Sample file Table of Contents

1.1 Origins 11 1.1.1 Rites of Chivalry 13 1.1.2 Knight Ideals 18

1.2 Knightly Order Structures 22 1.2.1 Knight Active Units 22 1.2.2 Knight HierarchySample file 23 Hierarchy and Functions 23

2.1 Knight Orders and Chapters 25 2.1.1 Knight Orders 26 Orders of Justice 26 Orders of the Fallen Empire 29 Orders of Evil & Chaos 37 Ancient Orders of the South 37 New Orders of the South 40 2.1.2 Related Knightly Order NPCh's 44 2.1.3 Knight Order Interaction 56 Orders of The Empire 58 Orders of Karnarcos 58

3 2.2 Heraldry 58 2.2.1 Examples of Emblems and Coats of Arms 59 Creating a Knight Order 60

2.3 Knight Mysticism 60

3.1 Additional Rules 62

3.2 Creating Knight PCh's/NPCh's 62 3.2.1 Knight PCh's 62 3.2.2 New Rules 62 New Races 62 New Classes 68 Core Class 68 Evolution 71 Related Rules 73 Relations with the Outside 74 Chronicler 77 Duellist 78 Herald 78 Myrmidon 78 Aptitudes Sample file 79 Additional Rules 82

3.3 Knight Combat Rules 84

3.4 and Magic 84 3.4.1 Magic Objects 84

3.5 Knight Order Cults 85 Orders of Old 86 Orders of the Fallen Empire 86 Ancient Orders of the South 86 New Orders of the South 88

4 3.6 Knights and Mental Health 88 3.6.1 Knight Skills/Flaws 88

3.7 New Creatures 89 3.7.1 Descriptions 89

3.8 Mastering Knights 90 3.8.1 Roleplaying 90 3.8.2 To Serve or not to Serve: There is no Question 91 3.8.3 Means to an End 91

3.9 World of Thargos: Extra Material 91 3.9.1 Annex 1: Dynasty of the Horselords of Nardam 92 3.9.2 Imperial Keep Game Aid 93 3.9.3 Tournaments and Games 96

Adventure - Sanctity of The Earth 101 Player Handout 1: List of Events 126 Player Handout 2: Vampire Legends 127

Appendix A - Horses 137 Horse (Riding) 137 Horse (Driving)Sample file 138 Horse (Medium War Horse) 139 Horse (Pegasus) 140 Horse (Royal Steed) 141 Horse (Sea Battle) 142 Horse (Silver Arrow) 143 Horse (Steppes Charger) 144

Appendix B - Character Sheets 146 Player Character Sheet 146-148 Horse Character Sheet 149

Annex - Tyra Joust 152-155

Index 156-157

5 Cursed Empire Second Edition

Role playing in a world torn apart by civil war and desperaSampletely in nfileeed of heroes

Written and Created by Chris Loizou

2002-2005 ©copyright CURSED EMPIRE

6 Cursed EMPIRE Second Edition Role Playing in the World of Thargos

ISBN 0-9544382-5-6 Knights Source Book


Artwork: Rob Larson (Cover and Interior), Amandine Labarre (Maps, Artefacts and Emblems) Jamie Wallis (Diagrams, Charts and Maps) , Manoel Magalhaes Moreira (NPCh's and additional characters) and Rik Martin (Knight)

Duty & My Father's Sword: Albion

Batica Class: Pascal Amilhat

Additional Plain Centaur Background: Nick McGee, Richard Lush & Lynn Jin

12 KSamplenight Orders &file NPCh's: Bryan Steele

Sanctity of The Earth Scenario: Kevin Dearn

Proofreading & Editing Contributions: Karen Bathard, Stacey Colett & Paul James

Typography, Digital Cartography and Graphic Design Jamie Wallis (

Typing Contributions Karen Bathard

Website Robbie Corbett 7 DUTY

It had been five days since word had first arrived of the approaching army. With the Wood Knights of Han engaged in the Forest, Kröhnheim immediately mobilised half of the Black Falcon cavalry that was garrisoned at Hamor and rode south to assess the situation. Along the way they passed a growing number of refugees who had fled their farms and villages, all heading for the protection of the northern towns.

