of The Penobscot Ray and River Rullrcad Prof, iiatcmuii's Partins Wont. The Prohibitory Law. \i M.-u eannot he is far better to Maine Matters. Dues American Parming Fay? Generalities. Glimpses Georgia. Company. it d pros i!i:m to the of Joi unm.. .Mr. compromise dignity To Till; Kiutou or mi; loi i;s\i. l notice 1 *> To Hi! I i>!toj: or Till: Ito*y- V 1 '' ! S ’A \ M » th !:*v\ in this manner. been favor- 1 OVKR TIIK STATK. is a indus- x !«!-, :. I; X | I'\ ! H!i I It has a M:\VS ami UOSSIl* ROM ALL That American farming profitable I’l.'i'.M Mi It is -aid that an ami vo*e Salvation a>tonisldng a recent issue that the of a railroad from iiiiIiN -mil a li;i:rsap| hesomap »l MV. in' i «"*‘‘th-e Minon.ix altormw s, too. to take The rapt ain of Montreal's Army building presents county is a which is dis- 1* a inn: •••: a gn! •!*:*•■; i**i* in that i:i m one try proposition occasionally with SaOU. | Camden county Rockland to the shore of the hav and in tin- last is- in- of tin* Journal or two ease- and nolle pros in the I l.l I IN. has defaulted Bangor along pearunre MAINK OI'.N I K .XL III with hv much vehemence, is the number of -• I; i- ''‘’fii Lit in i' iiiaiedt i. Hut if the erinie has been eoinmit- puted particularly hogs stolen and the excuses river is again As I was one of the MU' fov « *1 to tin* -mln-ioii tna! hr to Canada la-1 \ 't w bo will hus dieker w itli l>\ Cov. A'in> !i '■'*< 1«‘i i> V> ill'.' eriminals. 4 has been •• *• n ! the Maine Central lets add- April appointed late Hon. .V <;. Hiehhoru was ! am tcr i- in •• i*noi• ! la■< !• M Si the <» !ol»i r term charm; management ers and with tier people win), because thex >'T to di-tend him tin: conversation is president. pr Lar. t Cirrulati-:i iu City and County. of |s*7 a numher of Massachusetts as Fa-t day. generally hi fi work, somewhat interested in the ;;! seek h 111! i ha\e 1: iff'- nim>ellei-' idi tie Mate under several indiet- ed the following order to the many issued with are dissatisle d with iheniselves, are aceiistom- •“•on n tldn this present agitation newspaper lishl d a- a like I Joss, kin I speak wid you •« 1 VV' « of Ivina M il m is re.-ardi 1 X t.. i ni' iit'. 'ii'tah .Mit< hdl wa> l*\ 'Hie adbieation though so far away. I lind-by examining the re- faff tin* Inf -•■• without \\ binif 11 is '1 -V i'l 1 ;i promised that object in view: “While the track is rich! m! to think that our entire social and political i\ 11• I\ a minute?" ! What can I -1. a Hussian i'i “Certainly •• *VV 1|!' 1. \ M ride J hat hi would a of diploma'-) '*rds that tlie who ilit at ilf »\ n **i if v i/rant reijuisi- triumph following persons constituted Ha1 ililiol, i- V* nun'll iikf that of tin- Iri -1 man i'ir.d the out II ii'-n ii as at present, and when frost is coniine- oiioiiiy i out of order, to point to the A mer- h» for on?" me in do ■ flie would i- ) “Well, IJo-s, got up > county attorney ask for it. of the Dominion dey in* i-l i i ;i. i. **< *1 to flu The estimated revenue surveying party who twenty year* ago this eominu w a r<-fftitly foolius w i:' ■' h-»\ tnrthI "i" Mi- I m m "ii was of the all trains must run on \ » !-'"i i.I!-*" written to in relation to the ground, carefully man fariiK is* lot as peculiarly an unhappy and still,I iOO ,000. court." “What i- ihc nature of the tall > s:>,s.uni),000 and charge iOct. Ilth. I; at Rockland near tlie man \\ \v in* I tin* turtles faun* out ami >:iw tin* •*•' I.■ It 111 v A; l-T, tills! Ij«- .i;»it.■ i' expenditure- began ho 1 •! .. I ::!»•{ replied that he did not wish them of I niftst not he all parts the road. Mays made one. To such indiv idual- a sin- m ••!.?" |»: me of stuntin' Knox A ( ,:!. -I,!.-. at ir.-« rt -i A ; -a.-!!' c K. unprosperous ! ; got ’sensed Lincoln to make tlie -urve\ a| t. Irishman with a IJeml'n _r stun* tin* I, '• *' '■ I''-1 “'*■ 1h ,| he kllcW of lio o|lv‘ who did. all* 1 if The ma-saere «»f a party of leii-di depot li**;o*v tins hy t'|-\ l! P1’’ iie reported .a 1 ;t .. I “If. up bv reased until the track is fully of *«‘me « ed I. L. ( M:- Mu IndI wanied them lie would speed, _de uuslien ssf11! vpertinent ity-lu l’ark was a hoax. ’;-o;:i 11. hut il's hi Buck land, L.. L. B. Wyman L«\ eller'. W lm\ amlvfi* i*h»-"«• i\ the -■ Ii* j advis- Mr. settled.** tourists in Yellow>tonc through prejudice." fvtuuinius reptii. M 1 ■ t" ii > 1 pi ■!> lor the rctjui'ij ion on his cw\ u man of nu a:,' and leisure to run a famx farm Homer, Rodman; W F. Black. Trun-P R' an ah'" Wrll. -•v, I The Maine Central ISailroad has published although h*;u’ out «d Y i: (i i..x ii.i. /.kt'l1v it. I hc following amu-- -ah! ••What oil l- kins < *i foiirse 'I'li! Tennyson, ■ > i 'tfliJl *T '-'ii'd-nity. no one other than port French, Head ( li-i in man ; 111 •. I .. i1 and make ii is a b mar. '.a in tin* of an /. F -si, :;m tin- In-vis that an- in tin h*\. for its patrons of the season of 1s,s;». a vei \ ; way slow toward rer*»\•. iii.' cu'cunisiaiic- occurred in a little town not f\aminins ..... ■' I ii< !•• mmiM l*r flKMlL-ii ih •••'Unix aitoiiicx do so dauber, makes proirres* j ci-uhl this, and the samiu i \eiizie, l-t Frank ! j neat ami souvenir of travel Axeman; Piper, on ,. it. IJ. h intro I" ei 1 ;■ ,!. I' !o !,( pretty upon argument, an I an abandoned farmhouse on -Wrl., lilt'*!'. •• .. Tin ,• iM 'll noted, hov\e\er, tie- re- far from Athens. A in a store and ii I >\ 11,■ /• it. the W !! s-l*n -ident Cleveland ronirndi I- lady called Axeman; ( 1' road, entitled **Throui;h bite Mountain Ruler, :Jd A'mnan. Thi- •'ii "He ! In- ni mi» did apt. pa-t' f\< u." am r." «I P. I ! t return, paid lines in some New IN 14land hillside is pr.-of pos- he is to Cuba on a i*-pli* ... ||! 11. ill \ I if ('[lie- Notch.*" It contains >-i\ scene* roe!,;. that gointx ph-a-ure asked leu-six ounces of The clerk knew i':i*e* picturesque port zephyr. went to W u h< a u> arri’. of /-' 11ad tWo east o| f<, r- through innrport. 1" t hr t ..f ill or trim -•> •• '* the mountains that are I iti’ e 11 ii aii tin ir tin are eor- poi, impitrv •• amon^ reached In- pe—imi'ii•• trip. oi il and merchant was no i. iii' nt i'i iiiiinai' i~ i*»«i* 1 lloiit- y. .-'j-d aild olle indietmeiit by nothing the better \ov. *J(ith. Then we returned t*> ( ,101,1. i! •■:..! r j i*\v t: .•••. V, U. I >. a to know w l.n h tm- Mountain Division of the Maim* Central road, reet. are! tli:.! :iu! i iu ill the I’nited States wii: ,;>n- -• *'h. d. t ini' ot a!i > tukrv. the r\ uiueli-t-. a V. : n a in ; If di'p e-iiiu out one for sin- Moodj and informed and when tin- la>ly departe d she ro- 'eyed line ha< k of the ( amdeu bill- and ;!i»•« It j and also a well written of the m xt \ Lai oe. i■••: Mi,d and it In-ai! ami wihrji tin* tail o; ; ini anima!. lias linen is the s11:ii_111 >ad and ruin. iluet au*oM »ji!e-led the- linn to Athens get I.ineohivilie (mitre. w a- vi i i .i:* ii11• lar'iii Mi'. In- : from Cortland to Mt. Washington, (in the Tlie party the >ame with •!:iiued fi oin term to t« ■ -• I rm. and thoiiuh three 1* as a< men women month. leu lie r. AM*'r leaking at each other for a lno- \o11 want to !.i.o-.\ I• last is a of the railroad and its -ople of tiiis kind, well and the exception of the last three win -e were '■'•I' ha \ e i", | 'im*e pace map phe.-- ; that he ha- not yet lHei,i a bright idea seemed te, dawn upon tie* pail- :111•.:«•!».- know u *•' hranelies. who lake broadi r and more sensible and whole- Minnesota la iri-lature rein-. tilled Fred V. French A. k. \i-iy ■di* on The -_!;>■ s', by and Fred Bint •. > -' a who wanted hint JIn uoi 11111• 1 o| a little and found ■» I 11 i I i <.ni.iv. | ;, dirtionai} v. -tri \i! ot the passenm r ears of the Maine < u tirade h lie ge. i- and tiding how found the !;t-t lvtl»T U sei/mi ;11 \\i;h is.- ■: lift: if' i«Ml' put cs has ed a bill e.»nf« rriuu they i' | ■ er* Fahrenheit. tnre pa— and were >< > I v* "H U i nui|»s, prolile estimates completed 1 a!1:11a■ noil.- pp,--i d nine am! 11e .uni-lib to the March number of the a in eg .*1 tin word to he a wind U Iti' ii a «ir>'\v i’u n.nii *• ii;:« a i‘ .. ! •' ■ < women. gentle -elosing Ilf- III it- **• ii :* n •! The Maine Central liailroad w ii upon •B I' i e '. iP-.ieW. "I»',es American This seems a little like ancient tor ii-* ietiei- tl,, -ai-l : “Please s»*ml on six ounces hi‘t**»y ill.- ■ a t lii.- i.l .. '!'* 1 cars ; ■ 1 ■ *■ build luo box anddoo freight ears the coin- h» • •'' i1' 11 "t1 ii I >11n 11• 11 ::• ■: l-'aini; I' .- I he 1 ion I,ur- hi- —rd a Dili is l.ittir |n. jm-: xxliich Dr. The Mi-hiuan leui-lallire pa Ol geiiti*. wild." l iie* merchant and clerk were: year-ago where we now bvewnsu ■ giiii«•! twenty pvaitie .t. i. 1 ing: '•*a-on. 'l'h* will be built •t oak. and i;. noi ls I'n -ji.nrt.rr t '>'«■ l-i w ami vv .• y it will faet> hold the otli -e ol placed 1 Iv on !ii« Thai ina asks, md In- aiisxvers and liir- allow women to vote for and gt-t ali\ am-'/ •! wle.-u t lie* ge»od> thegv hael oriler- ami now it i> a ■' ■" ic,uired their const «-•»11:n»11- li \? 'ii h t< lion li-*ii 1.1 lx ,-i i in tlm lian!" u! ures xx him x\ id convince except in I >etroit. ei /.mie 11» hand aid le.w il Won’t do te> call jilt; everybod) sehoo! inspeetor one of them n- ::i. .1 every thinks there i- n-> like 11i an 1 A'1'.- | a ■ i- tion. p! II -- lit.' -i i' ami •-! h '.l al H "li. ii’iiiy laim ntaliii h throw- the those pei-smps x\ ho p-e i| ively wib not consent a! t i. •; e-1 ihb- hu.e-nt for unless \on are » F. F. na-* Mis.-.... r. ! zephyr ■ olomd lioothhx, cent ral (o !man artilu «»l!i*---r I vm u!. ■ i' "id, <•;•< n t-» uini the passt mm-r lobe. im-ed. Ue armies with <_•, eat force A r> Minnetipoiis. am, respeei! A * J po-dhle corniplioii, m in- | am-nt of t!.:; Maine Central and Mr*. ■ ex for shells. It;* a e\ I ha> he* ii ma le I railroad, a1 a r; 11;: 1 r. xv.. 111d ha\ e been new plosive W. F Bi.m k. hat *»f In-p-..\\ III hardly adopt- powerful Ml !• •:! •. v !*'i rt- o •: 1 m I la il iefi Cortland March tor an «-x- arid. < I !:a 11"' Iii»»tliby, bill, -• 1 iifactiired from earbolie A II.\l* \\i' a iil< k. News and h i- -I to a I at«T extent !.an 11.-ued f.ji aeta-rations in this eountrx All'.iny Minneapolis, Minn.. March ... i**1. p a tarn m v. ai ••: w t' lii- t t cm led South and Mix i«o. mil a on man rail- ■«»i.-Ii I i| )-o.-r i* :n •!'. I to■"«• a -e- do iimiu a rip through is 11..! furnished an reward to the Aiiiid:i> eiiiii-’ y m; not had ample A steamer with a mililarv > xped,- 1 Spanish Mm- i*l t». woia I. ;.u lln- i- I'- .:a is ■ -. i; ed ; \vo of oiir 1110*1 indies j- nil : .. !;i i! 1 ill* 1 1 if 111- 111- I III!- :i"" of oll't-mv.". land ‘••.-linu and siren-.: h and the upon popular y mim; j iioll^ll \• »i v .\ : 1i: vv v«. \.\ <11'i \ ! i:; xitaiilylo tioii on board Ire been lost .>t] the I’liuippiu* in !..• ... s;i u of He wa> set- Town Klntions. .1 -i lii.ndi. <1- of ca-i'- :i;■ from tlm police >i :!. : ai. I. ii •; e.'X-e; i, u an indiistrx whose portion the city. ill \-. ili-i. ~ ,I| ii fi lil t'i i'if I up Islands, and I- persons perished. •■' In a ..ill interview regard in <; tin- work of down I" an eiiti conversation in- U’l. the in-i are ran- when- eoiivie- ha- im-ivased in \ ••:«!> (from ls.7.) to tling rtaiuinif III -Im- 1 a ti '• 'I very prodm-t N'HM II II \v in. Mo-ierator, A I, .V ■■■;:: nil II I ll< \ — lie la ui'lattire 1 h .1. II. Man!. i... Ill .. | ■'. J have •••■ii secured. I !m reiru'ar |ueseiitative KT:»i from '-1.r.uu.cen j. :?.iiuo,«MM> must have The Illinois Senate lias a bill p ... I- spiji ! I>\ Hu i air charms of a youti-' lady on tiiinir passed ml o w n K. < mirtuev {:• ■ liit* jui-fiit tin-, ami a. > “The of which t lie b. 11 lias •:i<• ii si’li' \vh ii was heard a rlerk, Crabtree. 1.■«• i, :, tin 'Ml. 1 ’’.:i M I' alii '■ -III t t Ilf 111 I I le; !i -lam! a tew terms Oil the Market and says: charge extravagance had -1 ei'eai d. al to xvith the in.; rates in that Slate and suddenly there urowing pros- telephone ■■ VI ■ so uel .. l:i\' 1 .! a I' I n:. Ii.i Ini' been made certain newspaper' t<» the Home. most \ of some ItttU: chick in V.( rorki It, Otis II. Krni. <.. | |., tr. a -1 )<<| ■■■ freely hy ot IN eountrx and must have been al- been ]>it;ui I ... i -I •.. u li 'I'M "I sill perilx reported favorably j .1111 i' entin Iv without foundation. The r-cord- *■« > el one nm ii r-." i am .a ! n m m .• | l‘ii vv -I a ! ,-!'r i- a mu ien h d b\ wren I ilidix idual Min i'", III the dc- ill'll'' !" it'd of the yoilllji ladies. urrr. Ilenrv L. Smith; < ha.'. W.'i m »| •, pro--in_- "inn,though 1: i; s. supervisor, will -h »w 1 indued lie lb ekonin^' Dakota as a >tate. M:.—o 1 N a In that hi' Legislature Ini' !.! '.X ell eas of •non i*! iiu little eiiiekeus has lost its mother:" • •"I rn lion an- ii.. u oi-i in : .-•.art h eoimtv at lot m*\ is eade |s7Uand I^Utlle ill- ‘•i a II ; > Hi |:t season to n i- I tlm ahlrruonil truant .... 1 is Slate 1 hi~ '■ 1 IK' <• iiehl, and reduced laxation after thi* v.-i- III*' eighth ii:.s| i; v cx.-ii'in-Ix r'flf, made a rush to re- iu_- j- al llii« he i" alllmteM vv it’ll an public pn»due|s iicarlx luu per cent., I l-iai'i'. Ii v. I r."\v i"- -■ n hia' M to extend tlie sliti'r 1-e to worn* n. >y*-r; pound keeper, K. < al-tre. i- '• a ■- \ i:iop than ixth ot the entire '•'ale | in \f ill. iii! e -ni ivr. I hat eaii't he." '.aid her -up-i 1 •' I 1 S< use Ot ! he m .a "."It of rh ./ and in the last oi mis dec ide He imre.-e, proposition I 11 I I tit" year a a •. ill !. -iti'-i -. a lar ill"!.' j.. •. ,i U"e'> Mlellt. so that the tax paver wii! ait. ! ion. ••the noise is in t he room here. 1 do highways. Matthew I.eadhctlei. K. < .< r-..•• /- I in- ini all- that all the \ nr « mirt d. •• d* pan \\ i.I a I !:• '> The West ir-ini.: Sup till' lull loll .. 1: it v -! i.-. i' ini' 'ear lind that hi'tax > I, lino. n i! roost !. ( mu' carver. \\ t: ;t m-. •1 '**•••■' "I the a-. then on receipt 1 >r. I. u inu limls tin i'.•>1' 1 hi-* :i>t iml;; Irv woii'k ii H I hmi has mine to in the lawis, lb I.. r. !;. !. *n.o'I U-jiior (io\. \\ I so 11 shall Imid <»\. until He In- hi«. heretofore it i' that t ie that p' i- IK’, >li i-:. V .* *■.,•! U i.h!:« * h I'* ax I" I-vv paid, true ! » Im tin* till? i\:it i-»U >! til--. air : the mm- eii-au* d in chicken collector. Ira < arver .-pi (.() r« u die— «•! ‘Tops whirl) < and Fleinin la la da idt jiarl'o y lady C*uinn: -alar. has the 'alaii.'. mine test In t\veeii Jutr a Mi n i- ..I i ■. I i- not an n; Leui'lature itcrea'ed •! to -i local mark. ami tin- I ll kill ;i' 'll>' \\t Id ail ou r the room, in-i in •pn a-lapP t. occupation peepim; hie. Ira Carver. It w a- voted t<. i. j -. 5 nited pi Ira town --An I'M '.’A -a a HI.. !' IV l; i. a .a n»-l in 1 charge- for rein.,.!-; s.-,o t< •! :r. A -i: <■ irate to about sd.noo r annum. Rut there i' >< 'm'Ii tin- alt *r;.. I., !.,\\ -wvi p. \it univcrsa1. !mt it to all the ohh r for a as soon a' Hie mah -ad- elcdfs and tanies ii- a fmith-ss search for tin* "iht_\ pimj- applies pleasure trip l! ..1.”. II- ... '- .a j Sri.I. III ill a 1:. h 11 low, '1 a-i no Mate oili. er who r« ive> an a.h- s e e !• High III"Or; | |. j 11 '. i" '.-Hi I iii' l' X I'V "i 1! drunkeum— i- an to-day -rrti'.lls ol t lie C 1.111 it IV. ami Lro( with «livers j- will inspect the 1 a. i! i IP. '.ways. I.nan! ‘'ii' e*i. .lust sh- was pcepin-' into journs: they 1 • '' = * • for the I ■* I' !•» ! 'Im- ! '< '-ill »■- '!■•;"• i; hard to vvh\ i;i:n. 'alary service.' performed. ! in I ri* win .a \ ; nil ]'••> the 'O'li M'litt;. i:oi her mil-- uttered a repair of rinds ami \ 1 nat I I |> .’•I -1 t: >\ it should m-t In* !i‘ i list hex create lar.u'- j y lady hri'lge-. •' has a 1‘1'a liueii t. ,-ii M I mean h\ that. -n« h a as would t*.r The Woman'raue League a a > > ., < .!!.•! If n*d'h» !. a; it ii i- not. it i- hard lo i-ahny pav ami low n'. 1: is in ieaioiis where imiiistrv is -er< am ot -y id ; j i 11 _r ii-r hands with dc- srhool r.ouniriire tlir lir \ » c»|ii.all\ ,i High M.-mlnv in limi I •A I '. in:’ i! 1' I'M, •!. Tr. like 'crv !>•<•' With atlV |ioi;>e. : commit ion ot NN on an "ullraue s. i... '■ < ! li" VV i'd'Ui! "t all foi lII roll\ iroo.l hll'illes' ti»:i! ta. in s! for a national ii'.'. 1. rit out. ••Her. it is ! I've found it?" ai V tu n a t. a '. :*• I nr till- of iet ion. ili\er>ili' <1 iamis reach the -Trait her. \ ote.l to the ... ml v onM ii I '■ -7 r\rin11; inhahitai t- i inere.i'.d have, with the e e be held ill New 'l ork and :,| ! I la ... HI I 1: illl a i."l < o-. i. The appropriations ; \' is I. a p 11 to Aprtl A ;11 1 ad. !'he little chick was ;• J: ,'i rai. |*i 'i id it i- ife to -a\ xalur. hiis \< Y• •;■! Matr laml xalucl perched :.•’, Ill,,- a. .1 11- a. -il -i 1. i! of the islamI- 11 .on labor roaiI ta\. > |. "Ill, 1 ! "i "lie "a-- for the nlarire- art ;• s;i' at soil .-lit; I'm eia\at of the caller not a.' a'- nr-'.i ti.i r- .i\v til in "line- to trial. e\epiio11 appropriation at i t M r. in M hll'f! t' 27 per eomp; y upon .ii n i! ;• lilt> tar art of \\ a '.. -a _ n;C.'- Kii't \f:r ti t; tit **! t t*«»^i. 1 Ml 111 of the Mate Iloll'e. lieell VVhollV for I'i "it on life i- a I»\ at re. in N- w .1. i-ex a: lb aria*, in llli- a 1 .. h\ elii i« :u 1 ill one in I he ot a I'm.-N. Moderator, A lb.Hint M drill-ion which per in < ranb.-rrx shape 1 •! w 'Ml' i' m ! eoilllty lilaek is < \. II if,i ii I-I : in '■■•Ill diphtheria epidemic ■ i.l sir, ami ! I i iir ait- tn'-tm* to ■X r a la hai ilahie and educational i- ■:;' aei. -e fir! in w i Hi w as attached a little rubber > I'e \\'>|;l relir\e ll'l' III' purpo>e>.*’ i' .it --7 pi r j;. \\ sin ai >'T! :'»D <■ *’ I it II. I’ '• pin. ami assessor-. Uiirt.n. I li. o. \ .. ll|o||(i!ony \ earwo eol Illy, and Uei.j. Littlrimlr, .a I township. — la-. I-:- In m- -1! oi ■:••!. .!•. 111 11«• at a-- .'•• t!i n i!" j ia»--ii|o. the 111 "iv i-tlir*tth( olVeml-r From -n .lata i >; I.oriiiu mam- 11in >i: the o l of v\ uHi was a bulb, pn lilt >1 All: V VI.I VI Ii >N com.MISSION. are elo-ed and ! ini- b*r- by \. Iliitler clerk, Warren t r< a-i, r. 1 >. M-v. «•! Hi •'li-. •• Idle schools peblie Hill-, A t- '• 1 A 'I ! 1 S "III 1'! ! IIS i II e -. and’ that if he liter- it in m > t li’ii tarnis e .iiituam! _.I in s ami i.u w lii' h the nn mil urn I of a iii He chi.k- ii m.-rai kI.. < o,i-:• a a.a i :V ,« I i _• I | p ery hv < bidden. Iftirkct low n !•. \ A :»• 1 1:1 .r 1 1 >r. \ .'oi lie-' a-.-- he (io\. I’nrleiuh Inis onnlie*. maiial d from 11' iii! month. agent, 1 may .-ailed forward and appointed a:*- in ilrinaml w In ;v an '•Mt'‘rori«;iuvr ami iv- it. oi ,i an1 mm. tat oal a -. Ili. i;: — it- -l|. If \\ i • Ili ■ tic- follovvina a' State Valuation « mu- line O' lie I.. Haitlett: eollretor. A W. .