ATHENS (AP)--Greek Premier Con- WATERGATE COVER-UP TRIAL LAWYERS EXCHANGE 'HEATED' WORDS stantine Caramanlis said yesterday that his government was reviewing WASHINGTON (AP)--Prosecution and litical office," Frates said. the status of American bases in efense lawyers engaged in a series Neal said he didn't mind what Greece and entering into the tech- of heated exchanges Wednesday as the Frates said outside the jury's hear- nical aspects of the country's government began its cross-examin- ing, but said he resented it in withdrawal from NATO's military ation of former White House aide front of the jury. branch. John D. Ehrlichman in the Watergate He said however that Greece wants cover-up trial. "I'm an old dog with a lotlof scars, to pursue close and cultural ties At one point, William S. Frates, but I do resent it for the effect it with the West. Ehrlichman's lawyer, accused Chief might have on the jury," he said. Outlining his newly elected govern- Prosecutor James F. Neal of trying The free-wheeling argument origin- ment's policy before Parliament, "to put on a show for the press and ated as Neal challenged Ehrlichman's Caramanlis said: "My government, the audience" during his cross-exam- charge that he always "wanted to get through recent notes, is now enter- ination of Ehrlichman. the facts out aboutWatergate." ing into the technicalities of with- drawing from the military alliance Frates' accusation was made with (of NATO) in practice on the one the jury in the courtroom. U. S. NAVAL BASE hand and, on the other hand, it is Later, after the jury left the room, reviewing the status of American Neal complained that "the remarks such GUANTANAMO BAY, CUBA bases in Greece." as Mr. Frates made in front of the jury was despicable." "But," he added, "this does not mean that Greece intends to inter- "I resent it, and he should be ad- rupt her political, cultural and monished," Neal added. other relations with the western U.S. District Judge John J. Sirica world. .Greecemainly aspires to co- said he agreed and told Frates that, operate with the West in order to unless he could show Neal "deliber- safeguard her security and promote ately played up to the press to get material prosperity and her cultural his name or picture in the press, development." which he doesn't need to do. .I don't Greece withdrew from NATO's mili- believe the statement was warranted." tary wing Aug. 14. "I think some of the statements The controversial question of the he's made are despicable," Frates re- seven American bases arose here plied. Thursday, December 12, 1974 but there has been no change in their status. Rates said that throughout the trial the prosecution had taken "cheap shots" at the five defendants, es- U.S. AMBASSADOR TO U.N. CALLS ASSEMBLY 'TYRANNY OF MAJORITY' pecially former Attorney General John N. Mitchell. UNITED NATIONS (AP)--Third world of promoting world peace and cooper- "I say the facts are he's going countries attacked U.S. Ambassador to ation, and providing a forum for back to Tennessee and running for po- the U.N. John A. Scali's contention 'harmonizing the actions of nations'." that the General Assembly has fallen Algerian Ambassador Abdellatif under a "tyranny of the majority" and Rahal argued that the unseating of CUBAN-AMERICAN DAY adopted illegal, unrealistic de- South Africa's delegation to the cur- cisions that have alienated the Ameri- rent assembly, which Scali by impli- BUS SERVICE SCHEDULE can people. cation attacked .ast Friday, was not South Yemen's Ambassador Abdalla only legal but a reflection of the Saleh Ashtal said, "We are not con- will of the vast majority of inter- The following bus service vinced that even the United States national opinion. schedule will be available for support for the United Nations is And he pointed that the limitation those attending this Friday's eroding. of Israel to one major speech in the Cuban-American Day celebration, "It is true that Zionist fanatics Palestine debate, another move that according to the event's plan- burned the flag of the United Na- Scali seemed upset about, was per- ning committee: tions when the General Assembly de- mitted by the assembly's rules of Buses will depart the Naval ceided to invite the Palestinian procedure Hospital at noon and 12:30 p.m., Liberation Organization. But do they and then make stops at the fol- represent even a tiny fraction of the Both Ashtal and Rahl pointed out lowing locations en route to American people?" that, for all Scali's complaints the majority, Scali himself Phillips Park: Marine Site 2, about BOQ, Special Services Taxi -The Washington Star-News ran an had had a majority on two major is- Stand, Gold Hill Barracks, Pub- editorial on the United Nations which sues--to save the Phnom Penh Cam- lic Works Carpenter Shop, Navy stated: bodian delegation from being unseated Exchange, SRD Target Shop, "Ambassador John Scali's warning to and to keep U.S. troops in Korea. Building 804, Building 13, Pub- the United Nations about the dangers Ashtral recalled that the wester- lic Works Garage, Ferry Land- of its "tyrannyof the majority" was ners in the past had ruled the U.N. ng, and then Phillips Park. sensible and timely. With the 29th "Over the years they passed hund- Buses will make the return General Assembly in its waning days, reds of resolutions with a substantial trip, leaving Phillips Park at it could be useful to reflect on majority. .but today's majority is 3:45 and 4:15 p.m. how far the international organi- tyrannical.' he said with irony. zation has strayed from its purpose Page 2--Local Guantanamo Gazette Thursday, December 12, 1974

