84 - MANCHKS7KR HERALD. Wcdnesduy. AuB. 17, 1983

Manchester man In line MMH doll helps Syria relents sum m er reai to renovate 5 duplexes quell kids’ fears on agreement ESTATE ... page 3 page 11 ... page 5

Clearing tonight; Manchester, Conn. 204 scon DRIVEr MANCHESTER sunriy Frfday Thursday, Aug. 18, 1983 DRASTICAUr REOUaO TO $113,900 — See page 2< Single copy: 25$ If being envied won’t embarradt Umlh you, you can spend the rest of your life enjoying the comforts of this glorious 11 room Colonial. *16x32 In-ground Sabrina Pool iL Houston •m, *Cabana with showor Alicia smashes into Texas *4 spacioua bodrooma *Fully appliancad kitchon Real Estate ^rvices inc. By Gary Taylor mainland in two years, bore winds of sheet metal littered downtown streets airport and 10 aircraft were damaged. *Confral air conditioning United Press International 130 mph as it smashed into the coastal and the sidewalks, normally crowded ” I ’d say about 40 percent of the *Famtly room with flreplMo open to kltdim towns of Galveston and Freeport, then with early rush hour traffic. Today the buildings at the airport have sustained *Eloctronlc air cloanor GALVESTON, Texas — Hurricane aimed its still furious gales at Houston streets were almost void of people. some sort of damage,” said Lt. Richard *Florida room off family room 323 East Contw St. HonchntM' 643-4060 Alicia plowed into Texas today, creat­ ' — the nation’s fifth largest city. At 7 “ We are having the downtown area Terral of the airport security staff. ing an immense path of destruction a.m. CDT the center was lo c a t^ near barricaded by the police department “ But we didn’t have any injuries that *Lowor lovol ia finlahod wRh roc room. 646 Hartford TurnpHio Rt. 30 Vornon through one of the most populous latitude 29.5 north longitude 96.4 west, because the large office buildings are we know of.” ofllco, oxtra bodroom, work room 29 Coimocticwt ihrd. East Hartford sections of the country. At least one just southwest of Houston. It also was loosing windows,” said Dick Hawkins, At the height of the storm in Houston *Gorgoous floldstono patio 60 Poquonodt Avo. Wbidior person was killed. expected to drop heavy on east of the Harris County Civil Defense a tree fell through the roof of a house, Victoria *MAllY. MANY EXTRASIII The storm dumped monsoon-like Texas. department. killing Elisa Flores, 71. Her husband, rains, damaged teachfront hotels, At dawn, Alicia’s fury was evident in An estimated 250,000 of Houston lying by her side, was spared. knocked out eletricity and produced so the triangle area from Freeport to Power & Light’s 1.2 million customers Alicia, which began as a cold front many tornadoes local officials could Galveston and Houston. were without eletricity. over Florida Sunday night, grew into ^ / I \ r not keep count of them. "W e probably had about20 tornadoes Power transformers exploded in the hurricane force as it drifted westerly Gulf of Mexico No estimate of damage was imme­ overnight,” Houston police dispatcher southeast portion of town, hardest hit over the warm Gulf of Mexico. The first diately availahle, hut the area where Charles Pyle said. "W e have just by Alicia. A Houston Fire Department gale force winds reached the Texas the storm hit holds some of the state’s everything. There are trees down, it’s spokesman said numerous gas leaks coast at noon Wednesday. kCorpus Christi most extensive beach and recreational flooding... everything.” developed around the city. A three- An estimated 50,000 people evacu­ areas and enormous petro-chemical Six-foot sheets of glass sailed through alarm fire was burning out of control in ated the coast as far north as Cameron and shipping complexes. the air in downtown Houston, ripped south Houston, and fire fighters were Parish, La., most heading for shelters Alicia, the first hurricane of the from skyscrapers by 65 mph winds hampered by low water pressure. set up inland in high schools, civil HURRICANE HITS SHORE $39,500 B r season and the first to hit the U.S. blowing torrential rains. Glass and A hanger was destroyed at Hobby buildings and hospitals. . . . winds up to 130 mph Only 1975 down buys this spotlessSVi room com­ pletely furnished Condo. Convenient 1st floor YOU M S T 0 0 M unit includes sliders to patio with grill, all appli­ To see what this home offersi Full donnared 7 Room WEEK! ances, pool, sauna & lush attractive landscaping. Cape. Three bedrooms and 2 full baths, carpeted living room with fireplace, large kitchen with new cabinets. Many extras Include screened 9'x12’ porch, pretty yard Bank merger and detached garage. $7ZS00.

I T ’S A L L iP HERE... Excellent Condltlonl would expand Investors please take notice $102,900 of this well cared for 2-fam- Heritage S & L Immaculate throughout, professionally de­ ily. It has modern kitchens corated & color coordinated is a large 8 room Co­ lonial with 4 bedrooms, family room with fire­ and baths, newer furnace By James P. Sacks Hale and Chipokas, the Fidelity- place, applianced kitchen, 2'/i baths, ail in a relax­ soPB nxim m w and roof. Excellent income. Herald Reporter Heritage m erger should be com­ ing country setting. ___ Six room Cape, three bedrooms, one with skylight. First pleted by late 1983 or early 19'84. floor laundry and upstairs study. Sava on heating costs 2 car garage, recently by installing a woodstove, the basic hook-up Is already If approved by shareholders and Chipokas said today he thinks it \ a Ini Sea tt today. $57,000. painted, located close in, al­ regulatory authorities, the ta­ should be completed earlier be­ F ItE E « t cut blip yoi biciai i keover of New Haven’s Fidelity cause Fidelity’s depositors and MARKET "REAU" PR0FE88I0NAU ways occupied. $82,900. Federal Savings and Loan Associ­ Heritage’s stockholders should SENTRY EVALUATION Call B464S26, inR nk for Dia ation by the Manchester-based vote in the merger “ wholeheart­ inc' Rent Estate Services Heritage Savings and Loan will edly, because the merger is to their 223 East Center St. Manchester t i l <888 STRAND REAL ESTATE D.F. REALE, INC.~ result in a stronger lending institu­ benefit.” •46 Hartford Tpk«, fifo. 30 Vomoit Reef Eslaie Home of the Week is sponsored by the Manchester Herald 29 Cormocticut Bhrd., Em I H a rtfo rd irs BMi H. eM .im r, ci. 156 EAST CENTER 8T. tion with a broader base of After Fidelity is appraised by an 60 Poquooocfc Alfa., Wtndaor M&.452S MANCHESTER, CT. S4S^S00. operations, the president of Fidel­ independent appraiser, the ity said this morning. number of shares of stock to be Fidelity President Peter G. issued when the institution be­ Chipokas said the proposed comes part of Heritage will be . . . Quality m erger announced Wednesday determined, Chipokas said. Herit­ would give Heritage, the remain­ age had 311,396 shares outstanding ing institution, a broader base of as of June 30, 1983. • a* Vl* - . . i-. assets and allow it to operate in the After the appraisal, the proposal New Haven area. It would also will be submitted to depositors in allow Fidelity to enter the consu­ Fidelity and shareholders in Herit­ mer loan arena and broaden the age, following which it will be amount of credit to depositors in subject to approval by state and the combined lending institution, federal regulatory authorities. Chipokas said. Chipokas said Fidelity depositors The broader base of assets would will have the opportunity to buy the allow Heritage’s new subsidiary, stock issued as a result of the the Heritage Mortgage Co., to merger. issue more mortgage credit in both Manchester the Manchester and New Haven •Townhouse Condominium areas, he said. Under the details of a proposal Delay ruled •123 Main St. 36 Concord Rd. ' fHonchostor, Ct. Pride of Ownership shows in this released Wednesday, Heritage, •Royal Arms Condominiums East Hartford 7 room Split iri South Windsor. which operates eight branches in In ‘pinetar’ •2 bedrooms Lovely 6V2 Rm Ranch. 3 bed­ New alum: siding, new roof and the Manchester area, will merge baths “Must SBir ,Brick 3 BR Ranch, on with the five-branch New Haven- NEW YORK (UPI) - A New rooms, living room, kitchen new carpeting all show the care area bank. If the merger is •Full basement huge-lot with 2 fireplaces, country York State Supreme Court justice and dining area, lower level taken in this house you can move approved by Heritage’s stock­ today barred the New York Yan­ • Move in condition kitchen, 2 bath$,'large Pondretehatio right intp. paN today! holders and Fidelity’s depositors. kees and Kansas City Royals from •Affordable starter home family room, 2 fireplaces, V/i and ^"2 car^garage., RosSible in-law Fidelity, a mutual, depositor- resuming tonight's suspended July owned institution, will be taken 24 “ pinetar” game that had been •Stove and refrigerator baths, convenient location, suite. Asking $74,9d0. over by Heritage and will issue •$52,500 scheduled by the American only $69,000. stock based on the assessed value League for at 6 p.m. at Yankees eAiatUn & e^otHman, 0ne: of the bank as part of Heritage. Stadium. The joint assets of the combined The judge, Orest V. Maresca, Eb GORMAN _ M r savings and loan institution would MCKSTON/aNOWCASE issued a preliminary injunction A ssociates U ««i U&R REALTY CO. be $241-miIlion, according to a joint preventing the completion of the 6 0 4 MIDDLE TURNPIKE EAST 2 ^ MAIN smEET 789 Main St 646-1316 announcement by Chipokas and game until the court determines 843-2692 MANCHESTEIt, COIMECTICUT 0 « ^ Heritage President William Hale. 646-4040 Rbbart D. Murdock, RoaRor whether fans who attended the A rs a C ode3l»«4e-4144 d e t Manchester Ct Herald photos by Tarquinio As of July 31, the statement says. original game are entitled see the Heritage had $158 million in assets resumption free of charge. and Fidelity had $83 million. Since neither team has common The celebrities return Hale, who would head the off days during the remainder of merged institution, called the the season, the game will be proposal “ unique” because it It was the last Celebrity Pro-Am to 'be held at the completed on Oct. 3, the day after be trying to convince Oiler superstar Wayne would be the first “ merger- the season’s end, and then only if it Wethersfield Country Club, and everyone enjoyed Gretzky of the benefits of playing in Hartford, right. A conversion” in Connecticut. effects the outcome of the division themselves Wednesday afternoon at the kick-off for the heavy downpour today forced a one-and-a-half-hour Chipokas predicts “ early appro­ championship. val without any hitches what­ 1983 Sammy Oavis Junior-Greater Hartford Open. suspension of play in theopening round oftheGHO with soever” for the merger. Sammy enjoys a laugh with Bob Hope, left, on the first one-half the field on the course. Story and more pictures An earlier proposal by Heritage Crash hurts fee while former Hartford Whaler Gordie Howe might just on page 15. to merge with the New York-based . CHEAT CAPO NEW CtfES $64,900. Seaman’s Bank was apparently with 8 rooms, 1 full and 2 half baths, fireblaoe, 4 Beautiful customized homes that qualify for9M4b bedrooms and a large treed lot. abandoned because it would vio- Yank starter CHFA financing. Full dormered also available. late Connecticut’s 1983 interstate $63,1 ^ banking bill, which restricts New NEW YORK (UPI) - New York M^CHESTER $60,500 England banks to merging with Yankees shortstop Andre Robert- NORTHnap GREEN C E H I R I 8 I I E C l 1 ^ I ' others in New England. son suffered a head injury, multi- A RARE FIND Cute aluminum sided home g ~ According to the statement by Plc abrasions and contusions today •Central Air Conditioning with spacious rooms, enclosed when he and a woman companion were thrown from their car when it •Pool porch, pantry and all ap­ w fesT HARTFORD (DPI) - national Jewish organizations States. he also advised members to • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • hit a retainer wall on a Manhattan H ie Arsonist responsible for set- urged more than 1,000 rabbis “Whenever you get a crazy, increase security and he and highway. •Tennis Court tlng fire to two synagogues and a across the, nation to tighten secur­ therO are a whole bunch of other Sturm said synagogues around the I I I S I U C I O Q a V Robertson, 25, and his compan- •2 Largo Bodroom pliances. Deep lot, close to raMM’s home in the last week, was ity at their synagogues because of crazies that want to jump on the country had established overnight ion. who was not immediately not a *^|S|fe88ional,” Police Chief the West Hartford fires. •Finished Rec Room schools, recreation area, and bandwagon,” he said. security patrols and asked for 20 paoei, 2 sections identified, were involved in a S-40 ;F ra o )^ 9 ^ n o Id 6 says. “It’s more than a worry, it is a FOREST H IllS 61,900. •New ApjpllancM . Rabbi .Benjamin Kreitman, increased police protectionn. a.m. crash, several hours after the Beautifully appointed 9 room U&R built home busline. - F oot auapeets are under investi- certainty" that arson will be president of the 800-member Uni­ Will buy this attractive 3 bedroom colonial cape, All this possible lor A w m wajsas Tests done on samples taken ...... Yankees had lost a 13-inning game with 2 baths, 2 fireplaces and a private rear yardi .^replace plus lots of natural wookwork. ERA — if you act fasti ^ O S f V U I I '.&atloa and may be from the area, attempt^ at another synagogue. ted States Synagogues of America, $110,000. :Reynolda'said Wednesday, but a Rabbi Ephraim Sturm, executive from the two West Hartford Business...... is io the Chicago White Sox Wednes- BUYERS PROTECTION PLAN. HURRYII said his group’s headquarter’s on synagogues showed no evidence Classified...... ' i| - i9 day night. An Emergency Medical • “lot of legwork’ ’remains before an Vice president of the National Fifth Avenue in was flammable liquid was used to set Comics...... Service spokeswoman earlier said arrest is made. Coundl of Young Israel Syn­ evacuated Wednesday because of the fires, only matches and pages Entertoinment...... n both suffered “ multiple trauma " The fires were set in buildings a)l agogues In New York City, said BUNCHARD & ROSSETTO, INC. D.W. FISH REALTY CO. a bomb threat. torn from scripture and prayer ...... ThepairwererushedtoRoose- REALTORS within a one-mile radius in the Wednesday. Kreitman, whose group repres­ ■predominantly Jewish section of “ Our prime concern now is that e n t Conservative congregations, “ *'• 1 K . I, O p in io n ...... 4 velt Hospital, where Robertson is 69 WEST CENTER STREET 3® PtoplRtoik ...... ; 2 surgical intensive care unit. (Comer of McKee) 7-13 Mum SI MflnchGslet Vsrnon Circle, Verr^on ,W w t Hartford. The town of 62,000 it is not open season on syn­ said no bomb was found, but he :has an estimated 7,300 Jewish agogues," said Sturm, whose ** police chief Sports...... A Yankees spokesman said 6 46-2482 643-1591 872-9153 believed the threat was an anti- said of the arsonist...... * Robertson did not suffer any ■nnidents. organization represents 200 Or- Semitic attack prompted by the , ...... broken bones and a Catscan of his i NaanwhUe, the leaders of. two ^odox congregations in the United West Hartford fires. Please turn to page 10 •••aaooaaaaaeo^oo^^^^^ head was negative.

1 t — MANCHESTER HERALD, Thursday, Auk. 18, 1983 Floods MANCI’SSTER HERALD, Thursday, Aug. 18, 1983 — 3 Peopletalk Duplexes In Center to be redone kill three Men demand rights Manchester man low bidder on rehab work Sidney Siller, president of the New York in West Criminal and Civil Courts Bar Association, says Bv James P. Socks tracts for the renovations can be Unfortunately, neither the ac­ units. According to Ms. Shanley, MS. SHANLEY SAID she ex­ invited to bid for the project, Ms. the women’s movement in trampling men’s By United Press International Herald Reporter drawn up. ceptance of the bid nor the the three-bedrooms each can pects the funding for renovating Shanley said. rights. Siller said he is forming NOM, National After the contracts are signed, completion of the project will house up to a family of six and the the remaining five houses to come Lawrence said he anticipates the Organization for Men, because, "Men’s rights are Destructive flashfloods in the > If the Manchester Housing Au­ the renovations can begin. mean much to anyone who hasn’t two-bedrooms can hold families of through in early September. She being diminished by the overpowering women’s work will take about 145 days after West killed three people, the long thority has its way, a bid by already applied for the units. Ms. four. said she expects HUD approval of the contractor begins the project. movement.” hot summer drove the mercury Manchester contractor James THE REHABILITATION of the Shanley said a total of 115 applica­ The houses were purchased by the bid “very soon." Siller said he would write a monthly column on He said the 90 days listed in the bid toward 100-degrees again today in Maulieu to rehabilitate five du­ units is being performed, under a tions for the apartments were the housing authority over the last by Beaulieu was probably too short men's rights in Penthouse magazine because the Plains and Midwest and plexes in the downtown area for The bid by Beaulieu, architect housing authority program known taken during one morning and one few years. Richard S. Lawrence told the a time to perform the work; and Penthouse publisher Bob Guccione shares his hurricane Alicia stranded 50,000 subsidized housing will soon be as Acquisition With Substantial afternoon of screening applicants One of the duplexes has already views. "Men are the true minority group today,” -accepted. housing authority Tuesday, was that other contractors had said the residents of an island city off the Rehabilitation. Snder the AWSR this spring. been renovated and filled. Ms. work would take up to a year in Siller said, "and are being persecuted in divorce Texas coast. ; The housing authority voted close to what the authority antici­ program, seven duplexes In Man­ There is no residency require­ Shanley said, and another, on pated paying to renovate the five their proposals. courts, losing their children, earnings and Early-morning thunderstorms unanimously to accept condition­ chester, or a total of 14 units, will ment for the units, she said, as Orchard Street, is almost com­ property. It is time for men to stop being passive rumbled through the Midwest, ally a $249,500 bid submitted by the units. Lawrence, of the Manches­ be made available to low-income none is allowed by the regulations plete. The remaining five units for ter firm The Lawrence Associates, Renovating the units, he said, — to stand up to the womenjs movement and fight where forecasters said tempera­ contractor and opened Aug. 5 at its families under a subsidy similar to governing the project. The appli­ which Beaulieu, of 40 Strawberry involves “substantial work" in­ back.” tures headed toward the high 90s ^Tuesday night meeting. The accep­ which designed the rehabilitation that of the Section Eight program. cants will be rated on the basis of Lane, submitted the bid, are of the duplexes, said Beaulieu’s bid cluding plumbing, heating, insula­ Siller will formally announce his new organiza­ and possibly 100. Chicago’s 98 tance is conditional because the According to housing authority need. located on Maple Street, Bissell tion, siding, roofing and flooring. tion Aug. 24 — two days before Women's Equality degrees was only qne of 100 bid must be approved by the was the lowest of bids received Director Carol Shanley, families Six of the duplexes in the AWSR Street, School Street, Clinton from general contractors. In the cases of some of the units, he Day. Midwest records shattered in the federal Office of Housing and will pay 30 percent of their income program contain two three- Street and Madison Street. said, the work involves "gutting sweltering heat. Urban Development, which is for rent and the subsidy will pick bedroom apartments and the All are east of Main Street in the A large number of contractors, everything to the bare studs’’ and Torrential rains hit Utah again funding the project, before con­ up the rest. fourth contains two two-bedroom downtown area of Manchester. including minority firms, were building the duplexes back up. today, flooding hundreds of base­ Papal audience ments in the Salt Lake area and Quote of the day blocking Interstate IS. Among the pilgrims that Pope John Paul II Anita Bryant/ who became involved in a gay Floodwaters from lightning- paused briefly to shake hands with during his laced thunderstorms drenched Ca­ Panel will check outetarter-homes plan for Love Lane general audience in St. Peter's Square in Vatican rights dispute in Miami, lost her job selling orange juice on TV and suffered her worst blow lifornia, Arizona and Nevada, Bv Alex GIrelll Wednesday night that the North Inc. can play in the project. It is them for a report at the next City Wednesday was an American and his invading homes and gambling a sand bank, trees and other dered some sort of procedure daughters — Robert Wagner and daughters 'when she went through a divorce, now is the Herald City Editor vegetation. under which private builders Elm project presents fewer devel­ seeking some kind of model for the committee meeting Sept. 12. Natasha, 12, and Courtney, 9. spokesperson for an eyeglass manufacturer. resorts, collapsing roofs and inun­ Meanwhile, Ben Z. Rubin will would compete to construct opment problems and fewer possi­ provision of housing, but commit­ Rubin said he feels there are Asked on ABC's "Good Morning America” dating highways. Swirling runoffs. : In an effort to find out what kind bilities of public opposition. some flaws in the phrasing of the "I don't know if he knew who I am but I hope spun motorists into swollen chan­ make a study of the results of houses, probably singles, for sale. tee members Wednesday had so," Wagner said later. "He is one of the world’s about the Christian community's reaction to her of zoning and what kind of housing questionnaires he subcommitee The town would provide the land, For the Love Lane land, the some concerns about involving it questions, but other committee nels, claiming at least three lives. UPl photo greatest men.” Wagner and his family were in divorce, she said: "Unfortunately, because there placement might be suitable for a has distributed to determine the but would write into the agreement committee wants to provide the deeply in the project. members said the questionnaires were individuals that were disappointed — it’s One man died after he veered off town-owned parcel of land on Love Dr. Rubin made an informal and were complete and well organized. en route to Greece. "I came to show my two a Southern California desert high­ extent of the need for housing. a provision to get back a price for most possible housing at the least children Rome," he said. “I used to live here a like anybody could have gotten a divorce but Today In history Lane, the chairman of a town Results o^ the discussion with the land when and if the first buyer cost with the least possible disrup­ preliminary report Wednesday on The Love Lane parcei is in a Anita Bryant. You know, as a Christian leader, way in a driving rain, and a Las housing committee will meet with tion of the neighborhood. the questionaire. He had picked up Residence A Zone where the lot long time ago. They love it and, of course, to be Vegas, Nev. man was rescued Lamson and study of the questio- resells. able to meet the Holy Father ...." that was just a no-no, and I think the hardest thing Alan Lamson, town planning naires are expected to guide the That procedure would prevent And the majority of committee 200 returned forms and found that frontage requirement is 100 feet He said his friend William Wilson, President was really to forgive myself, too...There was hate from his sinking car by a police­ On August 18,1976 President Ford was nominated by the director. committee, which hopes to make a the properties from bering bought members want to restrict the 27 or those 200 respondents say and the square foot requirement is mail and people who wrote and were very man, whose patrol car was swept Richard Hagearty, chairman of housing to Manchester residents. they would be willing to pay rents 12,000. While statistically it could Reagan’s Vatican representative, arranged for away. Republican Nationai Convention. Hero he is congratu­ preliminary report to the Board of by speculators who want to make his family to stand in the front row for the papal condemning, and that left a lot of scars." lated by Ronald Reagan at news conference. Ford was the committee to study ways for Directors by Sept. 30. an easy profit. Dr. Rubin said Wednesday night, of $375. A smaller number say they accommodate 30 houses, but in audience. "I can’t see, I can’t see,” Bert the town to provide some afforda­ however, that a restriction to town would be willing to pay up to $425. practice the most that could be Sutton, 91, cried out to his wife Another property being consi­ defeated in november by Jimmy Carter. ble housing, told the committee WHILE THE IDEA of rentai dered by the committee is a residents might in effect be mak­ The questionnaires were distrib­ built would be 20. moments before veering off the Wednesday night he would discuss Since the southern portion of the freeway in a blinding ^w npour housing for the Love Lane iand has 1.8-acre parcel on North Elm ing a restriction as to race. uted through the Silk Town Flyer. passengers. with Lamson what possibilites not been ruled out, discussion Street that must be used for parcel is shallow and the northern G lim p s e while driving on Interstate 10 in the rock and mud slides forced the , there are for the 10-acre parcel. portion deep, the committee won­ Banning area. The mishap appar­ closing of both lanes of 1-15 in the A mud slide on in northwestern about that land has hinged on housing for the elderly under THE LOCAL restriction appears THE DEADLINE for returning Roxanne Pulitzer, ex-wife of millionaire Peter Utah County swept at least four The land is on the east side of starter houses for first time terms of its donation to the town. to limit the role the Housing them is Aug, 25, and Rubin hopes to dered about two different treat­ ently caused Sutton to suffer a fatal Virgin River Gorge, just across the Love Lane, and currently contains ments for the two sections. Pulitzer, was dancing away at a New York disco heart attack. Utah-Arizona stateline. cars off the highway. There was no buyers. The committee has consi- Committee members agreed Coalition for the Capitol Region. find a way to study the results of Tuesday night with Hubert Fouret, the West San Bernardino got up to four Falling rocks hit at least two report of injuries.. Palm Beach pastry chef who was mentioned as inches of rain in two hours. buses and trapped a third in the A West Jordan City dispatcher one of her lovers during the messy Palm Beach said, ‘Tve never seen it rain so divorce ... Mary Rose Martin, 24, was deep canyon on a highway between reported missing after her car was St. George and Las Vegas, Nev. hard. You couldn’t see across the Manchester Geoffrey Holder is directing the new national swept into a flood-control channel A dispatcher said passengers street.” touring company of "The Wiz" that opens in Wednesday night. Two San Ber­ from the trapped buses were Hurricane Alicia slammed onto Boston Sept. 16 and returns to Broadway in the nardino women whose car was transferred to other vehicles and the Texas shore, blowing down In Brief spring ... walls with 130 mph winds and Tanya Roberts starts filming "Sheena, Queen swept into the same wash were taken out of the slide area. A large rescued today. rock crashed through the roof of stranding 50,000 residents on an Pohl closer to goal of the Jungle" next week in Mexico and, island city. eventually, in Kenya ... Utah’s highway patrol reported one bus, causing minor injuries to As of Wednesday afternoon Michael Pohl lacks Aljean Harmetz has a new book, "Rolling only 81 of the valid signatures he needs to force a Breaks and Other Movie Business," a collection Democratic primary election Sept. 13, according of her inside-movie-business articles. to Democratic Registrar Herbert P. Stevenson. Weather Stevenson said that while he has not yet officially certified the signatures he has received WHO CAN GIVE YOU from Pohl, he has checks them and is satisfied Stick up and fly off Connecticut today ing to 1 foot or less tonight. Maine: 'Mostly cloudy with a that there are 415 valid signatures in his Increasing to 1 to 2 feet Friday. chance of a shower or thunder­ possession. Pohl needs a total of 596 before 4 p.m. Thanks to a stick-to-it attitude, the Terminal Today 50 percent - chance of shower southwest, showers and Friday. Tower complex in Cleveland has solved its pigeon showers and thunderstorms. Highs The primary would be held Sept 13 from noon to A GREAT RATE AND A thundershowers likely elsewhere probiem. in mid 80s. Wind 10 to 19 roph New England today. Highs 70 to 80. Clearing 8 p.m. at the town’s regular 12 polling places, with Building officials had tried loud sounds and westerly late afternoon. Tonight Massachusetts and Rhode Is­ tonight. Lows 50 to 60. Mostly only Democrats eligible to vote. strips of metal spikes but nothing kept the bir^j clearing. Lows 60 to 65 with a light land: Chance of showers this sunny Friday. Highs mid 70s to mid Pohl is challenging Richard Dyer and Susan off the building. Until now. northerly wind. Friday sunny. afternoon. Warm and humid. 80s. Perkins for a three-year term on the Board of FAST ANSWER ON YOUR Joe Tanke, director of operations for the Highs in the mid 80s. Wind Highs upper 70s and low 80s New Hampshire: Showers and Education, beginning in 1984. Dyer and Perkins Terminal Tower complex, said Thursday that becoming westerly around lOmph. southeast coast, 80s elsewhere. thundershowers likely north and are incumbents. Young Ford driving drunk workers put a sticky golden substance on ledges Showers and thunderstorms end­ variable cloudiness with a chance People who are eligible to become voters have of the building's six-story facade. Jack Ford, the son of former President Gerald Air quality ing this evening and early tonight, of a shower or thundershower until Aug. 30 to take the oath of elector If they want "The pigeons would fly and land on the ledges otherwise clearing everywhere. south today. Highs in the 70s north to enroll in the Democratic Party in time to vote in MORTGAGE LOAN? R. Ford, failed a roadside sobriety test and was with the substance and get it on their feet,” he The state Department of Envir­ Lows in the 60s. Mostly sunny and low 80s soijth. Clearing to­ the primary. arrested for drunk driving Wednesday in Cardiff said. “They would pick theirfeetupanddownand onmental Protection forecast mod­ by the Sea, Calif., according to the highway patrol Friday, quite warm, hig^ in the night. Lows 50 to 60. Mostly sunny then quickly fly away. They don’t like sticky erate air quality levels statewide 80s. Friday. there. substance on their feet and they haven’t been for today. The DEP reported How primary will be run roosting." unhealthful conditions across Con­ Unaffililiated voters have until 4:30 p.m. on Tanke said people walking below the S2-story necticut Wednesday. Sept. 12, the day before the primary, to enroll as downtown landmark had complained about 29.89 29.77 29.77, THE EAGLE CAN. Democrats and vote in the primary. Those who People pay for dogbites getting hit with pigeon droppings but those L.I. Sound are now enrolled in the Republican party cannot complaints ended Thursday. SEATTLE Not only can the Eagle give you one of the lowest, most competi­ the kind of quick, friendly service you don’t get too often at most Dog owners have paid more than $18,000 since Long Island Sound to Watch Hill, vote in' the Democratic primary. tive mortgage rates around, but our quick, personal attention to larger, commercial banks and mortgage oxnpanies. BOSTON The election will be conducted in much the the U.S. Postal Service began demanding R.I. and Moniauk Point: @ / c o o u i , your application should be more than enou^ to get you to sign on And that perscmal attention com es not only w ith F irst Federal compensation for dog bite injuries to mailmen. A weak low pressure area will same manner as a regular election, except that only Democrats can vote and all election officials the d otted line. mortgage applications but is standard with other loan requests as Salt Lake City Postmaster Howard Buck, who move across from the west today VONK oversees postal operations in Utah and part of and tonight. Winds, southwest at 10 will be Democrats. The cost of the election is With all the legwork required in shopping for a new home, the well For car, home improvement, hcxne equity and perscmal Nevada, said Wednesday more than 30 carriers to 20 knots today. Winds northwest $8 ,200. last thing you need is a bank th at drags its heels ap- The chief moderator and the other moderators loans, w e m ay b e able to give you have been compensated for dog bites since the to north at 10 knots tonight and ------.JENVER [Hxning your mortgage aj^ilication. We stay the nxm ey you need in 24 new policy began in his district last fall. south to southwest at 5 to IS knots will be selected by Democratic Registrar Herbert He said S3 cases have yet to be settled, including Friday. Visibility, greater than 5 V'V®n“roi5B Stevenson from a pool 40 or 50 Democrats who on our toes to make sure you get the hours o r less! So w hatever one that kept a carrier in the hospital for five days miles, possibly 1 to 3 miles in LOB ANQEI have been trained as moderators in schools &stest answer possible. In most you’re shopping for, get it conducted by the office of the Secretary of State. and at home for another six weeks. showers today and 3 to 5 miles in cases well respond to your appli­ fester w ith a loan from the The postmaster said the number of dog bite E8T haze tonight and Friday morning. cation in tw o w eeks, o r sooner. Eagle. You’re not likely to incidents has increased despite warnings that Winds improving to 5 miles or Walting-llst names secret And wdien w e approve a loan, find b e tte r ra te s o r m ore owners are financially liable for injuries. greater Friday afternoon. MIAMI Buck said he does not like to involve customers Weather, mostly cloudy with ^ ORLEANS—*^ The names of people on the Manchester the low ra te w e offered w hen perscxial attentkxi any­ in lawsuits, but dog bites have become too big a chance of showers and possibly a * 7 0 LSdfMD------Housing Authority’s waiting list for subsidized you applied stays in effect for housing can no longer be available to the public or where else. problem for the carriers to ignore few thundershowers today, clear­ sixty (fays, (xotecting you ing tonight and fair Friday. Wave V the press, the Manchester Housing Authority was To be sure, call us heights, 2 to 4 feet today, decreas- AM told by its lawyer Tuesday night. from possible in te rest rate . o r stop in a t any of our E 3 SHOWERS ^ PLOW Attorney Alan Thomas told a meeting of the increases a t the tim e of UPl WEATHER. POTOCA8T ® eight conveniently housing authority that a law passed by the your dosing. Now that’s Judge fines himself $31 legislature in 1983 says disclosure of the names on located offices. A IS-minute look at his new home under Almanac National loracaat the waiting list violates the privacy of applicants. construction cost Blount County, Tenn. Circuit The number of applicants on the list can still be Court Judge John Crawford HI $31 since he had to Today is Thursday, Aug. 18th, For period ending 7 s.m. EST Friday. During Thursday night,! released, however, Thomas said. fine himself for delaying court. the 230th day of 1983 with 135 to thundershowers