•I It ! HI i-ll"d pel’e III pt li v Tllev ax tllll" permits hti.s\ p *p11!a! i• is i in .ii\» '. li- ! imliis- ,|,,hn 1 >. "preekles s.|\s bis stramsbip ! ■ v. I. 111i"i• )tc i'. under the i.xilve hv tic A Mi rit Vim i> I' mm of I *} H ••!' ?i.» \Tf o-.'l la -I -o|*t "Word ov. r id j.a.'scd tr\ a in I w la iv t. i«• I• F a lilmta! : tween S ii Kraii-'i'i'o and Samoa \\ id probabl\ A.respondent tow 11 voted to raise .~.'>"iio for ordinal'. town j crop > '■ I i ‘it last m \t Ha S dp o-'i. ua! tel I- he follow in- : I h" M ’i' ',' i-. sometimes he _•.> Legislature: ami art in -o.» i In < ,U'r tin ir inn "11110-1 and New /. 'and altei story .... -a" im .• i;.ti' i' •luinu ilia! thex ilmiiaml eii!- no! |o pens.-- ; .so.-.o for the of a r*. I m aim ; -I. W. While .nit v. alkin- ei wbh a we purr|,a eidly Irieinl ; .1 .'iii I" 1 If « u I "■ and ""imtime- lm d"e-n‘t. and Ilia' tixatioii is That there an unprof- olu r. "<*• protitahie. ■ loil for free -r!;ooI I a .1- !' tiJ. Aroo'took Niehohl.' I’ol I I nine n a aid ail itself. I imtieed high an-i rT'1 ! < t;r e\ ed forward. Fe"elldcll, itable farms m maiix of 11.- •crates v i. it n t up. r;.\ey by lii it.-.-lii.ii:,-: 'n- ..a .v a (■ •••"- ... f inv. s: mMm ■' li ■!. p.\ < mine ut agents w it*» ar. Hire* w 1 :o- e,iari*ie s'ahs iii a row and ii'ked the town house. t !.••-• The my r- t.- ;t,. : .;11- rniii'- !i- r. t in f hit hav«• In en p!:.e. ! n tile only ||«»ui the i-t sI,;.t thex ar- abamlom*.I l>x tln ir 11 a ! M: l.V |•* ii tli- -I t a ii In • in the \\ i' o;m:i» r« !■ _e !: ;■ ml win wu- re. 1 ... .'inhialand Hiram Ivicvvlton, Portland. tlie alb A'd timber frauds t lie He told •' -* ...M : a oxvm )-. it is a fart. plant'd ■ i i. v'P* I -1 11: T 'll:-! ii M -I | i Ibit sfrikm- al-*o. that Tlioi. II. ! St.. in,!at,a \ ..It; •• t! Ii!-' h.r. Ini 11 no \a t \\a ci y\ |, I- oh Franklin I >. to Ih an. W il ton. rv- lions have discovered foundation met!. tin* lb!--• wive- of a man livin- iT*'" v *•! m\ a! lorn, v did m.t mm. to fen <• them ex > ii xx in iv tia- ntiiiii-t r .| farms .liminislirs, >; t.m• in j.;- > n ~ 1 m a ; ni.on-l, rirrk : U K. stole Haiti i.i.i: \. Hr I. -wu.. •- 1 * 1" S 11 alie. tek d 11. 11 amor. I. lell. for ! lie eharnes. m :. T'n h all da <1 in 1 >a\\ sou eoun- | P’ li- I tot vv d .ii !!i« -e eases. I la a J Ill ai e: o 'at ;e iv a-e i' t he riilti- M’ •.! Tin .U-t P M Hi il\ H- ••t s i- \ I "I At mu bee >. ( < and alter tin "id n an moved to W .. !• ■ tin. n ». f. :. i.H-, < "''Xi :i-i e Iv I Palmer, Lit diner. [ *y Lumpkin lie Hay 1. i-e- him him I- an- xaliott i' liaiisionm- i t■ in- kimllx acres. ■ t ha\ e H !i. H Ml'1 1 -«*»'«•< »•- Idt and < tnadi an b. vernnieiil> .... |< ai.'i •• a an ::i *• A 11 Fnnli'h ;•«•!i■ ■.. d to n 111<• \t the remains of Iii- i a! 1. -sir!. hi I I iit a- Knox i>. II. Inirraham. Rockland. x\• dead tee : .John r.dii .-bo v|. \ i; \\ 1,,■ ami a-; m:iu- H i-m i. 1 r. ■!. u fl «M li'a "t the e.-iielv attol lieV-. ami Farms xvel! -:! nun-1. well rulti- aim (.rtehell, lit t.*r. all-i 1. •M'- 1'ra- •' 'U sidi/e m a li'.u of s. an :u e«I to i; tie : s«, ;i; n n! unearthed >01 .1 i'-Ho f. j •>:•!'• ill* i a Line,.in R. Partridge. W hitclield. them and ■> •' tii | rails* of tin .• ni x atei|. an aiwax >lii i! o' treasurer. i.ii-e-l for Id! .<• ! v : trait i*u t hat I !i a■■ -oat 1 h-’ a lail- pi whie'e are to run betwe -II l.o. rpool :ue! ipau Money j-!."inl; '• x :: il iii' >.** 11. W. Ret he I. a i io.-ed M. 1 hi >aii.e wa-ou for ■--•••' ;■ Ami j 0 ! h* 'aw. It j- not an nm-ommoii «».\toid Woo.inmy, In summing !ii a.I\ ant:i-_e- i.f the \im.ri- j transportation. a :: n sr. ;• Ilium up eoniuio!) s-'.o t :rr 'nigh -eh-|.',a .1 v. a h ll.r ".V;. -a a ni" v w n: | < via \ all eol IN er. < school-, lion .’.mi. ■. ! ri .* i. im-ni. pe11olot■ 4 !'. A. armed. Mi tie howi ta', tin* remains of the 1 11 fo; a <• a-. to -land a v* ar or more oil tin d.i«*ket siuipsoii. < a ii etimmi!' :t\. hr. I.orinu y. t-rminu '•!)>: s * -. m ;• r.• town I .eon. It \va- i: at i". i.ti'tit that Mr. hi- haw tr: !’ .- n;a w. m mah iml:--l- P i' \. W. (Lillian. Fe\er..fl. Line mi: ini* mix- d i i;«• Win unable to charge-, ••! ,.n j -I" tlm -t .ai-.a--. Wi hr ... li ami ’• "ii* ii*. > n. a a me .1. (i. Rchard'oii. Rath. > v r> '-in/' :• t‘> aim•.•' their bom s. Ile lakaa kth 1;, ; j lx.: should he •/-,*' and lo-kni upon a- ! i-t •,.-|«»r x that the lesson /.ibar s.i\ that a-.-ordm P* nat by in;, '■< am ">)>< •*impar- S'anle;, |.. ,.vih 1.- .; a. -t ir-!.1 w ;! ii oilr Mm! *i" T* I *• ill s nier'« R. F. P.arllett, New Portland. son. ■; !in n. ••:! i!u i'c-t he eoiiid and XaJ fie « Heel *»! this i- had ill all wax-. tan. ii; I»v h:m e- i. a pnu t h- inimls of s.iim? of i' m I" v:a'a Hm !.e-t planted A Summer lintel on 'I at -II, ports, irehisiu rapid.) Wianaeook lake*. I:, 1 111 > 1 !ii' as -! lli- -• ii-.i ft w Waldo A. F. Niekei-'oii, swaimllc. 1 hem. ! the told friend. m! W tie-- hav** died <*r aoim tile lie ts! ; Iii, .1 O i, II .Hill 'lory by my n I 'l.i fill 1 may old **f tlm !;■•(:_.!: publicist- eojist ot A friea. Ivin' •' a o ,;u' -"ill* I am; -o iii* mM- ! larlm-. W a>hii!U'.oii II. i ir- I ie I la a k 1 i!i t 4 i i; a 1 id le ad I fie i t t ‘n a -o x n< ■. "i tin -oiirt. ami in an\ * vent the "ountv lienjamin Murra;. of the < >! 1 W -i M. 1 In a I: e it! ii >u <>1 the p apl)s. li'hing excursion ia ami _• ei.. u. n. It a.' Fuu- * I- < ■ "i‘ ’t I, oil c ’• | W < '• : !• Ip- ! Ik 1110-1 a! "111. v hrokc. ( aiu 1 >a ", in. ed11 I ’i• 11 tie y are : “Here lies Sarah, i- !<-- wil'il— to pro-a elite am* till Iis 11 farioer. liiseour.i e-i ■; the a-rieiiltura! apt at Winnaeook Lake .me of the tin. 1 >. -• ,. v. '. I ■ a a i ohm la -.••ft ---i; A a- II ill. ( .. ’.'s and (‘ouriei. ir and i, mn of Martha, wife of lii.’I I'M 'i, ’.in ia\ i a-- to e. 11 \ l*'| 'i -rk John North Lerwick. .n mp t., n » ton. s. N. pm jam willing and till: evidence iiepi‘essi iimi him. has :t!Ii•.| to the Mrs. Howe Luierv was the oniv m .. *-» a> t* «* r a -. M of. >. a I u a1 v. -! ". I a -a, it-- !Irtss5»s a -■ are to meet March JOtli. b\ Dr. F. 15. M'i>>w. Hied I I (mile to rest." Tile !vi mu hi- t i I h •’ !• r !■• 'ill*' a I * a of time, h j- Thev eiin11 ast !•< txvi ii tin markt I -ara-red to tin- party, caught pi. Ha* n. U* tm ! 'i"11h1 vv hen il lead- t" t r nt a i-i an.I ih- xxliinl: Dow is in eiMod'• memory tin.- h. a f amt --M .-it -;.li in. .tin" ‘‘I ‘- the ran-fi 'I v its k > <-1 mi: i»A r 11 s I li- m III'. sheep ;astures siirrouinl i ii. a 1 im -I k* in 1 m'a I ne ■ oia! v. in id and also a inches long ami weighing .'e, p.oiml- ami ,:• 1 1.. It -1• v I '!!•■■ < a! l:i' _" l.!X •: "I eases t" tl»" ', inn>iv of t h- _i. at e :es ,,j liis 11wii n.imti-x. It «■ v*. il! om-r ltiort -!anr. a in hi-<•. .lit -in*ee.*ditl-f ""tint Tin to ml» of Henr\ Ward P»e. i :• r iu (. r■« ei:- -j.;.rk;- I i:: ■ ill! il.- \\ a- I her* re 1*44 .diurehe' ii. Main.-, I: uif' id a -line and Mal tha w in- -ot I.e the ever taken .1 v.|..» ran know or -I Rapti't h: tiern ‘ii- '"X ei e.| tli •! t In \ .. r; an sx stem largest Ir.ou tie lake. Hr k m alioru*;. iifth* nothin"’ w as wills ll -W' r Mai el. Mr. th I’.ol.U a’- I. a I -la wood < >| leWII n e. i- > -. ml « "I.rt. io’: li *•« J* ;v>:i «>l jreat 'C. •.1 transportation. two hook-, ioit tin- tliinl hPn. M ! a) popu- S b\ a till Illbe ot is it or s. ll u a ine I aptmvd i- :. I ml >d nc.-in a iiumlier If" *2'is hail ! ha i 'a. ii H ni ! Ir .-1* o\\ ir- •••!: ..-Mil Im: ■ ■ hers, by ISA. ill s-il\ "f noil** tor laei\ of *-\ idem «*. lar < oiilt nl ain ami aeeoiu- today, A'leep. ■ •• * pro--ini; rity. anni\ eivarv of bis death. thought -lie had a whale att ::r|ir.I In ■, 1.■ .. ai 1 ■*•■ !*isl 1 a!- v ear hi fore ht't. I'li. v were iz< I L -!• 1 ie i'll i lea 1' : *">iie is -o||e. m,.. ‘-mil’.!;- I’I-- ni at v aliorm v win* tin*!- I he indiei im-ni reported Rapt <1. as it i-. I.\ -a; -1 ami ei*. il pani oppor- for a w hile it w a a it. a m. -to n; a v n- I:*.'I more hv 1 PJ than the numh, re- > u whci n ."•»;■ ;m -. o ! -o' iii •- ■ ar, dll. 1 aro!;ue. third ift* of r> ; Iht 1.' W i,.t -Intnid irv d. t lie Olid* 1 -! a *.d t I-, surroamie.l. .• i-. 1>\ the fpr insitu- I : ! Sill ill:' »»> i' *- ill : w > ! le-i ill the eediiia vear. III 74 chlireic an -d i!:« lU'lili' ot both Mal tha Woii’hI get ftiu* li-!t or tile li-lt vet a r; ia.i 1 | ! ii.-tm , i!i" h. I!* r 1 hau !.i- -ii ■•■*— r ran —-dd\ I- pr ti'Hts o! «.ur laml. at •m'. 'l. a- i> is. I»\ the of Hermann l\- nat m- 1 | tin b-a-. mpin-ki. •! I u« r.f tii. e were 1 i'iii'. lea v I To in which there r mi V d a I o 11 ■ M apt ilia; ■ 114 with her." few bui'n-- a i blisters on her ii'.oo •: !:!. II n M r-i'inl it. oiiiitv AI torn* \ hiiuPii in- seliooili tien:i I •> liami- « m --'!••! • \ ■ i• •.\ were none In each of 7 emirHc-' I h. w d !•• hi' urn 1 'p... I for a Mi. ii"- t baptized. -• s in :t*-d l».-*- and hi '• I. roi,s! ailt all to X i* W i)"'!, -oseminent. -h< him to tie surlae. 1: rP -• ; .jtieathed pui’li oreilpit tin Russian brought Mr i: o U I « > M" r I vva' received in Id,onlv J: ... a- a. on ; he dt '«■• ti.• ; M* ; »u tin "i‘. o;h> hy l»:ipt i'ln; so ip >oi.;f and p. -"111 do* krt tin t" ar*' a-"- m-vv iiiaox. it i-oi.sti11111 tin foumlation on sight lie u as. in II. onlv in J. milv 4. The ehurche' re- liruli I’in lp-, clerk in the 1 ii o '.: .• a i. j.- tear I ruin c I 11 ial. *1 liter to * til all and X'hi 11 !'■ *t -i'eat un Sitai at:-. !\.-r'*at •!*•_• j my ey ■ \*!> I. a ill a iii. nily » r ... th '• Winnaeook ,kr i ; ”, i! 11 V 'll** tin lara<'t numl-er of an-: N;,I A.I. N. V.. locked the a-i.ii N\ lib -Uii k alei iie s;||\ turned a'wa'v tt <• •I' 1 '"III t lie im-Ul* 1.1 to that porting l.apti'ins of eliara* ter. ureal a ami amhttion. I Iii; ami deride.” amI rpri'e 1 H: s*2iS and starti ".' I "-e W .a uiili-s in «'reunii. rein-. ,-nir.. 1 Fcr 'tfeet. Portland. 47: North Haven, > bank into the* c.mIt, stole ! il' luell o;.d a! oil- -• 1 a hr •i-m- n '""in- 'if !< i- now eom«* t" *»nr pr- -* nt\ To toe praet -a! w : k tin aui -mil lira I e. >ii-- c \ "A ml on •*'.•«* ir; •! 5 !i.*i: «t T i ; •<*•< -1 Fu-'t. Portland and Livermore Fall.'. 27 eaeh : < ana-la. but ss: fai in- ami ai01m:■ i.<0 a Ur; j f"; i" i,' ir 1, io a \oiimr !lari!r. dors l.mnitx h.-i w j. j r :ei in -1 ;. imo over, is captured. containing |.,r .Ml. ■.!’!•' ■!’’ Winter llarhor. Jd; JO: se -oinl, Rin- ! Amity. or lam _■ «• \ white mi rli ami .-thci li-li. \\ In h\ li1:a> •xx'i.. i he I ii I r«m h or a < ilex! «! m! ba-s, j i- profit II is xpi te-l that by duly ;.i..m jV •::•,!!*. I on. a !: "• o a-e Is; First. Roeklaid. Id; Hiarli >ton. Id: j .ie- >' i ;• Hot, imli ell. ilia! ->! ai. hut tin* \!e|i I of *•■' n< sv !a inches in i- m>i on m in-j»n w have in n h t t"i tin; eon-tru- ii-m length ueo.. Mr •■•->' '• 1 •' s !i id «-*!•'-. h.. !•- •' .- ... m -! A I. ••• V m in M I lli 1 "■ '• ml Pc rv\ jek. II; Le* IVnob'eot aid llar- ’jIx.m '* II. was 1 i t i«- him an* ardnon-. the Am !-• an Jerri; i> -i- a. he I i x •■r'i'x of ■ .it in It. I upon war \I'ssi'i- wlii- li will inert a-, the ton*. is a h< •< I <01 i|,. Vl, -1 ,| linooii. PI each: Watervilh*. keiinehunk. routemplating reeling 1 a it. * i-r it.- >s -.1 .a a s s rn-li-II It' ;. t" tin in!' W.* ru-t -•>. 'I ll **\« our '"ii Mini 'lull a f, that tin 11 i m Ib.OUO tons. W iml'or and < ambrcLe, PJ eaeii: < »rieiit and thennsy by any of thi' hra nil'll! lake Co lie- belied' o| 11. a are he •' Ii t'li*' n him. N-> than hi- let's 'trin to ein*uiU'Cri!> 1 ami aeeiihmtal. ■ i" It 1/ liu’i: in an init n *t nm mory -*• ■■ 1 '• li! W iuslow. in each. iih- > »ldi. v isitors x i- i-I\' d o! and w<* w hiie he it i- xx ;■. iia ,n! Thr in the M- Alli-ti-r\ l’a.. tin.. ii \v-o.M n a n.a p a o Ml I him. ami almost buys 1 ... t > iul) an\ion-ly pro-p. > .• I :*n• \V?:i !i d. M A ! : < a., l't rent I \ a nr, Inn ■ ■ wlm -i the diu t•«i- ."i >ay — irr ; ai.-n lo -. e li it will he j-liool, pu/./.h by ap foliage a- .pipe ,e i i,P P- :Maim 1 •• 'V: ! * n *••!-•* 5 Im < ••• ■' ’• i:. b, 0111111- .ii-ane time am-, has-' !« I" 111- I In :• I IT.". i: li _ I 1 oh i_- I to bear the lull leU' of taxation, I Mr. t Il -! I !••!:. < W. (. oddard at tin- Mai in (,. n- heavy parentis Ij.llin nil. Oil. mile t" 111. ,1 tr. -1: a a •. ’* •mw \v:i- died v i>' r tin wi iv >hammiu-. i: with xxaues of 1 al"ir xasflx ureal, r than in la.uifessial iha.t y •!*,.■ •! s Lincoln and Hamlin. eral I! a I, Portland. Sattirdav. M and* !.»i l< any /!••!! liriu ] |- 111 !l" I I Kill M'\ "Illy 1 1, mill I the po.-t 11 Ili■ l.u |..|- III,- I ran .. -• •' i1 V. ii.i Mi v ■"! I i* 1 "I >-pit W l.: o. ; of the count t ies ,.f xx it ii ,..t ■! Farope, tin* personal em.i stoni ii trouble, lie was born in I in the W 1-stern i I 11\ » will be on I lb:- .. ,• M -»*!' !\ -* ml i,»:ii l*.- tin- 'The work -lone ar» \ ":it liftet n ear-s u:;o he mar- gi.- ami the i:oi-r creep.i >i mu- .jaii. I III -I l:\IVIM .I1M m i: * *1 llll' I K'M' I IM> nts *.f the tanner ami his in- by y y spring Portland, graduated from Bowdoin in Nl. r-ipiin-m family on I na nan rat i m i > 1 w.- •. ■ i: " I» :*!.•' <.|-a 1 < y < -• I :i *!' in* oinpnus >ti next setts-01 ami lo the 1 bH« Pi \ '• I \ll.s -Ml I \ I KIM'S II \(i I \ (’ 11»I M\ en .s; 1 l»\ '..rial ami t!ie pi ia d Mi' A,im.I vi I »n had the tare openc.l p -■ •• and from the Harvard law school in DPI. lb ohiiuai'oiis natural of i-m- I Mai;. M'if. I oar a niir.o a'. !' A ■ .A ■: “. .!:•! \\ "i;M more than double that any pr- ... tleinai-is oi p ami w e Wharl will I.e made till- -- 01 i r-t. allow Mil- In slab- that the lilM intim::- w the l.i't attorney of A ndrosco-pin e-p:tn>ihii• |irojile, ot tiiai "! 1::- i:i■11 i -i:' w v.fii i' old a- himself, i.i ... .r- il :*• :tlio\v* -I cunt), work in the history -'oipauv. iiaxe h eii ::h'e io e..nipet- a the ai'aiu markets ■ and serv- <1 from Is'»4 to 1>.'i7, was a Mate m a ■ :i "I .. M I* .I I•»r_*■ r Io t'"!i t Ini i be I I Ii:* t i wa* to be < J a ♦ * •wn !ii' hai I'. Mr. I*»i i iwel!*s M-lil .... i | I iij>oli the wrl'l .x m!: w in some in ator in Is;»s and ls.V.i, Pr*-id«iit <»t' the Senate of the those !n>. instances, I lu ia -f a mali-miM ty pc i- pr* a.i Transfer* in lira! SMulc. •t \v !.:•*.■ iii i.i-* IN r- '' >ipht 1 i Hi) k ! with \biaii.ini Lincoln came to me are fiirnishe'l with laml fiat <>!' p nl ami taxa- l’1.. \ ted he rexi-tenet a in lvV.i. » oiisul-u’eneral at ( from at St. I’- t 1 Tsbur-, Franklin eounly ! -, m_ ‘A o < I ii V* I.i * i i r I > oiistai.tiiioplr tion. amt w hose m ees-ari« -•! lit are so small -elm..Is and -in-in- ela-ses leu ! ■ ■.■ ! •. .i. ht '-im! .'A' w a- 1 !■•• u The toll.iu :» -in ir II- il lie ii ••! I'll;. '."I* '•■!!'a X. I W a* in;i to Dot. jndp- of the < muhcrlaud countv tin ehurclies, itlow w ! ii oi iif«- iii -ln-rilV s si»s ami whose tiuti'-s are lew that the fonner 11 hIi»■ nu tii fortd-1'ien. *f !.. IrUi.iii war ui 1 >:»«». M r. WaMo '■'•HI.I lor lilt- Work .1.: Ma b 1- ■ court from 1 to |s71. of elose,| and p pi ; .;.: m'Ul* *1 eiiehp in my mom. superior postmaster 1 seem into!- ral I- at; •!.• ?:i’t• r in insiutiiti- I.• •• w io < Portland from ls71 t»» lsst. commissioner for _;ft a |»t i,'!o5i from oii- l\-tate ■ 'Nioina- •' Mi-t in. I ! \! t. u i- -arm .. «• sittiua it hi- h. -i If with hi- ’a :f. nator Fessenden. Senator eaiit ami ;>. i:•!. I n k ,11 of ;h \ ineri. an While Ii lit' had tin- i't- I.. the revision of the statute- of Maine from I'-'-I i'. i-’., M .-ante town. .I'-: rt \ nr .< a art i.l I- I •- 'i'ilU|s.;:.\ lil-lit. A. W TwontMy. -v h i In* i- with tin- most ii> ale-ut |0 .,'eli.ek — t i rimes, •! tie of 1 ow i. an*I a nu mber of to ot medical m farmer, : : I*ii? •!>e!d 11• \* r mi I".;, ! 4 ■ I .. K .M i 1 Iii- a 11' professor jurisprudence ol t.aie ii'. A to I:. t A. il,I .i nr.11 1.. U.i I"p uenioii' i"e in! 1 luaeliin. r\ a nt eiti/ell •••• the Maine medical school since was ami a'nl ploluilii I man ;• pu -it I !-.• matt, r em-r- .1 •; ■ ii. 11 s\; tin Imus* from Maim* constituted tin? IM’J, and W. party; Inaamie an ,-t ol at ioa v|;i,t d, ad by s:,mi 1*111 a! Id- will i .ini-o'n>. illr, to A !i.-o >. < m i. !o\ chairman of the police commission of Portland h:i' atiiuh ami imita- 1 i 'a w -in our u- :I- I ie .kina *•;.: wa* tion. 1 xx ell ii/. i Iioim* -i iIn* Ynieri- \ I< \v \Vt !.- K I'm.. ( a 11 I. !o | > _, I :; Ji:-1 in lb leaves a widow ot -*immoils, a i*e i\ aM-i m»vs ;> ; -. ’u Mr !*• !dwn !l mad a iieWs- Iii I.,!"’. 1 !'. *•":;. .•!* 1. {.the daughter R \. I}. eatl farune!' is look,,-| 'll -s :: llltnlei. •• nov w ie >n «!* I\ l ne ot mine c i Up The ;,1 lied b\ "W lull ; hi ii'i'ui wliifli was K. \. •‘•■■io \lloi :. V .1 .|;rr I -i •• W •Irf "I. ar ’>• -i' Ml !. nit.I y im smokina; \-< ov. Anson P. Morrill), three sons and two kelsimr-. W. \ a., lias ell al ;•« !'.!;• t till ] m..i HI" e Iii ••! in t lie tli \ 11it*i i.-ati :• - I'.iv, iker "I I lie I lou-e 1 or •. ioils cri me- while ! \ hai : eo> of mai.i: .m \i 'ill. •laim* V\ itisor, IMula. 11. c.r> the W a-hinat *n hot •!. where vi*mu*s. able 11' '! I.ali >11s ii.e'lir h'.XV it has lieetl •• li-tll:.i> Iln- and w a- -late. lad; non to i, ro\ t-r. I. > :. i. a -I t. ... -. >;.p, Tm ••• t, No imp j ( Of IS.V »•!*.. It W :1m.: i w i* iti'j. a t >vvn allaim.-.l. crops of the American farmer n.n !- n o i \\:lli her a- im |- ■ t:irr;. loud rap at the door, and An Aroostook has heeii honored with story p;t"ed I ill- *••'! 'A!' V II-- ; 111 i 1 ■ are loop* .1 a- o> a a with t- r of the ins i»» ic-t ■ II':.. It. v. I M.i'-., to ! .! -a v •. v 1 .1 ei,’ :i,e. .. t h*f < "If.'' \ at of a few characters a' upon sure that .\iet\ Admiral I'm y 1111n ui". 111* toM -.*. .Up! >e|iU.\ the possession quite fun- ; ! r: -." il I- a u***-! a " > -In) to tile of foe.| for less a He think- I ill- ■ w •’ • Ii :c :ei ..f the 'ce--iim. w i.mb in tln ir misuse of as of them. reuar«l sUppix ptalpie the iiiioan stnrii lie y t. nei ii hi- i. 1 urn. 11 wn nl inio Ml a. IV II. uoo.l, II t o a •> m* a > ; approached ny Fnylish an) ;i ii*.: *•;•_. }• ml Man.* 1 s \\ i- -it out b •>ii tax or,-.I he. .1 aw ax .** bl.*ss in- up of the N ! 1 !e li e- e !• I e lo If 1' i a !r< -*«-m* ot them not iic» his p he -p-i* I! 'lieilll’fl' I " '. ■ .1 *l **•: > iee-i,ov>id< loiiu said that daugh- tin.I -I"!.!. I* I. I !. .... i 11: : ..o.iio mm, ■ ■ -: j sent im ut -d 11„ m ■ ! imp-I >'ai; s. Well. now in\ friends. I held ter “did not pt aioii”- \vr\ well with her !ti-maivk to te-t the k v a 'U"j'"U- mi ! ; le ruli > and had 1 !i" i. ri. i. ■. i!" ! N■ It|lOl I. I o i#o I (Ins -.1 lilt- in liaini ai ilia* instant lie mo-l ii : I'akina it aero", he '.