IGP Institute 2018 Year in Review IGP Supporters and Partners


Partners Table of Contents

Director’s Message 2–3

IGP Institute Participant Map 4–5

2018 Features

Wide World of Wheat 6–7

Showcasing Soybeans 8–9

Tropical Training on Corn 10–11

Educating Sorghum Buyers 12–13

Expanding Exams 14–15

2018 IGP Institute Year in Photos 16–21

2018 By the Numbers 22–25

Faculty and Staff Directory 26–27

Course Supporters 28 Director’s Message

At Kansas State University education program. I can’t thank these one of the values we two enough for their leadership and hope to impart on dedication to the IGP Institute. our students is the In addition to leading the daily importance of being a operations, Shawn is also continuing to lifelong learner. Nothing build his curriculum area. We’ve enjoyed embodies that spirit a good relationship with the International Gordon Smith more than our work at Association of Operative Millers (IAOM), Director the IGP Institute where but in 2018 Shawn established a more we deliver an educational formal connection with the organization experience that is second to none to a by garnering their educational support of global grain-based audience. his trainings. All of our standard course Gordon Smith poses with coworkers at This year we proudly hosted 1,512 offerings in grain processing and flour the Ardent Mills facility in Saginaw, Texas, participants representing 52 countries milling are offered in partnership with including K-State Grain Science and Industry in 72 on-site and distance offerings. This IAOM or Buhler, Inc. These partnerships alumna, Megan Holton, who helped with his is a testament to our IGP team and their are vital to our mission of bringing training during his internship. renewed connectivity with the Department relevant education to industry leaders. 30 participants from across the U.S. as of Grain Science and Industry. well as one international grain industry Trina also carries that IAOM partnership professional. Carlos Campabadal guides In 2018, due to a job change and to the distance education area by the on-site training with this course. retirement we had the opportunity to supporting the online flour milling make some personnel adjustments. correspondence courses. To learn more In addition, Carlos continues to build the Shawn Thiele and Trina Adams have about this relationship be sure to read the feed manufacturing and grain quality carried the mission forward by assuming Expanding Exams story in this publication. management offerings and is active in additional responsibilities. Shawn is trainings across the globe. An example of Our relationship with the Grain Elevator serving as the interim associate director his work abroad is featured in the Tropical and Processing Society (GEAPS) continues along with leading the grain processing Training on Corn article. to expand through the Hands-On Training and flour milling curriculum, and Trina that we hosted in December. This was the Adams is at the helm of the distance second offering of the course that trained 2 Our Mission To provide

At the IGP Institute, our instructors operations as well as shift milling, mill innovative always enjoy the interaction with operations and maintenance. the course participants and trade Leading my technical training was Kansas and relevant team members. Offering customized State alumna and head miller Megan experiences is part of our mission to education Holton. She provided insight around unit create an increased demand for U.S. operations, mechanical problem solving, grains and oilseeds. These teams are and technical equipment repair, maintenance and pest often brought to us through our state management. Much of our focus was and national commodity partners. There programs bridging “book knowledge” to practical, are three stories in this Year in Review real-life challenges. to enhance that showcase different aspects of our trade team engagements. Be sure to read On behalf of all of us at the IGP Institute, the market the Wide World of Wheat, Showcasing we thank you for your support of our Soybeans and Educating Sorghum Buyers educational trainings and outreach. We preference, stories to learn more about our important look forward to collaborating with you work in this education area. in the future and if we can be of further consumption service to you, please let us know. I began this letter talking about the and utilization value of lifelong education, and I am no Sincerely, exception to being a lifelong learner. of U.S. cereal This summer, I spent six weeks in the Ardent facility in Saginaw, Texas, primarily Gordon Smith grains, oilseeds focusing on technical milling and milling IGP Institute Director operations as “the oldest intern on and their value- Professor and Head, Grain Science record.” My time in Saginaw exposed and Industry me to overall plant operations and added products departments outside of the mill, such as grain receiving, handling, packaging, for the global quality assurance and broad plant grain industry. 3 2018 72 Courses 1,512 Participants 52 Countries Tanzania Barbados Mexico Tunisia Bolivia Morocco Turkey Brazil Mozambique U.K. Cambodia U.S. Canada Nicaragua Uruguay China Nigeria Venezuela Colombia Norway Vietnam Costa Rica Pakistan Dominican Republic Panama Ecuador Peru Egypt Philippines El Salvador Portugal Ghana Puerto Rico Guatemala Russia India Saudi Arabia Serbia Ivory Coast Jamaica South Africa Jordan Sri Lanka Korea Sweden Lebanon Taiwan

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5 Wide World of Wheat U.S. Wheat Associates and the IGP Institute bring groups together for education.

