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VOLUME LXXXH NO. 13 ImatfBtttr. UIWM OfBM M *•* Mi M. I.. iMHIMtl *£ , RED BANK, N. J. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 3, 1950 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Ike to NATO: Arsenal Commuters Ask PRR Found Don't Retreat In House To Withdraw Rate Plea

AaBBBMf Am/ On Principle day night was sentenced to Urge Railroad to » days ta county jell : tarday by Magistnto Jota Site and Architect Offers Formula Await Outcome Sewerage faiaot PraakUa Amther. tt, of: « East Bargsa PI., Had Sought by Board Of Referendum For Peace at Ha find four shots from a IHRBwlBUtY-Tte System Adds his froat EATONTOWN — Tte Board of 2! to ___. Council Session latdacatica is going stead with its More Streets Than wan as mjarlso. plaaa to select a site sad archi- fcr a sew* la saMaaatog ft. ax-Army Rebels Only par eoat fan aa MB FARM (AP) Pnsld-t Eitta- EATONTOWN tect for its proposed tMO.Nt than tan* aton streets wtt be saM ha w« acbool. K wet learned today. Tte jvwwMigr ••*•*•*•* • to hook tato tte from )al If At tte same time, tte Board 12 Miles From at aa fa- tarn Tuesday. caa ba mada tor Ito also looking into tte possibility to ntrOBC OBO IBCB m aa lastitatlaa. Ha ta tte Pen Tale was of buildtag a larger school than Sam Neua by Edward tte oae the tXM.OOO will buy. The* then will be an warnight'. s Sewerage Authority i attorney. VISKTIANE. LAOf (AP)-UB- /•fts Pratt-tag. Tte Board Voted recently to Ttenwmte Mr. Amftor plsadsd tUoOo enttr Md fte North Atlaalk Lewis It, Maple An., aad accept tte entitlement of the fed- fta termal chart* of eral government to construct a defense line tgatatt Tto oaggestioas that ft* ap. foughttato tt etag firaarma m Kad |ele. cltssrnora school. o.^e withdnwa wen Tha oa ftat Communist nbeta today oary B The money was awarded to ttemiles from Sam Nona, fte Royal ta ft mainly because of tte m7B.Moir^Bj^.ial large aumber of children of mil-Army's military tawhkk would provide nHef-ta Tasy oak] It was a itary parents In the school tys-NortteraUoe. *• **• of Mow Jersey Tarapfta ; Charles dtOeuUe. ia aooatr, Oaorea A. m Colt piaM ftat Mr. Aristae, freak and " m. Red tore*, authoritjr chalnua, aoM. aaad Taooday aad aot a JI can* ITw meawn maat te approved nkwod iMrilih white-tie u ftsy orlfhH*/ w Tte big problem now is when with dt Geulte, Bl- "Bat awrylhtai has basa to build the school. by tte voters ta a refowSm at pttdMd vigorously lato warkod oat," ka said, "aad I am Advance tte Nov. I ekctkm. ctrtaia wa will ba nadyto oc - TAsytDaada Mr. WB&COM Kt Md—Parisleas Uaa fka Mae. .a la Eanamtat Itady tha iMt day of Us Eunpsaa Meanwhile. Superintendent WH- wttbta 11 to W miles of tte town ia Cewcarde as motoreoda carrying PratMont Eisenhower of lam Neaa ta wtet shaped up him aadfigured ftat wa s Usm W. Rsmssy has been au- to a sta-hour bsartap-tte ftat llto apptenace at tte Atlantic *** aaol PretWenf do Gaulle, lead, car, passes threwflh heart thorized by the Board to.make ss a major offtasiv.. ft. waapoa b. asad. B0 ICC MS bSJd laa CaReflwateV CoaacU was designed to calm MoamfhHs, fta authority i •f tha Fraiich capital. Tha Repvblicen *«erd is thea study of projected enrollment "Ifa ctaaole warfare, aot guer-l Uttla hsadway hut aifht la ok- AHtoM.Mr. lag area where baft tto lajtnal tha Nan of tha smaUar powtn figures until 1M1. CBHBWawSfS taiaiat tha critical proparty < •apaaa m Ma The ob.litk is in backyMiad. rilta toctiCB, Deteata Socntary f>f that hU eoralag aesttags with This is to aid tte board ta de- IMP Soviet Premier Mkta S. Krash-maat from Mr. aad Mrs. "' Tana mm a' JI radiv fram Paris) boa - tte •J eaMwr aad aa air faa: termining If addUtoaal rlamroorns I a ktsstatag of fttJr Bteri, Rt K. —which would probably come out Ho d M te "_ _ ' _ aJIOoHpia- ftat fta attacken n^iT tte toles ta NATO. of local taws should te built at least oat battalion of "NATO U a matter of spirit, tot. a JI ravornr. a M id* a M There to a poetibUtty Mr. Ram- North Viet Nam troops, taaaV say will report on kit pro. Lacs' Communist-ruled "tk**! nvewss,~fte" fan ta> to 2d Night Opening at tte board's lent 14 meeting. « mlaatas la aa anmnt to « to tto east enan woald brtae MB essasMtor wa all cherish," tha Free- to tanas with Mr. aad Mrs. Because of tte holiday. H wffl ntos iato Ba e wftk ftaee of tte "We intend to hold Sun Nous J C Rattfoad. af* "If w. an firm among our- "•""• Two of ft. rblci wan has ta ft. attic of aw) houw. Tte h Off to Good Start with recommeada- a all costs. fldak said. la a "To let it go would be a coa- Tte Csatral neernd a II par Board of Education is consider- cent tan taenaaa oa Ma com- Wadaaaday eight shopplag • ttl f ffi A a^Mornd. If'we'glve NATO Mr. ***m» saM a right of wayy PoHca GhM Owrta H. day that tte Patbet Uo wen nmutatlo- a fan effective Aag.1 steai thalr Pma Tna TraOtr d < n lM County Gets established ta their oM * n*f Joney Coatnl tktoto an to- I. Tte deary tract oa tte north Tte rebels of the Ptftst Uo es tte Now Y«k TtenwiUkUf tea peace." 811,806 For Mr. Momm aakt te daw aat beta aaahto to pat fta "Tte UaUmBmBBwM l ewwSttS MSfel BO i. Parker An.,ta th e Wan It. paaitloa ta NATO eccept ftat of •Teaaal taaMee, reedy to wark Span Repair 3. Tte anato tt e rear of ftelTte twe Man From far iSSn amm *t|

miag M«er 0a«mm*y. OBB* J»*B aatkaVs •X AULLJ sssros. osM te was «"»*Bmmj - ~n , ^ fcr tto UatedKta wflk BMafVal WaWi fatal mate of tte grwatotteboaiwbytteHoasiag bat fte federal go* Traffic waa •ad Home V^SS Bhaod ftat fte brtdee

jkteat SMI yards teach aad. My oMted. T» rophty to got kdtkl da- OMetals aakt ftt i da GaaffcVs arrival. Iks He wee kkeaattad as Leal tafle werhsd out. Tte Authority M, of Maatnal, Eorapaaa "Whtta Hoaas" over- OTB, wew sam i mgataagftell d a BMUTT daldt ea MB ada. Heto visHta g fte & OeaaV settled thraaak ftt Frederick to ready tte two kar- New York ta Bte; Head «ea> • - VO% Ocoaa AveX, was ftaany sold at Port Moo> miles fna Ow Norft Vtot • stream of vMtars. eRorta of Rap. Ji cTAaohta-of tte Red Bank Retail Trad* border, aad captand tt Uwttas Eitsa*o>w/s day _ dam (R-Kt)(R4(t). wl Mr. AfMrfta Mr. . for'BOM MB chiMrta of '**•» NATO lecntBiy-Oeaeral Pa* _, hal ta MM „. flitasismammama* *aMMaakai •Bk^a tr- Hearl Spaak aad NATO Council "M o. ft. was mated at i by the to pay ft. canto over last alghfs rtsWts. He said tn.m.n '—-• - byftr Kelatech's ston. of which te It tiUtaiy aaraati. uovsnuafai iroaat, Bwf a » President Jeaspk Urns arrived. duo. •i as IM t ef the manager, hae an opaa mtad paU- EiieatowPort liis.BU.Hla to use. fte Is barrack permlttlas ga s"**»•mU* front«£*»* ** After privato taks with them. Tarasd backto to saaiaaa r was MW^TtebUlwao staying open atoatowato as efte barrack s as ">"• tr0Bt1* tecta! *> airwa ato Isw blocto • chaai. otdar fnm tha orlajaal off ajaifsattstdj sloabrt sas* awauH. which tte Wednesday sights. tary said was to NATO's tamrtag teedi n. int. effect" oa «^_ _w - MlatU vti fta chttdraa from bombardments* He saM fta i tan tor Ma hrtof, hlsadty dittos*! |M to MMto te a ; jkwieaajytoftaaaritorflgun Tte atom. sen suppUedby North Vlst kiMB* tfJMBBl BBBBBB^BmVa>BBBB*aBl BBB 4am*i CMsf aaMMr. the Army's a « par aapt drop ta pi Official rspoils saM ctatty of Vaa-B Traitor Park, Rt VaVJaBBB) SB) SS* VM stfwMsi Bpy a wBwVi ast Oradte aae B«y traffic. Tte county tala. won kJbwJ aai wava as fta Mnwaslat with as askedto ae - te taught ta tte barracks. ftat ta IMT ft. Army tote tastatakft Then h) mtattag. yftejrk»wlftftBom> wytracteaadaii^lotoops waaMtoveea . Brig. Gee. at tatt lew* WSBBWBW B^BBwe* ewaVa e^^rewal oT^P* i^_— «j_— ttoaal classaa If fta beard feats •Mr tte briage. caas- lor Friday atafct skseptag. Ho saM ft) Is paajMe ftst thty should to pat tato ase. W tost of Wd la tha Branch, will teach fourth . tor. hat It hi OBS ad will tarn aa fta SBpanHsar tramfta wro t latCkMBoyeroeidltwaaMr i tto fort Tto otter teacten an Mr*. Darafty Hatatra. Lou mimbtr sis tettalloaa aiad NATO trip. of aaotbtr. •aPsfBTw*) am WSJIJBJ, Car Strikes, Ista MaBartto Now York. aa tear aad a of btakwey stop. Mata target of fta Kills. Howell m•k amamBBawwVVi t V1 akskaasaefeWJi asammatVaVJail fkftmeafamml VflKVsTA*amaIj ta tte Maaa rapafejod at aetator, wfctak ta sthHalil to Late M*wt Man on Rt. 9 •psa SB rWttwuy* FMtHOLD TOWNHOPuOlto IUENOS AIRES, ARMNTINA (API — toorotory *f aMa^^aai IB ^M Bat a\ fjaaj am Work* Bill RHataffai ifaj Cff W. W, awawaV wMal BBatelaW War BbU Aaays foday aretooel Mto atraat «f 17 fW* aw*aj% *^H*> a"aW4aw»y struck py a Veto Upheld orelt In a speedy aea«twNO)Ha«h ofataet • Ktlkoraiwtoidaj. rebellion within ArejenWs army. At tba MOM HIM, Tha drlvor jf fta oar waMrss . White Backs Labrecque WAWPfOWWOP) Priilaml rltoAt threvthewt fke eoewtry plooHad BMI|II>M H 9m of M. a% OM Mfca. Carlos Torento Hootero, who was irod by fl

^^m^ AW^^f^ff May AW—. •>*—__ •»«_»—-- Taa oaaMoat haaaa yesterday. pVwaVJi wVJMKBPS ••# HaT IWW afWan After Favoring Giordano *-— * M ^UUai t taVaaWaaMa^sB BBVM w*aV>t aVJf ••^••J aft araWwMVaWf Mrs. wMk Oav. BJHBO. It to sat If tte ft*. of Malar VahMsa. teaatMled wish tte IB Hease i Its IMBBJI djav oba) BWABBBBBI t0 BBBB) i aawW Aa? Ml* B^BBBWMB^BWM mawf tftm% amaaml ovwTwewmmmjmjm* ammmmmmmmmj BBgammmmmmmat mar gm at a boad la fta toplve csjsiM ia wontaetodsd ta fte total. was mavlag ba efo veto of a IIJMJafSTpmV » *» t IM. Baft tan saM that theyPsmserst fnm oaaftar afl 9JBB1BB1*BYB1 Baia amaBamaBtfrnaBBBa) BVBBBB aaVA OemM D. Cramer, H. ef Proe>can tahaavyivy tralwtnfle. MMrr. Ji . lew ^w^ra^BjBJ MB|ae ^y^B^Pvw/e^alBjrv H^w aajj| «^^^ Pair Hana. ao afttak Mr. Olnrasas, Isr his asrv. Mr. Itoat has natod ftat. ta domlaaat Democratic mataifL "" at his Hcsass tor oil %VawA wMawB aimtamWdt aaaaatk mm *kai lot. doterved s ft.tte SlMI»«-IIMN > a adtoaratadtatag 11M1d lay, fta Tto ethers tod their wmjmj WVJ «*JTVwaaf| VafwWl Ml UH mired ta aew saNttoat freatMtoa Mb oddod that ho eoali io ssa, Bjavs (St. As K had m Umea awk **•- iktw * IV UN MI C. lea. Richard R. gtsat (RMaa-Novemter etonttaRa toton^vaVw' mettlawSH- tewed to Thty an Aadnw C ft), tte taj aaata. Htata all attag *s Hae •f 71 Codar An., Pair Nav«; Mr. fcrwit, • forts* _. •» • ^TaWdiT retoetkm of a measen dm a wp wtisai say Mpi oasftaavbnvbBSa B ftat kuTMsyaar to matority of baft houeasted sap - CALCUTTA, INMA (API — Ctmraw T. ON, II, of Hop* Rd. sart, by tra-ta I V fteA I •MM te etaand. has SBM . Celeetta today for the fetjrth ttrolfbt d«y, •f ow ef a baohtatof M,aflM IM WM stnMk«cams eat •timmkr ta he wM aot ttoad ta aoart tteatoylanto la Indlo's lerfetf dry was *t a BreadtHi. ft* Mr. L' 'fl way M* fte tore INDEX V/wffV"Jm S7Vv«tW B*WfVw IT* l^fSJ^STSJ^ew| V lOTS} As t woaM flat fta That . _ . Mrs. White, Rid aowrv oervts THO tiwowwiy mvar« lajw IT.afla» dUd at 4 a. m. at PMkai telt This H) wtet Mrs. WkMe ted iWlrtej twe of the rioters. wsw arSvH^f wVpflway AwN ^a^aaal am\ aaamam to aay: Mr. Jomes, a retired foundry gaw^aVa^^^^ ^.^S^ ^LA ^-- - a A M Mr. Otar- "I. pansaally. would teve Uled worker, has teoa etergod with gMS A^BA «VAtoteve set a tte aannat etovtto MAPLI oanleM drivtag. Mats Polios •artwey, BBM sae waaw _ am|( maj| pmj to Pl lab, te, by net beep to tte iHptrtor Court teach Judas «M WPJM WM wVrtja*#*j fci t . . ftiayta tald te will receive a uummoao to Peel Ktoraaa, ithitheyaadd ftft* age ef H-tam than fS today for rsastng deem by auto. l h Olardaao. If Mr. Meyaer had aat k_ .._..- toatabt wha a isv lasleaa a MPJ WWWWtrfWUTaastaa^AiaAss a IVflfl^SkaBmai mdlRfira* MBi A* ' that age would te a deltr ta fta attadta Is. Few aad MB)«f f«rw *,m***t O»rMim it afaMtsSfii af yia N#w B^BWBBJ BBBBBPBVBBJ BABawBe^w/Vwnv w#im H All makM MW *r wM low M fl m.^M . m. OIMMH*** K««v l»rma e»r OMstoa af Tea Appeals, I Ml lit kkjk asar Ktaakt aa • Ml MMUMMHI it. SN tMSS. It toe teoa fcvarMlem I post jo youag eaough to to tollow the pnvsrnor's Mr. Giordano, taH oafte bench serv, o two terms, Noto M. . ef Ihoednn J. mat has kept Mr. Kiemea aad To tto test ef my kaswtedat'h* y vlfffsli Iff aja HawSl W RVOR If tte coaaty Damssmte la eminently ejusUfM u a Itw T4BV* ftUBVWA MawSmmPUfMtWl tlBw^kmaMSJSJSWj aUmMBt J Dsmoeraiic thalrmM, darlded now to berk Mr. Ubrec (Cunilnued on Pate Two) UJ. 1-Twjfaaty, Sept. 3. 19S9 BED BANK REGISTER Perth Amboy cyncr Inks POBT WATNE. knt C*P) - Proposed Law Will Up Charged With Turnpike Bill TRENTON Health Board Minimums a. Meyner's Air Pollution two other It wat only a toytrack , Ivanoa Orakam, TKBNTON (AP) - Many local WOODMUDGE Later, frc _ WaWW wBawWaf* wVePVHeTw* BUM Health Department* Mini- 1. Issue official notice of birth wt ask voter approval of FT. LAUDERDALE-Johs, T. mum awadards of Performance. Commissloaer Resco* P. . _ NJ. Turapke surpkww Walter Bianstt Wflkam Taarpt without charge to parents of atw-said that If laboratory ttats sub- Koetder. «. of 3BT r* And these minimum standard! bora child. reacue faaeriag traatportaaan aad Baajamm, Priw, aad HaroM stanUaW tht on-the-spot fladtags, Urn St. died yesterday Drowler. BarWwaamPasrVww probably wilt toon bo made • X. Provide public health statis- "appropriate legal stept Bora to Hobokeo. ht was s I of lbs law, according toOr .tics H agencies aad iamvktala ballot the air ppottanoB secttoa former resident ot Atawt Mtmben of tht Hoi Baah Pfca Saw' Anason. director of local having an later** ia public aakmg approval ltnds. He had lives here save* health services. health. etat* sanitary issne for Daparmwat hakt awta- atrvwa Tutaday alght at tht faaaral Tbo Public Hoalth Council al- , 3. Establish aad conduct an Dr. Kandle aaid department ex- college ^wasoreslda-tot^Koeh. ready has *oted to receive the air sanitation program. some ler Electric Supply Co.. N*horn" * with Hr* Cawf Anwn Man. dftd di a two- perts have been working with aul report, drafted dating 4. Provide for collection tad the companies which might be park York City, and hsr*. Ho rtso year study by a analyses of sample! of water Janior involved to was a member of cat Aaaane Mechanics held a beaded by Frank J. Osbome from til public bathlag places Highlands Methoditt Church and East Oraage. for trmafrtl aad bacteriological night also. Member* af awt or- His statement said, "bvastiga- a fourth Question whether to to-*e Monmouth Lodge. Mtsoas. A pakhe haariag bat beta aet quality, tioa of the Perth Amboy-weod- for Oct a. Notice of Ik* bearing ,. e. Surviving are hit wife. Mrs. ' to today'* sales of cMblng. appliances, E»et Koehlar; a son. Edgar L. AtGuard of Rod Baak for anUve evidsnee of sir poOatloa dur- Koehler of Attontie Highlands; The ing the hut M haan or so. pro- Awodated camps and day camps. a daughter. Mra. Louite sumaM»Jwdwami aaWds^ •teneen of this piact; t "brother. Tha 41 yean, also paid thttr raajiela. "*wt woat ^ Bntbargt adulterati a^w^sWJe^mnasajma'a o^p ^^o^n^one^^^^^^^^ *^^^^ Robert KoeMer Sandwleh. have too much Mr Ofadsaoa. a rankhmt f ate branded drags, devices tad --JatoYt aSaTavfaffvl a"aVMaWM 19 Mass., and two anitdehttdnn. mg with thaw standards, •^** • ^sFetaw^^p^^^aj «w */^B*waam*tM* ^ such that aw aflaat af through tha Legwlatar*. Ha aaM Th*a funerafuneral win be heM •atIt. area a> af kit km. la all air polMioa waa wTB Coat adutter- aftorward. "Wt a " " " urday at 3 p. t to by hw wtta. Mrs. Aaato a\ < "But to some places men win miBbranaag and anwhoto- MIL'' Funeral Home, Atlantic i ^ aWd hav* to be Joseph Morecraft. chairman rodtat 1 *osr "None ot these services an lda*rtWtd MmaK at «ii* Mpe-cle* "Oraawa." waa tat) the NJ. TurapOw Authority, aad former pastor of ta aww Motwawt standards pwwaee «*«• mlttae. The Qninis*iOB*«Angus M. Harris Church, offldattng. Btrlal wBI TM Koppen Coke Co. aad Haw •rot. attaak m wklah twa feenafan wore ttabaot) t* tJaafh la Angus at* a necessary Insurance policy for the be to Fair View Cemetery. Oil Co. of b*ktt, i*BBBaaam far a atayfraaat], tfanth ia New York aoliee itaflaa whor* to preserve the health of mow to heavy smoke, soot and odor*. with Highway Commisaio* MRS. MARY C CAHUX the communities" with oc- mateM T*V**MBB*BB. a*maanansl Ap*^#*^p^hAp^p^_ ho wat tMotttaaotJ. With him Is Taay Luis Hataaaaat, R. G. Palmer and kuardt such t*aW s*s w ^s^a^aajpa* a^raws^aa^p w^^^^^^^awnw OCEAN GROVE - Mra. Mary the for the group, ejuotod fa* Stow soit) ay aatla* TO have boon the "omaroN* atoa," a* Director H61*Mf1 C. Cabill. 73, of ai New York etaadards go toto effect, mt de- mercury, ctrbon-tetra- Thomas. chloride. beojol, silica i Health Dttartntat as taytog aomotl boaaata an amarella was motJ at a ohw la fa* Ave.. died yesterday to Flakw partment win ha satisfied It that Kecpen Cake wat braasaag N* Fkwl cal board* tiaetreiy try to co others. •ttatlu Ia«har*l7. ! Memorial Hospital mm to new ssjulpmtat « II. lilPtBIt * IttpfT ?• BOW a at th© She wat bora to FraahoM, pty wtm mem. could bt don* about '•Some witt boM back aad pros- water well*. appUeatioa by slgntog coramoay. Oov Meyaer oaughter of thalate Ji She wid the fataea fram the Commuters saM. ytt bill dote act. of itttlL Juliulia McMahoaMcMa. gyres wttl ktve to bt put oa," h* td report oil company ar* so bad that mat would graatty imarava ma hWa fluoroacopic shoe-fitting pabUe ^^ - offer any flaal aoiutioa toou r Surviving are two daugbton. June school ehfldr** had to ht (Cantittil from page 1) Mn. Helta Beta, with whom she The machiat* to Stato Htsltt Depart- teat lotfae- aakwg for a fare increaie Norman C. Hanata. MoMBOum But he said the troublulee witith lived,, aad Mrs. Fetor NUsta ot control ot 11 Inspect atrtamt for poUu- ipwa for aM waa worked Beach, aa Indepeudent ot tht previous attempts to North PlainfleldPliflld: a BOB. Fnder- ragwtad oa private or public pro- lon. KeBaabarg for th* Aaatmoty aaM the . commuter trains ruaamg Ick COUU of Trenton, aad twa 11. Insure that aU humans bit- NYaLB last IN C waa a lack of cat*. If the voUrt brother*, Jam** A. McMahoa of Party. The birthday ot Mrs. Mary Han- It tan by animate be give* proper Railroad Long Branch after an aad bondbAkwra approved*, ht FrtehoM and Frank McMahoa of AroBJoa said that at Brat ten. Ocean Ave.. Bast 1 officials of the local health advice regarding treatment. ever, that the present tocreeae wat granted to the Penasytvaain "it will provide mililoot of New York City. 14. Providt far toformaooa tadwas celebrated at a la needed BOW. to January. He hi aa doUan manitty without adding A requiem mast win be offer- the Ladles' AwdUtry of me aay addiaoaal bardaa on the •*ed Saturday it i a. in. h St a. But heetaphaeUa ami d that guidance oa physical aad Burton Fuller, hearing of the NYfcLB. iw ***** mmm they meet away ataam* with ttoaal aspects of prtgatu abtad Veterans. Aag. X. for the ICC. said he hoped The increase to January waa ppayara.y " Rose of Lima Catholic Charch by ZTSSS. Mrs. Mark Oresa, r 1 the help of voluntary i, anisfttat mothers. duMBkl the rtHnmltr "" would have a de- granted by the ICC oa the coa- ThThe atgamt g came Just 11 weeksRev. Vincent Lloyd. Burial &r**tVSrt^ such aa tuberculosis aaa i.aad clinic visito at delegate to the Daughter! at Sco-dstoa on the PeensylvtnuVt n- dittoa that, ft a final aaTawV Ms^TawtT ftfaVt the be in St. Rose of U Cemetery ut convention to be heM Sept 14 ajuaat m « days. showed the wattookigh, to the pubiic. Some tog* under the dtrectioa of the W, to »» Atbury Park. Mrs. Thomas J. Smith, Pair Havoa. a refund would be made tocom - Freeman tie Murdoch aad Mn. BUa Democratic candidate for Mat* muters. County to provide Freehold, No Rt. 35 Parking Ban Abbi nittte aad chairman of Mt tor-J. Crawfor! Comptoa. Middw- rough sleddmg for Ike referaa- atto attend. The Lady Jaaa Mac- ougk't Ptiaamg Board, charged town Township JOSEPH T. MATTHEWS Qwoaodaw lodge win matt Sept there hat been "no attempt by sald the railroadt an "constant- Tha quastiOB which will be aa RARTTAN TOWNSHIP - Jo-ST Until Widening Completed the railroad industry to keep ly behind the eight-ban." He the ballot to November is: iph T. Matthews, M, of SB of tht A4P Social of taid the "commuter can't stand "Shall aa act entitled, an actFlorence Ave., died Tuesday to TRENTON — An* parUag tual constructioa stilt depends oadab made a trip to Atlantic CHy any more" inert uot. to providt meaas for mettiag theMonmoath Medical Cottar. ban in Shrewsbury decreed by ffOm Crate* *• Aug. 30. Ia the group wen Mr*. He said the Pennsylvania WM transpartatioB problems by ob-Born to Kotntbarg. ht wat SUM Highway Daparfsat will Joseph Kedeher, Mrs. ~~ but did not to the intamia- g certain aurphw revenue* n of th* toto Mr. tad Mrs. not go tato effect until after me actmg "to poor grace to coatiaue to this appUeatioa" now that th* terest of aaviag tiaw. were Coaa- of the N.J. Turnpike Authority, William Matthew*. road la wtdtasd. praawatod aaa ellmea Charwt S. Ca which are to bt nlsassd toex - He was a awosbtr ot aw Jun- mcrou*. That bill is g . ralMurnpIke bill It going before When that will be ia aa Hag. Mn. Vlota Laaibrecht Mrs. ton; Harry S. Koch, Oceaaport change tor a guaranty by thioer Order of Aaatricaa Mookna- eniettion. a highway to eommitta*. James Smith ~ Mr. Smith aaid tha appUcatiea Stato ot New Jersey, ot certain ic*. Keyport. spokesman si originally boadt ot aaM autharky. hi aaSurviving an ait wa*. Mrs. ^^—-- =•__-_-_— of aw Rt M waa "manly toforr the benefitbenefit" ot "tog Board Secretary Fraactt Shrewsbury Cooper, bam oMf NaNfNew. aaafwWawVfJfi aggregate principal amount aot toLydto Fore* Matawwt; a^ggy^Sara, mt Jersey Central Railroad. l was Informed Tuesday night Mr. Smith wat followed to the MU- QBctod !43MfMat; aiabiilitog a sens. Chester Matawwt of Ml gg.l". J*'«J state had ordered the ao park- witntm chair by RapubUcaa Statt toa for tbo Manldoal of me state in me amount place, Herbert Matmawt af Fwr- ZTj^U Ing on bom sides of Kt 31 from San. Richard R, Stout-wheat^ Ida aad ditford Matmowt, at aH?== Tinton Ave.. Eatoatowa, to Now aad a social "dab af which ah* Itpoet Mr. Smith seek* ta,Novem- Commlttae: Uaioa Btack: a daughter. Mn. man Springs ltd., Shrewsbury. Tha patty was hsM nato. for- Be* fund aad other KaroM Boyle ot Woat Orange: BmW — ~ *" in th* hosts ot Mrs. Irving Sawl* TtwT • a^WaUaaa Iwf •**• ' ' two graaddnldraa, Tha highway Ma, fwi JHOHMBWUI nv. an. "Ara yea going to stay irandehUd. Mrs. Henderson ia moving to Florida. hear mt. Tom?- San. Stout asked a* so; The funeral wttl bt held for any Democratic Caw the chair. for UHfo Sflver. Rarrtaa row at 1:J* p. m. ia aw *•* twamw Leads in Voting btida mtteDabha Mr Smith stayedy . Townships, aad wH-at Funeral Horn*, Keyport, with Dr. lit statement waa •aa Aadreach, Sr. S id h Htm J. OUagaa. Jr.. far Dial proved?" Hittmaa T. Wiaiams of Calvary *>'i letter fram San. Sea. Stout aaid he was "pot- - , MATAWAN — «, of- or of the group, aaicaic ittv» tat aojactioaa vatees Tht Methodist Charch, Keyport, at- miiama, Jr., sent at Sferawa- ndab) lor the Hih „ Aag. . 3I1I wla the Jumping agatoet the ret* Increase appH- nctottog. Bartol wffl be In Orota WyCouodl. In which Sea. WU- camhtamm efaatFlrat AM Saaad Brook Country dak, catioa "cat acroat Alfred Cerate, APonkurat. m> of f*> Grove Comotary, Keyport Bant aaid be had heard the ttott raatwdsj mntsVii *T II TThhe bMhdabihd y otf M Mrs. Pearl Hel- dtt w^ttNasiis wa. a_ eoaidirla;..*.*__*_g_ aaJMn* .»-« g «a^tA 4^ # "_ ^^•^^^mwfc^mj amaaT gmjajgamyfor* frich waa cilttraii^Aag.» at a He taid tht appUeatioa wat Mr. Futter, tht PATSY lag of it't Ht During a U-miauto crows*- Approval of the referendum, he CHATHAM - Petty Sana. S3. at Mr. Cwr* by Mrsaid. , "wia bo a forward move m* >» aaaaaaetd pwaa Is build The vet* < tlatasMittPopw receivei d a gift aad cake from hermtir gun*" uatil tht Ctrcoo. Mr. PuOer iaterruptod maatmg a oawawMdi. day to Rt. 31 freewty. The aarrtyotat secret pal. Tha ntat moatiag will aad toMMr . Cereae to waMoiTMCsMt WaQ have not would atort at ate northern and Mr*. Shirisy _, . bt aaid Seat 11. " aad quiet younttf." a detrimental effect oa New Jef- Hit daughter to Mra. Lea* Tro- of Eatoatowa. Mn. Tool Bell. 3.1M; Mn. Betty Mrs. Edna Mayaard. Mn. Aaaa Shrewsbury roiiarlhnta Joha Mr. Cerceo said kt was aot sty's whole future but couM also "*" °* Keyport Stato plant call tor widening ot Mr. Sara* wat ban to Italy 3,373; Mn. Phyl D.. WHjen tad Mn. Hotfrich. W. VaaBruat cited a Bme-pawt uptat and demanded to continue hav1 * other disastrous conte- "" * Rt H — known to Shrewsbury aa study by the Moamouth County hi* questioning. tad bad lived hen 3a yean. Ht u*m, m. Miss Patricia Cao- Tha Ladies' Auatliary of tht wa* a retired laborer for th* *«*• *Mt. —T •road St - to four laaat wtm tote. 1411: Mn. Nancy Mtat-Vaat Plaanteg Board for "Sit down." Mr. Fuller or- ~ " turns at Kaaatburg fin Chatham Borough Strttt Dtpart- e ana, a* Mn. . Jane BowBowiel . MS, ctHbrattd birthdayi for Mnrailroa. d eervice to the Ncyaer Say* Stale b The report catte for a large. "I refuse to tit dowa," Mr. M. aad Shrewabury Ava. aad Mn. Aaa Wktston. wt. Adotpk Btrger aad Mr*. Edward Surviviag also ar* twa la tht Ma* First Aid: WoTtfcwtJa. Aug. 31. Pleat wan •MOtr a. tnWsawwMi at vat) aoiiawvni Ctrcoaaaid. Hub of U. S. Research forms are i Mr. Fuller thm said Mr. Cerceo Oeorge Sana af Mlmnt Qaaal U^MMBW • -U*. made for a card party October IT "••» NirrLEY mt)B, „.. to the fir_e housew—, -^llnataa ____m. MM *t w* coaM not coatiaue bla crow a>- Marjarle CettoUo, MM; Mtoa w aw fire house. Hastssttimssttot wore I* iwMvatf * *wM wflsiaty tM acw •*••» j+m^mm* m He said *e ptena had bs Mra. William Kiag aad Mn. J*. Mr. Cercto sot dowa. Twenty awa aad waas which go wim re. t^ttT? Ml aw) th§ FsdMaal aMfMtt MaOty. The later he rose aad laid. atarck hav* awa* Now Janayura. Mary r/ABMto the Anther laa. Uawa leech, awHwat awaa>a«4>*W *•*— «V*a> BTiawTam nm« — a a "Mr. rm gotag to a hub of tht American economy, un. jj^L not sty if they had MawV rWKWKm M*> aw IWrNBawMawtf* wave. to objsct to your Oormack, 371, and Ma* Carol Mw* Janet Ktehw. Wotd Ava. J< Approval ot the plaaa aad ac- eatartahwd a ckib nwettog far Tabulating the votei taw QM *Piaw*iyiwaaiwH i a group of friend*, Aag. 31 Free- toaaral wfl kt aaM Mn. Batto WeoUey. Mra. eat wen Mn. wlWam Aamae, wm Bight's htaring, Mrs. Wrlrta ^naanaantaaama l^taaamtaM sthaaaisW »»-*•« u . . _ .. _ .- «< la St Patrick't wenevwv* waaaaj. waw liekwa, Mn. John Taggtrt, Mrs.. " ••Church, whan Births 2?™?*! JZ**' rmk **•**»• VAan, Misss Mary Jaat ytr aad Is MMrjraswdflky the J Praak Ctrdttea. Richard Lewia, aay aad Miw Jaat Aai ia^-^^^^1. a**^M^adm* shnharJ Maanw JsaaV ^ Thjofcra Th*. Md Ummm^wmMtJTuZi Una MM Caaaa^Maaei wow Jtt> wawsr. wat. L. I., waa a guest Mr. amI Mrs. Harry A Uddle party was hsM Aug. 141 Mala St., Keeasburg, son. 3lta tht clubhoaw. Mrs. Robtrt Final ConcertStamtaa wat chalrawa aad Mn Mr. aad Mrs. Marray Marks, Jam** DtvM ttthBlraiaa. A V Undea PI.. Haslet. daugMor, •ntidtBi'a ball to honor tht oat- Caart hav*tta ta l Monday •garaaoaM•MOM,. CharwtUw.wW la ~ ' heMSaturSaturdayd . Sept. • aad a recently returned OCEAN QftOVE - "Tht Night dish supper will at heM Shan k* Fawd Win Mattel Sunday. Sept. « toth t ow soviet uaioa. to dot* th* saasoa. Mr. aad Mn. Hoary A. I I Oarret PI.. " " af Mr Mr. and Mn. Lohsen at mat Urns. Mr tmaaury af Mara IS M aaaas wamt mnaVwti aaaVmaaaMal i » a*ma dauititer, Branch lUHraad. Mr. Kieraaa hat baaa "tnTN^^wftVaift^ saytog a recently as T*e*- VWI our awstoy aad wt as Mr. aa* Mn. OHwHI af 44 Soaiar Dr.. tiawa will •HEEHOLD - CUatoa B. Lett- that "I Ma* I havt al- ka^ywwaJwMttAwjswsa. daughter, yesterday, •*" of Ktansbarg, forawr stats Bon the Psaaaylvsaia and the laaaawn^aaalt JavcaaM Tha vacaHsta are Janice Ma- be altvaiad, I Mr. aad Mrs. Harry Hubor Oast, maw soprano; Josephine Outdo. hYk«olorawra toprtno; V 9 i Iran* iag •a Petaye. baritone, and flu- rest to mt cMldraa. Patrak, tenor. Their . *** Mr. Mn. Murray Mtrks, MMara a CC U aalDarlt Uada , Haslet, daughter, eraor waata to tuamll aw Mkhna, concert pUnlit. who hat Hit wat aawag mt wiUt w is* lahaaaaia ha baa a eer- appsand with the Utk gym••••- d noaatiy fcy ajtj amnw* owtswmrm^pmjatvt ew*f ^^n^ ^ ^^mm Mr. I Mn.Jeaeah Dtwll. phony Orchestra in New York •wt right to a* M." aai ho *aUad Ava., *«rd C. Bra " Mr, tiatiBBjai "a vanflaetow taw hw- Slorra Tht pragram will lacwdt re- 0 Bv^ya aaM by yar." Bat ha woahf aat lay llgioua. optratlc. aid classical sMkgkjkghm kdn aajgBaaM gmatft assta* asaaaat Mr. and Mn. Thomas Perrma, . who died Aug. 13. Iht Mmgaj Vllt sClwV wravVHaaVff; ***• ^P^S*J*w*l ••••a swawi *mmagmj number, by th* New York Opera 'her ostato to bar cattdraa, ntw •tpm *••; Worden Funeral Home Festival atagert, wht will *u» A. HiiMirgiil aad Norman aa aw NYatB art •U, aad quartet . amt waa'l bt WM to a§ Ii PROMT tlRaVf • 9M I by Mlw PtrklM kyawNYmLB larssUi at ft Nevada Dr., Haslet. *MM. a Miss Perklna wilt he at tow aao a oauomer, yenerosy. miad by Josephine 0. Eddowrt iCaatral. at Oceat Omve and Huallagton, M 7-0M7 ^Lwaaawa Bapawawaaawaf I^VaiWa Baf **wSaBWawaBawwaw)wwBaw la^Pawl Mr. nod Mn. Oaargi •ratma. MMyman Alfred "W. Beat- Mr. Kwran ar Mr. Aspligtw IM Cmwoa St. •aNbrd. dsugh AmmblyaiaB twa (R-Maa.(R-MM.) was aw flm to todwaiwg mat awy now wouw be «nup«i w nww i H H Katherlat ettr laal t night. wMBag to a* awag wtm aw La- ^^ tali Mrs. Chariat Jakubo- —*> «'"» *>« -a-i A _*__ -_a« mnu*awB*kaal Bmiaanaawml aimnaaaaimn^BaBBaaat aanasl aaa\BmaMC ttntctioa for your comfort aad convenience, Your Norma Marietta fiugTle' aaVa skt. « P*fan» rMnlWW mw rallV BJBRJfWajBnf BPt^a^mmwj ammmmpHawaaaamwit awow awamjamran <>o|t llarvrailtii Hubert r ' wtt a rase of "bath- •waaaaj l tiaaawPtwTj a^namalaWa*aw^tajwwa;) rrtw3a**aakavBitji awnraamUaad;i a*rv*riaataa*. will bt tated during thlt period it consider a ixly tad phone cam "and ftad out what Mr who awa Aug. II. tafi Ma etiato ttfawhlag to hsip a felww ra!l* a»l*my, TRKNTlJN (AIM . M#tvy Ik* oiruttina M' vfficiMtly tt la Ih* pati 41 y**rt. ye* raint of Ilir p**i » |, lo, his wife. Kliubtn V. Pewef Ay* Ave., M hiv Mary A. Emery, Rumeon. who PuMtc relation* by In* rail- Mi* dM not cnaaidtr H ilow»d harvratlng of all mtjor roads to Mow mouth County "hav* •lth*r of th* DtmwratK' Mr. and Mn.Dangle* M.< el- top* and «r» led .tun* 14, ind (arrl* Hllrh wnrrvlnn miaus M* per COM."MrJletotrt to tupply thl* inlarma HARRY C. F. JAMES A, tutu, 31 Camphojl St, MMMI*ln«n ftrm«ri, th. u«. IS, Milled msir atltiet to t>ltt» Atrlrultur* h*lr r»ip».liv» huthandi. i-adtfttnn MM Iu« on th*lr awn laaroMioillly to a«'NNTiiwaKr, daaghler, t' • murnlny lit M f m Withdrawal »t thr mir lm r-air fh« Hr|Miti||i J\ Ri-nnlnr, *4MMMrflrif V'** •f jpHM MMT HW Schedule In Makes Plans MMdletown For Library Panel Board max announced mat candidate' UTTLE SILVER—The RUMSON-A Directors of the meetings win be held to Fair Ha- waa charged with drunk driving Voter*. Rod Bank Re-vea at the Kaollwood School Oct tost night after the eat *h* was mat Taeaday aJant to LitSe Silver at the Markham Place School Oct 217 driving hit into a light standard League numbers wHI serve as aad ripped up 15 feet of bodge. principals a, Police Chief Henry S. Km** tha super moderator*. identified her as Mn. Adato B. Mr*. WUHam Befl, Shrewsbury, Barr, Monmouth Ave. and and Mlas Bath rmu, announced that Shrewsbury Dr. me KHue-s _. dh» teh-jj*^ •— drive The crash took place on Rum- son Rd.. watt of Btagham Am, THUS THAT TRY toe* to be held at the ShrewsburShrewsbury""y " *tck-off rtMtH* at her 47 IPwl ook be said. MEN'S SOULS" School. Broad St. mere Sept. U ***• m*U* * Mn. Barr was released to OM VAMMf• MUM hail pending n hearing Sept M Mrs*. Max Singer, New Shrews- b fere Magistrate Stuart A. t dld Young, Jr. of all the toecben to the have been made the Chief Knue said Mn. Barr was m be held to -e-auetartom at leagwe's parHdpatloa to the Newexamined by Dr. Victor Siegst at M paaettoto to place of Mn. Janet ttrewabury Pair Sept 10-1 J. R*d Bank, and prooouaoed "a* us. At tkto aaaattM. Mr Far- Trenton, wto bams vador the influence of al- *••» earlier. cohol." » an* be held Sept Patrolman John Gaynor Inves- and evening tigated. Theomsr ppanMisto will be Miss Reports war* also beard from Mm BBtoa, director of the Mon- There are more than MM County Ubrary; Victor E. Mis* Eksabem KeHey. fonlgn known spades of moth* aad to* policy chairman, terlliaa. Ma* Doromy Van Gorder. Rudolph. Matt school study chair brasrhr the Samsraet Coua- men. bom Red Bank; Mn. Ray •___! ~Bkhunt. pubskn- WALL.TO.WAU bom MM ana nave* Mrs. John Wood, Mra. Alto* New- Martto. founder the UbnryiNew Shrewsbury, MOotto edHor; School at Rutgers University. " Has Ktoto. Now Shrews- CARPETING ThThe meeting wiH Secretory; Mn. Ridwrd the public. Little SHver. tut chair- Mn. Peskoe announced Mn. Joseph Bryan. Ocean- UAUTttHIUY a newer to __ the league-sponsored trip to the port. pahtte retatton* chairmen, WflO WaV W9 BSnM United Nations will be held and Mn. Schwan, membership CLEANED RogeT W. Francu at the re activated Part Haacocfc Thursday. Oct. 2t. chairman. Your Pharmacist Mn. Kenneth Mitchell, New Tk* ant board meeting will COURTIOUS, VULLMO attbto Shrewsbury, voters service chair- be Oct C Pharmacist* sincerely wUbeDr WOtKMM. USIH« believe, that the practice THI HHIST BjQUIfMWT of medicine requires >mdorffa Entertain •such knowledge, eon- Fair Haven ANDPtOOUCTS. tfauoua study and a sin- •"or Socialeighu CAU cere desire to benefit the Woman Is NEW SHREWSBURY - Mn. patient Therefore, no Association* aro invited to attend rd Ondortr,' Markkam PI., one should attempt to ad- win be the MAMTLlfWO! iltlv Silver, NII hovtess W6dM*v SH 7-2800 time for pupQs to tha saw a***** «*_ jrttjrtto tff reccr f /fr -*ajry wuwfls StilJ Critical VIM people who are sick artrt * *••*—** • ttflttl «mr*wr.« te tigU toem; corsrmrl.Cf* i^mrw/$H,mt t night to the Socialeighu. except a physician. grade" , the Mventh aad atoth rnnfmtmn* */—to ifrctum oo*,mt iwfaanv Tbto pupils an to re- *unHA10nkA*UiBar*304llUMJ*a aUHr LAKEWOOD TOWNSHIP - A *. Donald Wagner of Leonar- Unfortunately, we have grade*. lUtows: Fair Haven woman—fond to a WwUI WnOOMN tO LEON'S laymen, with no medical win b* brought to tkeir proper elementary achoote car here yesterday with the mo- a new member. training, wearing white 55 tor running and a garden BOB* Mra. Charts* woodward SINCE HIS I by their parenu at • a.m. This Western Electric First Aiders stretching from the exhaust pipe evening'* prite. Omen at jackets to aimulate a first day tor beginners wiH con- to the vehicle's window-was to •4-74 WHITE ST. pnyin'ian, WHO DJT mean* at IS noon. On this first critical condition this moratog to g were Mrs. Rogeg r Severn of television and other day, they will receive bus as- Fetes Tomaso Rap Delays Paul KimbaU Hospital. aad Mr*. Ronald Kssgang . aftVPTttemf, |ifvcs)me to tor the rest of the She mi identified by local Po- tteverll a win bbe hostesht * to tell yon what to take will be told KEARNY - Joseph N. Tomasc roup Monosy. I Richard Ter.. Mlddtetown. win lice Chief William C. Poole a* when you are tick. Some (heir class will be a At Bridge Mn. Marion W. Bennett, about Bgl i • a.m. be honored today for 15 years of the remedies they pro- FREEHOLD — The Board of M. of IS Clay St., Fair Haven, to U.1S p.m. or an afternoon with Western Electric Co. a longtime school teacher to that note offer oaJy tempor- from U.M p.m. to 4:ja arTH#lioitMr*i received ft contplAiiit KEuaburg 64003 ary relief. B* wie*. De- yesterday from the N. J. State borough. Chief Poole said Mrs. Bennett pend on your physician Seventh trader* will take their First Aid Council on the long and the specific medicine 1 traffic delays caused by the open- "attempted to commit suicide by use*, which have been essign- monoxideid". he will prescribe for your to the Intermedia ing of the Rt JS drawbridge over particular condition. Sharif River. No GROVERS their school day will run from •aid. a.m. to " ~ In a letter, the council report- A member of Mrs. ed delays of up to M Bsanstts family said sh* had not been when the bridg* was opened for ispnaasat lately. Auto lUeUo JttjMto Our boat* with high antaaaas and Sh* was found to a fishing outriggers. Tha reeuttant tton of ma holdup of emergency vehMe* by Anker Curtis. SS CENTER AVE. KBAMSMJIIG, N. J. could have serious < OT puooc worn* hllity of filing their pn- it was pointed out. apoctmg a coaatraetloa job at I scriptiona. May w* ©**• U, will btgto at the usual Board Director Joseph C. Ir- as Wednesday, and e wto aaid that it had been county pound yonra? tinae thereafter for the rest of Parked to policy for about M yean to in- Sh* bad parked her ear DAY BANKING CHAMIERS struct tenders of county bridges Jewish Cemetery, here. PHARMACY to limit bridge openings which Mr. Curtis Immediately opened I MU9VP would create traffit c tie-ups.p He the car's doors, shut off tk*| TnJy m Drmg Star* SAN DIEOOl Cant. (AP) - •aid the tender* had been to- Ignition, aad called poUce. IS WaDae* St. Red Baak Richard OHM was served with etntetad not to Chief Poole said there was Roger W.FraaMia. Ph. C. has did: PEOPLE vs. evidence of fool play." RKKARD O. CHASE. A quick outriggers. Ha said Mn. Beanetfs l L. anmkai mV* ***Ijk_ T.I. SH 7-0MO •• VMS mm TK> Mr. Iiwte aaid she one bag waa erchants to tie ruling was m* of a typj^rapMc^trm.An • -- He wig rocaiva wy duty. embton at a tonebsoa. H* tender waa permitted to we Ms "Then were no auuk* on I supervisor to the wuodwoik fi- own discretion where strong nishing section in the manual tides or wind mad* navigation have been a motive," the nAHmm • uvsm eweo • sncui CHKKIIW ACCOUNTS equipment shops here. difficult. arid. Mr, Tomaso is a member He expressed the hope that He said Mn. Bennett's con- the board of directors of the stole authorities wouM hand the dition has Wekearny Federal Credit Union county's request for • strong questioning cr" of the Western Electric Co, and rule on unnecessary bridge open- Mn. Bennett has taught to a member of the Stanley S. lag* on state bridges. Fair Haven for more than Holme* Chapter of the Telephone years. A Mm grade Footer* Return •he was ptoantog to start

