Tallinn Vying for Title of European Green Capital

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Tallinn Vying for Title of European Green Capital 19. august 2020 11 IN ENGLISH Tallinn vying for title of European Green Capital A new direction Tallinn is making every ef- management is also very im- linn Waste Centre (TWC) dur- the Old Town will be added as fort to win the prestigious portant. ing September. TWC director its latest area on 1 October. in autumn title of European Green Capi- Organised waste collec- Kertu Tiitso says: “Sorting All residents of the Old Town tal 2022. In order to do this, tion is to be implemented waste at its source is ben- (apartment associations) and There’s a line in a children’s poem that Estonians love the city has a number of big throughout the city centre eficial to every resident and entrepreneurs are obliged to to quote: “Everything is new in the month of Septem- steps still to take to outper- starting from October. First business owner because it sign a new contract for waste ber”. This refers to the start of the school year, the new form the other finalists: To- and foremost this will involve costs them less to dispose of collection during September. season for theatres, many institutions switching back to rino in Italy and the French providing opportunities to waste according to type. Plus The TWC offers bins autumn time and more. We here in Tallinn City Centre cities of Dijon and Grenoble. collect and dispose of waste with the rest of the world al- marked with specific stick- Government are also heading into autumn with quite a The title of Green Capital according to type, thereby ready sorting its waste, there’s ers for three types of waste bit that’s new – take this page in English, for example. is awarded by the European protecting the environment. no other option for Tallinn (biodegradable waste, paper/ This summer, in collaboration with the Ministry of the Commission to a city in which Residents, apartment associa- when it’s aspiring to win the ti- cardboard and mixed munici- Interior, we launched a project to inform and engage new environmental management tions and entrepreneurs pro- tle of European Green Capital.” pal waste and glass waste) for arrivals. As part of this project, information in a monthly as a whole is planned and im- ducing waste will be obliged Although the TWC already rental or purchase. The col- district-based newsletter will now be published in English proved through a range of ac- to enter into a contract for provides waste collection for lection of bulky waste and in addition to Estonian and Russian. We hope this helps tivities. The winning city re- waste collection with AS Tal- the majority of the city centre, leaves can also be ordered. newcomers adjust to life in our city a bit better and get ceives a prize of €350,000 to The bins will not be emptied involved in events here. kick-start new green projects. if they contain waste not in- We’ve also set up a Facebook group called ‘Tallinn City A total of 18 cities entered the Contracts for waste collection can be tended for them and the cli- Centre for Expats’. Everybody whose home language is race for the title of European ent will be notified of this the English or who uses it in Tallinn is welcome to join the Green Capital 2022. The win- entered into from 1 September. following day, with half of the group. This will help you stay informed of news regard- ner from the four finalists will price still having to be paid. ing the city centre, take part in questionnaires on district- There are three ways to do this: be announced in Lisbon this For more information, related topics, give us feedback on our projects and also 4 online at https://tallinnavedu.ee/calculator/ go to the Tallinn Waste Cen- autumn. 4 at the TWC office (Suur-Sõjamäe 29a) ask questions and make suggestions on topics that are of Integrated development of 4 at the Tallinn City Centre Government office (Nunne 18) tre website at www.tjt.ee or interest to you. the region plays an enormous from 14:00-17:00 on Mondays contact the centre by calling Tallinn City Centre Government has appointed a pro- role on the path to victory. +372 609 6410 or e-mailing ject manager to deal specifically with the issue of new ar- The modernisation of waste [email protected]. rivals. She is the one you should turn to if any questions arise regarding the district you live in or integration in the city. You can contact her by e-mailing svetlana.stsur@tal- HISTORY linnlv.ee or calling +372 645 7208. Svetlana speaks English, Russian and Estonian. Finally, a few words on why it was important to us to Hosting the Olympics helped turn Tallinn into a big city launch this project. Statistics from the city centre’s population