LOCAL BRIEFS COMPOSITE RECREATION COUNCIL CHRISTMAS BAND CONCERT POSSIBLE TEACHER SURVEY The Composite Recreation Council, W.T. Sampson School will present in its November 19th meeting, dis- a Christmas band concert at the base The Dependent Schools wish to sur- cussed the following items of ge- chapel tomorrow eveing at 7:30. vey qualified dependent wives who neral interest: Admission is 50 cents for adults desire to teach full time in Guan- Four new lifeguards have arrived and 25 cents for students and child- tanamo for School Year 1975-76. The on base and will begin working pools ren. qualifications require 18 semester and beaches, as soon as their train- The concert will be conducted by hours in education and a teaching ing is completed. David Schallert. certificate as well as two years Public Works has started work a- Money from the ticket sale will teaching experience. To be con- gain on the Cooper Field Handball go to the purchase of the first sidered for a Junior-Senior High Courts. Their completion cost is band uniforms Sampson has ever had School position, a minimum of 20 estimated to be about $3300. and to the scholarship program to semester hours in the teaching field The Naval Stafion marina is get- send members of the band to summer is necessary. Needless to say, the ting a new employee to assist with music camps in the states. services of the teacher in either inspection of safety equipment. The program will include a salute school must be available the entire The cooperation of all marina pa- to the military and traditional school year. There are also several trons is requested in ensuring Christmas tunes such as "Jingle positions as teacher's aides a- that each boat rented has all the Bells" and "The 12 Days of Christ- vailable for which the basic re- necessary safety equipment. mas." quirement is a high school diploma. Special Services and Public Works This announcement is in no way to are developing a new system for the be construed as an offer of em- beaches, whereby a green flag will ployment. The sole purpose is to fly from the lifeguard stand when a JOB OPPORTUNITY assist in determining staff needs lifeguard is on duty, and a red flag for School-Year 1974-75. If in- when a lifeguard is not on duty. The Navy Exchange is now taking terested and qualified, you should The system will go into effect as applications for a part time wai- apply at the Principal-in-Charge's soon as flags, flagpoles, and signs tress at the Tea Shoppe within the Office, Bldg 769, Chapel Hill to are ready. shopping mall. Twenty hours per complete necessary paperwork. Boat ramps for general use are a- week guaranteed. If interested, vailable across from the Public please stop by the Mini-Mart or Works Department garage, and at the call 85438 DWH. CATHOLIC MASS SCHEDULE Marine Barracks marina.

The Catholic mass schedule is re- CAR WASH SUNDAY suming its normal hours, starting this Saturday and Sunday. The High School Student Council On Saturday, mass will be held at ACT TEST THIS SATURDAY will hold a car wash, Sunday, from 6. Sunday, the first mass will be noon until 3 in the Navy Exchange from 9:30-10:30 and the second mass The Saturday administration of parking lot. from 12:30 to 1:30. Both will be the American College Testing (ACT) held at the base chapel. On Tuesday will be held in the library of W.T. and Thursday, mass will be at 11:45 Sampson High School during the mor- AMERICAN MOTORS JEEP/REP at the base chapel. ning. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday, Registrants should report to the An American Motors/Jeep Inter- mass is held at the hospital chapel office entrance promptly 4t 8i!S- national Representative is on base at 11:45. At Leeward Chapel, it Please bring your admission blank and can be reached at 951147 af- will be held at 6 on Saturday and 9 and two No.2 pencils. ter working hours or 64456 DWH. on Slanday.

