Page Two IAAILI 1.0-xlx jK, NLh lOiiiv, SATURDAY, MSbKUARY 26, IJKSI LONGSHOREMEN IN I Wort is Speaks On Workers Greet Hunger Marchers WOMEN’S COUNCIL ‘int'l Women’s Day” Special Women’s WORKERS FORUM NEVIN Conducted by the Rose Wortis of the Woman's De- j Edition Monday ! FEEDS BUS LINES MILITANT FIGHT Communist Party, Along Route; Go On Despite Ceps, j STRIKERS WORKERS SCHOOL partment, 31st 6 & 7 will! 8 P. M. 1111 V. (Bet. Avs.) speak on International Woman's Day Read about women in indus- Every Sunday night at Tel. Chkskertng 1600 NEW ORLEANS, La., Feb. 27. at the Williamsburg!) Open Forum. try. Read what Lenin writes In Relief at tho Aids W.1.R7 WORKERS SCHOOL AUDITORIUM | WI f While the misleaders of the I.L.A. are Workers Center, 61 Graham Avenue. Terror and Threats of Arrest on women in the revolutionary i p. m. The movement. Read about women Campaign 35 East I2th Street (Second Floor) j ADELPHIA Khfetning with the federal conciliator Brooklyn, tomorrow at 3 i role of women in dustry. the need | under the capitalist system and THIS SUNDAY MARCH Ist—B P. M. 1 HOtRLI EXPRESS SERVICE to sell out the strike of nearly eight Writ UntH One O’clock women in the Soviet Union. NEW YORK.—The Workers’ In- JACK STACHEL j for co-operation with other workers j Peekskill Workers to! $2.00 One Way thousand longshoremen here, the in the revolutionary movement will! Greet Marchers; Keep Up Spirit of Pictures and photographs—in ternational Relief, in co-operation Assistant Secretary of the T.U.U.L itrikers' militancy was shown in the ! be some of the points stressed in the the March 2nd supplement cel- with the Women's Councils, has on $3.75 Round Trip discussion ebrating International Women's “HOW THE Bias* picketing along the wharves. j lecture. Questions and j Enthusiasm and Determination opened three kitchens for the feed- Chicago $19.75 will follow. Admission is free. Day on March 8. Order bandies NEW UNIONS ARE DEVELOPING” Several collisions with strikebreakers j ing of the dressmakers. Los Angeles 55.50 PEEKSKILL, Feb. jobless to the state now- for mass meetings at 1 cent by Ship- N. Y.. 27.—“Ona state’s 2.000.000 j knported the +o Albany!” That is the ringing j j legislature. per copy for small bundles. 58 Food contributions are urgently Lectures cn the Pittsburgh 9.50 and per thousand. ping Board companies took place, ; keynote of the Hunger March. The 200 unemployed, a representa- ! needed. The W. I. R. appeals to all BOLSH2VIK REVOLUTION Washington 5.50 several sent to the hospital. “WORLD” FIFES Despite obstacles deliberately placed :j five group of American proletarians. 1 (60.009 circulation flashes on workers and workers' organizations by 4.50 Officials of the steamship companies in the wav to prevent them from Negro and while, men and women, pa ;e 3.) to act immediately in forwarding r.I- J. OLGIN Cleveland 12.50 pro hearding reaching Albany, despite police prov- j fnd and money to be brought to resorting to scab out- j display the utmost solidarity along Tin "’T- ff'V.Y FEB. 3 P. M. Boston 4,00 town as the New Orleans long- ; 2,009 WORM'S ncation and terror and the hostility the entire line of march. Cheering, j Ml W. 23th St., W. I. R. headquar- s:de of F';ih i.rc’.ure, t ome on Time! 15.50 shoremen present a solid front. of Ku Klux gangs, the spirit of the singing, they met the display of po- j ters. Detroit morchers • 200 against hunger is one I guns only ’tn 1 * ~TI St. Louis 22.50 The Marine Workers Industrial ! lice clubs, and the organized ] “SCOTLAND YARD” The kind of food desired is inw:1 .ib attir-li lil.tUHßiffHull nwrxr j Helps Mergers enthusiasm, discipline and deter- Union issued a warning to the strik- lA.F.L. | cf I | terror prepared for them in every j buutter, cheese, cold meats, bread or Lowest Rates Everywhere mination to reach Albany.' to pre- ers to watch the treachery of the I. j and Unemployment I j town from Yonkers to Peekskill with j rolls and eggs. Return Trips at Greatly t sent the demands of New York L.A. officials who are all eager to 1 1 ' unflagging courage. AGAINST WORKERS Reduced Rates j MKiM»lin\ ll* rit\ YORK.