor, E.L., eds., Antarctic Paleobiology: New York, Springer-Verlag, p. 15-26.

1987 Hein, J.R., and Parrish, J.T., 1987, Distribution of siliceous deposits in space and time, in Hein, J.R., ed., Siliceous -Hosted Ores and Petroleum: New York, Van Nostrand Reinhold, p. 10-57. Parrish, J.T., 1987, Global palaeogeography and palaeoclimate of the Late Cretaceous and Early Tertiary, in Friis, E.M., Chaloner, W.G., and Crane, P.R., eds., The Origin of Angiosperms and Their Ecological Consequences: Cambridge, Cambridge Univerity Press, p. 51-73. Parrish, J.T., 1987, Lithology, geochemistry, and of the Shublik Formation (Triassic), northern Alaska, in Tailleur, I.L., and Weimer, P., eds., Alaskan North Slope Geology, v. 1: Pacific Section, Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists and Alaska Geological Society, Book 50, p. 391-396. Parrish, J.T., 1987, Palaeo-upwelling and the distribution of organic-rich rocks, in Brooks, J., and Fleet, A.J., eds., Marine Petroleum Source Rocks: Geological Society of London Special Publication no. 26, p. 199-205.

1986 Parrish, J.M., Parrish, J.T., and Ziegler, A.M., 1986, Permian-Triassic paleogeography and paleoclimatology and implications for therapsid distribution, in Hotton, N. III, MacLean, P.D., Roth, J.J., and Roth, E.C., eds., The Ecology and Biology of Mammal-Like Reptiles: Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Press, p. 109-132. Parrish, J.T., Ziegler, A.M., Scotese, C.R., Humphreville, R.G., and Kirschvink, J.L., 1986, Early Cambrian palaeogeography, palaeoceanography, and phosphorites, in Cook, P.J., and Shergold, J.H., eds., Phosphate Deposits of the World, Vol. 1, Proterozoic and Cambrian Phosphorites: Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, p. 280-294.


1985 Raymond, A., Parker, W.C., and Parrish, J.T., 1985, Phytogeography and paleoclimate of the Early Carboniferous, in Tiffney, B.R., ed., Geological Factors and Evolution of Plants: New Haven, Yale University Press, p. 169-222.

1984 Halley, R.B., Parrish, J.T., Xie Zhan, Hu Wenhai, and Scholle, P.A., 1984, Thermal and cementation histories of Permian shelf-edge carbonates near Ziyun, Guizhou Province, PRC — Their bearing on petroleum potential of the Nanpanjiang Basin: Beijing Petroleum Conference, Beijing, People's Republic of China, Proceedings (no page numbers). Parrish, J.T., Gaynor, G.C., and Swift, D.J.P., 1984, Circulation in the Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway of North America — A review, in Stott, D.F., and Glass, D.J., eds., Mesozoic of Middle North America: Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists, Memoir 9, p. 221-231.

1983 Parrish, J.T., Ziegler, A.M., and Humphreville, R.E., 1983, Paleozoic paleogeography and upwelling, in Thiede, J., and Suess, E., eds., Coastal Upwelling: Its Sediment Record, v. B: New York, Plenum Press, p. 553-578.

1981 Ziegler, A.M., Bambach, R.K., Parrish, J.T., Barrett, S.F., Gierlowski, E.G., Parker, W.C., Raymond, A., and Sepkoski, J.J., Jr., 1981, Paleozoic biogeography and climatology, in Niklas, K.J., ed., Paleobotany, Paleoecology, and Evolution: New York, Praeger Publ., v. II, p. 231-266.

Miscellaneous publications (editorials, commentaries, encyclopedia entries, popular articles, letters to editor)

Parrish, J. T., 2017, Should AGU have fly-in meetings anymore?, Eos, 98, https://doi.org/10.1029/2017EO089361. (Peer-reviewed) Parrish, J.T., and Soreghan, G.S., 2013, Sedimentary geology and the future of paleoclimate studies. The Sedimentary Record, v. 11, no. 2, p. 10. (commentary, peer reviewed) Parrish, J.T., 2009, A field geologist looks at a digital world. GSA Today, v. 19, no. 1, p. 4-6 (published version of my GSA Presidential Address) Parrish, J.T., 2009, Industry is not the enemy. GSA Today, v. 19, no. 6, p.11-12. (opinion piece) Shipman, T., and Parrish, J.T., 2005, within the Navajo Sandstone and their significance. Canyon Legacy, v. 54, p. 31-35. (commentary) Parrish, J.T., 2004, Paleoecology, paleogeography, and paleoclimatology: A tribute to A.M. Ziegler on his retirement. Journal of Geology, v. 112, p. 623-624. (commentary) Parrish, J.T., in press (2001), Palaeoclimatology: Encyclopedia of Life Sciences, London, Macmillan Reference Ltd., 8 p.

12 Parrish, J.T., and Valdes, P.J., 1994, Editorial, Inaugural Issue. Palaeoclimates—Data and Modelling, v. 1, p. 1-2. Parrish, J.T., Pre-Pleistocene paleoclimatic methods, in Schmidt, V.A., and Harbert, W., eds., Planet Earth and the New Geoscience, 2nd edition: Dubuque, Kendall/Hunt Publ. Co. (popular article) Parrish, J.T., 1993, Paleoclimatology: McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, 8th edition: McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, New York, p. 33-36. Parrish, J.T., 1992, letter to editor under heading, "Advice to Foreign and Following Speakers", Physics Today, v. 45, no. 2, p. 124. Parrish, J.T., 1991, Hot or cold? Wet or dry? How and why: Palaios , v. 6, p. 109-110. (commentary) Parrish, J.T., 1991, What feminism means for physics: Physics Today, v. 44, p. 101. (letter to editor) Parrish, J.T., 1990, Paleoclimatology: McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, 7th edition: McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, New York. Parrish, J.T., Parrish, J.M., Hutchison, J.H., and Spicer, R.A., 1989, Reply to Comment on "Late Cretaceous vertebrate fossils from the North Slope of Alaska and implications for dinosaur ecology": Palaois, v. 4, p. 298-300. Parrish, J.T., 1985, Pre-Pleistocene paleoclimatic methods, in Schmidt, V.A., ed., Planet Earth and the New Geoscience: Dubuque, Kendall/Hunt Publ. Co., p. 272-274. (commentary) Parrish, J.T., 1982, Paleoclimatology, paleoceanography, and phosphorites: Cross- Section, v. 13, p. 8-10. (commentary)

Technical Reports

2001 Parrish, J.T., 2001, Geobiology. Brief prepared for the National Park Service, 5 p. 1998 Parrish, J.T., 1998, Preliminary report on plant taphonomy in the southern portion of the Morrison Formation (Jurassic, Western U.S.): Report to the U.S. Geological Survey and National Park Service, 11 p. 1988 Tennyson, M.E., and Parrish, J.T., 1987*, Review of geologic framework and hydrocarbon potential of eastern Oregon and Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 87-450-O, 41 p. (*published in 1988). 1981 Parrish, J.T., 1981, Atmospheric circulation, upwelling, and petroleum source beds in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic: Report to Amoco International and Mobil Exploration and Producing Services, 4 p., 39 maps. 1980 Parrish, J.T., 1980, Cenomanian (middle Cretaceous) paleogeography of North America, with map and bibliography: Report to Amoco International, 56 p., 1 map. 1979 Parrish, J.T., 1979, Atmospheric circulation and upwelling — Models of atmospheric circulation and upwelling in the Paleozoic: Report to Amoco International, section I, 28 p.; Section II, 9 p.