*■>!- -In rilf if im ;uy ma_ni!ieent (irainniar. slur always pit e\:ipp*ratt I \vh'-::- pt ople. Iteii'i' ,-i. !i» \ know 11.■ 11. liril'a •>!. n I. •• * I. el >!• d lie iiaii lie- >en:i!< : |>lu ban i ii e\ ei *a\v. I held Hie best ai«h ev. r s|,e tried to it.” At another lime Plans of Admiral Porter. ''"a1 ■ u- then he hail ml.! I.* am! .11 w mi > .•"!•■- y study is e- of tic six I* a !:•: ■ w > Keprc-i'iital i! d ai:.I in-: if an hour lo the I *-!»’- h. i'o W | M .*ii**l! !*, I. to II. h i’s and an ace and another ace. he was his adventures while in tin -a,.- -l returned ■. :! o-i- m-i !** !'• telling s d the ss Ii if M.• pi.., > lias-' n dii-a pr: s\MO\\ >\! I'l.ii II!' M \ NANAI panii la. i ■'!;. | ! ■ 11. f ill r "I ill' 'lieiV". A- sunii a- 1 \ dm.'! \ on think that barbarous l appro any S ! N N h '* i! N 1 eon!. I he ui'i in me and 1 lost lone hand. Smith lie came an old where some '! r. I»i i'.Afil r. ad thi- Moi \ in wn nt into •■"! a- I. i o 1 I !1 > * 11 * IM i- Ii upon my upon camp oii-'e. It i- -lose, s| l‘>: 'lie-t mb ! : '•I.. Kella-t, to .Io-(*,... !:. |- .Mi-*..! Well, 1 i/. d chair i:i an ot the fellows ahead of him had bi\ocat- Admiral Porter. willi file a"nt at:< • o| hi' *aid I iv man," He wrot. ., m !.- upon my uplifted poor o '; ’l 'Sillrn-m; rate, sd.Tb. ■' Ansel I.. While \ als. It p'.shi .u. and '.lid to < olfax : “< dear ed. Another, a said “he didn’t '11• lo \j:. 1 *»:.••:*>t l. Iii11him l!ie t'lii! !«--• ...’ a I"-, amt '••!' -m-!i m'o- ,'seliuylcr blacksmith, a fen made a an "lory seeretarv nil ail, •Mleflll I "■ •, ; >:une low It. Seth M. ) o;i:i_ ! A! -t I ■ill ot this room! Volt have 1 loll*’ feel to in a lot of iron and then In tin eour-e of the tiiai »f a \\ I t! hi- |m". and the 'leiay in Lmnit.-t the pen- im Hi* ”*•••;• m « I. mM i-i despoil*- supposed p-t j i-iini>in-!. of tin- situation iruin ;i naval V- ! h, I. I * iin* * •• 'I. -ii.din * u< dire, and ha\e brouifhl in*- no tins! out hi' work. That wasn’t satisfartua! study the Hu-lish lian-lw.iiilia \pcii. m hroii. and ai11u him io do [or a Minton, l. ii. >tc|.l I w ut •*••:• hi. ’1 a ai'it >'« m a -laill an i you itru-sels poor i Inn »• ': ii ue 'Tat w oi- return." ! had in* more idea of to him if it was to other folks.’’ In nkira on the to a caused a -cll-alton -I «l> In he had done loin, I Ta-ki i. -aim* tow n. '! '• a- i'Mi In-- I till li«M» Why. standpoint. p subject Ihefelifl, by I irht a ml .. :• • .*i 1 ■' ■ the nomination to that oilier than 1 had had to Mr. l'ariii.-ll that t. lb Si" 'Ian I 'i I i. The «la\ ,-i ii ;. ! M ll<- til. lie \ is worth Iiu111i»ifor proved \*. i, ’i 1 Itml m V l»r.s|;i:\ l;l> roMl-UMliM H> sit:\KKlt I M >\\ reporter '.aid: pin 1 ■ I. io_ 'M urk that wa* s. It ! e. Mr. Si. due Mrs. Al- < ■ < * Well, t- ss ere foruei'ii I * a ! I * ! n! I) p 1 a I i I»\ by i_rhtiiiii^. i' iII VelN r.i. The lir> Nvar with •• t: i* Iii'! The if pt '• I": S' a month \\;i> fa \ ora hi \ Maine t it} t k-b.oi- 111 Itraau wa- i. t! ■ lb- fixed the time s** that ii tin? session. remark itangor Mayor 1 .i.i m' '.m-i *m t "I I h«- ily. kiiniiy during legislative But the an at-- a to p;M:i\. tit- pa: war of |spj w;-.' for aa\<- u> our ooo. i- dead. The remainder of lii- fo' lhi;. w mid accommodate me to meet him here, and of President of Senate to a prim-ip!. it o|' 1. at <1 t!n Kr; 'll n .•"!!!.: n' V '!•:<•} a- M*- r- a! *-iia*••- the Lord newspa- ; s| j.- left t re'atisi-. n “" "r m to d« art from this to \\ ashin-ton the other “in mariiime udeiie; Th war with M-xi- A ■■! I!.I I. o\ellV ( men ami thirteen < *< n ? < nut ('o be ? < pr* !e i ir of 'nn.aTess. i ion 1. Dow has the duties of his < nominated to in. a ienneii -!a in 1 In am. a a t .1 I .— i v M ii.i- \ : a ir I rmn | performed eo w;i'for ami aa\e in :!; 'orneliu- II. Hanford, ; m-ok of undi»iil>tetI mer- 1 ) prim-iple suid'ipal- hard:; i I.;.', -M;; t" l:o- illi:| "I o ai in i n mom 1 e a u! ( olllinoli < ollli ", -1:11:■ I !,' : C-u -- him house. I arrived h** oltire with ereal skill and and has dis- i> re -id ! :n m i- a ml an m I"r tin- M’llr upon mrtesy d list ice of \\ a-hin-ton Territory, '- ed on our whole l’.n■ ilie eoa't. it. i'ii" •!’■'' '::i-•'i• ei o\e 1 i.oi nan:* b ! t .-*! at ulliec atnl cd a pO"e"i"lis ia\v rlainly rdoiie, •rat- -. a ..i m ty. i.ui.., ai. •*..•• I r. mi'. I ’• i-. w ,i !.-r* a lit has m\ ina. t ir-• a a Mr. In -ta‘o-. 'im-- mh: liisfor) only jiM authority lit d with 'lb rritorial enterprise-. 111 and I -ain* "i Ma or. w a >'t<•■ It I \\ a was. ; -out him am! I now that the Colonel lias •: i. r law my card, immediately publicity, completed -" rlio-i". .a ow I»'. ••!• .•; ••;il M-I It It ... Tim the eomtitu1don. and -p:«\e ii' p-o pi, North < •'{ ■ M ai I ! m .mi of their delima- Mavoi ila ••!! ', w as in\ t*> his Ness -old liehls di-e 1S red ill ~ • itrd room. hi' arduous winter's labors.’’ Times. a! ai I’. |.. ,i. fui.t .i:• Ini- IP -. "W In n or. [Bath 1 other ramlidate I'lm |»rn j... in; :>m; p*-r- j !. w a a ! 1 r* to the room. was :i- and South, an imated a ndlitar} spirit lii.-h reams are svortli lifts dollars day. lb.or o: M I Utm O life and eh uraeler. -« ;»• 1 >•! Ii • a .* Tin* door op* lOI-'l ,'l- ll.l 1. V.' m-l'.IJ M/ 'l't I | i, ■{; n in- in* -I ti'ii’i-i! paired a I';. to t-med-ie- their I < III M \ I' |, s- i.i.i.swoin h ii avi*: \ sum-: iaitokv. dollars a sack and canned l*\ mi .... .I. -i Ii rt i v "it*' II 1 f.ii.if I'.Kti an 1 tin* r\ant, and there wa« President will he to ev.-r\ r< •e.'. win _*• in.' I >i I I,'- at. -.lit mo ! in- "Iii -iim by eiprai <|llil'emen!. ** ! 1111 ! >ir.>oii*s l.t.ok ■ .mi main-1 p. possible like" the "M rtiiln-r. a 'a If III-■ «" :-A Wile \ ei VemaeU- -in earefully back a-aii.. o\ !_hl'.| uenil -a in.' a la ar. ..i 'll,’ tVMII!,|i-- h iiid.towuc. il i ten*h re*I min**, atnl that was tween the Business Men's Association of Ld-- 1 •-.rty-nine day svere comio- > i.»r a• ... •-: > i" J-s* »m im i- oi h;:" « th.- l! a> were ; the. 'hake of in on < about looks if th ; ai.d }'':!.•• amidian and tile .. -• lir-i the hand between vvorth. and Burrell, A of l.’ock- Nip-i.•. put patni-. I to-’". Uh. It hr !• o.o. ! r t- "in t* mi. oi;i -i" tii Houghton (ibis- furniture i- mauuf .-i un-i -. ■IT j *• | \\ < .''a v av» M.-li !• arlii. w.Te -non scaled and he iand, Ma"., the terms of which the latter at "i k I• test the a\er: ■ u a j> | ht no :-i -t.iK- 1 I! I >!,*• ii o 1:0 I a look tor lilt Him r \\ i- propound- by out the instiaatioe. T.i'O.a: tin? like e lit !• ,i_ an : aid of the aiith- Igrinillural Miiier.tis. f.UiOy for 1 udia. svhere rajah- "* v '• ed the •' t i*"‘ to ne : wav w a are to ; n .. tala'll, v I» \ 1 ... «j "Mr. Hamlin, remove their entire shoe ia >]'*■*.■ ■;*■ Mr .... factor) plant sentiment of !iis own ami on: p-ople. II.- lias s||osvv room-. libi-s bed'! ad- and -'ha.: -. ! a id tiud il ililiieiill lo I 'I '• 11 i' \ I 1 I I" -' ’• \ er introiat« >. lie Im-e class sidt boards and -d her art ■! I I, I.. Ml. 1>I|I III III*- l. i.i-oin. if "ti would ha\e withhehl that in- A Co., li» build a eo'iij : !•. 'It man; -! rnin;e foil lit of ot J i I n• i •• .thin a «-ar y Burrell, Houghton factor) la-te. Agriculture, pan I will lilid olll N el) pi -111 p;! > tin l.llipii ot the me-tic use are made to -nil (M ieida! t. f it ior a second I w<>111i!. I n:. 'i- tie -e draw haek>, if I hr -tat' -i, ■ .a a -.-•• **r in !i u '••»!» .:!) Am. .lean people. «M course NN e a l'( wrakat e\;."t agricultural—ictie-. j our It ml • .i t< *1 tin- 'am** to "Well,"' 'id Mr. their annual roll shall lieen mad*' in th » ! \ Homan'' ii.'. \(T). -1 i: t A < \. or- in :.a- M- I ”t •*»."! illUrtl you." years, providing pa) Si-svral have dy •• "on *o.: !'■ on the oe. alih' he eoliliumd. Ktlt crests ! h. any : : mu ’-r for lishima and each; l,"im»l«.gi.-a'. Saiiu. i'lie i"i an* Lin* *• in. “Mr. 1 p|V-e|it. > it i\ •- Hamlin. put the ■ :■ i:• I plan rim-raeney, I!' i?;_-. h w o;i, interv-led ill uumimt.- for loeaI -- ■ i.'ci I j! aiisw* r iif't." atnl so 1 will he loth. ut Iba/ ip; '. it u i»<- a II s a'; -.i .i- in 11 ! I "iii mm! yi'iimtist hiiihlinu,' completed by Mav the track the train on which I’re-il deeply an I will (u-imm} winie we are 1. "1... .1 'II- I -f i did. ! an nar'rutile.: now I a most r*} eripple d a- '• Wnhlo. ■ think, The all air is regard. the Ii k. W heeau-e there or.i* in oi ••’.*• riii !r i*m p:- a*I n m-tilira- IN WKNI.KAl.. ”• itiua r. No on. that the was traveling. 'ay .'••try. mc.rka'*:» (-din-idene-. 1 said, “Mr. Lincoln. 1 ad}. '.ippo'. 1‘residt r.l North WaMo. ili .

  • ■ one, although there are WaMoaml I’, nohs. ot. .1:.• 1r :i;h n I immiur ut Com nil Charles Hamlin of Ban.u r. Ini' been people up i I* *.\ ie* :*-c*,llt et ion that wa* w**reever him. I-P ... | I!,.' IV I. I : v. 1 Villlr 111- ll'•10111*11- formally ha 1 r ! a '■•un i Irub- l>ia/ or to abduct Ivi'iim-I'er. i'ii m •. .. ii:. ii.i. ,ed Ii* deliver the Memorial Dav address until (i.rma’i} i im1 -t t.j a i. I a » ;it- utlh ac. i" ". I to * h other." will bear marriage, lint .. ...! -. :• an You in ; '•! I U ;■ j- ‘i }! r I o—t W.- Ii:m- ai: iv\. mi.-' N• ii kmiirl.i -l i. HI !»•- >|i. a tor >edawiek Post of Bath. bina. surplus nioii;!i -: of Three lti\ r M i- iiiaaii. j.p libel that ’e had I** n a member of ( oiiirr.-" Tss voun-men e .-it wi'il' and waters runs throii'-h • :’'n i■ ‘A o Im r•! t •••:'. ■ 1 v ne mb. r of I he Senate, but \\ • were in up April -cther ilurin- the Lincoln. : i ii ii' ii ■; a I •-. -in-' ..ii ! a- It :t'- w (• '.-j'! a While we are aettiua eau can.- b->me is 7<>o barrels of read}, prohibit ill the same hallh-, to iVnob.-e..! ... i! .rn- \U I-.::' !-■•' '• ■' loi.- 'bib: :.t : ".’i i"ai oruani/ut i*nis. capacity siipir day. pans. foii-ht aeter, I Hi 1 i'l-l :,o 1 },'- : i! i -. i- .; ar In ot m -lm-ev into Senators Five and Hale have to tin enti} (iermau auul tin.* r. and on tlie I instant I"- t ii «I!, ss it h- North I’eiioh- .t. \\ II.-i. U A ■ \ < '.ft ■s-ici Mr. Lin* »ln : “You !ia\** lieen lir-t it- presented t.i-ei 1m !: aii.tail in! in-*! t" the end. The French i, ■: i -11. ii 1 In- '• 'llll- In- 1 nitrd Stales. That i~ a.u item in I’ello! i.-rol ami A oo.-i •. .11 if .1 "l f- President Harrison the for tin* iinporlaui f each other. ;. till! ii. Il M-m hilu; tiirouaP'd aid mii't liist papers appoint- in an hum i- 1 lx ril I *»: Vi- in ii ! ! In-, a- In- ln> olhiT r*piy." My reply e < 'all; "i a.el m;m !. -\ell are erea- p .-. h rl 1 V ment ot Hon. \V. W. of Portland, as the moiietai ot (.ermaii}. W send positive w *s: “.Mr l liave no t >1 Thomas, activity 11'.IH w In until, i<»n tied “V\ It., u iliat II- .-'ilM'.l a-i-. million'there to ii-r anod if, for 'Idle ( isil Service Record prints tie ii ore- ami a'th u_h tlie and m \\ I. rh H.r wa- war* minister to Sweden. It i> their opinion that lie man} pa;, lioii', former, perhaps .i- -- e\**r in!roduced to eaeii (lie fiovcrnor. i_* U t~ Ill vl talUfj at tin* .I"lm < ii 'i»i*:n- ii !*• on '••.Iii1:.', j.>r -in- formally time (iermanv should block- in- the made in the !>»•- Signed by •• ** will lie the brina, try'to -boss appointments t-.m! fli.m-. 1 l.-l-.i I a. u a U 11 i. a in W ; I liain,' "tic; Now, sir, what is amwa r?" appointed. the laitei. .amt have been drawn from lift !«•!" ! a a ill'. No r.VJI-' m lie .■ ll'% i*iI for your “My Ce> w. under 11»* « h -.elaml *• W. a mail who was ade our in les- than Would eld of the Interior |: .-a a. n Kill. I aiiswa*r ei.nt«»ruis l’ichard .Jackson, Bath j.ort', da;, part.n •;»' 1 x with Mr. Hamlin. 1 ill iu-.ll -i l! I If of I ill 'Mil'.,: :i! yoiir«>\vu. an o:t our coasts, mvo in t-» dd. I""", h tin an new to literature and ot :i■ t aii'li •• «■ -a I -ii i loriu-y. killed in an in San Francisco last timl Kn-ali'ii lh-. t n.-.I Administration up "-pt. -p- y worthy pre- An art a. •; ;1 t! .ill m ill- collection that itilro- " » ■ l! i 11: i.i !li. with l that r •'-■nt.-" siol! of a w ha 1 al a ;i.. Ii-1• -nTm» tainiliarm. week, was one of the crew of the Burner, prop etina T.iia'lamrs trad- tin niied Im•ars from thi- exhibit p- servation. I hi : Mr. Howland F. Uohinson’s mtcrp .:|i|>an-nl ■ lmed p* e-c-ii other, hut,’’ said he “No," 1 ship ii -1 11 h ii t uiir.inuit m -til. Tni- art to >>; [In Mai a 1 in: ii. ... •• « '• ,>. tj,.- .a nil. urn., Ilia! lit 'if I mi may sj.1?:-'. \ hundred mill: -O' and uioie ol 1»rit- ii ends svere clian-ci. Au amend the charter I: !.i M •. M.-p-li 7. \ wrecked in the Indian ocean some four or live th« !’ 1 < said. “Mr. Lincoln, w a- as well set'oil 11 a It I t I l:e!e Lisha's oi, !.•■ 'o. ,'i 11 M lli'- law your pre-cnee S.ook, 1 Shop," I list it utr I »* < m.;. ars aao. The remains will he luoimht to i-li cIindinu :i iimi'u ! in the nib d N ib mu llif n .1. -1 Imv ■; all., in- ••• 1 known to me as member *>1 < oner*"." y aeket » 11,1 t-.m \V < ..• i\ ll. S. < '-i.i:•. 27. ■•. *•< 'oiiii! \ at- any Tin I lamburg-Atm-ru-an and hoth are iroiu the of Forest ami An art to incorporate the ii. Bath for interment. could not lx: rut oli wittioiit minin'.; Kritish pH" in<— \»TiUrt I na.ilitinus. And i' "■ c; but w iiad tin -le;mn r- direct lr-nit II an- r ; i-.. '.'a .pifl.l The I'.i -ha. f":.i. i»| 'ii, .a if i- la p**rsonal a.ap.iaint- will run pany. j'l. The late John of was a indu-t it Frame would also ha\e an in- monthly ", r. am I’uhii * New *1 or!-:. Atus, Machias. pen- a- iiej. All art to -. "1 I!,, l'i i\ ale 111 I -n Ilf! .If l.ffinii t l!"! --in. 1 x aiv “Ami I will tell ;i how it 1 i i I a < I e | h i a from .him- I. Tie- At repeal ehap. ..i.t llif i ..11'. T fillin' \y ! * im j l"-l »rt- t!i- o ..iii i> ! of law happened wr lnu-gin (> .if sioner of JspJ, and the last Imt one of the old terest. Meanwhile eonlil mt aloiej; with- nil Lawm of iv'Jl, to''rho..| .ii-i. \ 11 a, 1 tha! rson wa- s,» on inirnl tun an.- rrlntii.g a V I|. "'•lit-' all r-oii- in-in i. ami -■ f «• tin yoiirp* impressed my e'ompany will pivbably V. 'I In !'c,l ills j'l-"- |" black nu n of Machias. .John's father. I.ondnn. out tinii cods ii 11«• *• —:iry. So that Kur- Steamship tin1 tow n if ( hill,a ami I one a new line lb; .i -luii i• i11v■ fa- n I".i -.'if. A -me. -a ll' memory. into tin House ’- (.|-s j'. Phi'. also, ami -inkinj of l!l"-i- cull ti a|. \\ Ill'll- | happened I" forced as a im-as- .lelphia An art to the On- t reek tl'h'/i was in the battle when the was land ami i-'ran- would Vru% .r» tlie liran/e*. incorporate Kridge i.... !■ k <. k Hill w wlii ii tier*' wa- a aenthmaii Margaretta i* talked of. Hurl in a-l \\ 'If 1 if V ;u if I ;■ I I... ;-a in <«o\■ for ill- m\' -1 a i •: i >al i- ; day addressim; to |j\, rponi ami \ntwerp) t i" •;:!- -t.i., i nu‘ A bra ha m in was ure ol indu-trial srif-.lrfrmv their ompany. 11. i.'1 u i |*; tl in that 1 a was raptured 177f>; subsequently London protect Ii if. tk. !.i;i i-l'i aii'l :: i tv- body, and listened moment: lie All art to anmii'l 17 of the l’i i\;ite ahd ■" nt- ii t in! .nil! atlorm \ 11:i y with 1 -hap. -11 jV ltd:. alii: I he b.-l any Col. O'Brien to announce the vessels and their trade the I'nited lie I r ■*i• 1 t ; ^ /;■• '\\ in/. r.velve at" >ut s I i»:i vi*l' w .I v..l''i n-'t: lb*' or tensions dispatched by 'I’lie nomination* by api'iicu Law s of I emit led All act 1:, e •« in ! » j'- ! ln'-r if< la ; discussing <|ualili*,ations the important "7. •( t.te in .!•<• I a \« n h:* imIIi in mv J" lo-fi P..„!i !• ? '!i-'-lia I'll pr* le w-, I ha\c been special i'i a f’-' ."• I i'' 1 news of the victories of '7o and '77 at Cam- Slate-. A- the romiii) to l.e I tv i.nili in ot one L* w is ( ass as a and I -at March Hill were Walker Blaim*, tit• i:- :*ad < •;i ■ Hiller- I 11 •«. a 11 -i' ill n in-iM |« am! !i ! Im- i.ooa- l>\ a military man, iif — f-iiu. lid .' if...... rj.,. j the < fliun-li I llif 11..11 Mass. London made the entire dis- iirainu. in letters ami repoits. importance e In rt men t; I '• *—' 11 l .w n and to bridge, a mi lie r of ( la i in*. *d at pa :• ..a i, i.;,..- a !.!<•• I tin ir tr.-t mon v. so that the '• : a listened him. and tin* fault in, A •■•■ixti. -i-i-i.ti le 111 oyster pany. lire -.:»!> •; n. Iff-: ;,i o-ut. ll lln- i'll"' h mi'. l "ii o»dy :ei \. ~ supper aiicc l.anu. .ni|»iif tance to Boston on foot; no roads and Imt few of Imdiiiim up a owa lid \\ have the to >t A.-*i*tant •'* * Kesolve in favor of smith A let on .. tl. 15! {I e i1 !.. cute that I ever to..nd with that w e- that I s. of New ^ ork. Itei.jamir nun m I.. I.I.elM.- ; «• >iilit at l«•ran \\a iniik. \\ -miM Ii a pmi! speech huyler w:i' \i-ii tin* .11 \. It. >utur ; sins.i. IV, and resoim-.-- t lea.I II.. world in a <• Uesolve in I'.a v <»r of ( lara 17. W'ehlt oi ll, t « t lien. wealth Bus*e\ ol \i I »a\ M ain 11 arl..|e, ; -i I* were >on*. be "Second A**i*tant Seeretarv of Hie \ -..rial i"ii !!.• Tiic i-iunvl ’»,i- «lf In alt •! \ c b' I and f 1st. Oxford man from his roof i;o\eminent should and Knini'c, I -1. I if. \ 11• 111 \\ Hamm. *U! \. i.i: 11; \i\ (e »j s it Mir '• county slipped — **\\ u a \| .\ii me mute you members ol l,a >all« 'I'.. -.■! •ntiments of the in Burn \ -,t,•]*• I .laenteil 1 \v aime w liieh he. while and fell with a bundle of hoth countries hriim ah. a I of in been to people int rodueed in Se Id Not in reading the speech of Abraham Lincoln on rueltvto ('mi Keep — *>(■ -t We- will \er\ -ooii make u-e of them. > in aio! i;I■ 11■ .| to 1 ■ W i'he 1 :• j•- teeth and to here. in The market is in a had; la > !. a < «-« IHm I 1. jail. the of la wU < ‘a>s a- a hung there, letting go occasionally youth ami In* zeal pro- enting l.::.-lt.-.iok t«i uli/e. P m;o thoroughly discussed potato very Sow I \n .air pretensions military president’s ■ u •: J Hit < W a- “Here i> a li-t o! the emir* of the ',1- ■' Mil II V :lpititr |n ;il. Kill ••»111 1 tin I ! bail, lie staling shout for help, and catching hold again. After -trenuth i< li men who bailed rabbit- and bad their overstocked. 'The r- i.• the Him .ili ami < man. Well, that Abraham ai;d a mmi!, m mi-- He .'a- its re lug great!} prospe a ., • I M b-r. I km.w ..I speech imprc-sed It i- more given against \t -'ari, .! •! ! .• a '•> f-1 i" ni" ! in- in u'•!«• t"-O' of It;- friend-, a \vm lh!< ->s rescued from his he re- (ierman navy. than we have, hut docked -cent to be the reason* for rill "l u I'ui-i. <• Lincoln’.- me. Now comes being perilous position horses’ tail* Kose seed trade are not even T ie*-<- h -.1 vv e:i- Were msiiUreil hope per-otutlity upon movitl. hopeful, r:t in h. A I hi- 1 rax. 11 n u will, a * am ... a n pie. 