—2,000 printing in every town* along the WAILY worker AFFAIP settle the strike. NEW and i Workers 4MI I \ |«\ HUKK ttlifr “MAINE TO CALIFORNIA” \ publishing workers were thrown out j j wag crowd the streets hours ahead j TONIGHT jof NewYork Bosses‘Have |of work with the merger of the COOmRWCES time waiting for the Hunger- An entertainment and dance will I "Morning and Evening and Sunday , Marchers. and stand to argue and A New Scheme be held tonight at the What’s On- i Worlds.” j discuss hftirs after the marchers ; Lyceum jointly by the Dally Worker i I DR. I. MINDEL ALBANY,N. Y.—While the Roose- -*•>-» The Scripps-Howard inte”ests iEVICTED WORKER] have left. The newspapers, terming and the Anti-Fascist Alliance. Be- l| i | have bought the paper from the jobless as “Communist velt administration has refused one Surgeon Dentist SATURDAY—- j which J agitators sides the well-known John C. Smith’s Have V our tjyes Kxammeo • • * announced that masquerading unemployed and cent for relief for the more than I UNION SQUARE I the Pulitzer brothers j NEW YORK.—The Downtown Un- as Orchestra for dancing, there wall be and Glasses Fitted by Monk Mcftlnir to Oraaniip the three papers will not be con- ! Hunger Marchers,” for the last few j 1,500,000 jobless in New York state, Koom 803 Phone: Algonquin 8183 qa Women’s Council in Harlem tnkes employed Council held a mass meet- a program including A. Andaloro, days have attempted to money has been found to establish Not connected with any place at St. Lukes’ Hall, 125 West tinued. Roy Howard and the Pulit- ing in front of the fake City Em- discredit the pianist; A. Muzzi, tenor, and draw- 130th Street at S p. march in the eyes of the workers. what is called a second Scotland WORKERS , other nfßee m. • zer's whese papers, in common with j, MUTUAL • • ployment Agency, which has now- of of Yard. Bills for that purpose have ing's by one the artists the “Holshuvlk KovoliHion” all bosses nepers, have ccmVstp-tly! moved to 59 Leonard St., near State troopers and police, with Daily Worker. Tickets 50c. by Olfl'in at 3 p. m. at the Workers been introduced in the state legisla- ; tried to hide the growing unemploy- Church. There are no jobs to be i j great display of clubs and guns, also OPT'CM CO. ij School Auditorium. ture yesterday. «>’ ? i Hgonijuiii Office * • • ment. made a weak gesture in the | at all, to turn Hunger under ni > ’«"iiAi luprrrDlni* ; !4onr>: obtained even Rybicki, the i j are trying both the i) A. M.-8 I*. M. Ffpih Corn mittre litventlgfft’on of 'he The scheme contemplates special direction workers. Howard head of the outfit, admitting that i Marchers back from Albany and to your l)K. I'rl. nml Sun. I»y Appointment w!H%he starred by the Workers I.nbor- departments Use Red Shock Troop List M HAKKISON at comes with the empty phase the number of “jobs” have workers of the towns. for a tighter grip on itcary Theatre 131 West 2sth Street. forward j available | terrorize the Optometrist Pr farmed ed hv a talk on the Worker. that he will employ some of the dropped from 400 a day to 150—and j Nevertheless, workers and workers’ the workers, for tracing them and every day <.n your job. The worker Dr. J. JOSEPHSON Theaire the Soviet Union. them *»-.