Bread, pasta, sauces and beer are part of The following morning, Carl Reed, grain Exporting Education many daily meals, so it is no wonder one storage specialist emeritus, explained Wheat continues to be an integral part of in five calories consumed comes from wheat storage practices and the U.S. the Sub-Saharan African diet serving as wheat. According to the United Nations wheat grading standards through a the main ingredient in popular foods such this is true globally; therefore, it is hands-on experience in the grain-grading as instant noodles and wet pasta. essential that wheat educators keep grain laboratory at the IGP Institute. The combined training allowed the groups purchasers informed about the high- to interact while learning. IGP Institute quality wheat grown in the U.S. interim associate director and flour The U.S. Wheat Associates market milling curriculum manager, Shawn Thiele, forecasters expect more opportunities to says, “Participants from both groups share export U.S. wheat to countries in Sub- similar experiences when purchasing Saharan Africa. To help educate these wheat, which is why it made sense to buyers the IGP Institute joined with the bring the courses together to learn more Kansas Wheat Commission to provide a about the U.S. wheat quality and grading combined training to the 10 participants standards and milling practices and in the U.S. Wheat Associates (USW) Sub- genetic advancements of U.S. wheat.” Saharan Region Millers course and eight In speaking about the joint training, additional attendees making up the USW Aaron Harries, vice president of research Africa trade team. Participant Pieter Lombard, head miller at and operations for Kansas Wheat, says, Pioneer Foods says, “It’s interesting to see “Bringing these two groups of millers Joint Training the way they are blending wheat to meet The 18 participants joined together for and buyers together for harvest, showing my demands. It is important for people to an enhanced educational experience that them the research that goes on at the know how this works, because that’s the started at the Kansas Wheat Innovation Kansas Wheat Innovation Center, and way we will be able to understand how Center where they learned about wheat giving them the resources available to order U.S. wheat to make sure we get genetics, research and development. at IGP Institute goes miles to foster what we want.” the relationships we have with these important markets.”

6 Members of the U.S. Wheat Associates Sub-Saharan Region Millers course and the USW Africa trade team examine ancient grains in the Kansas Wheat Innovation Center greenhouse during a tour of the facility in June.

7 Showcasing Soybeans Educational partnerships feature product attributes.

As one of the top five yielding crops in Carlos Campabadal, IGP Institute feed the Kansas Soybean Commission to use Kansas, soybeans are processed and manufacturing and grain management when preparing for the conference and primarily used for their oil and protein outreach specialist, hosted 36 individuals hosting the teams. in animal feed. A small percentage of from the group prior to the exchange “Assisting USSEC and Kansas Soybean soybeans are formed into human food to provide an educational experience Commission gave us a lot of exposure to products such as soy milk, soy flour, soy showcasing Kansas agriculture. expand our network and show what IGP protein, tofu, etc., as well as used in is able to do firsthand,” Campabadal says. industrial products such as biodiesel. “People saw how we work directly with To help promote the global consumption our farmers and, especially, the Kansas of Kansas and U.S. soybeans, the faculty Soybean Commission and USSEC.” and staff at the IGP Institute continually Seeing this relationship up close gave work to create market demand through trade team members a new perspective their educational efforts. This goal is behind U.S. soybean production. accomplished through collaborative work with the Kansas Soybean Commission and “The opportunity for international the U.S. Soybean Export Council (USSEC). guests and U.S. soy customers to witness the outstanding job our producers are An example of such collaboration was “Buyers from all around the world came doing on the farm is important,” says conducted for Latin American and West to meet farmers, attend technical sessions Eric Gibson, USSEC stakeholder relations African trade team members interested in to understand global supply and demand, coordinator. “Much like in the U.S., U.S. soy production. and learn about the future of soybeans,” consumers are demanding high-quality, Kansas Agriculture in Action says Campabadal. “At the same time responsibly sourced food. U.S. soy While visiting Kansas City, Missouri, the groups came to visit farms, see soy farmers are eager to share their story for the USSEC Soy Global Trade crushing facilities and tour rail yards.” and show others how U.S. soy stands out Exchange and Midwest Specialty amongst the competition.” Grains Conference and Trade Show, Working Together The connection the IGP Institute has with attendees toured soybean operations farmers made them a great resource for close to the conference. Additionally,

8 Participants from the U.S. Soybean Export Council Soy Global Trade Exchange visit a soybean farm near Kansas City, Kansas, as part of the educational experience showcasing Kansas agriculture.