FroM Vifgfatla as "oa* of Realignment NEW MONMOUTH - Mr. and Pair^Haveas finest taackan." Mn. Wlhnrd O. Footer and family, 4 Lawrence PI., have re- wHk her, aahJ aha to "a rakabh BUI Passed turned after spsnitlag a week with Mr. and Mra. Wesley B. wttk." TRENTON -A bid JjhJch at- Foster to Drake* Branch. Va. •OQI poUWMS IN A family celebration was held said to b- taad" of s tton of West Long Branch and marking the Nth weddtog an- al high aehaol Board af niversary of Mr. and Mn. Wes- She and her bashiad. Waltoc* by ike Senate ley Foster, m the home of Mr. have two caildraa. aad Mn. Harry Tharae, Sax*. seed by a IT4 vote, the Va. Thirty-two members af the anhidia ervlaaa aad family were preeent tor the first jam! to rewaioa to U yean. Tke fifth birthday of "Butch tunny brook of Ntpttmt i esteatl itohratod at a party to the horn* of his Mvn M On TO ..._.. Mr. aad Mn. Wes- FOt CMDIT... The bill aim* hWpam •aw MaaVMHIVVty * •"•• wtw AT LOW COST an> Atoo toctodad hi the

af Pt.

COMI Ml Uf I Nva to tana aad tocnai* wagt] Laag Branch's *'*«% ff>>>^mW asn^Vawlal wlv* •"•»»•#• emrmni IB^H >^C ___. ^M-___- *______iB^^m-f -^g-ama- aaW •-«*>. fla_m_Mt ™ • ^^mS M^m «a~**B~BW many a^amnmi ^maunaaam wwsan** •m*j^—w»t vtw_——i anm ^^anm tmnmimm WB> BjB*BB*BaT m^msnBj ^*^m**an^esmj ^B^ap^awnn^anmsjs sn**nn^sr*nmnBB w^^w^^^e? ^anf wnnap' AT* HNWIP.M.VMMYI

AU DAY.ONI ITOf »',NKIN# ««««• MM, Kit.** is a— N*. Mt tasks- swAii east ea **s- H w_*~*sB_s_r w_a» Asm«••«*•—> a_*mn_«>•-*-i n*«**ns_s__h< |*mrwa_n_n_f *_s_s__•nmmmm_r amrm«s__h_iM a •~V•___BM_' VB__LJ anmmmma_____ j mnmnmn—' j B^s_ i ( a K__ *____MPI• *• Mk tetaN B-w at. *a> Bests N I* Mn Cwaai HsW ea Beat* e* *j wtt- • RIO IANK LITTLI IILVM KIYPORT IN«LIIHTOWN l 1 AMOTMIR PHIL and MUTXN AflfNT I06AN ANON - W 4 0?«* UTATI PtANNIN* * RMISTH CHICKI a SHOAL CHKKINft ACCOUNTS 4-1Wn*y. Sept. S. 19S« WP R AVK WECISTCT at iu trammg program. akipelitiea, Saturday tad Sunday. An alrplaace ridt wii he grv- ea ta ovary lath ptrsoa daattiag PurpoM of ttw tag day li t» CAP Sets to the drive. rait* hada for aa airplane the Jerome YeUia, New Shrewe- Wund Drive aquadroa hopaa to buy. bnry, heads the oapaiga cesa- Silica CAP la a M»profit or- PORT MONMOUTH - ganization and does not receive Composite Squadroa. Clv- tktfi wan »• federal or auta aid. Th« aquad- AJr Patrol, will arid a tag day elutitoil lit • " Loag Breach aid other mu- roa aayi H depanda oa IU annual


RICHARDS SCHOOL only to gat enough atoacy te carry oa A&P Going Up Award 927 fully the eenrlcet formerly pro- o bank vided. aiAUTY CULTIIM In Shrewsbury •aaA«amaBaktt ^aa' S^B^^afae^SnW Bn^Bn^Bt Certificates Eatontowa SHREWSBURY - Aa AaP can Vaa 25 BROAD ST. BED 1AWK market i* being built oa New- of tha mm* ctASsts . nm * WOMS* man Springs Rd. htre-the first Rad j Croat / ChapteChapter g at Harbaraida oa the display e ftuerantaad S»a(o i Q^rjiod Ste«—wMh step ia a plaaaed threw** Juh> aadd AAaguat. hat aa-Bey ia Maine. ahM Utn county chttdrea aad Mr. aad Mra. George laser- Approved Course •• _j *---«-«-- tar. n a^^^K Va n^A Bn> BMUI esA tt^^ta • _ - ' . - M qp WBVBj«e# "W P^BV^rvBJBBBVBB this Tha colonia] atyle IPaV eir*t aroaW on*i ••• taV H*»w es at awimamg Mr. " will year, with the reauk that HT Mre-Jeanl •mbltm can. Tha DuUdnuj wm have I Croat certtftcaiM Mra. Sao awarded ia variouai YOU CAN m mmema Chan H.MS square feet Jaake. Pearce Ave.i., are vhwtaig Ia all, aevea groupa were ota> Entraacaa sad exto aha> relative* •- New Seatt , Vt. Where you tee d»e emblem of dw Federal Deposit la four locatioaa la the be oa Shrewsbury Ave. The pro- Mr. aad Mra. Arthur Pierce, Instance Corporation, you know that the imdtution " lei * Shore area. Sevea qualified Red Croat iattructon aad eight water St.. returned thta ia a bmk •/ dtptll. So you know that if you ave built oa a tract of ISMH t from a fivenlay trip to Her- feet Bora Baaaeam . lac,, 'ReRed there, not only are your savings insured (up to Bank, npr.uatad by WlMam U SI Phone Si18« the vataataer chairman of $10,000 for each depositor), hut they are alto dirtel RUSMII, aad Mra. Carlej water safety Committee Rad Baak, wai tit chttdrea, Judy aM 0hllgiio*$ of the inaatudon-an inftitution charac- Croat, lira. Ethel M. 1 attorney for Maimoao Bret. teriied by sound miniaoaam and a tincere desire to of Neptune, ia safety atrvicea aac- •Br are vacationlag at Heart It Pays ta Use QaWflficd Diapliy Milloa Goldanith, Deal, aa- be of service. vtta Udge m Hanryvflk. Pa. cluaiva renting agent for tha At the L Street Beach m B wt wtu vtuoom TOO AI project, arraaged the bag tern tar, MS children took taatrae- teuewtth AAP. aa with US certificates hei A MVM AT Of BAH* I awarded. S7 ia basic iwimmiag. 47 te begianers, 14 to Interaedi- Troop Rotation ale ewimmere, one swimmer aad tea Juaior Ufeaaven. At the Neptune City Beach MS Program Ont out of Ul received certificates. KU UK INSURANCI ON ALL LOANS WASHINGTON (AP) _ The • buk- M begjaaers. S'at Army has dropped Its . mediate, 14 Junior lifetaviag aad heralded troop rotation program oae Senior Ufesaviag. without any fanfare er even i Two groups at the creek ia explanation. Manaaquan resulted in 1SS out of "Operation Gyroscope" — VI earaiag certificata*, S3 basic tyitem of rotating Army units oae swimming aad tea Juaior between Europe and me United lifeaavlng an tha catnpus, in States — was started wHh and Kepwet Park ia Oceaa Towa- ceremony In January, 1S9S. A ahip had the targctt number TWO rnarvpjatis vana**ons that time, the lat Infantry Divl participating children, SOS out of sion in Germany cheated placet •R in three group* receWlag with the lftn Infantry Divialoa at their certiflcates-MT basic, Ul wt a iwaator thamat nOBULDEPl IU INMTNN Fort Riley. Kane. beginaeri. 2S iatermediate. swimming aad oae Later, the Army cooled off on •fia) acciaainpsj ALL OmOl «N Ml TO I P.M. fMDAV BVIMNOI twimaakg. me idea of rotating divMoea aad The Red Cross asaam* it limited Mrhanget t* battle and Tn# tafoBna snafi groupa, battalioaa aad . of eagagiai ALL DAY • ONI STOP IANKIN6 groupa. payiag the aatrucaara aad thaw programs aad •ami in hhjnly And, without aiving anv •lag ietracUea N free. ton, it haa announced that it RED IANK LITTLl SILVER KEYPORT EN«LISHTOWN would drop the program. From For aeveral years Red brushod wool (wHh a Ma* four-maa teamt will be " ' kt ta " trained and tent to Europe, | «f 15% mohair), task where they will he ataigned to ESTATE PUNNIN6 • RI4ISTER CHECKS a SPECIAL CHECKING ACCOUNTS eomoaalet that aead replace- imantt. *1 At the tame lime, tha Army Iaaid, it wat aoolying tome of blue, akarcaal brawn, dark the priacipiaa of "operatioa Gyro- •cope" to Its system of replacing mea la Korea, New! General Electric The plaa It to tend battle group* aad battanoat to replace 5.91 tlmUlar uaftt there. In the past, Me Army bad hem teadiai la- dividual rapHcamiuia to Korea High Speed Dryer It

PMMI BKLOrT NEW SHREWSBURY - Mr. aad Mrs. Normaa Zumbniaaea, childrea Sandra aad Sueeaae of REUSSILLES' BeWt, Ohio, are vlaitiag Mrt. Zumtmmnen't mother, Mrt. Nor* man Hallam, Garden PI with automatic control Dnm tfty m&abU p*f*Uy with owe ttmtrol utting. Investment

You get rilgh aptti drying at aafe, low tempw oturaa. Tha dryer turne itaoll off the moment ... makes it a wiser dicish* than mm! cJothea are properly dry.

MIMATI la the eatting for aUka and aynlhetkt. They tua»bk gwaUy througli eurreoia of warm air with controlled drying timee and annperaturea. MMHM it tha eatting for cottons and linene-the thingt you waah meal often. Theat frequently ueed Mama dry quickly and aafely. HtAW k the eetttng for hardto-dry loads Bath- BMta, badapreodt. ruga, Urry toweia come out thick '•ndiwty.

•tfiTNiTte at-w»iMtuif» PLUS THIS! 'IATIMIS' Auteaaaticelly removea wrin- Automatic Sprinkler Maa fmn typthetk weeh-and- Air rmntner wear IsaraB. They dry wrin* Efficient Metal Lint Trap Magnetic Oeor with Ifefrea, reedy no wear. root Peon Opener Safety Start Switch •MY IN TNI NOUSIt Operetta en US Bafely dry up to 80 diapers in or 230 Volt Cirtvite thia'GB Dryer. They coma Choice of colon er White 0-C Written WarrcMy out aoft and fluffy ... ready to he worn, free of harmful r bacteria that washing nor- OA lot'iT As a aoeortmi lirvgtftnt, the CndiUae SBOMT car is without mally does not destroy. *1'j?- rival, for tha bmseftts and tavinp aernw in Mvtral forme. nfltr imnll dnun pcfMint Pint, thorg art the many featurts Included ia Its original Otter Oeaeraf Itettrte niyen avalleett tm At imie At SI .ft Pit price—iteas that owe* other cart label aa extra cost. Next, there is its nmarkabte eronamy of operation and mainto* at TMK mumaci-ia Mm aaaca. Lastly, thtra is tha continent daaaand for the car at raaato tisac And always of courw.'thsre k tha shsar enjoy* mont of owning; and driving a Cadlllar. VWt your dealer for BETTER HOUSEKEEPING SHOP tha Hnthand facu that make it a witar decision than ever. SAUS AND SMVICI HOMHOUTH STREET RED BANK VISIT rOt'R LOCAL AVTHOHi^LU CADILLAC DEALER • SHodytWt M310 • RUSSELL OLDSMOBILE-CADILLAC COMPANY rVWey Nle> '«• tiM-Pree fora Me 100 Newman Sprinft Read Roar of Store — White Sttee* I BATOKTOWN-landnBU aaghaar at MaJ. aai Mn. Waiter , feaka. Hap* Rd., cabJbra bar Uth birthday. Satarday with! a party at bar hoaM ia tha oriaa- New York Mack

today ware Lean. Adam. Ha Bat Cant Monad. Shuanl Rajama. Faith Bovig. Kathy Stavf •AST PROMT ST. PJD IANK. MW JHSIt ate*. Dabby Reward. Maria Mar- , Loretta Brortoa. Shall* Car- a». Dorothy RakWbach, Sandra STOCKS - BONDS - MUTUAL FUNDS Btettt, Ciady. Batty, aad Patricia Rath. Gregory aad Ricky How and, Gregory Pratt. Michaal Ma- Telephone—SHady»>

Cadariaaf <0. diatnied from the I^BUADBXlWM.NEWYOU.iaBABSnH wood of nd eadar, it tucd In • WEIIiUUO , aoap. pollahct, apraya and TNI SMATOt SflAU--State S«Mt*r Ridiaral I. Stout (IUMM.) totHfyhifj last atofct at Intent*** C*m- IMTC* Cwnmliaiwi b**rl*o in Stowabory a* • raajawt by th* Pafiasyfvaala RaNraad far a **v*n par, oaot tv KINN CTMIO iii rat* on tt» th*r* a—tmatar ran. M rlfht b •art**) rvllar, IOC hearing mamiMr. / Salk Vaccine Called Major Item in Preventive Medicine H's far, far out • • • our hen* bUnlwt shirt, WASHINGTON (AP)- of the Sak polio vacda beat rwckaxl, thra*>quart»r hattad today by Sargaoa > lildMiy Leroy E. Buraay aa a puwvup slttvts. trbjaph for IZ£. Replace Society Hacttad**wataliftlca Cotion b'rt In imy adta*> AM eodety of th* Ra- The atudy ahowa SS.T *l goM-olivt-black or •Mi Charch' aat Tuaaday caaea involvad panaaa Ight la White HaB, TKBWS. Woo wa^w) uavaccttatM Qt 4ajly bWoKva-Wack. 3.91 FOR Tr^^tiwa^.tlwa «thoyro>thoWg faohlon partially vaccinated. Mn. Robert Geddaa aspiahwd "the Woaaaa'a Ooild for Chriatian ator* EtootJata, too. Lola of Uttla haala»tbr klcldngupovarwaak- BM tfcttt tha flMBaaac ai Service" ta the graup. alter which panuyoe caaaa reponea tana and* Pkia atai*dout.vaJuaa In thoaa baat-balovad elaaalea Hko VBMiai ^BA#aa*s djtfk ftaBfraMMaju^aft M !**#*% mar hi wall above hut year**, wejeep w^a*^p^B aw Haw^Pn'w •• B*a*NF landmooa, Siz—A-W. t32.OOtoa5.00 Barney aavarthdan aaM very i yhurchi If tt hi apoaaored Frmch salor hat. •ubataatUl prograaa haa by a* efMr worn IB'* orgeataa- •da. tku. It will become effec Jaa. I. At that toe. it will re- ta 1MB, thai* were SMSS ace toe woaaan a organiati of polio. Tha* far thU year than wHhhi th* chareh by "drdaa." have baea MM reported < Mn. Harriet Bk*pk. Broad It. ia MO Dvaafldowai aa to

type of the IBS caaaa, bat mjt RfffJaVwBwffJa • B90Q MSm far thla yaar there have baaa 2.121 paralytic caaia can] rwbsuQ gHasM atoCafcaaa iha flu with US ia the atallar ISM U Faatfy Night hSadi "without ihUialilag thi let. IS. Mra. Harry Bah**, fr.

wnage aal* at waUaiea rtvaa," Baraey aaM hi a atate- ment. "Ilia production tad uaa of va.. Red Beak, !a plaanad lor the vaccine repreeaata e aaa|or iturday. Sept 17. Mn. Fnak .^«^k«k turn Ba^^1||^ ^mmM tnumpa nr pravaanve •MB> nvag*. sr.. Mn* faBnaaa - 3-button sport coat, cine." m aad Mn. Richard Meat Ha aaM that of the 1,121 para- re la charo*' ItS SnoMOW flOMfJR III HMIfOQ tic caaaa reported threagh Aug. S. Iha aervice'a potto aarveil- tonos of bwijuMlya oovo ar eMag the aeoead half at tha ear w« be haM hj Whwa Hal It waa taaad aet UU totafday* Out* S* HoR^aaaaa wfl or H.T par caat of thoaa atrlckM a Mn. HaBea*. Mn. wmaat or oaly par wTTJOMa^Wa^eWafle e1UlTa5j BmmOtm ' ano* black. had ao vacchw at aH. ad Mfa* wllfaA A apokaaaaaa' aaid the SIS el SIMM I to 12, 14.95 l.*7l pararytic caaaa oa which In. Lena PeaningMm. Mn. Lea- ag* wata was available wan tr. Schftie aad Mn. Waiace FOR •UBTBBN8. Stylaa oalora, aoeanUng tia affaeta and among rMdrea eadar five yean taakJa. 13 to 20. 24.95 bootlata, for achool, play and partiaa. Every amart laathar of age. Thar* war* IT paralytic MAM A^B^BBT i* * HusUos, 13to 2a 24.95 and color. And avary pair gata fittad by an •xpwrt. No wondar year of age. i avarybod/a haading for Kinnay*al Wx— 8H-4. #2.00to$5.00 eaptwotwo ytar gwy Young man's 36to 42. n ia* paiaijtiB caaai, ahw of the cbOdna had roaular ond long, 29.95 fwceiYas three or won ahots, Barney aaid the vaedae aapaly Tkla »--»- LU altuathia ia baprovlag after be- lag very tight ia July aad perl i m awf^vatwr« IWT • • • of Augliat. Manufadunra adviaad they «• pact to ehlp at laatt M BJBJ shawl colorwd but? knit, of Septtflnbef > 55% fmporHd wool. 25% "Thla aboald b* auffickat lot all part* of tha country," Baraey "Total ***'r—*•*

tmjic H we dM aal SOM I to 12, 7.95 vv pnwMM M RsvaaBnai 14 to 20, 9.H Ike vacckw hKUaputably afkrda,' Buraay laid. bar* far o r«f«ir Afifioua) copp#f bocUt •arvie*. scotwS ""^ on BELMAR - Tha Jewiah Wai ¥• Hovo FOfi BOYS. Voung bueka, awlria, othar eontlnantal atap-m Vetenaa Auxiliary of Foil attended the tint aieettaj «rt, 2.00 naw varaiona of oxforda. All mada to Kinnay*a high •f fa* aaaoea of th* Monmoed CaaaayJWV Auxiliary at Behaai WAN atandarda. Rally round and aava. Evarybody doaa a^L^B^aB^BV AtaaBhlliElBT VBwMM Rafaajj 12H«t30O> fact Alonark, Mn. Harry Briar! Mn. Jack aoMbarg, Mn. Her hear, Mn. Sam Kor» • •I Mn. Jack Laiar. Tai ^ MRv If) TWO Ifa tag of the local auiU. wffl he heM at the hoaM at Mr*. Jack U«ar, Weal Rich- ard 5t.. Hailet. Wedaaadiy. al 1:91 ii.ni, in wBMMRal

FROM MD BANK Sbos • to 12, lift DAILY TURNPIKE 14 la 20, 24.95 EXPRESS RUSSES TO II fa 42. 29.95 HWY 35, MIDDLETOWN YORK CITY

It A. M. TO t P. M. HON. 10 PH. !• A. M. TO « r. M. UT..SUN.