Local Forecast WATER STATUS

Partly cloudy skies with visibility Water figures for yesterday: unrestricted. Winds SE 8-12 knots ~~~.p~~~ h~.311 0a1.-.~ with gusts to 16 knots. Bay condi- WATER PRODUCED: 0 tion 2-3 feet. Sunrise tomorrow at . p Otf. 7:27. Sunset at 6:23. High tides WATER CONSUMED: 1,702,000 PP . . . . 1131~* . . . will be at 10:01 a.m. and 9:03 p.m. Low tide at 4 42 p.m. WATER LOSS: 1,702,000 01.l. * . . *,Pd1 hm - IS.P.d,

P.tM.I I 3k .111 3.1 f 0. tU934f WATER IN STORAGE: 16,737,000 Thursday, December 12, 1974 Guantanamo Gazette LOCAL--Page 3 OCAL **DRJEFS tration will be held at Marine Bar- racks, second deck, main admin, building. The course is free. For GUANTANAMO LITTLE THEATRE more information call PNCS Bradford at 951171 AWH. ELECTS NEW OFFICERS CHRISTMAS LEAVE BUSES The Guantanamo Bay Little Theatre held its monthly meeting Monday and CHRISTMAS TREES ON SALE. Buses for the Christmas leave elected new officers for the first flights will run from Gold Hill half of 1975. LIVE AND ARTIFICIAL Barracks to BPTO to the ferry land- The new officers are: ing between 1:30 and 4:30 a.m. Dec. President, Stan Rhorer; vice pres- Live and artificial Christmas 28. ident, Art Riccio; secretary, Robert trees will be on sale this weekend. Markwith; treasurer, Vince Corbisi- Artificial Christmas trees will FTG POD/RIDE LIST ero; librarian/historian, Mike be on sale Friday and Saturday in Harshbarger. front of the Navy Exchange during Notifying FTG personnel of ship The other important order of busi- regular store hours. Tree selec- assignments and underway times is ness was the selection of the next tions will be from 3 1-2 to 7 essential to the successful admin- production. Bill Leird was voted to feet tall. istration of daily training opera- direct "Not Now Darling," a British There will be live trees on sale tions at FTG. Notification is ef- farce. by the Navy Exchange Personalized fected by delivering copies of the Leird will be holding tryouts on Services Saturday and Sunday at the FTG POD/ride list to various points Jan. 9, 10 and 11 at the Morin Cen- Mardi Gras grounds. Hours will be in the housing areas. Personnel and ter at 7 p.m. from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday and their dependents of Naval Base ten- There are roles for six women and from 1 to 3 p.m. Sunday. Free ad- ant commands/activities have been five men. All 11 roles are for mission tickets to enter the sales observed taking these ride lists, adults. area will be issued two hours prior perhaps unaware of the critical The play is slated for presenta- to sale time. purpose the documents serve. It is tion on Feb. 20, 21, 22 and 23. necessary to leave these POD/ride Anyone interested in auditioning SCHOOL, NURSERY TO CLOSE lists at the various drop points in for the play or working back stage the housing areas for FTG personnel. 0is encouraged to attend one of the W.T. Sampson school and the base Unauthorized persons should not ryouts or contact Bill Leird at nursery school will be closed for disturb these lists. 85754. the holiday season from the end of The next meeting of the Little the school day Dec. 20 through Jan. POSTAL NOTE Theatre will be at 7:30 p.m. Jan. 5. All schools will resume classes 13 in the home of Debbie Ballard, Jan. 6. The Fleet Branch Post Office has GP 14A. Anyone interested in any recently received word that the em- aspect of the theatre is cordially MEN'S STAG NIGHT bargo on all classes of mail to invited. France, which includes Monaco and There will be a Christmas men's Corsica, has been lifted. Base PIZZA IN COFFEE SHOP stag night Friday at the Navy Ex- residents having correspondents in change from 7:30 to 10 p.m. Lots of France may again resume mailing as Pizza (12 inch) is now being ser- women's gift items will be on the before. ved in the Coffee Shop from 7 to 10 shelves and free gift wrapping will p.m. Plain pizza costs $1.50; be provided by the women of the Of- PROTESTANT SUNDAY SCHOOL pepperoni is $1.75; sausage costs ficers' Wives Club. $1.75. Mushrooms cost 15 cents ex- PLANS CHRISTMAS PROGRAM tra and olives, onions and green RIFLE, PISTOL CLUB MEETING peppers each cost 10 cents extra. The Protestant Sunday School will For take out orders, just call The Rifle and Pistol Club will present its annual Christmas program 85727 or you can eat the pizza at meet at 7:30 p.m. tonight to elect Sunday at 7 p.m. in the Base Chapel. the Coffee Shop with your favorite a new treasurer. The meeting will All base residents are invited to beverage. be held in the Human Resources Cen- attend. ter at the Chaplain's .office. All Parents having children participa- HOFBRAU AT BLUE CARIBE members are urged to attend and ting in the program are requested guests are welcome. to have them at the chapel no later Hofbrau lunches are now being ser- than 6:30 p.m. Sunday. The program ved at the Blue Caribe from 11:30 GED PREP CLASS REMINDER will last approximately an hour. a.m. to 1:30 p.m. The menu consists Children may be picked up on the of a sandwich of roast beef, Danish This is to call attention to those patio behind the chapel after the ham, turkey breast, pastrami or departing on Christmas leave that program. Free nursery service will corned beef and a choice of salads: the base GED prep class registra- be provided at the chapel nursery. otato, macaroni or cole slaw. The tion will be held Jan. 10 and 15, For further information please call post of the lunch is $1.50. and class will start Jan. 17. Regis- Jim O'Neal at 951011 AWH. Page 4--LOCAL Guantanamo Gazette Thursday, December 12, 1974