9 Tropical Training on Corn Grain storage education offers potential for new market opportunities.

Determining product storability is key Campabadal. He adds that by showing Along with his work in Malaysia, when grain buyers and traders are local industry professionals how to Campabadal conducted 15 of these making their purchasing decisions. Heat, properly store grain there is a potential hands-on grain storage outreach trainings humidity, potential for insect infestation, for increased market share. domestically and across the globe in 2018. and equipment condition, all factor into It is important for U.S. corn buyers to “It is important for professionals stored grain quality. To help address have different options on how to maintain to understand the importance of these challenges, Carlos Campabadal, IGP quality in hope that it can trigger an maintaining quality from the farmer Institute feed manufacturing and grain increase of exports into Southeast Asia through to the animal or human quality management outreach specialist, and other tropical climate locations. consumer,” Campabadal says. leads trainings that educate grain handlers on optimum storage techniques. “These types of educational efforts help In his trainings he shows people how U.S. corn buyers avoid problems with to analyze their receiving and sampling Teaching On-Location overheating and hot spots by cooling it systems. He discusses factors that impact One example of this outreach effort is down with aeration or grain chilling, and grain storage and how to overcome his work at the grain storage and feed other strategies,” Campabadal says. the challenges. mill facilities of Malaysian Flour Mills Campabadal adds, “By training buyers (MFM) in Lumut, Malaysia. Here he Maintaining Corn Quality on the value of purchasing high-quality conducts hands-on trainings to show For corn buyers, it is important to grain, showing storage specialists how how to properly store grain in a tropical understand grain preservation to reduce to maximize the impact of technology environment. These trainings are held in any potential loss of quality during and monitoring, we are able to reinforce conjunction with a research trial that he storage since it can potentially affect the and expand the demand for U.S. is conducting. nutritional component of the finished feed. grains, which is always the goal of our “If the feed ingredients are not of the “The average ambient temperature is educational outreach.” higher than 32°C (90°F) and relative highest quality, the animal nutrition will humidity is higher than 85%, which makes be compromised,” Campabadal says. He it ideal for storage testing and educating cites insect infestation of grain in tropical grain handlers about the different climates as an example of how nutrition strategies to preserve U.S. corn,” says can be affected.

10 Carlos Campabadal recommends storage techniques for optimum corn quality while working with personnel from a grain processing facility in Malaysia.

11 Educating Sorghum Buyers Trade teams engage at the IGP Institute.

Versatility is the key to survival for any “Trade teams are crucial to the “It’s important because in Mexico, we commodity. Kansas grain sorghum is advancement of any industry,” says Pat have tons of work to do in that area in primarily thought of as an animal feed Damman, field director at the Kansas order to make quality standards for every ingredient, but also has applications in Grain Sorghum Commission. “By bringing company,” says Prieto. “Sometimes we human foods and biofuels. trade teams, we are able to create have different point of view about a grain positive working relationships and give because we do not have the process well In an effort to educate 20 potential buyers potential buyers the opportunity to see established everywhere.” from Mexico, the IGP Institute supported how Kansas grain sorghum is grown.” the educational outreach efforts of the Prieto shared that he and the others Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission and Damman and Campabadal agree that enjoyed learning and engaging with the the U.S. Grains Council with a trade team. the relationship between the IGP industry professionals in the U.S. Institute and the Kansas Grain Sorghum “Sometimes you cannot bring all the Trading Knowledge Commission benefits those who come to “We enjoyed hosting the group for an knowledge, but you can bring the people the U.S. on trade teams. informational session at the IGP Institute and you can talk to them later about before educating them about grain “Educating trade teams speaks to certain topics,” says Prieto. “That’s the storage and the U.S. grain export system the core of our mission, which is to best thing I found here, and we visited as part of the workshop held at the create a preference for U.S. grains and with great people.” U.S. Grains Council Export Exchange in oilseeds,” Campabadal says. “Sharing Minneapolis,” says Carlos Campabadal, our expertise really adds value to the feed manufacturing and grain quality trade team experience.” management outreach specialist. Applying Lessons Through trade teams, participants Daniel Prieto of Imporagri and a trade learn all aspects of a commodity. This team member values the quality trade team focused on the Kansas grain standards of U.S. grain, and how well sorghum industry by learning about those standards are recognized among commodity production, transportation, not only the grain industry, but with export, and final end-products including consumers as well. livestock and ethanol uses.

12 Members of the U.S. Grains Council Mexico trade team tour the Harris farm near Abilene, Kansas, to speak with producers in person and get a firsthand look at Kansas grain sorghum production.