• MB> tTATB MAU Hi»l | C*«ta PARIJM4MTKBWO0O N PARMTPANV^IOaRM N • NO. BRUNSWICK Saeevtag Cealar • KLMWOOO Shaae4a« Carter «•• 4. Eaat PeNnaS, N. 1. ' BAIT PATERSON Bwappl > BBRORM MAU. Shiaala< • TOTOWA-Reata « Ro)ut# 4% •Pacai^tiat H* *l* • UWNOITON-Roete It Raet* I • WATCmiNOrRewte O i- -V Ked Hank Kegista Tl« PICNIC GROUNDS JIM BISHOP: N. J. N. 1. I ISM by Joha H. CMII Oayle took ma whaat ike bwoat n» boat aroiad nvmo BXOWN. ttwaeel«gheerf--»7ajnee,but JUUBS I. MMMft letter M. HABOLD OUT, W. HABBY VEMONGTON, aad the big deep swells Chief was below, •I th» Aaeecletod rtaaa Tnm It tauuaa Mdtnimr Mtttw tr n>»HiaMHa « an MM MMI win ry putting the food to the lea r u V««l u til AF UM tlUk ta reality, eating fried dftaktag bear and throwing tha JM mum M flauMUl magaiiMUUM far tratatMMMl arm* la a*«wtu»> nants Into the sea. , tat win naclat. •*»•• ehsri*. that But of u adnrtUMMBi I* wktea tt» tftawahleai wnr A4«Mtum win mm mutt tk* , — immwituir t tar «• «*Uk BMJ o*mr. Wa make an unholy trio. Oayle Is i M ntaaalMmiM iw HMwimm «f i 18, and knows everything about every oat IHT lU.Wi thug. I'm 51 and always confident even when tha boat ta sinking. Chief U 84, THURSDAY. a. ins a roly-poly 215 pounds and his stock answer to any criticism from Oayle BK "Aw, go do your homework." Swing Those Sticks Tba Richardson ta always set at ths These are the words of a police said: "I don't care if I burn. My 11 mUss par hour. AH day long aha above* seuth, Hft. captain In New York City which has mother could watch me." He stands ing taxUy on the swells, and < been the scene of a bloody, horrible accused of leading a gang which Uke a modest eanorlta drawing a across her face. We passad Aabury and wave of teenaff) violence: kilted two boys without reason. Lake, and Mat Pleasant and on sooth to "When a grown nan in uniform "Dracula's" mother said she hadn't Heights and Baraogat light and farther down Is the with a gun and nightstick has toseen her son in four days. city which to more beautiful than Hs own Mas stand and take abuse from teenage That's the situation in a city America, snotnoses without being allowed to where police dealing with the mat- We tied up at the new Marina, and I said to do anything about it, what can youter count 6,000 hard-core youth Oayie: This is the first reel vacation ta years. No orpectr criminals among 100,000 teenagers columns. No books. NO reading." Wa stayed at the La Moachaoa tha boardwalk. May Hart And added the officer, "How dowho are molded into gangs of the so-called "sbook-up generation.'' had said .that there was a penthouse ta tt, and a Japa- you think the public feels about us, bcy named Itsu ta tha penthouse, so we leased when they see cops turn tail and Their crimes are growing more vio- the panthwftf walk away from a cursing, sneering lent every year, according to one po- lice leader. THESE DAYS WILLIAM It was night when we walked ta and there were Bdr By GEORGE E. SOKOLSKY beautiful bedrooms ta flat white and gold and en elec- In answer to Owimrissioner Ken In a situation that so threatens S. WHITE tric kitchen ta robin's egg blue and a living room with nedy*s repeated opposition to anyto get out of control that it has been The Msnchui, a Tartar race, came through the modernistic furniture, a color television set. a porch found necessary to pump thousands Great Wall into China ta 1644 and conquered the PERU. Vt-TMS hanging over tba ocean, and a man about to Jump get-tough cnckdowa on teenage country. They continued their conquests until they iatolike off the roof. mobsters, rumbles of discontent were of police into slum areas to deal with pending trouble, Gov. Nelson A. reached their apogee during the reign of tha Emperor fUied "Excuse me." I said to Mr. Hart. Is that man voiced from within his vast depart' Chien Lung. At that time, the indefinite Chinese ot va* tamJaent drama Rockefeller nas called on FBI chief a out there going to Jump off?" Mr. Hart nodded. Chief ment. boundaries "included" such areas aa aad of hhope and 4aaw **e to J. Edgar Hoover for quick advice. calea MM throat wife took the fat cigar out of his fat face. "Ife going to Manchuria, Mongolia. Turkestan, Ti- be meaty on the boardwalk." "We won't maim any Ud and we We say the police who want to bet and some parts of what are now don't have to break any bones," oneswing the sticks are so very right Burma and India. •TOots," Oayw said. "Ha dives into a veteran officer said. "Just a tap on pool below.- Mr. Hart nodded. "Once a week." They should be swung. Teenagers I put tha word, Included, ta quota- M the rump with a billy and the effect tion marks because the Manchua never I shook ny bead. As long ae tbty don't move the have to be taught that violence, pool.- I said. will be better than all the do-gooding bloodshed, crimes against society ruled any part of China. They reigned y but did not rule. They conquered some WMHH lato aw Snt daya hi tha morning, GayJe tried the awtmmlng pool sociology you can think of. We're e«. la . not going to push good, law-abiding cannot and will not be tolerated. If areas by military force, but they em- toft, mharrled aaca. TWe la aBChief and I triad foiling chairs on the boardwalk. TbJs kids off tha streets. It's these kid parents are unable to cope with sit- ployed CWn«w» to govwn and they employed mostly . Jrnt ii It was N yean time we were inside. Ws took the Ud to the Steal Her uations like this, then law enforce- Chinese troops to fight for them. They accepted tribute backward la time. and saw the exhibits and the shows. Hanse flaw up killers we want And in most cases and sold tax rights, but the government of peoples Bat aow. at MM ment must Coddling does not work. affata of fta warU ai« and down trailing big signs proclaiming that Jack E. we know who they are." was always ta 4he hands of those directly concerned Leonard would star at the 800 dub. A xiHais aged Teenagers responsible for despic* with localities. So when it Is claimed that such anas It want too long after this was ble behavior must be put in check. aro aB aotx with a dtaKMBd Uke the bottom of a milk hot. said that police adzed Sal Agron, 17, as Bhutan, Sfldam and Nepal and parts of Kashmir haps late a MeM fsrO, -or- He cast large ayea at Chief. Taps on a few rumps jnay drive ware once Chinese territory and are included ta China MM HMj gflMM^ IB MJMBT self-styled "Dracula- of the side- home some very necesst/y respect on a map prepared by the Communists, it la What a coward tefalkimShetoMhtathat walks who, fat sneering at the police erW*. all aha waa looking for was ecopanlonship, but ha for the law. less phraseology. At one time or another many Astatic wanted her to spell out what It means. Franlde Avalon countries sent tribute to the Chinese throne, but such Ia ftia vary of ISM thia d was, aa BOW. OB was living at La Concha. Ha up to mast Oayle. tribute was not evidence of ownership of the territory brief holiday ta Vatmaat Ha It's the first time I ever saw a child of mine who LETTERS FROM by China. ten of the HAL BOYLE foreign staff ot gulped and said nothing. It was also tht first time I OUR READERS In fact, it has always been difficult to define the ftat K be *o laat ever saw bar so good to her father. Every staple thing NEW YORK (AV) - AicUtiet MMUkjt which ghrt potato a term, China. Tha Chinese themsetvee referred to their pass tha sugar1' became hilarious. country aa The Middle Kingdom." that Is the canter tar Bit. IOUer*t Oar* MOSS ON CATS —w was os a anVDa ta wsJol Young Mr. Avalon Is a top-flight rock V roO of the universe, and an lands on tba periphery of Thathere coald le ae aad bat war. U OUIaiple Am He's IB. Has potto and his hah- Is attached up ' Kingdom- ware either tributaries or bait on his head Uke loose hay. There are symphooic vte- Fair Haven. N. J. tans. Whan tha Ta Clung Dynasty collapsed and Chinaready to take Aag. II. MM Brtt- ttabts out of work, but whew Avalon blasts a tone became a rapubUc. tha five-barred Chinese flag was aia'a guarantee to Mans'. To tht Editor. across Ma tonsOa, one mllUoa teen agars go out and adopted and the variegated racial character of the Over Yoar raccnUy rt- country waa recognised, each bar representing a dis- buy the record... portfd tht'lUlowiBi atw> froai daya and houn World War n was Mctl colon, beautiful ma- 'air Havw; "about 25 ttray cab tinct race. The Kuomintang, when it took over the After several daya, we said farewell. Back at tha have beta reported roamlag la government of China under Chiang Kai-shek, gave up MtJafy their motional need for a»worepta> Attantte CUy Marina, we found that ths ship tn shoes the Miaioa La. area. . .Two par.the five-barred flag, denying, in effect, the racial dif- toaa. . .wtfa bittea by the aae* hi m aerial had bean cut ta half by some ktad souL We "BaikttaBi that an oaly ooM mate, polka eaid." I would Uko •>ferences and distinctions among the Chinees people. the boat oa oaa eagtao and tha The number of distinct races ta China ta greater than saaator gave us a ticket far making a warn He saM the flag |fw*liiiHeaei rBl&V ••••••••> ajaiaajBBay that -me and say beys wrote eat 13 books of tickets this SBBMST. WeTe Mac to get more." Mead* Tha craft) MB boy. Utorbe alien, a principle whkh had never Yoarnaortatafladlopoiatatt before and was not Bj ••» *aa |BBB| ff ON aaflMM by tha la a way ho deafeni hto taty an rotmtag at laras They had bettevad la the principle of local eetf-gov. If they wan vast stage a*. roi tor. I know tftat 14 at arnment. "dlfan dnri." whkh had stood them In A Btaataaate perfectioajat. ha h> stead for centuries. i their owaen. In many a tea-tog N alt Tha Away We Go D plowed tote a running oaa, ft* Has can aad dage are abaa> The significance of this in the present quarrel with Yet the community daat India is that tha term, China, Is geographical and has aad fctatog ** I tookk the wheel, and the bows lifted hum and shook the beet to prevent thii. I thank never been political in the sense of a national state tha salt foam off. Oayta smiled. "That's i that both community There^ are, of courte. tkjaMI- aad tht Cartbbaaa. They or a Mrdhouet. . .ihouM havt because no government before ruled over tha entire -Atlantic City, rm glad we went How im the ha* Edoa Roe t" ead Individual owaen picked Itr saaa la tht Miami "We're ia oaa of the groat fees fts n> reiaoaaibiUty b> extent of tha territory that at any time appeared on ago sad BOW. TBSB, fta latea to fta saw Aniba la »M« aatt of balldlas, aad I votved M animal owaerehlp. the nap as China. Arnold Toynbee, In his study, "Mo iaaeon,M I said. -Your haaa't reacboi the peak a*," Fat ahoaM bt pttiaaptntliaai a distinction between Stale and Chinese in order to there ta IBM.". hfOadhM littelitt n off nuaalal a _ was* they have aa explain tha vary eossptai distinction which I am at*Hake BH leat of The trouble Ii that aad kattas whaa they have aa is sat war. BjiHfhSatdriBBl ata*aka*tftAA **- - sf caring for them. It t Is hew swab "BBeXMlMl l^ujCfPsTal IBJeJ ' i to breed thethem aad The ao aad ported of lit architecture. Hcruat- five fta* away to other people. Ia effect China has historically bean a civilisation j J, HH Happen pp 11 MJn\ «MI HMMIWei M Panada aaaa d ahoKaKann are already rather than a country; a way of Ufa rather than -We Waax To Me* He be b The Call War fflee. Mat Orate* •* Rernt, f to 'Maybe thie time hMory aajat ovtrflawlag with animals waltlaa government Whether the Chinese Communists can sf sar **fL£ "»tayB« tkla time M •Baavt ata^BBaaWdi ^asMtaklap i S MM^ PSM ahwld fB there WHfinOt WMaaMd alter varying traditions; create a single tongue out of af Mf am- alreadld y h more than a hundred languages and dialects; break YOB'IB too corny- It la a fact that the Meuteaanl eobMtt ftost IS yean aaUaal yea bread aad give away down countless variations of traditional habits- aao la aow PTeeMaat af ftaUal . toadi M aninuU waitiag in a thla Is yet to be seen. Present Indications are that they A few yean after pound or abettor to Ita death. not nwTaadlng as rapMly aa they had expected. There art last set eaough homtt Such countries as Nopal, Bhutan and gikMm lie 3*? stftsAIIMlBMNn abandon their pott in the Himalayas on the borders of two civilisations, kwt to btabte •hould bt •red guilty of t the Chinas* and the Hindu. In such countriee. tha Nrtfer la cruelly Borough or* Thia maa, DwIcM Bl sew isftBV variations of religions and traditional and ungulstie crtttM It ever a* uperienee become mixed. Tha Influence of Hinduism *« mac* ••>*«• der peoples are abixed everywhere In the world. la fthi ooMtry-nuw lake aa, now bO It to attack la aetf defence. NelnV la IUST It tc fto MMM itb-bj* TBOISVSBT aaW Mil Asia, where plural marriage has been usual, centuries i M wet ftta, a^ftakdl !• ^^.mAg. ^ Bm%gfla M B of tnterisixliira af race* and peoples have produced gBPfJB• featforj aw B">B>BM aa*B* ,• •b M_ sra>a-* any penalty for people who breed Tht Btoale hog*. They a unwaMed Mtttaa. or for new raooo and new peoples In each generation with a T*ey da fttir www weir war* MMHHPV W9mf IgpsaW lt^ Itir who abandaa their cait or kit- sturdy peasantry that represents a basic stock. la thli particular Para beta* urte. Red China, by moving into Bhutan and SJkMm the unit ttorof Tht Neaiaoa Society of tht Muriel Indgei end fta irtf-cnftt U. S, Ntw Jerwy Branch. Inc., serves notice on India and the world that Its Immedi- chape at which the native Yta- gja 0. Map Jan M OH located at ll« eaet Jereey St., ate territorial designs reach to the Chien Lung line keee grm wryly but so aa maa- tllltMt). will be glad w tug- which will also Include tome territory In Kashmir. aging rannlly all the gvtt w4>i nf providing animal WeeMngton. D. r bby the meet rontmli that will protect both Thli csn produce a war with India that could, and ure nf improved iraneportallon the community and the animal probably will If It happens, Involve Great Britain si tad rommunlcttlon, Ii mushh, otaot - a .member of the Commonweal'*, and* the United er now thin then. But la fto Sincerely yourt. tnivr «nd ax daapvr Mane M ie "VMt I try It 4$ U to Mn r. tlrbr. M. ir Stales aa a SF.ATO power. Hanky Receive Gifts bor Day; aan BATOKTOWN — Mir. MM An-partrty MondayMd , Sept 14. with Mrs. mack and Mrs. Prod Hartley re- Cora jonnson ana Mrs. neros) Cook what's K«pp«n«ei to eehred special award* at Monday as chairman; a partage part) night's meeting of the Pride oflMoaday, Sept. 21, with Mn. Wai 1 Crescent Council, Soni andter Dangler and Miss Henrietti man * clothing af J. Kridol! Daughter! o( liberty, in the bor Herrmann in charge, aad a part] oughhall. and covered dish supper for thorn Wo'ro up h«ro on tho now Twenty member! were present with birthdays In September « the party and covered diih Monday. Sept. SI. ipper (or member! with birth- third floor, in spacious


MW van* trace; iiCHANea emaaae MAMJ a* TCAM aih«pantUd quarters, with fiva BSBf I KM UBAJRE, STOUT I CO. drassing rooms and tha tailors. right in tha back. IAV. MW YtMM HO* JUNIORS PftlrARI FOR OANCI — Two partial will bo hold tomorrow and Satur- Tha alavator is push-button, day night at the Monmouth loat Club for the junior membori. Shown above ere ••mo of the junior* watching Craig Woleott, right, a* ho malm a poster for tho IN lAfT ftONT STRtWT nDIANR.IL J. docorationi. Looking on, laft te right, Iranda Lewis, Sandy Lewis, Jano Allaire but tha rast of us •nd Naney Cools. STOCKS IONDS still work tha old way. MOUUSTOWN vurttas Community Appeal Results NEW SHREWSBURY - Mr. *MVT am mwawaa't aura and Mn. Richard Bcbbe nod children, Richard, Jr., and Chuck of Dover, and Mr. and Mrs. Discouraging to Workers George Mainai • and children, Beth, Mary Joy and David of EATONTOWN — The Commun- St.*. ity Appeal committee met last Morrietow were guests last week-end of Mr. and Mrs. Vin- week with the president. Spencer cent Roache Patterson, to approve disburse- Democrats ment o( funds collected during the March campaign. To Stage Due to a series of deUyj. such as waiting for the return of con- tributions by mail, and the re- Party Sept 15 ceipt of a complete audit, the complete result! of the campaign SEA BRIGHT - Democratic have been unavailable, Mr. Pat-county and local candidates and teraoasald. their wives will be guests of honor at a card party and fashion show Francis Bruce, fund drive sponsored by the Woraen'a Demo- chairman, reported that the total cratic Club Tuesday, Sept. IS, at amount to be disbursed to nine Driftwood by The Sea. agenda is t2.MS.tS. The group authorised the committee's treas- Among those expected are: George Winning, to tor-Thomas J. Smith, Fair Haven, ward checks immediately. candidate for State Senator; Lou- is Collichio, Keansburg. aaid Eu- gene J. Bedell. MiddMtown, can- The breakdown, with quotas didates for Assembly; John W. and collections, respectively, is: Applegate, Matawan, candidate for surrogate; Dr. Joseph R. Ack- *U: Girl ScouU. S4M. $224; Boy erman, Asbury Park, and Carl Scouts. |M0. 1322: YMCA. MOO. M. Vanderveer. Freehold, candi- $174; Family * Children's, WOO, dates for freeholder: Commis- S2H; Salvation Army, WOO. $421;sioner Roeco N. Bonforte, Long Cerebral Palsy. $400, $245; Red g CrossC . SMO$m . $»1$2*1, andd Mental Branch, candidate for sheriff; Health. HOts 871. Francis J. Mahoney. AsWry The committee voted that a let-..Park. , candidate fof r County Clerk; tor of appreciation be sent to the!™"*" „„„ Sea Br 8 l> borough auditor. Herbert Caru-' 'i , 1f~™ na J> Pinch Pleated Metoe,. who donated his. servicesicrvirM . jf. .™!7*. „ . . . Mi. PaUctaon said lie is dis-Iliam J. Darby, candidates for (Draw Drapariis tncl.1 appointed in the results of the {council. campaign Mn. Robert F. Norton Is chair- Ho said. "We know that our Iman. Mrs. Thomas Farrell la ben- aampalgn was wall planned, ade- orary chairman. ad that all afaur eeUsaatad at as- PTA TAKES ACINN or linlined LAURENCE HAIHflt) hy voluateers who distributed ben of the eaacunvo board of the brochures, pledge cards aad re- Laurence HarborCUffwood Beach dtooae from' the laraeat turn envelopes, and even fallowed Parent-Teacher Association have two of throe times in tome In- recommended that tion endorse and support the U. variety of deeorative dra- "la all. there were leas than S. Postmaster Gl' pery fabriea in New Jeraey. aw Individual contributions. Al- gram for obliterating tho traffic most 7M eavelopee were turned 'oC pornographic l From them our workroom tat with cards absolutely blank! through the mail. To get full en- I am at a toss to understand will make op your draper* «M apathy of the people of Eat action a committee waa formed ontowa whan I read tat drives with Mrs. Robert lea FREE (72" or kMnjer) orgaatied by our neighboring venile protection towns have been met or over charge. • . . beautifully etntom eUDSCflDKl. Tha lt#>g(ftt>r bringa brnyars md •all tre tngfthar ••eh IMU*. Why not Ji tailored to your apecifiee* The other members of the com-th* m ? -- Art vs>rtte#nwnt. mittee also voiced discourage- tiona. ment. The first Community Ap- peal was organized In ISM at the request of residents who com- YOU PAY ONLY TOR THE FABRICS plained of the annoyance of being solicited by so many charities. Bring moMaunmmt from top of rod to floor. The first campaign netted ap- proximately fS.ttt. The second appeal la October 1SS7, with aa Increased number of participat- lagynciaaaadaauouofff.aat CUSTOM-MAM Mr. Wlanlag offered to Bead aut bills to tho residents who had made pledges, giving Nov 1 aa a dsaoHaa for ppaymenty . It mat a ojuaa- SLIPCOVERS for a •••ailag oMatereat m fu- kira uaitad tad drives. Other committee members at- •MMaUjf wtfi Mitt NornuM TiMt* SOFA & CHAIR lard. Mrs, Leslie D. Soery and THl It MOtTWe • 4 CUSHIONS 100 pairs af Susan LepU Man's shoat QAH CURTAINS I* Sweet 16 •nd boys' shoas arc now HIGHLANDS - Mist Susan Lapis. Futtaa Avt.. Jersey City, 1.98 on tha main floor, using all suited her 10th birthday at a IN ura ran aardsn party at the home af her niatarnal graaalparanct, Mr, aad tha spaca that uitd Mra. EniW Aafttrl, 41 Cornwall M" tt.. to ba for man's tuWs A MBM Ltaal It the enughter af Mr. and Mrs. Jaatta Lapis. Jar- and eaats. VHo Cannavo, aty CMy, She ware a "tweet ate- buy«r and dapt. manager, Oueata were Mlsa Karen Ah- rams, David Fox and Thomas One Miy seal savers atoit IWDAY raves about tha naw Thomson, Atlantic Highlands; FMWNT TH. t Mies Rsyae Over, Leonardo; •oi WAiia, wooewow, •nice Bemer, Pair Haven: Ed- continental stylas. ward Weeds, New York City; CMkMOal Jerry Osalaa aad Prank Abbra- WeH«*s«yefM*esls«t» And some of tha smartest S)MM#tlt9i BFlVsKljfKi MiaM CfeflaV taw Leatt aad Miss Vkttria Lapit, Jtnty CHyt Mitt Martha Idaas coma in l>oys' sisas. , A - -- 4at_ 1^ Mama aad Eaton! Doaley. af VSJBJVWnjni WSSfJ SSS HlgaJsads; Mr. and Mn. Paul Mulr aad Baal A. Mvlr, Atlantic S.S5 Highlands; Mr. and Mn. Ray- 'ILL END SHOPS mond Young, Mr. and Mn. Dan- iel Coltepy and Miss Gsll Collopy, Naveslnk: Mr. aad Mra. Frank 1374 BROAD ST. RED BANK Hemhauifr, Mr. snd Mn. Auflerl PAINT CO. snd Miss Ardrth (unnsn*. High OTMM STOHS AT IAST MAN** MOKIISTOWN. "Art LAWN Isndi. and Mr. and Mrs. Lvpis. M Wbrra It. Rat} (On Parking Let) Mnt» lhan J 48t persons have Wlnl flnw VTVOT Iv^aww SB* nBw wBJB^tSy aaBBJB/Bj vvlntl MPiMiBjsT biat Iheir lives In floods In lh» Tal. SH 7.1 111 MM*, N «U|| wtw ert 1* IAST ORANM MrU IND IHOfl Uniisd auiat staring the last Jt yean. Leidtm to uzPotter, at48Inches Tall, Anbury Municipal TOO PHOENIX. Ariz. (AP) — Two Tear toi aaaa bought tho Last Lap Cafe Grows Up With Movie Stan pal Road. Frank Bryan, eon- ttoaHaSL " . ' '. to Phoenix on tho weak-end. iiiim «>MBMonntErikLohtosa. BJKBJDSXa aVBB) •^•JB^njnnnj akMaaai B»»B»B»B»WI^»»» Mr. LeMssa has'Jaat; Police Sgt Jos Nemocek said By BOB THOMAS C4) re Tac _ CD Too Real McCoys from a guest OBsjdaoaag toar of fltcy gave owner Aft Cousins a and arranger of band musk, aa All the checks bounced. Cous- Asaaclatad Pnaa Ma«la>TV Wrtlar (7) Across As Board CM) Frostier Doctor guest conductor of the band con- tha Wast Coast aad ftewaM. While S2.S0O check as down payment: tns hurried to the bar. (IS) Mister MeGarrity S- CD Zans Gray Theater ia Hawaii, ba was guest con- another of ISM for equipment they come out of a big aeon* cert Saturday at »:J0 p. m. at The new owners were missing. HOLLYWOOD (AP)—Lui Pot. 13: It-CIS) Cartoon (4) Bachelor Father the Eighth Avenue Band Pa ductor of *w Royal Hawaiian [So were the cash register, the ter is a mere « inches taH, butwith tots of dialogue aad go right •— (3) Search for Tomorrow CS) Wrestling beer license. to work studying their vilion. coin machines and 14 cases of for 20 years she has been grow- (4) It could Ba You (7) Leave It "To Beavei Mr. Leidxen will conduct the Erik Leidsoa was dtad by the covered contents of the cash beer. work." (I) Cartoon (0) Science Fiction iato Dr. Edwia FraakJo OoMman register. ng up with movie children. second half of the program which Luz is dark-haired sad ales- (7) Pantomime Quii (11) Stave Donovan, will ba devoted to hia own com-as "Tha world's Luz is a movie stand-in and looking, the wife of n missile lfc«S- (3) Tho Quidag Light Wastora Marshal of band mask." she has seen her counterparts poaMtons and band arraagsenents. oafcuiator a bead li«t-C3) News CIS) Secret Ftt». U. I. A. Mr. Lshbaa was guest a come and go. Says she: "When I jest —*-— IkCsnaBaB^^aWekt^sn % "When I Whan you're ssatod aad totting (4) Dr. Joyce Brothers ft- CD Playbouso to fm Atlv ntMEMnsHMavV m start standing In for a, ohild with bar, you ausjcsly nottoa hot CDBtont - C4) 21 Bsacoa Street Baad of •» aatvaaoa Ar- actor, I wear flat shoes., than iaUe. Only MM doMfto votes (IWOua. CD Rough Rkton graduate to high heels, As aha ***•• bar away. isOB- CD Oar Mias CDaVga of Dsagsr child keeps growing. I stand oa list- CO Nows Cll)38 Urn blocks of wood, then a tw»stop but doss llttfe stem sa liSt- CO As tha World Turns (IDISpy Mrs. Jaass Siegel aad bar son, riser. . That'--_.,_s as hig1.1—ah. a_s- IV cauns insa **niaThe* RainsaTsjinasa omm*f BB)SM coma M:St- CD Oroatho Man Gary, of SO Patera PI., returned go, and I start all over agate She suffered serious lag injuries Cf)PUm (7) Maa Called X homo by plane Sunday from with another actor." while doubting for a ebM win CD JOB rnaktta CD Strange Stories Madison, Wia., where they were Hair, as waU at tato, SMJ She started all this In 1130was to bo awopt away CD Pin* (II) Boots and Saddles visiting Mrs. Siegel's son-in-law become sunburned. Tho ro7 With vaudeville dead, she gave in a 3ttt- (I) Art Ltoklsttor (IS) Mike-Wallace and daughter, Dr. and Mrs. Lud- sulttoaatrtw- up a dancing career to try the She has done numslmisl parts, Interviews wig Gutmann and their daugh- movies. She found out the stu- w latest being "The lacredable afcto- (4) Masquerade Party ters, Joan and Laurie. When they dios needed her. Shrinking Man." As the bsro lost fcN- (1) Tba Big (7) KasnToVW vMunnmMM arrived at Newark Airport Sun- his SIM, ho sought bar ad*co oa (91 Mffltea Pflfftr day they were met by Mr. Siegel your They like to have adults stand CO and son. Robert, and Mr. and in for the children," she remark' how to adjust to batog a (DLtU Palmer Cll) Soldiers of Fortune , CM) Barry Gray Show Mrs. Leonard Green, the Siegel's ibtog'abouf'it ed. "We little people can take s^B/.fF aavaagga# ajgp*av ^av«aW44o> llsti- CD News, Weather son-in-law and daughter, aad Mr. me hot lights better than chil- at M a? I use small C»)Lo«a Story aad Mrs. Abram Green. akould "& furniture aad so forth. I don't 01) Film Sports trimmed. Hot dieit. Ami we can work an eight- 1 hour day, while children have to simply adjust to a __„ StW- a) Verdict U Yours CDPUm . oil shampoos ore good. For go to school for three hours." world. My husband tad I live (4) From These Roots (7) News aad Weather BLAST INJURES 3 best results, toko your prob- Cll) News Reports lem to your favorite, capable And so she has seen a parade in a normal house. The stok aad (I) The Playhouse UNION CITY (AP) — Twobeautician. of performing tots . . . Margaret stove sre aorawl height: I Hat (7) Who Do You Trust? CIS) Dance Party persons were slightly injured U:lt- CD Late Show After your hair has been O'Brien . . . Gigi Perreau, than •tops to meh fton. A* our COFUm when four manhole covers blew properly treated, try a good her sister Jeanine . . . Natalie ClDFUm (4) Jack Paar up here last night. Some 3,- cold wave. If you waat • Wood . . . Sherry Jackson . . . Tho Brlgbtor Day ClDFUm and practical, gat your per. were without electricity for two manent «t SUpSea Haiirfnso- Father Knows Best" series. W Tw* or Csaso- ttttt- CD hours. (IS) Film ers, Campbell's Junction. SIS She had five years of standing Police said lbs explosions ap- Main Stri^BolforA11 in for Elinor Donahue sod Lau- BJ4B- CD Paul Coatst parently wera caused by sswor KE ren Ctupin until both outgrew UIS- (4) Consult Dr. Brothers gaa and cable break. Glass wss her. CIS) Cuxtoto Ttoto ltSS-CDFlbB blown out of 30 apartment house 4:11-CS) Tba Secrat Stem and 11 store windows. Now she's starting what might it- O) Edge of Night be another long-range (4) County Pair FRIDAY MORNING ment She's stand-in for Jay CS) Mr. District Attorney ROCK worrr ROLL North, the cute tyke who plays (IS) Junior Town 7: CDNswa sad Weather HOLLYWOOD (AP) - The "Dennis the Menace" in the new SctO- (3) Life of Rlley Roports Cta S: IS) rock oa the movie set didn't screen TV series. most. It always anuses mo how (U)Throo CO Hi. Mom CDFanoaal Theater RED RANK 1HUMBAY BVEJOHO *»•- CD My Ltttte Margie Cailtoo Anatomy of t Murd- RADIO titt- CD Nato aad Bugs (D Romance of Life Comedy IfcM- CD Oa the Go EATONTOWN WABC no (I) Lttth) Rascals CO Dough-Re-Mi Drive»la-The Horse Soldiers, WCBS I 8:00. 11:40. WHTG 14 Cll) Popeye the Sailor CD Film Guns. Girls ft Gangsters, 10:30. (IS) Ask tho Camera CD Joe Franklin WNEW II HAZLET l:St— C«) NawB Rsports Ifclfr- CD Sam Levissoa Show But Ma Leew's Drhro4a—Anatomy of a CDT CO Treasure Haat •0-WABC—NaOT; ft*4 MattlM Murder 7-.4S, 11.to. WCBB—Nan; DIM Dana CD Yesterday**' Newsreel CD Star Playhouaa Mi all u—iiftaaa MiaiMa Naws Gideon of Scotland Yard 10:80. WOR —Men, Jons Stott Cll) 1I:M- CD 1 Lav* Lacy WJtCA—Nm; Ua MMwack TUSa KEANSBURG :1*-WOR -TM VHM (tt)aako CO The Prica Is Right »WHTOC a.M-WOK —*•••"; MiMa kaa» MflonMB Csstos Big Circus. 3:1*. 0:10. O-WABC (Td BSEiaa (D Time For FOB fclO. WCBa—H«I«B Trait S:a«-won —Waw" MtaM Iran 1:4a- (4) woatt WBTO—WBTOS Stn. IUUXIM Mails HilS-CU) Oumby Little Tkeatf Oregon Passage, 2: IS, 1:03, a wesaa —c M N*» On 0:4B-(D Naws CD p (D News. John Dsiy lltSS- COD ToCoacoBtndop Dollar a 8:00. r fir nm- CD Nows sad Wsatttr COD RompeCr Rood m ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS Muilc WRCA—Mawii Ikums (4)Wontog -Tho Nun Story 7:30. won —*«•«. p. naMiwoa 11 :•>- WABC—Mam, itriial (t)SharWof CscbJos WRCA—»l»w. V one for Me. :lSWCHS-dl4 Plrklu WOR —Cirlton FrxOrleU CD Tsrrytooa Circus LONG BRANCH S»-WfBg —founi Dr. liUon* WHT<1—«•»•, Iteluins mu |1I| RWTWI osaH WflMMs - South Pacific, MWABC—fie«» 2:00, 7:00, S-.30. 0O.WABC—¥ni RobblM anew Ctt) Cartoons WCBa— RISIX To IUMUMM Act-CIS) Nan Ropart of a Murder WHTO—Htsdllni, MUJIC 2:00, 1:31, WOR —N.w». LH BBlUt ASS—CD WMCA—N«WI; M Haruay MEN WHO :1»-WOR —«•)•• Utalw CDIaaiasj to roooc lUt M _fOJtW 4a->The H Maa, CD Eater t: 39. CD" - Pork KNOW VALUE CD) .It-WOR — Hill, 7: SO, 11: IS. 00-WAKC— Cll) Vtotory at Sea Pardnera. 0:40. wcaa— CIS) Daagsr to My ASBURYPARK WHTQ—M NFWB' Fraamait ana (IS) Roto BBS Stage Show, 2: JO, S:M. 7:10, »:"». WHTO—Htadiinra: DOWJOM Have Rocket, WUI Travel, 1:30, WOR —Mm. turn Seou 3:30. t:40. 7:S0. 10:00. FLANNELS! Uite laatti Padfk. 2:30.7:10, Itttt. Ossaa Hals la «w Head, 7:10, 0:38. ^vT% ir-vr r «a Uw MlniM r ._ JMania Block i-wcaa—aaana, Bo» Caaka WOR —SaSa. John Wlmata t'.IS-WAIie—Ka«a. Iftm Dui WCBS —naval WRBa-BUI Laonard WHTO-Mam: WOR — Htwi, Hrnry "lilalan WOR —li ' e:**WABC—Arthur Van Hora |;H.WASO--SMnry WaHon WRCA—1 WCBa — Unwll Thonui WOR - aporu, (tan l«mu iv.ss-wcaa — WRCA—Tfaraa Mar Sltra WHTO— 1 «:H-WORa —FWl Klnuto WOR tiS»-W*5O-Qula«» Howa Wcaa—Nawa MapurU TMI/M WOR — ruium La»la, Jr. WRCA—Maara. Oiur Laartawas • WCBS— Aawa 'a Aadjt :MWAHC-Lat'a Travn WOR —TadWa Bualima T:*KWARC—AM* fraud WCHB—aiua.n Navin* won _Ni>»i, nabn>l Maata* •M •» aasst M tfsg MWHI X MO ^buttoQ WRC* Ntwi, Murian MaMF MOMS. Hwty in to MO tnla MDCTO wit • <• : a traJy law value H It.

