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The BG News October 25, 2007

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Students at risk By Kristcn which would alert students when a tuition this year which is great, but for dangerous Reporter crisis arises on campus. that also poses a problem down the staph infections He also stressed the importance load," he said. "Because of the situ- Undergraduate Student of making sure friends are account- ation surrounding the tuition hold, The infection can be Government President Johnnie L ed for at all times. some University programs might spread in a variety of Lewis stressed the idea that "silence "Don't let friends walk atone, get ait or lose their funding." USG plans to look at and ways, including contact is compliance" at last night's State especially at night." he said." People of the Student Body Address in the need to realize that the crimes have assess the issue even though the with open wounds Union. not increased, but the violence of University may not see the effects | Page 3 After being introduced by Vice the crimes has." for nearly two or three years. President Nick Gamero, Lewis Sophomore Kari Crenshaw was Ahng with the tuition hold, USG State bill creates focused on USG's lop live issues pleased to hear campus safety was also plans on revising the academic for this year. an Issue USG would be working honesty policy stricter penalties "Campus safety is our number on. "The policy is too lengthy and for cocaine use one priority," Lewis said. "It origi- "I think Johnnie did a really good confusing right now." lewis said. nated first through the Virginia job covering the campus safety "We want to simplify it and make it The Senate unanimously Tech tragedy, but our concern has thing," she said. "It affects everyone clearer to snidents." passed a bill that will make only escalated due to the violence all the time, so it's definitely some- The issue arose when die stu- penalties the same for on campus" thing diat needs to be discussed." dent government discovered mis- powder cocaine and crack Lewis said the Information Second on 1-ewis' list was the ENOCH WU "MlBC Technology System has been work- concern over the tuition hold. Sea USG I s2 | Page 12 ing on creating a cell phone system, "We will see no increase in ADDRESS: USG President Johnnie L lewis speaks m Union about this year's goals. Colbert shouldn't be supported Columnist Matisha Pietrowski explains the person you see on TV is Univ. commits to marriage research just a character, not the real candidate | Page 4 Your part-time job doesn't have By Gina Potthof f Reporter to be so bad From his experience as Men in the U.S. are waiting until age 27 to get married, and a part-time toothbrush, women are waiting until they're 25. This is just one of the many issues the University's new National Center for Marriage columnist Grant Pardee Research will be tackling over the next five years. explains that your job is The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services was so only as enjoyable as you interested in the causes and consequences of this and other cur- rent marriage issues that it offered researchers across the nation make it | Page 4 a chance to earn a $4.35 million grant to create the nation's one and only national marriage research center. White House Univ. professor Wendy Manning and associate professor Susan Brown, co-directors of the new center, heard about the denies 'watering grant on luly 3 of this year and turned in their 100-page proposal down' report less than a month later. The national center puts BGSU's program at a high level of Key portions of a hearing visibility, which can attract attention from scholars, research- on environmental impact ers and students, said Gary Lee, chair of the sociology were allegedly edited out department. Since the new research center will need S5.52 million in by White House officials total funding, the University will make up the difference with | Page 11 donations from the sociology department, graduate college and the College of Arts and Sciences. Men's soccer wins "Phis is a really terrific accomplishment for both Susan Brown and Wendy Manning, but also 2-1 at home over for the University and the region." said Heinz Detroit Mercy Bulmahn, dean of the graduate college and vice In their first win in a provost for research. Manning and Brown, both accomplished month, the Falcons won researchers in the sociology field, collaborated their last nonconference on the proposal, which aims to address six main game | Page 7 questions that deal with marriage and family issues across generations in the U.S. Volleyball keeps "The million-dollar question is whether marriage is it up in Anderson the cause or consequence of well-being," Brown said. Well-being can be affected by economics, physical In a tough four-game health and mental health, but they're trying to see battle against the Miami where heterosexual marriage fits in the equation. Redhawks. the team Families are more complicated. Manning said. managed to remain The percentage of U.S. children born to unwed mothers is at 38 percent, compared undefeated to 5 percent in I960, which shows at home the difference between the changing | Page 7 ~>^W^\ generations. Brown said. ft We need to research these issues

See MARRIAGE | Page 2


Are you an organ donor? Biographical writer shares life stories Organ donation myths dispelled Why or why not? Author of "," Jeannette Walls, inspires local community By Kat« Snydcr "Our purpose is Reporter By K.lly Mltz to educate people Reporter There are many myths surround- ing organ donation. Some people about organ Despite all Jeannette Walls has fear doctors will see them only been through, she is still able to for their organs, others think it donation." JOSIEHUfi laugh at her life. goes against religious values. But Freshman The Lenhart Grand Ballroom one group on campus is looking : Northey | Vice President Psychology was filled with laughter, silence to dispel these rumors. and other mixed emotions as The on-campus organization "Yes, because I am not myths is that If an organ donor is Jeannette Walls, author of "The asy- Students for Organ Donation is in an accident, the doctor won't going to need them." Glass Castle," came yesterday to less about recruitment and more try as hard to save them. |Page 4 share her story with staff, fac- about education. Another myth is that most ulty, community members and "It's mostly a communica- religions forbid organ donation. students. tion type of process,'' said lee According to Meserve only a "The Glass Castle," the com- CHRISTINA MCGINNS "HE BG NEWS Meserve, the adviser for the pro- handful of religions absolutely mon reading book and the AUDIENCE INTERACTION: Jeannette Walls signs books alter her speech. gram. don't allow for donations, and community read for the city of The group meets once a month they are very obscure. Bowling Green this year, was family living in poverty-strick- ing compared to what Walls felt on Wednesdays. One of the activ- Megan Greenwald. the presi- TODAY chosen for being provocative en environments from Arizona while writing. ities members do is write cards dent of the group, also said there I Windy and engaging and a book every- to West Virginia, has received Her mother encouraged her for children waiting for organs. are those who think they would High: 59. Low: 50 one can relate to, literature pro- varied comments from readers. to be truthful, yet Walls still felt They have also done fundraisers be unable to have an open-cas- fessor Brett Holden said. These comments have dealt with her world would come crash- at football games in concessions. ket funeral if they donate organs. "This book is a wonder- the unique selfishness of her ing down once people knew the Funds go to the national Organ That is also not true. ful example of a person who eccentric mother to the trying reality of her homeless and poor Procurement meeting in Detroit. Along with these, myths, thrived under what most people times of love and understanding background. "Our purpose is to educate Meserve said one of the biggest consider impossible obstacles," from an alcoholic father. "Once people knew the truth, people about organ donation, reasons why people don't donate TOMORROW he said. Although this book might there are a lot of myths," said Showers The memoir, about the life of have been hard for readers, the See WALLS | Page 2 Vice President Elyssa Northey. See ORGANS Page 10 High: 62. Low: 51 young leannette Walls and her pain and struggles were noth- One of the most common k VISIT BGNEWS.COM: NEWS, SPORTS, UPDATES, MULTIMEDIA AND FORUMS'FOR YOUR EVERYDAY LIFE ■

2 Thuftday. October 25.2007 WWW.BGNEWS.COM

Welch, W.Va. She considers hcr- matic events such as her dress "This is a BLOTTER WALLS self scrappy because of this back- catching on fire as a four-year- MARRIAGE ground, but acknowledges she old, and how scars make a person From Page 1 From really terrific couldn't be like that all the time. who they an-. 1 ler husband told TUESDAY I was going to lose everything." "Being able to fight is good," her not to be ashamed of scars, so we can inform people and accomplishment for 240 P.M Walls said. "I've never been so she said "Hut sometimes, it is but embrace them as a sign she change the next generation of A man received a $6,000 check in tne mail from Europe. He believes wrong and never been so happy okay to take off the armor, set has survived whatever tried to marriage researchers, she said. both Susan Brown it to be a fraud. to be wrong." down weapons and be vulner- hurt her. She hopes her readers Divorce also plays a role in the Walls said coming clean about able" will feel the same. changing family structure, since and Wendy Manning, her background and her story is This concept helped her under- "Scars give people texture," she about half of all first marriages 3:55 P.M Someone stole a Samsung cell the most emancipating experi- stand the world is not only full of said. "The texture may be slight- are expected to end in divorce. but also for the phone from Taco Bell. ence in her life and she is con- potential enemies, but potential ly flawed, but flaws are the best Manning said. stantly fascinated by reader reac- friends and this helped her find thing and texture do not make This could affect the well- University and tions to her story. compassion for people and be you less of a person." being of a child because chil- 606 P.M. A student walked into the Walls remembers two particu- accepting of her past life. In between the traumatic sto- dren typically are better off the region." Student Health Center, bleeding lar reader reactions, one from a Many of the lessons she ries, Walls was always able to when they're in better families, and seeking treatment. He had cheerleader claiming she would learned in life, she learned from look positively on the experience Manning sail Heinz Bulmahn | Dean left the Wood County Hospital never be mean to a poor girl at her parents. and even make fun of herself, On top of these issues, the earlier and pulled out his IVs. school and an Alabama teenager from the memoir, she discuss- her parents and her situation. research center will be looking at money difference between the who told her, "This here is a fine es her lather helping her find "the Something about her character the effects marriages and fami- federal grant and the amount 816 P.M. white-trash story." Walls said this demon'' hiding under her bed. which shocked and surprised lies have on adolescents' views needed for research. A man reported that several items is the best compliment she ever "My lather told me to look |the sophomore Caitlin Keelor. toward marriage, the issue of "Faculty on release" is staff, were stolen from his apartment received. demonl in the eye and tell him I keelor was blown away with cohabitation before marriage, such as a graduate student, that that he found on sale later that Walls believes that if a "wbite- wasn't afraid, he was really telling what Walls had to say. the formation of family outside is released from usual teaching day at a video game store in trash" boy can relate, and a me to face my fears," she said. She is so light-hearted. I don't of marriage compared to mar- loads to focus on research, he Perrysburg. cheerleader vacationing in the "My demon has been myself, it know how she can look hack on ried families, and the effects of said. Caribbean can relate, that is the has been my past and the past has her story and laugh and be in marriage education programs Manning said they are also 10:22 P.M. greatest gift she can give to her a habit of catching up to you." such good spirits, I can't compare in maintaining a person's well- still looking for a centralized Police responded to reports at readers. I ler past is what has kept her to her life, or know how she can being. location for the research center Kreischer Batchelder of some- Hmpathy and relating to others going, through incredible odds, be so carefree and cam herself so A number of University faculty on campus, since the faculty body throwing water balloons and In different circumstances were and although many believe she well under the circumstances she and undergraduate and gradu- currently has no place to gather sauce-filled balloons at windows. Stressed by Walls as she discussed would blame her parents for her faced," Keelor said. ate students will be working on for conferences, workshops and When officers arrived, the her childhood and growing up in struggles. Walls credits them for Although anyone who read these topics, along with several pilot research projects. Until students were gone. helping her in her life. "The Glass Castle" often wonders national affiliates. that time, they will be working "I may not have had heat how Walls can forgive the people Since the research center with the center for family demo- or food, but my parents would from her past, she is not looking funding didn't begin until early graphic research on campus in WEDNESDAY 140 A.M. never make fun of my dreams," for an apology and has come to October, some things are still up UK) Williams Mall, she said. CORRECTION Mikeena M. Fitzgerald. 26. of Walls said. "If your parents give terms with the past and is able in the air. such as hiring more Both Brown and Manning will Bowling Green, was arrested you belief in yourself, the rest is to look on it with ease and laugh staff. be t raveling to Washington, D.C., POLICY and taken to the Wood County gravy, if they love you and give about many events. Bulmahn said faculty on next Friday to meet with nation- We want to correct all factual errors. Justice Center for assaulting a you a sense of self, that's all you "When life gives you lemons, release time will be working in al affiliates and said they expect If you think an error has been made, police officer, resisting arrest and need." you should go all out and make the research center as one way the research center to actually call The BG News at 419-372-6966. criminal mischief at Uptown. Walls spoke on some trau- lemon meringue pie!" the University can make up the get going next spring. .> work made on the issue of a v DELTA SIGMA PI USG downtown shuttle bus. From Page 1 The University-provided bus COW PLOT FOR THE KIDS 2007 would offer transportation to Saturday, October 27 from 3-6pm takes made in light Of the hon- late-night club-goers, as well as at Webster Elementary School esty policy, as well as general protection for students crossing confusion among the students as the railroad tracks in the dark. Delia Sigma Pi is teaming up with Make-A-Wish Foundation' to what it contained. USG is cur- "The idea has been discussed of Northwest Ohio to raise money for 5 year-old Alex and get his one wish, to go to Disney World with his family. rently reviewing the policy and for a number of years," he said. Alex will be attending that day so please come and show him discussing possible changes. "Now is the time to put thai plan your support. After noting the review of the into action." academic honesty policy. Lewis At the conclusion of the FREE drinks and snacks will be provided as well as other games and activities. went on to discuss making address, Mark Kowalski. junior, instructor evaluations public. Sitid he fell that Lewis's plans Tickets are $10 eoch "This idea grew off of private for this year were effective and St ablations,* he said. "The evalu- promising. To help out please contact Alryson ations must become useful to "Ile'sdoneagreatjobsolarand at (419) 575-1151 or [email protected] both students and faculty, and has really idolized an effective ENOCH WU IMfR(,N[WS right now they just aren't helping student government," he said. anyone out.'' "He's tried to reach out to a wide SPEAKING OUT: Lewis gives Ihe State ol the Student Body Address last night in ihe I £\vis promised toalert the stu- variety of people, and I think that Union The speech was attended by students and faculty on campus MAKE@^5H. dent body when he knows more shows that he really cares about NORTHWEST OHIO CHAPTER information about the progress the student population." about him. to come to us and tell us the good, of public instructor evaluations. Lewis elided the speech by 'USG is here for us, the stu- the bad and the ugly. This is our lastly. Lewis discussed the reinforcing Kmvalski's feelings dents," he said. "Don't be afraid school and USG is our voice,"

<•'■ ... , ■■

WWW.BGNEWS.COM CAMPUS Thursday. October 25.2007 3 GET A LIFE Health center warns of Duke University waters synthetic turfs used by CALENDAR OF EVENTS Some events taken fron events bgsu pdu staph infections on campus field hockey teams during drought 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. SAGA Glass Sale By Adam Louis By Anne Blythc Table Space. Union "[Overuse of Reporter MCT antibiotics] '1:50 a.m. • 1 p.m That mysterious bug bite or It's not even real grass. All College Book Author pimple could be more than a generates resistance But in the midst of what may be Jeanette Walls simple, annoying skin flaw. the worst drought ever in North It could be community- Carolina, IXike University and Cedar Point Center Auditorium to the bacteria in acquired Methicillin-Resistant the University of North Carolina Staphylococcus Aureus our world, and that's at Chapel Hill are watering the 5 - 6 p.m. (MRSA). According to the synthetic turfs used by their field Student Support Services Centers for Disease Control, how these things hockey teams. Success Conference MRSA is a bacterial skin infec- The International Hockey 316 Union tion resistant to a class of anti- develop." Federation insists. biotics known as methicillin. The universities are not break- HARRY LYNCH 4 - 5 p.m. It is spread through close Dr. Glenn Egelman | Director ing any rules. But like clock- contact of people with open work, as residents in Durham SPRINKLERS: Duke University's synthetic Williams Field gets a brief watering Kids Unlimited wounds, the sharing of person- Student Health Services and Chapel Hill see their plants Presentation al and athletic equipment, and offers culture testing for MRSA. and lawns wither, the sprinklers was not seeing tilings. turfs before each practice and 201 University Hall the touching of contaminated A sample will be taken from go on at the UNC.-CH Francis "Sprinklers aren't even the all games. surfaces. the patient's affected area and F. I lenry Stadium and at Duke's right tenn, they're like fire hoses," It's not just the way the ball S-6pn. MRSA is more common in the bacteria will be grown and Williams Field. Schnurr said. "1 was like. What bounces, athletics officials say, FYSS- Fighting those with weakened immune tested to see which antibiot- Brad Schnurr, a Chapel Hill con- is that? What is that?' I couldn't although field hockey balls do systems, such as infants, the ics kill them. This test takes tractor who does work in Durham, believe it." bounce better on saturated fields. Temptations, Not Your elderly and those with skin 48 hours. saw the sprinklers go on one after- The International Hockey When the turf is wet. coaches add, Peers conditions, but has been Student Health Services has noon recently at Duke and drove liberation requires the college field hockey players have better 314 Union spread through the use of been treating MRSA for three around the block to make sun' he teams to saturate the synthetic grip ;uid report fewer injuries. unnecessary antibiotics to years, Egelman said. / '0 p.m. combat viral infections like the Students can prevent the CRU Thursday Meeting common cold. spread of MRSA by washing 101 Olscamp "(Overuse of antibioticsl their hands or using an alco- generates resistance to the bac- hol-based sanitizer. WebMD teria in our world, and that's advises not to use antibiotics 7 p.m. -1":30 pm how these things develop," Dr. unless a doctor sees it as the Creed on Campus Weekly Glenn Egelman, director and best way to treat an illness. Meeting physician in chief of Student If the student is infected, he 201 Union Health Services said. "The or she should keep the infected Isjj^our sleep schedule extent of t he problem is becom- area covered with a clean ban- 7-50 p m ing more widespread but that's dage and regularly disinfect not a surprise." frequently touched items such International Film Series: Symptoms of MRSA include as doorknobs and countertops. "Nobody Knows" skin abrasions that appear to They should also avoid sharing t of sync with the Gish Film Theater, Hanna Hall be painful, like bug bites or items that have been in contact boils, sometimes with pus or with the wound, such as razors, 8-10 p.m. drainage, according to infec- towels and clothing. Greek Awards Ceremony tious disease nurse Amy lones According to the CDC, about t of the world? 202B Union of the Wood County Health 94,000 patients a year suf- Department. fer from drug-resistant staph "Staph is normally sensi- infections. Each year, 18,700 8 p.m. tive to certain classes of anti- people die from these infec- Jazz Guitar Ensemble biotics," Egelman said. "MRSA tions. This surpasses the 17,000 You may have a sleep disorder known as Bryan Recital Hall. Moore Musical means that class of antibiotics who die from AIDS a year. Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome (DSPS) Arts Center doesn't work to treat the skin About 2.3 million people have infection." or carry MRSA. The resistance to different "IStudentsI need to come to New Member Greek Week types of treatment has made the right place to get the right MRSA a "superbug," according treatment and they'll be better . St. Vincent Mercy Sleep Disorders Center is currently seeking participants Awards Ceremony to the CDC. in a matter of a couple days," for a nationwide clinical trial on DSPS. This trial will investigate the ability Union Ballroom The infection Will spread Egelman said. "They shouldn't II"; I of a study medication to shift the sleep period to an earlier part of the n ht over the course of a few days fear |MRSA|, they should have ■■A ig 8 - 9 p.m if not treated soon enough and a healthy respect for it." properly, eventually causing For more information about Characteristics of DSPS UAO Pub Series Karaoke • Inability to fall asleep at a "normal" time Black Swamp Pub more serious conditions and MSRA. students can visit even death, Egelman said. • Great difficulty waking for early morning school or work • Inability to move the sleep period to earlier hours MERCY" • Quick sleep onset at the later, habitual bedtime HMlth Partmxs • Normal sleep when allowed to stay up late & sleep in late Car, i can believe in.

DSPS is more than just a choice or a bad habit: it's a deeply ingrained biological rhythm that's very resistant to change If you are 18 years of age or older, and in reasonably good health, you may be eligible to participate Qualified participants will receive study-related medical examinations and sleep studies at no cost, and be compensated for their time and travel.

For more information about this study, call the St. Vincent Mercy Sleep Disorders Spring Center at 419-251-0591 or toll-free at 1-877-847-0033. Registrant* RegistrationD.^..rL„. begins for: 2008 A Message From The President Graduate Students October 22 Non-Degree Graduate Students October 24 During Alcohol Awareness Week, it is important for all of Seniors October 30 us to reflect upon the uses of alcohol in our community. Juniors November 6 While you should have fun and enjoy your college years, Sophomores November 14 having a good time should be tied to more than drinking. Freshmen November 20 Many of the decisions you make during your time on campus-from declaring your major to determining how f^iinot Cturinnto Nntromhpr nuvciiiuci 29 to spend your free time-have the potential to echo throughout the rest of your life, and it is of the utmost importance that your choices are beneficial both for you Don't miss out! See your advisor now! and for those around you. Pre-Major Advising and UPAS 101 University Hall 372-8943 / strongly urge you to think carefully before you drink, Arts & Sciences 205 Administration Building 372-2015 and consider all of the possible consequences to your life Business Administration 371 Business Administration Building 372-2747 and the lives of others. I hope that, in doing so, you will Education & Human Development 365 Education Building 372-7372 make decisions that will do credit to yourself and your Health & Human Services 102 Hearth Center 372-8242 future, and help contribute to the quality of life for all. Musical Arts 1031 Moore Musical Arts Building 372-2181 Technology 102 Technology Building 372-7581 Firelands 101 West Building 372-0676 31.4" Register using My.BGSU.6dlJ ^cfjLd+*4»*\ T^-v~e-euu^ To find your exact registration day and time, go to the Office of Registration and Records website at Sidney A. Ribeau President BGSU. BGSU Office of Registration and Records 110 Administration Building Registration Hotline 419-372-4444

, i . -v>. «**" 9iMt9mv*-ffi-;x% *.vr.,«s«e»',..; . . . "The million-dollar question is whether marriage is the cause or Consequence of well-being." - Associate Professor Susan Brown, co-director of the new National Center for Marriage Research [see story, p.1] FORUM Thursday. October 25.2007 4 PEOPLE ON InE b I Kfch I Are you an organ donor? [See story, p. 1]

Yes. because when "No. I'm just not. I "Yes.. when I die, "I'm not I don't know VISIT US AT BGNEWS.COM I die. my organs are haven't really put any my body and organs why." k Have you own take on going to be totally thought into it." should be put to todays People On The useless." some good use" Street? Or a suggestion for KARLEEN YOUNG. TREVOR 6EBHARDT, JAHAY POWELL SHANE WALTER. a question' Give us your Sophomore. Freshman. Sophomore. Sophomore. leedbad at History Creative Writing Education Musk Education