'i-ainp and an 'll1:'" -i: •;_••• r. w!i•« r'>mpf;\ marked that he never to his we have the moiiex. and could easily spend .. nv modi tin- remarkable coincidence. said thought drop his removal...... il.:,i pave emiref nircl 1 ‘Well,’ he, u.ei .i .-a.' ! <•,.«• Mi M.f. your •• hern hut few Kose from the count' ami mil' "ll. i. '! liim-i'll' -Ml-'!. 1 Ii a ho. it s-joii.niin.()!>o in hip- ami appliance- of war. t I'.'W w ere 11 r- shipped is-i» *.«•*.- iplVi) shingles.” | in- n'iduti..n hy ■ ■' I !,. a sijij,t,ui' Hitters larjre *.Mr. Hamlin, if you had withheld your ex- .idopted known a- H iiMiw >o. I 1T«i f-mmi.' i'-.". t \~ 1.1 uu■ l-iaml at the for the !| without I In in. K. > I ji.»n ol !'.' r.coi'i- of ?*• court sug- B\ the new lobster law the restrictions an; There Philadelphia, for two C'-mrid l>ee. 1st, the farmer* holding them prii.g ’• 11 1 in.' keep 11 nspirj planation of what led to your recognition of Hummus Blaine*, years i, ra ai ih ir last meeting: a.'ii V, .Ii. r Inn ami V a' »• liii*h1. 1 -" a- il so on the com incut for a na\ * -I v Hiiartn n’.-t. -at. 1.- street. I .u r« »••••, _.-l- that li'.- quo tioii w.o !'•■! i«l!o modified that canning oper- uramle-l place .irresit y and Agent of tic trade. The oi Ko-e for lie- I-w Mi!'-f nil'll!.. -I ■•.!, A m\ -elf I would have one of a similar companies may Freight passenger 'liieago. ;i e mi'.; .a -i .M"on H in daily receipt pa-t -Ilf* I I gi\eti you \\ range 1 -''ll s» .' at'- re <■ II w« ran lined one. we an sun mi M '.-i l> Mas- \V' .ill! 01,1. 1 pa-I fi'W } I In h::\ ate the months of and June \ard. huddjifn and California, ba* r- hi- at II on It on are from to in barrel hie i... -!if If ! -• 'o'. I character. I happened to he in the Senate,’ during May only, Santa F* -signed po-i- mri'i in- a "i'll 'U' r the I ol lowing resolutions: days ;■ Ii. "s .-a-, '.! h 'l there. i' i- imovr-sib'e hi) rents s I. ITc-cnt i- e- a~ i.-t i.a n,i i-ikM. -mV :• •• U '00| uf del mil 'I li'. el Very and use lobsters nine inches long and ship- riii'ht t.foreign ctVeet. 1. lie lias ae.-ei I a \v i* t" '■ 'dier and sister per l»ld. to p pi I- ni:,\ M" I -'I'.Mirrin Sav ml-ter, your -aid Mr. Lincoln, ‘one ami there- was a may up- tioii to take April P.'-.'iv '!, '.Mat cUcnd inpeeiiui-*u- day, l of '.Ml cents hhl. l’i < -< iit at u -l a ... .. "M m* ft- V' Mil If f.-W a-e< lia\e l.-.n -III ed alld little but the rest of the the fleet. The ehaiim tlm ri\er could he lined of W' -i Vir- < I'.muh "iiv eoinc.-t and report per pvie. f. nil 1. !Pt llif 1 a, .; 'U a11 .line ill' 'Ml tit 'e-." A- -v ] ■ ward; during year legal in tin; management tin- ..rnfortii and sympathv hat til (email wu the tloor of the Senate •• addressing position Sa to hi) rent- I et >r* n 77. to cent-. i- nia-if Mr I ■ ivniV' rol last \ear. In all the is to be and and fe- with il nr<-.--ai \, or miu'ht he I at'-i mil solieit ink. fion, Kose, II ti.f jnnvlia-f i. a i;rem “< ... v\here i- nothing until length ten one-half inches, torpedoes, they Central Bailroad with tors in A',*rl erlainly, your it. the freedom of our territories to ginia head-pia sa le loi Pro lilies at e\ en mm- .^oqis this cents per harrel. Aroostook Kepuldc Thi- wi ijqiears very any circumstances. remains -- whole t‘-nor of hi- speech so corresponded silver lu.O'j. lie unh;ei,d-hed record, the death Util. n« i. Maine, u lm re >•> Im- 'arm- ,>.'ratnm- >>ii tl .it s k"M M m with tit) own opinions and notions that I sat protective heavy capitalists les memory ol their hoed son. eas. hi en ute !!"• h: s over the old law. It is doubtless We would l>e eomj»<-i;l d to resort to other in a scheme w hich t*» hi- I ami hi- hni pro-' i.though principal down and li-tened to him. And that Senator improvement have* embarke d big railway Ih-'.dvcd, that c -1• >.| tliese resolutions be lose c:»|*iT••• cii»cr|iricm A rub Suite. -- Ilu«klen’- huii times failed to The hail better for the canners. modes of offensive war. W ith s.WMin.000, in leu- K. M. Semina*) Sajings. umsi w t-h ili'm -ilf. in in, ir new in me. appear. was ot I it will form a new through Pittsburg and I to the hereav ed lirotiier and his family, « .Mr. Hamlin, Maine.’ Now think pre-cute I’m Iti s t vt i' the \v.'flw S U' -. fleers salt Klieutll, ;t‘ to In the eas»s one that the Bar Harbor limited vestibule train, tion. which would make short work with (ler- Canton, <>.. a Pittsburg order the prositu!e. liquor me Mr. burg Bailway, giving by secretary tun “I a li;e Mate Mltonl. -i < and al: skin pre--ion that led to identify Lincoln, “Mr. s., what was the disagreeable Sectarian Teaeiility; in Kei'crnt ,|,| Hands, hilulains. Corn-, commerce. Tnerean GOOOerman steam- that a titters and teaener r«■ j■ 11«• -. In t In late M ai eh V It. Mi'. I' I re pined. It i- jruniv.uloi I ,-ive perfect one speech which listened to characterizing Pttot -1 Pin:!’ t they I :i our one half of the run a ex- fleet I eouid tln-m out now, and we ) ol u-i l»o\. I and sureties. of this will be through l’ullman ships. pick “No, but w hat kind lights did they Mr. ft -i men tlon, or inoucv refunded. J’ricc 2.A rents per the glorv and qualifications of Lewis < 'ass, and place lnii'l. presentf l I if roinonstrai eier^t en-i now on more. Tin x xvoiild answer for ... S- Teacher ». maw hat e; I or .-ale If H. the docket of tie supreme -ludiei- leaving Boston in the evening and arriv- eouid buy priva- an .“Candles." again. by Moody. hi- recollection of was a that he press The? Pre*sie|e-nt lias signe*el orde-r \le-mling -• te:n m the Mate Icimni < myself speech the xv<- would have this AvuAma:1"- “What kind ol candles-" Mr. > against t-larian hiitj: al 'ourt one or both of tli" sureties are or have ing at Bar Harbor at seven in the te! rs. About time part •s. N. Til eouraged morning. March lb. lss'.t. to I. is-s'.i. n>N, ■ ■ listened to that I delivered in the Senate.” the time from May Not I a “How arc tho-e hour •.■'■i-.-e-.liolhcy work K one of work of. (.ermaii industries af- “Uouian candles." Sellout. \ lilt'llI ill !■•!.'- m.:;!i vei'} recent i»«ii liquor dealers, anti lint This will be in direct competition with the the disposed the mail *e-rviee- shall be- “Oil. I bis one f ! Hannibal Hamlin’s speech in Chicago. within which railway ea-ilv"' my, particularly 'O fni ■*- w< has fected furei/n trade would be ol «»rt of them. know, any itftaeha- 1'lant.e line of steamships which got such a by paralyzed, >e*r- in class t<> Mr. 1' \, “Mr. ii Marsh, Sear a audal to the State that on Bar Harbor business last summer. while we would be at the height of A V oil ilia 11 ott olie of (In Ne\V ^ ofk st feet we should T. I! P.t Ita-l. t harIt s .” property. hold the prosperity. law and rules. This exte*nsion is made- Mg wliat would happen to n live rat it place K. Tint-. I’ellasi, U. ok, terdiiy in vicc this should 1m* so. and one <*f the gn at weak- The railroad feel that must We are alxvaxs prosperous time of xvar. We eats the other day. He handed the conductor it under the receiver of the air pump and. exhaust .1. A rich vein of silver has lu-en discovered in people something upon the- representation e»f Civil Service- Com- llarl nil. Hii« I ir« Ion, Annul I’r'mee, Divimmt, nesses in the administration of the la v. be done to with the steamers and this would then be getting ready to begin lighting. a “This is a piece of bad all the air?" Mr. I*, ‘why, I should think the air Aflvlee to Mother*, compete ndssione-r that the- organization of the tifty-ient piece'. t minion. >eth II. Iteale, I wo 'u Maroon, < dlorado. be that seize Lyman “Is that inside of liim would blow him all to The Dana l’a>-<>i.. is the manner in which they do it. It might possible Germany would earlier in nu >aid the conductor politely. pieces! Mits. \Vlssi.'iw's NiuiiilNC St ui r, for chil- ‘‘THAHVi." service* e-oulel not lie- ae-e-omplishe-d than I. It. I ret I \ Sm v for time The as- the matt; “never mind Ariel. ville, Mower, kennehiinkpovi, i- of one of the Samoa tin* being. Furopean so," replied young (| on i< ethiiifr, tin* pic-cription I'oster coin* At the auction sale of California trotting May I. \i lloekland .Indue seathingly of tin* would another about the then." ami A. II .Tyler, ( aintien. b female nurse- ami physician* in the f nited horses in New York n a pect question present change Uoekpttil. melded upon the practice of 1raiding, so com- City «*ently two-year- Western Weather. •states, and has been used for forty ’.ears with was for on The new Senate's is complication.” excitement is among ali old sold #20.000, the highest price political complexion The* Lower California gold n •ver failing -neo-s by million- of mothers for mon count} attorneys. Perhaps The admiral lias tin whole record for a tvvo-v ear-old. thirty-seven Pemoerats and thirty-nine Repub- subject mapped eooled the* re*| ort that the stories we re- ex- A Minneapolis subscriber, under date of March The Prim ipahhip a! Oak hro\e Seminar}. their children I the proce-s of its count attorneys feel that they are forward- he is in by Bev. Allan “Well my little man, what hiring teething licans. out. Fortunately, vigorous health, that wate-r is scarce*. Cope It relieve- the child from s, I mt not aggerated and growing of the weather in the Western “It is value i- incalculable. ing justice b} doing, thisiiois change a to a mind, and has vast an* goit,. i«» give up -is a Lenten sacrifice?" a, says city who i now eo;.neete>i General Legitime has sent telegram the with clear experience now tin* excitement was you Plot’. Unfits M. .tones, cures d\ and dinrrlm a, in the and worse morals. The? report is that pain, sct.tery griping the fa t that it is poor policy Governments that the It is said that Rdison's incandescent patent still at the service of his Hobby- d.m'i think 1*11 give up anything, so beautiful and spring-like that if I wasn't afraid wind health to the European announcing country. worke-d San and Fnsemada me-r- w ith the Piiemis school in Pi*»\ Mom-t U. I has bowels, and Hy ^riv::*it A favorite is to nolle pros on up by Diego I Vi me once i' wasn’t to practice payment rebellion in has been and de- taken out in Canada has been declared null and sir. pa told that manly the of Maine would think I w as telling child it rests the mother. ITie.e 25c. a bottle. ly4H Hayti crushed, ehants wile) wished to make- a protit from the* good people Mm t»f Oak drove Seminary of tine. The etl'ret of this is to destroy record of void on the of failure to with aecepieil pvineipalship manding a recognition his Government. ground comply It is estimated that Pn- give up." an untruth I would tell them that the snow was all -o that afterwards a second It is surprising hoxv popular the naphtha outfitting business. at \ *. Me. .tone- is a irratlnate ot Hater “Winks- “Has you wife a cheerful disposition ?”’ of the conviction patent regulations. is-alber launch has become in tin- short time it has senada merchants have cleared #40.000 in trail-- and the frost is out of tin* has his stmlie- m orr Mink- —“t >h, ; very ctieerlul. Last idjrht when offence cannot, he alleged. They probably During the last Congress nearly $10,000,000, gone, coming ground fort! t’olh uf, ami pnrsiietl ye- An o.sier in a'. on one before tin* Four there miners to the? new ami furnish- recently dredged up Knglisli Prof. I II .Pmes, tin I was dancing around the room foot, after feel that the State fares as well, and was for the construction and im- A British vessel has passed through the Pan- been public. years ago porting e-amp and in some places it is and dusty, and many. pre-ent prin perhaps appropriated waters measured seven inches in the already dry t.l the tei m. ami ii ivintr on a tuck, she laughed till her sides to lf> miles. were few of them used, hut noxv ing It is fe*areel there will be trouble: length, \\ ill teach the remaimler pre-ent stepped doubt whether I hey could secure convictions. of buildings. Similar ama Canal from Aspinwall Chagres, very nearly supplies. a coal lire is uncomfortable w ith the win- provement public appro- same in Jd l-*J inches around the actually then leave to take eliarire of a tann in Ma-sn a he I.’’ to from one well carries one as a when the army of swindled prospee-tors is brtadlh.and I But tile law si, tie is more than the State gains priations by the <’ongressiinmediatelv pn ced- This is the first foreign vessel pass every appointed yacht he home. outside and •» I-- dow open.*’ ehnsetts whieli has reeently purehasetl. if reason a eon- to another in the canal. tender on her davits. fore*eel to walk edge, weighed pounds. 1 *i.a us’ Soap secures a line c/*mplcxIou. by such a •‘drive.” and for any ing ranged from $6,000,000 to $9,000,000. port I Organization of the bovernment. Here is a fair illustration of civil service re- (lly Letter from Portland. I lit* and of and days nights are now of equal There will be a of Solomon Conn I’1"!. L. < News Belfast Vicinity. length. meeting King IJateman, well Known to all .Journal P YLM;m< .John II. REPUBLICAN JOURNAL. form under the ( Ie\«lan< 1 Administration: 'bln* new has sold his farm to city government met at their rooms ;••<><( a si ohm!" < oil at the orrcspondence of the Journal.] Sunday wasSt. Patrick's It was and Temple, in this city, next Tuesday even- readers, is to lecture at Stockton all of next week. Day. rainy l’i in< e Nelson and has m v, Haneroft of the .Mail Montiay forenoon at ten o'clock for | hi family to Poston, superintendent Railway organization. I’*mm am*, March is, lsv.h The state is Mr. Charles T. Richards, of this city, lias begun ing for work. llKI.KAST. Till !NI \^ M \K< II Ji. 1-',. capital disagreeable. The \V. ( T. I will Ma" licv. >. < >. \\ hilt, All were present M*\ F. niter at Mrs. < Arus Latter u in t »\\ n isilieir Hi Service \\ :t' '•how ina Mr. W auamakcr. a few except .Joseph Wight, of n<;:turdn\ at J L. M. A full friends and im etinas :.t wan! Tlie was called to order discharged city holding the north and davs au<>, tin* list of renew :;?** and appointments meeting by I hat \ugusta circumvented us is not to he gain- Yellow ami white crocuses were in full bloom in this last week. government in and the ime attendance is desired. south of the ITlll.ISllKD KVKliV TIllKSlvU MdlMM: UV Till. I Mr. !.. H. port performed duty part to'.\ Minch, city clerk. The Aldermen and -a' The for February, when the new Post-master Hen- Kenr,checkers beat us handsomely and the garden of Mrs..I. \Y. Frederick, in this on last i. otineihiien weir sworn city, Mr. Monday. Mr. Mark of this in Ksi'oin Tiiere in by .Judge Williamson. we Sidney Kali.-h, of this city, has put electric Andrew-, city, will o.-cii| wa.-shipj rr..:u till- mu i. eral ashed what causes wa re as-i-ned h>r the must nee. pt the situation. Our city offered Friday, March lath. 'e a.ail < into his The -ome «.* Journal Pub. Co. n>wley, and Council men I.oeke and lights clothing store. present address of Mr. Ccorgc M. Hem is advertising space next week, but in the during tile mouth \- iv} .•nu lantM-d Bepublican | handsome inducements, hut the members were s|,. ,•(. dismissals. ••None." answered Mr. l’»an< Toft, were The Maine Granite of which made a Improvement Co., of meantime he is -. tv 11 It'om l» > i’>*r committee to notify Mr. L. F. deaf ti* I-n’t it proprietor Crosby Inn, 1J. lfast, is >m Carlos oft'erin# #rn*at bary ti, " -i, *u' tannmh-. ( our proffers and the managers from Casco about time that the four public- I1ARI K" A. 1’M.SUIUY.KP1TOR All t.hoM* hi mi'*< d Were Mr. C. ,J. llall, of this is a is e\ watering f “except polities. M !• «.f his election as Mr. McDon- city, member, Hotel, st. .lamest Pine Florida. !’ ,i, P !lli~ I' dm -K in:- Mi., Mayor. are wiser than wore unboxed and set ity, Island, Le\.|-. L. Lay son, pastor of th.- Inn ersalisj ul.: tut | HI '-KI.I. llVi lt.l.o. \L KlHTOlt. Hay probably they were some contracts in and trough.-, running? and all tle-t w*rc ald wa- and sworn into peoting large building paving U ■ « »tr .V 1.1 indie. P.! Republicans appointed presented olliee by .Judge week- < Mie is The the crow t hureh, was A <.i;• I.i .i. li |tr..p. ago. thing apparent and that is it is We are legislature finally passed bounty yesterday made the recipient ot a : 1 stone. obliged to defer the publication of ( apt. •' 1 )eim>erals." \\ i;mis- >11. er- and hnr!. Il-m a not wise to a for bill, and after first, town treasurers are j yilt of s.Vi, from the ladies of his j|_ ,,j |,j,;, g hunting game with a brass Kane's with other to our next issue. April pari-h. The Railroad. '‘raver wa- oil. letter, matter, at..! red !>\ Lev. -I. A. of the ■ n sheep pelt- Ill d: d -h. ., Megautic Savage band in advance ot the The following patents have been granted .James authorized to pay ten rents eari: crows heads in M,t\or ..| < > « \ »■ on procession. Melnuiald ha M .1.- The 1 *i si-i» nt w i!I i•. : k j at 1 aic iiiti ( htirch. Forrest Goodwin, the to the | appointed fa Ives, and *d boats. Till: i.a .11 im;i: 1C representative legis lots of ten. ■ <;. Burns, pound*for lobsters; a lii' son. w In* is unnii a n w *; m r *-uI in Friendship, keeping I nit*lit wall liman, to the water front of tm- o .a lature from and a base ball of patrol W hen .! 1Hast '- H't Went on ■, 1 nr Mi Ilf t.-wn 1 N * n note, has to third base with the Wor- dut; more than two ayo a rail was made I 'H "l 111. < Tn ( <>i xcu. In com signed play j years upon gentleman to turn the rascals on: o oi lie was a man. for calcining rock. in the new block ■ immortality, strange learned, and every apartment in the build .I.'" is.I. "• I ”. mi. witii t>.e of the cesters, the coming season, (1.Inin Mm t.'orye A. -it lij i.ii, mi- I Hon. -lames Bi line at hi* n *idenee in that Youth is sometimes » I»-• requirements city charter, played on '.'nimby, ot tie- city, h pn\iuu>. m:' *1 mji.i aiation and pugnacious, persistent, revengeful, and unrelent- Gov. has made the big is now let. The block is f”>tl W. II..I. recommendations Burleigh following nomimi the Delia t ior two season-. nearing completion, ''!(•<•!! ie motor to Herald. e j ninnin-j at i.i \~j 1- 1..• Tne- Thu cal! w a* one of rouriesv and ai kind > m-ideration a- 1 deem advisable. ing in Ids pi .-nit of those whom lie « but be city. simply leeted to he tions Justices of the Peace and William will hardly ready for occupancy mi April .•Ill,I ..\. is, r- Ilf ... I' I «.|,!,. u ■ oo i:.c (Quorum *l v "Ue .11, ..-tin III Y< w. h we In aid I a i: n am.'