/.'/ ' '.VMt Uii I'UKl IS SO !OW

at. sa>yL AU»IIY NlPlwtN "IAV tJNti Ml

ATtaMla Ht«M«a4« |.||f|, I41W BBsBnam*sl l*J0Jsl a| MAINILOtSTMf2M Spriiidnl* in l*rli*: bmnqtMti, wtddin^i, ItiWP.M. DANCINO Baa. II A.M. to t P.M.) Opes fvrry N(.M 'III 0 P.M. Sitnr Ion tmtll • nmr ton tmr$* ! wt*. fwau oat. AMURY PARK-XOUTI 35 Our /ini/i/iVi. tfiialil\, trtiiie mnJ f>ii) WIU4AMN0L0BN PMTH AMIOY, Ml IMIHI Snttt Mrmhfr Dinar's Cluh . Amartran Kipr*«a CONSTANCE TOWERS Ilkt Domini In , Hat . |nod Out nf Thl* World U. S. Hrfbway 1 a* are«a tt. Trawls Ctrclo TBM UatU aoiau—oH Nun's Story" At AM Star* IrlB rV^BrVtaVfjl S*TaBB7B»^aBBTBBBpjBBJ ^w'^'-^'M^

'ff •rri •f r

— 9TU0/0-

aMbo aalan aad

CMUDrADULT AND WEOMNft fcraJftTlTll1!WiUi^| PORTRAITURE AcatabnttaatarflMlMbMb-l 35 SUVRTON AVENUE, UTTLB SILVBR, R J, JaaVfa day of Daatfas McCoba. an of I Mr. aad Mrs. WBBaaa McCaba.1 SH 1-0111 Mala at was bald Baasw. at tha baroBBj. ban pia- Mrs. Hoary Haaaafay aad aoa. aad panda to tha school An., apaat a lf4ir «4ir to bo with Mr. Haaaafsy la YOURSAVnWSPROBlEMS M by bias Aaao Yodlca. lk> wbara bo la •rtWa "Maw W;" wba wffl SAVI 1Y THI 10thI BACK TO SCHOOL Tw OAMI en^nmt CM U luutd footJtt UTO« wattM MMMIQ MT HHI Cab acoatt, won Mr. to win is to am fcy tko 10th erf smry Bwoth! ,tr., WhoByo«MT«brttet«^yoaaooratwewaya) SPECIAL PURCHASE aad Mrs. Oao tknoj aad *..l^ycnmm*tuamt*itii'*n/ban,»aimb- Mr. aad Mn. Jam y. Mr. aad Mrs. «Bd,y««a«taMteh«i!«fatarMivingipattMB. UNIVERSITY CLUB r . . . i—-or — nuilTt MT« MM! [ of heaor dar- Mn. Bobm Fto aad tmUr. Mr. Mate it • point Ior year aids to my by tto -is ^ JS?f W" "• Mn. Boy Fte aad aoa. Mr. thMfe+ta Jb# Mbtdi WftiMBi^ aMwl JbBPdM SPORT COATS of Lit* nvafo HaadMn.WimaaiFlsaadlaady, FU, ST., Mr. aad Mn.., 95 kaadtsarity.aanaaad Behia Laary oad Kba. Jarry, 27 Lab) aad Bobart Fte. RED BANK SAVINGS Fan's matt algahVaat fabric Hopaaeka, Hardy, baad- Mr. aad Mrs. Bobart Lathnpl aoaas, att wool Tho swat japajar aportooot hi hy and LOAN „ Sitas 31 to 44. ftof. - Loaf - Short i oa NawaMB SI, Bhar Fit- ISf* Door to Security 100% WOOL 10 BROAD ST. MO aUNK NEW JIMBT to aid tha aoHoa'a coaaaaatan BICHMOMD, Va. (AF) - Sifa Inturoal Savings Accounts Monay OraWt FLANNEL SLACKS M -Q- — j^^— m^ 4V^^^^^^& A dft^^.^0Ak_ JMB WMg*^*^^ dA^^^^A.Ai^A#A ^^^^ta^a—A an JjajBMaav^BjaM(l%Fla) B KJJBJBB^BJB) JB^ 9s9a>SnisP *w* af aBalSaa^F apBOa^BlBaTov V a^alaaEa^So^BBS said tttooaa protty ban: "Vacattaaia*: amoad *a Travalon Chacquot DIVIDEND 95 95 world. Bock la N days. Ho said •» ——''»*•• awy as- Sava-by-Matl 10 toU at Ha aaat aMatfaga bin SS iySSaS'plattaT1 Mho? nli^t IWa Shot 21 to 44

Saa. CUfford F. Caaa (R-KI) ^HBIVa • PBraiUW MMWt RY * • OOOHOBWr DM BANK • DBJVRY • SH 7-030t JOHN DANIELS "la naaMat Ma potat of 13 MONMOUTH ST. RBDBANK HAM 8911SL PRANKS 49c* IJvat •« H4ir at 17JL u-ao Turkeys 35 TURKEYS 4911 ~ BROILERS 33

9-12 fc.OGHAMS 63 BACON '- 89clTOIAT HAMS 59c BROIL 89 EYE ROUND 89US STEAKS 8* •OYT CORDUROY PANT1 ROAST59 i STEAKS 59>ISS» CHUCK S91 CALA HAMS 2M COUNT HUM FAPM s MtVi 66 -••" 89 | COM. tAU—ONOn, tflW or MAST LAMB l.M. MOMS' COTTON BOBBY SOCKS CARDIGAN CHOP BEEF haaallaa ailats laid aaaais 1 # #ft Ciifomi ' 1AN0 ARMUY Sbst IM-11. Paar pain ••f ••• m m «. PRaWCN JMCY wmtmm, aawajwr \M. • • PASCAL ICI CRBAM v coom SAU CELERY POTATOES LIIION ORMKES LOFfS •ouut BktmneoTeM cup . IB*. • CHOTON 2daa. AT IMVUI PtJCI OP 4ft ... C IT omrSmm PM> IAM POI U 77BBOADST. RID BANK 151 79 29* Va^oL 79° r i I ij«- «D BAIat MQBIHI .'V'!.r ' V_^;" -v A-f;:^w^- KEEP YOUR ON GRANTS

at * adm Viseowda oil •aaaea. ^^ aaa_-a_«_B_B_h__i_«_i_B_««^MB«i^ M_B__«_B_«_^B_^r UQ-* VaaTaataKaMotMr. H VM 1__NB.| Dr. AatMat . Park, Coaey IiUad, aad «_o at (rfwtia t&tular kv prices " . . -9 aaotkar day. qualMad aoyt te anpara than lbta XaVBund Ecktrt tort** ft-rariai of _» fntan.1 Kaypert Kd., accowpaalad

g Laka, N. Y.. Aug. » Mr. MM Uartaria Vaa Tvaial aad naa aft* Vlokt Van TumO, • fcm Mn. WltUam Vaa- raaiaU. OaUaaaur^a iDr., Ml far Oaat Tiay aw TfcaMU b «aplofad by*a Ml Mr. tad Mn. Kobttt tary Air Attaeha. MUN Vaa Taa- MO ate atadted at MMJlbau tf MooatafaM. Th«y Coltofl* ia Varmoat, tMa aaa_Mr. vidud Mr. aad Mn. Walter Swaitial. ,Jr^ SmrtHl CUfte at Ciitayiala. R Yj. for*., edabrated W» knM_r A« tte paat MB » at tha hooa «f Mr. aai Mn. am of Mr. aad Mn. , Ctar-aa Dr. Mr. aad Mrs. Walter tmni I Aag. _> by akMB Ir., Fort Laadatdaav ML. Md * __0 ______•____• Mr. $mdMn.WWmrtUm aad BRI Of OM Mtvi foa Ray-taad, Malawaa. Mr. aad Mn. Pater Otot haM Mr. aad Mn. LaaU gAaaa. 0 ptfb pOfly IV ttt IOOB-tMt 0 JF-Mt Xtf-a tHHtMOtO MM* SAWOMZEDAND V-M^H _fe. A_iv _M Kate Costtaat-M, Mn. Baa Aad- Mbm' NYLON Mr. tad M MM*. ST.. and ifc aad Mn. Mr. aad M COLORFAST..,. S-T-l-E-T-C-H Mr. aad Mn. Wtmu VCtmtt, •cat Angl 8*.^ \ DACIION *N COTTON Mr. aad Mn. Omim Kalahaw, A nppar party fof 9t KIMMI WOVmOMOHAMt Mr. aad Mn. Jack HwdrtB-ioi friend* waa held Moodagr la « ANKLETS and Mr. aad Mn. MaWa Moon. bndM of the 11* Mrtfcday of «_• *>__•__ O_a______l______ROLL SLHVi SHttTS tn Mr. two Mrs. Holwrt W. Kit* Maraant Aaaa MacOaaald, vr inn 9-nwVmoajr rn fttaOBB* -n-RH-tfy Avt>t WOt §|VtO daaghtor of Mr. aad Mn. Harrt- a party Aac It m tmr Mh Wrtb- •oat MatfhmtiM. TladaB M. day. OWiadt-t wan SMrtey aad Dlaaa Lotta. Ba Kalbar. Jnda OWTA MT WAV Ourt otoMl W«h'n DtWyagart aad J-arca OToa- FKANKFORT. lbr. (APMtob> w*or dawk 4S% Doe* •or. it Catraa. Hamdad • ckaiaji Mr. aad Mn. MiehaalBraadiaa. fOi^SS»• cotton. lP/nHOf fiaad IB aad coate tor faUto la- ClariaM Dr. aaHrtilail o«ar the ukafaaL StyUag .. pcnwWa Sint 30 to M« M_^_^_^_MI* %Mm _a-^_i %S^m %tttAmmt fcnfc-ttaa after poliea eaagfet hta "•W^llli HT« •_•« Mill nUKUmU eana-tag dww fta Iddte « a Jumper knka, mOttalna. No tin prabkm with ftOff. IJt Oto_^ Mra. JottpUot Broodiott •tract la bli wtatkhair. Bracftto, tad Mr. aad Mn. •moofh fUHnf ttrttch ^>***«•—*!»»r jwipamtum' t-niiwilml TO*- f IACK HbOLSKCIALI f««wrii. On* tin fift *-*H or mtntt' 9-11.


ONLY tlJf ONLY $1.19




WoM toUororf royon fhNMMI tMffct With MA*


•fop tltm 10-II l.ft i»!»_«. Optn Ivory Nloht Til • •-M. Saturday TH 6 •M.

Siyrt WMOJ Mil StVot SIMMIM Ctttiv rftiftct Sl« Nailtt Styrt WM_S 17 HOAD IT. 1M4 MO IANK UttkSlYW IH> BANK HGBIHI oa^mt'not •? a* aamwmwi 11—Tharaday. Sopt 3.1959 LOUBVIllS. Ky. nid

tehr toboaaaaaartd by tbt < wtmmtm tffriattty MM imwah, Sapt U oa

Aaypatmtrbt aaaat ha mmtr tht ooatrol of 1 aad ha

grada wM iinajMiat a Prim wH bt awardtd. Tht tvaata ami tbt bootfaf lor CLOUD All DAY tha Mr win ha kaMtadoon l a of rate. Imparted arUom LABOR DAY MONDAY. 7th

STOCK IIP NO W A a grab FOR TM HOUDA Y # wHbtavallaWt MtJ«KliliMbl ^^^^^•T Warn* W wM*Wfl» YOUR CHOfCI A varMyakowteqr.i w wffl bt prt- adtelha " with Vtr- ft ftOOP HUSBANDS PLEASE NOR WILL HAT fJI PUB-BEABJNG IWAMC. . . af " lla* M aMaTW It) WtMaT S faW MffJaWS «wV* :te brtw a wtm a oaektal ptaat l a ffaa t akbi af ^ammadaaW W IWa^UM4Vl from I GIN •« •a*4 of trim lEek

By OQSOTffY SOB outfiti for daytimt wtar. Both may bt loadad with a forhmote far* , collar or lining. * VODKA Suit Jackau antoagar, aomtdma i rtachtegto a ftw Rutbaiida win bt ao happy aboat firalilai'fiahlnai tut fall that they may Ha*, oftea baited, ahraya ateadar te ttmouattt. Jackote an eat oa ajot tvaa fum about tnt fricm. of a maa't baatoam autt or imnktiig Jacket tatyte fit ; witn trim *noum*Tt aaa a coanoaai air. aaana an aum, onaa taptrta Mtw York datlgnfi havt turaad out fall collacMoa* cakulattd to mate tbt htmllne. WHISKEY womaa look their boat aadto mat e mta appiaad. Tht dothet rtady for atxt aaaaoo an thtfcted tha t man lik* bett-ctrnplt te cot,tanrtoui te fabri c aad Ooata for fall aad wiator art mart maaniah ia cut that k mad* with tht fcmtetea flgun te miad. tithcr kwat or belted, oftan with bnKh far collar*. NtcUlaaa art tt Iholr matt ftettorteg-widt aad oval la daytimt, dartegty Tha uat of far trtmmmo hi tha Mggaat atwt of tho aaw cat ataagmg at night Btltt an whan thty btkmg-te tht mlddl*. SUrte an atendar dramatic art tht tag-haired fan aach aa fat and lyas. uatd m gnat < RUM and just abort taough for flattery. oa Mite or bordart oa coata. Oftta maat^art ttamad with milrtamg hata. Everything ha* a tallorad look, whathar K"t a auit of mtaVwtar wonted Miak la praatat m all Bmtattaaa. atad aa Uamg or trharnhg far laahtbj ar aa ovaalag drttt af gUttarteg gold broeadt. Aad thtete a gottentoward th aaad coat*, bat than an maay othtrten praata t m tht fan fuMoa panda. rau. S .95 mta. too. For tbt U. I mate ahrayi hat admlrad th* famtetot womaa ta LtoparLtopaiwd w a avortta, aad mart an aawcomin inch u bamtttr. aat« whU dothm with a maajdah look witetm tha popularity of Mariaaa Dtetrleh aad bar taillag affect QUART trrnla* polo coat, Onto. Garb© aad bar akxtch hat M 3 nien If mack talk of tha "Chaatl look." tht litda4oy took" tad tha "Mtditoa AVWHM took"-«U tiMd to dtterib* tbt cataal. laUorad air of tht MP0R1M) WYCUPM Then han't beta aa tftamg faaMon in yam that will draw man ckttn atw clothaa, aad tht noachalaact accorded to pradoua maltrith. It't too atd KMT millioai $A95 from the boyi thaa th* gold broeadt trtneh coat aad matehtag ahtrtwaM drtaa ThU la a aaaaea when you could wtar mink overall* If you chott. aad bt of aaoplo havo loarntd to af thlg icaion. K'a plaantd to glv« womca tht appealing look achlwad by a right ia tht apirtt of tha timta. look forward TO lovin1 cart SCOTCH 4 girl ia boy • pajamaa. . If a a ataaoa whoa you caa matt th* mot* of being a womaa. without btiag Juat aa popular wUI bt th* long, ataky, backitm tvaaiag gowat « baadtd abvtoaa about tt. by aomo "THEY." OoBontj cMffoa or hob aatta, aad tht broeadt thatttr aorta wHh taflortd Jaekttt ira a ataaaa whaa you caa go aboppiag with a frat mmi, ttcart hi tht o« YOURSELF, aad ttort DAVIDSON'S or favortta baw hi gomg to ttatkmfl away maybo ovoa an tha favoritt dothta. Tha MllV MoMwl SIMM ttf IIMmwaW VMar aaro ood lor thorn oora Mr. aad Mr*. PmrU Fmklom pttecteH of tht . fo«d dr»tda»i$. wHh •• NT* QmMMal mV PVamV y World War I Buffet Given dpal of th* Swawmteg Bhrar * YM. OL» AMt OVPJI $A .39 M°?: iaaavod ««y .«« «toa*y of tho UL S. ©ov- N fVOOP Group Meets bod. of Camdaa, Mr Faculty Mn. 4 h W. Bartoa of Wtat Mm. A. Phi- KATONTOwM - Mr. aad Mn btth. Pa., Mr. NEW SHREWSBURY - Mr. aad Mr*. Jam** Y. i Own* B. WbitlMd aal J* nmVBJIA^B^^^MT droWKmaa^aaVt* %M^mMiff, J'/4% mambtn aad famlHte of lht»atmrm aadMn,WU Manto Patrick. Laag Braaeh; Eagteaar Ugbt Railway Rtgl- at a bofttt hflm Mary •tdmr mJ Mtoi Mm moat af WorM War I at a cook Btehar. Naatoat; Mn. S.T. Law- Davidson's out Saturday at thair horn* m a a M Broad St * «fT*f lt*Mta t t 'JtTwi mmw* afBJBJBJ Tha mombtn taat a aatwall raa Pair. Pmr l ' LIQUOR STORES gnttfag to ntw aMwmwSml fJBt NBBJmsBJBBI •Jmv I"J« *f< Matawan 6 747 A.M. BANK STOCKS BOTTOM ROUND BV^^ BdmlV A\mB4amBmamf*mBJa mamsf^amamamal mmmtmt 7:35 an hates Sayre Woods TMa wiator coat, te gway aad aeft wool, hi iTop Sirioin Roast Arrives Newark 8:15 a. m. dmteatr Carvta. Laathar Try thU /out, eontmkmt, low coat an a oata FRK CMCULAt ON REQUEST MTVJM tttrcci to tht hmn •/ Nmmrk Otat I. GEORGE WESTON ft SONS CROSS RIB ROAST < >MU1VAl AttiKMI»r«rW{^UTM^ UIMMltWMOl iFrotm lODoy Trip BAIWrroWN - Afttr a M. OalorvmH iKmmiN •tday.Yatjiwt 1M MQNMOwTN IT. IN 1<4tM Mi BAM* |**!^^^tttwtte: £ ami te ' ' . . IdMldna. Barbara. Olaa. aad FRYING CUCKENS 33 Old World Quality Product* Jj^S^"-^"**M M PmM H* ^ FVLL UNE OF QUALITY •_«••»Tha karnly vtoUa• d How* Ca- MEATS AND MEAT PRODUCTS mat te Aftaar. N.Y.. aad Mrl lalmiiniaaj.Thty ot- ^-^ COtftCVTS AM aad rjam, Vt, PmtoaH Matrn Jof <>w WhMa Mtuatatet of Ntw ROUND ROAST jKarmaMn, aad viaMtd Saate liasyou'va uau*tuvn*A*m ICteaa VUteg* te Jtftenaa. N.M dOM btMilMM a* mu o^vvltN VtMMtf VM Withyo.rH ywa'Mot«t« B**d Chopp#d LOIN OF •tWm fammjmma/MdhmBdl i BJBJmVmmm|amaamwmlmma gj-*~"--f #•*£•« • PtTaad AffBjfkJB TDf yOUf WBCSjHOfl fTWAwy Bl atMyiMSN btst-known ooMumtr letn eomptfry PORK .00 . NEW SKMWSBUJIV - Tat |Narm»Mt Eagtet Aailhary httd la awetel mantes Mi wtth te 1 49. 69s rwii Nu«in OH au rataaaa oaaaat |r*c*tvt and prlct "whit* #lt- ' Mi" which wllllwtoaturKUl 710 Coohmtw Avwwo-Ptoopoot f.|IM LAHUK HEIM.TIO1S Or SWISS btiMh at th» Country Kalr In lladdlUoa, UM rluh *l*o will wll ^ AA QclSAVA QclSAVAMM COFFECOFFEEE 69t^ AND GERMAN I.WHHTEIt Itrl.H 4*rd Runt* wrrt ha*t»UM tt M4 FRANKS 4 «ff 1»12te. banofflical BACON 89* 4J VREK DEUVKHY ON bRtrlrR OHMIHS I tht tmlil hour Rfl> 1AIHC WttlWlR