13 Parrish, J.T., 1979, Famennian (latest Devonian) paleogeography of North America, with map: Report to Amoco International, 18 p., 1 map


Stable isotope data (raw) from carbonate rocks in the Navajo Sandstone. https://data.nkn.uidaho.edu/dataset/stable-isotope-data-raw-carbonate-rocks-navajo- sandstone. DOI: 10.7923/9v2y-rp13 (uploaded 2019)

Petrographic analysis of carbonate rocks in the Navajo Sandstone. https://data.nkn.uidaho.edu/dataset/petrographic-analysis-carbonate-rocks-navajo- sandstone. DOI: 10.7923/d1zw-d704 (uploaded 2019)


2019 Hasiotis, S.T., Chan, M.A., and Parrish, J.T., 2019, A unifying approach to bounding surfaces in erg systems: Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Abstracts with Programs, Paper 188-13. Parrish, J.T., Rasbury, E.T., Chan, M.A., and Hasiotis, S.T., 2019, Constraining the absolute Age of the lower part of the Jurassic Navajo Sandstone, southeastern Utah: Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Abstracts with Programs, Paper 12-10. 2018 Blakey, R.C., Blodgett, R.H., and Parrish, J.T., 2018, North American Phanerozoic paleogeography: Bob Dott influences on reconstructing ancient landscapes: Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Abstracts with Programs, v. 50, No. 6, doi: 10.1130/abs/2018AM-319263. Chan, M.A., Wheatley, D.F., Hasiotis, S.T., and Parrish, J.T., 2018, Soft sediment deformation features and their influence on fluid flow and reservoir characteristics: Jurassic Navajo Sandstone, southeast Utah: AAPG 2018 Annual Convention and Exhibit, Salt Lake City, UT; paper 2854100. Parrish, J.T., Chan, M.A., Hasiotis, S.T., Carbonate baffles in the Jurassic Navajo Sandstone: Influence on fluid flow: AAPG 2018 Annual Convention and Exhibit, Salt Lake City, UT. (accepted, but withdrawn) 2017 Hasiotis, S.T., Parrish, J.T., and Chan, M.A., 2017, Root-trace preservation and distribution in the Lower Jurassic Navajo Sandstone, southeastern Utah area: Implications for Navajo hydrology, ecology and climate: Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Abstracts with Programs, Paper 315-7. Parrish, J.T., 2017, Reconstructing plant ecosystems semi-arid paleoenvironments, with reference to the Morrison Formation: Western Interior Paleontological Society 10th Annual Founders Conference, Golden, CO, Program & Abstracts, p. 12-13. Parrish, J.T., Hasiotis, S.T., and Chan, M.A., 2017, Interdune lakes of the Lower Jurassic Navajo Sandstone, Utah, USA: Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Abstracts with Programs, Paper 135-9.

14 Parrish, J.T., Hyland, E.T., Chan, M.A., Hasiotis, S.T., and Dorney, L.J., 2017, Construction of a spring-lake system in the Jurassic Navajo Sandstone, Utah— Evidence from stable isotopes of oxygen and carbon: Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Abstracts with Programs, Paper 184-2. 2016 Chan, M.A., Hasiotis, S.T., and Parrish, J.T., 2016, Dynamic Erg Margin Environments of the Jurassic Navajo Sandstone, Southeast Utah: Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Abstracts with Programs, Paper 18-6. Hasiotis, S.T., Chan, M.A., and Parrish, J.T., 2016, Paleoecology of the Lower Jurassic Navajo erg margin—micro- to macroscopic biotic evidence for understanding Surfaces, hydrology, and relative time in an eolian landscape: Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Abstracts with Programs, Paper 18-11. Hasiotis, S.T., Parrish, J.T., and Chan, M.A., 2016, Ichnofossils of a wet desert ecosystem, Lower Jurassic Navajo Sandstone, southeastern Utah: American Association of Petroleum Geologists. Parrish, J.T., Hasiotis, S.T., and Chan, M.A., 2016, Morphological characterization of carbonate mound-like structures in the Jurassic Navajo Sandstone, southeastern Utah: Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Abstracts with Programs, Paper 18- 13. Parrish, J.T., Hasiotis, S.T., and Chan, M.A., 2016, Carbonate in the Jurassic Navajo Sandstone, Moab area, Utah: Geological Society of America, Rocky Mountain Section, Paper 13-3. 2015 Parrish, J.T., Chan, M.A., and Hasiotis, S.T., Mesoscale Jurassic paleotopography at the J2 unconformity near Moab, UT: Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Abstracts with Programs, Paper 256-4. Chan, M.A., Parrish, J.T., and Hasiotis, S.T., 2015, Dynamic soft-sediment deformation in the Jurassic Navajo Sandstone eolianite, Moab, Utah: Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Abstracts with Programs, Paper 256-3. Hasiotis, S.T., Parrish, J.T., and Chan, M.A., 2015, Hidden diversity of a wet desert ecosystem—preliminary report on the ichnology of the Navajo Sandstone, southeastern Utah: Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Abstracts with Programs, Paper 165-5. Hasiotis, S.T., Parrish, J.T., and Chan, M.A., 2015, Potential rhizofacies classification for eolian deposits—observations from the Lower Jurassic Navajo Sandstone, southeastern Utah: Geological Society of American Annual Meeting, Abstracts with Programs, Paper 222-15.

15 2013 Parrish, J.T., 2013, Three revolutions in paleoclimatology and the coming new revolution: Geological Society of American Annual Meeting, Abstracts with Programs, v. 45, no. 7, p. 183. (invited) 2009 Dorney, L., and Parrish, J.T., 2009, Carbonate mound structures in the Jurassic Navajo Sandstone of southeaster Utah: Abstracts and Programs, Rocky Mountain Section, Geological Society of America, v. 41, p. 33. Parrish, J.T., and Dorney, L.J., 2009, Carbonate spring mounds and interdune lakes in the Navajo Sandstone (Jurassic, Western US)—Results of stable isotope analyses: Geological Society of American Annual Meeting, Programs and Abstracts, Abstract 166362. 2008 Parrish, J.T., 2008, Paleoclimate, the stratigraphic record, and implications for energy exploration. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Meeting. Parrish, J.T., 2008, Climate change—perspectives from the past. Abstracts and program of the 4th Conference of the Association of African Women Geoscientists, p. (invited keynote address) Parrish, J.T., 2008, Reconstructing ecosystems in Mesozoic arid and semi-arid environments Abstracts and program of the 4th Conference of the Association of African Women Geoscientists, p. (invited science talk) Parrish, J.T., 2008, Thoughts on the future of higher education in public research institutions, with particular reference to the Rocky Mountain West. Abstracts and Programs, GSA Annual Meeting. (invited) Parrish, J.T., Fiorillo, A.R., and Jacobs, B.F., 2008, A possible reincised Eocene paleovalley and new formation near Brooks Camp, Naknek Lake, Alaska. Abstracts and Programs, GSA Annual Meeting (invited). 2007 Colombi, C.E., Montanez, I., and Parrish, J.T., 2007, Carbon-isotope analyses of fossil plants in Triassic Ishchigualasto Formation (Argentina): Paleoecological implications. GSA Annual Meeting Abstracts and Programs, v. 39. Moore, T.L., Plotnick, R.E., Perlmutter, M., and Parrish, J.T., 2006, Evaluating paleoclimate indicators using climate envelopes. American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Abstracts and Programs, Abstract #111504. Parrish, J.T., 2007, The Cretaceous global hydrological cycle and the contribution of lacustrine to understanding climate. Proceedings of the Joint Workshop on Rapid Environmental/Climate Change in the Cretaceous Greenhouse World: -Land Interaction, Deep Terrestrial Scientific Drilling Project of the Cretaceous Songliao Basin, IGCP 555, Daqing, China, August 28-30, 2007. Rees, McA.P., Alroy, J., Scotese, C.R., Memon, A., Rowley, D.B., Parrish, J.T., Weishampel, D., Platon, E., and Chandler, M., Phanerozoic earth and life: The Paleointegration Project. Geoinformatics 2007 Conference, 17-18 May 2007, Abstract #5-9. 2006 Parrish, J.T., 2006, The impact of Jack A. Wolfe’s work on paleoclimatology—A paleoclimatologist’s view. Advances in Paleobotany Symposium, Abstracts, p. 52-53. Invited. 2004