13 Expanding Exams Online platform widens course assessment options.

There is a rich history between the IGP Emirates Grain Products LLC and course unit. “IGP supports IAOM by providing a Institute and the International Association participant. “This course has helped me platform for online testing,” says Melinda of Operative Millers (IAOM), which began achieve my goal of becoming a miller, to Farris, IAOM executive vice president. in 1970 when the two organizations understand what flour is, to understand “Around 38% of all tests were done online offered their first joint course. In recent what quality means and to do my job in through K-State’s Canvas system.” years, the IGP Institute and IAOM the right way.” Currently, the course materials are leadership teams have worked together Upon completion and testing of a single offered in English, Arabic and Spanish, but to create opportunities for members unit, participants receive an IAOM the exams are only online for the English around the world to engage in distance certificate, and after completion of all eight section of the course. The IGP Institute education programs. units, they receive an IAOM diploma. In and IAOM are launching the online Educational Platform 2018, participants completed 369 units assessment option in Spanish with plans Through eight different units, the IGP and received a total of 35 diplomas. to offer Arabic testing in the future. Institute supports the online testing for Course Support Farris says, “We appreciate all of the the IAOM Flour Milling Correspondence The IGP Institute’s role in the course is hard work the IGP staff has put into Course. Participants are allowed to to offer online testing to expedite the making it such a good product to offer to complete each unit at their own pace. grading process. “Participants receive our students.” The units include topics such as wheat immediate feedback after the exam cleaning, basic milling principles, storage if taken online through Kansas State,” and grain handling, plant management says Trina Adams, IGP Institute distance and mill mechanics. education manager. “The paper- based exams delay the process and a “The milling units are designed in such a participant’s progress through the units.” way that a person from any background can read and understand the theory and Adams is able to monitor exam science behind milling,” says Shwetha completion monthly to notify IAOM when Immanuel Jai Singh, junior manager at a participant has successfully finished a

14 Shwetha Immanuel Jai Singh studies correspondence course materials provided by IAOM in preparation for the online exam hosted by the IGP Institute in her office at Emirates Grain Products LLC, in Sharjah, United Arab Emirates.

15 2018 IGP Institute Year in Photos

“If you want quality product or quality soybeans you do not talk about the price you talk about the quality. Because of this course, I know if I depend mainly on American soybeans because of the high-quality protein it will help my poultry farm grow.” – Douglas Adu, poultry farmer from Ghana sponsored by the American Soybean Association and the World Initiative for Soy in Human Health (WISHH) IGP–KSU Feed Manufacturing course participant

16 “We had a diverse group allowing us to intermingle and learn about our different markets, which helped us understand different styles of operations. The course brought out all of our differences, so we could learn from them.” – Harry Franklin, Bunge North, America, IGP–KSU Grain Elevator Managers course participant

17 2018 IGP Institute Year in Photos

“It was great to be able to learn what I didn’t understand before about sifting out all of the different particles of kernels. This course gave me a greater knowledge of the complexity of what goes behind the process from beginning to end.” – Monty Griffin, Bunge North America, IAOM–KSU Introduction to Flour Milling course participant

18 “I enjoyed learning about the poultry nutrition in the course. All of the information taught, will help me in my research and learning the poultry nutrition formulas was very interesting.” – Toshiyuki Ishii, Nihon Nosan Kogyo, USSEC Poultry Nutrition course participant

19 2018 IGP Institute Year in Photos

“On this trip I have learned about sustainable soy production in the U.S. that I had heard about before but wasn’t exactly sure how far developed it was. Because our company is really concerned about sustainability, it is something that we can take back. It is value-added that we can pass on with our products to our customers.” – Leonardo Lopez, purchasing manager for the Cooperativa de Produccion de Leche Dos Pinos, USSEC Oilseeds and Grain Purchasing Tools and Resources participant

20 “I enjoyed being able to see and understand the different parameters that control the extruder and how you can change your product by changing these parameters.” – Fernando Torres Maluf, new project manager at Premier Pet, IGP–KSU Extrusion Processing: Technology and Commercialization participant