MMTWMMM B SWISS SUCBS fflilPrune Plums 12



COM! PACKS «•» ttmtntum mm. w« m»>m MM H«M •• MM HUWWH. . Sept. RED BANK REGISTER Not FriendIy9|S Rle Ourter 1,080 New Institutions Unit Compromise Red Paper Study Petitions Changes Urged LONG BRANCH - Pa* am Tells Nixon and a womoaiSeaiJJKpaetton Cops to Help TRENTON CAP) - A ctfaus Labor Bill to a Charter Contmassbm atony filed nomtaattag pstMnaa yoster- commlrtoo today proposed • top- WASHINGTON (AP) — A COB MOSCOW (AP) — ItvastM to- Curb Gangs - " ' •' o.f _^"" _ promise labor regulating bil day accused Vice* President Rich- *£ !"•*•; hammered out ta 1J days of er- •rd M. Nixon of trying te cool The study would whether or not tte NEW YOWC _ Mayor tions aad Agendas, tte •"SMtduous Senate-House bargatatag tte friendly feeling* of plain wing of state government. up ta tte Senate today Americans toward tbe Soviet change tta form of _ , If tte petitions an ojrtlfled MN _ to bate Tte abt-mambar committee, an expected Bear-unanimous people and the Soviet Union. headed by former State Treasur- Mge vote. The Soviet Government news- - .. tte caarter out Juvenile violence, 0 er Archibald S. Alexander. , .,„mad.e Tte measure then win go to paper said Nixon once again used fl"*™«>e»Hon" aad tte aamag of tte which tea resulted in four mur- candidates ajfiH aBaMkaBSat* * oBSa MaaB ders since Aug^S. ta a MM- the house which may send it on the "typical language of tte<""" " Word fttpQft* to President Elsenhower tomor- McCarthyite reactionaries" ta hto Nov. 3 ballot After poliea arrested i#o teen- IU major recommendations: speech before tte American Le- Long Brsach baa teas gov- age Puerto Rlcans yesterday 1. Give the professional ad- Etoeatower'a approval to gion convention in erned by a five-man dwaommli- for murdering two youtte ta a skm for more ttaa IS yean. puouc uat Sunday. mlatotraton in tha o^partmaat guned ctrtaln since tte final two weeks ago. over USD- t meste most of tha aped' Nixon, IzveiUa continued, re- Filing petition*,worelone wan:: %•• reducing the power te tea Itanted tte 'hackneyed phrases Thomas L. McClbwnokV chair- «n*gth effective togtotottoa. about tte threat of Communist tan of tte Meamouth County tta fully 1. Turn operation of assistant* Sandy Hook park study M.8N Tte compromise bUl worked domination over all nations of Tta mayor directed Cny Budg- sad relief programs over to the out yesterday afternoon writes In- tte world." aion; Milton P. " SBBtias, with tte atete acting Federal tow for tte first time (The vice president said in the an Investment et Director Abrahun D. J. Maura. to rtport today oa **•*''••£; i a euporvtoory roto. controls over internal speech It would be "naive and 1. Set up a new ctttoen'e operations of unions on such the city planning board; ficaa" b tataiy la attar wishful thinking that the visit p£m» CHBCK MOM UNCtl SAM — Hawara) W. Reborn. rlflM, counry «o«Jisol, presents of Mr. Khmschev to the United , force. trusteeships and rights of mem- cheak far $11,104 from federal 9overnman» to Josaph C. Irwin, 4>ract«r of Board win result to any basic 45*« Thaaa parewa are now to- changes in the Communist ob-*** Mn- la addtttoa to Wagner's « •f Freeholders, at yesterday's county board mooring. Govarnment paid that amount hall meeting. Oov. Netooa by But It atoo-and thto to the part riunant ot wortd domination or housewife. Rockefeller holds fnomorgB The PO-which caused na long and dU- far abmaga to Nawman Sprlngt Rd. bridge over Swimming River caused by heavy their adherence to policies de- contoroaca thto mommg to course af former developments hawouh M net admit raajoaaWllWll. revoked this week under the point The compromise At the same time. It specified aouaced that Mtaa Gayle Pateraaa tte ratatteas between tte USSR system. Ned ^ Parsektoji. g Ttero an seven men ta the motels, hotels, or efficiency apart- wu selected as tte club's can- and tte United For Colonel director of Motor Vehicles. •» lenartment at present ments must ba built at a mini- didate for "queen" of tte New East and West, win ba placed on JZJZZ dispute over tte bUL Bat FORT MOMamrm - Col. earriai am umbiaOaMdj««tt Tte body adopted an ordinance mum cost of »90.«M each within Shrewsbury County Fair. na Arm ground ot peaceful co- Irving St. Obmrtito. fust re- Aa indefinite revocation was wen reservations by those amending tte subdivision code to two yean. She to tte daughter of Mr. aad mttfafaftBMPam •• laruwamtlaItvestiom ^*t.*.I^^« aa a weapon, bad admitted sott- sympathetic to labor's position. turned from a law tt duty ta ordered for Andrew 0. Barclay, require that all new streets have The sales are expected to be Mn. Paul W, also of The •r told ing. Six youtte bave aaw ban The Mil waa almost sure to te Korea, baa bean nomad chief of V. of the MS AC and W Squadron, a six-inch gravel baas aad a made final Sept IS f Rivandge Rd. Russell EBml faBTlmmlfslI mfimjf •* Sm formally charged with homicide disappointing to tabor. Tte AFL- Mn. ••*• BjambimaBtaaBI BJBBHS SJt BJB in the caaa. for a drunk driving minimum of one inch of hardtop. bids maybe received. conviction last May 4 in Ver- CIO bad criticized the measure Heretofore, streets have had The Gallucci Construction Com- tte year. rims Minister meat Laboratory. Harnandei and the cocky Ag- in th*e form it passed tte senate, ra, wo wore a nurse-type eape 'mtxed-in-ptace" surfaces. pany. Harrington Park, offend Memben an M to. Harold MacMlUtaa want to of tte IT. S. Mil. driven four and stronglgly assailed tte Lond- A fin pravcntiOB code, I7.991 for a IN by SB-foot tract rummage aale which . strengthen NATO military power and called himself DraeuU, were rum-Griffin version. .. —a of ISC Mixed la the Bronx by two pa- revocations. Melvin on the National Underwriters' on Ocean Ave. between North ducted at tho Country Fair. Mra. aa their answer to mteraational CoL "*—rf»«Tt ia aj| agjmgH III trolman early yesterday aa the II. of » River Rd., Cade, also was adopted. It pro- Bath and Pavilion Aves. • Robert Thomson and Mn. Joseph tte tohnratory. garbagboyj. e Fair Haven, had convlctiona for vides safeguard regulations for The O * G Investment Com- " al an co-chairmen, Chil- Ha aerved ta tte ofllea of tte tail board riding, n atop sign Blind Men Set above-ground storage of flamable pany. Elizabeth, offered IMNfor dren's achoot ctottea and shoes. Director of Raaaarcb Smn Fab- tton and cantaoa driving materials. a tract at the southwest corner ot adult clothing, toys and house- Tipsy Driving ruary. 1S9I. three times. Careless driving. Tte committee agreed "to South Bath Ave. < I Ocean Blvd. hold artictaa win te on aale. was ta Bdford a stop sign viola- For Minstrel study" a proposal by the Plan- Tickets for tte dub's opening USASRDLwban te was LEONARDO — The Mth an- Mr. and Mra. Tbomas ©"Dee. ttaa wan tta convjcllons ning Board for Increasing traitor Aabnry Park Pree* dinner dance at tte OM Union Brings Fine •taff of the executive Middle Village. N. Y.. and MM. aagainst Leonard Johnson, 27, nual Minstrel aad Dance of tha ' MM fees to approximately House Saturday. Sept. 27, are Office of tte Chief Signal OUIeer. John CoUini. Maspeth. L. I. aptat of Manuquan. New Jersey Blind Men's Associ- a year (now Be) and re- Driven Still Out available from memben. William D. Payne. H. Studen for duty that ended in HIT. Sunday with Mr. and Mn. Wil- ation will ba held tomorrow quiring that trailers be placed ASBURY PARK —A strike of Attending were Mrs. Martin Co. D. Fort Monmouth. During World War II. Col. liam Meyer. Main St Edward Primavera, N, of Long nliht at 8:30 in the Rldgcwood loU "the same size as home ,„,„ driven ot the Nelson. Mrs. Vincent Roache. Jr.. wu fined 825 for drunk driving Obeothaa <3ommanded a Joint Albert Terranova, East Rd. Branch, and Larry W. Sparrow. Inn. tots." which vary with tte ion«J Asbury Park Press continued to- Mrs. George Brennan. Mrs. Con- Red Bank Magistrate'John V. assault aignal company ta the 21. of Port Monmouth, lost their Again this year, the minstrel Karl R. Schneck and Franklin ley Butler. Mn. Aleasi, Mrs. Crowed also revoked the soldier's Pacific and oa his retarn to the who it in the U. S. Coatt Guard day. license for two yean. * la New York spent ten daya re- licenses for two months. Prime, wilt feature talented blind man. Icteufete resigned from tta Sew- IM STUB) •wWBuuOtn nfiDrcami George Finn. Mn. Mra. Far East tost year he served in Patrolman Herbert A. Swanson cently In Florida vera had four speeding convic- all members of the asaocii er Authority. Mr. Schneck has five pickets at tte main office Mrs. Jamas Cu- G-4 of the Eighth Army fat Korea. tions, and Sparrow had three"* m _ _ • moved out of town. Mr. Schau- mtokay aad Mrs. Pater Miller. reported a car driven by Payne Col. Obeacteia received Me Raymond Terranova. U. S. Na- ten. WM headed north at a high rate vy. Norfolk. Va.. spent the week- tataen from thto area and North fate Bated "tte pressure of buai- Tte walkout started master of srts degree in etoctri- Jersey. asm" as his naooa. of speed aad on tbe wrong aide eal caglaeertag from end with bla parents. Mr. and UBO IftOflto TWOCfttOftS WWO QvV when three driven otrack to, pro* of the road about l*ja thto dorod lor Robert J. j . Some of the sighted peaces from River Street setto Inatttate of Technology. Mrs. Albert Terranova. East Rd. ," thto srea who win take part are: over tte . Officer Swanasn said CamtwMna. Albert Terranova. Sr. celebrated Red Bank, three speeding; driven. Tte, Ova ... aad to a The Four Dads, a barbershop YoHtrclay's he Mew his wUetW at tbe driver. - —of tte fnmmand and bis birthday Tuesday with bit Ulan. H of » Silvan driven belong to tte Newspaper but the ear did not stop. tod by Ed Driven aad Malton Uaton of PTA Ready General Staff College. Fort Leav family. d Morfctrt A can waa seat to FsFsirr „_ Donald A. . JT, New York. River Street Pannl-Teacher Ha- enworth, Kan., and the Indtutrial Miss RtginaRellly. Tth St., van and Rumson police to stop CollegCll e of thhe returned to her position la fe of Edgewatar Dr. MOtnwaa. two •«. .•« NEW YORK (APKUSDA) - Tte Press said yesterday tte tte carcar. Forces. driviag aad *»• *• Fort McNalr. D. C. Garden SUM Parkway office ta ^ a of Kunibnrg. their annual tea for moiban Walter Red Bank after a two week's va- Jack Preatoa, 1Ur He has served atoo at tte Army of Red Ml Also. LybJa aad Lorrame Haas, ff cation. issato and Ann Ahrenoa, an of *••*• Kindergarten papas in Ike school The Stitch and Cab club attend- « rniiiWag. and Gerald M. otter Fort Monmouth soldier, waa 2.. isrL f. O. of Long Branch, Mary ed a performance of The Many •*•"•* and Al Watfa. bom of Atlantic Crita tte hfitttery Widow" and had dinner at the lowing too close aad a prior point b y Meadowbronk Theater Ina last tystaai caaa. Col. Obsaetam to mantel and Now York apot ojwtallona (In- totteatew "v^-wttbtovrifTScWk*^ith hi if d M ^ Richard Simpson. U. S. Navy. i): uaaalamd U. Rocky. W. and Maty Jane. cator. Tte a Dr. Alfred A. Podsll ,™2J»._ . to Mvmg here at lABan Ave. Ctertaetna. S. C. spent several Suffers Minor thto year are Hugh O'Neill. thto weak at tte aobael Payne and pronounced him days recently with Ma parents. i.) «VO; eetras medium Mrs. Jamaanch. tte taftaaneo af liquor. Mr. and Mra. Frank Simpson. Injury in Crash H: standards urge Hospital of FttUadatobia where Main St. Ebner Knapn. Drop Charge All ABA •!•• I alfc iilla • iL^B KH-». • > to a none. An- wm aaws, eDfacnvas ana pogrom The 17th birthday of Russell MATAWAN TOWNSHIP — A Mr. Trachtman anAId Italen an t ccncnoaiinto thge asaoclatlotnair n Whlteb—Extras («VM lbs.) 41- tes Just of me PTA. Against Woman Fike. son of Mr. and Mrs. Rus- Moomflekl woman suffered a ml* returned to her hi Tbe board aant a totter an sell Fike, LeonardvlUe Rd. was la IU work at the camp. Browns-Extras («W lbs.) 41- n A charge of drivtag with faulty •or Injury In a car accident on All proceeds will go toward«. ins. the summer at Grove Point Haymono Mcvnrmey, racrandon Is Missing celebrated with Mr. and Mn. Rt. 39 here yesterday. ratea on her cor was itomtemd the operation aad maintenance of Whites — Top quality (4S-M Md.. when ate served as assist- din-tor for Red Bank, nxanialug Red Bank police yesterday Is- Henry Btaonm, Sr. Leonardo, Mn. Lucy Mehl, IMC Davy St., ant ualt Insular la nW Wilmington thanks to Mm and bis staff tor sued a missing persona alarm for teterday against Rita R. Ba- Camp Happiness. Thto year. XM lbs.) 44-ai: mediums »-»; emails 2. of 2S7 South Paari St and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fike, Bkwmfleld was treated aad re- blind man from all parts of the elbs.) 4441: Ana Coaadl af Girto heir work at £eeph Trachtmaa. «. Phila- Pittsburgh. Pa., who spent two leased for a cut over the left eye mediums »», laid poliea bar hraksa fafailt - state wan given free vocations ls-17; peewees la-ll. Camp. She wM return to bar at Perth Amboy General hospital. at tte camp. year at New Jersey He wu reported mtaatag from •a •ocKsat ABJ. a. mw Judith Lanea, daughter ot Mr. Sh - Tap quality ( • She waa n ta a ear Tfctate for tte Mtoetnt 1H4 M-tt. tte home af hto son, Dr. Eageae and Mra. James Lanea, 41b St,. driven by bar Edward at Trarhtmoa, XI Hardmg Rd. Fair bar lSm birthday i. MehLSr. H AMg. II. Mania Tha White aVMK TO CAUFOBNU ^ MATAWAN - Mr. and Mn. Joan Ctertoo litohow aad cWldreo, feat Barbara Bryan. Janet Hiwmlar. Ana. Helen and Char- ends, brown hair, wearing Riebarel Kalanaa. William Van rear by . tons aye glass si. Tataed. FoxhiU. by MaredMi O. Lolhle, Ml Me tarn to ttetr home to He was reported to te ta poor Laraaa. Cbariea Tlmm and Roger carter Hwy. Newark. HlOa, Calif. Whlto Woamu FigMuJ $1S Blanvelt. Homfct visited Mn. Utoaaw'a According to poNee, Mr. Lomle For Car •• Tractu Ruth Johnson GarfleM Ave. dltt aald that he Mr. aad Mra, John V. Cartoon, In-law aad stoton. Mr. ami Mn. who attended the YMCA camp at said that te applied hto brakes, Venon Blltoon. Moarao St. Mr. MIMrad livaalssi, at. of Madford Lakes, won a blue ribbon HMflMM Rfl*t ffOtHfOOti hQOJM MORV bat aUddod late me Mabl ear. day from o two waste' vtoN to After Election bialga Ave( tor horseback riding la a Mra. Mabl wu taken to tte Europe. They visited relatives aad tta OOjd Mn. by the local Pint AM aadpotate oftatenet ta Creed. Haslet I te an- upgradtag railroad George Helwig, aaa of Mr, aad Tte aeeldtat to being WOCWBJ* MM eaWttlaTfmMM. ttty plan to vtott 1BML ta tte towaahlptowaabip itwmiisataa wan Mn. Edwin Holwig, Church SI veeUgatad by Patrolman D. C. and aalabratad bla lath birthday Aug. Mn. Aatary Waning. 99. rtwutm wore MIM imrpjawoi St. waa ' Kablert aad WIIHaa HoMay. dab North Bergea, Walter aad Oearge _ wan Mn. CHINA Iverabam and Oary Peufct. Alvu WaWag. Mn. LMie B. _.... TbaaVHch* Mm. Alaaao F. Laytoa, Mn. Mn. Naal Skartey. Caaaard Ava .... ttto weak, Mr. and Mn. Robert Letteap MM Oft OB oTsMlol tft HaaWaW* Tte Mayor eeid te favon and son Ward apaat Sunday «rtth eerm YeCettage fan. M Samuel H. Waamg. Mn. :: 1 Sunday «rtth loot* I* PTOMOJI wtfo Mrs* D. Carter!. Mn. Thomas Ralk- • ' to Mn. Oeorga Brawn of Lebanob n ata tybyagato- Rafoito. Mn. Edward Stover. bone, Mn. Frances Woottoy, Mn. m«a for tte raOrnad Mr. and Mia. Wilaoa Miller, " ' ~ Mn. Lento Re- MfaV •SMIiflM Church St, nave returned bane Mrs. Oearge Stover, Mn. Arthur Mn. Stover, Mn. Themes Barbs, Mn. setto, Mn. Russell Smith. Mn after apandma • weak la Aate- Mn. villa. N. cTMr. ami Mra. Motor William ButteffteM and Mrs. Dyson Woedteusa and Mn. Roe- W H. URoy. I aan. Mvar Plata Tte Towaahlp Ptonatag Mr. and Mra. Nell Muk of Matthew », Rose, n Barter Robert Boyle, son of Mr. and Mn. William I. Holmes tea re- AS otatad H favara, ojpgradtag. Fla., Mn. Frank Boyto. Appto Ave. Tte controversy stems ftx t Shrewsbury Towaa1oa\ waa and Mn. Joan to * y m ig than. Rev. etlebrsted hto 19th Nrthdav. Aug. Mato St. after speadlag the earn- fined IN for nvinlajJiHrktag Kuter, Mr. aad Mn. Wilson »»• P«f«aal by Webb ami Kaatt ». Present wen Brace Occeaa, mar at her summer home to tyTd and falttag to agpaar wtea Miller and Mn. Evelyyn Morris h h i All Gregory Lynch. Tim and Mkhele ate Sbora Park, LacenU, N. H. w> to IJM tames la Ite towaahlp. the lea show in Atlanll Kelly. Mary Kate and Joba Mae- City Aug. II. Rev. and Mn. Mr. aad Mn. Roland Emmons. Donald. Patricia .Weston. Carol Atlantic II., have toft by auto- PARTY 14.Y(«rOM Baler aad Mr. and Mn. Miller aad Joaa Moraa. David. Jamas are now speeding several days moMto oa a ajoath's trip to Cali- NEW SHREWSBURY — Tte In Gawd GosMUllggt aW fVlf' and Gary Oasser aad Patricia fornia. . Club of the Reformed Miss lefty Fergueoa of ateltt- Cwircli foconlly h#M tholr* Aana Catovlll. 14, of New MU- Una Otterino, daughter of Mr Linda Berth, daughter of Mr. ford, Cosa., waa reported la Md Mn. Peter Otterino, Clinton aad Mn. John Berth, Moamouth of Mr. and Mra for "good" osadltlan ta •Ivarvtow Ave.. celebrated her fourth birth- Ave. celebrated her Uth birthday Hospital today. day Aug. M with members of tha Bathaty _Rd. State Cattogo, Sept. li. P Aug. St. Present wen Carol, Jo- Mr. and Mn! Owrgt It Mr and Mn. Robert: ReMy, Rev. She was Mt by a ear so' anne and John Berth Jr. Karen PWi MM MaTS* RoterHOvOnt Plater and Tte ant' birthday of Fran* J. s anfj Mf aad MnM.I lasac R Mf< •am St. Twrnday Janice and Fred Jor- aTa^ajnBB^4njnBBBBBgsga^ gmas extensive tag cum ami Law, ana of Mr. and Mra. Frank Mra. Henry Ttatto of ampfebaV lafas m^A maMtoto Mr. and Mn Fred Jor- i %Mwm SwaRmav ftatjkmakmta tVJa -—•* |ogfV< BBB^om^ BB9f Rd. wai eete- Plains left Sunday by Jamas Davtdhetoer and daughter, Mr. aad Mn a vocation trip to CaN- • Pin« arWVr rVIVrVwrllf rUr. OflQ ol IM lay view Ave., HlgMand Ava. Mn. Russell Mcqueeu, Mr. and fomla. mat* mmA BUIBM Aa^SmmaaaM aVfg'm aSalaa^agaP aTiBvas^avn^Sdb aBsoaf aama^ ana^hi WBmMQ Morrift miin m Mr. and Mn. Howard Porter Mr. OM PITI* AMPMj svioTavi BWAajawg^B/f away w/w/gmwj VMraaf mwjg t ^HV sya# aa*l aVoooy •••j iMniy, MVTOSBI A Mn. Harry Estelto. Alvla Walllag and Mn. •CRAP DRIVE MNDAV gw NtoMami Lab? Bible <:(Wa< r DAUGHTERS TO OUTMANNS Cad, aamfQ-Md Lake. N. V and !>r and Mrs. Udwis Gutmsnn Bruner of Holmdsl Rd. and Madam Ruiena Pelaatova, who NEW SHREWSBURY - Tte •Mtod Scampof Mr aad Mn. are pareate of e daughter. Laurie, Mn. Leon Wallace of Bethany was a speaker at aa International NorthsMe Engine Company will Aram, of Oakburst, who horn Aug. M In th* Unlvenltv Rd.. will leave thto week for s TOWMt CAfTUMS — tMdafiinad aro townt In Laos HOLMDSL - Mr. snd Mn ntelteae program put M st the visit with Mr and Mr* DonaM Red Rank Wnmin'i club newspaper drive ta ttejtortherw the weekend In Mnapitat, Madison, Wl», wHrre whiah figured In military eatioflt. Muong Het, Xleng Joelsh Hmrlil, Rt. M. have re Or Oulmann la iirvlng his in- 0. Thomas of Marlon. Ohm. lyean ago, died Tuesday In Unl PAIt Of flM DOrOOOJn WlRMngfi XlOH Kha and Sop Sal wara asptured by ••the? Lee* aattalieni turned from on eight week Irln fcrnano of N»wKrnihlp. Mr* (iulmann Is Ih* l«avtag the plane at Montreal, varsity lloaplisl, New Voik t' ly bundles «houM te Ml at me curb YarkI CNy apent the week-end daughter of Mr and Mn. JMM PINED Of •uppartad by Communlit North Viet Nam regular rreepi. h#y iravaled by train to Vlr r. (inlmanni peranla arr Iry llrac h, »•• fin«d |J'> i.xlav ar n»rmll Sop Hae wsi reported being svasu^ted. IAP Wlrephete mm • «h« hail |n«t r« aiml Itmn Ihr Wvlh, a mnihanl nf aeeti Onto* l«r»l *» ptinic a Mr anrt Mia Salortinn fiutrnann. fnr Iwim; ilrunk anil illuiNlrrly lllWl in \*n I raram lam I'M trlla Mmarrlh farm. l'er«l|i|ienv. Hl» haul Mil I aft.Unreal* ln


N. J. ITAtl ITWAY 14 W.» A. «..»>. At .tot KM./



3.98 VISCOSE •W^^^^^mfSBum MM CHENlLu ! KEYSTONE 8-wi MOVIE CAMERA rnocs,: BEOSPREJ NgM MMWt »» 274

••UM.Miimut ... 2.99 «SSB' 4*911*** 2.99 MISSIS' irons 100% ORION DUROY CARDIGANS [I PANTS 44


1 ;»s*«j <• 7S«» tiw* Sal |>1N


Talbott Coordinated Tone and Texture

Hmppy U thm cthed u>ho tvean twmmtmr* dyed-and-detaUed to match her $kirt • . • Talbott aummten ami $hirf that U!

A. Head and shoulders above the crowd is this K raglan sleeve pullover by Glvinchy. Wonderfully soft brushed orlon topped by beet type turtle n.ek. 8.98 I. Double turtle nack pullover with % ilaev*. Mode of talana—70% imported lambs wool—20% angora—10% nylan and fully fashioned. 10.98 C. Collared cardigan with H sleeves and fully fashioned m talana orlon. Automatic wash and wear and pile re* sistant tool 9.98 D. Convertible Johnny collar—insert tho V rib or wear it as a V neck. % sleeves and fully fashioned in talana orlon. 10.98 Al M sbee MkN aid dyed to match... I. Tho slim flannel skirt with flat inverted darts at the waistband with side pocket and fully lined seat. In vibrant shade* of blue fire, flame red and taupe. In siias 10 to II. 11.98 SPORTSWEAR, Stntt Floor aiuf AAury Park

Storm Coats Breeze Thru College

H—i thm Uorm wmrnt*g$! Choo— from

rnlff linn ol tuna Mtaritt cnmt» mnA

MJofflf itt

A. OOMWO breaited tweedy eeet WfW llvWninlivVe IIW9* 69.95

I. Poptln eaot with raccoon collar warm Orion

MIMOI iliei. 49.95

C. De«ble>brecited wlaVwele oarduroy wHfc ark** •Me lining. Large deep erten.plle cellar with kidded

VV^o^^o^^Va •^T^woj^yy vieje^vf 49.95

Similar collection In Aibury Park.

COMPANY SWNBACHS COATS, Srrmtd flimr, and Aihury Nth tllUIT Mil MO BANK, '< •*

RED BANK RECWTCT Tbweday. &* *» H»-»7

7c PER COPY VOLUME LXXXn NO. 18 Bwk. It ».. m*~ UM AM « KM* rss RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 3, 1959 Sqmi N«y Mortgmg* la M«f Regional To Bmy Amhmlmtm Board Save Money, Lose Money, Say Opponents in School Split Fight Named MATAWAN — Borough Coun- cil is scheduled to receive peti- ATLANTIC HIGHLAND! — D. Applegate Insists Seamen tions next Tuesday night, from Adolph Busch. president of tte the Committee for Better Bor- local school board, and WUfam ough Schools, seeking a division E. Feet*, bead of the Highlands Is Testimonial Chairman of the township borough consoli- board, im named yesterday to MM l*efc*y Aha Freed, »J OR CtOMDT — Tha County loard of Freeholder! agreed yesterday to dated school district the aaw T-U regional Board of awSVww) MSMBS vkf ikaWT sHaWf y*j* demand by Koyport Hut tba fran* St. bridge ewer Mats wan Creak In prelude to fts action, Babcnthm by BaHJB, Cinrit, RARITAN TOWNSHIP - Mayy- be ap***d. aWHt a* • drawbridge, it wai lacked dHrlmj World War II a* an Mtt> HarrH y PP. S i hi sides took counter Masts at aowaty MpictafeiBflMC o* •coooli. ftm to dM f •*shew m/» Seamen is chair- other ta prom ratoaem TIN M mUMi beard «a •my mcatar*. Keypeft »ay* tba catmty should net saend the $40,000 preaeied far Gangs Face man of the but night •eve. n ofgiinw rapawa awieas vne ••••niara iSf ar raa sama Timt) p be staged Sept IT for Democrat t Thome* P. County The pfopoaaati declare Tuesday night la the Rough Road will mean a aaviag nignienos «id at* by "btf baah." aavaral now marmat ,«*>«ld bo Ucatod •• tha creak, Democratic Chalrmaa John W, Applegate declared yesterday. TThI e bboaid Is Bompossd ot five Two COM •Ithuid. The Board of members from Aftmtle Htgh- In Township Mr. Seamen Is a Republican, the stand that esparaUoa tanda and four from Highlands. Two weeks ago, he released a will Other memben appointed from Charged With Freeholders MIDDLETOWN - PoHce offi story to area newspapers listing wreck the school system Atlantic Highlands an: Dr. Holmdel Picks Architect; dais reported yesterday they are Mr. Applegate as chalrmaa of "for many yean to come' and Tbomu B. Ahem, 42 East Oar- continuing an intensified cam- result la poorer, more costly ed- False Arrest paign against gang-like activity the event. ucaojon and triple ~ ' field Ave., a dentist; Samuel P. Will Study Mr. Applegate wu on vacation Brown, « Ba* Washington Ave., MDUJROWN-Twa Raps Political Candidate and violence hen. director at AaHo eletu onira at Authorities served notice Mon- at the time. Meantime, council officials, al- ready nervous at the prospect of the Army Signal Lab*.. Ft Men- with false. . attest .la n day ftst gang violence will be Prior efforts by reporters to d b Bridge Plan bX-Tb* Board of Ed- aad that ften wai reach the county De sadltaUtngg "the poUticaUybot po- aaoaftToariaa A. Itaa* Jr, a* Cam* emt Med.by last algat Una aa araaV dealt with stiffly and swiftly. dMl wsraed a Six youths wen given stiff leader, over the objections of Mr.tato," have indicated the peaV CMBttwMliKH11m4Am.emnlo9NI.bya: ! flnee aad tea sentence* as a re-Seamen, for verification of tbe tions wUl be tossed promptly to ASM W. Vaa Not*, eocntary «t sult of a brawl Sunday night in announcement failed. the borough attorney for «>s toes! Other board East Keeneburg. la talking to a reporter Aug. and recommendation." ftat a shady at this am* would Police petrols have been or- It, the mayor declared angrily, Hen la ft* major part af the Raritaa'a currant high dered to be oa fte alert for M- "I say he is in charge of this af- statement lamed by WuUam B. under tha Float tt bridge ever school building plans. They afan taring on street comers and tofair, and I will not have any- Siegfried, committee prisldsat; to plan a noted ftat each a study might be thing to do with any newspaper What WBi Haapaar bald ta Jal for ate the Matowan Creek would be glv-the aew acbool. The ftmni break up these crowds before considered abroach cffalft by *MM^1A .ted. reporter who would doubt my "On* of the questiosa day*. aa caftnit me architect for fte original most A mariaa contnctor, Mr. Mr. Hal mid (bat ha arrived Xeyport Holmes!. Keyport troutm scarts. word and go around calling up frequently asked of the Commit Bahr lives at» Portland Rd. Helate at nighg t it hat At yasttrday's ftgular Union Bench an currently con- Both Capt Raymond walling, other people, like Paul Kier- tee for Better Borough Schools of ttM boafd, IMractpr Joaaph C. The firm's fee wiM be g per ducting regional talks. nan." I*. "After separation, what is go- served on the Brit council under Wag'W' s HHwy . bben Williadetectivm e Woodwarddivision bead, hea, and do Capf tht e a aew non-partisan form of gov- in Irwia told th* Keyport group that cent of fte total constnaotioa Board Mr. Kiernan. state Democratic Ing to happen to our high school atarted la UN, after quick to point out ftat their uniform division, reported that plans?" This bv of course, aa have the ft* biggest trouble spots in thecommitteeman, toMth e Register f Tha board hops* to decision net to enter into teas earlier—when Mr. Applegate wu extremely difficult question to body. HadMaotewkiasHcttoa ^aalr.fte brie* m sftyport aad by start of """with Raritaa at this time, did township an in the built-up com- out of town-that be was "cer- It not moan that fte door wu mercial ttu which seem to st- Injury. oaamLoag Breach, dMaet tact KMtonnf. tain no county or state Demo- what the Towaahip will went to Often aamei that their not be Wlltay. independent Th* cratic leader" would do anything do as well as what wffl be boat . poasfciaty will Both men favored a "reasona- an: Mrs. Doris Finlay. U ble curfew" which would help the which might "embarrass" local for tha borough's tea. waa nbaffed ta Ma attempt CattpHTM tO MlVfc ifl# wOWKV* Democratic leaden or candi- sytem at the time. to have fte board eater into a Ip s Man iciiool proMwiii* department keep an eye on pos- sible u well as chronic offenders dates. 'At present, it w< Ave.. a Prudential Insurance Co. Hal ngtoaal etady with Raritan Richard M. Ford, principal, re- the most logical pair, aad the . . _ Towns** ported that school will open Wed- Bvewmg agent t He mid it appeared "then would be to make ate at the This board will or railing the bridge would be Harry K. Labkert, board pres- nesday with an anticipated en- "We don't want to push the many hundred* of noun of work February, when voter* in charge stemming from studied. ident toM Mr. WUey that both might be some misunderstand- aa incident at rollment of 511 students. teenagers off the streets," CCapt ing" regarding th* chairmanship. that have gone into oar Ugh new district will elect new Bowling Lanes. The bridge in question crosses boards have gone oa record u The board hired Mrs. June P. Woodward said, "but when you 1 ta hlrt "not being interested at tMa time The testimonial issue tuned ? » •*• wr then. PmtroJman Olsea Mr. Matawaa Creek between Mata- Rounds. Spring Lake, flnt grade catch a youth prewane, around Into a political squabble last Its flnt tasks an the hiring of Hafl on a la bti wan Towaahip aad Keyport. The " tnteriog Into regional talks.' aether, at a salary of Heat. late at night or in the early townihlp and borough woaid both an architect and acbool auperin- home off King* Hay. to be repaired Is Net A contract for paving, eonstruc- morningg,, yyo uk knon w ftat trouble a local commutes have ranch to gam from this ap. tendent, anaad ostectlon of a site Patrolman oa Atlantic Ave., Long Branch. tioa of additional curbing and might be brewing." of Domocrata canceled a pnach rafter ftaa both goUa Harry D. Pitcher, board *a> !• ffbA aa> awaJhM*J emmgtV scheduled tor Aug. U after Domo- lor the new jiiakw-etarfor legton- preached Mr. Hal to '. Lfet I d Fl CoptWaling itfetad out that erat InsMad that Re- a] high arrest, fta man leveled . vvas aifarasQ to ina M abigbsadacho ta dealmg wtth pabttcaa teamen officiate at tha "Taste weald ba The Interim board baa a $11. livmHi* I* ft* age baa dhrU- affair. tag**, but ame •to budget Tbe board wffl.draft Mr. HadI was dhmaaad by Pa- lag juveniles from • aew bade* fer Mr. Tba age maJt la aaw It, ftat the '. who was a Dam- vote oa taFebruary . CflMMw. that a huge ana of i TheefBeer said he a cent prior to IMS, Tba new regional T-tt watt was la Keyport ceaM be . immlatlwm from Bel Telepbcae of that Ueaft to H.Ho chalrmaa of a aaw appraied by voten July 1L Later mat moraiag. Magjstntt the bridge wen higher Mr. Willey told the board that explained ftat a great many Several Democratic officials Th* pronoaal passed by a mar-W. Gilbert Msnesn ordered Mr. he had been to th* state Depart- effect the aew natarah canter teenagmi arouad the It-year shouted "doabU cross," and do- gin ot H ballots in Atlantic Higb- Halt held for action of ttte gnnd He emphasised that raising th* moat of Education aad discussediscussed wHl have oa local school facitt- bracket know that they caaoot be eland they would boycott hwda aad 31 votes ta Highlands. jury aad placed htm road bed over tbe bridge would me regionail l proposal with school tie*. touched because they an consuc- h event beaded by Mr. Sea- baa on a charge of aamatt with hurt pr : to the officials. He added mat tha sub- A. T. Fetaburg, community n- stdered Juveniles. men. bridge, aad awrmid the hope Ject Raritaa lations supervtoor for Bel, in "If ft* age wen lowered," he Democrat* an ta a fierce battle at aa eatlmatod coat at SUM,- Maasoa also found ft* man "'it same way could be found to local to ft* board, said reaae the haadnom aader the board _ htacba mesa troubi* maken Into a high- •lib 1 >tl ap> trol ot the governing body which geetodaa aa MM locetioa tor rt a, howSajrtwy.*'*" " bridge without raWag the road. prove! of Ms of ft* new center •r court which Is better suited la November win be enlarged «•>• "easel. Arouad 3 p. m. that day. ae- Burnt in quick- be aligbt over the flnt four » haadta ft* problem." from three to five mamban, "Tha township would save at — eordtag to MliHstoaa pette* Mr. Haaeea docmred, "AH we tba Bantam ooff yean. Lew Rat* Mr. Breaaaa, a lifelong least one-fourth oa ft* bafldtac to do that any coet* because cimstractkaTweald •^P^av40*«mm4«| mf VmaitiMi^sO "COMS* Mfa Hm. wVSJS wawaWaW Mby want la to ba able to get Ha According to Capt WaaYag ft* erat has retired from public of- BoarJSOaifdl Grant\7l?iniSs tonwDeiKtraMMerri»L*eB•• •vftehrttmV'lleeett. wHh ft* board's to band would ha township, ta comparison to me ** •*" » yean of aerviee, and Detective Sgt John Kafly a) national avenge, has a low rate *•** toehided ft* posts eftowa- as UN Mlf the construction east aad New Title the county |a0 la Fnahoid. boats could be of Juvenile delinquency. The •"> coanatttesmaa. mayor aad two-third* of the Both patiormea deay that Mr. the ana If ft* bridge waa Uga10- 0 Units to Participate township average hi two per cent "We would like to HaB was beatoa. of fte child population as agalast To Principal In Jaaaary. Moamoam Coaaty Edward E. Cobaa. member of - fttoe p*r coat aattaaal aver- la Hatiag Mr. Apptegste as •oar the foUowmg two Court Judge John C. ~Olordaa* the Keyport Harbor Commlmloa, In 1st Aid Squad Parade •Se- chairman of tbe Sept. IT dtaaar. aad our answers: MARLBORO TOWNSHIP-Th* threw oat aa tdM against ala» poiatod oat ftat man head- Cd ft* two per coat h* add- Mr. Seamen listed Board of Education took action -Way, wbaa fta Ibe title of the town- MATAWAN - Mora than IN New elsYaWy Halt Flnt Aid ed, oary oae per coat an as a member of the to taoads. win view the mittee, •Hip to New TBJC Assasaor WiUam R. First AM Judges wffl bo Oaa. Oeorge Van He akw noted ftat la hi* e*. ~ • (Ret); Job* Lord, Pros*- aanauag jevoBuo of fte origami Tbe Male Jedge Oerdeae aw» rated mat lac, to partld- rmaeme, aataatt ware naoat ce> (Aug. II) "no warrant" had bsea wtt antaM saaads; LsaW epentive. ^V*ry fanr/ do we ftat If Mr. .. _ ... ot for the arrest aad ftat start at IM pja. lataroay. Sept i of the flnt dad panats ftat an aawHlag chalrmahship of the Sept. 17 af- title change for !». in eetobntiea of tha Mft an- TOtoa, vie* to help sorve the problem," hefair "ander sack obviously aaaaV art A. See*. cat clrcumsUaces," couaty Di niversary af the squad. president of the Mft dietrict of Gloria M. AnMMll, board mem- Dlnctor Inria malilaii tint aid squads ta Both maa had diffenet views ocratie official* "an going to ber, mid ft* board* action wu *e brMge had been made fUed bear from us ta Raritaa." let. flnt aid aad nscue aoaadt Coaaty, aad Richard ft* question af Rap Capital to "clarity ft* position ' l IIMM dariag MM war becaua* youthful ofteaden name*. The county leader toM ft* Raff. administrator." aad their aasiliarlaa, ftotta, ana- . that he Mrs. AatiteM, chalrmaa of th* ._ aa his n ?***«? « that to "clarify" the issue. Punishment property aad mtt Ms rights as- *"»**> woaid nmaw Any mdrvMaal or local orgaaK M S" h ftat me proposed toad dor tn* ean*Dtaaoat of bo* the *nds of thoasand* at doOan. feM ftat tt woaM eerve aaa de- ma about a month agge aad asked aryffa**fertew>«lwu11 United States and fta look-IIff 1 woulldd eerveoa the Mr. salary from He* Now Jersey had beta auas itaw vaney, Mt n It VPammmj bOBeJ anmmaadg deamammrx frieaBarmmmmdj o«fH awUBBBJ BBBBBJ I aa w> tliM, W Larrv-* UpboMery at tMM. to be ta bard aad fast oM aad dear friend ot mia* aad I "• > be m ft* Mn* of Mr. and Mrs. wlaaaa CemB. Hear 64 loaa toMhM memben of me TejBMyen Asse- to •»» aaked wkafttr be ooaM ate ctotioa. objected to me charging Tax Appeals ftp oouaty leader's name as "boa- of fees tor the use of me Ceatnl " chairman, aad that hs Mr. CarraH eaBed the PRUHOLD - HN have to bo evrefaay walghtd be- action "discriminatory" since me docMea oa M an ftat wu aoutag men ftaa _ a^ I Ws h) mo flnt year tt ha* beta Two of me larger ebarged a fee. As far at f am awi affteaasadwbamat I* chairman aad v for ft* law ) _ at fta affair." laft*a*aw''Caat.WaaV Mr. Airtagali aaM, "At I •aa, bat ftat ml* groap .. lag and, "yea ataattylitft raa Caal aVVwaffi taba lawwaMMVa JUvWawlaWttmBamiLaV, aB^MBBslAmmaPaOOWaavi* •• data tar fta dtaaer balTwiii ** l"»jMi to ba ed to be ft*tin t to apoty for be than to honor Mr. •a* of ft*beddin g under ft*aa w I have kaowa declared policy etttlng fom for school a**. Hiidaon River CraJes Mr. Homad toM Mr. and Mn. Freehold. I was a boy." Carroll ftat the board End* Summer Service notify ft* association before Its i •"aaasifi" XEANSBUR O- Th* at*MM Mayor, flnt meeting City at Keansburg will make its An would cover ist rva of the season with a The board udsoa River crul** Sept. M. at fteethoot Th* trip will commsmont* th* Moth anniversary of ft* eweovary Kvanttl. Pabng. of ft* rtver, and ft*Mf t aeetver- m gead erdtr. The baud aary af Ha dosiend th ft* ttaamMUp got tax bin* eat eettaa to r»Mn fta firm far fta The boat ill l at il ooming aehoot year. m. and return at • p.m maay nsldewls were Th* Hue win contmu* daily right to Flr*tme,, Flrag AM g year w«t be 7«, •through Ubor Day Ion fte Caualy Tu Board. Tbe m JV WfWf aR Jr aa Sanday, left il. nilag daaalia* wu Aug. 11. To O-k w Tiff Mr. Mr. PaNag, la tara, pat fta PORT MM*10«TH.Tba ataft Mam* tquarery oa fte ateyer annuali IF YOU CANT BEAT IM ... aad Ceaactl for giving hi* ajfta* UMWROORI gURORRV LOUISVILLE. Kv. (AP) - FRF.RHOLD - Mike WlrKsms. They'll be teeing off at Crescent eewer 4 Ysrd Ave. Atlantic TowMMp: Harry Hill Baptist Church — on * nln«- purchase "needed arcouoting ma gency wrgery Tuesday night M MVWHT UWaV PLANT, In bad need of Mpanilen ana renevatlen, w*i turned •••* The game win Mart at ll:» Berth, FrsehoioVCo'l* Neck M, hole miniature solf course tn he hinrs." Monmnuth Medical (rnltr, Long 11,40* M UN, Md Maurice A. ta tha berevfh thli week at the lower Authority Anally dlitelved after a thart life dedicated Sunday night at prayer am. at fte Chanceviiie Bnnrti. A inphomnr* it Rutgers aad Mary Dreeea*. Coaaty Road •pan af II menthi. Ratidenti demanded the ostlen when, In 1911, the bady an. meeting. The mayor aad collector have ground y been squabbling over the laeu« TrophieTh s will be (warded to University, be Is mo *nn af naartaad plant ta tpead |*M,000. The borough new plant to do the job for $271,000 Mrs. ('alhwln* W. WiHi.m.. s , um to tt. The course In the rdueallnn nr both the building will be opra every day momtwr of lh» I'rrrhnUl ||<>r- Prwhntd: fttahlUly Sevinae end or leu. Renovation hai been ordered by the itete b*ea«ie of aellutlen af Rerltan «h.,u. h... i. MH'tesmt, The award! wen pur< except Sunday mornings during owgti BiMrti (if ,'wn AMKrlaHan, I gmim It, Ify. / ntr.l.mn wim TtM •xrylce hiiutn • ' "•""lM|ln both nails' annual fund drives. Sea*, t, WS» ttP BANK MBCMTHI k» p. m. Ifeay Ml . Cnrai** flay. "Myme BKHAStD rose is s Usades; Thomas Forest, Du-Spirit," mis fall, directed by New Variety in Men's Shoes PORT MONMOVTH - Richard moat, and George Fink, High-Robert,AMa of New York City. Kb*, aaa at Mr. ud Mrs. TbOM Interested at •arttdpatfag jsrjb*. la me flay, or working wKh aat PLATTBVOVn THERE'S A NEW LOOK m man's shoss for fa*. LONG BRANCH — T1» Ceater properties may participate. Eves dyed-m-the-wool conservatives, who have won die same Mr. aad Mrs. John Cheney, Mr. shoe t^if s for the last II years, are bang tamptad by the aaw aad Mn. Water Flak aad eonDrama Worfctbop it conducting lightweight, streamlined styles. JnaMs. end Elleon sad JoeaM opaa tryontt far their annual Loulo Prima. famous orcbsstn Big thing for fall ia the Importance of brown ahoes for Iowa Fmk. Frissnt at eaother party play at the Jewish Community I***". made Ms first violin out ,,wear„ . Mao who previously wouldn't be caught dead m anything Sunday wsro Mr. and Mrs. WUCenter on Second and Bath of a cigar bos aad a borrowed but black pUhvtoad oxfords in the dty now an bates *•» •*•* Ham Goabel, daughter, Carol, Pa-Avcs., Wedneaday, Sept If, at mandolin string. Vmf MBBUUISJu aCJJa dBnW A am^aaBBWa akauUQl ItsiB^lakfaaaKImWIaHHillWA dlaianlOSrn LaaMaaasaBWvWsal aaBkftaaaSJUWJa*l , aallSknwSW*ltt*JT* HVfmaaaPl or stsp-ins, often with black loaches. Some of the MW town brown sheas hsve black Iseee, sots aad watting, for a new effect Othan combine smooth and gram leathers. Mea's shoes also offer a variety of styles this yaar. ally designed for spadaaw l occasionsgecsswns. Thers'men as thmee caKnema< i tie oxford for evejmiglagi. eacatt »rofromm ajtojle pjeee oTMack | There) is a Back-to-School aether. Then an many aenew veratoavt s of the aakls bni*. ftosos Unsd, for sportwtss aad countryy wear. sweater riot going on The skjMa shoe with moccasin sat mu takaa on dty ways also, and is sssa la either deep browa or black, ia fins, kigjiiy right now, and we are up "•had leathers, with anm, atoajatad Unas. . ^^ With the aew tnrreeei la hmwa Urns, SMS) are fmams.. to our chins in it. they aesd shoe wardrobes, with special foobjaar from golf » hunting, from tennis tti SitoV Boat Necks are big, as is the tton to footwear m general asm has brought a aew •m4• SJBJIP^a^tfhA* SB^aWBj^sl^nSaW^ i anoflffaWBUVI ASaIBW^ nBBBBajMaaamaajl amkAHRH# Ifw^^^^^lK AritansaBwVWBtl HBSJBJBataa^a^^H3 bulky or shaggy look. now have mon variety than ever before m Malory. No matter what tha style . . . wa have it. S-PC. DINETTE SOYS' —• to 20 H4TI4 5.98 to 8.98