will be expected In the Central Intermountain region,! According to Thomas, Public Act 83-559-means The judge said he has held others in contempt follow. the Upper Great Lakes region and the West Gulf Coast region.; that the list can be available to only those who are for delaying court, and felt it would not be fhir if The moon is moving toward its on it or to their representatives with written Elsewhere weather will remain fair Ingeneral. Minimum temperatures ■ authorization. It has been posted in town hall and he let himself off scot-free. full phase. Include; (maximum readings In parenthesis) Atlanta 73(96), Boston "I consider punctuality very important, l.wifs The morning star is Mars. has been publicly available in the past. 68(85), Chicago 75(93), Cleveland 68(95), Dallas 75(95), Denver The waiting list currently contains 220 names, IS minutes late Tuesday end-I wasn’t'going talet * The evening stars are Mercury, 60(82), Duluth 66(80), Houston 75(87), Jacksonville 71(95), Kansas me get away with it,” he said. "I am very stern, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn. according to housing authority Director Carol particularly with lawyers about ge^ng to court City 77(100), Little Rock 73(91), 66(74), Miami 79(90), Shanley. Those born on this date are under Minneapolis 73(60), New Orleans 76(92), New York 71(90), Phoenix’ on time." the sign of Leo. They include "I don’t intend to let it happen HgUnand if I do 73(99), San Francisco 57(70), Seattle 56(76), St. Louis 78(98), and- GOP committee meets American explorer Meriwether Washington 73(93). the court will fine me again.”' '' Benson in Boston Lewis, in 1774, actress Shelley Republican candiates and their campaign Crawford, 46, and a jildge since 1978, said he has Winters, in 1922, and actor Robert Recording artist George Benson performs managers met Wednesday night for a further been late opepiiig court before, but always Bedford, in 1937. discussion of the election campaign. Curtis because he hadjibenjliscussing official business before an overflow crowd of 10,000 Boston fans On this date in history; during his appearance at Concerts on the Smith, Republican Town Chairman, said the in his chamber.He said Tuesday was the first In 1916, Abraham Lincoln’s turnout for the meeting was good and the group time he delayed the wheels of justice through his Commons Tuesday. Thousands had to be turned birthplace in Kentucky was given away during his sellout performance. discussed such matters as the printing of own negligence. to the U.S. government as a brochures, door to door campaigning and setting national shrine to the 16th up a calendar of activities. president. The meeting was one of a series the GOP is In 1940, the U.S. and holding in its effort to make gains in the Manchester Herald establish^ a World War II plan of forthcoming local election. The Republicans now Lottery joint defense against possible hold only as many seats in the town government Richard M. Diamond, Publisher - - enemy attacks. as are guaranteed by minority representation. Thomas J. Hooper, General Manager In 1976, President Ford was nominated by the R^ublican Connecticut Daily National Convention in Kansas It was a smash landing USPS 327-500 VOL. C ll, No. 271 City. The Gerald Ford-Robert Dole Mrs. Merrill Colton of 24 Perkins St. called the ticket wastldtCIKSdlil NdvbiliBefr' Manchester Herald on Tuesday, wondering if Published dolly except Sunday Suggested carrier rotes ore $1.20 . Wednesdajf: ffl6 and certain holidays by the Man­ weekly, $S.12 for one month, $15.35 In 1982, Lebanon and the Pales­ anyone would like to take a picture of a chester Publishing Co., 16 Bralnard tor three months, $30.70 tor sU Play Four: 1517 tine Liberation Organization ap­ Texas-sized zucchini her husband had grown in Place, Manchester, Conn. 06040. monthsand$61.40foroneyear.Mai1 proved a plan for withdrawal of his small garden. Second class postage paid at Man­ rotes are available on request. chester, Conn. POSTMASTER: other numbers drawn Wednes­ PLQ fighters from besieged West The zucchini was 22 inches long, maybe some Send address changes to the Man- To place a classitled or display day in New England; Beirut; Israel approved it the Satanita daw kind of record, she said. chestv Herald, P.O. Box »1, advertisement, or to report a news following day. The paper agreed to send a photographer today i^deial S^ngs f S l Manchdster, Conn. 06040. CommsrcB Dspartment satslllts photo taken at 4 a.m. EDT shows 643-2711. Otfice hours ore 8:30 a.m. Vermont daily: tSZ. to photograph the giant squash. WE EAlMIAMm BANKS To subscribe, or tp report a to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. A thought for the day; Robert Hurricane Alicia on the Texas Gulf Coast. A strong cluster of But on Wednesday the story ended in, weii, M lv e ry problem, coll 647-9946. Maine daily: 299. th u n d e rs to ^ Is visible over South Dakota and northwest Nebraska. Office hours are 0:30 a.m. to S:30 Louis Stevenson said, "If your tragedy. East Hartford: 1137 Main St. East Hartford: 842 Silver La. Glastonbury; 2510 Main St. South Windsor 297 Oakland Rd Rockville: 2 Park R Vernon-IVi-City Plaza The Manchester Herold Is o Broken cloudiness extends from southern Callfornie and A ritona, 289-6401 568-7137 633-9423 644-1501 875^233 871-27(X) p.m. Monday through Pridoy and 7 subscriber to United Press Interna­ Rhode Island dally; S640. morals make you dreary, depend Mrs. Colton called to squash the photographer’s to 10 a.ff). Sofurdoy. DoMvory tional news services and Is a upon it, they are wrong. I do not say northward across the Intermountain region then northeast across the visit. Manchester 344 Middle TUmpike W. South Glastonbury; 879 Main St steuld be made by S p.m. Monday member of the Audit Bureau ot New Hampshire daily: 9788. give them up, but conceal them lest Rocklee and the northern Plains. Widespread broken cloudiness Is "I dropped it. It smashed in two," she said. 646-8300 633-3618 tlv o u ^ Fridoy and by 7:M o.m. Circulations. Jbturdoy. they should spoil the lives of better also visible from the Middle Mississippi Valley across the Ohio Valley Her husband, she said, was understandably Massachusetts daily: 8350. and simpler people." and covering fhe Middle Atlantic region and New England. upset. “I should have left it alone,” she said. MANCHKSTER HERALD. Thursduy. Aug. 18, 1983 — 5 i - MANCHESTER HERALD, Thursday, Aug, 18, 1983

, N / , Federal workers U.S./WoHd Syria relents slightly on Lebanese-lsraeli pullout accord in B rie f, found in default ...... IT s envov Robert McFarlane also arrived in Beirut Bv United Press International Moslem leaeer and former prime minister Saeb a stream of cabinet mmisters visited Wazzan who vvednesday and briefed Gemayel on his talks with % \ ' U.S.S.R. won’t be the first Salaam. remained at home all day Wednesday, but they failed Israeli officials -fii-iau on tmnntroop withdrawal, .state-runstate-run BeinitBeirut ■ Syria relented and agreed to a point-by-point review Israel plans to withdraw its troops east of Beirut, to convince him not to carry out his threat to resign of student loans MOSCOW — President Yuri Andropov today and to convene a regular cabinet meeting Thursday. radio said. told visiting U.S. senators that the Soviet Union of toe L«banese-Israeli accord to win the withdrawal despite the likelihood of new sectarian warfare. will not be the first to launch anti-satellite of foreign tooops from Lebanon, but new conflict Bv John F. Barton flared over IsraeTs.plans to redeploy its araiy in the United Press International weapons into outer space, Tass said. “The U.S.S.R. assumes the commitment not to country’s south. be the first to put into outer space any type of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak’s special envoy WASHINGTON — About 41,000 federal employees Osama al Baz was scheduled to arrive today in Beirut could have their pay docked if they don't voluntarily anti-satellite weapon,” Tass said. Andropov told the nine visiting Democrats that with a message to President Amin Gemayel oi) the repay a totaPdf $65 nniUion in student loans the subject of troop withdrawals from Lebanon. Education Department says they owe. the Soviet Union “imposes a unilateral morato­ rium on such launchings for the entire period U.S. assistant presidential envoy Richard Fair­ Representatives of various federal agencies banks arrived in Beirut Wednesday after winning the stepped onto a stage in a federal building auditorium during which the other states — including the United States — will refrain from stationing in Syrian agreement in Damascus from Syrian Foreign Wednesday and received envelopes with lists of their Minister Abdel Halim Khaddam. CHOICEST MEATS IN TOWN outer space anti-satellite weapons of any type.” workers identified by a computer as being in default Syria, which had blocked the accord for months on on student loan payments. The senators arrived in Moscow Wednesday at the invitation of the Supreme Soviet. the grounds that it violated Lebanon’s sovereignty Stressing administration interest in theeration. Dr. and endangered its own security, agreed for the first Edward Elmendorf, assistant Education secretary Their meeting with Andropov was the first by American officials since Vice President George time to review the May 17 U.S.-mediated pact. for post-secondary education, told the agency The detailed review of the accord will be conducted DELI SPECIALS representatives. President Reagan and the cabinet Bush and Secretary of State George Shultz met MEAT DEPT, SPECIALS LOUS MCH the Soviet leader following the death of Leonid over the next several days between Syrian officials secretaries are “very serious ateut this.” and State Department officials, a U.S. official said. Turkey Breasti ^0.00 lb. Elmendorf said that, under a law passed recently by Brezhnev last November. ButU.S. officials said the latest Syrian move was a Congress, up to 15 percent of the pay or pensions 8 U8DA CHOICE OUR OWN small step and not a sign of a major breakthrough in Baked Gourmet Ham Elmendorf said the hit list was made by comparing Salvador leader backs plan the accord, which calls for the removal of 40,000 *3.99 .IK the records of 10.3 million federal employees with Syrian, 30,000 Israeli and 10,000 Palestinian troops Boneless Shoulder BUONAOtl fs'm . names of student loan defaulters. The right-wing president of El Salvador’s from Lebanon. Kielbasa *1.99ib. “This is not a one shot effort,” he said. “It is an Constitutent Assembly is backing a plan to Israel has refused to honor the accord until Syria St. london Broil ib. ongoing effort.” legalize paramilitary groups but moderate agreekas well. "lOl" But Richard Hastings, another Education Depart­ politicians vowed to fight it, charging the groups In Beirut, Lebanese Prime Minister Chefik Wazzan White American Cheese *2.49 ib^ Dropping from the sky ment official, told reporters the agency remained are linked to the country’s notorious death refused to conduct government business Wednesday USDA CHOICE “willing to work with people willing to pay up.” NEW YORK squads. and threatened to resign in . the welcome given to Provolone *2.49i.k Northeast and the 5th largest in the U.S. The Pentagon, with 27,(^ employees considered in One moderate Christian Democratic assembly- Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Arens by Christian fop Blade Several hot air balloons begin a mass default on their loans, got the biggest package. An man said Wednesday the groups “are the base of ascention at Darien Lake, N.Y. The5 day The event, slated as "Great American leaders. Education Department official said later 14,549 of the totalitarian societies or of the more obscure Arens met with the Christians on an unannounced Steak 1B.I French Brie *4.19.b^ event will include over 80 balloons Balloon Extravaganza” will feiature defaulters were people on active, retired or reserve fascist dictatorships, or the extreme right.” visit to Lebanon apparently to discuss plans to pull performing mass ascention each day, demonstrations of other lighter-than-air militoc place was the Postal l^rvice, with 3,255 The 60-seat assembly, split evenly between back Israel’s occupation troops and redeploy them in Bergader Bonchanajer Cheese making the event the largest ever in the crafts. defaulters, followed by the Veterans Administration, rightists and moderates, failed to agree Wednes­ safer positions in south Lebanon. 5 public reception by U8DA CHOICE *4.19.1. with 1,427. A dozen other federal agencies each had day whether to legalize the existence of the Phalange-dominated Lebanese forces and re­ several hundred employees with unpaid student paramilitary groups under the country’s new ceived coverage from government television. Shoulder Clod *2.39.J loans. constitution. “All these things made Wazzan angry,” a Barbie Investigation continues There was no envelope for the White House. “I don't Assembly President Roberto D’Aubuisson government source said. Roast LB. know that there was anyone involved at the White announced support for the plan, but his backing “This was a9 restore national unity,” said fellow House,” said Richard Hastings, an Education renewed questions about his past and the groups Department official. themselves. Only Nazi to get U.S. aid? Elmendorf said letters were sent between De­ OEM 8EMI BONELE8S PRODUCE BAKERY cember 1982 and January 1983 to everyone on the New fighting default list, and “some 5,580 employees have Anti-AIDS money announced Vs Fully DEPARTMENT responded ... by repaying some $3.4 million.” By Barbara Rosewicz The report concluded that a NEW YORK — Hoping to allay fears about l b . THOMKON But, he said, there are about 41,000 defaulters “who Cooked Ham Saodlass Grapas J 9 C United Press International handful of intelligence officers, AIDS, Secretary of Health and Human Services Broceli Puffs •ach 49( acting on their own, decided to are still recalcitrant .... so additional forceful Margaret Heckler clasped hands with a victim of In Chad still sw in ju ia procedures are necessary.” CUROT WASHINGTON - Klaus Barbie protect Barbie and help him the deadly disease and announced that $22 million WEAVER Nactorinas ib.59( appears to be the only Nazi who got escape to Bolivia rather than turn Because of the privacy act, no names were made more in federal money had been designated for CAUrORMA Loyor Coko «2.99 extensive help from U.S. officers him over to the French. public. AIDS research. Dutch Fry Plums ,o.59( after World War II, the investiga­ wanted to prosecute Mrs. Heckler was joined by Mayor Edward an uncertainty EMLT Golden Bolls 6/590 tor who looked into the case says. Barbie — known as the "Butcher of Kdch at a news conference Wednesday at the Mac Apples sib b .o 9 9 - But an investigation by the Lyon” — for allegedly ordering the hospital bedside of AIDS patient Peter Justice, 40. Drum Thighs General Accounting Office is con­ murder and deportation of French Steinberg charge The $22 million budget amendment boosts the Jews while he was head of the Editor’s note: Portions of this dispatch were subject tinuing into charges the United department’s 1984 request for AIDS research to censorship by Chadian officials. States had a program to help Nazi Gestapo in Lyon, France, from funds to a total of $40 million. 1942 to 1944. war criminals or collaborators “The concerns by the public are so irrational, it NDJAMENA, Chad (UPI) — With Libya pouring in enter the country after the war, in in sex tapes flap isolates AIDS victims,” Mrs. Heckler said as she Barbie, 69, was expelled from military supplies to rebels in the north and France violation of immigration laws. stroked Justice’s shoulder. “AIDS is my No. 1 sending more troops to aid the government, a western “I don't think there is any other Bolivia in February and now is in a priority. I felt it was important to be seen with an French prison. not yet revealed diplomat said the prospect of new fighting in Chad case where the government was AIDS victim.” remains “anyone’s guess.” involved to the extent it was in the The Soviet Tass news agency She said the public must be made aware that said Wednesday Nazi war crimi­ LOS ANGELES (UPI) — Robert K. Steinberg, who The French Defense Ministry said Wednesday in Barbie case,” Allan Ryan, who the mysterious disease cannot be contracted that 500 troops would leave for the French headed a five-month investigation nals are still being harbored by the created a national stir by claiming he viewed video through a handshake or any other casual contact. LIVE MAINE LOBSTERS United States. tapes depicting Reagan administration officials at military base at Bangui in the Central African by the Justice Department, said The only way one can get Uie disease, she said, is Republic and about 50 would be sent quickly into Wednesday. “It is well known tfiat many Nazi sex orgies, has been indicted — apparently for falsely through repeated sexual contact or by using a Hew England Clam chowder & Lobster ^ k war criminals have found sanctu­ reporting the tape theft. Chad. The Justice Department report, contaminated needle. Fifty-three logistics specialists left France for issued Tuesday, for the first time ary in the United States and live Steinberg was ordered by the county grand jury to Justice, gaunt and wearing blue striped hisque available in our Fish Dept. there without being disturbed,” surrender for arraignment in Beverly Hill Municiple Ndjamena with 5 tons of supplies to support President acknowledged that U.S. Army pajamas and a robe, was propped up on his Hissene Habre in his battle to keep ousted president Counter Intelligence Corps agents Tass said. “To this very day; Court August 24, when the secret in^ctment will be hospital bed with pillows at toe Cabrini Medical in Europe hired Barbie, a former Washington regards them as espe­ disclosed, Steinberg's attorney, Leonard Levine, said Goukouni Weddeye and toe insurgents from regaining Center. power. Gestapo leader, as a spy in 1947 and cially valuable cadres for provoca­ KLAUS BARBIE Wednesday. shepherded him out of Germany in tive and subversive operations The exact charges contained in the indictment will Stocks open higher The moves came as Chadian Information Minister ISo Substitute 1951. against the socialist countries." .. . report delivered not be known until then. Under California law, a grand Soumaila Mahamat told a news conference that We Give Old Fashioned jury indictment must remain sealed until the NEW YORK — Prices opened higher today in Soviet and East German advisers may be directing a For Quality defendant surrenders for arraignment. active trading of New York Stock Exchange massive buildup for a drive by the rebels on the Butcher Service ... "I know it's for a misdemeanor,” Levine said. “I issues. capital. Fish apparently thriving can only that based on the investigation the charges The Dow Jones industrial average-was ahead Mahamat said the advisers may be supervising the are most likely filing a false police report. 1.93 to 1,208.43 shortly after the market opened. It Libyan build-up in the northern oasis town of “I'm a little surprised but not shocked.” ' soared 16.05 Wednesday, the biggest gain since it Faya-Largeau, 500 miles north of Ndjamena. STORE HOURS; “Libya is up to its eyeballs in Russians,” Mahamat Levine said he had informed Steinberg of the jumped 30.74 on July 20 when Federal Reserve Mon. & Ttws. ’til 6D0 ___J 317 Highland St Snail darter has last laugh development and his client “took it calmly.” Chairman Paul Voicker raised money supply said. “It is possible there are currently, a numbe^ of Soviet and East German advisers at toe front at Filing a false police report carries a maximum growth targets. Wed, Thors., & Fri. til 9;00 punishment of six months in the county jail. The closely watched average, a 3.05 loser Faya-Largeau.” But he said there was no proof. MANCHESTER Bv Tom Madden the construction of the $137 million Act and the dam was completed in Steinberg created a national clamor July 11 when he Tuesday, has been stuck in a narrow range for the The lead rebel troops were about 150 miles north of Sal & Sunday United Press International Abecbe, on a road linking Ndjamena to Faya- dam on the Little Tennessee River 1979. told reporters he saw three videotapes depicting the past several weeks after surging nearly 61 til 6:00 CONN. discovered the snail darter along a late Alfred Bloomingdale — a business magnate and percent the past year in the unprecedented bull Largeau, the oasis town that fell to rebel forces last ATLANTA — The snail darter, 17-mile stretch of the river while Baker once said of the snail member of President Reagan's “Kitchen Cabinet” — market of the 1980s. week. nZGEILMD FJL the 3-inch-long fish that single- searching for ways to halt the dam darter; “The snail darter has cavorting at “sex parties” with his mistress, Vicki Advances led declines 597-306 among the 1,284 “The Libyans are massively moving things into finnedly held up construction of the in the 1970s. become the bane of my existence Morgan, and unnamed public ofHcials. issues crossing toe New York Stock Exchange Faya-Largeau,” one Western diplomat said. "There Tellico Dam for two years and cost TVA had spent almost $100 and the nemesis of what I fondly The next day, after prosecutors asked that the tapes tape. has been a constant resupply throughout the weekend the mighty Tennessee Valley Au­ million on the Tellico project and hoped would be my golden years. I be turned over as possible evidence in Miss Morgan’s Early turnover amounted to about 7,610,000 and early this week.” thority millions of dollars, is had it 80 percent complete in 1978 have been locked in mortal combat July 7 slaying, Steinberg reported they had bwn shares. Wednesday’s volume rose to 87.80 million He said “it’s anyone’s guess” whether the activity is having the last laugh. when the Supreme Court ordered with the lowly snail darter for what stolen from his Beverly Hills office. shares from the 71.78 million traded Tuesday. designed to build up rebel defenses to hold MMOOOMMlRRBUaBlBllURBBlB Federal wildlife officials said construction halted because the now seems like an eternity, and I At the urging of prosecutors, Steinberg filed a theft Analysts said if the trading continues to pick up Faya-Largeau — or signals the insurgents are Wednesday the tiny perch, which snail darter was endangered. am embarrassed to say I have report with Beverly Hills police, who later claimed the in this session, toe market may take off on preparing an attack on the south. V FROZEN & DAIRY environmentalists claimed might TVA workers began laboriously taken a sound thrashing.” report was false and asked the District Attorney’s another surge. Institutions with billions of dollars Since France began moving soldiers to the front late GROCERY SPECIALS be wiped out if the dam was built, is transplanting the fish to other Office to charge Steinberg with filing a false theft to spend hold the key. last week, there have been no reports of fighting or doing so well that it may soon be rivers around the Tennessee TVA said the dam would bring report. Libyan air attacks on Habre’s forces. POPS N'FUDGE IRS. 24<1. $ 1 .2 9 taken off the list of endangered Valley. economic prosperity to a poor Prosecutors then sought the grand jury probe, But the French were shoring up government K A BEANS 55 01. n.49 species. Finally Senate Majority Leader region of the country and lure which began Monday and included testimony by defenses. The latest troop shipment would raise the The dam, however, has failed French contingent in Chad to 900 and the authoritative Howard Baker of Tennessee and industry to the area. But, now several news reporters as well as those directly 11.5 m . POLAR BARS « 1 .7 9 miserably to fulfill its promise as Rep. John Duncan, R-Tenn., man­ completed, the dam does not involved in the case. ^ Paris newspaper Le Monde said the number could POTATO STIX m. MOTTS an economic godsend to east aged to have the Tellico project provide any electrical generation Miss Morgan was bludgeoned to death with a reach 3,000. Tennessee. exempted from all federal laws, and has failed to attract any baseball in her rented North Hollywood “The possibility of sending more troops later has APPLESAUCE 99 SLICED STRAWBERRIES Environmentalists opposed to including the Endangered Species industry. condominium. not been excluded,” a JFrench Defense Ministry SAW Coming official said. STEWED TOMATOES 27M.00 GOLDEN PATTIES .... 8 9 ( MOTTS RE8. OR NATURAL SNOW CROP FIVE ALIVE OR Escaped prisoner, attorney, face hearing Egypt is sending APPLE JUICE ...M.39 FRUIT PUNCH 8 9 < STARKIST LAPIZZERIA 2 VARIETIES soon! WHITE TUNA in Water 7 .1 .9 9 0 PIZZA . „ 9 5 < Bv Bill Lohmann they would not discuss who was sending money to the at Brushy Mountain State Prison in Tennessee on Feh. weapons to Chad liqiaOig ___ United Press International fugitives. 8, 1982, methodically firing into the locked cells of LA CREME The arrests were the first word of the couple since black prisoners. Two were k iil^ and two were aaow s, SHELIS, SPACHEni TOPPING . „ 7 9 < ORLANDO, Fla. — Six FBI agents staked out a March 31 when, police charge. Miss Evans, “cool as wounded. CAIRO, Egypt (UPI) — Egypt’s defense minister or THIN SPAGHEni 16 oz. 2/M.OO Western Union office and arrested an escaped killer ice,” held a pistol on three prison ^ a rd s and a Kirk was convicted in absentia of mansiaughter said Cairo has sent Soviet-made weapons to Chad to PIUSRURV PIUS-ALL VAR. STUFFED CLAMS . , > 1 . 2 9 and the woman lawyer that police say fell in love with psychologist at Oak Ridge, Tenn., while Kirk bound April 29 and sentenced to life in prison. It was the first Bankli support the government’s embattled troops but has no 15.5 01.750 him and helped him flee. them with packaging tape she had brought. time in the United States a person was tried for a CAKE MIXES intention of direct intervention in the conflict. INTROVMNES William Timothy Kirk, 36, and attorney Mary Kirk and Miss Evans both face identical indict­ capital crime while at large. It was believed to be the first time an Egyptian 1 .J 1 .2 9 Evans, 27, who had been at large 4 1 . 4 5 They were arrested Wednesday without incident in The two were brought to the Orange County Jail at the office of Dr. Gary Salk, an Oak Ridge psychiatrist, 180 count 790 ^ t a conference of 1,200 Egyptians living abroad, said . JUMBO NAPKINS HOOD Daytona Beach at the Western Union office, where Orlando. Both Kirk and Miss Evans, dressed casually for mental tests. Your link to better banking 'Wednesday that Egypt had sent rocket-propelled they had gone to pick up money. but neatly, were handcuffed and both refused to They left Salk and the guards bound with tape, took at the better way bank, grenade launchers to Chad| to help repel a SWISS STYLE YOGURT . . . 3 / 8 9 < “They seemed quite surprised but they offered no respond to reporters’ questions. their guns and Salk’s bUlfold and f i ^ in Miss Evans’ , immo TOWELS 590 Heritage Savings...soon Ubyan-backed invasion. resistance,” said agent Jack Martin of the FBI’s “They have been using various aliases and had car, whidh they abandoned IS miles away. i Egypt had repeatediy denounced Libyan aggres­ Daytona Beach office. more than iikely been residing in the state since about at our main Office and sion but vowed to stay out of the conflict in Chad, a “We had information they were going (to the March or so when the escape occurred,” said Dave Highland Park Market. Sign desert country in north'-central Africa. ^ Western Union office) to pick up money,” said an Stark, an FBI spokesman in Jacksonville, Fla. up now at any office. ’. “We have supplied Chad with rocket-propelled ■■■■■■■■•■till agent who asked not to be identified. Although Kirk was serving 65 years for armed robbery when m n ad es,” Abu-Ghazala said at the meeting. "There authorities said the tip came from Knoxville, 'I'enn , he led a gang of seven white inmates down a corridor not one single Egitotian soldier involved in Chad. WHh coupon a STSO purchoaa fs WtUMnpMl a STJC RwUmm I I WHh coupon a trao puichaca^ I wmi coupon a srao pwcliaoo 1 We only send troops to protect Egyptian interests.” U m N 1 Coupon tm ouoteoiir ^ UmN 1 Coupon par euotomar I Limit 1 Coupon por cutlomor ■ ' The defense chief did not say when or how many of I LlwN 1 Coupon par cuclomar | the hand-held, Soviet-made grenade launchers were STMCnV FRESU New acid rain panel requested sent to Chad. He said they were RPG-7s, a weapon KNOCK FUU 0 NUTS I SEALTEST > XiapaUe of piercing armor. ; " LARGE I DAWN I Weekend Bpeclaf Abu-Ghazala said the Chadian conflict ‘ ‘now rests in ICECREAM I I DKHWASHER DH. > | WASHINGTON (UPI) - The Administration. questions, and will help to engage COFFEE !the hands of Libya and France." WHITE EGGS '\M>0 16 01. I W G A L I I 22 o z . I President’s Council on Environ­ "The panel will review thq the scientific community in shap­ ' ^ . .POIRN mental Quality wants a new panel : Sudan, bordering Egypt on the soujto and Chad on performance of the program to ing our research efforts," said Carnations the east, is linked to E » p t in a mutual defenae^ci, to review the federal acid rain date and examine its current focus Ruckelshaus. research program' ^ "If the sitaiation in ^ a d ever p o m a threat I 99< ; and future research needs,” the The three agencies Involved will iankUnk UeaitoiM: Vadon, Egyptwtll defend it with alld tr^ and indirect ^ * The review was requested by the EPA said Wednesday in a name other members of the panel. I ■xmiUAUa.M.'os1.79 I ■xpmttAuo.aB.'Bs | heads of three agencies that run Main Ofllc* 1007 Main St. possible ways,” he said. ' / HIQHLAND PARK MARKET j ' HIGHLAND PARK MARKET | statement. They will be drawn from the ranks d o z e n Manchester, C T ' Abu-Ghazala said he had no argument with the mOMLANO PAmCHARK^ J, I HtOHLAND PARK MARKET the program — Environmental The panel will be chaired by of university scientists, industry, *3.26 Protection Agency Administrator Professor John Deutch, dean of other federal agencies and public Hlfltiland Parte Markat Ipeople of Libya, but with the aggressive-wtioi William Ruckelshaus, Agriculture science at the Massachusetts Insti­ interest groups. Highland St. their leader. Col. Moammar Khadafy. Secretary John Block, and Admin­ CASH & 85 E. CEN TER ST. Manchester, C T "There are no problems between us and Libya,’’ he tute of Technology. The panel wilLmeet later this -said. “The Libyan people and the Egyptian people are istrator John Byrne of the National “The review will help us make month and complete a report on its CARRY 649-5268 Oceanic and Atomspheric Igaighbors and they often inter-marry. But we ai sure it is aimed at the right findings in 60 to 90 days. •a n la d about their military expansion in Africa.” llllltlllllliuilllllllllf C - MANCHESTER HERALD, Thursday, Aug. 1^. 1983 MANCHESTER HERALD, Thursday, Aug. 18, 1983 — 7