The Condorian Knight caught his first glimpse of the orc invaders from the vantage of some low hills. He was initially dismayed at the size of the force, army was no exaggeration. The seasoned veteran estimated there were over ten thou- sand orcs travelling north and, if the fleeing farmers' stories were to be believed, this was merely the smaller element of a Kadrur horde that was heading towards the Empire.

"There is our enemy." Lord Kröhnheim had told his first Squire. "Let Vokdar worry about the rest."

In the three days since, theSample Black Falcon file cavalry had struck repeatedly at the advancing orcs. Each time Lord Kröhnheim charged his men against either the leading scouts or any units that had become detached from the flanks of the force by the unfamiliar terrain. The tactic was not one that yielded a particularly high death toll on his enemies but it slowed their advance without risking the cav- alry too greatly, and to date only minor casualties had been received by the men of Hamor.

The horsemen finally returned to their current base with the orc forces camping in sight of the town's defensive walls. The next battle would be for the survival of Hamor itself. Lord Kröhnheim was concerned to learn that the Wood Knights had still not returned and, dismissing his men to get a full night's rest, the Marshal of Hamor began to organise the defence of the town.

8 Dawn found the Knight at the southern wall, watching the tiny glints of the orc's campfires wink out one by one as the first sun rose. Suddenly a cry went up from inside the town.

"The walls! The walls are attacked!"

Lord Kröhnheim wheeled in anger and demanded the meaning of such a claim; for he could see the orcs were still over two hours march from the town.

"The north," came the response, "Mardor are attacking from the Forest!"

It took several minutes for the Marshal of Hamor to cross to the northern wall. Sure enough the Forest of Han was disgorging a sizeable force of wood orcs. Wild and screaming, the Mardor ran towards Hamor in their loose tribes. Lord Kröhnheim had a rough idea of how many orcs were thought to inhabit the forest; at least half of them seemed to be sweeping down upon the town.

With a frustrated curse Lord Kröhnheim began barking orders to his ser- geants. To a man he transferred every soldier from their posts on the south wall to new positions on the north wall. As the warriors jumped to their new duties the Knight began repositioning theSample supplies and file townsfolk that would support the wall's defenders.

The whole process took less than half an hour, by which time the first Mardor was in range of the wall's bowmen. Lord Kröhnheim could hear the orcs' screams of death as they were cut down by his archers. He didn't need to look to see the situation, it was something he had planned for and drilled his men at for years.

Back at the southern wall the veteran Knight checked on the larger force. The orcs didn't seem to have broken camp, let alone moved. Lord Kröhnheim saw the strategy and accepted the fate of his town. Hamor would be hard

9 pressed to repel the unexpected Mardor attack, and subsequently unable to engage the main force of orcs. The southern army would then be able to either take Hamor with little resistance or, more likely, pass by unharassed.

As always at times such as these, Lord Kröhnheim considered his duty. As Marshal of Hamor he was charged with its protection. But the town's purpose, as with the stronghold of Vokdar, was to protect the Empire's southern border. If ever a force was to come from the south, whether Karnacos or a different enemy, Hamor and Vokdar were to delay such a force and allow the Empire time to gather a full defence at Tyra.

The most powerful asset at Lord Kröhnheim's disposal was the three hun- dred elite cavalry of the Black Falcon Host that was currently on roulement at the town, a force that was unusable in the present defence of the town's walls. The experienced Knight may be the Marshal of Hamor but his first duty was to the Empire and the protection of all its citizens.

His mind set, the Knight began shouting more orders. Though shocked, his sergeants ran to carry out his new commands. The town would be lost this day but Lord Kröhnheim would ensure that the Hamor Guard and every other able- bodied man would defend the townSample with his life.file

As the cavalry gathered at the south gate, sounds of the first Mardor to reach the north gate spilled over the walls and into the town. On the streets women cursed and children cried as Lord Kröhnheim's men prepared to leave them to their fate. The gates opened and with the command to never look back, the Marshal of Hamor led his men out of the town for the last time.

