25 JANUARY 2007

ARGYLL & BUTE STRATEGIC HOUSING & COMMUNITIES FORUM: I am happy to report to Members that the first meeting of the amalgamated Argyll & Bute Strategic Housing Forum and the Community Planning Third Theme Group was held on 8th December 2006. This will clearly serve to strengthen the linkages between the Local Housing Strategy process, Community Planning and Community Regeneration.

MINISTERIAL CHANGES: Members should be made aware that there have been a number of Ministerial changes within the Scottish Executive that impact on housing issues. Firstly, Des McNulty MSP became Deputy Minister for Communities in November 2006 when MSP moved from that position to become Deputy Minister for Justice. That change was followed this month by MSP being appointed as Minister for Communities following Malcolm Chisholm MSP stepping down from the Scottish Executive. Apart from Housing, the Communities Minister’s remit includes Regeneration, People & Society and Planning & Building. I have already taken the opportunity of writing to the Minister to congratulate her on her appointment and hope to have the opportunity to speak to her when I visit the next week.

HOUSING STOCK TRANSFER: As Members are aware, the formal transfer of the Council’s housing stock to Argyll Community Housing Association (ACHA) took place on Tuesday 21st November 2006. To date the transition appears to have been fairly smooth with no problems having been brought to my attention. Members should note that as a result of the stock transfer process, management of unauthorised camping by gypsies/travellers is now the responsibility of Roads & Amenity Services and will be managed through the Area Roads & Amenity Services Manager. In my last report I informed Members that tenants in Highland Council and Inverclyde Council areas were due to vote on stock transfer proposals. It was announced 22nd November 2006 that tenants in Highland Council area had voted against stock transfer. Less than two weeks later, Inverclyde tenants voted in favour of stock transfer.

HOMELESSNESS: The Community Support Development Manager has confirmed that we still have ongoing problems with high numbers of people in temporary accommodation. The figure at 31st December 2006 was 200. The Scottish Executive is pressing ahead with its agenda to eliminate homelessness. We have now received new guidance from the Executive on the five top level outcomes that they wish us to report on. These are: • Fewer people become homeless in the first place. • The duration of homelessness is reduced. • Sustainable resettlement is secured for people who become homeless. • No one need sleep rough • Existing homelessness becomes more visible. These outcomes are required to form the basis of our submission to the Scottish Executive for Argyll & Bute Council’s £574,058 allocation for homelessness for 2007/08. The submission will be the subject of a future report to the SPC. The Scottish Executive has recently issued for consultation, draft guidance on the provision of temporary accommodation. Responses are also invited on a consultation paper on the implementation of Section 11 of the Homelessness etc (Scotland) Act 2003. A draft response will be the subject of a further report to the SPC in the near future.

George S Freeman Housing Spokesperson