Richard M. Diamond, Publlaher'; Dan Fitta, Editor; ‘Staggering’ Increase reported OPINION Alex Qlrelll, City Editor: Connecticut in B rief Revenue boost won’t mean tax cuts Fine may warn others By Mark A. Dupuis The sales tax is the state’s single will mean a lower deficit for the last " I t is so staggering that certainly no HARTFORD — The state’s attorney general UPl Capitol Reporter largest source of revenue and raises fiscal year, which ended on June 30. one anticipated that,” he said. J a c k . hopes a $8,000 fine levied against an Ohio firm for about a third of the revenue needed to The last estimate put the deficit at Edward Baida, chief of economic and A n d erso n illegally hauling hazardous wastes from a HARTFORD — A June surge in sales cover the more than $3 billion annual $59.17 million. revenue forecasting for 0PM, said the The hyping of an ‘American hero’ Milford company to Ohio will be a warning to' tax revenues is expected to continue at state budget. When the final deficit figure is in 21.2 percent increase was the highest in Washington other violators. a lesser pace into the fiscal year, but Despite the rosy predictions, how­ Sept. 1, Milano said the $10 million in his 13 years of state service. Ace Liquid Waste Haulers of Cincinnati won’t mean tax cuts next year for ever, Milano ruled out for now the unexpected sales tax revenue would Milano attributed the increase to Merry-Qo-Round transported 8,500 gallons of waste from Connecti­ Connecticut residents, the state’s possibility of tax cut next year, which is reduce the $59.17 figure and it "con­ economic improvements and resulted budget chief says. a legislative election year. ceivably could be below $50 million.” from a "broad-based” growth in sales LAWRENCE, Mass. - In the cut Aerosols to Solvents Resource Recovery in business suits puffing on pipes for him. The state collected more than $131.8 " I will rule out a tax cut right now,” The $131.8 million coliected from the that included autos and the range of Sons of Italy Hall here early the West Carrollton, Ohio, without a required state show up with expensive models With that entree to voters’ permit, officials said Wednesday. million in sales taxes in June, about $10 he told reporters Wednesday. ’ ’It is sales tax in June and reported other items on which saies tax is ievied. other night. Sen, John Glenn Jack Qeimond equipp^ with fancy lenses to attentions, Glenn makes only " I am hopeful that thU wUI help deter other million more than anticipated and a extremely difficult for me to even Wednesday by the Department of “ There’s no question that the consu­ stood before a massive mural capture this personalized bit of the most generalized appeal— a companies from operating in this state in "staggering” increase over collections imagine A situation where we could Revenue Services was 16.4 percent mer is more confident about what's depicting Columbus setting foot and American folklore. pitch that Ronald Reagan wants disregard of our hazardous waste regulations," for the same month a year ago, said have a tax cut in the next year.” more than generated by the tax in June, happening in the economy," Milano on the New World. Printed Behind budget chief Anthony V. Milano. Milano said built-in increases in 1982. to turn the country back to an Attorney General Joseph I. Lieberman said. told reporters at the Capitol. across the top was the proud Milano, secretary of the Office of spending and the unlikelihood that the However, when the figures are For the entire 1982-83 fiscal year, Jules Witcover And' after a slow organiza­ older, idealized time and he proclamation: "He Gave the tional start, the Glenn cam­ Policy and Management, said officials 16.4 percent June sales tax growth adjusted to reflect economic growth sales tax revenues adjusted to reflect Syndicated columnists wants to move forward in a Sheriff being Investigated and to eliminate the effects of tax hike World Its Grandest Lesson: On, paign appears to be rounding off a GM expected sales tax receipts to run would continue through the fiscal year economic growth increased by 11 pioneer spirit. He quotes the above projections at least for the first eliminated the prospect of cutting legislation passed-during the period, Sail On, Sail On.” the rough edges. In the course of HARTFORD — State prosecutors are investi­ percent. The Office of Policy and George Bernard Shaw line that three months of the 1983-84 fiscal year, taxes. the increase becomes 21.2 percent, Management had predicted a 9.7 The rising star of the 1984 a brief motorcade (of nine cars, gating charges that the high sheriff for Hartford Robert Kennedy used to such coverup County signed a false statement on court records. which began July 1. The June surge in sales tax revenues Milano said. percent annual increase. presidential polls spoke in his unusual for so early in a effect in his 1968 campaign: earnest, inspirational style LATER, ZAPPALA ex­ when folks are supposed to have campaign) from Lawrence to Two former deputy sheriffs allege Patrick J. "Some see things as they are Hogan routinely had others do his work and took about how President Reagan plained his effusive enthusiasm their minds on other things, his nearby Salen, N.H., you could Independents vote In primaries? and ask why. I dream things credit and payment for it. wanted to bring the country for Glenn. He himself was a appeal as an authentic Ameri­ see Glenn for president pla­ WASHINGTON — A made-irt- that never were, and say why Detroit lemon might be defined ah Hartford County State’s Attorney John Bailey The zucchini, again, back to "the Norman Rockwell serviceman in arms with Glenn, can hero continues to pack them cards posted every few hundred said he has talked to the former deputies, but he not?” an automobile on its way to thp past that never was," when the he said, as a bomb-loader in the in. As when he launched his yards over the last several won’t comment further on the investigation. times really demand looking to European Theater of Opera­ campaign last spring, there is miles, directing the interested Caught up in it all, Glenn repair shop. Sometimes the d ^ Hogan has been Hartford County sheriff for 20 urges voters to join "this fects are built in and don’ t appear GOP wooes votes the future. "That slogan," tions. "H e's an American no way to tell yet whether or merely curious to the, next years, winning his sixth term last November. to be honored this year Glenn said, referring to the hero," Zappala repeated. Glenn’s celebrity appeal is a rally. crusade, this quest” to put for thousands of miles. HARRISVILLE, N.H. (UPI) - Nancy Hayden, a parent of a former mural, "is every bit as apropos "First man on the moon.” short-term phenomenon or a America back on track. Some of Detroit’s finest four- State gets aibber checks Gad Zukes! They’re back. student whose house has become today as the day it was uttered., The last comment was in long-term advantage. But as of IN THE SPACIOUS backyard The sophisticated'might well wheelers come out of the General from unaffiliated The folks who brought the world "Zucchini Central” this summer. Let’s move out. Let's go for it. ” error, inasmuch as Glenn’s now, it continues to work of Glenn supporters Howie and call Glenn a comball cam­ Motors plants. But in 1980, thh HARTFORD — State officials say real estate agents and other professionals have sent $17,000 the first International Zucchini In one year, the school went from As the former Marine Corps space flight preceded Neil Arm­ impressively for him. Beverly Glynn, more than 400 paigner. But be brings it off with Federal Trade Commission sus­ HARTFORD (UFl) - would be mandatory. "Elections in Connecti­ in rubber checks to pay for licenses. Festival last year are going to try it bake sales that raised a few dollars pilot and astronaut spoke, an strong’s landing on the moon in The crowd of a couple of gathered to hear the candidate an easy affability that chal­ pected a massive problem at State Republican leaders, Republican leaders be­ cut are won and lost by An audit rele a s ^ Wednesday showed the again this year. The Aug. 27 festival to a festival that raised about $5,000. older man named Maurice lenges that of even the reigning General Motors. The agency filed in a move that could lieve that the new plan independents,” said the 1969. Glenn was the first Ameri­ hundred here — including Mas­ — a crowd of primary-season department of consumer protection received the will include about 70 contests, Last year's extravaganza at­ Zappala, a veteran of the U.S. can to orbit the earth in a sachusetts Attorney General proportions. "H ow would you Mr. Nice Guy in the White suit, charging that GM knew o f drastically alter Connec­ would generate broader Democrat who did not including the best motorized zuc­ tracted 2,300 people to the small bad paper in fiscal years 1981 and 1982. ticut politics, are propos­ participation in the party 8th Air Force in World War II, spacecraft. But the distinction, Francis Bellotti, who endorsed like to shake the hand of a real House. defects in two key components want to be identified. chini, the best peaceful use of a southwest New Hampshire town of Consumer Protection Conunissioner Mary ing changes. that would and increase Republican “ If they can get a block stood on a chair at the rear of the very often lost on others as well Glenn in the Sons of Italy Hall — astronaut?” a grandfather involving millions of its cars, yet HesUn said real estate agents were the worst zucchini and the 1983 crowning of 600 and brought nationwide atten­ In the end, the celebrity and allow a half-million inde­ candidates’ chances of of independents thinking hall. “ American hero!” he as this Lawrence veteran, is clearly was taken with the visit asked his grandson. The boy did not make the problem public. offenders and most of the money was recovered Ms. Zucchini and the Zuke of Earl. tion, including a spot on the popular the style of John Glenn together pendent voters to partici­ beating Democrats in like Republicans, it could The festival started as a fund­ television show “ Real People,” called out at frequent intervals p olitically unimportant as of the one astronaut everyone nodded that he’d like that, and One defective area was the THM when the department tracked down the delin­ reinforce the central strategic pate in GOP primaries. general election. make a big difierence. raising idea last year for the Asked how many she expects this as Glenn pressed on with his Glenn revs up his campaign for 200 automatic transmission sy^ quent brokers and sales people. seems to remember. Glenn’s did. And so it goes through what message he seeks to convey — The proposed plan also Unaffiliated voters, Why didn’t Democrats Harrisville School, a small private year, Ms. Hayden said, "W e're not message. A few in the crowd tern, which GM introduced in it^ Ms. Heslln said she wants legislation to th e 1 984 Democratic presence produces cameras by are supposed to be the political that as the polls increasingly calls for abolishing or who outnumber regis­ think of that?” school with about 30 pre-school, saying. If you say too many, the smiled with a trace of embar­ penalize those who write bad checks. nomination. the score among the local dog .days of August. It may not indicate, he would be the rear-wheel-drive models in 1978. severely limiting the sys­ tered Republicans in the Other Democrats, how­ kindergarten and first grade townspeople panic. If you say too rassment bpt most seemed As Glenn, along with the rest citizenry, and not just Instamat- last, but so far at least, the strongest Democrat in a gen­ Up to 1979, GM had installed 3.8 tem of endorsing candi­ state, for the first time ever, re-acted less enthu­ students. little, no one comes. We expect perfectly comfortable with the dates at party nominating would have a stake in of the Democratic field, moves ics in the hands of summer "h ero" edge that John Glenn era! election campaign against million of the transmissions in Ex-pollceman gets Jail term siastically to Ihe plan. "W e heard about a school in anywhere between 2,300 and 15,000.” repeatedly shouted accolade. through the summer doldrums mid-size to full-size models rang­ conventions. The plan in­ picking GOP candidates Democratic State Kentucky that bought a race horse “ The best still life, zucchini tourists. Well-dressed men in enjoys is undeniably working Ronald Reagan. A 13-year veteran of the Hartford police ing from Chevrolets to Cadillacs.' stead opts for open prim­ and GOP leaders believe, Chairman James M. Fitz­ that started winning. We were in the movies, biggest zucchini in a bot­ department has been given a year in jail for aries in which GOP candi­ therefore would be more “ We don’t feel that the THM 20Q gerald said Wednesday he midst of making brownies and all tle...” Ms. Hayden rattled off. robbing an elderly East Hartford man earlier this dates can obtain spots on likely to vote Republican fam ily has been subject to syst^ has thought of the idea those stupid bake sales and we were “ We try not to have too firm a An editorial year. the ballot more easily. in the general election. and rejected it. matic defects,” a GM spokesman ready for something new,” said picture of what we’re looking for. Former police officer Michael O’Connor, 38, The plan, proposed by The latest figures from " I believe people who told my associate Tony Capaccio. pleaded guilty in Manchester Superior Court Sen. Lowell Weicker and the secretary of states take part in our process " I t ’s a good transmission and we Wednesday. Prosecutors claimed O’Connor Republican state chair­ office show there are should be members of our Vigilance TO stand behind it.” Indeed, the THM robbed a 74-year-old man of $50 at gunpoint. man Thomas D’Amore 547,943 unaffiliated vo­ party. They have an op­ 200 is still being installed in somh A separate charge of stealing money from a Jr., was unveiled at a ters, 435,374 Republicans portunity to do that, and if mm Hartford restaurant was dropped in a plea CMJ8U GM models. ; private meeting of top and 661,181 Democrats in they choose not to, that’s bargain, but O’Connor still faces charges in party officials earlier this Connecticut. their perogative,” Fitzge­ TOTAL INVENTORY Massachusetts of impersonating a police officer. week. "It’s a wise move and is in order TO SETTLE the FTC ’s case, GM, rald said. "A n d ld o n ’tsee ilM A P m r The plan is expected to it’s a shrewd move,” one agreed to work with private the need to apologize for be presented to the 72- top Democrat said when the candidates who are Gov. William A. O ’Neill had from Silver Lane to Bolton Toawp? arbitration panels in 39 cities lib Two charged In P&W theft member GOP Central informed of the Republi­ nomiated through the con- r no choice but to abandon the Notch. The I-86-Silver Lane give car owners individual hear­ MIDDLETOWN — Two men arrested outside Committee, the party’s can plan. vention process.” ' REDUCTION SALE long-planned Interstate 84 link is already funded and, ings on their complaints. T the Pratt & Whitney Group plant Tuesday, in governing body, at its connection with the theft of about $5,000 in HERE'S WHAT WE RE SELLING; between East Hartford and whatever the governor de­ This settlement outraged consd- regular meeting Tuesday. ALL MERCHANDISE mer groups across the countrg. precious metal alloys, faced arraingnment t^ a y . ‘ If approved by the GOP Clothing • Kids' Jeans Route 52 in Killingly. Con­ cided this week, it would have One of these. Consumers Against Leon W. Moore, 27, of Middletown, a packager governing body, the rule price tags • letter openers ON HAND! gone through. watch straps • Franciscanware gress has been dead set General Motors, in Washington at Pratt ft Whitney, and Richard E. Weaver, 27, of changes would have to be Meriden, a worker for a cleaning company hired Fireplace screen, andirons, tools against the scheme since So far so good. What is less MfUDYOU state, took its objections to Rep. A1 approved at a statewide by Pratt ft Whitney, are each charged with first bolts of cloth • paint Rhode Island pulled out of its sure is how the state would Republican convention U K MORE Swift, D-Wash. He requested all degree larceny. that Weicker and D ’A ­ Greeting cards • shutters half of the project last year. spend the remaining $250 the FTC’s internal documents ih Police are still investigating the theft of the four more hope to schedule by School Desks • Brushes WOtCNM the case, including material that (s Com ing Kids sneakers, slippers O ’N e ill h a s chosen an a lte r­ million or so in federal 1-84 ingots from the jet engine manufacturer. the end of the year. Shelves standards and brackets still under seal by a 1980 coutt If approved by the con­ native that only partly meets trade-in funds. \0Ull Decals • DAP Caulking order. j vention, the new rules the transportation problems The spirit of the 1-84 plan Judge gets new post i m m The FTC stonewalled the coij- would conflict with state 1-84 w a s d esign ed to solve. would best be met if all the plus counters and fixtures gressman, claiming he had no HARTFORD — Superior Court Judge Aaron election laws and proba­ soon! Registers, check outs. j O ffic ia ls in no rth eastern Con­ trade-in money were to go jurisdiction in the matter. So Swih Ment has been named as deputy chief state court bly would be challenged in pegboard hooks, etc... / court. necticut should be on their towards improving transpor­ filed an application under tlie administrator by state Supreme Court Chief Justice John A. Speziale. GOP lawyers are al­ toes to make sure that the tation in the Hartford to Freedom of Information Act, anB Ment, a state judge since 1976, succeeds ready examining the legal was givOn a thick stack of censoreU state doesn’t spend its trade- Providence corridor. Superior Court Judge Walter M. Pickett Jr., who obstacles. in money on projects outside Since Rhode Island has material. ; gave uj> the administrative position to return to Under the present prim­ The GM spokesman said: "T l^ BankU the district. made it clear it doesn’t want' courtroom work. He was promoted Wednesday. ary system, which is Commentary FTC didn’t identify a specifte dictated by state law, O’Neill has recommended, more traffic from the West, defect, but said the transmission unaffiliated voters can 0 A sensibly enough, that the Connecticut officials would malfunctioned with abnormal fre­ 75 acres added to forest participate in a party 24-hour automatic state build a Bolton-Windham be justified in using the quency ... But the complaint nevdr HARTFORD — The state Department of primary only if they regis­ ter with the party at least teller machines expressway with part of the trade-in money on roads in said what constitured abnormgl Environmental Protection has added 75 acres to 14 days in advance. federal funds originally des­ the Bolton to Windham Why he’ll be reelected frequency.” j the Cockaponset State Forest in what officials Your link to better banking describe as a bargain deal with the Connecticut Weicker and D’Amatoare tined fo r 1-84. regio n . 9 River Watershed Council. propsoing that the regis- at the better way bank, YOU MIGHT think of this This expressway, the key to There are plenty of ways in James Turner is director of The land was purchased with funds from a trust . tration requirement be Heritage Savings...soon ALL SALES FINAL observation that GM was dealing the recommendations O ’Neill which this money could be continuing education and visiting for $10,000, one-sixth of its value, Dennis P. eliminated. at our main office and The populace generally gets the with a transmission that just In the present conven­ NO REFUNDS made this week, would follow spent. The governor has lecturer in English at St. M ary’s DeCarli, deputy DEP commissioner for conser­ Highiand Park Market. Sign College, an independent public politicians they deserve, and when the dropped from Mars and that the vation and preservation, said Wednesday. tion system, also dictated the s a m e rou te a s 1-84. T he recommended funding sev­ institution In St. M ary’s City, Md. company I knew nothing about. Qi He said the land, located on the Haddam- by state law, both Demo­ up now at any office. NO EXCHANGES expressway in effect would eral projects, but only some people cannot rouse themselves to think fact, GM knew perfectly well what Chester town line, was an addition to the cratic and Republican be 1-84, except it would lack are in the Bolton-Windham By James Turner carefully about the problems of the failure rate of the THM 200 was Cockaponset State Forest and the area available candidates for state and federal office must win at SPECIAL HOURSlOURS COME region. — but this, the spokesman sai^, for wildlife management. the interstate designation government they get a president who least 20 percent of the and would end in Windham, Other projects include constitutes "proprietary SAIF-m I ’m going out on what seems to pary convention dele­ doesn’t think about them either. information." FOR THIS SALE: rather than continuing work as far out of the area as me a thick and sturdy limb to Man held In wife’s death gates in order to wage a Evidence gleaned with the ca^e through to Route 52 in Middletown, Stonington, Sa­ predict, now, 14 months before the ASHFORD — The husband of a 27-year-old primary agains the party- shows that the THM 200 had endorsed candidate. Heritage THURSDAY & FRIDAY K illin gly . lem, Waterford and Preston. election, that Ronald Reagan will woman whose strangled body was discovered be re- elected in November 1984. failure rate almost twice as gre^t July 9 behind her parked car on Wormwood Hill The proposed GOP plan 649-7782 The road would link 1-86 in Residents and elected offi­ a sober political assessment. 1 0 — 9 little notice of its changing as the transmission GM had bem road has been arrested and charged with her would either eliminate the East Hartford and Windham. cials along the original 1-84 The Democrats have little The various components of go­ using for the previous 20years. GM conventions and can- Savings participants. death. vernment are now molded to such diates would petition SATURDAY 10— 5 It would mean a lot to corridor should insist that chance of mounting- a unified engineers, for example, found ‘a James Revicsky, 29, of Ashford was arraigned BankLInk Locations: stylized roles that the people who themselves directly onto ^fGLORlOUS Manchester, especially the their road projects get higher campaign or of finding an interest­ THE TRUTH, sad or comforting failure rate of 25 percent to $0 in Danielson Superior Court Court Wednesday. Main Office 1007 Main St. inhabit them have relatively little His case was continue to Sept. 2 and transferred to the ballot, or the conven­ le g b etw e en 1-86 an d a p r e ­ ing candidate. By this time next as one may find it, is that our percent for the 1976 THM 2I|0 Manchester, CT EMPORIUM COR. HARTFORD ROAD priority than some of the influence on the actions they Windham Superior Court. tion system would be year, the successful Democratic government has gotten very old, transmission at the end of $ 7 Highland Park Market viously done section running others on the governor’s list. perform. He is being held in Hue of $100,000 bond at the modified so that candi­ contender will have been spouting very staid, very creaky, and that months compared with a 13 pef- dates would need only 10 Highland St. S f AND PINE STREET For example, it seems not to Brooklyn Correctional Center. off about the nation’s political its various components exist prim- cent to 15 percent rate tor GM*s percent to qualify for the Manchester, CT matter who the president’s na­ Wffi MANCHESTER. CONN. problems on the national news for arUy to serve weil- established predecessor transmission. - ballot and a primary tional security advisor is. He will Berry's WorW two years, and the people will be vested interests. The tendency of the THM 200 is to get into a struggle with the deeply bored with him. By con­ It has only a slight ability to fail between 10,000 and 50,000 miles secretary of state and call for bold trast, Mr. Reagan will have said consider the public welfare, and it — in other wo):xls, usually after tUe strokes against the Soviet Union, much less of political substance will not change unless it is warranty has run out. Theaveragb whereas the secretary will defend ana the people, therefore, will find assaulted by tremendous forces repair cost is $400. Using ;;a the efficacy of careful diplomacy him less tiresome. from outside itslf. I see no forces of conservative 20 percent failuK and the necessity of expertise in that dimension on the horizon. rate, the overall cost to consumers The populace generally gets the the conduct of foreign affairs. Under these conditions, Ronald comes to at least $265 million. < politicians they deserve, and when The Senate will always be a little Reagan can be exactly the sort of An F t c document noted that tie the people cannot rouse them­ more concerned with financial president we want; a man who agency had received 11,900 coifc- selves to think carefully about the prudence than the House, but less makes a lot of noise over vague plaints about the GM transmissidn problems of government they get a concerned than the office of the generalities, who doesn’t bother — a number that "surpasses thgt president who doesn’t think about president. much about details, and who received in all but one of o fr them either. The members of Congress, out doesn’t vex his constituents’ minds product defect cases." > on the campaign trail, will de­ with hafd problems. Clearly, G M knew there was ON THE SURFACE this seems a nounce the bureaucracy, but back something wrong with its new regretable situation, but maybe in Washington they will not only transmission: It identified add there’s a pragmatism in it whiqh FALL PREVIEW give the bureaucracy greater and corrected about 25 design prob­ goes deeper than anyone recog­ greater powers, but often urge it to lems between 1976 and 1980. Yet, gs nizes. Perhaps what the people are take more power than the bureau­ an FTC memo noted in 1979, t ^ registering, subliminally. is an crats themselves want. Letters pollc)f company didn’t tell car owners pf understanding that the national -Military authoriUee wiU con­ The Manchester Herald precautions they could take. "In government, as a form and as a tinue to be used as scapegoats by welcomes letters to the particular,” the memo pointed oiit, policy, is set beyond anyone’s so-called liberal ntembers of Con­ editor. "consumers have never bean =^GREAT SAVINGS capacity to alter it for some time to gress while at the sam e time they Latters should be brief and notified of the possibility that come, and, therefore, that it act as the meet cautious members to the point. They should be ClWSbyNiA. Inc. special additives might save tie doesn’t much matter who the typed or neatly hand-written, of government with respect to transmission from an untimely lUlanchester president is. actually getting into a war. and, for ease in editing, dem ise." > It’s as though the old joke about And the great fourth estate will should be double-spaced. "COCAINE! Qentlemen, I was Just about to roll States another FTC analyst; a pie crust..." Truman’s proving that anybody keep on trying to make a human The Herald reserves the right to edit letters in the "Certainly by late 1977 and eaiHy Parkade can be president, and Eisenhow­ drama of government because a 2 BIG DAYS er’s proving that we don’t need a interests of brevity,* clarity 1978, there was fairly wldespreixi human drama is easier to report and taste. Broad St. A West Widdle Turnpike txit 92 From 1-86 president, has actually come to be than a machine grinding on with knowledge about these praMenu within G M .” • MANrwKSTF.R HERALD. Thursday, Aug. 18, 1983

8 - MANCHESTFR HERALD. Thursday, Aug. 18, 1983 h i > Thursday TV Area towns

® - Maeteiplace Theatre'The (9 ) - Saturday Night Uva 2:00A.M. : U i 6:00 P.M. ® - Hogan's Heroes Flame Trees of Thika.' The 8 -MOVIE: 'Sargaant' CD - MOVIE: 'Watch On Th * Bolton / Coventry Grants arrive in Kenya and dis­ Rhina' An anti-Nazi undaigrounff CD CC ( C (SHSD ® - Newt (S ) - Monayline 8 - Nawanight ^ Thursday cover that things are not as rosy laadar cornea to the U.S. with hia CD - Three'* Compeny (S - N e w s 8 - MOVIE: 'Sciparman II' Su­ Americen wife end chikkan, end as they expected. (R) (60 min.) perman must choose between Na ® ) - Rainbow Jackpot (Cloaad Captkmad) le bleckmelled. PeuI Lukes, Batts CL' - S.W.A.T. lova for Lois Lane and Na pladoa US) - Sotedad Serie dramatics. Davis. Donald Wood*. OaraldinA Cti) - Leveme 8i Shirley & Co. 10:30 P.M. to protect Earth whan thraa cri­ Fitzgerald. — 1943 Libertad Lamarque. minals taka over tha U.S. A. Chris­ ( S - MOVIE: Smokey end the Magnum (Tom Selieck. r.) CD - Mm I th . M^rora QD - Joa FianMIn Show BandH' A truckar and his sidek­ (S ) - Entertainment Tonight topher Raeva, Margot Kidd^. Bolton quarry owner asks has to protect Catherine Halley ick accept a challenge to make a ® - N m m Qarie Hackman. 1982. Rated PG. 9 - R a a U a a @ ) - Business Report (Morgan Fairchild) and the round-trip journey of 1,800 miles ® - BiMinM. R.poit 12:15A.M. 9 - Wild. WHd W ait in 28 hours. Burt Reynolds, 7:30 P.M. charity she is holding on Jackie Gleason, Sally Field. 1977. 10:45 P.M. CD CD- News 2:15 A.M. (3 ) - PM Magazine MAGNUM, PX. Thursday. Aug. Rated PG. 18 on CBS. I S - R.portw 41 GE) - All In the Family 12:30 A.M. ( D - Sanfcnl and Bon to rezone more property (IS) - USA Cartoon Express CHECK U8TIN08 FOR EXACT TIME 11:00P.M. 9 - SportaCantar (if) > Muppet Show CD - Mary HartmMi. Mwy - Signs of the Times CD - M*A*8»H Hartman 9 - SSOVIE: 'Oaa' A raportap CS - Family Feud - Duck Rogers . CD S S IB-Nmm CD-NIghtilne and a DJ attempt to expoaa C Bv Sarah Passell the last three years, is approved. take a mortgage out to buy. He also (3D-N ow s scheme to drive up fuel prices- (S ) - MOVIE; The Hanging CD - In SMTCh ol.... O S - l4ta Night with Dawid Herald Reporter Buck also told the commission he owns Box Mountain Quarries in Tree' A frontier doctor with a se­ (3 ) - PKA Full Contact Karate Latterman Donald Suthertend, Susan ^ has discovered there is less good Vernon. S-OddCoupto spach, Sterling Hayden. 1B81,. cret past nurses a blind girl back from Biloxi. MS PKA Full Con­ 19B3Compuk>g building stone in the quarry than He said Wednesday the quarry at to health. Gary Cooper, Maria tact Karate presents a 9-Round S - M ^ o r Lm b u . ® - Mora Real Psopla Rated R. BOLTON — Bolton Notch Schell, Karl Malden. 1959. Light Heavyweight bout featuring Montfsal at San Frandaco Quarry owner David C. Buck he originally expected. He said the notch has been nothing but Rob Salaza vs. Charlton Young 12:45 A.M. 2:30 A.M. S I) @ ) - Reading Rainbow S - Fwtiv.1 of F M i asked the town Zoning Commis­ much of the stone is too soft, too trouble from the beginning: There from Biloxi, MS. (90 min.) CD - HnviH Flw-O ( 9 - A im Racing'S3: Formula (2§)' Reporter 41 S - C.V. Dow I German Grand Pri* Coverage sion Wednesday night for a zone hard, or otherwise unmarketable was a five-month delay in the sale (33) - Sports Look CD - MOVIE: 'A Question of for building. ® 1 - M*A»S*H S - Sport. Tonight of Ihe Formula 1 (>rman Grand change on the part of his quarry not closing with the bank, building a (3S) ' Jack Van Impe Presents Honor' An honest cop is caught Prbe it presented from Hockan- currently zoned for industrial use. He said he will need to mine at a road into the quarry was more S - PoNcuta: 'L . Motoch.' in a deadly game of power poli­ ^ id-V.* . (S ) House Calls tive is lured out of retirement to fected by the trauma of the Viet­ demanding temperament. (R) (60 hsim, Waal Garmsny. (90 irVn.) Buck said he needs the changes faster rate than he first thought to difficult than he expected it would 6:30P.M. min.) [Closed Captioned] S - TwUlght Zon. tics and p t> ^ comjption. Ben (fi) - Crossfire slove a series of murders aboard nam War. Robert DeNifO, Meryl (Sszzara. Paul Sorvino. Robert 9 - Crassflrs so his workers can safely negotiate turn up enough good stone to make be, and clearing the topsoil has C£) • Robin's Nest Streep. John Savage. 1978. B P - Bu .lno Rwntt n 'r-.; • ® - M*A»S*H a yacht. Ross Martin, Rocky .1 Vaughn. 1982. 9 - Naw Oanaratian dD - CBS News Gunn. Virginia Ann Lae. 1971 Rated R. 9:30 P.Ma heavy equipment on a wider strip the quarry profitable. He also said proved more hazardous. (SD ISS - MacNeil-Lehrw 11:30 P.M. ( 9 - Australian Rulee FootbaR of land than is currently permitted he hopes to sell the scrap stone to - Barney Miller ® - Prime News 8 ** Major League Baseball: CD 8 • It Takas Two Molly's 2:45 A.M. Buck. 48, said he leased his first Report mom lands in the hospital. (R) CD - Stwoky wid Hutch under the quarry’s present zoning the state for fill in the construction quarry at the age of 20 and has been dl$ - Bill Dance Outdoors ( 8 ( 8 - Gimme A Breek Unde Houston at St. U ^ s 1:00 A.M. CD - Tom Cottle Show IS ) - El Show de las Estrellas IT ) - Rockford FHw UP) photo restrictions. of the expressway planned along in the business ever since. O ) - Athletes in Action Ed decides to marry Na awee- 8 ® - Mama's Family Mama 8 8 - Chaarm Sam allowa CD - Hogan’a Haroaa (SI - Q H O Highlights himsatf to be talked into a data ( £ - Rocfcig Fncn Vookor* 3:00A.M. thesrt who was a fornter stree­ throws Vint out of the house after CD - World VWon Spadal Last month one of his bulldozers the 1-84 corridor. Buck said after (S> (S I - NBC News ® - Barney Miller twalker. (R) she discovers that he sold her sil­ with orte of Diane's former clasa- 3 5 - Horwymoonw* ( D - MOVIE: T h e Emerald of fell off the cliff overlooking Notch the meeting he already has a (3 ) - Untamed World ver to raise bail for a friend. (H) mates. (R) (9 ) - TwWght Zona Artalama' An advanturar la Dropping In for lunch ® - People's Court 8 - MOVIE: 'Ball of Fire' An S - 8poit.C «nar Road and crashed through a number of contracts with the state. ( ^ - Noticiero Nactonal SIN man working on an analysis of 8 - Nocha da Gala 8 - ONkM V Oabriala ® - Pick tha Proa Sportawri- caught In a tripla cross when S - CroMflro tara preview key game* and three treecheroue groupt battle billboard at the bottom. The driver Noticias nacionales con Guillermo 8:00 P.M. American slang finds a night club 8 - Wild America ’Bighoml’ Restrepo. singer his most fruitful source. S S - T o n ig h t Show viewer* compete for prizes. for the eacret of eloet Egyptian Arthur Lavoie of Ludlow, Mass., stands day. He wasn't hurt, but had to climb out bailed out before the bulldozer hit REACTION TO Buck's request Zizka named (Y ) (3D ' Magnum. P.l. When a The seasonal traits of the Rocky 10:00 P.M. treasure. Rory CeStoun, Jamea Gary Cooper, Barbara Stanwyck. S - MOVIE: ‘Como FW tho 0 -D a e p a d M o the ground. from town officials was mixed. (ID - MOVIE: 'The Secret of Vietnam vet crashes Ns plane, Mountain bighorn sheep are ex­ CS) - News PhiSirook. 1967. with his back to his 1979 Ford Mustand of the 40-foot hole to get help. Police NIMH' A mouse with four child­ everyone assumes it that it was a 1942. amined. (R) Cup' A nawspapmnwn get* help Former town attorney Vincent "The main concern is not the GD 8 - 20/20 ® - MOVIE: 'Hands ol OHac' to plan seat ren seeks the aid of the myster­ pilot error. (R) (60 min.) 8 - Evening at Pops Gregory in racovering from alcoholism. 1:30 A.M. on Sargent Street in Holyoke, Mass. He blocked off the area because .of a broken zone change,” Dooley said after Jam.* CagnoY, Gig Young. Phyl­ A men must live whh the horror of L. Diana ruled early this year that ious and intelligent rats of NIMH Hines.’ Sir>ger/dancer Gregory tX) - Newark Rsattty CD - Chico and tha Man was driving on his lunch hour when the to save her farrsty. Animated. CS3 - PM Magazine Hines joins John Williams and the , 9:00 P.M. lis Thaatw. 1961. aitothar man's haiKis. Mel Ferrer, gas main. Buck was limited to mining each Wednesday's meeting. “ It's his (3D “ Indapandant Network 3J) ® - InrJepeniJent Network CarrsN. 1961 BOLTON — The town Planning Voices of Dom Deluise, Derek Ja­ CE) ® - Ey* o n Hollywood Boston Pops in a special perform­ CD CD - NFL Pr*-S«»*on News S - NightNna road under his car gave way Wednes- separately zoned piece of the plan of removal.” Dooley said the cobi. Peter Strauss. Rated G. d 3 - MOVIE: '23 Paces to ance. (60 min.) FoottMill: New York Jat* at News 9 - Fraaman Reports Commission Wednesday night ap­ 8 - Sunday at the King's quarry at the rate they had been commission will want to make sure Cincinnati 11:45P.M. ® - MOVIE: 'Smokay and IIm (3fl) - Jeffersons Baker Street' A blind playwright 8 - MOVIE: 'Qhoat Story' An Housa 9 - QmsfhoA* mined before town-wide zoning Buck mines the land in sections, in pointed Michael Zizka to fill the overhears a kidnapping, murder unforgiving ghost returns after 50 CD - Tha Mare Show S - 2nd Annurt Lagmdwy Bandit' A micker and hia ikMt- spot vacated earlier this month ® - ABC News and extortion plot. Van Johnson. PodMt SM- Iwda Stm This ick accept a challenge to make a 9 - PhH SUvata regulations were instituted in the a sequence that is least detrimen­ years to punish those responsible CD ® - Raggia Reggie is tom 8 - Star Trak when Samuel Teller resigned to (SZj - Dr. Who Vera Miles, Cecil Parker. 1956. for her death. Fred Astaire, Mel* show fsaturs* Irving Cran. vs. round-tiip (oumey of 1,800 mdat early 1950s. For the industrial tal to Bolton. between family responsibilities 8 - Fraaman Raporta in 28 hour*. Burt Reynolds. 3:15 A.M. JFK ‘furious’ become Bolton's town attorney. vyn Douglas, John Houseman. Cowboy Jimmy Moors. (60 min.) acres the permitted rate is 150 tons "W e’ll have to wait and see,” 7:00P.M. (3D - MOVIE: 'Any Wednesday' artd his boss' demand to produce Jackie GIsasan. Sally Field. 1977. CD - CBS N «w s Nlghtwstch New England Six days a week a model husband Rated R. a winning advertising campaign. 8 8 ‘ Hill Straat Blues Capt. ( 9 - MOVIE: 'Night Shift' A per day. was Planning Commission Zizka, who practices law in CD - CBS News stays home but on Wednesday Furilk) learns that the gun tlut mild-mannwed supewisor nms a Rated PG. CD - Tom Cottio Up Ckwo 8 - MOVIE: 'Ufa Goes to the (32) “ Top Rank BoxJrtg from For the rest of the quarry member John Esche’s response. Hartford with the firm of Murtha, CD ® - M*A*S*H visits his mistress in Ns tax- Movies' The editors of Life Ma* killed a policeman was stolen esM gM ring from the cHy morgue. ( 9 - Major League Baaabal: 8 - MOVIE: 'BwiMroM* An Atlantic City, NJ from the station and Balkar takas spoof reported, acreage, now zoned for residential The Zoning Commission has asked Cullina, Richter and Pinney, is CD - Muppet Show exempt executive suite. Jane gazine take a look at the motion Henry Winkler, Sheliey Long, Mi- HouatonatSt. Uuda aging bandit-haro bafrianda a In Brief a drivH>g instructor on a wild ride. also a member of the town Fonda, Jason Robards, Dean picture business with actual foo* (l9 - Jim Bakkar cheel Keeton. Rated R. O - NBC Nawa Overnight farm boy on the run. WiHia Nal- use, the figure is so small as to be the Planning Commission to take a CD - ABC New* (R) (60 min.) Jones. 1966. tage from famous films end rare I8 l ® - Natkmal Snoop Three aon, Gary Buaay. Rated PG. negligible. Those acres have never look at Buck's proposal. Conservation Commission. He C D -V *gs $ S MOVIE: 'StTMige 9 - MOVIE: 'Night of the Evacuation time disputed 0 $ - Over Here/Mr. President glimpses backstage. enchors on e television ehow look 8 8 - MOVIE: 'Braakiftg Behavior' A crazed murderer dis­ Juggler* A fornisr New York City 8 - MOVIE: 'Sweat William* biographer says been mined before. Conservation Commission served as an environmental ana­ (ilM SI - Alic* HBO exposes the funnier side of 8 - Soapbox at some unusual stories in a satiri­ Away* Four teenagers chadenga turbs the life of a quiet college cop tears the city apart to find hie A young Englith woman diacov- lyst with the state Department of local college boys to an important DOVER, N.H. — It could take more than nine member Michael Zizka said after - SportaCant*r« White House politics. cal way. town. Michael Murphy, Uxiiea kidnapped daughter. Jams* Bro­ ars that the it not tha only love in 8:30 P.M. bicycle race. Dermis Christopher, hours to evacuate crowded nearby beach areas in BUCK TOOK exception Wednes­ the meeting he hopes his commis­ Environmental Protection from 03) - Radio 1990 Today's pro- (3i) - D. Drysdale's BasebaA 8 - Paople'a Caucus Fletcher, Oen Shor. 1981. Rated un. ewr Gonnan. Richard Castel­ her twaathaart'a Nfa. Sam Water- BOSTON (U P l) — President John F. Kennedy was Dennis Quaid, Barbara Barrie. R. the event of an accident at the Seabrook nuclear day to the 150-ton limit, saying he sion will also get a look at Buck's 1977 to 1982. gram looks at the hottest trends USA CE) •» Carol Burnett ar>d Friends 8 - Flickers from Maatarplaca lano. 1980. Rated R. aton, Jenny Aguttar. "furious” with two White House reporters who 1979. Rated PG. plant during a storm on a hot summer weekend, proposal. Zizka has a bachelor’s degree in and performers in the world of GS) - Camp Meeting USA f f ) titt-Too Close For Comfort Theatre Amie hires an esta­ 12:00 A.M. 1:45 A.M. 3:30A.M. observed and wrote about a home movie spoof in was not sure the town could entenainment. 