AMERICANS WATCH 12 To V7 HOURS OF TV A WEEK BUT DON'T LIKE WHAT THEY SEE f Sap enjoyment out of odd jobs I'M JUST H0PIN6 THE" "I assure you — bad costume to half-ass it. Why REMOTE WILL BREAK should they be cheated because DOWN SO WE CAN nobody, but nobody, I'm selfish, I thought? I assure you — nobody, but STOP TRYING I wants to see a nobody, wants to see a mopey toothbrush. mopey toothbrush." Allow me to provide another example. Occasionally 1 will get I am a gigantic toothbrush. But realize that it isn't that breakfast through the drive- Sometimes I look like a nor- bad, buddy. You can make it not thru at McDonald's, where I'm mal person, but other times suck by having some fun with always greeted by a boisterous, — what can I say? — I'm a giant it. It's a temporary job, you must cowboy-like voice: "Gooooood toothbrush, complete with realize, one you'll have only McMornin', camper! Yah-haw!" a brisde Mohawk and moon while you're in college. It's a small thing, but it boots. That's why you're in college, always makes me smile It's one of my part-rime jobs right? So you can eventu- because nobody wants to work in which I dress up like a life- ally move on to jobs you enjoy at McDonald's — but allow- size toothbrush and visit kin- more. ing yourself to have a certain dergartners to remind kids that So why complain about your amount of enthusiasm and fun *4Ui{J® oral hygiene is important and present situation so much? Do with it is contagious. the dentist is always your friend. you suppose anybody likes This is the point: There are The job is as ridiculous and hearing how bad your job is? many times throughout the day as silly as it sounds. But I've Do you suppose any of your co- where you're doing something WAYNt STAYSKAl I MCT been doing it for about a year workers like hearing how much you don't want to do. The way now and, I assure you, it is a you don't want to be there? I see it, there's two ways to blast. I've been there, though. I've approach it — either by looking As far as odd jobs during col- had jobs 1 loathed, employers 1 for someone to empathize with lege go, 1 can't imagine a better held in contempt. I realize now your pain or to sap as much The Stephen Colbert buzz: Does one to spend my time doing. most of those jobs would have enjoyment from it as possible. I have no intention of being a been salvageable and I would So give it a shot. Next time full-time toothbrush, so why have a much better memory of you're at work, force yourself not have fun with it now? them if I had been less nega- to be a little more enthusiastic being famous equal political support? That's what I wanted to write tive, and if I'd allowed myself to and see what happens. 1 think my article on this week Work appreciate it for what it was. you'll realize, at the very least, sucks. But it doesn't have to. It was the toothbrush job, time passes more quickly when However, I believe people the cost of other qualified can- You've heard it, I've heard it. actually, that provided the para- you're trying to have fun instead are forgetting one fact about didates? If given the chance, You've said it. I've said it. "What digm shift — because the job is of staring at the clock Stephen Colbert: The Stephen a person should not vote for time is it? Aw, I gotta get going working with very young chil- i MARISHA 1 PIETROWSKI Colbert we see on TV is not real. Colbert over another candidate to work — damn it! I hate my dren who have a mind-boggling L COLUMNIST He is a fictional character, creat- just because he is a celebrity. job and now I will cry for a amount of energy, and the last Send responses to this column f*\ ed by the "real" Stephen Colbert Unless you are committing voter moment." We've all been there. thing they want is some jerk in a to tlwneii'[email protected]. and his team of Colbert Report fraud (let's hope not), you only writers, directors, producers, etc. get one vote. If you believe in Two weeks ago, if you would He is a celebrity figure, what a candidate such as Hillary have asked me to name the most but unlike President Reagan, Clinton or Rudy Giuliani says, LETTERST0 high-profile presidential candi- lesse Ventura and Arnold support them first. Don't vote for Take time to vote, or dates, I certainly would not have Schwarzenegger, other actors Colbert unless you do not want THE EDITOR given you the name of a fake who found political success, to support anyone else (in this conservative pundit on a com- he would not be elected as case, participating in the prac- Latta deserves the edy show. 1 lowever, the tides himself; he'd be elected as a tice of voting is better than not suffer consequences Republican nomination have turned and now Stephen TV show character. Imagine voting at all), but keep in mind Colbert of Comedy Central's the Kindergarten Cop or the the "platform" he has is not BY JESSICA MAYRERI GUEST COLUMNIST "By the time we "" is shaping Terminator running California. I necessarily reflective of what the The Ohio 5th Congressional up to garner some of the biggest know I don't want to. If you vote real Stephen Colbert would do. wake up, it could be District deserves a fantastic buzz of any candidate running for Colbert, you are not voting Then again, Colbert may, as We've got pink bunnies with representative. for president in 2008. for the real Stephen Colbert, but Nicole said, "have a second-in- teeth trolling for voters, can- too late." Bob Latta is an honorable On his Oct. 15 show, Colbert the person he portrays on televi- command who could guide him didates going wild and a war man who will fight for lower announced he would be run- sion with the help of numerous in the right direction." On "Meet referendum with no teeth, all taxes, our Second Amendment ning for president as both a staff members (confused yet?). the Press," Colbert stated he designed to lure our demo- cent of college students could right, and our right to life. Republican and a Democrat It's difficult for me to see those would consider former Senator graphic of apathetic and well- find Iraq on a map. How can Latta will also assure that in his home state of South staff members with a comedic Larry Craig as a running mate, fed 18 to 29 year-olds to the Americans make decisions on U.S. 5th Congressional District Carolina. Explaining he will get background work as his cabinet as well as Russian President polls this November. issues if we don't even know representation is of high qual- the votes of South Carolinians and help him deal with foreign Vladimir Putin, both of whom It seems we need rabid rab- what they are? ity. due to his position as a "favorite policy issues. have political experience, but bits to grab our attention, like a While bad TV and Britney's Bom in 1987, unfortunately 1 son" from the state, Colbert has Personally, I feel Colbert choosing them may be a public cotton-candy lure for kids who latest legal challenges pacify was not represented very long begun asking voters to sign peti- is not running to win, but to relations nightmare. already have everything they many of us, our national pri- by Delbert Latta — Bob Latta's tions to get his name on the bal- turn the electoral system (at Now, 1 am speaking in all need. And if this generation's orities are getting so skewed father. The Latta family has a lot, and staff members from his least in South Carolina) on its hypothetical language. Being a voting record is any indicator, that we would prefer to pay legacy of excellence when it show have contacted election feet. Freshman Nicole Chase devoted viewer of "The Colbert the worid had better watch out. Blackwater than give children comes to representing conser- offices in the state to help get the explains she would vote for Report," I can see Colbert call- American policies, backed by health care. vatism in northwest Ohio. campaign off of the ground. Colbert if given the chance ing off his run at the last minute, tanks and missiles, will contin- If that's not your vision, you'd We must remember this dis- As of now, it appears Colbert's because "the entire |electoral| due to some sort of embarrass- ue to be dictated by a handful better vote. trict is a solid representation of campaign is legitimate, lead- system is corrupt, and it would ing scandal (similar to Craig) of powerful people. Meanwhile, In the presidential election of agriculture, small business and ing one to ask: Should and will be interesting to see if he could or overlooking a key rule in the rest of us will stare glassy- 2004, almost half of voters ages industry, all at their finest. South Carolina voters vote for win." It's an interesting experi- the campaign process (when eyed at CSI reruns. 18 to 29 voted; in 2006, only To ensure the district con- Colbert if given the chance? ment because he will be riding attempting to get a bridge in Policies decided by the gov- 24 percent got off the couch to tinues in increased prosper- Before saying yes, potential on only his celebrity status and Hungary named after him, it ernment affect every aspect cast a vote. And that's actually ity, we must elect a true fiscal supporters should consider the limited funding to gain votes. was noted that although Colbert of our lives; from the ice caps an improvement over other conservative like Bob Latta. impact of their vote for Colbert This is commendable because won, the person whom the getting slushier all the time to years. As an intern for and the real reasons they would he is attempting to gain the bridge is named after must be the Social Security tax we pay Forty years ago, when the Congressman Gillmor in his vote for him. most powerful office in America dead). but will never see again. Not government was eavesdrop- Defiance office this past sum- 1 should start off by saying 1 relying only on his "truthiness" Even if the campaign turns only are we affected by these ping on American citizens and mer, I was pleased to learn am a very enthusiastic fan of and political stances. out to be a farce, the publicity decisions made in our name, stirring up trouble abroad, col- what a great congressman Colbert, so it's strange for me to However, should such an and potential support Colbert so are the lives of people across lege students took to the streets can do for our district and say he shouldn't be supported. experiment be performed at is gaining from the announce- the globe. and demanded change. Why country. ment is fascinating enough. While thinking about this isn't that happening today? In the time since the SPEAK YOUR MIND Either we live in a nation where stuff seems to put a strain our We've all got stuff to do— untimely passing of Paul celebrity influence alone can privileged psyches — that's classes, jobs and everything Gillmor, I have become confi- Got something you want to say about an opinion column or news translate effectively into political depressing, you say — actu- else gets in the way. But voting dent Latta is the strong leader story? Here's how to get in touch with us for letters to the editor: support and power, or people ally doing something is really takes two minutes. we need in Congress now. distrust political figures to the tough. But while we continue Otherwise, by the time we He is not only a great ■ E-mail us at thenews® point they will support a fiction- pretending nothing is wrong, wake up, it could be too late. human and representative, ■ Drop a note into our new comment box at the Union al celebrity pundit over credible bridges and levees crumble but he is also an amazing Information Center. candidates. with no money to fix them and father, role model and com- ■ Call us at 419-572-6966. army reservists work triple time Mayrer writes for tlie Kalmin, munity member. ■ Come to our newsroom in 210 West Hall. to protect Exxon and Texaco. t)ie student newspaper at Send responses to this column As the United States geared the University of Montana at —Justin Barnhart Be sure to read the submission guidelines at the bottom of this page. to [email protected]. up for war in 2003, only 13 per- Missoula. Sophomore, Education

DAVE HERRERA, SENIOR EDITOR The BG News Submission Policy CANDICE JONES, SENIOR EDITOR LETTERS TO THE EDITOR are POLICIES: Letters to the Editor E-MAIL SUBMISSIONS as an KELLY DAY, CAMPUS EDITOR THE BG NEWS to be fewer than 300 words. These and Guest Columns are printed attachment to [email protected]. LISA HALVERSTADT, EDITOR IN CHIEF TIM SAMPSON, CITY EDITOR are usually in response to a current as space on the Opinion Paqe com with the subject line marked STEPHANIE GUIGOU, DESIGN EDITOR issue on the University's campus or permits. Additional Letters to the "Letter to the Editor" or "Guest 210 West Hall the Bowling Green area. Editor or Guest Columns may be Column." Only e-mailed letters BRIAN SZABELSKL WEB EDITOR published online. Name, year and and columns will be considered for Bowling Green State University KRISTEN M0ONEY.C0PY CHIEF GUEST COLUMNS are longer phone number should be included printing. All letters are subject to pieces between 400 and 500 words. for verification purposes Personal Bowling Green, Ohio 434031 Phone: (419) 372-6966 C0UN WILSON, SPORTS EDITOR review for length and clarity before These are usually also in response attacks, unverified information or printing. E-mail; [email protected] ADDIECURUS. PULSE EDITOR to a current issue on the University's anonymous submissions will not be Web site: CHRISTY JOHNSON, SPECIAL SECTIONS EDITOR campus or the Bowling Green area printed Opinion columns do not necessarily The maximum number of submis- reflect the view of The BG News Advertising: 204 West Hall | Phone: (419) 372-2606 JORDAN FLOWER, PHOTO EDITOR sions for columns is two per month WWW.BGNEWS.COM NATION Thursday. Octoba 25.2007 5 Lasers, digital cameras used to inspect shuttle before landing

By Marcia Dunn "We seem to have The Associated Press had more than CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. - Discovery's astronauts used lasers our fair share of and digital cameras yesterday to examine the shuttle's wings for any bad cables." signs of launch damage as they gained on the international space Pamela Melroy | Commander station with every circling of Earth. The inspection is standard pro- lust as important will be the cedure, but it's an even higher pri- hundreds of digital pictures ority this time because of ques- snapped by the three space station tions about possible flaws in three residents as Discovery makes its wing panels. final approach for this morning's I -light director Rick laRrode said docking. The shuttle will do a slow- a preliminary look at the images motion hackflip, exposing its belly. revealed nothing of significance, Discovery is delivering a but it will take another few days new room for the space station RIC FRANCIS APPwi'l before experts on the ground fin- that's about the size of a school TAKE COVER: Wildfire evacuees prepare lor bed Tuesday at Qualcom Stadium in San Diego. Calif. The stadium is being used as an evacuation center (or those affected by the wildfires ish analyzing everything. bus. It's the first live-in addition Commander Pamela Melroyand since 2001. her crew used a 100-foot boom to The pressurized compartment, survey Discovery's wings and nose, called Harmony, will serve as Decreased winds give firefighters renewed hope which are exposed to as much as the docking port for Europe and 3,000 degrees during re-entry. The lapan's laboratories, which will be Residents in Southern California relieved at news that just 1 person has died in relentless wildfires so far inspection took a little longer than launched on the next three shuttle usual because NASA wanted to flights. By Elliot Spagat evacuated four years ago. collect mote detailed pictures of Onboard preparations for the The Associated Press "They are more detennined the wings, in particular the three docking and the first spacewalk that people leave," said Steve suspect panels. of the mission, set for Friday, were SAN DIEGO — A merciful eas- Levstik. who got his call 15 Before Tuesday's launch, a NASA interrupted by repeated computer ing of the winds fueling Southern minutes before flames swept safety group recommended that and cable problems California's sprawling wildfires through his Kancho liemardo the flight be delayed because there "We seem to have had more finally gave firefighters a chance neighborhood. may be some cracking beneath than our fair share of bad cables," to fight back against some blazes It was very intense. ()n the call, the coating on these three pan- Melroy said, sighing, as she strug- yesterday, and weary residents it was like, 'This area, go! This area els. But senior managers decid- gled to get a continuous stream of could take solace in an overriding go!' In 2(XB there was less guid- ed to proceed, saying it was an readings from one of the shuttle's sign of hope: lust one person has ance. It was like, lust pay atten- acceptable risk. fuel cells died from the flames. tion to the news and if it looks NASA wants to make sure none Once Discovery arrives at the That contrasts to 22 dead from a bad, leave.'" of the protective coating has space station, the seven astronauts fire of similar magnitude four years lcslerday. winds dropped to 21 chipped away and nothing else is will have little if any time to deal KEVORK DJANSEZIAN IP PHOTO ago. and while the final toll has yet to Mi niph, considerably less than wrong with the rcinforced-carbon with problems to be tallied from this week's fires, the fierce gusts of up to 1(X) niph SMOKE: flames from the Stevenson Ranch wildfire burn to the edge of a subdivision as a panels, before bringing Discovery They're facing the most chal- officials were crediting an auto- thai whipped fire /ones eariier in Santa Ana wind-driven wildfire rages out o( control in Valencia. Calif, north of Los Angeles home. lenging construction work ever mated, reverse 911 calling system the week Columbia was destroyed dur- attempted in a single mission: that prompted the orderly evacu- The improving weather allowed Mazes, I leUcopters and air tankers liemaalino Mountains ing re-entry approximately 4 years installing Harmony, moving a mas- ation of more than half a million for a greater aerial assault on the dropped M) to ;{5 loads of watei They're taking it down consid- ago because of a hole in the left sive girder and set of solar wings on people Barnes and hcl|>cd firefighters on two fires that have burned erably.'' said Dennis Kouslaugh of wing, left there by flyaway fuel- the station, and pulling out those That was 10 times the number heat hack the most destructive hundreds of homes in the Sail the U.S. Forest Service. tank foam. solar wings and radiators

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PEOPLE ON InE STREET Are you an organ donor? [See story, p. 1]

Yes, because when "No, I'm just not I "Yes.. when I die, "I'm not I don't know VISIT US AT BGNEWS.COM I die. my organs are haven't really put any my body and organs why." k Have your own take on going to be totally thought into it." should be put to today's People On The useless." somec I use. Street? Or a suggestion for KARLEEN YOUNG. TREVOR GEBHARDT. JAHAY POWELL SHANE WALTER, a question? Give us your Sophomore Sophomore, Freshman, Sophomore. feedback at History Creative Writing Education Music Education

AMERICANS WATCH 12 TO V7 HOURS OF TV A WEEK BUT DON'T LIKE WHAT THEY SEE Sap enjoyment out of odd jobs ^c?f5u£ve/vtEr...YCH/ I'M JUST H0PIN6 THE "I assure you - bad costume to half-ass it. Why WON'T FIND *NYTHING REMOTE WILL SREAK should they be cheated because DOWN SO WE CAN nobody, but nobody, I'm selfish, 1 thought? WE LIKE/ I assure you — nobody, but STOP TRYING .' wants to see a nobody, wants to see a mopey toothbrush. mopey toothbrush." Allow me to provide another example. Occasionally 1 will get I am a gigantic toothbrush. But realize that it isn't that breakfast through the drive- Sometimes I look like a nor- bad, buddy. You can make it not thru at McDonald's, where I'm mal person, but other times suck by having some fun with always greeted by a boisterous, — what can I say? — I'm a giant it. It's a temporary job, you must cowboy-like voice: "Gooooood toothbrush, complete with realize, one you'll have only McMornin', camper! Yah-haw!" a brisde Mohawk and moon while you're in college. It's a small thing, but it boots. That's why you're in college, always makes me smile It's one of my part-time jobs right? So you can eventu- because nobody wants to work in which I dress up like a life- ally move on to jobs you enjoy at McDonald's — but allow- size toothbrush and visit kin- more. ing yourself to have a certain dergartners to remind kids that So why complain about your amount of enthusiasm and fun ■frtoasf oral hygiene is important and present situation so much? Do with it is contagious. the dentist is always your friend. you suppose anybody likes This is the point: There are The job is as ridiculous and hearing how bad your job is? many times throughout the day as silly as it sounds. But I've Do you suppose any of your co- where you're doing something WAV* STAVSKAl MO been doing it for about a year workers like hearing how much you don't want to do. The way now and, I assure you, it is a you don't want to be there? I see it, there's two ways to blast. I've been there, though. I've approach it — either by looking As far as odd jobs during col- had jobs 1 loathed, employers I for someone to empathize with lege go. I can't imagine a better held in contempt. I realize now your pain or to sap as much The Stephen Colbert buzz: Does one to spend my time doing. most of those jobs would have enjoyment from it as possible. 1 have no intention of being a been salvageable and 1 would So give it a shot. Next time full-time toothbrush, so why have a much better memory of you're at work, force yourself not have fun with it now? them if I had been less nega- to be a little more enthusiastic being famous equal political support? That's what I wanted to write tive, and if I'd allowed myself to and see what happens. I think my article on this week. Work appreciate it for what it was. you'll realize, at the very least, sucks. But it doesn't have to. It was the toothbrush job, time passes more quickly when However, I believe people the cost of other qualified can- You've heard it. I've heard it. actually, that provided the para- you're trying to have fun instead are forgetting one fact about didates? If given the chance, You've said it, I've said it. "What digm shift — because the job is of staring at the clock. Stephen Colbert: The Stephen a person should not vote for time is it? Aw, I gotta get going working with very young chil- Colbert we see on TV is not real. Colbert over another candidate to work — damn it! I hate my dren who have a mind-boggling He is a fictional character, creat- just because he is a celebrity. job and now I will cry for a amount of energy, and the last Send responses to this column ed by the "real" Stephen Colbert Unless you are committing voter moment." We've all been there. thing they want is some jerk in a to [email protected]. and his team of Colbert Report fraud (let's hope not), you only writers, directors, producers, etc. get one vote. If you believe in Two weeks ago, if you would He is a celebrity figure, what a candidate such as Hillary have asked me to name the most but unlike President Reagan, Clinton or Rudy Giuliani says, LETTERST0 high-profile presidential candi- Jesse Ventura and Arnold support them first. Don't vote for Take time to vote, or dates, I certainly would not have Schwarzenegger, other actors Colbert unless you do not want THE EDITOR given you the name of a fake who found political success, to support anyone else (in this conservative pundit on a com- he would not be elected as case, participating in the prac- Latta deserves the edy show. However, the tides himself; he'd be elected as a tice of voting is betterthan not suffer consequences Republican nomination have turned and now Stephen TV show character. Imagine voting at all), but keep in mind Colbert of Comedy Central's the Kindergarten Cop or the the "platform" he has is not BY JESSICA MAVRERI GUEST COLUMNIST "By the time we "The Colbert Report" is shaping Terminator running California. 1 necessarily reflective of what the The Ohio 5th Congressional up to garner some of the biggest know I don't want to. If you vote real Stephen Colbert would do. wake up, it could be District deserves a fantastic buzz of any candidate running for Colbert, you are not voting Then again, Colbert may, as We've got pink bunnies with representative. for president in 2008. for the real Stephen Colbert, but Nicole said, "have a second-in- teeth trolling for voters, can- too late." Bob Latta is an honorable On his Oct. 15 show, Colbert the person he portrays on televi- command who could guide him didates going wild and a war man who will fight for lower announced he would be run- sion with the help of numerous in the right direction." On "Meet referendum with no teeth, all taxes, our Second Amendment ning for president as both a staff members (confused yet?). the Press," Colbert stated he designed to lure our demo- cent of college students could right, and our right to life. Republican and a Democrat It's difficult for me to see those would consider former Senator graphic of apathetic and well- find Iraq on a map. How can Latta will also assure that in his home state of South staff members with a comedic Larry Craig as a running mate, fed 18 to 29 year-olds to the Americans make decisions on U.S. 5th Congressional District Carolina. Explaining he will get background work as his cabinet as well as Russian President polls this November. issues if we don't even know representation is of high qual- the votes of South Carolinians and help him deal with foreign Vladimir Putin, both of whom It seems we need rabid rab- what they are? ity. due to his position as a "favorite policy issues. have political experience, but bits to grab our attention, like a While bad TV and Britney's Bom in 1987, unfortunately I son" from the state, Colbert has Personally, I feel Colbert choosing them may be a public cotton-candy lure for kids who latest legal challenges pacify was not represented very long begun asking voters to sign peti- is not running to win, but to relations nightmare. already have everything they many of us, our national pri- by Delbert Latta — Bob Latta's tions to get his name on the bal- turn the electoral system (at Now, 1 am speaking in all need. And if this generation's orities are getting so skewed father. The Latta family has a lot, and staff members from his least in South Carolina) on its hypothetical language. Being a voting record is any indicator, that we would prefer to pay legacy of excellence when it show have contacted election feet. Freshman Nicole Chase devoted viewer of "The Colbert the world had better watch out. Blackwater than give children comes to representing conser- offices in the state to help get the explains she would vote for Report," I can see Colbert call- American policies, backed by health care. vatism in northwest Ohio. campaign off of the ground. Colbert if given the chance ing off his run at the last minute, tanks and missiles, will contin- If that's not your vision, you'd We must remember this dis- As of now, it appears Colbert's because "the entire [electoral] due to some sort of embarrass- ue to be dictated by a handful better vote. trict is a solid representation of campaign is legitimate, lead- system is corrupt, and it would ing scandal (similar to Craig) of powerful people. Meanwhile, In the presidential election of agriculture, small business and ing one to ask: Should and will be interesting to see if he could or overlooking a key rule in the rest of us will stare glassy- 2004, almost half of voters ages industry, all at their finest. South Carolina voters vote for win." It's an interesting experi- the campaign process (when eyed at CSI reruns. 18 to 29 voted; in 2006, only To ensure the district con- Colbert if given the chance? ment because he will be riding attempting to get a bridge in Policies decided by the gov- 24 percent got off the couch to tinues in increased prosper- Before saying yes, potential on only his celebrity status and Hungary named after him, it ernment affect every aspect cast a vote. And that's actually ity, we must elect a true fiscal supporters should consider the limited funding to gain votes. was noted that although Colbert of our lives; from the ice caps an improvement over other conservative like Bob Latta. impact of their vote for Colbert This is commendable because won, the person whom the getting slushier all the time to years. As an intern for and the real reasons they would he is attempting to gain the bridge is named after must be the Social Security tax we pay Forty years ago, when the Congressman Gillmor in his vote for him. most powerful office in America dead). but will never see again. Not government was eavesdrop- Defiance office this past sum- I should start off by saying 1 relying only on his "truthiness" Even if the campaign turns only are we affected by these ping on American citizens and mer, I was pleased to learn am a very enthusiastic fan of and political stances. out to be a farce, the publicity decisions made in our name, stirring up trouble abroad, col- what a great congressman Colbert, so it's strange for me to However, should such an and potential support Colbert so are the lives of people across lege students took to the streets can do for our district and say he shouldn't be supported. experiment be performed at is gaining from the announce- the globe. and demanded change. Why country. ment is fascinating enough. While thinking about this isn't that happening today? In the time since the SPEAK YOUR MIND Either we live in a nation where stuff seems to put a strain our We've all got stuff to do— untimely passing of Paul celebrity influence alone can privileged psyches — that's classes, jobs and everything Gillmor, I have become confi- Got something you want to say about an opinion column or news translate effectively into political depressing, you say—actu- else gets in the way. But voting dent Latta is the strong leader story? Here's how to get in touch with us for letters to the editor: support and power, or people ally doing something is really takes two minutes. we need in Congress now. distrust political figures to the tough. But while we continue Otherwise, by the time we He is not only a great ■ E-mail us at point they will support a fiction- pretending nothing is wrong, wake up, it could be too late. human and representative, Drop a note into our new comment box at the Union ■ al celebrity pundit over credible bridges and levees crumble but he is also an amazing Information Center. candidates. with no money to fix them and father, role model and com- ■ Call us at 419-572-6966. army reservists work triple time Mayrer writes for the Kalmin, munity member. ■ Come to our newsroom in 210 West Hall to protect Exxon and Texaco. the student newspaper at Send responses to this column As the United States geared the University of Montana at Be sure to read the submission guidelines at the bottom of this page. —Justin Barnhart to [email protected]. up for war in 2003, only 13 per- Missoula Sophomore, Education

DAVE HERRERA. SENIOR EDITOR The BG News Submission Policy CANWCE JONES, SENIOR EDITOR LETTERS TO THE EDITOR ate POLICIES: Letters to the Editor KELLY DAY. CAMPUS EDITOR E-MAIL SUBMISSIONS as an THE BG NEWS to be (ewer than 300 words. These and Guest Columns are printed attachment to thenews@bgn«ws. LISA HALVERSTADT, EDITOR IN CHIEF TIM SAMPSON, CITY EDITOR are usually in response to a current as space on the Opinion Page com with the subject line marked STEPHANIE GUIGOU, DESIGN EDITOR issue on the University's campus or permits. Additional Letters to the "Letter to the Editor" or "Guest 210 West Hall the Bowling Green area Editor or Guest Columns may be Column" Only e-mailed letters BRIAN SZABELSKl WEB EDITOR published online. Name, year and and columns will be considered for Bowling Green State University KRISTENM0ONEY.C0PY CHIEF GUEST COLUMNS are longer phone number should be included printing. All letters are subject to pieces between 400 and 500 words. for verification purposes Personal Bowling Green, Ohio 434031 Phone: (419) 372-6966 COUN WILSON, SPORTS EDITOR review for length and clarity before These are usually also in response attacks, unverified information or printing. E-mail: [email protected] ADDIECURUS, PULSE EDITOR to a current issue on the University's anonymous submissions will not be Web site: CHRISTY JOHNSON, SPECIAL SECTIONS EDITOR campus or the Bowling Green area printed Opinion columns do not necessarily The maximum number of submis- reflect the view of The BG New* Advertising: 204 West Hall | Phone: (419) 372-2606 JORDAN FLOWER PHOTO EDITOR sions for columns is two per month WWW.BGNEWS.COM NATION Thursday. Octobet 25.2007 5 Lasers, digital cameras used to inspect shuttle before landing

By Marcla Dunn "We seem to have The Associated Press had more than CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. — Discovery's astronauts used lasers and digital cameras yesterday to our fair share of examine the shuttle's wings for any bad cables." signs of launch damage as they gained on the international space Pamela Melroy | Commander station with every circling of Earth. The Inspection is standard pro- Just as important will be the cedure, but it's an even higher pri- hundreds of digital pictures ority this time because of ques- snapped by the three space station tions about possible flaws in three residents as Discovery makes its wing panels final approach for this morning's Flight director Rick LaBrode said docking. The shuttle will do a slow- a preliminary look at the images motion hackllip. exposing its belly. revealed nothing of significance, Discovery is delivering a but it will take another few days new room for the space station RIC FRANCIS AP PHOTO before experts on the ground fin- that's about the size of a school TAKE COVER: Wildfire evacuees prepare for bed Tuesday at Quakom Stadium in San Diego. Calif. The stadium is being used as an evacuation center for those affected by the wildfires ish analyzing everything. bus. It's the first live-in addition (tommander Pamela Melroy and since 2001. her crew used a 100-foot boom to The pressurized compartment, survey Discovery's wings mid nose, called Harmony, will serve as Decreased winds give firefighters renewed hope which are exposed to as much as the docking port for Europe and 3,000 degrees during re-entry. The lapan's laboratories, which will be Residents in Southern California relieved at news that just 1 person has died in relentless wildfires so far inspection took a little longer than launched on the next three shuttle usual because NASA wanted to flights. evacuated four years ago. collect more detailed pictures of Onboard preparations for the The Associated Press "They are more determined the wings, in particular the three docking and the first spacewalk that people leave,'' said Steve suspect panels. of the mission, set for Friday, were SAN DIEGO — A merciful cas- Levstik. who got his call 15 Before Tuesday's launch, a NASA interrupted by repeated computer ing of the winds fueling Southern minutes before flames swept safety group recommended that and cable problems. California's sprawling wildfires through his Rancho Bernardo the (light be delayed because there "We seem to have had more finally gave firefighters a chance neighborhood. may be some cracking beneath than our fair share of bad cables," to fight back against some blazes "It was very intense. ()n the call, the coating on these three pan- Melroy said, sighing, as she strug- yesterday, and weary residents it was like,' i Ms area go! This area els. But senior managers decid- gled to get a continuous stream of could take solace in an overriding go!' In 2(XI3 there was less guid- ed to proceed, saying it was an readings from one of the shuttle's sign of hope: lust one person has ance. It was like, lust pay atten- acceptable risk. fuel cells. died from the flames. tion to the news and if it kxiks NASA wants to make sure none Once Discovery arrives at the That contrasts to 22 dead from a bad, leave.'" of the protective coating has space station, the seven astronauts fire of similar magnitude four years Yesterday, winds dropixxl to 21 chipped away and nothing else is KEVORK OJANSEZIAN will have little if any time to deal ago, and while the final toll has yet to 36 mph. considerably less than wrong with the reinforced-carbon with problems. to be tallied from this week's fires, the time gusts of up to UK) mph SMOKE: Flames from the Stevenson Ranch wildfire burn to the edge of a subdivision as a panels, before bringing Discovery They're facing the most chal- officials wen crediting an auto- that whippal fire /ones earlier in Santa Ana wind driven wildfire rages out of control in Valencia. Calif, north of Los Angeles home. lenging construction work ever mated, reverse 911 calling system the week Columbia was destroyed dur- attempted in a single mission: that prompted the orderlv evacu- The improving weather allowed Mazes. I lekYcopten and air tankers Bernardino Mountains. ing re-entry approximately 4 years installing Harmony, moving a mas- ation of mote than half a million for a greater aerial assault on the dropped 3() to 35 loads of water "Hiey're taking it down consid- ago because of a hole in the left sive girder and set of solar wings on people. Bames and helped firelighters on two fires that have burned erably." said Dennis Bottslaugh of wing, left there by flyaway fuel- the station, and pulling out those That WU 10 times the number heat hack the most destmctivc hundreds of homes in the San the U.S. Torest Service. tank foam. solar wings and radiators.