21 2018 By the Numbers 35 On-site Courses • 826 Participants

On-site Courses Month Participants Countries IGP–KSU Pet Food Formulation January 25 Canada, New Zealand, U.S. IAOM–KSU Introduction to Flour Milling January 15 Mexico, U.S. IGP–KSU Grain Elevator Managers January 29 U.S. NGFA–KSU Food Safety Modernization Act for the February 43 U.K., U.S. Feed Industry Buhler–KSU Expert Milling March 6 Bolivia, U.S. USDA Cochran Fellowship Program: March 8 Serbia Introduction to U.S. Pet Food IGP–KSU Grain Purchasing April 9 Korea, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka, U.S. USSEC China Feed Manufacturing April 18 China USSEC MENA Feed Manufacturing May 12 Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia IGP–KSU Grain Elevator Managers May 18 U.S. NGFA–KSU Food Safety Modernization Act for the May 32 U.S. Feed Industry Buhler–KSU Executive Milling (English) May 11 U.S. IGP–KSU Feed Manufacturing June 26 Brazil, Canada, Ghana, Turkey, U.S. USW Sub Saharan Region Flour Millers June 12 Nigeria, South Africa Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, USSEC Oilseeds and Grain Purchasing Resource Tools July 30 Guatemala, Mexico, Peru, Singapore, U.S., Venezuela Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua, USSEC RAPCO Swine Nutrition July 30 Panama, Peru IGP–KSU Pet Food Workshop August 18 Brazil, U.S. IGP–KSU Extrusion Processing and Commercialization August 32 Brazil, Saudi Arabia, U.S. IGP–KSU Introduction to Flour Milling August 10 Canada, Korea, Sri Lanka, U.S. Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico, USSEC RAPCO Swine Welfare August 26 Panama, Peru Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, USSEC RAPCO Feed Manufacturing August 31 Guatemala, Jamaica, Mexico, Panama, Peru IAOM–KSU Flour and Dough Testing Analysis August 19 Canada, Ecuador, Jamaica, U.S. Buhler–KSU Executive Milling (Spanish) August 8 Ecuador, Guatemala, Panama IGP–Hills Pet Commercialization Pet Food Industry September 32 U.S. Clinicians NGFA–KSU Food Safety Modernization Act for the October 36 U.S. Feed Industry

22 On-site Courses Month Participants Countries K-State Pet Food R&D Showcase October 159 Brazil, Canada, Philippines, Turkey, U.S. IAOM–KSU Advanced Milling Principles October 11 Puerto Rico, U.S. IAOM–KSU Basic Milling Principles October 21 Mexico, New Zealand, Nigeria, Taiwan, U.S. IAOM–KSU Advanced Milling Principles October 15 Mexico, Taiwan, U.S. USDA Cochran Fellowship Program: Feed Ingredients October 13 Cambodia, Malaysia, Vietnam Buhler–KSU Executive Milling (English) November 11 Sri Lanka, U.S. Buhler–KSU Flowsheet Technology (English) November 7 Canada, Egypt, Pakistan, U.K., U.S. USDA Cochran Fellowship Program: U.S. Sorghum December 7 Vietnam Exposure and Utilization GEAPS–K-State Hands-On Training (HOT) Program December 30 Barbados, U.S. IGP–KSU Flour Milling for State Wheat December 16 U.S. Commissioners and Staff

23 2018 By the Numbers 37 Distance Courses • 686 Participants

Distance Courses Month Participants Countries GEAPS 500: Introduction to Grain Handling Operations January 25 Canada, U.S. GEAPS 501: Management Basics for Grain Facility Supervisors: Understanding Key Roles and January 20 Canada, U.S. Responsibilities GEAPS 541: Developing an Effective Safety Culture January 9 Canada, U.S. at Your Company GEAPS 550: Materials Handling I January 26 Australia, Canada, Sweden, U.S. GEAPS 506: The Grain Industry in Canada: Climate, February 7 Canada, U.S. Crops, People GEAPS 510: Facilities Planning and Design I February 19 Canada, U.S. GEAPS 520: Quality Grain Management February 46 Canada, Indonesia, Mexico, Pakistan, U.S. GEAPS 551: Materials Handling II February 13 Canada, U.S. AFIA 500: Introduction to Feed Manufacturing February 27 Ecuador, Norway, U.S. GEAPS 521: Aeration System Design and Fan March 16 Australia, Canada, Mozambique, Tanzania, U.S. Operational Management GEAPS 540: Entry Level Safety March 39 Australia, Canada, Ivory Coast, Malaysia, Tanzania, U.S. GEAPS 546: Fighting Grain Silo Fires and Smolders March 24 Canada, U.S. GEAPS 552: Materials Handling III March 11 Canada, U.S. GEAPS 511: Facilities Planning and Design II April 2 U.S. GEAPS 525: Management of Insect Pests April 23 Canada, Portugal, U.S. GEAPS 530: Quality Management Systems for Bulk April 21 Canada, U.S. Materials Handling Operations GEAPS 555: Advanced Equipment Maintenance April 23 Canada, U.S. AFIA 500: Introduction to Feed Manufacturing April 38 U.S. GEAPS 542: Electrical Safety May 19 Canada, U.S. GEAPS 545: Grain Entrapment May 6 Canada, U.S. GEAPS 600: Overview of Milling Principles May 9 Canada, Russia, U.S. GEAPS 610: Interpretation of Process Flow Diagrams May 10 Canada, U.S. GEAPS 500: Introduction to Grain Handling Operations July 22 Canada, U.S. GEAPS 501: Management Basics for Grain Facility Supervisors: Understanding Key Roles and July 31 Canada, U.S. Responsibilities GEAPS 544: Preventing and Responding to Grain Dust July 10 Canada, Uruguay, U.S. Explosions