16 Colombi, C., and Parrish, J.T., 2003, Taphonomic paleofloristics studies of the Upper Triassic Ischigualasto Formation, NW Argentina. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting Programs with Abstracts, Paper No. #22-45. 2002 Parrish, J.T., Falcon-Lang, H.J., and Shipman, T., 2002, Carbonate and noncarbonate springs and trees in the eolian Navajo Sandstone, near Tenmile Canyon, SE Utah. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting Programs with Abstracts, v. 34, no. 6, p. 507 (#222-8). 2000 Montague-Judd, D., Parrish, J.T., Parrish, J.M., 2000, Paleo-upwelling and the distribution of Mesozoic marine reptiles, in McCord, R.D., and Boaz, D., eds., Southwest Paleontological Symposium—Proceedings 2000: Mesa Southwest Museum Bulletin No. 7, p. 61. Parrish, J.T., 2000, Global warming uncertainty and societal response: Geological Society of America, Programs with Abstracts. (invited, Pardee Keynote Symposium). Parrish, J.T., 2000, Paleoclimate and coal: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Meeting, Abstracts CD-ROM, #509. (invited) Parrish, J.T., 2000, Extreme events—The geological perspective, in Sarewitz, D., and Pielke, R.A., Jr., Extreme Events: Developing a Research Agenda for the 21st Century. Report of workshop held 7-9 June 2000 in Boulder, Colorado. Environmental and Societal Impacts Group, National Center for Atmospheric Research, p. 78. Sparlin, T.K., and Parrish, J.T., 2000, Climate controls on the formation of soils and application to continental paleoclimatic reconstruction: Geodaze 2000 Abstract Volume, p. 35. 1999 Parrish, J.T., 1999, High-latitude warm climates through time: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v.31, p. A120. Parrish, J.T., Peterson, F., and Turner, C.E., 1999, Plant Taphonomy of the Morrison Formation and implications for paleoclimate: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 31, p. A417. Tong, J., and Parrish, J.T., 1999, The Pangean megamonsoon and climate change in South China during the Triassic: Proceedings of the International Conference on Pangea and the Paleozoic-Mesozoic Transition, Wuhan, China University of Geosciences Press, p. 152. 1998 Kennedy, E.M., Spicer, R.A., Herman, A.B., Parrish, J.T., and Daniel, I.L., 1998, Albian- Cenomanian palaeoclimates of New Zealand and the Arctic compared: Geological Society of New Zealand Miscellaneous Publication, v. 101A, p. 132. Curtin, T., and Parrish, J.T., 1998, Climatic limitations of paleosol orders and the use of paleosols as paleoclimatic indicators—preliminary report: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 30 (7), p. A-219. Parrish, J.T., 1998, Controls on the distribution of Cretaceous coals: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 30 (7), p. A-48. INVITED

17 Parrish, J.T., and Lamberson, M.N., 1998, Cretaceous (Nanushuk Group, Albian-Cenomanian) wetland environments of the North Slope of Alaska: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 30 (7), p. A-366. Parrish, J.T., and Tanck, G.S., 1998, High-resolution analysis of the subsurface stratigraphy and organic-matter content of the Niobrara Formation and Sharon Springs Member of the Pierre Shale, Cretaceous, Western Interior seaway: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Meeting, Abstracts and Program. 1997 Alcober, O., Milana, J.P., Martínez, R., and Parrish, J., 1997, Evidencias del cambio climatico global triásico en el sud sudamericano. III Reunión Argentina del Triásico. La Rioja, Argentina, Mayo 1997. Montague-Judd, D.J., and Parrish, J.T., 1997, A test of the productivity hypothesis in the Upper Triassic Luning Formation at the Shoshone Mountains, Nevada: Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Abstracts with Programs, v. 29, p. A-96. Moore, T.M., and Parrish, J.T., Problems in occurrence definitions of climate-sensitive lithofacies: An example from the Devonian: Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Abstracts with Programs, v. 29, p. A-96. Parrish, J.T., Alcober, O., Milana, J.P., and Martínez, R., 1997, The Pangean Monsoon Maximum in South and North America: Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Abstracts with Program, v. 29, p. A-211. Parrish, J.T., 1997, Near-polar environments during the Cretaceous Period: Inferences about climate from extinct terrestrial ecosystems: Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Abstracts, p. 27. Parrish, J.T., and Tanck, G.S., 1997, 3D Patterns of Organic Carbon in the Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway: Implications for Paleoceanography. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Meeting, Abstracts. 1996 Montague-Judd, D., and Parrish, J.T., 1996, Paleoceanographic setting of the Upper Triassic Luning Formation (Nevada) and implications for the distribution of Shonisaurus (Diapsida: Ichthyosauria). Sixth North American Paleontological Convention Abstracts, Paleontological Society Special Publication No. 8, p. 279. Moore, T., and Parrish, J.T. 1996, Application of spherical geodesic grids in defining occurrences of paleoclimate data. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 28, p. A-227. Tanck, G.S., and Parrish, J.T., 1996, Changes in tectonic activity and sedimentation during deposition of the Niobrara Formation (Upper Cretaceous, Western Interior). Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 28, p. A-65. 1995 Bradshaw, M.T. Brakel, A.T., Parrish, J.T., Totterdell, J.M., and Yeates, A.N., 1995, Paleoclimatology of Australia during the Pangaean interval: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Annual Meeting, Official Program, p 12 A. Parrish, J.T., Spicer, R., Daniel, I.L., Kennedy, E., 1995, Paleoclimatic Significance of a Mid-Cretaceous Flora from the Clarence Valley, NZ: Cretaceous near-polar terrestrial climates: Geological Society of American Abstracts with Programs, v. 27, no. 6. 1993

18 Lamberson, M.N., Parrish, J.T., and Spicer, R.A., 12993, Albian-Cenomanian (Nanushuk Group) wetland environments of the North Slope of Alaska region: Tenth Annual Meeting of the Society for Organic Petrology, Norman, OK, Oct. 9-13, 1993. Parrish, J.T., History, strengths and limitations of conceptual paleoclimate models: Abstracts, Royal Society Discussion Meeting, Mesozoic Palaeoclimates, p. 6 (invited). Parrish, J.T., Tanck, G.S., and Demko, T.M., 1993, Sedimentary palaeoclimatic indicators: what they are and what they tell us: Abstracts, Royal Society Discussion Meeting, Quantifying Sedimentary Geochemical Processes, p. 2 (invited). Ziegler, A.M., Parrish, J.M., Yao J.P., Gyllenhaal, E.D., Rowley, D.B., Parrish, J.T., Nie S.Y., and Bekker, A., 1993, Early Mesozoic phytogeography and climate: Abstracts, Royal Society Discussion Meeting, Mesozoic Palaeoclimates, p. 8 (invited). 1992 Parrish, J.T., 1992, Mesozoic climates, Western Interior, U.S.: Abstracts, SEPM 1992 Theme Meeting, Mesozoic of the Western Interior, Ft. Collins, CO, August 17-19, 1992, Abstracts, p. 53. Parrish, J.T., and Spicer, R.A., 1992, Cretaceous climate of the Alaskan Arctic coast based on plant megafossils: International Conference on Arctic Margins, Abstracts, Anchorage, September 2-4, 1992, p. 47 (invited). 1991 Parrish, J.T., Spicer, R.A., Douglas, J.G., Rich, T.H., and Vickers-Rich, P., 1991, Continental climate near the Albian South Pole and comparison with climate near the North Pole: Geological Society of America, Annual Meeting, Abstracts with Programs, v. 23, p. A302. 1990 Lawson, G.R., and Parrish, J.T., 1990, Paleobiogeography of marine invertebrate faunas during the Paleozoic: Implications for a mid-Paleozoic equatorial Gondwana: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Program, v. 22, no. 2, p. 29. Parrish, J.M., and Parrish, J.T., 1990, Triassic communities and climates: Abstracts, University of Chicago Paleogeography Atlas Project Annual Meeting, June 21-22, p. 34. Parrish, J.T., 1990, Hydrocarbon source rocks: Abstracts, University of Chicago Paleogeography Atlas Project Annual Meeting, June 21-22, p. 80. Parrish, J.T., 1990, Mesozoic climates of the Colorado Plateau: Abstracts of the Symposium on Southwestern Geology and Paleontology, Museum of Northern Arizona, Sept. 29-30, p. 18. Parrish, J.T., 1990, Future of research on the evolution of the global environment: AAAS Annual Meeting, February 1990, Symposium on Future of Research in the Solid- Earth Sciences, AAAS Annual Meeting Abstracts, p. 24. Parrish, J.T., and Spicer, R.A., Cretaceous non-marine climate reconstruction, with emphasis on polar regions: SEPM Research Conference, Cretaceous Resources, Events, and Rhythms, Denver, August 20-24, 1990, Program and Abstracts (no page number). 1989 Parrish, J.M., Dubiel, R.F., and Parrish, J.T., Triassic monsoonal paleoclimate in Pangaea: Evidence from the Upper Triassic Chinle Formation, southwestern United