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.-.■;•;■* Wellness Connection & Coalition for BIG Choici 419.372.9355 or Adapted Itom BACCHUS and CHOICES 6 Thursday. Octobers 2007 WORLD WWW.BGNEWS.COM MILKING THE MARCH FOR ALL ITS WORTH Bombs kill 9 THE BG NEWS SUDOKU in Baghdad 9 attacks 7 5 4

By Hamid Ahmed The Associated P'ess 8 2 7 1

BAGHDAD — Nearly simulta- 9 7 1 neous bombs struck commut- ers in a predominantly Shiite 8 9 7 2 area on the southeastern edge 5 oi Baghdad yesterday, killing at teas) nini' people and wounding 4 3 6 about two dozen, police and hos- pital officials said, [lie two blasts, which occurred 4 about M) yards apart at 7 a.m. in lisr Diyala, were target hi)' gov- ernment employees, construc- 5 1 tion workers and vendors pre paring to navel into the capital. 7 according to the officials, 4 2 ERAIDO PERES I APPH010 Women and children were among the nine killed and L':s STRIKE A POSE: monstiator, wearing a cow costume, performs in front ol police officers in Brasilia yesterday during the "Workers SUDOKU L Z 9 6 S I 8 » E wounded, which also included March" against the economical and educational measures of the Brazilian government To play: Complete the grid I 8 S £ 9 » L 6 I three policemen who had been so that every row, column HE Z 8 L 9'Sjl drinking lea bough) from a ven- and every 3x3 box contains 9 € 8 t> 6 S I Z L dor, the officials said. the digits 1 to 9.There is no The explosives were buried in Z L 6 8 I 9 t E S guessing or math involved. a din-packed area where mini- Killer 'king' takes his share of pawns ► S I L E I 6 9 8 Just use logic to solve buses pick up people traveling S 6 ► I L t Z 8 9 to the nearbj Baghdad neigh 9 » 8 S Li borhood of /.alaraniyah and the After several years, the 'Bittsa Maniac' Alexander Pichushkin, is found guilty mi center of the city. Vendors were 8 9 L S I 6 E I fr selling pastries, juice and tea. of murdering 48 victims, which he kept track of on a chessboard Mohammed Nuaman, a 36- year-old store owner who was By Bagila Bukharbaytva would join him in mourning the Create and solve your wounded by shrapnel in the The Associated Press death of his dog. shoulder, said rescue efforts They said he killed 11 people in SurJoku puzzles for FREE. were complicated by a damaged MOSCOW — A man who once 2001, including six in one month. bridge. The bridge, which spans boasted he wanted to kill one I le killed most of his victims by the Diyala River, a Tigris tribu- victim for each of the 64 squares throwing them into a sewage pit tary, to connect the area with on a chessboard was found guilty after they were drunk, and in a few PRIZESUDOKU COM Baghdad proper, was bit by two of 411 murders yesterday, a bloody cases strangled or hit them in the bombings in May and was still spree that terrorized the Russian head, prosecutors said. under repair. capital. Beginning in 2005, he began to "I beard a big explosion at the Alexander Pichushkin leaned kill with "particular cruelty,'' hit- bus station area and another against the wall of his reinforced ting his intoxicated victims multi- nited Nations demands end to bomb went off about 30 seconds glass cage in the courtroom and ple times in the head with a ham- later, as I was heading to the Stated at the floor as the jury fore- mer, then sticking an unfinished area," Nuaman said, describing man took about an hour to read bottle of vodka into their shattered impunity for sexual abuse the burned bodies of victims in the verdict. skulls, prosecutors said. He also no pools of blood. Although he claimed to have longer tried to conceal the bodies. By Edith M. L.d.rtr "Violence against "Locals rushed to the area and killed 63 people (most of them Pichushkin drew "particular The Associated Press carried some wounded by their in southern Moscow's Bittsa Park) pleasure and satisfaction" from women has cars to the nearby Zafaraniyab prosecutors could only find evi- finishing off his victims as they UNITED NATIONS - The U.N. hospital before the ambulances ,-.: .... 10 dence to accuse him of murdering "pleaded for mercy." Syomin said. secretary-general warned that reached hideous and police arrived about IS min- MANIAC: Alenander Pichushkin was 48 — most of which occurred over Pichushkin's first victim was his violence against women has utes later." Nuaman said. found guilty of killing dozens of people. five years. school friend, whom he strangled reached "hideous" levels in and pandemic The panel, which deliber- in Bittsa Park in 1992 because some countries trying to recov- ated for a little over two hours, he refused to join him in killing er from conflict, and the U.N. proportions in some also found him guilty of three IX'ople. Security Council demanded an attempted murders. I le began his murderous rani- end to impunity for rape and societies attempting Chief Prosecutor Yuri Syomin page nine years later, in summer other sexual abuse. recommended that the judge sen- 21X11. "It dawned upon me on that The council expressed deep to recover from tence Pichushkin to life imprison- day that I would murder some- concern Tuesday that despite its ment, with the first 15 years to be one," he said during the trial. repeated demands foran imme- conflict." spent in isolation given his violent I le kept count of his victims on diate end to violence against nature. Russia has maintained a a chessboard, with a goal of mark- women caught in armed con- Ban Kinmoon | Secretary-General I MANOR I moratorium on the capital pun- ing all 64 squares, but he said he flicts, "rape and other forms of ishment as part of its obligations came up one victim short sexual abuse, as well as all other Secretary-General Ban Ki- Thrill Center before the Council of burope. "For me. a life without murder is forms of violence,... remain per- moon said "violence against The country's most notorious like a life without food for you," he vasive, and in some situations women has reached hideous serial killer was Andrei Chikatilo. has confessed. have become systematic, and and pandemic proportions in who was convicted in 1992 of kill- Experts at Russia's main have reached appalling levels of some societies attempting to ing 52 children and young women psychiatric clinic have found atrocity." recover from conflict." He did over the course of 12 years. Pichushkin sane. "The council stresses the not name any countries. About a dozen relatives of the Prosecutors said Monday that need to end impunity for such "Together, all of us need to Fri & Sat 7pm-12tnidnight victims attended yesterday's ses- Pichushkin had admitted killing acts as part of a comprehensive strengthen our collective and sion, including a young woman one of his last victims in lebruary approach to seeking peace, jus- individual response to it," GhOSti^ WaftOT Thur & Sun 7pm-10pm whose eyes filled with tears during 2006 to demonstrate that he was tice, truth and national recon- Ban said. "This is essential if a break after the verdict was read. still at large following inaccurate ciliation," it said, we are to reverse the damage She shook her head and refused to reports in Russian newspapers The council statement was done by conflict, and to build Emission Sandusky, OH talk to a reporter. that the "Bittsa Maniac" had read at the end of a day-long more inclusive, accountable Many whose loved ones died at been caught open meeting on implementa- and cohesive societies, under- , V V' 1 ^ 419-6264467 the hands of the "Bittsa Maniac." Pichushkin was arrested in lune tion of a resolution adopted in pinned by viable democratic ^ One discount p« «** as the serial killer came to be 2006 after a woman left a note at 2000 that called for the prosecu- institutions." called, attended the five-week trial home saying that she was going tion of crimes against women U.N. Undersecretary- and heard the gruesome details of for a walk with him and was then and increased protection of General for Peacekeeping the murders. found dead. women and girls during war. lean-Marie Guehenno stressed Prosecutors said Pichushkin, 33, PichushUn said during the trial It also demanded that women the U.N.'s "zero tolerance" lured his victims (many of them that he was aware of the note but be included in decision-making for sexual exploitation and www.qhostlymanoi3 J homeless, alcoholic and elderly) "I could not stop myself from positions at every level of peace- abuse by its more than 80,000 • / , n i imam by promising them vodka if they killing her." making and peacebuilding. peacekeeping troops. NOW LEASING FOR 2008 3igE£g53£ CAMPBELL HILL FRAZEE AVE. & COLUMBIA HEINZ (424 Frazee MERCER MANOR APARTMENTS EAST MERRY COURTS 818 & 808 N. Enterprise) APARTMENTS


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GREENBR IARJNC. 419-352-071 7 SPORTS Thursday. October 25. ?007 7 SIDELINES Netters hang tough, beat Miami in four

By Scan Shapiro Miami would hold off BG for the Reporter next five points until two blocks by junior Kendra I lalm gave them Following a two-game road trip to theirfirst lead at 22-21. The Falcons Toledo and Ball State, BG returned then went on a 6-4 run to take a 28- home to Anderson Arena for a 25 lead. Miami wouldn't go away match between two of the hot- easily as they pulled the score to test teams in the Mid-American 29-27 only to see BG win the game ^K ' ^^^B§ Conference East. on a Redhawk blocking error on BG, who had not lost in seven Halm's attack. matches, at home or in October, In game two. BG came out FOOTBALL faced t he Miami Redhawks, a team dominant at the net led by Swiger Browns shut Baxter W'* h'tit that hadn't lost since September 20 and sophomore Corey Domek when BG earned Coach Denise who combined for eight of BG's down for season W jfcH Van De Walle her 450th victory at first 13 points, BG continued to Cleveland Browns defensive Oxford, Ohio. swing hard as they pushed to an back Gary Baxters attempt at "This was huge, we've been talk- 18-9 lead causing Miami to call a jj^^j ^j ing about this for over a week. For timeout. an incredible comeback from WA i tie-breaking purposes this was a Following the timeout, BG con torn patellas in both knees must-win situation," Van De Walle t inued to roll with a large thanks ti i was put on hold until next said. junior Chelsey Meek who record The Falcons proved who was ed two spectacular digs including season so he can fully recover the better team as they dealt with one that dropped in Miami tern from surgeries. Page 9. the Redhawks in four games, (30- tory for a point. After a three -point 27, 30-20, 20-30, 30-27) improving Miami rally, BG pushed its lead COMING FRIDAY their record to 18-7,9-2intheMAC to 29-20, then KX)k a two-game ^^^^ m*^^^^^ moving up over Miami with the lead on an attack error bv Miami's The BG News W i* win. Hallie Hanks. football program In game one Miami came out After the break, the Redhawks showing why it had won nine started game three like they did For in-depth information straight, swinging hard and in game one, taking an early 10-5 previewing Saturday's Family jumping out to an early lead. BG lead. BG couldn't stop Miami's run. Weekend game against Ohio was able to hang with Miami as leading to Van De Walle calling a University at Doyt Perry it battled back to bring it within timeout as BG trailed 7-14. tine at 15-16 on two kills by senior Stadium. BRIAN BOBNHOSn T.'-BGNEWS Stephanie Swiger and an ace by junior Meghan Mohr. SeeVBALL|Page8 ONLINE TIME TO CELEBRATE: Stephan* Swiger embraces bet teammate Elizabeth Simon (5) after the volleyball teams win over Miami yesteiday The BG News sports blog Be sure to check out the BG News sports blog for extra information on all of your favorite BG teams. Ruggers in the hunt for No. 27 http://www.bgnewssports.

OUR CALL 3 rugby could win its 27th

Today in Sports straight MAC title Saturday History 1990-Evander Holyfield By Chris Volcchulc Mazzarella. KOs Buster Douglas in three Assistant Sports Editor "Grand Valley had victories over both Michigan State and rounds to win the heavy- With the fall season winding Michigan and I expected a much weight '"■ >, down, the BG club rugby team closer game," he said. 1973 an Francisco continues to rise. For the game, fly half Nick Giants trade Willie McCovey In a season where 13 of their30 Viviani led the Falcons in scoring games have been shutout wins, with 24 points. He posted a try, a to the San Diego Padres for and with the best point differen- penalty field goal and eight con- pitcher Mike Caldwell. tial in the nation (1,005 for to 194 version kicks. Viviani leads the 1964—Anton Geesink againstl the Falcons have earned team in scoring this year with a no. 11 ranking in the country, 138 points. becomes the first non- as of the most recent poll. Wing Ian Gagnon also had a Japanese Olympic judo gold Las( weekend, playoff-bound hand in the scoring attack. He medal winner. (Irani! Valley State came to town had three tries, all of which to play A. B and C-side games, coming from 50 yards or further 1621—Governor Bradford with BG taking all three. away. of Plymouth colony disallows In the A-side game. BG ran Six other players would score sports on Christmas Day. away to a 79-10 win. for BG. as (he rout was on from "With both of us heading into early in the game. the playoffs, the (Grand Valley "(Grand ValleyState] isoneclub The List State vs. BG| game has become thai doesn't deserve to have us The World Series has started, a traditional warm-up for both clubs on what would have been and so far only one series has See RUGBY I Page 9 an off week," said coach Roger STOP ATTEMPT: BG eight man Rich Hines (with ball) tales a shot from a Grand Valley State defender. The Falcons won the match. 79-10 gone more than four games. Here are five reasons why this year's playoffs could be considered lackluster. Soccer takes down Detroit Mercy New, talented BG swimmers 1. Short series: The Rockies swept both of their complement veterans opponents, and the Red Sox and Indians each made pretty By Andrew Harrier guick work of the Angels and Reporter like to win the 200-medley relay," Richardson said. Yankees. Richardson is well on hei 2. Some big names BG's 2007 swim team is chock- way to achieving that goal by full of young, talented swim- swimming at faster times than eliminated: Guys MLB mers who complement the she did all last season but she really promotes, like Derek team's veterans very nicely. knows she has to have help Freshman Carrie En right and from her teammates and is Jeter. Ryan Howard and that sophomores Meg Richardson, excited about what the future dreamy Grady Sizemore. are Chelsea Lopus and Frankie can bring to BG swimming. all out of the playoffs. Houck have all stepped up and "I think everyone is doing played a big role for the Falcons well, but 1 think it's awesome 3. Tim McCarver: As this season. that we have so many younger far as Fox broadcasters go, "Even as a freshman, 1 still girls that are swimming fast feel I have a pretty big role," because that builds the future Joe Buck is tolerable to listen Enright said. "I'm excited for for our team," Richardson said. to, but McCarver's in-game what this year has for me." At the S(ubbs Relays. observations can be TRtV0»lH I THE BG NEWS Enright was an important Richardson also helped five completely ridiculous. KICKIN' IT: Alec Peiea (II) and the BG men's soccer team beat Detroit Mercy yesterday to notch their first win in a month piece to BG's recent success at relays to win and is happy she the Tom Stubbs Relays by help- can be on relays with Lopus 4. TBS By Pete Schramm tunities, and we had some very at halftime, Thompson started ing all five of her relay teams to and Flouck who both contrib- Reporter good plays, but there were a few shuffling in more players from victory. However, she has her uted to four relay wins a( (he commentators: From times when we were just a little the bench to gain valuable play- biggest goals set ahead in the Stubbs meet. Chip Caray to Craig Sager, The BG men's soccer team bit nervous." ing time, and rest some of the season. The only other swimmers to these guys were all defeated Detroit Mercy 2-1 yes- The Falcons struck first in the starters. "I really want to do well at the be a part of three or more relay terday, boosting itsoverall record match when Cameron Hepple i played a few more people IMid-American Conference winners were juniors Alisha bandwagon jumpers with an to 4-9-3. Hunter Van Houten and found Van Houten in front of an than usual, and I wanted to get championshipsl by making Yee with five and Sami lordan East Coast bias that stood out Ryan Perea netted goals in the empty net for a goal. a feel for where we are and what the finals," Enright said. "And with three. more than their commentary. Falcons' final non-conference "The ball got played in to we have available for (hese last a team goal is to make it to the Coach Keri Buff is excited game of the season. Cameron, and I just peeled off couple games," Thompson said. NCAA championships." about her current team's talent 5. Dane Cook BG head coach Fred from the defender and he found "I learned a few things, and I'm Richardson brings the same and is hoping to win a MAC Thompson said he was me," Van Houten said. "I just put glad we got that result out of it." approach as Enright does, hop- championship within the nexl commercials: The impressed with his team's play, it in the net." With 15:39 left to play in (he ing for the team and herself to couple of years commercials are way over- but noticed a few flaws as a Throughout the rest of the second half, Perea ne((ed (he do well at the MAC champion- "One of the (hings about our used, and come off as really result of his team's eagerness to first half, the Falcons dominated Falcons' second goal of (he game ships. freshman class is that they get another win. "It was good to possession and were able to fire "I would like to be in the top- annoying. Remember when get a win," Thompson said. 13 shots compared to Detroit's See SOCCER | Page 9 8 in all my events at the [MAC See SWIM | Page 9 Dane Cook was still funny? "We created some great oppor- three. After having a 1-0 lead championshipsl, and I would SPORTS WWW.BGNEWS.COM "Thursday. October 2S. 2007 Simpson, three co-defendants will face new charges Ambulance crew carrying marathon runner got lost By Ken RilUr of Simpson with the Heisman The Associated Press Trophy, and framed awards and plaques, together valued at as US VEGAS — New charges of much as $100,000. according to felony coercion were filed yes- police reports. terday against O.J. Simpson The revised complaint increas- and three co-defendants in the es to 12 the number of charges alleged armed robbery of two against Simpson, Clarence sports memorabilia dealers. Stewart, Michael McClinton The revised complaint and Charles Ehrlich. The four also drops charges against are to appear for the prelimi- Walter Alexander and Charles nary hearing Nov. 8 on felonies Cashmore, who pleaded guilty — including kidnapping, armed Tuesday to reduced charges. robbery, assault with a deadly Alexander, Simpson's golfing weapon, conspiracy and coer- buddy, and Cashmore, at times cion — and one gross misde- a day laborer, disc jockey and meanor, conspiracy to commit a bartender, have agreed to testify crime. A kidnapping conviction at a preliminary hearing against alone could result in a sentence the former football star and the of life in prison with parole. other men who went to a Las The new coercion charges Vegas casino hotel room on Sept. allege that the men threat- 13 to retrieve items that Simpson ened collectibles dealer Bruce said belonged to him. Fromong and took his cell The memorabilia taken from phone, while taking a baseball the hotel room included football cap and sunglasses at gunpoint game balls signed by Simpson, from memorabilia dealer Alfred JASC HONG Joe Montana lithographs, base- MORE TROUBLE: Jdnts were cjivenru',v charges of balls autographed by Pete See 0. J. | Page 9 ANONYMOUS I APPHOIO felony coercion yesterd ngfron • <: armed robbery over memorabilia. Rose and Duke Snider, photos DECEASED: The ambulance crew that was carrying Chad Schieber. a dying Chicago Marathon runner, got lost on the way to the UIC Medical Center on Oct. 7. lock early. I lie Kedhawks found "What was really big inga kill, her 17th of the season. YBALL their momentum from game four, With only two home games CHICAGO (AP) — The ambu- Schieber to the West Side taking an 18-13 lead. BG would about the win was remaining, BG has put itself in lance crew who picked up Veterans Administration From Page 7 start to come back as they went on position to become the second a dying runner during the Hospital a few blocks away. a 3-0 run highlighted by Malm's game four when we team in history to run the table at Chicago Marathon apparently The hospital is not part of Despite a kill bj Halm on the eighth block of the night home and the first since 1979. got lost on the way to a hospi- Chicago'semergency response ensuing play. Miami continued BG came back to lie the game battled back and got "1 think Anderson Arena is a tal, authorities said. network but has a fully work- their strong play pushing their at 22 and on the next play Swigcr's tough place to come in and play. Chad Schieber collapsed ing emergency room, officials feadto2(i ft BG was able to make kill gave HO their first lead since it that lead." We have great fans, and the fans while running the Oct. 7 race, said. •push back going mi a fbur-poini was 3-2 early. After three side outs are on top of the other team all and was about six blocks away Langford and Mueller could run bringing the game in Lill-JM. In each team and the score tied at the time and they're going to be in from the University of Illinois not say how long it took to Denise Van De Walle | Coach only to have Miami take the game 27. KG gol a block from Halm, fol- your face if you make a mistake," at Chicago Medical Center. An take Schieber, a police officer .Is the hall tell short ol Meek on a lowed by a kill from Swiger I hen Swiger said. autopsy blamed his death on a from Midland, Mich., to the dig attempt. the deal was sealed on another Swiger, she was on fire," Van De Following the win, BG heads heart condition called mitral hospital or whether it would "TTu'v came out with a lm ol Swiger kill. Walle said. west this weekend to play the MAC: valve prolapse, though heart have helped Schieber if he had intensity and started doing a lot ol "What was n.ilK big about the Statistically the falcons were West Division leading Western experts say the condition is arrived sooner. good thing', and we didn't really win was game four when we led by Swiger, I Xnnek and I lalm Michigan Broncos. They then rarely dangerous. Krystn Madrine, Schieber's p-spoiul tn it ai Brst" I tomek said. battled bade and got that lead; offensively, combining for 51 kills return home again the weekend of Schieber, 35, was picked up sister-in-law, said the family is The fourth game started as a Chelsoy's defense. Domek and and IT blinks. Defensively, Meek Nov. 3 to battle the only two teams from the marathon route by waiting for more information. Rack and forth bailie as the teams Swiger hitting as hard as they was once again BCi's stalwart, to beat BG in MAC play this year, an ambulance from Niles, one "We want to see what hap- found thenisclu". in a 7-7 dead- hit. I wanted match point logo to recording 27 digs and even record- Kent and Ohio. of 30 suburban crews called pens," Madrine told The to help when hundreds of Associated Press yesterday. runners were stricken by that "We hope that something good day's hot weather. will come of Chicago's discov- Natural Light 24pk...S9.99 f.£L, The crew radioed Chicago ering that they did not do a Bud Light 18pk...$12.99 »'^". dispatchers Schieber was in very good job." VMMHM full cardiac arrest and said Marathon officials declined Corona I2pk bottles...$ 12.99| 834 South Main St. in "Big Lots Plaza [JS they planned to take him to comment yesterday. Cold Beer at State Min. Prices! Open Late til 11pm! Coors Light 24pk...$15.99| to the UIC Medical Center, The lost ambulance was first Chicago Tire Department reported Monday by WBBM- Please Drink Responsibly Birch Run Golf Club spokesman Larry Langford TV, which also said emergency said this week. dispatchers didn't have maps Only 10 Minnies Irom Campus! The ambulance crew drove of marathon road closures. 2 miles oil I-75 South in a couple blocks in the wrong Dispatchers could be heard North Baltimore on St Rt 18 direction, then flagged down shouting over radios "We need Student ID SpKill: a city ambulance and got maps! VVe have no maps down instructions, said Niles Fire here," WBBM reported. ^4fcP Weekday 18 Holes with cert Chief Barry Mueller. But Mueller said the crew had ^JJfc Weekend 18 Holes with cart then they drove past the UIC asked dispatchers for direc- Medical Center because they tions but got no response. couldn't find the emergency "That's not unusual; the room entrance. airwaves could be jammed," They ended up delivering Mueller said.

