Mayor and Council Correspondence Summary
H.01 Mayor and Council External Correspondence Summary March 9, 2015 FROM TOPIC DEPT. A.T. # S. Covey, President, Public – Rail Safety Week April 27- FIRE, 124564 60 Operation Livesaver May 3, 2015 CLERK’S N. Belanger, Executive BC Without Barriers HR&CP 124486 Director, British Columbia 61 Aboriginal Network on Disability Society Councillor C. Puchmayr, LMLGA Convention May 6-8, 2015 HR&CP 124531 62 President, Lower Mainland Local Government Association 63 E. Ries Defend South Delta’s Merchants Now! HR&CP 124496 T. Beaupre, Bayside Hedge & Review of Delta’s Tree Protection HR&CP 124493 64 Tree Works Bylaw Mayor. T Schaffer, City of Roberts Bank Terminal 2 – Concerns HR&CP 124560 65 Langley Regarding Scope of Environmental Assessment 66 D. Floer Library Assessment HR&CP 124532 M. Mikulik Delta Optimist Article On Running HR&CP 124559 67 Own Libraries K. Ridley, Manager of Declaration of the Right to a Healthy HR&CP 124562 68 Legislative Support, City of Environment CC: CA&E Port Moody M. Mikulik Delta Optimist Article on Transit ENG 124530 69 Improvements in Delta M. Buda, Executive Director, Overview of Mayors’ Transit and ENG 124563 70 Mayors’ Council on Regional Transportation Plan for The Transportation Corporation of Delta Mayors’ Transportation and Mayors’ Transportation and Transit ENG 124578 Transit Plan: Mayors’ Council Plan: Mayors’ Council - What’s in it 71 for Richmond? 6 Reasons to Vote “Yes” in Richmond 72 D. & G. Merchant Filming Concern ENG 124526 V. Windsor & J. Van Rental Housing Index CP&D 124561 73 Snellenberg, Co-Chairs, Delta CC: PR&C Seniors Planning Team F:\CorpRec Corr-Other\Agenda - Regular\2015\2015-03-09\1H01 Summary.doc H.01 Mayor and Council External Correspondence Summary March 9, 2015 FROM TOPIC DEPT.
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