The Clinton Independent~ —
THE BEST PLACE TO BUY CLOAKS IS» AT JOHN HICKS’. The Clinton Independent~ —.......... *' "T" 1 ■ ' .-157f\ VOL XXXI.—NO. 1 ft. ST. JOHNS, MICH., THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 21 > 1897. WHOLE NO FROM A STROKE OF APOPLEXY. that effect. ‘‘But I will feel better if I Brevities. ANOTHER SUCCESS. In Our.Remnant Baskets. have it in my possession, ” she replied. See call on our editorial page for Ladies blessed with small feet can TOOK HIS OWN LIFE! He finally induced her to go down stairs John Koepplinger, Father of Mrs. Harry Democratic state convention. “Judas Maccabeus” Repeated to a Crowded find plain toe shoes for every day wear without it, and that he would go to Mack, ef This Village, le Dead. —J. E. Warner, of Lansing, delivered House Saturday Last. at 93c. Original price from $2.00 to sleep and that it would be all right. Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Mack, of this his popular lecture. “Curiosity Hunting The drama, "Judas Maccabeus,” $4.00. Woodruff & Tromp , tor Barnum,” at Wacousta last Mouday The Shoe Dealers. Tragic Death of Louie Wolcott, She did so, and with much anxiety wait village, were summoned to Saginaw, evening. was repeated, by request, at Newton their former home, last Monday morn Hall last Saturday evening. Every seat of This Village. ed. She finally heard a noise, and al ing, by a telegram informing them of —There will be a union young peo was occupied and it became necessary Buy Cloaks most simultaneously with it a call for the sudden demise of their rather, the ple's meeting held in the Methodist to place chairs in the aisles to accommo At John H ick ’s.
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