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said. "They represent where we Mid-American Conference RUGBY want to eventually be. They rep- Championship. If BG wins, it SOCCER SWIM will be their 27th straight title. From Page 7 resent the kind of commitment From Page 7 From Page 7 my own players need to make Both BG and OU have 6-0 in- run up the score," Mazzarella in order to reach that level on conference records going in. using a tremendous display of come in and they're fast, but said. "Bui with limited substi- the field." "We don't plan on doing any- hustle. they also have a lot to learn," tution in rugby, sometimes it's The B and C-sides won their thing different than we have Perea chased down an entry Buff said. "1 feel lucky to be able tough to turn off the offense games 39-14 and 12-0, respec- been doing," Mazzarella said. pass from Van Houten, but his to work with them. once the boulder starts run- tively, and BG's record on the "I think the-fact that we have shot past the charging goal- "New people that come out and ning downhill." season now stands at 30-1. the best points differential in keeper bounced off the right make your team better is what GVSU coach lohn Mullett On Saturday, Ohio University the country speaks volumes for post. Fortunately, Perea hus- you look for as a coach," she said. was very impressed with how will be coming in to play the both our offense as well as our tled to recover the shot and But it's more than coaching BG was able to take control of Falcons at the College Park defense." tapped the ball into the empty and hard work that makes a the game. Rugby Field in a game carry- The first match will begin net for a goal. swimming team perform. Buff "BG is a great team," Mullett ing one big implication—the at 1 p.m. "I got by the goalie, and 1 was said a lot of success is helped by hoping for the easy pass in the her veteran swimmer's leader- goal, but I was just lucky I got ship, staff, strength coaches and "[My client] is guns were involved and he did the rebound," Perea said. academics coaches. O.J. not tell anyone to bring guns. lust 39 seconds later, how- "We have one of the best staffs The complaint names ever, Detroit answered with a TMVODU-E THE BG NWS in the conference," Buff said. From Page 8 not guilty and we Thomas Riccio, who is not goal of its own. After BG goal- "We want to see people who VICTORY: Members of the men's soccer charged in the case, and keeper Brent Petkus made a come here, work hard and love team celebrate during their win yesterday Beardsley. continue to say he describestheroletheCalifornia divingsavetohisright, the ball swimming." Conviction on felony coer- collectibles broker played deflected back out to Detroit's And this year's recruitment cion carries a sentence of up to is not guilty of any in arranging the meeting Michel lonca who fired a shot under I heir belt heading into process looks to bringing in six years in prison. between Simpson, Fromong into the upper right corner of the final two regular season that type of swimmers. Called Ehrlich's lawyer, lohn Moran crime." and Beardsley. the net for a goal. games. "awesome" by Buff, this year's Jr., complained yesterday that Riccio's lawyer, Ryan Okabe From there, the Falcons and "It feels good. We needed recruiting class includes the first of Redondo Beach, Calif., said Titans played evenly with each the revised complaint con- Yale Galanter | Simpson's lawyer some momentum going into senior national swimmer to ever tained wholesale changes in Clark County District Attorney seeing a number of scoring the next couple games," he commit to BG. prosecutors' theories of the David Roger has promised opportunities. Fortunately for said. "It's nice to win one The Falcons will be losing crimes and was filed so late it Stewart's lawyer, Jose Riccio immunity from prosecu- the Falcons, solid play from at home." seven seniors at the end of the put defense lawyers at a disad- Pallares. denied allegations tion, Riccio also has provided the defense and goalkeeper The team is still in posi- season, and Buff said that this vantage. in the revised complaint that authorities with an audio tape helped the team hang on for tion to earn a home play-in- kind of replacement, while "It violates due process and Simpson and Stewart con- he said he recorded during the the victory. game for the Mid-American not always easy, is essential to fair play for us, this far down spired to persuade the others encounter. The win is the first in over Conference Tournament, but the continuing success of the the road with the preliminary to tell authorities that no guns Riccio, Cashmore and a month for the Falcons, and it needs to win both games program. hearing set," Moran said. were used in the confrontation. Alexander are expected to be it comes at the right time as to close out the season to bet- "The goal every year recruiting- Simpson's lawyer, Yale According to their lawyers key witnesses for the prosecu- the team is preparing to fin- ter those chances. Yesterday's wise is to replace the people that Galanter, said his client "is not and police reports, Alexander tion at the preliminary hear- ish off the regular season with game helped serve as a test you are losing with people that guilty and we continue to say and Cashmore can testify ing, when lustice of the Peace two important conference for the team to help prepare are a little bit faster than them, he is not guilty of any crime." that guns were brought to the )oe M. Bonaventure will decide games. Van Houten said it was for the two most important which is sometimes hard to do," Galanter added that he looked Palace Station casino hotel whether there is enough evi- nice to finally get another win games so far this season. Buff said. forward to cross-examining room. Simpson, who lives in dence to send the case to trial Alexander and Cashmore. Miami, has maintained no in state court.

Browns shut down Baxter for rest of season

By Tom Wither. The Associated Press

BEREA. Ohio — Gary Baxter finally spent an Oct. 24 upright, anesthesia-free and not eating hospital food. His amazing comeback is on hold, but Baxter had plenty to be thankful for on a date that has haunted him. While deeply disappointed, Cleveland's cornerback was upbeat yesterday, one day after his courageous fighl to over- come two freak knee injuries ended for this season when the Browns placed him on injured reserve. "1 just ran out of time," he said. Standing in front of his locker, Baxter looked up at a clock on the wall and noted when times RONSCHWAM AP PHOTO >jFJ:ffilff.Wff.l were much tougher for the 28- OUCH: Gary Baxter shows frustration after injuring his knees in Denver last season. ' B«« Get Shopping Center year-old, who horrifically tore ,1062 N. Main St. both patellar tendons on the same play against the Denver Oct. 24 — he had an operation surgery. Today. I'm good." Broncos last Oct. 22. to fix a torn pectoral muscle. Baxter then smiled. Two days later, he had surgery "A year ago, I was really low," "I'm going to go home and get to repair both knees and spent he said. "I was in pain right now into bed." he said. "I'm going to 61 more days in the Cleveland around this time. Two years ago, drive slow. I'm going to make Clinic. on this same date, same time, sure I'm not in the hospital One year earlier — also on everything. 1 was coining out of again."

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10 Thursday. Octobgt 25.2007 WWWBGNEWS.COM Rice: Mideast peace in jeopardy

By Ann. Flaherty "Our concern is protester was removed. Others The Associated Press were likewise escorted away at growing... we will the behest of Hep. loin l.anios. WASHINGTON - Secretary chairman of the House foreign of Slate Condoleezza Hice said lose the window for Affairs Committee. yesterday that a "two-state solu- Despite the protesters' effort tion" in the Middle last was iii a two-state solution." to focus on the war, the Israeli- jeopardy and described a nar- Palestinian conflict and Iran row window of opportunity to CondoleezaRice|Secretatyi I I iti dominated the hearing. Lantos, push Israel and the Palestinians D-Calif., asked whether the toward peace. a two-slate solution that is pos- Hush administration was doing In a House hearing inter- sible, we will lose the window enough to pressure ligypl to rupted by anti-war protesters, for a two-state solution," Rice crack down on llamas sympa- Rice said an upcoming peace said. thizers and whether Hush was conference in Annapolis. Md., Rice's testimony was punctu- calling for the peace conference is needed to give hope to mod- ated by Iraq war protesters. As to salvage his political legacy. erate Palestinian forces. She Rice entered the hearing room, Rice dismissed suggestions blamed Iran for fanning flames one woman rushed toward her that the conference was a politi- in the region, including what and waved her hands — paint- cal ploy. she called "troubling" new sup- ed blood red — in from of the "There are probably easier for- port for Hamas militants. secretary's face. The protester eign policy tasks to lake on than "Our concern is growing that shouted thai Rice was a "war the Israeli-Palestinian conflict," without a serious political pros- criminal" and should be taken she said. "The timing comes pect for the Palestinians that to The Hague, home of an inter- down lo what il is we need in gives to moderate leaders a national war crimes tribunal. do lo give moderate forces in CHURlESOH/UtAPAK APPHOtO horizon that they can show tn Rice was stoic and contin- the region a boosl and to deal a MIDDLE EAST: Secretary of Slate Condoleeza Rice, right, is confronted by CodePink member Desuee Anita Ali-Fairooz during a House their people that Indeed t here is ued with her business as the blow to forces of extremism." heating yesterday where Rice spoke about the diminishing opportunity for peace in the Israeli and Palestinian conflict

"I figure I don't need my organs when I'm organ donor, and said. "Well. ORGANS 1 figure if I'm dead, and other From Page 1 people will die if they don't Security chief resigns gone, and someone else will... use them." have my organs, then it makes reasons why people don't sense lo give them away. I'm By Matthew Lee resignation letter to President donate their organs is because or | Students fot Oigan Donation Member not using them anymore." The Associated Press Hush and Secretary of State they don't understand the pro- \losi members of Students Condoleezza Rice. cess. main organs. transplants. for Organ Donation are pre- WASHINGTON — The Slate Hul his decision to step down The group wants to let peo- The most needed organ is "It seems like science fiction, nursing, pre-med or other sci- Department's embattled secu- came atatime when the depart- ple know thai I heir parts can go the kidney, (Ireenwald said. but it's pretty much what we ence oriented majors, bin any- rity chief resigned yesterda) as ment is facing withering Iraqi on, he said. Older people who have diabe- talk about, "she said. one is welcome. the scandal over last month's and congressional criticism for "There's a recipient list that's tes can ruin their kidneys if Hul Greenwald also said it's "When we talk about win we deadly Blackwater USA shoot- ii- security practices. a mile long," he said. "Pulling they don't get ii taken care of important for students to talk joined, people have really dif- ing of 17 Iraqis in Baghdad It also followed the release of ihe parts in a box and bury- regularly, and younger people to their family about register- ferent stories," Greenwald said. claimed iis first political casu- a repon commissioned by Hice ing them in Ihe ground doesn't can donate for the older gen- ing. Though il is fairly com- lunior Kelsey Manor, a alty. thai found serious lapses in ihe make much sense." eration, likewise, older people mon for college-age people lo member of the organization, The resignation came amid department's oversight of pri- Donation can improve the can donate as well. be organ donors, they rarely said. "I figure I donl need my growing questions about the vate guards, who are employed quality of life for a number of There is also .1 need for infant speak 10 others about it. organs when I'm gone, and use of private contractors to by Griffin's bureau and report people. Bone, skin and corneas donors, Grecnwald said Age "It's no) something thai they someone else will be able In protect diplomats in Iraq. toil. can all come from one person, doesn't matter when il comes think about, and it's not some use them," bill that it should Richard Griffin, ihe assistant Hice accepted the resigna- along with tissue, tendons, to donation. thing they talk to family mem- also bean individual decision. secretary of state for Ihe Bureau tion, which is effective Nov. 1, ligaments, arteries, veins and Science is also currently bers about." (ireenwald said. "II you're not comfortable, you of Diplomatic Security, made Stale Department spokesman bone marrow, including the six experimenting with hand Senior Laura linesman is an shouldn't," she said. no mention of ihe furor in his Sean McCormack said.

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.-. e « MM- f.;M^*-'t '4* WWW.BGNEWS.COM ENVIRONMENT Thursday. October 25.200711 Caged chickens may be on the way out Climate report missing data

Restaurants move toward cage-free egg market in support of better animal welfare By H. Josaf Harbart appearance in Atlanta. The Associated Press later, she added, "I don't let By James Hannah ! people put words in my mouth The Associated Press WASHINGTON — The White and I stand for science." '4ksl $&> }■■•■' House significantly edited tes- The draft noted that "scientific FORT RECOVERY, Ohio — The timony prepared for a Senate evidence supports the view that 13,000 hens in a western Ohio hearing on the impact of cli- the earth's climate is changing" barn roam the floor, spread their mate change on health, delet- and thai many groups are work- wings and duck into nest boxes - ing key portions citing diseases ing to address climate change. covered by red plastic flaps to give that could flourish in a warmer "Despite this extensive activ- them a dark area that encourages climate, documents obtained ity, the public health effects egg-laying, by The Associated Press showed of climate change remain Three months earlier the barn „,.',','»«.'» 'flB M^ll ^B yesterday. largely unaddressed. CDC con- held nearly four times as many The White I louse on yesterday siders climate change a serious Americans." chickens, but they were confined denied that it had "watered down" public health concern," the draft But her pre- to small wire cages stacked on the congressional testimony that declares. pared testimony was devoted top of each other. SKIPWTERSON APPH0TO Dr. lulie Gerberding, director of That paragraph was not in almost entirely to the ('.{X :'s prep- Egg farms are increasing their EGG TIME: Jerry Knapke of Fort Recovery Equity. Inc shows nest boxes inside a new open- Centers for Disease Control and Gerberding's text as approved by aration, with few details on what production of cage-free eggs cage chicken facility in Fort Recovery. Ohio. The nest bones are covered by red plastic flaps Prevention, had given the day the White I louse. effects climate change could have — spending hundreds of thou- to give them a dark area that encourages egg-laying. before to the Senate Environment The draft document was on the spread of disease. The pre- sands of dollars to convert barns and Public Vvbrks Committee. obtained yesterday by The pared remarks covered six pages. by tearing out cages, installing The United Egg Producers esti- percent of their egg purchases But a draft of the testimony Associated Press from a source The draft submitted for OMB was new floors, reconfiguring feed mates that about 5 percent of U.S. by July. submitted for White I louse review other thiui the CDC, the Atlanta- twice as long. and water lines, and changing egg production is now cage-free The companies said the move shows that six pages of details based agency considered the gov- Referring to the draft, one CDC ventilation systems. or organic, up from 2 percent is in support of better animal about specific disease and other ernment's premier disease back- official familiar with Ixith versions "It's a growing market," said three years ago. Organic eggs are welfare. health problems that might flour- ing and monitoring agency. who spoke on condition of ano- lerry Knapke, operations man- produced by cage-free chickens Gene Gregory, president of the ish if the Earth warms were not Two people familiar with nymity because of the sensitive ager for Fort Recovery Equity, that have access to the outdoors United Egg Producers, said some delivered at the hearing. the documents told the AP on nature of the review process, said the nation's ninth-largest egg and are fed only organic feed. producers are beginning to raise Gerberding yesterday down- Tliesday, after the Senate hearing, that "it was eviscerated." producer. "We see a slow, steady Burger King began asking its cage-free eggs in part because played the significance of the that the White House Office of While House press secretary growth." suppliers for cage-free eggs in retailers and restaurants want to changes made in her prepared Management and Budget edited Dana Perino said the prepared Knapke doesn't expect cage- March and hopes they account offer consumers a choice. text saying she never felt she was the CDC director's congressio- testimony went through an inter- free to ever make up the major- for at least 2 percent of the res- He said retailers have told him being censored and that she was nal testimony, removing specific agency review process and the ity of egg production. However, taurant chain's egg volume by they've been intimidated by ani- free to go beyond her text — and scientific references to potential Office of Science and technology he projects that 5 percent of the the end of the year. The Hardee's mal-rights activists, who stage did when testifying "I was abso- health risks. Unlicy did not believe that the sci- 6.5 million birds raised by the and Carl's |r. fast-food chains demonstrations, take out full- lutely happy with my testimony in Gerberding told a Senate hear- ence in the testimony matched company's 60 contract farms will said in September they will begin page newspaper ads and pres- Congress. We finally had a chance ingonTuesdaythatclimatechange the science that was in a report be cage-free within the next six purchasing cage-free eggs and sure the companies to buy cage- to go and say what we thought was "is anticipated to have a broad by the International Panel on months. plan to have them account for 2 free eggs. Important," she said at a luncheon range of impacts on the health of Climate Change.

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1 ' ■ ■. 1 Very severe 2 Craggy crest " " 3 Arboreal lemur 1 n 4 Zodiac sign " 5 Winglike parts i LH 6 Plopped down 7 Mr. Baba 1 i 8 Presumes ■ 9 Composer Mahler ■ ■ 10 Approx. ■ 11 Wheat bundle - ■ I ■ ■ 12 Pac. pact 41 Corncob 1 ■ 13 Arrangement 42 Presley hit. u 18 Nevertheless "In the _" . ■ ■ 22 Slugger's stat 47 Lt. Kennedy's vessel - > 25 Workers' rights grp. 48 Now I see! ■ . ■ ■ ■ 26 Endure longer then 49 Collared 27 Sweetie 50 Gloomier ■ u ■ 29 Bovine 1 H" 51 Muslim holy city ' 30 Sight organ 52 Architect Saarmen 31 Director Browning 53 Market channel 32 Calendar abbr. 55 Perhaps 35 Delibes or Buscaglia 56 Kind ol daylight? ■ 36 Came across 57 Takes aback 1 37 Colony critter 60 Tunisian port 1 39 Viper collective 62 360-deg. curve ACROSS 40 Japanese vegetables 64 Each and every one 65 MCII halved 1 Reagan's Secretary of State 51 Part 4 of quip 5 Urgent letters 54 Mausoleums 9 Painter's base 58 Actor Wallach 14 English composer 59 Mr. Hope TONYDEJAK I APPHOTO 15 "Fiesque" composer 60 Dollar bill artist 16 Lead to seats 61 Kid of early TV NEW LOOK: See-through sound walls located on Interstate 71 aie shown in Cleveland. In a twist to the brooding look of sound walls that 17 Start of Tom Smothers quip 63 End of quip ANSWERS increasingly line highways. US transportation planners are turning to the more livable see-through sound walls that are common in Europe. 19 Home or bed follower 66 "As You Like It" role 20 Try hard 67 Ms. Fitzgerald 1 21 NYC subway line 68 Abba of Israel s a i uV> 1 11 ■ 1 M I ' V 23 Goddess of folly 69 On the qui vive N V a >■« 1 i <■» 1 1 i -) t V 24 "Die Lorelei" poet 70 559, once 0 ■ u o i ■ B|O 9 . ' 25 Part 2 of quip 71 Beattyfilm ! b V 1 1 ■ 11 0 B i i 3 Kroger seeks to 1 S 1 v H i V l ew drug laws could backfire 28 Taking all into account u ft 0 . .'. 30 LAX stat a i 0 B •i ■ ■ i s 33 Classify I i 0 1 H V a V • i: . • ■ COLUMBUS (AP)—Legislation he said. stop tobacco 34 _ mater 1 9 1 ■' i 1 '.' N f\ 0 ' 38 Part 3 of quip v|i\ ' V i U t: 8 V : 1 thai would bring penalties The bill's passage came 43 Transition point 3 * :■ 1 N for offenses involving pow- because lawmakers now have 44 Actress Menken U V •J . ". 1 H N H sales to minors r\ der cocaine in line with those a broader understanding that 45 Mel of the Giants i i V 1 l H I 1 •1 i S i V V 3 .1 1 H 46 Brought to you (by) 1 . ■ . ft M ■ V b involving crack cocaine could drug problems in Ohio extend COLUMBUS (AP) — Kroger Co., ■i i ■ I 1 N V 6 i 8 1 >)■<• v S ' V H backfire and lead to greater beyond city street corners. the nation's largest traditional ■•■ 1 ' prison populations, an associa- Miller said. grocery chain, signed an agree- tion of defense attorneys said. "We've got a growing prob- ment with Ohio and 41 other 1432 E. Winter, BG A bill that passed the state lem in our rural areas of the states to take certain steps to (419) 352-4663 Senate with unanimous sup slate, and many of these mem- prevent sales of tobacco prod- delivery available port Tuesday imposes stiffer bers are well aware of the prob- ucts to minors, officials said penalties for possession and lem," said Miller, a Columbus Tuesday. Houri: Ham • 9pm Monday Saturday trafficking of powder cocaine, Democrat. Ohio is one of about Cincinnati-based Kroger will PASTA & SUBS Delivery Ham 9pm Monday - Saturday bringing sentencing guide- 12 states that has disparities require stores to report viola- lines to the same level as those in sentencing for crack and tions on tobacco sales to chil- involving crack cocaine. powder cocaine, said Allison dren and teenagers to its cor- The original penalties Lawrence, a policy associate porate office. The company Personals Help Wanted imposed on offenders with with the National Conference will also change its store con- crack cocaine were racially dis- of State Legislatures. tracts to allow for termination Classified criminatory, said state Sen. Ray A person caught with only of franchise agreements for www terror @thewestwood com Now hiring servers & cooks Apply in Ads Haunted school Thursday college ID person 7am - 3pm. Tues - Fri. Miller, the bill's sponsor. 25 grams of crack can be con- those caught selling tobacco to $6.00 Rudolph Ohio Ben's Table 1021 S Main SI BG The use of crack cocaine victed of a first-degree felony, minors. 419-372-6977 is largely based in poor and while it requires at least 500 The deal is the I lth such Mi<- M, NPW* will not ■.mmliiRl) ,i..r|>t Wanted minority areas, and powder grams of powder cocaine to agreement produced by a mul- advertisements ihaidlsrrlit^naic. or rncoiir For Rent cocaine users are often white. face the same sanctions. tistate effort. Dann's office •W IIIM nmin.Mion agatnM am Of group on the basil ol rate. sr». color, ciwd. 2 female sublsrs in Copper Beech said. Previous agreements religion, national origin, sexual nrtrmatloii. " Avail, now Rooms S225 mo 4 illv.ilnlitv Matusasa VMCIM oi on the basis for Spring Semester Please contact ciner 7-Eleven, CVS, Wal-Mart, of am other legally protected slams falc0n333@yahoo com bdrm. free internet, U'algrecns and Rite Aid stores, CaH 419-353-0325 l In- l». Ntwi reserves the right to decline as well as gas stations operated dl*rontlnne n revtM Ur) ■dTCttttftMOl such as those liiuiul to \— defamatory, lack- Help Wanted 08-09 school year listings avail by Conoco, Exxon, Mobil and ing in factual basis. nrislMdtng or false m Also Jan 08 units avail call I i I'll I others. nature, \n ■dvaiiMiiwnti ire mbjeci W See CartyRentals com ■diangind .i(i|iTni .ii State laws prohibit tobacco 'BARTENDING' up to S300/day No $5 WEB/call 419-353-0325 sales to minors. 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( nil to make an appointment today! . Alul \in Management Ml rhirclM III. .152-4.1X11 Toledo Riots Aftermath: 2 Years Later I1: the JUenaCSix°K, 7 I SNITCH * HoP De*d? f CONTENTS: Letter from the Editor:

Letter from the Editor 2 Hello, my name is Richard Rashad Autry and 1 would like to introduce myself to the campus of Bowling Campus and Community Views 3 Green State University and the communities surrounding Internet Leveling Playing Field? 3 the campus. I am honored to be this year's editor-in-chief RICHARD AUTRY Editor-in Chief/lllijstrator and hope my vision for BGSU's multicultural magazine Toledo Riots Aftermath: 2 Years Later 4-5 will be well received by many. My main goal for this year Timeline of Civil Injustice 6 is to bridge the gap between college and the multicultural TAMARA LAWRENCE History Repeats Itself 6 communities surrounding BGSU. I know The Obsidian is Assist Editor/Fashion Beauty a campus publication dedicated to giving recognition to Justice for the Jena 6 7 students of cultural backgrounds, but I would like to go further than that. I am from Toledo and I have a special Latino Heritage Month 8 SHANNON WUL connection to its black community and I would like to Copy Editor Amer-Indian Professor Aims to End Stereotypes 8 create a link. Too often many students forget where they Jerry Craft/Cartoonist/Writer/Illustrator 8 come from. Both communities on and off campus share a similar bond in what they lack in society... a voice. With Darfur-Sudan Conflict Still Brewing 9 HISS DAVIS The Obsidian as a viable resource, I feel it is my duty to National News Writer TPS Gets "Academic Watch": - provide that voice. And I will provide that voice; not just The Truth Behind the Label 9j in English, but in Spanish, Cherokee, Arabic, Swahili,

Missing Women of Color 10j and any other muted voice in this world. As I provide AUDREY HYDER that voice, The Obsidian will become the translator that Staff Writei Mexicans: Who's Legal and Who's Not lol will establish the unity we need to correct all the wrongs Students Aspire to See an society has imposed on us. Ethnic Student Center on Campus 10 INDIA HUNTER Many of you are aware of the events that transpired Staff Writer Snitchin 11 concerning the Jena 6ix. I would like to stress to all Necessary Information or Mis-education? 12 readers of this magazine that racial injustice did not start with the Jena 6ix nor will it end with the Jena 6ix. Unquotable 12 SHELBY JEFFERSON Many individuals feel equality was reached during the Staff Wnter In Memory 12 Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s. The Civil Rights Movement did not completely fix all issues concerning Is Hip-Hop Dead? 13 people of color. There were some policies enacted that LAT0YA YOUNG Hip-Hope Vs. America 13 caused the movement to lose steam, hence allowing Staff Writer ■ some individuals to become content with their situation. Quotable 13 Inevitably, the "v" and "e" was taken out of "Movement," CHER0D JOHNSON Public Relations Chair/Staff Writer Healthy Choices in Dining 14 thus causing it to be a moment in our history. Now it's up to this generation to put the "v" and "e" back where CHRIS LEWIS Breast Cancer Awareness Month 14 Staff Writer it belongs. Hopefully, this issue will aid in sparking the The Facts About HPV 14* brain that will lead the nation into a new era of racial MELISSA CARTER Staff Writer Kauture Shauk State University 15 equality. ^

Fashion: Beauty Tips 15 Campus Life 16 yy

Also, if anyone has enjoyed this publication and wants to get involved this semester, pflease email [email protected]


If another civil rights movement were to occur today, what issues would it focus on? CAMPUS VIEW

JOSEPH SMITH JORDAN ARCHER STARMISHA PAGE JESHAUNE JACKSON reshman, Microbiology mmii. Tehtomnmiiiattiom Junior. Political Science lunior, Pre-Medicine

They should l ry to "They should focus on "Education. The "Music. The youth really break down walls, how black people divide curriculum is not being getting guidance from making sure (here is themselves; discrim- taught and students are music, yet then' is equality for jobs, college ination exists within the not receiving the right not enough positive scholarships, etc. There black community. They supplies necessary for mentorship." are open doors but they arc constantly finding standardized testing that have chains on them." ways to self-defeat the states mandate." themselves."