.! neu w ith a clean '1 he Cottrell Pc > this lor ‘ia.v- fourth hm-f p.>\\cr and :•••■ i: :irii»u* matters were municipal year i! 'hj.'.is ,.| ids aversion. He \\ as a read <>. eity, who some lime 1st. di*r!:** .. .. incidental!} t: ci; a it.*; reporting the cit\ cutirch Buekspurt; Glidden. Nina) work lir.eiy., who a sil'ai-h! R i: er. frank ami truthful in his have been engaged in poultry raising, in which hut a* the delegation had cone on "ii railroad puldi-llLs in litigatton, for which we should lcel intercourse with men; haven; Orin s. Haskell, Pittsfield. The only regular course of dance- In Belfast the '• A- Hi V .1 II;, have been » i n that ram, When paper, Minmaj among for the winter wa- that of the Ibbekah I. ii* l. .1; I ...... topi, naturally up. a in a ii The notice of Charles \V. past sewing club, n ai.M -at 1 -i obituary Clemen;-, in Those oi N". ~- M ;in re. ... b fm armyy rc: or, that he was not hatching. who think going into poultry- street mb ,-upird Mi \. of tin* Huston Her:.!.: task Mua- lb. tilted for these lie and that | Mlitii '. M> auntie railroad wa* mentioned Mr. papa able report .a i.r eity treasurer days. our Swanville items last week only paid expense.--. Some w inter-. v, ;i,u:;i. -. ?i::i. ; ; to gave the name of rai-ing -liould consult them and e- Hiirye.-s. The -ton- 1- owned h\ !• *- •> n in i.1 tin* ought have !i\ed three humlred and iookjover their I Mi. ,1.1,1 An w and < levclaiidisin. W nink the pa. weeklv paper- years ago is all the but then l -a .--ra-on ICaine himself a* timpery Miss Fdna M. as ing rage, occasionally \pre*.*ed very decidedly op- ■'ll le v. oil !: if in the eit. Bent Ivina M. Real. \V.* mak. tabli.-hmcni am. -lock, lb-ad ot It .-to!! .Mid ,s V in is ii.vm a rehive.-; in* lad. ail ;t I barge .d' a ihani-h I \.» their advertisement. ;,t I.- vi,., .... «:i?f*. i- ri_ nt. pii-iiion. cry for like the me ! i-ed. to a foreiirn to “bo\ ,** in both li" "i the ot the out the correction at the of <>ur ;ust posed pi nnittiny company vari.ui.-departments merr\ would itav. request e.mtrilcitor, « 1 ■■ been heeded him. I Uc ham been .-ho\\ u a of The <;overmiieiit .has .. db. government are n tilt which by speak pair c;.e glasses, tin j e-tabli-brd .. mm lot vmi are " hose is to The to run earlier than j build a road a« t'o*> tin Male. Recent Vents ■' 'ti''1 manuscript usually plain read. sap began usual this '.■■ ■■ 1 ■ o to at l'biinly I the -n that a o' in <• M ayol .Wei met ;t* l* 11'i --. m-peet y-uir lei.- ure, 1 -ha'll oi : learned divine lias i; T'‘!P Mi--. Iiencli.oi ilii- c:i v, which came ! L.urnham bird Wmni.k, M ni uiren? i. i.ri i• a 1 h' 'o the mere ones. The Maine season and -yvup is now in the market. II. I ha\e recalled hi* important in u* him out a Central Railroad Relief ian- a maple ■ "I H I. V. ... remarks, with additional i n- .m '-in, y -a! it. much to the of the •'■in 1 gland and an be 'ram d back to |7i;*; q'lic S'!,f'V V. a not i tied a oil "is, v. i other column. i> :i brief ami r: hi surprise p-. nli to be -ehool >i ■ ■ S\\ ift X Ma-onie '1 he I the r-t ml superintending I• <• 1 c• has called assessments numbered Paul, .-i:ijde. S,i'"' 1 '<■. to those who heard, them: hut ven now •"Ht“e e. !•»• i• tills iI\ and >';de, w lio knew ldin. The eight ami nine to bow- arc -ii'cr and tiic arc one ami live- left at ".. 1."! .1, force, tilts- W lilt'll sliOtlh! Uli'l f V "! w ii :1' •iiimetj'lahle progress in .nr glas-e- Leonard's.dn; 1 received, and a lie article :t 1-. a- \\,- eatt '■'b " -n a.hi dad.- ar, pay Insurance on the death of railroad very 1H"111' *r we doubt if reali/.the of extend to them a libera' ami was inordinate Hire-eeker and held empl.. eight li- ot an da h in diameter. 'There i.- no I many in in "' spring importance I i i- rt ■nina n-i it ion- :r* be v -am it itizen-. ! i• I hr ;, •; .j I, u ., One is to testify from mg ing dme bo :i ! t'e pay !?soti on the death ol Mr. i. pi *- near:; time, and was bitter Albert !•'. to k. tlmm qj jke n-r. thi* M> _antic r.»;:*j to the ( atiadiau l’a. iiie *\ '■ ibic tie very but d goc to show that -il le I tin* -1 nn.v h:i- a 1> n bl_. best i’ltei e-t o| "lir « nmimm w all b. to | he tine !,..w .■! -t., ,M m- d cit 1 |.v with the brak* man, who was killed in The board ol a--e--o; ..j |; g a w iil na u inter toward tin*-.- win* claims for -til! Gornforth, tin- .-it -ucli iikm-e- arc not ot r» c mt e the l.e.ei.-lal nt e ,.n oppo.-i-d invention. yl'' " •ri in. Charles I Hid Warner in tie ••thi:•*. an ! in kr* pa--e.| '-'a; ha s ..f ;hi- :t |L- b icy *ay*. years with : rani i- fit> a Feb. PJth. tloulde the u.iual am * mi of work !o rb e im. ami low u- i.» fun.i-h all ftirlls.-r retentioi, in place. Hat lie had this re ; March “Suits., in order P- ai’emltiu "Ur II u. \. V-'kcr. oil, oj a .nvillc, has been I l‘> 1 i;iI'ouI ..... 1 wed \\ bio Harper's; uentiy. in_ w ith th< -a ■o' pr pttlilii -elmols \\ ith -ebooi bo Tm e vtra \\ >rk .■ »ei,.-. mm w>ti. th< spirit pr-:h:.1 y lb- w.. 'l md te!l an Steamer on — year. <111a!*t; untruth F!e»-ta earrici ;4. t!,,- « : barge. ! ha\ e e.vtm'lie.l the iaw >nturday a m inner >.| the valua'ion c,ommi--ion •:n I Tim Will: r- a d It m-b'o. -I ;. obtain a line fr-c. Montr'u1 to the Mariti:.:* i.» w ’• ai;e.' •< n w: v it. \:iii in run Tie' an 1 im l t: does ;d is. ! .mi -n t state boun; of in ! mi mmtmity. not take etb et until A r; a rare virtue in bay from this to sevenu >• Jdai.rU- -ay, city <'astine, beam,- I'l Nn ti’o ::. i:■ ..f The Waldo count\ \J ;;ll lt I’orts. a of si's'boon p. r annum P>r a ■' I not take act ion in the i! charter .i.not :J\ e :ra .mm. n >' subsidy n:il)i r.t lei- irer.le :t r<> i _:ni.o matter dm aico-i.r i■ 11ii i, .i.• j>i: 1 lie men. ration twine tube used In the J ■' ,l!' 1 cordage mnnnl'.:' leui- lativ < n n .ti d of ''"I"-' f. lev a ■- .'ear. 'I he nmnittee well qualitied for bi-tory these stallions nab w hei term wa* yrattt. d \t- l'-ut .••••. men our w of,twenty year* tin ■ s' ‘’ " in Mat* in better informed Buy of Mr. at that sum,. .,| 1 bill .!!' 'in •!, u. ’• 1 "bi'.mo la t i' ms w hi' ii I Dresser, pla--. t|„. 1! o' •n. lia i 1 Maguiuiii-, popu at on, ;,r ,- -: n •, ur- .plot.' with town business j-..t • A «•< rn of the i'. '■ ■>' "" *• ’antic and N «.rt hwrst R iiI\v i\ on.; \v!ii. 1; poi.iiciil advise that tie work of bpot. arson- nth- and in some beams r>uu and wen died in Boston I m ha re. u any grading Judge .contained pounds worth "d! be ot -Mi ■' p 1 «■ mi in ni in hi-, more ■ a,"]. 111 ■!- b "lb ...i:e i. and that n* Mi- Marietta \\ undertook to or ai a m-l> Ilie "I tin y>.t\ ih'Wi-i- o. the l>i-irid eitvlos hi! will be Meath mi'-, each. build .p.iiv from iolopiioii d. Belfast !>•. It! d»« h 'll •! J,; e H" ■ :t- the -d two po-:ti- .1. and a: v, '1 well 'I"' ‘"db. Iiii,| .. ag-ut, sum represented ot Mr an i Mr- in 1 a v :1 \u r. I'in v- '‘i'-I „'' : I! Than :a t -v > \.. -> u 1 Montreal ia. **},,.r|,r..,ki, an i a- ;•••** !e >tat. arhutu-, a.- the iiatioimi '"*iar- 1 tin lia-e ot t; m \ j»i.i l* \m» ::<• theatre goer-. lb a- an lent e and pun books lor I oldest rg-ideilt •>] tin- ton 1t ••| I •m the board. l’|n 1*1' ■! > li l- t !H -IN vi*.t;- ^1 and 1 he Yen appfoj-1 in:' 1!■ iihi V. :ioli‘ \« i' e .id;»:g,. ehrmiea!- and lid. “I’nele" been a fax hr a* Hie Bo-t '! •. b.; u, ;:ii< tiie Samuel .Jewell ol' Week M; 'Till. >vv I. ?v'-l ■'!11 iimd11. e may reeomtnemi’ I! one hall that i- In- true the rela- 1-, \ v- l r i.nv.k, -a anviliiM-lee. vo-mj* lad; Mi .. ! Me ... -t !: mhh ?.■ reported s. wr... fax. This i* one of the I. a*, d lint of th. < :t. l>;it tie M a i’"\vei i- liow naPor.;.' in i:. ii"n"l a m yeai |TI m;W,, ,, \ ,■ sy-ti of sewer.-i-a vein im ‘"•‘utly passed ln-:i:.ib Mi .b e lion troab ■ w X' i,.n --mail in tin 1- -i I *j- birthday. Though mriidi I |,a-t \\ U, iia- k*een -ell led ; week, pre-ented ith a y- !b a -it- b tn '■ ""i a w :' i. 1,1,11 " \ !:-i. \\ m r w h tie pore m.r best ell'oit- eil is I" .-(Mi! a im-liel' -am the ve-m n.reed i:,-i ...... nadiau I’arjjie.*’ '[’he fu!! *:_.= .iii- Hie unable to leava his bed his as Ini; gum 'It. ?ll. 51 m mind i- an. 5|r- ■' i: N i■ 1 appie- at ion. Mi-- W.-i ; .... A a.b .i: out teat w i:i tin* eat or i 11 -trained. 11 ere 'V I I.! —■,enat'-: and .M-s.-r.-. younger days, .•■tl’. it'll I! i! li: :i ! .1 J.I .. nil 1-1 fur till'll’ "Tie e>Miie from hr b Wll U !';.••• I,. ;, ! present and -he u-»nid ialt.- '*■' b: ni r Idmrlcy, « -iating ;» drains an I .-i w « est in eurreiit and events. tie-' lai-e u bi. n mam. t in. a rcat Britain and t n. I idled >i:i; will at IS«>nf• -i ■ and Mti'.ii.; n an r. politic- potato, p. | 1 .*•_ ;-: :i t•: ported to h.i' i* recoin ■i.. ... will .It M r. \\ ii.ian? W iam > i nr M •-■!- y •'firing in* last -rs.-nm. It *: a a to said la-t v,'b i' e > .! :i' t"S* >!;;!, -e apply >‘orpor- tiie rail;; mai ■-•:■* •. J ie wm a week. I.evi M. ; rithew of kl to I'l’c.-cuf i- 1* li -ake ..| tllC-e ueap.-r than at pn sent. al tile W.VI;" P I 111- ! W H’l i- \ .1. 1 a;, I ouali tied ml on, and peiii \ugu-ta lh. >i vv!. .. in.'ieatt 1 '• 4 1 '• -i" -1; -j, I,,. 11, h. •• ■ >'• i.eeepled iiy tin- proper ail i da. \X ei •* lavoiite A. of were genlleii" n ft j, with all who know him. Mr. Beckett, Belfast, a pr< | -u’enit. but Mother Tie e.mtraet with the watet «•,,t,.. id. 1,: .. d"hu and Halifax upon the f.r t that it* w e-t- This i- a iair -pr. .uu.-n el w n.*; p.i—•- for ;..u n-. Jin law ‘.-In did grant'-d di-charge, year K-.;.l t 1- 11 raw\ t .a ■• im : I’’1 I ba- and a second \\ ill it.- I. t’ f.,r i.i- .*i lii. }>;-.'tr-t .«_aii:-1 his was lur next term the; Th.d ;!:••_• :j min:.: for t a on .mieiital fountain- and i! ■ nr -it ern t. -■ >'■ •!!. ilel a|'|iointinent meeting appointed Ililie- rniim:* !* in reyinnr n ani. ..miinuniia- w it in thi: tilth f thi Iio-i !!: 1 11 :; be i.a\ im I I. "ii w •• In ; reported ml* lu. a Use, H i- •• in tiie ea-e of Albert is not d. " -a:l. the senator- ha\ Indorsed A. lla -on, Belta-I. .lame rep,'ati government -I,.mid -me that a r< I .e tied. *ne t ion wit 11 11 i! Iv on_ via. > koha lane r to Maiie 11s:.i w if m. t 1 l'aI'iie-r I tln-y in ; t hai in. -lay praetn-able. would W II-' 'i ll -w ei •'* i' xv. T :c n; .or.- la 11. .... Smart and Samuel A. ot |.: U ey er. ilia* all labor on our sew er.- ...r {or -t«»r, ITe-eott, Sear-port. might be placed near Cro-1a, fun m-ltie ml. i build, ny lew and sw in rail it out. 1 " :l' '"lapaiiy steamer.* honor i- Mire t iid V'. =•* ! ■ a huh -tii". e Io-' 'j ! .1 l"'" II 1 | irking •■id"'-- m. li. -iiol-t. tin re seems to be no Mr Pierce, of the >e|)ool II- ..1. e oil n. .-toia |! ! lurii iv It I ,, ■ IVrey manager Belfa-t a ,l»l l!i. J r lhi* lin-. to w hieh _.veinni. nt ''‘'-ita like of the opera ^ Re R;.ti-i, y1 / I1"' rep.ut libra "! 1 i! .: 1 *• o \ H-.u-e lut- near the Puidh i.; mri tudl-iin .“ii. w ant at! I- t w m iv w n a- a P >:h i-ij a v I'.i b.a-t I-n 11oij .iiiy111i secured Mr. d. Clinton H all and id- e\ o'da;, last, ag 1 I! j-bai was k a pa id nrf.r A l'-h J.ihrary -howas that tin ;u | ■ ha* ‘-It 'i:l I,;, granted in annua' *ub*id\ 1 \ a! of .iUo.oou be iei, into I're-ident Ham- 1 tiie cliant Mr. A. W ;- a good hand.-. Hie v. hole del-yatiou mi1-, company in the called leading merchant in that tlie ac -d a -haw ■!■.-:< ,M:- ,• k ton w::« r**fi,iu .aiurm *•• > -■ n.iii play ‘Kaueh !<■," a p.tri city and Albert I. Herr ha,, t iy.. 1 Mm | ";>oo..|oo and ; jp■ p,.iiml- ■.1 d t" the nubile during the -eti!.• j '■ U ti'tn {•.•min -ei. of sp'i.oun; these di-putc-, it !-. ,k- like a hard time tor Wi stern border which w 1.! ami F. \. sha-a '- in ihi- '••••' drama, ill la of ttoh, i 20 Veal all .1 un -1,11; -. it> : r :i:: nt tie s::i i a-'f A *.'•;... The inter -i in presented nigh? eot|-i!lii| agi j ■ i\. ! ; by! taken t•! :;i\ ..:!■ i i■ \ i,> that lin. will run ti ua \ an " 1 lm .-eek. lit I *. -: wdm lien-ill an i« am r j*. An*tr..- dti/ei:s is rmt t- dale. Mr. Piem' the •.f e -- y greater than the im-1 hope early other eetei danglilcr --.dailml, ami a kad\ il '..I. e I i I \ I M, !•• .i! m l' ■. 1 lii < w. m :: _r. ft uii li-h that n'-l 1 I * ve.ien ! 1 » ... that a ■* Jtmi argin well t.*, it- : ti an; th:;m. a\. p..-i otliees, th'.myli Mr. taiuuieids in lew w ideh w ill in-:.; cstecim ri j ,i:‘? part HP* i. .uiid-the-w ofld ly he ainmum-- ;:i»,.t d in ilie >k. w a a ... tii l; •• .... ■' ■.111111;111:;y. leave- graduate if ,-t lli^h ■••!. I -tork lai tn In !:■ ha -t. ntt.-i. ,, : •, > W I, .1, •' ,N "• e-timate the benefit it !:«-•*• i'- ii me i- .m:,. |>.... it route ;* •*• ••• ilia• il in:; ertaii:, the •bie. |.i l.«- a ! ii.- .; ia*t *-;tm. \\., •“ : axcraye Truckmen ami children. \ i! rt D. n.i n,e 1? after 'hue! ,- .; t.•• 1 t; r* Tie 11• M o: !;• i n-in- l!l"'ii n;/'1!:- by a it -ire bo- others did a thriving bu-im- leaving *,. ri.iiiiny ■ 1 'i "lii ceker < 1 < lb I be I nt tile must in old rk aim 'umbel l.:nd has been bni. Sa! 1 hi •: ( Mi.- ai d Mi- A Halifax and < an lie n "1 V v. ’t •.:*• in_ <>i''A r !r\< •!: s *: i :• tend to ;,te l;i-t I the ni-. M, Know It on xx h- n- ,• .m ;ii mi lene u hi- m am! w \\ or n’and. Tin- dan IN, pi. hur-day picking up hay thrown over b:. Hum;' uromUiioc -la!.i.*n Im h ill il > 1'*"'••• i- ;|"d e,.nve\ to a -a ,, a h"!i -w ’in*i. If r-l. higite* appreeiati*m j ; n t i' 11 n;:.o: an e\p-riei.i ,* In will remember II./ ItU, ,.t n i- j B ha> 1 '' boaid from the Margnn-t •, -n-, a *ttr of the and ttie e-tei in of all whoknc\x aia v ni": •. !“ i1 it- arm ti ■ : I w I-un-hind** shortest route to l,,.]- i’a. in, eolo !»an*jni * be *11 *' ■ tin' burning sch. N. w Ida. In ti J ploy.-i in I a '! libra ry turn: •- a!* i.., :- 1 ■ »*'f asd emalfi lanet, and i lUtva-*- I,, Tie: lieraii! nh».ih n r !i !** hi- l.eid in ate; in pet •..,; 1 ■ •• ll!' and •' an aad g id membrane.-. fternooii one man had a am: lion daeoi. U I to -1 is rep- eb -ars “hi (dm-mut .-i.ahhii .-ailfd -''I;!-- I; iiiiia and ;n t h. ■..*■ enterprising pi "lerper. | -,.ra liar x\ 11•" a a a a 1 m ,- j l,;»>'«im ! m. 1 Ill: e. ;• eilirienily managed, out on " 1 SCI :• -in 1.; t. if U "1 •' hi < 1 -pt-cad the I1I111V below the Bo -up. amei -‘ In .i-i. to llio i-l.t- it.ili.- ioti-ly ill. M 'ban.. f-wm-o I > V ko-. -J. If. ! ,-_m m :i“ kadt He alilli it VV edd be of 1 eh let's, .look-. An to e.uj it- lit! to- : i;n Ait "t;\ t miiir. ri-por: A. !*;■• a a, a, ... ;iI;. piete 1 I wI:..r 1. ,u"nt cn at I la- .a >11-e i- ■«• •- -d\ w a.- :• tin’ <>! one March llth was a fair and i I• ia.-1 last where he ;. et rein in u- -| ivdarn Min n I'a. the Jir*l onaica: for \ o*!r alia and t'eyommeml ptiveha-e tin I! W II e. ! \V ! r. hay da; the evening by plea-anil;, Mi 1 iui] India." '1 a :t'ii.»- Hi' me Jit lino <• Si-'-. i'et.i; l*. " '' -l n l.-.j 1 tMU- a- tIn oiiiidl Mi. .. a. ma- itnpo-e hay dip d «.1V wa 11. Mr-, lai ‘I Power-, the inner an im acquired a larg* !m tin- m:r, b ; I r i i! 14" limp'd ! •atii. m: fin p.-i 1 tii!' arc ii. :n II la it t. this e. cry j propery. ing Another wr !- r ] ;i,( ( : -< "II "I the plat Jt.uli j *ay* anadiati l’aeitie “will n tire from fie ii fr ait on t h i\" > no- poli.'f beige and .-iiy mar.-iia! pm per-on::a«r ! high :a .i:»i m and been liberal with ;• He Men,.- ii-i. an ‘''''in'.a 'd are men and tri: am. would till i '"''d W 14. ••! p j |■ the latter a very N otwi 111 *t 111 d i 11 _r indignation again-t that nui- yood tin- position .Johnson i;,e J in.i.-iot | li vi tli- prii.c b *iib«.d:< t:,;- lo he 1l‘ s 0 I'll HO'1 Mr. i; 1 «p j :i 1 •• ''bang •, ha- Mi the church in i, i a- rm :■.• ; Hamj'. i'o all men hone-t]\ XX ith IV lit. Mr. I m m ole engaged and Mr.-. .1. \\ Withee. city ; tor Ion-elf a lac corporation ha* re •< i\. d, th. ot Mu. it f-i*"u!'l ghe onr aini oi ti;c Stoddard ll-u.-e at I-arming ion, r. take bnyth ; svmpathv ■ ! fro«n im the be’!. b- He him, hiding n and is a f ohm-on’- tic. .-ea at I -1. 1 ■•I ain I. 1:.' in N 'i w : iv tramp, pine simple, we -iemld '•barge by -h■ tia i,N •••''• I a ii has '•.,n*tr:i' t.-d. tic p },a* ,-d. 1 Mrs. 1 'V.ait liMimpo ::*' Powers, funm M ! I VW < "l I. 1 ( >. :. and eity ri veritable brii ■•ray man with a tiitn:.- ootor.* him. if ''"I“.ng -ummer. They are the he-t m 1 11 ri \\ .. !! purgatory ... ! I -! 1 \ an Tv inkh : ’ml ala-, she h la r ! " : •' '-1't ii > I I and he hi:!, p.> ;?ie,.; mi**iui i tramp law enaeti -land the e.* ..}.• i people the state and are lav. know T i- well km i: P !!a-t. he w ill l-t in aye tin <.ni alone. To me in- i- very raid;, having sung Judge and Keg! -i •!• Pn ate and t t m d thf IV- -ip' in till' a-* .-I' -! ;: M 1 bi ,'f limp wher *. t .umy. | pt. | ."tiieta!s let us -« e w« j \cry nder their I l.aiiiiii*11"' M'l.” j e.*nnty it management the lee •»'. <• binding t her tin wi 1* H a, ... 'I'■•!•.:! •: •• •, it a !: "yet y awe l.* i!a ! '•*.> t"' mi- b in Id- m *.- r:i arid -; summer i uiis-ioner- of \\ i.ik- < V I i. i A'v. | h v rr hot t• harbor tin- tmt-anee. r; a'-.,at nmd< 1'olale- sure to maintain the high reputation which ii aid*, eo.iuy,. to tr- luces 1 '' ‘1 ‘'1 '-«'niim* t;». bad last summer. It h**ri>* ~" I n g at the 1. .in -I of tin I >ominion, manayi ar« ami the lier<*ie metlmd !"* i ke the A a -:ra'.an law will open bn the sea-on 11! M I.,-eph If. bal- I the tirst >■? I".* a- follow Judge .q f.idii.Mv and hi- I md-mrn unc -m-d .md :m y"1 apply ballot Itm he liyiits day January i'"V I' ■»' ■!, 1 ■ ■* 1 e.M ■* '• i. 'd'1 i-i -‘•th. I '! a a v In Pi.ii FvPr.-i I nt II:. •' •. 1d : In- mti-"!i 1.v breaking j Bangor Con m er. sati*ti. i. alia-' Probate ion ar: 11■ ••! Pi.-’ in .- I- •* dott-. took it law on ..a \ i1 i ■ < T'n y-t Spun liny a!, r< *; ■. it n t* iin- '• Ur;" l*tm to a :* and <-le..jn-nt! for what lie believe- to per u;-1er j p home li'olii hi- ii t|- :•!. W -! _! •; g. iieiot;- diet **i bread and j "T*1 Vi. IV .a- ... a w iter. 11 apt A '/.<» M. jirter and V: Df. Co ! V ’! “v« i■: the and ! i';- n l Ida : it Ik w id a Kate I W. .Jo hnot ai- v, ,. per year. u nix Comuii -i->n< r- b<•«- me ;. i’1- idl’d in tin follow in- n | t Iy overleaped boundary boldly I mi I v :i> F- I'- make pjjje ;v I tvla} iiieiit -d 1 r’ I"'' bib.n.g j.. tin* w *. botli of this Were >• on -m. n > general ti.are : I'.i a ! f lie it,, city. married Wrdnr-da i,,Ivd ",ri ng 1 II, and travel a- m -a ti wi la ''iti/.aiiff iki'n a min; »M ran in a *•»: n invaded the territory : lin. I niied states. (A. IF. of V Hi. P !•• a i imm i. r, yet- .; itmeilt h- -I ek-. ipiietly la;. vva- dliving j day employed !