Check lighting sets closely for worn insulation, broken plugs, and loose bulb sockets. Use only light- ing sets that show UL or CSA labels. Plug tree and decorative lighting sets into house circuits having 15 amp fuses. Use extension cords sparingly. Outdoor wiring needs special weatherproof cords. Turn off indoor lighting sets before going out or retiring. For decorations, use noncombustible materials (glass, asbestos, etc.) if possible, or those which are flame retardant. Untreated block, cotton and tissue papers ignite quite easily. Ordinary polystyrene foam or natural evergreens make fine displays but can be fire hazards. Keep them away from candles and open flames.

Select holiday masks, whiskers, and other costuming carefully. Unless "flameproofed," they can change tra- dition into tragedy. Electric toys should have the UL or CSA label to show they meet safety standards. Gasoline, alcohol, and kerosene operated toys are risky in children's hands causing clothing and house fires. Avoid pyroxylin plastic toys and dolls. Give fire-safe gifts. Pick up wrappings while opening gifts. Put them into covered trash containers. Under no circumstances, burn these wrapping papers! MAKE IT A FIRE-SAFE CHRISTMAS In addition to the above, be especially careful dur- ing the Christmas season to keep matches and cigarette The Yuletide season is fast approaching. For the lighters out of the reach of children, and try to keep great majority of us all, it will be a time of joy. For the youngsters from beneath the tree. some, however, it will be a time of tragedy. We refer to those who fail to take the proper fire-safety pre- Finally, NFPA emphasizes, it is especially important cautions when selecting and using Christmas trees, de- during this busy season that children never be left a corations, gift wrapping, and toy purchases. lone or without proper supervision -- even for a short If past years are any indication, a few will be kill- time. And have the whole family learn and rehearse an ed, many will be injured, and much property destroyed escape plan for use in case of fire or other emergen- by holiday holocausts -- all of which are 100 per cent cies. preventable. Remember, whether you do or don't have a fire depends We've collected a number of fire-safety hints from entirely upon you and your attitude towards fire safe- the professionals (National Fire Protection Associa- ty. hose who follow the simple precautions necessary tion) for your use. Follow them completely and help to prevent fire will live to enjoy another Christmas. make this the safest Christmas holiday season on re- cord. LADIES First of all, buy a firm, fresh tree. Until ready for RED PURSE LOST use, store the tree in a cool place with its base in A lady's red change purse containing important fam- water. ily papers was lost in the vicinity of thq trailer Before setting up the tree, cut off a portion of the park and the Navy Exchange garage. The purse was lost base. This fresh cut helps the tree absorb water more late Sunday night. Would the finder please contact rapidly. Place the tree in a stand capable of support- Mrs. Trotman at Trailer Park #62 or call 90121. There ing it. Keep water in the stand above the level of the is a reward offered and no questions will be asked. cut. Keep the tree away from heat (hot air duct, TV set, etc.).and where it will not block exits. CHRISTMAS Take the tree down as soon as possible after the PARTY BEING PLANNED holiday. Unless the tree has been treated correctly A party is being planned for dependent college stu- with UL-listed chemicals. .do not rely on the tree's dents home for the holidays. If interested in partici- fire-retardant qualities. Also don't rely on do-it- pating please contact one of the following numbers: yourself flameproofing treatments, as none are truly 95342 AT, 95453 AT, 85875 DWH, 85718 AWH. effective. Absolutely never, never put lighted candles on a tree or near any evergreen decorations. This is ex- tremely dangerous. Artificial trees should be clearly marked as made of slow-burning materials. Look for the UL labellon trees with built-in electric systems. With metal trees, use only indirect lighting to avoid the possibility of shock. Thursday, December 12, 1974 Guantanamo Gazette Page 5--LO-_._ WORLD