JAMES GRAY: DOMINIQUE: ROBERT MUNN: Tqual rights in the work "We have to focus on "It would be the war JUNIOR WIGGINS: community. And I'm the police and why we got going on right "Racism man. It's still not talking about the they treat Black people here. Ain't nothing McDonald's or Burger King different. Not just the changed. There are corporations. We need police...the whole also inequalities in access to the good jobs. judicial system. 1 feel employment. They'll We also need more black my brother was wrongly put you on a wail list businesses. We do not have imprisoned. We also and never call you hack. confidence in ourselves have to look at the Employers will give their and when we do have our employment problem." friends' johs, hut won't own businesses, we do not support each other. We don't support ourselves, but we will support other groups of people." JENA SIX UPROAR INTERNET LEVELING PLAYING FIELD? Internet does RICHARD AUTRY being readily available (o so many the lena Six. Everyone should report to listen and it may catch the eye of Editor-in-Chief students. Various forms of web brought injustices. If news outlets will not listen, someone who has resources to bring this injustice to light, such as email and create your own news outlet in the form the injustice to national spotlight. As Al what media I s the internet leveling the playing weblog. Many Individuals learned of a blog. There are millions of people Sharpton said, let's let it be known i field in the representation of of the lena situation through word in cyber space. Someone will be bound of the lenas In our communities. won't II people of color in the media? of mouth attributed to various The lena Six took some time to gain hlugging sites, Including Ivtyspace national spot light, Ihc nooses were and Facebook. Was it that CNN received hung In lena, LA on September 1, i .iiish.i Edwards, a second year a tip on what was going 2006. This action set off a chain student majoring in Psychology, said •■nVB l v\*twv-' I ~w, I "ff of events that led to the harsh she heard about the Jena Six as a result YouflD on in Jena, Louisiana? sentencing of six black students of word of mouth. "My friend Mary No, it took the efforts who beat up a white student. As found out about the situation through >—' of many people, one can see, these events were Facebook and told me about it," said JWM Six, a photo ttory (Jwuf) primarily college going on In this little town behind Edwards, larrhette Burke, a freshman InaUBMCWiM.ui students, sending the the backs of all Americans. Was majoring in digital arts, learned of this information all across it that CNN received a tip on what prejudice through email. Now that we *r- -■ was going on in lena, Louisiana? No, are in this new era many have dubbed America through Web. it took the efforts of many people, the "digital age," can we expect more l REE "•■■■in ■im.lffci primarily college students, sending injustices to come to light? Taoa riMTi an ac*t ma I'M) rm: UPtL -"( —-«.«JT.U— -JK".-I..I«I>% the information all across America As Al Sharpton said. "You wait 'til k*M na>i-*lW><»waB' INTERNE! SUES SUCH AS through web. we go to D.C. and bring the whole rOU IUBI MAKE It POSSIBLE The reason college students country, because there's lenas all over FOR CRIES OF INJUSTICE 10 BE HEARD were so vital in the spreading of America." This is not the first incident this information is because they are of racial injustice going on in America exposed to so many resources. In and it sure will not be the last. It just college, a student is surrounded by so happens that this incident by the internet access. One does not even Grace of God was heard all around ia& need to go to a computer lab to access i the world. People of color should not JT1Z ••»•»'•■»•» BtSS ■Mm X«*. the internet due wireless connectivity ' let incidences of this caliber stop with TOLEDO RIOTS AFTERMATH:2 YEARS LATER

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2005 RICHARD AUTRY Editor-in-Chief Hate March - I one were to walk down Stickney stirs uproar from M avenue (or "Da Ave as some 9 residents would call it) in North Toledo community [btedo, one would not believe thai a riot ensued in this neighborhood two years ago. * Ihildren playing, music blasting through ear stereos, friends relaxing on porches, teenage hoys shadow boxing or playing a game ot basketballal nearby Wilson Park would describe a scene on a typical da) In this neighborhood. Hut lets take a trip back in time to Saturday, October 15. 2005. Here, the scene dras- tically changes. Al least 14 members of (be Nationalist Socialist Movement turned an entire city upside down in (heir apparent attempt to lead a hale march. In a chaotic four-hour scene lo follow, a mob of ittM) rioters looted a gas station and bar, engaged in a violent confrontation with police, and pelted cars with rocks. The end result: more than 120 rioters arrested (no members of NSM were arrested), At least 14 members of a damaged city, as well as a damaged the Nationalist Socialist community. Movement turned an Many defendants in the crime were NORTH TOLEDO RESIDENTS IN PROTEST Of THE NATIONAL SOCIALISTS MOVEMENT (NSM) FACE OFF WITH TOLEDO POL CE entire city upside down given lighter sentences in exchange in their apparent attempt fur plea bargains. Community leaders return. It further states Summers is media and mayoral office, may to report on because we felt it would to lead a hate march. enacted a local petition campaign, engaging in a risky act of non-violent have played a crucial role In the add fuel to an intense situation, so I The end result: more than which aided in sparing some juve- civil disobedience lo give a new jolt of Nazis' Impact on the North Ibledo think in some ways we showed good niles from adult sentences. But not publicity to the plight of the African coinmunity. Ibnv Newson, along restraint in our newspaper coverage 120 rioters arrested (no all. Ola|adai Crenshaw, who was American community in Toledo. But with two other North Toledo residents and I think a review of our stones members of NSM were 17 \ ears old at the time of the amid the thousands of dollars losh Newson and Richard Muggins, would bare that out. 1 can't say the arrested), a damaged riot, was tried as an adult and the riots generated through the believe the media played a huge role same for television reports." city, as well as a sentenced to 8 years In prison for judicial system, the bad reputa- in hyping the infamous event that damaged community. allegedly looting and setting fire tion Ibledo earned, riot foot- occurred on a beautiful sunny day two Why were neo-Nazis allowed to to a bar. I^assandra Burrwell, wife age replayed constantly on you years ago. Clyde Hughes, a reporter march through a residential and mother of nine, allegedly threw tube, the worsening of relations who covered the riot, says. "Sure, the community? a brick through the windshield of a between residents and police, this media played a part In the large a felony count of police cruiser and was sentenced to 5 North Toledo community still have crowd turnout and probably the Many residents found themselves in Aggravated Riot in years in prison. More recendy, Donnell questions they need answered. intensity of the crowd, but to be disbelief upon learning that a hate Donnell Summers' Summers accepted a plea deal misde- honest, as a Journalist, I don't march would take place in their coin eyes, was synonymous meanor charge of "riot" after a near What factors played a role in the know what we could have done munity. The neo-Nazis can be seen two year long battle with the Toledo neo-Nazis coming to Toledo? differently. An event like that could as the epitome of blatant racism with being branded judicial system to overturn a felony not have been ignored by the media, This racist psychological mindset is with a scarlet letter. count of Aggravated Riot. A felony, in The media had reports that Thomas print or electronic." The Nationalist the cause behind the deaths of mil- Summers' eyes, was synonymous with Szych, a while resident of North Socialist Movement was very strategic lions of individuals in WWII and hate being branded with a scarlet letter. He Toledo, contacted NSM due to conflict with using the media to their advan- crimes occurring in the present. The also hoped to volunteer as a with black gangs. According to the tage. Though NSM s ideals and values NSM's presence in their community little league baseball coach, which Toledo Blade, a quarrel lietween Szych may be simplistic, many would find would seemingly spark unrest, lack would have been impossible with a and his neighbor, a black woman, their plan of using the media to their lord, who was mayor at the time, felony conviction. Though Summers over a fence was the cause behind the advantage quite ingenious. "I believed said, "No one thought the protest accepted a misdemeanor charge, planned neo-Nazi march. The concept NSM played a little gamesmanship would get out of hand. We expect- he was sentenced to 3 months work of a racial conflict provided the theme with the media by refusing day by ed some rock throwing, but noth release, and 3 years probation with a 6 for the Toledo neo-Nazi march. But day to disclose its route and other Ing like a full out riot." 1 lughes month suspended prison sentence. Tony Newson. a resident of North information after promising to do so, is indecisive on the argument. "It's a Toledo, begs to differ. "I have lived leading us to write additional stories tough call. Other cities handled it by Now let's fast forward to the present. In this community 7 years and about the march we would not have giving them space in a public square, Olajadai Crenshaw has served two have never In my time here seen written," said Hughes. "That was a like what happened the second time years in prison to date. According to any racial conflict," said Newson clever move by them to manipulate the group visited in December lord Infoshop News, Donnell Summers is "Everybody gets along." the publicity. In fact, there were things believes that as American citizens, the currently a fugitive after he walked out our police reporter was picking up neo-Nazis are entitled to free speech of his work release facility and didn't External factors, such as the on the streets that we decided not "First Amendment gives you the right REFLECTION OF PEOPLES OF COLOR

(PICTURES 10 THE IEFI id free speech," he said. "If we would RESIDENTS FROM "OUT STICKNEY" have denied Ihem their right IHERE IS MORE THAN MEEIS THE to march, we would have been EVE WHEN IT COMES TO THIS Infringing on their rights." Ford NORTH TOLEDO NEIGHBORHOOD further elaborates this notion THE SCENE RAT MAT APPEAR THE by saying If one were to deny SAME. BUT QUESTIONS STILL neo-Nazis the right to march In a LINGER FOR ITS RESIDENTS residential area, then one would CONCERNING OCTOBER IS. 200S be denying the whole civil rights movement where marching was essential In securing civil rights Josh Newson is leery of the whole situation became he feels Ihere are inequalities present. A musician during this time wanted to perform a video in the Toledo, hut was denied a permit to do so. "Iyfe Jennings wanted to do a video here, but the city would not grant him a permit. Our city denies someone who wants to provide positive energy for our communiry. hut grants some people a permit whose intentions are negative?"

Should the community have had a say in who could march in their neighborhood?

Many people are angered they were left out of the discussion on who can A trap was set for be invited inside their back yard; after happening in the neighborhood," said ate with city officials on a variety of racist white people, but then again residents in this all, they are tax paying citizens of their Newson. "I could see If the march factors. If a city were to deny one we ended up hurting ourselves. That community and many community. To add insult to injury, was held downtown like It was the right to march, one could sue for day. I saw people being taken by the people fell right in... many residents feel betrayed their when they came back a second infringement of rights. NSM applied bus loads." Ford believes the city city offered police protection to the time." In 1994. the ku Klux Klan for a permit march two weeks prior to of Toledo was negatively affected. head first. 14 NSM members. "My lax dollars demonstrated at the Lucas County the march When asked If a street "Toledo earned a bad reputation provided their protection," said courthouse. Due their presence down- gang from one territory would from the riots," said Ford. But at Tony Newson. Ford says protection town, there was not much of a mass be able to acquire a permit and whose expense? A community is must be provided for those who lead confusion. When comparing the two get police protection to march In still wounded from this incident and Bill White, spokesman a march. "When you have free speech neo-Nazi rallies that took place within another street gang's territory, has yet to receive medical attention. for the NSM, commented you have to protect people who are the city of Toledo, one would notice a Ford replied, "I doubt anyone October 15,2005 affected many indi- that it did not want to marching," he said. "They could use vast difference. In the second rally, would give a street gang a permit viduals' lives both directly and indi- the "due diligence" clause and sue which took place In December to march. That would come close rectly. Even Googling "North Toledo" "kill" minorities—" the city If we didn't provide them 2003 at the Government Center to Incitement." Ford continued to brings up instant painful search We just want them to with protection If something were Building In dowtown Toledo, say people are more fearful of gangs results. As mentioned earlier some be removed from our to happen to them." Hughes agrees slightly less than 30 Individu- than they are of neo-Nazis and a riot people are doing serious time for their country." that police protection was necessary, als were arrested compared to would undoubtedly erupt. The First actions. Some individuals are branded "(liven the reaction this group draws, the more than 120 Individuals Amendment guarantees Americans with the one thing Donnell Summers the police protection was appropriate. arrested In October 2003. the right to assemble peaceably. There feared... a scarlet letter in the form of Bill White was quoted as Without police protection and injury are restrictions on speech that many a felony. A trap was set for residents bragging that his group to the protesters, the police would How far can one take the freedom would characterize as attacks on in this community and many people put more blacks in jail have been drawn into the situation of speech clause? freedom of speech. Hate speech Is fell right in... head first. For NSM, than the Toledo Police regardless and would have had less restricted If It Is defamatory or mission was accomplished Many control," he said. "Of coarse, police Freedom of speech is argu- causes Incitement to violence. In would argue that the city govern- Department did in an and the mayor miscalculated bow ably America's most important a previous interview with the Toledo ment brought the wood and the entire year. little control they would have Amendment in the Constitution. The Blade, Rill White, spokesman for the media was the gasoline, whereas allowing the Neo-Nazis to march question on some African Americans' NSM. commented that it did not the North Toledo community was In the streets and It all unraveled mind is if they would be allowed to want to "kill" minorities—"We just the match that only needed to be very quickly. I know we in the media lead a hate march In a majority want them to be removed from our sparked. Though these very simple didn't give a lot of thought to the white neighborhood. Many feel it country." ingredients plague people of color counter-demonstrators, who proved would be near impossible to garner (many times indirectly) throughout just as fervent as the Neo-Nazis in a permit and police protection to do Who lost in the end? the U.S. 24/7 365 days a year, one their protest and quickly made for a this, losh Newson argues, "I know must not allow another to control bad situation." Community residents for one thing; If I gathered a rac- Rill White was quoted as bragging that them mentally. Clyde Hughes wisely were not denying the neo-Nazis the ist black group to Ottawa Hills, his group put more blacks in jail than articulates, "Sometimes one has to right to receive police protection, but they lock my ass upl" lack Ford the Toledo Police Department did in show constraint In not allowing felt it would have been more appropri- thinks otherwise. "If one wanted to an entire year. This statement would that mulch to he lit. «f ate and safe for the march to be held march in Ottawa Hills or Perrysburg, send shivers down anyone's backs, downtown. "The mayor should have they should have that right." He no matter their ethnic background. done more to prevent the march from says a group would have to negoti- Tony Newson says. "It's hard to ignore

' ■ ■ w* 2006 KATMRYN IOHNSTON An elderly Atlanta. Oeorgia woman shot and killed by three under- cover police in her home on November 21. 2006. She opened fire IEFFRFY TURNER 2005 on the officers after they pried nfT burglar bars and broke down lelTrey Turner was a DONNEU. SUMMERS her door using a no knock warrant I he police officers fired a total black man who died North Toledo native i of 39 shots, six of which hil Johnston In an attempt to justify the after police shocked arrested on October 15th, no-knock warrant, the Atlanta Police Department Initially claimed him with a Taser In 2005 while protesting the Neo-Nazi pres- that the police were searching for drug dealers after a police infor Io!i do. Ohio in ence in the neighborhood of I agrange. mam was said lo have bought crack cocaine at lohnston's home IAMBS BYHI). IK January 2005. He was He was sentenced to 3 months work eariier in the day. However, both a federal and stale investigate On him 7.1998 arrested for loitering 2005 release, and 3 years probation with a 6 GENARLOW WILSON revealed thai this was untrue Ihrix- men IHMI Hyni, 49 and he was then month suspended prison sentence. This SHAQUAN DA COTTON behind a convenience .n, L.M.I ..I resisting A jury in 2005 found was for a misdemeanor conviction of riot. 0 Wilson guilty of aggra- LiA 14-year-old black freshman Mori-, tied Mm lu (heir arrest. Police shocked According to Info Shop News, Donncll who shoved a hall moni- 2006 pickup ir in k wiih a chain him with Taser guns vated child inolest.itlun walked out of his work release facility and tor at Paris High School in MARTIN LEE ANDERSON, a 14-yew-old boy in boot camp mil .inminl his waist, and nine limes, and Turner for having oral se* with a did not return. He hopes to use his status a dispute over entering the died lanuary 6,2006, a day after drill instructors grabbed dragged Mini about one died in jail. 15-year-old girl during a as a fugitive to give a new jolt of publicity building before the school day Anderson and applied numerous uses of force, including kilometer. Although one 2003 New Tear's Eve party to the plight of Uw African American had officially begun and was holding Anderson by Ihe arms, take-downs, pressure point of the assailants claimed involving alcohol and community in Toledo. sentenced to 7 years In prison. applications, and covering his mouth while forcing him to inhale ammonia thai Hyrd's throat had been 2000 marijuana. Although the PATRICK DORISMOND She had no prior arrest record, Anderson became unresponsive during this episode, and eventually died the slashed hvlori' he was sex act was consensual. It Father uf two children and and the hall monitor-a 58- next day in Peusacola. Florida. On October 12.2007. seven former boot camp dragged, lorensic evidence was illegal under Georgia oil-duty security guard was 2005 year-old teacher's aide- -was guards and a nurse were acquitted of manslaughter in the death of Andei suggests thai Hyid had been law. Wilson currently sits killed b> an undercovet New HUBERT DAVIS not seriously injured. She attempting In keep his head in a prison cell. York Police Department Is a retired elementary school teacher was tried In March 2006 in up. and an autopsy sug- olficer on ihe earty and resident of New Orleans who was the town's juvenile court. Black Male incarceration 2007 gested that Hyul was alive beaten by lour police officers dunng convicted of "assault on a rate- disproportion- DEOVTERAW1.1NCS Tot much ol (he dialing morning of March 16.2000. his October 9. 2005 arrest, which public servant" and sentenced ate number of Ahicwi InM IX a 14 year old boy and died only aflei ml lighl was filmed by Ihe members of the by I -ini.ii County ludge Chuck American males trapped m was killed by two off-duty aim and head were severed \ssoi laled Press Superville lo prison for up the judicial' penal system. cops during an unauthorized when his body hit ICUlWI Hi« body had cwsnti to 7 years, until she turn21. sung operation lo recover a stolen mini bike lusi three months eariier. I he police alleged thai fourteen-year-old sewage drain on the sldeol Superville sentenced a 14- Deonte Hawimgs stole the mini bike from the lh< mad and severely torn year-old white girl, convicted his head oil ol the rest ol officers home and when he was confronted In-!,,„!, of arson for burning down hei hv the 2 cops- they claim he opened fire on family's house, to probation them, hut no gun or mini bike was IMOWIWI 1998 TIMELINE OF CIVIL 2008 no7 DAVID RITCHESON HURRICANE KATRINA ALBERTA SPRUIM Oavid Rileheson a 17yearold Hispanic Klein Following the storm thai InL'tlO't. at ling on a bail < i illms student was brutally beat, tortun-d. devastated New Orleans, up Irom an informant. and vnlomi/ed by David Henry luck ami residents were stranded ptilu i mistakenly raided Keith Robert turner After ihe attack, he for nearly a week before ihe I larlem home of refused professional counseling and later government assistance Mhen.iSpiuill.a r \1WB1 committed suicide u.H oldcit) wotta arrived. The violence ol the incursion liteialk Kind 004 Spiuill to death, she IIMOIH. MANSHlim aSEAN BEI.I- NOV. 25,2006 MEOAN WILLIAMS SEPT. 9,2007 died ol a heart attack at A 11-vear old unarmed teen- Sean Bell, a 23-year-old New York Cily A vimng black woman was held caplisr in a ager shot and killed by NYPl) Officer Richard due to be married later that day. walked out AMADOU BAIUMHAIUi ill- scene .. mohile home, forced to eal animal waste. S Neri Ir on lanuary 24. 2004. Officer Nen of a Queens strip club, climbed into a gray A 23-year-old immigrant f[_- stabbed, choked and repeatedly sexualU ahused and a partner were patrolling the rooftop of Nissan Altima wilh two friends who had been to the United State-hum NORTH IOLEIX) RIOTS all while being called racial slurs for week hv. a housing project in ihe Bedford•Siiiyvesani celebrating wilh him - and died in a hail of 50 (•uinea He was unarmed Ociobet 15. 2005. the six while individuals until she was rescued ■ bullets fired by a group ol five police nlliters when he was shot and neighborhood of Brooklyn at about I a.m. National Socialist Movement Officer Nen. wilh his gun drawn, approached was granted a permit lo killedonlehruary-i. a rooftop door lo check the stairway inskle. 2007 1999. by four New York lead a hale march in a pre- ; Nen li-siilied to a Brooklyn grand jury that he JO 6 IENA SIX A group of six black teenagers who luw heeii i liaised City Police Department dominant Mm .in American with the beating ol a while teenager at lena High School in Jena. tired unintentionally when he was stanled MICHAEL RICHARDS plain-clothed officers. neighborhood wilh the Louisiana, Drilled Mali's, on December 4. 2006 The six Mac k siu as Mansbury pushed ojx'n the rooltop On November 17. 2006'Krar Sean Carroll. Huhard protection of police officers. dents were initially charged with attempted second degree mutdei door. Mansbury. a resident uf an adjoining goes on a racial tirade He Murphy, Edward What followed was a chaotic s-s f-\ /-\ -7 *nd conspiracy' to commit second degree murder McMellon and Kenneth building, died Irom one shot in the chest. 4 hour riot that resulted in repeatedly calls some African Bosv J he four men fired The grand jury found (he shooting to be arrest of more than Americans niggers I le then goes a total of 4) rounds aiudciua! 120 residents. on lo say "50 years ago you would ha' furrier County High School-On April 21,2007 been hanging upside down with a pitchfork turner (.ounty High School celebrated their up your ass" to a black audience mrmher ~ Tint integrated prom. RACIAL EQUALITY History Repeats Itself Has Anything BLISS DAVIS students are African American. It also out equally. The idea of racial bias held by National News Writer holds the lead for graduating more In West Virginia, this issue has been many African Americans is not Really Changed? African Americans than any other widely addressed. Megan Williams, solely focused on the justice system. ■ The outpouring of news stories from public research university. 23, was kidnapped, tortured and According to a poll taken by all over the U.S. has made some In the eyes of many African sexually assaulted by six white CNN, 48 percent or blacks believe Racial tensions continue question how far people of color Americans, these statistics are mean- captors who made racist remarks racism Is generally Mill a very have truly advanced. ingless when incidents such as these during the week long ordeal. serious problem, and another 35 to brew in the U.S., Nooses have not just been hung occur. Though her testimony has been taken percent consider it to be a moderate despite decades of in lena. Louisiana. The University Sophomore. Michael Smith said. "1 and is being used problem. Altogether, approximately 84 strides to do so. Some of Maryland College Park Campus mean, people try lo make ll seem to indict her captors, the question of percent of African Americans consider struggle with the fact reported the same incident outside like It's so great we're getting more racial motive is being questioned. This racism to be a major problem in the that, though justice of its Nyumburu Cultural Center on recognition as black people, and has angered civil rights activists who U.S. Another 66 percent of whites also September 7th. The noose was removed may be served in some It Is, but It you got others who hate say the prosecutor should be taking recognize it as a serious or moderate quickly, yet word spread rapidly about you and bold you back, ii really longer bigger steps to unearth the problem, with the majority opting lot instances, fairness is not the incident and prompted an out- takes the pride out of it all sometimes." nature of what happened. the moderate range. handed out equally. cry from other cultural and African Racial tensions continue to brew "I think the justice system has What does this mean for African American organizations on campus. in the U.S.. despite decades of strides learned how to keep us quieter," said Americans? According to the Washington Post, of to do so. Some struggle with the fact Smith, "These people got arrested and "I just hope history doesn't repeat the university's enrollment of 25,154 that, though justice may be served in everything, but they may just get off itself, we still have a long way to go," students, and 12.9 percent of these some instances, fairness is not handed easier than they should." said Smith. REFLECTION OF PEOPLES OF COLOR