8 - MacNail-Lahrar Report according to witnesses for Public Service Co. of geology from Renssalaer Poly­ 0 - MOVIE: 'Return of Charlie (3D - MOVIE: The Deer blished actress to star in Ns prod­ which Kennedy was allegedly "killed,” presidential restrict his work on industrial " I think it’s something the 8 - 2 4 Horae ( £ - Saint CD - AN In the Family 8 - O w M ill Brooke technic Institute and a master’s GD - World on Fire Chan' The great Chinese detec* Hunter' Three men's lives are sf* uction but he soon discovers her biographer Ralph Martin says. New Hampshire. acreage. Zoning Commission commission ought to be concerned degree in geology from the Univer-- Martin, author of "A Hero For Our Tim e,” said Their comments came in prefiled testimony Chairman Philip Dooley said the about,” he said. sity of Connecticut. He also re­ OON'T MAKE I NEVER TALKED BEHIND Wednesday reporters Frank Cormier of the Asso­ during the heated opening session of federal restriction was temporary, until a Buck said Bolton Notch Quarry ceived his law degree from UConn. MB KNOCK you, YOUR BACK. WA9H. THAT'E BRIDGE ASTRO ciated Press and the late Merriman Smith of United hearings on whether the company should be revised town plan, in the works for is the first quarry he has had to OUT, EA&y.^ WHV WE'VE BEEN FRIENP& Press international watched through binoculars and granted an operating license for twin reactors at FOR BO LON©. YOU BOTTA the Seabrook nuclear power plant. BELIEVE ME. GRAPH then reported on Kennedy’s scripted death scene in a and carefully returned the movie filmed in Newport, R.I., two months before he Massachusetts Assistant Attorney General Jo seven of diamonds. This lead was assassinated. Ann Shotwell called the estimates “ inadequate.” Bolton rec panel expands NORTH l-lMt gave the Prof one of his rare in a telephone interview, Martin read from what he pr^lems. He tbou^t for ♦ A86 < % u r said was a transcript of his taped interview with fully 10 seconds before let­ commissioner designated as the VJ7 Cormier. Studds winds up his tour BOLTON — Presented with an Simmons, Charles Bossidy, David ting it ride around to ^ W i i l i d a y ♦ KQJ9S "Merriman Smith and 1 were watching through unexpected five nominations for Fernald, Richard Gowen, and Paul program's fiscal officer. 4JS2 dummy. M ARSHFIELD, Mass. — A series of town the new town recreation commis­ Edberg. Gowen was Mortensen’s Gowen confided to the finance That thought was all be binoculars to see what transpired,” Martin quoted meetings in his district has left Rep. Gerry WEST EAST Augual It , 19S3 Cormier as saying. “ Kennedy walks down this long sion, the Board of Selectmen voted predecessor. He asked this board his doubts that even a ♦ K62 needed. He led dummT’s Studds, D-Mass., summer not to be reappointed as commission will be able to manage OS deuce of clubs, finessed his LItlllza your creativity this com­ pier and suddenly clutches his chest and falls over, Tuesday night to approve all five VKS62 VAQ94S thankful for the gen­ the recreation program. The town queen, cashed his ace, ing yaar. It could open up an flat on the ground, across the pier... then Jackie came names submitted and ask newly- director. ♦ 10S54 ♦ 7 additional aource ol incomo lor erally warm recep­ entered dummy with the ace out and very daintily stepped over.” appointed Recreation Director The commissioners will each authorized the creation of'. a . 4 7 6 S S ♦ K1094 you. What you begin as a hob­ tion he got after of trumpa and led tbe jack of “ 1 wrote a little piece saying the Kennedys had Gary Mortensen for one more manage several of the town commission this summer after it SOUTH by could poasibly be turned admitting his homo­ became apparent that the pro­ clubs. Into something lucrative. starred in their own home movies,'but 1 didn't know name to round out the commission recreation program’s ‘23 sports. ♦ QJ10974 East covered with the sexuality, but Just to seven members. The board They will be responsible for gram had grown too large for one LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) A wllF any more tban what I'd seen. Smitty had written as anxious to see the 1 SOTTA GET THIS SLICKER DOW N­ WHEW! SHE'S V lO S king and tbe Prof discarded Ingness to bo hMplul may have originally approved a five- recruiting volunteer coaches, um­ director to handle. STAIRS! MEBBE I CAN SIDESUP SETnN* TOO ♦ A62 something apparently a little more lurid which didn’t dust settle. HER T'KEEP TH' FLAMES AWAY . DANG HOT! I his 10 of hearts. Now he was surpriao twiata today. Persona, get in the papers so he didn’t take th^ heat, but mine member commission. pires and other staff and for O ♦ AQ able to ruff the heart return, About 700 people, Gowen suggested the time m ay. FROM M E ! GOTTA GET OUTA you aid will faM a compuWon. got into print. Kennedy was absolutely furious.” registration, fee collection, and knock out the king of trumps to do much more for you In largely supportive come when Bolton will have to hire HERE. Vulnerable: Both Martin said the incident came about 2>A months Mortensen also is a commission equipment inventory control. and get ready for the nem ratum. LaO pradictlons lor the; but interspersed a part-time paid director. He urged Dealer: East before Kennedy was assassinated. Tbe author said he member. In a meeting with former direc­ rubber. yaar ahead are now ready.. with vocal hecklers, the finance board to give the Heat Nsrih East bad lunch with Kennedy Press Secretary Pierre Appointed Tuesday night at tor Gowen Monday night the Board Tbe whole play is worthy Romance, caraar, hick, earn­ greeted Studds commission at least a one-year 19 Salinger and White House aide Kenneth O’Donnell Mortensen’s recommendation of Finance agreed to recommend of study. Not that anything ings, travel and much more are Wednesday at the try-out. 2V 24 Pass unusual for top-fliBht play ditetwaed. Sand $1 to Astro- later and they said Kennedy was upset. were Bolton residents Mary Jo the Board of Selectmen order one Pais Pass Pan Graph, Box 488, Radio City last of the some­ had taken place. *916 Prof “ Kennedy had spoken to Pierre about it because he times heated ses­ bad decided that East was Station, N.Y. 10019. Ba sura to said to n(ie, ‘Cormier, you’re nothing but a peeping pUnning to put his partner atala your zodiac sign. Sand an sions which were additional $2 for the NEW Tom reporter, ft was in terrible taste to write about held to get voter in with the second heart and tta t thing up in Newport.” then ruff a diamond for the Aatro-Grph Matchmaker wheal reaction to his cen­ State official tells Andover Opening lead: 9 2 "1 said, ‘Well, if it was in terrible taste for me to setting trick. Tbe Prof had and booklet. Revaala romantic sure by the House write about it, it was in terrible taste for the president foiled this plan by a loser- compatibilities for all tigns. last month for hav­ on-Ioaer avoidance play in VEHSO (Aug. 23-SapL 22) to do it.’ And Kenny O’Donnell says, ‘I agree with ing a homosexual You're quHe competent today, you.’ ” -R] By Oiwald Jacoby clubs. but tha tasks you'll parform affair with a teen- B o r r e . v u j r e 1 REAP THAT JOHN THEV TILTEP HIM Martin said Cormier told him that Associated Press he would have helped clerk and Jam ei Jacoby What would have hap- BOnnS' beM win ba thoaa which require. aged congressional NOroaNG TO WAVNE ALWASS WORE FOKWARP, ANP THArs peMd if West bad held the Imagination or an artlatlc photographers had taken a photo and made a blowup, page. START WEARING LIFTS IN HIS B O O TS - WHV HE HAP A Tbe Profeaaor's lour- club king? The Prof would touch. but Martin said he didn’t know where it was. About 35 picketers, holding signs reading, Bv Sarah Passell without knowing whether then,” said Mrs. Boisvert. having an outside con­ FUNNV VliALK LIFTS IN MDUR AC spade call waa a definite have bad egg all over his LBSRA (SapL 22-OeL 23) Tha Former Navy Undersecretary Paul “ Red” Fay, a "Studds resign,” and “ Get off the public payroll, Herald Reporter the town would come Mrs. Boisvert did not tractor put the records on face, but tb eP rof bad used SHOES overbid, but tbe Profenor plaoet are beginning to flt friend of the slain president, said this week that he, not youth abuser,” met the six-term Democrat as he through with the re­ submit her resignation computer is currently es­ x : R of ARCH to Review the baa reached tbe age at wbich togMhar pertaining to aoma- Kennedy, played the part of a dead body in what was entered the final meeting in Marshfield, a sea ANDOVER - Dominic indexing money, which until Monday, effective timated at approximately be ii in a burry to compiete bidding and bad decided that tMng you've bean hoping wW- described as a spoof of the James Bond films. He Persempere, public re­ she felt the town clerk Aug. 31. She said Tuesday E astheld both the black coast community near his hometown of Cohasset. $24,000, according to Mrs. a rubber and start a new work out. You should tea aome called former White House photographer Robert L. cords administrator for needed to fulfill her re­ k h ^ for his opening bid. positive avManoa today. Studds said the meetings this week across the that no one on either the Boisvert. She said she one. Knudsen, who was behind the camera during the state’s southeastern 10th District, while physi­ the state, said Wednesday sponsibility to Andover. Board of Selectmen or the found one firm willing to East took his ace of hearts (NEIMPAPBIIBNTDIPRISB ASSN.) •CORnO (O o t 24-Nav. 22) Objactivat you aM for youraatf Labor Day 1963 filming, "a liar” for claiming the cally demanding, showed he retains support of if he had known Andover During budget sessions Board of Finance has spread out payment over can ba attained today. You’ll < "victim” was Kennedy. most voters and said he looks forward to return to Town Clerk Nellie Bois­ held before the election asked her to reconsider. three years with no inter­ know how to get what you' Martin insisted he was told that Kennedy acted out congressional business. vert was planning to re­ the revenue-sharing mo­ In her letter of resigna­ est charge. CROSSWORD want, even though your math- the part and said Cormier, and not a photographer Meanwhile, in Hanover Wednesday, Republi­ sign over her dispute with ney was entirely allocated tion she cited her frustra­ BOARD OF FINANCE odi may mystify othera. who filmed the scene, was the source. town officials on re­ to other projects. tion that the town has SAOirTARHM (Nov. 23-Oac. can real estate developer Jack Conway said he Chairman John H. Yeo­ He said Kennedy took Knudsen off the White House does not plan another run against Studds next fail. indexing land records he “ It would have been ignored for several years mans said Tuesday the 21) Sticky tttuaUont can ba staff and reinstated him only after Cormier insisted unprofesssional for me to ACROSS 2 Northern Answer to Previous Punis turned around today by using Conway, who Studds defeated by a 2-1 margin in would have approached her request for funds for board did not consider the conatallation wladom and kindness. Masting the photographer was not the source. 1982, called for Studds’ resignation. the town personally in withdraw from the race re-indexing. The cost of project urgent. 1 Wield 3 Pariod of time loiolTl force with force wlH prove to bo Martin also said Kennedy was a big James Bond fan defense of her position. 4 Slaps gently 4 Tope out □ n n o countarproductiva. and even began to write a thriller novel in which then ” I think Nellie is one of Ler f

Julia Ofloro p.m. Memorial donations may be Julia Ofiara, 61, of 14 McCann made to St. Francis of Assisi F ' O C U S / F a m ily Drive died Tuesday at Manchester Church, Ellington Road. Memorial Hospital. She was born in Manchester and Ada R. Mack had been a lifelong resident. Ada R. (Jarvis) Mack, 69, of Before retiring last December due Charlestown, R.I., died Monday at to poor health, she had been her home. She was the wife of the employed as a unit leader in the late Russell 0. Mack and the sister production department of Hart­ of Wilfred Jarvis of Manchester. She also leaves two sons, Russell Zzzzzplak ford Group Insurance Co. where she had worked for 42 years. 0. Mack Jr. of Wakefield, R.I., and She was a member of St. John’s Cortlandt H. Mack of Charlestown, Polish National Catholic Church of R.I.; two daughters, Christine A. Manchester, the Hartford Group Browning of South Kingston, R.I., If you snore, you’re in awfully good company Giris Club, the Nutmegger Ca­ and Maude A. Doddrer of Brad­ mera Club of East Hartford, and ford, Ark.; two other brothers, Manchester Senior Citizens. Thomas Jarvis of Hartford and 3. Excessive length of the palate and uvula (the tuft By Marie West She leaves a sister, Rose Salva­ Ernest Jarvis of Windsor; a sister, of flesh which dangles from the back of the mouth). Scripps League Newspapers tore of New Britain, and several Dorothy Carr of Charlestown; nine 4. Obstructed nasal airways. nieces and nephews and grandnie­ grandchildren; and three great­ Ultimately, snoring can be a sign of sleep apnea. ZZZSPLURT. ZZZCHPKYT. ZZCHLMK. ‘We can transplant hearts, split ces and grandnephews. grandchildren. This Occurs when the air passage becomes completely At first you reply, “ Wake up, honey, you’re Funerai services will be Friday Funeral services were to be held blocked and the victim snores and snorts, fighting to snoring...” Next it’s a slam with the pillow .. .finally, the atom, and explore outer at 9:15 a.m. from the Holmes today at 3 p.m. at Avery Funeral A snore can reach 80 decibels — get a breath. Thesnorer actually does not breathe for 10 Funeral Home, 400 Main St., with a Home in Wakefield, R.I. you move out. space, and yet the conquest of It has been said. “ Laugh and the world laughs with almost as loud as the diesel to 15 seconds at a time, and this can happen up to 300 mass of resurrection at 10 a.m. at the snore has been much more times per night. St. John's Church. Burial will be in Maria Garofalo you; snore and you sleep alone.” Some 45 percent of normal adults snore at least engine if you’re sitting intheback St. John’s Cemetery. Friends may Maria Garofalo, 73, died Wed­ elusive.’ SLE E P APN EA can lead to high blood pressure and call at the funeral home today from nesday at a Windsor convalescent occasionally, and 25 percent are habitual snorers. of a Greyhound bus \ 1 Snoring occurs more frequently in males, increases Dr. David Fairbanks serious cardiac problems because of the lack of 7 to 9 p.m. A prayer service will be home. She was the wife of the late oxygen. Experts speculate that people who die in their held at 8 p.m. today at the funeral Salvatore Garofalo and the mother with age, and is three times more common in the Ear, nose, throat doctor obese. sleep often suffer from sleep apnea. home. Memorial contributions of the operators of S&R Sanitation Fairbanks told of two medical procedures that can may be made to St. John’s Church, Co., which serves Manchester. A SNORE can reach 80 decibels — almost as loud as cure sleep apnea. The first, which is also used for 23 Golway St. She leaves three sons, I. Art other loud snorers, removes the.uvula and some of the Garafolo of Vernon, Salvatore the diesel engine if you’re sitting in the back of a hearts, split the atom, and explore outer space, and sadistic methods of conditioning don’t work because Greyhound bus. yet the conquest of the snore has been much more snoring is purely an involuntary problem and one soft palate, along with strips of tissue that are in the Anne A. Cavanaugh Garafalo Jr. of South Windsor, and upper air passageway. The second operation is the Joseph Garofalo of Windsor; a Although snoring is often thought of as irritating or elusive.” cannot be psychologically trained to stop. He can only Anne (Ahlers) Cavanaugh, 78, of tracheotomy, in which an air hole is made in the Mansfield Depot and Old Lyme, daughter, Mrs. Lucia Grant of funny, seldom is it regarded as a serious medical be trained to stay awake all night.” problem. But this “ funny” disorder can be a sign of MORE THAN 300 devices have been registered in Snoring, he stressed, is not a single disease. ” It is trachea to allow unobstructed breathing at night. formerly of Manchester, died Windsor; a sister, Giovanana in The results of these procedures have been excellent, Wednesday at Windham Commun­ Sicily; 15 grandchildren, and two allergy, infection, deviated septum, or sleep apnea, a the U.S. Patent Office as cures for snoring. They one sign of an array of different diseases with quite said Fairbanks. great-grandchildren. Herald ptwto by Sacks potentially serious condition. range from the old idea of a marble taped on the back widely varying causes requiring quite different ity Memorial Hospital in Williman- But before any adult surgery is considered, the Funeral services will be Friday Snoring is also a serious social problem. It is of the snorer, to various electrical innovations. treatments.” tic. She was the wife of the late doctor suggested trying such self-help remedies as William F. Cavanaugh Sr. at 9:15 a.m. from the SamseL disruptive to family life, makes the snorer an object of One of them is a contraption in which a microphone exercise daily to develop good muscle tone and to lose She was bom in New York City Funeral Home, 419 Buckland Laying track ridicule, and commits other household members to picks up a snore and then triggers a sequence of “ five IN A SEMINAR, Fairbanks listed four possible weight; avoid alcoholic beverages within two hours of and moved to Mansfield from Road, South Windsor, with a mass sleepless nights and mounting hostility. noxious stimuli.” First a light goes on in the snorer’s causes of snoring: retiring; avoid sleep-inducing medication before Manchester seven years ago. She of Christian burial in St. Margaret "Oh boy,” said the Manchester school system's grounds It has been speculated that snoring offered some face. If there is no response it begins to flash on and 1. Poor muscle tone, which allows the tongue to fall track, designed by Tracklite Systems of Massaiihusetts. bedtime. was former secretary and presi­ Mary Church, South Windsor, at 10 survival advantages, that those ferocious sounds off. Next comes a buzzer in the ear, followed by a bell backwards into the airway. foreman, Norman LaRose, Wednesday. "We’ve been According to a company spokesman, the new, Also: sleep sideways rather than on the back; tilt dent of the Vernon chapter of a.m. Burial will be in Mount St. might have frightened off predatory animals. clapper that pounds the person on the biceps, 2. Excessive bulkiness of tissue, such as large the entire body with the head upwards; drink a cola or AARP. Benedict Cemetery, Bloomfield. waiting for this for a longtime." LaRose was referring to low-maintenance surface means less injuries for runners Dr. David N.F. Fairbanks, an ear, nose and throat concluding with an electric shock that wakes up the tonsils or adeno that crowd the airway. (This is by far cup of coffee before retiring so the nonsnorer can get She leaves a daughter, Mrs. Friends may call at the funeral the resurfacing of Manchester High School’s 400-meter than a hard asphalt track. "Isn’t it beautiful,” LaRose physician at George Washington University Medical snorer. the most common cause of snoring in children, he to sleep first. Patricia Ching of Mansfield De­ home today from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 track with rubberized asphalt. Pictured above, construc­ asked while the construction workers laid the track. Center, noted in an interview, “ We can transplant “ The error in this.” says Fairbanks, “ is that these said.) pot; a brother, Charles Ahlers in p.m. tion workers from Balf Construction of Hartford lay the Florida; and four grandchildren. Funeral services will be Friday Carl E. Balkus at 10:15 a.m. from the Potter Funeral services will be held Manchester police roundup Funeral Home, 456 Jackson St., Friday at 8:15 a.m. from the John Willimantic, with a mass of F. Tierney Funeral Home, 219 W. Aids rape cases Christian burial at 11 a.m. in St. Center St., for Carl E. Balkus, 79, Thomas Aquinas Chapel, Storrs. of Glastonbury, formerly of Man­ There are no calling hours. Mem­ chester. He was the husband of Area man charged in car theft orial contributions may be made to Mary (Fay) Balkus. the American Cancer Society. He was bora in Glastonbury on Police charged an East Hartford Lawrence Thomas, 25, of 14B center, police said. Aug. 12, 1904. Before retiring he approximately $200 on the street, Here’s a real living doll man -with second-degree larceny Deerfield Court, East Hartford; An officer approaching the back Shirley L. Fitzgerald had worked for more than 20 years and a scale of the sort used to weigh by possession Wednesday after he James A. Russell, 16, of 108 Bolton door of the building saw Russell in Shirley L. Fitzgerald, 55, of at Pratt & Whitney, West Hartford. drugs, according to the report. admitted taking a 1971 Ford station St., Manchester; and Kenneth a truck hand something to Krause, By Alice Noble woman is the creator of Effie Mrs. Hutchins said in an inter­ genitals,” Mrs. Anderson said. South Windsor, formerly of Man­ After leaving Pratt & Whitney he Thomas was charged with sel­ wagon, found by police among Krause, 19, of 110 Forest St., who was in the truck with him, United Press International Dolls, stuffed male and female view at her niece’s home in ■’Since then, she has turned it chester, died Wednesday at her became a self-employed farmer, ling marijuana, possession of more equipment parked at the 1-86 Manchester. police said. Police said they rag dojis made out of soft cloth Moline. into a business that has allowed home. She was the wife of George specializing in growing than four ounces ofmarijuana,and ' construction site, from a Jackson­ Police said they saw Thomas, spotted a plastic bag tucked into MOLINE, 111. - Without that are realistic right down to her to be financially independ­ F. Fitzgerald. strawberries. possession of drug paraphernalia. ville, Fla. woman he said he knew, whom they described as a known Krause’s pants. leaving her sewing machine, their private parts and personal SHE BEGAN her dollmaking ent of her children.” She was bora in Hartford and He leaves two sons, Carl Balkus He was released on a $2,500 Effie Hutchins has taught sex police said today. dealer who uses the alias "D e­ After .placing both men under non-surety bond. hygiene accoutrements. business when her niece, Orieda The dolls are used by instruc­ had lived in Manchester before Jr. of Amston and James Balkus of education and personal hygiene "They’re using them in rape Christopher R. Jordan, 51, of no wey” , and Russell converse in arrest, police performed a field Russell was charged with selling Anderson, was teaching sex tors in family planning centers moving to South Windsor. She was Cream Ridge, N.J.; five daugh­ certain address, found police Thomas’s car and then disappear to youngsters across the United cases and to show hOw to take education to mentally retarded and by teachers in regular employed as a tool crib attendant test on the contents of the bag, marijuana and released on a $2,000 ters, Mrs. Frances Rockledge of checking out the car and told them into the amusement center. States and now is beginning to care of themselves and change youngsters. classrooms for Dean Machine Co. of Manches­ which tested positive for mari­ non-surety bond. Krause was Manchester, Mrs. Anne Saunders its owner was off trying to get a Russell returned to the car, help young rape victims. a sanitary belt — just about “ I needed sex education dolls ter for the past 17 years. juana, according to the report. charged with possession of less The proud niece said sex of Glastonbury, Mrs. Carol Red- wrecker to tow it away, police said. reached through an open window The 85-year-old Tulsa, Okla., anything you can think of,” and asked her to make a set with Besides her husband she leaves a Police then confronted Thomas than four ounces of marijuana and education is much simpler and field of East Haddam, Mary A records check revealed the car and put a small plastic bag inside in the building, they said. In a released on a $500 non-surety bond. more easily understood with the son, Scott A. Fitzgerald of South Elizabeth Balkus of Homer, had been reported stolen, they the waistband of his pants, accord­ search of his car, police found in All three were ordered tt^appear dolls than with “ finger Windsor; four daughters, Valerie Alaska, and Mrs. Clare McCooe of said. ing to the police report. He then J. Fitzgerald of Manchester, De­ Glastonbury; a sister, Allen Bal­ the trunk a plastic bag with nearly in Manchester Supeiior Court language.” Jordan later admitted that he went back into the amusement 4.4 ounces of marijuana, worth Tuesday. bra L. Lacroix of Stafford Springs, kus Scott of Glastonbury: 18 was the driver of the car, police “ If this happens,” she tells Sandra L. Williams of Hartford grandchildren; and a great­ said. He told police he took the car youngsters, holding the male and Tracey A. Fitzgerald of South grandchild. from his girlfriend, Vanna Everitt, and female dolls together inti­ Windsor; a brother, Duane At 9 a.m. there will be a mass of 71, of Jacksonville, Fla. after they Arsonist ‘not mately, “ this will happen” she Skinner of Manchester; a sister, Christian burial in St. Dunstan’s had a fight, police said. He told SUPERIOR HEATING CARI says, pulling the baby out from Mrs. Esther Landrie of Coventry; Church, Glastonbury. Burial will them he had been living in East the pregnant female doll. and five grandchildren. be in St. James Cem etery, Hartford, police said. e CEDAR ST., ROCKVILLE, CT. 06066 Funeral services will be Satur­ Manchester. Jordan was held in the police a professional’ MOST RECENTLY, the dolls have been used in court cases day at 1^:30 a.m. from the Samsel Friends may call at the funeral lockup overnight in lieu of $5,000 8 7 5 - 0 M 6 Herald photo by Toroulnlo Funeral Home, 419 Buckland involving battered spouses, home today from 6 to 9 p.m. bond, pending a presentation today Road, South Windsor. Burial will Memorial contributions may be in Manchester Superior Court. Continued from page 1 rape victims and abused This doll is used to expiain hospital procedures to WHAT IS A CHSTOMilt children. be in Wapping Cemetery. Friends made to the Hospice Division, 1. Aeustornsrlslheniosllmpoitanlpafsenlnaur children at Manchester Memorial Hospital. may call at the funeral home Glastonbury Visting Nurses, 647 Two Manchester brothers Rewards for information leading to an arrest stand bmlnsss. Mrs. Hutchins was reluctant Friday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. New London Turnpike, Glaston­ turned themselves in to police at $35,000. More is expected, town officials said. 2. A eusloiiMr Is not dapandtnl on us, we are at first to sew an anatomically bury, 06033. Police patrols and surveillance have been stepped dapsndsnt on I he customsr> correct doll. The only girl and Frank C. Hayes after warrants were issued for 3. A customer doss us a lavor erlian eallng. their arrest for allegedly forcing up in the area. Beginning today the entire force will be the youngest in a family of Frank C. Hayes, 82, of Seminole, on 12-hour shifts, Re)mold8 said. 4. A ouslemar Is a human bafeig wRh fsaOngs. In Memoriam an acquaintance to help them steal 6. AcuslemareomaateuswWinaadsandarants, seven, she was afraid of what Here’s another Fla., formerly of South Windsor, In loving memory of Joseph a friend’s stereo, police said. A small chapel and the altar area of the Young ITS our |e b to M flS Ihsm. her brothers would think died Wednesday in Florida. He was Binks, who passed away August Gregory S. Casati, 20, of 49 Birch Israel of West Hartford Synagogue were damaged by 8ALE8 a8ERVICEa|N8TALkATION8 Of In an effort to change her When 5-year-old Karen en-, fastened with Velcro tape. the husband of Della H. Hayes and m ------B a A an- -■ « m _ SO----- 17th 1953. St., waved down a patrolman the first fire last Thursday. The second, early M aunt’s mind, Mrs. Anderson tered Manchester Memorial Pocket ears make it easy to the brother of Raymond Hayes of So sadly missed along life’s way. Monday, charred the sanctuary of Emanuel Syn­ fsm aiBi and Sasrgr Savlug tavicss asked her husband to take Mrs. Hospital for an appendectomy show kids a routine operation .Manchester. Wednesday in the Parkade park­ Quietly remembered everyday. ing lot on Broad St., according to agogue. A third fire, set early Tuesday, caused Hutchins to a pornographic recently, she was frightened. such as placing ear tubes in the He also leaves three sons, Frank No longer here my lifetoshare,but police, and turned himself in on extensive damage to the Seneca Street home of Rabbi movie. The aunt wanted to know She’d never been in a hospital ear canal. R. Hayes in Vermont, James E. FULLY LICENSED AND INSURED. REFERENCES. in my heart he’s always there. Solomon Krupka, spiritual leader of the Young Israel what educational value it had. before and she didn’tknow what Lifting the covering o r ' ‘skin” Hayes of East Hartford and Robert charges of second-degree burglary Sadly missed by his wife and fifth-degree larceny stemming Synagogue. “ Well, since you refused to to expect from strangers. of the doll’s front torso reveals J. Hayes of South Windsor; one Henrietta & family Six young women, counselors in a Jewish camp, But a new doll in the hospital’s intestines complete with a det­ other brother, Alfred E. Hayes of from the Aug. 10 incident. make the dolls, you’re going to Christopher Casati, 20, also of 49 were asleep in the house when the fire broke out. No allow this (pornographic mo­ pediatrics unit helped explain a achable appendix. A catheter East Hartford; a sister, Catherine one was injured. vies) to be the way people get few things. opening is also included. Ellard of East Hartford; eight Birch St., turned himself in early In Memoriam today. Both were released on $500 “ The Department of Justice has requested the FB I their sex education,” Mrs. The doll, which can be ana­ “ The catheterization process grandchildren; and eight great­ In loving memory of Joseph to conduct a preliminary investigation to find out if tomically correct as either a can be very traumatic for a grandchildren. non-surety bonds pending Tuesday Anderson said. Fracchia, who passed away Aug. court appearances. any federal statutes had been violated in the fire at the male or a female, was designed child,” explained Ms. Bonney. Funeral services will be Satur­ 18th, 1962. On the day of the incident a man home of the rabbi,” Alan H. Nevas, U.S. Attorney in THE N E X T DAY, Mrs. Hut­ and created by Mary Pion, a “ It’s very difficult to explain to day at 8:15 a.m. from the Samsel Always a silent heartache. Connecticut. summoned police to the home of chins began making dolls. In the senior in child development and a child, but the doll has proved Funeral Home, 419 Buckland Many a silent tear Gov. William O'Neill toured the fire sites Coming family relations at the Univer­ to be very helpful.” David Perron, 448 W. Middle UPI five years since then, she has Road, South Windsor, with a mass But always a beautiful memory Turnpike, according to the police Wednesday with members of the Jewish community. created more than 500 .