24 Distance Courses Month Participants Countries GEAPS 550: Materials Handling I July 17 Australia, Canada, Portugal, U.S. AFIA 500: Introduction to Feed Manufacturing August 34 Canada, India, Jordan, Lebanon, U.S. GEAPS 510: Facilities Planning and Design I September 11 Australia, Canada, New Zealand, U.S. GEAPS 520: Quality Grain Management September 23 Canada, Colombia, U.S. GEAPS 524: Grain Drying September 16 Canada, U.S. GEAPS 620: Grain Receiving, Cleaning and Conditioning September 3 Canada, U.S. GEAPS 522: FGIS Grain Inspection Orientation October 7 Canada, U.S. GEAPS 530: Quality Management Systems for Bulk October 15 Barbados, Canada, U.S. Materials Handling Operations GEAPS 540: Entry Level Safety October 15 Canada, U.S. GEAPS 630: Quality Control/Quality Assurance October 4 Canada, U.S. Practices in Flour Milling AFIA 500: Introduction to Feed Manufacturing October 32 Canada, U.S. IGP 700: Fundamentals of Animal Nutrition October 13 Canada, Ghana, U.S.

25 Faculty and Staff Directory

Core Staff

Trina Adams Pat Hackenberg Gordon Smith Jason Watt Distance Education Manager Educational Media Coordinator IGP Institute Director, Grain Science Buhler Instructor of Milling [email protected] [email protected] and Industry Department Head [email protected] [email protected]

Kelly Boswell Lisa Long Program Services Coordinator Events Coordinator Shawn Thiele Naaz Yasmin [email protected] [email protected] Flour Milling and Grain Processing Business Services Coordinator Curriculum Manager, Interim Associate [email protected] Director [email protected]

Carlos A. Campabadal Lisa Moser Feed Manufacturing and Grain Quality Marketing and Communications Management Curriculum Manager, Coordinator Spanish Outreach Coordinator [email protected] [email protected]

26 Contributing Faculty Sajid Alavi Mike Brouk Bob Goodband Michael Moore Grain Science and Industry Animal Sciences and Industry Animal Sciences and Industry Grain Science and Industry Kansas State University Kansas State University Kansas State University Kansas State University Greg Aldrich Edgar Chambers Cassandra Jones Chad Paulk Grain Science and Industry Food, Nutrition, Dietetics and Health Animal Sciences and Industry Grain Science and Industry Kansas State University Kansas State University Kansas State University Kansas State University Vincent Amanor-Boadu Fran Churchill Mary Knapp Tom Phillips Agricultural Economics Grain Science and Industry Agronomy Entomology Kansas State University Kansas State University Kansas State University Kansas State University Fadi Aramouni Ignacio Ciampitti Kadri Koppel Brian Plattner Animal Sciences and Industry Agronomy Food, Nutrition, Dietetics and Health Adjunct Faculty Kansas State University Kansas State University Kansas State University Grain Science and Industry Art Barnaby Patrick Clark Dave Krishock Carl Reed Agricultural Economics Adjunct Faculty Grain Science and Industry Grain Science and Industry Kansas State University Grain Science and Industry Kansas State University Kansas State University Keith Behnke Jason Ellis Brian Lindshield Charles Stark Grain Science and Industry Communications and Agricultural Education Food, Nutrition, Dietetics and Health Grain Science and Industry Kansas State University Kansas State University Kansas State University Kansas State University Subramanyam Bhadriraju Mark Fowler Romulo Lobato Harold Trick Grain Science and Industry U.S. Wheat Associates Agronomy Plant Pathology Kansas State University Kansas State University Kansas State University Matt Frederking Paul Blodgett Adjunct Faculty Rebecca Miller-Regan Jason Woodworth Grain Science and Industry Grain Science and Industry Grain Science and Industry Animal Sciences and Industry Kansas State University Kansas State University Kansas State University