•> ) hy "y' d n oinmemi a liberal t-diev. | ‘‘v< tli" I r ham! and wa- '1 !. :• '!l !' I! -ame an k, .' M ! > 'bug. Match l.".th, at die home of the gr. I home from Weeio ai.• I when near the With trie 1 ui_ li*h- ilrant. :it Lieu with ;'bl a*r. will 11, a -! raiy! t j oud- lions.• of Mr. 1 lb 1\ mm. w .. x r*' tin au- m|*.1111a- tend to at pi d ap pra r, a ml that an ifniri w a ->v tun.-it V ; !" ! father. < < Pei rv o», ( | Ibwtrain to hi- hou.-v. ''•■‘i'ital out treat m.r "V. i: it a’.im-no muyu in hi- ami apt. .eorge |{. al ter, \ M ,- I Augu-tn- dar street lv v. heels of of « o!.'_ **. ai eity I ampen will make his ('apt. his what b\ .-m.-ke at tin- recent n.,\.ug « thority 1 under H:. thill dis- lainagt-1 lire, "Vila 'll i v .•uni" wa- mad" lommander Fat nham b' A \\ in* are W t*. ime.-t 1 , !•} tiling in enter •: it be b • -. e ui-t been in carriage' -tru •. a walk. v I li o| tl oiiny men i- of I placed command of -,-h. J’em b t. piank The iron guise of a el,art* r l it a ;. holding sett led with the iusurane.- m.iupauie- i.ow .,-b. I:‘* ■'• pc-'tired by and de- o'id: d to Vh.I! i :!:-•• i l- j y !'b> Hilling ine .me, but are .,! ! -iifh iff -uaij/annc m nndilH*. ol tin t., \ l. I ii r.. kery ft-;, i._\ 1 1- *b.d;- to the ! and one of Belfast’s earring. broke at this ■ the a ctei 1 most amg men. eing poor li-eshis stock at a gn a: 'b 111t Mr. K n- -'; " if ::.n i >. n.t!.- 1 1 I t h' i !••:-. it i-ii! emmunity Surli p.*!:.■•, standing. capable y 1!if 11‘111 to maintain .a iii, it;s t;:( j* -am* ■ eeption. n -t !.y fraud, fr-ni. H Ley i*!at nn Vi-ln} : ! an — • * be bride i- point, letlitig tin-m fa:i tin horse'- lice'-, • | t i ymdib-d. however, by organi/. III! ft ! M I' k-. well am 1 known, aid ::gaiti-t ton a line ex t. v to tak< tl in dune, >*}»: instead I \ ■ ! favorably hoi ket p- ot .-r; :mug of "Mi M M I *: *■ Y\ Maine, it ;* u w bi ii-tin- a thr -u.di : I;,-• uue •.j nr h-nlilm i This 1: I -lam II. ! -■ ll.- < ■ > friends -tarted the imt the I )•»•{.•)• I'*>!♦*i.i»\ a \• .1. ?•- h. hi tii" H t:- •• It a' 1.1 IV —I'lne t'r.-n many tender Mi-.< up animai, he!.} biov e in tin* mattei > e.-eh lo pa'o congratulations. ai*ir I am aim.. I "d i111o!;-. I'l.nui'rh Ilf fit u :: \\ the northern ; ir f ti man to >t. Andrew -- tin- h a. lh> maiitti.e t u!«• el in P I- ! "'•'5 "* an ha- on b.-t to the rein-. The nialviii. and _ ; lit 1 b-tri t !- !,. ha.e tin- started the to .Jack- k an ilerii.e < ; la.-t si n -nil.- w* n *i ve.\. tion of tilliny | voyage -ns :l!e in ! i: e n t S '.all al d I. Ill pile >>'• C 111 New n w a : : 1 (r on a. Brun*wi, k. with a.d the mat the ial.d a •..nun.,n d-ane. a- ia fi a p-die husband'- j foi d vva ra; dty i‘>. If I \v;i- n ..... mat ! would | vessel. grea ruined ,:* 1'-' l'i* ■ ra; a-- »• or. n. .*-’ '"*>' ** *•■ at -. Mi. > .-. «• evm iji’•!>.• iI in 1 *1 *i>»ns l*.. c.Hh.j 1 -minion.-. tin- : :;I. ;. •! unlimited o.t. .>! of men at, m .• ■ I or, -t i 11 k"i' 1! he r< ia ; m- y .-an .m- ■'"*• ear I make the Iman- :< h ai.o tor a sided I ug t h a from v .- i'M* think we need m.t Urpui l hc W ald. I c pulled ■ < ■ lni-r W he i< ■!,. d at >!. 1 a- y auieli ex,*i*e'd Trotting lor Breeders A Nt.W b t.i 1 b iX >.; < u \< 11 be.. T! M and Til"- I,} 1: ! tin- -'an y Uti* ninaii, ■.] •!:■ >; maii.l." 1:1 ra.-ed la-t ■1 e of r I <• huge and the t side "f hi f;wc -trm j t ;- !).- -..n ,- out tneir limn’--' ;ve,mm n h d me t ,r a e rig! k 1 i \\ o\\, M, -it;.- vyar. Although m ■ ... u " ■ ; fully arranged for their iir>t annual and A ;• l*u men ..I a m ., !• : m .-oi'i.'w meeting '• la I. or ani\rd in titi- .it. amt \n ■■. t;t n AN ■; hat liu'rea.-ed on a e unit ■ ! !'"■>•. -•• the lie'll k* itli IIk-'i before ii- t!i*• jai Mir rot lie Ib.n po-i; io... om t e. tain, I w mid undo on th.-ir Ci.pleteiv .-ing right cVe. Ih-.\.a- llayltii. |• i:n.’lia-e o! a new | driving park in this .Vig'isf |:; an ! i. j ! want one to lii! the \.,e:m .U ( .>ni>< :'ui: in e m-i-.i remeterv, both city, 'I heJV ill :• I > I i M -t",id. IP leave- W- Mi nn aim l: H w ak a.t nr. \ M I:-! U!"1 ..Mlg u a- at a-pert of the i- mad e|. ar. I: i (■ \ ii'i'ii it" tin. le w l)e;.ioerat would >ee I <111—tioii | vy,:' it.-pet.-able, ill be a )e-et u* I adserlisement. The stakes and pp,-c- ihm. bx the r. ... .1 F. V. h:ht I be ei. I"" w >. T m .. T 11' a ph of a iv'hi-r a-- latino at 'V hoai an I and n i-p t!'*:n tin 1 his ollica u Hal. | aiiha n. • < railroad and te li tax t t> show vcland ttitv. I tun er saw are lent that thi- ana lian road, with ii- x i 1 pra| larger than is usual with a new I ei- P a : •1' Wa 1 *' •mi., j-p,. lion will be he] Tne-mx allerm.on. Mare!, gm, -l.' -o ti- ;■-■•! '1 Ih ’hi- "t»B'il *;i Im. Uf'l lll'f I'H kimhn--- i ,| ;if_- la-r .... 4-i;.;d :i|.|.|v ;iril rum nt v. n. .I, .-•!%: d y .. X d:-p! dm! ii.,-. |>i. k- h i'c I I- Vi; Pi Via ’The D .-toe hraivhe-. a prent " w i- a .v r. *i-■ n 1;"*'"'1'!t iv for all stallion in which Daliv Globe of ..' control* of i!,. 11 di ! iIi_!» •!. ih- d• ii'i'fiv. from Im. k | ruce, t’.e noted n from one to f.e.r dock. The \i h rim n xx: I on! ft, pari her if at I. -rill !n -mi,. .' m. limy a "O op and ti taxe- i ... li, no..-an ib M '-. !l o. it: no i- an t--r- :,n. the follow ing- ;.-ent — tw en ""litri" and h it hi.- h :ii legrapii unknown .p, an I I'haekambau, I! am. id son and l. ••.. ! pi. noli.a* of a hi ion at thn n. l .-j ,..- the east and v.e-i and ,ji il. I’a* ea’I} ;i" i’'1 r lax ami < nil' fin If-f point- i- *■ liunrli ft tw I,, iff « .! ■ in ..J I- m .-■ fiip. n-tnr.i. 11 i- >" i- -limM a; .•»■' pr*- -settlement m "ma■' let'.i:; re. ...i.I rt next "w-p- epic ""«Hi pitted.will boa winning card and draw c:-., •;. M'-nda atti rm Mar _•. ena-t. while it i- e,.n-tam!\ iv.c r. it will J, ae11 our lea- n, “i Iii"l" SitV, wa- tine. M m hiiip out >on.I\ nt'--- tie- wid. k:i•»w a : .1 y 1 1 partinirirly I ti-nii.-r l.-t tin Mni-nm. m y;\m to the la.-t I .ntrie- 1 r< Mi at,.’ Mm a. n. J close April !. Write or ,’! p t| c r. Hum, eoriv. t the rm ck h .| mole. It i- of .. .;r-e nud: ine Ilia nui:i"l .m T. dk at W .m. i, 1 '■ '■ 1 ••' \if 1' -r l.oth Will i.f .! at •! th* r ■a-h of ,;t- ■' '• 1 "."aid l'l l»em I *■'; a pif■!:. \| !"-yond oUiinen 1 e e, 11 ■.. 11 atni! i-l), I iiai-t, Vacate the po-i t for full j apn lamily w <•. •' ivy particulars. ».-:ij|irr.t|” ■«•••• w a- ■' — Frida v.Kerr. the N. \ A id.-rm in l'l 'e ii ail I .!> It the reuni- m the I' P'krr i mm a’ a. I uhi- < lilll'fil in till- I:. \[ 111 111 f. our intei 'tate eoinim r<. expenditures and a iaiihlu! -. ■ ; Krptv.-riitativ y law. and in fact j* ab- per ! itt.v: n: li lit1 '• A-i- .N XL. 1 .-n: ■ •• 'illi'i ::u al.—m m |- venm. wit h \ in the P-"dh -.- ! •■ 1 he ‘Mono tin- a-ed 1 "Ifir^i-d. onij-ii.-i: :y; y 'l«ny d'bauking \-.u »..r m orre-pomh in of Bi,,g. Wi h-yi-latha hr’"-. J |. -a lie !>:m a •. 1 li.-.i-aiit fret from u-. !' v 'J solutely any control and ran at** ii it t d I >1 on- ii I 1 un it a i by j rid:.}.Tin: jar. b.*11i11g may i eoniii,u hi I < 1 b" !' M; otnier, -ay- of the it-.-ti:r«• .n '* •"> th.-ir hi!•)ren ami ■'Hi.-"ii at Ana a-’a i;i h.-r ma a :■ ■ a .hat > e -am.'. I -ttbsei il.e shorn's Ltliitl lioom. Mai-b.d X, l!"-ir nrnndefiiidrm. e\er\ >;.« \ make 11 h treiaiit and rate- a- th« K ineman am idi lit l.-i, !• i. i r- ! ud. -elf lionh I.'mt V.. fk :• wa- pa.—inper it '■ •••■ -1 F' delivered there Li. nr 1 |>r* iu.-iii-lin- Mr. :,n | 'A > 11." -; 1 « .r t > a -1 r I ■ * a- 'o' Mil recently by Hat* h. \ J it-1it a v * '• di"l that tin 1 i wa- .a-.i-i-d 11, '■•"* i, | •> > link In llm ! d h-i in at tin* nn t. ... to th.- y ... I" x\i In ! A. 11 ht, iiimrv ot im Ameriean raii- U M „ I have i the traii-fer- in real e- ; Hill. Mr •! Mm. lair Hum, “Tin? Ufturei was aw I aiia-'t h.vr within his ha! -"tin- j-me I \\ ;;it itii II. Idtii'-r. who i- 51 the wa, h elopuent aided lie honor ot V'■■■■■ > 'ii- ur on!;. that ! .d’.i-■ i• we, ! II. linn'. Mr. ami Mr- Jam. l'oad-. with win1!, it now ltiimui- 1' "*" ,:‘t", d id; in tin .Journal, nm-t have j ••oinpeil- oil the when i! -lion!.; ha'.. I>« « n ! l- lliro t'c|io:t"il for a hoii.-e tilled to ovei « I 1 >A. I..a -i-line oi'j'iiiiiznijoii. J (lowing, t.n-.n dig- ..l 1:.- •. > ilm i, Mm- \, If..,,,. | ,, n tak- In 'in- will: ti. -m mail l -!iar.- aUm-v,- u.-« 1 1 t Ir v n tn ini I it “I.f i, w ,if l',r* < 1 ■ l'C,-li stl'm k w it ii tie- f i! el j I Ifi t ha: i. \| 1 road w a- built tor main I in-.".natur :m-< : l-h ■: -! 111. i; Ml rriivr 1 ! re*; :cy with w I'.i'h the a'. A !• h*n m e In I!., t ; imari’y mili- lJ!n-h- h, ;r. j;,.. I to occupy room He Hunt, Mi-- have hrm M •• takr ■ ••! standing only. spoke entir- ly 1 pant. tin-«*|•; *vruuit; of n was f.t. a * |! 1 “am 1 dam.- 1>. of ■i"- *• >"’• if "• >• II;.Ml, It!., laiutf i.v a -k of !■. ■. and | ha- for aided hi- nii-m 5- li; " : "-"'I "***', l'l' -i in. 1 ( vVinsor, Philadelphia, up- \Hunt. |j. tary political purno-e-. and not a-a lint, hurl.., and w :t ti -ut v. *i: Mr. I’m a al" u m pri- y he-itam-y note-, and a kirk au Mi- m v Ih-ttei h ; m, ... pi of that "oil--. Poor !i. ; h •« I- ! pear- in eon... :i. u w ith sales ol land at l-!e-boro. ,,, vate or Me-- -u- lm-i and listened to with attention «••»!.aratnlati i.t-i im Mr ami >- '■'•tat;. > ai > ina mm a t: nm am l in'.r! nt I Pmi enterprise, it is eieai l\ the Pu-im -- ma! t--i -it- !-■ undivided until the M li.a'f i tend to his private -1 *.. lb da- that _• nthmian for him-i • - " ! pu-i II or a 1 ,l"" ma !1 oi l'l* v oi linn ne and a -i ,.t ,--i i" .in .."hi. am! Irakiua r|o-rb. n ]•’. iey jt- manager- to antaponi/m our na- the »»I*i11*. n a-on- !<••• n-tii. in* ni.K slit, hall hours. It was a \erv aim a!l«T tlm .:;!i -! I ij•:11 1 id.:! !- :a enj Irt.m iiiiirmu:, in- i. .-. (.• ; j ll' '•• "i.vl •'*..', wn- ■.viol nn.] ipl -•>.!i. of w l.i. I: lie is a nn n her, tional interests. With the" lr I'i'v i liii'ii- Iroin ah Put oti' -a. i-.wn i;i N, w norcph'.l. iiiteliectiia! treat, tun! at it-cor,. ion the -;,.i "I his fHi-i.itm-nt1‘ •1 a tin .v hi* i; i.1 r hr timl -u •-id :/'•'! s1 dor tin1 link u;n if ! '' '' 1 l*;: io. worth m ■ dmn .h.-mm Ham 1- lii.-i. mol 1-ouylit hind ot our island 'i'll! M -Ki ! V I t ml" .. j I i \. tin- on tl: r, in •1 ) l:iini»-hire | j.iiin’lltioii f. an 1 \M > m!ni II! ill thr 11. ::>! a- 1 lies of ocean wa-given unaiiintou.- ote oi (hank- the pi I }H |.;m Ii: u "-ir .m steani'hip-. and tin- no le-s i.' i —- *:: ■. r.—. ! t v.eek d F*i. !..o in f. in. amendment to tin n.m-jiti-m a-: \ 1- ,_7 1 .. ni- ■ Mr. Ik.w, ,.j i;< ’‘'. kail .-W rial, < !'} TI,.- f„)|,.u Mu'Tn; diem at tin iieli\,-t !h">r w h-» r-i». .| Hm ■• In ;■ foi the pleasure .,!> 1 iustrm turn ail 1 ! >|.,-ra i .pita! ,inriny the j a\;iy -nh-idi/ed iine- *»1 the no. bn.771."5. am. ;■ < ■ > a ‘1 'll'- M'.i:-•.!••- ;. t. railway, trade ay. w.e- at I desk.-ro, amt H-n.-r ia-t I li.) a; w ;m a m ah r. !.1_ know. itr -.v ;• w .'ii iii- |i-ii •, m m h oi k from 11 Ji ttii:.T I : tllid eollllllt ree ol thi- x -I n-;.t -id !'M'' e lai’uis of t!, 11111 i‘ are I i> MI-1 \ j i-t; Pm;;, ii .uni ninety fihiii. l iir li 1 It l with Manet am! I hr lm; ton .- ! a •_ l!ti"\- 1 ai P * ! '* defeated ii j '!• '•■- *:■ .' v i .II.-.i-i.,-. lx< bNidAin Ft at Anothei lire Now. to -liplitA en- I f.n u hieh s-.nne Thi- i., A-. r‘. tall ..I hati.'.i.-appr-I. chanpo the '• re.-pe.-iiv,-';.. v,j.aid | -| .-rt.At nine ..Vloek the 1 "ii tin Ttli iii-t.The la-i f...... r I". < HU a '. i a j I IViiii,'i„i...m. ; started in this last h.'l< I P i.;li "Pm ii. of I*...-- • 1 b:ml i- near the iduil at tlie ea-l. ri, -ide l; city Saturday evening, ihi- ■" * "iker.** 1 *ii aiiiry Tweed “What are wa -dm: arriving in "an I i > r--j-«-: t- r- v. \ y I b" \\ I .nn-.m. der'- lihal hr i! ’i r ;!ir .,,.. I maivh time it was under tin; -(‘ttp -lit 11.• M.r -.rm in pa -•. a:; rma'ti -i "tl o\. It will ;■ a !.• ! ■: ur -torchou-e ot ikm A a A -v, ; v i>t a d<» ahoiit it .jiii.-t ill IIII".-I.'ih:. !*;■• leu; i y may \pe« t ami im.iv nh-a d-ht i- -, ! im; -n. Then I there ha I ti .'•> •n«r: run;; a t im a.a it-hi I- \\ n .am \\ .! b;iiAioddib'"""’.. shaleson Woods A •. nomii.ateil .lit. Ih. >hi. see hotels and e,,i;ay< dot Baker's wharf. The 1.. w a yna't'w r >.!:’:■•! t.» !,.w tin a .!,. tiny the shores of the "•‘•tv al»e .t -i\l11111 ii rt.nine, tiie .-.miie I l\-i--o;i am! ( IP P. ; ,.;nn, i -: i'V nl' i .nil-. aim : I.r -a iliti-j- M.-orio t full ot and had the I p.irkr: ■ b -ia.ei from Tuph Ik hay Haines got underun w m! i 1 •> ’kirk nn ^ t1 n A- stated la-t We. k tin iwi;! :„rtt. d t* Pn.dieton's point.,. riir man !, \\ a- ; I e M|. \| pir | Main. ja da- <• -r- to tin Miiio.m "on!- r. t>" -at I’. -i hi.I t,. have made a h a s- pi i:p tiiri: trim-- !•• ti. m Ito-pm I * 1-1 t w.-.-k tin* brisk lire. Night watchman Fii-n. ■ : 'ked, < 1. e.,plain ,.{ -leanm; ( j•,.t Un h- "ttrell. w h> repiv-.-ute-i m !i;h a a -rr- for the of T. !;. >;nmnt oiner-" in iklaiiama ha\. rm:.-d l.\ .mind w -■ appointment | y.,:yi,vy;;:..."'«ior,i„voyo,u.s bad arre-ted a ail inti-r *n m i,r< Th w :th drunken man near tin j... t .,f M.-iii ; i idled "l it. soldier-.1. : .- t hr I ri: -upj*ost d thi' to he a r< •..iji;i«hi of tiJ( -ha; ;i. !■; m i>. ■'•ok alter a -trikin^rnslume- | rciyht **!"’•-1‘, -!, Hr In'.. has P« ieavin-:' W a-hin-j ton at -t diun.-v i ah- ; t, 'be b V. er gang ot drunken men about the end ol the i-laiid. i lie w barf will thr.-e ■ '•*"»’ Fan j •!’ II.II-’W'- ami I'rod Join -. V set", it. Mint!.W.nth. Ifniph blorki-i with .• 11 inuai'l ;m.p ntu.ini H- t \ pal ly ice rendered the < amdeii "atunla\ niehl. ui\e.i i.yihe -t •! wharves. When lie reached the •’ by Herald, i-'ri.-ii*n} lb *"!• Mi -ter— i,o. \trnd out Jo.. w :; li a «d ion feet. wharf he dis j II* l:i- nn. a n :t?i M *. ,|.i)-! >,.rtie flonl.-iye Al, " ho represent, ■! t w in j-i the m ,,f Mm- | w i "l I'atrP-k. II. i. -nom'l.-d .‘a-: I i. 1 am! till- -'ale tr.n o, h Tim km until we read that • .'*' « Mb .1 ,e. b «i*\erc.| tne .Mr. >iimMiton i- "a |>. Ti,. I1"'*"! will ke bi, lire, which had broken r. If.I- u V. .• It here three stories with ju-t out. ■ 11 a hi -! \\ e. it! '| ... A -. lawyer I nit* d "tat.-"..Mm At.a- t --i i a Pa. l.iyh. A ,!i.c; a- a M" 1 mir-e 'I'lir ih.o; I ; 1! ! w iirn thr train .m t .. .? -tb .- "i ( eutral t 1 be btv wa- oi d with a :p l>:-*ii. \. k '•d! -even .. k kindled in the loose under ability, acquaint, iiuir law- aim | It will -of tin- ■ iby i a d" d i::. All in I "iM'W'tn ! it .. iv I. uniipa architec hay " a -i. '-ii.: r.'i ill-. < i; -is n--i-trM 1J direetoi, tll<* mi;*.| 1 and was enable ;md -.- ar- *a r <■ :• imv. wall building it.- on the pr;*eti ‘•--eiiliai j •m;.a:i} story part nmyii h_\ j.eti'i't ai At i: i, 111: i 11 ire eream and '•ut.-ide. rats l.-ll hrli’mi f tw-mii", tiai: '! in. i-l.-nt liomihated Him. V* \\ Thoma- in Mr. 1 11-bee -luaited to on a -choon ire there mi-talo I Moiida} pari w.'od, i-ainted ddieront eo;ors. so that the people eakr v. ere -rn i. The nio-i<- u.i- _'jiia:itications. ■ 'A- 1 ’i t>y Sat,h..rn*- I in ■ -I r.. oJ Portland, lor imm-a ; >w oPu ami j •('r.' <-r at the w mat rompanv ha- mv m-•' •!.<•» r.yn.i put hen bn 11-liny will be a um-t attnietixe one. liarf,-and w ith Inmkcts of wale- 0 0 Ml'- \! ;! -J \] 1 Itro. -iniontoii i- liar id. }.■ w u j:, ,.U! [ > !- r. ■’! < wmbuMiam. The hotel 111 i! « -Ira- T:.i hall mo-.- i tin -ei a |;(. i Not w .!. o. A. i t —. a ..t on a seroml 'mat. | a}.I. "il* e -tarted ii oued the llames liclore til** ho-e tiny M:ty. but not Uni-lied in season company arrived. ‘" I- a’n ,. '•oiirt' he- .use of hi- a ,--i\e of 11::! I o W e; i. Wa- I itllid •! a -t.eia' w h •!; ha h.-.-n in |,| w ei k a i perhaps mod- !ru_'_,-t it. i-ed A- U ! .V Mi >• Pei' -I it i,ii-iue—. The company, however, turned on water umi Id. liaw. v. -,- l-.n -. N year Tin- m-nth-irn-u who are and winter. I'm- ITfi; I vp in s!i.r,n esty but :i'a leejuia : w in- ami i;- e\i!-. "ur,da\ mortiine. 7 Mill hew upon j down un h-r and wa- t -nr.. -a o n and v ill out the building. Mm-b credit dm.- Mr. in ih< in\. jifaet i"iue ]•!,}-i.-iatt hv, put *’ * ■ rharyr -Myall"", if im-liie ,t tin V»'!,;t ami a' an editor, hi. 'him' with a _:a.t I a ill I I !: \ I t: i : u a. t i; ,i !,«.• a 1 many of the N imi "i it !i .Maim- •-: im.-i.i a !:- <■—;i —.,i.•]-,i’.:ion in i ri-bee lor hi \ .gilane.-, lie (- r.'n’ pi:-!,d,. ttieir plan. Twentx (,u m-'tv storn in t lit- <-it !ia. a tin.i "audio : in n-hit.'a'ii to hmi ■'. •n oi a h. ul t:a, j power. Tie brilliant editor! w < i I Kuler. '....-,rM ..f h- w ftp v\ r. Hi- a_• a- ai-m: !:.•• n •' !* " cny-iyed -ions more than-aveii -i\i; upon the hotel and twelve tiie amount ot n .u I hr Vrnlii L 111 tint. III. li rr w w < have a11raet.e I ttie a:in a: .■ at .>! mi | hieh tin a ill'll 11 Herald «a.»ri ;. i- vdd t«. iiave t -ult. a -m a a- •: ; la. nn-ime- lairby in 'be wh.'.i i e of the the of lire-, and i- a vote < ;: < « bidi-iiuy hotel will be timely disc.•very pi rrm'itiry w iih-.t:! a i{ aiht, lap tlmiv wa-ma -nth i a.- n t.Tin- »n i.m‘ a. !••«- aa. .. --i. :**'*’ a re e -rn- -i 11 I! mailer, tow in time-of :;•{• ; N ; h' 11. •;a,.. ‘-he;, mnailer political exriu incut arc alike Lie !"t edit b\ enitraet. A- a onicer. The lire was d"iiht!e-- the wan k < •. •• -• a-1- .-old Ih.(ton ms of io« the hotel and drunk ; rirnt i*l"in p. v :m ait ?i.«• at n -t | ..a.::.,: ; I —. K. Kir! anjs. I haw. -t thli-h M-a, h -..!• lamM.-mr n m»:v i-"i. XX *• rn miratiois and the- ot < '" o ha if are nu U-t 1 hoodlum-. •; a •. ■ oii\> In- dud: a:i ;•!•. Mine dh.-r -ale- alt- ! J t". ai th" .! -. A. 'A -haw | j. and pa.—enyers bey in to I tins. ! M Who ui *r. ii a••. | ! h.- I ! -! i- .-im— an I ,.|! m -ii-... I a a. •' !■ •! I\« li, Il D. "'•bx- the -amor of lt.i -- •Mit' -: aiiel wh- n i- k’ < wn MeM. City hnnm l will toueh l‘“<»u l’t v The fate oi tnakr furilmr < \p. m.:;'. hi in m _■ pm In ,< i .}*!!• _. \\ ,1- f, ;. *. iiij'oraiie iii*■ h ,-.,t v.. I:„;. ’Ha ohi. rt of -t; -h a v. ■•...■! h. .-«•*. forth the w a- si a n. ii u a -• 'Vi -i *• >1 Pi-i'i i_- it a; : ill'a-l- I A «, i; j. 'ii'!'-. I re vide tlm -rakn-n- a now made fora an last week. wiml«»wa a m,:i-_ t. •. Herald i' on tli- «•«.ntr-t i- ;• panh-d as A ,i beiny exciting topic During the tin nr t*a•*:ii:it •ii’-i :tur.-i a::ra m hi-!i, v mornine and da d at noon. I i.- 1 *.■• •' ! I "aI ank L. I .ininons. li, ;,t-r. \\ it!. da} II t. ran limn lie V ■: " I ••• I yiaph hpolt shore to on the schooner I :a. ■ ,.i ■ lmanl" 1 tin ft ml ..m .hi the in-. I'm practically decide 1. I; mw-t b. that IP... -bn- a ine an i o ink ii. -fr-m,. ■lay morning Vw a iea t ili-l.imm; im-lnt- «••.., ;>es h- itr up; matt} year> lead imrehant •1 rj.