MEN'S —31 to 4a Shop Fridmy Nil* 'tU 9 f. M. 7.95 to 10.95 depaHaaeat tlROADWAY, LONG BRANCH

• Park Fraa at CITY SUP-ON . . . The moccasia aequina dty OOUNTRY BOOT CHAR©! ACCOUNTS INVITED ways In mis Hghtwefght, stnamUnadikoa. Els* bockM mstap strap aad ahsarKag torwia- ttc gorlag under tonga*. tar coaatey wear. BENERT DANCE Charles Herbert was chairman of the rock and rott dance which the Hancs Park AasodatioB of au+onJ-in New Shrewsbury held Saturday Cl in the Silhouette Lounge and ballroom on Monmouth St. The dues wu a benefit to rsiss Han's A Soys' Outfitters Since 114* funds for the recreation buiM- lag which the assodatioa plans It BROAD ST. KEO IAN" to build in New Shrewsbury. Mn. IF YOU UKE MONEY Bessie Holly, president, said OPEN WEDNESDAY * FRIDAY TILL • P. M. Louis Acern gave the associ- ation flM for the building fund YOWL LIKE BUYING IPS BEST-BUY SEASON ON NEW CHEVROLETS RIGHT NOW... AND YOUU NEVER DO BETTER A CHEW HOW! BY YOUR DOLLARS Sa» b* yaar dsalar'a aad sis tZ* Maaso's ikaaasJ

sf Ytf " BnTUt VBH BJBXft I!!!!!, IBfU IK fJBWI T BBj Btflll

[...CARRIES YOU AS CAREFULLY AS IT PAMPERS YOUR DOLLARS "Iks sssastfMsi, meet ovist, ssfMst riiia« ear a ill price am*." Tfcat's ma way SfbTOI TIIND

h't ••»

w»as>. Cet at m s Oevy and see what F«l Cafl sprJats do. (...STOP BIST IHBINI...YOU ON A DIME AND GIVE BIST STVU ... COULD SPEND JARSFUL YOU MORE STOPS PER BEAUTY THAT DOESN'T DEMAND OF JACK AND NOT GET DOLLAR They'is Majsr las. A VB LIKE CHEVY'S With 'am, Chetry sal Mifssd A BIQ BANK ROLL ThsnpartaatPOfULAl sll cempMitan in its IsM to SCIENCE ms|siine «aM as Census Vfs, SPOUTS a NA9CAR*-«waV«ed test af leee«dmMiiMsSeraad CARS ILLUSTRATED says, fnaaaam ssM mat "...mils ark* IVBjBBkla oHt wVfttB m •laam*. AmWMt g^^aAsBBliaml ai aew hSiisi aarma styL ing." flievy's liifniils tBjsJaty M m sslss for *W sen a m aayariss.'* far Ms foals teat

BIST RtBBl ... NO CRAMPEO QUARTERS Ut's Mas tho aSMsJ ijarss AM .SOCK wisk IBM Aaji^gatt-ti- Mf AWAY YOUR CHEW SAV- wnsfl tssv nwvwMaVwa^w iwBffB Mtwm&UmB* IBM*/ BACK POR YOUR CHEVY bet „«, for INGS As ease as tow Chevy ^^^g» ffaaami aaVaaaai ^faa^kfi aW aaaaaai |^ U i ^ 4 a* aHlal •a to S.9 isMhes wkfor then to v BJRI SJfJaVSJ roM^MsbSjssbeaea^sma, ears. GswM as nsl NAOA* Cewa Bsea. eTea* MUissaM On* car<»l*ss second...

The driver was uauatty careful, but - just this onee - he raced through a aehool *JM. A child's life waa lost, accidentally, but needlessly loet through one •onent of mgUieiMe. It could have been so aaslly avoided. . With the opening of echool, added caution in driving It neceseary. Always •bay traffic rules mar aehooli and plajrground*. Be alert in areas where. aMMran an walking to and from school. Never pass a school bus from either direction while It leads or unloads passengers. Don't be stingy with safety- not m Imjii Hi*mn...m4OmfrmmtMe( 1-HH WBMBBV BWJFBIBV VWBBBW BBP^BF HMni^V^BBHBMf B^BBBWB^*B"JBTBBJ_P m

Lancaster Brand -Ovon Roatjy Balfivillo TURKEYS 4 to 8 Pounds for the whofa fomfly. tancortf Iwwd birth of pldwd frow k h Ultl g tvary tint.

Lancaster Brand BonaUss Top or Bottom Round Roast Acme's Picnic Favorites Skinless Franks Bologna «!X Pickle & Pimento ^£ Olive Loaf iTU Luncheon Meat9?!*?' Acme's Day Qrbcery Features Plain Loaf Hawaiian Punch ~ 3 - 89« Frether-By-Far Planter's Peanuts 3-89< Honeydews 3-99c P«rl^d Outdoor SpwsJryl 12 o*. Swift's Prem Ddkious For Quick MMbl CM Large pint Miracle Whip Kraft 29« «fHMlr Regular Six* CoMan Swaat Alcoa Foil Economy Six* 75 Foot Rol 75c 25« Corn 12-29* Instant Coffee MtxwtlHoui* Baked Qoods Frosted Foods Dairy Favorites Daih"£39i fMSi2» Ivory Flakes X35.X81' KRAFT M >IH Spic&SpanX2» £93- Ivory *»* ^33- £79« R«lls -25- VELVEETA Detergent A WI39« Mr.Clean ^39*^69. Applo Pio mtam 49< u*» ** Lava Soap KM.2-.2S DUZ ^iSS *"V:81« Umonado 6t 2 79< !«*• Draft ««»ft»3S Ivory Soap 2!Z33« Pound Cako Crapa Julca 4'£ 55« Sharp Choaso »79< aVBvaaM IBB) SBBBBI A OemUt Conpam New. BroaeT -20. nS or Pollock ^ i poa oAMi N*X ta •W%BWBB> aV rW99l§wWm Wwv WffJMw INNS fWZI 1 •*-— M_^ _4 ^^faaW MVM«Mt M41 MM A*MMMMiMM«^ f, Mi h aal vM • aMI a> BBB% to ajaw tot Iff WMZI B • • IBB MBB BV BBMB SBBBBBV BB BBV f'ilP' MN

$•25.00 ft ft Ite* A _«M to MMMI ^ AMI MVM _^4^ A^ ^1 ^ oooooovrooG $13540 IWIMMMM fe^BB^ IUMMMTW «W far • fM'w Mwt tt «M IS CaHsto aaat MM aa aailiM aaJaftolaBMV ^ Mhkiltb £ la A VBBMBBB> ^MH# to ^M BMBBL "^^^*^ 11 |« «»«• MMM ^M. ^^^ ^^_^A __^^_J^ ^kt^k M# 9^n ^" ^" M^M^BI . • M^M^V ^^^VV ^^^^^ M^W^W^B' ^^^^^^R^VI^V ppm ^y 7 OOA'I u^tutt as MMfalv ike4 0 IBB) h vmNwIib Ma « MM l» • M tl • mif». *mn or PMIM •y ScUofmllt MM MMMM*MMBMI MM ^^——^ MMVM^ __M*_MtMWJ ^MM M. M* tED BANK HSGtfTDI "*r V Sept 3. 1' Fke Procedures Enforced at Jail Violet Shaw FREEHOLD- like Pavlov's throughout tta artao.. Emerge* escape. The system of narrow problem with ths Prize List ftmoui do«. the prisoner! here'cy battery-operated light* go oncorridor*, inter-torking passage- "One of the best In the business,' at the Monmouth County Jail live automatically thould the power wayi and doors after doors is he admits. "Someday he'll over, A series of special awards, led by bell*. {tail. designed to localize trouble, not come his trouble, and we'll find him a good Job." by a cash prise of StS offered by Tremendous Response! One bell calls them to break-' Next, evacuation of the build- to faciliute movement. Rep. James C. AunMnrlos* (R fast, another to lunch, while still ing begins. Next he moves on to the im a third signals dinner. The bells Sleep Walkers maculate laundry room where N. J<), a H will are part of the discipline of con- "The prisoners could But Warden Smith has done a women inmates wash and iron be offered st the third Annual OVBl100.000 ROLLS IN STOCK job of balancing added precaution|tbe ,„„,,an d clothing of the finement. in their sleep," War- Witl) Show of the New Jersey Council When the bell sounds continu- of African Violet Club*. ously, it means fire. three times a day for meals.mi' «!what -he ha—-»s to work with• , Jtbe hats into the cellbiocki where 1959 ft I960 PATTERNS Fire i* dangerous anywhere. In The men prisoner* would move dose well. the men, in.group* of IS to 20, The show, opening at 4 p. m. a prison, it can spell disas down the steel stairwells in the •We have consulted with the to-,,, „„ tht)r sentences of u.p toFriday. Sept II. in the National " " " of the Ocean cal fire chiefs and carried out one year. "You can ted by the Guard Armory. West and Chest- as eight Inmates concrete building, through the kit- their recommendation*," he said. County Jail in Toms River chen and outin Into the court way the men ggree t yyou how thenut St*., will be held in conjunc- "They also helped us draw up our l i" h li tion win the (3d Annual Show learned Aug. 23 yard. present fire plan." morale is." he explains. But at the County Jail here, Women prisoners would move Net a Traee || of the Monmouth Elberon Horti- according to Warden Earl A. directly from their quarter* to Could the Toms River tragedy No where is there a siggn of cultural Society. Door* will be Smith, the chances of a similar the second floor of the Hall of »W" h're- rubbish. Floors, walls, even the open from le a. m. to M p. castastraphe are considerably re- Record*B—^.U. . I don',l t thltni,nk f0'„ I^>iinevitable birt are wllnoot • Saturday and Sunday,-Sept. M several^. "First of all. we don t , f ^ , •ne rtprisoners may duced. There are, however, padded celcelll . Most imim ^ and 13. The bell system is, of course, drawbacks. smoke in their "Sand in My Shoe*" to the Just one aspect of a highly co- First, there is no automatic cell turbe^d^ or violent persons are im-! Outside, the guards watch quiet theme for the violet snow, wh ordinated fire procedure designed nlocking equipment. Each door will be made up of 44 classes must be opaaed udividaally. Un mediately transferred to Marl- "The key to our success here?" to evacuate the fmlMmgi with a boro." and in which entries are to be ssJaimuii of confusion and .time. flocks aad a steel shut- „„ ... Warden Smith repeats. made from an parts of the state. When Warden Smith fc?£.»±says " I "** W say it 1* the caliber the pnoess complicated The runaew* to the Aachia- "The key to the whole sttut-and tfaao don't think so." what XJ7**h tt oar staff. In a prison, the tta." Warden Smith slid. "It mean* to, "No, H weat, bat than spirit It more important than the dost award wiD receive tU from there's always a possibility the facilities. the hortleaHaral society. Other oocnMBStjon or lesmwora, sno Smoke and panic would not help award* will include Queen of planning. In a jail, you have to matters. The prison officers sun will not rise tomorrow." "But our biggest problem I* not anticipate problems." might he discipHned, but there Is And he (peak* with the author fire." he added. "There are alth- e Show, from the state coun- Guards constantly patrol the ao reason to suspect the prlson- •qr oi a man who knows every most 200 men and women beingcil: the John Cherel award to a mate of corridors around the ers would hsve any more con- inch of hi* prison and every la- held here. It their only worry was Monmouth County club member; clock, ever alert for the telMak trol than a plataoa of Marines in matt in it. fire, our Job would be easy." a state council rosette for the 'signs of trouble that could come Dally Inspection Fire is the least of the conbes- t collection of three varieties, Ribbon Creek. and a tri-rnlor award for best from any number of directions. Secondly, the absence of a Seven days a week, he arrives cerns facing the inmates- at the Should fire break out. thsprinklee r system constitutes a at his office at quarter of nine Monmouth County Jail, and being arrangement, guards follow an alarm proce- hazard which the presence of ex-!in the morning. With the paper warden or an officer there it far dure whereby the exact location tinguishers doe* not exactly com- work out of the way, he begins from easy. STUDIES AT Mr % of the fire is reported to the local pensate for. one of the most important pro- It is a tough, never-ending job. UNCROFT - John Matt. son. On Monmotrih County's Newest fire department. Aad third, the evacuation would cedures in his routine: the daily The rewards are few. The head- of Mr. imd Mrs. Werner Birch o! Fire extinguishers, checked have to be Carrie* off in ex- aches many. Deer La., will return to Pratt regularly by the manufacturer, termely tight ajsatten. A prison In the prison's spotless kitchen, n ~Th~ e Case ef the Institute, Brooklyn, for hi* third and Most Beautiful Colection of are spotted at strategic points X not he Ceaoty Jail) year of studies. WALLPAPER! BUY ONE ROLL AT REG. LIST PRICE SHOP FAIR HAVEN GET 2nd ROLL FOR ONE PENNY MORE

COME EARLY! Reg. Me Re* l«««- N ReR j Reg. Ml Rel Chess* from oae ef New FOR ALL YOUR Jersey's largest waBpaper 2.-. We'lT:l 1 SI I 9 •AM . a PATTMMSPOt irar ROOM IN YOUR HOMR • Natieaaily advertised Massed tree af

OPIN RVMT NITO TIL ••SAT. TIL • pattens. Sapor SANITAS 69 Wei Cevartef • Lara* Setwttea ef Mas* ReB • 1H9 2





\Jwtf «f K^mJd Otetw White Bread Ovonfoyttcod

5hooy lano« Croarnory ~1 b Fresh Butter Richna* of Flavor solid Pork & Beans 3*35. MaTpClS 1 Knit S*U toning WtSSOR FRYERS eWtkMt lAfcy'i U.f.D.A. by tto W^^^Bv As Summr 2 29 and Grafted "A" SplHf Mlxai Nats 14 M. Imih >m*m Pmk, U TMty Marsh nil Hows Easy Slicing For Sandwiches Picnics Tandor Mild; Short Shank Swift's rronks ScrfmNnr Cold Ciita Ground Bool Canned Ham

For The Finest Produce • • • All You Need Remember is Safeway! Check This List Stuffed Olives Soft Drinks 501 White Grapes Juicy Oranges Paper Plates Thompson Seedless - A Special Treat Finest California - Rich In Flavor Dixie Cups Better Than A Cold Orinkl Better Buy The Dozen! Waxed Paper 2-*39' Paper Towels 4,269. Paper Napkins Fix-A-Drink £29S . Sliced Cheese Swiss Cheese ££»!£ H,£39* Orange Juice tUT 2*«£3r Grape Juice X? 2H3* MeS %U M|M; A SJ^ FavoriM Star-Kist Tuna im* Bon Ami Cleanser Pineapple Juice Dola HawaKan 2-57< Liquid

Zippy Fancy ©no half a tasto troaf ffcit Cwfw %mi far Kosher Dill Pickles 50 Ixtra Alcoa Wrap; Stronaajl locauM It's Smooth minum Housohold Sixa( 12 inchos x 25 foot Orange Juke &S& 3^29* Gulden's /Mustard V&T 2ll 2S Potato Sticks tT?u" 3 ~»29« Dove Toilet Bar r^T. 2^39« Frying Chicken *•••» »i« 1.89 Sunshine Cookies CZJ 'S. 19« Paper Napkins sottS* 2 *^ 25* Fancy Cookies M&T ^49* Butter Cookies u&~ N^ 29* AppU PU ZHt Ttlltt let IMt Stared afwwiaaai •TCaai nemBvi wpejsi iMlltiiSMi •^vs^waw viaPBaaj ajcaaraav i PavW|r* I eVBe™ ouwtfjej n Ittewty'i Uw MM p* 3^54* •M.iall< i49<

WlreM iw^Pwl ItlCt Spifhtttl Mtcarinl mm ttftmit aWakOMAla MaM. A A # It M H« **• Mavfa^Pfnf T^aaa* aj faj v7 '".39. "»S9« -.21. g—Thursday. Sept 8, 1959 BED BANK HBCISTEB Chicago White Sox MoveOui By 5.5After Winning ~ BaWaere deteslsl Beskm, 44. JMeMe Me J"****** <"• iaHaitirjr la Mtad *jrssveaMt sttoMBg •» J^LMJ. „„ J^JJ1" Jj By Hy Cunningham ujerai Ms mat BK Tto Whtte tea. wiaalss sta t-rtaS 7 reUof. atsoay aeasa gfe Watta Sea aajala hava a IM- of their last eavoa. save Daae. satfc sway, coaag ea la Ike MANY YEARS AGO THE LATE — John Blanks aaaw lead ia tto roa foe thafr ITwltfiSerm Lsttar amadSg OavekaOevelaad aoered flva raaa to i Aaarieaa Laagua Paaaaat ?«IkLarVlT4)lor a pair of ttethMas7atto third as TB»s Prancone Used Campbell tacked a "crying towel" on the bulletin n^™. doibles. Doaovaa, wto ea two«two-maa aattaagloe aaanda Weedy HeJd board at Belmont Park for trainers who were constant- oat tolaa tirad and gave way » laBsvar couatad two mere with a 74, aad Oerry ttaleyla the ahai ly bemoaning high weight! assigned their horses. The Wm IVaHK esaaaaWi djaaa\ aBakanm 4* Am shoe Is on the other foot with James P. Ross, Jr. tae right toedsr gg? w>e?Oanll atoraMMt WIOBI Pli laaoa> ••« IM Atlantic City Race Course racing secretary and handl- ^^^ A^^^^kl^ dktl_ •"•••aaanl "'•••• - - — — *. —^ sawssaaonesattoaie lsr troaste, sor y. *§>• home rue. lieswal sad flnt capper, who has the task of weighting not only the Clavaladards wttckrtck ke EL^ ^Tl* low Ma aed Witt the Tigers' leading handicap hones in the country but all over the ae epaaer. Aad at five, tto Yi globe for the invitational $100,000 United Nations to keep Ion blanked oa three hits aad by a half _ . Handicap at the track Saturday, Sept 19. to aa U-rea flftk kaaf ST&J^Alta* (teuton en Yogi that netted ant it tttrtf* two-na Us weights for the Ctwaiand'a le- homer, and with two out. Luis broto nM tto a ttttoo elaMh. Aparldo and Nellie FOB singled. (4-1) wen it ia s jtoLandie walked, loedlu the Caaitimito PascenP i (IMS() last and Klu • Tto Oftatee baeaad VBaB f>

NevTork •eat Oa- trait Into third piece with a 4- Fox finished H off with a throe- tatto IWN0IU1 TtOPHY—TheiM* S. RaM, Jf.. U\UM«wn, ameMt «h« aad (••W). Tkemas $. NeM Memerlel Trealrf to Clarence Crimea, maaaaar ef the Helit Steak Farm, Jeaetewa, eftor «fce celt by Sswrrea Valor^MlM Stimu by Kmi«- an WON the Princeton Tigers »ta>aa - ** JatBBaa^JaaBhaa oasMkam ofae* event fer yaarltnff aemebreeii. HeKt' farm retired the freaky Saferday at the THtA Difler Hanover nniaDOn OOTMOJM inm on NBA Plans ef N. J. Iraedlnej Shew a* WeH Hill Farm, Oceanport. Begin Training cotriitions of the United Nations Handicap, Go-Slow War Wins $125^4 weights from 90 to 100 outstanding thoroughbred BLAIItSTOWN TORONTO (AP) - The Na- hones and the starting field comprises the top weights tional Bosag Aaa.. flahtag for Hambletonian ef this group. The owners of the high-weighted hones Internal unity, plans e go stow Pittsburgh Trips in Pennant DU QUOOf. HL. (AP) - Diner are Invited to start their charges and If any of this war aaaiaat underworld activity through two drllto yestardaji to tto flajhtfight aunsanet. Hanover, baraeea tto THars fust fall trsalsg see- elite group an unable to accept, the next hones In That waa tto top-law! thtaUat racing's richest plum, to headed Stan. lino ef weights receive a bid until a Race; Lose to Reds, 6-3, 2-1 MM M astono. pacts ere sat tarjrairttoOiaala. Pa by Cetaaa. Last sssasa's aaa> TV^ .. _ ^e._ Ja^avB nan— id," traasr Bslph BaMmVae> In the previous six runnings of tto Umtad Nations, nBjHHgasjaF BJgfal lUaV Bass* man team won oaty to* of am i'a Pirataa naaBy pfeta too lightest weighted hone to wot was Mrs. AdsseL. 114. tto turn phtea aaerUce fly. end KooUa U Nswty toetaBed NBA: m that Nattaial reat I dont muk toll stsrt Rand's Clem who captured last year's four win MeCovay ahw tocBerad fcr tto Tannay Maosroai of Prow e punja of 113 pounds. And It was merely a stroke of htek to the dub they're Mrd Vern Laar (1M) Tto Dodgen New a 14 lead atahtae. tat aatd'the NBA eeeld Tto Futurity In PMl draw that Clem received a bid. The son of 2d aH ever ads seam. when tto Cardinals aeond flva precead only through aaified ac- INS, win to The CtednneU Half, wto had hear for tto Piratoe, gtr- duaapotti Labor Day is tto next was weighted for the United Nations prior to victory lag up • " " GusBeBand unearned runs la tto third to- ion and when the facta are wrall- back. He had won only five ef 19 from Pitta- big time teat for *-year-old trot- saw Frank before Jonas ning, three on Curt Flood's hom- bla. at fullback. Tackle Johnny Craig, over in the Washington Park Handicap harsh, dropping als la a rawaa d "There are Invistlgetwas aams tars. rappepp d We ttetreaking homer In •» *• a transfer from Oklahoma Uat- and was far down on the roster of horses, ranking 11 of 11. JJotted tto fourth-place wjth tworuaa la ha alaai. now (or Instance to'HewfcVN York DUler Hanover is the colt to venlly. la the only other eseke- ththe eightihh aaaiaai t unbeateb n re- wj number 60 of the 89 horses on the list Pltiateawithh a MM ^l aweap Uever "Hroy Faea. Vada" Ptaan Chum (14) was tto wtanar a aad beat for this yyear's trotting triplp e reon to ON ne^neat actka. Osm was one of 10 hones assigned 113 pounds.la a twl-nlght doublerwoder laslatt aad Robiaaon ala» homered for relief aa tto JMaarn sot a Major crowa afteft r hihis impressivii e Cdmaa said to wae kMktog to aJnht. tto Reds. League pitcWnf record was M naaful purpose, Ma- straight hr«t victory yesterday last year's Junior vnnMy With one place remaining to fill the United Nations wait until A three-ma homer by Willie Tto Plrataa aeand their three Ttocaronla "WesteuldwaJ ia tttoo iasm HambietonlanMl , whia flnutod with a 4-1 field, a draw was held and Clem not only won out In onea won tto opener, ending fat ttw tint lanJac two on Dkkold mark wan Ml, sat by we knew tto make of Oread largest pane aver put up for for most of Ida repac me Pirates' string at five. Aad la INI. la New York Key proapacto there Include the draw, but took the measure of Round Table again Stuart's homer, then were blank- 1 a haraeea race. DOB Newcctnto, wto hadn't beat- ed aa ferae Mia by raokJa Jim Carl drove a foar ml Cahtorato. Tto toy eon of Star's Pride fuardaNat Tobrtoer sad Gerry fat coui'ss-hnalrtfig effort. en PllUUiigu In more than two OToota (I-T). wto didn't ghre rant for tto Pats, aad NBA dashed tto flnt mile la 1S1 14 Norton and backs Jim RMa. When the United Natloaa was liiaugorated in yean, then out-dueled Bob up a hit after tto fourth laniag. dette (1S-14) wUh a* of _ . and tto sacond la 2:01 44, miss- Ron Goldman aad INS, the event was the eBanax of a three-ply Friend u Iheseeoad same as A triple by Jobaay Temple homer for a M lead la tto i pine by lr- tnf tM Face by 1 me Bnoa dreppad too fan a row Gaae FreaaaaJae of Ten> Johaay Wilsae, aft wager ef series — the field waa aaae op of the fret loaf aad Pinsoa'e double broto a 11 Corporation to oraanlie for »• flnt time hi a month. ttii e ia tttoo nightcah p eigh me D«r«it Red Wings In th» ai_t-l O_ AfL_ WmieMmJatom, ftoVekahJ a _ en.. - - — eighth for to eUmi- Only big leaguer among the Hat apfltod them aVe games ancient againsgainst Friend (14). Aaraa Ut his JTth for the Braves NaUonsJ Hockey League, has not finiiniri in UM Foragn mna MM m nt wambtt baUnd Saa Praadseo's flnt three horses owned by Hall missed a game aince to turned who. IB* Uw, tod won four lia off Robin Roberts (IMS), a win- sublet ef Watertown. N. Y.. piaea Giants, wto defeated nV a mw. Tho l with tto Omaha from the Aajarlesa Bred Stake*. Tbe format was T\tn off N*wk Ilal Surface, Jr. DUler Hanover captured (he changed hi IBM when Career Boy was the winner, _ Cute 44 oa Jackie (13-7) at tie Kalgbto a Brandt's ninth-Inning homer. eeventh. leg of trotting'* Triple When the United Nations was inaugurated, John back aaaiaat TB, made hie flnt Leads Tennis Field Crowa la tto Hambletontan. Second place Uw Angelas stay- Braadfa 13th homer, eft loa- ofttoi i tar tto GUM COVE. N. Y. (APP)) - B. "Jack" Kelly, Atlantic City head, recommended to ad within IK 1 of a* lead ms reliever Don PJatan (S-7) taaa Jr. of Jota A. Hanover, wto nipped Pint, aaedes Bal DiUer la taking tto flnt by ft Jeaea hie llm vic-htltor. Kansaa Ctty, lad the various national turf polls Oat a "gnu count Tto Yonken Futurity—weyns o champion- be included In the various categories. The tto third round of tto Eastern Senior Oraaa Court Taaals Chaav threat oa tto fasf t Du Quoin suggestion was adopted by several polls and It Is U. S. Team Continues Copping Eagles Trade nwday. Be defeated track. Tto eotts era pd to New York. M, S-l, tangle for the final legg, the significant that three of the six winners of the United Kentucky Futurity, at LexingL - Nations have been named "gnat course bone of the Cold Medals in Pan-Am Games Jerry Norton from awf to aU weather ton, Oct &, A gnat deal of presage accrues to the United cay. DUler Hanover, with 11 victories Nations winner and It Is Hole wonder that ownen TOLBDO, Ohio (AP) - Tto Larie of In 14 beats this eeeaon. has CHICAGO (AP) -It was an TUMIIMMIH Calif e>e ii«r»ii .ii««icar*«r esrwtags ef tMa,7M, a itt top handicap hones an anxious to have their over except (or loud hurrahing ta tailback Jerry raBjVS^SanMawa>a ^eOBjeeae apaw ^^^*^^***™^BP1^J^^—aa^ ^kL^^ ^ _ ^^ _ asnA back and Held competition, but Freehold Results to tto Chkaaa Cardtoals .^i ^aaHi aaadad Dr.I'V'Bne return en tto M tto Ualtad States continued its Bob J Asdrew CfaMOf Oakland. •• «*» •• • yaarHag. He earned V • ^^^^•^•^•^W WB^BV^^V ^mr^ ^mr^m^m^m^^m^^^m^g IdPW SBnV9 ^^-^^K^^^^^S when Jersey Jonas aekf tto nest ny gold medal-winning way trniy Leslie Fits Gibbon. Garden Ctty, Tie Silk took mow third Pan American ilMMM I Calif.. ak» edvanead. Uirie boat •".••'.yaetaToay, Tiger Outpoints "vteUa" should ta foarcWa " " N. Y, W. a.L Dr. Crane da- Joey OaiuMe. t Wsat HI itotod Donald Gray, Rlagawaod. mm. Tiger, aa inside tighter wto KtM** Flight lent waa thtrd tto tint Gene Armstrong OB B a staggaring leak/half ef last aaa- heat; Oreo ead Lady Bel left book, kaoekad AAnMtroar g of 41 gold for tto athletic ea of lag ajarlae oaf- Stiegaaaa Looke dere, only fitty la tto Meld of CAMDEN - (AP) Uaraaked IS. were tto closest tnllen a Dick Haw. MXthe Britka Em- down la flw «M mad' . K WMcerntvnl a opened last Fri- sand fa aa For New fire slugger, tostla* night out- u« tint kaockdown of Oane's day, Uade asaVs poweMaden EOBBVBky. M. forcee alao have a ehaara at four anato ef Wsnonslu, tod been NEW MUMWICK (AP) - Toor lose. Bat ao optmuattoptbalsttc Aim- Conch Jota strong feels Prom then on tto Byeer-e„, M bonne tonight tto Csitfaela offenstva guard for win play la ptjf |kjg tMafJ tlVOaxfJs) tlVV oooal at tats Tiger had me upper toad and to Tto VIA treck aad Held con- ae lea three yean. yaer'a toetrnament at tbe 1IT. of ~ _ Oa-. Nattoaal Gorf Chm It wee Annatrens'a ant pro staggered Armstrong several : mwaclas to Wlkoa. M, aw pouad Ankara tolftounef times. Beforee Joey Harrison, tto a tna»op for tto IM Otymplca, triad oat Apr! S4. Tto list la heeded by oaty effldal, eoored M sli wianera " wounBffiUfl d a* compatltlaaj in toidlar •* . . . to feer. aad aai tecfdeTwu tto Cerdl- boai «MU* | iiilniai with IS ef a aala1 Ms. t draft choke lest year. "I* to aero related, aad ay BMdale a tto Tiger's record 1a 344-2. aad eight of IS la ftmwo ops an ants might ta lea Ataetreeg. a taaHnovlag fight- Mtt ae 3J

