84 - MANCHKS7KR HERALD. Wcdnesduy. AuB. 17, 1983 Manchester man In line MMH doll helps Syria relents sum m er reai to renovate 5 duplexes quell kids’ fears on agreement ESTATE ... page 3 page 11 ... page 5 Clearing tonight; Manchester, Conn. 204 scon DRIVEr MANCHESTER sunriy Frfday Thursday, Aug. 18, 1983 DRASTICAUr REOUaO TO $113,900 — See page 2< Single copy: 25$ If being envied won’t embarradt Umlh you, you can spend the rest of your life enjoying the comforts of this glorious 11 room Colonial. *16x32 In-ground Sabrina Pool iL Houston •m, *Cabana with showor Alicia smashes into Texas *4 spacioua bodrooma *Fully appliancad kitchon Real Estate ^rvices inc. By Gary Taylor mainland in two years, bore winds of sheet metal littered downtown streets airport and 10 aircraft were damaged. *Confral air conditioning United Press International 130 mph as it smashed into the coastal and the sidewalks, normally crowded ” I ’d say about 40 percent of the *Famtly room with flreplMo open to kltdim towns of Galveston and Freeport, then with early rush hour traffic. Today the buildings at the airport have sustained *Eloctronlc air cloanor GALVESTON, Texas — Hurricane aimed its still furious gales at Houston streets were almost void of people. some sort of damage,” said Lt. Richard *Florida room off family room 323 East Contw St. HonchntM' 643-4060 Alicia plowed into Texas today, creat­ ' — the nation’s fifth largest city. At 7 “ We are having the downtown area Terral of the airport security staff. ing an immense path of destruction a.m. CDT the center was lo c a t^ near barricaded by the police department “ But we didn’t have any injuries that *Lowor lovol ia finlahod wRh roc room. 646 Hartford TurnpHio Rt. 30 Vornon through one of the most populous latitude 29.5 north longitude 96.4 west, because the large office buildings are we know of.” ofllco, oxtra bodroom, work room 29 Coimocticwt ihrd. East Hartford sections of the country. At least one just southwest of Houston. It also was loosing windows,” said Dick Hawkins, At the height of the storm in Houston *Gorgoous floldstono patio 60 Poquonodt Avo. Wbidior person was killed. expected to drop heavy rain on east of the Harris County Civil Defense a tree fell through the roof of a house, Victoria *MAllY. MANY EXTRASIII The storm dumped monsoon-like Texas. department. killing Elisa Flores, 71. Her husband, rains, damaged teachfront hotels, At dawn, Alicia’s fury was evident in An estimated 250,000 of Houston lying by her side, was spared. knocked out eletricity and produced so the triangle area from Freeport to Power & Light’s 1.2 million customers Alicia, which began as a cold front many tornadoes local officials could Galveston and Houston. were without eletricity. over Florida Sunday night, grew into ^ / I \ r not keep count of them. "W e probably had about20 tornadoes Power transformers exploded in the hurricane force as it drifted westerly Gulf of Mexico No estimate of damage was imme­ overnight,” Houston police dispatcher southeast portion of town, hardest hit over the warm Gulf of Mexico. The first diately availahle, hut the area where Charles Pyle said. "W e have just by Alicia. A Houston Fire Department gale force winds reached the Texas the storm hit holds some of the state’s everything. There are trees down, it’s spokesman said numerous gas leaks coast at noon Wednesday. kCorpus Christi most extensive beach and recreational flooding... everything.” developed around the city. A three- An estimated 50,000 people evacu­ areas and enormous petro-chemical Six-foot sheets of glass sailed through alarm fire was burning out of control in ated the coast as far north as Cameron and shipping complexes. the air in downtown Houston, ripped south Houston, and fire fighters were Parish, La., most heading for shelters Alicia, the first hurricane of the from skyscrapers by 65 mph winds hampered by low water pressure. set up inland in high schools, civil HURRICANE HITS SHORE $39,500 B r season and the first to hit the U.S. blowing torrential rains. Glass and A hanger was destroyed at Hobby buildings and hospitals. winds up to 130 mph Only 1975 down buys this spotlessSVi room com­ pletely furnished Condo. Convenient 1st floor YOU M S T 0 0 M unit includes sliders to patio with grill, all appli­ To see what this home offersi Full donnared 7 Room WEEK! ances, pool, sauna & lush attractive landscaping. Cape. Three bedrooms and 2 full baths, carpeted living room with fireplace, large kitchen with new cabinets. Many extras Include screened 9'x12’ porch, pretty yard Bank merger and detached garage. $7ZS00. I T ’S A L L iP HERE... Excellent Condltlonl would expand Investors please take notice $102,900 of this well cared for 2-fam- Heritage S & L Immaculate throughout, professionally