« 4 % M K SI BGKON DENTIST • • * following up. Its is !r»h«»n* SliHtPhafli 483 t Admission 35c. Refreshments in- II the most of which how- of the unemployed marched over to j In Tarry town, when trucks acc-om- Appropriations of more than ten under the guise of elaborating new clu4vd. ! ever, will ro directly to the managers j27 E. Fourth St., headquarters of the | jpanying the march was stopped in thousand dollars is carried with the criminal laws, is directing its attacks Coopera tdrs' Patronize . end executives, etc. While the print- ; council, and many joined up. The to let the marchers to bill. The measure was proposed by rising ‘•f'ctlnn 11 n’te.«g wc’ kr-s will yet only a few miser- council put back the furniture of an march through Tarrytown, state the State Crime Commission, which. workers of this state. p’ vce at p. a* 27 Hist 4th S’veet. I S F ROY 3 m. r able dollars with which to , evicted worker, Spivack, at 714 E. troopers threatened them with arrest j All workers’ organizations south o face CHEMIST 1 'th Street are urged to send dele- months of unemployment. Ninth St. Spivack is an old blind despite the mayor’s permit to march FOOD YOUR 657 AUerton gaus. World-Telegram merger is town. In every Avenue ... is of the j worker. The Unemployed Council through the town ; SECTfOX ONE—DISTRICT TWO will do you more good if you j Kntahrnok s;i» BRONX. N. T. T»nily A Binnee ! utmost interest to all printing work- trying to build up a Tenants’ League squadrons of motorcycle police and Worker-\n»i-Fn*«ei'st I j eat under conditions of f" illmen t and Ihum* rt Minhnt- ers. Howard stated that the state’troopers the march- j • -'th street at S ¦ has there in block. surround Presents tarv I yceum. >'o Has* ere ton many p. xn.. Jazz Band. Admission 50c. j newspapers in the field. Each Wednesday at 8 p. m. there s; ers from the time they enter the QUIET tel. ORChard 3783 This already means that the will be a class on public speaking tewn until they leave. Downtown \ff:» fr bosses to foi the At of Red Cabaret and Banquet DR. at 71 Clinton Street at the official in- ; ! arc determined build these mergers Unemployed Council mem- Peekskill. where two-thirds L. KESSLER s*alln'«ion of the T^enin'Youth Br. of: on greater and greater throw- bers. The class will be held at 27 the delegation were fed and shel- Live SIRUKON DENTIST Program good j plans, j Entertainment One-Act Comedy There is Comfort and th" UV.O. i: eludes I riiHfr. .A '¦’mission 35c. in advance, ; j ing cut thousands of workers at the E. Fourth St. and each Thursday tered overnight, the entire popula- i Protection in W Strictly by Appointment A Color-Light 5 c. at doo*. ; • amc C -e. Under the policy of the there will be a class in English at 8 ; j tion was in the streets until one Dancing 43-50 DEI.ANCET STREET bosses supported by the ! p m. Ail unemployed morning police - CLEANLINESS T.W.O. > ovith llntir li 4Ci< I American workers are o’clock in the and the EXCELLENT FOOD—MASS CHORUS 2or. Eldrldce St. NEW TURK its instollritlon 1 Fulto i Avenue Federation of Labor rr.lslcr.drrs in the invited. force patrolled the streets half the The 4' vi Middle Village, Brooklyn. Admission j printing Eerger. Livest Event of the Season Eat with people who 35 c. trades. Rense print- night. • wit • • DRACULA AT HIPPODROME the to know k j ers - £i re added to the already stag- ! At Ossining one-third of the group l>elrgates from that f All Worker* ?cnng army of “Dracula,” screened from the mys- 1 were fed and sheltered by the Fol-