19 States: Abstracts, 28th International Geological Congress, Washington, D.C., July, 1989, v. 2, p. 575-576. Parrish, J.T., 1989, Paleogeography of anoxia — is the present the key to the past?: Geological Society of London Conference on Modern and Ancient Shelf Anoxia, May 17-19, 1989. Parrish, J.T., and Spicer, R.A., 1989, Flora of the Dunvegan Formation (Cenomanian, British Columbia) and comparison with the flora of the Niakogon Tongue of the Chandler Formation (Cenomanian, Alaska): Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 21, p. A147. 1988 Grant, P.R., Spicer, R.A., and Parrish, J.T., 1988, Palynofacies of northern Alaskan Cretaceous coals: International Palynological Congress, Brisbane, Australia, Abstracts. Parrish, J.T., 1988, Pangaean paleoclimates: Eos, v. 69, p. 1061. Parrish, J.T., 1988, Overview of phosphate distribution and paleoclimatic controls on phosphogenesis: Abstracts, International Geological Correlation Programme, Project 156, Phosphorites, Final Meeting, Oxford, September 4-11, 1988. Parrish, J.T., and Gautier, D.L., 1988, Upwelling in the Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway — The Sharon Springs Member of the Pierre Shale (abstract): American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 72, p. 232-233. Parrish, J.T., and McCabe, P.J., 1988, Controls on the distribution of Cretaceous coals— an overview: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Program, v. 20, p. A27. Parrish, J.T., and Samson, S.D., 1988, Possible paleoclimatic constraints on the positions of Laurentia, southern Britain, and Baltica in the Ordovician: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Program, v. 20, p. A192. Spicer, R.A. Parrish, J.T., and Grant, P., 1988, The terrestrial biota and climate of the Late Cretaceous North Polar region: Abstracts, Symposium on Polar Geology, British Antarctic Survey, Geological Society of London, May 24-26, 1988. Spicer, R.A., Parrish, J.T., and Grant, P.R., 1988, Evolution of vegetation and coal- forming environments in the Late Cretaceous of the North Slope of Alaska: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Program, v. 20, p. A29. Tennyson, M.E., and Parrish, J.T., 1988, Tectonic history and petroleum potential of eastern Washington and Oregon (abstract), in Carter, L.M.H., ed., USGS Research on Energy Resources — 1988 Program and Abstracts: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1025, p. 61-62. 1987 Gautier, D.L., and Parrish, J.T., 1987, Sharon Springs Member of Pierre Shale — Test of the upwelling hypothesis: Geological Association of Canada Joint Annual Meeting, Program with Abstracts, v. 12, p. 45. Parrish, J.T., 1987, Phosphorites in space and time: Newsletter, Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Rocky Mountain Section, v. 11, no. 4, p. 1. Parrish, J.T., Parrish, J.M., Hutchison, J.H., and Spicer, R.A., 1987, Cretaceous vertebrates from Alaska: Implications for dinosaur ecology: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Program, v. 19, no. 5, p. 326. Parrish, J.T., and Peterson, Fred, 1987, Eolian sandstones and predicted , western U.S.: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Program, v. 19, no. 5, p. 325.

20 Parrish, J.T., Spicer, R.A., and Grant, P., 1987, Near-polar climate in the latest Cretaceous: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Program, v. 19, p. 800. Spicer, R.A., Grant, P.R., and Parrish, J.T., 1987, The Late Cretaceous polar coals: A sedimentological, vegetational, and climatological study of the Umiat Delta, Alaska: Deltas, Sites and Traps for Fossil Fuels, Abstracts, Geological Society of London, p. 39. 1986 Parrish, J.T., 1986, The Shublik Formation — A model for deposition in an ancient marine upwelling zone, in Carter, L.M.H., ed., USGS Research on Energy Resources — 1986 Programs and Abstracts: U.S. Geological Survey Circular, p. 54. Parrish, J.T., Su Z.R., Zhang Y.R., and Hu W.H., 1986, Source rock potential of the Nanpanjiang Basin, South China: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 70, p. 629. Spicer, R.A., and Parrish, J.T., 1986, Fossil woods from northern Alaska and near-polar climate in the middle Cretaceous: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Program, v. 18, p. 759. Spicer, R.A., and Parrish, J.T., 1986, Late Cretaceous North Polar vegetation and climate: Palaeontological Association Annual Conference Abstracts, p. 21. 1985 Parrish, J.T., 1985, Lithological and geochemical facies of the Shublik Formation (Triassic), northern Alaska: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 69, no. 5, p. 675. 1984 Doyle, J.A., and Parrish, J.T., 1984, Jurassic-Early Cretaceous plant distributions and paleoclimatic models: Second International Organization of Paleobotany Conference, Edmonton, Canada, Abstracts of Contributed Papers and Poster Session, p. 11. Parrish, J.T., 1984, Phanerozoic paleoceanography and phosphorites, in International Geological Correlation Programme, Project 156, Phosphorites: 5th Field Seminar and Workshop, Kumming, China, v. 2, p. 221-224. Parrish, J.T., 1984, The evolution of global climate from the Carboniferous to the Tertiary: Second International Organization of Paleobotany Conference, Edmonton, Canada, Abstracts of Contributed Papers and Poster Session, p. 57. Parrish, J.T., and Doyle, J.A., 1984, Predicted evolution of global climates in Late Jurassic-Cretaceous time: Second International Organization of Paleobotany Conference, Edmonton, Canada, Abstracts of Contributed Papers and Poster Session, p. 29. 1983 Parrish, J.M., and Parrish, J.T., 1983, Were Mesozoic marine reptiles analogs of whales?: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Program, v. 15, p. 659. Parrish, J.T., 1983, Paleozoic atmospheric circulation and oceanic upwelling, in Cronin, T.M., Cannon, W.T., and Poore, R.Z., eds., Paleoclimate and Mineral Deposits: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 822, p. 37-39. Parrish, J.T., 1983, Palaeo-oceanography and the influence of palaeo-upwelling: Conference on Marine Petroleum Source Rocks, Marine Studies and Petroleum Geochemistry Groups of the Geological Society of London, May 17-18, 1983, p. 8.