de­ ily. It has modern kitchens corated & color coordinated is a large 8 room Co­ lonial with 4 bedrooms, family room with fire­ and baths, newer furnace By James P. Sacks Hale and Chipokas, the Fidelity- place, applianced kitchen, 2'/i baths, ail in a relax­ soPB nxim m w and roof. Excellent income. Herald Reporter Heritage m erger should be com­ ing country setting. ___ Six room Cape, three bedrooms, one with skylight. First pleted by late 1983 or early 19'84. floor laundry and upstairs study. Sava on heating costs 2 car garage, recently by installing a woodstove, the basic hook-up Is already If approved by shareholders and Chipokas said today he thinks it \ a Ini Sea tt today. $57,000. painted, located close in, al­ regulatory authorities, the ta­ should be completed earlier be­ F ItE E « t cut blip yoi biciai i keover of New Haven’s Fidelity cause Fidelity’s depositors and MARKET "REAU" PR0FE88I0NAU ways occupied. $82,900. Federal Savings and Loan Associ­ Heritage’s stockholders should SENTRY EVALUATION Call B464S26, inR nk for Dia ation by the Manchester-based vote in the merger “ wholeheart­ inc' Rent Estate Services Heritage Savings and Loan will edly, because the merger is to their 223 East Center St. Manchester t i l <888 STRAND REAL ESTATE D.F. REALE, INC.~ result in a stronger lending institu­ benefit.” •46 Hartford Tpk«, fifo. 30 Vomoit Reef Eslaie Home of the Week is sponsored by the Manchester Herald 29 Cormocticut Bhrd., Em I H a rtfo rd irs BMi H. eM .im r, ci. 156 EAST CENTER 8T. tion with a broader base of After Fidelity is appraised by an 60 Poquooocfc Alfa., Wtndaor M&.452S MANCHESTER, CT. S4S^S00. operations, the president of Fidel­ independent appraiser, the ity said this morning. number of shares of stock to be Fidelity President Peter G. issued when the institution be­ Chipokas said the proposed comes part of Heritage will be . Quality m erger announced Wednesday determined, Chipokas said. Herit­ would give Heritage, the remain­ age had 311,396 shares outstanding ing institution, a broader base of as of June 30, 1983. • a* Vl* - . i-. assets and allow it to operate in the After the appraisal, the proposal New Haven area. It would also will be submitted to depositors in allow Fidelity to enter the consu­ Fidelity and shareholders in Herit­ mer loan arena and broaden the age, following which it will be amount of credit to depositors in subject to approval by state and the combined lending institution, federal regulatory authorities. Chipokas said. Chipokas said Fidelity depositors The broader base of assets would will have the opportunity to buy the allow Heritage’s new subsidiary, stock issued as a result of the the Heritage Mortgage Co., to merger. issue more mortgage credit in both Manchester the Manchester and New Haven •Townhouse Condominium areas, he said. Under the details of a proposal Delay ruled •123 Main St. 36 Concord Rd. ' fHonchostor, Ct. Pride of Ownership shows in this released Wednesday, Heritage, •Royal Arms Condominiums East Hartford 7 room Split iri South Windsor. which operates eight branches in In ‘pinetar’ •2 bedrooms Lovely 6V2 Rm Ranch. 3 bed­ New alum: siding, new roof and the Manchester area, will merge baths “Must SBir ,Brick 3 BR Ranch, on with the five-branch New Haven- NEW YORK (UPI) - A New rooms, living room, kitchen new carpeting all show the care area bank. If the merger is •Full basement huge-lot with 2 fireplaces, country York State Supreme Court justice and dining area, lower level taken in this house you can move approved by Heritage’s stock­ today barred the New York Yan­ • Move in condition kitchen, 2 bath$,'large Pondretehatio right intp. paN today! holders and Fidelity’s depositors. kees and Kansas City Royals from •Affordable starter home family room, 2 fireplaces, V/i and ^"2 car^garage., RosSible in-law Fidelity, a mutual, depositor- resuming tonight's suspended July owned institution, will be taken 24 “ pinetar” game that had been •Stove and refrigerator baths, convenient location, suite. Asking $74,9d0. over by Heritage and will issue •$52,500 scheduled by the American only $69,000. stock based on the assessed value League for at 6 p.m. at Yankees eAiatUn & e^otHman, 0ne: of the bank as part of Heritage. Stadium. The joint assets of the combined The judge, Orest V. Maresca, Eb GORMAN _ M r savings and loan institution would MCKSTON/aNOWCASE issued a preliminary injunction A ssociates U ««i U&R REALTY CO. be $241-miIlion, according to a joint preventing the completion of the 6 0 4 MIDDLE TURNPIKE EAST 2 ^ MAIN smEET 789 Main St 646-1316 announcement by Chipokas and game until the court determines 843-2692 MANCHESTEIt, COIMECTICUT 0 « ^ Heritage President William Hale.
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