27 Course Supporters

Acitecnica Bartlett Milling and Co. Consolidated Grain & Barge Co. Gavilon Fertilizer Integrative Flavors Acuila Season SA de CV Bay State Milling Co. Contegral Gavilon Grain Inter-Tech Ltd. Addiction Foods Beachner Grain Inc. Cooperatia de Produccion de Leche Dos Pinos Gebi Interindustrias del Sureste ADM Milling Co. Beijing Resource Animal Pharmaceutical Cooperative Grain & Supply General Mills ITALCOL AFB International Co. Ltd. Corporacion Avicola del Caribe Ltd. George’s Inc. Itochu Feed AGP Grain Marketing LLC Bill Barr and Company Inc. Costa Atlantica Georgia Pate Ivin Bauman Agri-Master Co. Ltd. Bimini LLC Country Partners Coop GFG Ag Products LLC J.D. Heiskell & Co Agrifeed Bioalimentar DadHank (Chengdu) Biotech Corp. GNA Jabuka Agro Resources World Bizbio Inc. Dairy Consulting Service Grain Craft Milling Jamaica Broilers Group Agro-Imporaciones Blanco Batista & Cia Dakota Dry Bean Gramosa Jamaica Grain and Cereals Limited AgroIndustrial Ganadera Ferchang Blue Buffalo Dangote Flour Mills Ikorodu-Lagos Nigeria Grand Mills Agthia PJSC Japan Cornstarch Agropecuaria Abreu SAS Bonanza BioEnergy LLC David Didomenico Granja Amelia S.R.L. Jones Seed Agropecuaria Los Sagitarios SA Bratney Companies Department of Livestock Production Granjas Carroll de Mexico Ka Agrotel Buhler Inc. DePue Warehouse Company Granjita El Progreso S.A. de C.V. Kansas Ethanol LLC AgSpring LLC Bunge North America Deseret Mill and Pasta Green Plains LLC Kansas State University Agtegra Cooperative C.J. Foods Inc. Diamond V Grupo Abrego Kansas Wheat Commission Akinbolaji Oni Cairo Poultry Group Dimmitt Flaking LP Grupo Bios Kanza Cooperative Association Al-Assad Feeding Co. Cairo University Distribuidora Dos Anclas Grupo Nutec Keimei Shinbun Alf Afriquia Caledonia Farmers Elevator Dougi Royal Farms/GNAPF Grupo Poricola Mexicano Kejr Farms ALIANSA Calysta DSM Nutritional Products GSI Group Keken Alimentacion Balanceada Alibal C.A. Cargill EBM Manufacturing Guan Heng Co. Ltd. Kent Nutrition Group Inc. Alimentos Ideal S.A. Central Plains Coop Egg Innovations Guelph University Key Cooperative Alltech Central Valley Ag Cooperative Egyptianswiss for Milling Gushi Agriculture & Animal Husbandry Group Khai Anh Binh Thuan Co Ltd. Ameer Alam Flour & General Mills Cerdos Dominicanos El Machia Co. Ltd. King Milling Ameri-Pac Inc. Cereal Ingredients Empresas Melo S.A. Hacienda el Progreso King Saud University Amick Farms LLC. CFC Tech Services Evercorn Inc. Hansen Mueller Kissinger Farms An Huy BT Company CGB and Brooks Grain Fabrica de Alimentos Las Palmas FRS SA Harinas del Istmo S.A. Komponenta Animal Production Institute Charoen Pokohand Malaysia Fabrica de Harinas Elizondo Harvest Fuel dba SweetPro Feeds KS Assn. of Wheat Growers Animi Chia Fha Enterprise Co. LTD. Faculty of Vet Medicine Hefei Baojikang Feed Technology Co. Ltd. Kwama Farms/GNAPF Apps Center Limited Chiao Thai Hsing Flour Mill Co. Farmers Elevator & Exchange Co. Henan Wellhope Agri-tech Co. Ltd Lai Thieu Feed Mill ARASCO CHS Inc. Farmers Grain Company Henan Zhengbenqinyuan Technology Land O Lakes Purina Feed LLC Arce Avicola S.A. CHS United Plains Ag FCAV Unesp Jaboticabal Development Co. Ltd. Landmark Service Cooperative Ardent Mills Clextral FCAV UNESP JABOTICABAL Hi Plains Feed Landus Cooperative Arm & Hammer Animal Nutrition Cluster Acicola de Tungurahua Feedlot Health Management Services Hill’s Pet Nutrition Lang Construction Group ARS Colanta Finca C.A. Hoa Phat Dong Nai Feeds Leighton Consulting Asociacion Peruana de Porcicultores Colorado Mills Flagler Cooperative Association Honeywell Flourmills PLC Lewis and Lee Land Inc. ASPE Colorado State University Fleischmann’s Vinegar Company Hong Ming Enterprise Co. LTD. Lien Hwa Industrial Corp. Limited Assumption Cooperative Grain Company Columbus KS Farmers Coop Flint Hills Resources LLC Hong Nga Company Lortscher Animal Nutrition Inc. Attebury Grain Comayma Flour Mills of Nigeria PLC Hovis Linited Louis Dreyfus Company Avifore CIA LTDA. Commodity Specialists Co. Fluid Quip Process Technologies HUM JSC MAC Aviforte Companias Agroindustriales CCA SRL Frigorifico Guadalupe S.A.S. Industrial Molinera Macy Sherwin Bachoco SA de CV Conafab Frontier Ag Inc. Ingredion Marui Feed Bakehresa Sa PTY LTD Confederacion de Porcicultores Mexicanos A.C. FWP Matthews LTD Innovative Ag Services Masterfeeds

