
Little Longstone, Longstone Moor, , Monsal Trail, Monsal Head

Time: 2 hr 22 mins Distance: 6.28 miles (10.10 Km) Parking: Roadside parking between Monsal Head Hotel and Car park grid ref: SK 185715

Head through the village of Little Longstone and just before the very last house (Longstone Byre), take the path on the left. On reaching the gate turn right and follow the path passing a farm and small camp/caravan site on your left to reach a quiet road. Turn left onto the road and head uphill until the road bends right, at which point take the path directly ahead (footpath sign). Through the metal gate, cross the farm track and take the path/steps ahead (signposted Longstone Moor) and continue steeply uphill to a gate onto access land beyond. Continue uphill, making certain to look back at the view as the path levels out. Continue across the moor maintaining the same direction. Pass fences right and left protecting you from dangerous mineshafts and continue uphill passing a small tree and up to a waymarker signposted “Foolow” and more fantastic views. Downhill to stone stile then continue straight ahead over a series of stone stiles (sometimes trending slightly rightwards) to reach the road. Left onto the road and downhill to a “T” junction. Right at the “T” junction then left after 75 mtrs onto footpath with the sign on the stone gatepost, “Charles Five Acres Farm”. Head directly downhill through a series of gates aiming just right of the small brown cottage in a cluster of tress in the distance. At the road turn left and head through the village of Wardlow. 100 mtrs after dip in the road, take the path on the right signposted “Ravensdale”. Just over the brow of the hill bear left over the stile and follow the well defined path down through the wood to the wooden bridge. Over the bridge the path forks; take the left fork staying in the valley floor. Pass Ravensdale Cottages on your left and continue up the tarmac drive to the “T” junction. Left at the “T” junction and continue downhill until Cressbrook Mill (luxury apartments) can be seen on the right. Follow the concession signs around the complex and cross the wooden bridge. Up the path/steps to reach the Monsal Trail. Follow this to the track where the old railway would have run and turn left (signposted ). Follow this for some distance, over the viaduct and just before the “Headstone Tunnel” take the path on the left up to the Hotel and your car just beyond.