21 Parrish, J.T., 1983, Upwelling deposits: The nature of the association of organic-rich rocks, chert, chalk, phosphorite, and glauconite: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 67, p. 529. Parrish, J.T., 1983, Circulation in the mid-Cretaceous seaway of North America: Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists Symposium on Mesozoic of Middle North America, Calgary, 1983, Program and Abstracts, p. 116. Parrish, J.T., Ziegler, A.M., and Scotese, C.R., 1983, Global paleogeography and paleoclimate in the Late Carboniferous: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Program, v. 15, p. 658. 1982 Raymond, A., Parker, W.C., and Parrish, J.T., 1982, Implications of paleoclimatic reconstructions for phytogeography, in North American Paleontological Convention Abstracts: Journal of Paleontology, v. 56, Supplement 2, p. 21. 1981 Parrish, J.T., 1981, Global atmospheric circulation in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic: Ameriocan Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 65, p. 969. Parrish, J.T., 1981, Atmospheric circulation and upwelling in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Program, v. 13, p. 526. Parrish, J.T., and Humphreville, R.G., 1981, Upwelling and phosphorites in the Paleozoic: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 65, p. 969. Parrish, J.T., and Ziegler, A.M., 1981, Paleozoic paleogeography and upwelling sediments, in Suess, E., and Thiede, J., eds., Symposium on Coastal Upwelling: Its Sediment Record: NATO Advanced Research Institute, Villamoura, Portugal, September 1981 (no page number). Ziegler, A.M., Bambach, R.K., Barrett, S.F., and others (McKerrow, W.S., Scotese, C.R., Kazmer, C., and Parrish, J.T.), 1981, Mesozoic and Cenozoic paleogeography: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 65, p. 1011. Ziegler, A.M., and Parrish, J.T., 1981, Paleoclimates and climatically controlled sediments — The stability of global atmospheric circulation patterns: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Program, v. 13, p. 587. Ziegler, A.M., Parrish, J.T., and Scotese, C.R., 1981, Cambrian world paleogeography, biogeography, and climatology, in Taylor, M.E., ed., Second International Symposium on the Cambrian System: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 81-743, p. 252. 1980 Parrish, J.T., and Zielger, A.M., 1980, Climate asymmetry and biogeographic distributions: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 64, p. 763. 1979 Parrish, J.T., Hansen, K.S., and Ziegler, A.M., 1979, Atmospheric circulation in the Paleozoic, with reference to petroleum source beds: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 63, p. 507-508. Ziegler, A.M., Parrish, J.T., and Humphreville, R.G., 1979, Palaeogeography, upwelling, and phosphorites, in Cook, P.J., and Shergold, J.H., eds., Proterozoic and Cambrian Phosphorites: Proceedings of the First Meeting, International Geological Correlation Programme, Project 156, p. 21. 1978 Parrish, J.T., 1978, Identification and interpretation of communities at the generic level: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Program, v. 10, p. 280-281.


Book Reviews

2008 Plant Desiccation Tolerance, edited by M.A. Jenks and A..J. Wood: Palaios, DOI:10.2110/palo.2008.BR38 (online only) 2002 Geological Perspectives of Global Climate Change, edited by L.C. Gerhard, W.E. Harrison, and B.M. Hanson: Geotimes, March 2002, p. 38-39. 2001 Prediction: Science, Decision Making, and the Future of Nature, edited by D. Sarewitz, R. Pielke, Jr., and R. Byerly: Geotimes, v. 46, no. 1, p. 30. 1987 Miocene Oceanography, edited by James P. Kennett: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 57, p. 192. Notes on Sedimentary Basins in China, by A.W. Bally, I-M. Chou, R. Clayton, H.P. Eugster, S. Kidwell, L.D. Meckel, R.T. Ryder, A.B. Watts, and A.A. Willson: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 71, p. 481. 1986 Paleoclimatic Analysis and Modeling, edited by Alan D. Hecht: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 56, p. 173-174. 1985 Siliceous Deposits in the Pacific Region, edited by A. Iijima, J.R. Hein, and R. Siever: Sedimentary Geology, v. 43, p. 308-310. Fossils and Climate, edited by P.R. Brenchley: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 55, p. 628. 1983 Geological Atlas of Western and Central Europe, by P.A. Ziegler, 1982: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 53, p. 333-334. 1982 Coastal Upwelling, edited by F.A. Richards: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 52, no. 4, p. 1339-1340. 1981 Marine Phosphorites, edited by Y. Bentor: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 51, p. 1036-1037. 1980 Lakes: Chemistry, Geology, Physics, edited by A. Lerman: Journal of Geology, v. 88, p. 249-250. 1979 Evolution and the Fossil Record, by Leo F. Laporte: Journal of Geology, v. 87, p. 464-465. Tales of an Old Ocean, by Tj. van Andel: Journal of Geology, v. 87, p. 591. McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of the Geological Sciences: Journal of Geology, v. 87, p. 734.

Fiction 2016

23 The Chinle Conspiracy, Amazon, 349 p., writing as J.P. Totman 2014 The Revenge of Time, Amazon, 309 p., writing as J.P. Totman

Professional Societies

American Geological Institute, Nominating Committee (2012-2013) Geological Society of America (1983-present); Nominating Committee (1992); Councilor (2001-2004; Ad Hoc Committee on Headquarters Organization); Audit Committee (2004-2006, 2014-2016); Investment Committee (2004-2006); Vice President (2007- 2008); Programmatic Oversight Committee (2007-2010); Executive Committee (2007-2010); Finance Committee (2007-2010 [as executive leader], 2010-2013 [as at- large member]); Sloss Award Committee (2008-2013); Chair, Committee on Associated Societies (2007-2010); President (2008-2009); Past President (2009- 2010); Interim Executive Director (2015); On to the Future Mentor (2014- ) Geological Society of America Foundation: Board of Trustees (2011-present); Development Committee (2009-2016, Chairman, 2011-2016); Search Committee for President of GSA Foundation (2009-2010); Investment Committee (2013-2017); Capital Campaign Steering committee (2015-2017); Audit Committee (2017- ) Society of Sedimentary Geology (SEPM) (1977-1980, 1982-present) Phosphorite Research Group, Co-founder; Vice chairman (1981-1982); Chairman, (1982-1984); Research Committee member; Nominating Committee, 1987; Goals and Strategy Committee (1996); Councilor for Paleontology (1999-2001); Nominated for President (2004, not elected; 2012, not elected); Strategic Planning Workshop (2005); Investment Committee (2014-present) STEPPE, Advisory Committee (2012-2013); Interim Executive Director (2013-2014) American Geophysical Union (1988-2010) International Geological Correlation Programme, Project 156, Phosphorites (1980-1989) American Association of Petroleum Geologists (1979-2003) Paleontological Society (1977-2000) American Association for the Advancement of Science (1972-1978) American Society of Mammalogists (1972-1974)

Policy, Planning, and Review Committees and Panels and Editorships

National Science Foundation: Panel member, Sedimentary Geology and Paleontology Program (2009, 2013: includes both SGP tracks) Panel member, P2C2 Program (2009) Panel member, Geology and Paleontology Program (2007) Search Committee, Director of the Earth Sciences Division (2006) CAREER Committee of Visitors (2001) Advisory Committee for the Geosciences Directorate (1999-2001) NSF-NATO Postdoctoral Fellowships review panel (1999) Women in Science Conference (1995, invited) Panel member, Geologic Record of Global Change program (1991-1993)

24 NSF/Joint Oceanographic Institutions Board of Governors, Performance Evaluation Committee for the Ocean Drilling Program (1991-1992) Advisory Committee for the Earth Sciences (1989-1992; Executive Committee; Chairman for 1990), liaison to Advisory Committee for the Atmospheric Sciences (1989-1992), liaison to Advisory Committee for Ocean Sciences (1989-1992)

University of Arizona: PreK-20 Council (2001-2003) University Advising Implementation Task Force (2002-2003) Finance Subcommittee on Course Availability (2001-present) College Academic Administrators Council (2000-present; Chair, 2002-2003) Comprehensive Campus Plan Steering Committee (2000-2002; Acting Chair, Fall 2002) Strategic Planning and Budget Advisory Committee (1996-1999; re-elected for 1999- 2002; reappointed for 2002-2003); Restructuring Subcommittee; Chair, Subcommittee on the Environment for Scholarship and Research (1996-1997); Subcommittee on Undergraduate Education; Steering Committee (1996-1997) Graduate and Professional Student Council task force on GTA workloads Arizona Faculties Council, Dialog on Higher Education (web-based caucus): Moderator, Global Interests and Research (1998-1999) Graduate College Representative (1998-2000) College of Science, Representative to the Graduate Council; ad hoc committee on minimum enrollment policy, Subcommittee on GTAs (1998-2002) Faculty (now College) of Science Promotion and Tenure Committee (1992) Department of Geosciences Performance Evaluation Committee (1991), Chair (1997- 98)

