Volume 3 Issue 4 Winter 2010 Unwanted Invaders Inside this issue: Invasive Species Council of Manitoba c/o 5006 Roblin Blvd. Winnipeg, MB R3R 0G7 Protecting Manitoba from 1 Emerald Ash Borer Ph: (204) 232-6021 Fax: (204) 986-7236 Email:
[email protected] Do Not Move Firewood 1 Protecting Manitoba’s Trees from Emerald Ash Borer Risk Analysis for Manitoba & 2 By Kyla Maslaniec, Forest Health Extension AGM Summary gives the province the ability to respond to detec- Technician, Manitoba Conservation tions of new invasive forest pests. Forest prod- ISCM Past Events 2 A tiny green invader from Asia is attacking ucts can be seized, trees removed or destroyed, ash trees in North America. Emerald ash areas quarantined, and “Forest Threat Response Weed Management Plans 3 borer is a beautiful iridescent green insect that Zones” established, where restrictions can be kills ash trees. It was first detected in North made on the movement and treatment of certain Manitoba Bio-Net 3 America in 2002, in Michigan and Ontario. tree species and forest products. Since then, it has been found in Quebec and Public education is one of the most important Tale of a Wandering Spider 4 12 more states in the U.S. ways to prevent the spread of invasive forest Upcoming Events 5 Millions of ash trees have been lost in Michi- pests. Manitoba, along with the federal govern- gan alone, and that state is at risk of losing all ment, is actively promoting a “Do Not Move Fire- NAWMA Conference 2011 5 of their ash trees. Manitoba would face a simi- wood” campaign, as firewood is known to be a lar threat if EAB was to become established pathway for the spread of EAB and other invasive Funding Sources & Partners 6 here.