The NavSta corral is in need of a couple strong-armed Marines' Birthplace Rebuilt volunteers to build about a mile of pasture fencing. Volunteers are asked to contact either Special Services TUN TAVERN, where the U.S. Marine Corps was organized in at 95449 or the corral at 95581. 1775, will be rebuilt as an historical landmark. The reconstructed build- ing, to be located on land leased from the City of Philadelphia, will be close to the original site near the Delaware River since the original loca- DISBURSING OFFICE NOTE tion is in the roadbed of a planned interstate highway. Upon completion, the three story brick building will house a museum The NavSta Disbursing Office will be closed from Dec. on the first floor with meeting rooms and Corps fraternal organization 18-20 due to semi-annual transition of military pay re- offices on the second and third. cords. However, emergency transactions and transfers In addition to the Marine Corps, several other organizations were originated in Tun Tavern, including will be processed. the Masons and the St. Andrews Society. The tavern also served as a meeting place for members of the Continental Congresses. GED PREP READING CLASS The new Tun Tavern, being reconstructed by the Marine Corps War Memorial Foundation, is anticipated to open in 1975, in time for the GED prep remedial reading class will start this even- Corps' bicentennial anniversary. ing at 6 in room 21 at W.T. Sampson High. The teacher will be Mrs. Folse. Please bring pencil and paper. For more information call Mrs. Folse at 95460 AT.


For 60 members of the junior and senior classes of W. T. Sampson High School this week is a follow-up to their Careers Day held in November. The students are visiting various commands on base to observe first hand the workings of a career thac is of interest to them. This will give the students the time . and opportunity to find out information that will aid them in their career decisions. Some of the places the students are visiting include the Veterinary Clinic, Library, Hospital, PWD, AFRTS, the Gazette, Telephone Exchange, Dental Clinic, Legal, NAS, Data Processing Center, Beauty Shop and the Desal Plant. STILL PEDESTRIAN TRAFFIC REMINDERS DETENTL BUT ARMS PACE WASHINGTON (AP)--Despite detente, U.S. defense offi- It has been brought to the attention of the Provost cials are continuing to develope sophisticated devices Marshal that pedestrians are endangering themselves and to protect U.S. satellites from possible Soviet attack. motorists by jaywalking. Areas most frequently violated The "spy in the sky" satellites routinely photograph are in the vicinity of the Navy Exchange, Chaplains' missile and other military forces around the world and Office, and McCalla Lyceum prior to and following the provide the Pentagon with global communications, navi- evening movies. Pedestrians are cautioned to observed gation for ships and planes, and military oriented t - following regulations: weather data. .ehstrians shall not use the streets or roadways Three very sophisticated spacecraft are designed to which are paralleled by walkways. Pedestrians on the provide almost instant warning of a hostile missile street and roadways shall keep near the left edge, clear attack. of and facing oncoming traffic. Personnel traveling a- U.S. intelligence indicates they are all vulnerable foot shall be subject to traffic control signals at in- to attack. tersections. The Soviet antisatellite capability was spotlighted No pedestrian shall suddenly leave the curb or other recently when international military affairs expert place of safety and walk or run into the path of a ve- John W.R. Taylor was quoted as saying the Soviets have hicle which is so close that it is impossible for the destroyed satellites in orbit with other satellites. driver to yield. Pedestrians shall cross streets or roadways only at designated crosswalks. EFFORTS FRUITLESS IN PROMOTING CYPRUS SOLUTION