University of Idaho Faculty Appeals Committee (2009-2011) Geological Sciences Chair search committee (2008) Chemistry professor search committee (2008) Engineering dean search committee, Chair (2004-2006) Search committee, Assist. Vice President for Human Resources (2004-2005) President’s Cabinet (2005-2007) Deans (now Provost’s) Council (2003-2007) Deans’ Representative, UI Faculty Council (2005-2006) Finance and Business Affairs Committee (2004-2005) University of Idaho Foundation Investment Committee (2004-2007)

Others: Colorado Plateau Institute Advisory Committee, Dixie State College (2011-present; committee is currently inactive) External program review committee, Dept. of Environmental, Earth, and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Massachussetts, Lowell (2010) State of Idaho Dept. of Education, Professional Standards Commission (2006-2007) External program review committee, Dept. of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Sciences, North Carolina State University (2006)

25 Special external review committee, Department of Geological Sciences, University of Michigan (chair, 2004) External program review committee, College of Geosciences, University of Oklahoma (2004) EarthScope/USArray steering committee (2000-2002) External program review committee, Department of Geosciences, University of Nebraska (2001) External member, proposal review panel for U.S. Geological Survey Minerals Research Program (1999) Smithsonian Institution Research Opportunities (1998-2000) Earth Sciences, Energy, and Marine Technology review panel, Texas Advanced Research/Advanced Technology Programs (1993, 1995) National Academy of Sciences/National Research Council study project, "Status and Research Objectives in the Solid Earth Sciences: A Critical Assessment"; Steering Committee member and Panel Chairman for Paleoclimatology, Paleoceanography, and Paleogeography (1988-1990) External member, U.S. Geological Survey Branch of Geochemistry Promotion Review Panel (1987) Branch of Oil and Gas Resources, Promotion review panel (1985-1986) U.S. Geological Survey Chief Geologist's Science Advisory Committee (1987)

Editorships: Science Editor, Geology (2016-present) Associate Editor, Geology (1990-1992) Guest editor, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, Special Issue on Terrestrial Environments of China (2011-2013) Editorial Board, Geotimes (1998-2000) Co-chief editor, Palaeoclimates—Data and Modelling (1995-1999) Associate Editor, Palaios (1989-2002) Associate Editor, American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin (1985- 1987)

Meetings Organized or Chaired

Topical Session, “Mesozoic Ergs of the Colorado Plateau and Adjacent Areas: Genesis, Paleoenvironments, Paleogeography, Paleontology, and Paleoclimate”, 2016 GSA Annual Meeting, with M.A. Chan, S.T. Hasiotis, and S. Rowland. Workshop on Major Research Initiatives in Sedimentary Geology and Paleontology— Construction of a Science Plan, Washington, D.C., October 24-25, 2011, organizer and chair. This resulted in a report, “TRANSITIONS: The Changing Earth-Life System--Critical Information for Society from the Deep Past”, 2012. In 2012, NSF funded a new program, “Earth-Life Transitions” in the Sedimentary Geology and Paleontology Program, based in part on this report. Workshop to Identify Major Research Initiatives in Sedimentary Geology and Paleontology, Washington, D.C., March 27-28, 2011, invited organizer Applications of Plant Taphonomy to Paleoenvironmental, Paleogeographic, and Paleoclimatic Problems, primary organizer with R.A. Gastaldo, sponsored by SEPM; GSA Theme Session, 1997 Annual Meeting

26 Co-Chairman (invited), Global Sedimentary Geology Program (IUGS), Project Pangaea, Working Group 1a: Paleoclimate, 1991-1993; Invited organizer, 3 sessions on Pangean climates, Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists/Global Sedimentary Geology Program 1993 Pangea Symposium, August, 1993 Technical Program Committee, 1991 SEPM Theme Meeting, organizer Symposium Chairman, 1990 Geological Society of America, Cordillera Section, meeting Co-convenor, Geological Society of America Coal Division Symposium, "Controls on the Deposition and Quality of Cretaceous Coals", Annual Meeting (1988) Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists Short Course, "Paleoclimates and Economic Geology," AAPG/SEPM annual meeting (organizer and primary lecturer) (1986) Chairman, Symposium on Marine Biotic Productivity and Paleoceanography, AAPG/SEPM annual meeting, Calgary (1982)

Teaching Experience

2011 “On Flight: The Authority, Responsibility, and Romance of Aviation, Part 2”— freshman-level core lecture course “Advanced Field Studies”—field course (with M. Rowe, WSU) 2010 “Historical Geology”—freshman-level lecture (spring and fall) “On Flight: The Authority, Responsibility, and Romance of Aviation, Part 1”— freshman-level core lecture course “Geosystems”—coordinator (co-taught with J. Davis, D. Geist, S. Kattenhorn), graduate seminar “Advanced Field Studies”—field course “Paleoclimatology Short Course”—lecture, China University of Geosciences, Beijing, China 2009 “Basin Analysis”— lecture “Advanced Field Studies”—field course (with M. Pope, WSU) 2008 “Evolution of Evolution”—sophomore-level integrated science lecture (with L. Forney) “Basin Analysis”— lecture “Historical Geology”—freshman-level lecture “Paleoclimatology”—graduate seminar 2002 “Paleoclimatology”—undergraduate and graduate seminar 2000 "Geosciences Field Camp"—field course (with S. Beck) "Life on Earth" (NATS 104)—lecture (with J. Overpeck, O. Davis) 1999 "Geoscience Communication"—undergraduate writing emphasis course “Paleoclimatology”—undergraduate and graduate seminar

27 "Introduction to the Physical Sciences" (NATS 101)—lecture (with J. Ruiz) "Geosciences Field Camp"—field course (1 project) "Applying and Interviewing for Faculty Positions"—informal workshop (with S. Boardman) 1998 "Technical Writing—Geoscience"—undergraduate writing emphasis course "Geosciences Field Camp"—field course "Minerals and Paleoclimate"—graduate seminar "Writing Proposals"—informal workshop 1997 "Technical Writing—Geoscience"—undergraduate writing emphasis course "Geosciences Field Camp"—field course "Introduction to Geology"—lecture "Paleoclimatology"—lecture "Stratigraphy/Paleontology"—lecture 1996 "Technical Writing in the Geosciences"—graduate seminar/workshop "Introduction to Geology"—lecture 1995 "Geosciences Field Camp"—field course "Paleoclimatology"—lecture 1994 Directed readings in paleoclimatology, informal seminar, Stanford University 1993 "Geosciences Field Camp"—field course "Paleoclimatology"—lecture "Technical Writing in the Geosciences"—seminar/workshop 1992 "Sedimentary Basin Analysis"—lecture "Paleoclimatology"—lecture 1991 "Introduction to Geology"—lecture 1990 "Sedimentary Basin Analysis"—lecture "Paleoclimatology"—lecture "Climate Change in Earth History"—undergraduate honors seminar 1989 "Sedimentary Basin Analysis"—lecture "Introduction to Geology"—lecture "Petroleum Geology"—graduate seminar 1988 "Paleoclimatology"—seminar "Paleoclimatology"—lecture "Sedimentary Geochemistry"—seminar 1986, 1987 "Paleoclimates and Economic Geology," SEPM Short Course, 17 and 30 students (Note: I was invited by SEPM to organize and teach this course.)