register and residence registration data show that in 2019 alone ap- proximately 2000 EU citizens and people with residence permits registered the city centre as their place of resi- dence for the first time. Some of them are students, while others have moved here for work, bringing their family members with them, some possibly with the intention of remaining here permanently. The city centre district is currently home to more than 63,000 people, 4% of whom communicate in English. Their proportion is growing in our district. They are the neighbours, Before and after. Postimaja was constructed on Narva Highway in the place of a 100-year-old wooden building that was still being used as colleagues and playmates we a kindergarten as late as 1970 or so. see every day. We want them to feel at home here! Tallinn has lived through rectly linked to the Olympics. tion of a universal perfor- linn into the history of world a number of construction ‘Information regarding mance and sports hall began” sports as the host of the booms over the years. The preparations for the Sail- and the cornerstone of the Olympic Regatta. Secondly, most recent one began fol- ing Regatta of the 1980 Mos- central post office was laid in it changed the appearance lowing the restoration of cow Olympic Games in Tal- autumn that year. Upon their of the city centre and Pirita Anu Aus independence in the 1990s linn’ dates back to 1977 and is completion, the buildings beyond recognition. 50 new Acting Head of and continues to this day, but marked “For official use only”. were named the V. I. Lenin buildings were constructed Tallinn City Centre the rapid urban development This document features a Palace of Culture and Sports for the Olympics, and skil- ahead of the Olympic Games timeline starting from 14 Sep- (later being renamed Linna- fully using the event for the preceded it and was also the tember 1971 when the Olympic hall or ‘city hall’) and Postima- benefit of the development last boom of the Soviet era. Committee of the USSR re- ja or ‘Post house’, respectively. of the city as a whole, a new This boom had started viewed the proposal to nomi- The latter has since become airport terminal and a wider to develop in the mid-’70s nate Moscow as a host city yet another commercial cen- road between the city centre when Moscow was chosen for the Olympic Games. The tre. and Pirita were construct- as the host city of the 1980 timeline lists the preparations As such, it is fair to say ed, plus buildings in the Old Olympic Games, with Tallinn for the Olympics chronologi- that Tallinn benefitted from Town were renovated quarter to host the sailing regatta. A cally and names the key fig- hosting the 1980 Olympics in by quarter and more. It would national organising commit- ures who visited Tallinn from at least two important ways. be difficult to imagine Tallinn tee was formed immediately East and West. Firstly, the event wrote Tal- today without it all. to direct and control related activities in all areas of life. Ugly duckling no more At the head of the committee As recently as 45-50 years ago, were Deputy Head of Gov- the heart of Tallinn mostly ernment Arnold Green and comprised wooden buildings: What to do in the city the only high-rise was the Mayor of Tallinn Ivar Kallion. 20 August Viru Hotel, completed in 1972. The organising committee Celebrate the Day of Restoration of Independence by: itself formed 14 subcommit- The city centre was densely 4 attending a concert on Harjumägi Hill tees in order to oversee tasks packed with industrial com- at 14:00 (free of charge) ranging from construction to panies that manufactured 4 singing along to the national anthem of Estonia and medicine and from culture cables, cigarettes, handbags, popular folk songs on Harjumägi Hill at 23:00 programmes to security. flour, bread and more. In addition to a number of According to the timeline, 29 August ministers and senior leaders the construction of the city’s The Night of Ancient Bonfires by the Russalka memorial from the Communist Party, new TV tower commenced in on Inglirand beach at 20:00 Dmitri Bruns, the chief ar- April 1975. The shoreline forti- With music by Vaiko Eplik, we will light bonfires and chitect for Tallinn, was also a fication structures on Tallinn enjoy the wonderful views of Tallinn Bay and the city. member of the 33-strong or- Bay and the Old City Marina Don’t forget to pack a picnic basket! ganising committee. He was yacht club began to be built in able to channel the money the earliest days of 1976, fol- Tallinn Culture Night invites everyone to visit exhibitions, concerts and workshops and go on taps that had been turned on lowed by “the construction excursions on 29 August.
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