■^ets in sity of Connecticut. of Christian burial at 9 a.m. in St. Of one we loved so dear. report. The man, Joseph Navarro, The tour started with Young Israel Synagogue, which Effie Hutchins, left, creator of Effie hold some of the anatomically correct both black and white. They sell It has replacable parts, in­ Francis of Assisi Church, South Sadly missed, Krupka said Tuesday would be rebuilt. Dolls, and her niece, Orieda Anderson, cluding ^ tonsils and adenoids Please turn to page 13 Windsor. Friends may call at the 20, of 43 Graham Road, told police dolls Mrs. Hutchins has created. for $50 a pair. son Edward, daughter Eleanor, he had arrived on a visit and found “ I just viewed the synagogue with the rabbi and funeral home Friday from 7 to 9 Harold and Stanley soon! another friend’s car parked out there's a whole lot of damage in there. It's just a front, horrendous situation,” O’Neill said. Navarro said the front door of He said the inspection was an “ opportunity to see Perron’s apartment was open, the first-hand what should not happen in any community Ira I, 86, dies apartment empty and a stereo and should not happen in the state of Connecticut.” missing, police said. He told police Scheduling conflicts prevented entertainer Sammy Davis Jr. from accompanying the governor Wednes­ BahkLI he saw the other friend’s car pull Those helium jokes can help lift the spirits BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. (UPI) Gershwin was private and unas­ away a short time later, they said. day, but he promised to view the damage before leaving. — Ira Gershwin, whose elegant suming, while his com poser While police were still on the lyrics were woven into music brother had a high profile, quali­ scene another man, who told police Davis has been in the Hartford area for the Greater 24-hour automatic composed by his celebrated ties that led to scores of the most he was staying at the apartment, Hartford Open golf tournament. Teenagers like puns. Six-year-olds like elephant thing sprung a ieak over Buckingham Paiace and brother, George, to produce Amer­ hummable tunes and the most arrived home and phoned the man Davis said he had two reasons for accepting the teller machines jokes. Some otherwise respectable adults go nuts came to rest on one of the Queen’s Guards? ican classics, is dead at the age of repeatable lyrics ever to fall on the whose car had been outside the invitation of community leaders. over ethnic routines. Me? ' Waterbeds that take off for Europe are inherently American ear. “ I ’m going first of all because I ’m concerned... The Your link to better banking 8 6 . apartment, according to the re­ I like helium jokes. A helium joke is a joke that funny. That is a simple fact of life. But the British are During 20 years of collaboration second reason is I happen to be a black Jew and if at the better way bank, Connections Gershwin who had been in port. The driver of the car uses helium for its major subject. A helium joke also even funnier. Just imagine how the British press fragile health for more than a in the 1920s and 1930s, the Gersh­ there’s a hint of anti-Semitism running around, every promised to return the stereo, Heritage Savlngs...soon usually involves real people. Very real people who would treat an incident of an alien waterbed Just imagine how the British decade, died in his sleep of natural wins wrote the words and music of according to the report. thinking person should do what they can to lend Susan Plese support,” Davis said. at our main officB and get caught in a cloud of helium. plunking down atop one of the Queen’s Gaurds. The press would treat an incident of causes Wednesday morning. He is 28 musicals including “ A Star is According to the report, the Take that fellow who strapped himself several Herald Reporter survived by his wife and sister, Born,” “ Lady Be Good,” “ Of Thee driver told the man who phoned Highland Park Market. Sign British are so cool, but the waterbed incident would an alien waterbed plunking down Francis Godovsky. Funeral arran­ I Sing” and “ Porgy and Bess,” him that the Casatis, who rode with up now at any office. T months ago to his lawn chair, inflated about 100 unhinge that stiff upper iip. gements were incomplete. which scored a critically ac­ the driver to Perron’s apartment, ’Chute suit dismissed helium balloons, tied them to his chair, and armed atop one of the Queen’s Gaurds. "I was deeply sorry to hear the claimed New York revival last threatened to harm the driver and with a trusty BB gun, took off from his backyard for “ W ILLIAM JONES, a member of the Queen’s spring. news because he was a wonderful take his car unless the driver VERNON (UPI) — A suit filed by the' Conn^icut the wild blue yonder. Horse Guard, was injured slightly this morning man, a good friend and a most Other Broadway hits were “ Tip backed his car up to the Parachutists Inc. claiming it should not be asked to So they took one of the waterbeds, filled it with when a waterbed alighted atop his head.” (Please talented lyricist," Frank Sinatra Toes,” “ Funny Face,” “ Rosalie, apartment. obtain a permit to jump in Ellington has been THB GUY GOT up so far that several aircraft in helium, tethered it to the ground in front of their read this part with an English accent.) said after learning of Gershwin’s "Strike Up the Band,” “ Show Gregory Casati apparently dismissed by a Superior Court Judge. the area reported a low-flying abject. He got into a lot “ According to palace officials, the object, which death. Girl,” and ’’Girl Crazy.” store, and allowed it to float overhead. They claimed to police Wednesday that Judge Eugene T. Kelly ruled that the parachutists of hot water with the FAA, I think. (Maybe you was fetched from the scene on a sugar lorry that “ Ira Gershwin was a wonderful, Their collaboration was brief, expected potential customers from all over the the driver was responsible for the should have taken their complaint to the town Zoning I wonder if those two enterprising entrepreneurs very sweet and kind man with however, because George died of a ' should call it hot helium.) county to be lured by the waterbed in the sky. happened to be passing, was imprinted with the theft, according to the police Board of Appeals before they filed the suit March 21. enormous talent,” said Burt Bach- brain tumor at the age o f'38. But he finally got tired of his flight and one by one words, “ The Waterbed Works, East Orange, New with overactive imaginations realized they could report. The lawsuit was filed after the Planning and Zoning arach. “ He was a great songwriter 'The^ lyricist demonstrated his The driver, Kenneth S. Glenn, Savings shot out the helium balloons with his BB gun. And he THE O N LY TROUBLE was, a gust of wind came Jersey.” have set off an international incident. “ The Helium Commission required the organisation to obtain a continued commercial appeal with slowly drifted back to earth. "Jones, who was stunned by the attack, was Affair,” it could be called. Lucky for them, that and was very nice and encouraging was not charged. special permit. Subsequently, the ZBA decided that BankUnk Locations: along and swept the bed off its moorings, and jt took to me when I fir s t. came to this year’s Broadway hit and Tony That little stunt made me laugh louder than any off over the countryside, bound for Europe, resting comfortably in hospital. "W hat’s a bloke like waterbed DIDN’T land on a member of the Queen’s awardwinner, “ My One and Only” skydiving predated a Planning and Zoning Commis­ Main Otiloa 1007 Main St. California. We will all miss him On an informer’s tip police sion amendment that required the permit, meaning < joke I'v e heard in a long time. Only one thing makes probably. The police were asked to be on the lookout me to do when a massive plastic object falls out of the Guards. very much.” starring Tommy Tune and Manchaatar, CT staked out the parking lot of the the jumpers did not need the permit. . me sad. I wish I'd thought of the old helium lawn for a flying bed. sky,” he said, with obvious agitation. He was quickly If it did make it across the ocean, it probably He was the first song lyricist to Twiggy. The couple sang and Hlohland Park Maifcat Manchester Amusement Center at Town Attorney Martin B. Burke, who ieceived the ; 'chair routine. I ’ve always wanted to explore space. Can you imagine glancing out the window of a 747 subdued by the attending physician. landed in a vineyard in Bordeaux. A little old wine win a Pulitzer Prize, given for “ Of danced through a medley of 254 Broad St., Tuesday afternoon, Highland St. decision Wednesday, said the decision strengthens the There’s another story I read a few weeks ago. and seeing a waterbed float by? Can you imagine “ The queen, who did not witness the attack, sent maker, sure he had been tasting too much of the Thee I Sing,” one of the memora­ Gershwin brother tunes in the and arrested three men in an Manchaatar, CT ZBA’s position. The planning 'oommisston has Another helium joke. A pair of enterprising young her condolences to Jones and his family. The grape, probably paid the floating waterbed no mind. ble Broadway productions and 10 light-hearted production about an apparent drug deal. wbat would happen if the bed got stuck atop the aviator and a singer. appealed the board’s decision, but skydiving men were trying to think of a novel way to advertise Chrysler Building in New York? Or even worse? waterbed, one the back of the sugar lorry, was What a pity. It would have made a marvelous films his literate rhymes graced. Police identified the three as continues while the appeals are pending. Ikgir new store — a waterbed store. What would we say to Margaret Thatcher if the quickly seized by Yard.” light-weight cask for his 1983 vintage. 18 - MANCHEST*i:R HERALD. Thursday. Aug 18, 1983 MANCH»’'STF.R HERALD. Thursday. Aug. 18, 1983 - 13 Advice Ju/iet Prowse still plays Reader getting nervous, Blue Shield not paying

. QUESTION: I am having all sorts of trouble with wnen you are paying that first $75 under Part B of QUESTION: I am going to be 65 in a few months. Signs of father’s child abuse to old devoted dance fans Blue Shield paying their share of my Medicare bills. I Medicare, which is your deductibie. Whatever you Presently, I have Blue Cross Hospital SP-200and Blue am also very upset about the fact that I sent Blue pay towards the deductible will be on a green and Shield Century 90. How do I go about getting Medicare Shield the Medicare Explanation of Benefits and have white explanation of benefits until you reach the $75. and what will happen to my Blue Cross and Blue By Frederick Waterman nothing to show that they owe me the 20 percent Medicare Shield policies? ?.? M. lead woman around in circles Written for UPl difference that they never paid. This is making me so QUESTION: How can I tell what Blue Shield is nervous, and I don’t know how to get my money from Mailbox paying me for when I get a check from them with no camp his sergeant had no HYANNIS, Mass. — The audience (or the -Blue Shield. Can you help me? name on the check. ANSWER: If you are presently receiving Social DEAR ABBY; Yester­ trouble waking him at 5 matinee performace of “Irma La Douce” is Edith day I found some evidence -H.C. -M.L. Security monthly benefits, you will automatically be a.m. after a long hard day mostly white-haired, several are in wheelchairs. put on Medicare and will soon receive a Medicare that my husband -has of exercising, running, Juliet Prowse knows she is playing to the sapie • ANSWER; One thing you should never do is send ANSWER; When Biue Shield sends you a check card giving you both Medicare Parts A and B. Your sexually assaulted our working, etc. Why then do people who saw her in the same show 20 years anybody anything without making a copy for yourself. which is a payment of 20 pp'-'’>'nt towards a Medicare Blue Cross SP-200 will automatically be changed to 21-inonth-old daughter. I have such a terrible time ago. Dear Abby You always have the proof then with your copy. As a aliowed amount for a s e rendered, you can Blue Cross 65 which will supplement your Medicare To say the least. 1 am just getting him up? We can’t Her fans are growing old with her, although her QUESTION: I have a question about the explana­ matter of fact, you should send out the copy and keep tion of Medicare benefits that I get from Connecticut match the check to a Medicare expianation of benefits Part A. Your Blue Shield Century 90 will also now be sick! He’s been a wonder­ afford counseling. Please looks — and legs — belie her 46 years. Abigail Van Buren the original for yourself. Now to get out of this General Medicare. Sometimes I get a green and white by looking at the computer print-out that comes with changed automatically to Blue Shield 65 Plan 81 which ful husband and father suggest something. "Young people don't go out to see musicals, dilemma, you have to call the doctors’ offices and get the check. The computer print-out will state, "R efer will supplement your Medicare Part B. If you are not and comes from a good MORNINGS ARE they go to see concert performers. A lot of the one without a check attached and sometimes I get a another copy of the bills for Ui6 service and send them black and white one and this one has a check attached. to Explanation of Medicare Benefits Form Dated presently receiving Social Security monthly checks, family. I just don't under­ MURDER people at today’s show are here because they to Medicare with a Medicare claim form (just like you (and then give a date) Payment Towards 20 Percent go to the local Social Security office and sign up for stand what happened. remember what I did 20 years ago. They are just Why do I get different kinds? are starting all over again). Be sure to put your Blue —E.L. Coinsurance." The date shouid match a date on the your Medicare. Do this within three months of your I have thought about DEAR MORNINGS: older and they follow me around to see how I ’m talking to him about it, but Shield membership number on Line 5. When you get a top right hand corner of an Explanation of Medicare 65th birthday, and you wilt not have to put up with all $1.50 from 12 a.m. to 8 Your husband’s subcons­ doing,” she says, if I'm mistaken, he will DEAR ABBY: Now I’ve notice from Medicare that they have paid, you can ANSWER: The green and white explanation of Benefits which you have received. This is the "date the confusion that occurs if you wait until after your seen everything. A Chi­ a.m.), each sitter earned cious "knows" that he can “ Young kids today have no idea what I did in the paid” by Medicare. You can then check the dollar birthday month. never forgive me for even cop anywhere from 20 to I then use this to send to Blue Shield requesting that benefits come when the provider of service gets paid $588." past. All they know is the L ’eggs commercial and cago couple baby-sat their they check to see if they paid their share. You can do directly from Medicare (assignment). This could be amount Blue Shield is sending you, and make sure this thinking of such a thing. LAURIANNE 30 minutes more sack they think that’s it,” shesaid in a recent interview three grandchildren while all this yourself or you can request the doctor’s office any provider like a doctor, ambulance, or for medical is an amount that is the difference between what Please tell me what to time while you scream. between shows at the Melody Tent. their son (Bob) and to start again and send the bill to Medicare. When you equipment such as a walker, hospital bed, etc. Some Medicare allowed, and what they paid. Remember, Edith Prague, a resident of Columbia, is a member do. I am afraid to even DEAR LAURIANNE: When he was in boot A stage and screen star for a quarter century. mention it to my best daughter-in-law (Mary) get the explanation from Medicare, make a copy!!! If hospital services are also Part B services and are this is not what the doctor charged, but what Medicare of the National Association of Certified Social Great idea. Now why camp, his subconscious Miss Prowse has performed as a dancer, singer friend. went on a three-week you have any problems collecting from Blue Shield, “ assigned” payments meaning that the hospital gets allowed. Blue Shield payment is the 20 percent, Workers. didn't I think of that? told him he had to get up at and actress — but she only talks of herself as a Are there any signs to vacation. When they re­ send a copy to me and I ’ll see what I can do, but first paid directly. This is so you will know what is being because Medicare paid 80 percent of the allowed the first sound of reveille. dancer. Send all questions to Edith Prague, Medicare turned, Mary asked the we must have some docqmentation from Medicare. amount. It would be so much simpler if Blue Shield look for In my daughter or DEAR ABBY: I’ve been (It was a matter of paid on your behalf, and is also a good way for you to Mailbox, care of the Manchester Herald, Box 591, my husband? I need to "sitters” to pay for the You will get your money. Don’t worry about the time could put the name of the doctor, but everything in the married to a really ter­ survival.) , “ I WAS TRAIN ED in ballet and I still always go check to make sure that you are not being billed for a Manchester, 06040. Enclose a self-addressed, food they had eaten. They frame, because Medicare and Blue Shield will honor Medicare system is so complicated, it is just one more know for sure. Please rific guy for 10 months. If he is to be "re ­ to ballet classes. An interesting thing is that I service that has already been paid for by Medicare. stamped envelope for a personal reply. help. were shocked, but claims as far back as October ’81. You also get a green and white explanation nf benefits complication!!! Grandpa wrote a check We get along great, but trained," you must make enjdy going to my classes more than dancing as a CAN’T SIGN THIS every morning there's a him responsible for get­ 'performer. It’s an ego satisfaction and it’s very and handed it to Mary, UPl photo who asked them not to tell big fight because he just ting himself up in the personal because it’s not in front of anyone else. Cormiers celebrate 50-year anniversary can't seem to wake up. He morning. He may over­ "You don’t have to be applauded or paid for it. DEAR CAN'T: First Bob. The grandparents lies in bed while I stand sleep once, twice, or even To know you did it well, I tbink that’s more Juliet Prowse, shown here in a recent have your daughter ex­ asked you. "Should wetell there screaming for him 10 times, but if he’s forced important than anything else,” she says. photo, is now perfoming in the musical amined by a pediatrician our son?" to get up. After 20 or 30 to face the consequences Audiences are a whimsical barometer of immediately. If the doctor You said "Y e s,” but you "Irma La Douce" at the Melody Tent in Couple renews marriage vows minutes of me yelling at of oversleeping, he’ll get success or achievement. As a long-time per­ confirms your suspicions, should have added: "A l­ Hyannis. him and shaking him, he up. (It will be a matter of former in Las Vegas, Miss Prowse is bemused by confront your husband though you agreed to and Mrs. Robert W. Jones North Palm Beach, Fla.; finally drags himself out survival.) the unreliable reponse to her shows. Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. with the evidence and baby-sit (or love, since of Timrod Road, and their and Mr. and Mrs. Roland of bed. Do not "rescue him” "When you’re playing a Vegas audience, you "M ore is demanded of them, so they train Cormier of 27 Goslee insist that he get treat­ Mary viewed it as a three children; Mr. and Cormier and their two This has made both of us again, or you’ll be back to don’t know what’s happened to those people in more, and more intensely. They are pushed Drive were honored on ment for his sick and business deal, you should Mrs. Joseph Sabatella children of South late many times and has mornings that are that showroom; have they lost money? Are they ahead much (aster than when I was coming up. Saturday on the occasion criminal behavior. If he have presented her with a and their four children of Windsor. put me in a bad mood for murder. Take my advice “ What’s really stressed now is flexibility — of their coming 50th wed­ denies his guilt or refuses $1,176 bill for professional drunk? Are they divorcing? Are they there on a and let me hear from you they have backs they can do anything with. It is ding anniversary. The treatment, turn him over, services. Based on the hours. convention? While he was in boot in six months. like an acrobatic back, which has a break in it, couple was married Sept. to the authorities. cheapest rate ($1 an hour. “ In a theater you know why the people are there — they’ve bought a ticket to come see you or that and the dancers are working to get that break. 4, 1933 in New Bedford, show. In Vegas you” re fighting all the things they Mass. brought in with them. There are times when you “ DANCERS MUST still put up with a lot of The Cormiers have Family hit by back trouble say, 'God, I was good,’ but you just get no hardships, especially the ballet dancers who get lived in Manchester since reaction. It’s amazing,” she says. paid peanuts (or all the effort they put out — 1941. They’re active in the they’re really living hand-to-mouth. All their Manchester Senior Center THE CURRENT popularity and appreciation money goes to dance gear, classes, toe shoes, and the Sunshiners Musi­ of dance and dancers is gratifying to Miss makeup, foot doctors. cal group. Mrs. Cormier that is related to arthritis Prowse, even though her prime is past. “ But a good thing is that doctors are more (Ida) has directed the “ Because of stews like ‘A Cterus Line,’ aware now of 'dancers’ medicine,’ which is group since its inception. DEAR DR. LAMB: We have this problem but I “ Fame,’ and ‘All That Jazz,’ people are very completely different than any other kind of The anniversary cele­ are worried about our son. don’t know what causes it much more aware of what the dancer does. medicine. bration started with a He is 22 years old and was or what to do about it. Any Before I don’t think they were really aware of “ When a dancer is injured, he can’t afford to mass of thanksgiving and diagnos^ as having an­ suggestions would be what was entailed in becoming a dancer. take six months off. He doesn’t have the time, the the renewai of marriage kylosing spondylitis. His Your Health appreciated. “The dancers are better now, the level of money, and his technique would drop. The needs vows at Church of the backaches started when DEAR READER: dancing has risen as fast as the level of of a dancer from medicine are much more than Assumption. The mass he was in high schooi. He There are many things gymnastics. It’s amazing where they are now those of a football player who will be carried until was celebrated by the waiks stiffly and can Lawrence Lamb, M.O. that cause pain in that compared with where they were 20 years ago. The he’s well. In a ballet company, if a dancer is not Rev. George Laliberte. hardly bend down to tie location but if it occurs ability of today’s dancers is mind-boggling. dancing, he’s dropped. The couple’s fourchildren Herald photo by Richmond his shoes. He has an office only with running and is and 16 grandchildren par­ job. as you describe it, it is ticipated in the liturgy as We’ve heard this dis­ probably the stitch in the Andy, a neutered male Lab cross, poses with Dog Warden Eucharistic ministers, ease is a type of arthritis. side that runners some­ Richard Rand, at the dog pound on Olcott Street. Andy is ready musicians, altar boys, lec­ It starts in the lower spine we used to think it was docin is usually the best times have. Revived 17th century drama to be adopted. tors and ushers. and (uses it as it pro­ found mostly in young medical treatment and is It occurs more often in The anniversary cele­ gresses upward. We males it can also affect rather specific for this runners who are not in bration continued at Wil­ wonder bow this will af­ females. You should con­ disorder. good condition or those Adopt a pet lie’ s Steak House where fect his life. Won’ t this sider this in regard to your By the way, smoking is making a maximum ef­ 120 family members and restrict his mobility? two daughters with back particularly bad in pa­ fort. And no one knows for a new victory for feminists friends, from Florida, Illi­ Would exercise help keep complaints. tients with either rheuma­ sure what causes it. nois, Massachusetts and him from fusing? The disease is not re­ toid arthritis or ankylos­ Some think it is from a Connecticut gathered. Two of our three daugh­ lated to diet. Rather it is ing spondylitis, so if your spasm of the diaphragm. By Gregory Jensen “ The Fawn” confines itself to an imaginary court, Two pleasant Labs Their children and their United Press International but “ The Roaring Girl” is virtually a documentary of ters also have developed caused by an inherited son smokes he definitely Another cause may be gas families are: Mr. and Ida and Henry Cormier today. The This photo was taken of Ida and Henry J. back trouble, yet nobody gnetic defect. The gene should not. These patients accumulated in the colon the whole sweep of Jacobean London. It depicts Mrs. James Hanlon and else in our whole family has even been identified. are apt to develop severe where it bends just under LONDON — Anyone who thinks women’s causes society's highest and lowest but concentrates on the their seven children from couple are celebrating their 50th Cormier on their wedding day. Sept. 4, has this problem. We are This is discussed in The lung disease from your rib cage. Resting or began with “ votes for women” suffragettes should remarkable woman who bridged both worlds. Downers Grove 111.; Mr. wedding anniversary. 1933. They were honored last Saturday. puzzled. Could our son’s Health Letter SR-10, smoking. slowing your running consider two ancient plays rescued in London recently “ THE ROARING GIRL’’ was a real woman named available at pound condition be caused by Rheumatoid Arthritis and helps. Pressing against from drama’s graveyard. Mary Frith. She scandalized London of the early 1600s diet? Pe'rbaps calcium Ankylosing Spondylitis, DEAR DR. LAMB: I your upper abdomen with Neither play has been performed professionally (or by wearing men’s clothes, smoking a pipe, uttering Play dead deposited because of which I am sending you. frequently have a stitch in your arm as you bend over nearly 375 years, theater historians say. Both are by “ immodest and lascivious speeches” and beating Bv Barbara Richmond Rand said both dogs have About Town drinking a lot of milk? Others who want this my side when I am may help. Shakespeare’s contemporaries. And both, consider­ men in fights with sword or cudgel. Herald Reporter pleasant dispositions and would The doctors didn’t tell issue can send 75 cents running. It is like a muscle I ’d recommend avoid­ ing their period, paint women in surprising colors. Historians say she lived a ' chatmed, almost It was a pleasant surprise to visit make fine family pets. They are for hire him much. They put him with a long, stamped, spasm and is in my right ing any gas-forming foods “ The Fawn,” revived at the National Theater, unbelievable life. She was a thief, ran a school for the dog pound on Tuesday and find ready to be adopted right away. Shell concert canceled president for the coming club year. on Indocin and exercise. If self-addressed envelope side, especially under the before running. Also shows every woman, from princess to housemaid, thieves, dealt in stolen goods, turned highwayman — only two dogs in need of homes. ’’Steel,” last week’s featured pet Other officers elected were Norma Tedford, TAUNTON, England you have any information for it to me, in care of this edge of my right ribs. It is avoid carbonated drinks. effortlessly manipulating men. “ The Roaring Girl,” she shot the country’s top general in tte arm before Both are Labrador crosses. with the beautiful steel blue eyes, The “ All Night Swing Band” concert, scheduled for secretary and Kate Martin, treasurer. The first (UPl) — Out of work for on this disease we would newspaper, P.O. Box 1551, quite severe and I usually Some recommend deep rescued by the Royal Shakespeare Company, depicts riding off with his gold. The one pictured with Dog has been adopted by a local family. Aug. 27 at the Bicentennial Band Shell on the campus meeting of the new season will be Sept. 12 at 7 p.m. at four months, MikeSether- appreciate it. Radio City Station, New stop running. After I rest breathing but I think it is a decidedy liberated woman who actually — and Warden Richard Rand has tempor­ The little male Scottie cross and of Manchester Community College has been canceled. the Flamingo Restaurant on Route 44A, Bolton. ton was thrilled with find­ York. N.Y. 10019, awhile it goes away. No unwise to take more than notoriously — existed. arily been named Andy. A neu­ the sheep dog mentioned last week No other concert has been scheduled to fill in for this Anyone interested in joining the club, especially ing a new job. It pays $7.02 DEAR READER: Yes. Exercise is quite impor­ matter how I stretch or a few deep breaths as Of the two, “ The Fawn” is the real discovery. It is tered male who’s about 2 years old, were claimed by their owners. date. The final concert of the season will be on Aug. 27 former Manchester Lioness Club members, are an hour and all he has to it is a form of arthritis and tant and will help him turn it persists. I never more can trigger heart gentle and witty, easily- accessible fo audiences Cinema Andy is a glossy black, except for a The dog pound is located on when the U.S. Coast Guard Band appears. welcome. The group will be running the Arts & Crafts do is play dead. related to rheumatoid ar­ maintain his flexibility. have it except when I am slowing or induce faint- groomed on Shakespeare. It gets a delicate and small white patch on his chest. town property off Olcott Street. Building at the Hebron Harvest Fair. The 23-year-old forklift He needs flexibility and , ness, particularly if you charming production in the National’s smallest Rand is usually there between thritis, but it is not quite running. ■ostHortlsrd Gentleman (R) from 8:30. Rand said he was picked up on operator beat out 50 other the same thing. And while stretching exercises. In­ I know other runners ' then hold your breath. auditorium, and it introduces a fascinating Emiwasd Pub A Clnsnw— Rachel Road. noon and 1 p.m. on weekdays. Cable family reunion applicants Tuesday at au­ playwright. OctopuMV (PG) 7,9:20. The other dog is a puppy — but a There is a $5 charge for adopting Reading program ends ditions to play a corpse in Pasr Rldiora't Pub A ci- The fourth annual reunion of the Cable family is John Marston was rich and privileged, the first of numo— Porkv't II :-Th*Naxt pretty good-sized puppy. He’s a dog, to make the transaction scheduled for Sept. 4 at Wickham Parkin Manchester. ANDOVER — Andover Public Library’s summer a production of ’ ’The Real the gentry to write professionally for the stfge. Yet his Day (R) 7:30,9:30. about 4 months old, and black with legal. Rand can be contacted by Some 250 family members are expected to attend. reading program will end Aug. 26 with a party at the Inspector Hound” at the StewcoM Cln«ma* — No­ Parents tired of supporting plays ridiculed his own upper class so savagely they white boots and a large white patch calling the pound, 643-6642 or by Anyone interested in more information should contact library at 3 p.m. Taunton Brewhouse tional Lampoon's Vocation were instrumental in King James I banning all (R) 1:15,3:15,5:15,7:40,9:50. on his chest. Champ is his calling the Police Department, Luvia Cables of Canton. Reading cards should be turned in at that time. Theater, 100 miles west of theaters, and landed Marston himself in jail. — Star Chamber (R) 1:45,4, temporary name. 646-4555. Children may come dressed up as their favorite book London. 7:45, 10. — Risky Business character. “ He’s got a good face THREE YEARS after “The Fawn” appeared in (R) 1,3,5,7:15,9:45. — Jaws I Teacher appointed to office grown, college-educated son 3-D (PG) 1:30,3:30,5:20,7:30, A prize will be given for the best costume. A film will (or a dead man,” said 1606, Marston turned his back on the theater, 9:40. — War Gomes (PG) be shown and refreshments served. director John Struthers. abandoned an unfinished play, was ordained a priest 1:20,4, 7:30,9:50. — Curse of Marilyn Niman of Glastonbury, a teacher at Illing the Pink Panther (PG) 1:10, Junior High School, has been appointed treasurer of DEAR DR. BLAKER: my husband? and never wrote again. He even had his name deleted 3:30,7:20,9:35. — Culo (R) Our 24-year-old son has from an edition of his collected works. 1:05,'’3:05, 5, 7:15, 9:40. — the Connecticut Coalition of Educational Leaders Inc. graduated from college in DEAR READER: I Like Shakespeare’s “Measure for Measure,” Trading Places (R) 1:40,3:50, Anyone interested in obtaining more information 7:35,9:55. about the organization should contact her, after Sept. California and still lives don’t think you are quite probaby written at the same time, “ The Fawn” uses a Manchester out there. We live on the Ask ready for these drastic duke in disguise as a device for exposing a society’s UA Theaters Bast — Re­ JAWS 3-D 6, at 647-3422. East Coast. We don’t see steps. First of all, a person true colors. turn ot the JedI (PG) 2,4:30, PC Dr. Blaker 7,9:35. — Staying Alive (PG) him much but we have doesn’t win another’s re­ Marston, who called himself “ a barking satirist,” is -SNdumnr:- 2, 4, 6, a, to. — Snow White 1004 A look at the band shell supported him all these Karen Blaker, Ph.D. spect by doing their bid­ merciless toward the society’s vain ruler and the and the Seven Dwarfs (G) < years. Now we want to ding. Respect is a feeling 2:10,3:50,5:25,7:15,9:15. j Community Broadcasting Company of Manchester phoney fops of his court. But he treats his women with Mansfield stop sending him money you must have for your­ gentleness and respect. Trans-Lux Celleaa Twin— will present a look at the Manchester Bicentennial but he keeps saying that self first. It is something Chief among them is Dulcimel, a mere IS, who sets Curse of the Pink Panther CUJOIS Band Shell on Channel 13 Friday , Saturday and he can’t find a good job in you gain when you have (PG) 7, 9. — Monkey Busi­ Monday at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday at 5 p.m. her cap for a woman-hating young man, a match her ness 7:10 with Bringing Up his field. done things that make you father implacably opposes. Naturally Dulcimel Baby 9. Patience Hostetter will talk with Ralph Maccarone My husband wants to rent and food money for to leave, what should I do feel good about yourself. Vernon Mmi'tiiMiii and Dorothy Roberts about the summer offerings at “ PRIME RIB calmly makes the young man fall in love with her — cut him off immediately. the next six months and first? How do I choose a See a counselor and _CJne 1 A 2 — Octopussy the shell. and dupes her father into acting as g o -^ w e e n and (PG) 7,9:40. — Supormon III , ciisiorm He is sick and tired of his after that, he will be on his lawyer? Where do I get learn how to respect your­ instigator of the marriage. (PG) 7:10,9:30. inNK PM fM IIIS Anyone with program suggestions or comments excuses. My husband's own. Remind him that he the money for the lawyer? self. Then see if your Meanwhile a sub-plot follows a lady who humiliates wssi Hartford should call 646-0660. BIm 1 A 1 — Superman III — SHOWhArx SPECIAL” father died when my doesn’t have to get the And, finally, how do I husband changes his mind her jealous husband before readmitting him to a roost (PG) L 7,9:30. — Ocfoputtv idbTiseeet 1 ' Ann Bonney, director of child life at Manchester Memorial husband' was 15 and he 'perfect job in order to support myself without about you. she will clearly rule. (PG) 2:05.7:15,9:45. : Hospital, shows the demonstration doll to Christopher MANCHESTER STORE ONLY supported the family at an begin to compete in the The Movies — Sfavlng Reunion committee working Alive (R) 11:15, 1:20, 3:25, : Belliveau, a patient in the hospital’s pediatrics unit. The doll early age. I can under­ job market. 5:30, 7:40, 9:45. — Return of The reunion committee of the Manchester High stand why he is so harsh Up until now, he has had the JedI (PG) 11:30, 2, 4:30, ! comes with removable parts. Including tonsils. School class of 1968 is planning the 15th reunion of the These ribbed turtle neck sweat- with our son. But what do the luxury to wait for that Thoughts 7:10,9:35. — Snow White dnd class. It’s scheduled for Nov. 26 at Jester’s Court on the Seven Dwarlk (G) 12, nei sue 808 Till liif ers are made of 70% acrylic, you think is the wise thing perfect job. But no longer. 1:45,3:25,5:15,7,0:3110. ItllHIfHtlltWHIIIIIIUM.g Tolland Turnpike. to do? WHIlmantlc For more information contact Richard Sweet, '■ I'll I 30% wool - machine washable-! DEAR DR. BLAKER: I This question was presented to a discussion group in Ali our sins and griefs to bear! JHIsea Seuare Cinema — iDoll at MMH teaches 643-1030 or Ward Ponticelli, 649-9243. National Lampoon’s Vaca­ S-M-L. D EAR READER: Your must get out of my mar­ psychology class. The students came up with a variety What a privilege to carry tion (R) 1:30, 7:10, 9:15. husband may talk tough riage. I have been misera­ of answers. Terminal illness, the death of a loved Everything to God in prayer Jaws 3-D (PG) 1:30, 7:10, Lioness Club names officers but he certainly has not ble for 20 years and I have one...child abuse. 9:15. — Culo (R) 1:30,7,9:10. ’ isd S S S M t I’t be afraid — Krull (R) 1:30.—Clast (R) .WAmUJWlMlAtWitii they BOLTON — The Lioness Club has elected Marilyn acted harshly with your never done anything to let But the answer of a famous psychologist was very Have we trials and temptationaT f. 7,9:10. VatteroDi as president and Sofie Litvinskus as vice son. He has, after all, my husband know how I different than ours-. Is there trouble anywhere? wmiAm t PMTIONM ^ N O ir L tominued irom page ^: ■ “ It’s ironic,” said Charles Dahle, a cause cancer should help scientists find out cancer gene alone. aspirin is known to inhibit an enzyme in HARTFORD (U P I) — Connecticut Surprisingly, no pro shot the feet from the hole and made birdie, chairman Harry Gray came up the cancer society spokesman in New York. how the cancer process works, a leading W einterg and H. Earl Ruley of the Long the body involved in the process by children will not be allowed to enter blistering 62 or 63, even though the while Kirby landed his inside the 16th fairway, with Norris two- “ Here you have women scared to death of researcher says. Island lab, working separately on rat cells, which blood platelets clump together. school if they are not adequately pins were quite vulnerable in the ball of Rodriguez, his playing bouncing his approach three feet / U: i ' ' .