28 1980 "The Fossil Record," upper division paleontology, University of California, Santa Cruz, 30 students "Mammals of the Sea," Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, adult education course, 20 students 1974 "Natural History of the Santa Cruz Campus," University of California, Santa Cruz, 15 students 1972, 1973 "Introductory Swedish," semi-formal, full-term course, University of California, Santa Cruz, 5 students each year

Dissertations and Theses Directed

Evraets, B., 2012, Paleoclimate Analysis of Two Petrologically Distinct Sandstone Bodies of the Paleogene Manastash Formation, Central Washington: Possible Climate Control on Sandstone Petrology: MS thesis, University of Idaho, 75 p. plus plates and appendices. Breedlovestrout, R., 2010, Paleofloristic, Sedimentological, and Stratigraphical Studies in the Paleogene Chuckanut Basin, Western Washington, USA: PhD thesis, University of Idaho, 189 p. plus plates and appendices. Hobbs, K.M., 2010, Paleoclimatic Implications of Residual Paleosols in the Middle Miocene Grande Ronde and Wanapum Formations, Columbia River Basalt Province, U.S.A.: MS thesis, University of Idaho, 73 p. Dorney, L.J., 2009, Carbonate Lakes and Mounds in the Jurassic Navajo Formation of Southeastern Utah: MS thesis, University of Idaho, 76 p. plus appendices. Colombi, C., 2005, Historia tafonómica de las comunidades fósiles de la Formación Ischigualasto (Triásico Superior, Carniano), San Juan, Argentina: PhD thesis, Universidad Nacional de San Juan (co-advisor). Shipman, T.M., 2004, Links Between Sediment Accumulation Rates and the Development of Alluvial Architecture, Triassic Ischigualasto Formation, Northwestern Argentina: PhD thesis, University of Arizona, 180 p. Curtin, T.C., 2001, Linking time-equivalent paleosols and lacustrine rocks to reconstruct paleoclimate in the Ischigualasto Basin, NW Argentina: PhD thesis, University of Arizona, 173 p. Montague-Judd, D. D., 1999, Paleo-Upwelling and the Distribution of Mesozoic Marine Reptiles: PhD thesis, University of Arizona, 456 p. Moore, T. L., Jr., 1999, Paleoclimate Studies for Controversial Continental Paleogeographies: The Application of Spherical Geodesic Grids and Climate Models to Gondwana's Devonian Apparent Polar Wander Path: PhD thesis, University of Arizona, 344 p. Rigali, M. J., 1997, Chemical characterization of Solid Graphitic Carbonaceous Matter Associated with the Oklo Natural Fission Reactors and Uranium Ore Deposits, Gabon (West Africa): PhD thesis, University of Arizona, 188 p. Tanck, G. S., 1997, Distribution and Origin of Organic Carbon in the Upper Cretaceous Niobrara Formation and Sharon Springs Member of the Pierre Shale, Western Interior, United States: PhD thesis, University of Arizona, 411 p. Demko, T. M., 1995, Taphonomy of Fossil Plants in the Upper Triassic Chinle Formation: PhD thesis, University of Arizona, 259 p.

29 González-Léon, C. M., 1994, Stratigraphy, Depositional Environments, and Origin of the Cabullona Basin, Northeastern Sonora, Mexico: PhD thesis, University of Arizona, 144 p. Kwok, J., 1991, Species Longevity and Extinction Rates in the Globigerinacea (Cenozoic Planktic Foraminifera): MS thesis, University of Arizona, 26 p. Lawson, G. R., 1991, Evolutionary Patterns in North American Trilobite Genera: MS thesis, University of Arizona, 23 p.

Miscellaneous Professional Activities

University Service NASA/Space Grant speakers' bureau (University of Arizona)

Professional Service (not including service to professional societies) “Friends of IODP”, ad hoc committee to identify industry-academia partnerships in ocean- drilling research (2007) Ad hoc committee to propose a new National Science Foundation initiative on Deep-Time Paleoclimates (2002-2004) Steering Committee, EarthScope workshop: Making and Breaking a Continent, October 10-12, 2001 Interim U.S. National Committee for the Global Sedimentary Geology Program, Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists (1987) JOI-USSAC Workshop on Cretaceous black shales and site proponent for new drilling off NW Africa (1985-present) Panel Member, National Academy of Sciences media program on geophysics, "The Planet Earth" (1985) Program Committee, 1986 McKelvey Forum on energy-related research in the U.S. Geological Survey (1985)

Reviewer (since 2000)—granting agencies: National Science Foundation, NSERC (Canada), NERC (UK), National Geographic Society, Jeffries Memorial Trust, American Chemical Society, Earthwatch, Ocean Drilling Program, Deutsche Forschungsgemainschaft (German Research Foundation)

Reviewer (since 2000)—journals and publishers (excluding those on which I served as editor): Journal of Sedimentary Research, American Naturalist, International Journal of Plant Sciences, Science, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria, Geophysical Research Letters, 5th International Symposium on the Jurassic System, Geology, American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, Sedimentary Geology, Nature, Terra Nova, Sedimentology, Palaeogeography Paleoclimatology Palaeoecology (Outstanding Reviewer, May 2018), Marine Geology, Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, Geological Society of America Bulletin, Journal of Sedimentary Research, Gordon + Breach, Island Press, Columbia University Press, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Cretaceous Research, Scientific Drilling

Media and Other Contacts (relating to research, since 1997): Interviewed by Tom Marnell for Evergreen Films, 3-D film on Late Cretaceous, Alaska climate and dinosaurs, October 2010 (subsequently resulting in a consulting contract)

30 Interviewed and filmed for Natural History New Zealand TV program on the climate of supercontinents, in Death Valley, November 2009, Michael O’Neill, Producer. Interviewed by Jackie Mow, NOVA, for NOVA show on Cretaceous dinosaurs Interview about overflight of Mount St. Helens, Moscow/Pullman Daily News Interviewed by Paul Nussbaum, Philadelphia Inquirer, for story on intelligent design and academic freedom (10/05) Interviewed about work in Alaska by Alexandra Witze, Dallas Morning News Interviewed by Julie Mirocha for “Animal Planet” Interviewed by Milla Harrison and Jonathan Renouf, BBC, on mid-Jurassic climate; filmed in Utah Interviewed by Matt Moline, Topeka (KS) Capital Journal, on paleoclimate and climate change Interviewed by Discovery.com and Newsday (Bryn Nelson) about article by Ivany et al. in Nature Contacted for information on paleoclimate by the BBC, a New Zealand television writer, a couple of out-of-state newspaper reporters, private parties writing for Time-Life Books, and Michael Milstein of Discovery Channel Online. Consulted by Scott Ciencin for children's book on Jurassic dinosaurs of the Southwest Consulted by Harry Gural, The Discovery Channel, for program on the Cretaceous seas Interviewed for University of Arizona press release (release date 10/15/98), May, 1998. This interview was picked up by the Cambridge Conference Network; by Yahoo.com for their global warming newspage; by "Science and You", a Chinese-language science news service out of Hong Kong (Dominic Yip, reporter); by Brigitta Svennevig, free-lance reporter in Denmark; by Ann Dinosian, Tucson Citizen Interviewed by Michael Milstein, San Diego Union Tribune, for story on the Morrison Formation

K-12 activities (since 1997—excluding activities as Dean of Science, UI) Presentations for gifted students at Ironwood High School and Cañada del Oro High School, “Opportunities in Research Science Careers”, Tucson, AZ Talks at Toltec Elementary School, Eloy, AZ Interviewed by several individual middle and high school students from the East and Midwest for projects on "famous" women scientists Talk at Tucson High School, program to increase girl's awareness of science Public lecture for Earth Science Week Talk at Vesey Elementary School

Selected Invited Lectures and/or Participation (not including invitations declined; invited abstracts in section on publications)

2019 Texas Christian University 2017 Western Interior Paleontological Society, Journey to the Jurassic: Exploring the Morrison Formation, 10th Founders Symposium, March 2017, keynote address.


