Sheffield Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment September 2020

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Sheffield Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment September 2020 Sheffield Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment September 2020 Planning Service C i t y G r o w t h Contents 1. Introduction ........................................................................................................... 1 Purpose of the HELAA ............................................................................................ 1 Sheffield and Rotherham ........................................................................................ 2 Scope of the Update ............................................................................................... 2 2. Policy Context ....................................................................................................... 5 National ................................................................................................................... 5 Local context ........................................................................................................... 6 3. Methodology.......................................................................................................... 8 Stage 1: Identification of sites and broad locations ................................................. 9 Stage 2 – Site/Broad Location Assessment .......................................................... 16 Stage 3 – Windfall assessment ............................................................................. 28 4. Dwelling Completions in 2019/20 ...................................................................... 33 Gross Completions in 2019/20 .............................................................................. 34 5. Housing Land Supply in Sheffield ..................................................................... 41 Sites with Planning Permission ............................................................................. 41 Small Sites with planning permission .................................................................... 42 Other Identified Sites ............................................................................................ 43 Sites Assessed as Unsuitable ............................................................................... 44 Overall Housing Land Supply ............................................................................... 45 6. Economic Land Supply ...................................................................................... 46 Sheffield Employment Land Review (ELR) ........................................................... 46 National Planning Practice Guidance (PPG) ......................................................... 47 Economic Sites with Potential for Housing ............................................................ 47 HELAA Results – Potential Economic Land Supply .............................................. 47 Further Future Potential ........................................................................................ 47 7. Monitoring and Future Reviews ......................................................................... 49 Appendix 1: Density Assumptions and ‘Rules of Thumb’ Used for Calculating Net Developable Areas ....................................................................................... 50 Rules of Thumb for Calculating Net Developable Areas ....................................... 52 Appendix 2: Sheffield: List of Sites Delivering Completions in 2019/20 .............. 53 Appendix 3: Sites in the Urban Areas suggested through the 2019 Call for Sites - assessed as unsuitable for housing ................................................................. 65 Page i Sheffield Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment Introduction List of Maps and Diagrams Figure 1: Methodology ................................................................................................... 8 Figure 2: Sheffield Gross and Net Dwellings Completions 2004/05 to 2019/20 .......... 36 Figure 3: Sheffield Housing Market Areas and Planning Authority Boundary .............. 37 List of Tables Table 1: Settlement Hierarchy in Sheffield .................................................................... 9 Table 2: Types of sites and data sources .................................................................... 11 Table 3: ‘Suitability’ – Definitions and Assumptions Used ........................................... 18 Table 4: ‘Availability’ – Definitions and Assumptions Used ......................................... 20 Table 5: ‘Achievability’ – Definitions and Assumptions Used ...................................... 23 Table 6: Build Rate Assumptions on Large Sites ........................................................ 26 Table 7: Assumed Lead Times for Developing Large Sites ......................................... 27 Table 8: Sheffield: Recent Trends in Permissions and Completions on Small Sites ... 29 Table 9: Annual Large Windfall allowance 2015/16 to 2019/20 ................................... 30 Table 10: Assumed Windfall delivery on Small and Large Sites (2020/21 to 2037/38) 31 Table 11: Data sources used for 2019/20 housing completions .................................. 33 Table 12: Sheffield: Gross and Net Dwelling Completions 2004/05 to 2019/20 .......... 35 Table 13: Sheffield: Gross Dwelling Completions in 2019/20 – Site Size .................... 38 Table 14: Sheffield: Gross Dwelling Completions in 2019/20 – Dwelling Type ........... 39 Table 15: Sheffield: Gross Dwelling Completions in 2019/20 – Size and Type ........... 40 Table 16: Site Status Categories ................................................................................. 41 Table 17: Housing Land Supply - Sites with Planning Permission .............................. 43 Table 18: Housing Land Supply – Other Identified Sites ............................................. 44 Table 19: Summary of Overall Housing Land Supply 2020/21 to After 2037/38 ......... 45 Page ii Sheffield Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment Introduction This document can be supplied in alternative formats. For non-English speakers, we can provide support from a translator or provide translations of small parts of the document. If you require an alternative format, need small parts of the document translated, or want further assistance, please contact: Sheffield Local Plan Team Planning Service Sheffield City Council Howden House 1 Union Street S1 2SH Tel: 0114 273 4157 Email: [email protected] Page iii The Sheffield Plan Sheffield Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment 1. Introduction 1.1 This 2020 update of the Sheffield Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA) refreshes the previous versions published in 2015, and interim reports in 2016, 2017, 2019 and March 2020. It has been prepared from a base date of 1st April 2020. 1.2 Previously the process was known as the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) and has been renamed as the HELAA to reflect its applicability to other uses in addition to housing – specifically economic uses. 1.3 The publication of the report during the COVID-19 pandemic has placed some limitations on the scope of the HELAA. This report does not include an updated 5-year housing land supply position. An update will be published in autumn 2020, taking account of discussions with developers, particularly relating to the impact of Covid-19 on deliverability of sites with existing planning permission. Purpose of the HELAA 1.4 The purpose of the HELAA is to identify a future supply of land which is suitable, available and achievable for housing and economic development uses over the plan period. 1.5 The HELAA should1: identify sites and broad locations with potential for development; assess their development potential; and assess their suitability for development and the likelihood of development coming forward (the availability and achievability). 1.6 The HELAA does not allocate land for housing or economic development and does not make policy decisions on which sites should be developed. 1.7 The assessment is an important source of evidence to inform the Sheffield Plan Issues and Options document. It will be used to support decision-making and does not pre-judge the strategic approach that the Sheffield Plan will eventually take. 1.8 The HELAA’s role within the wider evidence base is to be used in conjunction and alongside other evidence, for example, employment land reviews, strategic flood risk assessments and sequential tests, strategic housing market assessments, area specific regeneration objectives and spatial priorities set out in the Sheffield Plan. At the planning application stage, any evidence from the 1 National Planning Practice Guidance, Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment, Paragraph: 001 Reference ID: 3-001-20190722, Revision Date: 22 07 2019 Accessed:05/08/2020 availability-assessment Page 1 of 66 Sheffield Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment Introduction HELAA should be considered alongside all these other factors and information gathered during pre-application discussions. 1.9 Not all the sites identified in the HELAA as being ‘developable’ for housing or economic uses will be allocated in the Sheffield Plan. Some will be needed for other types of development and others will be safeguarded as open space, countryside and Green Belt land. Sheffield and Rotherham 1.10 The NPPF2 promotes collaborative working and imposes a duty to cooperate on strategic matters which cross administrative
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