• Jota Kelley. Oratoa, MOMMOlim COUNiTS iaUDWt ANNOUNCES Tto Ua) meter title weat to OyiSA aaHsaTsaVOsst CMtSfot OfBW| Ore., as as pseed a WUW Tto Uasvonay ef toto payed Ma flnt WBKLY CLASSES SeU. Tse t^aoTs aad wont- altM es's 4N BMtor nay START*** THUR1, OCT. la :«.4 and :4s.«, a Freehold Raceway Entries

Maa.. wMh a record nee of' Psaadatasia II, tStSSm I fee*. » (alaht) Lai Aajelea •, ft Leas • (night) their day yesterday k CsskslBSBAJhM sl BMtaasnawtBaV • trisa event, asuaily tost far (first SUM, MMaM) cavalry omcers, aas la awia- nsrlassH 1, PUsaaah I Trtah Oalvte, M, aa attrac- tive lase from leata Calif., woe tto Drestaae IH madel la iwlaunlng, Nancy II, MercarMaad. Wash., brake tor world ISHneter tolt^ hraho tor world MS«ettr butter- fly record with l:tt.t Tto WA won three swiaunlat __ _ _^ m. m, m. . ^ OAslV It Uula at Us AaaHw. II p. a. A. a. i si Hear Vwt, I »,m Chlcego at Saa Praociaco, 4:M AUO. • Hlrej Oa p.m. And>rann (114) vs PM IMMRMATfON CAILt OI4) va. Ditmar s Antoaelll (IS-7) Al HIM UM. r«M*r MM. AMTA W. UtflftB 14171 only aaaea scheduled (MIKM Hwnr* MtU UIMA HABBMt t f tiiMrmd WM UOH TaaairaWa liksdals jn Mjrt.'O Jl«14»f, MAJIf>AtJT ft. CO**, MM. U MUI Pittsburah at Philadelphia. nin>i'i4i. ni B:M p. a. at New Verb, I a. a. Milwaukee at Cwclanall, S p. a

WMaetaa, $.m p. m. Chicago at tea Preaclsce, iaattM Detroit IN p. a II lip. m. tf'..» • » '.••-.4 Ttmm • p. m. only guru* scheduled klltN UM it Ar-

or flew Coach Jim Hickey teka aa inn, vyrao •y Cel. Earl "Red" fttaik d tuadma CaUoiwi*, muumi bat Caaoh Art Lawtf GJUUOIl* Oat. Stoat be • OablhBaM Oar good friend Jack Randolph, the distinguished VtrttaUTach has aa sad the STAUIIAVEN Cent haw t think FimmCHANDTU on outdoor affairs for the N. V. Haass, s^ss ^rvaa^ra^v S*J^B> O^^SV^BBJPBHPSI nunwmn dw ateoUag daatb oa My » of a yatr aaa la Ste oetaer aad took at la CarraH. Daw. As Aa.CAUNNALCWBr recently wondered In type If trap shooting harped to Mm Tetam, fannar North 0u» later aaielJU task7*t&t to MNerncl' Mai fjhjmaal aaadaaaaaai OBM ' dy OitfNh nlsbt aot It "It It •wNcxuvm develop good field shots. HU findings at tbsObwstts Haa oaaaK win aMact dw ehaai EW gffmwia, jmnmngfj ganj that what ha alaya w I Mt-ICEtTlE of dw Tto HMU «di ML I k* pad aad aoald ha It M- WORTH A CAUL AURMGH of the Grand American Handicap, the world series offNn pin w ta IS raoeidaf SX PATSTKONO ygnVL SPENCU trap shooting, were inconclusive. * l£J£L '2L!!2 passer Ranay ' Sabatti (Sam) Maw, DANDY JACK To each his own, or never knock the other guy's Anay* toady aad affain. S beag Csaa aal ~ . WkKa So. u PlMBaaa game, but this reporter for one can not help but feelba bad ah* hepai for las-tea T»ey OUtCARAIf "" -A tra» snooting Is too much of a set situation to bs of any material aaaistanee to the sports h uld hai better Ms average In the duck Wind or quail field. Trap uhakka shooting Is a sport. Just like tennis or golf. It should aooechaf Ta> bat yaa say ba ami be regarded as such and nothing more. taart aaaatetfanal gifts aa* ao> Mian. I would SMa tata ta aa wU ralast Ha awafl ba am* erdar: Oaka, Waka Ton*, North fira. And what about skeet? That more sopUstkatad IeMtabdgr oo CaMUaa State. Mtiytead Wait VUtWa sad'Vtreji SBbmaamldaam das) M)mmmMMmm*Mm*M* *Ammmm^mAm -•• '" .*. w- *<- - Am^m^L liBlaia. TwBPHI fM %mmWOMMmmUm% HmMjUITQB Will XMtCO IHV tjlw banter bow to bring up Ms gun properly aad bow to attain a pplausibl e sighting g picture. la akeet unMke trap sdtrtto , data eat. alter sboottng, the gun must be advanced to the from the reedy pposition. BuB t even in skeet, target angles and velocMos an static. Solution of same Thusly a champion akeet performer Is not necessarily BIG HOLIDAY SALt. deadly on ducks. Wild targets jirovWe endless varia- bra. tions of the classic deflection problem. There can be no sabstHato far the real thlag. Wo tobesofor i. aa bawjwtt fea aaw baad SfEAKEl KIT i as recently aa Tuesday on a ssclloa of dar aad wHh hba la sttttes dw ithe COMBINATION Ifnatl ATM*** s * rial Certator/, ftia to n CHAMPIONSHIP

iday, hot Ite« be. ino opemng morning or mo mumra i I tha «•. IMr apiH-T « •ok, la* •. U aat us in tha company of John Shepherd, an onlsrprlsng at S» kaat aad battwowi to two young man of Cumberland County who variously farms, i la Jaha Schwaiar traps muskats, nets carp and pushes a ran boat It Al Tha backflaM nav aan an lid by Wad* Sari* at waa in bis capacity as a son guide that we became half aad Doa Ktocfeak at ML Involved with Mr. Shephard. whose disregard for ths lha aeheada to aria*? nejajd. vanities and sophistries of Ms patrons is legend in the waver, aad tha kajm ta It an On epaaar at kaaw «Kh C TORCH wild rice country of the Maurice. •aa. aa AOC aawar at al The first son to Jump ahead of ths boat was dumped nicety Into the reeds. Same thing happened to the second, third and fourth birds. Too fifth asm flirted Tar He* across the bow of the posh boat at a range of no more than 20 yards. It successfully evaded two charges of e QaS NO. 11 shot John muttered darkly and unintelligibly leaf way, from Ms position on the push platform. Pride came a real cropper when the sixth bird miraculously survived a full salvo. "Guess none of us are gettin' any younger," volunteered the guide. We Sack- Jo-School-Sale ignored that patronising comment, brushed the I 111 quitooe and a tidal wave of perspiration from our brow and reconstructed event*. The answer waa obvious. Sora hi flight an shutting downward preparatory to their return to Wo were shooting over them. It The 10 Mrds needed to fillth e of 15 came to bag without undue difficulty. Even the caustic Mr. Shepherd had no cause for complaint so rum assess TIRE Yet we =6*2 In a ...ForBig 1/r faded so poor were prospscts Tuesday morning wMtt OUT COB«PettDs)fls HOfKft HOsteMT OC KlBBflaMa KfUMO to uncase his gun. After listening to tha bearish con- LABOR DAY versation of tha guides, Homer announcedthat be. for one, was not so deficient in common sense as to expose himself to the bugs and the heat in the meadow. 6REATEST SAWIG ON Horace contemplated the always interesting pano- rama of Maurice River life from a vantage point on TOP Al Reeves' porch. It is doubtful, however, if even • surrealist painter could have done fun Justice to Hor- ace's expression whan IS sora were deposited in Ms tap two hours later. And then you should have heard what be told Al Reevest The Mauitoetown Meadows have been bunted BIG TIRE Unas pfe^otontBl days. They are favored ay raHroed buffs an along tits Atlantic seaboard. Ths Pauttownt Meadow to Maryland and Connecticut's Housatank Meadow are celebrated sora grounds, but even theyc not measure up to the lush wild rice stands which bor- AIR CLIPPER der the tower Maurice River. TIRES


The story was quite different on the saltjnarshes south of Atlantic City. Clapper hunters turned out n fores and proceeded to enjoy an excellent Inaugural OBNBPtAL. EASY OrtaMcr^ci^manylJiiUtkOlsofeltlrtclep- pars par man. The birds wan ta MYLON P A The* flight feathers were fully 4 1 strength In acme of the SAF-T-MILER TIRE S TCTERMD IcS p AL»OAT lion. Even as the heady scent of gunpowder wafted over CK •OTTOM the marshes, blueftshermen were very much In business at Shrewsbury Rocks and Klondike. Booito and alba* core racketed through the slicks with the Muss. Catches EASYCHAME fan from good to excellent despite overcast skiss and occasional squalls. tetta Absentee Ballot •WJWJ ^pvatewwjeaar s«m>w ••mar •» ^a>ww«v* waai^aawvw^ wwaaa Bill U Signed McMANUS & FISK, Inc. 42 Wo FRONT ST., TMKT0H(AK -AMU •>• ••••y |gj RED BANK *«» $H 1-1440 mS) law atamvMtaml kalllmt i TW BK TStE CENTER ON HIGHWAY 35 fjgjgmjgj «*p w^pmp *ww mumpnwfl»B^BT epaiiPB^ htm thalr atlWtM wliMa «H. OPIN FRIDAY IVBNINOS TNI t Mate was IISMS Itto Uw y»* 1, AM ... Amm]* Parking VmrUitlti for A'twyan* Ufday by Oav. Rsbtrt t Mty- Paatra OTrttR STORES IN PERTH AMtOY, TUNTON, atr. •ad ftayawad Stewart, NEW MUNSWICK, BUtAISTH AND NIWARK. ra>awfly, *a atudwHt had te tt. II (I/If MNo Norm of losset Ave.l WMMttUtt, N. J. rctura te Stair ham* tewai K tlwy G«w. William Praattf 4 Neeni t AM. fe * P.M. Dosy KUUff 1-2*44 fMSJ 1-2447 waatai ta vote. Hawaii' YOU S/U/E MORE AT PEP BOYS mm. Mayaar eaUai »a ttselas isr. Ha * • Havnetl IB fit* WarBHdes •f Fair Haven Garden dub Schedules 8sat. Marianne) UvlrigitoN, Form County Style Show David J. Hatch SEA BRIGHT- coaaty Flower Show for September 18,19 UPPER MONTCLAIR - Mr. Chapter aad Mrs. Ralph McNaught Uv sad castr wives wtt attend a <* m Oper " LONG BRANCH - Mn. Judy The Grata CWb el Fair Ha- of plant material* used by co- Ward of Newark, one of the card party aad fasbtoa show to RING-HOWARD Ave.. aaaouace the MfSftflMOt VM will stage in annual flower lonial settlers; "Sculptors," an of their daagbter, Mlm fouaden of me British War be held by the Womaa'a Dome. RIVER PLAZA-Mr. and Mrs. m Marianas Brides Asrwistlfla. which today show Friday tod Saturday, Sept artistic design using only plant Catheriaee Livingstong, to David cmoc CNb of Sea Bright Turn, n aad It, ia Triaity Episcopal foliage to complement a piece of Douglas Ring of Sunrise PL, an- Jh Hh f Is kaowa as CosmoPoUtea Asso- day, Sept IS, to me Driftwood nounce the marriage of their Joha Hatch, son of Mrs. Gerald ciates, will instaU officen of the haU «a Watt Fmt St.snilptiin; "Modernists,' an ar- A. HatcHhh of BatehCmb.Mra.RBftartF.Nor> rangement to interpret today's daughter, Miss Margaret Johan- Gerald A. Hatch. 1M HarriaoB Cosmty Chsptor cm na Ring, to Peter John Howard, night m the Loag tea aad Mrs. deads Mama* an Tke wfll b» divided into modern art; "Impressionists," an Ave., Fair Haven. ^ with ipedal em- arrangement to be staged before son of Mr. and Mn. James How- American Legioa Post chairmen, and Mrs. Thomas Far- oa tha horticulture a reproduction of painting, and ard of Frammgham Center, from MoatcUr High School, aad "»•*• rea to honorary chairman. Mass., formerly of Red Bank. Offlcen of eight veterans' or- wmeh la opaa to any to- year-a study at "~- Guests wHl teetode Mayor Far. meat for an outdoor buffet table 71* *?'*"' £* •""£• F"lta? Marjorle Webster Jaator Collage uisattoBS of tha emmty. todud- in First Presbyterian Church at lag'the Legico, CatboUe War Vet- nil. who is ruaatog for re-stoe* Mrs. WUiam Legg and Mrs. suitable for a luncheon before aa in Rock Creek Park ~ tion, sad ths coaaoH oiadMsM. aa J. McMuUen »r» chair.outdoor art exhibit, with the de- Framlnghsm. Rev. Edward Pier- Washington, D. C. She is erans. Jewish War Veterans and son officiated. Veterans of Foreign Wan, will J. Harry Robertsos aad WlfHam EaMaa wfll be handled by sign stressing color harmony. by tha Insurance Com* J. Darby. Miss Catherine Ring, sister of pany of Norm America. the guests. MB. Waktroa F. Kennlion and Members of the Junior Garden Also Tfcomas J. SmUb of Fair Mia* Raymond Kennedy. Club of Fair Haven will hare a Offlcen to be installed an: Mn. Nicholas Tresogjou, Haven, state si Ote committee aides an Mn. special class, "Easelly Grown," Louie Comchio, la the Junior division. This com- Branch, president; Mrs. Peter Hants R. Laitaud and Mrs. WD- prasi* J. lard T. Somervtlta, schedule; Mia. petition, for members only, is for Mrs. Joha F. Joba W. Freak F. Keaaey, the best zinnia bloom growa by Or. . the exhibitor. . Branch, Mr*. Mn. Frank Moon, Loag R. Park, aad Mn. W. C The second Junior clam ls"Bad- Carl Mn. Lar- dtag Artists." for chfldrea i K. jaator eshmttors; Mn. John to 11. TMi Is to be aa arr buy" sals wffl Mrs. aheral aad Fran. lodges; Mn. Warrea meat to any color, or colon to J. W.. tto awaiis; Mn. be selected by tha othOitor. Troda aad Mn. Neil l Gnea. both of Long Breach, wffl M ttonal exhibits also are planed. ata VACATION 1 , pubBcny, Mri jQBzOaT Cltlw Mn. Armor Oteeobba, sales. There are » national parks in RUMSON-Mr.sadMn.Joha their exhibit In the coasefvatlon a total areaj'af 174A. Hemkb and thsir mTro- "Art of Attracwag Japaa Gregory, JoAane aad Nancy of paywiBbs for tha out- They wil sJso make a IT Sailer's Way. have letoraod mlntetum garden of plant mater- smith tha United ials, native to SMs area. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Vincent tatsa are shawa after aad tha Soviet UaJoa m from a week's vacsttoi m Mams. Btfriti ID fivt 1 The educational exhibit will their wedding Saturday in St. Anthony ! Catholic Charch. Btviy stress "Gardening With Window Tha bride is tha former Antoinette Sicilian, daaghtar of Md fenpftaVBOMS," aad -The Art of Props- Mrs. Louisa Siciliane of Navasiak Rivar Rd* MIddletown, man^** far a tricolor gating With Cattiags." • the opiata and tha late Carolina Sicilian*. Th* bridegroom Is tha son of Mn. Rosa lasso of OaForrost Avo^ Rod lank, TUCKERS The tricolor It the high** Miss Brown tha bride, and William Howard, and tha leta Manro lass*. hi a flower The prospscMvo thm Skmpmmmkmn the bridegroom's brother, were granddaughter of Given Shower the alliiiilaiili. Tha Mayor Dealso Perpeteel Thomas Schnoor Deamaa S. Lowry, and Mrs. Robert F. Schirmer of NEW MONMOUTH - 1 Tha eoupU wiU Long Island. N. Y.. BE FITTER BY EXPERTS tor horticulture wiU be _ ten Mr. to the crab member withMaryaane Brawn of home to Framlnghi Amy E. Sehanek, Frank G. Warner Township, and of the late Mr Ter., was honored recently at Howard hi employed by lbs Pertol PORT MONMOUTH — Mf. and PEMBROKE. N. C. - Mr. and and Mw. Henry McNaught Uv- tha most points hi this section. Construction Company. Hortteoltore classes hsve been bridal shower * Mrs. Daniel P. Sehanek of 4 Mrs. Delton H. Lowry of Route mgston of Long Island. N. Y. jtfJeHHPffsT for annual*, perennials. Clark, also of Maptewood Te Creek Rd., announce me eagaga- Oaa the Mr. Hatch was graduated from Miss Brown win become tt roeot of motr daaghter, Mies Amy their daughter, Miss Riverside Military Academy in bride of Kenneth Esslg, of th Miss Connolly Schaack to Thomas Scanoor, son ley Lowry, to Fraak F. Warner tGainsville, Ga., and attea. mTpkam. "** "* Place, Sept 1>. of Mr. aad Mrs. Otto T. Schaoor son of Mr. aad Mrs. Fraak G College. Ha to ssrv- Guests were Mrs. Is Feted of 1M Lee Ava.. Beaford. Warner of 11 Ryaa Bh*. Free- lag ia Martos Corps at Camp "Ftowar Arams" to the theme Esslg, ST., Mrs. Lawrence E KEANSBURG — Miss Dorothy _ Calif. Ibr tfmt Th* later" slg. Jr, Mm. Willis Browa. Mn CoonoUy, SSI Park Ave.. East Mr. Hatch te the grandson of dab dam hat bam Wad "OH- PateP r darkd , Mrs. Chsrles Set Roaasburg, was honored recently Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dsosham of amal jfrmha&ta," IMs caDi (orbe, Mrs. James McCaulsy, Mr at a surprise bridal shower by County, Pa., aad of lbs t IB QW Jl Jack StUtags. Mrs. Robert Rout! Mrs. Bruce Miller, bar honor at- late Mr. aad Mrs. Everett Hatch Mrs. Ola* LoUa. Mrs. John Hull tendant, an Mala St of Othan pansa* "Flemish Mm- berg. Mn. Mane Curtain an Miss Connolly will be married A amagemsnt of Misses Carol Clark. Mar Oct 17 to George Alnslee in the el Unas of Bowers; "Early O-Rourfce, Ariine Burkhart. Alk New Moomcuth Baptist Church. Americans.'* ealUng for the ase and Frances McCauley. Attending were Mn. William Mnslee. Jr., Mrs. Neil PTA Starts Jr.. and Miss Adrian Dnwd men* btn of the bridal parly. Also, Mrs. Arthur Connolly. Mrs. John 25th Year. Shaw. Mrs. Wallace Millar, Mrs. RIVER PLAZA - RJvar Sarah White. Mrs. Joseph How- Parent-Teacher wiU ipuitf by ird. Mrs. Patrick Dam, Mrs. Its Mth Robert Evans. Mrs. Charles Mos- at its first fall awathig Taasday, botvoaagiHloaad BT, Mrs. Robert Sappah, Mrs. ». at • p. BL. m the III MOAD STRER Smith, Mrs. John Ota, achV atocUav • •. Ufa faa* Mrs. Harold Keller. Mrs. Flo- Board of MOIANK rence Krause, Mrs. WlUam Krae> ttoa wm apeak oa "The Local gar. Mrs. Wffliam O'Briea, Mm. •Ida yaaty kaj. Ia Joseph Smith, Mrs. Rolaad Mat- The PTA thews. Mn. Franklin Kerrick, plans for various atftvtttoi Mrs. Cortlandt Ogdea, Mrs. Roy prassated at aa executive board Parley. Mn. Jamas DeRoaa and her mssttog Tttasday to the home of the Misses Detores Conis, Ella £ the pnsMsat, Mrs. Joha Magaot- Uhrig, Beatrice Ryan and Agaes Mid- ta oa Davis La. , Towasnsp ruaga ncaooi ftinil ising Ihs lisglawn' Mr. Schaoor as a daaeos ia River Plata School Roth E. Vocee, fisherman. Tuesday at • a. m. No will be pro- Tno baa John WUleoek vided that day. Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. Vosge rUaaMI ODvVI ~ will return for the Ml LITTLE SILVER - Mr. aadthrea employed by for ovary figure I** Mrs. William T. McCalmm of y, Fhlpyd of lar bus transportation starts mat typs-oaabm, gir- Alwin Ter. were honored at Brockway Glass la Freehold. dles, CSHSlStS. dinner party last week at Dop- day. rohn Willcock of 31 Chestnut St. pelt's Hofbrauhaus. AttuUc Rumpus Highlands. It waa their otth wed- Chrttto* Molalurtwi GUILD TO ding anniversary, aad Mr. Me-LOCUST-Mr. aad Mrs. A. E Rev. Joha G. Barton Andrew, England, and me late Joha Will- CaDam's birthday. The partparry walMUttawaf g of I Point Misteat minister of St George's Fbnatjo la fat yoar ovary needi *fo—r ^*^ cock. given by their eons anBQd flaUttB*deugb -alaaa^waaa^W tnV EDUOOBaBa CfloHVaaa MtaMMMos Wil «a» Voege ters-ia-Uw, Mr. aad Mrs. Robert their speak oa "Fngtoad'a a comfortable, smart day-time, from Hooghton College, McCalhim aad Mr. and Mrs. Wil- ScmUtog, to Christos Malakates, HtMSM n ttW TUCKERS play-time shoe! Carved ltrtk ton, N. V., and did her liam McCalmm. Jr. The soa of Mr.. aad Mrs. L. L. at the Womaa'a GoJM of TrlaMy CORSITS aasJ UN6M1E ate study at Geaeaco gnadchfldna, Kitty aad Episcopal Churca Sept U ia me waagUag heel, wafer thin platform of Athens. Groses. Teachen College in New York McCalhim. Jd. aad Joseph Me- her parish aoMa oa Wast Front It 139 BROADWAY. LONG BRANCH aad Ponaljos exebsiva PUy Arch State aad New York IMvenMy CaUum, also TbeUttta ^ of Pratt ta- Dessert wiB bo asrvad at 1:11 • FRK PARKINw/ RIAR o osswtractkm baJk right inl In New York CHy. She is a for- Silver couple are Irvma- pjott pftoi* to OBW WOMFV « ton residents. atoyod wtm ths firm of TAN . wREY . MACK . SHAft montary school teacher and now LsMmn. AreMtoctaial Design- teaches Mm grade ia the Toms Infrared nys an used both forers, of New York City. Mr. Me- ALSO ILACK LEATHER River School. broodiag of chicks to the United lakatos Is inalsyis1 by lbs De- Mr. WUleoek servi States aad for heatmf of cathe- hatasea of New York BriUA Forces for 11 drals m France. notice for city. SIZES 4-11 — S-N-M la Halt ETIQVCTTB dieters! AMY VANDERBILT RITNUNO FROM MJSINESS AFTIR 31 Y1ARS u my readers kaow, I hare a Imrge coUsctloa of very am oti-Uaea.ftmtamaimatitteiofpar- j to lit aming ma oaarat of my travels "Doat behave m ojf street hi Ito that couatry aad abroad. JON recently to Iretaad I was gtvea a copy of aa English eti- hook that, although ua- teems to havo besa pub> of SELLING OUT Ushed shoot Ittt. It »e celled "Eti. IMs "iBjagsto Refram From." • wM awKejfVeWfarV W a^Paf "JOTW Wl ENTIRE STOCK OF at at maas rates am, too.tea. • HOSIERY Hera may are, Ism as May aa- MaredsilimteMaaAlbrosgm Left^ aWhsaa t^amimm SKIRTS KERCHIEFS "Don't toft of . . _ la the bosam of veor asm Dont MM a kails whoa eattog family, and thea as,/ mdulge aotos of aay ktod, ar miaced LI1VCERIE yourself shout oace m a life- meate, or curry. BLOUSES time. "Doa't, when you an served, "Doa't. whatever the fasMsa wait watll everyoea SUM to served GIRDLES and BRAS may be, wear a tot of liwslliry also before beglaalag to eat; Stop between-meal hunger with CLOVES "Doa't wear a number of dia- neither mast you attack the'meat monds or other precious stones oa yew piste astU yea hsve ths by dsy; K Is never m gmd taste, Canada Dry lo w-calorl« Glamor • COIN and ROBE SETS "Doa't speak to •ttoajaatj hi shops, or toservaats, ar aay i "Dowt to aa mfortor pooWoa to Mm beverages-richer • •. fuller flavor drniga Imay wen oefgoof d hmmsg, oiiher hi yaw Avoid bttwa«ii.maftl nibbling? that AT COST AND BELOW COST ••If of yiwp fillow crwtiiTM,** amlilar. MaMam • ™ My frisnd aad fsllaw oahjm- COM! IN AND HI FOR YOUUHLP aad a gractow I alst, Mn. Wsker Fergueos. wrote •Mary ealorma to your tit*. Sugar- Ijconsldsratlon whica wil wta es-recently thsl IMs Is an age of Canada Dry 8m»r>PrM OUMN- teem and retpect. vulgarity. Many of these old, I "Don't mention names whsti sound rules of good msnnsn an in big half-quart bottloe hM a Mora Free l|tamlng In public about personi; ai Important today ss they nave Fllllngr. AatUfylns Taita than any | you never know hut what a aear ever hewn. Art wt properly leech- j other dlfUtle beverag* and MM ealo- KIRSCHBAUMS friend or rotative of those you Ing thorn to our children? Are GLAMOR an chattering about may be we orrailoaslly breeching 11M rlM per drink, tool . MViiiatu 21 MOAD ST. RID RANK ||overheerMi the coevefsanon. ourmlvea? It will not disturb your 4Ut •e«Weit«. NO •ITUM...Ne DSfOaff IOTTUI "Doa't wl la the street. iCnpyrlghl. ItM. United "Don't ever have di.ty aails. Featura •yadkale. lac ) *•• '•"<• •';' >

• • •

Mt Center ROUT! NO. 95-OAKHURST-l ,f touUNivn m 5 FANTASTIC .-fm^SAT.-SlJN.-MON.-Sept 3 Thru 71h

- T





W« Umn% Tbi fUfht TP Umit QMMIIMM. White Tbty Lttl! IF YOU'RE VFW Installation help pay for a new floor la tin Mn.da wdaM Is Prepared Urfroaitte AadlUr, HIGHLANDS-A Job* tha awWaiy lor the ua at tb ttaa tar otflcera el tha Utchaa for a wMta eiaphast a f Itaflb Amerieaa Legion, aad tha peat win be held Saturday. Oct X at dtat of the Past PnaJdaats CtuI the pott homo. of tba Auxiliary, aad Mrs. Staph ea a Falter, cbalnaaa of tba n Mn Afcert Adam waa .aaaartd bj pointMl rcfrMhincRt CuRlfflMM tat group, thaaked the installation. who assisted them. Mn. Darryl Bishop, Naveaiak Mn. John Dedrick, Gold Sta. Ave., was accepted at a Mother, received a special awan member* which waa donated by Mrs. Kaa A letter waa read from -— XoUmar. M. Waten. etjainnaa of *a re- cent fair sponsored by tha pott, atafnabmoBta were aerved bj 1OO Mn. Robert P. Cepllager am thanking the auxiliary for Mn. WUliam Fucha, hotteases. ing at the fair. BRTHDrlSr Mn. Hellker aad Mn. Falla Mn. Winston D. Rugg, Gold wiB be hoatasaaa at the Sap) KMYTMIII Star Mother chairman, read aa S meeting. SeM *ea.| announcement of tha Gold Star Mothers banquet to be held Saav H» British have cone up wtt day, Sept 30. at Ei-Moe-U. laVpouad aMtor vehicle tha Palmer Ave.. West be feUed into a Moot-loaj spontofM by DM MM 37 parachatad from a piaa TURKEYS ty Couadl. Veteraaa of MM KQBa) WIUMI •rM.wMr.wtey. Van. It Itavee tat •.asHsaasBiaaBai ' _____ • ' aaajav , ajst H^^^^A^^I •^•rfBlv dB^TBBBBflBBB? BBaaaafHHB I ^^^^^^^m ^^^^^^^_ SMOKE^WlSr^^EP* wMMJ B^^^P^D HAM M iMfUJBLig45


VfMi |M" aaa wyafaf« MOH APPLESAUCE 3-47c wtfcaia, and a wafer heel. CAMPBELL MIRACLE WHIP r29c TOMATO JUICE i-29« UJ.Me.lo>aeV am3-I*^ * Kaitlfrap DILL PICKLES ' JANI PARKER APPLE PIE VANITY FAIR £ IB, 2-«33 f>IHCH tIZI CUT-RITE rjj- wnEt coonB xsr laytf IllAWiBRIO 2 ^

Wa went strata M #e tha •aaaort' feet far rhaw UiwMffHi. l^ M Eft tori M! . ^Sf ant) fabvlayt, aa«l wo've | MM MiElHl X •mart flatty. AUaaawAk £BVMI B^alat a»fcaall MAMB M ' al| ta_m_i_>aa—_-__• Maak . Uathar - Snaa)e. VftomSUwmimZiZzi* SWISS UKU ttadajM «eaX», r •*" s. * £ AUflgy. BIA Ce»adeBf»,Heft-M, f b-je |tj| Sitai 4'A ta 10 •t»fi»ni 10.99 trapt MM ^W^ l^lf*^:tl* rik^f MW twMaf iMWf SNlil _£< • «a •seewTw 2 lee. fd MM^wUll TeM Hi IMt tea, Cee'eMai eta Caa'aJalM-i | lleaT HMK LMMUt TMI