-, JUSTICE FOR THE JENA 6 JENA SIX CONTROVERSY ■v. V* "Injustice SHELBY R. JEFFERSON prominent leaders like (be Reverends ■«, Staff Writer lease lackson and Al Sharpton, Coogresswoman Marine Waters, and anywhere is a Over the past few weeks, national Martin Luther King III, us well as tens :< • focus has been directed toward of thousands of others supporters. ■** I >-*- '^^ \ \ threat to justice -i 'mall town tailed lena in While thousands gathered in lena. N r* ,- I OUlSlana, which has inspired the numerous demonstrations were taking QA» everywhere." Revaluation of the numerous existing place in venues across the country. ^j questions regarding the criminal including college campuses. I lere ~ DR. MARTIN LUTHER justice system here in America. While at Bowling Green State University a the situation In lena Initially protest rally was organized by the received relatively limited media Black Student Union, in collaboration attention, leaving many Ignorant with oilier campus organizations, at sxm "I think that the on the Issues surrounding ihe Free Speech (Hal outside of the reason that people this community, the recent Howen Thompson Student Union. response has been substantial, I he event received much cooperation marched was because and a nationwide outcry has from fellow BGSU students, and of dissatisfaction with commenced to bring forth Justice participants were able to show support the treatment of people lor what has come to be known as for both Mychal Bell, and the other —— - '-*n of color in the justice The lena 6. five members of the Jena t>. Students m system," Bell expressed. The events that led up to this public uniformed in black wardrobe, some 'jJrVj!* ^ "It was a larger picture reaction began in September of 200ti. with custom designed shirts and When a black student at lena High decorated signs, displayed passion and Kg than the Jena 6; black School received authorization from boldness ,is chants ol Tree ihe lena Ht people are simply tired administration to sit under what had ti" and "lusiice Now" could he heard of the injustices of been identified as "the white tree". echoing across campus, In addition. young black men before I bice noOSOS were found hanging dyers were distributed as a waj to the law." from this tree the ne\t day, and educate people at the university 1 L* the white students who staged the about the injustices taking plan' in incident were merely suspended from Louisiana. "I don't think there's school as repercussions tor their \cr\ Mychal Bell was released on such a thing as a new serious actions. While racial tensions September 1!7 on $45,000 bail after W^3aS Jim Crow", Bell stated. were already high in lena. a series being incarcerated since December ■ ol events transpired within the next of 20tio. and bis case was then taken "If s always been there. tew months, including an altercation to a juvenile court. Most recently 5»t STUDENTS EXPRESS THEIR DISCONTENT AT THE BGSU RAllT [This Jena 6 Case] is off of school grounds in which black on October 11, he was Instructed calling attention to the students wrestled away a gun revealed to report to a Louisiana juvenile the rally in lena on September 20th, concealed explanations for situations Jim Crow that's always by I while student, only to be charged facility, where he will now serve expressed however, that realistically like the one in lena is thought with possession of a stolen weapon an 18 month sentence. According speaking, these conditions were never provoking. existed. after taking it to the local police to the courts judge. Bell's involvement truly obliterated. "I don't think there's Overall, the protest organized in RAMONA BELL station. Most significant, however. in the school fight violated the terms such a thing as a new lim Crow". Bell lena, as well as the numerous others BGSU Ethnic Stdies Professor was the school fight that ensued on of his probation that were previously stated "It's always been there. (This around the country including the one December 4. 2(XX>. which involved six set until his IHth birthday. His attorney lena fi Case] is calling attention to the at BGSUi was a demonstration of the young black men and a white student. has ensured that there will he an lim Crow that's always existed. In other mass disapproval of the injustices that Iiisiin Barker, alter Barker allegedly appeal of the sentencing. words, the Civil Rights Movement are taking place in Louisiana. Although spewed racial slurs. I'ollowing (he All of the recent events that has nevef triumphed because the these protests were sparked by the fight, five of the six males were have transpired in Louisiana have government has never really carried lena 6 cases, they were a stand against slapped with attempted murder out this integration." nonetheless caused an intense injustices far and wide. Students uniformed in and conspiracy charges, despite the revaluation of the American criminal In addition to addressing the "1 think that the reason that fact that Barker, who was reportedly justice system. Many have expressed concept of an era of a reemerging people marched was because of black wardrobe, some critically injured, was physically able the belief that this incident marks lim Crow. Professor Bell conveyed dissatisfaction with the treatment of with custom designed to be present at a school gathering the reemergence of Jim Crow; a sort that the lena 6 cases also call other people of color in the justice system," shirts and decorated later that evening. of regression to the conditions of issues into the forefront, such as Bell expressed. "It was a larger picture signs, displayed passion Mychal Bell, the first and only to legalized segregation that existed the concept of a prison industrial than the lena ti: black people are and boldness as chants Stand trial so far. was tried as an adult in the south all the way through complex. This idea, often spoke upon simply tired of the injustices of young and found guilty by an all white jury. the 1950's. "Separate yet (un)equal" by social activists like Angela Davis, is black men before the law." of "Free the Jena 6" Not only was this a blatant violation status was attained, and justice the systematic exploitation of prison The recent turn of events regarding and "Justice Now" of his constitutional lights, but was not equally granted to African labor to maintain capitalism. With Mychal Bell greatly demonstrates Un- could be heard echoing it also resulted in him facing up Americans. Racial tensions in a small this type of prison system, African importance of acknowledging that the across campus. to 22 years in prison. The juvenile southern town, nooses being hung American men are being incarcerated crisis in Jena is not one that needs to court later reversed Bell's initial from trees, all white juries, unequal at alarming rates, as currently more be swept under the rug once the early sentencing, declaring thai he should representations before the law. threats than 1.4 million black men remain appeal wears off. or media coverage have never been tried as an adult, and of mob violence-all reminiscent of behind bars. Considering a case dies down. The spirit of the march in on September 20. the date that Bell a inn Crow America that, until now, where the aftermath of a school Louisiana must persevere until full was set to be sentenced, thousands had been perceived as a part of this fight results in five young black men justice is carried out. The lena 6 case gathered at an organized march in nations very decadent past. receiving attempted murder charges, is an urgent wake up call that fully lena to protest for Bell and the rest Ramona Bell, an Ethnic Studies this suggestion of a prison industrial reveals that we can no longer allow of the Jena 6. Participants included professor here at BGSU. who attended complex as perhaps one of the justice to be blind, deaf, or dumb. SEPT. 15 THRU OCT. 15 LATINO HERITAGE MONTH Acknowledging RICHARD AUTRY Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua. 15. as "Hispanic Heritage Month. people of latino descent have made Editor-in-Chief It also recognizes the independence According to, vast contributions to this country. Luiz Latino Heritage of Mexico and Chile, which declared Spanish Is spoken by an estimate Walter Alvarez won the Nobel Prize in Latino Heritage Month is a period its independence on September of 349,507,300 people worldwide. 1968 for discoveries about subatomic and Culture dedicated to people of liitino 16 and September 18. respectively. In the U.S., Spanish is spoken by panicles. He and his son proposed the deseertt. The month recog- The observation started in 1968 an estimate of 22,400,000. The now-accepted theory that the mass in the U.S. nizes the contributions those of as Hispanic Heritage Week under Spanish language has also loaned dinosaur extinction was caused by a Latino descent made to the U.S. President Lyndon B. lohnson and was words to the Lnglish language, which meteor impact. Severo Ochoa won the and acknowledges Latino heritage expanded by President Ronald Reagan include alligator, bronco, cigar, Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine and culture. It begins on September in 1988 to cover a 30-day period start- cigarette, comrade and patio, just to in 1959 for the synthesis of ribonucleic 15 and ends October 15. Howling ing on September 15 and ending on name a few. Cesar Chavez is one of acid tRNA). latino Heritage Month Green State University held various October 15. It was enacted into law America's famous heroes for his role may have ended October 15, but events to commemorate this month. on August 17.1988 on the approval of in achieving equal rights for migrant that doesn't mean Americans should September 15 was chosen because it Public law 100-402, which authorizes workers. According to Infoplease. slop the recognition of these great recognizes the anniversary of inde- and requests the President to issue com, the estimated population American accomplishments. pendence for five latin countries, an annual proclamation designat- of the United States as of luly I, which include Costa Rica, LI Salvador, ing September 15 through October 2006 Is 44.3 million. Many great

On a Mission to Amer-Indian Professor Aims to End Stereotypes RICHARD AUTRY Baker aims to accomplish this mis- October 8,2007. Baker used those woman wearing a girdle and feathered to end degrading Editor-in-Chief sion with collectibles he has gathered secondhand buys, going back to the headband, which featured this rhyme: from antique stores and fairs. These 1920s, to stage an exhibit that he calls "Heap Big savings. Watch them ^ stereotypes Sacramento Stale ethnic stud- collectibles include old magazine "Americana Indian -- American Indians grow. With undies made of smooth ies professor Brian Baker, a Bad advertising, children's games, canned in the American Imagination,'" at the Spun-lo." imposed on River Chippewa American Indian goods .nul toys. college. Baker hoped everyone got a glimpse from upper Wisconsin, is on a mission According to Sacramento Bee, Baker The Sacramento Bee states that one into questionable American retail- -mierican Indians to end degrading stereotypes main- has come home with items that he says of (he degrading items Baker displayed, ing and study how popular culture stream American society imposes on stereotype his culture and besmirch 10 name a few, is an ad for women's portrayed American Indians. American Indians. American Indian identity On Monday rayon undergarments, depicting a

FEATURED CARTOONIST MAMA'S BOYZ Jerry Craft/Cartoonist/Writer/Illustrator Jerry Craft is the creator of Mama's as a cartoonist working with Barbara Jeter and Dontrelle Willis) and did a He has drawn greeting cards, board Creator, Jerry Craft, Boyz. a comic strip that has been Slate on a variety of comic books for weekly guest spot on Radio KOL. games, book covers and illustrations syndicated by King features since Marvel and Harvey Comics. Next, he In October of 2006. Craft left his and is currently working on his first debuts in Obsidian 1995.1 le is also the artist / writer of worked at King Features Syndicate. He job as Lditorial Director for in order children's book for a publisher on the "Mania's Boyz: Home Schoolin' a brand followed that with eight years at Sports to pursue his passion for drawing full Last coast. new 112-page collection of his award- Illustrated I or Kids where he started time under his own company, Mama's lerry has appeared on WCBS' winning comic strip. The book, which as a web producer and ended as its Boyz. Inc. Sunday Morning show with Mario [email protected] is scheduled for a fall 2007 launch, Hditorial Director. lerry has been nominated for Bosquez as well as cable news shows features individual comics strips, In the spring of 2001, he was a (.lyph Award for Outstanding such .ts ( ,i I ilt'u si mi News 12's()ur stories, and even a section on how he nominated by the National Cartoonists Achievement In Black Comics and Is Lives with lanus Adams, and in pub- draws one of his characters and creates Society for an award in their New the recipient of an African American lications like the Stamford Advocate, his strip. The book is aimed at getting Media Division. He also hosted a Literary Awards Open Book Award Cartoonists Profiles magazine, and kids and young adults to focus on the daily online sports radio show for kids for best comic strip, beating out the Onion to name a few. positive aspects of African-American (interviewing athletes such as Derek both Curtis and Boondocks. life and has already been endorsed by "TeachersAgainst Prejudice!" MAMA'S BOYZ WWW.MAMASBOYZ.COM JERRY 42RAFT The Mama's Boyz characters have also been used to spread (he word for VUSUP.' YOUR Puns'. several other organizations such as The I DON'T BfcUfcVt IT' Coalition On Donation's "Donate Life- program and are now being worked into a campaign for the American Council for Fitness and Nutrition as a way to combat obesity in our young people. ferry Craft is a graduate of the School of Visual Arts where he received his BFA degree in advertising. After working in the ad world for a dozen years as a copywriter, he got his first job REFLECTION OF PEOPLES OF COLOR


INDIA HUNTER ethnic lines. The newly formed Sudan villages and nomadic camps were in order to diffuse and combat the can help to end the crisis is to join an Staff Writer Liberation Movement (SLM) launched burned before a peace agreement current crisis in Darfur. Kunle Alimi, organization that supports ending this guerilla raids on government targets, was signed in 1989. However more graduate student from Nigeria, humanitarian disaster. Also, students While the war in Iraq is waging and the government responded by fighting occurred in the 1990s between believes that more international can write to elected officials and call and gaining lots of media unleashing its militia-ihe Ian ja weed- Arabs and non-Arabs and in these attention is needed for the current their offices. The more people that attention throughout the which is comprised of Darfur's disputes. Sudan's central government situation. "I think that many know about the Darfur crisis, the world, there is another conflict indigenous Arabs. Currently about located in Khartoum, often supported governments have good intentions, more that can be done toward ending occurring that is getting far less a dozen rebel groups exist in which and favored Arabs politically and but they ultimately are all talk and this tragic conflict that continues to coverage; the Darfur crisis. Most some leaders are willing to engage in sometimes provided arms to them. All no action" he said. Alimi means that claim the lives of many with each people are completely unaware of peace talks, while others are not so of these occurrences can be described many countries, the United States passing day. this crisis due to the lack of coverage, willing. as factors leading up to the present included, promise to intervene and komlan Koutoglo, an international Many factors such as drought, crisis situation today address the problem, but they never student here at the University from disputed land, ethnic tensions and As a result of this massive fighting, actually do anything or devise an Togo. said. "I don't think many overpopulation over the course of an estimated two million Innocent action-oriented plan. For instance the Africans or non-Africans are aware of decades are attributed toward the people have been forced to Bush administration has declared the Darfur crisis." crisis in Darfur. The fighting in Darfur leave their homes to escape the the killings-genocide," but U.S. Since February 2003, immense is often described as racially motivated violence between the government and International efforts to end lighting has taken place in Darfur. because of the Arabs fighting against and rebel groups. Many have the crises have failed so far as the I >;n fur, which is in the western region black rebels and civilians. However, relocated to camps near Darfur's main conflict seems to be worsening. of Sudan in Africa, means "l^and of many scholars believe that the fighting towns, but there is not enough food, A small step in the right direction the Fur." At the focus of the argument goes beyond racial lines, and trace the water, or medicine. Furthermore, is that the Sudanese government has is a disagreement between Darfur origins back to settled farmers and men are killed and women raped agreed to allow 3,000 United Nations and the rest of Sudan about how to nomadic herders fighting over land. If they wander too far In search peacekeepers into Darfur to assist an run the government. This conflict This is referring to an incident that of food. This is creating an impact existing force of African Union soldiers REFERENCES CONSULTED began when a rebel group started happened in (he late 1980s in which of widespread violence, malnutrition by the end of this year. Additionally, attacking government targets, because Arabs attempted to keep land from and disease throughout the region. I iindun. Paris, San Francisco and New BBC World Sews Website of feelings that the government is black fanners and in 1987 published Due to the ongoing lighting, much of York have all held rallies to protest the "A Call To Action in Darfur" Onstead. oppressing black Africans in favor a manifesto of racial superiority, Darfur is inaccessible to aid workers; Darfur conflict. Also, a video has been Thomas 6/4/2007 of Arabs. The two main rebel groups hollowing this publication, clashes therefore it is not known how many filmed featuring celebrities such as include the Sudan Liberation Army broke out between Arabs and the people have died, but researchers have actor Matt Damon and supermodel "Darfur: The Inside Story"de Waal, Alex (S1JK) and the Justice and Fquality Fur (largest single tribe of farmers estimated (he number at no fewer File Macpherson to help raise The New African April 2007 Movement (IF.M); however, both in Darfur) in which 3,000 people, than 200,000. awareness to the situation. Interviews with international students of these groups have split among mostly Fur. were killed. Hundreds of Several steps need to be made A couple of ways in which students from Africa: Kunle Alimi & Komlan TPS gets "ACADEMIC WATCH": The truth behind the label

AUDREY HYDER that the standards have been seriously. When they're outside of The ♦ 10 Program as well as the could also be the cause of the number Staff Writer continuously shifting in the past 20 school, they can put on their "play task force focus on community of changes TPS is taking such as the years and being a school system of clothes" as Stephens puts it. In involvement, and it's too early to tell creation of the task force and + 10 What exactly does it mean for nearly 30,000 students. "We can't make addition, school uniforms eliminate how well they will work. The success Program. Stephens has faith in the a school district to be in the dramatic change overnight." much of the social class distinctions of education of course, also lies within new attempts: "I think you will see a Ohio Report Card category There have been efforts made among students. the schools. For the first time, IPS change next year." "academic watch"? A glimpse at prior to the release of the most recent Now that TPS stands in "academic teachers and staff will meet twice a There is a reason for standards, and Toledo Public Schools might answer State Report Card to improve student watch," school board officials are semester to make sure everyone is that is to make sure students are thisquestion. performance. The schools' main focus taking even more action. One on the same page. Making sure all receiving a good education. No matter After being at "continuous was strengthening math and science example is the creation of a task educators have consistent goals might where the disagreement on how fairly improvement" for three years, TPS skills. However, the new tests that were force, which consists of community make a difference. the state rates its schools lies, the has dropped this year to "academic administered in the past year had a leaders including members from So what does "academic watch" bottom line Is there Is a need to watch," which is basically a "D" grade. higher emphasis on science and social organizations like Head Start and mean for TPS schools? It could mean a provide decent education for all The rating was based on 30 indicators studies, which arc the areas where United Way. Parents, educators, damaging, misleading label based on children. including standardized tests, students struggled. There was actually and agencies within the continuously changing standards. It graduation rates, and attendance. an improvement in test performance community will also make up IPS needed a performance index when the new tests are not counted. the task force. Steel believes that of 80 to be considered "continuous Another attempt at Improving there Is a "shared responsibility" Quality Counts Report Card improvement"; they were off by nine- the schools was a new dress code among all community members IPS not performing well according Co stale standards tenths of a point. for high school students, like to make sure all children receive Still, being under "academic watch*' the elementary and middle school quality education. GRADING CRITERIA TOLEDO OHIO U.S. AVERAGE doesn't make the school district look students, high school IPS students TPS also established the ♦ 10 good. If IPS really did fail so many are required to wear uniforms. Al Program where every parent is Standards and accountability c- C* B- indicators of the report card, are they Stephens. Director of Toledo Public required to give 10 hours a year Efforts to improve teacher quality t>* c C* in trouble? Or were there unavoidable Schools Physical Fducation and Health volunteering or in some way obstacles? Perhaps the standards are Program, sees a change in student being involved with the schools or School Climate c B C* to blame? behavior. "They're coming to learn," community. The idea behind the Resource Equity D- B C IPS Board President Steven Steel he says. When students come dressed program is students may do better Overall Grade D* B C* believes that the way states rate in a uniform, they are in school mode in school if their parents were more schools is flawed. He also comments meaning they take learning more involved in their education. Source Education YWak .N0, AN CCURATC SI DDT H» Forum MISSING WOMEN OF COLOR National Media Coverage Lacking for Afican-American Women

GLENDA FURCH RUTH JACKSON S0NNA WILLIAMS SHARDAE MIM1 JENKINS NAILAH FRANKLIN . otd Fort Worth woman, Ruth|ackton.>in \ Xnti'tiiannnniun. has Sonm vVWanUi .i 13-year-old girl fiom Minn lenfclm .i i I yeau old female Vnl.ih i i.inUin. «ldl MOBBD)WOJBsW has been reported mbstng According to myfatdfta been reported milling at of Sunda) Octobers, Rloomington, Minn, I* current!) irustlngaftei was repot led missing Saturday, vpn-mber —'. om, i in. h dbappeaied tome lime aftn leaving who was found dead aAet sweet ol bemg 2007 11"' I ebJgh \< "'- woman i\.is returning Mirvi'ill.itH-«- saw ht-i leaving a < hililn-n s 2007 vKonhngNBl LcontShatdeewaahtM Met ii ported mining, h.nt bet funeral al MnH) (in (obai ihi General Motorsplani In Mington home from i (rlewft house, but new made li v hospital \ccordmgtowccacorn, SaanaVVUhuns wearing■ white ohm with doBat tapis on h and United i hutch of I IUIM onVvednesden O* lobei lust after midnight on Sepl :■» FonvAmhpollce faimrj membei notifleduithorlUtt when she dM was staying al< hlldreni Hospital being treated iiiiic leans Her iiMHhri dcsrnivti her as being '• I'kiui .i phaniiaceutlcal repreaentarjvc onThunda) Octobet i 2007 Hid they round blood not antve home Sundaj morning lot an astJuna attack tser father, ftavtaVVWams, feet I rnchea tal and about 104 pounds Shell with I li I ill* and! <> death remabuunsolved mil possible s((;iis id .1 Uniggle niMtlc the .ip.m- i.u it. SI.HHK iboui i bat r Inches .mil ■aid she wasn't nmpoaed to be dis* (urged until .i llaht-aUnned black gut wkth brown hah and \n aueops) tailed lo determine the i BUM of UN weighs around 198 pounds. She has curl) black Saturday; but Pridaj evening the couple got the brown eyes t htcago womanideath end Ihecaaa hai \<-< i" Vnyone whh inJbrmatnn aboui I un h, hei iii-.i|» hali with a sneak of blond unexpected < al that die ».is nuadng uiyone with hibernation Is asked meal me !»■ ruled ■ hotniefde peiram c. or the location of hei vehicle IN a%kt-a in tnyonewith information about this case mould r hlcago PoMec Department! Area t S|HI lal contact Port Worth Police Homicide aiSI7 392 1330 contact the Lee Count) SherifTi Office at \ 112 .U 8268 ircalll rimeSioppenai; 16 5 B477| UlcaH 239 i" o en can remain anotmnous ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION MEXICANS: WHO'S LEGAL AND WHO'S NOT False Profiling of CHRIS LEWIS comments. This comment came at wrong? Yes and no. It Is wrong because Solution is two told. I he government Staff Writer a had time due Hispanic-1 lei ii.tge it is not true that ever) Hispanic needs examine its immigration lavi i Hispanic Americans Month in September and just days landscape! is an illegal immigrant, hut and security, I he second pai t iclies on as Illegals ^■% n August I7lh Missouri before a divisive dirt(tivt in. Governor it is not complete!) wrong when the the tolerance of the American people. Republican Governoi Mail liluni. Alter the racial comment and I\s In 2003 estimated there were 8 i he realit) is that some I lispanics \sr Hluni's chief ol staff, Ed Martin the ensuing aftermath. I pose a ijues- million illegal aliens In the United ma) be illegal, while a large majOl made tlegradhiL; comments aboui lion. "Was his comment an abstract States at a growing rate of half ity is United States citizens, but it is The reality is that people of Mexican desceni In the concept nr merely a byproduct of the a million a year, it is now 2007, do important to show the same tcspen some Hispanics may be I lulled Stales. Martin was quoted ill a reality of the United States immigra- the math. I do not agree with Martins and human decency to the former ,ts workforce discussion saying. I'll toll tion issue?" Although the comments comments, but I am a realist MU\ prob one WOUM 10 the latter. Ed Martin's illegal, while a large you what's available lo every developer were ill advised I believe he should ably have said a similar comment in a comment wasa lack ol respect for all majority is United in order to figure out who's illegal. not be terminated for his mistake. joke. There are two solutions to what I Hispanics ;md should not he tolerated. States citizens When there's a bunch of Mexicans The key point that we all have to ask have outlined. but is the Hue issue whether he should out there, there's probably some ourselves is how do we feel about the One Governor Blunt and l.d martin be hied or whether his comment of them who are not legal." immigration situation and how do we both need to issue public Statements exposed not only ignorant views of In the slate of Missouri which view Hispanics working? If a person apologizing for the comments. Along many Americans, but the effect ol the lias ;i Hispanic population of three truly ruminates on the question, he or with the public statements Martin nonexistent immigration policy has on percent, many people arc calling for she will find thai sometimes the same should be reprimanded in-house, but American thoughts. the termination of Martin over these thoughts go through their mind. Is this should not be terminated. The second NEW BUILDING SOUGHT Students Aspire to See an Ethnic Student Center on Campus SHANNON WILL Creating a organization s (unctions. demic home, as it would potentially distanced educational barrier. Staff Writer The center would also create create a more comfortable environ- I hough the comminee is still in its group of four BOSU students, More Comfortable a hospitable environment lor ment where the minority can become beginning processes, it is already along with growing support all students of color and their (he majority. planning ahead. While a definite ifrom tin' student hotly, has allies, where the can promote Diverse Atmosphere In addition to all this, an ethnic slu placement for the center has not yet expressed the desire to see an ethnic active Ideas that help to address dent center would requite a working been picked, an ideal spot would he student center on IKiSli campus. injustices that occur on campus staff that would act as liaison to other a central location, like the Student While the university has increased and (or even nationally). While strong A center would organizaiion management, such as Union. I lowevcr other speculations greatly improved its efforts to create a promote even support was present at the lena 6 rally the Center for Multicultural Academic include requesting the section of the more diverse campus, many students and at last year's protest to the College Initiatives. The center would he a future new Saddlemire building. more collaboration agree that it has not yet reached its of Republican's "Catch an Illegal student-run and student oriented Building an ethnic student center within multicultural potential; and an ethnic student cen- Immigrant Day." an even stronger rep- place that would also provide employ- promotes the state's goals of hav- ter will help gel it there. resentation would generate from hav- organizations and ment and internship opportunities for ing diverse institutions, and the ESC A center such as this one. they ing a central place to collaborate. The their alliances students. committee believes that the slate of believe, would promote even more committee also seeks to alleviate Most Importantly, though, is Ohio should be willing and able to collaboration within ethnic and the culture shock many ethnic the more personal contact the fund such a project, at least in pan. multicultural organizations and their and international students feel Ethnic Student Center Committee Nevertheless, such a project cannot alliances by giving them a secure place when coming to BGSU from more believes the center would bring exist without strong support from the to meet and organize their ideas. This diverse settings. Having an ethnic to the student body. While many student body, and the Ethnic Student would erase the need for students Co student center would create a greater classes here teach students about Center Committee hopes to gather as jump back and forth between events incentive for incoming students of different cultures and promote ethnic many members as possible. and generate greater support for each color to consider BGSU as their aca- lolerance, few move beyond the REFLECTION OF PEOPLES OF COLOR

