International Journal of New Economics, Public Administration and Law, № 1 (3) 2019 JEL M 400 DOI: 10.31264/2545-093X-2019-1(3)-189-195 Martyshyn Dеnys PhD in theology, Associate Professor
[email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-2770-7757 Researcher ID: S-5270-2018 SPIN: 5795-9773 The Head of the Department of Ukrainian Studies, Orthodoxy and Theology, Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, Kyiv, Ukraine ORTHODOX CHURCHES OF UKRAINE: REALITIES AND PROSPECTS OF DEVELOPMENT OF SOCIAL POLICY IN THE CONTEXT OF PROCESSES OF STATE FORMATION KOŚCIOŁY ORTODOX NA UKRAINIE: RZECZYWISTOŚCI I PERSPEKTYWY ROZWOJU POLITYKI SPOŁECZNEJ W KONTEKŚCIE PROCESÓW BUDOWLANYCH PAŃSTWA ПРАВОСЛАВНЫЕ ЦЕРКВИ УКРАИНЫ: РЕАЛИИ И ПЕРСПЕКТИВЫ РАЗВИТИЯ СОЦИАЛЬНОЙ ПОЛИТИКИ В КОНТЕКСТЕ ПРОЦЕССОВ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОГО СТРОИТЕЛЬСТВА Abstract The article describes the modern theoretical foundations of social policy of Ukrainian Orthodox Churches and the practical activities of religious organizations in the context of the processes of state formation. The role of Orthodox Churches of Ukraine in strengthening the processes of state formation and unification of the Ukrainian people in the context of political, economic and cultural changes in the life of Ukraine is highlighted. The real problems and possible ways of developing the social policy of the Christian Church, as well as the main aspects of state building in the national theological and political thought are analyzed. It is substantiated that the dialogue between Ukrainian Christian Churches and society will always be the basic element of state formation, social development, as well as the platform of democratization processes in Ukraine. The article shows the interconnection between the social doctrine of the Church and the public administration, political science, philosophy and sociology.