The horsemen cut an easy path through some scattered Mardor that had looped around the town, then cantered on towards the southern force. As they drew closer it was obvious that the orcs were unprepared to battle this day. Lord

10 Kröhnheim led his men in loose formation through the camps of the forward scouts, killing only where the opportunity arose. Beyond the advance camps the Marshal drew his men up into a tight wedge. Their enemy, used to war, was now prepared and ready for battle. Without fear, strengthened by courage and honour as much as their shields and armour, the men charged.

Like the blade of a mighty sword the Black Falcon cavalry plunged deep into the mass of the enemy. On and on they drove, night black horses screamed and brave men fell. The broad blade of Lord Kröhnheim's wedge thinned the fur- ther it drove, becoming a still lethal rapier as his crack troops continued to push forward into the very heart of the orc army.

Finally the charge broke and the horsemen were engulfed by their foes. With valour, with sword and shield and broken lance, the Black Falcon Host fought to the last. Every orc slain was another minute gained for the Empire to prepare its defences. Another man at the walls of Tyra, another child carried to safety. Lord Kröhnheim wept as he fought. Tears of pride in his men, of whom he could ask no more. Tears of elation that his own death would be in service to and for the glory of the Empire. Sample file

Suddenly the Knight was lifted high into the air. He barely felt the blow that punched through his chrome armour and pierced him just below his ribs, glancing his spine before exiting beneath his right shoulder blade. A cold, wet pain began to spread from the veteran's chest as he spun in the air, impaled on an orc's lance. Lord Kröhnheim looked across the sea of orcs, across the familiar plains to see his home for the last time. Flames were already licking the sundered walls of Hamor, churning thick grey-black smoke into the bright morning sky. The cold reached the dying Knight's hands. He lurched, then sank down the lance towards the blood soaked ground and eternal darkness.

11 Knights Source Book

cursed empire 2nd Edition

Sample file

12 1.0 Knights

The aim of this sourcebook is to provide main pillars of society. They were mainly the MT and players of the Cursed linked with regions and noble families of rela- Empire FRPG with a host of extra materi- tively high renown. All of the most prominent al, to enable them to enhance the game families were affiliated in some shape or form when involving Knights as PCh's or with an order of their choosing. This would NPCh's. As you will see when working manifest itself through sponsorship in your way through this game aid these weapons and funding as well as titles, and the unique characters of the Cursed Empire contribution of young members of the family game are one of its main attractions. The who would take up arms to support the Knight Order. With the fall of the Empire and the material within these pages can also be used rise of the Elemental Cults, some Knight with other systems. The sourcebook also Orders were absorbed into larger ones, oth- introduces a new Class (Batica) as well as ers disappeared and little is known of them 6 new Subclasses to expand gaming now. All the old Orders are remnants of the options. One complete scenario has also Empire, whereas the majority of relatively new been included in order to develop the con- SampleOrders file are either a response to a specific cept of chivalry. threat (e.g. Watchers of Telos) or estab- lished by Karnarcos (Punishers of Morg, 1.1 Knight Origins Claw of Kessel, Horned Order of Krill etc.).

The Knight is a very old concept: a personifi- What are the origins of Knights and how cation of values and defender of the weak, important are they within the setting? This guardian of the faith and law enforcers. section will present readers with the back- Knights were the fighting elite in days of old, ground information required to flesh-out those who descended from the warriors who these individuals and have a better under- brought the Thargians down, The standing on how they are to be played. Companions of the late Mit-Sulek I. It has always been an honour to follow in During the years of prosperity before the such footsteps and although the title used to Great Cataclysm, Knight Orders formed the be passed down through bloodlines, nowa-