CAM'RON time when she was visiting family in STOP SNITCHIN SNITCHIN "Cats in Maximun Prisons rattin and snitch' Pittsburgh, PA. TAMARA LAWRENCE "One of my cousins stay in a local Can YOU Assistant Editor Cuz when Feds come, niggas mouth run project and she was telling me about this list. A list comes out in her Come on now. You saw everything But the outcome, gon be bout guns neighborhood, which exposes all of the keep your thai happened (ha! night. Hot Cuz I don't b**** and I don't snitch snitches, or people who talked to police sweat trickles down your face. or turned their friends in to the police." mouth shut? You struggle with breathing as your I work hands on, f*** with Cam'Ron" She continues by stating that nose is full of naseua. The police are at a woman's body was found in the To Snitch or not your door and wants to retrieve some LIL' WAYNE dumpstcr and it was burned and information. You know you have to tell chopped up into pieces. to Snitch? them something,, lust what do you tell "Don't let your mouth open up. "This young lady was tortured them? The entire neighborhood knows Cause you don't wanna see the handgun open up, no. and killed because her name you know and wants you to keep your appeared on this list |ol snitches] "Where I'm from, mouth shut. Your heart is racing as your Don't let your mouth open up. Tarver said. snitching is like brain is on fire with contemplation. Cause you don't wanna see the automatic open out, no.? Evidently, she is disgusted by the Should you tell? term snitching. killing someone "Don't be ■ teller tiller. "Yea, nigga watch the people around you "Needless to say, I feel that the because depending Remember those words? Since grade snitching mentality Is Insane." on what you said, you school, we were taught to keep our Watch the people away from you This word alone describes an could literally end mouths shut and teased if we didn't. Leave them niggs be let them stay fom you epidemic and mentality of don't ask, their life," Yet. when is it the right time to tell? We don't tell, that is sweeping our nation are all grown now and the petty game These nigga's mouths is runnin like hot water" and youth, according to Tarver. She DAQURI MAYS of telling on each other should just end. believes that the mentality behind BGSU Junior Consequently, we are dealing with a In many news articles, it is evident In the special report presented by 60 snitching is that an individual does not sneakier ami more dangerous game. for prosecutors to believe that any type minutes, Cooper's report included the do it. never exposing what is going on Year after year, lives are of witness intimidation puts a damper following that is attached to the stigma behind close doors. destroyed lor the sake of snitching. on their efforts to convict criminals. Not that snitching is indeed a code of ethics: "You go down with your team, your DITCHES ARE This past summer, I was watching everyone concurs with that highlighted "In most communities, a person crew no matter what," Tarver said. FOR SNITCHES? a special airing of 60 minutes with notion yet at the same time, it seems who sees a murder and helps the police "However, when people are actually reporter Anderson Cooper. His report to be some type of persistence in the put the killer behind bars is called a dying, we as a people must re-examine analyzed this stigma term traversing notification that one should just keep WITNESS. But in many inner-city the messages that we are sending out to the urban community. Sitting in dire his or her mouth tightly shut. But neighborhoods in this country that each other." "You go down with amazement and disgust, I was shocked honestly, what is wrong with reporting person is called a SNITCH." It is still a huge controversy of people your team, your crew at what rapper Cam'Ron was arguing. delinquent behavior? "It has come to mean something wearing t-shirts with the slogan on it no matter what," Tarver Helping the police is not cool, according Sophomore Dean Bryson expressed much more dangerous: Don't still. said. "However, when to him. After watching the show, my mixed feelings about such reporting. In cooperate with the police-no "The Mafia never took out people are actually interest in this so-called "snitching" his mind, snitching is a risky situation. aaatter who yon are." newspaper ads to promote. So heighten. Kxploring the social meaning "If its not affecting me, then its not any "Reluctance to talk to police has why is an unwritten rile printed on dying, we as a people of this term. 1 simply ask students on of my business," Bryson said. "Yet, If always been a problem in poor, thousands off t-shirts?". said a frustrated must re-examine the campus as to why people are look so me snitching Is keeping someone I predominately African-American prosecuter. messages that we are down upon if they ever were to snitch. know alive, then 111 tell." communities." Snitching illustrates weakness to sending out to each We all had thoughts of snitching. No On the other hand, he does not want And not talking to the police is me. Itis not protecting anyone. It just other." problem. Who cares? But which one of to feel responsible for anyone's death considered the right thing to do. If you allows someone to roam around free. us would actually do it? Now there is with keeping his mouth shut. do, you may lose everything. Free to repeat the crime. Free to hurt WHITNEY TARVER where the problem lay. lunior lamal Norman comes into Graduate of BGSU Isaiah Lawson again. Free to have that type of control. BGSU Junior Originating from the streets concurrence with Bryson. explains that it a person is labeled a And to me. that is weak. How can the of Harlem. New York, the "STOP "If the stakes were big enough and snitch, he or she would lose friends and black communities come together SNITCHIN' slogan has circulated the the person's testimony was absolutely possibly family support. In unison If we are terrified of What Do You Think? streets in the urban community. Over critical not only to solve the crime, each other? It is greatly assumed that "Snitching cannot be avoided so Email Tamara at the years, this slogan has evolved into but to that person or their family, they it's important to keep your business snitching has caused people to lose [email protected] the ultimate test of the code of respect would tell," Norman said. personal and private," Lawson said. their lives or just get hurt. The police in urban communities. If one were Basically, he would help the police if "Even if someone looks suspicious and seem to not protect these witnesses. to appear as if they are helping the the situation had something to do with you don't know them, |nst mind yonr Either they are ostracized with police, he or she would lose a lot of himself, his family or anyone else he terror for life or simply die. respect from community members. But may know. Yet one should make it their business Would you want to end up like any wouldn't you become overwhelmed lunior Caryn lunius stated that if they are aware of a possibly rape or of this? Many lives could be saved by with guilt, knowing somehow you snitching is generally wrong; it depends killing to some students on campus, so-called snitching. Or at least justice could help lead the police to catch the on the situation. lunior Daquri Mays says that a person would be served. But then again, don't perpetrator? Personally, snitching is a "If I witnessed a serious crime. 1 should only tell on someone when they be a teller-teller, right? fundamental factor of the community, might have to tell what 1 know," lunius are about to rape or kill. bringing it down in the ditches. Of said. "It's hard to say though because I "Where I'm from, snitching course, it is not a major flaw yet in the might be scared to tell and it depends Is like killing someone because end, it all adds up. on who committed the crime, so I don't depending on what you said, you could sr^p Think about it. Messages are sent know." literally end their life," Mays said. "In throughout urban communities of not Overall, some people would snitch, the end. most people snitch to hate or SNIRHING trusting the police force. No trust. No only if the situation Involved their to gain something." talk. There are even websites created families or themselves. Essentially, In some cities, the hate is too extreme to supposedly educate visitors of the if you are not involved, then you should to believe or understand. terrifying consequences of snitching. turn your head the other way. lunior Whitney Tarver tells of a MISSING WOMEN OF COLOR National Media Coverage Lacking for Afican-American Women


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ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION MEXICANS: WHO'S LEGAL AND WHO'S NOT False Profiling of CHRIS LEWIS t oui men ts I his i nnimcnt came al wrong?\csand no Ii is wrong IHS solution is two fold I he gmernmenl Hispanic Americans .i had lime due I lispanit Heritage it is tiDi nor thai e\i i i \,inline iis immigration laws Month in Septenibei and jusi days lamlst .ijiri is ,ni illegal immigrani Inn and so uiu\ I he sei ond pan relies on as Illegals n uigust I nh Missouri before .i di\isi\c due* liie l>\ Gnvernoi n is nol compleieh m mg win n the the loleram e ol the \merican people Republican (.OUTIIOI Man HIIIIII ial comment and INS In 2003 estimated there were H rhe realii) is thai some I lispanics Muni's 11nt-l ii! si.ill l (I Martin the ensuing aftermath I pose a ques million illegal aliens in the United ma) In illi};.il while .i large majoi made di intents about lion, "Was his comment an abstract states at a growing rale of halt u\ is I limed States i iti/ens. but ii is 1 The reality is that nl Mexican desi nil in I hi i mil epi in inereh .i byprodm i ol the a million a year, n is now L'OO do imporianl lo show the same respci i some Hispanics may be i Imted Slates Martin was quoted inn reality ol the Uniied Slates immigra the math I do not agree with Marlins and human del em \ lo the formei as workforce dis< ussion saying, "I'll tell linn issue?" Mt hough the comments comments hui I am a realist and proh oni kvould in the latiei I tl Martin's illegal, while a large .Lai s available to ever) deielopci were ill advised I believe he should ahh have said a similai commem in a . ommenl was .t lai k nl respei i foi all majority is United in ordei to figure oui who's illegal. not hr terminated foi Ins mistake joke I hen- arc two solutions to what I I lispanit s and should not be tolerated, States citizens When there's u bunch of Mexicans I In- ke\ point thai we all have to ask have outlined luii is tin' true issue whcthci he should mil ihcre, there's prohably some ourselves is how do we feel about the One Governoi Blum .mil I d martin be fired oi whether his comment ol IIH-MI who are mil legal." immigration situation and how do we hoih need m issue puhhi statements exposed nol onl) ignorant views ol In the stale ol Missouri which view llispanii - working? It .i person apologizing foi ihe comments Mong mail) \meiu ,ms. Imi (he cllci I ol the lias a I population ol three mil) ruminates on the question, he oi with the public statements Martin nonexistent immigration polic) has on pen tin. man) people are calling lor she will find thai sometimes the same should be reprimanded in-house, bui \mcrii an ihnughts i Mr ion of Martin over these thoughts no through theii mind Is this should not be terminated. I he second NEW BUILDING SOUGHT Students Aspire to See an Ethnic Student Center on Campus Creating a SHANNON WILL organizations (unctions demic home, as ii would potential!) ilisiamid educational barrier. Staff Writer The »enter would also create i reale .i more comfortable environ I hough the committee is soil in us group ol tour BGSU sludents, u hospitable environment for More Comfortable mmi where ihe mfnorit) * an become beginning prm esses, u isalread) along with growing support all students of color and their (he majorit) planning ahead. While a definite Diverse Atmosphere from the student body, has allies, where Ihe can promote In addition to .ill this, an ethnii stu placemen) foi the i cntei has not yet expressed the desire to see an ethnic aclive ideas lhat help lo address dent centci would require .i working been pi. ked. .m Ideal spot would he student (enter on BGSU campus i o just ii es thai occur on campus siall lhat would acl as liaison in oihei ,i central location, like ihe Student While the universit) has im teased and 'Hi even nationally). While strong A center would organization management, such as Union. However other speculations greatl) improved iis efforts n> create a support was present al the Iena6 rail) promote even ihe< eniei foi Multicultural Academic im lude requesting the section ol the more diverse campus, many students and al last year's protest to the College Initiatives, [heccntei would he a future new Saddlemire building. more collaboration agree that il has nol yel real hed its oi Republican's "Catch an Illegal student run ami siudent oriented ifinidmg an ethnic student center within multicultural potential; and an ethnic student cen- Immigrant Day," an even stronger rep- place thai would also provide cmplo\ promotes the stale's goals oi hat organizations and ter will help gel it there, resentation would generate from hav- ment and Internship opportunities for Ing diverse institutions, and the ESC \ center such as this one. they ing a central place 10 collaborate. The students. their alliances committee believes thai the state ol believe, would promote even more committee also seeks lo alleviate Most Importantly, though, is (Ihio should be willing and able lo collaboration within ethnic and the culture shock many ethnic the more personal contact the luiiil such a project, at least in part. multicultural organizations and their and International sludents feel Ethnic Student Center Committee Nevertheless) such a project cannot alliances hy giving them a secure place when coming lo BGSU from more believes the center would bring exist without strong support from the to meet and Organize their ideas I his diverse settings. I laving an ethnic lo Ihe student body. While main student body, and the Finnic Student would erase (he need for sludents lo Student center would create a greater classes here leach students about Center Committee hopes to gather as jump back and forth between events ini entfve for Incoming students of different cultures and promote ethnic many members as possible. and generate greater support for each color io consider BGSU as their aca- tolerance, few move beyond ihe REFLECTION OF PEOPLES OF COLOR

CAM'RON time when she was visiting family in STOP SNITCHIN SNITCHIN "Cats in Maximun Prisons rattin and snitch' Pittsburgh, PA TAMARA LAWRENCE "(>nc of my cousins stay in a local Can YOU Assistant Editor Cuz when Feds come, niggas mouth run project and she was telling me aboul But the outcome, gon be bout guns this list A list comes OUl in her Conic on now. Vou saw everything neighborhood, which exposes all of the keep your ih.n happened night. Hot Cuz I don't b**** and I don't snitch snitches, or people who talked to police sweat li it kit's down your lace. or turned their friends in lo the police." mouth shut? YOU struggle with breathing its your I work hands on, f*** with Cam'Ron" She continues by stating that nose is full of naseua. The police are at a woman's body was loiind in the To Snitch or not your door and wants to retrieve some LIL' WAYNE dumpster and it was burned and information. Vou know you have lo tell chopped up Into pieces to Snitch? ihein something,, lusi what do you tell "Don't let your mouth open up. "This young lady was tortured them? Ilieentire neighborhood knows Cause you don't wanna see the handgun open up, no. and killed because her name you know and wauls you (o keep your appeared on this list |of snitches "Where I'm from, mouth shut. Your heart is racing as your Don't let your mouth open up. larversaid. snitching is like brain is on lire with contemplation. Cause you don't wanna see the automatic open out, no.? I videmly, she is disgusted b> the Should you tell? term snitching, killing someone "Don't be a teller-teller." "Yea, nigga watch the people around you "Needless to say. I feel that the because depending Remember those words-' Since grade snitching mentality Is Insane." on what you said, you Watch the people away from you school, we were taught to keep oui I ins word alone describes an could literally end mouths shut and (eased il we didn't. Leave them niggs be let them stay fom you epidemic and menialiu of don t ask. their life," Vet, when is ii the right lime 10 tellV We don't lell. thai is sweeping our nation aic all grown now *uu\ the petty game These nigga's mouths is runnin like hot water" and youth, according to larver, She DAQURI MAYS of telling on each other should just end. believes ihat the mentality behind BGSU Junior Consequently, we are dealing with a In many news articles, it is evident In the special report presented by HI) snitching is thai an individual does nol siieakiei and more dangeious game. lor prosecutors lo believe that any typo minutes. Coopers report included the do it. never exposing what is going on Year after year, lives are ol witness intimidation puts a damper following thai is attached to the stigma behind close doors. destroyed for the sake of snitching. on their efforts to convict criminals. Not snitching is indeed a code of ethics: "You go down with your team, your DITCHES ARE I his past summer, I was watching everyone concurs with that highlighted In most communities, a person crew no mailer" larver said. a special airing of 60 minutes with notion yet at the same nine it seems who sees a murder and helps the police "However, when people are actually FOR SNITCHES?" reportei Vnderaon Cooper. Wsrepon to be some type of persistence in the put the killer behind bars is called a dying, ueasa people must re-examine analyzed tins sdgma term inveraing notification that one should just keep UI r/NESS. But in many inner* it\ the messages that we are sending out lo the urban community Sitting in dire his or her mouth tighth shut. But neighborhoods in this country that each other." "You go down with amazement and disgust, I was shocked honestly, what is wrong with reporting person is called a SNITCH." It is still a huge controversy ol people your team, your crew at what rapperCamKon was arguing. delinquent behavior? It has come to mean something wearing t-shirts with the slogan on it no matter what," Tarver I lelping the police is not cool, according Sophomore Dean Bryson expressed much more dangerous: Don't still. said. "However, when to him. \ltei watching the show, my mixed reelings about such reporting. In cooperate with the police-no "The Mafia never took out people are actually interest in this so called snitching'* his mind, snitching is a i isk) situation. matter who you are." newspaper ads to promote. So heighten I vploring the social meaning "If its not affecting me. then its not any "Reluctance to talk to police has wh\ is ,iu unwritten rile printed on dying, we as a people ol this term. I simply ask students on ot mv business." Brvson said. "Yet, II always been a problem in poor, thousands oft t-shlrts?" said a frustrated must re-examine the i ampiis as in why jieople are look so me snitching Is keeping someone I predominately Urican \merican prosecuter. messages that we are down upon it they ever weie lo snitch. know alive, then I'll tell." communities." Snitching illustrates weakness lo sending out to each We all had thoughts of smithing. No On the other hand, he does not want And not talking to the police is me. It is not protecting anyone. Ii just other." problem. Who cares? But which one of 10 feel responsible for anyone's death considered the right thing to do If you allows someone to roam around tree. us would actually do it? Now there is with keeping his mouth shut. do, you may lose everything. Free to repeat the crime, lice to hurt WHITNEY TARVER where the problem lay. lunior lama! Norman comes into Graduate of BtiSU Isaiah Lawson again. Free to have that type of control. BGSU Junior Originating from the streets concurrence with Bryson. explains (hat if a person is labeled a And to me, that is weak. How can the ol Harlem. New York, the'STOP "If the stakes were big enough and snitch, he or she would lose friends and black communities come together 1 SNITCHIN slogan has circulated the the person's testimony was absolutely possibly family support, In unison If we are terrified of What Do You Think? streets In the urban community. Over critical not only to solve the crime, "Snitching cannot be avoided so each other? It is gread) assumed that Email Tamara at the years, this slogan has evolved into but to that person or their family, they it's important to keep your business snitching has caused people to lose [email protected] the ultimate test ol the code of respect would tell," Norman said. personal and private," lawson said. their lives or |iisi get hurt. Ihe police in urban communities. If one were Basically, he would help the police if "Even if someone looks suspicious and seem to not protect these witnesses. to appear as if ihe\ are helping the the situation had something to do with you don't know them, Just mind your Either they are ostracized with police, he or she would lose a lot of himself, his family or anyone else he business." terror for life or simply die. respect from community members. But may know. Yet one should make it their business Would you want to end up like any wouldn't you become overwhelmed lunior Caryn lunius stated that if they are aware of a possibly rape or of this- Main lives could be saved by with guilt, knowing somehow you snitching is generally wrong: it depends killing to some students on campus so-called snitching. Or at least justice could help lead ihe police to catch the on ihe situation. lunior Daquri Mays says that a person would be served But then again, don't perpetrator? Personally, snitching is a "If I witnessed a serious crime, I should only tell on someone when they be a teller-teller, right" fundamental factor of the community, might have to tell what I know." lunius are about to rape or kill. bringing it down in the ditches. Of said. "It's hard to say though because I "Where I'm from, snitching course, it is not a major flaw yet in the might he scared to tell and it depends Is like killing someone because end, it all adds up on who committed the crime, so I don't depending on what you said, you could Think about it. Messages are sent know," literally end their life." Mays said. "In throughout urban communities of not (Herall. some people would snitch, the end, most people snitch to hate or (rusting the police force. \o trust. No only II the situation involved their to gain something." talk. There are even websites created families or themselves. Essentially. In some cities, the hate is too extreme to supposedly educate visitors of the if you are not involved, then you should to believe or understand. terrifying consequences of snitching. turn your head the other way. lunior Whitney larver tells of a Necessary Information or Mis-education? READ A BOOK BET Encourages Black Youth to just "Read a Mothat****** Book

Not recommended SHELBY R. JEFFERSON young rap fans, hopefully revealing "Read a Book" express that although ship 22 inch rims, and disrespect and Staff Writer to them the differences between right the language used is harsh, and the devalue black women? for Children ^f he recent controversy surround- and wrong. images included in the video aren't Bomani Annah's intentions in I inn a new hip hop video cartoon The problems that many people traditionally positive, the wiiirr creating "Read a Book" were clearly I released in early September point out here lie in the fact that least promoting the uplift and sup- good; however, it would seem that if on BET entitled "Head a Hook", has in using this same negativity con- port of black youth. In essence, if this you truly despise the current content generated quite a hit of discussion tained in many of the present rap language must be used, and i( these in rap videos as you claim, you would amongst scholars, cultural critics, and Videos, the outcome is nonproduc- images are going to he produced, it consider it to be highly unacceptable Many parents have also parents everywhere. Created by the tive. Ultimately, (he majority of those would essentially be more productive to partake in the production of these recognized that the self proclaimed "poet with a hip-hop watching "Read a Book" are not old in a way that teaches the youth the same destructive images that you emphasis on literacy and stylc'Vproducer. Bomani "D'Mite" enough to grasp the true message basic essentials of life, for example, oppose. The need to provide means of education professed by Armah. the message that the song behind it. or to recognize its satirical encouraging them to he financially education to black youth is impera- Armah in "Read a Book" delivers may seem constructive at first meaning. Many will pay more atten- smart by telling them to "buy some tive, however it is clear that a video glance, however it is highly probable tion to the profanity, money, bling, land n '. is better than influencing like "Head a Book" only provides yet is overshadowed by his that the listeners opinions will shift women, and violence. In the end, this them to spend all their money on cars another form of black mis-education use of the "N" word, and once the content of the song is actu- type of video does more harm than and jewelry. Pointing out the need to in the end. the numerous other forms ally revealed. good because, though it was com- slay hygienically correct by declaring of profanity included in I he lyrics and content of (he video posed with constructive intentions, "brush yo' teeth" and "wear deodor- Many will pay more the song. are quite abrasive, as it all begins it still projects the same destructive ant n""", is better than hearing how attention to the profanity, with an animated individual of great images that our youth have become important platinum and diamond money, bling, women, and resemblance to popular rapper til' so immune to seeing. grills are. violence. In the end, this Ion. playing the piano, and yelling out Other arguments have been made Those who deem the "Read a Book" type of video does more an extremely explicit mantra: "Read that the major issue is not that "Read video to he degrading and disgrace- harm than good because, a book, n""! Read a motheri*""' a Book" was created, but more so ful must ask themselves are they too though it was composed book!" All of this is done over a crunk that it is aired during daytime hours being contradictive. Individuals will when mostly youth are watching. BKT with constructive style hip-hop beat, while images openly express their disgust with this intentions, it still projects emerge of a wide grinning, deviant claimed shortly after its release that song, but wont hesitate to buy the looking male, dressed in stereotypi- the video was meant to be marketed new 50 Cent album Others will ada- the same destructive cal hip hop dress, using an automatic towards a certain age demographic, mantly ob|ect to the representa- images that our youth Unquotable gun to shoot unsuspecting victims primarily between the ranged of tions of black culture depicted In have become so immune Bill O'Reily with books by authors Donald (ioines 18-34 years old. This may have been "Read a Book", but will drop It like to seeing. and Zora Neale llurston. This Is a somewhat acceptable defense had Its hot when Gucci Mane's "Freaky followed by a woman in tightly tit- it not been for the fact that "Read a Gurl" video comes on BFT Why ling clothes, with the ward BOOK Book" was premiered on one of the not altogether object to supporting embroidered across her highly networks most popular shows, 106 an artist like 50 Out who creates a accentuated behind, thrusting It & Park, whose viewing audience is video game called Bulletproof, which repeatedly Into the camera to the mostly made up of teens and pre- is played by millions of black youth rhythm of the track teens. As a video countdown show. all over the country? If you refuse to Afl shocking as these images may I oh \ Park airs daily based off of votes support a video like "Read a Book", seem, the song's creator claims that submitted by viewers for their favorite it would only be right to reject any they were actually meant to be uplift- videos, and once "Read a Book" pre- other form of entertainment, and/or ing. Armah. a native of Washington DC miered on the show, those watching creators of this entertainment, that and a youth counselor, maintains that were immediately encouraged to vote influence the impressionable minds this is his way of placing an emphasis the video onto the countdown. of the youth in unconstructive and Many parents have also recognized And I couldn't get over on the importance of the involvement detrimental ways. of black youth in more reading related that the emphasis on literacy and Numerous other questions have the fact that there was activities. In addition, the video education professed by Armah in been posed and analyzed regarding no difference between was a means of countering the "Read a Book" is overshadowed by his this entire "Read a Book" contro- Sylvia's restaurant and negative imagery and lyrical con- use of the "N" word, and the numer- versy. First, can instructing the youth any other restaurant in tent that the youth are bombard- ous other forms of profanity included through such uninhibited language as New York City. I mean, ed with dally In today's rap music, in the song. A video geared towards "read a book n*""" and "buy some the enlightment of the youth should it was exactly the same, through the use of satire. land n""", in some way or another In presenting the same visual not address them using a word with be more constructive than 50 Cent Dejuan Lee Patterson e.ven though if s run by content that rappers use- profane such a long history of degradation speaking in the same language, only "Wanle" blacks, primarily black language, violence, and scantily clad and humiliation as the "N" word, providing directions on "How to 12/31/1988- 09/24/2007 patronship. It was the women, Armah trusts that he will be merely because it is done in popular Rob"? Is libhs asking "Do Your Chain same, and thaf s really able to effectively capture the atten- rap music. Referring to black youth as Hang Low?" or Soulja Boy telling you what this society's all tion of young minds, lie upholds that "niggas" when attempting to per- to "Supersoak that hoe" preferred We'll always his video differs, however, because suade them on the value of reading, over, "Read a mothaf""- book?" remember you about now here in the completely contradicts any necessity they will instead receive a positive Furthermore, Is one form of deg- YOUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY U.S.A. There wasn't one message through the lyrical content, for education. In the end there is no radation not as bad as the next? person in Sylvia's who lastly, through spoofing current music longer a need for learning when the Would it be considered better for a was screaming, "M-Fer, I videos, works like "Read a Book" will minds of black youth are molded to twelve year old watching BIT to hear May you always , want more iced tea." also expose the ridiculous nature self identify in such demeaning ways. someone encouraging him to read a be at peace of many of these representations to Supporters of Bomani Armah and book rather than to get high, wor- REFLECTION OF PEOPLES OF COLOR