BRUSSELS (AP)--U.S. Secretary of State Henry A. *LEAGUE NEEDS WOMEN BOWLERS Kissinger met separately yesterday with the foreign ministers of Turkey and Greece in a seemingly fruitless Wednesday Mixed-Up Leftover Bowling League is in need U.S. effort to promote a Cyprus solution. of women bowlers. This league meets on Wednesdays at noon and is "a mixed up league." Interested women con- tact Marie Santos at 99283 AT or Sue Thomas at 99298 AT. age 6-- NATIONAL-INTERNATIONAL Guantanamo Gazette Thursday, December 12, 1974

(AP)-New York City officials say they have decided to sell a coin someone apparently inadvertently drop- ped in a parking meter. The coin--about the size of a dime--is a two-and-a-half dollar gold piece, dated 1912. Parking administrator, Ivan Irizarry says it's current market value is about .$85.i

(AP)-The head of a Driver Safety Group has a test for determining the courtesy of city drivers in va- rious areas. The man, Gordon Scott, places his car News Smorgasbord at a service station exit and counts how many cars pass before one allows him to move into traffic. In Cincinnati and Salt Lake City, he found the total was (AP)-Two men lobbed a bomb into an Armed Services eleven; New York and Chicago are almost at the top of Club in Piccadilly Wednesday night as the House of Com- the scale: 35. He found San Francisco and Las Vegas mons debated restoring the death penalty for terrorist the worst. Scott said he's waited all afternoon in killers. both cities until traffic died down enough to get Scotland Yard said no one was hurt in the blast at out of the filling station. the Naval and Military Club. Police added that the bombers fired two shots at a taxi driver who vainly chased them through winding streets. The cab was hit but the driver was not injured. The bomb was thrown through a window into the club's bar. Seven persons were there and a barman was treated for shock at a nearby hospital.

(AP)-The Senate voted Tuesday to give the administra- tion the authority to expedite U.S. nuclear weapons testing before a new test-ban treaty with Russia goes into effect. The Vice Chairman of the Senate-House A- tomic Energy Committee, Senator John Pastore(D),Rhode Island, said President Ford assured him the tests are necessary if the United States is to catch up with the Russians in weapon systems.

(AP)-Sugar industry representatives say tight supplies and rising production costs are partially responsible for high sugar prices. They told a House Agriculture Subcommittee that Congress can do its part to relieve the situation by extending the Sugar Act at least five years. They claim the impending demise of the Act, which expires December 31, contributed to forcing up the prices.

(AP)- The White House says President Ford is ready to negotiate the amount of money to be committed to e- OFF! mergency measures to fight growing unemployment. The money would finance a Public Service Jobs Program now pending in Congress. TURN'EM (AP)-Representative Leo Ryan charged Tuesday that illegal aliens are the greatest factor in the economic recession because they are taking more than one million ALLOFF! jobs away from American citizens. The California De- Lights. TV sets. Electrical appliances. mocrat--a member of the House Subcommittee Investigating Please turn 'em all off the minute you're Corruption in the Immigration and Naturalization Service --said illegal aliens are earning ten billion dollars a through with them. It'll save you money year in the United States. and it may save all of us from running out of fuel. Any way you look at it, it's worth (AP)-Senate Republican Leader, Hugh Scott, says he ex- the effort. pects only "a baker's dozen" of senators will vote a- gainst Nelson Rockefeller's nomination as Vice President Tuesday. The second-ranking Democrat, Senator Robert Byrd, says he expects Rockefeller's nomination to be approved "overwhelmingly." The House votes on the mat- Don't be ter next week. Thursday, December 12, 1974 Guantanamo Gazette SPORTS--Page