■ getting breast cancer and then smoking “ Then we might be able to begin to know found that two separate cancer genes — Such clumping is thought to be a immunized against major diseases, center of the greens. partner, but settled for par. from the pin, Hope and Davis were even though lung cancer is nearly just as how to reverse that process,” said Dr. known as oncogenes — were required to possible factor in clots and coronary state health officials warn. It could be that this year, Upon teeing off the sixth, David­ long gone. Like all the celebrities prevalent.” Robert A. Weinberg of the Massachusetts convert a normal cell into a malignant cell. obstruction which can lead to heart State law requires all students to be because of the subtle changes on son, who even dwarfed playing and professionals who have made Stolley said overall an estimated 129,000 Institute of Technology. “ What these oncogenes are doing is to attacks. immunized against diptheria, whoop­ holes such as numbers 7, 8, 14 and partner George Burns at 6-2, poked appearances at the GHO in its first Americans died of cancer in 1982 because Results of experiments by his team and cooperate with each other in inducing the “ These facts prompted the original ing cough, tetanus, polio, measles, 15, Norris’ 1983 record 25-under it short and straight into the 32 years, they’ll just be memories T-rat- they smoked, “ but women were spared separate studies at Cold Spring Harbor transformation of the normal cell to a hypothesis that aspirin may be helpful mumps and rubella. will be safe as the all-time record. fairway, turned to the crowd in his from Wethersfield when the talk much of this mortality in previous decades Laboratory on Long Island, N.Y., andatthe cancer cell," Weinberg said Wednesday in in preventing heart attacks and that’s To be adequately protected, children As Sutton commented after his 66, low bass voice and asked, “ Who turns to the past at Edgewood next because they smoked less often and less Institute of Cancer Research in Buckingh­ a telephone interview. what our study appears to show,” shhould have had at least three tetanus you have to play each shot as it laughed?" year. heavily than men. amshire, England were reported in today’s He said the chemical used in the English Davis said. shots, three doses of polio vaccine and “ (But) as their habits changed so did issue of the British scientific journal experiment probably triggered an existing Angina is characterized by a one vaccination for mumps, measles T their mortality." Nature. cancer gene to start the process. squeezing-type of pain in the chest — and rubella during their pre-school Stolley noted that after increasing during Nature said the first step in the cancer “ What is suggested by our work is that it usually described as excruciating. It is years, health officials said Wednesday. f ' most of the 1960s and 1970s, cigarette process apparently is something to cause triggers one oncogene and by adding to that caused by a reduction in oxygen­ The location ot clinics can be smoking has recently been decreasing cells to grow indefinitely. Then a genetic now a second oncogene, they have suc­ carrying blood flowing to the heart and obtained from local health depart­ slowly in most age groups. change is required to give the cells the ceeded in creating an entire cancer state. routinely occurs when a victim exerts ments, he said. % Insulin misuse could lead to death JANET SAYS... Anorexic diabetics warned By Ed Lion problems — complications from but they risk starving the body and United Press International improperly controlled diabetes — sending blood sugar levels soaring. and one had frequent seizures,” he Anorexia nervosa, which cau s^ BOSTON — Some diabetics with said. singer-songwriter Karen Carpen­ the self-starvation disease ano­ “ These are people who can’t help ter’s death and afflicted Pat rexia nervosa or a related eating themselves. They’re driven to the Boone’s daughter, and bulimia, binge-vomit disorder are risking misuse of insulin. We want to make which once afflicted actress Jane blindness and even death by sure physicians are aware of that Fonda, are both believed to be abusing insulin injections to con­ and don’t just treat them as caused by a chemical imbalance trol their weight, doctors warned uncooperative patients.” working in concert with psycholog­ ical factors, such as peer pressure today. Anorexia nervosa sufferers to lose weight. “ This is not an uncommon starve themselves for fear of Both disorders affect mostly problem though it’s little recog­ getting fat. Bulimia sufferers go on young women in their teens and 20s nized.” said Dr. James Hudson, a eating binges, then induce them­ and although new treatment with psychiatrist specializing in eating selves to vomit or clear their ; anti-depressants has proved sue-' disorders at McLean Hospital in intestines with laxatives. They Time Again,.; cessful for bulimia, there is no Belmont, Mass. often go undetected since their known treatment for anorexia “ We’ve seen young women not weight is not necessarily sub­ nervosa. take their insulin so they would normal. Hudson said it is unknown how lose weight — and that could lead / Diabetic insulin abusers with many diabetics suffer from the two to coma and death. And we saw one anorexia nervosa take the insulin, disorders, but guessed “ it’s not anorexia nervosa sufferer take You're sure of a successful but do not eat. The insulin, which that uncommon’’ and could insulin without eating which also their body cannot produce, is number in the thousands. Some 10 can be lethal,” he said. needed to drive sugar in the blood million Americans suffer from Hudson, his wife who is a to their body cells for nourishment diabetes, with bulimia estimated sole when you advertise diabetes specialist, and a col­ and energy. By taking insulin but to affect 5 million and anorexia J-' league wrote in the New England not eating their blood sugar levels nervosa another 500,000. '‘‘Y' Journal of Medicine that in the past dip dangerously low and they risk The di.sorders sometimes disap­ year they treated one diabetic seizures from hypoglycemia. pear on their own but many people it in the AAanchester Herald! suffering from anorexia nervosa Diabetic Dulimiasutterers abuse suffer them for years— sometimes H i and six suffering bulimia — all of it by skipping the insulin so sugar refusing to recognize they have a whom abused insulin injections. from their eating binges stays in problem — leading lives of desper­ “ Patients we saw suitered some the blood rather than passing into ate misery, even resulting in 1 -■< nervous system damage and eye the cells. Thus they don’t get fat suicide attempts. Call 643-2711

New sweetener Sam m y Davis Jr, shares a laugh w ith the Hope smacked short but straight tee No, those aren’t whales on Emile president and southpaw golfer teamed Space voyagers for a helpful Ad-visor crow d on the first tee before he and Bob shots. Francis’ pants. The Hartford Whalers with pro Jerry Pate Wednesday. may hibernate may not be safe AL roundup By UPl-Sclence Digest BOSTON (U P I) — An artificial sweetener soon to be used in soft drinks could aggravate insomnia, Future space voyagers may travel to stars in a Parkinson’s disease and other brain disorders! state of induced hibernation with the body according to a scientist at the Massachusetts Institute FREE functions slowed to allow survival on voyages of Technology. Chisox sweep Yanks, Martin blames pine tar lastings dozens of years. Dr. Richard J. Wurtman, in -a letter published Wednesday in the New England Journal of Medicine, TAB SALE SIBN* The September issue of Science Digest reports warned that people with latent brain disorders may be Bv Mike Tullv reached out and caught. An previous nine games. Since then, Yankees’ Graig Nettles, whose lin, 7-2, earned the victory. Rick snapped a three-game losing on recent research that has shown when monkeys af ftected by aspartame. The sweetener will be on the UPI Sports Writer apparent two-run homer was they are 12-11 and have lost five ot two-run homer in the ninth sent the Sutcliffe, 13-9, took the loss. The streak. Mark Huismann, 1-1, was are injected with an extract known as “ HT“ or market in Chicago, New York, Washington state and nuUified. their last six. game into extra innings. “ The Indians tied the score 4-4 in the loser. “ hibernation trigger’ ’ from the blood of hibernat­ Kentucky within a few weeks as an ingredient in diet Whan you place your ad In The same thing that made the “ As far as that home run against New York manager Billy Martin Goose (Rich Gossage) was close to ninth on Julio Franco’s two- run Twins 7, Mariners 4 ing groundhogs, they are plunged into a state of Coke. New York Yankees recoil has Baltimore, I don’t feel the umpires did nothing to disprove Squires’ winning it in the eighth and it got single. At Seattle, Tom Brunansky and near hibernation. Wurtman wrote that people consuming aspartame provided spring for the Chicago cost us the game there,’ ’ said theory, blaming American League away. That seems to happen all the Orioles 4, Rangers 2 Gary Gaetti homered during a in diet drinks in combination with other White Sox. Chicago manager Tony Larussa. president Lee MacPhail for his time against the Sox.” At Arlington, Texas, Dan Ford seven-run second inning to power In a study done at the Lexington Veterans carbohydrates-like a sandwich or candy bar-are most the Manehoatar- I ' Herald— I - Each club has had a rough call go “ It was a bad call and they were team’s slide. Elsewhere in the AL, doubled with one out in the 10th to the Twins. Al Williams, 8-11, Administration Medical Center in Kentucky, apt to be affected by the ingredient. against It In recent days, but wrong but it was in the fifth Inning “ This pine tar thing may cost us defeated Cleveland 4-3 in 10 score Joe Nolan with the go-ahead allowed three hits in seven innings non-hibernating animals quickly became lethar­ The M IT scientist issued the warning after having *UmH 1 Sign— Muat fla Picked Up At The Herald handled it in different fashion. and we had four chances to score the pennant,” Martin said. “ It’s a innings, Baltimore beat Texas 4-2 run, igniting the Orioles. Mike in handing the Mariners their fifth gic, body temperatures and pulse dropped and conducted experiments on rats to which he gave doses ' “ Last week, we had a bad call go and didn’t do it. I told everyone to shame to have to,say the pine tar in 10 innings, Detroit topped Flanagan, 7-2, gave up 10 hits in straight loss as the Twins swept the they ate little for several days when injected with of aspartame equivalent to what “ an eight-year-old against us when a homer was forget about it and they did.” Incident has had ^negative impact Kansas City 7-4, Minnesota nine innings while striking out six three-game series. HT. child might consume during a hot afternoon.’ ’ disallowed by the umpires,’ ’ Mike “ We lost the game but we put it on the Yankees, because that downed Seattle 7-4 and California and walking one. Tim Stoddard Angels 6, A ’s 5 edged Oakland 6-5. Milwaukee worked the 10th and earned his According to pathologist Peter Oeltgen, HT Wurtman set three cans of soda withSOO mg per liter Squires said Wednesday night behind us and Uow have played sounds like sour grapes. At Oakland, Calif., Juan Beni- of aspartame each as'what the eight-year-old would swept Boston 4-3 in 10 innings and seventh save. Odell Jones, 3-5, took could have “ quite extraordinary clinical poten­ after his 13th inning double gave hard and won three against the “ But to the Yankee fans out quez’s second career be likely to consume. That, combined with another 100 5-1. the loss. tial." It could permit control of heart rate, blood the White Sox a 7-5 victory that Yankees,” addedSquires. “ I think there, it has had a great effect on snapped a 1-1 tie in the seventh and mg of the chemical from other foods, produced a Blue Jays 4, Indians 3 Tigers 7, Royals 4 pressure and appetite and perhaps even serve as completed a three-game sweep of maybe the uproar over the pine-tar this ballclub. The ruling and the carried the Angels. Mike Witt, 6-9, iManrIjpfitpr Hrralft At Cleveland, Lloyd Moseby At Kansas City, Mo., Enos Cabell marked effect in the rats, Wurtman wrote. decision by the president of the an anesthetic in humans. Hibernating ground­ the Yankees. ^ game has caused the Yankees in gained the victory and John Curtis Two years ago, the Food and Drug Administration league was the biggest mistake tripled home Dave Collins with the and Lance Parrish rapped consec­ hogs, he found, have undergone seemingly Squires was referring to a game problems of concentration.’’ notched his third save. Rookie approved the use of aspartame as a table-top sugar made in the history of baseball.” go-ahead run in the 10th inning and utive RBI doubles in the eighth to painless open heart surgery without drugs. “Serving The Manchester Area For Over 100 Years'* against the Baltimore Orioles in Before George Brett’s contro­ Mike Warren, 1-1, shooting for the substitute and additive in dry foods and beverage which Carlton Fisk hit a ball to the versial homer on July 24, the “ We seem to let them off the scored on Willie Upshaw’s single to lift the Tigers. Petry, 13-7, pitched fourth straight shutout by the - bases. field grandstand that a fan Yankees had vj^n eight of' their hook all the time,” said thez lift the Blue Jays. Joey McLaugh­ his sixth complete game. Detroit Oakland staff, took the loss. MANCHFSTER HERALD. Thursday, Aug. 18, 1983 — 17 I» - MANCHESTER HERALD. Thursday, A u k . 18, 1983 Brewers sweep Sox, Scoreboard eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee gggggggggggBgggggbbbbb MamlnskI, Poland, 8:1161 3, (taoeme •••••••••••••••••••••• Brawan 4, Rad Sox 3 (10) Angals6,A’aS Fell, Britain, 8:15X1 4, Frandsco pass Orioles to first Sanches Vergos, Spain, 8:16J9.5, Julius Korir, Kenya, 8:21.X. Tennis B aseball First (tame CALIFORNIA OAKLAND F o o tb a ll 3J)X wolk — I, Martin Toporek, after undergoing surgery on his BOSTON MILWAUKBR ObrhM ObrhM , 11 minutes, 35.SB seconds. 1 eeeeeeeeeeeeeaeaeeeoee MILWAUKEE (UPI) - A sea­ " I think we hit the ball as well as ObrhM ObrhM Corew 1b 2 110 Hendrsn It 4 i 2 0 gggeeggegegggggggggggb Franz-Joseph Weber, West Ger- soned veteran and a green rookie the Brewers did, but they got the pitching elbow. After starting the Barrett 2b 3 1 0 0 Molitor 3b 3 2 2 1 WIKOng 3b 4 3 1 0 Davis rf 3 112 ITtOnVe Women’s results helped the Milwaukee Brewers breaks and we didn't," said Boston year at the Brewers’ Double A Stapletn 1b $ 0 1 1 Moore rt 4 0 11 Benkiuz rt 5 1 2 4 Almon ph 10 0 1 NFL exhibition standings 11:31.01. 3, Jim Helrlng, U.S., 11:35.04. farm team in El Paso, he moved to Im lM lI ttandlngi Rice If 3 0 0 1 Yount ss 4 0 3 0 Lynn cf 4 0 3 2 Murphy ct 4 0 1 1 Also: MareoEvonluk,U.S.,11:X.43. dismantle the Boston Red Sox and manager Ralph Houk, “ Every Armas cf 4 0 0 0 Cooper 1b 5 110 Grid! X 5 0 2 0 Lopes dh 4 0 0 0 Long lump — 1, Jason Grimes, U.S., at Toronto, Aug. 17 Vancouver in the Pacific Coast RJcksn dh 5 0 0 0 Lonstrd 3b 4 0 1 0 American Conference leave them perched atop the game is crucial for us. We have to NATMMULLaAOtll Nichols rf 4 1 1 1 Simmons c 5 0 1 1 266'/ii. 1 Lorry Myrieks, U.S., 26G'/Si. 3, Second round American League East. win some ballgames." League. The Brewers promoted Jurak 3b 4 0 10 Ogllvle It 4 0 0 0 Downing It 4 0 0 0 Hancck 1b 3 0 0 0 W L T Pet. PF PA (tarry Honey, Australia, 26114.4, Steven single Newmn dh 4 0 0 0 Brohrd dh 4 0 3 1 Valentin rf 0 0 0 0 Heath c 4 0 10 Baltimore 2 0 0 1.000 25 7 Welsh, New Zealand, 267V4. 5, Laslo LlOvd, U.S., det. Alycia Milwaukee swept a double- They almost won the first game him Aug. 6. Allsnson c 3 0 2 0 Marxme cl 4 0 1 0 Lubrtch ss 4 0 0 0 Hill ss 4 12 0 Cleyeland 2 0 0 1.000 48 30 Szalma, Hungary, 266'A. Moulton, U.S., 63, 4-6, 63; Sylvia header from the Red Sox Wednes­ Wednesday, taking leads of 2-0 and “ It feels great to get the first win, WyioOsIPWo M St rS i ^ Remy pr 0 0 0 0 (tantner 3b 3 1 1 0 Boone c 4 12 0 Phillips X 3 2 3 1 Denver 2 0 0 1.000 31 17 — 1, Tv Peacock, U.S., 7-714. Hanika, West Germany, det. Pal nthburgh 43 55 J30 Vt Pittsburgh 2 1 0 .467 67 52 day, 4-3 and 5-1, to leave the 3-2. But the Brewers tied it 3-3 in especially since it kept us in first (tedrnon c 0 0 0 0 TotoN 37 6 11 6 Totals 34 5 II 5 1 Rolond Dalhoeuser, Switzerland, 7-6'/a. Medrodo, Brazil, 62, 7-6, 7-3; Kathy MOfrtrsd 40 57 .513 7Vt Hottmn u 3 1 1 0 Colltomla 000 001 401— 6 Kansas City 1 1 0 .500 37 24 1 Mick Saunders, Bermuda, 7-5’/i. 4, Rinaldi, U.S., det. Tim Shaeter, U.S., 7-5, defending American League the seventh. Molitor walked off place," said Candiotti, who walked Loult 56 61 .479 6IA TetON X 3 6 3 Totals 36 4 II 4 Oakland 100 000 SOS— s LA Raiders 1 1 0 500 G 43 (tied) Jaceck Wszola, Polond, 7-5'/4; 64; Hana Mandllkova, Czechoslova- champions one-half game ahead of Bob Ojeda, 5-6, to open the 10th. none and struck out one. “ I ’ve g U ca y . 53 66 .445 10IA TWO eat When wbmlno run scored Gomewlnnlno RBI — Beniquez (3). Seattle 1 1 0 .500 45 31 , 7-5'/4. come a long way since my arm Now York 48 71 .401 15V5 Besten sassiOMO— 3 E— Grich, Heath. DP— California NY Jets 1 1 0 .500 36 40 Triple lump — 1, Zdislaw Hoffmann, dlrf! , U.S., 64, 7-6 (7-2); the Baltimore Orioles. Molitor was sacrificed to second . .. . Wist X New England 0 2 0 .000 31 44 operation. This makes all the 7 Milwaukee SWIM IN 1— 4 Poland, 563V4.1 Mike Conley, U.S., 56 Claudia Kohde, West Germany, det. Fifteen-year veteran Ted Sim­ and Robin Yount was walked Atlanta 71 49 J92 — Gome-winning RBI— Slmmons(14). LOB— Collfarnla 9, Oakland 7. Son Diego 0 2 0 .000 40 55 IOV4. 3, Peter Bouschen, West (tarmony, Betsy Nogelsen, U.S., 6-4,61; Eva Pfaff, mons won the first game with an intentionally. Molitor took third running and hard work I did worth ^ AnoWw 66 52 J59 4 DP— Milwaukee X LOB— Boston 2B— Houston 0 2 0 .000 17 X 55-eV4.4, Bela BakosI, Hung(M-y, 56-7'/t. 5, West Germany, def. Ivanna Modrugo- H o u t^ 63 55 534 7 Butfalo 0 2 0 .000 27 54 it.” 5, Murphy, Carew, Lynn 2, Lansford, Willie Banks, U.S., 53-1 Vi. Osses, Argentina, 2-6, 60, 62; Kathy RBI single in the 10th inning which when Cecil Cooper hit into a Ion Dlioo 40 40 500 11 Mltwoukse X 3B— ^Yount, Cooper. Boone, Hill, Henderson. HR— Beniquez Miami 0 2 0 .000 34 39 Shot put — 1, Edward Sarul, Poland, Horvath, U.S., def. Anne Hobbs, Great drove home Paul Molitor. The fielder's choice. M l FTOTdtcO 54 64 547 15 HR— (3), Davis (5). SB— Henderson (74). S— Cincinnati 0 2 0 .000 X 51 664V4. 1 Dave Lout, U.S., 67-0. 3, Ivan Britain, 6-4, 62; Lucia Romanov, winning pitcher in the nightcap Up stepped Simmons, who had The Brewers scored ail of their Ondimall 54 67 546 17V3 Molitor (15), Nichols (4). S— Molitor, Davis, Phillips. SF— Lynn. Notional Conference Ivancic, Yugoslavia, 65-514. 4, Romania, def. Jill Heotherlng- WiSw OsYsll wslh IP H R ER BBSO W L T Pet. PF PA runs in the fourth inning. With one Hoffman, Moore. Mike t 0 n, _ ^ was Tom Candiotti, who threw a won Tuesday ’s 14-inning marathon Heuflon7,anclnnall6 . IP H RRRBBSO CoUfomlo NY Giants 2 0 0 1.0X 45 29 Lehmann, U.S., 63-714.5, Vladimir MUIc Canada, 63, 66, 62; Iva Budarova, seven-hit complete game in his with a sacrifice fly. He lined a shot out, Molitor walked off loser John Son Dltoo 5, PhUoiMMIa 4 bbslMi Witt (W 69) 4 33 S 3 3 3 2 Philadelphia 2 0 0 1.000 42 37 Yugoslavia, 636.6, Bishop Doleglewicz, Czechoslovakia, def. Susan Leo, Aus­ first major league start. off Ojeda's leg, making a winner of Henry Johnson, 2-2. Cooper’s sin­ Lm AnoWii 4, Niw York 1 Oleda (L 56) 933 11 4 4 2 4 HOSSler 13 0 0 0 0 0 Tampa Bay 2 0 0 1.000 4} 34 Canada, 63514. \ tralia, 7-5, 7-5; Ellse Burgln, U.S. def. Montrool 1lSanFrand$coo5 Kison . 1 13 .3 2 2 0 0 Dallas 2 0 0 1.000 SO 24 Hammer Throw— l,Karl-Hons Relhm, Lena Sandin, Sweden, 61, 67, 63; Sue " I ’m very happy to be back in Tom Tellmann, 8-3, who pitched gle sent Molitor to third. Mark Thwidov'sOanMi Caldwell 9 5 3 3 4 2 Curtis ( S t ) 2-3 0 0 0 0 1 LA Rams 1 1 0 .500 41 SO West (tarmony, 2569.2, Klous Ploghaus, Barker, Great Britain, def. Ann Klvomu- first place," said Milwaukee man­ just one-third of an inning. Brouhard, Ned Yost and Marshall .Atlanta (Falceno S-1) at Chicoeo Augustine 33 1 0 0 0 0 Oakland Atlanta 1 1 0 .500 23 31 West Germany, 2534. 3, Christoph (Jenkins M ), 3:20 p.m. ra, U.S. 63, 62; Helena Sukova, ager Harvey Kuenn. " I hope we " I was just trying to get a hit,” Edwards followed with singles to Tellmnn (W 93) 13 0 0 0 0 0 Warren (L 1-1) 413 7 5 4 3 3 Chicago 1 1 0 .5W 51 44 Sohner, West (tarmony, 2467. Also; 6, Czechoslovakia, def. Chrlstlonne PMIodsiphIa (Denny 135) at Son Dlsoo H B P -by Oleda (Gontner). T— 2:SS. Underwood 2 23 4 1 1 1 1 Minnesota 1 1 0 .5X 35 X Ddvld McKenzie, U.S., 2367. 7, Ed Jolls- stay there the rest of the year. “ But said Simmons, who finished the produce two runs and load the (Montstuseso M ), 4:05 p.m. T— 2:43. A— 13521. Woshlngton 1 1 0 .500 37 36 Burke, U.Sy 23310. salnt, Switzerland, 6-4, Mima Jau- I 've been saying all along the other year with 18 RBI against Boston. bases. Ckidnnall (Ruisell 1-0) at PHtiburah (Tetrolt 1 1 0 .500 34 34 -1, Tom Petronov, U.S., 306 (Candelaria 13-7), 7:35 p.m. St. Louis I 1 0 .500 37 52 sovec, teams in the race will be jumping “ I don't know why I do so well Dennis "O il Can” Boyd relieved BrawaraS,RadSox1 Tafelmeler, West Germonv, Yugoslavia, def. Rafaella Reggl, Italy, 6 Houston (NIskro 10-10) at 51. Louis National League San Francisco 1 1 0 .5X 40 41 I Ollsen Per, Norway 2760. 1 7-6; Kathy Jordan, U.S., def. Pam in and out of first the rest of the against them. “ They have a lot of and promptly balked home Brou­ (Andular 4-13). 8:35 p.m. New Orleans 1 2 0 .3X X 64 UPI photo Padres 5, Phlllle8.4 almsson, Iceland, 271-2. 5, Cosale, U.S., 63,64 year.” good young pitchers that I don't hard, moving Yost to third and .N ow York (Seavsr 7-11) at Los Angslss Second Gome Green Bay 0 2 0 .000 41 59 Rob Ewallko, U.S., X7-1 First Round (Psna 96), 10:35 p.m. Monday's Rosult The Red Sox, who rest 10 games enjoy facing." Edwards to second. Ron Picciolo’s BOSTON MILWAUKBR — 1, Patrick Abada, Doubles Ploy jSmHb 35) at Son Frondsco ObrhM ObrhM PHILADELPHIA SAN DIEGO Dallas X , Los Angeles Rams 7 France, 160’/i. 1 , France, Rosie Casals, U.S., and Martina out of the lead after losing four In the nightcap, Candiotti made sacrifice fly scored Yost and Ed (Krukow 7-7), 10:35 p.m. Remy X 4 0 2 0 Moore rf 4 0 10 ObrhM ObrhM 'Hiursdav, Aug. 18 160W. 1 Thierry Vlgneron, France, 17- Navratilova, U.S., def. Illana Kloss, straight to Milwaukee, are proba­ his third major league appear­ Romero’s RBI single delivered San Diego Padre Bobby Brown can't DeJesus on an attempted steal in the Mdov'soamss Stapletn 1b4 0 1 0 Gontner X 4 0 0 0 GGross If 3 110 Brown If 3 0 12 New York Jets at Cincinnati 8W. 4, (tarald Heinrich, West (tarmony, South Africa, and Heather Ludloff, U.S., Atlanta at CMcoao Rice If 4 0 0 0 Molitor X 3 1 1 0 F r l ^ , Aug. 19 bly out of the derby. ance. He missed all of last season Edwards. third inning of Wednesday’s game. Rose 1b 5 0 11 Lezeano rf 0 1 0 0 17-8VS. 5, Peter Volmer, West (tarmony, 62, 6-4; Billie Jean King, U.S., and beat the tag of Philadelphia Phiiiie ivan CIndnnall at Plttsburoh, nloM Armas cl 4 0 10 Cooper 1b 4 110 Dernier pr 0 0 0 0 Wiggins 1b 4 1 1 0 MIomI at Washington 17-8'/i. , Great Britain, def. Houston os St. Louis, nisht Ystnm dh 4 0 0 0 Brohrd dh 4 111 Morgan X 4 1 1 2 Tempitn ss 3 1 2 1 Minnesota at Seattle Women Camille Beniamin, U.S., and Corrine Montreal at Son Dlsoo, nloM (iedman c 3 0 0 0 Yost c 3 12 1 Schmidt X 4 0 0 0 Kennedy c 4 0 2 2 Saturday, Aug. X IX hurdles— 1, Lucyna Kalek, Poland, Vanler, France, 61,61; Mima Jausovec, New York at Son Francisco, nlebt Nichols rf 3 1 2 0 Edwrds cf 3 I 1 0 Lefebvr rf 3 1 1 O Gwynn rf 4 0 10 Atlanta at Tampa Bay 1171 2, Helke Fllslnger, West Germany, Yugoslavia, and Kathy Jordon, U.S., def. PMIodelpMa at Los A ^ e s , night Jurak X 2 0 0 0 PIcdolo u 2 0 0 1 Perez ph 1 0 0 0 Jones cf 4 0 0 0 Boltimore at New York Giants 1115. 3, Ulrlke (tank. West (tarmony, Helena Manset, U.S., and Felicia AM m iCAN LitAOUl Hottmn ss 3 0 1 1 Romero If 3 0 11 Maddox cf 54 0 1 0 Flannry X 2 0 0 0 Buffalo at Detroit 11X. 4, Pam Page, U.S., 13.X. 5, Carol Raschlotore, U.S., 63, 62; GIvnIs Goles, NL roundup lost TotaN 31 I 7 1 Totals W 5 S 4 Diaz c 3 0 0 0 Salazar X 2 0 0 0 Chicago at Los Angeles Raiders Lewis, U.S., 1146. Great Britain, and Renata Sosak, W L Pet. OB Besten SSIOWSSS-I DeJesus ss 3 0 1 1 Bonilla X 4 1 2 0 Cleveland at Denver mo — 1, Morv Decker, U.S., 1:59.14.1 Yugoslavia, def. Susan Mascarin, U.S., Sports In Milwaukee 40 51 571 — MNwoukae 8MSM66K— 5 Hudson p 2 0 0 0 Show p 2 0 0 0 Houston at New Orleans Goby Bussmann, West (tarmony, 1:59.X. and Kathy Renaldl, U.S., 62, 2-6, 61; Battbnors 46 50 549 Vt Game-Winning RBI — Yosfd). Haves ph 1 0 0 0 DeLeon p 1110 New England at Los Angeles Roms 3, Margit Klinger, West (tarmony, Anne Hobbs, Great Britain, and Andrea Detroit 46 S3 .559 IV3 E— Yost. DP— Milwaukee 3. Hernndz p 0 0 0 0 Monge p 0 0 0 0 Philadelphia at Green Bov 1:59.40. 4, Jolanta Januchta, Poland, Jaeger, U.S., def. Pam Casale, U.S., and Midget football registration Toronto 67 53 558 IV5 LOB— Reed p 0 0 0 0 Whitson p 0 0 0 0 Pittsburgh ot Oallos 2:X,70. 5, Brut McRoberts, Canada, Rafaello Reggl, Italy, 61,61. New York 64 53 547 3 Boston X Milwaukee X SB— Nichols (4). Mtthws ph 1 1 1 0 Lucas p 0 0 0 0 St. Louis at Kansas City 2:01,51. 6, Dorian McCllve- Rosalyn Fairbank, South Africa, and Boelan SS 61 5S7 10 SF-PIcdolo. San Frondsco at Son Diego Lambelet, Registrations are still being accepted for the Mets botch one to LA Cleveland 50 70 517 18V!i Totals 34 4 7 4 Totals 33 5 10 5 Candy Reynolds, United States, def. IP H RBRBBSO PhllodelpMa 010000 012— 4 Switzerland, 2:0111. Corllng Bassett, Toronto, and Andrea Midget Football League and will be taken at _ West BeMon San Diego I01000 30x— 5 Javelin — 1, TUna Llllak, , 237- T emesvarl, Hungary, 67 (7-2), 60,61. practice Monday night between 6:15 and 7:30 at CMoogo 65 53 551 — Johnson (L 32)313 6 5 5 1 2 Game-winning RBI — Templeton 5. 1 Tula Loaksolo, Finland, 2067. 1 Kansas City 57 50 .496 6V5 Boyd 4 33 2 0 0 0 2 the Martin School. Boys must be between nine (4). Becrte peters. West (tarmony, 2032. By Donna Balancia mas on third, he (Hodges) proba­ scored on Bill Russell’s sacrifice Oakland 59 63 .408 7V9 MHwauhee E— Morgan, Flannery, Templeton. High lump — 1, Ulrlke Mevfarth, West years (before November 1) and 13 years old (until UPI Sports Writer bly felt that no one was covering Texas 57 61 583 8 Candiotti (W 13) 9 7 1 1 0 1 Track/ Field (tarmony 65.1 Louise Ritter, U.S, 6-4. fly. Calltamla 57 63 575 9 DP— November 1). Candidates must also weigh home. But that's the pitcher’s HBP-by Candiotti (Jurak). San Diego 1. LOB— Phllodelphia 11, San 3, Olga Juha, Hungary 6014. 4, Morvse The Mets averted a shutout in the NUnnSMIto 52 70 536 15 Balk— Diego 6.2B— ^Templeton, Bonilla, Brown. eaeoeeeeaaeeeeeeeeeagn Ewanle-Epee, France 61014. Transactions between 70 and 120 pounds and be accompanied Steve Sax added insult to injury. responsibility. Thomas just made seventh \vhen, with one out, Seattle 46 74 503 X Boyd. T — 2:15. A-3433X 3B— Gwynn. HR— Morgan (11). by a parent or guardian. Players must also have a Sax singled in two runs during a a heads-up play. The main thing is W9dnesday*e Keeulti SB— George Foster singled, took second Milwaukee 4, Boston 3,1st game At W «t Berlin, Aug. 17 birth certificate. There is a registration fee. three-run second inning following to get one out. But mistakes on Darryl Strawberry’s grounder Milwaukee 5, Boston 1,2nd game Wiggins (33), Morgan (13). S— Pan Am medal standinga BluaJaysB.lndiana5(10) DeJesus. Men Baseball a botched rundown effort and the happen in baseball." and scored on Bob Bailor’s single Toronto 6, Oeveland 5 IP H RERBBSO IX — 1, Carl Lewis, U.S., 10.07. I CMcogo 7, New York 5,13 Innings CARACAS, Venezuela (UPI) — The Seattle — Placed reliever BUI Caudill Los Angeles Dodgers held on for a Sax didn't exactly sympathize to center. Philadelphia Calvin Smith, U.S., 10.X. 3, Mel Lottany, on the 21-dav disabled list and purchased Fame tickets still available Baltimore 4, Texoe 3 TORONTO CLRVBLAND Hudson (L 7-5) 6 4 2 2 1 4 U.S., 10.2Z 4, Christian Haas, West medal standings otter the third day ot 4-1 victory over the New York with the Mets’ mistake. Elsewhere in the NL, Houston Detroit 10, Kansas Oty 4 ObrhM ObrhM Germany 10.34. 5, Emmit King, U.S., competition at the IX Pan American the contract of Karl Best from Salt Lake Collins If 4 12 0 Horrah X 5 0 0 0 Hernandez 143312 City of the Pacific Coast League. Tickets for the fourth annual Manchester Mets. " I t set up a fortunate opportun­ downed Cincinnati 7-6, San Diego Minnesota 7, Sealtle4 Reed 1 0 0 0 0 0 10.37.6, Marc McNeill, U.S., 10.43. Games; CoUfomlo 6, Oakland 5 Bortleld rf 0 0 0 0 Bonnstr X 4 2 2 0 110 hurdles — 1, Greg Forster, U.S., OoM Silver Bronze Tot. Basketball Sports Hall of Fame induction dinner Friday 'T v e never seen a play like that ity for our ballclub,” he said, beat Philadelphia 5-4 and Montreal (tarda X 3 1 0 1 TaMer If 3 0 0 0 San Diego Los Angeles — Waived guard Zam Tlwrsdov’seame Show (W 123) 5 3 1 1 4 4 13.59. I Larry Cowling, U.S., 13.75. 3, U.S. X 14 8 51 night, Sept. 23 at the Army & Navy Club are now where everyone was safe, espe­ referring to the play. "It was kind topped San Francisco 12-5. Kansas CItv ol N ^ York, 6 p.m., Moseby cf 2 2 1 l Castillo rf 0 1 0 0 Gvoergy Bakes, Hungary, 13.79. 4, Rod Cuba 18 15 12 45 Frederick, who hod been on suspended Upshaw 1b 5 0 1 1 Hassey ^ 0000 DeLeon 313 3 3 3 2 1 list. available. cially with two men on third base,” of a little undecidedness on his Astros 7, Cincinnati 6 (cemplellon ofsuspendedgome) Monge 13 1 0 0 0 0 Mllburn, U.S., 1183. Canada 5 10 13 X Orta dh 4 0 12 Martin dh 5 0 1 0 2X — 1, Mel Lottony, U.S., X.21 Z Venezuela 2 9 6 17 Football Ticket outlets are at the Manchester State said Los Angeles manager Tommy (Hodges’) part." At Cincinnati, Bill Doran singled Johnsn ph 0 0 0 0 Whitson Hargrv 1b 4 111 0 0 0 0 1 0 Buffalo — Traded running back Curtis Kansas city at Boltlmofe, X twilight Lucas (S 13) 13 0 0 0 0 0 Rail Luebke, West (tarmony, X.58. 3, Mexico 1 2 4 7 Bank-Nate Agostinelli; Town Clerk’s office-Ed Lasorda. “ You would think they Sax feels his fielding slump, four times and scored twice and Chicago at Texas, X twilight Whitt c 4 110 Thomas cf 5 1 2 2 Kirk Baptiste, U.S., X.7X 4, Erwin Ecuador 1 0 0 1 Brown to Pittsburgh for an undisclosed Bonnell rf 4 0 0 0 Franco ss 4 0 2 2 future draft choice. Tomkiel; Youth Services-Bob Digan; or from would get at least one out." which gave him 28 errors this Jose Cruz slammed his third Sei^eal Oeveland, night Skamrahl, West Germany, X.77.5, Elliot Peru 1 0 0 1 Toronto at Boston, night lo r d x 4 1 0 0Esslan c2 0 0 0 Quow, U.S., X.83. Brazil 0 4 7 11 Cleveland — Released wide receiver committee members Sam Maltempo, Tom Greg Brock walked and Derrel season, finally has ended. homer in three games, lifting Vern CMItomki at New Yon, night Griffin ss 4 0 2 1 Perkins ph 1 0 0 0 Expos 12, Giants 5 4X — 1, Bert Cameron, Jomalca, 45.01. Dominican Rep. 0 2 7 9 Chuck Jones of (taorgla and signed wide Coran, Hank McCann, Ernie Dowd, Dick Cobb, Thomas singled to start the second " I ’m feeling so much more Oakland al Milwaukee, niM Bondo c 10 0 0 2, Michael Franks, U.S., 45.31. 3, Alonzo Colombia 0 1 7 8 receiver-kick returner Willie Svdnor. Ruble and the Astros to their ninth Vukovch rf 3 0 0 0 Wally Fortin. Jack Thompson, Carl Silver, Steve and both advanced on a sacrifice. comfortable out there. I don’t Delroll ol Minnesota, night MONTREAL SAN FRANCISCO Babers, U.S., 45.X. 4, Sunday Utl, Argentina 0 0 4 4 victory in their last 11 games. TetaN 34 6 8 6 Totals 37 5 8 5 Nigeria, 45.47.5, Willis Smith, U.S., 45.47. Chile 0 0 3 3 Denver — Traded defensive end Greg Cassano and from Earl Yost at home, 568-0253. Winner Bob Welch then grounded understand why I went through it. BASTBRN LBAI3UB Torente ZW8M2M3— 6 ObrhM ObrhM Boyd to Green Bay for an undisclosed Frank Pastore, 6-11, took the loss. Raines If 4 3 2 0 LeMostr ss 2 0 0 0 6, Walter McCoy, U.S.. 45.49. Panama 0 0 1 1 Tickets are $10 apiece. A roast beef dinner will to short and Brock broke for the Maybe it was something to build _ _ W L Pet. OB Clovatand 8M0W2821— 5 4X hurdles — 1, Ed Moses. U.S., 48.48. Puerto Rico 0 0 1 1 future draft choice; released linebackers Padres 5, Phillies 4 Beading 79 40 564 — Game-winnine RBI— Moseby (10). Little ss 4 2 2 0 Pettinl ss 2 0 11 Rich Lockman ond Vic Koenning, be served. plate. On the throw to the plate. character later in my career. I Dawson cf 5 3 2 4 Evans 1b 2 0 0 0 Z Andre Phillips, U.S., 4XK. 1 David At San Diego, Garry Templeton Lynn 66 52 559 12V9 E— Franco, Horgrovo. DP— Toronto Patrick, U.S., 49.07. 4, David Lee, U.S., defensive back Bruce Baldwin, guard Scheduled for induction are Pat Bolduc, Bill Brock dashed back to third with certainly learned from it.” notched the game-winning RBI for Itow Britain 64 55 5W 15 1, Wohifrd If 0 0 0 0 Bergmn 1b 3 0 1 0 49.31. 5, Ryszard Szparak, Polond, X.Ol Tracy Franz, defensive end Dan Gregus, Buffalo 63 57 525 16V3 Cleveland 1. LOB— Toronto 4, Cleveland Carter c 5 13 3 Clark rf 2 0 0 0 wide receivers Henry Johnson, Bobby Madden, Ernie Dowd, Gene Johnson and Dick catcher Ron Hodges in pursuit. Welch, 11-11, had a one-hitter for the third straight game, powering 6, Rolf Hoehle, WestGermanv,51.54. Nashua 54 66 5 X 25V9 7. 3B— Franco, Moseby. HR— Waliach X 5 2 3 3 Venable rf 2 1 0 0 8X — 1, (tavld Mack, U.S., 1:44.43 Lewis and Timmy White, running backs Cobb. The iate Jeff Koelsch will receive the Brock won the race and Thomas, six innings until losing pitcher San Diego to its fourth consecutive Albany 51 66 536 27 Thomas Stenhos rf 5 0 1 0 Leonard If 2 0 0 0 Robert Johnson and Kenny Simon, and Fronen 1b 5 0 11 Yongbldseconds. If 2 0 0 0 Z Juma Ndiwa, Kenya, 1:44.81. Soccer Unsung Award. UPI photo who had reached third, retreated Walt Terrell bit him with a pitch in WOlerbury X 40 534 38V3 (16). SB— Bannister (5). SF—Garcia. 3, James Moino, Kenya, 1:45.11. 4, Don tight end George Thompson; placed victory. Eric Show, 12-8, s ta rt^ (tiens M is 40 71 503 31 IP H R ER BBSO Hynn X 5 110 Dorvls cf 4 110 linebacker BUI Leary, widerecelver Jeff to second. the bottom of thesixth, forcing him Rogers p 4 0 10 O’Mallv Page, X 4 2 2 U.S., 1 1:45.65. 5, Wllll Wuelbeck, for the Padres but was forced to TOeedgy’s Beealte Terante West Germany, 1:45.92. Ralkes and defensive lineman Bret Sax then singled to center, out of the game with a bruised right Buffalo W, New Britain 4, Isl game Leal 8 5 4 4 2 3 James p 0 0 0 0 Robb c 3 111 Felknor on Inluredreserve. Evert-Lloyd advances leave in the sixth inning with an Kulper X 3 0 1 1 1J)X — 1, Hans-Peter Ferner, West England takes Bolton title scoring Brock and Thomas, with wrist. Steve Howe finished up and Buffalo 7, New Britain X 2nd gome Motfitt 13 0 0 0 0 0 Germany, 2:21.81 2, Facuzl Lahbl, ASLplayolls Minnesota — Cut wide receivers Perry injured hand. Wotsrbuiy X Lynn X 1st game Gelset 13 0 0 0 0 0 Mortin p 0 0 0 0 Parmelee, Rod Aether and Lamont Welch moving to second. After a recorded his 14th save. McGffgn p 0 0 0 0 Morocco, 2:21.93.3, Brian Therrolt, U.S., B«$t 2-of-3 BOLTON — England Hardware won the Bolton Expos 12, Giants 5 Lynn 5, WalerbiHV 0,2ndeatne McLoghln (W 7-2) 1 2 1 1 2 0 2:22.14. 