Brigham Young University Law School BYU Law Digital Commons Utah Supreme Court Briefs 1990 In the Matter of the Estate of Edward Miller Grimm, Deceased. Maxine Tate Grimm, individually and as Supervised Personal Representative of the Estate of Edward Miller Grimm; Linda Grimm; Edward Miller Grimm II; and E. Lavar Tate, as Supervised Personal Representative of the Estate of Edward Miller Grimm v. Ethel Grimm Roberts, Rex Roberts, JFouallownit this and Gr additimmional work Ms ator: https://dris aignditalcommon Grimm : PetParitt ofion the L aforw Common Wrsit of Certiorari Original Brief Submitted to the Utah Supreme Court; digitized by the Howard W. Hunter Law Utah Supreme Court Library, J. Reuben Clark Law School, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah; machine-generated OCR, may contain errors. R/ Brent Stephens, Esq; Snow, Christensen and Martineau; Attorneys for Respondents Ethel Grimm Roberts, Rex Roberts and Juanita Grimm Morris. M. David Eckersley, Esq.; Houpt and Eckersley; Attorneys for Respondent, Juanita Kegley Grimm. Daniel L. Berman, Esq.; Peggy A. Tomsic, Esq,; Berman and O'rorke; Attorneys for Petitioners. Recommended Citation Petition for Certiorari, Grimm v. Roberts, No. 900082.00 (Utah Supreme Court, 1990). This Petition for Certiorari is brought to you for free and open access by BYU Law Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Utah Supreme Court Briefs by an authorized administrator of BYU Law Digital Commons. Policies regarding these Utah briefs are available at Please contact the Repository Manager at
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