The UPI coaches'first week of rat- ings, with number of first place votes in parentheses (39 of 42 coaches voting): Points 1. North Carolina State (31) 373 2. UCLA (4) 329 3. Indiana (3) 310 4. Louisville (1) 216 5. North Carolina 166 6. Southern Cal 161 7. Marquette 113 8. Aabaira 96 9. Kansas 95 10. Maryland 93 11. Notre Dame 33 12. South Carolina 32 RANKED NUMBER ONE - For the first time in four years, 13. Penn 20 Stan Smith will take a back seat to Jimmy Connors 14. Arizona State 16 (above). The United States Lawn Tennis Association is 15. Arizona 15 ranking the 22-year-old. Connors as America's number 16. Purdue (Tie) 9 one player with Smith second. The two shared the top 17. Oregon State (Tie) 9 spot a year ago. Marty Riessen is ranked third, fol-- 18. Memphis State 8 lowed by Roscoe Tanner and Arthur Ashe. 19. Oregon (Tie) 7 20. Michigan (Tie) 7 TWO LAWSUITS FILED AGAINST GEORGE FOREMAN

LOS ANGELES (AP)--Two lawsuits--one for divorce and AMERICAN BASKETBALL ASSOCIATION STANDINGS the other a paternity suit--have been filed by Pamela Clay Foreman against former heavyweight boxing champion I EASTERN DIVISION George Foreman. The divorce suit filed Tuesday in Los Angeles Super- W L Pct. GB ior Court claims irreconcilable differences. The suit Kentucky 16 6 .727 says the couple were married in Bel-Air Dec. 20, 1973 New York 17 9 .654 1 and separated last Aug. 30. St. Louis 10 17 .370 8 1-2 The suit said the couple had one child, George Fore- Memphis 7 19 .269 11 man Jr., born Sept. 30. Virginia 5 19 .208 12 The paternity suit seeks $3,000 monthly support for the baby, contending that Miss Clay, 20, and Foreman, WESTERN DIVISION 25, never were married but that he is the father of the Denver 23 4 .852 child. San Antonio 16 10 .615 6 1-2 Such seemingly conflicting suits are sometimes filed Utah 12 14 .462 10 1-2 when the validity of a marriage ceremony is doubted Indiana 10 12 .455 10 1-2 and children are involved. 9 15 .375 12 1-2 MILWAUKEE GAINING GROUND IN NBA -- SPORTS SHORTS-- (UPI)--Nevada oddsmakers feel the St. Louis Cardinals (UPI)--The Milwaukee Bucks may be five games under will win the last divisional title at stake in the Na- .500 and in last place in the NBA's Midwest Division, tional Football League. The Cardinals, who share the but they're slowly gaining ground on the leaders. lead with Washington in the NFC East, are an eight All three front-runners in the division lost Tues- point choice over the New York Giants in their season day night, and the Bucks aided their cause the most finale Sunday. The Redskins are a 13-point pick over by knocking off first place Detroit 90-82. the Chicago Bears. Meanwhile, Boston whipped the 107-89, while the New York Knicks dumped Kansas City-Omaha (UPI)--Archie Griffin of Ohio State grabbed most of 106-102. the headlines during the 1974 college football season, In other NBA games, Bob McAdoo scored 25 points and but it was another junior, Utah State's Louie Giamonna, grabbed 21 rebounds as Buffalo downed Philadelphia who won the rushing and all-purpose running titles. 101-91, Houston broke its seven-game losing streak The final rankings compiled by the National Collegiate with a 111-97 victory over Golden State and Atlanta Sports Service show Giamonna averaged more than 153 *handed Portland its fifth straight loss, 107-103. yards per game and nearly 2,000 yards overall. Griffin The only game in the ABA Tuesday night was a wild finished second in rushing and sixth in all-purpose scoring affair which saw the Spirits of St. Louis beat running, while Wisconsin's Billy Marec won the scoring the 131-125. Freddie Lewis championship. scored 39 points and rookie Marvin Barnes had 35 for St. Louis while pumped in 40 for San Diego. Page 8--BEELINE Guantanamo Gazette Thursday, December 12, 1974

What's happening 0 Beeline TODAY

BINGO will be played at the Windjammer beginning at 8 p.m, THE COMMUNITY CHORUS will rehearse at 8:30 p.m. in the base chapel. Calls wLll be accepted for ads on Sunday from 5-7 p.m., Mon- THE ComNavBase CIVIC COUNCIL EXECUTIVE BOARD will meet at 7:30 p.m. day-Friday 3-5 p.m. Boxes are For more information call 952234. located at the Flagship Mess THE GUANTANAMO BAY SELF DEFENSE CLUB will practice at the Child and between the Navy Exchange Day and Commissary Store. Care Center at 6 p.m. For more information call 97110 or 85232 DWH.