IS HIP-HOP DEAD? ALIVE AND KICKING DJ SMILEZ and evolves like all other art forms. Hip Hop is Guest Columnist Many may argue that the heritage o Hip-Hop is noi being carried on, wl Alive and Well, Hip-Hop. Isil dead 01 is alive? it is just in a different wa\ because Thai has been one of the hip-hop is like technology... it's alw Just in a main topics when Hip-Hup is changing. \ow, for the belter or WO mentioned En a conversation, i vei is wmi decision to make toother different Form since Mas' 2006 album Ihp-llop Is way to look at it is the essence and Dead every rapper and lover of hip- spun ol hip-hop is still alive; [us) hop has debated Nas' thoughts on the reincarnated. Those who grew up 01 hip-hop game. Well, now it's my uirn. or became intrigued b\ ardstfl like hui before i do thai lei me educate \w v Grandmaster I lash, KRS One the masses about hip hop Pint the VVu-langCUuii Bl&ckstar, and itakin In other words, Hip-Hop definition ol Hip-Hop is a culture, along with many other legends may is not just video models, a form of ground breaking music not agree thai artists today, such as lyrics about herbal and self-expression with elements r Diddy. Chingy. 50 Cent Ul' Boosii PHOTO ILLUSTRATION I RICH AUTRY substances, expensive that consist of DJ-Ing, emceeing, Haby. and' Wayne (depending various forms of dance, on your view) are maintaining the television and are hit with the dance. because Hip-Hop is the way we jewelry, and tricked out expression using art, and Rhythm Hip-Hop culture, but as I mentioned drug, flashy songs. What people don'l talk, the way we act, our fashion, cars, but mind-boggling & Blues. In other words. Hip-Hop before; Hip-Hop is changing. On the realize is that hip hop has always our lifestyle, and our people. This metaphors and allusions, is not just \ Ideo models. I\ ries about other hand, there are artists like Kan ye changed from records about partying. Can be summed up in something body moving beats, herbal substances, expensive jewelry, West. I itile Brother, Common. \as. the struggle, living in the ghetto, KltS-One once said which is "rap and thought provoking and tricked out cars, but mind- lay /. ft Game who display intricate ■ uplifting the people, and degradation is something you do. I lip-Hop is issues. boggling metaphors and allusions. and thought-provoking rhymes. It of people, which shows how multi- something you live," which means that IHKIV moving beats, and thought Is not that Hip-Hop has gone faceted Hip-Hop is. One thing that just because a handful of RAPPERS are provoking issues. A lot of people commercial; It has Just become I have learned is that these artists not living up to the standard of what forget that Hip-1 lop is also an art harder to find variety within the are rappers who were originally Hip-Hop is does not mean it is dead. form which means it ranges, changes, music. People turn on the radio or called emcees NOT Hip-Hop HIP HOP VS. AMERICA? CHEROD JOHNSON impact that rap music and videos have turned more into a debate where off the music that are not only often Quotable Staff Writer on Americans as a whole, whether panelists seem to turn on each other, degrading to women but to blacks Nas on naming his new they're white or black. trying their best to defend their stance, as a whole, they should bear some For quite some time now, BKT has However, according to Raysean instead of respecting each others opin- responsibility. album after "N" word been completely scrutinized and Autry. "People are using BIT as a scape ions and trying to resolve the problem, Aaron Moore states, "Because often blamed for contributing goat for Americas problems." the question is then: rappers contribute to the making to as well as promoting hip hop Yet. when one would have Who should be blamed? these videos that are disrespectful to music videos (hat many white and thought that because "Hip Hop vs. Rapper T.I. stated that because many people and since there are many black Americans as a whole consider America" consisted of well-known it starts in the home, (hat the parents parents that do allow their children to demeaning. panelists coming from a widespread should be held accountable for (heir watch these types of videos or even As a result, BIT implemented a spectrum of individuals including, children actions because they are listen to the music, both parents and three-part panel discussion to address rappers, intellectuals, music produc- responsible for allowing and their rappers should be held responsible." the controversial issues thai sur- ers and single mothers, the discussion children to watch hip hop videos tha( AlSharpton said "...We should round Hip Hop, known as "Hip-Hop would have been focused more on are on TV. Nelly also complied with not approach this discussion wonder- vs. America." Because of the intense trying to resolve the animosity and XL that parents should be monitoring ing what white America think about blame that is often placed on rappers conflict. But the discussion turned what their children watch. It Is not us. but rather what we think about and even BET, the goal of the panel into a debate that resembled an truly their fault if their children ourselves." "The whole notion of "We're taking power from discussion was to help rappers intense wTestling match aimed at who aspire to act or dress like the how we are embarrassing the race to the word. No disrespect and scrutinlzers forge a relation- will take home the title, thus resolving artist they see in the videos. While. whiles, the real core of that is white to none of them who ship where they come to a com- nothing. Michael 11 u Dyson s(ates that because supremacy like they have some rule were part of the civil mon ground on how they can "It seem like each panelist was rappers produce and make millions over defending what is good or bad." rights movement, but reshape or alter the language and not respecting one another's opinion Images so that rappers can still because they were so biased on what some ... in the streets rap, without demeaning others. (hey believed that they didn't even don't know who (civil' Ashley Pledger, a black female care to hear what the next person Diversity Film Festival rights activist) Medgar from Cleveland. Ohio believe that had to say." Brittany lohnson, a black through Hie month of November - 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, I Oth, 14th, 15th, and 17th. Evers was ... they know Don Imus incident called for BIT lo female student at Columbus State The film we will be screening ore: who Nas is." implement the series "Hip-Hop vs. Community College. "I was very disap- Sentenced Home (East Aw) Bowen Thompson America" to look at the good and bad pointed in T.I. because when Michael AVmrffomoGnMnofSomHMiddkEnt) Student Union "And to my oldet people who don't in hip hop that intellectuals and even liu Dyson was talking about how IhMnhoCoro iBkxk Dimpon]) Room ?06 know who Nos is and who don't the public believe caused Imus to feel it videos are often demeaning to African Moid in America (lohn America) 6:00-9:00 p.*. know what a street disciple is. stay was okay to say "nappy-headed hoes." American women, T.I was laughing The Coseof the Gunning Cot (Europe) outta this (expletive) conversation. since many rappers make hit singles off and 1 felt very offended because it Once Mote Removed tlndw/Conbbeon) We'll talk to you when we're ready. The Sweetest Mango f Cotibean) and hnoty o day of shorts Right now, we're on a whole new demeaning women. seem like he was not taking the discus- teolung wotis horn 8G students and olhet Declaimed Wmmakers movement. We're taking power* Therefore, BET thought it was sion serious." from that word." their job to explore its faults and the However, since the discussion Hosted by The Caribbean Association HEALTHY CHOICES IN DINING

LATOYA YOUNG alternative food choices and an inno- point of view, these diseases makes Id sum up. the program had a Staff Writer vative educational lesson. you think twice before you pass up slogan for a healthy lifestyle: 4,5,6,8, a. M elissa A. Young, of the service According to the program there the Recreational center and hii up the moderate lYl sorority Delta Sigma Theta, are A main disease*- thai affect blacks Sundial. I: don't go more than 4 hours I held a program entitled A due to diet and lack of exercise. These So, you ask. what can be done without eating QUESTIONS Sample of I lealthy Living in September diseases are type ll diabetes, hyperten- about your health habits? Here is a list: ."»: do 30 minutes of physical activity 26. 2007. The program Informed BG sion and cardiovascular disease. It • lat healthy about 5 limes a week students of (he posing health threats 1 lb echo Mns Def. whj weren't some is estimated that 3.2 million black • No eating after 7 (i: try a( leasi one thing from each minority students are disproportion- Americans have diabeles and 53% of ' blade i I'li'hrnii's supportive In com • Exercise weekly six food groups ately affected by. due to unhcaltln **mg 10 lena, i oulslana to rally for blacks have hypertension. All these • lat breakfast to start your day 8: iry to gel 8 hours of sleep each night the lena Six, Le. Will Smith, Oprah diet and lifestyle choices. A Sample diseases may lead to heart disease, • Drink 8 glasses of water a day Uintrey. etc.? of Healthy Living offered BG students obesity, and stroke. From a student's 2 Isn't ii Ironic thai black students an now required to throw theft parties In the FIELD HOUSE... (think about it)? BREAST CANCER AWARENESS MONTH RICHARD AUTRY black women, but with black women in women who have symptoms, and ■ I Kelp your husband quit smoking. 3 After H(i heal Minnesota, werenl Editor-in-Chief it strikes at an earlier age and (he also those who appear lo have no Women who have never smoked but you actually excited about attend mortality rate is higher. Breast cancer breast problems. According to the who are frequently exposed (o smoke ingagamc. bill after their loss to Breast cancer is a disease affect- is the second-most common cancer Society's "Cancer I -acts & Figures for .it home or work are 68 percent more Miami aren't you kinda demoral- ing women of all ethnic back- among black women, surpassed only African-Americans 2007-2006" booklet. likely to develop breast cancer than ized? grounds. According to Texas by lung cancer. According to a study at "Factors that contribute (o (he higher other never smokers. Medical Association, one out of nine A I las anyone noticed the little spike the Fred lluichinson Cancer Research death rates among African-American American women will develop breast ■ in prices at (July's and Dining Center in Seatle. African American women include differences in access to ■ Know your family history. It you . Malls? cancer in her lifetime. A new breast have relatives With breast cancer or women. Naiive American women and and utilization of early detection and cancer case is diagnosed every three other hormone-driven cancers such C And since we're on the subject, how Hispanic women are 70 percent more treatment risk factors that are differen- minutes and one woman dies from (his • about the rising cost of tuition and likely to die after a diagnosis than a tially distributed by race or socio-eco- as prostate or ovarian cancer, talk to disease every 13 minutes. The statistics your doctor about HHCA testing. room & board? white woman. This is attributed to nomic status, or biological differences are definitely frightening for women the most incurable tumor (ype "triple associated with race." If Wayne were to die today. around the world, though it does affect ■ Breasl-feed your babies. Research negative." which affects African- outlines prevention 6 would he be immortalized as one of a small percentage of men. Though suggests (ha( the practice can protect the greatest rappers? American and Hispanic women more methods women should take for breast against breast cancer in moms over the disease is unbiased in who it than Caucasian women. cancer. Four doable ways to reduce age 25. Will 50 cent really retire? affects, minority women are very much 7 The purpose of Breast Cancer your breast cancer risk inlcude: susceptible to it. BlackAmericaWeb. Awareness Month is very straight Where is Bin Laden? For more information on breast com stresses that black women should forward. Since October is designated ■ Do monthly breast self-exams! 8 cancer, visit Could he be staying in (he become more aware of this problem. as BCAW, many women schedule "About 40 percent of lumps are still dis- 9 White House? According to the America Cancer a check-up with a doctor for their covered by women themselves," says Society, breast cancer is 12 percent annual mammogram. Mammography Lillie Shockney. of the Johns Hopkins How many "crank dat" dances are higher in Anglo women than it is in Avon Foundation Breast Center. 10 there? is used to diagnose breast disease Didn't the release of Mychal Bell n bring a smile to your face? The Facts About HPV But wasn't it a major slap in (he face SHANNON WILL 12 when he was put back in jail? people will Find (hat it is not as serious risk" form of HPV. Again, a regular is designed to prevent the four strains Staff Writer Pap test helps to detec( this strain, Is ii really serious for Hip Hop of a concern as it at First seems. of HPV that are most responsible for 13 music to be having congressional If any sexually transmitted disease According to (he Department of at which point treatment is given genital warts and cervical cancers, hearings? is getting a lot of publicity lately, it Health and Human Services' Center for the pre-cancerous strain. The (iardasil is recommended for use in is the genital HPV infection. Short for Disease Control and Prevention, women at highest risk of developing women between (he ages of 9 and 26 Will soulja boy become a one-hit for Human papillomavirus, HPV has the human papillomavirus is made cervical cancer are those who are or years. While rt is ideal to receive the 14 wonder? crept its way into many commercials, up of more than 100 different strains, were sexually active, and do not get a vaccine before becoming sexually 1C Isn't BLTs Sunday Best a great magazines, and IK.SU Stall Talks. The over 30 of which are sexually transmit- regular Pap screening. active, females who are sexually active 3 show? infection is not a new one; in fact, ted. This sounds intimidating, but at While (here is no treatment for the and have not been infected with HPV IP After Bill O'reily's comment about anyone who has ever been sexually least 50 percent of sexually active men HPV virus itself, there is treatment still receive full benefit. F.ven women D those oh-so-well behaved black active has more than likely had HPV at and women have acquired the disease for those women who do acquire who carry one type of H PV still benefit *. people in Harlem, should he nu( some point in (heir lives. So why ail (he at some point, and have overcome it genital warts. In most cases, the from the prevention of the other ge( the Don Imus treatment? hype now? without even realizing i( was (here. In body eradicates the virus on its own. three types. Gardasil is widely avail- One possible reason is that HPV is mos( cases, the virus causes no symp- Nevertheless, the low risk involved And since we are on (he subject, is able, including places like the BGSU toms and passes on its own within two with HPV does not change the fact 17 (his man ignorant or what lol?! a virus that can lead to cervical cancer Student Health Center. While prices in women. While men also contract years. A few may, on occasion, develop thai, currently, over 80 percent of are approximately $360 for the full What should we do as a people HPV. its possible effects are far less genital warts or pre-cancerous changes women will have had the virus by age series, certain insurances may cover it. after seven former booi camp 18 serious than they are for women. The in the cervix. Regular Pap tests detect Fifty, leaving us a higher percentage of However, because of its recent release, guards and a nurse were acquit- idea that this virus can lead to such a these changes, though, and very few women who are potentially at risk of many have not yet included it in their ted in the death of Martin Lee life-threatening disease in women has ever become cancerous. developing cervical cancer. For those Anderson? coverage plans. While HPV is incred- captured many's attention. However, In fact. HPV very rarely causes cervi- women who feel uneasy about these ibly common among the sexually Isn't "no homo" (he most overused while it is important to be aware of and cal cancer, though it can be directly statistics, a new vaccine has been active and has very little risk associ- 19^-braseof2007? understand HPV. it is equally impor- linked to the disease. A small propor- developed that will protect against ated with it, reducing one's risk even Don't you miss c hill in in the Union tant to know the facts concerning the tion of women encounter a persistent four types of HPV' further with a vaotmation like this is 20 before an ice breaker? , - , w |,|,! infection. Upon further reading, most stralrttStrI/ch1s^^owt|•asa hfgrr-'' '< GaMlasfta

KAUTURE SHAUK STATE UNIVERSITY BEAUTY TIPS AND MORE 'Classes Begin: College Sho Is A Different World" ANONYMOUS WRITER stop calling me that, dad? I hate that bottle," said Jasmine MEANWHILE... girl I like your hair. Wat u tryna go Obsidian's Taste of Elijah hugged his mom and two name. It makes me sound like a child," "Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn! Look for the Afro centric natural look." "I the latest & Greatest! younger brothers before they left said Jasmine. "Come on Leroy, our at shorty right there." said Soop. guess...if that's what you wanna call to head back to his home town perfect little angel will be just fine "See that's why I like the beginning it." laughed Olivia. "So where are you of Detroit. Klijah hopped onto his adjusting to college, said Jasmine's of the school year.,. because of all from?" asked Shayla. "Oh I'm from TAMARA LAWRENCE bed to lie down. He looked straight up mother. "Victoria we both been to these freshman!" "Yeah I wonder who Harlem." said Olivia. Harlem ..' Why Fashion Beauty Editor at the ceiling. "Damn, I can't believe college before. We know what a little mind you gonna corrupt this year, are you attending school all the way I'm in college,'* thought Klijah. He was freedom can do to somebody," said man," laughed Garcia. "Naw. that's out here," asked Shayla. "I was offered "Remember ladies, Beauty , especially proud of himself because Leroy. "Okay quit referring to me as not my plans this year," said Soop. a scholarship," said Olivia. "Yeah girl is not just about what is on he was the first person in his family to a little angel. I am 18-years-old. It "I think I am gonna find wifey." After KSSU putting us through school with the outside, but the inside." go to college. It was best feeling in the gets old after awhile." said Jasmine. a 5 second pause, Soop and Garcia the Historically Underrepresented world when he earned a scholarship "Yeah.l must have lost my head,"said burst out laughing. "Fool the day you scholarships," said Shayla. "Oh. I to attend KSSU. A huge grin spread Leroy. 'With pre-med as a major, settle down is the day you see Queen don't have that scholarship, I won the THE BEAUTY OF A WOMAN The beauty of a woman Is not in Latifa with a man," laughed Garcia. Laevert Alumni Scholarhip, which pays across his face. Elijah remembered Jasmine won't have time for outside the clothes she wears, for all my school expenses, including the conversations he would have with distractions." "Okay honey be safe and The figure that she carries, friends and family about school. "Yd, call us when you need something," room, meals, and books" said Olivia. Or the way she combs her hair. dem girls in college be straight freaks said I en iy and Victoria as they hugged "They walk around like "Oh that's what's up... well I'm from The beauty of a woman must be bro," his cousin would say. His cousin Jasmine and left. Jasmine sat on her they are God's gift to the Ihe D as you can see from my Detroit seen from in her eyes, would also go on about ice breakers. bed and took a deep breath. "Why cap. And don't tell me to take it off cuz Because that is the doorway An ice breaker was a college party. does everybody treat me like a child world and they are very my hair is a mess," said Shayla. "As a to her heart, Elijah found it funny that his cousin and I like can do no wrong," thought biased/' said Shayla. matter of fact. I was just about to do the place where love resides. knew so much about college, but never lasmine. "I'm grown and I should my hair for this ice breaker I heard The beauty of a woman is not 'They only pledge people in a facial mole, attended one himself. But what turned be able to make my own choices." about that is tonight." "Yeah I heard But true beauty in a woman Elijah's face from a grin to frown A female suddenly walked into the who have long hair and about that too," said Olivia. "But I don't Is reflected in her soul. anybody will tell you that. know what to do with my hair." "Girl, I was the thought of his uncles always room. "Hey! You must be lasmine. My It is the caring that she lovingly gives. asking him if he was gonna play ball name is Taja," she said. "I guess we're Them girls walk around got you," Shayla said. "I am a magician The passion that she shows. in college. "Yo you playin ball?" or roommates. Where are you from?" campus like they just got when it comes to doing hair. And since And the beauty of a woman "You on an athletic scholarship?" is "Oh... I'm from Chagrin Halls, but I you my roommate, I will do your hair With passing years what he would commonly hear from guess you can say Cleveland said done shooting a Pantene for the first time free." "Yo, that's mad only grows. hisunks. "Man where is this dude lasmine. "Girl, I know where that's at; commercial." nice of you," said Olivia. Shayla walks ( at?" he thought. Elijah was referring it's a suburb outside of Cleveland. up to Olivia and gently pulls a strand of to his roommate who had not yet I know in/ I'm from 'Da Laad.'" Olivia's hair. "I think a perm would look WHAT IS YOUR TIP TO BEAUTY? arrived to the dorm. According to the "Excuse me?" said Jasmine. "See that's "Wat!? You saving there's not a "Miss too cute on you girl. Your hair is long Email Tamara at [email protected] room assignment he checked online how I know you not from Cleveland Right" out there for me?" asked Soop. and very healthy," said Shayla. "Naw "Wash face 2-3 times a day in early lune, his roommate's name is because you don't even know what "Naw, I'm saying you not Mr. Right for girl, that's not my style," said Olivia. with cold water to help prevent Daquan. Elijah automatically assumed Da Laad' is, but you cool... just don't none of these girls because of all the "Oh, okay I feel you," said Shayla. "So breakouts." he was a brother. Suddenly the door say you're from Cleveland anymore," wrongs you be putting them through," are you thinking about pledging?" swung open. Elijah hopped out of his joked Taja. "Okay," said a confused laughed Garcia. "Yeah whatever, but "Well I kinda am," said Olivia. "I wanna Paul Nettey Major: bed to see who it was. "What's goin Jasmine. "I hear there is a picnic going these school picnics is a good way be an Eta. I seen a couple of them at Applied Health and Science s~ on man? You must be Elijah," said a on outside. You wanna go?" asked to get a glimpse of the females. I'm the picnic in their magenta and cream white guy in a Hollister shirt. "Hold Jasmine. "Naw girl I'm bout to get seeing ton of new faces. Damn... I see jackets and they are mad classy." "Oh, EDITOR'S TOP THREE PICKS: on," laughed Elijah. "You're Daquan?" cute for this lil Ice Breaker going on red bones, yellow bones, chocolate... do you know anything about their Acne medicine: "Hell no man," he said. "My name is tonight. I hear the Thetas throwing damn just about all types of females," organization," asked Shayla. "I know 1. Proactive Brad. The school somehow changed it. ' I In- ThetasT said Jasmine. "Yeah said Soop. "Oh, you aim scopin the they are like the fifth black sorority 2. Benzaclin 3. Differin our roommate assignment at the girl, they this lil fly fraternity on snow bunnies?" said Garcia. "Man ever founded. A couple of my Hair products last minute. I checked it last week. campus. 1 ran into two of them today. hell naw, you know where we at? teachers from high school were Etas," 1. Dr. Miracles So where are you from?" "I'm from I am going to introduce you to one of We are in the boondocks. Kauture said Olivia. "Yeah, I am very interested 2. Olive Oil Detroit," replied Elijah. "Where are them," said Taja. "But first we gonna Shauk State Universty is in a rural in joining. I can't wait for the meet the 3. Pink Oil Moisturizer you from?" "I'm from Rootstown," said pre-game for this party." "Pre-game?" ass city... you think I'm tryna catch Greeks coming up." "Well I heard about Make-Up Cosmetics Brad. "Rootstown...? What the hell is said Jasmine. "Damn girl. I can tell a charge? You know what happened them and I don't think you wanna join I.MAC a Rootstown?" laughed Elijah. "It's a already you a virgin," Taja. "How'd to Roger," said Soop. "Yeah you right, their sorority," said Shayla. "Why? asked 2. Covergirl small town. Nobody's heard of it. Eh you know that?" asked Jasmine. "Cuz said Garcia. "Besides, I love my black Olivia." "They walk around like they 3. Maybelline man the school is throwing a campus you know nothing about pre-gaming, queens." said Soop. "Yeah, well you are God's gift to the world and they are Male Cologne picnic. You tryna go?" asked Brad. but Ima get u tipsy tonight," said Taja sure treat your queens like peasants," very biased," said Shayla. "They only 1. Unforgiveable by Diddy » said Garcia. "Haha you aim never pledge people who have long hair and 2. Blue by Polo "Naw dawg Ima stay here and chill for as she pulled a bottle of Hennessy 3. Black by Calvin Klein a bit," said Elijah as he hopped back out of her book bag." "Taja and her lied," laughed Soop. "Yeah, but Iet*s anybody will tell you that. Them girls Female Cologne hop on some of these chicks, tho." walk around campus like they just got onto his bed. "Alright, Ima catch slang," thought Jasmine. 'I really 1. Crush you later my nlz/Je, said Brad as thought she knew I was a virgin. MEANWHILE Olivia was headed done shooting a Pantene commercial." 2. Tommy Bahamas he left out the door. "What!?" said "Here take a sip," said Taja. "No, I back to her dorm room. She moved Olivia's heart sank. "Im sure they pick 3. White Diamond Elijah as he sat up in his bed. "Naw. he better not," said Jasmine. "Girl, we in in earlier, but her roommate had not people based on merit," she thought. Editor's favorite item of the month: could not have said what 1 thought he college... take a sip." lasmine realized yet arrived. She decided to go to the "But then again, her teachers did have BIG SUNGLASSES said," laughed Elijah as he lied back Taja was right. She is in college and picnic to meet some new people. long hair." Olivia picked up a nearby down. MEANWHILE... "Daddy! I'm she is not a child anymore. She is She opened her door to find a girl mirror and looked a( herself for about SKIN TIP: If you have eczema, you gonna be fine," said Jasmine. "lazzy tired of her "good girl" image. She in there unpacking. "Hi u must be three minutes. "So you think a perm should not shower more than 5 minutes in the steamy hot water* would do whatever it lakes to lose < )h\ i.i. . I guess I'm your roommate. wouldrn look mad cute on me," asked youmyfi^^rftWW'oPftHege-*!!...' iiui > •.' ■ ,J')IG1 <>. .i i , i [Una. U\' said Jasmine's father."(. an ywu plea^aj, thaiUHSukentilUx "Hrift Kin'merii.ii My name(js Sriaylq." ^he said. "Ooh