4, Paul Rugut, Kenya, 2:217X 5, Patterson, center Steve Jackson, tight Second-seeded Chris Evert-Lloyd groundout that advanced Welch to Terrell, 4-5, had a three-game (tiens M is 10, Albany 7, Isl game Jackson (S 3 ) 13 I 0 0 1 0 May ph 10 11 JackMOvttle vi. Pennylvaiila end John Plstulko and cornerback Elex Women’s Softball Association championship At San Francisco, Andre Daw­ Calvert p 0 0 0 0 AbderrahmaneMorcell, Algeria, 2;X.11. (pRunylvaBla leadi tenes, i-O) reaches low to return a forehand during third. Dusty Baker delivered an winning streak snapped as he gave Albany 9, Glens M is X 2nd game aeveiand Also: David Pascal, U.S., 2:27.04. Williams. Wednesday, trouncing Syndet, 11-5. son, Gary Carter and Tim Waliach ' Beodlne 6, Nashua 0 Suttdff (L 139) 9 M 7 6 5 3 3 Welimn ph 1 0 0 0 Aug. 17 — Pennsylvania 3, Jacksonville Son Diego— Claimed rookie defensive RBI single. up seven hits in his seven innings. Barr p 10 0 0 Mile — 1, Steve Scott, U.S., 3:49.21. Z 0 Beverly Sadler was the winning pitcher. The her second-round match against Ameri­ hit home runs to give Montreal and wedneeday's BeesBi Easterly 0 1 0 0 0 0 John Walker, New Zealand, 3:49.71 3, tackle Gumest Brown on waivers from New York manager Frank How­ The Dodgers made it 4-1 in the Buffole 7, New Brttqln X 1st gome Splllner 13 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 42 12 16 11 Totals 34 5 8 5 Aug. 19 — Pennsylvania at Jacksonville Butfalo. game was played in Herrick Park. can at the Canadian Steve Rogers, 15- 7, the triumph. Montreal 303 380IX — 12 Thomas Wesslnghoge, West Ger­ X’Aug. 21 — Pennsylvania at Jackson- ard was equally stunned. New Britain X Buffalo 1,tnaem e Leal pitched to 2 batters In 9th; many, Hockey England finished second in the league’s regular eighth when Sax, aboard on a Rogers gave up eight hits and five Lynn 1, Wolerbury 0 Easterly pitched to 1 batter In 10th. Son Frondsco 0X031010— 5 vUle New Jersey— Signed defensemen Mike Open Tennis Tournament Wednesday. Game-winning RBI — Waliach (6). 3:49.x. 4, Sidney Maree, U.S., 3:X.X. 5, season with a 14-4 record. Syndet was third. Three "I thought Hodges tagged fielder's choice, stole second, runs, over eight innings. Rennie (31m M h 4, Albofiy 2 H B P -by Suttdiffe (Garda, Moseby). Dragon Zdravkovik, Yugoslavla,3:5124. Kitchen and Murray Brumwell and left Lloyd won the match 6-3, 4-6, 6-3. Brock,” said Howard. "With Tho­ Beodlne W, Nashua 3 T E— Little 2. DP— San Frandsco 1. LOB •••••••••••••••••••••• wing Paul Gagneto multi-year contracts. J ’s, first in the regular season, was knocked out reached third on an error and Martin, 1- 4, took the loss. — Montreal 5, Son Francisco 7. 2B— 6, Ray Flynn, Ireland, 3:513X Thotsdov's Oomee — 3:37. A-4,239. 3,0X — 1, Paul Klpkoedi, Kenya, Pittsburgh— Released defensman Paul earlier from the doubie-elimination tournament. Albany ol Buffalo Corter, Rabb. HR— Wollach (16), Carter Baxter. (15), Dawson (26). SB— Raines 2 (55), 7:46.18. 2, Christoph Herle, West Three J ’s was the champion in 1982, the first Beading eS G Im M is (tarmony, 7:46.W. 3, Charles Cherouvot, R ad io , T V St. Louis (UPI) — Signed Jacques Lynn at New Britain Flynn (2), Rabb (1). S— McGafflgan. SF Demers to a two-year contract as coach year of the association’s existence. 0rlolaa4,RangaraZ(10) — Pettinl, Kulper. Kenya, 7:47.47, 4, Pauli Williams, Wolerburv orl Nashua Canada, 7:48.46. 5, Abderazag Bou- and traded defenseman Claude Julian IP H RERBBSO and a player to be named to Quebec as Jets-Bengals is no rematch BALTIMORE TB)(AS Montreal nour, compensotlon tor his signing. This lawyer Rogers (W 15-7) 8 8 5 2 2 4 Algeria, 7:50.16. 6, Mark Nenow, U.S., 7:X GHO Highlights, Channel X Top seeds advance ObrhM ObrhM 7:53.22. 9 Jets vs. Bengals, Channel 3 College Amrictn Lugui Shelby cf 3 0 0 0 Tolleson ss 5 1 4 1 James 1 0 0 0 0 0 9 Heavyweight bout; Broad vs. Diggs, Washington Stole — Named Richard By United Press International But for coach Forrest Gregg, life prising sixth-round pick Larry Ford rf 5 1 1 1 Bell X 5 0 10 Son Frondsco 3J)X steeplechase — 1, Henry Marsh, KINGS ISLAND, Ohio — The top three seeds all U.S., 8:1137 seconds. 1 Boguslav ESPN Young athletic director. goes on. Kinnebrew of Tennessee State, will Ripken ss 5 1 4 1 Wright cf 5 1 3 0 Martin (L 1-4) 21-3 4 6 6 2 1 notched second-round victories Wednesday in the Those looking for a rematch of Murray 1b 5 0 1 0 Parrish rf 4 0 0 0 McGafflaan 2 2-3 5 3 3 0 3 “ Yeah, well there's a new flavor be trying to impress. The 266- White Sox 7, Yankiu 5 (13| Calvert 2 4 1 1 0 1 $375,000 Association of Tennis Professionals last year’s Jets-Bengals playoff does the hype Roenick If 5 1 1 0 Sample It 4 0 2 1 to our football team,” Gregg said. pound fullback has been sensa­ Slngleln dh 4 0 2 1 Hostellr dh 3 0 1 0 Barr 2 3 2 2 0 2 Championships. game tonight best look elsewhere. “ Sometimes that’s good and some­ CHICAGO NBW YOBK TCruz X 4 0 2 0 BJones pr 0 0 0 0 WP— Mcftattlgon. T— 2 ;«. A— 5,299. In that playoff game just seven tional the first two exhibitions and LOS ANGELES (UPI) — Oh, how boxing has obrhM obrhM Dauer X 3 0 0 0 O’Brien 1b 4 0 0 0 After waiting through a 43-minute rain delay, times that's bad. But I can't worry Demers ready □ months ago, the Jets shocked the could win a starting job. changed. For years, fighters insulted each other ’, Stegmn ct 1 0 0 1 Rndiph 3b 5 0 0 0 Lwnstn ph 1 0 0 0 Stein X 4 0 0 0 top-seeded John McEnroe fired four aces through about what I have no control over. ” BLOW cf 3 12 1 Wynegor c 5 1 2 0 Sakata X 0 0 0 0 Sundbrg c 4 0 0 0 Astros 7, Reds 6 Bengals 44-17, with Freeman Both regular quarterbacks are in face-to-face confrontations designed mostly to ’ Pkk c 6 11 0 Winfield If 5 1 0 0 bast ihing Next 18 mph winds and never faced a break point in Jets coach Joe Walton will use Dempsey c3 0 0 0 beating Nduka Odizor of Nigeria 6-4, 6-4. McNeii amassing 202 yards on 21 expected to start Thursday night, sell tickets. Now, if they can’t appear at the news • Padork lb 5 1 1 0 (triffey 1b 6 2 2 1 Nolan c 0 10 0 the game to get his first look at Welker dh 6 1 1 0 Nettles 3b 6 1 3 3 HOUSTON CINCINNATI for Blues’ helm T o A N o w Second-seeded Canadian Open winner Ivan carries. But tonight’s 9 p.m. although neither is expected to conference, they send their attorneys to insult ' Totals M 4 11 3 TotaN 30 2 11 2 ObrhM ObrhM McNeil and defensive end Joe someone. Kittle It 3 131 Baylor dh 4 0 0 1 Boltlmors 8WSS20M3-4 Doran X 5 2 4 1 Milner cf 4 0 0 0 Lendl stroked 10 aces to beat Marcos Hocevar of rematch at Riverfront Stadium is finish. ib-ee 1b 2 1 1 1 Kemp rt 3 0 0 0 C h a v ro U t Klecko. Both were held out of the. Tskoe IMSSIOWO— 2 Puhl rf 4 0 2 1 Bench ph 10 0 0 ST. LOUIS (U PI) — During the months the St. Louis Brazil 6-2, 6-4, and No. 3 seed Jimmy Connors oniy an exhibition. Alexis Arguello was a no-show at a news nee rf 6 0 13 Mttngly rf 3 0 1 0 -Game-Winning RBI — Ford (8). Than ss 3 0 12 Redus If 3 10 0 latE Modtl Usffd first two pre-season games to help Cincinnati’s Ken Anderson VLow 3b 6 0 3 1 Smalley u 3 0 0 0 Blues were in danger of either going out of business or A struggled somewhat in the first set against And the lives of many Bengals conference Wednesday, but his attorney took the a E— Stein. DP— Baltimore 3. Garner X 4 0 0 0 Conepen ss 3 1 1 0 i/J them recover from knee surgery. played one quarter of the first opportunity to blast champion Aaron Pryor, Plelchr ss 3 0 00 Robrtsn se 2 0 1 0 LOB— Cruz If 5 111 Driessn 1b 3 0 0 1 moving, virtually all of the players said they wanted Cor from Carfar't Anders Jarryd but rallied to score a 7-5, 6-1 have changed since that playoff Holryln ph 1 0 0 0 Moreno ct 5 0 0 0 Baltimore 7, Texas 7. 2B— Wright, McNeil and Klecko are expected to pre-season game and one half of Knight 1b 5 0 2 0 Walker It 2 0 0 1 the team to stay in St. Louis. Our lato modal usud cars victory. loss — thus effecting the once- accusing him of using unpadded gloves in his Oybmk ss2 0 10 Singleton, Ford. 3B— Sample. HR— Mmphry ct 5 1 3 0 Power p 0 0 0 0 aru guaranloud lor 1 year play only the first half. Cruz 2b 6 110 proud team that went to the Super the second — and was razor sharp 14th-round knockout of Arguello last Novem ber.. Tolleson (3). SB— Shelby (9). S— MIzerock c 3 1 0 0 Cedeno ph 1 1 1 1 or 42,000 mllaa agolnal For the Bengals, 0-2, No. 1 draft both times. taM e 49 7 M 7 Tetale 46 5 9 5 Shelby. Ryan p 1 2 0 0 Scherrer p 0 0 0 0 Caiifomia businessman Harry Omest made that Bowl two years ago. The two are scheduled for a rematch ; CMcose eei 1666216603-7 IP H R ER BBSO mo|or rapalra. Auerbach meets Woolf choice Dave Rimington will start September 9. i New^erti osoowznoMO-s Ruble p 2 0 10 Esaskv X 3 1 0 0 possible by completing the purchase of the team last Wide receiver Chris Collins- Bedthnore Oester 2b 4 12 3 month. Now, Jacques Demers intends to find out how at center. Veteran Blake Moore The Jets' Richard Todd, after Arguello was supposed to appear with Pryor Oomewlnnlne RBI— Soulree (1). Flanagan (W 7-2) 9 10 2 2 1 6 Knicely c 4 0 0 0 BOSTON — Boston Celtics General Manager worth goes to the USFL in 1985 and E^-Mnee. oK-^loogo 1, New York much the players meant what they said. SI rem o i m utooM s m m i wsooh started the first two games. Gregg missing last week's game because Wednesday but backed out at the last minute and Stoddard (S 7) 110000 Pastore p 10 0 0 V-4. MUX. AC. PS. P A R. »ood xldM. < 7 2 9 S Red Auerbach was expected to meet today with tight end Dan Ross moves to the X LOB-Chlooeo X New York 6. 2B-r ’ Twxdi Hayes p 0 0 0 0 Demers signed a two-year contract to coach the has indicated that Rimington’s of a bruised thigh, could play as remained at his Las Vegas training camp. Nettles, Squires. 3B— Cruz. HR— Tonona 5 23 8 2 1 0 1 so rofB awnsNO c n Larry Bird’s attorney to lay the groundwork for upstart league after this season. Foley ph 0 10 0 Blues Wednesday, a deal that came within 10 minutes • Cfi.. Mito- P8. PB. te«r«o c« m .. niMpiooted M 8 9 5 performance Thursday night will much as three quarters. He needs Attorney Bill Miller said Arguello would appear V. Cruz 113 0 0 0 1 2 Hoshidr rf 2 0 0 0 77 PONT CATAUNA t N contract proposals to the four-year NBA All-Star Defensive end Ross Browner and ^ ,* R . Low (1), Nettles (17). S B -R . O. Jones (L35) 213 2 2 2 1 1 of falling through when St. Louis and the Quebec determine the regular-season some playing time because he got at few news conferences because he doesn’t want Totals 17 7 14 S Totals 31 6 4 6 V<4. «ulO-. AC. P8. PB. AM-PM. 43495 _ forward. fullback Pete Johnson have been ^w (SS). i— Fletcher. SF— Sdimhtt 23 1 0 0 0 0 Houston 1X3X006-7 Nordiques could not agree on compensation. 79 CHIV. m s u 4 N starter. very little work in the first game, any distractions. T-3:44. A— 1X177. V-f. auto-. AC. PB, PB. n. low nillMoo. □ " I am going to sit down with Bob Woolf (Bird’s suspended for drug use by N FL CIndnnall ox IX Old— 6 "The players have indicated how much they wanted 44395 Another Cincinnati rookie, sur­ hitting four of eight for 24 yards. “ He’s digging in and doesn’t want to be (tame-wInnIng RBI — None. •1 M M OinASS U 4 N attorney) and get things started," Auerbach said Comissioner Pete Rozelle. IP H RBRBBSO to stay in St. Louis," Demers said. " I f they play V*B. auto. AC. P8. PB. erulta. ilarao. <4nyi roof. 4 7 6 9 5 disturbed," M iller said. “ All he wants is to get CMOS DP— Clndnnotl 2. LOB— Houston Wednesday. “ The two of us will go over where we 13, hockey the way we want them to, they will be here for 79 ail¥. 1M¥HW f N Aaron Pryor back in the ring. This is it for Alexis. Hovt 7 2 3 3 1 3 Twlna7,Marlnara4 4 eyi. 4 apd. B-fraek atarao, roar dafoeOPf. low mllaa. 4 3 1 9 5 stand and lay a foundation for more talks when 33 1 0 0 0 1 Cincinnati 4. HR— Cruz (10), (taster (11), a long time. Those who don’t work hard will not be If be loses this fight, it’s not just the fight he’ll Agesto Cedeno (8). S— Ryan, Ruble. SF— •1 a iv . nONTI CAMO CN L a r ^ and Bob return from their trip to Israel Lamp 33 2 2 2 0 0 MINNESOTA SEATTLE Thon. here. Now it’s time to back up what they said." V-B. aule.. AC. PB, PB. crulaa. rtar dal.. R 4 7 2 9 5 , Slow Pitch softball lose, it’s his career. If he loses here, it’s ail over. 11-3 3 0 0 0 0 (which begins Saturday). It’s more or less a ObrhM . ObrhM IP H RERBBSO The announcement, of Demers’ appointment as 7f M M CBIIASS SMMM CM It’s the end.” Borels (W 33) 314 3 0 0 1 1 Breum cf 5 12 0 Bernzrd X 4 0 1 0 Houston v-4. auto.. AC, PB. PB^ crulaa, mar dat„ atarao oaM. 45795 chance to see how Larry views things." New York coach of the Blues was delayed for about 30 minutes M PONI PMliaB BPBMT CPI Pryor thrashed Arguello Nov. 12 and the fight Costlne X 4 0 0 1 RNelson If 4 0 0 0 Ryon 41-3 3 5 4 6 3 nirley 433 3 3 3 3 3 Word If 4 12 2 Roenick cf 2 2 0 0 Ruhla (W 63) 413 1 1 1 0 2 while final negotiations between St. Louis and the V-B, auto., AC, PB, PB, atarao oaaa.. raar daf. 4 6 9 9 5 was stopped in the 14th round. Arguello sustain^ 333 4 3 3 0 1 •I Mmt CMIfiV ll« m 4 N Goeltl X 5 11 2 Putnam 1b 4 0 I1 (iindnnall Nordiques on the compensation were completed. numerous facial cuts and bruises, and it was the Goetoge 333 3 1 1 1 3 Bush dh 3 10 0 Chmbrs dh 3 1 1 0 Pastor (L 611) 41-3 9 7 6 3 2 V-B, auto, A C PB. PB. R. roar daf. 47950 Hall-of-Famer Averill dies Mbnov (L 34) -3 5 3 3 0 1 Brnnsky rf 3 1 2 2 SHndrs ph 1 0 0 0 In exchange for releasing Demers from a new I t V O iniA N If 4 M Tourney continues tonight Hayes 2-3 0 0 0 0 0 4 oyi. 4 a ^ . rMle. lifea nawi amonjof punishment he absorbed that prompted H B P -by Hoyl(Wlnlleld). Balk-Hoyt. Ullger lb 4 0 0 0 DHndrs rf 4 1 1 3 Power 3 5 0 0 3 1 three-year contract to coach their Fredericton, New 44495 EVERETT, Wash. — Baseball Hall-of-Famer his handlers to claim P ryor’s trainer, Panama T-4 :0 X A-30574. wshngt ss 4 1 2 0 J Net son c 2 0 1 0 •1 BOMI CMT lAUV CN Scherrer .100010 Brunswick, team in the American Hockey League, the 4 oyt.. auto., tearno. pop>up roof, mar daf. Earl Averill Sr., who achieved stardom as an The Town Slow Pitch Softball Lewis, had removed the padding from his Laudner c 3 1 0 0 Moeee j X 1010 PB— MIzerock, Knicely. T — 2:44. A— 44995 Irish Insurance 10, Reed Con­ Duchena smacked three hits for Allen 3b 3 0 10 Nordiques received minor league defenseman Claude 7f HIOI M«A1 CN lANBAB outfielder with the Cleveland Indians in the 1930s, Tournament moves into its fourth fighter’s gloves. 11,981 V-B. auto.. AC. PB. PB. AM^M. mar daf.. vinyl roof 4 5 6 9 5 struction 2 Jim ’s. Castillo ph 1 0 0 0 Julien and their choice of another player on a list had one last moment in the sun when he attended night of competition tonight with Earlier this summer, Lewis was banned from TlgarxtO,Rayala4 Owen ss 3 0 0 0 •1 aiiv.cnAm ii4N At Robertson, Irish pounded Glenn Construction IS, Highland submitted by the Blues. V

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(and the Federal Savings & Loan Insurance IMMEDIATE OPENING MANCHESTER-One, two COVENTRY — Three PAINTING AND PAPER banks and S&Ls carry heavy insurance and, in the LO A M - 5 yards, $60.00 CHRYSANTHEMUMS — 1979 PonHBC Tram Am •5500 Corp., which insures most savings & loans) and QUESTION: Are there any items I shouldn't keepin tor shipping clerk. Expe­ and three bedroom bedroom lokefront HANGING — Exterior 27 NORTH STRST unlikely event that the contents of your box are taken, plus tax. Washed sand, Many varieties. 29Moun­ 1976 Pontiac Formula •2600 my safe-deposit box? rience not necessary. apartments. Heat and hot house, fireplace, modern and Interior, ceilings re­ Sunday August 21st 1975 Ford Pinto . _ _ _ _ prepared this Q&A. FDIC adds that in the event of an emergency — you stone, trap rock, and tain Road, Glastonbury. A NSW ER : The FDIC, the FSLIC and the controller this will protect you against your loss up to the limits Apply In person, Man­ water. $400, $440, $495. kitchen. Available Sep­ paired. References, fully Station Wagon *1300 MUESTION: What happens to my safe-deposit box must get a will or other important document— special grovel. 643-9504. Near Mlnneochoug Golf 9am til Dork of currenby say. there are no regulations on what to of liability. Those limits vary from bank to bank or chester Modes, Pine Coll 649-4800. tember thro June. Refer­ insured. Quality work. C«dBr cNm I. doNitno. round UM b The above can be if the bank (or S&L) fails and a payout to depositors arrangements can be made for you to get early access Street, Manchester. Course. wHh lour toldNig t M i * , u m KiI lor keep — and not to keep— in your safe-deposit box. The S&L to S&L, depending in part on the size of the ences. Security. $550 per Martin Mottsson, even­ porch or patio. seen at SBM occurs? to your box. EOE. ANSWER: You will be notified of the payout —- QUESTION: Has anyone ever lost the contents of a whole concept is to provide you with a safe place for institution. MANCHESTER — Du­ month. Coll 742-7831. ings 649-4431. Number one tomatoes, 913 Main St. You should. In fact, ask your institution now about plex, three bedrooms, 1 Va MANY OTHER ITEMS! where and when it will occur — and at that time will be safe-deposit box in a bank or S&L due to a closing or your possessions. Thus there are no regulations, GRILL PERSON/SE- 25C/Ib. Canning - obscure or otherwise, regarding federally insured what protection it has provided for you. And you baths. $550 monthly plus INTERIOR — EXTE­ $300/holf bushell. Also encouraged to retrieve the contents of your box. The failure? COND COOK — Expe­ Store/Oftioe Space ALUMINUM SHEETS should certainly read — and reread — your contract. utilities. Security and ref­ RIOR Pointing — Wal­ used os printing plates — peppers. 90 Lake Street, rience necessary. erences- required. Coll lpapering and dry wall Cors/Trucks for Sole 71 Motorcycles/BIcycles 72 Get your lawyer’s help as well. Downtown Hartford lo­ .007" thick, 23 X 24". 50« Manchester, 647-9396. Q UESTIO N: How can I prove that I had in my Monday through Friday, Installation. Quality pro­ each, or 5 for $2.00. Phone cation. Call between 9am-5pm, 6431974. fessional work. Reasona­ safe-deposit box what I claim that I kept there? 2:30pm and 3:30pm for EXCELLENT O F F IC E 6432711. They M U S T be HOUSEPLANTS — Small Sports insurance is risky but growing A N SW ER : Keep an inventory of the contents of M AIN S TR E E T— 500/1000 ble prices. Free esti­ picked up before pots, $1.00. Large pots, 2 1983 PLYMOUTH HO­ 1981 Y A M A H A 850 S P E ­ appointment to Inter­ M ANCHESTER — Spa­ mates. G .L. McHugh, RIZON — 4 cylinder. 4 your box in a safe place somewhere outside the box! view. 728-4330. sq..tt., heat, lonltor, park­ 11:00a.m. only. tor $5.00. Hardy ground CIAL — Red with custom which insurance companies "have to cious four room apart­ ing, olr. Reasonable. 649- 6439321. speed. Standard. 4 door cruiser seat. Excellent NEW YORK (UPI) - About the more specialized business and the bought for the Olympic Games. Am eri­ Do this Just to make sure you recall what you placed in cover. Coll 649-6486. ment. Screened porch. 5334, 6437175, 6431393. Hatchback. Rustproofed. condition. Only 2800 fastest growing — and chanciest — riskier Iracause a horse that is a big can Broadcasting Cos., for example, take sporting chances” because the your box — if for no other reason. You’ll be able to MUNSON’S CANDY K IT­ advance information about the proba­ Adults. No Pets. One,cor QUALITY PAINTING — 400 original miles. Still miles. $3000. Call 6434178. area of the insurance business is winner can be valued so highly, both for bought a $200 million policy to protect locate your passport on short notice or confirm that CHEN Is accepting appli­ parking. Security. 649- Interior . and Exterior. under Warranty. Owned racing and stud purposes, and because its expected radio and television bilities and possibilities is scarce as you really did store your great aunt’s pearl stickpin In cations for evening and 600 Square Feet of store Pets 65 sports. 1265. front or offlce'spoco. $400 Commercial ond Resi­ bv an estate. $5500. Call FOR SALE: Silver, tak- horses are vulnerable to accident, revenue^ for the 1984 summer Olym­ compared with other insurance ar^ s. your box, not your jewel case at home. weekend emplovment. EXCELLENT QUALITY The business is written for the most monthly plus utilities. dential. Free estimates. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 6431974, 9 to 5, ask for ara sport 10, 19" tram. disease and fire. pics at Los Angeles. This policy, bought The skyrocketing pay levels of So far in 1983 — through July — failures of Hours are Monday - Fri­ SEASONED HARD­ part by a few large multiline compan­ MANCHESTER — Two 643-6712. Fully insured. Coll 289- Tracy. Good condition. $95. Coll from the Firem an’s Fund group, is professional athletes and the huge day, 4pm-8pm, 8 hours WOOD - Oak - Maple - LOVEABLE PUPPY — ies and is considerably riskier than In addition, racetracks must have FDIC-insured banks totaled 32. In all of 1982, the total and three room apart­ 0730. • 6434607. general commercial insurance, ac­ the same liability, fire, workmen’s designed to protect against political investment teams have in their con­ was 42. In 1940, the total was 43. Saturday or Sunday. Call ments, $280, $325, $350. Hickory. $85/cord. Two Cocker/Beagle, black 1976 B U IC K S K Y NEWLY DECORATED cord minimum. Call 649- cording to the Insurance Information compensation, theft and other cover­ risks — such as the way the U.S. tracts, are the main reasons the In this era, it would not be at all surprising if bank for appointment, 649- Phone 6432426, 9 to 5 and white. Five months. HAWK— Good condition. 4332. O FFICE SPACE in Man­ Bullding/Contracting 53 1831 anytime. Institute. age required in other sports. dropped out of the Moscow Olympics. market has grown so. failures reached and surpassed the total of 1940 — weekdays. chester. Centrally lo­ Shots. Trained. Requires Call after 5pm, 6430682. Rec Vehicles 73 But the insurance market is enor­ But the Insurance Information Insti­ Schiff pointed out that if a team has a before World W ar II and more than 40 years ago. Most more time than I can It divides roughly into two fields: MATURE PERSON cated with ample park­ mous for professional team sports — tute’s Schiff and John L. Stief, player under a three-year contract at 1983 failures are the result of the institutions’ MANCHESTER ADULT ing. Coll 649-2891. provide. $35. Call after 1975 VW R A B B IT — As is, horse racing and all other sports. N EED ED to babysit in 6pm, 649-4237. Samuel Schiff, a writer for the 180 major league teams and an equal marketing director of Insurance Co. of $750,000 a year, its obligation is $2.25 substantial losses on loans. Our biggest, world- APARTMENT COM­ LEON CIESZYNSKI CIOTWS FBI SJUE $300. Call after 5pm, 649- PLEASURE B O A T — my home weekday morn­ 3663. inst itute, says it’s almost impossible to number of minor league clubs plus North America’s Prosport program, million and it needs an accident policy famous banks are as much at fault in these loans as PLEX — One bedroom BU ILD ER — New homes, Girls sizes 10 and 12. Good skiing. 15' 4” Glas- ings for two children. apartment, centrally lo­ Services Offered 51 DOG TRAINING — Eight tell which is the bigger portion. colleges that play big time sports. said regularteam and individual sports in that amount for itself at a stiff the smallest, most naive managements. additions, remodeling, Shxlent and Junior tron 65 HP Mer. Cruiser. Own transportation. Call cated on busline, heat, week obedience class. 1971 FO R D VAN E-100. Racing insurance is perhaps a little ’I’he most spectacular coverage is insurance is a fast-growing market in premium. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa rec rooms, garages, kit­ sizes In sweaters, Trailer cover and extras. ^ 1 2 6 6 after 4pm. Starting August 22nd. Excellent engine, mag hot water. All electric C & M TREE Service — chens remodeled, ceil­ $2000, best offer. Call kitchen, dishwasher, ings, both tile, dormers, blouses, coats, pants Coll 643-9839 for wheels, customized inte­ ELECTR ICIA N — E2 M- Free estimates, discount and cords. New and registration. 742-7719. r oven and refrigerator In­ senior citizens. Company roofing. Residential or rior. Rest as Is. $900. Coll cense, experienced In re­ cluded. Security deposit commercial. 649-4291. used, but in excellent Bob, 649-6840 before 4pm. sidential, commercial. Manchester owned and and one year lease re­ operated. Coll 6431327. corxtitlon. Also new Misc. Automotive 76 Call MGA Electric, 649- quired. No pets. Laundry FARRAND REMODEL­ paperback books for Musical Items 66 8925. available. 6437135 or 643 REWEAVING BURN ING — Cabinets, roofing, $1.00. Call 646-1766 1 976 CHEVROLET eaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 9674. CHEVETTE — Body, 643-2711 HOLES — zippers, um­ gutters, room additions, for appointment to REAR WINDOW OF 1977 good condition. Runs Classified—Store/Office Space ...... 44 Household G oods...... 62 brellas repaired. Window decks, all types of remo­ aee any of the above. ANTONIUS STRADIVA- Business Opportunities .. .22 For advertisements to be CHEVY PICKUP Real Estate T W O A N D TH R E E shades, Venetian blinds. deling and repairs. FREE good. New front and back Notices Situation Wanted...... 23 Resort Property ...... 45 Misc. for Sale ...... 63 Rates published Monday, the dead­ RIUS CREMONENFIS TRUCK. $15 or Best Offer Minimum Charge: ROOMS, apartment for Keys. T V FOR RENT. estimates. Fully Insured. brakes and tires. Call Lost/Found...... 01 Employment Info...... 24 Misc. for Rent...... 46 Home and Garden ...... 64 line Is 2:30 p.m. on Friday. Faciebat Anno, 1726 Vlo- 643-1263 or 646-9889. takes It. Call 643-4251. $2.25 for one day aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa rent. Heat and hot water. Marlow’s, 867 Main Telephone 6436017. lln. Call 627-5454, Personals...... 02 Instruction...... 25 Wanted to Rent...... 47 Pets ...... 65 Call 563-4438 or 529-7858. Street. 649-5221.______Homes tor Sale 3i anytime. TWO STUDDED SNOW Announcements...... 03 Roommates Wanted ...... 48 Musical Items ...... 66 P er W ord: C U S T O M SMALL FRANKLIN 1970 SKY LARK WAGON Recreational Items ...... 67 1-2 d a y s ...... 15« Read Your Ad BRICKS, BLOCKS, S TO V E — Never used. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa — Runs. Needs work. TIRES — One regular Auctions...... 04 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa MANCHESTER — Three REMODELING- tire, E78X14. Like new. Real Estate Antiques...... 68 3-5 d a y s ...... 14« bedroom, six room du­ STONE — Concrete. $90. Call 742-7193. Good body. $200. Call Services Classified advertisements Chimney repairs. No lob Bothrooms, kitchen, rec Recreational Items 67 $15 each. Phone 649-6841. Homes for Sale...... 31 Ta g Sales...... 69 6 d a y s ...... 13< are taken by telephone as a Ma n c h e s t e r — 4i plex. Security and refer­ rooms, roofing, siding, 6434968. too smoll. Coll 6438356. LOVELY FRENCH PRO­ Condominiums...... 32 Services Offered...... 51 Wanted to Buy ...... 70 26 d a y s ...... 12< convenience. Phelps Road, 6 room ences. $475 plus utilities. house repairs. Licensed aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Financial Colonial. Large front VINCIAL curio cabinet, 1972 D A TS U N 1200 — 4 TW O 16’/2 bv 16 inch tires. Lots/Land for Sale ___ __ .33 Palnting/Poperlng...... 52 Happy Ads: The Manchester Herald Is Coll 6433253. EXPERIENCED and experienced. Coll Almost new, and two new Mortgages...... 11 porch, two car garage, Gory 6434743 or 649-8516. light In top three glass G O L F C LU B S — M en’s cylinder, 4 speed. Engine Investment Property ...... 34 Bullding/Contracting...... 53 $3.00 per colum n inch responsible only for one Incor­ PAINTER-Quolitv work. full matched set. Sears, tubes. $99 for all. Call Personal Loans...... 12 beautiful park-llke back­ MANCHESTER — Five Reasonable rotes. Fully shelves, cupboard on bot­ and running gear. Excel­ Business P ro p e rty...... 35 Roofing/Siding...... 54 rect insertion and then only J.C. Higgins, Persimmon 649-6792. Insurance...... 13 Automotive yard. $74,900. Marlon E. room, 'two bedroom Insure'd. Free estimates. DESIGN KITCHENS by tom. $99. Liquor cabinet, lent for parts, $95. Call Resort Property...... ,— 36 Heating/Plumbing...... 55 Deadlines for the size of the original $99. Phone 6434985. woods, pro bag, balls. In 643-8880. Wanted to Borrow ...... 14 Robertson, Realtor, 643 apartment. Appliances, 6439237, osk for Jerry. J. P. Lewis. Cabinets, Flo o rin g ...... 56 Cars/Trucks for Sale ...... 71 For classified advertise­ insertion. 5953. excellent condition. $85. T W O A-78-13 FIR E; heat and hot water In­ vanities, formica, Wilson STONE Snow Tires. New Income Tax Service ...... 57 Motorcycles/BIcycles___ 72 ments to be published Tues­ cluded. $450 monthly. ODD JOBS, Trucking. 8mm MOVIE CAMERA, Coll 649-1794. TOYOTA, 1979 Corolla — Errors which do not lessen art, Corlon counter tops, wheels. Like new, off Rentals Services W anted...... 58 Rec Vehicles...... 73 day through Saturday, the References and Security. Home reoolrs. You name kitchen cabinet fronts, film viewer, editor Standard, 4 speed. Under Employment the value of the advertisement Condominiums 32 It, we do It. Free estl- Vega. $75. Call 643-4829. Rooms for Rent ...... 41 Auto Services...... 74 deadline Is noon on the day will not be corrected by an Call 6433253. complete woodworking splicer. Never used. Man­ 50,000 miles. Very good For Sale motes. Insured. 643-0304. ual operotlon. $20. Call Antiques 68 condition. Call 643-8539, & Education Apartments for Rent...... 42 Autos for Rent/Lease...... 75 before publication. service, custom mode additional Insertion. 6432190. evenings best. Court of Probate, Help Wanted ...... 21 Homes for Rent...... 43 Hoi Iday/Seasonal...... 61 Misc. Automotive ...... 76 D U P LEX — Five Rooms, FOGARTY BROTHERS furniture, colonial repro­ aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa District of Coventry SOUTH WINDSOR — two bedrooms. Security ductions In wood, 9 varie­ — Bathroom remodel­ 1968 PONTIAC T E M P ­ NOTICE OF HEARING Newly built one bedroom ond References required. ties of hardwood and PEARCE SHIMPSON W A N T E D ANTIQUES: In Re Thereso Shoves, o ing; Installation water EST — Four door, hard­ cone. Appliances. Air $400 per month. Group 1 heaters, garbage dispo­ veneers NOW IN STOCK Depth recorder. Dolphin Early Victorian, Oak, minor conditioning. Fireplace, 100 model, brand new, 1920’sand miscellaneous. top. Running condition. Pursuant to on order of Hon. Lost/Found 01 Emplovment Help Wanted 21 Help Wanted 21 Help Wanted 21 Help Wanted 31 Help Wanted 21 Phllbrick Agency, 643 sals; faucet repairs. 649- Coll 649-9658 or evenings, William E. FitzGerald, Act­ Notices pool, tennis and more. 4200. 289-7010. never been used. Cost Please call 643-8709. Body fair. $250. Call 742- 7657. VIso/MosterCord 9423. ing Judge, doted August 12, ••••••••••••••••••••••a & Education aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaeoaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaeaa ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••« asyaaea Call 649-5928 after Spm. occepted.______$150, sell for $99, or best 1963 0 hearing will be held on MANCHESTER — Du­ offer. Call 6439132. on application proving tor LOST — Grey and white aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaeaa NEEDED IMME- ROBERT E. JARVIS — authority to compromise a FDRNmilE S B ^ plex, three bedrooms. WILLING TO DO ODD Building and remodeling Tag Sales 69 FIAT, 1976, 131 — Four Lost/Found 01 fluffy male kitten, two DIATELY — Mature, re- Lets/Lond tor Sale 33 door, automatic trans­ doubtful and disputed claim Help Wanted 21 Upholsterer and furniture $450 monthly plus hoot JOBS, Housecleaning, specialist. Editions, gar­ FAMOUS NAME SKIN against Leo P. Masson and months. Vicinity Oak sponsible, GOOD HOOK AND EAiNINC POTENTIAL mission, low miles. Ex­ * A IR CONDITIONING rafinleher lor on the road and utilities. No pets. pointing or wood work­ ages, roofing, siding, kit­ CARE and glamour cos­ aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Gerald Masson In favor of Street. Reward. Call 643- grandmotherly type per­ Walter/Waltress - Positions available serving quality service. Apply In person: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ing. Hove own transpor­ cellent condition. $1800. sold estate os in sold applica­ aaaaaaaaaaaaaaoaoaasaaa SERVICE Mechanic — Security and references chens, bathrooms, re- metics at less than half LOST — SMALL FE­ 9625, evenings. son to help care for products in pleasant surroundings. Excellent oppor­ tation. Coll 647-0329 or MOVING! MUST SELL! Call 6432788. tion on (Me more fully op- Conscientious person ex- Puritan Furnitur* FREE CATALOG of land required. Call 6432554. placement price, from $3.00 to $600. oeors, at the Court ot Pro­ c t SEWERS — Established newborn and 2 year old In tunity to supplement your Income needs with (full or 6430016.______Llvlngroom set, dinin­ M A L E A , Black tiger, perlenced In 1661 Maw 6rita6i Avaasa bargains, 5 acres to 500 windows/doors. 643-6712. Call 649-8111 evenings. bate In M anchester on white paws and white FOUND — Money, East nationwide pillow manu­ my home. Part time. Own part Ume) year round employment. Above average In­ groom set, antique August 26, 1983 at 10:00 a.m. Center Street. Identify facturer has Immediate tranportation a must. come. uniforms and generous food discounts pro­ commercial-industrial acres, covering all New MANCHESTER — Nice AMBITIOUS COLLEGE aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa butcher block plus stools, chin. Last In vicinity of England and New York three room apartment. METAL CHAISE Crochet Frog Bertha E. Roppe, Clerk and pay ad. Reply to Box full time openings. Expe­ Vernon area. Call 646- vided. Must be over 18. For details call the manager equipment and systems. S TU D E N T — Seeks odd Roofino/SIdIng washing machine, refrig­ 021-08 Main and Williams License required. Com­ PAPER CUTTER — For State at lowest Imagina­ Heat and electricity In­ lobs. Pointing and lawns LOUNGE with spring. Streets. If seen call 643- RR, c/o The Herald. rience preferred. Day 5153, leave number with between 2 and 7 p.m. 646-1437 erator, other Items. pany vehicle provided, trade bindery In Hartford., ble prices. Write LAND cluded. Security deposit. ore specialty. Coll Jeff, Good condition. Call 649- 4251. shift. Five day week. Full answering service. 0 7944. Price $30. Priced to sell. 10am to LOST — Vicinity Con­ benefit program. Includ­ friawfiy Bestow i ts with excellent wages and area. Must be familiar C ATALO G, P.O. Box 938, No Pets. Coll 649-9092. 647-9013.______6pm. 56 Wetherell Street, Graceful benefits. Contact Envir­ with Lawson and Polar., No. Adams, MA 01247. BIDWELL HOME Im­ LO ST In vicinity of upper gress Street, lost for two ing sewing incentive. 199 Ip ioser Street Manchester. August 20th Apply at Plllowtex Corp., onmental Service Corp., cutters. Plant requires TWO BEDROOM TOWN- GRANDMOTHER’S provement Company — ROYAL STANDARD TY­ Hebron Avenue, Glaston­ weeks. Grey and white Moodwetw HOUSE, INC., MAN­ PEWRITER, $45. Twin and 21st. 49 Regent Street, Man­ 522-6225. quality work. Day shift.' HOUSE with fireplace, Roofing, siding, altera­ bury. "Jack" Black cat long haired female cat. ______EOE ______CHESTER — We provide bed, $50. Roman Chair chester, Connecticut. ATTENTION H O U S E ­ Start Immediately. Apply Rentals heat, hot water, carpet­ tion, additions. Same with white dot on chest, Wearing red collar. Call structured daycare and number for over 30years. Excerciser, Like new, 647-8028. WIVES, VACATIONING LIGHT CUSTODIAN to Box R, c/o The Herald. ing, air conditoners, oil HUGE TAG SALE black whiskers. Timid. appliances. Coll 647-1595. nursery school to 12 649-6495. $65. Call 649-7862. STUD EN TS, anyone with W ORK — Evening hours, “SomalNng For EraryrrnaT ( $50 Reward. Call 659-0784. SECRETARY for Man­ children in our pleasant free time In the evenings! port time. Coll 6434000. RELIABLE WOMAN to' re Sartaa Ml Iaa4. «a W n r. Personals 02 chester law Office. Chal­ care for elderly woman..