THE GITMO SWINGERS will be dancing at 7:30 p.m. in the Club Hall. There will also be a business meeting. For more information call Tommie Gibbs at 85718 AWR, for sale SUNDAY 1963 Ford Galaxy 500, V-8, auto. THE CHURCH OF CHRIST will meet at McCalla Chapel at 9:30 am. For trans., power steering, radio, good more information call 97259. tires. good mechanical condition, PROTESTANT SUNDAY SCHOOL will meet at Marina Point at 9:15 a.m. for $350 firm. Call Frank at 951144 ages two through second grade and at Chapel Hill at 9:30 a.m. for DWH or leave message at 951247 if ages third grade to adult. not there. THE GUANTANAMO BAY SELF DEFENSE CLUB will practice in the Child Day Care Center at 2 p.m. For more information call 97110 or 85232 DWH, 1971 Dodge Monaco station wagon THE IGUANA DUPLICATE BRIDGE CLUB will meet at Morin Center at 7 p.m. with air, power brakes and steering, five new steel belted tires, 34,000 MONDAY miles, excellent condition; Cannon cannonette camera, good condition, THE OIL PAINTING WORKSHOP will meet in the McCalla Admin building at 45 mm lens, case, $30; single pick- 9:30 am. up bass guitar with small amplifier, $50. Call 951200 AWH.

Bedroom lamp, $2; garden hoses, both for $2; two sheets blonde panneling, $8; green sheer curtains, 63"L, red portable black & white TV; barbecue 12,000 BTU air conditioner for parts, and white checked cafe curtain, $2 grill; Bear "76'er" 45 lb, pull bow $35; baby swing and walker, $6; two both pair. Must sellpack out soon, with arrows; 1973Toyotaland Cruiser, men's coats, 40L, $20 each. Call see at 86-A Granadillo Circle. 6-cyl. with 4-wheel drive. Call 90106 90206 AT. 1974 MTD mini-bike with helmet, $190; 10 ft. diameter cast net, $20. Call Two kitchen chairs, $10 each; baby 85177 DWH. gate, $6; pair of large swim fins, wanted $6; .44 magnum power-head with rounds, Barrel boat with 25 hp Evinrude out- $15; 10 and five gallon aquariums, Married couple would like to babysit board motor, year old, also comes $15 and $10. Call 97264 AT. your house while you're on leave with storage shed and mooring area. after Jan. 7. We'll take good care Fully equipt with all necessary ! 1974 Rupp mini-bike, runs but needs of your house and pets. If you safety devices and lights for night work. Call Dave at 85874 AT. would like us to babysit your house use. please call Phil or Debbie Gallo- 1971 Honda Trail 70, $225, excellent way at 95551 or 95457 AT. 1973 Honda 100. Call 96146 AWH. condition. Call 99138 or 85406 DWH.

Paperback books, mostly science fic- Washing machine, needs one part, $30. found tion, 25o each; maternity clothes, Call 97273 AWH. sizes 12-16. Call 98285 AT. Instamatic X-15 camera on Golf Course Mini-chopper with Lambretta engine, grounds. Call 951032 AT. Brand new 5,000 BTU air conditioner, see to believe, best offer; spear still in box, $95. Call 95354 AT. gun, $15; Harmony guitar with case, services $50. Contact Mock Rn OG-02 GHB AWH, Girl's 20" bicycle with basket, $30. Jill babysit in my home for working Call 85855 AT. 1968 Ford Fairlane 500, fine mechan- others weekdays, children aged two* ical condition, 56,000 miles, $800 and up. Call 98176 AT. Whirlpool 18,000 BTU air conditioner; firm, Call 98104 AWH. 12'x12' burnt orange rug; Magnavox Mowing jobs for reasonable price in Kittery Beach area. Call 952200