* •" ‘A a: 'I « ■' !' or. >m .lalin-.- \V. .ii.'I ;t i- ba'•!.• that the work rr I! a r, ''‘:T1 t h" inaimia"' :;■• -a Wood pr* of longing on board was cut otl* b i |,| r \\ |; .j ■. ,, ,, ; j,,. ,, mi is tor thi' •• tieaeed in i! iayiny the Haines houi h-‘-e. t •••am tt-'e- an -ml ! t-ii- urped impiM-tant rli* a- an i-i m.annt.r-i uai i,.. Hunt. ‘t "'ll : in a -ie-rt time. This will Wa- i- live in !.»• a! .ml t-.w ill': !! 'kin prove of reaching a of at all, Inp is ai.-o e thr nr 11,■ r ami 'otoi and imt j»"!ui"- "i place security forward, and ...Id! tre- ;.i;| in !ia• eim• 11;- ..ilau-i to u:«:• hit -m--. rnt.t'.-ly a- a law er. ami hi- co n r- 1 salt V.llmiii.! -n..I. y tempo .'lire re led hi- «li -t r i*t ill 11, > •'-\ a in yivat tiie IH'.-ell lm- .•'dx.iutaye ,.nly •-.-uimunie.-ition in*w overboard into the ice -'i'» !.- hit" tin More ... .,.,1,1 :! r.:i t. 'I r. "id Hi. I f.„ 1 jumping cold water-truck h‘--w -rth 11 a ,1 M a lar.m -I. f in in that event r* *«»j< * at thi' ja n.pni- "I t he h i-lat 111". I !* a- 0" \.-a r- a It >- mi.r-y ~w:i», W i;. l-oat. Another whart will be *■ up M.-u -lmll, i'.x built at i.ik out tor tin store. the ' ■ I "i. I.. progress pus,-with iut« re-i Now l»>\v wa- hoarP" l t'r«Hn thr in ! :i P.urli 'ra In- a;-; :ot- i IPm. I w .- P. ; k- <•: T. Mmli'.. : ui'-.- 1 o’ hi:. •: in ii -ii h, ration of ev up 1 ! kix l< aimlen. lei- alreadx ■ -m r been i-nyaye-l (,. .|«. and then -he would soon :t how "a w .»i u Paneor, »mmi--i iion> ti,. j ir' -lirpht-r.1, li.irar.' Hurk go under, l.ut i.. p,. '.’.m :: ::.\ .?i.•.» i• .j- n imi r.inta' '■ emj -.ear.-, an*. -'J.'. UepjV'ciita".i\ lccMie y of Portland, tlm "■ H.' ilu-r. (., u | ... the work. t!i" "tale oh laid hli:. tli- addition !!:•• M-.t surface like a rubber ball and ic-n ne he;- -ti ug. IL.kei. I'n.Ill till -l,,n ... Mr. I .... 1 " 1 :in,| I Iowan: a j; it ... t.u-e.r -. il- t ui! limr to hi r,,mo < -: (ark—I. H. of •!.«■ tiou>". lii»ii. \\ ... ,m i.. man 1 Kaler, Win 'I'd •‘hampioti A.i'tratb.n i*aii•.; i-;,|. .- not Put 11 ib'xxe, be laud ayent ai.ove m< ntiom-d. i- went to hei j turns, ami wiuHi a-I.r l t M "gri 1 <; Wlilt. Ii. their- at ti:-' n 1 t*. ! ti-a !’• i:a-t I to -.;r\ c on in .-.anmi--: m.•! h.u i I. "i ::r ai. i of the »b:'di intere-i,.I p. ■ ery-b.i: oi«i.*r. and will n def.-at. i this locality. ,nd that and half drowned and bided throng-. i.a- ai W hit in 'iv li- -a; I h U u .\ imtn'i -ays w:is ha'** at.o! a | a man j.roi i.i in the eiaiiii- lm iin-- i,. lie an! ,,ii -;ne>- ell when the new hotel at P.Hia-t is ■ H"t lly into a pa"ion. de. bum apain-t line- opened n -d:aii lam led and taken to ti,c oti;. e M'r. t iwwl. t,m jurti! H hr arkn»w k'Pyv, In- h vaster ti:« Slat 1 'I'll, W. ‘'lie- -!:• i! \ hr ene.ottr.t-' •!. Tin e .Veil a- ||;|(,'J, an,| 11 due Imre. it. | 1 lie i- desiro'i- tlillt there should be station I ami aerie*. Id- own a -m : agent, where she wa- md.l-cp with hr W ra "ami M ■!. |a\ m u. narty of ion. Mr. "liIIi\ -a. M •: i\-Tin- Fr cloth- the hn-iiie-.- na n corrupt ! eiti -ulM .p: a .-ry liheral p Mi j ■ " r..ilr ! facilities over tin* 1 •, * ■. ;■ '■ r.e!fa>t liraindi t«. and warmed am! \\ •' •""»< admit* that lie was at. an- 11 a j t lin Pi -i !. i. every thing done h. a vc !.,••• p-,. Mr. hitlll'O.. io. |J- j pip;'- h' i; \ ! 1 airly ami *mnor- 1" in i'*1 to -',••• ent, ri Ma ,-• M.-l* mahl i-o. : :e oiumodate the ted -uiiinn-r -b -I \\ hit. IP-i 1, Mini I hyp. exp, travel to I wa- c -•atl' t. ■ e 1 1 < Catnip procured, hut the e:it u|d ,:,t take :t. -I thr -1 r. t M a W itnm; 1 V i.:. ab|y beaten, ami om-e-h to Ids .1! ami II. A hi hi- )•< .M chief oppo- 1,1 (•!« will -onally iut« rv iew '»!r. Tin ker on .a|Mre- me.--:. I- ha i.-rmuia 1;d Her -to:,, 1 >'••1 mb w:i !i I with -alt mamtr for •• nent. Mr. a Hay Inis s. Ill, kr.n-'l 'i" dl.jeet. Tnis I- a matte, in wiiiei, tin- water, rind -I I pa; the ronton: an 1 tIn- map. u Manley, conscientious di-‘diarp« d Ordination at < hinn. people hoard iihrah Hi. "I Uelfa-t are w a evidi nl in 'I '■">.!•. r,r, II. c dir. infei-e-te i and iIn ly great pain. I lei means and e; im- I <,-,iI •: l.u -rt t ini l ■ 1 ■ i w rr [■ tiM" what he ■ iliimpt "Viiny considered t<* be a Urn 1 " I!"". II. II. be a !.i'.i'. a -t Mr. public duty. lly ,1 I,ilm;:, lb»\v, hi hi.- pinh-rtakiny. wvre like tliose of a human heii I»\\ vll- ',! Wtll.l V. »-a I ie, i'-M:i\ t tiie ■ :: g. Kina'lv -he W. I!. 1 stated. Mr. .Swan, Sat),. It t I vs I v t: I «»if .\I t -;. Vi. ■. Manley's position wa- tin j I, beve« 1 ol :rt.,m i.:' t».i m-■«ii-• ne 11 v v ( March i .1 1 her-eit periiajt- half a mi,- t'ud f 1'i'opi mannfa-' •Iiuivli, liiua, per,— ..|- Wilis dt it' V'!| i al.d ti; ..., \V 1 Filed, ■ 1‘ parded the t ;.:v omi lit ttvital of tin- mm/.alum v a- n enactment of sm li a law. contem- In after .-Imion water and soon after died, to t .. in thr la! ,-r mm r <•: hi! he .iii'l W i-ii i»ul a; .,-r, •laining tli* ir 1 a-toi a l. Mr. \\ 1*. p;.:„ ;. g i.y tmgiet of all who .'j1.'.'..1;■'■''""i Hu 1 nt lari an m:-n ,t' w I'hbinp a' it «lii the l'i-.l ate ( in tiiis as the eat mu-t !i.a n. i.- tn ,v..rk present time. If i; represented Wa: ourt, tlumgii I .-a pi a j a an 1; ... 1 ia \ ,\ “i !:l '"'if pa-s.'il !,v In,tli "111v ami in int ,p Mm T!ir u. * li„anU. ami in some or -he hift eom iit ion. T!.*- me-li. inr i- maun inn; are*! in M-rr-iiip. work, in M i" mhii'ett' tlien i‘ was rvillc, l a:rii- id, Hella-l. North \ .is-ull.,.n. am jui’etl way would have ,-ur\ ved lap time lm 1 ''' Mt '-t s tath* r, ant. il 'nrl.nis w a ti | h-'i to it it* lim.-t < a .■ | <’.,'p:irtUH-»t!, ma.lf the -e ;:i »rt} \v i: h a t; a 1‘ i: M m W ii:~l«>\\ IP v (. \\ 11i 1;<• k’• j I-.. Willard I r.Mt. iale <•! !:• iiast. i-• -wim in the salt water. IK whi-ker- wc 'pl'epai ;!ie ami Uy and m.t until then." -late ,n., ! Ll ! give- ..-orgi -;.;g.-d -tor;. ".fl-nni.-nt an,I ..- flt.v rrfem-l to the l. W.llike, ol >n-licl;am, Ma-S.. I. > .Mi-, t'n-'u •• H‘ v •'P'lirlirr, v ,. amh'-i <-\. r. liu.n -rr. 1 but -he did not to them :- !.. lame t a a. \ Her. A.-I V .11, c\ \:\, |; , appear have l-eii tiierwi- n ■ '"-rf I li/.al't tli Parker, of s' mebam. ili had nia;.;. H i, •, jn i s-.-l in -.mrunviii-rk wit- -i-n r. '• HI* " j 111hIe;e!ina : tar tank «-.-i m-em 'ha I..,; "J I Hr-: n .. 'll 1 and Piet.L 1 ..-1• r «* 1 < >sI■ I S'I..'»(MI: I" Mi" mi buriic'l. The rescue ami the care taken he lb,-; church, y •••• ■’ Vrna P. Parker, ..] -j of the I’.f I l-t flit tv .If .. ■ !.. mi:. IP or 1 ha- out '*T t at fail. .1 a oallg1 brought 1,1 an.l tin- "I" Mi I A. S w "A ... pansagc, mum 'I. .-'.no- t• M'- t.raeie M. Mann. of 1 I li trl.l' ill II' ill t la I'l -II a a. ha' Mi a b; iiP'on, | al-o -at ii cimm il. i;* w ! I. -,• .1 \\ fortunate feline are alike p- dilalde n pi' V. ■ '‘Mm* .,j and v. -i ot -n fl'irnd- in W n ! •. thin-s in the of "">•'n Mvfii tin' lit,, !,„an!-, war „ne t' u. another to M' n. surprising allairs that antiior baughier, -rV»o; his brother iu*w in t he ;< ami was I: k»• a-inn ami a-'m I .. -i villi? wa.- clniscn imid.'iat. r and 1 \p. I meniion. K’cs.juicseat in pact-. 11:|*i.>_\«•-1 hilildi ::m e the lirretinn pit it' li:' 11 1,1 at William W. Pratt, o| sitmeiiam, >'I iu the -nr ••ity. but of a school that has ring s:SU r. n. j !«••!. I'm .. M discovery been , stamltfij jinif. children tin* t Mr. i'.diniin't W i! "a a an. ! in- ... I'll It of Ucl fast. cj.-rk. A i. by ii,, an i iving late .lohn 11. hike, -a >iom pir-mi ‘, ! ■'" et* tin* A >n vmi ii Noi !;i ll i■ elo-ed to allow a saloon to hoard ol but The \VI .« < an I ■ .. Sot: i run on an adjacent Mermen, the | i ;•.in, S b he di\ i. n■ ,• |•• ri»■ rail p. ; mi ,:-ti i it l A. •■mnooiioii corner must y making the time nine I \ugusta hike, widow of the hi II. hike, with tin- interest which |,;i w cap the climax. The saloon was j nri-cu ]„ " ho rr im- an j. J o,,njr- *•1.. ith a p m h.p u- I pi .. wa ami view- of the cum i! ot 1 1 unani *' "t' -sj:»o; to doctrine, ’• ! t.eorgie M. hike, ot * > ! A Mermen insisted on this order daughter the establishment «.! a Jine of tmv 11 •! e, ■, .• w iihiii the 400 feet limit and and I.. W. -a.inicr- btiwei-n are m m : li.., \\ i. im W rk.- I’.n-toi. as loliow faj-tis: that or the school to with the ordination. lie; 1 |‘"*o hike, s-.iio, to the town oi si-uelinm j iimusly proceed ! a n miltee on < N* u \ i 'i i-. in i. .11, ■’ onfereiiee which was in tin-t. to he ork, Bar I v .. dry had to ami the j ln.uexrr, forever a- a Harbor, ;Ui ! ;tiM tin* liana a the nii'di, m 1, |, w 11 n .t *,e MMiint-ttr h.r | I*i;, ... M,. ,;i- , | po, latter want. The location A \ inal am I 1’inf. .f. II. 1 -P p d kept hot appoi: 11,1 pi amt tin- '.m-ome u to tin ear. >t. it is but to ...n.-istrilof AWernian rr.av iiieij.a applii -ol lli** -John, justice >m- our well kn >o tie The !<■ i-' mi, onir: and build were • j lift: ar>- hoi. u.. niy io-i d, then tille*: imp alike xcellent for committee the '.\ h*t- ii; I.iii'h nwo -dreioetcn M" y m -. school by -hair !•> arrange p-y i|,.* M 1 M-mi^iam, know a tom Mi -aa ... \\ p p, unn.-ilnifi I. keaml . k'lnent. S„ it./.cii>1 Mr. i let B. \\ a-'gatt. *o -:1r• ; ii w hirh iv-t th. i;. -!. -r \ m! Im agree- •'«- 'I"' th-.o-ge W hike : to i,< tiisa ami forked, alter w hi. the 'ut-nlej w j and the service •: ■ Uiehard.-, iprd dry. r. t.-.-ii. purpose-s i' now to de- ordination. The ommiltf-*• *' ■■ buildinp poin- reported nl'l *'f i I-a with > i .■» Mil'll vv d> aa. m .. ■. arrive,! jit, the AM.-rnu-n daughter ot (baric- T. Bit-hard-. ol s originated him ami H at li. will -- no. 'I hr III HP. i if: lie being Bella-i, pin, !.•• ;.i ;i„ ’I !n-n me eork.- a -•■;il.'i| with wav ;tnd V |; ; pi.It that siieli .-ervice- v. p.-m-rj Mrmdion in its uiio«-« be held at ..Vloek in., :;i n I and iii w at- a. and nee I. ehaii. tipied state. The rum [>. 11!.in■ ii- tor■>,;jn and the ( ouncilmen unanimous gold to each ->i the position of New York agent of tie p,...- M IV111 im I;. line, l;J‘» the !iai.-i a m v. !,'• w a; tour -nr\ i\ eioidren of I j ,:r* ml them > 1 ■ the tin', whic'a u a- b. ing Butii- Moulton and the I Ha h" 1 ai‘U I m "Il ! i.r ,M I. w f power is responsible for a following program ,-pt.ed Tile matter w:i- then general trallie with M: \ pood many ibinps, tabled in the lioard ol hi11 Mar Ai n «-r manager, | m,IMi, < Moulton, now late ot Newton :r*-1;iar- 'nta.iiiu-_ !■ tinioniai- aiiej w. Mi s- ha ! "V\'r -. i, ■ the council and carried out: ; Iiiel. the\ h'H M ;.m hut i- Anthem tin i" as thi- the nm-t exhibition of by I i*<*11 u ill as usual until ; I•-over 1 a M i--., ~_*oii ea< 1;, to M Mar-. general manager, ami 11 ! t i, Man m Ih srhott !•■ outrapeoii' ring April Ann, i,ing m,., an- placed in tlm --nt-idr am the \. (.. 1 Wife oi *. t tapper- i*nd.- choir; Invocation, by lb W. tin.kle- : lb ad KI,M ‘r 1 !-e '"mi i Olivo ritehett. of Bc!la.-t. sitili; \,, cral in- ( ini.. it'hoi I upon a art "I last eastern agent.” ...The ea.-e »f >... city government that ha- ever year. \ inaiu Wm.l 1 I eaied, making a \rn neat I in- 1 ot >. j la dam- Mmigett.o! Belfa-t, to Mi-, pa"kn^r. out-ide \ "'-a I 1 »'!••?t Man: -h ! a mg ripttpv, lb Ii. A. (.lid e 1. Meiliod * !"' I(»U; ■a :la'm. eoine to our bdl'-'v. mg gentlemen were •'-ii/ -el the lin knovvledpe. elected Tni.-tres lit. -a, ot '‘loin-ham, s'luii; to \uia P. Il;iverliill,;igainst Itanguranil ion >t, l" h-red w iapj.,-1- are in I’liilade .M i< ..Hill! II. 'I I M of .. >• printed phia, ami Heading Hymn. I’rof. .J. It. -,-rn- n 1 1 " lb Li rar\ | Parker, Mr.-. Mary hick, ot Boston, Mrs. t.raeie s!iit> Company, lias Ueer, settleil I’ianp I'i rlmir ami Minimi *b»seph Wiiliamson, Cahiu !.y the pavmiml the i'in iilar- w rr pi int, M i, Hma-r. The hottli's ! Hev. N. D. < urti lb.ever I < >;din.ui..n, Id j | M. Mann and t.c--n.c I.. W. hike, silver ware, M t-- lim If* the ^*;,t' "i- t .Mar-hall, \. C. tlie plalntiir of if-J.iHio. Mr. reported, Kn.-cnada, C;d., IJ'irgess and 1 .- was i,,; ".'■r 'M "I gold pie?ure-. <-t.•.; to the latter !o<) to moiiu Dodge paek '""I, i".:\r-. Mil do/a'i, in « Horn-. Tic Mil!, y \ \ inal; Ham I of i-'cliow.-i.ip, IP A. d. \. i- I- MM'.- complete earll, mine- were Id m. -t in Lihdeiiw-I eemett to Mr- liockiand ami after tlie “salted'* in tin* interest of real es- Nelson Par matter was :t-1ivt.-.t.■>I the ami an- ;|., a r* a h-v I I’lu Mriny t^nintrUi'. s, ivn H tm M m, i; (harae to the < amlidate. |;,a \\ „i. I!. iy ipmeet. enmpam W M tr-1.a! 1 her. Mot;eham, some article- to hi> ■ tate and <>th« r owners belonging wifi-, was paid....Mr. \v. it. 1 m-r'inm speculators, the trick i- not new. The property along 1" M Ann ptlv hatoi par- "a- tt little i.’ile -n neitiiu' to i-ut the to the ( lb \. m .1 in? p,.-n. Man Pierre, id' this s.-nm* hom-e w.-rk, sales Solo. l.r.n n ■■ "’mi a:.- U! ~ III. IMP II,- :■ Charge imveli, 5 "• M, |i; r'ily,' ser of the It.,, c:»me i“‘titi<»ned fora night watchman to h- M Ii\tures. The Katulidin, has returned !,. his thing was done in ls.'»s, ;it the time of tli'- He\. W I’. Palmer. j lemaiuder of his property he dtnie- are alre.-eiy \ery !a-.n and at tiie present time M < ra:a. diction, tl e rail"! lower part of the < ity for the better give- to Aina P. Parker ami t.eo. I.. W. hike, atti‘r a month's vacation, whieh Mr. i-\ I’iaiio 1 >m *t airklir.; ! mw Tikes Peak • ].ro- during are unalde to ke. \\ uh thrir .! excitement. There was at they p op orders. The 1 1 In M m. i, t gold L ■ equally. Hubert T. of Bella.-t, is named Mm. K Mis- .!.- hi. m I. 1 .ill are I : property along the wharves. A joint Kmery, Guernsey lias had charge of tlie ollicc ...Mi. malit. t Pip'-i t.'"i\ \ number .. -einl l. 1 ia.-i executor. n. ar>- m w mtine-l Tikes Teak. of course, large the Mate ot \ lolm Solo. \\ a !i > im and the writ'- -, who ..I :• f spe ial eomniiilec of lianscimie, the of the mim-si-i- ti,. .•!. i: ,. .. ii a week at the residence id Mr. and Mr.-. N W consisting Alderman Osborn William Burkett, late of P.elfast, ai\e- to liis purser Penoh.-.-ot, has I,ecu Man la, ut« Mr. saiil.iaai. j wa- in that rpri-r hoi- fair m ln-come an im vicinity at tlie time, saw toe iir-t j :‘“'1 u ite. t ha riot te \ all his oil Hie Katalnlin tliis to -erenade tin- t-'ouneilinen Bickford and Marshall Burkett, estate, both real winter as fr,tight clerk, I,at i- V'"*al !»!!-!> .nm to M !|c.-,»i Maples mw married Mi- reported portant addition h> Hr imiu-trn of Tr-lla-t. ..- .• < that ly ami and ids wife is made 1 •.';. ;1. I.v \\ 1: .1 i...... was taken out; hut California nuga«t> j the personal, executrix. mm a vacation Ml" 'lilt'll, Mi- M iiikmi M. ( prayer of petitioners be and taking and Mr. Holden is i i: Mill.-, i I U .:•! i: p.i •. Henry i-lin and hi.- bride, formerly Mi.-- j granted, Iliram Know Hon, late of Liberty, alter small be looking ‘^ulntrttr tor string-- ami iHan... I,. in I t••in =i a e Were the bait to H r' after iT.K.-ovw.. D used toll thousands of 't 'bat I*. S. to hi> son.- ( Thoma-(>. the of Andrew an, ot Waterville. for " -. go’d- Lizzie from Tli staples be appointed at quests laude, and .las. s. freight....The City liirhmoml is now I l:i-i •Ilf 1.11 atti ai.. lit JUirge-s, Liverpi ol, Lngland. j Km>w till -aa;. Itmi, give.- the remainder of hi- "II ol was in S''1". < •: j. r-eekers across the to iill the of compensation a> the per- her route from Portland to merly Belfast, town last week Vansiny birrs nemitraeteil in llm ai n, He w > plain*- packets occasion was a iiirrr; one and the one j present night watch Maeliias, and lining visiting ktiot bride, only sonal property ami real estate (o his .-on ('. Mr- .1 il j ll!-> “'•••> » *i " < V tt II m Bcii.j. — 1 ; and others while ,I,;|I!- biti* repoit was a good Imsiness. she friend- Dr. (.. I*. Lombard, of this city. j.;,.- post-traders theiv own were year from Liverpool, was soon initiated into tin j accepted and the Minor Know lt-m, win* is al.-o named executor. leaves Portland Tuesdays Chorus, from "l.itllo Tycoon. \V. autii r./.ed to and been elected :t ineuiher uf the < lull of Thin in the <>n their to the land An j aj»p<*ii,t a night Wiitcbman until the Fridays at II r. M....TIie S «• 'l.rh in iti/.-n ai u nl •: hd'-t Ii.. depleted. way promised merry company. excellent treat of Hostop liaagor •M' ,l# •" apples, ■ ! V.. t-.V next of I.. Wiilard Pratt. derust I. ... MiH-riv; I n w •-. ; |...... meeting of the I.imtun. At a town steamsldp lias liad a ai place Mavor and Ti n. ■., their motto read; j city government. held here Mon- Company erew work 1 “Tikes Teak or Bust;*' but peanuts, candy. £r., was pro\ ideal, and a long and meeting lifi-ge j j < The the llili W. II. M«*otl\ Mrs. A. Burin -. ol lids a ket -. lu.oii.-r \«. .1 ret v b'llowiug standing committe\vlt1. T. Whittaker, oi this while at l> ei- 11 •.i k met counts and Claims. treasurer, A. A. eolleetor and cm Katalnlin is unable to I formerly eitv. i- biglil with a like t vl k and ii dn Belmont, Minister to tlie Merrimae Lowell. wa.- in town I Alderman Young, Brown, handle all the freight, util y.i ll .,\>r Terry Spain, sent in House, Mass., -v. nnHilinen ( stable. It was voted t-- lenient and l»\er. rai-c to defnn the ex- now lot ateij at >andw e h. Ma-- w lu re ., w ill »•>. b-r. The -hue wa~ l; ne I. si I to and ii the ice j ! King the -• '■ goes out uf the river soon two hosts ! id amine M !* before the Cleveland last week, lb* brought dow n throe horse-for C. !-"ol'. Alderman penses >! Meim-rial lor K. 11. hi-resignation Adminis- Burkett, Council- day, Brudstreet in ti,.' •. 11 »«" ’> will he on. gage the fruit and business. Mr-. ill ea a the Me \v a- Mill. k ford and Marshall. i’-'-1 <• A. It ...The kept vegetable bedding but i ih i: H ,i H. to sell-Mrs. Hutl: from subject of a creamery is agi- j i!ipr<»\ inn m;, w tration turned up its toes to slow music Partridge (.rant, j On j under Highway and Bridges. Mderman Bierce tated here to some extent. We see no reason whv Whittaker wa- n Belfast last week ..Inel Wood. with slight .lanvtgt Hie .Nora w;.- • i.. M and her prem i. Ii. re iir\l Mind m Loweli, i-'., si.-ter, Mr-. .Mary t.rav : ( "uni-: men li;i\ fold and an establishment of that Kii;i;«>\ SinI’ito.vitl). Seh. New 1 A \\ ! 1! ■ the gaze of an world. was Bickford. kind would not lie as mu’- Fra,! apt. U;,! Wiihur ( Peel da a l-.lia lh e-rott, the iee in ,.ur barber s,-i,. j ufifeeling The fact 1 Addie \\ oodburv through I*} steil.i M. were Miss Melvina ( ro. k. it I tment and ees-1 ul here as at other in tin- lace "-earsport, visiting | »ep.i'i City Cropertv. Alder an;, place Mate. No Turner, of this city, last week loaded :.l t.