28 Matadero 5 Estrellas NuTech Biosciences Inc. SAATI Americas Corp Tianjin Ruifu Feed Co. Ltd Vimifos Matthews Feed & Grain Inc. Nutrius SAGITARIOS Top Food Industry Corp. Vina Dai Viet Company Mauri ANZ OK Coop Grain & Mercantile San Fernando Topswine Cia Ltda VYMISA McC Inc. Okeene Milling Co. Sanders Torremolinos Walmart MD Farm Supply LLC. Olam International (Crown Flour Mills) Sanut Dominicana Tri Star LLC Washington Grain Commission MD Translation Oregon Wheat Commission Saram S.A. de C.V. Trillium Farms WellPet LLC Mennel Milling Co. of Michigan P&H Milling Group – Halifax division Saudi Grains Organization Triple Crown Nutrition Wenger Manufacturing Michigan Agricultural Commodities PAACO Searles Valley Minerals Trouw Nutrition Mexico West Plains LLC Michigan State University Pan Ocean Co. Ltd Selecta de Guaymas Tufts University Western Milling Midwest Laboratories Panhandle Milling SEMO Milling Tyson Foods Western Sugar Cooperative Miller Milling Perfetti Van Melle Sensient Technologies UC Davis White Energy MKC Pet - Vet Doo Serbian Chamber of Commerce United Farmers Cooperative Wyandot Snacks Moderna Alimentos S.A. Petcurean Shanghai Nonghao Feed Co. Ltd. Universidad Agraria La Molina Xtra Factors Molino Venecia S.A. Pilgrim’s Shawnee Milling Company University of Arkansas Yemmak Makina San.ve Tic. Mondelez International Pioneer Foods Shenyang Wellphoe Extrusion Feed Co. Ltd. University of Florida Zen-Noh Grain Mong Reththy Group Pipeline Foods Shijiazhuang Feilong Feed Co. Ltd. University of Missouri Zinpro Performance Minerals Monogram Foods PIRRO AGZ Siemer Milling Company University of Perugia Montana Wheat & Barley Committee Plus Plus Simmons Foods University of Tennessee Muenster Milling Co. Porcicola San Marcos Skyland Grain USDA MYN Distribuidora S.A. de C.V. Porcicultores APA S.A.S Sl Poljovet USDA–CGAHR National Pork Board Porcina Consultas SA Smithfield Foods USDA/FAS – Malaysia Nature’s Beauty Creations Ltd. Pork Colombia Smucker Foods of Canada USDA/FAS – Vietnam Nava Pets Posco Daewoo Corp Snavely’s Mill Inc. U.S. Grains Council Neovia Mexico PREMEX Sofalim U.S. Soybean Export Council Nestle USA Premier FMCG Solid Gold Pet U.S. Wheat Associates NEW Cooperative Inc. Procesadora Industrial De Carnes S.A. SOLLA S.A. Utrecht University New Generation Supplements Progressive Ag Coop SouthFresh Feed Valleumbra Flour Mills NIG Newhope Liuhe Co. Ltd. Progressive Protein SPIERU Virginia Tech Nichiwa Sangyo Proteinas y Oleicos SA de CV Sunjin Co. Ltd Nihon Nosan Kogya Qingdao Vland Biotech Inc. Superior Ag Resources Coop Nine Golden Starts Co. Ltd Ragasa Tai Cheng Flour Mill Co. Nippon Chunky Range Pharm Sdn Bhd Tan Long Group JSC Thank you for another great year. Nong Lam University HCMC Redondos Tarrant County College From the faculty and staff of the IGP Institute Norel Animal Nutrition USA Regal Springs Tilapia Technical Manager Kansas State University Notice of Nondiscrimination North Dakota Wheat Commission Regulatory Discretion Inc. Tepa Group Kansas State University is committed to nondiscrimination on the basis of race, color, ethnic or national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender North Star Processing LLC. Richardson Milling Thai Ho Flour Mill Co. Ltd. identity, religion, age, ancestry, disability, genetic information, military status, veteran status, or other non-merit reasons, in admissions, educational programs or activities and employment, including employment of disabled veterans and veterans of the Vietnam Era, as required North Carolina State University Roberts Manufacturing Co Ltd The DeLong Company by applicable laws and regulations. Responsibility for coordination of compliance efforts and receipt of inquiries concerning Title VI of the Civil Novus Int. Rogers Foods Ltd. The Ottawa Cooperative Association Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, and the Americans With Disabilities Act Amendments Act of 2008, has been delegated to the Director of Institutional Equity, Kansas Nulo Pet Food RTP Environmental Associates Inc. The Redwood Group State University, 103 Edwards Hall, Manhattan, KS 66506-4801, (Phone) 785-532-6220; (TTY) 785-532-4807. Revised August 14, 2014.