2013 Workshop on Scientific Drilling and the Evolution of the Earth System: Climate, Biota, Biogeochemistry, and Extreme Events, University of Oklahoma Speaker, GSA Symposium, The Web of Geological Sciences: Advances, Impacts, and Interactions; II, The Impact of Geological Sciences on Society 2010 Second Joint Workshop on Rapid Environmental/Climate Change in the Cretaceous Greenhouse World: Ocean-Land Interaction. Deep Terrestrial Scientific Drilling Project of the Cretaceous Songliao Basin, Daqing, China. Lecturer, 2-week short course on methods in pre-Quaternary paleoclimatology, China University of Geosciences, Beijing Workshop on Sedimentary Geology & Paleobiology Grand Challenges for the Future Sedimentary Geology & Paleobiology Grand Challenges for the Future, Incline Village, NV 2008 Philips-AWG Lecture, Florida International University Keynote and science speaker, 4th Conference of African Women Geoscientists, Cairo (Egypt) University Keynote speaker, National Research Council panel on “The Importance of Deep-Time Geologic Records for Understanding Climate Change Impacts” Speaker, SEPM Research Symposium “Paleoclimate: Implications for Stratigraphic Interpretation and Modern Climate Change”, American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention Speaker, GSA/Paleontological Society topical session, “Ancient Polar Ecosystems and Environments: Proxies for Understanding Climate Change and Global Warming”, GSA Annual Meeting Speaker, Pardee Symposium, “Perspectives on an Emerging Workforce Crisis in Geology: Assessing a Looming Irony”, GSA Annual Meeting 2007 Joint Workshop on Rapid Environmental/Climate Change in the Cretaceous Greenhouse World: Ocean-Land Interaction. Deep Terrestrial Scientific Drilling Project of the Cretaceous Songliao Basin, Daqing, China. “Friends of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program” (representing GSA), Bremerhaven, Germany University of Utah, Guy F. Atkinson Distinguished Lecture Series “Networking Your Way to Success”, workshop sponsored by Athena/ASUI/Women’s Center, University of Idaho 2006 Central Washington University Advances in Paleobotany Symposium, Gainesville, FL 2003 University of Idaho/Washington State University 2002 College of Charleston Wichita State University Oregon State University

32 2001 SEPM 75th Jubilee, Denver, CO (invited panel chair) SAGE, Tucson SEPM Core Workshop, Denver, CO California State University, Fullerton Arizona Regents University Workshop, Tempe, AZ 2000 Conference on Philosophy, Science, and Society, Center for Environmental Philosophy, Denton, TX, April 7-9 (invited participant) Extreme Events Workshop, Center for Science, Policy, and Outcomes, Boulder, CO, June 7-9 (invited speaker and panel chair) Pardee Symposium, Geological Society of American Annual Meeting, Reno, NV, November 14 (invited speaker) Arizona State University 1999 Department of Atmospheric Sciences, University of Arizona Lunar and Planetary Science Laboratory, University of Arizona University of Montana National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian) 1998 Arizona Geological Society University of Utah Northern Arizona University New Mexico State University Society of Earth Science Students, University of Arizona

1997 Invited Delegate for Paleoclimatology; Paleontology, Frankfurt, Germany. Principal author of "Paleoclimatology in the 21st Century", the topic statement for this meeting, with Paul Koch and Rubén Cúneo Invited Participant, Climate System Model Workshop 17th International Exchange Conference, panel on Global Climate Change, Lewis and Clark College, Lewiston, ID 1996 Basterfield Lectureship, University of Regina, Saskatchewan University of Michigan (2 lectures) University of Arizona, Department of Atmospheric Sciences 1995 Harvard University (2 lectures) 1994 University of California, Davis Stanford University University of California, Santa Cruz (Biology Department) Eastern Washington University Hungarian Academy of Sciences (2 lectures) 1993 Southern Methodist University

33 California Institute of Technology Arizona State University Royal Society of London Meeting for Discussion on "Palaeoclimates and their modelling, with special reference to the Mesozoic Era" Royal Society of London Meeting for Discussion on "Quantification of Sedimentary Geochemical Processes" Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists/Global Sedimentary Geology Program 1993 Pangea Symposium, August, 1993, invited organizer of two sessions on Pangean climates SEPM Theme meeting, "The Stratigraphic Record of Global Change: Climate, Eustacy, and Life", invited "overview" speaker 1992 University of Chicago, Journal of Geology Centennial Symposium Keynote speaker for SEPM Theme Meeting, "Mesozoic of the Western Interior" AAPG Research Conference on "Paleogeography, Paleoclimate, and Source Rocks", Paris, France (invited talk) Symposium, "Cretaceous Dinosaurs and Associated Terrestrial and Near Shore Records: Implications and Challenges", International Conference on Arctic Margins, Anchorage (invited talk) Association of Women Geoscientists, Tucson 1991 University of California, Santa Barbara Scripps Institution of Oceanography University of South Florida, Tampa and St. Petersburg (2 lectures) Florida State University, Tallahassee Melbourne University, Australia Monash University (guest lecture in class) University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand SESS, University of Arizona 1990 Symposium on "Future of Research in the Solid-Earth Sciences", American Association for the Advancement of Science meeting, New Orleans, invited (by AAAS) organizer Purdue University (one lecture, one short course) Global Change Lecture, University of Arizona University of Washington University of New Mexico University of California, Riverside Symposium on "Paleoclimatology and Petroleum Source Rocks", American Association of Petroleum Geologists annual meeting, San Francisco, invited chairman Museum of Northern Arizona Symposium on the Mesozoic of the Colorado Plateau Symposium on "Paleoclimatic Controls on Weathering", International Association of Sedimentologists meeting, Nottingham, England, invited co-organizer (with Keith Myers, British Petroleum) 1989

34 International Geological Congress, co-organizer (with José Bonaparte), invited, "Major Dispersal Events and Paleoclimate" Geological Society of London Conference on Modern and Ancient Shelf Anoxia Bureau of Mineral Resources, Canberra, institutional review meeting on the greenhouse effect and global change, invited to contribute remarks on paleoclimatic modeling Symposium on "Phanerozoic Paleogeography, Paleoclimatology, Biogeography and Paleomagnetism", 1990 Northeastern Section meeting, Geological Society of America, invited talk Bureau of Mineral Resources, Canberra Australian National University Adelaide University Monash University Geological Society of Australia Imperial College, University of London Leicester University Oxford University Cambridge University British Petroleum 1988 Ohio State University, Workshop on Gondwanan Paleobotany University of California, Davis Mobil Exploration and Producing Services, Inc., Dallas Amoco Production Research, Houston Northern Arizona University 1987 Branch of Coal Geology, U.S. Geological Survey Chemostratigraphy and Evolution of the Ocean-Atmosphere System, AAPG Ft. Burgwin Research Conference Symposium on Evolution of Western Interior Basin, Geological Association of Canada U.S. National Museum Workshop on Ancient Peat Formation SEPM Rocky Mountain Section 1986 Colorado School of Mines 1985 JOI-USSAC Workshop on Cretaceous Black Shales Goldsmiths' College, University of London University of Utah U.S. National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian Institution) International Geological Correlation Programme, Project 156, Tallahassee Colorado Scientific Society North Slope Symposium, AAPG/SEPM Pacific Section, Anchorage 1984 McKelvey Forum (USGS Oil and Gas Research Symposium) 1983 Penrose Conference on Cretaceous Climates, Florissant, Colorado

35 U.S. Geological Survey Phosphate Conclave Oxford University, Oxford, England British Petroleum, Sunbury-on-Thames, England Conference on Marine Petroleum Source Rocks, Geological Society of London, England The Open University, Milton Keynes, England Paleoclimatic Controls on Coal Resources of the Pennsylvanian System of North America, GSA Coal Symposium, Indianapolis Eastern Kentucky University University of Colorado, Denver University of Colorado, Boulder, course on paleoclimatology Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas 1982 Paleoclimatology, Paleoceanography, and Mineral Deposits Workshop, U.S. Geological Survey, Denver School of Oceanography, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, Rhode Island Offshore Hard Mineral Resources Workshop, U.S. Geological Survey, Woods Hole 1981 Paleogeography and Climate, GSA Symposium, San Francisco Amoco Production Co., Houston Workshop on Plate Tectonics, Amoco International, Houston University of Colorado, Boulder Interdisciplinary Paleoclimatic Research Workshop, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado 1980 University of California, Santa Cruz National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado 1979 Chevron Overseas, Inc., San Francisco Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists, Denver California Institute of Technology, Pasadena Chicago Academy of Sciences, Chicago

Community service District 2 Director and Board of Directors, Idaho Aviation Association (2008-2012) SOARING (incentive program for at-risk schoolchildren): Volunteer Pilot (2011-2013) Wright Flight (grade-incentive program for at-risk schoolchildren): Instructor, Volunteer Pilot (1995-2003) Angelflight West (provides transport for persons needing medical care in locations distant from their homes): Mission Pilot (2002-2013) Experimental Aircraft Association Young Eagles Program: Volunteer Pilot (2009-2014)