-n- ( «’t : II-Miu llil... man < and IvliMi Woo. all of arrive.! at New 'i ni. the ? \r> M Mi’ I his | duly chronicled; hut l»..cau-e among the eailv *-Moru.e, Couueihiitni l.o<*ke ami -— lietter ar.* to I.a f.-iin-l in Maine bury, Northporf, have gone Kenyon 1-lth, eleven d.-r last week. Mr-, (.rant a \i-it to the olde-l I pastures than‘in "f at '1 ■ 1 paid OM Iniy Mr. K. <;. White’s for .1. I*. Meriden of 1 > I ■!. Mi- S baw-. A ... t" 1 ■ ... ! roin the in a .. a | of IT. IJy Merman Havener, (ouncilmen the (ieorges vnllev Another organi/at ion here Burl;sport t" attend t ie lia-t Maine >ominar\_ »'«*»" Mold!. ven |' k I ge. 'I I I appointments sident Harrison was one in Mrs. 1 -rdp lady town, Margaret who will lx 'iap!. and Ticker. an elVort to Mass. .. ■ ■ Killman, is gel into Boekport, The was in botli .u •• ik i: ..I, ,li. making running order, but hay large Prof. •! P. Til’!-, of Acadia* had reached a* ! I u da i'll' m a 1: ft' h. ■nt ... i.-.a j. to till this it. i- ‘^i'Mwalks. the college, Wolfsville, N. handy port Portia.. -«lay mp. \-iy vacancy insinuated that that 100 old the second of ... 1 be Alderman wdial result will he we are not to 'iiKill .... years day April ne\t I u.-horne, Couneiiiiien yet prepared bales, ami the* of the* M .11,.; \| |; .. ., .. larger portion cargo iaa .a lira man. wrmli.n* viov •. i,. .1 -'I-a' I-all and l.ocke. 'Pin* men ot this was in Belfast la-t we.-k.on a vi-it to his broth when a -.even* storm s< t in whi lastt d > marly s horrid Blaine is say. young village have part I \ Friday | 1 Jins a diabolical census will show a in the rural di.-: net.- in 1 < wa* above deck. i. -! ... \| U .. wreaking change bi c.neterh A a bra.-*- After loading the sehoonci •1 lairk tin- mi! -it d 1 ii.;. II.Mil, II I Mermen Cr«.»wlev, Couneilinen organi/.etl Imml, ami meet for practice in er. Bev. Ileo. i Putts. Prof. Tufts has been at until Monday. 11 id -lie r« maim d on 1!;>■ de.-k turin- on Belmont, of course this section. < )n the mile aero-.- the tow u Mroiil and < lenient. the loft of Fred Know lion's into the stream was I*’ vengeance this is very .'P* road, I stable. Fred says he form a -ot it t\ for the special Idstorv j and from the Wm Smith t.. the Sanborn 7‘ Havener, prevention ot "11 Lewis’ wharf — »' tic — !■ •' absurd; then, Mr. Blaine does not go gun- place place, ( Tlnirsday forenoon, when •! iieai t 11- :. a- a < M M m. 11. ouncilmen Tucker and cruelty to animals in order to get them out of his ••••Mr. P. Denton, of 111*• I.ewiston ( total loss. Nome of the paper- l.a\e -tat ', tin -a! bad!} ;,, -I- have and j was [ people moved away died within the cargo discovered to In* on tire am* a > > ; fur pn-t stable—Mr. ( M. Hur l will be tin* general 'inI; time V and lied -lit .I M.- ii.M i... V.--' ning sandpiper-. | The board of ollicers elected iurvman school, foruvrlv Of flic Belfast is vago at .fho.iiuo, hut. a more probable ligure i- old lv ; I, So municipal the fob High Sc.lun.,1, | I ten years. ].. T. and he i~ from this town at the term of the alarm was The is ■ 1- '1 says Cummings, April county given. lire t" have e\ 111 u .1- d a ,t I l'»-ri ;; will ;.:l. |;.[ -j -: !: < 1 m ! lowing: ( C. II. Hurt supposed now in Belfast on a two week’s vacation ...Mr. 000 to the Boston Tow P» at Co. foi getting otfth, tiiny. ;•! i! « correct.The apt. Wording, Warden; Dr. '•ourt ...During the heavy rains of week before J’rosjiect and Stockton Farmer- caught from sparks from the funnel of tlie cabin «i n Ml--.-- ii ... The of Bos- < H- !.. vessel and .. 1 he 15 < mother, mi win mi in •-? .11. l; ..! ... ; \, Washington correspondent the I "•, member of Board of last the dam of the Km>witon ook mill gave shepherd, of Koekport, a candidate for the cargo nig mm*i-.-ia! re iieavilv.. Club will meet at the Turner school house Health, and 'to\»\ The next are now at work in a , which was furled, lir>t took ■ U It- < I"! V" M ton Herald say- that the candidates for the J Dana I*. way. They putting stone Belfast < olleetorship. was in town on ports that plans are being e,.n-jd,'red there where Aiimn t.»\\ n II W'ii |, I Southworth, superintendent of Drove and to be Saturday. The for dam for business in about lire and in a few '• ., evening. question diseus-ion is hope ready minutes the was ablaze. The ‘' o I ! I I rill •,. I. \. •; Saturday hay ... Mr. W. coal will be Itan >. w eir. d I* ** -I. .'I; I slight (clothing establishment of .John -I. log unloaded and washed out will take back h e to move special an |! business in and Krcd t• * break the school-W. H. Mitchell_ Portland, Hew, present All are to come warm on "(i. Whiz/!” enough up Hunt and Common it was ••• " ■- M N. ■ expected and up the streets, stretched over Lewis’ s. H. and :lm .mm a r«m d'U n Hi. i. i: <• family will return from Augusta this week. Mr. Mathews returned home Tuesday e\en j Philadelphia, italtimore, Norfolk. New 'm rk and Wiitierle. a.a-ii of the House," and that “W. W. wharf, taken into a and .'I II" I- n ''I .'. ... speaker subject before tlie spring work begins. V W u« and after March boat, with tin* pipemen a week's «•. I " " I 'ei Mu. Mr. v 11 ■_ a a l7tli, ISM), Fasi Limitkd ing after trip to Bo-ton. He reports the other con I ports, it i-claimed that t he .»w iab*to Ii.. i’hilbrook. kin>. si Adams of • I* .1 |,j Partridge Fxpkfss Ticains will run ( ami>1 n 'I'll*' auditor's of the town of business outlook good — ( ol. of lie given for a return freight on be will make it || report McDonald, '' men reached the vessel 1 rl. 11* I Ilf Ii 'A ■. Sweden, will have the of the state for 1 aimer* Club was organized at the Hubert* scliool over the \ r < atmlen shows amount they had 7.'* im 1.1 as backing daily (;K1-: Rock Island Korn-:, leav- that the expended on roads, this city visited Skowbegan last week_Mr. (Jims. possible to get it Into New \ <.rk from p.;,- elerk II and .milt -ili^.ilK four new -trects a 1 a a ’'"ill,- '• > 1 > house and will meet at All including built last was out, and a stream of w ater w as turned on i1 •' lilU' 1114 II lip' .'. •! 'll I* his to that and will any place requested. i".^ Chicago, as follows, from Van Rurcn street year, big the t ot this as it 1- now taken from i. I>. I’erkdi «»t m-!m. -I ei»ir |.|alH-, I reappointment position, 7 • •"' !’• M• 1'or and. The net town debt is iess titan one and a throw n overboard, and went ami and If m o*h ii hand -p a creatIt rnn I Des Moines, Council Whiffs and half blazing smoking business-Mr. \\ t.. Mansur, of archi- till.- year’s crop has been gathere.l. The more .I j tippropriatt for on Bangor, 1 per cent, the actual valuation.The down the harbor. A tect ot the new < > V'OO ■> 1 Hi'' .1 'I: I>■ a 1 •»*!••! (la Si.ausmont. Mr. Leonard who runs the Omaha. promi- number of bales id Fellows was in town v H 1 '. I'at,-'I ir Luce, { nent candidates for burning Block, brought to a market, the more low rate*- '<■ be g;\ Slip pelt idirliwtiy Canada has discovered that the post-office tiro It. C. 1 m-.-dav.... 1 »r. ( of 'I nearly every 1 Adams, in Swan’s and lark, this eitv, sent a imh \u lina a "in 1 r- u h. M, stave mill in this town, is :»•!•'* PM. For Kansas V. D Aldus. Alden lodged Frederick’s dock where se\ presrrip- en on return gl/ilM*. la.: livid. .T« -mn-1• r- Uiu.ii-- making great prepara City, Topeka, Colorado Miller. -Ir., F. A. I), singlii and 111,11 to Mis- Anderson, freights, and there].,re the men- n ade 'i-hools, Vi>!ry sample of American lard examined is adulter- Denver F. Mary the actress at Phtla M tion for work. Two thousand cords of wood havi Springs, and Pueblo. M. Wood, with several others who wouldbe will- eral vessels were and a of hose was t v\\ n l< -1 I he lying, string delphia, and reeeivi-d a kind note of for the Penobscot cutters....» apt. Cem... I o library, £ lath Mo to so P. M- For st. to take it. Mr. Fletcher look acknowledg- n 1 a!In i;.*» ated, and proposes raise the as to Joseph, Atchison, Colorado ing charge of the office laid across tlie ment from her Mr. ant sunn' L uri.- nt m In-pur doty been cut to be sawed into staves and heuding- wharves, but fortunately was not brother, .Joseph Anderson. has sold sell. (ieo. ,.f roiiimlssioier \\.a~ 1!'bed. that bii-ine'' |mr-. spring-. Denver ami Pueblo. April 21st, iss:,, and w ill hold the office r. born, agent, shattuel tid- probably M and M r-. la-land T. Powers were the >‘t the I 1 tlM "I I'll-lull, i"ai exclude from the Dominion the whie.h will lie I’aiaec D;i ( * Some bales drifted out of the harbor. guests ninier the >elo* tiucn. I ri.i I-* IP, "IV \\ a- 1 practically worked into rusks in this town.. y Uaelies, Pullman Sleepers and (east till that late-The town meeting election Mon- required. while in to.J.T. Ib eklatnl. and thevc-.-e! .'tipervi-!' |„ Bclt'a.-t, of Miss Maud Milliken .... M rs. dly, tenox of Missouri I lie Mavis is rep:.-. aiiny the l.uild lulPii'.l I.' I of the American Lev. 1 11. \V. River; Dining Cars, wit It Full Reclin- day 1sth resulted in the success of the citizens’ Boats were out it while others rafted it \ M Hr!.-11, -. I II.\\ product hog. The term Wharfl' conducted qnartcrh mretinu picking up Maggie an Cott, the arrived in Belfast left for that where she w ill be I *14 ‘1 * • ing Chair < ars lx tween st. evangelist, port Tuesday, tilted Main --I., loiima ■> him, and \vi Chicago and Joseplt, React, except for second selectman, nominated 1 here by in the docks. It Is estimated that tons Monday night on her to where she* a. i. lr.»in ttie |ivo\iilr«l l«\ \ai iuns ii.riiil., u| tlir American hog will as to services Saturday evening and Ai and Kansas iiuoia.ii to twenty-live way Koekport for a lime coaster. The Shatlm k i- no tons, remove hi- .Imm-toi .in|..iuy, rr perhaps apply fitly Sunday. City Denver ami Pueblo, both Republicans and citizens. The Democrats has u ten *s .enrge da> engagement.... I). II. Porter and and ran. a. :'i tin- old -tand. 1: Irrshnit t were servi'l. .m! the an the (Quarterly Conference it was v<>t via. Colorado Springs. Hotels made no nominations. arc the were damaged and thrown overboard. Tlie lire- |.lrasat.i aul manufacturer of adulterated article for unanimously Splendid Dining Following officers wife, of lloult*.n, arrived in Belfast was built in \Yald«’b.,r. in hough: b\ Kella-t 1 1 " 've-l of st. and Wednc.-dav honyrht oi' Mr " her inter.’, t in edtoask for the return of Joseph Kansas City. These trains elected: Moderator, <1. F. Burgess; Town men soon from < sorial tinr w as \ ^ il.,man our present Bov Clerk, the flames. The vessel’s evening I>. ., and are in !'•• enj.*yr,| he;.mi domestic use as to the four legged porker. pastor, are B. extinguished Washington. tin-guests parties IsTltand has since been owned here. which com|dt t. ownership lne Sehr. ment has esinblidicd e.-aling at ake basket, that Fuller, Orberton; G. F. (ieorgt loading Fannie 1 improvements Treasurer, Burgess; of Bocklaml, the daughter of the re\i 1 -team.a-. The Admiral Porter is a sailor of and Mr. Chas. F. Wellman duce to and comfort. Terminal Connections d. S. Cleveland A ami done about the house >uper!ntendent Bird, wliarf for ery 1 *i«-k It- .ii h, It* furk>. every inch him, each lost a horse Iasi safety Collector, ; uditor and also School charred, slight damage of the Belfast water w orks, is her -V; at this port with for New York iliere !• pick pie knitp, in I visiting father, potatoes made her lir.-t lam Iday Tin miny iriiv ■ uion Depots with Past Trains of continuous Committee, S. .1. Treat. Voted to raise in -|»uun, ilo/rn kiii \, -. .|,./.rn t, .'~|'u.>ii-, a week — At the $12,00(1 and rails. The lire did not below decks, in this The will soon move to '< h an American through and through, and as poverty ball at Dirigo hall las lines for quarter get city. family Belfast -The cargo of hay on sehr. New Lra, on t'-rm of tin Nornn ol h.yan 1 uesd the l>if.ul knife, -mrial Ogden, Salt Lake City, Helena, Portland, labor on roads and bridges; $2,00o cash for same; -Mr. Weatherill will he in lately pit r-ui lam k! is> warc, a the it was a novel to see lireinen Belfast Fridnv and and at the the tir-t week n uhers airr brave and a man as Thursday prizes were awarded to Mr. 1L d s.ui Los and San $4,noo to schools; for sight operating with lire at this has been Ijtli, tuple elt»IIj, niwn, toih mat an rI* cant erazv brainy lives. What he .Francisco, Angeles Diego—af- support $2,500 support of the to deliver the II of odd port, discharged and the insur- I '• I Minton and • Saturday dory Fellowship. about lid l»e\. Mr. am a iai Miss Mary A. Met orri-on for tin fording nop i; or nor ms to and from all poor; $d,000 for incidental for in their hose across the water. But for the of pupils i.lover, ‘I1""' -a nirr | lnm |nv-,1 l.ra-- waiter, of the points expenses; $2,200 system He recently canvassed this tow n_Mr. .John F. ance < U. T. who acted as d :i the l •: says .Samoan trouble will be found on most comical costumes ... Prof. II. L. < old) re on the Paeitic adjusted by apt. Littery, M:i" nitaiian Im ami mans little niekna. Coast, and in the intervening States terest on town debt. Voted to build three new of the order bridge, k- t,m numerup-- (<■ m, n turned to | water works tlie vessel and cargo w mild have been Woodcock, money department, Bel K»'\ Mi I the time II " ‘tv Kents Hill Monday_< ha- Clement, I and Territories. Save time and and see roads as follows underw riter’s agent. The vessel has since reload- Sunday iKistor, wht I”1 ami n -rtu! r -it: wme nr.' the first page and it coveis the ground com- money, Connecting the Turnpike with last has returned to the from his ,;l'^ke, llj *Jas. F. and a total loss. post oltiee, city of l>t. i> absent in Ma ^enti.l in tnlialt <»I !>’ Burgess Walter Cooper went tc that your tickets West read l.ake \ icw Beacon The hay was insured, the hav- as soon as resignation the 'imj»any *ne «>t the j going via.*Chicago, City, street, avenue, Union policy vacation in Searsmont — Hon. Win. IF McLellnn ed and possible will on her d pletely. t,Sa t ur« Rock Island & Pacific Railway. and Bay proceed ; setts. It is hop' many of the clti/en- 'hr i'Iu-h ami Mr. lial.lwin in Buekspor lay. | Lime Rock streets. ing been taken out the before the fire. arrived home noon from re.-i-uinlct a Inn day Wednesday Kansas City. voyage. town that In- w II I" reealled. I'eerll. S<*ar>j>oii Loral*. of Water Vessels, land. The tujr that was sent from Liverpool found Register Deep her hard fast on the rocks, and returned without arc she will be al- *. M V. ha- »>|hi- ti.-h mat k- < :■ i.< nuplishing anything, probably Min>. lowed to jro t<> pieces there. HAMBLETONIAN !•:«»>«-r. Tin: «.<>\. Hobie. Blanchard, < <• shipCov. \ «• A Nirli..!-, sai!e J:. t<-r 1 l raiieix o. STALLIONS! WitH EVERY AwayPAIR OF bottom and her is chafed, but other THE LAST plankinir badly CALL! n M-i'iieii-. " 1 L i1 *i hi.1 a. | r, r• ;:: nannimi. arrive*! at Falmouth. Imi^, w ise she is in irood condition. Three .pun ters of 1 V:n I mi-. o | |». an.| j*r, ;; fur I i\ HAROLDSON ! * < '!>•< n, ii; -I ulVin. M n I i-rj.!. IM- \-1 i;s. Kir. Brin Water at Bos -i.ij. ■ sparkling ( » < !.;, .: I i ■! ft \e\v A «H k <>hl ri ton 15th from ila«l inoderatt [mnr curd, 2.!>Uli—4-year-old record,2.:Id.) 1 Hi Hi: nil a -h.irt \ i i; I eli J I- Hoi,a I\o11. Mira^oam .reports N. I tra'I- Kroin lat. -'in V had W. ami \. W. sire. Prescott by Harold, (sire of Maud S. 2 (is d » eiitetMiia! 1'. I < oh■.•: 1. i:\ 1 at * 'aleutta a few weeks more before the- I il. < ll, Li tr, \\ !:■ n a i. ill- !■ in -.i". H i- been North of llatteras. Left "i>n of Kysdyk’s liambletonian ; dam, Queen, (2 12 I'.i't < days -Only ‘.of 1 I un \|-H 'l •! Is. !•! at Miniiiiuin1 Keb. _’J, -I A. "on of Black Diamond of Clara 2.2s1 from $2.50 to ■ ~ > brip Horsey, loading by (sire .1., K i' i ii j »r> i 11 I. w < I <.!••;• .-:uie.| i'r«n:i N'-w cn-n* I Uosting $4.75, l*ai',-< f<-r Hosti'i would be detaine*! for Winner in ls>7 of 3 also of silver year-old stake; — .'*> f. '• van I AM) A PAIR (IP- »iejfo. '! at '1 ■ « I' « ;n ,a n 1 'nmr 1111• w a for a captain, her late master, < 'apt. stallion cup the State Fair, and in lsss of 4 year I Mat > ,i;« t >t ,... -1 on >t old stake at state the 1 \ Dow linjr, having died ol fever the Ith Fair, and of blue ribbon in '‘•'U ’t I I a. K i. it ,. j. \ow ^ oik 1--. a .jri:, a. n.: while 1 in^ in port at Mirairoane. lie I -year-old stallion class at state Fair at Lew iston, I ai Hi. II oh op. •:. V J j.-,;,, i> at \ v t •1 n «•: n i- a -alriii o| Pn im-etown, Ma--., where he and Lastern state Fair at Bangor. i, '111 ••» Ian '1 tot I come poo: p a widow and three children, House foaled in Ini" -If and sec our- 1 (apt. Bright bay colt, IS,<4, 15", hands, j so, U -hi.', ai ivi.; 'll I: V r\ lliu,u. tie. I’o.M \\ t. \;, },,,; il, f f. ||, \- w u I’.o-n-u a iiw da> s a a' to take command <>( the nice mane and tail, a faultless form and perfect M'!l. I A.llama v -1 e o 1;.! R-E-IYI-O-V-A-L \. at New 1 I’.riir Amy Lane. Cole, York trotting action. <.*! !■ ir. : lr< :it 11:i- -» ji1 u Maian/a~ reports March 5th. lat :u;.05. Ion. Terms n«»H $35. » to '» riels v ;;t V‘\\ 'a i '•*!: 1 -1 V. ii ii. u »MV !. > n i» <\r an. i. '■•••: ii- li'uiii N. N. \\ lasting I lu Inmr.-, its > Is v» ,JV| : j rre ..I no lime inndcratinir -unbuilt to the 1 n •' early WILKESMONT! \\ I »,* a --r I ; < Kot-ie U II F.i .; .; l. at I’ofli Mel f-.i i' Mi'! I! -. 11 bet w 'ell *.• I M Ma fell St It am i 2 Mar. I '■ t ■. in Mio- .. j ( year dd record, 2.Sid.) i, Ha: -i;»_c a*vt;ion. w ! lew with hurricane force lat..‘Is.11. -of-— II :t Mil i. I': I..;,- F- I -n,!. il IH j '•ire. Kai"er. im: i'U ~1 ami loicin;: the >ra down almost smooth, by <;eor*rr Wilkes,the greatest trot !•«... vtn I a: ■ M •■'•*■ | .. >... | a , titter sire: dam, Withers t.en. Withers: 2d r •a in'll n mm' i. rall d. w nieh it «liil as suddenly as il | Slay by for Ladies' Shoes! New i.. \. ... .: k ! Dress Il* :«-tv. ^ dam Dressing Goods -i Queen. 'n.: !!-. n avia;: m ■; h: I>al i i., .' ro->e t li-mcmioiisly .... Si-h. .lames I- <-F FI. 5 r*>i. \ ... seal brown (• KST DISKSSIMi MAIIK. \ »lit UP. at 15th from colt, foaled in IsSC, 1hands, win- Spring i*liiury, Philadelphia | ’1 .• I U I ,, r. I ran* .-<•«> ner '• I a h!, a I n •. of -_*d money in 2 year old colt stake at Mate n.i nianam •, h.iii hcav> weather, sprung rmhlcr /i* no iid /* lli' ,/Wr iio'hnh'* onr IWnch Kid, Hand F.i •» lot \. ,v A hi'.i'i. I Fair. Diana beiiiir first in 2 4u and ot tin* blue rib j ■ I; .*'