4(1 PoVaMaf* 0*»rw» BHBm* 1

lie*. 4 tavr fat aauiMUMM • aaanc nt Tfttd Mei^llM Ptptr Napkin AaMtaai llh. t*»t h«M«tf»Mier • alp. Tko lack tW, t* araap l»to fram t*io ItMh whora It Uaat. rMMnft SHI Tint M*a*. - Irowa . too*. gl BfAja

Sliai 4ft t« 10 TMe fllea>||a 10.99 121 MONMOUTH ITRIIT PORT MONMOUTH HH>HWAT U PROSPICT AVI. A CNURCN HRHT RID IANK HIGHWAY 14 ^^^^m IL-aa-M ftfMMMflMAglft U f4W IMM UTTU mvn •WMSMFtV ••MBBBBBJ V"JEVSJV^*S**>Mv f*l nflV Iffffi af IMT •*• Al« •!•• ^ tal* at lartala/i • Atbury *arb || Ili A • aVat Ua^btt ta% ECONOMICS


straetiea of a wrt. They uy be recognises by carefully

tte tlpt* TOPPINGS: Cherries tad tUrawbeuloa an esselleat for ice cram. M you km bring tte fuflatta whtra it b OWBy for MM VBf BO MtfltO NT ireOBOm Of

before. Cover it tad store it in f MMmml imitated dot- I tte refrigerator. Bring tt out at IK plata vanilla WALK VflO a cartaia well- (Umwrtuet. It will still have a tte cottar. Look far Hew York City restao- bMutiful rod calar aad delight. at tte eeaa-foun- form. Are tten , aad gtaact atouad, thicker than whan fir* nad». stems oa. Pit runalilag dterriw out of greedy or cullaary curl- In Maahattaa ttt bua far tea-aad telva: tlwra ihoald te aboat aatty, to ate what your aeigh- cream shortcake may te cup- ctvt. la a 1-aurt otter narit of a fiaa ihbt aad bort have sat their hearts on. cakes, baked la regular peat attr tasHter ttemuialy tte aot-ad. u By MEL GBArr Chaacea are that a fair num- and aplit, or bated la email ar aad eanutaich. Gradually tte ««aat poiats out SECRET AGENT X9 ber of customers (malt and fe- ^.i.fu , fmt^^j^^ fMtflo^ammm add tteonai* aad male) are enjoying Ice-cream mtrinti Mtr «• cmy m £5 aUrttag «a« ~ «w i sauce last brand of tto'latttr: addMoa. Mr ceaataady ovar law m big black its a^a^a# t^Hatl daWalM* ^M^^^B^^A A^LI ea well at la tea Doat tor it's chanytime. you priced throWy." Yea aaa Myfmd •Hereto testoaMI Jatoo la your MI fcod atapa. Or tte Aad if you own take oa|y a few a floasar* you caa atora Had to taste. Cool to me shirt affect ease of of ma twost dark-ret fruit to •quara «t pitta wbJta or cate ajUt ta mate lay- eateace your table In January. a scoop of FariawlOfClaWj ISMf €f ftbflC Ite latest fresh cherry sauce era. "fc ice m tte tadeatattoa of ' ' tte froat should te we've tried is quickly made. CHERRY ICE CREAM aaeb omcate; tea oach with made of tte body fabric, tea* Hffriag guests for dinner? Put SHORTCAKE about U eay mac* garmn witk poaarw cbiwieltUi may toad to 4 pound dark rod give tte shirt a bad appeertaci tug aad offer it warm. Or if you servlagt. - it is " " ara mo tort of tasteeswh o I tablaapooa corattarcb, tt cap taprapara ahead every last mcb atraiaad oraaga Juice, 1 table- of partf food, make tte saoea NUMB It mamwilag or ana tte eight Early Bird Has Good NUBBIN By JIM BVBNETT md GEORGE CBANDAU Chance of Getting CROSSWORD PUZZLE College Scholarship If you're piaaalag oa laduatry Ooti your fatter1! employer offer aay adwlanmp. Your tog fMdyou aspect to btQer than overage grades Every year, more ttea 3»,am irholartasm | aware they

boma telpat etmat the fmaa raeeToa acteianEiii .pm gut*« tee* to CJol ar mere it larger uat> Your church might offer By ED DODD mta my fMdt, as MARK TRAIL Thtre'a aa way as taB rtetter should you Qualify mr a acbownm> ue- mm you •PPly-^r far aavoral -than your ara tatter. Aad wonit, tf yea teve tte choice of ttea oat, yoal boaMe te pkk far echsmnUpt. Year state hoard of edaeetiea cotld M you mat Collage bulMJat la your local Horary win Mat tcteiartmaa tte are tte Mf there should te otter couatmg mr a third at tte ft oa what tcteiaiiblm aaadal aid avaUable. Write to tte caHoga m wbkh you are la- scteUnabt Hot la Vataraaa Graupa-Tte Ameri- Wage caa Legiaa. Vetaraas of gat by Wart aad tte otter veNrtai aroaetabty By WALT KELLY

Hare art other aomta to chock: DENNIS THE MENACE ky Htak Ketckum



REVEREND By BILL O'HALLEY THE RYAHS ByCaALLKV Ar »»<* 1,1*1 GUARANTEED USED CARS fS7 RAMUER. •*•• MUM tM FORD Statiwa Wag**, tr««a $l» *^&.J MDLANO COMPANY Bel •to UN W CHRYSLER Whukor, 4-dr. $100 IfSO FORD T«4«r SW«. at It $100 •S3 FORD, RftH *»•• 'srJsrjR SHCP* 913 MERCURY. MaroO-MaNc Sfc fSS CADILLAC 42, A-it., BUO •AUMMAN 1WANTBD -. SaMI CUMl IMPORTS •It VOLVO D«MBftra«ar, blade lAn. tit' flUCEOT, 4-oV. SaeJan, Naw ft warranty uaa. BM f • m kmr •*•* n»»p tit RENAULT Dauphin*, demonirrstor *U» MADUNff n. msnucnoN 1.00 r. M. Da* BOI anal DICX MATTHEWS PLAY POPULAB PIANO •TT -'•• J*~"- -- aaaa ac*v*> oipwno^o, RED BANK AUTO IMPORTS Fkoaa CO *4U1

NEWMAN S PRINCS RD. RED IANK TAOATIONDoa BAIUmai Ban's rsr&ji call Classified SH I -MI7 . yoar ahaaa* «a akaitar kaa aaw «a» Bars. W aaxWanf aMaa. SH 1-0010 or RENAULT - VOLVO - PEUGEOT OS 14)525 wmumrwaM • ajwa MM "HOKUS-POKUS" JST^CkaL aTgaWaV • aS*. THM tOUTPTTS ANNOUNdMMTS fs! LQIT AND FOUND otafdrtn. ar OA •&V »rr- tns£su' oo rac SINGER SPECIAL AraTl MflP-w SALE-A-THON Hauoaai i «•• •«-


aS&M? SINGER aaarallaa. Balary IMS H0DQ8 FJCkMJl* 1 jitiagieiiel OUT SEWING CENTER — TAMF» — »•» MM ^^ 11 • kaa a*** nny "BarI a**as BOaM BM Bai PUBLIC Nonas OS. Mill. t »m. tusmns nonets I Bofllak For* Baoott SUUoa Wa- M»; MIM. %um. so*. Radio aad boaldr. wkitawaUa. w. iJtwi tap. £g AUTOM01WI BBAL BUT — MM tor nun WHY PAT MORST W« (rauM few FOB ML! AUIOIANDTMKB MW «U M 4«, M ••!>!. VUUO M acrittk IB*. M *~ "^— " — (Ml fl . CO PWt AM UVUTOCR PAomm AMD ".^M •nlcMfMlta ntk. Moannak OMWr «Rk «**o*aa*y.. ATitm. UBBOOPB-Laas jraasa^ M^tei — CMI mu Aam '' Lalalal, 1i£ BowtalL* AT *!-£ jyjy--. trrawi I. APWNO ataiati Sa*aB_f«a* A S


*tjpaa..'' BSAt wBTAnfOt nmHttHBJP TMRBB BBPROOkT-- 5 •rssss BNCTCLOHOIA BRITAHMCA «*7 MM •dttloa wttk AUu a>*aa tana- APABTBinrn AvaiiaaM «MUl Jaaa_l orjar Ik* wi, DRBAM BOMB -I tf* u> tunnttr aa4 kMMtta, Hi** TELEPHONE ar. MS wTJroa* SL. BM »-«MS. Rlgklute DURING OUR tin* WMIL SURVEY WORK 7^* SIX BOOM* la Bat Baa*. « akakia BOATS* PAKTTME • *T *"a*a-»»^B»o»- •sitlMiai«4ttMtiHl tt . TaM* w«S kavja. Tkna katraMM, aa kaat. THRIFTY BUYER'S SALE DAYS OR EVENIN0S kW*a*MT*acTaa,. imia illrtiKMa «ra» •r aad larfla * itonf ana. STOP • SWAP . SAVE If yoa havt at toast tour horn AUo fluua kMMf ahap* mcUai' f wn. z%sr daring day or evening, you caa earn coBsldcrabla extra money. 80 NEW CARS IN STOCK tnan. Co 4- _•*»» saras*, Work is dose from local Bed BLBCTRK RANOB-M «a. It «*- HELP WAIfRD-nMAIJI ISM traaMr. u aa. a. ninearaw* .am Far apai Ford- » Mwcuryi • Edwli «• Uncolni Baak office or (ram your with Iraaaar. KB t-MTT. asaMnMa. home. CalCaUl SH 7-337JJW btbetn WB BUT AND SBLL MM MMM*. ) p. m. and 7 p. m. daily: Sat- (TarrUiMa, am tk* 60 A-l SAFE BUY USED CARS arday between 10 i, m. wi a Call William Latt.r -JM Slrl wa»t* •ws* mi » p. ay Climot n an ••* taut ma* ma-Howard Jakaaoa BODA CLBRK RED IANICS MOST ACTIVE LOT M Mk* 1MB •» MM ••••••. AU MMdMepn. TRADB IN n«r OM nramr* wtm aa *" dootom pwpsjrmaiM aaa4d satt • aasaw parloaanor M moTO rtNOHINO SHOP MotMl la ar dlaMcnara mt at Ml* attaaaTwil daaauwu Rwl Bank naxla a raalo lam Utl ramnn to*. Bar. » ENGLISH AGENCIES ar BMnaJa aaaMUM to Mart al MS lor IMdMowa. SB 1-sm apaa Kaamp On •lihl-nour day*. Eiptrttoc* la UU • p. a*. SEUIN0 FORD PRODUCTS FOR IS YEARS UNF1N1SHCD pkoto tlnlahlns »« m«**ar)r kat • ka-•MM NOVM CAMBRA — rrojoa WOMAN TO CAM kw chiMna. Un ata Intaraat I*. Poaillon raqutrr* a da-aad *ari*a. H*aa*aihla. BB S>Jtra. •*Uboa(. III. KM MM ana—". MUiuu- 1-UO tn» at eMMcal aM manual aaiwrMf Ford - Edstl - Mtrcury - Lincoln •H 1-4KJ. •«•» t a.m. and nomiaal lrpt"i abllltT. Pwaaa daBBNDIX OASDRTBR. — Oaad aot apply Iliwm M aMaroatod la jJM. Omr lu »u-ala*trt* Mat*. cuMaeirr nucB* -on «u i*w «*w LONO BRANCH MOTHER a pormaanl nlMli -"• — " OPEN WEEKDAYS TIL NINE raoa Taa lafMrak*. Olmkif aad woman ta an *tr ehll- Mlma>k. u:W ta SUS. BB 1'TMS. Ml lit f»wilMI kMl*. MaTMaM 4m B»» tin_ a anak. Bama bauM. p.m. aM aceulaaal. MAMOOANT TABLB — Opoaa. MOKMOUTH ST. tOBpoatta Carton Thaatra) utaTlui Co.. ua owaa A**.,MM dlltlM•.. .Wrtl. a 'U B. M.." In tya. BsavUaat wartBv •11. Rxi Btak. oon'iuan aaiT likaraj"laaaiaaaa pra- •ISM. *ir»ar «raw*r. "-^ kanaa Ava., "•*si£ M BlMM. •• «11M. [OUSBKaaraui — swaa a. Me eaM- *rll WOMAN WANTBD^^l.. hlW nm Mwf. SH MBB. i kaar aad aarlan. Two

MVRSB-MOTHBR'B HBLPER Mr lour RUSSELL thIMn' Mnn araaladwaatad.. •aaalla• ' M ntinncM' . iiv* m. 1SHH t-U" BXPIrlllNTBI) OCRBTART torna l Saaclal SAVES YOU MORE ON •aMta un laMnnca attic*, avmw Aaaatacy track. Paul R. Btrrkar, HolMdtl. W* Sfc?«^ LOWEST NEW FACTORY FRESH WB BUT AND SBU. HELP WJWTM)~P»NMLB OMWeM al kaax MTIBB— "All ThM aa* N«a«n Too." Olamor and tarnlaea aan at yourf it rm havi ikrt* kaari daiir la inti. SH I IUT. ESSO STATIONS PRICES «RIBNCan> OOOK - rwraalalra ..jnar. Fait RkTaa. R*k>r*a*o* n- :1 aalroil. WrH* to "Cook-Boanalaln." oa 111. Had Baak. FOR LEASE BUY TODAY! MO BANK ARIA • ..YEAR laltra ntrMUl) By 3«U OBH HUatar a-TIM MUT'TIMB sacmrtAKr -MIIMB S*. PRICES SMASHED atn. Na*« aar. OaaA palary. Halt •BBVICB 8TATKJH MEN Mm Ukar Pay. BB]MMfc TO THE LOWEST war PAT Bjurr t REASONABLE EVER QUOTED REFUSED! MYMAN KANfti Broker OFFER Brand 1 MWH '. WfNii -awaaiBBHB MkrVB > Chooit FromT HOBIU UJNCN TRUCK, rwlf PH SIMM MM*, —tt—ara QBwaRAL lr aMld saa taak WOULD foil twn i krMh vaalk tts.ale nr a Maaw Ihotiaand iln«n iiaymrnl' l>ii* ~To" III- D6WN SBA naaa ihlt nuainaao apaartimHr ••MM. NOLLANt>~COAL FUBNAca —V—i •Itta mat liaara. Bt*all*M. vat* ta « adull*. A aaat, kniilaMa, a »*U-PMM) dnr tlaiaaar aaa Muat I •lilt. IT CaraiM PI., Had iwik. Uw«t* Ta? m»l In, owI »d roama dm, mm r "? •a**** Sataral saad Matlasa lor llaaj and la**rM. Braiar, Raaan . _ ewy I MAKBM and limns Saturn tan SB I till 4l*t aaau. Oawl vasal W r. Nor- tapir Adasu pna.7* *• VaTkw «irk*aai*.~a RIAL BTAH PM SAU Sl ^aaMakaVSBl BBHBBBBBMl IM BJ BPBnnftWBBIt VB^BBBBBna Btl THm'S HIIJ-RR lira dafa M raBl«epT traat If a. m. •^BB^BBBJBs LT BBPnBl anpBBP|BJw nil- PWV ajSMBV JJfk, jyajl *t aklMrwi, Ivral ntenaaM. omoB M (N IBM aNar te a. M. iSSmtll tiili W«* In, niv Mrn. rvA*R SII Mt'ST IBM, BBTaBUSJIBf n*k WOMAN rTrl MlillSKWtlHK • kiwioaaa Iva I* ll*i>*«a Tit— I HPr lav rMH, NHimwrtadBkSk^aai Bfsiaanrwi II"HI*Lita^ai ••rn'>*Aaaallarj ojaMMv ^aySta i . ka .IIIUM I'all mi III** BlLsaX MM .a«nC •»»• t*raf#r k>R tirlfhi HumaiHt at ralr irapliii Mat*n taaMaal. Ilir I 3ntT mama AND ornniiB pamimi dam ai iaaaM,*M* rawa. Call SN IMtl •f PM I till PalH HAVBN (limit TNATBM kASV r«RRIAOB l,i*ntiniu 1 » lain miiwSn? > a ia *M 4a(.hiH Mvtfti. MlMat, tMrWftlM. rlilm TIKS HairaadMif_ , tmrajarnaii s aar Ni»«a. SW HMC •r»>>aHr. »"«' HI IIM up arnHr I* ti*>« miVlht I'iMfnM, drvttvlla «tn | 'rteak. l»»Hn« »-ee»e • o»». »r«. a is a ulniilaa l« pui Itianata im ahlla wa r» h.M fm til la raa VHitr tliva. N<* rliafl* tnt «Mn parali 1 II .« II «*.l|i.i« IM l|»» » r.,U|.»>»l». Mminl 1I>» a»l»li«, or Half nlaal iwiMaMd. «!• M.»IMX*>. KB *>•<• >r UK l»lt *.a. MM Hank, ail mm. Walara WEAKT-NEMETH HARRY A. KEARNEY WRI A VTJCW CBMTORY OLD Msjtawarl School AGENCY of laaeV-Maee haa etoht JOSEPH G. McCUE (Ccnttooed) « CO. m, two Breptoeoa, aad wide- 103 WIST FRONT STREET rfteeWCThineodof REALTOR SHaJreide 1-2240 Real Eatato and latenaaea So feB paieheao price bat. 24-Hour Service B tt -.. tint .aoKgageif yea have UITSA* ENJOY UVINO flrapteeo. SO Rrdge Rd. RUmaoa 1-0444 "RESULTS JCOUNT THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE "It ia extremely Irritating to CjUWT NEIOHSORHOOO oa Oav REAL ESTATE WANTED our committee to aee two-thiidt OM STri two ear at- FOR OVER 34 YEARS' of our total tax doBara which go fire- ro> for educaMen. gtvtog auch poor EXPERIENCE" edticattanal returaa. Thia, of tiled bathe. IPAOOUf RANCH with coune. U due to eeeaoHdation laSS&e O0MMERCIAL PROPERTY which raoatna that a large part OtWtrydhoMiStef heat It*, tow* RUMSON - Frame, alato of theae taxea ga to help the and Garage. Bxeeneat value at $».- AaUag SMJN. "• — - - ^^^ tbeuti ornca von awrr—IMM PL, M (Ha bath aad lav. «Utag daaisaas d for theatm ! aate are ia plaaaarabll a UWM. Beaati BaMMT OaWIJStaUMnr aWaWatdJSSiBMaT lattj Froaoat to nar Mvtortoj j roomroo witm ith RIVERFRONh T CARRIAGE Tkraa-rawm NttaTparklu CaattWaa ler "We aeed a high achool. but will find rtoetf m. a>oaaa\ oaljkjMtikfc aBa«W^L- wa•Un? O**B caMaat, hoat wate tabir aba«,atta3 tap raaaa- B^V^BVBHBBV ta^B^a*a a ^a*vnpWJB^aa Met Carried to Itt logkat Bal NBBvJ laHlffaVBSBnW WaWaH H MBBBe*mBmaBBBm tBaaal •aaaaaaBBBl BBBBBVBVBL RENTAL akSShk a%a% nBRdb gkjkgangB jkfl d^aA on let abe .. pa»ms a*aM BB> ESTATE WANTED •FtoeBy. wa wtoh to rage.: ato that we are eaaaaad tbtt* Sunday by Appointment RIVER PLATA HIDE-A-WAY divialoa of Ik* piBcea. Houee haa been mod* VARIETY OF LISTINGS FINE HOME WITH IROOK mm Rolston Watwrbury enitetad anaad ia to ia fle finee fandtltoa > km aaM aa tt ia apt to 'wopttonal ejcaUty, exceptional Pietaraaaaa raac•achoaaaaapaloh t LAW tasea, aeweraie. Woriuhep the beat intereeto of ajThh> REALTOR - OOUROR wiin ivr BUWVT IUMB. najiv is *KPie- WAT ••LOW kwtat arlta. Oaraai MNne, ewfttrtlfltial value* Seclud- Uta withflrwakM. K B aahnaa. Walter aad eagh, end,to m e leaf na. tnwwm. Family rauat mova kied ajBoagtt floweriag abrube and aai tor* kitchaa. an excellent ala. tkawaaaa. Oaa~a t aara. I with theae devd- an*. «. aa»aa>raaa» raaek. Tm kataa. Mortgagee — Appraitale vSit ftariua will mCaU won tMNt asfal Nftf :stately treee, attain* oa lake. Invited. Aektog tM.NI. ahow that there ia about HrnlM*. aatlo. Oaljr IM.kM. U 3 A aNIIOOla ThbllmreeledrooBi BOBM can be 16 WEST FRONT STREET a' ON achool tax deficit per "Tito tetter wee youre with a ceey flraptooe to RED BANK - Older home, apot- ROMA COURT. Uacrad Naw kona. ^S»at Cal Mania AaaMf. UMM. par year . . . With our Wtntmma nr* katka, an kiw *M the Uvteg toomTDtotog roam RED BANK. N. J. t6M COssmtttifM* ApMMJbpat ^T/^fyb ft achool eyitem, a UN •^ the iSr of the TREES, PARK UKE SH 7-3500 deficit due to a devetopmeat s *"" .ROUNDS AND a* CBaitaaaat tar Kanaikar. Paaaatkaa o to the township would cur- try, four badroama, t. aa imnir Jaaaarr. Win Ma)k W. Canto,' aS^tor vote. DEAD END STREET detached garage, tow ttxea. Sub- M maaU. VlaaMy *i KM Mak aairently be peM ae toUowi: |M7 aH l-awa alMr • > a. by the borough aad $1U by the ear, Retoh S. Ha> Ttta aaajaatic baartjr aUorde a Ject offer I**. laBnre aai bN NAVESWX RIVER AREA THE MEISTRICH HAVE YOU RUN YOURSELF "The towaahtp certaialy it not "However. Mr. Cttnto haa aaw RAOOED LOOKMQ FOR b AGENCY to bo Mamert for the iaeoultiea lenaad tadaa aaal ia avaa af a%a that are built into our **aa*mTv** o^Raava* eaavap nal vammj VBB am-aaj *b<* Newman Sprinp ML, comer Batraaca halt tone «£> JJ achool district eye- edere of MM typo of ahan> , two bad-aO "It waa awe bcatta whldi yoa wfll ba Steven Ave, New Shnwabwy However, many borough _ tlan.M to*e aiajay wu ka taaaivM ctHatae who want to aepareleoa at Maaataaa at OH of Memorial ScaaM Fall prieo. I14JH. SHadyaide 1-5888 the grammar achool level aadre- 1 toi StoneUxe en the high achool lev- The el, feel the towaahip bu frown were back en double to tin to the potot where it hi RUMSON — Mealfor Hol y Crow ro yean. OSUTM 1-0600 capable of aaeumbtg ita M"Mrl . Carrie waa aVuo to tBireftog a DAILY: M *a Boar* of Edacai . _ MMVafaViataBtfv SSn^SSSSld Met May M, UN. it approved a aw- Evwmp: KE CziSS-R ataa hLjtaric Rka etmeapbm - to whMraw from e INI DOWN van HW BMHtnu SUNDAY BY APVOOtlMIJtr ELWOOD A. bath. __.-_. not ba aaVaatagooue to Maav anna. tn.Mt. waa.' tt appeare that a atudy ARMSTRONG of a reHaail high achaaJ roroat t_ ^^^^^ ^^^^ aBBBBBmlbi Agency Cape Cod with expanaka attic Well located in old Stewmlwry. . 5S5 Proapert Ave. Hoaao hi leaMint coadWaa. tm eotatad out that Little Silver, New Jenry achool dtotrict la BMBBeaaagatoaei SHadyaide 1-4500 BBEC BBBBBEI BBBBBBBBBI eBjaMkABreMaam mM aa* ^™ ^g_*^^^ aWPgiyaat or mm MATTHEW J. GILL nia STANLEY (C DOWNS The Dowifra Agtncy REALTOR • a. M m. t l»i aav el Charm and Velar* SHadytine 11017

114.990 FULL PRICE ^^•^^A aKSk^a^iShBi m^^^^^^k*^ ^^^^^^1 L^M3 tM POaVESSMN-At- (Traaa.la* I KBSSSCE* esHBCa rHf VaM

FIVE WUX GET YOU TEN THE BERG AGENCY wagetyevti OSborae 1-1000 a tmiUHk-B. K. I DaMir •* earn ee. Diaias MO RUMSON RANCH - Ttaae bed- TV 4aa. Powder

I«T en Shfewabmry river— i.. aur ka aWafcui rraaa OH aflwa •Ma tank: mttntun uiMfcu. kkjj boattovera o rtor thoa a who 1 tka aaaraurr at Ika Bawai a* Mu- fja«. •aa?*«M*ali>« anilakla al til- tationion. BaMaw aaaa* win ha aratlaMa reUsatkaiby flahleg j an. Tka Bmak AaaaCT. Bu* BMMkM. yaid whille adaalriadlri s a ewiielai •' ajiar Aim n. ua*. «tew of the Shiewabenr Riw. THE KIRWAN BMa «*• ka raaatra* far tka aarlra Thne badfOORW, 1V4 belha. two- WIDE SELECTION' car ajaimse. Price COMPANY For The Baal Ia Vary Good OF EXCLUSIVE HOMES FOR THE INVESTOR - lator or d Uta At Your TO BUY OR SELL Al thia far tMJN Phone SHadyaide 11017 )r a practitianar or the pfo> •*•« ma*, M. ta» kaJka. feieioaai aria, bay Sale waina! •anja, laraa aa*. Haar atkaal. aM^iiiTaa caaaat. MM* FHJ IN A POKE? the treee to apan wn> ^^^iay • ^*yy ajt maawavawa oviet lotettnti bu.lt. etgbt

mum al a» Janav: ax. aaraana. AakWf tMM*. OO 4- •aafaa •» data o r akawa anal aWeailBa aa tM 41 ajetMMaa* *** t* aaiw, aaf- raaaaa, M TftAMrBftRBD OWNBH WtMMri tM Miat Mkm Maar ••; O«M at aralMaM In WTPItBaH WNHIl MW tW#C*aMa1f0WIItfcfaa > IVPS>a)ftl B*1BBBHBV| Vv9a*B. aWaeaj e^meaBBBi r. U«*M kNakm. Uarfa lamli a^a BBH BBB^BBBBBBT nrer alai n^veiaYaaaweaB e\nail aVmni 3 WBTBH3 irffi rail kaaaamitl. Oaa.Bara h> ratant MM MM aaal ailkaaanatallaa f •» jtf Iwrwya) MMtaa* ikia IH ilw ""' W.. •>•*•< VN»» < BT raiu* i. BOWJMI

cotnm or Monmivra i aa rr «ar B*a JM *» IBalllWll. a laaalMav U*Ma kKiaaw», raa NOBBBT nMMBH. •*)• kMka. ItMj aata A •f atamwiaaa- l6a ««r «M»M, aa aka Ht'ManN IHMIM«t*a laamaMlal aaaiMalMMi aj Ma awtaratSta,). HME! resrs»!T rHaTu7 c kavfaaxt Uiaaiait aa Na r Uu'iay. MmMmrMrM MMw MM a) llraiBMBBJV •<•• aaV || air aiatflaikma «M aaa> liar ._ .. , . Ml ramani II an) i«l k> mm w ranaa aim aiMoaatwr u>mi tmm aa B>B«M ka rataakM) a* ea ae> • Ma earn Nwai *•»• M a*Miar<.««a a«i Mwiar A#n»r Naa kaa raiaa W. R..I Huh IN lUl III H»rt »*«•, *•*'•* Itvifii r*ntn wHh «rC#»w1 fir* . rwim fifafltaika VI 4< fr liriti Auiuai Itih. laka ttfti«r| A rtalltarait kr nillta 1 Ba« alaaa Pitll mnlfta «««.», M»*>-'I r»i' P^*f FTIBI 4l|0f|f|gJ f aBetfVl, OVvfS)ISjS*f* t ana: air aai l*a*a la BnuWi akr.w. *ra kvk • a. si IK* ilal. IHaranl IM m.M I- ba aalMHM k> atw •*»» * tMINaa aaaan Inraa haarmtma i»n VIII'H n Ttilaa NaarnMina Twa lllait t r l ii waa.iu.hal lMlf.t f * Mimiai. T •I aalil a«ianfall««. In IHalha tura .1 01* «M taattkaf •MaTaal »• aSSi if TKJ3 if."mmVJK" •S kalha kaawmanl iam»rw>m. tawdry Havraam aiaa l^tta rm9i»4 pwrrh \m A Rithrtaiii Cttti M t t balS al a% aaaaaa a% Hfl ABA a I a^at lit -•Ma al tMa aai. ^^ it..n». Tw. IIM katfta. fim**r mm rtwlda r«»m lltlita » it'l tf%nf WalM<1 lanar* R.aulllHl fnrl ll-aral,a»l twn raf Ira I I nits* Naa> ltiaa> • a'l>w afra^pnvni •**" Waj "T IMA B Wnt4<«iTT, Ml •! in* ••»!»• urn* trlin«t»| jjfjj,*' Jt*Sal'•'***'" ll""" "*'•'""" > •a»Mr«m » tllM KM at«a* 1«MM t|l»l» "'litMH. 1 I l airii.ii Maa yala.l ».,| II I* IM*f laTHt ttt »M I >ll,i, I'nnalilai.'l "tall Htm >iai acu.ni... MHO In tua. Mali ! i * ll.4t •!• • B' ••-•)••! •><•) .1* flal.|Ba«a a» ta *#*1 r1«'H»H A|< <-.M II Knar ri. »all kl«»aa *,aa. HaaMw.. *ll «>••> IU , »ai> M'.IKll N I Id* Mf«i* •• hit VMltinUrV iM I rlttaat HI* • it •»>..! -• |||« -•iilita.f B' t »Htl tt a. Hartk. tM I aMi III I Taal ia«an an 1 i'.«a /a ;t k.a< > i| MH fnlBiiialluM, hjk> kttlu* «f Live Like A King on a businessman's salary in a private world of your own King's Village Middletown, New Jersey


A STORYBOOK HOME . . . In the prtvaey and beauty of 200 rolling acrat of virgin forest... right an Rout* 35 . • . 2 minutti from shopping cantarl All modem utilities, hond- •omo wide-povod reads, in a neighborhood dastinad to baeoma famous far gracious living.

In King's Vtllaga, you can have a charming, law, ona story petite-mansion, a two-story calanial, an efficient modorn split-laval, or a luxurious tri-Uvol version of early America, cemplete with rementie balcony, exposed beams, IUT . . . with an INDOOR swimming pool, heeted and filtered, to make every day a day in June. If you really want te live a life of supreme luxury, never climb a staircase, entertain lavishly with* out domestic help, end enjoy e "bedroom cebana en the French Riviera," just step into the Futurama at King's Vlllagel Here is an entirely new concept in homes-with, ef course, the heated indoor swim* ming pool for luxury Jiving the year-round—but with a new kind ef structure! stronger, more imper* vleut to sun, wind, rein, noise or dust than any house known to dete. Atr conditioning, of eewrsel This It the deluxe Futurama . . . Idetllxed by Allan Irethers. H even contains an electronic even that cooks a whole roast In minutes Instead of hour*. It does bacon to a brown crisp ... In II second. on a paper pletel

The Futurama Is tha quietest home ever designed. Yet it Is the ultimate for gay entertalnmentl It will provide you with more pleesure end loss work far less "upkeep" than any home en the Ameri. ean scene today. This It all typical of AHon Irethers, developers of River Oaks, Caraway Estates and other socially ill

Although ABon Irethers hove built ever 1,000 homes In recent years, they are not content to bumj the kind of homes you aan find anywhere. They ere creating homos today, and a beautiful eem- munlty today, that successful people will demand ton years from nowl If you want a home that will grew in value, that will be the envy of your friends today (and fMr BEAMED CATHEDRAL CEILING way of life tomorrow) . . . come te King's Village and see hew America will live In 1970. Protect your future . . . with an Investment In the better way of life that art and science h bring. IN LIVING ROOM Ing to our people. Enjoy it today ... in King's Village ... a private world of yew ownl OPEN FOR INSPECTION EVERY DAY 11 A. M. TO I P. M. ROUTE II TO HOWARD JOHNSON1 TWIN UFT TO FtOmTV_C*tMf) HOtlH Allen Brothers, Inc. ROAD, PAIR HAVIN. N. J. T SHodysld* 7-4440 SUPERAMA CELEBRATES ANNIVERSARY BY GIVING AWAY...




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