- Rooms for Rant 41 MANCHESTER — FOUR home-llke setting. State 1982 DUNRUSS BASE­ LOST — Approximately There are a limited licensed and staffed by Househald Goods 62. BALL Cards — Full box talaa Ma Mi aai. number of positions op­ lenging full time position SECURITY GUARD — Coll 6435913. LARGE ROOMS. First August 7th, In vicinity of coring professionals. We of 36 packs, $8.75. Call Sagait 19tk, 20th 6 21tt ] ening In our phone sales OIL COMPANY OPEN­ includes some paralegal Early evenings and wee­ floor, new kitchen, stove, Park Street. Female INGS — Offshore rigs responsiblltles. Will train FULL TIME TELLER — GENTLEMAN PRE­ nice neighborhood, con provide your child after 4pm. 742-6016. black cat with white paws CAMBRIDGE DIET operation. If you have a kends. C all 673-2597, USED REFRIGERA­ accepting applications. on word processor. Expe­ between 7am and 4pm. Will train. Monday thru- FERRED. $50.00 weekly. fenced yard, no utilities, with o home owov from and white patch on chest. PLAN — Information good voice and the desire TORS, WASHERS, T W O FAMILY TAG meetings Mondays No experience. $24,000 rience preferred, but not Frldoy with occassional Kitchen privileges. 643 no pets. $400 month. Coll home. Coll now, 649-8920 SEVEN TRIPLE TRACK Answers to "Whiskers" to make your free even­ or 6439608.______Ranges - clean, guaran­ storm windows. Two lou­ SALE — 111 Russell 10:30am and 7:30pm. 150 ings profitable, call plus. For Information required. Call 6437779. RESPONSIBLE WOMAN Saturdays. Apply In per­ 2000. 742-8650. Call collect, 1-974-2131. call (312) 920-9675, ext. teed, parts and service. vered doors, new. Two Street, Manchester. Sun­ North Main Street, Man­ Gerry for an Interview at to care for two small son to Marilyn Eden, RICHARDSON MA­ day, August 21st. 9am to 2340P, also open SHIPPING AND RE­ children In my home. South Windsor Bank & LADIES ONLY — Free MANCHESTER — Two Low prices. B.D. Pearl & aluminum storm doors. LOST — All black male chester. 646-3994. 643-2711, Mondav- SONRY — Brick, block, Son, 649 Main Street, 4pm. evenings. CEIVING CLERK — for Own transportation. Coll Trust, 959 Sullivan parking. On busline. Kit­ bedroom furnished flat. stone, plastering, chim­ One entrance door. Call cat. Right eve chroni­ Wednesday evenings be­ 6432171. 6439744, anytime. LOSE WEIGHT — Main­ SECRETARY — with ex­ tween 6:30 and 7:30. Will parts department of 6432023. Avenue, South Windsor. chen privileges. Security First floor. $400 month ney repairs, fireplaces, cally runs. Answers to wholesale distributor. T A G S A LE — August 20th tain or gain. 100% money cellent shorthand and train qualified Individu­ CLERK TYPIST — Per­ EOE-______^ and references required. plus utilities. Security. masonry landscaping. "Cricket" Vicinity of typing skills needed for Opportunity for right per­ No pets. Quiet area. Call DECORATIVE FRUIT- FOR SALE: Kitchen ta­ and 21st. 110 Hackmdtack South Alton Street, hospi­ back guarantee. Ten to 29 als to earn $67.00 to son Friday. Opportunity F U L L T IM E — Customer Call 6432693. Free estimates. B. Ri- WOOD Shelved Mirror Street, Manchester. diversified duties in a son to learn all aspects of 524-5127. chordson, 742-7437. ble with formica top, tal area of West Middle pounds per month. All $120.00 weekly. C A L L open in small association relations clerk. Checking PART TIME days or with sconces, 21 X 47. Fiesta dishes, old trunk, natural, no additives or small, very busy office. appliance parts business. department. Heritage nights. Apply In person of ANDOVER LAKE — Pri­ chrome edging, 8” center Turnpike. Reward. Call NOW 11 office for person with all NEED A HELPING Excellent condition. $70. 30W/40 • 48 metal bed, hardware and preservatives. Full nutri­ Well organized and con­ Phone 5233781 for Inter­ Savings & Loan. Good Bonanza. Monday thru. vate home. Soiling, FOUR ROOM APART­ leal. wide, four 646-4174. around office procedure view appointment. MENT — Available Sep­ HAND around the house? Call 649-1847. chairs, $30 Call 6431145. many assorted Items. tion program. Call 289- genial personality a posi­ experience. Excel lent be­ typing skills, CIS expe­ Friday between 2pm and swimming, fishing, etc... tember 1st. $375 plus Mowing lawns, pulling 2260. tive factor. Send resume nefits and working condi­ rience helpful. EO E. Call 4pm. 287 West Middle A ll privileges. Non- with salary requirements FURNITURE RERNISHER utilities. Security and one weeds or shoveling snow.- SOFA, THREE CU­ T A G S A L E — 53 Eldridge Experienced furrilture fin­ tions tor dependable per­ 649-4587. Turnpike, Manchester. smoker. Call 742-8740. Street. Friday and Satur­ to P.O. Box 5, Buckland year lease required. No Coll otter 4:30pm, 12 ye­ SHIONS, needs covering. BABY FURNITURE — l o s t — Female she- L O O K IN G FOR a se­ isher for steady full time son with a real Interest In ars old. Ask for Pom, Excellent construction. day, August 19th & 20th. PHOTO-GUIDE pherd/doberman cross, Station, Manchester, C T NEED A GOOD HOME?.. ROOM FOR RENT — pets. Coll after 4pm, 643 Crib, high chair, chang­ cond car for your fam­ position. Apply in person: a secure position. Con­ EXECUTIVE SECRE­ 644-0304. $30. Call 649-9345. • 9am to 3pm. EXCLUSIVE black and brown face. ily? Don't miss the 06040. WAITRESSES FULL or Live-In housekeeper-- Nice room, nice location. 1402. ing table and car seat. Puritan rumituro tact Mrs. Palmer, 289- T A R Y — Life Insurance One year old. Bolton mony offerings In fo- 1661 Osar OrHaia Aaaaaa part time: Also cooks, full /componlon, In exchange Coll 6439920. Call after 4:30pm. 643 9576, between 9am and or part time. Dishwasher. background. Vernon FOUR ROOM, first floor. TAG SALE — Two fami­ urea. Missed dearly. Call dav's classified Excellent Income for port 4:30pm, Monday thru for room, board, plus. 5150 or 6438316. time home assembly m m m SSm SiSm SSLi^^ Inquire at Antonio's Res­ area. Send resume to Appliances, carpeted, lies. 14 and 15 Ashwor- 647-9412. columns. Friday. Responsible, neat, non- ATTRACTIVE SLEEP­ th(off Autumn). Baby work. For info. Call 504- taurant, 956 Main Street, Jobs, P.O. Box H, Ver­ smoker. References. Coll ING ROOM — Gentle- two cor parking. $400 CHAIRS RESEATED — by Larry Wright 641-8003. Ext. 8201. ASSISTANT MANAGER Manchester. non, C T 06066. mon. Shower/Bath. monthly. Security, lease, Items, tools. Lots More! K{T ‘N’ CARLYLE™ 568-6414 afternoons. Cone, rood, fiber rush. FA N TA STIC BUYIl 100 POUND Bottle Gas Saturday, August 20th, — Bright, energetic, posi­ references. No pets. Some repairs. Custom Tank, $30. Call 643-5336. Private entrance, free Beautiful floral Couch/S- 10dm to 2pm. PART TIME TYPIS- tive, thinking person NIGHT MANAGER — . parking. Apply 195 Shown by appointment. built picnic benches. Coll leoper - Brand New, Must T/R E C E P TIO N IS T and needed to loin our grow­ Spruce Street, otter 4pm. 649-0783, 6837295. 5630638 after 4:3npm . WANTED — SECRE­ One full time, one port see to appreciate, $375. SANYO SEWING MA­ BOOKS, COLLECTA­ assistant In Manchester ing women’s promo­ OPENING Foil time. 12 midnight to 8am Double bed, excellent CHINE — 1977, rarely 5801 doctor’s office. Mature, tional fashion stores. TA R Y with clerical and FEMALE SENIOR Citi­ BLES, Miscellaneous. In convenience store. ROOMS — Available Im­ aABMA*S PUSCMOT condition, $25. Stereo, used, all attachments In­ Friday and Saturday, Au­ reliable person with plea­ Growth minded company people skills for well- mediately, Main Street zen with senior citizen cluded embroidery This easy-crochet Prog equipped office. Send re­ Start Immediately. Coll- UAINBIBCaira $30. Call 6438077. gust 19th & 20th. 9om to 8277 sant personality. Ap­ looking for exceptional A CUSTODIAN canine friend requires stiches, $95. Toro Power with brightly striped A U SIZIS 6334155. area. From $155 up. In­ .. pUBRBd 10 announeo Itwl ibowW bo 4pm. Adams Street proximately 15 hours. people. Call Linda at sume to Secretary, P.O. cludes all utilities. Call three room apartment. imoring 10 tnow and torgar taBMty on shovel, used once, $85. scarf will delight the I2W-24VI Box 847, Manchester, C T Jonuory 10.1gg4.Wo•r«no«r•co•p^ L IK E NEW — Box spring South. 60wpm minimum. Call Millie Frugal, Manches­ 6430108 before 9am or Coll 6436276 anytime. Coll 649-8294 anytime. youngsters. Pun to make . 06040. PART TIME CLERICAL log • NMMBd nuinbor of onroHmanlB and mattress. Frame and and give. 646-5153, leove message ter Parkade, 643-6116 for McDonald's* at 46 W. Center St.,. — Tw o positions opetr otter 5:30pm. tor ehHdron «fto btb g «p 91 headboard. $50. Call 643 A slimming style for the with service. appointment. MANCHESTER — Four monthi by Jonuory 1b, 1N4, LPN In TAG SALE — Two fam­ No. 5801 has crochet half-size figure with easy- COOKS, W AITERS and Manchester, Ct.haaen openkigforacue-:. Which Involve varied du­ tntanl room, oloetric brof pui 6891. ily. Friday and Saturday, and finishing directions fitting ragian sleeve and ties. Figure aptitude, CENTRALLY LOCATED ' room apartment, second •par* preiM ^ Ho4rBgo.n« •aasasaaaaaaassseaeaaaa waitresses and kitchen todlan. Reeponsibilities will Include Ma ralaa. Gomanlanty localid on August 19th & 20th. 9am to for 30-inch toy. softly ruffled collar. Long some typing and tel — Downtown. Exception­ floor. $350 a month plus Miohaafar/Iaal Harlfoid Nna. Can AUTO LUGGAGE RACK help. Call 429-9319. floors, walls, windows and outalda clean­ 3 Spm. 57 Brent Road, TO mOER, mb4 $2.00 far Mck sleeves, also. phoning. Morning and., ally Cleon rooms. Kitchen utilities. Lease. Security. to raaarva a apac* or tor addHional bv; M h c for Salt 63 — 51 X 85 aluminum and ittam, slat SOt far pettaot aM No. 8277 with Photo- CELEBRITY CIPHER ing. No Pets. Call after 5pm. toriRBtton. 040-4004. ^ Manchester. iidliii. CGtobrtty Ophor cryptograms a n crMtnd trxxn quotaOom by tamouB paopia, afternoon hours ovalla-- privileges. Mold, linen aaaaasasssasaseasasaaaa stainless steel. Suitable E Guide is in Sizes 12H to andpr«Mnt.EAehMtarlnttwoipiMrttAiid»torMiottMr. YDDMtof. FUEL OIL TRUCK Call 649-2142. •Hill CAzai DRIVER — Class II li­ ble. Apply In person from. service. Security re­ LIGHT TRUCKINS" — tor von or large station 24%. Size 14%, 37 bust, by CONNIE WIENER Manehaatar Haraia 3% yards 46-inch. Applicant must be 18 yrs. or older. 9om to 11:30am, Monday quired. Coll 6430694. asaaaaaaaaeaaaeaaaaaaaa Fall deon up, moving. wagon. $35. Phone 643 NOTICE TO CREDITORS cense required. Depen­ e ESTATE OF ALBERT J. dable fuel oil devllvery, thru Friday at Main Of­ Garages and cellars EN D ROLLS— 27V«»wldth. 3067. 1110 *fe." at Oiwleai Patterna availabla only “ C Y VERY EX JX JOY CAYX ••#•••••••••••••••••••• Homes for Rent 41 STEVENSON Naa Tart, N.Y. 100M in aixea ahown. east' of river. Expe­ Apply in person. fice, South Windsor Bank' cleaned. Free estimate. - 25 cents: 13% width - 2 The Hon. David C. Rappe, Wtat Naaia, M4rati ana Zir 8, Trust, 1033 John Fitch Apartments ter Rent 42 Coll 6438159. for 25 cents. M U ST be MOVING TO FLORIDA Judge, of the Court of Pro­ COOE aae Stpa kaaitar. TO ORDER, taaO $2JM tar okR TJXBEBJKYF VYJQX KM FWYJN EX rienced only. Full time. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Rittam, olut SOI for Rtitait u4 Insurance and benefits. Boulevard, South picked up at the Man­ — Must sell new genera­ bate, District of Coventry at SPECIAL: Over 200 ae- aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa tor, 8HP, 3500 watts. Liv­ a hearing held on August 12, hiiMlIlaf. Call 647-9137. McDonald’s® Windsor. M ANCHESTEft — Rent WILL BABYSIT IN MY chester Herald Office B E­ 1983 ordered that all claims l•etion8 and a FREE ARtAURmt FHTTEXTK KAEQKU-FYTMXB FMHXB 46 W. Center 8 t MANCHESTER— Apart­ with option to buy. Throe HOM E anytime. Call 647- FORE 11 AM ONLY. ing room set. 125 Honda must be presented to the Pattern Section fai the ■ Maneheeler Herald motorcycle and refriger­ ASSEMBLERS AND Man cheater, C T. .SNACK BAR — Monday, ment, three rooms, first bedroom home, walking 8832. fiduciary on or before No­ ALBUM . Just $3.00. tiM An.’af lUiiarlM TVEWF FM KAJK KAYU C M X’K OYK thro Friday, 9om fd 36m, floor. Coll otter Spm, distance to schools and SCREENED LOAM ------ator. Call 6437954. vember 12, 1983 or be barred loonaTfutueii Naa Tadu N.T. lOON COIL WINDERS — Fin­ OS bv law provided. 3110-M U S -0M aeO Ncia. New rrlnt Naiaa, AOMati alRi ZIF ger dexterity required. flexible, ^teihber 1st 87M179.______hospital. Wall-to-wall DAYCARE — Looking gravel, processed gravel, BRAND NEW picture .SPH.bo E. Rappe, Clerk la *aai Ikaaii htia la Mka ttao. CODE, stila Namknr aaO tlia. YBEKYB.” — PYFFETJ FJREKTA. Experience not nece3 thru November 30th. 18. carpeting. Newly deco­ for. child to watch at my sand, stone ond till. For The.tlduclory Is: 31M - R U n M I OORTt. M rated kitchen. Deck. Oc- deliveries call George tube In 19 Inch color Rose Stevenson New FA SH IO N with ape. sary. Will train. Four day years or older. Golf MANCHESTER — Five house, off Porter Street. cial Grace Cole CollectlaM PREVIOUS SOLUTION: ’’The best way to guard your privacy is lM c | cuponcv September 3rd. Full or part time. Starting Gritting, Andover, 742- console, swivel base TV . 2096 U. S. 19S., Lot 330 31tt-MIKlOOII NMtlWOM-lt week, 10 hour day, 7am- maintenance - Monday, room apartment, second Clearwater, Fla. tlH* al aaaSlaanrti tUNt. for larger aiiea; piw 1 to arrange your Ufa so that you are a bore and nobody wants to thru Friday 7am to Boor. $400 plus utilities. $600 plus utlllties/$69,900. In September. Call 649- 7886. Needs some work. $50 or 33546 know about you." — Isaac Azimov. 5:30pm. Apply at: Able best offer. Call 649-8149. ■-tU-TO SIVE at Klir-40 aaa- BO NUS Couponat An Equal OpportunHy Emptoyar U/F 3:30pm, flexible. Inquire! Call 649-3379. Call owner, 649-4630. 1827 or 6434290. 020-08 Olaaratk Ram la mka. eisasbyNCA.ino. saa Coll & Elertronics, How­ P rice------81J8. ard Road, Bolton. at Tollwood Country Club. 6431151. I a» — MANCHESTER HERALD. Thursday, Aug. 18, 1983

BUSINESS Backer of teen home takes Coventry to court Here’s some advice on real estate tax shelters ... page 8

Bv Gall Collins about looking for the cheapest cycles in the halls." community.” Ms. Turner, a former municipal $75,000 should not be in a real United Press International house on the best block. Ms. Turner changed the name to bond expert for Merrill Lynch, has estate partnership," she said. “ If you buy a property that's in a Sunset Cove, brought in new SHE SAID SHE would shun organized 12 syndications since "They're illiquid. There is some NEW YO RK — If you're looking prime area and 100 percent occu­ management and spent $400,000 on prope'rties in “ places that are very she switched careers. As general risk.” for a real estate tax shelter, Betsy pied you're going to pay top improvements, including lands­ depressed” like Detroit, cities she partner she assumes both legal But someone in a 50 percent tax Lee Turner has a few words of dollar," she said. “ We try to buy caping, air conditioning, roof re­ regards as overrated, like Atlanta and functional responsibility for bracket, who expects to remain advice. things in good locations that have pairs and a sauna. Occupancy is ( “ a very precarious city — we the project while the limited there for at least five years, should “ Never invest for tax losses problems of one sort or another." up, along with the rents, she said, don't think it has great upside partners provide the money, re­ consider real estate investments only,” she says. And unless you're and the building has already potential” ) and almost anything in ceive the tax advantage and share as a means of translating regular Cloudy tonight; very well off indeed, Ms. Turner ONE OF MS. TURNER’S recent attracted an $8.5 million offer. Texas. in the profits. earnings into more lightly-taxed hot, humid Staurday advises you confine your real success stories was the 200-unit Ms. Turner is attracted to “ Austin is the only place we'd try , R E A L ESTATE syndications, capital gains, she said. estate ventures to your own home. Carlyle apartment building in property in "cities that have in Texas,” she said. “ Houston and which waned in popularity for a “ People get involved in real — See page 2 President of Turner Properties Kendall, Florida, she bought last committed large sums” to improv­ Dallas-Fort Worth have always while, are becoming all the rage estate for all the wrong reasons,” iTOaurfefitpr in New York, Ms. Turner buys and August and syndicated for $6 ing the downtown business cli­ been the favored areas. Than all of again, but Ms. Turner says no one she added, acknowledging that syndicates real estate for a living. million. mate, like Memphis. She likes a sudden the standard of living has should become an investor “ unless many wealthy individuals seem Her specialty is underachievers, a “ It had a very bad reputation," almost everything about Florida. depreciated substantially. Some they have substantial cash on indifferent to whether the project n d her philosophy is basically the she said, describing the building as "Recently it's become an intensely office buildings are close to hand,” and a good financial plan. is profitable as long as it provides same as that old real estate cliche “ 60 percent occupied with motor­ industrial and business-oriented empty." “Someone making $50,060 to them with fat tax write-offs. FACTORY N ew loans Looting follows Alicia OPERATING CAPACITY from C H F A Manufacturer's total By Bruce Nichols Guardsmen and 260 state troopers, Law enforcement agencies have Police Chief Lee Brown, whose -Percentage of United Press International enforced an all-night curfew, keep­ arrested 93 looters since Alicia, the officers at one point were arresting may be last GROssmnns a looter every five minutes. _ utilization ing people off streets piled high first storm to hit the U.S. mainland RnC^evRns products compRnv GALVESTON, Texas — Police with debris. in two years, struck at 1;40 a.m. Galveston police Sgt. Bob Clay­ HARTFORD (UPI) - A heavy and National Guardsmen today The death count rose to eight CDT Thursday with 130 mph ton was more philosophical. response to the latest sale of beefed up their patrols against with discovery of an unidentified winds. The arrests included 60 in “ 1 don't think it (looting) is all low-interest mortgages has offi­ looters on hurricane-stricken Gal­ man whose body was recovered Houston, 22 in Galveston and 11 in that unusual,” he said. "Things 76% cials planning to make make veston Island while Houston, 50 from the surf. Seven deaths Texas City, a hard-hit suburb on like this follow natural disasters. another round — possibly the last miles inland, began a slow return occurred along the coast and one Galveston Bay. It's a chance for people to get — available before the end of the to normal. man died 300 miles inland in Dallas "In a situation like this, the something for nothing.” year. The local police force of 125, during a thunderstorm spawned by amount of damage determines the At dawn, police reopened to The 9% percent loans are offered augmented by 100 National Alicia. amount of looting." said Houston traffic all but a four-square-block with money raised by the sale of section of downtown Houston. A tax-exempt bonds by the Connecti­ 150-block area was barricaded 72% cut Housing Finance Authority and Thursday after sheets of plate nearly 1,500 prospective ho­ glass ripped from skyscrapers by meowners have applied for funds ■ ■ ^ ^ S a v in g s the hurricane shattered on the from the last sale. pavement. At the close of banking business Hundreds of windows, twisted Monday, 1,460 applicants had i' steel and pieces of concrete reserved mortgage money through cascaded onto the streets at the banks, savings and loan associa­ height of the storm in Hou.ston and tions and mortgage companies Galveston. from the authority's $75 million The streets around the brown bond issue in July, officials said and gold InterFirst tower and the Wednesday. emerald green Allied Bank Tower "As the funds from that bond remained closed because of a thin FACTORY CAPACITY UP issue ran out, indications by Low-Pilced - layer of colored glass on the .. . most is nearly two years authority officials were that ICHMY sidewalks and streets. another sale, possibly the authori­ The exterior walls of the moder­ ty's last, would be held before the tx4ir SfN nistic skyscrapers had gaping end of the year,” said James standard alzad. You holes where siding panels up to the Malone, CHFA information select your own lutn- 70th floor were blown out by officer. ber at Qrosstnan's. Alicia’s 130 mph winds. Even slabs Factory use A federal law will prohibit of expensive marble were pulled further sale of mortgage revenue off the sides of buildings and bonds after the end of the year, crashed to the sidewalks below. up to 75.8% said Malone, although more than Trees planted around the newer three-fourths of the U.S. Senate building plazas lie flattened along UPI photo and House of Representatives .40 Super Treated the sidewalks. WASHINGTON (U PI) — Helped by the have co-sponsored legislation to UPI photo Buses resumed normal routes continue the programs. TIPIMLin Strong winds, gusting up to 130 mph, smashed economic recovery, the nation's industries and city officials said garbage storefronts and window displays in Houston as operated at 75.8 percent of their capacity in The CHFA has financed 31,000 4i4xT PUTS While cars inch their way through Houston. Hurricane Alicia dumped 15 collection would resume. • 8'.. 4.2S • 10'...6.90 July, the highest rate since late 1981, home mortgages. flooded waters, Jim Dixon uses his inches of rain and generated winds of up Hurricane Alicia hit land. This mannequin provides an • I F ...... 7.99 Some early estimates put Ali­ Federal Reserve System economists said JetSki to get down Interstate 59 in to 130 mph in the area. cia’s damage at $1 billion. eerie sight in the deserted downtown area. today. The overall rate for manufacturing, mining and utilities benefitted the most by a O’Neill seeks surge in auto plants that took their operating rate, 77.3 percent, to its highest in m ore trad e 4’x8’xt/i” Manchester homeless split on need for shelter four years. That was an increase of almost 7 percentage points. The heat wave's burden on air condition­ breaking down,” said Maryann, with Taiwan By Sarah E. Hall ing systems helped boost the nation's utility the woman, a professed diabetic Agency certified. Herald Reporter companies to 82 percent of their capacity to who said she had had emotional • %"..829 • »" .12.98 produce, the highest since May of last year. HARTFORD (U PI) — Gov. Manchester has no glut of street Armory Included on Kraatz’s list of sites problems. Even when she and her William O'Neill hopes a visit by a The overall capacity utilization rate z r - 7 T J 7 T r \ people, no doorway crowds of boyfriend Carl were each living in group of Nationalist Chinese offi­ seldom approaches the theoretical 100 beggars and bag ladies. It does a different shelter in Springfield, cials will lead to better trade The stale armory on Main Street, two Kraatz said his evaluation probably won't shelter for one week each, and to provide a percent level except in times of war. But the have a small but shifting popula­ Mass., she said, she was unhappy. relations tetween Taiwan and privately-owned buildings downtown, and be ready for the Sept. 6 directors’ meeting, as temporary supervisor who will make sure demand generated by the economic recov­ tion of people with no place to stay She had to tramp the streets all day Connecticnt. one town-owned facility are all possible sites had originally been planned. An October that at least two volunteers will staff the ery is pushing some individual industries at night, people who say the when the shelter was closed. The officials led by Taiwan Gov. for the^ homeless shelter that officials hope shelter opening is “ possible,” he added, but shelter each night for that week. pretty close. planned opening of a shelter for the And because the Springfield Teng-Hui Lee stopped in Hartford 4'xB'x3/8" will open in October, according to Health declined to-^ay it’s likely. An experimental shelter the conference The paper industry was running at 93 homeless in October will be shelters were single-sex, she Wednesday and met with the Director Ronald A. Kraatz. I ran for seven weeks this spring in the Bennet percent of its capacity in Juiy. That was the MEKVCEIT. anything from a godsend to a couldn't be with Carl — who said he governor. Meanwhile, he said he and other town School building served 32 different clients highest since January 1980. TEXTHEMI magnet for “ bums.” officials, along with representatives from the hated the shelter he was staying at Lee said the industrial products Kraatz, who is overseeing the search for a and cost the conference about $400, according Rubber and plastics producers were Rough sewn. V-grooyed. All of the 10 people the Manches­ shelter site while Human Services Director Manchester Area Conference of Churches, to coordinators, with the town donating use of because it had too many cock­ made in Connecticut are the type of using 88 percent of their capacity in Juiy, • 4'x8'x% "...... 1 4 2 5 ter Herald polled Thursday at the are “ brainstorming” to come up with other roaches. The experimental MACC items now in demand in the Hanna Marcus is vacationing, said he does the site, utilities, and cots. Food, toilet paper, the most since October 1979. newly-opened Shepherd's Place possible sites which meet their criteria: shelter was co-ed. as the new one is Chinese province, which he said is not know if an appropriate facility will be cleaning supplies, and garbage bags were The overall operating rate of 75.8 percent .40 C.C.A. Super Treated Top Quality Grade Stamped soup kitchen in Center Congrega­ chosen by the September target date. He said adequate space, heat, and dryness, access to among thO expenses. planned to be, although neither the seventh largest trading was the highest since November 1981. tional Church said they either were toilets and possibly showers, and central facility was or will be open in the partner of the United States. PIESSHE TKATED U M K I lu —” HUMM im ra he wants to prepaTe a written evaluation on But this time around, the shelter may be Resists rot in ground contact or fresh water. homeless or had been in the recent location. daytime. O'Neill, who attended events J You hand-select the kimber you take home. each of the places being considered before eligible for state funding to offset costs. An past. Two said they are currently Now that Carl and Maryann are through the day with the group, reporting to the Board of Directors. He The church conference, co-sponsor of the act authorizing the Commissioner of Human SIZE 8’ 10’ 12 ’ 14’ 16’ SIZE 8’ 10’ 1 2 ' 14’ 16' sleeping outside at night, on park staying in an apartment which a State thinks small said the visit was a combination of declined to pinpoint the facilities under project, is organizing volunteer staff. Ten Resources to make grants for emergency benches, in the woods, on top of consideration. local churches have agreed to oversee the state welfare worker found them, “ getting to know each other better 248 329 shelter services took effect in July. 2x4 3 “ 5 « 8 “ 2x4 1 “ 218 3 “ 3 « buildings, or on any available Carl said he has landed a job and is HARTFORD (U PI) — Small businesses and trying to establish better trade 2 “ patch of ground. to start work Saturday. in Connecticut will be eligible for more state 4 OB g f i 271 4 1 1 R56 relations” between Connecticut 2x6 5 * » 5 « 8 “ 2x6 4 “ They may have to wait a bit business under an expansion of a program and Taiwan. r 4'x8'x%" “Guardo" Asphalt longer than expected for the I heard about the first shelter, I up again.” emaciated-looking woman now A COUPLE in their 30s, the OTHERS P R E F E R not having a that directs a portion of state purchases to Sui-Chi Lin, director of Taiwan's 6 « 410 2x8 7 “ 13“ 2x8 5 “ 6 “ 7 “ h BrnmiuM mFSHHE shelter opening, unless town and went down,” said a thin, mop­ “ I ’m pretty well off," he added. living in a Bidwell Street apart­ 'woman obese and the man thin, bed to sleep in. "1 believe in being smaller firms, officials say. Coordinating Council for North <'«8'xi4"...... 4.39 Covers 33% sq. ft. 15 yr. Manchester Area Conference of haired man in torn and dirty jeans. “ I ’m lucky enough to come in here ment said that a year ago, she was said they had recently arrived in wild." said a tall black man with Economic Development Commissioner American Affairs in Boston, said x 1 3 “ x 2 10 15“ 2 10 5 “ 6 “ 8 “ 9 “ 1 0 “ S Gal. Joint Compound 7.99 promted warranty. Ss« aed. Churches officials, project co­ "If was a good place." (the soup kitchen) and get a hot released from the hospital and had town after spending a month and a bushy hair and beard. “ I like John J. Carson said the “ set aside he hoped Connecticut and Taiwan sponsors, are able to come up with Now this same man is back cup of coffee.” But he said any nowhere to go. She ended up at a half living under a plastic tarp staying by myself, and I don't want program '' was expanded to include all state could declare a “ sister state” a site soon. (See related story.) living “ on the street,” after delay in the sheiter opening would Salvation Army shelter in Hart­ pitched at night behind the Enfield nobody feeling sorry for me. I can agencies, boards and commissions. It relationship. spending some time in jail. Even in make a “ big difference” to him, ford, and wonders how she would police station. (They said the correct myself if 1 want to.” covered only three agencies when it was “ The people to people relation­ Inside or Out...Get ArouncHhe-House Savings SEVERAL OF the soup-kitchen the summer, he wears a heavy since he’d iike to sleep there as have survived if it hadn’t been police tolerated their camping out He claimed he slept on the started in 1977. ship is very important to the patrons interviewed IThursday winter jacket over his single set of soon as he can. there. because they knew the couple was ground out behind the Mary With the expansion, Carson said $12 mutual understanding between the said they used an experimental clothes. He said he's spent a couple Others eating their free lunch "And there’s nothing for home­ destitute, although in Manchester, Cheney library Wednesday night, million to $15 million in state government two peoples and the two coun­ MACC shelter which was open of winters outside: “ You just keep Thursday claimed that physical or less people in Manchester. With and that, as always, he had a good contracts would be directed to smalt tries," Lin said. 1951w as in many other towns, sleeping 5 Gal.iReg. 6.99 early this spring, and were anxious moving, stay warm, find a place to mental disabilities made homeless the rents so high, it’s hard to even on town-owned land is illegal.) business by the 1985-86 fiscal year. He said he hoped the “ sister Reg. 23.59-24.69 Reg. 16.99 Gallon for the new one to open. “ As soon as sleep for a couple of hours, then get life hell for them. A tall. find a room," she said. “ I couldn’t stand it. My body was Over the past five years, $19 million in state" relationship could be de­ M iraiAV SEALEI BTnUCKSCT HPIMISTMI Please turn to page 8 Coal tar emulsion seals contracts were awarded, to small firms clared when Lt. Gov. Joseph J. Kaylocklng deadatch for Seml-lranaparant. 01 base cracks. Resists spHs. under the program, 90 percent of which Fauliso leads a delegation of security. Qaorgian or Bad. wHh M ex dean-up. would have gone to larger companies Connecticut officials to Taiwan in without the set aside, Carson said. November. Control of hypertension Pohl forces O f 80 Lb. Bag-Reg. 2.89 Reg. 21.99-Slngle Track Reg. 17.95 Gallon helps heart deaths drop primary for C N C K n M l H W K t T M l For 2" thickness or more. .WNIe aluminum. Popdar Semi-transparent. Protects Cardiovascular disease mortal­ school panel SNET says no plan yet High strength. Sets poets. aizee in stock. agalnet rot, mddew, deoiy. CHICAGO (UPI) - The recent decline in deaths from heart ity has declined steadily since the disease in the United States may be mid-1960s. Dr. Aaron R. Folsom Michael Pohl was still collecting 4 4 9 9 due partly to improved detection and University of Minnesota col­ signatures this morning, but he for electronic publishing and control of hypertension, doc­ leagues said Thursday in the won’t need them to qualify for a Reg. 4.99-150 Par Reg. S 4 .W StaHonary 4' and 6' Lengths tors say. Journal of the American Medical Democratic primary. Association. NEW B R ITA IN (U PI) - Southern publishing — the lines into the homes — R IM H U MUM Democratic Registrar of Voters “ Improvements in the control of New England Telephone Co. says a and could therefore control competi­ For yards, driveways, pod 4%” lamb. WHh Use In oir Adjust to Herbert Stevenson officially certi­ moderate and severe hypertension complaint seeking to keep it out of the tion and access. area. Weatherproof. R.O. 2'0"x2'0" stair pitch. Eaay to distal. fied 597 signatures Thursday after­ have probably contributed to the electronic publishing business is pre­ SNET's attorney James B. Curtin noon, one more than Pohl needed to recent decline in coronary heart mature since the firm has no imme­ said the communications company has Inside Today qualify as a candidate in a primary disease mortality in the United diate plans to offer a news service. not yet decided whether to enter the election. 24 pages, 4 sections States,” they said. An attorney representing 11 state field, and disagreed a decision to do so Manville Stevenson said he would offi-' Reg. 16.09-Fluorescent Population studies in the 1960s newpapers Tuesday urged the state would create a monolopy. He said the 3Vt" Kraft Wall Reg. 2.99-SHIconlzed Advic* ...... cially notify Town Clerk Edward J...... 17 and early 1970s suggested only Department of Public Utility Control to telephone lines are available for use on H ” m n N ir Aroa...... 19 TomkicI today that there will be a l-nMUTMl H 1I.BMU about half of all hypertensive bar SNET from entering the field a non-discriminatory basis for a fee. 2-40W bidbe, oord, plug, • 15". 88.1 Sr llil...,. fS.86 Superior durabaty and Busintst...... 20 Democratic primary election Sept. hrdwra. Aseembled. 240-D. Classified...... 21-24 people were detected. Only half of 13. because of its “ monopoly" control over • 28". 135.1 SIF R08...2422 sxcsient adhsalon. 10 oz. UPI photo Comics...... 18 those detected were under medical telephone lines. Pohl is challenging two incum­ Consumer Counsel Barry Zitser said Entertainment...... 13-15 treatment and only half under The DPUC said it will decide in two Sale Ends Saturday, August 20th bent candidates, Richard W. Dyer the DPUC hearing should examine L o tte ry ...... 2 treatment — 12.5 percent of all Airborne players weeks whether to hear the complaint. Obituaries...... 8 and Susan L. Perkins, for a term on whether SNET should be barred from hypertensive persons — were In oral arguments before the DPUC, Opinion...... 4 the Board of Education that begins electronic publishing, what grouncb adequately controlled. Musicians of the 9th West German Army MAMmTER NEWINGTON Peopletalk ...... 2 The airborne band is said to be Europe’s in 1984. the newspapers' attorney, Richard C. should be established if SNET is MSinntina HARTFORD ENFIELD Sports...... PSIXlUwStM ...... 9-12 Since then, efforts have been band from the first Airborne Division The top two vote-getters among Robinson, argued SNET would control allowed to enter the field, and what MMia iixutrtfsMia Television...... best army band. Eight hours of practice ■nai i»nu m m ...... 18 made toward Improving the detec- appear to be playing in midair as the the three will oppose Republicans the lone printing press for electronic rules competitors have to abide by. OKfNMOA iWuFf. lam I30pm S « lam M O pm Sun |8m W eather...... 2 is said to be part of the daily routine. tlon and treatment of jump during the practice just recently. H. John Malone and Geoffrey Naab hypertension. in the November election. ' (