13 Sample file

14 days it is necessary to earn one's place object from their former master before they amongst the brave. The term "Knight" is now are permitted to rise to their feet. This action used more liberally, even though there are many releases them from their servitude to their who deserve the old title. A Knight's tradition- master but ties their destiny forever with that al existence is spartan, with little need for com- of their Order. forts and luxury. Such individuals are shroud- ed in mysticism and enigmatic codes of honour Knights are expected to make regular offer- and obedience. ings to their Order and Temple. These are often in the form of military trophies or money. 1.1.1 Rites of Chivalry Each order normally attaches itself to an Elemental Cult, although within the Imperial When choosing a Class or Subclass of Orders the Order can have multiple spon- Knight it is important to understand the struc- sors and faiths. ture within Knight based societies and the rank and hierarchy that are incurred by such Chivalry is concerned more with respecting choices. Only a fully-fledged Knight can the Knight Order's code of honour than the grant knighthood to a lesser Knight (Squire, more traditional definition. The two may still Page etc.). Squires, Shield Bearers and go hand in hand, especially when considering Pages enter the service of a chosen Knight the Orders of Old (see section 1.1.2). Master who will choose when the time has come to accept the servant within the fraterni- The Imperial Code: ty of the Knight Order. This is usuallySample based file upon heroic deeds or years of loyal service. The Imperial Code is the ancient Knight The former has far more chance of influenc- code of the Empire that was adhered to by ing the Knight's decision, as knighthood is a the Crimson Guard. Nowadays certain tool used extensively for propaganda purpos- Knights aspire to its ideals but few respect es. It would be unwise to accept one who has the full laws and conduct as laid down by the not proven themselves in battle. Mit-Sulek Dynasty many years ago. Imperial Warrior-Priests are far more inclined to lead The aspiring Knight is requested to kneel their lives following the Imperial Code than before their master and take the oath of their are most Knights, however the remnants of Order. They will pledge to uphold the values the Crimson Guard are known to. of the Order at whatever cost, to protect and stand by their companions in all situations, to The following paragraphs outline the Code remain loyal to their cause until the grave and although this will be developed in a great deal to send those who oppose them to theirs. more detail in the Warrior-Priest The newly dubbed Knight will then receive an Sourcebook. 15 Sample file

16 Sample file

In roleplaying terms, the Code presented Old Empire Orders still adhere to this above offers a whole variety of challenges Code, though some not as strictly as others. and situations for development of the char- acter. MT's and players can also add their The following paragraphs are the Southern own additional conduct rules. Most of the take on the Imperial Code.

17 Sample file

18 Sample file

19 Punishment and Retribution Labour and community service

This section will outline some of the punish- Certain members of Knight Orders are ments inflicted by Imperial Knight Orders ordered to serve their community as a form upon their members. This list is by no means of pennance after carrying out deeds exhaustive but will provide gamers with a deemed to be in contradiction to the ideals framework to develop their own. The Order of the Order. Chapter is an assembly of Order represen- tatives who sit daily and discuss cases of mis- Southern Knight Orders have their own conduct and who handle disciplinary hear- forms of punishment, most involving torture ings. and death. There is no tolerance whatsoev- er for any infringement of the rules laid done Exile from the Order (often resulting in the in stone and blood. death penalty): 1.1.2 Knight Ideals v Murder of a fellow Order member. Knight ideals are closely intertwined with the v Violation of the secrets of the Order. history of Thargos and in particular with The v Mutiny. Continent's history. The current age some v Deserting the battlefield without the 150 years after the Great Cataclysm calls for banner. a somewhat more "versatile" version than the v Treason. SampleKnight file of Old. Indeed, military pressures and v Heresy. newly developed tactics require an extension v Theft of Temple belongings. to the traditional line of conduct. This is espe- cially true with the advent of the Darkun. No longer permitted to wear the Colours of Darkuns hunt Imperial Knights for sport and the Order: will use any tactics to achive their prestigious goals. v Lying. v Deceit. Although Knights of the Fallen Empire come under the same banner as Knights of Old, v Cowardice. their modus operandi is far more encompass- v Disobedience. ing. Many of them are involved in covert oper- v Frequenting establishments of ill ations in direct opposition with the practices repute. of old where Knights would always confront v Striking a comrade. their enemies by looking them in their eyes.